#i mean knowing them they probably find ways they shouldn't to get in contact on top of the regular stuff but also consider: angst
elmaxlys · 2 years
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We’re continents apart and I miss you, brother.
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feelingbat-ty · 18 days
This is inspired by @aflamboyanceofflamingos post about Tim choosing to publicly hate Robin as Tim Drake, cause to love or hate someone is the best way to hide a secret identity.
I started thinking about Tim coming into contact with his teammates as a civilian and Tim using this as an opportunity to take out all the grievances he has for his team in a way, that 1) Won't cause tension and fights. And 2) let him get away with being a petty arsehole, cause it's not like superheros can just go and beat up random civilians.
And well... my hand slipped.
--- You Can't Spell Spite Without Timothy Jackson Drake ---
The amount of times YJ comes across Tim Drake in the wild would be concerning if Tim didn't stalk them as often as his busy schedule allows (which turns out to be quite often). The Beta tube in the Batcave and another secret Beta tube in the bowls of Wayne enterprise's Francisco building allows Tim easy and direct access whenever he so desires.
And well, Tim never did grow out of his stalking phase.
It would be comical - if it wasn't maddening - how often they don't realise he's there. Most of the time he's stalking trailing a member of the team he's not trying to hide his presence, it wouldn't make sense for him to, not as Tim Drake.
The team have a tally board that sits in the common room, it's at 85.
His team's situational awareness is absolutely appalling. 85, they've noticed him only 85 of the hundreds of times he's followed them around?
He complains to Dick about it, a lot. He's hoping Dick will give him some tips on how to beat situational awareness into his teammates thick skulls. He was the leader of the Titans, so he has to have something!
Dick - like the asshole he secretly is - just laughs at him.
He asks Cassie about it once. Why they don't find it concerning that they encounter Tim Drake: famous for being the civilian who 'beat Robin in a fight' every other week?
"I mean, You're usually right about these sorts of things, Rob. If you don't think Drakes an issue, then we trust you."
Tim can't figure out whether to feel warm and giddy at the fact that they apparently trust him, or to be annoyed at the fact that they follow after him like sheep. Not even doing their own research and recon (Cassie probably did. Kon and Bart? Yeah, hell would have a better chance at freezing over).
The first time was a coincidence. Tim had needed some space (from Bruce. From his deadlines. From his own mind...) and ended up wondering the streets of San Francisco with no real destination in mind.
An impulse turn led him onto the boardwalk and from there right to Superboy.
It was a bright and sunny day in Fran and Kon was glowing. Literally, because of the sun and figuratively from pride after he stopped a would-be pick pocket-er from pick pocketing an elderly lady.
He shouldn't. He knows he shouldn't, not when the team know of Tim Drake, know his face and all about how he hates Robin and makes it his whole personality. Not when the only thing that stops them putting Tim Drake on Baby Super villain watch is Tims general blasé attitude about, well... himself.
But is it oh, so tempting.
Especially because the month before, Kon had accidentally smashed Tim's favourite coffee mug in a series of event's (involving a yoga ball, shearing scissors, laser vision and a will from God himself) so convoluted that Tim was convinced it had been orchestrated for a solid week.
Was it a cheap mug from Kmart? Yes, but it's the principle of the matter!
As Tim’s left shoe impacts the side of Superboys face, a sense of manic glee overtakes him. Tim takes special care to seer this memory of Superboy getting hit in the head with Tim's shoe and the stupid face he makes as the ratty converse collides with his cheek, into his brain.
It's not much, but it's justice all the same for his once beloved mug.
Tim... might just be a tad sleep-deprived.
Superboy startles and lets out a frantic “Shit!” Assuming he’s being attacked by a surprise enemy (the kind that isn’t just civilians throwing shoes) he looks around, taking stock of his surroundings and looking for any immediate threats before glancing down at the shoe and visibly doing a double take.
His face is blank as he stares - undoubtably confused - at the shoe. A second later he's lifting his gaze, following the direction the show came from and staring right at Tim.
Tim, who (like an idiot) is still, for some reason, positioned how he was when he threw the shoe - arm outstretched and leg back to brace himself.
There is absolutely no way he wasn't the one who threw the shoe. If the stance didn't give it away, then him having one shoe (that shoe being a near identical ratty rad converse) probably did.
“What?” Superboy asks. He looks befuddled. A little amused, but mostly just confused. He's got a small, polite smile on his face that just reeks of Clark Kent's influence. Kon is obviously trying to model himself off of Superman - specifically Superman's polite and approachable "Grandma pinching worthy" vibe and not his fashion choices, since he's still got the leather jacket and sunglasses.
Tim makes a mental note to tell Kon that he has a really expressive face. Tim is literally reading all his emotions in 4K. They should probably work on that, it could be a liability in the field.
Tim briefly considers playing dumb and acting like it wasn’t him that threw the shoe, before dismissing that idea, Kon can be clueless at times, but he’s not a complete idiot.
So instead, he says, “that was a very open-ended question.”
And well, it was.
At the look Superboy gives him, he elaborates, “What, when said in that context, could mean literally anything! Like, ‘what was the purpose of that?’ ‘What’s your name, so I can in-prison you’ ‘What shoe size was that?’ Seriously, dude, be more specific!”
Superboy’s befuddlement takes a sudden nosedive to incredulity. “Okay, fine. Why did you throw a shoe at me?”
“Cause you work with Robin.” He says simply. He'd say 'justice' but then he'd sound like batman and like, thanks but no thanks.
“Cause I- what? You physically assaulted me with a shoe because I work on the same team as Robin?”
Tim, personally, thinks assault is a strong word to use for this situation, but he’s glad that at least some of his lessons on the proper terms and vocabulary are paying off.
He nods, cause that is indeed what he just did, he crosses his arms across his chest, and stares Superboy down.
Superboy who, looks like he’s regretting everything that led him to this moment. Tim relishes in that for just a little too long to be healthy. Probably.
Tim doesn’t really care. He told Kon (as Robin) that he’d regret breaking Tim’s favourite mug (accident or not, he's still not over it.) yeah, this might not be how either of them envisioned it, but Tim thinks this might just be better than beating Kon up as Robin in their next team training session. What better way to get someone back than to publicly humiliate them in front of all their peers? Shame he can't do that anymore.
Eh, who is he kidding? He’s still going to do that anyway.
“You’re only gonna throw one?” Superboy has a look on his face that’s similar to the one Bruce gets when he’s decided to give up and play along with the crazy. The one where he'll smile and nod, slowly inching out of the room, as Duke and Damian (There has truly never been a more terrifying duo) explain to him in vivid detail how they're going to use psychological warfare to make a shitty teacher at their school resign.
“Yes.” Why’d he throw both his shoes? He’d have no shoes!
“… Right. Why did you throw this one?”
All these questions!
“I like that one the least,” he shrugs, and it's true, the converse on his right foot has a little bi flag that Steph sewed into it back when they were dating. A throw pillow was the closest thing in reach at the time, so he sewed a little pan flag on it for her (he later did one on the breast pocket of one of her denim jackets).
“You are so freakin’ weird, dude! You throw a shoe at me! Because I work with Robin!”
Uh, yeah, we've already established that.
“How did you even get it off that fast!”
To be Honest, Tim is also surprised at how fast he was able to get his shoe off. One second he’s looking at Superboy the next he’s lobbing a shoe at his thick head.
Instead of saying any of that, Tim channels his inner Janet Drake, sticking his nose into the air and scoffing like Kon is the literal gum stuck on the sole of his shoe.
Kon, - because he’s no longer Superboy, he’s too fired up to hold onto the mask - shakes his head. It’s mocking, when he says, “You must be really shitty at throwing a punch if you had to resort to throwing shoes.”
Tim shrugs, “Well, I woulda thrown a fist, but you’re not worth a fist.”
Kon is silent and doing an amazing impression of a blobfish.
Tim turns and struts away before Kon has the chance to come up with a rebuttal, or just decides to punch him in the face.
He’ll grab his shoe later, after Kon leaves.
The basted incinerated his shoe.
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thewitcheress2389 · 1 year
Hello! If you feel like it, could you write something for Geralt x reader? Reader is touch starved and doesn't want to initiate affection, but Geralt catches on bc she relaxes when their shoulders brush or when he pats her shoulder. One day he's had enough of her being so uptight, so he holds her and she just goes boneless with relief.
I relate to this so much Anon, putting my own feelings in this one❤️😂 Hope you enjoy! Sorry if it's jumbled, I was in a state when I wrote this XD
A Witcher's Senses
You forget that a witcher has enhanced senses. Funny enough, Geralt doesn't really need them to figure out your problem.
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Most men don't understand, but witchers are even more ignorant. They don't have the need to be held, the need to be touched. Not like a woman like you needs. And you don't just mean "touched" because not all touch is good. Some touch is selfish, uncomfortable, and lacking all mannerisms of a proper gentleman.
No. You want touch to be gentle, full of love.
Geralt was the only man that you could share this with-without his knowledge. Witchers weren't exactly ones for holding hands or exchanging hugs. The only affection they ever receive is from a one night stand that they paid for with their gold from a gruesome hunt. The closest you've ever been to Geralt with his knowledge is when you had to clean his wounds after a dicey encounter with a leshen or a werewolf.
But you needed more. You craved more from him.
"Y/N, can you tie up Roach." It was a command from Geralt, who wasn't looking at you as he handed you the leather reins. You eyed his hand, the way his fingers gently caressed the leather.
"Yeah." You said softly, reaching out to grab hold of the horse. And then, your fingers touched.
You lingered, lingered longer than expected. His skin was rough, but also very warm. You loved it, you loved the feeling that you haven't had in years. You didn't care that he was a witcher. He was still a man that had warm skin and a gentle aura about him. His touch made you relax. Softly, you began to smile to yourself.
"Y/N, Roach is getting anxious." Geralt's voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you realized that he had let go of the reins long ago, his touch gone. You blushed in embarrassment when he finally heard Roach pawing the ground.
Mumbling an apology, you led the mare to a nearby tree, Geralt's gaze following you the whole way.
He wasn't stupid.
Jaskier might call him uncaring, ignorant, and hardy but the witcher was actually quite the opposite. He had better sight, better hearing, and a better sense of smell than most men. But even with all that, he struggles to read people sometimes. You were shy, didn't say much to him, but your eyes held so much emotion. But you, you were more obvious than you probably wanted.
When you pretend to trip and bump into him, your heartrate softens.
When he pats your shoulder after a fearful encounter, your muscles relax.
When you grab something from him and your fingers touch, your eyes glow and you smile to yourself.
You longed for touch. You needed it, but you didn't want anyone to know that. You were scared to initiate contact, which Geralt sensed when you were just around him. Your quick breathing, nervousness, and raised heartrate. You were uneasy because you lacked the touch you craved, that only he seemed to be able to give you.
Now with the knowledge he had, Geralt was confused. Why did you seek him out?
He was a witcher, covered in scars and years of abuse. He didn't know what a soft touch felt like unless he paid for it. Geralt didn't know how to give you what you wanted, however, you seemed to know. You were pretty, so it shouldn't be hard for him. Despite all the negative things that Jaskier has said about him, he always has mentioned that Geralt has more of a heart than most witchers.
Perhaps Geralt just needs to find that heart and give it to you.
