#i sometimes think of myself as a lesbian anyways but when i forget about my physical vessel/the others as far as I'm concerned I'm straight
friendofthecrows · 2 years
It's so fun being genderfluid and not bisexual with DID bc sometimes I'll slip up and say things like "he's pretty but I'm too straight for that" completely forgetting the fact that I am a lesbian. I mean straight as in attracted to women. Gender is confusing.
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AITA for not helping my family pay for hospital bills?
🎷🔥 so i can find it later
This is going to need a lot of context right off the bat. I (20'sM) am a gay man that comes from an extremely conservative family. My sister (20'sF) is also a lesbian and recently got married and adopted a child. I'm very proud of her, but that's not the issue.
My parents seem to have little to no issue with my sister marrying a woman. They do have a very big issue with me liking dudes, however. Like, it was the reason my parents got divorced "big issue." I'm not gonna go into everything, but my sister ended up with my dad and I stayed with my mom for reasons I'd rather not share.
Our last parting was on... less than decent terms. Upon finding out that I was of the homosexual variety, my dad flipped his lid. He called me several slurs and said some other very hurtful things, and even made moves to physically attack me. My mom, also a very homophobic woman, stepped in and thankfully talked him down. Then divorce, etc etc.
I saved up enough money to move out when I turned 18 and may have done some impulsive things including completely trashing my mom's bathroom, which I know I'm definitely the asshole for, but in my defense my mom kept "forgetting" to pick up my prescriptions and I was manic (I have bipolar). But, again, I know I'm the AH for that.
I now live with my two best friends R (20sNB) and P (20sM) in a house we all pay for. R comes from money so they help out a lot, and I love them both to death. We kind of have a sort of situationship but none of us are poly? Idk it's weird we're just going with it rn.
Anyway, I bring them up bc we all went to my sister's wedding together, and my parents separately chewed me out for bringing them (and for R daring to wear a dress. They're amab for context) and I obviously argued back bc hey they're my best friends and my sister specifically said it was okay for me to bring them (she and R are also friends and they wouldve been invited regardless of me bringing P) and also because R looks very good in a dress and i can handle them shit-talking me but i will not tolerate slander towards R or P.
At the wedding, I went full no contact with them and told them to lose my number. They, ofc, did Not lose my number and I got several calls from extended family saying about what you would expect them to say, so I switched numbers and gave only my sister and her wife my new number.
My sister. I love her to pieces but sometimes she gets on my nerves. She gives my number to my mom to have "just in case," but she reassures me that she won't give it to my dad or any other family. So far, she's made good on that promise, I just have to deal with periodic calls about getting a girlfriend and having kids.
Now, my dad isn't the healthiest guy out there. He has arthritis, osteoporosis, and several other things that i don't really wanna get into. As he's aged he's only gotten worse and there have been several times he's almost died, but recently he's been put on hospice and has an estimated Not Very Long to live.
Here's where I may be the AH. My dad calls me while I'm at a very important, personal event for R (he got my number from my mom) and goes on a long rant on how I'm an unlovable disgrace and how he fed me and clothed me and I could make up for all that by helping him pay off hospital debt. I say no immediately and tell him that he's never been my dad, only my dna donor, and that he's going to be dead anyway and that selling his house could cover all the bills. He calls me many more names and tells me he wishes I was never born (calling my mom some very derogatory names too (she's asian)) and that i should just go ahead and off myself to save the world someone like me. I tell him he should die faster while he's at it because God knows the world already has enough bigots in it and there could never be too many mentally ill queers.
I hung up, but now I'm thinking I went a bit too far. AITA for not helping out with his hospital bills and yelling at him?
What are these acronyms?
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cowboymantis · 7 days
Y'know what since it's pride month, I'll do a little random rambling about my identity, bc hell I am 22 whole years old and I am still struggling with my gender lmaoo 😭😭
But also, nowadays I think it's really funny that I took so long to properly realize I was trans and aroace
There were. So many signs. 💀
I almost dreaded to come out as trans to one of my old online friend groups, not bc I thought they were transphobic (bc we were always a heavily lgbtq group), but because I thought I took so long and now I'd have to explain myself. (Stupid I know, but my family is very transphobic, so I never got to be my true self irl, and idk if I ever will as long as my family lives, but maybe I'll be brave enough one day)
But one of the first reactions I got was just yeah I always thought you were gonna say that 😭 And us all talking AND OTHERS COMING OUT TOO it was just such a weight lifted from my shoulders, it was so great.
Because of my family, I'm not 100% sure how I feel about my gender, if I feel more nonbinary or male, it's more something in-between, but more towards male,, but that's why I just feel most comfortable without a label, I'm just me and I'm here 🛌
When it comes to figuring out I'm aroace, the thing is, I kinda thought about it before, but I wasn't sure. Even then, it wasn't too long before I realized.
I always hated romance and cheesy scenes, kissing and especially sex scenes in anything I watch make me super uncomfortable, I'd sometimes think about, if I'm grown up and in a relationship, I have to do all of that... And I was actually scared of needing to get in a relationship, or something like that. Part of it was pressure from my parents to tell me I need to find a partner, to, I guess properly live my life or something. And this is essentially what a lot of people think, that you NEED to have a partner to be complete, and I always found it so weird. I don't want a partner I just wanna sit in my room and play videogames all day :'D
Oddly enough, No Straight Roads, one of my favourite games ever, has indirectly helped me- NOW HEAR ME OUT. One name: Eve.
Omg I love Eve so so much, and her whole arc just made me slowly go ... I feel that omg
I was in one relationship in my life, I'm actually still friends with that person, they also came out as trans, but are in a poly relationship now, which is kind of funny to me because we went pretty much the exact opposite route, I love it 😭
Anyway, I never had any feelings of love how people describe it, I never had any attraction to people. But I was so desperate when we broke up, like I lost my one opportunity in life to be in a relationship, like I needed to have someone else no matter how uncomfortable I felt being in one.
And I just saw my younger teenage self in Eve and I think this is one of the reasons I am so attached to this character, gahhHH I love No Straight Roads so much. It has helped me in a time I was feeling down, it indirectly got me into kpop (😭😭yeah), which then also came at the right time when I had a downer phase, and the community of the game on release was just so sweet.
