#i think half the house should visibly hate him and the other half should be distressingly chill about the whole thing
bi-demon-ium · 2 years
listen. while it would be perfectly understandable if kate never forgave curtain for what he did to her family, and that would be so valid and fair, i think it would be extremely funny if she was just very like. yeah it be like that sometimes. and he's like …what. and she's like i mean, yeah, pretty fucked up of you, not thrilled about it, but like, it happened, can't change that, and you had like, problems or whatever, right? haha yeah i was a problem kid too. up top. and he's like i'm not--i'm not high fiving you about this??? and she's like you erase my dad's memory and make me an orphan and you won't even high five me???? damn. harsh. and he's like jesus christ. fine. she gives him the world's hardest high five. later he will realize this wasn't some way of passive aggressively getting back at him in a small way she just high fives literally everyone like that at all times. she's simply vibing. you're not going to do it again, right? (what? erase your father's memory and orphan you? no.) okay then we're good. (SERIOUSLY?) yeah why not lol
like she's just the most insanely stupidly chill about it and it drives him a little bit nuts actually. why doesnt she hate him. what is happening.
meanwhile sticky and/or reynie FULLY do hate him, and milligan is following kate's lead but it's unclear if he's a) actually that chill, just like father like daughter, b) doing it for nicholas's sake and generally to lessen conflict in the house but is dealing it with quietly in his own way, c) doing it because he knows it bothers curtain and thinks its funny
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azriels-shadowsinger · 7 months
you should totally do number 12 with az or rhys 🥺
“When have you ever cared?” “I’ve always cared.”
Azriel x Reader
wc: 2k
a/n: i always love a good rivals to lovers story. warning: descriptions of blood and injuries.
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You hate Azriel. Absolutely hated him. You hate his cocky attitude, you hate the way he never wants you on missions, you hate the way girls seem to fawn over him at Rita’s, and most of all, you hate the way that you can’t stop being attracted to him. Which made the current situation worse, because you were having trouble focusing on training when Azriel was shirtless and sweaty sparring with Cassian across the ring.
After the fifth time of you getting knocked onto the floor by your sparring partner after getting distracted, Emerie eventually gave up on you.
“How are you supposed to be ready for your mission tomorrow if you are so unfocused?” she laughed.
“I’ll be fine. I do-“ You stop speaking when you feel a shadowy presence lurk over you.
“Can I help you Azriel?” You ask sarcastically, turning to face him.
“You’re not going.” Azriel replied gruffly.
“Excuse me?” You scoff.
“I said you’re not going on the mission.” You roll your eyes. Of course he would try to keep you off of yet another mission. You had prepared for that and got Rhysand to personally ensure that you could go this time.
“Take that up with Rhys. He said I’m going.” You say with a victorious smirk.
“We’ll see about that.” He grumbles, storming off towards Rhysand’s office. You wait patiently with a smug smile on your face, pretending to be preoccupied with sharpening your daggers, as he returns.
“You will not do anything without my say so. You will not stray from the mission at all, under any circumstances. If I give an order, you follow it. Do you understand?” He spits angrily, obviously upset over Rhysand’s decision.
“Whatever you say, spymaster. I’ll see you at 6 AM to head out.” You say smugly and turn to leave.
You meet Azriel the next morning, and he is already visibly agitated. After an overly detailed discussion of the mission plan, he winnows the two of you to the mission spot.
Azriel made sure to reiterate the plan again once you arrived, earning an annoyed eyeroll at the implied lack of faith in your skills. The plan was that he would infiltrate the safe house, capture the enemy, and extract him from the building to bring him back for interrogation. You were only there to help carry the unconscious body, apparently. You reluctantly agree to the plan, realizing that arguing would get you nowhere. At least you were allowed to join this time.
“I’ll be back in fifteen minutes. Be ready to winnow.” He whispers before disappearing into the shadows.
Fifteen minutes passed. Then twenty. Then thirty. After forty minutes, you were fully convinced something had gone horribly wrong.
Fuck it. You didn’t care if he got pissed, you’re going in to check that everything is okay.
You move closer to the building and peek into the window. No movement. You sneak closer to the door, slipping inside inconspicuously. Upon entering, you begin to scan the area for any signs of Azriel. You walk further inside turning the corner, and that’s when you see it: blood on the floor, and Truthteller lying discarded next to it. That cannot be a good sign, you think while trying to shove your panic down deep. You quickly pick up the abandoned blade and examine the area closer, following the trail of blood and the sound of voices through the halls. When you finally reach a large room, you see exactly what you were afraid of. Azriel is bound against the wall unconscious and bloody. The target is watching him while conversing with someone, twirling a knife in his hand.
“Just kill him already.” The other fae complains.
“No. Do you not realize who this is, you imbecile? This is the spymaster of the High Lord. Once Rhysand realizes he is missing, he will come try to rescue him, and then we can finally take that undeserving half-breed out. Hopefully, he brings the general, and we can kill the bastard too. Only then will I kill the shadowsinger, but not until we get to have our fun with him. I’m sure there are some juicy secrets of the court we can carve out of him.” You feel nauseated at the sickening grin on the male’s face.
Your duty is to this court, and cannot allow Rhysand and Cassian to be put in danger over this. Nor can you sit by and watch Azriel be tortured by this cruel, idiotic male. Idiotic because he didn’t use magical bindings to lock Azriel up, allowing his shadows to roam free. They circle their master, obviously frantic that he cannot hear them.
A small shadow darts towards you, and soon the rest follow. The shadows swirl around you, expectantly, going completely unnoticed by the two males.
“Um, I’m not entirely sure if you can understand me, but I have a plan. If you all could make it very dark in here, that would be great.” You ask awkwardly, hoping the shadows understand. They apparently do, because soon the entire room goes dark, except for the path between you and Azriel.
“What the- hey!” You hear the other male yell and footsteps run towards you. Unable to see through the shadows, you throw a dagger towards the noise. Without checking to see if you hit your target, you hurry to free Azriel from his chains. Once his hands are free, you grab onto him and attempt to winnow.
Winnowing long distances was always a challenge for you, you’re not sure why. What takes others a single jump takes you five. You hold tightly to Azriel and try to winnow. The world around you begins to fade, turning into blackness. Before the sight can completely fade, however, you see a knife come hurdling towards you, landing directly in your thigh.
The sudden burning pain causes you to lose focus, and the world abruptly reappears around you, causing both you and Azriel to land face first in the dirt of a random forest.
“Fuck!” You yell in pain. Either the fall or the sound of your yelling seems to have roused Azriel because you hear faint grumbling beside you before he falls unconscious again. As you attempt to stand, searing pain shoots down your leg from the wound in your thigh. You bite your lip, trying to ignore the stabbing ache. Now is not the time to focus on your pain. You need to get the two of you to safety, you remind yourself. You pull the blade out from your leg with a cry. Once you compose yourself again, you wrap a piece of cloth torn from your shirt around your leg to stop the bleeding. You grab ahold of Azriel again and attempt to winnow, but for some reason, you can’t. That’s when you notice the faint green tinge on the discarded blade.
“Gods damned faebane.” You curse lowly. You won’t be winnowing anywhere for a while. It’s likely in Azriel too, meaning you two are stuck. Great.
It took over an hour to drag the giant Illyrian through the forest, finally finding an abandoned cabin. By the time you reach it, you feel lightheaded from the blood loss and from hauling Azriel. There is absolutely no way you could lift him, so once he is safely inside on the floor, you search the cabin for first aid materials. You find a roll of gauze and a bottle of liquor. That will have to do, you think.
You manage to bite your tongue through the pain of cleaning and dressing your wound and begin to work on Azriel’s. As soon as the alcohol-soaked cloth touches his cut, the male jolts up in a panic. One quick look around at the unfamiliar cabin and you tending to his injuries, and Azriel freaks.
“What the hell happened? Where are we? Are you bleeding?” He fires on a string of questions, one after another.
“Breathe. We’re okay. You got captured, not entirely sure how honestly, and I had to save your ass. We are waiting here until the faebane leaves our systems.” You try to sound calm, but that doesn’t stop your racing heart. Azriel thinks for a moment, looking around the cabin. His eyes land on the bloody bandaged wound on your thigh again, and he immediately becomes angry.
“You came in after me?” He barks.
“Uh, yeah?” You ask, confused at his anger.
“You disobeyed a direct order!” Azriel growls.
“You were in trouble!” Why the hell are you having to defend yourself for saving him?
“I don’t care. You should’ve followed orders. I would’ve gotten myself free eventually.” He snaps. You huff in annoyance.
“You stupid arrogant male, they were going to torture you! And then use you to lure Rhys and Cass and kill them too! How the hell was I supposed to sit by and let that happen?” You scream angrily. He attempts to stand, wincing at the pain. You want to tell him that he should stay sitting, but it’s unlikely that he will listen.
“You should’ve stayed outside.” He growls, stalking closer.
“You would be dead if I did that!” You stare him down in defiance.
“Yeah, but you wouldn’t have gotten hurt!” That makes you pause. Is that why he’s angry, you wonder.
“Despite what you may think about my skills, I’m perfectly capable of withstanding a minor injury from a mission!” You argue.
“You shouldn’t have to.” He spits coldly.
“Since when do you care what happens to me?” You scoff.
“I’ve always cared.” His voice drops to being barely audible and he turns away. You freeze.
“Nevermind. I’m gonna start a fire while we wait.” He grumbles. You walk around him to face him, blocking the fireplace.
“No, what did you mean you’ve always cared? You hate me. Everyone knows it.” You ask hesitantly. This must be some new attempt to embarrass you or something, you rationalize.
“I’ve never hated you.” He whispers, avoiding eye contact by staring at the floor.
“I don't understand. Then why do you always keep me out of missions? Why do you ignore me any time I try to be nice?” You ask angrily.
“I… fuck.” He runs his hand through his hair before looking you in the eyes. “I couldn’t stand the thought of you getting hurt. Either from missions or by me.” The last words come out quieter than the rest. “I thought that ignoring you and keeping you off missions would keep you kept you at a safe distance. I didn’t want to risk you being targeted just because of how I feel about you.” Your eyes soften at the admission.
“That wasn’t your decision to make. I get to decide what is worth the risk for me.” You say in a gentler tone. Azriel looks at the floor again, shaking his head.
“You don’t get it. Today is a perfect example. The people in my life that I care about are constantly at risk.”
“Did I not handle myself?” You ask, causing him to sigh.
“That isn’t the point. You don’t-“ You cut him off, pressing a kiss to his lips. Azriel stands frozen for a second, before quickly wrapping his hands into your hair and holding you closer. “Fuck it.” He mumbles while kissing you, backing you into the wall.
It’s safe to say that you and Azriel found very good use of your time while you waited for the faebane to wear off.
Rhysand was less than thrilled to hear about the unsuccessful mission when you returned. After you two showed him what happened, obviously leaving out what happened at the cabin, the three of you made a plan to go back and capture the two males. Azriel tried to argue about you going, but one stern look from you and he quickly shut up.
“Well, it seems like you two sorted out your issues.” Rhys laughs, not noticing Azriel’s smirk.
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coca-lastic · 7 months
Here For You | F. Odair
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Summary: Finnick takes care of you when you're on your period
Tw: Menstruation, insecurities, boyfriend!Finnick, stress
A/N: I'm sorry if the representation of menstruation in this story doesn't match your personal experience, normally my fics are created from thoughts I have myself. My first language is not English, so if there is an error I would appreciate it if you could tell me <3
Second day waking up in sheets completely stained with blood. Cursing yourself for not having put darker colored sheets, gray wasn't enough, it seemed.
Normally when you're on your period all you want to do is literally do nothing. You just get up, eat whatever you have in the refrigerator for breakfast, sleep or watch a movie until lunchtime arrives, order something to eat and continue watching series and movies while eating chocolate.
Definitely everything you wanted. But not today. Finnick had invited you for a morning walk for over a week. Apparently he bought you some gifts.
Finnick is too sweet to cancel his plans. So you started to get ready, starting with a hot shower to dull the pain, or at least that's what you wanted because it turned out to be completely useless.
Getting out of the shower you start dressing with the first thing you packed. Of course, you didn't expect to finish dressing, look in the mirror and completely beg for your reflection.
What was the point of showering and getting ready if the result would still be negative?
