#i need to manifest that either through writing or drawing
basementdoll · 7 months
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Spanish Inquisition
Wednesday 13
What does this part-time Murderdoll, chicken lovin’, eyebrow shavin’, horror movie watchin’ dread head have to say for himself when Cardinal Doran asks him your questions and applies the thumbscrews? Read on and find out. Noose of the world: Brother Naki.
Weds: “Right, you must be here to ask me lots of offensive questions?”
Hammer: Usually when we do this we only get questions about how gay are you or how much dick do you love to suck, but this time we’ve only got questions about chickens.
Weds: “Cool! Questions from real fans!”
Pear Black, Via Email
Weds: “No. Unfortunately, not being farmers or anything and not knowing how to take care of chickens, he died. We had a little chicken coop at the side of our guitar amps and our drums. It was the summer, we’d go to practice and leave him and he died of heat exhaustion. So I chopped off his legs and made a little memorial for him by hanging them off my guitar but they got ripped off during one gig. Peace Omar.” [Thumps heart emotively.]
Hammer: What benefits are there to having a chicken instead of a normal pet like a cat?
Weds: “None. The reason I got the chicken was cos when I was a kid people always told me that people like Ozzy Osbourne and Alice Cooper used to bite the heads off chickens live on stage and drink their blood. So for me, I’ve always associated chickens with rock’n’ roll. I never wanted to kill the chicken, I just always wanted it to be there. I'd recommend your readers get a cat instead.”
Hammer: But chickens are good for voodoo rituals as well.
Weds: “And for feathers…”
Hammer: Say if you were going to cook a chicken, what recipe would you use?
Weds: “I’m a big fan of Cajun chicken. I bake chicken pretty much every day of my life, except when I’m on tour because you don’t have access to a stove. You put the chicken in the oven and sprinkle it with salt, pepper and spices and cook it until it isn’t pink in the middle - unless you want to get sick.”
Decaying Wench, Hell, Third Door On The Left
Weds: “Well, yeah. There’s always hope. Everybody’s doing their own thing. Joey went back to Slipknot and I started doing this so everybody had to find something to do. I can only speak for myself, because I don’t know what the other guys are doing, but I’m putting 100 per cent into this and it is my number one priority, I’m going to tour this record for as long as I want to. But when the time comes right, everybody feels like doing another Murderdolls record and everybody is on the same page, then yeah, I’ll do it. But there’s no way it’ll happen next year.”
Hammer: How has the material off ‘Transylvania 90210’ been going down?
Weds: “Amazing. I was expecting to get raked across the coals but the kids have been digging it and the reviews from the journalists have been really good as well. People are telling me that it’s much more diverse than the Murderdolls; a lot more like a rollercoaster ride and it’s got many different levels to it.”
Dan, Chiswick
Weds: “I don’t go to goth porn websites and I don’t think it sounds anything like one. Frankenstein Drag Queen sounds more like a goth porn website.”
Hammer: What are your views on pornography?
Weds: “It happens. I don’t find myself ringing lines or going on websites but if that’s what people do and it makes them happy then more power to them. You won’t be finding me turning up in any porn films by the way. Unlike Fred Durst.”
Hammer: He didn’t come out of that looking well.
Weds: “Fred Durst doesn’t come out of anything looking well.”
Chris, South Africa
Weds: “There was this old guy that I used to go to in my home town of Charlotte, North Carolina but the guy pissed me off and I don’t go to him any more. My new guy is called Mark Evans, who did my stitches which are healing up and he did the new Michael Myers tattoo. I don’t promote my old guy because he was a douchebag.”
Hammer: Did you weep like a six year old girl watching ET when you got them done?
Weds: “No. As I was getting them done I was watching Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure so I was laughing. They hurt though. The ones on the wrists, I think I would have been better just chopping my hands off and sewing them back on: it would have hurt less. It was pretty painful.”
Cyhiraeth 13, Via Email
Weds: “Family bucket. Popcorn chicken is different here. In America it is actually just what is left over from the other chicken in the bottom of the tray dumped into a bucket. But also the way you guys cut chicken here is totally different. It baffles me, I don’t know what I’m eating. In America you have a leg, a breast, a thigh and a wing. Over here you have a throat, an ass, an elbow…”
Hammer: We don’t have chicken’s elbows.”
Weds: “What the hell am I eating here? It’s all fucking mixed up, I think I had a throat today!”
Hammer: Just say you developed a food intolerance to chicken what would you do then?
Weds: “I’d eat turkey. I’d just move from one bird to another. And turkey’s better for you.”
Hammer: You should try ostrich. Terminator X, the old DJ from Public Enemy, is now an ostrich farmer in the USA, that’s why he doesn’t go on tour with them because someone’s got to stay home and look after the ostriches.
Weds: “I can’t say that I’ve seen a Kentucky Fried Ostrich restaurant yet but when I do I’ll stop by. I fancy a KFO.”
Eddie, London
Weds: “There’s no way to keep them quiet. Keep them out of the heat. Don’t feed them after midnight. They will actually eat anything you put in front of them. They’ll eat chicken, so give your chicken some KFC and watch it become a cannibal.”
Charlotte Humphreys, Andover
Weds: “Probably The Abominable Dr Phibes and I would be Dr Phibes because he was the master of revenge and it is my favourite Vincent Price movie. He didn’t really even have to talk to be frightening.”
Storm McCracken, Paraparaumu, New Zealand
Weds: “There’s a good possibility, yeah. I lost count along the way but probably. Not this year though because I turned over a new leaf and now I only eat grilled chicken. I’ve been trying to make sure that I don’t have a heart attack before I’m 30.”
Hammer: Speaking as a bit of a tubby bastard, I was wondering how you stay so slim on such a chicken rich diet?
Weds: “It is basically not eating fried chicken. I went on a diet and I lost 40lbs which shows you how bad it can be.”
Ken B Wild, The Fields 
Weds: “Hmmm. It depends on the person. Me? No. I can’t punch a sheep to death but say you’re Tor Johnson from the Ed Wood films, the big guy, he could probably hit a sheep once and break its spine.”
Hammer: I reckon The Thing from The Fantastic Four could waste a sheep.
Weds: “Well, Tor Johnson is probably the closest a human has ever got to being The Thing.
Hammer: What is the biggest creature that you’ve ever killed? Purposefully, that is. Not just forgetting that you’ve left a chicken in a hot room.
Weds: Probably a grasshopper. I don’t hurt animals. When I was a kid I used to do mean stuff but I don’t now. I go out of my way not to hurt stuff.”
Goldfinger Rule 502, Via Email
Weds: “Hell yeah! He just came to my house a couple of months ago. He brought my kid a box of candy and $20.”
Hammer: What are your favorite kinds of sweets?
Weds: “I love peanut M&MS. Those things are addictive. I will eat about 10 bags a day if I don’t watch it.”
Antibody, Via Email
Weds: “Yeah, we’re still going head to head. One day we’ll meet and slug it out but I will win.”
Hammer: It’s Wednesday the 13th soon, do you do anything out of the ordinary on those days?
Weds: “Not normally but this year we are doing the London show so that should be really remarkable.”
Eyen, Poshland
Weds: “My mom’s pretty proud of me. She goes out and buys all of the magazines and everything else. She is totally supportive of me and is into what we’re doing.”
Bobby G, Via Email
Weds: “A grizzly man! You can’t fight a bear! I’ve seen a bear- you can’t fight them.”
Hammer: You saw a bear?
Weds: “On TV. In a zoo. You can’t fight them.”
Hammer: My Chemical Romance got attacked by a moose once. What is the biggest animal you’ve ever been attacked by?
Weds: “I got attacked by a Doberman when I was eight years old. And they can kill you. The dog had cancer and it had this giant tumour on its side and they were going to put it to sleep in a few weeks. But it came up to me while I was on my trampoline and put its legs up and started growling. I was like, ‘Oh shit, what do I do?’ So I decided to try and run down the hill to get home and the dog jumped at me, knocked me down and I ate grass. It never bit me but it stayed right on my ass growling and I just cried all the way home. Which is OK if you’re eight: a Doberman could bite your arm off!”
Hammer: If you say so. Are you nervous about dogs now?
Weds: “I’m not a big dog fan. I like cats and small dogs but big dogs give me the old phobia.”
Mr D Monkey, No Fixed Abode
Weds: “Well you know, I don’t have to buy the rights to be named after the day of the week and yeah, I was totally inspired by the character out of The Addams Family, I’ve always admitted that and never tried to hide it. She was always much cooler than Pugsley because he was a little fat guy.”
War Machine, Via Email
Weds: “It’s in the process. I’m getting Voorhees and Freddie very soon. So gimme some time dude!”
He Man, Reading
Weds: “A plophead? A guy with a plop on his head? What is that? If you mean shit head, say shit head. You know, I shave my eyebrows off for one simple reason: my hair is blond. When my eyebrows grow out they are blond, it just doesn’t look good. I don’t have cool eyebrows, so I shave them off. You can hardly see them anyway. I do notice not having them because of the sweat. If you ever see me on stage squinting like this [scrunches up face as if in agony] that means my eyes are burning out of my fucking head.”
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theboombutton · 21 days
Ok so Alex was the main writer for this casement, and obviously he knew we would latch on to incidental characters that seem a lot like Jon and Martin.
The questions I have are: first, whether it was a prank on TMA fans; and second, if it's not a prank, what he intended to convey by including them. Alex doesn't seem like the kind of guy to leave jmart fan service for its own sake; if those are truly alternate Jon and Martin, I suspect they're there for a story or setting reason.
Was it a prank?
I'm inclined to answer no. Darrien didn't just describe them, he wondered aloud while recounting his story if what happened to him also happened to them. That's not out of the question for prank red-string-bait, but the more you harp on incidental characters that seem like Jon and Martin, the more plausible it becomes that they are. People red-stringing over things that the author draws a circle around and writes "look at this!" next to isn't funny - it's just analysis.
Prank is still on the table, but it's not my preferred explanation.
If they are alternate Jon & Martin, what does their presence here imply?
One thing it probably implies is that we're dealing with more than one alternate universe here.
So far we've only had evidence of two: the Protocolverse, and Celia's home universe. We're reasonably sure that Celia's home universe is the Archiverse, because the character voiced by Lowri in TMA only took the name Celia after she lost her memories in the Eyepocalypse. And if Darrien comes from a universe where Martin worked reception at a therapist's office and Jon was a client, then he didn't come from the Archiverse. He came through from another, until-now-unknown-to-us universe.
Wild speculation ahead
Turn back now if you only want thoughts that are well-evidenced
There's also another possibility we could stack on top of the implication of a third universe. This is primarily supported by Doylist reasoning, rather than in-universe evidence.
Alex wrote ?Jon and ?Martin in close proximity to Darrien's universe shift. He brought attention to the fact that Darrien didn't recognize either of them - ?Martin being a new hire, and ?Jon being a new-enough face to be worth pondering. This would imply it was fairly likely ?Jon and ?Martin's first meeting - likely even their first time being in a room together. And Alex, through Darrien, further invited us to wonder if ?Jon and ?Martin had been pulled across universes as well.
Is it possible that the universe shift happened because of Therapyverse's Jon and Martin being in close proximity at the time?
