#i think i have ligma
alicre · 6 months
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rosesradio · 18 days
i know the ceaselessverse is chronologically set in 2011 due to ivory rain being like a year after the battle of manhattan, and i was already pushing it by putting in a hunger games reference when that wouldn’t have been relevant for another couple years, buuuttt…i can be a little more loosey-goosey with the references without anyone noticing, right? it’s not like i’d be referencing skibidi toilet or anything
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airprime7 · 10 months
Why am I seeing so many fake posts on my dash? Like, there's ones from all sorts of made up realities, I'm surprised I haven't seen ones set in webcomics or whatever.
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♊️ twinarmageddons reblogged
♊️ twinarmageddons
all of you iidiiot2 need two 2hut up about computer2 unle22 you know what you're talkiing about. ii 2wear ii 2aw 2ome guy telliing people two pour water on theiir keyboard2 two clean them.
♉️ adiostoreador
♊️ twinarmageddons
oh my fuckiing god 2ome people are actual iidiiot2
#ii mean come on you actually beliieved that
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♑️ terminallycapricious
wAsSuP mOtHeRfUcKeRs???
420 notes
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♌️ arseniccatnip reblogged
♌️ arseniccatnip
:33 < hiii!!!
:33 < my name is nepeta leijon, and this is my furst post!
:33 < i like shipping, and rolepurrlaying, and hunting
:33 < i have troll pawtism, so i might not be the best at understanding things. sorry if i get confused!
:33 < i also do art, and my commissions are open! purrlease don't ask me to draw trolls pailing, i'm only 6
:33 < bye! :33
♋️ carcinogeneticist
♒️ caligulasaquarium Follow
wwhy is your text grey
♋️ carcinogeneticist
🤡 i-say-honk Follow
♋️ carcinogeneticist
♌️ arseniccatnip
:33 < @carcinogeneticist @caligulasaquarium @i-say-honk kill yourselves
#:33 < :33
333 notes
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♍️ grimauxiliatrix reblogged
♈️ apocalypsearisen Follow
im dead n0w
♍️ grimauxiliatrix
#Honestly I Cant Believe I Made It Through This Week Alone
60 notes
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♋️ carcinogeneticist reblogged
👻 ectobiologist Follow
hi! how do i use this app?
♋️ carcinogeneticist
👤 human-alarm Follow
612 notes
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♋️ carcinogeneticist reblogged
♐️ centaurstesticle Follow
D -> The day we stop valuing horses is the day society collapses
♐️ centaurstesticle
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D -> @cuttlefishculler Perhaps I do share some interests with the protagonist of the new popular movie starring Troll Ryan Gosling
D -> If anything that would be a compliment
D -> Not that that's something a f001 such as yourself would understand
♓️ cuttlefishculler Follow
)(-EY, I was just joking around. No need to start being c-rude!!! 380
♏️ arachnidsgrip Follow
What movie did you watch? 8ecause 8ar8ie is defin8ly the hero of the one I saw, hooves-for-8rains.
♈️ apocalypsearisen Follow
i liked the 0ne with the b0mb m0re
♒️ caligulasaquarium Follow
rustblood, opinion disregarded
♋️ carcinogeneticist
♊️ twinarmageddons
forget that, cc ii2 the ACTUAL HEIIRE22
♋️ carcinogeneticist
1380 notes
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♏️ arachnidsgrip reblogged
♏️ arachnidsgrip
You know, I think the murders were good for me.
♎️ gallowscalibrator Follow
♏️ arachnidsgrip
Yeah, 8ut I'm over it now. It doesn't effect me anymore.
#I've moved on.
413 notes
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♉️ adiostoreador reblogged
💽 turntechgodhead Follow
man i cant believe troll steve jobs died of ligma
♉️ adiostoreador
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thegoldencontracts · 4 months
Housewardens React To Being Ignored As A Prank
Riddle Rosehearts
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Collars you, no doubt about it.
Why are you ignoring him like this? If you have a problem, it's your responsibility to communicate it to him, is it not?
He's in a terrible mood the entire time. Why is his partner ignoring him like this? What has he done?
After finding out it's a prank, he'll end up inadvertently turning the tables. Not that he's ignoring you on purpose, he's just peeved, and he really doesn't want to see you right now.
Leona Kingscholar
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He's mostly just annoyed with you, because this is obviously a poorly-planned prank. What exactly are you pulling on him?
