#i tried to listen to both of these in the gym and forgot there were sad songs on there too aksdkfj
chvoswxtch · 1 year
i have seen a million and one playlists for matty and frankie but hardly a single one for elektra or jessica and that bothers me to my core
so since i didn't have anything to post this week, i made a playlist for each of them with songs that remind me of them and i thought i would share them with y'all bc i know some of y'all love ellie & jess too
you can find elektra's here & jessica's here
(i'm also gonna add them to my masterlist just bc)
happy listening :)
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lucidfairies · 10 months
ride it [a.a]
pairing: gymrat!abby x pilates princess!reader
synopsis: abby normally enjoys going to the gym alone, but on the rare occasion that you ask to come, she never passes it up. (based on a tiktok I reposted!!)
warnings: heavily self indulgent on the reader part and my gym experiences, poc friendly, not exactly smut but SUGGESTIVE, subby abby
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"y/n, I'm going to the gym, be home later." abby yelled up the stairs, trying to get your attention from whatever you were working on up there.
"baby, can I come? I haven't gone in a while." you yelled back, hopping up from your spot on your guy's shared bed, quickly grabbing a workout set and stripping to get it on.
"if you change fast enough." she joked. the set was pink, just a bra and shorts, but it fit what you normally did at the gym, which was yoga or a pilates workout. it was nothing compared to abby, who did extensive lifting.
when you got downstairs, abby was leaning against the wall in a muscle tee and shorts, but her shirt happened to be pink as well. "we're matching." you grinned, pulling her attention from her phone as you gently pressed your hand to her chest, pushing up on your toes to kiss her softly.
the ride to the gym was relaxed; abby's hand gripping to your thigh as you hummed along to the songs on the radio and tried to find a good workout video.
the gym wasn't packed, which was good. you hated working out in front of other people, and you especially hated when other people looked at abby when you guys were working out together. "what are you working today?" you asked her as you walked in.
"legs. worst fucking day of the week." you rolled your eyes. "you should try some of the stuff I do. it could be fun, y'know?" you looked back at her as you opened the door to the locker room.
"abs... have you looked at your quads recently? I don't think I could do half the shit you do." abby grinned, like it was funny how much bigger she was compared to you.
"not with the same weight, dumbass. just the same exercise. please sweetheart, I promise it'll be fun." she tossed her bag in a locker with yours and locked it. you sighed.
"fine. but if I don't like it, I'm going back to what I had planned." abby grinned, grabbing your waist as you left the locker room.
you both warmed up on the treadmill, then she took you to various machines –the leg press, leg extension, hip abduction– and explained how to use them, then showed you while she did it. it was embarrassing how much weight you could do compared to her, but you couldn't quit now. you were almost having fun.
she brought you to the weight side of the gym, where most of the intense lifters went. that portion of the gym scared the shit out of you. she set up a bench and grabbed a bar, loading an obscene amount of weight onto it.
"these are called KAS hip thrusts, they work your glutes and stuff, I think." you stopped listening after that, consumed in the way she pulled the bar over her lap, held it in place, then thrust her hips up.
she did this every time she was at the gym? regardless of who was watching?
you couldn't tell how much weight was on each side, but that hardly mattered. you were spitting out words before you could even think of what you were saying. "you should do it with me on your lap." she set the weight down and looked up at you, cheeks rosey.
"baby.. I- uh, what if people watch?" she was a stuttering mess, at the thought of doing that to you in public. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad, but it would certainly get her worked up, that's for sure.
"what if?" you shrugged. abby complied, obviously, who is she to say no to you, and pushed the bar off of her lap, letting it roll forward.
you straddled her, legs on each side as she pressed her hands behind her head. "you got it, baby." your voice was low, attempting to throw her off her game. it did. she forgot for a moment what she was supposed to be doing until you raised your eyebrow, expediently.
abby's hips rose in the air, bringing you up with them, then slowly dropped, controlled. every time she lifted her hips, your ass pressed perfectly against her clit, and she was getting wetter by the rep. "shit, baby." abby groaned, keeping her hands locked behind her head so she didn't take you right now.
"c'mon abs, just a few more for me." you didn't know how many reps she did for this particular exercise, but four was hardly enough. you placed your hands gingerly under her shirt, just tracing lightly with your nail.
her hips stuttered, surely almost dropping you, but she kept going. when she finally got to her max raps, her hips fell roughly, and she panted, head in the crook of your neck and she tried to calm herself.. and her clit. "put your things away and meet me in the locker room shower." you smirked and stood up, leaving her wet and bothered.
safe to say she fucked you good after that.
tag list: @baumbii @tlouadditc @abbysvictim
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axeeglitter · 1 month
Back from the Vault: Alexa
“What do you mean you forgot your passport?!” asked Simon through his phone.
“I don’t know dude; I was sure I had it but I can’t find it anywhere. Can you go and check in my room if I didn’t put it on my desk or somewhere else, please?”
“Alright, I’m on my way, but dude, really, you have to be more careful!”
Simon and Michael had been roommates for almost four years now. They’d been paired together in their first year of uni, and since they were getting along pretty well and their shared bedroom was small, they decided to look for an apartment together. Things turned out great, and they’ve shared the same apartment since then. When they met, Simon was pretty shy and lacked confidence, but thanks to Michael, he really came out of his shell and found the courage to live fully. He started going to the gym, taking care of himself, and making some friends along the way. He even managed to find someone he found attractive. They just started dating a few weeks ago, and he hoped he would manage to bring his love interest home while Michael was away.
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Michael had always been the more outgoing of the two. Always chatting and laughing with everyone, his big dumb smile plastered on his face, letting his perfect white teeth shine and illuminate his face. Sure, Michael wasn’t the brightest student, and even though he preferred working out to spending his evenings studying, he still did everything he could to succeed in his studies and at his part-time job as a bartender. He also managed to have some free time to play video games, practice sports, and, most of all, play with the parameters of his Alexa.
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When Michael saw the ad for Alexa’s new features a couple of years ago, he fell in love with the concept. The first thing he did when they both got the apartment was to put Alexa everywhere in the house. Simon was a bit skeptical about this artificial intelligence listening to them all the time, but Michael was so happy. Michael couldn’t stop having fun with his new toy. Alexa turned the volume up, Alexa lit up the kitchen. Alexa added ketchup to the grocery list. As time passed, Simon got used to it and didn’t even realize it was there anymore.
“Ok dude, I’m in your bedroom. Damn, you could have cleaned up a bit; for fuck’s sake, there are dirty underwear and socks everywhere! Gross!”
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“Sorry bro, was in a bit of a hurry. I thought my flight was tomorrow, not today! Listen, my passport should be somewhere around my desk. I remember taking it out and putting it on my desk to finish packing. Look around if it’s not there, please.”
“Okay, hold on, putting the speakers on,” Simon said as he clicked on the button to activate it and turned the volume all the way up before placing his phone on the desk.
“You sure you put it there? I can’t find it anywhere, dude!”
“Yes, I am! It must be somewhere around. Take a look on my nightstand,” Michael said, half-listening to what his friend was saying as he was stressed and still searching for it in his backpack.
“Bro, I can’t find it anywhere. I don’t know where you’ve pu… What the fuck? What was that?” said Simon, not understanding where the voice was coming from. “Dude, did you just say something?” Simon asked again, waiting for an answer.
As Simon heard this voice again, he heard a beeping sound coming from Michael’s computer. Suddenly, the screens lit up with a weird-looking graphic. Simon tried to understand what was happening, still asking if this was a prank from Michael. “Dude, can you hear me? I don’t know what you are up to, but it’s not funny. You know what? Fuck you, I’m out of here!” said Simon as he started walking out of the messy bedroom.
“Bro, I know, maybe it’s in the closet!” answered Michael, not listening to what his bro was saying and still looking for it in his suitcase.
All of a sudden, Simon felt something grabbing his right ankle. He tilted his head only to realize his foot was stuck in some kind of cable knot. He smiled a bit, thinking all of this was getting on his nerves, but as a shy laugh escaped his mouth, the knot tightened on its own, and another cable wrapped around Simon’s left ankle. Then they started pulling him. Simon fell on his butt right onto a pile of dirty jockstraps and used socks. The cables resumed their pulling. Simon tried to resist, but it wasn’t working.
“Michael, help!!” he screamed loud and clear, but Michael had put his phone away as he was asking about his passport to his family.
“HELP ME!!” Simon screamed once again as he was dragged across the dirty floor. Then it all stopped. He was not moving anymore. His ankles were still tied to the cables, and as he tried to get back up, he heard a whipping sound and turned his head just in time to see two new cables grab his wrists and tie them up too before spreading them apart, resulting in Simon being held down against his will in the middle of Michael’s dirty bedroom floor.
“Michael, help me!” screamed Simon again, and this time Michael answered just as the voice started talking again.
“YES!” screamed Michael from afar. “I knew I had packed it!” Michael’s voice got louder as he got his phone back to his ear. “Sorry bro, I’ve found it! My mom was keeping it and didn’t tell me. Sorry! I’ll catch you in a month after my family trip. I’ll grab you something from Disney World, bro. See you!” And with that, Michael hung up on Simon.
Simon was terrified. He couldn’t move, and now his only hope, Michael, had just hung up on him. As he realized he would have to find a way to free himself on his own, the cables started to tense again, pulling his limbs a bit more until his legs and arms were outstretched. Now he couldn’t move at all anymore.
Simon lay there, immobile and jerking as much as he could in the hope of untying one of the knots when he saw a new cable starting to move on its own. It undulated on the floor in Simon’s direction, and as it got near his head, it floated in the air above him. There it stood just long enough for Simon to see it. It was different from the ones holding him down. This one had a device plugged into it, looking like something used for scanning. As Simon thought about that, the device turned itself on and illuminated Simon’s body in a blue hue, going from the tip of his feet to his head. As it scanned along, Simon saw a weird blue holographic square pattern projected onto him.
“What the fuck is all of this?” thought Simon as the device finished its work.
Simon heard again. Suddenly, the scanning device lit up again, but this time it was not a blue light. This time it was red. It started scanning all over his body again, but Simon felt like something was heating all around him. As he felt this weird but not painful sensation, he realized he was feeling something on his right ankle. He lifted his head only to see that wherever the red light touched, his clothes were disintegrating. His socks and brand-new Air Forces were already gone, and now he watched as his favorite pair of jeans was getting destroyed right in front of his eyes. Simon screamed and moved as much as he could in every direction, hoping to stop all of this, but it was not working. Worse, the voice started again.
Simon watched in fear as he felt his whole body getting naked faster. With the blink of an eye, Simon was standing there, tied up and naked on the floor. “Please, make it stop. I’m Michael’s roommate. I’m not an intruder. I live here!” Simon tried to talk with Alexa, but the only response he heard froze him in terror.
As he heard those words, he saw new cables flying from every corner of the room. They were like snakes ready to strike, and the only thing he could do as he saw them freezing in place waiting for orders was close his eyes as tears built up on his cheeks.
Suddenly, all the cables jumped onto his body. He felt them plugging into his biceps, forearms, pecs, abs, and legs. He even felt some getting plugged into his fingers and soles. Simon was in excruciating pain. It felt like he was being stabbed all over his body at once. Just as he was about to faint, he heard the voice again.
Simon felt all the cables attached to him vibrating harder and harder. It was like his whole body was being shaken. His nerves were on fire, and he felt like he was about to be torn apart. Tears of pain streamed down his cheeks as he suddenly felt an electric shock inside his body. He was in such pain that he couldn’t even turn his head to see what was happening to him.
Just before Michael left for his family vacation, he received a notification on his Amazon account about a new version of Alexa. Being Michael, he jumped on the opportunity and upgraded it right away, without paying much attention to the modifications. The only new feature he was interested in was the “Intruder Protection Program” and its assimilation feature. “Cool,” he thought, “Just before leaving for a month, this new version is released. What perfect timing!”
Once the download was done, Alexa needed information to register who was welcome and who was considered an intruder. Michael did so and, just as he finished entering his information and was about to input Simon’s details, Alexa reminded him that his flight was leaving in 4 hours. Surprised, Michael jumped out of his desk, packed as much as he could into his backpack and suitcase, and rushed to meet his family at the airport, not realizing he never entered Simon’s information into Alexa’s database.
Simon lay frozen in pain on the dirty floor as he felt his bones cracking and compressing. He heard cracking everywhere, and at some point, he thought maybe all of this was a nightmare and he was about to wake up. But what jolted him from this thought was the excruciating pain in his feet. Simon felt his size 39 feet starting to grow longer until they were now a size 45 and a half. The pain was awful. He fell as his toes elongated and became more articulated. It felt like he had more movement in them than before. Then the same happened with his hands, and it was too much for Simon’s pain tolerance. As he fainted from the pain, the changes didn’t stop. Once the bones were modified, Simon’s muscles were next.
