#i will now erase all the hope u gave me yesterday
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LEWIS, quali reaction - MONACO GP 24
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softxsuki · 2 years
Heyy do u mind doing an urgent request? I have c-ptsd due to csa and I’ve been having rly bad panic attacks/flashbacks lately, I woke up from a trauma nightmare not too long ago n I was having a hard time calming down and I kinda relapsed back into sh. I was wondering if u could write for Draken and Mitsuya (separate) coming home late from work to their s/o having a panic attack, comforting them and helping them patch up their sh. Ty beforehand<33
Draken and Mitsuya (Separate) Comfort Reader Who Relapses After A Traumatic Nightmare
Pairings: Draken x Gn!Reader, Mitsuya x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of childhood sexual assault, some descriptions of self-harm, blood, razors, descriptions of panic attacks, PLEASE DO NOT READ IF ANY OF THESE THINGS WILL BE TOO MUCH FOR YOU TO HANDLE
Genre: Comfort
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: In which Draken and Mitsuya (Separate) come home one night from gang business and see you mid panic attack as you've relapsed from self-harm after having a nightmare about your past trauma.
[A/N: Hey! Sorry for keeping you waiting anon :( I hope you're still around to see this, please let me know if you are. I'd love to hear your opinion. But I hope this brings you some comfort through your trauma that can't seem to leave you alone. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I wish there was more I could do to help, but I hope you're okay <3 I'm here if you ever need to talk or if you need anything at all! P.S: I did something a little different with these headcanons. I wrote a general introduction to the main story before getting into their individual reactions :3 Thoughts?]
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You awoke in a cold sweat, breathless and sweaty as tears poured from your eyes–another nightmare. Memories of your traumatic childhood that you couldn’t erase from your mind no matter how hard you tried. You felt disgusted with yourself; how could something so vile happen to you at a young age? Why couldn’t you stop it? Why couldn’t you tell anyone during the times it was actively happening? Why were you so scared? How could you move past this?
No matter how long ago the incident occured where someone sexually assaulted you as a child, it still felt fresh, as if it happened just yesterday. It doesn’t help that your night terrors continuously have you relive that moment in your life over and over again, not allowing you to move forward. 
Your breathing goes heavy as warm tears continue to fall from your eyes, quiet sobs threatening to escape your lips, but you try your best to keep them at bay. You can’t seem to catch your breath, full on panicking now. Feeling desperate for some form of relief, you run to your drawer where you had hid some razors in case you needed them. Self-harm–something you used to do in the past, but soon quit thanks to your boyfriend’s support. It was your last resort, needing to feel something somewhere else on your body other than the pain in your chest. 
You had let your boyfriend into your heart, exposing the darkest parts of your past to him a few months after you first started dating. After learning about your trauma, he made you feel loved and accepted, regardless of your past…he became a beacon of light at the end of your dark tunnel. When you thought there were no options left, he gave you the bit of hope you needed to move forward and hope for better days.
But the nightmares never left, the panic never left, the urge to harm yourself again never left. Probably because you never spoke about your issues again, in hopes that your boyfriend wouldn’t get annoyed and leave you, or maybe even consider you a burden. You wanted to feel like a normal couple, a happy couple, and you couldn’t do that if there was something ‘wrong’ with you.
He was currently out at work–some late night gang business he had to deal with. At first when you found out that he was part of a gang, it terrified you, but you saw how gentle he was with you and knew that he’d never hurt you–if anything he kept you very safe. 
You weren’t expecting him to return back home until the morning, so as you make cuts to your skin on your bedroom floor, your blood runs cold and regret fills the pit of your stomach as you hear the front door creak open.
Your heart leaps in your chest at a rapid pace, your airways feeling tighter as you frantically move to clean yourself up, but to no avail, he comes walking through the door with your razors spread out across the floor on full display as blood oozes from the cuts on your arm…
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Draken is tired from having to leave in the middle of the night when he could have been in bed with you
He’s beyond annoyed and wants nothing more than to be back by your side where he feels the most at-peace
So when he enters your shared room where he expects to see you peacefully asleep, he’s shocked to instead see you covered in blood 
His initial response is to be on guard as he looks around for any kind of threat that may have hurt you
“What the hell happened?” He seethes, not angry at you, but the stresses from his day makes him a little short-tempered than usual, causing you to cry even harder since you think he hates you
“I’m sorry!” You choke out through your erratic breathing, loud sobs escaping your mouth
“Babe wh-” he’s about to ask you why you’re apologizing and demand some answers on who hurt you so he can go handle it, but he stops as he walks closer to you as sees the bloody razor on the floor in front of you–it is then that the pieces connect in his head
He instantly feels guilty for leaving you alone and raising his voice at you due to his stress and worrying
Would reassure you that he’s not mad and would immediately apologize for raising his voice
Goes on to turn the attention off of you and towards him so you don’t feel bad about your situation
He doesn’t want to address the situation you’re in to make you feel worse
SO he talks about his day and how annoying everyone was–how Mikey made him leave for the stupid reason of wanting some food
As he talks, he gently cleans up the blood and patches up your cuts while pushing the razors away from you, making a mental note to throw those away later
He sits beside you on the floor and just talks about random things, one hand gently grasping yours as the other is slung around your shoulder, allowing you to cry into his chest
Before confronting you about how you ended up in the state you were currently in, his main focus is on calming you down first
Of course, he knew about your past history of self-harm, but he didn’t think you’d ever do it again, so he was pretty shocked inside, not that he’d want to show that externally
He looks and acts as he usually would, but on the inside he’s panicked and fighting to keep his face neutral
Once you’re calm again and your breathing is back to normal, he’d play with your fingers with one hand and soothe your back with the other
He won’t bring what he witnessed up to you until you do first, and when you do, he’ll sit and listen
You tell him about the horrible nightmares you’ve been having and how you can’t forget the past about your sexual assault
He winces at the mention of it, anger flickering through his eyes as he terribly wishes he could find the person that gave you all this trauma and give them a piece of his mind…or worse
But he stays silent and listens to your thoughts and everything that has been going on under his nose–man did he feel dumb for not noticing something was wrong sooner
He’s just honestly relieved that he made it home in time before things could have gotten worse–he didn’t even want to think about what could have happened if you cut too deep and he didn’t make it back until morning–the thought alone made his blood run cold
He’s not very cuddly all of the time, but after the events of that night, he doesn’t want you to leave his arms–he knows you’re safe with him so he keeps you wrapped up close to him
He wants to keep you safe from anyone and everything–including yourself, and that night he failed to keep you safe
In the next few days expect an uncharacteristically clingy Draken who keeps a close eye on you
He won’t say anything about that night again but he’s watching you closely, making sure he notices any differences in your behavior or demeanor at any moment
Stays up at night to watch your facial features and wakes you up if he sees even the tiniest crease in your expression, he doesn’t want you to have to relive your trauma through your dreams each night, so he tries to stop them before they get too far
Deep down, he’s just scared and doesn’t really know how to help you, but you bet your booty he’s gonna do whatever he can to get you through this
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Like Draken, when Mitsuya returns home he’s tired and ready to cuddle up to you for the night
So he’s surprised to see the light on in your shared room
He’s ready to greet you with a smile, and is kinda glad that you’re awake so he can spend some time with you before going to sleep again together
He opens the door and the sight before him instantly makes his smile falter FOR A SECOND
He’s quick to catch on to what’s going on and approaches you with a soft smile, greeting you with a kiss to your forehead as he usually would
Doesn’t want to make you feel guilty or worse by him reacting negatively to your situation, so he stays calm
Cleans up your wounds and then wraps them up securely, pressing kisses to the ripped skin every few seconds
REPEATEDLY TELLS YOU THAT HE LOVES YOU, he needs you to know this
Having just come home, he doesn’t know why you relapsed or what caused it to happen, but he at least needs you to be aware that he’s there for you and STILL loves you despite you relapsing–he will always love you
Would walk you to the bathroom so you can bathe and probably gets in the bath with you so you can bathe together
Makes sure your newly wrapped arm doesn’t get wet though, but he’d rub your shoulders and just hold you close to him to try and get you to calm down since tears are still falling from your eyes
He presses kisses to your bare shoulders, to your face, to every inch of you, needing to smother you in affection
He also wouldn’t bring anything up until you’re calm, so he fills the silence with soft whispers of love and positive words 
Overall, Mitsuya is very touchy, very affectionate, AND very worried despite the smile that won’t leave his face
His logic is, would you rather see him cry and frown at you, or would you feel better if he could smile for you? He thought the latter 
Once you open up to him about your nightmares that keep reminding you of your childhood trauma, he nods understandingly
I imagine him just holding you close at night, hoping that, that wards the nightmares away
BUT for the next few days he’s locked up in his studio working on on something
Turns out he was making a dreamcatcher for you, though it may be completely ineffective, perhaps the symbol of a dreamcatcher would help ward nightmares from your mind at night
He’s super thoughtful and gentle with you
Mitsuya just loves you so much and wishes he could do more to keep your past from haunting you–if there was a way, he’d definitely make it happen
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Posted 8/29/2022
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kaaytea · 3 years
soo um I have a bit of a self indulgent request I hope u don't mind 👉🏼👈🏼
how would the Daiya boys be with an s/o who is bad at catching and throwing? like instead of catching they dodge or deflect?
(My brother always says I can't catch to save my life which is sadly true but yesterday he chucked an eraser at me and I caught it!! v proud of myself ✌🏼😅)
S/o who can't catch things
⤷Includes: Mei, Ryousuke, Haruichi
A/n: I don't mind at all Bug! This entire blog is kind of self indulgent so those requests are welcome! I didn't do all the boys so I chose a few I haven't written for in a while, I hope that ok with you 💖 (you're welcome to send in the same prompt if there are specific boys you want written!)
This boy is baffled
Like he can't comprehend that you're unable to throw or catch things because of how natural the actions come to him
He looks at you weird and then tests you by lightly tossing a pen at you
He definitely thought you were lying or being over dramatic but he was proven wrong when you slapped the pen away from you mid air
Congratulations he has now made it his personal mission to teach you how to catch and throw things
Mei's actually a pretty good teacher? He's spent his entire childhood perfecting his pitching and catching skills so he's got some tips and tricks
Usually Mei is a little bratty and impatient when teaching people but he's the complete opposite with you
He's very gentle and always willing to reexplain things if you don't get them the first time
It's quite a sight to see one of the best pitchers in Japanese High School baseball tossing an old soccer ball (which he snagged from the schools equipment sheds) back and forth with his s/o
Eventually when you've become comfortable with catching and throwing larger items he will insist (force) you to try using a baseball and mitt
So here you are standing on an empty field with a spare glove from Inashiro's endless supply of sports equipment
Mei is absolutely ecstatic to have you start learning to play catch but you on the other hand are slightly terrified
There is a HUGE difference between catching a soccer ball and catching a baseball. Not to mention, soccer balls are generally softer than baseballs
Mei could tell you were a bit nervous so he reassured you he'd be throwing underhand and even went over to help you position your glove correctly
Any lingering confidence you had vanished the second Mei tossed the ball towards you and you quickly reverted to your old tactics of ducking out of the way, glove brought up to your face as a shield
Mei had a sick feeling in his stomach seeing you that afraid (by extension he thought you were afraid of him bc he was the one throwing the ball at you)
He made his way over to your huddled form and gently guided the glove away from your face
"Hey...we don't have to do this if you're not comfortable with it."
"Can we try one more time... please?"
Mei smiled at you and gave you a soft "Alright" in response, picking up the discarded baseball from the ground and went back to his spot
You were determined to catch the ball this time! You just had to commit and not run away
Mei tossed the ball towards you again making you fight the instincts kicking in. You quickly squeezed your eyes shut to prepare for the possibility of being hit in the face
But the impact never came. Instead the only thing you felt was a sudden weight in the glove on your hand
You slowly opened your eyes and stared down at the dusty, white sphere sitting snugly in your hand
When you looked up Mei was already running towards you, his arms wrapped around your waist the instant he was infront of you, the momentum making him spin you around as you both let out cheery laughs
"I'm so proud of you!! We'll have you catching my pitches in no time!"
"Ah maybe I should learn how to catch with my eyes open first"
I love Ryou but he thrives on teasing people
He will definitely toss you things on purpose once he discovers you struggle to catch things
He doesn't throw anything that could physically hurt you tho. He'd always make sure he throws soft things like a jacket or a bag of chips
Thinks it's sort of cute how you duck out of the way. Definitely gets a kick out of your reactions and he always has that annoying smirk plastered on his face
He'd maybe give you a few tips on catching and throwing things but I feel like he'd want something in return bc he's cheeky like that
It's a difficult task to get Ryousuke to laugh but if you throw something back at him and it just completely misses he's cracking up instantly
You were sitting on Ryou's bunk waiting for him to come back from getting you both drinks at the little vending machines around the Baseball dorms
You heard the door open and instantly turned towards it to welcome him back only for your entire body to go into a state of alarm at the sight of a pillow FLYING towards your face
Naturally you fling yourself out of the way as your instincts took over and once you're sure you're out of danger you look up to see your "sweet" boyfriend standing in the doorway with a small smile
"What the hell, Ryou! You can't just scare me like that!"
"It wouldn't be scary if you could catch."
The second those teasing words left his lips you reached for the pillow he threw and chucked it at him with all your strength
Except the pillow didn't go very far, instead of smacking him in the face like you had planned it flopped onto the floor at his feet
A snort of amusement left the boy followed by a clear laugh ringing throughout the room
"I can't help it when you pull cute things like that~"
Ryousuke walked forward and sat down next to you on his bunk then held out the drink he got you
As you reached out to take it from him he pulled his hand back and swooped forward to place a kiss on your lips
Haruichi wouldn't make a huge deal out of it
He'd understand that somethings come easier to others so there's absolutely no teasing from him
And unlike the other two he would never throw something at you
If he's giving you something he always makes it a point to safely hand the item to you
Sweet boy wouldn't even risk a light toss in fear of hitting you
He'd be willing to help you learn to get better at the actions but only if you asked, he wouldn't want to force anything on you
Now, just because Haruichi knew about your catching abilities (or lack there of) doesn't mean everyone else is aware
Which brings us to how Sawamura simultaneously gave you and Haruichi heart attacks :)
You were sitting in to watch the team practice on a particularly hot day so Haruichi asked Sawamura to give you a water bottle
"(y/n)! Catch!"
"Eijun-Kun wait-"
Poor Haruichi wasn't fast enough and watched in mild horror as his friend threw a water bottle at you
You looked up at the call of your name only for your mind and body to go straight into a state of panic
By some miracle (or perhaps your survival instincts) you ended up catching the water bottle!
Haruichi was rushing over to you spewing out apologies on Sawamura's behalf and checking to make sure you were ok
His worries diminished as he watched you jump around proudly stating that you caught something
(He then turned to his lovely friend Eijun and simply stated the words: "Don't ever do that again"😃🔪)
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bromantically · 3 years
hello bean! one or two months ago i sent in an ask asking for advice for going into highschool with undiagnosed adhd/autism. I just wanted to give you an update! your advice really helped. this is the 4th week of school. at first it was really scary and i was so nervous, I still am sometimes, but now i’m getting used to it and it’s not as bad. i’ve only had 2 overdue assignments so far!! yay!!! I also have all A’s and one B :-D i’m not sure how long that’ll last but i’m proud of myself right now. the first day of school I came home and cried and cried and cried. i basically spent the rest of the day sobbing, partially from overstimulation and also because I was reminded of how difficult school is for me emotionally. the very lonely feeling of knowing I don’t belong and don’t fit in, feeling so much like an alien, and also feeling like all the social progress I had made during quarantine had been erased in that one day. But now I think overall I’m doing pretty okay.
there was this girl I go to school with (though no classes) who I talked to over the summer on Instagram, but when I deleted the app I thought that would be the end of it. but on Friday she found me and gave me a note with her phone number on it. i didn’t expect her to care enough about getting to know me to do that, and since then we’ve texted a lot. and, get this, yesterday I hung out with her and some of her friends for a study session! I am really proud of myself because if i got asked to do that a year ago I think i would’ve said no. it went well, though i have cried a bit thinking about if I was too weird, too much, if I said something wrong. my identity issues have been really bad recently, and today when the girl’s twin sister asked if I wanted to sit with her and her friends at lunch today, I panicked and said I had schoolwork to do. I actually don’t mind sitting alone at lunch because it gives me some time to get my battery back up a little, release some overstimulation. If it was just one person, i would’ve said yes, but 6 is a lot. I’m scared that they would think I’m weird and bad to talk to and I would get all overstimulated while making people dislike me even more and reject me 😓 I don’t know what I’ll say if i’m asked again tomorrow. I think i’ve gone so long without friends or people who are interested in knowing me I’m a bit scared of it.
I have had some good days though! I really like my ceramics teacher and my math teacher is understanding and nice. my social skills are definitely better than before, though they are always a work in progress. I have only cried myself to sleep to “this is home” a few times, haha. I hope you’re doing well too! thank you for taking the time to read, I hope this wasn’t too much!! have a good day friend 😊
im so so proud of u anon!!!!! im really happy to see this update and im really impressed with ur progress!! im so happy uve got someone to hang with, u rly deserve some company 🥺 and for what its worth, smth that helps comfort me a lot is to remember that most people arent thinking about their interactions as long afterwards as some of us neurodivergent/anxious people :D i look forward to hearing more in the future if u ever want to update me again and im cheering u on so so much !!!!
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pink-imagines · 4 years
match making
request: hi!! ur works r my life at the moment *~* and i wanted to ask and request a fic or hcs of the class 1A trying to set up Shouta with UA Teacher!S/O without knowing that they’re already secretly married to each other but kept it private bc of pro hero stuff uwu,, what would the children’s reactions to having a momzawa omg😭 (thank u if u ever do this 🥺💗wish u goodluck on everything and keep smiling!!)
a/n: i hope i did your request justice!!
warnings: none
requesting rules
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The whole week you had been feeling watched, as if someone was following you around. It only happened at UA, where you worked as a teacher, and mostly when you were around your husband, Shota. Of course you had tried to tell him this but he brushed it off as you were probably just feeling people looking at you, UA was safe afterall. You knew that he told you this to not only reassure you but himself too. Even so, you couldn’t shake the feeling so you had to figure out what was happening. This is how you found out that a few students from Shota’s class, class 1A were spying on you.