Calls you out as quick as he can, and makes sure to inform you exactly how highly he thinks of that little thing.
He'll be a bit more grouchy, and yet, on the flip side, more clingy. Give the man his cuddles, please.
Azul Ashengrotto
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Immediately gets to investigation. Why are you ignoring him? What exactly has he done? Or is it something pertaining to your mental health?
And pretty quickly, he finds you talking about your little prank. He's annoyed, but remains cordial as he confronts you.
He's definitely going to hold a grudge over this. If this is early on in your relationship, he'll really lay on the cold gentleman act.
If this is later on, though, and he knows he can trust you most of the time, he'll go the opposite direction with his reaction, and get real clingy. It's pretty cute, actually.
Kalim Al-Asim
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Is just genuinely sad. Why would you do this to him?
He's really worried that he's accidentally acted careless and hurt you, since he's been told he does that. He does whatever he can to find out what he did wrong.
You're the one to end the thing with a profuse apology, and an odd sense of appreciation at having such a caring partner.
Willing to forgive you easily so long as you promise him you won't do this again.
Vil Schoenheit
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Thinks you're immature and says that straight to your face. He doesn't realize it's a prank at first.
Then, he checks his magicam feed and sees a prank video of the sort, and it hits him.
Vil looks at you, unimpressed, and tells you those pranks are staged and that there's no point in emulating. You tell him you know.
The conversation quickly evolves into less of a talk about healthy communication and more commiseration over both of your feeds being spammed by content farms.
Idia Shroud
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Immediately catches on.
Well, kinda. Ortho informs him immediately, to be specific. Thank Ortho for doing that, because he just saved Idia from a bunch of agonizing, and in turn, you from a massive grudge.
Idia's still huffy with you, asking why you'd do that, and don't you know he doesn't get this stuff, unlike the normies?
Afterwards, he's torn between wanting your reassurance and wanting to be mad at you. Help him out here, please.
Malleus Draconia
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Deeply confused.
Has he done something wrong? Or is this some human ritual he was unaware of?
He asks Lilia, who proceeds to show him the magicam trend, with one little lamentation about how this little trend is half of his feed at this point, and he wants to stop it's spread.
Malleus understands now.
He tries to play along, he's just... Not very good at it.
"No, human, why are you ignoring me? I am incredibly confused because I do not know about the current trend, you see. This makes me worried and I will now proceed to say something that gets you those little 'likes'."
Said in the most deadpan voice ever.
Afterwards, Malleus gets into pranks. He keeps swapping cereals. He recently told Sebek ligma was a term of high respect, and it's all your fault.
Your comeuppance is Sebek calling you a ligma worthy of Malleus, it seems.
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cheschesterpossum · 2 months
Imagine if one day humanity left the planet/system en masse for some reason, leaving their old creations behind without a second thought. Cybertron falls into civil wars and chaos for millenias until an (un?)intentional reunion with their creators.
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Get it? Time work differently in the pocket universe? Ok, sorry that was cringe😔. But anyway-
Ohhhhh, i like that! Imagine going back to check on your creations just to see their planet is currently an absolute scraphole right now.
Humans and cybertronians can be very similar. In this AU, it would actually kinda make sense in a way. Like father like son/j humanity would probably see themself in their creations. Earth have a long list of war and conflict with eachother. Seeing history repeating itself on Cybertron, i like to think we would help or guide them (or at least try).
Now, i have some ideas for how the bots would react: under cut↓
One - humans are seen as myth on Cybertron (for example: the concept of some higher being created us- or aliens). Some would probably think we're not...real? they're baffled to meet their og creators (or Primus's creators) that they once thought were just myth. Oh, and SOME bots would fall into existential crisis (like Tyrest hehehehehe) since I remember there's the whole xenophoic or organic-phobic thing too.
Two - they have zero idea who we are, we're a complete new species to them. Didn't know they were created by us in the first place and would have a hard time believing so. Again with some of the xenophoics, this time in denial until we proved it and then they went into existential crisis again.
Three - this is mostly just to stroke my slight god complex, but heyyyyyy what if they looked up to us. Having created the cybertronians, i imagine it's possible they would recognize n heck even have relics or records. I think this would make a bit more sense if placed in TFA, maybe then it'd explain why there's ninjas robots. Possibly learn and took some inspirations from it. Also it would be kinda funny to see human slangs written in history datapads, 'ligma' and 'updog' being the cause of multiple arguments among the scientists- ok ok I'll stop now.
