#i won’t stop crying over all the lost effort we both put in
raspberryspace · 1 year
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I hope you can accept who I am. I forever will always accept you as you are.
I’m tired of trying to string together some semblance of my current emotions only to be met with nothing. I’m tired of fighting myself. I’m tired of crying in my car. I can only claw at the hope that you never felt like I intentionally did this. I only ever wanted to reciprocate the feelings I had so deep within from one soul to another. You opened and grew my world as I know it. you irreplaceably shaped the goals and values I carry on today. I wanted and will always want to repay that. To reciprocate that pure partnership. Yet I own up and know just how fucking bad my naivety and unawareness was. I never wanted that. I only ever wanted the connection. I was so lonely and latched on to anything. I’m so sorry it had to be you. Im so sorry. I just want that love back it was never out of obligation. Ever. I was going through so much. I have cried over it too much to not second guess and fight this hard for it. I want it back so fucking badly. And I know it’s not the memories pushing this, it’s what created them. I know so many external factors plagued you. I know you made that decision. I just want to make sure it was truly the right one. But that’s just what I want. If I’m selfish then so be it but I want that back for the both of us. That feeling of finding that perfect puzzle piece that fits. My gut wrenches away at me daily- desperately trying to get me to not let go. To not give up. I want to work on this. I, I, I. I, am so fucking stupid. You’ve shown me through actions that you don’t want to talk. I can’t change any of that. I can only type these vague posts into the ether praying that you read them. I’m tired. I never wanted to do you wrong. I can’t ever ask for your forgiveness. I just want to ask if we can try to heal this. My chest aches for you too. I miss you profoundly. You paint the stars overhead every night. I just want to support you and serve you water when you’re thirsty late at night. I want to drive you around while you knit. Wah. I need to be present and in the moment for myself. I need to pour myself a glass of water. I’m grateful to have myself to do that. I’m glad I hold onto the values I have. It’s okay to give too much.
I can’t justify anything I just wish you would hear me.
There isn’t anything in this life worth fighting more over than this. I can’t shake this feeling that’s so rooted within me. I cant let this fall to the wayside.
It wasn’t your fault, I know why you had to do it. Can we start again?
God it feels like it just happened two days ago
Hate being bombarded with all these narratives on how to act or what to do, every single relationship is such a unique set of circumstances. Not everything is just block and ghost. No wonder people find it so difficult these days. No one fights for perfection, you adopt each others flaws and perfect them.
The people that you’re meant to have in your life won’t need persuading or convincing.
I’m ignorant to the fact that if you wanted to text me you would. But I want to text
You because I miss you. But you don’t. You don’t miss me. You don’t express that at least.
Music that makes you dance a little bit in your seat on a long drive is something to smile at.
My heart will always skip a beat for you, missing you next to us as we grow and discover this world. You’ll always be in my heart. At every corner of the globe. I won’t sit back and wait- there are places I want to see before I die. It hurts me like no other that I have to go without you, but rest assured I’m taking pictures for you. Taking pictures of you there. Taking pictures.
I wish I could go back and do so many things over again. I wish I wish I wish I wish.
What made you believe it wasn’t truly genuine, it wasn’t truly from the depths of my heart. What made it selfish to me? I think that’s what hurts the most. That and we were just starting. We just closed the distance and we’re going to begin the greatest journey of our life. Together. Just gone. Gone with no hesitation. A pro and con list. That also will forever stay with me.
Who knew spoiling myself with trips and cool clothes would make me sort of happy. Not a fulfilling as treating someone else, I don’t think my personality allows that to ever be the case unfortunately. I do love women’s wear so much though, I want to dress someone up.
I became secure and confident within our space, left to expose the insecurities and issues. Now I feel so lost.
You’ve always had to be patient when dealing with my emotions - I hope you’ve noticed my change in dealing with them. I’m a bit faster now, I’m standing up for the little guy in me more that’s for sure. I wish I could tell you all that I’ve been reflecting on. I know you probably don’t want to hear it.
I hope you’ll remember me on a sad day when you really need it. I hate that you’re alone. I hate that you’re feeling so lonely. I wished you a community I wish that you had that group there for you. I tried to hard to make sure I never got in the way of you making and finding that group, I was so sad the night you went out on Halloween. You never invited me you never asked. I had to close down the part that wanted to ask you to consider me. Jealousy and my own value came up and overwhelmed me. I just wanted you to be happy with your friends. I tried to front it out. I know that was a mistake on my end - I should have expressed what I was feeling. But I tired to show it when I dropped it all to be there for the pick up. I tried to show it with how accommodating I was. I hate that I did that to myself. I’m sorry.
Went hiking, wish you were here. I fell while walking barefoot in a stream before the waterfall, bruised my hip - reminds me of falling off my skateboard again. Kinda made me smile again. Only 11 miles, small change compared to the walking done in Japan… I’m jumping and ready to keep doing more but my friends are tired kinda sucks.
I miss you. I wish I could hold you.
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veritasangel · 3 months
Comforting you when you're panicking
ft. Toji, Geto, Gojo, Nanami
⋆ ˚。⋆ any pov ୨୧˚ warnings: none wc: 1.5k
↣ this is a repost from my old account, i should probably edit it now honestly
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Toji Fushiguro
He’s not sure he’s very good at helping but he tries his best because he hates seeing you like this.
Even after you fall back asleep, he’ll probably stay awake for a little while longer, just in case you wake up again and need him.
Toji was deep in sleep before he hears little sniffles. Barely opening his eyes, he sees that you’re laying as far away from him as possible. He reaches over, pulling you back against his chest, resting his head on yours.
“You alright kid?”
“I’m…I’m fine, go back to sleep”
He knows you’re keeping something from him and he hates that you’ve been trying to quieten your sobs so as to not wake him. “You’re shaking, what’s wrong?” 
He tries not to freak out but his mind starts racing and he thinks about all the possible reasons why you might be crying. Has he upset you? Has someone hurt you?
“I don’t know, I’m just panicking a little, I’m sure it’ll go away, I don’t want to bother you with-“
“Hey hey, none of that, you could never bother me. Is there anything I can do?”  
You turn so you’re facing him and his heart aches at seeing you like this. “Can you talk to me?”
“Uh, of course…about what? Is there anything in particular, I mean if there is I could y’know maybe-“ 
You cut him off mid ramble, “Anything’s fine Toji, just…just wanna hear your voice.”
He tries to make up a story but gets lost midway through on what he’s saying, so instead he thinks about talking about past memories in his life but they may not be the most comforting thing to hear and you can tell he’s struggling but his efforts still help to act as a distraction.
Finally, he reaches across for a book on your nightstand and reads that instead. He wants to do his best, so he reads and reads and reads, not wanting to stop. If you want him to talk, that’s what he’ll do.
A little while later, the sunlight is creeping into the room and the book is finished, not even realising you’d fallen asleep ages ago. He puts the book down and places a kiss to your forehead, “Sleep well doll.”
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Suguru Geto
He doesn’t care how late it is or how tired he is, he’ll be there for you.
Always knows what you need and helps without question.
He’s always very patient and calm with you with you.
Geto yawns and reaches his hand over to your side of the bed, only to be confused when it’s empty. He sits up instantly and notices you’re sitting at the end of the bed, head in your hands.
This had happened a couple times and Geto immediately knew what was happening. 
Without a word, he gets up, takes your hand in his and guides you out of your bedroom and into the bathroom. 
He turns on the shower and waits till the temperature is just how you like it, before undressing the two of you and gently pulling you into the shower with him.
You feel the water cascade over you both as he begins to wash your hair in a peaceful silence. He knows you need this, it makes you feel grounded and he’s more than happy to help.
“I’m sorry, I know it’s late and you’re probably tired.”
“So what?” He mumbles as he continues to massage your scalp, the water enveloping you in what feels like a warm hug. “Let’s have this shower and then we can sleep in in the morning.”
You don’t respond and he knows it’s because you feel bad. “You know I want you to wake me up when you’re like this, right? I want to look after you.”
“I know.” you still feel bad but accept his care nonetheless, because you know he won’t let you do otherwise.
You guys finish up your shower and he gives you one of his t-shirts to wear before sitting you back on the bed and going through your usual hair routine.
It takes quite a while but he doesn’t mind, he’s become accustomed to this…knowing which particular brushes you like and which products to use and when.
When he finishes up, you both settle into the bed and he pulls the duvet over the two of you and watches as your breathing steadies. “Close your eyes angel, I’ve got you.”
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Satoru Gojo
Very protective of you all the time, he wants you to feel safe.
Always takes care of any problems, and this is no different.
Can’t bare to see you like this so probably won’t be able to relax himself, until you’ve calmed down.
Gojo wakes up not long after you left the bed, he always found himself waking up when he couldn’t feel your presence in bed, too worried about keeping you safe.
His blue eyes found yours, seeing your figure pacing around the room. It was unsettling to see and he quickly moved to sit on the edge of the bed. “Hey, baby, what’s wrong?”
You continued pacing, his words going in one ear and out of the other. 
He grabbed your hand to turn you around and brought his other hand to cup your tear stained face.
“What’s wrong? Talk to me. What can I do?” There’s worry all over his face as he’s asking.
“I…I-don’t know…I think I’m just panicking and I…I’m scared-“
“Ok ok, come here” He shifted backwards, settling against the headboard, bringing you forward so you were in his lap, head resting on his chest. He tilted your chin so you were looking up at him. “Look at me baby. You’re safe, okay? I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.” 
He helps you steady your breathing and plays with your hair as you calm down, not stopping for even a second until he’s sure you’ve fallen back asleep.
If you were to wake up again, he’d try to distract you with a game or a movie, staying up with you the entire time.
“Toru, I’m sorry. Really, you should just sleep.”
“I’m not even tired.” which was a massive lie but you didn’t need to know that. “Besides, if I remember correctly, you lost a bet anyway and have to watch that boring movie Sugs recommended…what better time than now?.”
So that was what the two of you did. Cuddled up in the blankets, watching the worst movie ever made, which luckily enough helped you to fall asleep, Gojo not far behind.
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Kento Nanami
Puts your needs before everything, whatever you need, he’ll be sure to do it if he thinks it'll help.
He likes taking care of you, so will probably take the day off, (if he has work) just so he can take care of you throughout the rest of the day.
Nanami’s eyes slowly open and he tries to adjust to the darkness in the room, noticing you leaning against the headboard.
He looks over to check the time and sees it’s a little past 3am. “What’s wrong, love?”
“I, I don’t know…I’m just…I feel like I can’t breathe and I-“ you were rushing your words as you were trying to take in quick breaths. 
“Sssh, you’re alright, I’ve got you.”
He picks you up, carrying you to the kitchen, and setting you down on the counter. He turns to move away from you, but you worriedly clutch onto his arm.
“I’m not going anywhere, don’t worry, I’m just getting you a glass of water.” He pours the water into a glass, passing it to you, only to frown when you move it to the side.
“You need to drink, please.”
“I-I can’t…I just need air, I feel like I can’t-“
He reaches for both of your hands and rubs gentle circles across the back of them. “Breathe with me, yeah? Slow down and take deep breaths.”
He watches patiently as you try to take deep breaths with him. “Look at me. Deep breath in, hold…and out…There we go.”
He reaches for the glass again and holds it back up to your lips, smiling when you take a few mouthfuls.
“You should sleep, you have work.”
“I’ll take the day off.”
“No. I’ll take the day off. I’m sure Gojo can handle stuff without me. I’m staying with you.”
You go to object but he quietens you with a kiss. Once you’ve had enough to drink, he carries you back to the bed, and holds you against his chest.
“You’re in our bed. In our bedroom and you’re with me. I promise you are safe, try and get some sleep for me love.”
He kisses your temple and wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer. Eventually you fall asleep and he doesn’t want to wake you by moving, so he stays holding you tightly in this position, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as he falls asleep alongside you.
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༄ jjk m.list
© veritasangel ↣ 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴
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kiankiwi · 1 year
ooh this isn’t any of your au’s! but listen
imagine you’re at a party with austin and he has too much to drink and you have to take him home early. and he’s all loopy and giggly at first and won’t stop touching you. and he starts singing while your trying to get him out his suit. and soon enough you have him in some sweats and you’re both sleep within a. few minutes but hours later your woken up to the sound of vomiting and when you go to the bathroom it’s a mess as he’s missed and he’s crying and apologizing.
Austin smelled like a whole brewery by the time you came to pick him up. But his face lit up adorably once he recognized you in the dark club he and his friends ended up at after set wrapped for the day.
"Oh hi baby, when'd you get here? I missed you!" Austin slurred, happily but drunkenly hanging all over you. It took some effort to hold his languid body up. "Hi baby boy, your friends called me. It's time to go home. Hm, you wanna go home and get some cuddles?" Austin pouted at you, you could tell he was feeling fuzzy at the edges of his mind but he was fighting it. "Nooo, I wanna stay! I'm having fun! Dance with me babe!" Austin couldn't dance in the slightest when he was drunk but he was definitely trying.
He knocked against you and backed you up until you hit a wall, giggling as he moved his hips. "Wait, baby, baby, no, we're going home. We can kiss and dance there okay, let me just get you safely home okay?" Austin pouted but allowed you to pull him out of the club and into your car.
You had hoped Austin would tire out from all that liquor but all he did was giggle at any and everything. You turned on the radio and weirdly he started singing. Usually he was quite shy with his voice but he had liquid courage on his side tonight and sang at the top of his lungs all the way home.
When you parked you clapped signaling it was time to stop singing. "Wooo! Well done baby. Thank you for the free concert. C'mon time to go to bed okay?" Austin groaned. "Ah, you're no fun!" You just chuckled and told him to stay put while you went and took him out of the car.
It was a struggle but you somehow undressed your lanky boy and put him to bed with no help from him. "Goodnight, baby. Wake me if you feel sick okay?" You smiled when you realized Austin was already asleep.
You awoke at dawn to retching coming from the bathroom. You rubbed your eyes and stumbled to the bathroom to find your boyfriend sobbing as he's leaned up against the wall with vomit all down his white shirt and all across the bathroom floor.
"Baby?" You whispered.
Austin sniveled seeing you in the doorway. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to! I just.. I couldn't I..." Austin cut himself off as it got hard for him to breathe. "Oh, oh, breathe baby, breathe. It's okay. At least you got to the bathroom. And I can clean this up. It's all okay." You sat beside him, running your hands through his sweaty curls.
"Here, can we take this off of you?" Austin nodded as you gently started to remove his shirt. You crumpled it up and tossed it in the wastebasket. It was a lost cause. "I'm sorry." Austin groaned. "This is my mess.. I should clean it up, I just..." Austin gagged again, leaning over the bowl.
"Ope, ope, okay. You need to finish puking first babe."
A few minutes later, Austin finished and you hauled him up despite his protests and guided him to bed. "Shush babe, you just get back to sleep okay? I got the bathroom." Austin groaned in thanks and sighed contentedly when you tucked him and kissed his curls.
"I love you sickie. Yell if you're gonna puke again." Austin gave you a thumbs up and uttered three words before passing out again. "Never. Drinking. Again." He groaned.
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crybabytoy59 · 2 years
The lodge booking pt3.
I was Crying now openly in front of them both, as the clicking started till I couldn’t move an inch !
“Now Crybaby am going to let you do a task for me if it’s a good task Mummy Jane will let you out of the frame & put you in a nappy would you like that ?…(Ga’Ga!)
Good baby let’s get you prepared then..!”
Mummy & slave worked on me this time ? ......
Mummy Jane was instructing him..
Slave realised the long strap as my head went forward the relief was so good !
As my neck was shaking now due to the constant neck tension …
Slave put my pluggie strap to my tummy strap, holding it taught into my rear ! …
Mummy Jane removed the gag panel from head harness.
Then cut an oval in the vetwrap pulling out the wee box with the fish !
Then pulled the wet saliva wad from my mouth a long string of saliva hung from it as she put it into a bowl…
 Mummy got a chair sitting it in front of me she sat down.
I looked in dis belief as Mummy had pulled her boots and jodhpurs off ! 
She now sat before me with just tights & garter belt hold ups to them in red !..
Mummy Jane  sat down putting her feet to my face, with a smile like the cat that had the cream ! !
“Headie back ! ..clever girlie baby princess Nice big breaths I want my babies lungs full of her wonderful smell !!! “
As I did she slapped my face with her feet side to side ….then put her feet over my face, tracing around my face with her toes the smell was Devine (Mummy Jane knew I had a Thing for Smell’s..After all we All do right ?)..
”Open Wide Crybaby !” ...
She pushed her foot into my mouth !
“Clever baby suck Mummy Janes toes through her lovely tights sweetheart !”
I sucked for all I was worth to please my New Mummy....
Then she threw her legs over my shoulders! ....
Mummy has a wee cleaning Task for you Crybaby !! … Off you go do a good Job baby princess and perhaps Mummy Jane won’t use the cane on you sweetpee!”
My my we are a keen we baby princess !!! 
Mmmm That’s the way In Deeper now work that cute baby tongue !… 
That’s the way Do you like mummies taste ? .. (GA’GA !)
Clever girlie baby… Now pick up the pace with Mummy Jane ! “
She was grinding into my face with her pelvis !!! 
Over and over her voice getting higher pitched..
“Crybaby work harder or do you want the paddle again then the Cane over that Crybabytoy !!!”
I doubled my effort to please My Mummy ! 
As suddenly I felt fluid gush into my mouth !!!
“Swallow crybaby ! Swallow everything!!..
Not a fucking drop missed of my beautiful Gift !!!”
There was so much of it but I lapped & swallowed lost in my own want of submission to this beautiful woman !!!
So much so I started Crying again…But Mummy Jane didn’t stop !..
“That’s it baby let it all out ! You have kept that locked away haven’t you sweetheart !..Well no more…
Mummy is going to help you let so much more go princess !!”
She put her feet down lifting the wadding !
“Open Wide Crybabytoy !!”
She regagged me putting everything back as it was but this time held in place with surgical stretch tape !
Slave letting the winch out as I was being realised slightly so I could relax… 
Then I felt it something was entering my rear !!!…. It felt warm !! …
Mummy Jane was filling me with something !!!….
“Clever Baby girlie you did very well …But am afraid break time is over Mummy needs to punish her baby girlie some more am Afraid ! 
Mummy Jane is going to hurt you now princess…. 
Then we are going to have a Big surprise if your good Crybaby  !!!”...
Mummy Jane started firmly punching my sore bottom…then punched me between my legs over my prostrate ! Firmer and firmer she punched…
“Clever Baby girlie make nice sounds & Mummy might go easy on you princess !… Louder Pain Toy !! ..Mummy help you baby girlie!”
This time she really let rip as I started begging her to stop !
(Goo’Goo Goo’Goo !!))
Clever girlie baby Much better like that every time princess ok ..Now tense up your cute baby botty ? 
As I did she punched hard six in rapid succession making me squeal a new into the wet pissypants gagging !
“Now your being filled with a very special filling that you will find out later what it is for, baby cakes… But first we are going to get you into nice nappies & dress you up for your big surprise !!..
So no resistance & Do what your Told when your Told !”
Slave take the restraints off now !
Then turn crybaby over I have her Nappies to get ready !...
I was put spread eagle again but facing upward this time again on the stool ! 
But it was under my back so my legs and hips were in midair !
Mummy Jane came back with a basket..
“ Now baby princess let’s get you into your Nappy ! 
She spread white nappy cream everywhere not an inch was spared.
Then pulled on a huge pink disposable taping it up ! This was followed by another followed by a huge cartoon one ! ..
Over this was put high waist rubber pants with thick thigh cuffs there was loops on them with a belt around each Mummy was buckling up tightly!
The waistband alps had the same loops and a belt Mummy tugged fully up !
They were white with pink sides on the front was A nappy pin on the rear was a hand print !
“Clever Baby girlie that’s just perfect Mummy give you a few minutes to empty your bag..”
Then she lifted a belt doubling it over she tapped my foot with it...!
“Now baby cakes point your footies sideways & Fully extended !!…
Clever girlie baby princess Hold there No Moving or You will make Mummy Jane very angry !!”
Thwack ! Thwack !! THWACK !!!!!!
“What did Mummy tell you No moving are you a Disobedient Little Madam ? (Goo’Goo !) 
“Well Pain Toy ! ..En-point & Hold still ! “
THWACK !!!...
The pain in my feeties was incredible !
As again more tears started to flow Mummy Jane was being true to her word a Cruel Sadistic Dominant !! 
