#i shouted but she didnt even react
Went for a walk w the bf today and he said he's starting to better understand the sort of stuff I've gone through with my dad and his gf and the effects that it still has on me today
#<3#truly insane things compared to like normal loving family#the graduation thing wasnt even a big deal and i showed him the texts i got afterwards and he was like wtf#my brother also thought it was bizarre@#he helped to stop me from continuing to text lol#i cant help but feel like the bf shouldn't have gone as hard on them as he has and I'll probably talk to him about it#but it is kind of funny to see my stepmum seeeething after someone calls her out on being a huge mean bitch#over text i was like 'i get that u wanted some air but i felt it was an important moment which is why i felt hurt#and why i reacted the way i did. i hope you can understand that'#and she was like 'yeah we're not gonns resolve this'#lmao she cant even acknowledge that my being upset is a normal response to walking out like i have to apologise for that??#theyyyy walked out. i was sad. didnt call names didnt do anything mean. just was sad and hurt.#now they could still stand behind their decision to leave and that would be that. like it's happenend no one can change it etc.#but i wish theyd acknowledge that my response wasnt mean or bratty. they walked out when i needed them.#stepmum is trying to enfore her idea of me being an awful spoilt brat. instead of trying to understand why I was upset#... i think them leaving is a dick move but i can understand their reasons. i wish she could extend the same like. grace. like.#it felt very symbolic to be running after them because they were leaving right when i walked towards them to connect with them.#like truly the epitome of our relationship. rejecting me when i try to connect and then bullying me for feeling hurt.#when i lived with them this would've turned into a week long affair with me being shouted at every night for 1.5h#imagine screaming at a 14yo that she is manipulative and mean and cruel and awful and horrible. screaming so much that u spit in her face.#she moved onto my brother when i left and when he became cold and indifferent to her shouting#she moved on to her eldest daughter who just started living with her dad more#'if everyone you meet is an asshole chances are you are the asshole'#if u chase kids out of their home the kids arent the problem. you are.
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tiyoin · 3 months
Twisted anxiety reader in a singing contest show (MHAHAMHAHAH) It would be a reason why she was singing in the woods.
✨ imagine✨
MC is feeling useless and unhelpful and just wants to pull their weight in supporting the dorm and stuff. Just overall trying to be more useful to Yuu.
So she overhears smth about a anonymous singing contest and the winner will get $5000 which for mc, Yuu and Grimm that's a lot of money. And 2nd and 3rd also has cash prizes. I think she goes for 2nd place ,so she has the money of 1st without the popularity of 1st. So she puts her fears to the side (🤨no she doesn't) to help her friend and cat.
I see this contest being an online voting type thing. Also celebs 😉 do go on the show to help promote it, to judge them and what ever else they do.
In the show they give the contestants a "wish"/ charm that can help them with their performance (enter ✨shimmers✨ & instruments magic that was talked about). It what makes the show popular
Now we give MC song/writing abilities. She honestly has a diary of kind. She needs it.( Torture her bout it later😈)
Now I'm sure we wondering how does this come into play
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They'll all find a way to connect the songs to themselves. If songs says an eye color or hair color the characters with said color goes crazy about it.
Enchanted by Taylor Swift is one that comes to mind as a song that everyone relates to.
Rook/ jade would send clips of MC singing on the show and "THIS IS THE VOICE I HEARD"
I have so many sub-plots for twisted singer reader.
Also I'm really glad to like hearing things like this. I was really nervous to send the asks.
More to come along at one point or another ☺️☺️
i immediately thought of “ivory skin and eyes of emerald green” from jolene and rook just going:
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shout out to @/a-twistedheartslonging because i WILL NOT stop using this cute little rook meme they made fldkaldkakwkdkxkakdkfhx
they’re physically reacting to thinking about it. they’re nervous tics come out (that happens to me, whenever i’m suppppper nervous i start chanting and get anxiety induced tics) and yuu and grim are getting worried because nothing has happened, so why are you so anxious?
*clears throat* anyways 🙂
reader : *sings enchanted*
ALL of the guys she made eye contact with that week: …so you’re proposing?
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idk maybe there’s some super duper advanced magical technology (marvel’s equivalent of ‘quantum’) and y/n gets an invitation and they’re like????
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“non non! roi du poison you must come with me avec hâte!” (with haste)
and they’re crouched behind a rock for a few minutes and vil is annoyed because rook is doing rook things again and he does not have time for this. especially not today because he has to find someone to endorse for the music show he volunteered to judge.
only problem: EVERYONE SUCKS OR HAS AN UGLY PERSONALITY!! vil is disgusted by the cockiness and the greediness of these… influencers who paid their way to be on the show.
it puts a horrible taste in his mouth, especially with how shameless they are to try and win his favor. he’s not some cheap executive they can bribe to put their foot through the door, especially with their lack luster… abilities.
vil almost called it talent, but you had to be good to have that.
just as he’s about to voice his complaints and leave, rook’s grip on his shoulder stopped him from moving and the finger to his lips stopped him from breathing. vil was visibly shocked because rook never put hands on him, especially like this.
there was a snap of a twig up ahead. rook’s forest green eyes flicked to the horizon a few times, head too, urging him to look.
and he’s more than pleasantly surprised to see… you- well as much of yourself that you would allow the watchful eyes of the trees see. your ceremonial robe covering your short stature.
rook looked at vil expectingly, but vil was still confused, so what if a student was in the woods? unless it was his own this was a problem rook should bring up to the other house wardens. and it wasn’t illegal, nor against the school rules so-
then, you started singing.
he couldn’t recognize the song. but he could recognize the passion. yes you were untrained and flat in a few sections but that didn’t matter. you were good, pitchy but good.
song after song, sometimes repeating a few as you danced and bowed your heart away.
he wasn’t sure how much time passed but it was a considerable amount since the sun that once well over the trees now peeked through the canopy and was gazing longingly at the moon.
cursing, you looked around, bent down to collect the things you brought with you, and scurried away towards another entrance towards the forest.
vil was quick to react, to follow but rook stopped him. looking down at his vice house warden with an incredulous look, rook only shook his head softly. there was a reason you were alone in the woods and not in the various music clubs.
this was your little secret.
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vil who WAITS for your submission so he can back you but you never submit… hm,
with a snap of his manicured fingers, rook is on it! maybe rook knows who you are, maybe he doesn’t, vil could really care less since the whole show is based off of anonymity.
(vil side eyes the influencers and other contestants who practically spell it out for the audience who they are so they can vote for them)
maybe to… put you on the right track vil has rook go to your little forest spot and place a flyer there, practically ENCOURAGING YOU TO SIGN. UP.
you think someone would get a hint right?
“huh, that’s weird… maybe i should change locations since someone else was here”
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that’s it. rook’s sending in your video and you’re getting a flyer stapled to the tree saying you’re accepted. yes yes this is because of your fairy god mother’s NOW SING
vil also giving y/n some song recommendations he thinks that are good, up until he sees you gently pull out a FUCKING LOADED BOOK from your backpack filled with songs.
yes darling those are great but lol at all the nice songs he gave you! they’re in your range too!!
vil slowly finding out who you are because he heard you hum a song in the hallways that only the mysterious ‘forest nymph’ (what a ludicrous myth the students came up with) sang.
and yes he’s shocked that the ramshackle neet (ouch vil 😿) has golden pipes.
