#i love this forest creature ghoul
thepoisonedchalice · 1 year
some mountain ghoul thoughts i had on my walk this morning..
give me mountain with wavy shoulder length hair. give me mountain with a messy bun. give me mountain with moss covered ram horns. give me mountain with tattoos of all his favourite plants and flowers on his arms. give me mountain growing weed in the greenhouse. give me mountain walking around the ghoul den shirtless and everyone ogling his tattoos and his pants sitting low on his hips. give me sweet and soft but intimidating mountain. give me mountain bringing you flower bouquets every few days full of flowers he grew. give me mountain laying naked on the dock at the pond soaking in the sunshine with rain and swiss swimming. give me mountain relaxing with a joint after a loud and overstimulating day. give me cheeky and smirking mountain.
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bogleech · 10 months
"this animal is actually a precious sweet intelligent angel despite its completely unfair public image as a filthy screeching pest" is well meaning and all but I think respect for wildlife shouldnt be that conditional and nature isn't here to generate feel good tiktoks or look pretty at the zoo. It isn't even here to ecologically benefit us, it doesn't owe us shit! More importantly you should consider that it's great and awesome when an animal is a filthy screeching pest. You should adore that we have a planet of corpse wallowing barf eating poison slobbering louse spreading hairy ghouls and feathered imps. I hope the sky dinosaurs shit on every car in the world every day forever. I'm glad when we paved over the forest and filled the earth with a labyrinth of toilet water we just made a utopian diarrhea playground for creatures that can chew through power cables. Love that there's a type of bat that can cut you in your sleep to slurp your blood and by the way it pisses the entire time, just pisses and pisses because it's filtering the excess water out of your blood. "Oh but it hardly ever goes after humans!" Yeah well guess what?? It should. Oh wolves are just pretty misunderstood pupperoos and not scary fairy tale villains?? Just because it's rare doesn't mean wolves can't be incredibly dangerous and it fucking rules actually. Based fairy tale villains. Get wolfed dummies!!
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ghuleh-recs · 1 month
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It was @forlorn-crows birthday like a month ago!! And I fuckin missed it! Jail for Liss. Jail for 1000 years. Better late than never, I guess. Crow is easily one of my favorite ghoul writers and I threw together a greatest hits rec list for the occasion! They are the mastermind behind Mushy May and the verrrry iconic Lake Wife™. On top of being incredibly talented, Crow is always so lovely and kind and supportive of their fellow creatives. Wouldn't it be a lovely (belated) bday gift if you left some comments/kudos on some of these? Maybe even stop by Crow's ko-fi while you're at it!
Lady of the Lake - Rain/Lake Wife™ - E, 11.6k
With all the dark magick flowing through the abbey, he wouldn’t be surprised if some of it leached into the surrounding area. Mountain’s told him all about the various creatures he’s seen on the edges of the forest: dark, shadowy things that live in the corners of one’s vision, flitting between downed trees and swaying ferns. They’re relatively peaceful entities that don’t seem to bother ghouls, humans, or other animals much. But their presence certainly hasn’t gone unnoticed. That same looming magick resides at the bottom of the lake. Something deep and ominous. Something big. Rain can’t make head nor tail of the sentient something that must live down there. He’s felt it most recently in the new beginnings of spring: big waves of living energy reaching out to him, calling to something buried deep in his ribcage. A creature reaching out to their kin. He supposes it could be a byproduct of the changing seasons, the rush of life seeping through the cracks in the thawing ice. But the feeling in his gut tells him it’s something more than that.
First and Fierce Affirming Sight - Mountain & Copia - G, 1.1k
Once in a blue moon he’ll retreat deep into the forest beyond the abbey to give himself a break from his mortal-like form, let that great maw of elemental power unleash and drain itself into the ether. Just once in a great while, to be fully released. Other times, it sneaks up on him like a cloud of darkness, pulling him under slowly. It gives him enough time to stifle it or manage it. If there’s warning signs, there’s time to keep it at bay. But times like these, it comes in the blink of an eye—like a flash of lightning in the middle of the inky-black sky.
Quicksilver - Dewdrop/Rain - T, 1.8k
Sunshine finally gets to braid Dewdrop's hair, but it gives him and Rain ~feelings~. (you have to read the sequel, too.)
And You Know That It Takes Two - Copia/Dewdrop - E, 3.7k
“Well, I do. Of course I do,” he assures the ghoul. “Quite fond of you all, actually. It was, admittedly, a little rocky when we first met. But.” There’s that heh Dew was expecting just moments before. “Here we are, no?” When Copia starts rubbing his thumb up and down the inside of his knee, Dew’s brain stops working. His gaze zeros in to the fingers splayed across the side of his thigh, so foreign, so bare, so pink against the black of his casual uniform pants. His mind is full of static and all he can hear is his own blood pumping through his head. But there’s a weird something tugging in his ribcage; something new yet old, unnamed but familiar.
and so it goes - Mountain/Rain - E, 1.6k
Rain hums the melody where the piano would play, glancing down at the ghoul curled around him. His shoulders start to shake, and he sniffles into the water ghoul’s shirt—attempting, but failing, to be silent about his tears. Rain stops. “Mountain, love, what’s wrong?” Immediately he shakes his head at the question, whining quietly. “Hey,” Rain urges, petting back his hair. “I’m here for you, can you try to tell me?” Hurts, Mountain pushes into his mind. “Where does it hurt?” Rain asks gently. The earth ghoul pulls back an arm from around his waist, gesturing to his own chest. Rain can see his face screw up, a silent prayer to stop the oncoming sob that threatens to work its way out of his throat. In here, he says. He points weakly to the side of his head too. And here.
Pull Me In Your Waters - Dewdrop/Mist - E, 4.8k
He’s such an innocent, carefree creature—one that has Mist’s fingers itching to touch, to ruin, to defile. Like he’s a mere mortal waiting to be drawn in by her hellish siren’s call. But there’s a budding affection underneath that, too. Call it kin, call it an elemental draw to each other, call it even a mentor-like protection over the fledgling ghoul. Beyond the lust there’s respect, admiration. An urge to simply get to know and raise the ghoul who’s set to take her place. She can’t deny there’s some weird, mothering nature buried deep within the confines of her stoney nature. But it is deep, and right now it’s very much shrouded behind a curtain of curiosity, of hunger.
Compromise - Aeon/Mountain - E, 2.9k
He and Aeon haven’t talked, not really, about where they stand with each other. There hasn’t been time, especially not when he’s constantly plastered to Rain and Swiss’ sides instead. Mountain understands. He does. But the longing for familiarity was too hard to ignore tonight, tugging him to Aeon’s room after a sour night at a local dive bar. or Mountain misses Aether. Who he has is Aeon.
Weigh Your Powers, Tempt The Hours - Aether/Ifrit - E, 2.3k
“You’re so pretty like this, you know that?” Ifrit blushes under his adoring gaze. His shaggy hair falls across his face as he ducks to hide. But Aether’s having none of it, reaching out to guide his head back up with a gentle hand on his chin. “You trust me, right?” “Of course I do. I want—” Ifrit pauses and takes a shaky breath. “Want to be good for you,” he finishes in a small voice, just barely above a whisper. “You’re always good for me, Fritter.” The quintessence ghoul runs the pad of his thumb across the point of his jaw. His voice slips to a lower timbre, slow and rhythmic. “You want to feel good too, don’t you?” Ifrit’s eyes slip closed, body relaxing ever so slightly. “Yeah,” he answers simply, forming the word on his exhale like an unholy confession. “You will. I’ll make sure of it.”
