#i love being autistic about music it's beautiful here
relicsongmel · 6 months
hi! i was reading your pinned post and it made me think - what color(s) are each of the aa main characters' theme songs! :0
Synesthesia question yippee!!!!! Here are all main character themes from the games I’ve played <3 so far I’ve done AA1 through AA4 as well as both Investigations games~
Phoenix Wright (Objection! 2001): G minor—dark green
Phoenix Wright (Objection! 2002): F minor—gray-blue
Phoenix Wright (Objection! 2004): D minor—sea green
Maya Fey (Turnabout Sisters 2001/2002): A♭ major—purple (roughly the same shade as her haori <3)
Miles Edgeworth (Great Revival): F minor—gray-blue
Franziska von Karma (Great Revival): G minor—dark green (though it’s worth noting that the Great Revival themes despite being in minor use a lot of borrowed harmonies from the major mode that end up brightening the overall color a little)
Dick Gumshoe (It’s Detective Gumshoe/I can do it when it counts, pal!): C minor—sea blue
Ema Skye (Turnabout Sisters 2005): C major—yellow
Ema Skye (Scientific Detective): G major—pink
Pearl Fey (Pearly Questioning): F major—cerulean
Godot (The Fragrance of Black Coffee): D major—green
Larry Butz (When Something Smells, It’s Usually Me): G mixolydian—yellow (but some sections sound blue due to borrowed flat harmonies)
Apollo Justice (Objection! 2007): G# minor—dark magenta
Trucy Wright (Child of Magic): D major—green
Klavier Gavin (Guilty Love): E♭ major—royal blue
Kay Faraday (The Great Truth Burglar): A minor—light gray
Shi-Long Lang (Speak Up, Pup!): E minor—gold
Raymond Shields (Joking Motive): A minor—light gray (with additional analysis available here if you’re interested :3)
Justine Courtney (Goddess of Law): F minor—gray-blue
Gregory Edgeworth (A Defense Attorney’s Knowledge): C major -> C minor—yellow -> sea blue
Sebastian Debeste (First-Class Reasoning): C major -> F major -> G major—yellow -> cerulean -> pink
Sebastian Debeste (A First-Class Farewell): G minor—dark green
You'll notice that not all colors necessarily match the character's color schemes. This is because while sometimes a character design can influence my synesthetic experiences (which is a whole other conversation in and of itself), they are still primarily based on the key of the theme itself—so a character theme in C major, for example, will always sound yellow regardless of which character it's meant to represent. This is both a blessing and a curse as sometimes the synesthetic color/mood will match a character perfectly whereas other times it will be completely off the mark. But it is still a very fun thing regardless—thank you for the ask!
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celiastjamesoscar · 10 months
To Be Alone
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Pairings: Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
Summary: Being alone was something special to Wednesday, but being alone with you was sacred. And she refused to share you with anyone else, even if that meant owning up to her feelings
A/N: this is part 1 of a series. If you would like to be included in the Taglist for it, let me know!
Warnings: slight friends with benefits, jealous Wednesday, snarky Reader
Word Count: 2.7K
My Masterlist
The sound of obnoxiously loud music rang throughout the room as the students of Nevermore danced in sporadic movements, and none matched the rhythm of the music. Crowds were never a fan of Wednesday’s, but she would put up with the brightest colors and loudest thumping of music to get a glimpse of you.
It was out of character for Wednesday to want anything romantic in her life, let alone with someone like you.
To put it nicely, you were just like Wednesday, a snarky asshole whose mouth sometimes got you in trouble. But you were also more friendly than Wednesday could ever be; you cared for others deeply, while Wednesday barely superficially cared for them. But when your warm, soft lips met Wednesday’s cold, stiff ones in the darkness of the woods on the coldest of winter nights, Wednesday felt her heart reach a warmth it had never known.
Your relationship with the Addams girl was a weird one, and you never expected her to be someone who would enjoy a friends-with-benefits situation. But when Wednesday called you at an ungodly hour and asked, no, told you that you were going to be her romantic partner for dinner with her family, you didn’t refuse her.
Wednesday prepped you on the car ride to dinner and told you everything you would need to say; you and Wednesday met through fencing class and soon became friends after Wednesday bested you in a duel. That information was vital to the story, according to Wednesday. You two only started to date after a romantic walk through the local graveyard, and you shared a kiss on the tombstone of the late Marilyn Thornhill.
The dinner was a peaceful one, with all things considered. You won the approval of Gomez Addams, and you seemed even to impress Grandmama. Morticia adored you, but she saw right through her daughter’s scheme of forcing you into a fake relationship with her. Of course, she would never tell Wednesday that she knew her daughter was lying to her about her relationship. Still, Morticia enjoyed watching her daughter pretend to understand the beauty and pain that is love. And Morticia knew that after enough time, Wednesday would slowly start to realize she had feelings for you.
After that dinner, you kissed Wednesday’s lips for the first time, entirely by accident. You had leaned in to kiss her on the cheek, but your sudden movement had startled the shorter girl, causing her to turn her head quickly, and when she did, her lips brushed yours. Instead of pulling back, Wednesday leaned deeper into the kiss and soon gripped your neck, trying to pull you impossibly closer as her lips connected with yours. She soon became addicted to them, and she refused to let anyone else taste them, and she soon started up an agreement with you; no feelings were involved, just late-night stolen kisses and moonlit strolls through the woods. But now, as she watched you talk with other women who weren’t her, she felt her chest tighten with anger.
“Wednesday, what are you doing?” Enid asked as she suddenly appeared beside the girl, startling Wednesday out of her thoughts. Enid had a suspicion of the goth girl’s interest in you, even though Wednesday refused to acknowledge it.
“Staring at Y/N with my autistic eyes,” Wednesday deadpanned, and the ravenette’s statement took aback Enid. “Um, okayyy,” Enid awkwardly replied as she gently placed her hands on Wednesday’s shoulders, slowly turning the girl, “I don’t know what to do with that information, but let’s go over here, where you can’t stare at Y/N.”
Truth be told, you weren’t doing anything to provoke jealousy in anyone, especially Wednesday. But the Addams loathed seeing you smile while talking to Yoko. Jealousy was a feeling she knew all too well, and it only happened with you. And for that, she would potentially murder you in your sleep tonight. It would be a clean murder, nearly no blood at all, but it put a frown on Wednesday’s lips; she wanted your murder to be a gory one, one that would bless her dreams of haunting images of you for the rest of her days, but the thought of drawing out your murder made Wednesday feel something she hadn’t felt in a long time: sadness.
“No,” Wednesday stated as she shook off Enid’s grip and continued watching you talk to the vampire. It was a dull dance, and you were only here to socialize and to make Wednesday jealous, which was working.
“Why are you so keen on watching Y/N talk to Yoko? They are roommates, like you and I,” Enid cheerfully replied, hoping to help ease the tension in Wednesday’s shoulders, but it only seemed to worsen. “Enid, three-fourths of this institution thinks that you and I are together romantically,” was all Wednesday said, and Enid picked up the hint.
“Point taken. So then, why don’t you go over there and talk to her? Like a normal person would do instead of staring at her like a creep,” Enid suggested, but judging by the glare her roommate gave her in return, she assumed that Wednesday hated the suggestion. “Well, if you’re going to be a loser whose only way of flirting is staring at Y/N until she notices you, then I don’t think you will have any luck at pulling her. But I wish you the best,” Enid stated as she quickly looked at you before returning her attention to Wednesday. She gave the goth a small hug-which Wednesday did not return-before skipping off to go God knows where.
It was as if Enid’s presence was stopping you from feeling Wednesday’s uncomfortable glaring, and as soon as the werewolf was gone, your eyes automatically found Wednesday’s dark ones.
You politely excused yourself from Yoko before walking over to Wednesday with a smug smile on your lips. Wednesday hated that smile on you, not because it looked terrible; it was quite the opposite. That smirk did something to her; it stirred something profound inside her, and she hated the beast you awoke in her.
“My lady,” you husked in a raspy voice as you took Wednesday’s hand in your own and bowed while placing a gentle kiss on the back of it. “What were you two talking about?” Wednesday asked, wasting no time in finding out if she was going to murder Yoko as well.
“Relax, my dove. We were just talking about ‘The Haunting of Hill House,’ nothing to worry about,” you replied softly as you stood up straight and gently caressed the more petite girl’s hand.
Wednesday scoffed at the pet name and tried to pull her hand out of your grip, but it only caused her to draw you closer. “You miss me that much?” You asked with a smirk as you placed Wednesday’s hand on your chest, and instead of pulling away, the more petite girl slowly ran her hand up your chest and stopped as she took your necklace between her polished black fingers.
It was a gift from Wednesday, of all people, and you wore it with pride like it was your last name. You never took it off, and in a way, it acted like a collar; no matter how far you strayed from Wednesday, people would look at it and automatically know who you belonged to.
The necklace itself was a golden chain that ended with a small circle. The circle had gold-colored beads with small, black dots in the middle. And in the center of that circle was a golden ‘W’ with a line attached to it, holding the W in place.
“You still wear it,” Wednesday stated as she flipped the W between her fingers, gently caressing it with her thumb.
“‘If you ever take this off, I will rain hellfire down on you and your family until the end of the earth. I will haunt you in this life and the next; you will never be able to get rid of the image of me standing over your lifeless body if you were ever to remove this necklace.’ Those were your exact words,” you recalled with a smirk as you watched Wednesday play with the necklace. “But hey, at least you think of us together in the next life.”
“No,” she simply stated, and you were going to argue back, but she pulled you down to her level by the necklace, “If you ever tell anyone I have plans with you in the next life, I will skin you alive and feed your remains to Fester.”
The laugh you gave Wednesday in response angered her beyond belief, but the sound of it infested her stomach with spiders, and if she wasn’t careful, she might even admit to caring about you. “Jokes on you, Uncle Fester is my best friend. We are basically inseparable,” you remarked as you stood back up, and Wednesday let go of the necklace.
“I hate that you are his favorite person,” Wednesday mumbled under her breath and then cleared her throat as she remembered why she needed to talk to you, “I will be needing your assistance this weekend.”
“And why’s that?” You asked with a smirk. You knew it was parent’s weekend, and Wednesday needed to keep up the act of you two being together; you just wanted to hear her admit it. “My parents are coming this weekend; you must be there to prove to them that I am capable of feeling emotions other than intense anger and homicidal thoughts,” Wednesday deadpanned as the loud music slowly turned into a softer one, a waltzing song.
