#i put their traits in a blender and turned it on
nightcolorz · 3 months
I would love to hear your thoughts on autistic Armand, if you haven’t already spoke about this! Imo he’s very autsitic coded, and it’s very precious to me as an autistic iwtv fan :]
OMG!!! RUNS AROUND. Yes lmao I talk about this a lot actually it is one of my favorite Armand things to meta about bcus I’m also autistic and he is my special interest🙏I was trying to find some of the stuff I’ve written about autistic Armand but tumblrs search engine makes it near impossible to find anything so I gave up 😭, but believe me they r out there. Even tho I talk about this a lot I would love love love to talk about it some more for u anon because I can never get enough of armandtism.
I first figured Armand was autistic when I was reading the vampire Lestat because when he is first introduced he is completely non verbal and only communicates through the mind gift. through further explanation it’s very much implied that he does this because he finds putting his thoughts into words hard and he considers just projecting them into peoples brains much easier. Armand speaks out loud for the first time like more than halfway through the book, and lestat is surprised to hear him lol. This is super autistic I feel like that’s obvious 🙏 it’s basically the vampire power equivalent of using a non verbal communication device. Armand having trouble with connecting with people, understanding how to “fit in”, and talking r prevailing parts of his character throughout the whole series (not just tvl) which solidified my headcanon into basically a canon fact in my mind lol.
When Armand is first introduced in iwtv his strangeness is chalked up to his vampirism, but it’s soon revealed throughout tvl and qotd that Armand is considered a strange outcast by other vampires. The things he struggles with r unique to him and r not representative of vampires in general. His otherness/strangeness can also not be chalked up to his trauma or his age turned because Armand was also an outcast as a young child. It’s described in the vampire Armand that Armand was not understood by his parents or his community because he was obsessed with and freakishly good at painting. His community interprets his unusualness as a sign of some divine intervention, the priests believe he is a saint or a prophet sent to earth, even at times saying things implying that he is “not human”. Unusually high quickly developing skill in childhood is an autistic trait, as is hyper fixation on an activity/topic that becomes a core identity factor and prevailing obsession. The affects of Armand’s trauma only worsen the severity of his autistic traits. C-ptsd and autism often overlap and coexist in autistic people who were traumatized in childhood, which seems to be Armand’s case.
in queen of the damned Armand is at his peak autistic lol, I feel like this is when most book readers gain that head canon. The Devils minion chapter revolves around Armand using Daniel as a guide to help him learn how to be “normal” and to blend in to the modern age. Armand can’t seem to figure out how to blend in on his own because he is unable to understand social norms of any time period enough to integrate himself into society. Armand is in love with technology and what most would consider monotonous sensory experiences. He stares at his own reflection for hours, he loves kitchen appliances and watching ingredients whir in blenders, cameras, he watches the same movie over and over again and never gets bored of it. The way Armand fixates on technology really reminds me of how a lot of autistic people played as children. He enjoys repetitive, sensory behaviors over “fun”. For Armand this means watching the same things repeatedly, which is a form of visual stimming. There r moments where Armand is trying to understand his world, but is so blind to what he is trying to understand that he goes about his discoveries wrong. Such as in qotd when he tries to interrogate strangers to gain information on societal norms but he only gets uncomfortable glances. Armand is desperate to understand and to connect but he is consistently inherently alienated, whether it be from humanity or from other vampires or from himself.
Armand also can not process his memories comprehendingly. This is part trauma part autism, but autism is def a factor. Because of his repressed trauma induced memory loss Armand finds it difficult to talk about himself to people. This is worsened by Armand being unable to comprehend the aspects of story telling that he needs to be able to tell people about his life. Armand explains to Daniel that he vividly remembers small details, such as dates and weather, but he could not tell Daniel what “things were like” because he “doesn’t know what that means”. Literal thinking, the inability to grasp vague, fiction based concepts like narratives and metaphor, and strict fixation on minor details like numbers, are all autistic traits!
Armand also struggles heavily with emotional regulation. He is described as often having intense and extreme meltdowns where he cries and screams and breaks things. Armand is easily bothered, in tva he mentions that he covers his ears when he is overwhelmed. The vampire Armand begins actually with Armand becoming overwhelmed in public and trying to escape to an attic so that he can be alone in silence. Armand copes with his intense emotions by putting on a mask of neutrality. He is often described as expressionless and blank, uncanny. But this is a mask, and when Armand can no longer mask and his disguise lapses his facial expressions r described by lestat as being so over the top and emotional that they are disturbing and weird. Over the top unnatural facial expressions as well as blank unreadable ones are both autistic traits. For Armand he is naturally overly emotive to the point of being considered horrifying, and he hides this by taking the opposite extreme. Either way, either expression Armand puts on causes him to be socially outcast.
Armand often describes feeling like there is something wrong with him that causes him to be isolated from others and he’s not sure what it is. In prince lestat he tells Gregory that he doesn’t know why it’s so hard for him to have relationships when other vampires are fully capable of doing that. In the vampire Armand he explains to David that he’s crazy because his mind isn’t built right and his senses are tripled so he shouldn’t bother trying to understand him. I rlly relate to this as someone who felt like I was from another dimension as a child bcus i didn’t know the unspoken life rules everyone else did.
Armand is often treated like a child by the other vampires and assumed to be emotionally immature and too fragile and insane to be helpful. Armand says in the vampire Armand that he doesn’t consider himself an adult because he can’t function like one. This could be due to the age he was turned, but it’s shown to us that characters like Benji and even to an extent Claudia r able to self regulate and function appropriately despite being turned even younger then Armand was.
in conclusion, book Armand is an autistic person who was never given proper support or understanding because the environment and the time period he was born in decided to alienate him further rather then work to help him socialize and learn appropriate skills, and because of the necessities he has been deprived of and the horrible trauma he endured Armand is never able to learn to function in the way he was likely capable of. this recessive quality in pair with his autism caused Armand it be unable to cope or self regulate or learn ways to understand himself since he wasn’t given a chance to in his formative years. He’s a great representative of what many autistic people who experienced intense child abuse experience.
Im rlly happy with the shows portrayal with Armand so far partly because he is omg, so autistic. Show Armand shares so many of book Armand’s autistic traits. inability to understand himself or others, fixation on small details but inability to understand the big picture, etc. even his iPad is autistic asf! My ipad is my comfort item that I carry around with me to self sooth, and this is def the vibe Armand’s iPad gives me in the show. Even assads performance is autistic! He is able to play Armand masking and Armand unmasking, the stilted expressions he gives and the blank stares, the uncomprehending earnestness. AGHHHH!! Assad stims with his fingers when Armand is nervous too which is just an amazing touch. I hope the show explores Armand’s autism, because that would literally be a dream come true. Even still, for now I’m satisfied.
thank u so so much anon for the ask this made me so happy 🙏❤️ autistic Armand means so much to me and has gotten me though some tough times. Understanding and analyzing Armand helps me understand myself better and feel more comfortable with how I am. Earlier this year I gave myself a concussion because I was harmfully stimming during a meltdown, and while I was in the emergency room I was holding the vampire Armand and imaging that he would relate to what I was going through. So yeah he is very special to me too! And once again it makes me so so happy that u got me to talk some about it. I hope this was coherent or interesting lol I felt like I was all over the place
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So I've been trying to get a gist of post-time skip Ben based on Chaos Theory trailer (obsessed again? wrong, I never stopped being obsessed), and I feel like I can optimistically assume that his personality will make sense for his character development that we've seen in Camp Cretaceous.
