#i missed the boys a lot<3333
kwakjiseoks · 11 months
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ljubitelj-sonca · 2 days
How to find your way around Joblr!
Hello! This is your first time on Joblr and you're wondering how this works? So relatable, been there, this website can be confusing!
But do not fret. We're happy to have you here and want you to have a good time.
So here's a guide on how to exist on Tumblr dot com and how to have a good time being a fan of Joker Out on this website.
Collectively written by the Joblr Discord Server.
Here you'll find:
what you are getting yourself into
a step by step guide on how this website works
spoken and unspoken rules of RPF on tumblr
First of all, what are you getting yourself into?
So many talented artists, writers, editors, gif makers, meme makers, it's actually wild! And they all do this for free!!
Long rant posts with detailed analyses on whatever new photos Damon has taken of the guys
Pics, Gifs, vids and clips of gigs, interviews and their social media, also often throwbacks (with sources/credits if the original posters didn't take them themselves)
So many lovely and unhinged thoughts people leave in the tags when reblogging your posts (more on how that works later) so you see direct reactions to what you've made
A very chill environment with virtually no drama or arguments (and we really mean that <3), the only thing we're feral about are the guys
Cons (or something):
The "what is Kris's hair colour?" discourse pops up every couple months
So many polls (but are we really complaining about that?)
You're intrigued! Nice! How does all this work then?
Step 1 - your blog:
Create your blog and customize it.
Unfortunately Tumblr is dealing with a lot of bots that look exactly like new blogs. So if you keep your profile picture and header as the default one, blogs you follow might think you're a bot and block you. TO PREVENT THAT: change your profile pic and header to something you like and maybe add something in your description, even if it's just "Hi, I'm just here to lurk, do not perceive me".
That shows other blogs that you're a real person and they'll enjoy having you as a follower.
Step 2 - general tags:
Take a look at some tags you enjoy.
Tumblr is all about tagging, which is essentially nothing other than a hashtag, but they're only at the very bottom of a post, in a separate little section. (Writing "#joker out" in the middle of your post does absolutely nothing, but if you use the tag "joker out" in the tags section, your post will appear in the "#joker out" tag on tumblr)
For example, we have tags for each of the boys, as well as a general "joker out" of course. But there are also tags for ships (more on ships later!). Find some you're interested in and take a peep inside.
(You can also follow tags to find them easier again later.)
Step 3 - reblogging (and more tags):
See a post you like? Reblog it!
Reblogging is just about the best thing about tumblr, it's truly the easiest and quickest way to connect with other blogs.
A reblog is a little bit like a retweet on Twitter, it is not a repost! You are taking a copy of the post and slapping it onto your blog, kinda like a scrap book. But the fun thing: you can leave your thoughts!
Here's where tags come back into play: they're not only to file your posts and to have them appear in tags, they're the place to leave any little comments you might have.
For example: you see a post with a gif of Kris at a gig, he's wearing an outfit you like and fun sunglasses. So you click on the little reblog button. At the very bottom of the post, you have the gray bubble with the tag "#add tags to help people find your post" (or whatever it corresponds to in your language) (or just "add tags" on mobile). Click it, and write what you think.
#Kris i missed you!! #he looks so good in that jacket #and also thank you to whoever gave him those sunglasses #<3333 #Kris Guštin #joker out
Then when you reblog the post, it will appear on your blog with those tags at the bottom. The tags you leave on a post will only be on your blog. Someone in turn can reblog the post from your blog and leave their own tags.
The original poster (short: op) will see all the tags people leave on their post in their activity and other people can see them when they click on "notes". It's so much fun to click through what people leave in the tags, be it your own post or someone else's.
Of course you don't have to reblog posts, the like button is there too. But reblogs are the only way posts are spread throughout the fandom, as there is no proper algorithm (which we're all very glad about!!!), and they're the way for you to personalise your blog. So reblog liberally! It's how this website thrives!
Step 4 - following blogs:
Follow blogs you enjoy!
In order for posts to appear on your feed (your timeline), you have to follow blogs, that makes sense. So when you find a blog whose posts (or art or writing or whatever they blog about) you like, give them a follow.
Now, on other websites it might be seen as creepy to spamlike someone's account. Here it's like the biggest compliment ever to go through someone's blog and like and reblog a lot of their posts (especially if you leave your thoughts in the tags). It is absolutely flattering!
Step 5 - making posts:
Make posts if you want.
It's totally fine to just exist on this website and to like and reblog stuff, there is absolutely no pressure. But posting is fun!
You made some art? You took a photo or video at a concert? You have a question about something or just a cursed thought? We'd love to see it! Slap it into a post and share it with the Joker Out world.
Add tags about the people involved so others can find it, a little "#my art/video/pic" so we know you made/took it yourself, and even share some behind the scenes thoughts in the tags if you want.
Tags for a drawing can look like this for example:
#this took me so long #but I'm really proud of how it turned out!! #the shading was a struggle but oh welk #*well #tried a new brush #jure maček #my art #joker out
And then others can like and reblog your post with their own thoughts.
Keep in mind: do not (re)post someone else's art/Gifs/writing without their explicit consent! If you do (with their consent), credit them (you can add links to text by highlighting the text and clicking on the little link symbol, then copying the link into the bar. It looks like this.) (Here is a handy guide on how to repost Gifs on Tumblr while giving proper credit at the same time.) Same goes for sharing photos the band, their photographers or their friends have posted on social media: give credit when needed. 
There has been a serious issue with people stealing Gifs off of Tumblr and posting them on Twitter without consent or credit. That is not okay! People spend a lot of time and effort making them, having them get stolen like that is incredibly frustrating!
Step 6 - making friends:
Interact with other people.
Now, we totally get that this is scary. But think about this: everyone else on this website, in this fandom, is just some guy (gender neutral). We're all wimps giggling, kicking our feet at five slovenian men and their music. Honestly, there's nothing scary about us, even if it might feel like it.
But we love making friends! And that doesn't necessarily entail sliding into some DMs to talk to people (but you can do that, most blogs are super okay with that), there are many ways to interact with others on this website.
The tags are one way of course, for your own thoughts or to respond to something OP has mentioned in their post. Making posts and polls and asking people to interact with you is another way, then you can see their thoughts in the tags, how fun is that!
Another way is asks, which is a special bonus feature on Tumblr. When you're on someone's blog, some have a little bubble below their description with "ask me anything" or something along that inside (unless they have turned off the feature). Click that, and you can ask them a question which they can then respond to publicly (or privately) in a post.
People use this feature for writing or art prompts, ask games, birthday wishes, or just to ask random questions or share thoughts. You can even send anonymous asks if you're too shy (some people take advantage of that to send anonymous hate. Do not be one of those people!). But it's always nice to have a face behind the ask.
Keep in mind, not all artists/writers are open for prompts or requests. Some state it somewhere on their blog if they are or aren't, some reblog lists with prompts and explicitly ask for them. If you're unsure, send them an ask or a DM and ask about it.
Then there are also Discord servers of course. There are a couple different ones floating around. If you're interested in the Joblr one for example, feel free to send me a DM! :D
Step 7 - ignoring and blocking:
Saw something you don't like? No stress, just ignore it.
It's as easy as that. The best way to have a good time in fandom, is to focus on what you enjoy. So when someone makes a post you don't like or has a take you disagree with, just scroll past it.
If you feel like the blog and its posts you don't like keep appearing, block them. For real, the block button is your friend. And no one is going to be mad at you, promise.
Arguing on the internet is not fun for anyone involved (you, the person who made the post, everyone who sees your argument), especially when it's about personal opinions (that includes interpretations, ships, even kinks). So it's best to just. not.
There’s also the option to blacklist/filter tags, if you don’t like a specific ship for example, but it’s also really helpful for triggers you’d rather not see! On desktop, you do so by clicking “Settings” and then scrolling down until you see “Content you see”. There under “Filtered Tags” you can add tags you’d rather avoid, and under “Filtered Post Content” you can do the same with, well, post content. On mobile, you go to your blog and click the settings icon, then “Account Settings”, then “Content You See”. There you’ll find “Filtered Tags” and “Filtered Post Content”.
This way, posts that are tagged with the filtered tag or include the filtered word will be blocked with the message “This post contains filtered tags/content”. There’s also a button to view the post anyways, but you do so at your own risk of course! There’s content you’d rather not see behind it!
(Of course, if you see someone being bigoted, being particularly hateful or spreading misinformation, that's a different thing! It's totally fine to defend or correct someone. In most cases, the comment section or even DMs is the best place for that, to keep it about the people involved. Making posts about it, will let it get out of hand and is rarely necessary, unless it's really important.)
Spoken and unspoken rules of RPF (real people fiction) on Tumblr (and by extension: AO3)
(In no particular order)
1. They're real people.
Joker Out's members (and their friends) are real people we know virtually nothing about. We know that we know virtually nothing about them. And we are totally okay with this.
The people we post about, write fics about, draw are fictionalised versions of the real people (maybe with the exception of when we post pics/vids we've taken or share what they've shared on social media). Most of it is made up, because again, we don't know them. And in no way shape or form is anything we write/post/draw speculation about what they might be like in real life. We know this and are okay with this and that's exactly what makes RPF fun.
This way we can just make shit up! Wanna draw them in skirts? Give them random jobs? Trans their genders? Think about different dynamics? All of that is fair game, because it's all made up.
So when we call Kris a princess and Jan a babygirl, we are not reducing them to that or think that they're only like this in real life. In the next sentence, we might call Jan a hunky dude, and both are correct.
Same goes for ships. Ships like Jan x Nace, or Kris x Damon stem from the interactions the real people share with us, but in the end, anything we make of it is entirely made up and doesn't represent the real people at all. Be it an AU or something that could've happened during an event that really happened.
You'll often find disclamers like this (much shorter versions tho) in the beginning notes of fics.
2. Keep fandom in fandom spaces.
Fandom is not a secret, the guys are probably well aware of what's happening on social media in their fandom spaces (though probably no specifics). So far they have not expressed any discomfort with any of it, even encouraged it in some way or another.
If that ever changes, if they ever do say that they are uncomfortable with what is written about them, we will respect that and refrain from doing so. Their comfort comes first.
Still, we don't want them to accidentally stumble across something they haven't been actively searching for, so we keep it on Tumblr and AO3, where it's unlikely they'll just randomly find it.
So please refrain from sharing art/fics on sites like Twitter or Instagram, which we know they frequent, if the artists don't post them there themselves. 
3. Don’t like? Don’t read.
This rule goes for basically everything on the internet and corresponds with Step 7 - Ignoring and blocking, but it’s helpful to repeat it here again.
You might enjoy being in a real people fandom differently than others. Maybe you don’t like reading fics about the people involved, or don’t like some interpretations others have of them. That is totally okay! Everyone enjoys different things.
But if you don’t like something, simply don’t read it - or scroll past it, or block the blog, or filter the tag, you get the gist. Receiving comments like, “this is so weird, why does this exist? Why are people like this?” is incredibly hurtful and will gain the commenter absolutely nothing (apart from others thinking they’re a super shitty person), so don’t leave them. Just go on with your day.
Tldr: Be respectful, be mindful, be creative, be open, and if need be, take a step back. That’s really all it takes.
Alrighty! Now you know a whole lot more about how Tumblr works and how we're existing in the fandom here.
We hope you're staying for longer than just to lurk about what it's like here, and that you're having a good time. We’re looking forward to going feral about Joker Out with you!
If you have any questions, the comment section is a good place to leave them, there others can find them and the answers as well. Or feel free to try out the ask button on my blog <3
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My Cute, Baby Giraffe
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A/N : Hello! Here's a little fic for u bc Niki is adorable :>
Pairing : Bf!Niki X Fem!Reader
Warnings : Fluff, Niki is a little upsetti spaghetti, snuggling and cuddling, kissing(little bit of a make out?), tickle fight, name calling
Word count : 667 words
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"Hi baby" you greet him, your smile dropping when you see his frown. He offers you a sad smile. Partly because he was happy to finally see you but at the same time he still felt like crap after practice.
He doesn't say anything but makes his way to your bed where you close your laptop and sit up to welcome him better. He lays on his stomach with his hands wrapped around your waist and his face somewhere on your lap.
You coo at him and gently caress his hair, making him hum in appreciation. "Bad day today?" you ask softly when you see his eyes close. He just nods and snuggles deeper into your warm body.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" you offer, tilting your head to look down at him. He remains silent but doesn't shake his head neither.
"It's nothing" he begins, not raising his head from your lap. "Practise was just overly tiring today" he explains, sighing. "And I w-wasn't really acing the moves" he sniffles, closing his eyes once again to block his tears.
He hides his face into your thighs and you smile sadly at his cuteness. "It okay Riki, you'll get them next time for sure" you don't stop caressing his hair "Maybe you just need to rest a little"
You can feel him nod as he hugs your waist tighter. "And I Missed you too" he continues, making your heart ache in your chest. He was such a sweet boy.
"Aw, I missed you too Riki" you unwrap his arms from your waist and bring him up to your chest so he can hug you. His arms now wrap around your torso and his head rests on your chest. "Missed you a lot" he mumbles.
He suddenly pulls away and looks at you for a hot second, almost as if he's wondering whether he's dreaming or not. He leans in a little and you lean into him halfway, connecting you lips.
You can feel him smile into the kiss, finally happy that you were so close to him. He climbs into your lap as he struggles to kiss you due to the height difference. "mph, you're so short" he say between kisses.
He captures your lips again but you pull back "And you're like a giraffe" you reply back breathlessly, pulling him back into your kissing session. He giggles a little and you giggle too "My cute, baby giraffe" you add once you pull away, leaning back in to boop his nose with your own. With your foreheads touching, you stare into each others eyes and wonder how both of your got so lucky.
It's not long before his cheeky hands snake around your sides and start wiggling like crazy, tickling the living day lights out of you. You start laughing non-stop, breathlessly begging him to stop as you try to grab his arms.
Instead, he grabs your arms, with his left hand, binding your wrists above your head. You laughter subsides as you find yourself looking at him again. He looks at your helpless figure and smirks. Heck, he can hold you down with just one hand.
He leans down again, his lips barely brushing yours, just to tease you before chuckling and actually pressing his lips to yours. His hands let go of yours to be able to wrap themselves around you again, and so do yours.
Ugh how you can't get enough of each other. You try to pull away but he places one hand at the back of your head, pulling you closer into his lips. He giggles at your heavy breathing when he finally pulls away.
Your head falls back into your pillows due to how lightheaded you were feeling. He falls into bed with you too, snuggling back up to your chest and kissing your cheek this time.
"You're so cute y/n" he adores, smiling contently when you start to brush his hair again with your fingers.
"I love you"
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Hi again :) I hope you liked this post, inbox open, but only for short requests! Have a good day/night and remember that ily <3333
If you enjoyed reading this post you can help support my blog by tipping me here! Anything is highly appreciated :)
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anisespice · 1 year
hi uhhhhhhhhhhhh can i request the tokyo revengers characters walking in on the reader changing u dont have to do it if ur not comfortable sorryyyy
no discomfort here, anon! pretty tame request actually lol not sure if you wanted it this…detailed BUT thank you for your patience and for requesting - hope you enjoy <3333
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pairing: college!tr x fem!reader
warnings: mature language, MDI. mentions of sex, dirty-talk, vulgar language, name-calling (pervert, baby, sweetheart, bitch, etc.), them literally being obsessed with you lol and i think that’s it — feel free to let me know if i missed anything :))))
notes: special thanks to @melanatedkink as always for her help <3333 and figured this format would be a lot more fun than trying to come up with several elaborate scenarios lol hope you guys enjoy!
tagged: @fantasycantasy , @spacegirl05
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They were waiting in your living room for what felt like HOURS (of which was only a few minutes) for you to get ready, eager to spend the evening with you. A little too eager. Without much thought, they marched straight to your bedroom and came right in. The sight before them wasn’t something they were expecting, but their reactions were for the books.
