#i was working on bios
kyri45 · 1 month
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The great Wukong stepping down from an argument and aggreing with someone else? (Oh What has this kid done to them)
Shadowpeach Bio Parent AU (PREV / FIRST / NEXT )
The soundtrack for this and the following part is THIS song (find also under the cut) specifically, from 0:00 to 0:43 !
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linkedin-offficial · 1 month
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hymnheart birds, better known as "hymns", or "travel mount" birds, are a genus of bird derivative from todays common flocking birds of sky (doves), and the less common nightbirds.
during the days of prosperity, these birds were bred to be large and capable of carrying many passengers, as skypeople flight was not a common form of travel. similarly, it wasnt uncommon to find a smaller version of these birds (usually bred by hand, and not by known breeders), meant for single person travel, that was also often used in racing. these lesser travel mounts are known to have sparked the use of mantas for racing and speedy travel, as mantas were faster and smaller, and functionally better for the same uses.
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in modern day, these birds are considered to be extinct. after great technological advantages like flying boats becoming mainstream, and soon after the modernization of 'caped' flight, hymns numbers had begun to dwindle due to simply no longer needing them for their main purpose. unlike hymn travel however, manta riding remained persistent as a practice, as the species was abundant, and did not need skypeople aid to continue to breed.
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few individuals, like those of the nester families, continued to breed these birds, but eventually discontinued the practice as it became laborious and took too much time.
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toxooz · 10 months
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-draws human battering ram König like its my next hit of crack-
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tomthefanboy · 2 years
Art removed because I fucked up.
#DadSwap by Twitter user Adonyne
~~2500 notes later addendum~~
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dammit. I looked to see if she had a tumblr first I swear! I checked tha Carrd and everything!
Well idk, shit, uh... here's her instagram! Please follow the original artist!
edit 2: replaced the art with screenshots and url links so if people do click back here it will be better attribution.
edit 3: Heeeyyy!!! She finally messaged me back on tumblr! She does have a tumblr! @adonyne and @ne-adonyne
I look forward to reblogging art if it is ever posted here, though since it's not on her carrd.... idk. Leaving this post up as a monument to my idiocy I guess. It's not like it will delete all the reblogs.
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betteravebio · 4 months
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Good morning ✨
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xmaveria · 2 days
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I was part of the @swimonzine Volume 10 a shark charity zine. You may still purchase it here which I highly recommend it to shark fans and enthusiasts. I'm always excited to be part of zines like these and this was no different! I picked two Deep Ocean Sharks, The greater green lantern shark, and the lesser known Megamouth cousin of the Whale shark and Basking Shark
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guess the bioterrorist
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styllwaters · 10 months
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It's been a hot minute since I posted Vivere 44 art. Been intensely busy with school for the past few months but now that I've graduated I've got a lot of time to kill! Since the Knights post surpassed 1k notes I figured I may as well elaborate on them more. I'm so blown away by how much love they're getting already! Thank you all <3
I'm gonna talk a bit about Mountain and Plains Knight religions, mythology and a snippet of evolutionary history. I will cover Polar Knight religions in another post. The focus is on two gods in particular, Uwet-Jana and Kiraiarik.
Uwet-Jana is the demigod of good health, vitality, and inner balance. In some regions they are also the god of fertility. The name of their Host is Uwetsil, and their Helmet is Serrjana. Mainly worshiped by Mountain cultures, Uwet-Jana takes the form of a Knight whose Host and Helmet are physically merged into a singular being.
Kiraiarik [pronounced ki-rai-ah-rik] is the personification of the host-helmet symbiotic relationship. They are the god of symbiosis, rebirth, and love. Kiraiarik was the name given to two immortal partners, a Host and a Helmet, who began as a singular being born to the sea in Ettera’s prehistoric era. Ettera decided to make them Two, one half (the Helmet) ruling over the sea and the other (the Host) having domain over the land. The story goes that in every form they take, they try to find each other - for their body remembers being One.
Both gods have lots of lore to their name. Further information below!
Uwet-Jana's Host body has long spines and red stripes like a Pike, and long fingerlike paws like a Helmet's manipulators. The Helmet section sports two long horns and elegant facial markings. Uwet-Jana has an iridescent sheen on their golden fur, catching the rays of the sun in a shimmering glow.