I made a post about it once but to sum it up shortly:
season 1 Ben is a boy who was clearly raised in some sort of bubble (a different bubble than Kenji) - he is scared and anxious (not just regarding dinosaurs); at the same time we get hints that he can be very passionate and has a sense of an adventure (he's just scared to cross the line). Season 2 Ben experienced a massive traumatic event, to put it nicely, his personality was put into a blender which was then turned on and left unsupervised for several days. His season 2 jungle boy persona, while still consistent with the traits showed prior (as mentioned - Ben was both passionate and adventurous before - he was just too shy to act on it), is mostly a result of a severe trauma; meaning his personality feels more extreme because he had to rely on extremes to survive. Season 3 Ben is one of the most interesting "forms of evolution". The trauma is still fresh but at the same time Ben tries to think beyond it – wants to make decisions based not on "fight or flight" response but on his own feelings on the matter, it's very interesting but in this season - though not visibly - he slightly reconnects with season 1 personality (slightly) for example by considering advantages and disadvantages of his actions (leaving Nublar or staying) (it doesn't apply to every situation which is actually quite perfect because at this point he is still pretty damn traumatized). Then we have season 4 which is actually very important for Ben's character arc because, for the second time, he loses his footing - Nublar was wild but familiar, Nublar was 'never without Bumpy'. Mantah Corp Island is completely new and Ben is forced to reestablish what actions and behaviors are going to pay off in this environment; ironically enough, I think that the distance from Nublar is good for him - Nublar was also the environment where he got traumatized, personally I think that the island could, to some extent, prevent him from healing. And ofc, season 5 - Ben shows clear signs that he is going to evolve as a person; he mellows down not because he gets soft in a bad way but because he recognizes that he doesn't always have to be a knife. At the same time, he is not hesitant to strike if the situation calls.
So, now let's take a quick look at Ben in the Chaos Theory trailer. I noticed four traits that we can spot in that short clip:
He has that sort of shy-silly boy charm to him. A subtle mixture of bashfulness ("hey Darius," his voice is amused but he also sounds a bit apologetic). That is something that especially shines through his character in season 1
When he needs to be serious - he is ("Someone is hunting us"). This is such Ben-thing to do, especially in season 4 and season 5 Ben – when he is learning how to distinguish between a real danger and something that doesn't require setting the world on fire.
He gets slightly panicky sometimes ("before it's too late!") which is a fantastic news because trauma really messed up Ben's sense of danger and it's just good to knows that he feels fear like a normal person (yes, when someone is hunting you for sport, I guess everyone would be a little bit panicky)
From what I can tell - when the situation calls he does display signs of recklessness - notice how he's driving the car. Notice how Darius is visibly not impressed with Ben behind the wheel. Now, sure we can't tell whether someone (something?) is chasing them at that exact moment but either way - it seems that Ben is in a hurry and, excuse me but, he does not give a flying fck about safety on the road (which is! funny considering how he was driving the gyrosphere in season 1)
So yeah, overall, I think that we are going to get a nice continuation of Ben's character arc in Chaos Theory. I certainly hope so because watching Ben grow as a person was one of my favorite aspects of Camp Cretaceous!
Ah, and also... I really hope that at some point in Chaos Theory Ben will do something unhinged out of nowhere and the rest of the campers (because we will see all of them - I don't doubt that) will look at each other, nod, and say "ah, yes, that's our Ben"
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lynnscove · 18 days
Endeavor really isn't THAT well written?
Like, I understand thinking that he is, because he's one of very few abusive characters that actually feels bad about what they've done. But in terms of well written characters in MHA? There's almost no one as lazily written as Enji. Even Rei (who has like 2 seconds of screentime) is better written than him, in her violent reactions to abuse, her fearful ones, and the way she goes back to Enji so easily after all that happened. Real victims usually find a sense of security or even comfort with their abuser after being seperated for a long time, because of how used to it they are/were.
His family members, ALLLLLL of them, are insanely well written, especially when it comes to Shoto and Touya (Natsuo, Rei and Fuyumi too, but they're not really main characters so..). While Endeavor is just, a side character in THEIR stories, up until the end when Hori started using his family as props for his atonement arc. (And personally, I think he should've had a different ending. Atonement is usually achieved by a perpetrator seperating themself from their victims, or doing something for their victims which ends their life. I think that he should've either
a) died in one of the wars, possibly protecting Shoto from Touya.
Or b) had a moment of realization post-war and put himself into police custody for abusing and neglecting his wife + his children, as well as for Touya's murder.
Him buying a house 4 his family to seperate himself from them seemed EXTREMELY out of character, especially considering how obsessive endeavor is, and how desperately he clings to his goals.
He flipped a switch once his children were all old enough to reject him and leave him, which is pretty realistic! That's what most abusive fathers do, especially in my experience. When their kids are young and unable to fight back, they'll be shitty, dismissive, almost ignorant. But once they turn 16/17/18, they realize their children are adults and CAN walk away from them, so they switch up and begin acting like they want a relationship with them.
Endeavor isn't BADLY written, he's actually a very realistic villain. But he's not amazingly written either, he's not unique, anyone with a mildly bad parent could write him 100 times over, hell, even someone with perfect parents could do a 5 second Google search and see all the irritating traits of an abusive father then throw em in a blender and turn up with endeavor.
He's just a good example for viewers, to show them that society never really changed after the war ended. He wasn't put in jail (despite no longer being the no.1), he didn't face any real consequences, other than having to face what HE did (as in.. hear what he did repeated back to him). The worst thing that happened to him was seeing his family be hurt.. which he caused! Self guilt is not punishment enough for someone who ruined multiple people's lives, and besides that, he was never even nice to the public. People who hadn't met him personally thought of him as some big awesome hero, obviously, but he was downright cruel aswell as childish towards police, fans and other heroes.
(Do NOTTT comment saying his punishment was being disabled💀 being in a wheelchair is no where's near as bad as a government dealt punishment. Especially when there's technology like compress' arm or Eri's quirk that could easily have him back on his feet.)
Criticism and argumentativeness will not be taken😇 (respectful conversation will be)
Anyways, in short, he's not well written, he's simple and not unique in any way, shape or form, but he's not HORRIBLY written. I just don't think he's so amazingly written that he could be anyone's fav based on his character alone. I feel like Enji fans just like him cause he's hot😞 which.. I don't judge u for. I see it (even tho I personally think he's an uggo‼️). I js don't like people who dismiss his actions or say "he wasn't that bad".
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taddymason · 7 months
What are your thoughts on each of the Ninja? I'm just curious
Ooooo okokok this is going to be so long, I'm going to explain my first impression of them when I was a child and how it has changed over time.
Cole: I really didn't care much about Cole when I saw the series for the first time, like, as I remember he was my least favorite character on the team and he seemed boring to me. Now? Easily my favorite ninja. It's funny because of the team it's easily the one I identify with the most in terms of personality. I LOVE how most of his arcs have to do with the potential of his elemental powers, probably one of the ninjas who has grown the most in terms of skills over the course of the series. I know I don't talk much about the way they develop him and how much he matures throughout the series, especially how he becomes more and more open with the team, but he is one of my favorite characters.
Zane: I always liked Zane and he always remained my second favorite ninja. One of the parts I like most about his development is how he becomes more confident and sassy, especially in the new seasons. What I do not like is how many other ninjas's jokes about him are limited to "Zane, we need to adjust your honest/sarcasm ciurcuits", etc. It gets pretty tiring and somewhat contradicts the whole point of his character to be reminded that he's a nindroid when the whole point is that he actually sometimes ends up being a lot more human than everyone else but that's it. (ALSO Why did the writers forget that he had a falcon?)
Lloyd: sooo Lloyd is a complicated one because I don't really have strong feelings about his character. I guess one thing that kept me away every time I rewatched the show was thinking that he's like they put every cliche of a protagonist in a blender and most of his arcs feel that "predictable" when you compare him to the others. BUT I like what they are doing with his character on DR and I think it is his best season so far, SO definitely in DR it is more entertaining to see his development and his relationship with the kids.
Kai: Kai is a character that for me... is fine, I don't love him too much like most of the fandom. Again I think that in DR they are doing justice to his character since he feels that in Wildbrainera he was quite forgettable as if the creators didn't know what to do with him (like, I'm not a fan of his arc in S11 because we have definitely seen that lesson a Lot of times). I really love the development of him anyway and his relationship with Nya & Lloyd is one of the best parts of the series.
Nya: I'm going to be honest, I only started to like Nya in S9, before that with the sexist way the writers wrote her in the first seasons when I first saw the series I found her annoying (and S3 and S6 didn't help) . I think her character definitely improved after the Oni trilogy onwards because the creators began to give her REAL CHARACTER FLAWS and take her more seriously because then I started to like her character more.
