#i was listening sidekick from walk the moon while doing this
wingybunny · 2 months
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Sí no son canon es porque Disney le tiene miedo al éxito. 💜🧡
This here is based on that other trend, i'm pretty sure you know wich one, unfortunately i couldn't find the original image.
They're married yall, i swear they are. ⭐✨
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k2ntoss · 4 months
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tw ⭒ jason todd x fem!reader, john constantine's sidekick!reader, swearing, jealousy and that's it, this is mostly fluff with best friend jason based on guess what??? ANOTHER SONG, yo quisiera by reik
a/n ⭒ do you have an idea of how of a sucker i am for jay????? this is just, i need this please show some love. reblogs and comments are appreciated and each one gets you a kiss on your forehead and a warm hug and yeah, i mentioned mbv because it has jensen ackles and he's my man <3
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have you ever heard about not being able to decide who you love? well, jason has heard enough of that bullshit and he was sick of it.
it all started the day bruce brought back with him the man that the bat-kids could consider their weird uncle, john constantine and he showed up with a girl that was about jason's age. she walked swaying her hips a little too much and wore a smirk on her lips that made him a mix between upset and fascinated, there was also that white button-up shirt with the black trousers which made her look like a mini-me of the obnoxious sorcerer if only she wore also a trenchcoat and a red tie.
his first claim, after your first meeting, was that he didn't liked you "she speaks like she has all the right in the world" he said, voice gruffy and body a little too tense when dick asked him what he thought about you "she thinks she's funny but she's fucking annoying" and that makes dick chuckle.
"i think she's funny and smart, maybe you should try and spend some more time with y/n" dick tells him with a shrug before he leaves jason with his thoughts. there was no way on earth he'll get along with you.
but thruth be told, you were a little more giddy and nice that anyone could ever say constantine was and that made jason a bit less avoidant when it came to the times you were around the batcave and let's say that he just happened to get used to you, that's how he finds a new friend that he never thought would really understand him but he was mistaken.
since all of this it's been two years, it took jason a while to open himself up to you while you were maybe a bit of an oversharer but jason enjoys listening to your rambles, it's been so easy for him to accept you into his space in a way that's been noticeable to everyone around, not that they say anything because there are things that need to happen.
but what makes everyone tease him when they notice is how he seems to turn into a giddy kid whenever you're close, there's always a nice aura around you both but there are times he would be walking behind you like an overexcited puppy, following you from a corner to another because he needs to know what you need even if it's just a hug.
for dick that's just so funny, because he does remembers how annoying jason said you were and now he barely accepts going on patrol with anyone but you as his partner "thought you said y/n was annoying, you spend too much time with her for someone who you can't stand" he starts as soon as he steps next to jason and it causes him to grunt.
"she's annoying but she's my friend" jason says, shrugging it off before walking away to start his shift with dick as his partner "and what if i spend too much time with her? that's what friends do" the way he gets all defensive amuses dick and makes him giggle.
"sure thing, birdie boy" the nickname earns him a death stare from jason because that's just one of the ways you call him and if jason has to be honest he loves it but only when it comes from you "friends are running behind their friends like a lost puppy and looking at their friend like they hung the moon and the stars on the night sky"
"shut your mouth, grayson, she's my friend"
and yes, you're best friends but that doesn't mean he's not dealing with a big crush on you and he tries hard to hide it. maybe it works with you because you've never been wise enough with those things but there are things you can't hide from a family of damn detectives and the way he looked at you, how he spoke about you and the big amount of time he spent with you, yeah even bruce was aware.
jason had to deal with their knowing looks, the not so subtle glances they gave him as soon as you stood next to him because he was afraid that you could notice and that his feelings could ruin your friendship. it was sad having you so close yet not being able to do anything about it, he could hold his love if it meant you would be by his side even if he would have to see you around anyone else.
he wanted to be the one for you; he wanted to be reason of your nerves and smiles, he wanted to be the guy who would keep you awake until late just to talk a little bit more so then you could wake up feeling so eager to see him. jason wanted to be the guy you loved the most.
but instead he was your best friend, a shoulder to cry on and the first person you would always ask for advice before a date, which was the situation today. three days before valentine's day.
"and how am i supposed to know if he really likes me? i mean, he's nice but that can't be all" you start once you sit by his side, looking at jason with a small frown and your tone sounds so frustrated he sighs.
the question itself makes his breath catch because if he's not careful he could be giving himself away, letting you know how he feels about you and that is something he can't let happen.
"how am i supposed to know? i don't even know the guy" he replies with a low scoff, but truth be told he knows who the guy is and he also knows that he isn't worthy for you and it had been proven when he cancelled your date "but if he cancelled your date he might not be really interested"
"jay, i'm being serious! it's there something wrong with me?" you sink a little into the couch, arms crossed and a small pool of tears now forming on your eyes "why can't i have one single chance? why isn't there a single guy that really likes me?"
the only thing left for him on these situations is to lean in and drap one of his arms around your shoulder and he does, pulling you closer so you can cuddle yourself up into his side while he kisses the top of your head and bites his tongue so he holds back his words.
"life is pretty shitty, isn't it? i'm pretty sure the right person will show up eventually" he says softly, jason caresses your side while he coos you and there's a second when he swears he has a chance because you look up at him in a way that sends his stomach to do backflips.
he feels so damn jealous, you've been telling him about your dates and the guys that you hang out with and he wishes it was him instead. that he could be able to call you his, to kiss you and hold you, call you his girlfriend and have you all for him. he knows that's not even possible, he knows he can't indulge himself such a pleasure.
"i wish all guys were half as nice as you are, jaybirdie" your words are enough to make his face go as red as his helmet but he just pushes his feelings away again.
she's just being nice, you stupid asshole he tells himself as a dry chuckle leaves his chest mixed with an annoyed grunt "you don't want a guy like me, sweetheart, i'm sure as hell" he says in a whisper that you seem to ignore and he knows that it's better that way.
"now... i have no valentine's date so" he listens to your words and there's a voice on his head that tells him that this is his opportunity to get you a nice gift, to win you over but that's only possible on his dreams "would you be my valentine?" you asks, eyes still teary but there's a small smile on your lips and he wants to scream yes, he's about to answer when cass comes into the room.
funny enough to tell that cass is the only one of his sibblings that really knows from the source that jason is into you and they've both tried to find out if you have feelings for him and you do, cass knows and she has told him but he refuses to believe it. life isn't that good for him.
"ew, no" he says, his hand nudding your head lightly and he misses the quick glint of sadness on your eyes but cass doesn't and she coughs while giving jason a knowing look as soon as his eyes meet hers "why would i date my loser best friend for valentine's?"
rejection hurts and even when it felt like you were asking him as your second option thruth was that you've been scared enough to make any move. because this was special enough for you to want to be the one to actually court him, making him feel wanted and needed because he was important for you way beyond the friendship.
"yeah, no" you nod as you sit straight, clearing your throat to get rid of the knot that was starting to mess your voice up "it would be really lame, sorry. you must have plans already just for me to ruin them"
the sudden change on your attitude weirds jason out and it also scares him, did he messed up? yeah, he did he manages to think with the glare he receives from cass. sitting straight too, reaching her arm again to pull her back into his embrace.
"i hate valentine's, you know i have no plans at all" he says softly, trying to get you to look at him "but i can make an exception for you, what were you thinking for us to do?" jason asks, leaning in to kiss your temple.
"i was thinking we could watch a movie, you know..." you start, maybe a little less excited that he would wanted you to be and he nods with a small smile, his mind running with possible ideas until he remembers one of those movies with one of your favorite actors.
"my bloody valentine?" jason suggests, looking at you with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his lips that made your heart jump. this was exactly the kind of things jason never gave himself credit for, he may not be perfect but even with every flaw he could possibly have he was there, trying to be better for those who deserved to be loved.
it was set, you left after a few minutes of discussion on what to bring to your valentine's movie night. as soon as you were gone cass came up to him and the way she stood right in front with her hands on her hips made him guess what she was about to say.
"i know i almost fucked up" jason starts, hands on his face as he grunts "but i just- how do you expect me to believe she really likes me?" he asks on the edge of losing it.
"jason, she's being so transparent about it" cass says, she sounds tired and maybe she is, this isn't the first time she's said this to her little brother "you're not the only one that's chasing after her all the time, she's also doing the same and you're just too hard headed to accept it"
those words play on his head on repeat until the time you're out of his room, hands holding a couple of bags with food and also a small gift you brought him. it doesn't matter how the night ends, you wanted to give him something special. jason opens the door of his room, a big and warm smile as he sees your face and his heartbeat grows faster.
he lets you into his dorm, letting you sit on his bed with your back leaned against the headboard and he drops to the matress, his head resting on your lap while you play the movie and everything is nice, you both laugh at the cranky 3D effects that are just so weird on a common screen, he teases you whenever tom hanniger appears on the screen and chuckles when you giggle.
he eats a little distracted, feeling so at ease when your fingers brush through his hair and he stops watching the movie to look up at you, all the happiness he felt being replaced by a wave of doubt, he wanted to accept the idea of you liking him back but his mind was always ready to mess it up.
jason isn't aware of the low grunt he lets out, sound that brings you to pause the movie to look down at him with a worried expression because you wouldn't want him to be wasting his time on something he didn't wanted to do. he feels your gaze on him, eyes fixed on his face and he turns to watch the screen.
"what's going on, red?" the nickname slips, it isn't so often you call him like that but right now it just seemed fair when his cheeks blush a little "is there something wrong?" and the soft voice you use makes jason want to cry.
if only you knew how bad he wanted to tell you, he was dying to let you know how much he wanted to kiss you and have you all for him.
"if i tell you something you promise me we will continue to be friends?" jason asks, it slipped and he wants to tell you to forget it but he knows it's too late when you tilt your head before nodding "i just... is it weird if i told you i wish i was the reason you wake up all giddy? is it bad if i told you i wanted to be the guy you cry over? that you really felt something else for me? i'm just dying to tell you so many things but i'm afraid you don't feel the same, i'm afraid to tell you i want you to be in love with me and lose you, that the only way to see you then is on my dreams"
with each word he says your cheeks burn a little more, your heart is about to burst when he stops speaking. jason is looking at you, waiting for a response and he grows anxious when you don't speak right away, he shifts about to stand up when you stop him.
"who says you're not already the guy i've cried for?" your voice is soft and he can't bring himself to believe his ears "i mean... i can believe you don't think about it but how couldn't i? when i told you i wished any other guy was like you i meant it... i thought you didn't felt anything else for me"
you want to keep talking, keep on telling him everything you've felt for him but your words are hushed by his lips on your.
jason is kissing your lips, his touch so tender on your face while his hands cup your face like you could break or vanish at any second. the movie was still paused and who could care about a hot masked killer when jason was reciprocating your feelings?
"do you mean it?" his voice is low, almost a whisper as he speaks after breaking the kiss without putting much distance between your faces, lips still brushing as he looks into your eyes.
"i mean it, red" and your words, mixed with that cute giggle of yours made his heart melt "i like you. i love you" you whisper with your eyes closed and jason feels like he's in heaven.
"i love you too, sweetheart"
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aggimaginary · 8 months
The Moon Shines In Friendship (Nimona fanfic) - chapter 1
Chasina Moonlight. A name that nobody knew, and nobody knew she existed. She had been hiding in the shadows for 5 years… or most of her life, but not to anyone. She was known by only two people, and she tried to reconnect with them but was afraid to do so.
A figure who was wearing a blue cloak walked down the stony path. She tried to stay as quiet as she could, but the whirring sound and clanging stomp of her left metallic prosthetic leg made such a sound that she couldn't make it stop. It was annoying after living with this kind of leg for 3 years. She tried to keep going, despite the noises, but she stumbled on another rock.
"Oof!" She grunted as she got up back on her feet again, "Dumb leg…! Won't. Keep. Me. From..." Her hand was about to knock on the front door, "My old friend."
Chasina was at the front of the door of Ballister and Nimona's secret lair, their favorite hideout together. She removed the hoodie from her cloak, revealing her long brown hair with blue and white streaks and a circular hairpin with a crescent moon on it. She hesitated to proceed knocking at the door as she was too nervous to do so.
She turned away with a nervous look on her face, "Okay, the first impression is the only impression. You gotta nail this," She turned to the door with a sad-happy look, "Greetings, my dearest bestie!" Chasina then groaned, realizing that wasn't a good first impression.
She next showed a hunching position and waved her left hand, "Hellooooo!" She sighed, knowing that was a dumb one.
Then she popped out from a bush that she carried to the door, "Oh, hey, didn't see you there," she groaned again, thinking this wasn't a good idea either; it was a stupid idea.
Chasina walked to the door again, and said to herself, "Simple, sincere. It's just the most important moment of your life for 5 years."
Inside their "secret lair", Nimona was making tacos while listening to music with her headphones while Ballister modified his prosthetic arm, trying to make some new adjustments before putting it on again. He heard a chime from his computer He sat down on the chair in front of his computer to check on the notification he received.
While he was checking, Nimona approached Ballister with a tray of tacos as the latter already knew she was coming so he extended his left arm to reach for the tacos behind him.
"Here you go, boss!"
"Thank you."
When Ballister took a bite, and Nimona had one as well, she shapeshifted into a bird and stood on his shoulder to check what her boss got in his notification.
"Golden guy's texting you again?"
"Yeah, he said it was urgent, so I have to see him," Ballister said as he got off his chair, and grabbed his mug of coffee from a table.
"Uh, hello, Boss," Nimona transformed back into her human teenager form, and slapped the back of her hand on her other hand, "This is the guy who chopped off your arm and betrayed you!"
"And how many times do I have to tell you that we're back together?"
Ballister and Nimona walked towards the door, and stood there for a moment.
"Still though. Why do you still love this guy when there are a lot of guys in the kingdom?" Nimona said.
Ballister rolled his eyes, "Nimona, when are you going to get over this?"
"I was trying to protect you, Boss. That's what sidekicks do; protecting their bosses physically, mentally, and emotionally."
"And you did great, Nimona, but things can change," Ballister took a sip from his mug Nimona groaned disappointedly, "Including someone you knew for a long time, and someone would jump back into your life."
"Who else would do something like that?" Nimona asked sarcastically.
Ballister then opened the door and who should they find at the front door, but Chasina practicing her greetings!
"'Sup, party people! I'm back in the hizou-" Chasina stopped her excitement, "Oh, no," she put her hand to her face in embarrassment, "Knew it was wrong as soon as I said it. Sorry, that was terrible. Can I get a do-over?"
Ballister looked at Chasina for the first time in 5 years, as if tears were about to fall from his eyes.
"Hi, Ballister," Chasina greeted him, finally able to see and talk to him after 5 years.
Ballister, still looking shocked, dropped his mug, and it shattered at their feet and coffee spilled all over the floor.
Thank you for reading this everyone. For now, I'm leaving this story in hiatus, so I can update it whenever I can.
Chasina Moonlight is my new OC for Nimona. After watching Nimona, I was suddenly obsessed with the movie, so I decided to come up with an OC and a fanfic. More information about Chasina will be out soon in this story. So, stay tuned for updates!
This chapter was completely based on Ducktales, "Nothing Can Stop Della Duck".
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danthropologie · 2 years
PLEASE share your daniel ricciardo themed playlists with the class!!!
there are so many that it’s genuinely kind of embarrassing to list them all out like this but here you go:
danny ric - just general recs, songs he’s talked about, listened to, etc. i’m sure there are a million playlists out there like this, but i wanted one i was in control of
daniel ricciardo listen to more women challenge - self explanatory, there’s so many men all the fucking time and he needs more women in his life
the man, the myth, the legend - ‘knocked down and dragged out, but not done yet’ / ‘fighting against the passage of time itself’ sort of vibe
the untitled daniel ricciardo playlist - a little self-insert moment. very light, fun, happy. kind of just the general vibe of what i imagine being with him would be like. 
(and while we’re here, i’ll also plug my charles and max versions of the same concept: the charles one is sort of 80s synth pop inspired, light and frothy and passionate and vaguely doomed from the start. and the max one really leans into the softness and gentleness of it all because we all know he’s a bit of a basic bitch in taste (affectionately))
brain rot: depression edition - created the day we found out he had c*vid and it was looking like he might be replaced for the first race with a younger version of himself (and yes i’m referring to piastri, if we only fucking knew 😭)
brain rot: cleanse edition - positive manifestation, which i had to make after the vibes from the previous playlist became so horrific that i couldn’t stand it anymore 😭
untitled dr3 playlist - basically just a catch all for anything that reminds me of daniel and doesn’t fit in one of the previously mentioned playlists
the mixtape - i saw this post. it said daniel to me. i made a playlist about it.
the hubris of being young and in the sun // black and yellow // cause it feels so empty without me - these three overlap quite a bit and they’re all still works in progress, but they coincide with the big dick swagger of the rbr, renault, and mclaren eras respectively
blue - another little self insert moment based on @accio-ricciardo​’s tags on this post
the day i started dreaming - yet ANOTHER little self insert moment, but this time based on the idea of his partner being a singer-songwriter writing songs about him
little piece of heaven - the montana playlist! upbeat and folky with themes of escape and friendship and self-reflection. probably my favorite of all the daniel based playlists i’ve made, if not of any playlist i’ve made period
girl danny - pretty self explanatory, a playlist of songs that remind me of girl!daniel (and of course i also have girl max and girl charles playlists as well)
burn it to the ground - literally just a collection of angry songs from the day all the alpine/piastri/mclaren bullshit came out 😭
the only john mayer songs men are allowed to listen to - my toxic trait is loving john mayer and if i was going to get daniel into john mayer i would use these songs in this order to do it
how to fix a man in seven easy steps - as i said in the description, these are songs that would make even daniel ricciardo want to date a woman over 30. songs that slap me in the face and call me single in 15 different ways.
and then i also have a couple works in progress that aren’t quite to the point where i’d want to share them yet:
the official 'make a taylor swift fan out of daniel ricciardo' playlist - self explanatory. same as with the john mayer playlist, it’ll be a playlist of songs that i would use to make daniel a taylor swift fan
road trip fic - another self insert and my personal magnum opus, the ultimate road trip playlist but make it exes to lovers
edited to add: give into the moment - i read a daniel friends to lovers y/n fic and then after listened to sidekick by walk the moon and it gave me so much brain rot that i had to make this playlist 😵‍💫 it’s not about him but it’s not NOT about him yk
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sassysnowperson · 2 years
playlist music meme
I was tagged by @brynnmclean in a playlist meme!