You were making coffee in the teachers lounge when you saw pink fluffy hair disappear from the window of the door into the room. It wasn’t a big window so you couldn’t see the entire person, but that didn’t stop you from knowing who it was. You took your sweet time drinking your cup of coffee and of course talking to the other teachers in the room, spending a bit more time around your husband. You had your suspisions, you just had to figure out if it was true.  When you eventually did go out the door you only took a few steps before stopping, making sure that you heard the door close behind you. “You kids really shouldn’t spy on your teachers.”, you said and turned around to meet the students in 1A. They apologiesed prefusily, making you break your “tough teacher” act and start laughing. Your students looked at you with confusion in their eyes. “It’s fine, tell me what you’ve been doing spying on me instead of apologiesing.”, you grinned. “We’re kind of playing matchmakers.”, Ashido explained. “Really now?”, you were amused to say the least, “Have you found a match for me then?” “We’ve seen you talk to Mr. Aizawa a lot, so we were thinking that he liked you-”, Denki started but was quickly stopped by Uraraka who slapped his arm gently. “Don’t tell her!”, she hissed. Was it mean to play around with them? Yes, but you hadn’t had this fun in a while. “What? He’s even been walking her home! It should be obvious enough for her...”, Denki brushed over the spot, where Uraraka had hit him, with his hand. “I have been noticing that actually...”, you nodded, “... I’ll give you permission to keep playing your matchmaking game, if I may ask why you started doing it?” “Mr. Aizawa just seems lonely, so we thought we should match him up with someone.”, Kirishima said confidently and shrugged. “You can’t talk like that about your teacher!”, Uraraka scolded again. “Alright then, good luck.”, you chuckled and walked away as they kept bickering. At least they didn’t match your husband with somebody else.
The next day when you were getting dressed Shota walked up beind you. “You’re in a good mood.”, he commented and gave you a kiss on the cheek. “I guess it’s just a good day.”, you grinned and looked up at him. “Hmm... I have a feeling you’re up to something...”, he said tiredly and drank the rest of his coffee, “... don’t get me involved in it.” “I’ll try.”, you giggled.
Most people didn’t know you were married, it wasn’t something you told everyone. You barely wore your wedding ring or engagement ring since your line of work could make you loose them. It wasn’t a smart idea to announce to the world that two pro heroes were married anyways, because that could lead to some sort of blackmailing or even kidnapping. You were fine with staying silent about it though, you didn’t need Shota to proclaim his love for you to the world to understand that he loved you... but messing around with your students is something that you simply had to do.
In the middle of the day you heard some other teachers saying that a few papers had to be delivered to Shota’s classroom, where he was currently holding a lecture with 1A, and of course you took this opportunity to screw around a bit. When you reached the classroom you knocked before walking in. You put on a bright smile and showed Shota the papers in your hands.  “They just wanted to bring these over to you.”, you said and handed over the papers. “Thank you.”, he gave you a soft smile. When he took the papers his hands lingered a second longer on your hands than they should have. Obviously everyone who had been spying on the two of you noticed this interaction, and you heard a few whispers. “Sorry for disturbing your lectures.”, you bowed quickly before giving them a smile aswell, “I’ll be seeing you in a few hours then, hope everyone has done their homework!”, with that you walked out, knowing fully well that Shota was looking at you when you walked out. Your plan had worked flawlessly.
After you last lecture of the day, with class 1A, a few students walked up to you. “Any questions about today’s lesson?”, you asked as you started erasing what was on the board. “... we just wanted to know if you knew where Mr. Aizawa are.”, they snickered amoungst themselves. “Why would I know that?”, you asked as if you didn’t know his entire schedule by heart. “Well, we thought since you usually walk home together-” “Oh, right. He’s probably in the teacher’s lounge. But if there’s anything you need to ask and you can’t find him I’ll be around until a bit later. I’m helping out at extra studies, which I hope you know where it is.”, you explained calmly. “Thank you, miss!”, they said goodbye before hurrying out the door.
As you were walking towards the classroom, where you’d be helping a few students, you got a call from Shota. “Hello, love!”, you said happily as you answered. “You don’t happen to know why my students have been asking about you all day?”, he sighed, “They’re outside the lounge now too.” “No, I have no idea.”, you lied. “Are you lying..?”, he asked since it was probably evident in your voice that you were. “Why would I?”, you giggled, “I have to get to my class now, you should go take care of your students. Bye!” “Y/N, wait-”, you hung up before he could say anything else.
When your class was over you walked out to the entrance to the school and waited for Shota there. He came eventually, followed by a train of students whom all tried to hide as soon as they saw that you were there. “Had a good day?”, you asked innocently as he walked up to you. “I told you not to get me involved in your little game.”, he sighed, but still had a smile on his face. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”, you smiled playfully and looked over his shoulder, “Does your students always follow you around?” “They think that I have a crush on you...”, he sighed, “... and they won’t listen to me when I try to explain.” “You don’t have a crush on me?”, you tilted your head to the side and grinned. “Y/N...”, he said in a warning tone. “I’m sorry.”, you laughed, “They wanted to play matchmaker, and thought we were such a wonderful pair.” “So that’s why they’ve been bothering me.”, he looked back at his students but you quickly turned him back around to face you. “To be fair, I never told them that we weren’t already dating... I just told them they’re allowed to play their game.”, you shrugged. “You’re really trying to make my life even more hard than it has to be.”, he sighed. “I’m trying to make it more fun.”, you corrected him, “Let’s go home and I’ll give you a massage.” “Sounds great.”, he nodded and gave you a kiss on the cheek. You heard gasps around the corner and looked towards the 1A students. Some were in shock, some were celebrating and some of them were paying each other bet money.
The next day you decided to for once wear your wedding ring, it was supposed to be a calm day for you after all, and since the 1A students saw what happened yesterday then it probably wouldn’t be a big deal. That’s what you thought, at least.
At the end of the day you waited outside Shota’s classroom so that you could walk home together. When the students started walking out they waved at you, and you waved back with your left hand since you were holding a few books in the other. Of course you didn’t take note to some of their shocked faces as they saw your ring, you were just trying to get to Shota. When all the students were gone you waltzed right in to your favorite teacher at UA. He gave you a warm smile, as well as he could seeing as he was extremely tired. “Ready to walk home?”, you asked. “Yeah, just let me gather up my stuff.”, he muttered out. You heard shuffling and whispers outside the classroom door but didn’t think much of it. Instead you happily walked out the door beside Shota, but were stopped by the students of 1A. “What’s up? Got questions about the test next week?”, Shota asked tiredly. “No... we actually just wanted to say sorry to Mrs. Y/L/N.”, you raised your eyebrows in surprise at their apology, “We didn’t realize that you were married, and it probably put you in an uncomfortable situation.” “It’s fine!”, you assured them, “I didn’t mind it!” “And Mr. Aizawa, you shouldn’t act like you do to a lady that’s married.”, Kirishima added, though the others tried to stop him, “It’s not manly.” “Excuse me?”, Shota’s brow twitched in annoyance, “She’s my wife.” You broke out in laughter at their shocked faces as the students stared at Shota with a hint of fear in their eyes. “Oh, I’m sorry...”, you said as you tried your best to calm down, “I thought you would’ve realized from yesterday!” “You should’ve just told them immediately, then we wouldn’t have to deal with this stupid problem.”, Shota pinched the bridge of his nose. “C’mon, darling... I was just playing around a bit.”, you grinned, “I am sorry though.”, you turned to the students, “I should’ve made it more clear.” “No, no, no! We shouldn’t have assumed! We’re sorry!” “Let’s go home...”, Shota sighed and started walking. “I’ll see you all tomorrow, okay?”, you said before hurrying after your husband, “Don’t forget the homework!”
The following weeks you experienced the fastest change you’ve ever seen. Suddenly you were like a second mentor for class 1A, and whenever they had a problem with Shota they went to you. It was very sweet, even if Shota was now a bit more annoyed with the situation... but it did make you think about something.
You were walking around your home, just looking at things for no appearant reason. When you got to the livingroom you saw Shota sitting on the couch with a book that he was using to cover his eyes from the light rather than reading it. You kept looking around, which clearly disrupted Shota’s attempt at resting. “Are you looking for something, sweetheart?”, he put the book down on the table next to him so that he could look at you. “No... I was just thinking about something.”, you said in a spaced out tone. “Wanna tell me about it then?” You walked around to sit down on the couch next to him, still looking around. Shota took a sip of his, probably room tempatured coffee, and you took a long look at him. “Do you want kids?”, you asked, making Shota spit out his coffee.
permanent taglist: @theoceanphoenixhasrisen | @raven-r0ses | @darkbeautyswife | @sondering-thoughts | @gowoneandonlyone | @bnhabadass | @queenblackcat | @jayetheanimefreek101 | @witchy-anna | @cutest-celestial-princess | @missymysa | @karebear5118 | @weebartistinc | @crystal-lilac |
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lombredanslaeu · 4 years
in undertow | jaehyun x reader oneshot
▸ based on the movie “eternal sunshine of the spotless mind” and the song “in undertow” by alvvays. [angst]
▸ please do let me know your feedback on this one-shot by messaging me. i would gladly appreciate it. enjoy!
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“You made a mistake you’d like to erase and I understand”
FULLSUN Neuroscience Inc. has developed a technology wherein people can choose to erase a person, event, or even an object from their memory forever. If the patient decides to erase a person, FULLSUN sends a notice letter to the target person of the patient. You stared at the paper. You, of course, knows how to read but for some reason the statement from the paper did not make any sense. Jung Jaehyun has requested that Y/N Y/L/N will be eradicated from his memory. We hope you respect the decision of our patient. What could you have possibly done that makes Jaehyun want to erase you from his memory? 
You and him met while you were in college. While you were drunk at one of Ten’s parties and ranting to the stranger next to you about how you hated the course you’re currently taking. That stranger happened to be Jung Jaehyun. “It’s not that it will be the worse job in the world,” you started, thinking he has all the right answers because he seems to be one year ahead of you. “It’s just that I don’t feel happy right now and I’m afraid I will never be.” 
“First of all, do you want me to talk you out of shifting or do you want me to encourage you to shift?” He asked for clarifications. At this point, you were too drunk off of whatever concoction Doyoung has been giving you in large cups for the past two hours.
“Just look at me and tell me that I will not be a failure despite what I will choose to do tomorrow.” You slurred.
“Okay. You will never be a failure despite what you will do tomorrow.” He announced, accompanied by a sweet smile. A smile that didn’t say that he feels sorry for you but one that said that you will really be fine. “And you will be happy. I promise.”
”I told you. You’ll be alright.” Jaehyun smiles down on you. You were already on your second semester with the course that you felt happy and connected with.
“Can you imagine where would I be if I never ranted to you during Ten’s party?” You asked laughing.
“My best guess? Crying on your bathroom floor.” You playfully smacked him on the chest.
“Thank you, Jaehyun.” You looked up at him. He smiled back at you while his thumb was caressing your hand that he was holding. It felt as though the stars have aligned and all of the odds where on your side. That was the time when you knew.
You married Jaehyun 3 months after your graduation. You landed a job that you’ve been dreaming about since you shift courses in college. He just got promoted at his job. What could go wrong right? You unpacked boxes after boxes of stuff into your new shared apartment. Along with the bottle of champagne, you were also accompanied by the old, both bitter and sweet, memories of you in college. It was as if it was just yesterday you were puking your lungs out in front of Ten’s house and the next second, you were in the arms of the love of your life, laughing the night away. Oh what could possibly go wrong, right?
“Can’t buy into astrology, and won’t rely on the moon for anything”
Everything was going wrong. You’ve spent countless nights asking yourself why. Was I the problem? Were we moving too fast? What went wrong? You ask yourself questions after questions and not coming up with any answer. Who forgot to burn the fire? Maybe it was because you two were not a match? But why did it sparked so much back then? You’ve always dreamt about laying around the fire during Christmas, with hot chocolates on your hands. You’ve thought about gathering around a bonfire with your closest friends, singing songs, and just being in love. Or even sputtering hot lava from your lips, back and forth against each other, wondering who will surrender first. But later, you will remind each other that the burning of your love is greater than the burn of anything that could set you apart.
“You know I love you, right?” You would say to each other after an argument. You both always knew how to make it right.
But now, there wasn’t anything. Just a document in front of you, waiting to be signed. Your hand was restless and sweaty as you picked up the pen. Your mind telling you to get it over and done with, yet your heart was yearning for just another minute, another hour, another sunrise, another laughing session with Jaehyun. But, at last, you finally did it. Your signature on the document that will break off whatever bond you have left with him. You watched him pick up the pen expecting him to immediately sign. You waited for the sound of the ballpoint’s friction with the paper. You waited for the sting in your ears but it never came. Instead, he retracted his hand from the paper and placed it on his face.
“Jae,” you said. It was supposedly a call for his attention but it sounded more like a plead for him to do it now. 
“I-it’s just that...I’ve always heard about people’s marriages that failed and I know it’s not an impossible thing to happen to anyone,” He started. “It’s just that never in my life have I thought about the day I’m divorcing you.”
“What’s left for you and me? / I’ll take suggestions / We toss and turn in undertow / Time to let go”
You’ve gotten used to the silence of the apartment each day. It would be a lie to admit that you don’t enjoy being alone. You never knew what it was like to have someone until you were with Jaehyun. Before, you’ve were so used to being alone that love & affection was a foreign enigma to you. Now, you’ve gotten used to Jaehyun that you don’t know how to rise up again. Your friends helped you a lot by staying over sometimes, drinking liquids that has the color of love to forget love, and just anything to make you believe again. And it works. But some nights you still reach over to his side of the bed and wish to every god that there may be, that this was all just a dream. But every morning you realize that what you had with Jaehyun was probably the dream. He was a dream. With his smooth skin, magnetizing smile, and his overall character. It was never a perfect dream though. There were yelling, blaming, crying, but at the end of the day it was you and him against any problem. Not you against him. It always felt right. You and him always felt right. It was as if you were made to find him and be with him. For a long time you believed that that was true.
Sooner or later, you both found yourself struggling to keep afloat as you both hold onto each other. The current of the undersea was too much for your strength and you know Jaehyun was getting tired too. It would be unfair for him if he was the only one who’ll keep fighting. So you gave up. You let go and it was time for you to face reality. The reality that people come and people go. Lovers will enter your life to make you feel like the most beautiful being that held the stars in the eyes. Lovers will also break you down and make your once-sparkling eyes as dead as a black hole. 
Jaehyun had always accentuated that he loves you. He always will. And you will always believe and know that. 
“I love you, y/n. This doesn’t mean that I stopped or will stop loving you.” He pleads.
“I know. I’m sorry it has to be this way.” You said as tears were starting to form. “Oh god, why did it have to be this way? I love you so much. What went wrong, Jaehyun?”
“I wish I knew the answer so that this would be so much easier than it really is.” He held your hand. His eyes bore into yours as if to beg to believe whatever he is saying. His lashes bore the weight of tears that he held back before coming here.
It was time for you to face the reality that loving someone means healing and forgiving. Loving someone means letting them go if you’re starting to hurt them. You were hit with the reality that, yes, love is beautiful but love is also the deadliest weapon of all.
“There’s no turning back / I’m so uninspired”
You didn’t know what to think. You weren’t mad. You have no reason to be. But why? You knew Jaehyun was a headstrong person who can stand up even after the darkest night. But why did he suddenly want to wake up as if you never happened in his life? You thought he would never forget you, his first wife. He even had Johnny come up one time just to ask you how you were. Maybe that was one of his steps in forgetting you. Forgetting what you look like and who you are.
As time slips by your hand, you could feel your memory escaping his mind. Thoughts of being angry at Jaehyun for this decision were dying to be heard. Betrayal was dying to be felt by you. But you fought all of it. Perhaps this was his way of healing from you and you will let that. For loving someone means healing and forgiving. And you love him so.
“No turning back”
Miss Y/N Y/L/N, you have been successfully erased from Jung Jaehyun. 
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𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊: ahhh i hope u enjoyed this. it’s been a while since i wrote so i’m sorry if its suckish. i would really appreciate if u let me know what you think of this!! :)
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bakugoubabygirl · 4 years
Todoroki xreaderx Katsuki
You are the daughter of all might . He found you when you were little . This is your first year at A.U you have powerful and deadly powers that were from your real parents. You catch the eyes of two boys.
Today is my first day at A.U . I got in by recommendation being the daughter of all might and all . He not my real father of course but he found me when I was just a baby and took me in as his own. The rest of the world just seems to think he adopted me but it's runs deeper then that.
     It's the first time I'll be going to public school. All might has been home schooling me my whole life up to until now I Didn't have any friends until he introduced me to Izuku.
    Izuku has this weird obsession with my dad and now he starting to obsessed with me . I've been training with him and my dad. He passed some of his powers to him .
     I got into my uniform the skirt was a little short but it well be fine . It's no secret that I'm good looking with my h/c and e/c . Im not trying to outshine people though . It's bad enough I'll have all of my dads fans on me .  I walked down stairs, to see my dad.
    " you look beautiful , your going to good great" my father said standing at the door. He made me take a picture for my first day of school and then we were off.
     " Hey dad can you drop me off a block away and let me walk the rest of the way" I asked hoping he would say yes.
      " No"
     " What look I just don't want to be normal as much as possible and showing up with my dad is embarrassing no matter if he famous or not "
    " Y/n , the whole world knows who you are I can't let you walk alone some body will grab you up and use you as leverage against me or worse"
I crossed my arms in frustration. I can take care of myself but I knew there was no point in arguing .
    As soon as I got out I hurried to my class as soon as I could 1-A . I open the door it's was so loud and chaotic .
     I stood there unsure of what to do with myself . Until the class was dead silence everyone had there eyes on me .
   " Y/N your here ! See I told you guys Y/N the daughter of almight would be in our class" Izuku came up and squeeze me tight . He gotten to comfortable with me . It was cute but embarrassing.
Then everyone started bombarding me with questions .
" Hey I'm Mina Ashido ," she said super cheerfully " omg your soo hot " she squeal .
" Thank you buts that's all you" I smile . I'm so used to putting up with fans but that the thing . I want friends not fans .
everyone in here was excited except for the boy who was looking out the window quietly with red and white hair
And a blonde hair boy in the back of the class. He had a nasty look on his face. I wonder why, was it because of me? My eyes met his it was intense like he saw right through me . I refused to lose and look away first though .
I shot him a nasty glare and then we both broke contact when I heard someone clear there throat really loud . It's was some werido in a sleeping bag .
" It took you guys way too long to shut up ." And then he gave us a lecture about how if we want to be hero we need to take this more serious . I took my seat next to the red and white hair kid . He seem so quiet .