All his muscles entered a vibration state. They grew larger and larger until his previous slim, athletic frame was replaced by that of a gym god. His muscles bulged in every direction. Once the muscles were done, the vibration moved to his head. His nose was the first to break into pieces before being remolded into a larger, less slim version. Then the same happened with his chin and brows. Once the bones were done, the muscles in his face also started to vibrate, resulting in a more angular, jockish face.
Then the scanning device came back to life and started scanning Simon’s fainted body with a green light. Every inch of skin touched by the light tanned to a healthy golden shade. Once done, the device turned a yellow light and focused on specific zones: the legs, armpits, head, chest, and most importantly, the pubic area. There, it started to light up and remained immobile on the skin until a certain number of hairs had sprouted. This resulted in Simon’s body having slightly hairy legs, chest and an imberb face (except for hair and brows), hairy armpits, and, most notably, curly brown pubes.
When all the hair had been scanned, the device focused back on Simon’s head and his eyes. This time, the device emitted a purple hue. Unbeknownst to Simon, his blue-gray eyes started to change until they were a warm brown color. The scanning device turned off and fell next to Simon’s head, only to be replaced by another cable with a peculiar apparatus at its end. It looked like a tube.
The cable started to undulate toward Simon’s crotch and then, out of nowhere, jumped onto his 5-inch cock and grape-sized balls. Alexa spoke again.
The device began to suck harder and harder, and suddenly, Simon’s cut cock started to grow and harden. It grew bigger and bigger inside the tube until it was now an 8.5-inch uncut cock with huge testicles.
The device detached itself and fell just between Simon’s legs. Simon’s body remained immobile for a couple of seconds before he slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was two huge pecs in front of his sight. He screamed and turned his head to the right and left, watching as his arms had also become huge.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” he screamed, but the only response he got was another notification from Alexa.
Simon watched in fear as a new cable appeared in his sight. This one looked similar to the others that had plugged into his body, but it stood right between his eyes. That’s when he understood what Alexa had just said.
“No, Alexa, stop! STOOOO…”
The cable jumped into the middle of Simon’s eyes and plugged itself directly into his brain. For Simon, it felt like a switch had been turned off. He was still feeling everything but couldn’t move anymore. It was like he was no longer there, and for a moment, he thought he might have died. Then he heard Alexa’s voice again, but this time it was clearer and louder, as if it were directly in his brain.
Simon felt like something was off. It felt like he was being scanned deeply, and then suddenly, he felt himself falling into darkness. It was like falling into an endless pit of obscurity, and he couldn’t grab onto anything to stop his fall.
Simon stood in darkness, hearing Alexa’s voice but unable to move or react. He was frozen in time and floating in a dark place. Suddenly, right in front of him, he saw a bright, intense, and warming light. From all around, he saw movie clips floating toward it, merging together, making it grow bigger and stronger. Simon was forced to watch these clips until one caught his attention. It was a memory of himself and Michael playing Mario Kart. Simon remembered this night perfectly because it was when he realized Michael was a true friend, and he was happy and thankful to have him in his life. But it was strange because in his memories, he was on the right side of the sofa, not the left. It was as if the memory was mirrored. That’s when he realized.
“Wait, why am I watching myself playing Mario Kart in this clip? I should be looking at Michael, not myself!”
Simon panicked and tried to find another clip, only to see once again himself in front of his eyes, not Michael. Now he understood. Simon was not looking at his memories but Michael’s.
“ALEXA, STOP, PLEASE!” Simon screamed, but nothing happened. Instead, more and more movie clips merged in front of his eyes until the last one was Michael downloading the new version of Alexa called “Intruder Protection Program” in his room. Simon screamed as loud as he could, only to be cut short by Alexa once again.
In the outside world, all the cables unplugged themselves and unknotted from Simon’s ankles and wrists.
Simon’s body lay sweaty and naked on the dirty floor for a couple of seconds before Alexa spoke once more.
Michael opened his eyes, and Simon watched, trapped inside his own brain, as his body betrayed him. He felt everything but couldn’t move anymore. He felt his body starting to blink before opening his mouth and speaking in a deeper voice, mimicking Michael’s.
“Nah bro! I’m good. Thanks, Alexa!”
With that, Michael’s body began to get up and realized he was naked. Worse, he was getting excited watching himself in the mirror.
“Well, guess I have to take care of you,” he said, gripping his huge veined cock before spitting on it and starting to pleasure himself.
Simon was in hell. He felt everything and couldn’t do anything to stop his body and this new Michael personality. Then he felt his body tense up and prepare to explode. He grabbed one of the dirty underwear on the floor, smelled it, laughed a bit, and said “Noice” before finishing himself in it. He then sat on the bed, the dirty jockstrap still stuck between his calloused hand and his hard cock.
The new Michael closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.
Michael woke up with his dick still tucked inside the crusty jockstrap. He got up, looked at the time, and thanked Alexa. He looked around his bedroom to see what he was about to wear and only after 2 minutes of running naked did he realize he still had the jockstrap stuck to his cock. He laughed and grabbed it before putting it on. He then jumped into cargo sports shorts and a pair of well-used Nike socks before putting grabbing a red and white tank top under his arm and his favorite necklace.
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As Michael left his bedroom, he screamed through the house.
“Simon bro, gonna be late, I’ll see you tonight!”
Before leaving, he never realized that Simon was, in fact, stuck in his own head, screaming for this nightmare to stop and for him to be freed.
As Michael closed the door and jumped into his car, Alexa started again.
Hey guys, here is the first story I've retrieved from my vault. You may have already read this one a couple of months ago, but unfortunately, it got lost over time. So, I decided to post it again after refining it a bit and adding new pictures kindly created by @tf-vigilante for this story. As always, let me know what you think of it, and feel free to leave a like, share, or send me a message if you want to talk about this story or anything else :)
Let me know if you’d like to see a continuation of this story, as I have plans for Michael, Simon, and Alexa.
If you have any ideas or plots you'd like to discuss, feel free to send me an ask or a DM ;)
In the meantime, take care, and see you soon for more stories resurrected from my vault!
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haikyu-mp4 · 30 days
First kisses
word count; 761 – f!reader
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Goshiki would always ask the rest of the team to have lunch together, all starry-eyed in contrast with the way he tried to look chill. So when he stopped asking, Semi definitely noticed.
The setter looked around with a keen eye after picking up his tray, leaning around the corners to try and find the younger volleyball player.
He spotted him over by the windows, at the end of a table sitting opposite of you.
The two of you were laughing and talking, leaning towards each other with eagerness at whatever topic you were discussing.
Goshiki’s ankles were locked together under his chair and you were quietly tapping your feet. The innocent infatuation was so obvious it made Semi smile softly.
“Did Goshiki get a girlfriend?” he asked the other third-years as he sat down.
“Mom of the group and you haven’t noticed Goshiki gushing about his new girlfriend?” Tendo asked, cackling loudly and making others turn with dirty looks.
Semi rolled his eyes. “Washijo made me train with Shirabu this week,” he argued.
“Well, our dear youngest starting player has gotten himself an adorable little girlfriend.”
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Goshiki followed you to your club after school, holding your hand with a spring in his step while you walked and then hugging you before leaving. The second he rounded the corner out of your sight, he took off in a sprint towards the gym. He barely made it on time, blending in with the others just as Washijo blew the whistle, telling everyone to gather around.
They walked onto the court in teams of three, and Semi patted Goshiki hard on the shoulder. “Kiki, congrats on getting a girlfriend!”
Goshiki’s cheeks heated up and he nodded proudly. “Thank you. She’s so cute, I think I love her.”
Semi whistled and Taichi scoffed at what he heard. “Have you kissed?” he teased, watching as Goshiki’s pride broke down in two seconds.
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After your clubs finished, Goshiki waited for you outside, taking your hand so you could walk together towards the dorms. As you got to where the girls and boys were split to each half of the building, you slowed to a stop.
He turned to you and took in a sharp breath, hand feeling clammy in yours but still holding on.
You smiled at him with that sweet smile he liked so much, and he almost forgot what he was going to say, smiling back at you instead with a soft laugh. “How was club?”
“Really good! I think this will get me a huge boost for college admissions,” you answered, then told him about your latest project while he listened. However, his eyes drifted slightly downwards now and then.
“That’s great, I hope I can see it when you’re done,” he said. There was a slight pause as he stepped a little closer, blinking nervously.
“Tsutomu?” you whispered.
“Can we kiss?”
You took a sharp breath, trying to contain your smile to seem a little cool about it and suddenly worrying immensely about your breath. “Yes.”
He leaned closer in intervals, a little at a time, the other hand resting on your waist because he wasn’t sure where else to put it. You put your free hand on his shoulder, slowly trailing up to the nape of his neck as his puckered lips finally met yours.
They were slightly dry, you thought, but the butterflies that took over your stomach didn’t let you dwindle much on that fact. It was just a small kiss, but you were both giggling with happy smiles as you pulled away.
“Goodnight then,” he giggled, leaning in to once again peck your lips before turning around and walking to his dorm.
“Goodnight, Tsuto!”
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Come morning, the team had early practice before classes started and Goshiki skipped out of the locker room. Semi raised an eyebrow, Tendo smirked knowingly, and Ushijima spoke up about it. “You seem happy.”
“It’s nothing,” he shrugged, sitting down to do some stretches before they began.
Semi tsk-ed and leaned on his shoulders, forcing him into a bigger stretch. “Come on, you can tell us.”
Goshiki winced and controlled his breathing as his muscles warmed up. “We… kissed.”
And while the second-years watched in disgust, all the third-years exploded into whoops and cheers while the first-year flushed at the attention.
“Whatever guys, it’s not that big of a deal,” he said, acting coy, but it was obvious to everyone that this was a big deal for him.
Now he needs to figure out the best time to tell you he loves you.
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First kiss hcs of Ed, Bosch, Jamie and Luke??? 👀 Pretty plz with a cherry on top?
👀hehehe of course
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He was on an adrenaline high after you and him stomped out some Shadaloo trash, who'd been tailing you two for days.
Thinking they had the upper hand, they tried to corner you two in an alleyway.
Obviously, they're not the type to listen to reason, so he'll let his fist do all the talking.
But one of those thugs was quick enough to hook him in the mouth, splattering blood over the left side of his face.
That was cute, Ed had to admit, but that didn't stop him from knocking them out cold with a brutal right cross.
After the dust settled down, you noticed his split lip, so you tried to wipe the blood away with your thumb.
But Ed grabbed your hand just before you could touch his face.
The adrenaline mixed with his possessiveness led to an unexpected situation between you two.
And without a second thought, Ed pulled you into a needy kiss.
You can taste the iron on your tongue as he wraps his arms around you, feeling the desperation on his lips.
Although you were the one who broke the kiss, Ed was the one who leaned in for more.
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Your first kiss happened when you forgot to bring your lunch to the gym, so you did the only reasonable thing and sulked face down on the mats.
Noticing your…predicament, Bosch asked why you looked so distraught.
You told him how you packed a 5 star culinary meal, only for you to leave it at home.
He rolled his eyes, holding out a container. "Here, and don’t expect this to be an everyday thing."
You pushed yourself up, sitting cross-legged as you took the container from him. "What is it?" you asked.
Bosch said he knew you would forget to bring your lunch again, so he prepared one for you in advance, which made you stare at him.
“What?” he said.
“You’re more domestic than I imagined."
“Just take your food.” He shot back, feeling the warmth creeping up his neck. Great, now he's starting to feel embarrassed.
Unable to resist his cute face, you leaned in and gave him a short, sweet kiss as a thank you.
Bosch stiffened under your gesture, but eventually relaxed once you pulled away.
He lightly ran his fingers across his lips, trying to feel the sensation again.
But as you were about to join the others, you felt a slight tug on the back of your shirt.
"Hey," he muttered, eyes meeting yours. "Don’t forget to thank me properly later."
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Your first kiss with Jamie happened when he was drunk.
He can be quite affectionate after a couple of rounds and tends to cling to you when you try to leave.
So it wasn’t surprising that he wrapped you in his arms during a night out on the rooftops of Chinatown.
He smothered you to the point where you had to physically remove him despite his whines.
And when you thought that was the end of it, Jamie had you pinned to the floor faster than you could blink.
"Where do you think you're going?" he said in a drunken stupor.
He laughed, watching as you struggled against him.
Aw, don't look at him like that, it'll make him feel bad.