So, one night, he did.
You guys were sitting by the fire, Roach was grazing nearby, and Geralt just got done putting things away. He then moved to sit next to you. Close to you. Immediately, his senses picked up your beating heart and nervous sweat. You weren't the only one nervous. Geralt was too. However, he cared about you, he knew what you needed and how he could give it.
The witcher scooted closer and placed an arm around you, pulling you into his chest.
"Geralt?" Your voice was small, face extremely red. The witcher, however, was calm as he rubbed his calloused hand over your shoulder to soothe you.
"Shh...just relax." Geralt said and you did. It was like you melted at his warm touch. Every organ in your body immediately calmed down; your heartrate slowed, breathing slowed, and everything else just relaxed. You sighed pleasantly, finding yourself moving closer to him out of impulse.
"Why are you doing this?" You couldn't stop yourself from asking him, the warmth from both him and the fire easing you. The fire light flickered in his cat-like eyes as he swallowed nervously.
"Because I needed it. I needed your touch." He told you, smiling a bit. Relief seemed to fill in your eyes as you took in his words. Every time that you were afraid to initiate any form of contact was just your nerves getting the best of you. Geralt said he needed you, just like you needed him. You nuzzled your head into his shoulder.
However, Geralt said that to ease you, or that's what he thought.
But he found himself relaxing at your touch as well.
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1800-lemonadeg1rl · 3 months
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Wanda Maximoff x reader ☆
Minors dni!! Masterlist°•☆
Summary - pretty much is what it says on the tin. After you try to avoid your crush you find jealousy eating at you.
Warnings: stupid, possibly cringe, maybe a little angst? Idrk, happy ending, jealousy, gay,
A/n: this is the first fic I've written since I was thirteen and I did it just to avoid being involved with my parents fight. Also my grammar probably isn't that great bc I haven't slept in 2 days so pls comment any corrections. Any feedback is so so appreciated
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You didn't know when it had started. How even. But you had somehow become infatuated with fellow avenger and best friend Wanda maximoff. To put it simply you had a crush on her, a stupid schoolgirl crush that was beginning to crash down on your friendship with her.
It was small things at first, avoiding eye contact so you wouldn't blush under her gaze or not sitting next to her at meals. Next it was finding reasons not to hang out alone.
Little to your knowledge Wanda had noticed all these things and had begun to wonder if she'd upset you in someway that maybe you didn't like her the way she'd always admired you. She tried to approach you to go out for lunch to try and apologise for whatever she thought you were upset about but before she'd had chance to speak you'd scurried off saying something about needing to train.
And so life went on for Wanda as heartbroken she was that you seemed to want to distance the close friendship youd shared that she'd once thought could be more she didn't want to spend forever alone and crushed.
Thats when your jealousy started.
"Yeah the date actually went really well last night." You'd heard the sweet sokovian accent ring out across the kitchen as you'd shuffled into get your breakfast. Still half asleep you mumbled as you poured a coffee.
"You've got a date?" It came out a little more territorial than you'd intended. Despite your small efforts to dissipate your crush on the woman you were still annoyed at whoever thought they could date the girl you liked, that you should be with.
Not that you were looking at her but Wandas face seemed to light up when you initiated a conversation with her. After weeks of dead silence she'd want nothing more than to hear your voice which she'd describe as honey like and melodic to the ears.
"Yes, yes I am. A second one actually." You could feel your face redden slightly and twitch in annoyance at the words that left Wanda's lips. A second?! Not only had she had one date with someone else it had gone so well they wanted a second.
"You shouldn't go out with them." The words leave your lips quicker than you can stop them. And you look to see Wanda's face, her mouth open wide as her bottom lip twitched slightly.
Shit. You'd upset her. You'd upset the girl you loved. "I... I.. I mean.." You stammered through your sentence trying to find an exscuse for what you'd said. "I just mean.. your an avenger you should do a background check on them first and.. uh.. make sure you know they're legit and not a spy or something." After saying that you quickly fled the kitchen leaving your full cup of coffee much to the confusion of Wanda who'd had just about enough of the way you were acting.
That evening you were in your room catching up on a drama you'd originally started with Wanda but since you'd decided youd ruined your friendship beyond recovery you wanted to finish it yourself.
Then came a small delicate knock on the door. That was how Wanda knocked. Oh god you recognised how she knocked now, how would you ever get over her?
"I'm working go awa-.." You tried to get out quickly at the door as you rapidly turned the tv down and hoped she'd leave you alone.
Before you were even done your sentence she'd interuppted and responded. "Don't say another word. I can hear killing eve (srry I can't think of another tv show) playing in there. Let me in so we can talk."
You waited a beat thinking about the small list options you had right now to avoid the confrontation at your door, none of which would work or were very smart and would probably be more embarrassing than admitting the truth. So reluctantly you let her in. Twisting the handle slowly giving her all the time she needed to change her mind and leave.
Unfortunately that didn't happen and instead she waited patiently before heading over to your bed a flopping down on it in the ever so casual way she used to. As if no time has passed.
"Okay speak. Tell me whats wrong? What did I do to you?" She asks looking up at you with what looks like anger? No, no it was hurt. Everything from her wide watery eyes to her sweaty palms read that she was hurt and was nervous to why you'd been avoiding her.
"Its not you." Was all you could manage to spit out in the moment. Why had you even avoided her so much when all it had done was harm your best friend.
"Okay so what is it?"
She was relentless, she wasn't going to leave until you explained yourself and your recent actions. Being honest you couldn't blame her if it was the other way round you'd want to know.
"I..." You stare at her gorgeous face eyes flicking between her plump lips and her soft, glimmering eyes even in this moment struggling to make eye contact with her without a blush spreading across your cheeks. "I like you.. as like more than friends."
You watched on as her face contorted. The way she bit the inside of her cheek and her soft eyes hardening in time with your admittal. The hurt was long gone and replaced with an annoyance that you had blanked her instead of admitting your feelings but also a small glimmer of hope that it wasn't too late for you two.
"So what? You didn't think to tell me." She gets up from the bed. "Your rational descion was to ignore me in hopes of what?!" She was pacing now. "In hopes of what?" She repeats and suddenly your also stood up trying to open your mouth to speak but she won't give you the time. "In hopes I'd dissappear or your feelings would and we could just be friends again?"
Meekly you nodded. You had ignored her to try and make your feelings go away.
"Did you not think about me? Maybe I wanted you to have feelings for me. Maybe I want to be with you." She was speaking again and nearing you with each word.
"I.. didn't think you liked me like that.. I thought that you'd hate me."you try and explain my poor actions. "Look I'm really sorry.. I didn't know you felt like this about me."
You grab her arm forcing her to stop angrily pacing around the room and to talk to you again hoping it would calm her slightly. "..please I am. I'm really sorry Wanda.. I've missed speaking to you so much, I've missed you so much." Your further apologies seem to lessen her anger as she realises what you had done was unintentional and you'd never meant to cause this.
"You can make it up to me then."
"How?" She was offering to forgive you and that was enough. You'd do anything to stop her being angry with you ever again.
"Take me on a date."
A/n - I can write a pt 2 or follow up if anyone is interested <33
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aduck8myshoes · 26 days
I know the writers won't give us an endgame wlw sibling, but think about the bridgerton family comedy they could milk out of that! Imagine:
In either a cold open cut-off or a cliffhanger, Cressida impulsively kisses Eloise and runs away, leaving Eloise completely blue screened. Eloise has no idea that lesbibabs exist, bc regency, and she is having lots of feelings she doesn't understand. She needs knowledge which to her means books, but where would one even find such a publication?
Cue Eloise trying to casually ask her two most worldly brothers where to find books about girl kissing. B and C spend a good 20 seconds looking back and forth from her to each other and going on just incredible face journeys. She's like, I just overheard some stuff and was curious this is not about me at all ahahaha, and they all suddenly have very important things to attend to that are not this conversation.
(Read more because this got long lol)
Colin has seen women have sex with each other in brothels, but he is an oblivious mfer that just discovered complex emotions last season, and probably had no idea there could be romantic feelings involved. So of course he goes to his wife about it.
Penelope is like, wtf, where is this coming from?, and Colin manages to not blurt out that it's about Eloise for a whole 10 seconds. Pen, who actually has a modicum of emotional intelligence, has heard her recently reconciled best friend complain for years that she doesn't understand why women want husbands, and is like, oh, some things suddenly make sense. She tells Colin to not worry about it and go to sleep.
Bi-nedict, who does know what a lesbian is, has heard his darling sister complain for years that she doesn't understand why women want husbands, and is like, oh, some things suddenly make sense.
Being the selfless brother he is, he heads over to the nearest artist orgy and asks around for some literature. They're like, oh yeah for sure, we have a zine club! (And then gets dicked down/pegged like he deserves.)
A few days later he gets a discreet delivery of underground pamphlets with names like "A Treatise on Human Sexuality" and "Like Yearns for Like: Observations on Attraction" as well as some he will NOT be giving to Eloise. (Zine club is very educational)
The less salacious pamphlets get awkwardly passed off to Eloise before bed and she spends all night in a montage of reading, recalling memories of Cressida (or possibly just women in general) being attractive, and working her way though her mini identity crisis.
At breakfast Violet sees her be like "Thank you for your... help. It was very... helpful" while not making eye contact with B, and mentally steels herself for whatever nonsense her kids are up to now.
For the next several episodes we watch them stumble upon Eloise as she attempts to get Cressida alone to talk (and then "talk") and have to try to keep anyone from finding out about the gal pals.
(Benedict going to duck around a corner only to see his sister sucking face and ducking right back out: Hey Colin and Penelope why don't we spend this entire ball standing right here blocking the entrance to this side hallway for no reason.
Penelope, who hasn't seen E in like an hour, putting 2 and 2 together: Ah yes, what an excellent idea brother-in-law! The view of everything in the opposite direction of that hallway is most splendid from this exact spot.
Colin, looking around, probably still oblivious: did Eloise go home?)
Anthony and Kate could be dragged into the effort as well at some point when they see something they shouldn't while looking for their own make-out spot.
And then when the drama hits and the relationship is revealed, they all put on their best shocked Pikachu faces while Colin finally gets it and is like, "oh wait is that why she was asking about-" before Pen stomps on his foot.
Violet lets herself give up for a full minute and just bang her head on a table.
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AITA for going no-contact without warning in perhaps the pettiest way i could?
Context: I(20m) had a falling out with my friend (18m) about 2 years ago. We were in this discord server with our friends, and I woke up one morning to find it gone. I asked him, and he dm'd me and began with "I just wanna say, I mean this respectfully;" followed by THE LONGEST RANT about a bunch of things I did (including not giving feedback on other people's art, dominating the conversation, and being "hard to corral into one topic" which i still don't fully get). He said "everyone else in the server feels the same, you make people really uncomfortable." I asked who had what gripes, so I could apologize, but he said nobody really wanted to hear it and this was a mutual decision. I respected that, cried for a day or two, moved on.
Enter a few months ago. I up-heaved my entire online presence, recreating my friend group from the ground up with people who were more up to my style of interaction, and got better with boundaries. We open a roleplay server for a fandom my old friend liked, and it'd been a few years, so I decided to hit him up, invite him and try to mend some things. I was different after all.