Jay: soo, when I saw the series for the first time Jay instantly became my favorite ninja. I liked that there was a balance between the sarcastic jokes and the fact that he would then do something surprising like being the first to do spinjitsu, being a genius on roller skates, him shooting in space, etc. It's those moments in which he proved to be the thinker outside the box of the team that were very entertaining along with his humor, his powers, the duality in which he could be a bastard, an idiot and a genius at the same time was what made him that was my favorite on the team
Now, I'm not a fan of Jay when it comes to the new seasons where they basically removed all the traits I'm listing and turned him into a man child who only makes pee jokes. They literally took away EVERYTHING that made him a useful member of the team, he is a completely different character that really the only thing he has is... he is just the "uwu guy on the team". Honestly, it could be a whole essay explaining how I hate Jay from S11 onwards but I'll just leave it at that I hope DR gives him real development (and for a change it doesn't have to do with Nya)
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nymph-ette111 · 4 months
I’m happy to know you enjoy our interactions too and that you liked my little tangent there. I’m glad that you searched for accounts from actual people who have the disorder rather than pseudo-psychologists, because they are often the harshest without a shred of accuracy (just the way they talk about the narcissist’s eyes turning a demonic black is enough to make me exit the article).
To be fair, Quora is one of the worst places when it comes to accepting people with npd. So I’m glad you managed to find something that didn’t conclude in a pro-eugenics rant lead by a divorced dad who is certain his ex wife is a narcissist because she took the kids. And since I chose my first paper this school year to be about npd and gender (we could write about anything, it was to test our abilities in general), I had to go through a ton of those. They ranged from absolutely hilarious to restraining order worthy. Thankfully Google Scholar saved me from that (though I would never suggest reading studies upon studies on a topic for x reader headcanons, I’m only saying this to sort of validate where my understanding of it came from). Since, yk, it’s a relatively fresh thing (recognised since the 80s I believe) and the fact that I had a therapist who diagnosed me correctly and knew how to approach it is pure luck
Also just any dog metaphor is delightful but it fits so well with Toby too?? Like, it just feels so right when people do that. And I can genuinely see Jeff having some npd traits, good call^^
Ben is just so!!! He’s awful in the best way. I want to kiss him and also put him in a blender for fun :3 i want to drive him insane. And also hold hands maybe. Like, yeah, realistically I would lose my sanity if he liked me but he’s so fun
Also yeah, that’s why I like your blog so much. You don’t shy away from making them hard to be around, hurt, mean. All kinds of messed up but also fun to read about. That’s why I also said that they would probably have an easy time with hurting me mentally, bc if they were aware of just how paranoid I am they would absolutely do what I did in that friend example, only 10 times worse (like, specifically saying stuff they know gets a reaction out of me to force me to stay or do whatever). In all honesty, this might be just why I like creepypasta characters (especially this specific portrayal of them). I mean, it does fit into that type of ‚pleople may be nice but they are out to get you at all times so you need to act to survive’. It’s kind of a safe way to experience something that is both natural to me and also absolutely unsafe irl. Like, yeah, I would have to walk on eggshells to be with Toby but also that is the way I see any sort of relationship either way. Sometimes, I’m more uncomfortable with the pure fluff bc that feels fake and unnatural. On that note, Toby to me is so untreated-bpd coded
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Agreed Ben is so fucking stupid I want to gnaw on him and push him down the stairs, what a silly fella. You don't know how happy it made me when you said you liked my blog :') when I shared my first post I thought it wouldn't get any attention, and I would just end up deleting the blog all together so hearing someone actually enjoys these little headcanons I make about fictional serial killers is so nice <3
you said everything so perfectly I have nothing to add, and yes toby is fucking miserable any disorder he has is 100% untreated and yes I love him and yes I want him and—
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kurlik42 · 24 days
So I'll take this responsibility on myself
Have you ever heard of... "Be More Chill"
It's musical. There's evil AI, too. He's named SQUIP and it rhymes with "squid", which gives him bonus points, in my opinion 💅
AND he goes in pair with a sicky socially awkward dude, too
And they hate each other pretty much, but have to tolerate each others' presence
I mean. Please hear me out, he deserves attention and I wanna kiss him sloppy style and put him in blender 😭🙏
Now I can't stop thinking about Squip and AM switching their humans for shits and giggles 😔
They both enjoy bullying losers, after all
... And they're both sassy brats. Hmmm. It somehow turns out that AM shares a lot of common traits with other AIs
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achinocreations · 2 years
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STP - Lighting Preset Room 「Sunglow」& 「Mint」
Screenshots in game. No edit except for text. No blender.
No.36 [Sunglow] Shine like Sunglow, and all of the good in our lives.
Koi again! Teen Koi. Sensitive, observant, curious and confused about the invisible rules in the world, just learnt to accept himself, thinking the world may be better than what he thought before, and was trying to put himself in others’ shoes after truly realizing everyone have their own pain and difficulties.
No.40 [Mint] Fresh Cyan and Green, and a splash of orange.
Got a sense of achievement when comparing screenshots now with the ones in 2020😂 2 years ago I just turned on the ceiling light in the room when I took screenshots for posters, then modify the color by PS. I’m not that good at it and sometimes it’s hard to get the color I want (7th and 8th pics). Now it’s more convenient for lighting to get the color mix in game I guess.
And same sim in the pictures, Dokga, one of the first 3 models showed up in my cc posters. Energetic, confident, adventurous, trouble shooter. Traits that I admire.
Many thanks to all the cc creators for their wonderful works ^ ^ recommended pose I use a lot @helgatisha hair I use a lot for Koi @ginko0613 skintone, makeup @remussirion also makeup @obscurus-sims face accessory on Dokga’s face @sakuraflora top @trillyke
Hope you like it ^ ^
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Hear me out, karl heisenberg gets like 10,000 knives and stabs miranda with them. He then spins the knives to create a blender like action so she becomes pulp. Also he could of done that to kill ethan as well there was no need to mutate into a useless tank thing.
Exactly! See, you get it! He had so many options but clearly all four of the lords share a single braincell and it has never been in Heisenberg's possession in his entire life. Either that or the theatre kid ™️ instincts took over and he simply couldn't help but do everything in the most complicated and dramatic way possible (though I argue would that blending Miranda into the world's worst smoothie is sufficiently dramatic anyway). My good sir just decapitate her. Or poison her! Iron poisoning is a thing! And it's stated he has power over electromagnetic radiation which we never see used in game, so, like, just microwave her ass. Air fry that motherfucker until she's crispy chicken. Agian, so. Many. Options. And he went with zombies because of course he did. I mean granted it wouldn't really be a Resident Evil game without zombies (though personally I think the concept of RE works with a surprising variety of antagonists and environmental horror and yes I know this is a hot take that I'm going to get lambasted over but I will stand my ground) so he sort of had to take one for the team but c'mon man. You can indulge your inner mad scientist later, we've got a bitch Mirander to kill.
Also! Speaking of Heisenberg's mutated form, the design fucking kills me every time I see it because like, the top 99% is perfectly fine but then you look at the very bottom and he's got this one tiny wheel he's rolling around on. Unicycle looking motherfucker 😭
Like, look at this shit
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"Oh hey, that's a neat design! ... Wait a minute..."
"Computer, enhance!"
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FUCKIBG DINKY ASS WHeel Bitch what the fuck my man's popping a wheelie constantly. Also that would wear out so fucking fast man what the hell? I'm willing to bet he weighs a lot in that form and one commercial grade wheel is not going to cut it. How does he even maintain balance with the very visibly insecure weight distribution?!?
