#i was thinking about doing the enneagram but i don't think i have enough knowledge on it yet
Since my adhd is acting up again and I can't analyze the remaining characters in much detail, imma throw in every character's mbti & enneagram (+ a little explanation for the stuff I didn't already talk about)
Clover: INFP 1w9 (their idealism and wanting to do what's good (to them) is TOO STRONG; strong enough for the kid to die for this cause; that's why I'm giving them a combination that's got such strong morals)
Dalv: INFJ 5w4 (why 5 instead of 4? Because I feel like he's more focused on understanding & knowledge (about who his "mysterious friend" was), than on individualism. Although, he's shown to want to express himself creativity. That's why I'd give him a 4 wing)
Martlet: ISFP 9w1 (she's all about her own values, just like Clover; that's why the two of them have a final battle in the Vengeance route. I'd call it a "battle of moral values" Is it right to kill more monsters than necessary instead of simply fleeing after Clover killed five? And no, just because she's friendly doesn't make Martlet an extrovert; I think she leads with Fi and not Se, for the reasons I just gave)
The 9w1 is bc she's peaceful and relaxed, but with a strong moral code
Starlo: ESFJ 3w2 (that 3w2 was always clear as day to me: he puts on an image to make himself look/feel cooler, but he also cares about making others happy)
Ceroba: ISFJ (still trying to figure out if she's more of a 4w5 or 1w2. Personally, I'd go with 1w2 because I've read these people focus too much on what's wrong (Kanako falling down, Chujin being dead), they become moody (this is pretty evident whenever she gets annoyed with anyone throughout the game); refuses to be cheered up (subconsciously, imo: no matter what Star tried to do, she was still stubbornly depressed). And at their best, 1w2s apparently become more fun and spontaneous. Now, we don't see this in-game since Ceroba was at her worst, but based on the picture with her and Starlo as teens, she DOES NOT seem withdrawn like a 4w5)
I don't really see Roba as being motivated to be her authentic self, either. She wants to do good (for monsterkind). The other reason I don't think she's 4w5 is because of what I've read about this type's growth: they become more logical and disciplined, gain more motivation to get things done and follow through. I feel like Ceroba already had all this, and had to take the first step into becoming the more fun-loving monster she used to be so long ago.
ISFJ, because dominant Si (too focused on the past), and what she needs to do is realize that there are different ways to go about things, not just one (inferior Ne)
Axis: ISTJ 6w5 (yeah, this guy just wants to do his job, doesn't seem to care about power and prefers to solve things alone, that's why I over E. With the enneagram, at some point I thought he'd be a 1w9, but when I read about 6w5s, I'm now leaning more into that one: reacts, plans & acts when stressed (this is how he is throughout the entire section), emotionally intense (when he's mad it DOES show), wants to please authority figures (Chujin in this case), and values security)
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aerospas · 5 months
Hi, I hope you doing good. Can I request matchup for Star Trek? I'm genderfluid, bisexual with male preference.I have long black wavy hair. I have thick black eyebrows, brown eyes. I always have rosy chubby cheeks. I have braces. My body is curvy with very big chest and little tummy. My eyebrows are constantly furrowed. Also I'm 172 cm. I'm Libra. If you interested, my mbti Infp and my enneagram 5w4. I always have poker face. I'm very outspoken, stubborn. I always doing my job alone. I find it difficult to express my feelings and prefer to isolate myself. My best feature is that I know a little about everything, I always surprise people. Those who know me for the first time describe me as cold, scary, quiet, unapproachable and distant, mature. But at heart I'm compassionate and helpful, works for the good of people. And they often think I can't speak and I'm deaf but I'm not. People say I'm extremely chaste. When I enter an environment, I listen to what people say and get to know them well, I decide if there is anyone worth talking to. I'm only close to two or three people. They describe me as cold, soft inside, calm, sarcastic, resourceful and knowledgeable. I am usually a rebellious person. I am the person who stands against injustices and lies in an environment. They say I make clever jokes and I'm the mom-friend. Actually i like to help everyone and it works automatically without me noticing. I will help anyone by giving my all. And i hate phsyical touch. My love language is words of affirmation. If I talk about myself, I've always been on my own. I have family problems, I was never close with my father. Even though we are side by side with my mother, we are distant. I'm just my own mom and dad. That's why I've always focused on academic achievement for salvation. And I think I'm very good at it. My hobbies are drawing, sewing, writing and researching, especially about mythology, cultures, politics, history, fashion. I like to visit second-hand and antique markets. I'm someone who doesn't like to waste money but cares about clothing. I always wear my headphones and listen to music, i listen every genre. I like silence, soft colors, being alone, flowers (especially honeysuckle), spring and breeze. I don't like crowds, noise, children, loud talkers and shiny things. I always wear colorful clothes with floral prints or all black. I also wear interesting earrings and different printed socks. And finally, I don't really have an ideal type. I love every person. I like the fact that there are different people. And I don't believe in love. If I'm going to be with someone, I'll be happy if we have respect, compassion, and loyalty to each other. It is enough that we are in harmony with each other. If I am with someone, I am clearly their mother.-🧠
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from the original series, i'd pair you with, doctor mccoy!
with your outspoken and resourceful nature, mccoy might initially be taken aback, but he'd soon appreciate your depth of knowledge and your compassionate heart beneath your closed-off exterior. your willingness to stand against injustices would resonate strongly with mccoy, who's never one to shy away from speaking his mind. he might tease you for your serious demeanour, but deep down, he'd admire your determination and independence. your shared love for diving into research — whether it's about medicine, cultures, or history — would provide endless topics for discussion. mccoy's gruff warmth and your hidden softness would create a dynamic where both of you support each other in your quieter moments, finding solace in shared understanding and mutual respect.
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: i wasn't sure what series you preferred, so i chose my favourite!
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shirefantasies · 6 months
Hi, I hope you doing good. Can i have a matchup for LOTR and/or HOBBIT please 💐 Firstly English not my first language. I'm autistic. I'm genderfluid, bisexual with male preference.I have long black wavy hair. I have thick black eyebrows, brown eyes. I always have rosy chubby cheeks. I have braces. My body is curvy with very big chest and little tummy. My eyebrows are constantly furrowed. Also I'm 172 cm. I'm Libra. If you interested, my mbti Infp and my enneagram 5w4. I always have poker face. I'm very outspoken, stubborn. I always doing my job alone. I find it difficult to express my feelings and prefer to isolate myself. My best feature is that I know a little about everything, I always surprise people. Those who know me for the first time describe me as cold, scary, quiet, unapproachable and distant, mature. But at heart I'm compassionate and helpful, works for the good of people. And they often think I can't speak and I'm deaf but I'm not. People say I'm extremely chaste. When I enter an environment, I listen to what people say and get to know them well, I decide if there is anyone worth talking to. I'm only close to two or three people. They describe me as cold, soft inside, calm, sarcastic, resourceful and knowledgeable. I am usually a rebellious person. I am the person who stands against injustices and lies in an environment. They say I make clever jokes and I'm the mom-friend. Actually i like to help everyone and it works automatically without me noticing. I will help anyone by giving my all. And i hate phsyical touch. My love language is words of affirmation. If I talk about myself, I've always been on my own. I have family problems, I was never close with my father. Even though we are side by side with my mother, we are distant. I'm just my own mom and dad. That's why I've always focused on academic achievement for salvation. And I think I'm very good at it. My hobbies are drawing, sewing, writing and researching, especially about mythology, cultures, politics, history, fashion. I like to visit second-hand and antique markets. I'm someone who doesn't like to waste money but cares about clothing. I always wear my headphones and listen to music, i listen every genre. I like silence, soft colors, being alone, flowers (especially honeysuckle), spring and breeze. I don't like crowds, noise, children, loud talkers and shiny things. I always wear colorful clothes with floral prints or all black. I also wear interesting earrings and different printed socks. And finally, I don't really have an ideal type. I love every person. I like the fact that there are different people. And I don't believe in love. If I'm going to be with someone, I'll be happy if we have respect, compassion, and loyalty to each other. It is enough that we are in harmony with each other. If I am with someone, I am clearly their mother.