VIL THINKING WHAT TO SEND THEM TO HELP THEM IN A CUT THORAT BATTLE ROUND AND ROOK OFF HANDEDLY COMMENTING ‘if only there were an orchestra here to play along with their beautiful singing’
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*cue golden instruments*
but in hindsight sight:
we’re gonna give her so much anxiety she’s not gonna know what to do😈 sorry pookie!! there’s no safe space at night raven college☺️🫶
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kamisama1kiss · 1 month
Hiii!! I’m back idk if it’s too early for me to request again, 😭 I was thinking maybe you can do a headcanons for the ninja when their lover Y/n calls them a cute name in middle of battle and for Lloyd it could be “Green Bean” but for Kai “Hotshot” (used by skylor) but I can’t think of the other ninja, maybe you can think of ones for them. The ninja would act like they don’t like the nickname but secretly love it, I really wanna hear your thoughts on this 😭🙏
Honestly, this is a very cutie idea!! 😝🤭 Have been thinking about how to write this one for at least a few days since I got it! It's not the best as I did get stuck on some of the characters more than others 😭🙏
How they'd react to cute nicknames in probably one of the most unconvinent timings? {Ninjago's Ninjas}
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~ Lloyd Garmadon ~ {Green Bean}
He halted in his movements after he heard you call out to him, "Grean Bean, watch your left!" You shouted this being the first time calling him this nickname, "What?" Nonetheless of being confused, he would continue the battle. Whilest he concealed a smile throughout it and would never confess nor agree that he did such.
Would approach you after about how it was most definitely irresponsible with the timing. Let's just say that you did recove maybe a kiss or more than usually after.
Even with how much he denied his like for it he did secretly wish for it to be used on a more casual term rather then open in battle, knowing the enemy would most likely laugh at him and not be able to take him seriously.
~ Kai Smith~ {HotShot}
Having you right behind him as his rock to hold him from bring hurt, "I've got your back HotShot." It's hard to believe he could be irritated, upset, or angry about it, especially as his lover. Feeding his ego as which also pushed him to work even better, confidence rushing through him.
His arm does often rest around your shoulders, even more now. When he knows you're capable of giving out nicknames, your shoulders will meet rest once again.
Wouldn't bring it out up right away, but he would use it against you if you tried anything in the near future.
~ Cole Brookstone ~ {Pebble}
Didn't even think twice about it and just accepted it at the time being, being too busy to worry about nicknames. Even if he'd get a few butterflies in his stomach from you every time.
"Need help, Pebble?" You had asked oh so sweetly, yet he acted as if he didn't wish to hear it. Crossing his arms with a neutral expression acting as if he didnt like it, but deep down, we all know he is just a softie who enjoys giving and receiving nicknames.
~ Zane Julian ~ {Sherbet}
He fully stopped coding and looked over at you. The only word to explain how he looked was confused. "Have you named me after an ice cream sort?" But decided to jump back to what he had to finish either way.
"I turned off the cameras on the first floor, Sherbet." Only informing him about the updates yet being confronted with a more suspicious reaction then intended.
~ Jay Walker ~ {Blitz}
"Catch Blitz!" Was the only words he heard before he was hit on the shoulder by the the nunchucks someone kicked out of his grip. His heart raced alongside his cheeks, heating up but luckily hidden under his mask.
He truly did appreciate and adore nicknames from the one and only you! He was embarrassed that it was in front of others, so he would "complain" about how he didn't like it even when he thought it was adorable. Flared his nose and shook his head when it came to this topic of liking the nickname.
~ Nya Smith~ {Lily Pads}
"Use the water, Lily Pads!" Her eyes widened, but shook it off quickly to continue her main gaol at this moment. She was confused at first but did find it cute, so she decided not to comment until a better time, at least until there wasn't someone trying to kill them was there.
Ended up never even mentioning it, but she looked unpleased about it. Having gotten used to you spitting out cute names here and there didn't bother her too much after a while.
A scowl on her lips about it, knowing it's best to show you that it wasn't okay for the nicknames to be spat out in important timings.
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estxkios · 10 months
I was just wondering if you could write a one shot or something where basically Bill, from 2007 because I love his hair and it becomes a key point, is at an interview with the boys. The interviewer asks if they have any celebrity crushes. Bill says Reader, who’s from an American pop group, later the same interviewer interviews Readers band and ask the same question. Obviously telling reader that Bill from Tokio Hotel has a crush on them. Reader didn’t know who he was at first by name but remembered when a member of their band reminded them of a song they had played for Reader. Reader of course gets excited and is all like, “The one with the big spiky porcupine hair?! Someone get me in contact with him ASAP-.” And soon it gets back to Bill and how he’d react. Kinda long, I’m sorry.
CRUSH ੈ✩‧₊˚
bill kaulitz x fem!reader
summary: read the request loll
warnings : fluff, celebrity chrushes, reader is in a band!!! and also its not proofread, that should honestly be a warning.
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It was probably the 6th interview of the day, and needless to say, bill was bored.
he was bored of being asked the same questions all day long, “what is it like being a twin? or “what do you guys look for in girls?”
frankly, he was totally over it. he could’ve sworn he was about to fall asleep when suddenly the interviewer said, “okay, bill! it your turn to say who your celebrity crush is!” she paused an looked the rest of the boys while saying, “who could be the lucky girl?”
“oh! well..” bill softly chewed his bottom lip as he thought. “hm, i would have to say y/n/l/n, yeah.”
the room filled with ooo’s as bill giggled.
“really? wow, what a coincidence..” the interview laughed to herself and bill cocked his head
“whats a coincidence?” tom butted in.
“we are having her on our show next weekend, such a shame. you could have shoot your shot if you were scheduled for sunday!” the interviewer obnoxiously laughed at her own sentence, pointing at the camera and staring into it.
although the others laughed with her, bills heart sank to his feet at the interviewers words.
‘i could’ve met y/n/l/n if we had just scheduled for sunday?! fuck.’ he cursed himself.
———————————————time skip - a week later.
"Alright y/n, last question for the day!" the interviewer enthusiastically said, into her microphone, but moving the microphone away to clear her throat before talking.
you chuckled at the interviewers unique personality, although you werent even sure if you were laughing to make the interveiw less awkward, or if you were actually enjoying the experience.
"sorry," she cleared her throat once more before starting again, "so, the question every man wants to know.." she dramatically paused and stared into the camera before turning back to you, "who is your celebrity crush y/n?!"
you looked over to the drummer of your band, valerie, who chuckled, she knew you didnt have a celebrity crush, which made the suspense of the interveiwers question very awkward.
"well.. you see, she doesnt really have a crush." your bandmate connie said, adjusting her miniskirt.
"wow really? the fabulous y/n doesnt have a crush?!" the interveiwer made a suprised face at the 3 girls sitting on the couch.
her face made the 3 of you chuckle lightly, but soon your face twisted into a look of curiosity when the interviewer said, "well, y/n i know someone who has a crush on you!"
you perked up, slightly taken aback by what she had said. "oh, well.." you smiled lightly, "who is it?"
"bill kaulitz." the interviewer paused to look at you, and connie grabbed your arm while valerie's jaw hung open.
there was an awkward silence until you squeaked out, "..who..?"
"ohmygodhowdoyounotknowbillkaulitzwhattheacctualffuckheslikethehottestrockeronearthrightnow!!" Valerie shouted, almost breaking the sound barrier of the mic that was fixed onto the ceiling.
connie shot her a look that said 'slow the fuck down'
so she did exactly that.
"okay, y/n hes the guy who sings durch den monsun!! the song i was playing earlier on the way here..!" she shook your thigh as she spoke.
oh. my. god.
"THE bill kaulitz..? the spiky hair guy likes me?!" you squealed, realization hitting you like a bullet.
"yeah, he's totally smoking, shoot your shot girl!" the interviewer chimed in.
"oh yeah, he is hot.." you said slowly, lost in a long train of thought.
"alright guys! well thats today's interview with, connie, y/n, and valerie from b/n!" the interviewer giggled as the camera guy zoomed in on your dazed out expression.
you laughed out of embaressment and squeezed connies hand once you realized what you were doing.
and soon after the interview was over, your asistsnt came running to you.
"shit, you loook hot! like, you know, temperature hot!" she paused and looked you up and down, "do you need water? a wet towel?..."
but you accidentally drowned out her talking and brought your hand up to your cheek, which was in fact extremely temperature hot.
fuck, were you blushing?
------------------------------------------- time skip - 3 days later.
it was late at night, bills face was sticky with makeup remover and his hairwas pushed off of his forehead, he turned to his side to face tom, hoping he would have someone to talk to.