Granted, this design, despite being official released art (not concept art) is slightly different to the actual in-game model because in that one he has two wheels side by side like the kind you'd see on a lorry. I get the arguable benefits of less surface area in contact with the ground to an extent but again, in terms of balance and structural integrity sir you are going to fall over. You are not a racing bike Karl you are a fucking tank please act like it. It is arguable that me might not have "chosen" this form (as in, like, building it or something) because with the other two lords who's transformations we see, it's clear that both are entirely organic and involuntary mutations rather than them going "okay I want to put a mouth here, and an arm here" etc, etc. Sort of like when a tadpole turns into a frog it doesn't really go "yeah I'd like spots, spots look cool", it just turns into a genetically predetermined frog. Following that logic it can be assumed that rather than "putting together" a mutated form with various metals around he simply... grew it out of his skin, for lack of better terminology. Of course arguing that it may be pseudo organic or even an inorganic secretion (like those seen on the scaly foot snail) sort of falls short when you factor in the fucking wheel because his powers are over electromagnetic fields, not rubber (which is ironically an insulator). So unless he's been eating rubber bands in his spare time who knows where that wheel came from. Also given the argument of organic mutation, how would his body know "yeah that's what a wheel looks like". Alcina and Moreau's transformations make sense from a scientific standpoint (if we suspend disbelief about the actually transformation sequence itself) because all the traits depicted therein are in fact very real assets possessed by our pre-hominid ancestors and thus from a genetic standpoint could at any point reoccur in a modern human, but never in my life have I seen it heard of a creature rolling around like its showing off it's new heelies in the school parking lot. Look I know it's a video game but this single fucking wheel has sent me on a tangent I could rant about it for hours but I will shut up now so I don't talk your ear off (I have so much more to say but I am using all of my restraint). As much as I love RE 8 there are so many plot holes and things that just plain don't make sense even with the suspension of disbelief that comes with it being fiction designed to entertain for the sake of entertainment. But anyway in conclusion Karl is a dumbass and I love him.
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maybe-arts · 2 years
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ok i should sleep but also i'm obsessed with @gurusgammamon's swap au that only has a handful of art and 4 chapters of chatfic
i had to doodle my version of swapped marx and ribbon
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shirecorn · 3 years
How to Draw and Design Gryphons and Hippogryphs by using photo references of eagles, lions and horses?
Draw everything individually, from multiple angles.
How to draw horses || How I practice anatomy || Gesture drawing
It's like juicing up for a very tasty dream by consuming your favorite genre, characters, settings, etc and hoping your subconscious combines them.
If the final result is your target, and you see your drawing arm as a gun taking aim, then references are your bullets. Fill the chamber with reference unless you want to play roulette.
Your first step in reference gathering is to be specific. Know what you want and stick with it. I searched specifically for African Lion and Gold Eagle. Being specific helps you observe detail more accurately, and it already puts you one step ahead of generic designs.
I'm only going to tackle Lion + Eagle today for simplicity, but you can use this advice to combine two, three, or dozens of animals including horses.
Get your reference, and start practicing. Keep it simple and undetailed, only drawing the essence of the photo, rather than exact position and proportion.
Use action poses to practice! Even though they're more challenging, they will infuse your final result with action as well. Look up things like hunting, fighting, walking, running, landing, etc to get action reference.
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Practice most on the creature you're having the hardest time with. That was Lions, for me. I even did a separate page where I studied the structure of their manes, since I wanted that in my griffin design.
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Remember: you can trace photos as part of study! This is helpful for correcting proportions and anatomy. Make sure you are tracing mass and bones, not outlines.
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Now that you're weapon is loaded with reference, you'll be able to design freehand without copying a photo. This is IDEAL because you won't be slowed down by anatomy. Now what we're here for: Design.
Creature Design Masterpost || Splice Vs Blend
This is going to be yet another visit to Splice vs. Blend technique, so strap in. Here's some guys I drew after I finished studying. No photos needed at this stage because I've eaten them all.
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The most common creature design technique is something I call Splicing. You take pieces of animals and graft them onto each other with stitches. Griffins are notorious for this with their bird talons on the front legs and lion paws on the back. That's a creature that was formed through magic, not evolution. This automatically makes your griffin less believable. And probably a bit awkward in the walking department.
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So here's a new challenge: Blending. Take bits of each creature and put them in a mixer, letting the ingredients land all over the place and amongst each other. What if we had a lion skull, with an extra-thick bird beak in place of the jaws? What if the lion chin was still there in the form of a tuft of fur? Maybe the tear duct from the lion, and the eyelids of bird? Let's give it lion ears with the furrowed brow so typical of raptors.
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It already looks like a new life form, rather than a photoshopped amateur hour of recognizable animals. I could cover it in either feathers or fur and it would still be distinct as a new species. I want the classic lion mane in some form, so I'm taking the shape and turning it into long, fluffy feathers.
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Don't stop there! Try identifying what traits make an eagle and eagle, or a lion a lion, and sticking them between each other.
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Keep combining! Challenge convention! Add and omit parts and pieces to your heart's content.
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Take this practice to all parts of all creatures. Throw new stuff in a blender instead of stitching it together. This especially includes color! You see a lot of spliced markings in novelty griffins, with a specific cat and bird. Artists get stuck on copy-pasting animal patterns because they're afraid the ingredients won't be recognizable, or they're just lost in the sauce of loving tigers they forget to actually have fun with it.
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It's still recognizable as tiger and peacock, but much more compelling, wouldn't you say? Go for something unique rather than staying with what feels "safe." There's a million griffin artists out there, but only one You.
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simmerika · 2 years
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Hello hello! I'm so excited to bring you more solo poses, this time for your masculine Sims! I've also made this posepack available for CAS and in-game since I've finally acquired that skill and want to share it with you! @plumbaleena​ casually requested this and I thought it would be a fun new thing to release so I ran with it, and I love how it all turned out!
FOR THE CAS VERSION: This posepack overrides the animation for the Bro trait. Equip the trait to use the poses, and then don't forget to take the trait off and put the original trait back in before exiting CAS. The poses also show up inverse from when they're in-game, so I've shown how they look in CAS on this post!
You will need:
Teleporter Mod
Pose Player
SimmErika TOU:
✨ Do not reupload on ANY website
✨ Do not claim as your own
✨ Do not change the package files
✨ Please give credit when using the poses (@simmerika AND #simmerikaposes on IG: so I can thank you and hype up your posts)
✨ Use of my poses is allowed for blender renders, but please do not alter the poses.
✨ Violation of these TOU will result in a permanent ban from my Patreon, Instagram, tumblr, etc.
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einsteinsugly · 2 years
I'll admit it, I'm a bit salty. A That 90s Show analysis.
After crafting my second-gen characters for two-plus years, to purposely avoid a lazy cookie-cutter rerun (but in the early 00s), I was vaguely hopeful when I first heard about That 90s Show. There were red flags I couldn't ignore, like the name Leia and the 1995 date, though. More red flags kept popping up, but the premise was solid, if only for a few necessary changes.
However, the character release back in February legitimately pissed me off. It went from having to make a few crucial tweaks for me to enjoy it (an offscreen J/H endgame, no OOC Star Wars crap, and pushing the date to 1999 for the premise to make it all IC) to having to overhaul the whole damn thing. The second-gen characters are almost. Just. Like. Their. 70s. Counterparts.
And since the story revolves around Red and Kitty and the second-gen characters, this turns everything on its head. Now, it goes from editing about 30% of the premise to editing about 70% of it. It's so lazy. Such a blatant cash grab, with barely an ounce of creativity. It's like they looked at the gang's mold, and just tweaked a few things around the edges. So it wasn't a complete copy and paste.
But still, it was obvious. Leia's Donna, Jay's Eric, Gwen's Hyde, Ozzie's Fez, Nate's Kelso, and Nikki's Jackie. They're probably going to put Jay and Leia together too (they've also put the Kelso and Jackie equivalents together, so I wouldn't be surprised), mirroring the same relationship dynamics from the show. Which also reeks of laziness and a consistent lack of creativity.
Because a good writer/creator knows how to create characters from scratch. In the case of second-gen character creators, put some of their parents' traits in a blender. Add some other interesting stuff, and boom. An all-new character, with a personality all their own.
But no. We get this crap. I think the Red and Kitty stuff, for the most part, will be fine. But the rest of it is absolute trash, that makes little to no sense.
Here comes the controversial part, dun, dun, dun...
A super long PS: No, gender swaps (in the case of Gwen) don't count as "creative." And racial changes don't count as "creative," either. Or as particularly progressive, because if representation is only skin deep and forced (since Wisconsin is hella white)? It comes off as creating a false illusion (*cough* neoliberal southern California brainrot *cough*) to push aside the reality on the ground.
So, T9S is not only creating cookie-cutter characters with little variation from the old, but they're just making skin-deep changes while plopping the gang (but with different names, and ever so slight tweaks) in the 90s. With similar adventures, most likely, but while adhering to today's sensibilities in fear of offending anyone.
But I just want complex, different characters, damn it! Not a rehashed, forcibly diverse puppet show that makes little to no sense, to fit irl circumstances, a commercialized, superficial obsession with Star Wars, and to adhere to the timeline of the creator's daughter's teenage years.
