#i wish i could see it in theaters again!!! I NEED TO EXPERIENCE ALL THAT INTENSITY AGAIN
thecryptidwizard · 10 months
So does anyone else think that the doctor from Godzilla Minus One is hot. or.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
UGH okay, my craziness aside; could you try “I think I’m in love with you” with Matthew Patel? It doesn’t matter who says it, I jsut think it’d be adorable (I adore that funky theatre punk so so much <3)
Thank you so much and have a wonderful day/night!!
"Do it!"
"Come on, Lord Matthew!"
"We're getting impatient.."
"Maybe we'll go in and tell them ourselves-"
"Ladies, that's enough! I will tell them myself...i-in a minute. First, I need to rehearse what I'm going to say..I can't mess this up."
The demon hipster chicks could only stare at their master with blank expressions, knowing damn well that he was stalling the inevitable:
That being his confession to you.
You two go back as far as middle school, with you being the first friend he ever made who didn't mind his weirdness or mystical powers. Plus, you shared his admiration for the theater and dramatics when he started obsessing over those, becoming his number one supporter.
Until now, Matthew never thought he'd fall for you like he did Ramona. But he feared rejection, ridicule, or worse--the relationship being extremely short-lived and him never getting to experience a "true love's kiss".
Once was painful enough.
He couldn't go through that again.
Of course, his demon hipster chicks knew all about this and the months he's spent pining after you. As much as they didn't like you "stealing" away his attention...they realized you made their master genuinely happy.
And above everything else, they wanted him to be happy.
So they were thrilled when he summoned them, seeing that they were at the doorstep to your apartment and squealing upon noticing the giftbox he had for you.
Finally, he seemed ready to move on from Ramona.
Yet....he had spent ten solid minutes pacing along the floor and trying to hype himself up, his confidence totally shot, before he eventually stopped in front of your door again.
"Okay, I got it! Erm..."Roses are red, violets are--" no, that's stupid. It's too cliche! Everybody uses that!" Shaking his head, he tried to think of something else. ""Hey, would you like to be the Romeo to my Juliet--" ohh, what am I saying?! That's not romantic!! That would mean our relationship could end in tragedy...UGH!!"
"Don't overthink it, my lord." One of the demons whispered to him. "Just tell them how you feel."
"....it can't be that simple, can it?"
"..alright. I'll take your advice. I'm going for it." With a nervous swallow, he bowed his head and raised a hand to knock at the door-
Only for it to swing open, causing him to freeze in-place and look up to see you on the other side. He quickly hid both hands behind his back, hoping you didn't see the gift. "H-Hi.."
"Oh hey, Matty. Hey, girls." You smiled, looking past him and waving to the demons. But as your gaze shifted back to his, you wondered why he seemed extremely nervous. "Are you feeling okay?"
"..yeah. Just..wanted to see how you were doing." Pink was starting to dust his cheeks. "Did you uh...know I was going to come visit?"
"Um...yeah? You texted me earlier."
"And I saw you outside my window and figured you forgot the spare key."
"Shit..did I?" Matthew checked his coat pockets, feeling more embarrassed to know he forgot such a simple thing. All because he couldn't stop thinking about you. "I guess I did forget.......how about I go get it?"
You blinked in confusion. "Huh? But you're-"
"I'll be back, I swear-?!!"
The second he tried to run away, two of the demons grabbed a hold of his arms, dragging him into your apartment, while the other two guarded the door it in case he attempted another escape. He yelled in outrage, putting up a bit of struggle before they let go.
At this point, he was seething red, prepared to yell at them for their betrayal and the humiliation it brought upon him...
But they just winked and disappeared, the last one wishing him luck.
Of course.
"I can't believe it! The nerve of those-"
"What was that all about? You're acting kinda..odd, Matthew." Raising an eyebrow, you sat down on your sofa, having no clue why the man in front of you looked so flustered.
"I....have something I need to say." He decided to sit beside you, sighing heavily. "[Y/n], I think....I..I..."
"...I-I think I'm in love with you!" Finally blurting it out, he closed his eyes and handed you the box, too afraid to see your expression. "I know it's sudden but..you've always been there for me. Ever since I found my passion for theater. Ever since Ramona dumped me...you were by my side. A-And I feel like I took that for granted. I thought I only wanted revenge against those who wronged me....but no. I want something better. I want love...and I want to be yours. So please...let me prove that I can be a good boyfriend and not evil!"
Part of him wanted to curl up and die as he continued babbling on and on about his feelings, thinking about the hundreds of other ways he could have done this.
He could flawlessly play the role of a love interest in a musical or play and move the audience to tears so effortlessly. But off-stage, he felt like a bumbling lovesick idiot who isn't making any sense to his crush..
There's no way you could love him back.
Not after seeing him like this.
Yet after feeling the box being removed from his hands, Matthew bravely opened his eyes, watching as you took out the black and red roses he put inside it. The thorns have been clipped off, allowing you to twirl the stems in your fingers for a moment or two.
Then you looked at him with the brightest of smiles, laughing softly. "Of course you'd give me roses, you dork. That's so....you." You set them aside before moving closer, taking his hands into yours. "I'm trusting you to uphold that promise."
His heart was soaring.
He must definitely be dreaming right now.
"S-So...it's a yes?"
You chuckled, nodding. "Yes. And...I promise to be with you for longer than a week."
That got him choked up. He couldn't say anything else in that moment, as his only response was pulling you into a tight hug and hiding his face in your neck.
Thank god he didn't ruin this.
You just smiled and held him close, relieved that he finally decided to try loving again. When he calmed down enough to look back up into your eyes, that's when you both decided to go for the kiss--just in case he had any more doubts in his mind.
And there were sparks galore.
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You and I, we’re not the same.
Imagine dis…
Corrupted ectoplasm is always the main reason why Jason had a pit rage. I know it was because he was dumped in Lazarus' pits when he was found wandering around.
What if I offer you guys another reason why he rages so much?
Lady Gotham is devastated by her little squire, her beloved child laid to rest. The little boy used to play around her alley as if it was the best playground he ever played in. The little boy whom she shielded personally with her shadows to hide from those who wished harm to her child. The little boy who shines the brightest when he laughs, and that good-for-nothing pest killed him. 
If she had enough strength within her city she would have already dragged that clown’s soul to the deepest and darkest place of her realm but couldn't. She needed whatever ectoplasm and strength she had to bring him back. Her Dark Knight is getting reckless by the day, gone the knight that would protect and see the goodness in this cesspool of a city, was replaced by a man who is still grieving for the loss of his child and taking it out on everyone but mostly himself. 
The boy rose and could dig himself out but his father didn't find him, someone else did.
That day Lady Gotham wailed in devastation. Every Gothamite felt and heard something, from the people who had hidden in the deepest of corners of her city for protection to the labyrinths that hold countless undead Talons all of whom simultaneously shivered as they all seemingly heard a mother’s scream that had just lost her child again.
It was assassins that had found him that was true but they didn't find him in his grave, they had found him wandering around with instincts and muscle memory as his only tool to survive. At first, Ra thought that he was the missing link, the key to everlasting life but after countless research and experiments thought that Jason Todd was a fluke in the greater systems. Seeing that Talia’s leverage on her beloved is about to be disposed of, she immediately throws Jason into the pits as it may have not raised the dead but he is alive enough for the pits to heal.
When Jason Todd was dipped into the green glowing waters of the Lazarus pits they didn't see it…
They didn't see the way the pits seemed to split Jason Todd in half. As if answering a man or a father’s prayer.
I need no other child as long as mine can split themselves in half.
At that moment, deep within the deep waters of the pits, there were two. 
One who looked far too different from what he looked like before, a body that had been fixed by the pits. 
One who had been left behind, the body of a teen who had been too malnourished.
The pits split Jason Todd apart, while the other one started to gasp for air and began swimming to the top, the other continued to sink into the endless pit.
No one was there to witness it but as the other one sank deeper a portal manifested behind the sinking Jason Todd swallowing him whole as if there was no one else.
Jason knew the moment he woke up in the middle of the Lazarus pit, was rage. RAGE for naively believing his birth giver yet she had given him to the Joker for safety, RAGE for not being avenged by his father, RAGE for being replaced before his body even turned cold… 
rage for something, MISSING?!?!?!!?
Jason knew that there was a part of him missing, maybe it was the once young innocent naïve child that loved theater, perhaps it was the once hopeful child to help their home into something more, but it was because deep down he knew that there was something wrong with him.
He had memories missing or even spotty and blurry at best. He knew he used to help Alfred around the kitchen but the feelings and the details behind such core memory vanished. The sense of joy and utter happiness, when DAD Bruce bought a first edition book that he had been eyeing for a while, the fear and dread to open and read, said book in fear of damaging his first ever gift.
He knew that if the rest knew of it he would be kicked out, just when they were both trying to mend their broken bridges. So he kept it all in memories and emotions that should have been present are gone as if someone had cut through him and dragged those out.
But it all clicked in one normal night during patrol.
He was just swinging from one building to another when he felt it, a pulse, calling out to him. Every inch of him is screaming to follow it as if something is begging him to go, so he does.
Upon arriving at, his former rundown apartment. Where he and his mom, Catherine, once shared and called home. 