We went outside to test our ability because Eraser head wanted to see what we could do and don't believe in the traditional activities.
last person will be kicked out .
Oh no . I look over to see the fear on Izuku face so I grabbed his hand . " Everything will be okay ," I whisper to Him.
Katsuki POV 💥
Why is she holding his hand . If she so fucking great then why is she holding Deku hand . The more he thought about it the more it really piss him off.
He so fucking happy about it . Like he something special. He is no one . Everyone so fucking batshit crazy over her . That's all they talk about . I'm better then her, she weak . Only on this team because of her daddy. I'll show her . I'll show everyone I'm better then her.
Aizawa called me in front of the class to show off my awesome talents . I threw over Seven hundred meters. Everyone was impressed but Y/N didn't even pay attention she was talking to stupid Deku.
First it was the running test . I was up against Y/N. I'm going to show this princess and every one how weak she is . I started to go . I was only half way there when she already portal to the finish line . Rage burn through my body .
The rest of the competition we came neck to neck . I wanted to destroy her. I don't care how gorgeous or how soft her e/c eyes are . She gonna die for embarrassing me like this . She gonna pay for making me want to have her attention.
Your PoV🖤💜🖤
This was Izuku last chance of scoring anything . Your heart was breaking for him. His poor dreams were already crumbling before his eyes . He was getting sent home. Please don't use those powers Izuku it's already over . He threw it and it went flying it went one meter far then Katsuki.
Im couldn't help but to smile . I turn around and Katsuki was right there. " Why are you smiling are you retarteded or something" he growled
What is his problem he so awful . " Just proud of my friend . It looks like he did better then you actually." She boasted .
     He grabbed a hold of my wrist " your pathetic just like the rest of them " he spat .
     " let go of me before I hurt you badly" I growled . He was under estimating me and it was the last mistake he'll ever make . My eyes must of flash res because for a second I saw fear hit his face .
    "I will kick ass when I gets the chance I'll wipe the floor with the ugly ass face of yours"
       " we'll see " I smirked . Then Aizawa gave us our score . Todoroki was first and I was second of course I hold back my powers. They are to dangerous to be use  at its fullest . Izuku place last  but eraser face announce that he lied about last going home .
     I was packing up my stuff when I got stop by Todoroki. " Hey listen I know we just met but I really want to know you better do you think we could hang out soon , here my number " he blushed and handed me a piece of paper with his name and number on it .
     " Of course, Todoroki right ? " I smiled
       " Yes , but you can call me shoto if you like . can I walk you out," he rub the back of his neck.
       " You sure it instead because of my dad right ?" I raise my eyebrows. I really hope not I want friends who like me for me .
      " No of course not , I understand what's it like being the kid of a famous dad . My dad is Endeavor."
     " I'm sorry I didn't I should of know , yes you can walk with me ." I grabbed his arm and we headed out .
     We had to shield our faces from the paparazzi . Little did we know someone got a good shot . We Made it to the car. My dad was inside of it , no one could see though because of the tinted windows.
       " Bye shoto  see you tommorw ,"
       " See you ," he replied then wave . I got into the care and my dad gave me this weird look .
        " What ?" I asked
        " Already have a boyfriend I see" he chuckle
        " it's not even like that ," My face turn red . Okay yes he very hot and sweet but I just met him .
" If they knew what a freak I am , they wouldn't be so quick to talk to me," I sigh .
" Your powers aren't who you are . Where your from don't define you ." He put his hand on my shoulder and I return it with a smile .
Katsuki POV 💥🤤
Today was irritating. I always finish first there all just idiots . She shows up thinking she better then me . Just because of her daddy and her looks . That body of her with her skirt highlighting that ass And the size of her chest . She thinks she can just control everyone will I won't for it.
I turn on the tv to get my mind off of her . The News came on . It was a reporter standing in front of U.A . I turn it up louder so I could hear .
" Turn out Y/N the gorgeous daughter of almight has spark a love interest her first day " It showed a picture of her on that half bastard arms. My blood begin to boil . I don't why I care but i do . I just hate the half and half bastard he shouldn't be all smiling like that . You would think she would have more Sense then to talk to extras .
Todoroki Pov 🤍❤️
I saw the news . Me and Y/n a couple ? I wouldn't mind . She so talented and gorgeous. Down to earth And her smile feels so contagious. My phone started to buzz. I got a text from her .
Y/N: I'm sorry did you see the news ? I didn't mean for that to happen
Todoroki: it's okay I'm the one who wanted to walk you out.
Y/N: okay well see you Tommorw todo
Todoroki : Can't wait
I smiled like a idiot at the nickname she gave me . She so cute . I decided to head off to bed who new what second day at U. A had would bring .
I got to class earlier before everyone else . Then ten minutes I see her walking in.
" Hey are you ready to get our customs today?" She asked while taking her seat next to me . Before I could answer mina appear in front of Y/n desk.
" Ooooo are you two like a couple . I saw the news yesterday it was so cuteee," she screech . Y/n face was super red , it was kind of funny.
" It's not a big deal we're just friends walking together that's it's ," she twirls her hair .
" Like anyone would ever want Y/N she so fucking ugly and dumb," bakagou laugh . I thought I saw a flash of hurt in her eyes but then then she stood up.
" At least I'm not slow And weak , I bet I could beat you in a fight . Your probably to scare though ," Y/n smirked . The whole class was shocked . No one ever dare to talk shit back to him . I felt fear go through me . Was she trying to get her self kill , I'm sure she strong . I don't know if she strong as bakagou though.
" What did you say to me you stupid bitch," he stood up and started a small explosion in his hand.
" You heard me you bastard" she floated her self off the ground and her eyes flash red . Things we're about to get real bad.
" Y/N and bakagou what do you think your doing ." Almight voice surprise everyone ." Y/N floated back down and bakagou let small explosion die off. " I'm disappointed in both of you . This is not how a hero should act."
Your POV
How embarrassing to get called out by your dad in front of your whole class. He was right though and I'm sure I will hear about this when I get home.
We head to the locker rooms to change into out costumes . My custom was like a one piece swimming suit . It was (F/c ) .It had a slit down the middle where you could see my some of my chest . Then a (f/c ) cloak with a hood. I had thigh high stocking with lacing at the top and combat boots .
" I love the costume Y/n" Momo said . Everyone agree.
We step outside to ground B . The boys were already out there I could feel eyes on me. My dad look kind of upset . Maybe this was a bad idea . Katsuki was staring at me even .
Katsuki POV
I saw her custom . Showing her body off to the whole class . They were all staring them idiots . Todoroki was looking her up and down .
" l want to be team up with that," I heard Kirishima whisper . I shot him a nasty glare.
Almight explain to us the activity we were doing .
There were gonna be two teams . A hero team and a villain team . The villain team Is supposed to protect the fake Bomb and the hero team is trying to capture it .
I got pair up with Lida . The stupid extra best stay out of my way.
" The hero team Will be Y/N and Uraraka," I saw stupid princess and shitty extra that's hangs out with Deku . High five each other like they weren't about to get there ass kicked . She was gonna pay for making it where I can't get her off of my mind . This will be fun.
Your POV 💜
I was looking for kitsuki this was how I was going to show him that he not the best . All a sudden he jumps in front of me .
"You were all talk this morning . You underestimate me Y/N . Now it's time to pay." He got his hands ready to blast me . I dodge it , it wasn't that big .
      " What is your quirk anyways?" He growl
      " None of your damn business"
       He aim another one at me . This time he was using his Grenades.
                                         Katsuki POV 💕
    It was hard to focus with that's stupid costume on her.  I heard all might voice come through my mic.
  " Katsuki don't use that attack on her you'll kill her" he said worryingly. I  rolled  his eyes . He plays favorites it's so stupid .
   " Not if she dodges it " I pulled the trigger . She made a portal causing it to go through there. She hurry made another portal right in front of me . My attack came back through it and hit me . Her team mate must of touch the bomb. A announcement came through that the hero team won.
    I got up but I was extremely swore . She was smiling at me , how disgusting. That was luck next time I'll beat her . But for now I'll keep her close .
I'll have the next chapter up soon Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it . Please send criticism on what I can do better. Don't worry bakagou we'll start soften up to you soon .
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Pluralistic: 14 Mar 2020 (Free audio of Masque of the Red Death and When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth, Ada Palmer on censorship, Women of Imagineering, Glitch unionizes, Tachyon/EFF Humble Bundle, Canada Reads postponed, data-caps and liquid bans paused, Star Wars firepits)
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Today's links
Masque of the Red Death: Macmillan Audio gave me permission to share the audiobook of my end-of-the-world novella.
When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth: A new podcast audiobook of my 2005 end-of-the-world story.
Ada Palmer on historical and modern censorship: Part of EFF's Speaking Freely project.
Glitch workers unionize: First-ever tech union formed without management opposition.
Women of Imagineering: A 384-page illustrated chronicle of the role women play in Disney theme-park design.
Tachyon celebrates 30 years of sff publishing with a Humble Bundle: DRM-free and benefits EFF.
Honest Government Ads, Covid-19 edition: Political satire is really hard, but The Juice makes it look easy.
TSA lifts liquid bans, telcos lift data caps: Almost as though there was no reason for them in the first place.
CBC postpones Canada Reads debates: But you can read a ton of the nominated books online for free.
Star Wars firepits: 750lbs of flaming backyard steel.
This day in history: 2005, 2015, 2019
Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading
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Masque of the Red Death (permalink)
Edgar Allan Poe wrote "The Masque of the Red Death" in 1842. It's about a plutocrat who throws a masked ball in his walled abbey during a plague with the intention of cheating death.
My novella "The Masque of the Red Death" is a tribute to Poe; it's from my book Radicalized. It's the story of a plute who brings his pals to his luxury bunker during civlizational collapse in the expectation of emerging once others have rebuilt.
Naturally, they assume that when they do emerge, once their social inferiors have rebooted civilization, that their incredible finance-brains, their assault rifles, and their USBs full of BtC will allow them to command a harem and live a perpetual Frazetta-painting future.
And naturally – to anyone who's read Poe – it doesn't work out for them. They discover that humanity has a shared microbial destiny and that you can't shoot germs. That every catastrophe must be answered with solidarity, not selfishness, if it is to be survived.
Like my story When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth, the Masque of the Red Death has been on a lot of people's minds lately, especially since this Guardian story of plutes fleeing to their luxury bunkers was published. Hundreds of you have sent me this.
I got the message. Yesterday, I asked my agent to see if Macmillan Audio would let me publish the audiobook of my Masque of the Red Death for free. They said yes, and asked me to remind you that the audiobook of Radicalized (which includes Masque) is available for your delectation.
I hope you'll check out the whole book. Radicalized was named one of the @WSJ's best books of 2019, and it's a finalist for Canada Reads, the national book prize. It's currently on every Canadian national bestseller list.
There's one hitch, though: Audible won't sell it to you. They don't sell ANY of my work, because I don't allow DRM on it, because I believe that you should not have to lock my audiobooks to Amazon's platform in order to enjoy them.
Instead, you can buy the audio from sellers like libro.fm, Downpour.com, and Google Play. Or you can get it direct from me. No DRM, no license agreement. Just "you bought it, you own it."
And here's the free Macmillan Audio edition of Masque of the Red Death, read with spine-chilling menace by the incredible Stefan Rudnicki, with a special intro from me, freshly mastered by John Taylor Williams. I hope it gives you some comfort.
(Here's the direct MP3, too)
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Ada Palmer on historical and modern censorship (permalink)
My EFF colleague Jillian C York's latest project is Speaking Freely, a series of interviews with people about free expression and the internet, including what Neil Gaiman memorably called "icky speech."
The latest interview subject is the incomparable Ada Palmer: historian, sf writer, musician, and co-host of last year's U Chicago seminar series on "systems of information control during information revolutions," which I co-taught with her. Ada's interview synthesizes her historian's distance from the subject ("yes, this is my subject, and these people are terrible, and it's kind of fun in that way") with her perspective as a writer and advocate for free speech.
"One of the victims of censorship is the future capacity to tell histories of the period when censorship happened….. It renders that historical record unreliable… makes it easier for people to make claims you can't refute using historical sources… It's similar to how we see people invalidating things now—like 'that climate study wasn't really valid because it got funding from a leftist political group"—they're invalidating the material by claiming that there has to be insincerity its development.
"Pretty much every censoring operation post-printing press recognizes that it isn't possible to track down and destroy every copy of a thing…An Inquisition book burning was the ceremonial burning of one copy. The Inquisition kept examples of all of the books they banned."
Fascinating perspecting on whether nongovernmental action can really be called "censorship."
"The Inquisition wasn't the state – it was a private org like to Doctors Without Borders or Unicef, run by private orgs like the Dominicans and it often competed with the state." As she points out, everything the Inquisition did would be fine alongside the First Amendment, because it was entirely private action.
Next, Palmer talks about market concentration and how it abets this kind of private censorship. This is something I've written a lot about, see for example:
"If you have a plural set of voices, then you're always going to have some spaces where things can be said, just like you have a plurality of printers printing books, and some will only print orthodox things and some will only print radical ones."
And while the internet could afford many venues for speech, in practice a concentrated internet makes is plausible to accomplish the censor's never-realized dream: "You can make a program that can hunt down every instance of a particular phrase and erase it."
Tiny architectural choices make big differences here ("Architecture is politics" -Mitch Kapor). Amazon can update your Kindle books without your permission, Kobo can't. Amazon could delete every instance of a book on Kindles, but Kobo would need cooperation from its customers.
Palmer is just the latest subject of Jillian's series. You can read many other amazing interviews here:
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When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth (permalink)
Over the past two weeks, hundreds of people have written to me to draw comparisons between the pandemic emergency and my 2005 story "When Sysamins Ruled the Earth" – an apocalyptic tale of network administrators who survive a civilizational collapse.
I started writing this story in the teacher's quarters at the Clarion Workshop, which was then hosted at MSU. It was July 6, 2005. I know the date because the next day was 7/7, when bombs went off across London, blowing up the tube train my wife normally rode to work. The attacks also took out the bus I normally rode to my office. My wife was late to work because I was in Michigan, so she slept in. It probably saved her life. I couldn't work on this story for a long time after.
Eventually, I finished it and sold it to Eric Flint for Baen's Universe magazine. It's been widely reprinted and adapted, including as a comic:
I read this for my podcast 15 years ago, too, but the quality is terrible. The more I thought about it, the more I thought I should do a new reading. So I did, and John Taylor Williams mastered it overnight and now it's live.
There's a soliloquy in this where the protagonist reads a part of John Perry Barlow's Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace. Rather than read it myself for the podcast, I ganked some of Barlow's own 2015 reading, which is fucking magnificent.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. I've spent a lot of imaginary time inhabiting various apocalypses, driven (I think) by my grandmother's horrific stories of being inducted into the civil defense corps during the Siege of Leningrad, which began when she was 12.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. I've spent a lot of imaginary time inhabiting various apocalypses, driven (I think) by my grandmother's horrific stories of being inducted into the civil defense corps during the Siege of Leningrad, which began when she was 12.
You can subscribe to the podcast here:
And here's the MP3, which is hosted by the @internetarchive (they'll host your stuff for free, too!).
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Glitch workers unionize (permalink)
The staff of Glitch have formed a union. It seems to be the first-ever white-collar tech-workers' union to have formed without any objections from management (bravo, Anil Dash!).
The workers organized under the Communications Workers of America, which has been organizing tech shops through their Campaign to Organize Digital Employees.
"We appreciate that unlike so many employers, the Glitch management team decided to respect the rights of its workforce to choose union representation without fear or coercion."
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Women of Imagineering (permalink)
Next October, Disney will publish "Women of Imagineering: 12 Careers, 12 Theme Parks, Countless Stories," a 384-page history of a dozen pioneering woman Imagineers.
Featured are Elisabete Erlandson, Julie Svendsen, Maggie Elliott, Peggy Fariss, Paula Dinkel, Karen Connolly Armitage, Katie Olson, Becky Bishop, Tori Atencio, Lynne Macer Rhodes, Kathy Rogers, and Pam Rank.
When I worked at Imagineering, the smartest, most talented, most impressive staff I knew were women (like Sara Thacher!). It's amazing to see the women of the organization get some long-overdue recognition.
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Tachyon celebrates 30 years of sff publishing with a Humble Bundle (permalink)
For 30 years, @TachyonPub has been publishing outstanding science fiction, including a wide range of stuff that's too weird or marginal for the Big 5 publishers, like collections of essays and collections.
Now, they've teamed up with Humble Bundle to celebrate their 30th with a huge pay-what-you-like bundle that benefits EFF. There are so many great books in this bundle!
Like Bruce Sterling's Pirate Utopia, Eileen Gunn's Stable Strategies, and books by Michael Moorcock, Thomas Disch, Jo Walton, Jane Yolen, Nick Mamatas, Kameron Hurley, Lauren Beukes, Lavie Tidhar and so many more!
I curated the very first Humble Ebook Bundle and I've followed all the ones since. This one is fucking amazeballs. Run, don't walk.
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Honest Government Ads, Covid-19 edition (permalink)
Good political satire is hard, but @thejuicemedia's "Honest Government Ads" are consistently brilliant.
The latest is, of course, Covi9-19 themed. It is funny, trenchant, and puts the blame exactly where it belongs.
If you like it, you can support their Patreon.
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TSA lifts liquid bans, telcos lift data caps (permalink)
Your ISP is likely to lift its data-caps in the next day or two. @ATT and @comcast already did.
And TSA has decided that 12 ounces of any liquid labelled "hand sanitizer" is safe for aviation, irrespective of what's in the bottle.
What do these two facts have in common? Obviously, it's that the official narrative for things that impose enormous financial costs on Americans, and dramatically lower their quality of lives, were based on lies. These lies have been obvious from the start. The liquid ban, for example, is based on a plot that never worked (making binary explosives in airport bathroom sinks from liquids) and seems unlikely to ever have worked, according to organic chemists.
Keeping your "piranha bath" near 0' C for a protracted period in the bathroom toilet is some varsity-level terrorism, and the penalty for failure is that you maim or blind yourself with acid spatter.
And even if you stipulate that the risk is real, it's been obvious for 14 years that multiple 3oz bottles of Bad Liquid could be recombined beyond the checkpoint to do whatever it is liquids do at 3.0001oz.The liquid ban isn't just an inconvenience. It's not even just a burden on travelers who've collectively spent billions to re-purchase drinks and toiletries. It's a huge health burden to people with disabilities who rely on constant access to liquids.