Here are the rules:
you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people! no skipping!
Ten people is...a lot of people. We'll see how many I actually tag when I get to the end of this post.
Okay! So the playlist I'm using I've called Mood Lift - though really Energy Lift is more accurate. This is my dancing/cleaning/soup making playlist. Let's put it on shuffle and here we gooooo:
Opps - Vince Staples & Yugen Blackrock. From the Black Panther soundtrack, love the thudding drums. This one is on a subplaylist in my mind - Songs to Rob a Bank To.
Sidekick - WALK THE MOON. This is just a very happy song for me. Always gets me moving. Bonus as good song for soundtracking a friends to friends-with-benefits who are still pining helplessly sort of story.
Daisy - Fang Island. Someone once described Fang Island music as the feeling you get when everyone is high-fiving everybody else, and this song is really the perfect encapsulation of that feeling.
Shrimp - Dessa. I love Dessa, and this minute-long autobiographical rap won me over with the line, "Always a bridesmaid....NEVER AN ASTRONAUT!" Also, random trivia, this was my pandemic handwashing song.
Handclap - Fitz and Tantrums. Always good for an energy hit!
Liquid Lunch - Caro Emerald. While I've wandered away from it, I did have a steampunk phase, and a takeaway from it is a lingering love of electroswing - expecially this song.
Graffiti - CHVRCHES. Sometimes you just want electronic eighties inspired female fronted goodness, and CHVRCHES always delivers. Even if I do have to spell the band name out three times to get it right.
bad guy - Billie Eilish. Also on the Songs to Rob a Bank To playlist. It's the snapping. Love a song with a menacing snap.
Shut Up and Drive - Rihanna. Gets me dancing!
Ballroom Blitz - Sweet. So, fun fact about me. I make toffee sometimes. And toffee making requires that you vigorously stir a pot for twelve straight minutes. Ballroom Blitz is the best song I've found for getting through the 7-11 minute slump. It's even got a scream in a good spot for when the sugar mixture starts to thicken and it feels like my arm is going to fall off.
There you have it! A mix of songs on my high energy playlist.
Okay, tagging people. @virusq, @tobermoriansass, @chamerionwrites, @boogerwookiesugarcookie, @islandbetweenrivers - if any of you are interested, I'd love to see it!
And I also tag YOU, person reading this who wishes they had been tagged. Tag me if you do it based on this post!
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touyasdoll · 2 years
okok so i dunno if this is how im supposed to do this BUT hawks x reader w a enemies to lovers where the reader idolized him at first but grew to hate him,,, (n eventually love him again ykwtfgo 😭) ?
send me some basics & I’ll outline a fic for you
I don’t either lmao this is a new exercise for me, but this works perfectly! <3
okay, so.
You’re new in town, having just moved from a hero agency located across the country.
But of course you know Hawks. Everyone knows Hawks. Everyone loves him.
You were lucky enough to be offered a job at his agency and you’re over the moon about it. You’re so ready for your first day and to finally meet the hero who inspires you.
And then you come to understand why they say to never meet your heroes.
He’s nice enough, sure. But it seems fake, especially around the office. He barely pays his sidekicks any attention, always leaving them in the dust to clean up his messes.
He doesn’t even take the time to remember your name the first day. You can’t believe that you couldn’t see before how the fun, easy-going persona was just an act. Hawks is an ass and now he’s your boss. Great.
He basically ignores you. Occasionally, he’ll say hello. Sometimes he even gets your name right.
You put up with it. It’s easy, since you don’t have to see him much, but one day he calls you into his office to tell you he wants to patrol with you. See what you can do, which is annoying, because you’ve been working at HIS agency for 3 months already.
He calls you by the wrong hero name too. Apologizes and laughs it off before going to sign some autographs and chat up some female fans who are practically groping him.
It makes you jealous and you hate it, because you hate him. You’re pretty sure you do, at least.
Little do you know, he’s been avoiding you on purpose. He’s been following your career since you became a pro and he handpicked you to come and work for his agency, because he sincerely admires your work ethic and raw talent.
But he’s chronically averse to getting to close to people. He’s not close to anyone. Because he knew that anyone he became close to would potentially be a target. He also, quite simply, just doesn’t understand how to get close to people. Doesn’t know the first thing about intimacy of the platonic or romantic variety.
So when you show up and he feels his heart pitter patter at the sight of you?? He freaks. Does anything he can to shove you as far away from him as he can.
Purposefully uses the wrong name, multiple times. Avoids you around the office. Makes sure your patrols will never overlap. He doesn’t trust himself to even be near you, because your presence alone distracts him. You are too alluring to him and he can’t have that. He can’t cope.
He’s right not to trust himself, because he hears you laughing at something one of his sidekicks had said one day. He’s immediately jealous, though he fully understands that he has no right to be.
He sends a feather off to listen in and overhears you complaining about what an ass he can be and it guts him. He was so concerned with not falling head over heels in love with you that hadn’t considered you growing to hate him, as you obviously had.
So he wants to fix it, but once he feels that super scary little twinge of affection in his heart again, he bails. He had planned to apologize, buy you a coffee or maybe take you to lunch while you were patrolling, but here he was, letting fangirls flirt with him, so he didn’t have to face you.
He catches the look on your face and it breaks his heart, so he politely excuses himself and walks right on over to apologize to you, finally.
You’re stunned, but you reluctantly accept his invite to dinner that evening when he promises that he wants to make up for the way he’s treated you.
He takes you to a nice place. The two of you have a private room to dine in and he’s clearly a nervous wreck. It’s strange for you to see him that way, but it makes you believe he’s being genuine when he explains his selfish reasons for treating you poorly.
He apologizes profusely, promising to make up for it and saying that he understands if you want to resign, to which you say that you might have to.
He’s terrified, but he says he understands. He can’t blame you for wanting to leave after everything.
You tell him that’s not why you’d be leaving and he looks confused. He’s rendered speechless when you lean over and kiss him before explaining that dating your boss might not go over so well with HR.
He insists that it’s his agency, so it doesn’t matter, and that he’d rather keep you close to him while he slips his hand onto your thigh. You ask “how close?” in your most seductive whisper and he tugs your chair closer to slip his hand beneath your dress, whispering back, “I’ll show you.”
The waitress returns to ask if you need anything else while he’s two fingers deep inside of you and this man has the nerve to prod at your g-spot while looking at you to ask, “Did you need something, darling?” and you have to bite the inside of your cheek to try not to moan while you put on a smile and shake your head.
You insist he takes you then and there and he doesn’t disagree. He makes quick work of his pants while you hike up your dress and take a seat on his leaking cock.
He proceeds to fuck you well enough to make up for the past three months of him being a jackass. On the chair, over the table, and eventually against the wall.
He ends up with his forehead resting on your shoulders, lips lazily dragging along your collarbone while promising to treat you the way you deserve.
You kiss his forehead, whispering that you’ll do the same, and in that moment, he realizes that maybe intimacy isn’t so bad.
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amive2567 · 3 years
Midnight dances part 1
A/N: It got a bit longer than a normal drabble, but I think it still could be counted as one. So I was really tired while writing it, so there could be some mistakes. I hope you will enjoy it. ❤
Characters: Mina Ashido and Shoto Todoroki with GN!Reader
Warning: fluff, eating cookies, dancing, insecurities,
Disclaimer: My Hero Academia and the characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi.
Summary: They find you dancing in the middle of the night.
Quirk: not mentioned
Words: Mina's Part: 216 Shoto's Part: 360
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Part 2 with Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoryia
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Mina Ashido:
A weird feeling awoke her from her deep slumber. She wanted to cuddle you and turned to your side, but you weren't there. Where could they be? Quietly she stepped out of the room. She peeked into the dark hallway and saw nothing but black. Only the staircase got illuminated by the faint moonlight that shone through the curtains.
For a while, your apartment was in unsettling silence, interrupted by rustling sounds in the living room. Since she got promoted to become a sidekick, she got suspicious. Could someone have entered your house?
With quiet, careful steps, she crept to the source of the noise.
The luminescence of the full moon illuminated your gorgeous figure. Her whole attention was on your shadow, which moved elegantly through the living room. You had your phone in your hand and listened to your favorite song. A bright smile spread across Mina's face, and she came near you.
She slightly touched your shoulders, a scream escaped your lips. "Ahh, oh, it's only you babe." you sighed in relief. "Can I dance with you?" she asked with her significant grin. You unplucked your headphones from your phone and placed both on the coffee table. The music was loud, and the two of you danced through the night.
Shouto Todoroki:
He tiredly opened his eyes and immediately noticed that your warm body didn't lay next to him. Shouto was confused. Usually, you wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night. Questions started to form inside of his mind. Did they leave me? Is something wrong with them? Did someone kidnaped them, and I hadn't noticed it? Am I a bad boyfriend?
He started to search for you. After he couldn't find you on the second floor of your residence, he got a bit more worried. The house was silent, but he could hear faint noises coming from the lower floor. Therefore he walked down the stairs to look for you there. He noticed that the kitchen got brightly lit. Shouto opened the door carefully and saw you dancing through the kitchen. As he saw your graceful figure dancing through the kitchen, all his insecurities and questions vanished in a second. You were still there. You had placed a mug on the counter. He assumed that you were thirsty and got yourself a cup of milk or tea. Like you always did after a rough day of work.
He observed the elegant movement of your curves while you hummed to the song you were listening to. You tried to reach for the cookies, which you baked yesterday, but the cookie jar was too close to the edge of the shelf, so it nearly fell. The glass began to sway and was about to fall to the floor, but Shouto's quick reaction made him freeze the glass before it could hit the ground. You jumped at the sound of the ice, and you turned your attention to the source of it.
"Shouto, what are you doing up?" you asked, with a loving smile. "You weren't there anymore. So I searched for you," he responded. "I just was a bit hungry. Do you want a cookie?" you take one cookie out of the frozen cookie jar and hold it up. He nodded and took the cookie.
The two of you spend eating cookies the whole night, only to get a stomach ache and an empty cookie jar.
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yourmcu · 4 years
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x vampire!reader
There’s a vampire in the city. Natasha (and Steve) went to investigate the aftermath of your killing spree.
Word count: 2,402
A/n: disclaimer! all info about vampires, description of vamps are based on tvd
Warnings: blood, violence, swearing, angst but fluff at the end? kinda confusing if I’m being honest but that’s ok! lmao
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gif not mine! credits to the owner^^
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Natasha found herself walking around the woods again. Not because she wanted to - well, half of her did, but she needed to find and talk to you for more important reasons.
The day (or night) before yesterday, she crossed paths with you. She went out with Steve in the woods to investigate more than a dozen deaths that occurred in less than two weeks, it was nothing compared to Loki’s attack in New York but they were... gruesome.
Steve pressed a button on the remote, showing three different pictures of the victims as holograms. They weren’t normal - murder - pictures, no bullet wounds or knife slices/stabs. One had bite marks all over their body, one’s head was entirely snapped off. But they had one thing in common: they looked drained, and thin. “There are fifteen more like that. Each gory than the other.”
They all let out noises of disgust.
“Definitely a psychopath,” Tony muttered.
“A deranged serial killer?” Bruce suggested.
“There’s bite marks. It’s probably an animal.” Sam emphasized on ‘bite marks’.
As she continued to walk, Natasha’s fingers brushed on the mark on her neck. For something that was two days old it still stung really bad sometimes. She’s not proud of it. You made her feel incredibly vulnerable that night, weak.
It all started when you jumped from a tree and landed on your feet just behind the redhead-
Natasha had her gun pointed at you in an instant. She was trained and could identify a murderer when she sees one but surprisingly, you looked... normal. Her eyes lowered, checking you out if you had something sketchy on you, but you just looked like a civilian in their mid-twenties or thirties.
You put your hands behind your back, smirking. You licked your lips and mimicked the way she looked at you up and down, not showing any signs that you were threatened by her lethal weapon. “Hey there.”
She was beautiful. Red hair with blonde tips, green eyes, plump lips, she gave off a fierce aura. She looked tough. You liked it.
Natasha kept her usual cold expression and her tone wasn’t any different. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“Neither should you...” you reached out to rest your palm on the barrel of her gun and-
She let out a shaky breath when you barely flinched as she shot a bullet through your hand, eyes widening. It was a metal bullet, it had little to no effect on you. You made an amused noise before ripping the weapon out of her grip and used all your strength to pin the fighting ex-assassin against a tree.
Her speed and strength surprised you. She kicked you hard in the abdomen before her back hit trunk and punched you across the face several times. For you they only stung for a moment; she had no match against you. She had no idea what she was dealing with.
Natasha looked up when she doesn’t hear pained grunts or signs of weakness from you. You smiled, gripping both of her wrists again. “I’ll have a go now, yeah?” She was grunting, struggling, trying to push you away. “You’re stronger than I thought you’d be.”
You forced her to look straight into your eyes. The only light source was coming from the moon but you could still see her green eyes perfectly. So beautiful.
“Think you can relax for me, hun?”
Natasha stared up at you curiously, breathing steadily. To her you looked so irresistible all of a sudden that she had no choice to listen. Her hands that gripped tightly on your arms relaxed, she was now the one holding on to you.
You moved a side of her hair back to get a clear view of her neck, smiling, “good girl.” Your fangs protrude and poked the sides of your lips, the whites of your eyes turned crimson red as black veins popped out just outside both of them. The smell of her blood filled your senses more intensely-
Well you all know what happened next.
Steve decided to show up while you were feeding on Natasha, successfully saving her from you, much to your dismay. They evacuated right away so you wouldn’t do more harm to the pair. They’d be fighting for a long time against you if they stayed, now knowing what you were capable of.
Natasha hated that she felt intrigued and curious by you, or eager if that’s one word to describe it, she doesn’t know exactly what she was eager for but, she can’t help but think about you.
A small cottage came into view, finally, and Natasha stopped walking. Under different circumstance she’d say it looked pretty cozy. She went on to knock on the door, not sure if you were the one occupying it, but she was right.
You answered the door, raising an eyebrow when you saw who it was.
She doesn’t say anything but her heartbeat quickens. You wordlessly stepped aside to let her in.
“Miss Romanoff,” you said softly, not wanting the air to be filled with awkward silence. Your eyes trailed her as she looked around your - the supposedly abandoned cottage that you may or may not have forcefully stole from a now deceased man. “After what I did to you I was sure the last thing you wanted was to see me again.”
She opened her mouth to speak but was astonished by how fast you’ve gotten in front of her to look at her neck. The bite mark you caused was still there and still looked bad. She tried to read your expression but couldn’t, and was taken by surprise when you bit your thumb without hesitation, a generous amount of blood oozing out.
“I... I don’t-”
“It’ll help but, suit yourself,” you shrugged, wiping away the blood and the wound immediately healed right after. You disappeared for a moment in the kitchen. “I apologize, I’m not used to having visitors. Are you here to kill me, Miss Romanoff, or did you want something else?”
Your stare lingered on her when you came back with a bottle of wine. You did a lot of digging on this woman ever since your encounter and if it wasn’t for your sudden attraction to her you would’ve finished her off already. You thought she was merely a sidekick to Captain America but as you dug further, she might as well be as dangerous as you.
But she was quiet, soft and maybe nervous around you, giving you the feeling that she felt the same way. Your little crush grew more at the thought. As a vampire, everything about you was magnified. Your senses, strength, and if you ever felt it for a certain person, feelings.
“I’m here on behalf of the Avengers,” Natasha spoke, slowly as if she’s choosing the right words to say. “Look, we mean no harm to you, or your kind. We just want to know your intentions...”
“It’s Y/N,” you said absentmindedly, and added, “you’ll never convince me, unfortunately. I won’t come with you.
“I’ve been around for, what, two centuries now and... that sort of play’s getting old. I lost friends the last time I heard that same line.”
You rubbed your temple while taking a swig of the red wine straight out of the bottle. 
“I’m sorry to here that.” Natasha shifted from where she was standing, still not budging whenever you urged her to take seat. 
She didn’t know where to go from here if she was being honest. The plan - well, the original plan, was to kill you. Stake to the heart. Just like that. But after hearing that little story, Natasha’s regrets about suggesting an interrogation on you faded. It’s not like you wanted to be a bloodsucking, immortal monster in the first place, right? You were human once. And it didn’t seem like you dedicated yourself to be completely against humans, because if you did, Natasha would be dead right now without a doubt.
