#i will not be killing the MCs but i will be putting those beasts in Situations
unironicallycringe · 1 year
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devildomwriter · 2 months
Obey Me As Tumblr #27
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Mammon: How many swords do you have?
Diavolo: Sword of a lot
Raphael: Blocked
Diavolo: Parried
Mammon: My pockets jingle with stolen buttons from hot topic
Mammon: I literally can’t stop stealing those buttons from the Button Vats like I don’t feel like paying 3 dollars for a piece of tin with Pusheen on it but I do feel like doing a heist
Mammon: Call the cops bitch I’ll have sex with them
Simeon: This feels like the kind of thing you overhear when the person next to you on the bus is having a heated phone call
Belphegor: Wasn’t ICarly that guy with wax wings who flew into the sun and fucking got rest because same
Belphegor: I just realized my phone corrected Icarus to ICarly because I type ICarly more than Icarus okay thanks
Mammon: I thought this was just a god tier shit post
Thirteen: Bro pick up your eboy he’s curled up in the corner of my living room quivering, speaking in tongues, and surrounded by an impenetrable wall of writhing lamb’s entrails
MC: That’s not my eboy that’s my malewife they’re supposed to do that
Thirteen: Stop being funnier than me or I’ll do something about
Belphegor: People like to claim you can’t be funny without being offensive but my twin once looked at a packet of tesco’s chicken and said “60% chicken? I like those odds.” And I’m still laughing sixteen years later
Mammon: How fucked up would it be if you jumped into a ball pit and it was just tomatoes painted different colors
Beelzebub: Depends
Mammon: …On what?
Satan: Amazing how a colon can completely change the meaning of a sentence. For example:
— Jane ate her friend’s Sandwich
— Jane ate her friend’s Colon
Leviathan: This is the hardest I’ve ever snorted. My nose/throat actually hurts a little now
Mephistopheles: There are breasts on my roof. Scampering about. Wretched.
Diavolo: Th—There are what
MC: A knife block that screams when you put knives in it
Lucifer: A human
Barbatos: So a human
Solomon: Caesar
Solomon: Diamonds are carbon. People are carbon. I wonder how big a Diamond I could make out of one
Simeon: I think about your tumblr blog a lot. I think about the fact anyone can say anything on the open internet and I’m glad you are able to voice whatever is in your head
Solomon: Thanks
MC: Weatherboy (derogatory)
Diavolo: Op what does this mean
MC: Wouldn’t you like to know weatherboy
Asmodeus: Everyone wants me. Especially this guy chasing me with a knife
Mephistopheles: Fill your body with cranberries so the horse that kills you gets a sensual surprise
Barbatos: I will give the horse that kills me no such luxury
Mammon: *gets home*
*breaks knuckles* time to shit myself to sleep again boys
Mammon: Wait no it’s cracks knuckles
Mammon: Wait no it’s cry myself to sleep
Mammon: Don’t reblog this stop it
Asmodeus: Fun new blog title: “welcome to my twisted pussy”
Solomon: Ducks be like
Asmodeus: This is no longer a fun new blog title
Leviathan: I hope everyone is having a fucking day
Lucifer: Easily one of the days I’ve had this week
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rosquinn · 20 days
Thoughts on the dr stone petrification scars
Big disclaimer,
This is just my personal thoughts and stuff I put together n noticed, a subjective interpretation, don't take it seriously Im probably wrong
Some of these are very elaborate while others are just me pointing out details I liked. Sorry. I'll start with the longer rants
This post contains characters (currently) exclusive to the manga and main plot spoilers. Maybe I'm looking to much into it but I swear to motherfucking God there's scar symbolism. anyway
Senku and Taiju
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Something that always stood out to me is how similar their scars are both in shape and position, except that Taiju's is cut on the right eye and the points are on opposite sides. Now listen to me... Senku and him are opposites; one's big brained but physically a twig and the other one is the strongest most resistant man you'll ever meet but doesn't really understand anything about science. That's why opposite scars and why they need each other to go on... But their marks are in the same direction because they have the same goal and interests + deep down they're both extremely caring people who would do anything for those around them, despite how different and contrasting their personalities are at first glance.
Oh and Senku's marks are completely symmetrical and do NOT go away. Idk logic perseverance etc + Taijus are more coarse and asymmetrical. To contrast their way of thinking I think. They could be similar because they were the first ones to wake up from the petrification too but you know
Francois & the Nanami brothers
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Francois' scar looks like explosion or sound waves. (Manga) Ryusui snaps his fingers to call them creating a similar shape, which is really cool I'll admit. Their scar is on their hand, just like Ryusui's.
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So, both Ryusui and Sai also have scars on their hands, except Ryusui's may resemble a glove so pirate-like if we don't count the color + it's on the hand he snaps his fingers with. Mark resembling a rich man or a pirate's glove on the same hand he uses to call his butler and ask for service, and it only covers his fingers. Could be something like a symbol of power/status.
On the other hand, Sai's scars completely cover the lower part of his arms and hands, which are what he uses to code. Sai ran away in order to be able to schedule quietly and is completely locked in his work. Tell me you get it please
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I'm getting into crack theory with this but please do bear with me. His scar makes him look like Alex, the protagonist of A Clockwork Orange. A Clockwork Orange deals a lot with the theme of unscrupulous rebellion, hurting someone because you think you have complete freedom, and police brutality, which are big parts of Yoo's character. As far as I remember the eyelash marks are left on the MC after being forced to watch 484737 movies showing super beast crimes so he understands what he is doing is wrong and redeems himself. Yoo covers his face a lot to hide the mark and only removes the piece of stone that covers it at the end of the manga when he is 100% team Senku.
IN ADDITION, something important in A Clockwork Orange are the vulgar idioms and slang that teenagers invent and are completely unknown to the viewer and curiously the name and surname of Yoo are formed by informal interjections in Japanese. I've only read the book tho, never watched the movie so if I got anything about the eye marks wrong mb
Tsukasa and Stanley
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I really like how similar their scars are, considering both were absurdly overpowered antagonists that had to be defeated using much more advanced science + both kill Senku at one point + their eyes are similar to some extent. I love parallels
Dr Xeno
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Scar becomes? White? Splits into pieces? After he's revived a second time and decides to help Senku. Something about his ideals splitting/changing maybe. And being no longer evil thus willing to kill teenagers
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Gen's scar seems to resemble a mouth that changes shape depending on whatever emotion he's feeling (or pretending to feel). I don't have anything else to say genuinely peak character design, specially taking into account that facades are a huge part of his arc and relationships with other characters (let's remember that he's the one to suggest everyone paints their scar again in solidarity with Senku. Hm).
Yuzuriha and Mirai
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Yuzu's resemble the roots and vines that protected her body while she was petrified, while Mirai's make her look like a baby chicken breaking out of its shell. I think they're both cute details considering their characters:)
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Considering she's a gymnast who uses her legs a lot to move, I find cool that it's on her thigh. It makes her legs look like they're cracking
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Very circular and repetitive, something related to his weapon maybe. I find interesting that he covers them. Insert cursed speech jujutsu kaisen joke
Addition: Ukyo has no visible mark which is also cool on its own way, given that one of his abilities is easily perceiving sounds other people don't notice at all
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hufflefluff-stuff · 1 year
could you write HL characters reacting to MC passing out due to exhaustion?
Thanks for being the first to request!! :D
Notes: MC has established relationships with the characters (individually). And I only did three bc I had good ideas for these ones specifically
Characters: Ominis, Poppy, Amit
Ominis Gaunt
In the days following Sebastian casting Crucio on you in the scriptorium, it left lingering effects on your physical body.
You felt sharp aches and pains in your hands at random, which made your wand movements rather jerky.
You really should've been resting, but you've been receiving lots of owls lately, finding yourself being pulled in several different directions and (mistakenly) deciding that sleep wasn't important right now.
But the exhaustion catches up fast, as Ominis finds you passed out in the Undercroft, immediately panicking and thinking you got attacked.
After you're floo'd to the hospital wing, Madam Blainey looks after you while he tries to explain how he found you without exposing the secret hideaway.
She noted seeing "unusual" red sparks coming from your body, and for a moment his heart drops...and he forces himself to choke back tears upon realizing what's actually going on with you:
You're still feeling the aftereffects of Crucio..and never told him.
Merlin, he wishes you never took the full brunt of the curse. Why did it have to be you?
Somehow he managed to fall asleep, but when you wake up the next day, see your boyfriend, and gently squeeze his hand, he's wide awake too, relieved to no longer detect those sparks.
You claimed to be extremely tired from all the errands you've been running....but when he asks you if "it" still hurts, you realize there's no playing dumb this time.
So you relent and explain the aches and pains, quickly reassuring him they're gone.
Yet nothing you could say in that moment mattered, as it didn't stop him from silently breaking down, laying his head in your lap as tears spilled from his glazed eyes.
This is extremely unlike him, but he can't help it...knowing that the same curse which traumatized him all those years ago was now hurting the one he loved most.
Not to mention you're giving more and more of yourself away to people you hardly knew without considering putting your own well-being first.
He never sees you anymore, and it hurts him.
"Don't you get it? You're killing yourself, MC, and...i-it's killing me, too." He sounds completely shattered. "Is this what it takes for you to finally understand?"
"No, no..you're right. This never should've happened. I'm sorry, love." Frowning in guilt, you pet his hair comfortingly, realizing how much you've neglected him. "You have every right to be angry."
"..I'm not angry. I just...I-I wish we never went down there. I should've stopped Sebastian from-"
"He's not to blame. Don't go yelling at him now." You chuckle softly, before promising him a date to Three Broomsticks as an apology..
Along with you swearing to stop doing favors for strangers.
He calms down after that, still vowing to yell at Sebastian later on.
But he's looking forward to that date.
Poppy Sweeting
You were both venturing through the Forbidden Forest, on a mission to rescue an injured golden unicorn that was supposedly spotted.
Apparently someone noticed it limping around, sporting a deep gash in its leg and leaving a bloody trail.
Poppy figured it narrowly escaped a trap, which was confirmed after you stumbled upon a mechanism tainted in blood.
Time was now of the essence, as some poacher could capture it first, or worse...it could die from its injury.
Despite the sun having set long ago, you insisted on searching even if it took you both all night long.
While Poppy could keep up with you (even tho she worried about the curfew), your energy was nearly spent as you've been out raiding poacher camps and freeing caged beasts all day long, not having returned to the castle once to rest nor eat.
You had plenty of wiggenweld potions, but unfortunately they didn't cure exhaustion.
Obviously you weren't gonna tell your girlfriend that, so you continued tracking down the golden unicorn.
And eventually you discovered it peacefully grazing in a foggy meadow, with Poppy gazing in awe.