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Delinquent.exe stopped working. His grip around the doorknob became so strong, you’d think he’d rip it right off the wood. Didn’t matter where his eyes landed, you were EXPOSED as the day you were born. And to make matters embarrassingly worse, his pants immediately grew tighter at the mere sight of you. You jump, obviously startled by his sudden presence, and shriek at him in protest. He's still standing there, borderline beatboxing as he fights between apologizing profoundly and gassing you up. 
When CHIFUYU opened the door right as you bent over, facing away as you slipped on a fresh pair of underwear, your entire pussy greeting him was definitely not on his agenda for tonight. The noise he let out was between a choke and a squeak as he practically shoved his fist in his mouth, eyes wide as his face flushed vermillion. It didn’t help when his dick began to salute you, hands quickly reaching down to adjust his body’s ‘not-so-subtle’ response to the display. With a yelp, you tugged the skimpy garment all the way up in startlement, peeking over your shoulder as you shielded your bare upper half. You didn’t even need to scold him, Chifuyu beat you to it as he stuttered over himself, stuck between hiding his erection and reaching for the door as he tap-danced around the situation. God, the image was singed into his brain, he swore he could see it every time he blinked. 
You couldn't even be mad, his stammering too amusing to even hold a frown anymore. Not to mention, the evident tent in his pants he so poorly tried to conceal; he looked so pitiful, how could you not fuck him out of his misery? But, don't forget to make him squirm for it.
" P-please...please, baby, I can't...I can't take it a-anymor-Oh!"
You took your sweet time sliding all the way down his throbbing length, pussy fluttering around him in pulses that nearly drove him up the wall, back arching as he whimpered distressingly. His knuckles were bone white from how harshly he gripped the sheets, teeth clamped down on his lower lip as he fought the urge to buck upward, not wanting to piss you off—You absolutely would leave him high and dry if he disobeyed your instructions to hold still.
"Tsk. Perverts like you should be grateful I'm even letting you near my pussy. Maybe next time you'll knock before barging in on someone changing."
He pouted at the dig, "...said I was sorry..."
"I know you are, 'Fuyu. But, sorry's not gonna cut it this time. Now be a good boy, and take what I give you."
[ also could be: SHINICHIRO, KAZUTORA, SOUYA ]
Immediately slams the door shut. Tries to play it cool, acting nonchalantly as he softly apologizes from the other side. Contemplates his next move when he goes back to the couch, set on not speaking to you for the rest of the year out of shame. Luckily, you made it known he had nothing to be ashamed of.
“Shit-!” was the only indication you had of the door even opening, just getting done with sticking your head through the shirt hole as you caught it being slammed shut at the very last second. Your simmering guest stood on the other side, struggling to ground himself from seeing your bare tits all in their glory. Rubbing the front of his face with a groan, RINDOU had half of mind to just walk the fuck home and save himself the humiliation. The door was closed, for fuck sake! A clear sign that you weren’t…decent. Blaming it on living with Ran all his life, with knocking being a rarity, the walking mullet exhaled deeply before heading back to the living room, sitting patiently on the couch this time.
He'd properly apologize once you came out.
After a few more minutes, you eventually did. However, the expression on your face was far from what he anticipated. You looked... smug? Despite his look of indifference, you could tell how flustered he actually was. With a raised brow, Rindou defensively gave a sharp, “What?” as you continued to scrutinize him.
He half expected for you to call him an idiot, and lecture him on the importance of knocking. But, when you merely lifted your shirt up by the hem to expose your bare chest, borderline forcing him to look this time, Rindou ‘bout busted right then and there in his pants like a goddamn virgin.
With a playful pout, you replied. “Don’t you want a closer look?”
Hell yes.
Doesn’t get any closer than having you pinned down to the couch, your shirt discarded elsewhere as he sucked on your little nubs ‘til they were raw, blowing cool air on them to illicit more delicious sounds from your kiss-bitten lips. Both of his hands multitasked between fondling the squishy mounds and playing with your weeping cunt as Rin stretched you around three of his fingers, dead set on getting you ready to take his dick whole. Probably shouldn’t have teased him like that; he finna ruin you for anyone else.
“Was trynna be respectful ‘n shit, sweetheart…not anymore.”
[ also could be: BAJI, MITSUYA, KAKUCHO ]
Isn’t phased at all, if anything he’d continue standing there and give himself an eye full. You can yell at him, throw things, hide, it didn’t matter—You’ve been keeping him waiting, might as well reward him for his patience thus far. 
“Oo, lookie what we have here.~”
It would be a lie to say he wasn’t hoping for this outcome when he entered your room, unannounced. A good couple of minutes had gone by while HANMA stood in the doorway, greedy eyes soaking up your naked, unsuspecting form until he eventually made his presence known with a low whistle. You squawked out various expletives, quickly ducking to crouch by your bed in order to hide yourself from the Peeping Tom.
“Ohmygod! Shuji, get the hell out!”
“Mmm...nah, don’t think I will. Kinda like the view from where I’m standing.” He all but giggled, too pleased with how flustered you were; how cute.
You seethed, face practically on broil as you started throwing anything and everything to make him leave—A slipper, the tv remote, a stuffed animal, even some of your discarded clothes. Not your best idea…especially when you accidentally tossed your underwear. Of course he’d dodge everything else, but that. The golden eyed devil caught it with ease, the hand marked ‘Sin’ holding up the flimsy garment wearing a crooked grin as he dangled it in front of his face; taunting you.
“Give it.” With as much sternness you could muster from your pitiful position, you held out a hand expecting him to relent. Of course, he doesn’t. Hanma snickered.
“You want ‘em? Come get ‘em, doll.”
It would be a lie to say he wasn’t hoping for this outcome when he entered your room, unannounced. With your face buried in the sheets, a hand marked ‘Punishment’ pushing your back into a deeper arch while he fucked you from behind with the vigor of an animal in heat, Hanma thought he’d won the lottery. The way your pussy practically drooled around his girth with every hard thrust he gave you, your arousal smeared all over his abdomen and even dripping down his thighs, it was a wonder why he never thought to walk in on you sooner.
Even if you still bitched for the knocking, or lack thereof, he knew you weren’t too upset at him—Not with the way you were sucking him back in so eagerly.
“Ah!~ s-so…s’ deep in me, Shu..! N-Ne—Mm! Need you t’ slow down..!” You reached back to push at his hips, your weak attempt futile as he merely held your wrist behind your back. Hanma laughed, angling his thrusts upward to hook your sweet spot just to spite your desperate pleas.
“Had me waitin’ out there forever, [______]. Slow is the last thing I’m gonna do to you. Next time…lock the door.”
[ also could be: MIKEY, NAHOYA, RAN ]
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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llamagoddessofficial · 7 months
hi!!! i love hmf! sans so fucking much he's just a combo of all my favs <3333, i had an idea for him. what if MC and him dated back before his injury, but her ran away cause ~commitment issues~, and now they meet again, several years later, as completely different people? i feel like in that case The World We Knew by Frank Sinatra would fit him REALLY well. just that bitter longing for a life he can't have anymore...im going feral. ilysm your writing gives me life have a blessed day
the ANGST.
He'd be extra determined to stay away from her, once he has his injury. No matter how hard he misses her, no matter how many hours he spends fantasising about the future they could've had, no matter how the pain never eases despite the time going by. She was the love of his life- and he wants her last memory of him to be the attractive bad boy that could make her laugh so hard her cheeks were hot to the touch.
He doesn't want her to see what he's become... a corpse of the man she once knew. It's better if she thinks he just abandoned her because he's a shit person. She'll move on faster, that way.
As for them meeting- it could go one of two ways. Either she recognises him, or she doesn't.
If she recognises him, it's a lot softer of an encounter than he anticipated. He thought she'd yell at him; and she definitely does, she yells and hits him. But after she's yelled her throat hoarse she holds his face and softly, heartbrokenly asks "What happened to you?"
If she doesn't... well, the fact that she doesn't know who he is makes him start to fantasise about starting anew. Especially when she isn't as afraid of him as he thought she'd be. She fell in love with a skeleton once before, right? Maybe... maybe she could do it again...?
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mononijikayu · 1 day
“a life, a sparkle in your eyes/heaven coming through” — gojo satoru.
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It was a smile that spoke volumes, conveying a multitude of emotions in its simple curve. It was a smile of acceptance, of love, of unwavering support for the choices you had made. And in that smile, you found reassurance, a silent affirmation that you were cherished and adored just as you were, in every form and iteration. One that you hadn’t seen in a long time. And Satoru somehow has the kindest one you’ve ever seen before. The most precious.
GENRE: post hidden - inventory arc (2010s)
WARNING/S: domesticity, fluff, angst, trauma, implied death, violence, romance, hurt/comfort, character death depiction of death, depictions of loss and depression, depiction of blood, depiction of killing, depiction of suffering, depiction of anxiety, mention of death, mention of grief, profanity, family drama;
LISTEN: the astronaut by jin of bts
NOTE: jin of bts is returning from the military in a couple of hours and this song was on repeat and i had a satoru idea so here we are!!! anyway, i love you!!! ill see you in the next update of ashes of love <3333
u s and t h e m
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YOU REFLECT A LOT ABOUT YOUR LIFE. You lost faith in love a long time ago. You had been surrounded by love all your life, enveloped in its warmth and comfort. But then your father died, and you were taken from your mother. Your world shattered, leaving you adrift in a sea of sorrow. Then it was Kaiko and Namie who became your anchors. You clung to them desperately, finding solace in their presence and, once more, you were surrounded by love. 
But the cycle repeated itself cruelly. Somehow, no matter how you want to escape it, the same suffering was bound to repeat itself. Namie died, and Kaiko went insane, driven mad by her own grief, and left you to inflict her pain upon the world. And then you spilled her blood with your hands, trying to prevent more suffering. You were alone again, cast into the abyss of solitude. Suffering the voices in your head and the shadow of a lost love.
It was a bleak existence, a never-ending cycle of loss and heartache, until one fateful day. You found a cat stuck in a tree, its desperate cries mirroring your own silent pleas for help. As you struggled to rescue the frightened creature, a voice called out to you. It was Gojo Satoru, a first-year boy with striking white hair and a confident demeanor. He approached with an easy smile, offering his assistance without hesitation.
It was a bleak existence, a never-ending cycle of loss and heartache, until one fateful day. You found a cat stuck in a tree, its desperate cries mirroring your own silent pleas for help. As you struggled to rescue the frightened creature, a voice called out to you. It was Gojo Satoru, a first-year boy with striking white hair and a confident demeanor. It was hard to not know what he looked like. You’ve seen him enough in the clan gatherings, though never once interacted with him. And besides, the six-eyes was too hard to miss. He approached with an easy smile, offering his assistance without hesitation.
"Need some help?" Satoru called out, his voice light and friendly.
You glanced down, surprised by the sudden intrusion. "I think I can manage," you replied, though your grip on the tree branch was precarious.
Satoru chuckled, easily reading the situation. "Looks like the cat isn't the only one stuck," he teased, his blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "Hold on, I'll get it."
Before you could protest, he effortlessly climbed up beside you. With a gentle but firm hand, he coaxed the trembling cat into his arms. "There we go, little guy," he murmured to the cat before turning to you. "And now for the other rescue."
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks as Satoru helped you down from the tree, his touch warm and reassuring. "Thank you.” you mumbled, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude.
"No problem," he said with a grin. "I'm Gojo Satoru, by the way. What's your name?"
You hesitated for a moment, then replied, "Zenin. Gen—”
Satoru's eyes widened slightly with recognition, but his grin only widened. "Oh! Then you’re my senpai?" he said, a playful snicker in his voice as he eyed you from head to toe. “You look pretty for a Zenin.”
The unexpected comment caught you off guard. You couldn’t believe what he’s saying. No one had ever been this blunt with you. At all. You felt like you were glitching. Your face scrunches up as you narrow your lilac eyes at him.
"Excuse me?" you replied, a mix of disbelief and curiosity coloring your tone.
Satoru shrugged nonchalantly, his smile never wavering. "Just saying, you don't have that usual 'I'm better than everyone else' Zenin aura about you. It's... refreshing. Does that make sense?"
You couldn't help but smirk at his bluntness. "Well, I don't exactly fit in with my family." you admitted, the bitterness in your voice hinting at the pain behind your words. You stopped. He was literally stranger. There’s no need to say anything. “Wait, why am I telling you this?”
“Maybe I’m just a comforting person?”
“No, No, that—”
Satoru's expression softened. "Though, I think I get you, senpai. I get that. Not everyone fits into the mold they're given. But hey, that's not necessarily a bad thing. I mean, you’re already cooler than the rest of your ugly—”
You snicker suddenly.
He looks at you for a moment.
You cough back, waving him off.
“Just a cough, don’t worry.”
“I don’t know, Zenin-senpai. That sounds like a laugh to me.”
"And what about you, Gojo Satoru? Do you fit the mold?" You say, changing the topic. Saying too much will only be a headache.
He laughed, a sound so carefree it was almost contagious. "Me? I'm the mold-breaker," he declared confidently. "I do things my way, and if people don't like it, well, that's their problem. But who are they to stop me anyway? I’m the strongest!”
You couldn’t help but be intrigued by the boy. If it wasn’t for how genuine he is, you would think his latter comment was condescending. But you feel like there was more to him than that. His eyes tell. For the first time in a long while, you felt a glimmer of hope. A glimmer of life itself was in him and you could tell that easily.
This Gojo boy, with his easy going smile and unwavering confidence, was different. He didn't see you as just another Zenin, and that was a revelation. He reminded you of Kaiko for a bit. And that for a moment gave you heartache. But you don’t want to tell him that. You doubt it was proper.
"Maybe breaking the mold isn't such a bad idea, I think." you mused, a small smile playing on your lips.
Satoru's grin widened. "That's the spirit, senpai. Now, how about we get this cat somewhere safe and then figure out how to break a few more molds together?"
“Hm, why not?” you hummed back at him as you took the cat in your arms. The small creature purred, nestling comfortably against you, as if sensing the new bond forming between the two of you.
Satoru's presence seemed to imbue the world around him with a sense of joy and vitality. His easygoing demeanor and infectious energy were like a beacon of light in the midst of the wide echo of the school grounds. As you walked beside him, you couldn't help but marvel at how effortlessly he seemed to navigate through life, as if every challenge was nothing more than a fleeting inconvenience.
It was a stark contrast to your own experiences, weighed down by the burdens of your past and the responsibilities that now rested on your shoulders. Yet, despite the heaviness that often threatened to engulf you, being in Satoru's presence brought a sense of relief, a temporary reprieve from the weight of your worries.
There was something magnetic about the way he carried himself, a confidence and self-assuredness that seemed to radiate from within. It was as if he possessed an inner strength that allowed him to face whatever challenges came his way with grace and resilience.
As you observed him, you couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration and awe. Here was someone who had faced his own share of hardships and yet still managed to find joy in the simple pleasures of life. It was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was always hope, always a reason to keep moving forward.
In Satoru's lightness, you found a source of inspiration, a reminder to embrace each moment with an open heart and a willingness to face whatever the future may hold. And as you walked beside him, you couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stirring within you, a belief that perhaps, just perhaps, there was a brighter tomorrow waiting on the horizon.
"So, Zenin–senpai," Satoru began, breaking the comfortable silence, "what's your story? What makes you different from the rest of your clan?"
You glanced at him, contemplating how much to reveal. "It's a long story and too dull. I doubt it’s one to be heard." you replied cautiously. "Let's just say I don't agree with their methods. Or their values…..Or actually anything.”
Satoru nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I get that. Sometimes family can be the hardest to stand up to. But you seem strong enough to handle it. You got out.”
You gave a small, humorless laugh. "Strength isn't always enough. And I’m not yet out. I bear the last name.”
“But you don’t live in Zenin manor?” He hums, questioningly. “If you had, I would have seen you many times.”
