#i know her hair color isn’t right but when i finished it and went to fix the coloring i decided i liked it dark too much to switch it
lilyoffandoms · 4 months
Can I request Marguerite Thorne?
You sure can!
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[Send me an ask]
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little-lynx · 1 year
This part of “Catching Fire” is done (finally) so I put it all together;) DISTRICT 11, THE SQUARE
I go to my compartment and let the prep team do my hair and makeup. Cinna comes in with a pretty orange frock patterned with autumn leaves. I think how much Peeta will like the color. <…> As the train is pulling into the District 11 station, Cinna puts the finishing touches on my outfit, switching my orange hairband for one of metallic gold and securing the mockingjay pin I wore in the arena to my dress. <…> I can hear the anthem beginning outside in the square. Someone clips a microphone on me. Peeta takes my left hand. // Catching Fire, ch. 4
I think this dress should be a little semi-official so I choose cape sleeve sheath midi dress. It’s perfect for autumn (and they have early autumn weather there in 11th). The hair is just plain + gold hairband = girlish innocent look like the one after the games (this tactics they choose for the Tour). Plus I wanted to draw Katniss with her natural straight hair because i draw her with her braid usually ;) And again nothing about Peeta’s outfit. You know I feel like Portia 😅 because I have to choose how to dress Peeta. I’m not complaining through. So it is black suit with golden buttons (matching Katniss’s hairband and pin), thin soft orange sweater and black leather shoes.
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A pale pink strapless dress brushes my shoes. My hair is pinned back from my face and falling down my back in a shower of ringlets. Cinna comes up behind me and arranges a shimmering silver wrap around my shoulders. He catches my eye in the mirror. “Like it?”  “It's beautiful. As always,” I say. “Let's see how it looks with a smile,” he says gently. // Catching Fire, ch.5
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Jackson has devised a game called «Real or Not Real» to help Peeta. He mentions something he thinks happened, and they tell him if it’s true or imagined, usually followed by a brief explanation. <...> But since Peeta’s greatest confusion centers around me—and not everything can be explained simply—our exchanges are painful and loaded, even though we touch on only the most superficial of details. The color of my dress in 7. My preference for cheese buns. The name of our math teacher when we were little. Reconstructing his memory of me is excruciating. Perhaps it isn’t even possible after what Snow did to him. But it does feel right to help him try. // Mockingjay, ch. 19
So we have only one sentence in “Mockingjay” about this outfit. And still I decided to draw it because I have a theory (head canon?) about it. I think Peeta remembers the color of her dress because it was special night for him (a lot of kisses and attempts to sneak away from everyone and maybe it felt very real at times) and also because she had two braids and the dress was red. RED is the color ❤️. / Peeta has dark red + black + a little bit gold which is also sexy color combination.
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DISTRICT 5 I volunteer to take Annie back to my house in 12, where Cinna left a variety of evening clothes in a big storage closet downstairs. All of the wedding gowns he designed for me went back to the Capitol, but there are some dresses I wore on the Victory Tour.  <…> Annie wears a green silk dress I wore in 5, Finnick one of Peeta’s suits that they altered— the clothes are striking. <…>  As surely as the embroidery stitches in Annie’s gown were done by Cinna’s hand, the frosted flowers on the cake were done by Peeta’s.  // Mockingjay, ch. 16
Katniss: green silk dress + wavy sleeves + sea waves embroidery / Peeta: ivory dress shirt + knitted green waistcoat with sea waves embroidery + tweed suit
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Girl talk. That thing I've always been so bad at. Opinions on clothes, hair, makeup. So I lie. “Yeah, he's been helping me design my own clothing line. You should see what he can do with velvet.” Velvet. The only fabric. I could think of off the top of my head. “I have. On your tour. That strapless number you wore in District Two? The deep blue one with the diamonds? So gorgeous I wanted to reach through the screen and tear it right off your back,” says Johanna. // Catching Fire, Chapter 15
This description gave me strong “Anastasia” feels 😅. So I loosely based Katniss dress on Anastasia’s ballet evening gown. For Peeta I chose tuxedo jacket similar to Salvatore Ferragamo design for FF 12/13.  Neo classic, purple velvet, shiny shoes. Also I decided to include a cane, both to help Peeta to have some rest during all this Tour activities and as an accessory.
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When we reach the mayor's house, I only have time to give Madge a quick hug before Effie hustles me off to the third floor to get ready. After I'm prepped and dressed in a full-length silver gown, I've still got an hour to kill before the dinner, so I slip off to find her. <…> She [Madge] saw my reflection behind her and smiled. “Look at you. Like you came right off the streets of the Capitol.” // Catching Fire, ch.6
When I started drawing this one I just felt that I need to make it look very “Capitol”. So I added some feathers. A LOT of sparkling feathers, haha. Also there are some “moon and stars” accessories in Katniss’ hair because this silver gown gives me moonlight vibes. For Peeta I came up with classic suit but made him wear it casually.
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tarjapearce · 8 months
You know the ‘girlfriend effect’ trend going on ? I feel like that would be mama and Miguel. Like Miguel having a horrible style and wearing the most outrageous terrible clothes and not knowing what to do with his hair or not doing any form of facial care routines (you how men are) until he meets our mama and she just helps him develop a style and find what works best for him but doing it in a way that isn’t insulting and belittling but rather caring and loving.
This is Pre-Soccer Family 🤭
Boyfriend Makeover
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Ever since MJ's birthday party at Peter's, things had taken a turn between you and Miguel.
Something that had left him with the little seed of seeing you as many times as possible from now on, rooting and blooming within. And in truth, you couldn't wait to see him again as well.
He had this je ne sas quoi that drawn you in like bees to pollen. Like gasoline to a fire, and anything intrinsically related in nature.
When you went home to a little more intimate and girls only after party, you spilled the beans and Jessica slid a couple of bucks in MJ's direction when you were too busy fangirling and gushing like a teenager whose crush just noticed her for the first time ever.
"He tried to kiss me!"
"Yes!" You plopped on the bed with a nervous squeal.
"You two kissed?" MJ watched at Jessica eagerly, as if ready to receive more money from the secret bet they had done on who kissed who first.
"Nah, he gotta work for it. But, damn... I was holding back so badly. He looks like a good kisser."
Jessica giggled at your ecstatic state.
"Just kiss him, woman! Pretty sure he'd die on the spot if you do that"
And so you did. The first kiss had been nothing you had expected, A little fumble and clumsy but sweet. He was taken aback when you made the first move, but couldn't complain. He had sandwiched your face in between his big hands and gave you a kiss you only  fantasized often, once the movie had finished in TV back on his apartment's living room.
Things just flowed from there. He once grabbed your hand as you ventured through the sea of people in the mall when you were shopping.
"Won't find you later, Chaparrita." (Little one)
"Well, if you're gonna hold my hand, then do it properly."
With an impish smile you entwined your fingers with his, he only flared an airy yet bashful chuckle as his hand tightened it's grip on yours.
Even though he had asked you to date him officially, the doubt in people's faces remained. Not that you cared, but seeing him particularly serious after a gathering meant that someone had said something either about you, or the both.
"Do I look awful to you?"
You truly weren't expecting something so trivial to upset him that way, sure there were things he could improve about himself that would just only add him a bonus to his already effortlessly gorgeous looks.
"What?. Who told you that?"
He shrugged and kept driving. His style was something basic and borderline boring, office like all the way. Like if the nerdiness refused to leave his body completely and had rioted big time and now was the ruling sovereign of his closet.
Sweatpants in different tones of gray and black, graphic tees that had endured through college time and other basic things, sneakers and a couple of shoes and boots. The only stylish sort of thing he had was a navy blue suit that ripped as he tried to slid it past his broad shoulders.
"Shit you hear around." He grumbled while driving.
"Well, if you don't like your style we could change it. I could help if you want to, of course."
"What would you change about it?"
"Even though I love when you wear your lab coat and those sweatpants together" You giggled and took his hand briefly, "I'd add more color to your wardrobe and other different textures. You'd look even more handsome with summer colors."
"It's not summer."
"I know, just saying I'd add a bit more color to it."
"Right. We can do that. What about eh, the... things you put on the face. Masks and shit?"
Your face lit up upon the questions he was throwing at you as he gestured to his face.
"What about them?"
"How do you use them?"
In truth, he had overheard some things behind his back. Him looking like a tired creep that always wore the same clothes, them surprised at you tolerating such lack of style, but what had affected him more than what he let on was hearing that you deserved more than just a greasy haired nerd guy in your life. Mostly said by guys that looked straight out of a photo shoot in Italy.
His hair hovered on his shoulders, either tied in a lazy man bun or simply slicked back. Skin rough and oily, a few ingrown hairs in his stubble. Some pimples here and there. As long as he was clean, like his clothes it had been more than enough for him so far. Contrary to you. Ever glowing, stylish and delicious smelling.
Hell, some of his clothes still smelled like you even if he washed them. But now that a new chapter of his life started with none else but you, he wanted to be better. He was already a bit self conscious about his overall looks, and didn't wanna add more to the list of things he already hated about himself, but for some reason you loved.
He wanted to increase the latter. And if a makeover was needed for you to be even more into him, he'd go under them. And what a better chance to do so when you were excited about it. Another excuse to spend the day together, really. Even if it meant to go under layers of things foreign to his skin or be switching into things in a secluded changing room.
"We could meet tomorrow at the mall, buy new clothes and spend the rest of the day pampering ourselves."
"Sounds scary."
"The only thing you gotta be afraid is what the lack of sun block does to the skin."
"I'm aware that cancer can be developed after the constant exposure to high UV lights."
"You're so sexy when you speak like that."
"I'm actually surprised you find me appealing given my lack of-"
"Ah don't ruin it, Miguelín. You know that's not why we got together."
"Still, I wanna be better. Can't look like a tired creep." You swatted his head gently with a deadpan in your eyes.
"Miguel, even if you wore an unicorn onesie, I'd still adore you the same and I'd definitely fuck you afterwards."
He snorted and looked at you with softened eyes.
"But the gesture is highly appreciated. I'm excited really. We get to spend the day together and have fun."
"Shopping day tomorrow then?"
"Of course!"
You visited different stores, even took a mini photo shoot of the outfits you had picked together for him. He wasn't that into flashy or saturated prints. He was more of plain colors, and if something was printed it had to be minimum. Attention seeking was in the least of his priorities.
His confidence seemed to take a higher place the more clothes he tried and new compliments flew out your mouth.
You had him a blushing mess as you asked him to twirl for you only to slap his ass and give a rather thirsty yet loving comment on him. You already made those when he wore your favorite gray sweatpants. Nothing had changed really, except for one outfit that had your cheeks a bright red the more you stared .
Cotton plain navy blue polo shirt that adjusted perfectly on his upper frame, white pants that made a perfect job in accentuating his waist and white leather loafers. It was the winner of the day.
"Never in my life have I been envious of a shirt, until today."
You then went for the skin care. Exfoliants, moisturizers, masks and so many other tools he had the slightest idea they even existed. Even though you explained each and their functions, he had to take a break to let all sink in.
"How many times I must put all this in my face?"
"Twice a day. Morning and night before sleeping."
"Don't get me wrong but, how do you find time to do this?"
"It becomes a discipline over time. And now I can't live without it."
"If something's worth saying, I like the... uh, the scent and feeling that it leaves in your skin. It's nice."
He cleared his throat as you kept adding products to the basket.
"Why, thank you." You kissed his cheek as you both looked over the men section of skincare, "We gotta get you a proper shaving kit also. Razors only damage your skin. Wanna keep your beard?"
"Do you like it?"
"I don't mind it honestly. With or without it you look scrumptious." Your eyebrows wiggled at him and his ears turned a light shade of pink.
"Let's get it then."
His eyes were all teary and glossy the more you pulled the peel off mask from his sensitive skin.
"Ow! Ow, ya! Amor, ya!" You laughed silently as you stopped. Hips straddling him, face to face, masked with the pore cleansing charcoal product, smeared in your features.
You had tied his hair carefully to then teach him how to properly clean his face, after a session of much needed steam to relax and open his pores.
Also squeezed some tools as gently as possible to get gunk and black spots out, but even so had him squirming at the beginning, then you had taught him how to properly cleanse his face, and in what order each product had to be applied. He was genuinely interested at the components of each thing and how well they seemed to react on his skin. Secretly taking a picture of him while having his eyes closed.
"Relax Eddie Brock, we're almost done!"
"¿No te duele o qué?" (Does this even hurts for you?)
"We are Venom." You giggled but he just deadpanned,
"You're not funny. You're a psycho."
"After you do this a bunch of times it comes out easier and less painful."
To his horror, you peeled off the mask without much ows and hissing, like he was, cringing at the way the black and elastic thing abandoned your face, coming out in in a piece.
"It would've be a lot less painful but you put it on your eyelids and so damn close to the ears. The first places I told you to not put it on!"
"I don't know about these things-" He hissed as you pulled in a go the last remnants of the mask. A little whimper and a grunt came out later.
"Canija!" You kissed his face softly where the mask had been, trying to soothe the pain as he cussed.
"Please tell me we're done with that"
Instead of words you smooched his lips with a proud smile.
"We're done. Now let's get you some serums."
"You're not putting needles in my face, are you?"
"What? No. It's not that kind of serum. It's like vitamins for your skin in oily or creamy textures."
By the end of the day he had fallen asleep as you used your jade face roller on him, but woke up with a glowy and healthy looking skin. Even some pimples had diminished their redness. His tired face not only was less tired but looked like he had slept well for weeks. No longer oily and breaking out.
Despite the pain, it all had been worth it. But your shocked face upon seeing him well dressed in a cream button shirt, black pants and dress shoes, and a fresh haircut that would turn into his forever look; holding a bouquet of tulips before your door, was absolutely priceless.
Needless to say you didn't make it to the dinner date, too busy ravaging eachother to care.
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laurentdirosetti · 2 months
"Support character" [part 2]
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{Idia Shroud x gn/MC}
Tags: playing videogames together, competitive, bet, smut...
Idia’s room was just like you imagined it would be, an otaku’s room —books scattered on the floor, open boxes in every corner, merchandising from different animes and games, posters on the walls… Also, the air in the room is really heavy, why is it so hot in here? Is it because of the computer or- 
His hair was bright red, redder than when we were in the storage room, and not only the color was hot red, but the temperature too. 
Idia: so-sorry, this is the first time a girl has entered my room (anyone other than Ortho or me for that matter).
That was the issue, haha… now I’m nervous too. I should do something to break the ice in this situation, or rather cooler the temperature. I think I recognised one of his figurines on that shelf… 
MC: Isn’t that Ruri-chan from “The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl”?
I was staring right at Ruri-chan when I asked him, so it was a surprise when I turned around to look at his face and saw his expression. For a few seconds the time stopped and he gave me a death stare. Why is he so scary all of a sudden? Did I mispronounce her name? Impossible, I’ve been watching that series since I came to this world, mostly because it was the only serotonin I could find after nearly dying over a kid’s tantrum. 
Idia: you know Ruri-chan?
Maybe because you were nearly as introverted as Idia or because you were nervous, the only answer you could find to his suddenly cold attitude was that this was the beginning of the typical “man interrogation over a common interest to prove your authenticity as a fan”. So before he could start making you questions about the show, you blow out all the lore of the series. 