"tom?" bill whispered and smacked toms shoulder
"halt die klappe.." tom groaned in annoyance and rolled over, turning away from bill.
bill whined loudly and layed on his back, looking at his ceiling for a breif moment before reaching to the hotel nightstand, groping aimlessly until his hand landed on his computer, witched he swiftly grabbed and put in his lap.
he opened his computer and instantly he computers bright light hit his face.
bill squinted as he typed in his password. he waited a moment before he opened his browser, letting his eyes adjust to the light.
finally, he opened google and searched 'teen.com tv/(y/n/l/n)' and clicking the first video that came up.
he looked at your band members before laying his eyes on you and smiling like a fan girl.
he bit his manicured nail as he watched you talk, completely and utterly consumed by every word you said, and he giggled when he thought about the fact that he had sat in that exact interviewing room the weekend before
bill was lost deep in his thoughts when he heard someone a name that seemed extremely familiar.
his jaw dropped and he paused he video, staring at the screen for a few moments before rewinding the video.
had he heard that right?
he watched the video again.
"THE bill kaulitz..? the guy with spiky hair likes me?" your voice echoed out of his laptop
he watched in complete shock as you said this, blush creeping across his whole face.
his eyes stayed wide and his jaw still dropped as he played he video over and over again.
he couldn't watch the rest of the video.
he closed his browser and immediately went to his gmail, and pulled up his managers name.
he wrote faster then he ever had before, with all the typos it was hard to decipher, but he wrotr something along the lines of "hey!! please get m3 in contact with y/n/l/n!"
he attached the video clip of you saying "THE bill kaulitz..?" along with your manager's email address.
he shut the laptop, too stunned to eeven move.
he threw his head back and ran a hand through his hair.
bill fought the urge to shake tom awake and tell him, but knowing tom that wouldn't end well, so bill just laid splayed out on the bed until his phone buzzed
"bill? its me, y/n. my manager gave me your number. :) let me know if u wanna me up sometime, yeah?"
"holy shit" bill practically shouted
"mmm..." tom groaned and punched bill in his sleep.
but bill couldn't care less, THE y/n had just texted him.
2/18 drafts posted !!
and anon i know this isnt exactly what u wanted but i still hope u enjoy!!
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Bruh I got this idea in my head that y/n is getting bullied/scared by some asshole and due to being spooked she hides behind slasher. Slasher is probably confused af. Request open
Yeah anyways how slashers would react:
Tw: y/n isnt very smart, begging(not tw, more just cringe warning), death(not y/n, only bully)
Head tilt, kinda confused, He probably was watching this whole argument (somone yelling at y/n) from shadows few minutes already, untill he decided to go in and end this little stupid game of theirs.
When he went in to the room y/n was in, the last thing he expected was her running to hide behind him, being visibly more scared of some normal looking person than some scary guy in mask.
Well thats cute, little butterfly like you, hugging his back, begging to be protected? So cute. Well he wont keep the lady waiting, pests like this bully of yours dont deserve to be in his collection anyways, so why live?
Quick stabs in stomach and neck will do the thing. Now what to do with y/n, well she is terryfied but its difficult to say if shes scared because of Asa deadly activities or the person that was just killed
If y/n decides to thank him for saving, he will probably🤨🤨🤨 kinda confused, like gurl you realise that you are prolly next? Tbh this gratitude probably saved her, because he is now very intresed in her, and will gladly 'invite' her to his nasty as lookin hotel place hideout
Billy Lenz:
He probably already knew shes bullied by her roomate, he is known to stalk people
He does not like the attitude they give her, not at all, of course He is a bab person and serial killer ect, but he is horny aswell and He has crush on any breathing women in 100meter radius, so obviously idea of his little crush being bullied makes him angry
He probably come out from attic just to steal some food and the cat(billy cat person) when he heard shouting, he recognise voice, its that bitch that is being mean to y/n. Billy being Billy tried to sneak and watch yall argue
Y/n probably sees him in corner of room and thought that its one of girls she lives with(Fic takes place in the same place as movie) so she went to him grabbed him and went"🥺shes mean to me again😭"
He will be flabagastered, a f e m a l e just touch him??? Consensually?? And asked for help?? Well now He doesnt crush you anymore, he loves you now. Will stab the bully for you honey. How could they treat you like that?
Will hug you and say some billy-level unholy stuff
Micheal Myers:
He is probably more confused than y/n and her bully together. Ayo human touch? Ayo some girl begging him? To kill somone??? Oh boy thats a lot to take in🤯
I mean win win, he gets kill, she gets rid of bully.
If y/n decides to thank him he will have error, noone really did it before? I mean it doesnt change anything but its still kinda noice? He wont kill her, but will stalk her atferwards, and maybe kidnap yoink her.
Thomas Hewitt:
Well guess who is the dinner today!
Y/n was probably on trip with her 'friends' and one of them acted rather dry and mean >:(
Thomas would probably notice fast, they didnt try to help her, and even said something along the lines "take her not me you monster!" Overall not slay person
He will feel bad but not to point to spare her 🙄 but when she litteraly hide behind him? Da killer? She more scared of her friends than guy who wants to eat her?? Well damn kinda felt bad for her
He would let y/n leave hause, but because he doenst want her to call police, he'll probably just yeet her in basement untill he figures out what to do with her (dont worry shes not next dinner, he will try to convince Luda to keep you. 🥺I got this cute little fella in my basement can I keep her🥺)
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italiansteebie · 1 year
tw// period typical homophobia
will had come out.
the party took it badly.
but steve and robin. well. they didn't. robin held him as he cried and steve went to talk to the stupid little shits will called his friends.
"what, steve?" mike sneered as he opened the door.
"move it wheeler," he pushed past him, "lucas, dustin, max, front and center." el had stayed back with will and robin. she didnt understand why the others were so mad. two boys could love each other, surely that wasn't worse than the mindflayer. right?
the group faced steve, staring at him defiantly. "well," dusting asked expectantly. "shut it, henderson. let me speak. i don't appreciate the way you reacted to will. he has been through many MANY things and supported you through them ALL. Mike, you blew him off for El, Lucas you blew him off for Max, Dustin you blew him off for Suzie-"
"quiet mayfield im not done. you're not innocent in this either. you should have been there for will. especially from what you told me about billy before he died." steve snapped, maxs head dropping low. "you're right, steve. sorry."
steve scoffs. "don't say sorry to me. and the rest of you, really? this is what scares you? two boys in love? i can't believe this. i thought you were better than that. you of ALL people know what it's like to be ridiculed and cast out for who you are."
"but- what- what about AIDs?" mike spluttered. the two others nodding hesitantly in agreement.
"seriously? you have faced interdemensional terrors and you're worried about... AIDs? something that can affect ANYONE? god. dustin i thought you were smarter than to fall for that. and lucas, i just. never took you to stoop to mikes level." steve sighs and shakes his head disappointedly.
he can see the regret on their faces. "whatever, i'm leaving."
"wait, can we come?" mike shouts desperately.
steve scoffs again, harsh, "no. stay here and think about what you did. and how you hurt will because you're too stupid to think. max, let's go."
"what? why does she get to go?" dustin asks, a hand out in her direction.
"because, max was coerced, and she never said that shit you guys did. im going to talk to her too on the ride home, and then she is going to apologize to will." he said in finality.
"why do you even care about this steve?" it was lucas who spoke, and it was... sincere. steve sighed and faced him. "because it effects me too. some of the best people i know are gay. including myself. i just... i never thought YOU guys of all people would react like this." he shook his head sadly. "do your research like you like to do henderson. maybe then you'll figure out why i'm not going to talk to you anymore." and with that he left, not looking back to catch the devestated look on dustin's face.
"cmon max." he shouted over his shoulder, only waiting for her to get in the car and buckle her seat belt.
he drove away with the hope those idiots would get their heads out of their asses.
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meosq · 11 months
“Ra-ta-ta-ta, 울린 심장 .. but i don’t want to”
summary ; your sweet boyfriend , manjiro sano finds out the love of his life is stronger than him?!?!
genre ; fluff
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Warnings : fem!reader, may be violate , cursing. Viewer discretion is advised
As the sun sets down indicating the day as reached its end, a certain [h/c] girl makes her way down the streets of Shibuya ; headphones in her ears as she blasts her music.