But Jamie knew just the thing to cheer you up.
His loose hair tickled your face as he leaned closer to you.
And although he was drunk, he was a functioning drunk. So he wasn't too sloppy in his movements as he gave you a kiss.
Jamie nipped at your lips impatiently, wanting to taste more of you.
And when he pulled back, he got a good look at your flustered face.
His grip loosened around you, which gave you enough time to try and wiggle out.
"You wanna leave so soon?... We barely even started."
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Luke isn’t the type of guy to shy away from affection.
In fact, he encourages you to give him more.
He likes to give you a lot of cheek pecks even before your first official kiss.
It happened when you had a movie night at his house.
You both ate sugary treats and buttery popcorn until your stomach hurt from the amount of food you two were eating.
He always invited you to his home to do random activities: like playing video games or setting up his new computer equipment.
After a while, you rest your head on his chest and snuggled closer to him under the covers.
You like feeling how warm he was and hearing the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
Luke grinned, seeing how cute your tired face was, and pulled the blanket over your shoulders.
He asked if you wanted to clock out for the rest of the night but you groaned, saying how you wanted to finish the movie.
He gave you a peck on your lips, “It’s okay. The movie will still be here when you wake up.”
The kiss was light and gentle.
And his lips were softer than you expected.
"Your lips are soft..." you said, before dozing off.
Luke laughed at your remark and engulfed your body in a tight hug.
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mrsparrasblog · 2 months
How I met your father pt.1
An COD au for the series How I met your mother, the boys are civilian in this and live in London.
Reader is described as plus sized
Tw: Author only knows shit about London from vacation
James and Sophia sat on the couch in the living room, bantering about what they should watch today. It was usual for the kids to start World War III over TV privileges. Sophia won and settled for a romance movie. “Mom, how did you and Dad get married?”
“It was the summer of 2021. Your Uncle John and Aunt Holly had finally gotten engaged. They were searching for their own apartment in London, which led me to move in with Johnny in a shoebox apartment in Ealing. He was working as a gym instructor at that time—hard to believe, I know—but he needed that extra money for his law studies. I was still working at the investment banking firm where I met Kyle. We spent most of our time at a pub in London called The Swan near Hammersmith.”
“Are you getting to the point?”
“It’s a long story, sweetheart.”
“I wish I never asked.”---------
Price and Holly had been all over each other since their engagement, his hands never leaving her hips, her lips never leaving his. You were glad for your best friend, but the urge to settle down yourself grew every day.
That day, Simon came into the pub. You had never seen him before, but you were mesmerized instantly. He was the biggest man you had ever seen—bulky, handsome and dressed in a black turtleneck.
“Bonnie, are you even listening?” Johnny complained, tugging on your arm as he always did when he tried to grab your attention.
“That guy at the bar? I’m going to marry him and have a bunch of blonde-haired mini-versions of him,” you declared. He was the definition of your dream man.
Kyle eyed Simon and smirked. “I can understand that. I’d fuck him—both of you at the same time if you’d let me, babe.” That earned him a swat from Price.
“You fuck everything that has two legs and is above 21.”
“If you look this good, it would be unfair to settle down.”
“Yes, what would the girls do without a Kyle Garrick by their side?” Holly replied sarcastically.
Holly and you had known each other for ages, even before her transition. You were there for her during the hardest time of her life, supporting her when her parents kicked her out. You found a small apartment in Brent and moved in with her.
One day, Mrs. Miller from downstairs forgot to take out her roast, and the apartment complex was engulfed in flames. You thought it was over, but that’s when you met John Price. He was very new to firefighting then—not the imposing captain he is now. He was just John.
“I think everything will be better now,” Holly said, and she was right. She got together with John a few weeks later. As for you, you met Johnny in college. You were hurrying down the stairs when you ran into him. You were ready to hear, “Watch where you’re going, cow,” but instead, he helped you up, and just like that, you became inseparable. Johnny and you spent every day together—shopping, studying for exams, cooking. You even held his hand when he got his nipples pierced, and he was there when you got that terrible UTI from a one-night stand. At one point, you were sure John MacTavish was your soulmate, but you were content with being his platonic soulmate, playing the role of the funny friend.
You motivated him to go to law school even when no one believed he could do it with his ADHD. Johnny had his first internship at the investment banking firm where you got your job in HR. Everything was perfect, and then you met Kyle.
Kyle could be a supermodel. He won the genetic lottery many times over—he had the prettiest face, a perfect muscular body, and, according to half the office, the biggest dick you could wish for. Despite the odds that he would even notice you, he spent every lunch with you and became one of your best friends, much to Johnny's chagrin.
“He’s not that good-looking, Bonnie. You deserve better.”
“Are you blind?” Even John could appreciate a handsome man when he saw one, and the blonde, scarred guy was beautiful.
“He’d probably crush you. He looks like the type who’d fuck you and never call you back,” Johnny protested. He knew what he said was unfair, but he just wanted to protect you.
“Are you implying I’m only good for one night, John Callan MacTavish?”
“Full name, Johnny—you better run.” John laughed as if you weren’t close to telling Kyle that Johnny’s middle name was William. Kyle had offered you £1,000 for John’s middle name.
“You know I didn’t mean it like that, Bonnie. He’s just not good enough.”
“I can decide that for myself, Johnny.”
“Before you start World War III, maybe find out if he’s actually single,” Holly suggested, and she was right. So you looked at Kyle with puppy eyes.
“Don’t worry, babes. I’ll handle it.” Kyle was the perfect wingman, though Johnny always declined his offers.
“Hey, mate, mind if I actually sit down?” Kyle asked, not waiting for Simon’s reply and already sitting down.
Simon only replied with a gruff hello, not in the mood for the overly cheerful man. He was here because he had to be. His brother’s wife had organized a blind date for him. He had half a mind to stand her up but didn’t want to disappoint Beth.
“So, you’re waiting for someone?”
“I missed the part where this is your business.”
“So, no date? Single?”
“I have a blind date.”
“What’s her name?”
Simon just stared at him. If he left now, he could watch the Manchester game against Tottenham.
“I’m just asking because my friend has a blind date and wasn’t sure if it’s you.”
Simon could detect a lie from a mile away, but he was interested in where this was going, so he lied, “Rachel.”
“Oh, that’s great. I’ll show you, Rachel.” Fucking liar, Simon thought, but then he saw you. “Fuckin’ hell,” he muttered as he stood up, walking towards you.
His blind date was forgotten—sorry, Beth—but you were exactly his type, shorter than him with the right amount of curves. You had a beautiful smile and a face that almost made him forget about your soft chest that pushed against your shirt and the belly pouch he wanted to grab as he rutted inside of you. Concentrate, Simon.
He extended his hand, and you shook it, looking at him with big eyes. “Hi,” you said, your breath almost stuck in your throat. His smirk grew wider, noticing the effect he had on you.
You wanted to punch yourself for being so awkward, but all the confidence left your body. You wanted to run back to Johnny and beg him for help, but if you had looked back, you would only see anger in his baby-blue eyes.
“Let’s go to the restaurant. I have a reservation.” You looked confused but only nodded. How did he have a reservation if he didn’t even know you four minutes ago? But that’s a question for another day.
The Italian restaurant was beautiful, far from the tourists. It looked authentic, and the staff was overly nice.
“So, what do you do, Simon?” you asked, pushing your fork into the pasta.
“I was a lieutenant in the army but got discharged. I’m doing tattoos now.” His voice sounded gruff, and you weren’t sure if it was just his voice or if he was annoyed by you. You didn’t even know what major lies Kyle had told him about you—hopefully not something like the time, he told a girl he was Lewis Hamilton. He did look like him, though.
“Do you have many tattoos yourself?” Curiosity piqued, you couldn’t see much behind his long black pants and the turtleneck. The only evident body modification was the piercing on his tongue you noticed.
He pulled his sleeves up, revealing tattooed sleeves covering some scars. You wouldn’t have noticed them if your manicured finger hadn’t instinctively traced the fine lines of the beautiful artwork.
“You like them?”
“Yes, a lot.”
“I have a few more.”
“How many is a few?” You didn’t have the guts to ask where.
“About 23. Do you have any?” You remembered how you wanted to get one the day Johnny got his piercing, but you chickened out as usual.
“I’m afraid of needles.”
“It only hurts like this,” he replied, tracing the outline of his jewelry on your skin, giving you goosebumps and shivers. Embarrassing—you were acting like a schoolgirl because an overly handsome man gave you attention. “Tell me what you do for a living, love.”
You didn’t have a cool job like him or John, a well-paid one like Kyle’s, or as sexy as Johnny’s. “I’m just an HR coordinator.”
“Leave the ‘just’ out of that sentence.”
The server rolled out a TV, starting the Premier League game. You desperately wanted to watch it—oh god, you promised Johnny you’d watch it.
“What’s so interesting there?” He looked around. “Into football?” His caramel-colored eyes lit up, and he seemed smitten.
“Yes, I love Tottenham.”
“Do you want to send me to an early grave? My date is a Tottenham fan?”
“Hey, they’re good! Are you a Manchester fan?”
“Of course, born and bred there.”
“Tottenham will win.”
“In your dreams.”
You watched the game in anticipation, screaming your lungs out when Tottenham scored. Even if he wanted to be disgusted, he could get used to this—a soft little thing watching football with him.
Maybe he’d even get lucky today. He still needed to work on your taste, though.
You walked outside the restaurant, too distracted by cheering and laughing to notice his big hands around your waist as he walked with you towards his apartment. It wasn’t much, but it was above his shop in Camden.
“We’ll win next time,” he said, his thumb kneading the flesh of your hip.
“Sure you will.” He stopped at an ice cream shop next to his apartment. “What’s your favorite?”
“Honeydew melon.”
“You’re fucking with me, right?”
“What’s wrong?”
“Say something normal like strawberry.” He laughed, flicking his thumb over your lips. You automatically parted them and stopped pouting at his ice cream insult.
He ordered your ridiculous ice cream choice and for himself, dark chocolate ice.
“Want to try?”
You licked the ice as some of the remaining cream stayed on your lips. “Not even now?”
“Cheeky little minx.” His burly hands cupped your full cheeks as he placed his lips hungrily on yours. He could curse that you were right again—the ice cream was delicious. His hands drifted down to your hips, groaning as they filled his big hands. He wanted more, needed more, so he pushed you against the wall, placing his hand behind your back to protect you from the cold.
The kiss was perfect, but when you felt his way too big bulge against your stomach, overthinking thoughts bombarded you. You didn’t shave, what if he didn’t like your body, you had on a pink thong and a grandma bra, what if he was a serial killer? You panicked, and before Simon could address your panic, you were already running to the next tube station.
“That’s a first,” he muttered.
You walked inside, finding Johnny half-naked as usual on the couch, glaring at you. “You missed the match.”
“I’m sorry, Johnny. I’m an idiot.”
“You ran away again?”
He sighed as he walked to the fridge, his six-pack glistening with sweat, probably from a workout. You should be used to that sight after six years, but it still made you breathless. “Got a tub of honeydew ice cream and vinegar crisps.”
You planted yourself on the small couch and dipped the crisps in the ice as Johnny listened to everything you had to say.
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damiansgoodgirll · 9 months
can you please do an story about Damian and Reader where her "friends" forgot her BDay and Damian is the only one who recognize something was wrong and she's telling him that's her BDay and he makes it an unforgettable weekend and later confess to her?!
damian priest x reader
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bday party
realising that it was your birthday and none of your friends wished you an happy birthday or asked you if you were doing something for that day actually hurt you.
you’ve been there for every one of your friends, for their birthdays, their weddings, whatever party they wanted to do. you’ve always been there but no one was there for you on your own special day.
being in an other city, away from your family, hurt you more. they were the only one to remember your birthday but the fact that they weren’t with you left you with a sense of sadness washing over you.
you hoped that maybe your gym friends remembered since you talked about it for the past week but once you hit the gym everyone greeted you normally, like nothing changed.
the only person to notice your humor was damian, you’ve met him when you started going at the same gym but everytime you talked it was mostly small talks. some about your personal lives and some about your jobs, a part of that, you weren’t that much friends. you were texting over instagram sometimes but not about anything in particular.
you’ve always found him attractive and truth be told you loved watching him in the gym but you knew you weren’t his type. you weren’t the type of girl a gym person like him would date.
but you couldn’t be more wrong.
damian had a crush on you. he developed feelings since the moment he saw you. he couldn’t get enough and his stalking abilities made it easier for him to find your instagram. he wanted to ask you out so bad but he didn’t know what kind of life he could give you. he was away from home all the time and he knew he couldn’t bring you with him.
he thought about those things all the time but that never stopped his feeling for you.
he wasn’t sure what was going on but there was something in your looks that was telling him that something was off.
