#i want him to be in peace dangit
nattikay · 2 years
I'd like to hear 3 from you, I bet it's some cute Sully family stuff
3.) An off-screen scene you wanted to see?
For real though, I would’ve adored to see more of this. Especially when the kids were very young. Consider, for example:
Jake constantly carrying his baby(s) around to all his olo’eyktan duties.
Neytiri telling them all the traditional Omatikaya stories and singing them songs (according to the visual dictionary one of the earliest beads on Neteyam’s songcord represents the first lullaby he remembers being sung to him like excuse me??! 😭)
Mo’at recognizing Kiri’s inherent connection to Eywa and kinda taking her under her wing
Little Kiri going around nonchalantly befriending all the animals like a big blue Disney princess…to the point that she gets her ikran wayyyy earlier than usual just by asking it to be her friend (that part’s canon lol)
Jake’s own Na’vi language skills improving exponentially as his kids start learning to talk
The general mix of wholesome and chaos as Jake and Neytiri learn to be parents for the first time and all the stuff that comes with that, especially given how quickly they had their first three, them going around trying to wrangle their little toddler army…but despite the chaos they just love each other and their kids so much, the RDA is gone and the clans are at peace and they’re just so happy right now and wouldn’t have it any other way—
like bruh give me three hours of that and I won’t even have a heart anymore because it will have all melted in to a great big puddle of sugar-coated sap on the floor 😭😭😭 we got very brief little snippets of it at the start of the movie and it was wonderful but gosh dangit I want mooooooooore aahhhhhh
oh, here’s a more specific silly scene that I was discussing with @barking-in-the-dark recently:
So imagine that Jake and Neytiri need a babysitter for Neteyam and Kiri when Lo’ak is ready to be born. Mo’at can’t do it since she is of course assisting with the birth, and Jake’s next thought was OH! NORM AND MAX!
So now human!Norm and Max are stuck with a pair of comically oversized not-quite-toddlers for a few hours 
Norm quickly gives up and leaves for about 10 minutes to link up with his avatar. Max swears those were the most chaotic (non-war-related) 10 minutes of his life.
Neteyam is already walking at this point and he wants to be everywhere. Kiri isn’t yet (I headcanon that Neteyam started walking significantly earlier than Kiri did even though they are probably less than a month apart in age, partly because he is described as a natural athlete and “golden child” and partly because Kiri is just too easily distracted by her surroundings to think much about walking)—anyways, Kiri can’t walk just yet but boy howdy can she crawl and if you take your eyes off of her too long she will disappear, she practically needs a balloon tied around her waist so her caretakers can keep track of her
Spider, currently around 2 years old, also happens to be in the lab at the time and that kid can climb
so poor Max is now having to chase after Neteyam (who may only be year old but Na’vi as a species are big so he already comes up to Max’s torso), stop Spider from getting into all the equipment that should be way out of his reach but isn’t because he moves like a monkey, AND keep a constant eye on Kiri so she doesn’t wander off and vanish chasing some stray insect or something 
It gets a lot better when Norm returns in his avatar, but those 10 minutes were rough lol
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sailforvalinor · 5 months
Okay, 2 and 3 for Ed, Al, Mustang, and Hawkeye!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Ed: There are a lot of things I could say here...but I love that he settles down and marries Winry and has kids??? And is the father to them that his own father couldn't be to him???? *sobs*
Al: The fact that after all that suffering, he not only comes out the other side of it, but then presumably goes on to be a peace-loving alchemist-alkahestrist warrior-traveler who's dating a princess??? He's objectively a force of nature by the end of this series AND he's living his best life. I'm so proud of him.
Mustang: It's the semi-effective ladies man card that he keeps in his back pocket--it's SO funny, and it's always unclear how much is an act and how much is just Roy being a little silly.
Hawkeye: BLACK HAYATE. Just kidding. Maybe. In all seriousness, I love how she is a stoic soldier who is also allowed to be vulnerable and it doesn't at all feel forced in either direction. She just feels like a real person. FANTASTIC.
3. Least favorite thing about this character?
Huh, this one is gonna be difficult...
Ed: I do kind of hate that he didn't really properly reconcile with his father, even though it was kind of implied. I hate it for him, anyway, it fit the story pretty dang well.
Al: Yes, he's got his body back now, but WHERE IS HE GOING TO CONVENIENTLY HIDE STRAY CATS HE ADOPTS???
Mustang: The mustache, obviously.
Hawkeye: This is kind of for her and Roy, but I kind of hate that I don't know if I could ever see a point in their relationship or career where they would actually let themselves officially start a relationship. Would they ever be in a place where they would feel alright with letting go of the reins on the government or feel like they had properly atoned for their crimes in Ishval? I genuinely don't know. I just want them to be happy, dangit.
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Welcome back, friend, to the Leheniks at the rock dwelling. Two-parter this time. Things have got shaken up since last round; Indartsu's wife has left him for the next door casanova, making him a single dad. Thankfully goodest boy Klutz and grandma Maitea's around to help out.
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And auntie Lorea is also here.
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Maitea inherited some dough from her buddy Marama who passed away last round.
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I think she's telling Indartsu she wants to spend the money on a snazzy new outfit.
But, alas...
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Visiting daughter-in-law Doaivu will not stop heart-farting over her MIL's hawtness even as she's literally dying in front of her. Time and place, love.
And yeah, there goes our longest-living Gen 0 sim. Rest in peace.
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The 6th, unspecified benefactee is Maitea's grandson, Aitor. No surprises there. Also get wrecked Ausarta LMAOOO
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Oh right, sorry. I'll be respectful. It's very sad.
Anyway, the next morning, as Lorea tends the garden
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she is joined by prettiest family cat Balin
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who thinks he's making a new friend ...
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Oh noooo
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Dangit, and it's her birthday and these are her other wants. I can't get you a bloody pianee Lorea I'm sorry
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Little does she know her brother and his ex-wife are getting along again... like she's married to someone else now but whatever
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Yeah, and it's not even to this guy. Why are my sims like this? You're a family sim, Tanna, come on
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Oh hey and Lorea aged up! Only slightly terribly this time, I guess she saw a wolf when I wasn't looking.
Now get dating young lady! All these amiable bachelors won't marry themselves!
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Fortunately Puawai is a rather willing dancer
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O_O well that escalated quick
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kimmykoosh · 1 year
I finished playing Disco Elysium!!!
My own personal comment below. Spoilers obviously.