Slowly entering the said apartment there he saw his old room where he and Catherine slept while cuddling when she had drugs out of her system. 
A teen, looks exactly like him, same eyes that have the same shade of blue that the butler managed to capture before his death. The shape of his eyes, the way his hair was styled, the way he looked at Jason as if he was in danger.
But the moment the two of them met their eyes something clicked inside them.
They are each other’s half…
Jason and Danny, after he introduced himself which made him a bit confused and so that there would be no mix-ups seeing both of them are technically Jason Peter Todd, both began exchanging stories to each other seeing that even though they have no idea how and why they were separated better yet they don’t know how come Danny traveled to the past to be raised normally.
As Danny begins to narrate his story Jason can’t help but let his mind wander here he is. Talking to a version of him if Joker didn’t happen. A smart and innocent version of him that has a loving family, and haven’t have any blood in their hands. The perfect son, something Bruce would be ecstatic about. He is ruling over Crime Alley using every dirty trick in the book. Yet a version of him became the perfect vigilante, despite death wanting to do good and see good in everyone. 
I am the sinner, and you are the saint.
I am the sinner, and you are the saint.
Danny thought as he in turn listened to his other part, he knew that that Jason the one in front of him was the one who made it out. While he merely drifted at the bottom, Danny felt envious of Jason despite the two being the same person just different experiences. Yet the moment he regained Jason Todd-Wayne’s memories he can't help but laugh at fate for pulling their strings. A billionaire who wanted to be his son, eccentric parents, dying once again with no mom nor dad within sight… He was laughing deep within his room when he got his memories back. 
Even Clockwork looked at him with pity? Sympathy? sorry? He doesn't care when the ghost visits him for a timely visit.
Here he is looking at the version of him if he ever came back to Bruce. The father had yelled at him about not wanting teenage rebellion from him. When he remembered his memories it was already far too long when the League of Assassins had him and Bruce already had a shinier Robin, a perfect son and the perfect brother to Richard Grayson. So he didn’t reach out despite remembering each code that could verify his identity. Each secret and each whisper that only Jason Todd knew and experienced.
So he stayed, stayed with a family that practically raised him a family that neglected him and their biological daughter. But in the end, he still died, for their cause, he may be considered a trained individual but fought humans, not immortal-like beings that seem to have their version of madness.
His parents whom he grew to love and care for parents despite their shortcomings, still opened him up and explored his insides when they learned the truth.
It made him chuckle, he just never did learn, did he…
He escaped, running from one city to another, never staying for too long as many heroes despite their dislike of him when Grayson made his hatred known for him, learned and still watched him grow into a young teen.
So when he was living from one state to another, to avoid detection, lose his trail, escape his hunters, going back to his training as Robin as well as the memory of being a street kid deep within Gotham’s dirty alley. So when he first entered the city boundaries, Danny could feel it, the way Lady Gotham immediately welcomed him.
He heard it all, how Red Hood controlled crime, how he staking his claim on Crime Alley that even the Bats had forsaken. How within his rule was better than any gang or leader who did try and control that section of Gotham.
Danny can’t help but feel envy, here his other self doing good to the place where he crawled from. His other being the vigilante who made a change, has the drive to fight and protect, the drive to dirty his hands to ensure that the kids in his territory live a somewhat normal life. So when he made eye contact he knew that he was the sinner.
So here he was talking and listening to a grown Jason Todd of him. It made him cringe the moment he saw him, it made him think of Dan, the way he stood, his expressions, and even the tiniest of details. The anger, if Danny and Jason never met again despite one knowing of the other’s identity.
If one looked from outside of their little bubble one would see two beings. Who truly understood, acknowledged, and accepted each other. No matter how different the two are, one would comment that they look like soulmates, who gravitate toward each other and readily accept each other’s edges. One would whisper that the two are brothers, who support each other and rely to each other.
No matter, the Gothamites muttered, Gotham never have felt more content and at home than the day they saw Jason Todd, the supposed right-hand man of Red Hood, and Danny Nightgale, the Gotham’s guardian for the children. Talking and spending time to each other.
Now, if only Batman and Co. stop sneaking in to take a glance at their new resident.
PS: If someone out there wants to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
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outlanderskin · 5 months
Tobias Menzies
I was reading on a card how much would fit in ten years and I saw that in 10 Years
fit 120 Months
521,714 Weeks
3652 Days
87648 Hours
5258880 Minutes
315532800 Seconds.
And even in all this, it doesn't fit what it meant for me to wait for him.
Within these 10 years, there are memories of being persecuted since the beginning when I said that he was my favorite.
All the times, I had to explain the difference between actors and characters for people who hated him because of Frank and BJR.
All the times I've had to say that I really like Sam, but that at the top of my list will always be Tobias, and this isn't a sin.
All the times I said there was no dispute between them.
All the times I was hurt when I saw people from my side of the fandom excluding him from photos or wishing he wouldn't go to some events because it would "take the focus" away from the main actors couple (yes, this stupid thing happened).
I've been in this fandom since the beginning, and anyone who knows me knows that for me, it's always been about him. I'm not someone who started using Tobias to justify hatred or to disguise an unhealthy love for Sam. It was natural from the first day I looked at him. And a thousand times, I've expressed my pride about how private, talented, different, down-to-earth he is.
I've been going to Cons of Outlander since 2015, but he rarely does Cons, I had already met the loves of my fandom friends' lives, but never mine. Until Saturday, April 13, 2024.
When I took the first photo (with him and Sam) and saw him for the first time, everything around me disappeared completely. There he was, finally. I was practically led by my friend, I gathered all the courage to say where I came from, then he blinked, and all my senses and rationality, and 🎶🎶🎶 all that was me, was gone🎶. I don't remember how I left the room, but my friends remember... I needed to be strong, I thought. There would still be three photos with him alone (one of them a gift from much-loved friends), a photo with him and Sophie, and an autograph. I would have to maintain my sanity until then.
For the first time, I understood the fact that Sam Heughan's fans left photo shoots shaking.
During the photo shoot, I spoke quietly, and so did he, and for me, it was like a dance because I said he decided the poses and I followed. I left the session and I want to thank from the bottom of my heart the girl on the team who asked me how I was and I could only say "he's my favorite" and she hugged me.
There was a rush at the autograph, but I gave him a book about theatre from my country, and I believe it was a gift he didn't expect. He thanked me with his hand on his chest, like the gentleman he is and at that moment I wanted to be royalty because I was going to give him all the honors of a noble English knight that I could find in the Buckingham Palace . Do I like British Monarchy? I like Tobias Menzies.
Ah....how I wish I could sit down with him and say he has a fan page that I manage, say that I admire him for being truly discreet in every way. Ask about his process of acting , speak about Stanislavski, Brecht, Ibsen, talk about my experiences in the classroom with The Theater of the Oppressed and say how good is for me to see someone like him acting. But conventions are collective experiences, and there would be no time.
In ten years, a lot can happen... all this time waiting for him. And I would do it all again. Someone like him was worth waiting for.
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toxictigertonic · 4 days
HIII i absolutely adore your outlast trials headcanons, they're so silly and accurate .. if u don't mind, could you maybe do one of the prime assets going to the movie theater? that'd be so funny
Took a little break to give my brain more time to soak in the outlast bathtub, but I'm back with more silly.
- He wouldn't take his sunglasses off for the movie I'm saying this right now. It could be a 3D movie and he'd just put the glasses over top of his own.
- Kinda guy to get a hotdog at the movies instead of just popcorn. Then he complains about the price to the underage cashier.
- He likes to watch cop and action movies, imagines himself being the protagonist through the whole movie. He wishes he was that cool.
- Leaves popcorn on the floor and his empty cup in the cup holder because "it's their job to clean it up".
- Would try to steal snacks that Gooseberry brought in. She was gonna share them anyway but if he's gonna be like that he can starve.
- Shushes anybody who even breathes too loud when the movie is going. He is Locked In and if you distract him he's going to kick your ass.
- Due to being this locked in, he will hold his piss for however long the movie is. He's not missing a second of this, he'll piss himself if he has to.
- Does not care what seat he actually bought, he's gonna sit where he likes and you're gonna deal with it. Dick.
- Would try to smoke a cigarette inside of the theater and have to be escorted out. Would not go quietly.
- Does not stay to see if there's anything after the credits, misses out every time. It's not that he doesn't know, he doesn't believe that there's actually anything to see.
- Brings a purse full of snacks with her. She is unwilling to spend 20 dollars on a little bit of candy. Still gets popcorn though, nobody can resist movie theater popcorn.
- Futterman wants to watch gorey horror movies while she wants to watch romcoms or just comedies in general.
- Futterman will complain through the whole movie if he's forced to watch a romcom. And he's loud about it too, the other movie goers would complain, but... that goose is scary.
- If he got his wish and they're watching a horror movie, he's cheering when characters die. Fuck the protagonists he's here for BLOOD.
- Futterman also complains about her snack choices. Candy? SUGAR? Think of the cavities, Phyllis!!
- She doesn't talk during movies but she is the one softly gasping whenever something like a plot twist happens.
- Futterman is face down in the popcorn bucket just munching away. He's gonna need a bath (read: get dunked in the sink) when they get home.