She may or may not have suggested that because you also did leave quite the impression on her.
“Is that genuine, or is this all part of your plan to kill me?” You said coolly, getting up once more to put away the bottle. “Because you’re doing great - oh I forgot, you’re a spy, after all-”
In a swift movement you found yourself on the floor, bottle shattering, drilling pain on your shoulder and Natasha above you, pulling out a pistol. You winced as you struggled to pull out the thick wooden stake buried in your shoulder. You definitely did not expect that.
Natasha gave you an almost apologetic look, but it returned to its usual stoicism. “I’m giving you a chance to do this the easy way,” she breathed out. The sudden attack made you turn to your original form, she looked at the way your eyes faded from red to white again, black veins still pulsing around them.
With your incredible speed and strength you applied pressure to her stomach with your knee and pinned her against the wall again. “What the hell do you want from me, Romanoff?”
What was she waiting for? She could’ve stabbed me already and her job’s done. She’s easily done this before, why was she hesitating now?
Your foreheads were touching and both of your breaths were ragged. Her eyes were so beautiful up close. “You never wanted to be like this,” her voice was barely a whisper. “It’s never too late to change.”
You weren’t all that bad, Natasha was right. You still had a bit of goodness left in you. The vampire that turned you so many years ago didn’t give you a choice, everything just sort of happened. You had no choice but to live like this.
“Is that what this is about?” You mumbled back, loosening your hold on her.
Both of your guards were completely down now.
“I’m a monster,” you said bitterly. “I’ve done horrible things. I’ve killed so many innocent people.”
Natasha gave you a sad smile. She almost had the same background as you. Being an ex-assassin, yet now she was saving lives almost every day.
“You know,” she said, feeling a tingle when your lips brushed against hers. “I don’t judge people on their worst mistakes.”
You gulped, suddenly struggling with your words. But you didn’t have to say anything anymore since her lips connected with yours. Natasha ran her hands on the back of your head while you cupped her face. 
The warm sensation didn’t last for long. You heard something whiz by, and the next thing you knew you had a burning sensation all over, it made you weak. You pushed Natasha off you to look for the source but you were too weak-
The last thing you heard was the door opening and Natasha saying “Clint!”.
Your cell reminded Natasha of the one on S.H.I.E.L.D’s helicarrier, specifically the one they used on Loki. But yours was more small and instead of it being inside an aircraft it was inside the compound.
It’s been a few hours since you went unconscious. Clint used four vervain shots just to knock you out.  Natasha had to remind Steve endlessly that you were not to be killed unless things don’t go well.
“Are you sure this one’s a vampire? ‘Cause it looks like you just closed your eyes and picked a random person outside.” Tony leaned over the glass to get a good look at you.
But once you gained consciousness you lost it. You sped up to the glass, slamming your whole body against it which startled Tony. Not to mention you were in your vampire form.
Some of them cursed when you managed to get a crack on the glass on your third pound. “I don’t want to be here.” Your fists visibly shook as you spat at Natasha. “How do you expect me to change when you trick me, Romanoff?”
“Stark, do something about that glass.” Steve ordered as he pulled Natasha away from your cell.
“Right. You better have those shots at the ready too, Robin Hood.”
“Steve, I’m going in there,” Natasha removed his hand from her arm. She already knew what the look he was giving her meant. “I’ll be fine. Even I didn’t expect Clint to engage last night.”
So she made her way inside, the steel door shut behind her. You were silently pacing back and forth, still shaking. You had given up on the glass when it was replaced by a more durable one.
“Get the fuck away from me.”
“I’m sorry.”
You scoffed, glaring at her and glaring at Steve outside the cell who was watching you intently. “Just get your pals in here and finish the job.”
“I really do believe you can change-” she insisted.
When she went to touch your shoulder you immediately grabbed her wrist. Natasha was speechless when she saw your twisted face, eyes scarlet and unrecognizable, your fangs just waiting to sink into flesh.
“I can’t change.” you whispered. “I was meant to be like this.”
Ending 1: Natasha fights and convinces you that you still have a bit of humanity, despite being what you are. You end up having to fight Steve and the others too but they manage to knock you out a second time. When you wake up, Natasha’s the only one in the room with you. That’s when you both get to talk properly, and then you get to be one of the Avengers. It’s unusual, but it works, using your powers and abilities for good, not having to kill people but you feed on blood bags instead (occasionally). And maybe you even end up dating Natasha.
Ending 2: You completely snap at Natasha in the cell. Steve and Clint burst in to help her. This causes you to get even more aggressive. The fighting took a while, Tony and Rhodey even got into their suits to fight you, but you threatened them with the lives of their friends so they couldn’t do much. You knocked out Steve, Natasha and Clint, so it was now Bruce’s turn. They were a bit conflicted of letting Hulk out since they were sure he’ll destroy the whole building. But Wanda came out, using her witch powers to weaken you, it finally ended with a stake to your chest.
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teaprose · 3 years
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Introducing the Death and the Real Girl Playlist!
It’s finally here!
For those that don’t know, music is my way of life. It’s my number one passion outside of writing and binge watching Community. One of my favorite things to do is create extensive playlists for my stories, scenes, and characters.
I’ve managed to cut this playlist down to 32 songs running a total of 1 hour 49 minutes. Yes, it was originally much longer. Maybe I’ll make a second volume some day. Or some individual character playlists?
If you want a closer look into our characters and a sneak peek at what’s to come in DatRG have a listen! While you’re listening remember that music is a fickle thing. Our characters don’t always adhere to genders mentioned in songs or the singers themselves. :) 
Hope you enjoy! 
P.S. And if you ever want to discuss this playlist, or music in general, my inbox is open! What song from the list is your favorite? Any theories about who/what each song is about? (I may or may not confirm XD) Want some music recommendations? Hit me up!
Track list below.
Chasing Stars - Fleurie
Do It All The Time - IDKHow
We’re Going To Be Friends - The White Stripes
Human - Gabrielle Aplin
Heartworks - Wingtip
She’s Got You High - Mumm-ra
Catch Me - Demi Lovato
Common Sense
Falling - Anderson East
Bird Song - Juniper Vale
Steamroller - Phoebe Bridgers
You’re going to Lose That Girl - The Beatles
Sidekick - Walk the Moon
Say You Love Me - Jessie Ware
Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande
King for a Day - Anderson East
Stray Italian Greyhound - Vienna Teng
If You Love Her - Forest Blakk
She Burns - Foy Vance
Walk Backwards - Maude Latour
Heal Me - Snow Patrol
Tell Her You Love Her - Echosmith, Mat Kearney
Pancakes for Dinner - Lizzy McAlpine
I Want To Be With You - Chloe Moriondo
Madelyn - Anderson East
Lovesick - BANKS
This Is How You Fall In Love - Jeremy Zucker, Chelsea Cutler
What I Wouldn’t Do - Serena Ryder
Land of the Living - Roo Panes
Wake Up With Me - Gabrielle Aplin
Hello My Old Heart - The Oh Hellos
Who Saved Who - Mindy Smith, Matthew Perryman Jones
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sukiglycerin · 4 years
yours, senpai || katsuki bakugou.
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* pairing: pro-hero!katsuki bakugou x manager!reader (gender neutral!)
* genre: kind of,,, angsty not really, fluff
* words: 1,884
* warnings: all i can say is sorry shouto, usage of sEnpAi (used for upperclassmen) and kOuhAi (used for underclassmen), i keep doing manager!reader nd bakugou, reader has a bad day, cussing, bakugou being soft
* original request:  okay so i’ve seen so many bakugou fics about him getting jealous but I remember having an idea to write about the reader getting jealous over bakugo for something so little because of them having a rough day i don’t really have the time to write it but if you get around to it and actually wanna write it i’d definitely give it a read
* a/n: this is finally here! i’m really happy with how it turned out. ngl, this was almost named “y/n and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day” but be glad i didn’t LKDSLFSL there will be a second part to this that’s just,,, pwp for fem!reader. so, look forward to that next week! @toishi is the best for proofreading this~~
bakugou always had girls over him. it was just a thing, a norm, that had come to be as a pro-hero. that didn't make you like it more, or anything, but you had to accept it. you knew it would never really change; even in your high school days, the kouhai named bakugou would be the talk of the girls in your year, fawning over his smooth skin and rugged look. (it was as though they'd completely forgotten the sports festival in your second year.) you never understood the appeal; to you, a third-year in the business course, bakugou was just an immature hero-wannabe, one of the boys that came a dime a dozen in japan. heck, this was a hero school; you were surrounded by them.
your first interaction with bakugou was in your third year. you'd been partnered up with a hero course student as a project, learning the ins and outs of marketing to a hero's strengths and managing said hero. girls absolutely ogled you for being partnered up with the bakugou, but you found it slightly revolting. to idolize a second year, a kouhai, who had anger issues and a terrible fashion sense? you did not see the appeal. if anything, you were concerned about how to contain the explosiveness of his personality and package it into a pretty looking present. his face constantly made the crudest of expressions, and the words that fell from his lips were completely vulgar. 
after the project, your perspective of bakugou slightly changed; his face wasn't always unpleasant to look at (typically when he was off-guard) and his personality had softened a bit. he, at least, had the decency to call you senpai; according to a rumour from your friend, class 2a's infamous pretty boy, shouto todoroki, spoke quite plainly. too plainly. it was like he had a bone to pick with every upperclassman he talked to, not bothering to use the proper honorifics and talking shit when upset (the latter, though, wasn't confirmed by your friend, you'd just heard it around).
you kept in touch with bakugou, and the honorifics never really dropped, even though you'd told him it was fine to speak casually. you'd both graduated from high school, thus bakugou became a pro-hero and you started an office job at a hero agency. you worked your way up through the company, though it was an incredibly slow process due to the sheer size of it. it was then bakugou offered you a position at his agency; as his manager.
manager was a heavy word in your mouth. the only times you'd even echoed the job were your school project with bakugou and the one time you'd handed a schedule to a sidekick during one of your internships. besides, you didn't want to earn the job simply because you had the right connection; you wanted to earn it, and as of then, you didn't quite feel you had. when you'd voiced this concerned to bakugou, he bluntly told you that he believed you were fit. (your first reaction was: what kind of reasoning is that?) he then followed up that he was in desperate need of a competent manager, and that if you could do one day he'd be grateful and pay however much you asked. it was a surprising request from such a popular, in-demand hero, but you supposed it wouldn't hurt.
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it has not hurt at all in the five years you've been his manager. the closest thing that has come to hurting would be the fangirls, and even then, most mean no harm. somewhere in the middle you'd started dating bakugou, and it was almost as if you were dating his fangirls as well, with the way they always tried to contact you or hammered you if they recognized you in public. thankfully, the latter was extremely rare.
however, today was not a particularly good day for the appearance of fangirls. whatever power in the universe had decided to awaken you on the wrong side of bed (literally, you found yourself face-to-face with a spider and two alarms too late), and now you were blessed with a meet-and-greet for bakugou. 
fanmeets were held once in a blue moon for bakugou (thankfully), because he was more concerned about his hero duties than how his fanservice would make some girl's heart burst out of her chest. lucky for you, the universe blessed you to have one today.
really, the only thing you can think of as you drive to work is the sight of bakugou's face. he's always quite cute in the mornings; the rasp of sleep on his tongue and a slight pout he has when talking. it would be enough to reenergize you for the day, you know for sure.
conveniently, he is nowhere near his office when you arrive to work. you pull out the calendar on your phone and realize: he's currently being styled for his fanmeet, and you definitely won't be seeing him for another hour. you sigh, heading to the lounge to make yourself coffee. this was gonna be a long day.
conveniently, you burn your hand in the slightest making your coffee, and it seems to have started a time bomb of your patience. careful not to burn your tongue on the godforsaken coffee, it gets cold. you're stuck in an elevator with a bunch of stockholders who do not smell pleasant (a potpourri of conflicting fragrances is not ideal), and somehow, you almost trip up walking while fuming about the horribleness of your day.
conveniently, you forget where you put the paper copy of today's schedule and must begrudgingly adhere to the plain, unannotated one on your phone. the hold time for the fanmeet venue takes far too long for a priority customer (such as yourself and ground zero), and listening to eine kleine nachtmusik for the billionth time as the same monotone voice apologizes for the wait does nothing to brighten your day. damnit, mozart, it's morning, and you have 8 more hours of this shit. thankfully, the venue has not completely forgotten about your existence and you're able to confirm everything, and then you find yourself driving to said venue to meet up with staff. traffic is one hell of a nightmare to someone having a bad day.
you sit in your car, which seems extremely cramped and humid because you've been sitting in it for too long, clicking on and off radio channels to the point you make a rhythm based off the clicks and somehow your radio hasn't broken and traffic hasn't moved an inch.
you arrive at the venue on time with no bakugou in sight; ah, right, he's retouching his makeup and hair. he doesn't even need makeup, in your humble opinion; his natural skin is literally glowing. you're just about to approach bakugou (who, maybe on second thought, needs the makeup, considering how angelic he looks) when one of the staff asks that you check that the projector is on the right channel, and then the fans pour in. you try to convince yourself that each fan has spent an abhorral amount of money to get into this event and that you should treat them with respect, but it's so damn hard when they're all nosebleeding and making grabby hands at bakugou. you're grateful you're not a bodyguard, or you're sure you would've decked the teen with the green shirt who attempted to full-on makeout with bakugou before being politely escorted out.
you could barf at the fanservice so gracefully sown into the fanmeet; the way bakugou so effortlessly intertwines with a fan's, or how he ends a smooth line with a heart-killing smirk. it's absolutely disgusting recalling that you taught him all of that.
needless to say, you have a lot of pent-up frustration by end of the day. the fanmeet ended smoothly, though halfway in, you considered ditching your position as manager to become a nosebleeding, crying, grabby-handed fan just to make contact with bakugou. perhaps the last straw for you was after the fanmeet; as the two of you exited the venue, tired, a fan (probably around bakugou's age) approached bakugou for a picture. bakugou accepted, and she apologized profusely for bothering the two of you. you were stuck behind the camera, grumpily watching as she put her hands on bakugou. a rational part of your brain knew her touches were as polite as possible, but the rest of your brain selectively ignored this fact. you fumed taking the photo, gritting out a smile as you handed back the fan's phone (stopping yourself from smashing it on the pavement). who were these fans, taking away you from bakugou? 
"senpai," bakugou deadpans as the two of you drive home. the word brings a sense of comfort to you; strange to an outside viewer, you know, but it somewhat acts as a pet name bakugou used on you. the word brings you back to simpler times, when you and bakugou were clear-cut senpai and kouhai, nothing else. even when you became his manager, the word "senpai" rolled so smoothly off his tongue, despite the roles being switched. you started having a penchant for the word, it becoming a word of comfort to you. for you, entangled in a strange manager/lover position to bakugou. senpai. it reminds you of who bakugou was, and how much he means to you now.
"eh? what's wrong? you've been lookin' upset all day," bakugou grunts.
"it's... trivial," you say. you rarely get jealous; you trust bakugou, and know he'd only ever have eyes for you. "let's talk about it when we get home." you make up your mind to discuss it rationally with bakugou when you get home. very rationally, with cuddles and all.
one thing that fans will never ever get are bakugou's cuddles, and you smile to yourself at that. they'll never know what it feels like to feel safe in bakugou's arms, to be enveloped in his scent, to feel home with bakugou, and be able to call him only yours. in that way, he's your little secret.
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when bakugou asks what's wrong at home, you simply reply, "missed you." the two words are enough; he's stepping towards you, a little hesitant, and then his arms are around you, and the familiar scent of caramel greets you.
"had a bad day," you confess, "and watching all the fans and the fanservice..."
"fuck the fanservice," bakugou says, and his grip gets slightly tighter. "i'd leave it all for you, in a heartbeat. i'm... i'm only yours." you look at him, and he's looking away, face scrunched in a frustrated expression and cheeks dusted pink.
"you should know that, idiot," he grumbles. 
you smile. "love you," you say, pecking his cheek softly. he flushes deeper at this, glancing at you then away again.
"don't make me say it back," he mumbles. "you know i love you too."
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it's at night when the feelings of jealousy bubble again. you can't help but feel insecure, replaying the day's events in your mind. those girls had so much that you didn't - surely, they were much more attractive, much more sweet and kind. 
"mine," you mumble, pressing yourself against bakugou.
"stop thinking, moron, and sleep," bakugou grunts. "of course i'm all yours."
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victoria-daydreams · 3 years
Of Vices and Virtues
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Chapter Three: Budding Relationships
AN: Each chapter I post I gain more and more readers, and I thank you all!
Word Count: 3.7k
Trigger Warnings: violence, mention of hate crimes
Chapter Four: Enter Sebastian Shaw
Today we had the day off, since the teenagers proved to Charles and Erik they were not prepared to go along with them to ambush Shaw. So, I was once again approved as being the babysitter while Charles, Erik, and Moira go to Russia. I shook my head and chuckled at Erik's and I conversation before he left with Charles and Moira.
Erik laughed mockingly and clapped his hands together, "Are you sure you want her as a babysitter Charles? She did such a horrible job last time,"
Irritation filled me, and I glared daggers at him "Careful, Erik," I said with mock sweetness. "Or you'll find yourself crying like a spoiled two year old," I threatened.
He grinned boyishly despite my threat.
