#i love that adorable little fellow in the last gif
ian-galagher · 2 years
Is this weekend update day?
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IT SURE IS ANON! 🥳🍾🎊🎉🎈🪩🪶
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A Changed Future (1): Yandere Isekai 
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When you woke after an especially tiresome day the last thing you’d expect was to reawake in a room that looked nothing like your own
The house, the neighborhood, your job everything was not your own
Instead, it’s resembling a webtoon you remember seeing the marketing, edits, and spoilers for
And if it was all adding up right you’d find the horrifying truth behind the controversial protagonist of the story would be incredibly true
“Look I’m sorry I yelled…I love you…I’m really hungry. Can I eat today?”
The beautiful and practically perfect protagonist was the one who trapped their love interest inside their–now your basement
Chained to the floor on a chair in the dark with unfinished surroundings was the poor victim of the yandere protagonist
Haruko, is an average guy who previously caught the protagonist’s attention by standing up to one an influential pair of elitists in defense of their crush but that’s hearsay
In the former protagonist's atmosphere the children of the rich were victims to their family’s whims often protecting their wealth rather than their children
Which caused Haruko to defend his friend from their overbearing parents
That is when the protagonist suddenly fell deeply in love with the average fellow 
Obsessively stalking him and eliminating their rivals by any means necessary
finally snatching their love and running to a small little home where they planned to have their dreamy life 
Of course, after breaking his spirit and having Haruko develop some kind of stockholm syndrome
To find that you’ve been isekai’d is jarring 
But being a protagonist that had the internet raving for years about how unhealthy they were is awful
But it was nothing when you were standing at the top of the stairs and watching the malnourished man call out to you
Naturally you calm down, enough to make the poor guy something to eat and drink
Excusing yourself to have a breakdown in the bathroom before coming up with a plan to fix it all
“Y-you’re letting me go?”
“Yes, I won’t stop if you want to go to the police…but I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t.”
You felt so selfish 
But you weren’t the one who imprisoned him
Now that you were though you were going to turn a new leaf
After feeding him, clothing him, and giving him a hefty sum from the protagonists savings 
You go to their place of work where they’re in line for a promotion
“I quit.”
“E-excuse me (L/n)?! But your about to become the vice president of the company!?”
“I know. Sorry?”
You almost feel bad turning down the CEO who visits to try and reason with you
In your opinion, the protagonist didn’t deserve any of their success
They technically didn’t need it because they were stacked
Same could be said for the detective thats been constantly asking the protagonist questions
“You are actually agreeing to talk with me?”
“Did you hit your head?!”
With the knowledge from spoilers and ads you’d seen, you knew that the worst part of this story is that the protagonist is doing just fine while Haruka continues to struggle with his captivity and manufactured feelings
You want to do this right, whether you were meant to live in this world from now on or would one day return to your own
But in the meantime you’d do what you felt was right 
Turning their life—now your life around to somehow try to condone for all the crimes they’ve done
Unfortunately, though things don’t seem to want to go your way
“Please Please take me back!” 
“You heard me! You were right you’re the only one who loves me! I love you! Please! Please! Take me back in your basement!”
It seems that once you released the poor guy he returned to society
Expecting to be welcomed by his friends and family upon being missing for years
Who instead had moved on or had benefitted from him being declared dead
He tried to go back to working but he couldn’t get you out of his head
Not the one that ranted about adoring him and the one that would go days without feeding him
But the one that cried when you saw his skin bruising in his chains
The one that fed him a hot meal 
The one that helped him relearn to use his weakened legs
The one that keeps apologizing for every little thing you do
That’s the you, he likes
And he’d much prefer he turn back to being a victim trapped in your basement if it meant having you back in his life
“I don’t mind if you stay here if you need but I’m not keeping you trapped here. I won’t do it anymore.”
He cries and bangs his hands on the floor when you officially tell him
But he’ll take you up on your offer to move in with you
“Good morning (Y/n)! Since you quit your job you’re getting up so much later now. You’ve got to be careful waking too late.”
“Uhm how do you know I quit my job?”
“Unless you're locking me in the basement you don’t need to know!~”
He’s like a weird roommate who occasionally asks that you restrain him in some way
Purposefully rummaging in your storage to find ropes that you haven’t thrown away yet or buying them himself and leaving them out
“Ooops~! I did leave a chain out while cleaning! I’m so bad, being so careless even though you’ve been so against it. I should be punished! I know, you should tie me up! Right? Right? Right?”
He’s going insane everytime you refuse his demands to be locked away
You’re even sweeter now that he’s not locked away and that’s not helping
He’ll ultimately decide he should try it
“Hey (Y/n)?”
“You still feel guilty about what you did to me right?”
“Then how about you do something for me? To make up for it?”
Even if you know you’ve done nothing wrong 
The guilt doesn’t stop you
Letting him lock you in the basement as he repeats some of the same punishments he remembers
Or rather tries to
“I just can’t seem to stand being away from you for a day, let alone not feed you then. I have no idea how you did it.”
You couldn’t be sure either
Which is why you don’t protest as his actions tend to get a bit more…wild
“Like you suggested I did try going for that new job again.”
“Uh that’s good.”
“I know since you’ve left they seem to be desperately searching for extra hands. I’d feel bad for them if you weren’t with me!”
“But being away from you all day is killing me! Maybe I should look for a more remote position.”
He treats you better than the former protagonist did 
Quickly moving you up to your old room and just chaining you there
But he wants more from you 
More Kisses
More Cuddles 
More Romance 
More Touching
More Quality time
He takes up so much of it, that the same problems that happened in the webtoon were happening again
Except this time it was related to you
“I’m Revmere the CEO of the Revere Co. I’m wondering is (Y/n) home? I’ve been trying to reach them by phone but it hasn’t been going through.”
“And I’m Detective Cape. Thomas Cape, I also need to speak with (Y/n) and you too if that’s alright Haruko.”
Part 2: Coming Soon
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klausysworld · 2 months
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Nik Michaels
Klaus had been going back to the same little art shop for weeks now. His studio at home was stacked with paints but it didn't stop him going back at least once every few days.
The little bell chimed gently above the door as he stepped inside the cozy room. The scent of lavender floated through the room whilst the soft hum of music drifted past the selection of canvases and shelves.
His eyes immediately searched for her familiar face.
Y/N was handing a customer their receipt along with a beautifully decorated paper bag which contained whatever supplies they had bought. He moved out the buyers way when they headed for the door and took their place at the till.
"Hi Nik." She greeted, a smile on her face which he couldn't help but mirror.
"Busy day, sweetheart?" He asked as that damned bell rang again and a fellow artist made their way inside.
"Always busy in New Orleans!" She chirped, her eyes bright and keen as she waved at the other woman in the shop.
Klaus hummed faintly and tapped his fingers gently against the wood that stood between them. He waited relatively patiently for her to serve the woman before waiting for her attention again.
She turned back to him and gave him a cute little head tilt. "You can't possibly need more paint?" She laughed, the sound ran right along his spine and he felt his hairs stand on edge.
"Well paints aren't all you sell now are they, love?" He grinned and she shook her head.
"Pick whatever you like." She told him, gesturing to the contents of her shop making him push that little pout to his face.
"You aren't going to come out from behind there and help?" He questioned, tone playful. Her cheeks went an adorable shade of pink as she pushed the pointless gate that separated her and her customers to come over to his side.
Klaus smiled as she came over to him. He loved when he got to be so close. She was the kindest, most gentle hearted person he had ever met.
His eyes took in the soft, beautiful features of her face before trailing downwards. Her dress was a soft shade of blue in colour, one of his favourites. The bodice was fitted perfectly, the built in cups showing the perfect shape of each of her breasts before the aline skirt hid the rest of her curves. He glanced to the comfortable but never less than pretty flats that adorned her feet. Klaus loved that she never wore heels, kept her small and dainty.
Klaus was certain that even without his superhuman strength, it would be easy to pick her up, spin her around, lift her up, catch her, anything.
His eyes snapped back up to hers, taking in the way her irises swirled with colour. Suddenly the realisation dawned on him that her soft lips were moving, he tuned back into the conversation.
"Canvases? Or do you want something else like uh the dream catchers and things? I know you don't usually but there are some more...masculine ones you could have..." She offered, eyes darting round the room as she spoke about different things and thought of anything else she could offer him. "I have candles and incense? Uh...evil eyes? Some things to bring luck and stuff? You don't seem like a crystal guy..." She murmured, thinking aloud and he couldn't help but feel a little amused.
"Not particularly, but for you sweetheart I could be." He smirked and Y/N looked down with a smile.
"What did you come in for Nik?" She asked and he clicked his tongue.
"Well.." He muttered, his expression never dulling. "I came in hoping for a date...perhaps you have a spare evening this week?" Klaus proposed, his eyes wondering over her again without meaning to.
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek, it wasn't the first time he had asked for a date; in fact he asked pretty much every single time he walked in there.
"Nik-" She sighed softly and he huffed.
"Oh come on sweetheart! Just one dinner, one glass of wine...one kiss...one touch...one-"
"Nik!" She scolded and he groaned unseriously.
"Y/N..." He borderline whined and she giggled. "I'll buy every last brush in this store. Every last tube of paint, every sheet of paper, everything for one evening where you're mine and mine alone."
"If you buy everything it'll take me forever to restock." She shrugged and he swallowed down the little growl that his wolf produced.
"Then I'll spend all week helping you stack the shelves," He grinned and looked down at her, wanting nothing more than to grab her perfect little face and kiss that teasing smile right off her face. "I'll have to lift you up to help you reach those high shelves. Do tell me love, how did you get those up their?" Klaus asked as he eyed the beginners painting gift sets that rest far to high up for her adorable height to reach.
"Hm? Oh. My ex put them up there...they're just display ones, thats why people ask for them and I get some from out back." She explained and his light mood lowered.
"When was this ex last around?" He questioned, desperately trying to sound casual however it was anything but.
"Oh he doesn't come around here anymore." She told him simply but there was an underlying tone to her words.
"Did you end on good terms?" Klaus asked, curiosity obvious but also his concern.
"Uh...sure...you know, all breakups are messy." She mumbled, her attention on a little feather that dangled from a dream catcher she was fiddling with.
Klaus nodded silently, understanding that the topic needed to be dropped for the time being. He cleared his throat and picked the decoration from her hand.
"I like this one." He decided, whether it was because it was pretty or because she had touched it was unclear.
"You sure?" She checked, that smile on her face always contagious and it made him nod.
"I'll bag it up for you" She told him, taking the dream catcher back and going back behind to the till. Klaus leaned against it, gazing at her as she picked a bag out for him. Each paper back was hand painted by her to be unique, there must have been hundreds ready and he couldn't help but wonder how much time she spent each week preparing them all. His eyes watched her hands wrap the item in a couple layers of tissue paper before gently placing it in the bag and placing it up in front of him. "Cash or card?" she asked, eyes back on his.
"Cash" He answered automatically, pulling out a fifty and she shook her head.
"Nik, no. No more big tips." She told him, borderline whined and he grinned.
"Oh love, you deserve the tips. Think of it as me paying for the bag." He offered a solution and she huffed.
"The dream catcher is $5. The paper bag is not worth $45." She argued and he shook his head.
"The bags are as beautiful as the item. And the dream catcher is worth more than $5" He countered and she sighed softly to herself as she reluctantly took the money from his fingers. "So...about that date" He brought up and she shot him a playful glare.
"I'm...very busy." She muttered and he hummed, clearly unconvinced.
"Perhaps you could schedule me in for next week then? Morning, afternoon, evening, middle of the night, it doesn't matter." He listed, becoming all the more eager, bordering on desperate.
"I'm just not ready for a relationship at the moment Nik and I don't think I could go on one date with you without wanting another." She sighed and he softened.
"Alright" He whispered with a nod. "I understand that..." He paused for a moment as he took the bag. "I can wait." He shrugged and her brows furrowed slightly.
"Wait?" She questioned and he nodded.
"I'm a patient man, I can wait for you to be ready." He told her and he meant it.
Y/N was human. She didn't know who or what he was. He wasn't Klaus Mikaelson the crazed hybrid, disgrace to the wolves and tyrant to the vampires, father to the tribrid and son to the original witch. He was just Nik, an artist. So simple yet it allowed him to be so much more. A man instead of a monster.
It was nice having Y/N's attention, she didn't have any twisted intentions. No ulterior motives, she wasn't evil or calculated, she was just kind and genuine.
"I'll still be coming here every week for paints and what not, then when you're ready I'll take you somewhere fancy." He winked and she laughed softly.
"I'll see you in a few days." She told him as he stepped back toward the door.
"I'll see you soon sweetheart."
And obviously he did. He came back all the time. Often giving her little paintings he had made with things from her shop. They could be seen hanging up in the back. Y/N lived in the apartment above her shop and almost never left the building, she had no need to unless she needed to go shopping. She went out for her weekly visit to town on Monday as it was the only day her art job closed. Klaus would almost always be roaming around the supermarket, waiting for her to show up so he could help pick out her dinners for the week and carry her bags home for her whilst she scolded him for trying to pay for her groceries.
Back home his family never knew where Klaus was going so often. All he said on a Monday morning was that he'd be back later to Hope and then would be gone for hours.
Never would any of them have thought he would be pushing a trolley round each aisle or juggling cartons round a shop.
Once he helped her get everything inside he would carry the bags up the steep steps leading from the back of her store but he never went into her apartment. She hadn't ever invited him in. He would just pass her bags over the threshold whilst she spoke to him from her kitchen as she put things away. When she came back out he would help her organise out back and sometimes he got to decorate the paper bags with her, swirling beautiful patterns and scenes across the material.
He'd only leave when it got dark and she became hungry, not without offering to take her out of course. Inevitably Klaus would go home in a strangely good mood, taking Hope to bed and reading her a story before going to his own room with only one thing or person on his mind.
Hayley, Rebekah and Freya would all hold the same look, knowing that Klaus was in over his head. Elijah would shake his head every time at their childish giggles and tell them to leave Niklaus alone, not that Klaus seemed the slightest bit aware. He was sure that he was very discreet about his visits.
But they all would get nosey each time he came down the stairs, skip in his usually dull step, a smile on his usually grumpy face. The girls would start to whisper and even Marcel would crack a joke every now and then. Klaus however, remained oblivious.
He hung around Y/N like a love-stuck puppy, bringing flowers and sketches for her to enjoy. But one day when he walked in, the little bell didn't ring.
A frown settled upon his face as he noticed the item on the ground. "Y/N?" He called, picking up the bell and walking further in. He heard a crash from out back and immediately pushed past the gate. Y/N was yelling incoherently, crying and backing away from a very rageful man.
A switch flicked in Klaus's mind.
Y/N sat in the corner of the room, face in her knees and hands over her ears whilst Klaus mercilessly beat the man until he couldn't blubber a word. The guy was dragged out into the alley round the back of the building, propped up by the bin and told that should he try to move, Klaus would pick him apart limb by limb.
Klaus went back to Y/N, his hands bloody so he wiped them on his shirt before taking her face into his hold only to see light bruising starting to form across the top of her cheek. His arms moved to pick her up, carrying her upstairs.
"I need you to invite me in, love." He told her, ignoring her confusion and making her say the words that allowed him inside. Once she was sat down on her sofa, blanket draped over her shoulders and an ice pack in hr hand, she started to calm down.
Her gaze stayed on Klaus as he cleaned his surprisingly unbruised hands in the kitchen sink. His henley was stained, finger smears of blood that made her feel sick.
"Who was that man?" Klaus demanded, voice much colder than she had ever heard it. It frightened her.
"He's my ex-" She told her, voice wobbly as she sniffed.
"I thought he didn't come round here?" He snapped and she flinched.
"He's not meant to...I have a restraining order" She whimpered and Klaus swallowed, trying to push his anger down. It wasn't directed at her, it was at the man bleeding out downstairs.
He wasn't thinking straight, but he knew that he needed to stop yelling. If Y/N had been in a presumably abusive relationship before then witnessing Klaus almost killing a man would not bode well for him. Being too loud, too aggressive in his movements would scare her more.
His hands rubbed down his face, trying to conjure ideas on how to fix everything. Klaus considered compelling her but he was certain that it would come back to bite him in the ass. He didn't want to be a vampire to her, a hybrid. He couldn't heal her, it would complicate things further.
What would a human do? He wondered, glancing over at her tear-stained face as she looked up at him silently begging for help.
"Should I...call the police?" He sort of offered, feeling strangely nervous. He thought maybe it was the right thing to do. He would compel his way out of any charges of course but at least to Y/N he would be a good person doing the right thing.
"No..." Y/N whispered and he was a little surprised when she shook her head. "You'll be in trouble."
"I won't...it'll be ruled as defence of innocent life, I didn't attack him, he attacked you and I stopped him. He's in the wrong." Klaus argued, voice much gentler now.
"You don't know him...he has ties and connections, the police will ruin you, you'll be taken away. He's not gonna come back...you scared him but if you take him to court he'll win. I only got the restraining order because I gave everything for it." She explained. Klaus hated how vulnerable she was because of that man.
"Okay" He murmured, nodding. "We should get you to a doctor though, you're still hurt."
"It's just bruising, nothings broken, I'd know." She uttered, her eyes glancing down momentarily in shame.
Klaus knew that he would have her ex strung up by his own intestines. Tearing him apart from the inside out and watching the fear and horror leave his face when death took his filthy soul.
Cautiously, he sat down beside her and helped her over to him to hold her in a comforting hug. Her tears began quiet before they developed into broken sobs that she must’ve been holding in for so long. Klaus understood now why she wasn't ready for him but he made her a promise that he would wait and he would continue to uphold that by being there for her so that she may heal.
Later that day once Y/N had cried herself to sleep, Klaus went out back to move her ex-boyfriend. He put him down in the dungeons of the abattoir before returning to the shop and cleaning everything up. Putting every last piece of paper back on their shelf, he picked up the torn bags that Y/N had made and put them in the bin before spending his night making a hundred more to replace them.
The next day Y/N didn't come downstairs, he could hear her lead in bed, sniffling away to herself. He didn't want to make her come down so he ran the shop for her, serving customers and packaging things the way he had seen her do and restocking shelves at the end of the day so that everything was perfect like she had it. He locked the front up for her and went upstairs, going through her cupboards to cook her something for dinner.
Her tired little self had shuffled into the room once the inviting smell travelled through her door and enticed her presence.
Klaus brought her the plate of food to the little kitchen island and helped her onto the chair. "It wasn't too busy today but it wasn't too quiet either." He told her whilst getting her some water.
"You worked for me?" She whispered and he nodded.