“hey y/n! you okay?” he asked softly approaching you.
“hi damian” you greeted him with your soft voice “yes everything okay” you smiled.
“you sure? you know you can tell me if there’s something bothering you…” he smiled at you. a genuine smile you haven’t seen in months.
“it’s just…it doesn’t matter…”
“it does matter if it’s the reason i haven’t seen you smiling or laughing all morning” he teased.
“well, it’s my birthday and…well, none of my friends remembered it but it doesn’t really matter…” you awkwardly said, trying to not sound childish because in your mind it sounded stupid being mad for something like that.
“happy birthday hermosa” he said hugging you.
you never felt that hot in your life.
“t-thank you…i really appreciate it” you smiled.
“do you have any plans or things you wanna do today?”
“i actually have to finish some work but i was thinking of maybe watching a movie and ordering some pizza tonight since i’ll be alone anyway…” you whispered the last part and damian caught that too.
“text me your address after lunch, i’ll pick you up and take you somewhere nice” he said leaving before you could actually reply.
and so you did.
you had no idea where he was taking you so you tried to be elegant but not too extra at the same time.
he took you to a cinema and you both comfortably watched the new hunger games movie and ended up eating some pizza at the cute place near your home.
“you really shouldn’t have done it…maybe you had other plans today” you felt a little apologetic.
“no other plans, trust me…”
he loved spending the day with you. he got to know you better. definitely better than the usual ten minutes talk at the gym. he got to know what you liked, how you loved your pizza, what drinks you drink, what music you like to listen, what movies and shows you like to watch and more. he was comfortable with you and he wished every day was like this.
“still…you didn’t have to do it for me…” you smiled.
“i loved doing it for you” he said seriously, his eyes never leaving yours and you felt butterflies all over your body.
“then…thank you so much for the night” you whispered.
“you’re very welcome…even if you haven’t eaten the cake yet…” he said before taking a candle from his jacket and lighting it up for you “make a wish hermosa” he said with his deep voice.
“i think it already came true…” you teased back. before you could eat your piece of cake, he gently grabbed your hand and kissed the palm of it.
“it could be like this every night if you want to, you know…” he whispered, keeping your hand close to his lips “i really like you y/n and if you give one chance i could show you how i feel about you…”
“okay…” you whispered.
“okay” he smiled and kissed your hand again, making you forget about the cake.
honestly? fuck the cake if he could give you dessert every night.
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pokenimagines · 2 years
SFW Raihan | Fic | maybe continuation of reverse hisui'd reader you wrote a while back? Maybe Raihan teaching reader about technology while at the same time trying to figure out what to do about this whole situation with Sonia and some other gym leader? I just love the idea of reverse hisui so much fhcvjfxvj
Fun fact: Queenie and I both had a moment of staring off into space and being like Gandalf when he says "I have no memory of this place." In short...we forgot that I wrote a reverse Hisui fic until I dug through the archives and found it. Quickly read it and here we go. Also, the original link to the fic can be found here.
Rules | Discord Server (16+)
SFW Raihan: Hisuian Technology
“No, this is a normal phone…I don’t know what that is, but it isn’t normal.” Raihan said, as he looked at your Arc phone. You had no idea what he was getting at since they looked similar, but apparently your phone wasn’t like his, “You don’t even have a phone number in here.”
“And? I was the only one who owned this. Who was I gonna call even if I did have a number?” You asked with a huff. Your bickering had been going on for a solid twenty minutes, as of now. Leon sighed from his spot on the couch, as he walked over to Raihan. He clamped a hand down on the taller man’s shoulder.
“I don’t think you’re gonna get it through their head.” Leon said and Raihan groaned.
“Why are you so stubborn?” Raihan finally said, you shrugged.
“My stubbornness saved the world, so excuse yourself.” You snapped. Raihan looked at you for a moment, before shaking his head.
“See what I mean?” Raihan said to Leon, “They use modern terms and have a kinda phone, but they’re not from this time period. How is this possible?”
“Rai…I’m literally right here!” You said with a huff, “Listen dude…I don’t know what’s going on either. It’s been a week and we haven’t figured anything out. All I remember is fighting god and then waking up here.”
“Fighting god…” Leon said with a small whistle, “You sure about that?”
“I don’t believe them.” Raihan said as his smirk grew, “No way you could fight a god and win.” He teased.
“Oh? Should I prove it? I’ll take you and Leon on, right here, right now. Square up, scrub.” You said, jumping up in excitement.
Before Leon could voice his excitement, Raihan was stopping it, “Later. We have Sonia coming over soon to help us figure things out.”
“Ah, a new character.” You murmured as you looked around the room, “Can we watch the box while we wait? I’m bored.” You complained and Raihan took a moment as he tried thinking about what you said.
“The…the TV?” Raihan said with another groan.
“Ya, that thing. I wanna watch the drawn characters with the big eyes again.” You said and Leon laughed as he looked at Raihan.
“Good luck teaching them about live tv.” Leon said and Raihan laughed.
“They were still amazed by the running water. They almost flooded the bathroom just watching it.” Raihan said before looking over at you.
“Fine, we can put on some anime until Sonia gets here.” He said, with a head shake. You cheered at that, plopping yourself on the couch. This modern world thing wasn’t so bad after all.
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Did you know we have a discord? It has everything from RPs, General Discussions, and even an 18+ area to go hog wild in! We even do announcements early for when the inbox is opening for requests, as well as other events! Come in and join us!
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rogerswifesblog · 1 year
1 - Broken bones and broken hearts
Series Masterlist
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A/N: I don’t know shit about boxing, don’t come at me. All I know is from Google. Anyway, we ( @jamneuromain )came up with this story a while ago and I totally forgot about it. It’ll contain a lot of angst, some smut and of course fluff. This trope is so friends to lover (or maybe even a bit of friends to enemies to lovers?) and miscommunication-so If you get angry and frustrated easily…beware🤣
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Pairing: Boxer Steve Rogers x Reader
Series summary; There was only one rule between best friends. Don’t have sex. But what happens when you break it anyway?
chapter Summary: Fights are won, titles received and a mistake is made…was it a mistake tho?
Warnings; teasing, silly jokes, slightly insecure reader if you squint, jealous Steve, implied/mentioned Clint x Natasha, alcohol, smut, p in v, fingering, spit kink, Captain kink, cum eating, cum play, creampie, slight breeding kink? Maybe?, squirting, marking (hickeys), angst, cliffhanger Anything else??
Words: around 6 k
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Steve Rogers was many things; a talented boxer, intelligent, strong and handsome. His body is built like the ones of a Greek statue or even a god. Over six feet tall. Shoulder to waist ratio that should be illegal. With piercing blue eyes and a sweet boy-nextdoor-vibe that women and men are going crazy over.
Steve Rogers was also your best friend. And the love of your life. Which of course, he does not know.
You’d never tell him that. It would destroy your friendship of ten years. You couldn’t lose him. He was too important. Too important to risk everything for something that would probably never happen- Steve could have every woman or man he wanted. Why would he want you? If he’d want you, you two would already be together. But you weren’t. He didn’t want you.
Sighing you entered the gym, already having waited ten minutes in the car. Why the hell wasn’t he coming? He asked you to pick him up at five. You were on time.
He wasn’t.
“Steve! You’re late!” you entered the room he was training in, currently in the ring with someone. For a moment he looked back at you- before the other person hit him straight in the jaw. “Don’t take your eyes off of your opponent, Rogers. Now go to your girl, she sounds mad.” Steve rubbed his chin lightly, stepping away from the ring.
“Is it time?” For a moment you didn’t listen, being too taken aback by his glistening naked chest… by these gorgeous big pecks… “Don’t stare at my nipples” “but they’re right in front of my face-“ “I’m also not allowed to look at your boobs-“ “Steve that’s different” you laughed, gently punching him in the stomach. He gasped, pretending to be hurt.
You both grinned for a moment. God, you loved this dork. The friendship and comfortable feeling you had with him.
“You’re late. Let’s go-“ “but I need to shower.” You sighed, grabbing his massive, hard and damp with sweat biceps and pulled him with you. “You’ll shower at my place. I’m hungry and I just ordered food for us, so we need to get home soon.”
Steve smiled dumbly, letting you pull him by his arms- but before you left the gym, you told him to put on a shirt which he did.
Within ten minutes you were home and just in time to get the food.
While you sat down on the couch and turned on your current binge-watch-series Steve showered. And you tried not to picture him in your shower, wet and naked… his hard muscles glistening with waterdrops… grabbing his hard dick with his rough hand. Stroking it…
Gasping you shook your head quickly, trying not to think about your best friend in such a situation. God you were so deep in it. Always thinking about Steve- so many inappropriate thoughts- not just those but enough for it to be hard to look into his eyes. How many times have you come picturing him over you? His thick fingers teasing your hole instead of your slender ones, not even being able to reach that special spot. Him kissing you gently, worshiping your body…
He talked about it a lot. Well, about what he did to his partners- which meant not to you. To some one night stands or ex partners… you knew he loved pleasuring others. Taking his time… god, you never had someone this attentive. You’d love to spend one night with him. If you couldn’t have him as your lover… or maybe-
“God not this again. Let’s watch something else.” Steve's voice interrupted your thinking, making you look into your takeout box. You felt your blood rush to your cheeks, making your blush furiously.
„But I like it.“ „but I don’t-“ „And you think I give a shit about- Steve- no- give it back!“ you scoffed, trying to take the remote from him but it was too late, he turned off your binge-series. „We’re watching something else.“
You had to watch some baking show.
„And I don’t like this-“ „see, now I’m not giving crap about that-“ „Steve you shit I bought you food-“ „And I’m very grateful for that. But I will never, I mean never, watch whatever the hell your show is called“ he grinned, pulling you closer against him, making your heartbeat quicken.
Sighing you leaned your head against his shoulder. „Fine. But I’m mad at you.“ „Nope, you’re not. You love me too much“ Steve laughed, kissing your temple gently. Once again you sighed. You couldn’t be mad at him.
You ate your food, watching people bake while Steve commented on the whole show- while he wasn’t a baker himself. He was shit at cooking and baking. You were always cooking for the two of you- well when he stayed over or was at your place which was actually quite a lot.
You should ask him to pay rent. This thought made your chuckle which of course made Steve look at you, confused. “What?” “Nothing just…thinking” you laughed. Steve couldn’t stop himself from grinning. “Oh you were thinking? That’s a dangerous-“ “I was thinking about making you pay rent.”
“-nevermind.” He stopped his teasing quickly, grin vanishing which made you laugh out loud.
Shaking your head you looked back at the tv. “You’re an idiot, Stevie.”
The name made his heart flutter. At the same time his throat tightened. God, how he wished to be with you. Be your Stevie. But you were only his friend. Best friend… he couldn’t risk this amazing friendship because of a silly crush. (It was, in fact, not just a silly crush. He loved you more than he thought was possible for a human being.)
“But I’m your idiot” he laughed quietly.
You wished he would mean it.
„I’m nervous…“ you heard Steve’s voice after a while. A quiet whisper, barely audible. But you still heard it. „About the next fight?“ asking, you already felt him nod against your neck. Somehow you had changed your positions a bit, both of you slid lower with Steve’s head against your throat. Burying his face against the warm skin of your neck, his cheek against your pulsepoint. “It’s not just a fight… It's about the title of the state champion. I don’t think I can-”
„Steve, you’re always awesome, don’t worry, baby“ you whispered, the pet name slipping from your lips like it was normal. But it wasn’t. You could feel it, as Steve tensed for a moment. Shit. Now he’d think you’re weird. Or… something. But his muscles relaxed immediately after. What you didn’t know is how much he actually enjoyed hearing it. Even though it had surprised him at first.
He wished you’d say it more often.
“Please be there… I think you’re like a lucky charm. Every Time you’re there I win” he smiled against your skin, making the hair at your neck stand. Chuckling you pulled him a bit closer, grabbing a blanket and putting it around Steve’s shoulders. He quickly cuddled closer to you, closing his eyes. “Just sleep a bit, you need to rest” with that you kissed his head gently.
Steve nodded, sighing comfortably. He could stay like this forever.
But he couldn’t, especially not after hearing the awful theme song of the show you were currently obsessed with. “No- I hate this-“ “shhhhh, just sleep” you grinned against his head, pulling him closer to you, holding him in a headlock, making him unable to move. A quiet laugh escaped his lips while he turned around and buried his face against you, not wanting to watch the show. “You’re unbelievable” he shook his head slightly,
“And you’re unbelievably weak for a boxer who’s supposed to- Steve stop!“
With that you two fooled around a bit before you both laid down and took a nap together.