But she was far from done yet as I wiggled my feet trying to disperse the hot pain !!…
“Right Crybaby Mummy has had it with this fucking Disobedience ! Slave get Mummy the toe clamps and the brat wedges !”.... 
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writers-advocate · 1 month
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sickly sweet | l.h.
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description: he lost you in his own world and now he’s come face to face with you again in this one. that smile that he missed so much… [requested]
cw: mild blood, angst, an ending that alludes to happiness, wade is self aware
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sweetness. he’s surrounded by it. surrounded by you. soft sheets familiar under his touch as his eyes open to the hazy sunlight. he can’t seem to see past the bed but he doesn’t need to. right next to him lays his whole world. there you lay.
honeyed tone sends warmth through his already fuzzy senses as he sighs gently, lips quirking up- down, why does it feel like down- and heavy limbs struggling to move under the weight of sleep. soft hands smooth up his chest.
there you are. already in his arms where you belong. a quiet murmur of your name… an echo of it, a yell? he reaches up to touch your cheek gently, smile straining.
lo- gan
the tang of iron, the crimson soak through fabric- since when were the sheets red- he doesn’t get to touch you. where did you go- on his knees now and on the floor, arms wrapped around something cold but he can’t look. he won’t look. not again. sharp pain through so many nerves and anguish tears through his throat.
sick. that’s how he feels when his eyes open to reality, faced with a dim room, bloodied knuckles, threadbare mattress. alone.
his claws retract and he drags a hand across the bottom half of his face to cut off the yell that followed him, mouth covered. not his eyes, he’s learned his lesson one too many times, he won’t close them for a while. not his nose either but not for the same reason. sweetness, he realizes. his feet hit the ground and he staggers. you’re still here.
two steps into the hall and he’s stopped suddenly, sending a wave of frantic anger through him. “woah peanut. where do you think you’re going?”
“let me see…” he rasps, nearly gasps through gritted teeth, and wade just sighs, remaining in his path. precious time wasted.
“man these guys love to put you through this don’t they- okay, well first of all, you can’t go anywhere in your little boxers. you don’t leave much to the imagination. second of all, see who?” he gestures around the empty apartment, pulling logan’s gaze with him. it doesn’t matter, not at first, rough hands coming up to grip the front of wade’s shirt. he murmurs your name and wade’s expression turns to realization, “ah.”
he’s shoved out of the way and logan stalks towards the front door to follow that same saccharine path, but his surroundings are finally sinking in. the dingy apartment, messy kitchen, the loud mouth now trailing behind him in an effort to stop him. his hand stops around the door knob and wade huffs in mild relief. “back with us, whiskers?”
knock knock knock
another wave of it and he finds himself unable to resist opening the door to find the source, overwhelmed. round eyes full of surprise meet his and wade groans from behind him.
a cry. a smile. logan!
“it’s uh, it’s good to see you again!” your eyes wander down momentarily, heat rising to your face before his intense gaze catches yours again. you miss the way his fingers twitch forward. “been telling willy to invite you over. i’m sorry we didn’t get to talk much the other day.” you shift from foot to foot, clutching a box. sweet, he thinks again, noting the fragrant warmth that joins his vice, both stemming from you.
an elbow into his back and he bares his teeth over his shoulder. wade grins but there’s something in his eyes that’s telling him very clearly: don’t fuck it up. “are you alright, logan?” worry honeys your words and he’s facing that expression. the one you’d greet him with no matter how indestructible. that always made him feel…
sick. nauseated by the phantom iron entwining itself with you but you don’t know that, offering up what you came here for in the first place. “well i just wanted to welcome you to the building. wade said he wasn’t sure what you liked-“
“he doesn’t like anything-“
“-so,” you continue, pointedly ignoring him, smile directed at logan while you hold out the container, “i made chocolate chip. safest bet y’know?”
he’s staring. wade is pumping his fist, celebrating, and you’re busy sternly engraining it into his thick skull that these are absolutely not for him, he got his when he moved in. it saves logan from you realizing that he looks like he’s about to reach out and grab you.
arms around something cold. hands brushing yours, warm and familiar, drawing a pretty gasp from your throat. he can’t offer that saccharine smile that you do, but his eyes are heart wrenching as he murmurs a thank you, and it pulls one from you anyway. one that he wants to see every day again, he realizes.
sick, he thinks of himself, when you turn away and everything in him wants to drag you back against him. when he finds that he doesn’t care to resist the sweetness that pulls him in every time you’re near. sweet, he thinks of you, when he bites into the first heavenly cookie. when he realizes he has another chance because you’re right. here.
he just can’t lose you again.
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a/n: i was getting sad so i hope the end doesn’t feel too rushed T~T
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retrievablememories · 3 years
love thy neighbor | kun (m)
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title: love thy neighbor pairing: kun x black reader genre: fluff, smut, neighbors to lovers request: “Hello again Rain! I hope you're doing well and I'm happy to see you're open for requests again. Your writing in general is a treat to look forward to. An idea for a fic I'd like to suggest is wayv kun/black oc where they're neighbors that secretly pine for another and do feel free get very nsfw lmao. TY!” word count: 5.7k warnings: alcohol use, protected sex, dirty talk, dry humping, riding a/n: i used a prompt from this list of ideas to help me create this fic.
i’m sorry, this fic could’ve theoretically been finished long ago but took me 3893 years because kun intimidates me (and i don’t know why) and that makes it hard to write for him l m f a o chile anyway...
Your neighbor might actually kill you one day—but only in the figurative sense.
Kun is too beautiful and kind for your sanity; he’s like one of those men out of a romantic novel who simply should not exist. In other words, the ideal guy. One who helps all the little old ladies in the building take their groceries up to their apartments, one who feeds all the stray cats that hang around the complex, one who helps new tenants move their things in without even being asked.
Your roommate Charlotte would probably be totally smitten over him just like you if she did not already have her own happy relationship with her girlfriend. But since she does, she has decided to spend her time instead teasing you about your crush on him and trying to persuade you into getting tangled up in a matchmaking mess.
“I’m sure he already has a girlfriend, I don’t know, trying to shoot my shot seems ridiculous,” you say to her, worrying the edge of your blanket in your hands. You toss and turn on the couch, flipping onto your stomach and sighing before shuffling onto your back again. “People like that can never stay single for long. Right? They get snapped up quick.”
“You’d know if you simply asked,” Charlotte points out. “Staring holes into his head won’t help you find out more about him.”
“I guess you’re right,” you say, your fingers stumbling over the blanket as it momentarily slips from your hands. Still, the idea of asking him if he’s dating anyone, whether discreetly or more openly, makes you nervous. You’ve talked to Kun several times before, even hung out with him at those friendly get-togethers your apartment building always holds to get the residents mingling, but you’re still anxious around him. It makes you feel silly, like you’re back in high school; but you aren’t quite sure what to do with those emotions or how to form them into something coherent. “Easy to say all that when you already have the person you want, though.”
“Oh, girl. Love is not easy, but that’s why you have to fucking work for it. AKA, go for what—or who—the hell you want and stop pining over him like some lost Juliet on our couch. It’s better than watching you flop around like a dying fish.”
You stand up from the couch abruptly, leaving your blanket to the side and glaring at her. “You don’t get it, ugh.”
“I get it! But you refuse to let me help—”
“Yes, because if I did, you’d say something completely ridiculous and tell him I’m madly in love with him or something.” You head to the bathroom to check yourself in the mirror.
Charlotte throws her hands up in surrender. “Hey, maybe. But that wouldn’t be a lie.”
“Really? I don’t think—”
“I think so. The way you talk about this guy, it’s definitely sounding a little like love to me.”
Once you’re satisfied, you come back in the main room and grab your keys, wanting to end this conversation before Charlotte sets a world record for how many times she can make you feel embarrassed. “Whatever you say. I’m gonna go to the corner store, so...speak now if you need something or forever hold your peace.”
“You can’t run from it,” Charlotte sing-songs, going back to reading her magazine. “And no, I don’t need anything.”
Once you get out your front door, it’s just your luck when you see Kun’s door is also open. You are not dressed for running into him, of all people; your “corner store” clothes being just a T-shirt, leggings, and slides. You freeze in place and momentarily think about unlocking your door and bolting back inside, which you realize is utterly ridiculous. By then, it’s too late; he’s already coming out his door and closing it behind him. 
He perks up when he sees you outside, smiling at you with those deep dimples that make your insides melt. “Hey Y/N, good to see you.”
“Kun! Uh—great to see you too.”
“Are you going out somewhere?” he asks. Inwardly, he feels a bit silly for asking because you clearly are, keys in hand and everything.
“Yeah, just to the store to get a few things.” You wave your hand, and you almost have the urge to lean on your doorframe to appear more calm and collected than you are. Which could potentially end up looking sillier than you intended. “How about you?”
“Going to see a friend,” he answers, and he brushes his hand through his hair in a way that’s completely casual but somehow modelesque at the same time. This is unbelievable, you think to yourself. “We haven’t met up in a while, so…”
“Oh yeah, it’s always nice to go out with old friends,” you say, smiling at the thought of it. Kun nods his agreement, and then has an abrupt, wild idea to ask if you’d like to go out somewhere sometime. Too busy warring with himself over whether he should take the dive, he doesn’t notice you heading towards the stairs already. “I hope you two have a good time!”
“Oh—thanks. Hope you enjoy your trip.” He chuckles, following you down the steps to get to his car. Well, that moment has passed. Sure, he could probably still ask you now if he was bold enough about it, but it feels too awkward to randomly ask someone out in the middle of a stairwell.
You wave bye to him once you both get in the parking lot. He watches you walk to your car with a wistful smile on his face. He wants to say more to you, but the timing isn’t right and it’s best not to hold you up right now. Plus, Hendery’s probably already waiting for him.
It would’ve provided you with a lot of relief if you knew Kun was facing a similar dilemma to you. He’d never had much problem talking to women he liked in the past, but something about you made him feel clumsy and hesitant. But just like with your inability to move forward, there’s no way for you to know his feelings without him saying anything about it—which he has been hesitating over for the longest. 
Maybe he was also still cowering from the embarrassment of the time he’d tried to show you a magic trick that didn’t quite work out, but it was a convenient excuse. At least for him, anyway.
One day he’d get the courage to tell you how he felt, but he didn’t think today was that day.
Some strong shots and a few hours at the club was exactly what you needed to unravel your nerves after a long week. You and a few others from your work had decided to go out that Saturday night as a group effort to unwind from dealing with your overbearing boss. “Just a couple shots” eventually turned into more than that, though, but you weren’t complaining. As long as it gave you the opportunity to discard all your issues for a while, you didn’t mind losing yourself a little.
However, your night of fun quickly dissolves into frustration when you realize you’ve lost your keys and have no way to get back into your apartment. You’re not even sure where they might’ve disappeared—in the club, or in the rideshare back to your apartment?
Charlotte is out of the city for the week visiting her long-distance girlfriend, so there’s no way you’re getting back in your apartment tonight. The main office won’t be open at this hour, either; it’s the weekend, and nobody will be there regardless until Monday. And you’re definitely not drunk enough or desperate enough to try to bust the door down.
Though it pains you to do so, you knock on Kun’s door, your head throbbing and dizzy. You feel bad about this. He won’t even be awake at this hour and might not answer, but you don’t know what other options you have. You aren’t familiar enough with your other neighbors to ask this of them. Especially not the old lady living on the other side of you who has a perpetually judgmental aura towards everyone in the apartment building. The only person she seems marginally approving of is none other than the man himself—Qian Kun.
It takes a good minute or two, but you hear the latch unlock, and Kun is suddenly standing in front of you, a look of concern on his sleepy face. He is adorable like this, in his pajamas and his hair mussed and his eyes foggy with sleep. He’s so cute it makes you want to cry—and so you do. 
But your tears are mostly because you’re very tipsy and tired and currently locked out of your very comfortable apartment.
This awakens Kun immediately. “Y/N? What’s wrong?” He gently pulls you into his apartment, his tone quiet but panicked as you put your face in your hands and cry. You just shake your head for a few moments, crying too much to say anything to him. When you don’t reply, he doesn't try to press you for answers; he just puts his arms around you, a bit carefully as if you’re made of some easily breakable material, and lets you wet his T-shirt with your tears.
Finally, when you’ve collected yourself some, you abruptly feel foolish for crying over something like this. He probably thinks someone’s died, and you’ve gotten him all worked up for practically nothing. “I-I’m locked out,” you sigh heavily, and he has enough politeness not to outwardly react to your alcohol breath with your close proximity. “And my roommate is gone…forever.”
His eyebrows lift. “Forever?”
“The whole week, Kun...but it feels like...f-forever.”
“Ah...I see. Is that why you were crying?”
You put your head back in your hands. “Just kill me.”
“Don’t feel bad about it,” Kun says, and there is a tiny lift to his mouth like he wants to smile at your dramatics. “It’s fine. You can stay here tonight.”
“Kun, thank you.” You’re still loosely embracing each other, and you squeeze your arms more tightly around him. Maybe it’s just a reason to rest your head on his chest again and hear his heart beating strong against your cheek, but you wouldn’t admit that. Wait, why is his heart beating so fast? “Thank youuu, I love you so much, this means the world to me.”
Kun’s mind catches on the words I love you so much, and he knows you’re just drunk and need to sleep it off and aren’t really thinking about what you’re saying, but he cannot help lingering there for a moment. He’s glad the front room is still dim from the single lamp he turned on, otherwise you might notice the flush growing on his cheeks. “I...it’s no problem. We should get you comfortable, then.”
As it turns out, get you comfortable means he lets you sleep in his bed while he takes the couch. In another context you’d protest, not wanting to kick him out of his own space, but you are simply too smashed to think about it. You’re seconds away from falling asleep where you stand now that the adrenaline of discovering you’re locked out has worn off. Kun has the idea to make you drink some ice cold water, though, which wakes you up enough to take a proper shower.
By the time you get out of the shower and are wearing his clothes—his clothes—you are feeling a little more sober. You also feel like you’re going to have another small meltdown over all this. “This” being: wearing Kun’s clothes and standing in his bedroom, which is decorated with all his interests and treasured belongings. There’s a small studio setup in one corner, which interests you, but you don’t investigate it any further.
Now you have another little problem, though; what are you gonna do about the pillows? You don’t have anything to cover your hair with, with all your scarves and bonnets in your own apartment. One night of sleeping on a cotton pillow wouldn’t kill you, but that doesn’t make it any less distasteful to think about.
Kun comes into the bedroom to check on you and sees you puzzling around, sitting on the bed and looking awkward. “What’s the matter?”
“Oh. It’s nothing really,” you rush out, unsure if you should tell him about a problem he likely won’t even understand. It must be at least 4:00 a.m. by now, meaning you both desperately need to get some sleep.
“You can tell me, I won’t bite.”
I wouldn’t mind if you did pops into your head, but you immediately try to ignore that thought and are silently grateful that you do not blush visibly.
“Uh, my hair.”
“Your hair?”
“Okay, I need to cover it at night so it won’t get all broken off or anything—sleeping on cotton does wonders for destroying moisture—but I don’t have anything here to use. I mean—it’s...not a huge deal though, I can deal with it for a night?” You’re rambling now. Kun just nods, taking in all this information like he’s listening to something very important and very interesting.
“So then, what would you do to stop that?”
“Wear a scarf, or a bonnet, or using a silk pillowcase works, too. But you probably don’t have any of that stuff, you don’t have to bother with it—”
“Well, let me see.” Kun disappears into his closet and you pause, wondering for a moment if he actually does have a bonnet or something in there. Which would probably be a little hilarious to you.
He comes back out with not a bonnet of a scarf or even a pillowcase, but one of his own shirts. It’s just the right material though, being a pretty purple silk.
“Oh—Kun.” At this point, there are several emotions all trying to come to the forefront, though you have no clue which one to settle on. “Your shirt? You really don’t have to. I could…”
“It’s just a shirt, Y/N. There are a lot more where that comes from...I don’t mind.” He chuckles.
You sigh bashfully but take the shirt from him. “Thank you, it’s really thoughtful of you.” You cover the pillow with his shirt, and it works perfectly.
“Anyway, if you need anything else, just tell me,” he says, lingering by the door.
“I will...thank you,” you say, your voice quiet as you give him a nervous smile. Only when he shuts the door and his footsteps fade away do you allow yourself to bunch the comforter in your fists and scream into it. Everything in here smells just like him, which is probably more than enough to fuel all of your Qian Kun-related daydreams for the next 8 months.
It doesn’t take long for you to drift off when you finally do lie down, and your mind is blissfully empty of anything throughout the night.
The next day takes a bit of settling into. You’re momentarily alarmed when you wake up faced with a strange room until you remember last night’s events and recall where you are. There is also the smell of food, good food, which is also sadly unfamiliar to you. Charlotte can’t cook to save either of your lives, so you know you’d never be waking up to the smell of a professional chef-approved breakfast if you were still in your apartment with her.
Walking out of Kun’s room, you see that he’s in the kitchen, halfway finished with cooking breakfast for the both of you. It’s more like brunch at this hour, but what does that matter.
You linger at the doorway for a moment, allowing yourself to imagine that this is what things would be like if you were dating. Getting this view everyday? Life cannot be this unfair.
Maybe not too much, though, since you are standing in his kitchen.
“Oh, good morning,” he greets you, breaking your reverie. “Did you sleep well?”
“Good morning. I slept great. Thanks again for, you know, the shirt, haha…”
He grins, and his dimples come out. “Sure thing. Go ahead and sit! Breakfast will be ready soon.”
It’s the best breakfast you’ve eaten since living with Charlotte; maybe some of the best food you’ve ever had. “I had no idea you could cook this well,” you say. “I mean. I guess I wouldn’t since I haven’t—you know, uh—eaten here before, but—it’s great.” It’s just your luck that your thoughts come out in this fumbling mini-rant, but Kun only laughs good-naturedly.
“Thank you, I’m truly glad you like it.”
You both continue eating breakfast while making light conversation. This just might be the longest conversation you’ve had with each other, and that knowledge seems surreal. You’re almost a little glad you lost your key. Almost.
“So...today is Sunday. And the leasing office still won’t be open until Monday.” Kun says this over the remnants of breakfast. He speaks in a measured tone, like he’s trying to ensure he says the right thing. Whatever that could possibly be. “And you told me your roommate won’t be back until Monday.”
To your credit, you hadn’t exactly accounted for this when you first came over to his place in your distressed state. That means another night spent in his apartment though, which becomes very obvious to you now. “Ah. Sorry, am I imposing?”
“What—no, I-I just wanted to make sure you knew you can stay here tonight, or—however long you need.”
Relief floods through you, and you briefly wonder why you even worried about it; as far as you know, he’s not the kind of person to just kick someone out. “Ohh, of course—that’s good to know. Thank you for all this!”
“You’re welcome.” You miss the smile he gives to your response as you’re busy drinking your juice, but it’s one filled with a certain affection.
It feels a bit awkward to just sit around in his apartment all day, with nothing to do and all your belongings still locked out of your reach in your own place, so Kun shows you the studio in the corner of his room. He’d talked about being into music before, but you’d never heard anything of his until now.
When he plays the keyboard for you, it’s to the tune of a beautiful self-composed song. You almost pinch yourself to remind yourself this isn’t a hallucination or a fever dream. A man this appealing really exists, and you’ve stayed the night in his apartment and eaten his breakfast. You give a small round of applause when he finishes.
“Wouldn’t it be cool if you became a famous singer or something? I’d come to all your concerts,” you say lightly, kicking your legs on the edge of his bed.
“All? Really, all?” He laughs.
“Yes, all. A voice and talent like that deserves all the attention.” You lean back on his bed, stretching your legs out. “But all your venues would probably be sold out. Hopefully you’d remember me from your lil’ ole apartment building. I’m sure you’d be living in a penthouse by then.”
Kun smiles bashfully at your compliments, waving his hands as if it’s too much. “Thank you. But I don’t think I could ever forget you.” His voice grows a bit softer. His expression is more genuine than you expect for a conversation that was so playful only seconds ago, and you find it hard to hold eye contact all of a sudden.
It is your turn to be bashful, and you shrug in an effort to seem natural. “Well, I’m flattered.” Despite your unaffected demeanor, you don’t think those words will leave your mind for a good while, even if you wonder about the meaning of them. 
Later that evening, Kun makes dinner and you watch TV together, flipping to whatever channels have dramas or movies playing.
You two eventually fall into another conversation when you can’t find anything good to watch—one that does not make you overly nervous for once. During a lull in the talking, that big question pops up into your mind, and you wince internally at how Charlotte would’ve already told you to make a move. You aren't sure how to do that without making him uncomfortable or seeming too sudden, but you decide to make an attempt.