"Course I did, I'm not the only artist who relies on your shop." He told her, a playful element to his words to make her smile.
"Thank you" She whispered earnestly. "For today and yesterday."
"We don't need to remember yesterday." He murmured, shaking his head.
"You didn't do anything wrong... you saved me."
"Right place, right time." He argued and she scoffed softly but he wouldn't let her contradict him.
Eventually they just agreed to disagree and they tidied everything up before Klaus went home.
He got in and went straight to Hope's room, apologising for being gone so long and promising to take her out for the whole day tomorrow.
They went for ice cream, to the park, for afternoon tea and to a soft-play. All women loved seeing a dedicated father, especially an attractive one. However no matter how many mothers hit on him or how many by passers would flirt, Klaus wouldn't bat an eye. Y/N was at the centre of his mind all of the time when it came to women. He barely noticed the amount of eyes on him, the attention he usually craved.
Now the only eyes he needed on him were hers.
Weeks passed by of him continuing his routine of dropping by. Her ex-boyfriend was long gone and very mutilated. He fell harder and harder for her, he could've stared at her for lifetimes. Sometimes he would linger around the shop until she gave in and asked if he wanted to use her art studio upstairs, it was smaller than his at home but felt much more intimate. It was as though he could see her every feeling sprawled out across the walls, the floor, everything everywhere. He ended up with his own rack on canvases in her studio which he would add to as often as she let him.
He waited a fair amount of time before he got to take her out. She met him outside of her shop, dressed as gorgeous as ever when he pulled up beside her in his car. He got out to open the passenger door for her, making sure she knew how much she brightened his evening.
Y/N was a little quiet on the drive there, her walls were up when it came to dating and he knew that and made sure not to push his limits.
Dinner was as sweet as expected, he behaved as the perfect gentleman to charm her and treat her correctly. There was never a moment of doubt or a second she felt even the slightest bit uncomfortable. Everything seemed to flow perfectly.
At the end he brought her home and made sure she got in okay. There were no kisses but he had expected that and didn't mind. Klaus was too overjoyed that he had finally gotten to take her out to be stressed over a kiss.
Oh but once he got that first kiss, he never wanted a day without one.
Klaus wasn't a touchy person usually. However whenever given the opportunity to have hand on his girl? Whether it be the small of her back, her hip, her waist, her hand, her knee? It didn't matter where, so long as she was happy and comfortable.
Once the relationship started rolling, it seemed to have a smooth journey. Klaus had practically moved into her apartment.
He was always curled up around her on the sofa, tickling her sides and nuzzling her hair while she tried to finish a drawing off. Often they would both be in her little studio, getting paint everywhere as they tried to create a joint painting. Klaus would always be there for at least one out of the three meals.
After a couple months of dates and kisses, he told her something really important; that he was a father.
Y/N had been shocked and a little upset that he hadn't told her sooner but eventually she understood why he didn't want to broadcast it.
"It's nothing to do with you, my love. I wouldn't have told any woman until I..." He paused, he wasn't sure this was the right time to say he loved her. "Until I really care about them, If I had told you then I would have introduced you and I couldn't do that unless I was sure...everything's much more complicated when a child's involved." Klaus explained.
"I get it Nik, I do. I just- I need some time to digest it, okay?" She sighed and he felt his heart sink as he nodded, kissed her head and headed home.
He loved Y/N and it would break his heart but if she couldn't be apart of Hope's life ever then she couldn't be apart of his, not truly.
A few days went by, he gave her some space and didn't come by the shop, before he received a message from her asking if he would come over. Klaus knew he would never let her go after that. He let her meet Hope only a week later, watched as she pushed his daughter on the swings and went down the slide with her on her lap. Hope was still young, only just getting ready to start school so she latched onto Y/N easily.
Everything moulded together so beautifully. To him, they were the little family he had secretly craved. A family where hatred was non-existent. Love was truly boundless and honest.
Arguments were rare and were over surprisingly fast. Klaus was used to endless grudges and growing hatreds against everyone but not her and Hope. There wasn't a bad thing to say about either of them.
But it was getting difficult for a few reasons.
The main one being that he was keeping a lot of secrets. She didn't even know his name. To her he was Nik Michaels. Not Niklaus Mikaelson. He was human, an artist who was doing really well and had lots of foreign buyers. She knew he had a big family, he had mentioned some names and stories here and there but it was strongly implied that they didn't speak anymore. Y/N wouldn't have ever guessed that he was living with them. She didn't know where he lived, just assumed he hadn't ever taken her before because she'd never asked and because of Hope.
Another growing issue for Klaus was his need for further intimacy. He had so much understanding for how she felt and how she had been treated in the past, he wouldn't voice his desires but they were slowly driving him crazy.
The amount of masterbation he had engaged in since he met her was making his balls hurt. As a man who had never really had such tight loyalty to a woman or had to wait so long for any sort of sexual contact, the past months drove his body crazy. Especially with how perfect she was.
Sometimes when they'd snuggle up he'd feel himself get all hard again, he'd ignore it for as long as possible before it became painful. It was unclear as to whether Y/N was unaware or choosing to ignore what was happening when he would disappear to another room to try to ease the tension.
There had been a lot of times that he had smelt her lovely arousal, often when making out or lead in bed but she never addressed it either so he knew she wasn't ready.
Klaus knew she wasn't ready to have sex but he wondered if she was ready for anything else.
So when she was laid against him on the sofa beneath a blanket with a romantic film playing in front of her, he let his hands slip downwards. He mirrored the actions of the man on the screen, letting his fingers disappear under her waist band and graze over her panties. Y/N's hand held onto his shirt at his shoulder, she was tense but nodded silently. Klaus's fingers pet her clit through the cotton barrier, varying his pressure and direction. A series of little mewls and gasps left her soft lips whilst her head went down, her face pressing into his shoulder as her hips rolled against his hand and wrist. "You feel so lovely." He whispered as he pulled her underwear aside and coated his fingers in her wetness.
Y/N held onto him so tightly, her breathing messy and unpredictable as she whimpered. "Please Nik, please keep going."
Klaus groaned at the sound of her begging and eagerly obliged. He leant down to kiss her forehead softly to keep her comforted as he circled his fingers over her sweet little jewel. He was slightly hesitant to let his middle finger sink into her but after another minute of her delicate little moans he let her tight heat encase his skin.
The sound she produced was pornographic and her hips thrust forward with desperation. Klaus felt her nails break through his shirt and dig into his skin making hiss in a pained delight and pump a second finger within her velvet walls.
"Nik!" She cried beautifully and he leaned down to kiss below her ear before nipping her earlobe. Her moans fuelled his wrist to move faster, push deeper. The slippery swollen clit beneath the pad of his thumb felt as though it was buzzing as her face pushed right into his neck, a muffled call leaving her as she came undone.
Klaus eased his fingers out of her gently and gradually slowed the stroke of his thumb before pulling his hand out from under the covers and sucking her taste from them. His eyes rolled back and his tongue licked over his bottom lip to catch the drip.
He looked down to look at Y/N as her chest rose and fell dramatically with each breath and her hair stuck to the back of her neck making him push the blanket down a bit to help her cool.
Klaus kissed her cheek before turning her head with his hand to feel those lips he loved so dearly against his own. He loved how she panted into their kiss, stealing all the air from his lungs and letting him be blessed with another soft little moan he had dreamt of for months.
He pulled away slowly and kissed her lips a few more times, looking down at her eyes through his own and enjoying her disheveled state.
"I love you." Klaus whispered, his eyes darting between hers to gage her reaction.
"I love you too." She replied without missing a beat making him release a breath and kissing her again for a little longer to really saver that feeling.
From that day Klaus almost lived in her little apartment. He restocked shelves in the evening, helped her cook, helped clean and then snuggled until bed. Hope had been coming round a few days in the week, not sleeping over because he didn't want to raise alarm bells with his family and also because there wasn't room but she came over to play after the store closed and on Mondays when it was closed they would often drive out of town to go to softplays and parks.
A couple times Hope had accidentally called Y/N 'Mommy'. Every time Hope would either feel really bad and cry or wouldn't notice at all, no in between. Klaus would calm her down and tell her that Y/N didn't mind and that they knew she didn't mean it to upset her real mommy. Y/N would just soften even more. Being a parent was something she did want one day and knowing that to Hope she was good enough to be called her mommy gave her such joy and love for the sweet child.
Klaus and Y/N never mentioned having children. It was a little difficult with them living separately and her working nearly everyday so it wasn't brought up. They didn't think nor worry about that.
Well...not until she wound up pregnant.
Klaus had just unlocked the door to come inside, bouquet of flowers in his hand and smile on his face before he heard her soft sniffles from the bathroom. His face dropped and he quickly shoved the door open.
His brows furrowed before his eyes widened as he looked around. At least five pregnancy tests were littered on the floor around her as she curled into herself and cried.
Slowly he picked one up and read that magic little word. Klaus swallowed thickly and knelt down to wrap his arms around Y/N's frame.
"It's alright, love." He whispered to her. His hands rubbed her back and sides gently whilst he focused his hearing on her body, listening for that faint little beat of their baby's heart.
Her head shook with a sniff as she leaned against him. "I can't afford a baby...it's too soon. I'm not- I was gonna wait at least a couple years, we haven't been together long enough-"
Klaus tried to shush her gently but her breathing became more and more rapid and her words started to blur together. Klaus could feel the worry building except he was worrying for two now.
"Y/N" He murmured, cupping her teary face in his hands. "We'll figure this out. I'm gonna be here, I can afford this okay? You can't worry about that. Just... just worry about your health and our baby." He trailed as his hand slid down her front to her tummy.
Y/N looked up at him through glassy eyes before glancing at his hand. She was quiet for the longest time, staying on the floor as he cleaned up the tests, throwing all but one out.
He made sure she ate something for dinner before going to bed with her, snuggling close and whispering about how beautiful their little boy or girl would be.
Y/N went back to work the next day, despite Klaus trying to persuade her that he could run the shop whilst she had a few days to herself.
So whilst she ran the art store, he started looking at real-estate nearby. He knew that they would need a house with at least three bedrooms if not four; one for them, one for the baby and one for Hope. If he could get a four bed it could be a playroom and then one day another bedroom. Klaus worried a bit over how his family would be, if they'd let him take Hope. Of course Hayley would have her half the time but he knew Hayley and he knew she wouldn't want split custody. But he couldn't leave Y/N and their child so he'd have to get it to work.
In the early months of Y/N's pregnancy everything was normal. Klaus kept up his visits, took her to doctors appointments and hid little sonograms in his room at home.
Though they didn't stay there long before he found a house.
It was perfect.
Five bedrooms, two of which were en suites with showers. A separate bathroom upstairs with both bath and shower and then a smaller one downstairs. The kitchen was spacious and had a lot of potential which Klaus immediately took advantage of and had people in and out all of the time to fit the marble countertops. Then he had an island fitted for the mental image of his cute little family having breakfast still dressed in their pyjamas and slippers. He still had a dining table for their evening meals and for when Hope got older and wanted to invite friends over or anything. He also furnished the living-room to be comfy and inviting with a beautiful fireplace and everything.
Klaus had lived in many houses, mansions, apartments but they were never a home. They were soulless, empty buildings that he just floated around so this time he wanted to make it homey and special. Warm, comfortable and full of life.
Once Y/N was six, almost seven months pregnant, Klaus told he had a surprise for her that required her to be blindfolded. She had yawned and told him that she was too tired which made him chuckle before leading her into the car.
When he took the cloth away from her eyes she was faced with such a stereotypical sight; that big white picket fenced house with a lovely lawn covered in flowers and berry plants.
Klaus wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting both hands on her now prominent baby-bump whilst placing a kiss to her temple.
"I know you were worried about raising our little one in your flat...The house is all ready for us, I'll keep your apartment above the shop so that you still have it and I’ll run the art store whilst you’re on maternity- We can have your things moved here- though I did buy some new-" He kept rambling but Y/N spun round and pushed her lips to his to shut him up.
She pulled away after a moment and rest her head in the crook of her neck, Klaus nuzzled into her hair before he realised she was sniffling back tears.
"What's wrong, my love?" He whispered and she wiped her eyes.
"Nothing...it's just perfect...you're perfect." She whimpered and he smiled, holding her tight. He chuckled softly, her pregnancy hormones had made her so teary over the smallest things but he didn't mind.
"You want to go see inside?" He asked her and she nodded vigorously, holding onto his hand as he lead her to the doorway.
He showed her the downstairs before taking her to their bedroom. On the bedside table was a framed sonogram and a framed positive pregnancy test. Y/N was a sniffling mess in seconds and Klaus was kissing all over her face to try calm those cries away. She was a mess when he brought her to the nursery, it wasn't decorated yet, only a simple crib in the room.
"I couldn't design this room without you." He whispered, stroking her bump as he did so.
That night Y/N and Klaus cooked for the first time in their new house, snuggled by their never before used fireplace and then went up to their new bed.
Klaus helped her our of her maternity clothes, shushing her when she told him she was gross like this. "You're gorgeous like this, I love that you're pregnant with our baby." He told her as he unclipped her bra making her whimper.
"I just want it out of me now." She sniffed, trying to cover her body with her arms and hands but he wouldn't let her.
"I love your body, it's always beautiful." He promised while pushing her to lay down on her back. Klaus wiped away the little tears that gathered in the corners of her eyes and kissed her sweet lips. His hands slid up to gently cup her swollen breasts, caressing them softly and kissing her jaw.
"We can't have sex like this...I look like-"
"You look like an angel." He cut her off, refusing to hear her talk bad about herself. He trailed his lips down her neck to her chest before sucking little red marks into her breasts. Klaus listened to her whimper, glancing up to check she wasn't hurting from how sore she was becoming lately. He smiled when he saw the look of pleasure in her eyes and slipped his hand down between her thighs where it belonged.
He stroked her pussy gently, feeling how wet she was without him having to do anything. Klaus knew Y/N needed him, his body, much more then she would ask for because she had become so self-conscious since getting a little bigger. Klaus found it silly that she could think being full of his child would make her less attractive, if anything it made her ten times sexier. Of course he knew that sometimes she was too tired but there were many occasions when she needed him and he knew it but wouldn't want him to touch her.
Tonight he felt the strong need to satisfy his love. So he circled her clit rhythmically whilst getting his pants off as swiftly as possible.
Y/N had no time to protest before his cock was burying inside her. She whimpered loudly and rolled her head to the side. "Nik..." She moaned and he groaned, leaning down to kiss her cheek round to her lips.
Y/N was desperate for the feel of his mouth on hers, the thrust of his cock between her walls and the grip of his hands on her hips but she couldn't help but worry about how she looked and she only knew she was going to get bigger in the remaining three months. Her eyes glanced down at her belly and the was he tried his best not to touch it as his hips rocked up against hers. Their lips parted and he cupped the side of her face.
"I'm just making sure I don't hurt the baby is all." He whispered, noticing her sad stare. "Don't think I don't want to touch you all over." He purred into her ear before sucking her earlobe between his teeth. "Once our little one is born and you're all rested I'll make sure you remember how good it feels when I get rough, hm?" He murmured whilst kissing the side of her face.
Y/N nodded stiffly and pushed her face into the crook of his neck, just focusing on the heat of his skin on hers and the electricity running in their veins.
Klaus kept his body moving, bucking his hips just right to make her moan into his skin. His hand kept playing with her swollen clit, teasing her closer and closer.
He grew more needy for her cunt to clamp down as he felt himself leak a few drops inside her. Klaus was grateful that she couldn't see his face when his eyes went gold and his fangs elongated, threatening her flavoursome flesh. Y/N could feel his breathing against her shoulder as his fingers dug into her sides.
"That's it, love-" He gasped, thrusting faster before slowing and giving a few slow, calculated plunges of his cock before feeling her sweet pussy squeeze tighten and gush around him. Klaus released a fast breath, urging his hybrid features to go away when he felt her shift beneath him, whispering if he was okay. He forced the fangs back in, the gold away and the veins to fade beneath his eyes as he felt her insecurities start to bubble.
Klaus pushed up on his arms, leaning down to kiss her deeply. His hands caressed up and down her body, making sure not to leave an inch of her untouched before he pulled himself out of her and slid his hands under her.
"Oh god- Nik don’t even try-" She protested but he picked her up with ease, much to her surprise, and carried her to their en suite bathroom.
Y/N went quiet at how easily he seemed to hold her as he ran a bath. Then lowered her into the warm water and continued to clean the sweat from her body and lean down to leave a display of kisses on her already marked up skin.
She couldn't help but just gaze at him as he let her relax amongst the bubbles and washed himself in the glass shower. The hybrid smirked to himself as he felt his love's eyes on him as the water ran down the length of his body. He cast a few looks her way, admiring her shy smile as she sunk into the water though that beautiful bump of hers still peaked up at him.
Once they were both out they laid down in the now clean bed. (Klaus had managed to secretly use his vampire speed to change all the bedding). They curled up together and drifted to a peaceful sleep.
The weeks seemed to go so fast, Klaus kept forgetting to go home to the point where his siblings actually thought something bad had happened.
Which was why when Klaus had gone grocery shopping for the two of them, Y/N was home alone to answer the door to three of his siblings.
Rebekah, Elijah and Freya all held threatening stances as they glared down the door, expecting a witch or a vampire. None of them were expecting nine-month-pregnant, overly emotional and tired young woman to answer the door.
She looked back at them a little confused and frightened when she realised they did not look friendly and she did not recognise them form the little neighbourhood she and Klaus had been getting to know. She shifted on her feet and placed a protective hand on her pregnant tummy.
"Can I help you?" She asked, voice soft and clearly nervous making the three siblings share a few looks. Elijah was about to apologise and claim they had the wrong house but Rebekah got in first.
"Do you know Klaus?" She questioned, tone coming out too harsh making Elijah wince.
"Uhm no...I'm sorry, I don't think anyone called Klaus lives close. Uh... two streets over theres a Clyde?" She tried to be helpful and it was obvious to all three of them that this girl wasn't going to have the answers they were looking for.
"We're very sorry for the intrusion miss." Elijah apologised, silently urging his sisters to leave this woman alone. "I think we got the wrong street, I hope you can forgive us." He told her earnestly and she nodded.
"It's okay...theres a lot of roads its easy to go down the wrong one- oh!" She cut herself off with a cry and they all went tense. Elijah stepped forward offering his arm for her to grab and squeeze painfully and she yelled out in pain.
"Rebekah! Start the car!" He called, wrapping his arm round the woman and helping her out the house. "Freya? Where's the closest hospital?" He questioned whilst squeezing her hand as her breathing started to level out.