You didn’t recognize the beautiful melody, but you stuck out your hand toward the smaller girl. “Can I have this dance?” You asked with a soft smile, and if it were under any other circumstance, Wednesday would have said yes. “No,” she dryly replied while slapping your hand away, “And you didn’t answer my question.”
“I didn’t know it was a question,” you stated.
“It’s not; I just like allowing you to think that you have a say in what you get to do.”
“You are a woman after my own heart, Wednesday Addams,” you joked, and Wednesday scoffed at you. “In your wildest dreams,” the goth girl stated as she walked away from you, but you followed her.
“So what will this weekend trip entail? Do I need to start flushing my teeth and putting on chapstick?” You questioned while following the smaller girl out of the ballroom. “Why do you not already floss your teeth?” Wednesday asked with an eyebrow hitched, clearly displaying her irritation that you don’t floss regularly.
“Ummm, because it’s pointless? I brush my teeth twice daily. Isn’t that enough?” You retorted with a curious look. “One day, you are going to wake up in the middle of the night, and all of your teeth will have fallen out of your brainless head. When that happens, I shall make a necklace out of them and force you to wear it as a remembrance of our conversation about flossing,” Wednesday stated as she walked toward her room. She had a weird way of showing affection toward you.
When Wednesday reached her dorm, she opened the door and tried to close it on you, but you caught it in just enough time and stepped into her room. You shut the door as you followed the ravenette toward her desk. “Okay, but seriously Wednesday. What do you want me to do when Mr. and Mrs. Addams arrive?” You questioned with a serious expression, and when Wednesday looked up at you, she missed your usual playful demeanor.
“Be normal. You’ve been around them before; why do you still ask me how you should act around them?” Wednesday questioned as she loaded paper into her typewriter. “Um, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I hate lying to people! And your mom is hot, so that also makes me nervous,” you responded with a little bit of defensiveness. But for an unknown reason, Wednesday felt her heart slowly break at mentioning your attraction to her mother.
“Do not remind me of your infuriating attraction to my mother,” Wednesday deadpanned as she began typing, “And we aren’t lying to them, so you don’t need to worry.”
A small scoff left your lips at her comment, but then a mischievous smile overtook your lips as you found a loophole. Carefully, you leaned an elbow on Wednesday’s desk and smirked at the ravenette, who seemed ignorant of the mistake she made.
“So, we aren’t lying to them, correct?” You asked in a calm voice as your eyes examined Wednesday’s face. “Why are you making me repeat myself? You are correct; we are not lying to them. Now, will you please leave me so I can work?” The Addams coldly remarked as she shook the feeling of spiders in her stomach at your proximity. No matter how many stolen kisses you two shared, you always made her nervous and gitty, which was a feeling she both loathed and cherished all the same.
“By that logic, we aren’t lying about our fake relationship? So that means we are actually, in fact, dating?” You asked with that same smirk, and Wednesday knew she had fucked up when she looked into your eyes and only saw hope that didn’t match your playful smirk. “We are not in a romantic relationship at all. We are just two acquaintances who engage in romantic activities from time to time. Now leave,” Wednesday stated as she grew increasingly annoyed with you.
You gave the smaller girl a pathetic sigh as you pushed yourself off the desk and slowly sauntered away from her desk, but before you could get too far, Wednesday grabbed your wrist. When you turned to face her, Wednesday reached up and tightly gripped your uniform tie as she brought your lips down to hers, and you both sighed into the kiss.
It had been too long since you both found comfort in each other’s lips, and Wednesday had started to crave their delicate touch and sweet taste. And, of course, by ‘too long,’ that meant nearly a day. The kiss itself was a chaste one that displayed all of the love and affection Wednesday had for you that she could never verbally say.
Only when oxygen became a problem did you pull away from those heavenly lips. With a small huff, the ravenette rested her forehead against yours as her free hand came up and slowly stroked your jaw.
“I want to rip out your mandible and add it to my bone collection,” was what Wednesday mumbled against your lips, but the words that traveled through your ears were, ‘You mean so much to me that I want to have a piece of you with me forever,’ and you were happy with that translation.
“You have such a way with words, you know that? You really know how to make a girl feel special,” you mumbled against her lips before placing a final kiss on them and turning to leave.
“Where are you going?” Wednesday asked as she returned to reality when she didn’t feel your lips anymore and saw you walking toward the door to leave.
“You told me to leave, so that’s what I’m doing,” you replied before a slight smirk overtook your face, “Why, do you miss me already?”
“No. Just be ready by tomorrow morning so we can eat breakfast with them,” Wednesday stated as she continued her work, ignoring the feeling in her stomach at the thought of you leaving for the night. Most of the time, when her parents visited, you would stay the night in her dorm to further push the agenda that you two were a couple. Definitely not because Wednesday found it hard to sleep without you at night.
“Goodnight, Wednesday. I hope your dreams are just as evil as you are,” you joked as you opened the door, and Wednesday huffed in response as you left the room.
Unbeknownst to you, Wednesday hadn’t been working on her novel. She had been writing out all the things you make her feel, and when you had wished nightmares upon her, the final sentence that had made its one onto the page was the thing that shattered her heart the most: ‘Gods should fear the love I have for you.’
Taglist: @elduster @silentwolfsstuff @baddiebbarbietngz @maskthedwarf @aroaceanxietylemon
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Let it Be Close-watch
Paul, sweety, it's beautiful, but it's killing the vibe.
Ringo looks like a very old, very tired lab rat whose been put through the maze a few too many times
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Somehow the air-brown mostly eaten apple is very appropriate.
She looks far too sweet here to ever let John down. Yoko has very kind eyes.
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I love how it makes it seem like Paul and John are calling Maxwell “the corny one” but really we know from Get Back that they're talking about a particular arrangement they were trying out for Don't Let me Down.
I swear he's saying “John” there, not “Joan” and also he said “came down upon His head” so… Oh! And Max died in the end in this version? “Sure that Max was dead” Okay. So Paul kills John and then himself. Murder suicide story. Yeah, Paul, you're doing great mentally, we can all tell.
I love how George getting electrocuted was important enough to make the cut for both films. Poor baby. “If this boy dies you're gonna cop it” from the guy who was just singing about a serial killer.
They're so silly
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Yoko does not agree with me
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Paul: stealing your man, sweetheart. John: oh no I'm being stolen teehee!
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They're so silly
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Oh wait, were those bitchy looks at George??? Because there he is. Idk could easily be him or Yoko.
this poor autistic baby trying to use words (not his language) to explain music (his language)
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“Good MoOornin! Wooah!” I think I just … You know how Mike said people were booing Paul in the theater watching this? Yeah it's because they were pissed he didn't step out of the screen and onto their necks.
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Oh Michael put himself in his own movie too? Huh, cool.
They are always in my heart
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The way Paul says “get on the mic” to John??? I would've thrown something, that was so fucking bossy! Just his tone and his face and his angry pointing fingers. So mean. And John just goes “okaaay”. Oof.
Ringo covering his eyes like a little kid watching a scary movie during the orange sweater fight. Same, babe.
Sounds like the original lyric John's going for is something long “All I want is you. Nothing else is gonna do.” But that obviously didn't fit with the tune. I wonder if there was a particular conversation with Paul being controlling that made the “everything has got to be the way you want it to” line click in.
Oh my gosh! So George is showing I Me Mine to Ringo and Paul and he says the “I don't give a fuck it can go in musical” line before he even plays it. Not after John's making fun of him like he does in Get Back. Nagra reels experts: which one is correct??
George: it's a heavy waltz. Ringo:*claps hands angrily and punches the air to a ¾ beat. I love him, he's like the core of “Beatle humor” to me.
Woah there! Okay this is the John/Yoko pda Peter Jackson cut, I see. I wonder if there's a lot more footage of them swapping spit that might make the “oh John was just so in love” theory more reasonable.
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It's extremely impressive that George just wrote this whole thing last night. You know? John and Paul have brought in all fragments from what I can tell. He's the only one to come in with a basically finished product.
LMAO and we're just going to Apple now. No reason. Nothing happened. Nothing to see. Moving on.
Ringo is so so cute pretending to hide from the cameras. Really he should've been the cute one.
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Is it just me or does Paul drop the sillies and get sad when he sings “always be mine” at John? It's his regular voice, too, for a minute, if I'm not mistaken.
Silly cuties. But John's grin and little sexy tongue action happens the second time Paul sings always be mine, so…
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What friendly artistic collaboration looks like when it's not psychosexual
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Paul: have you played the dubs? George: yeah. Terrible. Paul: Great! Ringo: terrible. John: laughs Paul: (sarcastic) oh, so dreadful. …. John: where's my guitar? Paul: (still sarcastic) well we're just the greatest band ever. Idk I just like this dialogue. It's very them, you know?
This is adorable.
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But I also love how they're already communicating with eyebrows, you know? They just bonded so fast and I find that beautiful.
And then Heather ups their game from taking turns going “chchchchch” into the mic to meowing into the mic. She looks at Paul like “okay your turn” and he sets her down lol he's thinking ‘if I meow into the mic right now after John already had a sex dream last night about me, he might actually cream his pants and we can't have that on camera’
Lol Billy just magically appeared!
Paul you're literally so annoying. You started the goofing off and now you're like “alright lads, that's enough.” Mkay.
He is unbelievably sexy and talented though so you know he does have those little things going for him. Someone write me a Paul/Billy fic please!!
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Kinda crazy how they all four just slide straight from “Kansas City” to “Miss Ann” to “Lawdy Miss Claudy”. Makes me think of something they might've done in Hamburg.
I'm sorry but Paul finishes “please don't excite me baby. I'm down in misery.” And John's immediate answer is, “well you can get it if you want it, and if you want it you can get it!” And Paul ends up singing “I want it I want it I want it I want it”. Nice. Very subtle, boys. And that's before John gets kinky.
I love how Heather just forces a hug from George and then immediately runs away. What a cutie.
But really. How did anyone watching this get the idea that John hated Paul? Just confirmation bias I guess?
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All the cut off conversations kill me but especially the one where John's working though Paul's anxieties. They're just in the middle of it and then cut. “two of us Sunday driving…”
Someone should do a study of whistling in their songs. I feel like it's another one of their tip offs that “hey this one is about us” Anyway I love John's whistling here. He's so good at it. I can just imagine him as some farm boy picking apples, you know?
Imagine booing this poor stay puppy though, like. What? I mean, what if Johann Weiner was wrong and John wasn't crying at the sight of him and Paul playing triumphant together on the rooftop, but at Paul playing his little heart out about their doomed love. Idk it's probably both. Let's be real, John was bawling through the whole thing.