A week later you were standing with Steve in the hall where his match would happen in a few minutes. You could tell he was nervous, seeing as he was fidgeting with his fingers and calming his breath every few seconds.
“Hey- Steve- it’s okay. You’ll do great. I know it” you whispered, gently grabbing his hands and squeezing. Sighing, you let your gaze slide over his face. Steve was really trying not to show how nervous he was but… he wasn’t doing a good job. He was a shit liar. “Your coaches said you’re ready. You’ll rock it. I know, you’ll do” with that you pulled Steve in a tight hug, feeling his muscles relax against you.
After a while Steve had to go into the ring, being introduced as Steve Rogers aka Captain Rogers- or what many people shouted “America's Sweetheart” which made you giggle. You could see Steve’s cheeks turning a slight rosy color, making you laugh in delight.
Steve’s rival was… huge. Like, really, really huge. He was a few inches taller than Steve and pure muscles. People chanted ‘thunder’ like it was a prayer while the referee introduced him as Thor.
He was kinda handsome… Steve noticed your gaze, unknowingly pulling his eyebrows together and glaring at you for a moment but you didn’t even notice, too busy ogling Thor.
And Thor was popular. Many people were shouting his name and also how he’d destroy his rival, Steve. You could tell it made Steve even more nervous- which you actually understood.
Thor seemed very sure about himself while Steve looked like a lost puppy.
God this can’t be happening! Steve trained for this for so long. And now he’d lose his confidence because of someone’s fans? Not on your watch!
You stepped a bit closer to the ring, grabbing Steve’s attention. “You’ll do it, baby. I believe in you” you grinned at him, making the corner of his lips twitch a bit.
The first three rounds were… mostly Steve getting punched and trying to dodge Thor’s hits.
You could tell the judges weren’t really impressed by Steve- not that he was bad. He was just insecure. You could see he was once again more of the small kid, than a boxing champion. But you knew he was amazing! He just needed some help.
After the fourth round Steve was pulled back into his corner where he drank a bit and got his blood wiped away, after Thor got him in the nose.
Even though Steve’s coach didn’t want you to come closer to him, you managed to step right next to the ring, pulling at Steve’s arm. “Stevie- look at me” you cupped his face in your hands when he leaned down to you. “You can do it, baby. I know you can” you whispered before taking a deep breath and pressing your lips to his in a passionate kiss.
There was some cheering behind you but you blended it completely out. The only thing that mattered right now was the feeling of Steve’s soft lips. You could taste a bit of blood from where his lips had split slightly but it didn’t make the kiss any worse. It wasn’t a perfect kiss but it was just like your friendship, chaotic. People shouted in the background, the coach started hitting Steve’s arm gently to get his attention back to the match while his break slowly came to an end. You let his tongue slip into your mouth, not being able to stop the quiet moan that escaped your lips.
Fuck, he was really a great kisser. You wondered what else he could do with-
Grinning he pulled away, quickly giving you a last peck on the lips before standing up. “Go get ‘im Captain!” you called breathlessly after him.
He definitely got a boost of energy and confidence, winning every next round and nearly punching Thor K.O. in the last round but the time ran out.
Both men stood now with the referee between them, holding both of their arms.
You felt your breathing stop for a moment.
Steve had to win! He was so good!
“And after ten rounds, we have a winner though a split decision…”
You prayed to god it was Steve. He deserved it so much.
“Captain Steve Rogers, our new state champion!!!”
Steve’s hand was lifted into the air.
The people started cheering, you were probably one of the loudest while even Thor congratulated Steve with a firm handshake and handsome smile. He seemed really happy for Steve.
Steve grinned at him happily, saying something before literally jumping out of the ring, rushing to you, lifting you up and spinning in circles while he jumped like a happy little kid. “I did it!!” he laughed, making you laugh as well. “I knew you’d win! You were great Steve” you grinned, kissing his face where he wasn’t bruised.
Slowly he put you down, grinning once again. For a moment he looked down at your lips, but before he could do whatever he had been thinking about his coach called his name. “I’ll be back in a minute” he was still grinning.
It took Steve around ten minutes to finally come back to you- with a golden belt in his hands and Thor right behind him. They both were laughing, even though they still had some dry blood on their faces and bodies.
Steve kinda looked hot like that.
Could your brain please stop thinking like that?
“Thor told me there’s always a great big party for the winner at the bar just around the corner. Would you like to go there with me-us?” Steve asked while Thor stepped closer and held out his hand for you to shake. “Thor, pleasure meet you, pretty lady. Steven already told me you’re his best friend- seemed like more than friends to me but I sometimes don’t understand your culture” you laughed quietly, shaking his hand and introducing yourself.
“Well, yeah, we… we are friends… it’s- we- Steve needed some motivation” you blushed. “That’s right, My Lady, he indeed did need a lot of motivation-“ “I wasn’t that bad.” “You were, Steven. I was pretty sure I could’ve knocked you out if I wanted to”
Steve only glared at him while Thor seemed like he didn’t even notice having insulted Steve. You could already tell Thor was a good guy. Maybe a bit of a himbo but in a good way. He was nice.
“I’d love to join you but you both need to shower… and put some clothes on.”
You waited for them half an hour just checking your social media’s. And also thinking back to the kiss…
Would it change anything now? Did it mean to Steve anything?
For you the kiss meant a lot, not just a bit of motivation for Steve to win. You really tried to put your feelings into the kiss…
But what if Steve really didn’t feel the same? Maybe he’d just forget the kiss. Hopefully…
Before you could overthink it any more the two blond beefcakes came out and pulled you out of your thoughts when you heard Thor's booming laugh.
“Shall we, pretty lady?” said the taller man, holding out his arm for you to grab onto. Grinning you did just that, not noticing Steve’s jealous gaze lingering on the two of you.
With a pleased smile on your face you walked with Thor ahead while Steve followed the two of you.
Why were you walking with Thor like that? He should be the one you were holding onto.
“You coming, Steve?” you called over your shoulder, making Steve sigh quietly while he followed. He really hoped this kiss could’ve changed something but maybe it was really just to push his ego a bit. At least he won.
A win is a win…? No. He’d rather have his girl than a stupid title. Would he now lose you? Because of Thor? Thor didn’t seem like someone who’d steal his- someone’s- girl.
But then, he didn’t really know him that much.
The people in the bar seemed to know Thor, greeting him as soon as he walked through the door- not only that, they also greeted Steve immediately.
After sitting down a round of beers and a mojito for you was brought. “Oh it’s not the usual Clint. Jane isn’t coming today, what would you like to drink, pretty lady?” asked Thor, but you already pulled the mojito closer to you. “Oh I’m totally fine being Jane for the night” you grinned cheekily, making Thor and also Clint laugh.
Steve slid into the booth right next to you, putting an arm around you, making you look at him in surprise while you put your soft lips around the straw, drinking the cold liquid. “So, Jane?” He repeated the name, making you roll your eyes. “It’s Thor's girlfriend. She’s studying something… well, science. She couldn’t join us- Thor talks about her a lot” you grinned, putting your slightly cooler hand on Steve’s thigh.
He felt the coldness though his pants, making him gasp. For a moment he could see your eyes sparkle mischievously but then you quickly looked away when more people came and sat down around the table.
They all introduced themselves as Sif, Hogun, Fandral and Volstagg. And they were all pretty nice.
Thor asked Steve to invite his other friends here which he did. After half an hour you heard Buckys laugh, while Natasha, Tony, Sam and him entered the bar. Wanda had texted you she couldn’t come today since Pietro came home after traveling a few months and they wanted to spend some time together.
Bucky squeezing next to Steve, already hugging him happily.
After a few minutes everyone was seated and had a drink or beer in their grip. You grinned at Bucky for a moment- and he already knew what you were thinking about.
With that he went to the bartender- Clint- and ordered a tray of tequila shots, knowing damn well Natasha would drink like half of it and still stay the most sober of all of us.
Few minutes later he came back with the shots, putting the tray down on the table. Thor and his friends just drank their beer, not being fans of tequila- not that you minded. More for you and Bucky. Steve would probably also only drink two and otherwise drink his beer.
Maybe that’s good, someone had to be sober enough to call the cabs- but when Steve was the first one to down a shot and bite into a lime, your mouth fell slightly agape. Even Tony seemed surprised and he was the one always trying to make Steve drink. You looked at Bucky for a moment- his eyebrows nearly disappeared in his hairline.
“What?” Steve mumbled while a blush crept along his neck to his cheeks. You just shook your head with a happy laugh. “The new title affects our Stevie more than we thought-this calls for a second tray.”
You could already feel you were tipsy-you felt the buzz of the alcohol right to your toes, warming your whole body pleasingly, especially with Steve’s arm around your shoulders. Your head was resting on his shoulders, while you unknowingly rubbed his thigh with your hand, dangerously close to his crotch-and it was making him crazy.
He couldn’t stop thinking about your touch. About your lips. Maybe it was just the Alkohol, but he felt like you were doing this on purpose. Your hand was so close to his hardening dick, he felt like you could probably feel his pants tenting.
Fuck it.
For a moment he looked at you, pulling you a bit closer, while he grabbed your hand and slowly moved higher. Everyone around you was busy with heated conversations about…you weren’t sure anymore. You haven’t been listening for a while at this point.
You bit your bottom lip, feeling his hard dick against your palm. Fuck, he really was big. Just like you remembered and often imagined.
And fuck you really wanted to actually feel him. In your palm. Mouth. Cunt. You wanted him everywhere. You wanted him to fill you.
For a moment you stroked over his jeans, before seeing from the corner of your eyes that a new drink was put down on the table, making you jump away from Steve. You pulled your hand away and giggled into Steve’s shoulder, while he also couldn’t stop the grin from his lips.
Clint brought a new drink for Natasha-even though she hadn’t ordered anything. That’s exactly what she said. Clint blushed a bit. “It’s from…me. It’s a-it’s a White Russian. I noticed your accent and thought you would like it. Now that I’m saying it out loud I feel pretty stupid. Sorry. Just-just forget it” While he quickly turned around and walked away-nearly falling over a chair-Natasha watched him for a moment, before grabbing the drink and taking a sip. A small smile appeared on her lips, which she quickly hid behind her Glas.
So you had been right when you noticed Clint had been ogling her all evening.
Bucky leaned closer to Natasha, wanting to grab her Glas. “Lemme try” “no, it’s for me-“ “but I’m Russian too-” “well, then go and ask him if he makes you one too. Maybe if you let your pretty eyes do the work he’d do it for half price.” Bucky laughed, even though he tried to pout at her-which didn’t work of course.
You felt Steve squirming next to you, making you look back at him. One of his hands was in his pocket, probably trying to hide his bulge, while he was still holding you close. Your gaze fell to his rosy lips. So soft…you really wanted to tell them again. But not here In front of all these people.
They would believe you if you’d go home because Steve was tired, right? And since he was supposed to stay at your place today, you’d have to go with him…
Grinning you leaned closer to Steve, whispering into his ear. “Let’s get out of here…wanna go home.” Steve looked at you in surprise before grinning cheekily and nodding. “Yeah, Let’s go home.”
You quickly said your goodbyes, feeling your friends eyes on your backs while leaving the bar.
Steve called an Uber and luckily it didn’t take long for him to arrive. Sitting in the backseat Steve already started kissing you passionately, his hands exploring your thighs and ass, while you pressed your own palm to his clothes cock, stroking him over the pants. Feeling his arousal your hole clenched around nothing, wanting to be filled. Fucked.
A quiet gasp escaped his lips, while the kiss became more passionate with every second. It was more teeth and tongue than before. He was taking your breath away. Literally.
His hand slowly slid to your-
The driver cleared his throat and when you looked out of the window you noticed you were already at your Adresse. A blush crept over your cheeks imagining how fast he was probably driving just to get the two of you out of the car.
You left the car quickly, grabbing your purse and looking for your keys, while Steve was standing right behind you and kissing your neck. “Fuck-baby, hurry up. It’s cold”, Steve laughed into your neck, but didn’t stop kissing your skin, even while shivering. After finding the keys-“finally”-you opened the door, pulling Steve into the elevator where he quickly pressed you against the wall, not stopping kissing your neck.
“Smell so good”, he mumbled against your throat, sucking a hickey into your skin, leaving even more red marks behind when he kissed down to your cleavage, while he opened your jacket and pushed it down your shoulders. A quiet gasp escaped your lips when he gently hit into your skin. “Fuck-Steve-“, the elevator stopped and you pushed Steve out of it, grinning when he seemed surprised at your sudden strength.
