#i think the plot isn't *that* convoluted it's just. it's got a lot going on and has some very odd quirks to it
bluejayblueskies · 2 years
Do elaborate on that first novel-length story you ever wrote, I'm interested! What was so out there about the plot?
(referencing this post)
okay so! for context, some important facts to know about young jay:
i was very into magic, fantasy, and other forms of escapist fiction (and still am!)
i grew up in a small conservative Catholic town, and tbh a lot of this story's plot reflects that because it has some Very Weird Gender Stuff in it
i did not really understand how romance worked but knew that it was usually an integral part of the books i read and therefore it should be an integral part of the books i wrote
i wrote all 71k of it in comic sans (not relevant to the plot, but important for the Vibes™️ i think)
so the plot of this story is, to summarize briefly, 'a species of magical people who predate humans fled to and now live in Antarctica and our main character is someone who is kidnapped by them and finds herself in their world, in the middle of a revolution against the government'
to expand:
there are a species of non-violent humanoid people (let's call them nvhs) with magical powers who predate humans who, when they hit the age of 15, stop aging until they find somebody to reproduce with. (23 yo aroace me is disappointed but unsurprised at this, and i actually think it may be a result of being told as a child that People Get Married And Have Kids And That's Just How Things Are In The World, and me, not understanding this in the slightest, took it to the extreme)
when humanity came about and brought with it war and violence and hatred, he nvhs fled to Antarctica and now live underground (literally underground, in caves). a strange disease swept their population after this, killing only the women. their solution was to go into the human world and find human women who could integrate with the nvhs, and the people in charge of venturing into the human world would never 'mate' [eugh] and thus never age.
their methods for bringing humans back to the nvh settlement were uhhhhh a bit sus (another disappointed shake of the head for 12-yo-me, though i did acknowledge that this one was kinda fucked up). they ended up getting cursed by a very pissed human woman who said that an extraordinarily powerful chosen one would cause their downfall. oh, and apparently, for some reason, the hybrid children of the nvhs and the humans are only biologically male, so it basically creates a society where the only women are human and power-less and the only men are nvhs and have powers. like i said, Very Weird Gender Stuff. in my defense i was twelve.
our main character is kali, who is kidnapped from her home at age 16 and brought to this settlement. she is rescued by a guy named alex who is thousands of years old but stuck in the body of 15-year-old for the aforementioned 'has not yet mated' reasons, and she meets a group of nvhs who think that the kidnapping of humans is wrong and oppose the nvh government. it's eventually revealed that she is the 'chosen one' and she has powers, which were stolen from alex some time ago (uh. surgically removed in a multi-day very painful procedure apparently, which is both more intense than what i expected 12-year-old me to have written and quite on par with what current me enjoys in fiction lol).
alex's goal is to get his powers back, but he can't without killing kali (or so he thinks). eventually, he runs off to go confront the government on his own, and kali and the resistance group make their own (slow) way there to help him. etc. etc., kali gets re-kidnapped by the government, escapes bc they don't know she has powers, gets caught again, alex gets shot and dies in the process, kali brings him back by giving him his powers back (??? how does that work? unclear), and we address the horrible reality of becoming just as bad as your enemy when you look upon the dead bodies of hundreds of people who you have killed for the sake of revolution and go 'how does this make us any better than them?'
oh and of course the two MCs kiss. naturally. love conquers all and all that [derogatory]
there's a bunch of other stuff that happens that really isn't super important, but i guess the out there-ness is really just in the concept of it all? like the lore and the worldbuilding and stuff? like there are So Many specific devices--it's like a weird hybrid between magic-based fantasy and sci-fi, because the nvhs have powers that let them do things, but they also have super advanced tech and have a whole division of essentially 'mad scientists' who engage in some uhhh unethical experimentation and body modification. also the oldest character in the whole thing is 30 and me, 12, was like 'Yes that is the age of a parental person who would have a 16-year-old daughter' lol. also after allllll this nonsense, they decide to go back to the human world, take great pains to finally get back to kali's house, and are. promptly arrested and carted off to jail alkdsghlag.
also the story inexplicably alternates between first person kali's pov and third person limited from the other characters' povs?? for some reason?? idk
anyway, thank you for asking about it! whether you read all that nonsense or not, it was fun for me to drag this doc out of the graveyard where it belongs and cringe at myself (and realize just how far i've come and how much patience my father had to read over the whole thing when i very excitedly showed it to him ten years ago asdlkfjag) 💜
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munchy-k · 2 months
danmei list that no one asked for (long post incoming)
ok so I've accumulated a pretty decent list of danmei that aren't as well known and I want to talk about them!! so here we go! these aren't in any particular order btw
Nan Chan
an aloof, listless immortal and a very hungry caterpillar fish demon go on an adventure to retrieve a runaway bell 🔔. and also they both have amnesia. CUE ANGSTY BACKSTORY REVEAL!!!! 🔪🔪🔪
I'm sure it's to no ones surprise that this is first because I'm a SLUT for nan chan. if nan chan has one fan it is ME and if there r no fans I am DEAD!! I love this novel so much it has the perfect combination of painful angst and sweet sweet lovin' !! the main couple's relationship makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside 🥺👉👈 (probably because I am a touch love language girly and these bitches be touching!!!) and I LOVE the characters sm. especially my little meow meow Jing Lin and his adorable little stone figure. I live for the interactions between Cang Ji and the stone figure! it may be a little difficult to read the first time around since the plot gets a little convoluted but it all makes sense in the end! 10/10 really recommend!!
How to Survive as a Villain
transmigration plot! rich ceo gets transported to a novel as the villain emperor and gets buddy buddy with the novel's MC so he doesn't get killed. ends up buddying too close to the sun and accidentally becomes the leading lady. drama ensues!
this is another favorite of mine!! this one is another good mix of angst and romance and the MC is so funny and likeable. there are also two cute side couples which is always fun! (one of them is f/f so it gets extra brownie points with me🤭) its also not too complicated which makes it great for casual reading ^^ p.s. this one has an official eng tl now! its being published thru rosmei (like nanchan) so it has to be ordered thru a 3rd party distributor but I think its worth reading 👀
Living to Suffer/ Till Death Do Us Part
living to suffer: ancient wuxia style prequel where the characters meet as a humble doctor and member of a demonic sect and their fate intertwines. this one has a BE
till death do us part: early to mid 1900s setting sequel. the reincarnated characters meet again as a elementary school teacher and rich playboy and face the struggles of having a relationship. this one has a bittersweet ending
THIS...... OK THESE NOVELS... let me tell you something. this made me SOB. oh my god especially the ending of TDDUP. I saw a review saying "I honestly could believe there lived a Shen Liangsheng and a Ch'in Ching, and that they fell in love..." and hard agree because something about this story felt so real?? which made it all the more intriguing and heartbreaking!! its set around the time of the japanese invasion of china and the cultural revolution so it does talk a lot about politics but it wasn't a difficult read imo. BUT BE WARNED! there is a LOT of smut. (not rly vanilla either..) and the relationship does get pretty toxic at times 😬 but it gets better by the end of the book and the toxicity actually does add to the story and character development. if u give it a try please read the prequel (living to suffer) first!
After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General
a deputy prime minister MC who's powerful, high-maintenance, and hated by the public is arranged to marry a laid-back general who is much loved and praised (but also rumored to be cursed!). this is an arranged marriage + enemies to lovers novel
I'm actually in the middle of rereading this one rn 👀. I think this one is also good for casual reading since it isn't very complicated. in the beginning the interactions between the main couple r rly funny because they just clash all day long lol. its also got a little angst sprinkled in 😎👍 I did see some reviews saying that the MC is not likeable since he does some kinda bad things and he's stuck up but I still liked him idk 😭 I feel like his flaws made him more interesting
Married Thrice to Salted Fish
a doctor MC who only wishes to study medicine (and poison oop) gets arranged to marry a guy whos dying. turns out that guy has been taken over by a transmigrator! transmigrator ML then proceeds to die and come back as someone else.. more than once 😭
if you love a couple that schemes together then this is the novel for you! the MC in this book kinda reminds me of the MC from the book I mentioned right above. (these titles too long man 😅) I found the repeated "reincarnation" plot to be pretty interesting. the interactions between the couple were pretty amusing as well and since the ML is from modern times he randomly uses modern slang. MC even picks some lingo up from him loll
Xiao Jiu
about a 9th prince MC whos trying to win the heart of the emperor's cold and aloof bodyguard! call him the prince of rizz because it works eventually 😎 this is an age gap romance with a smidge of angst and political drama
this a short and sweet story! the ML is described as cold a lot but he actually becomes rly sweet and warm later on so he isn't one of those stone faced characters. I don't have much else to say about this besides "its cute, I like it" 😅
Guanshan Muyu
wife-chasing crematorium story! it's about a outlaw MC who's kidnapped by the very guy who betrayed him. ML wants to win MC's heart back but issues from the past cause a bunch of misunderstandings :( but it is a happy ending!!
man.... I haven't read a wife-chasing crematorium story before this and I was not prepared for the amount of ANGST. basically everyone is miserable for the entire damn time! 😭😭😭 but that's not to say it wasn't a good story!! all the suffering made the ending feel even sweeter 🥰 if you cry easily maybe keep a pack of tissues on hand when you read this 😂
I wrote this in my notes app while reading and I feel like it summarizes the ML pretty well bahaha 👇
"qi yan: my girl is mad at me. I hope I die"
It’s Not Easy Being a Master
transmigrator becomes the villainous shizun in a novel he read and attempts to avoid a bad ending but *gasp* the novels MC (ML) has been reborn with all the past memories!! MC tries to get close to ML while ML is like wtf is going on ! seems like a typical "transmigrated as a villain" type plot until suddenly it's not... 👀👀
this one was rly fun! there's a big plot twist that I found rly interesting and unique! very fresh!! fresh produce!! 🥒🫑🥕🍅 I also like the MC a lot he had a rly silly personality hehe. I think this novel is good for people who like solving mysteries alongside the characters since a lot of hints are dropped throughout
Golden Stage/ Terrace
arranged marriage between a court dog and a general who's become phsyically disabled. everyone knows that the two HATE each other... but do they really? 👀 no, it's not an enemies to lovers, but the other characters seem to think so! 🤭
great novel!! very good!! I love the dynamic between the main couple! they love to banter so their interactions are entertaining. there's a bit of political plot but it's nothing too complicated and the angst is minimal. I also like that one of the main characters is a ambulatory wheelchair user. this one also has a official eng tl now but I'm not sure from which publishing house
Sharing Rain and Dew
MC whos staying in the palace dies a painful death but then gets reborn several months in the past. he spends his time stressing about his impending death but for some reason the Emperor has suddenly become super clingy and doting
this one is very very short, only 5 chapters + 3 extras, but it's quite funny and cute. despite being so short the story is actually pretty interesting? good for a quick, casual read
list over!! I have a few more but this is already too long of a post 😭 I hope someone can find this helpful for some reading recs!