“I cannot believe manji-chan asked me to come over at this time..” she said to herself slightly irritated as she really wanted to enjoy her time in her home and her sweet sweet bed.
As she continued to walk towards her boyfriend’s home , she hears a familiar voice in the park towards her left.
“I told you big bro!! that foreigner is the reason mikey-kun wont date me!! And wants to hurt you..” a girl said clinging onto a man [y/n] assumed to be the “big bro” .
“wow i cant believe the invisible Mikey had such a whore of a sister” the man and his group cracked out as he pushed to what be ..
“EMMA-CHAN??” [Y/N] shouted from across the street taking her headphones of her ears. “Emma-chan whats going on” [y/n] stated as she jogged towards Emma who is sitting on the floor crying. “Did they do this to you sweetheart?” [y/n] said as she crouched down to Emma gently holding her red cheeks.
“who are you” the feminine voice stated , “Are you another whore friends with-“ before the girl could even finish her statement a punch was slammed into her face breaking her nose in the process. The girl could even react before another punch landed square on the girl’s jaw instantly knocking her out.
“Now.. who the fuck are you?”[y/n] stated darkly as she wiped the blood of her knuckles as she turned her head towards the group of boys.
“Emma. Sweetheart, could you call Manjiro for me please? “ [y/n] stated calmly as she dropped her bag her headphones besides her.
“O-okay” Emma responded trying not to cry while calling manjiro.
“Ahhhh… I haven’t been able to fight in months. Im so glad you guys have volunteered. Such nice people you are !! Just do you know , i wont take what you did to my best friend lightly!! “ [y/n] said gleefully as she cracked her neck and walked towards the group of boys..
“EMMA??? [Y/N]???” Manjiro said as he ran towards his gf and sister.
“Oh hi Manji , sorry im a bit late ahah” [y/n] giggled as she stopped bandaging Emma, as she looked up towards her bf.
“Where are the guys that hurt you and emm-“
“They didn’t hurt me??” [y/n] said confused.
“But Emma said you fought them??” Mikey answered also confused.
“Yeah? And i won ahaha” [y/n] laughed as she pointed towards the group of pilled up boys all knocked out and bloody.
“I haven’t fought like that in ages omg , you should’ve seen their faces when i jumped kicked their leader !!! It was so funny omg “ [y/n] smiled as she remembered the faces of each of the guys when she landed that deadly kick on the main guy’s head.
“what???” Mikey replied with still confused as hell. “ you can fight? Since when??????” Mikey stated becoming more confused by the second .
“ manjiro. Im a black belt in Taekwondo and a red belt in judo.. “ [y/n] stated like it was nothing.
“WHAT?” Mikey and the rest of his gang stated shocked by the sudden news that Mikey’s beloved innocent gf has the highest ranking in both Taekwondo and Judo.
“[Y/N]-CHINNN WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME ???” Mikey cried as he hugged [y/n] clinging onto her with dear life.
“Manji i thought you knew.. when i met your gramps he recognised me from the show ive seen on and my competition. “ [y/n] stated as she pouted.
And from then on Mikey made sure everyone knew HIS girlfriend was SUPPER DUPPER STRONG.
“Hey ken-chin. Did you know [y/n] has a black belt in Taekwondo and judo. I bet she’s stronger than you. I should make her vice commander instead.” Mikey said as he munched on his food.
“Mikey. Shut the fuck up “ Draken replied with already irritated by Emma’s situation…
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adalwolfgang · 10 months
Could you make a little story for Castiel where he meets a young mute girl who communicates through ASL?
Castiel meeting and befriending a mute reader
warnings: Cursing, fluff, angsty (very little) A/n: I am not mute but I am familiar with people I know personally who are deaf and use sign language. Also, I have not watched supernatural in a good while so I don't remember what all powers angels have so some of these might be inaccurate from the show.
credit to @cafekitsune for the banner(s)
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This was unexpected for the angel. One second, he's strolling around a town him, Sam, and Dean had stopped at to investigate a large number of murders that have been occurring to sitting on a swing set with a little girl sitting beside him in a park, making hand motions.
She was mute.
He didnt know what these hand motions meant but he was easily able to understand once he read her mind. It was as if she was saying what each meaning of the sign meant as she moved her hands and fingers without moving her lips. He could hear her voice but only in her own conscious.
"Where is your parents? Or guardian?" he asked as he tilted his head with curiosity and concern. The reminder of why he was there in the first place brought him out of his thoughts as worry soon became present on his face. It was safe for someone to be out here on their own, especially a young one at that.
A childish smile appears on your face as you quickly point over to a food truck a few feet away. Your guardian chatting with the owner, their back facing you. Castiel looks to where you were pointing before looking back over at you. The concern slowly leaving his features but not completely gone.
"You be careful when you are out of arms reach from your guardian. Understand?"
You bob your head up and down in response, giving him a thumbs up for more confirmation at his words. Castiel was still a little skeptical at the thought of whatever or whoever has been behind the killings find you and pick you off as a easy target. Many questions started appearing in his head. How would you scream for help? What if no one seen you get taken? What if you cant free yourself from their grasp?
You could see his brows furrow as his eyes drifting toward the dirt in thought. Whatever was on this strange man's mind must've been big as lines formed on his forehead and the corner of his eyes crinkled slightly. You place a hand on the trench coat he adored, even though it was summer time. You started rubbing the fabric between your fingertips, the action making Castiel look down at your hand and then at your face. You suddenly stop the action, staring into his deep colored eyes as well. You thought he had very beautiful eyes. This made a soft smile form on his lips which made your eyes widen. You didnt say that aloud did you? No, that's impossible. Unless?
'Are you a angel?' you signed, this time slower.
The smile on Castiel's face grows as he slowly nods his head, raising his index finger and putting in to his lips as if you both were sharing a secret. Before you could react, your name was shouted. You spun your head around to see your guardian walking over toward you, a hotdog wrapped in tinfoil in each hand. When they finally get close enough you sign,
'I made a friend'
"oh really?" they look around the park curiously before back down at you.
"Where is this friend of yours?"
You turn around expecting to see the man in the trench coat, but he wasn't there. The empty swing was slowly rocking back and forth but no one was there. A wave of confusion and sadness washed over you as your guardian just shrugged it off, taking a seat on the swing the stranger had been, handing you a hotdog.
Back at the bunker, Castiel was sitting in one of the many chairs in the library with his chin propped up on his hand. His back was slumped as he sat in thought. He wanted to protect you. He wanted to be there for you when you needed him. He wanted to be your friend. Dean and Sam finally came back, walking down the stairs and quickly spotting the angel they had been trying to contact.
"Hey man, where the hell did you go? You just wandered off and left us!" Dean was quick to jump on the angels case but he wasn't in the mood to hear any of it and quickly disappeared.
"The hell was that all about?" Castiel left the brothers both confused and concerned.
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Gloves and ties [Yosano Akiko]
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Drabble: Memories are for smiling, even if it pains you.
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"Yosano-san, the question might be weird but why do you wear gloves?" Atsushi asked as they walked down the secret port mafian tunnel, trying to escape from the hunting dogs.
"Oh that?"
Yosano sadly half-smiled, looking down at her gloved hands, half covered in blood and dust before her memories flashed backed to her.
"yosano-chan looked what I brought for you!" the h/c coloured girl stomped down their room, as yosano looked up to see the girl holding a half wrapped gift like packet.
But before she could react, the girl pushed the packet into her hands, smiling brightly as she half jumped on the bed beside her, telling her to open up.
Yosano unpacked the gift given by her friend, as the golden foil was torn and tossed aside.
"A set of gloves?" Yosano asked, puzzled on why her friend gifted her a piece of clothing.
"The cargo shipments got delivered yesterday, and I specifically asked Mori-san to have a set of gloves delivered!"
"But why give it to me?"