"It's okay" Y/N whimpered, not wanting to give birth without Nik.
"Of course it's okay darling. Has your water broke yet?" Elijah asked, guiding her to the car.
"Yeah- It went just before you knocked... I was about to call- Oh god Nik- my phone I can't-" Her breathing picked up again but this time in a panic before another contraction came and she cried out, clutching his hand for dear life.
"It's alright, it's alright. The hospital will have his number, is he your next of kin?" He asked and she nodded, relaxing at the realisation and letting him ease her into the car.
Rebekah drove like a mad women, trying to keep conversation flowing; name, age, family, future plans. Freya was talking through breathing exercises and Elijah kept himself as a human stress ball.
Once they pulled up at the hospital they were all rushing in, yelling that they needed nurses, doctors anything to help this woman.
Surprisingly they all remained in the waiting room for a couple hours after feeling a strange bond with the mother-to-be after finding and helping her.
None of them really linked the fact that her boyfriend’s name being Nik could have been Niklaus, especially with how confused she was when they said Klaus.
So nobody was ready for Klaus to come rushing through the hospital, barging past anything and shoving the door open.
A silence fell over the three for the first time in years as they just stared at the closed door. Nobody moved for ages, even as Klaus dashed in and out of the room for more ice-chips, they just stayed put.
Occasionally one of them would go to the bathroom or to get a sandwich from a vending machine but they didn't even consider leaving the hospital until they heard the cries of a beautiful newborn baby.
Rebekah physically relaxed, collapsing in her seat when she was sure that the baby was okay. Hayley received a vague text that they'd be home sometime in the next couple days before they got back to patiently waiting for Y/N To be well enough.
The next morning the door opened and all three of them got up to their feet at the sight of Klaus with his arms around Y/N and her arms around the sweetest little baby ever.
"Oh. Those are the lovely people I told you about." She told Klaus, looking straight at them making Klaus turn his head.
His face dropped when he saw them and her heart-rate spiked. He tried to shake his head, to get out of this but he was panicking.
Y/N didn't know about the supernaturals. She didn't know about all his siblings. She didn't know he was Klaus. She didn't know anywhere near enough to be dealing with any of it right after giving birth.
"That's...that's very...kind of them." He choked out, trying to get anything out of him.
"We should thank them, they didn't need to stay." She whispered to him and he hesitantly nodded.
"I'll thank them, you get him into the car okay my love? He needs to get away from all these sick people." He told her, kissing her head and then his son's.
"No- Nik, come on lets just go say thank you." She argued, tiredly and made her way over making him hurry after her and keep his hand on her so they couldn't get too close.
He glared them down, daring them to say a word as Y/N thanked them so so much for getting her there safely and talking to her. She showed them the baby and Elijah worried that Klaus might actually snap when Rebekah asked to hold him.
"I think he's a little tired, probably best to get him home. Come on love, we all need rest." He urged and Freya nodded, putting a hand on Rebekah's shoulder.
"He's right, they need to get settled. Maybe one day we'll get to see the little man again." She agreed but the underlying question was there as to whether Klaus was ever planning to come clean about whatever was going on.
He let out a sigh and slipped his hand round to hold his son's tiny hand.
"Perhaps. Now we really need to leave." He was getting frustrated and Y/N was confused.
He lead her away and she looked up at him.
"Nik...is something wrong? Do you know them?" She asked as they got out the door and a frown swirled across his features.
"It's...I'm gonna explain it later okay? I just need you both inside and safe and comfy, I just..." He swallowed down his worry and strapped their little boy into the carseat. "I love you." He told her, standing up straight and cupping her face.
"I love you too...I don't understand what that-"
"It doesn't, I just need you to know how much I adore you." He whispered and she smiled.
"I love you too." She kissed his lips softly. "Nothing's going to change that." She promised and Freya, Elijah and Rebekah listened from round the corner with soft smiles on their faces.
Everything was going to be different when they got home. Klaus was worried. His son had just been born, healthy and perfect. He had planned to bring them home, feed her a lovely dinner and possibly propose to her.
He had chosen the most gorgeous ring. Klaus wanted to be with her forever, especially now that they had a new little angel that they shared. He hadn't ever had such a normal, domesticated relationship.
The house, the kids.
If they got a pet his life would be every movie ever.
But now he had to ruin it all. He had to reveal the worst parts about himself.
How would his darling Y/N react when she found out he was a serial-killing monster who's haunted millions of people for hundreds of years. Or that he daggered his own siblings, tortured innocents and sacrificed teenagers.
Could she forgive that? Should she love him? Would she even want someone like that near such a delicate baby boy?
Klaus stared at himself in the mirror, tucking the ring box back into his hiding place and taking a breath as he tried to ready himself.
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saetoru · 1 year
✩ — contents ⋮ barista! reader, fluff, very annoying yet very sweet boyfriend shidou agenda <3 he’s so romantic in the most vein popping way <3
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shidou loves to bother you at work, it must be his favorite pastime, you think—except now it’s starting to get everyone else at work invested too.
“oh. my. gosh,” you coworker whispers, swatting your arm excitedly, “there’s a guy asking for you—says you made his drink last time.”
“i make a lot of guys drinks,” you shrug.
“yeah but not for guys this cute,” she huffs, “i’m jealous. this is your chance, so don’t ruin it! maybe he’s good in bed too,” she wriggles her brows at you, making you scowl as you roll your eyes.
and then you see it—that mop of blonde hair with those pink ends, and you sigh in exasperation as you walk up to the register.
of course, it’s him.
“hello sir, what can i get for you?” you say monotonously.
“hmm,” shidou grins, tapping his chin as if he’s deeply in thought, “i was just thinking i’d get a drink from a pretty little barista. maybe even a number.”
from the distance, you can see your coworkers stop whatever they’re doing to stare—it’s not like it’s every day that someone this attractive comes in to flirt with a fellow employee. you can just about make out the jealousy in some of their faces and amusement in the others. one thing they all have in common, however, is awe—which you’re not too shocked at, shidou’s admittedly a handsome guy….if you look past how obnoxious he can be, that is.
“what drink would you like?”
“any is fine with me as long as i can get your number as an add on,” he grins, and it’s a wicked grin, really. it’s wide and smug and almost makes him look psychotic. you purse your lips as you shake your head, and distantly, you can hear your earlier coworker groan at your lack of enthusiasm for what you’re sure she’ll later go on to describe as the luckiest experience you’ll ever get.
“that’s not an option we carry here,” you squint, “you must be getting our menu confused for another coffee shop. maybe you should look somewhere else.”
“i don’t know,” he smirks, “i don’t think i’d confuse a pretty face like yours so easily.”
if anyone were to tell you, they’d say shidou ryusei is insufferable. you come to learn this is very true with every possible encounter you have with him, including this one. but there’s something a bit endearing about him, something that’s…dare you say, adorable, despite the way his words are sometimes crass and far from proper. and if the way he’s so persistent for your attention is of any proof, you’d say he’s a pretty determined guy—but you like to see how long you can keep him on his toes.
“i’m sure you say that to all the pretty faces you come across,” you say sarcastically, eyeing him as his smile widens and his eyes glint with amusement.
“nope,” he pops the p as he speaks, “you’re the only one. why, you jealous?”
“you wish,” you snort. “and i can’t give you my number, actually,” you say—and this time, it’s you with a smug grin, catching the eyes of your coworkers as they tilt their heads in confusion, “i have a boyfriend. so i’m afraid it’s simply not possible.”
“oh?” shidou drawls with a raise of his brow, “i bet he’s a loser. bet i could take him in a fight easily. if i win against him, you gotta let me move in with you—how ‘bout that?”
“he is a bit of a loser,” you grin, and anyone could make out the fondness seeping into your voice as your eyes soften at the idea of whoever’s got your heart. “but he’s my loser, so i’m afraid the answers still no.”
“sounds like you love him,” he presses, eyeing you expectantly.
“i don’t know about that one,” you giggle, “he’s still got to prove himself a bit more.”
“that’s harsh,” he hums, “maybe if you gave me your number, i’d prove to be better.”
“sorry, no can do—”
“just give him your number, already!” your coworker cuts you off and huffs, stomping her way over to where you stand. shidou’s got a cheshire grin on his face, eyeing her with that same look of amusement that makes you pinch your nose as you sigh. “you and i both know good and well you don’t have a boyfriend so do yourself a favor and just—”
“and how can you be so sure there’s no boyfriend?” shidou raises his brow.
you try, you really do—but you can’t help but finally crack. it’s a small giggle at first, and then it’s a fit of laughter that makes his eyes soften and his lips quirk into a lopsided beam that’s nothing short of lovesick.
“if you do seem to think there’s a boyfriend in the equation, why pursue someone then?” you coworker raises a brow, arms crossed as she challenges him, “that makes you a jackass, don’t you think?”
“easy,” shidou cackles, leaning in and pressing one, two, three soft pecks to your lips, making everyone gasp as you roll your eyes affectionately, “i’m the boyfriend. sometimes i like to keep the romance alive and fight myself every once in a while.”
“wha—” she’s left speechless, staring at him as she tries to comprehend what he’s just said with her mouth hung. shidou only mocks her opened mouth, and you reach over and swat his shoulder, making him snicker.
“that’s enough, ryu,” you warn—though you don’t sound all that serious. “i’ll be off in ten. are you gonna order anything or just stand there?”
“aw, c’mon baby. ‘course i am,” he pulls out his card, handing it to you, “i’ll take your favorite. you keep it though,” he winks.
“god you’re so annoying,” you mumble, but still, you don’t pull away when he leans for another peck on the lips, even as your coworkers chant a chorus of get a room from the back.
“see you in ten, baby,” he calls over his shoulder, walking off to find himself a seat as he waits for you.
yeah, you think, your coworkers are really going to be invested in this one.
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he’s like…so very sweet and in love but in a very annoying and odd way. like he’d vandalize a building to spray paint your initials together in a heart or something
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captainfern · 1 year
May i request your majesty 🐈..
Cosy! Sfw (or if you find a way to make it NSFW then go wild) headcanon/ imagine of fem! Reader, reading to the boys every night or after a mission?? Like.. so mother ?? Bc they mostly fight and train and wrestle so, they have a lil calm, story time moment with the reader ??
Ugh I’m reading a book rn and thinking I just wanna mother these boys and read them a story!! Babies !!!
"This Is Not A Book Club"
141 x gn!reader [platonic!]
[Imagines 1]
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• summary - what the request says :) • rating - sfw • wordcount - 1.8k • warnings - ik the request is for fem!reader but no specific pronouns/gendered language are used in this, pet name "love" is used once tho, strong language, no smut sorry fellow whores ✋
this idea is so fucking cute i just had to write it omfg. also i love that gif soap and ghost's interactions are just too adorable *pat pat*
You didn't mean for it to become a habit.
It began on a whim.
After a strenuous mission, you relaxed in your respective room, curled up in your bed, reading a book. The main light was off, and you relied on the soft glow of the lamp on your bedside table. It was a relatively new book— you were only a chapter or so in— when a light knock at your door made you jump.
You hadn't been expecting it. It was pretty late, too.
You were surprised when Gaz poked his head in, apologising for interrupting. He figured he could unwind in your room, since the rest of the 141 were doing their own thing, and he needed some company.
You accepted, of course— how could you not when he looked at you with those deep brown eyes?
He settled on the bed next to you, sprawling himself across it near your feet. You laughed as he sighed, face buried in your duvet. He lifted his head, peering at you quizzically.
"What are you reading?" He asked.
You held the book up. "I... honestly don't know. It's pretty good, so far though."
He hummed, intrigued, as he scooted closer to you, head now resting parallel to your thighs.
"Read to me?" He asked, long eyelashes casting shadows across his cheekbones beneath the lamplight.
You smiled. "I'm two chapters in."
"That's okay," he muttered. "Just fill me in on what's happening."
You did, explaining the last couple of chapters in as much detail as possible. You then told him what the book was about, reading the little summary on the back. By this stage, his head was now resting on your lap atop the blanket, hand cupping your slightly bent knee.
"Right, okay," he said. "Now you can read from where you were reading."
You chuckled at his enthusiasm for you to hurry up and begin. So, you obliged, reading a couple of chapters before his breathing slowed. You looked away from your book, realising that he had fallen asleep, head still resting in your lap. You smiled, gently patting his head.
He mumbled incoherently.
"Gaz, come on, you fell asleep," you giggled, nudging him. "You need to go to bed."
He yawned, forcing himself to sit up. His eyes drooped, bleary with drowse as he stumbled off of your bed.
"Fine, but I'll be back for the next chapter tomorrow." He muttered, leaving with his eyes barely open.
The next evening, at roughly the same time, Gaz found his way into your room again. This time, with Soap in tow.
"Soap?" You greeted skeptically.
"Gaz said you're reading to him. I like a good storytime, too." He smiled, sprawling himself out on the rug beside your bed. He didn't give you any room for argument as Gaz resumed his place resting against your lap.
"Oh...kay... do you want me to fill you in?" You asked as you grabbed your book from your bedside table.
Soap shook his head. "No, no, don't worry. Gaz filled me in on the way here."
You laughed. "Of course he did."
So that's how you began reading to both Gaz and Soap. That night, Soap did much the same as Gaz did previously by falling asleep— face to the ceiling, stretched out on your plush rug. His soft snores prompted your eyes away from the pages. Gaz, too, was drifting in and out of consciousness.
You closed the book gently. "Okay, you two, time for bed."
Gaz got up without much of a fuss, but he had to shake Soap to get the man to cooperate. Soap grumbled and complained the entire time Gaz hoisted him to his feet. Then, still muttering grumpily under his breath, he let Gaz lead him out of the room.
The next day really confused you.
Both Gaz and Soap turned up, and once they were comfortable in their usual positions, a soft knock echoed through your room. Soap opened the door for Price, much to your astonishment.
"You too?" You questioned as your captain took up position in your desk chair, near the foot of your bed.
He relaxed in the chair, legs spread and arms folded across his chest.
"Got nothing else to do, love." He said simply, imploring you to pick up the book with a nod of his head.
You were in slight disbelief, but nevertheless, you continued with the book. While Gaz and Soap relaxed, listening to the peaceful lull of your voice, Price asked the occasional question. You stopped patiently and replied, ignoring the frustrated groans from Soap on your floor.
"Just shut up and listen, Price."
"Watch it, MacTavish."
Not long later, you managed to finish the chapter before Soap fell asleep. You waved them all goodbye as they filed out of your room, and you forced yourself not to laugh as they did.
Now, if you were confused before, the next day threw you completely.
Once again, Gaz lay sprawled out on your bed beside you, Soap on the floor with his arms behind his head. Price returned, too, taking his place in your chair. Then, just one word into the newest chapter, the door creaked open.
Ghost slipped in, almost silently, and you couldn't help but gape at your lieutenant as he lumbered into the room, cozy black hoodie on and hands jammed into the front pocket.
"L.T, I knew you couldn't resist," Soap beamed from the floor. "You want in on the book club?"
You scoffed, smiling. "This is not a book club."
Ghost just shrugged at Soap. "Lonely outside when I can't hear you lot making a racket."
He stepped over Soap and sunk himself onto the end of your bed, leaning himself up against the wall. He stretched his legs out, brushing your and Gaz's feet, knees cracking as he settled down.
You stared at everyone, slightly dumbfounded. Then, you turned to Ghost.
"You're... here willingly?" You asked him.
"You... willingly want to listen to me read my book?"
You took a deep breath. "Right, okay, cool. Um, do you need—?"
"Johnny's given me a rundown." He mumbled.
Of course he had.
And that's how it started, just over two weeks ago. Every night, especially after a particularly rough mission, the boys seemed to gravitate to your bedroom. They'd curl up and listen to your soft voice as you read to them; reading them to sleep on many occasions.
Despite Ghost and Price's lack of enthusiasm compared to Soap and Gaz, you could tell they enjoyed it just as much as the younger two did. It made you smile, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside knowing you could bring these hardened military boys some peace and comfort.
"Okay, so you're telling me, the kid didn't even know he was a wizard?" Price asked, leaning forward in his chair.
You laughed. "No, he didn't. Well, now he does."
"Ridiculous." Price muttered, shaking his head.
Ghost scoffed. "It's unrealistic."
Soap rolled his eyes. "Obviously, Ghost, it's a fucking fictional book about wizards an' shite."
"No, I mean, some big cunt with a beard turned up with a fucking ugly cake and told the kid he's a wizard, and the kid just believed him?" Ghost grumbled. His attitude had definitely shifted since the first time he joined their little, as Soap called it, book club.
"Yeah, basically." You smiled.
You had just introduced them to the Harry Potter series. You weren't even halfway through the first book yet.
"Ridiculous." Ghost said, echoing Price.
"Well, what would you have done, eh?" Soap questioned, sitting up, now cross-legged on the fluffy rug.
"What, if a big cunt called Hagrid turned up on my eleventh birthday and told me I'm a wizard?" Ghost mused. "Woulda knifed him, Johnny."
"Whatever." Soap scoffed.
When they weren't arguing about the book you were reading them, the night's with the boys were really peaceful. Relaxing, too.
A balm for their tortured souls, and a salve for the wounds they had earned during battle.
Dusk would fall, and they would limp into the comfort of your bedroom, warm and smelling sweetly of you. Waves of exhaustion would pin them in place while they clung to the presence of you for stability. Some days, all four would find themselves curled up on your bed— Gaz laying next to you, head on your lap; Soap on the floor, but his head resting on the edge of your bed, a hand resting in the crook of your arm as you held the book; Ghost with his back to the wall, your legs propped up over his, his gloved hands stroking circles on your shins; Price settled next to Ghost, shoulder to shoulder, his legs beneath yours as well, a hand resting warmly around your ankle.
They listened carefully, silently, as you read to them, basking in the comforting warmth of you. Battered, bruised, and bleeding from the cuts of battle, they rested tranquilly at your side. Their ears were no longer ringing with echoes of explosions, nostrils no longer filled with the acrid stench of gunpowder and death. They could hear only you, voice silken with each word you spoke. They could smell only you, the candles that burned and permeated the air, rich and sweet and a consoling sense of familiarity.
Towards the end of a chapter, you could sense a shift in the room. Some time ago, Soap had wiggled in beside you, head in the bend of your arm and shoulder. He breathed deeply, slowly, eyes closed and hair dishevelled against the sleeve of your shirt. Gaz, too, breathed slowly as sleep had overtaken him, hand still heavy on your knee.
Ghost had slumped to the side, somehow managing to tuck his hulking frame between Gaz and the wall. Mask still on, you could see his eyes, closed and smeared with black. Price, too, had fallen asleep; still, impressively, sitting upright. His head tilted forward, hat low over his forehead, snoring softly.
