#i see many people saying they saved urls
dovedrangeas · 1 year
DOVE you probably don’t remember me but hi how’s it going
LOVEDAY you would be Very Wrong in thinking i would forget you!! i always recognize your url, i look at your blog every once in a while n wonder what you're up to >:] i'm just like "hey i know who that is" whenever i see your url it's very nice
anyway hi hello!! i have a cat sitting next to me so i'm living the dream rn >:) i hope you're doin well too!!
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wingwaver · 1 year
A few tips for new Tumblr users wanting to write here
Yo if you're here from Reddit or Twitter or some other site and just wanted to give this a shot you may have seen some blogs that are dedicated to writing headcanons or short fics or even original works for their own OCs and you may be thinking "hey I wanna give that a shot! I like to write!" then I have some tips to make it easier on you and people who see your content.
1. First off, if you're writing a pretty long piece the you should probably put it under a read more, it'll look like this on mobile
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and this on desktop
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or you can write :readmore: on a line by itself and press enter.
2. Now if you're gonna write for a whole bunch of different fandoms and you wanna make a master list then I suggest making an actual list with the fandoms you write for and then making more lists with the actual content as a you go along because you can only have 100 links in one post (I know that sounds like a lot but as someone who has around 300 Transformers things written trust me you fill up a post quicker than you expect, especially if you take requests from other people). The way I typically do it is like this
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The first pic is the MASTER master list that lists everything I write for and when they're underlined like that it means they're links. The second pic is after clicking the G1 link, it's a separate post that has the actual fics and headcanon links. Note the 6/100 in the tags, this is how I keep up with how many things I've added. You can of course just use the numbers options from here
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or just number them manually from your keyboard like I'm doing with this post. Adding links has no barring on what else you add to the post so you can add yourself some fancy header or divider pics if you want.
3. Adding links! Links can look like this https://www.tumblr.com/wingwaver/721887224846778368/test-post-for-reasons?source=share or like this https://wingwaver.tumblr.com/post/721887224846778368/test-post-for-reasons depending on whether you're linking from mobile or desktop/browser Just highlight the text you wanna add a link to and a the little chain will move to the end, click it and paste your url you want to link to and press add link, then press post/save draft/save (whatever the blue button says)
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Now you've successfully linked a post to another post!
4. Tagging! To get your fics and headcanons seen to build an audience you usually wanna tag the stuff correctly. If you're posting a fic about Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney then you'll tag it with #Ace Attorney, #Miles Edgeworth, and #Phoenix Wright in the tags area. But it's also a good idea to mention if it's a ship or general fic in the tags too. If so then putting ship names and #Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright and #Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright in the tags will help everyone know this is a ship fic. Tagging with characters or fandoms that aren't apart of the fic just clogs the tags for people looking for content of said characters and fandoms so it's very looked down on here and will likely get some of your stuff reported for spam so only use the relevant tags. Also tagging for triggers can be tricky here because of how fucky tumblr is but please don't tag censor tags. Tagging things like #a**** or #a*use or even #abu$e doesn't work here because people who have #abuse blacklisted will be able to see this content because it wasn't tagged properly. Also if you're writing for OCs or reader inserts it's common courtesy to tag those appropriately too. Someone looking for a reader insert may not want to read an OC and vice versa. Also many people filter those out so try to add tags like #x reader, #*fandom name* x reader, and #*character name* x reader for easier filtering. Also people cruise those tags too so it'll help people who fo want to read that content find your stuff!
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report-rqs · 6 months
Step-by-step: Let's report a radqueer for inciting violence
This is a tutorial on reporting. Don't find this user, don't contact them, don't harass them, etc - I am showing how you should report these posts instead. Content warnings: Radqueers, murder, torture
Here is our post in question:
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"transtorturemurderer: a transharmful term for one who wishes to or identifies as having commited torture murder"
Archive the post.
Report the post to Tumblr.
Block the blog and everyone in the notes of the post.
Tutorial on each step is under the cut:
Archive The Post
When a radqueer advocates for violence, child abuse, animal abuse, abuse of a corpse or actual CSAM material, it's very important that you archive the post. Saving evidence of radqueers promoting harm is important, especially if this user later comes back after their account is removed.
(It is important to note that I am specifically saying "advocates for" as in in real life. If a radqueer coining post doesn't specify, it can be reported to Tumblr as IRL. I'm noting "IRL" here because so many people think that fictional child sexual abuse material (and similar things) are perfectly fine, although I would like to note that I do not support/endorse "fictional CSAM" and it is recognized as being equally harmful to IRL CSAM/CP by places like MissingKids.com (organizations dedicated to stopping child abuse). But I'm not dedicating this space to arguing about that - Do not derail this post by arguing with me about this. This is a tutorial for something specific.)
You have two main options for archiving:
I tend to use both archivers, but if you only want to use one I suggest Archive.Today. Open the main page and copy-paste the URL of the RQ post into the field. Press enter, and it will store an archived version of the post. (Sometimes this takes longer than other times, this is based on how many people are using the site at once.)
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If you plan to do a lot of reporting, install the Firefox extensions for Archive.Today and Archive.Org, they let you archive your current page with one click.
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If a page has been archived before, you get this message. If it looks like a post has been edited or there are new replies in the notes from radqueers encouraging it, I suggest archiving it again.
Now you've got your updated archived URL. Hold onto this URL.
Report Them To Tumblr
You'll need to view the post in dashboard view if they have a custom theme. Custom theme URLS go like blogname.tumblr.com, and dashboard view is tumblr.com/blogname/post122121212121212121.
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Once in dashboard view, click the hamburger menu (the three dots), and you'll see the red option that says "Report blogname."
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This takes you to a basic categories menu. Select "Report something else."
That takes you to a sub menu which lets you pick from the following options:
Copyright violation
Trademark violation
Harm to minors
Privacy violation
Impersonation or Non-Genuine Behavior
Suicide or self-harm concern
Hate speech violation
Suspected terrorism
Sexually explicit material
Gore, mutilation, or bestiality
Violent content or threat
I’m being harassed
Unlawful uses or content
Election Integrity
I bolded the options which radqueer posts will most likely fall into. For the post I'm reporting, I am selecting "Violent content or threat."
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You'll enter Tumblr's permalink (the post url), enter a name, your email, solve a captcha and most importantly describe how it violates Tumblr's Community Guidelines. Since I'm reporting this for violence, let's go right to the Community Guidelines on Tumblr:
What Tumblr is not for: Violent Content and Threats, Gore and Mutilation. Don't post content which includes violent threats toward individuals or groups - this includes threats of theft, property damage, or financial harm. Don't post violent content or gore just to be shocking. Don't showcase the mutilation or torture of human beings, animals (including bestiality), or their remains. Don't post content that encourages or incites violence, or glorifies acts of violence or the perpetrators.
You can use the way a website's phrased their guidelines as a sort of base for writing your report. However, on Tumblr remember that it needs to be fairly short because there's a character limit. So, questions to answer:
Does this include violent threats towards a person or group? Is this a label/"pride flag" about committing violence against a person or group?
Does this encourage violence - is it telling people to commit acts of violence?
Is it glorifying acts of violence or their perpetrators?
In this example, this is a pride flag, which denotes pride, and it says "one who wishes to or identifies as having commited torture murder" That is reasonable enough cause to call this post glorifying violence. So, here's what I'm saying in my report: (Changed phrasing slightly from the screenshot above)
This user is posting "pride flags" for people who "identify as" and "wish to" into murderers and other violent perpetrators. In this post, they made a "transorturemurderer" pride flag, for people who wish to commit torture murder. This is very concerning, this blog seems to be completely serious. Please take this blog and other radqueer blogs down.
If a user has many posts right on their blog that violate the Community Guidelines, you can say something akin to "More examples: (Link)" and link to the archived post/s.
Once you're satisfied with your report, you can click submit and Tumblr will say "Got it" and let you know it was received.
Block the blog and everyone in the notes
If you still have the post open, quickly go through the notes and block everyone interacting positively. (Don't spend time looking at these blogs, it will likely be upsetting/disturbing)
Closing Notes
I could've phrased the part about removing other radqueer blogs better. My reason for adding that is that I want Tumblr to start becoming aware of what radqueers post. I believe firmly that once enough people report radqueers for their content, Tumblr might respond to future petitions or requests to ban all radqueer content.
Don't reply to radqueer posts. Don't reply to radqueer posts. This can be tempting, but I don't think it's a good idea. Even if you've got good intentions or make some great points, radqueers like to screenshot anti radqueer posts and post them as examples of "antis harassing them". Your post could even be shown to someone who is questioning being radqueer, grooming them into the community with a sort of "Look! See? All of those mean antis will never accept you, all they do is harass people for disagreements!" air.
I'm autistic and can't read tone well, and I also have OCD that makes me overexplain my intentions. If parts of this post were hard to read, please help me make them shorter.
Tagging some relevant blogs for visibility and critique on this post: @anti-radqueer-zone @radqueer-repellant @radq-blocklist @antiradqueer
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yanverse · 2 months
I have to see my husband, show me Yuri. Please.
bbg i GOT chu husband incoming <33 i present to you my yuri magnum opus !!
"Mr. Maeda"
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(cws: gn pronouns, work meet cute, office romance, a bit of petty theft, work-inappropriate kisses, obsessive & overprotective behavior, yuri's a lil secret creep)
wc: 3.3k
Here it is. The starting point of the rest of your life. You worried it might be some big, huge corporate building that you'd sooner get lost in than find your way to the office written on your little sheet of paper, but it was small enough to fit its two-story self smack dab on the corner of the avenue. Easy to access, walkable from where you just moved…and still terrifying. This was the only place that would hire you and the first job you'd had that was actually in your field, so to screw this up would ruin years of potential prospects if you ever decided to move upwards and onwards. There was a whole lot riding on this, but all you could do was swallow those doubts and keep your chin up as you pushed through the door and took your first step into the future. 
Ting-ing. A bell chimed overhead to signal your arrival, all other noise from the street growing muffled as the door closed behind you. It was…elegant. Even for an interior decorating office, it seemed lavish. The floors were shiny with fresh wax and the furniture was all arranged so delicately you wouldn't even want to sit, the waiting room off to your left and a showroom to your right while a long hallway extended past the front desk on the far side of the wall. It was all decorated in deep red and white tones for the most part along with some other complementary hues, all save for the bored-looking young woman at the desk who wore a baby-blue top and torn jeans. If nothing else, at least the dress code seemed pleasantly loose. 
"H..." You squeaked out your greeting like a shy mouse as you approached her, her eyes stuck to the pages of a book that laid open by her keyboard. “..H-Hello.”
"Yuri's by appointment only, please book online."