You hated thinking like that, inside you knew that it was part of the symptoms of menstruation but...what if it wasn't?
Maybe if you looked bad, maybe those clothes didn't flatter you, or maybe the makeup was too little and didn't cover all your imperfections.
How the fuck could you see your boyfriend looking so bad?
First of all, how the fuck would he want to see you looking like that?
Normally you would keep thinking about it, over and over again until you destroy yourself. But not today. It was probably already late, there was no time to overthink. So you decided to look for other clothes.
But there wasn't. There were no clothes that fit you well, there were no clothes that could make your body look like the body you want to have, there are no clothes that can cover those details that you hate so much.
Some tears began to leak from your eyes, you tried to hold them back. It wasn't time to cry. Not today.
But it was difficult, it was difficult to try to contain your thoughts when you always felt that even the smallest thing was against you.
When you finally found some pants that might fit you and tried to put them on, you realized that they were too big for you.
"I should eat more..."
"It should look better..."
No, not now, not today.
When you resumed your search for clothes you heard the doorbell ring in your house and all you wished was that it was a girl wearing something and not your boyfriend.
But no, because today everything was against you.
You walked towards the living room, wearing pants that were too big for you and the shirt from the first outfit, looking terrible.
You opened the door a crack, allowing only your face to be seen. And there he was. How did he manage to look so good at all times? He didn't have to wear many things to look perfect, he didn't have to cover up imperfections to be satisfied, he didn't have to search for almost half an hour until he could make him look handsome.
"Hi hon- hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" His face changed in a single second, it went from one of his perfect, bright smiles to a worried face. Great, you couldn't even keep his happiness intact from him.
"Yeah...I'm fine" you said with your voice a little raspy and broken by the tears you had shed recently. "You're early, what a miracle"
"Honey, I'm 20 minutes late," Finnick commented, his worried face analyzing how little of your body was visible.
"Oh really?" When had time passed so quickly? Maybe when you were in the middle of your emotional crisis, but you didn't remember crying for so long... or maybe you did but you didn't want to admit it. "I'm sorry Finn, I'm not ready yet. Wait for me in the living room, I'll be ready in about 10 minutes" You opened the door a little more to allow him to enter. You were quite ashamed of how you currently looked so as soon as he entered your house you wanted to run to your room to continue with the shit you were doing.
But he grabbed your hand and made you turn to him "Hey love, what's wrong?" “He said in the most caring and loving voice possible, making you feel guilty.
"It's nothing Finnick, I was just a little stressed..."
"Love, if you want to stay home that's fine, and you don't have to keep the stress to yourself. You know I'm here for you when you need a shoulder to cry on." Stay at home? After Finnick has been planning this damn ride for like 2 weeks? Of course not.
"Finnick, I'm fine, and I don't need to cry, it's not that serious, let me go get dressed..."
"Love, your eyes are red and your makeup is a little smudged, don't lie to me. You know that I care about you and if you cry it's okay, it's normal, but don't hold back, talk to me"
"Finnick, I'm fine. I- I was just a little stressed, the walk is going to help me." Of course not, the walk has only caused more stress than menstruation normally brings.
"Honey...I won't bother if you want us to stay."
"Why the hell do you keep insisting so much on staying?! Let's go on the damn ride you've been wanting so much and that's it!" You said desperately, releasing yourself from his grip and walking quickly towards your room.
The tears returned to your eyes. You sat on the floor to continue looking for the right clothes in the mountain of things you had made on the floor. Now not only were you a mess, but your room too.
You rummaged through the clothes but there was nothing. Why the fuck wasn't there anything that made you look pretty?
The pain in your belly began to get stronger when you began to cry. You knew that stress would only make the pain worse, but it wasn't easy to stop it when you knew you had to do something quickly.
You brought your two hands to your belly when you had a very strong pain and simply let the few tears you had managed to contain come out. Tears were streaming down your face, you felt your makeup ruining more than it already was. Everything around you felt like a complete disaster, a cold, stressful mess.
"Love..." Finnick knelt next to you, since when had he been here?
In the middle of the cold environment around you, his arms surrounded you, giving you a comforting warmth, a warmth so beautiful and special. He rubbed the top of your back, giving you silent support. But that didn't stop the pain in your belly.
"Finn... It hurts so much" You whimpered as you put your head on his shoulder and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"What? What hurts you love?" He separated from you a little to examine your body in search of any bruises or cuts. His worried eyes analyzed you.
You didn't let him finish examining you perfectly, you didn't like him getting away, in fact he didn't even stop hugging you, but he walked away. So you pressed him against you again. "My belly...damn, I hate seeing a woman"
“Oh honey…” he continued rubbing his hands on your back. Your statement explained a lot of things and also gave him a clue as to what he could do to calm you down.
Finnick stood up while still hugging you. At the sudden movement you wrapped your legs around his torso. You looked like a koala, hugging him so tightly.
"Hold on tight, pretty girl." He started walking, so you braced your legs a little more around him. You couldn't see where he was going, but when you heard drops of water falling on the floor, you realized he brought you to the bathroom.
But he didn't bring you to take a shower. He grabbed the towel you normally use to dry your hands and dipped it in the hot water from the shower. Then he took you to bed and tried to lay you down, but you didn't want to let go, you were comfortable and after a morning full of stress and pain you didn't want to let go of the comfort.
"Come on love, the towel will help you"
You ignored him, you didn't really want to argue. He put you in a comfortable position and he put the hot towel on your stomach, helping to soothe the pain in a very satisfying way.
"Fucking god..." You sighed with a smile at the satisfaction of the pain subsiding.
"I'll make you some tea and bring you some pills, okay?"
"Finn...no, it's not necessary. Seriously, you wanted to go for a walk with me for days"
"Love, forget that stupid walk. I wanted to spend time with you, not time with the walk" He gave your nose a brief kiss and stood up "The walk was just an extra to the main goal" You followed his steps and tried to get up, but his hand on your arms didn't let you. "Hey, hey, what do you think you're doing?
"Finnick, the room and I are a mess, look at that mountain of clothes, I need to pick them up" He opened his mouth to protest but you interrupted him. "And look at my makeup, it will cause irritation if I don't take it off right now."
"You stay in bed, I'll do it. I can take off your makeup and, if you promise me you'll take off your makeup and stop thinking about the stupid walk, then I'll clean your room." He raised his pinky finger like a little child, hoping you would reciprocate his treatment.
He watched for a few seconds, considering how lucky he had been to find him. And the bad luck he had had in finding you.
"Ok... But I owe you something" you raised your pinky and wrapped it around his, causing him to laugh happily.
"Perfect. I'll bring the makeup remover, then I'll make the tea and bring the pill, ok?"
He ran away like a child who wants to pour a glass of water from his mother in less than a minute. A few seconds later he came with everything he needed to remove the mess on my face. He did it gently, with a delicacy that I don't even use when removing my makeup.
"Ready, first task finished" And as a sign that he finished it, he gave you a brief weight on your lips before running away again, this time next to the towel that was on your belly previously, it was already cold so he decided to return. to warm it up.
On his next arrival he brought you the towel, the pill, a glass of water and another kiss to mark the completion of the task.
And for the last time he left, leaving you quite relaxed, but there were still traces of stress. The room was a mess and being alone in your room the thoughts didn't stop.
Until he arrives again, he is there with a cup of tea and some gift boxes.
"For my beautiful girl, he is the owner of my heart and the only person I clean the room for," he said, handing me the boxes and placing the cup on the table next to the bed. "These are the gifts I wanted to give you, but open them when I'm done cleaning, I want to see your reaction" and there it was, the kiss that declared the gift-giving completed. The kiss was a soft, loving, warm kiss. It made you feel complete, forget about those insecurities that wouldn't let you in peace and from the stress that was kept in your head.
After the kiss Finnick started to pick up the clothes. It took about half an hour to clean up your mess, but he did it. Meanwhile you only see it while you drink your tea. He knew how to make your tea, he knew how to make you happy, how to comfort you, how to cheer you up, he was so perfect.
And you just wish you were as perfect for him as he is for you.
"What's wrong love?"
"Oh, are you done cleaning?"
"Yes, my lady, is there anything else I can please you with?" He gave an acted bow, causing you to giggle lightly.
"No Finn, thank you, you've done enough" You said kissing him, to mark the last task completed.
"I guess now I can fulfill my goal of being with you" he lay down next to you, looking directly into your eyes, seeing you with love, with admiration, with affection. "You are so Beautiful".
And those words hit right in the center of your heart. They were such easy words to say, words that he said to you often, but now they have a different impact because after long hours of thinking of yourself as a total disaster, those words were simply gold to you.
"Are you sure about that? I...Finnick, I don't have a beautiful body. Today I tried to wear these damn pants and they are too big on me and this- this shirt makes me look bad, and- and I've cried like a little girl since that you arrived" Your tears accumulated in your eyes again and you just wanted to repress them there, so that they wouldn't come out.
"My love, don't be mad at me but that's one of the dumbest things I've heard this year. You- Honey I don't even know how to explain how beautiful you are. You don't even have to follow a beauty standard, you are the standard. Even crying you look like the most beautiful person on the entire fucking planet. And probably if I could read my thoughts every time I see you, you would never say things like that."
"But Finn I-"
"No buts, you're beautiful," He began to kiss every part of you, starting with your hands, then he got on top of you without crushing you, he moved the hot towel a little and kissed your belly, then he went up a little higher and kissed near your navel, then he went up to your breasts and, although he did not kiss them so as not to change the warm atmosphere, he passed his lips over the area, creating a ghost effect, he kissed your collarbone, he kissed your neck until he left a mark, he kissed your jaw, he kissed your nose, your ears, your eyes, your forehead, your head, and finally, your lips, he kissed them delicately, and with love. "Fuck, you saying you're not beautiful and me thinking how someone can just exploit the word beauty and be more than that."
"I love you so much Finnick" You said with cries of happiness, love and warmth escaping your eyes "I love you so much"
"I love you too, my love, more than I ever thought I could love." And with that he gave you a kiss on your lips, marking the end of the real task, making you happy. "The gifts, open them."
You got up a little to sit down and grabbed the 3 boxes, one of them was quite large, the other was a medium-sized box, maybe the size of a shoe wedge, and the third was quite small.
You started with the big one, seeing a lot of goodies inside. Chocolates, gummies, cookies. Everything he knew you liked
"Oh Finn, thank you very much. I'll probably eat all the chocolates today" you said looking at him mischievously like a little girl. He just imitated your position and he smiled at you.
You opened the second box, they were books. Your complete favorite damn saga, including the ones you haven't read. You looked at him surprised, your look said more than any thank you you could say. "Finnick, I love you, you're incredible" you said with impressive seriousness, making him laugh.
"Open the third one, it's the best"
You opened the third box, the smallest. And for a few seconds you were just left processing the information, with tears threatening to come out. With happiness overflowing from your heart. And for a moment you thought it was a dream, so you turned to Finnick, waiting for him to confirm or deny your suspicions.
"Will you marry me?"
And at that very moment you realized that nothing would make you happier than marrying him.
"Yes, oh my god, of course!" and you jumped into his arms crying and thinking that you were acting like a girl again.
Until you moved away so you could kiss him and you realized that he was just as happy as you, with teary eyes and a smile so beautiful that you kept it forever in your memory.
"Fuck, I was extremely nervous, I think my heart stopped for a moment" he said laughing more, staring into your eyes, eyes as teary as his own.
And you stuck your lips to his, swearing that you were going to be as perfect for him as he is for you and you were going to do everything he had done for you.
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I literally improvised the marriage proposal so I don't know if it's shit or it turned out well, but I hope you enjoyed it <3
Finnick Odair watching Snow's death be like:
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maylovessyou · 8 months
Part 1 - Why you out of everyone?
This is the first part of my story, there are no extremely sensitive topics so the only tw is swearing.
Hope you enjoy💞
Word count: 1,000+
You were new in Kortac, a newbie. You joined not because you wanted to serve the country and all of that bullshit, no, you joined because that was the only shelter you could find. No family, no friends, no one.
You socialised with pretty much everyone, despite your young age no one saw that as a problem. You talked and joked with everyone, everyone beside the colonel. König.
He hated you, he hated the fact that you weren't as skilled as the others, that you wasn't as agile and strong as the others, that you were, oh, so young. And most of all he hated that joined the army under his same circumstances, being left alone against the world.
