#i want my mom to just put her foot down and tell her to find some other friend to live with until her dude comes back from The Military TM
luveline · 5 months
grumpy hotch x pregnant reader where he is just having an off day and the team calls reader in to deal with him and as soon she arrives in his office he just holds her and her belly as she scratches his scalp omg 🥹😭🫶🏻
You’re lounging in your husband's favourite chair with a book and an ice cold soda in your hand when your phone rings. You almost knock your tooth out pulling it up to your face without looking, wanting it to be Aaron, knowing it probably won’t be. Maternity leave can be excruciatingly boring. 
“Hello?” you ask. Your book slides down your bump. You pull it back up. 
“Hi, mom.”  
You grin to yourself. “Hi, Emily. Please tell me you’re calling because you miss me and you know I have cabin fever.” 
“I’m calling because someone misses you.” Her ire tone is unmissable and ever endearing. “I do miss you, I can’t wait for you to have your stinking baby and come back to work.” 
“That would be fun, right? We’ll get Hotch on paternity leave.” 
“It’s him I’m calling about.” 
“Is he okay?” you ask. You know if he were injured she would’ve mentioned that first. You’re not so scared of his being grumpy. 
“Moody as ever. I can’t believe I’m asking you to, but would you consider coming in for lunch? I’ll send a car, no walking, but he could really use it. He’s been biting off heads all morning.” Emily laughs down the line. “You’re the only one who can cheer him up.” 
It’s not true, but you are usually the quickest. You bid Emily goodbye with a promise to be there soon and get dressed, with no choice but to wear some maternity pants and a peplum blouse. Any excuse to see your haggard husband is one you’ll take. 
You look at your bump and you love the baby in there, but it feels weird sometimes to see yourself differently. If Aaron weren’t as nice about it as he is, you would’ve broken down by now; he’s sussed many breakdowns before they could begin, kissed fingertips and collars promising you’re just as pretty as always. And it’s reassuring, but it isn’t pretty that worries you. You’re a genuine walking beach ball right now. 
The car Emily promises is none other than Anderson himself. “He’s bullying you?” you ask him. 
He doesn’t say yes or no, but his smile is enough of a clue. You can’t get to the BAU quick enough (though you’re slower these days), pushing open the glass door with a tired sign. 
Spencer comes across you first by coincidence. “Hey!” he says, ushering you in for a hug, his cup of coffee hot behind your shoulder. “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be resting.” 
“He’s in a mood,” you say. Not without fondness. 
Spencer grimaces. “Sort of.” 
Emily attacks you from the side. “Thank god you’re here! I think he just told Morgan to go fuck himself,” she says under her breath. 
She’s just saying it to make you laugh, and it works. It’s vaguely out of character, but if you know Emily, you know she has a crass, often dirty-minded side, and it’s been a while since you’ve heard her swear. You’re still giggling when the door you’d been making your way to opens. 
Aaron emerges with an expression half bemusement and half confusion. “Honey?” 
“My love,” you say, too quiet for him to properly hear, but he can read lips just fine. 
He rushes in a very gentlemanly display down the steps to help you up them, but you’d only been going up them to see him, and you stop at the foot of them with your hand raised to his elbow. “Hey, handsome.” 
“What’s wrong?” he asks. 
“Nothing. Just missed you, wanted to have dinner, and I figured you couldn’t say no. You know.” You touch your tummy. “Considering.” 
He peers suspiciously past your head. “Yeah?” 
You look where he’s looking, find Emily and Spencer not so subtly turned away. You laugh again, pleased when the sound makes him smile. “Come on. Take me to your office.” 
He puts a hand behind your shoulders and leads you upstairs to his office. There are papers strewn haphazard across the front of the desk, his briefcase open and muddled, his pen lost within the mess. You’re smug knowing he’d been knee deep in paperwork but abandoned it all when he heard you laughing, like he just couldn’t miss it. 
“Let me sit you down,” he says. 
“Woah, slow your roll. Why are you stressed?” 
He blinks at you. “There’s a lot to do?” 
“Sure, but why are you stressed about me? I can sit down by myself.” 
He must look at you for five whole seconds without saying a word, and the door’s not closed, there’s no answer to your question, and then he takes you into his arms for a hug. “I know you can,” he says. 
It’s admittedly hard to hug him with the bump between you. You worry you’re hurting him as your cheeks press together, crushing his shoulders under your hands. 
He usually asks first, but he knows by now that you’re two halves of the same heart, two sides of the same coin, his hand slipping between you both to nudge aside your shirt and feel your stomach. 
You close your eyes. 
“Rough day?” you ask. 
“A lot to do…” His face moves down into your neck. 
You know what he wants, moving your hand to the back of his head to thread your fingers into his hair. “I can fix it,” you say sympathetically, beginning a gentle scratch of your nails against his scalp. 
“How’s that?” 
“If I go into labour right now, you get a reprieve.” 
“Honey, in the most loving sense possible, you going into labour now would not be ideal.” 
“It’s gonna happen one day, babe. And you’re gonna be just as busy then. You need to take less on or–”
“No, I know.” 
His hand slides still under your shirt to your hip, encouraging you away from him, his eyes flitting up and down your figure, checking you over. You let your hand fall to his shoulder, fingertips interested in the starchy fabric of a new suit. 
“Thank you,” he says quietly, dipping down to give you a kiss. His eyes are dark, so close. “That helped. What can I get you for dinner?” 
You give a fond, pitying smile. You’re not gonna get him out of this office today, that’s for sure. “Half your sandwich, probably.” 
He kisses you again. You take it for a thank you. 
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lovphobic · 2 years
very cool fact we just learned ab kim. she doesnt like it when we yell at her dog for pissing in the house and will proceed to get mad at us to the point of ignoring us. very childish
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azzibuckets · 2 months
Okay but can we get a blurb about Azzi being in Montana before her and she wakes up to P getting home and sliding into bed trying not to wake her
sappy and sleepy [pazzi]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
a/n: anon i tried to incorporate as many of your requests as i could! thank you for this prompt it was super fun to write
word count: 1.2k
As soon as her hand twisted the doorknob and the door creaked open, Azzi’s heart ached. She swore she could smell the lingering scent of Paige’s perfume, even though the rational part of her mind knew that Paige hadn’t stepped foot in the room for almost an entire year.
Although Paige hadn’t grown up in this room, her mom had it reserved for her when she came back during the summer, giving her daughter the liberty to decorate the space however she liked. And now Azzi appreciated it more than ever, because looking at the posters plastered with UConn greats and husky logos felt as familiar to her as home. Now only one thing was missing.
Azzi flopped on the bed, tired from the plane ride over. She cursed when she realized she’d forgotten her charger at home. Hopefully Paige had a spare one, she thought as she started rummaging through the drawers of her beside cabinet. As soon as she opened the first drawer, though, a polaroid fell out.
Azzi’s heart doubled in size when she flipped the polaroid over to find a photo of herself from the Minnesota state fair from two summers ago. In it, she was holding a cone of ice cream, chocolate sauce dripping all over her fingers. Tucked under her elbow was the stuffed animal that Paige insisted on winning for her every year (and Azzi never got tired of it). She had been smiling hard, her eyes crinkled as she stared past the camera. Shaking her head, Azzi snapped a photo of the polaroid.
💗: You’re such a sap
💗: Attachment: 1 Image
bighead: ?? where did you find this.
💗: In your drawers
bighead: when did i give you permission to go through my things🤔🤔🤔
bighead: and im taking this as a sign you got home safe?
💗: You’re not distracting me from the fact that you creepily have photos of me all over your room
bighead: youre being so dramatic
bighead: and you can’t blame me
bighead: i always miss you so much
bighead: now you know what it’s like to be in montana all bored without ur gf
💗: Don’t say that. You have your family
bighead: you’re my family
💗: Tell me that when you put a ring on it
bighead: oh i will
Azzi bit her cheek, trying not to beam from Paige’s text. “Azzi! You ready for lunch, hon?” Amy’s voice called from downstairs. Azzi stuffed the polaroid back in the drawer and clambered down to the kitchen.
“Hey, Amy. Thank you again for letting me stay,” Azzi said, going in for another hug.
Amy airily waved her hand, leading Azzi to the dining table. “No worries at all. We‘ve got a lot of exciting stuff planned for this week. Mini golf tomorrow with the kids, then this new restaurant is opening up on Tuesday and I thought it would be a nice date night for you and Paige so I already made a reservation for the two of you!”
Amy continued talking excitedly about their stay at Montana, and Azzi appreciated it, she really did, but she was also exhausted from the plane ride and all she wanted to do was be in Paige’s arms after way too much time apart. The ESPYs photos that Paige had posted an hour ago didn’t help either. Her girlfriend had looked so damn good, her hair up in that style Azzi loved, and Azzi had spent more time than she was willing to admit staring at the photo, wanting to run her hands through that hair.
Later that night, Azzi put on Love and Basketball on her laptop as she got ready for bed. Paige couldn’t facetime because she was at a party, but Azzi still wanted a little piece of her girlfriend with her before she fell asleep, just a little something to make her dreams a little sweeter.
💗: Attachment: 1 Image
💗: Heard you liked this movie??
bighead: you miss me SO much
💗: I do
bighead: then i got some good news ;)
💗: What
💗: Paige?
💗: Helloooo
💗: I’m not gonna repost your espys post.
bighead: oh hey i’m back😁
💗: You’re a fucking idiot
bighead: wait can you repost the second slide i look the best in that one
💗: Tell me the goddamn good news
bighead: Attachment: 1 Image
bighead: flight leaves in 1 hour!!
💗: Wait I thought you had a morning flight?
bighead: well the shoot tmr got canceled and i missed you too much so…..
💗: You’re wasting all your money booking these last minutes flights.
bighead: you dont gotta worry about me baby
💗: 🙄 Text me when you’re home and I’ll let you in
bighead: no don’t stay up baby i won’t home until like 3 am
💗: I wanna see you
bighead: $10 you’re gonna be crashed out
💗: I guess you’re gonna be spending all your money today then
“She’s asleep, isn’t she?”
Amy wrapped her daughter in a hug. “Don’t you dare wake her up.”
Paige shook her head. She was slightly disappointed she wouldn’t be able to talk to Azzi tonight, but she was glad the younger girl was getting her rest. She slipped into the room as quietly as she could, her heartbeat speeding up as soon as she saw the lump on the bed.
Kneeling down, Paige brushed her fingertips over the crease in Azzi’s forehead, trying to smooth over the worry lines. Azzi looked ethereal in her sleep, the moonlight from the window casting a glow over her face and illuminating the sharpness of her jaw and the pinkness of her lips. Paige pressed a light kiss on her cheek, trying to be as gentle as possible, but before she knew it, Azzi was stirring.
Her eyes slowly fluttered open. “Paige?” she groaned, hands going to rub her eyes.
Paige smiled guiltily. “Hi, baby,” she breathed out. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“No, it’s okay.” Azzi reached for Paige, still half asleep, and Paige sat at the edge of the bed and let her girlfriend nuzzle her face into her stomach.
Paige ran her fingers through Azzi’s hair, marveling at how she managed to smell so good all the time. “Is now a good time to say that you owe me $10?” she whispered.
“Shut up,” Azzi whined, her fingers jabbing at Paige’s ribs but failing to do much damage with her sluggishly lethargic movements.
Paige chuckled before brushing one last kiss against Azzi’s temple. “I’m gonna get ready for bed,” she said softly. “I’ll be right back.”
“No.” Azzi’s voice was surprisingly demanding considering how sleepy she was. “You woke me up, now you’re staying.”
Paige rolled her eyes. She hated the idea of getting into her sheets while in her dirty airport clothes, but once Azzi’s hands clutched tighter around her waist, she knew she was a goner. Sighing, she slipped under the covers with her girlfriend. Azzi happily burrowed herself in Paige’s chest, weaving her leg between the blonde’s. Her hand slipped up Paige’s shirt and rested there, palm on her abdomen, and Paige shivered at the bare contact.
“I really did try to stay up,” Azzi whispered, already falling asleep again.
“It’s okay. Go back to sleep, hm?” Paige tightened her hold around Azzi. The last two weeks had been ridiculously fun, getting to see Nika again, going to partnership events, and presenting at the ESPYs, but this was by far her favorite part - when she and Azzi were so tangled up, every part of their bodies interwoven, their limbs and hair and even the beating of their hearts connecting, it felt like they were breathing as one.
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lizzyk137 · 7 months
Picture Perfect- A Sepencer Reid Fanfic (Spencer Reid X Reader)
Summary: After months of not hearing from Spencer you move on, breaking both of your hearts. What he wasn't expecting was a frantic call from you one night. Warnings: Fluff, slight panic.
Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
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"Spence, please tell me you're going home after this." JJ said, eyes squinted as she watched him fiddle with stuff on his desk.
He cleared his throat and nodded before answering. "I will. I just want to make sure everything is ready for when I come back into work tomorrow."
"Are you thinking it's going to be a long night?" Morgan interjected jokingly.
Spencer just rolled his eyes and went back to making sure everything was in its proper spot.
Rossi came down the stairs and headed towards the small gathering that as forming around Spencer. His brows raised at Spencer dawdling. "Still avoiding things?"
"No, I'm just straightening up before leaving for the day."
"Reid, we're profilers, we know you're avoiding going home." Rossi smirked. "Go home, she's waiting for you."
"Fine, I will." Spencer collected his belongings and headed to the elevators knowing his team was watching him go. He headed towards the bus stop after being cleared to leave, his thoughts going a mile a minute.
He had been away for seven months working at the Las Vegas's FBU headquarters, helping train and work on cases. It at first started off as a case the whole team was invited in but as time went on trying to catch a team of killers, Spencer enjoyed being near his mom and decided to take on mentoring for a few months. He thought it was a smart move, but he never took into account of one thing. You.
He left one day then never came back. That was how you saw it. He didn't answer his phone for three weeks, his head focused solely on catching the monsters behind all the killings. All you had gotten back as a reply from the many calls and texts was a few sentences telling you that he would be staying there for a few months and that he was okay. At first you were okay with the decision, knowing what he was doing was for the good of the city and that what he was teaching was saving lives. But the texts and calls started to slow down and eventually you would count yourself lucky if he answered you back a week later.
Spencer was so busy helping on cases that he would forget to text you back, but he thought you understood. It wasn't until he came home to find the shared apartment empty of your belongings. At first, he was frantic, searching for you everywhere, but that turned to desperation and then quickly turned to a broken heart. You wouldn't reply back to any of his calls or texts, and he tried to get Penelope to find you, which he gave him a hard no a stern glare before turning back to her computers.