𖤐 you know the drill--bookmark, read, and leave kudos/comments!
Did I forget your favorite? You've got a standing invitation from me to add your own rec and reblog ♡
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unholybabes · 1 month
How do the natural instincts of ghouls apply once brought to Earth?
okay i hadn't thought about this, but now that i am? ugh, i love it.
so hell is dangerous, and like any other creature in the animal kingdom (including humans), ghouls rely wholly on their instincts to keep them going. some of these instincts are pretty common for most creatures: breed, hunt, find shelter, find companionship.
in the pits, ghouls travel in a clan. a clan being a fancy term for a group of more than 10 ghouls that hunt, live and travel together. this clan can also be a pack, a group of bonded ghouls. while they can sound similar, clan and pack are not the same thing. think of it as being roommates vs. being best friends.
anyways, when a ghoul is summoned to the surface, it can take a while for them to get comfortable. this is not only because of the sudden and unexpected change in scenery and habitat, but also because ghouls tend to be summoned by those who’ve done it before. ghouls, especially those of difference subspecies that don’t interact in the pits frequently, can often act territorial or sometimes even outright aggressive with each other.
outside of this, ghouls summoned to our world have been documented exhibiting some very strange behaviors. hunting, for one. ghouls will often give into the instinct to hunt for animals, or for some of the herbivorous species, forage for plants. similarly to cats, ghouls will often bring each other and even humans they might be fond of, prey. ghouls of the ministry, taking advantage of the forest surrounding the church, will often be seen at night dragging anything from rabbits to deer back to their quarters. this comes from the natural instinct to hoard and collect resources, namely food.
another thing to get used to is modern technology. ghouls are very adaptive, and while they can often pick up the concept of electricity or 21st century tech relatively easily, some things are harder than others. (after dewdrop was first summoned, he was terrified of the sound toasters made for months, for example.)
pack and nesting instincts are the most unique behaviors to carry over from the pits. think about it this way! say you grow up in a very rough environment. you’re constantly on guard both for yourself and your family, never stopping despite your instinct to nurture your loved ones. you spend years doing this. and all of a sudden, you find yourself in a place with an excess of comfort items, little to no real reasons to feel endangered, and new people that you can quickly grow bonds with.
ghouls, when introduced to the surface world, love to nest. the materials usually vary depending on the wants and needs of the ghoul, but that’s to be expected. thanks for asking !! <3
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merbear25 · 22 days
Hi, can I also request reader that's some type of immortal supernatural being with German brothers and Italy please? Thanks!✨️
Hello! These types of requests are turning out to be really fun for me. I love researching topics 😍 Plus, I get to refresh my knowledge on some folklore, so thank you for sending this in! I hope you like what I've written for you 💜💜
pt 1, pt 2, pt 3
CW: headcanons, fluff, can be read as platonic or romantic, some of these creatures are typically depicted as women in folklore but no pronouns are used for the reader.
Meeting an immortal (Germany, Prussia, Italy)
Germany: Nachzehrer Reader
Although your curse kept you from experiencing any real connection, you yearned for it nonetheless.
Watching others from the shadows, admiring them, envying them, the raindrops fell on your unphased form. While most found discomfort standing out in the rain, it was one of the parts of life that connected you to the rest of the world.
Lost in thought, you didn't notice a man walking up to you. He held an umbrella over you to shield you from the cold drops, warning you that you may catch a cold if you sit outside in it.
Turning your head to get a better look at him, you weren't sure why but you told him there wasn't anywhere for you to go. His stern demeanor softened just a tad and he offered to help you find somewhere to stay.
While searching for a room to book, your exchange of questions led to genuine curiosity in each other's lives. You held a sense of mystery to the other, piquing your interest to find out more.
Taking the time to get to know each other, he was the first to tell you that he was a personification. The rigidness in his delivery, brought out a twinge of sympathy, for you could relate to some extent.
However, you were a bit more nervous about sharing your true identity with him; being a ghoul-like vampire wasn't something most would take lightly. That being said, you placed your trust in him, waiting for the recoil - none came.
In fact, his interest in you grew, wanting to learn more about you. He wasn't afraid of you. With an unfamiliar sense of security, you couldn't help but have a growing need to be closer to him. Luckily for you, he mirrored your want. The once lonesome nights were now warm so long as the other was around.
Prussia: Weiße Frau Reader
Trailing through the halls of the abandoned castle, your favorite times of the day were when the sun rose and set amongst the Black Forest.
One crisp morning, you spotted white robed figures marching through the trees, heading for the castle. Having the responsibility of guarding it, as well as the treasures it held, you went out to confront them.
Being met with a rowdy teenager and the rest of the so-called knights, you successfully turned them away. Despite that boy's abrasive behavior, he made a surprisingly good impression on you - the passion and confidence wasn't something you could easily forget.
As the decades passed, you enjoyed the same sunrises and sunsets that graced the horizon. But one day, your attention was drawn to a visitor, one who was dressed in a military uniform. Suspecting that he was a threat to this humble abode you were guarding, you went out to confront him.
You were both taken aback though. Inspite of the many years distancing your first encounter, there was no mistaking it: you were exactly as the other remembered.
He was a bit older, but not nearly as old as he should have been, and you hadn't aged a day. Such a mind-boggling reunion was deserving of answers. You both had a heightened interest in the other and were eager to find out who - or what - they were.
The annoying teen that you remembered had turned into a uniquely charming man. You enjoyed his rambunctious attitude and you seemed to have placed an endearing spell on him as well.
After sweet moments of sharing stories and learning about the other, he made an effort to visit you as often as he could. You always looked forward to seeing him. It quickly became one of your favorite times of the day.
Italy: Masca Reader
With the family gift - which in your opinion was more of a curse - being passed down to you recently, you wondered how you would spend the rest of your days. There was so much you wanted to do and see, but you felt as if you wouldn't be able to share the wonders in the world with anyone.
Still in the prime of your youth, you came across a rather peculiar man: he was fawning over all of the women in the park, showering them with attention.
The more you observed him, the more his silly behavior grew on you. Giggling at his sweet nature from afar, you accidentally called attention to yourself, immediately enticing him to drop everything to come talk to you.
You couldn't deny liking the compliments he threw at you. When he mentioned that he'd seen you around before, you felt a bit shy all of the sudden.
Not wanting to make you feel weird or uncomfortable, he gracefully changed the subject, helping you regain your confidence. Despite the slightly rocky start, you two enjoyed a pleasant conversation. Admittedly, it was nice to talk to someone and meeting up in the early evening became a common occurrence.
With each night spent sharing stories and dreams, you felt a deep connection forming. Not wanting to hide anything, he chose to share that he was a personification.
Knowing he was in the same boat as you and recognizing how brave it was to tell you that, you chose to open up as well. Even though you were immortal, you were still vulnerable to illness and aging, which brought on a clear sense of disappointment to the mood.
Even though there would come a time when you would pass this to another family member, you were happy knowing that you'd have someone as reliable and caring as him by your side. Your appreciation for sharing a very long life with him was reciprocated, giving each of you peace of mind that the other wasn't going anywhere for a very long time. For the first time you truly felt like you had a gift, not a curse.