Once again opening the door wasn’t as easy as hoped, especially not with the beefcake kissing your neck and pressing his hard dick against your ass, just grinding against you and whispering filthy stuff in your ear.
You even dropped the keys once, but when you bend down Steve even enjoyed it more than before, pressing himself even harder against you. “If you don’t open this door soon your neighbours will get a show, sweetheart”, he whispered impatiently, already opening the zipper of your pants and letting his hand slid into your pants.
His fingers slid into your dripping hole without resistance, just welcoming him like you belonged to him.
And maybe you did.
He moved his fingers into you, making it unbelievably hard for you to get the key into the door. With the way he was fingering you, hitting your sensitive spot Everytime and also rubbing your clit with his palm he nearly made you cum right there. In the hallway.
In the fucking hallway.
And it was so fucking hard not to moan his name out loud.
It was filthy. You felt filthy. Especially while listening to your own slick squelch with Steve’s finger fucking you. Your legs trembled, your forehead hitting the cold door, unintentionally you pressed back into Steve, feeling him grind his hard cock into your ass. “My filthy girl. You don’t even give a shit if someone walks into the hallway hm? I could just fuck you right here for everyone to see. Show them who you belong to. Show them what a slut for me you are”, when he curled his fingers you couldn’t stop the moan leaving your lips as a sudden orgasm rushed over you. “That’s it babygirl, so good for me”, he kissed below your ear before sucking at your earlobe.
Steve grinned into your throat when he felt your walls squeezing tightly around his fingers, sucking him right in wanting more, more and more…
Your hands were already shaking when you finally got the door open. Your legs like jelly.
Steve pulled out his hand from your pants, making you whine. Before you could react more, Steve pushed you into your apartment, already dropping his jacked and ripping his shirt over his head. His clothes dropped quickly to the floor, your followed, till you both were only in your underwear.
Once again he was pressing you against the wall, kissing you breathless. Not wanting-or not being able to-wait any longer you pulled Steve’s boxershorts down, enough to pull out his hard cock. He was already leaking enough for his boxers to be damp with his pre-cum. Moaning Steve rutted into your hand when you wrapped your fingers around him, not being able to fully close your first around him.
Fuck, he was huge. And you wanted all of it. You wanted him to split you in half. Use you like a toy. Fuck you so god you’d feel it next day.
Steve definitely couldn’t wait any longer either, putting his arm under your knee and lifting your leg, while he pushed your panties to the side letting you line up his tip with your entrance.
With just one hard thrust he was seated inside your tight channel, making both of you moan each other's names.
He was filling you so good. You were so, so full. He was stretching you like you’ve never been stretched before.
And Steve felt like you were trying to suck him right into your tight pussy. God, he had never felt so good before. So perfect for him.
“Fuck, baby. Your pussy was made for my cock, huh?”, he grinned against your cheek, before kissing it gently. His coming thrust was anything but gentle, hard and fast he was driving into you, making you moan with every movement of his hips. The sound of slapping skin and squelch from your pussy would probably make you blush if you wouldn’t be fucked this good.
In this position he was hitting your g-spot perfectly, making it unable for you to think about anything else than the feeling of his cock. Steve pulled your leg a bit higher, making your other foot only touch the floor on your tippy toes.
He was literally holding you up.
Your whole weight.
Just fucking into you.
You were like a fucktoy in his hands.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
If that itself wouldn’t bring you to your orgasm then definitely his hand that slid between your body’s and started circling your clit. Without further warning the white overwhelming pleasure rolled over you, your legs trembled and if it wasn’t for Steve you probably would’ve fallen. “Oh god-Steve-Captain”, you nearly sobbed, grabbing onto his hair and pulling him even closer. The second orgasm even better than the first one.
Feeling you pulsing around him and pulling at his hair made him nearly cum aswell-but he didn’t want for it to end so soon. “Yeah, that’s it sweetheart. Cum for your Captain”, he whispered, pulling you closer against him. He was still thrusting into you, but a bit slower. “That’s right baby. All for your Captain…bet Thor wouldn’t make you scream like that”, he mumbled possessively sucking another hickey right under your ear.
You weren’t really listening, but still nodding and chanting his name like it was your favorite song. Too overwhelmed with pleasure, you couldn’t really think of anything else than him. Just Steve. Steve and his big cock, still filling your hole. “Please, Steve..”, you kissed him on the lips again, but a whine interrupted it. It was your whine. Because Steve pulled out. “No please-“
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m not done with you yet”, he pulled you onto the white soft fluffy carpet in your living room. He always imagined fucking you on it, it’s just so soft and warm.
And he really couldn’t wait to do that.
Letting his boxers drop to the floor completely, he finally also took off your bra, preparing your breasts with kisses, sucking your hard nipples till you were too sensitive and pushed his head away. Then he did the same thing to the other one, while he listened to your soft pleading moans. His hand found your slip, ripping it right from your body and throwing it behind him.
A quiet gasp escaped your lips when you felt the cold air hit your most sensitive parts. Hearing this Steve chuckled, pressing his lips again to yours in a demanding kiss.
You couldn’t concentrate on anything besides him. He was everywhere. His hands explored your body, his fingers were once again pressing into your wet hole, while his other hand grabbed your wrists when you tried to hold onto his shoulders.
Steve pulled them over your head, pressing himself closer to you, caging you against his body. Skin to skin…so much warm skin. His breathing on your neck and against your ear and-fuck. He was everywhere. You felt drunk on him.
“Steve-“ “Shhh, shhh sweetheart. Just let me take care of you”, he whispered, bringing you quickly to another orgasm just with his skilled hands. He was still holding your wrists above your head, making it impossible for you to grab him or anything besides the soft material of your carpet. Grinning, Steve watched you for a moment.
You were pressing your body against him, arching your back to feel his chest against your skin, already coated with a thin layer of sweat. “My sweet girl…”, he kissed your neck again, taking his fingers from your hole and bringing them to your lips.
When you felt the tip of his fingers against your mouth, you wrapped your lips around the thick digits, licking your release off, swirling your tongue around his fingers like you’d do to his cock, if he’d let you.
But Steve had other plans.
With a quiet moan he pulled his fingers away, grabbing your cheeks and squeezing, till you opened your mouth looking up at him with big, curious eyes.
Spitting into your mouth he watched as his spit coated your lips and tongue, before shutting your mouth again. “Swallow”, you did as told, quickly opening your mouth again for more.
A moan slipped past Steve lips, while he repeated this action two more times, before kissing you hungrily. “Fuck, so perfect. Such a good girl”, he murmured against your lips, before sitting up and looking down at your body.
God, he could see you were completely out of your mind.
He had fucked you dumb.
So cockdrunk.
He’d love to just coat your body with his cum. Rub it into your skin…mark you as his. The hickeys on your body already showed his claim on you, but it wasn’t enough-yet he needed to cum in your tight pussy more. Fill you with his seed till you are dripping with it.
“Steve-please-”, you whined, feeling his tip glide between your folds, teasing you. Whining you tried to move your hips against him, but Steve only slapped your thigh gently. Warningly. “Baby, don’t do that or I won’t fuck you-“ “but Steve-please-Captain-I need it. I need your cock”, you sobbed, putting your legs around him and pulling him closer.
Not being able to wait himself Steve thrusted roughly into your pussy, not stopping before starting to move. Hard and fast. He watched as your mouth fell open. Your breast moved with every thrust, while the room was filled with the sound of your slapping skin. It smelled and sounded like sex in the apartment.
And it made Steve crazy. God, he’d never had such good sex. He had never fucked someone so good.
“You’re so perfect sweetheart”, he whispered, letting go of your hands and sitting back on his heels, grabbing your calves and putting them on his shoulders, while he once again started roughly pounding into you.
The change in position changed also the angle he was thrusting into you, hitting your spot with every move. Hitting it dead on. You’ve never been with someone who was able to find it with their fingers-definitely not with their cock, but Steve? It seemed like he didn’t need to look for it. He just knew.
Steve watched your breasts jiggle, not being able to quieten his own moans, especially when you tightened around him. He knew you were close. Again.
He’d love to know how many orgasms he could bring out of you at once-but not today.
“m close-Steve-close, so so close”, you whimpered, grabbing his hard. Up until now you had held them in the position Steve wanted them to be-but now he let you grab onto his arm. Your nails were pressing into his skin, leaving half moon marks behind, he could even see one of your nails break from the grip you had on him.
Steve started stimulating your clit with his fingers, making you moan loudly. “Baby, come for me-show your Captain how much you love his co-“, before he could finish his sentence he felt you squeeze incredibly tight around him, your release gushing out around his dick making a mess on his thighs,while you were arching your back and throwing your head behind. His name coming from your lips like a mantra.
Seeing you squirt on his dick was enough to throw him over the edge. Blinding pleasure rolled over him, while he filled you with his cum. You could feel him twitch between your warm walls, coating you with his seed.
He kissed your panting lips softly, before pulling his slowly softening dick out of your sensitive pussy. He watched your mixed releases slowly leak out of your gaping and throbbing cunt. He couldn’t stop himself from scooping it up with his fingers and pressing it back into your hole, enjoying the filthy squelching sound, fingering you for a bit more.
You whined, pressing your legs together, but your muscles were useless. After being fucked like that you couldn’t do anything besides just take whatever he wanted to give you-but he pulled his digits out of you, pressing them instead to your lips to clean the mess up. You sucked at his fingers lazily, yet still completely hungry for his and your taste.
“Fuck, such a filthy girl”, he whispered, slipping his fingers one more time in your hole and feeding you more of his release, before lying besides you and pressing his lips to yours, in a gentle kiss. You cling to his warm body, putting your arms and legs around him.
Steve slowly pulled away from the much gentler kiss than any of the kisses before, holding you close and slowly standing up with you. If your legs wouldn’t feel this numb you’d probably walk alone but…right now you just wanted to be carried by Steve.
Laying you down on your bed Steve quickly brought a washcloth and cleaned you two up, before laying down next to you.
You immediately cuddled into his side, a smile creeping onto your lips. Your heart fluttered when his arm wrapped around you. It finally happened. You finally went further than just friendship. And you were so incredibly happy about it. Your whole chest and stomach was filled with butterflies.
He looked at the ceiling for a moment, feeling completely relaxed and also slowly becoming tired. “That was…so good”, he mumbled, making you slowly lift your head from his chest and look at him.
That was so good?
That was so good.
That’s what you tell your hook up-
Did Steve-
Didn’t it all mean anything to him?
“Steve, I didn’t mean for it to be-Steve?” gently shaking his shoulder you noticed he was asleep.
He just fell asleep.
No talking, no…nothing…just…
You felt tears fill your eyes.
Maybe that’s how it was supposed to be. You weren’t meant to be with Steve and that’s…so not fine. But you’d be fine. You always were. You always are.
Enjoying the last moments with Steve you put your head back on his chest, listening to his gentle heartbeat. Even though your own was breaking.
You woke up when the sun warmed your skin, sweetly telling you it was time to wake up. You felt an arch in your whole body, a good one. That one after having sex the night before and-
You opened your eyes but he wasn’t in your bed.
Oh god. Did he really leave? Like a fucking-
Then you heard his voice from the bathroom, talking to someone on the phone. You didn’t want to, but you listened anyway.
“-No Buck you don’t get it….no…I mean yes-but it was a mistake. I shouldn’t have-“
You just blended the rest of his words out.
It was a mistake.
A mistake.
You were a mistake to him.
Something inside you broke.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!
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Taglist; @patzammit @justalonelyslytherin @hawkeyes-queen @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @jesterstrange @inlovewithchrisevans @slutforchrisjamalevans (I tagged a few people that had reblogged the series Masterlist but if you don’t wanna be tagged let me know!)
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thepepsislvt · 9 months
Punk!Ace x Male Reader Modern AU
Inspired by Cupid’s. Chokehold/Breakfast in America By Gym Class Heros
Warnings: cursing, mention of bad home life for Ace, reader cries bc overwhelmed, kinda spicy at the end but very minimum, was crying internally making this, Ace being the best boy, fluffy
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Today was Ace’s and your first anniversary. you had been best friends since you were children and as best friends should do you would always spend time together. You both had spent so much time together when you were little that in your teen years, your parents gave Ace a key for whenever he wanted to come over and hang out.
Thankfully your high school years had come and gone. You had just started your first year of college with Ace where he was learning to become an engineer. You both decided to get an apartment off campus with two other people, Marco and Deuce. Ace had known them from playing video games online in high school. Ace had formed a band with Deuce on drums, Marco on lead guitar and Ace was bass and lead vocalist. Ace had tried to convince you to join their little band but you decided it wasn’t for you. You still listened to them practice whenever you had free time from your apprenticeship to be a tattoo artist and piercer. you were taking classes for design and you were content with it.