The story of Uwet-Jana is as follows: Both Uwetsil and Serrjana were born as runts, in a dark time when sickly Knights were seen as curses and not worth caring for. Their Order, believing them to be bad omens, cast them out to wander the tundra alone. They believed that the natural forces of Ettera (the Knight’s homeplanet) would quickly end them. However, Ettera took pity on the castaway, sending them three blessings. The first gift was a bone with marrow inside that ensured one is never hungry or thirsty again. Then, Ettera sent a warm, sweet wind into Uwet-Jana’s lungs which warded off all sickness and disease. Finally, a sun shower fell, the rains cleansing them and blessing them with a coat made of ivory and gold.
Transformed into a demigod with a hybrid body, Uwet-Jana was offered a place among the deities in the sky - but they refused, preferring to stay on the ground to share their gift with the mortals. Unbeknownst to them, their Order who had exiled them was struck by three curses from the Gods to mirror Uwet-Jana’s blessings: all the rivers in the area dried up and all their hunts were unsuccessful, leaving them with no food or water. Infections and diseases picked them off one by one, and a great storm ravaged the land, destroying their home and all remaining survivors. Uwet-Jana now blesses Knight Orders who take care of their sick and ailing members, and ignores those who don’t, leaving them to the wrath of the Gods.
Although they are nomadic and always on the move, many Mountain Orders will refuse to leave any sick members behind. They may also keep ivory statues of Uwet-Jana in their bags as a token of good fortune. Sometimes these statues are filled with bone marrow, or have holes which make a whistling sound as wind passes through it as a reference to Ettera’s gifts. Occasionally Pike Helmets are born with an extra long ‘horn’ spike, and are considered a child/reincarnation of Uwet-Jana. Additionally, whenever it rains while the sun is still shining, it is seen as a blessing from the demigod.
Kiraiarik's Host is depicted as a small creature with a striped pelt to mirror its ancestral form, and the Helmet as an aquatic beast with long, trailing red fins. It is frequently shown twisting around the Host, sharing its blood. Kiraiarik is also often simplified as two disembodied eyes looking at each other. (And yes, the artstyle is a nod to medieval depictions of heraldic beasts!)
To understand Kiraiarik, one must be aware of how much Plains religions are intrinsically tied to concepts of evolution and paleontology.
Digression on the origins of Etteran symbiosis: 
Large stretches of Plains Knight deserts and scrublands were once submerged beneath the sea. As a result, there are countless fossil hotspots which have been unearthed over the centuries. These high concentrations of fossilised remains have lead to Plains cultures basing their religions around said discoveries. Although many features have been warped, the general timelines are strikingly similar.
For instance, a mass extinction event occurred on Ettera millions of years ago, caused by a series of catastrophic volcanic eruptions on a worldwide scale. This event is known in Plains culture as The Remaking, traditionally interpreted as the planet shedding its skin. Many species were decimated, but some groups survived; these happened to be phyla who possessed an exposed ‘Interfacer’ organ, a precursor to the specialised Integrator organ which connects the Host’s brain to the Helmet’s. Before The Remaking, there was no prior record of the deep symbiotic connection which Knights possess (scientifically deemed ‘Hyperadvanced Mutualism’). The Interfacer organ was used in the phyla for species to communicate simple stretches of data to each other, such as health and reproductive status. After the extinction, populations of these species were dwindling. To ensure their survival, an odd phenomenon occurred in which many individuals began to interface with different species who possessed the same organ - strangely enough, some were able to successfully exchange information. These individuals survived and passed on the practice to their offspring, eventually culminating in what would be discovered as a very primitive form of mutualism. Host and Helmet ancestors (pictured above) were some of the first species to achieve this.
As the planet recovered and populations increased, the relationship continued to solidify and become more complex, with symbiotic species sharing memories, emotions and complex thought. In modern times there is now an entire class of organisms on Ettera which possess an Integrator organ for Advanced Mutualism, including Knights.
Kiraiarik is said to be a manifestation of this relationship. After The Remaking, their two halves finally managed to find each other again, eternally locked in a joyous dance of love. (Side note: the love in question is not platonic nor romantic, but a deeper kind which is indescribable and not easily understood. Due to their intricate nervous systems, Knights have a higher degree of emotional intelligence and can experience sensations we would consider alien). When a Plains Knight is experiencing inner turmoil, they will often pray to Kiraiarik to restore a healthy connection. The god’s blessing is also called upon when an infant Host and Helmet first Assimilate.