I was currently sitting on the couch with the others in an identical hangout room with another book in my hand. Except this one had a pinball machine, and overlooked a statueless courtyard. Plus, this room had all its windows. Angel, Hank, Raven, Sean, and I were all sitting on the leather couches. Honestly, it didn't surprise me when Sean sat with the girls and I, he just wouldn't give up. Alex and Darwin were playing on the pinball machines, and Alex was beating him rather badly.
"Jesus man, you are KILLING me." Darwin complained, as Alex focused intently at the pinball machine.
"Don't beat yourself up, I had a lot of spare time,"
Alex's last remark confused me. Hank had said that he'd been in prison for the last four years, and I don't think they gave their prisoners meaningless arcade machines. The thought quickly leaves my mind as I heard two CIA agents talking loudly.
"Oh, I didn't know the circus was in town!" an arrogant CIA agent caught my attention. "Hey, come on honey, give us a little uh..." doing a terrible impression of Angel's wings, I could hear her mutter 'no' under her breath, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. "No? Come on, let's see the foot," the agent jeered.
I could feel the anger starting to rise up inside of me, as I felt the happiness in the room subsided. Hank got up and walked to the button that closes the curtains.
"There it is, come on Big Foot. Let's go," Hank saluted the man mockingly, as the curtains closed."Hey, come on. Hey!" As Hank sat back down, the room fell silent, except the soft pinging of the pinball machine.
"They're just guys being stupid," Raven comforted, just realizing how much this actually upset Angel.
"Guys being stupid I can handle. Okay, I've handled that my whole life!" she snapped. "But I'd rather a bunch of guys stare at me with my clothes off than the way these ones stare at me!" Angel snapped again, disheartening Raven, who still wasn't completely over last night's events.
More silence.
"At us," Raven added sadly, Angel turned away guiltily, for lashing out on Raven, but there was no way she was going to apologize for it.
A flood of self-consciousness and self-loathing assaulted me, I tried to focus on my physical surroundings, rooting my thoughts enough to sort out my emotions and bring them under control. My hands balled into fists, my entire body tense. I brought my hand to my temple and massaged it with two fingers in an attempt to ease the pain.
Raven's soft voice called across from me, "Sorry, Claudia. Did we bother you?"
"Bother her?" Angel scoffed, voice dripping with attitude. "How could we have bothered her? She has an invisible mutation, no one could ever bother her,"
I forced a smile. Her attitude was merely an obnoxious mask for her fragile heart. I set my copy down of Jane Erye onto the table.
"You're right, Angel. The only thing I have to be bothered about is people wanting to see me swing from a tree," I quipped darkly. "And you know, gaining basic civil rights," I added, my eyes narrowed slightly.
Our bitter conversation is brought to an end by the abrupt sound of a thud coming from outside. We stared at each other in confusion before I stood up, sensing danger. We stayed still for a moment, listening to the thuds, there's silence and then there's a whooshing sound.
"This doesn't feel right," Darwin muttered, before striding over to the curtains and pressing the button to open them. Alex gives the pinball machine one last flick and then followed him. Outside, there was nothing. We gathered around the clear, glass window looked at each other, confused. I waited tersely, my eyes darting back and forth.
"Do you sense something, Claudia?" Raven asked.
"Something's wrong," I whispered, but only Raven heard me. She shot me a curious glance, but was stopped from saying anything by Alex.
"What is that?" Alex demanded, pointing at the black figures blocking the light of the moon.
The light made it only a silhouette, preventing us from seeing what it truly was, all we could see that a silhouette was holding up another silhouette.
And then it isn't.
I cried out in pain as I felt the fear and pain of a man dying strong in my mind. I tried to relax the man, but he was already dead. Just as I opened my eyes, a body came crumbling down to the ground and smashing instantly right in front of the window causing causing all of us to jump back in surprise. I let out a gasp as Angel and Raven let out a scream in horror, clutching tightly onto my arm. I heard more screams and felt more pain as more men started to fall from the sky.
Suddenly, the roof lights flickered on, the sky is littered with falling bodies crashing in various sights around the buildings, the sound of screams and smashing glass, filling our ears. Guards rushed out of the buildings, positioning themselves surrounding the window, blocking us from harms way. They signaled for us to move out of the way, as more attacks proceeded. I searched for the mind that kept killing the CIA agents, but couldn't seem to keep a right mind. Raven let out another scream as an agent tumbled from the sky and into the glass roof outside
Terror filled the room, seeping into my every pore.
"Get back! Get back! Do not leave that room, we are under attack!" A man without a gun shouted.
In a flash of flames, the red man dressed well in a suit appeared in a puff of smoke and we all screamed for the agents to turn around. Taking them by surprise. The guards taking a few moments for it to register before beginning to shoot at him. It was too late, he was gone.
The glass shattered as a bullet hit the window, and we rushed to duck behind the sofa, screams filled my ears. Darwin stood closest to the edge, his arms stretched out to shield us from the oncoming storm. A tornado appeared, swiftly making it's way around the other side of the building, ripping apart what Hank had called 'Cerebro'. I didn't want to watch Hank's pained expression, when he saw his hard work torn away, but I could feel Hank radiating sadness and frustration.
"Stay here, my ass!" Darwin shouted to us, making his way towards the door. Running out into the corridor, we were stopped by some more guards.
"GET BACK!" the agents screamed at us.
"We can help! We can help!" Darwin tried to plead, but we're just pushed back.
Deep down, I knew Darwin realized that we couldn't.
Raven's hysterical, a complete mess. I managed to calm her emotions down with my empathic powers, but she somehow overruled that and became anxious once more. A wave of heat hits me, followed by an immense explosion. Raven screamed as agents are sucked into the flames, and we run back to where we were. Met with more destruction, back into the room, the tornado was moving closer and most of the guards were dead, falling down, one by one. Raven sobbed louder and screamed again when an agent is launched through the only remaining window by the hurricane. I can't be the only person to notice that we've completely backed ourselves into a corner.
The red man stabbed the last agent and Raven whimpered. A good looking Spanish man and the one that closely resembled most people's portrayal of the devil, stepped over the window, entering the room, one on each side. We were closed in.
Someone fired another shot and Raven screamed again.
"Wait, wait! You want the mutants? They're right through that door! Just let us normal people go! We're no threa-" a muffled voice is cut off and Raven's face changed into one of disgust.
A helmeted man, who was easily in his forties, walked through the door. To be honest, he looked kind of stupid.
"Where is the telepath?" The man in the helmet asked, as if it were no big deal that they just killed hundreds of men.
"Not here," The devil looking man noted, you could tell who was in charge there and it definitely wasn't him.
"Too bad," The other man smiled. "Well, at least I can taking this silly thing off," he stated, pulling the helmet off and ran his fingers through his long hair, pushing it back into its place.
At least we agree on something, he does look entirely silly.
But how would that helmet protect his thoughts from a telepath like Charles? No one in the room could read his mind, but I could read his emotions and I knew that he was bad news, there was a danger radiating from him, anyone could feel that. My mind filled with the echoes of his thoughts tied to one specific emotion. Hatred. War, survival, the strongest race. He was thinking of things beyond what we were anticipating.
"Good evening," he addressed us. "My name's Sebastian Shaw. And I am not here to hurt you,"
I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "Liar. Your little sidekicks just murdered a fleet of CIA agents," I thought.
A lone agent appeared across the courtyard.
"Azazel?" Shaw lazily ordered
He disappeared, appearing again outside, swiftly killing the man and teleported back.
Shaw turned back to us, "My friends," He took another step towards us, handing his helmet to the Spanish man. "There's a revolution coming, when mankind discovers who we are, what we can do. Each of us will face a choice: be enslaved, or rise up to rule," His eyes lingered on me for longer than I would have liked. But Shaw was not done yet. "Choose freely, but know that if you are not with us then you are, by definition, against us,"
"So. You can stay, fight for the people that hate and fear you. Or, you can join me, and live like kings," he looked to the boys, none of them attempting to make a move. Then he looked to Angel, standing in front of me. "And queens," He holds his hand out to her and Angel took it with almost no hesitation. I couldn't help sending her a look of pure disgust.
"Angel..." Raven's voice dropped in disappointment, although I didn't particularly like her, it didn't mean I wanted this to happen.
"You kidding me?" Sean's face dropped, he enjoyed flirting with Angel the most, but I never imagined he would be this crushed.
Angel looked back at us, "Come on," she commanded, gesturing towards us. "We don't belong here and that's nothing to be ashamed of,"
Darwin reached out to her, but Angel turned away, ignoring us.
"We have to do something," Raven insisted.
Alex and Darwin exchange a few harsh whispers. Alex pushed Darwin in the side and Darwin turned away.
"Stop. I'm coming with you," Darwin announced, stepping over what was left of the window. Angel smiled, clearly pleased someone had listened to her speech, even Shaw seemed momentarily pleased.
I watched in disbelief as Darwin moved towards the line of mutants. Shaw stepped towards him.
"Good choice. So tell me about your mutation," He said slyly.
"Well I adapt to survive," Darwin explained, Alex lead us into the center of the room. "So I guess that means I'm coming with you," Darwin finished.
Shaw nodded, "I like that," Shaw signaled for him to join Angel and Darwin stood next to Angel.
"ALEX!" Darwin yelled, forming a rock solid barrier and dipping Angel to protect her.
"Get down!" Alex shouted, shoving us out of harms way, sending rings of energy, launching at Shaw, Alex grinned momentarily before his face dropped.
We watched in horror as Shaw had somehow absorbed his energy. I raised my hand to send a telekinetic blast towards Shaw and that's when everything else became a blur, and before I knew it Azazel vanished, and appeared right in front of me within a blink an eye. His tail wrapped around my throat, I yelped lightly when my feet left the floor, kicking out blindly, but my five five frame wasn't really doing anything to stop this man who was nearly a foot taller than I was. I clawed at his tail so air could fill my lungs again, but it was a futile effort as he only tightened his grip
"Protecting your fellow mutants? That's a noble gesture," He shivered slightly, who wouldn't after absorbing that much power. Darwin got up, confused, and Angel moved back towards the Spanish man. "Feels good," Shaw shrugged his shoulders a little and let out a smirk.
"Azazel drop her," Azazel did as he was command, air filled my lungs but only momentarily. As soon as Azazel dropped me, Shaw's hand clasped around my neck, and brought me up off of my feet. I gagged on his choking grasp, my hands once again trying to claw it off my neck. "Now who's this?" Shaw wondered aloud a small sinister smile on his lips, his eyes scanning my body over.
The very air that he gave off was dangerous and intimidating. I mean that was obvious when he first walked through the doors, but it was made all the more clearer now that I was only inches from his face.
It was his eyes. Those eyes that looked right through me and held no warmth.
"Her name is Claudia," Angel spoke up. If Shaw wasn't choking the life out of me right now I would be livid with Angel telling him my name and for betraying us. "She can manipulate emotions, she could come with us," Angel suggested, with a rather large smile on her face.
"Yes, she could," Shaw agreed, nodding his head. "With your abilities, I'm sure you'll be very valuable to us. Your power is very interesting, Claudia," Shaw stated, and a shiver went down my spine when he said my name.
"No...it's not," I managed to utter out.
"Oh to me it is," Shaw disagreed, a menacing smile on his face. "With your abilities, I'm sure we'll be able to control anyone at will. We'll make an army. We'll be unstop-"
"No!" I hissed.
"Go...to...hell!" I wheezed out.
"Hmm, it's too bad really, a beautiful woman like you..I saw so much potential in you," Shaw snarled gleefully, then swung his free hand, as it connected to the right side of my face, some of the energy from Alex's power thrown with it, causing me to see stars on impact. He threw me into the wall, my limp body collided with the drywall.
The room seemed to fade, leaving stars in my eyes and I felt my adrenaline crash, but surprising felt more energy than I ever had before.
Shaw turned sharply to Darwin. Darwin goes to throw a punch, but is quickly blocked. Shaw grabbed his mouth. "Adapt to this," Shaw whispered, and we watch, horrified expressions on our faces, as he puts all of Alex's energy into Darwin's mouth.
I watched as darkness slowly crept into my vision as Shaw, Azazel, the Spanish man, and Angel disappeared into a burst of flames. That's when I see Darwin standing there, convulsing.
Darwin tried to find different ways to adapt, but Alex's power was able to destroy the barrier. I watched him turn to platinum, then rock as the plasma burnt within, the orange-red glow peeking out of the rock like lava until he turned to solid rock. Then he realized it just wasn't going to work. He faced Alex and the rest of us, the blonde's eyes widened with terror, as he watched his new friend slowly die. Darwin looked over at Alex with black eyes, as he reached out, wordlessly and the stone started to break apart again. Then the cracks of Darwin's form brightened, and he exploded into only bits and pieces.
And just like that, he was gone forever.
Everyone all stood for a few moments in silence. Then the whole cataclysm sunk in, and everyone began scrambling around. Hank ran out the door saying he was going to find a first aid kit for me, Sean and Raven took baby steps towards where Darwin had diminished, and Alex rushed over to me, examining me. I already felt my face was swelling black and blue, a little shadow of blood remained under my head.
My vision was almost completed darkened, but my eyes met Alex's and in that instant, I knew how much he was hurting. He practically killed a man. Just as the thought crossed my mind, Alex spoke.
"H-He's gone. I k-k- I-I kill-killed him," Alex stuttered, his expression full of devastation.
"No, you didn't," I whispered, feeling even more drained as the seconds passed. "Trust me,"
I heard someone yell. But I couldn't tell who it was, for I slipped into unconsciousness and let the darkness envelope me before the person could call my name again.
When I awoke my body was no longer on the cold, hard ground of the rec room, but instead on the lumpy mattress I've become used to. Someone must have carried me. I managed to sit up a little less than an inch before my head started spinning and pain shot through my spine causing me to lie back down and gasp loudly.
It's a slightly indescribable sensation; all one can really use is a mix of adjectives and synonyms, and even then one couldn't fully describe what they were feeling. Just what the pain feels like, using personifications and such. Right now, I felt like someone had beaten the tar out of me, which is what exactly happened. It hurt to breathe, it hurt to blink, it even hurt to think of even possibly moving again. I couldn't open my eyes, as they were held close with hard crust. I tried to push them open, but could only pry open my left eye, as the more I pushed myself in opening the right one, the more it hurt.
My brown orb peered around the room, my vision was still blurry. It was two o'clock in the morning if I read the time right. It had been fours hours since Darwin's death.
A tear rolled down my cheek, wiping it away. I couldn't tell if it was on my own volition or if I was just channeling everyone's emotions. I didn't want to cry, but I could no longer control it, when tears kept effortlessly sliding down my face. I looked through my tears, and I knew I wouldn't be sleeping for the rest of the night. I touched my head lightly, as I felt a long bandage wrapped around it. It was so sore, and gave little jolts of pain every time I picked up on someone's feelings.
I slowly slid out of the comforts of a bed that wasn't truly mine and let short, loud cry of pain as I moved. I stood up too quickly and a wave of dizziness hit me like a truck, causing me to plop back down onto the bed until it passed. I pushed myself up off the bed again and trudged to the door and into the hallway, I was put in a room at the end of the corridor that seemed to remain untouched by the events, I realized nobody would dare go back to our old rooms, they were just rubble and dust.
It was everywhere. The scent of burned flesh made my stomach turn, and the smoke stung my eyes. I felt sick to my stomach, but there was nothing to vomit. I could feel sweat trickle down the back of my neck, mixing painfully with the open wounds there, but I didn't close my eyes. My stomach was twisted into knots, and it was all I could do not to break down and cry. The pain from everyone else was what was kill me.
Fear. Anger. Despair. Disgust. Malice. Painpainpainpainpain-
I threw myself against the cold, concrete wall in effort to keep myself upright and placed my overheated forehead on the wall to ground me. I breathed deeply, my chest heaving and summoned up what little strength I had to push on.
I wandered more and I found an abandoned bathroom with shattered mirrors and glass coating the ground. I lingered in the doorway, not wanting to take the chance that I might cut my feet open on the shattered fragments. But one of the mirrors was intact, except for a slight, thin crack in the upper right hand corner. It was across from me and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. That in itself wasn't unusual, but it wasn't my face that stared back at me.
My hair was limp black and my eye a dull, muddy color. I stepped closer to the mirror, forgetting about the damned glass. And dear Lord, my face. I looked paler than usual and exhausted, worn out. Not to mention a god damn black eye.
I raked my fingers through my black hair to sort out the tangles, letting out a huff of air, a sardonic laugh escaped from lips.
"This is what I left the comforts of New York for? Death and destruction?"
Chapter Five: A Place to Call Home
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sparkleofpizza · 4 years
My oh my - Jason Todd x reader
A/n: Hey guys, this is the first time I am writing for Jason. Every time I listen to My oh my by Camilla Cabello I can’t help but imagine a story about him, so I just had to do it. Also, there is a part in here that I got inspired from Gilmore Girls because I am team Logan and I wish they ended up together.
Requested: no
Warnings: swearing, song inspired
Summary: They say he likes a good time, he comes alive at midnight, my mama doesn’t trust him, he’s only here for one thing, but so am I 
Word count: 3.2k
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It was very cold for a Spring night, even for Gotham. The moon was a full circle displaying in the sky, shining so bright, the streets wouldn’t even night lamps for you to know what’s in front of you - of course that wasn’t enough for a city like this. 