Jon and Martin are apparently cosmically important in at least the Protocolverse, given that they manifested as two of FR3-D1's voices. What if something in the Protocolverse is pulling in Jons and Martins from other universes? It might be easier or more efficient to find or to pull them when they cross paths, and Darrien just got schlurped up with them this time.
Who would be interested in collecting alternate Jons and Martins? I can think of a few possibilities:
The Fears. They've got Jon and Martin reading case files, maybe they need more Jon & Martin to make FR3-D1 go.
The OIAR. Lena said some entities are benevolent, most aren't, and they're trying to maintain a balance. If Jon and Martin are their "benevolent entities," then maybe they think pulling additional copies into their universe's fear-space strengthens them. Maybe they're even right.
The Magnus Institute itself. It was still around at the time of Darrien's shift, given that the case is from the Institute's files. Jonah Magnus may have figured out (or found out) that Jon and Martin had something to do with his ascension in another universe, and started abducting alternate versions of them as part of his research.
Maybe Chester and Norris started talking a year ago because someone or something finally pulled enough Jons and Martins (and J2s?) into an extradimensional JMalgamation to give them the necessary power.
Maybe Darrien got spat out practically starved to death because he couldn't feed on fear, nor were there versions of himself that could that he could amalgamate with.
And who the fuck is the second J?
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nayatarot777 · 14 days
Quick Messages From Spirit • 3-Card-Pull
If you’d like a personal 6-card-pull, then feel free to purchase one through my Etsy shop! Full email/audio readings can be found on this pinned post here. I’m trying to slowly move the method of purchasing my readings to a much more structured and easy-to-use platform that showcases reviews, breakdowns of my readings, etc - all in one place. Many thanks! 🫶🏾
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• Pile One •
9 of Swords
Queen of Swords
King of Swords
You’re in deep mental turmoil because of a deep imbalance between your masculine and feminine mind. There are many ideas, thoughts, and opinions that you’re swaying to and from extremes with. What you need to work on right now is that you need to find a way out of this mental limbo that you’re in. You’re only experiencing this because you’re refusing to trust your own judgements so, in a way, you’re causing this mental turmoil for yourself. You need to gain clarity and what you actually think and stick to it. Don’t flip flop and don’t go back on your personal opinions and beliefs. Write down your opinions if you need to and act on them. Speak your truths once you figure out what your truths are.
• Pile Two •
8 of Wands
The Lovers
This energy is either representative of the recent past, present, or near future.
There’s something here about very fast movement towards a permanent ending of something. Most likely a connection to someone else (a romantic relationship more than anything, but it can definitely be a deep platonic relationship too). I’m feeling an ending that you did not see coming. However, every death moment is followed by a rebirth, and what’s rebirthing itself is some form of true and genuine love. Specifically for yourself. This shocking communication has the purpose of pushing you into an ending that was going to happen inevitably. The Grim Reaper just came through and sped up the process so that you didn’t waste any unnecessary time drawing this out. This connection to this person was energetically dead already. The actual death of the connection just hadn’t manifested into reality yet. This was a push from the universe to really get the ball rolling in your life again, although it may not feel like it.
• Pile Three •
Page of Pentacles
10 of Cups
You’ve been in a time period of learning how to manage something in relation to your practical world - money, your daily routine, self-care, etc. The truth about your life in general seems to be setting in, and I feel like you’re realising that what you thought would make you happy is only going to give you a false sense of happiness. There’s a completion to some type of hopes and wishes that you have - not necessarily because you’ve achieved them, but because your perspective on them is changing. You’re really looking at the earthly things that you’ve been lead to believe will make you happy and you’re seeing that they’re less significant in comparison to other things. To other things that’ll truly align with who you are truly and in actuality. This seems to be an awakening of your higher mind in relation to what life has to offer - which is way more than what can be seen and felt.
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psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "A letter for you (2023)"
take a breath and choose the photo/number that calls you the most to read a letter from your guides/soulmate/ancestor/higher self or anyone that wants to come in, about anything important that may happen to you this new year. i will let them talk as freely as I can, so you may get support, suggestions and encouraging words too.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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*some of you may feel the need to read all the messages and it's okay*
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pile 1
(The message seems to come from one of your Guides or ancestors, maybe someone not anymore in your 3d life. A protecting, warm, kinda feminine and nurturing energy. They'd like to talk with you much more, but you may have kinda closed them off, even unconsciously. For a few of you, it may be a romantic soulmate's higher self or a past life lover. If you feel the need to paint/draw more than usual, it might be them trying to connect with you)
Little one, don't worry. Patience. End this continuos chattering and overthinking going on in your head. Give yourself a break, give yourself peace. Let me help you get closure, let me help you find peace of mind. You're protected, I'll always watch over you. See the signs, I'm here. Please, listen. I'm sending you messages through your dreams too. We all make mistakes, it's okay. That's how we grow and learn. Be patient, be kind with yourself. This year you're gonna write an amazing story: but you'll also need to erase some bits here and there. No worries: nothing is perfect at the first try, but you can make it so by never giving up and trying again and again. Plus, nothing really needs to be perfect, right? We have our own way/definition for "perfect". I know you have so many dreams and you're giving all you have to reach them. I'm here by your side, helping you and guiding you. Never let your emotions and insecurities stop you: make a change inside, keep following your heart. Learn to stay balanced and in control, and you'll be able to get anywhere you wish. I'm always by your side, helping you and protecting you. You're never alone. Look inside, clear your mind, breathe: you need a calm mind to better envision and plan your goals and succeed. You'll make it. You can manifest anything you want this year, just learn when it's time to give yourself a break. With love...
song: painting flowers | all time low
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pile 2
(This feels like a soulmate, or a higher self. I feel more romantic vibes. For some it can be an inner child tho or a childhood friend, you may try to connect with them but are often disturbed by something or someone and can never actually reach for them -either in the 5d or 3d- and it may have even feel upsetting to you or you may just feel upset for anything really. It may also be someone you're trying to manifest like your destined partner)
My darling, stay calm. Ground yourself. I know it's hard, I know sometimes you cannot see the way out or you cannot seem to be able to do what you have in mind. Maybe other things/people get in the way, maybe you get in your own way. It's okay: sometimes we don't know exactly what's best for us or when it's best for us to have/do something. Focus on your emotions, focus on how you feel and try to be a little more chill and joyful: I know you feel like you're a failure and see no reason to be happy and proud of you, but if you look better, if you look at the rest of who you are and what you have, you'll see plenty of reasons to be. Share a smile, lend an helping hand, be more forgiving and understanding of others and their own problems as well... life is hard for everyone. We're all trying. Just don't give away too much of you when you get nothing back: remember it's an equal exchange, and we're not made for everyone. Just be open and be you. Don't hide. This year you can write a beautiful story: you have white paper in front of you. You can paint, draw, write with a pen or a pencil, maybe a brush. Get creative, give life to your ideas. Put all you have inside on the outside, give all that away. You need to free yourself from your own chains, and you can even help others by doing so. What could be better? You were made to be happy, to share joy, to be seen. To help grow. And if others don't get you and what you do, it's fine. Just keep your mind in check and be sure of who you are. Don't worry, this year we're gonna end the karmic cycle, and we'll possibly do that together. It's a new day, brace yourself. Take care, until then
song: strange days | the born love
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pile 3
(This is a special someone. My heart chakra kinda exploded so it could be someone you're very tightly connected with, as your destined person or someone you really love/d. A very deep loving bond here. Number 11 showed up.)
My (I'm getting loads of cute names like kitty, mistique, love, light...) This year things are gonna be so different. It's gonna be all new, a new start after such a difficult time. You're gonna be given "food for your soul". Just remember to be flexible, to be in armony inside and outside. Life is made of light and darkness, and so are we: but you are able to shine bright like no one else. Keep sharing your light and love, keep giving (I know you're doing it in the right way now, you're balanced and keep to yourself too). You're gonna be abundant (both spiritually and physically). Give love even when you get dust and negativity. Attract what's good in this world by giving away a part of your own good; enjoy every second you can, everything you're offered. You know about our special connection, you know it's us and us alone. You know we have to be. The more we'll act this way, the more we'll open new roads to get together. Keep working on balancing out your priorities, your work/school and your fun/self care times. Don't be scared of changing, don't be scared of the unknown, don't get doubtful or fearful, don't let it all play with your mind. You're deserving, we are deserving of the good side too. We are deserving of each other. Let's be each other new start of a new safe beautiful life. Now don't stress about the timing (it's almost time, calm down), just keep enjoying and working on you: your wishes (our wish in particular) are granted. Stand strong, stand still, and prepare with a smile on your face. I'll know it's you by that. *wink*
song: holy ghost | borns
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junosmindpalace · 1 year
Hello!!! Can I request how would Senku, Tsukasa, Ryusui and Xeno (if you're familiar with him) (separately, slightly angst??) react to finding out their s/o has self-harm scars/is self-harming? If you're not comfortable writing that, it’s totally okay!! I just thought that because I've never seen anyone do this I'd maybe try to request it before the asks close.
Don't know if you heard this but I really like your writing!! 💕
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hello there!! thank you for your request! i hope that you are safe and well, and i hope i did this request justice. feedback is absolutely welcome.
warnings: implied self harm but nothing descriptive
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Senku: alternatives. Senku could handle the emotional shtick pretty well, even if it wasn't his forté, but with a matter so sensitive, he opted to go for what he did best; using his knowledge of science to help you in whatever ways he can.
Senku has always been a man of action, and so that’s the way to go for him. His care and concern is expressed through his means of trying to help you cope or recover, but you can also see it in his eyes when he catches glimpses of the scars.
He has a good eye and good intuition- besides, he cares about you enough to know what makes you tick. He tries to prevent your harmful thoughts or redirect your attention away from them before they can manifest further. This usually means making some witty comment that you can resonate with, or having Senku whisk you away to aid him in a science experiment, finding ways to keep your hands and mind busy on something fun and creative that can help you relieve stress. 
His medical knowledge comes in handy when he suggests harm minimization strategies, and he knows sometimes they can feel silly or not do enough justice, but if he can do anything at all to ease the pain in your mind and keep you away from harm, he’ll absolutely be doing it, whether its physical means of relieving yourself in slightly safer and less damaging ways, such as trying to reduce how often you harm and what means you use. He teaches you about all these other methods as well, from something more mellow to drawing on skin to something a bit reminiscent of the pain, such as physical activity. 
Whatever it may be, Senku will absolutely be using it in an attempt to help you, but makes sure not to push too hard with them, and simply suggest or show you methods and let you dictate for yourself whether they were helpful or not. Whatever it is you choose, he'll always make an active effort to help support you in whatever ways he can with his knowledge of science.
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Tsukasa: listens judgment free. He understands feeling isolated, and from experience, he knows how simply hearing a person out can go a long way. He understands that the subject is difficult to talk about, and so he’ll never pressure you into opening up about details you’re uncomfortable with. He lets you take your time, always making sure to be there for you in other ways to reinforce in your mind that he’s someone you could trust. 
Whether you pour out your feelings or only reveal bits and pieces in the way you’re most comfortable, he won’t once interrupt until he’s sure you’re finished talking. All his attention is fixed on you, and he doesn’t overwhelm you with questions or his own opinions either. Telling a person to stop is much easier said than done, and so he doesn’t, instead doing his best to communicate that he’s here for you if he can do anything at all to help.