Oh wow, the writing is emaculate! Sad that I cant even get all of the missions finished though. I didnt get to find the cocaine skull and I didnt get to help egg head with his hard core jam 😔😔😔
And I gave the drug to Cuno because I thought Kim was going to be unavailable in the game soon. Dangit. Curse me for looking at spoilers and how tos for the game.🫠🫠
I managed to get the phassid to the science committee and solve with mystery the abandoned building and the bookstore. Sad about the upcoming building for the villagers though. Kjassid escaped and in peace. I did a wreck in revachol with Titus died and theres only the 2 person left of the Hardie boys. 😔😔
I didnt even get to see the Evverard twins. I knew he was in the other locked container. My intelligence was low for him to notice me. Oh, I knew about Renee's death when I was in day 6 or so. When the killer knew about Renee, he was seen alive. Eyes widen, soul burning, hungry for revenge. Still have something to hold on to. Sad to see him in a cartatonic state when Harry told the truth.
Kim was super happy and very interested in Harry's achievements. Also, yes, no booze and smokes 👌👌The whole paragraphs he listed about Harry's great discovery and achievements is so cute to see. Is this what it felt like when someone got your back? With no ulterior motives? 🤯
Yeah, I used "me", then "Harry" at the end because seeing Kim talk about Harry and boosting is cute 🥰🥰 He ended up in station 41 with Harry and all the cute art of Harry and Kim in the station together giddy and lovingly is so sweeet. I want more 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
10/10 would play it again. I only got a 9 achievements in this playthrough by becoming a sorry, boring, sad, pathetic cop.
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sataidelenn · 2 years
Okay, so I was all set to go nuts with theories about the latest episode, but after watching it, I just…I got nuthin’.
It looks like Jaune might be spiraling back into his old patterns of lashing out and self loathing (which I’m in denial about because if he is then all of my meticulously crafted headcanons about him being at peace with himself and his role in the story go right out the window and I really really do not want them to do that.) And while we know Jaune wouldn’t lie, he might not have all the facts, and it’s his word against CC’s and we don’t have a whole lot of objective truths about this place to verify either against.
Is the cat good or evil?
Is ascension death of personality or a way to become your true self?
Is the Blacksmith trying to trap Ruby or help her?
What’s the deal with the Herbalist and where is he now?
“Only one of them got out” WHICH ONE DANGIT!
Is it Saturday yet?
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arceal-doodles · 2 years
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@undertale-writing-times i’d like to think that the annoying dog intervenes enough for them to prepare other back up special attacks
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gearbroth · 2 years
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local traumatized star gets emotional support puppy bc,,  woof
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galactic-magick · 2 years
Jacob Holland x neutral!Reader
Summary: Now that Jacob has sworn off monster hunting, he has decided to build a new crew to promote learning about and peace with the sea beasts, and you might just get a spot on that ship.
Warnings: none
Words: 900+
Author’s Notes: I’m pretty sure I’ve read all the fics in the tag and I wanted more so here I am writing my own lol. This movie came out months ago so idk if people are still interested in fics about it but idc I just needed to write something dangit! If people like this I might do a part 2 :)
Requests Status: CURRENTLY CLOSED although I’m always open to suggestions, I just can’t promise I’ll write it cuz my semester just started and I’m very busy!
It’s been about a year since the truth was revealed about the royal family’s involvement in initiating the war with the sea beasts, and thanks to the demand and passion of the people, change is actually being made. Hunting the beasts is now illegal, all the old history books have been thrown away, and now there’s been a push to study and learn about the beasts rather than just learning how to kill them. The king and queen are still certainly not happy about the changes, but as less and less people stay on their side, their argument power has been lost.
You in particular have been quite intrigued by the new changes in the kingdom. Like everyone else, you were taught to fear the beasts, but now you’re very open to learning about who they really are. You’ve always wanted to take to the sea yourself, originally to join the hunters but now just to explore. You have high hopes of boarding a ship as soon as tonight possibly, since the famous Jacob Holland is in town. You hear he’s trying to put a crew together to sail farther than anyone in the kingdom has ever gone before, with the goal of finding new species of sea beasts and spreading the message of peace to other kingdoms.
You’ve never met the guy personally, but you instantly recognize him when you see him across the room in the tavern. He’s not currently talking with anyone, so you take your shot and walk towards him, sitting next to him at the bar and ordering another drink.
“Why hello there,” he speaks first. “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you in here before,”
“Oh, I’m here from time to time,” you smile.
He introduces himself, not that he needs an introduction, and you tell him your name as well. You’re not really sure what you expected, but he’s an incredibly kind man. Not that you thought he’d be mean, but after all, he’s the captain of a ship and responsible for both killing dozens of beasts and rebuilding a peaceful relationship with the beasts alongside his adopted daughter. It wouldn’t surprise you if he was a little cocky.
But he’s not. He makes casual conversation with you, attentively listening to everything you say. He tells you about his past adventures, and his plans for the future. He even asks you to dance for a while when the music starts up again, and you can’t remember the last time you had this much fun.
The multi-colored sunset glow pours through the windows, Jacob holding your hands tight as you swing around. Tune after tune plays, and neither of you grow tired. The energy in the tavern is electric, with almost everyone joining into the dance as well. Some of the songs you sing along to and some you just move to the rhythm, but neither of you care if you’re doing it correctly.
Eventually the crowd starts to flow out as the night goes on, and you sit back down at the bar to have one last round.
“Say,” he swallows the last sip of his drink. “Would you be interested in joining my crew?”
You almost spit out your own. You honestly didn’t think he’d ask you first.
“Oh! Well- I’d um- definitely consider it,” you nod.
“Wonderful. Just a moment,” he dashes across the room and soon comes back pulling a little girl on his arm, who you’re assuming is his daughter. “This is Maisie. We all have her to thank for where the kingdom is now,” he ruffles her hair and grins.
“Lovely to meet you!” you shake her hand.
“What do you think of them, hmm? Think they’re worthy to join our crew?”
Maisie takes a long look at you, as if analyzing every feature and reading your brain.
“I think so,” she finally says. “Do you really wanna join us?”
Your nod becomes more confident.
“Absolutely, if you’ll have me,”
“Yay!” she hugs you tight. “Finally someone else wants to join!”
You tilt your head towards Jacob, “You mean you haven’t recruited anyone else yet?”
“Well,” he runs a nervous hand through his hair, “Besides some of the crew members from The Inevitable...no. Not many civilians with no previous sailing experience have been interested,”
“I think they’re still scared,” Maisie pipes up, rolling her eyes. “You’re not scared, are ya?”
“It’s always a little scary trying something new,” you reply. “But no, I’m not scared to sail on a ship,”
“Good,” she looks up to Jacob. “We can keep ‘em then,”
He laughs, offering his hand to you, “Do you want to take a look around?”
You enthusiastically agree, and he leads you outside to the docks. The new ship is quite different than The Inevitable, no weapons, for one. The ship is a lot less menacing looking overall, and the lodging is much nicer. There’s even a designated spot for Maisie’s pet Blue, although she says he’s getting a bit too big to stay with her on the ship much longer.
“What do ya think?” she asks you.
“I love it,” you smile.
