#i think i still have 5-6 that need to be traded so this are on hold for now
cheswirls · 2 years
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another one for the pokedex :)
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mistress-riddle · 9 months
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𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘. cedric diggory
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request — Cedric and his parents go on a trip to another country during the summer and during it, Cedric meets reader at a park reading, they strike up a conversation but seeing as they are both wizards and neither of them realize the other is also a wizard they dont keep in touch. when they return to Hogwarts, Cedric glances around and sees reader sitting with the Slytherins at dinner and asks them on a hogsmeade date to catch up. — @hea-vin
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you sigh as you take a seat on the bench, family long discarded in favour of resting your aching body from the shopping and sight-seeing you've been doing for the past 5 hours and reading a book instead. you fail to notice the boy taking a seat at the exact same time as you and so you startle when he chuckles and asks "long day?"
"sadly," you groan and stretch your neck to the side, closing over your novel "you in the same predicament?"
"sadly," he huffs and ruffles his hair as he leans back, legs spreading slightly in the process "where abouts are you from?" he asks shortly after.
"live in central london," you turn to properly look at him "what about you?"
"near devon, england." he seems to be around your age, brown hair mixed with golden highlights that seemed too soft and fluffy to be dyed. his face was certainly something to admire, high cheekbones dusted with pink and freckles that accompanied them, lips wide and full and jawline sharp in its edges. his eyes are a mix of hazel and green with specks of gold similar to the ones in his hair, once you notice you've been looking for a bit too long you clear your throat and look to the side.
"how long are you staying here for?" the boy asks you, head tilted to the side as he scans you, your face seemed familiar but he wasn't sure where he recognised you from.
"i think two more days," you ponder "i'm not sure, i'm just tagging along with my family." you shrug and he smiles in return.
"same here, though i think we're staying for the week." you nod and he follows it with "how have you liked it so far then?"
"it's been pretty alright actually," you respond with a grin "i mean apart from the heckling of being with family and having siblings, the sights here are so pretty and the food is delicious."
the brunet agrees with you, the same amiable smile decorating his lips "it is quite beautiful here, though i don't have any siblings to put a dimmer on my experience."
"oh lucky you," you sigh "i wish i was an only child."
the boy laughs as he shakes his head "i often wished i had a sibling to play with."
you glance at him with a cheeky look "want to trade?"
"i'm afraid i'm too used to being an only child." he shrugs and you pout.
"bummer, i could've been having the time of my life had you agreed." you shut your eyes as you allow the sunlight to bathe you in its rays, peeking an eye open after a few seconds, you focus it on the boy beside you "you sure?"
"you didn't exactly sell it out to be the greatest thing," he pauses and hums "might need some convincing."
you tap your fingers against your thighs as you ponder "well for starters, i guess they're somewhat cute—" you're cut off by a yell of your name. the two of you turn to see a 6 year old running towards you with a cup full of fruits.
"mama said you have to come back, we're going to another place." the child rushes through her words and almost chokes on a pineapple during the relay of her message and you send the boy next to you a look which caused him to chuckle.
"slow down, you're going to choke." you pat her back gently and shake your head as you stand up, sending her away as your bags go back in your hands and your book is put away.
"well, it was nice chat," you smile at the guy still sitting "i'll work on the pro's for the next time if i see you around."
"i look forward to it, farewell, my chatting companion." he waves and you try to mimic him with a tiny wave of your own as you follow behind your sister.
it's a shame you met the handsome stranger in a foreign country and not back at home. alas, it was probably worse that he was most likely a muggle who you could not communicate with. a bummer how all the good ones you're destined to only meet once you think to yourself.
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the bustling of the students feels familiar as you take your seat beside your friends in the great hall.
"how was your holiday?" asks emma from your side, nudging you with her elbow the second dumbledore announced that the feast shall commence.
"emma, had you not slept the whole ride from kings cross to here, you would've known."
your other friend, ben, interrupts as he places a hand on his chest and haughtily stares down at emma "since i was actually awake to converse with my friend like normal people do, i had the opportunity to hear about [name]'s first crush on this british boy she met on holiday."
emma ignores bens attitude as she turns to you with her mouth open, a gasp escaping her lips "no. way." she whispers and you roll your eyes.
"it's not a crush, ben just wants to mess with you." you retort at her wide eyes and disbelieving expression.
"come now, [name], it's not everyday you compliment a boys look to us, he must've really swooned you." ben teases and you sigh.
"you make it seem like i've never complimented anyone." you deadpan and your friends scoff.
"fine, i'll never tell you anything again." you mutter in spite and ben and emma hurriedly attempt to placate you throughout the rest of dinner as they try to coerce you to spill about the handsome stranger who caught your attention and affection.
towards the end of dinner when conversations take over and everyone is only lightly taking bites of their desserts, ben finds his eyes drifting behind you before his expression changes into one of curiosity "say," he interrupts you and emma, you two turn to him with an unimpressed look "does anyone know why the diggory boy keeps looking back here every now and then?" he gives you a look "any of you associated with him?"
emma wistfully sighs as she places her head on her closed fist "i wish, i'd totally get with him if he wanted." you give her a look and clear your throat.
"umm, who's diggory?"
the two sigh "cedric diggory? the captain of the hufflepuff quidditch team?..." ben asks as if that'll help you and you turn to emma "he's blondish, tall, absolutely dreamy?" she quips and you hum.
"he sounds like the perfect package, how come i don't know about him?" you ask and they shrug.
"merlin knows how in your world you are, as a slytherin, it will do you good to build connections." ben adds and emma taps your shoulder to get you to turn around and show you who exactly cedric is. as you turn your head however, you catch the eye of a certain quidditch captain, you're met with the sight of the boy from your holiday and your breathe hitches as he stands and makes his way over.
"okay, now why is he coming here?" ben asks once more and emma shrugs as she watches the two of you stare at each other.
"it's you." you both utter at the same time and his face breaks out into a smile that you can't help but reciprocate.
"i thought i'd never see you again." the boy scratches the back of his neck as his cheeks colour a rosy hue.
"and i you." you nod in reciprocation.
"well since luck seems to have found me, i think i have to take full advantage of it and ask you on a date." you hear one of your friends choke but you choose to ignore them and put up a front of a thinking face as cedric waits for your answer "i just have to find out what the pros are."
you sigh as you cross your arms "i did try to come up with an extensive list..." you look up at the boy and nod "fine, i'll free a day and make a compelling case for you."
you did not think cedrics grin could widen anymore and yet you stand (sit) corrected as his teeth show "i look forward to it!" he waves you goodbye as he heads back to his table and rejoins his friends.
"turns out this priss not only knows diggory but managed to bag a date with him."
"dear merlin, why don't i have their luck?"
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fromthespaceamundo · 4 months
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Blossom, from The Powerpuff Girls (1998)
"She's the indisputable leader and spokesperson with fiery red hair tied up in her trade mark red bow. Her perfect combination of brains and beauty often saves the day.
Despite having just learned the alphabet and having to be in bed by eight o'clock, Blossom takes her responsibilities seriously, giving her an aura that goes well beyond her years.
She is the child who thinks she needs to be an adult. The funny thing is her idea of what an adult is, can be a bit childish. So no matter how hard she tries, Blossom, the perpetual Girl Scout is indeed a little girl."
1. What do you think of school?
Blossom: I think school is a wonderful place for a child to receive their education so they succeed in life.
2. What do you think of evil?
Blossom: That’s a good question. I think evil is bad because it does not do any good.
3. What do you want?
Blossom: What I want is world peace and a new dress.
4. What do you hate?
Blossom: I hate that there is no world peace and that my dress is hot pink.
5. What do you love?
Blossom: I love my sisters, I love Professor Utonium and I love being a super hero.
6. What would you do with a million dollars?
Blossom: I would go to the government and buy world peace, and then a new dress.
7. Do you know the alphabet?
Blossom: Yes I know the alphabet forwards and backwards.
8. Do you watch TV?
Blossom: Yes I sometimes watch tv but not all the time. I watch smart shows with the Professor and cartoons when I want to laugh.
9. When not saving the world, what do you do?
Blossom: Well, in truth I never stop saving the world because I recycle.
10. What would you do if you didn't have superpowers?
Blossom: If I did not have superpowers I would still have super powers because everything on earth has a super power in its own special way.
Source: Cartoon Network (press release from 1998)
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sirfrogsworth · 12 days
Adventures in Cooling
The 5-star rated HVAC repair service I used kind of depressed me.
It was almost... too good?
Like, they offer 24/7 service. They have a text message system that lets you know when the tech is coming. Every tech has their own custom van that serves as a giant advertisement. The entire process is documented with a tablet computer. Every serial number and model number must be photographed. He has to follow a diagnostic checklist. And an upsell checklist. And a repair checklist. He had so many checklists that at one point he pulled a card out of his wallet to make sure he didn't forget one of the steps. He had a poorly memorized speech for every upsell. You could tell he didn't have "his" tools, but the company's tools that he borrowed.
None of this was "bad" as far as a workflow. The service was flawless and nothing was forgotten. But you could tell that every detail was micromanaged and if the tech didn't follow the procedures to the letter, he would probably get some kind of demerit.
I felt sorry for my tech. He was in his 60s and clearly had a severe chronic knee injury. He walked slower than I do. He was quite monosyllabic and difficult to make conversation with. Not unpleasant, just not great at communicating.
At one point I asked him if I was a good candidate for a heat pump and he was like, "Everyone is."
End of advice.
Oh, and the uniform.
The uniform was very silly.
Every square inch of his shirt was meant to assure people they have a qualified technician. The one sleeve listed his certifications from some Alphabet Association that certifies such things. And then the other sleeve made sure to let me know my technician was drug tested and background checked.
The entire visit I kept trying to imagine how being stoned might negatively affect HVAC repair. I mean, if he was on a little cocaine perhaps we could have wrapped things up 30 minutes sooner. Marijuana might have helped him communicate. Opioids could make his knee feel better. I don't think shrooms would have been a good idea. If he hallucinated an angry fan monster in my A/C unit that could have been really awkward.
He was a terrible salesman—but for some reason, I fell for every upsell. Actually, I sold all of the upsells to myself in my head. I got a new filter and had him install it because I worried I would forget or I would install it improperly (not really possible, you just stick it in). But for the price I paid I could have bought 6 years worth of filters.
I just wanted everything sorted. I am so stressed and do not have the bandwidth to deal with A/C troubles. So I just said "yes" to everything. But the price kept inflating as we went along and every time it inflated he required a signature on his tablet.
This repair business had been corporatized to death and it made me miss all of my dad's friends from the old days who he would ask for favors. He always "knew a guy." He would trade car repairs for discounts on things we needed around the house. And they all worked for themselves and had their own tools and their own shitty truck and they all said, "There's your problem!" with the same masculine affect.
Their uniform was a flannel shirt and jeans and I bet some of them were high as fuck.
And this elderly gentlemen with the bum knee kept checking his checklist to make sure he checked every check because he feared managerial discipline.
He got to the sales pitch for the fluorescent dye. He was like, "Do you want this? You don't have to buy it." And I started selling it to myself in my head despite his assurance it wasn't really necessary. I worried if I had a big leak and I don't discover it until the middle of July, I would regret saying no in this moment. But then I realized he hated the dye injection process. And his poor salesmanship was mostly him not wanting his hands to be fucking radioactive yellow for the rest of the day. He tried wearing gloves to avoid it, but he still ended up with yellow hands and grumbled, "I really hate this stuff." Which was one of the few unrehearsed things he said to me the entire time.