The young h/c colour girl smiled, "Because I don't want you to have you hands painted with blood! Promise me you will wear them!"
Young Yosano blinked blankly at her friend, before throwing herself onto the girl, replying her with thankyous.
"I also asked Mori-san to get me a tie, alas it is to big for my own size"
"Y/N, I promise….but you know that the gloves will get ruined anyways?", unfortunately for them, when Yosano opened up the packet, Y/N was greeted with horror that the size of her friend's hand was quite not a fit.
"Its okay n/n" Yosano said, patting the girl that currently sulked on her lap, half disappointed and sad.
"But I don't want your arms to be covered in blood! I need to talk to Mori-"
A sudden knock at the door interrupted the girls conversation. "Yosano-chan, Mori-san has asked you to visit him" The half beaten solider said, before leaving the door open and scrolling away.
"Y/N Dont be sad, we can read each other stories after i return!"
And with that, the girl left leaving Y.N alone in the room.
It was quite long before Y/N decided to search for her best friend, her only female friend on the board. With her little legs, she walked as fast as she could only to hear Mori shouting at her friend, as hundreds of soliders lied on the ground, healed yet beaten.
Maybe it was because Yosano's quirk couldn't regain consciousness easily? And that Mori-san needed more men? Whatever the reason was, Y/N knew she wouldn't be able to help much, after all her ability revolved around dressing up the wounds and healing small injuries unlike her friend, who was able to heal more lethal ones.
"Fine if you want to save people in front of you.."
That was the last thing she hear as a bullet shot through the chest, another at her leg as her eyes went wide open. She was slipping consciousness. Another bullet was heard, this time at a solider.
Yosano felt traumatised.
She didnt know which one to save at that moment, but nevertheless she healed the solider first, as Mori's eyes told her so, his eyes, something Yosano would fear for that day on, as her friend coughed behind her, she herself trying to heal even though she knew she couldn't.
"Y/N s-stop moving, I am going to fix you please," Yosano cried, trying to heal her friend with a ounce of energy left in her little body.
"It-ts fine, Dont worry-y" the h/c girl coughed, "please dont ruin these hands on blood like me". Her eyes started to drop down as Yosano was dragged away from her, her eyes once opened now closed, afterall how much can a small body heal?
Despite her screams, she couldn't run and heal her. Y/N's dull eyes bore into hers, before she was yanked out of the corridor.
Coming back to her senses, Yosano only smiled, "Oh these, they are just accessories. I rather not have my hands covered in blood"
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rainstops · 8 months
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prev. | m.list | next > 04 feel okay with it
NOTES i typed this on my phone in the freezing cold, while waiting for my brothers concert to start [cry]
scaramouche x fem!reader summary: youre an actor excited for the next movie youre going to play in, since you got one of the two main roles. you were excited, until you found out that scaramouche got casted as the other main character. and to your dismay its a romance movie.
taglist: @featuredtofu @aeongiies @veekoko @luciledreamz @lovemari @xtobefreex
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your were not excited for this day at all. in fact you stopped being excited ever since you found out you were filming with scaramouche, and at this point you were seriously asking yourself what you did to deserve this.
arriving at the said location, your legs were already shaking. your body was tense, and all you wanted was to turn around and head back home.
the filming went smoothly so far, yet you felt like you were zoned out the whole time. scaramouche was as snappy as usual, but you were reacting less and less to his comments.
of course scaramouche noticed this as well, and he started wondering what the hell was wrong with you.
To make it short, you were okay with everything, until you remembered one scene you had to play.
„Okay [name], you have to-„
„no. Nononono. No way“
You had to get really close to the cliff. And almost lean over the edge. Of course it was safe, the cliff was not that high, and there was a safety net, but what the fuck, absolutely not.
You had to think about hu tao, who would’ve laughed at you. Really she would’ve payed a hundred dollars just to watch the whole thing go down.
„[name], I know this is super scary, but I promise you it’s literally just for a minute, and nothing can happen to you. There’s a safety net and everything“, Yanfei reassured you, but your muscles were tense, and their was a weird feeling in your stomach that told you your death was near.
One look at Yanfei was enough, to let her know that you just could not do that.
She sighed „okay, we‘ll uh, think of something“, Yanfei let it go.
You sat down on one of the cheap fabric chairs taking a deep breath.
Scaramouche rolled his eyes. Why can’t you just do it and get it over with? You’re holding everyone back here.
After a few minutes of Yanfei talking with some staff, Scaramouche reluctantly, but with quick steps walked over to you.
„[Name], come on“, he held his hand out for you.
You looked at him, puzzled. After you didn’t take his hand, he just took yours.
He pulled you up from the chair you were sitting on, and guided you towards the cliff (that sounds... whatever). "Scaramouche- if you think im going to-"
"Be quiet. take deep breaths and just focus on me", he said quiet, almost as if it was only for your ears to hear. you needed to understand that he was only doing this so you could finally continue recording. after all, youre holding everyone back here.
to say that recording the scene was easy now that scaramouche wasnt shouting at you anymore, would have been a lie. but yanfei couldnt seem to think of anything else to do, and you didnt want to bother her any further.
when you and scaramouche walked back towards the cliff, there were no words needed. the cameras were back in your direction, and yanfei stopped discussing whatever she was currently discussing.
all eyes turned on you, and scaramouche. scaramouche did something, where you werent sure if that was even his task. you were standing with your back to the cliff, and scaramouche had his arm around your waist the whole time. wether it was to make you feel safer or not, it definitely helped.
the scene was done rather quickly. when you stepped back from the cliff, scaramouche had already let you go, and was heading back to sit down somewhere.
your legs were shaking so bad, and although you didnt expect it, your legs actually gave in right where you were standing. its like the fear took a hold of your body, and it just now let go, and you didnt have anymore control of your muscles. your manager, xiao, was there to catch you before you actually fell onto the floor.
"its okay, its over", xiao reassured you while gently letting you down on the floor.
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csprslvt · 11 months
you and i, and her. pt 4
Chapter three ( see masterlist for previous chapters)
Summary: After Joel's death Ellie tries to deal with grief, anger and revenge. Reader learns that the perpetrator of Joels death is in fact her past lover Abby Anderson and reader starts a plan to find Abby before Ellie. Betrayal is indefinite but who will reader choose? Her best friend or her ex-lover?
Warnings: loss, aftermath of major character loss, angry Ellie, violence mentioned, sexual references.
When Ellie cried, not able to leave her bed plagued by dreams, re-living the site of Joel’s bloody death, you stayed by her side.
It got to the point where you never left her cabin. You'd resorted to sleeping on her floor, just so she wasn't alone. The last thing she wanted was to be alone. Sometimes she was angry, she would scream and shout and want to fight, but you knew she was just hurting. Other times she would cry and at certain points, what you considered the worst points she wouldn't talk or move at all. She would just lay in bed, staring at the ceiling.
During one of these episodes you were sitting on her bed, rubbing her shoulders and stroking her hair. She firmly pushed your hands away and sat up.
“I want to kill her.”
“Ellie, I understand but-”
“No! No, you don't, you don't know what it was like to see him like that! I cant get it out of my head, everyday all I can think of is how I wont be able to sleep, to eat, to fucking live If  I know shes out there, getting away with it.”
“Listen, if you dont support me then leave. I'll be gone tomorrow and I'll find her”
You paused.
“Ellie, I’ll always support you”
She looked into your eyes, searching to see if your words were true. 
She relaxed.
“Okay, tomorrow we are leaving. I’ll take care of getting supplies before you wake up, I won't be able to sleep anyway”
You took her hands, she gave in to your touch in an instant, she reveled in it. She adored every part of you she could get, even though you hid a lot of you, she would gladly enjoy every moment she was given. 
“I just…If this will make you okay again, I'll help you. I just don't think-.”
“If you're going to tell me some bullshit about how killing her won't bring Joel back don't bother, because I know. It's not like that I just want to hurt her how she hurt me”
You sighed, still grasping Ellie’s hands.
“Okay. I'm with you”
“You’ll come with me?”
“I'd follow you anywhere.” 