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bokatan · 2 years
Fallout 4 Mods List
 Hello! Here is a full list of recommended mods that I’m either currently using or have used in the past. There may be required mods for some of these that I didn’t list - make sure to check these while you’re installing.
Vivid Fallout
The Fungal Forest
Grass Reworked
Wasteland Illumination
FAR - Faraway Area Reform
Glowing Animals Emit Light
Brighter Settlements
CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul
Enhanced Lights and FX
Illuminated Billboards and Posters
Mutant Menagerie
Wasteland Illumination
Crows and Creatures
FlaconOil’s Complete Retexture Project: this looks amazing but it can be a bit heavy, I wouldn’t recommend if you’re concerned about PC performance
PTSD Mental Health Management System
Smokable Cigars/Cigarettes/Joints
Enhanced Blood Textures
The Nuka Project
Destroyed Pip-Boy Screen
Pip-Boy 4K HD
Eyewear and Mask Retexture
NPCs Travel
Wetness Shader Fix
SKK Fast Start New Game
SKK Fast Start Location
Immersive Facial Animations Remade
Lowered Weapons
Eye Normal Map Fix
Manly Crouching
Name and Trade with Dogs
No More Floating Razorgrain
Pet Any Dog
Recruit Scribe Haylen as a Settler
The Walking Ghoul
Rich Merchants
We Are The Minutemen
Workshop Spotlight Fix
Nuanced Eye Reflection
Scary Clown Monkey Trap HD
Where Are My Provisioners?
Clearer Glasses
Better Shaped Male Heavy Combat Armor
SavrenX Detailed Hair
Commonwealth Cuts - Vanilla Match Retextures
Expressive Expressions
Femshepping’s AE Armor Mod Patches
Hair Tones Redux - Hair Color Overhaul
Lip Color Blemish Tweak
Extended Dialogue Interface
VIS-G Item Sorting
Buffout 4
Full Dialogue Interface
Main Quest Choices Extended
Mod Configuration Menu
Survival Options
This Settlement Does Not Need Your Help
Workshop Framework
Immersive Squeaky Doors
Immersive Pip-Boy Radio
More Where That Came From - Diamond City Radio
Not Great Not Terrible - Scarier Geiger Counter Sounds
Jolly Item Sounds
Dynamic Music Overhaul
P.A.M.S. - Power Armor Movement Sounds
Travis’ Terrific Tips
Radiant Birds
Muffled Helmets
Immersive Nail Trim for Dogmeat
Unique Player and Followers Redux
Better Companions
Sable Dogmeat
Amazing Follower Tweaks
Danse Wear Your Helmet
This will affect how he acts outside of power armor, he’ll change outfits repeatedly. It’s fine if you keep him in his vanilla outfit but it gets annoying if he has custom outfits
Danse GTFO Power Armor
I saw someone refer to this mod as a giant can opener and that has been stuck in my brain since
The Danse Dilemma
Danse No X-01
Valentine Reborn
Truly Unique Nick: You’ll probably need this to get Valentine Reborn to work
Classic Dogmeat AKA Pirate
Nora Spouse Companion
Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource - AWKCR
AWKCR-Grind Free: strongly recommended unless you love suffering and want to have to unlock all customization options
Lost AWKCR VIS-G Patches: Also strongly recommended, AWKCR on its own is very outdated and this fixes all of the main issues I had with it
Armorsmith Extended
Books, Burned Magazines, Folders, Napkins, and Subway Tokens Give Materials
Building Materials Dispenser
Accuracy International AX50 Anti-Materiel Rifle
Screenshots & Posing
FO4 Photo Mode
Screen Archer Menu: please note that this does require other mods - it’s user friendly and works well, but you will need to install a few mods from various sites aside from nexus
Animal Posing Framework
Male Eye Candy Poses
Stop Drop Pose
Thrax’s Action Poses
UPC - Unisex Pose Collection
Character Presets/Replacements
Army Rookie - Young Nate
Glamorous Magnolia
Maxson Gets a Shower and a Shave
Locke’s Soft Danse
Locke’s Detailed Piper
Locke’s Merciless Fahrenheit
Locke’s Ruthless Glory Locke’s Fresh Deacon
Locke’s HD MacCready
Picturesque Presets
Interesting Bunch Presets
Character Customization
Looksmenu Customization Compendium: This mod can be finicky, keep it at the bottom of your load order
Top Surgery Scars Overlay
Ace Male Face Texture
Refined Male Head Mesh
Commonwealth Cuts
Enhanced Vanilla Bodies
The Eyes of Beauty
Lots More Male Haircuts
Lots More Female Haircuts
Real Bruises - Facial Damage Fixes
4K Hairy Men
Furby’s Face Paints and Scars
Ghoul Skin for Looksmenu
Blended Ghoul Eyes
Makeup for Men
Half Ghoul Texture
This requires manual installation and can be a bit finicky, but it looks great 
Femshepping and Radbeetle’s KS Hairdos Conversions
Mirrored Vanilla Scars
Softer Bodies
Apocalypse Accessories
Furby’s Custom Brotherhood Uniform
Big Dumb Flower Crown
Combat Armor Headlamp
CROSS Brotherhood Recon
Field Scribe Hat for Dogmeat
Wasteland Clothing
Dogmeat Helmets and Hats
Eli’s Armour Compendium
Eli’s Rugged Outfits
Fishing Hat
K-9 Harness
K-9 Harness Bandana Fix: Highly recommended, the vanilla bandana will clip through this harness
Dogmeat’s Backpack
NCR Ranger Veteran Armor
Tactical Flashlights
Wearable Backpacks and Pouches
Just Another Cait Outfit
MacCready Armor Redone
Winged Glasses
Spoon Glasses
4K Kellogg Outfit
NV Stealth Suit
Clothing Color Variety
Harness with Tank Top
Private Military Company Extended
Grease Rat Garbs
Wearable Nat’s Backpack
High Waisted Jeans & Tucked Shirt
Park Coventry Outfit
Tactical Accessory Compendium
Wasteland Aviator
Modular Battlecoat
Mercenary Outfit Pack
Mercenary Outfit Pack Extreme Overhaul
Minutemen Merc - Mercenary Outfit Distribution
PMC Operators
Mongrel Outfit
CROSS Institute Expeditionary
CROSS Mojave Manhunter
CROSS Chosen of Atom
Collars for Humans
Bandana Headwear
West Tek Tactical Optics
Gorka-3 Suit
Survivalist Armor
Absolutely Headwear
Colored Clout Goggles
Colorful Commonwealth - Sunglasses and Wigs
Capital Wasteland Outfit Pack
T60 Equipment
Danse’s Wearable Holotags
CROSS Uni BoS Uniform
Ranger Paca Vest
Hoon’s Multicam AVS Plate Carriers
Ferro Bison Belt Pack
Task Force Helmet Pack
Modern Warfare Remastered - SAS Outfit
Brotherhood Pinup Uniform
Female Outfit Pack
CROSS Vertibird Flightsuit
Awful Wardrobe
Barren Vogue
Commonwealth Shorts
Commonwealth Shorts for Men
More Alternative Jumpsuits
K-Girl Outfits
K-Girl Outfits for Vanilla-EVB
Vault Outfits Redux
Vault Outfits Redux AWKCR AE Patch
Pride Bandanas
Private Military Company
Femshepping’s Assorted Mashups
Femshepping’s Assorted Mashups for Vanilla-EVB
Place Everywhere
Snappy Housekit
Solar Panels
Settlement Electricity Overhaul
Lightbulb Wire
Scrap Everything
Garden Plot Snap
Farming Resources
Thematic and Practical
Repairable Sanctuary
Paintings and More Give Happiness
Faction Recruitment Pinups
Advanced Bubble Turret Set
Cat and Dog Food Bowls
Christmas Lights
Clothing Shelves
More Fortifications
Colorful Bottle Lanterns
CROP - Create Your Own Planter
cVc Dead Wasteland
Dino’s Decorations
Diverse Cats
Cat Apparel
Cat Inventory + 11 Cat Skins
Expanded Settlement Buildings
Fallout New Vegas Posters and Signs
Functional Displays
Looksmirror: Pairs with Looksmenu, gives you a way to change appearances easily without console commands
Lore Friendly Posters
Static Baskets and Bins