- Futterman would crack shitty jokes during quiet parts. Don't laugh it'll only encourage him to do it again.
- Phyllis is also a "hold it until the movie is over" kinda person but only because Futterman throws a fit if he misses out on parts. That's if they're watching a horror movie, if it's a romcom he's begging her to leave lol.
- Refills her popcorn before she leaves and brings it home with her.
- He actually can't eat popcorn bc the kernels get stuck in his teeth and it's uncomfortable :(
- Instead of eating popcorn, he's scarfing down candy. He strikes me as a gummy kind of guy.
- Gooseberry is actively rushing him past the snacks and candy bc he WILL try to buy 8 different kinds of candy and end up spending 60 dollars. He has the money but he does NOT need to experience a sugar rush halfway through a movie.
- He'd also go for horror movies, but also mafia/mob movies. Would shout at the screen about inaccuracies.
- Out of all of the assets, he's the one talking during the movie. He has a hard time sitting still and he's not completely paying attention and he wants Gooseberry to tell him what he missed. Coyle is shushing him the whole time.
- Despite being the one that keeps yapping, he'll kick the back of someone else's seat if he thinks they're talking too loud.
- Also leaves a mess of candy wrappers and spilled drinks, just like Coyle. He just doesn't care tbh.
- Gets up 9 separate times to use the bathroom, has to step in front of Coyle each time to get out of the row. They're gonna kill each other after the movie.
- If somebody else tries to step over his legs to get out of the row, he'd trip them. The menace.
- Gooseberry is clapping her hand over his eyes if there's any nudity and he is FIGHTING to move her hand away. Let him see!!
I would watch a movie with Phyllis and only Phyllis everyone else can wait in the car (sorry Franco)
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fireflyatlast · 3 months
As promised: Rite Here Rite Now Review
Spoiler free above the cut, spoilers WILL be under the cut. (Word count: 1110)
Wow wow wow. In simple terms, RHRN was incredible. The recordings were edited very well, the crowd was great, the vocals were amazing as always, and the long-awaited continuation of the chapters was very satisfying.
As a newer fan (really started listening right when Re-Imperatour was ending) I unfortunately never got the chance to ever see any shows live. However, despite my newer status, I have made Ghost a key part of my interests. (ask any of my lovely irl friends, they've had the misfortune of hearing my rants.) I've watched countless interviews and old rituals in order to make up for lost time, but never have I felt more immersed in any Ghost media than I did when I saw the KIA shows on the big screen. It didn't feel like I was in row G seat 12 of my "local" mall's Regal Cinema, it felt like I was right there in LA.
The opening 5 minutes as Square Hammer plays softly in the background was great. Because there wasn't much going on on the screen, everyone in the theater that I was in was softly humming or singing to themselves quietly (Side note: I was worried that people would be super disruptive as the movie was going on, and I was really happy to not have those worries realized. My theater was respectful for the most part, and the only time anyone sang was during that five-minutes of not much.) It felt very nice to belong amongst such a nice community irl. As an introverted neurodivergent, sometimes I struggle to find places or people welcoming or sharing my interests. So being in a theater full of people who love the same thing as me, as much as me, was such a nice feeling.
The cinematography during the entirety of RHRN was great, with my personal favorite segment being Con Clavi Con Dio. The editing was really nice for the most part, and I love the development Cardi was given throughout the movie. I feel my one gripe with the filming is that while we did get great perspective shots on the ghouls, we didn't get much of their personalities. And yes, I get that technically they are just hired musicians and not the main focus by any means, I think it just would have been nice to see more than just a handful of clips of them interacting with each other or Papa.
All in all, RHRN was a wonderful experience and I strongly suggest any Ghost fan out there gives it a watch.
And now its time for my more story-based review. Spoilers under the cut!!
Again, wow. I was pretty excited to finally get some more of the chapters, I'm a big fan of anything that has "lore" even if it doesn't need it, so I definitely owe the chapters a thanks for really getting me into Ghost.
I was thrilled to find that we finally had a true conformation of Cardi's parents. I had always theorized that while Nihil was Copia's father, Copia had come from an affair with the audience members in the Kiss the Go-Goat music video, and that Imperator was Copia's adoptive mother after Nihil's abandonment of him. It's good to know I was wrong rather than not I guess.
Something I also enjoyed was the constant foreshadowing of Sister's death. It wasn't very subtle, but its definitely something I only connected the dots to at the end. Whenever we saw Sister, we saw pills. Lots and lots of pills. I had originally brushed this off as a background joke, but once Cardi reads her note, I realized that the pills were for her unnamed "condition." I think going into it, all of us knew someone would die, I just personally thought that someone would be Copia, not Sister.
That after-credit scene was amazing too. I loved Cardi's new outfit, and the conformation that yes, there will have to be another papa. Which obviously, yes, of course there has to be a new papa, but now, it just feels so much more real. Speaking of the new papa I WISH WE COULD HAVE SEEN HIM AAH! I get cliffhangers, but he was RIGHT THERE!
I'm excited for the next era and the next papa, the next costume of the ghouls. I have a theory though. I see a lot of people being stressed about the changing of the ghoul costumes with the new era, but I think we have one more cycle with the Impera masks. I've noticed that each mask and costume stays the same for two cycles. Opus to Infestissumam, the only thing that changed was the costumes becoming more remnant of Catholic ministry-wear. From Meliora to Prequelle, the masks stayed mostly the same, now with an added more feminine looking mask and more "suit like" outfits over religious attire. I definitely think we have one more era with the Impera masks, but different costumes. Also speaking of the ghouls one of them talked!! I think it was Mountain, but honestly I have a shit memory and it could have been anyone.
Onto my focus on who Cardi actually is. I am so happy we finally got more of a look into his mind now that he is papa. I feel like his personality when he was Cardinal was very timid and awkward, however I never thought he would stay that way at all. I like that he's way more confident now, to the point that he's questioning the higher authority of the ministry and their ways. I love that this confidence is partly just a mask to keep his fears of death hidden. I think his fears manifesting as an angry, questioning personality gives him a lot more depth than if he just gained confidence through his performances, which obviously happened too, don't get me wrong.
The last thing I want to discuss is the credit song, "The Future is a Foreign Land." First off, loved it. It was great musically, and the uncertainty in the lyrics fit very well with all of our uncertainty about the next cycle. Second off, I can't be the only one who think it sounds very similar to Subvision. I personally love Subvision, and even if its only for that one song, I'm super glad that style was revived for Ghost.
In conclusion, I love the developments made in RHRN, and I am more than excited for whatever is next. I think my brain will have to marinate on what I saw a bit more, maybe then I'll have some actual theories.
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asordinaryppl · 16 days
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 22: "Never Again" One More Time
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Banri: “This is me. This is my acting.”
Kabuto: You’re too good. That’s bad.
Banri: Don’t give such nonsensical advice, man.
Kabuto: Judas’s acting that touches people’s hearts shouldn’t be perfect here.
Banri: … I understand the reasonin’.
Kabuto: I’m sure.
Kabuto: — So, Baal.
Juza: Yeah.
Kabuto: You’re not exuding any of his otherworldly air. This is a guy who thinks he’s the future of theater.
Juza: — Got it.
Kabuto: Show me the results of having you two act as each other in the etudes. The point wasn’t to have you imitate each other’s tone of voice and posture.
Kabuto: I wrote this with you two as beginners in mind, so you should be able to do it even better. There’s no passion in this at all.
Banri: Hold up, how long are ya gonna make us play each other’s roles for?
Kabuto: If you don’t reach the level I’m looking for, you might be playing these roles longer than your actual ones.
Juza: Wha…
Banri: Are you for real…
Kabuto: Guess I need the handcuffs. Hey, go bring—
Banri: NO NEED! Quit bringing up random shit from the past.
Juza: Please spare us.
Kabuto: There are no problems with this formation.
Banri: Got it.
Kabuto: You’re stupidly good at making stuff like this.
Banri: Thanks.
Banri: (The hell’s stupidly supposed to mean?)
Kabuto: The lighting, sound, hair and makeup and projection images are all set. All that’s left is the play’s most important part: acting.
Banri: I’ll definitely do something about that, as the lead.
Kabuto: You’re not thinking it’ll all be solved by the magic of acting right before the curtain rises, are you?
Banri: ——
Kabuto: It’s a common misconception inexperienced people have, but as time passes, you realize that if you can’t do something in the practice room, you won’t be able to do it on the actual stage.
Kabuto: … Have you guys grown comfortable with each other?
Kabuto: Back during your debut with Picaresque, the entirety of the Autumn Troupe, but especially you two, were so ready to tear the stage apart that I could feel it through the video.
Kabuto: You may not be able to go back to those times, but you should be able to remember them. Give me what you had back then, or even more than that.
Kabuto: If you can’t do that, what did you leave the comfort of your company and come here for?
Banri: You’re right, back then…
[Flashback starts]
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Banri: ——
Juza: ——
Banri: … I win.
Juza: … I win.
[Flashback ends]
Banri: (That time in Picaresque I was so moved… That I acted unconsciously.)
Banri: (Right now, us members of the Autumn Troupe are trying to find an impulse that surpasses what we had before, in order to perform the Picaresque sequel.)