“I did see you many times, before.”
“HUH? Then how come I haven’t seen you before?” His face contorts into a pitiful pout. “I would have noticed a Zenin like you — let alone that geezer’s eldest grandchild.”
You shrugged. “I don’t know, really. But you never greet people.”
“Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t. I was there.”
“Isn’t my presence enough as a greeting?” Gojo asks, almost haughtily. You want to smack him, but you hold yourself back. He’s such a brat. “I mean, I am a miracle, senpai.”
“No wonder Yaga complains about you.” You mumbled under your breath. “And it’s only the first year?”
“Hehhhhh, he complains about me?”
“Principal Gakuganji’s happier, if I’m being honest.” You look at him, as he seems curious. “Yaga complaints about you and that other boy—”
“Suguru got mentioned? Woah–”
“You both cause him high blood pressure.” You finally finished. 
Satoru's expression shifted from curiosity to amusement as you revealed the cause of Principal Gakuganji's stress. "High blood pressure, huh?" he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I guess we do have a talent for causing trouble."
You nodded, a playful glint in your eye. "It's a special skill you and Geto-san seem to excel at." you teased, nudging him lightly with your elbow.
Satoru grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, what can I say? We're just too irresistible for our own good."
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but smile at his infectious enthusiasm. Despite the challenges and chaos that seemed to follow him wherever he went, there was something undeniably charming about Satoru's carefree attitude. It was as if he refused to let anything dampen his spirits, choosing instead to find joy in the most unexpected places. The quiet came again between the two of you.
“Sometimes, it's about finding the right people to stand with you."
“Hm?” Satoru looks at you, his cerulean blue piercing towards you.
“That would get you by.” You made it clear to him as you shifted the cat against your kimono’s sleeves. “But I suppose from what I heard, you and the other first years get along well enough. Continue that.”
Satoru's eyes twinkled with mischief. "Well, you've got me now too, senpai. And trust me, I'm pretty good at standing up to people. Aren’t I the one that made Principal Gakuganji nearly shit himself?”
“Language.” You tell him as he rolled his eyes. But he was right. Principal Gakuganji felt like he was about to whip out his guitar when he first met Gojo Satoru. At least that’s what Utahime told you. “I know you’re good at standing up to people. But I hope you’re careful, hm?”
“Oh, is that a senpai’s advice?”
“A friend’s advice.”
“You already view us as friends?” He seemed hopeful about that. His eyes were gleaming brighter than ever before.
You chuckled softly, the warmth settling between you. "I suppose I do," you admitted, a smile playing at the corners of your lips. "Though, if you keep pestering Principal Gakuganji, I might have to reconsider."
“Ehhhhhhhh, but I don’t like him.”
You laughed, shaking your head. "Fair enough. Just try not to give him too much of a headache, alright?"
“I can’t promise anything about that, senpai.”
As you approached the dormitory, the cat still nestled peacefully in your arms, you felt a sense of optimism that had been absent for far too long. Maybe, with Satoru by your side, you could carve out a new path, one that defied the expectations and limitations of your clan. Or at least free you, at least just a little.
Satoru opened the door for you, and you stepped inside, feeling the warmth of the building embrace you. "So, where should we take this little guy?" he asked, looking at the cat.
"There's a place in the courtyard where some of the strays gather. It should be safe there for the little one." you suggested.
Satoru nodded, and together you made your way to the courtyard. As you set the cat down gently among the other strays, it looked up at you with grateful eyes before scampering off to join its new companions.
"See? One problem has already been solved by the great Satoru!" Satoru said with a grin. "Now, onto the next one."
You turned to him, a newfound determination in your eyes. "And what's the next one, exactly?"
He shrugged, his smile never fading. "Whatever we decide it is. The sky's the limit, senpai."
As you stood there, side by side with Gojo Satoru, you felt a spark of hope ignite within you. You didn’t remember him being this expressive or at all talkative all these years ago. But then again, you hadn’t met him in years. He had time to become the boy who met you now. 
"It was nice to meet you today, Zenin-senpai. Really didn't think I'll meet you this soon!" Satoru said, setting the cat down gently. "But y'u know, I think you and this cat have something in common."
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite yourself. "Oh? What's that?"
He smiled, a hint of mischief in his cerulean eyes. "Both of you need someone to look out for you."
You looked away, the truth of his words hitting a little too close to home. You can’t believe how easily he sees through you. You just met this boy today and he’s already doing so much. You lived a lonely existence, you know that much. You were content with that. At least that’s what you always say to yourself.
"Maybe." you admitted quietly.
Satoru's expression softened. "Well, how about this? I'll look out for you if you look out for the cat. Deal?"
You couldn't help but smile at his earnestness. "Deal."
You did end up adopting the cat. Despite its initial skittishness, it soon settled into your life, providing an unexpected source of comfort and companionship. You named it "Gojonyan," inspired by the snowy white fur that reminded you so much of Satoru’s hair. And even more coincidentally, Satoru’s blue eyes. 
Gojonyan had a playful and mischievous nature, always getting into places it shouldn't and constantly seeking attention. It would often curl up in your lap, purring contentedly as you stroked its soft fur, and you found solace in its presence. The cat’s energy and spirit mirrored Satoru's in uncanny ways. Just like him, Gojonyan seemed to have an endless reserve of curiosity and an unshakeable confidence, as if it knew it was meant to be part of your life.
Whenever you felt overwhelmed by the weight of your responsibilities or the shadows of your past, Gojonyan was there, a reminder of the moment your life began to change. The cat’s antics often brought a smile to your face, and its loyalty reminded you of Satoru’s steadfast support. 
One evening, as you sat in your room with Gojonyan curled up beside you, you couldn't help but think back to that day by the tree. Satoru had shown you a new way to look at the world, a way that wasn't defined by loss and heartache. He had given you hope, and in a strange way, Gojonyan had come to symbolize that hope.
You often found yourself talking to Gojonyan, sharing your thoughts and fears as if the cat could understand every word. "You know, Gojonyan," you would say, scratching behind its ears, "you’re a lot like Satoru. Always so full of life and mischief. I think you two would get along just fine."
Gojonyan would respond with a soft purr, its eyes half-closed in contentment. You didn’t know if he was agreeing with you or not. But you still found your little one very cute. And comforting too. It was as if the cat understood the significance of Gojo Satoru’s presence in your life and the role it now played in helping you heal. And you feel like you are healing. 
You often brought Gojonyan with you when you came by to Jujutsu High, especially when you had missions in Tokyo. The cat had become a familiar presence, trotting alongside you with an air of confidence that belied its small size. You enjoyed the company, and it seemed only natural to bring a piece of your new life with you.
However, you found yourself puzzled by Gojonyan’s behavior whenever Satoru was around. Despite the cat’s generally friendly disposition, it seemed to have taken a distinct dislike to him. The usually affectionate feline would arch its back and hiss whenever Satoru approached, much to his chagrin.
One afternoon, you were sitting in the common area of Jujutsu High with Gojonyan on your lap. Shoko and Suguru were there as well, enjoying a rare moment of relaxation between their duties. Satoru walked in, his usual confident swagger in place, but the moment Gojonyan spotted him, it let out a low growl and jumped off your lap, retreating to a corner.
Satoru’s shoulders slumped dramatically, and he looked at you with exaggerated sorrow. “Why does Gojonyan hate me, Gen-senpai? I thought we were friends!” His tone was a mix of genuine disappointment and playful theatrics.
Shoko chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “It’s probably your personality, Satoru. Cats can sense these things. And yours is just that bad.”
Suguru smirked, leaning back in his chair. “Yeah, Satoru. Maybe it’s because you’re too loud and flashy. Gojonyan prefers a more refined company.”
Satoru's eyebrows shot up in mock offense. "Hey now, I'll have you know my personality is top-notch! It's just that Gojonyan hasn't acquired a taste for the finer things in life yet." He flashed them a playful grin, clearly unfazed by their teasing.
“Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that.” Shoko snickers, biting against her lollipop candy. 
“Suguru, defend me here!”
Suguru shrugged nonchalantly. "Can't argue with the truth, can we?" He smirked, his eyes dancing with amusement as he leaned back in his chair, clearly enjoying Satoru's playful indignation.
Satoru huffed playfully, crossing his arms over his chest. "Fine, fine. But just you wait, Gojonyan will come around eventually. He'll see that I'm not so bad after all."
In the midst of all the tension and seriousness surrounding recent events, the playful banter between Satoru, Shoko, and Suguru provided a welcome reprieve. As laughter filled the room, you felt a weight lifting off your shoulders, if only for a moment. It was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there could still be moments of lightness and joy.
Satoru feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart in mock indignation. "Watch my words! Gojonyan will be in my hands lovingly! One day!," he retorted with a grin. "Gojonyan just needs to learn to appreciate my finer qualities."
Shoko shook her head, still smiling. "Sure, Satoru. Let that copium enter your lungs. I’m cheering for that cope!”
Suguru's smirk widened as he leaned forward, his gaze meeting yours with a knowing twinkle. "Don't worry, Genmei–senpai. We still like you, even if your taste in friends is questionable."
You rolled your eyes playfully, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging wash over you. Despite the challenges you had faced, you were grateful for moments like these — moments of laughter that reminded you that you were not alone. Not anymore.
You couldn’t help but laugh at their teasing. “I have no idea why Gojonyan doesn’t like you, Satoru. Maybe it’s just one of those things.”
Satoru sighed dramatically, plopping down on the couch with a forlorn expression. “This is tragic. I, the great Gojo Satoru, was defeated by a cat.”
Shoko leaned over and patted his shoulder mockingly. “There, there. Maybe if you try bribing Gojonyan with treats, it’ll come around.”
Satoru perked up at the suggestion, his eyes lighting up with determination. “That’s a great idea, Sho! I’ll win Gojonyan’s affection—”
“So, vote buying—” 
“—just you wait.” He stood up, already plotting his next move. Suguru just shook his head. “I’ll get the finest cat treats money can buy.”
Suguru rolled his eyes, a smile playing on his lips. “Good luck with that. Just don’t be too heartbroken if it doesn’t work.”
Despite his efforts, Gojonyan remained indifferent to Satoru’s attempts to win it over. He brought a variety of treats, toys, and even a plush bed, but the cat was unimpressed. It would sniff the offerings disdainfully and then pointedly ignore him, much to everyone’s amusement.
One day, Satoru sat next to you, watching Gojonyan with a wistful expression. “I don’t get it, Gen-senpai. I thought all creatures loved me.”
You smiled, reaching over to pat his hand. “Maybe Gojonyan just needs more time to get used to you. Or maybe it’s just being stubborn.”
He laughed, shaking his head. “You know, I think I’m starting to like the challenge. It keeps me on my toes.”
Despite the cat’s continued aloofness, Gojo Satoru’s efforts never wavered. He took it in stride, turning it into a personal mission to win over Gojonyan. It became a running joke among your friends, a source of lighthearted banter.
But he’ll probably never get along with him.
You were right about that assumption.
Ten years of marriage, Gojonyan still hated him.
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YOU DIDN'T KNOW WHAT HIS REACTION WOULD BE LIKE. Gojo Satoru returned from his mission late in the evening, his white hair glistening with the remnants of rain. He didn’t get to use infinity as much this time, the creature being more clever than he would have liked. And he was exhausted now. He sighed as he brushed off the thread of rain on his head. 
As Satoru stepped through the threshold of your home, the familiar comfort of your shared space wrapped around him like a warm embrace. The weight of his journey, the trials and tribulations he had faced during his time away, seemed to lift from his shoulders in an instant. Home, with you, was where he truly belonged, where the chaos of the outside world faded into insignificance against the backdrop of your love and companionship.
The soft glow of lamplight spilled into the hallway, casting gentle shadows on the walls as Satoru made his way further into the house. Tsumiki and Megumi were likely already fast asleep in their beds, the rhythmic sound of their breathing a comforting background melody to the quiet of the night. But even in their slumber, their presence filled the air, a reminder of the love and warmth that permeated every corner of your home.
And then, there was you. The thought of seeing you again after his prolonged absence filled Satoru with a sense of eager anticipation, a longing that had grown with each passing day spent apart. He could almost feel the ghost of your touch, the warmth of your smile, as he approached the living room where you were likely waiting for him.
The mere thought of being enveloped in your embrace, of feeling your arms around him and your soft breath against his skin, sent a shiver of anticipation down his spine. After being so cold and alone for what felt like an eternity, the prospect of being with you again, of being surrounded by your love and warmth, filled him with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and joy.
With each step closer to you, Satoru's heart beats faster in his chest, his anticipation growing with every passing moment. He couldn't wait to see you, to hold you in his arms and whisper words of love and longing into your ear. For in that moment, with you by his side, he knew that he was home.
The anticipation buzzed through the air as you waited for Satoru's arrival, your heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and nerves. The decision to cut your hair had been a bold one, a symbolic gesture of breaking free from the past and embracing a new chapter of your life with Satoru. Yet, as you watched the seconds tick by, doubts crept in, and you couldn't help but fidget with the hem of your shirt, your fingers tapping anxiously against your thigh.
The sound of the door opening pulled you from your thoughts, and you turned to see Satoru stepping into the room, a bright smile lighting up his face as his eyes met yours. But as his gaze swept over you, his expression faltered ever so slightly, a flicker of surprise crossing his features before being replaced by curiosity.
You held your breath, your pulse quickening with anticipation as you waited for his reaction. Would he like your new look? Would he be disappointed? The uncertainty gnawed at you, and you fought the urge to chew on your lip nervously as you watched him approach.
Satoru stopped in front of you, his bright eyes locked on your face as he took in your appearance. There was a moment of silence between you, the air thick with unspoken tension as you searched his expression for any sign of approval or disapproval.
“Satoru, welcome home!” you began hesitantly, your voice barely above a whisper. You turned your eyes away slowly. “I, uh…”
He stops at his tracks. “You cut your hair.”
 “I... I cut my hair.”
As Satoru turned to behold you, his eyes widened in surprise, taking in the sight of your transformed appearance. For a fleeting moment, he simply stood there, his gaze fixed upon you, as if trying to imprint the image of you with your new hairstyle into his memory. The silence between you stretched, pregnant with anticipation, as he processed the change that had taken place in his absence.
Then, like the breaking dawn after a long night, a slow, warm smile unfurled across his features. It started from the corners of his lips, spreading gradually until his entire face was illuminated with genuine delight. The smile reached his eyes, transforming them into twin pools of warmth and affection as he looked upon you.
In that moment, you could see the flicker of recognition in his gaze, the silent acknowledgment of the courage it must have taken for you to make such a bold decision. But more than that, you could sense the depth of his appreciation, the unspoken admiration for the beauty that radiated from within you, regardless of the length of your hair.
It was a smile that spoke volumes, conveying a multitude of emotions in its simple curve. It was a smile of acceptance, of love, of unwavering support for the choices you had made. And in that smile, you found reassurance, a silent affirmation that you were cherished and adored just as you were, in every form and iteration. One that you hadn’t seen in a long time. And Satoru somehow has the kindest one you’ve ever seen before. The most precious.
As Gojo Satoru crossed the room to stand before you, his smile remained firmly in place, a beacon of warmth in the quiet space between you. With each step, his love enveloped you like a protective embrace, banishing any lingering doubts or insecurities that may have lingered in the recesses of your mind.
And as he finally reached your side, he gently took your hand in his, his touch a silent reassurance of his unwavering affection. "You look beautiful," he whispered, his voice soft and filled with genuine admiration. "But then again, you always do."
Your heart swelled at his words, warmed by the sincerity in his voice. You met his gaze, finding nothing but love and acceptance reflected back at you. "Thank you," you murmured, a shy smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "I was nervous about cutting it, but I'm glad you like it."
Satoru squeezed your hand gently, his eyes never leaving yours. "You could shave your head bald and you'd still be the most beautiful person in the world to me," he said earnestly, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "It's not about your hair, darling. It's about you, and you're perfect just the way you are."