Everything was going fine, you and König ignored and avoided each other for god's sake, and that was a good thing actually, no arguments and yelling in the corridors or the headquarters.
One day, though, the captain calls you to his office and there you find him, you start fuming but try not to make a scene in front of the captain, so you take a seat next to the colonel, in silence.
The captain slides across the table a picture, "you two will be sent to Bruxelles, it's a very important mission." "Your first" says as he points at you, "with this we'll decide whether or not your worth keeping."
"And another one for you, colonel." says as he points at König.
"I know you two aren't on the best of terms, but this is important for the squad." He sternly says. "Besides... It's 7 months that you'll spend in the same house, I bet you'll become best friends by then." He sarcastically teases the both of you.
You don't say anything and just look at the flyer he'd given you, it's a pretty cottage in the woods, the one you've always dreamed of... But then you remember his words. 7 months with König, the house might be one from your dreams, but everything that ocmes with it is straight out of a nightmare.
Since you were a mere soldier every single one of your protests won't have any effect on the captain's decision, so you hope that König will say something, that he'll argue to be put with someone else. But no, he just nods and gets up.*
"I'll prepare my luggages then." König finally speaks, his tone colder than ice, yet somewhat calm.
You don't say anything and stand up as well, then head to your room and begin to pack your stuff. In no time you're put in a flight to Bruxelles and at the arrival you're given a car, nothing old nor fancy, enough to make you unrecognizable to the eyes of citizens, and the enemy, of course.
From where you land to the house there's an hour and a half in car, and it feels like an eternal hell, bound in the same plane, now the same car, and for months under the same roof.
For the whole ride you think back at the captain's word... "You might be sent away for so much time, but until the enemy doesn't move, you stay at home and don't make yourself visible more than what you should.", "You'll grow to, well, maybe not love each other, but at least there won't be any yelling in the middle of the night 'jusy because'."
Then the car stops, you look at the house you previously saw in a photo, you get your luggages and get inside.
The house is well fornitured and very aesthetic, just like you imagined.
You take a look around walk down an isle, on the sides there are two bedrooms, and you choose the bigger one.
You quickly put all your stuff away, take out one of your biggest teddy bears and collapse on the bed, taking a nap.
König explores the house a little later than you, he peeks through the room and sees that you've already fallen asleep in one, the bigger one, without even talking about it first so he curses at you. "Little bitch, always getting what you want." he sighs in frustration "even sleeps with stuffed animal, such a child!" He whisper-yells to himself, your sight alone pissing him off.
He walks away from your door and gets into the other rooms, he also puts his stuff away and drops on the bed, falling into a deep sleep.
After some time you feel refreshed and yku wake up, when you check the time it's 7.34pm so you decide to make something for dinner.
You get up and as you walk out of your room you see that the door to König's room is wide open and you see that he's sleeping peacefully. You don't say anything and just walk away.
You get to the kitchen and start to boil some water, then cook the pasta and make a sauce. You plate the food and hesitantly walk to his room again.
"König... I made dinner, come eat. You haven't eaten anything all day." You almost whisper, your tone caring, hiding the hatred you feel for him.
After a couple of seconds he turns around, the muscles on his bare back flexing with every movement, and looks at you perplexed, "I'm coming." He mutter as he tried to get up.
So after some time you two are in the kitchen, eating together, in complete silence.
When you're almost done eating, you're phone starts to buzz, someone's calling you under the name of "love", and König can't help but look at the screen. "Who is she calling love?" He thinks to himself, questioning the girl in front of him.
You excuse yourself and pick up, walking out of the kitchen and into a more closed space.
"Heyy, how are you??" You say, a female voice excitedly replies "good y/n, and you? We haven't talked in AGES!!" She quickly muttere, happy to hear from her best friend again.
"Nothing much." You reply, "I've been assigned a mission and I i have to share a house with him. You say rolling your eyes.*
Your best friend bursts out laughing from the other side of the phone and begins to rant about how unlucky you are.
You two laughed together at the whole situation and even made a little harsh comments... all without noticing that König was in fact behind you, listening at the whole conversation.
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messysketchyobeyme · 1 year
Can Demons Purr?
Satan/Gender-Neutral Reader
This fic is set in Nightbringer!
“Can we do that?”
Satan shook his head, seemingly too entranced by the kitty to formulate complete thoughts. “I mean, can demons purr?” He gazed at you, tilting his head slightly to the side. “I’ve only had a body for a year at this point, and I’m still learning about what it’s capable of.”
"...Let’s see for ourselves, shall we?”
Word Count: 2,200
Yet another fight had broken out between the brothers, and Lucifer had called you over to stop Beelzebub from destroying the kitchen…again. You had half the mind to tease Lucifer over the phone for relying so much on you when just a couple of months ago he all but said that he’d rather drop dead than have an attendant to babysit him and his brothers. However, Lucifer’s quiet, exhausted voice made you bite your tongue and head right over. 
Although you were still miffed at being downgraded from family to class mediator in the blink of an eye, you began your trek to the House of Lamentation without one of your usual complaints. It was one of the few moments you could hang out with the brothers, even though most of that time was spent ensuring they didn’t get themselves into trouble.
…Now that you thought about it, maybe things weren’t so different, after all. 
As you walked up the path toward the brothers’ home, you spotted Satan standing in the garden. 
You did a double take to confirm that, yep, Satan was there with his back facing toward you, his fists clenching and unclenching rapidly. His entire body was tense with his shoulders hunched over. 
Huh. You had assumed that Satan was involved in the fight but apparently not. A small sliver of guilt washed over you, but you quickly dismissed it.
Glancing over at the House of Lamentation, you didn’t see a hole being struck through the wall or anything else out of the ordinary. You probably had a few minutes to see what was up with Satan before having to head inside and placate the rest of the brothers. 
You cautiously stepped toward Satan. The grass crunched softly underneath your shoes. “Hey, Satan. What’s up?”
Satan’s breath hitched as he whipped his head around to face your direction. He visibly relaxed when he saw you making your way over. “I thought you were one of my brothers.” He turned back around to where he was facing before. 
Should you have been offended by that? Either way, you noted that he didn’t answer your greeting or your question. “What are you looking at?” you asked. 
You followed his line of sight to see a beautiful calico cat playfully swatting the plants that lined the base of the tree she was under. Splotches of black decorated the orange bits of her fur, which practically glowed under the moonlight. No wonder Satan was so enthralled. 
“That cat over there.” Satan pointed, confirming what you had thought. “I’ve been trying to pet her all day, but she keeps running away from me. I hate it.” Satan kicked the dirt, uprooting some of the grass with it. 
“Well, cats can be skittish creatures at times. If you’re not careful, you may end up scaring her.”
“I’m not scary!” Satan snapped. 
You took a sharp breath and tensed up. Even the cat seemed to momentarily raise her head at his outburst. Satan’s furrowed eyebrows relaxed into a face that you couldn’t quite name. That happened a lot with Satan, you noticed. Whenever his enraged expression would melt away, it would always be replaced by something you didn’t have the emotional intelligence to understand. Was it regret, sorrow, or something else entirely?
“I never said you were,” you said softly. In any other circumstance, you would have given Satan a hug by now, but this wasn’t your Satan. This one was still hesitant about receiving physical affection and would often rebuke any attempts.
 He looked away. “Asmo tried to teach me how to be more approachable to cats the other day, but I think he was just using it as an excuse to dress me up.” 
“Was he now?” you said in amusement. You could tell that Asmodeus was trying his best to befriend Satan, even though his actions tended to be a little off the mark. “I can teach you, instead. I’m pretty sure I have more experience in dealing with cats.”
It was subtle, but Satan’s eyes lit up. “Would you?”
You nodded, smiling at him. “Yes, of course.” His wide-eyed expression was so cute that you had to physically stop yourself from pinching his cheek. “As I said before, cats tend to be kind of timid, so it’s important that you let them come to you rather than the other way around.” 
Ah, if only you had some cat food on hand to draw her over here. You could try to get something from the fridge, but Beelzebub’s rampage probably meant that the kitchen was off-limits for now. You’d have to do without. 
“Here, why don’t we sit down?” You almost grab his shoulders, intent on gently guiding him down, before stopping in your tracks. 
Although you and Satan definitely had a more amicable relationship compared to when you first met, you still weren’t entirely sure if he was comfortable with you touching him just yet. Instead, you sat down and patted the grassy area next to you. Satan followed suit, sitting crossed-legged. His knee was barely touching yours. 
“Like this?” he asked quietly.
You clapped your hands together. “Exactly like this. And now, we wait.”
“For how long?”
You shrugged. “For however long it takes for her to come over here.” The cat was now batting a couple of stray sticks that must have fallen off of the tree. “She seems to be naturally curious, so it shouldn’t take long.”
“Oh, okay,” Satan said. After a few seconds of him twiddling his thumbs, he asked, “Do cats have soft fur?”
“Most do,” you answered, “Though, it depends on how well groomed it is.”
“Her fur looks soft.”
“It does.”
Satan tapped his legs. “I hope I’ll get to feel it soon.” 
You hoped so, too. 
The cat was now chewing on the stick, her tail swishing behind her. She was much closer to the two of you than before, but she was still a long way away.
Satan hummed. He plucked at the grass surrounding his shoes. “I like it when she meows. It doesn’t happen often, but it’s cute.”
“Is it?”
“Yeah, I hope you’ll be able to hear it soon.”
Your heart quivered. That was a sweet sentiment. You became lost in thought as the crows chirped overhead. You missed Satan dearly, as you did with the rest of the brothers from the present, but this wasn’t so bad. You enjoyed seeing a different side to the brothers that you never thought you’d ever get to know. 
You flinched when Satan slammed his hand on your knee. “She’s coming,” he whispered urgently. 
Sure enough, the cat was casually strolling over in your direction. Her tail was curved upward into the shape of a question mark, and her green eyes darted around curiously. She came to you first, butting her head against your leg. You held your hand in front of her nose to give her some time to sniff you. When she did, you began to scratch behind her ears, quietly cooing at the way her ears twitched. 
Satan was staring intently at the cat, who was leaning into your hand to get more pets. She was a greedy little thing, wasn’t she? You grinned. “What are you waiting for?” you whispered.
Satan absentmindedly squeezed your knee. You didn’t think he realized he was doing it. “I’m afraid I’ll scare her again,” he said. His voice was strained. 
“May I?” you asked. Satan hesitantly nodded. 
You gently lifted up his hand and guided him toward the cat. Satan bristled at your touch but soon relaxed when you, with your hand on top of his, showed him how to pet the cat along its back. She chirped happily, and you removed your hand, allowing Satan to stroke her fur on his own. 
A tiny smile appeared on his face. It was so subtle that you probably wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t looking directly at him. “It is soft,” Satan muttered in astonishment. 
The cat flopped down on her back, revealing the white fur along her stomach. Satan drew his hand back, now unsure what to do now that his only petting spot was covered. He looked at you for guidance, and you jerked your head forward to silently say, “Go on.”
Satan wavered for a few seconds before copying what you had done before. He scratched the cat behind her ears, causing her to flick her head back. Satan’s face brightened up, and his eyes danced in excitement. His giddiness was palpable as you found yourself smiling, as well.
The cat closed her eyes and let out a tiny mewl. A low vibrating-like sound emanated from her as she cuddled up to Satan’s hand. 
His mouth fell open. “What is that?” he asked incredulously.
Satan had to be careful about getting that innocent look in his eyes, or else you’d fall in love with him all over again.
“She’s purring,” you said, “It means she’s happy. She likes you.” You reached over and gave the cat a few good strokes along the top of her head.
His voice was breathy and quiet. “I like her, too,” he said, “Can other animals purr?”
You scratched your cheek. “Uh, I’m not actually sure. I think some wild cats can purr, too.”
“Can we do that?”
Satan shook his head, seemingly too entranced by the kitty to formulate complete thoughts. “I mean, can demons purr?” He gazed at you, tilting his head slightly to the side. “I’ve only had a body for a year at this point, and I’m still learning about what it’s capable of.”
You racked your brain to try to think of any moment when you had heard any of the demon brothers purr. Aside from any cat-spell-related mishaps, you didn’t recall a particular moment. If you had to pick, you guessed your Satan was the one who’d come closest to ‘purring.’ He’d often hum in contentment whenever you massaged his head or gave him a back scratch. But, did that count?