“We could leave tomorrow if you’d like,” Jacob says.
Your brows furrow, “What about recruiting more people?”
“I highly doubt we’ll find others as eager to join as you, love. We already have enough crew members for the basic ship operations, and I think the exploration part will be just fine with only the three of us,”
“But I’m super inexperienced, I really don’t think-”
“We were both new once too,” Maisie interrupts, tugging your sleeve with reassurance. “We both joined as kids knowin’ nothin’ too. You’re at least older and smarter than we were,”
You chuckle, “I suppose so,”
“Do we have a deal then, darlin?” Jacob smirks.
“I think we do.”
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sammygems · 3 years
so like, all the Auradon Kids and VK in Disney's Descendants deserve better, except for Mal, because fuck Mal. here's (in my opinions) for why:
Auradon Kids Who Deserve Better
Ben - he deserves better then Mal. Their relationship started because she drugged him, and yes, the spell wore off and wasn't there the majority of their relationship, but that's such a bad start to a relationship. Also, Mal sucks, she runs away from her problems when it becomes too much for her (which yes, stress is difficult, but you don't just run away when things get hard. try talking to someone, take a break, there are so many other ways of dealing with it before running away). Overall Ben deserves a better girlfriend, wife, and queen.
Doug - i guess more screentime/attention from the fandom. he's a good boyfriend to Evie and he loves and supports her. give him more credit god dangit
Lonnie - She deserves to not be fucking whitewashed as fuck. Like, she's the daughter of Fa Mulan and Li Shang, yet her name is fucking LONNIE?? Give her an actual chinese name, good god.
Jane - Now, I love Jane, but she deserved better writing, especially her relationship with Carlos.
Audrey - OH BOY WHERE DO I START?! This girl deserves so much better. Ben did her wrong, Mal did her wrong, her family's disappointment in her for loosing the crown as future queen. I loved that she was the villain of the 3rd movie, but she still deserves so much better. Some of the people in the Descendants fandom hate her for sometimes really dumb reasons too. Btw, her treatment of Chad in the 3rd movie is not ok, I will never say she was in the right for how she threated him.
VKs Who Deserve Better
Jay - He deserves more to his character & screen time in the movies. By the third movie, he was basically turned into a glorified side character.
Carlos - BETTER WRITING. Again, his relationship with Jane mainly deserved better writing, but by the third movie, he also deserved more screentime. Like Jay, he was kinda turned into a glorified side character. Also, Rest In Peace Cameron Boyce, you were gone far too soon.
Gil - I can't really say much for Gil, but I guess a better name??? WHY IS HE NAMED GIL??? HIS FATHER IS GASTON
Dizzy Tremaine - My girl deserved more screentime in the 3rd movie. She's a cute character and I really think she deserves some more attention in the actual movies.
Celia Facilier - Queen of being hyped up as an important character, only to do basically nothing. Also, WHY DID MAL DECIDE "yes, Celia is troubled", we barely were showed anything to get the impression that she was actually troubled.
Harry Hook - Um, hmmm, maybe for that dumbass fanfic backstory of him and Mal being in a relationship?? Like, guys who believe that, IT'S NOT CANON. Also his clear and obvious relationship with Uma needs and deserves to be accepted as canon because IT IS.
Uma - This girl deserves so much better from the fandom. She's a good character, she cares about the other isle kids. Mal sucks and she deserved a better childhood friend then Mal. Also her relationship with Harry needs to be accepted.
Evie - MY GIRL EVIE. She deserves a better best friend then Mal, Mal threated her like shit, both by bullying her AND after becoming friends, still being rude to her. In the 1st movie, when they first arrive at Auradon, Mal makes Evie feel bad for actually being excited to be in Auradon. In the 2nd, Evie is scared of going back to the Isle, but chooses to because Mal is there and she doesn't want to leave Ben alone, only for Mal to be a bitch when Evie shows up. Then in the 3rd, Mal lies to her about the "closing the Isle for good" thing, when she KNOWS Evie wants to help the kids on the Isle. Also, in the first movie, Audrey telling her that Evie isn't a princess was just kinda unnecessary. She deserves so much better.
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speedystarshine · 2 years
Ok ok for detective Mat [She/They or just They/Them <3]
Hydrangea - How would this yandere react if their darling gave them affection? What is their internal thought process like? 
Jasmine - How would this yandere use their status/money in their favor? 
Lavender - Would this yandere’s darling be able to sense the impending danger, or is the yandere efficient at hiding their darker side?
Pansy - What was it that ultimately sparked their obsession? 
Rose - Does this yandere indulge much about themselves to their darling? Does it depend on if their darling were to ask? Or are they secretive and closed off?
Tulip - Does the yandere want their darling’s forgiveness, or does it make no difference to them?
Those are the ones i would personally like to do as a yandere writer so you can pick the ones you like or do them all, don’t feel the need to do the ones you don’t want too alright? <3
yooo hello again! :] first req for this, lets go! DANGIT IM BEING TURNED INTO A DET!MAT SIMP I BLAME YO-
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Hydrangea - How would this yandere react if their darling gave them affection? What is their internal thought process like? 
He’d be really surprised at first, he expected worse! He would be slightly suspicious, wondering if this is an attempt to butter him up so you could escape, but after a while he just- absolutely melts into it. Honestly you probably just short-circuited his brain, poor guy is touch-starved :( 
Jasmine - How would this yandere use their status/money in their favour?
Well, he is the detective after all, and it’s surprisingly easy to swap and edit evidence here and there. It helps that a lot of people trust him, since they look to him for the answer as to what’s going on. If something’s happening to his darling that he/you doesn’t like (that doesn’t count his behaviour) he’ll be quick to get rid of the problem - Not before leaving some incriminating evidence in their favour.
Lavender - Would this yandere’s darling be able to sense the impending danger, or is the yandere efficient at hiding their darker side?
He finds it difficult to control it sometimes. Darling is most likely the quickest and first person to realize, since they are the object of his affections. You freak out, but he’s always following you, and most importantly- always one step ahead. Others may catch on soon after, since his body language can change to calm and peaceful to angry and annoyed in seconds.
Pansy - What was it that ultimately sparked their obsession?
He’s not quite sure himself, honestly. Perhaps you were the life of the party, or more off to the side, it doesn’t matter to him after that first conversation with you, that slowly delved from simple curiosity to a growing obsession. (Bro ur dumbass probably decided to like...jokingly flirt or something smh. We all know this man can’t take social cues he told me himself/j)
Rose - Does this yandere indulge much about themselves to their darling? Does it depend on if their darling were to ask? Or are they secretive and closed off?
He doesn’t like to talk too much about himself in case he comes off as narcissistic or self-absorbed. He would absolutely tell you about himself if asked, though. He’s closed off to the rest of the group, more quiet and reserved and painfully sarcastic- you bring out the good and bad in him.