Banri: (But something that becomes a formative experience ain’t something you go through half-heartedly, and it ain’t something you can just look for and experience.)
Banri: (That was also a once-in-a-lifetime miracle.)
Banri: (... I wonder if a moment like that will ever come again.)
Banri: …
Kabuto: But still, Juza Hyodo’s too boring to mess around with.
Kabuto: He nods his head sincerely no matter what I tell him. I wish I could see him go “Stop fuckin’ around” the way you do.
Banri: Ahh?
Kabuto: Well, I’ll be having a one-on-one interview with him tonight. I’ll pull a sweet one on him and reveal his true self. (1)
Itaru: GW. That troublesome Senpai won’t be coming at all today, TY for your all-nighter. 
Banri: I’m beat from practice, man…
Itaru: That’s exactly when gaming comes in clutch.
Banri: Ughhhh…
Itaru: What’s practice at Hyakka Troupe like?
Banri: The director made Hyodo and I exchange roles and is workin’ us to the bone. Said he won’t let us play our actual roles till we perfect this.
Itaru: You exchanged roles? That director’s got some interesting tricks up his sleeve again.
Banri: Yeah, well, he saw a video of Picaresque and told us to bring the same fire as back then, and not just act half-heartedly.
Itaru: He sure researched you two thoroughly. Ah, disable the trap there, pls.
Banri: kk. And it seems he even watched Hyodo’s Portrait.
Itaru: That reminds me… we were gaming like this while everyone else in the Autumn Troupe were writing their Portraits. You were the only one slacking off.
Banri: Ahhhh…
Itaru: That’s from back when you were young and arrogant.
Itaru: Looks like that director’s not someone you can fool, same as our Director-san.
Banri: IKR…
Banri: It’s exactly because his abilities as both an actor and director are top-notch, that I want to take as much from him as I can and grow.
Banri: And then, put all that into Picaresque’s sequel.
Itaru: IKWYM.
Banri: Reminds me, the Spring Troupe’s RomiJuli sequel was pretty good.
Itaru: TY. Doing a sequel inevitably reminds you of all sorts of things.
Itaru: Yuzo-san criticized us pretty harshly for the first time in a good while, too.
Itaru: He told us to re-evaluate what we want to accomplish with this performance, and what we want to convey.
Itaru: So, on Sakuya’s recommendation, we all tried to sleep on the stage again.
Itaru: And then, he said that he wants to take on new challenges, so he won’t lose to how his old self used to be…
Itaru: So we all tried something new and came back a little improved.
Itaru: And on the first day, after everything that happened, our leader said–
[Flashback starts]
Sakuya: We each took on new challenges in preparation for the New Fleur Award, so I feel like we can return to this stage with new feelings.
Sakuya: Although we can only stand on stage for the first time once, we can have many other “firsts” from now on.
Sakuya: We can remember those feelings again and again. That courage we had when leaping into a brand-new world–
Sakuya: Let’s take all our “firsts” in a positive light and have fun together!
[Flashback ends]
Banri: That’s the Spring Troupe’s leader for ya.
Itaru: IKR.
Banri: (I can’t lose to Sakuya.)
Banri: (There’s no point if Spring and Summer are the only ones doin’ well.)
Banri: (In order for MANKAI Company to keep growing further, us Autumn Troupe’s also gotta put on a performance that surpasses the debut’s hype.)
Banri: (Honestly, since it happened once at the start, I figured it’d never happen again.)
Banri: (It’s exactly ‘cause I had this faintest feeling that we might not be able to surpass what we felt during the debut performance that I gave everyone a pep talk, saying that we absolutely have to…)
Banri: (I got no time to be twiddling my thumbs.)
Banri: (There’s no way I… we can’t surpass it.)
Banri: (The Autumn Troupe, and I as their leader, can definitely surpass the past. I’m sure of that…)
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(1) kabuto here replaces the 一杯 in 一杯食わせる (to play a trick on someone, or deceive them) with 甘味 (sweets), since juza likes sweets. i did the same with an english phrase to match the original vibe he's got going on
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kouginoa · 1 year
PSYCHO PASS PROVIDENCE (english dub) Kougami & Akane moments. (SPOILERS)
at the end i added a photo of me in akane cosplay & kou in popcorn hehe 
this is a mess sorry... 
PT.1 [ how i felt, what im feeling, what i understood and what i saw ]
where do i begin, AH, ill start off with saying psycho-pass will forever make me so happy and i will always find comfort in this show. i’m so happy to have heard the english dub cast again. 
[ i want to say, my movie experience was pretty piss poor sadly, and tbh, i could not focus AT ALL on the movie, on what i feel like was 85% of the time. there was someone in the theater that was kinda like live commenting on the movie and it was so annoying and really broke the most emotional parts. after the movie i cried quietly a bit because i really have been waiting a year for it just for it to come out and be ruined by someone who could not shut their mouth.... just a psa: if your going to see a movie, please remember the space you are in ]
this is kinda just a ramble so sorry if it doesn't make sense~ 
the movie was truly amazing and TBH REALLY HELPED ME UNDERSTAND SEASON 3 in regards to not only why Akane was in jail but to better understand Arata & Kei. which i have to say, i have gown a little more fond of Arata and makes me wonder what more he is going to do in hopefully the later movies/ or hopefully seasons 
there was a lot that happen like ginoza’s hair flying in the wind and also kogamis wet hair but yeah ill skip to the part that really made me think a lot and the part that i could not stop thinking about Akane’s note to Kougami, and the very end/ the end of the movie being him saying he will get Akane out.
PT.2 [ Akane & Kougami]
NOW Kougami and Akane. wow, the part of kougami covering her from the bomb... we love to see it. KOUGAMI CARRYING HER BRIDLE STYLE AGAIN. WE LOVE TO SEE IT !!!!!!! god,,, any moment where it was just them two i wanted to cry and scream, i really need to relive the movie again alone because it was super super good and my dumbass has a pea for a brain and felt like if  i was to have any real reaction my brother (who so kindly went with me to the movie) would just look at me. 
but really they broke my heart many many times during this movie, kougami calling akane, trying to work his way to say sorry but ended up just being a smart ass and akane saying that she wishes he just said sorry. I WANTED TO SCREAM. i feel like this film was really eveything we have been wanting to see out of the two... i really feel bad for akane i do, i don’t know how to explain it but i feel like she was really never able to truly able to talk to kou. i mean she did in the elevator and during the phone call,,, but since kou never said sorry i feel like she never got to talk to him and i felt like it was really a lot for her and what all she experienced. 
kougami saying that he lives with out regret makes me feel like is what pushed akane to do what she did, i want to say, i really wanted to cry, REALLY wanted to cry when akane wrote a letter to him, kou calling akane an idiot/fool just like she did during season one, maybe i feel like, just how much it effected akane when kou wrote her a letter it kinda had the same effect on him. akane ending up in jail really gave kougami a new push, a push he hasn't had in a while
PT.3 [Gino, Kou, Akane]
going off of that kougami’s care for akane has grown as we know it’s party the reason why he came back to Japan was a way to see her and see how much shes has changed things for the better good. but Ginoza and Kougami talking about her really was truly sweet. Ginoza adores Akane a lot, and dare i say is kinda like an unsaid older brother. i thought it was really sweet to hear that Gionza wants to protect akane and make sure nothing happens to her. but with that being said... i really cant begin to think what ginoza felt after what akane did. 
poor ginoza really, i have gown really fond of him in the years leading up to now, after really seeing and understanding how much he cares for akane and how much he wants the best out of her, and how much he wants to see her grow. the part where gionza pushes kou against the wall in anger (for akane) really was fun to see. kougami not keeping his word (we knew he wouldn't) of saying out of their hair. ginoza, what a silly man. to think kou wouldnt find his way back home.. 
PT.4 [ ill shut up now <3 ]
to end- the way the movie ended and the way season three ended makes me want to cry,, even right now, as i said before, akane gave kougami a drive that it doesn't seem like he has has for a while now. although he has always felt the need to also take care of akane this time was different, he feels like she got there because of him, so its now party his job to get her out, 
but it makes me think of the end of season three and when kougami went to go and pick her up, that, besides saying that he was there to get her he also said sorry the sorry that akane had been waiting to hear for a while... but anyways... i think this movie really helped us better understand what more akane and kougmi relationship has faced, and also i like to think this all happen and now they are on the same level and have a better understanding of each other. kougami and akane are and have for once meet as equals. 
i think, what Akane did was really really smart, a smart way to show the world what is going on behind closed doors and how the system that japan is ran on is- like what any government system is,,, flawed. but also how the Sibyl System can be a good stepping stool to an EVEN better system but there just has to be some changes . BUT i also like to believe that while the sibyl system is evil and crazy i think it has its benefits, but just needs to be used wisely and more as a (again) steeping stool rather then a latter, point being... i think in this movie thats what i feel like what was being made super clear, that there needs to be room for growth for both the sibyl system and using it as a helping hand rather than relying it to fully judge someone.
i bet none of this made any sense, im writing this at 1:15AM after a con weekend with no glasses on :D , but this was my thoughts and my opinions about the movie unbiased... i have not read what anyone else had said, i didn't want what i was thinking to be affected by anyone else. but i cant wait to read some ! i like many of you, have been waiting for this for a really long time now and tbh am super sad that the  movie experience was not 100% it wasn't only the person saying shit though-out the whole movie but it was also bad on the theater i went to part as well,,, and like i said, i want to cry, i really do, my first time seeing the move was shat on and just have a hard time remembering what happened due to my bean for a brain lol... anywho
if you have any questions regarding the movie PLEASE DROP A QUESTION IN MY ASK BOX !!!! i want to better format my thoughts and i do best with questions hehehe
as promised… me cosplaying akane (wtf face reveal !??) to the movies + kou in the popcorn 🍿
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☆ love u all <3 thanks for making this place, a place where i can talk about anything regarding psycho pass, you don’t understand :,)
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disasterofastory · 1 year
The pretty little actress of Rogers - Part 6 (Steve Rogers x Reader)
The pretty little actress of Rogers Part 6 - Plans // The pretty little actress of Rogers Masterlist Steve Rogers x Reader Mafia AU Warnings: none
Summary: After a weekend with your husband, you plan the next with Steve.