Idia’s face was as rigid as a rock until you finished your monologue on Ruri-chan’s journey. You stopped talking to catch a breath when he grabbed you by the shoulders and suddenly snapped.
Idia:  ARE YOU TELLING ME THERE WAS ANOTHER OTAKU IN THE ACADEMY AND I DISCOVER IT NOW? Why did it take you so long to talk to me? How is it possible that I didn’t know about this before? I mean, I have control over all the technology and internet connection here. I should’ve been notified if a student was watching anime, how is it possible I didn’t know about you till now? What did you do? What kind of firewall did you use?
MC: I just watched it on Ramshackle’s TV…
Idia: ah… that explains everything, that TV probably doesn’t even have an HDMI port, let alone Internet… 
MC: Idia… my shoulders are starting to hurt.
He sure is strong, it's hard to tell by those baggy clothes he's always wearing. He instantly opened his hands to let me go as soon as he heard me. He looked troubled he might have hurted me. 
MC: don’t worry, I may not have “mana”, but my HP is full.
He couldn’t help but smile at my dumb -almost cringe- comparison. I think my “break the ice” mission was successful. Idia is very expressive, he snapped from nervous, to surprised, to confused, to happy in the the blink of an eye. I wish he stopped using that floating tablet of his to attend classes so I could see more of his expressions. 
As soon as he released me he went to pick something from his wardrobe, a pair of controls apparently. The controls in my world were less complex than this ones. Idia handed me one of them and I began to study the buttons. It would be a lie to tell I knew how to grab it, clown music is playing inside my head. I wanted to play videogames with him, but truth be told I don’t have money to fix Rammshackle’s sink let alone buy a videogame or a console. 
Idia saw my troubled grin and step towards me, shadowing my entire persona. 
Idia: Is there a problem? You don’t like the color or something? Is it the brand?
MC: well, you see, the thing is… 
This is gonna be so embarassing. First, I ran into problems trying to defend him against nothing, cause he wasn’t even hearing those jerks. Second, I made him hide with me in the storage room and now I have to tell him I wanted to play videogames with him but didn’t even think about the possibility of the controls being different from my world. Defeated, I lower my head to evade his soon to be inquisitive gaze. 
MC: …I don’t know how to use these controls, they are different from the ones in my world.
Silence was so loud I couldn’t take it anymore and looked up. He was trying so hard not to burst out laughing at me his cheeks were red and his jaw was so tense I could see his neck muscles contracting. Finally, he let out a little pfft and grabbed his mouth and chin with his hand, pressing his cheek with his index.
Idia: I’m sorry but, you went through all that trouble to play together and you don’t even know how? Cute.
Lucky for me I don’t have magical hair that turns red when I'm flustered, but I’m sure it’s not hard to guess just by looking at my face. 
Idia: don’t worry, guess I’ll have to teach you as I did with my little brother, come here.
He sat on a visible comfortable plush sofa, big enough for him to open his leg and ask me to sit between them. Funny, when we were in the storage room he was so nervous and now he openly asks me to sit on top of him, hasn’t he noticed?
Dumbfounded, I did as he requested and sat on the gap between his thighs, creating a space between us as a way to surpass the embarrassment. Unfazed, he glued his chest to my back and slipped his hands around my body. As if I was walking on thin ice, I slowly rested my arms on top of his. Then he moved his hands on top of mine on the controller, guiding my fingers on top of the buttons. My ears were bright red as I could feel his breathing chilling my neck, whispering a slow pace explanation on how to use the controller. His fingers moved mine slowly over the buttons, his hair fell as a cascade over my shoulders sliding between my legs. I don’t know what is happening and I would swear neither does he. He’s so focused on explaining the lore of the game and controls he hasn’t realized the hot mess he got cuddled beneath him.
Idia: Did you get that?
He asked, suddenly making me snap out of my cloud. Even though it was difficult, for many reasons, I caught a glimpse of his monologue while trying to survive my ocean of hormones. 
MC: Well… It seems quite complicated to be honest. Maybe I can understand it better once I play the game. 
Idia: Great, let’s play. I’ll connect the other controller so we can multi-play this. 
The controller was right next to us, already plunged, so he didn’t move an inch and his arm were still surrounding me. The soundtrack of the game started playing and far too late I realized he meant to play in this position, basically cuddling each other, with our arms tangled, his body temperature on me and his breathing on my neck. We haven’t even started, but I can tell I already lost. 
Unfortunately for him, after playing for nearly an hour, I tried my best to give him a hard time beating me. I lost all the matches anyway, but at least I could hear his groans all along, echoing in my ears. 
Idia: SO much for being a snob, you are tougher than you look. But rest assured, I would never let a newbie beat me at my favorite game. Ortho has tried many times and I should give him a pass -you know the whole “Idia let your little brother win once”- but as a weeb I have a reputation yk. 
That smirk on his face… he’s sure full of himself. I have almost grasped the dynamics of this game, maybe I could beat him. I’m a pretty competitive person and that arrogance only ignites something dark in me, something stupid. 
MC: I bet I can ruin that reputation of yours in our next round.
Idia: Are YOU implying YOU can win? LMFAO, if delulu was a sport you'd have a gold medal. If you beat me on this round I’ll be your chair or whatever -not that it’s even a possibility.
MC: Do you mean I can ask you anything if I win? It’s this one of those anime situations in which the winner can order the loser around the whole day? 
Idia: Yeah, that kind of shoujo stuff. Afraid?
MC: Mmn… Well, you’re already quite the comfortable chair.
That came out of nowhere, but I decided to keep my cool and rested my weight on his chest even more, looking up at his melted honey eyes now widening from sudden embarrassment. His peachy cheeks are so cute. Plan complete: this may be considered cheating but the only way to win is to distract him and by the discontrolled beating of his heart reverberating on my back I can tell it already worked. 
We began playing, in the game we were two characters fighting each other in a 2D horizontal landscape. I didn’t learn all the combos, but I mastered the parries and evasions, so it was nearly impossible for him to even scratch me. He was focused on attacking while I was determined on defending, a never ending match it seemed.  In real life it was the other way around, I continued non-stop “attacking” him while he tried his best to “defend” himself. Each time I evaded one of his attacks my butt moved against his lower body. From the corner of my eye I enjoyed his leg contraction at every “unintended” pound I gave him. After almost an hour of playing him, and the game, his breath was a mess, he was trembling all over and his dick was rock hard between my ass cheeks. My intention was to win the game, but I’m not quite disappointed with the actual development of the situation. I could take this as a win already.
Then I felt a thrust, his body rested on top of mine and I swear I can almost tell his longitude just by the pressure on my lower back. He snapped, his fingers were moving so fast on the buttons I had to make an effort to see them, he left me no chance to defend myself neither in the game or reality. As my character fell to the ground completely defeated, my head stumped on the floor as his hands pressed my shoulders to the ground.
Face to face, among the darkness of his room I could only differentiate two golden orbs and his face lightly illuminated by the gentle blue of his hair. 
Idia: I won.
My whole belly was on the palm of his hand as he slowly lifted my shirt all the way up, until he grabbed my neck under the clothes. 
MC: Wh-what are you doing?
Idia: I won, so the loser must do whatever the winner demands, right?
MC: Bu-but you haven’t say anything yet.
Idia: Oh, then I want the loser to fix my joystick. 
What? Oh…
As I stupidly tried to understand that I noticed his hard-on pressuring my lower belly, near to my intimacy. 
Idia: you see, a certain snob player broke it mid-play. Any idea on how to fix it?
He completely snapped, I almost can’t recognize him. Where is the shy boy I was messing with? The situation has escalated more than I would have imagined, but this doesn’t put me off in the slightest. Seeing Idia all hot and bothered surely is rare enough and I want to push that dominant side of him a bit more.
MC: maybe… It just needs some cleaning?
I questioned opening my mouth and letting out my tongue. His sigh was filled with excitement and anticipation, I could catch him bitting his lips for a moment.
He moved his knees to the sides of my head and lowered his zip and trousers. My eyes, now more used to the low illumination of the room, enjoyed the view of his thighs, pale as porcelain. He looks so fragile and slim, or that was my line of thinking until he uncovered his dick. Hard, veiny and leaking precum on top of my forehead; the length was the size of my face. This was going to hurt.
I accepted my destiny and kept my mouth open for him to enter mercilessly. But, that wasn’t the case. At a slow pace he started going down on my mouth, he filled my cavity with just the tip and almost the middle of his length. Then, he took my chin in his hand and caressed my cheek, pressing it on his dick and slowly massaging it from outside. I didn’t know what to do with my tongue so I tried to lick his dick and press it more against my cheek. His eyes glittered from a moment and he let out a soft chuckle. 
Idia: seems you’re really eager to clean it, babe. But this much won’t do I’m afraid, you need to get it all wet enough.
Instantly, he continued letting down his hips  until all his dick was in my mouth and throat. He was so deep in me my lower lip was touching his balls. Strange enough, this wasn’t as painful as I imagined it to be, I wonder how can my throat be twitching around him and I’m so calm? Maybe, his sweet expressions are keeping me from gagging. His mouth is a little open, from this angle I can only see his tongue moving above his pointy teeth. His eyes are locked in my throat, probably a bulge has formed, his fault after all. He’s been so long in this position I could possibly draw his dick by having it inside me. 
When I thought he would start moving, his balls twitched against my lip and his cum flooded my mouth non-stop. When he released everything in me he fastly got up, letting me catch a breath. He cumed so much there were lines of cum running down my cheeks to the ground. I coughed a little after drinking all.
When I sat on the floor and looked up I could feel his gaze contemplating my whole display, heavy breathing and a surprised expression.
MC: that was fast. 
Idia: I endured playing in hard mode, literally, a few minutes ago. Thank me I didn't finish by just seeing your ahegao face. Also …you didn’t need to drink that.
MC: I told you I would clean it. 
Idia: quite the awful job, It's all sticky and twitching, maybe you can clean it better down here…
To be continued...
Part 1
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
Pls do more Clarisse!!!! I love the way you write her!! Maybe something with reader being a child of Aphrodite. Here are some ideas you’re free to choose from! Or none at all
• Reader is told that she’s “not pretty enough to be a child of Aphrodite” and Clarisse finds her crying softly and she comforts her
•Reader tells Clarisse how much she likes to bake and Clarisse makes her bake stuff with her
•Clarisse gets her hair and nails and stuff done bye reader
Thank you!
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- colors of your eyes -
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Daughter of Aphrodite! Reader
An - I loved these prompts sm UGH 😭😭 so I decided to use them all but I’m twisted some to make more sense
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“Stop im serious!” You laughed as clarisse flicked some flour at you. It was your one year anniversary, so the entire day clarisse had been letting you plan out multiple dates for one another thus explaining why her hair was braided back some with flowers in it and her makeup done.
Currently you had made arrangements with Chiron to use the kitchen to bake for a few hours. — Clarisse smiled as you started to playfully wrestle with her having a small flour fight. “Ok ok truce” She chuckled dusting some of the powder off of her. Decided to have the final say however you stood close to clarisse under the assumption that you were going to kiss her. Before your lips connected you placed your thumb on clarisses nose dragging the flour down.
Clarisse rolled her eyes at your actions. “Really? No now you owe me a kiss”
“I don’t owe you anything actually” you laughed trying to playfully fight again clarisse as she tried to kiss you. After a few moments though you gave in letting her have what she wanted.
Placing your arms around her neck you leaned back some letting her have more control over the kiss. Giggling you started to speak teasing remarks against the girls lips “mm, who knew clarisse was such a hopeless romantic”
Clarisse jokingly pushed you away. “Gods your such a pain in my ass”
“Awww your so cute when your mad” you continued to tease her. The timer for the cookies went off, peeling away from clarisse you went to the oven pulling out the chocolate chip cookies.
Taking them off the tray you set them aside onto a cup. Clarisse walked towards you hugging you from behind. Leaning back into your girlfriend you smiled just enjoying the peace of it all.
Being a demigod you were never allowed to have a normal life let alone have a normal relationship. Finding clarisse you believe was the best thing to happen to you. But being a demigod especially a daughter of Aphrodite didn’t come without its own set of critiques.
“What’s wrong” clarisse questioned squeezing your waist softly. Being brought back to reality you turned around to face her, softly smiling at clarisse you leaned kissing her cheek. “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it” clarisse looked suspicious but eventually let it go just trusting you.
The bondfire continued to be your favorite time of night day after day. Finishing a sing along you kissed clarisses cheek before getting up— heading towards the dining hall for a drink.
Once there you spoke into the goblet saying you wanted your favorite soda, taking a sip you over heard a few girls near by talking.
“I know she’s such a fucking bitch”
“Honestly, like why does clarisse date her, there’s no way that she isn’t desperate, she probably just using her to get to silena”
“Honestly and if I was Aphrodite I would of never claimed such an ugly girl, she doesn’t even deserve to be her daughter”
Your grip on the cup tightened. ForWeeks now you’ve heard the same group of girls talking shit about you. Normally what other people said didn’t matter but them saying you shouldn’t of been claimed by Aphrodite…. That broke the final straw.
Hot tears fell down your face. Holding your head down you silently prayed to stop crying. The emptiness of the dining hall felt even more alone than normal. Maybe they were right. Maybe Aphrodite shouldn’t of claimed you, maybe clarisse really was desperate maybe everything everyone had said really had been true.
“Damn there you are, common the Apollo kids started arguing with the Athena cabin” Clarisse laughed as she walked over. Her hands finding themselves around your waist while she grabbed you from behind.
After a moment she felt your broken yet silent cries. Almost immediately she turned you around, looking down at you with a critical look. “Who.”
“No one, just forget it please” you sniffed. Clarisse however shook her head. “No who made you cry “
You knew she wouldn’t stop until she got what she wanted but in reality all you wanted right now was for her to comfort you. “Please.. just drop it” practically begging her you leaned into Clarisses warm presence.
Without a second thought clarisse Held you close to her. Gently running a hand up and down your back, she squeezed you ever so slightly. “Common, let’s go to my cabin” she muttered.
Laying in clarisses bed you silently faced her. Playing with one of her curls you had a soft smile while clarisse Held you close.
Kissing your forehead she pulled back some. “Can you tell me what happened at least.” She asked.
You stayed quiet. You wanted to be honest with her but what if she agreed with what they all said. “Look whatever it is it won’t change a thing about us.. ok” she lifted your head slowly while giving you a gentle look.
“Some girls. They’ve been saying this for weeks but I over heard them talking about how I’m a bitch or something dumb, they said that you were only dating me because you were desperate and wanting to get closer to silena and.. that I should of never been claimed as Aphrodites daughter”
Clarisse Just leaned down placing a kiss on your lips with a soft giggle. “What’s so funny” you muttered against the girl. Pulling away she continued to laugh. “Nothing nothing it’s just.. that? That’s what they decided to run with”
Confused you shrugged your shoulders. The curly haired girl looked over with a sarcastic smile. “Ok first of all, your not a bitch if anything you to nice, then I had to practically beg silena to help me actually start talking to you, then lastly their just mad that one of the most stunning girls in the camp who is also the daughter of Love is dating me and is in a happy relationship. Everything they said just sounds like bullshit” she continued to laugh.