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What is George laughing at? Picture quality is garbage because evil corporations don't let you take screenshots of their content, but he looks like that one kid in your elementary school class that just dumped Cheetos all over his crushes desk and thinks he's a criminal mastermind.
Also I do appreciate all the attention given in the chosen shots to the musicianship. I bet they liked that at least if they had the heart to like anything about the movie at the time.
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I'm sorry but I love how in sync Mo and Paul are. With this ducking and later the shimmying. I know it's wrong to ship Ringo’s wife with one of the Beatles she didn't sleep with, but… idk I really want her to have bedded all four at one point, you know? She deserves it, being an og.
Okay but yeah I'd be having a public meltdown if I fumbled that too holy fucking shit
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Ringo feeling himself as he should
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George just looks like he smells nice. Unlike the others. You know?
John has such a beautiful smile. If somebody looked at me like that I'd put him up on a giant screen behind me on my world tour after he'd been dead for forty years too.
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That pleeeaaaheeeaaase though. Looking at Paul. How did he survive I'll never know.
The cut from screaming Paul to grouchy nap lady is extremely painful.
John was so cool in this concert. Like the epitome of cool.
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Kevin, my love, thank you for your service
I love Yoko leaning so far and craning her neck. She's like a mom at a school talent show. Like “I only came to see my baby.” Type vibe. Which is exactly what she's doing, unlike Mo, and honestly I find both of them extremely valid
You know in movies where the romantic leads are never looking at each other at the same time?
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I think I watched George and John switching back on their amps like fifty times because I just love it so much. And from this angle, you can see John's saying something to Paul about it. He looks serious and he's shaking his head. I wonder what he's saying.
Mal Evans I love you forever for this. Look at his hand on the rail, just blocking them off completely, so protective.
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Them turning to each other at the end always gets me. It's automatic, like second nature, and it's the last time ever. They deserved better.
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Oh Darling duet in the credits are you fucking kidding me??? Was that in the original? “Believe me, when I tell you.” “Oh I do.” That's the second time that they gave away in this footage that they know they're talking to each other in their music.
Alright, that's it, I guess. And then MLH is haunted by this experience for forty years until he makes Two of Us to purge the demons.
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Oscar Piastri x Autistic!Reader
Genre: Angst
Summary: The fans and media get to Oscar’s girlfriend in a way he’ll never forgive
Warnings: SUICIDE AND SH depictions, toxic media, death threats, lack of communication, anxiety, Oscar is a mess.
Notes: …. We’re not talking about my patterns alright. I swear I’m in therapy.
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Oscar is not normally an irrational person. He prides himself on his calm and collected state. Something that his neurodivergent counterpart loves because it makes him easy to read. Everything is clear to her with him.
He adores his girlfriend. Plans to eventually marry her one day. He doesn’t care that her body isn’t the ‘standard’ for beauty because he finds her stunning. He doesn’t care that she has deep passions for her interests and could talk for hours about it because he loves listening.
So why is it his fans don’t get that same thing? Why do the vultures have to attack her for doing nothing wrong?
He ponders these questions as he sits in the hospital waiting room. Fingers crossed he got to her in time.
She’d turned off all her notifications on social media. She had to. For some reason now that Oscar and McLaren are on track and fighting again, people are seeming to notice her more often.
Gone are the days of sneaking off into the quiet corners. Numbered are the days she’ll be able to spend with him at this rate.
The death threats started a month ago. To many things she’d rather not think about. The name calling is flat out unnecessary and something she doesn’t understand.
She knows logically nothing can come if it. But the nagging at her brain won’t stop for some reason. She hates it, being empathetic. She just feels so extremely that she can’t decipher if the words hurt her or if she’s angry and why she feels this way. It’s to much for her mind to process.
So she turns everything off. No social media for her.
She’d simply told Oscar the hate was to much and she needs a break from the internet. Which isn’t a lie, but she didn’t want him to worry about her and start doing poorly because of it.
Instead curled up underneath her blankets with music and switched off the world.
Oscar is feeling alright with fifth in Hungary. Not exactly where he wants to be, but it’s still considerably better then where he was previously.
As is routine, he gets into the garage as quickly as he can. The one thing he managed to negotiate for with his PR team: the he gets to check in on his girlfriend before he does media duties.
He peers inside. It’s mostly empty due to the incoming podium celebration. But there is no sign of her. Nothing is the garage or his driver room or Lando’s room, or the bathroom.
His heart thuds in his chest. This is routine, and she always sticks to her routine. If she’s not here then something must be terribly wrong. Oscar pulls out his phone to see he has a text from her and the weight on him lessens just a tad.
‘Sorry I won’t be there for the end of the race! I was feeling incredibly sick so I went back to the hotel room! I love you so much! 🧡🖤’
And suddenly that weight is back. If she left then something is clearly wrong. She’s stayed through blurry vision from migraines, endured hours of overstimulation for him, even dealt with his fans pushing her around. Yet she always stayed. If something caused her to leave then it’s definitely something to worry about.
He ended up missing the podium celebration. His PR manager is looking for him. But he could care less and heads straight for Zak.
He gives a brief summary of what’s going on and defines is as an emergency. That word was what made Zak let him go as long as he promised to keep everyone posted.
Then he ran.
Race weekends have come to be one of her favorite things. The consistent hum of car engines stimulates her brain in a way that she loves.
What she doesn’t love is the fans. She wonders for a moment if all the WAG’s have this kind of hate. So she sets off to go find Lily and ask. She’s become close with her over the course of this year. She’s also passionate about things and it’s fun to listen to her get excited over her interests. Something the female can relate to well.
When she neared the Williams hospitality, she saw Lily and waved her over only to be stopped in her tracks by a few fans in McLaren gear. She instantly took notices of the very blatant disregard for personal space and the negative energy they carried with them.
Then they out in some fake smiles and handed her an envelope, walking away without a word.
She was left confused and stunned. But also curious. The envelope in her hands had some weight to it and she can’t help but wonder what’s inside.
She doesn’t hesitate to open it. Her eyes scanning over the contents. Every second she looks at it makes her feel sick to her stomach.
Someone had been stalking them. Not just her and Oscar, but Lando as well. Addresses, pictures, personal information, even images from intimate moments where they are very clearly without clothes.
She could see the possibility of her and maybe Oscar being stalked if these are the same fans who have been harassing her for a couple months now. But Lando as well makes her feel dirty and upset in a way.
It’s to much. She feels to much. It’s overwhelming.
She stuffs everything back inside and finally gets to Lily. A brief excuse leaves her lips that she’s going back to the hotel cause she’s feeling sick. She takes note of Lily’s instant concern and the female does her best to fight back every emotion. It’s utterly draining. She has no energy to sort out her feelings and other peoples feelings when she can’t understand any of them anyway.
Lily lets her go on the condition she texts her when she gets back to the hotel.
She agrees. She'll be messaging everyone when she gets there.
Oscar gets into his car and fumbles around for the keys.
He left them with his stuff. His stuff that he doesn't have. Now he's going to have to run all the way back.
He gets out and heads straight to the McLaren garage. Ignoring the strange looks.
He even tries pulling his phone out to call her. Straight to voicemail. Twenty times.
Halfway there, he runs into Lando. The Brit is winded and carrying Oscar's things.
"I'm driving."
She can't believe she's actually going to do this. It's not that she's never thought about it before. Feeling alien on your own planet will do that to you. But she feels like she has no other choice.
It's too much. The fans want her dead, and they are willing to do horrible things to get it.
She can't handle it. The feelings of all of it are overwhelming. She can't tell where her emotions end and someone else's start. The letter written to her only points out further.
The last few months have been beyond her limit. She doesn't feel safe in her own skin. Everyone is telling her she'll never be enough. That she is not meant for this life.
She'd thought about her friends as she wrote those damn notes. The blank looks when she says something lnnapropriat for the conversation. The times she's had meltdowns and they had to deal with her.
She thinks about Oscar, too. His note is three pages long. It's intimate, and she hopes he can understand it. Words she's written countless times the last months to make sure he understands her decision.
She lays it out where she knows he'll see it and then locks herself in the bathroom. The bathtub is filled with ice-cold water and not filled all the way to the top. Just enough to make things easy.
Is she really doing this because those damn fans are going to leak everything about their lives tonight if she doesn't? Certainly a factor in her decision. It seems the logical solution if she's to fix the problem. She hates herself for this; that she can't just be what everyone wants.
That thought brings the first cut.
She didn't bother taking off her clothes. She hates the feeling. They cling to her skin and it makes her want to peel her skin off.
The second cut is for her clothing.
Then the third.
And a fourth.
The fifth makes her dizzy.
The sixth causes her vision to dance.
The seventh and eighth she can't even register.
Everything is numb by nine and ten.
Then nothing.
Oscar and Lando take three steps at a time.
Apparently, Lando had run into Lily and found out what had happened. The Brit also felt his stomach drop with the feeling something is wrong.
Oscar sprints down the hall when they make it to the right floor. Fumbles around with his key card. Then, finally, he gets the door open.
He scans the room. There is paper stacked neatly on the table. An envelop almost thrown to the side.
He looks at the note addressed to him, and he chokes. Lando is searching for any sign of life but the Aussie can't see past the fact that there are fans asking her to kill herself. And that she felt the need to say yes because now they have stalkers.
He'll think about it later. Right now, Lando is screaming for him.
He barrels to where the voice comes from. Again, he chokes. This time on frantic tears.
Lando is looking like he might pass out, but the Brit is staying strong for his teammate and friend. He tries to get Oscar to help him.
She may be passed out, but the Aussie registers Lando saying she has a pulse. That she's still breathing even if it's shallow.
They work together to drag her out of the water. Her make it so that when they set her down, she immediately is sliding on the tile. They wrap her arm in wash rags. The only thing they can find to slow the bleeding. But the cuts are too deep. It doesn't slow.
So they call an ambulance.
Oscar doesn't register much after that. Listening to Lando instruct him on what to do, including breathing. Riding with her to the hospital. Watching her be taken away. Meeting Lando in the waiting room.
Now he has nothing to do but wait and look through everything he missed.
Her socials are where she's being threatened, sure. But it's the contents of the envelope that got Oscar angry. Way past the point of livid.
"Lan, I- what the hell." He shows everything to his teammate, and terror stretches across his face.
And then she was left with a ticking clock and an ultimatum. Disappear or have all this and more released to the public. What better way to disappear than to do it permanently.
It breaks him. He can't breathe past the thought of not having her around. He can't live knowing she left because the world is suck a cruel place. And he feels utterly selfish for wishing her to stay with him through it.
Somehow, he ended up on the floor, sobbing dramatically into Lando's sweatshirt.