Tulip - Does the yandere want their darling’s forgiveness, or does it make no difference to them?
He would definitely want forgiveness. He knows that it’ll be tough to earn your trust again, but after he got a first taste he can’t imagine living in a world where you’re not together. He’ll be so so happy if he finally gets it, hugging and kissing you and promising to be better, that he wouldn’t hurt you or anyone else again. He’s lying, but he’s gotten better at it. 
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yoo these were actually so fun to do holy sh-
......after doing these, I’m realizing how goofy the reply to the last req for him I had was 😭 hope you enjoy these, anyways!
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humancomedy · 3 years
Human Comedy: Tragedy - 10
Shu: Hmph. We're about to begin. Rouse your spirits, Kagehira.
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Location: Underground Live House
Shu: Hmph. We're about to begin. Rouse your spirits, Kagehira.
Especially since you let this day arrive without completing the new outfits I had tasked you with.
At the very least, you can make your performance today flawless.
Mika: G-Gotcha! I'll do my best.
Shu: I say this every time, but doing your best and achieving results is only to be expected. This stage is my creation, after all...
You need only nod your assent in silence.
—No, not even that. Once the curtains rise, and lights and music fill the stage, you need only embody the spirit of my vision. That is all we require to make this world ours.
Now... Let us step forth, Kagehira.
Mika: Yeah. ...Oshi-san, you gonna step back and put me up front again?
Shu: No, at least for today, I would like to see our audience from as close-up as possible... It's our last time, after all.
Your output is rather irregular as well. I fear that if I leave it to you, our performance will go to ruin.
Today, I shall toe the boundary between us and them, as close as I will allow myself to be.
Ahh, I do feel a touch of nostalgia... The smell of smoke and alcohol, wafting underground in the gentle darkness—
Back then, I'd thought it repulsive, but in this moment alone, it does tug at my heartstrings.
♪ ~ ♪ ~ ♪
Mika: (Oh... Oshi-san slid right into singing, didn't he. All smooth an' natural-like.)
(He never used t'have much to say 'fore our shows. Always just wanted to show off his work an' split.)
(But today, Oshi-san ain't quite the same as usual.)
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Mika: (He's calm, an' peaceful... Like he's stretchin' out every last second of his song, savorin' 'em one by one.)
(Nah, maybe he's tryin' to use every moment to remain in our memories, even if only fer a lil' bit more.)
(Ahh... I could watch him forever an' ever.)
(There ain't no better honor than bein' by Oshi-san's side, but at least in this instant, maybe I just wanna be his audience?)
(Ngah~ ...Oshi-san's just so beautiful right now. ♪)
Shu: ~...♪
...Kagehira. Why must you stand there like a scarecrow? Sing. Honestly, whatever is the matter with you these days?
Do you intend to sully the final performance of my high school career?
Mika: Ngah~ Nah, it's nothin' like that! Sorry, Oshi-san! I'm gonna try my very best!
(...W-Wait, what? Somethin' real weird's goin' on at the back of the audience!)
(No way... Are they pickin' a fight?)
(Ah, right... One of our young fans let out a real ear-splittin' shriek when they saw us just now, huh?)
(And now a long-time fan's givin' 'em an earful 'bout it...)
(Sure, Oshi-san's always hated it when folks make noise while he's singin' his songs.)
(We kinda have this unspoken rule with fans that they're s'posed to watch us quietly... But the newer folks ain't got a clue.)
(So one o' the oldies is up and havin' a spat with a new kid, then? Dangit, other folks've noticed and it's startin' to spread!)
(Gosh darnit, no! The whole show'll go down in flames! This is Oshi-san's last chance, y'all!)
(Uwahh... Oh geez, what am I s'posed t'do?)
(Should we tell 'em right up to stop kickin' up a fuss? But if we bungle it, we'd just be pourin' oil on the flames!)
(Tryin' to preach manners when folks had no clue about 'em in the first place is just barkin' up the wrong tree, anyway!)
('S not like we made it an official rule to keep quiet! It's just somethin' the fans agreed on themselves.)
('S nobody's fault if they don't know, and 'sides, we've got lil' kiddos here too...)
(Of course they'd wanna go hog-wild if their favorite idol's right there in front of 'em.)
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Mika: (But I dunno 'bout tellin' off the older fans, either...)
(Even when we were crawlin' at the bottom, they supported us and cheered us on.)
(I mean, who are we to get on our high horses, huh? Whose support helped us stand up again?)
(Ngaaah, what do I do? How do I get 'em to cool off without bringin' down either side...?)
Shu: "Non! Enough romping about, you boorish lot!"
Mika: (...!)
Shu: "Do not shout! Do not clamor! Be silent and listen to my song!"
"For what purpose have you gathered here today? To engage in petty quarrels? To seize someone by the collar and shower them in pejoratives?"
"If that is your wish, then leave this place at once! You are a disgrace!"
"The mere sight of you is offensive! Now, before you anger me any further... Return to the garbage dump from whence you came!"
"There, you can frolic as you so desire with the rotten eggs and moldy fruits—your dear friends, the kitchen scraps~!"
Mika: (Nghaaaaa, what's he up and sayin' to our guests...?!)
(But he's right to say it! With one sharp talking to, everybody's gone stone-cold silent!)
(Well, 'course anybody'd be surprised if someone straight-up yelled at 'em!)
(It's only natural... 'S that what Oshi-san was aimin' for?)
(I mean I reckon it was just a temper flare, but which is it? What're you doin', Oshi-saaaan?!)
Shu: "...If you do not wish to play among the trash, if you are indeed a gracious guest who has come to hear my songs today—"
"Then repent for spouting such unwarranted accusations."
"If you wish to be my audience, I am ready to show you the art I have prepared for all of you today."
"Allow me to present to you what I have meticulously toiled and lavished my hours upon for this very day."
"That is all I could ever want—it is the one and only wish of Itsuki Shu of Valkyrie."
"Now, you foolish peasants! If you are truly rotten to your cores, then by all means— return to your squabbles!"
"I will not stop you. I have neither the time nor desire to extend a hand to those who are unsalvageable!"
"But if you are above that filth; if you are indeed humans, the most artistic creatures on this earth—"
"With the furthest extent of your sensibilities, submit everything to me, indulge in my art, and make praise! This is your right!"
"Rejoice! Through mere contact with my art, you shall climb the ranks of evolution!"
"And we of Valkyrie shall lead you up to the heavens...!"
"We bring only the most beautiful, the most worthy!"
"O, people who have been chosen by miraculous fortune from the vulgar masses—rejoice, weep, and listen to my song...!"