Her instructions came out as bland and monotone as you could ever imagine, a business card with the URL slapped down on the upper counter of her desk to stare right back at you. She hadn't peeled her eyes away from her reading for even a second, but when she did, it was because you'd cleared your throat and mustered up the courage to say that you were actually here for the job. 
"Here for the–oh!" The mere sight of you had her flipping her novel shut and getting up from her seat, her hand stuck out to greet yours as a look of embarrassment overtook her features. "I'm so sorry, I thought you were–e-er, never mind. Welcome! I'm Angel." 
Despite her relatively gentle appearance, the squeeze of her hand was strong–you had little space to dwell on those minor details though, as she briskly skirted around her desk to wave you towards the hall. "I'll take you back to meet Yuri, right this way." 
Clack. Clack. Clack. It wasn't her flats but your polished shoes clicking loudly on the tile, echoing your nerves in the silence that was only peppered by the distant hum of computers and occasional chatter. You'd no idea exactly how many agents worked here, just that it was a small agency. Less people to impress, but more intense scrutiny if you happened to disappoint them with your skills….or lack thereof. God, please let your heart stop beating so loud. Angel reached for a door near the very end of the corridor and you took a deep breath, one that was probably noticeable since she reassured you with a look and a curt smile as it opened. 
"Yuri! Your protégé is here," Her grin grew wider as you balked at her introduction, she patted your shoulder in parting and slipped away as you forced yourself through the doorway and into the brightly-lit office crammed with desks. Chairs had been tucked in tight to allow more room to manoeuvre since it was oddly cramped, but that was mostly because nobody sat in them; your coworkers either leaned against the desks or by the huge bay windows letting in the midday sun, and each and every one of their heads turned to face you once you took a step into their domain. Not one of them commanded your attention like he did, though. 
"Oh, please, Angel. Try not to embarrass me, would you?" His voice, airy and smooth, reached you where you stood and nearly buckled your knees before you even got a glimpse of him. The assembly that loosely surrounded him made way for his lithe frame to step around the furniture and head towards you, smiles creeping across their faces and whispers exchanged between them–it almost distracted you long enough not to look up once he finally stood in front of you. 
Oh no.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. Ah…" His eyes darted down from your feet to roam their way back up to your eyes in a single pass, so brief you might've thought it never even happened. "...A real pleasure, my sweet." Yuri's cool, soft hands clamped around yours in a gentle handshake, though he barely moved it and rather just held you there like he needed an excuse to stare longer. 
Oh, god. Your boss is too attractive to get anything done. 
"Y-You too, sir. I've really been looking forward to this." You tried not to stutter out your answer, though Yuri seemed endeared nonetheless and urged you to forget the honours, his grip just barely brushing you once more as he finally managed to drop your hand. 
"Let's…oh, what was I saying?" He blinked with an absent gaze, attention fixated on something over your shoulder before he came back down to earth. A quick glance in your peripheral betrayed nothing of note, aside from your own hair. But to think anything of that would be odd, and far be it from you to put your foot in your mouth in front of a boss that actually seemed to like you. "Oh! Right, right–why don't I show you around? We'll get you settled in a minute, but I'll give you a tour first." 
He extended an arm out elegantly towards the office, your new coworkers clamouring to get their introductions in to the fresh meat in their presence–yet in all the time he spent showing you around, Yuri didn't seem to take his eyes off you for more than a moment or two. 
Which was either a terrible omen of things to come, or a very, very good sign. 
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The first three days of a new job were usually the most difficult, but a week had passed now and you could swear the hard part just wasn't coming. Every task you'd been given had been a breeze, and with no real assignments yet since you were still in the learning phase, you were practically getting paid to sit around, experiment with your room designs in the decorator software, and chat with your coworkers in between group lunches and the occasional outing to visit potential clients. 
The man that had now established himself as your boss was nothing at all like what you expected. Sure, your expectations were certainly lower after your last job plummeted you into financial hell and mental anguish, but you expected the top agent of the city's biggest interior design conglomerate to be somewhat prudish, egotistical, and impossible to please.
But Yuri Maeda was nearly the complete opposite of that. He was by no means lackadaisical, and he did carry a certain air of class about him in the way he walked and talked, but he was not at all like other bosses you'd worked for before. He remembered your name when you walked in the door, and he welcomed you with open arms. He was kind to you and spoke gently of your mistakes, and no matter what, he'd never raised his voice or talked down to anyone about anything. 
And he was so, so easy on the eyes. His age showed in nothing but his white hair and even that was more of a fashion statement than anything else–you wouldn't assume a man that barely crested 30 would be so rife with grays under normal circumstances. He didn't even dress like a boss; he'd foregone a suit and tie in exchange for loose, flowing clothing, his shirt hung low to show off his pronounced collarbones while his pants hugged tight to his hips and accentuated those long legs that just kept on going. You'd once asked about his background, and the way his face lit up at the chance to talk about his infancy in Morocco and adolescence in Japan had been the highlight of your day, no doubt. You'd rarely seen such a professional and well-bred man talk so excitedly of his roots while brewing you some coffee and pulling out old photos of his home countries. It was an almost childlike interest, and it endeared him to you even more if that was even possible. 
Yuri had a strange habit, however. At first you thought you were getting hazed by the frequency with which your office supplies was going missing, but soon you started noticing that whatever item you had lost would magically appear in Yuri's hands. You'd caught him with your pencil behind his ear, your colourful paperclips attached to his files, once you could've sworn that someone had taken a sip from the drink you'd left on your desk, though there was no way for you to prove that was even the case. 
Whatever was going on with that, it took a backseat to the unbelievably good treatment you were getting at the office. You couldn't make yourself mess this up on purpose–you had to try as hard as you ever had to make this work and make it last. Where else were you going to get such a nice boss that called you cute nicknames and bought you lunch on a whim? 
But soon came the day that you'd been scheduled to help your first client. You'd been excited leading up to it, eagerly absorbing every ounce of advice that Yuri provided as you prepared to flex your skills.
When you came back to the office in tears, however, that dream had clearly been shattered. Angel at the front desk could barely catch you before you dashed into the bathroom to hide, and even when she followed you in to see what was the matter she herself couldn't believe her ears.
“They hated it,” You sniffled from within the stall, your feet pulled up to press your knees to your chest as if the echoes of your sobs off the walls wasn't enough to tell that you were there. 
“Hated what?”
“Everything! They hated the colours, and my d-designs, they said they were terrible–the worst they've ever seen! They made fun of me!” You sobbed, the events of the morning sending fresh pains into your heart as you heard your own voice repeating them. Angel heaved a sigh from the other side of the bathroom door.
“I'm getting Yuri. Hold on.” 
“No, please, I–I can't let him see me like this, I-” Despite your pleas, the sounds of Angel's shoes pattering away left you feeling defeated, and you slumped your head between your knees. The shame and embarrassment of having such confidence, only to have it ruined in one fell swoop, felt like too much to bear. You wanted to run and hide forever, dig a hole deep enough and jump in. 
You wanted to quit, but you couldn't bear it if Yuri fired you–and after several minutes, hearing a sudden barrage of shouting that sounded like his voice outside the bathroom, you had a feeling that was exactly what was coming. You knew it was too good to be true. Deep down Yuri desired perfection, and you were not that–not even close enough to have tried. 
Just when you started to consider slipping out of the bathroom and facing the music rather than stay inside and keep sobbing pathetically, the door creaked open. Taut footsteps hesitantly stepped inside, and by the soft breathing, you knew exactly who it was. He rapped gently on the stall door with his knuckles. It took you a moment to slide off the closed lid of the toilet seat, the lock jiggling loudly in the eerie quiet as you slowly opened the door.
At first glance, he looked flushed and out of sorts. His hair was mussed, and his breathing was uneven. He had his inhaler in the hand at his side, but whether he had taken a puff or not already, you couldn't tell. The silence, save for that, was painful. 
Unsure of what to say, you looked back at him as he did the same to you. Your eyes were puffy and your cheeks tearstained and still wet, while his chest heaved hard enough that the quiet was finally broken decidedly by a click, and then a deep inhale of breath as he pressed his inhaler to his mouth. 
“Mr. Maeda? Are you…okay?” 
“How many times…” He trailed off, only to cough slightly into his arm, and take another deep puff of his medicine. With that, his lungs finally seemed to clear, and he could take deeper, longer breaths while slipping the inhaler into his pocket. “...I told you, don't have to call me that.”
“You're my boss.”
“I'm also your friend.”
“...Am I fired?” Your question twisted itself out, because it was inevitable to come off your lips, but it was so soft and meek you felt shameful yourself just asking it. Yuri shook his head.
“No, no you're not–you’re not fired, sweetheart. You're invaluable to my team. You're not going anywhere.” He seemed convinced beyond belief, but you weren't quite there yet. Despite his earnestness, despite his friendliness and charm that was distinctly Yuri, you couldn't quite bring yourself to trust that you were really that special in his eyes.
“Th-They hated my designs,” You sniffled, and brought your fingers up to smudge the tears that ran fresh down your cheek. You couldn't yet bring yourself to meet his eyes. “All of them. They said they were worthless, Yuri. They didn't like them.”
“I know.” He shook his head again, a twinge of something fierce coming over his expression. “They were wrong. Just so you know, I told them so over the phone.” He looked a bit sheepish, quietly rubbing the back of his neck. So that must have been the yelling you heard…
“Wh-What? Yuri, they were part of a big account, their main client-” 
“Listen, sweetheart.” He leaned in suddenly, using his height to his advantage as he loomed over you. Not in a menacing way, but more…almost protective, in a sense. “They were worthless. Don't think about them anymore. They weren't worth your designs, nor your time.”
It shocked you to hear him speak so callously of a client, when he had always shown nothing but utmost professionalism in dealing with even the most snobbish of customers. It seemed like there was almost a shift inside him, like something had snapped to make him shout those people down over the phone, and now had him nearly cornering you in the stall as he got closer and closer to you. Only your wide, nervous eyes managed to snap him out of his trance, and at your trembling he stepped back and brushed some hair out of his face as he cleared his throat. 
“You…value my professional opinion, don't you?”
You nodded with little hesitation, yet a lump in your throat forced you to swallow. “Yes, of–of course, Yuri.” 
“Then believe me when I say that you are far better than you think. You're smart, and very talented, and…kind, and…very, very lovely. You're a treasure to work with. I…” Even though he trailed off, his true intentions glimmered in those clear, pale eyes. “...I want you to forget everything they said to you, everything that made you cry today. They are but a speck on your life–not worth the slightest mention.”
You opened your mouth to protest on instinct; why did you deserve to feel better about it at all? Surely you must've done something wrong. You can't imagine your meager skills being worth such praise. But something was telling you that this was far deeper than the surface level of work, and Yuri just about confirmed it as he cut you off before you could get down on yourself further. 