You heaved a sight, surprise white smoke didn’t come out of your mouth. You felt as if your bones were freezing, hands stuffed under your arm pits as you were crossing them, trying to provide some warmth. God, why did you agree to go out on a night like this?
When your best friend and roommate Ari, called you earlier that day to declare you were going  out, you were very very tempted to say no. Then you remembered all of the hard work you put into the last paper for a class at University, and decided that maybe going out with her wouldn’t be such a bad idea. What you didn’t expect was for her to barge into your bedroom an hour before you were supposed to go out, and pick up clothes that provided too little warmth. She said where you were going, this outfit would look nicer than the jeans you had picked. 
A street race wasn’t where you thought you would spend your night. Damn Ari and her crazy ideas. 
She overheard there was going to be a street race near Crime Alley, and that most people from University would be there so she said it would be cool for you two to go too. Well, it did sound a bit cool, if you were being honest. Street race? Sounded something from a movie, and you didn’t have many exciting memories to one day cherish and tell your kids and grandkids, maybe this could be one. If it ended badly, it would be one hell of a story, if it ended ok, then it would still be a cool story. 
But now, there you were, standing alone in a crowd because Ari left to go to the bathroom with another girl from your shared class. You knew you probably should’ve gone together because you don’t ever stay alone in Gotham, specially at night. But hey, these are college people, your college people. Nothing bad would happen, right?
You took a sip from your drink, hoping the alcohol would do that thing where it warms you up and makes you feel fuzzy. 
“Hey, princess. What are you doing here all alone?” 
You turned your head to the side finding none other than Jason Todd. He had a red cup similar to yours in hand, his signature lather jacket, black pants and boots. His hair was that fluffy mess, and he look good as always. 
You met Jason a few weeks ago at the University library, you both reached out for the same book. He said he was waiting for his little brother and was bored so he decided to take on the opportunity of free good books, he wasn’t a college student. And ever since you two kept bumping into each other. 
Your cheeks warmed up at the words that left his lips. Princess. He had been calling you that ever since you two met at the library. You tried to push away the surprised look on your face at seeing him here, it does look like his kind of place. He looks like the kind of guy who enjoys adventures and adrenaline.
“I came here with my friends, but they went to the bathroom.” you said, smiling at him “What about you?” 
“Well… I don’t have a date with me tonight, if that’s what you’re wondering.”
You adverted your eyes to the side, taking a deep breath, totally embarrassed. You didn’t meant it like that.
“Oh, that’s good?” It sounded like a questioned, God you are so awkward 
He smirked at you.
“Glad to know you think it’s good I’m single. I happen to think it is good that you’re single, too.”
You frowned. Was he thinking that just because you didn’t have a date for the night, you weren’t able to have a love life? 
“What makes you think I am single?” You questioned, hoping your frustration didn’t leak into your voice
“I am hoping you are. I mean, if you are dating someone, that person is an asshole for not being here with you tonight, this isn’t one of the nicest places in Gotham.”
You nodded, a small smiling tugging your lips. That was a nice safe, you had to give it to him.
“Is there a nice place in Gotham?” You ironized 
You were born and raised in Metropolis, you were used to big cities and the down side of it, but Gotham? That was another thing completely different. A giant hole in front your high school because Superman and his cute little sidekick Superboy were fighting some bad alien? Ok, you can deal with it. A guy dressed up as a clown who laughs way too hard and torture people for fun while he fights a guy dressed as a bat? That you cannot deal with. 
You didn’t understand why Jason thought what you said was so funny. He laughed, trowing his had back.
“I mean, did Batman just woke up one day and was like hey, what if I dress up as a giant bat and start beating up criminals? What was going trough his head to choose a bat?”
Jason couldn’t believe you were making fun of Bruce without even knowing it. It brightened his day so much, and the fact that you had no idea only made it better. He was going to tell the old man all about it later, so he could laugh even harder.
You smiled as you watched him laugh. He looked so beautiful.
“Are you cold?” He asked once he stopped laughing, he saw goosebumps in your arms 
“Yeah, I forgot to get a jacket before I left my dorm.” You admitted sheepishly 
Jason smiled at you, he had a nice smile. He shrugged off his lather jacket and placed it over your shoulders. It was warm from his body heat, and it smelled incredibly good.
“Thank you.” You smiled at him “But aren’t you going to get cold?”
“I can handle being a little cold, and if it gets too much, we can just hug each other?” He shot up his eyebrows 
You you were sure you looked like a tomato.
Jason smiled at you. He had taken an instant liking at you when he meet you at the library, something about the way you smiled at him saying he could have the book and you would just get it after he was done with it, and how your voice sounded so sweet and your eyes looked at him like he wasn’t bothering you by taking the book you wanted. He was waiting for you to lash out on him when he said he was just wanting for his brother, something like “you don’t even go here and you are trying to get my book?” He was trying to get rid of those bad thoughts, he was used to being pushed aside and treated like he was a pice of shit bothering people on the street. He sometimes, specially after his death, forgot that maybe there was still nice and polite people in Gotham. 
It didn’t take long for him to realize you were a good girl, a good nice girl. He mostly ran into you at the library and at the coffee shop at the campus. You always smile sweetly at him and wave. The first time Tim had caught that action, he stopped in his tracks and stared at Jason like he was an alien and he had just now realized it. You two were completely opposites, and obviously his brother would find it odd that you were waving at Jason Todd. 
And meeting you tonight at a street race? That was not what he was expecting your next meeting to be like. He was there to gather some intel about the gangs that was participating and what Black Mask and the Penguin wanted with them. Finding you here was rather concerning, this didn’t seem to be your element. And it wasn’t, from what he had learned in your brief conversations during your random meet ups. 
“Have you ever been to a street race before?” He asked, voicing a bit of his thoughts 
You shook your head, hoping he wouldn’t find you pathetic “No. I normally don’t do this kind of stuff, I don’t know how Ari managed to convince me to come.”
He smiled “Yeah, this doesn’t seem like your kind of thing. But it is a good thing, I mean, this is kind of dangerous.”
“Oh God.” You muttered under your breath “Dangerous as I could end up in jail or I could end up dead in an alley?” 
He decided not to answer. The first answer was that the GCPD was corrupted and that they wouldn’t really care, the vigilantes in the city did most of the job. That wouldn’t be a good start. And the second answer was that you could end up dead in an alley, and the probably would make you feel a bit scared, and he didn’t want to make you afraid of being there, because he couldn’t exactly say he could and would protect you if something bad happened. You would think he was just trying to show off, when in reality he actually really could. 
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“Do you want to get out of here?” Jason asked you after having watched a part of the street race
He, now, had a good idea of why Penguing and Black Mask were interested in those people. He had nothing better left to do, and hey, there you were right by his side even after your friends had returned. You were still taking to him, and using his jacket.
You thought for a moment before nodding your head. You told Ari you were heading out with Jason, and she gave you a knowing look before asking you to text her when you got back to the dorm. 
You walked between the crowd of people with Jason right in front of you. At some point, he reached out for your hand and kept holding it, guiding you to God knows where. You had no idea why you agreed to this, you barely know him and you knew enough bad stories to know you shouldn’t be leaving with him. But he was so nice with you all of the times you talked, and he was soooo good looking. 
You stopped in front of a motorcycle. He pulled the keys out of his jeans’s pocket and smile at you, handing you the helmet and climbing on top of his bike. 
“My dad always told me to never ride a bike with a boy.” You smiled at him, playing with the helmet in your hands 
Right now, Jason thought you looked breath taking, and all he wanted to do was kiss you. He wasn’t surprised at all by his thoughts as he had thought them before and before. What surprised him was the flirtatious tone on your voice, he couldn’t help but feel more attracted than before. You were polar opposites, and that was everything he needed in his life ever since he came back, someone to help him maintain balance.
“So what are you going to do, princess?” He questioned in a hushed tone
“Tonight I don’t want to be the girl that does what her parents says.” 
And then you had placed the helmet on your head, and climbed on top of the bike, right behind him. You could feel Jason’s warmth, you were so close to him, and that cologne smell? You could stay like this, having your chest pressed agains his back.
“Then I suggest you hold on tight.” 
He sped up, making you giggle in his ear as your arms wrapped around his body. 
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After spending most of the rest of the night together, around 4 am, Jason walked you to your dorm. You were still wearing his jacket, and you definitely didn’t want to take it off. 
You had went out to get some food after driving around for a while, and spend most of the time sitting at a booth on a fast food, eating fries and sipping on milkshakes. He was a great company, and you enjoyed the way you could talk about a lot of things and never seem to run out of things to say. 
You leaned on your doorstep, staring up at him with a small smile tugging on your lips.
“Thank you for tonight. I had a really good time.”
“Me too.” He smiled back at you “What do I have to do get to spend more nights like this with you?”
A devious smile took place in your face, you had no idea where de boldness came from, but the words flew out of your mouth before you could even properly think about what you were doing.
“If you kiss me, I might let it happen.”
And Jason didn’t wait a second to comply. His hands cupped your cheeks, bringing your face closer until your lips met. You stood on your tiptoes, meeting him halfway there since he was so tall. Arms wrapped around his neck, enjoining the warm feeling that spread on your stomach. 
You pulled apart when air became necessary. You smile at him, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“Goodnight, Jason.” You said, unlocking your door
“Goodnight, y/n.” He watched you walk into your dorm and stayed still until he listened to your door being locked again, just to make sure you were being safe 
You felt as if you were walking on clouds. You couldn’t believe you had just said, what you had just did, what had happened tonight. It all seemed like it was part of some movie. 
“You’re only arriving right now?” Ari groaned from the couch, making you jump in scare since you didn’t see her there “I was worried you didn’t text.”
“Sorry. I thought you would be out longer than me.” You pulled off your shoes “Did you have fun at the race after I left?”
“If I had fun?” She sat up on the couch “Did you have fun? I want to know all about your night with Jason Todd!”
You giggled, not quite believing it just yet. You sat on the arm chair, feeling your back muscle relax against the comfortable cushion, bikes don’t really provide back support and that kind of made your muscles sore. You wrapped his jacket tighter around your body.
“It was really nice, he is a nice guy.”
Ari smiled at you, asking you to keep talking, so you ended up telling her everything about your night with him. Usually, this was the other way around, she would tell you about her dates and what they did, if it was good or not. You are the single friend, always the single friend, this was a good change of scenario.
“I’m really happy for you.” She said “But I just want you to be careful, he has kind of a bad reputation around campus, and he doesn’t even go here. They say he likes to have a good time, just it.”
You nodded your head, understanding where she was coming from. But you wanted to have a good time too, so…
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“I don’t think it’s a good idea you hanging around this Jason guy.” Your sister said on the other end of the line “Mom doesn’t like him.”
You rolled your eyes. You once, accidentally, slipped out that you have been hanging out with Jason when your mom called and you were getting ready to go out. She had asked you why you were wearing pants if it was so close to summer which meant it was hot, and you said and regret because it is uncomfortable to wear a skirt while riding a bike. Now, Jason was the bad guy.
“She doesn’t even know him.” You protested 
“Yeah, and I don’t think she wants to.”
Well, if she keeps up this atitude about him then you don’t think you want her to either. 
You heard knocking coming from your window, making you frown. You pulled your curtain away, seeing Jason standing on the other side of the glass, a small smile tugging at his lips, hands stuffed inside his jacket’s pockets, and hair pushed back in that way he knew you liked it.
“I have to go. There is someone knocking at the door.” 
“At midnight?” Your little sister asked 
“It’s Ari, she forgot her keys.” You lied, Ari was in her room fast asleep after having stayed up until 5 am doing a research paper “Bye.”
You ended the call, tossing your phone on the bed and opening up the window. 
“Hey.” you said
“Can I come in?” He asked in a low voice, probably not to get notice by anyone 
“Sure.” You stepped back, watching him climb your window 
“This always looked cooler in the movies.” He chuckled 
You smiled at him when he got closer “I think you climbed the window very gracefully.”
Jason smiled at you, pulling you into him, enjoining your warmth and the calmness you brought him.
“So…” you looked at him “What are you doing here at midnight on a Friday? Well, Saturday.” 
“I didn’t like the idea that we couldn’t spend this Friday together, it is kind of our day.” You try not to get the wrong idea by what he said, but it was true, you always hung out on Fridays, always coming up with different things to do, weather it was the movies, dinner, or reading books together “I knew you’d still be up so I decided to pay you a visit.”
“Thank you, I enjoyed the surprise.”
He leaned down, connecting your lips in a sweet kiss. You hummed in approval, sliding your hands over his chest until his jacket had fallen on the bedroom floor. When you pulled apart, you stared wide eyed innocently at him, just now catching up to the fact that you had pulled a move on doing something more by sliding his jacket off of him.
“Do you want me to go?” He asked, stroking your cheek 
You leaned in and kissed him again. Pulling him closer to you.
“Y/n, do you want me to go?” He asked one more time, against your lips 
“No. I want you to stay.”
Jason kissed you again, you walked backwards, falling on the bed with him on top of you. 
This was all you have been wanting for a while. Right now you didn't really care about all you have been hearing about Jason - ever since people found out you have been hanging out, they would come to you to say how he was just simply looking for fun, apparently he only ever showed up at the University when he either was there to pick up his brother, or he wanted to know about some party, or get together or whatever. But the Jason you got to know, he actually made plans with you outside of it, he didn't want to spend time with you just at a party you randomly met up, he wanted to talk to you, and take you to the movies. 
People like to talk too much, but you weren't going to let his bad reputation come in the way of allowing you to have a good time. In a long time, you had met a boy who seemed to worth it spending your time with, and he always made sure you were enjoining your time with him.
You knew there was also the part that your mom didn't like him, all your life she always told you to never trust guys like him. But you have been doing the right thing all your life, always being the good girl who did the good thing and never got into trouble. Tonight, when you were with him, you didn't want to be her. Wasn't this what part of what college experience was like? Doing things you'd regret? 
In the end, you knew you'd never regret having done any of this with him. 
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batarella · 4 years
The Commander - Part 8 (Arkham Knight x Reader)
We finally know the Commander’s history! Leave a comment and tell me what you think!
Breathe in. Breathe out.
One thousand yards.  Only a hundred yards further than the last one. This should be the farthest she’ll hit. If she actually does hit it. There were a number of birds flying over the trees standing above them. She wanted to hit them instead, but they weren’t far enough.
She only barely hit nine hundred yards yesterday. Once out of the thirty times she tried over and over again. A thousand will have to take the whole of her senses away. If only she could block out her own sense of touch, that would be great. She didn’t need them when firing a sniper.
And there was tall grass in her optics as well. Some yellow, some green, and they waved around with the wind. The target was already small as it is. She could barely see it with all these plants in the way.
She squared her shoulders, placed her good eye on the scope and breathed. She pulled the trigger and felt the sharp recoil on her shoulder.
She’d learned to ignore the ringing that came after it.
After a minute, Uncle placed a hand on her other shoulder, and her stomach sank. That wasn’t good. With binoculars on his other hand, he murmured. “A bit off to the left. Again.”
Young Y/N bit her gum. She was hungry. But there was no getting anywhere if she kept doing it like this. She quickly reloaded the rifle and placed her elbow on top of her folded knee, with the other one flat on the ground.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
The recoil felt just a tad bit more painful. Y/N looked into the scope and still, the bullet hole hit slightly to the right.
“What’s going on?” Uncle asked her. He wasn’t mad. This was her first time at a thousand yards.
“I think it’s the wind.”
“You can't work around the wind. If you keep crying about how it ruins your shots, you’ll never hit the center.”
“I know.”
“Again.” He folded his arms in front of his chest.
Breathe. Keep breathing.
And she did it. Over and over and over. Kept breathing, pulling the trigger, the pain in her shoulder less and less bearable.
Just another day. She got over it a long time ago.
“I can't do it, Uncle.”
“Yes you will.” His voice was stern. He never got angry. But she never pushed him enough to go ballistic on her either.
“I want to go home.”
“Fire the shot, Y/N.”
The ringing on her right ear became harder to ignore. She was gonna go deaf if this kept going on.
“Slow your heartbeat. I can feel you getting tense.”
The sun was starting to fall under, and the country side was a dark place if not for the sun. She’ll have three hours for her nap. Tops. Before they leave for the city tonight. The mafia leader who hired him wanted an entire rival gang gone. Uncle told her it was good if she came along, maybe even pull the trigger herself if it was close enough.
“I’m scared about tonight.”
“Stop being scared,” he said. “This is how you learn.”
“What if Batman and that red and yellow sidekick comes around again? We barely made it out the last time.”
They ambushed her and her uncle up on a rooftop. Robin was a hard one to fight off, and the snarky remarks he made while she tried her best landing a good one in the head didn’t help either. Like a parrot that just wouldn’t shut up.
“Two Face has been paid to stage a bank robbery as a distraction. Either he takes care of that or a warehouse full of drug dealers.”
Y/N had her gun lowered. Her limbs began giving out.
Breathe. Again. Slow the heart.
She looked back into the scope and fired.
Every single day. She’s held a gun in her hands.
Every day, she fired at a target that stood further and further away, each time she hits the center.
For tonight, it was farther than any average shooter could manage. She stood atop of the barracks’ roof, surrounded by nothing but grass and a few trees. The night was cool, warm enough for her to be staying out at this hour and not freeze to death. She breathed and a cool cloud of smoke escaped her lips.
In. out.