♪ ~ ♪ ~ ♪
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houseofdabs · 3 years
It's Raining Cats and Dogs Out There
This isn't nothing serious, just wanted to write sumn, might not be too good, I haven't written nothing in years.
warnings: none
Bo had slept in, something that wasn't particularly rare, but something he wasn't too keen on. Maybe it was from the lack of sun in his face, or the comfortable cool that made it so easy to curl into the blankets on his bed, but it was more than likely from the exhaustion he accumulated from so many nights full of work and less of sleeping. Deep down he knew he needed the extra sleep but as quick as the thought came it was just as quickly replaced with the self-degradation that pushed him to work hours on end with little care for himself-- the fuel that worked him near death in order to prove himself. The wind outside began to pick up and Bo peaked out the window to watch the dead leaves that danced within it, the thought that the only movement in the desolate town being dead itself made him frown a little. Gray clouds above covered the usual harsh rays of the Louisiana sun, what was once a vibrant sky was now dull. The blanketed sky looked heavy and with every movement threatened to burst and unleash the gallons of water it held.
Bo weighed his options in his head: he could either hurry up and make his way to the station to work before the rain started or he could stay and spend his day inside. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of rainfall outside the window, mother earth decided for him-- he was spending the day inside.
He made his way downstairs to the kitchen, the weather had him hankering for something warm to combat the chill that the elements brought with it, coffee sounded real good. Bo didn't realize how hungry he was until his stomach announced it's vacant state, he supposed some breakfast wouldn't hurt either, and it wasn't often he had the time or care in mind to make himself an early meal. He just hoped the eggs and bacon hadn't spoiled.
The storm outside had picked up significantly and he didn't hear the small taps from Jonesy coming in from the doggy door in the back, the dog nearly made him drop the egg he was about to crack as she shook the water from her coat, some hitting Bo.
"God damnit, Jonesy, you 'bout scared the mess outta me!" Bo hollered as he watched the dog dry off, "ah, quit that, yer gettin' water everywhere." He grabbed a stray washcloth and wiped her down a bit before he threw it on the ground, an attempt to pick up some of the puddle that accumulated at the pups feet. "What am I gonna do with you?"
After he dealt with Jonesy, Bo turned his attention back to the stove, more focused on his egg sunny side up than the dog at his feet. In the middle of moving the egg around there was a clap of thunder outside that caused him to jolt, the spatula breaking the yolk from Bo's harsh movement. A quick 'fuck' escaped his lips as he watched the runny liquid start to cook in the hot pan, he really wanted them sunny side up. He noticed Jonesy move and watch in interest as he plated the now 'ruined' egg.
"Quit yer beggin', got food in yer bowl, leave me alone." He grumbled as he cracked another egg in the pan before he made his way to start the coffee. Jonesy just sat and watched him before she headed over to lay under the kitchen table and out of Bo's way. Not long after the coffee machine was done rumbling, Bo had him a cup of the steaming liquid with the proper fixings, his plate at his space at the table, and a begging dog at his feet once again. As he brought a bite of egg to his mouth, he watched as Jonesy's interested peaked, she went from laying under the table to sitting upright beside him, her eyes followed the movement of his fork.
"Tsk," Bo sucked his teeth and narrowed his eyes, "now go on somewhere." In no mood to deal with the dog, he dropped his hand to swat her away but Jonesy stood her ground. Her head lolled to the side as she peered up at him with her big puppy dog eyes, a soft whimper leaving her muzzle.
"Nu uh, I'm fixin' to put you out if you don' hush up, don' give me none of that shit, what? Vincent don' feed you none?" He tried his best to ignore her eyes but he couldn't ignore the way she made a noise as he continued to eat. Bo sighed and his eyes fell to the egg that he had messed up earlier. He let out a huff as he fished the food off his plate and looked back at the pup.
"Alright, you wan' it? You gotta work fer it." He lifted the food to show her but as she went to lunge he held his hand up, halting her movements. "What I say? Now," he pointed his pointer and middle finger in the shape of a gun at Jonesy, "BANG!" She stared up at him, tilting her head again and Bo felt a little embarrassed that she didn't respond correctly.
"Damnit, girl," he attempted once more, "BANG! Jonesy play dead gosh-dangit!" Bo's lips curled up a bit as the dog did as told, although not with as much enthusiasm as she would with his other siblings, but he supposed it was enough. Bo plopped the egg down on the ground for her and Jonesy scrambled to eat it the second she heard it hit the ground.
"Actin' like we'on feed you, shameful." He shook his head and sucked his teeth before he finished his plate. He sipped from his mug and peered down at Jonesy from the rim as she stamped her front paws a little, her head jolted as she softly barked at him.
"I'on got nothin' for you, now g'on, get." Bo nudged her out of the way as he got up, piling his dishes in the sink before making his way to the living room, Jonesy followed at his heels.
Bo stood in the middle of room and scanned the contents it held, trying to decide if he wanted to read or watch a movie but he changed his mind the second his eyes fell on his parents old cassette player. His fingers skimmed the cassette holder and stopped on Marty Robbins' "Return of the Gunfighter", nothing too sad and he loved storytelling. The peaceful guitar contrasted the harsh snap of thunder outside; it calmed him.
The tape played as he settled into the couch, his fingers drummed along to 'San Angelo' as it played in the background. While he preferred the twangy sound of Johnny Cash telling the big guys to shove it, he couldn't help but feel something for the expressive guitar, the Tex-Mex style bewitched him. He enjoyed the songs of a lone cowboy who had no time for love, but his favorites were the ones in which an outlaw managed to find a companion despite their wrongs. Love was always described so sickly sweet, and while he was usually put off by it, he couldn't deny he yearned for it, the idea that someone could love a criminal like the outlaws that were sung about, maybe someone like himself.
The once warm cup in his hands was now cold, the liquid inside had cooled while he sat in thought but Bo couldn't bring himself to care. Jonesy stretched as she laid beside him, her head found its way in the man's lap as she nestled in the couch. He bought his hand down to scratch her side, chuckling a bit as her leg kicked before giving her a couple smacks on her side. Her tail drummed wildly against the sofa and she wiggled further into his lap, licking at his hands.
"Alright, now settle down, girl." He smiled and brought his hand up to rub her head, his cup now abandoned on the table beside him. He readjusted himself, careful not to disturb the animal in his lap as he got more comfortable. Bo allowed himself to further sink into the cushions, sighing contently as he laid his head back. He finally relaxed, his eyes closed as he listened to the rainfall's percussive taps as it landed on the earth around him, lulling him to sleep.
Vincent made his way to the house through the tunnels, having finally finished the wax sculpture that kept him up all night. As he made his way from his late father's office, he took notice of how quiet the house was aside from the quiet melody of Marty Robbins that played in the living room. He stopped walking when his gaze fell on his twin and his dog cuddled on the couch, Bo's chest rising in falling as he slept. Vincent watched for a while before he retreated back to the hall closet and retrieved a blanket for them. Carefully as not to wake them, the twin laid it over the two. He grabbed the coffee cup Bo ditched on the table and took it in the kitchen, noticing his brother managed to cook breakfast. Vincent picked up a covered plate that sat on the stove, smiling behind the mask when he realized that his brother fixed him some as well. He retreated to his room with the food, taking one last glance at Bo and Jonesy before ascending the stairs.