"How majestic!" She whispers excitedly. "Now to catch it...we can try Leviosa, but it might panic. Glacius could work, too...though it seems cruel to freeze a unicorn. Hmm, what do you think......MC??"
She turns to you and sees you on the ground, not moving.
At first she freaks out, until she realized you still have a pulse, but she knew you had to get back to the castle ASAP. The forest was no place for a nap!
Fortunately, Highwing was in your nab-sack, so you both got back there in one piece, where you recuperated in the hospital wing.
Madam Blainey noted sleep deprivation, and while Poppy's upset that you didn't listen to her, she can't be entirely angry with you.
She knows you've been stretching yourself thin, saving all these beasts on top of your other escapades.
That being said, she literally had to push you back into bed so you didn't bolt out of it after remembering what happened before you passed out.
"But the golden unicorn..!" You panic. "He was right there! Now we'll never find out where-!"
"It's okay, MC! I saved him. He's safe and sound in the vivarium." She hastily reassures you, showing you a few strands of golden unicorn hair as proof. "We'll go once you feel better."
You calm down after seeing the strands, before you smile and embrace her tightly. "I'm so lucky to have you, Poppy."
"I am, too,love...I'm glad you value the health and well-being of beasts, but that shouldn't take priority over your own. We can't help them if we don't help ourselves first."
"..you're right, I'm sorry. I'll try to remember that."
Amit Thakkar
All of your escapades inside and outside the castle had you drained and exhausted. You wish you had more time for yourself nowadays.
But people needed you: friends, students from your house, professors, townsfolks, goblinkind....you couldn't just ignore their requests for help.
Who else but you had such bravery and ancient magic skills? Nobody. It had to be you.
You've kept your missions secret from your boyfriend, claiming you're only out all the time to look for astronomy tables...which is partially true.
After what happened in the goblin mine, Amit was left shaken for a few days, and you felt guilty for practically dragging him into that mess just because you needed him to translate some things.
So when he sent you an owl asking you to come by an astronomy table located in a field of grass without explanation, you abandoned your current mission and headed there straight away, anxious about what he wanted to discuss.
As it turns out, he knew you were doing more than just observing constellations...but he wasn't mad at you for keeping secrets.
Rather, he knew you needed a break and invited you out here to get away from everything.
He had a blanket that you two laid on together, watching the stars; not for any assignment in particular, but just because the sky was especially clearer and pretty tonight and he didn't want you to miss that.
"I like coming here when I feel like there's too much weighing down on me all at once. My studies, my responsibilities...they can get overwhelming." He sighs, turning to you. "I'm certain you feel the same way, my dear."
"Amit, this is lovely..and...I appreciate it more than you know. But Lodgok needs me to-"
"He can wait." His voice is firm, unusual for the typically calm and passionate Ravenclaw. But his gestures are the opposite as he wraps his arm around you. "Let's stay here a while, MC..and just...forget about the world. At least for tonight. I guarantee you will feel much better...and you'll shine twice as bright tomorrow."
You agree to stay, but only because you're weak to his sappy and poetic remarks.
And you close your eyes, listening to his soft ramblings of the moon's current phase and what it all meant.
While his fascination with the cosmos keeps him wide awake for some time, he sees you passed out on the blanket minutes later and smiles lightly, relieved that he helped you find some peace.
You promised to protect him down in the mines...now it's his turn to protect you as you slept, ensuring no person nor beast bothers you.
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enbyobeyme · 1 year
MC Becomes A Child But Angst
Prompt: Mc becomes a child again, but they did not have a good childhood to begin with...
AN: This is also an old work of mine that I'm reposting before I delete my old blog, may be a bit dated. I may rewrite this. Takes place in OG game
TWs: Mentions of Child Abuse, Scars, ect. GN per usual. Cringe writing
Vague Edgy Intro For Background.
You remember it since you were young. The live vivisections performed on you, the practice of fusing angels and demons to create your “God”. You were sadly the perfect catalyst for their experiments.
You have seen horrors beyond comprehension, atrocities that show the worst side of man, the lowest point that mortals could hit. Cults were draining. Worship after worship, recruitment after recruitment, experiment after experiment. You had demon and angel prisoners that you befriended in the cult before they were dragged away and eventually killed or turned into some beast...
You grew sick of it- that’s why you ran. How you managed to fight off or completely avoid the Silent Hill-esque monsters but... You did. From that day on you hid any marks, stitches, scars, or tattoos on your body were hidden. You did everything to hide your past, getting rid of any tracker on you, even trying to drain yourself of any demon or angel blood they injected you with.
You weren’t going to be turned into any ‘God” any time soon. To think, that poor angel Lilith had her grave robbed for the blood that now runs through your veins… Despicable.
I can’t imagine how your MC felt to have been summoned by demons? There was at least some level of fear or anxiety, no? Either way, let’s skip past that. You don’t know how, but some type of spell has been cast onto you, turning you into a kid. The same fragile kid from all those years ago. It wasn’t as happy as the brothers hoped for.
Your eyes were dull as you sat in the corner, you didn’t look at anything but the floor like you were waiting for instructions. Your body shivered and you looked so broken. “MC? Are you okay?” No response, not even a glance at him. It was unnerving, to say the least.
He was by your side in an instant once he heard the news. The way you backed away from him warily though didn’t throw him off, at first, he was a stranger to you after all. It wasn’t until he got back to his office to work while looking after you.
You seemed to have something in your hands that you hid even more as he approached. You looked over at him miserably and started to shake more. You never talked much about any parents or any childhood memories- you often skipped over conversions where Asmodeus badgered you for pictures of your young self. Is this why?
His heart hurts a bit as he puts the pieces together. He notices your grip on whatever is in your hands, loosening, he leans in trying to see what it is. Lucifer is taken aback when you hold out a small rusted knife towards him, it was blunt and old, and shaking in your grip.
“P-Please, get away from me, You’re going to hurt me too! They’re going to hurt you!” Lucifer kneeled down showing his hands to you before offering one to you. “I’m not going to hurt you, please come with me…” You shook, eventually putting the blade away. Lucifer reached out slowly to cup your cheek.
You were soon on his lap as he worked. He noticed that you looked over at the stack of papers, grabbing the sheet he was finished with you added it to the right pile. “How do you know to do paperwork?” “I had to earn food by helping out with chores.” He frowned at that.
”Your parents made you work?” “I don’t think I have parents. The leaders said they made me. It all clicked at that moment. “You were- you are in a cult?” You nodded, going back to organizing papers. It was silent for a moment. “You’re a nice demon. I hope they don’t hurt you too.” “Oh? What do you mean?” “A lot of demons or angels that get summoned get hurt. Sometimes, they’re dissected, and I have to help.” Lucifer couldn’t help but hold you a bit tighter. He felt awful for what you were implying.
He tried to ask you directly about the cult, but all he got were soft ‘sorry I can’t tell you that, I’ll get hurt’s’ in response. Dinner soon came, you refused to go out to the table without panicking, and trying to pull away from Lucifer if he tried to walk you there, so he brought food to you. Your eyes lit up as if you couldn’t believe that you were allowed food, you wolfed it down before anyone can take it from you. Afterward, he was able to walk you to your room to rest. “Wait, Mr. Lucifer, before you go” Lucifer looked back as your small child self waddles up to him to hug him. “Thank you, I don’t want you to leave me alone again.” He offered to sleep with you, you nodded profusely.
In the morning, you were grown again. Lucifer asked if you remembered anything from your kid self. You were silent before nodding. “Don’t mention any of it, to anyone. I’ve already dealt with and accepted it.” Lucifer nodded. This will be your little secret.
When he heard Solomon shout in surprise during your magic practice, he knew something was up because that bitch never made noise. When he entered the room he saw a small child pointing a blade at the sorcerer. “Where’s MC?! Are they okay?!” “That IS MC. They messed up the spell and got turned into a kid”
You backed up, pointing the blade in front of you, “H-how do you know me.” It came out more like a statement than a question. You overheard the white-haired man, ‘Solomon’ Excuse himself along the lines of ‘Oops, I have to be somewhere’ for some reason this felt familiar. And that is how you got stuck with Mammon.
It took him a bit to convince you to put down the boxcutter, and you only did because you can sense the dumbassery off this guy and you could read him like a book, it would be able to tell when he would want to hurt you. You hid the boxcutter.
Mammon seemed to be on the phone with someone named ‘Lucifer’ you kept your distance. You heard all kinds of stories about the Seven Deadly. For someone in the cult to be named after them, or for a poor demon that was summoned and called by the sin they were strongly associated with was someone important. Important people tended to be the cruelest.
Mammon didn’t know what to do with a kid. Kids like the outdoors, right? Maybe he can get you some icecream? He noticed immediately that you dragged behind even as he offered you ice cream. You were a strange kid for sure.
At the ice cream store you just looked down. “Don’t you want anything?” you shook your head, it’s a trick, a trap, no one would be this kind to you. Mammon could tell something was up, you seemed so scared and hollow, just looking down at the ground. Mammon put a hand on your shoulder, causing you to shrink away. Sometimes he would’ve done the same when he knows he pissed off Lucifer. Were you okay?
“Hey,” his voice was gentle, “it’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you, come on, I got a coupon for a free ice cream anyway!” He didn’t but it might make you feel better. You felt like you had no choice, and zone out, when you zoned back in, there was an ice cream cone dripping onto your hand as you walked through the Devildom. A rare sweet treat that might be taken from you, you quickly lick it up, not knowing when an opportunity for food will present itself to you.
Mammon seemed nice, he talked to you and he even let you go up to an actual playground. You weren’t used to seeing a lot of kids together, especially so happy. It took a bit of Mammon coaxing you into trying to go down the slide. It was… fun. You asked Mammon to play with you.
After what seemed like an hour you both went home, for the first time in a while, you smiled. You were in Mammon’s room looking at all the shiny things in his room. “Thank you, Mammon,” you seemed to speak at a high level than other kids your age, Mammon noted, “I’m not really allowed to go outside.” Mammon frowned and asked, “Why not?” “The robed guys said people might see my marks and get me in trouble. And there was a big forest with all types of monsters.”
Robed guys, monsters? “Err, uhh. What kind of mark?” “Do you promise not to tell anyone?” “I promise.” You slowly pulled up a small part on the side of your shirt, exposing a long surgery scar going up your stomach, and a brand of sorts next to it. Mammon was taken aback. He pulled you close and examines you, on your chest were even more scars, some more brands it seemed like. You freaked out at him grabbing you and started kicking and crying. “Let me go! Let me go”
The box cutter from earlier came out of your pocket, into your hand, Mammon narrowly avoided it, catching your arm. “Woah woah woah! Chill, kid!” You dropped the box cutter and Mammon pulled you in for a hug. You were unfamiliar with it, but it felt nice.
You ended up falling asleep on Mammon. He wanted you to change back ASAP. There was a lot of things he wanted to ask you.