You sure can have a matchup 💐 and your man is…
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Beorn! 🐻
You are tired of the world. Tired of all its hustle and bustle and rules and unnecessary noise. It isn’t like you have family back in any of those towns and cities anyway. Nature is your true domain, the place where you can be yourself and feel harmony, stroll through fields of fragrant blooms without prying eyes…or so you think. A small patrol of orcs catches you off guard, brandishing their scimitars and chasing you deeper into the woods you had sought solace in. Your legs pump as fast as they can, but it is hardly enough. Just as you think your burning, heaving chest will give out and fail you, though, a great bear bursts from the woods, making short work of your would-be tormentors. Before your eyes the beast shrinks down, becoming a great man, and bids you simply “Come with me.”
Had you more energy you’d have tried to fight, but as it is you practically shake from the adrenaline and still feel a burning in your lungs; nodding, you just follow him down a trail and across a field to his cottage. Distant, in bloom, populated only by livestock and bumblebees. You like it. Tentatively you smile up at the towering, bearded man. “You have no home, do you?” He asks. You shake your head and he sighs. “That is what I thought.” It seemed he isn’t much one for company, either. No complaints leave his lips, though, as you set down your small pack of possessions, or as you scan the interior of his home, taking in every nook and cranny. “We eat in an hour,” the man simply says.
Beorn. You learn his name over the meal, confirm your suspicions that he, too, has his reasons for isolating from society. Tell him how beautiful his home really is as he speaks of protecting nature’s gifts and feeling no remorse for those who sully them. Respect flows through you at his words, keeps you nodding as he speaks.
When you emerge the next morning, this time clean and in a long dress of floral print, you notice the way Beorn’s bushy eyebrows rise, his expression softens. You practically challenge him as you go outside, exploring and gently tending the livestock. He says nothing, though, save following you and giving you the occasional nod at your kind treatment of his animals. “Keep my house safe,” he tells you at the end of the day, “and I keep the woods safe.” In his way, you realize, he is asking you to stay, and you agree. He makes a nicer meal this night.
Your motions in the kitchen are something of a dance, Beorn and you all but intuitively moving around the other, working in perfect rhythm. His people have many old songs to learn, and you vow to sing them as best you can as you work. Beorn cleans and bends some old metal scraps, strings a pair of acorns into new earrings for you. Payment for repairing all his blankets, he says, but you catch the faintest of smiles on his lips. Spring explodes across the meadows in great flowery bursts. Soon in your pastures a new calf is born; in a wave of excitement and celebration, Beorn lifts you up by the waist and spins you around. Both of your serious expressions bursting into true joy, utter freedom of care and concern, for the first time in too long. Some may call your life simple, your relationship confusing, but you know what you are to each other deep in your hearts of hearts and you want for nothing that your woods, your little cottage, and each other cannot provide.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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thebestofoneshots · 1 year
hi i hope you doing good. Can i have a "✩ Star" for Marauders Era please 💐I'm autistic. I'm genderfluid, bisexual with male preference.I'm okay with Poly!Marauders. I have long black wavy hair. I have thick black eyebrows, brown eyes. I always have rosy chubby cheeks. I have braces. My body is curvy with very big chest and little tummy. Also I'm 172 cm. I'm Libra also a Slytherin. If you interested, my mbti Infp and my enneagram 5w4. I always have poker face. I'm very outspoken. I find it difficult to express my feelings and prefer to isolate myself. My best feature is that I know a little about everything, I always surprise people. Those who know me for the first time describe me as cold, scary, quiet, and distant. And they often think I can't speak and I'm deaf but I'm not. People say I'm extremely chaste. When I enter an environment, I listen to what people say and get to know them well, I decide if there is anyone worth talking to. I'm only close to two or three people. They describe me as cold, soft inside, calm, sarcastic, resourceful and knowledgeable. I am usually a rebellious person. I am the person who stands against injustices and lies in an environment. They say I make clever jokes and I'm the mom-friend. Actually i like to help everyone and it works automatically without me noticing. I will help anyone by giving my all. And i hate phsyical touch. My love language is words of affirmation. If I talk about myself, I've always been on my own. I have family problems, I was never close with my father. Even though we are side by side with my mother, we are distant. I'm just my own mom and dad. That's why I've always focused on academic achievement for salvation. And I think I'm very good at it. My hobbies are drawing, sewing, writing and researching, especially about mythology, cultures, politics, history, fashion. I like to visit second-hand and antique markets. I'm someone who doesn't like to waste money but cares about clothing. I always wear my headphones and listen to music, i listen every genre. I like silence, soft colors, being alone, flowers (especially honeysuckle), spring and breeze. I don't like crowds, noise, children, loud talkers and shiny things. I always wear colorful clothes with floral prints or all black. I also wear interesting earrings and different printed socks. And finally, I don't really have an ideal type. I love every person. I like the fact that there are different people. And I don't believe in love. If I'm going to be with someone, I'll be happy if we have respect, compassion, and loyalty to each other. It is enough that we are in harmony with each other. If I am with someone, I am clearly their mother. -🧠
If you want to participate in "TBOS' 400 Followers Celebration" too, you can look at this post for all the options of prompts you can choose form <3
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☆ Star: send a short description of yourself and I’ll tell you who I ship you with!
Hey darling! I soooo ship you with Regulus Black. When you two first met, he didn’t know what to make of you, the shy new Slytherin kid. The shyest in your group, he noticed that easily. But there was something about you that sucked him in. Even if whenever your eyes crossed in the common room you would just stare at him for a second and then turn your head, not even making a single expression, nothing.
He was the first to approach you, but he didn’t try to talk to you, in fact, he just walked closer to you as he spoke to Barty, he had realized you liked to listen to what people might have to offer before exchanging a word with them. Barty had tried to talk to you several times before, but you hadn’t replied, so he thought of you as a very rude person. But that day, when Regulus asked if you could pass him something, and you replied with a sweet ��sure, here you go,” he was shocked.
“So you can talk?” Barty teased.
“Leave them alone,” Regulus had warned him, with an icy stare, bordering on a threat. Barty had shut up in an instant and he never dared bother you again.
Your friendship with Regulus had developed slowly, you appreciated how he always noticed whether you were presenting as a girl or a boy, and used the correct pronouns with you. It was sweet, and it made you trust him even more. He once invited you to Hogsmeade, and the two of you walked together through the crowded areas, shying away from them and deciding to walk inside an antique store instead. There he purchased a necklace that had caught your eye. You found it laying on your bed, inside a box with a note inside.