Once the checklist was complete and the house was already starting to cool, he had one final sales pitch for me. He asked that I give his company a 5-star review and to make sure I mention his name. He told me that in July all of the techs with the most 5-star reviews will have their names put in a hat. And "the boss" will give one lucky employee a free vacation.
This vacation thing sounded like such a manipulation. And I'm sure "the boss" has instructed his techs to tell this tale of the free vacation so customers will be like, "Well, shit. I don't want this poor old guy with the shitty knee to miss out on that."
And it was then I realized just how this company got so many 5-star reviews.
But the good news... my house is cold as heck.
And I keep shivering because I can't figure out the perfect setting on my thermostat. I guess I was used to the inefficiency and I will have to recalibrate.
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Too Good To Say Goodbye pt 5
Logan Sargeant x Fem!Reader, Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
warnings: cursing, mentions of miscarriage/stillborn
part 1 I part 2 I part 3 I part 4 I part 5 I part 6
F1 Masterlist
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I couldn't put this off anymore. I had to talk to Logan about the night in the delivery room and I had to tell Lando about my reoccurring dreams. I know I technically haven't done anything wrong and I haven't cheated but something about my dreams have been feeling a little too real. My feelings for Logan might be too real.
No, stop that Y/N, Logan treated you like shit, there's no way you possibly like him. No. You're not that naive , you know better than to have feelings for a man that treated you like shit. But he also gave you a kid. A kid you so desperately wanted, one you needed to have, to love, to hold, to care for, to cherish after my first born passed.
I'd gotten off the phone with Logan shortly before Lando re-entered our room.
"She's finally back down, her pacifier fell out of her mouth." all Lando said before he got back into bed, trying to cuddle me. I felt so awful with myself and felt like I didn't deserve his comforting touch so I scooted away and attempted to get out of bed.
"Hey what's wrong? Where are you going?" a hint of sadness in his voice but that was quickly covered up with a simple clearing of his throat.
"Shower. Me and Lily are gonna hang out. Maybe you and Oscar could have Yelena for the day? I know Oscar has been begging to take her out and be the favorite uncle but I don't trust him alone with my daughter." a chuckle leaves my lips as I try not to sound nervous.
Why is the thought of having a civil conversation about the well being of my daughter with her father making me feel so icky and nervous? Part of me longs to have a healthy relationship with Logan, I mean he was my everything. Logan made me believe in love, he gave me 2 wonderful pregnancies even if I'll be able to never meet my other baby.
I quickly gathered things that I would need for my shower, a McLaren t-shirt, a pair of jeans, a bra, underwear, my Bose speaker, and a pair of slides before I made my way into the bathroom. I turned the shower on hot before I set everything down and got all my hair products that I'd need.
I took my H/C hair out of the bun I'd just had up prior, letting it fall past my shoulders in a curly nappy mess. I loved my hair don't get me wrong, but all the products I needed for it and how fast it would get nappy would sometimes be too much for me.
Stepping into the hot shower, I let it flow over me and letting my hair get soaked before I started lathering on some shampoo. While I was working the shampoo on my scalp, I couldn't help but imagine a life where Logan and I were endgame, a life where we didn't have split custody of our daughter, a life where when me and Yelena went to the paddock we were going into the Williams garage to cheer for Daddy instead of going into McLaren to cheer for mommy's new boyfriend, a life where little Theo James Sargeant was still alive.
Thinking about little Theo always made me emotional, I couldn't ever imagine a moment in the future where I could talk about him and not want to sob and quite frankly, I don't want their to ever be a time where it doesn't. I'll feel like I forgot about him and that's the last thing I want.
Maybe if Theo was alive none of this would've happened, me and Logan would still be happy, we could have 2 kids instead of 1. If Theo were here all my problems would be solved, I would be happy, Logan would be happy, but I wouldn't be with Lando. Life had its ups and downs, I wouldn't trade my relationship with Lando for the world.
It felt like I was lathering my scalp while being deep in thought for hours but in reality, when I snapped out of my trance I heard the ending of Taylor Swift's All Too Well (10 minute version). I quickly rinsed the shampoo out before quickly conditioning and brushing my hair out. I put my hair up in a little bun to allow my hair to soak up as much conditioner as possible while I scrubbed the rest of my body clean, I decided that today would be one of my ‘everything’ shower days so I also grabbed Lando’s razor that he has in the shower and shaved my legs and armpits.
Once I was done shaving, I took my hair out of the bun and rinsed the conditioner out while simultaneously raking my hands through my hair to get rid of the knots that formed. Once that was done I turned off the shower, wrapped my velcro towel around my body and wrapped my hair in a towel wrap. I’d looked at the time on my phone while trying to change the song, only to realize that I’m supposed to meet Logan at a little coffee shop that was 10 minutes away, in 20 minutes and I wasn’t ready yet.
I’d quickly a no makeup makeup look before quickly drying off my body and throwing my clothes on. I took my hair out the wrap and quickly, but efficiently worked some product in my hair to make sure I still had the curl and bounce when it dried.
I was so busy rushing out of the bathroom that I almost ran right into Lando who was holding Yelena.
“Oh there’s mommy!” Lando says while he points in my direction while simultaneously poking Yelena’s tummy “We were just coming to say bye to you. Oscar is waiting in my car” a smile appears on my face. Lando’s been so good to me and how do I repay him? I’m going behind his back to talk to my ex and baby dad about reoccurring dreams I’ve had about us being a happy family after our little “moment” in the delivery room.
I place a quick sweet kiss against Lando’s lips before I place a big fat one on Yelena’s head “Sorry I took long in the bathroom. Took an ‘everything’ shower, you know how it is.” a small chuckle leaves his lips before we hear a honk from outside “You guys should get going before Uncle Oscar gets mad” I say while I also place delicate pokes on Yelena’s tummy. A quick nod, faint goodbye and a goodbye kiss from Lando was what I got before he left.
I checked my phone again, I had 5 minutes to get to a coffee shop that was 10 minutes away. I quickly shot Logan a text saying that I was gonna be about 5 minutes behind schedule because I got caught in ‘traffic’. I figured it was believable when Logan shot me a ‘All good, I’ll be here when you arrive’ text.
When I’d arrived at the little coffee shop I spotted Logan in a quiet corner. He quickly spotted me because he’d basically leaped out of his seat to welcome me.
“Hey, I figured since you were gonna be late, I’d just order your drink for you. I got you a y/f/d, I hope that’s still your favorite.” the nervous smile that sprawled across his face made my heart clench. He was so cute, oh how badly I wanted to grab his face and pull him close to me. I shook my head to rid the thoughts in my brain.
“Yep, once my favorite always my favorite.” I graciously took the drink from his hands before we both sat down. We sat in silence for what felt like forever before Logan started the conversation.
“So, I called you here because, oh man, how do I say this? I asked you to be here because,” he let out a shaky breath before continuing “because ever since that night in the delivery room, I haven’t stopped dreaming of you. About us, all of us being one big happy family. Me, You and Yelena just living the life and I can’t help the yearn for that. I know you want nothing to do with me but” he placed his hand on top mine that rested on my drink “I know I fucked up big time all those months ago, and I know you hate me and want nothing to do with me, but please, give me one more chance. One more chance to prove to you that I’m a better, changed man. To prove to you that I’ll do anything it takes to be the best father and husband I can be. I love you and Yelena, will all of my heart, soul and bones I love you.”
Tears welled up in my eyes, I can’t tell him I’ve had the same dreams and that I feel that way too. The universe has a weird way of trying to get people together.
I pull my drink up to my lips which caused his hand to fall off mine. “Logan, I- We can’t- I’m with” I closed my eyes and took a long deep breath before I tried to continue “Logan, I love you more than you’ll ever know. You gave me a beautiful daughter and a life I never thought I’d have. I owe you so much but that debt I owed you went straight down the drain the moment you said that I should’ve killed myself, the moment you said I was another piece of ass to you and the moment” a few tears slipped “The moment you said you could impregnate ANY woman.”
I placed my drink down before grabbing a napkin from the dispenser on the table to wipe the fallen tears off my face. A beat or two passed before anyone said anything.
“Do you ever think,” Logan waited a beat before the continued, almost as if he was regretting what he was about to say “Do you ever think that if Theo were still here, none of this would’ve happened? That we’d be happy and together, that Yelena would be able to meet her big brother?”
I could see the tears forming in Logan’s eyes and the tears that once stopped falling came right back.
A choked sob left my throat at the mention of our late son. My body shook with so much pain and sadness that I hadn’t notice Logan left his seat. Not at least until I felt his big strong arms wrap around my body in a tight embrace. I could feel his body shake in his own quiet sobs. We stayed like this for what felt like hours, just in an embrace, sobbing, in public, where everyone is staring.
“Y/N?” Oh no, I recognized that voice. We pulled apart at the mention of my name turning to see Lando pushing a stroller and Oscar following suit “I thought you said you were hanging out with Lily?” Lando sounded suspicious as he looked between Logan and Me observing both of us red eyed. “Why are you both crying? Baby, are you okay?”
“Oh! Yes! Haha, Lily was running late so I grabbed a drink and saw Logan here and then we started talking about Theo” I said wiping the tears from under my eyes again
Oscar’s eyes closed and his face contorted in its own way of saying ‘oh no’
“That’s so funny babe because” Lily walked in “We actually ran into Lily and she mentioned nothing about your guys’ plans. Actually said that she’s been trying to set up a day where you guys could spend the day out and shop and have girls night but said that you kept postponing it. So why are you here with Logan and why’d you lie?”
The tension between us so thick you could hack it with a butcher knife a few times and it wouldn’t cut.
I’ve been caught in lies before but this one, I don’t know how I’m getting out of it.
“I promise I will tell you everything Lando, just not here”
Lando turned and whispered some things to Oscar and Lily whom nodded in agreement before handing them the stroller and the diaper bag and kissing Yelena goodbye.
He’s taken on such a natural fatherly role in her life that to the outside world, Yelena was his daughter and that’s what I admired about him, that’s why I fell in love with him and that’s why I really, really can’t lose him.
“We’re leaving.” was all Lando said before I whispered a goodbye to Logan and followed him out the door and to his McLaren.
The car ride home was awkward and silent. It hadn’t felt this bad in a car alone with him since I told him all those months ago about what happened with me and Logan. After what felt like an eternity we finally arrived at our house. The walk inside and into our bedroom was also awkward and silent.
Oh how I hated when Lando was mad at me.
“Why’d you lie?” it sounded cold, kinda made my heart break “Why were you out with Logan and why did you lie to me?”
“I-” I released a shaky breath “I met with Logan because” I was cut off
“Are you still in love with him?” betrayal and heartbreak coated Lando’s voice
“No! Absolutely not! Lando please don’t think like that!” I quickly walked over to him cupping his face and used my thumb to wipe a stray tear from his face
“I was with Logan because he wanted to talk about that night in the delivery room. He wanted to tell me that he’s been having dreams of us being a big happy family. He asked me what he could do to get me back, to win us back” the look in his eyes told me he believed what I was saying
“and what did you say?”
“I told him that after the way he treated me that I would never get back with him.” I felt him nod against my hands that were still holding his face before I wrapped them around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug feeling his arms wrap around my waist and squeezed tight.