When you were transformed into a child, you just saw a white-haired man around a bunch of magic things and weird sigils. He looks like he was wearing a robe too, bad news. You looked around for something, anything that could help defend you, you usually always had a pocket knife on you and you felt in your pocket. Grabbing it, you knew it would a bad thing to fight, so you ran.
This house was big and had a lot of hiding spots, you ran up the stairs, knife in hand, sneaking around. Where was there to hide, you heard music from one place, chatting from the next, you saw an open door, peeking in, there appeared to be no one, it was definitely someone’s room though. Covered in strange aquariums and many odd… mini statues everywhere.
It was at least something to work with though, lots of things were in here. You closed and locked the door, barricading it with everything you could. There had to be something in here that’s useful, a key, a weapon, even some vents that may lead outside. Maybe the aquarium leads somewhere you can swim to. You began your search.
You opened every possible thing you can open, there had to be something, anything to help you, knocking over statue after statue, book after book. All you found were sewing needles and thread. You pocketed them, good for stitches. Soon you heard knocking at the door and some ramming into it. “What the hell?! Who locked my door. MAMMON YOU BETTER NOT BE IN THERE I’LL KILL YOU!”
Oh no. Oh no. No, nononono. You had a small pocket knife and NEEDLES. That wouldn’t be enough for a fight. Maybe you can hide in the pile of soft human-shaped pillows and sneak attack him? There was nowhere else to hide, you dived in. The door broke open, you held your breath and gazed at the intruder through the plushes. A demon. You know a demon when you see one. You hope he doesn’t recognize your smell. “Mammon! Where are you?! Ugh, you trashed my room! I KNOW you’re in here!”
You started to run out of breath, and let out the smallest exhale. A normal human could not have heard, but a demon could. “Found you.” Levi started to sift through the plushies. Now or never, the door was still open. You leaped out trying to make it towards the door. You were too slow, Levi leaped forward, shutting the door. You kicked at his ankle pointing your knife to him. “Leave me alone! Get away, demon! I’ll hurt you!” Your voice was raspy and you started to sob, swinging at Levi.
The commotion was heard by the other brothers, already informed about what happened by Solomon, the door opened, which squished you between the wall. Levi picked you up like an aggressive cat as you continued to kick and scream. “I-if you hurt me, the cult would never forgive you! They’ll hurt you too! Just put me down and I’ll leave you alone. Please!!!” You were handed to Satan, who actually understood how to console a child from his reading habits.
They were discussing something, you didn’t care. They were all outside Levi’s room. You couldn’t run anywhere but there. You bit Satan’s hand, making him drop you, as you book it back into the pile of plushies. Hidden once more, you can only hope they would leave alone. They did, kind of. Maybe they were waiting for you to come back out? It was hard to tell. You were hungry. Maybe there were some crunchy bugs in here- or maybe that tank had something in it. A goldfish. It was something.
Right as you came out of the plushie pile, Levi came back in. You ran back in and shook. “I don’t taste good! Leave me alone!!” Levi would have laughed if you didn’t sound so terrified and he couldn’t hear your stomach rumble. Levi crept in. This was his room after all. He searched around his shelves for something. “Hey, are you hungry, I have some Ruri-Chan crackers. Come on out.”
Nothing. They were sealed, sealed food was usually safe, you stuck out your hand, expecting him to toss it. You let out a noise of displeasure as he approached. He froze. Levi isn’t good with kids. He placed the pack down near the pile. He was too tired for this, he just wanted to play his Waifu games…
You grabbed the crackers pulling them into the pile and started to feast as Levi gamed. Levi hated the silence with you eating. Usually, you both would talk as you game, this felt wrong that he was ignoring you. Occasionally, as he played, he would talk to you. “This character kinda sucks, their DPS output is trash but they look so cute.”
After a while, you snuck out of the pile, slowly approaching him, and sitting next to him to watch the pretty colors on screen. Levi noticed and handed over a controller. “Want to play?” You hesitantly took it, as he told you what to do. You spent most night playing games until you passed out. In the morning, you didn’t mention anything from the day before. Shushing the demon if he mentioned anything.
He felt a spell fail. He knows that was never a good thing. He should check on you, you are always dragged into these things. He wasn’t expecting to see a mini-you having a standoff, boxcutter in hand with Solomon who’s clothing seemed to be ripped up from where you tried to protect yourself. You looked so serious.
“What the fuck is going on?” Solomon explained. Great, a de-aging spell. He would have to figure this out. Satan sighed and told Solomon to leave. You never talked about being a kid, sometimes excusing it when anything about it was brought up. As you saw the sorcerer leave and the demon try and calm you down, you pieced it together that he won’t hurt you. For now.
That’s how you ended up in his room surrounded by books. You backed up in the corner keeping your eyes on Satan as he tore up his bookshelves looking for something to reverse this. You watched from afar.
You decided to look around his stuff yourself. Lots of weird demon shit to start with. Most you recognized. You picked up an old tome with a seal that you’ve seen a million times, instinctually, you broke the seal and opened it. Usually, these tomes have something of importance in it. “Don’t touch that!” You dropped it immediately and cowered, expecting to be hit.
Satan froze seeing you cover your head, guilt rising. He noticed that the tome no longer had that damned seal he couldn’t break. How did you…? Satan rested a hand on your shoulder. “I’m not mad at you, MC, I was scared.” You didn’t seem convinced and just looked away.
Satan decided to change the subject. “How did you break the seal on this, hmm?” “I… I know that book.” “You know the book?” “Yeah, the leaders always put those seals on their tomes to protect what’s inside. Only other cultists can open it…” Satan took a glance inside, it mainly detailed a lot of illustrations and descriptions of demons, angels, captives… surgeries… ungodly experiments…
So you grew up in a cult? It must have been awful. Satan tries to change the subject for your sake, you must not want to talk about it. He lit a small, harmless flame in the shape of a small kitty and watched your eyes lit up. “Hey, want to help me out with some magic?” You nodded, shyly.
You were now in his lap, both drawing kittens and look at small photobooks of cats while he also read book after book, looking for some type of spell to reverse it. He glanced over to your drawings as they started to lean into darker territory. Drawings of cats turned into sacrifices of animals. The number 777 was drawn everywhere.
t was the same number as the mark on the back of your neck-wait. Mark on the back of your neck… He glanced at your neck, gently brushing your hair back to show the mark. 777. Huh… He looked back at the spellbook. Finally, a spell to reverse this shit.
A few minutes later, you were back. You and Satan stared at each other, no words were spoken as you went to go grab that damned book from the shelf. You sat next to Satan and skimmed through it, photo after photo, article after article. You see a good chunk of the book titled “The Experiment of Subject 777”
You tore out that chunk, ripping it up and throwing it in the fireplace, handing the rest of the book back to Satan. ”Burn it. Read it. I don’t care…”
Asmodeus was thrown aback when Solomon called him, telling him what just happened. He zoned out at “Mc is now a baby!” and he was excited to see how cute you looked. He heard something along the lines of you’ll change back in a few hours.
Asmo didn’t care, he snagged you, cradled you, and carried you off into his room. He didn’t even realize the state you were in, afraid and once again covered in the old scars on your body from your childhood returned. He went off to his room putting you down and immediately going to the closet all while saying how much fun the two of you would have.
The smile dropped when he turned around and saw a poor broken child covered in scars of all kinds, surgery scars across the chest, what seemed like self-harm ones on your legs, and that doesn’t even mention the bruises. He remembered asking if you had any pictures from when you were a kid and how uncomfortable you seemed. He can recognize abuse easily.
“Oh, sweetie…” The demon invited you into his arms hugging you and rubbing your back. For some reason the kindness in his voice made you cry. You held onto him as he pats you back. “Come on sweetie, let it all out…”
After what seemed like forever, you had no more tears to cry. Asmodeus knew what could make you feel better. He started to get out some self-care stuff. Showed you facemasks, lip masks, lotions, creams.
He even got out some cucumbers to put over your eyes. You were completely spoiled. It was nice to actually be cared about. After a bit of coaxing, Asmodeus asked to see some of the scars on your body, there is a possibility that you could be injured.
Asmo felt sick. Surgery scars across your chest and stomach, brands across your back and collarbones. It was sickening how someone could do this to a child. Asmo has connections. He recognized the brands all across your body from the cult you were in.
He has seen their members raid the parties he was in, how they walked off with a bunch of intoxicated demons, or snag them using hooks into their wings and forcing them away. He’s heard of the torture demons had endured. Blood experiments. Fusion. The creation of a ‘god’. You were forced to be in there huh?
Asmodeus know that it is not a topic you would want to talk about. He decided that instead, you both should keep your mind off of it. Maybe a few hours of body-positive selfies and watching drama shows and doing makeup will keep your mind off of it.
Beelzebub + Belphegor
Belphegor was asleep as you and Solomon performed spells. He was woken up by a scream followed by crying. Anyway long story short, he ended telling Solomon to fuck off while pulling you away from him. He was too tired to try and ask how to undo the speel so he just went over to his twin’s shared room.
Beel saw a tiny child you and his eyes lit up at the sight of a child. It disappeared quickly when you fucking sucker-punched Belphie and gave him a swift kick into his gut. “Damn demon, get away from me. What are you doing?! Are you trying to die?!”
Belphie dropped you and you already prepared to fight, your body was telling you to scream- run away, get out. You stood your ground. You glared at them. The demons were both shocked. Beel approached you, grabbing you in one swift motion. You squirmed and thrashed. Nothing.
Beel saw the hatred in your eyes along with the hurt. Beel also noticed the brands across your body, he dropped you out of shock, before he caught you again. “Belphegor… Look” Belphegor had never seen his twin look so sad. He went over and looked at what Beelzebub was pointing at. A large cult brand covered your body.
That cult was linked to various disappearances around the Devildom. It has been around for ages as well. He had seen firsthand what they could do- hell Belphegor remembers how they tried to kidnap him when he was an angel. An angel.
Beel remembered the meeting with Diavolo discussing the disappearances and even massacres of their fellow demons. Seeing how they branded a child at such a young age. His stomach churned at the idea of your childhood.
They were snapped out of their thoughts when you smacked your head back into Beels, making him drop you on the floor. You pushed yourself under one of the beds, away from the twins. They couldn’t squeeze their whole body under here and their arms would never reach.
Belphegor lied down and kept trying to reach for you with an ‘ugh, come here brat’. You kept away. At some point, you fell asleep from all the adrenaline leaving your body. You woke up a bit later in someone’s arms. You overhead a conversation with another person.
“This spell should wear off soon, I’ll watch over-” “No, I got them.” Your eyes fluttered open and were met with the below view of Beel’s chin. He held you protectively and walked back to his room alongside Belphegor. Belphegor made eye contact with you.