But yeah, to come back to it, throughout my life, I basically went from "I guess I'm pan or something, because I don't have a preference"
To "Okay the thought of being with a man disgusts me, so I have to be a lesbian"
To "Okay, but I just like looking at people in an aesthetical way, I simp for characters or actors as a joke, I just like looking at them or think they're cute, but that's about it"
And then I was just like oh. Oh wait. it's all coming together.
Realizing you're aromantic and/or asexual can be really hard, and I've seen others' experiences be similar to mine. I think, in a way, it's so hard bc pursuing relationships is the norm for most of the world.
Thinking back to that one lesson we had in ethics class I'll never forget, we had to write down something about the meaning of life. And then everyone should say what they have written down and what their idea was. Most people wrote down having a family. I don't even know what I wrote down (probably something like a happy life or something basic), but I talked about how meaning of life doesn't have to be having a family. And the teacher basically laughed at me for saying that bc that's the whole point of being a human!!!
And I guess from that day I had this one sided beef / grudge against this teacher bc how the hell are you an ethics teacher and think so one-sided 😭 Sure, humans start families so they don't die out, but not EVERY human needs to start a family to have a purpose in life?
So yeah, anyway. Aspecs are very nuanced, there are those who have platonic relationships, people who enjoy sex although they are not attracted to someone, I myself am absolutely repulsed by anything sexual and I don't ever want any type of relationship, I don't like being lovey dovey, and I hate being too close to someone, like hugging, etc. On the outside I've always been very distant, but on the inside I have all the love I don't have for romance, for my friends and for this world instead 😌🙏
I guess I can really seem too cold or maybe even angry, bc it's hard for me to properly show my emotions, and that's why I prefer text over word, I can express myself so freely and can add all the silly little emotes I want :3
Also, I always loved the I do not perceive and do not wish to be perceived bc yeah . Me fr jfhdjdhr
Also, I'm not too fond of sexualities and genders all having weird stereotypes, but god damit I love robots/androids etc sm I always would love to be one fr ‼️‼️ I guess that's one of the reasons I was immediately hooked on Tokusatsu- NO THIS IS NOT GONNA BE A TOKU POST THIS HAS DERAILED WAY TOO FAR
But speaking of-- Naki me belobed and ofc their actor, I love Nakayama sm man and recently read an a bit older interview of him and he's so real 😭😭 I've never literally me-d for an actor so much 🥲
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Okay so I'm a gender non-conforming transmasc (I mean I like femme presenting but I also kind of just present this way because I cannot pass for the life of me so why even bother if I look hot femme) but sometimes I forget that to other people I don't look like a guy.
Like I'm just over here in my little queer headspace thinking that I obviously give trans vibes and that I'm obviously not a girl. I look at myself in the mirror and think, "Okay I'm giving they/them lesbian at the very least" (I'm not a they/them lesbian I'm an a-spec achillean transmasc but like those are the vibes I give). I'm surrounded by people who use my pronouns correctly and call me man, dude, bro and all that good stuff. I like legit forget that to everybody else I look like a teenage girl.
So imagine my surprise when someone in my class tells me "You don't look like a grandpa, you look like a teenage girl!" (Don't ask for context, it's a long story lol) Don't even get me started on the fact that this girl is a repeat offender in the area of transphobia because DEAR GOD (motherfucker was talking with her friends abt how I shouldn't be upset when someone misgenders me bc I'm gnc)!!!! She knows I'm trans and don't use she/her but for some reason she feels the need to tell me this? Anyway, I immediately plummet out of my silly little queer headspace and realize I do, in fact, look like a teenage girl. Like somebody's goth girlfriend. I look like a teenage girl who lurks at Hot Topic and calls her friends and stays on the phone for three hours ranting about how ugly Lululemon clothes are or something (not that there's anything wrong with that, but god does it bring me dysphoria). It hits me like a brick wall. For some reason my dysphoric little brain decided not only did I need to think these thoughts, but I also needed to analyze every little detail on my body to confirm that I do, in fact, look like a teenage girl.
Jesus Christ I am so ready to get out of this damn school it's so hard being queer in the south.
-- 💅 anon
that sucks and i'm sorry you have to deal with that. You are still very much a guy, i also decided to google lululemon clothes, and they look so uncomfortable.
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lexsnotdead · 10 months
Sometimes i forget that Delilah/Breanna aren't 100% canon to everyone bc of "ambiguous relationship" part and some people not wanting to see them as bi & lesbian
And it drives me insane
Everytime i see fic where Delilah or Breanna call each other friends while being alone (or in their own thoughts) I want to bite 😭😭 Something or someone
I sit here and think "Breanna sacrificing 10+ years or her life to save Delilah from her death AND falling on her knees for her is so friendly fr"
I'm okay with people who think that they're way too toxic or something/"Delilah can't love" but Breanna is a walking fruit basket. She radiates "gay".
Sorry for whole essay about Bree and Del but my anonymous ass trusts that you'd understand me at least to some degree bc you ship them
Hope ur doing well, sending best wishes for the week lol
HI ANON YOU CANNOT IMAGINE THE AMOUNT OF SEARCHING I DID FOR THIS. anyway. okay... deep breath... yeah, i know, it drives me insane as well. although i haven't come across a Hot Take like that in ages, most likely because i was blocking on sight for this. "not 100% canon to everyone" have we played the same game? maybe it's easy for me to say because i myself am a wlw and i KNOW yuri when i see one. it is really hard for me to imagine how can one look at the way breanna and delilah talk to each other and fail to spot the profound pinning.
• delilah saying "murderer! you can't understand what she meant to me", when you kill breanna in front of her.
• delilah saying "you're the only one i trust".
• delilah swinging her sword at you with "this is for what you did to breanna", in the last mission.
• a with in the royal conservatory saying "breanna was with delilah when you were sucking on your mother's tit. it's not a joke to them"
• breanna's surprise when she spots corvo "a man? here?!" is truly a Peak Lesbian Moment. - i could go on and on.
OHHH AND THE LETTER. THE LETTER!! it makes me lose my mind every time i read it!! whatever breanna had going on in there is more lesbian than eating pussy.