You were about to shake your head when you bit your lip and paused. What if demons could purr, and you’ve just never heard it before? Although that would be a low blow to your ego, you didn’t want to give Satan the wrong information. If he found out later on that demons could actually purr, that would put your integrity–and very identity–on the line. 
As you were deliberating this little dilemma of yours, the cat sat up. Satam froze as she shook her body and sauntered off. Her tail waved in the air as she disappeared into the distance, off to go play with who knows what.
Satan winced and started anxiously massaging his hand. “Did I do something wrong?” He sounded uncharacteristically meek, which put you on edge. 
“No, no, you didn’t,” you said, “She probably just had her fill of pets for now. We’ll probably see her again later today.”
“Oh. I hope we see her soon, then.”
You hummed, thinking that you were safe. “I do, too.”
Satan turned to face you. “As for my question?” His eyes were soft, yet curious. 
Dang it. 
Small beads of sweat prickled your back. “Yes, well, um, let’s see for ourselves, shall we?” You reached out toward him, your hand hovering just before his face. 
Satan tensed, tightening his jaw. His pupils fluttered around, as though desperately searching for a hint of mockery in your expression. When he found none, his cheeks slowly reddened as if he just now understood what you were asking. The blush that threatened to engulf the entirety of his face complimented the color of his eye. It was cute. He was cute. 
He looked down, squeezing his eyes shut in what you hoped wasn’t shame. Then, gradually, he nodded, finally granting you the permission you were waiting for. 
You tenderly grasped the underside of his jaw and gently scratched the area leading to his ear. You had expected him to stiffen up immediately, but you found him unwinding himself under your touch. 
Satan was trying to fight the feeling, judging by the way his eyebrows had stitched together, but, soon enough, he gave up. Satan leaned into the palm of your hand, and a soft sigh accidentally escaped his lips. A wobbly, lopsided grin stretched onto his face when you started caressing him behind the ear. 
However, he didn’t purr. You withdrew your hand. “I guess that settles it, demons can’t–”
Satan gripped your wrist so tightly that you jumped. “Please,” he muttered, a hint of desperation on the edge of his voice, “Don’t stop.” Satan’s hand was trembling as he placed your hand back to where it was before. With a vague sense of curiosity, you noted that his eyes were wet.
…Well, he had asked so nicely. How could you possibly have refused? You were certain that Lucifer could handle things on his own. Besides, as a certified demon attendant, it was your responsibility to ensure the happiness of all of the brothers. You went right back to petting the side of Satan’s face, delighting in the way he melted under your fingertips. 
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nicka-nell · 2 months
What do you think about Iwa as bodyguard of reader who needs a personal bodyguard 24/7 at her side cause of her rich dad and Iwa who gets mad at her bratty attitude because she's always running away? 🤭
Hi & Oooh interesting! I like it! I wrote a little scenario about it, I hope you like it. 😇💚
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Behave - Iwa as your bodyguard
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Pairing: Iwaizumi x reader
Note: Iwaizumi as bodyguard, slightly nsfw-ish, mdni
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You should be in bed… quiet, under your damn blanket and not half-naked in that short black dress sitting on a guy’s lap, making out with him.
God, how Iwaizumi hates it when you behave like such a brat. That you sneak out of the house, knowing full well that this is the easiest way to get his attention. The most effective one on top of that. Because Iwaizumi’s blood is boiling. Why do you always do this to him? It’s like you’re trying to make his job as difficult as possible.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing here?” His voice is low and dangerous as he pulls you away from the stranger by your wrist. Without even giving you the chance to reply, Iwaizumi wordlessly drags you out of the bar, shoving you in the passenger seat of his car. “You’re coming home with me whether you like it or not. End of discussion,” he adds firmly.
“Why are you like this? I’m not allowed to have fun with other guys? Should I die as a fucking virgin?” you whine and watch him roll his eyes before shutting the passenger door. Iwaizumi walks around to the driver’s side, taking a moment to compose himself before getting in and starting the engine.
“Look, brat, it’s my job, my fucking responsibility, to keep you safe.” There’s a slight tremor, a roughness in his voice that goes beyond just a professional concern. “And believe me, those guys? They’re not safe.” Damn brat… why do you always make things complicated… Iwaizumi thinks as his grip on the steering wheel tightens, his knuckles turning white.
“Doesn’t answer my question.” You roll your eyes again and turn towards him, even if he tries with all his might to look at the road and not at you. This wrinkle between his brows is getting bigger. Oh, how cute and sexy he is when he gets angry. “Or are you perhaps jealous? You want me to give you head?” You tease him, knowing full well that this will make him furious.
Iwaizumi’s grip on the steering wheel tightens even more. His veins are visible on his skin, as he exhales sharply, trying to keep his composure. “Damn it, you’re impossible,” he mutteres under his breath.
Even as he tries so hard to look at the road in front of him, Iwaizumi steals a quick glance at you, noticing how tipsy you are. Pretty... but no, that's not the point. You're drunk, so arguing with you in this state is pointless and the last thing he wants is for things to escalate further. So he tries to make it clear to you one more time that you should stay quietly in your passenger seat and stop saying such lewd things.
“Look,” Iwaizumi says more softly but still with a firm voice that left no room for debate as he focuses back on the road. “You’re drunk and not thinking straight. We’re getting home first and then you’ll sober up and we can talk about your behavior.”
“Talk? Or do you want to tell me that I’m a naughty girl and what I’ve done wrong by fucking me senseless?” you smirk and lick your lips, eyes fixed on him, before your fingers find their way to his crotch. Painfully slow, you start stroking the fabric of his pants.
Iwaizumi's breath is caught in his throat as your fingers brush against his crotch, sending a surge of electricity through his body. He can feel himself reacting to your touch, his cock pressing against the fabric of his pants. His jaw clenches harder, trying to suppress the desire growing inside him.
“Stop,” your bodyguard growls, his voice low and strained.
Iwaizumi’s eyes darting to you briefly, then back to the road, the mix of annoyance and lust swirling in his mind. Fuck, why is she touching me like this? Am I really that weak? He thinks.
When he took the job as your personal bodyguard back then, your father had strict rules. Your safety has top priority. He must always be by your side or nearby so that he can react in an urgent situation. He must keep you away from shady men or scandals, and he must always remain professional. No relationship, special treatment or similar.
It would be easy if you hadn’t grown into such an attractive woman over the years, if you weren’t deliberately swinging your sexy ass past him in the tightest clothes, and if you weren’t so damn rebellious. How often did he fall for your “you can come in” when he knocked on your door in the morning to pick you up and you were only standing in front of him in a towel? Brushing it off your body as you looked back over your shoulder into his wide eyes. You always smirked at him in a naughty way and slowly picked up your towel with an “oops”. Oh, how much he wanted to lock the door, grab you by your hips and ram his cock into you with full force. And you knew it.
“You’re playing with fire, brat,” he warns you, his voice deep and husky as he stops at a red light. “If we keep this up, you’ll get burned.” Despite the danger of giving in, Iwaizumi can't resist leaning in closer. So close that you can feel his breath on your lips. His hand comes up to cup your cheek, thumb stroking your lower lip as he suddenly pulls you back into your seat.
“Behave,” He commands dangerously and strictly. His eyes pierce yours before they wander hungrily down to your soft lips, eyeing your body. “Or we’ll both regret it later.” He adds, knowing that his resolve is crumbling. He was only seconds away from giving in completely. From pulling over to the side of the road, flipping the passenger seat backwards and pinning you beneath his body. From sealing your provocative grin with his lips and turning you into a moaning mess.
“Regret it? Behave? Oh, Hajime, now I’m so afraid. What will happen if I don’t… behave?” You whisper boldly and lean towards him again.
Iwaizumi’s eyes darkens with a mixture of frustration and lust as he meets your gaze. Your smirk make him furious, but it also ignits something primal within him. He can feel his restraint slipping away, even more than before.
“Or I’ll show you exactly what happens when you push me too far,” he growls, with a low and dangerous voice. Damn it... you know exactly how to get under my skin, he thinks. He can’t take his eyes off you. His surroundings, the red traffic lights are entirely forgotten.
Iwaizumi’s hand moves from your cheek down to your neck, fingers wrapping around your skin just enough to make you shiver without actually hurting you. However, the touch is possessive, almost claiming.
“You think this is a game, brat?” Iwaizumi continues, leaning closer so his breath mingled with yours again. “Keep pushing me and you’ll find out just how serious I can be.”
Despite the warning in his words, there is an undeniable desire behind them. A promise of something more, something forbidden, if only you keep teasing him like this. For a second, you’re both silent. Iwaizumi fights against the urge to pull closer towards you, having his way with you right here.
“Pushing you sound lovely. What can a tame lion like you do anyway?” You tease as you lift your fingers to play with the buttons of his shirt, pulling him slightly towards you.
Iwaizumi’s eyes flash dangerously as you continue teasing him. You really don’t know when to stop... or maybe you do know and just love driving me insane, he thinks. No, he’s sure you’re doing this on purpose.
“Tame lion?” Your bodyguard echoes mockingly. “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into, brat.” Leaning in close until his lips were mere inches from yours, Iwaizumi raises his hand to glide his fingers over your collarbone before stopping at your throat.
“Keep pushing, and I’ll show you exactly how wild this ‘tame lion’ can get.” He whispers darkly. But you counter directly, with a purring “just empty words.”
Iwaizumi’s eyes darkens further at your words, a mix of anger and desire swirling within them. He leans in closer, his lips almost brushing against yours. Just before your lips can touch, he halts and stares deep into yours with those dark eyes of his. You feel your heart beating rapidly against your ribcage and don’t even notice how you’re holding your breath.
“Empty words?” He whispers back harshly. “You’ll see.” Just as he’s about to close the last gap completely and claim your mouth with his own, a car honks loudly through the tension-filled air. The light had turned green, and an impatient driver behind you made their presence known. Both of you flinch at the sound.
Damn it. Not now… Iwaizumi thinks. With a frustrated growl that vibrates deep in his throat. Iwaizumi pulls away from you, but not before giving you one last intense look. A silent promise that this isn’t over yet.
“We’ll finish this later,” he mutters under his breath. And so you did...
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rhineposting · 1 year
Lilith and hunter bonding post emperor' coven leave. It would be quite akwarkd at the beginning but I can see those two get along like a house on fire if you given them a chance. 
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We should have seen them interact at least once, you're so right anon.
edit : per suggestion decided to add a description for screen readers. should probably start adding those to all my drawings now that I think about it.
Image description: digital sketches of Hunter and Lilith from The Owl House, in slight variations of their late Season 2 designs. In the first panel, they're awkwardly looking away from each other, and Hunter asks: "...So, did you know?" regarding the history of his abuse.
Lilith replies: "I. Had some suspicions." to which Hunter replies: "...Did you hate me?"
Lilith tells him: "No. I was too busy looking over my shoulder 24/7." Lilith is visibly feeling guilty. "...I'm sorry."
In the second panel, they're wearing an oversized T-shirt together that reads: "We spent all our lives in a cult and all we got is this shirt." They're both sweating, and Hunter's giving a thumbs up with half of his face hidden in the shirt. He's slowly running out of oxygen. Meanwhile Lilith grins and waves enthusiastically in slight derangement, trying to make light of their unfortunate situation. There's a fire raging in the background : a metaphor for their mental health being engulfed in flames. End description.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Jason actually getting secret reader to go out with him (even if it’s just a walk around the block or a five minute rip to the store) and they run into Bruce by complete accident?
It was depressingly wet, even for Gotham. The rain and the clouds hadn't let up all day. It was one of those days where even the most hardened Gothamites had taken shelter and the street was mostly empty.
In other words, it was a perfect day to coax you into leaving the house. You didn't have to worry about being seen- or worse, recognized by someone who knew someone who knew your family. You know. Since you were supposed to be dead. Or rather "Missing and presumed dead". They still had some time before they could just kill you off since there wasn't a body.
Or so Jason thought anyway.
You saw someone approaching before he did. Jason was too busy watching you- Even with him next to you, playing muscle, you made yourself as small as possible. And when he felt you tense it took all his self-control not to groan.
Of course Bruce was out. And of course he was here. If he didn't KNOW where to find him, he'd have been surprised. But then, Bruce looked genuinely confused to see him so- maybe not.