You edge into it with, “So, um, your place looks pretty nice for one guy. It’s just you here, right?”
“Ah yeah, just me. Thanks, I do try my best.”
“Haha, I’m used to my guy friends all having super messy apartments until they get a girlfriend and she teaches them how to clean a stove for the first time…”
“Oh really? That’s a bit sad for them, isn’t it?” He chuckles. “I’m not dating anyone right now, so it’s all me.”
Just the information you were looking for. You try not to show your elation. “Why not?” you blurt out. Then you cringe because this might sound too invasive or even judgmental, but Kun only grins. “It’s just, it’s a little surprising. You’re such a generous person. You seem to care about everyone, even those poor stray kitties that stay outside the apartments all the time.”
He smiles timidly in response to receiving more of your compliments. “I guess it seems curious when you put it like that.” Just like when you’d drunkenly said I love you so much, there’s suddenly heat on the back of his neck that he hopes won’t turn into another blush that’ll expose him. “I don’t really know, I haven’t thought much about it; life’s weird like that.” He isn’t really sure how to answer that question in a way that won’t be too big of a hint that he’s interested in you, though he’s also not entirely sure why he’s still trying to hide it. Wouldn’t now be the perfect opportunity? When will you two have this much time together again? Still, you staying in his apartment for two days doesn’t mean you like him, and maybe he’s jumping the gun.
“That’s true. Guess that’s the same reason why I’ve been alone for a while now.” You shake your head.
“You?” Kun is equally surprised to know this about you.
You laugh incredulously. “Does that shock you or something?”
“I...well.” He rubs the back of his neck as he searches for the words. “I just thought...you’re very pretty, and you’re always really kind when we speak, so...”
“Oh?” Your face heats up at that.
“Yeah, I…think anyone would be lucky to be with you.”
“Oh.” Your body’s first instinct is to freeze with nervousness, but you know Charlotte would be kicking your ass in gear right now if she were somehow here. So, you decide to stop stressing about it and just do it. “Well...wouldn’t it be nice if we both had a way to fix our problems at the same time?”
Kun pauses for a moment before replying. “What do you suggest?” He knows what you are proposing—you can see in his eyes and his slight grin and his posture that he knows—but maybe he wants to hear you say it out loud.
“Hm, well…I don’t know, what do you think?” You lean a bit closer to him, raising your eyebrows and trying your best to look innocent and unassuming. His smile turns into something different with your increased proximity. Something a little more sly.
Mirroring your actions, he inches nearer to you until there’s little space left between. “Well, I think…” Kun tentatively closes the remaining gap between the two of you, the rest of his sentence left to linger as his soft lips envelop yours.
Maybe it’s corny to say it, but it definitely feels like one of those fairytale kisses with the fireworks going off and streamers popping; even though you’re sitting on his couch wearing his pajamas, some movie in the background you’ve long forgotten the plot of, empty dinner plates sitting on the coffee table in front of you.
You aren’t sure how you end up in his lap—who made the first move? Was it his hand on your back or your hands on his shoulders? You straddle him on the couch, your arms slipping around his shoulders and his hands on your back but assuredly traveling farther down your body.
Kun’s hands come to rest on your thighs, pulling the fabric of his shorts up a few inches higher. “I never thought I’d see you wearing my clothes,” he says lowly, grinning against your mouth.
“I also never thought I’d be sitting in your lap like this, but maybe sometimes dreams do come true,” you say jokingly, your lips rubbing against his skin as you slowly kiss his jaw.
You can’t see his expression, but his eyebrows shoot up at that. “Dreams, huh? You think about me often?” His voice pitches lower when he asks this, aroused by the thought of you imagining anything quite so lewd about him. You’ve definitely incriminated yourself now and won’t be able to wiggle out of it without an answer.
“What do you think about me?” Kun grips your hips, which quickly turns into him grabbing your ass—tentatively at first to test the waters, and then firmly enough to grind you against his hardening cock. Sensing him solid and warm underneath you sends a shockwave down your spine, and the sensation heightens when his voice caresses your ear, all low and tense with arousal. “It’s just the two of us here. No one else has to know.”
“I think about your...lips. How you might kiss me. Or what you might say to me. And...your hands.” You pause there, a quiet breath whispering past your lips. “You have really big hands, you know.”
“My hands…” Kun places one on your chest, spreading his fingers across and touching your collarbone. The heel of his palm glides on the top of your breast, and just that touch is enough to get you more worked up. “Hmm. Actually, I’ll admit I’m pretty good with my hands.” He smirks, and he’s possibly the finest thing you’ve ever seen. “What else, Y/N?”
“I thought about how you’d touch me.” His hand slides between your breasts now, down your sternum, and to your stomach. “Maybe I’d invite you into my apartment when Charlotte wasn’t there. We’d watch some stupid movie and pretend to be into it, but we’re really just thinking about each other. You’d eventually end up slipping your hand up my skirt...and making me cum all over your fingers.”
You aren’t sure how you’re saying all this to Kun right now, the dude you have a major crush on, without bursting into flames.
His shaft rubbing against your clit even through your layers of clothes makes you sigh dreamily, pressing your forehead to his and gripping at his shoulders and biceps. His bangs are soft against your forehead, and your breath stutters when he moves to kiss the side of your neck. He has to know how hard your heart is beating right now.
“And then what?” His voice is barely a whisper, then.
“And then you’d fuck me, of course.” There’s a slight laugh in your voice at the ticklish feeling of his lips kissing your skin.
“And then I’d fuck you...hm,” he echoes. “Sure, I can do that.”
The promise of it entices you, and more heat pools between your legs, amplified by the fabric rubbing against your sensitive parts. His hand that’s still on your stomach travels under your shirt then, and your hips falter in your rhythm against him when his fingers brush across your nipple. He brings his lips to your other breast, lapping his tongue against your nipple over the fabric.
You soon come like this, his shaft grinding against your clit and his clothes rubbing against your skin, his hands on your ass and his lips traveling across your breasts. The orgasm is sudden and surprises you, but it’s good, and you convulse as the waves of pleasure course through you. You weaken and slump against him, with him still teasing your breasts with his mouth and hands. Pushing your face into his hair, you moan into the black strands until the quivering stops.
You’re breathless when you speak again. “You haven’t come yet.”
“I’d rather do that when I’m inside you,” he replies. You giggle quietly.
“...What are you waiting for, then?”
“Hold on.” Kun carefully maneuvers you off his lap, and you already want to complain at the lack of his touch. “I have to get a condom.”
“Hurry, or you’ll miss all the fun,” you say as you pull your shirt off with your back to him. You look back over your shoulder at him and grin mischievously.
“You’re such a tease…”
Kun goes into his room to fetch a condom, and when he returns he’s already pulling his shirt off, leaving it on the floor somewhere. You’re fully naked now, your legs pulled up to your chest and your chin resting on your knees as you sit on the couch. Kun’s eyes drop between your legs, your inner thighs still glistening from your previous orgasm, and he swipes his tongue across his lips at the sight of you, wet and ready for him.
Likewise, your eyes drop to the dark trail of hair leading into his pants and his bulge just below it, the way his sweatpants cling to his length, and your pussy throbs with the desire to be filled.
“Please, hurry.”
Kun doesn’t waste any time in getting the rest of his clothes off, shoving his pants and underwear done in one swift move and rolling the condom over his shaft. He climbs onto the couch, grabbing your legs and guiding them around his waist, and you giggle at his eager but gentle touch as you recline on the couch pillows behind you.
He grabs his dick and lines it up with you, then pushes it in slowly at first. The stretch makes your toes curl, but it is a good kind of stretch, the kind that fills you to the brim. Like the missing element you needed.
“Are you okay?” he asks, his voice husky from the pleasure.
“Fuck, please,” is your answer as you shift your hips and try to get him all the way inside quicker. Noticing your urgency, he slides the rest of the way in until your hips are flush against each other and starts thrusting into you. His length dragging across your walls feels much better than you could’ve imagined on any given night, and you clasp your legs tighter around him to get ever closer.
After a point, he pushes your legs up with his hands behind your knees so he can get a deeper angle, and you both moan at the difference in sensation and how much tighter you get around him.
There is no ignoring the messy wet noises of your bodies colliding due to the slickness of your previous orgasm and the new wetness he’s continually fucking out of you. Each thrust reaches deep inside you, deep enough to make you nearly sob, your hands fumbling over your breasts and your clit all the while.
“Kun, god yes please,” you whimper, rocking your hips into the rhythm of his own. You fucking him back makes him groan deeply, his bangs hanging off his forehead as he dips his head to watch himself slide in and out of you. You could not control the urge or the motion of your body even if you wanted to; you want all of him, as close as he can get.
“I don’t want this to end,” he moans, and he pulls out without a warning. You gasp at the sudden emptiness, and your discontent comes out in a full whine. You’d be more embarrassed about it if you weren’t currently consumed with desire, but you presently do not care.
Kun sits back on the couch and pulls you on top of him again. “Ride me,” he says. So you grasp the base of his cock, him grunting as you do, and you press the tip against your entrance before pushing it in. He watches himself slip inside of you while fully enraptured, one hand tight on your hip.
Once you are full with him again, you experimentally grind against him to see how it’ll feel in this new position, and your arms tremble as his pelvis stimulates your clit.
“Go ahead,” he whispers, grasping the nape of your neck and kissing you hard once more, “fuck yourself on me.”
So you keep grinding your clit on him like that, your limbs shaking from the stimulation and your walls fluttering around his cock. You can barely catch a complete breath from him kissing you hard enough to make your lips swell, and your head is so fogged with lust that all you can concentrate on is getting yourself off just like he told you to do.
“Kun…” You roll your head onto his shoulder, pressing your forehead into his skin, your body tiring as you get closer to reaching that high. You’re so close to coming, but you’re not sure if you have enough strength left to get there on your own. Kun notices the state you’re in and grasps your hips to pull them into his, effortlessly sliding himself into you while making sure your clit gets stimulated at the same time.
The new friction of his dick rubbing against your g-spot in this position is enough to have you finally coming and crying out against his neck.
You continue babbling nonsense against his neck as he keeps fucking you, searching for his own end. His hands are hot on your body as he moves you up and down his length.
His climax comes soon after yours, his dick pulsing and his pace slowing. Your back arches at the sensation of him throbbing inside you and releasing his cum into the condom. The way he groans in your ear has your stomach clenching.
For a few minutes after, you both sit quietly and do nothing but cling to one another as you come down from the pleasure.
“So, does this mean we’re together now…?” Kun asks hopefully, running his hands over your back as you lie against him.
You smile against his skin. “Obviously. But if you still want to convince me, we can go a couple more rounds…”
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction | Angsty Arguments Part 2 [Request]
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The moment you walked out on Jin he knew what he had done was wrong, he felt guilty for yelling at you. Snapping the necklace he'd gotten you and saying all of the things he had said to you just because he was mad at that moment in time. He never meant a word he said to you so he was going to do everything and anything to make it up to you but the problem was trying to find you.
"Namjoon, please...Just tell me where she is." Jin pleaded with Namjoon who had been the one to help get you to a hotel, a decent one and put you up with accommodation for the next week while you figured out your next move.
"Why would I help you? I know we're friends Jin but you were an arse," Namjoon's voice was laced in disgust as he looked at someone he thought would never hurt another person for as long as he lived.
"I made a mistake, I have to talk to her and right the wrong," Jin pleaded once again, it felt as though he was begging but if that was what it was going to take to see you again. Then he would beg all of the time he had left on the earth. He wouldn't give up until he got to talk to you, apologise for his actions.
"If I tell you where she is, will you leave her alone if she doesn't want to talk to you?" Namjoon quizzed, he could see how upset Jin was about all of this and he could see all of the guilt that was weighing him down.
"If she won't talk, I'll leave." Jin had a better idea than that, he'd write a letter before he went to you that way, if you didn't want to talk to him he could drop the letter off and have everything explained in there.
You slowly pulled the door open to reveal Jin, you knew he was coming over because Namjoon had called to warn you beforehand.
"Come in," You whispered, moving out of the way so that he could walk into the room. Only hours before this you had been fighting about what he thought of you, all of the words he'd called you were still swimming around in your skull.
"I want to say sorry, I never meant anything you know that right?" You knew that he probably didn't mean them but when he said it, it hurt more than anything. It was bigger than any fight you had, had before with him and it was weighing down on you the more you thought about it. As you looked down at the floor you saw your promise ring on a new chain, it was tangled between his fingers as though he'd been nervously playing with it.
"I-I fixed it," He whispered as he held up the chain for you to see, you smiled weakly at the thought of him going through the effort of finding a new chain for it.
"Jin we can't pretend this never happened...." He nodded at you, slowly taking your hand in his he placed the necklace down into the palm of your hand.
"I'm not asking for you to forgive me right away...I want to make things right. I don't want that to be the end of us, I was just mad and feeling insecure about you spending time with someone other than me." Your expression softened as he opened up to you about what was really going on in his head and you squeezed his hand.
"I-I think some time away from each other will be good...Just this week, then I'll come home," You promised him as you handed him the necklace, turning so he could attach it to your neck where it belonged.
"I'll be home." You promised him, leaning up to leave a small and gentle kiss on his lips as he blushed, holding onto your waist not wanting to let you go just yet.
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The moment the door to the apartment shut Jungkook came out from his hiding spot. Trying to comfort you but you just shook your head, begging him to leave you alone.
"I-I don't want to be around anyone right now," You whimpered but Jungkook stood his ground. Helping you to your feet as he took you into your bedroom if you were going to be alone and cry he at least wanted to make sure you would be comfortable.
"I'll kill him." Jungkook mumbled as you continued to sob hysterically into the pillows, thinking over everything that he'd said to you.
"What the fuck!?" Yoongi slurred as the bottle of scotch he was drinking was smashed against the floor. Jungkook, much to Namjoon's dismay, had stormed into Yoongi's room to have words with him.
"I should be asking you that! What was that back at Y/n's place?!" Jungkook demanded to know answers from his Hyung. He'd never seen him so mad at something before and it was starting to bother him.
"You called her a slut, accused her of cheating?!" Yoongi, in his drunken state, frowned as he looked at the Maknae.
"Did she come crying to you!?" He slurred but Jungkook groaned at him, as Jin walked into the room. Holding a large cup of coffee to try and sober Yoongi up a bit.
"No, I was the man in the house. The shoes, the coat...All mine. Believe it or not, we were planning on doing something nice for your birthday," The words cut through Yoongi easily and he was left staring at Jungkook. His mouth opening and closing like a fish as he was lost on what to say.
"She wasn't cheating on me?" Jungkook shook his head, scoffing as he made his way to the door.
"Funny that, if you'd given her time to talk maybe you would have heard the truth,"
 You weren't sure how much time had passed since Jungkook left you in the bedroom. You'd had the curtains shut so you didn't know what time it was, your phone was downstairs. You'd heard it ringing but didn't bother to get up and shut it off.
"Y/n I'm coming in," Yoongi's voice filled the air but you didn't move, you knew he was in the apartment. You'd heard the door open and close, then his desperate calls of your name.
"Babe-" You shuddered at the smooth tone of his voice, moving away from him as he sat down on the bed beside you.
"Baby...I didn't mean-"
"But you said it," Was all you could say before the tears began to roll again. Streaming down your cheeks as you looked away from him not wanting him to see you this way.
"Jungkook told me it was him in the house...I never meant it, I said it because it was easier for me to hate you if you did cheat..." You frowned as you tried to make sense of anything he had just said to you.
"I would never-"
"I know you wouldn't, but an insecure part of me always thinks you will. I think you'll find someone better and leave me...I-I thought that last night was the night you would leave me." He was crying now, you could hear the way his voiced cracked. Crawling over to him you laid your head in his lap, wanting to comfort him even if he had been the one to make you sad.
"I love you Yoongi, I would never do that, you know this." You whimpered as he wrapped his arms around your body.
"Can you forgive me?" The question on your mind as well, if you could manage to forgive him for everything he'd said.
"It won't be a quick fix...But I'll do everything to make it up to you." He promised, kissing your forehead as you slowly nodded at him. Not wanting him to let go of you now he was back beside you.
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You'd tried your best to ignore Hoseok for as long as you could, you stopped replying to his texts. You had the locks on your apartment changed and even stopped talking to the rest of the boys. If it was true what Hoseok had said none of them would want you to be around them,
"I'll take it to go, please," Your voice came out hoarse as you spoke to the barista in front of you. Paying for your drink before you went to wait in the corner, There were hushed tones coming from the table behind you and when your name was called out a small gasp followed.
"Y/n?" You turned to see Hoseok walking over to you, you shook your head. Your worst nightmare come true, that he would find you and try to say it all to you again. You left your drink on the counter, walking out of the cafe and down towards the parking lot. It was the first day you'd forced yourself to go out in months and now you were deeply regretting it. Hoseok kept up with you and then followed you up to your car, trying to get you to talk to him but you kept your head down.
"Y/n, talk to me please." He begged you, grabbing onto your hand but the moment he came into contact with you you broke down. Crying out as he pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you carefully and shushing you.
"I'm sorry, I know what I did and said was wrong, I'm sorry." He repeated as you both sank down to sit on the floor beside your car, you continued to sob against his chest. Pushing him away from you but every time you pushed he pulled so he could hold you. Not wanting you to be alone after everything he'd put you through.
"I didn't mean it, I was stressed, I was annoyed, it was wrong." He whispered over and over again as he began to rock you back and forth in his arms. Kissing your shoulder and promising you that he didn't mean a single thing he had said that day.
"I'm sorry, you were trying to do something nice and I ruined it." He mumbled as he kissed your shoulder again, he knew it was that one spot that made you weak at the knees and helped calm you down no matter what.
"I'm sorry," He repeated over and over again until you finally stopped crying and shaking. Just laying in his arms as he held you close to him. Begging for you to go back home with him, not to leave him.
"I-I can't," You whimpered as you rose to your feet, looking at him as you awkwardly tried to leave him.
"I have things to do at my place...I-I have a cat to look after," He chuckled weakly at the thought of you owning a cat.
"I left for a month and you got a cat?" You groaned at him and he smiled sadly.
"Let me come and meet the little one...We can talk more at your place," You knew if you were agreeing with him to come back with you, you would be taking him back so you nodded at him. Wanting to talk more later when you could be alone without ear listening in on every word.
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Namjoon waited until Jin left your apartment that night, he had no idea where you'd gone after you sound out about him cheating on you so he followed Jin. Jin was the only one you'd allowed to come and see you since the breakup last week and Namjoon knew that.
"Did you forget something?" You giggled thinking it was Jin knocking on your door but the smile fell when you saw Namjoon standing there,
"Are you sleeping together?" He stormed into the apartment looking around for any signs that you and Jin had been together tonight but you just stared at him from the door. Waiting for him to leave again but it looked as though he was going to stay.
"No. We're not. Unlike you Namjoon I have loyalty. He was helping me move furniture around," It wasn't a lie. You and Jin would never do that to Namjoon even if he had been the one to cheat on you. The boys were friends first and you could never pull the apart.
"How do I know you didn't cheat on me first?!" You scoffed at his statement, pointing outside of the apartment as you waited for him to leave you alone.
"I don't want to talk about this right now, I don't even want to look at you. You disgust me." It was harsh but it was the truth, it had taken you all week to work up the courage to even say Namjoon's name in front of Jin and now here he was accusing you of being the one to throw the relationship down the gutter.
"I didn't do anything-"
"No, no, of course, you didn't. You were just fucking another girl behind my back." You stood your ground, you weren't going to let him blame all of this on you when you had nothing to do with it.
"You were the one with your dick in someone else, not me." He walked out of the door, turning to face you before you had a chance to slam the door in his face.
"Can I make it up-"
"No. We're done. I never want to see you again. I-I can't go back to someone who would destroy my trust like that," With that you shut the door, locking it before you slid down onto your knees. Crying into your hands as you tried to keep your sobs to a minimal. Not wanting Namjoon to hear you like this. Once a cheat always a cheat. Was all you had to keep reminding yourself about. If he did it once he would do it again and as much as you loved him you could never let it happen again. It was soul destroying.
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Jimin raced to your hotel room trying to make everything right since he'd been the one to fuck up. The whole ride over he'd heard nothing but snarky remarks from Jungkook who was telling him badly he'd fucked up.
"She's not here, you fucked up," Jungkook remarked again as they stood in your empty hotel room. The only thing there was a hoodie he'd given you before and the pair of earrings he'd gotten you the year before.