“Your a jerk” you chuckled gently hitting her. “Yeah but your the one dating me so what does that really say about you” she grinned. Moving to sit on her waist playfully wrestling with the girl. You leaned down giving her a soft kiss. Once it broke you heard clarisse start talking. “Don’t let people like those girls ruin nights for you… you have me, and that’s all that should matter not what they have to say.”
Giving you another kiss clarisse patted your thigh. “All right get lost I’m sick of you”
“I hate you”
“No you don’t”
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auras-moonstone · 10 months
Ethan Landry x reader where her family forgot her birthday so she has to spend her birthday alone until he gives her a gift with a card that says happy birthday or something like that
forget about the heartbreaks — ethan landry
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word count: 2,039
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: when ethan comes home to a heartbroken y/n, he does his best to make her forget about the awful birthday fiasco.
warnings: lots of fluff and cheesiness, you’ve been warned.
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Y/N HAD BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO HER 20TH BIRTHDAY DINNER FOR WEEKS. She had invited her parents for dinner at her apartment, and she was beyond excited. They hadn’t seen each other for months, as Y/N moved to New York to study and they stayed in California.
Starting in a new city alone, at such a young age was very hard for Y/N. She had made an amazing group of friends, yes, but she couldn’t help but feel homesick. She missed her mother’s warm hugs and her father’s calming smile. Hence why she had been counting the days until the day came.
She felt her roommate’s gaze on her when she walked out of her room. “Hey, Eth.”
“Hi. I was just about to head to Chad’s. I wanted to see you before I go.”
“Sorry I’m kicking you out of the dorm.” she said guiltily.
“You didn’t kick me. I was the one who suggest you invite your parents for dinner. And it’s only for a couple of hours, Y/N/N. It’s no big deal.” he assured her. “You look beautiful, by the way. I told you red was your color.”
Y/N laughed, remembering Ethan’s look of relief when she got out of the dressing rom with a satisfying smile on her face, letting him know they had finally found the right dress—which was the one he had chosen. “I still can believe you picked up this one.”
“What does that mean?!” he asked offended.
“Eth, you have the same polo shirts in different colors. And you wear flannel jackets.”
“What’s wrong with that?” Ethan crossed his arms.
“You have no sense of style, Eth.” Y/N said, and he put his hands on his chest dramatically, as if she had just wounded him. “Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you don’t pull off polo shirts. You look amazing in them.”
“That actually makes me feel better.” he said, trying not to let her know how much he liked being complimented by her. “Anyways, I better go. Your parents should be here at any moment.”
“Thank you so much, Ethan. Really. For helping me cook, for going shopping with me, for baking the cake with me.” she hugged him tightly, enjoying the way she could hear his heartbeats accelerating as he hugged her back.
“Anything for you” he mumbled against her hair. “Save me some cake, okay?”
“Of course.”
“Have fun.” he shouted right before the door shut close.
Once she finished setting the table, Y/N pulled out her phone to check on her parents. She noticed the texts she had sent that afternoon hadn’t been answered yet. She supposed it had been because they had been on the plane, but they should’ve landed hours ago. So she decided to call.
“Hi, mom. Finally. I sent you and dad lots of texts. What happened?” Y/N said as her mother picked up.
“Oh, I’m sorry, honey. We just landed.” the sweet voice of her mother said.
“Just now? I thought you were flying in the morning.” Y/N said confused.
“We did! It’s a long flight, honey. You know that.”
Y/N furrowed her brows. “Mom, what are you talking about?” she laughed confused. “It’s only five hours by plane.”
“What?“ she bursted out laughing. Y/N heard the sound of her father’s voice asking his wife what was wrong with her. “Your daughter is being funny.”
“You are being funny, mom. Where are you both?” Y/N asked, losing her patience.
“London, honey. Your father has a business trip, I thought we told you.” the woman said.
Y/N’s body went still. She must have misheard her, or her mother must have been joking. “Very funny, mom. Cut it.”
“Are you okay? You’re acting weird.” the sound of a car horn was heard. “Oh, the cab just arrived. Honey, I’m sorry but we have to get to the hotel.”
“Come on, mom. Stop it. It isn’t funny anymore.” Y/N said, her voice broke a bit. She held onto the hope that it was all just one twisted joke, that her parents were actually about to burst through the door, with a ‘Baby, we’re right here’ smile, and she would be so happy.
“Are you about to cry? What’s wrong?” the concern on her mother’s voice made Y/N angry.
“Oh, it’s no big deal. Just that my parents forgot they were supposed to be here with me, for my birthday.” she said bitterly.
A gasp of realization followed by heavy breathing was heard on the line. No words were muttered. “Y/N…”
“I told you how much I needed you both to be here. I don’t even care that it was my birthday. It was just an excuse to make you both come to New York, because I know that only a special occasion can make you two take a break from work. I clearly overestimated you.”
“I’m sorry… we’re sorry” her dad sighed. Y/N assumed she had been on speaker.
“I’m sorry too. Hope you have fun in London.” she ended the call and the tears fell down like a cascade. She looked around the room, seeing the plates perfectly arranged around the vase containing roses, and felt a pang in her heart.
Weeks of anticipation and hours of preparation went to waste. She never would’ve guessed she would end up on the floor of her living room, all alone, crying because the ones who meant the most to her didn’t show to her birthday.
Y/N didn’t know how long she had spent crying her heart out, but she guessed it had been too long because the tears stopped falling and she felt completely exhausted and weak, her head hurt and her eyes felt tired. And she also heard the front door open, meaning Ethan had arrived.
She hid her face in the pillow, not wanting him to see what a mess she was.
“Is the birthday girl tired from one dinner? I think my grandma has more energy than you” he joked. She still didn’t look up. “I know you’re not sleeping, dork. I saw you hiding your face.” after a few seconds of silence, Ethan pulled the pillow away and his teasing smile fell at the sight of her puffy red eyes, the dry tears on her cheeks and her saddened gaze. “Y/N/N…“
The tears were streaming down her face again before she could even open her mouth. Ethan instantly pulled her into his arms, and it wasn’t until that moment that she realized how much she needed that.
The feeling of his arms made her heart warm up a bit, the familiarity of his sweet cologne calmed her down, which allowed her to finally speak, “They forgot, Eth.”
Ethan’s body went still, and the only reason why he didn’t grab her phone and dial Y/N’s parents number to scream at them for having hurt her, was because that was the last thing Y/N needed right now.
“I know that no matter what I do, I won’t be able to make this the best birthday you ever had. But I want you to at least enjoy the last hours of your day, so I promise I’ll try my best to make you a little bit happier.” he said before running to his room. He came back a couple of seconds later, hands behind his back. “I know you have been wanting one of these for a long time.”
Ethan sat next to her again, handing her the wrapped box. She gave him a little smile, and took the card that was attached to the ribbon.
so you can capture the things you like :)
happy birthday to the best friend (and roommate) in the world!
love, eth x
The tidy handwriting and the three little hearts scribbled at the very corner of the note made her want to cry of cuteness. If she had any more tears in her system, she would have done it.
“You’re the sweetest, Eth.” she kissed his cheek and he became a whole blushing mess. She saw the mark she left on his skin and laughed. “Oops, I forgot I was wearing red lipstick.”
“It’s okay… now open it. You’re killing me!” Ethan said excitingly.
Laughing at his excitement, she opened the box and her wide-eyed gaze fell on him. “Holy shit, Ethan!”
“You like it?” Ethan asked with a huge grin. He was happy by her change of mood. Seeing her in such devastating state literally broke his heart into a million pieces.
“I love it. Thank you so much.” she placed the Instant Camera he gifted her on the box to pull him into a long and warm hug. “Not only for the camera, but for everything. You make me really happy, and I’m glad I got to spend my birthday with you.”
He smiled at her and then leaned in to whisper “Happy birthday, Y/N/N.”
“Thank you, Eth.” she answered softly.
“Now, let’s test your camera” his smile even bigger than before. Y/N couldn’t help but break into one too—it was impossible not to, Ethan had the most contagious and beautiful smile in the world. It was so breathtaking and heartwarming that it needed to be captured. So she did. “I didn’t mean test it on me!” he laughed.
Y/N looked at the polaroid on her hand. Her attention wasn’t caught by Ethan’s perfect white and straight teeth, or by his gorgeous brown eyes that reflected happiness, or by his adorable wrinkles in the corner of his eyes. It was caught by the scarlet mark on his cheek, with the shape of her lips. A swarm of butterflies invaded her stomach, she liked him so much it hurt.
“The note said I should capture the things I like… so I did.” he looked at Y/N in complete shock for a moment, and then his face lit up like a christmas tree, and Y/N could sense the lingering question. “I mean it. I like you, Eth. As more than a best friend.”
Ethan reached his arm out to take her hand and pulled her into him. “I like you too.” he said right before pressing his soft lips against her crimson ones. “Let me see the picture.” Ethan said when they got out of the dizzying state that the consuming kisses left them in.
“You’re so gorgeous, did I ever tell you that?” Y/N asked as she watched him observe the polaroid.
“No, you didn’t” Ethan’s blood rushed into his cheeks.
“Well, you are. And if you blush that prettily every time I compliment you, then I’m never stopping.” she whispered, pressing kisses all over his face, leaving red marks everywhere. She took another picture. “I’m also never going to stop taking pictures of you, just so you know.”
“You’re so cheesy.” Ethan rolled his eyes, but the corners of his lips went up.
“It’s actually your fault, you know?”
“First of all, you are so amazing that you leave me no choice but to fall for you. And then, you gift me a camera. You brought it on yourself.” she shrugged and his sweet laugh invaded her ears, making her heart go wild.
“Cheesy.” he repeated. “Come here and cuddle me.”
When Y/N settled her head on his chest, Ethan stretched the arm that wasn’t wrapped around her waist and grabbed the camera. He pressed his cheek against the top of her head and they both smiled.
“I bet that was awful, you have the worst pulse.” Y/N said, raising her head to see the picture he had just taken, but Ethan wouldn’t let her. “Eth!”
“Wait a second” he searched for the pen on his pocket and started writing something on the polaroid.
“Why do you have a pen on your pocket?” Y/N laughed.
“So I can write my number when girls ask for it.” Ethan replied, trying not to laugh when Y/N sent him a glare. “I’m kidding” he chuckled.
“You’re the worst.” she scoffed.
The curly-haired boy pressed a kiss on her shoulder before handing her the polaroid. On the white frame, the words in black ink read ‘Be my gf, Y/N/N?’
‘I’d love to, Eth’, she replied underneath.
She showed him the polaroid and they both smiled at each other “Cheesy” she repeated his words.
“We’re a match made in heaven.” Ethan said.
“We really are.”
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tinydeskwriter · 1 year
Actress!Y/n Talking About Harry in Interviews Over the Years(2018-2022) Part II
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 A/n:so, this is the second part, and I really hope you guys like it .
Jimmy Kimmel Live!, September, 2018
“I am so happy to have you here again.” Kimmel said, as they sat down. “You’re no longer my neighbor.”
“Unfortunately.” The woman agreed. “I miss you, Molly and the kids, we don’t have neighbors anymore.”
“You mean the house next door isn’t ready or…” 
“We literally have no neighbors, we bought fourteen acres ‘next door’ to a preserve, so it’s amazing views and a huge amount of privacy.” She explained. “Which when you have a job in the industry, and two young children is amazing.”
“That’s right, you had another baby!”Jimmy said as if he didn’t already now. “How far apart are they?”
“So, we had Atticus in January last year, and eleven months later we had Talulah,” She paused giving the audience time o cheer, “we wanted them to be close in age, which is a decision a lot of parents make, we didn’t know it would happen so fast, but apparently we are very fertile people,” She paused again, letting the people go crazy, “Yeah, so of course, we didn’t factor in our decision Harry’s tour, my album release, all my projects, and a very cranky baby, Atticus is physically all H, but he’s bad temper is all mine.”
“You went on tour pregnant and with a baby?” The host asked. “That must have been a crazy experience.”
“It was something.” She agreed. “But I was the boss’s wife, so everyone took good care of me, made sure I was comfortable, helped around with the baby, and H created an amazing environment with his whole team, it was lovely to witness.”
Met Gala 2019 With Liza Koshy| Vogue
“You co-chaired the Met Gala back in 2016, how is like to be back, and this year your gorgeous husband is co-chairing the event.” Liza asked Y/n as soon as they finished greeting each other.
The camera was zooming on the naked Gucci gown made of black lace, sequins and feathers the superstar was wearing, totally complementing her husband look.
“It is amazing, I am so proud of H, this is such an amazing honor, and is his first year, so I am happy we get to share this with each other.” Y/n said in a soft voice.
“What is ‘camp’ to you?”The you tuber asked.
“Just be yourself, whatever you want no matter what, be bold, be crazy, it’s camp.” The actress said moving her colorful feather boa/cape situation. “I think there is no limits.”  She had almost Rapunzel long hair extensions and a spectacular floral and feathers arrangement on top of her head.
“What was your inspiration for tonight’s spectacular look?”
“I just wanted to match H, tonight is all about him, and have fun, so I let Alessandro do as he pleased, and Ale being Ale didn’t hold back.” she shared. “My youngest didn’t even recognized me.”
“You look one hot mama, it’s hard to imagine you have two babies, does Atticus and Talulah know they have the coolest mother?”Liza asked.
“H is the cool parent,” Y/n admitted with a found smile, “Atticus has some idea that his daddy is a rockstar, so Harry’s definitely the coolest in his eyes.” 
The Late Late Show | Team USA v. Team UK- Dodgeball w/Michelle Obama
“I am here to support Harry,”Y/n said to he camera as the teams stretched in the background, “he’s not a very gracious loser, and I mean, he’s in James’s Team against Michelle Obama, there is just no way that they are going to win this game.” 
“Babe, “ Y/n called from the sidelines after watching Harry be hit in the ‘1D’ “Are you okay, honey?”
“I want more kids… in the future,” the actress blushed slightly looking to the camera.
The Kelly Clarkson Show, Jan, 2020
“How old are your kids know?”Kelly asked.
“Atticus is three years old, and Lulah just turned two, the terrible twos, funny enough, Lulah doesn’t suffer from it, but Atticus haven’t got over it yet…”Y/n said with a smile as pictures showed up on the screen, her children faces always blurred or hidden.
“People say terrible two, but threenager is a real thing,”Kelly said seriously.
“Yeah, that’s what I heard,”The actress said. “But Lulah just turned two, and I think it might not have fully catch up with her yet, because as I was leaving the house today, she threw her first temper tantrum.” Y/n commented. “She was just, on the floor, crying her little heart out, and of course, Atticus didn’t like to be outdone, so he threw himself at the rug screaming bloody murder, and I just left them there for Harry to deal,” The young woman told Kelly. “I sounded so bad right now, but really, I am that mom that keeps trying to calm them down, and things just get worst because it becomes a competition between the two toddlers, while Harry is just chill, he sit on the couch and just watches them unamused until they organically stop.”
“They lay it on sometimes, like ‘why are you leaving me’”
“I thing is worst with Harry,”Y/n confessed, “I have no problem in admitting H is the favorite parent, like, they come to me for comfort and all the ‘mommy’ things, but Harry is their favorite.” She said with a smile.
“And you don’t feel jealous or anything…”
“No, because, to me, it just shows how much of na amazing daddy he is, and I just feel like: damn! I made a really good choice.”The crowd cheer. “It’s really validating and I am just proud of myself for my choice in partner and baby daddy.”