But then others start to appear. It's not just the two of them because there are so many people that care for her.
Max shows up first with a certain Monegasque in tow, followed by Alex and Lily, the latter of which looks about as broken as him. Then George and Lewis appear, followed by Logan.
They explain what happened. Everyone is shocked, and there are no words between them for a few minutes as everyone processes.
"I don't understand why someone would do this." Pipes Max. He knows about death threats fairly well, but this is a new level of extreme.
"We could say something. Make a statement about it and start a suicide awareness campaign." Lewis suggests.
Oscar knows a campaign probably won't do much against whoever sent this, but a statement might. He wants to say everything on his mind.
And that's exactly what he did. His PR team be damned because this takes precedence.
She wasn't expecting to wake up. She wasn't supposed to wake up. So how is she awake?
She cracks her eyes open just a tad to assess her surroundings. Her arm is bandaged and she's underneath some of the worst textures to come in contact with.
The thing that catches her eye is the brown locks of a specific Australian. She moves her hand to them and runs her fingers gently along his scalp.
he shifts around a bit before relaxing into the feeling. At least she could give him this before she ruins his and Lando's life.
She's not sure how long they go on like this until Oscar sits up and yawns. He blinks a few times and adjusts himself to the florescent lights.
She's not sure she's ever seen Oscar cry before. Once at a really sad movie, but even that was just slight. Now he's crying tears for her. The sound makes her tear ducts spring into action as well.
"Please, don't ever do that again." He rasps. His voice crackles with the sound of sobs.
She doesn't say anything. She can't say anything. So instead, Oscar crawls into the bed with her. He just cradles her body into his.
"I'm sorry." Is all she manages to say. And after a few more breathes she continues. "I didn't want to be the reason you and Lando lose your jobs. Or be the cause of your stress. And then everything felt like it was too much, and I just wanted it to stop." She feels pathetic.
"I promise that I will never be upset with you for something like this. The fans pushed and pushed and then drove you into a corner. But in the future, you have to come to me. I can't help if you don't communicate with me."
"What about racing? And Lando? And all your personal information?" The weight she'd had before has made a sudden return.
"Should be taken care of. We beat them to the punch and made a statement about how someone close to McLaren had been threatened and the person responsible would be posting personal information." Oscar explains. She feels better knowing they didn't say it was her name. "I also said I would be taking a break from socials for personal reasons... and also said something about how much I love you."
The news came out eventually. It's not every day that F1 driver's campaign for mental health. But they've all been incredibly helpful. She is on the road to recovery and Oscar intends on being with her through every step of the way.
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mjbarrosart · 1 year
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I did a little fanart of all the Fontaine characters.
I am enjoining a lot this new region in Genshin. Sumeru was fine, but was not my cup of tea. Decadent French degenerates?? that is right on my alley!
Also the music of Fontaine RULES!
I'll share my opinions about every character, so...
Charlotte: A missed opportunity to do something amazing with her as a journalist. She could be a character that makes interesting commentary about Fontaine injustices, but nah, she is just chasing "a big headline", zero interest for the truth.
Freminet: He is cute. I like him.
Lynette: I love her. I wish the game put her more in the spotlight, right now just feels like a prop for Lyney and that is a shame.
Lyney: He is fine. His outfit always makes me laugh.
Furina: My baby girl, the bane of my existence, my favorite Archon ever. We don't accept Furina slander in this household. I see her as an overwhelmed person who needs to put this all this show in order to keep feeding the Oratrice, while everyone is just taking her as incompetent without knowing what kind of sacrifices she is doing, idk, she is a really interesting Archon to me. I love the idea of her being cursed, and her interactions with Arlecchino made me really sad, I feel bad for her, she is not having a good time...I hope her story don't disappoint me, hahaha.
Neuvilette: Old man, autistic coded dragon for the win, I really like him. He is also a little of a drama queen with all this "I don't belong here" stuff while outside literally 90% of Fontaine is a member of the "we love Neuvillette fan club"
Wriothesley: He is fine. I like his interactions with Neuvilette and him as Clorinde's friend. My problem with him is this thing that Genshin likes to do of "is not the system that is bad just you need to be sure to have good people on the top" kind of discourse that is really bad. So him as a cop/jail administrator kinda is another missed opportunity to make a little more commentary, but maybe I'm asking for too much.
Sigewinne: I really like her after the Archon quest. Haha, you can not trust her. Lol.
Navia: I love this woman with all my heart. She is the best, smart, badass and beautiful. Also incredibly gay for Clorinde, I love their drama. I want more Navia content now!
Clorinde: I am a sword lesbian, so she is right on my alley. I like her serious but not stoic attitude, and how she turns into a wet cat in front of Navia, lol. I want to learn more about her. She is cool.
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noridoorman · 1 month
My reaction to episode 8!
Shh, spoilers below!!
I loved every second of everything that was there.
Nori and Uzi's conversation at the beginning was so sweet, albeit short. Bseeing that little happy face Uzi made at seeing her mom again... Man, she's been through so much and probably already thought she might have lost everyone else. So seeing the one drone she always believed was dead alive and ready to help Uzi kick some butts... Just look at her happy face.
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Uzi's little laugh when Nori gave her "parental" advice is so sweet too. In all the years of her life, she never got that from her mom until now. And she finally got her mom back. It's so sweet.
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Along with the shy smile and wave Uzi did, as if she's saying "Do I look good with the necklace?" And Nori responds with the cute emoticon on the stone.
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Of course, that gets cut off my N RAMMING Uzi with the spaceship and oh my god, them.
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LOOK AT HOW PROUD AND HAPPY HE LOOKS!! Plus, we got to see his little fangs!
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And when he admits that he was mad about Uzi trying to sacrifice herself... Like, you can clearly see it in his expression and voice, he was really hurt by what she did, but also, he's happy that she's alive.
And honestly, I can't be the only one that when she first grabbed his face, I thought she was going for a kiss lol.
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I really wanna know what they said, Uzi probably cursed a lot lol
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My god, hearing the music, the beautiful visuals... Like, the fact that "Falling for you??" is playing here and the way they hold each other and look at each other with so much love and adoration... The scene gives me so much goosebumps.
I loved how Uzi admits that she can't read the room because that's another point for autistic Uzi!
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Their soft expressions, and Uzi's tiny "yay" oh my god they stole my heart.
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I honestly kinda wanna know how N managed to steal the spaceship and go past J.
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I was almost screaming like crazy in the hotel room, I've been hoping SO SO MUCH THAT SHE WOULD COME BACL!! :D
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The way she says "Working with CYN?!" WAS SO SATISFYING AND GOOOOOOD she's so angry, go beat up ur ex babe /silly
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This scene made me lose my shit, it's so funny, why is Lizzy being shook like a maraca
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The backstory we're getting between them too. So I guess both were aware on everything, but only V was the one that wanted to change but was too scared to.
The amount of backstory we're getting on J too here kinda breaks my heart and kinda makes me angry at her. The way she said "it tricked me too..." probably because she geniunly through Tessa would be alright and fine, just for her to be... not.
J is obviously heartbroken. But she feels like she has no other choice but to team up with the Solver, especially know that it is wearing Tessa's skin, that's the closest J can ever have something of her.
"You know there's no escape, even in death!"
That line makes me think as if J wanted to die at some point, but couldn't. There's so escape for her from the reality that Tessa is dead, because the Solver will always bring her back.
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Help, she's so smooth and cute and akhjdskjhsfdakjsda
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The way how teriffied he is breaks my heart
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When I saw that, I was in panic.
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All of his eyes are focused on Tessa.
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Cause of his trauma
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Man, this entire scene with V apologizing for everything and even crying... She's been through so much pain and keeping so much secrets to protect N, but the burden of everything kept on weighing on her.
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And her face as she realized that he revealed himself because he wanted her to stop...
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And just as Flesha was about to eat N's core, Khan saves the day with DOORS! >:D Gosh I wanna kiss him on his stupid face
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Gotta love V's tiny smile at Uzi, you go bisexual
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The Solver plays soooo dirty, making Uzi believe that she accidentally killed N. Gish, her expression...
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The song is so catchy my god
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They're so stupid, let them get married now
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Tumblr doesn't let me add more images at that point rip :')
I'll give a more formal opinion on a seprate post!!
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autistichalsin · 9 months
I know a lot of people find it boring how much Halsin talks about nature, and I do get it- it is repetitive. However, I also find that if you break some of his statements down into what he's implying, you end up with something a lot more interesting. (ESPECIALLY because a lot of these support the "Halsin is autistic" interpretation.)
Take, for example, Halsin talking about his place in the world, specifically relating to relationships:
Halsin: I still have hot blood in my veins. Nature gifted us our desires, and the means to act on them. But we muddied its beautiful simplicity with rules, social strictures... clothes. So, I am not bound to nature. I am unbound in nature.
Halsin: Relationship? Such terms belong to civilisation - a little unfamiliar to my lips. You know what we share is more fluid, more founded in the principles of nature.
Implications: Halsin finds society too complicated. He enjoys nature because its rules are simpler and more sensical; rather than social rules and structures that are beyond him (especially when you take into account the autistic Halsin interpretation), he feels comforted by nature, which is complex in a way that he understands.
There's also Halsin's friendship with Thaniel.
Halsin: I had a friend when I was young, long ago. He played with me in the forests where I grew up... but eventually, I realised no one else had heard of him. It was Thaniel, of course. Nature was my very first friend. I get older, but he hasn't changed a day. I knew then that I had to be more than a companion to him. I had to be a protector.
Implications: Nature, by being Halsin's first friend, has always been what Halsin is comforted by. It has been a steady and comforting presence for him, something he can rely in, in contrast to other people who are unpredictable. Nature is consistent and comforting for him.
Halsin, infamously, is not happy in the city of Baldur's Gate.
Halsin: Too much noise, too many lanterns kept burning... nature's rhythm is ignored here.
Implications: Halsin is overstimulated easily by excessive noise and other sensory inputs. Nature provides him somewhere quiet.
Halsin: I wish... I wish there was a better way. I wish everyone could see the sun, have a full belly, and know nature as a friend. There is a balance that is yet to be found.
Implications: Again, Halsin sees nature- not just Thaniel, but all of nature- as a friend. A source of comfort and companionship.
Halsin: I think on [politics and high art] also. But nothing matches the splendour of an ancient tree.
Implications: Halsin loves the beauty of the natural world as much as anything else. Rather than art or music (which he can appreciate), what he prefers is something that grew rather than being made.
Halsin: I am... less anxious to find myself in a city. So removed from nature's power - I do not know how I will fare.