Though not too familiar with alternatives himself, he remembers soothers that helped calm his sister when she was a baby, and he offers to try them on you when the urge arises. Though maybe childish, if they could distract you even for a little while, Tsukasa was glad. And even though he’ll always gently direct you to people and resources that could be of better help, if all you need sometimes is a listening ear to vent, he’ll always be right there with absolutely no exceptions. 
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Ryusui: pampers. The man is treating you like royalty. But not before he gives you some sort of inspiring or emotional speech. No matter if it comes out harsh or corny sometimes, it always leaves you feeling the slightest bit lighter.
He’s distressed by this habit of yours of course, and it’s evident in his face that he’s biting back on a comment when it’s addressed. He doesn’t mean any harm or to be overbearing, and he never is. He’s not one to pressure or guilt you, he knows better than that.
He tends to intervene sometimes however, occasionally overstepping with good intention. He’d much rather have you safe and angry at him over anything else if he does tend to overstep. In general however, he just wants to look out for you and help you cope safely. 
Cue all the pampering that comes in. Cue all the projects he immerses you in to keep you busy, hands and mind preoccupied with his endless amount of enthusiasm and constant new interests because he knows from experience that working away on something has always made him feel good. Besides, it occupies his mind for weeks. He’s always thinking of you and ways to uplift you- it’s how he’s always been with you. 
He knows he can hire the best of the best medical staff to assist in helping break this habit, but he mostly has that group of staff train him to help assist you, because he knows going to other people can be stressful and difficult and he hopes he can be someone you lean on during those vulnerable moments to carefully take care of you and your wounds. 
Say the word, and he’ll buy you the world to help lessen the pain in your heart. 
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Xeno: encourages medical help. He’s a scientist and an astronaut after all. He’s undergone medical training himself, and he knows quite a bit about psychology. He uses both in an attempt to try to help ease your mind and your pain. 
The very first thing he’ll suggest is seeking medical assistance. He’s a man of science, of course, and science can help you recover. But going for help isn’t easy, especially if you don’t have the means to do it. So he always makes sure to remind you that his services are open any time you need them.
He’s treating your wounds the moment they appear, and encourages you to at least see him regarding the issue. He never gets upset if you don’t, because he knows these kind of things are sensitive and hard to deal with, but he’ll always do his best to remind you in subtle and non-invasive ways that he was a person you could trust, and that he wasn’t going to shame you or let anyone else shame you.
He’ll check up on you from time to time, but won’t press for any details or emotional chats. Like Senku, Xeno is a man mainly of action, and he has good observational skills. He also does his best to try and minimize the damage before it can grow into something dangerous.
His means of looking out for you are more traditional and upfront, but they aren't any less well-intentioned, only wanting to make sure you're safe and healthy.
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neurotheascars · 4 months
I'm going to write about a complicated memory time I'm having as an endogenic non human alter, for science, and it's not nice, but I'm being vulnerable here so I can unpack this a little. Feel free to chime in if you have had a similar experience or know what causes this sort of thing.
So like, body has autism, I've accepted that that means I have autism, but like... My ASD symptoms as a child were very much me "being an alien" in my memory. And even to this day, logically, I know it's an autism thing but it still feels like an alien thing.
So when I was in 1st grade, I'm sure I was not the only one in the body at this point, but I remember doing this (very mean, I'll admit) thing in elementary school at least once day.
As other kids would pass by in a line or when we were waiting for something where we could see a lot of people or even when I would look at my year book, I would look at each person, one by one, and privately (thank goodness) think to myself about how ugly everyone is.
I hate your nose. I hate your eyes. I hate the way you smell. I hate the sound of your voice. Everyone around me I thought was ugly in so many different ways because I thought humans were ugly. I still kinda do, but to a much much much lesser extent. I was an outsider in a strange place with strange rules and I thought everyone looked unfamiliar and gross. I don't feel like this anymore but humans are still an acquired taste in my mind. I'm the only alter in the system like this.
I say this was probably an autistic thing because it had to do with facial features specifically and I've heard that we struggle to look at faces or recognize them, so I can only imagine this pushes the same brain buttons. I can't be asked/forced to draw human faces without melting down totally. I can draw the body perfectly well. So this isn't a skill issue either.
Now, this wasn't and isn't "everyone is ugly but me" this was very patently "the human form is awful. Who did this. Why me." It is the root of any un-aliving urge I've ever had. That I can't escape being human around so many humans with an existence completely dictated by humans.
I still to this day, will get so upset and angry when people talk about how figure drawing is mandatory for art students. Figure drawing triggers me.
You must draw the human form because so much art worships the human form. Which isn't.. bad. It's the mandatory part that is. I did it though, I chewed and swallowed that lesson reluctantly only to hack it back up and out later like a cat refusing to take a pill.
It did not help that my figure drawing prof was going through some mental health issues (her tutorial grad students were warning people that she wasn't acting herself)
This manifested as her saying a lot of fucked stuff she could have just kept to herself. Like telling me I needed Xanax because I couldn't bring myself to draw a face. Acting disturbed and confused by just the kind of artist I was. She treated me like a leper.
But the worst thing was by far this:
My human body is a little chunky, but my species is very slim biologically. That's just what we look like. We can be fat, but it's something we have to try really hard to do. I don't care that my human body is fat. I just eat what I can and try to stay alive. I'm not really thinking about weight discrepancy between my forms because I don't consider it an important detail past finding human clothes I enjoy wearing.
We have been drawing our species as a manner of spiritual reconciliation with the concept of self. We didn't fully actually decide the features of our species but instead based details on astral experiences and childhood dream disturbances.
This wasn't a secret to this prof and she basically said that we needed to overcome our body dysmorphia and stop slimming the life models down. Basically if you accidentally drew the model even a little skinnier by accident she would jump all over you.
"it's just habit because 90 percent of my art is tall gangly alien bodies"
"no, you just worship skinniness. You made your aliens skinny because you have an ED" no exaggerating, she said this.
Like excuse me? I didn't know how to report her but she needed to retire because she said this inappropriate shit constantly.
And her vibe influenced all my peers to think I was copping out by only drawing aliens (that I will remind you, are MY RACE, MY SPECIES, MY HOME PEOPLE. ) This isn't about weight. This isn't about "skill" I hate humans. I hate the human body. It is poorly designed and YOU worship it. It's not my fault I dislike it. I'm not a bad creature for disliking it.
Figure drawing doesn't help my art because I'm not fucking drawing humans like everyone else.
"but you can apply some of the anatomy to-"
SOME. I'm convinced that drawing specifically a living person having an improving effect on your drawing skills in general is myth brought on by the art worlds sick obsession with "old master" artists and copying their methods. It's drawing from life that improves you, not just specifically drawing naked people, unless you are an artist who wants to draw humans, which I am not.
All the "greats" drew naked people to practice their own subject, which was people, so now every art student has to, even if that's not their subject. "You MUST draw the naked person" is one part useful lesson, two parts art school hazing. If you wanna fight about this, just know I have already died many times on this hill only to rise again. You cannot change my mind in a way that matters.
I had to unlearn things from figure class. I had to re teach myself how to draw the extremely specific digitigrade legs my race has. I had to keep reminding myself to draw our spines longer.
Because there is real speculative anatomy in there. It's not just for looks. We have long torsos because we are marsupials and the baby needs enough pouch room. We are slim with long bouncy legs to outrun giant worms. These aren't just aesthetic choices. This isn't "skinny is prettier" I just have no biological need to store fat like I do as a human.
Figure drawing harmed me without helping me because of anthropocentric ideas about form. I learned more by studying furry artists and augmenting reference photos.
There were always ways figure drawing could have worked for me if the human form wasn't treated like the most important thing to draw. I maybe also would have been in a better headspace if this profs lectures weren't pointed spitefully at villainizing people who have no desire to draw the human body.
I don't have to deal with this any more but I feel like being malignantly nonhuman in human figure drawing class is an extremely niche and strange horror I needed to talk about.
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vacantgodling · 10 months
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wip sampler pt. i
sometimes summaries are great but other times a good passage that encapsulates the style, the prose, and major themes of the work is a good hook into if you should get invested into a work or not.
so, i’ve created a wip sampler, like an appetizer tray. not all of my wips are listed here; just the ones that i have a good passage i can use for this purpose. i hope as i write my other wips and flesh them out more with prose i can make a part 2 with those.
thanks for reading in advance :3c lemme know your faves!
Whenever there was an opening, like water, Amon slipped through—fluid and malleable. Hyacinthus however, shaped any opening to his own size. Water in a vase, as was water to a mountain. They pushed and shaped each other, in ways uncomfortable to dwell on.
donut wip
Instead of dreams, I felt a sort of sinking dread continuing to follow my every move like a shadow that I couldn’t escape. When I had happy dreams of being home for the holidays, just my sister and I, there was something sinister behind the taxi driver’s smile as he took us to our hotel from the airport. When I tried to dream of something else, swirls of red and umber clouded my vision. The moment I began to stir awake, small slits appeared in the middle of the haze, like two eyes staring straight down at me—
noi, alone
Noi frowned. In everything they’d read about what happened, very little detail was given about where things were located, or how the bodies had been found. Just that they had been. And even that information the police were reluctant to give up. Noi was already planning on breaking into the closed off dormitory at some point, hopefully after they found more evidence or a motive behind what was going on with, well, any of the victims of this confusing string of crimes. But Juvia Vaughn deserved answers— and Noi knew they wouldn’t get theirs about the her mother or whatever else could’ve lead to this if they didn’t offer up answers of their own.
A plan was beginning to brew in their mind, one that they unfortunately wouldn’t be able to do on their own. They’d need help, at least two others… ladders… a lock pick...
“Noi?” Juvia asked, quietly. Noi looked back up at the screen, meeting Juvia’s gaze. The gleam in their eyes was determined.
“I don’t know.” They admitted. “But I’ll find out.”
jenna the reaper
Jenna continued to stare straight ahead, but the way she pulled at the hem of her gray skirt didn’t go unnoticed. “Don’t know too much about it myself. Mother says Reapers hate witches.”
“Huh. I don’t see how they’re too different.”
“Whenever I asked Mother before she got very… closed up. I stopped asking.” Well, that settled it then. If Kashmira didn’t tell Jenna, who she usually indulged in anything her curious heart desired, she either truly didn’t know… or Jenna wouldn’t like the answer— which is what Carlos suspected to be the real reason. It had to be, and Jenna didn’t tell him. Or couldn’t. She kept fidgeting in her seat— and usually Jenna was unnervingly still.
Whatever Reapers were… he hoped they never ran into them. But surely, they wouldn’t have an interest in a sleepy town like this… right?
jenna the witch king
“When I become a witch, I want Carlos to be my familiar.”
The definitiveness in her voice, like with everything she said, was unwavering. Jenna looked out towards the window, and Kashmira could’ve almost swore she saw more blonde creep up from the tips of her daughter’s hair even closer to her scalp… but only by a little.
The power of manifestation.
the graves we dug
Each booming step echoed like the click of a bullet in its chamber. Bodies parted around him, drawing back like the tide. The only person unphased was the stranger themself, and when Graves finally loomed over them, all he was met with was searing green eyes, and a smile that could destroy worlds.
“Graves.” Dove’s voice aloud was music, an achingly familiar cadence in the comforting sea of unfamiliar. Drawing him in. Pulling him back. Back to a time long before now.