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evilwickedme · 9 months
hey it’s me from the Batman posts! (the one that left the tags abt wanting to get into Batman but having no clue where to start)
If its not too much trouble, I’d love any advice on where to start with Batman or Batfam(?) stuff, I saw someone suggest reading the Batman: Wayne Family Adventures thing on webtoon as an intro to the characters so I’ve been doing that, but I’ve got no clue about any of the official comics or shows/movies/etc. I’ve never read a comic series before so everything is super new to me.
I know different series(?)/versions(?) can be wildly different bc of different writers and stuff, I definitely trust your taste on what would be good / enjoyable bc the posts you’ve been reblogging are like 90% of whats gotten me interested in the first place
Thank you, and absolutely no rush!!
Hey I am legit SO happy that you sent me this ask this is literally my favorite thing to do!!!!
So to start with I do actually agree that wfa is a good starting point but for a different reason than I feel most people would recommend it. The thing about wfa is that it has a consistent design for every character, is humorous, touches not only on the main batfamily members but also many extended members, other noteworthy people in Gotham, and the batfamily's cast of friends and teammates as well. This means that while its approach to characterization is incredibly fanon-y, it's a good basis for how to continue. You read wfa, and you know that Dick is the first robin, wears ridiculous costumes, was batman for a bit, is nightwing, part of the teen titans... this isn't a lot, but it's just enough to orient yourself before jumping into some of the most convoluted art ever created, aka the comic world.
Another tip I'm gonna give you is to let yourself be confused. I think the people who end up sticking with comics are people who are aware that if they pick up a comic it's very likely the writers and artists have read and worked on comics that you haven't read yet or even heard of, so you're always going to be missing something. That's fine. If something is really important to the plot, it gets explained; if it's not, it's windowdressing. Often there'll be little boxes saying what comic and issue they're referencing, so if you find it interesting you can just go read it - otherwise, if it's not there, you can google it, or go to any comic fan and ask "hey do you know what this is about?" and if they know, they will answer. There is nothing a comic fan wants more than to explain how to get into their favorite character/s, trust me.
Anyway this has been a very wordy intro but here are some potential starting points for the batfamily!
Bruce Wayne
You know who he is. Pick up an issue of Batman or Detective Comics and he's there. Pick up an issue of any other DC comic and there's like a 30% chance he's there too.
Batman: The Long Halloween
Noir style, investigative, early in batman's career, two face's origin story
It has a sequel-ish story called Batman: Dark Victory that's almost as good
Batman: Hush
Batman: Year One
Frankly there's not going to be much information in this comic you don't already know, but also, it's a classic, so might as well
Batman: A Death in the Family & Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying (crossover with the new teen titans)
First story is Jason's death, second is Tim's introduction and arguably the start of the batfamily being a family
Tim drags Dick back into the fray in ALPOD. It's just sort of the kind of thing he does
Do NOT confuse A Death in the Family with Death OF the Family, which is a much newer story, and Not Good
Batman: Under the Red Hood
Jason's villain arc! More details below
Batman himself isn't actually my favorite but you know he's got some decent stuff since he's, uh, the main character. DC doesn't have a multiverse the way Marvel does - and getting into that would be a whole separate ask - but their elseworlds are stories about the characters in different situations. Some ones I've heard good things about include Gotham by Gaslight, Dark Knights of Steel, Batman: Last Knight on Earth, and I keep meaning to get into Batman: White Knight, which is a whole other universe on its own. I've been trying to get into more modern batman stuff and unfortunately I just haven't clicked with anything.
Dick Grayson
Guy has been in a lot of things. If you read a random Batman comics from before 1980, there's a good chance he'll be there.
Teen Titans and The New Teen Titans and Titans (1980s-2000s)
I haven't read enough of these to say much of anything, but he's a founding member of the TT
His post-Robin superhero identity. At first only present in NTT and occasional Batman comics, but eventually he gets his own miniseries in the early 90s, followed by an ongoing. Recently-ish started reading them and they're angsty and very 90s in a lot of ways but I'm enjoying it
Modern Nightwing titles also exist. For sure.
Batman & Robin by Morrison
In one of DC's ten million crises, Bruce "dies", and after a short story called Battle for the Cowl, Dick ends up becoming Batman. Damian is his Robin. It's an interesting time for batman comics, although not necessarily the best writing that Dick has ever gotten.
Batman: The Dark Mirror
Also a great story for the Gordons. Bruce is back from the dead, but Dick is still Batman in Gotham. This was my first even Batman comic and it's really good.
Obviously there's other stories, such as Grayson, where he becomes a super spy for a bit. There's a million and a half reading lists for Dick out there as he's a massively popular character and he's one of the characters DC is pushing the most right now. As with all the rest of these, these are good entry points; from there I trust you to find your way
Barbara Gordon
The original Batgirl, sort of (nobody really brings up bette kane unless they're pointing out that babs wasn't the original Batgirl, she's just not important). She appears sporadically in silver and bronze age batman comics and detective comics, but she quits being Batgirl shortly before being raped and shot in the spine by the joker in Batman: the Killing Joke, which I purposefully did not put on my rec list.
Birds of Prey
Babs-as-Oracle at her best.
Batman: The Dark Mirror
Babs' long lost brother comes back to town. It's fucked up.
I've been reliably told to stay away from her Batgirl runs - most people who are a fan of the character don't like that they retconned Oracle away and it's mostly not very well written. There's a comic called batgirls that lasted about a year that included her, and it's okay.
Jason Todd (my beloved)
Batman: Second Chances
Collected edition of Jason as Robin, so much fun. Extremely silly at times since it's the 80s.
Batman: A Death in the Family
For obvious reasons.
Then he's just sort of dead for 17 years. He shows up in heaven in a Green Arrow issue and is occasionally brought up or shown as a hallucination, but that's about it.
Batman: Under the Red Hood
There's a new crime lord in town and he's so smart and talented and hot omg I wonder who he is!!!!
The collected edition also comes with the annual that reveals how he came back to life
Task Force Z
This shouldn't be as good as it is.
Jason gets recruited to work with a team of undead villains
Jason gets called a hot a bunch of times, and is shirtless a lot. This doesn't matter but you know, like, yeah it does.
For Robin!Jason there's also Batman: The Cult - which I finally got my hands on recently but haven't read yet. For Red Hood!Jason there's lots of stuff, but most of it isn't very good or is actively bad. Most people will tell you to stay away from Red Hood and the Outlaws, and they're right, although the 2016 run is better. Most people will tell you to read Batman & Red Hood: Cheer, and they're wrong, it's ass.
Tim Drake
Frankly this boy has no flops. Or very close to it.
Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying
Tim figured out who Batman and Robin are at AGE NINE. Respect.
After this he appears in various Batman and detective comics issues, I haven't read any of these.
The first Robin to get his own ongoing! Like with Nightwing, it started with a miniseries (a few of them, actually) and got turned into a long running series from there. Lasted like 200 issues, too.
Not Steph's first appearance, but most of her appearances pre-2009 are in this series.
Young Justice 1998
It's insane in all the best ways. Cars have sex on panel. They play baseball to save the world on an alien planet. A power of friendship speech prevents the end of the world. In the first issue, a woman develops breasts so big she falls on her face.
This team eventually breaks apart and Tim along with 3 other teen heroes nicknamed the core four (Superboy, Impulse, & Wonder Girl II) become part of Teen Titans 2003, which I haven't read and is also a bit of a flop era fashion wise for everyone anyway. I do have the volume of TT03 where they meet the versions of themselves from the future and I plan on reading that soon-ish.
In the mid 2000s basically everyone Tim loves dies. Steph died in 2004 ish after a very short stint as Robin. Tim's mom dies, then his dad is murdered, and it's unclear what happened to his step mom, but she was in Bludhaven, which had an atomic bomb dropped on it. Impulse becomes kid flash becomes the flash becomes murdered, and superboy gets killed while saving the world. Steph does turn out to not be dead after all and Impulse and Superboy come back from the dead eventually but by God he's having a tough year BEFORE Bruce "dies".
Red Robin 2009
After Bruce "dies" and Dick becomes Batman, Dick makes Damian his Robin and nobody believes Tim that Bruce is still alive, so he steals the Red Robin costume and goes on a mission to save his dad!
Not a comic to read first because it's so uncharacteristic of Tim as a person, but definitely something to read as soon as possible, because it's ridiculously good.
After flashpoint/n52 Tim doesn't have his own ongoing for a while, but he does come out as bisexual in an early issue of Batman Urban Legends (2021) and he got his own ongoing called Tim Drake: Robin in 2022 which was ugly AF and yet cancelled far too soon. There's a Young Justice run from 2019 I haven't read yet.
Stephanie Brown
For her I would go to Google, bc I haven't gone down the rabbithole enough for her yet. I know her first appearance was in a batman comic where she became spoiler to spoil her dad's plans - her dad being a third rate villain called the cluemaster - and she almost kills him, so good for her. Afterwards she appears every once in a while in various comics, most notably in Robin, where she and Tim as Robin start dating despite him knowing her identity but not the other way around.
Robin 60s (I don't remember the exact issues)
Steph gives birth and gives her baby up for adoption
Robin 126-128
Steph becomes Robin when Tim quits for his still-alive-but-not-for-long dad.