Implications: Not only does Halsin prefer not to be in the city, but he is actually, to some extent, frightened of it (likely due to how overstimulating it is for him), in contrast with his feeling of being right at home in nature.
There's other things to note as well. If a Dark Urge player embraces Bhaal and then tells Halsin to bow, Halsin has this to say:
Halsin: Nature bows to none. It will fight on and survive, no matter what madness your god has inspired you to undertake.
Implications: Halsin views nature as strength, and admires that very much. He draws a lot of his tougher qualities from this aspect of the natural world.
Or a line where Wyll gently points out that he talks about nature a lot:
Halsin: When you care about something deeply enough, it consumes every thought and word.
Implications: Halsin isn't thinking of little else besides nature because he's "boring"; it's because it's important to him. (A special interest, one might say.) And when something is deeply important to a person, they think of everything else in relation to that thing; think of a sports fan who constantly uses sports metaphors to understand the world around them.
There's another party banter with Wyll that is telling when combined with what he has to say about the city, too.
Halsin: It is most unfair to pour such scorn on rats - they have their place in nature, same as you or I. 
Halsin: I thought cities were supposed to welcome folk of all walks of life. Clearly I was mistaken.
Implications: Halsin feels everyone has a place in the natural world, yet that the city shuns those it deems different. As someone who has struggled greatly with fitting in/finding a place he "belongs", Halsin feels more sympathetic to nature, where all living things belong, than anywhere else.
I think that when you break up Halsin's love of nature into all the little things it implies, it paints a much more interesting picture of him, personally. It also supports the "Halsin is autistic" interpretation, which makes him even MORE interesting.
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starfallforest · 30 days
Stop putting 'Too Sweet' by Hozier in your Sylus playlists
I am sorry—this was clickbait. I don’t actually care what you do with your life. But I need you to hear me out for just a second, okay? I am extremely not neurotypical about two things: Love and Deepspace, and Andrew John Hozier-Byrne. And I have seen more than one person in the tags talk about "Too Sweet" by Hozier being a perfect song for Sylus and MC. My only discourse about this is that Too Sweet is a song about a man who makes continuous self-sabotaging life decisions being incompatible with a partner who has her life put together. In my humble opinion, both Sylus and MC are hot messes of people in completely different ways. Anyway, it’s a good song so I don’t blame you for putting it in every playlist ever. In fact, you should. But if you're into this song, I want to show you a couple more pls pls pls 🙏​
I might just be autistic, but both Hozier's music and Love and Deepspace have something extremely important in common… and that’s BEAUTIFUL MEN YEARNING!!!1 And that’s not even to mention the haunting, raw sexuality we can project onto the stories that each of these things feeds to us. That's why I needed to make this post on the 1% chance that someone might hop on this brainrot train with me. So let me present, for just a moment of your time (if you're willing): other Hozier songs that fit Sylus so well I want to combust about it.
De Selby (Parts 1 & 2):
“At last, when all of the world is asleep You take in the blackness of air The likes of a darkness so deep That God—at the start—couldn't bear.” [azlyrics] [gaelic translation]
Imagine just casually writing THE love song that so beautifully says, “Before you were in my life, I kinda understood how God felt before he created the universe.” Excuse me? Andrew just dropped this stanza on us without so much as a cw: fuck you. And if that sickening portrait of gnawing loneliness isn’t enough, we have all the Genesis God references. Since all the LIs in the game are at some point likened to gods or rivaling gods with their power, then add the reverberating instrumentals and chillingly slow vocals in this 2-minute killer, tell me how this song does not fit Sylus. Not only that, but we also have imagery of his lover descending upon him like the night (which is invoked during Part 1 in the Gaelic verse), and I know that’s on the nose for Sylus but come on. I need you guys writing smut to have an orgasm during De Selby (at least Part 2) because it might change ur brain chemistry I'm just saying.
“When you fall on me like night—I wanna kill the lights.” [azlyrics]
This song still rules irt its playing with darkness symbolism, but it also refers to the darkness in the singer’s lover—which in Sylus’ case is MC and we all were there when she shot the guy in the heart like his freaky eye was telling her: “And your heart, love, has such darkness—I feel it in the corners of the room…” my goddddddd stop right there I can’t handle the METAPHORrrr. You think Sylus gives a flying fuck about MC’s frivolous morality bullshit? No he wants her to embrace her own darkness, sit under the blankies with him and cuddle after doing crimes and a beat poetry session. This is some fucking Hannibal Lecter beyond-dark-romance shit. I’m not even trying to write a dissertation here (and yet…)
Talk (from Wasteland, Baby!):
“I'd be the sweet feeling of release mankind now dreams of, That's found in the last witness before the wave hits, marveling at God… Imagine being loved by me.” [azlyrics]
Not only does this song utilize insane Greek mythology metaphor and Biblical comparison but the overall meaning of it is, “I want you so bad, I need to speak poetically to hide how down bad I am for you.” That sounds kinda like Old World Sylus and all his pretty nicknames to me.
“If I was born as a black thorn tree, I'd wanna be felled by you, held by you, Fuel the pyre of your enemies… Ain't it warming you, the world going up in flames?” [azlyrics]
This whole song just some hard, deep and steady yearning for 4 and a half minutes. Are you kidding? The acronym in the title stands for Nothing Fucks With My Baby, which is sung in the chorus like some quietly violent war chant—soft, dark, and powerful. Anyway don’t tell me Mr. Sylus “Give me a list and then go to bed. I’ll take care of it” Loveanddeepspace wouldn’t scorch the earth for the love of his life—or do one better and stand by her side while she scorches the earth herself; here’s the protective/supportive mans anthem you ordered babes.
It Will Come Back:
“I know who I am when I'm alone—I'm something else when I see you. You don't understand, you should never know How easy you are to need.” [azlyrics]
This song has repeated imagery that warns of the dangers of taking care of a feral animal, and then compares the feral animal to the singer as a lover. Like fuck off, that’s sexy and haunted. And we know that not only does Sylus love animals more than people, but he’s pretty animalistic himself if we are to believe that maybe he’s secretly a demon or something.
Arsonist’s Lullaby:
“Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash.” [azlyrics]
Remember in Lost Oasis when MC goes on some tangent wondering what Sylus' past was like? Well it was this song. It's about troubled youth and learning to grow in your darkness. Also how cool is that imagery of demons? Hey Sylus, what do you have to say about demons? I'll wait. In the meantime I'm tattooing this shit on my clavicle
“Everytime I’d burn through the world, I’d see that the world—it burns through me.”
We got a man and we got some fire allusions so there ya go.
Blood Upon the Snow:
“To all things housed in her silence, Nature offers a violence.”
Blood upon the snow—it's red and white! Red!! And white!!! Also kind of a Sylus x Zayne anthem lbr
Ok I hope you found another song that inspires you to make Sylus art or fanfic with!! And before you ask, yes I've already assigned Hozier songs to every other love interest in the game. Ok thanks for reading!!! 🏃‍♀️​💨​
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writerslittlelibrary · 4 months
Hey could I request a kate x autistic sibling where r struggles with social cues and Kate is protective of them?
Get your hands off my sister, drabble
masterlist requests masterlist
pairing: Kate x autistic sister reader 
warnings: a guy hitting on reader
genre: fluff
words: 850
a/n: this request stirred something in my head I didn’t know I had. I’ve never written for Kate before but now I’m entirely obsessed with this dynamic! (I generally don’t struggle with picking up social cues, so I tried my best with writing this and I apologise if something isn’t entirely accurate:))
(if your name is Brad, I apologise in advance lol)
(more fics are coming lovelies I promise)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
 |——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
Kate had been your big protector ever since you had joined the family. Being your big sister she had always felt a need to protect you, and when you were diagnosed with autism that feeling only grew. Kate was the person you always stuck close to. You’d be by her side when you had started school, and she had protected you and kept you safe.
When you grew older, and boys started liking you, you were oblivious. They’d talk to you, telling you you were pretty and complimenting your outfits. You never picked up on their intentions, merely smiling and thanking them.
When you got even older, Kate started dragging you to parties and such. You had never liked parties. They were too loud in you opinion, with too many people. 
Because of that, you didn’t go with Kate often, staying at home and reading in the comfort of your room. However, this time was different. Kate had told you about a house party that some of her college friends were giving. She had assured you that it wouldn’t be too many people, and that it would be a good party to get out of the house without stepping out of your comfort zone too far. 
And so, you had agreed, going with Kate to the college party.
When you stepped into the house, you had immediately felt easy. The music wasn’t too loud, and the people present weren’t swarmed around each other like a horde of bees. Unbeknownst to you it was Kate who had made sure of that. 
When you entered, Kate had stuck closely by your side, promising you that if you wanted to leave all you had to do was tell her.
After being at the party for about an hour, you had found you were quite enjoying yourself. The people there were nice, and there wasn’t even one person that was drunk. You had even told Kate you would go and get a drink by yourself, so that she could stay and chat with her friends. 
She had agreed and asked you to bring her a drink as well. 
However, when you got to the kitching and poured your drinks, you were approached by a guy you hadn’t seen earlier that evening. He smiled as he approached you, asking if you could pour him a drink as well. 
You happily did so, nodding your head and pouring him a drink. He took it with a grateful smile, and you figured that was when he would leave. He didn’t. 
He stuck close to you and started asking you questions. 
“I’ve never seen you at one of these parties before, are you new?” 
You shook your head. “My sister, Kate, goes to these parties often. This time she asked me to join her.” 
The guy nodded, looking you up and down once or twice. “You’re very beautiful,” he told you.
You smiled. “Thank you.” 
The guy nodded, taking a step closer to you. 
“How about we get out of here?” he asked, getting a confused look in return. 
“I can’t leave without my sister. She is the one who drove us here,” you explained. 
The guy shook his head, laughing slightly, thinking you were just teasing him. 
“How about we go upstairs, find an empty room,” he suggested. 
“Then we would be alone? The party is down here…?” you replied confused.
“We wouldn’t be alone, we’d be together,” the guy continued, getting slightly irritated. 
“I don’t know you. Besides, we wouldn’t be able to hear the music upstairs,” you reasoned. 
By now, the guy was getting frustrated, grabbing your arm and putting his drink down.
“Are you fucking stupid?! I’m inviting you to come upstairs with me, how hard is that to understand!?” he yelled at you. 
You looked shocked at him, shrinking away into yourself as he yelled at you. 
“Get your hands off my sister, Brad!” you suddenly heard Kate yell. She must’ve come to look for you when you didn’t return with the drinks. 