"You don't think I fucking know that?! You don't think I see that I've thrown the only good thing for me away!?" He yelled, shoving past Jungkook and heading out of the hotel again, he got into the car telling the driver to head for the airport. Ignoring Jungkook as the maknae reminded him they had a show to get ready for but right now nothing mattered. Nothing except for getting to you before you got on a plane and left him for good. He didn't want to risk losing you like this.
"Flight 180 to Seoul, Korea now boarding." You got up from the metal chairs you were sitting on and began walking over to the gates when you heard someone yell out your name.
"Y/n! I know you heard me, don't get on that plane!" You turned around to see Jimin rushing over to you. He was still in one of the outfits he'd been wearing when you heard him on the stage.
"What?" You questioned coldly as he finally reached you and stood in front of you. He was drenched in sweat as he panted, trying to get words out.
"You can't go-"
"I can, and I will." You mumbled, trying to move away from him but all he did was take your wrist in his hand. Looking up at you with puppy eyes as he tried to explain himself.
"Flight 555, last call."
"Jimin. I have to go." He shook his head, demanding that you stay with him, that he had to talk to you.
"You said what you said, it's over. I'm leaving now." You mumbled to him as you began to walk away from him again.
"Y/N! PLEASE!" You stopped when you noticed people turning to look at him now. All of them starting to realise who he was,
"Jimin. Not here," You whispered, rushing to his side as he continued to yell out and profess his love for you.
"Jimin. You called me annoying, you called me obsessive why would I ever-" Your argument was cut short as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pushing his lips against yours. You melted against his touch, wrapping your arms around his neck as you relaxed against his touch.
"Don't leave. I-I was a jerk-"
"I would have a better choice of words," You mumbled as he leant his forehead on yours, looking into your eyes as he tried to explain himself again. He knew there was nothing on this earth that could make it up to you.
"I was showing off, in front of the sound guys. I wanted to act like I didn't care when we both know it's not true. We both know that I could never find you annoying," He was reaching up to cup your face, you snuggled into his hand and he smiled weakly.
"I'll make it up to you," He whispered as he kissed you again. Only this time it was interrupted by his manager, yelling at the both of you for making the show late.
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The decorations were all in the bin as you finished cleaning up the empty cafe, the workers had gone home and left you the keys to the shutter. You were pretty close with the owners so they knew they could trust you,
"We're closed." You called out when you heard the bell above the door go off. Without a second passing, two arms wrapped around you tightly and Taehyung placed his head in the crook of your neck. You whimpered as he began to whisper how sorry he was to you, sorry wasn't good enough this time. Not after everything, he'd put you through in front of everyone. The embarrassment of having to explain what had happened while trying not to cry in front of families and friends.
"I shouldn't have said what I said," He mumbled against your neck but all you did was wiggle out of his grasp and walk away from him. Taking the bin bags into the back storage room and throw them in the garbage chute.
"And yet you did," You mumbled back to him as he continued following you around the store trying to get you to talk to him.
"I was being an idiot, Jimin had been mocking me all week about getting old...I just-"
"You just what? Thought it would be okay to take it out on me?" You turned to look at him, raising your eyebrows as you waited for some kind of reasonable explanation from him.
"I didn't mean to, I just- I'm sorry." This time he was the one crying, tears rolling down his face as he mumbled out words of apology. Your heart sank as you realised just how sorry he was about all of this,
"I know I don't deserve you to accept this but please...I didn't mean it. I will spend every day of the rest of my life making it up to you if you'll let me....Please." The bell above the door sounded and you walked away, leaving Taehyung in the back while you went to tell whoever this was that you were closed.
"He didn't mean it. I've been on his case all week Y/n...Go back to the apartment...Talk to him, help him see sense-" Jimin continued telling you what had happened that week and why Taehyung had been so harsh when Taehyung came out from the back.
"I already told her..." Taehyung mumbled as he went to leave, your hand reached for him and you stopped him from leaving by taking his hand in yours.
"W-Walk me home." You whispered to him, looking at him as he stared at you,
"O-Okay," Jimin walked out when he saw that you were in the process of making up with one another,
"You're forgiving me?"
"Not completely...You can make it up to me tomorrow with breakfast in bed," You whispered as you left the cafe together, locking the door behind you.
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When you came out of the bedroom Jungkook was sitting in front of the bedroom door, tear-stained cheeks as he looked up at you shaking his head when he saw the bag over your shoulder.
"Don't." He whispered, throwing the bag into the room as he forced you to go and lay on the bed with him. He wrapped his arms around your body but you sat there, as still as you could get and he whimpered.
"Don't leave me. I was angry. I didn't mean anything," He repeated over and over again as he laid down beside you. Kissing your cheeks as he tried to get you to forgive him,
"Jungkook you still said it," You whispered to him, remembering how he screamed at you to leave. How you could see how badly he wanted you out of the house.
"I'm doing what you wanted. Let me leave." You didn't want to leave at all, Jungkook was the love of your life and you would go anywhere he told you to go. Do anything he told you to do.
"I was angry. I didn't mean it, we all say things we don't mean." He repeated as you felt more of his tears roll down onto your shoulder, you broke down turning around to face him as you wrapped your arms around his body. Snuggling into him and trying to ignore the nagging inside of you that was telling you to go. There was no way you could leave him like this, or ever. You loved him far too much and you knew he loved you too.
"I'm sorry," He whispered in your ear, kissing you softly as he repeated it over and over again until he drifted off to sleep with you in his arms. Clutching onto you the whole night so you wouldn't be able to leave him.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @fan-ati--c​ @rjsmochii​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @bisexualmess007​ @sw33tnight​ @innersooya​ @agustdjoon​ @sweeneyblue1​
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s-brant · 3 years
Baby Names
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(gif: @mishellejones) (SERIES MASTERLIST)
Summary: Y/N gets frustrated while putting the crib for her and JJ’s baby together and finds herself missing her dead brother more than ever.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Fluff and minor angst.
A/N: Asks and ye shall receive, here’s a little blurb about what happens after Tokens! You don’t really have to read the other parts to enjoy this fic if you don’t want to, but I do recommend it for some backstory. This was slightly inspired by this fic by @cognacdelights, so go give her stuff a read! Let me know if you liked this. Have fun!
Y/N Routledge thought she got over her brother's death long ago.
Though you never truly "get over" losing a loved one, though there will always be a small part of you, however small, that aches for their presence again, she thought she moved past the tragedy to the best of her ability...until last week.
To say that the pregnancy was a surprise would be the understatement of the century. She and JJ were both on the same page about children when their relationship began, and that page was that neither of them wanted them yet. Sure, the idea of it in the future stirred their hearts with fond emotion, but considering that they had yet to graduate high school and barely scraped by on their own, they weren't jumping headfirst into that aspect of adulthood.
They were meticulous about safe sex. They couldn't afford another mouth to feed, she wasn't sure she could handle the emotional trauma of having an abortion, and, underneath it all, he had some reservations about being a father. It wasn't that he didn't envision a future with kids in their relationship, he did, but the topic of fatherhood always took him down a dark path within his mind.
So, she went on birth control once they started dating and they went along with no scares for the next six years as they graduated and started figuring out what the next step for their lives was going to be.
Y/N could get lost thinking about it, honestly, but she tries not to get too swept up in the minor mistake that led to this.
"You, my friend, need to stop moving around in there," she whispers down at her protruding belly with a hand cradling the heavy weight of it, "I'm trying to get your crib set up without JJ yelling at me for not asking for help, and if you don't stop kicking me, I'm not gonna get anything done."
She's sprawled out on the floor in the living room of the Chateau with her legs stretched comfortably in each direction while she hunches over to read the directions of the Ikea furniture. The sugarcoated description makes her want to hunt down the company CEO for sport, because for how "simple and easy!" the construction of it claims to be, she is at her wits end.
The last thing she needed after having her grief over John B's death reignited by their decision to name their kid after him last week was to stress herself out over something as stupid as this, but she won't quit. With how much JJ has been coddling her the further into the pregnancy she gets, she wanted to prove that she could do something for herself.
Whenever she brings in the groceries from the car and goes to lift the bag of dog kibble out of the trunk, he rushes up behind her back and scoops it out of the trunk before she dares to touch it. It always ends with her hollering after him that it's under twenty pounds, the upwards limit of the weight she's allowed to carry according to her doctor, but he refuses to hear any of it.
Inside of her, she feels a sharp sensation of something hitting her right in the ribs in response to her comment, and she groans in frustration. It's as if he did it because he knows she wants it to stop, the feisty little fucker.
"You're definitely your daddy's son, aren't you? It's already enough having one of him, the last thing I need is a JJ clone."
Their three-year-old Rottweiler rescue huffs a sigh from where he lays, frog-legging it, on the floor next to the unboxed crib pieces she can't put together to save her life. His drooping jowls produce a puddle of slobber on the her favorite carpet that is past the point of saving from his constant wear and tear. After a year of having him, she decided to stop trying to prevent him from ruining it. There’s no point.
She smiles at him as she leans forward to read through the directions for the billionth time, saying, "I actually think he'll be a lot like his uncle, but that's just me. If he isn't, I'll feel a little stupid over the name situation."
John Booker Routledge-Maybank.
Hell of a name if you ask her yourself, but for every internal struggle it reopened inside of her, she couldn't help but love it as soon as JJ casually proposed the idea on his way out of the door for work one morning.
Going on without John B has been a learning experience in every aspect. Any time she wanted to turn to him for advice or tell him something about the recent events in her life, she had to walk out back to their dying magnolia tree and sit under the shade to talk to the wind. Then, once the tree finally died and they were forced to cut it down, she took to sitting on its stump and doing it there.
It got easier as time went on, but she can't keep herself from wondering what it'd be like if he didn't die ever since she saw the results on the pregnancy test six months ago. Whenever she does something like going to her OBGYN appointments or, case in point, setting up the crib, she pictures him there.
She can see him here now, petting Bowie's shiny coat until he falls asleep with his head propped onto John B's outstretched legs. He'd be twenty-three years old by now with his life barely starting to blossom to its full potential, yet here they are. Correction, here she is, and he's off somewhere at the bottom of the ocean, already decomposed to the extent that not even his bones can be salvaged anymore.
Her chest sinks in another sigh, and she flips through page after page of the instructions with increasing aggression.
"This crib is so fucking—"
"What are you doing?"
The sound of her yelping in surprise at JJ's voice coming from the door is enough to make him laugh to himself, though his amusement is buried partway by what he's walking in on. He specifically asked her to wait for him to put the crib together, knowing damn well it wouldn't be the easy task she thought it was, but he should've known she'd do it anyway.
She looks over her shoulder with a mixture of guilt and frustration painting her features as she throws her hands up in the air and gestures vaguely to the unassembled crib. Her eyes are shining with the rapid onset of hormone-induced tears.
"I can't put this crib together 'cause the instructions aren't right, all the pieces are labeled wrong, your son won't stop kicking me, and I miss my brother so much right now," she spews the words with no pauses to breathe until the very end, when she stops short to suck down a breath as soon as she gets the last part out.
It leaves JJ standing at the entrance to the house with this stunned expression.
There's no amusement to be found anymore. Once she turned and flashed those wide, teary eyes that never fail to spark an ache in his heart at him, his tired smile vanished and his feet started moving before he could say anything to her.
The floorboards creak beneath his half-laced boots on his way across the room to her. It prompts Bowie to pop his head up from around the side of the coffee table to catch a peek of whoever it is that's approaching his emotionally distraught owner. Upon seeing JJ's familiar face, the dog relaxes back into his lounging position atop the carpet and tracks JJ’s movements until he's seated next to her.
"This is about John B?" he asks.
Her cheeks are flushed in embarrassment at her sudden outburst, and she can't bear to meet his gaze right now. Despite him being her closest friend and husband, she feels as small and vulnerable as she did six years ago when she first learned of her brother's death from Shoupe. Time might as well be shaped in the form of a never-ending circle for them, directing them back to their seventeen-year-old state of mind every time things turn sour.
Y/N finally lifts her hanging head to look over at him after another few seconds and thinks she might crumble at the look on his face. He hates watching her cry.
"I guess," she says through a sniffle, "It's about the crib too, but I've been thinking about it a lot more since we picked the name. Our baby’s gonna grow up never knowing who his uncle was..."
With that, JJ takes it as his cue to pull her closer.
He scoots up behind her and lets his chin rest on the curve bridging her neck and shoulder together as he twines his arms around her body. It's a closeness that's as natural as breathing for him, so natural that he can hardly remember the years before it became normal for them to take part in little moments of intimacy like this. The warmth of their bodies cohabitates in the blurred line distinguishing where she ends and he begins, and he feels her relax, sagging in his embrace in appreciation of his miraculous ability to make her feel better no matter how worked up she is.
One of his hands rests on the swell of her bump in an absentminded effort to calm him too. Even though he isn't consciously thinking of it, he knows that her distress must upset the baby too. The contact steadies her, keeps her grounded to the moment rather than allowing her to slip away into the current of her negative thoughts, and she clings to every word he has to say.
He says, "You and I both know that isn’t true. He's gonna grow up seeing all the pictures you have of John B and ask about him all the time. And we'll tell him all the stories"—there's a pause of contemplation as he recalls a few particularly non-PG memories of his best friend—"Well, maybe not all of them, but you know what I mean."
This draws a soft bout of laughter from deep within her chest that he feels with how her body shakes ever so slightly with it. It seems so wrong to laugh with tears in her eyes but she can't help it. Her emotions have been scattered in every direction since the pregnancy began, and it has only gotten worse the further along she gets.
"If you ever tell him about the kief incident, I'm never giving you a bl—"
His free hand smushes over her mouth before she can say the rest.
"Don't even think about finishing that sentence.”
It's said so frantically, it makes her erupt in laughter hard enough to tickle her abdomen muscles with the aching sensation of it. The vibration of it under his palm makes him drop his hand a second later with the need to hear the beautiful sound. After seeing her cry, it's a welcome shift in mood, even if it's at his expense.
Her head is thrown back on his shoulder, mouth parted into a smile with the gleeful giggling filling the room. His stomach churns with butterflies at the sight of her. Even after all these years, he has the same reaction to her laughter every time. It makes him smile to himself and watch her in quiet reverence. It makes him ache with the same inklings of longing he felt for the first time when he was much younger.
Her laughter begins to die down by the time she can draw enough breath in to murmur a soft, "Sorry, angel," to him and reach down to hold the hand he rests on her belly as consolation for her joke.
They remain this way for another few minutes, tangled up in each other's arms on the floor of the living room with Bowie snoring a few feet away, before he manages to convince her to let him be the one to set up the crib instead. It takes a good five minutes of playful back and forth before she concedes under the condition that he'll let her paint the nursery by herself when the time comes, and that's all it takes for her to abandon the task in favor of finding something to snack on in the fridge.
In her defense, the crib is actually quite difficult to put together.
JJ doesn't consider himself an expert handyman by any means, at least not with anything outside of his area of expertise as an electrician, but he likes to think he knows enough to put together a "no assembly required" Ikea crib without wanting to bang his face against the wall.
In the end, it gets finished by the two of them in the middle of the night over a box of cold leftover pizza from the previous day. It takes them two hours of struggling before they get it fully assembled and placed where they want it in the room that'll soon belong to their son.
He pretends not to notice her sneaking back in to tie John B's old bandana around the wooden railing before they go to bed.
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Tag List: @gabiatthedisco, @fangirlvoice, @black-syren, @apparrio, @particularcth, @planetdemon, @idk-ijustworkhere, @krisphann, @astrydis, @k-k0129, @zarahsloves, and @stilesflannels.
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
Deep End  -  Six
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Pairing: Dark!Steve Rogers X Reader
Summary: He’s back. After all your best efforts at getting away, he’s found you again. And this time, he’s not letting you go so easily. He’s determined to do whatever it takes to get you to be his. Forever.
Warnings: Dark Themes, Language, Angst, Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 4.6K
A/n: Okie dokie! I’ve got an epilogue planned but I like this. The epilogue will explain shit better but I've known that this would be the end since pretty much the beginning LMAO
Deep End Masterlist
When Steve hears you stop struggling, stop fighting and stop crying, he’s nervous.
It’s been a while since he locked you up there, and he really should check on you soon, if only to make sure the baby’s okay after that stunt you pulled.
He pushes the door to the bedroom open, eyeing your figure carefully.
You look like you’re asleep. If he wasn't so attuned to your body, your heart and your breathing, he wouldn’t have noticed something’s wrong.
Your heart is beating rapidly, far faster than normal. And it’s weaker than usual.
Your breathing is shallow and strained, and your face is lacking its usual healthy glow.
He rushes to your side, tearing the rope from your wrists and touching your face carefully.
Your skin is hot to the touch, and he feels fear settle in his gut.
He doesn’t know what to do, how to help. He’s never really had to help you like this, the doctor’s always been nearby.
He grabs his phone, calling the doctor and pacing nervously.
“Sh-she’s burning up and her breathing is shallow.”
Steve's stomach drops as he listens to the doctor’s instructions, answers his questions and comes to the realization of why you’re like this.
He rolls you onto your left side, tears welling up in his eyes at how unresponsive you are.
The doctor hangs up after telling the super soldier that he’ll be there soon.
His heart is in his throat as he tries to undo the damage of his punishment, putting the evidence back in the box and kicking the rope under the bed.
You’re still unresponsive, heart weak, but your breath sounds a little less strained.
Monster. That’s what you called him. What Natasha called him and what Bucky’s asset called him.
Maybe you’re right.
But he wants you. He needs you. Giving you up would be giving up a piece of his soul and he’s not ready to do that yet.
The doctor informs him that both you and the baby are okay, but being on your back for so long was compressing a major vein supplying your baby with oxygenated blood. If he’d gotten there any later it might’ve been too late.
With strict instructions to keep you on your left side and make sure you stay hydrated, the doctor takes his leave.
He stays by your side, holding your hand tightly in both of his as he really comes to terms with the fact that it was entirely his fault. He almost killed you and your baby to prove a stupid point. To discourage you from doing the very same thing.
His heart is heavy in his chest as he listens to your heartbeat get stronger, to the baby’s heartbeat continue fluttering like a hummingbird’s.
Those two sounds bring him peace, if only temporarily.
Shattering his peace is the sound of the front door opening, followed by tiny little footsteps clomping up the stairs.
“Mommy! Mommy!”
Steve shoves himself to his feet and quickly leaves the room just as his daughter tries to enter.
“Sarah, mommy’s sleeping.” She frowns up at him and shakes her little blonde head.
“I need to talk to mommy!”
She walks around his legs only for him to scoop her up in his arms.
“She’s sleeping right now, honey.”
Sarah shakes her head angrily, beating her tiny fists against his shoulders.
“Let me go! I want mommy! Mommy!! Put me down!” She starts shrieking. Full-on screaming bloody murder right in his ear, and he loses his grip on the wriggling child.
She slides out of his arms and runs into the bedroom, climbing onto the bed and shaking your shoulder.
“Mommy?” She’s got little tears on her face, and they don’t cease when you don’t wake up.
“Why won’t mommy wake up?!” She looks up at Steve with terror written on her face and it shatters his heart in his chest.
“Sarah, mommy’s sick, okay? I had the doctor come over and he said that she needs to rest and when she wakes up we’re gonna need to make sure she’s got plenty of water, okay?”
Sarah’s big blue eyes are filled with tears and she shakes her head.
“I want mommy!”
She clings to your torso, crying against your shoulder in fear.
“Sarah, honey, mommy’s gonna be okay. You just gotta give her some space, okay? How about I set up a movie for you?” Sarah sniffles and slowly pulls away from you, looking at her father and shaking her head again.
“I want mommy! I hate you!”
Steve then realizes just how crucial you are. How important you are, not only to him but to his daughter as well.
Losing you would hurt so many people.
“Honey, you gotta give mommy and I some space, okay?”
He picks up the five-year-old, despite her quite literally kicking and screaming, and sets her down outside the bedroom.
He shuts the door quickly and locks it even faster.
Sarah stands outside, wailing her head off and pounding on the door with her tiny little fists.
She cries for you, over and over again, and it breaks Steve’s heart.
He’s brought back to what you said about him. About how this isn’t love.
He sits down at your side again, trying desperately to drown out the sound of his daughter crying outside as his thoughts overwhelm him.
He hasn’t been the nicest to you, that he’ll openly admit, and he makes mistakes probably more often than he doesn’t. But he loves you. He needs you.