Hailey Bieber | Who’s in my Bathroom? April, 2021
“Do you get uncomfortable by the amount of female attention your husband’s get?” Hailey asked as they sipped their margaritas.
“So, I have two answers for those questions: I don’t get uncomfortable with his fans showing their love for him, it’s lovely to see the amount of love and devotion he inspires, and they have always been so welcoming to me.” She said looking at possible the only other woman in the planet that understood the level of craziness it was. “But I do get uncomfortable with women in the industry hitting on him, I am not even talking women our age, it’s like: cougar level, and very recently we had a very awful situation, where it was in a working environment with a power imbalance, and it just got too much, more people got involved, media attention happened, and at the same time we had to deal with this as a couple and as a family.”
“Does you ever wish you guys just had normal jobs and careers?”Hailey supports her face in her hand. 
“Never, no matter what, I can’t imagine Harry not doing what he does, and I would never no make the career choices I did, I love acting, I love singing and songwriting, and I love directing.” She says with conviction. “For me it was life changing, I came from nothing, my mom was a single mother waitress, raising three kids on a small wage salary and tips, Disney changed my life, it paid for our first house, for the seed money in my mother’s organic company, it paid my sister college.”
“Is it surreal that your children have a childhood so different from yours?”The blonde asks with a smile.
“They’re extremely privileged, my four years old the other day was like: mummy, why do we have so many houses? And Lulah was complaining the size of the Jet, because she wanted the ‘big plane’, and H was like: sugarcube, you don’t know what your are asking for.” Y/n said with a soft smile. “My children…they have a lot of rich people problems.”
The Drew Barrymore Show, Aug, 2022
“Oh My God, you look even more gorgeous in person.” Drew said as they created each other. 
“Thank you, thank you, have you look at yourself? I was obsessed with you growing up, it’s so amazing to be here.” Y/n said with a big smile, arranging the skirt of her dress as she sat down.
“You’re the face of a Dior perfume, a brand ambassador for Gucci, multi- award winning actress and musician, your under thirty with two Academy Awards, which is historical, you have two successful companies, you just came back a few months ago from a very glorious passage through Cannes where you  debuted Top Gun: Maverick, your own movie and you own Camera d’Ore for your debut feature, also: 14 minutes standing ovation, for a movie produced, directed, written and starred by women,” she stopped for a moment to allow the crowd to applauded the guest, “and then, your also a mom, to three children, and you’re married to Harry freaking Styles, the world’s biggest rockstar, and most wanted man according to Rolling Stones.”
“You just made me sound so cool.”The younger woman said with a small smile and flushed cheeks.
“You are cool.”Drew affirmed. “How do you balance it all?”
“I have a great team working with me, and I have just the greatest partner, and this is really important.”Y/n said crossing her legs. “We plan things in a way that the children will always have one of us 24/7 and in a way that we can always be together, his career is never more important than mine and vice-versa, we’re on tour now, Harry’s Love on Tour, I am a non-touring artist, but H really loves touring, is his thing, and it was important for him to have me and the kids together  with him on the road as his support system, and the children just love going to all the different museums, and seeing new things, and eating different stuff, but, during his tour break we’re moving to Australia because I have a movie that is going to be shoot there.”
“What is like going on tour with three young children under five?”
“It’s chaos, Atticus and Lulah have some understanding that this is daddy’s job, this is Atticus second tour, but for them is just fun, Riley is just a baby, she’s with me 24/7, shes our calmest child,” Y/n said. “She’s actually the same age that Atticus was during Live on Tour.”
“Riley is your quarantine baby…”
“I found out I was pregnant in February last year during Where the Crawdads Sing pre-production, so yeah, she’s kinda of my Covid baby.”
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Cravings With A Side of Tears
Nanami Kento x Reader
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(Song Inspiration: Dandelions by Ruth B.)
It was just like every other day. Nanami set up the keurig with coffee with a light breakfast. He kissed you tenderly before he had to go to work before kissing your stomach.
“I love you, my darlings,” Nanami whispered. You mumbled softly in your sleep and pulled the covers up more to your chin.
He checked the time on his watch and stood up. He quietly closed the bedroom door and headed to work.
“Nanamin, how’s your wife?” Gojo asked when he found him reading his newspaper.
“Good,” he answered, glancing at his cell phone every now and then. “She’s been tired a lot.”
“Can I visit?” Nanami nodded.
“Whatever you want,” he said as he turned the page. His phone lit up. He immediately answered it. “Darling?” He was alarmed when he heard your sniffles.
“Kento-kun,” you responded. “I’m so hungry.”
“Did you eat the breakfast I made?” he asked curiously.
“I-I’m sorry,” you said. “You worked so hard on breakfast but…I really want pasta. And we don’t have any noodles.” You started crying more on the phone. Nanami stood up.
“I-I’ll be home soon,” he said. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Once he hung up, Gojo stifled a laugh.
“I can get the pasta,” he said. Nanami was hesitant. He was waiting for Ijichi so he can attend his mission. But now, you were crying and craving specific food.
“Please,” Nanami said. “She’s been craving chicken alfredo. Ummm…” Nanami took his wallet out and handed Gojo his credit card. “I’ll text you the location of her favorite pasta restaurant. Buy one of everything. And go to the store for orange juice. She’s been craving that lately so we’re low on it. And tell her to use my credit card if she wants to buy anything.”
“Nanamin, you’re doing good. I’ll update you on her.”
Gojo left the room and all Nanami could do was worry. He received a notification. It was time for him to carry on his missions. As he walked out, he called you.
“Gojo-san will be there,” Nanami said. A burst of cries went through his ear.
“O-Okay,” you said as you calmed down a bit and sniffled. “I’m sorry. I just can’t stop crying right now.”
“It’s okay, darling.” Nanami entered the back seat of the car and quickly spoke to Ijichi before turning his attention back to you. You lightly cried again, that he could tell.
“Please don’t get hurt, Kento-kun. I-I don’t know what I’d do without you,” you said.
“Darling, I promise that I’ll be back home today,” he said. “Do you want me to come back right after this mission?”
“No, you’re always coming home early,” you said. “I’ll be okay.”
“Darling, it’s okay. I—“
“Finish your shift,” you said. “I promise I’ll be okay. If something happens, I will call you. Be safe. I love you.”
“I love you too, my darling. My beautiful, sweet, and loving wife.” He heard a soft giggle, making him smile on the other line. When the two of you hung up, Ijichi couldn’t help but look at Nanami with a smile.
“How is she?” Ijichi asked.
“Still very emotional,” Nanami answered and looked out the window with a small smile. “But they are doing great.”
After the call ended, you went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. You stripped off of your clothes and smiled at the small baby bump. You hated how emotional you were. It only happens whenever your husband isn’t home.
You changed into a rusty orange colored sweater dress. Your hair was styled with a french braid. And you sat on the couch, rubbing your hungry tummy.
“I’m here!” The door was opened and your eyes widened at the bags Gojo held in his arms. “I ordered one of everything! We didn’t know which type of pasta you wanted.”
“Satoru-kun!” You laughed as he struggled carrying the bags. “Thank you.”
“Thank your hubby,” he said and handed you Nanami’s card. “I bought more orange juice.” You blushed.
“Can…Can we go out for dessert? I made sure I didn’t take Kento-kun away from work,” you said.
“Of course! My treat for the queen,” Gojo said. “Okay! Which pasta do you want?” You laugh and looked at the selections.
“Chicken Alfredo! And then eggplant parm! I’ll have the rest for later. Can we go to the bakery that’s a few blocks down? I really want their cheesecake.” Gojo gave you a sweatdrop look at your sudden excitement. He could’ve sworn you were crying your eyes out earlier while talking to Nanami on the phone. Now, you seemed as if nothing was wrong.
“Whatever you want, Princess!”
Gojo couldn’t help but gloat to Nanami how easy it was to take care of you. Nanami would give Gojo short replies. The two of you left the apartment around 1pm after you took a nap. It was almost five and you couldn’t help but cry. You would cling onto Gojo’s arm.
“I-I miss Kento-kun,” you said. “I wish he was here too. Is he okay? He hasn’t given me a call in a while.”
“He should be okay,” Gojo said softly. He found it odd that Nanami hasn’t said anything to neither of you. “Do you want to go back home?” You nodded. You wrapped your arms around Gojo, trying to stop the tears from flowing.
“Satoru-kun, thank you for a fun day,” you said with a smile. Gojo smiled back.
“Next to Shoko and my students, you’re my girl,” he said. “Big brother Gojo is always here too.”
“I’m sorry I can’t stop crying,” you said, tears immediately forming in your eyes. “Every time I think of Kento-kun…I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“You miss your lover boy, that’s all,” he said.
“I want…I want watermelon.” Gojo chuckled. “But…Kento-kun is coming home soon.”
“I will walk you back home and you tell me if you want me to stay or not until Nanamin gets back. Or if you want me to get you watermelon,” Gojo suggested. You smiled widely and nodded.
The walk back to the apartment was short. You felt content and told Gojo that you’ll be okay without him. You two hugged each other before parting ways. When you entered inside, you started tearing when you saw Nanami heating up the pasta on the stove.
“Kento-kun!” you exclaimed. You ran to him and hugged him tightly. Nanami chuckled and hugged you back before kissing your forehead.
“Be careful,” he said. “I don’t want anything happening to you two.”
“Did you just come home?” you asked.
“About half an hour ago,” he answered. “I wanted to heat up dinner while you were gone. You want the carbonara?”
“I was looking forward for it! I wanted watermelon too.”
“It’s all cut up in the fridge for you, angel.” You smiled widely. “I bought more pasta and ingredients for Alfredo sauce. There’s strawberry ice cream in the freezer. And just in case, I bought spinach, rotisserie chicken, and strawberries for a salad.”
“With-With strawberry dressing?”
“I just made it and put it in the fridge.” You couldn’t help but let tears of joy flow down your cheeks. You gently tugged on his tie and kissed him.
“You are the best husband in the whole entire world.”
“And you are the best wife in the whole entire world.”
165 notes · View notes
steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
“Eddie. My love. My light. My heart.”
“Did you happen to pack Ella’s clothes?”
“Of course I packed Ella’s clothes. How would I forget her clothes?”
Steve was staring down into a nearly empty bag that they bought for Ella’s clothes when they went on trips.
It was small enough that she could roll it herself, but still big enough to hold all her clothes.
When they were packed, of course.
They took turns packing for her. This time was Eddie’s.
Steve had no reason not to believe that the bag wasn’t packed, he’d even heard them yesterday picking out shirts.
Where the shirts were now was a mystery, though.
“Well, unless she can wear her stuffed elephant or her hairbrush, then she doesn’t have any clothes in this bag.”
Eddie came up behind him, looking over his shoulder to see what Steve was seeing.
Yep, empty.
“I packed her bag. I swear to god I packed clothes.”
Eddie was running his hands through his hair, stress suddenly pouring out of him. Steve knew then that he definitely packed the bag. He would’ve been laughing it off if he hadn’t.
The realization hit them both at the same time.
They turned from the small bedroom area at the back of the RV to see her playing at the table.
Eddie narrowed his eyes at her but didn’t walk over yet, wanting to form a game plan with Steve first.
“When did she do it?”
“Probably while we were sleeping.”
“How did we not notice how light it was?”
“She made us let her carry it the whole way, remember?”
They both sighed. They thought she was just being independent.
Since turning three a month ago, she wanted to do everything by herself, even things that were still much too difficult for her to do. They always let her try first as long as it wasn’t actually dangerous, and she was a very determined kid.
But determination wasn’t always a positive, as Eddie and Steve quickly learned when she used that determination to wreak havoc on their surprisingly careful organization.
“Why would she do this?”
“Oh my god.”
Eddie shook his head.
“This is because I told her we couldn’t pack her princess dresses.”
“But we never pack her princess dresses.”
“Ah, but she never cared before.”
“And she cares now?”
“So…she just decided to not wear any clothes because we said no on the princess dresses?”
Steve huffed out a laugh, but it was to cover all of his frustration with their strong-willed daughter.
“I’m gonna go hook up the plumbing. You handle the princess.”
“To be clear, we’re not letting her be independent with this anymore, right?”
“Not until she can stop being sneaky.”
“Well, that’s unfortunate. She’s my kid.”
“Eds, she isn’t biologically yours.”
“It doesn’t matter. She got it by osmosis.”
Steve left the RV and Eddie joined Ella at the table, where she’d started coloring in her coloring book they kept in the RV to keep her busy.
“Ella, you know your daddy and I were just unpacking our things and the weirdest thing happened.”
“What?” Ella didn’t look up from her coloring as she spoke.
“Your clothes disappeared.”
Ella looked up at Eddie, jaw wide open as if she wasn’t the culprit behind the missing clothes.
“Do you have any idea where they might be?”
“No! They left?”
“Well, I have a hunch. Wanna hear it?”
Ella nodded furiously, playing her role well. Eddie was impressed.
“My hunch is that someone was upset they couldn’t bring their princess dresses and decided that they didn’t wanna wear their other clothes either. That someone must have unpacked their bag before we even left the house.”
“Who did that?”
“I don’t know. But Daddy and I are keeping an eye out. If you know anything, tell us,” Eddie shrugged. He knew she’d give in eventually.
But not right away.
She went back to coloring and he got up to finish unpacking his own bag so Steve wouldn’t have to.
After a few minutes, he felt arms around his leg.
“Hi, princess,” he smiled down at her, resting his hand on her head.
“Daddy, it was me! I did it!”
Eddie did his best to hide his smirk by looking up the ceiling. He could hear Steve cussing outside, probably struggling to hook up by himself like always.
“What did you do, princess?”
“I stoled the clothes!”
She was crying now and Eddie hated when she cried. Even when she was in trouble, he hated it.
“Where did you put them, angel?”
“I hided them under my bed.”
Eddie was impressed. She was good.
“Why did you hide them?”
“Cuz I wanna be a princess!”
“But daddy said no, didn’t he? And that means you have to wear your regular clothes for this trip.”
“But I was sad.”
Eddie got down on the floor, pulling her into his lap. She was trying to catch her breath, but she was still too upset, hiccuping through tears.
“Baby, let’s take a deep breath so we can talk, okay?”
Eddie heard the RV door open, but he paid no attention to it, focus on calming Ella down.
They took some deep breaths together, and Eddie kept a calm smile on his face so she knew that he wasn’t that upset.
“Alright, let’s talk. Do you know why I said no to bringing the princess dresses?”
“Cuz they get ruined.”
“Yeah, baby. You know how we go do a lot of fun things on these trips and sometimes we get messy outside?” Ella nodded. “Your princess dresses aren’t easy to clean or fix if something happens to them, so it’s better to keep them at home. Don’t you think so?”
Ella nodded again.
“I can be a princess?”
Eddie smiled at her.
“Of course you can still be a princess. They don’t always wear fancy dresses you know. One time I met a princess who wore jeans and a t-shirt to go on adventures. Just like you can wear now.”
Eddie let her sit with this information for a moment, but just when he was going to say something, she spoke.
“Sorry, Daddy. We go home?”
“No, princess. We can run to the store and grab you some play clothes. But do you know what I think you should do?”
“Apologize to your dad, too. He was really sad when he saw your bag.”
“Oh. Don’t want him sad.”
“No, we don’t. How about you go say sorry to him and I’ll get finished here so we can go to the store?”