You sighed to yourself, closing the book and carefully putting it back on your nightstand, mindful not to disrupt Soap curled into your side like a cat. You nestled back into your bed, snuggled up with your task force, a sight you had never thought you'd see. As you wiggled to get comfortable, Soap stirred, groaning as he looked up at you, still resting his head near your chest.
"S'all right, go back to sleep." You whispered, angling your arm so it draped securely over top of him.
He didn't reply verbally, just burrowed deeper into your side, reaching a hand around to physically tighten your arm around him. He ran his thumb over your knuckles, before he fell back asleep.
Your other hand found Gaz's head, delicately skimming his hairline, smoothing along the soft skin of his forehead and cheek. You heard him sigh contentedly, still deep asleep.
Eventually, the warmth of the room and powerful bodies around you carried you to sleep.
And it was the best sleep you ever had.
idk if this was good or not lmao but thank you my darling anon <3 this was nice to write mwah mwah xx
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titaswrld · 2 months
gryffindor characters modern! AU
according to me….
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description: silly modern! AU head canons of the main gryffindor characters :)
pairing: harry, ron, fred, george, ginny and hermione x reader
contains: mentions of substances, alcohol and weed. mentions sexual acts (i think…)
|an: bored and decided i’d made something a little silly. literally just my thoughts lolll don’t take this too seriously
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modern AU! harry potter who…
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— definitely has a flip phone and refuses to be on any form of social media bc he thinks it’s awful for you
— i think being around his friends who do have social media would give him the spiel on most things tho
— oh he loveeesss house of dragon omg
— only listens to 70s 80s 90s music and some jazz tbh
— i feel like he’s just very old fashioned and he’s happy that way
— such a loving and caring bf since he’s hardly ever even touched the internet he’s pure lol
— def a lil goofball he’d say a little slang term the twins taught him and repeat it back to you…”harry who taught you that…”
— don’t ask him to do no substances i think he’d be kinda against them..not a smoker…occasional drinker.
modern AU! ron weasley who…
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— is a stoner! thru and thru. i think he’s a bong rip typa fellow but a blunt or a joint would do it too. doesn’t strike me as a cart of eddie guy.
— big female rap supporter imo…def into latto and maybe dabbles into some meg that’s his girlll lol
— definitely a twea/seltzer guy oml cannot take shots is my hc
— heavy on the lowk himbo boyfriend
— not stupid at all but not super street smart i fear, more of a book smart type of guy.
— super cute and adorable bf overall, he’s a big boy. for sure.
—armmmmssss…. gymrat imo he loves to blow off steam at the gym
—i feel like isn’t a social media person as well…has an insta but doesn’t post on it nor have a lot of followers..no tiktok maybe twitter
—luv him but he was def on drakes side of the beef…definitely a champagne papi
—kinda a video game nerd imo but he’s definitely into the sports ones like FIFA
— buys you n him the crumbl cookie lineup every week and you review them tg in the car pretending to be those tiktok crumbl reviewers😭🫶 (he’s so cute)
modern AU! hermione granger who…
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— is 100% on booktok
— do not ask her about the summer i turned pretty or bridgerton unless you wanna listen to her talk for hours.
— don’t play with her and noah kahan…
—or taylor swift
— or chappell roan..
—she’ll have a cute little mixed drink or perhaps a seltzer but do not give this girl no shots she don’t want none!
— her and colleen hoover….
— brings her digital camera everywhere and is most def the camera girl friend….”hermione pls send me the pics from last night”
modern AU! ginny weasley who...
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— does not play about female wnba players at all.
— don’t even mention paige bueckers…that’s her girl.
— is a party animal just like her brother.
— loves her chappell roan too.
— always on social media u cannot get this girl off her phone. she’s like an ipad kid u couldn’t rip it out of her cold head hands.
— such a good girlfriend, definitely so protective over her s/o, especially on social media.
— “ginny why’d you respond to every comment under my post complimenting me with ‘& she/he mine..so’…”
modern AU! fred weasley who…
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— definitely asks u “english or spanish?”
—definitely goes to too many parties…like at a function every weekend he loves the party scene.
—treats his girl RIGHTT i would compare the relationship to don toliver and kali uchis, flowers all the time, handsy. posting/supporting his girl allll the time
—“i❤️mygf” typa fellow, all his posts on socials are her! all his stories, his highlights and his posts.
— also a weed demon, doesn’t strike me as a beer or seltzer guy but ooooo that liqah….
— dress to impress demon. his gf definitely got him to play it and he got hooked and now he’s a fashion maven.
modern AU! george weasley who…
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— is every girls dream man…im talking flowers, boo baskets, burr baskets, easter baskets, omg you say the word and he’s massaging your feet and feeding you grapes.
— always posting his girl just like his brother she’s on his absolutely everything and he has a highlight for her.
— type of guy to post those tiktoks of his girl on his account appreciating her all the time and the comments are like “omg on his account too!” and it’s so cute and adorable.
—isn’t much of a party guy like his brother…will go to a few but i feel like it’s not his thing at all and he’d rather be hanging out with friends instead of at a big function with strangers.
—literally the ken to your barbie and yes he took you to see the movie and yes he got into costume with you. and he did it happily.
— always hanging out with his girlfriend and wouldn’t want it any other way.
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hunters-heathen · 4 months
Bandaids Don't Fix Blaster Holes
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summary: During a risky mission within the lower levels of Coruscant, Crosshair has to patch up his girlfriend - and fellow sniper extraordinaire - while hiding from the enemy.
pairing: Crosshair x fem!reader
word count: 879
tags: injury, a little cursing, vague sexual innuendos, physical hurt/comfort, Cross being a worried mess
author note: divider by @saradika !! also, I know there are probably no band-aids in star wars but plz god let me have my cheesy fic titles. also pt. 2 let's pretend my knowledge of sw medical practices is outstanding this is literally just something I wrote once at like 2am to get it out of my system
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“Shit,” Crosshair’s partner hisses as she presses a hand down further on a blaster wound in her abdomen, half-dangling from her silver-haired sniper’s grasp, just barely holding onto the rifle in her free hand as its barrel drags along the ground, “‘m okay. Just need a band-aid.” 
Crosshair stays silent, expertly maneuvering through the cluster of buildings until he’s almost certain that he’s lost the shooters pursuing him and his partner. 
A band-aid. Like that’s going to fix the searing hole in her stomach. 
“Cross,” she grumbles, looking up at him with those eyes he adores so much, her mesmerizing gaze seemingly exaggerated by her pitch black eyeliner. “Talk t’me. Don’t go all n-nonverbal,” her voice breaks as he manages to get her seated against a wall in a dark alley, crouching in front of her to dig into his backpack. 
He rasps something finally, but it’s too quiet for her to hear, forcing her to lean forward with furrowed brows as she lets her sniper fall to the ground, “What?” 
“Band-aids don’t fix blaster holes,” he looks up from his pack, his eyes settling on hers once again. He gives her a small shake of his head, then goes back to finding the healing items he needs. 
Footsteps shuffle down the quiet street, and both snipers tense, her eyes scanning the dark distance as Crosshair quickens his search and set-up. “We’re okay,” she whispers, “Keep going. I can stay quiet.” 
Crosshair gives her an unamused look. “I have to sterilize it.”
“I know,” she nods, grinning mischievously as she reaches up to brush her fingers across his sculpted cheekbone, “You made me see stars in that hotel ‘fresher and I didn’t make a peep-” 
“Alright- enough,” he grumbles, though she knows he’s still thinking about it fondly inside. He’s just… all business, when she’s injured. It’s cute. 
With a breathy giggle at the memory, she watches as Crosshair grabs a bacta patch and a small vile of liquid, and carefully lays herself down for the ease of operating. She grabs the hems of her clothes with a shaky hand and pulls her several layers up, fully revealing the wound to him. 
The pain in Crosshair’s eyes at the sight of the wound is almost worse than the pain she feels in her stomach. He tries so hard to hide that pain from her, but unfortunately for him, she can always read exactly what he's thinking. They just work like that, connected on some level deeper than just being in love. Maybe they're soulmates, she thinks to herself.
As the footsteps approach more rapidly, she pulls her jacket up even further, clenching down on it with her teeth to give herself an outlet for the inevitable - yet fairly quick! - pain she’s about to face. 
Just as the first attacker passes the alley the two of them are currently crouched in, Crosshair pours a sterilizing bacta serum into the wound, her fist clenching in a knee-jerk reaction to the pain. 
She bites down hard enough to probably leave an imprint of her bite in the fabric until its next wash, squeezing her eyes shut as Crosshair opens up the bacta patch as quickly and quietly as he can. 
It only takes him a few seconds, but it feels like light years to him while his love is on the ground in front of him, trying her best to not writhe in pain or make a sound. Waiting on him to fix her, to save her in a rare moment of weakness. 
Only when the last attacker passes the alley, and the bacta patch is safely applied to her skin, does he lean down to press a kiss to her temple. “My brave girl,” he whispers, smiling softly at her relieved expression as the bacta starts to kick in. 
“Like I said, just needed a band-aid,” she teases in a whisper, giving him another one of her classic grins, “Think we lost them for good?” 
Crosshair listens for any sound of movement nearby, the moments of silence followed by a nod of his approval. “Let’s get back home. We can pay them back some other day.” He grabs her hand, his free hand splaying across her lower back as he pulls her up, helping to stabilize her. 
When he’s sure she can walk on her own, Crosshair quickly packs up the items he so hurriedly threw from his pack, managing a wider smile as she bumps his side with her elbow. Her pain has ebbed, the threat is gone… everything is alright again. 
“I love you. Thanks for always takin’ care of me.” she murmurs, leaning up to press a chaste kiss to his jaw. She carefully returns her rifle back to its holster, starting to walk. “Depending on what time we get home…” she picks up the pace a little, barely even limping now thanks to the bacta, “I’ll thank you some more…” 
Crosshair breathes a laugh, his head shaking in playful disappointment. “Keep it up and I’ll shoot you myself.”
He lazily throws an arm around her neck, tucking her into the side of his body as they walk back down the street towards their safehouse, the snipers sheathed to their spines bobbing slightly with each step they take. 
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usopps-goggles · 1 year
Head Empty,Only Thinking Of Boyfriend!Hawks
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• Boyfriend!Hawks who lets out a deep sigh whenever your hands come into contact with his shoulders after a long day of patrolling because he just can’t help but revel and whimper at every knot you work out
• Boyfriend!Hawks who slips his hand in your back pocket whenever you two are on the street together for the sake of just having his hands on you in some way, shape, or form
• Boyfriend!Hawks who acts so cocky in public, but wouldn’t his fellow co-workers and sidekicks like to know that as soon as he gets home he practically begs for cuddles like a starved man
• Boyfriend!Hawks who at first is timid to let down the walls of his persona as number 2 pro hero when you first start living together but slowly reveals pieces of the man underneath ‘Keigo’
• Boyfriend!Hawks who sucks something awful at cooking but it won’t stop him from trying to prepare cute little lunches for you, and when a recipe gets the better of him… takes you out to only the finest cafe in town for lunch of course
• Boyfriend!Hawks who absolutely dreads going on long missions soaking up every second of your presence to prepare himself for when he’ll be away his last minute cuddles and kisses bittersweet knowing he’ll be gone for weeks
• Boyfriend!Hawks who draws weird little patterns on your inner thigh if you accompany him on an interview his wings subtly twitching in agitation signaling his fleeting attention span as his eyes keeps drifting to you, he would much rather be making out in a closet than answering the interviewers boring overused questions
• Boyfriend!Hawks who can’t help but whine and whimper every time your fingers delicately graze his wings sending him into a frenzy biting his lip for dear life to contain the sinful noises that threaten to arise
• Boyfriend!Hawks who loves you more than you could ever know and dreads the day where you might grow tired of him, who yearns to start a family with you and live a simple domestic life, who whenever he gets asked about you, anyone can practically feel the adoration and overwhelming love dripping from his syllables
• Boyfriend!Hawks who cherishes and loves you through and through from the hair follicles on your head to the tips of your toenails
__________________________________ AHHHHH THIS PROLLY SO BAD 😭‼️ (first time posting/writing) anyways thanks for reading i’m fr so grateful, I thought what better first post to do than show our favorite birdy some love <3 🤭
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Barbie Girl 💄 | Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin Imagine
Takes place before, during, and after the events of Top Gun Maverick
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TGM Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Barbie!reader (romantic), dagger squad (platonic)
Content warnings: light profanity, fluff | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 4.3k
Requested 📨 yes/no (for @kayla-swiftly)
Premise: They say the sky is the limit and anything you set you’re mind to will be achieved as long as you’re dedicated to it. For most people that testimony is nothing but a mere fantasy. But for one woman, with too many dreams to count on her fingers, she took that statement to heart. Proving you can be anyone you want to be and maybe even a few others give or take 😉
Note: Anyone else obsessed with Barbie lately?? Omg y’all I saw the movie last week and absolutely fell in love and i had this request from around the time the final trailer dropped and knew it was the perfect time to write this. I know I know I haven’t been living up to my promise of being consistent but man they having me working my ass off at my job. Also I’ve been traveling and I saw Big Time Rush last night (i felt like a teenager again and it was amazing 😭) anyway I hope you enjoyed this and let me know what you think!
“Hi, Barbie!” The familiar greeting fills Y/n’s ears as it does every morning she arrives at the hangar. With it comes an instant smile, hand raising to wave at the person responsible for it, “Hi, Phoenix!”
“Hey there, Barbie,” winks another friendly face.
“Hiiii, Hangman,” her tone is playful like his, turning energetic for Bob when he goes, “Hiya, Barbie!”
“Hi there, Bob!”
“Hey, Barbie.” “Good morning, Barbie.” “What’s up, Barbie Girl.”
“Hello, Rooster.” “Good morning to you too, Fanboy.” “Nothing much, Pay. And yourself?”
Unlike her fellow pilots, clad in their deep green flight suits, Y/n stood out in the crowd for hers was a little unorthodox when one thinks of a naval fighter pilot's uniform.
It was pink. Completely as in her combat boots were also the bright color and the patchers were white and pink tones rather than red, blues, black and any other color seen in the ones attached to her coworkers arms. ‘Barbie’ in pink cursive writing instead of traditional bold Times New Roman lettering.
And don’t forget the little flower dotting the ‘i’.
Growing up, Y/n took ‘you can be anyone and anything you want to be,’ quite literally. At no point was it a joke to her when she would tell her friends and family, “oh I’m gonna be a fashion designer and Olympic Gold medalist when I’m older,” “I wanna go to space, fly in planes, and see all the wonders of the world,” “I’ll be a doctor, a teacher, and movie star!” They’d smile and laugh, thinking it was adorable for a little girl to dream big. No way would it be possible to achieve all of those careers. Everyone only gets one life to live and time goes so fast one can only set their eyes on one path and hope for the best.
But Y/n was a dreamer. And if you’re going to dream, might as well dream big.
All through middle and high school people took Y/n’s intelligence for granted. Focusing more on her beauty rather than brains, it came as an under shock to everyone when Y/n had the credits to graduate at the ripe age of 15. Exceeding in her standardized test scores with a high school resume taking up three pages with extracurricular and academic achievements, she had colleges from all over the country begging for her to apply.
Stanford. Cornell. Pratt. Juilliard. NYU. John Hopkins. Harvard. UCLA. Duke. Top medical and law schools. Ivy League universities. Performing Arts schools calling for auditions after sending scouts to watch her perform in school plays and dance recitals. Coaches from high ranking NCAA gymnastics teams sending emails after emails.
So many to choose from….And so the story of Y/n L/n becoming a real life Barbie Doll begins.
Setting her eyes in New York, Y/n attended not one but two of the best schools in the country. While obtaining her bachelor’s in both astronautical and aeronautical engineering at NYU Y/n also completed a two year degree in Fashion Business Management at the Fashion Institute of Technology. During this time she continued training for the Olympics in hopes of making the 2008 Beijing team in gymnastics.
“How do you do it?” Her roommate at NYU constantly asked. “You go from here to FIT, working on two degrees that are completely on opposite sides of the spectrum and career paths,” she emphasized with hand expressions, “and still have enough to time to go to the gym to practice, eat three meals a day, have all your assignments done early, and sleep a reasonably about of hours each night.” Letting out an exhale, her roommate looks at Y/n as if she’s an alien from another world, “What’s your secret? Are you some kind of Barbie doll the government created as a test robot?”
Each time Y/n would pause, think for a moment before smiling, “I don’t know if I should find that as an insult or compliment, but I’m gonna chose it as a compliment and say it’s because I want to live a life where I can look back on and go, ‘I took a risk and tried something new even if it didn’t look possible but it was all worth it.’”
By the time Y/n turned 20 she had accumulated a vast list of credentials to her name. The list included getting her fashion business degree at 17, Bachelors in astronautical/aeronautical engineering at 19–receiving her Master’s for it at 20–An Olympic Gold and Silver medalist, dancing with the Radio City Rockettes, performing with the NYC Ballet Company in their rendition of Swan Lake, landing a role on Broadway, walking a runway at NY fashion week, and appearing on episodes of SVU, 30 Rock, All My Children, Sex and the City, and Ugly Betty.
So yeah, New York was a success in experiences for Y/n.
Following the high note, she packed her bags to leave the golden apple for the flashing lights of Hollywood, California. This time Y/n was working on her doctorates at USC, running her own business with her fashion degree called ‘Dream Closet’, and auditioning for film and tv shows.
Hollywood was a dream come true just like New York. Again she attended two different schools, this time flight school and USC. During the day she was occupied running from class to the hangar and then the observatory. Coaching dance and gymnastics on the side, designing clothes for her online shop which developed into a pop-up chain store in malls across America.
It wasn’t long until Y/n’s name grew into nationwide popularity. People started realizing the Y/n L/n who won the Gold and Silver medals in the 2008 Olympics was the same one responsible for the most recent fashion trends and guest starring on their favorite tv shows. What really set it in stone was when Y/n landed the role of an engineer officer in the 2009 reboot of Star Trek, going on to appear in both the 2013 and 2016 sequels.
Impressive was the only word her costars could use to describe her. What else was there?
Anytime there was a question involving, “who’s most likely to become president?” “Who’s most likely to try something new or create a new hobby?” “Who’s most likely to win a Nobel Prize?” Along those lines…the answer was obvious.
“Oh Y/n,” Zoe Saldana waves her hand, “Always.”
“Yeah,” Chris Pine agrees with a laugh, “That woman, I-I don’t know how one has the energy to do all that she does—a-and still want to do more.”