More Colorful Potted Plants
Park Posters
Cattle Feeders Immersively Filled
Holotape Display Shelves
Gun Posters
Repair the Castle
Cafe, Clinic, and Barbershop Posters
Horror Posters
Lore-Friendly Posters
Patched Roofs
Filled Bookcases All-In-One
Femshepping’s Mini Potted Plants
Wall Mounted Magazine Shelf
Misc. silly mods
Destroy the Brotherhood of Steel for Good Guys(save the cat)
Taco Bell Sound - Sledge Hammer Hit Sound Replacer
Mario Sunshine - Death Music Replacement
Funny Dogmeat Subtitles
Sarcastic Sneaking
Edward Deegan - Cat Stalker
High Confessor Desk Fan
Proper Party Gear
Fedora and Trilby Hats Lower Charisma and Intelligence
Alien Todd Howard Glasses
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whereserpentswalk · 2 days
It is a lovely morning. You can feel the summer sun on your scales. Flying miles above the earth, you can see more of it than ever before. Something cleared the forests, and it has been a long time since you have seen wolves in this land, yet that can be forgiven. Especially on a day like this. You cannot help but notice the birds that fly by. The sun above you still shines, as do the fields below. For it seems that there is more wheat growing here than there was before.
You settle back in the closest you have to a home, though to your kind there is no true thing as a mortal home beside the sky. But this is the castle you rest in, you rested there first a thousand years ago, and you remember when it was build a thousand years before that. Now it is too ruined for humans to use, you’ve known for quite some time that humans discard what is broken, even each other. They are unlike the wyvern kind; your kind, the kind of the skies.
Wyverns were the second of the thinking beasts to come to this land. The first were the elvenkind, yet now they are gone, as are the dwarves and the griffons, and you are one of the few wyverns to still remain in this land. Humans have thrived though at least, as have the ghouls and the werewolves and other night things that live off of their lands. At least some thinking beasts have still made a home here, better than live than they die. You wonder where the others went, you did not think it polite to inquire when last you had a chance to. Perhaps now that is your regret. Yet still you are here, and you are strong, still alive, still with fire in your eyes and lungs, still with shining scales of gold and green, still with the sky surrounding you.
As you light a dim flame with your breath and prepare for the night, a human comes into your castle. You’ve remembered speaking to humans at a time only a few hundred years ago. Though short lived they are kind people. When their cities were larger, and they still knew the names of the gods, their children used to play on your tail, and your breath kept their homes warm within the winter. Though their children fear you now, they seem to think you’re some sort of devil, you don’t know why.
The human is wearing strange clothing, and holding something in his hands, he holds it like a weapon, but it looks like a wooden tube with a button at the end. Though still, the creature is small and cute, small like all humans are, perhaps it wants to rest for the night as humans did in days long past. You look down at the human and ask, “Hello? Should I know your name?”
The human looks up at you, though not with the admiring eyes of the humans of the past, “I am a soldier of the king, here to unify this nation. Dragon king, do you bow to his will?”
You laugh at the remark, “I am no king, and my kind knows no such rank. But please stay, it may be cold out tonight.” The human points the end of his wooden tube at you, and you look down and smile, “There is no need to fight, and I doubt you’ll get far with that if you try to do such a thing.” Suddenly you hear a sound like thunder, and see what looks like a flash of lightening coming from the tube. You feel a pain, there is something in your chest. It has been a long time since anything has hurt you, and never was it a human.
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onedaughterofman · 1 year
21 and Mountain because I love it
Anything for you, hun ♥
Writing prompt: "When they play with your hair" with Mountain Ghoul.
The smell of wet earth fills your nose. It's comforting, like a rainy day and a warm beverage, like the subtle hug of a heavy blanket around your body. He smells like the forest, of eucalyptus and wild flowers, of the first days of autumn.
How this came to be, you don't know it. Now, there's only the feeling of his deft fingers on your hair, petting, touching, grazing through the strands with a care that should be completely foreign to a demonic creature.
And yet, when he's with you, he's just that... tender, loving, warm. To the rest of the world a creature like a Nameless Ghoul, specially an intriguing one like Mountain, is a monster, a feral beast made to consume and destroy, to bathe in blood.
Not to you. To you he's soft. Mountain touches your hair with the tenderness of someone who has fallen in love for the first time, completely drunk in your nature.
The sound of the rain hitting your windows lulls you into a light slumber. Closing your eyes, you focus on he feeling of his fingers on your hair, on the soft purring coming from deep within his chest.
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hpsaffics · 9 months
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✨ WLW Wed: Lunansy ✨
A biweekly HP femslash rec list made by the lovely members of the HP SAFFICS (18+) discord server. See all previous rec lists in the WLW Library.
Currently: Luna Lovegood/Pansy Parkinson Previously: Hot Girl Summer (see list)
💫 ART 💫
i lay flowers at the altar of you/ metamorphosis by @thehoneybeet [G, Digital]
Luna in phases of becoming
💫 LONG (>10k) 💫
Sad Girl Fall by @yrfrndfrnkly [M, 20.3k]
Pansy's been watching Luna follow her autumn vibes wherever they take her for six years. This year, she follows along.
Flower Bed by @kohakhearts [T, 13.0k]
Pansy used to fear the lines she didn't draw on her arms, but now it's the only thing keeping her alive.
Dedicated by Kiwi Stubbly-Punk (cranky__crocus) [E, 10.8k]
Luna is dedicated to finding herself many years after the war. Pansy is dedicated to evolving herself for her career and life.
💫 MEDIUM (3-10k) 💫
Landlocked, Oceanbound by @nanneramma [T, 7.5k]
Luna has her birds, her secret, and the sea. What else could she possibly want?
The Hen Trip by rockthecasbah18 [E, 5.3k]
Pansy Parkinson didn’t want to even go to Hermione Granger’s hen weekend. She especially didn’t want to share a bed with Luna Lovegood.
Devotion (to Duty) by eeyore9990, Leela [E, 5.2k]
The Dark Lord may have an eye for new talent, but Pansy has plans of her own.
Sand (in my heart) by illustrating_writer [T, 4.6k]
Pansy and Draco spend a day at the beach. (A day at the beach more like a day at the great gay panic)
How Pansy Parkinson Fell In Love (In Six Easy Steps) by @kbrick [E, 3.9k]
Pansy doesn't believe in love because love is for idiots.