“Love you, princess.”
“Love you mostest.”
“Love you infinity.”
“So many?”
“So many.”
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dira333 · 6 months
Assistant to the Hero Part I - Amajiki x Reader
Requested by @fuzztacular , part II will follow tomorrow. Part of my Follower Celebration
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- 5 days as his assistant
With only a few days left until Washio-san’s retirement party, you’re just a little surprised that they’re calling you in for an interview.
You’ve worn your best clothes to work every day for the last two weeks, hoping against hope that you’ll be called in. Washio-san has been Suneater’s assistant ever since he started working at Fatgum’s agency. You’ve heard all the rumors.
How he’s picky, doesn’t talk to anyone but Fatgum and Washio-san - or maybe Kirishima-kun, and never attends any office parties.
But you’ve also heard of him from Kirishima-kun - one of the three junior Heroes you’re managing - and he tells an entirely different story.
With three years at the agency under your belt, you’re more than ready to take on one of the bigger sidekicks of Fatgum and you know that you’re capable of assisting Suneater. All you need is a chance.
And if the ongoing interviews are any indication, he hasn’t picked his new assistant yet.
“Y/N, welcome.” Washio-san is a grey-haired woman. You’ve never met her without a smile on her lips or a colorful pin on her blazer. Today, she’s got a tiny, vibrantly purple hummingbird pinned to her chest.
“Thank you for thinking of me.” You shake her hand and take a seat.
“I’m sorry we didn’t approach you sooner, but you might know that quite a few assistants were up for a promotion. Since you’ve finished your first three years with great reviews from everyone around, it’s also your choice which sidekick you want to work for.”
That’s news to you. “It’s… my choice?”
Washio-san nods and shuffles her papers, waiting for you to make your move. But you don’t know what to say. Should you tell them that you want to work for Suneater? But surely everyone wants to work for him. But if you don’t say his name and pick someone else and no one ends up picking him? He’d be heartbroken to hear that.
“Who…” You start and cough awkwardly to clear your throat. “I mean I’m sure that if everyone got to voice their choice, quite a few choose the same hero, am I right?”
“Who…” You look down at your hands to steel your nerves. “Who didn’t get picked? It’s… It’s not that I don’t have preferences, I’d lie if I said I don’t. But I always felt that at this agency, everyone was doing their best. No one deserves not to get picked. I’d rather assist someone misunderstood than just voice my preference.”
“Well, isn’t that nice of you?” Washio-san smiles knowingly. “I’m happy to report that no one went without a pick so far. But I believe that Suneater got picked the least.”
The relieved sigh leaves your lips before you can hold it back.
Washio-san’s knowing grin grows only wider and you bite your lip.
“Well, in that case, someone else picked him already, right?” You blunder on. “A-and it w-wouldn’t be fair to take their place. Not that I could take it that lightly, I mean, you’d have to decide that, right?”
“Why do you think you’d be a better match as Suneater’s assistant.”
There’s a new tone to Washio-san’s voice, like steel hidden behind velvet. You’re reminded that she’s kept working here for all her life, all three of her pregnancies and that she basically built up this agency. Suneater is probably like a son to her. A grandson, more likely.
You won’t get past her with flattery or trying to sound nice. And you owe her your honesty.
“I don’t think that I get to say who’s the best match for him.” You tell her, voice strong now that you talk from your heart. “I think everyone could work well with him if they treat him with basic decency. Kirishima talks highly about him and I believe Kirishima above all else.”
Washio-san nods and gets up. “Thank you. This will be all.”
“O-Oh… of course.” You scramble to get up yourself, shake her hand when she offers it, and walk to the door. This interview hasn’t given you any insight on the matter but you’re just a junior assistant anyway.
“Oh, by the way.” Washio-san calls out when you’re at the door. “Just between the two of us. You would have picked him, am I right? Suneater, I mean.”
“I…” You shrug, mouth pulled into a tight line. “Yeah,” you admit softly. “But I’ll work with whomever you pick for me. I like all of our sidekicks a lot.”
-1 day as his assistant
Five minutes before you have to leave for Washio-san’s retirement party, your computer pings, signaling incoming mail.
You click on the letter icon, ignoring Kirishima’s excited babbling about yesterday’s patrol.
The letter is short, but it leaves your head spinning.
“Kirishima?” You grind through your teeth. “I got the position.”
“No way!” He’s on your back immediately, his weight crushing you against your keyboard. “NO FREAKING WAY!!”
To Kirishima, you're celebrating your new job. You have to remind him constantly not to tell everyone he meets. This is still Washio-san’s retirement party after all.
She hugs you, thanks you profoundly for the pin you wrapped as delicately as you could. It's a silver squid, its tentacles glittering with deep indigo stones. It cost you almost an entire month of pay but it's so worth the smile on her face.
“This might be my favorite present, “ she tells you in a whisper, “But don't tell anyone. It reminds me of Tamaki.”
The man itself is nowhere to be seen. He's not on patrol, that you know from Kirishima, but you would have been surprised to see him at a party with this many guests anyway.
Only when the cake has almost been devoured and the drinks are already finished, you spot his trademark indigo hair.
He's wearing skinny jeans and a black cardigan and of you hadn't known him, you might have taken him as an overworked accountant.
“I put some cake away.” You tell him, plate in hand. “Kirishima said you like sweet stuff.”
He flushes bright red and his mouth forms a line that's so straight you could use it as a ruler.
“Oh, I am sorry, I didn't want to surprise you.” You rub your neck awkwardly. “We don't even have to talk. I’m your new assistant, starting tomorrow. I’ll just leave this here with you.”
You offer him the plate and he takes it, hands shaking.
It's obvious that he's trying to talk, just as obvious that he's trying to make eye contact, but he's failing at both.
“You don't have to make eye contact with me.” You point out softly. “Just look at my shoulder when you address me. That's more than enough.”
A heavy sigh leaves him when he does so
“I wanna go home.” He mutters, flushes even brighter when he seems to realize what he just said.
“I get that. I think it makes it that much more special that you still showed up for Washio-san. I will get her for you, so that you can leave right after, okay?”
1 Month as his assistant
It’s a good thing that you don’t like small talk or feel the need to fill Silence with chatter. If you keep quiet long enough, Suneater will forget that you exist and almost relax while doing his paperwork, sometimes even humming a tune under his breath.
When you keep exceptionally quiet, you might even allow yourself to look at him from the corner of your eye.
He is, without a doubt, the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen.
He is also nice, capable in a fight, and a good boss when he can do things in writing instead of approaching you directly.
Every week, without fail, a little present will pop up on your table, usually when you come back from lunch and he’s on his way out to patrol.
Some chocolates, a single Daisy in a drinking glass, a foreign coin that’s polished so well it reflects the sunlight.
It feels like little presents one would get from a bird and in a way, he reminds you of one, how shy and on edge he is all the time.
The first time you hadn’t been sure if the gifts were really coming from him. After all, there was still creepy Jin from Accounting who liked to bring you gifts in the hopes you’d go on a date with him in exchange.
But Jin’s presents had always been more showy and he’d never take the chance that you mistook it for someone else's work.
You’d written a card then, just in case, and put it on top of the paperwork Suneater had to sign.
“Thank you for the Chocolate, it’s my favorite kind. I hope it was from you. If not, please just mark this card with an X and put it back on my table and I will not mention it again.”
The card never came back to you. You found it in one of the drawers of his desk instead, when you went looking for a file for Fatgum a week later.
“Have you seen Suneater?” Some girl from Accounting bursts through the door of your office. You blink up at her in perfectly veiled annoyance.
“Bathroom break, I think.” You offer politely and she huffs in annoyance and leaves, leaving the door open.
You get up to close it, hearing a mumbled “Thank you.” from behind his desk when you go back to your chair.
“Of course.” You send a smile in his direction, barely able to see the tip of his right ear and some of his hair from where you sit. He’d been hiding behind the table for over an hour now, dropped down on the floor in a heap right after patrol, and refused any offer of water or blankets.
“You can call me Amajiki.” He mumbles again. “Tamaki Amajiki.”
“Thank you, Amajiki-kun.” You dare to say a few more words, hoping it won’t backfire. “If you want to talk about something, I’m always here to listen.”
“It’s stupid.”
“I’m sure it’s not.”
“My roommate’s moving out.”
You blink. That answer is unexpected.
“You’re not happy about it, I assume?”
“He’s my best friend.”
You nod, now understanding at least some extent of the problem.
“Did you have a fight, or…?”
“He’s moving in with his girlfriend.”
“Oh, that’s a big step. How do you feel about it?”
Amajiki moves back and your eyes meet for the briefest of moments before he turns the other way, now hiding completely from your sight.
He’s quiet for a while and you imagine how red he must be, the way he always turns when you can’t help but talk to him.
“Whether you feel sad about it or upset or anything else, your feelings are valid.” You say into the Silence when he’s still not talking. “I still remember when my roommate moved out.”
“Why did they move out?”
“Oh, Kyoko got married right after College.” You tell him. “And I was so happy for her, because Ryūnosuke is the nicest guy ever, but you can’t help but wish that some things stay the same forever, right? We had such a nice thing going on. After she left, I couldn’t find a long-term roommate for that apartment and had to move into something smaller.”
You bite your lip when you realize that you’re talking about yourself. Hasn’t being quiet paid off well for you up until now?
“Where do you live?”
Surprise washes over you. Does Amajiki want you to keep talking?
Heart beating loudly, you explain where you live. Your cheeks burn when he speaks up again.
“That neighborhood is not the safest.”
“No.” You clear your throat, Shame climbing up your neck. “But it’s cheap.”
“If you need-” You interrupt him before he can offer you a place to stay - you don’t want pity.
“Accounting girl is coming back.” If you can hear her stomping that well through the door, you fear for the ears of those outside
Amajiki falls quiet and you wait, wondering if he’ll get up to face her.
He doesn’t.
The door bursts open yet again.
“Is Suneater here now?”
You level the girl with an annoyed glare.
“No, he’s not here right now, he’s just left for lunch.”
“Why didn’t you tell him to wait?” She asks, clearly angry.
“I don’t work for you. What do you need him for anyway?”
“None of your business.”
“I’m his assistant. It’s very much my business.”
“Fine.” She huffs and places a folder on your desk. You recognize the color immediately. This isn’t something she’d ever need Amajiki for.
“But tell him to call me as soon as he can.”
“Will do.” You say and cross your fingers in your mind.
1,5 Months as his assistant
You put the perfectly round pebble on Amajiki’s table.
“What’s that?” He asks and picks it up to inspect it.
“I found it on my way here and thought you’d like it.” You say, ashamed of it now that you can hear yourself say the words. “But you can just throw it away if you don’t… I just thought because of the stuff you bring me…”
He pulls open a drawer, takes out a box, and opens it, carefully placing the pebble inside.
“Thank you.” He says without making eye contact. “It’s appreciated.”
“Very well.” You move over to your own desk, knowing full well that he’d just get nervous if you stand around him too much.
“What’s that?” You pick up the folder and read the first paragraph. “An ad for a roommate?”
“I have to start looking for one.” His voice has started quivering now, a clear sign that he’s getting nervous. You focus on reading to give him some space.
“Amajiki?” You make a point to never look directly at his face. Looking at the name tag on his desk usually works fine.
“If you want me to proof read the ad I have to say that it’s well written. The price is too low however. You should raise it, considering where you live.”
“The price is fine. Can you… do the interviews?”
“Sure.” You nod. “I’ll pick three people and let you decide from there. Do you only want male roommates or?”
“Both is fine.” He chokes out and you nod, turning back to your work.
2,5 Months as his assistent
The noise from below is deafening.
You’re hiding in the closet, cradling your emergency bag to your chest.
It’s not the first night you’re losing sleep because some villain or other decided that he wanted to prove himself in your neighboorhood. This time the target must have been the pizzeria below your apartment.
The door to your apartment crashes open but you manage to flinch only slightly.
Steps echo through the little space, someone yells something from the staircase - the hallways outside create a very distinct kind of echo - and your apartment falls quiet again.
You stay where you are and wait, phone in your hand.
It’s almost midnight when you hear steps again, this time quieter.
“Everything clear.” You know that voice.
Slowly you open your closet door to peer outside.
The lights are on and in the doorway, Kirishima is trying to put your door back into its frame.
“Kirishima?” You ask, surprised to see him here.
“Oi! What are you doing in the closet?” He’s at your side in a heartbeat, pulling you up. “Did someone kidnap you? Amajiki! Come here!”
“No, I live here.” You protest when Kirishima pulls you towards the door.
Amajiki, who’s just stepped in, freezes at your sight.
“You live here?” Kirishima sounds surprised but not judgy and you’re thankful for that.
“You’re not hurt, right?” Amajiki is still unable to look into your eyes, but he makes a point in looking at your shoes and your elbows as if those are the places to check for injuries.
“Completely fine. I hid in the closet.”
“That was pretty dangerous.” Kirishima tells you. “How would you have defended yourself?”
“Where are you sleeping tonight?” Amajiki interrupts you, glaring at the door instead of you as he speaks. “The door is broken.”
“I’m just going to grab some change of clothes and leave for the agency. I can take a nap there and get an early start.”
“I have a free room.” You stare at Amajiki with your mouth open.
Before you can refuse the offer, Kirishima already claps you on the back with more force than necessary.
“That’s a great idea. That’s so manly of you, Amajiki!”
“They’re sending someone to fix my door tomorrow, err, today, I mean. Later today.”
“There’s no rush.” Amajiki is staring at his fridge as you carry your bag into his apartment.
“The smaller bedroom is free. I have to get back to patrol. The bus to the agency leaves every fifteen minutes at the corner. I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah, thank you.”
It’s weird being in his apartment by yourself even though you’ve been here before.
He’d shown you around once, told you what he could compromise on, and gave you a key to show others around.
That had been about a month ago but he’d yet to agree to anyone you thought he’d be compatible with.
Something you’d been annoyed with yesterday but had to be thankful for tonight when it meant you could crash in his spare room.
Here, in the quiet dark, the fear comes back with vengeance.
You’d been doing a lot of hiding in your closet lately and while you’d come out safe every time so far, you’d have to do something about that.
Just not right now.
You click the light back on, make sure that the front door is locked twice and all windows are closed, and fall asleep to a one-hour loop of coffee shop music.
“I have someone new for you.” You tell Amajiki when he comes into the agency around four.
“How’s your door?”
You frown. “Not fixed yet. So, before you say no again, this person-”
“You can stay in my apartment until the door is fixed.” He offers and this time, you look at him directly. He flinches in surprise when he notices your glare and you soften it immediately.
“Amajiki. Ask me who that person is that wouldn’t mind being your roommate.”
“Who’s that person?” He asks, voice timid.
“Me. Well, if you think that would work out. And just until I find something I can rent on my own, I don’t want to bother you longer than necessary.” You regret your words the moment you say them out loud. He wanted to be nice and you’re taking advantage of it.
Amajiki looks like he’s about to faint.
“You can say no if you don’t feel comfortable with it.” You offer softly. “I won’t be mad, I promise.”
“When can you move in?”
3 Months as his assistant
“You’re out of milk.” You point out. “And we need more eggs.”
Behind you, Amajiki scribbles down your shopping list of the week.