There’s something about you that I just can’t put my finger on, there’s nothing like spending time with you, talking about anything and everything like we do sometimes… I enjoy walking with you and looking at you while you’re so focused on getting the strokes of a drawing right, when you’re too preoccupied with getting the seam of a garment to look perfect, or even when you’re just staring at the fire like it’s the most interesting thing in the world. Thank you for being a part of my life (Y/N). -RAB
You smiled, a little giddy after reading such sweet words, and you knew they were true, you had seen the way Regulus looked at you, you weren’t blind, but you had also noticed how respectful he’d been about his admiration, how he’d retracted his hand after reaching out for you several times, as not to startle you, He had watched you, learned your boundaries, and he stuck to them like they were the most important rules on earth.
“I loved your note,” you told him when you saw him again after that. “I also really like spending time with you, It’d be lovely to do it more…” you told him, a little smile developing on your lips.
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A/N: Hey hun! I really hope you enjoy this little ship, I read your little prompts and it absolutely screamed Regulus to me, btw I hope I didn't write anything triggering, I tried to be extra carful <3
Side note, I'm so so so sorry for taking so long to deliver this, it's been like a week I know, but I've been working on Gilded Constellations and also a new episode of The Five Senses (that will be dropping later today), bedsides my day job getting a bit heavy on the workload, so it's taking me a bit longer than I expected to deliver the "400 Follower Celebration" gifts. But rest assured, they will all be delivered, I promise.
Much Love, Lilly xx
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paimonial-rage · 8 months
Thank you so much for sharing 'Wisdom of the Enneagram' with us. It's so interesting learning about the different types in depth and helpful for analyzing characters!
Recently, I've been trying to pinpoint the traveler. Do you have any thoughts on Aether's enneagram type? (#3) Thank you in advance <3
I'm answering this out of order because oh my God I did not think anyone actually paid attention to those tags HAHA. I can't believe you actually looked up that book I am honestly like both impressed and flattered. It is a super helpful book to understanding characters and their motivations.
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
What is Aether's enneagram type?
Analysis below!
I'm going to answer your question in a more train of thought process because the Traveler is a really interesting character. They're meant to be a faceless character we can project ourselves on, but they certainly do have a personality. That being said, do we know enough about their personality to be able to pinpoint an ennea? If I have to be honest with you, I don't have a set idea of what they can be.
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The best way to do process of elimination with ennea is to focus on the triads. What is their core emotion? Shame (heart triad), fear (head triad), or anger (gut triad)? Do they have issues with identity (heart triad), security/anxiety (head triad), or autonomy/control (gut triad)?
The hard thing about the Traveler is that the only time they show emotion is when it has to do with their sibling. But what else do we know about them? They don't like being tricked. They don't like being obligated to do things out of the goodness of their heart. They're friendly. They like cracking jokes. They like playing around.
I think, with what we're given, we can throw the heart triad out right from the start. The traveler shows no signs of shame. They have no issues with their self-image. Based upon their bond with their twin and Paimon, the answer seems to lean the most to wanting support and guidance. But can it be said their core emotion is fear? Could it possibly be anger instead?
Unfortunately I'm going to have to cheat a bit here and go based purely off of my knowledge of actual people and their types. If the traveler is a head type, the only type they can be is a 7. 5 and 6 simply are not their vibe. They'd probably be a 7w8. That being said, a 7's core aspects do not match that of the Traveler as seen above.
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If the Traveler is a gut type, the only types they can be is a 9w8 or a 1w9. Simply put, they are not aggressive enough to be an 8. The argument for 9w8 is that... well... this type I fall to when most other types don't match. HAHA A 9w8 is primarily peace seeking, but won't hesitate to fight and assert themselves if they see the need to. The core aspects of a 9 match as well, as seen below.
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The argument for 1w9, though, and also the one I'm leaning more towards is that 1s are very judgmental. And the Traveler is extremely judgmental. LOL 9w8s literally don't care. Just leave them alone. 1s, on the other hand, typically have superiority complexes. LOL Not to say that the Traveler does, but I digress. Unlike 9s, the Traveler does not hesitate to judge. They are self-driven and won't hesitate to make decisions based upon what they feel to be right. That being said, the core aspects do not match, at least with what we know of the Traveler currently.
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So those are my picks as to their possible type. I am leaning more towards 1w9, even though we don't have enough canon evidence to support it. Probably a 1w9 so/sx. But if we go based off of canon evidence, they'd probably be a 9w8.
#genshin impact#aether#lumine#traveler#my writing#character analysis#now you may be wondering 'why not 9w1?'#because 9w1s are the poster child for doormats (not the anxious kind)#9w1s are your kazuhas and ayakas. boring. no excitement. too calm#you may also be wondering what the difference between a 9 and a 1 is#at their very core 9s wish to be at peace. they don't want to be bothered. they don't want to think about difficult things#they just want to do what they do and ultimately be left alone in that aspect (not in an introvert way)#9s are your alhaithams kazuhas etc#1s on the other hand are concerned with perfection. they hold others and themselves to a high standard#these are your thomas zhonglis dilucs cynos...#now you can say 'there's no evidence that the traveler holds people or themselves to a high standard!'#which is true but like i said before we don't know much about the traveler as a whole. but what we do know is they hold people accountable#you can also say 'but 1s have a stick up their butt! they're very serious and blah blah blah'#to which that is true if they're the typical sp/so 1w9 but that's more of a stereotype than anything#i know 1w9s that love to tease and go out to parties and etc etc etc#i'll be honest with you the reason why i'm leaning more 1w9 is because i know one irl that matches the traveler's profile a lot haha#also the reason why i don't think they're a 7 is because 7s are..... like... hyperactive adhd HAHA#7s include ittos beidous etc. very fun and outgoing people#so yeah off of vibes i'd say a 9w8 so/sx (the so/sx is what sets the vibe of them not being so 'stick up butt-ish')#also back to the book chapter 3 has REALLY helpful tables to understanding the inner workings of all the types#and chapters 3-4 explain how enneagram functions as a whole. like it's essential reading to properly understand its logic#when people do enneagram they only ever look at the types but doing that only gets you halfway to properly understanding how it works#oh crap i forgot to mention the point i was trying to make above comparing 9s and 1s is that like....#judging something requires being *bothered* by something which requires an unpeaceful mind. that's too much work for a 9 but 1s like that
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natti-ice · 6 months
Hi, I hope you doing good. Can I request mini challenge with Marauders? I'm genderfluid, bisexual with male preference.I have long black wavy hair. I have thick black eyebrows, brown eyes. I always have rosy chubby cheeks. I have braces. My body is curvy with very big chest and little tummy. My eyebrows are constantly furrowed. Also I'm 172 cm. I'm Libra. If you interested, my mbti Infp and my enneagram 5w4. I always have poker face. I'm very outspoken, stubborn. I always doing my job alone. I find it difficult to express my feelings and prefer to isolate myself. My best feature is that I know a little about everything, I always surprise people. Those who know me for the first time describe me as cold, scary, quiet, unapproachable and distant, mature. But at heart I'm compassionate and helpful, works for the good of people. And they often think I can't speak and I'm deaf but I'm not. People say I'm extremely chaste. When I enter an environment, I listen to what people say and get to know them well, I decide if there is anyone worth talking to. I'm only close to two or three people. They describe me as cold, soft inside, calm, sarcastic, resourceful and knowledgeable. I am usually a rebellious person. I am the person who stands against injustices and lies in an environment. They say I make clever jokes and I'm the mom-friend. Actually i like to help everyone and it works automatically without me noticing. I will help anyone by giving my all. And i hate phsyical touch. My love language is words of affirmation. If I talk about myself, I've always been on my own. I have family problems, I was never close with my father. Even though we are side by side with my mother, we are distant. I'm just my own mom and dad. That's why I've always focused on academic achievement for salvation. And I think I'm very good at it. My hobbies are drawing, sewing, writing and researching, especially about mythology, cultures, politics, history, fashion. I like to visit second-hand and antique markets. I'm someone who doesn't like to waste money but cares about clothing. I always wear my headphones and listen to music, i listen every genre. I like silence, soft colors, being alone, flowers (especially honeysuckle), spring and breeze. I don't like crowds, noise, children, loud talkers and shiny things. I always wear colorful clothes with floral prints or all black. I also wear interesting earrings and different printed socks. And finally, I don't really have an ideal type. I love every person. I like the fact that there are different people. And I don't believe in love. If I'm going to be with someone, I'll be happy if we have respect, compassion, and loyalty to each other. It is enough that we are in harmony with each other.