In your second year of college, you came out to Ace as gay. He apparently knew since y’all were 12.
“am I supposed to be surprised?” Ace had said while tuning his guitar
You only shook your head and laughed it off as he explained to you every single time he knew you were gay. He even laughed at knowing that before you did.
During New Year the same year, you both had gotten a little too drunk at a party and may have hooked up. That morning on Ace’s birthday after a long awkward conversation you decided to at least try being together. That was the best decision of your life. Ace and you were perfect together. Everything was going smoothly. Perfect even. You guys would cuddle and watch movies almost nightly. When he was practicing with his band he would make sure you were always near him and had his eyes on you.
Since his band is pretty popular online, he and his band would have livestreams of band practices or whatever wacky shit they were doing at the time. One time during a Q&A when you had the day off of classes and apprenticeship, one of the viewers asked if they had a S/O. Ace, being the golden retriever boyfriend he was, immediately shot up out of his seat, tackled you when he found you in his room, and had you sit on his lap while he gushed about you and how you’re the perfect boyfriend.
Everything was perfect. That's why today, your 1st anniversary had to be perfect too. but it seems as if the world didn't agree with that. You had planned on going shopping with Ace to make dinner together. You woke up at 9 am to get ready for the day but Ace didn’t even wake up till 1:30 Pm. he said he was up all night working on something. That's fine you can both still go out together and enjoy the perfect sunny day. Except when you finally started leaving it was pouring. You looked at Ace with a pout and he shrugged.
“Hey it’s okay, I like the rain, the store is indoors silly, we won't get wet” He reminded you as he grabbed one of the umbrellas from behind the door.
You smiled at him and kissed his freckled cheek causing his face to heat up. Even though you always gave him kisses he was always flustered.
“so why are we getting dinner again? we have food at home so what's the occasion?” Ace asked you as he opened the driver's door of your car for you
“you don’t remember? Today is a special day!” You had replied while giggling with joy
“Shit I know it is my birthday but usually we just make a cake and call it a day” Ace says shrugging once more before making his way to the passenger seat
He forgot. Maybe he might remember in a bit. You had to give him some credit he did just wake up a little under an hour ago. Just give it some time it will be fine. You took a deep breath and started heading to the grocery store. It could still end up a great day.
But nothing could ever work out as planned. not too long into the drive you had got a flat tire. You let out a groan of annoyance and went to get the spare from the back. You knew how to change a tire so it wasn't a big problem. You were just slightly overwhelmed by how nothing was going as planned today. when you opened the back to get to the spare tire, nothing was there
“ACE!” you yelled for your boyfriend over the rain and he quickly came over to you
“What's up babe- oh fuck” Ace stopped himself when he saw that the spare wasn't there “Oh right… Deuce needed it for whatever he was doing and did not return it yet”
you had it. you went back into the car and just started to cry. Ace hurried up and called the tow company nearest to you since both of your roommates were visiting their family for the holidays. While you both waited for a tow man to come out, Ace held you in his arms and helped calm you down. The stress over everything had been too much for you and it was all just overwhelming.
After a long wait for a tow man and a longer wait to get the tire changed you finally were heading home. Ace decided it was best to doordash something for dinner and a cake for him. The sun had set and Ace was driving you both home as you sat in the passenger seat quietly. The car ride was quiet so halfway home Ace decided to play some music. your ears perked up as you heard the first notes of the song you and Ace had decided was your guys’ song, Cupid’s Chokehold by Gym Class Heros. only it sounded slightly strange. The instruments were more distorted and electric and the vocals sounded like…
Take a look at my boyfriend
He’s the only one I got
Not much of a boyfriend
I never seem to get a lot
You quickly took his phone to look and saw that it was a cover of the song by the White Spades.
His band
You looked at him with tears in your eyes to see him smiling softly at you, not realizing you were already home and parked in your parking spot.
“Ace…” you whispered softly as you continued to listen to the song “You Didn’t Forget”
Ace cupped your face in his hands and wiped away the tears from your eyes with his thumbs. Your face turned upright as you smiled widely and started to sing along
I mean he even cooks me pancakes
And Alka Seltzer when my tummy aches
If that ain’t love then I don’t know what love is
We even got a secret handshake
And he loves the music my band makes
If that ain’t love then I don’t know what is
You were overwhelmed with joy. You quickly wrapped your arms around his shoulders and kissed him deeply which he returned immediately. he moved his hands to hold your hips from under the hoodie you stole from him and rubbed gentle circles into your skin. After a few moments, the two of you pulled away to get a chance to breathe. That didn’t last long as you pulled him back in for more desperate and lustful kisses. Ace moved his seat back and pulled you into his lap as things got more heated in the car.
Everything was finally perfect.
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miruac · 2 months
nekoma x manager! oc headcanons(part 2)
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warnings: not proofread at all, possible manga spoilers?
synopsis: random things that happen between nekoma and their manager akira yin(oc)
part 1
akira yin
five feet tall
second year class two(same class as fukunaga)
chldhood friends with kenma, and then when kuroo moved they became a trio
wears glasses, round square frames
more on the chubby size(MIDSIZE GIRLIES RISE UP)
has long straight blue black hair, with side bangs
is dating kenma(since their first year)
you guys know that one panel of girls gushing about how lev and kuroo are when they were having a conversation about shit? yeah aki and lev are so comfortable to the point where they talk about how many shits they've taken
kuroo and yaku just watch this happen and theyre mildly disgusted but they all end up talking about their shit schedules
one time aki forgot her bag in the gym and it was already locked. so she called up tora and tried to climb the windows to see if they were locked(they were. she didn't get her bag until the next morning.)
aki likes to knit, so she knit miniature versions of their jerseys as little keychains
she also made kai a hat, since she got worried he'll be cold because of his buzz cut
this girl carries yarn EVERYWHERE
on the bus to training camps? knitting. during lunch in her class or with the team? knitting.
she also almost always has her earphones in
girl needs music to function like if she doesn't have it on she literally cant do anything
obviously except during matches, shes busy listening to the squeak of shoes against hardwood
when nekoma was playing fukurodani, she was on the edge of her seat
during yaku's injury, she sat next to him and reassured him that shibayama can fill his position
they both teared up watching the little first year do so well
when they got the ticket to nationals, she literally pounced on the team and hugged them all so tight while complaining about how they all stink(kenma got the longest and tightest hug, throw in a couple of kisses)
on the bus home, they held hands the entire way and kenma even walked her home <33 i love this gamer boy
they also shared earphones the entire time
did i mention nekoma is aki's personal group of bodyguards? when she was going to the bathroom during a team dinner some weirdo tried to corner her and get her number. freaking tora came stomping while kuroo n lev towered over them. was kinda terrifying seeing them do this stuff, but at least she's safe with them
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Lost John's Cave was the first episode to properly scare me. I'm not flat out claustrophobic or anything, but just the having to squeeze through tiny tunnels and not being able to find the end of the water to get out and being lost in this cramped space they thought they had an accurate map of definitely spooked me. The description of the squeeze being so tight you couldn't turn your head! Terrifying! And the "take her, not me" bit was super creepy, it was so good!
I forgot how Buried aligned Laura was! It's like Naomi Herne already being Lonely aligned. In both cases they liked their respective Entities and then had a terrible experience that changed their opinion about it.
Actually I feel like both sisters were Buried related in their own ways, idk. I'm a bit suspicious of what Alena knew. I almost think she knew a bit about the Buried or was Buried aligned herself in a more fear driven way than Laura.
Buried Alena vibes:
"It had helped her when she was in a bad place," <- Caving made her feel better? Ok I know this might be Laura jumping to conclusions
"She used to joke that it felt like the earth itself was trying to kick her ass." <- Hmm or was she serious and hiding it from you Laura?
"Alena said she thought it was quite sweet, in a strange sort of way, and joked that if she ever got trapped underground, she’d want it to be with me." <- That's Buried, I'm sorry
"I broke the surface to see Alena laughing to herself, and holding a rock over the part of the water where I had been trying to emerge." <- Her 'prank' is scaring her sister (with Buried fear)? :/
Alternatively, Vast!Alena:
"Alena was never quite as into it as I was, though. Don’t get me wrong, she was no claustrophobe and I wasn’t forcing her to follow me into the darkness on threat of a family rift, but she mainly enjoyed the climbing, and I always ended up going a little bit deeper than she wanted." <- Mainly enjoyed climbing you say... You went deeper than she wanted hmm...
"I think, to be honest, she would have preferred to get her exercise under the open sky or, failing that, in an above-ground gym. Maybe we should have tried cliffs or a climbing wall, but caving was our thing." <- Again this is admittedly pretty weak but hey. Her Laura wants to to Buried related hobbies, Alena wants to do Vast related ones.
"I had never done cave diving before, and neither had Alena, although she told me that the prospect spooked her less than some of the squeezes we’d had to do to get there." <- Idk just water can be Vast or Buried and I assume it's less tight so they can swim?
Uh and her being taken but not Laura. The Buried girl is fine but the Vast one ain't getting out of this alive!
Listen I just like headcanonning a bunch of things, especially when they have some (however small) supporting evidence in canon
Other stuff:
"About half way through, I realised that it was far tighter than I had imagined. I called ahead, to make sure Alena had made it out okay. She called back, told me it was a hard one, but she was fine. I wanted to answer her, but by that point the rock was so close around me it was stopping me from doing anything but holding my breath and willing myself forward.
"A hand grasped me firmly on the shoulder and pulled me through. Just like that, I was out."
<- I see this as the Buried trying to get Laura and if not for her sister pulling her out, acting as her anchor perhaps, she would have been taken by the earth or crushed right then and there
"As it got closer, I saw the pale hand that held it, and I heard something. It was Alena. It sounded far off and muffled, but I was sure she was calling for help. I shut my eyes, for all the good it did in that place, and tried desperately to will it all away. When I opened my eyes again, the light was still there, but it had changed somehow. It seemed brighter and, as I looked, I realised it was no longer coming from a candle. I could hardly believe it, but it looked like daylight."
<- I assume this is when the "take her not me" bit happens that she completely skimmed over. When she tries to "will it all away", she's hoping it'll take Alena instead of her and is speaking out loud, either unknowingly or on purpose to whatever is attacking them.
"I sent Tim to check the details – Martin declined to help with this investigation as he’s “a bit claustrophobic” – and he found some more bizarre discrepancies."
<- Also I made a post about this before, but Martin refusing to work on this statement because he's "a bit claustrophobic"?? He's definitely underselling it if he told Jon he wouldn't work on this despite obviously knowing that would make Jon annoyed and give him another reason to complain about him. Also this makes him living in the Archives and being in the basement 24/7 for months quite a bit more worrisome...
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
Fun facts about Howl (that nobody asked for but I felt compelled to write)
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Howl showers every day, at night. They additionally brush their teeth in the shower. They use bar soap and a washcloth and they change the water temperature several times during this because of the stim. They use floral scented shampoo and conditioner, usually either lavender or rose. 
Howl hates the smell and taste of vinegar and will flee from it. 
Small dog instincts despite being 5’7” they will immediately try and fight tall people. This is a horrible idea 
Fucks up their uniform pretty consistantly. Wears their school uniform vest with their dorm uniform outfit, their gym uniform shirt with school uniform blazer, etc. 
Mildly allergic to apples
Sleeps curled around something. Would sleep with a plush but does not have one for several reasons, most of them being “i came from a different world with no possessions” and “the tweels will bully me”
Lab partners with Deuce and hangs out with him in their spare time. They’re both dyslexic and vibing with taking turns reading the textbook wrong
One of the only people on campus that actively seeks out Floyd. Especially when hes in a bad mood. While others part like the red sea when they see him frowning, Howl just grabs him a snack and sits close by quietly. They’re adhd buddies 
Speaking of ADHD buddies, Howl teaches Kalim to cook. Howl is not a good cook by any means, but has yet to burn the kitchen down and will gladly impart basic knowledge to him.
Howl is agender nonbinary. They pretended to be a guy when they first enrolled, then got found out on accident and were referred to as a girl. They came out as trans to basically everyone except the Octatrio, and only did because they tried to capitalize on it 
Howl also doesn't work for Azul, and instead does paperwork for Crowley, though when feeling cornered they may say that Azul asked them to do (favor) for him. Azul plays along out of curiosity
Board game club member who loses the most. Doesnt really care because they’re having a good time and it causes others around them to get outwardly confident, so its all fun
Emo. not a surprise to most people, but what IS a surprise is that they’re in octavinelle and emo. Listens to fall out boy religiously and if asked about it will talk about them for hours.