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nattikay · 3 years
So with Rise of the Titans coming in less than a week now, I just wanted to make a clarifying post of sorts on my current mental state with it, since ToA is my primary active fandom at the moment and I have a decent number of followers who came for it. A sort of heads-up on what to expect from this blog when the film releases.
I have made it no secret that I was extremely crestfallen by the decision to reverse Jim’s transformation at the end of Wizards, for a multitude of reasons that I have discussed before. However, I have also always tried to allow for the caveat that I don’t know what will happen in the movie, that such a change might have been necessary for the events of said movie, and that seeing the movie might change my mind.
However, while it is possible that the movie might change my mind....it’s highly unlikely.
As I have mentioned before, one of the things that draws me to troll!Jim specifically as a character is the fact that I find his hybrid nature extremely intriguing. It is this intrigue more than any other aspect of the show that drew me into the fandom. 
That said, there are really only two scenarios the movie could potentially pull that would make me change my mind about reversing the transformation:
Bring Jim’s halftroll form back in some way, shape, or form.
Present a different scenario that I find even more intriguing.
Note that neither of these are speaking to the objective quality of the movie. I have no doubt that, whatever happens, it will be very well-done in terms of animation, emotion, storytelling, etc. And I do not say any of this to diss on the creative team who put it all together, as I have nothing but respect for their passion and skills. 
But as for my personal experience and interaction with the series up to this point...well....I’m sorry, but it’s been clouded. 
My anticipation for Wizards last summer was higher than that for any other show that I can remember looking forward to, ever. So much so that it took a physical toll on me because of how high my anxiety spiked leading up to, during, and a while after its release. And I got burned. After all that excitement, all that anticipation, all that hype, the one possible thing that I was most dreading and hoped wouldn’t happen...happened. And Boy Did It Hurted. 
After that ordeal, I’m in a...kinda weird place, emotionally, for RotT. There’s still residual anxiety left over from the emotional fiasco of Wizards, and with my favorite character now (sorta) gone...there’s not really much excitement tbh...only apprehension. I haven’t even been able to bring myself to really watch any of the trailers. 
I will definitely still watch the movie, but at this the current moment it feels a little more out of a mix of obligation and “let’s-get-this-over-with” just to see the canon ending. Which is a shame and believe me I wish I could get as excited as everyone else...but it is what it is.
As for my fanworks and how the movie will affect them...well, obviously I can’t say 100% for sure without having actually seen the movie. Currently my post-canon works take place in a universe where everything that’s happened in canon so far did occur, but sometime after the events of Wizards Jim chooses to go back to halftroll form, with Douxie making the potion for him and even slightly adjusting it so that he can still walk in daylight. Here’s the current possibilities as far as I can imagine:
I completely ignore the events of the movie and just continue with ^ that headcanon.
I accept all the events of the movie but still have Jim transform back afterwards. So basically the current version but with a little more in-between.
One of two scenarios mentioned earlier happens, and I will adjust accordingly. Unfortunately I think this is the least likely possibility as I am not very optimistic about either scenario occurring (but would be more than happy to eat my words) 
I accept all the events of the movie but only as an AU where Jim is still half-troll, be it that he never changed back in Wizards OR that he used Douxie’s potion as mentioned above.
I basically keep the current headcanon but pick and choose specific ideas or events from the movie to incorporate into it.
so...yeah, I guess. That’s where I am with RotT right now, and perhaps you now have somewhat of a better idea what to expect from this blog in the coming days/weeks. 
mostly I just want to retreat into the headcanons that make me happy in peace. If that makes me a bad fan or something, then...whatever I guess. imma just continue liking what i like because dangit that’s what i’m here for.
*another obligatory disclaimer that again this just applies to my personal subjective experience with the show and is not meant as any sort of objective critique or dismissal of its quality*
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nottheweirdest · 3 years
Sonadowtober Day 7: Ghosts
What's that?? You needed some feels? Oh say no more!
I swear most of these will be happy dangit. And this one is, if you look at it in the right light. :-) Sometimes even happy can hurt. Read on Ao3 if you prefer here.
The far horizon was just beginning to lighten and the stars still sparkled overhead, near eternal echoes of light that never ceased to remind Shadow the vastness of the universe.
He sat amidst lush green grass, back pressed against the rough bark of an old oak, watching the ageless cycle of time take place before his eyes.
Behind him soft footfalls sounded and he knew who it was without turning. “It’s been a while.”
A slight blonde haired girl sat next to him, smoothing her blue dress out over her legs. The edges of her silhouette were slightly blurred and gave off an occasional glimmer of iridescent light. “You don’t need me as much.”
Shadow turned to her in immediate disagreement. “I’ll never need you less. I’ll never miss you less.”
Bright blue eyes crinkled slightly at their edges as Maria smiled at him tenderly. “It’s okay, Shadow. It’s okay to be okay. It’s okay to let me go. He’ll take care of you.”
Pale, delicate hands reached for his as Maria sat back to watch the sunrise at his side. “I see you with him, you know. I look in on you from time to time and I see your love for him grow and blossom, just as his for you. I see him care for you and look after you as I would have. I see you soften. I see you happy. He gives you peace, Shadow.”
Shadow felt his heart threaten to break or burst, or possibly both. How could he feel such happiness and loss at the same time? He swallowed hard, tears welling in his eyes. “I’m afraid. I’m not ready to say goodbye. Not again.”
Maria leaned her head against a dark shoulder as they watched the sky turn orange and pink at its easternmost edges. “It’s not a goodbye, Shadow. It’s a hello to something new. Something just as strong and precious and beautiful as what we had.”
“I don’t want to lose you,” Shadow said, voice thick with emotion.
“You’re not losing me. You’re just gaining someone else,” Maria whispered. “Open your heart, Shadow the Hedgehog. Open your heart and be happy.”
The cool weight against his side suddenly dissipated, but just as the sinking hollow feeling of loneliness began to creep in, a new figure darted toward him from the tree line.
“Shads! There you are! I got worried, when you were gone-- Hey… what’s wrong?”
The hero settled down in the space that had been occupied moments before by the ghost of Shadow’s dearest friend and glanced at the hybrid with obvious worry.
Shadow was quiet for a moment, eyes trained on the ground, but then Sonic’s gloved hands were gripping his tightly as the hero pressed himself against an ebony side and leaned his head on a dark shoulder. “If you don’t want to talk about it, it’s okay. But I’m here. You’re not alone.”