I ship you with… James potter!
You seem to be very sure of yourself and opinionated which I think James would be very fond of! He would find your “cold” exterior very attractive, he likes someone who’s a little rough around the edges. Also I’ve always thought he’d be into mythology, any kind really, and you having a shared passion with him would make him like you even more!
Join my 700 celebration!
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rainytypology · 1 year
SF9 Inseong MBTI Analysis
- ENTP -
An in-depth analysis of an idol's MBTI type. Based on my opinion and observations, may change later. Not an expert.
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MBTI: ENTP (Ne - Ti - Fe - Si)
Dom: Ne - Extroverted Intuition
A perceiving function that creates new ideas through connections and patterns in the environment
He's super creative and mentally active, he's not called a brainiac for nothing. He seems to need constant mental stimuli in order to be energized, which is why he's often doing something new. He also uses this energy for creative outlets such as drawing and especially writing. He's quite witty and clever, seemingly able to naturally deliver funny remarks without a 2nd thought. He's also quite the chatterbox, which is something I've noticed in many people who are Ne dominant.
In one of his Monthly Inseong videos, Inseong was easily able to conjure up a whole story with many characters. And those characters were given personality, all in a short amount of time. Ne can work fast with ideas and put them together.
Aux: Ti - Introverted Thinking
A judging function that uses subjective knowledge to make the most logical and rational choices.
Ne-Ti is a logical and analytical combo. Inseong is intelligent and this can be seen during his appearance on Problematic Men. His brain for sure works fast and he has no issue with solving complex problems.
Tert: Fe - Extroverted Feeling
A judging function that values social harmony in order to complete a goal
His tertiary Fe seems to be very well developed, which may be why he gets Fe dom types. However, I do think he's a bit too vulgar at times to be an Fe dom though.
With his Ne-Fe, he's able to make a fun and positive(Ne) environment for everyone (Fe). He knows what's funny and acts funny on purpose to make the environment comfortable.
He may also have a fear of possibly conflicting with others. Inseong is quite honest while also being a liar and avoidant of opposition. The other members have talked about how Inseong doesn't say "no" to others, even when he doesn't agree with the other person.
Inf: Si Introverted Sensing
A perceiving function that is focused on the internal sensations of the body. Prefers familiarity and internal structure
He's impulsive and not as detail oriented, which is pretty Si inferior. His impatience and brash decision making can be seen in the Sep Center series, specifically ep 6 and 7. Even Jaeyoon jokes about his impulsiveness.
"I thought about why you're so funny. You act without thinking about the consequences." - Jaeyoon
Dawon has also mentioned how Inseong often just falls asleep without taking off his makeup and/or not closing/putting things away.
People with better use of Si tend to be neater and much more organized; they prefer to sit back and analyze the situation, processing their options before making a move. However, Inseong seems to struggle with this.
Why he's not an ENFJ (Fe - Ni - Se - Ti):
He has a good use of Fe, but I don't think he uses it comfortably enough for it to be his dominant function. And him being Ti inferior makes no sense. I don't see Ni-Se anywhere in Inseong either.
Other analysis:
Enneagram | Birth chart
Kpop typology list
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rafesfavslut · 9 months
hi i hope you doing good. Can i have a matchup for marauders era please 💐 Firstly English not my first language. I'm autistic. I'm genderfluid, bisexual with male preference.I have long black wavy hair. I have thick black eyebrows, brown eyes. I always have rosy chubby cheeks. I have braces. My body is curvy with very big chest and little tummy. My eyebrows are constantly furrowed. Also I'm 172 cm. I'm Libra. If you interested, my mbti Infp and my enneagram 5w4. I always have poker face. I'm very outspoken, stubborn. I always doing my job alone. I find it difficult to express my feelings and prefer to isolate myself. My best feature is that I know a little about everything, I always surprise people. Those who know me for the first time describe me as cold, scary, quiet, unapproachable and distant, mature. But at heart I'm compassionate and helpful, works for the good of people. And they often think I can't speak and I'm deaf but I'm not. People say I'm extremely chaste. When I enter an environment, I listen to what people say and get to know them well, I decide if there is anyone worth talking to. I'm only close to two or three people. They describe me as cold, soft inside, calm, sarcastic, resourceful and knowledgeable. I am usually a rebellious person. I am the person who stands against injustices and lies in an environment. They say I make clever jokes and I'm the mom-friend. Actually i like to help everyone and it works automatically without me noticing. I will help anyone by giving my all. And i hate phsyical touch. My love language is words of affirmation. If I talk about myself, I've always been on my own. I have family problems, I was never close with my father. Even though we are side by side with my mother, we are distant. I'm just my own mom and dad. That's why I've always focused on academic achievement for salvation. And I think I'm very good at it. My hobbies are drawing, sewing, writing and researching, especially about mythology, cultures, politics, history, fashion. I like to visit second-hand and antique markets. I'm someone who doesn't like to waste money but cares about clothing. I always wear my headphones and listen to music, i listen every genre. I like silence, soft colors, being alone, flowers (especially honeysuckle), spring and breeze. I don't like crowds, noise, children, loud talkers and shiny things. I always wear colorful clothes with floral prints or all black. I also wear interesting earrings and different printed socks. And finally, I don't really have an ideal type. I love every person. I like the fact that there are different people. And I don't believe in love. If I'm going to be with someone, I'll be happy if we have respect, compassion, and loyalty to each other. It is enough that we are in harmony with each other. If I am with someone, I am clearly their mother.