“Relax Kate, nothing was happening. That freak sister of yours is so goddamn stupid, doesn’t understand a thing-” the guy, Brad, started, before he was rightfully interrupted by a fist to the jaw. 
Kate had punched him. 
After he fell to the ground, cradling his face in his hands, Kate had taken your arm, leading you back to the car. 
“I’m sorry I left you alone, are you alright?” Kate asked after you two were settled in the car.
You nodded, slightly offended at the way that guy had spoken about you. 
“What did he mean?” you asked Kate, who simply shrugged.
“It doesn’t matter. How about ice cream?” she asked, starting the car.
You nodded excitedly, reaching for the radio and putting on a song, humming along the lyrics as the car started driving.
Kate glanced over at you once or twice, glad she had gotten there in time. She may not always be there to protect you, but as long as she could, she would happily punch the living hell out of every person that tried insulting you.
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the-goya-jerker · 5 months
do you have any thoughts on nine inch nails/their song “closer” and the music video for it?
to preface: i am autistic and nine inch nails is a special interest for me. “closer” has a deeper meaning than “the sex song” and is part of a big concept album, and i genuinely think trent reznor is a great artist & director, but people brush off his music/videos because it’s “just” sexual or controversially erotic. well, like klimt or whoever said, all art is erotic!! everything has value no matter what part of your brain it is appealing to. the-goya-jerker dot tumblr dot com i think you are the only guy who actually understands this. you dont have to agree with me i just respect how you view art from the perspective of a nine inch nails fan
Thank you for bringing your special interest to me, dear stranger. I am a king, presented a beautiful gift on a velvet cushion. A princess being given the dearest of unicorn foals to nurture here.
I never knew that The Downward Spiral was a concept album. (My music knowledge tends to be broad and shallow over narrow and deep, y'know?). I knew a few songs (The Only Time is a personal fave) but I didn't know much about the band.
So, just as an overview of the album it's about the narrator's titular downward spiral. Wikipedia lists the themes as: "religion, dehumanization, violence, disease, society, drugs, sex, and finally, suicide."
Just looking at Closer, it's not hard to see why people think of it as a "sex song", honestly. But much like a lot of popular art, I encourage the audience to really listen to the lyrics here, to examine it in a different way.
The backing track (hiiii Iggy Pop! Iggy Pop cameo here!!) has a strong rhythm. The breathy vocals add to the sexual feeling of the song. The lyrics are, on a surface level, talking about sex. But there's some pretty loaded language included. The narrator doesn't just use your typical words like making love or fucking. He "desecrates" he "violates" he "uses". The use of the phrase "I wanna fuck you like an animal" isn't about the intensity, it's about self-degradation.
I think a pretty fair general interpretation (and do come correct me if you think otherwise anon!) is that the narrator wants to escape himself, his flaws, his self loathing, by having sex with people. He wants to be someone else.
This isn't a song about just having sex, this is a song about hating yourself so much that sex feels like it must be degrading for the other person just because it's with you.
There's also some things going on with religion and sexuality here. Sex is a desecration of the partner, it is making them worse, it is using them. But also there's this desperate devotion to this person. The way he says "You make me perfect / Help me become somebody else", the constant pleas for help dispersed throughout, even the section where he offers up himself entirely... it feels like borderline religious devotion. But this contrasts against the desecration in a way that's very fascinating to me.
As a review? I give this a 9/10. It's erotic, but not in the way most people assume. The devotion and degradation as constant themes really sell it. The religious themes add to it wonderfully. And I love to hear a man beg.
The only reason it's not 10/10 is because I know Closer to God (the reworking of this track) gets that honor. I think it just elevates the track even more when the two are presented side by side, and for me Closer to God wins out. The more staticky track is really right up my alley (I enjoy the more industrial and distorted sound of it).
In the end though, both feel transcendentally erotic in their own way.
The songs in question for anyone who wants them:
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lesbianvamp1re · 8 months
NBC’s Hannibal changed my life here’s why :3
(moderate spoilers you have been warned)
Overtly gay
So many shows have amazing queer characters but many of them refuse to make this explicit and only lightly imply it. First of all there are two women in this show who “straight” up get together. Hannibal and Will never actually kiss, however there are so many extremely homoerotic scenes between them that it doesn't make much difference. Will even directly asks Hannibal's therapist Bedelia if Hannibal is in love with him. Other characters in the show also joke about their relationship, referring to them as “murder husbands” or referring to Will as the bride of frankenstein. Another crazy line is when Will says he and Hannibal have “begun to blur” and he doesn’t know if they will survive separation. Will and Hannibal also have this thing where they are drawn to each other even to their own detriment, Will keeps coming back to Hannibal even when he should know not to. After all, you don’t go back to your best friend after they keep trying to kill and eat you.
Insanely cinematic
The whole show is just extremely beautiful. The transitions are amazing, and there are gorgeous shots of everything. The music is also a masterpiece and adds so much to the show. Hannibal is a cannibal, but he is also a very fancy cook which creates many moments where you know he’s cooking people, but the food is mouthwatering anyway. I cannot stress how cool the food in this show is, not only the finished dishes but you also get amazing shots of Hannibal cooking and serving the meals. And do NOT even get me started on the gore, it is simultaneously disgusting, showing just about everything in detail, and beautiful because of the strange and artistic presentations of the bodies. Additionally the show HEAVILY uses metaphors, especially to refer to Hannibal and Wills relationship and they both often speak in metaphors themselves which is a bit confusing but overall works very well.
Hannibal Lecter
All the characters in this show are amazing and have great development and stories but I will mostly focus on Will and Hannibal (shocker i know). Hannibal Lecter is a serial killer and cannibal for pleasure, he is labeled a sociopath but it is explained that this is somewhat inaccurate as he has no trouble socializing, and experiences empathy. However he isn’t really a psychopath either as he also experiences regret. We know that Hannibal ate his sister as a child but he says he did not kill her which is interesting (we aren’t shown much detail in this area). Hannibal looks down upon most people seeing them as being beneath him, although amusing, but he has no trouble killing them if he considers them rude. Will Graham is a rare exception to this as Hannibal is very interested in him and his mind. Will fears that he enjoys killing people and confides in Hannibal (who is his psychiatrist) about it which interests Hannibal. He still wants to cannibalize Will though because he doesn’t know how to be normal about his feelings.
Will Graham
Will has a lot of stuff going on, he mainly shows signs of being autistic, and he has an empathy disorder which causes him to be able to solve murders through heavily empathizing with the killers. His ability to empathize so heavily causes him severe mental distress when he spends too much time thinking like killers. He has nightmares and hallucinations, often about the “stag man” which is exactly what it sounds like. Also in addition it turns out he has encephalitis which makes this worse. The stag man is a wendigo which is an evil spirit originating from Algonquian folklore that causes people to have the desire to kill and eat other people. Here the wendigo likely represents Hannibal or Hannibal and Will's relationship, Will starts seeing it after the first murder by the Chesapeake ripper (Hannibal) which is a body mounted on antlers. Will likes Hannibal because he appeals to his darker side, and Hannibal won’t judge him for desiring brutal things. Also Hannibal is pretty manipulative and Will makes the mistake of letting him inside his head.
It’s basically a silly romcom
While it may not really be anything like a romcom, it is if you squint hard enough. Hannibal and Will's relationship is obviously very romantic in its own way. Also it’s best not to take the show too seriously all the time because it tends to be a little silly at times. The cannibal jokes are really funny.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 1, Poll 5
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave here.
Monkey D. Luffy-One Piece
He's canonically asexual, and he is heavily implied to be autistic!!!
He's canonically aroace!!!!! he also has scars on his face and chest and is sometimes interpreted as autistic due to him not understanding many social cues.
he’s pretty much canonically aroace, showing no interest in sex or romance and even being immune to love-related powers!!! as for him being disabled, its easy to see him as being autistic - most notably he doesn’t really follow or understand social cues at all.
HES SO SILLY :DDDDDDDDDD hes beauty hes grace he punches fascists in the face
Kim Kitsuragi-Disco Elysium
Visually impaired
I dunno man. He's Kim Kitsuragi. There's nothing I can say about him that hasn't already been said. He's quiet and reserved and uncomfortable with emotions. He's a self-proclaimed Torque Dork who loves his car like a child. He listens to heavy metal music. He's a centrist. He's a homosexual. He's consistently given shit by everyone around him for his race, his sexuality, and his disability, and he's taught himself to respond to it with cold professionalism. He dresses in historical communist pilot cosplay. I love him with my entire heart.
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2005 Pride & Prejudice
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oh boy. I realize I am about to tread on dangerous ground here
I will say that I fully recognize that my prejudice (snort giggle) has influenced when I've seen this in the past. Colin Firth was my first Darcy and that's a hard thing to let go of, even setting aside my obsession preference for him.
That being said, this movie is visually GORGEOUS. Beautiful shots, sets, music, etc. I just...don't love the characterizations of the main characters. Most of the secondary characters I love! Explaining Charlotte's viewpoint for a modern audience and making her warmer, an awkward Collins (I could make a whole post about how if P&P were written today we would consider Collins autistic-coded), they did great! Also, Caroline gives the sassiest, bitchiest curtsies, which I adore.
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I appreciate Lady Catherine, not just because I love Dame Judi Dench but because they clearly paint a picture of someone holding onto the past. Not that the costumes in this adaptation are particularly, you know....accurate. in any way. BUT she's got a style that more closely aligns with 1790s than 1810s. (Although maybe that was intentional? Cursory googling suggests the director wanted to bring it back in time but then why isn't everyon- you know what it's fine, it's fine I'm not gonna get into it here, but basically be hyper-accurate or throw all realism out the window, there shouldn't be an in between it just feels lazy)
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I very much appreciate the heat in the proposal. It is a FIGHT. I think modern audiences can easily lose that feeling when they're reading the dated text on the page, but they are saying VERY impassioned things and making accusations and I really appreciate the energy this adaptation brings! And the almost kiss, it's hot I get it it's not true to the book but it's fine it's not fair of me to care so much for inaccuracy in this adaptation but not others. still gonna tho I miss the intimacy of her admitting the tragedy of Lydia only to Mr. Darcy, I understand that having the Gardiners there saves time and is more appropriate, but I have strong feelings about that scene where Elizabeth returns Mr. Darcy's trust when she doesn't have to and how it really speaks to her feelings.
Speaking of Lydia, LOVE that she's clearly so so young. Sometimes it's not as obvious.