Shadow closed his eyes at that, a tear finally brimming over and trailing down his cheek as something inside him emerged beautiful and bright out of the ashes of pain and loss. He pressed kisses to the top of Sonic’s head, twisting until he cupped the blue hedgehog’s face in his hands, kissing him desperately.
He broke away just as the rounded orb of sunlight broke over the horizon, basking them in golden light. “I love you,” he said, surprised at the surge of feeling that echoed through his soul at the statement. “I love you,” he said again. Sonic grinned broadly, hands coming up to Shadow’s face to pull him closer. He kissed his boyfriend tenderly. “I love you, too.” From the line of trees, just out of sight, a pale blue silhouette watched over the two hedgehogs. Inside her heart, Maria felt the last dregs of attachment binding her soul to the earth release and closed her eyes as peace washed over her. It turned out, when Shadow had found his, she’d found her own. She watched over them lovingly as she felt the ties of energy that defined her break apart and prepare to join the world again. She smiled down at them as the breeze gathered and picked up the embers of her soul. “Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog.”
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beelspillowpet · 4 years
Hi I'm a lesbian and I need reassurance that if I came out to beel or asmo or really anyone, that they'd love and support me :(
You’re valid and beautiful and amazing regardless of what anyone else says or thinks. Anyone who doesn’t love or support you for who you are and who you love can f*ck right off. They don’t deserve YOU. not the other way around!! With that being said...
Fem!MC is a Lesbian!
Tumblr media
I mean... that’s great. Doesn’t really know why you’re telling him this; he shouldn’t be concerned with who you shack up with. Except- uh... there aren’t really a lot of females in this house, are there?
Starts to be a bit more mindful of you. Being in a house of men, his first thought is you aren’t quite happy with that. He stops that pretty quickly, realizing that if you were so comfortable stating your sexuality in the first place, you’d also tell him you hate living there with him and his brothers.
Still... he doesn’t really associate with many demons at all. Male or female or otherwise. He’d be the type to heavily judge any woman you may bring back to the HoL. Did you know that MC does this? Did you know she likes her pancakes like that?
If they don’t pass his test of approval he’s quick to tell you that. He probably says it in front of the failed specimen as well. He’s far from unsupportive- in fact he probably cares a bit too much. Like a dad offering to help you find the perfect match- he just needs to step back and let you handle this yourself.
Aw fuck yeah. Girls, he likes girls too.
He kind of.... well it’s not that he doesn’t care? He just sort of takes that information and rolls with it. Like yeah you like girls too? Yeah? I know some models you might like.
Aside from that, he does try to play wingman if and when you do bring another girl around him. Provided Lucifer even lets you out of his sight long enough to meet one.
He’s the chillest person ever about it. I mean, who the hell is he to tell you anything at all about anything regarding yourself? Ya’ like girls? You think girls are fuckin’ pretty? He agrees. Just hopes you aren’t uncomfortable living in the HoL because well... duh. No chicks here.
Oh- lesbian?
Have you guys ever seen how pretty girls are because holy shit fuck gosh fuck fuck jeez damn it shit fuck dang oh dangit please help me
Yes he memorized that stupid meme by heart. He’s pretty... awkward about it, in all seriousness. Doesn’t know what to do with this new information but uh... you did tell him first, right? Right???
Either way, now he’s excited to tell you about all the cute lesbian characters he’s found through manga and anime. Did you know that Ymir from AOT/SNK is a lesbian? Isn’t she cool? Oh- what about Tohru from that dragon maid anime!? We should watch those together- if- if you’re not grossed out by a yucky otaku like me that is...!!
Why are you telling him this? What brought this on?
Did you really think he’d be the type to like... judge? Were you expecting him to throw a fit because you’re a woman who... likes women? Uhm???
Oh, no you just wanted to trust him with that information because you hadn’t come out yet? Well your secret is safe with him. Not that it really does much for anyone, right? Regardless, he’s in your corner for any and all situations needed. Have to come up with a lie to fool Lucifer so you can go hang out with some pretty demon girl? He’s got your back.
If it’s for validation, well... refer to point 2. If he were to ever think less of you for who you are, then shame on him. But honestly? He’s glad you’re comfortable enough to tell him this. Deep down, it truly means a lot to him. Even if he doesn’t always act like it.
Girls :)
You and he are in the same boat, darling... if it’s validation you seek, you’ve come to the right person!
No more are the naked cuddles or talk of sexual things with you. Unless you still want to do that? He has no qualms with stopping, though. Whatever makes you comfortable, darling!!!!
You always seemed a lot more interested in girls when you two talked about dating or sexual liaisons before, baby. That’s alright, let’s just keep it casual, baby! <3
Oh cool. You like girls? Well that’s okay :) He still thinks you’re pretty great. I mean, who is he to think any different of you? You’ll still hang out with him right? You’ll still go to the gym, and do favors for him right? And eating! Don’t forget the eating!!
There aren’t a lot of things he should really be careful of, on the surface anyway. He doesn’t really play hangman with you either. Or is it wingman? Oh, now he wants some wings...
Anyway!! Ahem. You’re his best buddy and he would happily support you. Need help coming out to someone else? He’s there for emotional support. He’ll hold your hand and walk you through everything as best as he can. Admittedly not always the best with it, but it’s the thought that counts.
And if someone ever dares give you grief for your sexuality...? Hungry boy becomes angry boy real quick. He’s not much for talking in this department. Would probably beat the dogshit out of anyone who talks badly about you. Protects you first, then goes out with you for snacks to cheer you up. Looooots of hugs and other platonic acts of affection. If you’re comfortable with it anyways. He just wants you to be as happy and comfortable as the rest of his brothers are around you.
Another guy who sort of doesn’t understand why you’re telling him. But at the same time he fully gets it, too. Like, it’s so hard coming out to other people about this, right? It must be.
Your secret (if it is one) is safe with him. He doesn’t go telling your business to the world because... duh. It’s a fuckin’ secret, yeah?
If and when you do tell someone else, he’s the one there. Silently judging them. If anything goes wrong he handles it accordingly. Probably violently if he’s in the right mood for it.
The best remedy for any and all pain is a good ass nap. So he’s taking you back home to his room, or the attic, and you’re both curling up under 4 thick blankets, and you’re taking a nice nap after a good cry. He’s got your back through thick and thin, and he refuses to let anyone give you shit on it. Will literally fight god x2 just so you can have peace of mind.
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the-hidden-writer · 3 years
And Into The Fire
Chapter 6: Robo-bonding
Summary: Months after the Mitchells saved the world, Linda gets a phone call asking if she’s seen two defective Pal MAX bots. Powerful people are after Eric and Deborabot 5000, and it’s up to the Mitchells to protect them.
Check reblogs for AO3 link!
Rick usually loved the sound of crickets at night. On camping trips, he’d make it his mission to get his family to sit outside and appreciate them for at least one night. Truly, the aura of peace and serenity they brought was unmatched.