The Interviewer laughs with them, “didn’t she just race in the Daytona 500 last year?”
“Yes!! And she did a song with Lady Gaga when they were on American Horror Story,” Zoe’s tone is in absolute awe, “All while teaching at USC and creating new technology at NASA.” Chris lifts a finger.
“Don’t forget she had her own Mac Viva Glam line a couple years ago.” Zoe made a sound along the lines of ‘see what I mean,’.
“I’m telling you, she’s gonna be a name in the history books.”
What all has Y/n accomplished career wise? Let’s take a look.
Model, dancer, actor, singer, fashion designer, entrepreneur, athlete, engineer, race car driver, and professor.
And now she can add pilot to the list. Although she got her license to fly way back in 2009, Y/n didn’t put it to use full time until 2016, wanting to wait until after the release of Star Trek: Beyond to say goodbye to Hollywood for the time being and set forth on her next adventure.
Boy did it come as a surprise what she had planned.
The Manila folder containing her resume hit the desk of the Admiral, his eyes wide as saucers. “You wanna join the Navy?” Reading the front page for a fifth time, Cyclone glanced back at the woman in front of him. Doctor Y/n L/n. Or is it professor L/n? “And you wanna be one of my pilots?”
“Yes, Sir.”
”Ma’am, I apologize if this comes off as offending,” he really didn’t know any other way to put it. “But you are more qualified than any person on this base. Doctorates in aeronautical and astronautical engineering from the University of Southern California,” he counts off on his fingers, “you recently developed a groundbreaking advancement in space technology that’s going to help our astronauts—on the road to becoming a Nobel Prize nominee.” He raises his eyebrows, “And this is only what relates to this career field. I’m not even mentioning your acting, athletic, and fashion credentials. Why join the Navy?”
Y/n only offers a shrug, “I think the better question is, why not?” Cyclone lets out a sigh.
“What did you say your callsign was again?”
There was no stopping the small smile trying to break free, “I should’ve guessed.”
After completing OTS there was much debate on what Y/n’s rank would be coming into the Navy. Civilian lawyers and physicians often are Lieutenants (O-3) right away, but considering Y/n had two doctorate degrees and her pilot license they felt it was only fair for her to come in as Commander (O-5). From there Y/n was sent to North Island to attend Fighter Weapons School.
Better known to its flyers as Top Gun.
Y/n was used to the looks she received on a daily basis. From head to toe she was covered in variations of pink depending on what she was feeling. When teaching her briefcase and pantsuit were baby pink, in the labs her coat was hot pink, at auditions she wore pink leather jackets. Even her race car for the Daytona was pink.
Shoutout to Mac cosmetics for the sponsorship.
So it’s no surprise her flight suit would be the color she was known for—despite it being out of regulations.
Being more qualified than your superiors had its perks.
If she could have a pink F-18 she would but unfortunately that wasn’t possible. That was okay for Y/n. After all, she managed to get her own custom flight suit. One which had everyone having to do double takes whenever she walked into a room.
“Is she wearing…?”
“How the hell did they allow that?”
“Does that mean I can have mine in purple?”
Her first day at Top Gun Y/n met Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace. They were paired as roommates in the dorms and quickly became good friends. Phoenix was beyond amazed with Y/n’s accomplishments and experiences. Every conversation led to a new discovery. “Do you ever burn out?” Nat stag criss crossed on Y/n’s satin pink bed sheets, admiring her wall of photos from when she traveled to see all the wonders of both the ancient and modern world. “I feel I’d be a walking corpse from exhaustion. And you mentioned you’re still running and designing clothes for ‘Dream Closet’?”
Y/n removed her diamond studs, placing them on her desk she was using as a vanity. “I have a team dealing with the business side of things for the brand. I’m still CEO and creative director—usually I work on designs for a couple hours before bed to prepare for the next launch.”
Nat was in awe, “I have to ask….what’s been the best career you’ve done so far?” A common question Y/n heard, there was never a true answer. She loved every career. They all had their perks and their flaws, but at the end of the day it left her satisfied she achieved them.
“I don’t know yet,” she spoke truthfully, “I still have a few to check off on my list. When that happens I’ll let you know.”
Fast forwarding to 2019, Y/n answered the phone to Admiral Simpson’s voice with the news she needed to report back to North Island for a highly confidential mission. The details were unknown, but Y/n packed her bags, loaded her pink vintage corvette convertible and high tailed it to sunny San Diego.
The squeals initiated by Y/n and Nat the moment she stepped foot in the Hard Deck had heads whipping in their direction. “Hi, Barbie!” Nat’s arms opened for a hug.
“Hi, Phoenix!” Y/n accepted the embrace, still grinning ear to ear. The guys around them were looking at each other like, ‘what the…?’ Y/n wasn’t in her standard Khakis like they were—minus Rooster. She bore a pink denim number with matching boots with her hair curled and pink eyeliner surrounded by tiny rhinestones.
“You got selected too?” Nat complimented her outfit before cutting straight to the point.
“For the special detachment? Looks like it,” she winked.
“What happened to the Artemis program? Weren’t you up as a candidate?”
“Oh I still am,” Y/n affirmed proudly, “They’ll be announcing who’s to be selected in the coming months. So for now I’m still with the Bounty Hunters. Plus,” she leans in to whisper, “this will look good on my resume.” The two giggle before Y/n drifts her gaze to the boggling gazes in front of her. “Oh! I’m sorry for being so rude. I’m Y/n L/n,” extending her hand to the first person who’s name tag read Fitch, Y/n added, “But you can call me Barbie.”
“Barbie,” the blonde holding a pool cue repeated like a question, “like the toy Barbie?” Nat chuckled, throwing an arm around her friend after she was done shaking everyone’s hand as they introduced themselves.
“Fellas, if there is anyone who is a life sized version of Barbie, it’s this one right here.”
“Now, Phee…” Y/n’s tone was that of, ‘Don’t start.’
“It’s true,” the pilot defended. “Not only is she Commander Y/n ‘Barbie’ L/n,” jaws drop, “but she’s Professor and Doctor L/n.” The jaws hit the floor, “On top of founder, creative director and CEO of ‘Dream’s Closet,’” Javy makes a sound, familiar with the brand, “Emmy nominated actress,” Fanboy chokes on his water, “Olympic Gold Medalist and soon to be astronaut for the Artemis program.” By now all the guys are on the verge of losing their minds.
Bob rapidly blinks, “uh—.”
“Now I’m not an astronaut yet,” Y/n points out, “I’m a candidate for one.” Nat scoffs lightly.
“They’d be stupid not to pick you, Barb,” she then slaps her side, turning back to the guys, “Oh and how could I forget Broadway, Vogue, and the Daytona 500.”
“Daytona 500!?” Payback practically screeches.
“You were on Broadway?”
“—featured on Vogue—?!”
“Wait a minute I recognize you from Star Trek!”
“—How in the hell—.”
“Guys, guys!” Y/n laughs with her hands slightly raised, “Please, one at a time.” They were in for a long night of questions and story times. And just like Nat was years prior when she first roomed with Y/n at Top Gun, the officers were in complete amazement over the woman in front of them. Never had they met anyone like her.
“Wow,” Jake whistled once she finished bringing them up to date on her most recent careers. “You really are a real-life Barbie.”
“Shhhh,” a finger went to her lips, followed by a wink, “don’t tell Mattel.”
And thus the dagger squad was formed. Two and half weeks of hell bearing training preceding a face-with-death mission brings people closer. Every morning Y/n arrived at the hangar to a chorus of “Hi, Barbie.”
She waved at Reuben, “Hi Payback.”
“Hey there, Barbie Girl,” Javy threw her a peace sign.
“Hiya, Coyote!”
“Good morning, Barbie,” Rooster tipped his hat.
“Mornin’, Rooster.”
“Hi, Barbie!” “Hi, Barbie!” Her favorite duo harmonized.
“Hi, Bob! Hi, Phee!”
And for some closer than others….
“You know I was thinking,” Jake commented, taking Y/n’s hand before leading her to the pottery class he signed them up for. Every Friday night was reserved for date night. Dinner and a movie. Walk on the beach. Spending $20 worth of quarters at an arcade. Attending a comedy show. Paint and sip. Following the successful mission, Jake and Y/n hit it off and began seeing each other.
“Famous last words.”
“It’s not bad,” a chuckle left his lips, stopping at the door. “I just thought it was funny. You know how you’re basically Barbie?” His cheeky smile resulted in her mirroring it.
“This means I’m pretty much your Ken, right?” The question makes the woman visible ‘awe’. Jake ruffles a hand through his hair and gives his best blue steel, “we kinda look alike. Don’t you think?”
Laughing, Y/n kisses his cheek, “I mean…name a more iconic duo than Barbie and Ken.”
“Barbie and Hangman?”
“Exactly.” It was safe to assume what their Halloween costumes were going to be.
Time went on, missions were run. And after a year of anticipation—though it felt like forever, it was finally announced in 2020 Y/n would be one of the astronauts selected to be part of NASA’s Artemis program launching in 2024.
Making Y/n the first woman to go to the moon.
The call came in from a restricted number when they were in a meeting, and knowing she was to expect a call within the month everyone quickly shut up so the pilot could answer.
She excused herself to leave the room, staying in front of the window so the team could see her. Throughout the conversation Y/n’s expression remained neutral to the point none had a clue whether the news was good or bad. Only when she reentered the room did they get the answer.
“I’m going to the moon!!!”
“Ahhh!!!!” The team exploded in an array of cheers, Y/n jumping up and down, careful not to drop her phone that was in her hands when Jake lifted her in his arms.
“I’m so fucking proud of you!” Despite being unauthorized to show pda in uniform, Jake gave her a big kiss on the lips, not caring who saw. “You are the most exceptional human being on this planet.”
“Jake,” tears welled in her eyes, which he kissed away. Her heart filled with warmth and gratitude. Feeling on top of the world with her closest friends supporting her.
Once all calmed down and they finished the meeting, Mickey jumped from his seat, “Come on Barbie, let’s go party!” Everyone sped to the Hard Deck to celebrate the news. Mav bought the first round, followed by Payback.
“Guys you don’t have to do all that,” Y/n said once she realized they all agreed to buy her drinks for the night.
“We want to,” Nat tapped her beer with Y/n’s cocktail glass, the guys voicing agreements. “For years you’ve been dreaming about this and it’s finally happening. Your hard work is paying off and we want to celebrate—show you we love and appreciate you, Barbie.”
Y/n fought back tears, never afraid to show her emotions. Some may find it childish or thinned skin, but to Y/n that was what being human was all about. “I love you guys.”
“We love you!” The voices echoed together.
The night had been going well with the squad hanging out by the pool tables like they usually did when Y/n approached the bar to pick up the next round Mickey was paying for. Not paying attention to those beside her, she smiled at Penny and repeated the order before waiting patiently.
But what’s a night at a bar without someone who lacks boundaries.
“You must be the one they call Barbie,” a voice says, flirtation seeping through the words. Glancing to her right, Y/n recognizes a gentleman from the flight line whose name she could not recall. “You’re quite the talk around base. In fact, weren’t you in some Hollywood blockbuster?”
“Yes,” she politely responds, keeping the answer short. Though she was known to be a sweetheart and kindhearted to anyone she met, Y/n could tell where the interaction was heading toward and did not feel comfortable entertaining it any further. “A long time ago.”
“I’m Lieutenant Paul Billings,” he extended his hand, and she immediately clocked he was trying to show off his rank. ‘Boy he’s in for a treat.’
Not wanting to make a scene, she accepts the handshake. “Commander Y/n L/n,” there was emphasis on the Commander, displaying the woman was of higher rank and therefore a silent warning to Billings to not cross a line.
There was a flash of surprise on his face. Y/n held back an amused laugh, ‘guess you didn’t hear everything.’
“Something the matter, Lieutenant?”
“No,” he brushes it off, “Nothing. Say,” he nods to the bar, “can I buy you a drink.” Did he not just hear her order a round for the people she came with?
“That’s kind of you,” she starts just as Penny arrives with a try full of cold beers and her usual cocktail. “But I’m all set, thank you.” Hands moving to take the tray, she jumps slightly at the feeling of his own coming to her wrist.
“What about lunch this week?”
“I’m sorry but I am spoken for, Lieutenant,” removing his hold, Y/n takes a step away.
Now Paul had lost his reasonable composure. Scoffing, he says, “What? Am I not enough for you?” The question results in her raising a brow.
“I beg your pardon?”
He makes a face, “You think because you’ve done all these careers and occupations that you’re better than the average person? I’m not a pilot and an actor or researching the cure for cancer while creating a documentary series,” venom seeps through his tone, obviously depicting his jealousy, “Basic is not up to your standards, so you have to throw our failures in our face as if we don’t already know.”
By now a crowd has formed. Jake started moving the second he noticed Billings etching too close to his girl, followed by Nat and the others who were ready to back him up. Behind the bar, Penny was fixing to ring the bell until being stopped by Y/n’s wave of the hand.
“Are you done?”
Paul’s expression was that of, “what?” No audible response was voiced therefore Y/n continued.
“Okay, I’m gonna go ahead and say this, Paul,” Y/n drops her shoulder. The change in body language let Jake and her friends know she wasn’t taking anything that the man said personally. “I know I should be offended by your insults and insinuations, but the truth is I’m not.” A small smile forms on her lips, “I don’t view myself higher than anyone because of what I accomplished. The only person I do that to, is myself—because I don’t have to prove to no one but me that I am capable of achieving what I set my mind to. And yeah,” a light chuckle escapes, “I’ve set my mind to a lot of things—way more than the average person. But that doesn’t mean you or anyone else can’t do the same.”
Pausing Y/n takes a breath before exhaling, “You look at me, and hate the way it makes you view yourself. Makes you believe you’re a failure because you didn’t follow the path you hoped to make for yourself.” Paul’s expression shifts to one of solemnity, like he was thinking of his younger self who had dreams and aspirations. Mourning what could have been.
It made Y/n sad for him. Empathetic despite him attacking her. “One thing I’ve learned over the years…is time is what you make of it. Life is about taking risks. You can still set out to do whatever it is you wish, as long as you’re committing to taking the risk no matter how scary it is. Sure you’ll find obstacles and it’ll feel like the whole world is against you. But determination will guide you through the walls, and you will be successful so that you can look back and think, ‘it was worth it.’ As cliche as it sounds,” she couldn’t hold back a laugh, “Barbie isn’t a person or an object you can obtain. Barbie is a mindset. And you have to unlock it in your own way, Paul.”
It was so quiet in the building, a pin could drop and everyone would hear it. Their looks of awe, admiration, and even newfound motivation by Y/n’s speech. Impressed by how classy she handled what very well could have been a scream match between rival squadrons.
Behind Billings the Dagger squad stood with proud smirks at their friend. Especially Jake, who caught Y/n’s eyes and threw her a wink. Nat gave the woman a salute, a silent gesture to say, ‘you inspire me everyday.’
And Billings? Well he was at a loss for words.
Patting his shoulder, Y/n grabbed the tray of drinks, “I wish you luck, Paul.” Thanking Penny, who gave her a proud nod and replied, “this ones on the house,” Y/n returned to her friends where she was met with a sweet kiss from Jake, claps on the back and “You go girl!” “Tell them who’s boss.” “Damn, you made me wanna go out there and live life the way I should.”
“What’s stopping you, Javy?” she handed him a beer, “the world is your playground.”
A couple hours later it was time to call it a night. Hugs went around, promises to meet up the following night and tabs were closed.
On their way out, Jake dropped a kiss to Y/n forehead, pulling her close to him as he led her to the door of the parking lot, “So what’s next for you, doll? You’ve proved you can be anything and anyone you chose to be,” he grins at her, “What will you set your mind to now after space?”
“First, I want to write a book—I think that’s something a lot have been waiting for me to do. Afterwards, well, I’ll have to wait a couple more years, but,” The corner of Y/n’s lips lift up before flashing a dazzling smile, “I’m thinking….the Oval Office is in need of a makeover. Don’t you think?”
Then, before he could answer, Y/n turns her head in the opposite direction as if she’s trying to find a hidden camera. Makes eye contact with you, the reader, winking before turning back to Jake where she sets off on her next adventure.
TGM Tag List: @avaleineandafryingpan @caitsymichelle13 @poppyalice2001 @cutelittlepotatofry @luckyladycreator2 @americaarse @elenavampire21 @back-tooo-black @wildellaa @artemissunn @pinkpantheris
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just-cofffee · 7 months
Glimmers of the Past
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- gojo satoru x reader
genre: just a little angst
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In the midst of the kitchen, Satoru found himself surrounded by utensils and ingredients, determined to surprise Y/n with a delicious homemade dinner. However, his culinary skills left much to be desired. As he attempted to follow the recipe, the sauce burned, the pasta turned sticky, and the vegetables resembled more of an abstract art piece than an edible dish.
Y/n, observing the scene from the table, couldn't help but laugh at Satoru's desperate attempts to salvage the culinary disaster. Amidst laughter, she approached him and embraced him gently, reassuring him that the gesture meant more than the outcome. Satoru's eyes radiated adoration and love for the woman now in his arms, showering her with soft kisses all over her face.
Deciding to leave behind the culinary debacle, Satoru opted to order takeout. Together, they enjoyed an improvised dinner, sharing laughs as they relaxed on the couch, wrapped in blankets and watching cliché movies.
Satoru always made sure to demonstrate his love for Y/n. Despite his youth, he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He was deeply in love with every aspect of Audrey: her voice, her soft hair, her smooth skin, and her exquisite aroma.
His heart ached with pain and betrayal as the evidence unfolded before him. Evidence confirming his alleged cooperation and collusion with Geto Suguru. First, the loss of his best friend, and now, the betrayal of the one he believed was the love of his life.
"I didn't do anything, Toru, it's false, you have to believe me," she pleaded, but Satoru was blinded by anger and pain. He shouted without listening, wounded to the core. You understood his pain, but he was also hurting you, accusing you unfairly with words filled with hatred and contempt.
"Leave, or you will regret it," he snapped, his tone icy and filled with hate, cutting you like a sharp dagger. It pained you to feel those bitter emotions directed towards you. You tried to approach, but his infinity was active, something that had never happened before. Wiping away your tears, you decided to leave…
And there you were, shining like an angel, ethereal as he remembered you. So close, yet so far away. He watched as you laughed, illuminated by the jokes of one of your fellow teachers. A knot formed in the depths of his stomach, rising up his throat like a blazing fire as he watched you share laughs with that man who was clearly flirting with you.