And my dear Mr. Darcy, bold of you of all people to help Mr. Bingley practice a proposal
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but oh dear if that scene isn't just absolutely adorable. I appreciate that this Bingley found some fortitude and requested a private audience with Jane. On second thought, maybe it's for the best that Darcy is the one to help him so he can be like "here's what not to say"
(I'm sorry, she even tells Mr. Bennet about what Darcy did for the family and they STILL didn't include the line about "I'll offer to pay him back, he'll rant and rave about his love for you, and that will be an end to the matter"?? How rude) (But I do adore Donald Sutherland, good scene for him)
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The little epilogue scene is sweet, it's cute. I understand why people love this movie. It just doesn't hit me the same way please don't hate me
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genderdoe-sly · 1 year
i need you guys to go further with the autistic annie edison agenda. need you to give me silly accommodations she uses and fucked up coping skills that make things worse.
here are some i've made up some that are canon-related some not
-keeps a golf pencil somewhere in her bra somehow because she's that afraid of not being prepared
-the correlated hairstyle per type of event thing (Idk if this is just a me thing, but like I have to wear pigtails when I travel and have since I started doing my own hair)
-bad skin picking around her scars, gets nervous that people can see the bandages she puts on them through her clothes
-thought manipulation was the height of communication for a while growing up because of her mom 😬
-safe foods are latkes, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and Avengers popsicles
-wears bikini bottoms instead of regular underwear bc she likes the texture better
-the lipgloss over lipstick thing is a sensory thing, she stims by pulling her lips apart when they're sticky with the gloss. Does this without noticing.
-sometimes lies about the skills she has. the burnt-out gifted kid who is tired of the expectations.
-chews on inside of mouth. Sometimes she opens her mouth and it looks like she just killed something. adds to the intimidation factor
-werewolf -> horror novels -> forensics pipeline for a special interest
-fiend for forrest time. I hc that the house she grew up in had woods behind it, and she will freak out more easily if she doesn't spend a couple hours there at least every three weeks
-hyperaware of how she sounds, naturally voice is more up and down
-hypersensitive to smell and sound, loves loud music and crappy beauty products [EDIT: I meant hyposensitive sorry)
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k9authorwolf · 6 months
Lucid Dreams- Bucky Barnes x Autistic!Enchanced!Reader (Part 02)
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Part 01
Bucky sat on the stairs of his apartment building waiting for Sam. He had spent the whole night formulating an apology to his friend. It was more difficult than expected, especially since his brain kept going back to the memory of the dream he had.
Floating free through space, able to manipulate the heavens, being free from his nightmares and struggles. And that girl he saw. She was so beautiful. His heart fluttered like a lovesick schoolboy, he hadn’t felt like this in years. It felt nice. He wondered if he would see her again tonight?
“Thought you wanted to be left alone?” Sam spoke up, snapping Bucky from his thoughts.. He took a breath, Sam did try his patience but he was the only friend he had left. “Sam listen, I know what I said and, I’m sorry. I hadn’t had any sleep in weeks and I was frustrated. I know you wanted to help and in all honesty, you're more helpful than that fucking therapist.” Bucky expected Sam to say it wasn’t enough and walk off. But instead the new Cap patted his shoulder and smiled, “S’alright man, I know it can be tough. Had the same problems myself.” Bucky smiled, relieved he didn’t screw up. “Hey I’m supposed to meet Torres at a diner a couple blocks from here, wanna come?” Sam asked. Bucky nodded, “Yeah, sure.” The two walked and talked the whole way, when they passed a small coffee shop Bucky didn’t notice the pair of (y/e/c) staring at him through the window.
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Image not mine
“He looks so much happier now.” She said quietly. The music playing through her earbuds shut out the overwhelming noise of people and espresso makers.”(Y/n)! Get those coffee beans roasted!” Her boss yelled. Thank god for the earbuds. “Don’t worry sir, I already roasted them. I’m just refilling the jars.” Her boss looked at her in surprise, “Oh. Well, good.” He left, leaving her to revel in her work. (Y/n) did most of the hard work at the little coffee shop called, “Zen Brew.” She mostly cleaned, refilled, and roasted. Sometimes she’d have to man the counter when her space-brained coworker came up with some lame excuse not to come into work. She liked the repetitiveness of her job. Course the noise was the only problem, if it hadn’t been for her earbuds or the wax earplugs she kept in her pocket she probably wouldn’t have been able to get the job. But she’d never tell anyone that, no they wouldn’t understand. Most people didn’t understand her love for simplicity. It was their loss.
She saw Bucky everyday, he’d walk past the coffee shop everyday at 10:38 in the morning. Like clockwork. But he always looked so sad, like a lost puppy. She could always tell when someone suffered from nightmares, it was a part of her….gift. And Bucky was suffering more than she’d ever seen. She wanted to help him. (Y/n) purposely bumped into him the other day so that she could leave her essence on him and bring him into the dream realm. And his dream was magnificent, she had seen the dreams of many people before. But Bucky’s was boundless. It was what she loved about her gift, to see the true potential and inner most desires of those she helped. It was rare for (Y/n) to help someone more than once and yet she wanted to with Bucky. Tonight she’d see him again.
“Wait wait! Let me see if I got this. Some chick on the street touches you once and you have this wild crazy ass dream and she’s there IN the dream?” Sam asked. Bucky had told him everything about that night. With all that they’ve faced in the past this wasn’t the strangest or weirdest for that matter. However Bucky did want an outsiders opinion. “No offense Buck, that's pretty freaky.” Sam stated. Indeed it was, Bucky wondered if she was enhanced like Wanda. If only she was here. “I know but it was like she was in control, like a Goddess or something.” Maybe Thor would have an idea. “Think she might be a threat?” Sam asked but Bucky shook his head at the idea. “No, I don't think so. It was like she gave me that dream, like she wanted to help?” Bucky’s heartbeast increased as he remembered her sweet smile, the glow of emotion in her bright eyes, her soft angelic voice. Sam noticed his far off look and smirked, “Got a thing for her lover boy?” Torres snorted a laugh as did Sam. Bucky rolled his eyes at their immaturity. What he didn’t tell them was that he was hoping to see her again that night.
And he couldn’t wait.
That night, for the first time in a long time he was excited to sleep. He hoped to be swept back into that endless horizon, free floating amongst the stars and heavens. And to see her again. He laid down and waited for sleep to embrace him. But it couldn’t happen soon enough, he was too excited like a kid laying awake for Christmas morning.
Then, he suddenly felt something warm against his chest. Bucky looked down and saw that same handprint from before, glowing a heavenly deep blue. His eyes felt heavy, tired. Like something had flipped a switch in his brain. It was strange, he felt as if something or someone was holding him. Warm and safe, she was calling him. And he didn’t want to keep her waiting.
    Opening his eyes he saw stars. He was weightless. He was back. Bucky looked around to find her again. He heard no music. With his thoughts he moved through the darkness keeping an eye out for her. He didn’t have to look for too long.
A cute sounding laugh reached his ears. He looked and saw her staring at him with a smile. He felt all giddy inside as he moved towards her.
He slowed to stop in front of her. “I was hoping to see you again.” He said. She tilted her head, “Really?” Those eyes, god those eyes. The softness, the emotion behind them made him forget how to speak. “I-I wanted t-to thank you for the other night. For bringing me here.” But then she let out the most adorable giggle he ever heard. “Bucky, you made this all yourself. All I did was connect you to the dream realm.”
“Dream realm?” Sounded like something out of a fairytale or a wild fantasy movie.
“Yes, it is a realm not bound by time and space. A realm where the fabric of reality twists and bends. You are having what’s known as a lucid dream. You know you’re dreaming and you have full control.”
He was shocked. This was all his doing? He made this? “I created this?” He asked. She nodded, “That’s right. In the Dream Realm you can create anything, do anything. Go wherever or whenever you want. Give it a try, just think of a place you want to go and the Dream Realm will reform to be whatever you wish.” When she finished speaking Bucky only stared blankly at her. She thought she went too far, “Sorry I didn’t mean to ramble like that.” She wrung her hands together out of habit when she was nervous. She usually kept a lid on her rambling but when she was happy, she couldn’t help it.
Bucky however, only smiled. Seeing her eyes light up like that and that cute blush on her cheeks. His heart was one step away from flying off. “Sounds like you know this place like the back of your hand. Like a Goddess of Dreams.” Her blush deepend with a nervous smile. “I'm  n-no goddess.” She stuttered. “Could’ve fooled me.” Bucky charmed. She gave him a sweet soft smile.
“I-I’m (Y/n)”
(Y/n). Such a beautiful name, Bucky thought. “James. But everyone calls me Bucky.” They stared at each other for a moment before he thought to try what she recommended, “So all I have to do is think where I want to be and it’ll happen?”
“Do you have anywhere special in mind?”
He did. A place he wanted to see again someday. He closed his eyes and thought deeply. A faint breeze blew across his face and he felt himself slowly lowered to the ground onto warm grass. When he opened his eyes, Bucky was greeted by the peaceful sight of a Wakandan sunset. A sight he hadn’t seen since his recovery from HYDRA’s brainwashing. The African landscape was as beautiful as he remembered it. And yet with (Y/n) next to him, it didn’t hold a candle to her.
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“Absolutely beautiful.” She whispered as she looked over the horizon to the low sun.
They both stood and watched the landscape for who knows how long until she broke the silence. “Bucky, it’s time.” She could feel the morning approach. Bucky wanted more time with her so he jumped into the deep end. “Can I see you again tomorrow night?” He was afraid she’d say no. Instead she smiled, “You may.” She reached out and cupped his cheek. His eyes closed at the contact. She kissed his forehead and once again whispered,
“Time to wake up.”
He felt that warm and bright light envelope him again, sending him back to the real world.
The morning rays greeted him. He lay in that nest of blankets smiling with joy that he’d see her again.
Bucky Barnes was in love.