“Believe me,” He took your cheeks into his soft, sweet-smelling hands, and brushed a stray tear away with his thumb. The gesture, as gentle as it was, almost brought you to more tears with how touching it was. “People that behave in such an…uncouth way don't deserve your attention. They don't deserve your love. Your affection. Your…” 
Only then did you realize how close Yuri's lips had drifted to yours. Your mouths were nearly closing in on each other, and but for any resistance on your part he would make no move to stop what was happening. This was not in your job description. 
But would you really stop him from kissing you when that's all you had fantasized of until now? A small, shy smile slowly made its way across your lips, and Yuri's followed soon after as he smoothly leaned in to claim a warm, firm kiss, with a more eager introduction to his tongue than you anticipated. 
A moment passed, then another, and in what seemed like ages but at the same time only a second he broke it off, his expression aghast–perhaps at realizing what he'd just done. Probably realizing that it was a terrible, terrible mistake. You stood meekly and on the cusp of a panicked fit as he brought the back of his hand to his lips, but soon the warmth in his cheeks tipped you off to what was truly stirring in his heart. 
“That was…unprofessional. I didn't mean to-”
“I-It's okay, Yuri-”
“-Not in the bathroom, gods.” He seemed preoccupied, your words barely registering. He ran his fingers back through his soft, white strands of hair and took on a look of sheepish delight. “You deserve better than that. Come, let's–to my office, let's go.” He ushered you out of the stall, his grip firm on your wrist like he was too nervous to try and hold your hand. 
“Yuri?” You called out, but he seemed in a daze. His breath was catching on every inhale like he was drowning in excitement, yet he was holding himself together just barely in your presence. He wouldn't make much eye contact with you, but when you did spot that look in his eyes…it seemed like he was in the midst of a calm frenzy, his exterior composed but his mind and heart all stirred up, roused, jumbled into a mess of feelings that he was trying desperately not to get lost in. He tilted his body away from you too, as if trying not to let you see him front-facing as if he had something he was nervously hiding. 
“T-Take these,” He suddenly piped up, and thrusted a set of delicate keys into your palm while he turned completely away from you. It was all he could not to just hide his flushed face completely in his hands. “Go wait in my office, I'll–I just need a moment to compose myself. Please.” Yuri whined, and at his behest you agreed and stepped out of the bathroom to give him some privacy. Hearing the lock click behind you made you a bit nervous, but as you made your way out and down the hall you fiddled with the keys and thought about all that Yuri had said. 
…What a strange, alluring boss he was indeed. But even so, even now, you wouldn't know even half of what Yuri was really capable of, nor what he had been planning for you since the day you walked into the office and captured his heart in your soft, beautiful hands.
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lyrebright · 2 years
so! you want to rip a fic from fanfiction dot net?
I’m sure at this point we’ve all seen the posts about FFN’s inevitable demise. Not to downplay how much that would suck, for all we riff on FFN--but people have been saying that for literal years at this point, and while I do not doubt that FFN is dying, it’s probably not going to up and vanish on us in the next week. It’s got some good time of chugging and wheezing along left yet.
But among the panic there are people asking sincere questions about what can be done to save fics from FFN in the case of the site going down and taking literal decades of fandom history with it, and I’m seeing a surprising amount of people saying that the only way to do it is to either screenshot the fics or type them out yourself because copy/paste does not work on FFN. And that is just blatantly not true. There are many ways in which you can save fics from FFN. Here are just a few:
You can copy/paste directly from the mobile site. This is probably one of the easiest methods for anyone to do. Just click on the URL of the chapter you’re reading, and change the www. to m. Hit enter and the page will reload in mobile mode. You can now copy/paste the chapter right into a word document. You will have to go chapter by chapter.
CTRL+S. Go to the fic you want to save, and hit ctrl+s. Save the damn webpage. This will keep it in the exact format of the webpage, which you could see as a pro or a con, but it will also keep the ads, which does suck. You’ll also have to go chapter by chapter with this method but it does go a lot faster than manually copy/pasting the text.
HTML to PDF. This method I’m admittedly a little less sure about, since when I used it it was like, 2013 and I was in highschool so I’m not sure how viable it still is, but--just a quick google search should find you a website that will let you save a webpage as a PDF file. I have folders and folders of fics I saved back in highschool using this method. It will again have to go chapter by chapter and just like saving the webpage will keep the format of the site intact--down to keeping the ads.
Use a fanfiction downloader. Two I’ve been using for years are FF2eBook and FicHub. You put in the link of the fic you want to download and it converts the entire thing into a file for you. Yes, the entire thing--you don’t need to manually go through chapter by chapter. By default, both sites download in epub format, though FicHub does have a few other options. I’ve never really experimented with them though because I’m personally fine with epub, and there are a million epub to pdf (or other file type) converters out there.
And there you go: a handful of ways for you to save your favourite fics before FFN goes under. Again, I don’t think it’s something to be too worried about, but the best time to do your part for fandom preservation was yesterday. The second best time is to get started right now. There is no reason to wait for FFN to be on its death bed to start saving fics. I’ve been doing this for years just so I have fics to read offline. 
I’m a little too young to have been around for livejournal, but I was one of those weirdos that posted their first fics on quizilla. I remember when quizilla just...changed. And so much was lost. Looking back, almost none of what was posted on quizilla was actually good, but it was still something that someone put time and effort and passion into creating, and it was important.
There is almost no way that when FFN inevitably goes down that its entire archive will be saved. But we can do our best to save as much as we can. Stop panicking and start saving.
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otomiyaa · 8 months
PSA: Back up your blog, check your tumblr e-mail for copyright strikes
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Hi everyone, after suddenly losing my account with main blog + sideblogs last week, I would like to share the following warning with y'all. Not to scare you even though it is shitty, but to raise awareness. If this somehow results in me getting kicked off the platform again, so be it lol.
If you post anything fandom* related on your tumblr blog**, whether that's gifs, screenshots, videos, cosplay pics or even fics (?), you may risk getting a copyright strike (up to 3 in 18 months) or even immediate account termination. The chance is still rather small, but just know that it can happen.
*I say fandom in the broad term, so blogs that post about movies and series, anime/manga, games, celebrities, models, sports/olympics, etc. and it goes for gif and fic creators too. Not just accounts that post music or videos for example.
**I say tumblr blog, but this goes for all of the internet ofc. People have been getting this problem on any platform, from insta to etsy, youtube and twitter.
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Disclaimer: I am no legal expert, just an unlucky blogger who lost her silly multifandom fic blog after 7+ years.
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This will be a bit long and detailed so I proceed under the cut!
What can you do?
...To make sure you don't suddenly lose days, months, and years of content:
CHECK THE EMAIL LINKED TO YOUR TUMBLR. I know a lot of people don't do it, myself included. Tumblr does send warnings (though not always). It wouldn't have changed anything for me because I wouldn't want to appeal - since I don't want to go into this "fair use" discussion for just a fic & editing blog. I personally don't know the chances of retrieving your blog if you protest against the claims, so can't say much about that.
Back up your Tumblr blog if you can. Also save your Tumblr chats with people dear to you if you can. Account termination seems to work differently than deactivation. I was still able to see chats with people who deactivated long ago. But my blog that got terminated has vanished from everyone's DMs and ask boxes à la Thanos snap. I mourn my years of Tumblr chat with my best friend. It was not as if we even considered exporting/copying it just for the memories of the start of our friendship. But now that it's entirely gone, hehe, well. It is sad.
Save URLs and masterposts outside Tumblr. After losing your account, for I thiiink about 24-48hrs (I didn't clock, but it was temporary) you will be able to access it at least temporarily through cachedpages, if you have the URL. It doesn't seem to work for everything, but most of my Tumblr posts I could still see shortly through this site, even after I got wiped off the platform. I did this by googling my tumblr username + certain keywords, and the posts would pop up and give me the URL.
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...To prevent getting copyright strikes and losing your account?
Probably nothing - but like I said, I'm not the expert, just the fool who lost her account. The termination e-mail will give you a numbered URL so it's not easy to see which post resulted in the account loss, but for me the keywords were:
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Despite the 7+ years of posts, many followers and a lot of memories, I did not gain anything else from this blog and didn't think it was worth the (legal-) risks and effort to try and get it back. It would require filing an objection against the copyright claims with personal info from home address to name, and consenting to USA legal law stuff.
Even if I don't know the exact details, I'm sure they're not wrong, because whether it's fair or not, most fandom stuff has copyright issues in the end, so I can't protest against the claims with 100% certainty it won't get me in real trouble. Besides, I read about similar cases, lost cases, and admitted defeat right away.
They work with manual reports and most dangerously, bots, who seem to be randomly picking unlucky people to take down their posts and possibly the entire account.
So besides putting an entire halt to fic writing, gif making, video editing and other fandom indulgement, or the inconvenient act of censoring every single word and image, I don't think there is a way to entirely prevent getting targeted.
The one that treated me to the strikes leading to account termination was a certain Mr. Green who seems to have targeted mostly people on Etsy. But apparently now also on Tumblr. More about this I can share here for further information. I also share some other links that can inform you about how far the copyright problem can go. Again, no reason to panic. It's rare and I was unlucky. But it happens.
About Mr. Green, using bots all over the internet to take down fandom related material:
Tumblr post about his attack on fandom.
Long detailed doc from an Etsy user.
Insta post about also loss of Etsy account.
Also Etsy related, but same Mr. Green and his bots taking down something only because it used the NAME of an anime character.
Tweet about him and his company not being officially contracted but getting compensated.
About copyright claims on Tumblr - they are still rare, no panic, I just call it russian roulette and these are all unlucky people like me :')
Post by user @/marilynjeansiims about claims against users who post about Sims, including a petition against it.
Post by user @/happyheidi about Moomin posts facing issues.
Post by user @/hanyusan about olympic related claims.
Example by user @/koov about what a vague copyright warning looks like.
Good news, post by user @/yunghos about getting their account back after filing a counter notice. It seems to be possible.
Post by user @/iamkatehardy about getting a strike for using a gif.
Post by user @/stxrshxpxd about getting their acc terminated for no 100% clear reasons.
Post by user @/tekweela about getting terminated mercilessly because of a reblog.
Post by user @/fromanotherroom-revived about losing their account with similar advice as I write here.
Post by user @/ladyphasma about gifs and US law
Knowing this won't bring lost accounts back, or change the law, I do hope at least you can be better prepared just in case it happens... Better prepared than I was at least.
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coffeewritesfiction · 3 months
Which Image - A Chzo Mythos fanfic
Title comes from the song Witch Image by the band Ghost. If there's interest I'll write more and explain to my followers what this game series is.
Apologies to the people who wanted to be tagged in this, Tumblr isn't recognizing your urls. I'll try to tag in a reblog. Also apologies to the British if my American ass screwed things up. I'll make edits as needed.