"Hey," Jason answered, trying not to feel awkward, tightening his grip on you just slightly to keep you from bolting all the way home and hiding under the bed.
"Who's your-" Bruce hesitated just slightly, not sure what to say. Or if he should say anything. You look like you'd probably rather jump in front of a train than be spoken to.
"This is Y/N," Jason said, wishing now that he'd let you grab your scarf and your gloves as you shove your hands into your pockets. He'd been trying to get you to a place where you didn't feel like you had to hide. And he knows you're thinking Bruce is staring at the burn scars that are visible instead of doing whatever Batman shit he's doing in his head. "Y/N this is Bruce."
"Pleased to meet you," you answer. Your voice is barely audible over the hiss of the rain and Jason winces slightly. He'd never really heard what you sounded like before. And he knows you've been trying to sound 'better'. To soften the shock when you did speak but- he hated it. To him, you sounded fine as it was.
"This weather," Bruce said, gesturing vaguely to the sky, tutting. "I won't keep you. I'll let Jason get you back inside before you both catch a cold."
"We'll be fine," Jason snorted.
"Go home," Bruce scolded, "You don't even have a coat. At least Y/N had the sense to bundle up."
Jason pulled you a little closer and kissed the top of your head, "You're out here-"
"I have a meeting," Bruce said, "And unfortunately it's already been rescheduled twice." He rolled his eyes, "You'd know if you ever came home-"
"Bold of you to assume I don't just come when you're not there," Jason said, smirking.
"Take your young lady home so she can teach you manners," Bruce said primly. "And how to dress." And before Jason can say anything else, Bruce winks at you and walks into the building he'd been about to enter. And Jason lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. That could have gone worse. Much worse.
"I'd rather you teach me how to undress," Jason said, letting you turn towards home and adjusting to keep you away from the street.
"Just saying," he teased.
"Half my body just feels like leather-"
"Hardly," he said. "Y/N it's not as bad as you think it is-"
"Last time I went to the store a kid cried when they saw me."
You shake your head and walk faster, forcing him to lengthen his stride to keep up with you and Jason felt his heart twist. You'd been tortured. Burned and beaten. All because they thought you knew things you didn't. Because they thought they had your twin- the one who'd done all the shady shit to start with. And then your own family had just added insult to injury. Because you wouldn't look good on a Christmas card. And not for the first time, he was thankful you weren't with them. Because even if he couldn't protect you from everything, he knew the rest of his family wouldn't think twice about what you looked like. Not once they knew you the way he did.
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
rivals au w/ solomon
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includes: solomon x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .5k | rated t | m.list | pt 2
a/n: glad i had this drafted so i could post it today lololol
warnings: mentions of violence, depictions of blood, cursing
please reblog!
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“this,” you say, when solomon opens the door to find you standing on the step of purgatory hall, only half-visible due to the crappy porch lighting. “does not mean i’ve given up. however, temporary truce?”
solomon smirks. “well, well, well, if it isn’t mc. here to give up and finally admit i’m the smarter and cooler sorcerer?”
“were you not listening?” you push past him, not waiting to be let in. “i literally said that’s not what i’m here to do. dumbass.”
you shed your soaked jacket and drop it on the floor, uncaring of the fact that solomon’s the one who has to pick it up, wringing as much water as you can out of your hair. it had been pouring all day, and it looks like you’d been caught in the storm.
“i tend to tune you out when you talk,” solomon replies helpfully, and you bare your teeth at him in a facsimile of a smile.
“funny. real funny, solomon.”
it’s only when he flicks on the overhead light that he sees your split lip and bruised cheek. idly, you scratch at your jaw and he sees your knuckles are raw and red, some still bleeding.
“what the hell happened to you?” solomon asks, something unfamiliar thrumming in his chest. who dared to put his hands on you? everyone knew you were off-limits.
so that he could fully beat you and put you in your place himself. only because of that. everyone knew how much the two of you hate one another- diavolo rules the devildom, the sun never rises in the east, and solomon and mc hate one another.
you roll your eyes. “don’t get your panties in a twist, but some witches tried to start shit. i, obviously, put an end to it. but i can’t go back to the house of lamentation, because, well, you know the boys and i just do not have the energy to deal with them right now.”
“so you came here?”
something in his tone must have clued you into his disbelief because you fix him with a stare. “not as my first choice. but the library is closed, i can’t go outside because of the rain, and the restaurant i was at kicked me out because i-” you form air quotes “-was scaring the other customers and making them loose business.”
“huh,” solomon says. “i didn’t know restaurants in the devildom would do that sort of thing?”
“i know right?” you agree, throwing your hands in the air. “they literally serve live sacrifices but this is too far?”
your sneer causes your lip to begin to bleed again, and you curse, staunching the flow on your sleeve.
“disgusting,” solomon mutters, fetching you a kleenex from the box literally right by your arm. “here, use this.”
you don’t bother to thank him, not that he expected anything different.
“you should probably disinfect all of that,” solomon eventually says, gesturing generally to your injuries. “there’s first aide in the bathroom under the sink.”
“what,” you say mockingly, “not going to offer to bandage me up yourself?”
he scowls. “not unless you want me to be generous with the peroxide.”
you chuckle then, and he smiles, before catching himself. what’s he doing, joking around with you? you two are rivals. rivals! not friends, or anything else like it.
you disappear into the bathroom, but leave the door open.
“wait,” solomon says, “how’d you know where the bathroom is?”
you fix him with a dry look. “i’ve been here before.”
“what? why?”
“to snoop through your room and steal all of your secrets, obviously. no, dipshit, simeon invited me over.”
“that bastard,” he hisses, and you smirk.
“what? mad that your friend likes me more than you?”
“in your dreams,” he scoffs back, and you stick out your tongue. the effect is somewhat ghoulish due to the bruises and blood and everything, but his gut still fills with something warm. almost endeared.
get a grip, he thinks furiously, looking away and hoping you don’t see his blush. his angry blush, because he hates you. really, really hates you.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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acesofspadess · 1 year
a/n: its the big three...
summary: Louis ends up talking about his relationship with you and avocados
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The news had been out for a few months now that you, Louis, Niall and Harry were in a committed relationship. And while it wasn't exactly news to your fans who had predicted it since you had all met during the One Direction days, people had opinions they felt had to be heard. You four already kept your personal lives to yourselves, but the occasional ‘my girlfriend’ or ‘my boyfriend’ would present itself in interviews or shows.
Louis was at LADbible for a day of interviews  and was currently doing a snack war.
“You know i feel really bad for saying this because i actually really fucking hate baked beans.” He looked up at the crew in front of him, seeing their faces. “I must be one of the only men in England- or only person in England that hates baked beans, yeah.” He brought the plate to his side listening to Becky, a crew member, try and give him the easiest way to eat it. 
“Go on, let me.” he flipped his eyesight to the other bowl. “And what have we got here? What's this?” he put down the fork before switching back to the beans. “I'll come to this in a sec shall? Right. Oh, i fucking hate beans, do you know what? For you lot, though, I will give it a go. Oh, H will never let me live this down.” He sprinkled some cheese on top, completely missing his mention of one of his significant others. “It must be fifteen years since I've had some beans.”
He listened to Becky explain what was in the bowls, apologizing for not explaining himself. “I don't know, they're just weird.” was his response to why he didn't like it. He took the smallest bite he could and chewed with a pained expression. “Oh, fucking awful, man. Oh that's gross, man.” he shook his head hoping that would diminish the taste from his mouth.
“Right, mac and cheese, fucking staple.” he moved onto the bowl of pasta after taking a drink to rid the taste of beans from his mouth. “Again ‘american’ right? Cause it looks Italian to me.” he took a hefty bite and relaxed in his chair. “Banging though. I had a lot of mac and cheese, or a lot of cheesy pasta, growing up as a kid. To be fair, for my little lad Freddie, my girlfriend - who is half Italian, makes him a lot of cheesy pasta, so… I'd have to go with that.”
“Is there anything else she makes for him? Or is that like the staple?” Becky asked out of pure curiosity.
“My fans are gonna hate me for this, she makes a lot of food from her Trinidad side and one thing we always have in the house is avocados, Freddie loves it when she makes them. She makes those and - i know it's not the right wording but like candied bananas. Those are really good. Actually-”
He took out his phone from his pocket and tapped a few buttons before the facetime ringing was heard. “I really hope she answers otherwise that would be-” he cocked his head with a laugh and watched as the call connected, your beautiful face popping up on the screen.
“Hey love.” a smile so big was plastered on his face as he saw you. “Hey Lou. I thought you were filming still?” your washed Trini accent was heard through the phone, confusion laced within. “I am,” he walked in a circle to show you and laughed. “I don't think you should be on your phone in the middle of an interview, Lou.”
“No I'm not. I wanted to ask you a question though.” The phone was now visible for the cameras to see and they could see you cock your head with questions. “Alright then.” 
“When you make avocados for us you make like this candied banana but i forgot what they're called and i don't want to keep saying ‘candy bananas’ like a wanker.”
Your laugh as well as others was heard and he just shook his head at you. “Its fried plantains Lou. and you can have them sweet or salty. Just like avos.” he was mesmerized with the way you spoke about things from your culture, “Thank you love.”
“Was that it?” you asked, adjusting your sunglasses as you walked out of the shade. “What are you doing and who are you with?” he asked, remembering the second laugh he heard. “I'm with Ni right now. We just went out to this little cafe before going back to the studio where H and Freddie are.” you showed him Niall who made a silly face at lou. “Alright love, I will call you when I'm done. Love you both.” 
Niall who was no longer in frame was heard shouting an ‘ i love you’ back and you giggled. “I love you Lou.”
“Give my love to H and Freddie will you?”
“Of course Lou.”
“Alright , alright, I'll see you later.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
And as he went to hang up Niall's second ‘love you’ was briefly heard. “Right, fried plantains and ‘avos’ as my girlfriend says. The only way I eat them. Fucking avocados man.”
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aeferkssr · 2 years
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the light-filled gaze of the prince of darkness
SYP. the prince of the abyss looks down upon a lonely soul with an unfamiliar affectionate gaze
CHARA. abyss prince aether
WARNINGS. cussing, spit (figuratively), ding dong ditch /j
NOTES. valentines is coming👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💏👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 where is your bf🤷‍♀️🤨you are sitting at home🫵👀lonelyyy😹😹🤣‼️ i deeply apologies for that i wasn’t in the right state of mind
masterlist || art credits
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you hated valentines day. well, not really. the red and pink hues everywhere that were suppost to get you into the "valentine's mood" did nithing but annoy you. seeing couples walking around with either them hands or arms tangled with each other was simply sickening.
maybe it was jealousy? you've never really had a valentines before despite your appearance. seeing people gushing and squealing about what theur significant others got them was sweet at first but not as much now. but its not like you hated valentine's day...
"come on, [ name ], lighten up!" your friend teases "nobody's suppost to be so downcast right now when tomorrow's valentine's day!"
you sigh. despite you being terribly avaliable for tomorrow's holiday, your friend seems to be happier than ever. apparently, they scored a “date” with the traveler. the both of you know that she just wants some company while doing commissions but your friend insists that she’s head over heels in love with them.
“easy for you to say, at least you’re not stuck at your house for the MONTH.” you groan before slamming your head on the wooden table. your friend leans over to pat your head. sure, your occupation letting you go on leave for a month was kind but that left you nothing to do for that month. your house was spotless, you had enough groceries in your fridge to last you 6 weeks, and you were even healthy and well-rested. you literally had nothing to do and the boredom was killing you.
“well, you always have me if you want company!” your friend said trying to cheer you up, which quickly backfired when they spotted the traveler out of the corner of their eye, sprung up, quickly said thank you for the treat, and ran over to “pursue his girl.” god… they were so cringey… you decided that it was time for you to leave as well, picking up your bag and leaving good hunter to make your way back home
the way back doesn’t usually take you more than 20 minutes, but the main road was blocked due to abyss mage activity so you sought out a new route. the 20 minute journey surely wasn’t 20 minutes because half an hour in you were treading through a thick forest. the forest was lush, dark, and quiet as you could hear your thumping heart. you became anxious as you held your back to your chest and continued on.
a little more into the journey, your ears caught the sound of metal clashing. you assumed that someone was sparring, or even throwing stones (if you were to push it), but you definitely netly wasn’t ready to see a beam of pure energy before your eyes. this burst of light was followed by a scream that faded into silence.
you look to the source of the blast, weaving around the burnt vegetation to see a golden figure standing at arm. his figure seems to shake as he pants, his eyes look dull and unfocused and his sword as golden as his hair. his figure suddenly relaxes and falls, and as the boy’s body faints your own body moves on its own to aid it.
as you skid on the grass to reach to him, you position his head to lay on your lap. a trail of his blood — which is a rich golden colour — runs from the scalp of his head and from a thin line from the corner of his slightly open mouth. his clothes are a deep shade of blue that resembles the depth of the abyss with light golden streaks of what you think his blood is. you reach over to your bag to get your first-aid kit to clean and that any visible wounds.
after patching him up, you wonder if you should take him home with you. but what if you are overstepping some sort of boundary? you don't even know the guy! but, you do have a bed at home that would be 10× more comfortable than the grass and your lap.