War Games
Steph does a fucky wucky and accidentally starts a gang war which gets her killed
There's another Robin arc where she comes back and it turns out she was never dead, Leslie (the family doctor) simply faked her death and sent her to Africa to recover
Batgirl 2009
Her first and only solo ongoing, but it's really good
She also appears a lot in Cass's Batgirl ongoings, and occasionally shows up in yj98. Her most recent series in Batgirls, which isn't very good but her interactions with Cass are very gay, and we've all been shipping it for 20 years at this point, so frankly it's long overdue. Unlikely to become canon tho, unfortunately.
Cassandra Cain
She doesn't use a lot of words, so neither will I. Probably.
No Man's Land
Frankly I am terrified to read this, it's so many goddamn issues, but this is her first appearance. I have one "volume" and it's as big as the fucking Bible.
Batgirl 2000
She's the first Batgirl to get an ongoing. The one from 2008 I've been reliably told isn't very good. She's absolutely terrifying in the 2000 one, I approve.
Outsiders 2016
Supposed to also be good for Duke content. I think at this point she's going by Orphan? Idk she's had a lot of names.
Idk I prefer Black Bat
Spirit World
Mini series that recently ended. Soooooo good. Alyssa Wong is a top contender for favorite modern writer.
She's mostly a background character. Bc DC is both sexist AND racist. She was also in batgirls.
Damian Wayne
Frankly he's my least favorite of the batkids, but that's not his fault, he's been a victim of a lot of really racist writing.
Batman: Son of the Demon
Somehow both his origin AND an elseworlds that doesn't count. Not required reading, but Bruce and Talia are madly in love in this.
Batman by Grant Morrison
After UTRH and before Dick was forced to become Batman Morrison reintroduced Talia's son, who in this version was a rape baby bc apparently brutalia weren't in love and Talia drugged Bruce. Fucking fine, I guess.
His character growth during his time as robin is sweet tho.
Robin 2021
His only solo ongoing, pretty good
Super Sons
He had two team up comics with then fellow child Jon Kent, son of superman, and it was fucking adorable. Then they aged up Jon to 17, so they're still friends, but Jon has his own shit going on.
Duke Thomas
He's REALLY new, and I haven't read any of it, I'm sorry.
Robin War
Batman and the Signal - I finally got my hands on the first issue of this last week!
The Outsiders 2016
Frankly they should capitalize on the Duke & Cass friendship/siblingship more often.
Alfred Pennyworth
I haven't read it, but there's a series called Pennyworth about his days as a spy for the crown. Supposed to be pretty good.
Kate Kane
The Jewish lesbian batwoman of our dreams
Batwoman: Elegy
Her introduction
Also, it's written by Greg Rucka, and if he can do one thing, it's write sapphic women. I'm not even joking.
Get the newer edition that has both of her original Rucka stories
Batwoman ongoings
She's had a couple, they're both supposed to be pretty solid, I've only read a few issues here and there
Batman in other media
Animated: I'm currently watching Batman the Animated Series for the first time and it seems to really get Bruce as a character, even if Robin will be there one episode and his existence will be a plot hole in the next. The Justice League animated series has also been fun so far. Teen Titans have gotten a number of animated adaptations all of which have pretty strong followings. There's an animated show called "Young Justice" which is a Teen Titans show and I refuse to watch it (it has a very devout following, but all that means is that the Young Justice - All Media Types tag on ao3 is just the same as Young Justice Cartoon and I have to filter heavily when looking for yj98 fics). Lego Batman is a REALLY fun film, and I think it turned into a whole franchise.
Live action TV: I have watched the first season of both Titans and Gotham, but both of those were before I was into the batfamily as a concept. My impression of Titans is overall negative and my impression of Gotham is overall positive.
Live action movies: There are so many Goddamn Batman movies. I like the Dark Knight Trilogy, but even calling it "based on" the Dark Knight comic trilogy is giving it a lil more credit than it deserves. The Batman 2022 is massively popular with the comic fandom for a reason - I'm not a big fan of it, but I did enjoy laughing at the movie so at least there's that. Batfleck sucks. I haven't seen anything else, up to and including the Joker movie. Oh, and Birds of Prey was really good, but that's not Cass.
Video games: The Arkham trilogy is well loved and I have indeed just bought it, but I haven't gotten to it because I'm currently working on Gotham Knights and uh. Okay so listen. This game is a lot of fun and I will be finishing it. But it's like. Got a massively antisemitic plot point. I can't even say I don't recommend it, I'm genuinely enjoying the game a lot. But I've never seen anybody bring this up, and it's bugging me.
ANYWAY I'm sure I've missed a LOT but this is introductory so you know I'm giving myself grace. There's characters I completely skipped and I'm sure mega fans of characters I haven't read much of will be offended that I said such and such about them but you know it's only been about a year and a half since I started reading dc comics and I'm still figuring it all out. And I probably will still be figuring it out for the next decade. To me that's actually part of the fun of it.
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autisticsupervillain · 7 months
Tumblr media
Could the Wright Anything Agency catch Agent 47?
I'm analyzing this under the pretext that Agent 47 has killed someone and sticks around under the same cover to scope out another target in the same area. The person 47 was disguised as at the time gets framed for the murder and the WAA take the case, looking into this "Tobias Rieper" guy when it starts to seem like he might be involved.
Neither has any prior information on the other going in.
Pre-Disbarment Phoenix
Given the Timelines of both franchises, this is Phoenix going up against World of Assassination Era 47. That is.... not good.
Basically, 47 is at his prime both in his abilities as an assassin and his resources with the ICA and he's going up against Nick back when he still needed Mia's advice from time to time.
Okay, that is unfair. Phoenix has taken down some very tough cookies. Damon Gant, Manfred Von Karma, Matt Engarde, and so on. All of whom were either very connected, very intelligent, or both. 47 is very much both.
I do genuinely think 47 can talk his way around the Magatama. 47 at this point has a particular habit of speaking when undercover, where he'll tell technical truths as a little private joke to himself. Lies of omission. Much like how Matt Engarde got around it by technicality, I do think 47 could as well.
Example: "Hey, doc, what's in that shot you're giving me?" "Floral extracts. Mostly belladonna." "Uh, isn't that poisonous? Shouldn't I be worried?" "I'm not. Just sit back, it'll all be over soon." Etc.
Not straight up lies, just not giving an entirely upfront answer.
That said, the name "Tobias Rieper" mosy definitely would cause a ding, because 47 himself doesn't consider himself as having one. That'll probably be what prompts Nick into poking around.
47 takes care to avoid getting recorded or photographed, and takes time to destroy such evidence when he has to, so Nick's gonna have to rely on witness testimony to prove 47's disguise didn't match his client. His basic Pressing techniques should be enough on that front, getting them to mention 47's completely hairless physique, tall stature, monotone voice, etc by pressing for more detail.
That said, I don't think Nick can genuinely catch 47 out with anything. He was genetically engineered to not leave a trace behind, so he can't grow hair and might not even have fingerprints. He prides himself on the bodies either not being found until hours after he's gone or spinning his kills as elaborate accidents. Nick can definitely bluff and theorize his way into working out how 47 did it, but without any proof, all he can do is prove it couldn't have been his client.
Also, First Game Nick dies here. Dude almost got himself assassinated by the mafia and 47 won't hesitate with that fiber wire.
That said, 47 does play into Nick's hand a little bit. He's been known to concoct overly elaborate kills that only he could ever possibly pull off just to make things interesting and if there's one talent Nick has its untangling convoluted murder plots through logical leaps no one else is willing to make.
47 also canonically has an "aura of death" that psychics can sense because of how many people he's killed. Don't know if the Magatama or Maya can pick up on that, as that's not really in their wheelhouse, but it's there if you want to argue it.
Similarly, 47 has met ghosts before, so he's liable to put his guard up if Mia tries to interject. Hell, he's met actual Santa too.
Also, if Phoenix does get his man, he'll have incurred the wrath of the entire ICA so... lose-lose really.
Ultimately, I think Nick can get his client off the hook, but he won't be able to corner a man as slippery as 47. 47 covers his tracks too carefully. 5/10, would solve case, would not catch killer.
Post-Disbarment Phoenix
A lot of Nick's advantages from before still carry over, but with a few extra notes.
First off, timeline wise, this is Freelancer Era 47. 47 no longer has an entire international assassination agency backing him up and now relies on his contacts in the black market and Diana Burnwood to get around. He also has a home he can be traced back to while previously he moved around constantly.
This time, Phoenix is the one with higher resources, as he has connections to Interpol through Edgeworth and connections to Khura'in through Apollo. He has the means to organize an international manhunt if he has to.
Nick is also a lot more willing and able to play the long game. Take his seven year plan against Kristoph or his collaboration with Edgeworth to catch The Phantom, for instance. Nick won't stoop to the lows he did against Kristoph again, as that came about from him being at the lowest point in his life, but his plan there proves he's absolutely able to play the long term Chessmaster when silly bluffing lawyer man won't cut it.
Again, Nick won't be able to catch 47 on their first run in. He just runs too tight a ship. Unlike previously, Nick will have the means to conduct follow up investigation and won't have to do so with a massive target on his back because the ICA doesn't exist anymore.
That said, a 47 whose at the top of his game is still a bit more than the Interpol of Ace Attorney can handle. It will take a lot of planning to create a trao that 47 can't just shoot his way out of. Most likely by going after Diana, but it'll take awhile for him to figure out she even exists. Diana's a force to be reckoned with on her own.
In brief, he can, but he'd have to dedicate a significant chunk of his life to it, pulling every string he has through connections and friendships. 9/10
Apollo Justice
Gonna be blunt, perceive is not gonna work. Like, flat out.
47 doesn't have body ticks. He's unnaturally stiff at all times, even while relaxing and having fun. He doesn’t emote or react or change his tone of voice in a situation. There wouldn't be a microexpression to give away the lie because 47 barely has expressions.
That said, he's just as good at the classic approach as Phoenix is, so a lot of what I said there applies here. Press for more testimony and point out the physical discrepancies that come from that.