Sorry for ranting so much!
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leavingsunsets · 5 months
alsgakdgaksh sorry I know you just answered my request but, but, but what about dcst characters reacting to a reader who has a problem with daydreaming (maladaptive daydreaming)
basically they get so lost in their mind that they start acting out or quoting(? their thoughts, from the outside it just kinda looks like they're talking to themselves but they've got a whole movie in their mind 😭 (i legitimately subconsciously tripped myself because i imagined a character falling to the floor)
take care and don't rush <333
whooo this was a doozy. had to do a little research for this one, so i get to give yall some good rep or atleast make it feel a little more accurate tehee. anyways with this population sampling liberty ive decided to get 5 characters, 4 guys and 1 girl. enjoy 😋.
[𝖣𝖢𝖲𝖳 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝗐/ 𝖺 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖺𝖽𝖺𝗉𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝖽𝖺𝗒𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗋.]
𝙎𝙚𝙣𝙠𝙪 𝙄𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙞
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Might be a little confused at first. Like, especially if it's at random times. Maybe he's busy tinkering with something, and you're in the same room. You do or say something and he automatically goes "huh?" because he thinks you're talking to him and you go "huh."
It takes some adjusting for him, but he learns much faster than the others. Though it's kinda funny during the beginning stages because whenever you said something aloud he'd pause whatever he was doing to stare at you blankly, and if you didn't look his way after a few seconds he'd take it as you weren't talking to him and resume his business.
He's a curious bugger tho so he obviously glances over at you sometimes to see what you were doing, whether you were both alone or not.
Seeing as your attention is a little harder to grab, he's got a custom habit of either patting or holding your shoulder. Like "yo [name]," and a little shoulder tap.
But with this development, it seems you've also learned to do the same. Now that he's used to you talking to yourself, to show that you're speaking to him, you have to either tap him or say his name.
Overall, pretty chill about it, even talks to you a lot just to pull you out sometimes.
𝙏𝙖𝙞𝙟𝙪 𝙊𝙠𝙞
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Our sweet, underrated, heart of gold who I couldn't find nice aesthetic manga banners for (sorry for the jumpscare). Bet you didn't expect to see him on the list, huh?
Just a little longer in terms of adjusting. Like Senku, is a little confused and goes "?" when you do things randomly. Sometimes, you are interrupted because whenever he is in vicinity he's just bombarding you with questions.
"Hi! What are you doing?" "Were you talking to me?" "What's that mean?" "Were you saying something?" "What is that gesture?"
You either give him a very detailed description about the scenario in your head or just BS it.
"I was communicating with the trees." "Wow! Really? You can do that?" Accepts whatever choice you pick anyway. He will listen intently and he will take it literally. An open chance to tell him whatever you want and he would not suspect you at all. He is very intrigued at this new type of acorns called "Deez" that you found in the forest. Apparently it's part of the "Ligma" family of trees? Wow!
Easily snaps you out of your daydreams because his voice is just loud enough to do so.
You get to enthuse with him sometimes, and he will happily listen.
𝙏𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙖𝙨𝙖 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙤
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Also a little underrated, I swear.
Problem with Tsukasa is that he's a little nonverbal so when you do or say something, he just stares at you. Hulk of a man watches in confusion as you play out a whole soap opera or something.
But hey, what is Tsukasa if not a kind and gracious man?
Tries to understand you, and is a good listener if you ever need a guy to ramble to about this. And hey, gives him more insight on your mind in general.
Keeps a slightly closer eye on you, or is just more aware of your predicament in general.
This Tarzan would genuinely be gentle about it like he'd check up on you and stuff. Talk to you, or even sit down with you, maybe a little chitchat.
I imagine you as a duo would be him sipping nice tea and enjoying the garden meanwhile you accidentally drop your cookie in the milk so you borrow his teaspoon just to scoop it out and he lets you. Very weird analogy but he is just kind??
An enigma, overall doesn't change his usual equitable treatment towards you.
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I already had a vision of her reaction to this. Like, as an inquisitive type, she'd most likely ask you questions all about it as soon as she notices it. More answers lead to more questions. Forgive her, she's only curious.