He didn't understand what he did wrong until the team pulled him to the side and explained it.
You were hurt by him. The replies became nonexistent, and you gave up trying to make things work.
He was a fool. A stupid fool.
He was almost home when his phone rang from an unknown caller. He ignored it and continued walking from the bus stop to his apartment when the phone rang again from the same number. Sighing, he answered and put it to his ear. "Hello?" The voice that answered made his feet stop.
"Spence?" You called out after a few moments of silence, your voice breathy.
He cleared his throat. "Y/N?"
"Spence... I need help... Please come..." He heard a loud crash, his heart stopping.
"Y/N, where are you? I'm on the way." His feet had already started racing to his parked car.
You gasped out the address, as he started the car racing to you. He made it to the apartment within a few minutes, drawing his gun as he made it up the stairs to the apartment. He heard another crash from inside, and before he could think, his foot was kicking in the door, and he was clearing the room. He saw you on the floor, your back to him as he heard you cry out in pain.
He was by your side in a second as he turned you slowly over, your large belly coming into frame. His eyes went wide as you looked at him, tears in your eyes as you clutched his arm.
"What's going on?" His eyes searching your face for answers.
"Hospital. I need go." You said through gritted teeth as your grip tightened on his arms.
Spencer quickly shook his head, and then cleared his throat. He helped you up onto your feet, grabbing the purse and diaper bag by the door that you directed him to get. He quickly locked up to find you trying to make your way down the stairs, if he wasn't in such a shock, he would laugh at you as you waddled around.
You grabbed the railing and cried out. He was by your side in a second, picking you up bridal style and carrying you out the door.
"Any news?" Hotch asked, as he sat down next to Spencer in the hospital's waiting room.
"No, they're running some tests, so I stepped out." Spencer was crouched down, his elbows on his knees his eyes focused on his clasped hands and the ground.
He had been struggling the past three hours to come up with answers that were already answered. The baby was his and you tried so hard to tell him but when he stopped replying you left to start the next step in your life alone.
Everyone knew but him. They had visited you daily to make sure you were okay, and they became your family, the only thing that was missing was Spencer. You knew you needed him; you were still in love with him, but he hurt you and you needed more than just an apology.
"Has it happened?!" He heard Penelope's voice scream as he looked up to see a giant pile of balloons headed his way.
"Not yet they're running some tests."
"Oh good! I can't miss out on our baby's arrival."
Another hour went by, and Reid was called to go into one of the hospital rooms. He lingered by the door for a second before pushing the door in to find you lying in bed, a beautiful sweaty mess as you reached out to him. His hand quickly found yours and he brought it to his lips. "How are you feeling?
"I'm feeling better after taking the epidural." A minute went by before you continued, your voice a whisper. "I'm still mad at you. You left for so long and no word. But I can't do this without you."
Spencer brought your hand to his cheek. "I know baby. I'm never leaving you again. I've been a wreck without you. You and our baby are my first priority."
You just nodded. "We have a lot to discuss later but I'm getting sleepy."
"Get some rest, my love."
Seven hours and two broken fingers later, Spencer was watching his daughter and son swaddled as they slept, their hands holding each other's.
"They're perfect." JJ cooed.
Rossi wiped a small tear from his eye, as he gave a big pat on Spencer's back. The team had been watching the babies for about an hour as you slept.
"You're going to be a good father." Hotch smiled at Spencer before lightly touching Spencer's son's hand.
"I hope so." He looked at his kids, his daughter yawning slightly, tears filling his eyes as he realized how lucky he was. He never thought he would have kids, he thought he would never see you again, never thought you would allow him back into your life. He knew things were probably going to be rocky, a lot of conversations were going to be needed, but you had said you wanted him in your life along with being with his children.
"Spencer?" Your voice called out and him and the team looked up to see you with a big smile, your phone pointed at them as you took a photo of them. "Picture perfect."
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angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
Yandere! Miguel x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: NSFW, Dark Themes, Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Yandere!Miguel is a warning on his own, spying, peeping, camera use, masturbation (m)
A/N: Enjoy my brain rot I now infect you all I'm so sorry it took me so long to finish
Taglist: @vineberries9 @irmiki @autismsupermusicalassassin @obi-mom-kenobi @rin-matsuoka345-blog @loosecan @6thhokageswife @selarus @heyohalie @sapphire-and-ruby @night-spectrum @famouscattale @thespaceinbetweennothing @lazy-idate @toshimoshiko @saharadesertaj @flaps200 @amelialysm @fried-milkfish @zaunsin
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Pt. 1
You weren't sure if it was your luck, or your resume that landed you probably the easiest, most well-paying job you've ever worked. But man, were you glad whatever did get it, got it for you.
Little did you know, it was neither.
The truth is... your boss, Miguel O'Hara, noticed when you emailed it to him. Something about the pictures attached stirred something up inside him.
Maybe it was the soft, Mona Lisa-like smile in your photos, or maybe it was something else entirely. He himself didn't know it, the reason why you immediately piqued his interest.
Sure, he's hired female employees before, one or two housekeepers. They were always buxom girls looking for the whole "boss having sex with his hot maid" cliché. One even tried to trick him with a false pregnancy test, just for him to call her out with a body scan right then and there.
And yeah... he almost always wound up fucking them. But that was it. They were good, warm holes to fuck, that was all. Fuck them until he got bored with them, and toss them out; that's what he would do.
Hell, some of them weren't even good fucks... He'd had better sex from random women he brought home from clubs.
Thank god for non-disclosure contracts.
But you... He had a feeling you would last longer than all of them. There was something about you.
And whatever it was, when he met you for the first time in person in that tiny café, was absolutely intoxicating. Your scent, your voice, the way your eyelashes batted your cheeks, even the shy shuffle of one foot behind the other as you spoke with him.
He could already imagine himself splitting you open with his cock, right then and there. Making you gasp, and scream and writhe and beg him to show some mercy at how he would pummel that sweet little cunt of yours; showing everyone there that you now belonged to him.
But patience is a virtue, and good things come to those who wait.
And Miguel O'Hara always got what he wanted, in the end.
It was just a matter of waiting.
"I just have to say that, I... It's very generous of you to offer me a room to stay in, Mr O'Hara." You say as he leads you down the hall.
"I really can't thank you enough."
He sucked in an imperceptible breath at your little smile and twinkling eyes as you rocked your head back to look up at him and meet his red-brown ones.
He flashed a smile, charming. His teeth were crooked in some places, but for some reason it put you a bit at ease. Despite his sheer size, Miguel looked... Normal. Drop dead gorgeous "normal", but still. It made him... more relatable to know someone like him wouldn't immediately run to a dentist to fix his teeth to project an image of perfection. That he wouldn't give in to vain appearances.
"Of course. You don't have to thank me at all." He said, leading you down the hall of his impossibly large house--no, mansion--to where you would be living.
"All my previous maids have been given their own spaces to live in, it's easier on them so they don't have to worry about arriving late, or paying for taxis or finding their own ways to work." He replied casually.
"Oh, actually, I'm curious about that. I haven't seen other staff around here, why is that?" You chirp innocently.
"Ah, well..." He said, giving a strained smile. He had to think of something. Fast. He couldn't possibly tell you the real reasons why. Maybe.
"They simply didn't work out. Many of them didn't follow direction well and were constantly challenging my authority."
You frown, your brows furrowed. "Okay, arguing with your boss sounds kind of... Dumb."
"Indeed." He chuckled, his voice a deep timbre that you swear sent shivers right through your very bones.
"And as for why you are currently my own employee? Well. I do like my privacy." He tells you.
God, the smell of your perfume and the way your lips sparkled from that lip gloss...
"Ahem. Technically, the only other person you'll be seeing is Lyla."
"Lyla?" You echoed.
"Yes. She's my... assistant. Artificial intelligence. Don't let her snark fool you, she's not so bad once you get to know her." He smirked.
He could hear your pulse quicken whenever he smiled.
"Oh! An AI? I've... I've never actually met one. Like a literal one, not the ones they program into taxis..."
"No, she's far more sophisticated than that. Expertly programmed by me, smart... And of course there's the sense of humor, I don't know where she got that... But she won't bother you often." He assured you.
"Oh! Of course..."
"Now, here's your room." He gave you a grin over his shoulder as he reached for the control panel of the double doors. He could hear your heart pitter patter already.
The doors opened with a dramatic whoosh, and Miguel stepped aside for you to walk in.
He felt a smug sense of pride at your shock of the huge room he'd given you for your own personal space, and how you'd murmured that it was larger than your whole apartment.
Luxuriously furnished, it looked more like some kind of... Of ten-star hotel room or something!
The way your eyes sparkled and your mouth parted in a soft, excited smile. Everything about you had his heightened senses on alert, but not in a bad way.
You looked so soft. So delicious. Something about you made him want to devour you, bit by tiny bit.
"Mr. O'Hara, I... Oh I can't thank you enough! This is..."
"I'll leave you to it." He chuckled, giving a wave as he walked past you back out into the hall.
Pausing in the doorway, he gave you one last look.
"And you can call me Miguel... Pequeña ave."
He simply couldn't wait and had to violently suppress the urge to drop to all fours and leap like an animal to his office and check the well-hidden, practically invisible cameras he had planted in your room and bathroom.
The moment he entered his office, he locked the door and turned Lyla's access to the room off to leave him to his privacy in case she called him.
Miguel felt a buzzing beneath his skin at the thought of what you could possibly do once you've fallen into a sense of safety and privacy, especially since he'd given you permission to have a few days to become acclimated to your new environment before you had to start work.
He sat on his chair and immediately opened up the files on his monitor, selecting the camera feeds until holograms of you at various angles were projected for him to see.
He watched intently as you unpacked your clothes, placing them in the large ornate dresser.
He already made a mental note to hire movers to bring the rest of your meager belongings to his house.
Yes. Yes.
You would stay.
For as long as he wanted you. And right now he could see himself wanting you for a very, very long time.
The moment you flopped on the bed, your breasts jiggling so beautifully to him, the cute look of surprise as you sunk so deep into the downy mattress before settling in with a relaxed groan that sounded so pornographic to his ears it sent blood rushing straight to his dick.
He leaned back, running his tongue over his fangs as he continued to watch you unwind and unpack, careful not to prick the sensitive muscle on the sharp bone.
He watched you pull a small black box out of one of your suitcases and hastily move to hide it beneath your clothes in your dresser.
Bottom row, far left side, all the way to the back. He made a mental note to inspect that drawer later.
Miguel leaned in towards the projections and tapped the one of you nearest to your new closet as you slipped your blouse off and down your shoulders, revealing your back and the straps of your bra.
The leather creaked under his weight as he shifted, switching the angle to the one directly above the closet, facing down, getting a full downward view of your breasts.
He groaned and reached down to palm at his cock that throbbed in his trousers, stroking the clothed flesh in languid motions, vein beating relentlessly along the length.
He let out a guttural groan when you bent over, slipping your shoes off and placing them on the rack within the closet.
He switched angles as you bent over again and pulled your pants off, revealing your cute ass peeking out from the cotton, cherry-print panties you wore.
He ripped his trousers down to his thighs and fisted his cock in his large hand. He was disappointed you didn't notice he went without boxers today, or maybe you had but were too shy to look.
You were putting on quite the show.
Surely, you couldn't be this naive, right? So innocent? You couldn't just believe some rich man would let you, a cute, sexy little thing live in his house without planting cameras in your room and bathroom?
You must know. You must simply know, and that is why you are sashaying your hips this way and that as you dump your clothes into the laundry bin and grab the vinyl bag containing your hygiene products.
He used his thumb to smear the stream of precum leaking viscously from the head of his cock, groaning as he switched the feed to your bathroom cameras.
He watched you place your pads and tampons in one of the drawers of the vanity, organize your oral hygiene products next to the sink. He studied each bottle of vitamins you placed, his eyes picking up the words "prenatal" on one.
He dropped his head back with a groan and rolled his hips, languidly stroking his dick as his eyes rolled back.
Prenatals. You weren't pregnant, he'd be able to smell it if you were. But already the thought of fucking you full of his cum played in his mind.
His head snapped up when he heard the shower turn on and he frantically switched the feed to the shower cam.
He watched and listened as you hummed a little song to yourself, giggling at the rainfall-like streams that filled the stall.
The way your lips parted and you made that little "oooh" sound had him wondering how you'd sound when he fucked you so hard your eyes crossed.
He began to pump his fist harder, the rivulets of precum giving him ample lubrication to stroke himself.
He ran a hand through his hair as he panted, watching you as you slowly slip your bra off and toss it to the floor, along with your panties.
His hand smashed the control after to change the camera to one that had a better angle of you.
He made a sound that was almost a whimper as you closed the stall door, stepping under the steamy water with a happy and content sigh.
Miguel bit at his bottom lip, fangs threatening to prick the plush skin.
Everything about you was cute and sexy, even that cute little patch of hair between your legs, cut into the shape of a heart.
The thought of lasering that hair off and replacing it with a permanent tattoo of his spider symbol... His own little brand...
He moaned loudly into the dark of his office, feeling his balls draw taut as his orgasm got closer.
Your hands lathered in shampoo, you started scrubbing your hair, your flesh jiggling deliciously as you rinse it out, nails scratching at your scalp.
He wondered what you'd do if he pulled your hair, what sounds you'd make.
He wondered how you'd do if he pulled your hair and made you choke on his cock.
"Mierda!" He hissed, pinching the base of his cock in an effort to stave off his orgasm.
Miguel continued to watch, giving himself teasing strokes as you conditioned your hair right after.
His fist pumped harder and faster when you began soaping up your hands to scrub your skin, cupping your breasts and brushing over your hard nipples.
His breathing was so fast he was practically hyperventilating, the tip of his cock leaking more and more, the length of it throbbing and twitching as you washed the soap off.
When you slipped your hands between your legs to clean yourself there, all Miguel could do was moan pornographically, grabbing at his balls and stroking his cock as he arched his hips off his chair, his thick ropes of cum painting his fingers and dripping down to his palm, splattering a part of his leg and the underside of his desk.
He dropped down, sighing as the buzz of his orgasm slowly faded.
He cut the feed to your room.
And in the dark, bright, ruby-red eyes opened and a fanged smile bloomed.
He was going to enjoy making you his.
Pt. 2: Link
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ziggyzolch · 6 months
Queen Bee-atch III (Regina George x reader)
These chapters have been up on ao3 and wattpad but I figured i'd put them here as well.