"fuck it."
you struggled to lift his limb body onto your back, you were trying to carry him back with his sword but the journey was difficult. a stranger on your back, an unfamiliar sword in your right and your bag in your left, could the day get any more interesting?
as you got home to your small apartment in qingce village, you lay the unconsious figure on your bed, placing the golden sword on the other side of the bed. after placing your bag in the furthermost corner of the room you look over to the boy on your bed. If you were to be completely honest, he's absolutely stunning. his youthful face, pristine, free of any bruise or blemish that were not scars from previous battles, was at ease. His broad chest rises and fell at a steady rhythm, signalling that he was asleep. His lips, oh heavens, his lips, were slightly agape and were oh so inviting.
for the second time that day, your body moves on its own. you kiss the boy. pulling away, you quickly come to your senses and rush out of the room.
what in celestia's name were you thinking?? kissing an unconsious body? scratch that, kissing an unconsious STRANGER? the guilt was eating you alive. youre sure that your distressed pacing has probably woken him up by now so you decide to get him a glass of water.
your hunch was correct as you see the boy sitting upright on your bed. his hair spread across thr pillow he was previously laying on, and was staring at you with cold eyes
"before you say anything" you start to speak "you passed out in the forest nearby after fighting... something"
you try to console him but his shoulders are still tense, showing that he is still on guard. to try and subside his concerns, you place the glass of water you brought for him on the dresser beside your bed then quickly return to your original position in front of the door.
his glare was ruthless, its like he was trying to pick apart any ulterior motives you might have had against him, against his goals. he sighs when he senses none, still looking at you as if you had spat on his face.
“if you still feel weary of me, all you had to do is just say so” you comment as you leave the boy to grotto on his own. murmuring how its not like you saves his life or anything under your breathe. even though everything was technically taken care of, you were sure you could find something to do. maybe make him something to eat? but you would have to ask for any allergies or dislikes. sure, he looks like you like your the scum of the earth but you ould feel cautious if you were to just randomly wake up in someone’s bed. walking back into your room you announce:
“hey, do you want anything to ea—”
he was gone.
you look around the room to see if he had left anything but it was like he was never here in the first place, he had even straighten back the bed covers making him more of a mystery to you. well, all but a single open notebook on your desk. the note read:
thanks for saving my life, your actions will not go unrewarded.
what does he mean by rewarded?
🫐 ༊*·˚
your unexpected visiter came the day before, it was valentine’s day. you had fully expected to spend the day alone so you didn’t even bother to get ready. your friend had their “hot date” with the traveler so you couldn’t seek them out. it was really just you, yourself, and the book you had curled up with on your sofa.
the book was a horror book, you knew better than to read a romance book on the literal day of romance, in the most romantic city in teyvat. that was just a recipe for despair. the main character in the book was being chased into an abandoned shack in the middle of nowhere, having blocked the door with their own body as the antagonist attempted to bang it down. the hairs on your arm stood up from the sheer adrenaline you got from reading a book. maybe horror wasn’t the best genre to read for you, maybe you should of re-read flowers for princess fischl for the gazillionth time, maybe— someone knocked on the door.
maybe it was the boogie man from the book, you mused to yourself as you got up to greet whoever was at the door. when you opened it and saw no one, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. you could’ve sworn you heard someone knock on the door. as you look around your front yard, the varanda, and even down the road at other houses, nothing. you hissed your teeth and closed the door, stopping as your eyes caught something at the base of your feet.
it was a flower of some sort, four white petals and one light blue one with yellow pollen. the unfamiliar flower was accompanied by a note. taking up the note with your left as you gently brushed the light blue petal with your right, the note — which seemed more like a letter since the small piece of paper unfolded — read:
since small talks aren’t necessary, i won’t bore you. i want to formally thank you for aiding me back in the ⍼ൠᴥ௵ஔ forest. i will take full responsibility for my inattentiveness in the situation. the flower that this letter is accompanied by is called an inteyvat. these flowers do not whither once they are plucked, showing my gratefulness for your aid.
i am aware that there is a holiday in which mortals celebrate on this day, i do not have enough information on this event, but i am aware that it is celebrated in pairs. if it is your desire, we may celebrate this holiday together. i am also aware that the celebrants have to be asked formally to participate so you will see this letter as such. if you need me, simply call out my name and i will be there.
oh, so this is the guy you helped yesterday, but why was his writing so formal? and yeah was up with his name? you looked at the name in confusion, this definitely wasn’t a common name since you have never heard it before. you weren’t even sure how to pronounce it. looking around your surroundings once more, you whisper the name to see if he was actually true.
little to your knowledge the same golden figure stood on nearby mountains, the look on his eyes was a stark opposite from how he looked at you yesterday. instead of sharp and sturdy eyes, his eyes were soft and gentle. in all of the millennia that he has travelled, during and without lumine, he had never looked at someone the way he looked at you in this moment. as he takes one final look at your smile that was made from reading his script, he turns his back to you and acknowledges the abyss mages who bows at his feet.
you definitely didn’t expect to have an impromptu valentine’s letter, neither did you expect t9 have any sort of company. you are thankful his prescence, the boy… oh, what was his name again? ahh, aether.
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enderdaggers · 2 years
Survival Huddle (and only for survival)
Summary: When a cold February mission turns into a snowstorm, you’re stuck with your teammate Ghost to wait until the helicopter picks you up. However, when you start to get cold, there seems to only be one option to stay warm... not that you mind.
Word count: 2478
Warnings: A mention of being drunk, swearing, but otherwise nothing. (If anything should be added, please tell me!)
Notes: Hi wow it’s been a while huh? Take this Ghost fic where I give you everything and nothing at once. Ghost is not good at processing emotions ever
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You were pretty sure you were going to freeze to death.
It was the most miserable February afternoon you’d had in a long time, and that was saying something. With weather that had started last night with crystal clear skies and only the lightest breeze, you’d thought that the mission you and the rest of the 141 were given was to be easy. You’d be home for Christmas, metaphorically speaking.
But no. In less than twenty-four hours, the weather around you had quickly turned from peace to a blustery snowstorm. Low visibility, sharp winds that cut through you, and a thoroughly miserable time guaranteed for everyone outside at the moment. What was perhaps worse was that the 141 were all split up, the lot of you clustered in groups of two or three as you huddled down in separate places. Which left you stuck with someone you both loved and hated being alone with- Ghost.
Said man was currently huddled in a corner close to you. The two of you were in a house that had absolutely zero unbroken windows, but there were standing walls and a mostly unscathed roof save for the one hole in the opposite corner. It had been the most promising candidate out of all the houses the two of you had found yourselves by, so you’d both moved without a word to huddle in and pray the storm passed or the chopper would be by to pick you up soon.
You spared the lieutenant a glance. Though you had worked under the 141 for some time now, Ghost was a bit of a mystery to you in a way the others weren’t. Obviously, the mask contributed to that a bit, but Ghost was a bit of a stoic person inside and out, it seemed. You supposed you couldn’t blame him for being a little stiff in your line of work. It would certainly make things easier.
A cold breeze blew through the windows and the roof-hole at the same time, sending a chill stabbing through your already-cold being and making you shiver a little.
“How long until the chopper comes again?” you asked, forcing your mouth open and managing to form a sentence without stuttering from the cold. You weren’t much of a wuss when it came to temperatures, but it had been hours of you being out in the cold with a small amount of food and an already fucked-up sleep schedule. You were beginning to waver.
“‘Round forty minutes,” Ghost replied, cutting through another almost-spiral of yours. “We’ll be the last ones, since the others were in closer spots.” “Great,” you mumbled sarcastically, tugging your form into a more compressed ball. Warmth was important right now, and you were not keen on turning into a human icicle.
“How are you not cold?” you questioned Ghost.
He tilted his head. You saw his eyes turn to you before his head did.
“Never said I wasn’t.” he replied.
A chilly silence fell over the two of you again. Outside, the snowstorm persisted, a whistling wind sending a clump of snow falling through the hole in the roof. You swallowed and licked your lips, trying to wiggle your toes in your boots.
How is it possible to be sweaty and freezing all at once? You wondered.
The silence only gave you more time to think. Maybe it was your half-frozen brain, but you couldn’t help but go into survival mode at this point.
Consider the situation, the rational part of you said. Go over the facts.
Sure, facts. You could do that.
Fact #1: You were fucking cold.
Fact #2: It would be forty minutes or over before the chopper arrived to retrieve you.
Fact #3: The storm was not stopping, and you were not getting any less cold.
Fact #4: There was only one source of warmth near you.
Fact #5: The source of warmth was without a doubt the most intimidating man you’d ever met.
Fact #6: This man walked in on you drunkenly singing Soft Cell’s Tainted Love with Soap once on a dare you were far too lost to refuse.
Fact #7: This man makes you blush half the time he talks.
Fact #8: This man also scares you sometimes. (Read- often.)
Yup, you thought. I’m going to freeze to death.
You exhaled a cloudy breath into the air, side-eyeing Ghost as you very slowly shifted a few feet closer to him, sliding across the floor in a matter that was quite quiet but also quite noticeable. If you could only get a bit closer, get some warmth passing between the both of you…
You could practically feel him watching you, which didn’t help. However, the lieutenant remained silent as ever, just watching. Waiting. All patient and stoic and annoyingly attractive all at once.
It certainly didn’t feel any warmer once you got a little closer, which felt like a small defeat. However, as your eyes watched more snowflakes whoosh through the hole in the roof, you couldn’t help but think how stupid it would be if you died from hypothermia because you were too flustered to just ask your teammate- only your teammate- to huddle up. For warmth. Only for warmth.
And yet your mouth didn’t open, the words feeling like they were on the tip of your tongue and yet not escaping at all.
How much time has gone by? You wondered, staring firmly at the ground. Five minutes? Ten? Surely it can’t be that bad.
You rubbed your gloves together, testing if you could still feel your fingers, which you thankfully could… though it was getting close.
Hand warmers. You thought. Why did nobody bring hand warmers? I could use some of those right about now.
Another cold burst of wind sent the snow pile spinning and scattering, snowflakes spraying across the floor, still stopping a good distance away from the two of you but still showing just how much snow there was.
And then you caught it. As the wind was picking up, sending the longest gust through the house yet, you saw Ghost shiver.
It was the smallest, most imperceptible movement you’d ever seen someone make. He was clearly holding back, but not enough. He was shivering.
The tremors shook his body just a little, his whole body going stiff as the wind picked up and then died down.
He was cold.
The bastard. He was cold. He was very cold and had been playing it off like it wasn’t much of a deal.
Liar. You thought. There wasn’t any venom behind the thought. What an idiot.
“Ghost,” you ventured, taking hold of the moment before you could regret anything. You leaned forward, holding his gaze before he could hope to look away. “Do you want to huddle together?”
He stared at you for a moment. “No,” he said slowly.
“You’re cold.” “Am not.” “I saw you shiver.” you protested. “Drop it,” he said, voice lowering to a slight growl as he grated out your last name.
You swallowed, your bravery wavering for a moment. It was always a gamble with Ghost whether you should keep pressing or not- it was either a good choice or a bad one, no in-between. He’d either explode or simmer down.
You were brave. And you were cold. And you were probably a bit stupid.
“I’m not gonna freeze to death here just because you’re too stubborn to admit how cold you are or whatever.” You scooted over, waving an arm. “Come here. Let’s huddle.”
Hesitation. You felt like you were trying to balance a coin, the coin trembling as it considered heads or tails or the secret third option to just stay put and say nothing at all.