Tears well up in his eyes and he lets out a shuddering breath.
He’ll make this right. He has to. Sarah deserves a mother, so does your unborn baby. And -though he may not deserve you- he needs you. The monster will be hard to fight, but losing you will be harder.
The damage he’s done might be irreversible, but he’s gonna do what he can to make things right, to give you a better life.
You don’t wake up for a few hours, but when you do you’re confused.
Your back aches and you feel a little dizzy as you remember what happened, how you got here.
Steve watches as you regain consciousness, confusion pulling your brows together before you slowly open your eyes.
“How’re you feeling?” He asks softly, rubbing his thumb across your knuckles soothingly.
You look up at him then drop your gaze to your belly, bringing your free hand down to rub it gently.
“Am I... are we okay?” He nods gently, tears in his eyes.
“I’m sorry, (Y/n). I was... I don’t know, trying to teach you a lesson. And all that did was hurt you. Hurt the baby. I wanted to show you that trying to hurt yourself and hurt the baby wouldn’t fly, but I ended up doing far more damage.”
You swallow hard and struggle to push yourself into a seated position, wincing at the throb in your head.
“The doctor said that you shouldn’t move too much, and try to stay on your left side when you sleep. I-I didn't know that sleeping on your back was bad.”
You take a deep breath and look up at him, waiting for the anger to take hold in his eyes but it never does.
“I’m sorry for hurting you. For scaring you and not trusting you. I... I lost you for so many years and now I have you back and... I don’t wanna lose you again. But everything I do to try and keep you close, make you mine... all it does is push you further away and I’m sorry.”
His apology takes you by surprise, and you eye him skeptically.
How are you supposed to know if he’s telling the truth?
He drags one of his hands down his face and for a moment you can truly see just how old Steve Rogers is.
The exhaustion of carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders finally shows in the lines near his eyes, the bags beneath them. But what really displays his age is his eyes. They’re so full of trauma and pain and weariness.
For the first time since waking up from the ice, Steve Rogers looks his age.
“I-I’m sorry, too,” you whisper, surprising him.
“I didn’t... I wasn’t thinking. I just... I wanted to punish you for what happened to Natasha. What you did. I wanted you to hurt but I just ended up hurting myself in the process.” You look down at your hands, trying to figure out how you want to phrase what you have to say.
“People argue, Steve. But what you do... it’s beyond that. We’re not... there are so many things wrong with what’s happening between us, what’s happened already, but I can’t leave. Sarah’s too attached and all I want for my little girl is to have a happy life. To have the happiness that was torn from me.”
Guilt settles on his chest, but he lets you continue speaking.
“I want my daughter to have a good life. I don’t want her to be afraid of-of people. The way I am. She loves you, and I know... I think you love her. You haven’t hurt her yet, and I hope it stays that way because at the rate we’re going, I'm not sure how much longer I’ll be able to do this.”
The pure fatigue on your face is more than enough explanation, but the idea of losing you is too much for him to bear.
“No, don’t say that. I’m gonna get better, okay? We-we were happy once. And we can do it again. I’ll be gentle and patient. I just... I need you, (Y/n). I need you a lot and the fact that you have such a tight hold over my every thought makes me angry. But I’m not gonna take it out on you anymore, okay?”
You let out a deep breath and eye him carefully.
“You’ve said that before.”
He thinks back to the time you spent in that cabin in the woods, where you turned his friends against him.
He has said that before, and look at where he is now.
“This time it’ll be different.”
You don’t have the energy to fight him. So if he’s gonna try, fine.
“Where’s Sarah?” You ask, hoping she’s still safely out with Morgan.
Steve’s face falls again and he stands up and opens the door to your bedroom.
Sarah sits crumpled in a ball, her cheeks covered in tears.
“Mommy!” She all but screams the word, launching to her feet.
Steve tries to take her hand but she yanks it away from him, shooting him a glare then running to the bed and climbing up beside you.
Your heart breaks when you see how sad she looks, and you hug her to your chest.
“It’s okay, baby. Mommy’s okay.” She sniffles and climbs onto your lap, climbing to you like her life depends on it.
You wonder what happened while you were unconscious, what Steve did to upset her so much, and your mind immediately goes to the worst.
You look at the man, your thoughts written plainly across your face, but he quickly shakes his head.
“No. I just told her she couldn’t come in. Not ‘till you woke up. She uh... she stayed right outside the door.”
You soothe your daughter, rocking her as much as you can manage with the pain rolling down your spine.
“It’s okay, baby. Mommy’s okay. Everything’s okay.” You hold her close to you, trying to calm her down while Steve looks on helplessly.
Although his daughter loves him, loves being here with him, nothing can compare to the bond that the two of you have.
The monster in him hates it. Hates that he’s not as close to his own daughter, blames you for it. But he pushes that part of himself down.
He made a promise. And this time he’s not gonna break it.
"Are you sure you’re okay with it?” He asks for the thousandth time.
You only shrug, fixing your hair in the mirror as the doorbell rings.
“It’s a little too late now, Steve. Besides, I don’t really care. Sarah’s gonna have fun and that’s all that matters.”
Your daughter took a few days to warm up to Steve again, but now that she has he’s not gonna risk anything changing that.
He takes one last look at you, at how pretty you look in your blue sundress, then leans forward and kisses your cheek.
“I love you, (Y/n). I can send them away.”
You take a deep breath and shake your head.
“Sarah’s excited. Besides, I wanna know what we’re having.”
You plaster on a forced smile and it breaks his heart, but he turns and heads downstairs to greet the guests.
Ever since you got hurt, he’s been nicer. Far gentler than he's ever been with you, and you’re not complaining.
Steve has the potential to be a good person, that much is obvious, but he chooses not to.
He hasn’t hurt you again, or even yelled at you. No, he’s been patient and understanding and it’s such a sharp contrast from who he was before.
You can hear him greeting the guests warmly, chatting on and on about this and that and whatever else.
Taking a deep breath to prepare yourself, you leave the faux safety of the bedroom and head down the stairs, smiling at your guests.
People that you’ve never seen before are in your house. Well, that’s not true. You’ve seen them on TV.
The Avengers are in your living room and kitchen, talking softly amongst themselves.
In the presence of these superheroes, you feel small. Weak. And you can’t fight the urge to find Steve as anxiety crawls up your spine.
He’s in the kitchen, talking animatedly with Tony Stark and Sam Wilson. Iron Man and Falcon.
He looks so at ease, his face split open with a laidback grin.
Sam’s eyes find yours and he says something to Steve, making the blond turn to you with a soft smile.
He waves you over and you obey, one hand resting delicately on your bump.
“Sam, Tony, this is my (Y/n). (Y/n), Sam and Tony.” You nod politely at them, sliding your clammy hand into Steve's nervously.
You haven’t been around this many people in a very long time.
“It’s nice to finally meet the woman who’s got Captain America so hooked! All he does is talk about you,” Sam says, a grin on his face.
You smile at him, looking up at Steve.
He nods encouragingly, smoothing his thumb over your knuckles to try and ease your anxiety.
“It’s nice to meet you, too. I, uh, I’ve heard a lot about you. About both of you.” Tony smiles looking down as someone tugs on his pant leg.
“Can I have a sleepover at Sarah’s house?!” Morgan asks excitedly, her little face full of glee.
“You’re gonna need to go ask your mother. You know she makes all the decisions.”
Tony’s gaze lifts to yours when his daughter runs to find her mom.
“Is it alright if she sleeps over tonight?”
Steve nods then looks at you.
“You alright with that?”
You’re not sure if it’s a real choice or a test, but you don’t want to find out.
“Of course. She’s always welcome here.”
Tony nods with a smile, then resumes whatever conversation they were having before you showed up.
You tune out what they’re saying, carefully rubbing over your stomach and poking at your baby whenever they decide to kick you.
“(Y/n)? Did you wanna help me set the food up outside?” Pepper’s voice breaks you from your trance, her hand coming to rest softly on your shoulder.
You look up at Steve, silently asking for permission, but he just leans down and presses a soft kiss to your lips and lets go of your hand.
You follow Pepper, setting up the table in the backyard silently for a while before she clears her throat.
“How are you feeling, (Y/n)? Sarah told us you were sick.”
You swallow hard and give her a tight smile.
“I’m feeling better. Tired all the time but this little devil is to blame for that.” You poke your belly only to be met with another kick.
Pepper nods, smiling at you.
“Are you excited?”
That question throws you for a loop.
Are you? Are you excited to have another baby?
You’re excited for Sarah to have a sibling. Excited to get to hold your baby and love your baby. But the reason why you’re having the baby in the first place? The father of your baby? No.
“Yeah, I am. A little nervous, too.”
She sits down by your garden, patting the seat next to her.
“You look tired, (Y/n). More tired than a mother should be. You’re wearing yourself thin.” You keep your lips sealed, not wanting to say anything that might make Steve mad.
She sighs and sets a gentle hand on your knee.
“I don’t know what your... relationship is with Steve, but I know you’re unhappy. He’s a good guy, deep down. But you need to take care of yourself, okay? Don’t work yourself to the breaking point because it’ll be even harder to build yourself back up. Especially with a brand new baby.”
You let out a shuddering breath and nod.
“It’s just hard. I’m trying but... it’s hard.”
As you talk softly with Pepper, Steve observes the two of you.
You look so sad, so defeated. He hates that he made you look like that.
“She’s unhappy, Steve.”
He turns to the voice, eyebrows raising.
“Wanda. I didn’t know if you’d make it.” He pulls her into a hug. “I heard about what happened in Westview... Wanda, I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
She sighs, pulling away with a sad smile.
“No. But I will be.” Her eyes travel back over to you for a moment, feeling the pain and the sorrow in your soul.
“Do you think she’ll ever be happy here? With me?” Wanda sighs, crossing her arms over her chest and closing her eyes, feeling your thoughts, your energy.
“It’s hard to tell. Right now she’s so... numb. Nothing but sadness and... hopelessness. Her spirit is crushed, Steve.” She reopens her eyes and turns to the blond.
“You can’t keep her here like this. It’s only a matter of time before she gets fed up and tries to do something drastic. Again.”
Steve knows. He fucking knows that. But he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do to lift your spirits.
He's given you more freedom, let you make more decisions for yourself. He’s been gentler with you, hasn't forced himself on you.
Not forcing himself on you isn’t something to gloat about, but given the history between the two of you, it’s something fairly major.
He just wants to keep you in his life. He needs to keep you in his life.
He turns to the young woman beside him, a thought bubbling into his mind.
“Could you... do something to make her happy? Make her enjoy her life here? Make her love me again?”
Wanda’s mouth curves down as she looks at you, watches you play with your daughter and Morgan.
“Steve, it’s not right.”
The blond lets out a pained breath, shaking his head desperately.
“I just want happiness, Wanda. Don’t I deserve it? Haven’t I suffered enough to deserve a happy ending?”
Wanda’s eyes glow red with sorrow as she’s reminded of her own happy ending that she had to give up.
She takes his hand and gives it a squeeze, dropping her gaze for a moment before looking over at his desperate blue eyes.
“We don’t always get what we deserve. It’s hard and it hurts, but we can't control everything. And at some point, we need to let go. No matter how hard it is or how much it hurts. We can’t hurt other people because of what we think we deserve.”
They both look back over to you, your own eyes already on the pair, but dropping as soon as you see them turn to you.
“I’m sorry, Steve. I can’t do that.”
Tears stab at his eyes and he huffs out a breath through his nose, turning on his heel and walking away from the party, from his friends.
His abrupt departure catches the attention of a few people, yourself included. Before you can get up and see what’s going on, Bucky’s on his feet and heading into the house.
The woman Steve was talking to makes her way over to you, smiling gently.
“Hi (Y/n). I’m Wanda.” You smile at her, eyes darting towards where Steve disappeared from then back to her.
Bucky re-emerges only a few moments later, shaking his head at Natasha when she gives him a quizzical look.
You turn to Wanda with a strained smile.
“Could you just watch Sarah for a minute? And make sure she has something to eat? The foods ready.” She nods, watching with sad eyes as you walk back into the house to see what’s wrong with Steve.
“Steve?” You call softly, looking around for him only to find him sitting on the couch in the living room, his face in his hands.
“Why can’t I have what I want?” His question catches you off guard and you move to stand in front of him.
He shakes his head sadly, pulling his hands off of his face to grab yours, holding them tightly.
His lips brush over your knuckles gently, before he presses the back of your hands against his forehead, dropping his gaze to the floor.
“This isn’t right.”
Your heart races in your chest, stomach tying in knots as you try to figure out what he’s talking about.
“What are you talking about? Is everything okay? Did... did I do something wrong?” Maybe you shouldn’t have talked to Pepper earlier. Maybe you should’ve just stayed quiet and smiled.
“I can’t keep you here.”
One sentence. Five words. Sixteen letters.
That’s all it takes to have your heart stuttering.
“What... what do you mean you can’t keep me here?” You try your hardest not to let your hopes get too high. Maybe he’s going to kill you. Maybe that’s what it is. It’s certainly something more up his alley than... the alternative.
He slowly raises his head, teary red eyes staring up into yours. 
“You know what I mean.”
You shake your head, needing to hear him say it himself.
“What are you saying, Steve?”
He lets out a heavy sigh and closes his eyes, the words hurting him but he needs to say them.
“You're free to go. You and Sarah.”
The breath gets knocked from your lungs, eyes wide as tears start to blossom. This is a trap. A test. It has to be. There’s no way...
“You’re letting us go?” You ask softly.
He sighs again, nodding as tears find their way down his cheeks.
“Yeah... I guess I am.”
You’re silent, staring at him and waiting for him to tell you it’s a joke, to punish you. But he doesn’t. No, instead he lets go of one of your hands and stands up, his chest almost brushing yours.
“You said I don’t love you... but I do. I love you. Or maybe I love the idea of you, I don’t know. But either way... I hate how sad you are. How sad and afraid I make you. You're free to go wherever you want.”
You’re practically hyperventilating.
After all this time, you never truly thought he’d ever let you go. That he’d have even a shred of decency left inside him.
He cups your hands together and carefully places something inside them, then turns and walks to the front door, grabbing his keys and leaving the house.
You stand silently, staring at the object in your hands until standing becomes too hard and you think you may throw up.
Then you sit down, silent tears trekking down your cheeks.
“(Y/n)?” You’re not sure how long you’ve been sitting on the couch, staring at your hands, but Natasha’s voice pulls you from your thoughts.
“(Y/n), are you okay? Where’s Steve?”
You stare up at her then look back down at the tiny, life-changing object in your hands.
“He let us go,” you whisper, your glossy eyes raising to hers again.
She looks half as shocked as you feel.
You sniffle then wipe the tears off of your cheeks.
“He’s letting us go,” you repeat, pushing yourself to your feet and holding your bump.
“Really?” You nod, eyes finding the backyard through the kitchen window.
Sarah and Morgan are playing outside with Sam and Wanda.
“What are you gonna do?”
Your heart is so full of confusion, full of pain and hurt.
“I’m gonna go cut the cake, then have a talk with Sarah.” She nods, a small smile on her face.
She heads back outside and you take a few deep breaths, trying to calm down before you go out and face Steve’s friends.
You toy with the dainty thing he dropped in your hands before nodding to yourself.
This is what’s right. It’s the right choice for both of you.
You entertain his guests for a few more hours, not wanting to clue them into anything in case they disagree with your decision, with Steve’s.
Only after the presents are given and the cake is almost completely devoured do they finally start to leave.
Wanda helps you tidy up the backyard, writing her phone number down with a soft smile and a whispered ‘if you ever need a friend’.
Everyone bids you goodbye until only Bucky and Nat are left, the metal-armed soldier staring intently at your left hand before a smile spreads across his face.
He surprises you, pulling you into a gentle hug and nodding his head.
“Congratulations, (Y/n).” You’re not sure what he’s talking about, but for some reason, you don’t think it has anything to do with the baby shower.
They leave too, and then you’re virtually alone, Sarah and Morgan asleep upstairs.
After cleaning up every last inch of the house, you head upstairs to go to sleep.
Steve isn’t home until after midnight, long after he lets his tears run dry and his heart stop shattering. It just aches now. Hurts.
He let you go. He really did it.
Deep down he knew this would be the outcome. Either this or your death, but he never wanted to accept it. Refused to admit it to himself.
But seeing Wanda... after all that she’s been through... and she’s still standing strong.
He takes his shoes off and drops his keys on the kitchen counter, freezing in his tracks when he sees the covered plate of cake with his name written on it.
The batter is blue.
A boy.
He’s gonna have a son.
A son that he’ll never get to meet. He’s given you freedom, and he doubts you’ll let him be a part of your child’s life after all that he’s put you through.
He slowly makes his way upstairs, his heart hurting when he sees no sign of your things in the pristine house.
When he pushes open the bedroom door he freezes in his tracks.
There you are, sleeping in his bed. No bags are packed, nothing is out of place, and the dainty diamond ring sits on your finger.
You’ve made your choice, he realizes, his heart jumping for joy in his chest.
He sheds his clothes then climbs into bed with you, wrapping you up in his arms and sighing heavily.
Maybe Wanda was wrong.
Maybe he’ll get his happy ending after all.
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Companions React: Sole Breaks Down
Request: “Could I ask for companions comforting a sole that’s usually an emotional rock, that they hadn’t seen this vulnerable ever? Like they come back from being away and just crumble into a sobbing mess. Pretty please?”
Note: *bangs spoon against pot* come get the hurt/comfort. CW: Mentions of unnamed characters deaths.
The setting:
Upon Preston’s request, Sole took off to a distant settlement to reorganize their resources, set up defenses, and bring them into the trade route. These excursions usually took about a week or two, so Sole could make sure they were fully stable before returning to Sanctuary to attend to their other duties. With this trip, however, they requested their companion stay in Sanctuary; they could handle this on their own, and the companion deserved a break.
Two weeks later, Sole returns, shoulders weighed down by their pack, ladened with goods the settlers had insisted they take with them. It had been a tough week, though that wasn’t really a new thing in Sole’s book, or anyone’s, really. Unfortunately, Sole hadn’t been able to predict the fact that some sort of disease would run through the tiny settlement while they were there, taking several of the members with it as it left.
They scrubbed at their skin in a nearby body of water every morning of those two weeks, rubbed raw and pink as a result of Sole’s quietly hysterical distress. They wanted no trace of settlement on them. There were elements of guilt in their relief to return home, but with returning home came the fact that they were safe enough to reflect on their weeks away from Sanctuary. There seemed to be no hiding from what had happened.
Sole got through the main street of Sanctuary well enough, sending nods to passing settlers, with a brief stop to drop off some of the food they had brought back with them with their local merchant; he would give it away to those that dropped in throughout the day. Once they made it down the road and to the entrance of their home, they felt the dam break. Their hands shook as they pulled the door open and moved inside, doing their best to ignore the tears that began to trickle down their face.
(*Gage’s scenario takes place upon their return to Nuka World’s Fizztop Grille)
Cait was waiting just inside, having taken up residence in Sole’s living room with Dogmeat.
She went to make a joke about Sole being late, but when she looked up, she lost the words quite quickly
Sole’s shoulders were shaking, and it was quite obvious that they were trying to hide that they were crying, but it was impossible to not see
She practically tripped over herself to get to Sole, who was acting casual by rearranging the items in their back they had set on the floor
Her desire to comfort and protect Sole overrode her hesitance for physical affection and she found herself hugging Sole far too tightly than she should’ve
But it was partially panic on her end that caused her to grip them so tight
“Christ, what’s a matter?”
The only sound Sole made was a choking whimper and Cait gripped them even tighter
She reads the distress in their stance the moment they cross the threshold into their home
Similarly to Cait, she gets up from where she’s sitting immediately, but stops short of Sole
“Oh, goodness. Are you alright?” She reaches out but doesn’t quite touch them, not wanting to intrude
Sole shakes their head, unable to disguise their very obvious distress
“Physical or emotional?”
Sole opens their mouth to say emotional and gets out about half the word before choking on their own breath and curling forward into themself
“Would you like a hug?” Her voice is quieter this time.