“Hi…” “...Hey. Gonna kick me again, little-” “Belphie. Leave them alone.” Belphie scowled as Beel set you down on his twin’s bed. You sat up and shyed away. “...Thank you… for not hurting me.” Beel frowned and the overwhelming urge to crush you in a hug overwhelmed him, but he knew it would scare you.
Beel sat beside you, offering a snack, on your other side, Belphegor lied down and turned on the TV. You got to watch some DemonTV. As time went off your belly was full and Belphegor was a comfortable pillow for you. You all fell asleep in a sandwich.
When you woke up, you were back to normal, no more brands, no more scars. The twins looked over at you, you can tell that they pitied you to an extent. You know that they’re worried about you too. “No, I don’t want to talk about it.”
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devilmen-collector · 5 months
Food Allergy
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Ft. Klein (my MC), 3 devil kings (Satan, Mammon, Lucifer), nobles (Sitri, Leraye, Paimon, Bimet, Eligos, Valefor, Morax), Ppyong
C/W: food allergy (symptoms include hives rashes, swelling, breathlessness), Bimet cutting others' sensitive parts
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Satan's teeth crunching sound could be heard throughout the hallway of the royal palace of Gehenna as the king of wrath radiated the crimson colored energy of his sin. The reason for his rage today was the unannounced appearance of Mammon, the king of greed, who suddenly came to Gehenna and took Klein away.
"That Mammon, I'll kill him." Satan growled as he crunched his teeth again.
Meanwhile, at the royal palace of Tartaros, Klein the Evil Overlord was being carried by Mammon, who himself was sitting on a carriage that could move automatically.
"Didn't you say that we would be having a banquet?" Klein asked.
"Yes, Master, I want to show you the food culture of Tartaros. Even though Abyssos is the country that is the most famous for its food culture in Hell, their cooking methods are... unconventional. While Tartaros's cooking methods are more similar to those in the human world. I think you could tell that Tartaros cuisine inspired many dishes in the human world. And I believe you will love our food."
Hearing Mammon said, Klein made connection between Tartaros architecture style and its cuisine. He could already imagine dishes of dim sum, sushi and other Asian dishes before his very eyes. Just the imagination made his mouth water. He couldn't wait to take a bite.
"We're here." Mammon announced as the carriage stopped in front of a gigantic gate made of pure gold. On the two doors of the gate was the carving of Mammon's sigil, surrounded by those of mythical beasts. All of those seemed to highlight how Tartaros devils value the room behind the gate.
"Uh... Shall I get down? Since you need both hands to push both doors. I know you have those golden arms, but I think it's a good thing that we enter together." Klein said while blushing. As much as Klein is an Evil Overlord, he loves the idea of his devils being his equals.
"I haven't thought about that before. But you are right." Mammon agreed and put Klein down. He then used both of his hands to push open the large gate.
"His Majesty Mammon and the Son of Solomon!" A devil standing by the gate announced as soon as he saw the gate was opened. Then, Mammon and Klein entered the room hand-in-hand.
Inside the room, there was a large, no, gigantic long table with countless dishes on display. Each was put on a large golden dish or bowl, which could automatically keep the food within the desired temperature. And as Klein had expected, many of the dishes he wanted to taste were there.
"How many dishes are there?" Klein asked in whisper.
"200." Mammon's answer nearly made Klein squeal in happiness.
On the side of the table were the nobles of Tartaros, Bimet, Eligos and Valefor, along with many servants standing behind them.
When they had finished greeting Mammon, all straightened their backs again and looked at Klein, who waved at them. Eligos waved back with a smile, while Bimet and Valefor returned the gesture with their smiles, with Valefor's smiles being more genuine and Bimet's smile seemed more business-like.
Mammon took Klein to the chair at the head of the table.
"Thanks." Klein said as Mammon pull the chair out for him. The latter also sat down on the chair to Klein's right.
The Overlord looked at the three nobles standing at the side of the table without any intention to join, with Valefor trying to hold back Eligos, who were already looking at the dishes with sparkling eyes. Unlike Gehenna, other countries have strict protocol which dictates that nobles can't eat in the same table with their kings, unless invited.
"You three can join us." Klein said as he motioned with his hand sign for them to join him and Mammon. He knew Mammon wouldn't mind it.
"Thanks, Son of Solomon/Klein." The three nobles chirped as they came and sat down at the table, but their seats were all below Mammon's, toward the middle of the long table. Among the three, Eligos was the happiest since he eats a lot.
"Let's the banquet begin." Mammon announced and the servants standing on the two sides of the table started serving. Since the table was too long and had too many dishes, neither Klein nor the devils could reach all the food by themselves, so the servants had to help them by recommending the dishes and serving them the food.
"Glorious Son of Solomon, I'll serve you in this banquet." Klein looked to his left and saw a young devil in servant attire.
"May I recommend [...] which are all the most delicious dishes of Tartaros."
Klein couldn't understand the dishes' names, which were all said in Hell language. He just nodded to the servant, indicating he would want to be served with all of them.
The servant left him, and soon enough, returned by his side with some food he had taken from the 200 dishes on the table that he had recommended. Among them was Klein's favorite dim sum.
"Master, try this." Mammon himself poured Klein a small cup of Tartaros liquor, which looked similar to traditional Eastern Asian alcoholic drink, such as soju, sake, etc.
Before long, Bimet also summoned beautiful devils to perform a play for all those who were enjoying the banquet.
The banquet went on...
Why am I feeling itchy? Klein asked himself as he began to scatch his face and his back. The itch soon became more unbearable and Klein started to scratch more and all over his body, including his face and his back.
"What's the matter, Master?" Mammon was the first one to notice, then even the nobles noticed their beloved being uncomfortable.
"I don't know. I'm just feeling itchy for some reason." Klein said, his voice raspy. Then he started to cough and he felt he couldn't breathe.
Oh no, food allergy. Klein thought before trying to stand up, but he lost his balance in the process and fell. Fortunately, Mammon managed to catch him.
"Mammon, it's very uncomfortable." The Overlord said weakly before falling unconscious.
"Stop standing idly, go call the doctors!" Bimet shouted to the servants, who were shocked and didn't know what to do in this situation.
"Y-yes, I'll go get the doctors right away." The servant who had been serving Klein said and ran out of the dining room through a side door.
Klein open his eyes, or rather he opened his right eye while trying to open his left eye, which had become swollen due to the allergy.
"Try not to talk so much, even your lips are swollen from the allergy." Lucifer said as he caressed Klein's cheek which had turned red from rashes to the swollen lips.
"What happened? Is it food allergy?" Klein said, almost like whispering.
"Yes," Lucifer answered "you ate something that is similar to crabs in the mortal world. You get rashes over your body, and and many parts of your body are swollen. You were taken to Paradise Lost on Morax's advice so we could properly test your blood."
"Lucifer, do I look ugly right now?" Klein asked suddenly with his raspy voice.
"Klein, do I look like the type to love physical beauty alone?"
Klein wanted to shake his head but realized it was difficult because his head felt heavy as hell. But Lucifer understood his reply nevertheless.
"And I don't think those pure devils would say otherwise."
Hearing Lucifer, Klein unconsciously cracked a smile, even though it was also difficult and painful because his lips were swollen. Klein knew the devils wouldn't detest him because he had become physically ugly, but sudden insecurity needed an assurance. Lucifer also smiled, he leaned down and kissed Klein on his rashed cheek.
"I'll give all to your heart desires when you have recovered." The king of pride whispered to Klein's ear before turning around and walked to the door.
The moment Lucifer opened the door, Leraye, Paimon and Eligos fell inside. Behind them were Bimet, Valefor, Sitri, Morax, Ppyong and the two kings of wrath and greed.
"I'm sorry. I tried to stop them but they kept insisting that they would stand outside and they promised to keep silent." Morax explained.
"Your Majesty Lucifer, can we go talk to Klein? We are very worried about him." Leraye pleaded like a sad puppy.
"Don't be too loud." Lucifer said a very few words and left the room.
"Klein will need a lot of rest. So please don't take it too long." Morax smiled and left the room to meet with Lucifer outside.
"Kleinnnnn!" Paimon sobbed.
"I should have been there to prevent you from eating allergic food." Leraye lamented.
"I should have asked Minhyeok about your allergies." Ppyong sniffled.
Why does this begin to sound like a funeral? Guys, I'm not dead. Don't give me Belial treatment.
"This wouldn't have happened if Tartaros didn't take Solomon to taste their cuisine." Sitri glared at the Tartaros camp. The Tartaros nobles wanted to argue back but unable to. Ultimately, it was their country's responsibility.
"Stop crying! Klein will bounce back and he will return to Gehenna in no time." Satan assured his nobles.
"His Majesty Satan is right." Leraye beamed.
"Get well soonnnn!" Paimon placed a kiss on Klein's cheek, much to Satan's annoyance and Sitri's jealousy.
Before long, Morax appeared again to announce that visit time was over and everyone had to leave. However, Mammon didn't leave right away as he wanted to have a private conversation with Klein.
"Someone hasn't been kind to you, huh." Klein said as he finally got the chance to look at the king of greed's face properly and saw a swelling on his face, which likely came from Satan's fist.
"I'm sorry, Klein." Mammon apologized.
"You couldn't have known, Mammon."
"But still, if I had done a little bit more research into allergic food, you wouldn't have had suffered."
Klein couldn't find a word to comfort Mammon. As he was laying on the bed, unsure of what to say, he noticed that Mammon's right fist had always been behind his back since he entered the room.
"What are you holding there?"
Knowing that he couldn't hide from Klein, Mammon showed what he had kept inside his palm. It was the ring he had given the Overlord when they were taking a picture for Phenomenon's contest. But it was broken.
"Your fingers were swollen and the ring was in the way of the blood flow so we broke it." Mammon regretted. It was a sign of his love for his Overlord Master, but now it was broken, which many considered to be a bad omen.
"You can find a good craftsman to put the pieces back together," Klein said "and when I recovered, put the ring on my finger again." The Evil Overlord raised his heavy right hand and put it on top of the broken ring, over Mammon's hand.
"Yes, you're right, Master." Mammon thought for a while before putting his other hand on top of Klein's hand. "I'll mend it and put it back on you." Then the king of greed bent down and kissed Klein's hand before leaning into the bed to kiss Klein's cheek.
"By the way, tell Bimet to not cut the chef's nipples and testicles."
Klein said it not out of kindness, but he wanted to be the one to decide "punishment" for that devil.
Mammon smirked to Klein's words before telling him to rest and left the room.
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harzilla · 3 months
I keep thinking of dungeon monster AU, except the MC is an orphaned child with Grim as their "familiar" and the Twst cast are all some flavor of monster. The MC joins a group of people exploring the dungeons in hopes of earning enough money to put food in their and Grim's belly. They end up getting separated/lost/abandoned and whichever floor/level of the dungeon they are on, is which group of monsters they meet. 1st floor Heartslabyul, 2nd floor Savannaclaw, etc....