Similar to Tsukasa, she wants to be aware and informed. Wants to know about what you're thinking about sometimes. "Hmmm..." and just watches you from the branches.
Of course, watchful, and vigilant. Observer type. If ever you're too out of it to notice something potentially harmful coming your way (or vice versa), she'd be there to tug you back to reality.
She's most likely less patient than Tsukasa, not the type for a sit down kind of conversation, but would still let you ramble while you both pick apples or smthn.
Overall a nice gal who wouldn't mind it at all.
I feel like she's the complete opposite of a daydreamer, so it's hard for her to understand what it's like. Still, she tries to be considerate and talks with you whenever she can as a way to learn about it.
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Mind: Hey Soul, have you seen Heart?
Soul: he’s in bed, I think Hearts not do well, he’s got… ligma
Mind: What is Ligma?
Soul: Ligma BALLS!!
Soul: that was a joke, you can laugh
Mind: .. I do not get the joke, explain.
Soul: Its- it wont be funny anymore if I explain it to you
Mind: It wasn’t funny in the first place. Please explain the joke.
Soul: okay uh- So “Ligma” is not an actual thing, so naturally you would ask “What’s Ligma?” And I would say “Ligma balls” and it sounds like “Lick my..” Yknow and of course you wouldn’t actually do that, its just a bit of wordplay for gags
Mind: .. uhuh. Well if you see Heart can you let him know I need to borrow the CD’s?
Soul: CD’s? What CD’s?
Mind: see DEEZ NUTS!
Soul: Oh my god.
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
hello my pretty ligma <3
may I please order my Yandere! Jock? I was thinking if this scenario about their anniversary with reader basically picks him up from his place, brings a bouquet of tulips, and proceeds to take him to a candle light dinner. with them going to star gazing after! I really want to see his pov while all these happens. 🤭
please there is no pressure if you will not able to get it!!
thank you, pretty girl <3
Yandere! Jock Asks 1
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
A/N: Okay, first off 🗣️ LIGMA BALLS!!! Moving on now.
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Yandere! Jock has been sulking for the entire day. Lately you’ve been so distant from him and he couldn’t figure out why. It seemed like you’ve been avoiding him and it didn’t help that today was your one year anniversary. When he tried to approach you to give you your gift, you would make an excuse to leave before he even got to hand them to you. Everytime he texted you to meet up with him, you would respond with a “I’m busy. I’ll talk to you later.” Just what was so important that you could ignore him and forget your guy’s anniversary!!!
He honestly was praying that it wasn’t a guy taking up your attention. He didn’t want to eliminate someone so soon again. After getting a text from you stating that he shouldn’t wait up for you because you’ll be going home before the school day is fully over. He was honestly so annoyed right now and decided to just go to practice to cool off before seeing you. His poor teammates were too scared to get near him. He was honestly so aggressive that one step near him could cause them to possibly go to the ER. They could only do nothing but pray that you would talk to him and cause his anger to disperse. One day without you by his side causes hell for them.
After that, he decided to just go straight to your house after school. Quickly going over there, he knocks frantically on your door only for it to be your dad. Who came over for a visit. When he asked about you, your father simply stated that you weren’t home and said that you hadn’t been back for awhile now. Your dad just figured that you were with Yandere! Jock this entire time.
Yandere! Jock seriously wanted to cry. Why would you lie to him and why have you been so secretive lately?! He honestly regrets not putting a tracker on your phone, he just wants to know where you are!! Feeling hopeless he decides to just go home and pretend to be dead on his bed. His thoughts are just constantly filled with you and each image of your face in his head makes his heart squeeze. This was honestly the worst anniversary ever. He didn’t even care if the two of you didn’t go anywhere, just being with you filled him up with so much joy. He really does miss you right now.
Just then, he got a text message from you which said “Look out your window.” With that, he rushed over and peered over only to see nothing? Quickly, another message was delivered, “The other one dummy.” Looking outside in his lawn he got to behold the sight of you. Excited, he quickly made his way out of his room and out towards you. Where he was then presented a bouquet of tulips. “You didn’t think I forgot our anniversary did you?” He felt so dumb and giddy right now, how could he have doubted you in the first place? With a kiss on the lip, the two of you hopped into your car and drove to your house.