Sole nods and she brings them in for a soft hug, rubbing their back
Danse is far more emotionally intelligent when it comes to other people’s feelings than people give him credit for
He’s seen it happen before; soldiers compartmentalize their emotions as much as they can, for years even, but everyone has a breaking point
And sometimes it’s over something one might consider small, like breaking a dish, or sometimes it’s loss that brings them to their knees, as it would anyone
Regardless, he’s known all along that one day Sole won’t be able to suppress their emotions anymore
When they come in crying and shaking, looking defeated, he’s unsurprised. Sad in an inevitably knowing sort of way
He gets up and walks over, taking their pack from their hands and helping them shed the heavy jacket that was weighing them down
He requests they sit and takes off their boots before going to get them a glass of water
He doesn’t say much, considering he doesn’t have much to say, but he’d much rather show how he cares via actions rather than words, anyway
He’s somewhat similar to Danse in the fact that he knows Sole’s going to need to break at some point, however it’s in less of a “I’ve seen this before” attitude and more in the fact that he can relate
But Sole has an easier time trusting than he does, so he knows their break is coming at some point, whereas he knows that there’s never going to be a point where he allows someone else to see what Sole is allowing him to witness
So when they stand there, defeated, looking over at him like a lost child, he simply opens his arms
He’s not one for hugs, but he makes exceptions, and it seems this is one of those situations that calls for an exception
When they sob into his shoulder, he pats them on the back and replies with a simple, “I know, Boss. I know.”
Gage is chewing at a piece of dried Mirelurk, grimacing at the salty taste.
Sole makes their way across Fizztop Grille, dropping their pack carelessly next to one of the couches.
Similarly, they drop down next to Gage where he’s sitting overlooking the rest of Nuka World, not saying a word.
After a moment, punctuated by a very obvious sigh, Gage looks over at Sole. He chews contemplatively for a moment, “You and me both. Wanna talk about it?”
Sole shakes their head and Gage responds, “Cool.”
He pats them on the back, admittedly, awkwardly and a bit too harsh to be comforting, but it’s Gage
He’s doing his best
Haylen has Dogmeat in her lap chewing at a Radstag bone, her hand running mindlessly over his fur
She doesn’t jump up when Sole comes in, cautious at the idea of spooking them
“Sole,” She calls out, shifting to move her feet flat on the floor
When they don’t respond and instead sniffle, she’s motioning Dogmeat off her lap and stepping towards them
“Everything alright?”
Sole shakes their head and she presses her lips together in worry, “Anything I can help with?” another shake of Sole’s head
She brushes their hair away from their face with a soft, “Oh, Sole.” and brings them into a light side-hug
He really does like to think he keeps his cool easily, but he really doesn’t in this case
Sole’s crying and that’s not something he thought would ever happen
“Whoa, whoa. Talk to me, what’s going on, Sunshine?”
“Bad day.” Sole chokes out
He suppresses nervous laughter, knowing it can’t just be that, but lets it go and instead puts an arm around their shoulders to pull them in for a tight hug, snug and reassuring, with his other arm finding their waist
He’s alert immediately, thoughts jumping to them being hurt, and potentially fatally so
Considering he thinks its an emergency, he’s in front of them and examining them for injuries within seconds
Sole doesn’t protest for the longest time, but eventually they grab ahold of his wrists and shake their head
He stops for a moment and looks them over again before sighing; this is something he doesn’t know what to do about
“Sit. You’re going to collapse if you’re not careful.”
When they’re seated he helps them shrug off their coat and sits nearby, not pressuring, but available if they want to talk
Nick’s view is similar to Danse’s, and he isn’t quite surprised when they come in crying
He sets the pen he was writing with down and shifts back in his chair, opening his arms for a hug if they want
When they cross the room he wraps them in a hug and rubs their lower back, trying his best with the awkward angle him sitting provides
“You need to take time for yourself.” He recommends, but other than that, he remains mostly silent
The queen of panic, despite her best efforts
She’s used to tears because of her experiences with Nat, but not from Sole of all people
She does something similar to Mac, where she checks them over briefly, before she realizes this isn’t a physical injury that’s hurting them
She’s competing with Cait when it comes to tight hugs, wishing she could protect them from whatever’s bothering them so
A sympathy crier, she has to blink away her own tears
“Let it out, Blue. We can talk about it later, okay? Everything’s gonna be just fine. I swear.”
Preston’s not sure how to handle things, considering how used to Sole being a rock he is
He knows it’s not quite right, considering he knows other people view him the same way, and it’s incredibly difficult being the one holding it together all the time, but he’s still genuinely surprised when he sees they’re crying
He knows what to do when he realizes what’s going on, though; exactly what he wishes he could request from someone else
He brings them into a hug and mumbles reassurances; that they don’t have to be the tough one all the time, that their emotions aren’t weakness, and that everything’s going to be okay
A fan of mutual silence, X6 helps them get comfortable and brings them into their room; he’s always viewed quarters as the safest place to be, both in the Institute and when Sole gave him his own quarters afterwards
He helps them into bed, making sure they’re comfortable, before asking if they have any small injuries they need addressed before settling in
If they say yes he cleans and dresses their wounds as gently as possible before settling into bed near them, a respectable distance away, but within reach if they need, and begins reading a book Sole left on their nightstand
He knows it’s hard to be alone when you’re being attacked by emotions, but they don’t seem to want to talk about what’s going through their head quite yet; instead, he rubs their back and encourages them to cry it out
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
An Alternate Path
Genre: Angst
A/N: Originally this was supposed to be a two-part mini fic but people asked about a part three. I wasn’t sure where else to exactly go from there since the end of the second part felt so final for me. But then, inspired by a comment on the 2nd part, I began to think about how it would have gone if Arella hadn’t been revived with Mammon’s blood. Think of this as the bad end to the AU. This is the final part.
obviously spoilers for the lesson 16 incident and for lesson 50 (i think… correct me if Im wrong)
Replaced part 1
The Good/True End
He sits in his room starting at the dried blood on his hands, heart aching from the loss of his mate. It had only been mere hours since Barbatos had taken her body to prepare for funeral rites but to the Avatar of Greed, it had felt like centuries. Why? He’s asked himself this question over and over. Why didn’t you check on her sooner? Why didn’t you call or text? Why didn’t you notice? Why didn’t you feel something was wrong through your pact?
As much as he wants to, Mammon has no more tears left to cry. His human is gone, never to return and it was the fault of him and his brother. He should have been there sooner. Should have reminded her how much he cared. Should have done a lot of things. He had every opportunity to, but he squandered all of it.
He rakes his hands through his hair as they whys replay in his head. The demon doesn’t have an answer for them- none that would satisfy them, at least. He lets out a yell as grief turns to rage and nothing of value is spared from his violence. Items and trinkets knock from their shelves, furniture overturned, by time the second-born was done, his room looked like a war zone.
It’s only then that Mammon collapses to his knees and lets out a broken wail as he can hear the restless cawing of his crows outside.
Levi is alone in his room, having shut himself away hours ago. Laying in his bathtub bed, the Avatar of Envy loses himself to his thoughts and the view of the water above him. He can’t help but think about what would have happened if he had put his foot down when Asmo approached him to recruit him in helping his little matchmaking plan for Melissa and Satan.
And then his thoughts focus in on the other human. If she had never come, if they had never welcomed her into their lives through the exchange programme... Arella would still be alive. She’d still be sitting here, playing video games and helping him decide which anime he should choose to watch when there was a conflict of time slots. They’d still be talking about their Husbandos and Waifus just as they always had. But she’s not here. She never will be anymore. All because he didn’t have the spine to act like the older brother and tell Asmo no. Because he allowed his younger brother to monopolize his time.
His best friend is gone and he was part of the problem that led up to that. Levi has never felt so much self-hatred before and, just like with Lilith, he doesn’t know how to come to terms with the loss of another person so dear to him. For now, he’ll just lay here and waste away like the filthy, yucky otaku he is, wishing there was a way he could go back and undo it all or hoping that this was all just some horrible nightmare that his brain has conjured up.
“She’ll be back in the morning... right? She’s just sleeping over at the castle, right?!”
Beel just eats. He eats and eats and eats to make the pain go away but just like his endless hunger, the pain never stops. He feels so empty inside that the only other option is to gorge himself until he physically can’t hold it anymore and vomits before he goes back for more until the cycle repeats and he runs out of food. The loss of their favorite human is killing him now- the grief of it squeezing his heart like an anaconda.
If he would have just gone to invite her to that new café she had wanted to visit with him only an hour sooner, this could have been stopped. But he didn’t. He didn’t and that’s what cuts deepest. He should have noticed when she stopped coming to dinner, or skipping breakfast, or not joining the student council for lunch day after day. He should have realized something was wrong then. But he chose to ignore it, thinking it was just one of those ‘moods’ Arella had told him about human women experiencing at certain times of the month. He thought he was helping by giving her space these last few weeks but Beel knows now that he was dead wrong.
Who would be his food buddy now? Who would let him drag them all over town in order to try out restaurant after restaurant, café and café? Sure, he had Belphie to take with him but his younger twin never really showed the same excitement when it came to trying out all the different food and drink options on the menu. The demon doesn’t realize he’s crying until the tear drops hit his hands. She only needed one of them to take a moment to see her and none of them could be bothered do just that.
Belphegor only wants to sleep. He wants to sleep and never wake up again. In his dreams is where Arella is, happy, smiling, laughing. That laugh will haunt his waking moments forever as he realizes that for the second time, the Avatar of Sloth has caused her death. Belphie was only one of two brothers who rejected Asmo when they asked him to help with that damn plan of his. It had been too long since he and Arella had napped together after school or plotted something with Satan as part of the Anti-Lucifer league. How he missed those days.
He can feel the tears pool in his eyes as he curls up into a ball on the bed in the attic. He wonders if he had just stayed up here forever instead of trying to trick Arella into setting him free, would this hole in his chest disappear? As he buries his face into the body pillow Arella had gifted him for his birthday this year, he cries himself to sleep- indulges himself in all the good memories they had made together after she had forgiven him for everything he had done to her.
Asmodeus is lost. They stare and stare at their skincare products trying to will themself to start their nightly skincare routine. How could they have been so foolish? The passage of time is so different to humans than it is to demons. They had only meant to take a month to match Satan and Melissa up so how had it turned to eleven already?! The Avatar of Lust wants to scream. Both at themself and no one at all. Hot tears still sting their eyes as they shapeshift. They change and they change and they change forms- any number of features forming and then shifting away as they try to find a look that they won’t recognize themself in but it doesn’t work. Asmo’s not able to look themself in the mirror for the rest of the night as they just crash down on their bed. They want to mark up their beautiful body into some hideous to match the feelings crushing their heart. Asmo wants to do something- anything- to themself to experience even a fraction of the pain Arella must have felt but all the demon feels now is just hollowness.
Their phone is vibrating on the bed next to them- a call from Solomon. No doubt he could feel Asmo’s distress through the pact they share but the Avatar of Lust is too tired from hours of ugly crying and most certainly not in the mood to speak to anyone- pact master or otherwise. The phone goes unanswered.
Satan has his head buried in the books. He’s been at this for hours- there must be a way to bring her back to them! Melissa is with him, bringing whatever books he asks for in his search as she too is eager to bring the lost human back to this plane of existence. There was so much they wanted to do with her. From watching cheesy mystery dramas together to forming a small book club consisting of just the three of them, none of that would come to pass now.
As book after book turns up dead ends, the demon just buries his head in his hands. It feels pointless now. Who was he to play God with life and death? The thought of never seeing his friend alive once more is enough to break the Avatar of Wrath as his shoulders shake with violent sobs. He wants to go on a rampage- destroy the whole city but what would that fix? It certainly wouldn’t bring her back.
As the demon continues to cry, Melissa only wraps her arms around him and he returns the gesture. She runs her fingers through his blonde hair in an effort to calm him and it seems to work, if only for a little while. She pulls a chair up to sit next to him as she holds his hand in hers.
“Tell me about your favorite memories with her,” They girl begins, “We can’t undo what was done, but we can keep her memory alive by sharing the good times.”
And so, they talk late into the night, Satan smiling at all the memories of Arella that he holds close to his heart.
“Hi this is Arella! I’m sorry I can’t get to the phone right now but leave a message after the beep.... Beeeeeeeeeep”
The sound of his brother’s laughter followed by Mammon calling Arella a dork in the background can be heard at the end of the greeting on her D.D.D.’s voicemail. The Avatar of Pride can only smile with tear-stained cheeks. He was beyond intoxicated, having just finished his fourth bottle of demonus for the night. He can feel the anguish his brothers have been going through all night and it only makes his sorrow deeper.
When Arella first arrived, all Lucifer cared about was keeping her alive long enough to make it through the year. She was unimportant to him outside of the viability of the exchange programme. Back then, he would have laughed at himself for the state he was in currently. She was just a human. Why did it matter if she lived or died if it didn’t affect the exchange programme?
But she wasn’t just a human. She was their human. She was special to him. And now she was gone. There was no second chance. There would be no merging of timelines to keep her alive. Fate was cruel, but sometimes Diavolo could be crueler.
Lucifer knew his longtime friend had a reason for this. He was teaching the brothers a lesson with her death. As much as it hurt now to lose another part of this family, things would get easier as the years went on regardless of how horribly they all would miss her. This was a lesson he and his brothers would not soon forget.
Cracking open his fifth bottle of demonus, the first-born scrolls through devilgram, saving pictures on her profile to be used in the memorial service. One of Arella with each of his brothers and himself and multiple pictures she’d taken with all eight of them from their adventures throughout the years that they’d all been together.
He lets his mind wander back over the last eleven months. All the red flags he had missed with his rose-colored glasses. They all made sense to him now. All the time she spent isolating herself from them, skipping meals, leaving either incredibly early for school or incredibly late for school. She was trying to get them to notice her over Melissa. He regrets their last interaction from a few months back. The way there had clearly been something wrong, yet he chose to lecture her about attending RAD on time as to not disgrace Diavolo. How he wishes he could take it back.
As the only brother save for Belphegor not conscripted to help Asmo in his ridiculous plan, Lucifer should have been the first to reach out to her. He may have been buried under paperwork, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t just sit and talk while he worked. He regrets not calling or checking up on her.
A video plays on her devilgram. It was from one of the nights they had spent up in the human world last summer.
“Awww, come one, Lucifer. It won’t be that bad. We’ll have those flowers from the fairy rings and make it back in one piece. I promise to keep Mammon under control so we won’t cause any trouble.”
The Avatar of Pride clicks out of the app as he feels more tears gather in his eyes. He can’t do this right now. Not tonight.
Her service was beautiful- Or at least that’s what Lucifer tells Mammon as he and the rest of their brothers return home. Mammon wanted to go, he really did, but with it only being a few days removed from her death, the second-born couldn’t bring himself to go. It wasn’t because he didn’t love her or didn’t want to celebrate his mate’s life but it was still far too painful for him.
Part of him was still in denial over it too. Somehow, he’d managed to convince himself that she wasn’t gone. She was just stuck up in the human world and had forgotten her D.D.D here so he couldn’t call her. The logical side of him knew it wasn’t the case and every time he was reminded of it, it threw the Avatar of Greed into a deeper pit of despair. He’d spent some nights since she’d passed alone, crying himself to sleep begging for his human to come back to him others he would just lie awake, tracing over where her mark from their pact had been etched into his chest, set right over his heart.
Suddenly years have gone by now. His brothers have made peace with her passing but Mammon cannot. Visiting her grave never helps to ease the pain either, but still he goes. If Arella’s spirit still lingers, no doubt she would be upset if he didn’t go. It would only serve to prove her dying thoughts true when they couldn’t have been further from the truth.
“Hey, Treasure... Miss me?” There’s no one here but Mammon and a tombstone. “I miss you... everyday... So much changes every year... Both Asmo, Levi, ‘n Satan got kids now... little girls for them and Levi has a boy...” He pauses to take a shuddering breath as the cold wind blows. “Can ya believe it? The first kids born ta this family and their both girls and then we got a boy... sweet little things too- alla ‘em.  I wish ya coulda been there ta meet them... Actually, looking at my brothers with their kids, it makes me wonder what ours woulda been like, ya know? And I wish none of this woulda happened... you deserved so much better than me ‘n I knew that. We all knew that. But ya chose me anyway and look where it got ya... Six feet under... If I could go back and do it all over again I would. I woulda told ya what was goin’ on. I woulda spent more time with ya. I woulda... woulda proposed... made sure you knew how much I loved ya everyday... I know ya probably can’t hear me, but I’m so sorry... for everything! I love you so much that I can’t move on and I won’t. If I die single then that’s fine by me.”
As he cries, thinking he’s alone, Arella watches from her seat on her tombstone. None of the brothers knew it but she’d been watching all this time. It wasn’t until she passed that she realized how deep their feelings ran and part of her wishes she would have waited just a bit longer before leaving for the human world that night.
She tries her best to let them know she’s there- that she loves them and is watching over them with Lilith, but she’s not strong enough to do more than move small objects around. She hopes that they’d notice but they never do.
As she hops off of her tombstone, Arella crouches down next to her mate. The best she can do for him is conjure a warm breeze as her spirit leans over to press a kiss that he’ll never feel to his cheek. Upon the breeze, he can hear a soft whisper of a reply.
“I love you too.”
And it's that reply that reassures him she’s there and she always will be. He hopes maybe in another life they’ll meet again and get to have the happy ending they never got to have in this one.
taglist: @gayassfuckinghomosexual @joyvlee
find more on my masterlist
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ghostdrew22 · 4 years
More || Draco Malfoy
Requested: No Pairing: post-war Draco Malfoy x fem!reader Warnings: Pregnancy, miscarriage, some swearing, a bit of angst and so much flufffff
WORDS : 2786
Song - More by Halsey
“A couple years of waiting rooms“
“They told me it's useless, there's no hope in store But somehow I just want you more“
“I sit and I stare at your clothes in the drawer I cry and my knuckles get sore 'Cause I still believe it won't be like before“
“And nothing could stop me from giving a try I've loved you for all of my life“
“I’m sorry to tell you this but, you’ve lost the baby.” Dean Thomas- Head Healer in the pediatric and maternal division of St Mungo’s- says to Y/N and Draco Malfoy as they both sit in silence in his office.
“Do you know why this keeps happening?” You ask- barely able to blurt the words out without sobbing.
“I’m afraid not- Y/N, you just might not be able to have children.”
Draco tenses and draws in a breath- “That’s outrageous, isn’t there something you can do?”
You notice his frustration and place your hand on his thigh to calm him down- even though a sea of rage and grief is currently flowing through you as well. You’d always thought that you’d be a mother by now- your own having easily given birth to three children by age 32- and yet here you are, eight tries and four miscarriages later.
“We’ve tried everything…” Healer Thomas sighs and offers you both a solemn look. “It’s beyond our control.”
“So now what?” You rasp- tears tugging at your throat with every word.
“Honestly? Just keep trying.”
“You said that to us a year and a half ago.” Draco grits out.
“That was when I thought I could help- it seems that I overestimated my own abilities.”
“That’s unprofessional.”
“I know, I apologise.” Healer Thomas sits up in his chair, “Cases like this are so rare- I didn’t think it was this serious.”
“That was your fault then.”
“It was, I know… Look, adoption is always an option if Y/N can’t-“
“There’s nothing wrong with my wife, so don’t phrase that sentence like there is.”

“I’m not, I’m jus-“
“You don’t think she’s having a hard enough time without your two cents?”
“Draco, it’s oka-“ You start- wanting to calm him down but he’s already fuming and there’s nothing you can say that will help.
“No Y/N, it isn’t- he can’t condemn you for something that you can’t help, especially when it’s his job to find a way to make this easier for you.” Draco gets out of his chair and pulls you out of yours as well before turning to Healer Thomas once more. “You’re a right knob, you know that?”
You send Healer Thomas an apologetic eye as your husband turns on his heels and walks you both out of the office. Once you’re back in the busy hospital hallway you turn to face him with a huff- ready to have a go at him for being so rude- but before you know it he’s pulled you into his chest and you’re sighing into his arms.
“I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too Draco…” You whisper into his chest and start to pull away slowly, “But-“
“Don’t ask me to apologise, I won’t do it.” He says adamantly as he crosses his arms like an angry toddler. “He was being an arsehole and he let us down- after months and hundreds of galleons.”
“So you’re angry about the money?” You raise your eyebrows at your husband who rolls his eyes and lowers his arms so that he can grasp your hands in his own.
“You know that I don’t give a shit about the money- I only care about you and you’ve been crying yourself to sleep over this crap for months, I’m sick and tired of having to watch you blame and hate yourself for something that isn’t your fault. I understand what he was saying but he should’ve picked his words better, there’s nothing wrong with you and I don’t want you to continuously feel like there is.”
“But then why-“
“I don’t know why Y/N. I’d do anything to find an answer for you- I’d do anything for us to start our family right now and you know that. But we clearly have a mountain ahead of us and I need you to believe in yourself if we’re going to climb it, yeah?”