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idk why but you give the biggest remus vibes ever
much taller than you so lowkey would occasionally tease you for it
i feel like while your love language is words of affirmation, he lowkey struggles with it, but secretly likes it very much
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dwindlinghaze · 9 months
hi i hope you doing good. Can i have 🪞🩰 Firstly English not my first language. I'm autistic. I'm genderfluid, bisexual with male preference.I have long black wavy hair. I have thick black eyebrows, brown eyes. I always have rosy chubby cheeks. I have braces. My body is curvy with very big chest and little tummy. My eyebrows are constantly furrowed. Also I'm 172 cm. I'm Libra. If you interested, my mbti Infp and my enneagram 5w4. I always have poker face. I'm very outspoken, stubborn. I always doing my job alone. I find it difficult to express my feelings and prefer to isolate myself. My best feature is that I know a little about everything, I always surprise people. Those who know me for the first time describe me as cold, scary, quiet, unapproachable and distant, mature. But at heart I'm compassionate and helpful, works for the good of people. And they often think I can't speak and I'm deaf but I'm not. People say I'm extremely chaste. When I enter an environment, I listen to what people say and get to know them well, I decide if there is anyone worth talking to. I'm only close to two or three people. They describe me as cold, soft inside, calm, sarcastic, resourceful and knowledgeable. I am usually a rebellious person. I am the person who stands against injustices and lies in an environment. They say I make clever jokes and I'm the mom-friend. Actually i like to help everyone and it works automatically without me noticing. I will help anyone by giving my all. And i hate phsyical touch. My love language is words of affirmation. If I talk about myself, I've always been on my own. I have family problems, I was never close with my father. Even though we are side by side with my mother, we are distant. I'm just my own mom and dad. That's why I've always focused on academic achievement for salvation. And I think I'm very good at it. My hobbies are drawing, sewing, writing and researching, especially about mythology, cultures, politics, history, fashion. I like to visit second-hand and antique markets. I'm someone who doesn't like to waste money but cares about clothing. I always wear my headphones and listen to music, i listen every genre. I like silence, soft colors, being alone, flowers (especially honeysuckle), spring and breeze. I don't like crowds, noise, children, loud talkers and shiny things. I always wear colorful clothes with floral prints or all black. I also wear interesting earrings and different printed socks. And finally, I don't really have an ideal type. I love every person. I like the fact that there are different people. And I don't believe in love. If I'm going to be with someone, I'll be happy if we have respect, compassion, and loyalty to each other. It is enough that we are in harmony with each other. If I am with someone, I am clearly their mother.
hello and ty for participating in my 500 celebration
here's your 🪞 in case you didn't see
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
🩰 : i ship you with sirius black
╰┈➤ sirius thinks your poker slash furrowed face is cute. imagine him just giggling at himself by just seeing you.
"you're crazy," you said without glancing up at him. the pair of eyes that belonged to sirius black had been glued to you for the past thirty minutes. he admired the slight wrinkle formed in between your brows as the cause of furrowing them too much. "im not crazy, i'm admiring," his voice rasp and low. your face heated up but your poker face was never gone.
╰┈➤ at first it was hard for sirius to approach you. seemed like his charm wasn't working so he had no choice but to find another way. you rarely talks or starts conversations with people, the opposite of him. but it doesn't mean that you're completely unsociable.
╰┈➤ opening up to express your feelings took a while. he understood that though because he knew that some things are hard to communicate and it's not because you dislike him. so by that he gives you space and time for you to ease up in order for you to ease up your inner emotions.
╰┈➤ during the times where you were still getting to know each other, he'd do most of the talking. telling you about his hobbies, friends, favourite places, and you listen. you prefer to listen. that doesn't mean that you don't give him responses.
"-so yeah, i spent that whole day with my friends and i cherish them so," he finished at last, glancing over at you who had your brows furrowed as you listened to his words. that day you wore a soft coloured shirt with flowers embroidered from the edges. "you look beautiful today, darling," he mentioned. "thank you siri," you let out an airy chuckle as you closed your eyes briefly, face relaxing. you tilt your head to the side to see him, your brows knitted once more as you took out a piece of dirt from his hair.
╰┈➤ sirius definitely loves the fact that you're helpful and 'mom friend'. growing up in a household of injustices and cruelty, he didn't have anyone to look out for him. he felt truly adored whenever you gave him a helping hand mindlessly.
you noticed how he was struggling to ask for the eye catching piece his eyes got caught on the store display. he was pointing rather stupidly at the glass pane while the storekeeper was trying their best to understand what he's doing. "uh- il vout la épingle," you said finally and the keeper nodded straight away. sirius looked at you curiously, raising his brow. you know everything. really.
╰┈➤ you mentioned that physical touch isn't something you enjoy so he knows how to respect that. besides, he's much better at words anyway so it wasn't a big thing that bothered him.
╰┈➤ visiting old antique shops is an activity you love. seeing the old precious objects that time forgot, vintage smells all through the store, and how it felt like travelling back to time.
you stumbled across a dusty sculpture of a human face but only with one eye made out of mahogany. "oh my god siri look!" you whispered as you tugged on his jacket. sirius made a weird face, pressing his lips together. "what is that creature?" said he in pure fright. "that's a cyclops, i've never seen it in 3d before. cool huh?"
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dracomort · 1 year
I adore your fics! You've made me fall in love with Draco. I'm still not over him casually withdrawing a small fortune in Alley Cat (and being totally cool with Tom stealing it. Iconic).
I noticed in your profile that you identify as an INTJ. I'm both a Tom Riddle/Voldemort and MBTI enthusiast, so I'm curious whether you interpret him as an INTJ? (I generally do, but, as ever, the Internet seems divided).
Ask me ALL the MBTI questions. I could talk about it and Enneagram all day.
INTJ vs ENTJ is a debate my housemate and I have had many times and, to be honest, I am also conflicted lol. I'm not sure of what other interpretations there are out there. I'm open to anything so long as I can see how the writer has gotten there from canon.
From a function perspective — Tom really gives Te-dom to me. He's decisive, ruthless and devoid of self-doubt. There's a clear logic to many of his decisions, yet also a brazenness that I wouldn't expect to see from a Ni-dom. I reckon as an INTJ he wouldn't have made half the choices he made because he would've spent enough time thinking them through to decide they were stupid decisions.
There is also a certain physicality and restlessness to Tom. While I do believe he is something of a knowledge sponge, I don't think he would ever be content with a life based purely in theory and research. He isn't interested in knowledge for knowledge's sake (though perhaps this is more of an INTP vs xNTJ argument). The things Tom wants to learn are things that he can use to further his goals and make himself more powerful. Additionally, Tom is definitely an inferior Fi. I don't think he'd recognise a moral compass if he was clobbered over the head with one.
All that being said, do I write an ENTJ Tom? No, he's an INTJ lol. This is partly because I write an ESFJ Draco (and firmly believe that is his type in canon too) and really enjoy writing the interplay between such an external, people-focused FeSi and an internal, intellectual and misanthropic NiTe. That's just a writing decision 😂
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indepth-mbti · 2 years
Hi there, first of all, I'm a big fan of your content and I think every post you make has such an incredible level of details. I want to thank you for them cause they have helped me a lot in my journey of self discovery (which is something I value greatly).
I have been typed in the past as INTP which I think is a mistype, because I believe myself to be a Ni dom. One thing I'm not too sure about is my auxillary function. I do find a lot of information out there about how INXJ have a great sense of purpose, but INTJ's goals are more intellectual focused and self-serving, while INFJ's goals are more humanitarian focused. Now I know these are probably mostly stereotypes but I would appreciate your input. I do think my sense of purpose is directed more towards myself, and how I can gain more knowledge and become more sufficient in my personal interests. But when it comes to decision making I'm very concious of how others are affected and I do value harmony and honor greatly, which is a big giveaway to me that I might be an INFJ.