Yandere! Jock was a little confused as to why you took him here in the first place. I mean couldn’t you just have just texted him to come over? He’d be there in a heartbeat. He didn’t mind this of course, he’d definitely enjoy a Netflix and chill situation. Entering your home and into your garden he was then greeted by the sight of a candle light dinner. He was just so touched and couldn’t believe what was happening! “I tried my best to cook us a meal. It might not taste the best but I hope you like it.” Are you kidding me! Even if you served him a block of cheese, he would treat it as if it were the most scrumptious meal he’d ever tasted.
Yandere! Jock gobbled and ate that shit up. If you hadn’t known any better, you would have thought he’d been starving for the past couple of days. The entire time he had a look of contentment and happiness on his face. He full heartedly and honestly believed that this was the best meal he had ever had in his entire life. “Don’t the stars look lovely tonight.” you ask as you look up at the sky. That night he couldn’t help but not take his eyes off of you. Although there were many bright stars that night, he believed that the brightest one shined right next to him. Without even looking at the sky he said lovingly,
“Yeah. Just look at them glow.”
Asks 2
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hannahlovesluca · 11 months
Hi! Can I request Luxiem boys(separate) x reader who gets scared very easily and screams when scared? Play the don't scream game live on twitch?
(apologies for my bad English)
(inspired by kubz scout)
hi 🪻 anon! welcome to the family!
Luxiem Boys + S/O playing “Don’t Scream”
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• this motherfucker.
• he will laugh so hard if you scream, but if you’re getting like actually effected he’ll probably make you take a break <3
• probably makes a joke about how you need to go to ike for screamo lessons
• probably adds ike to the call solely because this man is petty as hell
• if you decide to go to the mini market in the game and you get the jump scare where the old man swipes across the screen, he’s most definitely making a lorax joke
• help ive never seen the lorax so i dont know if that context is correct but whatever
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• translation: YOU FUCKER GO BACK TO HELL!
• lots of swears in swedish (from ike… and from me… sorry self insert….again………)
• he genuinely feels bad but also laughs sometimes
• he thinks youre adorable but he also finds it incredibly weird that he thinks someone being terrified for their life is cute…..
• you probably end up saying something so bad that he goes limp from laughing and is in tears (literally, not exaggerating)
• and if you have trouble falling asleep that night he’ll make sure to run his hands through your hair and hum to you!
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• hes such a dick
• will literally whimper with you in discord call while youre playing.
• and still has the nerve to call you a baby
• sir?????
• du är en hycklare.
• anyway he most definitely teases you about it
• literally just call him out omg y/n
• ……but its kind of hot when he teases you so you let it happen
• anyway mid game you probably mute him because he’s screaming so loud LMAOO
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• this mf is even worse than vox.
• will be teasing you left and right
• “y/n…. whats kidamogus backwards…”
• “…luca..”
• his voice is more of a jumpscare than the game itself oh my lawd
• and um… if youre swedish…
• anyways, if you’re seriously seriously scared to the point where you need comfort he is coming ASAP.
• and he brings snuggles <3
• is still teasing you, though
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• he’ll giggle at you every now and then
• but overall he just thinks its cute and amusing
• and if you squeal out a curse his heart is just going to 💥💥💥
• i genuinely dont even know what else to add…. he just giggles at you a lot 😭😭
• will occasionally make a ligma joke if things are too quiet (almost the whole game since you have to be pretty much silent LMAOO)
• he’ll probably send messages in your chat even though hes in call with you
• Shu Yamino [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧: guys what do i do they’re so focused
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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this is like super short pls forgive me tan twitter tl for context
tan on twitter!!!
8 participants - 8 online
tae: yoongi pls unblock me on twitter
yoongi: kill yourself
tae: i tried guys why doesn’t he love me 💔
y/n: that was a pathetic try
tae: guess what
y/n: what?
tae: ligma man..
y/n: ligma??
jimin: no way 😭
jk: baby…
namjoon: really
y/n: WHAT???
jin: i’m with her
wtf you guys on about??
hobi: this is a sad day
y/n: drown
jimin: ur fault tbh
hobi: real
y/n: leave me alone
jin: look you made her upset idiots
hobi: cheer up baby ❤️
namjoon: it’s okay tae upsets me all the time
y/n: im fine
hobi: bts song
jk: i know bts
tae: me 2
y/n: i want to stab you with a pencil
tae: watch out namjoon
namjoon: she is definitely talking to you
tae: proof?
hobi: bts?