But now, he’d give anything for them to shut up and stop adding to the awkward atmosphere.
It was their first stop after a full day’s worth of driving. The route to Silicon Valley would take at least two days and the Mitchells had decided to break the journey.
Usually they’d stop at a motel for the night, but ever since they’d technically been harboring fugitives that was no longer an option. Or at least that was the case for the moment, since Rick was happy to leave the bots in the car overnight as long as they were both awake and feeling responsible.
His wife and son were currently in the backseat together, curled up closely against one another as they slept. Monchi was snoring away on his back beside them. Rick had quickly pulled out his camera and snagged a quick photo of the heartwarming sight.
They’d put Eric (actually, Deborahbot had since he was much too heavy for any of them to lift) into the trunk. Deborahbot himself had sat in silence next to his robot friend for most of that first stretch of the journey. He’d only spoken when Linda had asked him directly if he was alright, and once again when the family were saying goodnight to each other.
But when it was clear that Deborahbot wasn’t going to sleep (or go into rest-mode or whatever those robots did) when everyone else was, Rick had listened to his inner Linda and asked him to join him in the front.
Even without his wife’s guidance, Rick knew deep down that it wasn’t healthy to not take a break from watching his brother like a hawk.
So that’s where they were. Rick sitting in the driver’s seat, Deborah sitting in the passenger’s seat, and between them only the crickets had something to say.
“So, uh,” Rick eventually began in a low voice, knowing that the android wouldn’t start a conversation himself, “this is all kinda sudden.”
Deborahbot didn’t reply.
“...Right.” Rick was at a genuine loss for words. He’d obviously talked to the bots before, but never really talked to them. They came as a pair and were always sort of doing their own thing. You could guide them and give them instructions and stuff, sure, but they only really got into deep conversations with each other or maybe sometimes Linda. And even then, it was Eric that tended to do most of the talking.
“It must be hard, huh?”
Deborahbot did not lower his voice when he replied. “What do you mean?”
“SHHH!” Rick pointed at his sleeping family.
Deborahbot 5000 hung his head slightly. “Apologies, Mother’s Husband.”
“No no, you’re good.” Rick wished he’d stop calling him that, though he couldn’t think of an alternative.
“But I mean, um…” he continued. “You bots never leave each other’s side. It must be tough with him gone.”
“But he is not gone.” Deborah said. “He is in the trunk.”
Rick sighed. “That’s not what I…”
The problem with robots is that they weren’t great with picking up on subtext. But to be fair, neither were the Mitchell family.
“Still, you’re worried, right? About him? Heck, even I’m worried and I barely know you guys. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. If you do... feel.”
There was a short pause. Rick had never realised that robots needed thinking time. Or maybe it was just a defective robot thing.
“I am worried about us, yes.”
“Aw shoot I totally forgot they’re after you too!” Rick exclaimed quietly. “Have you had any more attacks since, or..?”
Deborahbot turned his head to face forward before answering. As far as Rick could tell, he didn’t have any cameras on the side of his head so the gesture must have just been for dramatic effect. “Not since this morning. Now that my brother is turned off, they can access him without resistance.”
Deborah said it so casually that Rick almost missed the implication of the words.
“Wait, wait wait wait, hold on,” he said as he shuffled to face Deborahbot better, “what does that mean? You mean they can still get to him when he’s like this? They’re, what, doing stuff to him as we speak?”
“Yes.” Deborahbot answered bluntly.
This was bad. All this time, Rick had assumed that the reason Eric was switched off was to stop Pal Labs from hacking him (or whatever the technical term was). But if that just made it easier for them…
“So then why are we even doing this?” He asked, his voice raising a little. “If he’s just gonna get mind-controlled anyway, why are we taking you guys right to them?!”
Deborahbot’s head turned to face him again. “We are going to ask them to stop.” He said it firmly but there was an edge of doubt creeping into his voice.
“But that was to stop them before they took over Eric, wasn’t it? What if they can’t change back what they’ve already done or something? It might already be too late- I don’t know how this works!”
“Wh-What if…” Deborahbot’s voice was barely audible.
“Yeah, man, what if?!” Rick whispered angrily. “You should’ve thought about this beforehand! We should’ve thought about it before we went along with this spontaneous plan!”
“What if…”
It was then that Rick realised what he’d said and who he’d said it to.
“Oh, Deborah, I-”
“What if they delete his memory?” Deborahbot started to speak faster. “What if they reset him? What if they fix him? What if they break him completely? What if-”
This was a mistake. Rick shouldn’t have brought it up, or at least not in front of the poor android. The two were like twins, practically joined at the hip, and were so childish at times that catastrophizing in front of one of them regarding the other was probably the worst thing he could've done. Even though his own concerns about Eric were very real and genuine, Deborahbot didn’t need to hear them.
It had taken 18 years to start getting things right with Katie. He wanted to have another chance to get it right with the bots.
“Listen, that’s not what’s happening.” Rick said, putting a lot of effort into sounding as convincing as possible. “They probably just want you guys back. But once we get there and show ‘em you’re harmless, they’ll let you go! Don’t listen to what I said, you know how I get angry for no reason, haha.”
Deborahbot seemed to think it over. Sometimes, Rick wished that they had proper faces so that he could gauge their expressions properly. It would make his life a lot easier.
At some point during that conversation, the crickets had stopped chirping. He hadn’t even noticed.
“...Do you really think so, Mother’s Husband?”
Rick smiled reassuringly. “‘Course I do, Deb.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes. Rick sincerely hoped that he’d mended the pit of fear he’d opened within Deborahbot. It was funny, the rift that had once been between him and Katie was caused by technology. Now he was trying to fix a rift with a piece of technology itself.
Deborahbot seemed content to just sit in silence like that for the rest of the night, but Rick wanted to get some sleep.
He nodded toward the trunk. “Hey, you might wanna get some rest. Don’t stay up all night thinking about this.”
“Ah ah, no buts.” Rick waggled his finger. “That’s an order.”
Dangit, for a moment there it had felt so much like he was talking to another human being that he’d completely forgotten to mind his language. He didn’t want it to seem like he was forcing him.
Deborahbot had already opened the door to move back into the trunk with Eric. "Goodnight, Mother's Husband."
“Deborah! Before you go-” Deborah stopped mid-motion to listen to him- “maybe cut it out with the whole ‘Mother’s Husband’ thing.”
Rick couldn’t believe he was about to do this. It was a step that Linda wanted him to take but he’d never quite felt ready for. But the bots needed family now more than ever, and who else was going to give it to them?
“Just call me ‘Dad’.”
Deborahbot cocked his head for a second (long enough for Rick to consider backtracking) before he exited the car and stood up straight.
“Goodnight, Dad.”
Comments make my day! :)
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