A whopping two thousand yards
Even with the scope, it was difficult to focus on. She had no assistance of any type. There were no troops around. She had no vision enhancing technology. It was just her, the moon, the gun in her hand, and target. A scarecrow from a far away barn.
The wind wasn’t strong, but it could easily move the bullet.
There were no tensions anywhere in her body. Her muscles were fully relaxed, her eyes completely focused, her mind in a calm, thoughtless state. This was her zone. This is when she felt most peaceful.
Her finger pulled the trigger.
The loud noise that followed after were enough to possibly deaf any passer by, but she remained unbothered. Uncle had made sure her ears had the strength of steel. Nothing deafened her anymore. Not even if a large drum hit close to her face.
Guns were an extension to her limbs. An extension to what she was. She could feel it merge with her body the moment she picks one up from the armory. She took out her binoculars and looked into the target.
“What happened?”
They’d only just arrived yesterday. The Commander barged down the halls of the barracks with her Lieutenant Commander, Beckett, trailing behind her and keeping up with her pace.
“His name is Peter Hugo. He was recruited a few weeks ago-“
“How many weeks, Lieutenant?”
“Four weeks. He stayed with eight other men in the second floor. Unit 14.”
They turned to the corner, past the canteen. They said they held the culprit in the underground.
“Is the Knight coming?”
“Lieutenant Gray should be on his way to tell him.”
“Run me down exactly what happened. Don’t miss a detail.”
Beckett swallowed. “Hugo waited until you and the Knight were gone for Gotham. His first strike was about two days ago, just as you left. He was found hiding in the meeting area where he knew Deathstroke would be meeting with Crane and the other Lieutenants. It wasn’t until after the meeting when the cleaners found Slade’s cup of coffee laced with poison.”
“Poison?” The Commander shrugged. The man knew he couldn’t beat Slade at combat.
“The next day, we found him going into the kitchens with another batch of poisons with him. He’s been in the undergrounds since. Slade’s instructions.”
They went down the stairs, where they were met with a small, mechanical elevator. Beckett pulled the metal gate open and the Commander stepped inside.
“Right down here, sir.”
“That son of a bitch should’ve been taken out by now.”
Jason, fully clothed in his armor and his face covered with the same blue visor. He didn’t give her so much as a glance when the two Lieutenants gave him the room to step inside. Commander Y/N took a step to the right, then the Lieutenants went in with them and stood at the front, closing the gates and turning the lever.
The buzz from the noise made the lift last longer than it already did. The walls were dark, and they could see it move upward as they descended. They only had a single light bulb at the top, and the room, as cramped up as it already was, was made even smaller when Jason folded his big arms in front of him.
The Commander slightly turned her head, just to glance at him with the side of her eye, but looked forward before he’d come to notice.
As far as she knew, nothing happened in Gotham.
The elevator reached the underground. And the hallway leading down seemed even darker. The lights were so dim, she couldn’t see past the only lit room a few doors down. When they reached there, it didn’t even look like an interrogation room. It was like a supply closet emptied out. At the center was a man, held together with ropes around his legs and chest, his arms tied to the back of the chair as he held his head down.
Peter Hugo wasn’t much of a brute. In fact, he was quite thin. But the sharp look of his eye and the scars on his neck told them he was, in fact, quite the fighter.
Jason walked up to the man and gripped his hair.
“Who sent you?”
“I’m not talking to you!”
A hit to the jaw.
“If you keep hitting him like that, he won't be able to speak at all,” the Commander said.
Jason didn’t listen to her. He grabbed him by the hair again, pulling the chair along with him into place. He was bleeding through his mouth. Jason pulled on his scalp until Hugo’s screeching cries were too hard to hear.
“Fuck you.”
A gun swiftly points at his forehead. Hugo didn’t even have the time to look up. He stared onward, still avoiding the terrifying look on Jason’s visor.
“You talk, and I’ll kill you quick enough to make it painless. Waste our time and you’ll beg me to pull the trigger.”
“Watch me.”
Jason hit the back of his head, pushing the chair down so his head would hit the ground. “Gray. Beckett. Spit it out of him.”
The Commander stood aside and watched. Not a strain on her face. Beckett was first to strike, landing the tip of his shoe right at Hugo’s unarmored chest. Gray didn’t hold back either, and his hits landed right on his teeth. A few spattered onto the floor and his blood pool started to spread further out.
A painful scream when a couple of his ribs broke. It took a few minutes, and Hugo finally squealed.
“Some mogul from Armenia hired S-Slade-“ he coughed blood. “Then the bastard held off when he wanted double the pay last minute.”
“So he asked you to kill him? A small time mercenary who thought poison was the way to do it?” The Commander finally spoke.
“Fuck off!”
Beckett hit his head again. He was too weak to move. “Fuck!” Hugo cried.
“What do we do with him, sir?”
“I’m playing my end of the bargain. We kill him. Nice and quick.”
The Commander stepped forward, eyeing the man. She didn’t remember much about him. Just that he was timid, mediocre in her training sessions and couldn’t fire a bullet even when the target was in front of him.
Jason turned to her.
Slowly, he walked up to her, and spoke so silently she could make out his real voice from the visor’s filter.
“Kill him.”
He handed her the gun.
And the look Hugo hand on her when Beckett pulled the chair up again, making him look at the commander straight into her eyes, it was like he was daring her.
This woman couldn’t do it.
What does she have that made her the commander?
Anyone can take her place.
The Knight must’ve wanted her ass to look at up on the platform.
Some of these men forgot who she was. Who she really was.
“Take him upstairs. I want everyone to watch.”
They were wrong to think she was the commander for just her marksmanship, her knowledge in battle strategies, her will to lead. It was none of that. In fact, the men who knew exactly who she was, didn’t give the decision a second thought.
Some of these men forgot, or simply didn’t know. And the look Hugo gave her, it was obvious, he hadn’t a speck of an idea.
The Commander was the woman hired by the United States Secretary of State to assassinate three political enemies in their own homes on the same night.
The Commander was the woman called by three rival drug lords in Mexico to kill each other, and all three ended up with bullets stuck to their mouths.
The Commander was the woman who staged a suicide on a certain American financer convicted as a sex offender, paid millions by the biggest names in the world involved in the famous scandal.
The Commander was the woman who had the highest, and most notable, kill count out of all the men in the barracks.
She wasn’t here because she was good. She was the Commander because she’s proven it. Before she was even recruited. Only she had Deathstroke have a run for his money.
And she took them all out without having to stand less than five hundred yards away.
These men were mercenaries from all over the world. But everyone who knew her, who knew who her uncle was, kept their silence. And when they all turned to her, holding a gun while the Lieutenants lugged a man tied to a chair, brought him up to the platform where dozens of men watched on, she knew they had it right to keep silent.
Hugo looked at her, and the Commander reveled at the hundred pairs of eyes, watching as she let everyone knew why she was who she was.
She shot him right in the forehead. And the man didn’t even fall to the ground as his lifeless eyes stared blankly at the ceiling, blood dripping into his sockets.
Jason watched, and everyone was silent.
Another integral part of her training involved this moment. The hindrance of any feeling of guilt the moment you’ve pulled the trigger.
She’s mastered that quite well.
And again.
Two thousand one hundred yards this time. That was her estimate. She moved from the scarecrow to the rooster wind vane above the same farm. So far it had three bullet holes on his little head. Y/N reloaded her gun and looked into her scope for the fifth time that night.
She had to keep her hands busy, otherwise she’d be stuck in her quarters and be forced to mull over him.
But the universe wasn’t that kind to her.
“You know.”
The chilling voice filter that had gone all too familiar. She hated it. She wanted to tear it off his face and smash it with her boot. Y/N ignored the voice behind her and pulled the trigger.
She couldn’t hear the wind vane, but it spun viciously like a storm had hit. This time it was just at the rooster’s thin neck.
“Get out of here.”
“Who told you?”
Commander Y/N reloaded her gun. She had three bullets left.
Jason didn’t sound angry. But she had no right to play victim.
“My uncle.”
She could hear him wrap his hand in a tight fist, even from a distance. The Commander focused on the scope.
“I didn’t know Joker called in Deadshot, too.”
“He did. Floyd was in Belle Reeves. But he didn’t want even if he could. He isn’t like that.”
“How nice of him. Everyone else didn’t seem to think so. Two Face. Penguin. Riddler. They all took turns at the crowbar,” Jason said. “How did he tell you?”
Y/N didn’t want to have this conversation. There wasn’t anything he said that she didn’t already know. “About a year ago when I last visited him.”
She fired another shot. The bullet landed on the wind vane’s arrow. She slowly pulled out another one.
Reloaded. Deep breaths. In and out.
“’Cuz he asked if I wanted to go into Arkham and… torture you.”
She fired the bullet before she could even focus on the scope. The wind vane didn’t turn. She hit the rooftop.
“You were in there for a year,” she whispered. “How are you still alive…”
“Did you hope I’d die?” Jason’s filtered voice echoed. “Maybe you should’ve taken Joker’s offer.”
“Don’t pretend we weren’t out to kill each other! No one wanted to hire me after you took me down every fucking time I got close to a target, Robin.” Y/N finally turned around.
“Part of the job. And you were the only one who was out to kill me, kid. Batman wouldn’t let me even if I wanted to.”
“Is that why you recruited me? So you could kill me from within?”
Jason fucking laughed. “You give yourself too much credit.”
She finally placed the gun to the floor, turning around to face him.
“We were enemies. You called me in to the militia knowing you had your history with Deadshot’s little partner.”
She was fuming, standing close to him while his eerie looking visor stared back.
“I only want Batman dead. I don’t care about anyone else,” he growled. “And I knew you. I knew what you could do. That’s why I called you in. This isn’t about some grudge.”
Jason took a step back. His voice was starting to crack. “Joker… beat any smidge of hope left in me. And turned me into this…” he choked.  
Y/N watched him slowly crumble, holding himself up. A part of her hated him so much. The same part that destroys her from the guilt that came with her knowing.  
And the other part wanted to pull him close and tell him how the nightmares will be over soon, that it hurt her to even think about him being hurt, too.
“I’m sorry…” she said. “I’m so sorry-“
“Don’t!” Jason took a step back and screamed. “You knew what happened.”
“I couldn’t do what Joker did to you-“
“How does it feel, huh? To have known I was in an abandoned wing in Arkham, tortured everyday at the brink of death and you didn’t do anything about it…”
“You could’ve helped me. Or helped Joker. Either way, I didn’t expect you to just sit there and be some coward hoping I’d die.”
“Fuck you-“
“You were right. Deadshot turned you into a mindless machin-“
A strong, massive punch right into his visor. And it broke, some of the pieces scattered on the floor. Y/N’s hand immediately formed a bruise and she winced at the painful shocks running up her arm. Jason almost toppled to the ground, turning his head back before she landed her knee right into his chest.
Jason fell to the ground, but as the Commander charged, he caught her leg and flung her across the ground. He stood up, brushing the pain off his chest. Her hit went past through the armor. Good. Her strength will diminish before long.
Y/N pulled herself up, tearing a part of her suit to wrap around her knuckles. The pain can be ignored. For now.
Batman’s and Deadshot’s young wards. Now the Arkham Knight and the Militia Commander. The fight that was always meant to be.
If they were lucky, no one had to be thrown out of the roof before the sun rises.
  Taglist: everyartistwas-firstanamateur  @sarcasmismyfirstlove @damned-queen-of-gotham @idkmanicantenglish @wunderstell @birdy-bat-riya @get-loki@everyday-imfangirling @comic-nerd-dc @multifandoms916 @icequeen208@offendedfishnoises @egdolan @xemiefx @arkhamtoddler @elsenthal@mythicbitchx @supremehaunter @ burning-alive
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stonylovessteve · 4 years
Creator Reveals
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We’ve reached the end of the exchange and that means it’s time to reveal the creators of all our works.
Thank you for putting so much love and effort into Stony Loves Steve 2020, you really made it a great experience. We hope everyone loved it as much as we did!
Giftees, be sure to leave a comment and kudos on your gift if you haven’t already. All our creators worked hard to make this event a success, so show them some love.
You can now post about your work publicly outside of the exchange. Tag it as #stonylovessteve2020 on tumblr and we’ll reblog you. @ us @stonylovessteve on twitter and we’ll retweet you.
Below the cut is the final list of all the works produced for the exchange and the creators.
Love thy neighbor by captainstars for picturecat  (616, 2.2k Words)
Neighbors are supposed to come around to borrow a cup of sugar; these ones take Steve’s husband instead.
“So let me get this right, you came here to save me?” He asked.
Steve ducked his head down in a nod.
“But you managed to get captured by my kidnappers?” He added.
Steve paused, and then repeated the motion.
“And somewhere in the midst of all that, they turned you into a cat.” Tony pointed out, like it wasn’t obvious.
Funnel Cakes and Ferris Wheels by jehbehee for muchmoremajestic (MCU AU, 5.4k Words)
Tony takes Steve on a road trip to help him relax before his last exam.
give me something sweet by starkboi for starksnack (MCU, 1.5k Words)
Steve loves baking on his days off, there's just a missing ingredient that's been on his mind lately.
operation: grocery shopping by starksnack for avengersandco (MCU, 6k Words)
Steve, Peter, and Peter's trusty sidekick Mister Dog set off on a quest to check off everything on their grocery list. Will they find everything they need and get rewards from Tony?
Featuring cloud watching, scented markers, and Born This Way by Lady Gaga.
Moon and Stars by DepressingGreenie for march_hyde (MCU, 2.6k Words)
Steve and Tony spend the full moon at their cabin in the woods.
there's no place i'd rather be, without you beside me by ircnshield for starkboi (MCU, 10.5k Words)
“I don’t think he wants you to leave,” Natasha jokes from the couch.
“Yeah, no kidding,” Tony says as he bends down to scratch behind the dog's ear. “Look, buddy, I’ll give you a treat if you stop looking at me like that and let me go down to my lab.”
Dodger, seemingly unimpressed, walks closer towards Tony’s shoes, turns his body around, and simply drops his body on top of them.
Turn a Little Faster by Ishipallthings for b0n3l3ssm1lk (AA, 5.4K Words)
Tony and Natasha pose as a couple for an undercover mission. Steve doesn’t find this distracting. Not at all.
And yet, it all goes downhill from there.
(5 times Steve is distracted thinking of Tony, and 1 time Tony distracts Steve on purpose.)
Taking chances by hundredthousands for shcrlockholmcs (MCU, Comic)
Tony can’t resist it when Steve gets like this, and he’s feeling a tad uninhibited tonight.
say my prayers by farawatt for jayjayverse (616, 3.3k Words)
Steve gets into the motel at a quarter past nine in the morning.
You've Got That Power Over Me by stevesnarkrogers for alexcat (MCU, 8k Words + Fanvid)
“Pull it together, Stark,” Tony muttered to himself.
Steve’s chest ached at the sound of Tony’s voice. God, he missed him. He wanted nothing more than to wrap him up in his arms and see if they could—no. YOU pull it together, Rogers. You’re here to help Tony, not yourself. Eyes up, soldier.
Net of Wonder by hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes) for Syan (MCU, 2.4k Words)
"You can't control me." Then Tony whips his tail again to turn away from his father.
"You swim out that door and I'm planning your wedding and coronation myself."
Tony stills. He swallows down the way the oppression tries to pound him flat. But there's no avoiding the inevitable. He looks over his shoulder to glare at Howard. "Be my guest. It's not like you ever would have listened to me anyway."
Tony isn't expecting an apprentice when he goes to meet with Yinsen after a blowout fight with her dad, but he finds all that and more in Steve Rogers. Steve gives Tony everything he needs while Tony runs from his future, never knowing that their futures might be more entwined than they'd realized.
diastolic pressure (in between heartbeats) by firebrands for betheflame (MCU, 8k Words)
For flame, who gave the prompt "Steve and Tony have been fake dating for a while, but everyone else thinks they're *really* in love. When a mission goes terribly and Tony is presumed dead, Steve realizes he's in love with Tony and Dramatic Shenanigans Ensue."
Same Difference. by Perlmutt for Huntress79 (MCU AU, 5k Words)
Tony and Steve are the successful heads of two different divisions of SHIELD IT Security and are the walking wet dreams of all ladies in the company. Tony Stark is the elegant genius with his dark humor while the newcomer Steve Rogers is known for his gentlemanly behaviour and kindness. On the surface the two men are rivals. But there's more to it than meets the eye...
Canteen food is horrible, the intern is chaotic, and Tony goes toe-to-toe with a hyena to rescue the princess who doesn't need to be rescued...
Why Need a Thousand Words? I Prefer a Picture Instead by march_hyde for Neverever (MCU, 4k Words + Art)
Steve is struggling with a project for Tony, not that he knows of it. So of course Tony finds out and has to help out with whatever he can do.
Operation Check Yes or No by avengersandco for hundredthousands (MCU, 2.7k Words)
Steve just wants Tony to notice him, but he’s not sure how. Lucky for him, his friends help him make a plan to capture the attention of the one he wants.
When I Look At You by Syan for AvengersNewB (MCU, Comic)
Steve is always looking at Tony in very meaningful ways... Or very embarrassed ways, depending on the situation~
for god's sake, dear (just say yes). by frostfall for captainmistyknight (vicspeaks) (AA, 10.8k Words)
Ever since they’ve met, Steve has been in love with Tony Stark. So when Tony makes a marriage pact with him, he jumps at the offer, thinking that’s the only way he could have Tony.