One thing I'm also curious about is whether or not I'm an ennegram 3. I don't think the INFJ and ennegram 3 combination is talked about very often, would you say they are very contradictory? I'm quite fixated on my image and how I present myself to others. I developed alot of anxiety and was very reclusive in the past due to thinking I need to work more on the perfect version of myself before presenting it to the world if that makes sense. That sounds to me like a quite unhealthy 3. I suspect my tritype to be 371, which I wonder how you think a person with that combination would present themself.
I recognise I do sound quite vain in this post but I'm genuinely very curious, and I do value your insight very much. Thank you for your time!
Yes, you're not an INTP. I don't think anything of what you say contradicts Ni dom. What you say is not enough to spot if you're INTJ or INFJ, so I'm going to talk about the key differences here:
Ni + Te = Synthesises external data to its essence, they search a clear and conceptual conclusion. They're good at setting priorities and synthetising complex ideas and concepts. Seeks tangible results, takes action only if the outcome they desire is going to happen.
Ni + Fe = Aspires to some hidden purpose in their interpersonal connections, desires to see how their visions can help the external structures that their Fe care about. Sees things in others where there’s nothing.
Ni + Fi = They follow a personal sense of direction. They have clear personal priorities/bonds which can or not be aligned with social expectations, they just don't care. They trace clear strategies that don't betray their sense of "self".
Ni + Ti = The kind of person who wants to polish their single obsession until the end, obsessive mentality of “there’s not enough; I can go deeper.” Blind to their inner contradictions. Reality is disappointing.
About your Enneagram type:
"I'm quite fixated on my image and how I present myself to others. I developed alot of anxiety and was very reclusive in the past due to thinking I need to work more on the perfect version of myself before presenting it to the world if that makes sense."
This is sp1 with a 3 fix. I don't think you're an E3. You sound too inward focused to be an E3, which is a cognitively extraverted Enneagram type who runs away from introspection and examining the self.
The sp1 embodies "worry" and a sense fo anxiety due to constantly worrying about not being perfect, desiring to meet these personal perfect standards.
I think that INFJ sp1 136 tritype is what makes sense for you based on what you wrote. Check the SP1 description!
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i-may-be · 2 years
Hello!! may i request a romantic matchup with a male and female for genshin impact if you still do them?? my pronouns are she/her and I'm a ESFP 4w3 487. i’m a very shy bit friendly first meeting because I'm not the person to make the first move but when you get to know me I'm more hyper but still calm. I definitely have bit of a temper and get defensive over myself very easily as I'm a very emotional person but I tried to keep calm and be nice and sweet most of the time. I deal with alot of anxiety and sadness but usually try to fight it alone unless it's really bad. Some of my hobbies are definitely looking into astrology and typology (mbti enneagram etc). I can definitely have dark humour about my trauma at times but don't like actually dark jokes about horrible things. I'm very protective over my loved ones and animals. I'm definitely an empathy and a big animal lover. I'm definitely more insecure then confident. I have hard times making decisions and I'm also pretty snappy and lipy. also like poetry and just going out with friends. I don't really have an aesthetic but I usually wear casual clothes and the colors are usually white,black,grey dark red or blue.
hello! thank you for choosing this blog for your matchup <3
You were visiting her library, searching for an astrology book- for the sack of this scenario, I don't think a poetry book would specifically suit this situation- but I digress. She noticed you searching through the shelves and something about you prompted her to stop lazing around for a moment to help you.
She came over to you and at first you both made small talk about the type of book you were looking for, until she made a proposition.
In her words; "I'll let you take out a restricted book if you promise to come here more often, hm?" And well, who would turn that down? It's not everyday Lisa gives someone special permissions.
And so, your relationship progressed from there. You were timely enough to keep Lisa's trust and her knowledge was valuable to you, especially since she seemingly knows everything under the sun, including astrology and typology.
A flirt(quick, act surprised)- you'll get cute nicknames and unsuspecting compliments. She only ever flirts when the conversations are private though, and she claims it's because she "should be the only one to see your cute blush" but her real reason is simply just to not do anything that may make you feel embarrassed infront of others.
Her calm compsure really contrasts and compliments your temper. I feel like she would have a calming influence, which would help ease your anxiety and loosen up with her. Despite her relentless teasings, her priority is with helping you feel more comfortable so she's happy with the way she influences that.
I feel like your trauma humour(for lack of a better term) helps her open up a little. It may sound odd, but you being more open about your trauma helps her open up more, something she rarely does. You make her feel more comfortable in herself just as she does the same for you, it's sweet tbh :]
Most onlookers are still surprised that Lisa is so enthusiastic about having you with her for afternoon tea. She knows just how you like your tea, if you prefer herbal or the original, doesn't matter she just knows how you like it. She's made sure to negotiate for people to bring her your favourite snacks and biscuits to go with it.
Lisa is a storyteller, she can recite tales about gods and local legends- anything interesting or slightly fantastical(if it can be considered fantastical in Teyvat). She always manages to be engaging and her stories always have points to discuss after, so deep conversations usually follow or interrupt them.
You both frequent The Cat's Tail for a drink or two. Lisa knows all too well about your love for animals, and the cats in this tavern are the nearest place for you to really express that. Sometimes you'll get a pizza there too, as a special treat or if Jean is joining you both. It can be a social place for you two to meet and talk with others, but also a private place if you both close yourself into your seats enough.
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psychosophy · 3 months
Typing What Lurks Beneath Characters
You can read WLB over at @whatlurksbean it's very good....I've been wanting to give them some typology for awhile cuz ooog I love how these characters are written so much
Spoilers for the comic btw! (Putting it under a read more cuz oh my god it's long. Sorry. Also this gets progressively lazier so. Ewps)
Trout: I have three different possible enneagram typings for Trout, I see her either as a 6, 9 or a 4, with a slight preference for the 6 typing. Though she does seem to feel the general melancholy of a 4, prioritizing her problems and victimizing herself, she doesn't seem to feel envy whatsoever, which makes me think she just has a strong 4 fix instead of it being her core.
9 was my best guess for awhile, she seems to merge with a group heavily and needs validation from those around her, but when I think about it she's much too "active" to be a 9. Though she does (somewhat) numb herself, she doesn't do it enough for me to think it's her core...
As for 6, to me, she comes off as a phobic 6 who defers to authority to get what she wants. She lives off the validation of the group before anything else, and is very much a yes-man, deciding that the safety she gets from the group is the most important thing in her life, even at the expense of other's lives.
One could make an argument that that is 9-core, numbing herself to everyone else's problems, but 9s don't numb themselves outwardly they do it inwardly. A 9 wouldn't care about their problems, focusing on merging with their group while ignoring themselves, while a 6-core is more likely to focus on their own safety and well being over everyone around them.
As for MBTI, she seems to be a textbook fe-ti user. Her fe is very obvious, she cares more about other's validation than having her own opinions (fe>ti/fi) and doesn't seem to have her own set of morals, shown when she lets Tusk die just because she was scared of the backlash.
As for si/ne or ni/se, I'm not exactly sure. At first, I was pretty sure she was an si user, but when I think about it more that seems to have been based off of different si stereotypes, but Ni-dom Trout also doesn't make much sense...