And as we knew all along, the liquid ban was a nonsense, an authoritarian response to a cack-handed, improbable terror plot. It embodies the "security syllogism":
Something must be done. There, I've done something.
Think of all those checkpoints where all confiscated liquids were dumped into a giant barrel and mingled together: if liquids posed an existential threat to planes, they'd dispose of them like they were C4, not filtered water. No one believed in the liquid threat, ever. TSA can relax the restrictions and allow 12oz of anything labeled as hand-san through the checkpoints. There was no reason to confiscate liquids in the first place. But don't expect them to admit this. The implicit message of the change is "Pandemics make liquids safe."
Now onto data-caps. Like the liquid ban, data-caps have imposed a tremendous cost on Americans. In addition to the hundreds of millions in monopoly rents extracted from the nation by telcos through overage charges, these caps also shut many out of the digital world. They represent a regressive tax on information, one that falls worst upon the most underserved in the nation: people in poor and rural places, for whom online access is a gateway to civic and political life, family connection, employment and education.
We were told that we had to tolerate these caps because of the "tragedy of the commons," a fraudulent idea from economics that says that shared resources are destroyed through selfish overuse, based on no data or evidence.
(By contrast, actual commons are a super-efficient way of managing resources)
Telcos insisted that if they didn't throttle and gouge us, their networks would become unusable – but really, what they meant is that if they didn't throttle and gouge us, the windfall to their shareholders would decline.
What's more likely: that pandemics make network management tools so efficient that data-caps become obsolete, or that they were a shuck and a ripoff from day one, enabled by a hyper-concentrated industry of monopolists with cozy relationships with corrupt regulators?
So yeah, maybe this is the moment that kills Security Theater and data-caps.
(Image: Rhys Gibson)
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CBC postpones Canada Reads debates (permalink)
The folks at the @CBC have postponed next week's televised Canada Reads debates, so we're going to have to wait a while to find out who wins the national book prize.
Obviously, this is a bummer, though equally obviously, it's a relatively small consequence of this ghastly circumstance.
And on the bright side, the CBC have just released a ton of excerpts from the nominees:
If you're looking for some Canada Reads lit for this moment, my novella "Masque of the Red Death" appears in my collection Radicalized, one of the finalists. I put up the story as a free podast last night (thanks to Macmillan Audio for permission).
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Star Wars firepits (permalink)
West Coast Firepits went viral when they produced a Death Star firepit, though of course, I lusted after their Tiki Firepit.
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But now they're really leaning into the Star Wars themed pits, with an Interceptor pit ($2500):
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Or, if you prefer a post-apocalyptic version, there's a Crashed Interceptor pit, also $2500.
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If those prices seem high, consider that they're hand-made onshore, and contain 750lbs of 1/4" and 1/8" steel.
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This day in history (permalink)
#15yrsago How DRM will harm the developing world https://web.archive.org/web/20050317005030/https://www.eff.org/IP/DRM/itu_drm.php
#5yrsago Anti-vaxxer ordered to pay EUR100K to winner of "measles aren't real" bet https://calvinayre.com/2015/03/13/business/biologist-ordered-to-pay-e100k-after-losing-wager-that-a-virus-causes-measles/
#1yrago A massive victory for fair use in the longrunning Dr Seuss vs Star Trek parody lawsuit https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20190313/09554041791/big-fair-use-win-mashups-places-youll-boldly-go-deemed-to-be-fair-use.shtml
#1yrago A detailed analysis of American ER bills reveals rampant, impossible-to-avoid price-gouging https://www.vox.com/health-care/2018/12/18/18134825/emergency-room-bills-health-care-costs-america
#1yrago Ketamine works great for depression and other conditions, and costs $10/dose; the new FDA-approved "ketamine" performs badly in trials and costs a fortune https://slatestarcodex.com/2019/03/11/ketamine-now-by-prescription/
#1yrago Facebook and Big Tech are monopsonies, even when they're not monopolies https://www.wired.com/story/facebook-not-monopoly-but-should-broken-up/
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Colophon (permalink)
Today's top sources: EFF Deeplinks (https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/), Waxy (https://waxy.org/), Slashdot https://slashdot.org).
Currently writing: I've just finished rewrites on a short story, "The Canadian Miracle," for MIT Tech Review. It's a story set in the world of my next novel, "The Lost Cause," a post-GND novel about truth and reconciliation. I've also just completed "Baby Twitter," a piece of design fiction also set in The Lost Cause's prehistory, for a British think-tank. I'm getting geared up to start work on the novel next.
Currently reading: Just started Lauren Beukes's forthcoming Afterland: it's Y the Last Man plus plus, and two chapters in, it's amazeballs. Last month, I finished Andrea Bernstein's "American Oligarchs"; it's a magnificent history of the Kushner and Trump families, showing how they cheated, stole and lied their way into power. I'm getting really into Anna Weiner's memoir about tech, "Uncanny Valley." I just loaded Matt Stoller's "Goliath" onto my underwater MP3 player and I'm listening to it as I swim laps.
Latest podcast: When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth https://craphound.com/podcast/2020/03/13/when-sysadmins-ruled-the-earth-2/
Upcoming books: "Poesy the Monster Slayer" (Jul 2020), a picture book about monsters, bedtime, gender, and kicking ass. Pre-order here: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781626723627?utm_source=socialmedia&utm_medium=socialpost&utm_term=na-poesycorypreorder&utm_content=na-preorder-buynow&utm_campaign=9781626723627
(we're having a launch for it in Burbank on July 11 at Dark Delicacies and you can get me AND Poesy to sign it and Dark Del will ship it to the monster kids in your life in time for the release date).
"Attack Surface": The third Little Brother book, Oct 20, 2020. https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250757531
"Little Brother/Homeland": A reissue omnibus edition with a new introduction by Edward Snowden: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250774583
27 notes · View notes
ikenbar · 4 years
Mr. Love: Ike’s Choice Ch2 Pt 5
Warnings: G A V I N  F L U F F CITY! ALL ABOARD THE GAVIN FLUFF TRAIN!! TOOT TOOOT, slight angst? Honestly mostly fluff though lol, also sassy Ike. Sassy Ike for the win. Oh, and cliffhangers :D
(Chapter two’s prologue, parts one, two, three, and four here :))
((Please read the author’s note (and the beginning of the story) on chapter one part one if you’re new here :D))
Chapter two:
Part five:
The ride back to the bus stop was practically silent. All that could be heard was the car's motor and our steady breathing as we sat in silence. I was staring blankly out the open window in the front seat of the car. To my dismay, all of the traffic lights were against me as we hit every red light to the bus stop. I had scooted myself as far as I could to the door and away from Gavin and tried distracting myself with the scenery outside, but all I could think about were Gavin's harsh words. Do you know who you are mimicking when you act that way? Your father! The lump in my throat was back. He wasn't talking about Bart. He was talking about my fourth foster father.  The foster parent who gave me all the scars I struggled to hide everyday. Both the mental ones and the physical ones. Gavin didn’t know all that though. All Gavin knew was what the police had on file. That one day, I had brought in my abusive foster father to the police department to be arrested and tried for domestic abuse. I rubbed my arm slightly as I remembered what happened that day. The movement was enough to stir Gavin into starting a conversation.
He cleared his throat awkwardly, "We, uh, are almost there."
"Yeah," I mumbled, leaning on the palm of my hand as I watched the buildings go by us, “I hope my bike wasn’t stolen while you held me hostage in the break room.”
 “...is that your only mode of transportation?” Gavin’s tone made it seem like he wanted to make peace. I wasn't having it.
“I’m more concerned that I’d have to go back to the police station to make a report.” 
“Oh come on, Ike.” Gavin gave an exasperated sigh, “You aren’t the only one bothered by this partnership, you know?” I looked over at Gavin. Did he really think I was angry at him because we were working together? What is it with him?!
“I’m surprised you heard him," I growled through my teeth, "from how much you were kissing his-”
"And we are here!” Gavin raised his voice and interrupted me, “I assume this is your bike?” Indeed it was. It was parked in the same place I had left it. It looked fine. Nothing out of the ordinary. Thank goodness. I moved to unbuckle my seatbelt but Gavin stopped me by placing his hand over mine. I snapped my head towards him and flicked his hand away.
"Listen." His voice was soft again. The sound made me want to punch him in his gentle face, "I know how you feel about the police, but I also know you have a good moral compass. Though it may need some readjustment… you know that this guy needs to be taken down. Especially, If he is targeting Evolvers. We need to work together for this. So, at least this once, can we make a truce?" I stared at Gavin. This man. Who does he think he is fooling!? With the serious tone and the empty words… and the gentle look… and the soft voice… I sighed.
"Be at my place by six o'clock." I said, pushing open the door, "and bring the files. We can study there." Gavin nodded gratefully. 
“Right.” He said seriously but there was a slight tone of relief, “Thank you Ike.” I felt my cheeks burn slightly. Whether it was from embarrassment or from anger, I didn’t know. I turned away quickly and got out of the car
 "And don't eat dinner.” I huffed, “I've been simmering bone broth since yesterday and I don't want it to go to waste."
"You… cook?" Gavin asked, surprised.
"I do have a life you know." I shut the door and leaned on the open window, "Just because I like getting on your nerves, it doesn’t mean it’s my only pass time. Don't be late." Gavin nodded again.
"Don’t worry. I can't pass up the chance to eat a free home cooked meal made by the Ikamara Bikira.” Gavin smirked, “Especially after eating nothing but 'Cup 'O Sodium’ for the past week." 
"Who said it was free?" I teased, "Later."
"Goodbye." Gavin pulled the car out of park. I stepped back and allowed him to drive away, watching him as he left. Mixed feelings overlapped my mind in a way they never had before. I shook my head and tried composing myself. He was still the rotten cop that hated me and I him. That gentleness about him was just an illusion he set up to try to get me to drop my guard. That wasn't happening. He wasn't going to get me with that stupid smile. I wasn't having it.
I put on a tough face as I walked to my bike. I had work I needed to get done. I wasn't going to spend my time thinking about Gavin.
I stirred the soup anxiously.  I couldn't pay attention to work at all that day. All I could think about was Gavin the case. And how to solve the case. And the lives in danger because of the case. And how the case insulted me and almost got me in trouble with the chief. And how the case was challenging and impossibly irritating… why did I feel so drawn to hi- It… the case.
I sighed as I looked down at my watch. 6:20. He should have been here by now. What was keeping him? If this was some ploy to get me irritated, it was working. I contemplated pulling out my phone to call the police station when I heard a knock at the door. I quickly walked out of the kitchen and reached for the door knob, but I stopped myself. If he made me wait, I can make him wait too.
"Who is it?" I asked innocently.
"... it's Gavin." The guilty party answered.
"Gavin?" I leaned against the door casually and looked at my nails, which were filled with flour from the noodles I had made, "It can't be Gavin. Gavin was supposed to be here by six."
"I know." Gavin sighed, "The line at the store was longer than expected."
"A likely story." I responded angrily, masking my obvious confusion, "... what were you doing at the store?"
"If you open the door, I'll show you."
I rolled my eyes but complied. Gavin was standing there, still dressed in his uniform, but he also had a satchel across his chest and was holding a bottle of scotch. I arched an eyebrow.
"I, uh," Gavin started, rubbing his neck with his free hand as a redness blossomed through his ears, "I didn't want to come over empty handed." Watching him struggling with awkwardness erased my anger towards his tardiness immediately. 
I sighed and took the bottle from him. I walked into the apartment, leaving the door open behind me. "Make yourself at home." I waved casually behind me to welcome him in, “The bathroom is up the stair and to the right. Dinner will be done soon."
"It smells great." Gavin said politely as he walked into the room and shut the door behind him. I stalled as I opened the cupboard above me. Man, it was weird to hear him compliment me. And so sincerely too.
"Thanks." I responded slowly, as I reached for a couple of glasses, “It’s a… family recipe.” There was a moment of quiet in the room. I could hear Gavin shucking off his bag and shoes as he made himself at home. The floorboards creaked as he slowly walked further into my apartment. I opened the bottle of scotch and poured it into the glasses. The air in the room had gotten tense and slightly awkward. Half of me wanted to retreat in the bathroom and never come out. The other half wanted to prove to Gavin that I wasn’t afraid of working with him… because I definitely wasn’t afraid of working with him. It had seemed like forever before Gavin’s voice finally cut through the air.
“You… kept the yearbook.” Gavin said this quietly, almost as if it was to himself. I turned around and saw that he was standing in front of the entertainment center with my old high school yearbook in his hands. 
“Uh, yeah.” I picked up the glasses and walked over to him, “Loveland high. I spent my freshman year there. I had to leave early because… of... my dad.” Gavin looked up and caught my eyes in his. His eyes were traced with a complicated expression. He and I were thinking about the same thing. About what happened in the police station earlier that day. The air around us got even more tense. 
To stop him from bringing up the topic, I handed him one of the glasses. He pulled his eyes away from me and to the glass, which he gladly accepted. I brought my attention to the yearbook in his hands, reminiscing about the school as I did. “I never really liked my time there. The kids were so judgemental because I couldn’t afford to have a nice closet like them… and I secluded myself a lot…” I looked closely at the faces on the pages, “Geez I don’t remember a single one of these kids.”
“Then… why did you keep the yearbook?”
“Because,” I placed my glass down on the entertainment center and took the book from Gavin. I started flipping through the pages, “Word had gotten around about what happened with my foster father. The school gave me the first copy of the year book and got as many students to sign it as they could. Most of the things written was stuff like, ‘I’m sorry to see you go!’ and ‘I wish I had gotten to know you better!’ What a bunch of frauds.” Gavin shifted his feet slightly next to me. “But, there was one response that seemed genuine.” The book opened to the page I continuously looked back on. It was the sophomore class’s group photo page. Handwritten notes had been scribbled all over but my eyes were set on the only one written in blue ink. I handed the book back to Gavin and pointed it out.
“‘I know you are more than what they say you are.’” Gavin read out loud, “‘Don’t let their words keep you from flying.’”
“I could only bring myself to read the notes when I was in my senior year.” I found myself saying this without realizing it, “This one was the one that convinced me that it didn’t matter who said what about me. If that one person, out of the hundreds in that whole school, really cared about me, the others were faceless. The times they had bullied me for being different were just... confetti. Meaningless decoration at the world’s best party.” I looked fondly at the blue ink on the page.
“That’s beautiful.” Gavin’s voice snapped me back to reality. I looked up at him and saw that his complicated gaze had never left me. I looked down and cleared my throat as warmth spread through my cheeks.
“Yeah, well,” I said as I reached for my glass again, “That’s all in the past now.” I turned and walked back to the kitchen, “It is a bummer that I can’t thank whoever wrote that, though.”
“Why not?”
“Cause they didn’t sign their name.” I turned into the kitchen and placed my glass on the bar. I took a spoon to the soup and stirred it slightly. “Dinner’s do-” I looked up from the pot and to Gavin. His face was twisted into a disgruntled emotion as he stared intently at the yearbook. “You alright there, Birdcop?” I asked. Gavin snapped his attention to me.
“Yeah.” He dismissively said, closing the book and placing it back on the shelf, “It’s just… nothing. It’s nothing" Gavin clapped his hands and walked over to the bar, “So, Birdcop is sticking, huh?"
"Yup!" I deadpanned, "You're not getting out of this one, Birdcop."
Gavin hummed his retort as he leaned against the bar. He was quiet for a moment, then he spoke timidly, "So, you don’t remember anyone from that school? Not a single person?”
“Not really.” I simply said, turning the stove off and pulling a couple of bowls out from the cupboard next to me, “There was no one really worth remembering.”
“Ah. I see.” Gavin sounded almost disappointed. I looked up at him. He had his head resting on the palm of his hand, looking down at the bar in thought. A question popped into my mind.
“Gavin, were you a student at Loveland high?” I asked slowly. Gavin looked up at me.
“What?” Gavin nervously chuckled, his posture straightening slightly. 
“You heard me.” I arched my eyebrow.
“Well…” Gavin struggled with the frog in his throat, unintentionally answering my question. I walked briskly back to the entertainment center and pulled the yearbook back out.
“No, don’t!” Gavin pleaded as he stood up from the bar and followed me to the living space. I flipped back through the pictures quickly until I landed on a familiar face. It was Gavin alright but he looked much younger and childish in the photo. His hair was messy and his face was a lot more rounded. He had a bandage on his cheek, as well as a soft smile on his lips. His outfit donned a casual hoodie that had a very sporadic design on it.
“Here you are!,” I teased Gavin as he grew closer, “I don't know why I didn't recognize you before! Aw, you look adorable!” Gavin grabbed for the yearbook but I skillfully dodged him.
“Ike, come on.” He pleaded as he went to grab it again. I held out my hand, pushed against his chest, and turned my body away from him so his arms couldn’t reach the book.
“Lookit you! That is such a stylish hoodie you've got on! Who knew Birdcop had a sense of style!" I read the top of the page, "It says here you were a sophomore when the year I was there. Hey! Maybe you could-” 
I felt a hand close around my wrist. Before I knew it, I was pulled into Gavin’s chest. My arm was pulled up and away from me, being tightly held so I couldn’t pull it away. A second hand was placed around my waist, stopping me from pushing away from him. The yearbook was shoved uncomfortably between us, though I paid no mind to it. 
Gavin gave me a playful glare… but soon it melted from his face as our eyes locked. The air around us got tense again but it wasn’t the tenseness I was used to with him. It was almost as gentle as it was captivating. The ambient noises of the apartment faded out and the only thing that could be heard was a strong heartbeat, though it was unclear who it belonged to. We were so close I could feel his short and warm breath on my forehead. As well as his body warmth through his clothes. It was then when I finally noticed his loosened tie and the undone button on his shirt, showing part is collarbone and an old scar that he wore proudly. I felt his grasp on my wrist loosen as he slowly lowered my arm. His hand fell from mine as he placed it onto my back, pulling us even closer. The only thing reflected in his eyes was me, as was the only thing in my eyes was him. The heat from Gavin’s hand slowly started melting something within my heart. Something that had been frozen over for so long. A warm feeling started making its way through my body and pushed past the barrier which I had put up such a long time ago...
“Ike.” Gavin’s voice was the softest I have ever heard it, making me become aware of the situation we were in. “I-” 
I forced Gavin away from me. 
“What’s wrong?” Gavin’s voice was still soft. It made me cringe slightly. 