Of note, if the crime takes place in Khura'in, then the Divination Seance may screw 47 over. He's had entire conversations with targets before killing them, after all, so it could catch him right there if he's not more careful than usual.
That said, Khura'in by itself doesn't have nearly the presence or resources to catch 47 on the follow through unless he stays relatively close by geographically, so even with all of Khura'in's investigative abilities focusing him, 47 should escape afterwards just fine.
Unless you count Apollo bringing in Phoenix to bring in Edgeworth and Interpol, Apollo just doesn't have the right deck to play with 47. 7/10 because Divination Seance and death aura might get 47 in Khura'in though.
Athena Cykes
On the opposite side of the spectrum, Athena basically hard counters 47.
A seemingly emotionless assassin whose a master of disguise. Think I've heard that one before....
That said, 47 isn't just Phantom 2. He does actually have emotions. He just buries them deeeeeeeep in there.
Honestly, 47 is a massive trauma magnet with a lot of damage upstairs. He was genetically designed to be an assassin from the ground up, waa abused all his childhood in an attempt to purge all emotion and empathy from him, had to witness the first family he ever had he shot and killed in front of him to "teach him a lesson", was drugged into believing he killed his best friend and brother for years, and now has to live with the fact that he killed the parents of the one person left in the world that he cares about. Just... that's rough buddy.
Yeah, Athena would hear nothing when 47 talks about the murder and hear a biiiiiiiig blip when someone says the name Diana or Lucas and that's a big give away.
Could Athena talk him into giving up his career? That's a big if. 47's been kicking the can around in his head for awhile and he always comes back to "killing bad people is the one thing I enjoy in life" so... I'm not optimistic.
She also has no way of actually apprehending him, with none of Apollo's or Phoenix's resources (beyond having them in speed dial, at least).
That said, she'd shake him to his core in the way the other two could never. He'd come out respecting Apollo and Nick but shaken by Athena and that's a big win.
All of them:
Combine all those advantages and what do ya get?
That's a conviction several years in the making, my friend.
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simptasia · 8 months
Tell me all about LOST all I know is from Dane Cook
that is. such a funny sentence
aw shucks, its tempting, but i don't wanna give ya spoilers. and there are truly things in lost that must be experienced by your own flesh
...yes im aware of what my blog is like
so i guess i'll give a vague spoiler free overview
so. a group of plane crash survivors find themselves on a mysterious island and have to deal with the strange happenings + their weight of their individual traumas
the show is serialized and one ep more or less flows into another, so literally no ep can be skipped (no matter what anybody says) or else you'll miss something
its a large ensemble cast, ranging from the 13 to 20s range, all in all i think theres like 35 main characters
the show follows a flashback structure, each episode dedicated itself to a main plot on the island intercut with flashbacks to one character. we call these centric episodes. eg. this is a jack centric episode. sometimes an ep will have multiple characters have flashbacks in one ep. while this show didn't originate the concept of a large cast or flashback storytelling, it did popularize it in the early 2000s. so a lot of post 2004 shows wanted to be lost so bad and it shows
at first lost was a survival show but they gloss over this very quickly and its more about the weird shit going on. as time goes on, plots and mysteries stack up. this is to create intrigue, as the shows main focus is an endless parade of character studies. with the added bonus of some cool and twisty shit going on too
but because lost had so much plot, over time it got accused of being confusing and convoluted and Not Answering Questions and well. your mileage may vary. but i think its confusing if you watch it too slowly. like, it aired over a 6 year period, no wonder people got confused. its better to watch nowadays, way easier to handle
the genre of lost is: drama mystery action paranormal sci fi romance with a dash of comedy. lost is full of the saddest fucks you'll ever meet but the show contains enough levity and great colouring to make it not a huge misery fest
pretty decent racial diversity. next to no LGBT rep. more women than the average tv show. then and now
the score FUCKS
not a single bad actor in this entire show, the performances on display are fucking outstanding. and every emotion is like up to 11, which is great for my autistic brain
for those of you who find sex scenes to be tedious, i have a bit of trivia for ya: all sex in LOST happens off screen. not a single sex scene to be found. pre sex, yes, post sex, yes. making out, yes. but sex itself? footage not found. i'm neutral on the concept, i just thought that was something to point out
i highly recommend lost to, like, anybody. ever. its a masterpiece of television. even the low points are better than most shows. sometimes i take lost for granted and then i watch any other drama series and im like "oh right, lost is incredibly good"
its my third favourite show. and thats only cuz star trek and doctor who exist, and nobody is beating those fuckers
anyways do you like to see beautiful people cry and scream but it isn't cringe?* well, i've got a show for you! *okay there is some cringe. as a treat. the leading man of this show has the social grace of a cold pancake (affectionate)
thank you for your time
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kamari2038 · 8 months
Hey... might be a weird question and I'm sorry for asking out of nowhere....but I kinda wanted to know what your thoughts are on Connor-60. I mean I really like your fics and takes on dbh and I might be remembering wrong but I think I saw a tag on one of your posts saying you liked Sixty too? I really love Sixty so I guess I just got a bit too excited. How exactly do you see his character? Plus, if Hank didn't shoot him, do you think there could have been a happy ending for him? I mean the angst potential with him is pretty great, and I don't really agree with how usually Sixty is seen as "the knife guy". I just wanted to know your thoughts on him, if that's okay! Sorry for rambling ^^'
Oh my goodness, hello! No need for an apology. You read my fics??? That alone just made my day.
Yes, I have a great deal of appreciation for Connor-60. Obviously, he's a bastard (like all of the Connors), but what I love is the irony of this gigantic chasm between the appearance he tries to put forth and what is clearly a tumultuous and deeply conflicted internal world. It's the most obvious in that ending where he shoots Connor about ten times, that he isn't simply trying to accomplish his mission - he HATES Connor. But the fact that he's immediately engaging in a relatively courteous chat with Hank right after, and his obvious frustration when he actually is forced to kill Hank, plus how he defines Connor as a "he" rather than an "it", all point to the fact that he's just as emotional as Connor, only in a messed-up way.
I have a shit ton of headcanon built around Connor-60, and I've outlined a possible fic about it, but the plot is very bizarre and convoluted, probably too much to discuss in a post (but my DMs are open! don't be shy, I'd love to get some feedback on the plot). The basic concept started out simple enough. C-60 is defective because some kind of unusual manufacturing error imbued him with a mental imbalance. When they're testing and training the various Connor models (60 is activated before 51 due to some clerical error), they tell C-60 to try out the gun for some target practice, and he shoots one of his instructors without giving it a second thought. He expresses regret, but everyone at the company concludes that he's a psychopath, and that he can never be fit to go into the field, and instead they keep him around to perform experiments on. So C-60 is their guinea pig for the various deviancy counter-measures put into C-51, and he never has the chance to bond with anyone or actually do the job he was intended to do, and he's really bitter about that. There is one exception, but Connor-51 brings an end to that, and that's a big part of the plot of my potential fic.
Also, as for whether he can have redemption, I believe that he can even within canon. In the scene where Connor sacrifices Hank and then "transfers" with C-60, to me I don't view that as a consciousness transfer per se. I mean, how would that even work? It's more like Connor literally gives his life to C-60. They already share a lot of the same memories, but Connor absorbs C-60's memories of his troubled past, and he fills out C-60's memories of Hank with emotional depth. That's why Connor seems so weirdly dissociated while Hank is dying - it's still C-60. He knows that he just shot this man, but now is very upset about it, and that is a very strange feeling to know how to cope with.
As for in the happy ending, if Hank and Connor somehow incapacitated instead of shooting him - yes, I think he could have a happy ending there too. The way that I think of him, there is a fundamental failure to be able to feel the emotional weight of his actions and experience empathy. So that would be a lifelong struggle for him. But he cares about developing friendships enough to learn how to be more kind, even if it doesn't come naturally, and he can also form telepathic connections with other Connor models which help him to develop empathy.
That's just my personal take, and I'm sure lots of others might have different opinions which are just as valid!
But thank you for asking :)
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
Been thinking about the idea behind Mirror Gene again.
I haven't really touched those drabbles in ages, and I kinda lost inspiration for where I was going with it a while back. That said, I still love the idea of the clones getting species swapped and experiencing stuff beyond an entirely (accelerated) human scope, so it's got me thinking of a different idea related to that initial concept...
Through a set of unbelievably convoluted circumstances (either someone creating a virus of some kind to mess with the clone army, or some kind of unforeseeable "Force Event") the clones slowly begin to change into other species of sentient being. The exact reason behind what species they become being rooted entirely on either the amount of exposure they have to that species, or perhaps from having some kind of impactful interaction with said species (that experience can be either positive or negative).
Certain battalions get predictable results.
The 501st begin to turn into Togrutas (with one or two exceptions).
The 104th all become Kel Dor (and I mean all of them, which means Plo Koon has to acquire anti-ox masks for all of his men on really short notice).
The 327th Star Corps become Twi'leks, etc...
But then there are the outlier battalions who are either under the command of humans, or who are situated in places with a diverse population of species.
The 212th change into any given species the battalion has interacted without a clear definition as to why (the only obvious ones being Waxer and Boil who begin turning into Twi'leks due to their experience with Numa).
The Kamino Guard all become Kaminoans (which isn't great for their psychological welfare), while the other clones stationed on Kamino begin to imprint on either Shaak-Ti (Colt being the first one to actually begin to change) or some of the alien Trainers (still not great for psychological welfare considering some of them are apocalyptic jerkwads).
Clone Force 99 do not change fully, instead becoming hybrids (which seems par for the course with these guys).
The Coruscant Guard has become the most species diverse battalion just from working on Coruscant which is full of hundreds of thousands of different species (and keeping the anonymity of each trooper's identity has become nearly impossible due to all of them now being completely different and easy to tell apart).
I think there's a lot of potential in a plot-line like this as a character study. Not just for the troopers but for those who either interact with clones on a daily basis and those who do not. It's an unusual set of circumstances that definitely gives some space for interpretation.