And yeah, most creators around here could write better shit in their sleep. But it'll never be broadcasted to millions of people, via a lazy reboot to conjure some surface-level nostalgia, by default.
Because creativity has been stifled in the world as of late, squeezed into the arms of a few companies that control everything and fear offending anyone (including their donors), so almost everything's the same. Old. Stale. Crap. Every week. This is why most corporate sitcoms have sucked, for at least a decade (if not more). And I'm including Netflix too, btw.
Hence, that's why I'm salty. It's like when Kim Kardashian wrecked Marilyn Monroe's "Happy Birthday" dress. Because she's rich, she can do whatever the fuck she wants. Whereas T9S is basically the same thing. Ruining something for attention, out of sheer laziness and for a desperate cash-grab, because they can.
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smuggsy · 3 years
the second prompt list you posted, number 25, the "when you love someone" would be really good for nygmobblepot if you wanted to 😌
okay, so first things first, we agreed to change the prompt to this one: Character A combs fingers through character B's hair. thanks for being such a sport! <3
Summary: Oswald is jealous, drunk and dizzy. In that order. Word Count: 2096. Read it on AO3 (or under the cut).
There are certain things that come attached to the title of Kingpin of the Underworld. Certain things one might consider red flags, green lights if you will. Things that would send Gotham's hungry wolves on a merciless hunt for his head, no doubt. Showing weakness, hesitation, doubt, incompetence. Oswald knows there's just no space for error when it comes to these, not for Penguin and certainly not for the Mayor.
Unfortunately, he comes to learn Edward Nygma incarnates each and every one of those traits. The ones that would certainly bring about his demise, Oswald admits, if he isn't careful to hide them behind his facade of cold-blooded killer or faithful politician. If he doesn't avert his eyes when the cameras are rolling or when his party attendees are talking to him, toasting, congratulating, saying things Oswald will have forgotten within the hour.
Because he can't help but be painfully aware of Ed's presence, usually standing in strategic high-points making sure everything is running smoothly, sometimes entertaining particularly snobby guests who would have Oswald at their sides for the duration of the night if it were up to them, their egos too fragile but at the same time too precious to threaten even slightly.
Edward is always on top of things.
Oswald is always aware of this.
Of him.
Too much, sometimes.
It's a bit more difficult to pretend he isn't hyper-aware of his musky scent and hoarse voice and well-lean figure when they share a car back to the mansion after occasions like these. When Edward slides into the opposite seat with a pleased self-congratulatory air and confidently starts listing off people and colourful details that might prove useful in the future and Oswald smiles gently, doesn't tell him he already knows he spoke to all of them because he was watching.
He was watching when he brought the Commissioner's mother her favourite cherry-chocolate liquor and when he complimented the Gotham Gazette's new editor's dress. When he leant in pretending he couldn't hear her, when he oh-so-gentlemanly offered a handkerchief after she collided with one of the waiters because she was too distracted by the way he smiled down at her - Oswald was watching.
And, well.
He doesn't blame her.
And Edward?
"...she scribbled her phone number on a napkin and slipped it into my hand so I'll say we, quite literally," he smiles smugly and produces the neatly folded napkin from his dark-olive jacket, "have her in our pocket."
Oswald laughs, sharing in the sentiment, the joke.
Or so he thinks he's doing until he sees Edward's expression shift into something much less chipper and he realises what he's actually done is roll his eyes and scoff like a spoiled little child.
"You don't approve?" Edward asks, excitement dying off.
Oswald curses his own recklessness and puts on another smile that he knows wouldn't fool anyone.
"Oh, no. I approve. I quite approve of your calculated flirting, Ed. A very nice strategy. Maybe try to exercise a bit more prudence next time, go one at a time?"
The car comes to a stop at a red light, Edward stares at him for a long moment before he seemingly understands the meaning behind Oswald's reproach.
"Oh, that!"
(He definitely doesn't understand the meaning behind Oswald's reproach.)
"Yes! No, that was just Miss Johnson recommending me some poetry," the napkin returns to the safety of his breast pocket and next Ed brings out a little notepad from the inside of his jacket, pushing his glasses up his nose and wetting his lips - Oswald looks away, feeling too hot all of a sudden, "she's the head of the Literacy Club, they hold meetings at the City Library every other Thu—"
"I know who she is, Ed!" he snaps before he can stop himself. It's such an abrupt reaction that Edward stops his monologue and looks at him again with that face that means he's trying to decipher his real intentions and assessing the terrain. He looks Oswald up and down and sits straight, clearing his throat one more time and reading his hostility.
"Of course," Ed mumbles, "yes, you do. Sorry. It was a tedious evening, I should—" he clears his throat again out of nervousness and Oswald sighs, biting his tongue and taking a deep breath in, "I'll tell you about it tomorrow. Or not. I know you're not one for poetry anyway."
"No, it's fine. You must be exhausted, I know you hate these events, mingling and standing up all night—"
Edward's caramel eyes, that'd been cast downwards to his lap in an awkward and almost sheepish manner, shoot up to meet Oswald's again at his insistence. His gentle gaze brings back memories. Of bullet wounds and take-out food and piano melodies and a flourishing friendship.
"Who told you I don't like poetry?" Oswald tries with a gentler and more genuine smile this time. Because he's being too rude. Edward is none the wiser and he shouldn't have to deal with his stupid outbursts of jealousy. "Go ahead," Oswald says, with a much less venomous roll of his eyes and smiling at Edward's playful air and devilish grin.
His Chief of Staff opens his little notepad and shifts over from the opposite seat to come and claim the space next to him.
"I'm all ears," Oswald announces.
Except he isn't, really.
If he'd known Edward was going to make himself so comfortable between him and the cold window, was going to press himself so tightly against his side and loosen up his tie and giggle and start reciting a love poem with that mocking glint in his eyes and that theatrical hand-waving, Oswald never would've encouraged him.
"I hoped that he would love me, and he has kissed my mouth. But I am like a stricken bird that cannot reach the south..."
He needs to loosen up his own tie, too.
"...for though I know he loves me, tonight my heart is sad. His kiss was not so wonderful, as all the dreams I had."
Oswald stops breathing, stops trying to make himself look away from Edward's rosy lips, his cheekbones ever-so-slightly turned pink because their driver has turned on the heating way too high, the laugh that rocks his body, Oswald can feel it too because if he were closer he'd be sitting on his lap.
Stop it.
"—and then she just started telling me about her divorce, as if it wasn't all over the Gazette's front page last month. I declined her invitation but I figured I'd keep the poem, do a little bit of research, get in her good graces, so to speak. Never know when you'll need some funding and everybody knows she won the court case so, ca-ching!"
Ed blurts out another laugh and turns to look at Oswald, no doubt fishing for praise.
Oswald, who's so helplessly staring at him, lips slightly parted and hearing nothing beyond his gentle poem-reading about kisses and love and dreams. One of his betraying hands goes to Edward's nape and settles there, fingers brushing his hair of their own volition, brain failing to catch up to the situation. He feels light-headed.
"Oswald?" comes Ed's slightly concerned voice, now fully turning to face him better.
Oswald blinks out of his stupor with a pitiful gasp.
Sees his hand almost pulling Edward closer —
"Are you..." Ed starts, eyes darting to the side, to Oswald's outstretched arm with a frown, "...okay?"
"Fuck," he says out loud, without meaning to, "I—," he tries, he blinks again, he swallows through a dry throat, he looks at Ed and at his own hand cradling his head and then at Ed again looking at him with a quizzical look but still not leaning away, "—sorry! I— think I had too much to drink."
With that, he retrieves his hand and shuffles away from Edward, feeling like he's about to implode and like he can't take a proper breath in, he starts to get uncomfortably sweaty.
You idiot! What the hell do you think you're doing?!
"Is your leg—?" Edward places a cold hand on his thigh, "is it your leg?"
Oswald looks down, Ed's slim fingers brushing over the fabric of his trousers, he keeps them there, like it means nothing — like it doesn't mean everything.
"What?" he blurts out, because he didn't actually hear what Ed just said.
"You're sweating," his Chief of Staff states matter-of-factly, but when he goes to grab his handkerchief he finds it isn't there.