Note: Many Plains ‘saints’ and deities have palindromic names which can be read both forwards and backwards, an indicator of holiness. Fun fact, the word Kiraiariku means “Your heart and mine are very old friends.”
Thank you for reading! More Knight content coming soon ;)
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onejellyfishplease · 4 months
@allmightyscroll-swag came up with an au idea of what if the turtles were Lou Jitsu (he never became Splinter in this au) and Big Mama's bio children.
So I was immediately inspired to draw some half human half Jorōgumo designs!
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Mikey (he/him) looks mostly human from the waist up, aside from the 4 eyes with yellow sclera (and the extra spider arms ig) But from the waist down hes alll spider baby!! Hes pretty half and half, at least compared to his siblings, though he cant produce any webs nor foes he have a poisonous bite he is still incredibly mystically powerful!
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Now onto the twins!! (he/him for Leo and he/they for Donnie)
Theyre much more human presenting than the other two. And look like mirror images of each other. On their more spidery side (the one with the multiple red eyes) they both have patterns that go down the entire length of that side of their body. They both also have light purple hair, just a few shades darker than the hair Big Mama has in her human form, though Leo dyes his.
They both can produce webbing, but not in the same way big mama can make hers, in that they cant spew it as an attack, but can produce it as a steady thread (theyre both awesome at sewing) from the roof of their mouths. They also both have a venomous bite.
They can basically pretend to be human if they cover the more spidery side if their face with hair (thats why they have it grown so long) And hide their extra arms in a hoodie or something.
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And finally we have Raph!! (he/she)
Clearly hes the most spider-like of his siblings, and his appearance often scares even yokai at first, and is often mistaken of an Oni. But have no doubt, she gives the BEST hugs ever!! He can spew webs just like Big Mama too, though her bite isnt as poisonous as the twin's, but has a stronger bite force.
Also this lad is BIG, almost as tall as big mama already! probably because hes afab, and female spiders are usually bigger than male spiders.
And of course, we need a family photo to finish this off:
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izel-scribbles · 4 months
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i want to find you, tear out all your tenderness (lyrics from "howl" by florence + the machine)
click for hd, closeups + sketch under the cut
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ignore my horrific handwriting
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should be noted that i used a pic of florence herself as reference lol
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erial-c · 3 months
as a result of me looking at redacted merch , i made a few merch designs/concepts of my own !!
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i wanted them to be just discrete (..ish) enough that they can be worn casually but are still recognizable !! obviously just my takes on merch, nothing serious (i have no clue whether anyone else wld actually like these) i jst had a fun time making these hehehehe
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kyri45 · 2 days
The thing that did it for me in this update is the fact that MK reaching for Wukong while Macaque holds him is kinda mirrorring the time he turned into a baby and was reaching for Macaque while Wukong held him.
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I love those monkeys so much im gonna sob about it i love this flipping comic
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AKDNAISBA ok so- when I drew the scene (the latest one with unglamoured macaque) in my head I had the "oh let's make it a parallel to the scene with baby MK and him reaching for Macaque!"
But I never actually went back to look at the panels bc I kind of remembered how they were AND NOW THAT I LOOK THEM IN COMPARISON THE EXPRESSIONS ARE LITERALLY THE SAME WTF
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tofuingho · 1 year
I have ANGST!
And a 2 3 4 5 6 7
Imagine, if you will:
Jack and Maddie Fenton are hot af and are okay with a bit of polyamory. They've shared a few people here and there. (This is why Vlad is obsessed with them. They wouldn't sleep with him because Maddie thought it would be a bad idea.)
Including Bruce Wayne.
A bit after that, Maddie realizes she's pregnant. Obviously, they're smart enough to realize that there's a slight chance the baby might not be Jack's.
So out comes Danny and they do a DNA test.
Jack Fenton, you are NOT the father.
They start trying to get into contact with any of the people who could be Danny's dad to get them to do a test.
Test after test comes back negative.
It's down to the last one. The one that won't return their calls. They've tried everything they can think of, short of going to the press.
They send him one last message.
"You have a son. His name is Danny."
They never receive any response.
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civetfish · 1 year
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Nerd-to-nerd communication
Something super pointless and self-indulgent I've had on the backburner for a while. I love trying to make the pieces they gave us fit together!