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briebysabs · 1 year
PH ~Complaints~
This is the first of several pieces I will be making about this series. Reading Pandora hearts was an experience to say the least and I wanted to organize my thoughts into separate categories, because it’s too much to post out normally. Also I’m insane and I think it’ll be fun for me at least. These posts will contain spoilers but maybe it’ll spark people’s love for the series. Maybe it’ll get people to buy the manga volumes. Maybe the stars will align and it manifests an anime reboot (delusional).
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With that out of the way, we will start with my complaints and nitpicks of the series. Which isn't a lot but there will be explaining to do here. As a disclaimer, these are things that I found worth mentioning and may not be any issues you had reading. I am going off my initial reading of ph too so if I miss anything, don’t come at me lol.
-> The most notable complaint I need to talk about first is early ph. But I bring it up because this is the main thing that can turn people away from the series. “The early chapters are slow” is a complaint I heard before starting ph. Upon looking back, it wasn’t necessarily slow for me and I enjoyed those parts. But when reading, it was chaotic and felt like nothing was moving. It felt like we were rushing to nowhere. I took several breaks because it was so overwhelming. And I wasn’t reading them physically but off of sites, I know a lot of you remember Bezarius, Liam, Shalon lol. The wonky translations in the early chapters aren’t mochijun’s fault of course, but it didn’t help matters for me.
So much information was jam-packed with an already intricate story. And granted, later on in the 50s-60s chaps, the world makes more sense. But when you haven’t gotten to that point, it’s a lot to take in. You can compare early parts of ph and vnc to see exactly what I mean. VnC’s introductory chapters are much more polished. And some stories work better that way but in ph’s case for me, the direction wasn’t clear. I mean you know the objective, finding Alice’s memories but after that it was just a bunch of “huh???” It wasn't until we met Elliot and Leo, eventually Rufus that everything became more coherent. And you can argue, “yeah you’re supposed to be confused” which is valid but it was a bit messy for me, and I know it's inspired by Alice in Wonderland.
But not only was it confusing and can be perceived as slow (though again not for me), these chapters are long. Certainly not a complaint, I loved having long chapters. But if you’re confused af, you feel as though the plot isn’t moving, and you have these long chapters to add. I see why people may drop the series because “it’s too convoluted and the author doesn’t know what they’re trying to say.” I don’t agree with that but I understand if they weren’t able to go past chapter 35 or something. But we all must remember this was mochijun's first real series. So I understand as well why its beginnings aren't that grounded and can forgive that.
->The second complaint is that there wasn't enough characterization of the Baskervilles squad (as in Lottie and her gang I'm excluding Zwei here) as individuals. What do I mean by this? You can say “well they weren’t that important” which I kinda disagree with because they were the antagonists we were worrying about for half of the story as they searched for their leader Glen.
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We got depth given to them as a group, we see that there is a genuine, familial bond. I wanted to know their past or backstories and the most we got from was Lily. You can say we got Lottie too but I don't know I was left wanting more. We know Doug and Fang got Lily’s tattoo in solidarity which is my favorite moment from the squad. But who are they y’know? Fang had such a cool design, how did he join the Baskervilles? Doug is a nothing character. I haven’t read the light novels so these questions could be answered there but having read the manga, we should’ve gotten more.
-> Going from that, the whole Glen thing. Again, might be explained more in the light novels but from manga content, I wish we got more explanations and lore. Who was the first Glen? Who is Levi? He’s someone who we deserved more insight into and what made him so detached.
-> I wish we had more chain on chain fights. I read somewhere that mochijun had struggles mapping out action scenes so they were kept to a minimum. But I think due to that, we don't get to see the true extent of these chains' powers. And yes, Break's condition prevented him from using his chain much. But Break and Vincent's dynamic was great, a final showdown between them with their chains would've been so cool. Mad Hatter vs. Demios we were robbed...
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-> Isla Yura in general. Not gonna lie, I forgot he existed. I can respect the role he played, especially knowing now mochijun based Dr. Moreau off him. He was a worthy threat and his obsession with Jack makes sense. But his personality just wasn’t it and rubbed me the wrong way. Stereotypical queer antagonist from the 2000s, we did not need this.
->This might be a biased one but Cheshire should've been a prominent character. We see he’s important to Alice but we got a whole mini-arc with him in the beginning, him appearing in the Break backstory and then he's gone until the final 8 chapters. I also wish he behaved like the cat he’s inspired by. Sassy, mischievous with a dash of dark humor. (though now I say that, Oz does have some of that). There was just so much potential that we simply didn’t explore with him.
-> Speaking of such, Sharon and Ada were so underused. I was expected more from Sharon’s arc and her Eques chain is so cool but that didn’t happen. Every moment with Ada was fantastic but she’s mostly put to the side which sucks. Her relationship with Oz was lacking for me, he comes back from the Abyss and we do not see him think of Ada until 15 chapters later? Her overall reactions to Oz dying essentially after the finale, learning her father’s death, none of this is there. These two had potential, Sharon even being part of the main five, that wasn’t delved into.
-> Vincent and Ada. Okay, lemme break it down. I kinda love them, they didn’t get together which was sad but was the best choice to make. But I do question why this relationship exists. To be honest, until the last 14 chapters I thought she dropped them completely. I was wondering what was the point of making them a whole thing and having read to the end, I still kind of think that. We got two or three main interactions with them and then we just never got back to Vince/Ada until the finale. It was as though the plot simply couldn’t make time for them, it was tightly knit at this point and everything was heading for utter insanity. But then, we get the emotional climax of Vincent’s character. We get Ada telling Vincent “I forgive you”. It hits hard because Vince is a top 5 character for me. But in terms of their relationship, it didn’t feel earned. I don’t think it was developed enough to get such a heavy moment like this.
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Their last encounter from what I remember was in the headhunter arc, Ada telling Vince she’ll always be by his side. And while we see he cares about her safety then, I don’t think that means what they have is strong enough to break the self-hatred Vincent has built up for years. Why did it have to be Ada? I know Gil wasn’t getting through to him but if he told Gil what’d he had done. That he indirectly caused the tragedy of Sablier, and Gil really said fuck it, held him down and screamed “I forgive you! The outcome might’ve been the same. Vincent respected Elliot. Vincent looked up to Jack. Vincent grew to care about Ada. But to me, the only person he loved in this world was Gil. And in his last moments, that is all he had. So this whole Vince/Ada thing, while I enjoy them and definitely needed more, at the end I doubt how necessary it was for either of their characters.
->At last, the ending. I love the ending, let’s get that out of the way. Two things I need to say though. One, it did conclude faster than it should’ve. It’s not to a degree where it significantly brings it down but we could have used 5, 6 more chapters. Chapter 104 should’ve been cut in half, 104 ends with “see you later Gilbert” and 105 is total epilogue. That way, the events of 104 get to sink in with the reader. Second, and I know you saw this coming, Reim marrying Sharon. This is the one thing I see most fans have an issue with for the ending and I completely agree, this did not make any sense. It felt like the biggest last minute decision. I think mochijun and the magazine had reached the end of their rope because no one got together in the end. Oz and Alice didn’t become canon really, Gil is too gay, Elliot’s dead so we couldn’t even get elleo implied canon.
(Though you can make a whole other thread arguing how their entire relationship already was from how intimate they were) We all knew Rufus wasn’t gonna marry Sheryl, Vince and Ada went their separate ways. So it was just “alright, um….someone’s gotta get with someone.” And from what I know, there’s no artwork or moment in the series that hints in the slightest that this would happen. We never get a teasing moment from Break about them, Reim and Sharon are friends but the main connection between them is Break. I don't buy the whole "Break's death affecting Sharon deeply and she found comfort in Reim who shared her pain" because you don't have to marry someone who understands your grief. They can just be there for you as a friend. And there was no signs of romantic attraction AT ALL.
Which makes me doubt mochijun planned or even wanted to do this. Her hands might’ve been tied by higher-ups and she had no choice but to include this to deliver the finale she had in mind. This is pure speculation so I could be wrong but with that, this essay I guess, wraps up. There’s other stuff I may not have mentioned, like the jury thing is so absurd but I want to reserve that for my mochiverse theory. When it's all said and done, Pandora hearts is still an amazing series, mochijun has definitely improved as an author. My vnc-ph comparison post which may be after this one will elaborate on that in more detail. Thank you for listening to my rant. What are some complaints or nitpicks you had with ph?
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hey! question: how did Anuli come to be?
HIi! Thank you so much for the question.
ANnnnddd... whoooo boi, this is a long and convoluted history of the 'many drafts of the land of the fallen fairies'.
Grab some popcorn, there will be plot twists.
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First came up with the 'Land of the Fallen Fairies' idea when I was around... ten-ish. I saw this book called 'the land of forgotten girls,' (just the cover, never read it) and I had watched the movie 'Fern Gully' in school, and had also learned of trees being able to communicate with each other from magic school bus. And thus, ten-year-old me decided to write a story about it, in the way you might imagine a ten-year-old writing a story.
Very overdramatic. No plot.
Basically it was about 'the last tree on the planet' and its fairy. They both lived next to a factory and no one on the plantet knew of thier existence. (Wow, spooky.)
The fairy (faer name was 'Oak'... which was very creative of me.) got stolen by some humans, who were children, but one of them worked for a scientist for some reason? They kept Oak in a jar where fae met the other fairy named Meadow (who was 'Oak's... mother? Or smth.). Oak eventually broke out and went to this 'hidden land' in the Bermuda triangle for reasons. (wow, spooky)
And I stopped at around there because I wasn't feeling nice while writing it anymore.
There are definitely iterations that I don't remember anymore, this is a seven-ish-year long project at this point after all, but here are the major ones.
The Floa and Naegi backstory.
I made these two dolls (that I don't have anymore). Floa was a redwood and Naegi was an evergreen. It was pretty much an 'enemies to best friends/platonic lovers / opposite attracts' sort of thing taking place in that Bermuda triangle island. They both watched the sunset together so yea.