“I’m taking the train out for the weekend.” You tell him as you move towards the kitchen sink to do the breakfast dishes. “You have the whole living area to yourself until Sunday night.”
He doesn’t look like he cares about that.
Living with him is as weird and yet easy as working with him.
Amajiki’s room is bigger than yours because he rarely leaves it. Work is consuming as it is and he likes to just stay inside when he can.
You’re not sure if he reads or listens to music or watches TV or just sleeps away his free time, but you barely see him even if you’re both home at the same time.
At least he’s letting you cook and pay for the groceries to make up for the ridiculously cheap rent. Even though he insists on buying the groceries himself, because ‘they’re heavy and he can use that as free workout’.
It’s only been two weeks and you already know that the weekend with your parents is a necessary break.
If you’d had a minor crush on him when you started working as his assistant, that crush has increased by a tenfold now.
Seeing him in the morning trying to make coffee while half asleep does nothing to quell your growing feelings.
“I’m leaving tomorrow morning.” You tell him when he’s still not speaking. You don’t know why you add the last part, the words slipping out of your mouth like soap through your fingers. “We could do a movie night if you want.”
You can feel his eyes on your back now, heat rising to your cheeks. You scrub your plate again to keep from having to look at him.
“What movie did you think?” He asks, voice timid.
“I-” You stutter, trying to think of one off the top of your head. “There’s a new Pokemon movie?”
“I’ll put Popcorn on the list.” He says and you can hear him slip from his chair.
“See you later.”
Oh god. Movie night is going to kill you.
The living room couch had always felt massive to you until you had to share it with Amajiki.
He’s sitting at the other end of it, a bowl of popcorn sitting between you.
For a moment you wonder if this is how he feels all the time around other people, anxious and aware of every single thing you’re doing.
Is your breathing too loud? Are you moving too much or not enough?
“Bathroom break.” You call out softly and slip from the couch.
You can hear the movie pause behind you and rush to the safety of the bathroom.
It still smells like his bodywash inside which isn’t helping at all, so turn the water as cold as it gets and let it run over your wrists, counting to ten until you’re as calm as you could possibly get.
“It’s just Amajiki.” You whisper to yourself. “He’s too afraid of you to think of anything like that.”
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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buckysbabygorl · 1 month
Deal (Bucky Barnes Fic)
Blunt Part 4
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(Blunt Part 4, trust me the smut is VERY much on its way)
Part 3
Summary: Y/N finally shows, and Bucky feels more than rewarded for his patience
Being a soldier, you have to be sure.
You have to know your enemy, your team, you have to have the right skills and the right temperament for the job.
Is your aim dead on, do you know your location, did you check your six… every damn time you have to be one hundred percent sure.
Bucky knew right then, whiskey in hand with Tony at his side—he was damn sure that red was her fucking color.
That suit hugged her in all the right ways, hair down, heels high… and her eyes, staring right at him.
Bucky gulped.
“There’s my boys.” She called as she sauntered over.
“Do my eyes deceive me,” Tony purred, “or has Y/N L/N come out to play?”
“Oh I’ve come for much more than that.”
She perched herself on the barstool beside him, crossing one leg over the other. A signature of hers, Bucky had come to notice.
“I need a whiskey, and I need this god awful music changed.”
Tony waved to the bartender, tapping his glass for a refill. Holding up two fingers, signaling for another.
Looking at Barnes in his shell shock, Tony signaled for 3.
“My, my. Awfully bossy now that you’re off the clock.” Tony said.
She rolled her eyes, “I never pegged you to be against role reversal.”
“Role play I’m all for. I’ll let you play the captain tonight if it’ll get you to come out more. Speaking of…”
He smacked Barnes on the back to wake him the hell up.
“Bucky here is playing the role of depressed loner tonight, which is really riveting for all of us.”
She chuckled, and Bucky reminded himself to kick the shit out of Tony during training tomorrow.
Her eyes landed on him again, and she smiled.
“No ‘hi’ for me?” She purred.
Dear god, what was happening?
“You finished work?” He choked.
The bartender delivered their ryes, and Y/N swiftly raised the glass to her lips.
“Honestly?” She asked.
Bucky nodded.
She smiled, “No.”
Both men went wide eyed. She had to be joking.
“Are you shitting me?” Tony asked.
She laughed, “Don’t look so surprised. You begged me to come.”
“Of course I did. I just didn’t think you’d have the willpower to put down your damn tablet.”
Watching as she downed her glass, Bucky couldn’t muster a word. Who was this woman in front of him?
“Well… I thought about what you said. I never show, but I’m always good with the final details. I can’t control the outcome by rushing through the project. Handing something in a week before the deadline isn’t going to resolve things faster. Besides…”
She tapped her fingers on the top of the glass, and the bartender moved to make her another drink.
“I have more pressing matters here.”
Bucky couldn’t stop searching her eyes. Sam labelled her right a month back, Little Miss Wild Card.
“Like what?” Bucky asked.
Something in her eye turned. That glimpse of darkness he’d only seen when he took her glasses, standing inches apart from one another. His head was spinning.
“Well for starters, drinking Wilson under the table. Where is he?”
As if on cue, Sam came up behind her with a beer in hand.
“You wish.”
He slung an arm over her shoulder, and Bucky felt his stomach turn.
“I told you if you came, we were going hard. I’m keeping my eye on you to make you keep your promise.”
She grabbed her fresh drink and swiveled in her seat.
“I always keep my promises, you know that.”
Sam rambled on, and Bucky finished the drink given by Tony.
It’s not like it would do much, but he wouldn’t let booze go to waste.
Bucky realized too late how harsh the drink was. That was not whiskey. He looked up across the bar, seeing Thor at the other ended.
Thor raised his flask, pointing back at the soldier.
Hm, nice to know the God was looking out for him.
“Hey. Eyes on me, Sergeant.”
Bucky turned, Y/N looked at him pointedly.
He’d never get used to that. This different look she had about her, intense and daring.
She grinned cheekily, leaning in close.
Sam and Tony had begun their own challenge of drinking, yammering on about the happenings of the last party…
Somehow for a moment in this crowded room, he had her all to himself.
“What’s this I hear about you being a loner?”
Bucky pursed his lips, debating if honesty was his best policy. She’d blown off work to be here and gone so far as to admit it. He should return the favor.
“Honestly,” he rested himself against her shoulder, “I was worried you wouldn’t come.”
Her gaze didn’t falter as she hummed, “Like I said to Wilson, I always keep my promises.”
“You didn’t.”
That phased her, tilting her head as Bucky twirled his glass.
“You told me you’d come when you got everything done, yet you wrote it off to be here.”
He ducked his lips to her ear, something he dare not try since his strong attempts a month ago. The liquor was giving him his confidence back.
“What are your pressing matters here, Y/N?”
She shocked him by turning her chin towards his, lips now a fraction of a distance apart.
She lingered, and he reveled in her proximity. What he would give to sit like this with her the whole night…
“I’m not one for subtlety. And with your actions this past month, I can tell neither are you.”
He was entranced by her voice, hypnotized at its sultry slowness. His heart pounded as he tried to read her, subtle-avoidant though she said, he hadn’t been able to pull much from her before tonight. A compliment, her riding declaration and her proposition of praise had been divine deliverances in themselves. But he worried that she was playing him, getting him back for his blunt flirtations.
No. She wouldn’t do that, she was honest. Though she was harsh and sharp, she wasn’t cruel.
Still… he feared he would lose out on something he never really had.
Bucky looked down as her hand reached for his thigh, and he tried to stifle a groan.
“I remember everything you’ve said to me, James. The praises of my character, my beauty, that you like a woman that takes charge, that you want to add me to your work out routine…”
She slid her hand up his thigh, his breath grew shaky.
“I thought it was just harmless flirting. I couldn’t tell what you really wanted.”
She rose from her stool, slowly reaching for his belt.
“I couldn’t let you know that I’ve wanted you since the first moment I laid my eyes on you.”
Now Bucky couldn’t breathe. He grew vastly aware just how many people were in the room. Sam and Tony only a few steps away, they could turn at any moment and see her wandering hands…
Jesus Christ, he wanted her now.
“But now I know. I came tonight for you, I don’t want to dance around it anymore James.”
And then she slid away.
It was like electrocution, his spine rippled and his skin was on fire. He almost rose out of his seat.
“So here’s what we’re going to do,” She waved to the bartender, another round for the four of them. “You and I, are going to socialize, dance, tell stories, drink…”
She slid their new glasses towards them.
“At midnight, I’ll say I have to wake up early and leave. You’ll leave shortly after, head to your room and you’ll find me there.”
Bucky bit the inside of his cheek, hiding his lustful smirk.
Lifting her whiskey up, and urging him to do the same, she smiled.
“Then for the rest of the night, I’m yours.”
She clinked her glass against his, “We have a deal, Sergeant?”
He stopped himself from reaching out for her, instead mirroring her as she finished her glass.
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ladykailitha · 8 months
Grief (A Friend Indeed) Part 9
Hello, everyone! We are almost to the end. I have all twelve parts completed and will be posting them every Thursday until the story is fully published.
So what's next? With Royal Pain being done as well, I'm going to try and finish Well Met By Moonlight and Find Your Shade By the Moonlight. I will be back working on the soulmate AU Batshit Soulmate and the next book in the Boy with a Bat series called Never Hold Back Your Step for a Moment. I'm also starting that omegaverse story I thought up here.
We meet Steve's family and find out more about why Steve's parents didn't like that side of the family much.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Eddie and Steve wandered around town for a couple of hours, doing a little sightseeing, a little shopping, and a lot just being themselves for a moment or two.
Soon it was getting close to time and they headed to the diner. They pulled up and got a booth.
Eddie and Steve slid into one side and told the waitress that they were waiting for someone and to just grab them a couple of waters.
The waitress nodded and quickly came back with the waters.
They didn’t have to wait long before Percy came through the door, the little bell announcing his arrival.
Steve waved him over and he smiled in return, hurrying over to the table. Once he was settled he told the waitress they were waiting on one more but if they could get a pot of coffee and two cups please. Eddie and Steve both got sodas.
“Who are we waiting for?” Steve asked nervously.
Percy twisted the ring on his ring hand, looking down at the table. “A friend.”
Eddie and Steve shared a glance, wide-eyed.
Eddie wrote something down on a paper napkin and slid it over to Percy.
Percy took the napkin with frown and then he gasped. “Both of you?”
“Both for me,” Steve murmured.
“Just men for me,” Eddie added.
Percy glanced around the diner nervously, but no one was paying any attention to them at all.
“Oh.” He let out a shuddering breath. “Just him.” He pointed to someone walking up to the diner through the window.
He was a tall man, thin. Long black hair, braided to the small of his back. He wore a suit just as nice as Max’s in a beautiful silver color.
He came over when Percy waved at him. He slid next to Percy and looked Steve and Eddie over.
“Who are these boys, Percy?” he asked gravely.
“This my nephew, Steven and his friend...” Percy began.
Eddie stuck out his hand. “Eddie. Eddie Munson. We’re actually in Kentucky because of my own grandma’s funeral. Steve wanted to come visit his grandma’s grave so we took a drive.”
“Where you from?” Percy asked. “I catch a bit of twang to your voice.”
Eddie grinned. “Indiana mostly, but my family’s from Ashland.”
Percy smiled. “Nice town.”
Steve smiled. “It has been so far.”
“This is David Estevez,” Percy said, shyly. “The reason you’re parents haven’t spoken to me in over a decade.”
“Ah,” Steve said. “Yup, Clint Harrington is a lot of things, but tolerant isn’t one of them and of course my mom just went along with it. Even though it’s her money and her family.”
Eddie clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth. “Let’s see, not white, not from here, judging from the accent, and not straight... anything I missed?”
David burst out laughing. “Not the right kind of rich. I’m a self-made man. I worked hard to be where I am today and they hate that. I grew up poor in New Mexico and made my money building computers in my mom’s basement. Now, I’m a multi-millionaire CEO of a major tech company.”
“Dustin would love you,” Steve and Eddie said together.
“Who?” David asked with a chuckle.
“He’s this kid we know,” Eddie explained. “He built a CB tower just so he could talk to his girlfriend in Utah and not rack up his mom’s phone bill.”
“He sounds like fun,” Percy said, rolling his eyes.
David dug his fingers into Percy’s side, causing him to squirm and squeak. “As if you wouldn’t love it if I did that for you.”
Percy blushed. “Maybe.”
He cleared his throat. “How are your parents, Steven? I saw on the news that there was a horrible earthquake last March.”
Steve gulped and Eddie gave his hand a squeeze.
“I really wouldn’t know,” he mumbled, looking down at the table, tucking his hands between legs. “I haven’t seen them in a while.”
David and Percy shared a glance.
“They did come back after the earthquake, right?” Percy pressed. “To see if you were all right if nothing else.”
Steve shook his head. “They didn’t come home when I was caught in the mall fire, why would they come home for something as inconsequential as an earthquake?”
“Mall fire?” Percy asked.
“You remember, darling,” David said, “the one from last year where there were thirty people who died?”
Percy expression cleared as understanding dawned, and then it turned horrified. “They didn’t come home for that?”
Steve shook his head again. “They didn’t come home when I got a concussion so bad I was out for several hours, or anytime I got hurt.” He rubbed a scratch that was in the surface of the table mournfully.
“Mom follows Dad around to make sure he keeps it in his pants. Not that it deters him,” he explained. “I heard him bragging once about how it’s a game to him now to see what he can get away with.”
The waitress appeared with their drinks. “Are you guys ready to order?”
“I’m not hungry,” Steve murmured.
The rest of them ordered, with Eddie ordering a side of cheese fries in addition to his regular side of fries.
Once the waitress had gone, Percy leaned forward. “How long has this been going on?”
“The trips started when I fourteen or so,” he continued. “But the older I got, the longer the trips were, until they just stopped coming home sometime around Christmas of last year.”
“Stevie...” Eddie whined. “Why didn’t you say something?”
Steve shrugged. “I’m an adult. It’s not as though I’m a kid anymore.”
Percy took his hand in his. “No, Steven. That’s not how parenting works. Ever. They’re supposed to care about you enough to at least tell you were they’re going and when they’ll be home.”
Steve looked up and into his uncle’s eyes. “The money changed them. They haven’t been my parents in over a decade. I’ve just been this trophy they pulled out whenever it suited them. Had to be first in everything. I’m surprised they only let me get away three sports instead of making me try everything.”
Eddie looked stricken. “The sports weren’t your idea?”
Steve shook his head. “It was a way that they could legally pawn me off to other adults. Probably the reason for all the piano lessons and the tutoring. How I met Nancy by the way. Gotta have the best grades, until someone puts a plate through my head, then I was just as disappointing as they feared I would be.”
Everyone else at the table let out noises of distress.
“You never should have had to go through that,” David whispered fiercely. “Ever. I’m sorry your parents were awful.”
Steve shrugged. “It wasn’t all bad. I have had adults in my life that cared about me. The Chief of Police always kept an eye on me. Dad stopped hitting me after the second time Hop, Chief Hopper, I mean brought me home after...” he trailed off and looked anywhere but at the people in the booth with him.
He cleared his throat.
Their food arrived and that last sentence was left to dangling in the air like the sword of Damocles over their heads.
Percy watched as Eddie pushed the side of cheese fries between him and Steve, taking a bite periodically, but mostly focusing on the rest of his food.