Ellie nodded, “Okay, sleep, we have a long way ahead of us.”
“Do you have a lead?”
“I think so, Tommy was telling me about the WLF? Washington liberation front? They Are located in Seattle-”
Your blood ran cold, Washington, Seattle, Abby.
“That's where they're located. I'm going to find that bitch and kill everything she has. I’ll save her for last and make her suffer”
“Yea, it was a women, tall, blond, built like an ox” 
Oh shit
Oh fuck!
Fucking christ Abby why did you kill Joel! There has to have been a reason. With her there was always a reason no matter how little it was, there was always a reason.
But it was Joel, Joel who saved you from being killed, Joel who always did his best to help Ellie even when she didnt want him too, Joel whose past haunted him in his sleep, Joel whom you smiled at passing every morning. Joel who was such a big part of Ellie’s world.
“Are you sure it was her?”
“I watched her bring a golf club to his head, I watched her tear him apart” The expression on Ellie’s face was once filled with terror, but now it only portrayed true rage.
Your hands trembled a little bit but Ellie didn't notice, she was too caught up in her revenge plan to seem to realize your panic. And for that, you were grateful.
What would she think of you now? Knowing that you loved the perpetrator of Joel’s painful demise. What would she do if she saw that locket inside, how happy you looked hoisted on Abby’s  shoulders? How would she react if you told her the person you missed the most was the same individual that had ruthlessly murdered Joel?
“Ellie, let's just try and sleep right now. We don't know when it’ll happen again”
“I’ll try”
That night, the two of you had fallen into a restless slumber. Dreams haunted Ellie, but with you, only memories came and filled your senses with the scent of pine. 
The WLF base was cold in the winter, but you didn't mind. Half the time you were wrapped up in your girlfriend's arms and when she was out training or patrolling or doing whatever it was when she disappeared you were out training yourself.
The endless workouts kept you strong, calm, collected, and warm. It was a hobby you picked up from her, though you didn't train nearly as intensely as she did you were proud of your progress and so was she.
One day though she didn't return at her normal time, like she’d always promised. You wasted no time, grabbing your steel toe boots and shotgun, axe hanging from your bag on your side. You were determined to find her.
After all, she was all you had.
The sun went down and it got colder, but still you didn't care. Abby would never stay out this long without you. Something was off.
You kept your eyes peeling spotting a horde of infected, and your girlfriend fighting them off in the center
Breathing in, you aimed the shotgun, far enough that they wouldn't know where you came from.
The first bullet struck at the head of a runner that abby was cornered by
“Gotcha, you fucker”
Abby jumped a bit at noise, the bullet barely missed her head. She looked at the source and you waved and continued shooting from a distance, once the numbers had depleted you ran down to offer hand to hand help.
“Hey babe. Need some help?”
“Fuck. I had it handled” You plunged your axe into the skull of the infected. It made a revolting squelch you cringed a bit before moving on to another one.
“Sure looked like it”
“Oh shut up!” Abby smiled, still beating the absolute fuck out of another runner
It was kind of hot, her biceps pulsing, veins showing off, blood on her face, sweat dripping down her neck despite the cold weather.
God you have problems.
When it was all over, you had both fallen to the floor, it began to snow. You were panting and then stood up, holding your face up staring at the white sky with your tongue out.
“What the hell are you doing?” Abby questioned with a playful smirk
“Catching snowflakes!”
“That's disgusting, put your tongue away.”
You wiggled your eyebrows at Abby, a smile made its way onto your face.
“You wouldn't have said that…last night” You burst out into laughter at your own stupid joke. Abby groaned, putting her head in her hands, still a teasing smile grew on the corners of her lips.
“Can we stop with the ‘last night’ jokes?”
“ You started them?”
“Yea well i'm finishing”
“Oh yea, I bet you are” 
“Shut up… that sounds bad.”
“What's wrong with finishing?”
“Oh my god, y/n. Shut up”
“ Yes ma'am!”
You awoke in the middle of the night, surprisingly Ellie was fast asleep. You sat up in your sleeping bag, pulling your knees to your chest. Cradling yourself, rocking back and forth in an attempt to self soothe.
Ellie, your best friend was going to try to kill your girlfriend. Or rather, ex-girlfriend? You had never technically broken up, you just… got lost. Abby was somewhere, and you were determined to find her before Ellie did. You couldn't just let her die and if that made you a bad person you were okay with it. You were already a liar, a murderer, a thief, what's one more sin on your conscience?
You got up while Ellie was fast asleep. You tiptoed to the bathroom with your pack, taking off the clothes you'd borrowed from Ellie in your time there and replacing them with sturdy jorts, a belt, and a wife beater. Your belt almost resembled a tool belt, you could holster a pistol in it among other things. You’d wear steel toe boots with a pair of thin socks. You grasped at your locket.
You had to find her before Ellie did and return so she did not have a clue. You'd have to lie a lot but it wasn't the first time.
You snuck out, mindful of the creaky floorboards. Ellie was still knocked out.
Poor thing
You've never felt so conflicted before. What would you even do or say If Ellie found Abby? She wouldn't take the betrayal well; you could tell by the way she looked at you that she was attached. And in a way so were you. But Abby, at one point she was your entire world. You knew that indefinitely, you'd have to pick between the two and though Abby was once your greatest love, she killed someone Ellie adored. 
Fucking idiots.
You wandered out, in the midst of the night with a few hours of darkness left. You went back to where you'd found Ellie passed out on the floor. You felt like a shitty best friend, but you couldn't help it. It wasn't like you could let Abby die. She was strong though, very strong, she would put up a fight and that fact brought you peace. 
Eventually after some digging around in that house, you found it deserted but with things left behind. A bullet casing there, a few loose arrows but what really interested you, was a map. Abby was never really good at covering up her tracks, and she had left you a path right to her. The map was marked up with some sort of colored pencil. You held it carefully, pointing your flashlight at it.
Washington, WLF base and Patrol routes are all marked up…so is Jackson with the words “town?” written on it, you almost smiled, recognizing Abby’s handwriting like it was second nature 
You decided you'd bring the map back with you.
Doing one more look around you discovered photos, polaroids.
One of Abby and Owen, smiling.
Your expression dropped.
There's no way she's associating with him again. And if she was, it was definitely out of desperation. Whatever, you'd fix that.
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agaypanic · 1 month
An Apology and a Blessing (Reese Wilkerson X Male!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: The next few weeks after the disaster dinner with Reese’s family, you and your boyfriend avoid his mom like the plague. You usually get out of sight before she can say anything to you, but one day she finally catches up.
A/N: this is a part 2 to his boyfriend so read that first if you havent yet. Tbh this was a lil hard to write bc lois doesnt really apologize often so i didnt know how to go about writing it lol
It had been a couple weeks since the awkward dinner at Reese’s house, and you and your boyfriend have been doing your best to avoid his mom. Reese went from disappointed in Lois’ reaction to the news of you dating, to pissed and irritated. You didn’t want to cause even more of a rift between the two, so you just decided to keep your distance from his mom. 
It’s not like Lois didn’t try to talk to you or Reese. After the first week, she’d try getting Reese’s attention in the morning, but he’d always say he had to get to school before running out the door. That’s how Lois knew she had messed up, because her son would rather go to school than hear her out.
And at dinner, when he wasn’t over at your house, he’d ice her out. Hal told Lois to just give it some time, and he’d come around, but Lois decided that enough time had passed.
The boy threw his magazine on the bed and got up. “Damn.” He sighed. You looked up at him from his desk, where you were doing homework. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Seriously?” You groaned but still closed your textbook and shoved everything into your backpack.
“Reese!” Lois’ voice was closer, making Reese quickly open the bedroom window. He gestured for you to go out first, but you froze when you got halfway through. “Not so fast.”
“Crap,” Reese muttered. The three of you were very still, all hesitant to make a move.