A Hand Through the Darkness by @bafflinghaze [T, 3.7k]
Pansy is a damn good independent witch and fashion designer. She doesn’t need—nor want—help. But when Luna Lovegood bonds to her—technically to save her—Pansy finds herself stuck in Lovegood’s inanely optimistic presence.
💫 SHORT (<3k) 💫
Finding Finally by spookywoods [T, 2.1k]
Millie takes you to Fashion Week... Barely anyone knows you, barely anyone cares to. You drink too much, you wake up with models, and you love it. That is until you leave the outdoor Rodarte show to find yourself an unopened bottle of Armand de Brignac and run into Luna Lovegood.
posso ancora aspettare by @nanneramma [M, 1.9k]
Pansy meets a sunbeam. But, like most things, it doesn't last.
undress your heart-string by @seekercass [E, 1.2k]
There are these small moments that are only for Pansy — always for Pansy — where Luna looks at her with such warmth in her eyes, like she is the only thing that matters. It leaves her breathless each time. She wasn’t sure if she was capable of being loved.
Happy Halloween by lah_mrh [G, 1.1k]
Pansy celebrates Halloween in style, with a little help from Luna.
Creatures Magical and Imaginary by mouldy_voldy (Il_Valentino) [G, 200]
A CoMC assignment finds Luna and Pansy out in the Forbidden Forest.
Gladrags and Ghouls by Woldy [G, 192]
The exception for Halloween isn't written into the Statute of Secrecy, but it might as well be.
🌙 Want more Lunansy? 🌙
Lunansy: Tag on Tumblr | Tag on AO3
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fangbangerghoul · 17 days
(from arisenreborn) LOST for the glimpses of the past prompts?
Thank you so much for the ask from this post! I appreciate it a lot! Especially since I have been trying to get into the groove to write for DD2!
My HC for Ghoul is she has lost access to every memory she had before the point of waking up on the side of the river. So, I hadn't gotten a chance to really think about her past so this is a perfect exercise!
“You have to keep your eyes open to the wind.” He lectured her, again. She dropped her bow to her side in defeat. Another doe, another flying arrow that missed sorely. Her blonde mentor got behind her and held her arms still. “You know this isn’t my expertise but even I can shoot dinner.” He teased her. His scarred eye glinting in the wanning sun. Ghoul was about to defiantly respond as he expected and with a sarcastic grin added. “You can’t expect to throw daggers at everything.” His breath brushed against her ear lobe as his gloved hands rearranged her posture in which she held the hunter’s bow. Their closeness was welcomed but every part of her that met him warmed to the touch, it was almost distracting. But then he took a step back leaving cold spots on her that yearned for him. “Like this, Srail?” She straightened her back, hair whipping in the breeze that strengthened with time spent. His gloved hand sat upon his chin and his blue gaze taking in every inch of her making her feel as vulnerable as if she was still a girl of six and ten. Srail took a quick step closer and used his boot to move her legs wider apart. “There.” An approving smile adorned his face. “Now that’s a sight to behold!” Ghoul grinned at his praise and did her best to turn her attention to the forest creatures ahead. There was a rabbit not far off and she held her breath, before releasing. The arrow flew beautifully only to miss yet again and kill any hope she had left in eating tonight. “Fie!” She cursed loudly and Srail chuckled at her other missed attempt. This was the fourth chance at dinner that she blew and at this point she felt utterly lost on what to do. Her small despair must have been evident on her face because Srail patted her shoulder even as he still laughed at her. “Aye, better luck next time.” He winked his left eye at her before slinking deeper into the forest to grab them their next meal.
(please note I am aware Srail is a master thief, its hard to think since you can learn multiple classes with time that the NPC's don't also pick up different skills from different vocations. Also I love him)
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witch-sweets · 6 months
so i wrote another ahit fic this time based on this post
i love the idea of the Dwellers mask revealing the true form of a soul and i was in the mood to write Hat Kid being unsure/anxious cuz i make her WAY to confident in most of my depictions of her idk if this counts as angst like i said shes mostly just kinda unsure nothing to extreme emotion wise she just isn't very happy about the implications
Dwelling On The Past
the Dwellers Mask was nothing like her other hats (obviously it was a mask) its ability relied entirely on her perspective. When Hat Kid use the mask she was the only one who could see its effects unlike the very tangible skills of her other hat powers. It definitely proved itself useful for traversing the twisted terrain of Subcon Forest with all of its invisible spirit platforms (a little try hard for a haunted forest to have GHOST objects) but one thing she couldn't quite pin down was when she use it in front of the forest residents. the Subconites and Dwellers looked almost human minus the fact they were covered in that sparkly green hue that the ghostly objects had it made her feel uneasy. The thought that all these strange undead forest creatures were alive at some point rubbed her the wrong way (who were they? how did they die? if they're all kids who killed them?). She needed answers and she needed them now! So she ran to the only person(?) who would most likely have them the forests so-called ruler a large intimidating spirit known as The Snatcher (she would just refer to him as Snatcher no need for formality). Upon arriving at his tree she noticed that he wasn't there. Normally he would be reading in a huge particularly comfy looking chair but he wasn't in his usual spot. "don't you have your contractual obligations to do kiddo?" a voice (presumably Snatcher) spoke from behind her but it didn't sound right. the tone was perfectly in line with how the spirit spoke to her but the voice was far to soft and far too human. despite this she swore she could hear his normal voice echoing very quietly when he spoke. "trying to ignore me i see? well that's not very respectful is it kid?" she turned around expecting to see the ghoul who had stolen her soul and forced her to sign those contracts but was greeted to the sparkly green figure of a young man with swooped hair, regal attire, and a crown scowling at her with his arms crossed. "what are you looking at kiddo? something on my face?" she stared in awe at the Prince(?) ignoring the fact that she was most likely staring at a very annoyed Snatcher. "ya know kid i cant really tell what your expression is under that mask of yours. how about we fix that!" in an instant her mask was snatched away by green hands and she was looking at a large purple ghost with swooped neck fur(?) staring at her with a smug face. "great now were on the same page! ill be confiscating this until you finish delivering that mail now get back to work kid!" after she competed her task and was awarded another Timepiece she headed back to her ship for the night. Going over to her bookshelf she pulled a book with quite a few missing pages off of the shelf and drew an image of the Princely figure she saw that day. she opened the cover to see the first page comparing the Prince on the page to the one she saw. "dear diary i think i need to go back in the Subcon TimeRift i missed a LOT of pages and im starting to think there's more to that place then it seems. the next place i have to go on the contracts is the manor but i wanna know more about this forest before i go. i just hope Snatchers not mad im being slow with my contractual obligations…"
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paranatura-verse · 2 months
✨ Welcome to the Paranaturaverse! ✨
A universe where folklore, myths, urban legends and everything inbetween is reality. Across two timelines, two planets, multiple dimensions and outside the universe, many stories from throughout history are ready to be told.
Aliens, both hostile and harmless, make their way to Earth. Humans are genetically altered to grant them unnatural abilities, a gross mimicry of naturally-existing psychics. Fantastical beings and fae lurk in the forests, strange interdimensional beings flicker in and out of reality. A woman makes a choice that will split reality in two, and gods oversee all.
Notable races
Humans: The most common sapient race on Earth. Two subspecies include Psi-Humans, humans born with psychic abilities, and Phenomenals, humans whose already irregular genetic makeup has been scientifically enhanced.