Steve reached out and took one of the fries, chewing mindlessly. And then another and then another.
David smirked when Percy indicated to what Steve was doing.
Eddie pushed them in front of Steve and he just dug into them like a starving man. He took half of his burger and handed it to Steve, too.
Steve took the half with a blush. “Thanks, Eds,” he said softly.
Eddie just smiled fondly and finished his half of the burger.
David started talking to Percy to help fill the silence and soon the sense of dread dissipated as they fell into easy conversation.
Soon they were done and their plates taken away.
David lifted his chin to indicate to Steve. “Where did you learn that if you got cheese fries Steve would eat?”
Eddie and Steve glanced at each other and Steve blushed.
“Is that what he did?” he muttered.
Eddie laughed. “It’s trick I learned from his best friend. When he’s upset he won’t eat, even when he needs to, but if you put something like cheese fries or onion rings near him, he’ll graze until it kick starts his appetite again.”
Steve looked over at him in shock. “Holy shit, I never realized. Who else does that?”
Eddie smiled at him, that closed mouth, fond smile that he was got around Steve. “Dustin and Max mostly. But El and Will have been known to do it once or twice.”
Steve blinked.
“Sounds like you’ve got a lot of people that care about you, Steven,” Percy said with a grin.
Steve nodded, blushing. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
He looked at his watch and sighed. “How’s this,” he said, “why don’t you use that business card I gave you when you get home and David and me will come out to visit you for a few days?”
Steve lit up. “Yeah? You’d do that?”
Eddie grinned. Steve had just gotten his boyhood wish of having an uncle that cared and he could feel the joy and surprise radiating off his friend.
“I’d love to,” Percy said. “I would love to meet your family.”
Steve grinned. “You’ll love them.”
David smiled, too. “I’m sure we will.”
They got up and hugs were passed around everyone and they said their goodbyes.
“Goodbye Uncle Percy,” Steve said, his voice a little rough with emotion. “Bye, Uncle David. I’ll see you both soon.”
David looked happy and shocked at being called Uncle. Jasper’s daughter would never. But here was this nineteen year old boy whom his partner hadn’t spoken to in literal years being more caring and decent after a single afternoon with him, then Beatrice had her whole life.
So he did the only thing he could, he hugged Steve again, more fiercely this time. “Thank you.”
Steve nodded. He wasn’t sure exactly why David was so grateful, but he understood enough.
As Steve and Eddie walked away, Percy and David watched them get into their car.
“How long do you think it’ll take before those boys realize they’re in love with each other?” David asked.
“I don’t know Eddie very well,” Percy said, thoughtfully, “but I imagine they’ll figure it out before we come visit Hawkins.”
David hummed. If he was a betting man, he would have said the end of the week.
But he just had to wait and see.
Pt 10|Pt 11|Pt 12
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @emly03 @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @vecnuthy @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @gutterflower77 @genderless-spoon @hel-spawn @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @mamafaithful @yikes-a-bee @dragonmama76 @flaming-reauxster
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spideycatt · 1 year
What’s the origin for the nickname “moss”?😭
Cat and Mouse Part 2 || 42!MM x R
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The aftermath of Meadow revealing your secret/ a backstory
Word count: 2.5K (lord)
Now playing: you know wassup // kehlani, angel // pinkpantheress
part 1!
Warnings: Reader is Black, this is pretty tame, cursing, weed in one part, Y/n / Ynnie is used, Fighting but it’s just described😸
Not rlly warnings: The flashbacks and what we tell the class isn’t exactly the same, just the more detailed version. Gwen is black in this universe just becuz, no superheroes or villains just a reg earth, college drama oooo, Reader was a goody two shoes before meeting Miles (Like… not knowing was weed looks like goody two shoes),
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“So you guys are dating!!” Someone in the crowd shouted, everyone agreeing with them.
“Actually,” you said smiling, making your way over to Miles and Meadow. “We’re married. Since last year.” You finished, untucking a necklace from your shirt to reveal a ring on a necklace, making everyone go crazier.
“Dont even think about startin’ all that yappin’! Its time for class so get your butts to your seats. Quickly!” Miles shouted making everyone complain as they made their way into their respective classrooms. You shook your head making grabby hands to your daughter.
“Meymey stop being a daddy’s girl and come back to mommy! I miss you already!” You fake cried, pouting as Meadow laughed at you.
“Papá! Isn’t mommy being silly?”
Miles smirked down at you, quick to agree with the baby. “Yup, she is. You had her all day its my turn.” He stuck his tongue out at you, scurrying into his room before letting you talk, making you chuckle.
You go back into the classroom, sighing deeply when you see all your students looking at you expectantly.
“What?” You say, deeply confused as to what they want from you now.
“Sooo, you’re not gonna tell us how you guys met??” One of your students replied with a wide smile on his face.
“Uhm.. no?” You chuckled shaking your head. “Why would I tell you that?”
“You owe us for lying to everyone for the whole schoolyear!!”
“Pleaseeee Ms.y/n! Or should we call you Mrs. Morales?”
Once again, a round of ‘ooo’s go around the classroom, but this time directed at you.
“Alright alright I’ll tell you guys, and no you don’t get to call me Mrs. Morales. What’s wrong with y’all..” You mutter the last part to yourself, dreading telling your kids how you met your husband.
“You gotta be kidding me…” You whisper to yourself, looking at your new roommates. Your dorm situation had been all over the place the whole semester, resulting in you having to room off campus with what looked like the meanest man you’ve ever seen, and the nicest girl ever.
“Your rooms over there, kitchens over there, oh!— me and you share a bathroom, hope you don’t mind! My room is right there if you need something! Or if you wanna hang out I don’t mind.” The girl, Gwendolyn if you remembered correctly, smiled brightly at you. The tall boy next to her nodded his head at you both and went to his room.
“What’s his deal?” You question, trying to peak into his room. You didn’t see anything but purple walls before he closed the door though.
“Ah, that’s Miles. He’s nice once to get him, don’t worry! Super cute though, don’t you think?” She smirked, bumping shoulders with you.
“Yea… I guess so.”
“So you guys were roommates? That’s so boringgg.” Someone in the back whined.
“If it’s so boring then I don’t need to finish my story, right?” You laugh, stretching back in your desk chair.
“Bro why the fuck did you say that?”
“Dont listen to this idiot, Miss!”
“What did Gwendolyn look like?”
You stop to think about the question, trying to remember since it’s been a couple years since you’ve seen her.
“She.. was a little taller than me. Really pretty girl, big eyes, and she had a gap I think. And she had all types of piercings, and she always got her hair done in the color blonde with pink ends for some reason.”
“So she black?”
“Yea, but she’s from the country part of new york pretty sure. Anyways let me continue..”
You and Gwen had become good friends over time. You learned some new, albeit boring, things about her.
You couldn’t say the same for Miles though. You never really talked to him after you realized you weren’t gonna get past a quiet nod in your direction. But even then, you found yourself liking his coy personality. You wanted to learn new things about him, even if it was boring. Only thing you learned about him was that he was also studying to get an Education Degree.
You made your way back home after a long day at school, ready to shower and fall face first into your bed. Unlocking the door, you chuck your bag on the entryway table, ignoring how Miles stared at you with a confused look on his face.
You were right by your door when Gwen called your name running up to you.
God you loved the girl but damn can you live?
“Ynnieee, how was classes?” She asked, twirling her blonde and pink braids with a finger.
“They was aight, I’m tired as hell.” You groan, rubbing your eyes.
“Oh well before you go! Theres this thing I’m going to next Saturday. Come with me?” She looked down at you expectantly. You found yourself fighting against the voice in your head. Part of you wants to say no and sleep for days, but the other part sees this as an opportunity to get out the apartment for something outside of school for once.
“Alright. I’ll go. Now leave me alone I wanna sleep forever.” You say, rushing into your room to shower and lay down. You’d felt a little bad for rushing away like that, but your shower was more important to you in the moment. And you didn’t see how Gwen reacted to your slight attitude, eyes squinting at your door hard enough to burn a hole through it.
Your shower and nap worked wonders. You woke up at around 2 in the morning, not healthy at all but aye, a good nap is a good nap. You sit up in your bed, feeling way better than you had when you got home. Feeling a little thirsty, you make your way to the kitchen, deciding to eat some noodles for dinner too.
“Why you up so late?” You heard a gruff voice behind you, making you almost jump out your skin. You whip around to see who was talking to you, and it was none other than your mysterious roommate Miles.
“Miles, what the fuck?” You whisper scream, putting your bowl of microwave noodles down.
“You ain’t answer my question, ma.” He smirked at your annoyed tone, leaning his back against the counter across from you. You roll your eyes, ignoring how the nickname made you feel.
“I just woke up and i’m hungry, obviously,” you said, gesturing to your noodles. “Why are you up, Mr. Morales?”
“Can’t sleep.” He sighed deeply, looking down at you like he wanted to ask something.
“What?” You said softly, slurping on some noodles as you look back at Miles.
“Nun.. just, wanna hang out in my room?”
“Uhh sure..”
“Your rooms so clean..” You say, analyzing the things around you. Movie posters and artwork that seems to be Miles’ are strung around the deep purple walls. Not a speck of dust on any of his things, only thing slightly messy was his bed. Probably from tossing and turning while trying to fall asleep.
“Are you saying you thought I lived like a pig?” He laughed at you, sitting on the edge of his bed, pulling a folding tray close to him.
You shrugged, slurping up more noodles while standing. You didn’t really know what to do with yourself, this being the first time you actually talked to Miles.
“Why you still standing up? C’mon,” He beckoned you to sit next to him, taking a shoebox from under his bed. “You ever smoke a blunt before?”
“So you guys played games and talked till you fell asleep?”
“Yup! Don’t tell him I told you this but, he sucks at Mortal Kombat.”
This earned you a confused look from Miles.
“A blunt. A joint. Doja.”
You furrow your eyebrows.
“Like… the singer?”
“You gotta be kidding me.” He lays back on his bed, laughing at you like his life depended on it. “You telling me you don’t know what weed is?”
“Why didn’t you just say weed in the first place!” You say, hitting him lightly on the thigh.
“Because you’re old enough to know what a blunt is?” He chuckled, sitting back up to open the shoebox and take out some stuff. You watched silently as a he rolled the ‘blunt’ up, staring at him as he brought it up to his lips and lit it up.
“I’ve never seen weed before,” You mutter scooting farther into the bed till you hit the wall. “Why does it look like…”
“Like what?” Miles asked, smiling a little as he waited to see where this was going.
“Nah, you’re gonna make fun of me.”
“I won’t, ma. I promise.” He said turning to look at you as he inhaled and blew the smoke in your face, making you fan it away.
“I was going to say it kinda looks like moss.” You whisper, looking away in embarrassment as Miles guffawed at your cluelessness.
“Man I’m never letting you live that down.” He shook his head with a smirk. You laughed also, heart swelling at the fact that this might happen again, and Miles may start talking to you more.
“After that we became good friends yada yada yada. We hung out a lot, and sometimes had sleepovers in each others rooms,” You say as you filed some papers away. “And Gwen didn’t like that.”
“Oh my god did y’all fight?!” A kid in the back exclaimed, bouncing up and down in excitement.
“What? No, I don’t fight people. She did want to fight me though.”
Everyone made a disappointed noise at that, when the door opened with Meadow and Miles looking inside.
“What lies she telling y’all now?” Miles scoffed as Meadow ran into her mother’s arms. He walked up to you and gave you a small peck on your cheek, making the whole class gag.
“First of all, ew. Second of all, Mrs. Morales was telling us about how she didn’t fight Gwen cuz she don’t fight people.”
“Mrs. Morales?” Miles said looking at you as you shook your head and shrugged. “Man she really is lying to yall. She did fight Gwen, whooped her ass for real. And then she handed my ass to me too. I’m getting flashbacks.” He shuddered at the memory.
“Miles!” You shoved his arm, but you were drowned out by the class asking why and what happened.
“You gotta be kidding me.” You whisper as you get hit with a strong sense of deja vu. Weeks have passed since the first time you and Miles talked. And you’ve started to catch feelings. But obviously, your sweet little roommate, who wasn’t really sweet or little at all, didn’t like that. Despite her very obvious disliking you and Miles’ blooming relationship, she didn’t do anything to stop you two from becoming more than friends. Until now.
You sigh deeply as watch Gwen all up on Miles, talking his ear off and rubbing in him as they sat on the couch. Miles payed her no mind, scrolling on his phone as he waited for you to come home since he missed you all day. She looked up at you smiling her fake little smile as she rested her head on Miles’ shoulder. “Hey roomie!”
You look at her with a straight face, eyes moving to Miles who’d jumped up to talk to you.
“Ma it’s not what it looks-“
“Ok. I’m going to bed.” Interupting him, you march into your room, slamming the door behind you hoping your roommates would take the hint.
“Damnnnn Ms.y/n you got played by Mr. Morales? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now me personally I would never treat you like that-“
“Dont even start with that foolishness,” Miles rolled his eyes at the kid. “It was a lil misunderstanding thas it. Lemme continue.”
But of course. Gwen didn’t.
“Ynnie?” Gwen knocked on the door before she came in. Sitting on the edge of the bed next to you.
“You seem out of it are you ok..?” She asked quietly, she sounded so… sincere that you almost thought she was being genuine. Almost. But her behavior these past few weeks was enough to not trust her.
She leaned in to whisper in your ear.
“Is it because I got to Miles before you could?”
“Excuse me?” You stare at Gwen with a confused look on your face.
“Y’know. Cause I’m better than you and all that.” She shrugged with a smirk on her face.
“And then BAM Ms. y/n was all on her, and I had to come in and separate them, Gwen tried to get me to feel bad for her too. She was like “Miles! Do something!” ‘N I looked at her like “Really?” And she went crying to her room, embarrassing.” He tutted. “When I looked at Ms. y/n she started yelling at me and punching my chest, shoot felt like I was Gwen for a second! I’m sure she had it worse though, cause she moved out two days after. Extra embarrassing.”
“Ms. y/n you kinda scare me now..”
“Is he lying Miss?”
You hesitated before speaking, “I mean, its a lil dramatic sure but it aint too far off.”
“You guys are so dramatic. We talked it out after like a week and everything was all good.” You shook your head in disbelief as you pack up your things. Miles’ class ended squeezing into your classroom in the middle of his rendition, but you decided against bothering them and got some work done while playing with Meadow. It was now the end of class and everyone was huddled up on your large carpet, like a bunch of children listening to someone read a book at the library.
“What happened after that, papà?” Meadow questioned, tugging on his pant leg as he leans against the front of your desk.
“Enough from Papà. He’s a bad storyteller,” You said putting on your jacket and grabbing your work bag. “We start dating, graduate college, get engaged, have you- my sweet sweet princess, get married when you were two, and end up here teaching these losers about art and science! The end!
“Yup. The end. Alright c’mon back to class guys,” Miles directed, turning to look back at you before he walked out the door. “Chinese for dinner?”
“Mhm, is that ok with you, MeyMey?” You coo at your daughter as she agrees with you.
“Miles?” You whisper, leaning your head on your husbands shoulder as you rub your stomach.
“Whats up, Ma?”
“You think I’ll be any good at this? Teaching the students and the being a mom, I mean.” You sigh, looking up at him.