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London, 2015
In between the crackling thunder, a young man screamed in agony, sweet as the music of a harpsichord.
Footsteps pounded like the rain through the stolen, repurposed corpse of a building. An office, once, now a shell like any other mortal body. Down the many stairs the footsteps carried, sneakers squeaking wet on dirty tile. Down the stairs and through the halls, she ran.
Why the persistence? Too late, far too late, to save her friend. But the young woman resisted the obvious. Dark of hair and pure of heart, he could not harm her yet. He watched the sweat drip down her warm brown skin, how she brushed the strands of hair from her face. Standing, kneeling, struggling, suffering.
He watched and he wondered. Yes, he did wonder.
It'd been a strange choice, to offer up an American for a sacrifice, but Chzo was not a picky god. This young woman could not have looked more different from her light-haired friend. But in her eyes, a desperate fire burned, and looking away proved a challenge.
That fire… She reminded him of someone. How distasteful.
Of course, of course, too late for her friend. She opened the door to strangers standing over the remains. Of course, of course, too late for her. The cult would spare her, when they caught her, he would ensure it…
They did not catch her.
They did not even notice her, too consumed with their own escape. The Ministry agents closed in, fortune smiling upon them once again. She fled, they fled, and it had all gone wrong.
He could've been furious.
He could've been.
Instead, he stood upon the old building, his shadow stretching long in the light flashing overhead. He stood, and he watched her race into the darkness, her parcel, their parcel, clutched to her frail body.
He watched, and yes, yes he wondered.
She reminded him of someone… Cabadath wasn't sure he liked that.
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It'd been almost twelve hours before anyone realized the girl was gone. Far too late to save her life. The Order of Blessed Agonies worked fast. But so did Trilby.
The Order must've been desperate to prey on tourists. They had to have known who they were choosing. The accents on these kids weren't subtle. Five of them came overseas on spring holiday, bright eyed and oblivious. Three headed home tonight. The other two would follow in coffins.
“Trilby,” one of his supervisors said, “I know what you're thinking. Don't put yourself at risk to try and save this kid.”
“I'm already at risk,” he'd said. “What's a little more?”
“We need you alive - and so do they.”
And that was the thing, wasn't it? The Order wouldn't keep this girl, this Jillian Taylor Cortez, alive, but he couldn't say they'd do the same with him. Damned prophecies…
Her name was Jillian Taylor Cortez. She just turned 19. Mexican-American mother, British father. Got her middle name because the latter died before she was born, so said her friends.
She looked nothing like Simone Taylor. If she had, Trilby might've lost it again.
Twelve hours, they found the boy, or what was left of him. They'd followed the muddy footprints from the ground floor all the way to the altar. Trilby followed them back up, frowning. Pretended he didn't see the glances between the ones around him.
He had a hunch.
Just a hunch, but he'd been doing this for almost twenty years now. Just a hunch, he'd say later… but he'd been right before.
“Don't you dare!” Someone shouted at his back. “Damn it, Trilby! Get back here! It's not worth it!”
He ignored them, ignored the rain soaking his suit. Wasn't breaking the rules if nobody up top told you not to. Besides, he was just following a hunch. Just giving a quick check around the buildings. No harm in that.
No harm on her, when he caught her dead center in the light of his torch.
He stared at her and she stared right back, her eyes wide and hollow. The rain soaked her right through, plastering clothes to skin and hair to her cheeks. The bow in her hair, half undone. The fear in her eyes, too painful, too real.
Trilby raised a hand.
She bolted.
“Wait! No!”
Trilby followed.
The kid knew how to run. Ran through the streets like the world was ending. Trilby kept up. He wasn't young anymore, he'd feel it for the next few days, but he kept up. So did the rain.
Only took a few wrong turns. She didn't know anything about the area - neither did he, to be fair. Was only a little bit of a surprise to find themselves in another alley, to come across the fence blocking their way. Was a very big surprise when the girl ran right for it.
“Jillian!” He shouted over the thunder. “Jill!”
Did she even hear him? She didn't stop. Lunged for the fence, one hand grasping the chain link metal. Trilby moved faster than her.
He grabbed her around the waist. She screamed. They both hit the ground, he let her go and she scrambled backwards. He shifted, sat up, looked her in the face again.
Terrified eyes, wide and wild. It wasn't just the rain soaking her cheeks, the spring weather shuddering her shoulders.
Trilby raised his hands.
“Jillian,” he said. “It's alright, Jill. I'm with the Ministry of Occultism. We're here to help you. I can't believe you're still alive…”
She breathed. She held the book in her arms tight. Book? He looked down at it. Heavy, large, leather bound. Some kind of writing on the cover.
Oh my God, he thought. Did she steal that from the Order?
Trilby looked up to her face again. Her eyes locked onto something over his shoulder.
Trilby jerked out of the way. The blade buried into the ground he'd stood moments before. Trilby moved, backed away as far as he could go, the blood draining from his face.
“Oh, hell,” Trilby said.
The featureless face of the Prince of Pain tilted towards him. Cabadath had not changed at all in the last twenty years. Bone chilling, even after all these years and all their meetings. Still ever the same, nine feet tall and dressed in black, the rain coursing down his long coat and leaving the fabric dry. The Prince straightened in slow motions, raising the four pronged scythe and resting it by his side.
Still the Prince stared at him, though he had no eyes to do so. He raised a hand and pointed to the girl.
Jill. She'd gotten out of the way just in time. Trilby couldn't risk looking away from the Prince for longer than an instant, Cabadath moved too fast, but she still breathed, standing against the fence. Her eyes, still wild, locked onto the terror between them.
Had Cabadath been chasing her too? The Prince had powers like no human ever could. Hallucinations were a favorite, Trilby knew that from experience.
The Prince waited.
Trilby took a breath.
“Jillian,” he said. “Give him the book.”
She did not move but her whole body shuddered with her breath.
“He's playing nice right now,” Trilby said, eyes locked on the Prince, “but he doesn't have to. You don't know what he's fully capable of, you've just seen part of it.”
Jillian did not move.
“There's nothing in that book that can help you,” Trilby said. “You don't want to get involved with this more than you have been. I don't know how you got it, but you need to give it back. Before he takes it from you.”
Her body shuddered. Jillian blinked, hard. The Prince did not move. He did not look away.
Her arms unlocked. She took another deep, shuddering breath. Holding the book in careful hands, she laid it upon the ground at her feet, and stepped away. And away. And away.
Trilby watched the Prince. He did not notice where the young woman moved to, until she stopped. Stopped between him and Cabadath, facing the Prince, her arms stretched out as if she could protect Trilby from the monster watching them.
Protect him from Cabadath. He wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or cry at the thought.
The Prince tilted his head. His gaze shifted towards the girl. Trilby placed a hand on Jillian’s shoulder. Cabadath’s shoulders shook, as if in silent laughter. But of course, no sound came from the Tall Man. They were not worth the effort.
Turning away from the mortals, Cabadath stepped toward the book. He knelt, and with one long free hand, picked it up. Turning fully back towards the two humans, he bowed a mocking thanks. Trilby set his teeth, held Jill's shoulder as she flinched.
As the Prince straightened, he vanished. The rain poured down over them and the tension disappeared from Trilby's body. Cabadath truly was gone. For now.
Jillian sobbed.
Trilby's focus snapped to her again. Shit.
She placed her hand over her mouth as the sobs shook her body.
“Cal,” she whispered the name of her friend. “Cal, I'm sorry.”
He couldn't think of anything to say. Trilby wrapped an arm around her and pulled out his phone with the other. How long had it been ringing?
“Yeah?” He said. “Yeah, I'm alright. Yeah, we're both okay. I found the girl, she's alive. It's… it's a long story. I'll explain everything back at headquarters.”
Trilby held the young woman against his body as he led her back into the light. He glanced uneasy at the roofs above them, expecting a tall shadow staring down, but only the rain waited overhead, the drops falling down between her tears.
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pintsizebear · 4 months
A guide on using RSS
This is an extension of my previous post about diversifying your internet use!
What is RSS?
RSS (short for Really Simple Syndication) is basically an update log for a website. When a site has new content the RSS feed will update, and an RSS reader will show what's on the RSS feed. Think of an RSS reader like a centralized timeline/dashboard for all your favorite sites.
Why use RSS?
The most important reasons are to reduce your reliance on any one site, and to save time by compiling all the websites you check in one place instead of having to visit each one individually.
There's also no algorithm that decides what you see (or don't see.) No more shadowbanning, it's all where it's supposed to be. Plus, it makes it incredibly easy to jump ship from a platform that's endlessly fucking up, without having to start over entirely or maintaining profiles on 20 different sites.
Examples of websites that have RSS feeds:
Blogging + Social media sites (tumblr, cohost, blogspot, livejournal, mastodon, bluesky social, reddit, etc)
Video sites (youtube, dailymotion, vimeo, etc)
News sites
Personal websites (if the person running the site has added one. Here's a guide on adding an RSS feed to your own website! And here's a shorter one!)
How to use RSS?
You will need an RSS reader. I personally like and use Feedbro, which is a free browser extension (available on chrome, firefox, and microsoft edge.) Feeder is free and popular on android. Chrome on android also has a built-in RSS reader that can be enabled. Feeeed is a good free option on iOS.
How to find RSS feeds?
Some RSS readers like Feedbro are able to automatically find the RSS feed for a page with minimal effort on your part, you just click a button and it'll pull up the info.
Others will need you to paste the feed URL into a box, which isn't particularly hard either. There's a few ways to find an RSS feed URL. Some sites will have a direct link to it. It'll usually be an orange icon that looks something like this:
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Less commonly, it'll be a link that says "subscribe", "web feed", or just a + icon.
Many sites don't have a direct link listed anymore, but that doesn't mean they don't have an RSS feed. A simple tool for finding unlisted feeds is Thirdplace Discovery. On that website, you paste the URL of the site or page you want the feed of, and you're given the URL of the feed if it exists.
Some sites simply don't have their own RSS feeds. That can often be worked around with tools like OpenRSS, RSSHub, or RSS.app!
It's also worth suggesting for websites you like to add their own RSS feed or to add the link in an accessible place. The more interest people show in it, the more likely it is to be supported.
That's about all you need to get started!
RSS is infinitely useful and customizable, it's worth trying out at the very least. Once you get settled in, it's very easy to use.
There's a huge amount of RSS reader options out there. Don't like the reader you started out with? The vast majority of them will let you export your subscription list as a file that can then be imported into a different reader! Feel free to experiment with different options to see which one you like best.
Also feel free to ask questions if you have them!
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dreamteamemojis · 1 year
How-To Tumblr for Dtblr :]
So, I've seen a few newer blogs start arriving from people who have never used this site/app before and I just thought this might be helpful to get started because it's quite a bit different from Twitter.