Shit hits the fan, let me keep it brief- a different friend (it/its) makes a comment about eating something that's gonna make it sick later, because it has IBS but it's fuckin hungy and wants pepper poppers. The old friend dms it and says "hey, you shouldn't talk about self harm in this channel, it's gonna make people uncomfortable!!!" Which. first of all, yikes, but secondly, nobody else seemed uncomfortable. I was in a vc with my friends which is where it told me about the dms, and everyone else agreed that yeah, he seemed to be overreacting a little. But I started piecing shit together.
Even though I never talked to most of the people from the old server ever again, none of them reached out to me either. Not even to ask for an apology or where I'd gone. I was just kind of relying on what my friend said to be true. I asked someone from that server, and they said that besides a few gripes mentioned here and there, nobody seemed that uncomfortable with me. In fact, many of them- whom i hadn't spoken to in two years- asked where i went.
I got pissed, and probably could have handled it better, but I didn't wanna see his face anymore. So I removed him from the server, and when he asked me why, all I said was: "I just wanna say, I mean this respectfully;" and blocked him. Part of me still thinks about it. I felt like a hypocrite, and wanted to explain what I'd found out and ask him about it instead of jumping to conclusions, but the deed was done and I figured I'd feel better if I ignored it. I do feel a little better, but I just wanna know if I was the asshole.
What are these acronyms?
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(Sorry if this is too weird for you. You can just ignore it if you like.)
So...what's it like to drink the Ghoul's piss? I'm wondering about taste, smell, temperature, and side-effects.
(*Homelander voice* Go ahead...let's light this candle, huh??)
Friend, when I said this blog is kink-friendly and I don't judge, I meant that this blog is kink-friendly and I don't judge. I've yet to get a single ask/question/request that's made me uncomfortable, or even made me look at it funny, and this certainly isn't the point where I'm gonna start. With that said...
The taste? Oh babe, lemme tell you, it's not good. Don't get me wrong, I don't think anyone in the Fallout universe would have inoffensive-tasting piss (chronic dehydration is too widespread and frankly these people have fucked-up diets, plus constant radiation exposure for most of them). But I fully believe that ghoul metabolic processes are streamlined to utilize any beneficial resources with maximum efficiency (chiefly, calories and water; this would fall in line with characters like The Ghoul being put into situations where they survive for years and years with no food or water). To be blunt, I don't think his kidneys are producing a ton of urine, save for the bare minimum of biological waste that comes from them simply operating.
Long story short, I think the man maybe pisses once every few days if he's had enough water, and it would be dark and STRONG, both in smell and taste.
I also have a headcanon that ghouls run noticeably hotter than regular humans due to the sheer amount of energy that gamma radiation produces. The radiation alone may not produce much measurable physical heat, but I think a human body plied with it down to the cell level would basically work as a space heater. I don't think most ghouls worry about thermoregulation in the heat.
You know what that means, though? Incredibly hot piss. Like, steaming hot even when it's not cold outside. Hot enough to make you gasp when it hits your skin, startling without actually burning you.
In terms of side-effects from contact or ingesting, I'm envisioning the same sort of deal as with ghoul cum (which I elaborated on in an almost-equally unhinged post here); it's incredibly radioactive and will make you very ill if you fuck around too much. Getting a little on you probably wouldn't be any worse than trudging through your average puddle of nuclear waste, but if you're intending to have it inside you in any way, especially swallowing it, you need to be careful. Prep with Rad-X (which reduces the amount of radiation that "sticks" to you, up to a certain point), finish up with Radaway (which removes already-accumulated radiation) if you're determined to be a piss queen or a ghoul cum dumpster. No judgement! I just want to make sure you know you're in for some pretty severe nausea, open sores/burns (especially in your mouth), bleeding from the nose, and bruising if you're not careful. We love nasty fun around here, but we also love safety.
Also, you didn't ask about this, but based on what you DID ask, I'll assume you'd also be interested in knowing what his reaction to you bringing up such things would be.
And honestly? I think you'd get essentially the same reaction from Prewar!Coop and The Ghoul.
I think he'd be hesitant. Not because he finds it too gross or off-putting or anything, but he'd worry that it'll be disrespectful to you in a way that he, as a man, shouldn't engage in (moreso Prewar!Coop), and because he's worried it could be harmful to you (moreso The Ghoul). Don't get me wrong; I think he'd certainly be intrigued, and I think you being both bold and vulnerable enough to ask for such a thing would make his head spin in the best possible way. What a display of trust! As I've said before, I think this man had (and has) lots of weird kinks himself, he just hasn't had the opportunities to explore them that he needs. Many of those kinks he doesn't even realize he has.
But even though you can see that intrigue in his pretty eyes, see the forming bulge in his pants, you may have to be persistent if you really wanna try it out. He's very firm about not doing anything that'll really harm you, and he isn't initially convinced this won't.
If I'm quite honest? Prewar!Cooper would be even more turned on by it than The Ghoul once he came around to the idea. I think it would arouse him so much to see his favorite pretty little plaything so enamored with him that they'll do anything to please him, for him to make them feel good, including debase themselves completely. I think that you being so into him that you want him to piss on you, in you, would both stroke his ego and feed his most primal, possessive urges.
Best bet to get him started? Hop in the shower with him, get him all worked up as per usual, and then drop to your knees and start blowing him. Once you get him worked up enough that he could very nearly cum, pull back and keep stroking him slowly while you beg for it. Provided you've timed things right, there's no way he'd be able to say no...just give him a second. It's difficult to piss with a massive, throbbing erection. Maybe if you played with the head (with your tongue) while he tried, that would help. Who says you have to pull away when he finally starts if you don't want to?
Hope you're ready for an engagement ring after that.
The Ghoul mostly finds appeal in how filthy it is, in seeing this clean, gorgeous young thing having to dirty themselves to survive. Eventually, fully embracing the filth because they're part of the Wasteland now, coming to enjoy filth to some degree. I think that aspect of it would really get him going. Remember that scene where he watches Lucy drink the contaminated water that ultimately makes her sick? I saw a post on here when I first started the blog (I can't find it now!) about him offering Lucy an alternative to that when she was begging for some of his water...it really awakened something in me. Enough said.
I think he'd enjoy it as much as you, when it came down to it, but I think he would also make you beg for it, loudly and fervently, every single time you want it. From the very first time, it's gonna rile him up like no other that his pristine little companion is begging him to dirty them in such a disgusting way. I don't think he'd be too keen on letting you swallow it, honestly, much like I don't think he'd be too keen on letting you swallow his cum because of the radiation. But I think if you ask pretty enough, nasty enough, he'd be more than happy to piss on you or in your other holes. Only if he knows you're set up with plenty of Radaway, though.
People don't really get "engaged", or even married anymore, per se, but if you think you're getting away from this man after you let him do that to you, you're sorely mistaken.
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actual-changeling · 5 months
We need to talk about the Archangel Michael.
No, seriously we NEED to talk about Michael because I think she's going to be way more important than we currently think.
(quick side note: I will be jumping between pronouns for everyone involved because I go by vibes and also bc I'm trans and I like doing it. Hopefully it won't be too confusing, but I'll try to make it clear who I am talking about.)
So! Welcome back to Alex's unhinged meta corner. In accordance with the usual essay rules, let's begin with my hypothesis before we go down a long, probably very unhinged spiral.
I completely underestimated how thorough I was going to be, so to not overwhelm everyone with a miles long post, I will be dividing this meta into parts and will post them as I finish them.
A lot of small details have been fluttering around my mind over the last few weeks, and I think I am finally starting to put all the pieces together—and there are a LOT.
Part 1: Season One and Michael's Rank
We know them as one of the three (four—but that's another post) Archangels next to Gabriel and Uriel. While Gabriel's title was that of the Supreme Archangel, Michael's is explicitly stated in episode one of season two as 'duty officer', which, broadly speaking, makes them the Watcher, the one in charge in the case of Gabriel's absence for whatever reason, taking command where he can't; usually that probably meant him simply being busy and not him being unemployed and naked.
Their position is further signified by their ring, which resembles the Ophanim, the many-eyed angel wheels.
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They are the one to keep a literal eye on things—they find pictures of Aziraphale and Crowley in S1 in the Observation Files, they watch over the heavenly hosts, they oversee plans, everything.
Michael even takes it a step further and (presumably created) the grapevine with hell, having direct contact to higher ranking demons such as Ligur, most likely also Dagon, and Beelzebub.
This is where we get to my theory: Michael is actively working with demons against both heaven and hell. It doesn't mean that they care about preserving earth, though they might later on, but that whatever plans heaven currently has are to be stopped.
I'm going to take this one step further and say that Michael also knew about Gabriel and Beelzebub, and helped him escape.
Now to the fun part: the evidence!
In season one, they are interested in stopping Crowley and Aziraphale from preventing the apocalypse, but that does not mean that they agree with the plans heaven has for said event—only that they need it to happen so their own agenda can stay on track. She has information she technically shouldn't, like, well, literally all the details about how, when, and what is going to go down
This is due to heaven and hell's general cooperation, which is its own post, but all of that runs through them.
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That 'apparently' is doing a lot of heavy lifting here, it's the basic and plausible deniability that's required for them to not be in trouble. She is also in charge of ORGANIZING the troops, fulfilling her role as a navigator.
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On top of that, the way she talks to Ligur highly mirrors the way two covert operatives might talk to one another, using phrases like 'our man' and 'working for you'. The mere assumption Michael makes here, that Aziraphale could be a spy, implies that there ARE already spies and angels working for hell.
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Consorting with the enemy is allowed as long as it is done within a very specific framework, so Michael and Ligur are free to do so, while Aziraphale and Crowley are working outside of it, which gives heaven & hell the basis to punish them for it.
I think the phrasing of this sentence is also quite interesting.
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Not "time to come back to heaven" or anything along the lines that takes Aziraphale's ethereal status into account, no, she simply says he needs to 'choose sides'—and who is to say that he needs to choose heaven or that heaven and hell are the only sides one can choose? Additionally, Michael is the one to bring the holy water to hell while they send one of the Erics, and while the trial as a whole holds a certain tension, there does not seem to be any open animosity between him and the dukes of hell.
In short, Michael is working with hell behind the scenes, likely pursuing their own goals, and standing in opposition to heaven.
Moving on to season two, and here it gets REALLY fun.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
(hopefully it will just be five. it was supposed to be two. then three. but here we are)
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highwayorgantrade · 2 years
Art History
Pairing: (cis)fem!reader x Carlisle Cullen
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Cursing, the most mild nsfw (basically intense kissing and references to sex), minor choking, general tomfoolery.
Summary: A certain doctor helps you find resources for your college art history class.
Spotify Playlist: Art History
A/N: Aaah okay my first fic on this blog!! I'm so excited to get back into writing, especially with my favorite characters and people. Also, I'm sorry, I love Esmé as much as everyone else does, she does not exist here and Carlisle is the Ultimate Single Father™. And God, I did not expect it to be this long!!
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The way that you met the Cullens was, at best, not ideal. A broken down car here, the offer of a ride there. It wasn't a bad thing - the friendship you had with the family had lasted all through high school up to a local community college.
When they told you the truth about who they were, what they were, you thought it was a joke.