I wanted to stay like this forever, wrapped up in his tight embrace. I felt like nothing bad could happen, I felt on top of the world and that’s how I wanted to stay, but all good things eventually come to an end.
The churn of my stomach is what pulled me away from Lando and I knew I was gonna be sick. I rushed myself to the bathroom before spilling my guts into the toilet. Lando quickly rushed in to hold my hair back and rub my back.
“I’ll be back. I’m gonna grab you a bottle of water” Lando said before he quickly jogged to the kitchen.
I’ve been sick before, but this felt different. I’ve felt this kind of sickness before. Twice, actually. I rested my head in my arms on the toilet seat before frantically looking around in the sink cupboard. I had to search quickly before Lando came back, I couldn’t find it and I didn’t want to call for Lando. One more quick search of lifting things up is when I finally see them.
pregnancy tests.
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti@dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
Steddie Week 2023
May 25th Prompt: Hurt/Comfort
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7
Eddie’s waking up when Steve bursts into the room. Dustin, already at his bedside, excitedly waves Steve over.
Eddie groans, coughs twice, then opens his eyes, looking blankly around. His eyes sharpen in recognition when he sees Steve, and a small smile cracks his face when he looks at Dustin. “Hey, dude,” he mutters, trying to lift a hand to reach Dustin.
Dustin meets him halfway, grasping his hand, practically bent in half with emotion. “You asshole,” he gasps. “You- that’s- not fair, I thought you-” he bites his lip, shakes his head, and bursts into tears.
“Oh, hey,” Eddie says, trying to pull Dustin closer. “C’mon, man, it’s alright, I’m okay.”
Eventually Dustin calms down, moving away just long enough to drag a chair close enough to keep hold of Eddie.
Eddie looks up at Steve. “King Steve,” he says. “To what do I owe the honor? Or are you here to finally finish me off?”
To his surprise, Steve backs up, eyes suspiciously glassy. “I- sorry. Um. I’m gonna… check on Max.”
“Steve!” Dustin calls.
“Stay here,” Steve responds, not looking as he quickly walks out of the room.
Dustin turns an unimpressed eyebrow on Eddie. “I know you’re in pain and all that, but that was a dick move. I thought you and Steve were okay.”
Eddie laughs, then just as suddenly winces. “I haven’t talked to the dude since he was in high school, little buddy.”
“What? No, but you- he- the gates, Lover’s Lake- wait, holy shit-”
“-do you remember why you’re here?”
Eddie shrugs. “I heard something about an earthquake? And I vaguely remember trying to keep you safe.”
“Oh, fuck,” Dustin breathes, and runs out of the room yelling for Steve.
“What, what, what?” Steve asks, irritated.
Dustin pauses to catch his breath. “Eddie doesn’t remember,” he tells Steve, whose eyes widen. “He thinks you haven’t spoken since you were in high school. He thinks he’s here because of an earthquake.”
Steve’s head drops to his chest as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “Okay,” he says. “So what do we do?”
“We have to tell him,” Dustin says. “He’s still wanted for Chrissy. He needs to know what’s happening.”
“Okay,” Steve says, taking another breath. “Alright. Let’s go then.”
They make their way back to Eddie’s room, where he’s looking out the window. “Eddie?” Dustin asks.
“Henderson,” Eddie responds, smiling. “What was all that about?”
Dustin sighs, sits heavily in the chair. “Do you remember Chrissy?”
Eddie frowns. “Cunningham? The queen of Hawkins High?”
“Former queen,” Dustin says softly. “She died.” Eddie’s eyes widen. “In your trailer.”
Eddie’s eyes are saucers. “What?”
Dustin nods. “We know you didn’t do it, but a lot of people think you did.”
“Jason Carver,” Steve cuts in, scoffing. “Fuckin’ prick.”
Eddie raises a brow. “I woulda thought you two would be friends.”
Steve makes a face. “Maybe back when I was in high school. You do remember Byers beating the shit outta me, right?” He smirks. “I deserved it. Actually thanked the guy, if you can believe it.” He shrugs. “I haven’t been king of anything in a while, and I’m fine with that.”
“Well, shit,” Eddie says. “Sorry about what I said, then.”
Steve offers him a half-smile. “Considering you have no memory of what landed you in the hospital, you’re forgiven.”
Eddie frowns. “But I do remember. Or- not remember, per se, but while I was out I heard people talking. There was an earthquake.”
Steve screws his face up. “That was a cover up,” he says quietly. “The real story is way harder to believe.”
Eddie looks between Steve and Dustin. “Okay. You have my attention. What’s the real story?”
They slowly tell him, trading points, adding details when the other forgets.
“We were just about to separate,” Steve’s saying. “Me, Robin, and Nancy, and you and Dustin. You said my name, so I turned back around, and you said-”
“Make him pay,” Eddie whispers. “I remember. Holy shit. Holy shit.” He takes a few deep breaths. “Henderson?” He asks, not taking his eyes off Steve. “Give us a few minutes?”
Dustin looks between the two of them, but must see it on their faces, because he simply walks out without a word.
“Eds?” Steve asks, tearing up.
“Stevie,” Eddie answers, wiping his face. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
“Oh, thank fuck,” Steve mutters, curling into Eddie. “Eddie.”
“‘M right here,” Eddie murmurs. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”
Steve leans up, brackets Eddie’s face in his hands. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” he whispers. “I was so scared-”
Eddie grimaces. “And then I scared you even more, huh? I’m so sorry, babe.”
Steve shakes his head. “You didn’t know. It’s okay. I just-” he sniffles. “I thought you’d finally wisened up, y’know? I thought you finally realized I’m always gonna be that douchebag I was in high school.”
“You’re not,” Eddie whispers, trying to tilt his face up. “Hey, give me a hand, here, I’m trying to kiss my boyfriend.” Steve laughs wetly, but seals their mouths together. “You’re not him,” Eddie whispers into Steve’s mouth. “You’re so much better.” He starts to grin. “You’re still bitchy, though, which personally I love.”
Steve looks at him hopefully. “Yeah?”
Eddie softens. “Yeah, sweetheart. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Steve whispers, pressing a last chaste kiss to Eddie’s lips. “What’re the odds Henderson’s right outside and heard everything?”
“It’s not my fault you’re not being quiet!”
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alienpossession · 6 months
Body a Day 13: Money
I still remember vividly right one year ago when I landed inside this 19 years old geezer. I was utterly shocked on how different the body I was forced to occupy in comparison to the others that I witnessed before.
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Politician, high-ranking government official, celebrities, athlete, basically a lot of my seniors got the better end of the stick when it comes to their vessel on Earth.
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That helped their mission tremendously as not only they have operational budget to do their mission, they also have other humans that worked for their vessel and could be used to do their biddings. It's not rare that these vessels are fucking fit too so not only they have fun living at large posing as these human, they also get their mission completed before the deadline. Benny is far different from that. He's skinny, he's broke and he got this thick accent that is stereotypically perceived as crass and lower class. I struggled a lot at first to simply lived my life as him as his mind is also pretty dull.
But after a few months, I guess I started to get the hang of his life. My mission and my placement in Benny was sort of correlated too. The Ministry of Extraterresrial Outreach asked me to basically observed the more violent and confrontational side of human underworld, and I ascended the rank slowly and surely until I was trusted by the leadership team to be one of the area supervisor
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I got branded in broad daylight while the others watched over me, eager to welcome me to their circle not knowing that Benny has been gone for 6 months per that time and I simply used his skin to blend in.
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And up to this day, with me racking in close to 5 digits income per month for the gang, they haven't found out about my clandestine & observational activity. All they care about is I keep the flow of money into the gang's pocket through various way that I can think of, and they won't disturb me.
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On the other hand, the Ministry asked this monthly observation data submitted solely by me in regards to the unique findings I made or other behavioral data that the Ministry can use. Lucky I have several boys working under me now doing everything I told them to do while I can enjoy my time making this body fitter and more delectable, plus solely focusing on the report because it's not like I can expect the same kind of punks like Benny here wrote good reports for the Ministry. The grand mission is for me to rule over the whole operation of these nightclubs and drug trades, and well, with no deadline in sight, I think I need to make my stay inside Benny cozier than ever by getting bigger and looking more authoritative over these human. We'll see how fast my metabolism can help skinny Benny to grow, but so far, I don't feel like rushing
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trohpi · 2 months
rating regulus black ships!!
jegulus | 11/10 - i love them so much. when i rejoined the fandom in 2022 and saw how the ship had blown up in the years id been gone i was really confused, but then i read just lovers and was immediately convinced lmao. they are the epitome of sunshine x grumpy and i adore them both
bartylus | 5/10 - theyre not very compelling to me, but theyre not bad by any means. i think they work better as friends but i understand why people ship them. i just prefer other ships personally, but ive read many great fics with them too!
jegulily | 20/10 - im obsessed with them. i love regulus, james, and lily separately, but together they balance each other out. plus it helps that its a combination of my two most favorite monoamorous ships (jegulus and regulily), like whats not to like? theyre definitely a top tier ship
moonwater | 10/10 - they are so cute and so overhated! theres so much potential here, like they could be friends to lovers or enemies to lovers or rivals to lovers, basically any trope you can think of lol. and think of the angst! the drama! i love them dearly
regulily | 1000/10 - yall already know how i feel about these two! they are literal soulmates and i love them to bits. their personalities mesh so well and, this might be a controversial take, but they make more canonical sense than jegulus does imo (not that canon really matters in this fandom lmao). i could wax literal poetry about this ship i love them so much
rosewater | 6/10 - i have other ships i prefer for both of them but theyre still cute and i can see why people ship them. honestly its a similar situation to bartylus, except they intrigue me just the slightest bit more lol
regumary | 4/10 - im sorry i just cant see this ship. i can see their relationship being platonic but not romantic. i also think mary is a lesbian, which doesnt really mean much considering i also love the trans girl regulus headcanon, but most of the time when i see this ship its very cishet and just not my thing. sorry yall!
regdora | 2/10 - i just cant see this ship either. its not bad necessarily, i just see the relationship between regulus and pandora as that of a sibling relationship. no hate to people who ship them, its just not for me lol
rosestarkillerchaser | 6/10 - i understand why people ship them, its combining three popular ships (jegulus, bartylus, and rosekiller), but im sorry i just cannot see james dating barty and evan. im not hating on people who ship them and its not bad by any means (i like them more than most other ships involving evan & barty) i just dont actively ship them. ive read some good fics tho!
rosestarkiller | 5/10 - similar situation to bartylus yet again, its just not compelling to me. i think regulus works better with evan & barty as his friends rather than lovers which you can probably tell given my other ratings lol
blackeclipse | 10/10 - ooooo i love them. all the best aspects of jegulus, moonchaser, and moonwater in one, its elite. james brings the buoyancy that regulus & remus need while regulus & remus help keep him tethered. they work so well together and i love them all dearly
xenoreg | 8/10 - a crackship ive come to enjoy recently! definitely a weird x weirder kind of ship which is the best. oh to be a fly on the wall of the slytherin common room when regulus told barty, evan, and dorcas that he was dating xenophilius lestrange, ravenclaws resident conspiracy theorist (pandora, of course, would have been overjoyed to have someone to trade ideas with)
regulene | 7/10 - they intrigue me tbh, like marlenes brashness and regulus’ coldness contrast in just the right ways. theyre like fire and water and i love that. plus the potential for a quidditch rivalry is phenomenal, especially considering that they could both be the seekers for their respective teams. theyre kinda similar to dorlene imo
regulilylene | 9/10 - im gonna be honest here i think i made this ship up, but i really like their dynamic. marlene and regulus are on the opposite extremes of hot and cold and lilys right there in the middle to keep them grounded, she evens them out
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mrsevans90 · 5 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 6
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Warnings: Smut and drama, ex-boyfriend breaking restraining order, protective Sy, language.