To start, the dtblr community has dwindled since last year so there are literally only about 500 of us left I'd say and thats being generous and including lurkers. Speaking of that, lurking is a great way to learn how to use this site! Follow a few blogs or lurk in the main tags for a while to get vibe of how people use this app. When you find a blog you like, see who they are reblogging from and check out their blogs, its a good way to find people to follow since people like to keep their follow lists private.
Making your blog! First things first, get a pfp and a basic bio at least or people will assume you are a bot and block you if you follow them.
On tumblr we have Main Blogs and Side Blogs. Everyone has one Main Blog, and you can add a bunch of side blogs, people use them to keep their fandoms separate and to save urls (don't hoard too many urls on blogs you dont use, it kinda sucks and is technically not allowed, but around 5-10 isnt so bad). A lot of people also might use side blogs because they dont want to get blocked by someone they are following or liking from that is in a different fandom. Like, if you wanted to follow blogs from other mcyt communities, I would stongly recommend making a dtblr side blog instead of a main, because you will most likely get blocked. There are a couple of differences between Main and Side blogs though, here is a link to the main tumblr help post about them but a couple quick things here-
-Main blogs are where you (and everyone else if you don't turn it off!) can see your likes and follows. Everything that you like or follow will show up under your Main blogs url, so keep that in mind.
-Main blogs are what you send Asks off anon from, you cannot send asks using your Side blogs url, so again, keep that in mind.
-When you block someone, it will only block them from your Main blog, you have to manually type in their url to block them from your Side blog. You can also ip block Anons who are being shitty or harassing you.
Lots of people will have Pinned Posts that you can basically use a longer bio (I recommend making them non-rebloggable). You don't have to make one and it's not weird if you don't, but you have the option. Lots of people have 'Blinkies' in their pinned, you can make them here if you want.
Tips for your settings!
-Hide your Likes and Follows!!! Even if you come from Twitter and you think it's not a big deal, it's kinda seen as really weird here to leave them visible and it makes you stand out and people weary of you, plus you should enjoy the privacy!
-Under Account, turn off 'show top posts'. You can also choose whether or not you want to allow Anon asks from there. if you are getting hate, I recommend turning them off for a while.
-I recommend going to Dashboard Preferences and turning Off 'best stuff first', and then turning On'shorten long posts' and 'snooze Tumblr live' (you will have to snooze tumblr live every 7 days but trust me basically everyone does it).
-This is actually pretty important, go to Account settings and turn OFF 'let people blaze my posts'. That feature allows other users, without your permission, to pay to have your post boosted as an ad basically to a certain amount of random people. this can even be done with your asks, and it has the potential to cause harassment and I strongly recommend turning it off.
-Under Account setting and Content you see, that is where you will be able to filter out tags that you do not want to see. For neg I would recommend, #neg #negativity, #discourse etc. If you don't want to see certain ships you can filter those. For stuff like spiders, I would do a couple variations of #spiders, #tw spiders, #spiders tw #arachnaphobia, etc. because there are a lot of different ways people will end up tagging stuff like that. This is also where you can change your Mature Content setting. They default to Hide, so set those as you prefer. You can Hide, Blur, or Show.
This is a link to the x-kit extension, it has a lot of customizable settings for tumblr, but it can only be used on desktop and requires a little more knowledge about using the site but its here if you want it.
I think those are the most important things, other settings can be left up to your personal preference (try out the color palettes to find your favorite!!)
-Tags and Tagging are super useful on Tumblr! This post has a very good rundown of how Dtblr uses Tags to filter content for the community, pls learn these they will help you a bunch!!!
-When you make a post, the first 5 tags are the most important, they will show up in the tracked tags. So make sure you use community/main tags first if you want your posts to be seen, this is most useful for artists or gif makers etc.
-When you reblog a post, the tags are just for adding commentary and organizing your blog, you dont have to worry about your tags from a reblogged post ending up in the main tag searches. Talking in the tags is very fun and a great way for even shy people (me) to interact with the community. They are used a lot more than Replies, it tends to be mostly mutuals that use Replies on each other's posts, but it wouldn't exactly be weird if you did choose to comment in the Replies.
-You can use custom tags for your blog! Lots of people come up with custom tags for their asks, their personal posts, just pick your favorite variation of gnf, gogy, gogs, georgie, and many more to organize your george gifs! and its also pretty common to see someone post a . (just a lone period or comma) and then just rant in the tags. people do that if they want to vent or something but dont want it to be reblogged. - if someone reblogs a post and tags it with 'prev' they are referring to the tags of the person they reblogged the post from, the 'previous' tags. (tumblr recently nuked this feature with the new update but you might still see people doing it, its just super hard to find the source now)
-#709 and #404 are common tags that people will use on posts from outside of dtblr to stay covert/subtle so as to not get mass blocked when referencing our ccs. #709 refers to Dream and #404 to George.
-Tagging posts as #nsfw has the potential to get your blog restricted. I recommend using #nsft (not safe for tumblr) or #not sfw instead.
Liking and Reblogging- Tumblr does not have an algorithm, liking posts is basically just bookmarking them. If you want to support writers/authors/gif makers etc. PLEASE reblog their posts, it is the only way for them to gain visibility. You can even make sideblogs specifically for reblogging art or fanfiction if you wanted to.
We don't make call-out posts here. If you have a problem with a user, block them, end of story.
And we do NOT interact with Anti or Critblr posts. Critblr is tumblrs Leaktwt, do not interact with them, follow them, reblog from them, or bring attention to them, you will be blocked by the majority of the community if you do. We are very small, and interacting with anti posts will do absolutely nothing but bring us all mass harassment and invite them to start interacting with us. Pls do not screenshot their posts and share those either especially with the url visible. If you feel the need to have discussions with antis, do so on twitter. Please ask before screenshotting and uploading someone's post to twitter. A lot of us are not comfortable with it at all, and some of us are okay with it as long as you leave out the url but please ask because we generally dont want our stuff on that platform where CCs could potentially see it.
And I think thats all I've got i think, so I hope this post helps you guys with getting started on Tumblr! :]
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herefortarlos · 19 days
Since Lone Star Season 4 was the first season I started live watching, I have so many posts and gif sets of specific episodes in clumps in my likes and it's funny to me seeing whose thoughts and tags I saved during that time. Also when I make my queues, I try not to have the same people's posts in a row so as not to annoy them too badly with notifs, and as I'm queuing today, I have a lot of reblog posts from 2 blogs with opposite names we'll say 😂, so it's probably dumb but it's been funny to me seeing the back and forth of those urls 🤣
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ladyluscinia · 1 month
honestly thanks for the closest thing the destiel shippers have to propaganda bc so far the "propaganda" has been "they're just voting against us? that's not a way to vote!" and "this is the supernatural website!" which is. not convincing, speaking as someone who is truly more neutral to both pairings and... people who are saying the latter has been in spnblr for probably the entirety of its airings but from my experience probably more ppl have grown out of supernatural -- see: how many people had supernatural urls from 2012, 2010, to now
Honestly a big part of it is probably a) we know full well that Destiel polls get flooded with meme votes so like. Joking about the Destiel website is a lot less energy to give for a bunch of people that are mostly joke voting anyway 🤷‍♀️ like the voters' opinions on Destiel are 99% already set so any propaganda effort is something you are doing just for you. Most of spnblr is passing around posts about the poll and our eternal losing state more than the poll itself.
And second... Destiel propaganda is like. Really hard. There's so much fucking context in a 12 year slowburn. The Colette parallels are possibly the most insane ship subtext I've ever seen but trying to put that in propaganda form is either a bunch of bloggers going "they didn't even cast Abel 💀💀💀" or a long post where I'm desperately hoping you haven't moved on / written me off as making shit up from nothing by paragraph 7 because I cannot emphasize enough how much that was actually an insane Destiel thing in the show but also I have to compare dialogue lines from 3 different episodes and the overarching Mark of Cain plot from seasons 9 and 10 to even begin to explain how.
The angel saves a man from hell and then turns on Heaven for him in a single season? Amazing. Now I need you to watch the next roughly 250 episodes so we can talk about Advanced Thanatology and that entire ending scene.
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auxiliarydetective · 6 months
End-of-Year Appreciation Post
Let's see if I can get this done before midnight - I have 36 minutes! But I really wanted to get this posted, so... time for a speedrun! This post won't nearly be able to say everything I wanna say, so, first and foremost: I love and appreciate all of my mutuals and people I've gotten to talk to this year, so thanks for coming to my corner of the internet and gifting me a little (or a lot - because lord knows I don't shut up if someone mentions one of my favourite fandoms) of your time!
With that being said, time for some special thanks!
@wheresmybloodynauglamir The encyclopedia of Star Trek and one of my closest friends on this hellsite. Thanks so much for literally everything you've done for me this year and all the lovely conversations. Let's have a lot more of those next year! Live long and prosper <3
@littlemervie Thank you for indulging my very nichest of niche interests like The Little Prince and for always sending me a kind message when I least expected it.
@fluffle-system My favourite bnuy in the whole world and a fellow FNAF enjoyer. I hope I always get to be the auxiliary to your detective (yes, this is actually sort of an accurate aitiology of how my url came to be - if you know you know). Let's solve more mysteries and riddles together.
@supermarine-silvally You may have only very recently stumbled into my corner of the internet but I adore every conversation we've had and I hope that many more are to come. If I had to make a choice to pass on my OCs to anyone, the great Donna Aurelia would be yours, and that's a great honor, so I hope you know how much I appreciate our conversations!
@carriagelamp We didn't talk too much this year and that's frankly a crime, but I still stare lovingly at every piece of art you've created for me, with me, or simply for the fandoms I'm in - and the ones for fandoms I don't know I stare at from afar. Just letting you know that I smile everytime I see you on my dash :)
@faerieroyal Dolly my beloved! I hereby sincerely apologize for all the times I've hopped into our Discord chat to ramble about my OCs or whine about my hour-long adventures of looking for faceclaims and/or names, but I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon. The amount of positivity and support you bring into my life is immesurable and I absolutely adore you for supporting each of my OCs, even if you don't know their fandom, and how you let me introduce you to my newest hyperfixations when the brainrot strikes. - To many more rambling sessions!
@come-along-pond who allowed me to participate in the fyeahonepieceocs blog and gave me a platform to launch my own little project of a OP resources blog from. - Through anon hate and plot bunnies, you've helped me and supported me through so much and I'm really, really thankful for that!
@oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations and everyone else in the Discord Server, thank you so much for suffering through my countless pings and appearing when I need you most to offer your advice and help. You've saved many of my OCs in the past and I'm certain you'll keep doing so in the future.
@starcrossedjedis @bravelittleflower and @ninjasawakenedmystar aka the angels who made Cora's creation possible - and by extention then also that of Lily and La Donna! Thanks so much, my fellow One Piece girlies!