"When we can't talk, I write. There are things only you will understand. (...) If we were together, I could say more! It is as if I can see beyond the air, into another time or place. (...) Oh, Delilah, strange and beautiful whispers are carried on the breeze. I am forever grateful of being your instrument." >>> i'm madly in love with you.
how can you read this and go hmm yeah they were definitely besties! MUST EVERYTHING BE DIRECT FOR YOU PEOPLE?? sorry to disappoint, but that's not how sapphics express attraction. learn to read between the lines. because this, too, is yuri.
and the wiki page is to blame for the "ambiguous" part. BECAUSE HARVEY SMITH DIDN'T SAY "AMBIGUOUS". HE DID NOT. harvey confirmed their relationship some time back in 2016, but since then he deleted all of his tweets and we were left with no elaboration. and as for now it is almost impossible to find sources. "almost". he-he. wink. i saved that from a tumblr post god knows how long ago and couldn't find the op. if anyone knows who to credit for this, i'd be grateful.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
does "i totally assumed that" equal uncertainty? maybe my non-native ass is missing something, but it all seems very clear to me.
which makes "some people not wanting to see them as bi & lesbian" part even more frustrating. they are both indisputably queer! and that being stated by the dev and not in the game itself is not an excuse to deny their sexuality and ship breanna with men.
harvey's tweet and in-game lines combined should be enough evidence to prove that delilah and breanna were, in fact, lovers, and if anyone says otherwise, it's a conscious choice to deny/ignore it for whatever reasons, not because there isn't enough evidence for their relationship. believe me, anon, i share every drop of irritation you have in double.
and "delilah can't love" is another very big topic where i could talk for hours and i would rather not make this reply any longer than it has to be. i already ranted quite a lot here haha. anyway, ty for the ask! :] i'm always happy to write mini-essays about delilah and breanna. i hope you have a great day as well!!
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iamthecomet · 6 months
GAH fair enough i'll try cook up something else.... i will say sometimes i do send different people very similar things by complete accident because my memory is horrible and i forget what i've said to who😭😭
just from the top of my head right now though (just finished a nightmare hell world shift at work so i need to think about The Characters or i'll die):
cirrus helping aurora discover and explore Butchism❤️ BUTCH LESBIANS 5EVER
cumulus washes, dries, and brushes cirrus' hair for her when her arms are too sore/tired to reach up (in my mind cirrus has EDS just like meeee:3 )
controversial take but short cirrus and tall cumulus is so real to me.... BUT cirrus is still the big spoon. she jetpacks it
cumulus: why is it taking her so long to text me back....
cirrus: google how do i spell gorjus
cirrus has AWFUL penmanship (it's either EDS or autism, or both! I'm still figuring that out myself.) and cumulus cannot stand it. she loves that girl but absolutely despises her handwriting. in a similar vein, cirrus is god awful at wrapping presents and cumulus will confiscate them and wrap them herself ("ITS NOT THAT BAD ITLL GET TORN OFF ANYWAYS!" "it is that bad and i don't care")
i think cirrus is just bad with her hands in general for a number of reasons (world's worst handjob giver💔 sad but true. millions cried.) so cumulus often does fine motor tasks for her (writing things down, wrapping presents, sometimes cutting up her food for her when it's just the two of them. they are so tender.... ue ue ue)
cirrus can't swim. that's all
ironically, cumulus is somewhat afraid of heights and cirrus is TERRIFIED of flying bugs (especially moths) (which makes phantom very sad because he loves them. she tries VERY HARD not to squash them whenever he's around....)
WAHHHH I love your takes on Cirrus! The fandom as a whole (me included) get really caught up on Cirrus being the responsible, smart, in control one who is elegent and is good at everything because someone has to be, and I just love seeing thoughts of her that don't subscribe to that. Especially bad penmenship, bad speller, terrble present wrapper Cirrus.
We all headcanon her as such a perfectionist but what if she isn't? What if she's actually sort of a trainwreck sometimes? Also scared of heights cumulus? Butch Aurora and Cirrus? fuck yeah. FUCK YEAH. I love finding little ways to make the ghouls more "human" and well-rounded. I love the idea of reserved, elegent, sure of herself Cirrus--but I also love the idea that maybe she is also sort of a mess too. Terrible at painting her nails neatly. Impatient. One of the worst cooks in the Abbey. But genuine, and funny, and kind, and absolutely willing to step up and take care of her pack when she needs to. UGH I JUST LOVE HER SO MUCH.
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twilightarcade · 11 months
What is the best/most recent/most interesting (up to you!) Dream youve had that you can somewhat rememeber?
OK SO. my dreams are somewhat all over the board. Either bleeding into reality (this is annoying as hell and really fucks with me sometimes), being mildly off the walls (Things Occurring in rapid succession with no clear reason or logic), or something really silly we're not geting into. Generally this is more of a spectrum however (imagine an xyz plane of borderline reality to clearly never happened, off the walls things happening to basic and understandable narrative, and silly to not silly). Last night's dream for example lands on the slightly silly, would be near reality if not for the batshit plot.
THAT SAID. We aren't talking about lasts night dream sorry babe (BABE REFFERINGTO THE DREAM). I DO however have a few assorted dreams that I've tucked under the "try not to forget because they were of interest" category (they're living in my brain right next to the dreams that I won't forget.) I may or may not have talked about them before, but we have the reoccurring power rangers plot, the dragon under the Italian restaurant dream, THEN THIS ONE DREAM.
power rangers plot. Alright. Basically, I'm generally at my house or my childhood home (feels dramatic to say it like that), and like. Things start occurring. Ranging from me getting evicted to there being fighting outside for no good reason. Regardless of the case, I get contacted by none other than the power rangers. For some reason, I have the morphin crystal whatevers in my possession and I need to go fight whatever evil is occurring directly outside my home (they want to steal the crystals. Obviously.) I, a power ranger, go fight them, nearly die a bunch of times (can't actually die I'm a power ranger. Duh.) And inevitably wake up with no real. Conclusion.
DRAGON DREAM. Had this dream when I was a kid (I forget exact age) and fell absolutely in love like I thought about this dream so much I expanded the world and made more characters and plot lines to fit in and everything. I tried sooo hard to have this dream again just so I could make my dreams (thoughts???) a reality (dream.?) I don't think I ever managed to. Very basic plot summary is: restaurant is advertising dragon slides, huge room with dragon, one real, one clearly fake, dragon advertised as hyper realistic replica, dragon is real and literally eating people. I fell. Absolutely in love with this concept. Thought about it for days on end. There was even this "plot"??? Where people were divided over whether they hated and wanted to kill the dragon or wanted to continue living under the dragon in fear (dragon was orchestrating the whole thing in this plotline and threatened to eat anyone who disagreed) and I don't think that plotline ever actually reached a conclusion.