A surge of warmth flooded through you at his words, dispelling any lingering uncertainty you may have felt. With Satoru by your side, you knew that you were loved unconditionally, flaws and all. And as you stood there, hand in hand, you realized that your decision to cut your hair was not about changing who you were, but rather about embracing your true self, no matter the external appearance.
You nodded, feeling a rush of relief wash over you at his seemingly positive reaction. "Yeah, I wanted a change." you explained, your voice tinged with nervousness. "I hope you like it."
Satoru's smile widened, his fingers trailing along the curve of your jaw as he studied your face. "I love it, darling" he reassured you, his voice filled with sincerity. "It suits you well enough.”
The tension melted away at his words, replaced by a warm glow of happiness that settled in the pit of your stomach. With a grateful smile, you leaned into his touch, savoring the feeling of his hand against your skin..
You blushed, looking away. “I... I wasn’t sure. I’ve never had short hair before. I did it in front of Zenin Manor, to cut ties with them. Now that I’m married to you, I’m free.”
His smile widened, and he gently cupped your face in his hands, tilting your head up so he could look into your eyes. “You’re always beautiful to me, no matter how you wear your hair. But this... this suits you. It’s like you’re stepping into a new chapter of your life.”
Despite his words, you still felt a pang of uncertainty. “Do you really think so? You’re not just saying that?”
“I mean it,” he said firmly, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “You look stunning, don’t worry about it. You’re free from all of them and it shows.”
Your heart fluttered at his words, a small smile creeping onto your lips. “Thank you, Satoru.”
He held you close for a moment, his embrace warm and comforting. But then he pulled back, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “I have something for you.” he said, reaching into his pocket.
You watched curiously as he pulled out a small box. Opening it, he revealed a pair of blue butterfly hair clips, delicately crafted with intricate details. “I found these on my mission and thought of you. I know you’ve cut your hair, but I thought these might still look nice.”
Your eyes widened in surprise and delight. “Satoru, they’re beautiful!”
He grinned, taking one of the clips and gently securing it in your hair. “I’m glad you like them. They remind me of how you’re spreading your wings now, free and beautiful.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at your reflection, the blue butterflies standing out against your short hair. “Thank you, Satoru. They’re perfect.”
He pulled you into another hug, his arms wrapped tightly around you. “Anything for you.”
To be known, to be seen — it's to be loved. The realization of this truth washed over you, bringing a flood of emotions that you could hardly contain. Happiness, relief, and a profound sense of belonging mingled together in a rush that made your heart race and your eyes well with unshed tears. For the first time, you felt truly like you had found a way to break that cycle — that cursed cycle of loss and heartache that had haunted you for so long.
As Satoru secured the delicate blue butterfly clip in your hair, his touch gentle and reverent, you couldn't hold back the words that had been building inside you. "I love you, Satoru," you whispered, your voice trembling with the weight of your emotions. "I love you."
His bright blue eyes widened in surprise, his usually confident demeanor giving way to a rare moment of vulnerability. This was the first time you had ever expressed your feelings toward him so openly, so unequivocally. For a moment, the world seemed to stand still as he absorbed your words, the significance of them settling deep within him.
"You know," he murmured, his voice soft and filled with awe. He cupped your face in his hands, his thumb brushing away a stray tear that had escaped down your cheek. "You have no idea how much that means to me."
You leaned into his touch, feeling the warmth of his hands against your skin, the solid presence of him grounding you in that moment. "I've never been able to say it before," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "But I want you to know, you mean everything to me. And I’m grateful to you. For everything.
In Satoru's gaze, there was a depth of emotion that transcended mere words. He looked at you as if you were the sun and the moon, the stars in his night sky, and the very air he breathed. It was a look that spoke of a love that knew no bounds, a love that had weathered countless trials and emerged stronger with each passing day.
In his eyes, you saw unwavering devotion, a commitment to stand by your side through thick and thin, to support you in every endeavor, and to celebrate your victories as if they were his own. It was a look that filled you with a profound sense of gratitude, knowing that you had found someone who loved you unconditionally, flaws and all.
But more than anything, in  Gojo Satoru's gaze, you saw acceptance. Acceptance of your past, your present, and your future. He saw you for who you truly were, with all your strengths and weaknesses, and loved you all the more fiercely because of it. It was a look that banished any doubts or insecurities, leaving only a sense of peace and contentment in its wake.
As you returned his gaze, you felt a bond between you that was unbreakable, a connection that transcended the physical realm and touched the very essence of your souls. In that moment, you knew with absolute certainty that you were loved, cherished, and valued beyond measure. And as you basked in the warmth of Satoru's adoring gaze, you felt a profound sense of gratitude for the gift of his love, a gift that you would treasure for all eternity.
You were so lucky in this world.
Suffering may come and go to you.
But you will be loved by him now.
He will always be there to love you.
And you could not ask for anything more.
His smile was radiant, a beacon of light that seemed to chase away the lingering shadows of your past. "I love you too, darling." he said, his voice steady and sure. "More than words can ever express."
In that moment, the bond between you felt stronger than ever, a palpable connection that went beyond mere words. You had found your way out of the darkness, breaking free from the cycle of pain and loss. With Satoru by your side, you knew that you could face whatever challenges lay ahead.
He pulled you into his arms, holding you close as if he never wanted to let you go. "We'll create our own future," he whispered into your hair, his breath warm against your ear. "Together, we'll build a life filled with love and happiness. For us, for the kids. Together.”
You nodded, your heart swelling with hope and determination. "Together." you agreed, feeling the truth of that promise settle deep within you. "We'll break the cycle and create something beautiful."
As you stood there in his embrace, the blue butterfly clips shimmering in your hair, you knew that you had finally found a place where you truly belonged. In Satoru's arms, you were home, and together, you would face whatever the future held with unwavering strength and love.
Nothing else mattered to you now.
As long as you have Satoru with you, it’s all good.
As long as you could see the light in his eyes,
As long as you could see that blue spark in them,
Heaven was sure to come through in your life.
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The moment had finally arrived — the long-awaited introduction between Gojonyan and your son. Your husband Satoru was a bundle of nerves, pacing back and forth as he anxiously awaited Gojonyan's reaction. It was as if he was more nervous about this moment than he was when you gave birth to Satoshi. After all, the cat hadn't exactly warmed up to him in the past, and now they were about to meet the spitting image of Satoru himself.
You watched with amusement as Satoru fussed over his appearance, smoothing down his hair and straightening his clothes as if trying to make a good impression on a disapproving in-law. "Do you think he'll like me this time?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
You chuckled, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. "Relax, Satoru. Everything will be fine."
“Look, our son looks exactly like me and I’m scared, okay?”
“Gojo Satoshi is also my son, but alright.”
You couldn't help but laugh at Satoru's admission, his nerves palpable despite his attempt at nonchalance. "I'm sure Gojonyan will see past the resemblance and appreciate you for who you are," you reassured him, trying to ease his anxiety.
Satoru shot you a grateful smile, though the worry still lingered in his eyes. He pouts. "I hope so. I don't think I can handle being rejected by a cat twice."
“My love, it was more than twice.”
“I know, I know – just trying to lower the blow, okay?”
As you both prepared to introduce your son to Gojonyan, you couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. This moment held so much significance — not just because it marked the beginning of a new chapter in your family's life, but because it symbolized the unbreakable bond that had formed between you, Satoru, and Gojonyan.
With your son cradled in your arms, you approached Gojonyan, who regarded you with his usual air of aloofness. Satoru stood by your side, his nerves evident as he watched the interaction unfold. As if on cue, Gojonyan sauntered into the room, his tail swishing lazily behind him. He regarded Satoru with a curious gaze, then turned his attention to your son, who was cradled in your arms.
Satoru held his breath, waiting for the inevitable hiss or swat of disapproval. But much to your surprise — and relief — Gojonyan's reaction was far from what you expected. Instead of recoiling at the sight of your son, the cat approached him with cautious curiosity, sniffing him delicately before nuzzling against his cheek.
Satoru's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched the scene unfold. "I think... I think he actually likes him," he whispered, his voice tinged with wonder. “Oh my god, he does!”
You couldn't help but smile at the sight, feeling a surge of warmth and happiness wash over you. "Looks like you were worried for nothing, Satoru."
You laugh at the sight, marveling at the unexpected turn of events. "Looks like Gojonyan has a new favorite, though.”
Satoru let out a relieved sigh, his shoulders relaxing as he watched the unlikely bond form between his former nemesis and his beloved son. "I guess you were right," he admitted, a hint of awe in his voice. "Who would've thought that our son would be the one to finally win Gojonyan over?"
“Well, he is quite too cute to ignore.” You grinned at your husband. 
As if to confirm Satoru's observation, Gojonyan let out a contented purr, curling up beside your son as if he had known him forever. Satoru's nervousness melted away, replaced by a sense of wonder and joy as he watched the unlikely bond form between his feline nemesis and his beloved son.
Your husband then pauses. "But wait…. Why does he hate me? Satoshi looks exactly like me….”
You grinned at him teasingly. “Maybe it's because he sees you as competition for my love, hm?" you teased, enjoying the playful banter with your husband. "After all, he's used to being the center of attention, and you were always the ‘Gojo' in town stealing his spotlight. Satoshi isn’t doing that, though!”
Satoru's eyes widened in mock realization, a mischievous gleam dancing in them. "Ah, I see. It's a classic case of jealousy, huh?" he remarked, playing along with your playful theory. "Well, I suppose I can't blame him. After all, who wouldn't be envious of someone as charming and handsome as me?"
You rolled your eyes, unable to suppress a laugh at his exaggerated self-assessment. "Oh, of course, how could I forget?" you replied with a smirk, poking fun at his inflated ego. "But, my love, I think Gojonyan just has his own unique way of showing affection. Maybe he's just a tough critic, and you'll have to work extra hard to win him over."
Satoru grinned at your suggestion, the challenge evident in his eyes. "Challenge accepted," he declared, his determination shining through. "I'll make sure Gojonyan becomes my number one fan."
“Well, ten years is a lot. But what’s another ten more, hm?”
“Yeah, why not!? Ten more years!”
You couldn't help but chuckle at your husband's enthusiasm, admiring his unwavering determination to win over Gojonyan, even if it took years. "Well, they do say patience is a virtue," you replied with a teasing grin, enjoying the playful banter between the two of you. "And who knows, maybe in ten years, you'll have Gojonyan eating out of the palm of your hand."
Satoru's grin widened at your response, his confidence unshaken. "Exactly!" he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Besides, what's life without a little challenge, right? And if anyone can charm Gojonyan, it's me."
You nodded in agreement, feeling a surge of affection for your husband as you admired his unwavering optimism and resilience. "That's the spirit," you replied, reaching out to squeeze his hand affectionately. "With your charm and charisma, there's nothing you can't accomplish."
He grins at you. “Well, I am the strongest, after all!”
“You’re so silly.” You shake your head at him, smiling lovingly at him.
“But you love me, hm?”
“Unfortunately, I do.” You hummed teasingly.
He pouts as he slumps against you. “Huh!? What do you mean unfortunately? Does the vows mean nothing now? Darling….”
You couldn't help but laugh at his playful pout, finding his antics endearing as always. "Oh, you know what I mean," you teased, playfully poking his side. "You're just too irresistible for your own good."
Satoru's pout turned into a mock expression of hurt, complete with exaggerated hand gestures. "Ah, the burden of being so incredibly charming!" he lamented dramatically, earning another round of laughter from you.
"But in all seriousness," you said, your tone softening as you gazed into his bright eyes, "I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my partner in crime, my confidant, my best friend. And even on your silliest days, I wouldn't trade you for the world."
His expression softened at your heartfelt words, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Likewise, darling." he replied, reaching out to cup your cheek affectionately. "You're my rock, my anchor. I don't know where I'd be without you."
In that moment, surrounded by love and laughter, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as you had each other, you could weather any storm. And with a playful grin, you leaned in to press a loving kiss to his lips, knowing that your bond was unshakably true as much as your love eternal.
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trentlife · 7 months
part 1
instagram au ~ jude bellingham
authors note: mini series of jude and y/n becoming parents for the first time! ive had this requested a lot since my last au, i hope you all enjoy 💕
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liked by mollymae, trentarnold66 and 1,859,294 others
yourusername 🫶🏼 ☁️ 🥀 ...
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realmadrid congratulations 👶🏼❤️
vinijr ❤️❤️
trentarnold66 this is why you couldn't hang out a few months ago
↳ madders no need to expose him like that
mollymae going to be the best mummy 🫶🏼
reece big love 🫶🏽👶🏽
kyliejenner 🥹🥹🥹🥹
yourmum 😍❤️💞🩵
gioreyna my bro becoming a dad 🥳
shaliimaar parabéns 💕🩵
jackgrealish congratulations bro ❤️
yourbsf cant wait to meet my nephew / niece 🫶🏼
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liked by jadethirwall, judebellingham and 586,924 others
yourusername here there everywhere 💗 📖 🥑
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user284 she's so vibesss
jadethirwall oh this is vibelicious
juliavigas gorgeous!
hattiebourn I love this! 🫶🏼
user173 i think it's a boy
↳ user396 me too
kennedyalexa mummy club 🩷💅🏼🤪
minabonino beautiful 💗🩵
user597 adorable
mikkykiemeney i love this 🥹 cannot wait to see your buba 🫶🏼
↳ yourusername twins! yours too babe😭👶🏼👶🏽💘
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mykonos, greece
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liked by yourusername, erling.haaland and 2,693,596 others
judebellingham recharging ☀️ 👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏽 🇬🇷
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user148 their relationship is so perfect
yourusername my baby daddy 😍
↳ judebellingham forever
↳ jobebellingham chillllllll
↳ user496 lmaooo jobe
denbello my favourites ❤️❤️❤️
user285 the last picture 🥹
aaronramsdale yesirrrrr
tobybishay all love 🫶🏼❤️
user973 that should be me and jude
bukayosaka87 greece boyaaa😍
user496 i hope y/n knows how lucky she is for this man to be her boyfriend
↳ yourusername honey i know x
↳ user173 ~ yourusername LOL
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liked by kendaljenner, paigemilian and 1,394,938 others
yourusername doing life with each other forever ♾️
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loredana adorable, missing you both 🥰
↳ yourusername miss you so much angel 🖤
user186 the flowers! is it a girl?
user475 hand placement
anouskasantos dreamy💘
trentarnold66 ask jude we're my flowers are
↳ yourusername note passed on!
↳ user496 trentarnold66 😭🤣🤣🤣
mayajama you two 🥹😘
szoboszlaidominik 😎
user697 the flowersssss are perfect
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liked by jordanhenderson, sunny_kg and 2,183,284 others
judebellingham water babies
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jordanhenderson 😂😂❤️
sunny_kg can't wait to see you both 🫶🏽
user183 come to barca
↳ user569 💀
declanrice no way you needed support for your back bro 🤣
↳ judebellingham the bump is her cheat code!
user742 azra crying rn
marcusrashford i thought you can't swim
yourusername look at you cheating
user853 i need to know the gender!!!!!
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liked by judebellingham, shyla and 823,222 others
yourinstagram home time, getting ready for an exciting day 🛩️ 🍒 🥝 🫐
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britneydevilliers 😍💘🫶🏼
↳ yourusername my fave girl💕
sasha__rebecca vibes 🧳🩶
madisonbeer 🥹
minabonino linda mamãe 🤰🏼
↳ user697 fave wags
yourmum cant wait to see you sweetheart 😘
↳ yourusername ly mom <3333
user196 PJ life
user963 omg what day...