Warnings: Cursing, use of F-slur but its kind of stupid so dont worry
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“You look like hell.” It was Thursday and Janis had invited you over. “Thanks,” you mumble out while pushing past her into her house. You could navigate her house blind, it's basically your second home now. You go into her room and flop straight into her bed. “You still having trouble sleeping?” Janis asks while plopping down onto the floor. She was surrounded by music sheets and crumpled up paper, her guitar on the ground next to her. You sluggishly sit up and look at her, “Yeah, I just can’t stop thinking.” “About what?” “Nothing, I don’t know,” You push the palms of your hands against your eyes.
You and Janis have weekly jam sessions. Chilling with your best friend and learning new songs to play together was your favorite pastime. Damien joins occasionally and sings along since you and Janis can’t sing for shit. At least you think so.
“Let’s just find a song then you can nap on my bed or something.” Janis proposes. Getting up, you pick up the acoustic guitar at the corner of the room and make your way to where she was seated. This week was your turn to pick a song.
“You’ll love this song. I discovered it recently and-”
“It’s Alex G again, isn't it? The chords he uses are so weird!”
“Yeah but-”
“Please tell me you have another song.”
You sigh, “I really thought you’d agree to that one. Let’s just play ‘Where is Your Mind’ or something.”
Janis is tuning her guitar when you get a text from your mother.
-We’re going shopping. I expect you to be at the mall in 20 minutes.-
You groan and lay your whole body onto the ground. “I know I’m already here but can I get a raincheck on the session? My mom is dragging me to go shopping” You sigh while getting up. “Yeah, no worries.” Janis replies, unbothered. God you really needed to sleep.
“Seriously, mother?” Your mom was holding up a pink shirt with ‘baby gurlz’ plastered on the front. She had dragged you to the mall to upgrade your wardrobe. You needed new clothes because, according to your mother, you looked like an ‘emo beggar’. Your mother rolls her eyes “You dress like a hobo that lives at Hot Topic, baby. No offense.” It’s been 3 hours since you came in and you hadn’t found anything you liked. You take the shirt out of her hands and place it back on the rack.
“Can we just go home? I have an English test tomorrow and I haven’t started studying.” The lie comes out easily. In reality, you just wanted to nap. It’s been 3 days and you’ve gotten a total of 2 hours of sleep. A sigh comes out of your mothers mouth, “You know what, go sit in the car, you’re wearing whatever I buy you. Your outfit is going to be on your desk tomorrow morning.” She could buy you a dinosaur onesie and you wouldn’t care, you just wanted to nap.
Unsurprisingly, the nap plan didn’t work out. You passed out eventually though, an hour before school, but at least it was something. You were now at your locker, clad in a white crop-top and baby blue skirt that was way too short. You hadn’t actually realized what your mother had picked out until a wide-eyed Damien grabbed your shoulder and dragged you to the bathroom. “Girl, what are you wearing? Also, did you lose weight?” You look at Damien confused, until you turn to the mirror. “Oh what the f-”
“Damien? What poor girl did you drag- the fuck?” Janis looks at you in shock, Cady standing behind her, while you stare back equally mortified. “You look like a pastel emo, dude.” Janis says while walking up to you and spinning you around. You stomp your foot. “Stop! I already feel bad enough.” You whine while pushing Janis off you and turning back to the mirror. Damien walks up behind you and stops your hands that were pulling at your shirt. “Girl you got bod, and those clothes lowkey look good on you.” Your eye roll is interrupted by the bell ringing. Shit.
Your thoughts start going crazy as you’re walking to English class. God they can see my legs! They probably know you don’t usually wear skirts. They’re probably all like: ‘look at her. You know she usually doesn’t wear skirts?’
Before you know it, you're sitting at your desk in English class, looking at your notebook. When did you get here? Huh, time flies when you’re having fun. You’re giggling at your own joke when you hear someone clearing their throat next to you. Regina?
“Did you hear anything I just said? Are you even actually physically present? It’s like I’m talking to a wall.” Regina raises an eyebrow waiting for a response. “Oh uh, hi.” You mumble out pathetically. She lets out a mocking ‘hi’ before continuing, “Anyways, I’ll pick you up after school for our project.” Project? What? You look up at the board and finally notice the list of instructions written down for a book report you had to do, with details of the partners the teacher had assigned. How much of the class had passed? Your question is answered when the bell signaling the end of the period rings.
You stand up too fast and start swaying before Regina gets up and holds you by your waist to steady you. “Woah there, slow down babe,” She pauses and looks you up and down. She bends down slightly to stare directly into your eyes and taps your cheek, “Cute outfit. See you after school.”
She packs her things and walks past you into the hallway.
You really need to sleep.
It's like the bottom of your skirt was a mountain climber the way it kept hiking up with every step you took. At least it's almost the end of the day. One more period and you'd be on your way home. You were dragging your feet across the hall when you felt a slap on your ass. You turn around to see one of the jocks ,that you couldn't for the life of you remember the name of, smirking down at you.
Curse him out! Why are you just standing there? Your mouth flops open and closed like a fish, trying to come up with a devastating insult.
...What the fuck? Your eyes widened. Before you could properly process what you said, you were pushed up against a locker with the jock impossibly close to you. "Say that again, slut." He grits his teeth, pushing you further into the locker. You're suddenly released and a very angry Regina was holding him by his shirt collar. "Apologize to her." You'd hate to be on the receiving end of the glare she's giving him. He scoffs, "You've gotten soft, Regina. Anyways, I was just giving her a compliment!" Regina's eyes somehow harden even more. "If the next words that come out of your mouth aren't an apology, Shane. I swear to god." His confidence falters and he eventually mumbles out an apology. "Walk away, and take your micro-penis with you."
Regina hears a giggle from below her and her eyes soften as she sees you on the floor. She helps you up and adjusts your clothes.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, it's whatever."
She stares at you for a second.
"Take out your phone."
"What? Why-"
She pulls your phone out of your hand.
"I'm putting in my number, idiot."
"For the project? I'm picking you up after school, remember?"
"Oh yeah. Pfft. Totally."
Giving your phone back and rolling her eyes, she turns away and leaves. From the corner of your eye you catch Janis and Damien stomping over. "Dude, why were you talking to Regina? Also our plan is working, Caddy's growing on them." You look at Janis, confused before she continues, "You need to sleep dude. Whatever we have health together let's find Caddy and get to class." Damien puts his arm around you and you all start walking. "What were you talking about with Regina, by the way?" He questions while adjusting his arm around you, "We got paired up for a project. A book report or something." You avoid bringing up the fact that you got harassed.
You love Janis and Damien, truly, but they tend to be a little overprotective. "Hah! What a nightmare!" Janis laughs. You look down at the floor, your face turning slightly red, mumbling, "She isn't that bad." The conversation dies out as you approach the classroom, Cady greeting you at the door. "Hey! So, Aaron invited me to this Halloween party..." Cady's voice fades as you sit down and put your head down onto your desk.
"Nice room, Blondie." You say, going further into Regina's room. She had been waiting for you outside the school in her convertible, making it impossible for you to get out of spending time with her. Despite her recent tolerability, you couldn't forget how she used to treat you.
Regina smiles, "Thanks, Y/N. It was my mom's but I made her trade it."
"Woah. 'Y/N'? Are you going soft on me, Blondie?"
"Shut up."
You walk around her room and spot a couple of vinyls. Green day? My Chemical Romance? The Yeah Yeah Yeahs? The Strokes! What!
"Blondie, you have taste?"
Regina flips around and stomps towards you, taking the 'Stereophonics' vinyl out of your hands. "Stop going through my shit, Gerard." Back to square one.
She watches you adjust your skirt and pull at your shirt uncomfortably. Walking into her closet, she finds a pair of shorts and a loose t-shirt she hadn't worn in years. You were awkwardly standing in the middle of her room before you felt a bunch of clothes hit your face.
The shock passes and you smile at her gratefully while she rolls her eyes and takes a seat at her desk. Should you go to her bathroom? Whatever, she's already seen you shirtless. Her face turns red while she pretends not to notice you changing in front of her. You finish up and take out your laptop, taking a seat on the floor. She swivels her chair to face you, "So, what book were you thinking?" You look up at her, slightly shocked. You didn't think she'd give you a choice.
"Oh. Uh. The Bell Jar?"
"Too bleak."
"It ends nicely though!"
"No! Pick something else."
"Okay, uh, My Year of Rest and Relaxation?" You propose with an eyebrow raised.
She glares at you.
"Are all the books you read just about mentally ill women?"
You sigh, "Pretty much. Oh! What about Matilda!"
She opens her mouth to argue, then pauses for a moment.
"Actually that doesn't sound too bad. Matilda it is."
An hour passed before Regina looked up from her report and found you curled up on her floor, your laptop discarded to the side. After putting away your laptop, she approaches you and stares down at you. Hands on her hips, she looks around before letting out a breath and picking you up. "Gina?" You mumble out.
She shushes you and places you on her bed. "No. No, it's fine. I have to finish the report." Attempting to sit up, you whine when she pushes you back onto her bed. "We have a week till it's due. Rest." She leaves no room to argue as she tucks you in. "No! Oh wow. Your bed is so comfortable." Your eyes start drifting close and the last thing you see is Regina placing a kiss on your head.
"I mean I've been dressing up as a mouse since freshman year, why would I change now?" Karen's voice takes you out of your blissful slumber. How long have you been asleep? "You're barely even a mouse, Karen." You could hear Gretchen reply. The sun had started setting, from what you could tell. You sit up, rubbing your eyes and looking around the room. Gretchen and Karen were sitting on the floor while Cady was laying above the sheets next to you. "Hey sleepyhead!" Cady pinches your cheek and tackles you when you try to push her away. She straddles your waist and starts tickling you. "Dude!...Stop!" You say in between giggles.
"What's going on here?" Regina must've been in the bathroom, "Finally up? I was getting ready to call the funeral house, Gerard." She was wearing sweatpants and a tank top. You accidentally glance down at her chest and turn away quickly, blushing, unaware of Regina's knowing smirk. She must've changed when you wear asleep.
Cady finally stops her assault on you. "Ha. Ha" You roll your eyes, moving to get up when Cady grabs your arm and pulls you back down, "Did you wrestle a bear or something?" Looking down to see what she was talking about, you notice a huge hand shaped bruise on your shoulder. You can feel everybody's eyes on you. "Oh, I fell during PE. It's nothing" You shrug her hand away and rub your shoulder, walking towards the walk-in closet, ignoring Regina's eyes burning a hole in your back. Bending down to pick up your clothes, a bright pink book catches your attention.
"Hey. Why didn't you tell Cady about Shane- No!" Regina's eyes widen as rushes towards you and pulls the book out of your hand. It's too late, your page had been the first one you found when you opened the book. Standing up, your voice wavers, "Thank you for being so accommodating, I'll get out of your hair now." You bump your shoulder into her getting out of the closet, hurting yourself more than her.
The silence that followed after you slammed the door on your way out was loud. Regina plops down next to Karen and Gretchen, Cady following after her. Running her hands through her hair, Regina sighs and stares at her bedroom door.
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imaginespazzi · 4 months
nivi, we need another chaotic family drabble with kk reacting to azzi's post for ice when she never got one for her bday 😂
Unserious, unedited chaos back by popular demand 🤪:
It takes 5 minutes between Azzi hitting the post button and deciding to take a much-needed nap, before her door is being slammed open and KK comes roaring through it, face livid, Jana on the tip of her heels, and Paige following behind them both with an amused smirk.
"What. Is. This?" KK asks, shoving her phone in Azzi's face.
Azzi squints, "it's my birthday story for Ice?"
"AND WHY DOES ICE GET A BIRTHDAY STORY?" KK yells, stomping her foot to go along with it.
Before Azzi can reply, she's being tackled into a hug by a 6'3 koala, which sends her reeling about five steps.
"I KNEW I WAS YOUR FAVORITE CHILD," Ice bellows and Azzi flinches from how loud it is in her ear, suddenly nostalgic for the silence.
"I cannot BELIEVE," KK paces as Ice clings onto Azzi's back, "that you would differentiate between your children like this,"" she turns to Jana, "tell her Jana, tell her how much that hurt you."
"That really hurt my feelings," Jana recites and Azzi has to stifle a laugh, Paige doesn't even bother.
"IT'S KAMOREA TO YOU," KK holds up a hand and Azzi rolls her eyes.
"Okay then Kamorea-"
"I just-" KK lets out a dramatic, "I just wanna know why you know? What does SHE have that I don't mom? Is it the extra 2 inches-"
Ice scoffs, "you're barely 5-8"
"THAT'S NOT THE POINT," KK yells again and Paige snickers which gets her a pointed glare from KK, "what are YOU laughing at? She posted Lou too, when's the last time she posted you other than to get photo creds?"
Paige reels back at that, smirk disappearing as she turns to Azzi, "that's not the only reason you posted right? Right? I looked cute in those pics and you couldn't help yourself? RIGHT?"
"Right," Azzi nods, trying to prevent herself from rolling her eyes again, "that's exactly why."
"Girl boo, Don't believe her. She's a liar and a TRAITOR," KK stands defiantly in front of Paige, "besides we have to go find me a stepmother."
"Not this again," Azzi sighs, wondering why she doesn't lock her door more often. She still has all of Ice wrapped around her and it seems like the younger girl has not intention of getting off.
"Do you see, do you see how little she cares about you? ABOUT US?" KK puts a dramatic hand to her heart, "she doesn't even care."
"I don't want a new mother," Ice presses a wet kiss against Azzi's cheeks and Azzi can't help but smile despite the insanity, "I like this one."
"Then we'll do it parent-trap style, you get Azzi and I get Paige," KK says, nodding her head like she's making the most serious decision of her life.
Jana guffaws, "hello? Who do I get? Am I an orphan now?"
"You can come with us Jana," Ice volunteers excitedly, "you and Nés both."
"Absolute not. I am not losing my children and-" Paige cuts in, turning to Azzi with big blue eyes, "I don't want a divorce."
It's on the tip of Azzi's tongue to make a remark about how they're not married but she knows reason and logic are not her friends when it comes to this situation.
"KK-" she begins
"IT'S KAMOREA TO YOU," KK retorts haughtily. sitting herself down on Azzi's bed and crossing her leg.
Azzi lets out a deep breath, trying to muster as much sincerity as she can, "Kamorea I am sorry I hurt your feelings. Next year, I will post a story-"
"A grid post," KK demands.
"Right. I will make a grid post for you-"
"Because I am your favoritest child?" KK gives Azzi a look as behind her both Jana and Ice burst into protests.