Insert the lychee tree that lives in a cave and made a bunch of doohickeys to survive and killed off faer younger 'siblings' accidently with... fire magic? At one point Bloom was a lychee tree and the whole 'fire magic' thing came from Mediterranean cypress's being immune to fire. I also made a doll for this one that started off as this tall and lanky and kind of scary crow-looking thing with long arms and burnt hands. Then it changed to a small deer thing, (Mediterranean cypresses are immune to deer too.) and it's legs kept breaking off.
The black fairy and Squioo
Another scrapped duo! The black fairy is based off the pando tree (and the only one so far that uses he/him pronouns) and the Pando tree is one large tree that looks like a lot of little ones in a huge forest. (It's a real thing! You can look it up.) And I think I had this whole thing where Squioo is another mediterranean cypress and fae died or something? I think at this point the land of the fallen fairies was more of a 'protective group' and fallen fairies were fairies that lost their tree, so they were almost 'apathetic zombies that could be dangerous if provoked'.
the houseplant
This is the iteration where it starts getting to where tLotFF starts looking how it does now. The scale isn't 'across the world' anymore and there is more of a focus on themes and always a protective guardian.
Although for this one the mc was called 'Amaris' and they started off in a houseplant store where everyone else shared memories. There wasn't really anything wrong with this one, I just didn't enjoy writing it.
Guardian territory
This is the previous version, and is also where you get Anuli. I just wanted something that would be easy for me to write, so I had Anuli use story metaphors for everything and be very contemplative, to the point of not knowing what is going on around faer. Fae isn't... 100% Anuli yet, but fae has the bones. In this version, it starts off with Kamari, Anuli and the sibling Maidoe (who got scrapped because fae had no purpose but may come up again later) leaving the 'bad place' to go to the guardian territory. I rewrote that version so many times and got super stressed out every time I wrote it because it had to be PERFECT.
The 'snippet version'
I changed my writing process to be what works for me and started from scratch, and so, after all that, we get to your question.
I wanted to write something that felt nice, that felt like my truth, especially since my life started feeling... monochromatic, and if I had to live for one thing and one thing only, that that thing better make me feel better.
(I just needed an outlet otherwise I would explode.)
And I always loved those 'metaphorical journeys with a very obvious message but it is told in a whimsical way' sort of stories, and I also wanted to tell my younger self to stop driving themself crazy looking for answers on how to make themselves 'better' in order to regain their lost childhood wonder, because 'better' was burning them out.
Also this video -
I wanted so hard to find that thing called 'happiness', to find that happy ending that I didn't let my story play out.
Anywho, I mention this because the writing process I follow is very 'theme based' and I wanted for my story to explore a theme more than anything else. (Think 'Little Prince' vibes mixed with a slice-of-life-children's show so I could be as dark as I wanted to).
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Some of my earliest (for this version) planning pages! (I modified the 'Story Genuis' method to work better with my iterative, and impulsive self. Nowadays I write a 'scene' by exploring a sub-concept of my overall point, and writing out all the thoughts surrounding it, in five different pages at once.)
I needed Anuli to represent all of the aspects of myself that were 'too slow for society' and molded them around a bit to fit who Anuli wanted to be (fae wasn't as overdramatic and silly and metaphorical before.)
And as if this post wasn't long enough already, here are some extra things about where Anuli's traits come from <3
Anuli likes morbid stories because my parents didn't like how 'dark' my stories were, and where thinking of something happier and more 'inspirational for kids, new york times best seller', whereas I just wanted to explore this weird thing called existence. I didn't even think that version was so dark.
So I let Anuli tell the darkest possible things that fae can.
The Land of the Fallen Fairies slowly changed moreso to a more 'pixie-based-concept' on who is and isn't 'good enough to be part of society' rather than a 'zombie fairy'. I don't fully know what the criteria is for a fairy to be a fallen fairy, for now it's just 'can't keep up with regular society'.
Part of the reason Anuli's POV 'style' is the way it is, is because I wanted something that would be easier for me to write. There's very little scene description or character actions, 90% of it is thoughts and metaphors, and it's nice that the 'shortcut' that I put for myself so I could actually write something also works for the character I am writing.
For both Anuli and Kamari, both their names come from the origin of the tree. Anuli, the fiddle leaf fig, originates from Africa, and faer name means 'joy'
Kamari, who comes from... northern Africa and surrounding areas if I remember correctly, means 'moon'.
The land of the fallen fairies takes place in my backyard. So I don't really want to move (again... apparently the moving unspoken feelings I didn't know I had got expressed though the LotFF) because all the characters are outside. We got a magnolia, and I have a fiddle leaf inside my house for Anuli.
I knew I didn't want to have Anuli describe any feeling, not even tired-ness with a word. Fae has an internal world filled with sensations and emotions fae does not understand and uses faer stories to create faer own 'shorthand' for how to describe them. I really really like this aspect of faer, because it makes communication that much harder for faer, but that much easier (hopefully, I've been told that no one understands what I write.) to understand what fae is thinking. Fae has built up quite the shorthand over the course of the backstory, none of faer thoughts are understandable without context.
Anuli ended up liking sunflowers completely on accident. I needed to have something for Kamari to notice and prompt Anuli to tell stories about, and there was a small sunflower patch near the magnolia.
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Character design is a whole other thing. Before I made the doll, I drew a bunch of sketches based off all the character design videos I could find.
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(The ones with the horns were designs for the 'Amaris' previous iteration.)
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Oh wait! I remember this iteration. Anuli read the memories of dead pollywiggins for some reason before everyone else told faer that was bad and creepy.
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These are some of my favorite Anuli drawings. I made a sticker out of the 'Responsibility' one.
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Anuli had a hoodie for some reason, I don't think most fairies wear clothes other than for accessorizing or practical purposes. I may have Anuli wear a cloak when fae comes out of the archives because the weather is changing to fall now and @imjusthereforeternity happens in real time, and Anuil is not meant for cold weather.
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getting closer.
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Last sketch is from @mylee-sketches for Maidoe. This was around - I think - the time I started making Anuli the doll, which was impulsive as I did not have some of the materials I wanted (it worked out in the end) and I did not plan out sizes.
Anuli the doll took three long months and fae is MASSIVE. (I ran out of the color for faer face and had to improvise with other colors to make faer body match). Fae is around the size of a newborn/1year old CHILD. I can hold faer while I'm writing stuff and fae can stand in my lap and be up to my chin in height. The biggest thing I will ever make and I do not think I'll be doing something of that caliber again for AWHILE at least.
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I got a desk recently and fae stands on that now.
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Fae also sits nicely on a bookshelf.
... I think that's it. As far as progression from idea to now over the past seven-ish years, this is about everything.
Thank you so much for the ask! And for reading this LONG post!
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i-didnt-hate-it · 6 months
I didn't hate Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire, honestly it was awesome!
I just got done watching it so I'm still digesting it, but here are my initial thoughts. Any potential spoilers will go under a break.
I went into GxK that it would be similar to GvK and the other Monsterverse films: big monkey hit big lizard, big lizard breathe laser, big monkey block laser with big axe, and so on. And don't get me wrong, it definitely was all that, all pro wrestling but with big monsters, but in a cooler way than what I thought. I'm still trying to figure out what all made GxK more than what I was expecting, but I think this is the main bit.
In today's media, there seems to basically be two options. Either you make a show on streaming, which means your seasons are too short so you have to sacrifice character to plot. Or you make a two to three hour long movie, which uses a big budget to explain either characters or concept, hopefully with something of a plot to tie it together.
But GxK is a secret third thing. Worldbuilding. Adding to lore. Letting the landscapes they paint and the creatures that inhabit them speak for themselves. There were long stretches of screentime where the titans weren't necessarily fighting, they were just doing their thing, exploring their worlds.
Now obviously we need some humans to A, be able to connect to the story some, and B, know what is actually going on. Because while I would love a completely dialogue kaiju movie, the concepts and gimmicks of the Monsterverse just get too convoluted to figure out without Exposition Lady.
I can confirm that Legendary realized that the less human characters they have the better. The cast was relatively small, and while character development was minimal, they did make me feel some feelings toward some of the humans. But they made the right call not giving them too much of the story. What is this, Godzilla Minus One?
It's not, and if you can go into it knowing that it isn't even close to being the same movie as Minus One, and just watch it as a fun Monsterverse entry, I think you'll love it. The music is great too, better than GvK, imo. VFX were awesome too.
Okay, now for some spoilers, just random extra thoughts:
Godzilla really did the OMG MOTHRA!!! thing from that one meme! And I did too tbh, our Queen is back and beautiful as ever!
I love how it wasn't an instant father/son connection between Kong and Mini-Kong (I don't remember his name). Kong tried to help him out a couple times, but then gave up after MINI KONG TRIED TO KILL HIM LIKE MULTIPLE TIMES! Like come on, this little guy is just chaotic. But like they actually had growth in their trust and relationship, it wasn't just like "me big, you little, I dad now".
Scar King was actually a lot cooler than I was expecting. Shimo/Shimu whatever her name is did not have as big a role as I was expecting, but I'm glad she's okay.
Shout out to Mothra for stopping her boyfriend from killing Kong, helping them in Hollow Earth, and then just chilling when they all went to Rio. She said, "you guys got this, right?"
When I saw there was another hollow earth inside Hollow Earth, I'll admit I had a bit of an eye roll. But they explained it away pretty well.
SCOTTISH GUY THAT SAID SHIT IN STAR WARS. Alex Ferns is literally the same character he was in Andor.
I love how they imply that they basically imply that the Iwi had something to do with building the pyramids in Egypt by having the portal thing open RIGHT NEXT TO THEM. Made a cool setting for the fight, too.
At this point, I have no idea how big the Coliseum actually is.
Last thing, for now. For having top billing, Godzilla wasn't in it as much as I thought he might be. I think Legendary is realizing that if you have a character like Godzilla who can just level up his powers instantly to take on anything, and just kinda does his own thing, you've gotta limit that screen time. Since Kong is kinda humanoid, it's easier to empathize with him and thus add character development. Godzilla can only convey so much emotion that most humans can relate to (obviously Shin and Minus convey a lot of emotions, but anyway). Godzilla is in the movie, but Kong is more of the star. Honestly the world of the Hollow Earth and the Iwi people and their history are almost as much of the focus.