"Yeah, very funny. Halloween isn't for another two months, and you can't all go as vampires, that would be so stupid." You snorted, returning to the homework that was scattered on the dining room table.
"(Y/N)... Think about it." Alice placed her hand on your shoulder, forcing you to listen.How are you just now noticing her hands are so cold? "Have you ever seen any of us eat? Go into the sun?"
You didn't want to think about it, you knew they would never lie to you like this. It's too insane to be a lie. But didn't they lie and pretend like they were human? It was just all too confusing, so naturally, it took you a few days before you starting going around their house again. They answered all your questions, even when you decided to punish them all a bit for not telling you sooner.
"So, have you ever thought about the ecological damage you might be doing with all the hunting?" You had been interrogating them for hours, but honestly? They were grateful. Grateful that you didn't run off and tell the entire town, or worse, flee from Forks and lose you forever.
"Honestly, we all have different preferences." Emmett replied cooly, as if you were chatting about movies. "I prefer some of the bigger stuff: Bears, wildcats. It's mostly deer, though."
"Never people." Carlisle confirms with a smile, and you almost immediately regret giving him a chance to speak. Before their confession, the pounding of your heart was a fun secret, a dream you knew would never come true. The scenarios have run through your head all the time, anytime you looked at him. And those rare moments where you felt brave enough to make eye contact? But now, you knew that it was basically a public confession. You never talked about it. The Cullens never did, either.
"I know one of you has to know something about the Reliquary of Sainte Foy." You sighed, dropping your bag at your feet.
"Please, (y/n), come in." Edward quipped from the living room.
"I mean, this whole thing makes no sense!" You continued, thinking back to every single time you've used Edward to complain. "First, she starts off the semester with the Renaissance, then goes to modern minimalism, then back to freakin' Jesus times?"
"You know," Alice strode in, reading over the same paper, "When I have questions about art history, I usually ask Carlisle." She leaned against the counter. "He's the oldest of us." The look her and Edward shared were lost to you, as you already began to think of excuses as to why you shouldn't be alone in a room with him. The fear of looking and sounding stupid overcame the desire to just do anything with him. The desire to mess up that stupidly perfect hair of his, or his cold hands roughly wrapping around your-.
No. Absolutely not.
"Ah, no! I wouldn't want to bother him. He's probably super busy, with all of his... doctoring stuff-"
"Nonsense." Edward smiled. "He would be overjoyed to help."
"Edward, seriously, don't-" You pleaded, but it was too late. Carlisle's name echoed throughout the house, but it felt like a death bell.
"I hope you find your answers!" Alice quickly took her exit out the front door, with Edward following right behind her, with a polite "Excuse me."
"(Y/N)!" He greeted you fondly, noticing Edward and Alice's backs as they walked deeper into the forest that surrounded the house. "Didn't Edward call for me?" He was watching them, but you were watching how he saw you and immediately smiled, and the way his arms flexed on the table.
"Yeah, he did. They insisted that you could help me with art history, but this is old, old crap, and like, yeah, you're old, but you're not that old, so it's not really..." He began to smile again. "Super important." You finished, suddenly very aware of how you were standing. And how your hand rested so close to his. And how hot your face suddenly got.
"Well, what is it you need my help with?" He took your assignment paper. "The Reliquary of Sainte Foy. Around what time was that?" He looked back at you.
"Uh, the- Jesus times. Like upper double digits for the year. Which, I mean, I don't know when you were born, but I don't think you're that old, I mean you're still fun and pretty cool." God, why couldn't you just stop talking!
"Come on." He turned his back, taking your picking up your bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "I think I have something in my office."
His office? He's taking you to his office? You've been inside of it before, but it wasn't just him and you, it was him and his kids. Just keep reminding yourself: You are his children's friend. You're friends with every single one of this man's children. You're probably not even on his radar! A (publicly) mid-30 year old local surgeon, and men that looked like him in this part of Washington was rare. And to be going after a college student? Pull it together.
The steely resolve quickly crumbled as he held the door open for you to walk past him, and if you had any doubts he could hear your heart before, they were absolutely gone. You could hear your pounding heart in your head. The office was gorgeous, a few lamps and some candles gave the dark office a warm glow, and you could see he had been actively working on... something?
"I'm so sorry, did I interrupt something?" You glanced at the papers on his desk.
"Oh, no, I was just going over some old files. You could never interrupt me."
"Now." He began scanning a section of his large bookshelves. "I unfortunately was not born in 'Jesus times,' but I was born in 1640, and my father was an Anglican priest, so I might have something about early Christian relics." He finally pulled a large dark blue book from the shelf and handed it to you. "What about The Book of Sainte Foy? Written in 1010 A.D. and translated in 1995."
"Yes, please, that would be amazing." You replied quickly, eager to spend as little time in this room as possible.
"(Y/N), you seem stressed. If college is getting to be too much, you could always take a break." His eyebrows knit together and set the book on his desk. Your eyes followed his hand and you swallowed. This cannot be happening.
"Uh, no, it's not college! College is fine. It's just... other stuff." Your hands clasped together to try and ease some of your nerves.
"Well, (Y/N), if it's something more personal, you know you can always talk to me. I've enjoyed having you around and I hate to see you upset." You knew he was trying to ease information out of you, but his words just made it harder.
"Carlisle, I-" Oh god. No. Stop talking. His hand came to rest on your upper arm, his icy hand almost burning your hot skin. You've imagined this so many times "It's you!"
Wait. No! Keep talking! The look of slight shock and confusion on his face combined with the gentle grip he had on your arm had wiped your brain of whatever you were going to say. His hand relaxed and fell back to his side.
"Me? (Y/N), did I make you uncomfortable?" His voice was soft, but serious. Fix this, now!
"No! Well, sort of. But no! Just... listen." You rubbed the back of your neck, shifting your weight between your legs. He leaned back against his desk and looked at you.
This was going to be hard.
"It's just... You make me nervous because you know, you're like a genetically modified beauty of a human being. I mean, have you seen yourself? Actually seen yourself?"
Carlisle opened his mouth to respond but he couldn't get the words out before you continued.
"You are... gorgeous. And I know, Edward's complained to me about that whole 'Oh, our beauty just lures in innocent prey so we can destroy them,' thing, but you're just a... a genuinely beautiful person. You help people in need, you go to some extreme lengths to help people because why? Because you're a doctor and it's what you do, damn it! It's amazing. You're amazing." You took a breath, filling your lungs with all the words you've kept to yourself. "And I like your hands."
And you like his hands? That's what your confession is ending on? Okay, own it.
"You like my hands?" He questioned, biting back a smile. Of course that's what he focused on. "Tell me about my hands." He stood up off his desk and moved closer to you. You felt like the breath was being sucked out of your lungs as you tried to organize your thoughts.
"Well, they're..." His hand came up to your face, thumb grazing your cheekbone.
"Go on."
"I like the way they're..." In an effort to look anywhere else but his eyes, you glanced down to his chest. His face seemed to inch closer to yours as you searched for words you knew you wouldn't find. The hand on your face traveled to the back of your neck, and his other hand found the small of your back. Your hands rested on his biceps, your last attempt to try to cover up your attraction towards him.
"Tell me you want this." Carlisle whispered, pressing you closer to him, encouraged by your racing heart.
"I want this so bad." You admitted, and those were the words that broke the both of you. He pressed you against a bookshelf as his lips met yours, and the amount of passion coming from Carlisle was shocking. His thumb came around your neck to wrap around the front, and the simple weight of his hand caused you to moan in his mouth. He smiled into the kiss and your hands went to his hair, tugging as gently as you could.
"Jump." He whispered in between kisses. The faint taste of spearmint lingered, and you whined at the loss.
"What?" You pulled back and stared at him.
God, please let his vampire strength come in clutch. You wrapped your legs around his waist and his hands found the bottom of your thighs. He placed you on top of his desk, careful as to not disturb any documents or books, and pulled you in again. this time, there was something different. The kiss was more insistent, more demanding.
"More." He groaned, and slotted his head into the curve of your neck, biting gently, and kissing the same spots.
You had never seen Carlisle like this, never this... out of control.
"So, when is this paper due?" He asked, pulling you out of your thoughts. He walked back to the door of his office, laying his hand on the doorknob. You simply stared at him, still catching your breath. Did he seriously just ask that? Now? "Is it tonight?"
"Good." He grinned at you, and turned the lock. "Because it's not getting done."
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lvrsparadise · 10 months
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synopsis - When she has a tough time with quitting her addiction.
warnings! - Smoking, mentions of depression, self-esteem issues(implied), profanity, I think that's all.
A/N - I don't know what came over me, but I just got a REALLY good idea. Or at least I think it's good. Anywho, enjoy! ♡
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God. I didn't want to do this. I shouldn't be doing this. Why am I doing this?
But yet, here I stand, in the nearest shitty gas station I could find, buying a pack of cigarettes.
I send a tight-lipped smile at the cashier as I grab the bag of snacks and the pack of cigarettes. I make my way out of the gas station, and I walk a good few blocks, headed to the city.
I can feel my phone buzzing in my pocket, but I could care less. I know who it is, and I should answer it, but I just can't bring myself to do it.
I make it to a somewhat secluded area that has a billboard, a few benches, and an abandoned food cart. No one's here. Not surprising, considering it's the middle of the night and it's wet and humid from the rain we've been getting.
I sigh as I plop down on the bench and set the bag next to me. I look at the billboard to see an advertisement for some fitness company. I shake my head softly as I rummage through the bag and grab the pack of cigarettes.
I just stare at them, in my hand. I take a deep breath before opening it. I grab one out and grab my lighter from my pocket. I hold the cigarette to my lips and light it before taking a long drag.
I look at the full moon as I exhale all of the smoke. It's almost satisfying watching the cloud of smoke leave my lips and into the night sky. I feel a familiar burn in my chest at the sensation, but it's nothing new.
I take another drag, this one shorter. I hold it for a few seconds before exhaling it all out slowly. Watching the light from the streetlamp next to me illuminate it.
After a couple long drags, I put the cigarette out. Throwing it out into the street at my feet.
I sigh as I pull my phone out of my pocket. Looking at the screen, I see multiple text notifications from one contact.
Matt's contact.
I grab the bag of snacks from next to me and stand up. I shove the box of cigarettes in my pocket along with my phone and lighter before I start walking back to Matt's house.
I had originally gone to the gas station for snacks for all of us so we could watch a movie. I mean, I did get the snacks. But I couldn't help it. I know I'm trying to quit, but it's hard.
I make it back to Matt's house. I take a few deep breaths before I walk in the door. I immediately hear a 'yay she's back' from the living room. Probably from Chris.
I slip my shoes off before walking up the stairs and into the living room. I set the bag down on the coffee table and excuse myself for a moment.
I walk to Matt's bathroom and look at myself in the mirror.
I sigh before grabbing my spare toothbrush and some toothpaste and brush my teeth. Hoping to get rid of the taste and smell of cigarette smoke.
I dry my hands and walk back to the living room.
"So, what are we watching?"
"I want to watch Let It Shine."
I shrug and see the looks of agreement from Matt and Nick.
I take my seat next to Matt on the chase of the couch in the far corner of the room.
The movie starts and we're all just watching in silence.
About halfway through the movie, Nick retreats to his room, saying he's tired.
Once the movie finished Chris went to his room, probably to get on his game or something. Me and Matt clean up a little before heading to his room.