↳ 💭
daphnecanizres 😍
yourusername and judebellingham
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liked by trentarnold66, rodrygogoes and 3,283,567 others
yourusername we can't wait to meet you son 🩵
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trentarnold66 project jude coming soon, congrats bro ❤️
arianagrande congratulations beautiful girl🥹
user029 i knew it!!!! 🩵🩵🩵
england congrats to you both ❤️
denbello my little boy having a little boy ❤️
rodrygogoes congratulations hermano!
jobebellingham my little nephew 🩵
user183 ahhhhh
camavinga 😍💙
↳ user193 cama oh cama oh
harrykane 🙌🏼
kyliejenner congrats!!
yourbsf can't wait to meet my nephew 🩶
toniruediger congratulations you guys 🫶🏽
like & repost to show support!
hope you all enjoyed part one, stay tuned for part two!
300 notes · View notes
snuggerudsz · 9 months
SUMMARY: It didn't matter how tired Quinn was, coming home to his family was all he needed.
PAIRING: Quinn Hughes x Fem!Reader
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Hello!!! I wanted to get something out when Quinn's captaincy was announced but I didn't have a lot of time. So, this is only coming out today. Genuinely love this, but I am biased for anything domestic with Quinn Hughes. There will be some more dad!Quinn coming in the future, 100%. Likes and reblogs are always welcomed. I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading!!! <3333
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If Quinn Hughes had to verbalize how he was feeling, the only word he could use was drained. Truthfully, the man was convinced the English language was incapable of coming up with a word that could summon how exhausted he was. 
He had been away for a few days, and while the first few games had gone really well, the Canucks got themselves in a string of hard losses, with the media and the public watching and criticizing his every move. 
The defenseman sighed in relief, unlocking the door and silently walking into the house. Surprisingly, he wasn’t the only one up at this ungodly hour of the morning. Quinn could hear your humming from the kitchen, soon following the sound. You were cleaning up the kitchen, finishing up with the dishes when he made himself known, hugging you from behind, head low, kissing your neck softly.
“Hi, baby,” You greet your husband, turning your head to kiss his cheek.
“Hello, my love” He answers, muffled by your skin. “Kinda late to be doing the dishes, though, honey.”
You sighed as she turned around to face Quinn, draping your arms over his shoulders. 
“The kids were so excited to stay up and see you, so I let them wait up a bit,” You stated, voice full of affection, “but they ended up falling asleep.” Quinn smiled, his hands resting lightly on your hips.
“I'm sorry they missed out,” he replied, his voice gentle, “but I'm glad I get to have you all to myself.” 
“Me too,” You agree, speaking softly, and smiling back at him.
He opens his mouth, but before he can say anything, he lets a yawn escape. You look at him, noticing his eyes droopy with sleep, and pull his hand into yours, taking him into your bedroom. Both of you do your nightly routine, and while you’re busy with your skincare, Quinn goes to see the kids. Oliver is holding onto his green octopus plushie, in a deep slumber, so he kisses the boy’s forehead and whispers good night, quickly leaving the room. Aurora has a lighter sleep than her older brother, so Quinn is extra careful in her bedroom. The two-year-old is sleeping peacefully in a little Canucks jersey, holding onto the purple dinosaur plushie, blond locks covering her face. After doing the same little ritual he’d done with Oliver, he walks out of the bedroom as silently as possible. 
When Quinn is finally back in your bedroom, you’re already lying down, waiting for him. As soon as he steps into the room, you urge him to get into bed as soon as possible, which he does without a second thought. You both cuddle close, your head in his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Quinn finally felt happy and at peace. He felt at home. And there was nowhere else he’d rather be.
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cosmal · 1 year
4K???? omfg congrats I'm so proud of you you deserve it and so much more!!!! <3333
I don't have any ideas for this but.. hozier with rockstar!remus bc i live for this concept, you can do whatever you want and i know it's gonna be perfect! I just need rockstar!remus fr
summary you join remus on the tour bus.
content remus lupin x fem!reader
note thank u oh my god!!!!! ily <3
You've never been on the bus before. You've never joined the boys for tour. You decide to surprise Remus the stop before your city and now you're getting ready for bed on their bus.
James and Sirius do their own things, their own post-show routine. James bounces around, still rushing with adrenaline. Sirius sits in his bed with a pair of headphones, you can hear the music from your spot on Remus's bed.
You wait for him to leave the shower. He'd tried to convince you to have one with him.
"Remus you have to crane your neck to fit underneath the shower head."
"Fine then."
He let you have the first shower.
Your feet don't touch the ground where you swing them back and forth, using the soft towel he'd given you to ring the water from the ends of your hair. You sit there and decide not to disturb the boys. You feel thankful enough that they're letting you cram their space between shows.
"The more the merrier," James had said to you. Nervous to be in their way.
"You might fix Remus's attitude," Sirius had laughed. "He's so mean, Y/N. Please stay with us."
Remus finishes up in the shower and pushes the stiff door open, searching for you immediately. Towel low on his hips where water tracks down his soft belly and into the cotton. He takes the one he's using for his now damp hair and hangs it up above your head over the barrier of his bed.
You wonder if he always walks around, shirtless, in his bandmate's bus. You think it's a little funny.
Your knees knock where he stands above you. "Feel better?" you ask. He'd been complaining of a sore back.
"Did I smell bad?" he laughs. He takes your bare shoulders into his hands, fingers slipping under the strap of your soft sleep vest.
"No," you giggle. He smelt of sweat after his show and you didn't even mind. It was nice just to be with him again. It was familiar. He still is now, smelling of a body wash he uses at home, the product he uses in his hair.
"It's okay, you don't have to lie to me, sweetheart." He's teasing, you know it. You don't have it in you to mind.
"No," you draw out with a giggle that you can't tamp down. "No, you didn't."
You stand up and almost knock his chin on the way. You apologise and it almost feels unnecessary. He lets you down with a soft, it's fine. You're not sure if you mind the cramped spaces so much or not.
"Your back feeling any better?" Was what you meant. You think he knows that.
You wipe your hands over your face and miss the cabinet in your bathroom sorely. You miss your skincare routine. "Do you have any moisturiser?"
He hums and disappears into the bathroom, returning with a small bottle of cream. "Can I rub it in?"
"Go for it."
You both sit on his bed and he opens it up with a click. Squeezing some into his hand, you recognise the smell almost straight away. "Where'd you get this?" You try to keep still as he dots the cream across your face, but he's so close you feel dizzy.
"It's the same as yours." It's cold where he smudges it on your cheeks. He mumbles a quick sorry when you wrinkle your face up.
"You theif."
"No, it's a travel version. I took yours down to the chemist before I left and asked the lady there to help me find a small version." He says it like it's nothing. Like he's not the loveliest boy in the world.
"Really?" you ask, voice light and airy like your head feels. You try not to show it and fail poorly.
"Yeah." He rubs the last bits of cream in and spends extra time on areas that are already soft because he's selfish about it. It feels nice, a warmth blooming across your skin. "Smells like you. I wear it a lot."
You let him abandon your face and tug him backwards into his bed. He falls on top of you and holds his weight up with a toned arm, mush to your dismay. You'd rather him lay his entire body on you if you had your own way. He'd probably allow it if you begged hard enough.
"You're gonna let me take your cologne home, right?" you ask.
"if that's what you want, dove."
He let's you take it home.
fixing the readmore glitch
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cheolhub · 2 years
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— PROMPT: waking up next to you, breakfast in bed, a party with his friends— jungkook swears his birthday can’t get any better, or can it?
— PAIRING: jungkook x f!reader
— GENRE: established relationship, smut (minors dni)
— WORD COUNT: 1.89k
— WARNINGS: birthday sex <3, rough, unprotected sex (don’t even try it), no plot whatsoever, kinda shitty, brief mentions of exhibitionism, lots of dirty talk ;), whiny!jk, domish(?)jk, spanking, praise, panty ripping, cervix fucking (maybe?), creampie (let me know if i missed anything)
— A. NOTE: FOR THE PERSON THAT REQUESTED THIS THANK YOU & IM SORRY. if this is actually horrible, ignore it LOL… um yeah not proofread so shhhh p.s. ty all for 400 followers ily <3333 p.s.s happy birthday jungkookie i luv u with my entirety forever n im sorry this is so late :,)
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jungkook thinks he’s had the best day of his life. he woke up next to you, his beautiful girlfriend. you cooked him the most delicious breakfast and served it to him in bed. he was showered in love and praise by you and his bestest friends. and to top it all off, you threw him a party claiming, “you’re 25, baby, you need to live it up with your friendssss!”
and just when he thought the night was over, you had yet another surprise waiting for him at home. the surprise being you.
“koo,” you whine, back pressed against the cool door of your apartment. his head is shoved in your neck as he eagerly nips and bites at the sensitive skin. “koo, wait t-till– oh, fuck,” you whimper as he finds your pulse point. “unlock the door, first,” you tell him breathily as you throw your head back against the wood.
he shakes his head, “baby, you said i’m the birthday boy,” he reiterates your very own words. “said that i can do whatever i want,” his head dips lower, mouth on your collarbone as his voice gets an octave lower. “so, if i wanna fuck my girl outside, then m’ gonna do just that.”
your knees nearly give out with his sexy, deep voice shaking you to your core. the idea of your neighbors walking outside to the two of you going at it like bunnies excites you. it makes you leak.
“you’re so fuckin’ sexy, baby, goddamn,” he grunts, his hard cock digging into your lower abdomen. as you let out another soft moan at the feeling, he chuckles darkly, “so sensitive, too, you want me to fuck you, baby?”
you nod your head ceaselessly giving him pleading eyes. “wan’ you to fuck me however you like, koo, please,” you whisper, breathlessly. your thighs squeeze together to relieve the dull ache in your core, “m’ so wet for you, need you so bad.”
jungkook almost sees red at your words, hastily searching for the keys in the pocket of his jeans, muttering about how good he’s gonna fuck you and how he’s gonna make you feel so good under his breath. when he finally gets the door unlocked, he lets you in first before quickly trailing behind.
before you can do or say anything else, he slams the door and pulls you in for a kiss. it’s a sloppy kiss, your tongues dance, and your teeth clash. it’s intense and fiery and, fuck, it’s making the two of you mind-blowingly horny. his hands trail down your body before finding your ass, taking a handful and squeezing the flesh. it makes you let out a gaspy moan and jungkook can’t help but groan back at you. 
“need to fuck you,” he moans needily into your mouth.
you pull back slightly, resting your forehead against his heated one. “take me, baby,” you beg, exasperated. “koo, please,”
he’s quick to nod, taking you in for another kiss while guiding you to your shared bedroom. in the process, he’s peeling your tight shirt off your body only breaking from the heated kiss for a second to pull it over your head and fling it to the side. you moan into his mouth, tugging at his baggy, black shirt in hopes he’ll take it off. 
your attempts are futile as you hit the end of your bed, suddenly falling down with a gasp escaping your lips before you hit the soft mattress. his hands don’t wait before tugging your skirt off and throwing it behind him. 
he hisses at the sight of your body adorned with black lace, jungkook’s favorite. “fuuuck, you’re a sin,” he groans. “pussy’s probably so wet f’me, hm? waiting for me to split you in half and have my way with you?”
he reeks of confidence and you can’t help but gush like a fountain at his demeanor. he’s looking at you like he wants to ravage you and you’re more than willing to allow him. you nod as you squirm on the bed, hands falling to the sheets and gripping the fabric as if your life depends on it. 
“say it,” he demands, his authoritative voice drawing a small mewl from you just for it to get caught in your throat. 
“wan’ you to split me in half, koo,” you pant needily, missing his touch. “please, fuck me… touch me… make me yours, baby.”
he throws his head back as his confined cock twitches at your words. “turn around, baby,” he grunts, words nearly slurred.
you hum in compliance, quickly flipping yourself onto your stomach before perching on your hands and knees. you raise your ass up for him, wiggling it around in hopes of feeling his touch sooner rather than later. 
when you hear the loud clank of his belt, your stomach swirls in anticipation. he’s going to fuck you so soon and you can’t contain your excitement. so much so, that your panties are absolutely drenched in your arousal and you can feel it starting to leak. 
his hands finally find your skin and you gasp loudly, your body sensitive to his touch. they trail up and down your ass, griping the meaty flesh every so often. you don’t say anything, bottom lip finding purchase between your teeth. it’s when his heavy, tattooed hand slaps the skin harshly when you cry for him. your body jolts forward as the strike sends heat straight to your core making you clench around nothing. he repeats his action on the other cheek and you’re still not  prepared. you shove your head into your pillow to muffle your moans, but jungkook’s not having it.
he slaps your ass again, harder this time, “lemme hear your pretty voice, angel.” he coos and that’s how you know he’s not punishing you, but merely teasing you.
“jungkook, please,” you beg meekly, tears of pain and pleasure threatening to spill from your eyes. he hums, contemplating if he wants to continue teasing you. you resort to something you know he can’t deny. 
“koo, wanna feel you, your fat cock! need to feel you stretching me out, need your cum,” you desperately whine, trying to rub against him. you admit that you sound needy, but you know your boyfriend. you know how he gets even more desperate than you when you tell him all the dirty things you want him to do.
so when his breath hitches and his grip on your red ass tighten, you know you’ve won and you’ve awakened the most feral parts of jeon jungkook. 
all of a sudden, you feel his hands tracing the lace of your panties, trailing down until he finds your dripping hole. he takes ahold of the soiled panties from each side before using his strength the completely tear the flimsy fabric. 
you gasp once more, “jungkook!” you yell to scold him, but before you can, he quickly pushes his cock into your drooling hole. you feel all of him as he presses in, swiftly filling you up and stretching out your tight cunt. “f-fuck! shit, baby, oh my g-g–”
“tight fuckin’ cunt wraps around me so well, baby, shit,” he moans as you wrap tighter and tighter around him the deeper he goes. “made just for my cock. you’re my fuckin’ girl.” he mumbles, inching in even further pushing past the resistance. 
“jus’ for you,” you slur, eyes rolling back as it feels like he’s shoving into the deepest parts of your cunt, parts no one but him could ever reach. “fuck, so big, t-too big!” you cry, arching your back to ease the sudden full feeling.
“yeah? but you can take it, you always do,” he hums, voice cracking slightly. “like a fuckin’ champ, like my good fuckin’ girl.” as he bottoms out, he grunts out words that you can barely hear with the ringing in your ears, “gonna split you in half with my ‘fat cock,’ that’s what you wanted, no?” 
you feel the bulbous head of his dick mere centimeters away from your cervix and it has you reeling with a spinning head. your arms give out as your chest falls flat against the cool sheets on your mattress, yet your lower half stays up thanks to jungkook’s bruising grip on your waist. 
and when he pulls all the way out to slam back into you, you scream his name, tears reforming in your eyes even as they’ve rolled to the back of your head. “b-baby!” is all you can say. 
he whimpers softly. the term of endearment always brings warmth to his cheeks plus the feeling of your unrelenting arousal soaking his dick so he can glide in faster has him completely and utterly disheveled. much like you, he’s at loss for words, lucid thought becoming a foreign concept for him. 
“feels so fucking good, baby, pussy’s too fucking good,” he whines, slamming in and out of you. the room fills with the lewd noises of his balls smacking against your sloppy, wet pussy, your loud moans, and the soft creak of the bed frame as he rocks into you at a godly pace. “w-won’t last,”
and in one fluid motion, jungkook’s inked arm snakes under you as he pulls you flush against his chest. the tip of his cock kisses your cervix and you cry out, “koo! baby, fuck, there!” you throw your head back on his shoulder as he fucks into you panting in your ear like a dog in heat. 
your tits fall out of your bra, and with one arm wrapped around your waist to hold you up, his free hand moves to tweak your perched nipples. you moan even louder, clenching around causing his own string of moans to leave his mouth.