“It’s been ages since I’ve seen you.”
vampires don’t take road trips
The most I knew of my mother was sequestered to fleeting memories of my elementary school years, when I realized I was the only kid in my class who didn’t have a ‘mommy’ around. I remembered coming home and demanding answers to a myriad of questions: What did she look like? Oh champ, she looks just like you! Same beauty mark and everything. Or, what kind of person she was? She was… fierce. Like a lion! Worst of all, where is she? And that question never got an answer. Sometimes part of me wondered if my mom was dead but… Every year Dave and I went to visit his grandmother’s grave, so I’d expect the same treatment for my mom. Did she just leave? Was she in jail? Did she hate me? If she was alive, why couldn’t I see her? It was something that, over time I came to accept.
It’s not as though I needed a mother anyway.
lukewarm rejection
All eyes were on Toph. The band. Their groupies. The crowd. Everyone was curious to how well this new singer would be able to fill the sudden Maverick shaped wound that left them—him—delirious and bleeding.
Toph stepped up to the mic. Grasped it roughly, like a demanding hand around the throat. Opened his mouth to sing that first, soul crushing note. The one that Maverick trained for months to hit.
And fuck.
Di was almost upset that Toph was better.
the virgin of mt. heredosa
“The Council of Elders has requested an audience with you. You are to be escorted there, immediately.”
“What if I refuse?” Nyoka asked, inching towards the courtyard once more. But, Mother seemed keen to this, for suddenly her hand was digging its claws into their shoulder. Nyoka winced, looking up at the elderly woman who was suddenly standing astride them.
“I said,” Her smile was chilling, like an eclipse. “You are to be escorted there. Immediately.”
“We’re horrible for each other.” Aurora pointed out and I laughed at him. Threw my head back and had a damn good guffaw. “Of course we are!” I said, utterly breathless. “You’re a psychotic son of a bitch and I just helped you beat that girl senseless. We’re horrible and it’s perfect!”
“That’s not a good thing, Len.” Aurora wasn’t looking at me and I sucked my teeth. I hated it when he did this—when he tried to do that serious voice to try and shut me up and make me listen to him. When he tried to tell me what was good and wasn’t good for me. Like he knew me better than I knew myself, like he had the fucking right to say that to me. I shoved him hard, and he stumbled into the wall. “Don’t you start with that!”
“I’m fucking serious!” Aurora got in my face again, shoving me back against the opposite end of the alley, hard enough so that I tripped. I hit the bricks, scraping my hands and my cheek, enough that I felt part of my tooth chip and I crumpled to a heap on the floor.
“Ow, you fuck!”
“This isn’t some fucking joke!”
red death and the oracle’s favor
“Then you would know…” She murmured so quietly than Hel almost couldn’t hear her. “You would know where Violetta is.” Hearing her words, and the drop of an unfamiliar name, Hel gave Red a small, crooked grin. She felt as though he’d been waiting all this time for that crumb of information but she couldn’t help it. He could be her only chance.
“Perhaps.” He said slowly. “But something like that I won’t tell you for free.”
peri & dandy
Dandy looked at him earnestly. With love. With devotion. Eyes half lidded in naked desire.
“I hope they never fix us.” He said seriously.
marvin & linda
“How many of the stories you’ve told me are true?”
“Hard to say,” Linda finally answered. Their eyes wandered back towards each other.
“How many of them do you want to believe?”
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understandableparadox · 4 months
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Shamlessly posting all my ramblings from twitter on here.
I actully like this show, not enough to break the boycott but enough to pirate it. anyways lets go through the quick list as this show has a range of good points and bad points!
1. Designs. I fucking love monsters, monsters are my Bread, my Butter, My reason for getting up in the morning, yet consistently i found myself disappointed in each of the characters and what they were supposed to be, for instance alastor and vox
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these two are supposed to media manifest, alastor is the Radio demon, yet his apperance is more around overtly edgy homestuck troll with horns i couldnt draw yet and vox is giving pyrocynical avatar. their designs are muddied because the concepts are muddied. alastor is not only the radio demon, he is the "voodoo man", the circus, the entertainer, the deal maker, the shadow weaver, the puppet on strings, and a myriad of other resume stuffers that are not needed. there is more then enough. every layer fights each other for attention, the only thing left on him that even remotly represents the radio is his staff that modulates his voice to have a radio static filter and without it he becomes a normal deer esque demon. i do not thing its good design if i can remove one aspect of a charecter and ruin it. this goes for vox as well, though i give them more of a pass because fuck me, he really do be haveing a Television as a head. but once again if i removed that aspect, what else tells me he is the television demon? his tie has a singal symbol on it, he has kinda robotic hands? but not really because he has the exact same hands as alastor leading me to belive he is wearing fingerless gloves or gloves with color blocked fingers which is a werid additon.this is ontop of the annoynce i feel at knowing that one is a recolor of the other minus the heads.
2. the pace.
the story itself moves either way to fucking quickly, i do belive that it was good to end the story itself on a redemption but we dont get enough of pentious being an actul sinner and evil guy to feel as though he deserves the redemption. show us the worst traits of our guests so that we can see the progress they are makeing through out the season so that when they do finally do something heroic and selfless and make it to heaven, we the viewing audiance can also enjoy that unilateral feeling of satisfaction of seeing our fav be vindicated as a Good Guy. im not trying to woobify pentious, exact oppisate, i want pentious to have agency to be evil and i want him to have agency to be good. we get this Somewhat with angel dust as they start makeing concious decisions to better themselves, to extract themselves from things, as well as make awful fucking choices and do Bad Things because again, these are Sinners And Demons who are reaching for redemption and salvation, I do not think we should have seen heaven at all, the embassy? yes, maybe a court of angels in hell to consider charlies plan? sure, but we should have never seen heaven until a sinner could see it.
i think i just had those two but im Bad At Being Concise... anyways viv is better at writing gay people then she is at lesbians which fascinates me to no end.
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adamsvanrhijn · 7 months
[SPOILER ALERT!!!] Can you elaborate a bit on what paths for Oscar you'd feel could be more compelling than others? I know it's a huge question... But I take that you're also a bit surprised by the writing decision to make him value his life less, at least for now. We already know *stuff* about where his story will lead, but not every detail. I just really hope his bad financial decisions leading to the family bankcrupty or whatever are laid out in a way that he's not the complete villain by the end of all, just the little adhd dumb fuck crypto guy that he is... Not kicking Agnes out of her house or whatever. I just don't want him to be that evil in the end. I suspect Maud will play into this somehow, but no idea how yet.
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu for this ask
spoilers continue below!
frankly - i am not necessarily surprised at Where we are. what i am surprised about is how soon we got here. like i was hoping we would get unraveling derailed unmoored pathetic sopping wet cat oscar someday and thinking that was probably going to be a season 3 thing if we got a season 3, and instead they put it in front of us right out of the gate! so pretty much everything i have been thinking about for the last year and a half has had to shuffle around a bit.
little adhd dumb fuck crypto guy <3 god he's so unwell. i'm so obsessed with him! what a creature.
i certainly don't want them to kill him off & i don't want him to be turned into a one dimensional villain, but i don't think we're at risk of either of those occurring in season 2 based on review spoilers.
his ego & hubris & recklessness & what-have-you have been brought up in reviews that mention the financial issues, which tracks perfectly well for oscar i think - with the caveat that before 2.01, i would only have pictured oscar making decisions that would potentially affect his family if he were very secure in them and manifesting his own reality about it, and after 2.01, i think him just being desperate is also a possibility. it is a pretty big deal to put his entire family fortune at risk & he seemed levelheaded enough not to go down that road in s1, in the circumstances he was in.
i don't think that's the case anymore. so i think where i see us most realistically going is either,
oscar Is secure in the decisions he is making and thinks he's doing the right thing. he's engaged to an heiress so he's basically married to an heiress so he actually doesn't need to worry about anything at all now? & then through this makes some bad and overconfident decisions and/or draws attention to himself in a way that makes him more likely to be taken advantage of while overconfident about it
oscar is not showing his best judgment of others' intentions in season 2 and he wasn't there in season 1 either.
OR, oscar is not secure in the decisions he is making, and they are a shot in the dark to get him what he wants during a downward spiral.
i think either option could be done well and i'm not sure if i'm partial to one over the other. like you, i am not partial to him doing anything expressly out of malice or malcontent, but i think/hope that's fairly unlikely based on what we've seen from him so far... oscar hasn't shown any malice yet (being mean to be funny is different from being malicious.) & is very self-centered.
it's been effectively (albeit not beyond a shadow of a doubt) confirmed that oscar is getting engaged, so i personally am leaning toward more, something goes right for oscar and he decides everything is perfect now oops poor judgment, than, oscar shows increasing desperation and despair and oops poor judgment. adhd indeed!
but. "everything is perfect" tracks with oscar's approach to life in season 1.
unlike in season 1, however, john and oscar are not together, and i do not think john and oscar are getting back together this season for a variety of reasons i don't want to get into - and so that part of his life is decidedly Not perfect, and he could make all sorts of choices related to this that could begin to seep into his society life, as well.
for example, i'm curious as to what extent oscar's watch is a chekhov's gun, and the way that the circumstances around that scene will continue to be relevant.
i mean, point blank it was 1880s gay bashing. as in, this was a prejudiced act of violence against oscar because he is gay and because he has money, regardless of how premeditated it was against oscar specifically. and i say premeditated because i know people on Other Websites are absolutely getting that idea, and i personally think that is less likely, but regardless of how premeditated it was it was still a hate crime and oscar was targeted because his assailant thought he'd be easy to trick in this specific way.
so i think the beating up part was a given. but at the same time, you do not necessarily need to beat a man up to steal his wallet, especially if you have caught him off guard and he thinks you are going to have sex with him. i personally think oscar would Probably cave to being threatened with violence if he knew the man could follow through on it.
so. if you're a horrible person and you're going to the trouble of beating a man up, for whatever reason, seems kind of silly to take the wallet but leave money on the proverbial table and let the man keep his watch. which could mean the watch is less appealing in one way or another, and not in a straightforward way.
i think the obvious route and the one i imagine most of are thinking about is blackmail - oscar himself is a better source of cash than a stolen watch you might have to wait a while before you can sell.
i will say i do think some people are overestimating the amount of identification a man is carrying in his wallet in 1883, but he would likely have a business card and/or calling card with his name on it and that would be plenty for someone resourceful.
buuuuut the watch could be meaningful in other ways - whether that's a "thank goodness they didn't take my watch" way or something more serious à la the above.
we only have seven episodes left :-( but i'm veryyyy interested to see what happens with all of this.
thank you very much for the question i really appreciate it and enjoyed answering it!
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prismonautic · 3 months
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hello! as the thumbnail you saw this on radar, this is a simple spell anyone can use to manifest clarity on specific situations that have been bothering them / they need to resolve in order to continue moving forward.
this is an amazing spell for those who find themselves at crossroads, because the answer comes from within as opposed to a medium (such as tarot cards and other forms of divination, which can be either misinterpreted or too heavily relied on for guidance).
this is an especially good spell for people who are learning how to find their own voice in navigating issues in their life. it reinforces that your inner knowledge and guidance is reliable, and your higher self will show up for you when you request it!
this is pretty easy and beginner friendly — from experience, it’s pretty hard to screw up a sigil.