"You do know I can smell it on your shirt." I hear him say as he shots the door.
"What do you mean?"
"What I mean is, I can smell the cigarette smoke on your shirt. Why'd you do it?" I sit down on the foot of his bed, him sitting next to me.
His voice is soft and loving. I know he's not being mean. But I can't help but feel sad. Sad at the fact I was caught. And sad that I even bought the cigarettes in the first place.
I can feel the lump in my throat, making it hard to speak. I shrug.
"I don't know." My voice strained and quiet. I feel a few stray tears slide down my cheeks.
His hand is on my back, rubbing up and down in calming motions. I can feel his gaze.
"I guess I just needed an escape or something. I shouldn't have done it, but I did." Tears evident in my voice. His hand moves to my shoulder, pulling me to him.
I rest my head on his shoulder, his head leaning on mine.
"It's going to be okay. I promise." I hear him whisper before he presses a kiss to my head. Sending more tears down my face.
"I love you Matt. I love you so much."
"I love you too. More than you think. That's why it's hard for me to see you like this."
We sit like that until I stop crying. Once the tears have dried, we sit up and he takes my head in his hands, pulling me in for a kiss.
We separate and move to lay in his bed. We situate ourselves before getting closer to one another. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him. He rests his head on my chest, and I run my fingers through his hair.
I fall asleep with a small smile on my face. Thanks to him, I no longer feel so drained.
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Tags! ✮
@dwntwn-strnlo @ssturniolo @strniolo @20nugs @prettysturniolo
If you want to be added to my taglist all you have to do is ask! ✮
Have a wonderful day and / or night ! You deserve it ✮
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josiesullysblog · 1 year
~AGED UP Neteyam x Na’vi reader
~Fluff, degradation, a lil smut
~Summary-[Y/n] is known as the weird girl.
~Note-HEY! so sorry for being inactive! I usually post on the weekends, since that's when I have free time, but this entire weekend I won't be home! Posting this till I can post again, but till then I love you all!
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You never fit in, you were just different. You didn't know why you couldn't fit in, you tried. They all treated you like you were just annoying.
You remember the first time Neteyam and you met. You guys were about twelve and all the kids went traveling the forest.
You had been in the back, stopping and looking at every little thing. The small bugs fascinated you, the way they shined you wanted to learn more about them.
So, your father was able to get a book from the sky people so you would be able to identify everyone you saw. You kept stopping trying to find them, which annoyed everyone else.
“[Y/n]! Keep up,” a boy said rolling his eyes at you. “Sorry!” you smiled running to them, “we're going to leave you behind if you keep this up,” Neteyam watched you. He thought you were pretty but got distracted quickly.
“It's that stupid human book they got her,” a kid from behind you snatched it out of your hands, “hey!” you tried getting it but he was much too tall for you to reach.
He flipped through the pages scoffing, “if you wanna read their books so bad, we should turn you human!” you shook your head as he passed it to another kid.
“Can I please get it back,” they laughed before handing it to Neteyam. He froze as you approached him, “please,” he stepped back and tripped making the book fall into a puddle. “Good one, Neteyan!”
Their laughter filled your ears as you picked the book up. It was ruined, tears blurred your eyesight, “she's going to cry!” you wiped your eyes and looked at them, “no i’m not!”
Neteyam felt guilt eat him up, he didn't mean to ruin the book, “i’m sorry-” he tried coming closer but you brushed him off. “It's whatever.”
He watched you walk away, “we were just kidding,” a kid to his side said, “she obviously cared about that book, you shouldn't have taken it from her.”
The kid laughed, “I wasn't the one to drop it, it was you,” Neteyam pushed him away, “that's because I tripped, I didn't mean it.” Neteyam was getting angry why was this kid being so agitating?
“Why are you defending her, hm?” another kid said, “she your mate or something?” they laughed which was like the icing on the cake. Neteyam’s fist made contact with the boy's face, and everyone around stood in silence as Neteyam beat him up.
“Don’t say shit like that,” for a twelve-year-old, he did well but he had instant regret as he felt his father yank him away, “the hell is wrong with you boy?”
You sat down by your mother as you watched Neteyam be dragged into a tent. You both made eye contact, you hadn't known why he fought neither did he, but he just didn't like how they spoke about you.
“What were you thinking?” Neytiri spoke as Mo’at fixed Neteyam’s busted lip. Neteyam stayed silent he didn't wanna say the truth, “well? Are you gonna answer?” Jake looked at the boy in disbelief, he expected this behavior from anyone but Neteyam.
“Till you speak, all privileges are taken,” Neytiri said before storming out. Lo’ak smiled hard, holding his laugh back watching all the adults leave, “so, why’d you do it?” Neteyam shrugged, “just did.”
Lo’ak looked at him like he grew an extra head, “yeah, you just did it to do it,” the boy eventually let go of the topic.
Dinner time had rolled around and Neteyam fidgeted with his hands, he was waiting to see you to apologize. “Eat,” Neytiri looked at the boy. Neteyam was scared if he ate he’d vomit from nerves.
You walked in holding your father's hand tightly. He probably heard what happened earlier, but Neteyam knew this was the right thing to do.
After everyone had finally eaten, he got up quickly heading toward you, “[Y/n], I just wanted to say sorry about earlier,” he kept his hand down as he felt guilty. “And this is for you.” he gave you a book, the same one that was ruined but it was new.
“Thank you!” you smiled big at him taking the book. Neteyam blushed as he walked away, he definitely was crushing on you.
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As you grew up, the weirder you became, but you stopped caring. If someone couldn't love you for you, then you didn't need them. At least that's what you told yourself.
Your interest shifted from bugs once you became an adult. You became aware of your body and the ache between your legs. You waited often till your parents were gone so you could explore yourself.
It felt so good, but you couldn't stop your mind from lurking onto Neteyam. How much better it feel if it were his fingers touching you. How he was the only person who was nice to you, how his eyes always lingered on you.
All these thoughts became too much and often were able to get you off. You hadn't realized that you’d moan his name out, and you certainly didn't realize his eyes burned into you during your little sesh.
There were no other words to say other than that Neteyam was obsessed with you. He didn't want to seem creepy so he’d talk with you often. You’d considered him a close friend but you never knew he’d had dreams about you.
He’d have dreams of having you spread in front of him, begging him to fuck you raw, moaning just for him, so he was excited seeing you moan for him.
“Fuck, just like that teyem,” he wanted so bad to go there and fuck you, but he knew it was the wrong time.
He needed you to be vulnerable, so he’d be able to get to you. His eyes burned at your hand, after he was done with you he knew nothing would be able to get you off beside him, “just wait.”
Neteyam knew for his plan to work, he’d have to get you alone. Which wouldn't be hard, as you were constantly by yourself. He watched as you read another human book as your legs hung into the river, “Hey [Y/n]!”
Your head shot up at his voice, smiling when you noticed who it was, “hi!” your stomach engulfed in butterflies as Neteyam sat next to you. “What are you doing?”
“Just reading!” it was common for Neteyam to speak with you so you always felt happy when he did. You both spoke for a few minutes before the topic of mates came up.
“My mother says I need to hurry and choose someone,” you said sheepishly as Neteyam’s eyes bore into you. “Well, I don't think any man here could handle a woman like you,” Neteyam said as you played with your curls.
“What do you mean by that?” he was always so nice so the change in tone confused you, “I mean no man here could handle such a sexual woman like you, [Y/n].”
Your heart fell, and your sexual attraction had been figured out. You looked away from him as he chuckled, “you think I can’t hear you?” he grabbed your chin forcing you to look back at him.
“I hear the way you moan, and I know no man would be able to give you what you truly want.” his other hand traveled down your body as you gasped, “Neteyam,” he shushed you by kissing you.
His kiss was long and deep which you gladly accepted, “tell me everything you want, pretty girl. How you want me to bend you over and break you like the slut you are.”
His hands traveled down, cupping your heat, “please, please fuck me.” He smiled as he played with your clit, “your gonna be a good slut for me?” you nodded frantically. “Words,” you licked your lips, “yes, please.”
He smiled as his fingers dug into you, causing a moan, “you weren't even doing it right, you see a slut like you could never touch themselves properly,” he gained a fast pace as your eyes began to tear up.
Neteyam smiled, he had you just where he wanted you. If he had you addicted to his touch he knew you’d never leave, he was going to make you a whore. His whore.
You became drunk off his fingers as you became close, “i’m gonna, fuck.” Neteyam’s fingers became fast, “repeat after me, no one can touch youas I do.”
You began crying as he was going so fast, “n-no one can touch-,” you stopped it was becoming too much. Your voice hurt from screaming too much, “continue or i’m stopping,” he slowed down causing the words to shoot out, “no one can touch me as you do, please don't stop!”
Finally, you were his your body and soul, “can I cum?” he smiled, “no,” he sped up, “this is what you wanted.”
He kissed you, “to be fucked silly by me, and it's only my fingers.” you grabbed his hand attempting to slow him down, “cum for me, baby.” you let it go Neteyam kissing you to muffle your sound.
“Absolutely gorgeous,” he watched as your body collapsed to the floor. You tried scooting away to catch your breath but felt a hand grab your ankle, “we're not finished, pretty girl.”
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novemberhope · 3 months
So... I did a thing and decided to write Neri into the live action timeline. This takes place somewhere shortly before they meet Usopp. So far, it's just Luffy, Nami and Zoro on the crew as well as Neri whom they just have met.
It's kind of from Neri's POV and the reason she's calling them by their titles rather than their names when thinking about them is that she still does not trust them. I think she will start to trust Luffy first because really how can you not?
tw: assault (Neri gets assaulted here but is saved before anything bad can happen) English is not my first language so sorry if the writing feels weird, I haven't written a story in english in a while
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"Stop inviting random people onto our ship. Especially if there's nothing they can contribute." "But… she's nice… and I wanted to help her… I'm sure she'll find a place in our crew!" "For the last time, we are not a crew!" The swordsman's words hurt and Neri, not waiting for the captain's answer, slowly moved away from the door. Sure, it had been nice of the rubber boy to help her out when she was on the run from her pursuers. Still, she shouldn't have come with them. This wasn't her place to be, this wasn't her home. The moment these people would learn who - or rather, what - she really was, she would end up being sold again. She would never be safe on a ship where she could come in contact with water so easily. The ship was still at the harbor. This was as good a time as any to leave the ship. She felt sad for the captain to had so nicely offered her a place in his crew, but it was too dangerous. And while rubber boy had been nothing but kind to her, the other two hadn't been as friendly. They clearly didn't trust her. And really, who could blame them? She hadn't been able to tell them anything without giving away her real species, so of course they didn't trust her. And once they knew… mermaids brought in the big cash, especially here in the East Blue, where they were so rare - it would only get her back to where she had fled from. After everything that had happened, after losing everyone she cared about, she wanted a home, a family, a place where she belonged. But this was not it. This could never be it. "Hey, where are you going?" the red-headed navigator asked when Neri slowly tried to climb off the ship. "I… have something… I mean… there's something I need to do", she stammered. She didn't want to say she was leaving - even that didn't feel safe anymore. Just disappear, she told herself. They barely know you. They will move on and you can… Well, that was the thing, the only place she probably would be safe was Fishman Island but it was all the way out there on the Grandline, the Pirate's Graveyard… and to get there, she would have to get on a ship - the very thing she couldn't do because on a ship, she would come in contact with water sooner or later and then everyone would know… "Well, suit yourself," the navigator said with a shrug. "Just be aware, we'll be heading out soon. If you're not back by then…" Neri nodded. She wouldn't be back by then and she figured the navigator knew that. Quickly, she left the ship and started to walk across the harbor, pushing past people. It was a small island but the harbor was still pretty busy during this time of the day. There were people loading the ships, sailors were coming and going, children playing in the middle of all this, running around and causing people to stumble, and passengers impatiently waiting to board one of the bigger ships. It was almost too much noise to handle but Neri kept on walking. For a moment, she thought someone had called her name - maybe the captain? It sounded like him. He had saved her the other day and invited her to join them and she had actually liked him. Still, it wasn't meant to be. Surely, he would understand that she had made her decision. She kept on walking without looking back.