“fuck, baby, m’ gonna cum soon,” he pants, licking one of the many marks he left littered across the skin of your neck. “sh-shit, baby, are you close?”
you nod, “uh-huh, sooo fuckin’ close, baby,” you mewl. “m’ gonna cum, kookie, gonna c-cum! please, please, cum with me,” you babble as you feel the undeniable pressure in your stomach and battered core. 
jungkook groans, hand moving to rub vicious circles into your clit. you clench like a vice, gasping as you feel yourself about to erupt. his strokes nearly bruise your cervix and his uncoordinated rough touch on your clit sends sparks through your firey body. all it takes is one more stroke in the right place and–
“cumming! fuck!” he whines in your ear and your face contorts as you feel his cum spraying against your soaked, velvet walls. with a loud cry, you clamp down like a vice around his uncontrollably, twitching cock as your powerful orgasm washes over you. your legs shake while you’re filled with a hot load of cum. 
after a few minutes pass, you’re about to collapse, but jungkook holds you upright, cock still lodged deep in your pussy keeping his cum inside of you. 
“baby,” he whispers in your ear.
“hmm?” you hum, still out of your mind after the euphoric orgasm he ripped from you.
“thank you.” he presses a kiss to your shoulder. 
“mhm, happy birthday, baby…” you mumble, sleepily, “you still owe me new panties, though.”
he chuckles breathily, “anything you want, angel,” he mutters back at you. “lemme take care of you first.”
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© cheolhub — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
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headkiss · 1 year
hi! i love ur work so much :) was wondering if you could do an eddie x reader (kinda friends to lovers), where the reader is super energetic, kind of a golden retriever gf LMFAO and just a big ball of sunshine. and she loves to explore and have fun and be spontaneous and at first eddie is weirded out by her and doesn’t want to admit that he has feelings for her but then he starts to fall in love with her and her quirks slowly but surely. thank u <3333
thank you!! and ty for ur request i hope this is somewhat what u wanted <3 | 0.6k of fluff
When Eddie first met you he thought you were sort of strange. Not in a bad way, really, just in a way that made it difficult for him to make his mind up about how he felt about you.
Robin introduced the two of you and right away, you started talking his ear off. You told him you wanted to go snorkeling in Lover’s Lake, for fucks sake.
“You won’t be able to see anything, you know?” He’d replied.
“I know, I just want to breathe out of the tube and float there. I think it’d be fun.”
Well, his idea of fun certainly didn’t involve sitting with his face in that murky water just to breathe out of a tube with an uncomfortable mouth piece.
But, over time, with your slow joining into the group, he went from finding you weird (actually) to weird (affectionate).
It took time for him to get used to your quick talking and blinding personality, that’s all.
Now, he’s not at all surprised when you call him to join you on aimless walks because you want to ‘breathe outside air,’ or when you show up at his door and tell him to get in the car because there’s a place you wanna see.
He’s not at all surprised and he’s way too happy to join you on your random adventures. He feels lucky that you choose him to go with you, really.
Today, you show up unannounced. He knows it’s you by the way you knock on his door, always tapping in some sort of song-like pattern.
“Eddie!” You cheer when he opens the door.
“Hi, sunshine.”
“Hi. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the park?”
“The park?”
“Yeah! Don’t you miss going on the swings?” You ask, pushing your hair over your shoulder. “They were always my favorite.”
He really doesn’t miss the swings, but he grabs his jacket and puts on his boots anyway.
Eddie likes to convince himself that he does these things for you out of kindness when it’s really just because he’d probably do anything for you. He never wanted to feel any type of way towards you and yet, he likes you a lot.
His nickname for you is the truth to him. You’re pure sunshine, even when it’s cloudy as hell. You’re warm, and bright, and you wear a smile that’s almost impossible not to reciprocate.
He finds himself wanting to protect you from everything bad in the world, if only it means you’ll keep smiling like that.
“Hey, moon?” You started calling him moon after he started calling you sunshine. For balance, you told him.
You listen to the rhythm of your footsteps, the way they match up.
“Do you have a favorite star?”
He looks at the side of your face as you walk, the way the wind tosses your hair around, the little pout on your mouth like it’s a very serious question.
“Yeah,” his hand brushes yours briefly, “the sun.”
His answer makes you smile at your feet.
You’ve liked Eddie since you met him, his edgy exterior housing a very soft person inside. He’s a very sweet boy, humoring you even when he doesn’t want to, letting you flick through his music collection in the van even if he’ll have to reorganize it after.
You can't be certain, but you’d like to think he likes you, too. That he’s trying to tell you something with his answer of ‘the sun.’
“Well, mine’s the moon.”
“The moon’s not a star.”
His heart does a stupid little jump.
“Since when do you care about rules?”
“Good point.” His hand brushes yours again. “I like your answer.”
“I like my answer, too.” I like you.
The next time your hands brush, Eddie takes a hold of yours. Your fingers intertwine perfectly, you think, like finding the very last piece of a jigsaw puzzle.
A completed image.
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florestmoon · 2 years
This might be random but could I request some Ghostface fluff? Like after a lot of tiring trials Ghostie just need some TLC from his confused favorite survivor (aka forced cuddling that turns soft?) Sorry I've been having a rough week and just need some TLC myself 😔 thank you so much if you decide to write this
I’m so sorry for doing this so late!I really hope you are feeling better and are having a much better week/month ! Hopefully this gives a bit of comfort to you <3333 much love. (:
Danny Johnson (Ghostface) x Reader
To say that trials have been rough for Danny, would be an understatement. It felt as though the entity had began to give survivors better tools or brighter flashlights that was made to make him feel like he was the victim in these trials.
He felt humiliated. Danny always prided in being one of the better killers in the realm. His stealth and gruesome methods of killing the survivors had branded him with a higher status. The entity had rewarded him many times, first with his camera then a few other awesome outfits that replicated his original Ghostface persona. He was it’s Golden boy.
So why the fuck was he beginning to lack? He never had this problem before. It was although the survivors were taken him less seriously. No longer fleeing whenever they saw him lurking around. It was irking him.
His ego was taking a big hit. The knife felt heavy in his pocket. No longer giving him the pleasure that he so desperately needed. His gloved hands were clenching and unclenching as he sat on the roof that was over a porch of the many homes that made up Haddonfield. His legs dangling over the edge as he stared off into the distance. Eyes set on the trees, roaming along the open spaces between each tree. Waiting.
After a few minutes of him running his hand through his hair and trying to rub the exhaustion off his face. He debated grabbing his mask and just leaving. But you finally appeared between the tree lines.
Your hesistant steps giving Danny some pleasure that he still had an unnerving presence. Even for someone like you, who had made their way into being one his favorites.
Well, his only favorite. Not that you needed to know.
He had made habit to tease you in and out of trials. Lurking in the woods whenever you would gain the courage, or stupidity, to break off from your group and venture alone. At first he thought he just wanted to kill you, having you to his own with no pressure of your teammates saving you in the way. But as time went on, the want to kill was there but it never occurred more than a fleeing thought. Stuck in the back of his mind.
He begin to enjoy your company. The way you would tense up when he got too close, or your glare when he said something that he knew would get under his skin.
He watched you walk in the middle of the street, eyes searching around the intimation of a neighborhood. Danny patiently waited for you to get closer until you allowed your eyes to roam up, catching his relaxed figure.
You stared at him before pushing yourself forward, disappearing under him onto the porch. About 20 seconds pass when he hears the window behind him sliding open. The thudding of your footsteps against the wooden roof following you as you came beside him.
You plopped down beside him, keeping a safe distance between the both of you and letting out a deep sigh.
“Glad you came to join me. Did you miss me?” He asks teasingly, watching your side profile. “And I thought I was the stalker.”
You roll your eyes at this. “Sure. It's not like you threatened me to meet you here. What was it that you said? That you’ll cut my tongue off in the next trial.”
You looked at him from the corner of your eye before leaning forward and placing your elbows on your thighs as you looked below you.
“You make it seem like you hate being around me.” Danny sighs sadly, leaning back against one of his hands as he watched you. “That’s a bit rude. Kids these days have no manners.”
“Oh shut up.” You laugh as you finally turn towards him. “Please don’t tell me you’re that old.”
“A lady never tells her age.” He smirks at your deadpan look, tilting his head as you begin to search his face. It was still a new development for him to be maskless around you. But a part of him felt..good about it. It’s been so long since someone really looked at him. With the way your eyes gazed over him, he wished he would have done it sooner.
Look at him becoming soft. Had the trials really messed with his head that bad? He tore his gaze away once you quirked an eyebrow.
“Bad trials?” You ask simply, gazing down at the forgotten mask beside him. Danny let out a scoff as he pulled a leg up from the edge, pressing a knee close to his chest.
“Me? A bad trial? Who do you think I am.” He snaps. The reminder of his errors had him frowning, remembering the anger and disappointment from before.
“Yeah come on. I saw the way Nea had you running around like a complete idiot.” You grin at the way his eye twitched. “I'm surprised you didn't get a concussion from all those pallet dropped on your head.”
“Shut your mouth.” He growls, the dangerous glint back in his eyes as he stared back at you. Your smile faltering at the familiarly of the first time you were face to face with him. You almost forgot that you were in the presence of a monster. “maybe I should make of my promise of cutting your tongue off.”
You push yourself up from your seat, keeping your expression from showing the fear that sparked from his threat. “Maybe you should. I don’t know why you even forced me out here if-”
Danny’s hand shot out, grabbing a hold onto your wrist. The tight grip pausing you from moving any further, your fingers clenching into a fist as you waited. He sighed, trying to push down his frustration as he pulled for you to sit down. “Okay. Just..wait.”
You stay silent as he seems to struggle with himself before you watch him lay back against the wooden panels of the roof. Before you can question what he was doing, his grip tightened as he pulled you back with him. Pulling a small “oof” as he position for you to face away from. Arms wrapping around your waist.
“Danny?” You choked out as your mind spun in confusion at the position. “What is happening.”
“Shut up for once.” He hisses as you feel, what you could guess is his forehead, press against your back. His chest was flushed against you, legs tangling between yours as he holds you close to him. You swallow around the protest that you were ready to shoot at him.
Fingers rubbed along your skin. The sensation on your sides sending sparks up your spine. Your body releasing the tension as you relaxed against his hold. You tried to ignore the panic that had your chest beating fast and focused on Danny’s breathing against you.
It wasn’t the most comfortable position, with the wood being your only cushion. You had half the mind to wish he had chosen a bed to force this on you, but dismissed it quickly because that would definitely lead into more problems.
So you stayed in that position for a few minutes. Allowing Danny to hold you, both your hearts slowing down to a normal pace as the forever lasting night surrounded you both. You grew the courage to place your hands on top of his, slighting rubbing the knuckles. Danny hummed at that.
Your face flushed at the sound before you pushed yourself away, ignoring the protest he gave, and turned your body around to face him. His eyes were half opened as though he had begin to fall asleep. Strands of dark hair fanning over his dark eyes, that were watching you carefully.
You break the silence.
“Who knew The Ghostface was a huge cuddler?” You awkwardly smile. A beat passes before Danny replies with a playful scowl.
“I should really cut off that tongue of yours.” You giggle before sticking your tongue out, reeling your head back when gloved fingers playfully pretend to grab for it. Danny matches your lopsided grin with his own smile.
You bite your lip as you begin to think, reading his expression. He then remembers this was new terrority.
Danny’s about to say something, already pushing himself to a sitting position but you scoot closer. Placing your hand on his chest and pushing him down. Surprised eyes watch as you lean your head on his chest. Your left arm wrapping around his waist.
He swallowed down the lump in his throat. The feeling of you, willingly, pressing against him and playing with the straps of his outfit, had his body feel as though it engulf in flames. He wasn’t blushing. No that would never happen.
Carefully, he places an arm around you, while the other is placed beneath his head. His hand falls on your waist, something he doesn’t think he could ever get tired of holding.
Even if he knew the moment was soon to be cut short by the entity’s greedy claws, he couldn’t help but allow himself to melt into the embrace. The moon that never disappeared watching over as you both enjoy the limited comfort that was rare in the realm.
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cressthebest · 2 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 19
chapter 33:
1. awwww being close to sirius again is the best part of reg’s life now
2. “James nearly breaks his fucking neck to do a double-take as soon as Regulus is led out again. If he was a dog, his ears would be standing straight up in intense interest. Sirius whacks him on the back of his head in what seems to be a reflex, most likely because James is doing absolutely nothing to hide the fact that he's currently undressing Regulus with his eyes.”
😭😭😭 james, keep it in your pants
3. i love that when people are jokingly mean to james, the first thing he does is call for his mum. he’s such a momma’s boy
4. james and reg being dressed up pretty <3333
5. effie and monty 💕💕🥰🥰
6. i love everyone teasing james and regulus for their crushes. they’re so funny 😭😭
7. oh. james leaving a flower at the door everyday is reg’s reason for getting up in the morning
8. their disabilities are not being ignored!!!!
9. i- they’re gonna have to visit the districts of all their friends from the arena, knowing that they walked those same streets and breathed that same air, and have to be fine
10. 😧 district twelve was where remus lived. i- sirius is not gonna do well
11. plsss lyall is so scared of why sirius would be knocking at his door
12. stop, this conversation with lyall is making me cry
13. lyall is gonna write remus a letter. i’m SOBBING
14. sirius missing remus is making me miss him too
15. “"You just found out my son is a murderer," Lyall informs him, raising his eyebrows slowly.
Sirius blinks. "Mr. Lupin, I'm also a murderer. I've killed twelve people."”
😳 they’re both on thin ice but that exchange is also unnecessarily funny
16. 😭😭😭😭 sirius, buddy, you just told lyall that you and remus had sex. my boy, pls think before speaking next time
17. 😭😭😭 he just rambled more and admitted to being in love. sir 😭😭
chapter 34:
3. i’m so mad at the riches that victors and the hollow receive, while there are literally people in starvation
4. god, they’re so gay. dorcas just gave marlene her ring
5. i can’t fucking deal with this. james sees vanity and hodges’ families
6. i knew i couldn’t deal with it, cause james’ speech to the families is making me cry
7. 😬 shit they just did the hallow is hollow chant. shit shit shit
8. james, stop being so harsh on yourself. you deserve the same grace that you gave sirius
9. 😧 evans only friend was regulus. i- i am not okay at all
10. sobbing, shit shit shit. they’re looking at evan’s tree
11. “They talk a lot, him and Evan. Or Evan's ghost. Regulus tells him secrets that he's never told another soul. Evan is his best friend, so why shouldn't he?”
12. 😭😭😭 regulus deciding that he must climb the tree even tho he doesn’t really want to
13. !!!! progress!! reg wants to sleep in james’ room!
14. “He won't see Evan in his dreams again for a long, long time.” 😐 i want to stare into author’s soul cause i hate them for this line
(also, if anyone knows author’s pronouns and could let me know, that would be great. idk if it’s something they shared or not, but if it is, i’d like to know)
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synth-operator · 1 month
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The Firehose Faction comes bearing gifts! To celebrate Nurses week in the US they brought Clark, Ray and Sparky some tulips from the Station garden! While they know none of them are nurses, they are still medical personnel and deserve some appreciation as well. So Firehoseman made the long trip to the Alliance base where Clark, Ray and Sparky are staying to deliver some items as appreciation for their help on the field. He idly mentions something about Firehosewoman stressing herself too much over injured agents since she is the only certified medical personnel in the Firehose Faction.
And the box under his right arm? It's a cooled crate of veggies and fruits from the Station garden! They caught wind that Sparky had a guyfriend *cough* boyfriend *cough* with a dog. So they thought that Sparky's guyfriend could use a bit of support caring for a dog during a war. (even tho Trapper is a big boy)
And don't be deceived either, the fire truck cab is filled with tulips! Which may be too many for only three agents... but they still wanted to bring them nonetheless!