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The weekend you promised to spend with your husband comes quickly. Your week goes by with rehearsals and texting with Steve while Kent is busy with his own life too. You know his job is demanding since he is the new guy, but you are sure it's not the only reason he hangs on his phone every minute. However, it doesn't hurt you so much anymore. And this makes you worried. You get further and further away from each other, but you don't feel so panicked and saddened anymore. He wanted this, you remind yourself. It's on him.
Maybe these things are the reasons you feel awkward when he invites you out for breakfast. The city is already busy, and you have to search for a place to eat with a free table. "And how was your week?" Kent asks after biting into his sandwich. "Busy," you reply. "The theater…" "A new show?" "Yes," you nod. "I really like my character, though." "You always do," he smiles. "Maybe I could go and see it." "That would be good," you lie. Your smile is tight and forced. The thought of your husband and Steve in the same place disturbs you. How would they react? What would you do? To avoid saying anything more, you take a bite from your own breakfast before sipping from your coffee. "And how is your work?" Fortunately, your question is enough to change the topic. Kent tells you everything about an upcoming project. "If it goes right, they may promote me." "That would be amazing," you congratulate. "I'm really happy for you." "Thank you," Kent nods. "I'm really grateful you agreed to move." "Yeah," you hum, not sure what else to say. A sour taste spreads across your tongue. Since he gave you an ultimatum, you didn't really have much choice. You either move with him or get a divorce. "Do you want to go somewhere?" He asks. "And we could watch movies at home like old times." "We could take a walk in the park on our way home," you suggest.
Both of you feel like walking on eggshells around each other. After your jobs, you talk about politics, news, and movies even though the elephant is in the room again. It's huge and unavoidable. "So," he clears his throat. "What about dating?" "It's… it's good," you reply. "You were right. We needed to experience more things." You feel horrible because of it, but lazing on the couch and watching TV make you disappointed. After years of doing nothing, you wish for more. "And did you…you know…" "No," you shake your head. "But I guess you did…" "Yes," he admits. "And who is the guy?" You don't want to tell him Steve's name. "Just a guy. And your… co-worker?" "She is… good. Just a woman." "Yeah," you nod, leaning back on the couch. Just a guy. Just a woman. Which one of you is lying? You don't know. "Be honest with me, Kent, did you have sex with her before our agreement?" You dare to ask. Eyes on the TV. "No." You don't know if you can believe him. "But she was the reason for all of this," you state. Silence. "Yes." His admission doesn't hurt as much as you thought it would. "Are you mad?" He asks after a while when you say nothing. "Not anymore." You are honest. "As I said, you were right. We needed something… else. Something new."
"I won't be home next weekend," Kent says on Sunday. The sun barely left the horizon. The street lamps are already on. Their warm lights filter into the flat in long patterns. "Where are you going?" You ask, surprised. He doesn't answer immediately. "I… me and…" "Oh," you nod, looking down at your hands. "I see." You really hope it wasn't the only reason he wanted to spend the weekend with you. A weak consolation before he takes the other woman away for a weekend. Because the other woman deserves it. A weekend away from the city. But you? The couch and the TV are enough for you. "Does it bother you?" You are not sure. "No."
Later that night, you sit on the couch while Kent is in the bedroom, chatting or sleeping, you don't know. Your phone is in your hand. The TV is still on for some background noise. The light of the screen illuminates the small space. Hey, you send a message to Steve. The answer comes quickly. Hey! How was your weekend? It was good. I'm free next weekend if you want to meet. My husband goes who-knows-where. Do you mean the whole weekend? He asks. Yes. So you can come over to my place? Maybe I could pick you up on Friday and take you home on Sunday. Steve suggests after a few seconds. If you are okay with it, of course. You need a few minutes to decide. The thought of you being home while your husband is away with another woman makes you feel pathetic and lonely. Okay. I'm in. As an answer, he sends you a photo of himself. He smiles at the camera while lying on his bed. One arm is under his head.
You still don't know how someone can be so handsome.
Did I scare you off? He asks when you don't react. No. Your reply before taking a picture of yourself. You are smiling too. Beautiful. I'm sure I will dream of you. Giddiness spreads across your chest as you read his message again and again. Your husband and his weekend are forgotten. I will dream of you too.
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prototypelq · 5 months
vergil for the ask game?
thank you and @river-muse for asking about the series #1 Motivated Loser!)))
favourite thing about them
First place - his inner softness. Vergil is very much his momma's boy, he is emotional, touchy, and he loves with his whole heart, he loves so much that he is scared of the feeling consuming him whole. I thrive on seeing him simply be the older brother, father (and adopted uncle) figure that he wishes to be.
Honourable mention: just how Iconic he is. Vergil is THE anime katana wielder, he is THE Storm That Is Approaching, he is THE Rival Videogame Boss, he will kick your ass into Easy mode without breaking a sweat. Dante is an iconic protagonist for sure, but Vergil is one of THE Videogame Bosses Of All Time and that position is absolutely deserved. And, y'know. He is super fun to fight.
least favourite thing about them
V(ergil). I appreciate all the character development we got out of that time, but I also firmly believe it could have been achieved in other ways, plus V(ergil) just makes the story completely unrelatable. Dante faces human trauma and human struggles. Vergil faces those same problems, however, his path through them is an emotional mess human (and fans') experience cannot account for. For me, that dampens the emotional investment in the story, especially considering how much simpler, but no less impactful in Dante's in comparison to Vergil.
DisHonourable mention: 'Dreams of a black throne I keep on repeat' and 'Call me your majesty' lines from BTL and Fire Inside respectfully. None of those lines fit Vergil at all, and they only further the ginormous amount of misconceptions about him.
(I do adore the demonic pet therapy tho, it was adorable)
favourite line
'We've got plenty of time' (watch me bawl till final stage of dehydration to this)
I mean, it's in the name. Sparda Loser Twins, my beloved. I also completely support every opinion that Vergil will get along with Trish, Lady, Nico and Patty just fine.
I admit, I am intrigued by Vergil/Lady, I think they can have something good together. They both seek challenge, and could provide it for each other (by challenge I also mean just generally new experiences, I don't mean they have to fistfight each arguement). I can see them together in some post-dmc3 AU scenario, but also. Surprisingly. Post-dmc5. Cause Lady very much needs to retire if she wants to live any longer than she has, and Vergil has known nothing but violence for his entire adult life (which is also not much). Post-dmc5 both need to learn how to handle peace times, and this parallel is what I can see driving them together in this setup. Again, I think they can have something nice, also probably much sweeter than in post-dmc3 version.
nOTP fucking incest
random headcanon
Vergil is a freakin romantic to the core. He likes reading, he would enjoy himself in an art gallery, I think he would also like visiting theater and/or musicals. This man forced himself to weaponise his nerdiness and I'd love to see him slowly, badly, but surely, letting go and just enjoying himself and different hobbies. Also, just a totally random thing - I think he'd enjoy pottery (after he breaks a few dozen mishapen figures first, of course)
unpopular opinion
I doubt I can come up with something more unpopular than my previous rant about V(ergil)
song i associate with them
I have a few actually! Vergil would love Bring Me To Life and I Am Right About This. I can also see him enjoying Break The Silence.
This track is an absolute BLAST, and I have a concrete vision that Vergil would like to learn and play it. This vision was extended by the brainrot into Dante hearing the track, loving it, then bringing himself and Nero along to play the song (just don't ask me how, I have counted at least four different instruments, and it either means Dante and Nero have to switch drums and base guitar mid-song, or that Vergil and Dante have to switch on the guitars). This song is just so beautiful, and I think the losers will have an amazing time playing it together.
Musical Spardas, one of my most critical of weaknesses.
also I wish there was a way to mod Kitsune Dance to be the M19 bossfight music. beautiful song, it has very distinct musical phases which would easily match the fight escalation, and it just sound much more fitting for Vergil than the in-game track.
favourite picture of them
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this is one of those pics where the context of the original shot was painful, but the resulting image looks wholesome as hell and I love it. (pls share source if you know it)
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huckleberr1es · 2 months
deadpool & wolverine spoilers under da cut
no its been 18 hours since i saw it and im still sitting here wishing i could go back and experience it for the first time again like i haven’t been so consumed by anything in so long. (also would like to note before anyone reads my ramblings im not a huge mcu fan literally deadpool and spider man are the only two franchises i actually like and its been 2 years since i’ve seen any of the other deadpool movies. i also have not watched any of the x-men/wolverine movies in over 10 years.)