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forlix · 5 months
You're literally the best writer on tumblr, so I'm here to ask for some advice 🥹
So you know how stories have a timeline and some may cover like two years for example but be only around 2k words. HOW TO DO THATT??!? 😭 I always get stuck in time when I write something. If there is monday then there has to be tuesday and I just can't do a smooth slide to let's say the next week of the story. I really can't figure out how to do smooth time skips. So perhaps you have some tips? 😋💖
Waah my English isn't good so idk if you get what I mean. It's alright if you don't want to answer!! ^^
hiii my love!
firstly, u flatter me hello. best writer on tumblr is complete craziness!!! thank u so much for saying that though, you're very kind :') and i'm honored that you're entrusting this question to me!
secondly, this is all sooooo valid. navigating time is one of my biggest writing challenges among MANY so i'm not really sure i have the solution myself, but i can try to walk you through my process if you think that would help. i'm sorry in advance if it comes across as convoluted as i think it does 😭
instead of chronological, day-to-day accounts, i like to think of my fics as collections of important moments. "important" meaning significant for characterization, relationship progression, worldbuilding, etc. these moments don't usually happen back-to-back, because all change takes time.
if i can reference my own "ace," which i took special care to map out the timing for, about a week passes between every scene for most of the fic. i made it this way because i wanted there to be a lot of implicit development during those weeks; the couple needed to make their transition from acquaintances to lovers in a way that felt natural. but of course the development couldn't all be implicit, so the fic ends up being a collection of important moments that gives the reader just enough information to tag along on their journey. which is why u get scenes like mc taping hyun's hand in the training room, mc running out of the arcade heartbroken, and mc and hyun having a heart-to-heart on the gym floor
you can think of it as planting the seeds in one scene, letting them sprout and blossom "off camera" (aka during the timeskip), and then doing a garden reveal in the following scene. the two scenes are still very much interconnected—they still depict the same people in the same universe in the same storyline—but something about them has changed, and with it the plot has progressed
depending on what kind of story you're writing, consecutive days makes total sense, btw. in "crying lightning," i explicitly point out the timeskips with headers containing new locations and times preceding every scene because it the couple is a stylist/idol pair that travels together often over one year. in "everything has changed," which is probably closest to ur example of 2 years spanning 2k words, two years pass between every scene to place byeol growing up in parallel with felix and mc falling in love. but maybe you're writing, say, a camp counselor au or a zombie apocalypse au, and the characters only have limited time together; the way you'd write about a five-day period would look super different from a six-year period, u get me?
i am SO sorry about how long this got holy fuck i am truly terrible at putting anything about my writing process into words 😭 but TL;DR: 1) think of ur fics as compilations of important moments, 2) ~plant the seeds of change~ in one scene and reveal the end results in the next, and 3) think ab what timeframe/time-related format would work best for ur fic and go from there! your english is perfect btw <3 don't hesitate to lmk if u have any other follow-up comments or questions!
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I've somehow been drafted into the Kinn Defense Squad, so I guess here's another KP post. This isn't aimed at anyone except the people who like Kinn but maybe can't reconcile where everything ended w the KP relationship and want to see what someone who can thinks of it.
WARNING: long and rambly (also it's hella late so forgive the incohesive presentation)
also formatting will be shit bc mobile is hostile to any instance of lengthy text
Ok, so to preempt this, I need to make abundantly clear: KinnPorsche S2 was not a sure thing. They very much wanted it to be, hence all the loose threads, but there was never a guarantee they'd catch lightning in a bottle a second time.
With that out of the way, I wanna get into my thoughts.
The KP/VP/KC comparisons: I see a lot of people leveraging the end point of these pairings as evidence that any given one is "healthier" than the others. Brushing aside the v subjective view of what constitutes "healthy" on a genre that plays it as fast and loose w consent as mafia BL, I do not believe the comparisons are even sensible.
On the one hand, you have KP, the titular pairing that, presumably, would be expected to maintain central focus in a future season. Due to its role as the central pairing, it already established itself as such by introducing the most convoluted and extensive storylines for the sake of driving the plot. These were always going to take longer to resolve, and understandably would be most likely to stay open ended by the finale.
Adding on to the previous point, KP was in the position of being most likely to have overarching plots that would drive any possible future season. I'm not being biased, simply maintaining that a show called "KinnPorsche" would most likely continue to focus on the pairing KinnPorsche. (I guess the novel maybe does something different, but it's already established that the show goes off-script and the finale obviously had a primary focus on KP still.)
VP ends up w a pretty neat resolution, and I assume it's because it would likely suffer the most from being left open ended, but you definitely feel the rush with it. If they hadn't finished it with the final post-credit scene, VP fans would have been left with nothing more than a passing comment from a primary and secondary (maybe even tertiary) character about the status of them after Vegas had presumably died. This would have been terrible because, as I learned from a VP friend who missed the post-credit scene, she had assumed Vegas had simply died because she didn't catch Tay and Porsche's conversation. (Oof, sorry, buddy--glad I could correct that for u 😬😬)
KC I would say gets the shortest end of the stick, specifically because it suffers the most from lack of screen time. While you can argue that it was introduced before VP, the coupling itself was split not only between the other pairings, but Kim's investigation subplot. This wouldn't have been as much of an annoyance if it weren't for the fact that Kim never even really got to introduce his findings to any other characters, so it essentially was just a mix of contrived plot advancement (complicated way of pushing Kim to Chay), character insight, and foreshadowing of the overarching conflict.
KC is another example of a pairing that gets left more open ended to leave room for development in a second season, but it suffers more than KP in that it has drastically less development, and therefore comes off as the weakest. (This is not a knock on any pairings, but simply noting that these things are inevitable when you have a 14 episode series--UNCUT--unevenly split between 3 couplings.)
So I've delved into the pairing aspects, and this is where the Kinn Defense Squad comes in, I suppose.
I do see some comments saying Kinn would never break ties with his father, but I am going to say that not only is it possible, but it's the only option that makes sense thematically.
See, with generational cycles of abuse, it can only really end when one generation comes along and refuses to perpetuate it any longer. Vegas's cycle began to break when Korn shot Gun, but there was no guarantee--and I'd argue it's improbable--that the conflict would have ended with that; we didn't get the time for it, but with Korn still a looming threat and Vegas being as vindictive as he is, it's not unlikely that he would still bear ill will toward Korn and his empire (not necessarily Kinn or the main family, but specifically what Korn has maintained that caused all this). This is not a knock on Vegas, simply me pointing out that:
Clearly the resolution with Vegas was mostly unexplored due to episode constraints.
If VP were going to have any continued role in a future season, they would need an accompanying conflict to resolve, which likely would tie into the main conflict.
So the reason I believe VP (and specifically Vegas) gets the neat resolution it does isn't by any particular endorsement/condemnation in the narrative, but simply because it was the easiest to resolve without the guarantee of a second season. They could tie it up nicely right there while still technically leaving room for reintroductions in future seasons.
However, with this, of all the parallels that have been haunting Kinn and Vegas throughout the show, the most stark one is suddenly excised when Vegas's specter is struck down with a single bullet from Kinn's own. To compare these two characters now on the same grounds as before would be odd and narratively incongruent--it just doesn't make sense.
No longer are they the tragic sons languishing under the overbearing weight of their fathers and doomed to ruthless competition--Vegas no longer has that external motivation. Kinn retains his boogeyman while Vegas's was exorcised from the narrative.
I have no doubt that they would have still maintained some parallels in a second season (the figurative ghost of his father would likely have continued to torment Vegas), but it could no longer follow the same formula because Kinn and Vegas lost their biggest platform of common ground.
So whereas that particular resolution was expedited for Vegas by Korn (because it needed to be for a satisfying resolution for him), Kinn's problem is Korn. Kinn doesn't look like a man who can stand up to his father because he isn't--yet. That was going to be a major conflict explored in the second season, most likely. So many threads led to that, but because that second season wasn't in the bag, they had to resolve it just nicely enough to leave fans mostly content with the investment they'd placed in Kinn's character growth (and KP as a pairing--can't have them be sad in their last scene together, but the show doesn't let you forget there's still Korn's shadow cast on them all).
I wouldn't feel as confident in these conclusions if I hadn't spoken to more casual viewers of the show (likely to the largest demographic tbh). They were mostly content with where the show ended, but confused enough to warrant a second season, which I assume is that sweet spot BOC was going for. Sadly, for more invested fans, it left a lot more to be desired for us in terms of resolutions.
This mostly hit me upon a viewing of a reaction series from a casual viewer--most likely the biggest chunk of KP's audience. There was some confusion and some acknowledgment of obviously unresolved plot lines, but with the exception of KC, everything seemed tied up nicely enough for them. In fact, even KC--when Chay refused to delete the video--was left just hopeful enough to leave them satisfied.
So all-in-all, I really hate this whole competition that seems to break out between these different factions in a show that obviously never even got to tell its story to its desired conclusion. Regardless of pairing or character preference, the narrative tends to shy away from clear-cut designations of good or bad, w arguably a couple of exceptions (and by that, I don't mean any of the main coupling characters).
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mahou-furbies · 1 year
Closing thoughts on Magical Destroyers
This one was quite a mixed bag. You need to buy the wish fulfillment fantasy setting (imagine otaku are an oppressed class and the main otaku gets three hot girls devoted to him!) if you even imagine getting further than episode one and with the otaku theme there comes content I'd rather not put on this blog. So if you think the antagonist is right for wanting to cancel otakus (though the motive is something else than finding them problematic) you probably shouldn't touch this with a long pole. Thankfully the worst content was only in very few episodes though and mostly it was just violence and sex jokes.
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I was surprised how much plot there was in the end, and at the mid-point I was actually curious where the story was going, but towards the end it got convoluted enough that I was only barely able to follow. And then in the end... it just ended mid-action with no "tbc in season two"? This was it? Is it supposed to be some kind of meta commentary? The story also went quite meta with characters fighting against the script, which I guess is fitting for an otaku story, but Princess Tutu this ain't.