Calcaniums: A empirical race of planet-conquering aliens from the Andromeda Galaxy. Originally from their home planet Calcania, their colonisation spreads throughout the galaxy, and they now have their sights set on the Milky Way.
Doggerlandians: Amphibious, finned humanoids who live in the North Sea. Typically asocial and wary of humans, they keep to themselves, although some sightings (and even attacks) have been reported. Often mistaken for mermaids in previous decades, recent theories hypothesise they were once humans that rapidly evolved to adapt in the now-sunken Doggerland.
Faefolk: An umbrella term for a wide variety of otherworldly creatures, such as elves, baobhan sith, changelings, irissids, and sprites. Although many reside in the human realm rather than Arcadia, they often keep out of sight from people. Some are benevolent, others malevolent.
Notable locations
Bronze Bay: A seaside town in California, USA, named for the copper deposits that give the beaches a rich, rusty colour. Founded in the 1800s and formerly a mining town for the aforementioned copper, the town records claim giant lizards once roamed the deserts on the town outskirts.
Tag: #bronze bay
Ravenswood: A rural town in Kent, England, famous for the many supernatural rumours surrounding it. Home to an ancient forest that, if entered, you'll never leave quite the same way.
Tag: #ravenswood
Calcania: The home planet of the warmongering Calcanium race, located in the Andromeda Galaxy. The seat of the Almighty Leaders, they oversee their expanding empire, and crush all that stand in their way.
Tags: #calcaniums #calcania
Arcadia: The realm of the faefolk. At least three kingdoms are located in this realm; Rhyneris, the Seelie Court, and Unseelie Court. The prince of the Sun Elves attempts to make peace with the Moon Elves, whilst the two queens of Rhyneris attempt to co-exist with the fragmented aspects of their former god.
Tags: #rhyneris #seelie court #unseelie court
Numen Wight Laboratories: The biggest and most advanced laboratory in America, named after its founder. It has branches covering genetic engineering, robotics and curiously, paranormal studies. Rumours surround the company regarding unethical experimentations, but the current owners and employees deny any such knowledge. And anyone who goes snooping in the greenhouse never comes back out.
Tag: #numen wight labs
Dead Town
A town in Colorado inhabited by crude copies of humans and the living dead, sealed off from the outside world. The Imitations rule the ruined town lawlessly, whilst Ghouls roam the streets seeking flesh to eat.
Tag: #dead town
There is no set posting schedule (at least currently), mainly as posts are made as the project is developed and much as I love this universe, I have both other hobbies and work to attend to as well.
Posts that are not related to stories, timelines, art or characters will be posted under the tag "behind the scenes", this includes posts discussing the inspiration behind a character. All posts related to canon will be posted with relevant tags.
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drurrito · 2 years
a/n: I finished First Kill lol
Warnings: some violence and cursing…that’s it?
“A vampire?” you ask, your jaw unapologetically on the floor.
“Yep, in the flesh,” Juliette gives you a nervous smile while she motions towards the rest of her body.
You lean against the sink, your newly bandaged finger taps against the rim.
“How come you didn’t try to suck my blood then?” You ask, almost offended.
“Come on,” Juliette mutters, grabbing your ‘injured’ hand, “it’s just a little papercut, I can behave around a few drops of blood.”
She kisses your finger and you just watch her. She’s so gentle with you, it’s hard to believe that she’s actually a monster.
“Are you mad?” She asks, pulling back from your hand but she doesn’t let it go. You don’t pull away, either.
“No,” you snort in disbelief, “I can never be mad at you. Especially now when I know you can shotgun the blood out of my body.”
You both share a laugh that quickly dies down. Juliette still has your hand, she pulls you close until your noses brush.
“I would never hurt you,” she promises against your skin.
“I know,” you whisper.
“You’re safe with me,” she says, her voice is impossibly soft now, her eyes glimmer with determination.
“And you’re safe with me,” you add before leaning in and pressing a tender kiss to her lips. Her hands find the corners of your jaw and pull you even closer to her.
She’s going to keep you safe, no matter what.
College parties are always chaotic. You didn’t even entertain the idea of a gaggle of monsters crashing the party until you saw the lumpy shape of a goo monster hurl one of the football players across the living room. Bodies start to scatter and you can only make out a few more unusual silhouettes while Juliette pulls you towards the back door.
“We have to go, hold onto me,” she grips your hand tighter as you make a run for the back gate. You only make it a few steps before something phases right in front of you.
“Shit, a zombie,” Juliette shields you from the monster. You turn back and watch as another monster makes its own door through the back patio. Juliette lets go of you for a moment and kicks the zombie. They spin around a few times before Juliette throws the creature into the pool.
She takes your hand again and you’re running through a small forest. You both look back to see if any monsters are on your trail only to find the same zombie staring you both down.
“Aren’t zombies supposed to move slow?” You reel back, pulling Juliette with you.
“Monsters don’t care about horror movie logic,” Juliette sounds exasperated as she looks around for a way out of this. She needs to get you home, she needs to keep you safe.
You hear feet shuffling and groans behind you. You turn with your back against Juliette’s, eyes immediately catching on an ugly corpse dragging itself towards you.
“Another zombie?” Your voice shakes out.
Juliette makes a quick glance over her shoulder, “no, ghoul.”
“Ghoul?” You watch the corpse hiss and snarl at you as it comes closer. Juliette makes a leap for the zombie, you decide to fight too.
“Y/n, wait!” Juliette screams as she struggles with the zombie in her grasp. You launch yourself towards the ghoul and tackle it to the ground. Your arm stretches towards a rock just out of your reach. You hear the unmistakable cry of the ghoul beneath you before you feel the burning in your arm.
You yelp in pain but you’re still focused on the rock. You finally get it and bash the ghoul’s head in until it stops moving all at once. Juliette is by your side again. The zombie is splayed out on the ground without a head.
“You’re hurt,” she says, pulling you to your feet.
“M’okay, Jules,” you give her a weak smile, your arm burns terribly.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers.
“It’s just a scratch, love,” you reach for her with your other hand and she flinches away from it. You tilt your head in confusion, until you see her fangs.
“I’m sorry,” she says again, chest heaving this time, “I can’t-”
“Jules,” you say sternly. Her eyes are darker now, you can see the muscles in her neck work to keep her jaw tightly shut.
“You have to fight this,” you say barely above a whisper.
The chaos sounds like it’s in a blender now. You can’t hear the screams and growls anymore. Your shoulder doesn’t burn anymore. You’re too focused on keeping your body impossibly still, your feet are stubbornly planted in the floor.
“I’m trying,” Juliette grunts and shuts her eyes.
“You promised, remember?” Your voice is a little louder now. You can’t help but feel angry at how helpless you feel. Juliette is a vampire and you don’t know the first thing about having a girlfriend who’s a vampire, let alone anything about controlling her thirst. You just want to keep her safe, too.
“I know!” She growls at you and it almost makes you want to run, almost.
“You need to go, y/n.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” you give a firm shake of your head and Juliette squeezes her eyes shut again. You can see one tear run down her cheek and it takes everything in you not to reach out for her.
“Does this count as our first fight?” you sheepishly smile at her and a few more tears come down her face.
Her mind is spinning, memories of you both play over and over in her head while images of her biting you persistently pop up too.