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
Part 5
I’m half asleep, half-awake when I feel movement across my chest. I’m still too deep to realize it might be a threat before I feel gentle lips press against my stomach and I groan. My groan brought me closer towards consciousness and I opened my eyes with a start to see Emma’s beautiful blues staring right back at me from my stomach. I relax as I watch her press gentle kisses across my abs as she makes her way lower. Her body is hidden by the sheet but still accentuated her ass up in the air. She reaches for my morning wood and looks at me for permission. I sleepily nod at her and she immediately engulfs my cock into her mouth.
“Fucking shit, sugar.” I rasp, my voice laced with sleep as I wrap my hands in her hair. She creates the perfect pace as she bobs up and down before she gags on my cock. I bite my fist so that I can gather my wits without screaming the place down. With one hand on my shaft, the other around my nuts, she continues working on me and just a few minutes later I’m spurting my seed right down her throat. She swallows greedily and sucks me thoroughly through my release until the oversensitivity has me spasming. She kisses her way back up my body only to lay against me and place a kiss on my lips. 
“Good morning.” She says sweetly.
“It sure as hell is now. You sure know how to wake me up.” 
“I was hungry and needed my breakfast.” She whispers seductively and I flip over on top of her.
“Well, I’m starving so if you don’t mind, I’d like some more of that peach I tried last night.” I say before I make my way down her body and gaze upon her perfect pussy.
“I can’t believe you actually like eating women out.” She whispers.
“Wrong, I love eating YOU out. You are my favorite dessert. Now let me get to it, sugar.” She squeals as I dive right in. I nurse off of her clit and slide two fingers in and in no time at all Emma is moaning and squirming. 
“Fucking hell, Austin. I’m gonna cum!” She shouts as she grinds against my tongue. I hold her hips still as I work her towards her release. She cums exuberantly with a moan and her essence soaks my face with the most sensual taste. We lay back and I pull Emma into my arms. 
“You’re unreal at that. Like you should write a book so that all the men in the world can learn to do that.” She says and I chuckle.
“Why would I give away trade secrets? I had to learn these techniques on my own. That’s like giving away a recipe that’s been in your family for years.”
“But at the expense of women’s pleasure all around the world.” She tries to convince me. 
“You’re one to talk. You’re quite skilled in the oral sex department as well.” I say and she blushes bright red. 
“What time is it anyway?” I ask.
“A little after eight. Got somewhere to be?” I blanche. 
“Seriously? It’s that late? I don’t have anywhere to be but I don’t think I’ve slept past 6:30am since I was in high school. Army kinda breaks that habit but you musta really wore me out.”
 “I’m glad you slept so well. Seemed like you needed it but I couldn’t hold myself back any longer.”
“Mmm. You can always wake me up like that, Sugar. I better get up and take Mills out. I bet he’s gotta whiz like a race horse. ” 
Emma giggles. “I already took him out. I had to pee so I took Aika and Mills out after and then came back to wake you up.”
“You went outside naked?”
“No! I grabbed one of your t-shirts.” She tilted her head in the direction of my dresser.
“Now that’s a sight I’d like to see. C’mon woman, let me make ya some breakfast.” I tell her with a light smack to her ass.
She climbs out of bed and I watch her saunter towards me as I open my underwear drawer and throw on a pair of boxers. She reaches past me, grabs herself a pair of my boxers before throwing on my favorite red DILLIGAF shirt. Those letters have never looked so good as they do now spread across her voluptuous tits. It’s so large on her that it covers her ass and you can’t even tell she has boxer shorts on under it. She runs her fingertips down my pecs and abs while gently scratching before she turns and heads down the stairs. I’m hot on her tail as I quickly lift her up bridal style and set her on the countertop. I start grabbing the ingredients that I’ll need for eggs, bacon, and biscuits. Emma turns around behind her and starts making coffee.
“Your grandma lets you make canned biscuits?” She chuckles and I smirk. 
“She never taught me how to make homemade ones. Plus, that would take way too long. The canned ones are good.” 
“Okay, I’ll agree that the canned ones are yummy but they’ve got nothing on my homemade ones. I doubt you have everything I need, but next time I’ll make some.” 
“Next time, huh? How presumptuous.” I tut.
“Shut up.” She playfully kicks at my butt and I arch my eyebrow at her. Emma works on readying the biscuits for the oven and when the coffee brews, she pours us both a cup. I smile at the domesticity that engulfs us at this moment.
We eat our breakfast in comfortable conversation and I still can’t believe how well I slept. I feel more rested than I have in months.
“What would you be doing if I wasn’t here right now?” Emma brought me from my thoughts.
“Honestly, I’d probably be working out, or I’d be building something on the property. I might be out in the woods with the dogs.” 
“Well, don’t let me stop you.” She replied.
“Trust me Sugar, I don’t have any intentions of letting you out of my sight.” 
“How about you run me back to my place so I can get a change of clothes and then we can take the dogs on a walk?”
“I don’t know that I want to take you back to your place for clothes. I like you just in this.” I reply with a smirk.
“I can’t walk around in just your shirt, mister.” 
“I’d love that, actually.”
“Oh, you’d like other people looking at me practically naked?” I grumble an “over my dead body” before looking back at her.
“Well, let’s go get you some clothes and take these pups on a hike. I wanna take a look at that hot water heater and sink when I get over there though.” She looks at me and arches an eyebrow. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m going to see what needs to be fixed while you get yourself dressed. Pack yourself a little bag and I’ll bring you home Sunday night.” I tell her and she smiles and nods. I suddenly remember I’m supposed to head over for lunch at Nana’s on Sunday. “It may be really weird to ask this or way too soon, but would ya like to come with me to lunch at my grandparent’s house Sunday?” I ask her. 
“Are you sure they wouldn’t mind? I don’t want to intrude on family time.” She replies.
“My nana would be happier than a pig in sunshine, Sugar. She’s been wanting to meet the new vet in town.” I tell her truthfully.
“They won’t think it’s weird that you’re bringing me though? I mean, we’ve technically only had two dates.” Emma admonishes.
“My nana may be a bit nosy, but they respect the fact that I’m grown and am gonna do what I want to. If anything, she’ll likely try and convince me to put a ring on your finger the second she meets you.” I chuckle. “That woman has been asking for me to give her great grandkids since I was 21. I swear at this point she’d be okay with me getting someone pregnant outta wedlock just so she can have some grandbabies. She don’t mean any harm by it though, so don’t worry.”  
“Well, maybe one day she’ll get her wish. For now, I hope she’ll be okay with you introducing me as your friend.” We get dressed, Emma putting on her clothes from last night, and load up in my truck with the dogs in the backseat to head toward her home. When we get there, we get inside and I take a look around. The house is decorated somewhat plainly and mostly white and grey with little hints of teal blue throughout. I spot teal throw pillows on the couch, a blue painting on the wall, blue utensil canister in the kitchen. It’s understated, simple and clean, and like it.
“Point me in the direction of the water heater, Sugar.” She leads me to the laundry room and shows me the water heater.
“I’m going to be in my bedroom changing, if you need me.” 
“Don’t tempt me with a good time, Darlin’. I gotta take a look at this water heater.” I smirk and pat her ass as she walks off, the two dogs hot on her trail. Aika is very interested in smelling her new surroundings and Mills just seems happy to be included. I chuckle as I watch him clumsily trail down the hallway, goofy little thing.
The water heater is old, but seems to be in working condition. I turn up the heat dial on the water heater since I think it’s too low to see if that helps her not run out of hot water and make my way to the kitchen sink. She said it was working a little funny so I take a look at it. It doesn’t drain correctly at all and see that she’s bought some drano to try and release whatever’s clogging it. I’d bet my last paycheck that the previous owner poured grease down the sink and that’s the problem. People oughta know better. I can come back with a drain snake but I’ll likely have to replace the pipes underneath to clear out whatever is clogging the p-trap. While I’m looking at the sink, I hear somebody knocking loudly on the door.
“Sy? Can you get that?” I hear Emma ask from what I assume is her bedroom. Hopefully I can see that room before we leave. 
“Sure, darlin’.”
“Emma? Are you in there?” I hear someone yell with another round of knocks as I slowly stand up and make my way to the door. Aika makes her way directly to me on high alert. She seemed to be more alert simply because of the new surroundings, but her demeanor now shows she’s on guard.
I halfway open the door to see a man with brown slicked back hair, and dressed somewhat preppy in a button up and slacks that look a bit too small. I immediately get a douche vibe from this guy who looks at me with a mixture of shock and an air of uppity disdain. 
“Can I help you?” I ask the stranger.
“Oh, I thought this was Emma Miller’s address. I must have been told wrong... but wait, that’s her jeep in the driveway. Who are you?”
“I’m Sy, but I think I should be askin’ who you are.” I arch my eyebrow at him.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” He mutters under his breath with an eye roll. “Oh, um. I’m Colin. Is Emma here?” My stare hardens. Colin… is this the ex boyfriend? Seriously?
“Sy? I’m ready! Who’s at the door?” I hear Emma come around the corner toward the hallway in her hiking outfit and instinctively close the door a bit more so Colin can’t see her. 
“One moment.” I tell the guy who looks beyond irritated that I’m not the 5’6” blonde he was hoping for.
“Remind me sugar, don’t you have a restraining order on that douche bag ex of yours?” I mutter lowly so he can’t hear.
“…yeah, why?”
“Might wanna call the cops and add stalking to the charges.” I murmur back to her.
“EMMA!” Colin yells and pushes hard against the now cracked door that I have my foot pressed against to stop it from opening. The door barely budges.
Emma steps back with a panicked look. “What the fuck is he doing here? How did he find out where I live?” She whispered, her eyes wide as saucers. 
“Emma, just let me talk to you and then I’ll leave. I just need you to hear me out. Five minutes, I swear.” Colin bellows from the door.
“You need to step back.” I grunt murderously and push the door shut throwing the lock on it. Colin immediately begins yelling Emma’s name and banging on the door.
“The rest of the doors and windows locked?” I ask and she nods. The poor thing looks petrified.
“Want me to get rid of him?” I ask her gruffly.
“I… I can’t even think. Should I call the cops? I don’t want him in my house. I can’t believe he showed up here. I don’t know how he even found me. What if he shows up again and I’m alone?” I hear her ask more to herself than to me. I reach for her shaking hands that she now has framing her face in shock.
“Baby, I’m not going to let anything happen to you. You know that, right? Trust me? My cousin is a police officer, I’ll send him a text and have him come out. If you want to listen to him, it seems like now’s a good time while I’m here and Walt on his way. It’ll at least keep him here until the cops show up.” Colin bangs on the door again startling Emma. I look down at my phone and send Walt a text with an SOS and Emma’s address. I wait a moment and Walt responds with an “omw” text. Thank God for Walt. I need to buy him a round next time we go out.
“You don’t have to worry. I can get rid of him and you don’t have to see him or say a word if you want. You are safe, Sugar.” I tell her and kiss her temple. Emma wraps her arms around me and I can hear her heart racing.
“I guess I’ll see what he wants. I wouldn’t put it past him to show back up when you’re not here. Don’t leave me?” She asks nervously. 