Then, Ghost moved.
Slowly and carefully, like some kind of scared animal, he moved closer. One moment, you were alone in the corner, the next, his leg was pressing against yours.
It sank in a moment later that this was actually happening- Ghost was actually willingly sitting next to you, was almost shy about it, and hadn’t refused being by you.
You swallowed and made the next move, shifting closer to him until the two of you were firmly pressed against each other.
The touch felt downright electric. Ghost didn’t really touch people- he was one of those people who only did things for necessity's sake and otherwise went along with nearly nothing. Why? It beat you.
Ghost was stiff, but his warmth was incredibly welcoming after so long being distant from other warm things. You leaned into him with a small, relieved exhale, your form easing into him.
“Is this fine?” you asked hesitantly, suddenly a bit shy of everything happening. “I was teasing you a bit, I don’t want you to be uncomfor-” “It’s fine.” Ghost said quickly, catching you off-guard. He reached with his hand and hesitated for a moment, then continued, his hand reaching behind you and pulling you closer, securing your form against his side. Your head fell to his shoulder, your eyes widening in the slightest shock as he pulled you closer.
Slowly, ever so slowly, Ghost relaxed. His breathing evened out first, easing in a rhythmic up-down that you had unconsciously synced up with.
His body came next. His shoulder unclenched and relaxed, which only made your head slide a little more snugly into the spot. You felt the rest of him unclench against you, and a slow breath came from him, echoed slightly against his mask.
“You’re warmer, aren’t you?” you asked, your voice a little too soft to achieve the teasing tone you wanted.
“Shut it,” Ghost replied, but the way he said it combined with the relaxed way he spoke your last name didn’t bring it together either.
The silence was comfortable and warm. You couldn’t believe you’d put this off for so long- sure, your left side was still a little cold, but the lieutenant next to you was a warm human body that made all the difference.
A breeze came. Both of you shivered. You scooted just a little closer, pressing firmly against Ghost. You felt his gaze on you, but again, no comment was said.
You thought he might’ve gripped you a little closer, though, try as he might to be discreet.
Some time later, your thoughts trailed off into nothing as you found yourself dozing lightly, not asleep in any way but still relaxed enough to bring on the feeling of comfort within your stomach.
For a long time, there was just silence and peace. Just the two of you- Ghost holding you close, your head nestled into the spot where his shoulder and his neck met, one of your arms eventually circling his torso lazily as you draped yourself further over him.
The breaths the two of you shared had long become synced, the rising and falling of your chests together in the cold afternoon. Finally, you blinked your eyes open to Ghost shifting slightly at the sound of a chopper very loud and very close.
You looked up slightly, grip still fixed on him. “Is that-?”
“Chopper’s here.” When Ghost spoke, his voice sounded just a little hoarse, and you looked at him with slight concern.
His mask hid his face as well as always, though his eyes looked a little soft when they found your gaze.
“We should get moving. They’ll want us on the second they land.” “Right. Yes, sir.” You said.
Neither of you moved for a moment.
Ghost regretfully (and predictably) made the first move. His right hand, the one that had been free this entire time, found your hand across his torso and took it, just holding it for a moment as he began shifting away.
You moved then, too, pulling away regretfully. You were well aware that your chin and probably a bit of your face had been smushed against Ghost enough that you had patterns of his gear across it, but you didn’t mind.
The two of you moved wordlessly, Ghost peeking out the doorway into the storm before pulling back in and giving you the sign to wait.
Two minutes passed before Ghost gestured you forward. The two of you jogged out into the snow, where the chopper was just touching down, the ramp already lowering.
Ghost ushered you forward, falling just behind you with a steadying hand close to your back as the two of you ran forward, up the ramp with snow still stuck and half-melted to it, into the darkness of the chopper where your other friends waited.
Soap looked plainly miserable, half-soaked through and with a dusting of snow still atop his head. Next to him, Gaz looked moments away from laughing at all times.
“What happened to you?” you asked Soap as you settled into one of the two open seats across from him.
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” he replied with a small frown as Ghost crossed between the two of you and sat next to you.
“Whole pile of snow fell on him when we were going for the chopper,” Gaz said, looking just a bit gleeful.
You snorted once. Soap gave you a look of betrayal.
“Well, glad the two of you survived,” he said quickly, eager to move on from the subject. “Cold day out there, huh?” “Something like that,” you said.
“I hope you utilized the hand warmers I gave you, Lieutenant,” Gaz said with a nod at Ghost.
You blinked, gaze furrowing. “What?”
“The hand warmers?” Gaz repeated. “I gave Ghost like ten of them for you guys, did you not use them?”
“Didn’t need to,” Ghost said, finally speaking up. He shifted slightly as you looked at him, eyes wide, growing hotter by the minute.
He had the means to warm us up.
“You “didn’t need to?” How did you not need hand warmers, it was freezing out there!” Gaze protested, oblivious.
“Didn’t get cold.” Ghost said nonchalantly, like he hadn’t just spent over thirty minutes downright cuddling with you.
Soap met your gaze, and his eyebrows raised slightly before traveling down to the right side of your face where you’d been pressed against Ghost.
His eyes widened just a little. A small smirk grew on his face.
You grew a little warmer.
Gaz rambled on, continually oblivious to Soap’s realization and your flustered face, ranting on and on about how cold things were to the three of you and the others, most people pretending to listen while all resting and warming up a bit, safe for now.
Next to you, Ghost found your gaze again. His leg reached out and tapped yours once.
You could almost feel his amusement at whatever look was on your face.
Bastard. You thought affectionately, trying to ignore the small jump of your heartbeat when his leg brushed against yours again.
At least you were warm.
Ghost the kinda guy to like someone and then not do anything about it (unless of course they offer to cuddle huddle with him for warmth even though he has hand warmers...)
Anyways! Replies are from @lostglassguitars​ . Hope you enjoyed! I need to post more on here lol
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archernarbeta · 1 year
On the Floor,
✴︎ pairing : Kyungsoo x Reader
✴︎ genre : angst, mystery, I don’t know 😭 Kyungsoo is an idol tho
✴︎ warnings : mentions of suicide, description of smoking
✴︎ wc : 750
✴︎ a/n : I guess this is loosely inspired by smoking Soo from Room No.7? I’m honestly not sure.
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“You’re staring again.”
He stated in a matter-of-factly manner. The dim lighting of the living room illuminated his skin too well, giving it a soft glow even though the rest of the space was pitch black. Nevertheless, his was special. He’s like those people you could easily see in the middle of a crowd, always so glowing that in the darkest night, he’s all you see. The little light reflected the moles on his face. A few on his cheeks, the ones on his chin that is always covered by makeup and a little one on his lips- the less prominent one people like to miss.
“You’re spacing out, stop that” he quipped, “I don’t like when your eyes go blank like this.” he sighed before picking up another cigarette from the pack. He lit it up and brought it to his mouth, inhaling a deep breath of nicotine before puffing out a heavy wisp, covering the room. You stared at him wordlessly, gazing at him and the filled ashtray, remnants of the nicotine sticks crowded the tray with bits of ashes falling down dirtying the floor.
“You picked up smoking, again.” It was now your turn to state a matter-of-fact opinion. You hated this habit of his, smoking. No matter how much he mentioned how smoking helps him stay sane, you refused to understand. Because with each puff, you felt him slowly chipping away just like the smoke coming out from his lips.
There were times where you got into fights because of his habits, commotion filled with yelling and screaming due to the deadly little sticks. Both of you were too young then, too foolish and obviously way too naïve to be playing house with each other.
To think about it, you were willing to do anything to bring those heated moments back. The never ending bickering filled with so much raw emotions. You’d do anything to redo it all over again, anything but this. Staring into each other, silently killing each other inside wordlessly in the darkness of once a vivid living space.
He held his gaze at your figure and the way that the hollow of your cheeks becomes visible each day broke him more than he’d like to admit. But to be fair, he knew a part of it was his fault anyways. He gave a low hum as if he wanted your attention. It was a stupid move knowing that you wouldn’t care, you stopped caring about him a long time ago.
“I can’t do this.” He took another huff and stared at the ceilings, paying little to no attention to the fact that the room was nearly pitch black.
“Neither can I.”
Something inside of him snapped as if your response pushed his buttons, “Stop that. Stop trying to respond to me.”
“Isn’t that what you want? For me to respond- talk to you?” You countered back almost immediately, a sharp tone coming out of you.
He sighed and ruffled his hair out of frustration before taking another cigarette out from its box, lighting his nth stick. He lit it up slowly, in contrast with the hold he has on the stick, you reckon he’d crush the cigarette soon before having a whiff from it with that hold.
“It’s not like you could,” he replied while kissing the toxins with his plump lips.
“Then what are you doing now, Soo?”
“Fuck. I- I don’t know. Maybe I’m angry? That you’re suddenly dead but I’m still fucking here walking in circles. Life’s already shit and now I need to wait for something half as good as you?! Hell- maybe I should be angry y/n. You should’ve gave me a heads up, you know? Something along the lines with, ‘hey I might take my own life tomorrow?’ would be fucking great! But maybe I’m scared that I’ll miss you? I know I’ll fucking miss you, I’ll get hooked by cigs again and half of it- is your fault! Do you know how fucking unfair this is? For God’s sake… why did you do this?” Kyungsoo huffed and puffed before exhaling an exhausted breath.
“Do you know that for all the times that you started hating life, you started to despise me, I never stopped loving you? Fuck- not an inch of me isn’t filled with love for you. Do you know how much I love you?” He spoke into thin air.
He took another draw before staring at your lifeless body. It was apparent that his eyes were again brimming with tears. He sobbed like a mad man when he couldn’t hold it in anymore.
The fact was, Do Kyungsoo had been crying for the past 2 hours. During that time, a confused and lost Do Kyungsoo had finished a pack and a half of cigarettes.
He had found you in the dark after work, not breathing, soulless in the corners of what he called home. Much like your soul, his sanity had left him the second he saw you. He hesitantly held your hand once in a while, checking if the warmth of your body was still there. He knew he probably had his screws loose by now.
After his last cigarette, Kyungsoo had his last straw. He finally fished out his phone and jammed the numbers of the emergency line, something he supposed to do hours ago.
“911? My girlfriend took her own life.”
“OD. Two and a half hours ago.”
“Lifeless, on the floor.”
“I- I don’t know… I don’t think have any reasons to call sooner? She- she was already dead��”
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ladymarycrawley · 2 years
Would you still love me the same - John Stones
Request: Can we have a John fic where he hasn’t played that great but you just comfort him like it’s okay, it’s your first game of the season 🥺💙
Warning: some sexual innuendos but most of all fluffy
Tag list: @masonxomount @chelsealover @stonesyy​​
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Newcastle - Manchester City didn't go as smoothly as planned: in the first half the Premier League champions were losing 2 - 1 but then, thanks to two goals by Bernardo and Erling, they succeeded in getting a draw, ending up 3 -3.
That also happened to be John's first game of the season and he surely expected a better result to kick off the new season.
Despite he sounded calm and positive during the Instagram story he recorded for City where he thanked the fans for the support, hoping to get 3 points in the next game, he felt frustrated as he couldn't help the team in the way he wanted to and show Pep he deserved his place in the starting line-up.
You were at home, waiting for his comeback, ready to spend the rest of the night comforting him. A good, warm bath that's what he needed, with his favourite bath salts, jasmine and vanilla candles lit up at the angles of the tub, giving the room the perfect light for such a romantic and relaxing moment.
"I'm home" His sad and serious voice announced he was finally home, followed by your front door slamming shut.
"Babe?" He raised his eyebrows as you weren't waiting for him on the sofa as you'd usually do on match days. 
John followed the sound of your voice, leaving his backpack at the entrance of your shared house and climbed the stairs that would have taken him to you.
You welcomed him home with the softest smile on your lips, getting on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his neck. The disappointment was still visible on his face as he didn't do the slightest effort to put a smile on his face. He held your body against his by placing your hands on your hips.
"You know I love you so much?"
John huffed looking at some unspecified point on the wall and sighed loudly. 
"I played so poorly today and then -"
"Shh, that's okay" You whispered, brushing your index finger over his pulpy lips. "I have the best surprise waiting for you" You got back on your feet to move to the side so he could have a look at the bathroom fully prepared for him.
John was a bit hesitant but entered the semi-dark room, smiling when he saw the tub full of soap bubbles and the candles on it.