Lois sighed, dropping her purse onto the floor. “Sit down.” She sat on Malcolm and Dewey’s bed, waiting for you to do the same. You and Reese looked at each other, silently debating what to do. “I said, sit down!” You and Reese quickly scrambled to sit on his bed, facing his mom. She sighed. “Sorry for shouting, I just…”
The silence quickly grew awkward. You and Lois hadn’t really seen each other since she ran out during dinner, after Reese had revealed that you were dating. Meanwhile, Reese left whatever room he was in as soon as Lois was nearby. Even though he didn’t need or want her approval about anything, it still upset him that she just stormed out.
“I’m sorry.” It sounded like the words were building up inside of Lois but couldn’t find their way out until now.
Reese looked stunned, leaning forward with raised brows. “...what?”
“I said I’m sorry.”
“Oh my god, Reese, I’m apologizing,” Lois said, trying not to show her frustration with her son’s responses. “To both of you, for how I reacted about you two... Well, you know.”
“But you never apologize.”
“I apologize when I’m wrong.” Lois seemed uncomfortable, like she wasn’t used to this. Probably because she wasn’t. “And that night, your father made me realize I may have overreacted a bit to your guys’ news. So I wanted to apologize to you both and let you know that I’m okay with you dating.” Even though she sounded stilted, you felt she was being genuine.
You and Reese looked at each other, a bit shocked by Lois’ apology. “Okay.” You were glad that Reese was doing the talking for the both of you because, if you were being honest, you were a bit scared to talk to Lois. Even before the dinner fiasco, because one of the things Reese would always complain about was his mother and her behavior. “Cool. Um, I’m gonna go make a sandwich.”
Reese stood abruptly, quickly walking out of the room. You were a bit pissed that your boyfriend just left you with his mom, so you got up as well.
“I’m gonna go… Uhh, yeah.” You were almost out the door when Lois got up and called your name.
“Y/n?” You looked back, seeing her slowly approach you. “I just, um, I just wanted to say that I’m… glad, that Reese has you.”
“Oh.” You weren’t expecting that from her, but it was very sweet of her to say. “Thank you, Mrs. Wilkerson.”
“I was wondering if you’d want to stay over for dinner sometime? Think of it as a do-over.”
“I’d like that a lot.” You smiled. 
After that, Lois let you go to the kitchen while she went to her room. You found your boyfriend making a sandwich like he said he would.
Reese glanced up at you before slicing the sandwich in half. “What did she say to you?”
“Your mom was actually pretty nice.” You answered, accepting one of the sandwich halves he handed you. “She actually invited me to dinner. To make up for last time.”
“She’s up to something.” Reese decided, taking a bite of his food. “But as long as she’s being nice to you, I guess it’s okay.”
“Aw, how sweet.” You laughed, giving him a kiss before going back to your food.
Malcolm in the Middle Taglist: @rattilol
Reese Wilkerson Taglist: @hollymaybank @theogirlovermattheogirl
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zalrb · 5 months
PART 6 LETS GOOOOOOO! the steferine fanfic is one of my faves!!!
“No, I mean it. You tried to kill me to get your girlfriend back and ended up shooting your girlfriend instead? You’re phenomenal.”
love how katherine sarcastically calls him phenomenal when we all know what she really means is this:
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“Oh give it a rest, she’s a fucking vampire,” snapped Katherine.
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Stefan didn’t bother responding. He touched the side of Elena’s face. A natural response when he wanted to comfort her. She held onto his wrist.
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All three of them shouted. And still, Katherine observed, Elena and Stefan hadn’t looked away from each other. She felt something in her rise.
LMFAO if this was a gif:
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            “Elena isn’t the only reason you came here tonight, is she?” she said, ignoring his warning. “Part of you can’t stand it. Me and Stefan together.” 
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“But you won’t let yourself think about it, won’t you?” She started brushing his hair. He clenched his jaw but didn’t move. “Why do you kill people, Damon? Lexi. Zach. Reminders of your humanity? There’s a part of you deep down that still wants me. That will always want me. And it kills you that Stefan gets to have me.” 
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With each word she spoke, Katherine could see something in Damon unravel. She glanced over to see if Stefan had looked away from Elena, to see if saw her and Damon together. He hadn’t turned away from her. 
L O L katherine:
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 “Now you can both have matching injuries,” said Katherine as she dug the arrow into Stefan’s flesh so that he grunted in pain. “Wouldn’t that be cute?”
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violent katherine, MY ULTIMATE WEAKNESS
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“I didn’t know she was going to be here!” He glared at Elena. “I didn’t know that a day after we broke up, she would go and stalk my brother at his fuck buddy’s apartment.” 
“You could’ve had it worse,” said Stefan harshly. “Speaking from experience.”
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went from laughing at damon to being furious with elena cause STEFAN DIDNT DESERVE THAT SHIT. with that being said, i love that hes still hurt by her betrayal, cause the show forces him to get over it so quickly, your fanfic handles his feelings much better
Damon watched them and snorted. “You can’t even fucking help it, can you?”
reached my gif limit but this is so funny to me
With each word she spoke, Katherine could see something in Damon unravel. She glanced over to see if Stefan had looked away from Elena, to see if saw her and Damon together. He hadn’t turned away from her.
HA. Definitely going for some Liz and Max vibes
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which incidentally happens in a way in 2x15
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“Oh give it a rest, she’s a fucking vampire,” snapped Katherine.
L O L katherine
LMAO I was just thinking of
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Damon watched them and snorted. “You can’t even fucking help it, can you?”
reached my gif limit but this is so funny to me
well because I was thinking of how I always bring up that their love, that their connection is such a fact, they're not trying to rub anyone's noses in it, that's just how they react to each other and everyone else has to deal with it
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nnajiro · 2 years
sano manjiro x reader
warnings? death, crying
a/n? i know how to make myself cry automatically now. mikey dies protecting you, and you find out about that from a call. reader goes a bit crazy over his death, not like killing thing
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the footsteps were getting quieter and quieter as your mind did. the closer you got the the room where he layed not breathing, the louder your heart began pounding.
tears automatically began falling, as if the god himself shouted at them, and they in fear released with force, making your eyes red
"no..no no no no"
already on your knees infront of his bed, already scattered across the floor
demanding reviving as if it would work, you tried your best to make a diffrence, to change what has happened.
you couldn't hear a thing anymore, you couldn't even see clearly because of the blur of your tears, all you could hear in your head was a repetitive no, no.
there were his friends behind you, looking at how you were breaking down, trying to caress your back while at it
you couldn't feel their touch, couldn't realise what was happening, all you needed was to feel his warmth again. as you stood up you promised to yourself that yes, he is alive this is just a freaking joke.
no..it wasn't a joke, his hands were cold. with exasperation you went to feel his heart, touched his chest with care. the chest you cuddled to feel his warmth now was colder than ever.
you couldn't control your limbs, they were trembling, you couldn't control your tears, they were falling like crazy.
out of instinct, out of fright, you went to cuddle at your safe place, in his arms.
muffled sounds of 'stop! ' , 'come down' were heard from behind you like whispers, you couldn't listen, as you layed down next to him.
you caressed his neck with your trembling hand, repeating the same thing over and over
"come back...come back"
where did his warmth go? where did his beating heart go? where is his low breathing that always calmed you down?
"please come down from there! you will hurt yourself!"
nurses came in rushing, his friends pulling you down and the nurses guiding where you should go.
you didnt want to hurt his skin while you were being pulled down, so you fell down easily
"kill me please...please i cant leave him...he cant leave me"
you were going crazy, your head began pumping and a sudden sting in your arm left you dumbfounded.
you layed unconscious now, in takemichi's arms as the tears left in your eyes fell down your cheek slowly
because of how you reacted and how you are still feeling, there has been a nurse next to you all the time. the girl was in no pain or rush because the only place you wanted to go, or stay was next to his grave.
fresh flowers were glimmering from the rain that showered over this land last night, on the grass you sat.
usually what could be heard from around you were only cries, but now finally only your low breathing was noticeable. and that only because you fell asleep, leaned on his stone grave.
"how is she?"
takemichi came, asking the nurse about your situation meanwhile noticing your calm form.
he hummed, and crouched down to your level, patting on your arm slowly.
your eyes opened with care, still sore from all the crying. for a moment your face was clear, peaceful and content. until you remembered where you sat, and what happened.
unconsciously tears began falling.