1) hugh jackman is fucking hot first of all. white boy of the year jeremy allen white who
2) seeing chris evans and thinking “oh great an alt captain america” and then he fucking ERUPTS into flames and im sitting there like IVE BEEN HORNSWOGGLED ??? THE HUMAN TORCH????? which i know damn well was the intended effect like bro i was 7 when those movies came out but the fact that he got to be flame guy again oh my godddd. i had to hold my hand over my fucking mouth i was about to squeal and shit my pants like a little piglet i was AMPED
3) fucking obviously the clear homoerotic tension between deadpool and wolverine. im sorry they HELD HANDS WHILE SAVING THEIR TIMELINE AND MR LOGAN HAS HIS SHIRT OFF AND THE CAMERA PANS DOWN TOWARDS HIS DICK AND YOU SEE ALL THE BODY HAIR LIKE HES CLEARLY A PRIME EXAMPLE OF SEXY MAN AND DEADPOOLS HEAD JUST POPPING OUT LIKE “owo?” AS IF HE ISNT ACTIVELY FUCKING DYING. ALSO THAT FIGHT SCENE IN THE CAR. that was the most sexually charged beatdown i’ve seen since billy vs steve in season 2 of stranger things. i could go on for hours.
FURTHERMORE im also just excited because you’re clearly supposed to read into their interactions like im p sure it’s canon that deadpool absolutely isn’t straight and me being a little queer gremlin i was absolutely rabid in that theater i really was
i desperately need this movie on disney+ i need to watch it again or i need to wait a few weeks for some putlocker link to pop up
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letters-from-dekarios · 4 months
(post-game, half-elf wizard formerly too poor for schools stayed with Rolan and his sibs to help in the shop)
Dear Gale-
So good to hear from you again, I'm glad you're really loving being a professor! Astarion is gaining quite the reputation in the Upper City for his bespoke couture. I saw him the other day when I picked up a couple robes for Rolan. (can you see my eyes rolling?) Sorcerous Sundries is doing well, as is the new magickal lending library Rolan's instituted here. He's also sponsored a good handful of kids with potential via a scholarship and letters of recommendation. He's even thinking about hosting some intellectual wizarding salons once a month and wanted me to pass that on to you. Wine, wizarding chat, nibbles... whee. I know, it's a great opportunity to network and learn, blah blah blah.
Don't get me wrong, I deeply appreciate his offering me a place and a job here, I just... Rolan rarely has time outside all this and his own learning to have the kinds of in-depth chats we used to have. I know he's worked so hard to get where he has and is incredibly talented (I mean, his Thunderwave is amazing), but I- I cannot complain. I will only say that I didn't really foresee a future working retail, no offense.
In truth, Gale, I find myself often reminiscing about our Fine, I shall say it. I miss you. I miss our talks, our discussions of poetry and the theater, history, even our favorite drinks. While I am most grateful we no longer contend with tadpoles, goblins, daily death threats, or even gods (mostly), I do miss our time together. You are witty, funny, kind, considerate, brave, talented, compassionate, erudite- Oh dear, I think this Esmeltar Red is a bit more vintage than I'd planned.
Ah, yes, quite old. I stole it from the cellar, shhhh. Perhaps I could nab another one if you'd like to visit? I'll see if there's a nice place in town than the Elfsong. I know you appreciate the finer things in life, perhaps even more so now. I must end this so I don't weight down the pigeon enough for Tara to pounce, eh? Hope to see you soon, Gale.
Tavelyon Shit. Tav. Pretend I didn't write that.
Dearest Tav,
I’m glad to hear Astarion is doing as well as I assumed he would. I’m sure it’s refreshing for him to experience the city in a new light now. Figuratively, of course. I am also elated to hear Sorcerous Sundries has flourished! Turning it into a more casual lending style will open the way for more magically inclined persons to learn more freely. I am quite happy to hear that. Perhaps Rolan can write recommendation letters for students to come here to Blackstaff. We could use some younger minds every now and then.
Do tell Rolan I’d be all the interested if he does decide to pursue hosting those meetings. You’ve got me pinned quite nicely, as it would be incredibly nice to collaborate with like-minded individuals.
It is normal to find irritation in mundane tasks after the journey we had. There is nothing to quench the appetite of an adventurer quite like, well, adventure. Placing yourself back in such a position for boredom can cause the mind to wander.
For what it’s worth, I miss you as well. While I love my professorship with my entire heart, I do reminisce often about the conversations we’d have. I have yet to find someone on such a level who can compete with you, someone who makes me question things in ways I’d never considered before. You made me think, you made me consider the whole universe in my answers. There is nothing better than the company of someone you can analyze the air with. I am glad to have had that with you.
Please know you are welcome here in Waterdeep whenever you’d like. I’m sure if you wished to stay for some time, you could gain a short position at the Academy if you needed to.
I will be visiting the city soon, rest assured. I must see what Rolan has done with the library and I do owe Astarion a visit. But, most importantly, I owe you a visit, too. I aim for next tenday to make my way to the city, but we shall see where life puts me by then.
From the desk of,
𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔
text reads: gale dekarios
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claygoestothemovies · 11 days
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After the most aggressive marketing campaign since the Crusades, SPEAK NO EVIL is finally here. More importantly, we never have to see the trailer ever again. As its own thing, it’s actually pretty fun! As a remake of SPEAK NO EVIL (2022), it fails epically.
The story follows Ben (Scoot McNairy), Louise (Mackenzie Davis), and their daughter Agnes (Alix West Lefler) as they go to visit some new friends they recently met while vacationing in Italy. After moving to London and having some marital difficulties, going to the county for a long weekend seems like just what they need, even if they barely know the people they’ll be visiting. Upon arriving, things become increasingly uncomfortable as their hosts display behavior that is, shall we say, a bit out of the norm.
As the villainous hosts, James McAvoy and Aisling Franciosi are nearly pitch perfect. McAvoy in particular seems to be having a blast with the material, and is far more sinister than the campy performance the marketing suggested, thankfully. Davis and McNairy do as well as they can in their straight man roles, and I wish I could have seen them dig to the depths that were asked of the performers in the original, but that’s not the movie we got. I was, however, impressed by the child actors! Dan Hough’s Art and Lefler’s Agnes were surprisingly nuanced for people their age.
The original SPEAK NO EVIL was one of my favorite horror films of 2022, and one of the bleakest movie watching experiences I’ve ever had (complimentary), so with America’s track record of diluting foreign horror when we do the inevitable remake, I was nervous to say the least. The experience of watching this remake was fascinating and maddening all at the same time. On one hand, I was really enjoying myself, even though I was fully prepared to aggressively hate it. On the other hand, when the film did the generic thing that I had been expecting ever since the project was announced, I was furious. James Watkins, director of EDEN LAKE, doing a neutered and defanged version of SPEAK NO EVIL was not exactly on my bingo card for the year.
If you aren’t familiar with the Danish original, you’ll more than likely really enjoy this. It doesn’t reinvent the horror movie wheel, and is about fifteen minutes too long, but it’s largely inoffensive. If you are familiar with the original version, you’ll probably want to walk out of the theater about two-thirds of the way through. Will I ever understand why we felt the need to do an American remake of a film only two years old that’s largely in English already? Absolutely not. Did it do exactly what I was afraid of it doing? One hundred percent. I don’t think it succeeds as a remake, and fundamentally misunderstands the material, but ultimately, the films are doing very different things, and I have to give it props for trying to distinguish itself, if nothing else. It’s worth a rental at least for McAvoy’s performance alone, but unlike the vacationers, maybe choose to sit this one out.
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
Your reminder to be self-indulgent
This blog is not my first experience in writing. However, this one is the first, where I deliberately stay as self-indulgent as I can. Even, if it seems cringy, even if there are people out there with other preferences and perspectives on my favorite characters. This was my personal goal, and today I've found the reason behind it, a real one.
A bit of backstory. Some time ago I've moved to another country. The last months before moving were crazy: there was a shit ton of packing, paperwork, organizational work, stresses and so forth. I knew, Im not going back. What I didn't know was that life would turn out in such a way that with a high probability I would not visit my hometown in the next 10-15 years (maybe longer). Sadly, I didn't have a chance to say a proper goodbye to my hometown. I wish I could just have a free day to roam around familiar places: to sit on a bench, where I had my first ever kiss, to visit my school and university, to walk in park, where I shared my first ever beer with a friend, to look into the courtyard of the house where I spent the first years of my life, maybe to take some photos, so that I have something, reminding me of those places. But it is what it is, and sometimes you don't have any free time during a few months.