Oswald closes his eyes and lets his head fall back, thinking this is his only chance of living it down.
"Yes, yes. I'm feeling a bit dizzy."
Edward leaves his side immediately to go tap insistently at the dark window separating them from their newly-appointed chauffeur. He mutters a few orders that Oswald doesn't actually catch, there's a menacing undertone to his words and then he actually leans over into the front side of the vehicle.
"Are you trying to cook us alive?" he says finally, before shutting the window back close with unnecessary force. He turns to an Oswald biting his lip and trying not to laugh, "amateur. Do you want me to fire him?"
"It's his first day."
"No, I don't want you to fire him, Ed," he peels his eyes open and gestures to the left window, his vision spinning for a moment before he gets just the teensiest bit nauseous, "but maybe you could—?"
Edward returns to his side and rolls the window down a few inches. The cold winter air feels heavenly on Oswald's flushed cheeks and he lets out a sigh — it turns out he did actually have one drink too many, then.
"Better?" Ed asks, too close. Oswald doesn't dare open his eyes again. He only lets out a grunt and shakes his head.
This has backfired completely.
What was supposed to be an act — a decoy, has turned into him bracing himself against the cold glass window to his right and feeling like he's inside a blender. He meant for Ed to get distracted and brush aside his slip but now Ed is closer than he was before and Oswald genuinely feels like he's going to be sick.
"Stop— stop the car," he crooks out, he opens his eyes to see Edward leaning over him with a worried look but making no move to obey, "Ed!"
It stops just in time. He feels quite helpless as he wrestles with the door handle and stumbles outside into the cold dark and empty street of some downtown neighbourhood to empty his stomach by the sidewalk.
He hears rather than see Edward scramble out of the car after him.
"Oh, dear."
How humiliating, Oswald's mind provides, as he tries to lean back up, tries to get some leverage with a hand on the opened door only to find nothing there and almost trip over. Edward catches him just in time.
"Uh-oh," Ed sings, "I got you."
"Mayor Cobblepot! Is there anything—?"
"Just get in the car and wait there," Ed mumbles menacingly. Oswald would've sent the boy a murderous glare himself if he hadn't been so occupied trying not to fall into his own vomit and holding onto his Chief of Staff for dear life.
So much for living this down.
"Ughhhhhh," is all he can say, because he thinks he's about to faint.
"I know, I know," Edward keeps one hand on his arm and the other round his shoulders, "but you'll feel better now it's out."
Oswald scrunches up his face and almost gags again. Edward does a great job of guiding him back into the car, now much colder than it was just a moment ago. He feels like a deer that's learning to walk: he can't seem to find proper footing and only when Ed sits him down and settles next to him does his head stop spinning. The car starts to move again and the passing lights become so bothersome he doesn't open his eyes the rest of the trip home.
"Now can I fire him?"
Oswald nuzzles closer into the embrace, one of Ed's arms is still around his waist and the other hand is left unmoving over his forehead, a cold solace, keeping his head from moving around too much with the sloppy turns and few street holes the car fails to avoid.
And because he's still drunk and Ed is holding him so close, his lips brush against a warm minty-scented neck and stay there, breathing in perfume and skin and finding no resistance.
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al-n-cartoons · 4 years
Character Notes for "The Multiverse in a Blender"
Some of these characters are fairly similar in personality and how they speak, so I've been trying to figure out each way their personalities divulge. Please add onto this if you come up with anything (it would be helpful!).
Ben Tennyson: Easy go lucky, cheery, a person-pleaser, has a bit of a vanity streak, is sporty, is dorky, is very overworked, gets bored easily (I'm writing him as having ADHD and OCD), is a fantastic actor/schemer/opertunist. Puts his work above his health. Has an eidetic memory. Is an Aroflux omnisexual. His fashion tastes are a blend of punk and sporty, but the former isn't very socially acceptable in most settings so he tends to keep it to himself.
Rex Salazar: Is sporty, funny, and a bit temperamental. Has a definit rebellious streak and is impulsive, but has a rock-solid understanding of right and wrong. Basically, he'd be the one to punch someone in the face if he felt they deserved it. Is a heterosexual.
Bubbles: Overly excitable, naive, loves life and everything in it. Isn't very book smart, but is a force on the battle field (brute force, like Rex and Buttercup). Is a follower. Loves animals and violence (gets along well with Rex). She's a bit fascinated with the darker aspects of life, but is so cheery that most people view her aggression on the battle field as being ditzy. Is family and friend oriented. Is an aromantic asexual.
Buttercup: Has clearer morals than Bubbles and, although she is a definite punk, is overall less violent than Bubbles. Is competitive (hello, Ben and Rex) and wants to be sporty ("Ben, HOW DO YOU PLAY SOCCER!?). Is a bit rebellious and rude, but does wind up doing as Blossom instructs. Admires Ben's prowess in battle, and is learning from him how to tone down her destructiveness (which is a trait nearly all of her siblings naturally possess per the nature of their powers). Has never thought of her sexuality, and doesn't care to label herself. If she likes a guy, gal, etcetera, she likes 'em.
Blossom: the Sadsap charged with keeping her haywire siblings in check. Loves books, romance novels, and baking. Tries to be nice, but is also a realist (That painting is very colorful, Bubbles, but maybe we should keep the red inside of the people, okay?). Is very interested in healthy eating and loves trying to incorporate healthy stuff into her experimental baked goods (she doesn't use sugar or lipids very much, so her cooking tends to flop per taste and failure to hold in moisture). Is quizzical, sharp, and an opportunist. Isn't afraid to pummel someone if she felt there was need enough ("either you give me the code to disarm the bomb, or I turn your face into pulp.") She is a complete gay-panic.
Bliss: The oldest and second to least emotionally mature sister of the bunch. She tries to lead, but doesn't really know what she's doing. Loves to fight and can access her powers easily, but can't keep them from blowing up on people. Is prone to emotional outbursts and, per the nature of her powers, this is to her detriment. Isn't sociable and hates crowded places. Loves her siblings to bits and loves to bring Bubbles pieces of her foes (rocks, scales, strips of metal that had impaled them) to commemorate her victories. Thinks Danny's the sweetest little thing ("You like space? We can go there, like, right this second. 1-2-3 *zooms away, leaving a confused Danny behind*"). Ace and aro.
Dexter: The adopted brother of Bliss, Buttercupe, Blossom, and Bubbles. Is short-tempered and tends to sulk. Is inventive and technical; a fantastic creator of weaponry and anything of the like. Has a one-sided crush on Ben, but denies so much as liking the guy. Loves coffee but doesn't like to eat much, going so far as creating nutrition pills so as to bypass the affair ("The activity which you are suggesting, Blossom, is a waste of time.") Is a homosexual.
Danny Phantom: Is snarky and has a sardonic personality. Is more serious than some of his cohorts (looking at you, Rex and Bubbles) but loves to wisecrack and is VERY sassy. Is also extremely platonic, loving and trusting his two best friends (Sam and Tucker) with his life. Has a dorky flair for astronomy, and can recognize essentially every constellation in the sky (as well as quite a few of their stories). Has a crush in a character from his hometown, Valerie. Would punch someone in the face as payback, then forgive them for whatever they'd done to upset him or someone else. Is a trans heterosexual (bicurious, perhaps biromantic, but is not bisexual). Has claustrophobia.
Zak Saturday: Exceedingly compassionate and family-oriented, as well as highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and strategizing. Is very ingenious. Enjoys teasing and joking around, but will also nag someone if he thinks they're being idiotic (this makes it so that he and Rex are a bit at odds with one another). Is also great at finding common ground/compromising. Basically, he'd be the one fixing someone's broken nose and explaining to them where they went wrong, then give them a lollipop. Is dating Ben (they started at age 12) and gets along great with Blossom. Is pansexual.
Connie Maheswaran: Is both people smart and book smart, but lacks quite a bit of street knowledge. Is a considerable combatant, and has a quick wit, but would rather focus on the task at hand than joke around (she calls Danny and Ben out over this). Is kind and understanding, but not a pushover. Has a good head in her shoulders, and is good with details. After their universes fuse, she may take her various skills (hand-to-hand combat, acute intellect, interest in outer space) and apply them to the Plumbers as a long-term career.