Tiny human child MC ends up on friendly terms with whichever group they meet until they end up bonding into a found family situation.
Some ideas floating around in my head.
Riddle is a plant based monster. Something like the Flora beasts from Disgaea. The entire dungeon floor is a rose labyrinth that are all connected by the same root system with Riddle being the source. Riddle root network allows him to keep eyes on all parts of his dungeon floor. You may also notice an odd assortment of creatures here, perhaps you could explore here, if you follow the rules that is.
Leona would be something like a manticore or a sphinx. He's massive and powerful, but he also likes a challenge. Whether it be hunting or through strategy. Perhaps he'll let you live if you can prove your wits? His floor is home to many beast type monsters with a hierarchy. Those who refuse to respect the pecking order will end up banished or killed. Survival of the fittest.
Azul would be on a much more massive scale(on kraken scale). A fully grown adult could easily be crushed in his palm or tentacles. His floor is a labyrinth of underwater tunnels, which means the majority of monsters on the floor are either fully or partially aquatic. It's incredibly hard to fully map out this floor. Only the bravest(or stupidest) explorers dare to make deals with him, often falling fate to his terms or the ravenous jaws of his subordinates. Hope you have something good to offer.
Kalim would be some kind of Naga. His species is the kind who live in a type of colony(have you ever seen a nest of garter snakes? kind of like that). Family units often living in multiple generation communities. While Kalim is warm and kind, Jamil however will not hesitate to dispose of a threat to the colony.
Vil is a type of Siren(the flying kind) his alluring face and abilities are a deadly combination that can leave even the strongest to ruin. Even one of his feathers could net you a profit. Not that anybody has ever managed to succeed in taking one, especially with the keen eye of Rook watching. Nobody knows when he first partnered with the harpy, and has yet to find out which of the two is the more dangerous.
Idia would be a drider(I saw this one from another Tumblr and I love it.) his floor is covered in a network of web traps. Idia isn't fond of dealing with others, especially explorers(too much energy). He uses his traps to loot the explorers of their gear. His species is often solitary, but it's not unusual for a drider to adopt a smaller creature as a type of companion(or to guard their nests) Idia used his abilities and the enchanted armor and weapons he's looted to build an army of Ortho golems. You may find a palm sized Ortho cleaning up somewhere in the dungeon while the primary Ortho keeps Idia company.
And of course Malleus would be a full on dragon. Nobody's actually made it that far down the dungeon, or if they did they never came back alive. It's been so long that people believe the dragon is a myth. The last time somebody actually made it out alive, they were left broken and babbling about "thousands of beady little red eyes" this floor is home to nocturnal creatures. Perhaps the next person who steps foot can confirm if the dragon still exists?
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maytheratseatureyes · 2 months
SH ask - 8, 9, 12, 15?
8. What are your favorite trait exclusive interactions?
There are so many good ones for mystic, but I love that you can tell Reese you're able to feel the emotions that he put into his artwork. I'm pretty sure mystic also let me suggest that his illness was actually supernatural. I just love that it gives this kind of deeper connection with him, that I find romantic. I really hope episode 5 has an "oh shit!" moment with both Kaneeka and Stella realizing you were right and had the ability to pick up on those things about their best friend
And for hot... obviously Tame the Beast. I love the double hot romance option you get if you call Tabby. Being able to protect him from his mom only to be able to jump in front of a loaded gun for him right after????!!!! And the game letting you just flat out call him your boyfriend? *screaming* I love it so much! I'm really excited to see what he has to say about that in the next episode.
9. What difficult game changing choice was the hardest for you to make?
Episode 3 was easily the most difficult so far. I don't have book smart, I refused to let my MC age, and I like Oscar way too much to leave him homeless and without a job, especially after Rosalina lost her foot. So aging Tabby was my pick. I know saying this is very controversial in this fandom, but I'm not the biggest Tabby fan, so I'm guessing picking this was easier for me than it was for most people. That being said, I don't think it was fair. I feel bad for Charlie, I really do, but what happened to him wasn't Tabby or MC's fault.
12. What's your favorite ship(s)? What's your least favorite ship(s)
My favorite ship would be any of the love interests + MC. Yes, including Stella. Seeing the characters people come up with is my favorite part of this fandom.
Next would be Stabby, even tho I really don't like how Tabby treats Stella, and I honestly feel like she deserves better. But, I want Stella to be happy, so I got them together on my run. And that's it, I'm not really into any other ones.
My least favorite ships are obviously Tabby/MC and Joan/Reese. I just... no. I find it disgusting, and I hate that it's a thing people still do even though the devs themselves have said it makes them uncomfortable. That's all I'm going to say about that.
15. What is a fan theory you like?
Is it bad if I pick my own? I'm mostly doing that because I haven't kept up with any of the newer theories, and the only one I can remember off the top of my head is the one about Wayne being a sentient fungus and I don't really buy that.
So my theory is that the entity is Reese's dad, and his soul is currently trapped inside of what was once Teddy, who has been confined to that room.
There are a few reasons I think this:
1. The claw markings on the door frame. What Reese is able to transform into has claws, and he leaves similar markings on the clinic walls.
2. "Teddy's" favorite food being calfs brains. You can find this out in the cookbook hidden in the pantry. In a dev Q&A, we find out Reese's favorite food growing up was liver, and in the Matricide and Obedience endings, he eats his mom, sooo yeah.
3. The locked door in the estate holds parallels to Reese being locked up by his mom.
4. The seal concerning Teddy is in the clinic.
5. And then there's Joan. We know Dr. Kelly was best friends with Vivian, so I wouldn't be surprised if she visited the estate on a regular basis in her youth. I'm thinking the entity could have taken a liking to her (maybe even sweet talked her through the door) and used its abilities to visit her in her dreams.
6. Wayne calls Reese a weapon. Maybe the entity was hoping his son, Reese, would kill the remaining Scarlets and finally free him. Maybe using what Joan did to him as proof. What if Reese opens that door, finds his dad, and he says something along the lines of "They locked me up and they'll lock you up forever, too!"
So yeah, that's my theory that I'm certain has holes and is probably wrong, lol
If I think of anything else to add to it, I'll edit it later bc I feel like I'm forgetting some things.
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Okay so, inquiring minds and all: have there ever been any AU ideas you had that you really liked the vibe of, but couldn’t quite make work? Like half formed, would love to rotate the blorbos in this space, but something about it didn’t quite click? (You have so many excellent ones I can only imagine there’s been some cutting room floor ones, haha. Maybe just the aesthetic worked but jot quite a story element, etc)
Hoopz this kind of question is exactly why you are my most beloved mutual of all time
There’s two particular AUs I’ve had consistenly simmerin’ on the backburner... taking up rent-free space in my head as they often do
An AU where Mc is a journalist who ends up sticking her nose too deep into some pretty dangerous business. Someone scary has had enough of her prying, and a hefty bounty is put on her head- three of the underworld’s top assassins decide they’ll take a crack at being the first to get the money.  Sans is a silent, unassuming but incredibly deadly killer, who specialises in blending into crowds and getting up close. A calm and emotionless creature who can swap out any face he needs to suit his situation, there’s no target too hidden, he makes precise clean kills and then he disappears like he was never there. Nobody ever sees him coming. Red is loud and brash. He’s the one you send when you want to send a message- when you want it to be messy. He likes to have fun during his kills, make a spectacle of it... see someone’s true personality under all those layers of pomp. Where’s the fun in watching the life leave someone’s eyes if you haven’t heard them making a complete fool of themselves first? Skull doesn’t kill up close, if he can help it. He is, instead, a terrifyingly deadly sniper. Accurate to a hair’s breadth, he doesn’t know how he’s so good at shooting when he struggles so much with other fine motor skills. But it doesn’t matter- he adores the feeling of having precision again, the sensation of such an immense degree of control. All three of them find her. And all three of them immediately fall in love, deciding they need to abandon everything to help her. I have a scene going in my head where they’re trying to catch her, but are all simultaneously hindering each other enough for her to keep getting away; Sans nearly catches up to her but Red starts brawling with him, only for both of them to have to duck behind a countertop when bullet holes start appearing in the wall around them. Overall... drama, intrigue, lots of danger and romance. 
A classic eldritch horror AU. Mc and some other humans are pulled into another dimension, where they have to survive long enough to find a way of possibly getting home alive. It’s a terrifying, dark, upside-down esque world full of monstrous creatures, toxic slime and rot and decay, toothed abominations hunt them everywhere they go to pick off anyone who lags behind or drops their guard even for a moment. One thing the humans all learn, sooner rather than later, is the importance of staying quiet- the monsters that chase them know to avoid making too much noise and it’s not a difficult cue to pick up on. There’s something much, much bigger out there. They hear them, at night, truly massive beasts stalking across the landscape... every ecosystem has its apex predators. There's only one steadfast rule in this hellscape; don’t catch their attention. For some reason or another, Mc breaks the rule. Perhaps she decides to sacrifice herself to save her friends, perhaps she’s just in the wrong place at the wrong time when an idiot human makes too much noise. But she catches the attentions of three very ancient, intelligent, dangerous eldritch monsters that find themselves smitten and delighted with the prospect of her company.
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I saw your tags on a post about becoming the mc in one of your novels. Gothic, where the character is more monster than damsel and i am 👀
Would you be willing to talk about it? The story, the character, anything?
(for those of you who did not see my tags on the post anon is referencing, the post prompt was basically 'you are now the main character of your most recent WIP' and my tags were: #technically I think this would put me as the MC of my novel#in a gothic mansion that houses a monstrous lord said to steal people’s souls#in a village the inhabitants view as a cage#after faking my death to escape an abusive arranged marriage#discovering that I am more monster than damsel)
so i talked about it briefly when i ran this poll a while ago asking which one of these two novels you'd all like to see first. it is the one that won, the gothic found family: Of Beasts and Wretched Things (working title). feel free to click through to the poll if you want to see what the results were, what the other option was, and what people's initial reactions were!
Of Beasts and Wretched Things is an inverted 'Beauty and the Beast' coming of age story that wrestles with the monstrosities of girlhood and the inherent horror of self-creation.
When the Lord of Crosswell Estate plans to wed his niece to a brutish lord to save his wealth, she runs away and stumbles upon Illthern, a forgotten trading village under the control of the monstrous Theodoric Gaut, whom she deceives in order to gain his protection from her wrathful uncle; but when she finds herself face to face with Lord Gaut, who is not what the stories would have her believe, she must wrestle with the monstrosity of her own making before he discovers that his supposed long-lost relative is not what she claims to be.