Leaving the harbor, it got even more crowded. There was a market nearby and people all went into this direction, pushing Neri with them. She started to feel anxious. It was too loud, too crowded, too many people just shoving her out for their way when she wasn't walking fast enough. But walking on land was still something she was getting used too. Under the sea, things were not like this - not this crowded, not this loud, not this harsh. Nearby, some men were starting to yell at each other. This brought back unpleasant memories from getting yelled at herself while being imprisoned. Quickly, Neri stepped sideways into the shadows. It was the entry to a side alley with huge, unpleasant smelling dumpsters lining the brick walls on both sides. It was quieter here, the further she kept walking, so she went on, ignoring the unpleasant smell. Maybe this alley would take her away from all the noise and all the people. Sure, she still had no place to go, but anything was better than here right now. But suddenly, she was no longer alone. Behind her, voices got louder and louder. They were talking to each other, it seemed. She stopped and leaned against a wall that belonged to a tall rundown warehouse building. Maybe they would walk past her, minding their own business. Unfortunately, as she had already learned, humans rarely did. These ones were no exception. They were adult males, three of them, with bottles in their hands, obviously already - or still - drunk at this time of the day. Neither of them looked too pleasant. Neri shrank back and just hoped and prayed they would walk past without noticing her. They nearly did. But then one of them turned his head and suddenly stopped. "Look at this," he said. "A little lady…" Quickly, Neri turned, and, avoiding eye contact, tried to keep walking. Unfortunately, she was immediately grabbed and yanked back. "Hey little lady, not so fast," the guy from before said. "Let's have a proper look at you, alright?" "No thank you," Neri muttered and started to run. Unfortunately, she immediately was grabbed. One of the guys was firmly holding her with her arms behind her back while the other two were leering at her. "Please let me go!" "Please let me go!" they mocked her. "There's no chance we're letting you get away, sweetheart. You're too pretty!" Neri started to panic. She tried to kick them, but they only laughed at her attempts to get free. One of them roughly yanked at her hair for trying to kick him. "Be nice," he warned her. "Or we'll show you just how nasty we can get!" "You're already nasty!" she replied, still struggeling. Was this really how it all would end? Were all humans like this? Other than the rubbery captain and his two friends, they all had treated her like shit. Ever since she had been caught and dragged on land, it had gotten worse and worse. "Let's show her just how nasty we can get," one of them laughed. They were all grabbing her now. She screamed and kicked and bit one of them in the arm, but that only resulted in her getting slapped in the face. Neri screamed again when she was thrown onto the dirty ground like a piece of trash. Then someone was over her - and then he wasn't anymore.
"And just what are you going to show her?" another voice asked. It was the swordsman's voice and Neri breathed a sign of relief. At the same time she was wondering how he got here and why he was here. She had thought the navigator had understood that she had left for good. "How is that any of your business?" one of the guys sneered. "Let's knock this freak out", the second one said. "Ummm, have you looked at him? He's carrying three swords," the third one said, slowly stepping back. "So what?" The first one rolled his eyes. "He can only use one at a time anyway." Next thing they knew, all three of them were bleeding. Their bottles were on the ground. And the swordsman was holding two of his swords. "I can get the third one out, too," he said. The first guy looked like he thought it would be a good idea to get into a fight, but luckily, the other two started dragging him away. Neri hastily got onto her feet. She wanted to turn and run away too but her legs were shaking. "Next time I'll see you, I'll cut off your hands," the swordsman called after them. They weren't even looking back. He turned his attention towards Neri. "And what are you doing? Why aren't you on the ship?" "I was… leaving?" She thought that had been quite clear and besides, neither he and the navigator had been too impressed when their captain had invited her to join them. "Oh yeah? Well next time, you run that by Luffy first. He still thinks you're on the crew." She threw him a look. "I thought you're not a crew?" "Well, Luffy thinks we are… and for now, we have some common goals, so… didn't you say you want to reach the Grandline too?" Yes, she wanted to get to Fishman Island - maybe there she would finally be save again… "Yes, but… I'm just a random person your captain picked up on the street," she said. "I heard you talking. And I mean, you're not wrong…" He grimaced. "Yeah, well, I'm trying to prevent Luffy from adding every weirdo we come across to this so-called crew. If you prove yourself to not be a weirdo… you're welcome to join as long as you pull your weight on board." Not a weirdo… well, from a human perspective, she definitely was weird. But maybe, just maybe… she could hide that a little longer until they were on the Grandline at least?
Looking down the dirty and dark alley, she realized that she needed a place to stay and people to rely on. This wasn't her world. She had to rely on someone else, even if it was only temporary. "I'll try not to be burden," she replied. "I've never been at sea before." Well, on a boat, she silently added. The swordsman turned and started walking and she hurried along to keep up with him. "How did you find me, anyway?" she wanted to know. "I didn't," he replied. "I was actually trying to take a shortcut. The streets on this island are just really confusing." "Are they?" she wondered, following him out of the alley. There was, after all, only one main road leading from the harbor in the direction of the market. "Are they not?" He looked back at her. "I mean, I can't even see the ocean from here." She didn't know if she should giggle or not. For someone wielding three swords, he was surprisingly clueless when it came to directions. "That's because you're looking in the wrong direction," she said, deciding to surpress the giggles for now. "The ocean's over there." Irritated, he looked around. Yes, there was the ocean, and it wasn't even that far away. The deep blue color could clearly be spotted from where they were standing. "Like I said, it's confusing," he grumbled. Finally, he walked in the right direction and she followed him, slightly amused. And maybe… her new crewmates weren't that perfect either? So perhaps she wouldn't feel completely out of place all the time…
The ship came into view and it looked ready to sail. It was a small one and there had already been talk about getting a bigger one. Luffy, the captain, was waving at them. "There you are! Come on, let's go!" Quicky, they climbed on board. "I'm sorry," Neri said to Luffy, feeling she should at least say something to explain the delay. "I was just…" "Got everything sorted out?" Luffy asked her, grinning. "Well, then I guess we're all set. Let's get going!" "Set the sails!" the navigator shouted at them. And soon, they were out at sea, the island behind them getting smaller and smaller. In front of them, the ocean shimmered in the deepest blue, spreading far and wide before them. It was a marvelous sight and Neri, leaning over the railing, with the wind in her long hair, suddenly felt very calm and at peace with her situation for the first time since she had been captured. Maybe, just maybe, everything would turn out okay?
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mcflymemes · 1 year
THE PRINCESS DIARIES & THE PRINCESS DIARIES 2: ROYAL ENGAGEMENT PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from both films (2001 & 2004)
the brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.
wait for me! wait for me!
anyone can see your desires. no one knows what's in your heart.
you are so lucky you don't know who your parents are.
i am invisible... and i am wet.
i'm just supposed to watch you.
am i too late to ask you to accept my hand in marriage?
you broke my glasses!
don't worry about me.
a princess never chases a chicken.
this really is more romantic in books.
oh, by the way! i'm getting married!
you're not very good at lying.
i thought you'd never ask.
oh! oh yes! i absolutely accept!
somebody sat on me again.
we just made the bed.
tell me a secret.
i have done a lot of flying in my day.
do we have any problems?
you'll never be bored.
i loathe you.
no matter how many times you press that, it will still go up and down the same way.
i just love to look at him.
you look so... clean.
can you please pretend you have a life for just one moment?
just in case i wasn't enough of a freak already, let's add a tiara.
this is between a waltz and a tango.
we don't slump like this.
tell me your greatest desires.
i thought you said you never slide.
if there are no more passengers, i think we should close the door.
this is getting us nowhere! talk to me!
are you sassing your grandma?
courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear.
i have never put on pantyhose before, but it sounds dangerous.
why me?
yeah, he's cute.
shut up!
look out the window.
as always, this is as good as it's gonna get.
don't forget your shoes.
i haven't danced with you since your birthday.
you're morphing into one of them!
probably all i ever do is think about myself.
i can't do this.
i have diplomatic immunity in 46 countries, including puerto rico.
i love your eyebrows.
you can't run from everything?
i simply cannot condone it.
love does things for reasons that reasons cannot understand.
hang up the phone!
the secret is... i still want to.
the fault was entirely my own.
i'd like to report an accident.
the three of us have to talk.
what am i, a duck?
my job is to protect the crown.
stop daydreaming!
oh! your foot! i'm so sorry, are you all right?
i hate it when they move in like that.
is there maybe something else about me and my life that just maybe i might want to know about?
this is so cool!
now what did you want to tell me?
just stop it, okay?
you will answer directly to me.
are you sure you don't want to exchange licenses and proof of insurances?
he's not a backstreet boys clone.
i don't like you.
i look like a moose.
well aren't you just... crafty.
i've got a wedding to go to.
wait wait! no, not you. i don't even know you.
can we park a block away from school?
you know what? i don't feel protected.
you will find the word "fear" is not in my vocabulary.
i won't be getting married today.
oh my god! you're here!
i beg your pardon!
oh, for the love of god!
why do you talk like that?
is your mom dating an undertaker?
you look so... young.
can i borrow a comb?
oh, yeah, that is exactly what you did.
i know it's short notice, but you were all dressed.
so where are you taking me?
who destroyed you?
just because i didn't get my fairytale ending doesn't mean you shouldn't.
not if you didn't want me to.
they're smitten!
well, that probably wasn't the best idea.
you look ridiculous. you should sue.
have you ever experienced that instant headache when you eat ice too quickly?
just because your hair sucks, get off mine!
do you wear contact lenses?
i would gladly take a bullet for you.
look over there.
is this the punishment for driving without a licensed driver in the front seat?
you broke my brush.
so what are we learning today?
did you happen to see who's here?
you talk to him much?
well, the camera's all ready to go.
let's go this way.
ever take those shades off?
are you ready?
enough bowing! back to your chores!
no more straggling for me.
you did very well. very charming.
the light is perfect!
i'm feeling shy, come on.
you chose me, and i accepted.
did you hear that?
do you have any change?
no, it's not attractive!
okay, i look like an asparagus.
where is she going?
if this were my party, we'd be kissing by now.
they put me on hold!
we never rush. we hasten.
you know what? i'm fine! i'm good!
a strange woman came in here and asked to hide in your closet so i let her.
should i shoo him?