@thehedgehogat221b who has been keeping me tethered to the A-Team fandom, making sure that I never forget how happy it makes me, and who always has time to spare to hear me ramble about Kit Kelley and her conman boyfriend
@daughterofhecata @bistdueinbaum and the entire Die Drei ??? fandom. You brought me onto Tumblr and though I may not be as active in the fandom anymore, Tumblr still considers my blog a Die Drei ??? blog and I don't plan on forgetting my roots anytime soon, so I promise you more detective content in the year 2024 - featuring my beloved Jelena, of course! My token adopted side character... Maybe I'll also hop into the Tatort fandom, who knows? Also, can we make Rosenheim Cops a fandom? I feel kinda lonely and silly over here lol
@claramurphyqueenoffandoms the VoicePlay supporter. Man, was I happy to find someone who loves these dorks as much as I do. We haven't talked much, but thanks so much for enabling the hyperfixation that triggered my character development into a happier person and letting me relive those memories.
@cody-helix02 @thoughpoppiesblow @footprintsinthesxnd @kafka-ohdear and the entire Band of Brothers fandom. You've been so nice to me from day one when I first stumbled into the fandom and you still are incredibly lovely people! I'd like to give something back, so, if you ever need any research done for your fic and you can't find anything, let me know and I'll traverse my resources and my university's library to see what I can find <3 Also, I shall present to you more Anita content in the future! There's one fic featuring Luz and one featuring Bull curently in my projects list!
@maxwellshimbo @asaturnerofficial and all the other lurkers and people I constantly find in my notes - you always brighten my day. I'll have had an awful no good time but then I see you and I go: "Ah yes, my friends are still here" and I feel so much better!
Thanks to much to everyone on and off the list, and have a very lovely new year!
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yunacoeur · 1 year
the lovers who dream
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our last dance: chapter ii
chapter synopsis: you, as the oldest royal child of your family, are up to take the throne. in your search for a partner to be consort, the royal family is throwing a party in your name for you to meet potential suitors.
tie the red string around both of our pinky fingers like we're made to be one.
word count: 4.3k
a/n: thank you for supporting chapter 1! here is the next one! i’m about to make you all fall so badly in love with all these men >:))
taglist: @haesunflower @shiningstar-byulxx @kpoprhia @en-ct @dimplewonie @cherriegyu @harus-simp @taerrrrrae @zhanghaos-hairclips @zerobaseonefics @big-uwu-stan @seok02 @kpop17 @quanrui-vamp @mins-fins @wonluvrbot @gyuvinie08 @huipinkhair @beomibeom @flwrinn @wigobkm @deadlycute-cutelydead . please fill out this form if you want to be added to the taglist! also some of the urls i got i can't tag so idk what's up with that sorry :(
in all your gracefulness, you manage to trip again for the second time tonight. as if you didn’t embarrass yourself enough in front of matthew, you trip and fall into the arms of someone else as you walk away from hanbin.
“oh, your highness, are you alright?” the young man asks. he’s pretty, with dark hair that makes his eyes stand out more than anything. it’s almost hypnotizing.
“yes, thank you,” you say as he helps you off.
“that was more forward than i was expecting from you,” he jokes, and you have half the mind to lecture him, but his smile makes you forget all of it. he’s got the wide, endearing smile, and this charmed look in his eyes. like he was gazing dreamily at a lover.
if you had known him for any longer than 30 seconds, you would assume he’s already in love with you.
he suddenly gasps, and it startles you. you wonder if something is suddenly wrong, “ah, where are my manners?” he looks flustered, “my name is taerae. i’m a prince from a neighboring land. my mother and father wish for me to marry you to create peace between our kingdoms.”
he says it like he’s reading from a script. you push him for more, something real.
“and you? why do you want to marry me?”
“...well, i asked around about you when our family got the invitation. i wanted to know what kind of person you are before i met you,” he explains.
“why is that?”
his heart skips a beat before returning back to its normal, if a bit elevated, pace, “my court says i have a romantic’s heart,” he says, "maybe i'd fall for you too easily."
well, isn’t he adorable?
“okay, i’ll bite. tell me what you learned about me,” you say, almost like a demand. he nods with that dazzling smile. he tells you his knowledge was limited because not many people knew much about you save for stuff that he already knew given the invitation.
however, he says that one staff member said you liked the guitar.
the thought takes you back to meetings with your royal staff and running away with a certain charming price to steal some time away. he once showed you that he could play guitar, albeit not very well. he played some basic songs, but it was honestly the best you could ask of him. 
you remember his name. jiwoong. strong-willed, like his mother. he was beautiful and confident and it is so tragic that you remember his dorky smile now; you see it almost in taerae’s.
taerae is softer than jiwoong ever was. maybe you want softer, kinder, or may you want charisma and confidence. you shouldn’t be thinking about jiwoong right now. jiwoong may not even be here tonight, and taerae is right in front of you. you almost feel bad for not focusing on the poor guy while he’s here, talking to you.
“is that true?” he asks, bringing you back down to reality for just a moment, and you nod, “wow, really? because i can play the guitar!”
it’s sweet how excited he is, “maybe you could play it for me sometime,” you say.
he has the energy of a romantic, just like his staff say, searching for any kind of connection he can make from one person to the next to tie an invisible red string on each pinky. 
“okay, maybe i will,” he pulls a flower out of his jacket, “and here’s this, in the meantime, it’s a-”
“cornflower,” you say before he even has a chance to finish. he’s so endearingly delighted that you know the flower that he gave you. his eyes light up like stars in the midnight sky, “that’s a favorite of mine…it’s beautiful. thank you, taerae.” 
“yeah, of course…” he runs his hand through his hair nervously. you give him a little nudge to let out what he’s thinking that he so obviously wants to let out.
“is there something you want to say?” you ask him. 
he nods, but doesn’t speak for a moment, he takes a deep breath, “it’s, uhm, okay if you don’t pick me, but i really hope you do,” he says, anxiously fidgeting his hands, “your land is so beautiful, and i really like it here. and you are-” he stops before he goes too far. 
you won’t let it go though, “and i am what?” you smile at him and his nervousness.
“i like people really easily, but i don’t know if i will anymore,” he responds, smiling back so captivatingly, “i think you might have taken that away from me.” 
“what?! don’t put that on me!” you exclaim. how dare he say it’s practically your fault. he laughs lightheartedly, and it is impossible not to adore him. 
“it’s true!” he says, “how am i supposed to look anywhere else?” 
you wonder the same thing, but with the opposite problem. how are you supposed to keep looking around you when you’re finding so many perfect souls? 
“i know i already said it, but i’m just so easily in love. i think i watched too many plays growing up, but i’ve always imagined romeo and juliet, star-crossed, made for each other lovers, finally having their happy ending,” he’s so lost in his head, up in the clouds, “maybe i could have that someday,” he sighs sweetly. 
“i think you will,” you tell him, “i can’t promise it’ll be me, but i know you’ll find that passion and romance you’re looking for in someone.”
he’s silent again, pausing because he’s anxious this time. he’s itching to say something, but he’s not sure he’s ready to hear your response, “is… there a chance that it is you?” he asks.
“what? what do you mean?”
“is there a chance… you’ll pick me?” he asks again, somehow both more and less hopeful. you settle on him being more dramatic the second time, “do i have a chance with you?” yes, definitely more dramatic. this scene feels out of a movie.
“i wouldn’t say you don’t have a chance…” you lower your head to hide a fond smile, and maybe even a warm face, “it was a pleasure meeting you, taerae. i hope to see you again,” you say to him, looking back up at him. his eyes are still sparkling, “i have other suitors i still have to meet, but come find me again sometime. i’d love to talk more with you.”
he frowns unconsciously, almost like a pout. it’s so hard to not think he’s adorable, “okay, but can you promise me something?” he asks, “promise me you’ll still think of me. when you talk to them, can i still keep just a small piece of your mind occupied?” 
you find yourself laughing with him, but you wonder if his hopeless romantic heart is finding it’s home in your castle, finding a place to rest knowing it won’t be hurt anymore. once it settles, it won’t want to go anywhere. not that you plan to do anything about it.
“yes, i promise. i won’t let you leave my head for even a second,” you say, as you bid him farewell for now. 
you don’t miss the moment that prince (practically king at this point) jiwoong walks in the door, standing tall with his shoulders back, scanning the room for the person he’s here for: you. 
and it’s so darling and perfectly timed that he decided to make his (late) entrance now. just as you started to think about him, he popped up in your world. how ironic is that? 
you also don’t miss the way taerae eyes jiwoong as he walks away from you. you wonder if he has truly started to fall in love, just like in all the movies. was it really love at first sight?
“prince jiwoong, what a pleasure to see you here,” you smile as he bows, standing back up with a satisfied smile on his face too.
if taerae is love at first sight, jiwoong is childhood friends to lovers. you don’t remember meeting jiwoong, but you do remember playing card games with him in the corner of the meeting room to distract yourselves while royal council and your combined family members of royalty were discussing things that actually mattered. you were teaching him how to play all the card games you liked. he was a terrible student, but he tried so hard. maybe it was just because it was you. 
“hello again, your highness. you are looking as beautiful as ever,” he says, cupping your cheek with his hand momentarily.
‘thank you, jiwoong,” his boldness and compliments are enough to make you flustered just slightly, “you are… are you here for me?”
“why else would i be here? if we get married, we could rule both of our kingdoms together! it is a beautiful idea,” he says, “tell me the things you like. i can give you whatever you’d like, your highness.”
you can’t help but laugh. he’s taking this role so seriously, “the things i like? like what?”
“hmm… what colors do you like? and dislike?”
“because showing off all my riches means nothing to you. me buying all the gold in the world wouldn’t impress you if you like silver jewelry more,” he explains like it’s obvious. he has to know your preferences before buying you the whole planet, clearly, “or what if i build you a castle, but the walls are a color you dislike? then you’d just be stuck in an ugly display of wealth. i don’t want that for you.”
“ah, i see,” you say, “in that case, you should take notes. i’m particular about the things i like, you know,” you’re mostly joking, but he takes it 100% seriously. 
“then i will obtain a notebook, and come back to you when i find one-”
“jiwoong, i am playing with you, please relax,” you smile at him, and he finally looks at you with something other than flirtatiousness and charm in his eyes. something softer. fondness, maybe.
“it is really great to see you, your highness,” he mutters, much gentler and sweeter this time, “i’ve missed you.”
you’ve known jiwoong since the beginning of time practically. you’ve both been raised as royals up to take the throne, having been at important meetings with each other for years. he had always been this awkward kid until he suddenly hit puberty and got insanely hot. not to mention how good it would be for your kingdoms to find some unity. he is a logical choice, and maybe more than just that.
because you know this cool guy facade is just that: a facade.