Happy Nurses week Synth! Hope you and your OCs get lots of love and appreciation this week! -Katari
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"Aww, now I'm gonna miss that Firehoseman!! "
this is genuinely the sweetest ask i woke up to, the guys enjoyed the gifts so much and i cant stop smiling reading the ask all over again. truly motivating in my health allied course right now!!! happy nurses week to you too, katarikitten!!! <3333
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rendy-a · 1 year
if requests are still open, and if it's okay for me to ask for a follow-up; Can I ask how thankful the boys would be for the time-breaker S/O's UM during their daily lives ? slice of life, fluff, goofy "moments before disaster" saved by S/Os UM, all those good things :D I've been thinking about a few highlights, like... Slowing time around the table area during an unbirthday party because Ace ALMOST crashed into the table; S/O uses their unique magic to get up and hold him by the back of his jacket in time to yank him back onto his feet; S/O is now a mandatory attendant to all unbirthday parties as result... (On the bright side, Riddle looks a whole lot more relaxed now) Cheka tries to ambush S/O and Leona when he takes them home to meet the family. S/O turns around in slow motion during Cheka's leap; now S/O is gently holding the young boy by the back of his shirt, nonchalantly smug, "To be fair, i think was a good attempt?" (Leona knows he must not laugh but what the fuckLMFAO- ) Jamil's list of daily "Almost-s" is no longer a threat to his heart with S/O around, but the way his S/O delivers news to him by throwing letters Kaiba-style only to freeze them in place almost does it; but its the good news that make his heart jump this time (the news itself is up to you but i'm imagining smth along the lines of "Kalim's older siblings came back from buying milk and made some new friends who decided to be guards lmfao you can just work halftime now, congrats" written in a royal way) ...these boys better give their S/O a hug and some kisses for all that effort, honestly
(you don't have to choose from the ones i wrote or do any of 'em!! i'm just very happy to read your writing at all and I wanted to share whats in my mind in case it gave you any ideas too ^^ thank you for writing twst, and I'm so sorry for the long asks!! I like to hope it makes writing easier rather than harder for you x( <3333 )
Goodness, I thought this would be fast to right since I'd just finished the last one but it took me the same amount of time. Anyway, here is a part 2 for this story.
Making a Moment Last Afterwards
Life as a magical prefect has its perks.  How do things change between you and your sweetheart after your confession?
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Riddle had always saw his future as that of a magical doctor, fixing people who were injured or broken.  Maybe that is why the way you use your ability to prevent injury so catches his attention.  One morning, you came to meet him at Heartslabyul so you could walk to class together.  You give him a warm smile as way of a greeting.  “Right on time dear,” he says with a smile.  Just then, a student lets his mind wander too much on the iconic eye-bending staircases and stumbles.  “Ack!” he yelps as he starts a tumble down the stair, hand just missing the railing.  Riddle reaches for his pen but you are faster.  Before he hits the ground, you have him frozen in place.  You hold him there, suspended in time, until Trey and Cater are able to grab him by his jacket.  Then you release your magic and the upperclassmen yank their junior back onto his feet, thus preventing a horrible accident. 
“Why do these stairs need to be designed so crazy!” the shaken student complains.  You feel like that was not a well-timed complaint and, glancing at your boyfriend’s face slowly turning into an angry scowl, you know you were correct.  “Because that is tradition!” you say with forced humor, patting your bristling boyfriend on the arm.  Riddle calms down and gives a sharp nod, as if to say ‘Exactly! So there!’  Then he turns to you and offers his arm with a satisfied smile.  His dearest always knows just what to do.
The next incident was during preparations for the upcoming Unbirthday Party.  A freshman was up on a ladder to paint the highest roses red when a certain grey fire gremlin runs wildly past, knocking the ladder and sending the student flying.  You fling out your magic, catching the first year in time to save him a bad fall but not fast enough to prevent a wrenched wrist.  Luckily, you know enough first aid to help him wrap it tight before sending him to the school infirmary.  Riddle looks at you, wrapping the student’s wrist, and gets a thought; you are just like a nurse.  “What’s that?” Deuce asks him.  Riddle blushes, did he say that out loud?
When the day of the Unbirthday party arrives, you sit happily on the right side of Riddle.  He smiles with such satisfaction to have you seated in a place of honor by his side.  “Urgh!”  You hear a student cry out as he trips, flinging a pot of hot tea toward a group of students.  Thankfully, you manage to catch the hot tea before it hits anyone.  You still rush over to the group to check them over (better safe than sorry!) while also scolding the stumbling student to be more careful on the uneven ground. 
You finish looking over the last student and give him a pat, “I think you are good.”  He smiles sheepishly at you and replies, “Thank you, Nurse Rosehearts.”  Your eyes widen and your mouth makes a little O shape.  That is nothing compared to the levels of embarrassment your boyfriend is experiencing.  “What did you say?” he asks menacingly.  “Ah, well you see…um Deuce told us you call the Prefect your nurse and we all thought it was fitting so…”  Riddle is now a shade of red you hadn’t realized it was possible for a human to turn, “Deuce.  If you have nothing better to do with your head than spread rumors, I take it you have no objections to me claiming it.  OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!”  You mouth ‘sorry’ to your collared friend as Riddle continues to scold him.
Later that night, Riddle muses as he brushes his teeth.  Nurse Rosehearts.  That has a nice sound to it.
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Your life with Leona could be summarized in one word, restful.  How could it not be, the lazy second prince insisted you nap with him whenever he could get a moment of your time.  Some of the students from Savanahclaw think it’s cute, the proud Leona wanting to cuddle his sweet little herbivore like his own personal teddy.  Those who spent the most time around him knew better.  It was for your special skills. 
Leona’s guide to napping Part 1, prepare the environment.  The botanical garden was a favorite date spot for you and your boyfriend.  The temperature was temperate, the plants were colorful background and, during classes, it was nice and quiet.  Usually. 
Leona’s ears flicker irritably.  Drip. Drip. Drip.  A huffing sound escapes from your boyfriend’s lips as he pulls you closer, attempting to drown his awareness of the sound with your comforting presence.  Drip, drip, drip.  He grips you and rolls over to his other side, bringing you along for the ride.  “Woah, come on; warn a person before you do something like that!” you scold.  He opens a single eye to glare out from, a “Tck” sound slipping out irritably when he sucks is teeth in annoyance.  “Fine, fine.  Want me to get up and see if I can tighten the faucet?” 
When he rumbles deep in his chest and grips you even tighter, you know that is a no.  ‘Fine,’ you think, ‘time for a last resort measure.’  Moments later the sound stops.  Leona’s eyes open at the cessation of the sound, instincts pulling him to alertness at the change in atmosphere.  After a moment, his gaze falls on your amused expression, of course you’d stopped it with your magic.  “Five minutes tops.  You better fall asleep fast.”  He smiles, drawing your head into his chest.  “Won’t even take two, Herbivore.”
 Leona’s guide to napping Part 2, avoid pests at all costs.  You could hear the screeching from down the hall.  Children just operated at their own frequency.  The look on Leona’s face said he found the joyful chirrups more like you’d take nails on a chalkboard.  His face visibly annoyed as the young Checka clutched at his hand exclaiming, “Unka Leona, look! Unka Leona, see that!” at every little point of interest.  You feared, if he didn’t get a break soon, Leona would snap.
“Hey Checka, want to see a cool field where you can catch butterflies?”  you suggest.  The bright face of the child turns to you, “Yeah!”  Leona smiles at you gratefully and attempts to shake Checka’s hand off.  “No, you come too, Unka Leona!” Checka insists.  Leona’s smile falls into a stern frown quickly.  You quickly move to catch his eye and give him a conspiratorial wink.  Leona looks at you for a long moment and then sighs. “Lead the way, Herbivore.”
When you get to the fields near Ramshackle, there were indeed an assortment of moths and butterflies that flitted between the grasses and blooms.  “Come on Checka, I’m a pro at this!  Let’s go!” you shout and grab the little cub’s hand to urge him to join you.  And he does, allowing Leona to slip into the tall grass for a short reprieve from his noisy charge. 
Only the peace doesn’t last.  What seems like a brief moment later, Checka pounces upon his hapless uncle.  “Ooph!” Leona huffs, giving the boy a disapproving look.  “Checka, where did you go?” you call out helplessly.  “Unka Leona, are you sleepy?” the little cub asks Leona curiously.  Leona rolls his eyes and looks at you with a look that reads, ‘rescue me.’  You rack your brain for another distraction.
Finally, even you must admit you’ve reached your limit and give up.  “Hey kid, want to do something fun?  Come here and I’ll teach you to fly.”  The young lion bounds eagerly to his feet and runs to your side.  You grip him by each underarm and toss him into the air.  “Whooa!” you both yell.  When he lands, he shouts “Again!”  So you oblige him.  Only this time, when he lands in your arms, you freeze him in time.  “Herbivore, you are horrible.” Leona teases you.  “Shush, you.  Let’s get some rest in while we still can.” 
Leona holds out an arm, inviting you to join him where he lays.  You snuggle up and fall into an exhausted slumber.  It lasted fifteen minutes, until your magic wore off.  The best fifteen minutes of your day.
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Jamil worked harder than anyone else you knew.  Although you hadn’t officially gotten together after that magical night, you still somehow seemed to always be at his side.  From that vantage, you’d been introduced to the grueling schedule that Jamil kept as both a student and servant to Kalim.  You were fortunate that Scarabia had so many spare rooms.  If not for the fact that you often slept over at the dorm, you might not see Jamil for days at a time. 
The sun was barely risen when a sharp knock came at the door of your guest room suite.  You mumbled to yourself before rolling over to look at the time.  It was so early… A few minutes later, another knock sounds on your door.  You know by this that Jamil has passed your room first to light the oven, getting it warm for breakfast, and again on his way to get Kalim out of bed.  You’d like to stay and sleep longer but, with Jamil working so hard already, how could you?
A short time later, you are joined in the kitchen by Jamil.  He gives you a warm smile in welcome and you both get to cooking.  When you had first started cooking with Jamil, he barely trusted you to boil water but now, well, it’s not much but you’ve graduated to chopping veggies.  When he has time, which is rare, he tries to help you improve your cooking skills.  Each time you manage to master a new skill to his satisfaction, you earn a pat on the back and a small, “Well done.”  The praise was more precious to you than jewels.
You finish off a carrot and slide the chopped offering down to Jamil, who adds it to a skillet of simmering spices and gravy.  “What would you like next?” you ask him.  “In a moment, Prefect.  This part is tricky, so I need to concentrate.” Jamil answers.  You don’t mind at all, enjoying the sight of Jamil skillfully flipping the contents of the skillet. 
“Eeek!” came a cry from the lounge.  You both recognized that voice, it was Kalim.  You make eye contact and both simultaneously look at the sizzling skillet.  “Go,” you say, “I’ve got this.”  Jamil is starting to freak out, “I haven’t approved you to make rice yet, let alone this!”  You roll your eyes at him and gesture, freezing the contents of the skillet mid-flip.  “Ahhh,” Jamil mumbles, the beginnings of embarrassment showing on his face.  You’d like to tease him more but there is still Kalim yelling in the lounge, so you suppose that can wait until this new disaster was dealt with. (It was a spider.)
Parties were so frequent an occasion in Scarabia that you’d rather become numb to them.  You were helping Jamil set up for the latest party for…you weren’t even sure anymore.  It may have been Riddle’s horse’s birthday or something.  Anyway, you were hanging banners from the many railings of the balconies in the Scarabia lounge to prepare for the event. 
Plus, you had a secret duty assigned by Jamil.  From the corner of your eye, you kept Kalim in your sight.  Since Jamil must be away at Basketball Club for the moment, he has entrusted you with keeping Kalim in order.  This mostly amounts to stopping Kalim before he lets his wild ideas run away with him.  Speaking of which, you notice Kalim is excitedly gesturing as he speaks to (honestly you don’t remember his name, you’ve been calling him Scarabia B in your head).  An over-excited Kalim; that’s not a good sign.
“And elephants too!” you were just in time to hear.  Oh no, this had gotten out of hand.  You walk faster towards the pair but Kalim excitedly jumps up and runs off towards his treasure room.  You quickly follow.  “Kalim! Kalim! Where are you going?” you shout.  “Ah, Prefect!” Kalim smiles at you widely, clutching a rolled-up carpet.  “I’m going to take the magic carpet out to herd up some elephants for the party. Aha ha ha!”  Before he can fly off, you grab onto the magic carpet with your magic, freezing it in place.  “Hold it!” you shout.  “We can’t bring elephants to the party or…it will scare the horses!”  Kalim looks at you, his mouth going into a wide O.  Then, just as fast, it shifts into a beaming grin.  “Of course, why didn’t I think of that!  I’m so glad we have you here to help with the party, Prefect!  Aha ha ha!”  Disaster averted.
Parties were fun but they were also exhausting, especially for Jamil.  You followed him around, helping as best you could.  Sweeping up, tearing down party decorations, putting leftover food away to repurpose for tomorrow’s lunch; anything to take a small portion of the burden off your hard-working beau.  Finally, you had had enough.
“Jamil, you need to stop and rest.  This can all wait until tomorrow,” you gently admonish him.  He sets down the empty platter he is carrying and sighs.  “Prefect, I wish your magic could freeze time for the whole world, so I’d finally be able to finish everything.”  You consider this and respond, “Maybe my unique magic can’t do that but that’s not the only magic I have.” Jamil chuckles softly and gives you a look that says, ‘go on.’  You smile at him mischievously, “I’m like the fabled genie of the lamp, ready to grant your every wish.  For your first wish, I’m sending you off to bed for some rest.”  Then you drop the humor, “Even you need a break sometimes Jamil.” 
With a final long-suffering sigh, Jamil relents and lets you walk with him toward his room and well-earned slumber.  “You know, Prefect,” Jamil quietly states, “I believe the genie granted three wishes.”  You pause under the gentle illumination of a lantern set in an alcove.  “Why so he did,” you reply pensively.  Then, stepping close to Jamil, you place a hand on his cheek before drawing him down into a kiss.  His lips are warm against yours in the rapidly cooling night.  When you part, you lay your other hand on his chest and lean into his comforting warmth.  “I guess now you’ll just have to head to your room and think about what you want as your third wish.”
With one last gentle look, Jamil turns and continues alone to his room and rest.  Truly though, he has no need to consider a third wish.  What more could he desire when he already has you?
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maraschinomerry · 1 year
hi lovely, adore your writing <3 i was wondering if i could get a lucy x fem!reader where lucy thinks she’s jealous of the reader cause she always thinks the readers so pretty and it’s just a lot of pining and everyone’s trying to make lucy realise she’s in love, and then one day she sees someone flirting with r and is like oh i’m not jealous i’m gay and just a lot of fluff and things thank yoy so much <3333
Chance Encounters
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Pairings: Lucy Carlyle x fem!reader
Content: oblivious flirting, pining, self-esteem issues, kissing
A/N: what a way to get back into writing, this is one of my longest fics yet! Thanks for being so patient with me, hope you enjoy it 💙
Word count: 3.8k
Taglist: @neewtmas @marinalor @ettadear @honey-with-tea (let me know if you want adding or removing!)
Lucy flopped into her seat with a stack of books and a dejected huff. "Do Fittes have a secret beauty quota for new hires or something?"
Lockwood and George both began speaking at the same time from the other side of the table - Lockwood to assure her that she'd be a shoe-in if that were the case, George to protest that Kipps would never have been hired.
The team were in the British Archives researching a particularly tough case, when Kipps and his crew strolled in with their newest member. If Lucy had thought Kat was pretty, this new girl was on a whole other level. Girls like that always got the best jobs, the most attention from boys, all the perks. It just wasn't fair.
You kept close, tucked behind Kipps' shoulder, as your team strode with far more confidence than you through the maze of shelves. You'd only joined Fittes a week ago and were still getting used to all the rules, both written and unwritten. Kat had at least warned you in advance about the odds of running into Lockwood & Co, how fierce the rivalry was between their leader and yours.
"Ah, Tony," Kipps said ahead of you, and you almost ran into him with how little you'd been concentrating.