I am going to go with Si-dom just because she doesn't show much Ne OR Ni, but shows plenty of Si/Se and I couldn't see her as Se inferior
For psychosophy, she is DEFINITELY 1 or 3F. I am going to go with 1F due to her seeming confident in her physics early on. She's a good hunter and seems more likely to stay in "reality", but later her physics placement becomes insecure due to the assassination attempts.
For the rest of psychosophy, 2E is a given due to her people and group oriented nature. She listens to groups and succumbs to peer pressure, but her emotions were also much stronger before the assassination attempts, which is why I'm going with 2E instead of 4E.
3V and 4L also make sense to me, she doesn't seem to care much about logic but is VERY insecure about her volition. She wants to be seen as a good leader, and often debates whether she'll end up like Thresher.
As for classpecting, I think doom makes most sense for her...doom is both about literal "doom" (shown in like. Gestures at her entire life) but also in restriction. Just like life players are about growth and overcoming burdens, doom players live with these burdens and seem to be tied down. In Trout's case, this is shown with how much she values the group over everything else. This in and of itself is a burden to her, she is being tied down by a prison of her own making
For class, I'm gonna just go with heir. She seems to perfectly embody the Doom aspect, and is more passive than active so. Yeah
Final Typology:
ISFJ - 6w7 - 649 - FEVL - Heir of Doom
Sturgeon: For enneagram, she is definitely a 5. 6 is also a possibility, but 5 just seems to make more sense. She watches from the shadows, not playing a spotlit role (unlike Trout) but still effecting everything with her knowledge. She's a gatherer of knowledge, and though she can interact with other cats just fine, she has a preference to watch, which is often shown when she watches the graveyard. She wants to know everything, both to feel usefull and because she "refuses to be stupid", so 5!
For the rest of her tritype, she definitely gives off the vibes of an 8-fix, especially earlier in comic. She has her own (very strong) opinions, and often needs to be in control, shown all the times she tells Trout what to do. Also 3, just because I cannot see her as either 2 or 4-fixed LMAO
Sturgeon is so te-fi user, but is definitely in the middle axis with both. She has pretty proper usage of both, having strong, internal beliefs but also being very duty and efficiency oriented. As for Si/Ne or Ni/Se, she shows much more Ni-dom to me. She lives in her own head, often to the point where others are confused by her behaviors. She doesn't show much Ne, either, having a more "one-track mind".
For psychosophy, she is definitely confident logic and volition, and for placement I'm gonna go with 1L and 2V. Yes, she does order Trout around, but she obviously cares about other people's input and isn't afraid to have her ideas be challenged (even if she usually thinks she has the best decisions around).
3E due to emotional constipation LoL, and 4F because that's all that's left! She doesn't seem to care about physics at all so this makes sense LoL
For classpecting, I'm gonna go with the mind aspect, maybe? She's very logic oriented, but not in the more "action" focused way of the light aspect. She cares about the future and is always coming up with plans which seems to follow the mind theme pretty well...
As for class, she is definitely a mage. Unlike seers, mages learn actively, meaning they often have to go through trial and errors with their aspect before they can get all the knowledge they need.
Final Typology:
INTJ - 5w6 - 538 - LVEF - Mage of Mind
AND FINALLY, Hake: Hake is for sure a 9, he numbs himself from his problems by focusing on others, shown in his entire relationship with Tusk. He also definitely has a 7 and 2-fix. He doesn't have the general "hero complex" of an so7 or the love need of a 2, because I can't see any other head/heart triad type fitting him.
For MBTI, definitely another fe user. though this time I think it's his dominant function. I'm also pretty sure he's on the Ni/Se axis with the way he prioritizes physical experiences. He's never really shown too much in his head, and often gets excited at the prospect of certain activities such as fighting, preferring it to more menial tasks like hunting. I'm gonna go Se>Ni though, so I'mma say he's Fe/Se
Psychosophy, he is DEFINITELY 2E and 4V. He gives zero shits about his place in the hierarchy, even if he does inadvertantly use it to his advantage when helping others. His 2E is also shown with how much he listens and cares about others, being both confident with emotions, but still listening to others.
I would say 1F and 3L but tbh I'm not exactly sure LoL
For classpecting, he definitely comes off as a knight...usually I prefer to choose aspect before class but this just seems obvious. He's somewhat insecure (which hasn't been fully explored but I am sensing the foreshadowing LoL) and cares more about helping others than taking care of himself.
For his aspect, I could honestly see any, but I'm gonna go with Blood (Karkat moment). Unlike a breath player, blood players are tied down by their bonds. They need other people and care about others more than they'd ever care about themselves.
Final Typology:
ESFJ - 9w1 - 927 - FELV - Knight of Blood
I was gonna do Tusk but I'm getting tired so. I'll just leave my conclusion and might come back and write the reasoning later LoL
Tusk's Typology: ISTP - 6w5 - 683 - LFEV - Bard of Life
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Hi, I hope you doing good. Can i have a matchup for LOTR and/or HOBBIT, Marvel please 💐 Firstly English not my first language. I'm autistic. I'm genderfluid, bisexual with male preference.I have long black wavy hair. I have thick black eyebrows, brown eyes. I always have rosy chubby cheeks. I have braces. My body is curvy with very big chest and little tummy. My eyebrows are constantly furrowed. Also I'm 172 cm. I'm Libra. If you interested, my mbti Infp and my enneagram 5w4. I always have poker face. I'm very outspoken, stubborn. I always doing my job alone. I find it difficult to express my feelings and prefer to isolate myself. My best feature is that I know a little about everything, I always surprise people. Those who know me for the first time describe me as cold, scary, quiet, unapproachable and distant, mature. But at heart I'm compassionate and helpful, works for the good of people. And they often think I can't speak and I'm deaf but I'm not. People say I'm extremely chaste. When I enter an environment, I listen to what people say and get to know them well, I decide if there is anyone worth talking to. I'm only close to two or three people. They describe me as cold, soft inside, calm, sarcastic, resourceful and knowledgeable. I am usually a rebellious person. I am the person who stands against injustices and lies in an environment. They say I make clever jokes and I'm the mom-friend. Actually i like to help everyone and it works automatically without me noticing. I will help anyone by giving my all. And i hate phsyical touch. My love language is words of affirmation. If I talk about myself, I've always been on my own. I have family problems, I was never close with my father. Even though we are side by side with my mother, we are distant. I'm just my own mom and dad. That's why I've always focused on academic achievement for salvation. And I think I'm very good at it. My hobbies are drawing, sewing, writing and researching, especially about mythology, cultures, politics, history, fashion. I like to visit second-hand and antique markets. I'm someone who doesn't like to waste money but cares about clothing. I always wear my headphones and listen to music, i listen every genre. I like silence, soft colors, being alone, flowers (especially honeysuckle), spring and breeze. I don't like crowds, noise, children, loud talkers and shiny things. I always wear colorful clothes with floral prints or all black. I also wear interesting earrings and different printed socks. And finally, I don't really have an ideal type. I love every person. I like the fact that there are different people. And I don't believe in love. If I'm going to be with someone, I'll be happy if we have respect, compassion, and loyalty to each other. It is enough that we are in harmony with each other. If I am with someone, I am clearly their mother.-🧠
I ship you with…
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✨ Giving you your own little corner for you to read in peace
✨ Adventurous little picnics together
✨ Decorating your hair with beautiful flowers from around The Shire
✨ Getting you pretty Hobbit dresses to fit your gorgeous frame
✨ Being there for each other to talk whenever you need
✨ Playing around but always being able to rein him in
✨ Quiet together time
✨ Being the only one to keep your crazy hobbit in check
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✨ Having fun climbing trees together to be able to get away from everything