Satoru knew your gestures, your looks, your laughter, and he could sense that you didn't perceive the true intentions of that individual, just as it had been with him in the past. A familiar feeling of helplessness and pain washed over him as he watched the scene from a distance, trapped in a sea of turbulent emotions.
It had been more than six years since the last time he saw you, and, by all the gods, you were even more stunning. Your hair now cascaded like a waterfall down your back, framing your face with a beauty that had matured, yet still retained the same tenderness that had always characterized you. What never changed was your gaze, that pair of eyes that always hypnotized him, making him nervous like the first time he approached you. Those eyes, seemingly normal, were magical and unique to him, capable of unleashing a storm of emotions within him. Now, that last look you gave him continued to haunt him, filled with pain.
He didn't rest for a moment until he found the truth, and when he finally unearthed it, he was consumed by a burning desire to disappear. He loathed himself with a searing hatred that devoured him from within; he had falsely accused you. He fought to find you, but, as expected, you slipped masterfully through the shadows, out of his reach. There you were, just a few meters away, perhaps unaware of his presence, and your eyes, as if they could read his mind, observed him with a mixture of confusion and curiosity..
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shellbilee · 2 months
Hello fellow Aussie! 🇦🇺❤️
It’s my birthday today and I was wondering if I could put in a request for a Glen Powell fic?
Maybe they’ve been doing long distance for a while (they met when she was in the US from Australia for a holiday) and Glen decides to surprise her with him turning up at her door for her birthday or something?
If you can’t..it’s all good 😊
Have a good night! 😁
I am a week late, but happy birthday Queen! I hope you had the greatest day and got absolutely spoilt rotten.
Apologies to all my Hey There Darlin' readers, the next chapter update was delayed because I wanted to put this together for my favourite fellow Aussie. (Next chapter will be up ASAP).
So here's my little gift to you @queenslandlover-93, which would never be enough to thank you for all of your constant support on my work. Much love to you sweets!🩵
One Afternoon in Austin
A Glen Powell RPF One Shot Pairing: Glen Powell x Reader Words: 5.5K
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You glance down at your phone for the hundredth time, inhaling a long breath when you see no new notifications on the screen.
You sigh, lips stretching into a somber smile at the sight of your two smiling faces pictured on your home screen.
God you missed him.
It had been 18 whole hours since you'd spoken to Glen - not since he'd face timed you at 12.01am, determined to be the first to wish you a happy birthday. You'd answered within three rings, feeling your whole body warm when his gorgeous face appeared on the screen, teeth flashing in the effortlessly handsome, all-American smile that you loved so much. 
Even ten months later, you still hadn't quite gotten used to the fact that you were dating Glen Powell, and if you were being honest, you weren’t sure you ever would.  If someone had told you a year ago that you’d be in a serious relationship with one of Hollywood’s most eligible bachelors, you'd have snorted and laughed out loud. 
You'd met Glen when you were solo traveling through the USA last June. You'd been about halfway through your twelve week trip, having started high on the west coast and working your way down South and across, making it to Texas. The plan had been to spend a few days there, first in Austin, then Houston and a couple of other places, before moving onto Louisiana to New Orleans.
Two days into your Austin visit - staying in a modern little air BnB not far from the city, you'd been coming back from a run through the suburbs when you'd come across a little tan and white dog standing alone on the sidewalk. You remembered stopping and looking around, waiting to see if anyone would appear, hoping that someone was walking their dog off lead and hadn't caught up yet. No one appeared to be out searching for it, the surrounding houses seemingly quiet.
You'd knelt down and whistled for the dog, smiling when it wandered over to you immediately, tail wagging and panting happily. You'd cooed at the tiny animal, patting its fluffy head, sitting down on the grass beside it so you could get a better view of its collar.
The dog's name had turned out to be Brisket, a fact you'd found both adorable and amusing, flipping over the metallic name tag to find a phone number engraved on the other side. Deciding that Brisket must have wandered out of his yard and was now lost, you'd picked up the tiny dog and walked the rest of the distance home to your air BnB. Letting Brisket out into your yard, you’d gotten him some water and set about calling the number from his name tag, sitting down on the back porch next to him as you’d listened to the phone ring. 
The phone had ended up ringing through to voicemail, and you’d soon discovered that Brisket’s owner was a man named Glen with a deep Texan accent. You still remembered smiling at the sound of his voice, some part of you internally swooning as you listened to him tell you to leave a message after the tone.
You’d left a quick message, telling him your name and how you’d found Brisket, and that you’d brought him home with you to get him out of the afternoon heat. You’d sent a quick text as well, detailing the same, in case he was otherwise indisposed and unable to take a call. 
Fifteen minutes later you’d been relaxing on the backyard grass with a trashy romance novel, Brisket snoozing peacefully by your side, when your phone had started ringing. Immediately recognising the number as Glen, you’d answered, not at all surprised to hear a panicked voice greeting you instead of the calm, easy going one that had spoken to you in a voicemail.
You’d reassured him that Brisket was fine, healthy and laying happily by your side, explaining that you didn’t have a car, but that you could get an uber to wherever he needed. Glen had offered to come to you but you’d politely declined, not entirely comfortable with giving your address to a stranger when you were traveling solo, instead asking where he was and insisting that you’d go to him. You’d soon discovered on your maps that he was only a ten minute drive from your air BnB, promising that you’d be there soon and that he had no reason to worry about Brisket as he’d thanked you profusely. 
Exactly twenty-three minutes later your Uber had arrived at what you could only describe as a modern Texas mansion, and you remembered the way your jaw had instantly dropped as your eyes had run over the sheer expanse of the property. Telling the Uber driver to stay put, you’d lifted Brisket into your arms and made your way up the palatial driveway, feeling the beginnings of sweat at the back of your neck from the hot Summer afternoon as you’d knocked on the enormous wooden door. 
The Texan royalty, as it turns out, was Glen Powell.
You remembered eyeing off the huge black Ram in the driveway, an expensive black SUV and a smaller white BMW next to it, deciding that you must have stumbled onto some kind of Texan royalty judging by the house and cars in front of you. You’d chuckled to yourself at the thought just as you’d heard the sound of the front door opening, turning around to find a sight that you’d not at all been prepared for.
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You’d tried your best not to stumble over your words, certain you looked like a gaping goldfish as you'd introduced yourself and passed a happily wrigging Brisket over to him, thankful for your sunglasses as you’d looked back at him. You remembered thinking that he somehow looked even more handsome in person than he did on screen - a fact that you didn’t think was at all possible, assuring him that it was no problem when he’d thanked you again for finding Brisket. It had taken everything you had not to audibly moan at the sight of him, hoping that your blatant staring wasn’t totally obvious as you took in his stubbled beard and effortlessly charming smile, golden tanned skin and thick, muscled arms.
What you hadn’t known, and would eventually discover weeks later, was that Glen was just as shocked to find you when he had opened his front door - a gorgeous young woman standing alone with a smile that had quite literally stopped him in his tracks and left him momentarily lost for words.
He’d thanked you again and you’d promised him that it was really no issue at all, offering a small wave as you’d turned to make your way back to your waiting Uber. Just when you'd been thinking that meeting Glen Powell had to be the highlight of your trip, you'd heard Glen call out your name and tell you to wait. You remembered turning around to face him then, only to find him taking a step towards you with Brisket still in his arms.
He’d proceeded to ask if you'd wanted to come in for a drink, adding that he had to somehow thank you for finding Brisket. You'd declined of course, reasoning that you had to get back to your Uber - and even now you could still remember the distinct feeling of every single fiber of your body screaming at you to reconsider as Glen continued to insist you stay.
“Please come in?”
He’d asked again, the look on his face making it near impossible to say no, emphasizing that the least he could do was offer you a drink and temporary reprieve from the afternoon heat. You remembered standing there for a moment, seemingly frozen in place, weighing up your potential options.
Get back in the Uber and go back to your air BnB.
Take up the offer for a drink with one of the most attractive men you’d ever met. 
Thinking back to that moment now, you wondered how you ever possibly considered otherwise.
Giving in to Glen, you'd jogged back to the Uber and thanked him for waiting, telling him he could go before making your way back to Glen at the front door. It was at that moment that you’d felt Glen’s eyes on you - running subtly over your figure, suddenly becoming self conscious that you were still sporting the shorts and tank activewear combo you’d worn on your run earlier. 
On the transcript of your life, this was certainly not the outfit you’d envisioned wearing if you ever came across a gorgeous Hollywood celebrity.
He’d invited you in and you’d accepted gratefully, instantly thankful for the cool of the air conditioner as you followed him down the enormous hallway. He’d since put Brisket down, the tiny dog now happily trotting alongside his owner, the sight making you long for Flynn, your three year old Australian Shepherd dog back home.  
The sound of voices at the end of the hallway made you stop in your tracks, Glen turning around and looking back at you concerned. You’d stammered wide eyed, telling him you didn’t want to interrupt if he had people over, instantly feeling like an intruder despite Glen’s genuine insistence that you weren’t. He’d stepped towards you then - close enough that you remembered the exact moment the scent of his sweet cologne hit you, his sage green eyes looking back at you earnestly and promising that you weren’t interrupting, that it was just his family that was over for a barbecue.
That new information had sent an instant tidal wave of nervousness crashing down your spine, your heartbeat immediately heavy in your ears. Now not only were you being invited into Glen Powell’s home, you were also seconds away from spontaneously meeting his family. 
You remembered laughing then - a short, giddy bubble of laughter, Glen’s face splitting into a smile as you did so. Your laugh had been one of incredulousness, your brain unable to fathom the situation that you were currently in.
Of all the things you’d imagined you’d do whilst on your solo travels, this was most certainly not one of them.
Glen had gestured with his hand for you to follow him and somehow your frozen feet were able to oblige, the hallway opening up into an expansive open kitchen and living area, complete with enormous glass french doors that opened onto a luxury deck and pool outside. 
You remembered not knowing where to look first - at the enormous turquoise pool, or the insanely stunning view of rolling hills and a lake behind it, the luxury styled interior of the house or the adorable little blonde girl in her swimmers that was staring curiously at you from the back doorway.
Almost immediately she’d spoken, pointing and asking her uncle Glen very loudly who you were, her voice making the rest of the people outside stop and look inside. You remembered your face flaming then, embarrassment flushing your skin as you'd fought the urge to sprint back towards the front door.
You didn’t have a fear of public speaking but in that moment it felt like you had spontaneously developed one.
Glen had informed his niece - who you’d soon discovered was named Gwen, of your name and explained that you were the girl that had found Brisket and brought him home, an older lady suddenly appearing from somewhere inside the house and clapping her hands happily when she’d spied Brisket at Glen’s feet.
As it turned out, it was Lauren’s and Will’s house - Glen’s sister and brother in law, and Witt, their son and twin brother of Gwen, had accidentally opened the back gate and Brisket had wandered out, unbeknownst to everyone at the barbecue. Glen, who had just finished grilling had whistled for Brisket to offer him a cut off of steak, only to find that Brisket had gone missing and that the back gate was open. Just as everyone had scrambled to find keys to go out and look for him, Glen had picked up his phone and seen the text from you, prompting everyone to relax knowing that Brisket was safe.
The lady had turned out to be Glen’s mother Cindy, Glen immediately introducing the two of you as she offered her own thanks for finding Brisket before pulling you in for a hug.The gesture had taken you by surprise but offered a surprising amount of comfort, the nervousness that had your knees threatening to give way slowly easing.
Fifteen minutes later, you’d been introduced to the entire Powell family and were seated on an outdoor lounge by the pool next to Glen’s younger sister Leslie, wine in hand and nominated an additional judge of the pool diving contest between Gwen, Witt and their dad Will. You’d clapped and laughed your way through it, thankful for your sunglasses for the second time in less than twenty minutes when Glen had taken his shirt off and joined as a fourth participant in the contest. 
You remembered biting the inside of your cheek so hard you’d drawn blood, using every ounce of strength you had to look away when Glen had emerged from the pool, water droplets sliding down his golden, muscled form. 
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Later you'd found yourself sitting and talking with Glen’s other sister Lauren and his dad Glen Senior, telling them all about your trip in the US so far and how you’d come to find yourself in Texas. They in turn had asked you about yourself and you’d shared about your home back in Australia, your job, Flynn and your family, Glen coming to join at some point later sitting down on the lounge beside you with a drink refill.
You’d talked and laughed with the Powell’s for the rest of the afternoon, all of your nerves from earlier having seemingly disappeared. It was like you’d known them all for months rather than only an hour, feeling right at home with the bubbly, extraverted, Texan family. They’d asked you about your plans for the remainder of the trip, offering their own tips and recommendations for the rest of your time in Texas which you’d accepted gratefully, making mental notes to adjust your itinerary.
Eventually the afternoon had faded into early evening, Glen Senior and Cindy saying their goodbyes and wishing you all the best for the rest of your trip, Leslie following suit soon after and making you promise that you’d say goodbye before you left Texas. 
You’d grabbed your bag announcing that you should probably get home too, Glen interrupting and insisting that he’d take you on his way back home. You knew better than to decline his offer, concluding that based on the day you’d had there was no reasoning with him. You’d said your goodbyes to Lauren and Will, thanking them for their hospitality for the afternoon, comforting Gwen with a hug when she’d gotten teary at you leaving - the two of you having bonded earlier when you’d told her that her diving was as good as a dolphin's and she’d told you that they were her favourite animal. 
Glen had driven you home then, the two of you settling into a comfortable silence, Brisket snoozing peacefully on your lap in the passenger seat. Pulling up to your air BnB, Glen had asked what your plans were for tomorrow and you’d informed him that you hadn’t quite decided yet - but you were tossing up between going out to see Lake Travis, or heading out into the hills to visit the country sights. 
Flashing you a smile that had made you momentarily lose your train of thought, Glen had offered you an alternative option - let him take you out for the day to show you a side of Austin from a local’s point of view. You remembered staring back at him then, your brain trying to ascertain whether or not you were dreaming that Glen Powell had just asked you to spend the day with him, looking at his perfectly handsome face and uttering an animated yes to his proposal.
He'd kissed you on the cheek and wished you a goodnight, telling you that he’d pick you up at ten AM before thanking you again for finding Brisket. You’d laughed and assured him for the tenth time that day that it was really no problem, thanking him for having you today and saying your own goodbye. He’d waited until you’d unlocked the door of your air BnB and you’d waved as you’d walked inside, your cheeks hurting from smiling as you’d closed the door behind you and leaned back against the wood.
Unbeknownst to you, the plans for the rest of your solo USA trip were about to be turned completely upside down. 
The next day with Glen turned out to be everything you’d imagined and more, the two of you talking, flirting and laughing from the moment he’d picked you up. He’d started the day by driving the two of you out to Lake Travis where you’d spent the morning stand up paddleboarding, Glen showing you his favourite spots on the lake and telling you about his family’s lakeside ranch a few hours out of Austin. Next was lunch from what Glen had promised was ‘the best Texan barbecue house’ in all of Texas, ordering his favourite steak sandwiches which quickly became the best meal you’d eaten on your trip so far.
After lunch he’d taken you on a hike through one of Austin’s national parks, the end of which had brought you to one of the most incredible sights you’d ever seen - a waterfall that spilled over a huge bowl-shaped canyon into a large swimming hole below. Glen had convinced you to walk the perimeter through the cave-like canyon until you were standing beneath the falling water, looking up at the natural sight in awe as Glen had snapped several photos of you and then the two of you together.
Looking out at the sunset, sitting beside Glen with his arm around your shoulders, you remembered thinking that this day - a day that would forever go down as one of the best days of your life, couldn’t possibly have gotten any better. 
After your hike he’d taken you over to wine country, where he’d introduced you to his good friends Daniel and Amy - owners of one of the most well-known vineyards and breweries in Fredericksburg. They’d given you a private tour of their venue before you’d sat down for drinks, looking out at the picturesque green vineyard and seemingly endless rolling hills, a stunning Texas sunset bathing everything in a gorgeous, orange glow.
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And then, just like that, it had.
Glen had driven you back to your air BnB and you’d promptly invited him for a drink, not quite ready to end your day with him. He’d happily accepted your proposal, parking his truck and following you in, sitting down on the living room couch as you’d gotten you both a beer. 
What followed was an evening of more stories and laughs, more flirting and mischievous teasing, the tension only growing between you as the night went on. Eventually though, as if neither of you could no longer fight it, Glen had leaned in and kissed you, his lips moving against yours with a soft, passionate want.
That passion quickly became tangible, like a craving neither of you could satisfy, lips and hands growing desperate until you’d both lost several items of clothing and Glen was asking where the bedroom was. 
You remembered thinking in that moment - when Glen was carrying you to the bed, his lips pressing wet, open mouthed kisses to the hollow of your throat, that there would be no coming back from this. You’d sleep with Glen Powell, and tomorrow this would become nothing more than a fond memory for the both of you. 
After all, he was a Hollywood celebrity and you weren’t. 
He lived in Texas and you lived in Australia.
It would never work.
And so you’d decided, as Glen had laid you down on the bed and kissed his way down your body, that you’d forget all about tomorrow and just enjoy tonight.
Every single, sweaty second of it.
And all three delicious rounds of it.
When morning had arrived you’d fully expected to wake up to an empty bed, pleasantly surprised to instead find yourself wrapped in Glen's arms, his chest pressed firmly against your back. He'd felt you stirring, pressing gentle kisses to the back of your neck, his actions teasing soft moans from you that quickly turned into a tangle of sheets and naked limbs all over again.
What followed was two more days with Glen, the two of you spending almost all of your time together - him showing you all of his favourite things about his hometown, and even catching up with his sister Leslie again when she'd joined you both at a live music night that had ended with the two Powell's introducing you to line dancing. There'd been endless stories and laughs and adorable cuddles with Brisket, constant flirting and stolen kisses, and several more rounds of what had quickly become the best sex you'd ever had.
You'd proceeded to become only more and more infatuated with Glen, even despite the constant nagging feeling in the back of your mind telling you that this would soon all have to come to its inevitable end. You’d known that conversation was coming, like a looming tornado that threatening to destroy your happy bubble with Glen at any moment, and on your last night in Austin as you’d sat on Glen’s couch with Brisket on your lap and wine in hand, it finally happened. 
You’d told him that it was okay, that you had no expectations of him and that you’d known all along that this was only ever going to be a vacation fling, assuring him that you’d loved every single second of your time and adventures together with him. Glen had been silent for a long moment then, looking back at you as he’d sat beside you on the couch with his gorgeous green eyes boring into your own, eventually taking your hand in his and telling you just how wrong you were.
He’d told you that he’d never before met a girl like you.
He'd told you that he’d never felt the way he had about someone he’d known for only three days.