jimin: i’m gonna bts outta you shut the fuck up
hobi: aw man :/
jk: bts?
jin: beat the shit
tae: beat MY shit
jk: woah
yoongi: he actually needs to kill himself wow
tae: @y/n u 2
jimin: she’s mad
y/n: I’M NOT MAD
jin: y/n are you still with that scoups guy?
namjoon: didn’t we just find out they we’re together like a week ago?
jk: WE DID????
jin: she moves on fast tho so idk
y/n: NO I DONT????
jimin: yoongi mingyu jk scoups mark wonho minho san all of us
there’s more hold on i’m thinking
hobi: all of us?
jk: say sike…
jin: woah major slut alertttttt
namjoon: shut up
jk: what
yoongi: she’s a grown woman
y/n: RIGHT
sorry i’m hot as fuck and pull bitches it’s not my fault
jin: u mid
y/n: ur 30
jin: ok please leave me alone i’m sorry
tae: my body count is also 2
jimin: -2
tae: ummmm?
jk: i’ve killed no one
i could of but don’t worry
namjoon: ??
hobi: fyi she did not deny being with scoups
jimin: TRUE
jk: NO
y/n: i deny it
jimin: too late we know
jin: SLUT
pls i’m sorry i didn’t mean it pls don’t be mean to me
please oh my god i’m sorry it slipped out
love u
namjoon: it’s okay if ur with him
y/n: IM NOT
tae: who have you fucked
yoongi: are you stupid?
tae: no i’m curious
wow i love shinee
y/n can you please start talking to minho again and then get married to him so i can be at his wedding and we can be forever connected
y/n: you guys know so much about my relationship life it actually makes me want to throw up
jimin: ur easy to stalk
hobi: she’s fucked jk and yoongi
tae: and me
jin: in dreams doesn’t count
yoongi: lol
yoongi: L
tae: no
yoongi: O
yoongi: L
tae: 6pm seoul south korea apartment block C floor 7 door number 279 a ak47 a man a mask and a fucking dream
namjoon: wow ok that’s great!!
nice vogue shoot btw jungkook!
namjoon: oh my fucking god
hobi: scottish pride!!
jimin: ???
hobi: was he not wearing a kilt?
jimin: a what?
hobi: killing myself
jin: why they put you in that dirty ass bathroom omg?
tae: dirty shoot for a dirty man
jin: ?
tae: what?
jin: just a bit crazy coming from u
y/n: tae you need to shower
tae: you in love
fucking bitch
jin: do you fuck her or fight her damn?
jimin: right he’s pissing me off
tae: can you leave me alone i’m going through a lot rn
jk: dick
tae: ??
jk: a lot of dick
yoongi: lmao
namjoon: he likes men?
hobi: ewwwwwwwwwwww
jimin: homophobia?????????
jk: yes so he’s going through them
cuz he does not like y/n
yoongi: you say this like every 2 weeks
jk: because it is true
y/n: thank god
jk: no thank men
hobi: thx men
jin: so it’s not jimin?
jimin: what??
tae: i’ve never touched another man let alone sleep with one
hobi: amen
y/n: now that is just not true
namjoon: who cares
tae: I DO
hobi: no one will ever say those words to you
jin: i will
tae: fr 🥲?
jin: LOL
tae: ok kys
and fuck that bitch y/n
yoongi: have
tae left “tan on twitter”
hobi: cuteness overload ^_^
y/n: what crawled up his ass today tf
jk: hi do you need me do you want me do you love me
namjoon: can we just talk about life or like
jin: let me guess trees?
jimin: weed?
hobi: life is a downward spiral noting matters we are all slowly dying the government hates us money is worthless drugs are all around our water is running out
jk: where is it running out of
let’s catch it
y/n: tae was being super weird right?
hobi: super shy
namjoom: what’s new
hobi: new hair
namjoon: stop
hobi: forgive me master
namjoon: i’m at my breaking point
jimin: breaking bad
jin: drugs?
jimin: it all links back to namjoon…
jk: omgggggg namjoon is this true……..
pls lmk if you like the twitter concept idk if i’m feeling her yet but if you guys are i will do more idk trying to be different 🙈
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sabrerine911 · 25 days
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Goofy barbarian ladies shenanigans COLORED (BG3) https://www.facebook.com/BorisGrozevArt/
featuring Karlach and my "half-giant" non-Tav Beth Ravencoft
Saw this really fun Barbarian/Bard meme that I found super hillarious on a DnD fb page a few weeks ago, so I felt like doing my goofy take on it with 2 barbarian ladies in this case.