“N-nothing.” I backed further away, avoiding eye contact with him. I held the yearbook close to my chest. This is all just a ploy for him to get under my skin. I assured myself as I tapped at the yearbook, To get my hopes up, only to demolish them at their peak. To use me then leave me. Just like everyone else did. Just like every man did. Just like any cop would. I racked my mind for an excuse to get away from him. “I… don’t want the soup to burn.” I managed to find the professional tone that I held before as I quickly turned from Gavin. I threw the yearbook onto the couch. I’m not going to let Gavin be the one to break down my well built walls. We are here on business. That is all. Not to reminisce of the past. Not to joke around. Not to be that close. Not to feel that warmth... The warmth that felt so nice... No, Just to find the man who ordered the hit on me. That was all. I straightened my posture into one of defiance as I felt my heart freeze over again. I put back up the barriers I had almost dropped as I entered the kitchen. 
9 notes · View notes
🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 011 [A Hero’s Style]
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📑 Table of Contents | ◂Backward
Word Count: 2,490 ☁
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
〈“It’s the very first breath, When your head’s been drowning underwater, And it’s the lightness in the air when you’re there.” Logic ft. Alessia Cara, “1-800-273-8255″〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
The door to the nurse’s office slid open and the boy with the messy green hair stepped inside. He was cradling his right hand, the index finger swollen and badly bruised. I sat up on the bed, rising a brow at him. “The fuck happened to you?”
His gaze shot up, a blush covering his freckled cheeks and nose. “A-Ah, it was n-nothing, really!”
My eyes narrowed at him. “Pretty sure a broken finger ain’t ‘nothing’, but okay.”
“W-What about you?” he asked, softly, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He refused to meet my gaze. “A-Are you okay, Winchester-san?”
The door slid open again and Granny stepped inside. “Can I help you, deary? What happened?”
He handed her a slip of paper, his green eyes trained on the ground. “I, umm… I got hurt…”
“Well, I can see that.” She brought his hand to her lips and gave it a smooch before having him sit down to wrap it up. He thanked her before swaying out of the room, tiredly. She glanced over at me. “Feeling better?”
“Define ‘better’,” I scoffed, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. “I could go for some tacos, if that’s what you mean.”
“That’s the best I could hope for,” she smiled, patting my arm. “You’re free to go.”
I gave her a lazy salute before leaving the room. I stopped off to change back into my uniform before heading back to class. A couple students still lingered inside, turning to look at me when I slid the door open. Didn’t anyone ever teach these brats it’s rude to stare? I scowled, grabbing my bag from my desk before leaving the room.
“Young Jen!” A woosh of air rushed past me before Toshi appeared in front of me, his large hands on my shoulders. “I was looking for you!”
“Well, you found me. And you know where I live, so.”
“Come with me, please!”
It was a bit hard to avoid drawing attention to myself when I was being dragged along by the most attention-grabbing hero in the fucking world. He led me to a small room with a couch and coffee table, where three cups of steaming tea sat. Aizawa was sitting in an armchair with his eyes closed and arms crossed.
“Please have a seat,” Toshi held out his arm toward the couch and I plopped down on the end closest to Aizawa. He sat beside me, angling his large body, which slowly fizzled out to his skeletal form. He coughed a few times before speaking. “Will you tell me what happened today?”
“With the green-haired kid? Yeah, I was wondering about that, too. A broken finger is pretty crazy, huh?”
“Jen,” Aizawa shifted, giving me a pointed look.
I shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t fucking know. One minute I was fine, the next I’m being subdued by Magic Eraser over here.”
Toshi put his hand on my knee, giving me a kind look. “You know you don’t have to keep secrets from us. You can be honest, you can trust us, we won’t judge you. We just want to help you.”
I clicked my tongue, lifting my leg to rest my ankle on my knee to remove his hand. “That’s pretty unfair, Toshi, when you have so many secrets of your own. Trust you? That’s rich considering you won’t even trust me.”
“What are you talking about, Young J -”
“You know a shit ton more about my dear old mum than you’re willing to tell, aye?” I forced a smile, standing up and shoving my hands in my pockets. “Probably about me, too. And this damned quirk. But that’s fine. I really don’t remember anything that happened so can I go now?”
The two of them exchanged a look.
“This isn’t over,” Aizawa responded, but his voice was softer than it had been earlier.
“Sure, sure.” I waved at them over my shoulder before closing the door behind me.
As I walked home, my phone started to buzz in my pocket as a new message came through. Another a few minutes later. And another. My eye twitched, already annoyed. I swear to god if Murder is spamming me again… but I knew it could only be him. I only have three contacts in my phone – Aizawa never texts me and I knew Toshi would be giving me some space for a while before trying to talk things out.
At that moment, I was overcome by a loneliness fiercer than I had ever felt before.
‘Oi, extra’
‘Dont ignore me’
‘I want a rematch’
The hell is this kid on about now? I replied, ‘U won last time bro…’
‘Its not a win unless i destroy u completely!’
I rubbed the back of my neck, ‘Im really not in the mood for this’
‘Che what crawled up ur ass and died?’
I hesitated, stopping to look up at the sky. The blue was replaced by hues of orange and red as the sun sunk low on the horizon. We’ve only talked a few times, but I felt… a bond with Murder and, right now, he’s the closest thing to a friend that I’ve got. ‘Hey… I wanna tell u somethin’
‘Oh god i dont want ur nudes’
This fuckin’ brat… ‘I said tell not show dumbass’
‘The fuckd u just call me bitch?!’
I slid my key into the lock, stepping into the silent apartment. I kicked my shoes off, pushing them against the wall so Toshi wouldn’t trip when he finally returned home. Falling onto the couch, another message came through.
‘Well r u gonna tell me or nah’
I smiled, sadly and began to tell him my story. I told him about how I got here and about the shadow man with his weird-ass warp quirk, about Gramps and how my mother was apparently a hero. I left out names and key details, of course, but I told him mostly everything that had happened over the past year. He would chime in with some smart ass remark every now and then, but I ignored them and continued to pour my heart out to this guy I had only just met a few days ago.
It felt so goddamn nice to get everything off my chest. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
That night, I slept better than I had since I arrived here.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
“I am… HERE!” The door to class 1-A slammed open and Toshi leaned into the room, standing on his tiptoes and holding the outside of the doorframe. “Coming through the door like a hero!”
If that’s how heroes make an entrance, count me out. It seemed to impress the other students, though, as a murmur of excitement filled the room. God, these kids are too easily amused.
“I can’t believe it’s really All Might!”
“So he is a teacher! This year is going to be totally awesome!”
“Hey look, is he wearing his silver age costume?”
“I’m getting goosebumps, it’s so retro!”
I fell onto my desk with a sigh. It’s like a bunch of little kids meeting Santa at the mall. I guess I could kind of understand it if he had powers but they didn’t, but they do. They’re no different from him, they’re just younger. I was thankful to be sitting behind Big Boobs – between her tall frame and gravity-defying hair, I was completely hidden from Toshi’s line of sight. We hadn’t talked since yesterday. I was asleep by the time he came home, and he was gone before I woke up.
“Welcome to the most important class at U.A. High – think of it was heroing 101!”
I don’t think ‘heroing’ is a word. Or is it? Scratching my cheek, I pulled out my phone, hiding it under my desk as I typed the word into the Goggle. Oh my god, the first result that comes up says the word ‘heroing’ means the opposite of being a hero! There’s also a mention of something about heroines. I scoff, earning a glare from the Peppermint that sits beside Big Boobs.
“Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro! And what it means to fight in the name of good. Let’s get into it! Today’s lesson, we’ll pull no punches!” He held out a card that said ‘battle’ in large, bold letters.
“Fight training!”
“But one of the keys of being a hero is~” Toshi pointed to the left wall as thin shelves emerged from it, holding numbered cases. “Looking good! There were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the request you sent in before school started. Get yourself suited up and then meet me at training ground beta!”
“Yes, sir!”
I waited until he left the room before standing up and grabbing case number twenty-one, following the throng of students as they rushed to the locker rooms to get changed. I went to the back of the room, hoping to avoid the other girls before sliding my shirt off.
“Woah, you have a tattoo? That’s so cool!”
I glanced over at the Punk Girl, earphone jacks hanging from her ear lobes. I grunted in response, turning my back to her. She muttered something about being rude before walking away from me. I glanced over my ‘costume’ before grunting in approval. Honestly, I had expected them to fuck it up, especially since Midnight didn’t approve of it, but I was surprised that they had kept it just as specified.
Black, steel-toe combat boots accompanying black baggy cargo pants with plenty of pockets for knives. A black belt with a silver skull buckle. A white wife beater, over which was a white overshirt, the sleeves stopping just past my elbows. I glanced in the mirror, putting my pendant under the tanktop before tucking the front of it behind the belt buckle. Damn, I really like this look.
I stepped out of the locker room ahead of most of the girls, seeing a few guys leaning against the wall outside, waiting. Fumi was among them, dressed in a black cloak that completely covered his body. He glanced at me when I approached, red eyes scanning my body.
“You look nice, Winchester-san.” He said, politely.
I chuckled. “You can use my first name, it’s easier. And you don’t look so bad yourself, Fumi.”
“Fumi?” he mused, following in step beside me as we headed down the hall.
“Don’t like it?” I asked, glancing at him.
“I don’t particularly mind,”
I hummed.
As the group reached the end of the long hallway, I could hear Toshi’s booming voice before I saw him.
“They say that clothes make the pros, young ladies and gentlemen. And behold – you are the proof! Take this to heart, from now on, you are all heroes in training!” His shadowed eyes scanned the crowd. “This is getting me all revved up! You look so cool! Now, shall we get started, you bunch of newbies?”
My eye twitched. Who the fuck is he callin’ a ‘newbie’? Didn’t that insult die like five years ago? We’ve talked about this, man, don’t try to be hip, you’re just gonna embarrass yourself, bro. I sighed, shaking my head. This is gonna be a long-ass day.
Footsteps came from the tunnel and I glanced over my shoulder. Is that… a green bunny? No, no, no, there’s something familiar about that costume, but what is it? Ugh, this is gonna bug me.
“Now that you’re ready, it’s time for combat training!”
“Sir!” Prep was encased in a suit of armor. “This is the fake city from our entrance exam. Does that mean we will be conducting urban battles again?”
“Not quite!” Toshi held up two fingers and at first, I thought he was flashing us the peace sign. “I’m going to move you two steps ahead! Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However, statistically speaking, run-ins with the most dastardly evil-doers take place indoors. Think about it! Backroom deals. Home invasions. Secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows. For this training exercise, you’ll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys, and fight two on two indoor battles!”
Good guys and bad guys? That’s such a gray area, ain’t it? I leaned my arm on Fumi’s shoulder, scratching my cheek. Is anyone truly ‘good’ or ‘bad’, really?
“Isn’t this a little advanced?” Frog-girl asked.
“The best training is what you get on the battlefield! But, remember, you can’t just punch a robot this time. You’re dealing with actual people now.”
Actual people, huh? Should I avoid using my quirk? If I lose control again, there’s no Aizawa around to stop me. Someone could get seriously hurt or… I shook my head. Come on, don’t think that way. Just take a deep breath, you got this.
“Sir, will you be the one deciding who wins?” Probably.
“How much can we hurt the other team?” How villainous.
“Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled liked earlier?” No, ’cause Toshi ain’t Aizawa.
“Will you be splitting us up based on chance or comparative skill?” Should be obvious it’s gonna be random.
“Isn’t this cape pre chic?” What the fuck is wrong with you, French Fry?
I sweatdropped. These guys are really fucking nuts, aren’t they?
Toshi held his head back, his voice strangled. “I wasn’t finished talking…” He reached into his costume, which I didn’t know had pockets, and pulled out a small notebook about the size of his palm, flipping it open as he held each side with one hand. “Listen up!”
Oh my fucking god, he wrote a script for this? “This class is a hot fucking mess…”
“The situation is this: The villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The heroes must try to foil their plans. To do that, the good guys either have to catch the evildoers or recover the weapon. Likewise, the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the heroes. Time is limited and we’ll choose teams by drawing lots!” He held up a bright, yellow box.
“Isn’t there a better way?” Prep asked.
“Think about it,” Green Bunny responded from beside him, holding up a gloved finger. “Pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot. So maybe that’s the reason we’re seeing that here!”
“Yes, I see. Life is a random series of events… Excuse my rudeness!”
I should really learn these guy’s names, but how can I do that without actually having to interact with them? I wonder if Aizawa or Tosh would let me see the student files… that seems pretty doubtful. Plus, Tosh hasn’t looked at me once so he’s probably still upset with me.
“No sweat! Let’s draw!”
Yup, this is definitely going to be a long-ass fucking day.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Carla Tsukinami (Story 08)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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Place: Violet mansion  — garden
Yui: Yes... the outside air is refreshing after all.
Carla: Indeed. It‘s the best to clear your thoughts here.
It’s the day after Carla-san regained his memories. Carla-san took me out to the courtyard to get some air.
The air outside the room is fresh, I can’t help but enjoy it since I was in that room until now.
At the same time, I felt like it was weird when I thought about this scenery being fake.
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Yui: The church... this is the center, the place where magic and space are gathered.
Carla: That’s probably true. I don’t know if it’s true though, I didn’t check it yet.
Did you, notice anything when you woke up there?
Yui: Yes. The air was clear and it was a sacred atmosphere. In addition—
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??? : Good morning, Eve. Do you know who you are?
It's time to wake up soon.
The story starts from this place, where the previous king died.
There are three houses, willing to fight for and over you.
*flashback ends*
Yui: Yes ... I heard a strange voice, while I was sleeping. He called me Eve ....
Carla: A voice?
Yui: He also talked about the king, the three families and something else. It may be just a dream...
Carla: No, this was probably the person who created this space. I think they have changed your memories back then.
Yui: Eh!? So that voice was...
Carla: After all there is something in the church. But, if the owner of this voice can talk to us in this space—
It might not be strange if he appears here.
Yui: ...Ngh!
Carla: You shouldn’t leave my side. If they know your memories are back, I don’t know what they might do.
Yui: U-Understood.
(The person who keeps us locked up, the person behind this scenario... the person of this voice—)
(I’m kinda scared because I don't know what their purpose is...)
Carla: Don't be scared. I promise, I’ll protect you the entire time.
Yui: Carla-san...
1) — Thank him (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
2) — Say something anxious (black)
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— thank you ♡
Yui: Yes... thank you.
After all, Carla-san’s the king, isn't he?
Carla: What does that mean?
Yui: At such times, you promised to protect me without hesitating. I feel very relieved about it.
Carla: I see. I don't feel bad about being told that then.
Yui: (Oh, I realized)
— Say something anxious
Yui: Hm... let's say, this person attack us, what will we do if he does?
Carla: All I have to do is erase them. Whoever comes in my way.
Yui: (I can’t decline that ... after all, Carla is reliable ...)
That's right. Thank you.
(Oh, I realized)
end Choices
Yui: What did you say to everyone when you got me out of the dungeon?
Carla: I gave it permission. Don’t worry. But, don’t move from room to my room. I don’t allow you to leave that room.
Yui: Eh!? I-If such a thing is the case, isn‘t there a doubt that Subaru-kun wouldn’t be more suspicious?
Carla: Let him think what he wants.
Yui: B-But...
(Even if Subaru-kun was able to see yesterday's "incident" I still think it’s embarrassing...)
(Sometimes, Carla-san is my own pace ...)
Carla: But... certainly, there are those who put extra trouble in my path.
I’ll give those vampires, the reasonable reason why you should stay with me.
Yui: Reasonable?
Place: Violet mansion — living room
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Carla: Everyone, come here.
Laito: What, do you need something? Don’t tell me you already got tired of Eve!?
Azusa: Laito... stop acting... like that.
Carla: It’s the opposite of what you just said. I began to finally see signs of me becoming king.
Kou: Eh!? You really did it! So that's means that Carla is determined to be the king, right?
Carla: No, I still need time and blood to get the full seat of the king.
Subaru: Her blood... so you need to suck more of her?
Carla: That's right. Therefore, Eve won’t return to the dungeon, she’ll move to my room instead.
Laito: In other words, Carla is monopolizing Eve. The eldest son always gets the best prize.
Kou: That’s crap. I also want to have a sip from Eve's blood.
Azusa: Both of you ... shouldn’t say... such things.
Kou: Suuure.
Subaru: ... So last night too ... that means you sucked her blood yesterday as well?
Seriously, I feel like I’m getting sick...
Laito: Hmm? Subaru-kun, what did you say?
Subaru: Whatever! I wonder if it’s really about that, or you might have fallen for her!
*Subaru leaves and slams door*
Azusa: Ah, Subaru... he‘s gone... just what... happened to him?
Carla: ...Hmph, leave him alone.
Place: Violet mansion — Corridor
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Yui: (Carla-san, I hope he’s okay. He told me that he’ll talk to everyone...)
*Subaru appears*
Yui: Oh, Subaru-kun. Just in the right place.
Subaru: ... What is it, you scared me. Shouldn‘t you be resting in your room or something?
Yui: Thank you for worrying. But, my health is fine now.
Subaru: No, I wasn’t worrying about you!
Yui: (Subaru-kun, are you somewhat annoyed? ...Ngh, what!)
(Is it because he saw me being with Carla-san together in that room on the other day!?)
Oh, yeah! Subaru-kun. Yesterday, about the thing with Carla—
Subaru: Shut up, I didn’t ask about it. You gave your blood to that guy, right?
Yui: Huh? Oh, yes...
Subaru: Are you serious, you’re still letting him suck your blood? Besides, you can resist him, don’t be so stupid!
Yui: E-Even if you say it like that...
(Why is he so upset? Is he, worried about me ... is that it?)
(I-I don’t know Subaru-kun's bad mood point!)
Subaru: ...Tch, what’s holding you on this guy?
Yui: Huh?
Subaru: Even if he’s cold-hearted, sometimes rude, I thought it was normal as my bigger brother.
But, he’s acting so stupid to his female partner... fuck.
Yui: (Oh ... that’s right, until now Subaru-kun respected Carla-san as his elder brother)
(So ​​I'm destroying his view, because I did something terrible — ... is that it?)
Hey, Subaru-kun. When I was locked up in the dungeon, you where the one who delivered the meals, right?
Subaru: Oh? What's up with that?
Yui: At that time, didn’t you think that Carla-san who repeated sucking my blood, was acting bad?
Subaru: That’s not it...
... No, why not? At that time ... I didn't think too much about it..
But, now I'm irritated. In my eyes, this guy shouldn’t force a woman to—
*weird noise*
Subaru: ...ngh... agh...