“Not a chance, darlin’.” I wait a moment and open the door and Colin steps back as I push my way towards him trying to look over my shoulder at Emma and we walk on the front porch with her angled behind me. 
“Emma, just let me explain myself. Do you mind?” He looks at me and scoffs. “I sure do. Say what you need to say before I kick your sorry ass all the way back to Bama.” He sneers at me before ignoring me and looking at Emma.
“Listen, Scarlett and I are done. We broke up and I realized I was wrong. I want you back, baby.” Emma scoffs.
“Not a chance in hell, Colin. You’ve made your bed and now you can lay in it. Is that all?” I watch Emma out of the corner of my eye as I stand firmly in front of Colin. I cross my arms across my chest and flex my biceps just to make my muscles that much more menacing.
“Don’t do this. I still love you and I know you still love me. Just give me another chance. We can even buy a house and get married like you always wanted.”
“Oh, Colin, how generous of you.” Emma states with pure sarcasm. “Leaving your mistress to finally commit to me after cheating on me repeatedly and without shame for months while I worked tirelessly to repair our relationship. You’re practically prince charming.” She sneers. “You tried to convince me that I was crazy for suspecting something was going on when in reality, I was right. How dare you show up to my new life and think you have any business even being in my presence. You hurt me not just emotionally, but physically. You are pathetic and I regret every moment spent with you. I now know what it feels like to be valued and appreciated, and I never want to see you again. Go home. Go back to Scarlett or whatever other tramp you find and wallow in your unhappiness. Leave me alone.” I feel the pride for Emma radiate from my body. I can tell that she has been bottling this up for who knows how long and I hope she feels relief at finally getting to say her peace.
“I know you’re angry, but you’re talking crazy. I took you on romantic vacations and dates and treated you so well. You can’t tell me you regret all of the good times we had. We’ve known each other our whole lives and I’m not allowed one mistake? Besides, you were working late and never home. You were neglecting me and our relationship. You’re really going to throw away the history that we have for some meathead like this?” Colin says while pointing his thumb at me and I growl deep inside my chest. He can say whatever he wants to me but I will not allow him to say anything else patronizing to her.
Emma stands straighter. “He is more of a man than you’ll ever be. And, just for your information, I’m doing just fine on my own. I don’t need or want you in my life. I’m happier now than I ever have been.”
I see Walter’s truck rounding the corner followed by a squad car with its lights on but no sirens and breathe a sigh of relief. I could easily take this fucker if I needed too, but I’d rather let the law handle it. 
“You called the cops on me again, you stupid bitch?” Colin screams when he sees the lights coming toward him. Emma immediately steps back and I lurch in front of her. I’ve easily got about three inches of height and at least thirty pounds of muscle on this guy, and I almost dare him to throw the first punch. I’d love to smash this fucker to the ground.
My fists are so tight that my knuckles are white as I look him in the eyes and with my Captain’s voice. “Don’t you dare fucking speak to her like that again. You’re the one breaking the law by being here.” I growl and Walt comes flying over to me. The cop he brought with him, Justin, is also someone I’ve known my whole life. Justin immediately grabs Colin and pulls him toward the cop car to question him. I can hear Colin’s whiny voice immediately lying and saying that Emma invited him here to talk and I was interrupting.
“Walt.” I grit through my tense jaw in greeting to my cousin who is looking at Emma and then back at me. Walt responds with a stern nod before looking to Emma.
“I’m Walter Marshall.” He greets Emma and shakes her hand and she introduces herself.
“I’m so sorry you’ve had to come out here.” She apologizes.
“It’s not a problem. Tell me what’s going on?” 
“That’s my ex-boyfriend, Colin Wright. I had to get a restraining order from him in Alabama before I moved out here. He got violent with me several months ago when I changed the locks on my apartment and the police were called. I don’t know how he found me, but he just showed up at my house. I’ve only lived here for about a month and he shouldn’t know where I live. My parents and best friend are the only ones who should have my address. His uncle is an officer in Alabama and got him out of trouble last time.”
“Okay, do you have the restraining order with you? I’d like to look it over but it should still apply. Violating a restraining order is a class A misdemeanor and should be difficult for anyone to get him out of, although it doesn’t constitute much jail time unfortunately.”
Walt follows us inside as Emma retrieves the legal documents to show them to Walter. I’m silently seething as she explains the situation. I relax slightly when I hear Walter tell Justin to read him his rights and book him for violating a protection order. Emma seems so embarrassed even though she has done nothing wrong. I just want to scoop her up and take her back to my house and hold her so that she feels safe again.
“Alright, we’ve arrested him but now that he has your address, I suggest you get some security at your house. An alarm system, video doorbell camera and a few surveillance cameras around the property would be a good idea to keep you from being surprised in the future. If he ever shows back up, call the police. I’ll give you my personal cell phone number as well since you’re Sy’s girl.” Walter tells her.
“Thank you so much, Walter. I’m sorry we had to meet like this but it was nice to meet you.” 
“You too. Sy, you good?” Walter asks.
“Yeah, man. Thanks for running out here before I smacked the guy. Appreciate it.” I tell him as we shake hands and Walter heads back to his truck. As soon as he leaves, Emma stands up and I can see her arms shaking.
“Sugar, you okay?”
“I just… I’m just so frustrated. How did this happen again? This was supposed to be a new start without him around. I don’t know how he found me and I just want to feel safe again. I’m so tired of this shit tainting everywhere I go. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before the town starts gossiping about the new vet’s man trouble.”
I gently place my hands on her shoulders to stop her pacing and pull her towards me. I hold her in my arms tightly and as soon as I do she breaks down. I hold her and rub along her back as the sobs slow down.
“Darlin’ you need to not think about any of that. Who gives a shit what other people think? You’ve done nothing wrong and you’re just trying to live your life. You are safe here, and I’ll do my damnest to show you that. Now, you want to go to my house or you still feel like going on a hike?” I ask and she whispers, “nature might help me calm down” into my neck. “Alright, how about after our hike we go and get you some security stuff for the house. I can install it tonight and we can order some dinner here. That sound okay?” She just nods and I give her a gentle kiss. We load up the dogs in my truck and I take her to one of my favorite trails to walk Aika. It’s not very well known and about half way through there is a stream that runs through it which is a perfect rest spot. I notice Emma seems lost in her thoughts and I just keep quiet. I know she needs time to process everything and I want to be a quiet presence to help her but not overwhelm her. We’d barely spoken by the time we got to the stream and I’m starting to really wonder what’s going on in her mind. I let the dog’s romp around in the shallow water as I point to a large rock to rest on. Emma sits beside me and I wrap my arms around her.
“Penny for your thoughts?” I ask.
“Oh gosh, just trying to process what just happened. I’m sorry I’m so complicated. You were probably just looking for something easy and fun and I’m just a mess with a ton of baggage.” She places her head in her hands and chuckles without humor.
“Sugar, I got more baggage than you could imagine. You’re not complicated, you’re just human with human problems. If I was looking for something easy, I would’ve fucked and ducked, but I’m not interested in that. I’ve had my share of one-night stands but you…darlin’ you are different in the best way.” 
Part 7
Taglist: @shellyshellshell @henryownsme @caramariehurst @beck07990 @mollymal@kingliam2019@syversonswife@identity2212@starfirewildheart@hannah9921@wa-ni@kneelforloki@cutedoxie@enchantedbytomandhenry @foxyjwls007@geralts-yenn@courtlynwriter @corrie1013 @squeezyvalkyrie@summersong69 @livisss @mayloma
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demonslayedher · 9 months
This is the Hashibira House--hear me out
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I've mentioned this idea in a few posts here and there, but I'm putting it here with my nine reasons:
I think Tanjiro will ask Inosuke to inherit the family home and charcoal kiln.
Reason 1. Kanata and Sumihiko live in the city and show no ties to charcoal farming. This makes me very sad, but although they inherit Tanjiro's sword and the earrings, and although the two of them both perform Hinokami Kagura at a local shrine at New Years (Fanbook #2 Taisho Secret), they are is no mention of charcoal aside from the "sumi" in Sumihiko's name. Even then, he is the second son, so it's kind of like they forgot the family traditional when Kanata was born. Really goes to show how much they still value the old family trade that kept them working with fire, hmph!
Although Tanjiro knew the need for charcoal was decreasing (Fanbook #2 post-epilogue comic), and although he'd probably be happy to see his descendant free to be a parkouring zookeeper, that's still generations of the family trade that's been tossed out. Not that Hinokami Kagura is needed in their world anymore, but still, that sucks some of the meaning dry. So again, I am sad.
Reason 2. There is precedent for the house and its legacy to be passed around.
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According to the Taisho Secret right before Chapter 191, the house was previously used by Yoriichi and "Uta." It only became the Kamado house once Suyako and Sumiyoshi came across it when it was abandoned.
It was temporarily abandoned again later on when Tanjiro had to take Nezuko and make a run for it, and despite all the care taken of it the house is already hundreds of years old, so it wouldn't be surprising if it gets abandoned again. Still sad, though.
Reason 3. Tanjiro already kind of expected he wouldn't live there long.
In the Fanbook #2 post-epilogue comic, Tanjiro mentions that even though he doesn't need to, he likes working, and he wants to leave money for everyone when he's gone.
He feels the effects of his injuries and everything else he's been through, and needs regular check-ups down at the Butterfly Mansion. Maybe he'll be fine for most of the years he has left, but what if it's a steady decline from the easily-tired point he's already found himself in? Take care of the house is going to take more and more out of him, and his children won't be old enough to take on many responsibilities before he's 25.
He's at peace with the understanding that he'll be gone someday and hopes the others will live peaceful lives without him.
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We know that Kamaboko living arrangement couldn't had lasted long, though, because he and Kanao go on to have descendants together.
Reason 4. Kanao's not going to have Kaburamaru for long.
As much as I have faith in Kanao to live near-blind in the deep mountains, it's going to be a bit harder once she loses her seeing-eye snake, and Kaburamaru's already a somewhat old snake by the time she inherits him. If she's going to continue being a doctor, she may have an easier time of that staying in the Butterfly Mansion with all the resources there, and patients coming to her (a challenge to ask them to go up the mountain for her services).
Reason 5. There's someone who might do just fine without those extra conveniences and resources, for she is very resourceful.
Even though Kanao would insist the contrary, Aoi--who always called Shinobu by "-sama" and never "-neesan"--might feel Kanao has more claim to inherit the Butterfly Mansion, for Aoi was always a little hard on herself and insecure in her role as a failed Corp member. I stress again, none of this would make a difference to Kanao, who knows Shinobu cared about Aoi just as much. As much as Aoi has demonstrated her ability to run a clinic, I have just as much faith in her to run a mountain household, including handling its inevitable repairs, as well as to go make house calls around the village whenever needed.
Reason 6. Inosuke is more genki than anybody. And, more importantly, he's learned to make charcoal.
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This takes us back to the comic in Fanbook #2, where Inosuke is so well-adjusted to life in the Kamaboko household that he's not only learned the charcoal trade well enough to say, "buy Inosuke-sama's charcoal," but he's also a shining star when it comes to doing chores. He's doing really well with growing up and taking on human responsibility!
He is also, however, the King of the Forest. That's his home, and even when spending long periods of time in the Butterfly Mansion, the forests call him.
Reason 7. You know who else loves nature? This dude.