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wisewolfprince · 2 years
Wizarding World ➵ Nsfw Alphabet
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ʚ character ɞ harry james potter x nb!reader
ʚ warnings ɞ mentions of sex and sexual preferences, breeding, unprotected sex, use of sex toys, masturbation, etc.
ʚ notes ɞ this was surprisingly really fun to write! my inbox is open to anyone who would like to request specific characters or nsfw prompts. i'll be writing nsfw alphabets for most of the HP characters eventually. reblogs/favourites are greatly appreciated <33 (all characters written are 18+!!)
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A = Aftercare (What happens after sex?)
Harry LOVES to cuddle with you after sex, he absolutely craves the skin on skin contact and doesn't care in the slightest if you're both sweaty or half asleep already. He'll place gentle kisses on your skin wherever he can touch and murmur how great you were into your ear just to put your mind at ease.
B = Bodyparts (Their favourite part of you)
Harry absolutely adores your thighs. He's definitely a thigh fucker. It doesn't matter how big or small your thighs are, he'll grab them whenever he gets the chance. He loves laying his head on your thighs, sometimes even going as far as biting/marking them when he's between your thighs. Overall he's just completely infatuated with your thighs!
C = Cum (And anything to do with it)
He tends to try and avoid being messy most of the time BUT sometimes he just can't help himself when you're so willing to let him fill you up or even cum all over you. He loves watching you swallow and lick up his cum after he orgasms, it turns him on so much just to think about it. He may not look like it but he has A LOT of cum to share so be aware of the potential mess it could make.
D = Desires (What sexual fantasies do they have?)
I wouldn't say that Harry is the kinkiest person ever but he certainly has a few fantasies he'd like to try with you someday. He's particularly fond of the idea of fucking you on/over his desk at work, the risk of being caught by anyone walking past his office would drive him crazy in the best way possible and it's one of those "I shouldn't be doing this but it feels so good" type of scenarios. You should definitely visit him at work more often.
E = Experience (Do they know what they're doing?)
Harry isn't as experienced as you'd expect the "chosen one" to be — sure, he's practically the most famous person in the wizarding world but he's quite traditional and often misunderstands flirting for friendliness. I'd say he probably only slept with 1-3 people prior to meeting you but he makes sure to communicate with you and loves learning what you like and dislike, he takes personal pride in making you orgasm.
F = Favourite Position (What do they like?)
He's definitely a missionary type of guy. He loves the intimacy that comes with it and he especially loves being able to see your reaction to his thrusts not to mention how easier it is to kiss you this way. As I've mentioned before, he CRAVES skin on skin even after sex so this is certainly a win-win for him. Even if he's just grinding against you or getting you off, he loves being on top of you while he does it.
G = Goofy (How serious are they during sex?)
Harry tends to take sex a little more seriously than others but that doesn't mean he can't have a laugh once in a while. Sometimes he'll find himself giggling if you two accidentally bump foreheads with each other or if one of you makes a particularly amusing or unusual noise. He'd never laugh at anything you could consider to be embarrassing but he loves the little moments where you both pause to giggle at each other when something amusing does happen in the moment. Not taking yourselves too seriously is what truly makes sex all the more enjoyable.
H = Hair (How groomed are they?)
Harry isn't much of a groomer because it's virtually impossible to constantly manage his hair growth, even with the help of magical potions. He's quite hairy in the 'downstairs department' and has a quite impressive snail-trail but he does make efforts to keep himself clean and manageable for you. In addition to this, he doesn't have any qualms about your hair growth either and tends to enjoy the more natural look anyway, as long as you're comfortable w/ it.
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they during sex?)
Harry can be very romantic during sex when he needs to be, sometimes it can feel clinical if you're both busy and don't have time to put in anymore effort but he always tries to go out of his way to make an impression on you. He goes all out during holidays like valentines day or your birthday, decorating the room with candles and rose petals, setting up a warm bubble bath that you both can share and enjoy yourselves in. Sometimes he'll involve different foods like whipped cream, chocolate sauce, different fruits to eat off each other but his biggest romantic gesture is his praise. He loves telling you how good you feel, how proud he is of you and how well you're doing, etc. Anything to make you feel good.
J = Jacking Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
It depends on the week he's having to be honest and also if you're available to help him with his needs. If the week has been difficult and or stressful, he tends to masturbate between 2/3 times a week. That seems to be his average, but it can fluctuate.
K = Kinks (Things they get sexual pleasure from)
As I've mentioned before, Harry isn't the kinkiest of people but he does have his fair share of quirks. His most riskiest kink would have to be breeding, it just drives him crazy to think of filling you up with his cum, watching it drip out and getting a rush from the lack of protection, even if it can't result in pregnancy. He also loves the risk of being caught, although he tends to be quite conservative sometimes he gets the chance to have sex with you at an inappropriate time, again the idea of someone catching the two of you in the heat of the moment drives him crazy in the best way.
L = Location (How adventurous are they?)
Harry isn't very adventurous when it comes to sex but sometimes, if the moment allows, he can be quite spontaneous. The riskiest place he'd fuck you is at his office, or in the bathroom at a friends house. The idea of having to be secretive and quick to avoid being caught is something that turns him on greatly.
M = Motivation (How high is their sex drive?)
I'd say that Harry has a moderate level sex drive, he wouldn't say no if you were to ask (unless it's at an inappropriate time or he's exhausted) but he also wouldn't be upset if neither of you had sex for a week or two, or even longer depending on the circumstances. It depends on how you're both feeling.
N = No (What are things they wouldn't do?)
Harry wouldn't do things that could seriously hurt either of you, in his eyes no amount of pleasure is worth risking your lives and safety. I'd say things that could restrict your breathing, cause scars/pain/blood as well as things that involve dubious-consent are all no-no's for him. He doesn't like hurting you or being hurt either.
O = Oral (What are their preferences?)
Harry wouldn't say no to receiving but he'd have some worries about giving, as long as you're communicating with him and being vocal about what feels good and what doesn't then he'll feel a lot better. When he's in the mood for it — he's REALLY in the mood for it, he'll slurp and lick and swirl his tongue all day long. Sometimes he'll use his hands if you're needing more stimulation but most of the time his tongue is good enough to use. He also loves when you go down on him, he likes the feeling of being deep-throated but he wouldn't force you to do it if you're not comfortable.
P = Pace (Do they prefer to be fast or slow?)
Harry prefers to use a slower and deeper pace but he isn't afraid to go faster or harder when you ask for it — sometimes in the heat of the moment he uses his initiative to decide what would be best, but he'll often ask you how you want it. "want me to go faster, baby?" etc. He tends to try and be as gentle as possible.
Q = Quickies (Do they do this and if so how often?)
Harry enjoys quickies but only when he's in the mood to do something a little more riskier. For example, if you're at his office or in the bathroom, he'd take pleasure in having a quickie with you to see how fast he can make you cum without getting caught and vice versa. He can get quite competitive sometimes.
R = Risks (Are they up for experimentation?)
As I've mentioned before, he does like a bit of risk when it comes to sex but not all the time. He's definitely up for experimenting with you but there are things he will be unwilling to try. He would ask you about your boundaries beforehand and make sure to respect your decisions as you should with his own. I think he'd be interested in trying different positions, different methods of dirty-talking and even trying out a few different toys.
S = Stanima (How long can they last?)
Harry tends to finish between 5-15 minutes, his average would likely be around 5-7 minutes depending on the circumstances. If you're both trying to be quick for whatever reason you have then it's likely to last between 3-5 minutes. If you're both trying to last longer then it can reach upwards of 30 minutes to an hour (although most of this would be spent on foreplay and exploring each other)
T = Toys (Do they use them and if so what are they?)
Harry would be open to using toys like vibrators, dildos (although nothing too big), he'd also be open to using some kind of wrist restraint like handcuffs or rope if he knew how to loosen or remove them. He'd also enjoy the use of a blindfold on special occasions.
U = Unfair (Do they tease or do they like to be teased?)
Harry isn't much of a teaser unless he's feeling particularly mischievous. He does get whiny and easily frustrated when you tease him, and he enjoys being teased over teasing you. His favourite kind of tease which he often inflicts upon himself is watching you change your clothes around him. He finds it hard to resist touching you when you're hardly wearing anything around him. If he wants to make himself last longer in bed, he tends to pull out before he can cum, which usually results in the two of you being teased/edged in the process.
V = Volume (How vocal are they during sex?)
Harry isn't the loudest when it comes to sex but he does get more vocal if he's in the privacy of his own home, he'll moan and whine if you encourage him but he loves to hear your voice and often doesn't want to intterupt your moans or words in the moment.
W = Wild Card (Random Nsfw Headcanon)
Harry definitely has a second favourite position which would be doggy-style. In this position he can absolutely lose control of himself, clinging onto your waist and hips whilst he feverishly pounds into you from behind. He wants to be as close to you as possible, even in this position, so he often ends up hunching over to hold you from behind, moaning and whimpering into your ear and occasionally biting/marking your back and shoulders.
X = X-Ray (What do they like to wear?)
Harry tends to wear loose fitting boxers instead of tight fitting ones, however during sex he likes to wear little to nothing unless he needs you so bad he can't be bothered to take off his clothes.
Y = Yearning (How long can they go without sex?)
Harry can go weeks without sex, months even if there's a reason why you can't participate. Although he enjoys having sex with you, if you're unable to participate and explain why (if he doesn't already know) then he'll respect your decision. If neither of you have sex for extended periods of time, he'll just masturbate.
Z = Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep after?)
Harry tends to fall asleep quicker if the two of you are able to cuddle after sex but it doesn't drain him completely. Sometimes he'll stay awake to talk to you, or if it happens during the day he'll take a nap if it's absolutely necessary. But generally speaking he can stay awake after sex for hours depending on the circumstances.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Muzzled Ghost prompt! Where Ghost gets caught and Soap immediately goes to find him. When he does he finds that Ghost has freed himself but still has a muzzle stuck to his face and well Soap might get a little too hot under the collar seeing his Lt angry, victorious, and annoyed about the muzzle but surely they don't need to get to the exfil right away do they?
Yes... Yes... I'm loving these asks
Soap was staring. He shouldn't be, but christ how can you blame him??
His Lt was a sight to see. Stripped down to his tactical pants, lines over his chest from where he was no doubt tightly tied down, but never secured. His blond hair spiked up and messy. He was clean, no blood or dirt on him which was shocking considering. Though, it seemed Soap had killed everyone coming in, meaning Ghost just had to free himself.
That was all... one thing. Already, Soap would be gagging for him. But now, there was the added fact that Ghost was collared and muzzled. They had used brown leather ones, obviously meant for a human with the way they curved around his jaw. The collar and muzzle had a string that kept him from moving his head properly.
"Johnny, thank fuck. It's locked. You have a lockpick right?" Ghost looked at him, pausing once they made eye contact. Soap realized he was drooling. "I know you like me shirtless but pull yourself together Sergeant." He crossed his arms over his chest like he was a blushing bride trying to protect himself from Soap's wandering eyes.
"I um... Yeah I..." Wait. He laughed awkwardly. "Actually... I don't have a lockpick... Mine broke at the beginning of this mission. Remember?"
"Jesus fucking Christ." Ghost tugged at the leather, making it press taut against his skin and Soap went weak in the fucking knees. "Help. Me." He hissed at him.