Yui: Huh!? Subaru-kun, are you alrighty!?
Subaru: Not again, what on earth happened... don't make... any noise...
Yui: B-But...
(This is the same as when Carla-san regained his memory, right? If that’s true—)
(He’s trying to remember everything. Certainly, memories of something seem to get back in Subaru-kun’s head!)
Subaru: ... My head, it’s spinning around a lot .... Right now, it's already settling down again ...
Yui: Eh... did you, have a headache like this before already?
Subaru: Once in a while .... Certainly, when I treated your bite mark ... and later...
Yui: My…?
(Yes, blood! Carla-san said that every time he drank my blood, a memory of him occurred)
(At that time, because he drank blood, did Subaru-kun's memories try to come back?)
(But, that’s not enough. As it is now, I’m sure he will remember, I’m sure he can—!)
Carla: In such a place, what are you two doing here?
Yui: Carla-san... !
Subaru: Tch... so you really, did follow me...
Carla: ... what’s wrong, got a problem?
Subaru: Not at all! ...Ngh... agh...
Yui: Carla-san! It seems like Subaru-kun's memories are returning!
Carla: His memories?
Yui: Maybe, Subaru-kun’s old memories were triggered by something. I don’t know what it is yet—
Carla: ...Hmph, I see. So that’s why he was acting strange lately.
Leave him alone. He won‘t die.
Yui: Such... ngh!
(Just a little more, he might be able to recall his memories and remember me... !)
... For Carla-san, the vampires might not be important, but for me they are.
That means, I respect and support Carla-san and Subaru-kun.
Carla: ... What?
Subaru: ...You stupid... Idiot...
Yui: Right now, you spoke happily. The sword techniques and the ability to put everyone together, the strong personality of your brother.
It might not be your real brother. But, for now the two of you are brothers.
You told me you’d protect me whatever happens... as the founders king, right?
Carla: ... That’s correct.
You, too, have become a more suitable bride for the founders king. It wouldn’t look bad.
Yui: Well then ...!
Carla: I am trusting you and I will lend him my hand... thanks to you.
Yui: Thank you! I swear you won’t regret it!
Oh ... but, I have no idea how to make him remember everything completely...
Carla: It may take some time to restore his entire memories. This place will be accommodated by me.
Subaru: Ngh... what a selfish thing, I wish I could laugh .... ngh
*Carla gets closer to Subaru*
Carla: This is such a humble vampire style.
Subaru: Wh... What?
Carla: I do look down on you. But, you still are—
Karl-Heinz's son.
Subaru: ...Karl-Heinz...
Ngh, ah, aghhhhh!?
Yui: Subaru-kun!?
Subaru: K...Karl-heinz... my fucking... father, how did I forget—
Yui: Eh, how did you ...
Subaru: ...Agh... ngh...
*Subaru collapses*
Yui: Agh ... Subaru-kun!? What’s wrong! What should we do, Carla-san... !?
Carla: There is no need to panic. He just lost his consciousness.
... It seems that my words, made his memories return completely.
Yui: Eh... !
Carla: We can’t be determined until it’s confirmed. Anyway, it would be troublesome if someone saw us now.
Let’s carry him to his room for now.... For real, that vampire style is really pissing me off.
But, I hope that he’ll be able to help me since I recovered his memories—
Place: Violet mansion — Subaru’s bedroom
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Yui: Subaru-kun... he didn‘t wake up yet.
(I might stay in bed for some time now, he won't even look straight at me ...)
Carla: Are you worried?
Yui: Yes, of course I am.
Carla: This man is a vampire. He won’t die that easily. If you just let him rest, he’ll wake up soon.
Yui: Th-That's right...
Carla: Don't look worried like that. Aren’t you believing in my words?
Yui: That's wrong! I do believe you.
Carla: Then, if you don't feel anxious. Come closer to me.
*Carla comes closer*
Yui: Ah...
Carla: Let's stay like this until you settled down. If you are depressed, you will lose your spirit.
Yui: That's right. I'm sorry ...
Carla: There is no need to apologize. However, at such a time, you can always rely on me.
For what purpose, did we make a vow to support each other then?
Yui: ...! That's right. Thank you for reminding me.
(Even if it’s, just for this moment... being in Carla-san’s arms, I’m so relieved ...)
Subaru: Ugh... Nn...
Yui: Ngh! Subaru-kun!?
*Carla backs off*
Carla: Apparently, it seems like you‘re awake.
Subaru: ...Seeing your face for the first time, after waking up from that crap is really giving me a hard time...
Carla: Hmph, it seems that you at least remember how to handle your big mouth.
Subaru: Ah... my head is still messing around with me...
Yui: Tell me, you really remember?
Subaru: Be quiet already... I remember the Sakamaki mansion... I swear I remembered everything.
Yui: (From Subaru-kun's mouth, those words, ngh ...)
I-I‘m so relieved... ! I‘m happy you remember!
Subaru: Tch... are you turning fully insane now!? Now tell me, what's up with this world. Explain it properly.
Yui: Y-Yes, sure.
*time passed*
Subaru: ... You must be kidding. Are you really confined in this world being fake?
Moreover, everyone's memories are being altered, it's a tough situation.
Carla: The cause of this hasn’t been fully understood yet.
I myself, am very dissatisfied with this situation. If possible I would’ve preferred to live without the low class of vampires.
Subaru: Same here, it's the most horrible thing to live under the same roof as a founder.
Yui: Uh, calm down... we don’t have time to fight now
Carla: Yui is right.
I don’t know who is the cause of this situation. —But, we won’t go through an easy journey while figuring that out.
Subaru: No wonder.
Carla: Then we’re sharing the same thoughts. I hope you’ll be useful if we’re going to the church.
Subaru: What? What are you talking about?
Yui: Well, it's like a church is the center of this world.
Subaru: The church? The place where you slept?
Yui: Yup. It seems like the power is spreading from there to this whole world, so there may be something hidden in the church.
That’s why, we thought about going to check what’s really in there.
Subaru: This sounds like a shady story...
But ... I feel like I also want to change the situation, that’s why I want to help you.
Yui: Yes... !
Subaru: I don’t have the desire to join hands with the founders though. We will only temporarily cooperate.
Yui: Thank you!
(It's good enough, if they just to cooperate for now...)
Carla: All right. Your power, it will be good to use it for me.
Yui: Huh? Carla-san?
Subaru: I’m not doing this for you asshole! Didn’t you listen to what I just said!?
Carla: Isn’t it only natural for the lower people to follow me, the one who’s a First Blood?
Subaru: As if I want to follow you! I’m not your privat servant or something!
Carla: My servant? As if you’d be good enough to be my servant. Don't come up with that.
Subaru: I’d be less than a servant!?
Yui: P-Please stop...
(I-I wonder if it’s okay to work with such conditions...)
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Mission Fail
Yon-Rogg x starforce! female reader
Warning: violence, blood
Specifics: romance, fighting, one-shot, fluff, race neutral reader, 2 for the price of 1!!!!!!!!!
People: yon-rogg, carol danvers, minerva, some skrull people 
Words: 1,741
Requested: By anon Could you do a Yon-Rogg x reader imagine? Like where the reader goes on a mission with Yon but is then kidnapped, but breaks out and gets back to him. 
@fortheloveoflamp Hello! May I please request a Yon-Rogg x reader, where they are very close (and they secretly like each other) but he’s the unemotional robot so the reader doesn’t know. One day she gets injured pretty badly, and he mends her up, being all “you need to be more careful,” type of stuff and ends up spilling the beans by like saying “I need you to stick around” or something along those lines. Not a confession but not a cover-up. And it’s just really cute but also a lil angsty? Thank you so much!!
Authors Note: so i was gonna post yesterday but there was a issue with my house and yada yada yada i couldnt so im sorry for that but im happy i got to post today. my requests r closed atm cuz i wanna do something special for avengers soon so be aware of that when that comes out. also i thought of why not add two requests to 1 fic so i did and this is what came out of that. this is my first yon-rogg fic so i do hope u like it! 
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“Do you remember the mission y/n?” Yon-Rogg was persistent in asking you this question. You were more of the rebel of the group and took precautions lightly. 
You groaned as you turned around sassily at Yon-Rogg, “yes commander I heard you like the 40th time. I get what we’re supposed to do.”
“Then I should suspect you do it with excellency and remember to be on the lookout.”
You raised your brow and placed your hands on Yon-Rogg’s arms, “aww are you worried for me? Do I feel an emotion coming on?” Yon-Rogg gives you a stern look of warning and you give up with a sigh. You sit in your seat in the ship and wait till you arrive to the planet. 
Vers and Minerva tried to stealthily motion over to you. Minerva with a knowing look and Vers wearing a smirk on her face. 
“So y/n, you and Yon-Rogg. Whats that all about?” 
“Yeah you two seem so suspicious lately,” Minerva crossed her arms, awaiting an answer. You rolled your eyes, “wouldn’t you two like to know?”
Both of their mouths flew open and you laughed at their expression and idea that there was something between you and the commander. “You guys I’m joking! He’s my commander, my boss, I can’t do that to him. Also, there is nothing going on between us, so whatever fantasy you two have please erase it. Oh and did you guys forget that we’re not allowed to have emotions? Please do be careful with that, especially around him.”
They both looked down seeming sad that the love they thought you two had was a mistake. 
“I still can dream though!” Vers shouted as she ran away before you can disagree with her on that. 
Unknown to you all Yon-Rogg was present and listening to that whole conversation. Why did he feel distraught when you said that your relationship with him was strictly business? He could feel himself drawing further away from the strict rules he was to obey. No emotions. Trying to shake the thought and feeling away he looked at the screen of the monitor. It indicated that they were on the planet. “Alright we’re here! For the good of all Kree! ”
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As the whole crew exits the ship everyone spreads out to cover more land and to take in any Skrulls. 
“Okay lets all spread out, you y/n you’ll join me.” Yon-Rogg ordered as he stepped closer to you and grasped your arm. You could hear the chuckle of the other members as they saw how protective Yon-Rogg was over you. 
You felt that same way about him but tried to keep your feelings at bay so as not to have emotions. “As much as I would love to fight with you Commander I think I’m better off by myself.”
Yon-Rogg’s face became of annoyance as he wanted you to stick with him. He was about to intervene and order you some more but you fled the scene and gave the rest of the crew a wave of goodbye.
As you rounded around a huge boulder to get a better view of the Skrulls you paused to check up on them some more. “Finally, now Yon-Rogg can see what I’m capable of.” All this time you wanted to prove to him that you had what it takes to be in the Starfroce.
You took out your gun as you saw the Skrulls more in your vision but as you were about to pull the trigger you heard a rustle of the leaves behind you and saw a Skrull. You stood up quick and you were about to shoot him when another one punched you behind the head and made you go limp. The last thing you heard was the rest of the crew crying out your name, especially Yon-Rogg.
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You were taken to a mini base on the planet, just far away from where the ship that you were in parked. 
“We need to get them in a trap. I know for certain they will go after this girl and when they do we will be here,” one of the Skrulls said as he watched the monitor with an evil smirk. 
You were taken captive, your arms and legs were cuffed to a metal bed. You could feel the sting on the back of your head from the punch earlier. “Yep thats gonna need stitches,” you thought as you looked around your settings, trying to find a way out. 
“Oh she’s awake.”
Your brows furrowed and you tried to untie yourself from the cuff, “what do you want with me?” You barked as you snarled to the enemies faces. 
“We don’t want you, we want your leader. We want to make you Kree pay, and be no more!”
You smirked and chuckled, “you think you’ll get rid of us that easily. You’re badly mistaken. We’ll always keep coming and taking you down no matter what. Its what you deserve.”
The Skrull stood quiet, shaking his head, “you don’t know everything.”
“Let me go now!”
The Skrull ignored you and turned around sitting by the monitor. You had to think fast on an escape plan. Seeing that your gun was far away and you were tied you quickly threw that idea away. You saw a guard sitting very close by near you fast asleep. You looked around you and then up and saw the perfect item. You stretched your neck and with your teeth bought the stick down that was atop the shelf above your head. You kept the stick on your mouth but quickly paused when you heard more shuffling of the Skrulls feet. They seemed to not focus on you and walked right by. You continued with your plan. Using the stick you point the stick, with your mouth at the guard and put the stick so that the ring or the chain that the key was on went around the stick. With more than one try you successfully got the key on the stick. You brought it to your hand and used the key to unlock the cuffs. (i know i say stick so many times in this sentence just like bear🐻with me and again im sorry) 
“Yes,” you whispered in victory as you hopped off the bed. You tip toed out of the room but accidentally bumped into a guard. 
“Wha-what do you think you’re doing?”
“Ugh using the bathroom!” You scrambled to your feet and ran as fast as you could. You could hear the guard call to the other Skrulls and soon there were a whole flock of them after you. 
“I wanted to be by myself I said, I wanted to prove myself I said!” Next thing you knew they started shooting their guns at you, left to right. You dodged all the attacks and as you turned a corner your face met with a hard chest. 
“Y/n?” A familiar voice called to you. As you stood up you saw Yon-Rogg. Happy to see him you hug him and whisper his name. You quickly realize that you are not supposed to do that and unwrap yourself from him. Before you could apologize Yon-Rogg grabs your hand and guides you and him out of the battle. More shots are fired and Yon-Rogg stands in your way so if by any chance a blast would hit him instead of you. 
You two make it out and jump into the Starforce ship. 
You were out of breath, holding onto the ships walls for dear life. You could tell Yon-Rogg was angry. “I told you to be with me. Why didn’t you listen?”
You opened your mouth, about to say something when you could see that privacy was not really happening at this moment. Everyone was looking at you two. “I would like to speak with you commander, alone.”
Yon-Rogg nodded as he understood. 
You opened the door to a tiny room with a bed and sat on the bed. 
“Okay, explain,” Yon-Rogg gave the commandment as if he were talking sternly to a little kid. 
“You know I’m not a little child. I get why you are so angry but I had my reasons.”
“Which were?”
You bit your lip and thought about what if you told him the truth, what if he thought you were being naive or stupid? Yon-Rogg sat by you and looked directly into your eyes, “you know you can tell me anything.”
“I just wanted to prove myself to you. I wanted to show you what I was capable of and that I was meant to be on this team. But instead I’ve just made a fool out of myself.” You peered down, disappointed with yourself. 
Yon-Rogg lifted you face up, “Y/n you didn’t need to do any of that stuff. I already knew you were extraordinary. You are meant to be on this team, you’re meant to be here. I had full faith in you.” He gave you a cheerful smile and this led you to want more of him like this, vulnerable. You were seeing a different side of him. Yon-Rogg caught himself before he could go any further and got off the bed and stood up, serious. “Um, well I just, are you okay?”
You were about to nod when you felt the cold feeling of your blood dripping down your neck. You shuddered and touched it with your fingertips. As you brought it to your eyes they were coated with dark, deep red liquid. (yeah thats called blood ms.writer. jeesh!) Yon-Rogg was worried, afraid if you were seriously hurt. “I need to take care of that.”
Yon-Rogg took part of his armor off and collected the first aid kit. He took part of your armor off so you could be comfortable and laid you down to work behind your head. Once he was finished he bandaged you up and sat by the bed while you laid it in, getting better. 
“You need to be more careful.”
Shrugging you give a light chuckle and placed your hand on his arm, “I’ll try next time.”
“I’m serious y/n, we...I need you to stick around.” Yon-Rogg placed his hand on top of yours. Signifying he cares for you, truthfully. You beam with a smile and start to close your eyes, exhausted. Just enjoying the presence of him there beside you and knowing that he will always be there to protect you. 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @fangirl-4-life415, @dirbel, @marwantr, @divaanya, @wassupitschloe, @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag), @spycii
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apex-academy · 5 years
Chapter 3: Down Down Down and the Flames Went Higher (#21)
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“Um, hello! Good morning! I’ll be unlocking the cafeteria now, so feel free to have breakfast at your leisure and let me know if you need anything! Have a nice day…!”
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Oh, it’s morning, huh. Definitely a good idea to drink the coffee last night. Yep. Slept perfectly fine. 
Well, no use lying around complaining about headaches and heavy eyelids. Time for the breakfast meeting.
No announcements besides Mahavir spelling out who’s allowed in the pool on what days. Not sure how he’s going to check for trespassers on the girls’ days if he wouldn’t dare glance in there, but it’s the thought that counts.
I say hi to Aki as I dump my tray, but she’s about as talkative as usual. I’ve pestered her enough for a good while, I think. For now, I approach Kaichi.
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“Can I see your notebook?”
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“I’d just ask if you found anything, but...”
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“Yeah, I sure haven’t.”
He glances at the table in front of him, then the empty stretches of bench on either side.
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“Which notebook, again?”
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“The one in your surfboard.”
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He examines his surfboard but comes upon the hidden compartment a little quicker than last time.
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“Oh, hey, ’s a good idea.”
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“I guess most notebooks wouldn’t fit in your pockets. Otherwise I’m not sure why it has to be in your surfboard.”
He pulls out the journal and leafs through it rapidly.
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“ ’d end up setting it somewhere ‘n’ leaving it, prob’ly. No reason t’ assume a random notebook I spy on a table ‘s mine, either. But this guy—” he waves the board a bit—”I know is mine, so.”
Seems logical enough. Almost.
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“The notebook's got your name across the front of it, though.”
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“What, there couldn’t be another Kaichi?”
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He shrugs.
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“Nah, just might not be able t’ tell ‘f I’m too far ’r at th’ wrong angle, yeah?”
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“But whatever. What’m I looking for?”
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I guess I need to explain everything all over again. This is going to get old quick.
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“...And please take better notes on the situation. I don’t want to explain this a third time.”
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“Yeah, yeah.”
He flips through the last filled-out pages.
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“Not seeing anything useful, though. Dunno why there would be.”
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“Prob’ly not gonna write stuff down ‘bout m’ attackers while I’m passing the heck out.”
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“I was hoping for something more on move-in day. The rest of us may have had our memories messed with by the knockout drugs, but if the person responsible didn’t know about your notebook...”
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“Doesn’t look like any pages got ripped out ‘r erased, ‘t least. S’ they either didn’t know it was here ‘r didn’t see anything threatening.”
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“Guess so.”
I start to take a step back but pause.
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“And your talent’s not even in there?”
He doesn’t even paw through it again.
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Whatever. It can’t be that important unless he turns out to be Super High School Level Robot Hacker or Demolition Expert or something.
Speaking of demolition...