“oh! i also have something for you!” he says, pulling something out of his pocket. you expect it to be a flower, one just as beautiful and unique as the rest of them. and this was unique all right.
but it’s not a flower.
he pulls out a small figurine of a person or character that you don’t even recognize, but the last time you saw him at one of those meetings, he was telling you about a show he watched, one that he really liked, and he described a character with similar attributes to this figurine. you wonder if they were related.
“what is this?”
“something i like, for someone i like,” he says with a silly smirk, like there’s something more to this toy than just what is plainly visible.
“well, thank you,” you say, inspecting it closely. it’s small enough to fit in your pocket, so that’s where you put it to keep it safe. you imagine you’ll keep it on the desk in your study. maybe if you don’t pick him, it’ll be a reminder of what you missed out on. 
and what you didn’t miss out on if you do pick him and his charming face.
he shakes his head, smiling fondly again as he pulls something out of his pocket again, “but yes, i did get you a flower. it’s a d-”
“you got me a narcissus?” you ask rhetorically when you see it, taking it from him, “are you calling yourself narcissistic? or me?” you laugh, watching him frantically try to recover. 
“no! it’s a daffodil! it’s a sign of new beginnings, not-” he shakes his head, “it doesn’t matter. call it what you want, i meant to give it to you as a sign that we are meeting again as new people. we used to just be young royals that knew of each other, but now… can i tell you something?,” you nod. he steps closer, playing with the ends of your hair with his fingertips, “i always liked you. i wanted to marry you when we were younger, and now i’ll marry you for real.”
“for real? you wanted to marry me?” you ask him, “or are you just saying that so i’ll pick you?”
he raises an eyebrow at you playfully, “really? you’re calling me a pick-me?” 
“i don’t know! maybe you are one!”
he laughs, heartily, like he’s already a king. it’s in his blood to be one, “it’s all real though. i have always wanted to marry you. give it some thought, i’ll always come back to you,” he smiles, and as you part ways with jiwoong, even asking him what the hell he meant by giving you a figurine of a character, you wonder if the destined prince could be yours. he’s the catch, the prize you should want dearly. maybe you do for different reasons. 
still seeing jiwoong’s charismatic gaze from across the room, you make your way to the seating area where plenty of guests are making casual conversation over drinks. some are laughing, some are crying, and you see someone who sticks out to you.
for the second time tonight, it’s someone you recognize. 
“yujin? is that you?” you call out and he perks up, searching for the owner of the voice that called his name, standing up to see you.
“oh, your highness,” he comes over quickly, politely bowing as you marvel at him.
“please, we’ve known each other forever, you can just call me by name,” you say, “wow, it has been so long since i’ve seen you! how are you? how have things been in your kingdom?”
yujin is the son of a marquise in a neighboring kingdom, but because of his mother’s impeccable reputation and connections, he had done his studies in your kingdom under the care of the nobility in your castle. and thus, you’ve known him for years. he only disappeared recently to go back home; this is your first time seeing him since he left about two years ago. you could pinpoint that bunny face anywhere. 
yujin is like a younger brother. he’s cute, well-liked, and a bit of a troublemaker. he wouldn’t make an incredible husband. and yet…
“i’ve been well. things are good right now, thank you,’ he says.
the question at the tip of your tongue is eating away at you, so you decide to just ask it, “can i ask why you were sent here? i mean, i am happy to see you, but you are… young… and this is a question of marriage.” 
“my mother is not fond of the idea either, but there was no one else to send. the prince of my kingdom is already betrothed,” he explains, “i know this is also a search for love, and finding that in me doesn’t seem likely, even years from now. it’s okay if you pick someone else, but..” there’s this weird, distant look in his eyes. he probably feel even more awkward than you, “do you remember when your mother scolded me for dropping the vase in the front hall?” 
“yeah? still don’t know why you covered for me. you really didn’t have to,” you say, retrospectively, after you begged him to please take the blame for it so your mom wouldn’t be mad at you. 
“and when i helped you study when you told me you wanted to pursue an education in political affairs, even though at the time you were not next in line for the throne,” he continues, nervously looking at you. he’s still that same shy kid he’s been all these years. 
“crazy how much has changed,” you murmur. 
“what i mean to say is all these people can promise you so much and i can promise you nothing. we’re in different worlds, i know that. know you could never love me romantically. because i am just a brother, just a nuisance to your peace, but you don’t know any of these people like how you know me,” he rants, continuing his explanation, “i will not make a good partner, at least for a while, but i can be a confidant for you. the world can know you as you want to be known; i will still know you for what you are.”
and that’s when it hits you just how weird it is that yujin is here. despite being your close friend for years, he’s a 16-year-old kid. he can’t get married just yet, he’s got years of energy and liveliness that should stay untamed. 
and yet you see his mother in his eyes. they look eerily similar. you see caution and hesitancy and nervousness. you’ve spent years wondering if sensitive, shy, soft-spoken han yujin will have to face this cruel world alone, you don’t want that for him.
“but don’t do this just for me,” he says as if he’s reading your mind. it’s crazy that he just knows, “you don’t have to protect me.” 
but you do. because who else will? 
“i do though,” you smile at him, “i promised your mother that i would take care of you.”
because sure, getting married forces him into the spotlight, but it also gives him the chance to do something he really wants. you know that a marquis’s job is not something yujin wants for himself, and all those times he taught you about politics, you could see the stars in his eyes. even if it’s just behind the scenes, this kid was born to rule.
you still remember talking to his mother, even as just a kid that was a little older than her son. you remember her asking you to promise her that, when yujin was away, you’d look after him. even after all this time, that promise still weighs heavy on you.
“you should go,” he says, and you look up at him after being lost in thought for so long, “there’s other people you should meet. i’ll see you after the party, okay?”
“yujin,” you frown, trying to find the right words, “take care of yourself. if i can’t, i mean.”
“of course, your highness,” he smiles.
“okay, then,” you wonder if he's just saying it to appease you. it was always you taking care of him. what was he going to do?
“oh! and i was just talking with gunwook here. he is also a suitor. maybe you could talk with him for a bit!” yujin says, as sweetly as ever. his heart is good even if he’s mischievous and childish sometimes.
the person he was pointing to looks up after hearing his name. you notice his lips are pouted, but it seems like he doesn’t notice himself. maybe it's unconscious for him. it’s cute.
you say, “gunwook, was it?” and he looks up at you, nodding slowly. you can’t help but giggle, “do you want to introduce yourself to me?” 
he jumps up, “can we find somewhere more… secluded?” he asks, but suddenly backtracks when he sees your playfully shocked expression, “oh wait, i don’t mean like that! i just want to talk, i swear, your highness!”
he is just adorable, it’s so hard to not laugh at how seriously he’s taking this. 
you give yujin one last look, waving him goodbye, “okay, take me away, then,” you say, smiling, and so gunwook does just that. he takes your hand to lead you to the balcony area. 
it’s the first time breathing fresh air all night; it’s way too stuffy inside the ballroom. plus, it’s a nice change of scenery. 
gunwook stands at a respectful distance away from you, looking up at the moon in awe (like he hasn’t seen it before? has he never seen the moon?). 
“did you know that a new moon symbolizes youth and innocence, but a full moon symbolizes maturity and celebration?” he says, still looking up at the sky, even when you look over at him. its difficult to not admire his beauty in this moment. he’s tall with dark hair and dark, soothing eyes. the moonlight just radiates off his skin so easily. he catches you in a daze when he finally looks over at you, “did you know that?” 
“no,” you say, shaking your head as you look away, gazing over the town below. it looks so small from all the way up here, “i didn’t.”
“there’s a lot of literature that represents the growth and decay of the moon as cycles of human life. it’s really interesting,” he says.
“so… you’re a scholar?”
he rubs the back of his head with his hand almost nervously, “i guess so. most of the time people just call me a nerd.”
“it’s not nerdy to be intelligent,” you tell him, moving just a tab bit closer to him, “what do you like to study?”
“i like learning about philosophy. that’d probably be my biggest field of interest,” he says, “i like learning about different ways to approach life, morality, purpose, stuff like that.”
“that’s so cool. i liked learning about that kind of stuff, but my education was more focused on preparing me to rule. lots of classes on foreign policy, less so on literature,” you explain to him. he listens so intently, a small frown on his face when your smile drops, “i guess i envy you. i missed out when i was young.”
he doesn’t respond right away, taking a second to reflect. he has spent his whole life studying and learning all the topics that interested him, and you never got that luxury. his family was nobility, but because he was the youngest son, he wasn’t required to take up the role as the next in line. he was allowed to spend his whole youth learning the things he wanted to learn. 
you were always going to become the ruler of your kingdom. he had the freedom that you didn’t.
“you never introduced yourself to me,” you say, “i only know your name because yujin told me.”
“oh, right, my apologies, your highness. my name is park gunwook. i am… a noble scholar,” his voice is much softer, almost sadder than before. it lost the spark it had when he was excitedly telling you about the moon, “can i ask you something, your highness?”
“sure, what is it?”
if he could frown anymore, he’d be doing that right now, “have you met someone tonight who… you want to marry?”
“i don’t know yet, why?”
“nothing , it’s just,” he looks away, nervous, but then right back at you, “i want to be that someone.”
“gunwook,” you say. he looks over at you, “you can't just say that. you don't know what that means."
he looks at you like a deer in headlights, so afraid of accidentally coming off as ignorant and naive, but eventually, he breathes out a sigh, “yes, i do,” he says, “i think you’re beautiful and intelligent and i saw the way you spoke to yujin. you’re so kind and caring. i don’t know anything else, but i know that,” there are stars in his eyes once again, like the energy has come back to his soul.
he says, “i think i’ve spent my whole life looking at books and newspapers and i have not once looked up and saw the world.”
“do you want to see the world?”
“i want to experience everything in this world. i could tell you about the moon. or the stars. or the sun. i could tell you the stories i’ve read,” he smiles at you, reaching to hold your hand, “i’m young. despite all i know, i don’t really think i know much at all. maybe i would make a terrible partner, maybe we have nothing in common. but i…” 
he stops himself momentarily. 
“i’ll be good to you. for you, i mean,” he pulls a flower out of his pocket. both of you forgot its existence until this very moment, “here, your highness. this is for you.”
the flower he hands you is delicate, and you recognize it as an iris. it has some yellows and whites in the center, but the petals are this deep, saturated purple. it is lovely to hold, just like his hand. you notice he hasn’t let go this whole time. 
“thank you, gunwook,” you smile back at him, looking back at the still buzzing ballroom. if you’ve counted right, there’s one more person you need to meet.
“don’t leave. not yet, at least,” he says, tightening his hold on your hand. you look back at him, “stay here with me.”
you give one, final glance to the ballroom as you make your decision, “okay,” you tell him, leaning over the balcony to gaze at the scenery. it does look strangely out of a movie, “let’s stay here a little longer,” you whisper as he stands closer to you.