ANYWAYS DROPPING THAT FOR NOW umm. There's a lot of like. People from my dreams I think about a bit. There was this one particularly fucked up dream I'm not getting into, and there's this one lady I think about a bit. She was a deeply saddened individual to say the least and I wish her the best. There's potato the white lab (maybe?) who I kind of love and would do anything for (he got lost then I found him. Ignoring the rest of the dream. Obama was there.) Who wasn't there for like half the dream and wasn't even my dog. There's the awkward host from dragon dream. Absolute loser. A few days ago we had the lesbians that blocked my way to the drinking fountain because they were making out and i didnt want to bother them (this dream had an absolutely unfollowable plot too.)
ALSO shout out to all those silly dreams that appealed to my fears. Generally those have the most solid plotline which is mildly annoying. Honestly I don't really need their help to be scared thanks I do that to myself enough though. I'm still not sure if the screwdriver thing was from a dream or just a really stupidly active imagination because well! It's certainly active. Just don't know why that in particular really stuck with me.
I think we would be here all day if I ever got to talk about everything I remember in depth </3
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proximasc0rner · 5 months
(So. I'm going to preface this by saying I'm a Gen Z queer kid who doesn't know what it was like to be LGBTQ in the earlier days of our fight for equality, and I don't know what it was like to have the ONLY queer representation onscreen be queer-coded villains. This post is not to be taken too seriously. It was just a silly thought that popped into my head, so I wanted to share a lighthearted rant about it. Please don't murder me okay thanks)
Sometimes life gives you lemons, and sometimes it hits you with the Disney Villains hyperfixation. Again.
This post isn't going to be about how much I am a fUCKING SIMP because I do NOT have the balls to talk about the shit that runs through my head when I'm just casually in love with fictional Bad People™️
Instead, it's just about me diving through various rabbit holes and learning about the queer community's complicated relationship with Disney Villains. I learned what the Hays Code was, and how it was the origin of the queer-coded villain trope. Good guys weren't allowed to be gay. And even though the Hays Code eventually just kinda died for the most part, the trope stuck around.
But even though the trope was designed to frame queer people as untrustworthy, perverse, and strange, a lot of LGBTQ folks really, REALLY love these diabolical characters, myself included-- although I wasn't around when the queer community first "claimed" the villains as our own, so to speak. I actually watched a really interesting video essay on the subject that I'll link to below! A lot of it boiled down to a sense of relatability to these characters-- these villains want to take charge of their lives, and are more often than not outcasts in some respects. So, really, it becomes easy to see the appeal of these extremely self-confident and unapologetically different characters.
But again. Queer-coded villains come with a lot of historical baggage. Thus, when the live-action remakes started coming out, the villains lost most of the queer-coding they had.
But that gave them the new problem. They are FUCKING BORING. LOOK I HAD TO SAY IT. These bitches do NOT have much personality to them. I'd give an example of a Disney live-action remake villain to prove this point, but uh I'm. Kinda boycotting Disney right now, and these movies. I cannot remember these movies enough to tell you anything about them.
BUT ANYWAY. I realized that kind of leaves queer audiences between a rock and a hard place: either have a queer-coded villain whose trope was literally made to villainize queer people, orrrr have a villain whose personality is so bland that you might as well replace them with a sapient cup of tap water and still have the same impact.
And thus, I propose a solution to this dilemma!
Yes, queer-code the villains (DONT LEAVE YET IM GETTING SOMEWHERE). Make them just as delightfully overdramatic as villains like Maleficent or Jafar. Give them that limp wrist. GIVE THOSE MALE VILLAINS PERFECT EYELINER.
But if you're going to queer-code the villain? Then queer-code the hero, too. Show that queerness is not intrinsically tied to morality of any kind, it's just a part of who some people are. Make those heroes flamboyant. Give them that drag queen gait. If you're feeling froggy, lesbian-code the hero's mom or something! Make her be older and unmarried and give her that deeper voice and then show how fucking awesome of a mother she is to the hero. Walt Disney would be rolling in his grave (or cryogenic pod depending on who you ask /j), and I think that would be truly beautiful.
So. Yeah. That about covers it. Okay everyone go home and drink water. :)
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my-strange-attraction · 8 months
Man people really do be straw-manning you and then interpreting all of your arguments in the worst faith possible and acting like that makes them So Smart And Correct. I’m sorry you gotta deal with all these bozos with zero reading comprehension or critical thinking skills. Just wanna add because it’s been seriously bothering me and I don’t remember you ever bringing it up: one of the core tenets of the original op’s post that you responded to was basically ‘this identity is bad because I’m a lesbian and those people aren’t lesbians in the exact same way as me so they’re hurting the lesbian community because I don’t want to see them when they don’t share all of my experiences and (gasp!) talk about men and their relationship to men sometimes because *I* don’t want to hear about men’ and I just. Idk man if that’s what his argument boils down to its kind of a shitty argument. Even ignoring all of the terf rhetoric (which you correctly pointed out) I can’t even begin to understand why someone would want to be in a queer community where everyone fits into neat little boxes and everyone with your label experiences their orientation exactly like you. Aren’t they forgetting that the whole point of the queer community is that larger society attempted to put us in boxes we didn’t want to be in and categorize us into labels and lifestyles we didn’t want? Why would someone ever parrot the actions of our oppressors and do that to other queer people, when they know what it feels like? I can’t even fathom being that selfish and closed minded
>your argument is chock full of straight up lies  Love how this was said in response to your rebuttal of an argument that CONTAINED ITS OWN “STRAIGHT UP LIES”!! Like pot meet kettle lol. Specifically referring to that one bit that was like “uwu bi women tried really hard on purpose to distance themselves from the lesbian community” because that is straight up not what happened!! I haven’t said anything yet but it’s been bothering me for a while and that one ask has so much fucking Audacity that I couldn’t stop myself from Pointing It Out this time. Ahistorical bullshit and they’re accusing YOU of lying. The audacity of it all I can’t
Anyway these guys are just mad that bi lesbians get more bitches than they EVER will. I heart bi lesbians I love you bi lesbians I hope y’all stay winning mwah <3
I'm assuming these are all from the same person because of the timing? If not, sorry for not doing separate responses.