Al-AN and Robin would absolutely bond over learning about each other's biology. I could talk about this forever but I'll get into all of the headcanons I have for these two in another post eventually
Below the cut is another version with some extra bits and pieces and the transcription
Transcript :
Architect Anatomy A. Architect "Brain" - Doesn't "store" information so much as allow for easy communication with the network B. Brainstem - connects the information received to the central nervous/circulatory system C. "Heart" - Circulatory system pumps the bioluminescent fluid to other organ systems and surface veins. Each node connects to a vast vasculature network D. "Kidneys" - Organs that filter the bioluminescent "blood" and other bodily fluids, absorbing and distributing collected material E. Nerve Center - Receives raw sensory data and filters it. Filtering can be unconscious or intentional
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F. "Respiratory" Tract - Intakes gases or liquids and filters out material for use. Disposes of waste on exhale. Provides cooling to internal systems
The respiratory tract functions less like a set of lungs and more akin to a computer's cooling system, with the ability to absorb material from the environment to use in other parts of the body. It also would likely help the architect's body analyze the environment it is currently exposed to on a molecular level. It is also truly unidirectional, with the intake vents near the "collarbone" and the exhaust vents on both sides of the abdomen
The architect organ cache in-game felt like it was definitely not a complete model of the internal organs, so I wanted to come up with something to fill some more space. I also just really liked the idea of Al-An being capable of something similar to breathing, without having a respiratory system in the traditional sense. Feel free to use any of this in your own headcanons if you would like :)
BONUS - a gif of all the layers!
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aardvaark · 4 months
im so glad that we never get a clear picture of sophie’s background in leverage & i hope we never do. however i also really like making up various, often conflicting backstories for her in my head. perhaps they’re all backstories for an alias of hers, ones she laid to rest back in season two.
#leverageposting#leverage#sophie devereaux#particularly that one of or both her parents had to move around a lot for work & so she would change herself to fit in at every new school#or new town etc etc. and that whatever original identity she had was dropped due to some kind of really awful event and her bio family think#she’s dead. eg she got into some kind of extreme legal trouble for the first time & she faked her death & everyone she knew as a kid thinks#she’s dead too. like. astrid wasn’t the first person she left to miss/mourn her.#but also that she was a teen runaway at like age ~16 and pretended to be an adult (like. 18/19) cause theres not much you can do by yourself#as a minor like booking flights or renting an apartment. and so began her first proper alias. and she was a pickpocket until she could fund#her life fully through grifting & cons.#or alternatively her parents died when she was a teen & she was old enough to become an emancipated minor (everyone in lev is an orphan)#and she kind of just fell into crime from there bc she had no one#or perhaps she got married at 17 and realised how fucked it all was and stashed money until she could run away & leave it all behind. that’s#bc of a single vague sentence on john rogers’ blog saying she was married at 17 and in context it was quite possibly a joke or random#hypothetical example but i was like what if???? What If???????#i also like the hc that she’s trans which i’ve seen a few times#in some versions in my mind her parents were okay and in some versions they were awful and in some versions it was so complicated.#i think tara has heard one story and parker or hardison have heard another and nate has never heard any story. he’s never asked.#she is here now and that’s all that needs knowing. and sophie devereaux is her real name in any way it matters.#eliot has also never asked and she asked if he was curious once and he just asked if she was curious about What He Did and that was answer#enough for the both of them. just a mutual agreement not to ask and it actually solidified their bond.#i think she struggled for a long time about whether to tell her new family The Real Story but in much the same way we never hear her birth#name bc it’s not Her anymore… she never gives The Real Story. bc it no longer defines who she is. she’s so much more than whatever happened.#lvg
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brother-emperors · 1 year
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I can't...stop thinking about Sulla dedicating his memoirs to Lucullus.......what the fuck.....
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Plutarch, Lucullus (trans. Scott-Kilvert)
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Lucullus: A Life, Arthur Keaveney
I will probably redesign Lucullus the next time I draw him, but we are. getting somewhere. I want to give him darker hair, I think. but mostly this comic is because I've been playing U-Know's Reality Show album pretty regularly since it was released and Vuja De is one of those songs that really hits when I think about relationships people had with Sulla (either in the positive, negative, or generally kind of messy). it Inspires, it Compels, and I also just wanted to do a 9-panel grid layout because it's been awhile since I've done one. they're Satisfying
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