In my case I went with my crossover character, wich ironically really works with this dumb template since she is a snarky wisecracker herself.(she has negative charisma but she still got a strong "vicious mockery" game XD)
In my headcanon, as some of you that follow know, these two are an absolute pair, battle sister besties. So I felt like it would be funny to sometimes have them try to pull a Ligma style joke on eachother.
Its funny to think, Ive seen so many people do these intricate, incredible BG3 pieces of art, some renaissance worthy stuff, and then there is me doing this goofy crossover nonesense XD
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Help! I think I got ligma!
I have not heard of this, is ligma bad?
- Edwin
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shpjarkley · 4 months
The Best Prose Writer of the 21st Century Is Writing About Space Lesbians
I don't think I have ever read an author as fearless as Tamsyn Muir. If I have, they have never had the talent to pull off what she does. Her imagery is synesthetic, her syntax is Arachnean, her sentences are dissonant like a maestro's symphony. She's Michael Chabon in one line and Douglas Adams in the next. She's Poe and she's Pukicho. She's the new Shakespeare, complete with sex jokes and pop culture references. The absurdity that her byzantine grammar and archaic language are as parsable as they are visceral is only matched by the absurdity of successfully landing emotional beats that are punctuated by memes (my Alecto prediction is that I will be left sobbing by a sentence that contains "ligma balls").
Muir uses the English language for everything it's worth, reinvents it as a self-aware mosaic of literary history that stretches from antiquity to twenty-first century slang. She has to. The enormity of human love and grief is too vast to be contained within all the languages of the world, let alone one. The praxis of The Locked Tomb mirrors that of Catch-22, for they are united in their foundational tenet: Every atom in the universe put together cannot hold the pain that a single human soul can. Thus time, reality, language - those inadequate vessels of our sorrows - are bent and warped by the gravitational pull of a broken heart. To say it in Muir's own words: "Of such banality was grief made."
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rusty-gloinks · 1 year
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Ligma balls || og image + translation under cut
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eng - rus (im not russian but if anyone is, i figured I’d just put it there)
Uzi: so sad that Steve Jobs died of ligma так грустно, что стив джобс умер от лигмы
Doll: who’s Steve Jobs? кто такой стив джобс?
Uzi: Ligma balls лига шары
I have literally had this idea stuck in my head for about a week and I couldn’t stop thinking about it
missed opportunity to make fun of uzis mom, i.e: "so sad that nori died of ligma" i could’ve done that but oh well. :v
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rubra-wav · 5 months
Various Adam headcanons
A/N I'm not an Adam simp, I just have been thinking abt him since the last post I did.
A lot of these are just things I feel in vibes and are completely baseless haha.
Cw: SFW, angsty in parts, misogyny, slight reference to disordered eating, uhhh idk man it's mixed
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He's very messy and his house is like a bombsite of unwashed dishes and laundry.
Think messy roommate horror stories: that's him, and he doesn't give a single damn about it. Thinks he shouldn't have to clean up his house because that's a 'chick thing'
He's naturally really warm and overheats a lot because of it. Due to this, he has his house cold so he isn't sweating his ass off at all times.
He's really good to sleep next to during cold weather, but is God awful during hot weather.
Will not stop bitching about it being too hot when he's slightly uncomfortable and laughs at people who are easily cold, calling them weak.
His favourite things to watch are shitty b grade movies - especially comedy ones.
Prides himself on knowing current lingo, memes, and jokes (and actually pulls off not sounding like an old person trying to be 'hip with the kids' and cringey)
Follow up: makes deez nuts and ligma jokes out of everything and finds it hilarious. Sera sent him out of a meeting for doing this to Emily one time.
He's the type of mf who is pretentious asf about beer being superior and believes any guy who likes sweeter drinks / doesn't like beer are pussies.
He secretly doesn't believe this in the slightest and actually hates beer, he'd never admit it though. He has a sweet tooth and actually really likes drinks like Baileys.
Constantly talking, even if it's just to himself.
He likes AC/DC a lot. Ironically, 'highway to hell' is one of his favourite songs of all time.
He always wears his mask because he feels more vulnerable without it.