I wind my way to the stairwell. Might try to get a better look at that brick before I start plotting its demise. It’s a little shadowy in that crawlspace, but my student ID should provide enough light if I aim it right. Otherwise, I can grab a flashlight from the student store. Maybe get started on some actual art, too. Give me an excuse to be in there.
I exit the stairwell and start down the hall, but...
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I run up to it, but the door is suddenly just as boarded up as the nurse’s office. Wedging my fingers under, I pry at one of the boards, but it won’t budge. As expected.
None of us did this, and I seriously doubt Monochap suddenly boarded up an open access room without good reason. The obvious reason would be the almost-hole in the wall. Meaning he probably knows about my attempt yesterday.
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I spin on my heel and run. If Monochap's set on punishing me, fleeing the scene of the crime won’t help, but hanging around it sure won’t, either. I don’t get the chance to hesitate at the stairwell door at this speed—
So I slam straight into Mahavir as he tries to step out.
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“Crap, sorry—!”
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“Er, it’s fine?”
He pushes himself away from the door frame that I so politely shoved him into and straightens out his suit. He steps aside before looking past me.
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“What’s going on? Are you all right?”
I take a deep breath, but my heart is still pounding.
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“I’m fine, just...”
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I might as well tell the truth, right? If Monochap’s going to hunt me down, then Monochap’s going to hunt me down, whether I fess up or not. And if I was going to be punished, it would have happened already, right? Maybe the mastermind knows I was making an attempt, but the cameras don’t catch that area well enough to prove it?
I don’t know. I can’t come up with anything else to tell him, anyway.
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“Okay. Here’s the short version.”
I cover my mouth and talk as quietly as possible. He’s clearly lost on how the wiring could have affected the mortar, but he seems to hear me all right.
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“And the art room is closed off now?”
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I walk him over there, but he can’t budge the boards, either. At least not without seriously injuring himself or possibly me.
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“Does this mean it was a real threat to the mastermind’s plan?”
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“That seems likely.”
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He glances around the hallway before taking a step back.
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“One moment.”
He hurries down the hallway before turning the corner and vanishing from sight. Nothing for me to do but wait. When he returns...
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“That’s... a big barbell.”
He must have stopped in the weight room. He’s not going to kill me with that thing, right? I wouldn’t expect him to, but it’s hard not to be a little nervous. How much does that weigh?
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“The head should still fit between the studs.”
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“Wait, what are you doing?”
He steps up by the art room door and gives the wall beside it a few taps before holding the barbell like a battering ram.
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“This is an interior wall.”
With that, he slams the weight into the plaster. I fling my hands up as chips go flying.
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After a few more whacks, he ducks through the hole to smash through the other side of the wall.
Is he going to bring the whole building down on us? Hope not, because I don’t think I can stop him. He’s making so much noise I can barely hear the thumping noises approaching us. I hold my breath and turn around.
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“Stop, stop!!”
I stagger back before Monochap can run straight into me. Mahavir freezes before backing out into the hallway. Dust and chunks of plaster patter onto the floor.
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“Wh-what are you doing?!”
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“Nothing against the rules!”
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“It sounds suspicious when you put it like that.”
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“But it really isn’t...”
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“I-I-I’m not sure you should be doing that, still...! That’s school property, you know...!”
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“There’s nothing in the—”
I wince and hold an arm out like he’s about to charge for Monochap.
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“That’s enough.”
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If we get a rule added saying no destruction of school property, that’s a heck of a lot of stuff we suddenly can’t do. Better not to push it.
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“Mahavir mentioned it earlier, if you didn’t hear—that’s an interior wall. The rules only prohibit damaging the exterior walls.”
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“So this shouldn’t be a problem.”
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“Um, um...”
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“I-I’m gonna go check...! Just give me a minute...!”
He scampers off into Room 203, closing the door behind him. I sigh and turn to Mahavir.
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“Guess we’ll just have to see what happens.”
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“I... probably should have waited.”
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“Yyyyeah. I don’t even have the flare on me.”
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I wave it off.
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“I doubt this was going anywhere, anyway. Not without too much risk to our lives.”
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He tosses the dumbbell from hand to hand until Monochap returns.
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“U-um, okay! It’s all figured out now! There will be an announcement over the televisions in a moment, but, um! You can go ahead and check your electroIDs!”
Just as he finishes saying that, a ding comes from my pocket. I pull out my ID.
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“Rule number 9: You may not attempt to enter any rooms that have been blocked off.”
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“Okay! That one settles it, right...?!”
Mahavir falls silent for a while, but he doesn’t put his ID away yet.
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“...Is that a room?”
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“What do you mean...?”
Mahavir nods at the hole he made.
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“It’s open to the hallway. Is it really a separate room?”
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“U-um... Um!”
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Are we getting too philosophical for Monochap’s logic circuits? Guess that’s one strategy to break him. There has to be a way to mess up his AI programming or whatever, right? If we succeed, would he just shut down?
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“W-well, it’s the art room!”
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“So of course it’s a room! It says ‘room’ right there!!”
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...Unfortunately, I guess there was a simple solution.
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“So, um, those are the rules now! I-is there anything else I can do for you?”
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“I was in the middle of cleaning the windows, so, um...!”
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“We don’t even have windows?” Unless he means the coffee shop.
Mahavir sighs.
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“We don’t require anything else.”
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“O-okay! Um, I’ll see you later! Bye-bye...!”
He leaves, with silence in his wake.
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Mahavir rubs his eyes with his free hand.
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“I hope I didn’t just waste the opportunity Doppler gave us.”
I shake my head.
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“If he was sure it would work, he would have actually told one of us about it. I don’t think there was much to waste.” Or at least that’s what I’ll choose to believe.
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“More importantly, he gave us the opportunity to live another day. That’s the one we won’t waste.”
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mystisnykoto · 6 years
The Outsiders - Chapter 24
Weight of the World
'Warning: Chassis damage detected. Emergency combat mode enabled.'
Iris shuffled up to her feet, stepping backwards and trying her best to keep on her feet. Perraux moved forward, each step causing sand to blast away from her foot.
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“You... pushed me too far...” Perraux's voice boomed. “You... will die...” Perraux clenched their fist tight, dashing forward in a near instant to punch Iris in the gut. Her frame cracked, small shards of her chassis shattering off from her back and side. Iris tumbled back, rolling back to her feet as pieces of her mechanical insides began to crumble and fall out from her back. Iris grunted, dropping to a knee, bracing herself on the sand beneath her.
'Alert: Escape is advisable in the current situation.'
“I'm... aware...” grunted Iris, looking up to see Perraux flying in with their knee shoved forward. Iris fired off her leg jets, propelling her clear from the strike aimed at her face. Iris landed on her feet, trying her best to analyze the situation for a way to fight back. Perraux slid to a halt, quickly snapping their sight back to Iris. “How c-can I f-fight ba-ack...” Perraux dashed in again, Iris preparing to dodge once more, only to feel her body because extremely heavy and sluggish.
'Warning: Battery levels at ten-percent, seek a charging source immediately.'
“Y-yesss, I-I kn-now...” spoke Iris, her voice echoed and mechanical, her feigned attempt to avoid the attack caused her to take the brunt of the attack to the face, shattering her shell and exposing her metal skull beneath. Iris slid down the dune, never falling off of her feet, and came to a stop once the surface leveled out. “I'm... t-too sl-slow... H-how c-can I do th-this...” Iris spoke aloud to herself.
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“What's wrong Iris!?” Perraux taunted, walking down the dune with their arms out to their sides. “Lost the will to keep fighting?”
“Ha-hardly...” Iris responded as she readied the cable from her back of her hand, remembering her time from inside The Net and accessing the data of others. “Br-i-ing it...” Iris called back. “What if I d-don't fight, a-and access-s their d-data directly... G-gods I-I hope thi-is works...” Perraux rushed in punching Iris in the stomach again, their fist burst out from Iris' back. Iris yelped in pain, moving as quick as she could to shove the end of the tether into Perraux's neck.
'Establishing connection...'
                                                                                                                Iris slowly opened her eyes, her form restored and complete, seeing a endless expanse of white before her with several standing panels seeming to frame a sort of walkway.
“Do it!” cried out a voice, Iris recognizing it as her own. “Destroy the panels and erase Perraux from our body!”
“STOP IT! DON'T YOU DARE APPROACH!” Perraux shouted back, Iris running forward to the first group of panels, seeing all of them with Perraux on display. Iris
“Smash his panels!” the voice of the original Iris shouted. Iris slammed her fist into the first panel, causing it to shatter and burst into pieces. A cry of pain sounded out from Perraux, echoing across the white space. Iris smiled with delight, rushing over to the next panel to see Perraux, with a quick flicker of her own original face. She smashed through the panel again, hearing the same scream from Perraux, as well as a loud grunt from the original Iris. Iris looked around, scared for a moment after hearing her own scream from all around her. “D-don't stop! You have to keep going and erase him!”
“R-right...” Iris stammered, running between the panels. She smashed the glass-like panels, each causing Perraux's cries to grow progressively weaker.
“Please... sss-stop this... I... I'll do wh-whatever you want... g-give you what y-you want...” Perraux begged, as Iris run up to one of the last two panels seeing a scared and terrified Perraux reflected within. “P-please! Don't... don't k-kill me...Bygones... a-and all...”
“You had your chance to be civil and let bygones be bygones...” spoke the original Iris, her voice extremely weak as well.
“... but your lust for power brought you passed redemption,” Iris spoke, smashing the panel and watching as the image of Perraux fragmented within. Perraux's image faded from each shard, a silent and pained scream on his face. Iris slowly turned to look at the last panel, stepping over to it to see a crying, but still smiling original Iris standing within.
“Y-you... you did it...” the original Iris spoke, her voice soft and weak. Iris placed her hand on the panel, touching softly as a glow began to emanate from within. The original Iris stepped out from the panel, collapsing into Iris' arms with a soft squeak and smile. “Aaah! Th-thank you...” Iris helped her original self stand back to her feet, as the two smiled at each other.
                                                                                                              The pair stepped through the white space as panels rose up from far beneath, settling near the pair, each panel displaying a different memory and moment from their life.
“Oh gods, r-remember this-s one!” the original Iris cheered out, her form glitching a bit as she trotted over to a nearby panel. “When L-Leo firs-st started-d to teach u-s-s...” Both versions of Iris let out their own soft chuckle, as android Iris approached the panel.
“Leo didn't quite know how to control his own strength, whacked us pretty hard on the head,” spoke android Iris, touching the panel. “He sat there apologizing for almost two hours! It... it was how I knew he was truly a kind and gentle person... That... he really did care about me and others, and wasn't just some bodyguard for my... our, father.” The pair laughed a little more, sharing a smile to one-another. “I really do miss him...”
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“He's... alive, actually...” Android Iris quipped. “Something about Mystis bringing him back and being recruited into the Light Brigade.”
“R-really!?” the original blurted out, looking on in shock. “He... he really made it onto the squad, finally... He always said he was going to one day...”
“Yeah, he met with me just yesterday,” the android started. “He... he told me that the Brigade was... they were going to hunt after us... b-because of the amount of power and aether you had been pulling in...” She paused a moment, touching the glass. “He was the only one standing between them and us. So he made one last move to try and keep them off our back...”
“I... I s-see...” the original spoke softly. “I-I alm-most want t-to... n-no, this has to be done... Y-you have to stop me...” The original turned on her heels, pacing over to the next panel to see Ruri's bright smile. “When-n... we f-first met-t...I miss-s her s-so much... m-more than an-nything else...”
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“She fixed our jacket, it looked turned out perfect... and gave her an excuse to see us again,” the android giggled. “Her smile was so warm... so genuine!” The pair giggled happily, walking between each panel and sharing in the memories, as the original Iris continued to fragment further. “Oh gods! This one! This is right after Ruri made herself a digital paintbrush! That... well, that was quite an interesting experience,” android Iris giggled, biting softly at her lip as the original Iris flushed bright red.
                                                                                                              “Th-is-s is-s one of my n-new f-fav-vorites-s, b-but n-not for-r the obv-vious r-reason...” stuttered the original Iris, touching a panel to show the memory. On the panel showed a scared android Iris, staring in through a window. “I-it is when-n Perr-raux f-first s-saw y-you, a-and I kn-new th-that in a-a way, I-I was s-still aliv-ve a-and I-I lived-d on.” The pair looked over the panel, as the original Iris began to glitch and distort even more erratically. Tear fell from her eyes as she looked over to her android self. “I kn-new... th-that Ru-Ruri would-d b-be prot-tected-d... sh-she would-d b-be w-with me...”
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“I... I don't...” android Iris spoke, stumbling over her words as she began to cry even more.
“I-I kn-now...” the original Iris touched a hand to the cheek of her android self. “I-I'm n-not g-going to l-last m-much longer... A-all of-f Perr-raux is g-gone, b-but h-he had int-tegr-rated t-too deep i-into m-me. H-his presence r-remo-oved i-is causing m-me to slowl-ly er-rase...” She held up her hand, watching her hand scramble and fade as the fragmentation started to spread slowly up her arm. “Wh-hen I'm gone... p-please... sm-il-le when-n you th-think of-f m-me...”
“You... you could...” spoke the android Iris, touching over her original selves cheek. A warm glow spread from her hand, flowing into the original's cheek and slowing the glitch effect. “You... can integrate into me. My... you... could be safe with me, we could... could b-be whole...” She cried as the original leaned into the touch, her body beginning to fade from sight as the glitching ended.
“Mmm... would be nice... if it... would work...” the original spoke, closing her eyes as she was almost completely gone. “Please... tell everyone, I love them all... I-I... I have to leave...”
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                                                                                                              Android Iris collapsed to the floor after her original disappeared, the white light of the space surrounding her starting to glitch with static and fade to black. Tears fell from her eyes, looking over her hands as a small glowing light floated above them. A weak smile crossed her face as she pressed the light to her chest. She pulsed with a warm light as the rest of the world around her faded and disappeared. Iris blinked, finding herself on her knees back in the Sagoli Desert. Her tether still connected to her old body, feeling the connection had closed and all data transfer ended. She tried to stand, feeling the arm still shoved through her gut and pinning her in place. Iris wiggled away, the arm pulling several small component pieces out from her. She slowly stood, staggering away as she walked through the desert.
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“I-it's... it's over...” Iris muttered, smiling softly as she shuffled and kicked through the sand.
'Warning: Temperature lev-vvvvvlls-sssssssss rissss- ss---kkskssssss. Ex---ksssssnal-- detec—ksss' her system voice spoke, crashing and distorting as her systems began failing. Her vision fragmented and distorted, her tether dragging through the sand. 'Batksssss-ry levvksss-- wo perce---kssss...'
“Y-yes... I kn-now...” Iris spoke, her voice dulled and monotonous. Iris made it ten yalms from her old body before collapsing to her knees, her vision crashing and shutting off.
'Criticksssssssss-l sssssysssksssss... failure... Sysssskssssss-tem terminating...'
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“R-Ruri... E-everyone... I love you all, I h-have to g-go...I'm... I-I'm sorry...”
(First Chapter)          (Previous Chapter)           (Epilogue)
(Other Tales)
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samcarpnter · 6 years
so if you are bitter bout mcu what are your unpopular opinions?
so a few people have actually asked me this since i said something vague about mcu yesterday haha so i figured i’ll just make a big long post under the cut and i am sorry if anyone takes this offensively, i just have to rant about some of this stuff so read at your own risk (spoiler i get mad and it is longgggg)
I do also want to say i love the mcu despite its many problems and i do my best to separate it from the comics because i understand a movie/tv show can’t develop characters the same way decades of comics can and different versions of their personalities/backstories are okay but still there is some corruption i can’t take
First off - the maximoffs. Like … no! I really am not a fan of the mcu versions. I could deal with their new personalities/upbringings if it wasn’t at the expense of their ethnicity. Like for those of you that don’t know, the maximoffs are jewish and romani, they are basically whitepassing pocs and they were very poor and are even children of holocaust survivors … so how the fuck and why the fuck did they volunteer to work for hydra ?!?! just completely corrupting everything that made them who they were is so disrespectful and to make them fucking work for A NAZI ORGANIZATION is not a small personality/backstory change, it goes against everything from the original characters.
Wanda maximoff also just walked into the avengers with barely any accountability for her actions, yes she had to deal with the pain of what she caused at the beginning of civil war but hardly anyone is bringing up the fact that she toyed with bruce/hulk in aou which caused so much damage and very likely resulted in a loss of many civilian lives, how is no one realizing it is her fault ?! she was pardoned for everything she did when tony was painted as villain WHY
Also in civil war i was more on tony’s side, i do think that cap was right in thinking that they shouldn’t be solely controlled by the government because sometimes there are fights they need to do that they wouldn’t necessarily be allowed to go to. B U T they do have to understand the effects of their often reckless actions. Yes they are saving the world but they could very well destroy it by not taking accountability for the damage they cause.
And okay civil war, like really? I just think it was forced and happened too fast, i know it can’t be like the comics always, but the civil war in the comics actually served a real purpose and in the mcu it was just like 12 people fighting in a parking lot ??
Also the villainization of tony is just … NO. like stop please. Tony makes mistakes, he does as everyone does and yes they are colossal ones too - i mean ultron for just one example. But he should not be seen as a villain for trying to protect the world. He saw infinity war coming a mile away and everybody was upset about it. Ultron was a disaster yes, but how is it that tony wasn’t pardoned when wanda and bucky were? I am not trying to say bucky shouldn’t be pardoned, because he was rightfully forgiven as he had no control over what hydra made him do, but wanda did … and she isn’t really apologizing or realizing the effects of some of her actions so … why is everyone pissed at tony??