Yeah, this whole thing has been pretty frustrating to be honest. In a way it's even worse than actual terfs, because these are people who are philosophically not that different than I am, and if we met in real life we probably wouldn't even know that we disagree. I mean, I do talk sometimes about label anarchy with some of my friends, but we have to be close and you have to get me in a philosophical mood. It's really frustrating to be openly disrespected as a person for one opinion that, though it does happen to be really important to me, doesn't come up in my everyday life (or, likely, theirs either).
The whole pronoun thing really got to me too. I KNOW they were just strawmanning, and I KNOW it wasn't really a valid critique of anything I said, but the suggestion that I would even consider purposely using the wrong pronouns for someone is upsetting. I don't think he even noticed before an anon pointed it out as a way to invalidate my argument. I don't think it upset him (or the anon) as much as the anon said it did. I still apologized though because I'm not going to not apologize for using the wrong pronouns.
Also I know jack shit about history because it doesn't stay in my break but yeah actually I do remember reading about that! That's crazy, I can't believe they called me a liar when they don't know their history. I mean, I don't either, but at least I'm honest about it.
Thanks so much for sending these messages! Not gonna lie, I was going a bit crazy with all this and the only anons I was getting until now have been the hate ones that I've shared and a few hate ones that I just outright deleted. I know people agree with me because I've seen the likes on my posts, but it's nice to have someone defending me as well, so thank you <3
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thebroccolination · 1 year
Hello Key, are you watching any BLs currently, if so, which ones? Do you recommend any of the newer ones from this year
Hi Anon!
I’m not currently watching anything, no!
I’ve had a few series recommended to me recently, but I can’t remember much of what I’ve seen since Between Us ended. I think most of the series I’m looking forward to haven’t aired yet. I just got Tears of the Kingdom, too, so my brain has been consumed by fusing mushrooms to swords.
But in terms of what I’d recommend!
The Warp Effect is technically from 2022 but it started in late December so it feels like a 2023 series. It’s incredible, and it includes so many aspects of queer life and sexual/gender identities that it just puts every other series on blast. “You can’t have romances with lesbians and trans people? Weird, because The Warp Effect had both. And had the (alleged) heterosexuals promoting the benefits and discussing the complexities of kink in relationships.” New was fantastic in this, too. TWE is so good.
And on the total opposite end of the rating spectrum, I thought My School President was really fun and well executed. I loved both couples, I thought the writing was great, and I actively went looking for the songs after each episode, and I hadn’t done that since Cutie Pie. (And Between Us but we all know I recommend Between Us.)
I do really want to watch the Eclipse and MSP episodes of Our Skyy, but I’m having that block of “noooo if I watch then I won’t have any more to watch”, and apart from Only Friends, there doesn’t seem to be another FirstKhao series this year (a crime).
I’m also looking forward to Only Friends even though I’m going into it with a very different mindset (yay Jojo!) than I usually have (yay love!) just because I know I’m gonna get my heart busted if I’m not emotionally prepared.
The Next Prince is ZeeNuNew’s next project and I’m very ready for their brand of trope-y fun. I have no idea when they’re even filming so I guess it’ll air in autumn sometime.
It Lingers in the Air is an historical BL I’ve been looking forward to for ages now. I’ve been screaming for historical stuff from the start because Thai history interests me but I haven’t found as much easily accessible resources to educate myself on. So I’ll take what I can get and let some fictional gays teach me pseudo-history.
Naughty Babe is going to be pure nonsense garbage and I’m going to watch every episode as an Event with friends and snacks.
If BounPrem do literally anything together before the vampire series I highly recommend that. Whatever it is. #BounPrem #RideOrDie
And of course Be My Favorite starts next Friday on the 26th, and I’ve been excited about that since December of 2021, so I’m predicting now that that’s gonna be the one that really brings me back to hyperfixating on series. I’m a massive fan of time loops as a trope (see also my utter adoration for Triage), I love Krist and Gawin and Aye, and the supporting cast looks fantastic too. And the director has a good reputation (The Gifted) and apparently had Queer as Folk as a formative queer experience just like me, so I’m inclined to trust him.
I think that covers most of it? I feel like I’ve forgotten something I’ve seen and half of my brain says, “Then it wasn’t that memorable now was it,” but also sometimes my brain just likes to forget stuff until I’ve posted something.
Anyway, lemme know if you watch and enjoy any of these! <3
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22degreehalo · 1 year
Imagine if aces and aros talked about gay people the way gay people talk about us.
"Don't forget: gay people are totally valid and they are welcome in the AIQ community!!! 😊 Sure, they might not experience aphobia like aces and aros do, but people shouldn't have to prove they're Oppressed Enough[tm] to be included! :)"
"To be honest, hating on gay people makes no sense to me at ALL lmao. Like aphobia I get, but for a straight person to insist that everyone MUST get a partner NO MATTER WHAT, and then throw a fit because it's the wrong kind of partner?! I don't know man, I just think it's only control freaks who could really be bothered, yknow?"
"And after 'Demi-Aces and Demi Gods' we are proud to announce our first ever gay panel! It's called "GG: homosexuality 101" and it'll answer any questions you might have about what it's like to be gay (no, they aren't all polyamorous!) ending with a rousing discussion about the place of the G within the AIQ+ community as a whole. Following that, we have 'Asexual fashion history'..."
"Oh my god I am SO tired of homophobia discourse. Like my guys literally NONE of this matters in the real world. Just log off and interact with your real-world community and touch grass, okay?"
"Um... no offence, but why is talking about gay people so important to you? We're discussing aspec oppression and you're very obviously derailing. :/ like it is just NOT the same thing. If you want to talk about gay issues (like I get that it could feel uncomfy when people expect you to have a different kind of partner than you want) make your own post, please."