He'd told you that he’d loved every single moment that you’d spent together and that he knew if he didn't tell you how he felt, he'd be forever wondering.
You swore in that moment that you’d forgotten how to breathe, your heart in your throat as you'd realized the implications of what Glen was saying to you.
You remembered wondering if you were really going to do this, if you could actually be in a relationship with Glen - in a relationship that was not only long distance, but also with a famous celebrity. You knew it would turn your world upside down and back to front a million times over, but the longer you’d looked back at Glen, getting lost in the gaze that was seemingly looking right through you, you’d realized that above all else, you were willing to try.
You’d fallen into his arms then, falling into one another over and over again, first on the couch, and then the shower, and then finally in his bed, eventually drifting off to sleep wrapped around one another as the evening ended and morning brought with it the inevitable tomorrow.
The rest of your trip had seemingly flown by, seeing the sights and experiencing the best of New Orleans, Jackson, Memphis and Nashville, making your way north to Boston and later New York where your twelve week trip would come to an end. Though those six weeks couldn’t compare to the time you’d spent with Glen in Austin and you’d missed him terribly, you’d spoken to him almost constantly throughout the rest of your travels - sending photos and videos, texting and face timing, following his advice and recommendations of the best places to go and see. 
What you hadn’t known and would only find out upon checking into your hotel room when you’d arrived in New York, was that Glen had organized to fly up to surprise you. You remembered feeling like you’d won the lottery when the hotel concierge had advised that you’d received a complimentary room upgrade to a suite, and just as you’d thought that your trip couldn’t possibly have wrapped up any better, you’d opened the suite door to find Glen waiting for you.
When you’d finally gotten over the shock of seeing him again, after you’d jumped into his embrace and kissed him with all of the emotions that you’d held in since Austin, Glen had taken you out for a romantic night on the town - and continued to do the same for every night that followed for the rest of your trip.
Eventually your solo travels had come to an end, Glen kissing you tenderly and promising that you’d see each other again soon, holding you tight in his arms as you’d sat outside JFK airport on the day of your flight home. You remembered trying to take in everything about your last few minutes with Glen then - the smell of his cologne, the feel of his lips on your hair, the warmth of his chest as he held you pressed against him, desperate to prolong your last moments together not knowing when you’d next get the chance.
A tender goodbye that you swore you wouldn’t ruin with tears, one final kiss that you’d forever commit to memory and a promise that together you could make this work, you’d waved to Glen and made your way through the departure gates, boarding your flight home to Australia.
The months that followed had given you a new found respect for people in long distance relationships, missing Glen more than you thought possible - even with your constant communication. Some small part of you had expected your relationship to fizzle out a week after you’d arrived home - that your time with Glen would be nothing more than a memory, a story you told people about when they’d ask about your overseas travels, but just as you’d promised on your last day together, you and Glen had made it work.
He’d come to visit you three months after your trip, staying with you for two whole weeks in October. You'd shown him around your city in the same way he’d done with Austin, introducing him to your friends and eventually your family after your sister had all but begged to meet him, your dog Flynn loving Glen just as much as Brisket had you.
Those two weeks had been incredible, and as close to domestic bliss as you'd ever gotten, loving waking up to Glen each morning and falling asleep wrapped in his arms each night. Then there was the sex - both of you obviously desperate to make up for the three months apart, spending the first two days of his visit practically locked inside and christening every surface of your house.
All too soon it was time to say goodbye again, but not before you'd made plans to see each other for Christmas. You'd flown back to the states for the holidays two months later, the Powell family welcoming you back with open arms, Brisket especially happy to see you as he'd happily licked at your face. You’d gotten to experience your first ever Winter Christmas that year holing up at the Powell's family ranch, eating, drinking, dancing and laughing all the way through to New Years Eve, feeling nothing but love as you celebrated with Glen's sisters, parents and the twins.
The rest of that trip had gone by all too quickly, and soon you were saying your teary goodbyes all over again before you’d headed back home to Australia. This time you hadn't been able to plan your next visit with Glen - his latest film projects beginning and finally introducing you to life as a famous actor's girlfriend. You'd found yourself feeling consistently grateful for your job, friends and family then, their presence keeping your mind busy and away from thoughts of Glen’s chaotic schedule and the fact that you had no idea when you'd next get to see him.
It was at the Powell’s annual New Year's Eve party that Glen had told you he loved you, just as the clock had struck midnight and everyone had erupted into cheers of happiness. You remembered that moment vividly, your heart still racing whenever you thought about it, the two of you standing on the edge of the lake as Glen had wrapped you in his arms and kissed you, pulling away just enough so that he could whisper those three perfect words. 
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And so, that had brought you all the way to June - nearly five months since you'd last seen him, as Glen had worked insane hours on a four month long shoot for his newest movie. Alongside the Australian Winter, made worse by the fact that you missed your boyfriend more than you'd previously thought possible, June had also brought with it something else seemingly upsetting - your birthday, also known as your thirty second lap around the sun.
Still, your friends had pulled out all the stops to celebrate your day - your three closest girlfriends taking you out on a spa date complete with a full body massage, facial and pedicure, followed by a tasting and lunch at the most stunning of vineyards which had continued well into the early evening. Your boozy, extended lunch had later turned into dinner and cocktails at a rooftop bar in the city, which soon turned into singing and dancing at a nearby karaoke bar despite your vehement protesting.
That's how you'd come to find yourself sitting in the booth with one of your friends, looking down at your notification-less phone as the other two girls performed an intoxicated rendition of It’s Raining Men on stage.
Though the girls had spoiled and pampered you on your day, it hadn't quite been enough to completely take your thoughts off of Glen and that fact that you hadn't heard from him all day. You knew he was busy with his shoot - having since learned that sometimes they could go for several hours at a time, knowing that there were many occasions where he just wasn’t able to have his phone on him in the middle of all the chaos. Still, despite not hearing from him since the early hours of the morning, he'd still somehow managed to spoil you on your birthday - organizing your favourite coffee and breakfast to be delivered to your door this morning, alongside the biggest bunch of stunning red roses that you'd ever seen. 
When you'd arrived at the winery for lunch later there'd been a second bunch of flowers, this one somehow bigger than the last, an exotic mix of eclectic tiger lillies and striking orchids, the colours bold, bright and beautiful. Alongside them had been a note, short and simple in the way that was classically Glen, telling you that he loved you with his whole heart and that he hoped you were having the best day with your friends for your birthday.
You and the girls had called it a night just before midnight, your own tipsy performance of Proud Mary signaling the end of your birthday. You kissed and thanked your girlfriends, incredibly grateful for the three of them in your life, waving goodbye to them in the taxi and making your way inside.
In any other circumstance, Flynn's lack of barking at your arrival would have alerted you to the idea that something was up, but in your several-drinks-too-many state you didn't quite pick up on that. So when you opened the front door to your house and found Glen standing in your kitchen looking back at you with the biggest smile on his face, all you could do was stare back at him momentarily - your brain a whirring mix of alcohol, surprise, overwhelm and love.
Eventually you separated enough that you could ask him what he was doing here and why he hadn't told you, Glen smiling and explaining between kisses that he was never going to not see you for your birthday. As it turned out he had the flight organized weeks ago, and had enlisted your friend's help to keep you busy while he made the long haul flight over, having planned all along to surprise you at the end of the night.
You ran at him then, bounding into his waiting arms and holding onto him with everything you had, burying your face in his neck as he whispered happy birthday baby in your hair. Depositing you on the kitchen bench he'd cupped your face and captured your lips in a tender kiss, both of you pouring all of the thoughts and emotions from your months apart into your intimate embrace.
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Just as you launched into your next barrage of questions - about his latest project, about the film shoot, about his family and about Brisket, Glen had tilted your chin and silenced you with a slow, heavy kiss, the action leaving you breathless and momentarily lost for words.
“All of that can wait” Glen breathed, lips hovering over your own as his hand moved into your hair, “We’ll have time for questions later darlin’”.
“Later?” you asked, voice barely louder than a whisper, letting out a shaky breath when his free hand cupped the back of your bare thigh and pulled your body flush against his.
“Later” Glen affirmed, his silky voice low and his Texan accent thick, his intentions instantly clear when he rolled his hips into yours with a breathy, almost desperate groan, “First I’m gonna take you to bed and give my girl a proper happy birthday”.
@angclvings @auntiegigi @friedchips94 @memories-in-bw @maeleelee @jessicab1991 @bellaireland1981 @queenslandlover-93 @itsjustkhaos @kneelforloki @djs8891 @lovemesomevesey @entertainmentgirl80 @buckysteveloki-me @stankface @meldizzzle
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edges-of-night · 25 days
Hello! With your comeback I had a grand time re-reading all your past imagines :> they're marvelous! Hope you don't mind me requesting - I had an idea of lotr characters with reader that is in adoration, love, and interest with their hair (and also them! but that's just predictable isn't it, how can you not love them). Even if it's dirty, reader would sometimes help take care of it, and her hands would just go to them on their own. Reader would also love to play with them, and marvel at texture, colour, lenght when they're clean. I had a few characters in mind (Eomer, Boromir, Faramir, Aragorn, Arwena, our 4 lovely hobbits) but I do know that's a lot of them. I am also happy with you choosing only few characters of your taste, or deciding on a completely different one! Quite honestly I'm happy about reading whatever you wish to write in this theme. Pretty please, but also no pressure! And have a great day/night, whenever you end up reading it :>
Thank you very much for your kind words! I know I said the same about the last request I posted, but hair prompts are an absolute weakness of mine haha! I hope you’ll enjoy what I’ve written for your characters, nonnie ♡
(so many glorious L'Oréal style gifs to choose from! ↓)
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・゚✧ Aragorn.
Rangers are not among the fairest creatures of Middle Earth, but you couldn’t care less – you are in love with Aragorn’s hair. When you’ve first voiced the thought, he was irritated, then amused. Now he softens whenever you go on and on about how beautifully his hair frames his face, how gorgeous he looks when it falls into his face as he’s lost in thought, humming some ancient Elven melody to himself. He may have pondered cutting it short before, but the thought is now discarded.
・゚✧ Arwen.
You often find yourself playing with Arwen’s hair whenever you’re close. You have spoken to her about it before, but thankfully Arwen has no problem with you touching her legendary dark and smooth hair. In fact, she likes the intimacy and finds your fascination with it cute. Though she has always loved her long strands herself, she is now in a good mood to try out elaborate, beautiful new hairstyles before your visits to Rivendell to surprise you – it’s like a secret language the two of you are sharing.
・゚✧ Boromir.
Boromir has never given his hair much thought; it needed to be practical and nothing more. Imagine his surprise when you offer to help him wash it after a long day of work, sweat, and dirt! He has much to learn in terms of hair care. But even if he was a little hesitant in the beginning, he enjoys your joint baths afterwards far too much! And you braiding his hair is just too romantic to miss. I figure Boromir would also be the kind of person to brag about how much you love his hair – perhaps not with the Elves, but all the more so with fellow Humans!
・゚✧ Éomer.
Seeing Éomer at the royal banquet in Edoras has you starstruck: The usually so haggard and modest horse lord wears his hair down in gorgeous dark blond curls, accentuated by golden strands framing the face you have come to love already. Those strands are usually pinned out of his face for practicality during riding and fighting, but now you cannot help but stare – which at first might irritate him. He may not understand your love for his hair right away, but he cannot deny the warmth your compliments spread in his chest and would eventually find it romantic to take care of each other’s hair.
・゚✧ Faramir.
You were enamoured with Faramir’s hair the moment you first saw him. His gorgeous waves make him look even dreamier than his kind eyes already do. When you first reach into his hair during a kiss, you blush and apologise – but Faramir loves the attention you give his waves and urges you to not hold back (in fact, he enjoys having his hair pulled). He would ask you about your opinions on which oils and waters to use in it and is in Seventh Heaven whenever you play with it during cuddles ♡
・゚✧ Frodo.
Frodo always makes sure his brown Hobbit curls look orderly and enjoys fancy oils, waters, and scents. He is genuinely happy about the presents you gift him to use in his hair. Your love for his curls doesn’t escape his attention, far from it. So, when your hands finally gravitate toward them as you read with Frodo, lost in thought and the legendary stories of your books, all he does is chuckle, letting you play with them until you self-consciously draw away.
・゚✧ Merry.
Since he is a bit vain in general, Merry is very protective of his hair. That said, he does have trouble taking care of it sometimes. Luckily you’re here to help! You help him wash it and compliment the colour and texture, which he delights him. Perhaps he would serve you a trick by casually telling you he would cut it short today – but you know better: This Hobbit loves both his hair and your fascination with it far too much for that!
・゚✧ Pippin.
Pippin wastes no thought on his hair: It gets stuck in branches, twisted in petty fights, and spilled by beer in the Green Dragon. Since he knows are you are “a hair expert”, he one day arrives at your door with a bunch of thistles stuck in his curls. Not only does he appreciate how well you take care of his hair, he loves how much you like it, too. He would kick his feet anytime you played with his curls and especially loves you ruffling them!
・゚✧ Sam.
When you tell him how much you like his hair, Sam initially thinks you’re joking. After all, both the hair on his head and on his feet is usually dirty and sweaty from gardening. And besides, who has the time for hair care anyway? But Sam soon realises you’re serious, especially after you stroke and caress his blond curls when you’re lying in his arms. You love how they fall into his green eyes when he looks at you all sweet ♡
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・゚✧ Bonus: Galadriel.
Galadriel’s long, smooth, golden hair is the stuff of legends, which is why you were so surprised to hear you have been appointed her maid to take care of it. And Elves are so particular about hair, too! It is among your sacred duties to untie your Lady’s braids and brush her hair every night, shining in the lights of her beautiful Elvish rooms in Lórien. Sometimes, she would start humming and smiling and telling you how much she adored you taking care of her like this. Needless to say, she would eventually gift you a strand of her fabled hair ♡
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i-love-genya-sm · 2 months
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READER INFO • PLEASE READ Reader is gn Lip-bite habit! Reader and Genya are not yet in a relationship, but are currently crushing on each other Both Reader and Genya refuse to believe that they like each other, but it is what it is. (They like each other a lot)
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You had a habit of biting your lip. A lot. When you were nervous, when you were excited, when you looked at Genya… Scratch that last one. One day, you were absent-mindedly watching the tree’s branches sway with the motion of the wind when Genya came up to you. “Hey, (Y/N)?” He asked timidly, a pink blush on his cheeks. “Oh, hi, Genya! What do you need?” You turn to him, a bright smile and slight pink tint on your face. Genya’s blush intensifies. “I-I was j-juts wondering if m-maybe…you’d….like t-to train with m-me?” His eyes were darting everywhere but your direction, his face red, fists clenched. You do the famous lip-bite, thinking. Genya’s face got even redder. (‹A/N›: Ay, you good?) “Sure!” You give Genya a closed-eyed smile. “Let’s go!” You turn around, Genya following you, towards a nearby training ground, biting your lip the whole way. Oh gosh I’m actually gonna be alone with Genya with a reasonable excuse! Once you got there, you grabbed two training swords and threw one to Genya. He caught it with slight stumble, the blush on his face still visible. “You ready?” You ask, taking up a stance. Genya nods. “Three…two…one…go!” You leap towards him, ready to strike. Better focus if i wanna win this match! All the while during your trining, your teeth had a firm grip on your lower lip as you tried to focus on training rather than Genya. But it was hard. You could tell he was distracted, too, with the way he looked at you, his eyes darting from your stance to your eyes and your lip bite, and back again. There was an unspoken feeling in the air, completely swallowed by love-struck sparring matches. Both of you were infatuated. The longer training went on, the harder it got to hide your overflowing feelings for one another. When you eventually tried yourself out, you stopped the sparring match and approached Genya’s sweaty form. Trying to ignore how hot he was, you gave a casual smile, hoping your blush was disguised by the amount of blood in your cheeks from training excessively. “I think that’s good for today, hm?” You bite your lip, again, trying to catch your breath. Genya’s face was redder than yours, even a little more breathless. He nodded. “Yeah. That was a good session. Should we do this more often?” Genya visibly cringed slightly, seemingly expecting some turn down. “Of course! It was great training with you, Genya!” You return your training sword and begin to take your leave. As you did, you turned back and waved at the tall, handsome figure you left behind. “See you around!” As you turned back on your way, you bite your lip a bit harder, your thoughts completely overtaken by Genya. You couldn’t wait to see him again.
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TAISHO ERA SECRET 👏👏 ◊ Genya loves your lip bite and thinks it’s cute ◊ Whenever he could, Genya would try to get a peek at your adorable lip bite THANK YOU FOR READING! Sorry if updates are slow, I’m currently working on four requests all at the same time and I’m on a pretty busy schedule! I wrote this shorter one to keep y’all occupied! Have a great day/night, my fellow Genya lovers! 💜🖤💛
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fandomnerd9602 · 10 months
Christmas Cheer
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
For @lifespectator and @aloneodi
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The holidays were always a big source of joy for you and the other Avengers. However there was one Avenger who didn’t see it as such. It was your best friend and crush, Wanda Maximoff. For her, Christmas was a solemn reminder of the fact that her family was gone. A reminder of how lonely the Christmas season was for her now.
Luckily she had a best friend who aimed to change that. An idea formed in your head. You were gonna give her the best Christmas ever. You may not have access to Christmas magic, or any magic due to your last little mistake with Doctor Strange, but you were gonna bring Wanda all the joy you could.
You talked it over with Tony, who gave you his credit card. “Go wild” the billionaire gave you a wink. He loved Christmas and knew that the little witch needed a little Christmas cheer.
It was Christmas Eve and Wanda was asleep. You worked tirelessly through the night, rigging up every little idea and making it just right.
Wanda came into the compound living room that Christmas morning only to be greeted with a Christmas party. “Surprise!” all of her fellow Avengers shouted. Each of them, showering her with love and adoration. Even Tony couldn’t stop from giving her a hug. Wanda locked eyes with you, somehow she just knew that it was all your idea. You gave her a little shrug.
Wanda enjoyed the entire Christmas day with you. You and her danced to the Christmas songs and opened a few gifts. But the most amazing gift Wanda received that day was you.
As the day drew to an end, Wanda walked up to you with a little smile on her face.
“Thank you” she whispered in your ear
“You’re important to me, Wanda, I just want you to have a great Christmas”
“There’s still one last Christmas tradition I want to try” she looks at you mischievously.
She wiggles her magic fingers and summons a mistletoe into existence, right above your head.
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what she wanted. You gently wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into a kiss. Her nimble fingers massaged your scalp as you share your first kiss with her.