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Just because he wants to be alone in nature doesn't mean he grew up on Mt. Kumotori, but I do suspect he has spent a lot of time there, because that's where the blue spider lilies--the subjects of his failed research--had come from. Although we don't know how this research started and who got the flowers in the first place, the potential connection is strong.
If he wasn't raised in that house, then maybe he and his family still go out there regularly to take care of it. After all, even if they don't remember who and they're unmarked, there are important graves to show respect to and take care of there. Maybe it was on a trip like that when Aoba discovered where the blue spider lilies grow, which put him on the botany path.
You know who he apparently didn't run into? Any Kamados, as he and Sumihiko didn't meet until Aoba was unemployed and Sumihiko was scolded by the police and they were both hanging out and depressed in the park.
Reason 8. Tanjiro trusts Inosuke.
Entrusting Nezuko to Zenitsu is one thing--Zenitsu obviously would do anything to keep Nezuko safe, happy, and comfortable, but Zenitsu's heart isn't in the mountains. He's a city boy and doesn't like the inconveniences of mountain life, and clearly he doesn't show much initiative for the demands of keeping a mountain home. Tanjiro wouldn't expect this of Zenitsu, nor would he trust him with it, even if he'd trust Zenitsu with just about anything else.
In Inosuke's case, Tanjiro understands Inosuke at an intuitive level--what he needs to hear and be told, and what Inosuke's strengths are. If ever Tanjiro got the inkling that he can no longer take care of the house, or that he must prioritize taking care of his small children and partially blind wife, then he wouldn't think of anyone else but Inosuke who would be happier having that home for his own.
Inosuke sure wouldn't be happy at first, though. That house is Kamado Tanjiro's house, and he doesn't want a house without Kamado Tanjiro in it.
But Inosuke, who has never had a traditional nuclear family, might come around to the idea of being the head of his own family, and having something normal and human like this of his own.
The Hashibira house, with Inosuke the head of the Hashibira family, providing for them with his labor.
I can imagine Tanjiro would run the idea by Aoi first, who would accept the responsibility as an honor, and maybe this would come after Tanjiro and Kanao had been a married couple on their own a while in the house first. The town where the boys sell charcoal is big enough that I can see Nezuko being pretty happy settling down there where it's close both to home and more along the lines of Zenitsu's tastes, but eventually...
Reason 9. One way or another, the Kamado and Agatsuma families are both going to wind up in the heart of urban sprawl, far away from Mt. Kumotori.
It's only a question of when and why.
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azukiel · 6 months
Nightfall Heir
Chapter 7
Warnings (as a whole): Explicit sexual content, Graphic descriptions of violence, PTSD, Angst, Blood kink, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Sexual Assault.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11
⭐Here is the story on Archive of Our Own ⭐
🔥Comments and reblogs are much appreciated! 🔥
Later in the afternoon, Astarion’s thoughts were more inclined to getting his reports done swiftly so he could get home and tend to the sexual appetites he had stoked within you. The taste of your blood in his mouth was exhilarating, and his fangs twitched at the memory of the rich and lustrous flavour.
While he worked, he couldn’t keep the small smile from his face. Nor could he stop his mind from wandering into other sordid fantasies he was planning on conjuring, should he be inclined to try out some role play and make use of his recently acquired magistrate attire. Oh, the possibilities made him chuckle.
Still smiling to himself, he continued working on the pile of reports on his desk. He needed to discuss the ongoing issues concerning the Bhaalinist rabble with Wyll, as well as the lack of prison space to house those criminals captured. Astarion had suggested publicly executing them to deter the other members, but Wyll wanted to opt for a more humane approach to the matter. If Baldur’s Gate were to hope to retain its trading routes and stop the trafficking and murder of its citizenry, then the roads and the metropolis itself needed to be made safer. So many things had caused law and order to be thrown into the air, but with Astarion’s appointment, the governing system had been put to rights. At least to some degree. There was still much to do, and a lot of damage control to be carried out.
Regardless of all the arduous work that needed to be done and the pining to once more explore the world with his beloved, his work as magistrate made him somewhat happy. Since you had walked into his life, you had inspired and taught him a plethora of things. If he could help others, then he knew he could one day forgive himself for the sins of his past.
Yelping suddenly, he yanked his hand away from the strands of sunlight that shone through the high windows, staring down at the scorched flesh in a daze. Had he just imagined that? Cautiously, he stretched out his hand once more, immediately yanking it back from the burning pain.
You had obviously taken off the ring. But he knew it would take the gods to pry the ring from your finger. You were always so adamant and quick to remind him to never take it off himself. Thus, for you to do so was unthinkable.
It had to have been an accident.
Alas, he could feel a sudden tightness in his chest. Something was wrong, he could tell. The hairs on the back of his neck were standing on end, and a feeling of absolute despair was consuming his non-beating heart.
Something was very, very wrong.
He knew exactly where you would have been. At the Sundries.
But he could not leave his office, nor the Halls of Justice, in which streamers of sunlight shone through the glass ceilings of the main hall. He called out to his secretary, a burly dwarf by the name of Gendry. The dwarf seemed somewhat miffed having been separated from his work.
“Yes, Magistrate?” He grumbled before his eyes gaped in surprise. “Magistrate, you’re burnt!”
Astarion rolled his eyes and groaned, “I can see that, Gendry! Now be a good dwarf and close the shutters.”
Gendry set to the task immediately. “Do you think something has happened to Lady Tavrin?” He asked as he pulled closed the last shutter.
“I am uncertain,” Astarion responded, concern lacing his voice, “But, Gendry, I need you to go to the Sundries as quickly as you can and inform the wizard. He can send word to the others quicker than a carrier pigeon with his magic. Have him go to the house to check on Tavrin. I have a dreadful feeling in my gut that something has happened.”
“Yes, Magistrate. I will hurry there immediately!” Gendry saluted and ran out the door.
Astarion stood there in the darkness of his office, staring at the shutters with a grim expression. It was the first time since he had been with you that he had felt utterly hopeless.
You groaned, a throbbing ache spreading across your face and head like a wildfire. There was a foul smell, like the stench of rotten eggs, permeating the air. You also heard a steady dripping somewhere. Your eyes strained to see in the dim torchlight, which illuminated the dank prison cell you had been thrown into. The ground was made of stone and covered in filth and grime, and you could feel the coldness seep through the cotton of your clothes.
Slowly, you tried to sit up, yet a great agony ripped through your side. Had your ribs been broken? You could not entirely tell, but the pain was significant enough to render you unable to move. You felt nauseated, and the cold and damp of your surroundings were not helping.
You could not see your hands, for they were tied behind your back.
“Well, isn’t this a sorry sight?”
The voice echoed throughout the room, and you struggled to turn your head.
“You may have banished our masters, Bhaalspawn, but you have not ridden the world of all of us.”
You recognised the voice.
“Yet,” you spat. “You should have remained dead, Faceless!”
No sooner did you speak those words did her steel spiked boots smash into the side of your face. You cried out, rolling onto your knees to move away your pounding head. You tasted the warm iron of your own blood and fought a sob, feeling the jagged bones grind against each other in your face. The ripping of your cheek skin brought more of your crimson liquid into your mouth.
She had been a fellow disciple of the cult and had looked up to you when once the dark urge had control of your senses. She always wore a hooded cloak and black mask, and no one knew her appearance. No one knew why. Rumour was that you had melted the skin from her face in years passed during a fit of rage. She had revered you anyway. You, the Bhaalspawn.
Yet, you could not remember what you had done to her, or to others. You could remember nothing from before the tadpoles, at least not where your adult life was concerned. All you could remember was your horrid childhood and adolescence. All you could remember right then was the pubescent drow boys ganging up on you and violating you, and the trauma of the event triggering your abilities with wild magic... the boys screaming as your hands fried them... and then blood... blood everywhere...
You pushed the agonizing thoughts and pain aside as you knelt defiantly on the cold, crimson-stained stones. Another boot met your flank. This time you withheld the groan as a dark chuckle filled the air.
“You’re nothing but the worthless scum of a drow!” Faceless hissed at you.
Oh, she was bitter about her defeat and no doubt the one responsible for what happened to you. How could she even possibly have survived your previous encounter? She should have been dead.
“At least I am not Orin’s shadow!” You spat the blood that had been flooding your mouth onto the ground at your side.
Faceless grimaced. “You were regarded higher than Orin! You were the chosen one! You were...”
“I banished Bhaal from my heart for a reason! I will not drag myself to this pitiful cult’s level ever again!”
Another kick to the gut.
“You forget your place, wielder of destruction!’”
You hissed at her in response.
Faceless squatted to the side of you. “There are other ways of disposing a person other than burning the flesh from their bones.”
“You intend to kill me, then?” You rasped, your voice hoarse and laboured. “Fucking try it, you cunt!”
The cackle that came from Faceless sent a chill down your core. Her laughter became sinister, mocking. Your muscles spasmed and your skin prickled in absolute revulsion.
“We’re going to break you,” she growled.
With her foot, she lifted your face upwards, revealing the swelling, blood and bruises. “And let us hope your darling vampire lover burns to ash first.” She held up your ring to your face and you could only just discern it through the puffiness of your eyes.
“Astarion!” You coughed up more blood.
“It would be a shame if that pretty boy had no place to hide.” She bent forward again, her gauntleted finger tracing the indentation of your upper cheek where the skin was ripped. She leaned closer, pulling back her cowl, the mangled skin barely covering her cheekbones and nose, with a white and an amber eye glaring down upon you.
She took in a deep waft of your scent.
“I smell him on you, and not just his cologne...” She grinned wolfishly and bit her lip, her voice becoming breathy. “My, my, my, little vixen, has that icy touch of his turned you?”
She snatched you by the neck at your outburst.
You kicked and squirmed in her grasp, but it only made her choke you harder. With the collar around your neck, you could not use the weave. With your body bound and bloodied, you could barely move, let alone resist. The two ghouls that were standing in the room's corner drew their claws and inched towards you both.
“Can I give her another taste of discipline?” One of them spoke.
Faceless snorted and kicked you in the side again. Your coughing did nothing to dislodge the blood in your throat.
“Take her to the rack. Let us flay the little whelp.”
One took you by the hair whilst the other grabbed your legs. The mangled armour of the monsters clinked as they dragged you down a long, dimly lit and winding corridor. You were somewhere deep underground. That, at least, you could tell.
Once through the iron barred doors they brought you to, the stench of old, rotted blood and decaying flesh was almost palpable. It was stifling, and you found it hard to draw breath as the noxious air clogged your nostrils.
In the very middle of the vast room was an iron-railed stand containing four chains on either side. They looked decrepit; the metal green with moss and mould. Grotesque, crusty remains on the floor beneath the contraption made your stomach roll. The smell was becoming overbearing, and you tried swallowing to stop your retches. You wondered how long those unfortunate prisoners had lingered there before being brutally murdered.
Faceless beckoned to her lackeys. Your ropes were cut, giving you but a second of reprieve before you were chained to the stand. Faceless leaned forward once more and licked the tears and blood from the corner of your swollen eye.
The two guards strapped your ankles to the irons and slid their palms over your legs, gripping your thighs greedily like rabid dogs.
With a nod from their mistress, they began tearing off your clothes with their claws, wailing loudly at the scent of the blood that stained your legs.
“Oh, what is this?” Faceless came towards you, eying the junction of your thighs.
“She bleeds...” One ghoul moaned, the sound so starved it frightened you.