"Oh, I get this question a LOT haha! Don't worry, it is SUPER common for young aspecs to invent gay attraction in an attempt to repress their own aspecness! If you ever decide that that's what happening, and you were just dealing with internalised aphobia, it's okay! You're still a valid aro/ace <3'
"But like. How... would 'homophobia' even work lmfao. Like you're being restricted from couples' benefits by?? Being in a couple the wrong way???? Literally nobody is going to throw you out of your home for having a child with your partner. 🙄 So unless you can provide ANY evidence that gay people are oppressed FOR BEING GAY (i.e. lacking m/f attraction AND having same-gender attraction SIMULTANEOUSLY) then uhhh maybe you should stop talking over people who are ACTUALLY oppressed. (No corrective rape doesn't count lmfao that is literally just aphobia.)"
"Welcome to AIQ pride 2023!!! Gays and lesbians are allowed but y'all are on thin fucking ice 🤪 Ugh it's just a joke lmfao. It's not serious. Jesus I wish y'all WERE oppressed sometimes, maybe you'd have an actual sense of humour 💀"
"Ummmm sorry, but can you take down your post? This celebrity is REALLY important to the aspec community and I really don't appreciate you implying he could be gay :/ Like he literally already said he doesn't like girls. What more do you want lmfao he's aroace. Why is it so important for you to erase that and force him into an amatonormative relationship? Creepy 😬"
"Sorry but I'm just not comfortable seeing talk about 'homophobia' on my post. I repressed my aroaceness for a really long time by trying to convince myself I was gay and it was super traumatic for me. But even if I hadn't you should've known how this reblog might come across to any young aspecs struggling to accept themselves."
"DNW: gay/lesbian characters. No offence but they're always boring ass issue fics written by teenagers trying to prove how Progressive they are. It's always so ridiculously forced and ooc. Like who CARES if you're gay anyway lmfao just go to a bar and have Good Allo Sex or something, you ain't special."
"Mmmm personally, I think that 'homo' and 'hetero' are more like modifiers, really...? I mean, what matters most is whether or not you're actually IN a relationship. The kind of relationship itself just doesn't really matter all that much. I mean, that makes sense, right? 'No shirt' is a wayyy bigger difference from 'blue shirt' than 'red shirt.' So personally I think homosexuality is valid but it's not an identity, it's just a modifier for allosexuality. :)"
"...ugh, look, what's probably going on here is there's some kind of confounding variable at work, like gay people are more likely to be younger (since it's a pretty new identity) so of course their overall wellbeing is lower. That's just logic. But it just doesn't make sense for gay people to be oppressed: they have their identity validated by straight people all the time. So unless you can explain how you can be constantly validated, but still oppressed, these numbers mean nothing."
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kamil-a · 1 year
 just for fun lets do this: a few games i played in 2022 that i have a like steam library record of or something. bc my memory is bad. i’m 100% sure i played more games than this. Oh i found this in my drafts, forgot to edit and post, sure here you all go!
-hnkna - this is obvious.
-umineko ep8 - im still rereading this. ow.
-disco elysium - i’ll keep trying from time to time and one day it’ll click with me. 
-bfd secret weapons dlc - i played part of this! i think it adds some really big improvements to the original game! ill let you know what i think of the new characters’ arcs later.
-needy streamer overload - indulgently edgycute. maybe a little too flippant about things to really seem like the sincere “social media hurts your mental health” game it wants you to believe? i would love to watch a 6 hour documentary on the translation and localization of this game. also the text is very small and game me a huge headache jmfvhnfchnfvhj
-huniepop - surprised me by the gameplay being fun and the music being chill, also surprised me by the game being like really really racist (YIKES). incredible to play as a girl MC because it changes nothing except pronouns (sometimes when it forgets you get some he/she lesbian swag), and so you come off as like, a horny guy who is a girl. the sex minigame is the only minigame where time limits matter and it makes it so that you cant even spare a second to look at the naked anime sprite, in some very funny irony. some of the voice acting is REALLY fun. 
-stanley parable DLC - just the two of us. :) when i told my friend i was playing this game she said “you really like stories about obsessive relationships, don’t you?”. well i do. i think the dlc is less of a parable and metaphor about work, free will, monotony, etc and more of a story about the relationships between the characters. i cant quite tell if i think its sillier because i’ve changed or the game’s tone’s changed.... anyway i love narrator’s cottagecore aesthetic
-return of the obra dinn -im in middle of this with a friend! i couldnt get through it alone but together its GREAT. scary scary scary game. aaaaaaaa
-psycholonials - i honestly can’t say whether i think this is “good” or not and i think id be eaten alive if i tried to pass judgement. i think it’s compelling. i immediately replayed it after finishing it. really really really enjoyable game. 
-ladykiller in a bind - i couldn’t get past the ‘telling ur brother about ur sex life’ gimmick i genuinely had to return it. i admitted defeat i literally couldnt put myself thru more. sorry if it was actually good later or smethng
-kiss off demo - idr it but steam says i played it. probbly i had fun!
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juspeczyk · 2 years
answering art questions for my beloved @belzebub430
1. Art programs you have but don't use
procreate T-T i don’t draw often enough anymore to keep my ipad reliably charged, and it takes so long to charge up when i DO want to draw, it’s a whole thing. also gimp because it looks like the version of photoshop i’m used to except everything is two inches to the left and i don’t have the patience to learn it properly
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
you expect me to think about what direction my blorbo is facing? you expect me to think and not just vibe with what looks good at the moment?