“…” You look up at your husband in silence for a second- observing the look of hope consuming his features- “Yeah.”
“Good. Now we’re going to go home-“
“We have dinner at Harry’s-“
“We’re going to go home.” He repeats- indicating that it isn’t up for discussion and you nod slowly in agreement. “I’ll run you a bath and while you enjoy it, I’ll cook your favourite. Then after dinner we cuddle on the couch and eat ice cream.”
“And Harry’s?”
“I’ll owl him and let him know that we can’t make it this week cause we’re sick.”
You sigh and nod. Draco grabs your hand in his and pulls out his wand to apparate you back home. He fulfills his promises and cancels dinner with the Potter’s- deciding that it would be too difficult to sit through dinner while mini Harry and Ginny’s crawl around the floor. You snuggle into the couch instead to watch Disney movies in silence- trying not to think about how empty your house on the cul-de-sac is without the sound of tiny feet scraping against the floor.
“Well?” You raise your eyes to your husband as he eyes the muggle pregnancy test in his hands.
He sighs and shakes his head- turning behind him to drop the contraption into the bin and wash his hands.
“I’m broken.” You mumble and drop your head into your hands as you sit on the closed toilet- cursing yourself for thinking that it would be different this time.
“You’re not broken Y/N.” Draco chuckles and makes his way onto his knees so that he can look up at you. “It’s hard getting pregnant.”
“Not for everyone else.” You say exasperatedly and bring your head up to look him in the eyes as he kneels below you. “Ginny and Hermione and Luna are popping out children like it’s a bloody competition.”
“You’re not any of them.” He cups your face in his hands, “And the Weasley’s have genes like rabbits- don’t compare yourself to them.”
“I’d like to have genes like that.” You mumble and pout at him which makes him roll his eyes.
“You want to have genes like that? Then what- you produce the next era of the Weasley clan?”
You giggle and shake your head at him.
“Exactly love.” He plops a kiss on your forehead and releases your face to stand up.
“You know what sucks?” He hums in response as an indication for you to continue, “I keep thinking that it’ll be different next time. We order new clothes, we make plans for the nursery, we start to plan our lives around this baby that we’re so sure that we’re going to have and then every time it doesn’t work out. And every time, I love this baby that we don’t have, even more.”
“I know, it’s like the yearning just makes your heart bigger to hold more love for them.”
“Yes, exactly!” You exclaim with a sigh, “What are we going to do?”
“I was thinking…” Draco starts nervously- fiddling with his fingers- “Maybe we should expand our horizons beyond St Mungo’s.”
You look up as he towers above you and raise your eyebrows at him in questioning, “Expand them to what?”
“Muggles- gynecologists.”
You draw in a breath and observe the look on his face- taking note of how serious and thoughtful he appears to be. “I don’t kn-“
“Look, I’ve already found a few that are willing to meet with us.” He puts his hand out for you to grab, “Let’s just have a sit down with them, hear what they have to say and decide whether or not it’s worth a try afterwards. Yeah?” He asks you with his eyebrows raised.
You process his words and nod slowly- agreeing with reluctance- as you clasps his hand in your own and hoist yourself up off the toilet. “We can hear them out.”
“Thank you love.” He whispers and brings you into him for a kiss.
“We’ve met with some muggle doctors that say they can help us.” Draco replies to parents as he takes your hand and smiles nervously- worried about how his parents will take the news.
“But we’re probably not going to do it.” You whisper in addition quickly and look down at your plate of food- much to Draco’s dismay as he sends you a disappointed look.
“Why not?” Narcissa furrows her eyebrows in confusion, “Don’t you want children?”
“Yes…” You mumble and look up to glance at your in-laws, “But I don’t know if muggle medicine is the best option.”
“No one said it was the best option,” Narcissa starts as she offers you a smile, “But it’s an option.”
“Which is better than nothing, Y/N.” Lucius finishes for his wife and gives you a soft look of encouragement.
“That’s what I’ve been saying.” Draco responds quietly- squeezing your hand in an effort to comfort your nerves.
“But what’s the likelihood of muggle doctors fixing the problem when our own best and brightest, can’t?” You choke out- tears starting to claw their way up your throat.
Lucius begins with a sigh, “A muggles perspective might grant some clarity.”
“Look, how about you give it a try, and if it doesn’t work then you keep looking?” Narcissa beams and you feel a wave of relief wash over you at the overwhelming support of your husband and his parents.
If this had been your own parents they would’ve ridiculed you for being unable to naturally produce a child and completely shunned the idea of using medical assistance- let alone muggle medicine- to get pregnant.
“Okay.” You sigh and smile- your hand squeezing Draco’s back and dragging a smile from him. “We’ll try it.”
“Well?” You asks Draco as you sit on the closed toilet. It’s been three months since that night at the Malfoy Manor when you agreed to use muggle medicine- the very next morning you went back to meet doctor Kiran who got you started on a treatment plan immediately- and this is the first test you’ve taken since.
“I’d like to point out that these are a bit dehumanising- is there no better way than to piss on a stick?” Draco mumbles as he pulls the test out of the container he’d dropped it into after you’d taken it.
“Hmm?” He looks back at you.
“Oh! Yeah.” He chuckles nervously and brings up the test so that he can read the results. “Y/N…” He starts solemnly and you look down at the ground and sigh immediately in disappointment.
“This is bullshit.”

“It really is.” Draco breathes out as a smile creeps out onto his face, “I don’t think seven months is nearly enough time to come up with the perfect dad joke.”
“What?” You look up at him suddenly- hope glistening in your eyes- and see that he’s got the brightest smile on his face.
“You’re two months along Y/N.”
“Don’t fuck with me.” You respond with a smile- unable to contain the excitement you’re feeling.
“On my life- both tests are positive.” He says as he hands them both to you so that you can see the ‘+’ and ‘2’ written in bright red on the sticks. “We’re going to have a baby.” He breathes out.
“We’re going to have a baby!” You exclaim as you jump off the seat and into your husband’s arms.
“I’m delighted to introduce you to your daughter.” Dean Thomas exclaims in excitement as he brings the new addition to the Malfoy family in to the room after she’s been cleaned up. “You did really well Y/N, a true champ.” He pats your shoulders as the nurses hand you your daughter.
“That’s my wife.” Draco watches you endearingly as you hold your newborn.
“I’m so sorry that I couldn’t be more help before.”
“Don’t worry about it- we figured it out.” Draco says with a smile on his face.
“I’m really happy for you both- you deserve this.” Dean utters as he pats Draco on the back.
“Thank you… for everything.” Dean nods at Draco.
“I’ll leave you to it then.” Dean says as he makes his way out of the hospital room so that you can be alone.
“Come look at her, Dray.” You rasp out- your voice still raw from all the yelling you were doing only hours before during the delivery- and Draco swiftly makes his way to your side so that he can pick up his daughter.
“Ew, we’re crying.” You say in mock disgust as you note that tears are falling from both you and your husband’s faces.
“This is disgustingly cheesy.” Draco chuckles as he lifts one hand from underneath the baby to wipe the tears off of your face.
Weeks of long nights spent in muggle hospital rooms and copious amounts of medication finally paid off- you have your beautiful daughter, to hold and to love, right in front of you. It almost feels too good to be true.
“Can we please meet our grandchild now?” Narcissa asks excitedly as her and Lucius walk in beaming. Draco nods at them with a laugh and brings his daughter toward his parents for them to hold her.
“Here’s your granddaughter.”
“She’s perfect.” Lucius chokes out as he stares down at the bundle of blankets in his arms- feeling a wave of happiness wash over him that is similar to the one he felt at his own son’s birth. “She has Y/N’s eyes.”
“And Draco’s face.” Narcissa whispers with adoration- love washing over her features completely. “Congratulations my love.” She utters as she moves away from the baby and goes to catch her son in a hug- who still has a few tears running down his face.
“Thank you mother.” He whispers into her shoulder.
“And Y/N.” Narcissa walks toward you with a smile so bright it could blind the heavens, “I’m so happy for you darling.”
“Thank you Narcissa- for everything.” You breathe out with a smile as you melt into the warmth and affection of Narcissa’s arms. “We wouldn’t have been able to go through with it if it wasn’t for your support.”
“What is family for?” Lucius perks up from his spot next to Draco with a chuckle- handing the baby back to his son so that he can also hug you. “You did good.”
“I tried.” You chuckle back into his embrace.
“You succeeded, exceptionally.”
“Will there be any more?” Narcissa asks with a smile as she cooes at her granddaughter that she’s holding in her arms- already imaging all of the ways in which she can spoil the child rotten and clasp her love as the favourite grandparent.
You and Draco catch each other’s eyes and smile- already knowing the answer.
“You’ll never catch me alive!” A small voice says before a body jumps onto the bed and lands above the blankets beside you- startling you awake suddenly.
You shuffle about in the bed- feeling that something above the covers is weighing them down and making it difficult for you to shift them around- and finally peer your head out of the blankets in defeat.
“Oh look, it’s my little chocolate frog.” You exclaim once the fog of sleep wears off and you can see your daughter peering down at you with a bright smile.
“Hi mum.” She giggles out as she moves to climb beneath the covers with you.
“What’s going on?”
“I’m running away from dad.”
“I thought we agreed that we’re letting mum sleep, peanut?” Draco cuts you off as he stands in the doorway and questions his daughter with furrowed eyebrows- his toddler son trailing on all fours behind him.
“That deal was cancelled.”
“You know what you did.” She mumbles menacingly as she glares softly at her father.
“What did you do, Draco?” You asks from the bed with a laugh.
“I tried to give her a bath.” He deadpans in amusement and you laugh back.
“I’m beyond cleanliness!” Your daughter exclaims in response, “Besides, I thought mum could use some cuddles.”
“I do love cuddles, Dray.” You replies very seriously- even though there’s a huge smile plastered on your lips.
“Well, might as well give her what she wants.” Draco chuckles as he reaches down to carry your 14 month old son off the ground and walks toward the bed to join his two favourite girls. “Happy mother’s day, Y/N.”
Draco settles into the bed- putting his son in first so that both children are sandwiched inbetween you two- and leans over the kids to place a kiss on your lips. Your little display of affection earns a disgusted groan from your daughter and you both pull away with amused expressions.
“Mommy!” Your son exclaims in excitement as he climbs over his sister and lands on your lap.
“Hi bubba.” You giggle and place a kiss on his forehead. He smiles cheekily and tries to recite the words he’d been rehearsing with Draco only minutes before.
“Happy mommy day.”
“Thank you, bubba.”
“I hope you love us because we’re the reason it’s your day.” Your daughter adds in a matter-of-fact tone that has both you and Draco laughing.
“Oh angel,” You finally breathe out with a smile, “I’ve loved you for all of my life.”
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nanaminokanojo · 3 years
BLOOM | Sukuna X You | Part 3/3 [COMPLETED]
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CHARACTERS: Sukuna X You | Gojo Satoru | Geto Suguru | Shoko Ieiri | Maki | Fushiguro Toji | Baby Megumi | Megumi's Mom (OC) CHAPTER COUNT: 3/3 WORD COUNT: 10,900+ GENRE: romance | fluff | slight angst | smut | ooc sukuna | female reader | modern au CHAPTER TRIGGER WARNING: profanity/strong language | alcohol use | age gap | smut/sexual intercourse SPOILERS: N/A
collection masterlist
one two three | Bloom Masterlist
“You up for it?”
You were sitting at your usual spot at Maki’s. It was still quite early so the pub wasn’t as crowded as it usually is, and it was a weekday. You were there to meet Sukuna but the owner suddenly started chatting you up like she usually does, beating around the bush for a bit before she finally asked you a favor. Apparently, they’re under-staffed and is in need of another waitress but hiring a new one was out of the question since it was a temporary post, just until the person who really works for her recovers from a broken ankle.
“It’s just from four in the afternoon to eight on weekdays, and since you’re usually hanging around here during those times, I thought of asking you. We’re just really short of hands for the next week,” she said, flashing you a rueful smile. “I asked Ieiri but she’s in the middle of her internship.”
Maki had been there for you before, talking to you when you had issues you couldn’t share with your friends and always giving you free non-alcoholic drinks during your exams, and you didn’t see anything wrong with helping her out for once. You’ll earn from it, too. “Sure. When do I begin?”
She clapped her hands excitedly which took you aback. She’s always so tough, barking orders here and there or putting rowdy customers in their proper places, that you didn’t really expect her to be all giggly and excited all of a sudden. “You’ll do it?”
“Yeah, why not?”
She hugged you then. “Oh my god, Y/N. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
You waved her aside, chuckling. “It’s fine. It’s for a week anyway. No big deal.”
She sighed in relief. “You don’t know how much weight you’ve taken off my shoulders, so it is a big deal. Okay for you to start on Monday?”
You nodded.
“I’m giving you all the cherry blossom tea smoothie you want.” She grinned cheekily at you then. “And speaking of cherry blossoms, I noticed you and Sukuna coming here together. Are you together now?”
You felt your face heating up at the mention of the man's name but you shook your head. "Not yet."
You chuckled awkwardly. "We're working it out, I guess. We're not exclusively dating though and he isn't my boyfriend..." You felt a bit uncomfortable at the thought. It's the first time you're saying it out loud, what Sukuna isn't to you, and you had to admit the notion was kinda disappointing. But the problem was with you. "Yeah...just that."
"He likes you though. I see the way he looks at you." Maki smiled knowingly at you. "Does this have something to do with your no dating policy? It's ridiculous if you ask me. Sukuna is a good man."
Ah, straightforward as always. "I know that. That's why I'm letting him have a go at changing my mind."
"And is he successful so far?"
"He's almost there." You frowned then, catching her comment about him. "You seem to know him well."
"We go way back," Maki explained. "My old man still owns the pub when he was a student and he came here all the time listening to me and that old geezer fight."
"Oh. That must have been a sight."
"Plus he's friends with my cousin, Toji."
You tilted your head in question. Sukuna never really talked about his friends, and he has never introduced you to any of them. It’s the first time you’re hearing about that side of him. “Really? What was he like back then?”
Maki snorted. “He was an idiot who had too much time in his hands. He’s smart, but had a penchant for mischief. I mean, I guess you already figured that out just looking at him. Nobody really thought he would end up to be this big-shot architect.”
You laughed. “Really?”
“Toji’s influence, I guess. That one’s a bigger idiot.” She looked deep in thought for a moment then said, “Why his wife chose him instead of Sukuna is a puzzle.”
You were confused. You did not know what she was talking exactly, and why her cousin’s wife should have chosen Sukuna was beyond you. For some reason, you didn’t have a good feeling about it, then you remembered what he told you before about dating just one person.
Could it be… “No…” You didn’t even realize you said that out loud until Maki held onto your hand, squeezing gently.
“I’m sorry. I said too much.”
“Well, don’t stop now,” you found yourself saying, unable to help it. “Is the situation what I think it is? Your cousin’s wife…He told me before that he only ever steadily dated one girl. Is it…?”
Maki nodded, grimacing. “They cheated on him six years ago.”
“So, he lost his girlfriend and best friend?” You felt your heart break at the thought. You might not have known him back then, but you couldn’t help but feel bad on his behalf.
“Yes. I’m not saying it’s his fault, but he’s hardly ever there since he was busy.”
“It’s not enough grounds for them to do that!” you stated loudly, feeling genuinely hurt for him. Damn, if he dated just one woman ever and never had a relationship again before you – for six years – then that spoke volumes of how much it affected him afterwards. You caught yourself and flashed Maki an apologetic look. “I’m sorry.”
“Understandable.” She sighed. “He went overseas and didn’t come back until just two years ago. Guess why he came back.”
“To attend their wedding.”
You didn’t know what was more messed up, but you also know Sukuna to be a genuinely good person. If he disappeared for that long only to come back to attend his best friend and ex’s wedding, then it only meant he totally forgave them. If he was giving another relationship a chance, particularly with you, then it also meant he has healed. How he could be so caring and affectionate towards you despite what he went through astonished you, but maybe that’s just how he really was as a person.
“Are they okay now?”
“Yes.” She laughed slightly then. “You should see how he dotes on Toji’s son.”
Maki ruffled your hair, seeing how you’ve reacted. “Just one piece of unsolicited advice, Y/N. If you decide to be with him, be certain about it and don’t ever hurt him.”
You only nodded, taking her words to heart. She was right. Just as you were afraid to be left alone, nobody deserves to be hurt like that. You wanted to be angry at the fact that his own best friend did that to him but at the same time, you were proud of him for coming out of it while maintaining a good view about the whole concept of relationships and perhaps love. It radiated in the way he treated you, and all the effort he is putting into making things work despite your hesitations.
He arrived a few moments later, showing you that crooked smile of his. You both had one beer, and over that, he asked about your day and he told you about yours. When you were finished with your drinks, he said, “Mind going out for a drive? I wanted to tell you something.”
“Okay.” You couldn’t meet his eyes after what Maki told you, and several times, he asked if you were okay to which you responded affirmatively, trying to keep your emotions at bay.
Sukuna took you to the cliffs just around the city limits, parking his car a few yards from the edge enough to have a good view of the sea of lights below. When he killed the engine, you disembarked from his Jeep, walking closer to the edge when you felt his hand on your arm.
“Not too close to the edge,” he said, looking at you with concern written all over his face, but before he could ask what was bothering you, you said, “You were going to tell me something.”
At that, he sighed as if in long-suffering. “Yes, that.” He looked at you seriously as if he was going to tell you something grave only to end up saying, “I’m going to be away for two weeks starting Monday. I’m going to London.”
Momentarily forgetting about your conversation with Maki, you blinked, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. “Why did you have to look like you’re about to tell me you’re going to be executed or something? Jesus, Sukuna.” You laughed despite yourself.
“Don’t laugh. I’m annoyed.” He pouted. “Aren’t you sad? Two weeks is a long time. I won’t get to see you, and I have to check for time zones if I want to talk to you over the phone.”
You held his hand, twining your fingers with his before raising it to plant a kiss on his knuckles. “I will miss you, but you don’t have to be so upset about it. I’ll be right here when you come back. Stop being all dramatic.”
“I’m not!”
“You’re funny.”
He rolled his eyes, but then said, “So, before that, I was planning to take you to meet my best friend and his wife on Saturday. I’ve been telling them about you…”
The rest of his words faded, the only thought registering in your head was how he mentioned his best friend and his wife. You were going to meet them. You couldn’t say no to that given that they seem to play integral parts in his life despite what happened. “Okay.”
“You’re gonna love their little boy,” he said excitedly.
“But really, Y/N? You won’t have a whirlwind romance with some college brat while I’m away?”
You let go of his hand, stepping back. You didn’t like the sound of that. Not one bit. Not when he was speaking from experience. “What do you take me for?!” The words came out a little harsher than you intended, the resentment you felt for his previous relationship resurfacing.
He arched a brow at you, puzzled at your outburst. “Y/N, I was kidding.”
Not able to hold back anymore, you turned away from him as tears started flooding your vision. You didn’t even know why you were crying over the whole thing, and you just felt like an idiot as you faced him again, frantically drying your tears.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” He looked alarmed as he held onto both of your hands, stopping you from wiping harshly at your face. “Why are you crying? Is it because of what I said?”
You shook your head. “No…no. Can I hug you though?” you asked and he almost laughed as he himself drew you closer, wrapping his arms around you. “You never have to ask.”
You did the same, holding onto him tightly, hoping it was enough for you to get rid of any feeling of hurt left in him if there was any to begin with; that it was enough for him to be at ease where you were concerned when he goes away. Still, you wanted to make sure. You stayed like that until you’ve calmed down, thinking you were doing it more for yourself than for him.
“What brought this on?”
“You won’t get mad?” you asked between hiccups, looking up at him.
“Why would I?”
“Promise me first. I just don’t want to hide anything from you and it’s been bothering me.”
“Okay. I promise.” As if to emphasize his words, he pecked you on the tip of your nose. “Now what is bothering you?”
“Since you mentioned your best friend,” you began, “Toji, right?”
He eyed you, nonplussed. “How did you know?”
“Maki told me…” You started tearing up again. “She-she told me w-what happened. Everything…so I know…Please don’t get mad.”
He clucked his tongue. “That woman. Seriously.”
“I’m glad she told me and I’m sorry if I pried, but I can’t…”
“Is that why you’re crying?”
“Because they hurt you.”
His expressions softened. “Silly.”