Fast forward five years, and Steve is ready to pop the question to Tony, with hopes that maybe, just maybe, Tony feels the same.
That is, until he meets Carol Danvers, who just so happens to be dating Tony.
Honey, Keep the Sugar, You’re Enough for Me by Shamen610 for avengersincamphalfbloodstardis (MCU, 1.6k Words)
"I want you to draw me like one of your french girls." Tony had said, the very first time he had walked through his door.
Steve, who had been carrying a bag full of paints and a canvas under his arm, had barely been able to keep everything under wraps upon hearing the bold words.
Steve doesn't actually have a Sugar Daddy, no matter what Bucky says.
Lullaby by alexcat for XtaticPearl (MCU, 1.9k Words)
Steve has nightmares and Tony helps.
Achromatic by captainmistyknight (vicspeaks) for firebrands (Marvel Noir, 2.8k Words)
"Steve’s life ended the moment he was born, according to the doctor’s at least. Of course, it took them awhile to figure it out, but when he was three years old, his Ma realized that on top of all the other issues he had to deal with, his eyes weren’t responding properly to light. She took him to the doctors to get tested, and they spoke his doom.
He was permanently colorblind. An achromat. He’d never know love."
A story of growing up, misunderstandings, and love in the jungle.
Easing Into Us by HogwartsToAlexandria for wingheads (MCU, 4.9k Words)
No matter how much he's tried, Steve could never find the right moment to tell Tony, to come out to him in a setting that'd be both private and allow him to flee if it didn't go as well as he hoped it would.
Until some jerk at the bar decided that Tony being an out and proud trans man was reason enough to pick up a fight. And Steve couldn't stand by and watch it happen.
Tony didn't much like that. At first. Ask him again tomorrow.
Bring Me His Heart by jellybeanforest for firelightmystic (MCU, 6.3k words)
Steve Rogers, infamous cat burglar, is hired by Tony’s business rival and ex-girlfriend, Sunset Bain, to carry out a little corporate espionage, namely to steal the original arc reactor prototype Stark had surgically removed from his chest.
Steve does steal his heart, but perhaps not in the way his employer had envisioned.
Tony interrupts Steve mid-heist in his penthouse and assumes he is the escort he hired for the night; Steve doesn’t correct him.
Memories of Us by muchmoremajestic for QueenE (MCU, 3.5k words)
An examination of three objects in retrospect as part of a scrapbook for a birthday gift for Steve.
Graphic Design is my Passion by zappedbysnow for talesofsuspense (Marvel, Comic)
Tony was about to have lunch when he saw someone he didn't want to run into inside the restaurant. He quickly backed away and snuck into a cafe nearby, plunking his ass onto a chair shielded by a wall, which just happened to be Steve Roger's art class.
Steve is an artist who does commercial work and draws comics. He spends his weekends teaching a drawing class for free at a local cafe. He doesn't recognize the guy who snuck into his class in a suit that looks like it costs more than his month's rent but he looks stressed and like he's running from someone. He can let this one slide. And no. It's not because the man looks damn fine. He's just a sympathetic guy.
The Love of Every Single One of My Lives by jellybeanforest for farawatt (616, 10.3k words)
Tony loves Steve, and he will always love him no matter how many times he has to bury the man before he gets it right.
Priceless by njava97 for kesktoon04 (MCU, 9.3k words)
Steve Rogers feels like he’s finally gotten the hang of this waking up in the future thing. He’s been dating Tony Stark for 6 months now and it's been going surprisingly well. But when an extravagant anniversary present brings up bad memories and a mission goes sideways, Steve is forced to confront the fact that maybe the first step to letting go of the past involves letting people in. Or: Steve Rogers has a series of epiphanies in a hospital bed, expresses a couple of emotions, talks about his problems and gets all the love he deserves.
AKA my love letter to Steve Rogers.
Ouanga by fundamentalBlue for venusiaries (MCU, 7.7k words)
Steve wakes up to the sound of screaming.
Take a Hand by RoseRose for HogwartsToAlexandria (MCU, 3.4k words)
Steve is single, alone, and about to give birth.
Fortunately, Tony is an amazing nurse.
Falling in Love at the All Day Cafe by betheflame for BladeoftheNebula (MCU, 3.9k words)
One of the things about the particular block they lived on was that at the corner was, quite possibly, the world’s best bakery. It was Zagat rated and everything, so it wasn’t just Tony that felt that way. People flew in from all over the world to eat at All Day Cafe - Tony had bumped into Gwenyth Paltrow a few months ago and thought it was his best friend, Pepper, and that was awkward - and their pastries were no joke.
Run by Olympic Gold Medalist Steve Rogers, the cafe specialized in classic French pastries with American twists - like a pain au chocolat that also came encrusted in pistachios - and routinely sold out of their daily specials within two hours of opening. Peter, in particular, loved their peanut butter cookies that the baker swore was nothing special but Tony was wondering if they’d laced it with kiddie cocaine or something.
Tony, in particular, loved going to stare at the owner.
That’s What You Get (for waking up in Vegas) by bon3l3ssm1lk for JehBeeEh (MCU, 1.3k words)
A dimly lit bar blasting dance music. A rugged man making conversation. A third round of beers, courtesy of the man. A fourth, fifth, and sixth round.
Steve couldn't remember much else.
laughing in bed by wingheads for RoseRose (MCU, Art)
prompt: sex with laughter
James & Barnaby by Wikketkrikket for mariana_oconnor (MCU AU, 16.7k Words) 
Steve Rogers has medical debt so ridiculous that if he doesn't do something about it, his mother will be out on the street. He swallows his pride and agrees to a 'charity marriage' with the elusive son of Howard Stark, so Howard can show off how wealthy and generous they are. Maybe it would have worked, too, if he hadn't then met the love the love of his life on his last night of freedom.
Still (Until you moved me) by GuiltyFan21 for maythecat12 (MCU, 2k Words) 
Steve hates it in the 21st century, where everything is so different. Life's a mess, the only constant thing being SHIELD coming to check on him. Until he meets Tony Stark, a brilliant genius who makes him feel more human.
The Icing on the Cake by BladeoftheNebula for Lacrimula_Falsa (MCU AU, 2.8k Words) 
Steve’s a bit low on cash this month, so he figures making a bit extra by jumping out of a cake couldn’t hurt.
If only someone had told the birthday boy that.
The Next Life by Sheron for hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes) (MCU, 2.5k Words) 
Eventually Tony had said: listen, I own an island, let's go.
artwork and email by ohjustpeachy for njava97 (MCU AU, 6.7k Words) 
Tony makes a donation to Art Reach, a non-profit, never expecting to get such a kind thank you note in response. He certainly never thought he'd find himself excited to look in his inbox every day, eager for a new message from the foundation's director, Steve Rogers, but here he is. Or, Tony falls for smol Steve over a bunch of emails and everyone knows it but him.
Hug n' Fly  by talesofsuspense for rebeccakbaa (616, Art) 
Iron Man flies Steve back to the mansion after he loses the serum.
who's that? by venusiaries for Perlmutt (MCU AU, Art) 
Quarterback Steve Rogers meets the love of his life in the hallway.
Closer Than Together by shcrlockholmcs for ircnshield (MCU, 5.6k words)
The annual Stark Industries Gala is coming up and Steve wants to ask Tony. But his efforts are of no avail and they both end up going alone. How can Steve stand by and watch everyone else take a bite out of the man he has feelings for?
Brooklyn Life by ashes0909 for himbos (MCU, 1.6 words)
Steve mentally followed his boyfriend's path across the bedroom and down the stairs into the living room
“Oh that fucking--!” Tony cried before he’d even made it past the couch. “Steve!
Objectively Perfect by AvengersnewB for Wikketkrikket (MCU, 2k words)
Going on an objectively perfect, but absolutely horrible date might be the last sign Steve needs to finally talk to the guy he actually wants to be on a date with, so desperately.
(Spoiler: The guy is Tony)
Instinctual by mariana_oconnor for DepressingGreenie (MCU, 17k words)
The true effects of the super soldier serum are top secret. Only a few people know the truth - the serum turned Steve Rogers into a werewolf. Steve still hasn't found a way to tell Tony, even though they've been in a relationship for months. He can't bring himself to explain that he's a monster.
But when they are clearing out an AIM base, that decision is taken out of his hands.
Could Never Resist a Man with Facial Hair by kenshincha for zappedbysnow (MCU, 1.5k words)
The team is tired of Steve and Tony pining for each other. They decide to do something about it.
A timely revelation by frosted_astronaut for captainstars (MCU/1872, 2.3k words + Moodboard)
Sheriff Rogers is in love with Tony Stark, the blacksmith. However, he denies it even in front of himself, until it's time for him to realize that he can't live in a lie forever.
Central (Jurassic) Park & More by cccoffee for nanasekei (MCU, Art)
A collection of art pieces for Stony Loves Steve 2020!
Something Fell From the Sky by jayjayverse for Shamen610 (616, Art)
When Tony is missing in action. Steve starts looking for him right away and when he finally finds him, it's nothing like he thought it would be.
-The art is really explicit so take care :)
I'll Catch You (If You Fall) by maythecat12 for ishipallthings (MCU AU, 10.4k Words)
New York: an artist and a superhero, an accident, and getting back together.
Just One Of Those Nights (The SLS Remix) by Firelightmystic for jellybeanforest (MCU, 6.4k Words)
Natasha's been angling to set Steve up on a date for a while now...
In Your Wildest Dreams by Neverever for cccoffee (AA, 3.4k Words)
The Guardians ask the Avengers to pick some flowers. What could go wrong with that?
Breath of a Fish by picturecat for sheron (AA, 4.9k Words)
Their relationship was courteous, as it must be for any two witches who had no interest in feuding with one another properly. But to someone he could trust not to repeat his words, Steve often complained that Stark was basically a warlock, the way he carried on with esoteric nonsense and ignoring the needs of the people. For his part, Steve had no idea what Stark’s objection to him was. He knew only that the man so obviously delighted in teasing Steve that the people of their town regularly placed bets on when they expected them to come to blows.
The Ballad of Nomad by himbos for GuiltyFan21 (MCU AU, 3.1k Words)
Set in the Old West, Steve Rogers, who moonlights as the vigilante Nomad, and his lover, Tony Stark, make a stop in the town of Extremis. Little did they know, trouble awaited.
How To Woo A Living Legend (by Anthony Stark) by Huntress79 for stevesnarkrogers (MCU, 1.5k Words)
Past the fight against the Chitauri, Tony finally finds the courage to act on his long-harbored feelings for a certain Captain. But he never, ever would have expected that the “Tactical Genius of the Century” could be this blind in regards to Tony’s attempts.
Take a number by jellybeanforest for kenshincha (MCU, 7.2k Words)
Since an unforgettable one-night stand a few years prior, alpha Steve Rogers has pined after infamously-promiscuous omega Tony Stark. He may not have much money, but he has scrimped and saved for the past couple years, determined to declare his intentions by getting the man the best courting gift he can afford, something to distinguish himself from the dozens of more well-heeled suitors gunning for the heart of the elusive billionaire.
All-American Cupcake by One and Five Nines (Obani) for frostfall (MCU, Comic)
“You’re a jackass sometimes, Steve. I’ve seen you get into a fistfight with three guys at once, but you can’t even TALK to the guy you’ve been in love with since we opened.”
94 notes · View notes
Pretty Blue Bird pt 6
Summary. A villain is forcing quirks on regular people with plans to sell them to villains as weapons. Reader is forced to accept a quirk that resembles Hawks and he finds her and saves her. He helps her with the quirk while trying to ignore his bird instincts.
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Hawks stayed up for most of the night watching you sleep all wrapped up around his arm. You sang the love song to him completely unaware of what it meant and he couldint even bring himself to tell you what it meant. He needed to sooner or later, but it turns out it would have to be sooner rather than later.
In the mornings Hawks was up getting ready for his day of patrol. You were still asleep in your nest and he did not want to wake you. Just as he was about to pull his coat on his phone buzzed. A feather brought him his phone and he answered , his smile flatlined. Once he hung up he went to you kneeling down by you and lightly touching your cheek. Your wings fluttered as you opened your eyes to see him.
“Keigo..” you smiled a bit.
“Blue bird .. my Agency has a lead on the villain. I need to track them down. Ill be.. gone for a few days.”
You sat up rubbing your eye and Hawks pulled you close to him petting your wings. “Ill make sure someone is here with you okay?”
“I dont want you to leave Keigo..” you dug your nails into his coat shaking your head.
“I know Blue Bird. I dont want to leave either but i need to stop this guy.”
“Youll come back?”
“Of course i will.” Lightly he tipped up your chin to kiss your forehead.
You leaned into him wrapping your wings around him as if it would make him stay . Hawks sighed lifting up your cheeks so he could see you. Hawks whistled a little song and very slowly your wings withdrew to your back .
“There we go. I promise blue bird. Ill be back. “
Hawks kissed your forehead and got up going to the door. You follwrd him grabbing his coat with your thumb and index finger making him look back. Your wings were shaking and your face was very sad looking. Hawks turned to you lifting up your hand . “See this glove?”
“I gave you this when we first met and youve taken such good care of it. When i get back i might be all beat up, will you take care of me like youve taken care of my glove blue bird?”
A pretty pink flushed your cheeks and you nodded giving him one last hug . Hawks squeezed you and a red feather floated over to you and down into your hands. Hawks left and you squeezed the feather looking at it for a minute. You got an idea but had to search the home for tools.
Hawks strolled into his Agency saying hello to everyone as he made his way to Tokoyami’s desk. Dark Shadow saw Hawks first and shoot up to say hello and ask about you. Tokoyami rolled his eyes looking up .
“Finally,” he got up. “Im ready to go.”
Hawks rolled back on his heels grinning. “.yeahhh.. about .. that.”
Tokoyami raised an eyebrow and Dark Shadow was peaking over his shoulder while Hawks explained.
“..... you want me to babysit y/n”
“I prefer keep an eye on but” he held his arms out waving them around and Tokoyami groaned while Dark Shadow was over the moon excited.
“Fine. When should i expect you back.”
“Few days.”
“Fine. Have you explained the song?”
He blinked. “Uh.....”
“I forgooot , Cmon Toko”
“Unbelievable . Sometimes i just dont know about you.” They walked outside and Hawks started to flap his wings. “Your the best sidekick Toko”
Tokoyami waved his head scoffing and Dark Shadow waved goodbye. “Fumi!!! Cmon i wanna go see y/n!”
Tokoyami and Dark Shadow knocked on Hawks door and it slowly opened with you peaking over it . Dark Shadow waved and Tokoyami folded his arms explaining why he was here. You let them in and Dark Shadow closed the door while Tokoyami noticed your neck had a string with one of Hawks feathers dangling on it, he could smell your nest aswell. He was surprised Hawks kept the home so clean, then again maybe you were the one making sure it was clean.
It was... interesting have Tokoyami and Dark Shadow with you. Tokoyami never wanted to do anything and Dark Shadow wanted to do everything . Tokoyami did through help you with your flying and getting a handle on your quirk when you became upset about Hawks. He saw you truly cared for him and wanted him home.
On the first night together you stayed up with the two to ‘revelry in the dark’ with them. Which meant sitting on the floor with all the lights off except very dim purple lights and music that made you feel weird. You talked about the villain on the first night .
On the second night Tokoyami could see you were missing Hawks. You rarely left the nest and Tokoyami never invaded the space unless you said he could come into the room. So he sat outside the door reading to you about birds with Dark Shadow peering over his shoulder looking at you.
By the third night, the night Hawks was suppose to be back. Tokoyami convinced you to sit on the roof with him and watch the stars. Dark Shadow was much bigger and Tokoyami was a lot more strict with him which was a little funny.
Hawks did not come back like he was suppose to though. He was not answering Tokoyamis calls either. Something must be up he thought. But he was given strict instructions to stay with you, and Hawks could take care of himself. Your wings spread in agitation and Dark Shadow put his big hand on your shoulder making you look up at him.
“I.. i just miss him.. Do you think hes hurt?”
“No i do not think so. The number 2 Hero does not go down that easy y/n. All we can do is wait.” Tokoyami answered, annoyed. Dark Shadow picked you up giving you a hug till you started to giggle and fuss around till you could get loose and fly around the house.
Tokoyami checked his phone while Dark Shadow played with you. “Damn bird where are you.. better not be dead.”
Hawks was at a stakeout. The waiting and waiting gave him time to think about you, the song, the nest. You were handling everything a lot better than when he first found you. But his instincts were all out of order now . He had a very big urge to put chicks in you and marry you. Making you his forever. Each passing day it grew harder and harder to fight the instincts and this time away just made it that much worse.
Hawks was in the sketchy part of town waiting. The information gathered that he would be here for a ‘meeting’. A expensive car pulled up to a building and Hawks moved behind the wall in the building opposite of the car. He peered slightly to see a man get out and go into the building. Quietly he flew over floating near a window to listen in .
He was forcing quirks on innocent people and selling them as weapons to villains. Hawks slipped through the window behind some furniture still listening . He did not notice the tentacle slithering over to his boot from behind. It sounded like one other person was here besides him and the villain.
“ the one with the wings got away?”