You drew a sharp breath when her now ungloved fingers traced the split between your legs. You spat at her, but your wrists had been manacled and pulled high above your head. Faceless smirked and lapped up your juices. She then hummed as she looked back at you curiously. Without a word, she dove her fingers into you, scraping her nails painfully around the inside. You screamed at the pain, but you were helpless to resist. You wanted to tear that smug grin right off her wretched face.
Withdrawing her fingers she sucked upon them, savouring their flavour while watching every inch of expression change across your paled features. “Interesting...”
“Can we taste her, mistress? Have we not been good?” One ghoul hissed hungrily through its gnashing teeth. Half of its jaw had rotted off, and you writhed in disgust.
“No.” Faceless put out her hand abruptly to stop them from advancing. They stopped dead in their tracks at her command.
“Despite her bleeding, she is with child, and to a vampire at that. How curious, indeed...”
But your voice was a mere gurgle in your throat.
“Oh, I am going to have so much more fun torturing you now!” She laughed wickedly, taunting you with the flail she now held in her hands.
The ghouls shifted their hungry eyes towards you and laughed along with her.
“When will we get our fill of this pretty piece, Mistress? We have never eaten drow.”
You thrashed uselessly against the shackles and the blood dripping from your naked body had pooled on the floor between your feet, mingling with the dry crust of the previous victim.
The scent was bringing the ghouls closer until Faceless’ sharp orders once more stopped their feral nature from taking over. “When it is our turn to feast? “
Their excited hissing filled your ears as Faceless lifted your head to lick her prey’s face. You turned it, grunting against the sudden flash of agony as her next words filled you with even more terror.
“Yes, let us feast after the Magistrate’s love bleeds her final.”
“Astarion...” But your entire world faded into nothingness.
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onboardsorasora · 3 months
34 year old Daniel in the 90s is basking in his parents love and teasing Michelle. A part of him doesn’t want to return to 2024 because he hasn’t been able to be home like this since he was 17 and left for Italy
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Decided to hop to it lmao. for you bestie!
De-Aged Daniel | De-Aged Daniel Pt2 | De-Aged Daniel Pt3 | De-Aged Daniel Pt 4 | De- Aged Daniel Pt 5 | De-Aged Daniel Part 6 | De-Aged Daniel Part 7 | De-Aged Daniel Part 8 | De-Aged Daniel Part 9 | De-Aged Daniel Part 10 |
Daniel sat in the far corner of the breakfast nook watching with soft eyes as his mother went about preparing lunch. It had come as a shock; one minute he was putting on his race boots to jump into the sim and the next he was standing in the yard. 
His father had come running immediately, having seen it all happen. How his five year old self had been cycling around the yard before he– well no one really knew how it happened, but Daniel was standing there instead. He’d bitten back the joke about thankfully being fully clothed, he didn’t think his parents would have appreciated it.
It had been very emotional. Very surprising. Michelle had run away to her room– fair. Grace had cried immediately, pulling him into a tight hug. Joe had stared at him with something akin to pride. 
Now Daniel sat in the kitchen reeling off random facts about the future. Things he always told himself he’d remember to tell his parents if he ever got sent back to the past.
“Oh, invest in Apple. They probably aren’t on the stock exchange now but when they pop up– trust me.” He sipped his tea as Grace laughed.
“How about you tell us other things than insider trading.” Joe grinned.
“Well, what do you want to know?” Daniel put his mug down with a clank.
“I know there’s a bunch of shite you’re not allowed to tell us. But what’s there to know about grown up Daniel Ricciardo? Your accent is different, did you move away?”
“Actually,” Daniel smiled softly. “Yeah I did. I became a formula one driver. And I needed to move to Italy to do it.”
Daniel felt his chest warm at the shock on his parents’ face, how they looked him over carefully as if taking in this new information and trying to see how such a high paced career would have changed him from their precious baby boy.
“Well I’ll be damned.” Joe muttered, “thats fucking amazing. For which team? Ferrari?”
“Well no, they never officially gave me a contract. But– well my team doesn’t exist yet. But they’re fast, currently the world champions. I won 7 races with them.” Daniel smiled proudly when Grace came over to hug him tightly.
“I’m so proud of you baby waby.” 
Daniel felt his chest clench and tears spring to his eyes. He hadn’t heard that endearment in so long, it brought back memories of wonderful times.
“I love you too mummy wummy.” his voice cracked when he said it and Grace held him tighter. When she finally let go, Daniel got up to clutch Joe tightly. Not one to go without his father’s hugs, he didn’t see why he should start now.
“Gosh, I miss you guys.” Daniel muttered. Grace frowned.
“Do you spend a lot of time away?”
“Too much. You guys come to some races too, but– it's still a lot of travel at the end of the day.” He had to bite his tongue to keep from mentioning Isaac and Isabella.
“Where were you before you Exchanged?” Joe asked after a bit.
“Oh I was at work, so little me is probably with Blake right now. Poor sucker, he has to deal with adult me and little me. I hope I terrorize him a little.” Daniel giggled, thinking about all the chaos his small counterpart could be unleashing right now on his long time friend.
“Don’t be mean, you weren’t that terrorizing.” Grace would never hear a slight against her baby, not even from him himself.
“They say it's not always an even exchange, you seek out what makes you most comfortable. So if not Blake, where would you go?” Joe asked and they watched as Daniel grow soft and bite his lip.
“Max. Probably.” 
“Who’s Max?”
“He’s… everything.”
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romanarose · 9 months
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Santiago Garcia x sexworker!informant!reader/OC x Javier Peña
Co-written with my beloved @my-secret-shame
Beautiful moodboard by @whatthefishh
“Baby, if you wanna be wild you’ve got a lot to learn.”
~Bruce Springsteen, Candy’s Room
Read on AO3
Summary: Javier Peña is not looking forward to meeting his new partner, having scared of all of them since Steve, but the idealistic, capable (and attractive?) Santiago Garcia quickly wins him over. The pair get assigned to take down Gabriel Lorea, and Javi seeks information from his favorite “informant”, a prostitute known as Candy. She also happens to be who a young and inexperienced (and sexually repressed) Santi goes to in order to learn about sex.
Will he fall in love in the process? Is Javier jealous or is he really just concerned Santi is being reckless like Javi claims? How often is Javi’s inner dialogue gonna talk about how hot he thinks Santi while still calling himself straight?
Warnings (not comprehensive. Given the nature of a fic about sex work and the drug trade in 70’s Colombia use your discretion on the type of content that comes up. Consider this series rated R; Smut heavy, switch reader, sub Santi, rough sex (specifics per chapter), corruption kink. (Reader introducing an innocent Santi to the beautiful world of good sex) and age gaps (reader is early to mid 30’s, Javi is mid to late 30’s, santi is 25) all is v consensual and nothing about taking advantage of Santi’s naivety. Drug trade, some drug use. Some SA, inappropriate touching and threat of rape, physical violence etc on a sex worker but not by our boys. Candy has sex with drug lords and there’s some dubious consent as far as her using sex to pacify these men in dangerous situations. Covert/emotional incest in the past. Emotional incest is NOT sexual incest (necessarily) please read this link if you are unfamiliar. Santi was very parentified as a child. M/M dynamics. Internalized homo/biphobia.
Reader description: Latina given the context of where they are, so there’s descriptions of her tan/dark skin. Reader has long brown curly hair.No name but reader goes by the nn Candy for her own protection and privacy. Scenes from Santi or Javi’s pov are in third person, referring to candy as candy and she/her. Candys POV uses second person but she’s more oc
Chapter 1: Javi meets his new partner, tells him he needs to let off some steam. Santi calls Candy to help him out with that.
Chapter 2: Santi and Javi plan to take on Lorea while Santi thinks back on his night with Candy.
Bonus Chapter: Santi is sick.
Chapter 3: Javi goes to get some 'information' on Lorea and runs into the last person he expected.
Chapter 4: Javi confronts Santi, but Candy has Santi's back.
Chapter 5: Javi and Candy kiss and make up. Javi and Santi make up, no kissing. Santi and Candy kiss.
Bonus chapter: Candy at work
Chapter 6: Santi takes Candy out, and Javi is not pleased. Santi finds a new kink.
Chapter 7: Everything falls apart.
Thank you all for your support on this!!! It means so much!
As always, if this fic inspires art, moodboards, fics, anything of that sort, I welcome all of it!
My ask box is always open for thoughts (or thots 👀)
Candy’s description is Latina, brown curly hair, shorter than Javi, able to be picked up and carried. I picture her like Helena.
This is how I picture her!
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gwen-tolios · 2 years
10 Ace Books For Ace Week
As an ace author and reader, I'm all for more examples of rep to read and authors to support. Below are just a few of my favs, but I have a larger list here: Gwen's Ace Book Recs and you're always welcome to hit me up for recs!
1) The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee. Felicity is aro/ace and I love how up in your face her aceness is. A true integral part of the character. You know right away she'd rather pursue science than marriage & then whoops! She's tangled with pirates. While it's the second in a series, they're world series so there's no need to read book 1 to understand this one. (I think this one is better anyway.) https://bookshop.org/books/the-lady-s-guide-to-petticoats-and-piracy/9780062795335
2) Common Bonds. While actually an anthology with an aro focus, there's also ace rep and I love how varied this collection is. So many aro and ace stories all bundled up neatly is still such a dream. https://bookshop.org/books/common-bonds-a-speculative-aromantic-anthology/9781775312970
3) Making Love by Aidan Wayne. Thinking about this, it might be the first book I've read where the ace character wasn't also aro. It's about an ace cupid trying to help someone find love, and missing a fair amount of cues. It's a fluff dream. https://www.amazon.com/Making-Love-Aidan-Wayne-ebook/dp/B01MRA15MR
4) Returning to You by Gwen Tolios. A friends-to-lovers romance between two women, both of whom are bi, where one is ace and one is aro. Be prepared for a fair amount of family drama from both sides (including fake dating!) https://www.amazon.com/Returning-You-Gwen-Tolios-ebook/dp/B0B4FDYNP6/
5) How to Be Ace by Rebeca Burgess. Memoir graphic novel full of experiences that I could relate to that's good to share with local aces or allos. My local ace community has 100% passed around a copy of this. https://bookshop.org/a/55449/9781787752153
6) Tarnished are the Stars by Rossie Thor. This book got a lot of support from the ace community, it's own voices and has quite a bit of queer rep. If you like steampunk, but want it in space, this is for you. https://bookshop.org/books/tarnished-are-the-stars/9781338312270
7) Hazel's Theory of Evolution by Lisa Jenn Bigelow. Aro/ace MC, but it's so casually queer w/ other identities and disabled rep. I love it. Noteworthy for being an MG read. I'm so glad to see ace rep hitting middle schoolers. https://bookshop.org/books/hazel-s-theory-of-evolution/9780062791177
8) Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire. This is the first time I saw 'asexual' in a book, and for that it will always be dear to me. This launches a great series about children who have returned from portal-fantasy adventures and the trade versions all have amazing illustrations. https://bookshop.org/a/55449/9780765385505
9) Simply an Enigma by Brittany Evans and Chelsea Lauren. I'll admit I have a love-hate relationship with this book, but it's such an accurate portrayal of the journey to identifying as ace it has a permanent place on my shelf. https://bookshop.org/a/55449/9781732464315
10) Three Stupid Weddings by Ann G. Cute, short romance about bringing a friend to weddings as your date and oh! You're now a couple by summer's end. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41070264-three-stupid-weddings
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verdantglow · 2 months
Fuck it, posts my SmallEtho playlist.