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hello [walks in here holding four balls] two of it is for 🟡🟢 hope it makes things a little better (p.s I write what I need the most on balls while I'm having them) it took me a while to write back because(writing doesn't come easy these days). I went and watched all the videos Ron was reading lyrics (I'm glad it was recorded b&w, it's more soothing to watch), through those videos he made me realize I don't need to own singer energy/voice to read my fav lyrics or song( by that i don't mean he doesn't have good voice, personally I love his voice) as a person who never finds their voice good I always shy away to sing anything feeling I embrace myself so it helped me a lot to focus on what I like there rather ponder on what I hate. I owe this Ron Mael, he is cool and has sensei vibe (thank you sir)
can I go further and say one more thing I learned from him? it was his birthday recently so I let myself a go. we all know how Ron has this aloof face and unshifting glare(I never met Ron in person, so I take this is his face), first time I heard about sparks and searched first thing that got me was his face, I didn't say 'why he is so serious? why he isn't smiling' instead my reaction was 'so cool!' before it changes to deep sadness because once I owned a face like this. when I was younger people always would tell me cheer up, to not look serious or glare at them. I didn't know what they meant, I wasn't unhappy or angry it was just my face(I didn't know I have autism then, later realized how some autistic people struggling to show emotions) but eventually their words got me. I thought I have to change it or I'm wrong then without I know I was smiling because that's what I supposed to or mimicking others facial expressions to know how to react. I became good at it tbh, people liked me more but I felt a big lie inside, when pandemic happened I noticed even away from others I couldn't have 'my face', this shattered me. till I saw photos of Ron, and thought if he can live his life fully and be successful by being who he is and everything turn fine then why can't I? there is no wrong in him or me. (insert not that well defined here :) (if this got personal, or irrelevant I apologize. I tried to not mention yet I wanted to share how they helped me in certain way)
Russell workout videos are such mood booster, it makes me feel when I get to that age I can still live good life, I won't be as old as society tells me I will be, by sparks measure we never are too old for anything, are we? there will be still time to live, to do things I love and have more. it always amazes me how they doing what they love when they almost 80 and there is still a lot for them to go(as it should). this reminded me of 'beat the clock' actually. no one should get PhD by afternoon.
I low-key know about sparkstember but not enough, would love to know more about it. maybe I take part as well. where will they share prompt? on their official page? (loved the music video. nice work)
THE RON ESSAY IS HERE AND I AM SO HERE FOR IT!! You get it. 💖 Woo! Two balls! Thank you!
(This will get long. Very long. A million tangents. I saw this ask before going to sleep last night and so I laid awake smiling thinking about Sparks to 3am. (Don't worry, it's a common occurrence among Sparks fans.) Btw you may find the "secret password" among Sparks fans is sensing another person gets it. It's a shortcut to immediate adoption into the family because we know we understand each other, we're wired in similar ways.)
I am thoroughly impressed you already watched all of the lyric reads! Ron *is* cool and has sensei vibes and his voice is amazing! *nods to all of that*! I can't sing for shit myself and Ron is critical of his singing voice as well (maybe because his brother is the best singer in the universe) but yeah I love it on the rare occasion he does sing. I love it when he speaks, he delivers his words very well. (My favourite word for Ron to say is "sensibility".) Every once in a while someone tries to compile a list of all the tracks Ron has vocals on (and then it gets lost again haha). Some honourable mentions though: he's got some backing vocals on Pineapple (they may be hard to notice), he sings on the songs Limo Driver and En Route To The Beverly Hills Hotel (from The Seduction Of Ingmar Bergman, he's done more vocals on it but those I love the utmost), there's a version of Suburban Homeboy that features a spoken word section by Ron (they performed the song live that way in 2022), The Shopping Mall Of Love is mostly all Ron (which they also performed live in 2022 and 2023), there's a song called "What Was That?" from the unreleased soundtrack for Mai The Psychic Girl (in the late 80's and early 90's they worked really hard for this to become a film but despite all their efforts, it didn't happen). What I think you'll *really* like as well though is the promotional video for Strange Animal, which keeps disappearing from the internet. (I guess I'm going to have to put it on Tumblr because a lot of people these days may not have seen it???)
Look at me go "blablablablabla" haha. Well, you asked for it, and Sparks fans have zero chill 😂 Anyway I'm mentioning all of these because I love that he's making you think differently about your own voice, so that's some more stuff that may be really nice :)
...Btw, don't think Russell minds if we can't sing well, he just loves it when we do. He will affectionately roast us for not reaching the notes though (performance of Equator in 2014 you will always be famous) but the only really disappointing thing would be if we *didn't* sing along. Proof:
(Quick note: great song critiquing American imperialism, while also being a metaphor for Something Else.) I love how Ron at some point is trying to talk, but you know, Russell exists, so... Good luck with that 😂
If you want to see the roasting though, start around 5:55 in the next video (though the whole thing is tremendously beautiful):
Before that time Russell keeps waiting for the audience to start singing and they just... Don't seem to want to start?? And then once he's outright said it out loud, "sing it from here!", and we start singing he soon realises why we didn't start earlier, poor man is *so* disappointed - you can see it in his entire body language, just deflated. (It must suck at times to have a voice no one can match 😅💕) But we keep at it in full force, and he's smiling that big smile of his again! Continuing to tell us off for not singing it right though, which had everyone in stitches 😂 I was at this show and it was the best! (There's more videos of it out there where you may be able to see his face better, this show was performed only a handful of times but to experience the roast from different viewpoints you want Equator from the Barbican show in London from 19 December 2014.)
Okay back to Ron (see, I got so sidetracked 😂). Everything you've said about facial expressions and the effect Ron's face has on you is so relatable. Ron being who he is gave me permission to also go back to being myself again. I've always felt that I was forced to be a certain way, and it meant I was never good enough because I'm just... Not like that. I don't want to smile if I don't mean it and at the same time if I don't smile it doesn't mean I'm not happy. Also I love that he found what he liked and just... Stuck with it. Suit, tie, moustache. And Ron went, okay that's me sorted for my entire life. It's just who he is. And it's so inspiring. It's like seeing him exist made me relax for the first time in my life. (Going to my first Sparks show was the first time in my life I ever felt at home. I'm not going on this tangent but I feel it's important to point out I learned about Sparks before I knew I was autistic and that kind of saved my life.) Back to the face thing though. The pandemic actually helped me to get my own face back. Wearing a mask all the time meant I didn't have to do all the expected facial emotions, no one was going to see them! So in putting on a mask, I dropped the autistic masking. It was a real struggle for me with my face when people expected me to take the mask of again because suddenly my face "existed" again to the outside world. It's been a struggle but I chose to try to let my face just be and my life is so much better now because of that. (It turns out that apart from my family, no one actually comments or minds my face. It's fine:)) (It's not that I never smile, it's just that when I do smile it's because it just happens and I really just feel happy. When I'm among the people who I feel really at ease with and happy around, it turns out I'm actually a lot like Russell and I'm smiling all the time!)
I love that Ron has this set in stone image, and that at the same time he can be "unexpected" - his love for air Jordan shoes, sports, snow globes, rap music, his shuffle, ...I Predict. Just because he's the Boss Accountant (badass term coined by @/archeolatry that I love SO MUCH) doesn't mean he's defined in only one dimension. (I mean we know that, he writes most of the songs and all these albums and songs are different and there's so much humour in it all. Also, see Not That Well Defined.) It's just nice as hell and so freeing.
And indeed we never are too old for anything! Russell is like the real life Peter Pan, and he's also sunshine personified - having a bad day? Not anymore, Russell exists! But anyway, back to what you said about never being too old for anything. Society is so set on telling us we need to have it all figured out at a certain age. Or that our live is over at a certain age. And it's just such a lie! (It Doesn't Have To Be That Way :)) When I was younger I felt so shitty all the time, everything about me seemed wrong and I know I'd never be what society deemed successful. What helped me so much is the constant reminder that at my age, Sparks hadn't even made so many of my favourite albums yet! Nothing is bound to age. And I have every intention to be a late bloomer, continuing to bloom throughout life. I think I'm going to be really happy when I'm 55. (Though I'm not going to be as fit as Russell is haha, it's like he eats batteries for breakfast. (He doesn't. He may have a lot of energy but also he works really hard to keep it that way and to keep his voice in shape, they don't want to perform their songs in a different key. He wants to reach the notes, and he does! I think his voice only has gotten better and better with the years, which is really not the case for any other band that's been around as long as they have.))
... It's just all so beautiful, isn't it? :) They both inspire me so much.
Which brings us to: Sparkstember :)
Sparkstember was created by our very own fellow fan @/newwaveworm (new-wave-worm on Instagram). (I'm not tagging people directly in this post because I don't want to be invasive, but they're all really nice people :)) The first Sparkstember was in 2021, and in 2022 it seemed to have caught on on a bigger scale. Sparks shared the prompts list and shared so much of everyone's stuff! They were loving it. Same in 2023. (If you've seen what Instagram and tumblr looked like on Ron's birthday - that's a preview of how it gets on there during Sparkstember, but then it goes on for the full month!) Sparks have at some point sent newwaveworm a parcel with gifts and signed stuff to say thank you for coming up with Sparkstember, it's really sweet. They've even spoken about Sparkstember in an interview last year! You can read it here. (Both of the art pieces Russell and Ron mentioned in the article were made by @/nedison, who's day was obviously made when they saw this - it was so cool!)
I don't know the prompts list yet for this year as so far they usually get posted close to the last week of August, but here's the one for 2022 and the one for 2023 to give you an idea. I'm personally assuming it'll be similar this year (I don't really know that for sure though!) so I've started working on the early albums.
Sparkstember to me is just a really lovely time and people interact with each other a lot, I've shared almost all the pieces people made in 2023 and 2022 on my Instagram page (pineapplefulfillseveryneed) and put them in highlights so if you want, you can see what Sparkstember is like. (Don't worry, I can't see who looks at my Instagram story highlights, so your anonymous cover won't be blown :)) Honestly, to me Sparkstember is near the same level of exciting as a Sparks tour or the release of new material. The entire fandom comes together to tell Sparks how much we love them and it's just a joy to feel so connected to everyone, see so much cool art and make new friends. In a lot of ways it truly feels similar to when there's a tour and people travel from all over the world just to see Sparks. (Sometimes art made by fans ends up in the fanclub newsletter later on as well so that's another exciting thing! I've never made it in though, and it would be a huge honour if at some point I did. So if you do end up making stuff, there's always a small chance that that may happen :))
Don't feel pressured to create something for every day if you partake though, any and all participation is super cool and super appreciated! Picking the days you like best is what I'd recommend because it's supposed to be fun and not stressful :) I consistently truly have a lot more time than most people (because I've been unable to function in society in a normal way) and it's still incredibly challenging to the point it almost makes me ill at times. (I don't sleep well at all for the entire month, both because I'm so excited and because I'm very audhd which means I suck at planning and end up not having anything ready for the next day so then I still have to come up with something. It takes up literally all my time and my brain can't catch a break 😅) ... You've had a little taste of what Sparks fans are like though, so yeah we're just a little bit mad like that because we love them so much. (Sparks is a little bit mad as well though, in 2008 they played 21 concerts over 21 days, playing a different full album every day. I didn't get to witness that but it's one of my favourite things they've ever done, there's quite a bit of footage of it on YouTube and they're some of my favourite concerts! I always think about that during Sparkstember, because who but Sparks and who but Sparks fans would do something like that.)
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