Dipper Pines: Family-oriented, not very sociable with people of his age group. Is insecure around the others listed here (baring Mabel, for obvious reasons); sees himself as inferior since he's an intellectual and is incapable on the actual battle field (his words, not mine). Is incredibly smart, a technical thinker, and has a fantastic memory. Is a bi disaster half the time. LOVES to strategize and plot out the how and why for any problem. Loves gaming. Bites off more than he can chew. Keeps Mabel from hurting herself more often than either of them are willing to admit ("Mabel, that's a garbage disposal, not a slide. Mabe-MABEL!!!?") is a panromantic heterosexual. Has a long-distance relationship with Pacifica, but both of them are equally supportive so it's worked out thus far.
Mabel Pines: Family and friend oriented, is a bi disaster. Is an obscene romantic, which tends to leave her with her heart crushed, but she bounces back after a day or two. Is considerably strong, considering the fact that she's entirely human with no combat training, and is learning how to use hand-held weapons. Isn't very intuitive, but is very interpersonally smart. Is an animal lover, owning a pet pig and cat ("Dipper, look, my babies are cuddling!") (I didn't add the cat in, guys; episode one).
Steven Universe: Is the human teddy bear. He is a pacifist, meaning that he refuses to start fights or violence but isn't afraid to save someone from another or themselves. Tries to fix every problem but his own. Is a compulsive overexplainer and apologizer. His best friend is a lion, so people tend not to mess with him. Also, Lion likes to just lie atop Steven's van when they go places. He is compassionate, caring, loving, trusting, and has mommy issues (and also slight daddy issues, but barely). Trauma baby who only wants his girlfriend to succeed and for her to be happy (preferably with him nearby, but he tries to give her a respectful distance). He is a panromantic asexual.
Is that everyone? I think that's everyone.
Edit: I forgot Steven, guys. Had to edit him in.
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equinoxts2 · 4 years
Building Kulo Seeri pt1: Vedraloga Camp
Since people seemed to be interested in my rebuild rambles, here’s the first in my series of lot-building tours from the building hood. This one is the home lot for the Vedraloga, a sisterhood of warriors devoted to the patron ancestor of battle and victory: Vedrafe zan-Ave.
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This is what I have placed so far: two tents surrounded by invisible rooms, a campfire with a couple of log seats, and two archery targets from the recent set by @sunmoon-starfactory​. Let’s see how it develops from here:
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Here’s a shot of the sleeping tent, with temporary floor tiles to help me work out what I can place where. Unlike the other households, there are separate beds in different corners of the lot (as opposed to in a pile in the middle) as the Vedraloga are required to swear off all that ACR nonsense. After all, marriage and parenthood were literally the death of Vedrafe.
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Zooming in to that table, I place a few skill-teaching objects from sophie-david’s Opportunity Set: a mystic symbol (since the Vedraloga are as much Vedrafe’s priesthood as they are defenders of the Nuidya territory) and a crystal for teaching the Physiology life skill (since they will need that skill in combat!)
I also added an OMSP for lights, to go on the same tile as the crystal ball. With Feenwald’s Lamp Hider underneath, I can make it look like the crystal itself is emitting light at night.
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Another Sun&Moon set that will be used here is the griffin set. While most Nuidya keep sacred cats, hunting dogs, and possibly - if they’re high-status clans - dragons, griffins are the companions and mounts of the Vedraloga. The order has four members at the moment, and I’m giving each of them a griffin to care for. After I took this picture, I moved them round to the side of that tent, instead of the back.
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The bones of the training ground: invisible duelling dummies by @nixedsims​ and those archery targets I mentioned before. I put a converted TSM staff between the duel dummies, mostly to help me remember where they are once I turn them invisible.
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I use these five objects to create little household altars. In the middle is one of Buggybooz’ niche repositoried end tables, with the late Sunni’s prayer altar painting on the first slot and a little roof thing that I think was converted from Witcher by lydiasuzanne at PBK (correct me if I’m wrong) on the second slot. On either side is a representation of a sacred animal: the dragon, ancestor of the tribe, on one side and the cat (aka Inge’s teleporter) on the other.
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Entering the combination kitchen and recreation tent, there’s a variety of games for the Vedraloga to play when they’re not training: a card table, probably traded for, in the back left corner; a chess table on the other side of the room; and the one at the front is just a regular table but does have deco dice on it.
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The kitchen half of the tent has a few stone counters, a pitcher for washing pots in, and a chopping board and canning pot. I also placed a cauldron stove, from @fireflowersims​ Glazed Pottery Super Set, over another Sun&Moon fire.
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Round the back of the sleeping tent is where I hide all the not very KS-appropriate hacked objects I need to place on every lot. I have @lazyduchess​‘ Mod Setup flamingo, a batbox turned into the TS4 vampire urn by @shastakiss​, a Season & Weather Control vase from SimWardrobe, @midgethetree​‘s RCC, Cyjon’s debugger, @hexagonal-bipyramid​‘s Trait Randomiser, Inge’s school changer and iCad’s shower/bathtub want fulfiller thingy. Credit where it’s due :)
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Now that I’ve got all the objects I need placed, time to landscape. I added a bit of scrubby terrain paint where the sims are most likely to be walking a lot, a few trees, and a bit of Voeille’s grass around the edges. I also put BOBs around the tent edges, so I don’t get sims’ feet clipping through the rocks holding the tents down.
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I decided that, since I’m turning the ACR and Visitor controllers and the Sim Blender into hydrangea bushes to match the stay-things shrub, I needed an excuse to have lots of them on a lot all year round. So in Kulo Seeri they are known as everblue plants, that flower regardless of the weather or season. I’m a fantasy worldbuilder, I can make all the excuses I want for things not being seasonal.
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And.. done: I’ll be turning the BOBs and training dummies invisible when I actually move sims in, but until then, have this overhead shot. :)
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thanksjro · 4 years
More Than Meets the Eye #7- Just in Case You Forgot Decepticons Were a Thing
While the Lost Light gets all of Rung’s appointments in order, our narrative is going to take a little shift, so we can get to know some pretty neat dudes.
And by “neat dudes” I mean completely morally and ethically reprehensible bastards.
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But first, here’s a brief history of the Phase-Sixer known as Black Shadow.
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Very limber, Mr. Shadow. Also, note the abstract sort of Decepticon insignia shape going on with the panel. That’s just neat.
Now, Black Shadow’s kicked a lot of keister in his long, storied career as a ‘Con, which makes his current situation all the more bleak, as he’s in the final throes of a visit with the Decepticon Justice Division.
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The guy with the arm-mounted cannon that’s clearly compensating for something is Tarn, the leader of the DJD. His main character trait is he’s sapiosexual, but only for Megatron. He’s so devoted to the Decepticause and its rhetoric, he wears a mask of the insignia at all times.
Behind him are Helex and Tesaurus, who turn into a fondue pot and industrial-sized blender, respectively, and Vos, who turns into a sniper rifle, and was once fired by Megatron himself. I assume he’s only part of the DJD for the clout.
And then there’s Kaon, who turns into a wheelie chair.
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Black Shadow’s looking pretty rough, but the boys haven’t killed him yet, and there’s a reason for that; the DJD’s sole reason for existing is to punish any Decepticon who stalls the glory of Megatron’s vision of a better tomorrow coming to fruition, no matter how slight the infraction, and simply killing their victims doesn’t exactly drive the point home, now does it? They’ve got to make an example, you know?
But really it’s so Tarn can pontificate. See, he considers himself a bit of an intellectual, as shown in his quoting of Megatron’s autobiography, Towards Peace.
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Ugh, He’s a fanboy. It’s enough to make you want to puke. Which Black Shadow does. It’s mostly blood. Or is it? Hard to tell, energon is everything for these guys.
The DJD have had their fun, so now it’s time for them to say goodbye to Black Shadow. This is where Tarn’s special talent comes into play, and it’s a nasty one.
Tarn has a unique voice, one that, when matching the timbre and frequency of another ‘bot’s spark, can be used to affect said spark, even making it give up the ghost. This is exactly what he does to Black Shadow, but not before making him apologize for selling out the Decepticons for a butt-ton of money.
Speaking of unique voices, Tarn’s characterization is almost completely in his. It makes sense, given his power, that he have a way of speaking that stands out from everyone else. It’s smooth, and cool, and seems well-rehearsed; this is not a guy who stumbles on his words. He sounds like a Bond villain.