(More under the cut bc wow I...got a bit carried away.)
working on this project has helped me work through some of the trauma i have around my own relationship to femininity and womanhood. the MC struggles with the legacy of abuse inflicted by her blood relatives and what it means to be the person they tried to make her into. the inherent fear of things labeled 'monster' and the consequential fear of being monstrous is a predominant theme, as well as questions of how many of the monsters are things we make ourselves.
what really drew me to the gothic genre was the emotional weight i wanted to give these characters and this world; so often in gothic works it is the characters' own emotional turmoil that drives the plot and shapes the setting, you are the ghost haunting the house even though you still draw breath, etc. even in this real world, there are these weights of what society things a woman should be, the pressures of girlhood especially during adolescence, and these weird half-mourning periods of killing the person you used to be. i think because i wanted these characters to be steeped in the emotions they have about their situations in life and themselves, i found myself drawn to gothic conventions just because it fit so well with what i wanted to explore
with regards to the characters themselves, and particularly the MC, i really wanted them to feel like they were driving the story. the MC has the brilliant and terrible certainty that I know at least I had when I was a teenager. Theodoric is very similar to most characters you'd expect to see in a gothic setting: ominous, more than a bit sinister or mysterious, yet I wanted it to feel like he was always hiding a bleeding heart just under his coat. did i mean to make him autistic? no, but when I was proofreading i was like whoa yeah this man has the spicy brain. i'm a sucker for monstrous things that treat others with tenderness first, what can i say. i don't want to talk too much about any other characters just yet, I don't want to spoil anything :)
WIP-wise, I'm in the midst of getting the manuscript ready to submit to agencies and publishing houses. it's funny, as i'm doing the research to see what that entails, the other story seems to be way easier to market. who knows, maybe i'll self publish OB&WT the way I did Tales from Thicketdown Forest and then go the traditional route for the other one. we'll find out, i guess.
i did sort of know this was going to get long but jfc i went way harder with my prose here than i thought i was going to. uh, hope this answers your question????
Tl:dr; gothic found family h/c, heavy on the comfort, with tender monsters and monstrous girls :)
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Gilbert von Obsidian. The Prince is a bodyguard. Sweet End.
Chapter 3.
Part 3/1
MC: Please don't kill them!
I scream, and blood colored eyes stare at me.
Gilbert: If I don't kill them, they'll kill you. Or are you willing to risk your life to save those who sold you out?
Gilbert: Ahaha, you have a big heart, like a god. I can't compare to you.
(Maybe I was betrayed.)
(Maybe what I thought was friendship was actually very calculating.)
(But that doesn't mean I want them to get hurt.)
(It's true that I enjoyed the time I spent with Lady Louise, and it's also true that I consider her a friend.)
I put my head down and looked back at the Earl who couldn't focus.
MC: ...I'm begging you. Please let them go. Prince Gilbert is not a man who can take hostages like that.
MC: If you let them go, I won't let them kill me. So...
Earl: Oh... Shut up!
The blade of the knife scratched my throat.
(No... I think he lost his cool.)
Gilbert: Miss Bunny, are you all right?
MC: Not good!
Gilbert: Yeah, but time's up.
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Gilbert: My only prey is mine. ...Hmm, who's the real villain for you?
The cheerful smile that had even given me a sense of calm was gone.
(..... No.)
Part 3/2
White smoke billowed from the cylindrical object that Prince Gilbert took out of his pocket. The little room was filled with smoke, as if it were covered with dew.
(I couldn't see anything!).
As soon as I got to my feet, my body fell on its side/my body was pushed to the side.
Luckily, I was picked up by something soft wrapped in linen cloth on the floor, but my arms and legs were still tied up and it was hard to even get up.
(I hate......)
MC: Prince Gilbert!
My screams were drowned out by the sound of something crumbling to the floor. My heart was pounding with a sickening feeling.
MC: ....Prince Gilbert.
As I crawled across the floor and moved forward a little, the smoke that was robbing me of my sight dissipated.
The first thing I saw was a charcoal-black cloak that didn't even show blood.
At Gilbert's feet lay the Earl with a knife in his hand, and behind him was Lady Louise, lying down on the floor, tears in her eyes.
Gilbert: .....Miss Bunny, what's wrong?
Prince Gilbert looked around; he seemed to hear a voice calling his name.
But his eyes didn't see me, and he was holding the sword he'd picked up from the floor.
MC: Stop it. ....Please.
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Gilbert: I did terrible things to you, but I still had your back/protecting you.
MC: .....There are laws in Rhodolite that forbid murder.
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Gilbert: If I invade this country, there will be no laws, no nothing, right?
Prince Gilbert raised his sword and knelt beside me, clumsily lying on the floor.
He took me by the chin and turned my face upward.
Gilbert: Ah, you seem to be misunderstanding something.
Part 3/3
Gilbert: Why should I listen to you?
MC: ...!
Gilbert: It's up to me whether I listen or not. Your "don't" isn't even begging for your life.
(I've been caught off guard lately.)
(I look at Prince Gilbert's kind face so often that my mind is stunned...)
(I may have almost forgotten that he's a "beast.")
Prince Gilbert let me go and tried to go to Lady Louise with sword in hand.
(But that doesn't mean I can give up..!)
Before the black figure could move away, I grabbed his cloak with all my might, continuing to curl up on the floor. Prince Gilbert didn't shake it off, but stopped again.
MC: ...... Friendship are difficult.
Gilbert: Friends? The one who sold you out?
Gilbert: Ahaha, interesting definition of a friend Miss Bunny has, isn't it?
MC: I can't speak for others, since you, Prince Gilbert, don't listen to the words of your... "friends"! / Prince Gilbert... You don't listen to what 'friends' say, so you can't talk about other people.
Gilbert: Isn't that a wilder/crazy definition than mine?
( "Wilder/crazy"...)
MC: ...You know, no one goes near a young lady who is favored by an Obsidian prince.
MC: I get cold stares, but no one ever really talks to me.
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Gilbert: Yes, you poor thing!
Prince Gilbert smiles, as if it were someone else's problem.
MC: But Lady Louise treated me okay!
MC: I don't know what her intentions were behind it, but she was one of the few people who looked at "me".
(Obsidian's prince's favorite, or whatever...)
(She was the only one who shared hobbies with me and could talk without embarrassment.)
MC: I don't think all our time together was a lie.
MC: I want to believe her, even if she betrayed me, and I don't want her to be hurt...
MC: And like I said, I believe that friends start by believing in each other.
Louise: .....Ah.
MC: Please don't take any more away from me.
Part 3/4
The more I spoke, the colder the blood-colored eyes that stared at me grew. A chill crawled up my spine and my breathing was almost labored, but I had no intention of backing down.
MC: To put it crudely... Why should I listen to Prince Gilbert?
(If Prince Gilbert won't listen to me, I won't either.)
I clutched his cloak so tightly that it bit into my hand, unwilling to let go.
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Gilbert: ....Well, you look more like an idiot than a naive one.
Gilbert: That's right, though... I can't help it if you're begging me so clumsily.
Gilbert: If you're willing to take responsibility for those two, I might not kill them.
MC: I'll take.
There was no hesitation at all.
(Even if the request was accompanied by hysteria, it was better than having a friend die in front of me.)
Prince Gilbert just laughed.
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Gilbert: I will teach/show you that I am on a different level than a third-rate villain.
Prince Gilbert carried me, with my hands and feet still bound, to an empty guest room.
With such speed that I suspect he's been to the mansion, he finds the first aid kit and silently treats my neck wound.
He was as adept as a doctor at applying medicine, bandaging, and performing the entire process.
MC: ....Thank you very much.
Gilbert: You're welcome.
(Gentle but cold, cold but gentle....)
I still don't know the true face of Prince Gilbert.
MC: By the way, these clamps/handcuffs.
Gilbert: I don't have a key.
MC: ....It looks like I'm in trouble.
Gilbert: Well, you don't need one to remove it.
You "can" take it off, but he "won't" do it, which means I'll have to stay with it for a while.
When I gave in, Prince Gilbert took me in his arms and sat me down in a chair.
He placed me in his lap, and his red eyes came close to mine.
MC: Prince Gilbert!?
The cold fingertips caress my cheeks with a terrible gentleness.
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Gilbert: Well, miss Bunny....  How will you beg for your life?
Part 3/5
(I feel like this is a test...)
Prince Gilbert keeps his eyes on me.
(If I answer wrong, I'm immediately back to what I was before.)
(I need to think....)
MC: Prince Gilbert, you were going to hurt Lady Louise, weren't you?
Gilbert: To hurt her is very "nice" of me.
MC: ...I will accept the violence that was to be done to Lady Louise.
Gilbert: .... Huh?
MC: I say I will take her place.
Gilbert: The substitute...
MC: Boil me, burn me, do whatever you want to me!
(I don't know what he'll do to me, but that's all I can think of right now.)
"Do whatever you want" may not be enough for Prince Gilbert.
I am a Belle, and I may be offered terms that could be ruinous to my country.
However, since I didn't know exactly what Prince Gilbert wanted, I had no choice but to offer an equivalent exchange: corporal punishment.
Gilbert: ...Horrible.
MC: ...Horrible?
Gilbert: I can't believe you think I'm a maniac who takes pleasure in hurting people, whoever they are.
MC: I never said that!
MC: I just can't think of any other way to take responsibility.
Gilbert: Absolute obedience.
(I knew you were going to say that.)
I wanted to avoid that, but Prince Gilbert was relentless.
Gilbert: It's the price of life, isn't it obvious?
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Gilbert: My orders are absolute. You must do what I say, even if it means betraying Rhodolite.
MC: ....Cannot be betrayed.
Gilbert: Then let's go and kill the lady who was just here.
MC: No way!
Gilbert: You're selfish.
He stroked my cheeks, tickled them, and pinched them lightly.
Gilbert: In Obsidian, we've made some concessions.
Gilbert: Whether or not you do or don't do what I ask, I'm listening to what you have to say.
MC: .......
Gilbert: You see, you have to think beyond absolute obedience.
(I'm in the position of "asking," so I can't expect equal negotiation.)
It seems difficult to ask for a third party's help in this house.
In other words...there is only one path to choose from the beginning.
MC: ...I can only appeal to Prince Gilbert's conscience.
Gilbert: There's no such thing.
MC: Yes, there is.
(If he really didn't have a conscience, Prince Gilbert wouldn't have helped me in the first place...)
(He would have killed everyone there.)
The mercenaries and the Earl were bleeding, but they all seemed to be alive.
Sure, there's a ruthless side to it, but there's also a gentle side.
(I don't believe in the enemy prince, but if you start by believing in my "friend"...)
(Prince Gilbert is no exception.)
MC: So.... How about this?
I pushed aside my shame and embraced the cold body with the handcuffs on my arms.