"Because you are my child and I love you," Azzi concedes, "and I have an extra bag of of trufru that you can have."
A grins burst onto KK's face simultaneously with Paige's face dropping, "SHE GETS THAT BAG OF TRUFRU? SHE LITERALLY JUST GOT HOSPITALIZED FOR IT?"
"You said to fix it so will you just let me goddamn fix it?" Azzi says exasperatedly as Paige continues to sulk in the corner.
"I'm still mad at you," KK says slowly as she lifts off the bed, "but I might be less mad after I've had some time to think over trufru."
"My trufru," Paige mutters under her breath, following KK out of the door, no doubt on a mission to steal some for herself. Ice detaches herself from Azzi, practically skipping out the door with a happy grin and Jana shakes her head, sharing a commiserating smile with Azzi as she heads out as well.
This time, Azzi does lock her door, getting ready to finally take her now well-deserved nap, when her phone rings. Seeing Inés's called ID, she picks up the phone with a grin.
"Hi Nésy-"
And that ladies and gentlemen, is why Azzi Fudd stays so far away from the grenade that is social media. Really, she'd much rather be asleep anyways.
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Dirty Work 20
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: weekends aren't for rest, they're for being sick and anxious so Monday will be a treat.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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As you enter, you try your best not to make too much noise. You set the bags down lightly and ease the inner door shut. You can hear your dad and the soft sound of puzzle pieces meeting the table.
“Ya know, thirty years almost, but I can see her just like yesterday,” he says.
Your heart clutches. You never heard him talk about your mom. When you were a kid and didn’t know better, he just ignored all your questions about her. When you got older, you stopped asking. You figured it’s easier for both of you to pretend she never was.
“I’m sorry, hon,” Leslie comforts, “you know, in my line of work, I’ve seen it over and over. It’s a wound you can’t heal.”
“Oh yeah,” he grits, “yeah, I’d say…”
You swallow and lean back on your foot, crinkling the bags behind you. You cringe as you hear sudden movement. You turn and work to slip off the white loafers. You pretend like you weren’t listening as Leslie’s shadow looms from the archway.
“You’re home,” she proclaims, “we didn’t think you’d be so early.”
“Me either,” you say as you face her. 
Her lashes flick and her mouth opens, “oh my, you look so good! Weren’t you working today?”
“Uh, did some work,” you lie, “I got a few hours off so I… did some running around.”
“Oh, gosh, come on, you have to show your dad,” she takes you by the wrist and tugs you around, “Charles, look at your girl.”
She presents you with her hands on your shoulders. You can’t even look at your dad as the couch creaks and he grunts at your appearance. He snorts and pushes another piece into the puzzle.
“What am I looking at?” He sneers.
“Charles, don’t be like that. Look at her hair, and this dress,” she touches your hips, “must be a nice job, huh?”
“It’s alright,” you shimmy out of her grasp, “I just… needed something more presentable–”
“Something shorter,” your father scoffs, “so when she’s bending to tidy the floors you can see right up.”
“Charles, that’s gross,” Leslie reprimands.
“Truth can be like that,” he snickers, “think some man’s buying her fancy clothes so she can sweep? We both know how she pays for you.”
“No… it’s not…” you shrug and give up, “I’m gonna put my stuff away and start dinner. If you want, you can head off early too.”
“Oh, I don’t mind sticking around,” Leslie says as she once more sits beside your dad, “let me know if you need any help with dinner. Don’t wanna get anything on that nice little dress.”
You nod and hesitate. You can’t tell what she means by that. For as much as she can call out your father, she often speaks with an edge of her own. Just like the cigarettes, she must assume his insults are your fault.
You leave the room and grab the bags. You carry them up the stairs to your room. You shut the door and sit on the end of the bed. You bend and cradle your head, trying to set it straight after the dizzying day.
The bus provides a momentary break from your hostile world. There is no safe place for you. Home is barely that and work is… confusing. Your only escape is to focus on your tasks and get through them. Get through Mr. Laufeyson’s list then come home and the chores left untouched. 
Your look at the time on your phone and black the screen. You get a glimpse of your reflection off the glass as you do. You didn't do too bad with the makeup. It looks okay. You tried not to use too much as you recalled Eliana's instructions.
You shake off your doubts and airy feeling around your legs. You're not use to the skirt or the pretty fabrics. You feel overdressed and out-of-place, but the latter is so new to you.
Through the gate and along the edge of the drive, you hear your name flutter in the air. You stop short as you see Frigga strolling along the hedges, caressing the petals of a rose. She draws away and strides towards you, an ivory skirt paired with a golden brown blouse and nude heels.
“You do start early, don’t you?” She approaches and takes your hand, “come, let’s have tea.”
“Oh, uh, I…” you let her tug you along the walkway towards the front door, “the carpenter is coming today–”
“Ah yes, Loki mentioned you were working on restoring the gazebo. That’s lovely. We used to have tea there, me and… his wife. She was a laugh.”
“Mm,” you hum. Whoever this woman was, she must’ve been very special. You imagine a beautiful woman with silky hair and long legs like Frigga. She must’ve fit right in.
“I suppose if it was meant to be, it would be. I only hope my son can find happiness again,” she squeezes your hand before she lets you go. 
She opens the door and waves you in ahead of her. You slip out of your flats much easier than your usual lace-up sneakers. She steps out of her heels and sighs.
“That’s his problem, you know? He’s lonely but too proud to admit it,” she sidles around you and leads you down to the kitchen. You follow and watch as she goes to the counter and pours from the waiting teapot. “Though I haven’t seen him today. I suppose he’s sleeping in, it is the weekend.”
You tilt your head but don’t comment. For as long as you’ve worked for him, not very long at all, he’s never slept past your arrival. Well, not so far as you know.
“I do love this skirt,” she comes back around the counter and touches the tweed, “wonderful pairing,” she touches the blouse with the petal shaped cutouts around the high-collar, “you’re learning.”
“Um, yeah, all the clothes are so pretty,” you say.
“Please, have your tea. I’m sure you have time before the carpenter,” she urges.
“Right, er, I’ll just take my bag upstairs first,” you say, “out of the way.”
“Sure,” she accepts with a kind smile, “how about I take this out to the patio, we can enjoy the sun?”
“Alright,” you agree and hike up your bag, “thank you.”
You quickly flit off and head upstairs. You weren’t expecting her to be there. You just hadn’t thought of it. You only dreaded facing your unbendable boss and his persistent stare.
You go into the library and tuck your bag under the writing desk. You double check the schedule in your phone; Ronan, 10. You have an hour before he arrives.
Your mind is already on the gazebo as you scurry back into the hall. As you shut the door gently, you hear a groan. You peer down towards the unusual noise and blink at the slightly ajar door. The main bedroom. Mr. Laufeyson’s. It rises again before a drawn out exhale, his timbre rumbling low.
You quickly set back to your path and flee downstairs. Maybe he’s talking in his sleep, or more likely, stretching out a few kinks. Your curiosity quickly dissipates as you pass through the dining room and out into the patio.
Frigga sits with large pointed sunglasses over her eyes. She tilts her face up to the sunlight as you sit before the other cup of tea. You pull it close and look out at the yard. A streak of green catches your gaze.
You watch the hummingbird hover over fuchsia petals. You stare dreamily, lulled by the peace of the moment as Frigga merely sips and basks. This isn’t so bad. The bird zips between flowers before disappearing behind a tree. In his stead, the skittish chipmunk scrambles along the railing of the patio. You smile at his fluffy tail.
“I’ll be off tomorrow,” Frigga states, “my husband will be expecting me. Oh, but I’ll miss you, darling.”
“Is it very far?” You wonder.
“Four or five hours,” she answers, “not very far but enough. It’s so lovely up where we are. I wish you could see. Perhaps one day. When things are better.”
Before you can answer, there’s a subtle click behind you.
“Morning,” Mr. Laufeyson’s voice is unleashed onto the scene as the patio door swings inward, “mother,” he pauses before he enunciates your name, “beautiful day out.”
Your shoulders stiffen and nearly touch your ears as you sit straight. He pulls out the chair at your other elbow and sets down another teacup with a clink. He sits and smooths back his dark hair, tucking the spiralled ends behind his ears.
“Late morning,” his mother remarks, “any tea left?”
“Some, shall I–”
He puts his hands flat, moving to stand but she shoos him as she’s quicker to rise, “I’ll get it myself. And you darling,” she dips her chin in your direction, “more?”
“Oh, no thanks, I’m still… working on mine. Thank you, Frigga,” you say, mindful of each syllable.
She leaves and the door clicks shut behind her. You stare at the brim of your cup, turning it slowly between your hands as Laufeyson raises his own to his lips. He drinks carefully before putting it down again.
He’s quiet. He shifts and plants an elbow on the table. He turns his attention to the yard and watches. You dare to look up as well, the chipmunk poking his head out from the bush where he hides. He ran away at Mr. Laufeyson’s arrival.
“Cute little fellow,” he remarks as he faces you again. You quickly lower your eyes.
“Uh, yeah…”
“Mmm,” he drones and taps his fingers on the porcelain teacup, “you… that’s a nice shirt.”
“Thanks,” you lift your cup and drain most of it, gulping painfully as you put it back down, “I should go start. Ronan will be here shortly–”
“The carpenter?”
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson, I have him penned in–” You explain.
“And? He is a carpenter, he knows what he’s doing. I doubt he needs you watching over his shoulder.”
“I know, uh, but I should be there to let him in,” you slide your cup off the table.
“You’re not even done your tea.”
“I’ll finish on my way in–”
“You’re avoiding me,” he accused and you wince.
“You’re running away? Why?” He challenges.
“I’m not, I– I have work to do.”
“Work I give you. I’m your boss, you may sit and finish. I’ll permit it.”
You falter and set the cup on the table. You lower yourself back to the seat and fold your hands. You look at your lap and push your shoulders back. He is back to his haughty demands, you find that part of him easier to handle.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Laufeyson, I wasn't running away.”
He scoffs thinly and his nostrils flare as he stares off at the hedges that edge the patio, “I wonder why you can be so quick to flee me when you sat and let my brother feel you up.”
“Huh?” You blanch, stuck by the accusation. “Mr. Laufeyson, I–”
“I know him well and I’m not as blind as my mother. I saw it. You didn’t say a word. You just let him do it,” he clucks, “why?”
Your eyes round and you bat your lashes. You nearly choke, the acidic flavour of the tea drying on your tongue. Was it that bad? You tried not to think about it, to let it affect you, even as the memories flashed in your head, you just tried not to feel anything about it.
“I didn’t… well… he’s your brother, Mr. Laufeyson, I didn’t want to assume… to offend–” you stammer.
“So you let him do what he wants?” He snarlss as he turns his sights on you, a brow arch tritely. “You do not work for him, you work for me.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know what to do,” you sputter, confused by his anger. “I tried to…”
Your voice trails off. No, you didn’t try. You were too afraid too. He’s right, you let Thor keep touching you and you didn’t say anything, you didn’t move, you just froze up.
“It makes me wonder,” he cups his chin, leaning on his elbow, “how far would you let him get, hm?”
“Mr. Laufeyson,” you whimper, “I’m sorry–”
“Did you like how he touched you?”
“N-no, Mr. Laufeyson, no, of course not,” you plead.
“You do not want him to touch you?” He prompts.
“No, I… didn’t know how to say—”
“Shhh,” he hushes you, lifting his chin from his hand and pressing his finger to his lips. He pulls his hand away to point at you, “I’ve a better question…” He reaches towards you and you flinch. You quiver as he traces the cutout along the top of your blouse, “how far would you let me go?”
You squirm as he hooks his finger inside the teardrop window in the fabric. His fingertip brushes you as he gives a slight tug, looming closer as he draws you towards him. He smirks as you stare dumbfounded. What is he doing?
“My brother will not touch you again,” his voice is low and rocky, “I will make sure of it.” He tickles you slightly and rescinds his hand, “and you will make sure to remember who you belong to.”
He sits back and hooks his fingers in the handle of the porcelain mug. As if on cue, the french doors open behind you and Frigga trills as she emerges, “oh, just enough tea,” she announces, “I added a dash of honey this time.”
She places the cup by her empty chair but does not sit. She twirls and paces around the patio, going to the flower boxes along the rail. She leans in to examine them.
“Perhaps the carpenter could have a look here, it’s crooked,” she declares. “And I dare say the guest room has a loose floorboard right near the bed.”
“Mm, perhaps, mother,” Laufeyson drawls as he once more raises his cup, his eyes stuck on you, “my house manager will be sure to ask, won’t she?”
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson,” you wisp out through your constricted throat, barely registering his command. 
You can only hear his previous words echoing, over and over; remember who you belong to. Belong to… No, you only work for him.
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myspacebrat · 2 years
Fooled round and fell in love (part three)
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Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
summary: you’re in love with your best friend but your best friend thinks love is for losers, choosing to sleep around rather than settle down. You’ve had enough and you’re ready to move on from your feelings, luckily you find someone who might make that possible but does Eddie really hate love as much as he leads on?
warnings: lite smut 18+ MINORS DNI, cocky Eddie, some dirty talk, allusions to reader being depressed, cussing, smoking, use of y/n
A/N: I cannot believe the amount of love I’ve gotten on this series, i appreciate everyone’s kind messages and comments 🫶🏻 part 4 will be released sometime after the new year.
as always thank you angel baby @myobmaya literally my number one hype man, I love you so much 💋
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The next morning you wake up feeling anxious and exhausted as the night before had you tossing and turning, playing out every scenario and every little thing that could go wrong when you get to Eddie’s
But nonetheless you decide to start your day, you go downstairs and greet your mom, who luckily just brewed a fresh pot of coffee, and you needed a pick me up
After taking a couple bites of bacon, you tread back up stairs with your nice warm coffee. You put some music on and clean up your room, your little depressive episode left it in pretty bad shape
Once you’ve cleaned to your liking, you pick out what you’re going to wear today, regardless of everything that’s happened you still love Eddie and you want to look good for him whether he notices or not, so as you skim through your closet while powerslave by Iron Maiden plays through your speakers you opt for a Metallica “metal up your ass” shirt with a yellow and black plaid mini skirt, you decide to leave your legs bare pairing the outfit with some slouch socks and white keds.
You take a shower and think to yourself that you should smoke the last of the weed you got from Randy, needing something to take away the jitters of seeing your best friend later, you keep going back and fourth with your self in your head, should I just rip off the bandaid and tell him? Or should I just go in there with a smile on my face like my life hasn’t been a shit show these past few weeks.