3. What ideas come from when you were little
my comic/novel princess huntress and by extension my d&d homebrew world! always loved princesses, always loved fantasies, was a tiny lesbian who thought the beast was way cooler than the prince and belle was dumb for de-beasting him
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
plants and buildings :(
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
if it’s drawn, i usually post it somewhere; if it’s a collage, i usually keep it to myself. probably 5% of my collages are shared in the group chat or in person
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
i was a tim burton child and a my chemical romance teen so now i lovingly craft deep, dark undereye bags and shadows on to 90% of the people i draw regardless of how much sleep they get
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
oil painting!!! i dabble in acrylics and watercolors, but i LOVE the texture and color blending abilities of oil, and it’s so so so so so so gorgeous and if it wasn’t so expensive i would dabble in it too. also clay. also stained glass. also prop foam. i did set design in high school and got to make an entire brick building facade for the glass menagerie out of foam and heat tools it was SO FUN
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
markers :/ like they’re great and i still use them but they’re just for fun now, not something i really invest practice in
9. What are your file name conventions
usually [character name/s] [situation/theme depicted] .png
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
veils, jewelry, plate armor
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
whatever playlist relates to what i’m drawing
12. Easiest part of body to draw
hands cause they can be a little funky or a little simplistic and it still looks fine cause hands are just Like That
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing
every glassblower ever
14. Any favorite motifs
heresy and sacrilege >:3c
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
my bedroom mostly, i do love drawing outside but i usually get too distracted by the world
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
inking... i’m not BAD at it but it can smell my fear
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
never eat (food on paper!!! bad!!! no!!!), sometimes fix a cup of coffee or tea, set it aside to cool, and then forget about it forever
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
plants, kitchenware
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
noses and hands uwu
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
hyper-realistic painting!! oil, acrylic, digital, it’s all fucking gorgeous and jaw-dropping
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
none. don’t be like me
23. Do you use different layer modes
if i color it yes, if i’m just sketching i usually only change the opacity
24. Do your references include stock images
how do you use references WITHOUT stock images
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
no clue
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
little mini comic of the joker and harley quinn from like 2016 that everyone on tumblr thought was the lead singer of a boy band
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
i start with rough sketches and get more detailed as i go, but i usually just work on one piece at a time, no separate warm-ups or anything
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
i’ve submitted stuff to the county fair (and won honorable mentions!), library competitions, and some of my comic pages from college were displayed there for multiple years!
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
whatever tv shows i’m into at the moment
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
all of them. everyone should be praising me and giving me money at all times forever.
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kaddyssammlung · 2 months
BPD / C-PTSD / bad relationship dynamics in Sleep Token lyrics - Part 2
Part 1
TW: mental health stuff
The Offering
“You've got diamonds for teeth my love”
Reminds me, again, about how we put our favourite person on a pedestal. And see them as perfect.
“This is a given, an offering In your favour, a sacrifice in your name”
This makes me think about how you end up doing everything for your favourite person. The person you obsess over and you can't be without.
You do everything for them. The fear of them leaving you is so big that you end up sacrificing yourself for them.
“And I can tell you won't remember my cracking bones”
And how you love like weapons kill.....
Reminds me about the amount of abuse that I was able to take in without even realizing what it was.
Dark Signs
“Where I was raised, there was no streetlights just pitch black and passing headlights”
I can relate to this. I have a feeling we both grow up surrounded by darkness.
“Most days you reach for safety”
I really feel this line. All of those self-destructive behaviours related to BPD that give you a strange feeling of safety. Or the feeling of being still here on this planet. Because most of the times I just felt gone...dissociated and empty.
“Remain calm, forget that you know me”
My damn ex-boyfriend used to say this to me a lot. “Just forget that you know...forget that we ever met.....you will leave me anyway..” I can see now that he must have had BPD also. Of course I can't confirm this. But I get what he was saying. I thought the same thing.
“And I miss the man I was the moment we left off”
I wish I could say this but like I said...I don't remember a version of myself that I can go back to.
“I won't break and bend to my basic need to be loved and close to somebody”
I did break and bend to my basic need......
It's wasn't a basic need for me, I needed this to have meaning and it was what kept me alive.
“And would you call asking for answers tear my arms off”
Everything depends on what your favourite person does and when they don't respond to you in any way then I would “tear my arms off”.
“And I know we instigate go back and forth lacerate”
One day I love you the other day you are dead to me. It's not that complicated, okay?!
Okay....it does make sense. I know that it doesn't but that's how it was or sometimes I still catch myself feeling like that.
“And we are exhausted by all this pretending we just can't resist the violence”
Makes me think about my ex-boyfriend again. He lost his shit very fast but so did I. Violence was answered with more violence....let's just leave it at that.
“but each time we battle the blood and the fury takes us a little higher”
First you fight and then you sleep with someone to make up for it...
Not with my ex-boyfriend but with my ex-girlfriend. That relationship was not that bad, though. It was not healthy but not as abusive as the one with my ex-boyfriend. (I just want to say that I'm not bi. I was always a lesbian but so desperate to be with someone that I ended up with a guy. Yeah...things happen. I was an a*shole but so was he.)
Take Aim
“And it sends me shivers How you love like weapons kill”
Because I needed someone to keep me alive. I think that's the best way to describe this feeling. I can understand how this did not look like love from the outside but it felt like love for me.
“Break me apart”
You don't care if someone breaks you apart. As long as you are not alone they can do with you whatever they want. You allow them to treat you like that because you are so afraid that when you don't then they will leave you.
“and you make me hate myself make me tear my body make me yearn for your embrace”
Well...everything that I just said.
“I'll tear the fibre from the filament … I will be watching for your enemies ...”
This whole songs...well....I will do everything for you. Even if this means that I have to suffer but I will do everything for you and please forever stay and may you never leave!
(No I'm tearing up....this is a lot)
“give in again”
That irrational fear of abandonment leads to controlling and obsessive behaviours. And what ends up happening is that you start fighting and then someone gives you the silent treatment. But all you want is for them to “give in again” and let you come back to them.
“You want to watch me bleed because I bleed so well”
All of this is kind of a cycle of abuse. This can only end by becoming aware of it and understanding what you are doing why you are doing it. At least that's how I see this at the moment. I don't want to end up emotionally abusing someone because I'm scared that they will leave me. Of course they leave when you act like that. Damn it....
“and you play a twisted little game but I know in a way you need to complicate”
Get out of my head, Vessel! It's called “testing”. Let's say someone invites me to something and they really like me. Then I say “no” but I actually want to go. I just say “no” because I want to know how they react. Are they like “okay” or are they more like “I neeeeeeeed you to come...please, please, please”.
Say That You Will
“Well I live to guess your sorrow”
I was not able to talk about was going on. I did not really understand it or was fully aware of it. I was aware of it to some extent but also I had trust issues. It's only very recently that I fully understand where my trust issues come from and the role that early trauma plays in all of this.
“You've got me up in a frenzy again”
Losing my shit within seconds or in more clinical terms: being impulsive, does look like a frenzy. It really does
“let the impulse to love and the instinct to kill entangle to one”
I'm kind of trying to erase the instinct to kill.....
Blood Sport
“You're still my weapon of choosing”
I really do turn humans into weapons in a way...did turn them into weapons.