I hugged him without hesitation, hoping that I could feel some of his warmth.
MC: Are you always cold, Prince Gilbert?
Gilbert: Are you serious?
MC: I'm serious.
Gilbert: If so, I'm in trouble.
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Sigh, his breath touching my skin.
Gilbert: .... Not bad.
My heart was beating loudly in spite of the situation.
Gilbert: But a hug is not enough. You have too little to lose.
(...... If you ask me, it's true.)
Gilbert: Well, how about this ...... addition?
I pull my body away slightly, Prince Gilbert kissing me on the lips.
(No way...)
Gilbert: Whether in front of a prince or a servant, you will always kiss me if I ask you to....
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Gilbert: That's a good enough balance, if you ask me.
MC: ......
Gilbert: What do you do?
(Well, from the looks of it, a kiss on the cheek isn't all that charming, is it?)
Every time he gently presses his lips to my lips, I get more and more nervous...
(What should I do? ......)
(He's not my lover... I'm not even sure if he's my friend...)
But it's an equivalent exchange because I already have something.
I don't think there's any other trade-off.
(...If it's not too bloody...)
Gilbert points a finger at his lips.
Gilbert: Then hurry up/ Then, let's get on with it.
(First of all, why is compensation a kiss?)
(I know it's strange, but I do it to protect the people I care about.)
I slowly brought my face closer to his face....
???: Lady MC!
(...... Huh.)
All rights reserved by Cybird. Translation is not 100% accurate.
Gilbert's Masterlist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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shiny-jr · 2 years
Feed us this loser's simp who is committing mass genocide 😇😇
Also what do you think about those who hate him? Personally I don't really like it, because their reasoning are only because he was referenced to Frollo who is a racist character. Rollo and Frollo are not the same character, yet he was so badly hated despite being the greatest side character with powerful background and impact on the fandom that everyone now wholeheartedly agree to want him as permanent character.
So, I should first establish that I haven't seen the whole event yet. So there won't be too many spoilers, if any at all, and that I obviously won't be mentioning the things I don't even know about yet. I'll be putting my answer below the cut just in case, and because it's kind of a long response.
I've actually seen a lot of debate on this. I think a lot of people are uncomfortable with Frollo as a villain, and rightfully so, because he's a very realistic villain. Out of all of Disney's villains, Frollo is one of the most realistic and probably darkest one out there. But if people choose to dislike Rollo because he reminds them of Frollo, well, to each their own. But I think it should be mentioned that people have to remember, Rollo isn't Frollo.
Of course, as mentioned above, I don't know how much Rollo will resemble the original villain he's based off of in the end by his words or actions, because I haven't gotten that far into the event. If it is because of his actions in the event (that I will see later), I don't understand. Because if that's the case, wouldn't most players hate the dorm leaders plus Jamil? They've done horrible things in their chapters. Riddle nearly killed Ace. Leona nearly killed Ruggie and was willing to risk the wellbeing of a whole stadium of people. Azul stole and tormented and used dozens of other students and was ready to make mc practically homeless. Jamil probably had the intention to either seriously hurt or even kill Kalim and co, while keeping the rest of the dorm under his hypnosis. Vil was ready to kill Neige and those who tried to stop him. Idia assisted/allowed the kidnap of his classmates, destruction of his school, and tried to unleash countless overblot beasts that would wreck havoc all across the globe. And we know Malleus is somehow gonna top all that when his time comes.
Me personally, I think the reason I've gotten so attached to Rollo, is exactly because he's based off Frollo. I'm not saying I enjoy his character because of the actions of who he's based off of, but because Frollo is a very memorable villain to me. You see, I was raised in a very religious background (I am not religious anymore) that even extended to the school I attended when I was young. At that school, I was at the after school program nearly everyday. And during that program, at a certain time they'd play movies for us kids to watch. Since it was a religious school, they regulated what was shown, so we were only usually shown old disney movies or movies with religious themes. The two most popular were, I believe, The Prince of Egypt and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Which I guess is why I've immediately liked Rollo, because he reminds me of those days. But I digress. This is getting long, so I'll just end it here.
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mysticstarlightduck · 7 months
21 for the writer’s ask game?
Thank you so much for the Ask, @mk-writes-stuff!!!
21. Who is/are your favorite character(s) to write?
This is such a great question! Since I have quite a lot of WIPs, I have a lot of favorite characters I love to write about as well - so, for the sake of making this answer easier for me, I'll choose some characters from Enchanted Illusions and Of Starlight and Beasts to narrow down the list (and because these two WIPs are my "Words Into Potions" project this March!)
While I like almost all of my main characters and POV characters some of them just take the cake when it comes to being the ones I have the most fun writing and creating!
I'll give a quick summary to each of the characters I mention here (:
Of Starlight and Beasts
Leora Tallin - a young warrior from the former kingdom of Idrevan, which was conquered and annexed by the Crimson Queen's army generations ago. Leora was once a terrified orphan child whose magic caught the attention of Meira's army, who intended to have her trained as a soldier for their wars - a fate she narrowly escaped thanks to her older sister rescuing her. Now, Leora is the leader of a growing faction in Idrevan's underworld, seeking to offer the oppressed a chance of freedom away from the Crimson Queen's hold on their land. She's very much a brash, "strike first, ask questions later" type of character, and is also highly intelligent - while she yearns for her revenge on the General who ruined her childhood - a General who also nearly killed her adoptive brother - Leora also knows that openly standing up to Queen Meira without a plan would be a disaster waiting to happen, and so she waits and grows her power for the perfect opportunity to take a stand.
Arammys Lochlain (also this book's certified cinnamon roll!): Arammys is a young man whose memories of his past were stolen from him, for a reason he does not know. He is also the Starlit Guardian - (someone who has the most ancient and powerful magic their world can possess, a power said to be remnants of the power that created the realms, a magic which his family line have been the carriers of for millennia now). I love writing Arammys because, he's just the sweetest, kindest, most pure-of-heart character in this whole series - and despite his normally pacifist manner, he is also someone people really, really shouldn't mess with. I guess I just really love the "cinnamon roll that could kill you" type of characters lmao! He is the love interest of Corah, one of the main characters, and their story is one of my all-time favorite subplots this book has to offer!
Eidan Delythen - A formerly bright-eyed inventor, ward of a noble family, Eidan's world was destroyed and torn upside down by his treasonous uncle. Blaming himself for the fate of those he once called family, who died at the hands of his uncle, Eidan resigned himself to a life of solitude, whilst he sought a way to put an end to the evils and beasts that the corrupted magic of the Crimson Queen's magic brought to the land, as a way to redeem himself. He's very much a morally grey, scheming character when he is first introduced to the story, which I think is part of the reason why I love writing him so much - at first, he finds himself joining the MCs in their quest because he believes it will advance his goals, but as the story progresses and their bond starts to grow he genuinely starts caring about his newfound friends and participating on the quest for the right reasons while remaining quite the schemer when it comes to plotting the villains' downfalls. I guess it is just so cool to write the character whom he becomes later on in the book - still a morally grey, scheming character who manipulates situations for his gain, but who now does it with a noble goal in mind, to help his friends.
Tomasa Flammyr - She lives in the kingdom's coastal city, and is hopelessly in love with her girlfriend, Nadya. Tomasa also has high hopes of one day joining the royal Navy - her whole reason for helping the main cast, other than stopping the Crimson Queen will save thousands of innocents, is that she believes this is her chance to become the hero she dreamed of, just like the ones in the tales she was told growing up, and that it'll also be her chance to impress her future in-laws. She also happens to be a very (literally, physically and mentally, she's unbelievably strong) strong female character - she could carry most of the main characters with one arm and be unfazed - which, for me, is one of the reasons I love writing her so much. Other than that, she is just a really sweet person who also is a brave and honorable fighter, who loves puppies and all things cute in the world, but who also could defeat a giant in a five-minute brawl. Her secret shapeshifting ability is also a part of one of the greatest plot twists of the book! (:
Enchanted Illusions
Augustus Grimmure - One of the book's protagonists, Augustus is an all-powerful necromancer who made a deal with the deamon Deathbringer (an ancient entity of their world) for more power after being betrayed by his peers. He dreams of creating a world where innocent people are safe from harm, and where progress can really flourish - and being an "anti-hero" type of character, he believes that this can only achieved by purging all those who are pointlessly cruel and abusive from the city, eliminating the worst criminals, the kind of people who would create more injustices like the ones he faced. I just love how, while he is a morally grey character who often does questionable things for a noble/good goal (and is not above killing his enemies), he is also a kind and caring young scholar who wants to keep his friends and loved ones safe and happy. The dichotomy of someone who can go "I'll devour your soul" to criminals/his sworn enemies, and then do a 180° and go back home to his friends and family like nothing happened, straight up "Do you want hot chocolate, my dear?", is very fun and compelling for me to write!
Marcus Kallihan - The most dangerous assassin Ansburke has ever seen, Marcus Kallihan rose from street urchin to king of one of the most powerful mobs in the city. He runs the city's criminal underworld with an iron fist, ensuring that while his business is booming, innocent and honest folk can have a better and brighter future than the one he had. He runs The Fair - a giant underworld city-like landscape underneath the city of Ansburke, where he welcomes the outcasts and misfits from all around the region, and where he conducts most of his underworld business as well. He is a mobster with a strict moral compass, much different than his fellow mob bosses in other gangs, and due to him being a very much "Robin Hood" like figure, is adored by the people. He is also known as the Phoenix. I just love how his character is a badass with a heart of gold who took "the cards he was dealt with" and used them as a chance to give people like him a different fate than his, so that no other street kid had to resort to crimes to get by, like he had to.
(Most characters in Enchanted Illusions are antiheroes, which is really due to the world they live in, and that's very interesting dynamic as a whole for me)
Evangeline Daemitya - Daughter of the richest and most powerful man in the city (Damien Daemitya, heir of the most influential family in Ansburke, and also a member of the city's High Council of Sorcerers), Evie is a very sweet, studious, and opinionated lady, despite her sheltered existence. She has the means to make this city a better place, and when she discovers a conspiracy involving the nobility of the city, Evie takes it upon herself to change the way things are about to go. She's determined, madcap, and stubborn, a daredevil at heart who is not afraid of taking risks and leaps of faith if it means getting things done, while also being one of the most polite and pure characters in the book. She's very feminine and very strong at the same time! She wants to be a good person - unlike her callous, abusive ex-step-mother, who made a great part of her past a living hell - and use her extensive monetary means, as well as her knowledge, to give the city a chance at progress.
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dear-mrs-otome · 2 years
Mrs. O, I've fallen into the trap known as Silvio and I can't get out. And now you're working on another fic and I don't know what to do with all these feels 🫠 I'm pretty excited for his route release. I'm not sure if anyone has asked or you've commented about it, but is he the Montonari of IkePri personality-wise?