After getting high enough, you decide it’s a good time to start getting ready. Doing your makeup, keeping it natural but still accentuating the parts you want to stand out, you do your normal curlers in hair routine getting the perfect amount of body, once you throw on your outfit and decide you look good enough you make your way downstairs to ask your mom if you can borrow her car.
“Hey mom, I’m gunna head to Eddie’s to hang out, can I take your car? I’ll only be a few hours.” You say with the slightest set of puppy dog eyes
“Sure sweetie, can you just pick me up a carton of cigarettes on your way back?” Your mom asks
“Yes, I can do that!” You say almost relieved
You did not feel like calling eddie and asking him to pick you up even though you knew he would, you think bringing your own car just in case you do grow the balls to tell him your feelings and you need to get out of there as fast as possible, so taking your moms car was the best option.
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You pull into forest hills, taking deep breathes before stopping in front of the familiar trailer you grew up hanging out in, you glance around seeing Eddie’s van, the van that is permanently ruined for you now. Before you get lost in those thoughts you decide it’s now or never you have to face Eddie sometime, the only consolation is that Eddie doesn’t know that you moaned his name while Randy was making you cum. With that thought you open the car door and get out making your way up the steps to the front door of the trailer
You hear music coming from the speakers in Eddie’s bedroom, so you try your best to knock loud enough for him to hear. After the 5th knock you hear foot steps and the lock being fiddled with
Eddie swings the door open, he’s shirtless with his sweatpants sitting low on his hips showcasing his delicious trail of hair leading down into his pants while an unlit joint hangs from his lips.
Jesus, you could feel the wetness pool between your thighs “curse him for looking so damn good!” You think
He looks you up and down eyes lingering on your legs and upper thighs, his eyes shoot back up to yours as he says
“Hey, princess. I wasn’t sure if you were gunna show up” he said while removing the joint from his mouth and shooting you a genuine smile, almost like he was excited to see you
“I said I was, didn’t I?” You didn’t mean for it to come out as bitchy as it did
You push past him walking into the trailer and heading to sit down on the couch
“Yeah, but you’ve mastered the art of avoiding me recently, so I just figured” he says while shrugging his shoulders
“For the 100th time I have not been avoiding you!” You say while rolling your eyes
You lie again for the 100th time
“Mmm, whatever you say babe.”
Princess, babe? What the fuck is up with these pet names today, you think to yourself.
“So,” you say trying to break this weird tension you feel in the air “what movie are we watching?”
Eddie looks at you confused for a second and then he remembers the excuse he used to get you here
“Oh um, you can pick, I left some movies out over there” he says while pointing his head towards the tv and where the vhs player sits underneath it
“Ok, cool thanks” you say
You can’t understand this weird awkward tension going on, you’ve never felt this with Eddie ever, and it’s making your stomach knot up even more then it was
He holds the disregarded joint back up and says
“Do you wanna smoke?” He asks but his eyes don’t meet yours
“Is that even a question?” You say trying to be funny and ease whatever the hells going on
He put the joint between his lips and takes out his lighter, lighting it up and taking a hit that seeps out of his nose and mouth.
After you decide on weird science you pop the video in and turn to make your way back to the couch you hear a clatter on the floor in front of you, some of the tapes had fallen, so you turn back around and bend over to pick them up, completely forgetting you have a short skirt on and that Eddie is right behind you on the couch with a great view of half of your ass cheeks and a black lace thong
His eyes go wide and as much as he wants to be a gentleman and look away, he can’t, his eyes are trained on your ass until you stand up and make your way back over to him
Snatching the joint out of his hand and bringing it up to your lips, you take a hit as you let the smoke bellow out from your mouth
Eddie turns to you and says
“Hey, I actually wanted to talk to you about something”
When he says that your stomach drops, what could he want to talk about that requires him to be so serious? He’s never serious.
“Okay, what about?” You say handing him back the lit joint
“Well,” he says and then takes another hit, once he starts talking the smoke seeping out between his words “I was at Ricks the other day, cause I was running low and anyway he um, he told me what happened between you and Randy”
Your eyes shoot up to his, looking at him confused
“What do you mean?” You say as you start closing in on your self making yourself seem smaller
“Oh my god no, no please no” you say to your self “this cannot be happening”
“Y/n, he told me you said my name while you and Randy were in the middle of I don’t know whatever you guys were doing.” Eddie says almost bitter
When Rick told him, he couldn’t help but feel jealous, yes you said his name but you were almost in the middle of having sex with Randy, that made his chest hurt, but apart of him couldn’t help but feel cocky about the situation.
Why would you say his name? Were you thinking about him while Randy was touching you? What does that mean? Does it mean you want to be with him in that way? Eddie had so many questions
“Oh my god, is this why you asked me here Eddie? To humiliate me some more?” You spit out
“No, c’mon I would never do that” He says sincerely
“Whatever, I shouldn’t have come over” you say while getting up on your feet
“Y/n, come on I’m just trying to see what’s going on, where your heads at?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it Eddie, I just wanna move on from it, ok?” You almost shout at him
“But-“ he starts before you’re interrupting him
“No, I can’t do this, I gotta go!”
“Why are you so angry about this?!” His voice becoming irritated
“You know what Eddie, fuck you!” You shout at him
“Yeah, you’d like to wouldn’t you?” He spits back with that cocky fucking smile you could just slap off of his face
You don’t even know what to say so you turn around and head for the front door but before you reach it eddie is grabbing you by the arm and turning you around almost smashing your body into his
You both look at each other for a few seconds trying to gage the others emotions
Looking up into Eddie’s eyes makes all of the anger in your body melt away, the look in his eyes is something you’ve never seen before, a look you wouldn’t mind seeing more of
“Is that what you want?” He whispers down at you
Instead of saying anything you decide fuck it, as you crash your lips in to his, his body tenses up at first, surprised at your actions but once he realizes what’s happening his body melts into yours, deepening the kiss, and grabbing your waist to push your bodies even closer. You swipe your tongue across his bottom lip and he allows you to enter, tongues meeting in a sloppy but passionate kiss, you let out a small moan telling Eddie everything he needed to know in that moment
He picks you up and wraps your legs around his waist taking you back to his bedroom that you’ve been in so many times, but never like this
He drops you onto the bed and stands back up staring down at you, like you were his prey
Your skirt was rucked up around your waist exposing your almost see through black lace panties, his jaw clenched when he looked over your body. Fuck, he wanted you so bad
He climbed back on to the bed slotting himself between your thighs grabbing them and opening them wider to accommodate him, he stairs at you directly in your eyes and says
“Fuck, you have no idea what you do to me”
Those words make your hips buck up towards his, feeling his hard dick against your already soaked pussy
Making you moan out the most sexiest of moans Eddie has ever heard, and he’s heard a lot
“Yeah? You feel it too baby?” He says with that same cocky smile
You don’t even care anymore about sounding desperate or really about anything in this moment
So you bite your lip looking into his eyes as you moan out an “mmhmm”
He leans down and begins kissing you again, it’s so hot yet sloppy, spit is coming out from the sides of both your mouths but it just adds to turning you on even more
You break the kiss as a line of spit still keeps your lips connected
“Please” you whisper to Eddie
“Please what baby? What do you need me to do?” He whispers back
“I need you to touch my pussy” you say with a burst of confidence
“Fuck” Eddie says to himself “you need me to rub that pretty little clit of yours baby?” He says so fucking sexy you could burst
“I bet your already so wet for me, huh?”
God he’s such a cocky son of a bitch, but you’re loving every second of it
“Yes, Eddie I’m so wet for you, only you”
He lifts his head up stopping his hand movement on your thigh
“Yeah? Only for me? Is that why you said my name? You wanted me to be touching you instead?”
Your cheeks heat up at that question you’re already so far gone to care about lying
“Yes, I thought about you the whole time” you moan out as his finger tips graze over your pussy
“Mmmm baby, fuck, you could’ve just told me you wanted me to fuck you”
“But s’kay, we’re here now and I’m gunna take such good care of you”
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part 4
•tag list•
@sidthedollface2 @ajeff855 @i-h4temyself @tlclick73 @mmvnsons @emma77645 @saramelaniemoon @big-ope-vibes @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @melaninjhs @manda-panda-monium @vulcrum332 @bambi-munson @arioneway @daleyeahson @demeterlindavis @seventhlevelofhell @aysheashea @marvelcasey05 @twirls827 @kittykaylat1987 @user12875671 @sznofdawitch @81rain @starrywhitenight @supercali20 @eddielives1986 @micheledawn1975 @erinsingalong @f-me-reid @ladydragon4890 @ireidsmut @hllfrclb @harrys-tittie @loritate7311 @yogizzz @sammyunicornpoop-blog @ilovecupcakesandtea @gingertimelord @ladysteddie @fancyghosttrashhero-blog @lelenikki @trikigirl271 @silasforest @joekeeryswife @lechera-con-leche @bebe0701 @m-rae23
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cameronspecial · 11 months
can you please write the trip with Zach and his family and the reader?! 🩷
Snowboarding Disaster
Pairing: Zach MacLaren x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.5K
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Y/N has yet again been invited to go with the MacLarens on their yearly ski trip. She was invited last year, but she didn’t exactly go snowboarding with the family. She opted to stay in the chalet with hot chocolate and a good romance book. This year, though, she is determined to hit the slopes with her boyfriend. He helps her get all of her gear and they go outside. His family headed out ahead of them. He guides her to sit on the ground, explaining how to put her board binding on. She can see he is trying to hide her laughter and groans in frustration. “Can you help me, please?” she whines, looking at him in despair. He lets his cackle out for a second before bending to help her, “There you go, Baby.” he gives her a kiss on the lips and helps her up.
They head over to the magic carpet to go up the bunny hill and shrieks the moment her board is on the moving belt. “I do not like that feeling,” she cries out, trying to stabilize herself. Once at the top of the hill, Zach does a rundown of the basics and tells her to just try to slide down to him with her board perpendicular to the slope. She is easily able to do it, so he moves on to moving directions by shifting the weight of her body from foot to foot, still keeping the board somewhat perpendicular to the hill. This is where the problem started. She would put too much weight on one foot, which causes her board to twist parallel to the slope and she starts going out of control. After a few times of Zach catching her or her wiping out, she is close to calling it quits. “Come on, Baby. Just try it one more time,” he begs. She gives in to his pleas and tries again. This time she almost got down the hill correctly, but a small bump of snow tilts her board forward. She begins zooming out of control down the hill with no way of stopping. Panic starts to rise when she sees a little kid at the bottom of the hill. Luckily, Zach is able to get down fast enough and tackle her onto her back, just narrowly missing the child. 
She groans, rubbing her head with her gloved hand. “I don’t think I ever want to go snowboarding again,” she moans, sitting up off the ground with Zach. He unbuckles her snowboard and helps her up, “I think you shouldn’t either. How about we head to the chalet and get some hot chocolate, instead?” 
The rest of Zach’s family return to the chalet to find the couple cuddled on the couch near the fire. “You guys are here earlier than I thought,” Connie comments, sitting across from her son. Y/N smiles at her boyfriend’s mom, “Yeah, I wasn’t very good at it.” Avery giggles. “Are you sure it wasn’t just that you had a bad teacher?” Y/N gives the younger girl a mind-blown look, “You are absolutely right. It was your brother’s fault I was so bad. Maybe you should be my teacher next time.” “Hey! I am a great teacher, I have never felt so betrayed before,” he gasps out with a pouty look. Y/N brings herself closer to him, giving him a kiss. “It’s okay, you are an amazing boyfriend.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight
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catslvrr · 7 months
for better or worse
pham hanni x fem!reader | one shot
Synopsis: You’re absolutely wasted at a party. You somehow end up spending the night lamenting to this stranger about how much you miss your ex. You find out the next morning that the stranger is said ex.
Contains: drinking, death-related jokes, cursing
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Like all bad decisions you’ve made in your life, it always starts with Danielle.
“Please,” Danielle begs, standing in the doorway to your room like a toddler who’s waiting to tell their mom that they just vomited. “Just for tonight.”
You glare at her as you pause your TikTok. “I’m not being your designated driver. Catch an Uber.”
Danielle skips toward your bed and flops on it, resting her chin on the palm of her hand and kicking her feet like a kid. She’s putting on this disgusting baby voice. “Please, I’m begging you… I don’t get paid until next week.”
You ignore her and press play on your TikTok. It’s an edit of Asami Sato, and damn, she is so fine. You’re blushing and giggling to yourself until Danielle rudely interrupts you by pulling your blanket to the floor, ridding you of its comfortable warmth.
“What the fuck!”
She pouts. “Please? I won’t ask again.”
“You said that last time,” you give her a blank stare. “And the last last time.”
“Last time was five months ago! And I always make it up to you.”
Danielle rolls over on her back, and her head is heavy on your legs. She begins to poke you.
“Please,” she whines, dragging the word out. You close your eyes as her voice rings in your ears like a mosquito, taking deep breaths to prevent yourself from murdering her.
Danielle is a lovely roommate. She pays her half of the rent on time, she keeps her space tidy, and she always brings you leftovers from the bakery that she works at. Only issue is, she’s a massive social butterfly. Meaning that wherever she goes, there’s always a party — either in your own apartment, or someone else’s.
She keeps trying to explain to you why she’s like this – saying that she’s an “E” for her “MBTD” or “TMDI” or whatever, but you couldn’t care less. All you know is that you want to peacefully rot in your bed.
But, damn, she can be awfully persuasive. Persuasive meaning incessantly pestering you until you give in.
You sigh in defeat. “Get out before I change my mind.”
Danielle sits up at the speed of light and grins.
“I love you so much,” she presses a sloppy kiss on your hand. You wipe your hand on your blanket in disgust. She then skips out of your room humming some song.
As you force yourself out of bed to get ready, you mentally prepare yourself for the night ahead.
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Every time Danielle drags you to one of her parties, you hate her a little more. Which is impossible, because no one hates Danielle. But here you are, cursing her as you stand alone, leaning against the wall, arms folded, and cynical eyes scanning the crowd.
Danielle had practically abandoned you the second the two of you stepped foot in the house, preferring the company of her other friends. You don’t mind of course — this is always the standard drill.
There are the people who are not exactly drunk, just a little buzzed, who are mingling with each other, conversations full of giggles and exaggerated voices. Then, there are the people who are drunk, either dancing sloppily on the floor or passed out. You hear a group of people in the backyard cheering someone on to chug. Lastly, there’s the small group of people who are completely sober, stuck in the same boat as you are.
Okay, so maybe you do mind that Danielle abandoned you. Because you’re stuck here looking like a bitter loner, and in this very moment, you are one. You feel awkward, self-conscious, tired, and extremely bored.