"You look so fucking good." Soap mumbled, accent thick as honey over his words.
Ghost went red, all the way down his chest. "You kinky bastard. Like seeing me in a fucking collar?"
"Collar is helping, but that's not my focus, Lt." He reached up, grabbed the muzzle and yanking him down. Without his boots, Simon was still tall, but he didn't tower over him quite as much.
"Bloody Hell." Ghost mumbled out. "I'm the one muzzled but you're the one acting like a fucking dog." He looked embarrassed. Fucking hell. His badass Lt, bashful..
Soap couldn't kiss him so he pulled him closer, starting to back him up.
"Can't it wait just a minute, Simon? I think if we don't fuck, I'm going to die here." He pressed his hard cock to Ghost's legs, looking up at him desperately.
"Jesus Christ. Are you still open from before?"
"Yep! Shame I can't fuck you, but we can always get a muzzle for home."
Ghost shook his head but let Soap desperately undo Ghost's pants. He shoved him down, realizing he was probably sore and hurting from everything.
"I'll just take care of you right now okay?" Soap got on top of him.
Ghost shook his head and looked up at him. "Jo-"
"Put your hands behind your head and keep them there." Soap interrupted.
Ghost stared at him for a moment before slowly, achingly, complying. He crossed his wrists, pale skin all on display. Soap needed to appreciate this view more. Fucking hell.
"God you're gorgeous."
"Johnny." He bit it out like it was warning but he was clearly starting to enjoy himself. Soap took off his pants and settled more properly on Ghost's hips.
Ghost stayed eerily still, staring up at him. His pupils had dilated, taking up the majority of his iris. Soap swallowed thickly and wondered briefly how feral Ghost could get. Part of him wanted to push. See what he could make him do. Ghost had a knack for making Soap a pathetic needy mess, but with the way Ghost was staring into his soul like he'd devour it if his mouth wasn't covered, he wondered if that went both ways.
Soap spit on to his fingers before sliding them into himself. Ghost tensed but his hands stayed where they were supposed to. It would sting a little, but Soap hated having to wait through prep in the best of circumstances. He knew it was necessary, but Christ, he wanted the real thing.
So Soap quickly sank down on Ghost, panting softly at the feeling. "You're so big."
Ghost's hips jerked up into him and Soap quickly grabbed the collar. The tiny whimper that got from Ghost was going to be in every single one of Soap's wet dreams for the rest of his damn life.
"Don't move." Soap ground down on him and Ghost fluttered his eyelashes at him.
"Johnny. Please, we don't have time for you to tease me."
God Soap hated that he was right. He started moving faster, slowly moving up and down on him with a lazy grin. Fuck it felt like Ghost was tearing him apart, but he wouldn't let Ghost know that. "You so rarely give me control, sir. Forgive me for wanting to indulge." His thighs pressed against either side of Ghost's hips, clenching around him.
Ghost moaned. Soap almost drooled at the sweet sound. His mouth could be seen through the leather and he could see it was open. His soft tongue just barely visible. He was trying so hard to stay still.
"Good boy." Soap offered and Ghost groaned, head falling back. He started riding him much faster, with much more purpose. His hands reached down and grabbed the soft flesh of his pecs. Soap wanted to be greedy. Take his fill of this before the mask went on and Ghost went back to being his rough and tough Lt. He leaned down and bit his shoulder, feeling him almost shake with the desperate need to touch Soap.
Ghost looked at him, eyes hooded and desperate. Black greasepaint smearing down his face. "Fine."
"fine?" Soap echoed, a bit confused.
"I'll let you muzzle me and get fucking creative later just speed up." Ghost groaned.
Soap's brain went wild with ideas already but he couldn't deny him. He scratched down his chest as he bounced on him, twisting his hips slightly when he almost got to the base of his cock.
Ghost panted and moaned, making it hard for Soap to keep a rhythm when he sounded like that. His hips kept stuttering or thighs clenching.
"Come on, Simon. I got you." Soap ran his nails over and Ghost came inside him, going quiet as he did. He stroked himself to finish on Ghost's chest.
They silently got dressed afterward and eventually found Ghost's gear. He had his extra lockpick in and they quickly got Ghost out of the muzzle and collar. He pulled his mask back on.
Soap stashed the muzzle into one of his pockets. For later.
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kamisama-kyaa · 9 months
can you please continue Unrequited Love | Mercy X Genji X Reader? IT'S SO GREATT! i want to see what happened after the reader gone? does genji feel bad? does genji find out that the reader like him? i understand that this is a one shot but- IT SO GOOD and it's just really sad with the fact that there are no second part or more part after this...
Unrequited Love (Pt. 2) | Mercy X Genji X Reader
It's been years... probably around 6 years since you up and left Overwatch. You watched on the news how the organization fell apart after Sojourn testified against them in court and that was the main downfall. You missed everyone. You left without a trace; no one could find you. Did you like it that way...? Maybe, you weren't quite sure how to feel. Your heart would hurt every now and then when you thought about your old friends and how you couldn't ask them if they were okay. Contact with any former Overwatch agent would get you in trouble...
After all you were in Talon now.
"You in your head again?" Sombra asked coming out of her stealth ability.
"Just thinking." You would respond shortly.
"Boss wants us to meet. You in?"
"Yeah." You replied. Letting out a loud sigh and picking up your weapon, you turned around to face Sombra. She offered a slight smirk and turned on her heels to presumably alert other Talon agents of this meeting.
_-Time Skip-_
Mission Brief: Talon agents are tasked with landing in Circuit Royal. Escort the payload to the end, by any means.
"I see that someone couldn't be bothered to write more than they could read." Moira scoffed while rolling her eyes at the mission brief. You could agree, it was quite short but Doomfist was never the type to share more information than he wanted his agents to know. You and your teammates, Moira, Sombra, Reaper, and Sigma, sat in your seats within the ship.
"What did you expect? He couldn't have even come on this mission." Reaper shook his head.
"I expect that with a leader role there should be more direction." Moira threw the mission brief hologram projector to the side. "Ugh, get on with it and get us to the place." She reclined in her chair shutting her eyes. Sombra rolled her eyes and sat in the pilot's chair booting up the ship's system.
You looked out the window. It was a short flight from Talon's base, Italy to Circuit Royal, Monaco. As time went by, you had a strange gut feeling that something wrong was coming. Of course, if you had voiced your opinion to your teammates they would have brushed you off and calling you annoying. So, it was best to just keep it to yourself. Talon was nothing like Overwatch. There was no friendships or someone to confide in. No happy moments or warmth to be felt. Was this the feeling of loneliness? It couldn't be, you've felt loneliness even when you were a part of Overwatch. You felt the loneliness when Genji would talk about that damn doctor to you for hours. How stupid was he to never see your feeli- You shook your head frantically. You shouldn't think about him, but he was the reason why you left Overwatch in the first place...
After landing, your group finds the precious payload that was assigned for you all to escort. Everything was going smoothly until you heard heavy footsteps around the corner.
"Looks like we have company." Sombra smirked while cloaking herself in her stealth form, running into a building to scope out the approaching enemies,
"Agents. We've detected a threat to our objective. Get rid of them." One of talon's agents back at base radioed to the group through the comms.
"Oh but what if they are friendly?" Sigma asked, not even touching his communicator piece for the Talon agent to hear him. Moira punched Sigma in the shoulder and told him to focus. He looked sad but did as what he was told, positioning him in front of the payload and the team. The footsteps were growing louder as the team slowly inched forward with the moving payload.
You hear a metal mechanism deposit something, then green shurikens are headed straight at your team, everyone dodges and they stick to the wall right next to you. You snap your head to the shurikens. 'It can't be...' You thought. There they were. Your old team... Genji, Reinhardt, Cassidy, even your old teammate Baptiste, and ...Of course Mercy. Talon quickly recovered from the shuriken distraction as Overwatch slowly closed the gap and stood their ground. Reinhardt spoke up,
"Hold fast, do not let them through!" His loud voice sent shivers down your spine. It hit you with nostalgia just from all your previous missions with him.
"An old man like you should have retired long ago." Reaper snarked while blowing all his shotgun ammo into Rein's shield. Everyone joined in on the fight to break the shield. You couldn't help yourself, you new that the real target was Mercy. No matter what, you needed her to be dead. She would be the reason this fight would be drawn out. You raised your weapon and took aim at the angel. You just needed one shot to take her down. Before you could even make your move. He jumped up and deflected anything headed towards Mercy's way.
"Damn it." You cursed under your breath. Of course he would be protecting her, you thought.
"(Name)..." Genji landed on his two feet. You met his gaze. It was jus the two of you, it seemed like the distant battle wasn't even there. Everything went quiet, you were so focused on Genji and he was with you. "I never thought I'd see you again. This is where you were all this time?" He took a step forward, but you readied your weapon. You warned him to not take another step towards you. "(Name)-chan. We don't have to do this. Why must you fight along with Talon? Come back and join Overwa-"
"Shut it, Shimada." You barked. "You'll never know how you and the rest of Overwatch made me feel." He shot you a confused look. To him, it seemed like everything was fine. You ran away 6 years ago, but he couldn't piece together why you did. For all he knew, he thought you were tired of the constant war against Omnics. "God, all this time and you still haven't realized why I left, Shimada? You're more of an idiot than I remember."
"...Is this the path that you've chosen?" Genji slowly got into his fighting stance.
"I wouldn't have if you had just opened your eyes... Genji, I never wanted to be just a teammate or just a friend. It was so obvious that I liked you, or at least I thought I liked you. But, you were too blinded by your beloved angel. You couldn't have seen anything. You did this to me, Genji. All those times you told me about your crush, Ziegler. Think about all the times I felt alone and disappointed because you liked her." You sighed. A grim smile grew on your face. "That's why I need to do this." You finished while quickly aiming up at the medic. Genji ran to stop you but before he could, it was too late.
It took one shot. One shot to take her out. Her dead body falling down to the ground. The Overwatch team was stunned. They did not anticipate for one of their healers to go down so soon. Genji ran to Mercy's lifeless body. They were all distracted so this gave leverage to Talon. They broke Rein's shield.
"We have to leave!" Baptiste shouted to the Overwatch team. You were not going to let them get away with her body. You knew better than to let them take her body. They might have mastered the art of resurrection outside of Ziegler's knowledge. You and Reaper teamed up to assault those who surrounded the body. Without cover, they wouldn't be able to drag her body with them. Rein took most of the bullets while Baptiste pumped him with healing, trying not to let another teammate go down. Cassidy had to drag Genji off of Ziegler's body.
"Genji, C'mon we gotta go!"
"NO!" Genji shouted while desperately to reach towards Ziegler's body.
"I'm sorry, Genji." Cassidy took out his illegal old stun powder so that Genji would stop resisting. The Overwatch team retracted from the fight and disappeared in the distance.
"Nicely done." Reaper praised you. The two of you looked at the cold corpse on the ground that the two of you had secured. "Should have been done sooner." He glared at the body on the ground. Reaper then picked up the corpse and threw it on the moving Payload.
"All those antics about ethics... Maybe I could put her back together" Moira had an evil smirk on her face while she pet Mercy's head.
"Do whatever you please." You rolled your eyes. You walked a bit in front of the group. This was it. You got the revenge that you so wanted. Did this make you happy? Or was this the beginning of the end?
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