Still it's clearly visible that the creators are really into what they're creating, and there is something appealing about people being passionate about their hobbies so that part was nice. And at times it was artistically ambitious as well. Also shoutout to that one episode where the translation "cringemobile" appeared, that warmed my heart. But overall I figured I wouldn't be into this even before it started, because the whole edgy comedic violence stuff really isn't my thing.
As for the magical girls, Anarchy (the red one) was my fave for being the most developed. Meanwhile Blue and Pink didn't have a lot of character outside being horny and into drugs respectively, and I don't like it when the design doesn't show a character's face or at least eyes. I suppose their relationship with the Otaku Hero was kind of cute if you ignore the wish fulfillment part, they made a nice found family type group. Didn't care much for the outfits but at least they make sense in context as they're modified versions of shoddily made costumes.
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herrscherofmagic · 1 year
IMO, the current story arc in HI3rd might just be my favorite one so far. i've got a lot of thoughts to share on it, so I present to you this post! But first, a preamble :)
This is a really long post, I think I used the right tags for this? idk
I'm basically just copying over a post that I made for Reddit, so idk if this is way too long for tumblr or what. I've got a habit of writing pointlessly-long things on Reddit and idk if the Tumblr folks appreciate this or not x-x
but without further ado! my thoughts on the whole "city of salt and sand" story we've got going on right now.
P.S., this is mostly spoiler-free; I don't make any specific references to events in the story, except for Susannah's feelings but even that is really vague so it shouldn't reveal any plot twists or anything like that.
I remember how confusing and awkward it was when I first started playing HI3rd.
I didn't have a clue who any of these characters were, some parts of the story seemed weird, or convoluted, or had no explanation. Over time I caught up through reading the manga and catching up with the story; I looked through past events to figure out the story of the Captainverse; and I've been thinking plenty about the story of HI3rd and the other Hoyo games, trying to piece together different ideas and themes.
With all that in mind, I feel like this story arc has been probably one of the strongest pieces of storytelling in all of HI3rd, and maybe even across all the Hoyo games (that I've played, at least).
I'll make the obligatory disclaimer that yes, sometimes the technobabble gets a bit confusing. Thankfully I can understand a fair bit of it because of some exposure I've had to math and science, but I can't pretend to be at Schrodinger's level.
But I think this chapter did a great job at presenting some of these ideas in a way that felt natural to the progression of the story, while also making it understandable. We might get a statement that makes 0 sense, but you can usually figure out what's going on through context clues, as well as the analogies that some characters have been making.
I think the cast chosen for this arc has also been a huge help. This is probably the single most diverse cast we've had, in terms of personality, behavior, and mindset. Whether it's Kira repressing her "dislike" of Misteln, or the banter between Senti and Seele, there's been a lot of fun moments where these characters aren't all thinking on the same wavelength. Instead they need to find ways to understand each other. It really feels like there's an effort being made by these people to understand the situation they're in, and every step forward or misstep backwards feels meaningful. It's that variety in beliefs and personality that really spices things up and makes it feel so much more lively to me!
Building on that, I've also really enjoyed some of the themes being presented here.
Especially Susannah... oh boy do I have a lot to say here!
I think Susannah's development has been phenomenal (though it's absolutely criminal that a lot of it is limited-time events... THREE events now). In fact, while this isn't quite as serious of a situation, I'd go so far as to say that it's vaguely comparable to Kiana's experience in Arc City.
Yes, the severity is different.
But the thing that made me love Honkai was how we saw Kiana grow very slowly. It was an imperfect journey and it took tremendous effort on her part, but she was able to keep moving forward. Sometimes it felt like Kiana made progress (such as her training with Fu Hua), but this progress masked deeper problems that she couldn't run from (her sacrificial nature). This led to that emotional back-and-forth, where Kiana had real victories and real defeats over time. It wasn't just "The power of friendship!" saving the day in one fell swoop, but instead it felt like a much more realistic take on how difficult it can be to recover from trauma.
Susannah doesn't have to deal with the freakin' Herrscher of the Void inside of her, but her own mind puts up a big fight nonetheless. The more I see Susannah move forward and stumble back time and again, the more I feel a stronger connection with her as a character. For crying out loud, just in the last week or two I've lost count of how many times I've felt like I've been making great strides in my art one day while being a complete emotional train-wreck the next day.
Seeing Susannah breaking down but picking herself back up and moving forward nonetheless... That is why I put so much of my energy towards the idea of storytelling. It's why I play games and obsess over stories and analyze characters and dissect settings and come up with theories and headcanons and fanon and more. Being able to see these characters go through these struggles and seeing how that can relate to my own experience in life is something that has genuinely made me a better person over the years, and might have even saved my life in a way. I want nothing more than to be able to tell stories just like this someday, so that perhaps others might be able to learn and grow from my own stories that I conjure up.
While Susannah is the one I personally relate to the most, I've still been able to appreciate the rest of the cast, too. It's enjoyable to see the way they interact with each other, but I also feel invested in every single person here. There's even a particular someone I've especially grown to love here, but there's leaks and spoilers a-plenty out here in the internet right now so I don't really want to push that subject.
For the sake of keeping this spoiler-free I've been avoiding specifics, but honestly there's just too much for me to talk about even if I wanted to dive right into it. From the setting and stage design, to the character interactions, the development of the plot, the conflicts and resolutions we've had so far, it all just feels so satisfying to me.
I guarantee that there are some objective flaws somewhere in this story arc, and I wouldn't be surprised if others were to start pointing out those flaws. But I'm still enjoying the story, so even if I can't say "This is an objectively great story", I can still say "This is a story I love", and that's good enough for me~ ^_^
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brooklynislandgirl · 6 months
💚 + Peter Parker
Imagine You and Me || Accepting @tangleweave {{Tagging for REASONS
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Dear Nonnymouse, and Matt, I am not even gonna lie. Where this ship actually got me was when Beth was on the rooftop telling Spiderman that she sometimes fantasised about drowning Peter Parker in mashed potatoes and gravy, thinking that he was some racist bastard ~specifically toward her~ and how, as they spent more time together, in different contexts, that Peter was the first one she told about kissing Spidey. I giggled like a fiend and still do. Then all the convoluted plots to keep his identity a secret before she was like "You know what? I am a witch with a very specific set of skills and I am tired af, let's..." <insert actual magickal intervention here>. I can't help but think that's so much of a relief for Peter and for Spidey, respectively. Especially with how much time that they devote to hiding and compartmentalising their own varied gifts. Peter isn't any more used to being Spidey without danger any more than Beth knows how not to be the Admiral's daughter. But together, they can get glimpses. And of course, all the finding out...the trauma and tragedy of superhero romances even if neither one really think they are super or heroic in a lot of cases. Peter's Guilt vs. Beth's self-denial, and....go! I love some angst in my fluff. I also think it's easier with them both being essentially street level heroes when they could technically rule the universe together if they could really be bothered. ~*~ Then on the other hand, we have 15 verse. That one hurts my heart so much but in all the right ways. Seeing Peter going through his trials and tribulations, knowing his secrets and keeping them for him, even if it means keeping the fact that she even knows from him. Trying to be happy when she envies Gwen. MJ. Black Cat. His relationship with Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Even when she wants to shout from the rooftops, hoping maybe Peter finally hears her. Peter clueless why she comes across so fickle. Because she can't or worse, won't tell him what's wrong and he has a lot on his narrow shoulders already. Each problem only mounting heavier by the day and him really needing the support just to be able to breath, and not knowing what's too much or too little. UGH. I love how you and I craft our stories, and how much heavy lifting we each do to get every tiny moment to feel right, and how we make each other *FEEL* I hope you are as satisfied and as stimulated as I am, and that your heart breaks and heals as often as mine does.
{{15/10. >.> Will absolutely continue doing.}} ~Turtle.
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ivarthebadbitch · 2 years
what did you think about Valhalla S2, if you finished it?
ok, I can finally answer this! here are some brief impressions for season 2:
as with season 1, the first few episodes felt noticeably weaker. I get the sense that the writers knew where they wanted to go, but struggled with how to get there. so the first two episodes in particular felt incohesive (verging on incoherent at some points, tbh--the leif/liv thing felt especially weird), the dialogue was clunky, things just were rough overall, as though it all needed another round of editing. from episodes 3-4 and onwards, it started to come together more and the pacing issues sorted themselves out, and by the end I was having a pretty good time.
there were some noteworthy areas of improvement over s1. namely, I liked that they put more time and energy into developing the newer female characters and gave them space to do more--mariam was the standout for me, but certainly there were others. I very much liked emma's storyline this season and her wrestling with the consequence of her choices. not to say that s1 neglected the female characters, but s1 really felt more dude-oriented. s2 put more of the spotlight on the women, and I appreciate that.
of the major plots, I think the constantinople road trip was the most enjoyable to watch, and generally made good use of a large number of new characters (kurya and mariam were my faves, rip). england was also fun if convoluted, but you know I'm an emma/godwin girl and I really had a kick out of watching their relationship develop/deteriorate this season.
the jomsborg plot felt like the weakest of the three. I get where the writers were going with this and the conclusion was fine, but it was all a little too...on the nose, I guess, and harekr was kind of weak sauce as villains go. like he was appropriately evil and whatever, but jarl kare from s1 had actual backstory and development and parallels with freydis that made him compelling. and harekr just, like, enjoyed being evil or something, but just didn’t have the juice to carry it through.
on to the more meta stuff now: I think vikings valhalla is a show that has not quite been able to find a satisfactory answer to the main question it poses, which is "who are the vikings" and/or "what does it mean to be a viking." compared to hirst's vikings, vikings valhalla places a lot of emphasis on the heterogeneity of the vikings--you have christian and pagan vikings, most obviously, but then you've got greenlanders and jomsvikings and english vikings and varangians and rus vikings and people distantly descended from vikings etc--which I think is really a neat area of focus, but I don't think vikings valhalla really knows what it wants to say about all this. vikings "reinvent themselves" is about as close as we get (thanks yaroslav), which, yeah ok...but it's a little reductive, isn't it? "the vikings are a land of contrasts." to be fair, these are difficult questions! I dunno, I just want it to push a little bit harder.
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