OPTIONAL PARTS OF THE SPELL (they can help boost, but you don’t necessarily NEED to do it)
do this spell on a monday (moon day — the moon rules over emotional subconscious matters, desires, and views)
write this sigil with blue ink (this sigil is blessed by spirit guide ivaliem, who helps in dream work, intuition, and subconscious matters - blue is one of his energetic colors)
if possible for you, destroy the sigil by burning it instead of ripping it apart. burning symbolizes true detachment in letting your answer come to you through spirit, as opposed to you racking your head about it from a limited human perspective.
‼️: before you meditate in order to perform this sigil spell, cleanse your space, ground, center, + set up your preferred protection methods (there are many ways to cleanse / protect your spaces before spells.. i’d suggest researching + choosing a method you feel most comfortable with.)
1. draw the sigil on one side of a piece of paper.
2. on the other side of that paper, write down “I know what to do regarding [INSERT ISSUE YOU WANT CLARITY ON].” when you are writing that affirmation, write that with a definitive knowing as if you already know the answer (you do — just not consciously!)
3. sit the paper in front of you, and get in your preferred meditation position.
4. for 5 minutes (if you struggle with meditating for a long time, 2 minutes — if this is a HEAVY issue, go for as long as possible) meditate on the sigil by holding the image of it in your mind’s eye. if you start to fade into a trance where you feel nothing but the void around you, let it happen.
5. after meditation, rise from your meditation and choose your preferred way of destroying the sigil (ripping it into shreds or burning it)
6. destroy the sigil through your chosen method.
7. when the sigil is destroyed, repeat to yourself that the spell is done and all is handled x5 or more.
8. do any post-ritual habits to head back into a mundane state of mind comfortably — ground yourself, eat a snack, do whatever you need to do to get back into your body and into the present moment.
after completing the spell, your answer / clarity will come to you within the week in a way that you’ll KNOW it’s your answer to your petition. this can come in the form of dreams, intuitive pulls, sudden events, or a moment of “eureka” striking you when you least expect it.
this spell opens the windows for your answer pretty well — give it a try!
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brzatto · 11 months
I have some questions I wanted to ask :3c
I really love your Carmy drawing! You drew his sad puppy eyes and messy hair perfectly. Are you going to post any more art? 👀
I just started watching season 2 of The Bear and I was wondering how your rewatch was going. Any new thoughts after rewatching?
You're a Pacific Rim fan? 🥳 If Carmy and Richie were partners in that I feel like the Jaeger would immediately explode as soon as they were both plugged into it 😂 What are your AU thoughts?
helloooo <3
1. thank you!!!! ;_; as for posting any more art idk i doubt it >_< if i’m being honest i rarely ever draw at all and that doodle was just a one off but if i ever just so happen to do any more in the future then maybe! i’d like to get back into drawing more but the bear has pretty evidently manifested itself more in the writing side of my brain so
2. if i’m being honest i’m still on ep2 of my rewatch LMFAO every time i try and sit myself down and tell myself to watch it i end up finding an excuse to pull myself away. idk why i’m so mentally averse to it… what’s that thing called where people keep putting off things they genuinely want to do because that’s basically what’s happening rn. i do have a lot of thoughts and half formed posts in my drafts rn just from my first watch alone though i just feel like i should complete my rewatch before sharing them and then i keep… not doing that
3. i loooove pacrim it’s one of my favorite movies/universes ever. if i like a character or a pairing regardless of what the og media source is trust that i will be imagining them in a pacrim au… i’ve been toying with the idea for carmy and richie on and off in the back of my head since way back last year but i actually think it works pretty 1:1 with canon! mikey and richie being lifelong best friends and going into the pilot program together, finding out they’re drift compatible and becoming jaeger pilots together, mikey being kia, carmy always having this pipe dream of becoming a pilot and spending his childhood looking up to mikey and richie and wanting to be just like them but being deterred by something or another. maybe going through the program but because he’s naturally reserved and introverted he thinks he doesn’t have what it takes to be an actual pilot or that he’ll never be drift compatible with someone because he can’t really imagine connecting with anyone in that way. when mikey dies richie’s left in need of a partner but richie is richie so he’s not really compatible with anyone else until they offer to test carmy and lo and behold.. richie balks from it at first obviously because carmy’s just a rookie without any real experience in the field and he and mikey were pretty well established for years (if not just a little unorthodox) and internally half of him is unable to accept the idea of carmy being mikey’s replacement due to his grief and the other half of him is unable to accept carmy being mikey’s replacement due to his protectiveness of carmy (but he doesn’t mention or bring that up ever. i think their dynamics and history in pacrimverse would mirror their histories together in canon, but any genuine good intentions richie has is also probably overshadowed by his anger/resentment and he ends up lashing out a lot at the higher ups and keeping carmy at arm’s length the whole time this is happening. he’s just like.. not coping well. or at all for that matter) cue some very slow burn and mutually tentative bonding and richie always berating carmy for being “just a kid” throughout it and objecting about having him out in the field (not to his face or anything, probably not even with malicious intent or with the purpose of hurting carmy but carmy probably overhears or finds out anyways and resents him for it + feels all that self loathing and ineptitude because he knows he couldn’t live up to mikey either) and richie being given the ultimatum of either having carmy as his partner or being forced to retire but when they’re put in a tight spot they DO go out in the field together. something very dramatic and tragic happens because something dramatic and tragic is always happening in a pacrim au and it seems unlikely that they’ll both make it out and richie is adamant about carmy being the one who lives, still struggles with all that survivor’s guilt over mikey and wouldn’t be able to take going through it again, especially not with carmy. carmy of course is like… kicking and screaming and very much NOT willing to leave him behind and at the same time he’s ANGRY because all this time richie still doesn’t think of him as being capable nor does he trust carmy enough to be able to let him help and for them to go through this together. i don’t think carmy is as concerned as much about whether he lives or dies, or even really if richie lives or dies, i think whatever happens he just wants to see it through alongside richie. he wants richie to trust him, he wants them to be a team, and regardless of what happens to them he wants them to do it together meanwhile richie’s only priority is to ensure carmy walks away from this alive. at all costs.
since this isn’t necessarily a fic plot or anything just how i imagine a pacrim au for them would be like, the endings vary—richie deceives carmy/saves him against his will and has to deal with knowing he’s automatically lost all and whatever tentative trust carmy had in him leading up to this, either richie lives and he and carmy have to start again from the ground up bond wise (maybe they realize they can’t be partners after all and richie would rather retire than have to be put in a position like that again) (lawful evil end) OR carmy eventually forgives him and they work it out and continue being partners (lawful neutral end) OR richie dies and carmy’s left to deal with the survivor’s guilt instead. (neutral evil end)
alternate endings: carmy stays and saves richie instead—also up to you whether he lives or dies but in the event that carmy dies richie has to go through all that mess with mikey all over again and idk if he could like. mentally/emotionally/physically survive that (chaotic evil end) or carmy finally finally convinces richie to trust in him just this once and they combat the evil together and come out of it stronger and closer than ever (lawful good end). also if i’m being honest when i think of this au playing out in my head i surprisingly don’t think of them ever being explicitly romantic but they still have that air of weird unspoken homoerotic tension that they do in s1: richie still devastated and grieving and fighting a battle of internal conflict, carmy still rash and impulsive and oblivious, richie wanting nothing to do with carmy but still unable to stomach the mere notion of putting him at risk, carmy thinking richie is a washed up asshole but still desperately wanting his trust and approval. sometimes the pining is better ngl
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Soulmate AU Shoyo Hinata x Reader
This one's kind of long and winded, I feel like I could have made this into an entire story, it's so wholesome, a little angsty to begin with, implied negative family members, simply because my family has been giving me the wrong kind of inspiration.
Soulmate AU: Anything your soulmate writes on their skin, appears on yours.
You didn't have the easiest life. No one's life is easy, but for one reason or another, you had always needed to struggle and claw your way through aspects of life that other people seemed to find so very easy. It made you a rather diligent and stubborn person because by now, you'd learned to accept your failures, but not settle for them, and that was mostly down to your soulmate.
   You'd never forget the first time Hinata scribbled his way onto your arm, you were in kindergarten at the time and had no idea what was happening, that was when your teacher explained to you what soulmates were. Soulmates could be connected in many ways, some people had a tattoo, others had a timer, you were among a rather small percentage of the population that could communicate directly with their soulmate by drawing on your skin.
 As a child of six, you were incredibly excited by this, but as usual, life was never that easy, as you came to discover later when you were learning to write properly: your soulmate did not speak English. While you were learning your ABCs, he was learning kanji. Thankfully, your eldest sibling realized that the scribbles your soulmate was manifesting on your arm were a young child's attempt at Japanese. As a child, you had no idea how complicated the language was, all you knew was that your soulmate was your best friend (that was how your teacher had explained it to you), and you wanted to be able to talk to them.
  From the age of six, you begged your parents to get you classes, but they refused, either for lack of money or because they didn't think you could do it, so you used the grand old internet and started asking your teachers for help. You spent your recess inside on your teacher's computer, repeating Japanese phrases to the empty air while he graded papers, at home, you filled out sheets with messy writing. All the while, your soulmate used your arm to practice his own writing.
  A young mind is a marvellous thing. Because you were so small at the time you'd found it easier than most would to pick up an entirely new language. 
   By thirteen, you were fluent and able to chat to your soulmate in his own language. But while you were delighted with yourself, you didn't realize that while you'd been inside focusing on communicating with your destined best friend, the kids around you had been socializing. You found yourself hovering away from the large social groups your classmates had formed, at one point you were afraid of going anywhere near them. Occasionally there were nasty looks, but no one really said anything nasty to you, even fewer were the people that had any sort of dislike to you.
 You'd sit by yourself, doodling in your notebook or on yourself, wondering if you should ask your soulmate what to do.
 His solution: play a sport, join a team. He's sure you'd be amazing at volleyball, the sport he loved, or maybe try tennis?
  You took his advice, and four years later, your face is on the cover of magazines, depicting the teenage rising star and sport's personality, and without Hinata, you wouldn't have thought to sign up. You felt like you knew him so well, but you'd never even met.
 Back when you were kids, it had occurred to you that you could call him, hear his voice, even skype, and see what your soulmate looked like, but you and Hinata both agreed that you wanted the first time you saw each other to be in person, even if that meant waiting until one of you could get on a plane.
  You were rather well-travelled at your age, because of your budding sport's career you'd hopped your way all over the place, and yet the one place you'd always desperately wanted to go had been out of your reach. Not anymore.
  The clouds were rolling past the wing outside your window, headphones over your ears kept the noise of the other passengers beyond your notice, leaving you free to zone out and let the time go by.
  You felt a tingling sensation on your left arm and rolled up your sleeve. Blue ink materialized over your skin, forming your soulmate's chicken scratch.
  "Are you on the plane yet?!"
  You smiled, fishing out the small pen you always had on hand for this very reason. "Yes, Sho. You know you can text me, right?"
   "Nah! This is way more fun! Besides I can't believe you're coming! My soulmate's coming here!"
       You imagined what his excitement looked like, how bright his smile must be. In the years you'd spent sending notes to him it was safe to say that you'd fallen for your soulmate as naturally as breathing, your heart pounded away in your chest, wishing the plane would go faster.
        "I'll be right there to pick you up at the airport okay? You won't need to be alone for a second!"
        "Sho, I'm not thirteen anymore, I don't panic every time someone looks at me funny." You wrote back, watching it fade from your skin to appear on his.