This night I had a very comforting dream. I was once again in my hometown. There is a cinema theater in the very center of our city. It is a huge building with a massive concrete canopy (so massive, you can actually walk on it). Although you are not allowed to climb there - there was a way to do it and 20 years ago that area was not strictly supervised, so I've done that in my school years with my friends. So I see that canopy, remember the good old days, climb and walk along there. Then I hear someones voice. "You ok there? Need help with coming down?". I look down on a guy. Never met him before, but his face looks somewhat familiar. He looks up on me with confused eyes, yet a wide happy grin. Such a sunshine of human being. Obviously a tourist, not familiar with this place. "Nah, m fine, just hanging out here." But I climb down just to not let the guy down and ruin his day. "See? it's quite easy, if you know, where to climb." I start walking away, but he follows me and asks if I could show him any cool places around. "Only if you have a few hours, mate. Im planning quite a journey around my hometown." But this doesnt lessen his enthusiasm, he is quite happy to just hang out and see whatever I have to show him. And for the first time I dont care, that he is a tourist and I have to show him some museum/palace/fontain. I just... go through all those places, Ive originally wanted to say goodbye to, when I was leaving, not caring, he could find them insignificant. I dont tell him the real reason behind every place, we visit. Instead, I just joke around, I whistle my favorite songs, I feel free to yell at the driver who almost ran over us in the alley, and I treat my new friend with sweets that he can only taste there. And he encourages whatever I do, just lets me have a good time and is genuinely happy to be around. We visit many places I miss dearly.
I woke up today with my cheeks wet with tears of joy. This happened like 2-3 times in my life. Im just so happy, I've finally revisited all those places and by my side was someone, who just let me be myself. And only later, when brushing my teeth, Ive remembered the face of that guy. "Wait a minute, it was you all the time?" It was so funny, I didnt recognize him in my dream.
So how is this little story connected to self-indulgence? I believe, that by tinkering a safe space for yourself with your favourite characters and interesting for you personally stories, by revisiting this space on a weekly basis, you train your brain to always make some place for comfort. A place, where you can express your feelings and worries freely (even if this place is your own dream). Of course, I`m not encouraging anyone to replace professional help with fanfiction. But I think, this works really well as one of many-many instruments to maintain some peace of mind. So please consider this as your reminder to stay self-indulgent. It helps, it heals.
Oh, and regarding a guy from my dream? Yep, him.
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lumiereandcogsworth · 2 months
2, 7 (I might know the answer already BUT HEY), 9, 15, 19, 22, 31, 32, 40, and 44 (ps I might've said this before but I love coming onto your blog and seeing fifty batb gifsets back to back. genuinely makes me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! inside)
EEEEEE thank you for the questions and HEHEH THANK YOUUU!!!!! i just simply love that film ???
2. what movie do you wish you could unwatch? well, doing my movie challenge, there have been a handful of movies that i’ve ended saying “that’s time i’m never getting back!” but ultimately i would love to unwatch “requiem for a dream”, that movie scared the hell out of me and i never wanna think about it ever again. i was already scared of doing drugs so i didn’t NEED THAT. it’s terrifying.
7. name a movie you’re emotionally attached to: HAHA yeah hmmmmm. have you met my beautiful beloved lawfully wedded film beauty and the beast 2017????? 💙💛💙💛💙💛💙 yes very emotionally attached. dare i say, autistically attached??? i simply love that movie SO much. truly a perfect film in my mind. there’s also others i’m emotionally attached to, of course, like forrest gump and lilo & stitch. but nothing compares to my wife🫶
9. guilty pleasure movie? what does this term MEAN!!! i’ve never understood. so this is a movie i feel guilty about liking, yeah? i’m looking through my letterboxd and i legit cannot find a thing. i have movies that i feel guilty about NOT liking because everyone else seems to and i just did not. but guilty about LIKING? i don’t know. everyone seems annoyed with frozen but i genuinely loved it. i don’t think that’s a guilty pleasure but that’s all i got for ya here 🫡 i don’t feel guilty about liking frozen but i do feel weird about mentioning it because everyone seems to be tired of it :(
15. do you like to talk during movies? or silence? it really depends on the movie/situation/who i’m with. but i will say across the board i DO get annoyed when it’s a movie i’ve never seen and someone is talking to me while the characters are having a conversation. like uhhh i need to know what they’re saying!!!! let’s be quiet please!!!!!!! but i’m never fully silent during movies with friends, i think commenting on silly things or the actors is part of the fun. i usually don’t talk when i watch with my family though because my mom definitely prefers silence 🤫
19. name a movie so bad it’s good: i’m also bad with this one because if i liked a movie then i’m not gonna think it’s bad afjskdj. idk, if i have fun at a movie i start looking at it through rose colored glasses lmao. i’m not a good movie critic and i hope i never am <3 was wonka (2023) good?? i had an absolute blast with that one but i have no idea if it was actually good. OH ALSO ACTUALLY, dracula untold (2014) - i do recognize that that was a pretty bad movie, and probably almost nobody’s favorite version of dracula, but i watched it for luke evans and i thought it was fun and the romance elements were very much enough to keep me enjoying it. but like yeah true that was not a good movie lmao. but also? yes it was <3
22. have you ever watched a horror film so scary you had to turn the movie off or walk out of the theater? there were two times that i SHOULD HAVE left the theater but i did not. the first was watching it 2017 with my brother, and i was scared and crying for like the last half hour, and he did ask me if i wanted to go but i knew he wanted to watch it so i said no lol. the second time was for “don’t worry darling” where i regrettably took my mom to go see it and we both hated it, it stressed us out so much and it was just truly an awful experience. we should’ve left but we were both thinking the other wanted to continue watching. and i think a little part of both of us DID want to see how it ended. it was dumb of us though sjdksj but we got a little trauma-bonded from it so that’s fun! lmao
31. do you remember the first movie you saw in theaters? i think it was flushed away (2006) and if i saw one before that i don’t remember. there’s a chance i saw the polar express (2004) in theaters but my parents debate if they just took my brother to see that or if i was there too. and i do not remember <3
32. are snacks a must or a distraction? A MUST. like yeah try to have a quiet snack if you can but oh yeah i be snackin’. that’s one of the many reasons it takes me so many hours to watch batb 2017, there will be at least one break where i pause and fully go to the kitchen to make a small meal lol
40. a film you think everyone should see at least once: boring answer probably but, forrest gump. also legally blonde. also the devil wears prada. also the incredibles. also shrek. also school of rock. also back to the future. also like, i’m glad i’ve seen some really iconic ones now like the matrix and alien. they’re pretty cool.
44. do you like to watch the same movie more than once? YEAH DUDE I GOT THAT MOVIE AUTISM. i was actually laughing to myself the other day when i realized that, currently, i’ve logged batb 2017 and scrooge 2022 both 17 times sjdksjdksj
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batb 2017 will surpass it very soon, but then… come december… scrooge will probably beat it again. i become a madman for it in december. but anyway yeah i love rewatching movies. truly one of my greatest passions in life. i know that this year specifically i’ve been watching a lot of new-to-me movies but do not be fooled. i will Always love a movie rewatch 🫶
movie asks!!
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mitchipedia · 9 months
"You've got me? Who's got you!" Rewatching the 1978 "Superman" movie starring Christopher Reeve
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The 1978 “Superman,” starring Christopher Reeve, launched the superhero film genre as it exists today. We rewatched it recently, enjoyed it, and I recommend it.
However, the movie takes a painfully long time to get going.  
”Superman” starts with pages turning on the 1938 Action Comics issue that launched the Superman character, narrated by a child’s voice-over. We did not remember this from seeing the movie previously. We wondered whether we had accidentally rented the wrong version of “Superman.” We had not. Onward. 
Then we go to Krypton, where the movie creeps forward. We see Marlon Brando as Superman’s father, Jor-El, wearing white stunt hair and a turtleneck with the Superman logo in it.
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I wish the phrase “phoning it in” was not a cliche so I could use to to describe Brando’s performance. He drones on and on, making one speech after another. 
He’s concluding the prosecutor’s statement in the trial of three insurrectionists (ripped from the 2020s headlines!), who end up being sentenced to the Phantom Zone. I’m sure we won’t see these insurrectionists again—they won’t be any trouble and will not turn up in “Superman II.”
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General Zod, played by Terence Stamp, is the leader of the trio, and his scenery-chewing is the only good part of this scene.
I saw “Superman” with friends in the theater during its first run in 1978, and I was very excited to tell them after the movie all about the Phantom Zone. I even guessed that the three villains would feature in the movie sequel. I was very proud of myself for this. Possibly related: It took me a long time to lose my virginity.  
Jor-El warns the leadership council of Krypton that the whole planet is about to explode within a month. The leaders say this is fake news because they did their own research on YouTube. The council nopes out on evacuating the planet and tells Jor-El he can’t tell anybody about his beliefs or else he’ll be an insurrectionist (that word again). A sensible person would have told the council to fuck right off because the council was not going to have any clout after the ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET EXPLODES. But Jor-El just goes along with it.
Brando goes back home, where he and his wife (if her name is spoken, I didn’t hear it) put on matching glowy silver lamé jumpsuits. They put their baby in a spaceship. Before sending the baby off to Earth, Marlon Brando makes a very long speech, while his wife looks at him with an expression like she wants him to shut up because she needs to pee. 
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Then we’re off to Earth, to whip through young Clark Kent’s childhood. The costumes and cars and brilliant. The scenery from the Kent farm is beautiful, but there is way too much of it. Can we get this movie moving already?
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Clark challenges his father to run from the end of their driveway to the barn. Pa Kent has a heart attack and dies. Clark never mentions his own role in Pa’s death. That seems odd.