“Yes. Im sure that Number 2 Hero got her. “
“ well you can always make more,”
“Of course.. All For One”
Hawks got wide eyed and the tentacle wrapped his ankle flipping him over, his face hit the hard concrete knocking him out and the tentacle slithered over to the villain holding Hawks upside down.
“Well look who it.. is..” All For One said walking over to the number 2 Hero, yanking a few feathers out. “Lets see what you can do you damn bird.”
@marydragneell @loxbbg @jqnposts
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vee-angel · 4 years
Sharking Sherry (Chapter 1, repost)
So I have, at last, managed to get the Introduction to the fifth and final member of the Pervert Pentet. I’m pretty excited about that because it means the first part of this series is done. I actually wanted to write Sherry’s story earlier, but I put it off a bit after I decided that it would be written in first person from the perspective of someone who’s a much bigger anime/hentai fan than me. It’s always tricky trying to realistically write a character who knows much more than you about something.
This is probably my most wholesome story so far, so there’s not really any content warnings needed, but as a bonus, there is a bit of a flash-forward to the point where all five of the character’s stories converge.
My name is Sherry Sugisaki, I’m twenty-two years old, single, blood type B, and as of today, I’m the official club historian for the Pervert Pentet!
The Pervert Pentet is a club that me and four of my best friends formed so that we could all get together and just be ourselves without other people calling us weirdos or sluts. Well, except for Piper. She calls everybody a slut, but trust me, compared to the other things that come out of her mouth, “slut” is a compliment!
Piper is kind of our leader. She’s the first girl I ever met who was an even bigger perv than me! She’s so smart it’s a little scary, and she always speaks her mind. The only problem is that her mind is always in the gutter!
Nancy is the muscle of the group. She’s the tall athletic type, and way prettier than she realizes. She can be a little intimidating, but I think deep down she has a good heart. I haven’t really gotten close to her yet, and Piper says I probably shouldn’t try to. Nancy says that she doesn’t want to hang out with me because she doesn’t like Asian people (except she said it in a way that wasn’t quite so polite), but I think maybe she just had a hard life and she’s not ready to trust people, yet. And she’s always hanging out with Teira anyway.
Speaking of Teira, she’s this rich, famous artist from Europe. Nancy went to one of her art performances a while back and Teira saw something special in her. Ever since then, Nancy has kinda been Teira’s sidekick. Teira can be a little scary too, but in a different way. While Nancy seems tough, Teira’s… well, creepy. She never smiles, never seems to have an opinion about anything, and she kinda has this icy-cold “I’d like to see you chopped into neat little pieces” vibe. In fact, the only time I’ve ever seen her look excited is when I introduced her to guro porn.
Bailee is the last girl who joined our club. She’s usually kinda dumb, exept sometimes she’s not? We’re all still trying to figure out exactly what her deal is. She’s sooo much fun to hang out with, though! And she’s actually into cute things, like me! As much as I love Piper, some of the things she’s into gross me out. But with Bailee, we can talk about cute boys, and go clothes shopping! Plus, she looks like the big-boobed girls in hentai, but in real life!
But you’ll get to know them later. They say to write what you know about, so I guess I’ll start by telling you about myself!
I grew up in the U.S. but my father is from Japan. My mom is from here, but ethnically, she’s half European and half Brazilian, which I think is why I have a bigger butt than most Japanese girls. My dad was the typical Asian father, which means that he worked all the time to provide for me and my mom, but I never really got to spend much time with him. I guess that’s why I started getting into Japanese culture at a young age. I was into all the normal stuff like Pokemon and Sailor Moon and Hello Kitty, so it was really exciting when I was little and my mom got me a subscription to this really cool anime streaming service!
But even though my mom really liked Japanese history and culture, I don’t think she realized just quite how naughty some parts of it can be. While other pre-teen girls dreamed of a storybook romance with a handsome man who buys them pretty dresses and mansions, I thought up pranks to play on my romantic rivals when we were all crowded into a little house along with our collective boyfriend! When I finally learned what other little girls fantasized about, it just seemed so boring! And lonely, too. I mean, sure, being in a harem seems like it might get a little crazy sometimes, but it’s also exciting. And besides, when things get really tough the girls always put their differences aside to solve problems as a family!
I guess watching all those shows gave me a sense of humor that wasn’t exactly “politically correct.” But honestly, it’s funny when busty girls get their boobs yanked out, or when lecherous milf-types molest shy, blushing lolis. Oh! And when bad-ass fighter girls get their clothes all ripped up during a battle and they suddenly realize that everybody can see that they’re not wearing panties and then they’re all like “Eep! Don’t look!!” That’s the best!
Okay, okay, maaaaaaybe it’s not just that I think it’s funny. Maybe it turns me on a little bit, too. But can you blame me? I mean, when you see a pretty girl on the street, don’t you just want to pull her dress up or yank her boobs out?? Of course you do! Everybody does, they just don’t talk about it. The only difference is that in my case I actually do it!
I’m getting ahead of myself again. I should back up. So when I was in middle school, my parents let me get a smart phone with internet access. And let me tell you, if you think anime is naughty, you haven’t seen hentai! I mean, there’s stuff that’s even too dirty for me! But eventually I came across one kind of video that made me obsessed. And for once, it wasn’t animated at all.
The first time I saw it, I was confused. It just seemed like a guy with a camera-phone following this cute girl in a skirt. But then this guy came out of nowhere and pulled up her skirt and yanked down her panties! She made this cute little “Eeeee!” noise while the guy ran off. It was so cute, and so funny, and so super hot! I figured that video had to be one of a kind, but boy was I wrong!
Apparently it’s called “sharking.” I never quite found a satisfactory explanation for the name, but it started in Japan (just like all the best pervy stuff!), and the idea is to run up to a girl and expose her while somebody else films and puts it online for everyone to enjoy! There’s all kinds of varieties. Top-sharking works best when you find a girl in a tube-top and you can pull her boobs out. Bottom-sharking works best for girls in a short skirt; and if you’re really lucky, you might find a girl who isn’t wearing panties! There’s even cosplay-sharking! That’s when you steal all of a girl’s clothes and run off with them, but you leave her a super cute, slutty outfit that she has to wear if she doesn’t want to walk home naked. Personally, just regular full-sharking is my favorite. That’s when you strip a girl naked and run off with her clothes while the camera guy follows her while she figures out what to do. It’s so exciting! I mean, at first the girl thinks it’s just going to be a regular boring old day, but then she gets to be part of this awesome sexy adventure where she’s naked in public! And nobody can even get upset at her because it’s not even her fault! Everybody wins!
I should know, I’m proud to say that I’m one of the few girls who’s been on both sides. You see, after I graduated high school, I got my parents to finally agree to pay for me to take a year off to visit Japan! It was everything I ever dreamed! I was surrounded by signs displaying happy anime characters, I got to ride public transit with groups of cute, giggly school girls and handsome, studious schoolboys. There were night-clubs with lolita-goths and J-pop was playing everywhere!
The only thing that could have made it better was if I could have had a romantic encounter with a cute boy. I think everyone who visits a foreign country kinda wishes that they could have a special lover to think back on fondly when they’re old and grey. Unfortunately, no matter how many blind corners I hurried around, I never accidentally collided with my true love. Not even when I had toast in my mouth!
I figured maybe I still dressed too much like a kid, and boys were scared that I was under-aged. So I decided to show off my assets! While I was far from flat-chested in America, in Japan my full C-cup breasts made me downright busty. And the Brazilian butt I inherited from mom put me way ahead of at least ninety percent of the other girls in Japan. So I got some new button up shirts that were small enough to hug my curves, and I left a few buttons undone. I also bought new mini-skirts short enough to ensure my panties would be visible with even the slightest breeze. Everybody in Japan is really into panties.
Unfortunately, most of the male attention I got from the new wardrobe was from middle-aged men who took advantage of crowded trains to touch my butt. But I wasn’t about to get discouraged! I mean, it’s not ideal, but if I’m getting attention, than I must be on the right track!
And then one day it happened! I was in a public park a short walk from where I was staying. I had my headphones on, listening to my Japanese language-learning app when this guy came out of nowhere and yanked my little school-girl skirt up to my waist and then pulled my white panties down to my knees!
I always thought that if I ever got sharked myself, that I’d do something really sexy, like wink or do a little pose or something. But honestly, the whole thing happened really fast so I hardly had a chance to react. And I didn’t even see where the camera guy was. I was just sort of… frozen. I just stood there with my panties halfway down my legs as the guy in the hoodie ran off.
A part of me thought that I wished I’d been more prepared for it, but on the other hand, that’s part of the fun! Unlike most Japanese girls, I keep everything totally shaved down there, so they definitely got a shot of my naked pussy. And there were going to put it online! How exciting is that! Once I pulled my panties back up they immediately got soaked. I felt like I’d just won the best prize ever! Now any-time somebody is looking at sharking videos on the internet, there would be a chance that they’d get to see me! I just hoped that the camera guy was good enough that I’d be popular.
I spent the next week looking at sharking videos more than I ever had before, but sadly, I still couldn’t find mine! I knew it would take time, but I just couldn’t wait. Part of me hoped that it’d go viral. Maybe it’d become the most popular sharking video of all time, and I’d get to be the poster-girl for the whole fetish! I’d be so famous that when people saw me in the street they’d yank up my dress and take pictures of my exposed body while I pretended to blush. I mean, I knew it wasn’t likely, but a girl can dream!
After a week of looking at every sharking related site I could I eventually came across this post written in Japanese that looked like it was a local casting call for a girl to be in a video! They must have been a really bad writer, because I could hardly understand it and my Japanese is perfect! I mean, I watched One Punch Man without subtitles and totally understood every word…. well most of them… I mean, at least half…
Let’s get one thing straight! I’m a Japanese girl so I obviously speak Japanese! They must have been speaking a weird dialect and that’s why I didn’t understand them that well, okay?!?
Anyway, the post said they wanted a girl to be in a sharking video, and I knew I wanted to be that girl. In all the videos I saw, it was always boys running up and exposing unsuspecting women. I’ve never seen girl-on-girl sharking! What a concept!
After a few messages back and forth, I ended up meeting them at this cute cafe by the beach. That’s when I got really excited! Bikini sharking is one of the best ways to get a girl totally naked in public! I’ve even seen it done where a guy gets two girls tops and bottoms off at once!
I didn’t catch the camera guy’s name, but the one who did most of the talking was named Kaito. I started asking them if there were any special techniques I should know so I could undo a girl’s bikini faster, but they seemed confused. I don’t know how, but there must have been a miscommunication. It seemed like they wanted to me to go somewhere private and stage a fake sharking. They said they were going to make sure to do it where no one would see me and they’d give me my clothes back at the end!
What a cheap trick! I told them that there’s no way. Either they have to shark me for real or I was going home!
I was pretty mad, so I laid out my terms and made sure they knew that there would be no negotiation! One: They had to strip me completely naked! Boobs, ass, pussy, it all had to be on display. Two: They had to do it someplace where lots of people would see. Three: sometimes in the really good sharking videos the guys would spread a girls legs or pull her butt-cheeks apart while the camera guy runs in close, that way everybody on the internet gets a good look at her vagina and butthole. I told them they had to do that, too! And four: Under no circumstances were they allowed to give me my clothes back or let me have anything to cover myself with afterwards.
If I was getting to be part of planning a sharking video, I was going to make sure it was the best one ever! There was no way I was going home unless it was completely naked!
Kaito and his friend whispered to each other for a minute, and then they asked me if I’d be willing to ditch some of my clothes in advance so that they could get me naked faster. Finally! They were saying something that made sense! And honestly, they had a point. I’m ashamed to admit that before that day I used to dress in a terribly un-sharkable way. Ever since then, the only question I ask when choosing an outfit was “How easy would it be for someone to get me naked in public?”
Anyway, I slipped away into a public bathroom to ditch my shirt, bra, and underwear. So now I was just wearing the zippered hoodie I put on when I thought I was going to get to shark a girl, and my mini-skirt. I told the guys that I was going to try to find a place off to the side of the boardwalk, far enough so that nobody could intervene, but close enough that everybody could still see my naked body.
I waited there for about five minutes, and I was starting to think they had gotten scared off, but then I saw the one with the camera sneaking up around the corner of a nearby building. I tried not to look directly at him, but I still wanted my front-side facing the camera.
My heart started racing as I heard Kaito coming up behind me! They must have been discussing technique, because he grabbed the bottom of my skirt and yanked it up until it gathered along with the hem of my hoodie. In an expertly practiced maneuver that seemed almost like a matador with a cape, he swept both garments up over my head and then down off my arms!
Suddenly, I was standing in the middle of a wide open public space in the middle of the day and I was completely naked! The sun seemed like a spotlight that shone down to reveal every private inch of my body.
Kaito tossed my hoodie and skirt and then grabbed my arms to bend me over a nearby bench. That’s when I saw the camera guy running in close while I felt his hands on my butt-cheeks. He reached down to the very bottom and spread everything open wide. The camera guy got in so close he must have been within a foot or two of my most private areas! I sure was glad that I’d shaved that morning; I mean, with the close-up he got of my pussy and asshole, everyone on the internet would have seen if I had even the tiniest bit of stubble.
I’d almost forgot! This was going on the internet! My heart was racing and I wasn’t sure if it was from fear or excitement. As scary as the whole thing was, I was still getting really wet really fast! I hoped that that camera could pick that up so that everyone would see how much girls like this kind of thing! I sort of moaned and wiggled a little bit, but then the two of them ran off. Thankfully they remembered to grab my clothes on the way, so that I wouldn’t have the option to cover myself!
I stood up to see two middle-aged ladies running up to me and yelling something at the men. I must have looked freaked out because they seemed a bit confused and frantic, like they wanted to help me but didn’t know how. Honestly, I was a little freaked out, too, but it was in a good way! Like when you ride a roller-coaster. Like, it’s really exciting and so scary that you scream but it’s also really fun! When I think back on it, I’m pretty sure I actually did scream when he first came up behind me and pulled all my clothes off.
The shorter lady had a jacked that she was unbuttoning, I realized that she was going to try to cover me up! What a prude! She must have just been jealous that a pretty young thing like me was getting to walk around naked in public and show off the goods when she was never brave enough to do anything like that!
I decided I was going to rush off down the boardwalk before she got a chance. I was still super nervous and excited. My heart felt like it was pounding in my throat and I was out of breath from the thrill of it all.
I had the temptation to cover myself with my hands, but I half-resisted. I must have looked kinda shy because I kept sort of covering my pussy, and then half-covering my boobs, and then I put both hands behind me to cover my butt. So anyone who kept looking for more than a second would have seen everything. And there were people everywhere, so even if I wanted to cover myself (which I totally didn’t), there was no way I could have.
I kinda figured that everyone would be staring at me and taking pictures and commenting on my body; I hoped that by the time I made it a hundred meters that I’d have a whole crowd of men around me, but honestly, no one said a thing! Some people glanced, and now and then someone would stare for a few seconds, but the majority of people averted their eyes and just pretended I wasn’t there!
They seemed almost… scared to look at me. This was even better than I could have imagined! I mean, at first I was a little disappointed that people weren’t excited to take in the sight of my naked, young body, but then I realized something! It wasn’t just fun and sexy to be naked in public, it also felt kinda… powerful!
Once I realized that, I stopped acting shy. I stopped trying to cover myself at all. In fact, I slowed down my stride and put on a cocky grin. By the time I reached the end of the boardwalk I was staring people right in the eye, but nobody had the guts to look back at me.
It was about a ten-minute walk back to where I was staying, but I decided I was going to make it take fifteen! There was even a spot where a dozen people were waiting for a train, and I decided to stand in front of all of them and check my phone for a good two minutes! Fortunately, I had the foresight to stick my phone, wallet, and apartment key in my sock before I had those guys steal all my clothes. I made sure to bend down in front of everybody when I took my phone out so they could have a chance to admire my naked butt.
I hoped that at least someone noticed how wet this was making me! I mean, I was starting to literally drip down the inside of my leg! I figured I’d better make my way home before my socks end up getting soaked.
When I got home I retrieved my apartment key from my sock and saw my neighbor coming home with a bag of groceries. I smiled and gave him a big wave, but he acted like he couldn’t see me. I unlocked my door and went inside.
The first thing I did was down a can of green tea, as fun as the whole walk was, my mouth was dry as a desert. As much as I enjoyed myself, it was nerve-wracking. The whole time I was sort of afraid the police were going to show up any minute, but that never happened.
All in all, the whole thing was way different than I expected. I guess that since I’m a perv, I expected that everyone else would be one, too. But everybody else was so well behaved. So I guess that makes me special!
Realizing that I was a pervert who walks around naked in public and gets off on exposing myself to strangers was the best moment of my life. It made me feel like I could do things that regular people couldn’t. Kaito sent me the video of my full-sharking the next day. Apparently, they had followed me almost all the way home without me even realizing it! They sure got some amazing shots and I’m proud to say that it has over a hundred-thousand views and counting.
I never found out the name of the guy who pulled my panties down that first day in the park. But a couple years later when I met Piper she’d tracked down the original video of me that he made. I posted a thank-you message in the comments telling him how grateful I was that he chose me, and how he changed my life for the better.
Ya know, it’s funny. Of all the girls that I’ve exposed in public and put online since that day, not a single one has posted a ‘thank-you’ message to me under their videos. Then again, I don’t do this for thanks, I do it for the knowledge that I’m helping others live the life that every girl wants! I’m helping them to be the perverts that deep down they all definitely wish they could be!
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