       "I know, you're too cool for that! I bet you're gorgeous and stunning and your hugs will be amazing!"
         How were you supposed to hold back the grin on your face when your soulmate was that much of a sweetheart?
    At one point you would have worried that you looked like an idiot, sitting there smiling at your arm, but at this point in your life, you couldn't have cared less that the old man in the seat next to you was staring at the words appearing on your skin until he tapped you on the shoulder.
         You braced for a confrontation. You'd faced many a judgemental douchebag throughout your life, complaining about how you and your soulmate chose to go about your lives. Even your mother had given you crap about your decision not to see each other for the first time over a screen.
          To your surprise, the man had his sleeve rolled up, revealing blooming sunflower drawn on his arm. "You off to visit yours too?" He asked.
          You sagged in relief and pulled your headphones off completely, meeting his old, wise eyes. "Actually, I'm going to meet mine."
         The man's face lit up with excitement and glee. "First time? No kiddin'. You must be pretty excited."
         "You have no idea," you sighed "I've never even heard his voice before. All I know is he has terrible handwriting."
       The man chuckled. "Yeah, mine does too. That's why he draws. Used to get the weirdest crap scribbled all over me in middle school. Which one o' you's the leftie?"
       You giggled, raising your hand "guilty! But to be fair we didn't even speak the same language! Doodles were our only means of communication!"
        To your delight, the man kept you chatting and comfortable throughout the long flight. He was funny, and his story was remarkably similar to yours. He too had to pick up a new language in order to communicate with his other half, he was on his way back to him after a long business trip. The man swore up and down that the first time he saw his soulmate in person meant the wait was so very worth it, and you fell asleep on that flight grinning and giddy with anticipation.
      The terminal was utterly bustling, and for once you were regretting not knowing what your soulmate looked like, how in the world were you supposed to spot a complete stranger in this chaos?
       You'd tried to text him, but Shoyo wasn't answering, which left you to march on through the airport and hope that by some miracle, you'd know him when you saw him.
       Your suitcase rattled along behind you, your eyes darted from face to face, searching for that one pair of eyes that you've always pictured in your mind. That was when you saw him, twenty minutes later than you would have liked. In the general waiting area, standing beside a window, was a young man with flaming orange hair. He wasn't very tall, but you could clearly see the muscle under his Star Wars T-Shirt, and as you approached, his eyes snapped to yours as if pulled there by magnets.
      Both of you froze for a heartbeat as if you were each trying to memorize every detail. His eyes were like honey, just looking at you made you feel warm, fuzzy like you were curled up in a fluffy blanket with nowhere to be and no desire to move, and then he smiled, and your entire world was turned on its head. He was the sun, he was warm and safe; you dumped your luggage and bolted.
       His laugh rang through your ears when he caught you and spun you around in delight, planting a kiss on your cheek. His grip was almost uncomfortably tight, and you never wanted to let go, smiling so widely it hurts your cheeks.
       "I knew your hugs would be the best!" Shouyou declared, spinning you around one more time for good measure before allowing your feet to touch the floor again. He tucked his cheek against yours.
      "Is this real?" you murmured, staring in awe as his orange strands slipped through your fingers, so soft and fluffy it felt like the down feathers of a bird. "I'm not dreaming, right? You're my soulmate?"
      "All yours gorgeous!" He chuckled, pulling away to rest his forehead against yours, rubbing his nose against yours "And you're all mine!"</p>
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chayscribbles · 2 years
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chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ november 2022
words written: 9835 drafting; 17606 redrafting/editing
projects worked on: Andromeda Rogue, Andromeda Rising
proudest accomplishment: i published my first art zine! oh and finishing the first draft of AR3 is also a thing that happened
books read: Memoria by Kristyn Merbeth; Cinder by Marissa Meyer, A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine
(book comments first: Memoria (the sequel to Fortuna, which i read a few weeks ago) was MUCH better imo than the first, 4.5 stars. Cinder was very enjoyable but i do feel like i am simply getting too old for YA and would have liked it better if i had read it a few years ago, 4 stars. A Memory certainly wasn't bad, but in the end it fell a bit flat for me, 3 stars.)
this month has been Very Weird. within the span of like 3 days a lot of things happened, including finishing AR3 and other Personal Stuff that resulted in me suddenly having a lot of free time on my hands that i did not know what to do with. but everything ended up working out! and a lot of that free time went to working on my wip.
i had thought that after finishing AR3 i'd work on one of my lower-effort sidewips, or work on other hobbies like drawing, but the motivation for those things just... didn't manifest itself? (also the Secret Space WIP, has become bigger than i thought it would, and i felt it would require more commitment than i am currently willing to give it)
anyways i just ended up going right back to AR kjdfgkjfds whoops
more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.
☆ COMMENTS: ANDROMEDA RISING (finishing the draft)
did i really finish this draft this month? it feels like forever ago jkfdjk
so my unofficial NaNo goal was to finish AR3. i had originally estimated it would take 15k, and then adjusted it to 10k. i didn't quite make the 10k either but i DID finish the draft, so that's still a win. to me.
this draft turned out way shorter than i had hoped... and there's a LOT that needs to be fixed, and i'm not completely satisfied with how it turned out. but i really was at the point where i had to just get through it to call it done otherwise i never would, so thank fuck that's over with.
(trying not to think about how much needs to be fixed yet. gritting my teeth.)
☆ COMMENTS: ANDROMEDA ROGUE (draft... 2!!!!)
so i had this whole plan of letting the entire series rest, then rereading, reoutlining, reworking some plot, character and worldbuilding stuff, and only starting draft 2 in 2023... and then i got impatient lmao.
i was somewhere in the reoutlining stage about a week after finishing AR3 when i realized it felt like i was wasting my time. not much of the main structure of this book is gonna change, so i was pretty much just rewriting the exact same outline i already had. (i plantsed through draft 1 but made a reverse outline as i was writing.) most of the changes are adding or changing certain details to scenes and no amount of planning was gonna help any more than just writing out the changes. so, on the 18th, i started draft 2.
(besides, it's not like i didn't let AR1 rest. i finished it in june 2021 after all.)
i also had a bunch of editing notes from when i was drafting, + stuff i thought about later while writing the sequels on how to better set things up, + notes taken during my reread. so i ended up just annotating the hell out of my first draft to show where i would add or change things, and then i put the old draft on one side of the screen and a new doc on the other side and started rewriting it to include the changes.
i've gone through about 5 chapters and added an epilogue so far! it's going pretty fast haha. i've already added over 2000 words just by fleshing things out a bit more, now that i know my characters and the world much better than when i started. it's SO much easier now that i have the entire series in front of me.
chapter 5 is where i've been slowed down as there is a considerable amount of stuff that needed to be rewritten completely-- it's quite exposition-heavy (it's the scene where Petra gets a rundown of her xenobotany mission), and when i first wrote it, i wasn't exactly sure where i was going with the story. and even though i now have a fuller picture in front of me, it's always hard to write an exposition-heavy chapter and include everything that needs to be said without making it drag. not to mention, foreshadowing and setting things up appropriately.
right now, i'm taking a quick break from redrafting to iron out some of the political backdrop of the story. not only did i need to rest after wrestling with chapter 5, but i was disappointed reading A Memory Called Empire, which was supposed to be a political intrigue, and it was one heck of a motivator to try to make the politics in my book better haha.
very short passage i added to AR1 to further demonstrate how much of a nerd Petra really is.
“Petra,” Dr. Derosy said, “you did your thesis on vitaplants. Would you mind giving us a brief definition?” Petra coughed and sat up straighter in her chair. “Vitaplants are a category of plants that boost the growth and health of other living organisms around them, specifically through the emission of vitawaves," she said. "Vitaplants have been found to have evolved independently on multiple planets around the sector and are not confined to a single genus, which has confounded taxonomists—"
“Thank you, Petra. I did say brief.”
☆ TAGLISTS. let me know if you want to be added/removed to either.
general taglist:
@nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @stormharbors @quilloftheclouds @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @extra-magichours @avi-why @lefttigerobservation @chazzawrites @bardolatrycore
andromeda trilogy taglist:
@bebewrites @nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @stormharbors @akindofmagictoo @quilloftheclouds @nora-theteawriter @ashen-crest @corpsepng @writeblrfantasy @toboldlywrite @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @cheerfulmelancholies @extra-magichours @writeouswriter @cilly-the-writer @lefttigerobservation @rose-bookblood @drowsy-quill @chazzawrites @cynic-and-chief @enchanted-lightning-aes @aesa
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Chapter Eleven: "It's all about the art of illusion,"
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When I woke up the next morning, the sun coming through the window was brighter than usual and my body still felt overworked from the previous night. I let out a groan as I forced my arms out above my head groggily and stretched them out. The room was still; a comfort that I didn’t know I needed.
As I sat up in bed, my brain felt like it rattled around my skull, making me feel woozy. I silently started getting myself ready and gathered any books I needed from my trunk that sat at the foot of my bed. I took note of the empty dorm room; Tara’s messy and unmade bed, Charlotte’s pristinely made one and Abby’s hurriedly made one. It always surprised me just how much character the three girls had in the dorm room despite being absent from it.
By the time I had made my way down to the Great Hall, there were only a few people littered at the four house tables. There was no sight of the twins, which I was sadly thankful for due to the pounding headache that manifested itself behind my eyes. I ate my breakfast in silence while I read the Daily Prophet, not really paying attention to its contents or my surroundings. The world felt surreal, as if I was experiencing a hangover without the copious amounts of alcohol.
“‘Bout time you showed up.” I heard from my right side and soon two bodies were sitting on either side of me. “Was getting worried about you,” I looked up to Fred and gave a painful wince as the volume of their voices pierced my ears. The twins noticed my sensitive state and concern set upon their features as they looked at each other. “You alright?”
“I’m fine,” I lied. “Just had a long night, I s’pose.” I said sluggishly as I grabbed my mug full of coffee and leant my elbows on the table. There was a high pitched ringing in my ears and the scents from the different breakfast foods were making me feel nauseous.
“You don’t look it.” George said in a quieter tone. As I looked at him I gave a dismissive shrug and took a sip of my coffee. The two were silent besides me as we sat there. I let out a sigh and placed my coffee down.
“I’ll be okay.” I said in a final tone as I took a second to look between the two. George looked convinced, whereas Fred gave me an unsure expression. When I finished off my coffee, the three of us exited the Great Hall and split ways as I made my way towards the Greenhouses.
I was met with the sight of Charlotte, some other Hufflepuffs and Slytherins as I neared the large glass buildings. My thoughts were absent as Professor Sprout started to tell us the importance of our O.W.Ls exams at the end of the year, but all I could focus on was keeping my eyes open.
Charlotte nudged me with her elbow and my body jerked to a sluggish state as I tried to redirect my attention onto Professor Sprout. I hadn’t realised that I had dozed off and we were now learning about Self-fertilising Shrubs. As we were taking notes and scribbling illustrations onto our parchments. Charlotte then tapped me on the shoulder.
“You doing okay?” Charlotte asked as she stopped her note taking and turned her full attention to me. I nodded as I was putting my final touches on my drawing of the Shrub.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” I said and turned towards Charlotte. She noticed my pale face and the dark circles under my eyes. “You made us quite worried when you came back late last night, and when you slept in this morning.” Charlotte said and the concern was evident in her face and voice.