“I would never hurt you.”
“I know.”
“You’re safe with me.”
“And you’re safe with me.”
Juliette lets out a full-throated scream and crumples to her knees. She keeps screaming until her voice strains, her throat is raw and every fiber of muscle in her body is tired.
“Hey,” you hurry over and grab her face. Her head is heavy in your hands, her eyes are dull, too.
“You kept your promise,” you say with a small, tired smile.
Your thumbs trace over her cheekbones while she gasps for air.
“You kept yours, too,” she rasps, gripping your arms while you hold her head in your hands. You let out a shaky laugh and kiss her hard.
“Let’s go home.”
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forlorn-crows · 10 months
omg thank you for those people crow i’ll check all that out. also been meaning to watch good omens for a minute BUT, i’ve also been considering the ghouls origins. primarily their past lives (prior to death, haven’t gotten to pit life yet) and i had a cool idea for mount i’ll tell you about cause... you’re you
everyone agrees he was/is a forest cryptid right? well my little storyline for him is he was summoned somewhere in europe through urban legend/myth that got widespread through parents to keep their children from wandering. this urban legend stayed for centuries and became folklore and something older siblings would tell their younger siblings to scare them. mountain stayed in his forest, made friends with random wandering children every couple centuries, and just... did his gentle giant thing. until one day a church heard this urban legend, investigated it, and caught a glimpse of mountain.
this sent the church, and the whole (mostly christian) town into a outrage, and, believing he was a demon, they hunted him for sport. mountain however, lived in blissful ignorance and minded his own damn business. until he got captured. the church somehow sent him to hell (he still hasn’t figured that one out, seeing he isn’t even FROM hell). satan obviously was like “wtf that’s not mine” and as soon as an earth ghoul was called for, mountain appeared in the place of one.
the rest of the ghouls immediately knew something was up, because while he could pass for a ghoul in his secondary form, you could tell he wasn’t one. no one really cared though.
sorry it’s so long i promise my other ones aren’t as long lmao.
also i imagine cryptid/primary form mountain as some type of sleep token, take me back to eden-esc creature.
thanks for letting me scream at you
- cuck mountain anon
oh god he's bigfoot fr
HA i love that. lucifer just like 'bruh who the fuck . . . hi welcome, but i don't believe we've met before so uh . . . we're gonna have to send ya back'
he's earth aligned, that should count for something! just dont look at him too close or he'll go all . . . blurry around the edges probably.
also, YES pls watch good omens. i dont think you'll regret it. im almost done with the second season!!
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faioula16 · 2 years
Fate brough us together again Chap 1
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It was an ordinary dark night in a forest area of London. The moon is painted in red, brightly lighting the dark night sky. It wasn't a good time for the world, especially for the people of London, to move safely since the ghouls and vampires were circulating out, hungry for human flesh and blood. Deep inside the forest, you were running as fast as you could, being chased by the hungry ghouls who had now surrounded you, smelling the fresh blood that has leaked from the wound you had acquired on the right side of your waist before you managed to escape and run away from your cruel and distrustful father.
 Your eyes widened, 'This is it, is this my end?' You thought as you saw the monsters encircling you, sprawled by their hungry stomachs. Poor girl, you closed your eyes tightly in fear as one of the ghouls opened its mouth wide and was ready to take a bite out of you...Till a gunshot rang in the night sky, hitting the ghoul between his cold lifeless eyes and killing him instantly by turning him to dust. As all the bodies of the other ghouls fall down to the ground, you could hear a sadistic laugh coming from the shadows.
You used your last strength to stand up due to the pain you were feeling from your wound. "Who's there? Show yourself!" You demanded firmly, looking right into the red eyes that were staring at your own. You could swear that the figure's sinister eyes winded for a short moment before they softened, looking at you in a familiar loving manner. As if someone used to look at you like that a long long time ago.
"Beautiful night, don't you think?" A deep soft male voice echoed in your head as the figure finally reveald itself and came from its hiding spot and stood some meters afar right before you. Silently you looked at him in shock and a bit wary. It was a tall, long-limbed, broad-shouldered adult man of indeterminate but reasonably young age, 
The man has short jet black hair and his bangs fall slightly in his red glowing eyes, with strands on the sides of his bangs framing his face. He was dressed in a charcoal suit, leather riding boots, and an intricately knotted red cravat, covered by a full-length, red frock overcoat with a short cape surrounding a bit his broad shoulders. He also wears a red fedora with a wide, floppy brim and a pair of circular, heavily tinted, wire-framed orange sunglasses with goggle sidings. His gloves, which are engraved with a seal are also thought to be part of this mechanism. 
"Never seen a vampire before?" He placed his gun in his coat and slowly walked closer. "Don't be frightened, I am not hungry for innocent people's blood...not for tonight at least" His grin was wide, revealing his pure white teeth along with his fangs.
"You're...the one people call Alucard, aren't you?" You pointed out as you watched the vampire taking down to his one knee to reach your height level as if he was a knight bowing to his beloved princess. Little did you know this was actually the case. That the vampire king has finally found the very dearest person to him his enemies had killed back in his human years.
His head rise up slowly to look at you as your heads were facing each other, well compare to the much taller form he was forced to lower his head a bit in order to have a better look at you. "So you have heard of me I see. Well, would you like to tell me what your name is then?"
"My name Y\N L\N. A lot of people have spoken of you and that you work in an organization that kills vampire and supernatural creatures"
"Huh, and you find it disgusting that I kill my own kind I assume" His eyes glowing no more however his sunglasses were preventing you from being able to see the way he was looking at you right now.
"I have no option about this matter as long as it has nothing to do with me be certain about that. But thanks to you and your partners' help London is not completely lost. I might even admire such a job"
He hummed in response a bit surprised by your answer. Then a girn appeared across his face once again, but this time was a happy one like a child had the most brilliant idea that had ever crossed its mind. "Do you wish to become my partner then?"
"What?" You stared up at him a shock. "No I don't wish to become a vampire like you, two things I will never abandon as long as I am alive are my humanity and the persons I care about. I see you can sense I am injured but also I have to inform you that am not a virgin so even if you would force yourself on me I would only turn into a ghoul....you are not the one to want such useless minions. Am I right?"
His long arm reached out to cup gently your left cheek to his large palm, making you blush lightly to his touch as a result. "I would never do this to you" His voice sounded so ever soft and honest. You could see it hid so much emotion behind his words that even you weren't able to describe it completely. With his free hand he took off his sunglasses and you were finally able to see his eyes clearly for the first time.
"I know you...but how and from where?" You questioned mostly yourself as you were thinking out loud. His touch itself made you feel pure bliss and that nothing could ever harm you. His eyes...such a beautiful ocean of sunset.
"You're hurt, let me help you" Alucard tried to bring you closer to him in an attempt to lift you off the ground but stopped once his ears perked the sound of your groans of pain. "I know you may suffer right now but you must remain strong and come with me otherwise you're going to bleed to death. you don't wish to die tonight, do you?" He sounded very serious but also the tone of his voice hid real concern too. Alucard stood up straight with you in his arms in bridal style. "And the night has just begun, my princess"
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Grave headcanons
A/N: Reworking her character a bit, so bear with me. Also while cringe culture is dead, I am gonna be cringe but I am free lol. Some of these are based on an ongoing RP with my boyfriend.