“I wanna be forgiven I wanna choke up chunks of my own sins”
I really do feel like I hurt so many humans....
“Let me pay for my arrogance”
I cheated on my ex-boyfriend with a classmate, female classmate. I slept with her one day. We watched movies and then ended up in my bed.....
No he does not know that to this day.
“I made loving you a blood sport I cant win”
I just feel this.....
I just spent too much time writing this. Now I feel weird.
That's it for today....
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my DID story p.1
my feeling of being conflicted and not in my own life started very young. i would always forget who i am, what i like, and how i like to dress. sometimes i'd be this eccentric extroverted girl who was goofy and silly and other times i'd feel like i was an imposter. like my life wasn't my own. i never thought about this too deeply, i tried not to think about it. but when i first started realizing i was gay i could feel two parts of myself fighting for dominance, one side of me that wanted to be suave and romantic (sorry i'm writing this haha) and another that wanted to do anything she could for others. the host hated herself from a young age, but she had no privacy to exist. she blacked out all her traumatic memories of being bullied (probably more but its blank) after awhile she decided to repress all of her feelings. she didn't want to be gay. so she locked that part of herself away. but i could still scream, so i told her that she was living a lie and tried to convince her to stop. but she was a coward, only wanting to hide in the shadows. i was trapped in the recesses of my mind, i felt like i was locked up on a different planet. after awhile she felt like an intruder in her own life, she started acting different. talking different. dressing different. all of a sudden instead of being a weird grunge lesbian we were a pink hello kitty themed bimbo. i'm not sure if my ex's suggestion made us chose this form, probably. but it was hell. for the sake of anonymity i'll call her the doll. the doll was too kind, too soft spoken. she never spoke her mind, she lived in a fantasy world of her own making. needing the approval and attention of others at all times. she would only wear skirts and she needed EVERYTHING to be pink. her concept of her own reality was cracked. she was a doll, a living doll. i felt trapped and alone when she went away. around the time we first had sex it was my turn. i felt miserable, nothing in my life was my own. i was living in the skin of a grimy and greasy doll. i knew the truth, i knew i was living a lie. i knew i was gay, i tried to call out for help but not in the ways that counted. i wanted to die. i would go to work an feel like everything in my life was a horrible lie. and i was right. but then i was suddenly ok with it again, i continued with my relationship when the thought of leaving it got too scary and real. i had no control over my actions. after i got away from it all (ran away from my life to the woods) i got a lot of time alone, 10 whole months. at times i had a feeling i had DID. i would look back at photos and feel like i've never seen that girl before, like she was an entirely new person. the host ended up finding herself there, creating her own instinct identity away from the doll. she didn't know about me yet, but she was getting close. she still felt conflicted in her soul, because sometimes she just wanted to be an emo boy. all i could do was listen to emo music and write dark poems about a conflicted sense of soul. my notes app full of clues. i had a friend that i liked but it was weird, i only occasionally liked them in a sexual way. most of the time it was lovey dovey maybe we'll hold hands. but at times it was like their was a second person inside of her head. someone less respectful, someone she'd felt before. i never did anything, i was just less respectful than the kindest person on earth. she reached out to this friend in a moment of panic, telling them that she thought she had multiple personalities and the friend called her crazy. she decided to continue repressing this feeling, that friend was smarter than her anyways. as time went on i acknowledged the fact that i had dissociation and identity issues, i was in a state of total dissociation for years as the doll. but i chalked it up to bpd and too much alone time. but about a month ago i moved to a group home and it's gotten stronger. without that time alone and the space to exist without judgement i've noticed more. i am not one person, i am three distinct selves.
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13leaguestories · 2 years
January 2022 Forecast
And thus we now enter another year. I’m so ready for March to be over with, god it feels like it’s been going on forever. The true question will always be, when will March 2020 end.
This is going to be an outlook for the year 2022 (let’s see how many times I fuck up writing that year). And I’d like to say before getting into it, I don’t like this. I just never enjoy attempting to bring an entire year into scope and saying “oh yea, this will definitely be done.” Because who knows. So this is a rough look at what I want to be done and what not.
Will be out … sometime this year. I can’t be anymore specific because I don’t know.
Along with season 3, seasons 1 and 2 are still being overhauled. You’d think that wouldn’t take so much time but damn did Past Tierra not work with Future Tierra in mind. Updates for those will come in design, stat shifting and removing, plot fixes, bug fixes, and a few additions here and there.
Throne of Ashes
This is going to turn into a rant and even though I’m telling myself that I won’t rant and I’ll just simply confirm this, it’s going to turn into a rant. Are you guys ready? Cos I’m not.
Final game will have five routes now. So there is two males, one nonbinary, and two females. The lady is Makaio Sisou from House Phoenix. And as my brain says stop typing there, my fingers continue. Two friends are to thank for that but I just want to say that popping into my asks on Tumblr is not the way to go. Or if you’re going to do that, come at ya girl respectively or some shit. “Hey T, could we possibly get another female route for the straights and lesbians? Just asking because I’m curious” will be taken so much better than “wow, another male? Gosh, you always write male.” If you don’t think my defense is about to go all the way up then you’re wrong. The phrase you catch more flies with honey than vinegar is an actually good one.
This rant wasn’t as bad as I thought, but my mind is reprimanding me so, bleh.
Um … I hope to either have ToA or another fantasy story out this year as well because I need me a win.
Insight and FtC
I grouped these two together because they’re glaring at me right now. FtC more than Insight. Like FtC is so close, it’s 50% done and the ONLY reason I stopped was because I got to a point in the story that is giving me a headache.
RoA Meets Jiwenia
As many as you know, I canceled Dragon Warrior for a number of reasons. One of those is because I wanted to drag into a world that had far more worldbuilding already put into it. And that’s what I plan on doing. This won’t actually be announced until a fantasy story ends but fingers crossed then that it’ll be announced this year as the basics are already figured out.
Everyone will be back (including Allison) and the romances will be the same. Most of their personality is still intact, histories is a bit switched up to fit the new story and time and circumstance. And yes, you will have your dragon.
And hopefully there’s a lot more stuff that just feels small or I’m forgetting. I do have a few other things in mind but it’s so bare that I don’t want to talk about them. Let’s hope 2022 is a good one cos … like … I don’t … anyway!!
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