And so now Christmas is no longer a reminder of the family Wanda lost but memories that she had with them. It’s a reminder of the family she formed with you. And with a couple more Christmases, you and her welcomed two little boys and a little girl too. Christmas is now her favorite time of year. A reminder of the day you gave her back her Christmas cheer.
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moonselune · 3 months
Pay Attention !
Teacher!Minthara x Obsessed!student (f!reader)
CW: bratty reader, Lorroakan is his own warning, Minthara has too much work for this, reader took a risk but damn is she bad at math.
⋆.˚✰ Minthara ⋆.˚✰ <- Masterlist
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Minthara held your waist tight to her, her arm being the only thing keeping you up on her lap. Your head rested on her shoulder as she devoured your neck, all bite and no kiss. This was a punishment after all.
There may have been an incident in class. You had felt ignored lately, Minthara was caught up in her work and hadn't seen you in a while. So, to express your displeasure you had turned your attention to a fellow classmate. You lingered by their desk before class started, leaning towards them a bit too closely. You always stayed there until Dr Baenre barked at her students to sit down. Then you would blow the classmate a kiss and slowly walk back to your seat, a little sway in your hips. But if Minthara was bothered by it, she wasn't letting it show, not any more from her normal cruel demeanour. Which had led to things... escalating.
In hindsight, you were being slightly overdramatic. It had only been a week since your last tryst, but you adored your teacher, worshipped the very ground she walked on and she couldn't even spare you a passing glance?
You had to get her attention somehow and making out with that classmate outside of her classroom door right after class, did that. You knew that Minthara would see it for what it was, a dedicated desperate ploy to get her attention. You felt somewhat bad for your classmate, you were just using them, but in the name of research, sacrifices had to be made, and your methods needed to be tested.
It would be fair to say that this method more than worked.
When the door opened and Minthara stepped through, though you couldn't see her due to the tongue down your throat, you could hear her stilettos, and you could hear them scuff as she took in the sight. She slammed the classroom door shut behind her, startling your subject causing the two of you to pull away. You watched eagerly as she walked off, you could feel the anger radiate from her form. Once she turned round the corner, as if on cue, your phone buzzed. You pulled it out eagerly, shooing away the classmate who disappointingly trudged off. Your face lit up as you saw it was from Minthara.
Office. Now.
You practically skipped to her office, completely unaware of what was ahead of you. Like a rabbit, hopping into the wolf's jaw. You barely managed to close the door behind you when you were yanked into her office and pinned to a nearby wall.
“That was quite a little show you put on for me there,” Minthara practically growled into your ear and your heart raced, she had caged you in with her arms, both of her hands planted firmly on the wall beside your head. You looked up at her with big doe eyes as if you were just the most innocent thing in the whole wide world. Minthara chuckled darkly and rolled her eyes, "Oh it is too late for that, my love. To think whilst I have been slaving away at my research, you have been getting with the first thing that smiled at you."
"You weren't paying attention to me..." You whined lightly, leaning your head back to bare your neck at her. You knew you were playing with fire here, Minthara was an extremely possessive woman, but the pool of heat forming between your legs urged you to get burned.
"Oh the brat look suits you, Y/N." Minthara muttered before crashing her lips onto yours, one hand finding its way around your throat, squeezing the sides lightly. You whimpered and and felt your knees buckle as she assaults your lips, bullying her tongue into your mouth. You instinctively arched your hips towards hers, desperate for contact. Minthara smiles against you and moves her other hand from the wall and hikes your leg up against her hip. She might have missed you, more than she was willing to let on. But she wasn't about to so merciful.
That's how you found yourself in this situation with one had tangled in her hair encouragingly, the other clasped around your mouth, desperately trying to silence the filthy noises leaving your lips. Though, when Minthara thrusted an additional finger into your weeping hole, not even your hand could silence your cries.
Minthara disapprovingly clicked her tongue as she pulled away from your neck, pressing her lips to the corner of your jaw. "Y/N, Y/N, quiet, now. We wouldn't want Professor Dekarios thinking somethings the matter? Have him foolishly bursting in to see you spread out so deliciously for me."
To further her point she tucked her ankle around yours and moved it out, spreading you even further. You whined and squirmed, feeling increasingly exposed and vulnerable. Minthara continued to thrust her fingers in and out of you at a languid, torturous pace.
"Though maybe you would like that, for the rest to see who you belong to." She felt your walls clamped around her and chuckled into your ear, "Of course you like that, Cryso. Worry not, the marks on your neck will show your classmates that you are already spoken for.."
As if to accentuate her point, she nipped at your raw and tender skin again, thrusting deeper into you. You had to bite down on your hand to contain your moans.
"So wet for me, so eager, perhaps I have been neglecting this poor little cunt of yours." Minthara drawled and if you were in your right mind and not in a haze of pleasure you would realise that she was plotting something. She removed her fingers from you and you could have cried as your cunt tried to clamp around air, your building orgasm melting away. If you weren't so distraught, you would have realised she was taking something out of her desk drawer. "Don't worry, I'm sure this will help remind you who you belong to."
You felt something press against your entrance before slipping in with ease, Minthara hadn't been toying with you for no reason, she had been prepping you. You felt the small circular mass took root deep in your cunt. As you were coming to your senses you turned to look at her with slight confusion... that was until the device came to life, and released pleasurable vibrations. Then just as you felt your orgasm returned, they stopped. Minthara pulled your panties back onto you and abruptly pushed you off her lap. You stumbled slightly and looked at her, a pout forming on your lips as you desperately squeezed your thighs together, desperate to chase the long lost high.
"Mmm sweet," Minthara commented as she tasted you on her fingers. She then gave you a curt mischievous smile, "Now, back to class. You know how Dr Lorroakan despises tardiness."
"Mmhmm but-" You were going to add that it would be a shocker if Dr Lorroaken actually showed up, but you were interrupted when an intense vibration tore through you, causing your knees to buckle. You looked up at Minthara with a shocked face. She mocked your previous pout and stood up, walking towards you. She straightened out your blouse, combed her fingers through your unruly hair, if you thought this was an act of kindness - it was, but only to make up for the fact that she then gave you your bag and shoved you out of her office, locking the door promptly afterwards.
You had to take a few deep breaths to ready yourself and start making your way towards Dr Lorroakan's lecture room. The vibrator buzzed at a low level, teasing the build up of an orgasm. You tried to ignore it, but your body couldn't as your thighs continually squeezed together as you walked. Eventually you made it to the lecture room and were aghast to see the actual Dr there, not his diligent assistant Rolan.
"Get in, sit down, don't waste my time more than you lot already have." He snapped, and you had to hide the roll of your eyes as you walked in. When Minthara was rude and mean, it was sexy. When Dr Lorroakan did it was just teeth-gratingly annoying. You managed to get one of the last few seats at the back, it seems your fellow students shared your disdain for the Dr and had all fled to the back. You couldn't help but feel bad for the latecomers who had to sit closer to the man. "I hope you realise how much of an honour it is for you all to actually be taught by me. Dr Lorroakan, master in the history of ancient rituals and myths of the divine."
"Not like it's your job or anything..." You muttered under your breath, earning a few snickers from your peers. Thankfully, Lorroakan was too caught up in himself to hear it. It seemed Minthara was really rubbing off on you.
Speaking of Minthara.
An intense vibration tore through you and you had to disguise your moan as a cough. You shifted in your seat and crossed your legs as if squeezing them together would somehow turn off the vibrator, but it just increased the pressure and brought you closer to the edge. Taking a deep breath, you focused on what the oh so great Dr Lorroakan had to say.
The reason I am here today is due to an assessment by my colleagues. Normally, I would dismiss such trivialities, but due to being assigned a particularly stubborn colleague, I am here."
The door opened, and in walked none other than Minthara. The air in the room shifted as the students sat up straighter, phones hastily put away. It may have not been her class, and some students may not have even ever been taught by Dr Baenre, but her reputation preceded her.
"Ah, Dr. Baenre, so good of you to join us," Lorroakan said, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he welcomed her in. She strode in casually, her hands in her pockets, a bored look on her face. Her eyes found you and you squirmed under her stare, then squirmed as she increased the vibrations from her phone.
Once she had her fun, Minthara offered a tight smile. "It's my pleasure, Dr. Lorroakan."
She then made her way to the back of the class, kicking a student out their seat and watched them scurry to the front. You couldn't tell if she had looked at you on her way over as your head was buried in your hands as you tried to muffle the moans threatening to leave you. Minthara didn't like that.
"L/N, head up, if you wanted a nap, go see if Miss Alfira will sing you a lullaby," Minthara barked at you as she leant back in the chair. The other students flinched, Dr Baenre never snapped at you, you were the model student - she must have been in an awful mood. You snapped your head up and gave a thin smile, as your teeth gnawed the inside of your lips, the last line of defence. At least everyone would think your flushed face would be out of embarrassment and not the shattering orgasm that was about to tear through you. "Now that I've sorted out your students for you feel free to commence the lectur, Dr Lorroakan, that is unless you need me to do that too?"
"I will be just fine, Dr Baenre," Dr Lorroakan gritted out before flouncing towards the blackboard. You thought that as his back was finally turned you would be able to deal with your release subtly, but Minthara ensured there was nothing to deal with as the vibrations ceased immediately. You couldn't stop the whimper that left your mouth, and you had to quickly convince the students around you that it was a yawn.
Throughout Dr. Lorroakan's lecture, Minthara kept her gaze on you, her subtle manipulations causing waves of arousal to ripple through your body. You squirmed in your seat, trying to focus on the lecture, but it was impossible. The room felt stifling, your senses heightened to an unbearable degree. She always brought you so close to the edge, before being taking it all away. Tears were starting to form in the corner of your eyes, and a thick bead of sweat forming on your forehead.
Dr. Lorroakan, oblivious to your plight, continued his lecture, though he was visibly perturbed by Minthara's constant interruptions and critiques. "Your interpretation of the Cormyrian rituals is outdated, Lorroakan," she said with a thinly veiled sneer. "You fail to consider the recent findings from the Thayan archives."
The students exchanged glances, enjoying the verbal sparring between the two professors. Meanwhile, you were fighting a losing battle against the vibrator. Your breath came in shallow gasps, and you could feel Minthara's eyes boring into the back of your head, relishing in your discomfort. Maybe getting burned was not as fun as you thought it would be.
"What now, Dr. Baenre? Going to critique the way I hold my chalk?" Dr. Lorroakan sneered, clearly irritated by Minthara's interruptions.
"Nonsense, Dr. Lorroakan, don't be so petty," she dismissed him with a wave of her hand. "I am simply voicing my concern that you have failed to notice that one of your students is severely unwell."
Her words cut through the air, and the room fell silent. Lorroakan's eyes narrowed as he scanned the room, finally landing on you. Your face was flushed, your hands trembling as you clutched the edge of the desk. His irritation morphed into a mixture of confusion and concern.
"Ah, yes, well... perhaps you should be taken to the nurse's office," he stammered, clearly caught off guard.
Minthara stood gracefully, her movements precise and deliberate. "I'll take her. It's quite alright," she said smoothly.
She moved to your side, her presence calming and authoritative. As she helped you to your feet, you couldn't help but lean into her touch, your body betraying your need for her. Minthara's arm wrapped around your waist, supporting you as she led you out of the classroom. The students' eyes followed you, whispers filling the room in your wake.
Once the door closed behind you, the hallways seemed quieter, almost intimate. Minthara's grip tightened, her lips brushing your ear as she whispered, "Are you learning your lesson now, Y/N?"
You nodded frantically, the continual buzz of the vibrator making you desperate for her. "Yes, Minthara, I’ve learned my lesson," you panted, your voice filled with need. You would let her take her right there in the hall if she wanted to. "Please... I need you."
She smirked, clearly pleased with your response. "Good girl. Now did you make a mistake earlier?," she said, her voice low and commanding.
You nodded again, practically begging. "Yes, it was a mistake. Please, Minthara, I need you so much."
"Oh and how I love to punish students who make mistakes," Her eyes darkened with desire as she led you through the halls, her grip never loosening. She navigated the corridors with ease, her focus entirely on you. Each step you took made the need within you grow, and you clung to her, your breaths coming in ragged gasps.
Finally, you reached her office. Minthara unlocked the door with swift precision and guided you inside. The room was dimly lit, the familiar scent of her perfume and the sight of her meticulously organized space grounding you slightly. She closed the door behind you, the click echoing in the quiet room.
As Minthara turned to face you, her expression a mix of sternness and desire, you couldn't help but fall to your knees. She smiled at your submission and cupped her hand around your cheek. "Do you understand now, Cryso?" she asked, her voice soft but firm, she was now gripping your jaw. "You belong to me."
"Yes," you whispered, your voice trembling with need. "I belong to you."
A satisfied smile curved her lips as she leaned down to you. "Good," she murmured. "Now, let's make sure you remember that."
Her lips crashed against yours, fierce and possessive. You melted into her embrace, your body responding to her touch with an intensity that left you breathless. She pushed you to the floor, her hands never leaving your body, exploring, claiming, reminding you of who you belonged to. She put her knee between your legs and smiled at how soaked you were.
"Want something, my love?" She teased, her mouth hovering by your ear as you shameless rutted into her knee desperate for release.
"Please, please, please.." you whined and whimpered, tears running freely down your face. Minthara kissed them away, your pleads, sweet music to her ears. "P-please can I cum?"
"Hmmm, I think I have tortured you enough, and you behaved so well in Dr Lorroakan's class..." Minthara hummed, pretending to think bout it as she moved to your neck, kissing the blooming bruises from earlier. You whimpered and cried out again, so sensitive to her touch.
"P-lease, I- I-need you, so badly.."
"Go on then, cum for me my darling.." Minthara whispered into your ear before moving back onto your neck. She moved her fingers down to your soaked core and toyed with your clit. Minthara consumed you, her touch setting your skin on fire. You clung to her, your body a hot mess of desire and need. Finally, your saw white and Minthara had to use her free hand to cover your mouth as you let out ungodly noises, writhing in her hold. Minthara praised you through your orgasm, kissing your neck. It took a short while for you to regain your breath only for it to be taken away again my a rough kiss from Minthara.
Finally, she pulled back, her eyes dark and intense. "You're mine," she whispered, her voice filled with possessive affection. "Never forget that."
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. "I won't," you promised, your voice raw with emotion. "I’m yours, Minthara."
Thank you everyone for your support on this au ! I love writing it, I think teacher Minthara is the hottest thing in the world rn, definitely not kicking my feet giggling whilst I write her - Seluney x
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chloe-skywalker · 4 months
Expecting Twins - Poe Dameron (Part#2)
Poe x Fem!reader Solo
Warnings: none
Word count: 780
Summary: Y/n’s got to Poe about the doctor’s visit. But how to reveal it?
Authors Note: Last Part
STARWARS Masterlist
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“I’m pregnant.” Y/n spoke slowly in shock. She hadn’t said anything since they left the medbay.
“With twins.” Leia smiled at her daughter, excited to be a grandma.
“Guess it runs in the family.” Y/n laughed at her mom, her mom and uncle Luke were twins. Y/n and Ben were twins, it must run in the family. Y/n let out a stressed breath. “I’m gonna have to tell Poe.”
“I think he’ll be very excited.” Leia rubbed Y/n’s arm’s comfortingly as they sat next to each other on Y/n and Poe’s bed. They had gone back to the young couples room after they left the doctor. Leia was sure Poe would be very excited when he heard the news.
“He will be. We’ve talked about kids before.” Y/n nodded, she knew Poe would be excited but how to tell him is the question on her mind.
“That's good.” Leia was happy for them. During this time they could use a happy thing to happen. Something to also remind them what they’re all fighting for.
“I’ll need help mom.” She looked to her mom with some nerves in her eyes. Y/n’s never had a child before obviously but her mom has.
“Telling him?” Leia asked with a raised brow in question.
“Telling him and with the babies when they come.” Y/n nodded with a smile.
“I can do both hunny.” She was very excited to be a grandma, but Y/n wanting her to help? That she’d gladly be there for.
“Thanks mom.” Y/n smiled at her gratefully.
“I’m glad he was sent on a short mission.” She laughed a little, Leia was amused at how things worked out.
“Me to. I can’t wait to tell him.” Y/n was getting more excited by the minute to tell him.
“Now how to tell him.”
“Let’s plan.” Y/n smirked michevoulsy at her mom.
^     ^     ^
“Hey!” Poe greeted running over to Y/n and sweeping her up into a hug.
“Your back.” Y/n laughed, hugging him back. He’d been gone for most of the day. It was dark out now, well almost the sun was starting to set.
“I am.” Poe smiled as he set her back down on her feet.
“Hi BB.” Y/n greeted the little orange and white droid with a bright smile, before looking back at Poe. “How was the mission?”
“Good. Easy. How was the visit to the medbay?” He really wanted to know if she was okay. He really hoped she was. He didn’t want to live without her.
“It went good.” She nodded trying not to smile and give anything away.
“Well, what’d they say? What’d the doctor say?” Poe pressed, he’d been concerned the whole trip.
“Come out here for a second.” Y/n bit her lip as she dragged out of the hanger and into the opening.
“Aren’t you gonna tell me?” he furrowed his eyebrows, getting more worried. Why wasn’t she telling him?
“It’s part of it.” She told him trying to cover her excitement so she wouldn’t blow the surprise.
“Okay?” Now he was just confused.
“Good to have you back Poe.” Leia greeted the pilot as they came to stand by her outside.
“Good to be back, General.” Poe nodded, but now more confused than ever.
“Ready?” Leia asked her daughter.
“Yes” Y/n confirmed
“What's going on?” Poe asked, looking between both women in complete confusion.
“Just watch.” Y/n smiled up at her pilot before turning his head to look in the sky where a few of Poe’s fellow pilots had manipulated their X-Wing’s to let out clouds of smoke behind them to spell words in the sky.
It took Poe a moment to read the words but once he did he turned to Y/n with wide eyes and mouth open. “What?! Are you serious?!”
“Yes.” Y/n nodded with the biggest smile on her face. “I’m pregnant!”
“That's not all.” Leia nodded happily watching the scene before her with adoration. Her heart swelled for her daughter, to have someone to love her like Poe does.
“What do you mean?” Poe snapped his head in the General's direction.
“Keep Watching.” Y/n giggled pointing back to the sky.
Poe watched as they spelt out more words and once they were done Poe turned back to Y/n with an even bigger smile and wider eyes. “Twins?! We’re having twins?!”
“Yeah.” Y/n confirmed before he pulled her into a kiss.
Breaking the kiss Poe leaned his forehead against Y/n’s and smiled at his wife, his jedi, and now the mother of his children. “I can’t wait.”
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97
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