"Do you like it?" You hugged him from behind, his larger hand covering your smaller ones.
"That's so cool but you didn't have to"
"Only the best to cheer my gorgeous boyfriend up"
"You're so cheesy today" He giggled.
"I just hate seeing you like that…seize the moment cause you know I won't be a cheesy girlfriend for too long"
John smiled and helped you taking your t-shirt off, before discarding his own clothes.
He entered the tub first, releasing a satisfied moan as soon as his body came in contact with the warm water. You smiled watching as he closed his eyes for a moment, leaning his head backwards, the candle light reflecting on his perfect curls.
"Come here"
You took off your underwear and joined him, sitting in front of him.
"What are you doing there? Come here"
You'd usually sit between his legs but that time you wanted him to fully relax without being too clingy so you sat opposite him, on the other end of the tub.
"You're the one who needs to be taken care of so you should come to me"
John groaned and closed his eyes once again. He always looked so good but even more so when he was relaxed and peaceful.
You teased him by propping your feet against his toned chest, you knew he'd have grabbed them and placed them down on his thighs.
"Have you seen the game?"
"And what do you think?"
"It doesn't matter what I think" You opened up your eyes and crawled towards him. "It's only the first game of the season and it's okay you didn't play as good as you would have liked to. You need to get minutes under your belt so you can improve and be the best centre-back in the world, cause I know you can do that. I believe in you" As you kept on talking, you straddled him, your hands gently travelling over his facial features.
"The best in the world, really?" He sniggered.
"Well, maybe the best in the UK" 
He smiled and kissed your forehead. "Thank you. You should come and talk to Pep"
"I really should, I'd be like hey baldy, why don't you put my boyfriend on the pitch more? He deserves it plus he looks so hot he could beat the opponents thanks to his beauty only"
John laughed and blushed, squeezing your hips in his hands. "Better if you don't talk to him"
You laughed too, kissing him on the lips.
His fingers were firmly placed on your sides, brushing your lower back up and down. Your hands were keeping his head in place against yours, as the kiss was getting deeper and deeper making you moan directly in his mouth. 
When you got up from him it was just to share some more caresses somewhere else over your bodies and to wash each other up, your mouths following the path that had just been traced by the spongein the most sensual yet gentle manner.
When your lips parted you nuzzled in his neck as John would lay lingering kisses over your neck, shoulder and behind your ear. 
Those silent cuddles were your favourite part, where you didn't have to say a word to show how much you loved each other because those soft touches would speak for themselves.
Later on, after having dried each other up and dressed into something cozy, you went to prepare some dinner while John relaxed on the sofa.
He was surely talking to someone from his family or to Kyle even but you knew something wasn't right as you heard him recording a voice note with the saddest voice: he was thinking about the game he had that day once again. 
"Would you mind coming here?"
He got up from the sofa and stood closer to you, near the stove.
The frown that wrinkled his face the moment he came back home appeared again the moment he stood there, scrolling through his phone rather absentmindedly, clearly reading some mean comments or jokes about his performance. 
You sighed, seeing him like that made you feel miserable, powerless. 
"Who were you talking to?"
"Kyle. We were just discussing about some comments people did"
"What did I tell you about those comments?" 
"Not to read them but it's nearly impossible, they're all over the web"
"Baby, you know they don't mean anything, those are just comments made by some frustrated people who think they have the right to judge you, they don't care about you. Or better, they care about you only when you win or deliver a good performance"
He hugged you from behind, laying his chin on your head, a thing he would usually like to do to make you notice how much shorter you were compared to him; at that moment he also wanted to feel you closer and that was a good way to show his need to you.
"You're the baby one here"
You giggled, stroking his hand placed on your tummy.
"I said babe, not baby"
"I love you" John happened to say those words first rarely so every time he did your heart skipped a beat.
"I love you more" You smiled, bringing your left hand to brush his forearm wrapped around your figure.
"I'm hungry" He muttered, biting on your shoulder playfully.
"I'm not on the menu"
"Why not? You're my favourite dish"
"Can I have a taste?"
You rolled your eyes blushing, as he moved his head to the side to take in your reaction
A grin was plastered on his lips as you tried to look away, focusing on the pot before you in an unsuccesful attempt not to hide your reaction from him.
"You already did"
"Not really, cockwarming doesn't count"
Your face turned crimson, feeling a bit hot too.
John started giggling, leaving a kiss on your temple.
"You're so cute when you act all shy and embarrassed"
"Stop it" You smiled, batting his hands away from your body.
John left one final kiss on your head, in the spot behind your ear, before leaving you.
"Would you still love me even after scoring an own goal?"
In that very moment he looked like a big, sweet child and that was so endearing, the most precious soul that deserved all the love and protection you could grant him. Seeing him like that, snatched your heart a smile that soon moved up to your lips.
"Even more"
That night you realised how lucky you got with him by your side and you couldn’t stop thinking about that, as you laid awake watching him asleep: his eyelashes tickling his cheeks, his plumpy lips touching, the quiet snores coming from them. He looked like an angel that God decided to gift you with and you couldn’t be more grateful.
Your smile grew wider and you covered his hand with yours.
You would have liked to let your fingers run all over his bare back but you feared you might have woken him up so you just stayed there still, admiring him.
He hummed and moved in his sleep to let his arm around you, his left hand softly grabbing your boob as a way to feel you near, to know you were still there no matter what. The contact of his hot palm against your hotter skin was the feeling he loved the most, that calmed him instantly.
All was good.
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stiricidewrites · 6 months
All the Things We’ll Leave Behind: ch 30, pt 13
“Xian-gege should be more careful,” lwj said, before he could think better of it. His ears burned when the other alphas shot him dubious looks. “Last night was not my fault,” he insisted, willing his ears to cool. He had not purposefully gotten drunk! How could he be held completely responsible for Drunk Wangji’s actions!
wwx gasped. “And who says any of the times I spent the night in the woods were my fault!? … Why are you both looking at me like that?”
lwj and jzxuan exchanged knowing looks. lwj was sure the majority—if not all—of the times the older alpha had spent a night sleeping in a forest had been at least a little bit his fault.
“What was the delivery?” lwj asked, rubbing any remaining tears from his eyes. Time for a new topic, before his mate started trying to defend his younger self for each of those nights.
jzxuan leaned in towards him, whispering, “A gift~” He popped back, grabbing lwj’s free hand and dragging him towards the door. “I assume from him.”
“‘Him!’ How rude!” wwx said, although lwj could see the smile tugging at his lips. Apparently, his mate quite liked the back and forth teasing he had going on with jzxuan. It was definitely better than if they had hated each other, but something about it seemed… odd. It wasn’t a bad odd. Just an odd that made him feel as though he were missing something—that something had happened between the two alphas last night, and he was witnessing the results of that.
jzxuan pulled the door open, mumbling about how since they didn’t know if all the bunnies were contained, he didn’t think he should try bringing everything in by himself—or let the delivery person inside. “Not that I think he would have come inside? He had a weird vibe. Same with the beta who delivered jyl’s food. Neither seemed willing to come inside?”
wwx snorted, although he offered no explanation for why people were afraid to enter his house. lwj would have to work on forcing that story out of him another time.
The door opened and—
“Xian-gege,” lwj said softly, taking in the rabbit supplies piled outside the door. Pens and toys. A veritable mountain of food. Bedding and an assortment of items to bunny proof the house. More than a few pet gates in an array of options.
“You like?” wwx asked, voice half-teasing, half-nervous, and lwj was once again blinking away tears. “Aiya! Don’t cry, sweetheart!”
“So emotional~” jzxuan teased softly, although when lwj glanced up, he looked at least a little concerned about his ongoing waterworks.
“Yes,” lwj simply said, rubbing the tears away again. “Does this mean… we’re keeping them all?” That seemed… excessive.
“Oh, fuck no!” wwx practically cried into the phone. “I dunno how many you want to keep, but definitely not all of them! It’ll probably take a while to get them into proper homes, though, and I don’t really want my home overrun by the things in the meantime, you know?”
lwj did know. He also did not want to be living in a home that belonged more to their new guests than to he and his mate. That said, he had no idea how he was going to choose which ones to keep.
“Think of it… as a mating gift,” his mate said softly, the lightest of blushes dusting across his cheeks, just barely visible through the screen. “One of a few! Of course! I gotta get you some of the more traditional stuff too, obviously.”
Mating gifts. lwj hadn’t even thought about that.
He definitely needed to find something wonderful for wwx
“Thank you, Xian-gege,” he said, smiling softly down at his mate.
wwx smiled back at him, soft and loving, and lwj’s heart squeezed.
How had he gotten so lucky?
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crockettmarcel · 2 years
exes meeting again after not speaking for years au + sockett!!
I've been thinking about this request literally ever since you sent it I'm so sorry it took five months to write. but anyway this is a fun new au that I haven't mentioned at all anywhere (except in a couple of people's dms) and I love it so so much
wc: 717 warnings: implied child death, mentioned dog death (but literally just from old age), sarah's an oncologist
Crockett sees her before she sees him. She’s standing with her back to him at a computer at the nurses’ station, but even before her face is visible, he knows it’s her. Her hair is the same — darker than it was ten years ago, but pulled up in a bun the way she always used to — and he’s never met anyone else who rubs their neck when they’re stressed the way she’s doing right now.
He slowly makes his way over to her, setting his tablet down at the computer next to hers, then waits a moment before speaking.
“My mom came by the other day with the box you sent. She didn’t mention you were moving here.”
“I didn’t tell her.” She’s still staring at her computer, brow furrowed as she tries to make sense of what’s on the screen, and Crockett takes the opportunity to peer at the words embroidered on her white coat.
Sarah Reese, M.D.
Pediatric Oncology
“Oncology. Interesting choice.”
She snaps her head around to look at him.
Now, face-to-face with her, he can see how much she’s changed in the last decade. The nose ring she’d worn the entire time he’d known her is gone, and it’s only because he knows to look for it that he can see the hole it left behind. Her face looks thinner than before, her cheekbones more defined, and she’s not wearing any makeup either - no more dark eyeshadow or thick black mascara like in all the photos tucked away in albums at his parents’ house.
“Can I help you with something, Dr Marcel?”
Their eyes meet, and for a moment, he can see reflected back at him the same pain he’s become so good at hiding from everyone. He wonders if she can see it too, if his guard is down enough to be vulnerable for once, but if she can, she does a good job of ignoring it.
“It’s been a while.”
She nods, then turns her attention back to her computer. “Ten years.” 
She’s not interested in talking, that much Crockett’s sure of, and if it were anybody else, he’d just shut up and leave them alone. But it’s Sarah, and he has so much he wants to say that he can’t even get the words straight in his head, so he stays where he is and tries his hardest to make conversation.
“How have you been? How’s your mom?”
“We’re fine.”
“And Buffy? Her birthday should be coming up around now, right?”
“She’s dead.”
His face falls, and Sarah has to bite back a smile.
“She’d be twenty now, Crockett. How many twenty-year-old dogs do you know?”
“No, yeah, of course. My bad.”
He turns back to his computer, but every few seconds he glances at Sarah from the corner of his eye. Her attention is fixed completely on her own screen, and she chews absentmindedly on her bottom lip as she reads. Crockett’s never seen her do that before, so he watches, oblivious to the fact that he’s staring until she turns to face him.
“What are you doing?”
He quickly looks away, then mumbles what sounds to Sarah like an attempt at an apology. Maybe he means it, maybe he’s just saying it to get her to stop looking like she wants to kill him, but she doesn’t care enough either way to try and figure it out. Instead, she logs out of her computer, grabs her tablet and half-empty cup of coffee, and makes it approximately two steps before Crockett’s voice stops her in her tracks.
“Sarah, wait.”
“Is this important? Because I have patients I need to see.”
“What happened to your accent?” he asks, sounding almost, genuinely sad that it’s gone.
“It went away when I moved to New York. Now is that all? Because I can’t just stand here and make small talk when I have patients that are relying on me. You’d have hated it if Harper’s doctor had done that.”
She walks off without giving him a chance to respond, and for a moment he just stands there, mouth hanging open, as he watches her walk towards the elevators. She doesn’t look back, and he doesn’t expect her to. Maybe the Sarah he knew ten years ago would, but she’s long gone, and he's not sure if she's ever coming back.
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