General headcanons:
-How she was 'summoned' to The Ministry is a secret, known only to the four papas, ghouls, and some very close siblings of sin. Not even Sister and Nihil know how Terzo 'summoneqd' a fae to The Satanic Ministry. It irritates them greatly.
-Terzo took a trip to Ireland, during Secondo's time as Papa, lying about wanting to 'convert more for the cause.' In reality, it was just a week long vacation for him and Omega. During a stroll in a forest, Terzo happened upon a black rabbit, caught in a hunter's trap, her leg, injured.
-Taking pity, Terzo freed her and took her to his hotel room. He and Omega tended to her injuries, gave her plenty of treats, food, and love, not knowing what she truly was. On the second day, she revealed herself, deeming the human and demon to be trustworthy. Terzo was attached nearly instantly. She was still nameless by then, only being called 'fatina' due to her small height, but in Terzo's defense, he wasn't good at coming up with names on the spot.
-She heard him lamenting to Omega one night about how he wanted to be a father. He always felt he'd never get that chance, due to working with The Ministry.
-It was here, the fae decided to grant his wish- though Terzo didn't realize it yet- She asked to leave with them. He naturally leapt at the chance and the rest was history.
-Grave isn't just any run-of-the-mill fae, however. She's a phooka. A shape shifting creature, that can take many forms. Mainly a black mare, but phookas also take the forms of goats and rabbits.
-Orientation with Sister and Nihil didn't go well, however. Especially since Sister told Terzo at one point to stop summoning 'ghouls.' The phooka was already in a form that resembled a ghoulette, done after Terzo explained who he was and what he did for a living. He showed her a picture he took of Cirrus, and the phooka took a form that looked similar.
-Primo gave her the ghoul name of 'Grave', her ghoulette disguise fooling him. After orientation went horribly, ending with both Sister and Nihil calling her 'useless' and 'unneeded,' Primo, interestingly enough, stepped in to comfort the phooka, showing her the garden. While there, she cleared a tiny cemetery of weeds. The cemetery was where Copia buried his rats. It was the first time it looked nice in a while. Satisfied and pleased with her, Primo named her 'Grave' and formally assigned her to gardening duties with himself and Mountain.
-Her true form varies differently from the demonic form she takes to fit in with the ghouls. In her true form, she has fluffy, long black fur, goat horns, rabbit ears, the nose of a goat, whiskers, usually has rabbit peets but will change her feet to hooves or whatever she feels like, and has a lion's tail. In every form she takes, she retains her golden yellow eyes, a common phooka trait. She also has raccoon hands.
-She's an inch smaller than Terzo at 4'8.
-Because she has been in Ireland practically since it came to be, her accent varies too. Most of the time, it's a limerick accent. Though sometimes it comes out as Northern, other times Kerry. It depends. If she's flustered, or angry, the accent thickens.
-She doesn't keep her red hair in her true form. Only in her ghoulette form or human glamour. Terzo eventually gave her the name 'Shailyn' to use while in her human disguise.
-Phookas, of all faes, don't typically get attached to humans but Terzo was an exception. She views him as a father, despite only having a hazy concept of what a father is, thanks to observing countless humans over the years.
-As such, she calls Terzo 'da.' He nearly cried out of joy, the first time that happened lol and Grave came close to getting snuggled to death.
-That being, she also sees Omega as another father, since he's Terzo's lover. She uses 'dad' for him.
-The ghouls accept her pretty quickly. They knew she wasn't a demon immediately. Though Cirrus thinks her ghoulette form is cute. She was an honorary pack member by day three.
-She's younger than the majority of the ghouls. Many of them would place themselves at the human age range from late twenties to mid forties, Grave has only existed since Ireland's creation, vs demonic creatures as old as the universe. She'd be around her early twenties in human years.
-Feels most at home in the garden. Bonds with Primo over planting and caring for flowers.
-Liked Copia the moment she met him. The feeling was mutual, he couldn't get over how fluffy she was. He also appreciated her letting him infodump to her about his rats and rats in general.
-Being a creature of mischief, she adores fucking with the mortals in The Ministry. Especially those that are familiar with The Fair Folk. She's constantly making deals with siblings of sin she tricks but they're not malevolent pranks. Mere inconveniences.
-Whenever Mary Goore visits The Ministry, she loves fucking with them. The vampire isn't afraid of her, per se... They just exercise a healthy caution with her, seeing she's a phooka.
-She is not above fucking with Secondo. He acts so dramatic and over the top with anger, but one can see the faintest glimmer of warmth in his eyes. And she will call him out on it lol.
-The only two she won't fuck with is Sister and Nihil. Terzo made her promise not to. As Sister has made barely disguised threats on Grave's life with iron.
-Terzo snuck her on tour. Shortly after Omega taught her how to play guitar, he felt she was more than good enough to be in the band, since she sang too.
-Hibernates for a week in winter.
-Developed a crush on Phil, two weeks after joining The Ministry. She found him well spoken, attractive, and liked it when he infodumped about random topics to her. Luckily for her, after a couple of months of getting to know each other, the feeling was mutual.
-Will sleep in snuggle piles with the ghouls or go sleep and snuggle with Terzo. She did the same thing when Copia became Papa.
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Tickle headcanons:
-Was acutely aware of what tickling was, thanks to decades of observing human behavior. Never tried it before Terzo adopted her.
-Initially tried to lie and say faes aren't ticklish. This got her in huge amounts of trouble with Terzo when he found out and the poor phooka's stomach hurt from how hard he got her laughing.
-Omega likes pulling the same fuckery with her as he does Terzo: Holding her upside down and then going to town on her belly or ribs. Makes her hysterical every time.
-Is most ticklish on her ribs and wings. Her wings are especially bad, because they're attached to her back. So, she's basically getting tickled in two places at once.
-Does not handle being teased well at all. Blushes so much in her human or ghoulette forms when flustered. If she's in her true form and flustered, her fur fluffs up and bushes out. (Also happens when she's spooked lol)
-Quick to hide her face.
-Snort laughs as well as cackles, and she's super embarrassed about her laugh.
-Her belly is another good tickle spot. Especially when she gets pudgier before hibernation. Add the fact that ghouls think pudge is cute- not to mention a sign of good health- and we've got a dead fae.
-Terzo gives her the embarrassing nickname of 'Pookie' when he's tickling her, just to fluster her.
-Bleats like a goat when the right spot is tickled.
-Also thumps her foot like a rabbit when flustered. This had led to many a ghoul or person to teasingly call her 'bunny' too.
-Called Terzo 'da' for the first time on accident, when he was tickling her. This is what led to large amounts of cute aggression from him.
-If there is one ler she fears in The Ministry more than Terzo, it's Secondo and for good reason. The man is merciless.
-She enjoys being on the receiving end, however. She never begs for mercy or pleads for it to stop.
-Has some trust issues thanks to Copia preferring to trap her in tickle hugs when he decides to get her.
-Her tail will often be implemented as a tickle weapon. And her little raccoon claws too!
-Tickling feels more intense in her human or ghoulette form, since she has no fur.
-Her tail wags when she's getting tickled or is tickling another.
A/N: At some point, I may post NSFW headcanons.
EDIT: Almost forgot to show off some drawings, my friend and BF did!
Ghoulette form. Character sheet by Cawhawhaw.
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In her true form, scaring her da, by @runscold-runsdeep
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