Whatever you'd been expecting the members of the infamous agency to be like, this wasn't it. The one scowling most intensely at your colleague must be Lockwood, not the older man you'd pictured but a thin, smartly dressed teenager with bags under his eyes almost as dark as his hair. He was only accompanied by two other people, a curly haired boy who was only visible down to his glasses over the top of an enormous stack of books, and a pretty brunette girl who hadn't taken her eyes off you from the moment you walked in. Her gaze was unwavering and unreadable, and you had to resist the urge to squirm.
You tuned back in. Kipps was speaking again. "Allow me to introduce (name), one of the most prestigious agents the country has to offer." It would have been embarrassing enough had he just called you prestigious, but the way he emphasised it made you wonder if it was some kind of dig at them. You tried to shrink further behind him, cheeks growing warm.
"I'm Lucy Carlyle," the girl suddenly blurted. Her eyes widened as though she was surprised by her own actions. The boys also looked at her, a little stunned. "I mean," she fumbled, "obviously just call me Lucy. This is Lockwood and George."
Learning her name finally made it click where you'd heard of the other agency. "Oh, you solved the Annabel Ward case! I remember seeing it on the news, you're amazing!"
Kipps elbowed you without subtlety, but you didn't miss the way Lucy's face changed. It was only brief, but there was a flicker of pride and something like awe.
"I was going to say the same to you!" Clearly she hadn't noticed Kipps' reaction, nor the unusual look her boss was shooting her. "I'd give anything to have been there when you fought that Rawbones, it sounded so impressive."
"Well," Lockwood chipped in at last, "when you get fed up of Kipps you know where to find us to exchange stories and advice." The flash of a glare he shot your boss was sharp as a rapier, but he smiled warmly at you.
You returned the smile. "Either way, I'm sure we'll run into each other again."  Lucy met your eyes again, but where before she'd stared intensely, now she quickly averted her gaze. Odd. Kipps led you away before you could address the matter further.
Nearly two months went by without so much as a glimpse of Lockwood & Co. Part of you wondered whether Kipps was intentionally avoiding them, but you knew that was irrational - even he couldn't predict their movements all the time.
This proved true one Saturday afternoon, when you were sent on a last-minute errand to Satchell's. Your team was out of flares, Kat had said, and Fittes wouldn't get an official restock until Monday. Armed with your rapier, a wad of petty cash, and firm instructions not to return empty handed, you hailed a cab across town. It was a pleasant enough day, but you didn't much feel like walking. Best to get the supplies and get back to whichever task Kipps no doubt had lined up for you next.
Kipps wasn't a bad team leader, not by any stretch of the imagination. He was fair, mucking in on tasks and never asking anyone to do something he wouldn't be willing to do himself, and caring enough to always check in after a case. Nonetheless, it was clear this rivalry with the other agency had had an impact on him and made him so desperate to push himself, and by extension his team, to higher and higher standards. Frankly, it was a little exhausting.
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't realise you were running on autopilot until you reached for the handle to Satchell's door and another hand came to rest over yours. A streak of blue appeared in the corner of your eye, and you looked up to see a familiar brunette.
"Lucy, hi!"
The other girl jumped a little. "Oh, (name) I'm so sorry, I was in my own world there." You waved the apology away with your free hand, glancing briefly at the other under hers. She noticed, following your gaze, and quickly snatched hers back with a nervous chuckle. No longer at risk of accidentally smacking her with the door, you opened it and gestured for her to go ahead. She stepped in, reaching back to hold it open from within for you.
Inside was a maze of weaponry. Shelves upon shelves of neat packaging stamped with the Satchell's logo; you recognised many of them, of course, salt bombs and Greek fire and lavender water, but there didn't seem to be much logic to how they were laid out. Turning one corner brought you face to face with floor-to-ceiling silver-glass. Where did you start?
You'd frozen on the spot, and Lucy was a little way ahead of you before she faltered. She must have realised you were no longer behind her.
"Everything okay?"
You nodded unconvincingly. "Fine, I just… haven't actually been in here before."
"Oh, it's easy enough to find your way around once you know. They sort of organise by intensity so you can't get someone popping in the door and making off with an armful of bomb flares." You both giggled at the thought. "But, um, I can show you around a bit if you know what you're looking for?"
You felt your smile ignite, but she continued hurriedly without noticing. "Only if you want, I mean, the staff are super helpful here and they probably know more than me. Not that you can't figure it out on your own, you seem like one of those cool independent types so-"
Finally, you cut her off with a gentle hand on her arm. She stopped talking instantly, like you'd managed to find a secret 'off' switch, and actually looked as though she'd short-circuited entirely. Cautiously, shyly, you slid your hand down and through until your arm was linked with hers. 'Off' no longer pressed, she sprung back to life with a fierce blush.
As Lucy led you round the shop, she chatted away about the different types of defences on offer. She’d taken you to the flares you were looking for first, of course, but when you made no move to leave she took you along to gather her own supplies. She’d seemed so jittery at first, you almost worried she was uncomfortable having you there, but the more she spoke about her experience making her own salt bombs and the run-in she had with a bunch of ghostly monks and a bomb flare, the more confident she became. Something about seeing her so in her element helped you to relax as well. It broke the ice.
“So what’s it like at Lockwood and Co?” you asked eventually. You’d been curious about the other agency ever since that first meeting - nothing about them had been expected, and you wondered if maybe the impression Kipps had given was more biased than you thought.
Lucy glanced at you, arm deep in a shelf stocked to the brim with vials of lavender water (they stock from the back, she’d advised, so the fresh ones are the hardest to reach). She hadn’t expected the question, but the answer came naturally. “Great, actually. I came to London hoping to get in with one of the big agencies like Fittes, but I didn’t have any of the right papers so I ended up there as sort of a last resort. It was difficult to get used to at first, they’re not exactly by-the-book as you’ve probably heard from Kipps, but now I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Lockwood and George are like family.”
The final part hit you like a ton of bricks. That was what you’d felt missing in your team. They were all good people and had quickly grown to be your friends, but they didn’t feel like family. Fittes didn’t feel like home. And here was this girl, who before today had barely had a full conversation with you, guiding you round the shop like it was nothing and telling you how this funny little agency was just that. Home. A weight you didn’t even realise you’d been carrying shifted, working its way up from the pit in your stomach to your chest where it settled, resolute yet comforting.
You realised you were now the one staring when Lucy waved a fistful of vials at you. “I think that’s me sorted,” she nodded to the smartly dressed man at the till. You picked up your basket of flares from the ground, wrapping your other hand around the wad of cash in your pocket, and followed her lead.
The rosy hues of evening were beginning to drift across the sky when the two of you emerged onto the high street. You hadn’t realised how long it had been; Kipps would be wondering where you were. The weight in your chest and the smile on your face told you that you didn’t much care. Now that the temperature had dropped a couple of degrees it was much more pleasant, and a gentle breeze ruffled your hair, carrying a soft floral scent. There were no flowers nearby, and you wondered whether it came from the girl beside you. It was lovely, whatever it was.
“Thanks again Lucy, I’d still be lost in the first set of shelves if it wasn’t for you.” The laugh that got from her was as fresh as the breeze, and you couldn’t help but smile wider. It gave you the courage to continue and ask, “Could I walk you home?”
Lucy frowned, and you worried it was too forward. You’ve only met her twice, for goodness sake. “Isn’t Fittes the other way? I don’t want to drag you all the way across town for no reason.”
That was hopeful - she wasn’t concerned about your intentions but for your wellbeing. “I don’t really want to head back just yet,” you admitted. “Besides, you’ve got more bags than me, the least I can do is give you a hand after all your help in there.” She tried to protest, but you held out a hand and with some reluctance she handed one over until you had two each. “There’s something I need to ask Lockwood too, so…”
This was turning out to be a day full of surprises, because you couldn’t possibly have predicted what Lucy said next. “Oh, he’s single, if that’s what you want to know.”
All the breath in your chest rushed out at once, the weight pressing hard on your lungs. “What?”
Your shock was mirrored on her face. “I just… after you were both talking about meeting again in the Archives… and since he’s a bit of a charmer and you’re gorgeous, I figured-” The words died in her her throat as the blush returned, this time reaching up to the tip of her ears and down past the collar of her playsuit.
You fought to keep your smile from breaking into a full-blown grin. The poor girl looked like she wanted nothing more than for the pavement to open up and swallow her whole, and while it was so tempting to tease her a little and see how far that blush could spread you resisted. Plenty of time for that, if you’d read things right. For now, you gave a light chuckle. “Thanks, but I don’t think I’ve been charmed by him.” You tried your best to give the right amount of emphasis on the fact it wasn’t by him, but it didn’t seem to help. Maybe you’d misunderstood. You hoped not. Maybe she was just embarrassed and not thinking about it properly. At any rate, she didn’t shy away when you tucked in close for the walk back.
Lucy paced anxiously through the library. George was curled in one of the armchairs with a comic; you and Lockwood were away in the living room, discussing goodness knows what. She hadn’t dared to ask any further on the walk home. She’d eventually plucked up the nerve to talk to you again after what she’d said (why on earth had she said it in the first place, she wondered) and found you to be so easy to talk to. You’d told her about life at Fittes, she’d told you about life in Portland Row. It sounded fun, chaotic at times but in a good way.
“Will you please sit down before you wear a hole in the carpet,” George groaned. Lucy sighed dramatically, but obeyed and slumped into the other chair. The lamplight cast unusual shadows across her face - it was well into the evening now, curfew had descended, so clearly whatever you had to discuss was of vital importance or you’d have gone back to Fittes by now.
“What do you think they’re talking about?”
George didn’t look up. “I really couldn’t say, I don’t know her well enough.”
“Exactly, and Lockwood doesn’t know her very well either, so if she is trying to ask him out then-”
“Whoa whoa whoa,” George interrupted, dropping his comic with uncharacteristic urgency. “You really think that’s why she’s here?” He studied Lucy for a moment - the way she kept glancing at the door like she expected them to walk in hand in hand, the way her index finger tapped rapidly where her hand rested on the arm of the chair, the way her lip wasn’t curled with disgust or outrage but quivering with upset. “Oh my god, you’re jealous!”
Lucy rolled her eyes. “Obviously I’m jealous, George. I know what it’s like with girls like her, they’re always one step ahead or one move beyond me. Just because they’re pretty it means they get everything.”
George’s comic was thoroughly neglected now, this was far more interesting. He had his suspicions about why she was reacting like this, but knew her well enough that he couldn’t just come out and say them or she’d deny it. She had to realise for herself. “Riiight, you’re jealous that she gets Lockwood and you don’t.”
Her nose wrinkled, the first confirmation of his theory. “Ew, no. He’s like my brother. I just don’t think it’s fair, is all. She’s been so sweet all day but as soon as there’s a better option I fade into the background again.”
Second and third confirmation: Lucy thought you were sweet (and he remembered she’d said pretty before, a fourth point on the tally) and, whether she realised it or not, had just called herself an option. George was getting more certain by the minute. God, as much as it hurt seeing her think so low of herself, he had to admit it was amusing trying to make her see that perhaps the ‘better option’ was the person you’d gushed over and pointedly said you hoped to see again and whose arm you’d been hanging off the whole afternoon, not the person you’d barely said five words to. “Got it, so you’re just jealous on principle, not of her specifically.”
“Right!” she said confidently.
“And it's nothing to do with you having feelings?”
“Right,” she said less confidently.
George didn’t say another word, just pushed himself up from the armchair and left the room.
Five minutes later, he returned with Lockwood in tow. The taller boy didn’t fully enter the library, just leaned round the door with an excitable twinkle in his eye.
“Ah, Luce, I was just about to give (name) a demonstration of the training area, if you want to come and help? I’m not sure her mind’s really on training at the moment.” He raised an eyebrow suggestively, but Lucy only looked more disappointed than ever.
George grumbled under his breath, low enough that Lucy wouldn’t hear. “Is that your best attempt at acting coy?”
“Coy?” Lockwood hissed back. “I thought I was helping her realise that (name)’s crush isn’t on me, it’s on h-” A sharp elbow in his side cut him off. He returned to normal volume. “Anyway, she’s also going to stay over tonight, if you’re okay sharing your bed? Or I can always put her in-”
Lucy shot up. “No, no, I can share.” Her gaze flickered to George, who gave her a triumphantly smug grin. “And don’t worry about the training, I’ll go with her.” Lockwood matched the other boy’s grin, and ducked out again.
George made his way back to the armchair, Lucy’s eyes following him the whole way. Her expression was a conflicted mess - irritation at proving him right, amazement at her newly discovered feelings, worry and hope all blended together.
“So you were jealous that she might like Lockwood, but not for the reason you thought?” he asked gently. It wasn’t you she was jealous of, seeming to get his attention, but him for getting yours.
She shook her head, tears beginning to well as her lower lip wobbled. “Okay fine, you win, I have feelings! Still doesn’t change the fact she went straight for him. She doesn't like me the way… the way I like her.”
There was no more amusement to be had from this, and it broke George’s heart to see one of his closest friends so upset. He stood and pulled her into a hug, feeling her sniffle into his shoulder. “You know it was you she was talking to when she said about running into us again, right?” Lucy pulled back and looked at him incredulously, puffy cheeks bearing the telltale streaks of tears. She reached up and wiped them away vigorously with her cuffs. “And when Lockwood said she’s too distracted to train it’s not because she’s flirting with him, it’s because she didn’t shut up about you the whole time she was asking to join the agency.” Immediately, Lucy stopped scrubbing at her face. In fact, she stopped crying all together.
“She what?”
“Something about you showing her how much she was missing having a family, and she wants to be part of yours. And she has a bag of flares which technically she’s now stolen from Kipps to sweeten the deal, if you’ll have her. Lockwood said it’s your call.”
Lucy’s frantic rubbing resumed, trying to erase any evidence of her crying even as she hastily made her way to the door. George called after her, “Does this mean you finally acknowledge that I’m always right?” He laughed at the chain of expletives he got in response.
You were alone in the basement, admiring the collection of rapiers and trying not to overthink what was taking Lockwood so long, when Lucy came barrelling down the stairs. She skidded to a halt in front of you, breathing heavily and as flushed as she had been earlier.
“You were flirting with me?!” she gasped.
“I… yes?”
“Why didn’t you say so?”
“That’s generally how flirting works, love.” Her face grew redder at the pet name. “You only just realised?”
She cast her eyes upwards. “George helped. I thought you were just being nice to get to Lockwood.”
“I told you it wasn’t him I was charmed by.” You wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. She folded willingly into you, burying her incredibly warm face in the front of your blouse. The heat sparked something in your chest.
“You didn’t say it like that!” she whined.
“Well you know what I just realised?”
“How cute you are when you’re flustered.”
“Really?” Her hands ran slowly down your back, coming to rest on your waist, and her eyes met yours before gliding down to your lips.
“No, of course not - I realised in the Archives.”
She smiled shyly, melting your heart even more. “I can’t believe you think I’m cute.”
You dragged her even closer, reaching up to boop her nose which made her scrunch her whole face up in the most adorable way. Your hand continued to the back of her neck, gently bringing her face towards yours. Perhaps you could make her even more flustered.
Lucy had other ideas. Her hands on your waist gripped tightly as she bounced up to meet you, lips soft and sweet yet firm and passionate. Her intensity took your breath away, and you felt your knees buckle. She held you strong, backing you up against the wall for support. You gasped a little into the kiss, trying to regain some air, and she did the same when your hand wound its way into her hair. When you both ran out of ways to breathe, you broke apart, but her hand found yours and yours never left her waist.
“Kipps is going to be absolutely fuming when he hears about all this,” she murmured with a grin.
“Oh trust me, I can’t wait to tell him myself. I quit, I’ve joined a better agency, and I get to be with one of the most amazing agents - one of the most amazing people - I've ever met.”
“I could say the same.” She puffed up her chest, pulled a face and lowered her voice in a silly impression of your now-former boss. “Allow me to introduce (name), one of the most prestigious agents in the country and my girlfriend… if you want to be?” Her voice returned to normal and she bit her lip nervously.
“There’s nothing I’d want more,” you smiled as you leant in to kiss her again.
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