Part-Time Soulmate, Full-Time Problem: A SmallEtho/Boat Boys Playlist
(Best listened to on shuffle.)
This is a kinda long playlist (28 tracks), so if you only have time for a few songs, check out: ‘Pyrokenesis’; ‘I Am Fred Astaire’; & ‘Built To Burn.’
Full track list & selected lyrics under cut.
1. Son of a Gun - Motion City Soundtrack
Have you had enough? Are you tough? Are you broken?/Hit me where it hurts, don’t just curtsey & sulk/I know I deserve every elegant word that you’re hurling at me
2. Pyrokenesis - 7chariot
When you say the things you say, they start a little spark/Ignite this small but also highly flammable heart
You’re setting me on fire, I don’t wanna fight it/You don’t need a lighter, you’re a flame/Drowning myself in water only makes it harder/Hard for me to keep myself away
3. Just One Yesterday - Fall Out Boy
I want to teach you a lesson in the worst kind of way/Still I’d trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday
4. Violently Alive - I Hate Kate
I hate that you’re there/And I’m here/In the same room/Miles from me to you/We’re so distant/But close enough to touch
5. Tiger Teeth - Walk The Moon
Give in, give in, I want you back/One heart, one too many to stomach/Love bites so deep and we got tiger teeth
6. It’s Not A Fashion Statement, It’s A Deathwish - My Chemical Romance
Hip-hip-hooray for me, you talk to me/But would you kill me in my sleep?/Lay still like the dead/From the razor to the rosary, we could lose ourselves/And paint these walls in pitchfork red
7. True Romance - Motion City Soundtrack
I’m a screwup of epic proportions/A walking hand grenade/Hyper-manic, a dime store dramatic/A conduit for pain
She said “Don’t speak, don’t think,/Just take it off, take it off”/I said “Don’t speak, don’t think,/Just mess me up, mess me up”
8. Violence - blink-182
Like violence, you have me, forever and after/Like violence, you kill me, forever and after
9. I Am Fred Astaire - Taking Back Sunday
I’m under the assumption that I’m gonna be the one that’s leaving you/Tonight, oh, tonight/Well I flipped every switch that I could find on my way out/Just to upset you more/Just to keep you busy/Just to make you angry/Just because you were right
I’m stuttering through it, but I hear it/Well I-I I hear it’s good t-t-to stick to what you know
10. The Wolf - The Crane Wives
I am not a tempest/I light torches in my sleep/I have gasoline in my veins/I am always burning, burning burning
11. Crave - Waterparks
I’m cravin’ a getaway from the/Smooth talk that’s keeping me grounded/To the carpet in my room/My quiet blue tomb of you
I wish I could forget you
12. Hold Me Like A Grudge - Fall Out Boy
Hold me, hold me like a grudge/The world is always spinning and I can’t keep up/Faster and faster, can’t do it on my own/Part-time soulmate, full-time problem yeah/Hold me like a grudge
13. Formidable - Twenty One Pilots
You are formidable to me/‘Cause you seem to know it, where you wanna go/Yeah yeah yeah I’ll follow you/But you should know/I might be cynical towards you/But I just can’t believe that I’m for you/Yeah yeah yeah I can die with you/Just let me know
14. Play With Fire - Sam Tinnesz feat Yacht Money
I ride the edge/My speed goes in the red/Hot blood, these veins/My pleasure is their pain/I love to watch the castles burn/These golden ashes turn to dirt/I’ve always liked to play with fire
15. Bulletproof Heart - My Chemical Romance
I’ve got a bulletproof heart/You’ve got a hollow point smile/Me and your runaway scars/Got photographed dream on the getaway mile/Let’s blow a hole in this town/And do our talking with a laser beam/Gunnin’ out of this place in a bullet’s embrace/Then we’ll do it again
16. The Truth Is, You Should Lie With Me - Say Anything
You’re a pretty face, you should like me/I want to get used by you/‘Cause I’m full of hate, just excite me/I want to get bruised by you
17. Red - Pale Waves
Oh no baby, are we gonna make it this time?/I always take hearts that shouldn’t be mine, be mine/Slow down baby, are we gonna make it alive?/You’ve got a face that I always recognize/Always recognize
18. Kill V. Maim - Grimes
I did something bad, maybe I was wrong/Sometimes people says that I’m a big time bomb/But I’m only a man/And I do what I can
19. FUNERAL GREY - Waterparks
I said that you can call me, beep me/If you want my skin/She rolled her eyes and then she said/“I know your dying wish is to be baptized in my spit”
20. Shiver - Motion City Soundtrack
Shiver away, I thought the action was real/Somewhere I know that’s just the way you are/it’s hard to believe that you’re a part of me/And I can’t believe when you carry on and on
21. Kiss With A Fist - Florence + The Machine
My black eye casts no shadow/Your red eye sees nothing/Your slaps don’t stick, your kicks don’t hit/So we remain the same/Love sticks, sweat drips/Break the lock if it don’t fit/A kick to the teeth is good for some/A kiss with a fist is better than none
22. Mr. Brightside- The Killers
It started out with a kiss/How did it end up like this/It was only a kiss/It was only a kiss
23. Tear You Apart - She Wants Revenge
Escape was just a nod and a casual wave/Obsess about it heavy for the next two days/It’s only just a crush, it’ll go away/It’s just like all the others, it’ll go away/Or maybe this is danger and he just don’t know/You pray it all away, but it continues to grow
24. Can You Feel My Heart (Remix) - Bring Me The Horizon, Jeris Johnson
I’m scared to get close/And I hate being alone/I long for that feeling to not feel at all
Holding on, bring me close, feel my heart/Can you feel my heart?
25. Built To Burn - Shaffer James
We’ll build a world/And burn it down/Everything is pretty/When we burn it to the ground
26. Hatef—k - The Bravery
There will be no tenderness, no tenderness/I will show no mercy for you/You had no mercy for me/The only thing that I ask/Love me mercilessly
27. Stupid For You - Waterparks
You’re playing ring around my head/I’ll wear you like a halo/You’re a symphony/I’m just a sour note/I’ll take what I can get/The best is hard to grip when everybody wants you/And everybody wants you
28. My Obsession - Pale Waves
I’m stood still, I can barely breathe/You’re such a mess but you’re always beautiful to me/Run your fingers across my mouth/I’m not prepared to stay here without you
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wolfmoonmusic · 1 year
Calloused Hearts - 5
Summary: Hiding feelings is hard...but apparently, not for Kaz.
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Tidemaker!reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, mentions of death
w/c: 1.k
A/N: This one is kinda short but it's like a build-up chapter for the main stuff.
<prev chapter
Chapter 5:
“How are we going to find him? He could be anywhere in Ketterdam. Anywhere,” Jesper said, worry in his voice as he paced the room.
“Jesper if you’re not quiet, you will be the one who goes missing next,” Kaz warned.
Once Jesper had revealed that Wylan was missing, the 3 of you had found the others and were currently in Wylan’s room. 
Everyone was exhausted, and Jesper’s panic wasn’t helping anyone focus.
You sighed, “Kaz, calm down,” you said,turning your head to look at him. The relationship between the both of you had shifted significantly after your little moment in the office, and you found him standing not more than an arm’s distance away ever since.
He only gave you a blank stare, before resuming his inspection of the room. You looked to Jesper, ignoring everyone’s confused looks, and Nina’s amused one, as you gestured for him to follow you outside.
“What?” he asked the second you both were out. 
“I’m sorry,” you muttered. You couldn’t help but feel guilty for Wylan’s disappearance considering that Pekka was most probably counting on a trade off.
“If you think this is your fault, I can be the first to assure you, it’s not.”
“Yes it is. And you know it.”
Jesper sighed, looking down. You tried to meet his eyes,  “Jes.”
“I won’t lie, Wylan was taken to be used against us for you, but it’s not because of you,” he responded, looking straight into your eyes, with his tired ones.
You couldn’t help but nod, knowing arguing wouldn’t change anything. He shook his head, “I need a drink,” he said before walking past you. You watched him leave, disappointment crawling up in your chest. He didn’t deserve this. None of them did. 
Kaz was a mess. 
Would he ever admit it? No. 
Last night had left him feeling so many emotions that he couldn’t process them. At this point, he didn’t know if he wanted to. He wasn’t sure of the outcome and he didn’t like anything he wasn’t sure of. 
You were back. And as much as he had tried to convince himself that you weren’t the same person….you were. You were still Y/N L/N, his best friend. Especially after seeing you nearly flinch when Jesper had put his arm around your shoulder, he realized that he may not have been the only one that went through for 6 six years. Even Dirtyhands couldn’t stay mad at you after that.
And Jesper….he was gonna kill him. 
You were Kaz’s. 
And Jesper was hell bent on messing with that. At least,  it seemed so.
Kaz didn’t know if you felt the same way he did. If your heart raced everytime he was close. 
If he made all the demons seem more bearable. 
The way you did for him.
And as if just thinking about you was enough to bring you forth, you were standing next to him, staring at Wylan’s empty bed. 
“You think they did it here too?” you asked. 
Anyone else would’ve thought you were trying to make light of the situation. But Kaz wasn’t anyone. Your tone was off, a sliver of fear and anger tucked away under the disguise of a joke.
He just turned to look at you, your tired eyes already on him. He lifted a single eyebrow, causing you to let out a small laugh, the raging emotions in him multiplying rapidly. 
There was a tense silence after, both of you just staring at the empty room in front.
“We talked about this.”
“Kaz, what if he decides to kill Wylan if I’m not turned over? What then? Imagine Jesper’s state. Imagine everyone’s state,” you pleaded.
You were right. Kaz hated it.
Pekka wanted a trade off, and if he didn’t get one, the chances of him killing Wylan were high. 
But he couldn’t trade you off. Not now. He’d just gotten you back. Just the thought of losing you again, and this time in the hands of the very man that had ruined his life, made Kaz want to murder him with his bare hands. 
“NO!” he yelled. “You don’t get it.”
“You would trade Wylan’s life for me?” you asked.
Kaz watched the fear and confusion in your eyes as the question hit him hard. 
The truth? He would. Maybe not Wylan’s life, but he would definitely not stay this calm if it was you in his place. Because you were so much more to him than family. Without you there was no him. No Kaz. You were the only thing that made him Kaz Rietveld. You were the only thing that made him human.
But he couldn’t say it. He couldn’t admit how much you meant to him. Not then. Not now.
And he swore he saw hurt flicker in your eyes.
Nina was having the time of her life.
Was she upset about Wylan? Of course!
But whatever was going between you and Kaz was keeping her mind too preoccupied. She knew Jesper had all the details, but what kind of a person would she be if she asked him at a time like this.
She’d felt the rise in heartbeats. The little jumps whenever you both looked at each other.
She loved the slow burn romance of it all. But knowing what you both felt for each other and watching the obliviousness of it all…she swore she would have to end up nearly killing one of you to get the truth out.
She watched as you abruptly left Wylan’s room, running upstairs.
But most of all, she felt your fast, steady heartbeat.
You were up to something. 
And it didn’t seem like something good.
Tags: @ancientbeing10 @lila-kille @emmnf1 @gabby10100 @foulkryptonitepeanut @pinchofhoney @peaches1958 @lyria-skyfall @sabii5 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiana76 @breadbrobin @athenasproverbs @cryinghotmess @urlocalgeek
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