You’re checking your phone for any new notifications (there are none) when you look up and make eye contact with a familiar face for a split second.
You immediately look back down and open Instagram, pretending that you have something to do. You hope she didn’t recognize you. If you can’t see her, she can’t see you, is what you tell yourself.
You hear footsteps approaching you, but you convince yourself it’s just a stranger walking past.
“Hey,” Minji says, a small smile on her face. Nevermind.
“Minji,” you greet her tentatively. “Hi.”
Nothing better than seeing your ex’s best friend for the first time since the breakup that happened three months ago. As expected, she’s taken on the role of the responsible one and is sober.
You mull over the past for a split second — you’ve never seen Minji tipsy, let alone drunk. She’s always been a good friend. It sucks that you guys don’t talk anymore, for obvious reasons.
Minji joins you in leaning against the wall. “How are you?”
“Good. You?”
You’re not curt because you have something against her — you just have no idea how to navigate these types of social dilemmas. There’s no exact rulebook for approaching a conversation with your best friend’s ex, especially an ex who you are still in love with.
“I’m good as well.”
Silence follows after. You fidget awkwardly, pulling out your phone just to stare at the same Instagram feed you were only looking at a few minutes ago. You keep refreshing the feed, but to no avail. You’re staring at the same reel of a cat playing a rhythm game.
“Look,” Minji says. “What happened between you and Hanni—”
Your finger twitches at the mention of her name. You straighten yourself up and rush out an apology. “I gotta go to the bathroom.”
Minji doesn’t stop you as you hurriedly weave your way through the mass of sweaty bodies. You don’t even know where the bathroom is. It takes you a good ten minutes to find it, and it’s surprisingly vacant.
You lock the door behind you. The air is humid inside, and you feel claustrophobic. The lights are dim. You steady yourself by gripping the sink. Hair is sticking to the back of your neck, and your clothes cling to your sweat.
You let out a deep exhale to collect your thoughts before washing your face. You stare at your reflection, and you’re not sure if you like what you see. You’re pale and your eyebags are prominent. You’ve lost the fat in your cheeks that Hanni always used to…
You splash water on your face again. If Minji’s here, then that means Hanni’s definitely here. Fuck, you knew you shouldn’t have come today. You close your eyes as the water drips down your face and back into the sink. It’s been a rough few months.
You grab some tissues to dry yourself and chuck them in the bin before steeling yourself to go back outside. You cautiously creak open the door and peek outside to check if Minji is still there. To your relief, the coast seems clear.
Your eyes scan around the house for a bit longer, searching for another corner to nestle into. And that’s when you see it. Or, more specifically, her.
Hanni’s leaning on the balcony railing, red solo cup in hand, and the moonlight is gently resting on her. There’s someone else with her – she looks familiar but you can’t remember her name. It was either Yunjin or Yeonjung. Or it could be Yeojin.
They’re laughing together, and Hanni’s eyes are crinkling just like you remember, and you remember the sound of her laughter, and how it was a melody that you were proud to bring out, and God, she just looks so pretty. Like she didn’t just go through a breakup.
Then Yunjin/Yeonjung/Yeojin places her hand on Hanni’s waist, and your body goes frigid. You feel hot — anger at first, shame next, and guilt last. And it’s a fiery concoction that burns all over you.
You have no right to be jealous. You force down the lump in your throat and look up at the ceiling until the tears are gone. Fuck. You will not survive the night sober. You take one last glance at Hanni and Yujin/Yeonjung/Yeojin and make up your mind.
You text Danielle: catch an uber, and send her $20 with Apple Cash. She’ll be fine. You hope. Then, you beeline straight to the kitchen, rummage through the cabinets, and help yourself to a small bottle of Jack Daniel’s. Then, you down it.
You grab another bottle of soju from a fridge (peach because it’s the best flavor) to slowly sip on as you settle on some couch. It feels slightly sticky, but beggars can’t be choosers. You know you’ll be too drunk to care in a second — you’re lucky you’re a lightweight.
It’s twenty minutes later that you feel the heat encompassing your body and the tip of your ears burning. You can barely hear the music over the pounding of your own heart. You automatically keel over to the side and relish the coolness of a silk pillow.
You’re mumbling to yourself (and possibly drooling) when you hear a muffled voice.
“Hey, you okay?”
Huh, the voice sounds just like Minji, but you’re too sluggish to respond. A few minutes later, there’s something blissfully cold pushing against your cheek, and then it’s gone. You’re pulled up so that you’re sitting again, and your head lays against the top of the sofa.
“Drink this,” Minji(?) says, and they guide the bottle to your hand. You shakily take a few gulps, and of course, you spill some of it on yourself, but Minji(?) cleans it up with some tissues.
“Thanks,” you mumble.
“Do you have anyone to take you home?”
You try to shake your head, but it makes you feel nauseous and you almost fall face forward off the sofa. Minji(?) luckily catches you and helps you back up.
“I’ll be back,” Minji(?) says. “Stay still.”
You blearily open your eyes, and everything still seems the same. Every movement of your head feels as though it’s in slow motion, like you’re in some kind of TikTok velocity edit, but worse.
People are still mingling, there’s still Boat Race and Beer Pong going on, and the night is still young. Your eyes close shut on their own. Your heartbeat is still as loud as ever.
Clearly, your plan to drink in order to forget about your ex didn’t work, because just a few minutes after Minji(?) has left, you think of Hanni again.
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The two of you met in your first year of university the way most people meet: through a friend of a friend. In this case, the friend of a friend was Danielle. So, in retrospect, at least there’s one thing you can thank Danielle’s amiableness for. 
You and Hanni hit it off quite well — both still new and adapting to the unexplored terrain that is university, and despite your initial awkwardness and standoffish nature, you both found an unlikely friendship through your common love for simulation and management games.
(If you scroll all the way back to the top of your message history, it would show your first conversation as you teaching her how to illegally download City Skylines.)
Four months later and after countless movie marathons and one laptop explosion (your Macbook Pro died in flames after you attempted to open the Sims 4 with all its DLCs that you pirated), the two of you officially started dating. The way Hanni asked you out was extremely nerdy, but you think that’s what made it all the better.
You were both playing Minecraft one night, and while you were in the dark depths of a comically humongous cave, Hanni was doing God knows what up on the surface. That’s how it always was: Hanni was the builder and you were the miner. There’s no better dynamic than that.
It was relatively silent for around ten minutes until your curiosity got the better of you. “What are you doing up there?”
“Nothing,” you could hear the smile on her face. “Just building.”
“I know that,” you huffed. “I mean, what are you building?”
A muffled giggle. “Secret.”
You paused your mining. You’d probably see endless corridors of stone and coal in your dreams. “Should I go back up?”
“No!” Hanni quickly exclaimed. “Please, not yet.”
“Alright,” you grumbled, placing down a crafting table to make a new pickaxe. “Hurry up, I’m almost out of food.”
Fifteen minutes later, you heard a meek, “You can come up now”, and then the abrupt sound of her ending the Facetime. You were confused, and you tried to call her back, but to no avail. You spent an embarrassing few minutes trying to remember where the stairs back up were. Eventually, you began the arduous journey back up to the surface, and when you reached the top, your thumb ached from pressing the space key too much.
You saw it immediately. Right next to your cottage was a custom cherry blossom tree with a bench under it. You moved towards it, and a sign caught your attention: “Can we place our beds next to each other from now on? <3”
You laughed to yourself, blushing, and entered the house Hanni made before breaking your bed and placing it next to her pink one. You took a screenshot of this and sent it to her. She replied immediately with a Facetime call back. And that was that.
It was 9 months of this: enjoying each other’s presence, being disgustingly in love and domestic, opening yourselves up to one another… before The End arrived. Maybe you should have seen it coming. You were never good with your emotions though.
(Danielle’s horrified reaction upon seeing your ‘T’ result after that nonsense test she made you do flashes through your mind.)
Even if you did see it coming, would you have been able to stop it anyway?
Looking back now, it was so obvious. The number of dates dwindled down. The dates that did happen, once full of animated conversation and laughter over silly little things, now consisted of half-hearted and dry replies.
Maybe it was your fault. You know how distant you can get under academic pressure, and especially with a course as demanding as nursing, there’s barely any time to yourself, let alone Hanni.
The End happened on a Saturday evening. A familiar rhythmic pattern of knocks echoed through your apartment, and you slowly made your way to the door to greet Hanni.
“Hey,” you smiled tiredly as you leaned against the doorframe. “I missed you.”
With the hand that’s not holding takeaway, Hanni squeezed your hand lightly. “I missed you too.”
You both made your way back inside the apartment. You went to your room and slumped back in your chair, continuing your work as Hanni set up the table for dinner. Even though both your schedules were packed, you were glad that you were able to see her once in a while. It sucked, but it had to be enough, was what you told yourself. Little did you know.
At Hanni’s calling of your name, you remember running your fingers through your hair, closing your eyes for a second and taking a deep breath. A second was the plan. You ended up dozing off right then and there, and Hanni had to come in and shake you awake.
Dinner was quiet, save for the sounds of the clinking of cutlery and the occasional slurp. It had been like this for a while. At least there was background noise with the TV playing on some obscure channel. You wondered when this became the norm. The two of you didn’t even bother to ask about each other’s day, because it would elicit the same response: “Exhausting.”
You swallowed the last of your food and mentally prepared yourself to drop the bomb.
“Hanni,” you started off cautiously. “You know how we’re in second year now?”
She hummed in response, her eyes meeting yours. You missed when it used to have so much life and love in them.
“Well,” you breath hitched. “I start placement soon. And it’s full-time.”
You both knew it was coming, but you guess it wasn’t something you were both prepared to face. Full-time placement typically ranges from four to six weeks, and the university allocates you a location to work at, usually far from home.
Hanni’s face was unchanging, and you hated this. She used to always be so expressive around you. You would always be able to read each other like a book — that’s how it always was. “How soon is soon?”
You tapped your finger on the desk nervously. “Like… next week type of soon?”
She dropped the chopsticks on the table. “Are you serious? You couldn’t tell me sooner?”
“It’s not that deep,” you hastily defended yourself. “A month isn’t that bad. At this point, it’s normal for us to not see each other for a month anyway.”
Your tone was harsher than you intended, but in the heat of the moment, your pride and your stress got the better of you. But this was the worst mistake you could’ve made, because it all escalated so fast and so wrongly.
Hanni scoffed in disbelief. “You say that like it’s my fault. You’re the one who’s always busy. You’re the one constantly canceling our plans. I’m the only one who’s trying to keep this relationship together.”
“Don’t act like I’m not trying here,” you gritted your teeth. “You know my schedule. All the free time I have, I spend it with you.”
“I can’t believe you’re guilt-tripping me over wanting to spend more time with you.”
“I’m not—” You stopped yourself from raising your voice. “I’m not guilt-tripping you. You should’ve told me how you felt rather than just dropping this all on me today. I’m already stressed enough.”
Hanni let out a scornful laugh. “Oh, you can’t be the one to talk about dropping bombs. And have the past few weeks not been enough of an indication for you? You’re too stressed to notice how we literally act like strangers?”
“You can’t expect me to read your mind!”
“Well, I expect you to at least care enough to notice!”
You threw your hands up in exasperation. “Look—”
She cut you off. “Whatever. I don’t think this will work out. Especially now that you’re practically going MIA for a month.”
“Are you serious?” You spat. “You don’t think our relationship is worth fighting over? You can’t even handle a few weeks?”
The jarring screech of the chair scraping against the floor as Hanni sharply stood up rang in your ears. “I have been fighting. But clearly, you’re too in over your head to see it. We’re over.”
And with that, she stormed out of the apartment with a thunderous slamming of the door.
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You’re crying. You’re still at the party, drunk out of your mind, and you’re bawling your eyes out. You at least have some dignity to force yourself up and stumble outside so that no one has to witness what a horrible mess you are.
You drop yourself against the wall, and you hit your head against it. It hurts like hell, and there’s going to be a bruise tomorrow, and you want to scream so badly. You clench your fists instead, feeling the digging of your nails into your palm, your body racking with sobs as you try to breathe, but it’s too hard.
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You couldn’t even grieve in the first month, because you were on placement. It did provide a temporary distraction from The End, but at night, when you lay in bed, miles away from home, there was nowhere else to run.
You sat with that weight, that feeling of your body closing in on itself. Tossing and turning, you could only rely on completely crying your eyes out until you were so drained that you had no choice but to fall asleep.
All you were left with each morning was the swelling in your eyes and the ache all over your body.
When you finally finished placement, you did what anyone else would do after a breakup: entirely shut the world out. The only time you left was for mandatory classes, which you barely survived. A cap and mask to hide your miserable self was the solution.
In the third month, Danielle somehow managed to lure you out of your room. She offered you some takeaway from your favorite restaurant, and you were surprised that she didn’t pry. You must’ve looked really bad. After that, you gradually assimilated yourself back into normal society and got a grasp of your usual routine.
What hurt most was that it wasn’t hard to live without Hanni, because you had already been separate and distant before you even broke up. The other hardest part was learning how to move on, because it was something you never thought you’d have to do.
You didn’t want to move on though, and although Danielle reassured you that it was fine (you finally broke and told her everything one night when she found you drunk on the couch blabbering to yourself), there was this nagging feeling in your chest that it was the right thing to do.
After all, it was your fault.
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You hear the door of the house open and there are faint voices floating around. “Check if she’s outside.”
Some time passes by before a soft voice calls out your name. This is followed by a few gentle taps on your cheek.
You curl yourself up and turn away from the stranger, your voice small and croaky. “Leave me alone.”
“I’m gonna take you home.”
You shake your head. “I don’t want to.”
A few seconds pass by with no response. You assume mystery person has left, but they speak up again. “Why?”
“I’m sad,” your words come out nasally because of your blocked nose. “I’m really really really sad.”
You hear a sigh before the mystery person sits next to you, a few inches apart. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I miss my ex,” you whine. “I miss her so much.”
“I want her back,” you continue, slurring your words. “I’m so stupid. So stupid.”
Mystery person listens silently.
“And the universe keeps reminding me of her. Yesterday, I was playing the Sims, and the Sim I made of her burnt my house down. She must really hate me.”
“...You made a sim of her?”
You sniff. “Yes. And I made one of me. And I made us marry.”
Mystery person laughs quietly. The two of you sit there and focus on the muffled music from the party for a few minutes.
“Did you really mean it?” They suddenly ask.
“Mean what?”
“That you want her back.”