I also absolutely LOVED Pace non Trovo. He tried so hard to win MC over. Loved seeing both his and MC's various states of confusion. Silvio with what MC really wanted and MC trying to figure out the meaning of the necklace. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Anyway. Just know that you have someone looking forward to this upcoming Silvio fic whenever you decide to release it. After reading your non-canon use of "donna" I can't help but read it like that whenever he says "lady" in Sariel's route 😂
Awjdklsjfds Nonny, this was such a sweet ask to open, thank you! I'm so happy you liked my first fic, and that some folks are interested in me revisiting a story featuring this lovely asshole. I hope people will still like it, the way it's shaping up it'll definitely have to be a multi-chapter fic and I know those aren't nearly as popular but...c'est la vie I guess. The story demands what it demands.
I'm going to put a cut to spare everyone some Silvio/Motonari character blather and story blather.
The Silvio/Motonari comparison has been mentioned to me a few times, and I can definitely see why. They share a lot of things in common - the hair color, the pirate/sailor motif, the aversion to touch for varying reasons, the Rude Boy persona.
I suppose by those standards he would be considered the Motonari of Ikepri...but I feel they are still very distinct characters. The biggest difference being that Motonari feels far more chaotic neutral, perhaps even leaning chaotic evil at first at least, compared to Silvio whom I would characterize as true neutral, or leaning neutral good even from the start.
There's also the glaring, obvious difference that one is a consummate tsundere and the other definitely not. Both men are blunt by default but Motonari has no real qualms or difficulty expressing himself as opposed to Silvio who would clearly rather cut off his own nose than admit to anything as soft as feelings. Ew.
As for the fic I'm plotting...I hope folks will stick around for the whole ride. I've got a good chunk written but I'm going to hold off on posting anything until I have a complete rough draft of the whole story, so that I know I won't leave anyone hanging. It's definitely a beauty and the beast story, with curses and magic and a castle and the whole shebang...but with my own, hopefully fun take on the usual tale. (Think: our couple are well acquainted with each other as 'that hot enemy idk if I wanna kiss or kill' before he was cursed, but Emma has no clue the Beast is someone she knows)
Plus a few other fun twists. 💕
Now all I have left to determine is the Venn diagram overlap between Silvio fans and monsterfuckers - does Emma shag him before the curse is broken, after the curse is broken...or both? 😈
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666writingcafe · 2 years
"What did you do, Asmo?" Satan questions, fury evident in his eyes.
"I didn't do anything, I swear!"
"Then why did I just witness MC throw up outside this bar? Did you get them drunk?"
"No! You can ask anybody inside, but I didn't even touch the bottle of Demonus!"
"Did you force MC to gulp down the bottle, then?"
"Asmo is innocent," I chime in, finally feeling more like myself. "He didn't force me to do anything."
"Go on," Satan replies.
"Asmo and I were having a conversation when someone dropped off a bottle of Demonus. I don't know who; I didn't see them. The smell hit me, and I'm pretty sure I just went through all of the stages of drunkenness in the span of, like, two minutes."
"I see."
"What are you doing here, anyway?" Asmo asks his brother. "Were you wanting a drink yourself?"
"I was actually looking for you two," he responds. "You never came home. We were worrying about you."
"Well, we're fine," I tell Satan. "We have all our fingers and toes, anyway. I'll go back inside and ask for cleaning supplies, and then we can head home."
"I apologize for making you wait for me in my room," Satan tells me as he shuts his door behind him. "Lucifer wasn't satisfied until he found a section of a book detailing the effects of Demonus on humans."
"That sounds about right," I reply. Satan chuckles.
"Now that that's over with, there's something I want to ask you."
"It's nothing bad, I promise. You see the green book right above your head?" I nod my head. "It's from the human world. I acquired it recently. It's a collection of old folklore tales and legends, and one of the stories in particular caught my attention."
"Do you remember what it was about?"
"Not by memory, no." He walks over to me and leans over me to grab the book in question. Flipping through the pages, he quickly comes across what he's looking for.
"There was once a country that had been struck in a long war with a neighboring land," Satan reads.
"Sounds like the Devildom and the Celestial Realm," I state. Satan smiles as he continues,
"Just as their resources were about to be exhausted, a beast with magical powers appears before their king. The beast tells the king, 'I'll help you win this war against your neighbors, but in return, you must give me that which you hold most dear.' The king agrees to these terms, and with the help of the beast's magic, he succeeds in winning the war.
"But afterwards, he breaks his promise and kills the beast. The slain beast then transforms into a terrible monster and curses the king's entire country, inflicting a series of calamities upon it. Fearing the wrath of the beast, the king eventually offers his newborn daughter to it as a sacrifice. At that point the disasters cease, and the land is spared.
"Twenty years later, the girl who was supposed to have been sacrificed to the monster appears on the mountain where it lives. When the people see the girl they once thought dead appear before them, they're so afraid that they try to kill her. They shoot a great volley of arrows, which hurtle down toward her like raindrops from the sky. But just as they're about to hit, the monster shields her, giving up its own life instead." Satan closes the book and looks at me.
"My question to you is this: what do you think the beast felt in its dying moments?" Interesting.
"I would say a combination of anger, sadness, and love."
"Well, the beast is angry at the people for trying to kill the very thing that they once held so dear, sad due to the state of the world that the girl has to live in, and a sense of love towards the girl."
"Why do you think the beast loves the girl?"
"I think in those twenty years, he helped raise her, so he came to see her as his own daughter. When that kind of love exists, you're willing to do anything for that person, even it means dying for them so that they can live." Satan takes a deep breath.
"You know, that helps puts things in perspective."
"What do you mean?"
"I used to feel nothing but rage, but then you came along and another emotion took root inside me." Okay...
"Are you trying to say that you love me, Satan?"
"I don't know. I've only known you for a year, and yet I feel like if you came in harm's way, I would try my best to rescue you."
"Satan, set the book down and come here." I have to coax him a couple times to get in the position I want him in, but once he's there, I kiss him.
"If we take this any further, it'll make it all the harder for me to say goodbye," he whispers.
"This isn't 'goodbye forever'," I tell him. "It's a 'goodbye for now'."
"I know that, but the mere thought of you leaving makes me sad."
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poisonouspastels · 2 years
May i get some...mc lore tidbits of yours. Or all of it. Go wild
god there is actually so much lore but its so funny bc almost none of it directly impacts the main 4 players in the present day (up until a point) outside of them kinda just existing because of everything that went down. BUT because of that I finally get to talk about THIS BITCH in the AU and why she's there and how she fucked up Literally Everything
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Groda time lets fucking go.
So, to kind of give a starting point and a large simplification of history, Groda was the descendant of monarchs that ruled a vast kingdom (which is more comparable to a massive expanse of land) that existed a handful of thousands of years ago. These people, known as the ancients, had the elites of society that were well versed in magic, remainders of which we see through enchanting tables and recovered books to this day. Those who practiced magic with a high set of skill would eventually develop black eyes through their connections with the arts, while those who aren't well versed tend to end up with pupilless eyes and the black forming as scaring on the face instead. Exact dates aren't really important so you can really just put it as far back as you want. What IS important though is that she would eventually end up inheriting the kingdom. And she was a TERRIBLE leader. Groda thought of her role as a leader as more of a title to brag about than a position to take seriously, and because of that she pretty much put herself above anyone else in EVERY regard. Those who would question her authority or rebel against the throne were pretty much always killed with no exception if caught. It was essentially considered blasphemy to refer to her in any negative light. Revolts started en mass due to her tyranny, though it'd eventually be the case that she'd rather live on a throne built upon corpses than die fighting for it. Thus, she turned to the beast in the painting to do her dirty work for her, as she moved all her few dedicated followers underground alongside her to avoid the resulting destruction. And destruction it was. Survivors fled in different directions to even have a chance at outlasting the decay. Some went underground much like Groda herself did, some groups rumored to have even found ways to a previously undiscovered dimension... Others found themselves in an already documented dimension known as the Nether, ironically enough housing the same materials that were made to create the beast. Portals were made to be fled through just as quickly as they were destroyed. They did survive for a time, but ultimately seemed to succumb to the harsh environment. Humanity on the overworld was all but eradicated after a while, and countless wildlife species went extinct alongside it, Sniffer being a notable example. Even those that did survive had a hurting population, over time even evolving the intersex traits we see within them in the modern time to upkeep populations. No one knows what happened to the beast when its destruction had withered away enough of the land to be satisfied. Its fate is uncertain.
Time would pass underground, and Groda's remaining group of the ancients, while making do at first and even creating a new city, would slowly come to dwindle in population due to a myriad of factors. Humans were not made to live their entire lives underground. Knowing that her reign would be short lived unless she acted quickly, she began to turn to her studies in magic to seek answers. Shutting herself away from the rest of the underground world, she sought the answers to eternal life. Her experiments only caused more pain for those around her. Reanimating the dead was one of the many unintended side affects of her practices, and only lead to locking herself away further as people died even faster. It was much like a disease, spreading to corpses in any stage of decay. Interestingly, the living dead that were slain near a type of glowing moss found in the caves that they started to inhabit would have their bodies quickly consumed by the spreading plant. This would be inspiration for one of her later, more obedient projects.
She did eventually find the answers she sought, but at what cost? The only kingdom left to rule was rotted flesh and bones in barren caves and a desolate surface. But even then, she could never admit that to herself. No, she won. She got to live in place of everyone who died, everyone who defied her, and she won. She still roams even now, thousands upon thousands of years later, telling herself the same lie. Looking for something, or someone new to put her judgement upon. --- In the present day, Herobrine has found himself shut away from society by his own choice to try and figure out the mystery of what happened to the ancient civilization he's found remnants from. Little bits and pieces of a bigger picture. Old abandoned mineshafts, mysterious structures, and books and artwork with pages and pictures torn out imply something sinister happened, and he wants to know what. Through his isolation with the rest of the world, he's started to lose a bit of his own sense of humanity. He's started writing his journals in Galactic, the same language the ancients used that he's studied, because he's forgotten the common writing for most words. His life has mostly been sustained from eating rotten flesh and drinking cave water, none of which is healthy for him, of course. He replaces the unraveling clothes he wears every now and then in exchange for the only slightly less tattered clothing off the backs of slain zombies. Despite his dwindling health, and likely dwindling sanity, he believes he's close to a breakthrough. Approaching a long forgotten city, he finds the walls decorated with old murals. They depict a woman with red hair and white robes, seemingly a person of high status. Drawn almost as if she was some sort of saint. Some of the other murals are scribbled out. Maybe he'll find out why inside. His expedition is cut short by the sound of distant noises, something that could only be compared to shrieks, and a soon to follow rumble from the depths of the city. That can't be good.
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