And god okay i’m gonna be brief with mcu nat because ugh but just fuck scar jo and get her out of my sight, black widow deserves a solo movie with an actually talented actress who isn’t trying to steal minority roles alongside bucky barnes, i refuse to believe a black widow movie with no bucky could ever work
Guardians of the galaxy … jesus they did my babies dirty. Mcu peter quill … i don’t really like him and maybe it is because i’m not super fond of chris “i have a gun arsenal” pratt but tbh i just think they portray quill as a dick who can be misogynistic and a has a very delicate ego. His changed backstory was meh which i can live with but he is so fragile with his masculinity and it demeans gamora. I do like gamora and peter together but it would be so much better if he wasn’t always trying to be better than her or got offended anytime she was smarter or a better fighter than him (which is always sooo). Then mantis was done dirty she should not be some slave to a weird planet man ?? i think pom is a wonderful mantis but she was given crap to work with because mantis is a celestial being like an actual GODDESS  so why is she working for a planet ??? and drax ugh he is not an idiot like mcu portrays him i’m so bitter about that
I understand why scott lang was chosen to be ant man over hank pym i mean if paul rudd was going to be scott it makes perfect sense. Hank is also just … i don’t quite know how to describe hank other than controversial i guess but that’s another story, and scott would come off waaaaay better to audiences as ant man, the thing i am just so mad about is the fact that janet was practically erased from the avengers. I mean please don’t get me wrong i love hope van dyne and a young janet shouldn’t be falling in love with scott, but i just wish they could have at least included the REAL janet, not michelle pfiefer (no offense to michelle either because she’s doing great with what she’s given) being an old knock off janet, and not even like her own movie (which would be fucking fantastic though) but like janet gave so much of her life to the avengers and was a founding member. A FOUNDING MEMBER. And her purpose in the mcu was basically just to give hank manpain like whyyyyyyyyyy
And CLINT! God clint barton was screwed over, comics clint is amazing and is 80% deaf (he has a frickin hearing aid!!) and loves dogs and coffee and pizza and i could even handle jeremy renner being this version of clint, i don’t really have a problem with jeremy but i hate that marvel just made him be loki’s slave for awhile then just randomly give him a family AHA PUH LEASE MARVEL clint barton is a hoe (okay not really a hoe but he has been romantically involved with many of the super ladies) he would not have some secret family also with someone not in the same business as him, and also clint is a survivor of abuse and represents someone with a disability and mcu took all of that away from him ughhh
Okay and spider-man … i think smhc was a great movie and tom is so cute and pure and an amazing peter parker but … why? Like why were we given a THIRD peter parker when we could have fucking had miles morales ?! for those of you who don’t know miles morlaes, he is black and is spiderman in a different universe (the ultimate universe) and so i mean marvel come on if you’re going to put in a new spiderman why couldn’t it be miles? And i mean this with no offense to tom but i just wish we could’ve had a poc lead sooner and now we get into the spiderverse as the introduction to miles which also don’t get me wrong, i am very excited about that movie but to me it just seems like we won’t have a great shot at getting miles in the mcu if they do a series of new animated films about the spiderverse
And doctor strange ugh the whitewashing just ugh and then stephen too like idk benedict cumberbatch is an amazing actor but stephen was made so arrogantly in mcu and he comes off as this hotshot doctor who did it for money and to show off how amazing he is but he actually became a doctor because he witnessed his sister’s death and then soon after his mother died
And then the whitewashing of the ancient one jesusssss the ancient one is not some eccentric white woman, the ancient one is an asian man … i could even understand making the character a woman as the only other female character would be rachel mcadams’s character (she was so unimportant i don’t even know her name whoops) but do not take away the asian identity !!
And iron fist man … it just sucked, there’s really not much more to say
Then elektra fucking natchios was done SO DIRTY elodie yung is the absolute best elektra, i can’t imagine anyone else playing her and she did so well for the shit she was given but they decided to take a route that made her a sociopath ?? i mean i am okay with the changed backstory but elektra just doesn’t go around killing people for the fun of it like she does it because she has been through a lot and wants to take bad people out of the world like the ones that killed her father and yes maybe she is a little misguided and lost but still she doesn’t think killing people is a fun thing to do on a saturday night like why marvel ?? and just the black sky thing was weird … never a thing in the comics but whatever
And also okay … i love peggy carter and i loved hayley atwell being peggy but sharon is ultimately cap’s main love interest and is the main woman in all of cap’s storylines. And sharon was set up SO well but because stucky fans are ruthless sharon doesn’t even exist anymore and i’m so bitter about that, emily vancamp was a great agent 13 and marvel actually did a great job of bringing her into the universe in catws but look what happened, everyone forgot about her and are obsessed with peggy instead … which as i said, i’m not trying to diss peggy or hayley because i loved agent carter and her in catfa, but everyone decided sharon was nothing compared to peggy and i just don’t see why we can’t have both ??
Another thing … why vision? Like why the heck was vision put into the mcu it really doesn’t make sense to me i mean i think paul bettany is great but he just .. why this weird robot? i’m guessing to bring more in about the infinity stones but still idk because that didn’t really happen ??
And rhodey … poor poor rhodey, the casting change was actually a pretty good idea because i think don cheadle is the perfect rhodey (with no offense to terrence howard’s version, i just think don cheadle should’ve been there from the start) but they didn’t really introduce him into becoming war machine at all, they just gave him a suit and were like boom you’re a superhero now go be an avenger ?? with barely any development to why ?? i demand a war machine solo movie please, we all damn well know don cheadle would be great and ryan coogler should direct it, we’ll have no tony (no offense to tony just no more white men) and we’ll get sam in there and they will be a fucking badass team
And i am so bitter that it took 10 FUCKING YEARS to not have a white male lead a movie … marvel you have so many amazing characters of so many different ethnicities and backgrounds and genders and sexualities like why is carol only coming in now and why did black panther just become a huge movie?! should’ve been there from the start ugh
In my eyes, the only flawless mcu pieces that i would never bash are thor: ragnarok, and black panther (and maybe runaways because we finally got our first canon lgbtq couple) and catws if scar jo wasn’t in it. Marvel needs to realize the success of these films, that taika waititi and ryan coogler are the best directors they have and should be directing more films *cough cough* GUARDIANS 3 *cough*
So wow … that’s a lot and it’s a lot of bashing marvel but i just … if you don’t know shit about the comics the mcu seems amazing like i was there once i didn’t start reading comics until a few years ago when i heard about the young avengers and i have loved the movies since iron man came out ten years ago, but the mcu is very corrupting of a lot of the best parts of these characters, and a lot of people don’t realize that
Thanks for letting me rant and as i have said i really don’t mean to offend anyone who is a fan of the mcu or (most of) the actors of the mcu because they’re just doing their job, so please realize a lot of this is my opinion, i’m just expressing how i feel about marvel and for the record, i do love the mcu i just don’t like a lot of what goes on behind the scenes.
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amylillian22 · 6 years
Ollie’s Best Friends - Stiles Stilinski Imagine
Requested by Anon: Hey Amy ! I'm so glad to hear that u opened your requests again because I had 1 in mind for some time now. Maybe the reader had to put her beloved pet to sleep because it had some illness or injury the doctors couldn't cure & Stiles is there to comfort her ? She got it as a birthday present from her parents when they moved into the town & kinda grew up with it. I personally would prefer it to be a cat but since I know u don't like them that much I don't mind if it's a dog. Thank u in advance. :)
Word Count: 2,458
Warning: DOG DEATH! UGH! Putting a dog down. If you’re anything like me, grab some fucking tissues.
Author’s Note: This was so fucking hard to write. Read here why it was.
[My Teen Wolf Master List]
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The waiting room was silent. Anyone could hear a pin drop. The walls were white and filled with pictures of different pets; cute puppies, a cat playing with a ball of yarn, a hamster running on a wheel, and a happy looking pig, half covered in mud. These posters are clearly meant to cheer up people in the waiting room, but they weren’t doing the trick for Y/N.
She was sitting on one of the chairs and stared at the photos of the puppies. Her leg shook up and down, a nervous tactic Stiles figured out within a couple of weeks of dating her nearly 13 years ago. Stiles believed her mind was running with a bunch of thoughts as they waited for the veterinarian to return with some news. However, he was wrong. The only thing running through Y/N’s mind was the day she got Ollie.
“Honey, could you come down for a second?” Y/N’s dad called out from the living room.
“Coming!” Y/N shouted from her room. She closed the chemistry textbook and grabbed Stiles’ hand. Stiles stumbled out of his chair as she led the way to the living room. Y/N didn’t know what her father had to say, but she wanted her boyfriend to be by her side.
Stiles and Y/N had just started dating about 3 weeks ago. It was certainly love at first sight when she walked into his chemistry class towards the beginning of their junior year. They both believed it was fate when Mr. Daniels paired them up as lab partners. They immediately hit it off.
“What’s up, dad?” Y/N asked as she walked into the living room. She let go of Stiles’ hand when she noticed her dad had a serious look on his face and his arms were folded tightly to his chest. Y/N tried to think back to what she might have done this week to get herself into trouble.
“I wanted to talk to you,” he said.
Stiles cleared his throat. “Maybe I should go?” Stiles asked, sensing a small tension in the room.
Y/N’s dad shook his head. “No, it’s okay. You can stay Stiles.” He looked back at his daughter. “I know this move hasn’t been easy for you.”
Y/N nodded in agreement. Her dad got a new promotion that required him and Y/N to move to Beacon Hills. She missed all her friends back home and making friends at Beacon Hills High School wasn’t as easy as she thought it would be. She knew Stiles’ friends, but they were kind of distant and always busy with unexpected plans at the very last minute, mostly at nights. She was lucky to have Stiles as, not only her boyfriend, but her best friend too.
“So, I got something for you that might cheer you up,” her dad smiled at her. “But!” He pointed a finger at her, “you have to promise me you’ll take care of him.”
“Him...?” She asked confused. She looked back at Stiles, looking for any hints if he knew what her dad was talking about. Then suddenly, it hit her like a lighting bolt. She remembered asking - no begging her dad for a dog the minute they moved into town.
“You got me a dog?!” She asked with so much excitement.
Y/N’s dad chuckled. “Yup!” He walked behind the sofa and pushed a big kennel with a small golden retriever inside. “Y/N, meet Oliver. I adopted him this morning. I hope you don’t-.”
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” She screamed with glee as she rushed over to the kennel, nearly pushing Stiles out of the way. She opened the kennel door and let the puppy out. He immediately rushed to her and licked her face as she picked him up. Y/N giggled.
Y/N’s dad chuckled. “As I was saying, I hope you don’t mind that I picked him out without you. I’ve been checking out different pet stores and dog pounds since we moved here. Yesterday, I ran into this little fella. The lady said they were going to put him down because he had already been there for a while and no one wanted him. I knew the moment I saw him, he was meant to be yours.”
“Oh, daddy! I love him!” She put Oliver down and rushed over to hug her dad. “Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!” She repeated as she hugged him tight and kissed him on the cheek.
“Aww man!” Stiles groaned in annoyance. Y/N and her father looked over at Stiles, only to see Oliver peeing on his shoe.
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Y/N gasped and rushed over to Oliver, but it was already too late. Oliver had already finished. Y/N bit her lip back, trying to fight back her laughter. Her dad on the other hand, couldn’t stop laughing.
“You little runt, you ruined my shoe,” Stiles said.
Y/N laughed as she grabbed Oliver. “Don’t get mad at Ollie. He doesn’t know any better.”
“Promise me you’ll potty train him and take care of him,” Y/N’s father asked, still chuckling.
“We promise,” Y/N promised.
“We...?” Stiles looked at her.
“Yes. We will take care of him. We’ll walk him everyday and maybe he’ll even go on a couple of dates with us,” she smiled at Stiles. “I have a feeling he’s going to be with us for a long time. He’ll be our dog. So, you better be nice to Ollie.”
“I’ll only be nice if he’s nice to me...” he looked at Oliver who ironically at the moment was giving him puppy dog eyes. Stiles’ heart melted. He couldn’t be mad at a cute puppy. Stiles let out a small sigh of defeat. “Just promise me you won’t pee on anymore of my shoes. Okay, Ollie?” Y/N held Oliver in front of Stiles’ face. Oliver immediately started licking his face. Stiles smiled as he rubbed behind his ears.
“Ollie likes you too,” Y/N smiled as she leaned in and kissed Stiles’ cheek.
Stiles placed his hand on top of hers, pulling Y/N out of her memory. She looked over at him. He gave her a small smile. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “It’s going to be okay.”
Before she could respond, the veterinarian walked in. Y/N didn’t need to know she was coming to meet them with bad news. It wasn’t the sad look on the veterinarian’s face. It was her heavy heart and the gut wrenching feeling in the pit of her stomach that indicated something wasn’t right with Ollie.
“I’m sorry,” the veterinarian immediately started. “Oliver’s stomach has flipped and it’s too severe. An operation would fix this, but given his age, the surgery might cause him more pain than he already is. If you don’t want the surgery, you can take him home and try to make him as comfortable as possible, but I have to warn you, that’ll be extremely difficult. He’ll be in too much pain to get up and go to the bathroom. Chances are he’ll just lay in his business. He’ll need around the clock care. I feel like I should also let you know, there’s a third option if you want to go that route as well.”
“Third option?” Y/N asked confused. “What third option?”
When the vet said nothing, Stiles squeezed his wife’s hand and gave her a sad knowing look. Y/N’s eyes immediately welled up with tears, suddenly realizing what the third option was.
“I’ll give you two a moment to decide on what you want to do,” the veterinarian said as she walked back into the back room with Oliver, leaving the couple in the waiting room.
Stiles said nothing. He didn’t know what to say because he knew no matter what he said, it wouldn’t cheer her up or erase the pain she was in. For a split second, he wished he was like Scott, because then he would be able to take his wife’s pain away.
“Stiles,” she whispered with a shaky breath. “Do you think she’ll let us see him before,” she stopped herself, unable to finish the sentence.
“Of course.” Stiles reached in and swiped the single tear that made its way down her cheek. “Are you sure you want to do this, hon?”
More tears fell down her cheeks as she nodded. “We have to. He’s old. He’s 13 years old, not counting doggy years.” She let it a heavy sigh. “He’s in too much pain. He doesn’t deserve to be in anymore pain,” she sniffled.
“Okay,” Stiles said as he cupped her cheek and brushed the tears away. “Let’s go see Ollie.”
The vet came back to see if the couple had made their decision. When they gave her their answer, she led them to the back room where Oliver was. Before she opened the door, she turned around to face them. “If you like, you can stay after you say your goodbyes. However, I completely understand if you want to leave before-“
“We’d like to stay,” Y/N immediately answered. “Ollie doesn’t deserve to be by himself.”
“Okay,” the vet nodded and opened the door. “I’ll give you two a few minutes.”
Y/N and Stiles walked up to Ollie, who was lying still on a steel table underneath a comforter. He didn’t move other than his eyes when he saw his two best friends coming towards him.
“Oh, Ollie,” Y/N whispered as tears ran down her cheeks. She leaned down and hugged him softly, trying not to cause any more pain. She pulled back and covered his face with kisses. He licked her cheek one last time before she pulled back. She locked her eyes with his dim green eyes. “I want you to know, you were the best dog in the world, okay? Don’t ever think you weren’t. You were fun, adventurous, curious, funny, loving, and beautiful.” She bit her lip back as she tried to regain her strength. “I want you to know it’s going to be okay. You’re going to go to a wonderful place and I’m sorry, but we won’t be there,” Y/N looked up at Stiles. She saw his hand running along Oliver’s body, his back, his legs, and his tail. He was taking in Oliver’s features one last time. When his fingers brushed through the end of his tail, Stiles looked up at Y/N. His nose was wet and pink, and his eyes were filled with tears. He nodded at her, motioning her to continue.
“But you’re going to love it. There’s going to be other dogs there and you’ll be friends with them. Maybe you guys can chase squirrels or cats together. It’s also a world where there’s countless of big bones and cupcakes for you to eat, sticks and balls to play with. It’s also a place where you can look down and always watch over us. You’re going to love it, Ollie.”
The vet knocked on the door just as Y/N had finished her goodbye. “Are you ready?”
Y/N stood up straight and nodded. Stiles stood next to her. He wrapped an arm around her and placed his free hand on Oliver’s back. He stroked him, hoping Oliver would find it comfortable. The vet grabbed the needle and injected the pentobarbital into the IV that was hooked on Oliver.
More tears flowed down Y/N’s cheeks as she saw Ollie trying to fight the sleep. His breathing was becoming slower. She leaned in and kissed his head. “It’s okay,” she whispered in his ear. “I’ll always love you and I’ll see you one day years from now.”
Y/N closed her eyes as Ollie’s eyes fluttered close. She stood up and immediately buried her face in Stiles chest. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t know what to say. They had just lost - what they considered, their first child. All he knew he could do was hold her tight and let her cry for as long as she wanted. “I love you,” he whispered against the shell of her ear. She nodded as she grabbed a fist full of his shirt, signaling she loved him too.
Two weeks later
“Hey,” Stiles said after he finally found his wife sitting in the recliner in their living room. As he walked closer to her, he noticed she had a picture frame in her hands. “What are you doing?” He asked before he leaned down and kissed her forehead.
She let out a small heavy sigh. “Just looking at this picture of Ollie.” She handed him the frame. It was a picture of them two with Oliver in the middle. It was taken shortly after Y/N’s dad surprised her with the puppy and Stiles cleaned his shoe. It was their first family photo.
“It would have been his 14th birthday today,” she let out a sad sigh.
Stiles kneeled down next to her. He grabbed her hands and squeezed them. “I know, baby.” He brought up her hand and kissed it. “I miss him too.”
“It’s so weird not having him around.”
“Tell me about it,” Stiles said as he looked at the photo. “I still expect to see that goofball running towards me when I get home from work, only to tackle me down for kisses.”
Y/N let out a sad chuckle. “He loved you.”
“And he loved you too.” Stiles tugged her hand. “I got you something.”
“You did?” She asked a bit surprised.
“I mean normally on this day I would come home with a big bone and Ollie’s favorite cupcake from the bakery down the street. So instead, I decided to get you something.” He pulled out a small silver bone charm with the letter O. “I thought it would be nice to add it to your charm bracelet. That way Ollie will always be with you.”
Y/N’s eyes welled up with tears. “I love it,” she leaned in to kiss him. She pulled back and gave Stiles her wrist with the charm bracelet. Stiles put on the charm. “It’s beautiful. Thank you, Stiles.”
“I have one more surprise for you. Ollie would kill me if I didn’t continue the tradition.”
“Please don’t tell me you got me real bone, Stiles.”
Stiles chuckled. “I did and I left it in the backyard where Ollie is buried, but that’s not the surprise.”
“What is it?” She asked.
“I got us two of Ollie’s favorite cupcakes. I figured he would be pissed if someone didn’t have his favorite cupcake on his day. I think we should go outside and sit on the porch swing. It’s a beautiful evening outside.”
Y/N smiled at Stiles with more tears in her eyes. She grabbed his hands as she stood up. She pulled him in for a tight hug after she kissed him. “Thank you. I really needed this.” She tightened her grip on him. “I love you.”
Stiles leaned in and kissed her. “I love you, too.”
“Promise me something?” She asked.
“Promise me, we’ll always eat his favorite cupcake on this day.”
“I promise,” he smiled back at her before he looked up. “I promise too, Ollie.”
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