“thank you,” he whispers back.
after a moment of silence, peacefully gazing off into the night sky, you speak up again.
“gunwook?” you ask. he hums in acknowledgment, “what do the stars in the sky tonight mean?”
he doesn’t say it out loud, but he wants to say how much he already likes you. 
pretend it's meant to be. 
pretend it’s written in the stars.
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sporesgalaxy · 2 years
How do you navigate tags on people's blogs? 🥺🙏
DESKTOP (or mobile browser app!):
1) type "blogname.tumblr.com/tagged/tag+of+interest" with "+" being a stand in for spaces.
This will show you ONLY posts TAGGED with "tag of interest", it will show you ALL posts tagged with that, and it will show them to you in order from newest to oldest.
2) find a post with tag of interest at "blogname.tumblr.com" (NOT "tumblr.com/blog/view/blogname" !! it'll instead use the "search" function if you do this there, which is Bad.). Click the tag.
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This will take you to "blogname.tumblr.com/tagged/tag%20of%20interest" which is funcitonally the same as the #1.
BONUS) for #1 and #2, add "/chrono" to the end of the url ("blogname.tumblr.com/tagged/tag+of+interest/chrono") to view posts from Oldest to Newest rather than vice-versa!
3) Go to "blogname.tumblr.com/archive" and you will see a summarized view of all posts organized by date from new to old. The dropdown menus are self explanatory
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But not every tag will be listed on the "Tag" menu, or else looking through them all is unrealistic, and the tag you want may not be at the top of the list.
Go to "blogname.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/tag%20of%20interest" to see previews of all posts with that tag.
EDIT: Spaces in tags MUST be replaced with %20 to work when using the archive feature! For some reason, "+" just doesn't work here.
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This is GREAT for tags with a LOT of posts. You can go to a specific month of a specific year and look thru tagged posts in that timefreame. It is also the easiest way to navigate big tags if a blog's desktop theme has infinite scrolling.
1) Close the tumblr app. Save yourself the trouble and just use the Desktop methods on your internet browser app❤
(If you want to reblog something, navigate to the specific post's page & use "open in app," or like the post, open the app, & reblog it from your "likes" page.)
2) Go to the blog of interest, by tapping their URL on the dash or by searching them up.
Find a post with the tag of interest. Click the tag.
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"posts tagged adddna" ("#adddna" being the example tag of interest)
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"posts with adddna" (BAD. DON'T WANT THIS. I got this image by typing "adddna" into the search bar on my blog.)
The latter is the search function, not the tag function. The search function will not include all tagged posts, will not show them in order, & potentially includes posts not tagged with the search term.
There are MANY ways to use the SEARCH function, but JUST THE ONE to use the TAG function.
Rather than getting into all the ways to accidentally use search, I'll STRONGLY EMPHASIZE to look for "posts TAGGED..." and to turn back and try again if you see "posts WITH..."
3?) TECHNICALLY, if only 1 blog is using a very unique tag (i.e. highly personalized art tag, unique au name, etc) I think using the main tumblr search function and filtering by "most recent" would also have essentially the same effect? But I haven't tested this much.
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flugame-mp3 · 9 months
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no longer post limited :D
theo/ant, he/ze/they/whatever, in my 20s
pronouns.cc / cohost
free palestine
tags + blinkies + more under the cut :)
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blinkie/stamp IDs in alt! ^^
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this is my main blog but it ends up mostly fall out boy and supernatural! known decaydance/bandom freak and stump club vice president, also enjoys things like spn, doctor who, ttrpgs (including adjacent stuff like just roll with it), the legend of zelda, and long walks on the beach
beware: i use suicide jokes and reclaimed slurs. ask me to trigger tag stuff with "cw thing" and i will
no dni i will just block you. however: terfs/radfems kys. zionists are not welcome here. i also do not like wincest and waycest shippers. i will not tolerate uncritical and racist bandom stuff, namely people who are weird and racist about pete wentz + his writing--not every fob song is about mikey way. and also post-hiatus fob/MANIA haters i hope you get better soon :/
previous urls include will0wpark, vengolorbraad, and raytorologist
mutuals pls ask for my discord! also feel free to dm me ab anything, im not the best about keeping up conversations but i enjoy talking to y'all :)
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i have many tags that i use inconsistently. however here is a little metaphorical charcuterie board of stuff i use a lot (there is something wrong with me. the disorders)
PERSONAL/BLOG STUFF theo.txt - my original posts n whatnot fave - stuff i really enjoy for various reasons asks - exactly what it says on the tin cool art - pretty much any art i reblog important - useful, uplifting, life advice, etc. nsft - pretty much anything i wouldnt want my manager seeing if they glanced over my shoulder at work queer stuff - similar vein to my trans tag but wider umbrella trans tag - catchall tag for trans stuff art history stuff - catchall tag for things relating to art history (my field of study!! its me and dutch post-impressionist painter vincent van gogh against the world) me and queue setting in a honeymoon - queue tag. if u want that for some reason
FALL OUT BOY STUFF fob - fababoi tag :3 pstump - my beautiful wife patrice tag pwentz - pete tag joe trohman - its so trohver (joe tag) andy hurley - andy tag p2 - exactly what it says on the tin. i got tired of typing out "half doomed and semi sweet" every time maniaposting - loveposting about the hit 7th studio album from american rock band fall out boy yayy !! ioh - im making an ioh tag but she's not done yet soul punk - ask me about debut solo studio album "soul punk" by american musician and national treasure patrick stump
MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE STUFF mcr - my chem tag ray toro - ray tag :) gerard way - gerard tag mikey way - michael romance real...? (mikey tag) frank iero - frank tag bullets - ibymbmlymblymblymyl tag :3 danger days - tangentially related to mcr, mostly killjoys fanart
i will generally tag other bands/artists that i like (e.g. thursday/geoff rickly, ricky montgomery, mitski)
SUPERNATURAL STUFF spn - supernatural tag yay (castiel save me. CAS. save me boyfailure angel of thursday) sammy - my love my light my psychic mentally ill nerd antichrist girlfriend (sam tag) dean - eldest daughter (terminal diagnosis) + cant express my heartfelt feelings if my arteries are clogged due to HAMBURGER (dean tag) cas - silly queercoded autistic angel captivates me mind body and soul. more at 10:00. "but he murdered half of heaven" what do you want me to do about that. and he looked good doing it! (castiel tag) the brothers winchester - crying over Tragic Siblings (salmondean sam + dean tag) tfw - one ex-blood-junkie, one drop-out with six bucks to his name, and mr. comatose (sam + dean + cas/team free will tag) destiel - i can't stop thinking about those tragic little gay men /ref (dean x cas tag. why are they like that.) i do other spn tagging too, like sastiel, but mostly character names (like bobby or crowley), and also jackles/misha <3 (and jarpad mostly for filtering purposes. he gets on my damn nerves. it's complicated) have fun!
MISC FANDOMS STUFF dw - doctor who tag (a lot of 9/10/15 and donna. and rose) loz - legend of zelda tag (specific games are also tagged) jrwi - just roll with it tag (bitb, riptide, fated, etc. are also tagged) bg3 - baldur's gate 3 posting (lots of karlach and astarion. and gale. astarion fans be normal challenge) ttrpg - d&d/pf2e/coc/vtm posting (i have separate tags for some of my characters and campaigns as well please please please please please talk to me about tabletop stuff it is my entire life outside of tumblr aughhhhhhhhh)
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and the award for world's longest pinned post goes to...
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kyra45 · 1 year
Hello Reddit transfers! Here's some scam spotting tips
Hi! I'm Key (Or Jess), and I'm here to give you some tips to spotting scams. Think of my blog as a subreddit but with several posts a day that often show a scam post or give scam information. All this info is done as a hobby so I'll give you a rundown on the basics of how pet donation scams work here. If you like my hard work, feel free to throw me pocket change or check out my Ko-Fi where I take art commissions. Or just say thanks!
If you share a popular/trending text post, you may get an ask from a blog who wants you to share their pinned pet post. They'll ask you to answer the ask privately but urge you their pet is very ill and needs aid quickly. Commonly, this pet is a cat. But on occasion it's a dog. The ask will tell you their not a bot/etc and are just a person, promise!
If you check the blog, turn timestamps on under dashboard settings. By doing so, you'll get to see the date their pinned post was made. Usually, these posts are only a few hours old or even a few days old so always take caution if you see it's a post that isn't very old. This isn't always a red flag for a scam post, but it's advised to pay attention since you'll see these kind of things often enough since the scammer barely changes up their pattern.
Scrolling the account should also show you how many posts the blog has made. Often, you'll only find roughly 100 posts that are always made within minutes of the other. These posts come from a trending tag of the day generally and are rarely tagged since their just shared all at once and then nothing else. You will usually also see the archive has been turned off since the blog is set to only dashboard view and only accessible to logged in users. This measure isn't always a sign of a scammer, as users can have real reasons for this! But it's a common tactic for scam accounts.
The post tells you the cat/dog is suffering from some medical condition and claims the op will get paid in a few weeks but they need the money before then and they promise they'll pay you back when they reach their goal. Not all users who make posts like that are scam accounts and many of them are real people who will return the help once they can. The op will also tell you to send money by friends and family because they need it quickly and don't want it held up. Usually they'll have a link that will tell you to send them funds there.
However, you may notice some things are off in the post itself. While the op asks for USD, their pay link says their in the Philippines which is not USD and would require conversion rates to apply. Not all PH-based bloggers are scammers and some are disappointed that some people are. Its sadly a well known thing here that this scammer is from there but no one knows who they really are as every name used is stolen off a private aid group. Another thing to do is check the notes and see how many reblogs are directly from the op. Usually you'll find several.
If you want to, it is suggested to ask the op if they can provide you proof they own the cat/dog if your unsure of the legitimacy of their claim. For example, ask them to write their url on a piece of paper and take a picture of it on top of the pet they supposedly own or even post a short video of them calling the pet and holding the paper in sight. Usually this results in the op likely blocking you.
It's suggested to warn anyone sharing these scam posts and reporting scam accounts under Phishing as it's usually the fastest way to deal with them on a daily basis. This scammer has been doing this for years and even brags about how they get away with it since they make hundreds of dollars doing it and ruin the reputation of the names they steal.
These scammers are also stealing content from private facebook groups and reposting them here without the owner being aware of it. The scam accounts are saving pictures and passing them off as their pet. Watermark your vet bill and pet pics in your aid posts if you want to deter scammers from stealing it for future uses. If you are in a fb group that posts vet bill help, please inform them a scammer is going around taking their posts and reusing it for fraudulent reasons. I have seen cases where some scammers even used pictures off Reddit to use for scams.
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