“You’ll be the best,” He whispered back, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and kissing your forehead. “I’m sure the kids will love you, and I’m sure our daughter will love you even more.”
You chuckled at that, slowly drifting off to sleep as Miles rubs your side gently.
“Yea, and something tells me she’s gonna be a daddy’s girl. Can’t wait to spoil my pretty ladies forever.”
“Yea… yea that sounds nice.”
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The moss thing is based on a true story yall, and i’m the victim 😞😭
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Everyone who requested a part 2!
@ulovejayy @sukisprettyface @edgyficuselastica @snowspidey @hey-girl-hey @cumbermovels @ohsoprada @pinkfenti @heavisdelulu @kllovrj @laylasbunbunny @chickenalfredo1312
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quibbs126 · 1 month
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And now I’m finally done with Porridge Cookie
She gave me so much trouble, I swear
This is on the same page as Blueberry Yogurt, so whenever I finish that on you’ll see the two again. Hopefully I’ll label them
Anyways, so onto Porridge, as you may recall, she is Oatmeal Cookie’s daughter
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I’d say she’s around 6-8 years old, and she’s a very active young girl. She has a lot of energy and likes to go exploring in the Vanilla Kingdom, or at least around the castle and surrounding town since her mom doesn’t want her going too far. She also doesn’t have her mom’s insecurities, because I mean she’s a kid, and instead can be a bit sassy
I kind of want to have the Blueberry family move to the Vanilla Kingdom too so that she and Blueberry Yogurt can interact, but I’m not sure what justification to make to have Blueberry Ice Cream move there, since the Vanilla Kingdom isn’t really the place for a magic weapon smith. But if they were to, I imagine Porridge and Yogurt to spend a lot of time together since they’re some of the only really young kids there. And also because Porridge is a couple years older, she sees herself as the boss of the group, and Yogurt follows along with it because he’s too timid to say otherwise
Also Porridge has a dad as well, but they don’t see each other anymore. He’s probably a vegetable of some kind
Anyways, now I want to complain about designing her
So I mostly based her off of the Veggie Porridge you can make in Tears of the Kingdom, which is why she has her green color. I know it isn’t exactly how regular porridge looks, but screw it, it gives her a unique color scheme from her mom, who’s mostly yellows and browns
Her outfit was giving me a lot of trouble because I didn’t really know what I wanted to do, and it would end up either looking too much like Blueberry Yogurt or Oatmeal. I was trying to base her design off of some young Elesa designs I’d seen people make, but it didn’t look right, partly because I don’t think Elesa fit her. Then I decided to base her design off of some concept art of kids in Hateno Village as well as Malon from Ocarina of Time, and I think I got something good. It fits her more energetic and outdoorsy personality
Also I’m noticing now how Zelda based she is
Anyways, so after I finally got done with her outfit, I then found myself struggling with her hair. The problem was that it would look too much like Oatmeal’s hair when I got anything decent. Eventually I stumbled upon this hairstyle and went with it. I wanted to give her pigtails but it just wouldn’t work with her current hair
I noticed as I was coloring her that with both her and Blueberry Yogurt, I was keeping the same dough tone between the kids and their parents, which from what I can tell, doesn’t usually happen with the canon kid/parent. And with Porridge she has another parent I could draw from, but I just couldn’t think of a different dough tone to use other than Oatmeal’s
Also she was going to have white eye lines, but because it was too similar to her hair color I changed it to brown. I’m not sure if I want to keep it brown though, I might change it back
Honestly she’ll likely be prone to tweaks as I do more of the page. I’m still finding my lineart pen difficult to use back home right now, hopefully I’ll get back at using it right
Anyways yeah, this is Porridge. Probably should have given her a nicer image but whatever, I can fix it in the final product
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horrificshit · 23 days
Dom!Lou miller x Sub!Reader
Warning(s): Smut, dumbification, strap on?, daddy kink, age gap
A/N: I decided to write this in a first person point-of-view. Why? Don’t ask me.
Words: 1.8k
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The sound of my phone going off. Curiosity peaks, I pick up my phone, revealing who messaged me:
Incoming message from Lou💕:
Lou💕: “Hey baby, I’m out doing some errands, can you be dressed by the time I’m home?”
Oh? Why does she want me dressed? Maybe we’re going somewhere fancy? Surely not.. Surprisingly, going to places which require dressing up for are a rare occurrence.
I shoot a text back, giving a response to Lou’s message.
You: “Okay! Should I dress fancy?”
Lou💕: “Yes, you’ll see why once I’m home 😉”
I get up from my once cave-like spot in the king size bed, giving up the warmth of the bedsheets. The room is quite cold due to the crispness of the winter weather in late January.
Speed walking to the closet, I sift through a number of dresses; all of different colors, lengths, patterns, and materials.
a long sleeve dress was obviously the ethical choice given the weather, but a short, skintight dress seemed more ethical in my opinion. Who cares about being cold when id feel like the sexiest girl in the room?
My eyes land on a white satin dress. I don’t think I’ve ever worn this one. Where did I get it again? Maybe from high school prom.
Bleh. Prom. I always hated prom. And evidently, I only went that one time. Brian Richards, the boy I went with, he ended up being a huge duche.
I slip on the dress, and— oh my god. I could literally fuck myself. The dress, it hugs all my curves in all the right places. My collar bones stick out and I find that extremely sexy, and hopefully Lou will think the same.
Grab a pair of white heels. Not to tall, not too short.
My jewelry is dainty. a gold necklace with a small heart. So small in-fact, you can hardly see it. Large gold pearl earrings accompany the necklace.
I trot over to my vanity, gathering a few products: primer, concealer, blush, highlighter, mascara, and lipgloss. Simple, yet bold.
My hair lies in a simple half-up-half-down with, of course, a white bow in the back.
And, just as I get finished, I hear that familiar ding of my phone, notifying me that Lou must be here for me. I check my phone, and to my expectation, I see an incoming message from the older woman.
Incoming message from Lou💕:
Lou💕: “I’m here. Take your time, the reservation isn’t until 6:30.”
Smiling, I put my phone down and take a look in the mirror. Hopefully she likes it as much as I do.
I grab my small brown purse and take yet another look in the mirror, giving one last check before going out the door to greet my girlfriend.
Overall outfit:
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I walk toward Lou’s sports car, the cold nipping me in the butt. Literally and figuratively. I sort of regret wearing a sleeveless dress, but whatever, I look amazing.
Lou unlocks the car door, and I enter the vehicle. She looks like she’d seen a ghost from how she was looking at me. Did I look that good?
Her eyes rake up my entire body, stopping at my lips. I smile, flattered and proud of myself that I indeed, do look that good.
“Where are we going?” I inquire, still having not been told why I had to get all dolled up. “Somewhere fancy.” Chuckles Lou, already having naughty thoughts.
She takes the initiative to reach her hand over and grasp onto my thigh. I squeak, not being prepared for her to touch me, but relax a few seconds later.
Some time goes by and I decide to take in what Lou herself is wearing:
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She wears a black turtleneck top, a black leather jacket atop. Black skinny jeans, the type that hug her curves, or in reality, her ass, in the most perfect way.
In correlation with the rest of her outfit, she wears black heeled boots. And of course, in typical Lou fashion, her plethora of necklaces lay on top of her chest.
The car stops, and the older woman squeezes my thigh, silently letting me know she’s going to let go, and that we’ve arrived at the final destination.
“We’re here,” Lou says with a smirk. I look up and see a restaurant with a name I cannot even pronounce. At least without stuttering that is. The restaurant looked exclusive; like we weren’t allowed in. But, according to my girlfriend, we are.
We both get out of the car, and I immediately am reminded of how cold it is outside. Lou takes notice of my shivering, and ushers me inside of the restaurant.
The girl in the front greets Lou and I. “Hello, welcome to Novitá, do you have a reservation?”
Lou grabs her phone, pulling up a digital receipt. I didn’t even know that was a thing, but the world changes everyday, I suppose.
“Here,” Lou shows the girl the receipt, looking back at me with a smile.
“If it doesn’t work, my reservation should be under the name Lou Miller.”
She types in her name and smiles back, grabbing two menus. “This way,” we’re leaded to our table, which Lou previously reserved days before.
We both order our drinks, champagne for myself, whilst Lou opts for an ‘old fashioned’, or in other words, whiskey, sugar, and water.
She obviously has a stronger tolerance to alcohol than I do, because I could never handle the extreme burn of whiskey going down my throat. Other things maybe, but definitely not that.
The drinks arrive, and the girl from before, who, upon reading her name tag, appears to be Arabella.
She takes our orders, and apologizes for any delays, the restaurant appears to be quite busy. I look around and take note of the ‘noble looking’ people surrounding the table we’re sat at. We don’t look nearly as rich as them.
“Y/N? What do you want to order?” I’m snapped out of my trance by Lou and brought back into reality. I look at her, and back down at the menu that rests in my hands. ‘Gnocchi di Patate’. That sounds delicious. But wait, $34.99?? How is she getting all of this money?
I open my mouth after some time and tell the waitress what I want. She writes it down, and tells us it may be a while, and to enjoy our drinks.
“So,” Lou starts. She rubs her foot up my leg, making me squirm slightly at the feeling. “I thought you deserved a treat for being such a good girl.”
I look into her eyes. Completely blown out. I can’t help but the small smirk on my face, knowing all to well how this will end: with me bent over,screaming her name, her hand muffling the noise.
“Are you not gonna say anything? Daddy paid a lot of money for this, I think I deserve to at least hear your voice.” I look down, not being able to carry out the eye contact. She continues to rub my leg underneath the table. Good thing there’s a satin mat, covering the whole length of the table, down to the floor.
“I-“ words weren’t an option at this point. My mind is far too small at the moment to even comprehend anything else but the husky voice of the older woman across from me.
“What? Cats got your tongue?,” She starts, staring at me like she’s the predator and I’m her delicious little prey.
“,or are you just too dumb to use your words?” Continues Lou, sending me into a serene headspace. My mind is completely blank, besides the vision of the woman across from me.
We finish up with our food, no words being exchanged between Lou and I. Just her speaking to me. Telling me that she thinks I’m beautiful, though some ways more appropriate than others.
The check arrives and she pulls out her platinum card, swiping it. I can’t help but feel bad that she spent that much on me, between the cost of my drink, and the food.
“You ready?” She inquired.
I appear to be shy, but in reality, I’m extremely horny. She’s been teasing me all night, and I just know that there’s more in store. If not at home, she’s likely to get impatient and do her business in the car.
Buckling into the car seat, she revs up the engine. I look up at her, smiling innocently with my signature doe eyes. Unlike my own, her eyes are completely blown out. She’s more that ready to pounce when given the chance. Pounce being her having her way with me; not that I’d have a problem with that.
Lou’s hand once again finds its spot on my thigh, where it remains for the duration of the car ride, occasionally feeling a squeeze every now and then.
“I really don’t like how quiet you’re being,” Lou confronts, the once silent car ride no longer.
“What’s wrong?”
I just can’t get any words out. Even if I were to try, the only thing that’ll come out is a string of whimpers and sounds. Words just aren’t an option at this moment.
Then, the whirring of the car’s engine stops, Her key taken out of the fob. Lou turns to me, hands still on my body.
“Baby. Did I do something? Daddy would feel terrible if she hurt her baby.” Her hands wander up my legs, stopping at the end of my dress.
Soft hands caress my calf, smiling as she knows what she’s doing.
“Lou.. not in the car…” I say in an extremely small voice, the headspace Lou has created for me completely taking over my mind.
“Fine,” she opens the car door, walking to my side, opening the door for me. “Inside. I want you on the bed, stripped.” The older woman said in her husky voice.
Once we made it up to her apartment, she unlocked the door, and I made a b-line to the bedroom.
Taking one last look in the mirror, I slip off my dress and take off my shoes, revealing a matching white lingerie set:
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Climbing on top of Lou’s bed, I wait patiently for her return.
“I guess you are a good girl then,” Lou says, the door slowly creeping open. “, and I see you’re wearing my present.”
Lou bought me this set a while back to celebrate her and Debbie’s successful heist. I’ve never been a huge fan of her job, but she enjoys it, so I can’t see a problem with that.
Slow steps, excruciatingly slow, inch their way toward me. “Nothing to say, huh?” Now crawling on top of me, I can’t help but let out a small whine.
Lou chuckles at my pathetic sound, enjoying the power she has against me and my body.
“You know,” The older woman starts, huskily. “I wish I could get you to tell me what’s up.”I want to speak; say something, anything, but I know the only thing that would come out is my silent pleas, and a string of cries.
She scoffs at my silence. My eyes are burning from the tears that threaten to fall, my mind and body so sexually frustrated. “I suppose we’re going to have to do this the hard way.”
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Time Gets to be a Dork Today :D
Originally made to be a treat for @hero-dualies-pog but it’s here now :)
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What a nice day of the year. It was the only day Time could go around, scaring the shit out of kids, without it being seen as disgusting or even weird.
It was safe to say, he was going to overdo it.
It wasn’t his house decor that he overdid. No. It was his costume.
He made his finishing touches in his bedroom, Malon making something that smelled so inviting, but no. He must commit to the craft. He was going to give a kid nightmares tonight, even if it killed him.
The sun was close to being under the horizon when he finished the last touches. He smiled at his work. Now it was time for the makeup.
Aw yes, Time was a great makeup artist. I mean, he was a face painter for his first job. He was an artist at heart.
He tied his hair up before he began. Then he went for the deep black eye shadow around his eyes first, as it was the easiest part. He placed the single red contact lense in his left eye and a black sclera lense in his right eye.
Now was for the rest of his face. He was grateful that he was smart enough to practice this part a few times.
He painted pale white paint around his face. Then painted an upside down heart on his nose. Mimicking a skull isn’t too hard once you’ve done it a few times.
It took a few shading lines and lines above his lips for him to be finished. He stepped back and fully looked at himself in the mirror. He smiled. He. Looked. Perfect.
He let out a triumphant laugh. Soon after, the bathroom door opened and there stood his wife, Malon.
She stared for a few seconds before smiling. “You really are committed, aren’t you?”
Time nodded, a dorky smile still on his face.
“Well, you know what? I bet that I, Malon Lon, the one with a dress and a mask, can scare more kids than a fallen, decayed, knight.”
Time’s eyebrows raised. When his initial shock went down, he slowly leaned down to Malon’s height. “Like. Hell.”
They ate dinner and got dressed.
Most of Time’s armor was made of styrofoam, but some parts needed wire to hold together. But all and all, it was surprisingly light. And he could move around in it. The chainmail underneath, however, did compromise some things. He knew that he would have to Micheal Myers speed walk or actually growl to scare kids, but he’s not going to act like he hasn’t done that before.
Malon, like she had said, wore a colorful mask the shape of a horse’s head with a mane attached to it and a dress with long, flailing, tassels of several different colors. Her outfit clearly had enough space to chase kids. Time was at a disadvantage.
The night breeze hit Time’s exposed skin under the, already cool, chainmail.
“Rules are,” Time began, “kids are one point, teens are three, adults are five.” Malon nodded.
“Can we get charged for this?”
“Only the goddesses know. I’ve been doing this for years, darling.”
Malon nodded again. Time smirked and nudged his wife. “Feeling a little…anxious?”
Malon faced him and stared into his one, blood red, eye. “Like. Hell.”
Then they split up.
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