“Just had a long meeting with professor Lupin last night is all.” I said through a tired smile. This made Charlotte’s eyebrows knit together and for her lips to form a firm flat line upon her face. “Okay.” Charlotte said and we continued with our study on the Self-fertilising Shrub before us. 
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Transfiguration went by slowly and as quietly as ever after getting a lecture on our O.W.L examinations by Professor McGonagall. Writing down the different symbols and the definitions of Switching spells, along with different wand movements proved to be quite a long and tedious task. It was always known amongst us Hogwarts students that Professor McGonagall always strived to have her students as prepared as possible before attempting a new transfigurement. She always  took note of a student's magical ability, and paid even more attention to the ones that weren’t progressing as quickly as the other students.
I noticed by the end of the lesson that Professor McGonagall had been paying a little more attention to me than usual. It was given away as she constantly passed by the desk I had sat myself at. Transfiguration had always come effortlessly to me; only really struggling with the theory side of the subject, but during this lesson, I had a lack of motivation caused by last night's meeting with Remus.
As the lesson was coming to an end, the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs started packing away their ink pots and parchment and made their way outside of the classroom. I was about to follow the crowd out before Professor McGonagall caught my attention.
“Miss Kettu,” Professor McGonagall started. I waited patiently for her to continue, barely keeping my eyes open. Professor McGonagall paused further to take notice of my grey complexion and the dark circles under my eyes. “I’m worried about your performance in my lesson today, is there something going on that I need to be made aware of?” All I could do was stand there numbly in front of her. I casted my gaze to the floor and shuffled my feet as I tried to get my words in order.
“I’ve started to have meetings with Professor Lupin after dinner about my… you-know-what.” I said and looked back up to Professor McGonagall. Her expression turned from concerned to understanding in a matter of seconds. She nodded briefly and clasped her hands together.
“You know I’ll have to have a word with Professor Lupin if these meetings continue to decrease your ability to stay awake in my class.” Professor McGonagall said as her brows slowly scrunched together softly.
“Yeah, I’m aware, Professor.” I said and adjusted the bookbag on my shoulder. We both stood there for a moment in silence, my grip tightening on my bag strap, then Professor McGonagall broke the silence with a soft sigh before speaking.
“You’re free to go, Miss Kettu.”
“Thank you, Professor.”
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The rest of the day seemed to drag on. I was dreading my late-night Astronomy class even though the weather wasn’t going to be too chilly. I didn’t know if I would be able to stay awake with the way my feet dragged themselves on the stone floor. I was caught up in a sea of students heading to the Great Hall, suddenly finding a new sense of motivation as I smelt the food wafting through the corridor.
I sat down at the Hufflepuff table for dinner, feeling the most energised I had been all day as I ate my kidney pie and talked with my dormmates. Abby was going on about how Professor Binns hadn’t changed in the five years we had attended Hogwarts. We all cringed at the memory of his monotone voice and his lessons that always seemed to be never ending.
“Oh, look,” Charlotte said excitedly. “Here comes Azure’s boyfriends.” And as if on cue, I felt the presence of the two red-heads standing behind me.
“Evening, ladies,” George said with a smug grin on his face. Everyone greeted the two the same way and we all became giggly. “May we speak to our partner in crime?”
“Most certainly.” Tara said enthusiastically.
“See you at Astronomy.” Charlotte said, gave me a pat on the shoulder and the three girls left the Great Hall. As I turned around to look up at  the pair, they both had mischievous smiles on their faces.
“Now what is it you two have planned now?” I asked while looking at them both.
“We have just gotten the latest ‘Stink Pellets’ from Zonko’s Joke Shop before the start of term.” Fred said and revealed the box of ‘Stink Pellets’ he had hidden behind his back.
“But haven’t we already done this before?” I asked as Fred passed me the box and I started reading the labels on it.
Apart from being great fun, Stink Pellets can be used to stun small magical creatures or to get out of a sticky situation with Prefects.
“Those were the ‘Dungbombs’.” George said and stuffed his hands into his pockets.
“Ah, that’s right,” I said in a reminiscent tone. “Where and when are we doing this?”
“Filch’s Office, Wednesday night,” Fred said as I handed the box back to him. “We’ll put them in there when he starts making his nightly walk about the castle.”
“But I have Astronomy Wednesday night.” I said as my eyebrows cinched together.
“Trust me,” Fred started as a boyish grin adorned his face. “You’ll have more than enough time to get to your class.” I raised my eyebrows at this. As I sat and looked between them, they both gave me daring looks that always seemed to encourage my mischievousness.
“I’m in,” I said and stood up from my seat and the three of us started making our way out of the Great Hall. “Will we be needing my particular speciality?”
“It will most certainly come in handy.” Fred said with a smug smile.
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It was finally Wednesday night and the three of us all had a laugh as we made our way towards the Pepperpot; a small tower that was connected to the Entrance Hall. We all became quiet as we snuck through the lantern corridor’s. The Weasley twins were hidden under the Disillusionment charm while I had perfected the art of shifting into my owl form with total Sentient consciousness. We watched as prefects and professors roamed up and down the corridor In front of the Entrance Hall just waiting for the right moment to race into Filch’s office.
As we were waiting for Filch to enter the corridor, I flew down and perched myself on a windowsill. A quiet ‘meow’ was heard further down the corridor, and shortly after, a dust coloured cat came trotting into view. Mrs. Norris. If she wasn’t so mean to other people than Filch she would be such a pleasant cat. She stopped in her tracks and her big yellow, lamp-like eyes pierced into my emerald green ones. Mrs. Norris looked at me for a second longer before hissing at me and meowing even louder at me, and as if on cue, Filch came bustling down the corridor. The lantern he held shook in his grip as if it was too heavy to carry.
“What’s got you all riled up, Mrs. Norris?” Filch asked his beloved cat and raised his lantern high above his head to reveal where I was perched on the windowsill, hidden under the blanket of darkness. “Oh, it’s jus’ a blumin’ owl.” Filch said and picked Mrs. Norris up and continued on his way down the corridor.
I waited until Filch disappeared around the corner before taking flight and meeting up with the Weasley twins that were already planting Stink Pellets inside Filch’s office. I landed on Filch’s desk and shifted back into my human form and made quick work of grabbing some Stink Pellets and started planting them amongst Filch’s office.
We were darting all over the office, trying to find the perfect hiding spots for the Stink Pellets when I came across a drawer labelled “Confiscated and Highly Dangerous.” It struck a memory as I opened it and prepared myself to drop the Stink Pellets inside the drawer.
Me, Fred and George made our way into Filch’s office for detention after wreaking havoc in History of Magic earlier that day. He made us sit down in the three chairs that were positioned in front of his desk and just as he was going to inflict his punishment onto us, Professor McGonagall poked her head into his office and asked for his assistance because Peeves had made an absolute disaster of one of the classrooms. I noticed to my left George stood up and started poking his nose around Filch’s office, Fred was rifling through Filch’s desk and I was glued to my seat and riddled with anxiety.
“C’mon Azure,” Fred beckoned. “We’re not done with the pranks just yet.” Fred finished and moved onto another drawer in the desk. I got up and made my way to a filing cabinet and one particulate drawer caught my attention.
“Confiscated and Highly Dangerous.” I mumbled to myself and started pulling at the drawer. To say it was jammed was an understatement. I struggled with the drawer for what felt like a lifetime, but I wasn’t going to let one little drawer get the best of me. I gave the drawer one final, hard tug and it opened. The drawer was filled with Fanged Frisbees, Boxing Telescopes, Nose-Biting Teacups and a mysterious looking piece of parchment. I quickly grabbed it and shoved it into my jeans pocket and started grabbing the effects that were in the drawer and passing them to the twins. I handed Fred a Dungbomb and noticed my hand was suddenly filthy and Fred chucked it over his shoulder and we all fled the scene and disappeared to our house common rooms.
My mind was still racing as I laid in the safety of my dorm room bed. After almost being outed by Peeves and hiding from Prefects, it was nice to be back in the Hufflepuff dorms. I couldn’t stop thinking about the parchment I had found and felt a sudden urge to uncover its secrets despite it being way past midnight at this point. I gave into my curiosity and reached under my pillow and brought my bed covers over my head. With my wand in hand, I whispered ‘Lumos’ and my wand lit up the piece of parchment.
I remember staying up until the early hours of the morning and being so exhilarated when I figured out how to reveal the contents of the Marauder’s Map by saying the words “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good” and telling the twins that morning at breakfast all about my discoveries. It was safe to say that planning pranks and sneaking about the castle after curfew became a lot easier for the three of us.
“Azurielle!” Fred said beside me, shaking my shoulder. My hand was still full of Stink Pellets and hovering over the labelled drawer. I was so caught up in my memory that I hadn’t been paying attention to how long the three of us had been causing utter-stinking-chaos. “We need to go, now!” Fred ended with urgency, just now realising his eyes were glistening with tears from the stench and his hand was covering his nose and mouth in an attempt to save himself from taking in the smell from the Stink Pellets. I made quick work of dropping the pellets into the drawer, slamming it shut and the three of us ran out of Filch’s  foul smelling office. 
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“And then we all got water poured on us by Peeves for simply walking down the hallway!” Charlotte said exasperated; her hair was still wet and air drying as she used her wand to dry off her bookbag.
“Now that is quite unfortunate.” Abby said as she lifted her goblet to her lips and started drinking.
“I know right,” Charlotte said, but soon her eyes were set on me. “So…” She started. “Where were you last night?” Charlotte said and folded her arms on the house table. I looked up from where I was furiously finishing off my Potions homework. It was finally Thursday and I had left a full three foot long parchment scroll on the Draught of Peace potion to the last minute due to the events of last night.
“Definitely not stinking up Filch’s office… again.” I said through a sly smile. Charlotte’s eyes sparked with amusement and beckoned me to continue. I then told them all about what happened on Wednesday nights events which left Charlotte and Tara cackling in their seats, whereas Abby grimaced at mine and the twins shenanigans.
“It’s a wonder you don’t get caught, Azure.” Abby said shyly.
“It is all about the art of illusion,” I said mysteriously as I wrote down the last few words of my essay and rolled up the parchment. “Now I need to see the boys.” I said and shoved the roll of parchment into my satchel, and with that, I said ‘goodbye’ to the girls and made my way over to the Gryffindor table.
“Hey,” I said and sat down next to Fred as my heart fluttered softly. It stopped me in my tracks as I slowly lowered myself onto the seat next to him. I placed my hand over my heart gingerly, checking to see if it was just nerves or something else. “Any news about who stunk up Filch’s office?” I asked.
“Not a word.” Fred said through a boyish smile. I then felt that flutter in my chest as he smiled at me, which in turn, made my cheeks flush red.
“So it was you three.” Ron said as he took a seat across from me next to George.
“No idea what you’re talking about, Ronald.” Fred said and took a bite of his pumpkin pastie. Ron rolled his eyes at his older brother and soon Hermione Granger sat down on my right side and Harry Potter sat opposite her. The flutter in my heart consisted and it was starting to get on my nerves. This time when I looked at Fred, I noticed I felt a little different. I didn’t know what it was, maybe I was coming down with some sickness. Or maybe, it was the way our fingers grazed each other when he passed me a pumpkin pastie or his boyish smile.