Next stop: the North Pole, where young Clark spends 12 years being lectured by the holographic Marlon Brando, and we, in the audience watching the movie, get to experience every painful second of those 12 years. 
All this time, Clark is played by an actor who is not Christopher Reeve and doesn’t even look much like Christopher Reeve. This guy:
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But after 12 years at the North Pole, demonstrating powers of super-boredom-resistance, Clark becomes Christopher Reeve and emerges in his spiffy super-suit, which makes all the girls swoon. He is a hunka hunka burnin love. The suit is very flattering, but he really should be wearing something modest below the waist and above the knee to better cover his prominent super-johnson. Maybe bermuda shorts with a festive luau pattern? 
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And we’re off to Metropolis and the movie takes off and keeps going. Finally! Lois Lane is fast-talking and smart; Christopher Reeve transforms from a nebbishy Clark into a charismatic Supe through the power of acting. Gene Hackman, Ned Beatty, and Valerie Perrine are the villains, and they chew the scenery delightfully. The sets are gorgeous, particularly Lex Luthor’s lair in the underground lobby of Grand Central Station. Why is Grand Central Station abandoned and apparently nearly forgotten in this movie? Does it even matter? No, it does not. 
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Lois’s costumes are the height of 70s couture. The first thing we see her in is a nice skirt and blouse. And the skirt has pockets. And they look like BIG pockets. In some ways, technology has gone backward since 1978.
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The Daily Planet newspaper takes up an entire skyscraper and has a helicopter to shuttle reporters around. I started work at a daily newspaper not long after “Superman” came out—we didn’t even have a budget to buy coffee for the staff. Employees had to pay for their own.  
Lois arranges an interview with Superman, which turns into a date. He flies her around the skies above Metropolis. She recites a love poem in her mind. The poem is painfully bad. It is like watching someone you like embarrass themselves in a talent competition.  
We see a very neatly dressed and well-groomed mugger. Nice blazer, turtleneck sweater. He needs a closer shave, but we’re otherwise good.
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It’s part of a whole sequence of Superman’s day’s work, as he stops a cat burglar heist, rescues Air Force One after it loses an engine, and rescues a little girl’s cat from a tree. 
The ending of the movie, where Lois Lane dies (spoiler for a 45-year-old super-popular movie—don’t DM me!) is surprisingly dark. She’s smothered after being buried in an earthquake and we see all of it happening. But Superman quickly brings her back from the dead with his superpowers. 
Superman’s flying SFX are every bit as good and dazzling now as they were in 1978. Oh, some of the matte shots with the New York City skyline in the background are a little fake, but Superman’s movements are brilliant. A one-second bit where Superman changes from his Clark street clothes into his superhero costume while in flight is just wonderful—nothing much today but brilliant in the pre-CGI era that this movie was made in. Some of the other special effects, like Hoover Dam disintegrating and a downstream town flooding, are a little obviously done with miniatures but they still look fine.  
(Why do the sfx look fake now but not in 1978? I have a theory. In 1978, we saw these sfx on the big screen, where they looked great. They might still look great today on a big screen. Soon after, we saw the movie on smaller TVs, with lower quality screens than today, and the sfx still looked great. But today’s high-quality TVs make the sfx look fake—the screens aren’t big enough to compensate for the flaws revealed by the high definition.)
The movie can’t decide if it’s a camp superhero parody, or a serious superhero movie. It would have been better if it toned down the broad comedy and made Lex Luthor more scary.
Reeve’s acting carries the movie. There’s a scene that’s famous among fans where Lois Lane and Clark Kent are in the living room of her apartment. She leaves the room, and he decides to tell her he’s Superman. Until that moment, he’s a shlub, round-shouldered and with a goofy expression on his face. He stands up straight, squares his shoulders and jaw and takes off his glasses—and now he’s Superman. He starts to tell her. His voice as Clark is querulous and shaky, but Superman has a firm baritone. And he changes his mind, slumps his shoulders, puts on his glasses and now he’s Clark the shlemiel again. It all goes by in a few seconds, but it’s striking. 
Even the special effects are carried by Reeve’s acting. “You will believe a man can fly,” was the marketing slogan for the movie when it was released. You believe it in large part because Reeve was hanging from wires, moving like a person flying. Acting. )
I don’t have anything to say about John Williams’ musical score for the movie, except that it’s brilliant. I’m going to carry a Bluetooth speaker with me and play that score every time I enter a room. 
Overall, well worth a watch. Maybe skip the first 48 minutes though. You don’t need to see it. You already know Superman’s original story.  
Superman is my favorite superhero. He is optimistic and hopeful. He knows there is great evil in the world, but he knows that there is also great good, and he serves that good—“truth, justice and the American way." He knows some of what he says is corny and he says it anyway because he believes it. He is nearly all-powerful and invulnerable, but he is in awe of human beings because we are neither of those things, and yet we are capable of great kindness, nobility, and courage.
Sloppy Internet research
Four-year-old Clark Kent is played by an actor named Aaron Smolinski, who went on to a bit role in the 2013 Superman movie “Man of Steel” and also as Lex Luthor in a movie called “Superman: Solar,” which seems to be either an indy or fan-made Superman movie that got terrible reviews.
Larry Hagman has a cameo as an Army Major, making a joke that doesn’t age well. 
John Ratzenberger plays an air traffic controller. He went on to play Cliff from “Cheers,” and do a lot of voice-overs for Pixar movies.  
Kirk Allyn, who played Superman in 1940s Superman movies, has a cameo as Lois Lane’s father. When Clark is a boy in Smallville, little girl Lois sees Clark while passing through on a train, and Allyn appears in that scene. via
Noel Neill, who played Lois Lane in 1940s movies and the 1950s Superman TV series, also has a cameo. She’s Lois Lane’s mother in the same scene. via
“According to Sir Roger Moore’s autobiography, he witnessed Christopher Reeve walking through the canteen at Pinewood Studios in full Superman costume, oblivious to the swooning female admirers he left in his wake. When he did the same thing dressed as Clark Kent, no one paid any attention.” via
The Incomparable Mothership podcast did an episode about their “Superman” rewatch. They hated it. I don’t disagree with their criticisms, but for me, the virtues of the movie made up for its flaws. I enjoyed listening to the episode.
What happened to the actors
Marlon Brando continued working until his death in 2004. “Apocalypse Now” came out soon after “Superman.” His work in later life included two movies I quite enjoyed: “The Freshman” and “Don Juan DeMarco,” both of which are about charismatic rogues (though he only played the rogue in one of those movies). Brando also features in a delightful 2009 novel, “Chronic City,” by Jonathan Lethem, which explores the theme of whether we can believe anything or truly perceive reality. Brando isn’t a character in the novel. The characters can’t agree whether Brando is alive or dead, and the Internet is no help.  
Margot Kidder struggled with mental health in later life. Her 2018 death was ruled a suicide. via
As of April 2023, Valerie Perrine, age 79, was suffering from advanced Parkinson’s and needed a hydraulic lift to get into and out of bed. The Hollywood Reporter did an excellent profile—recommended reading: Ailing ‘Superman’ Star Valerie Perrine Finally Finds Her Hero: “The Guy Should Be Sainted”:
Perrine insists she wants no pity and regrets nothing about her Technicolor life: not one affair (she’s been romantically linked to everyone from Jeff Bridges to Elliott Gould to Dodi Fayed); not one hit of acid (she’s taken LSD more than 400 times, by her estimation); not one career move (well, she probably should have said yes to 1981’s Body Heat and no to 1980’s Can’t Stop the Music, the Village People-starring megaflop she says killed her career, but you can’t win them all).
She sounds fantastic. 
Gene Hackman has been retired for about 20 years. As of March, he was fit and healthy at age 93, spotted doing yardwork, buying and eating fast food, and pumping his own gas. 
Christopher Reeve died in 2004, after being paralyzed in 1995 in a horse-riding accident. 
Terence “General Zod” Stamp was one of the stars of “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.” He played a drag queen named Bernadette. 
Sarah Douglas, who played Ursa, one of General Zod’s cronies, appeared in a lot of B science fiction movies and TV shows, including one called “Strippers vs. Werewolves.” 
Which Superman II?
We want to watch Superman II, which I remember as being even better than the first Superman, which was itself great. But which version?
Richard Donner directed the original movie and started directing on Superman II, but was fired, and Richard Lester was hired as a replacement. Donner had already done a lot of work, and Lester reshot many scenes and shot more. The Lester version was the original theatrical release, which I saw in theaters. We saw a fan cut of the Donner version in the early 2000s and did not care for it. It was unfinished. Some of the scenes were audition scenes; I remember some other scenes had cheap SFX that looked like they’d been done on 1990s home PCs.
Soon after we saw the fan cut of the Donner version, an official—and presumably more polished—version was released. We haven’t seen that.  
I think when we do a rewatch, we’ll go with the original, theatrical version, directed by Lester. According to Internet discussion—for example, here—the official Donner version, while more polished than the fan cut we watched, is still unpolished and unfinished. And the theatrical version is lighter than the Donner version, while still having some serious moments. Generally, I like my superhero movies light; when they get dramatic and heavy I start having difficulty suspending disbelief.
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