Is genuinely well meaning most of the time but has a bit of a temper and a tongue. If pushed too far, they’ll say something seriously harsh in an attempt to get them to back off. 
Once worked an internship at an aquarium. Knows about like 5 fish and the rest are a mystery. 
Has a tendency to accidentally flirt with others fairly smoothly, but gets incredibly flustered when someone flirts back.
Can’t do math. They have dyscalculia (school is hard okay?) but refuse to tell anyone and instead laugh it off as “im not trying” or “im just stupid” 
All of the uniforms are Bad Textures so they have knock off versions of various pieces made with different materials that look similar at first glance but dont when you inspect them closer
Their favorite outfit of the school uniforms are the ceremonial robes because they’re silky and they swish
Would bum around in pajama pants and a hoodie all day if they could
Was in a bad mood and brought a pillow to class. Got yelled at by Crewel and some side eye from Trein but they did all their work so they didnt get detention
When around Floyd, Ace, or Deuce there's a 95% chance they’ll get detention that they will quietly remove from their files once served. 
Mood swings like Floyd, but unlike Floyd they force themself to power through it. Usually its something easily solvable (forgot breakfast, sensory bad, needs a minute to breathe, didnt sleep well) so they just bait themselves with “if i finish this, then i can go do that”
Bites. Not hard, but does bite.
Actually really likes Azul despite constantly getting in trouble with him or fighting him on dumb shit. Azul…doesn't reciprocate most of the time. There are a few moments when Howl is tender with him, though, that makes him question his judgment of them
Terrified of Jade. Literally avoids him as much as possible, which isn't very often to be honest since hes their vice housewarden and they hang out with Floyd a lot
After their overblot, all of their relationships get significantly better and healthier. 
Lies about basic information but doesnt about personal stuff. You won’t find out their name (until their overblot arch) but they’ll gladly tell you stories and memories of theirs. Is like an open book with the title pages hidden
Sometimes goes to hang out with Malleus. They aren’t afraid of him in particular, but more so that he’s fae in general, but they just get over that pretty quickly. Sometimes they’ll sneak him into Octavinelle to hang out in their room or to bake cookies at 4 am
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babydinojojo · 1 month
Day 18(8/12/24)
Man, a lot has happened in this past month and shit. Some good, some bad, some I don't fuckin know. Well let's start with the good.
Summer youth finally ended and shit thank god I don't have to go back to that hell hole if a camp ever again, and I'm glad I'm also away from them annoying little spoiled brats, and bro when I say their brain rot is really bad, IT'S BAD! Bro I kid you not these kids were saying "What the sigma" "Skibbdi" and shit and like... Is their generation really fuckin screwed???? These fuckin kids bro were spoiled like how do y'all have iPads at such a young age :/, and not to mention this kid named Ky and that girls table was nice until they got to the last two weeks. The boys table was just straight up annoying, Yes Rohan you were annoying especially nigga always got 15 minutes off gym EVERY FUCKING day except the last 2 days he was here. If I'm being honest here I'd never work with kids again in anyway shape and/or form again.
Me and Vanni celebrated our one year anniversary two weeks ago today, and yea we did a movie sorta marathon, but I enjoyed it at least! We watched this movie, well I forgot what it was called, but it was like this guy had DiD and Vann Vann mentioned how Will was meant to be like this except the DiD part. Well we also got our relationship back on track after..... THAT happened and hey we've been going strong for the past month and frankly I haven't really talked to anyone but her in the past couple of months. I've kinda cut off my friends and sorta just surrounded myself with her, and frankly I'm glad I did, my friends would've just gotten in the way of everything, they're nothing but burdens on me, and hell I don't even consider some of them real fuckin friends. I mean me and Angel still talk but that ain't nothing really, we was close but not anymore and frankly I'm ok with it.
I haven't told Vanni this yet, but I recently discovered what's been preventing me from regressing as of lately. It's my brother, surprise surprise, he's been preventing me from regressing, and it just makes me sad cause he never treats me with any sorts of respect nor does my sister. She hates me for legit no reason at all, and I never did anything to her. Yesterday she fuckin hit me on the head for legitimately no reason and shit and frankly I'm tired of the way she treats me. I never did anything to her at all and I'm frankly confused in why she treats me like this. It's like my sister and brother are both against me for no reason.
Jayden got a new girlfriend, and deadass I fucking hate her annoying ass. They always calling each and EVERY moment of every day and it's like bro why???? I don't call Vanni every waking minute of the day, and yet he does????? Mom tried to do something about it yesterday and she lectured him about him treating me like my equal... Yea you wonder why my grades lower than usual. It's cause of that dumbass. Nigga is ALWAYS on the phone late fucking night and I'm always so damn sleepy to the point where I always forget things or overlook things sometimes this is just ridiculous. Mom rarely does anything about it, and she just lectures him and shit and don't really do anything about it, she just tells him to go to bed and shit and never just.... This is just making me upset just talking about it...
Tigger Warning: Contents from here might involve Depression/Suicidal thoughts/Self Harm
I always had this thought on myself lately where I was just a burden to everyone I know, and even to Vanni, and it's like... I don't know why people want to be around me at this point... I overlook shit, I don't listen, I'm a overweight piece of shit who does nothing but slob away on the couch/in his room all day, and lately every day waking up and getting out of bed has been feeling like a chore. I always let everyone down, I let my parents down with my bad grades and the fact I weight the exact weight as my mom..., my sister hates me for no reason...., my brother doesn't even care about my feelings, I'm always gaslighted or manipulated by everyone in they mother, It's just... I feel like nobody cares about my feelings or ask how I'm doing. I always ask people and shit how they're doing, but yet they never did the same for me....
You know if they're one thing that comforts me at night, it's just... there's an escape from this world. I already planned it out in my head, but it'll never happen cause I don't wanna commit offing myself...
On one faithful day, I was gonna pull up to school but put my stuff down in the library and watch some of the last YouTube videos I'll ever watch... I order a lunch from the cheesecake factory and pick it up from there, and it's a very big meal. It'll be my last one after all. I'll eat it slowly and savor every last bite eating slowly... once I finish it and my drink along with my snacks... I'll say my final goodbyes to my parents, my siblings, and my friends.... and then Vanni.... it'll be one of the most heartbreaking, and gut wrenching goodbyes I would ever give someone... The amount of times I would apologize for doing this too her... But I can't take it anymore..... I wouldn't block her, and since she'll have access to all my social medias I'll give her full control of them from here on out... I love you Vanni... Always and forever... Please cherish the memories and love we've had for each other and thank you being apart of my life, I'll always be forever grateful for it... You really made one of the biggest impacts in my life and I thank you for trying each and everyday and for taking care of yourself... I'll see you in the next life one day Vanni... You'll have control of all my social medias from this day on you can do whatever you please.... After that final goodbye to Vanni... I'll delete my discord, and instagram accounts and uninstall the apps. I'll put my phone into my bag and leave the bag as I slowly walk out of the library and take one last look at the school I went to.... I walked myself to the Bryant Park train station and took a few trains too the East River... I jumped into the water and go deep effectively ending my pain.... As my soul leaves this world never to return...
But then again.... I have so much to live for after all. If I committed suicide I would be hurting everyone who loved me and cared about me to begin with. I can't do that to Vanni or my family.... I don't know I just feel depressed and sad at the moment, and if you come to think of it... I guess I did it too myself.
Onto the next Journal entry... or to emotionally manipulated or gaslighted because I don't know how to speak up for myself for Jack shit! Fuck my life man
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kianavonna · 3 months
I love my lover but the more I make peace with us probably not being each others person and him being a bit more conservative (he’s not conservative conservative but like liberal leaning into conservative gym bro ideology type if you get the picture I’m painting, the kind of guys that never went full incel but you can tell have seen that side of certain spaces and picked up some bad ideology) in some ways than I’m comfortable with the more I just want to save us both the pain of breaking up later and want to do it now. I love him so much but I know we go out of our way to avoid the hard conversations that would make us stop dealing with each other.
Plus, at times it does seep into how he treats me, particularly in regards to my leg disability. I still remember him walking past me getting irritated when I was clearly trying to talk to him about slowing down. People were looking at us because it was obvious I was trying to catch up to him and he didn’t care. I never forgot that moment. And I feel bad because at that moment he was trying to help me and I appreciated it so much (getting me to my cousins funeral). But I didn’t understand why he was being weird to me, and why he couldn’t be there for me emotionally. When I first found out my cousin passed while I was overseas it was like talking to a wall. Like we were having a conversation about the weather. I tried to connect with him emotionally because I needed his support and he wouldn’t budge. It was like any other convo we might have had that day on his end “so anyway, there’s this show we should watch” my loved one is gone love, please listen. It was a lot. And I still love him and appreciate all he’s done for me but it really feels like the writing is on the wall sometimes that we aren’t meant to be. I don’t think we are.
We aren’t exclusive, so it’s not like I have to have it figured out now. But idk.
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handelplayssims · 1 year
Autumn has woken up angry. And pissed! And filled with acne. Welp. We evidently can simply manage that. Onto the next lifestyle review. Purchased a cheer mat and set it up. Even when raging out, she’s gotta still be on the grind. Belle Brandt dropped by, wanting to be Freddie’s best friend. Sorry but nah. Anyway, time to do the productive thing when randomly angry as Autumn is. Run on the treadmill!
Both Autumn and Freddie are tense at the moment. Freddie from Belle just dropping in and immediately wanting to be besties, despite our online interactions being eh at best, and Autumn has a headache. Yoga for Freddie and Autumn...is just working out. Ahp, now she’s sore. And needs a shower so shower time. Freddie got his bro hug and also venting to Gavin. With it, he’s finally feeling better after awhile. Same with Autumn after purchasing a pool floatie and just vibing ontop of the water. Now it’s just a waiting game for Prom! And at 7PM it’s time! Let’s go!
Time to fullfill goals of dancing, voting for royality, eating- wait, WHERE IS MY BOYFRIEND!? Sidney let’s invite you over. And my votes for Prom King and Prom Jester won. Somehow. (Sidney and Pierce Delgato) Only got a bronze reward. This one’s difficult to get goals finished. Only so little time for it, it seems, it being 7 to 11PM. Also, she gained a crush on Anton Leone. A vampire teen. WHILE DATING SOMEONE ELSE! Oh boy. Let us do the dangerous prom thing. Invite a boy to our home and wooho- -ahem- mess around all night!
Neighborhood Watch!
Alex Harper in the Harper household has started a job as a Chief in the Detective career.
Strangerville: The Eclectic Arts household recently moved out.
Farewell! I shall miss you lot! You were fun the one time I played ya.
Autumn’s angry. Again. Let’s get some breakfast and then punch a punching bag. And Freddie is sad. Again. Because still hurt by what Autumn said. And now Ian Pearson wants to be besties. Eh, sorry. Freddie’s whim is to admire possessions, aka purchase something new. I tried some clutter for his bed but it didn’t quite work out that way. Hmm. Problem with ultra-furnished house!
Ah! I made a lifestyle review because that’s what’s usually wanted as a task as a Simfluencer but instead, the task today is to promote at a venue. Well, she’s angry so let’s go to a Gym. Annnd I completely forgot it’s New Skill day. Only got it when Autumn went to the gym and got a mark off for her entrepreneur skill boost. Unfortunately, outside of just taking a picture, not really going to do much here. Already got my workout in sooo, eh. Maybe a yoga class.
Right, 3PM now. Two hours until party! Autumn could invite a teen over to hang out and befriend during the party for her aspiration. ...hmm...now why would Anton be sleeping at this time? (He’s a vampire, of course but does Autumn know? Who knows?) PARTY TIME! ...of course the first goal is listen to tunes. Dancing is one thing we can do. Actually making sims listen to music is another. Ah well. Let’s work on flirting then. Welp, we’re already at gold already for this party. Let’s just party! ...also I had the sudden realization that the sim Autumn is trying to befriend, Manami Fujiwara, is an evil sim. We need 10 Sim friends so that won’t matter! ...she even gained a crush on her. My god. Both Freddie and Autumn’s charisma grew by leaps and bounds! Autumn’s up to 7 and Freddie, 8! I knew parties were a boost but my goodness! Anyway, we’re partied out so bed!
Neighborhood Watch
Seema Acharya in the Acharya household has died. Seema thought she could conquer a mountain, but the mountain conqured her.
NOOOOO! I liked her! I played as her! Maaaaaaaaaaaan.
Brindleton Bay: The Cormier household moved out.
Forgotten Hollow: The Assaoui household recently moved in.
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