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Roberts has admitted that he wrote these characters with English accents, and while I can’t say that I buy it for everyone in MTMTE, I certainly do for Tarn.
But maybe that’s just because I’m American, and a lot of the media I consumed growing up had the whole “the villain sounds British/camp gay” thing going on.
Black Shadow explodes, because we haven’t had one of those in a while.
With another tick put on their List, the DJD get ready to move on to their next target. We don’t get any names, but whoever they are, they’re about to have a very bad day.
Then we take a quick jump back to the Lost Light, since things were kind of a massive mess when we last saw everyone.
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Rung’s not dead, by the way. I guess Swerve really is just that bad of a shot. Still, he’s not much more than a brain on a rope, and that means that Rung’ll be out of commission for a good while.
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Poor Swerve. He feels so awful about this whole thing, even brought Rung one of his little ships to keep him company. The worst part is, now that Swerve’s shot the therapist, who will he talk to so he can work through having shot the therapist?
Speaking of guys who need therapy, Red Alert comes visiting in the dead of night, after visiting hours and in cover of darkness. He tells Rung about the little surprise he found in the basement, and bids him farewell, as he will surely be killed now that he knows about Overlord.
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Who the hell programmed that drone to be so menacing?
Red Alert, again showing that this ain’t his first paranoia rodeo, slips a data slug full of Overlord bondage footage into the hole where Rung’s thumb should be- guess it got lost in the helter-skelter when he got shot- then walks out of the medibay, presumably to die.
Anywho, that’s enough of the Autobots for a little while. Let’s see what the Decepticons are up to.
On a planet far from wherever the Lost Light is faffing about, a Decepticon wakes up to a bunch of dudes hovering over him, insulting his looks, and stealing his organs. He reacts accordingly.
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This is Fulcrum. No, not the Decepticon medic from Eugenesis, different guy. This Fulcrum’s primary function is probably about as removed from healing as it gets.
The guys trying to harvest him are the Scavengers, and they’re pretty surprised that he’s not dead, because, well…
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Misfire- the dude who got kicked in the face a second ago- does both Fulcrum and the reader a solid by introducing all the members of this merry band of assholes, starting with the surliest of their ranks.
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Crankcase was first introduced into the IDW run in Stormbringer #3, where he shot at Thunderwing and spouted off a couple lines ripped straight from a porno.
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Stormbringer is really just… something else.
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Spinister, who can and will shoot anything that meets his unpredictable criteria of being a threat, is the only other Scavenger who isn’t debuting in the comics with this issue. He was in Stormbringer #4, not that he really did anything of note there.
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There’s Flywheels, who can’t tell a lie without transforming, and is a born-again evangelical. His character is a removal from his previous iterations, as he’s a triple-changer instead of a Duocon, a robot that only exists if two separate sentient vehicles combine. So, in his case, tank + plane = giant robot. Transformers is weird.
Then there’s the leader of this group, the ever-stressed, glorified babysitter, Krok.
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Krok takes the opportunity to save Fulcrum from the verbal barrage, explaining that the Scavengers are expropriation specialists, meaning that they take people’s shit for their own benefit, and that includes bodily fluids. Misfire was supposed to be siphoning energon from the corpses in the area, but accidentally got high on another dude’s supply in the process. Misfire may be hopped up on drugs at the moment, but he’s only a bit more put-together sober, so this really is roughly par for the course with him.
Back on the Lost Light, Chromedome pays a visit to Brainstorm, who is currently hanging from the ceiling. Not in a suicidey way, mind you, just in a Brainstorm way.
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He wants to be noticed so badly.
Chromedome’s here because he managed to steal Skid’s weirdly forgettable gun back in issue #4, while Skids was busy harassing that bar drone. He handed it off to Brainstorm to try and figure out what the deal was. Problem is, the gun blew up the moment Brainstorm cracked it open, only allowing him to get a quick look at the internals thanks to his super-futuristic robot eyes. All he can really say is that it looks like something that came from The Institute. Back at it again with the ominous proper nouns.
Getting back to the Scavengers, it looks like the boys have set up a little campfire for the evening. It’s a gorgeous night.
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In love with the colors this issue.
We get a very brief history lesson that shows us why reducing your workforce to a spreadsheet instead of living, free-thinking creatures isn’t a super great idea, and then Krok drops the bomb on Fulcrum about the war being over. This is pretty wild to Fulcrum, probably because after 4 million years of that nonsense, you don’t really expect it to ever actually end.
Of course, when the impossible turns out to be possible after all, there’s only one question to really ask: who won?
Now, none of the guys really know how everything ended, only going off of the pulse wave that Vector Sigma shot off during the reformatting of Cybertron. They figure it was probably the Autobots, because they’re at least a little genre savvy. Bummer for them, considering they’re technically part of the bad guys. Just ask the campfire.
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You know, I don’t think this is what President Roosevelt had in mind when he started doing fireside chats.
And so our location is finally revealed to us- this is the planet known as Clemency. Hey, wasn’t that the place Tarn said their next target was? Man, that really sucks for these guys. Hope they’ve got their wills in order.
Meanwhile, in the medibay of the Lost Light, Rung has another late-night visitor. This guy takes the data slug from inside his thumb hole, thus removing any hope of Red Alert’s fate being found out. Well dang.
Back on Clemency, the boys have made it through the night, and are using the light of daybreak to start scrounging up parts for their super sweet ship, the Weak Anthropic Principle.
Hold on to your butts, because this one’s a doozy.
The Anthropic Principle is based in the school of philosophy, and states that any and all observations about the universe- or any universe, really- have to be fed through the filter of realizing that said universe is only observable because it allows for sapient life to exist and observe it. There are two flavors of this principle; the strong anthropic principle states that the universe has some sort of compelling force which dictates it be able to house life which can observe it, while the weak anthropic principle basically says that the only reason we’re even considering the strong anthropic principle is because we live in a universe where we can.
Now, why exactly Roberts decided to bring this philosophical idea into the fold completely escapes me, unless he decided to, in a roundabout way, poke fun at the fact that we are currently observing a universe we don’t exist in through the magic of fiction- that theory doesn’t hold water, though, because there are still sapient creatures populating the universe of the IDW comics, and even humans at that. I’m curious where he even learned about this. What an odd, confounding tidbit of information this is.
But enough about that, because Misfire’s just seen a cryptid.
He transforms and blasts past Fulcrum and Krok, interrupting Krok’s explanation of what the device he keeps hidden in his fist is for, trying to catch up to the Necrobot.
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The very same, Fulcrum, thank you.
Misfire is a firm believer in the Necrobot, while Krok is firmly not. Misfire’s tried chasing down this guy several times now, but he’s not caught him. The Necrobot is kind of like Bigfoot, if he were also a Catholic priest. This go doesn’t prove any different for poor Misfire, though it’s not all bad.
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Flywheels’ only purpose as a character is so that Roberts had a stand-in for the word “fuck” for this issue.
Misfire’s found something very exciting, and he immediately calls Krok to bring everyone over.
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Everyone’s super jazzed about finding this thing, and they break out the flashlights and break in to see all the fun stuff that’s inside this obnoxiously large ship.
Of course, this is a Roberts story, and we haven’t yet had any sort of scientifically experimental horrors yet, so we’re honestly a little overdue at this point.
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But wait, there’s more!
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Aww, it’s nice that Fulcrum and Krok already have each other’s contact info.
Everyone regroups and they weigh their options. Misfire fucking hates this ship, and wants nothing to do with it. Fulcrum however, isn’t so quick to throw this entire nightmare bus off the cliff. Fulcrum’s a little weird, and not just because he looks like he’s got a military pack on and no shirt.
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Oh honey, you got a storm coming.
As if on cue, Krok starts hearing music, and asks around for a phone. He picks up a transmission from a familiar masked face. Tarn lets the fellas know that one of them has done a big no-no, and if the others hand the transgressor over, he’ll let them watch, because Tarn assumes that that’s something other people are into. Tarn is bad at people. The transmission ends, leaving the boys to panic, and also wonder where the leader of the DJD learned to count, until they find a very special friend deep within the bowels of the ship. The extra life signal, and the only other living thing on the Worldsweeper- Grimlock.
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