"will you come with me for a moment?"
his voice calm just like his. the touch on your arm warm, just like his, still, noticeably diffrent
"i cant leave him"
you let the soft words leave your lips, causing him to pursue his goal
"his soul is no longer in that body, his soul is next to you"
such a specific glimmer appeared in your tired eyes, that made him continue
"i can see him, here. holding you"
for the first time since, your heart made cute sparkles. you looked around with ease, as if you could feel what he said was true
he lended his hand, as you carefully took it. your legs hurting from sitting on the ground, your head buzzing from not eating enough
"he is coming with you, he wants you to continue"
so easily, he baited you into believing his words, even so. it seemed true. it felt true.
you looked behind, feeling this sudden feeling of sweetness.
"oh my god, i almost hugged the air"
you said as you turned around hastly, keeping your arms to your chest
he looked amazed, at your fast words. finally after months you said something different. with his arms in the air, you accepted his offer to hug.
maybe you could start again, maybe.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
How would Winter and Blake react if it turns out they are online friends. Because they both enjoy writing short stories as well as doing small art projects and posted them
Winter paused as she stared at the multitude of emails that stated someone had looked at her short stories, had submitted a like, and commented on each one. It was a thought she had brushed aside after she had started training. After all, she hadnt visited the forum she posted those short stories onto for a couple years and was surprised anyone had found them buried under the rest of the stories and artwork. Then again, whoever FreedomReader119 was seemed to have a lot of free time on their hands from the amount of notifications with just that name listed. 
Curiosity finally got the best of her and Winter clicked on the user’s name to see their page and what they posted. While she wasnt surprised about the lack of art or writing on the forum page, one piece of art did seem to catch her eye: a piece of artwork showing a White Fang protest rally. The details on the picture were clear, each expression of the people captured seemed clear as day, the colors were vibrant, the angry expressions on the protestors and the way the humans looked like they were shouting as they threw vegetables almost made it seem like you could hear every sound as if you were there. 
A small *ding* chimed through her ears as she hit the like button on the artwork, not aware when she had moved her mouse enough to hit it. Her face paled as she stared at the blank comment section, unsure of what to write. Not that it mattered once she heard the chime of a new notification from FreedomReader119. With slow movements, Winter brought her mouse to the notification and froze once she saw a simple message. 
“”Thanks for checking out my artwork. Hope you like it.”* 
A smile crossed Winters face as she responded back, saying the words to herself as she typed them out to make sure everything sounded right. “It almost looks as if you were there.” She sent the message and bookmarked the page to check later. Even if the page didnt have much, there was still plenty for her to check. 
Another ping interrupted her thoughts as a new message came up from the all too familiar user Id. *”That’s because I was. I travel around a lot and try to capture what I see.*” 
Winter paused and looked through the artwork as she glanced at her watch. “Well… it couldnt hurt to take another look or two. I still have plenty of time.” With a quick scroll, she started to make her way through the artwork and poems before her training session. 
Over the next few weeks, the notifications and messages had started to become more frequent between Winter and who she could only describe as a friend. Messages as comments on each other’s works had quickly changed to the two exchanging messaging IDs to send quick texts to between training and school for Winter, and whatever it was this Blake was doing. Her smile lit up with every text that came through from her friend. 
Anothing ping lit up Winter’s scroll as the message scrawled itself on the screen. “*I’m going to be away for a while.”* 
The smile on Winter’s face quickly disappeared as she read the message. “Going away? As in moving around?” 
“*Going away as in I’m not going to be reachable for a while. A… long while.”* 
“You cant go. A-at least, not yet. You had those poems you wanted to finish.” 
“*And I have to put a few of them on hold. Look, I cant talk about it right now, but things… arent great.”* 
“You’ll be back though eventually, right?” Winter froze before she sent the text, not sure if it had sounded desperate. After a few long moments of re-reading the text, she finally sent it. She didnt realize she had started to hold her breath as she waited for the next chime that felt like hours to come. 
“*Maybe. Or… maybe it’ll be best if I’m forgotten. After all, I’m not exactly who you think I am. And since you dont really know me, it’ll be best if you forget.*” 
“I dont want to forget you.” Winter sent her text and stared at the screen as she waited for the next one to come through. Minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days, and still she had no response. During her downtime at Atlas Academy, she found herself keeping an eye on the news as the White Fang protests started to turn more violent as the days went on. All she could do was wait and worry.
Blake sighed as she looked at the remains of her crushed scroll she kept in a small book she hollowed out. It hadnt taken much digging to figure out that Winter_Writing was Winter Schnee and that cutting all contact was for the best, even if she couldnt be clear about why. Even at that, she wasnt allowed to keep her scroll in order to keep from being tracked. 
“Are you ready to go, Blake?” Adam asked.
Blake closed her book and put on a smile. “Yeah, I”m ready, just… finishing up some poetry.” 
Adam rolled his eyes and motioned for Blake to follow. “Dont fall behind. If you cant keep up, then all you’ll do is slow me down.” 
“Dont worry, I’ll be fine.” Blake started to pack up the rest of her things and paused when she saw a small poem she had written for Winter. She moved her fingers over the paper as she read the words over once more before folding it up and putting it into her pocket. When she had a chance, she’d make sure Winter would see it. Not that she’d recognize it.
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angellfag · 7 months
OCs? OCs? who are they??? (if you feel comfortable sharing, of course)
ok SOOOOOOOO I have these two characters that are a part of a big project I'm currently working on! shout out to ms!!!! I'll be leaving my rambling under the cut bc im literally so excited rn i NEEEED to talk abt them its licherally a psychological need atp
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SOOOO obviously this is in spanish so i apologize for that, but these are the pierce twins, Jared and Jade! This is the VERY first concept that I came up with for them :)
They're known for small scale robberies throughout the alphaverse and have done a number of them. Think stores, small banks, little jewelry stores, etc. Although they have done a number of these robberies, the amount doesnt come out to all that much, so their activities are mostly ignored by the galactic equivalent of the police. They are, however, wanted by Lonely Horse, an independent bounty hunting agency (think the pinkertons) for the very small fund of 10,000 galactic credits. Not a lot, really.
They're incredibly charismatic and intelligent, but they often can lose control of the situation (their robberies) if they disagree on things . Even so, they always seem to get away with their prizes. They only really care about having a life of riches and fame, hoping to be known as the most renown criminals in all the alphaverse.
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These are the next two things I drew of them, in which they are talking a selfie in front of burning buildings <3
As long as they arent the ones getting hurt, they simply do not care! They are sharpay and ryan, gunter and tinka (shake it up anyone??), hikaru and kaoru !!!! codependent and probably (absolutely) incestuous. Although if this project gets big then im not their creator and i didnt say that <3 (i am and i did)
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these are their final designs (obsessed w her boob window and his slutty half buttoned shirt btw) and they were loosely inspired by 70's disco fashion.
They've always been Jared and Jade, Jade and Jared and they don't really know what to do without each other. Jade tends to be the more dominant one and is incredibly quick to anger. Jared, on the other hand, is more likely to go with what Jade says than anything else. He doesn't let other people boss him around, but when it comes to Jade he just can't argue. I'd say both are equally intelligent, but Jade is more tech savvy than Jared is, so she's the one who worries about security systems and such, while Jared is the one who takes a look at floor plans, security rounds, etc.
To the blind eye it might look like Jared is the bimbo of the two, but thats not really because hes stupid. Clearly you have to be very smart to be able to pull off multiple heists with your hot headed sister. He is, however, a bit slower to react, understand sarcasm, and get jokes.
They had rough childhoods, with their mother being arrested by Lonely Horse bounty hunters and their father falling into alcoholism. Once more, they really only had each other. Their father wasn't abusive, and when he was sober he was an incredible man to them. He was, however, neglectful. They eventually decided to run off together.
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ok !!! thank you for coming to my tedtalk heres the most recent piece i did of them :3
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