The question makes you burst into tears again.
“Yes,” you ramble. “I miss her so much… I want her back… I’d do anything…”
Your voice grows weaker with every passing word. You pass out after a minute of repeating the same thing over and over again.
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You wake the next morning with a killer headache and swollen eyes. Huh, this doesn’t feel too unfamiliar. You’re snuggling yourself deeper into the bedsheets, but then you realize that this is way too comfortable to be your own bed. You blink your eyes open, adjusting your vision, and thankfully the room is dark, otherwise you would’ve been flashbanged.
Oh my god, your mind eventually registers. This is not your room. This is Hanni’s room.
You sit up in shock and horror. It makes you nauseous but you hold it down. How on earth did you end up in her room?
You can hear some shuffling outside the door. Okay, you think. Two options here. Best case scenario: It’s Minji, and you can awkwardly say hi and bye. Worst case scenario: It’s Hanni. There is no current thought as to how you will approach the situation.
Then you hear humming, and just your luck, it’s Hanni.
Okay, you think to yourself again and look out the window, is it possible to survive that jump? (It isn’t.) Your brain runs through hundreds of methods to somehow suddenly die, but none of them are plausible.
Hanni approaches the door, and you quickly hide under the sheets and pretend to be asleep. 
She flicks the light on. “I know you’re awake.”
You sheepishly peek out from under the covers.
“Go brush your teeth and shower,” Hanni says. Then, in a smaller voice, as if embarrassed, she continues, “Your toothbrush is still there.”
You stand in the shower, contemplating all of your life decisions that have led to this very moment. You brush your teeth, still contemplating all your life decisions. You consider sending a text to Danielle, something along the lines of: I HATE YOU!!!! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!, but that’s not very fair to her.
You decide on sending a nicer text: hi i hope you got home okay… sorry for not staying sober!
You pace around the bathroom, thinking of what to say to Hanni when you step out. You could just take off and run, but you’re probably not coordinated enough to do that. Guess it’s time to be the bigger person and have a mature conversation.
You take one big dramatic step into the living room of her apartment. Minji isn’t home, it seems. You gulp as you see Hanni, back turned to you as she’s cooking breakfast. There’s already a glass of water and Advil waiting for you on the table.
You wordlessly sit down and gratefully take it. After a while, Hanni sets the table up, and this takes you back to the day of The End. You sit there, frozen, but then she stares at you in confusion and you remind yourself to eat like a normal human being.
“So,” Hanni says after a bit. “Do you remember anything from last night?”
“No,” you fidget in your seat. “Did I do something bad?”
“You said you missed me. And wanted to get back together.”
“Oh,” you swallow.
Hanni tilts her head. You still can’t read her. “Did you mean it?”
You play around with your scrambled eggs. “...Yes?”
She continues to stare at you.
“I did,” you say, a bit more firmly this time, albeit shakily. “And I’m sorry — for everything. I took you for granted… and I should’ve been more considerate of your time and your feelings.”
A pause.
“I’m sorry as well,” Hanni bites her cheek. “I shouldn’t have expected you to know how I felt.”
Another pause. “And I miss you too.”
“Truce?” You offer an awkward smile.
Hanni puffs out her cheeks. “No more last-minute news?”
“No more last-minute news.”
“Spend more time with me? Quality time?”
You nod. “Tell each other how we feel?”
“Tell each other how we feel,” Hanni repeats. Then she says in a serious tone, so serious that you almost don’t believe what you’re hearing. “Buy me Planet Zoo?”
“Buy you… Planet Zoo?”
Hanni swiftly hooks her pinky into yours before you can stop her. “You pinky promised!”
“Whatever,” you mutter with a smile. 
Planet Zoo is a small price to pay to get the love of your life back.
(“Okay, how drunk was I on a scale of one to ten?”
“Oh, you were so drunk.”
“I said on a scale of one to ten.”
“Like, passed out on the floor, crying, mumbling my name scale of drunk.”
“Okay, not my finest moment. But you were there with Yunjin… or Yeonjung. Or Yeojin. What else was I meant to do?”
“Yujin. It’s Yujin.”
“Oh… Agree to never mention this again?”
“Nope. Love you.”)
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Dedicated to user shuxiii… hope you enjoyed if you are reading this…
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the-froschamethyst4 · 7 months
Playing in the rain
𖤐Pairing: Father! Price x Mother! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: fluff, language, good father Price, daddies girl, kissing, married couple, children, kissing, parents flirting,
𖤐Summary: It's raining in Manchester and Iris wants to go play outside
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Iris stayed home from school today, the roads were closed due to flooding and some buses couldn’t get to students to pick them up.
Iris watched as the water droplets fall on the window and run down them like they were racing each other. Her mother Y/n was in the kitchen fixing Iris a grilled cheese as she also was holding baby Beau to her chest as she fixed lunch.
“Iris baby, do you want soup?”
“No. Just the grilled cheese,” Iris says, still looking out the window.
Y/n looks up and sees her daughter watching the rain. Y/n remembers a time where she use to enjoy the rain.
“Iris, why don’t you get changed into some better clothes and go grab your raincoat and boots?”
“Okay, mama,” Iris gets off the little seat next to the window and heads upstairs to her bedroom to change like her mother had asked her to.
Y/n places the freshly made grilled cheese on a plate and pushed it on the counter to where she knows Iris will sit. And right on time, Iris comes down raincoat and boots in hand and she climbs on the stool to eat.
“When you get eating I’ll help you put everything on, and we can head outside.”
“Okay!” She sounded excited. “Mama, will you joy me on playing in the rain?”
“I wish I could baby, but I have to keep Beau with me and so I also make sure he doesn’t get sick, but I think daddy is coming home soon, maybe he’ll join?”
Iris just smiles at the mention of Price coming home.
As Iris was eating, her mom eating as well and trying to make sure Beau was still asleep, Iris would tell her mom about random things that happened at school.
Like a kid starting a food fight and milk landed on her.
Or the time where the teacher yelled at everyone for no reason.
And the time where Price ended up picking Iris up a bit early to have lunch together.
Y/n knew the first two were just fake, she wanted to make her school life seem a bit interesting but the last one, may be true. Y/n has even gotten phone calls about Iris's school for not showing up to school when Price would have to drop her off at school. And comes to find out Price thought maybe him and Iris should do father-daughter days.
Even before Beau was born. Nowadays, Iris is attached to Price and Beau is attached to Y/n.
Y/n bent down helping Iris put her jacket on and making sure Iris put the right boots on the correct foot. Once Y/n opened the front door Iris darted out and started to splash in puddles as Y/n was under the awning watching her daughter play.
She splashes and kicks the water up, she then sees mud at the edge of the driveway and puts her hands in it, squeezing the mud between her small fingers and laughing before finding a big puddle to clean her hands off the best she could.
Soon a black chevy impala pulls into the driveway, Iris immediately knew who it was and ran to the driver side door when the impala stops.
The door opens and Iris is greeted with a deep thick accent. She's then picked up by her father, he kisses her cheek and set her back on the concrete.
"What are you doing at out? It's raining," Price says, bending down to Iris's level, he was letting himself get wet just to listen to his daughter.
"It looked like fun to play in the rain, and mama said we could come outside," Iris tells her daddy.
Price looks at his wife standing under the little roof above the porch as she smiles and gently pats Beau's back.
"I see, why don't I join my baby girl?" Price says as he removes his gear but was left in his tight dark green shirt, his famous bucket hat, his camo pants and boots.
He watches as Iris jumps in puddles and splashes Price, he does the same but make sure it's not a lot to completely cover her cold water. Price then picks up Iris and he tilts his head back catching water in his mouth and Iris follows his lead.
Y/n smiles at her husband and daughter. "Alright I hate to ruin the fun, but why don't you both come in and warm up before you both could catch a cold," she says as Price smiles and walks under the roof and kissed Y/n's lips as they all walked into the house together.
Y/n rubbed a towel on Price's head as he lets out a loud dad sneeze. Scaring Y/n but also making her laugh.
"You sneeze so loud."
"I can't help it," he sounded stuffed up.
"You're sick aren't you?"
"Must've been the rain," he sneezes.
"Well, you didn't have anything protecting you from the rain like Iris and she's not even sick."
"True, true," he sniffles and Y/n sits next to him on the bed.
"You're a good father."
"And you're the best mother." Price leans in and kisses Y/n's lips.
"And you probably just got me sick as well," Y/n says with a smile.
"That's fine, then I get to take care of you, like you do with me," Price smirks.
"Do you two always kiss each other?" Iris's small voice was heard from their shared bedroom doorway.
"Get to bed, young lady," Price says. Iris takes off down the hall giggling making Y/n and Price laugh. "Yes, I do kiss you whenever I want to."
"You are such a flirt," she pushes his face away.
"Only for you," his arm wraps around her waist pulling her close to his chest. Iris came back and looked at her parents, Y/n on her husband's lap as they were talking, Y/n spoke about early today and Price looked at her like he could listen to her for HOURS.
Iris knows her parents love each other very much, Price felt like someone was watching him and his wife, he looks passed Y/n for a few seconds and saw Iris. He motions for her to 'come here' which she follows and crawls on the bed with her parents.
Price pulls her into his side as Y/n moves some of Iris's hair from her face as Y/n was still talking.
It was around eleven at night and Price was still up watching some of the Bluey cartoon, Y/n was asleep her head resting on Price's chest, her arm draped over his stomach as Iris was asleep cuddled up to his arm. He hasn't moved for 3 hours.
Which is also the reason he can't sleep, he doesn't want to wake his girls up and has to deal with two grumpy girls on his hands, he knows that lesson, and is probably the only trait Iris has picked up from her mother. Don't bother sleeping women, they want their rest.
Price yawns closing his eyes but his eyes shot open feeling Y/n move around thinking it might have been his doing, he bites his bottom lip and watches her just roll over on her side facing away from Price.
Price let's out a soft sigh before turning to look at Iris his eyes met with Iris's blue eyes.
"Daddy...why aren't you asleep?"
"I just can't."
"Do you want some milk?"
"Yeah, mama gives me milk if I can't sleep."
"I guess," Price yawns, Iris gets off the bed and Price gently moves his arm from his wife's grasp and followed Iris to the kitchen. He pulls the fridges door open as Iris climbed on the counter to get a glass which Price ended up getting her off the counter and putting her on the floor and poured his own glass of milk and then giving the gallon to Iris and helped her pour her own glass.
They both stayed in the kitchen for some times now before heading back upstairs. Price checked on Beau and he seemed happy as ever, and follows Iris to her bedroom tucking her into bed and kissing her temple.
"Can you tell me a story?"
"Okay...like what, baby?"
"Like...how you and mama met?"
"Didn't I already tell you that story?"
"Maybe...but I wanna hear it again," she smiles up at him.
"Okay, okay, I'll tell you it."
Y/n woke up to an empty bed, no husband and no daughter. She yawns and rubs her eyes before removing the covers off her body and heading down the hall where she could hear John's deep thick accent voice.
She stops and leans against the wall just outside of Iris's bedroom listening in. Then she realized he's telling Iris the first time her and Price met. Her heart clenches when Iris was asking questions about if he thought it was love at first sight?
"Yeah...I think so," Price says with a smile. "If it wasn't love you and Beau wouldn't be here with us, enjoying life together."
"Would Beau and I be with different parents?" Price didn't know how to answer that.
"Umm~ y-yeah," he stutters. "Anyways...good night baby," he kisses her forehead.
"Good night, daddy." Price turns off her lamp and gently shuts the door and saw Y/n. "Jesus! I'm going to put a bell on you," he says holding his chest like he was going to have a heart attack.
"That can be arranged," she grabs his shirt leading him back to he bedroom.
"Oh fuck."
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 3 months
Sorry - Chapter 6
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
❤ Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Series Masterlist
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Jon often forgets how petty his fiance could be as he watched her force Josh to switch seats with her on the plane so she was two rows ahead of him instead of sitting next to him. Their first flight had been canceled, leaving them in the airport for an extra 5 hours. He had tried to talk to Dominique, only to be met with silence and glares. Jon sucked his teeth as Josh made eye contact with him as he made his way over to him. 
“Aye it's gone be all good twin. Y’all got all week to work it out.” Jon snorted. He had peeked into her phone earlier when she was texting her mom and saw that she had asked her mom to pick her up from the airport.  
“Unlikely. Moniqiue is picking her up and taking her back to Ensley.” 
“Uce, that's a 12 minute drive. If you really wanna work shit out with Dom then do it. Hurry up and text Ms Mo before the flight takes off. Tell her she doesn’t need to come anymore.”  Jon didn’t respond to his twin, too busy looking at Dominique and trying to think of ways to get her back to him, back with him. 
“I don’t know what to do.” Jon confessed. “I know I fucked up and I apologized, but I just don’t know what else to do.” Josh sucked his teeth causing Jon to look over at him. “What?”
“You being deadass Uce? I know you not being deadass. Jon, you flew her out to Paris so you could propose in front of the Eiffel Tower because that's what she told you her ideal proposal was. Dominique is just stubborn as hell but you know what to do, Just follow your heart.” 
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Dominique rolled her eyes and let out a groan at all the messages her mother had sent her pertaining to her wedding. Dom had told her mom that the wedding was off but Monique Walker-Coleman did not care. She knew how her daughter was and she knew that Dominique and Jon would work it out.  
She didn’t even bother responding to her mom. She took her headphones out of her carry-on and slipped them on to her head. After putting on her playlist, she closed her eyes and tried to drift  off to sleep, but her mind kept going back to what Ishana had said to her. 
Dom knew Ishana was right but she also knew that if the shoe was on the other foot, Ishana would have turned her own fiance every way but loose! She understood that Jon knew he fucked up and all he wanted was for Dominique to forgive him, but she was hurt. She watched, with her own two eyes as her fiance let some bitch get into his space. He let that bitch KISS him! 
Dominique opened her eyes and  took a deep breath trying to calm herself down, if she thought about it anymore she was gonna be put on the no fly list after she got through with Jon. 
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Dominique all but ran off of the plane. She could hear Jon calling after her as she grabbed her bags from baggage claim and hightailed it to where her mom was waiting for her. “Go!” She yelled once she got in her moms car , then winced as her mother narrowed her eyes. “Sorry, can you just drive please?’ Monique nodded and drove off just as Jon came sprinting out of the building.
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Monique stared at her daughter, very disappointed in what she was hearing. “Yes, he fucked up.” Monique started off and Dominique smiled, finally someone was on her side. “But,” Monique said, causing Dom’s smile to fade. “You also fucked up by not letting him know how you feel about marriage before y’all even got engaged. You’re afraid to go through what me and your father went through and I don’t blame you. But you can’t let that ruin what you and Jon have. Y’all both went through some rough shit before finding each other. Don’t let  your fear mess that up Dominique.” 