If you're close with him, he'd likely feel more comfortable to take it off around you - would fight to keep it on at all times if he doesn't trust you or feel safe with you.
I headcanon he put on weight after getting to heaven because after he was kicked out of Eden he didn't have nearly as much food, so he began binging when he finally had it again. It kind of just stayed a comfort for him.
He's really insecure about his weight gain too. If you point it out he's gonna get really upset. (Like how Lucifer does in ep 8)
Follow up: he literally always has snacks and is an absolute bitch about sharing them. If he does share them with you, he expects you to be really grateful.
His masculinity is fragile as it gets.
Would physically wilt if you even slightly imply he's not masculine and then become extremely angry and try to prove he actually is.
The main reason he is misogynistic is due to his experience with Lilith.
Before Lilith ran away from him, I think that Adam actually had extremely high respect for women.
His whole purpose was to reproduce. Women do a hell of a lot more then men during the whole process of reproduction and dude worships pussy even now (he named his best soldier after it. Not after dick, vag)
I imagine that it was a much larger appreciation for women in general before Lilith screwed him over.
This soured into misogyny, though, after she ran away and likely grew much, much worse with Eve due to her actually being made from him.
Eve then proceeded to eat the apple given to her and resulted in them being kicked out of Eden, which made it even worse.
He's the definition of that one reddit incel who had bad experiences with a handful of women and now is an absolute misogynistic cunt lmao
Hella abandonment issues.
Also hella jealousy issues.
Doesn't matter if you're a friend or a partner, he's going to be grappling to be number one and the only one in your life.
He's not manipulative or slick about it even a little though, it's obvious as it gets. Will vy for your attention by being literally as obnoxious as possible constantly.
Literally so clingy.
If you ever point it out, he'll deny it though and get very flustered.
Bro needs reassurance so bad you aren't gonna leave him if you're his partner.
Will sometimes just get really quiet and ask if he did something if he even slightly senses a tone shift to negativity.
Pretends it never happened afterwards and will downplay his fears massively if you call him out on it.
He's the type of sleeper who moves around a lot and ends up upside down somehow. Also a sleep talker.
Is the type of mf who has the skill to transcribe songs into guitar simply by ear.
He never shuts up about it, so although it is actually a really incredible skill, you want to not praise it because of how annoying he is over it.
Follow up: can play most types of guitar.
One of those extremely annoying rock fans who scoff when you put on anything but rock.
Also acts like he knows more about rock than anybody.
If you put on country music around him, he will forcefully grab the aux from you to turn it off.
He knows he actually isn't very smart at all and is super insecure about it.
He's had it used against him time and time again by people like Lilith and overcompensates to deter this by acting like he is actually the smartest person at all times.
When someone treats him like he's stupid, especially about something he actually knows/is knowledgeable about, he's extremely defensive about it (like when Lute points out the shield to him in ep 8)
Would be the type to go "Mansplaining means 'man explaining things'" to you with complete lack of self-awareness.
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I need to draw Sera looking absolutely horrified as he screams the lyrics to highway to hell so bad.
Got possessed with the energy I had to suddenly write this omg.
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hatchetmanofficial · 2 years
MC: I think I have ligma
Alan: What’s ligma?
MC: LIGMA BALLS!!! So basically, let me explain. Ligma isn’t a real disease or a real word but it sounds like one. So it’s like an easy way to get someone to ask “what’s ligma” because it sounds like you have a disease or illness. So then when someone asks you say “ligma balls” (which phonetically sounds like “lick my balls”) it’s easy to lure someone into a funny joke and then it insinuates that they want to lick YOUR balls. So this is pretty hilarious on a multitude of levels. Firstly, (obviously) the other person doesn’t want to lick your balls, so it’s funny that you made them say something which demonstrates their desire to lick your balls when they in fact do not want to lick your balls. Secondly, it’s onomatopoeic, almost an onomatopoeic pun, so it’s pretty funny that “ligma” is phonetically interchangeable with “lick my”, at least in an certain accents. It may be difficult to achieve the same result with different accents, as some accents will hard pronounce the “ck” whereas others will omit the “ck” into a “g” sound, taking slang and cultural pronunciations into account, resulting in “ligma” instead of “lick my”. This makes it easy to fool those who are used to “g” pronunciations as a replacement for the “ck” plosive, or other variances. Do you get it?
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