✨ Horse/pony rides together
✨ Giving you a found family with the dwarves and they all love you
✨ Gifting you pretty gifts just for you
✨ Leaving and sending each other love letters
✨ Laying together in the sun to just have quiet time
✨ Not being afraid of you and being able to bring out your sweet side, looking like a black cat and golden retriever together
✨ Deep conversations together
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✨ Collecting records together
✨ Buying you fresh flowers everyday
✨ Reading together
✨ Loves seeing you in gorgeous vintage style pastel dresses
✨ Drawing with one another
✨ Hikes together
✨ Seperate together time
✨ Finding quiet cafes to take you to
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 1 year
hi i hope you doing good. Can i have a matchup for Marauders Era and LOTR and/or The Hobbit please 💐I'm autistic. I'm genderfluid, bisexual with male preference.I have long black wavy hair. I have thick black eyebrows, brown eyes. I always have rosy chubby cheeks. I have braces. My body is curvy with very big chest and little tummy. Also I'm 172 cm. I'm Libra also a Slytherin. If you interested, my mbti Infp and my enneagram 5w4. I always have poker face. I'm very outspoken. I find it difficult to express my feelings and prefer to isolate myself. My best feature is that I know a little about everything, I always surprise people. Those who know me for the first time describe me as cold, scary, quiet, and distant. And they often think I can't speak and I'm deaf but I'm not. People say I'm extremely chaste. When I enter an environment, I listen to what people say and get to know them well, I decide if there is anyone worth talking to. I'm only close to two or three people. They describe me as cold, soft inside, calm, sarcastic, resourceful and knowledgeable. I am usually a rebellious person. I am the person who stands against injustices and lies in an environment. They say I make clever jokes and I'm the mom-friend. Actually i like to help everyone and it works automatically without me noticing. I will help anyone by giving my all. And i hate phsyical touch. My love language is words of affirmation. If I talk about myself, I've always been on my own. I have family problems, I was never close with my father. Even though we are side by side with my mother, we are distant. I'm just my own mom and dad. That's why I've always focused on academic achievement for salvation. And I think I'm very good at it. My hobbies are drawing, sewing, writing and researching, especially about mythology, cultures, politics, history, fashion. I like to visit second-hand and antique markets. I'm someone who doesn't like to waste money but cares about clothing. I always wear my headphones and listen to music, i listen every genre. I like silence, soft colors, being alone, flowers (especially honeysuckle), spring and breeze. I don't like crowds, noise, children, loud talkers and shiny things. I always wear colorful clothes with floral prints or all black. I also wear interesting earrings and different printed socks. And finally, I don't really have an ideal type. I love every person. I like the fact that there are different people. And I don't believe in love. If I'm going to be with someone, I'll be happy if we have respect, compassion, and loyalty to each other. It is enough that we are in harmony with each other. If I am with someone, I am clearly their mother.
hiiii okay so ive been thinking about this for quite a while now and aside from the fact that you would CLEARLY be an elf, i'm not that sure how to match you up. and not that im having problems matching you up with someone (i do have ideas - several, in fact) but because you said you dont believe in love i'm kind of,,,, confused on how to match you up if you dont want like, love? like do you want a friendship matchup? do you still want a romantic one with someone who sweeps you off your feet and makes you believe in soulmates and that stuff? or just a romantic one with like, um, very few romance? i dont want to be disrespectful by just assuming these things so i thought id better ask.
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itlivesproject · 2 years
hello! I am writing my own original story and I love yours so I wanted to know do you have any tips for writing the plot (mine is also a mystery) and making full rounded characters
I love writing and writing theory so I love these kinds of questions 🥰
For writing a mystery, here are a few tips I have:
Figure out what kind of conflict level you want to have. By this, I mean how are the characters engaging with the mystery? Are the characters just living their lives while weird things are going on around them? Do they have any knowledge of what's causing the mysteries? Or are they taking a more active role in the fight? For example, the mystery in ILITW vs ILW is actually quite different. In ILITW, MC and their friends are pretty much helpless. They have no idea what they're up against, and they pretty much just want to go to school and live their lives until Mr. Red (which they hardly understand) starts dragging them in against their will. In ILW, MC has been fighting monsters and studying the Power/supernatural for a long time, so they are a lot more equipped for the fight that they are actively searching out. While there is still a considerable amount of mystery, the MC and crew are more knowledgeable about what they're up against, so the feel of their struggle is different from in ILITW.
Determine what's actually happening before planning, and try to make it as whacked out and out there as possible lol. Then plant little hints early in the story; hints to get people looking in the right direction, but not enough to make it obvious. It makes the first play through/read enjoyable because you're trying to figure it out, and it makes subsequent play throughs/reads enjoyable because now you know what's going on and you can pick up on hints/cues you didn't pick up on before.
Try to give each character a role in the story. If they don't have a role, they can feel superfluous and drag down the story, even if the character themselves are cool.
I am partial to arc outlining, which basically is a method of determining what the progressing arcs are in your story and then outlining scenes to progress those arcs. Then you can intersperse those scenes and there'll be a lot of progression going on in different areas. Take ILW for example. There's the arc of the mystery of what happened to Principal Flores and the woman at the caves, there's the arc of human Devon/Noah searching for a way to bring back redfield Devon/Noah, there's the arc of Amalia's school, and there are more arcs but I won't name them yet specifically. The point is, you can separate these arcs out and plan scenes to progress each arc, and doing so makes it easier to fill your story in a satisfying way that ensures forward progression.
As for well-rounded characters, I like to think of the 3 C's of character: core, context, and capacity.
Core is who this character is. Their core personality, likes and dislikes, quirks, etc. For the personality, I love using the enneagram because it really gets at the core motivations of people and allows you to understand natural strengths and weaknesses of different people. A core motivation is different from an external motivation. A core motivation would be something like, this person is motivated by a desire to achieve and make a difference in the world, or this person is motivated by a desire to have enough knowledge in order to not depend on others, while an external motivation would be something like, this person wants to make it into a specific university to become a doctor. Take Amalia, for example. Her core motivation is that she wants to make a difference in peoples' lives and feel like her contributions to the world mean something. Her external motivation is to graduate from the University of Oregon and then go to law school to become an immigration lawyer. You can have her external motivation with different interior motivations (for example, someone could want to become a lawyer to please their parents, to make a lot of money, to prove that they can). That's why it's important to distinguish between core and external motivations.
Context is their context in the world and day-to-day lives. Think things like family, school, jobs, groups they belong to, friends, etc. This is separate from core, because the core is who they are deep down and would be the same if they were alone on an island or just living their regular life. Context is their relationship to the outer world.
Capacity is their role in the story. This includes things such as their motivation to be involved in the story, their relationship to the main character, their purpose in the plot.
Make sure that you understand and fully develop these three parts of the character, and you should be well on your way to having a fully fleshed character.
Hopefully you find this helpful, and glad you enjoy our story, anon!
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