“So what you're saying is that it’s my fault for not telling him I'm scared of being married.” Dominique scoffed, sitting back in  her chair and crossing her arms over her chest as Monique rolled her  eyes.
“Girl, you know damn well that’s not what I said.” Monique reached across the table and gently grasped her daughter's hand, squeezing it. “I don’t want you to be like me, Meeks. Don’t blow this situation out of proportion. You and him messed up and you and him need to sit down and talk to each other, without screaming.” Monique said, pointing an accusatory finger at her daughter. “You nicely tell him how you feel, not just about the situation but marriage as a whole and you listen to what he has to say.” 
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Dominique stayed out with her mother as late as she could. It was nearing 4 pm when she finally made it home and normally she would have gone in the house and started on dinner but she was still pissed off with him, she didn’t care if he ever ate again. 
She furrowed her eyebrows as she walked in the house, taking a note of the silence, which was very unusual in their house. She walked into the kitchen and jumped when she saw him sitting there, nursing a bottle of beer. She let out a sigh when she saw two empty bottles in the recycling bin. 
“Didn’t think I was gonna see you tonight.” He said in greeting and Dominique ignored him, walking over to the counter and shuffling through the bills that had accumulated while they were on the road. She noticed that his keys were thrown on the counter and not on the hook by the garage door. 
“I hope you decided to drink those after you went wherever you needed to go.” She muttered, flickering her eyes up to his. “You can’t afford another DUI.” That was a low blow. Jon chuckled and picked at the label. 
“That was uncalled for.” He muttered, his voice laced with hurt. “You ain’t have to say that Dom.” He let out a scoff when she shrugged. 
“What you did was uncalled for too.” 
“Now you just being childish and petty, Dominique.” 
“Hmm.” She hummed and placed the bills back down on the counter. “I’m going to take a shower.” She said, huffing as she heard him following after her. “Stop following me Jon.” 
“I just wanna talk to you.” He pleaded as he followed her up the steps and into their bedroom. She sighed and walked into their closet to get her some nightclothes ready. 
“I am talking to you Jonathan.” She called out from the closet. 
"Dom, please." He pleaded, taking his hair out of the ponytail and running his fingers through it. "I just want to talk to you” 
“Jonathan, we can talk in the morning. I just want to shower. “ He sucked his teeth and watched as she disappeared into the bathroom. He sighed and stood up to follow her in the bathroom.
"Okay I'll talk you listen." He sat on the toilet lid and she glared at him.
"Jon can you just - " She started but he cut her off.
"I fucked up and I'm sorry." He said and he rubbed his hand down his face. "I didn't know she was gonna do what she did, Dom. I-" He stopped and shrugged. "I don't know you told me to go find someone else and I was pissed but my intentions weren't to disrespect you." She rolled her eyes and rested her but against the sink so she was facing him.
"I obviously didn't really mean it, Jonanthan!" She cocked her eyebrow at him. Was he serious? So now all of a sudden he wants to do everything she said. If she said jump would he say how high?
"I know that Dominique, I was drunk and upset. Like I Just said it wasn't my intentions."
"So what were your 'intentions'?" She said using air quotes.
"I don't know Dominique." He stressed. She was making this more difficult than it needed to be. Why couldn't she just accept his apology. "All I know is that you pissed me off." She scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest.
"So that's what I had to look forward to if we got married? You letting different women in your space when I piss you off?" He groaned.
"Of course not Dom.-" She cut him off .
"What if it was me, Jon?" He raised his head from his hands and looked at her.
"What if it was me? What if you saw me with another dude all over me in the club and I didn't push him away? Would you forgive me right away?" He clenched his fist at the thought of another man even touching her. “You already was pissed off because you seen me with Randy.” 
"I'm not the only one at fault here Dominique." He deflected and she let out a huff and crossed her arms. "9 months of you pushing me away everytime I ask about the wedding, our wedding. Everytime I bring it up you either start an argument or walk away." He said, standing up from the toilet and walking closer to her. She averted her gaze, looking at the wall behind his head. He was right, he wasn't the only one at fault but he played a bigger role in this problem than she did.
She could be woman enough to admit that all of their other arguments were petty and childish and all her fault but this was entirely on him.
"Okay but I didn't let some guy kiss me." He restrained himself from rolling his eyes. She wasn't going to let that go any time soon.
"And I apologized for that and already told you that I didn't know she was going to do that."
"That doesn't make it okay Jon!" She yelled looking at him again. "None of this is okay! I'm allowed to have reservations about the wedding! I'm allowed to not be sure about certain shit Jonathan!" She was trying her hardest not to cry.
"So you're not certain about us?"
"That's not what I'm saying."
"So what are you saying Dominique?"
She stared at him. She wasn't sure what she meant by that. She was certain that she wanted to be with him, but she wasn't certain that she wanted to get married to him.
"I don't know." She mumbled, looking down at her feet. He scoffed.
"You know what." He let out a humorless chuckle. "Maybe we should just you know." He made a break apart motion with his hands. "If this wasn't what you wanted." He motioned between the two of them. "You shouldn't have accepted my proposal." He said turning around and walking back into their shared room.
Dominique stared after him in shock. That wasn't how she thought the conversation was going to go. She didn't expect him to walk out. She walked into the bedroom to see him packing an overnight bag.
"I'm going to stay at my moms." He said not sparing her a glance as he walked out of the room. She followed behind him wanting to tell him not to go and that she did want to be with him but something in her wasn't letting her.
He left the house slamming the door and let out a frustrated scream once he was in his truck. 
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HEYY Y'ALL... Sorry about the wait.
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stevesbipanic · 9 months
@steddiemas Day 26: Fake Dating
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Steve was ready for Hawkins to open up again and for the Upside Down to swallow him whole. Christmas was meant to be fun, well at least it was supposed to be fun now that he spent it with the Buckley's. Right now though he was glaring at his boyfriend and best friend across the table. Or wait not his boyfriend this evening, no tonight, Eddie was Robin's boyfriend.
Steve could only blame himself he supposed, one for loving the two idiots that were currently badly suppressing giggles and two because it was all because of what he'd said last week.
One week earlier...
"Robin, just tell your mom you're a lesbian or I'm not coming to Christmas lunch next week."
"Steve I can't do that do you want to ruin Christmas!?"
"She was already fine with me being bisexual she's not going to send you to hell, that's why we tested her with me in the first place!"
"No, I'm not ready!"
"Well I can't sit through another Christmas of your mom suggesting a Spring wedding!"
"You're my boy space friend can't we just let her live in a fantasy world where she marries into the Harrington's?"
"I don't even want to be one!"
"Could pop down to the courthouse and become a Munson, baby," Eddie supplied watching the back and forth while blatantly stealing from the candy display.
Steve gave him a deadpan look, "You need to propose to me better than that, Eds. No, Robin that's it I'm not going, I'm not being your boyfriend anymore!"
"What am I meant to do then, she'll be asking about you all day!"
"I'll do it!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Do what?" The other two asked giving him a questioning look.
"No, stop I hate when you do that twin thing it's creepy. And I'll be your boyfriend for Christmas, Birdie."
Which brought Steve to now. It had seemed like a brilliant idea, one Steve could enjoy his Christmas lunch peacefully being the golden boy of the table as Mrs Buckley dawned over him and two, no boyfriend questions. There was also the added bonus that lesbianism might seem like a better option than the town's drug dealer in the Buckley's minds. What Steve hadn't counted on, was the Buckley's loving Eddie.
"Oh, you're in a band that's so lovely, you know I played tamborine for a band back when I was your age, we thought we were going to be a big girl group."
"I hear you're working over at Thatcher's son, they're good men there you're certainly going to learn a lot."
Steve had been relegated to peeling the potatoes while Eddie was literally putting his feet up in the living room. He felt like the middle child of a family that just got a newborn baby, how dare Eddie steal his pseudo parents. What was worse was that Robin was finding this hilarious.
"Oh poor Stevie Wevie are you sad mom's not asking about how EMT school is going?"
"Yes! I had such a fun fake heart attack story she was gonna love." Steve pouted and for a moment he thought about stomping his foot in protest.
"Hey, it's ok, next year I promise I'll have told them, and Edward over there can come as your boyfriend, ok?" Robin reassured wrapping an arm around him.
Steve guessed that he could give up being the favourite this time, and it was nice seeing people be kind to Eddie, it hadn't been easy after Spring Break. It didn't stop him shooting daggers whenever Eddie and Robin decided to reassure Steve at lunch that he'd find someone nice eventually.
Steve and Eddie waved goodbye after lunch, promising to visit soon and hopped into the van.
"Have fun?"
"Oh yeah, I think Janice is already planning the Spring wedding."
"Well, I hope you enjoyed getting fawned over because we've got dinner with Wayne now, and guess who's his favourite?"
"Just because you know the difference between the Chiefs and the Packers, I'm his own blood and the minute you're there it's like I'm chopped liver!" Eddie exclaimed as they drove towards the trailer park.
Lunch had been interesting but he was very glad it was over as he laughed and slid his fingers between Eddie's between them, happy that he had his boyfriend back.
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essentialthyme · 4 months
Nina's conflict with her family was very good, in my opinion. I think people were expecting a different outcome because they were expecting a different conflict altogether. This isn't a family that is against Nina, this is a family who doesn't know how to be in favor of her.
What we thought might have been neglect, was actually her father trying to settle things in the school the first time in a way that didn't jeopardize Nina's future. It was the wrong choice, of course, but it seems he truly wanted what was best for her.
The reason it works its because he cares. He made the wrong choices at every turn with regard to her bullying, and he didn't know what to do to make it right and it was eating away at him: his smoking habit worsened, he started drinking, he presumably swallowed his pride and asked around for advice, but he only did so after allowing Nina to drop out and go to Tokyo, as she wanted.
It's important to note that none of them knew she wanted to quit school altogether and be in a band. Hell, even Nina resisted joining Momoka and Subaru in the second and third episodes. Her family never put their foot down and said "you will not be a musician, get back to school". They had no idea that's what she wanted in the first place. When her sister found out, she was skeptical, but didn't snitch to their parents. And when their parents finally find out, they accept it, they don't fight her on going back. They wish her a safe trip.
And we also see little things that just hammer home how much they love her: in the restaurant, her mom gives a little smile and looks over the counter because she knows Nina was hiding there, and gives her friends a ticket to make a trip back home. Her sister offers her lap for Nina to lay her head on, which seems to be a habit for them, and Nina opens up to her. They eat their meal in their room, going against their family tenets. They cry together. Her dad demands an apology from the school (even if it's the wrong thing yet again), he listens to her favorite song. When Nina tells him to come listen to the song she will write, he agrees.
They cut off the branch she hit her head against when she arrived, so she can leave, unimpeded.
The Iseri are all awkward, meddlesome, and irritating. All of them, including Nina. And they all love each other.
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ladykailitha · 5 months
Batshit Soulmates: Epilogue
Here it is. The end of an era. I struggled mightily with this one because I was so focused on canon that I forgot that I'm a writer and I can do what I want.
Once I got over myself the story just flowed so well it was done in two weeks.
But as I said last week, I'm a little mean to you in this. Spoiler under the cut.
In Medias Res| Prologue|Pt 1|Pt 2|Pt 3|Pt 4|Pt 5|Pt 6|Pt 7|Pt 8| Pt 9|
This ends the way season four does only with all the allies together not just some of them.
Nancy, Robin, and Dustin all returned to Steve’s house to make sure Eddie was safe.
Steve told Eddie that his uncle knew he was alive and would get into contact soon.
Eddie nearly cried in relief. “Thank you, Stevie.”
Then a car pulled up at that exact moment. Then of all things a pizza truck. Steve pushed Eddie into a nearby bathroom and looked out the window.
Out of the pizza truck hopped out both Byers boys, Mike, and the driver, a long haired native boy in a Hawaiian shirt. Then Joyce, Murray, and a very much alive Hopper exited the car.
And Steve’s heart nearly burst. He quickly ushered them all inside. His street had a lot of empty houses since the earthquake, the rich having somewhere else to go, but he didn’t trust the ones that remained.
Everyone was hugging everyone else. Jonathan and Nancy, El and Hopper. Joyce and Will. Everyone was safe. Max and the Sinclairs weren’t there, but they were safe too.
Robin, Steve and Eddie on the sidelines feeling happy that they were all reunited at last.
The first thing everyone did was tell their stories. El started, then the Byers, then Joyce and Murray, Hopper next, Steve and Dustin, then Nancy and Robin.
There was just so much to do.
“He’s still alive,” El said, “I couldn’t kill him. He hurt Max and I couldn’t leave her. I couldn’t leave her and the bastard survived.”
Joyce scooped her up into her arms and rocked her back and forth, gently. “You did the right thing, sweetheart. Max is alive because of you.”
“We’re going to have to find a place to stash Hopper and El until this blows over,” Nancy said. “They can’t stay here, it’s already a risk with Eddie being here. But at least with him, Steve can claim truemate status.”
The heads of all the people who hadn’t been in Hawkins turned to Steve in shock.
“Eddie is your truemate?” Mike wailed. He sat down and put his head in his hands. “Of course he is. Fuck that makes too much sense.”
Steve could only agree, honestly.
Eddie put his arm around his waist and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I didn’t think so at first, but clearly the universe is smarter than we are.”
Dustin scoffed. “I think that could be said for most of the universe’s population, too.”
Both Eddie and Steve knocked off his hat together.
Robin cackled. “Hey, kids. If Steve’s the mom, then you all have a new step-dad!”
Joyce and Hopper chuckled but everyone else groaned.
Nancy tapped her foot irritated. “Can we get back on to the topic at hand, namely finding a place to put Hopper and El so the government doesn’t find them?”
“My cabin is in pretty shit shape,” Hopper admitted. “But I think if we all work together, we can make it livable again for me and Jane.”
Steve nodded. “That should work. No one found El when she was there before, so they should be safer there.”
“Just not everyone show up at once,” Joyce warned. “Too many people coming and going will alert others.”
Everyone agreed, but as they piled out of Steve’s house the sky lit up in red storm clouds. Ash fell upon Hawkins and ground trembled.
Everyone stopped on Steve’s lawn looking up at the sky, knowing Vecna had finally made his move.
The Upside Down was bleeding into the top world.
The war had begun.
I want to thank everyone for coming long with me on this ride. It's been fun!
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