“So, what’s up with Malfoy now?” George asked, this pulled me out of my daze and back into the conversation which will totally keep me distracted from what I’m feeling towards Fred.
“He got scratched by Buckbeak.” Ron said and took a bite of his toast.
“He’s being completely childish about it too.” Hermione said in annoyance.
“Ah, makes sense, then.” Fred said and continued eating his lunch.
“Are you alright?” Hermione whispered beside me.
“Yeah, why’re you asking?” I whispered back.
“Because your face is as red as a tomato right now.” Hermione remarked and brought a goblet up to her lips. I felt my cheeks flush hotter and more vibrantly than they already were.
“Just a bit warm I s’pose.” I lied, and Merlin, was it the worst lie I had ever told. Hermione then turned her head slightly to me with a raised brow and expectant look on her face.
“It’s obvious that you have a crush on Fred. I’ve noticed since the Leaky Cauldron.” Hermione said in a matter-of-factly tone. I was taken aback, not because she knows, but because she’s known for so long and I haven’t let myself admit it to myself that I do, in fact, have a crush on the one and only Fred Weasley.
“Please don’t tell anyone.” I pleaded, and all I got from her was a cheeky smile and a nod. I was just about to ask her how obvious my crush on Fred was, but before I knew it, Hermione was gone. As if she disappeared into thin air. All that was left of her was crumbs and half a sandwich left on her plate.
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Word count: 3339
Last edit: 15.11.2023
Chapter Twelve
Hey guys! Finally figured out what was going on with my formatting and my inability to upload my entire chapter so here is Chapter Eleven in full. Also I'm going to put a poll out soon to see if you guys use the dark or light mode while reading, this will help me understand what you're preferences are when reading :)
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Techo Kaigi 2023
2023 is drawing to a close and the new planners are sitting in my drawer, calling to me in all their pristine loveliness. But before I talk about 2024, how did 2023 go?
Pretty well, actually.
I started 2023 with the following planners:
Daily personal journal: Hobonichi Cousin
Daily carry: Hobonichi Weeks Mega
Commonplace book: Hobonichi A5 notebook
Writing journal: Hobonichi A5 notebook
Health journal: Hobonichi Weeks
Work journal: Hobonichi A6 Techo
Overflow/bullet journal: Midori Codex A5
By the end of 2023 (actually, by about mid-2023) only two of those got switched out for something else and one got added. Which is pretty good. There are, however, a few other changes I am making next year. I’m going to go through each in detail.
Were these the right journals for me?
Actually, yes. Although there is some reconfiguring, the basic principles of the journals above is going to remain consistent. I need a place to write personal journal entries that stays at home and a place to track things and make notes on the go. I enjoy both writing and commonplacing. If I want to focus on my health, having a dedicated journal helps. And I keep a separate journal for work because it may contain information that shouldn’t really go outside of work. And then sometimes I overflow into another space because I want to deep dive on something that doesn’t really fit in the others. None of this is changing.
Daily Personal Journal
The 2023 Hobonichi Cousin is going to move into … the 2024 Hobonichi Cousin. This book works really well for me. The finder details of how I use it did evolve a bit over the year, but I think I’m happy with where I ended up. I did consider moving into the Avec as my Cousin is fairly chonky at this point, but I prefer to have the book in English. I will use this in mostly the same way as last year as well:
3 months to a page view: I have no idea what I will do with this next year, but I had no idea last year either.
Monthly pages: I write a daily highlight on each day.
Weekly pages: I currently use these for planning, but this will move to the daily carry. So I am expecting this to become a space for gratitude/manifestation.
Daily pages: personal daily journal entries.
Daily Carry + Bullet Journal
Although the Weeks was nice, I found I ended up feeling things got a bit lost in the weekly view. I pretty much only used it for key dates. I had a Midori Codex as a bullet journal (briefly) but it never worked well for me as I really don’t like Midori paper (a discovery from this year) and it wasn’t something I could carry around. So I tried a Traveller’s Notebook, and again, the paper (which is the same, so I should have realised this would happen) was not to my taste. I solved both by getting a 240 page Sterling Ink TN notebook. This has worked well.
For next year, I wanted to consolidate these into one book. Although the weeks and the TN are smaller dimensionally, carrying both is quite bulky! I decided to get a Sterling Ink Common Planner (2 part book) in A5. I expect it to be used as follows:
3 months to a page view: seriously, I never know what to do with these pages.
Monthly pages: key dates and events
Weekly pages: time based daily planning - what do I do when. This will double as time tracking.
Blank pages: bullet journal which for me acts as a place to work when I’m out and about, as well as an overflow journal. I expect to also use it to write consolidated to do lists.
Creativity + Commonplace Journal
Last year was the first time I kept a commonplace book and this really suits my way of working. I have just about filled it. I did add a separate journal for writing learning, a Weeks Sterling Ink, but this is too small really.
I need somewhere to plan my creative activities, and also to plan this website! Especially as I have a lot of pre-planned content for next year that will need some serious planning to fully prep. So this will be moving into a Sterling Ink Common Planner (2 part book) along with my commonplace book. I originally brought this journal for work, but that ended up being the wrong choice. However, it ends up working out just fine as a combined creativity planner and commonplace book.
3 months to a page view: index.
Monthly pages: website and social media posting schedule. I want to be able to look back and see what got planned and what got posted.
Weekly pages: day to day creative planning - writing, the website, reading, etc.
Blank pages: commonplace book and creative ideas.
Bonus journal: A5 Sterling Ink 520 page learning journal
I will keep the learning separate. It makes it easier for me to re-read it and finding all my notes is going to be increasingly important next year for the content I have planned here.
Writing Journal
The Hobonichi notebook worked well last year as the smoothness of the tomoe river paper makes it a joy to write in. I really need the low feedback paper to write without my hands hurting. But, this year I want to focus on a daily writing habit, so I wanted a daily journal. And I wanted to use the new A5 Hobonichi Hon, but was a bit worried about how it would bulk up as my daily journal. So my new writing journal is the Hobonichi Hon A5.
3 months to a page view: actual daily ‘wordcount’. I want to be able to see the patterns of writing I manage to complete.
Monthly pages: I wanted a place to do mini doodle/zentangle art every day. As I don’t really need the monthlies for anything writing wise, I am going to use this space for that.
Weekly pages: responses to prompts, ideas - anything I feel the need to capture. This won’t really be ‘weekly’.
Daily pages: writing
Bonus journal: A5 Sterling Ink 520 page worldbuilding project journal
As my days vary quite a lot, I know I might not actually write every day. But I can write the equivalent of every day. The idea is to try and keep up with the days and that is why I am also recording the actual daily pages written. I also have a worldbuilding project planned and this will be kept in its own journal. Its an alternative history world so I will need to do a lot of research and then ‘adjust’ reality.
Health Journal
The Hobonichi Weeks was perfect for this. I recorded calories and activity against each day and then used the back pages for planning food shops. I am going to switch to the Sterling Ink Common Planner Weeks Compact for 2024 only because I think the vertical weeklies will be better than the horizontal ones (if I’m wrong, I can always get a Hobonichi Weeks).
Work Journal
It turns out I hate A6. I also think having a weekly overview is better. As is being able to keep my notes in the same book. I changed to a an Undated Sterling Ink Common Planner and I plan to stick with that. I got the ‘half year’ size so I can carry it around more easily.
Is everything Sterling Ink or Hobonichi?
Pretty much. There are two reasons for this that I can now articulate pretty clearly:
Tomoe River paper. I love this paper. Fountain pen inks never feather, even the wetter ones. Its incredibly smooth, and reduces feedback, which in turn reduces pain in my hands.
The grid size. This is perfect for me.
There are other companies out there who can meet this need. I did consider the Wonderland planner for a work planner. I also looked at Aura Estelle and I may get an Undated from here when my current work journal runs out (it depends how many of the note pages I end up using).
That is a lot of journals!
Its only 8. Well, 9 because I expect to use another journal as a record of a big trip I am taking next year. I know it seems a lot, but with the exception of the Worldbuilding Project journal, all of these were things I used last year. And most were filled (or will be full either by the end of the month, or when they come to their natural end). That being said, no one should feel like they have to have this many journals. I started with one - a single bullet journal. I ended up filling it very quickly, which is when I started to have more than one. You have too many journals if:
They are the ‘right’ journal, but you can’t fill them/keep up with them.
Keeping up with them is causing you stress.
Other than this, the correct number of journals is the number that help you function day to day, in all areas of your life. That bring you joy when you use them. I would find trying to cram everything into one book and running out of space stressful. This is what works for me, and in 2024, I will be sticking with it.
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fairytalequeer · 1 year
6, 9, 10, 15, and 16! >:)
Hello My Dear DM Who Will Definitely Not Be Using Any Of This To Write Stuff In The TTRPG To Kick My Ass
thanks thank u this is going under a read more bc i KNOW it's going to be longer
6: "I've Got a Dark Alley and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song)" - If you could only relive one moment with your f/o forever, what would it be? What would theirs be?
im afraid im quite boring with this and i dont think there's any i would want to relive forever. everyday would be new and special and good :^))) but if there was the chance to relive by choice (be it through vivid dreams recalling it or w/e) i think The First Kiss is a good option. and other kisses. and cuddling. and laughing together. and
9: "Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends" - Does your f/o get along with any of your friends and family? Is there anyone notable they get along very well or poorly with?
creature doesnt have family LOL. what happens if they ever meet again is... debatable. it probably wont go super well. i like to imagine p/ardoes as a really sweet guy who wouldnt get confrontational usually. but if he ever found out what happened with creature (which creature isnt exactly open to sharing most of the time) i think he would for once be pretty pissed off and defensive/protective over creature. even if its just to yell (but magic blasts are also applicable. however considering p/ardoes's own past with destructive magic i dont imagine creature ever wanting him to hurt himself for his sake)
as for friends, they have the same shared friend group so!! they get along well obviously!! yippee!! but p/ardijn (other bestie to p/ardoes) is definitely notable. a trio friend group that CAN be survived. wow! she's very cool and supportive
10: "I Slept with Someone in Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me" - Was it love at sight for both of you or did it take time for you to develop feelings for each other?
you know how it is with that slowburn fix i need. though it IS a complicated situation since creature at least saw a vision of his true love, knows the vision was p/ardoes, and simply just pretends the vision must have been wrong or something. mostly bc he thinks love probably isnt for him. after a while of becoming Besties though that sort of thing is harder too ignore :^) i think p/ardoes is more open to the possibility than creature is (though he doesnt know what creature saw LOL) and is definitely the one to try and get closer first. if "love at first sight" can manifest as a genuine desire for friendship and an unexplained force that draws them to this other person than yea it happened. haha
15: "The Music or the Misery" - Are either of you good when it comes to expressing your feelings to each other? Do any of you struggle with it?
creature sucks at it!!!! at least at first. once a relationship is developed enough he is MUCH better at expressing feelings. but for the time being he's quite terrible
p/ardoes is better at it, obviously. not to say he wouldnt ever struggle with feelings and expressing them, he DEFINITELY does. i just think out of the two that he often has more courage to do so (again, at least at first)
16: "My Heart Is the Worst Kind of Weapon (Demo)" - What’s something either of you have regretted doing while together? Or something you’ve regretted not doing?
already answered!! so here's a quick drawing lmao
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credit to the though bubble's drawing goes to YOU!!
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