You pulled him close, wrapping your arms around him. “It’s not silly. Nobody deserves that, least of all you. You’re always so good to me, and I can’t imagine anybody doing that to you, least of all your best friend.”
Sukuna’s hug tightened a tad, placing his chin on top of your head. “No sense crying about it anymore, Y/N. I’ve forgiven and forgotten. It wasn’t their fault if they felt that way when I went away. They found common ground, I guess. Toji thought he was losing his best friend and she felt the same way.”
“If it isn’t too much to ask, I want you to get to know them, too, just like I want to be close to Satoru, Suguru and Ieiri. They’re important to me.”
“You mean it?”
“Yes.” You met his gaze. “If they’re important to you, then I will do that for you and meet them.”
He wiped away your tears then. “Thank you.”
“Don’t sweat it,” you mumbled, breathing in deeply. “Sorry you had to see me like this.”
“You don’t have to hide anything from me.” He shrugged then, snickering. “Maki’s timing sure is impeccable.”
And so, Saturday came and you held onto Sukuna’s hand as he helped you out of the Jeep after parking in front of a two-story house with pale yellow walls and white shutters. Before it was a small, well-tended yard surrounded with white picket fences, very much like the house you grew up in under the care of your grandfather. A small, plastic slide and swing set was placed on the grass along with a tiny bike and some toys in the sandbox.
“You okay?” he asked, interrupting your reverie. When you nodded, he said, “You’re not gonna cry, are you?” making you smack him on the arm. “Ow?”
“Serves you right.”
Just then, the door opened revealing this couple you assumed to be the Fushiguros. They looked good together, both with raven hair with their equally dark-haired little boy who looked about eighteen months old, all chubby cheeks and pudgy cuteness.
Toji was this big, hulking man with a vertical scar on the right side of his mouth which oddly added to his charm instead of marring his handsome face. He was carrying his little boy in his muscular arms, taking the edge off his tough looks. He was the first one to approach.
"Hi. Y/N, right?"
"Yes, hi." You shook his hand, smiling genuinely despite your previous notions regarding him and his wife who also stepped forward, taking your hands in hers. She was beautiful, too, and she gave you this feeling of coming home with her bright eyes and kind smile. You couldn’t blame Toji for falling for her, then again, Sukuna used to be in love with her, too.
"You're so pretty!" she said as a way of greeting. "I'm Mirai. It's nice to meet you."
Toji glanced at Sukuna, the gesture injected with meaning. "It's nice to finally meet you. Typically, he's quiet, but he won't shut up about you."
"Shut up," Sukuna muttered.
"It's nice to meet you both." You chuckled. "He isn't quiet around me either." Then your eyes shifted to their kid. You weren't exactly enamored with the idea of children, but you understood what Sukuna meant. "Hi, little angel," you couldn't help but say to the boy who was looking at you with wide, sparkly eyes framed with long lashes. "Your son is lovely."
"Thank you," Mirai returned happily, watching her son reaching for you. "Aww, Megumi likes you."
"Megumi," you repeated. "Blessing?"
"Yes," Toji said proudly and you gathered from his statement that he named the baby.
You looked towards Sukuna as if for assurance as you reached out. "May I hold him?"
"Sure." Toji handed Megumi to you and you followed after them as they led you and Sukuna into their home, marveling at how well-behaved he was, just leaning against your chest and sucking on his thumb, all warm and smelling like baby powder and everything that reminded you of happiness.
The two men went to the living room to catch up while you went to the kitchen with Mirai who was curiously asking you one thing after the other.
"Sukuna told us you're a student. What are you studying?" she asked as she stirred something in a pot.
"Comprehensive literature," you answered, untangling Megumi's hand from your hair.
"Are you sure you're okay carrying Megumi?" Mirai threw you a rueful smile.
You nodded, beaming warmly at the child. "I don't mind. He's so adorable."
Mirai smiled lovingly at her son. "Isn't he? I was so happy when I first had him and saw how much he looked like his dad."
"Yeah, he's like a mini version of Toji. He has your eyes though."
“Thank you.” She grinned. "So, how long have you known Sukuna?"
"Just almost half a year. Around that."
"Guy's whipped for you, Y/N."
"I heard that!" Sukuna called out from the living room. He suddenly entered the kitchen, plucking Megumi off your arms saying, "My turn. How's my favorite boy?"
You just snickered, your thoughts elsewhere. It got you wondering if you would even have met Sukuna if things didn't turn out the way they have. You were picturing Sukuna standing beside Mirai instead of Toji but you just couldn't and it got you contemplating that maybe things ended up the way they did because that's what's meant to be.
As opposed to your resentment to what they did to him, you were now glad, perhaps even thankful and more understanding of Sukuna's reasons for letting things go and remaining friends with them. Because if those things didn't happen, you won't have him. Because if they didn't turn out that way, you wouldn't be watching him being all silly and adorable with Megumi, giving you a picture of what kind of father he would be when he did have kids. Because then, you wouldn't be considering the possibility of a future with anyone…with him.
Then you froze as your feelings for him became clearer. Because why else would you be spending all your time with him, being close to him and getting to know him? Why were you so keen on making sure he was happy? Why were you hurting on his behalf? Why was the world suddenly a better place despite the fact that you're supposedly alone?
It was simple. You're in love with him.
"Y/N?" you heard his deep voice resonating from inside your head then louder as your vision began to focus. He was standing in front of you with Megumi in his arms.
"You okay? You were spacing out."
"Just thinking." You bit your lower lip, looking apologetic.
"Getting lost in your own world again, I see?" he teased.
"Getting lost in yours is more like it."
He and Miriai looked at you at the same time, the latter giggling pretty much like Ieiri whenever you told her about Sukuna. "You two are so cute."
You brushed the comment off, approaching her. "How can I help?"
You set the table with Toji's help, listening to him talk about Megumi and Mirai with such profound fondness and pride. Just like Sukuna, his appearance was an irony to his funny and soft personality it was disconcerting.
"It's great to have guests over. We rarely do this but Sukuna comes here every Saturday, and well, he isn't a guest anymore," Mirai said as she fed Megumi.
"Thanks for having me then," you replied, still fixated on their kid who was babbling about with his mouth full while he repeatedly knocked a plastic spoon on his high chair.
The conversation was light, circling on their old days, but you knew they were trying to skirt around the ugly things. Mirai regaled you of how Toji got the scar on his mouth. Turns out he and Sukuna were street racers at some point. "Easy cash," as the former had put it. "I mean who wants a part time job if you earn thousands a night?"
"So, what do you plan to become after you graduate?" she asked you again.
"A writer, maybe?"
At that, Sukuna started telling them about your date at the fancy restaurant and how you pretty much nailed the story of the lone old woman who gave you wine. "She's amazing like that," he said fondly, absently patting you on your thigh.
"I'm sure Y/N here finds you impressive, too," Toji teased. "Right, Y/N?"
"Yeah, he smells awfully great it's making my thoughts incoherent," you sallied, "But jokes aside..." You let your voice trail off on purpose, gauging his reaction.
"What?" he prompted.
"That's for me to know," you finally stated, making the couple laugh.
"No fair!"
After lunch, you helped Mirai clean up. Megumi was asleep in his crib after his meal and the guys stood by the backdoor, enjoying some beer. You dried the plates quietly while she washed and told you about Toji.
"It's like raising two kids, really," she told you. "He doesn't pick up after himself and our Megumi is more considerate than he is."
"But you love him," you teased.
"With all that I am." Her eyes strayed to Sukuna then. "Cherish him. Don't let that one get away."
At her words, you felt the same hurt you did when you first learned what the real deal was with them from Maki. You blood boiled out of the blue as thoughts started racing in your head a hundred miles per second. How dare she say that to you when she herself let him go? How dare she hurt him like that and yet keep him as a friend?
The sound of something breaking brought you out of your trance, and you realized the plate you were wiping had fallen onto the floor. But your attention was on her, your steely eyes hard and intense as you said, "You're the last person I expect to be telling me such things."
You stepped away from her only to be met by Sukuna's disappointed expression, but you ignored that as well as you turned away. "Excuse me,” you said, bowing slightly as you walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, grabbing your bag before walking out of the house.
The crisp autumn air blew coldly against you, ruffling your hair and your dress as you stood there, not really knowing where to go or what to do. Suddenly, you felt stupid for saying something like that to Mirai when she had been nothing but nice towards you, her and Toji. You also liked their son. And judging by how Sukuna looked at you, you had this niggling feeling that you've ruined it all, eating at you from the inside out.
Just then, the door opened and closed behind you. You didn't have to turn around to know it was Sukuna who followed you out. You've grown so accustomed to his presence that at times, he only had to look at you and you already understand what he wants to convey.
"Y/N, sweetheart, what's going on?" he asked, trying hard to keep the edge off his tone.
You didn't turn to face him, afraid of what you will see. "You heard what I said. Do I really have to explain?"
He walked around you, grabbing you by the shoulders, shaking you slightly. "I thought we're over this. I thought I already explained this to you."
That doesn't cut it, you thought but opted not to say it. He might have told you that he has forgiven and forgotten, and although you weren't involved in it, you still felt displeasure whenever you remembered it. It wasn't as if Mirai and Toji did you wrong, and it wasn't as if you had the right to say shit but she didn't have the right to tell you anything either knowing to herself what she had done. You didn't want to hear anything from her about what you ought to do and decide where Sukuna was concerned. It just didn't sit right with you.
"I know. I'm wrong. I get it," you snapped, shrugging his hands off you. "I wanna go home." You started walking away from him, but you stopped when he said, "What is wrong with you?"
You turned back, breath snagging as you let out a mirthless chuckle. "What is wrong with me?" you repeated, your voice coming out soft but with a bitter edge to it. "I know I am wrong for blurting out the things I did, and I am sorry."
"Y/N –"
"But don't strip me of my right to be angry when Mirai tells me to cherish you and not let you go as if she has any right to do it," you cut him off. "I didn't have the right to call her out on her transgressions to you, but don't tell me I can't cry or be mad at the fact that you had to go through all that because I care too damn much for you!"
Your eyes started to fill with tears as you regarded him, seeing the world come alive with blossoms dancing in the wind while in reality, the world was at its last legs, leaves falling all around you. Whenever you looked at him, you felt like everything was flourishing, filling your existence with beautiful things in an abundance of colors. "I'm so in love with you that I can't bear the thought of you getting hurt. I hate it when I know you're tired but you still smile for me anyway. I hate it when you look disappointed whenever I hesitate and couldn't make up my mind."
"I'm sorry for reacting the way I did. I was being a jerk, but that's how much I love you. I love you, Sukuna, more than I can possibly tell you. I can't pretend I don't."
"Say that again," he murmured.
"What?" you demanded gruffly, too caught up in your emotions to comprehend.
"You said you love me. Say it again." Now he looked like he was about to cry, eyes glistening even as he smiled wide with joy, drawing nearer and taking your hand in his.
You sighed in relief, feeling your chest loosen up. It felt great saying it out loud. Beyond just great. "I love you."
The moment you let go of the words, you were wrapped up in his warmth, his arms tight around you while you listened to the thundering beats of his heart. He held you at arm's length, looked deep into your eyes as he cupped your face and leaned in to claim your lips in a brief kiss. Spring has come in the middle of autumn, filling your senses and making you feel like you could fly. He held you in place, eyes closed as he touched his forehead to yours, letting out a shaky laugh.
"Do you mean that?" He opened his eyes slowly and you were lost in their depths as you nodded. "Yes."
"You haven't asked, but I happen to be just as in love with you if not more."
"I already knew that. How can I not when you show me every day? It's comforting to hear you say it out loud though." You smirked at him. "You know, when you don't think I'm asleep."
He stiffened against you. "You heard that?"
"God, it was so hard to keep my eyes closed and stop myself from reacting when you told me you're in love with me."
He clucked his tongue. "You waited this long to respond to me?"
"I told you I didn't wanna give it to you half-assed. I’m giving you my heart just as I want yours, and if you’re ready to entrust it wholly to me, I can’t just reciprocate with pieces of mine."
“You had it since the first day we met. I didn’t have to see everything else to know you’re the one who owns it.” Sukuna kissed you on the forehead, hugging you to him and just standing there with you, watching cars pass by the road, reveling in his proximity and his warmth. You didn’t need much of anything if you had him.
But then you broke out of his hold, realizing the mess you’ve made.
"What is it?"
"I have to apologize to our hosts. Stay here," you stated, walking back to the house to find the couple in the living room, standing there as if they were expecting you to come back. Without hesitation, you bowed before them. "I sincerely apologize for what I said. I should not have said that to you, Mirai. And it isn't my intention to indirectly hurt you, too, Toji. I'm sorry."
"What is this girl saying?" you heard Mirai say as she approached you and hugged you tight. "You silly girl. We deserve that and we don't deserve Sukuna. Everyone just gave us a free pass, and we were glad you were brave enough to say it to us like that. You have nothing to apologize for."
Toji shook his head. "No, Y/N. Thank you. For loving Sukuna and for giving us the chance to finally forgive ourselves, too."
At that, you smiled, nodding in understanding.
When it was time to leave, Megumi woke up and you had the chance to say goodbye to him, too, holding onto him until you had to get out the door.
"Visit us anytime, Y/N," Mirai said, winking. "Sukuna doesn't have to be with you."
"So, you're throwing me away cause you have Y/N now? Some friends you are," he sniped, causing another round of easy laughter.
"I'll come by soon," you promised, pecking Megumi on the cheek. "See you, angel."
"So, you're officially together now?" Suguru asked, helping you pack for the trip to the mountains Sukuna had planned, scheduled immediately after his return.
"Two weeks ago, but he had to go to London," you said, and in the next second, Ieiri and Satoru both brought out their wallets, handing bills to Suguru.
"I knew there was something different when he drove you home that afternoon."
"I can't believe you three are betting over my relationship with Sukuna," you muttered, zipping up your small luggage.
Suguru won fair and square though. He had been right to ask from the start when he walked in on you and Sukuna making out on the porch when the latter dropped you off. The drive then was quiet but you had the shut the guy up for teasing you about that "one hell of a confession," as he had put it. But he immediately took control, shoving you against the wall beside the door and kissing you stupid.
"What did I say about raising her on my own?" Suguru gloated, slinging an arm over your shoulder much to the annoyance of your supposed two other parents.
Satoru scoffed. "I was the one who did the hardest job of interrogating him the first time he came and brought our little girl dead drunk!"
"Yeah, he said you're intimidating," you told him, chuckling, and he positively glowed until you said, "But he said you apologized afterwards so..."
Suguru and Ieiri laughed hard at him.
"On a more serious note, Sukuna isn't gonna be as lucky the moment you get hurt, Y/N," Satoru stated calmly and the other two nodded in agreement. "Just putting it out there."
You would do the same for them, too, so you also agreed. "And if I'm the one causing him shit?"
"That's on him, too," Suguru said, ruffling your hair. "You're our princess, Y/N. It doesn't matter who's right or wrong when the time comes. You'll probably get an earful from us, too, cause we like the guy, but you will always have us first."
You clucked you tongue. "You're all being dramatic, but thanks. Much appreciated."
"It's the first time you're going steady with anyone. We're just making sure we've covered all the bases," Ieiri stated.
"Yeah, and before we forget..." Satoru took something out from under your bed, handing it to you.
You eagerly looked into the bag, thinking it was a present but you wanted to throw it at his face the moment you found out what it was.
"I got the bigger sizes cause Sukuna looks loaded in that department. Special edition, ultra-thin in – wait for it – mixed berry flavor." He winked. "Wrap it before you tap it."
"Ha ha, Satoru. You're really funny." You motioned to hit him, but laughed with him nonetheless as you rummaged through the bag. "Where the hell did you even get these?"
"Ordered them in from Amsterdam. You're welcome, princess."
"You're fucking weird for handing me rubbers, but thanks, dad." You handed the bag back to him. "You're giving them to Sukuna yourself though."
And that he did when Sukuna arrived to come pick you up, strictly telling the man to open it in private much to the latter's confusion. Still, he accepted graciously.
"Don't open that thing," you said the moment you were in his car.
"That makes me want to open it now," he said.
You clucked you tongue, and shook your head. "Do that when I'm not looking." You tilted your head to have a better look at him, reaching over to make him face you. You frowned at the dark circles under his eyes. "What have you been doing in London?"
"Not sleeping enough is one of them, and I'm jetlagged." He took your hand in his and started planting butterfly kisses on your fingers. "I missed you."
"I missed you, too." You cupped the side of his face and leaned over, pecking him on the lips. "You're going to sleep the moment we get to our destination."
"But –"
"No buts." You took the key off the ignition. "And I'm driving." You got out of the car, rounding it to the driver's side, opening the door. "Scoot."
Sukuna grinned at you. "Is being bossed around what it entails to be your boyfriend, sweetheart?" he asked, swinging his legs towards the door.
You moved closer, standing between his legs. "And if I say yes? Do you want out?" you asked, flashing him a sultry smile as you drew closer to him, your breaths mingling.
"I can't say I don't like it." He kissed you, deeper than the peck you gave him earlier.
"It's safer if I drive," you spoke against his lips. "Move."
"Just this once," he acceded, moving towards the passenger side while you climbed behind the wheel, gunning the car out of the property. But opposite to his words, he was asleep not an hour into the drive.
You never really realized how long two weeks could be until you had to wait for Sukuna to come back safe and sound. Though your time had been occupied by your studies and every other thing you did, you were always distracted by your phone, waiting for his messages and calls that you had to find yet another distraction in the form of a new video game you've gotten over the mail just two days after he left. But that was just momentary as you finished it in three days of continual gaming. You even went to visit the Fushiguros the weekend prior much to Mirai's delight just to have a semblance of familiarity where Sukuna was involved but it just made you miss him more.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, indeed. You could just laugh at yourself over the past days, thinking yourself selfish at the thought of not wanting him to go anywhere you couldn't easily reach him. But now that he was back, you are back to normal, and you knew you have to come to terms with accepting that it is a part of his job to be away from you every now and then if things are going to work out for the two of you.
You're whipped, and you know it. You've accepted that. Now, it's just a matter of not allowing yourself to become too dependent on his presence.
Sukuna woke up when you stopped for gas three hours later. Why he had to choose such a far off place to bring you to was beyond you, but you weren't complaining in that you'd go wherever he was, but it was more for the fact that he came straight out of the airport and yet he was traveling again and by car, too.
"You okay?" he asked while you munched on gummy bears, standing against the Jeep as you filled it with gas. "We can switch."
"I go on farther road trips with the boys and Ieiri every time we have the chance. Stop worrying about me."
He whined sleepily, his voice coming out thick, trapping you against the car with his body. "You're crabby today. It doesn't feel like you miss me."
"Oi, I had to order a new game just so I won't send stupid texts telling you to come back home. How dare you doubt that?"
He burst out laughing. "So you were nerding out while I was away?"
"Pretty much. Don't run away when one day, you walk into my room and find a monster holding onto my controller in the middle of pizza boxes and a whole lot of other mess. That's me needing to be brought out of my hole."
"Hey, don't do that when I go away for business trips." He looked seriously worried now. "You should do your normal routine."
"So don't say I didn't miss you because I was nearly that monster nerd I was telling you about." You popped a green gummy bear into his mouth. "And I'm still driving."
The drive continued for another two hours with you reaching the foot of the mountain at the side of the highway where you really had to switch with Sukuna since you didn't know the way.
"You didn't bring me here to murder me, did you?" you quipped, seeing how thick the forest was on the one-lane road going up the mountain. It was such green world that you almost wanted the feeling of being lost
"Probably. You're too bossy today."
"Hey, that's me being nice."
"I won't. I have other things in mind to do with you." He grinned mischievously at you, winking to which you just shook your head.
Soon enough, you reached a small, traditional village which was pretty much turned into a hot spring resort. Sukuna stopped at the largest building in the vicinity, telling you to wait in the car as he disembarked, returning very shortly later with a key dangling on his thumb. The drive continued for another twenty minutes until he parked in front of this old-style house which didn't look old at all, located at a much more secluded area of the resort. He handed you the key, telling you to go ahead while he unloads your stuff.
Yup. There was nothing old about the facilities at all with the south-facing side made entirely of glass that looked over the private hot spring and a view of the mountains beyond that. The kitchen was as modern as it could get, and judging by how Sukuna was carrying bag after bag of things into the fridge, he planned to cook during your entire stay there. You took over the job while he carried your luggage into the house. Poor thing did the shopping before coming to pick you up without telling you.
"Go shower and sleep. I can handle it from here," you told him when he entered the kitchen again, muscular arms crossed over his wide chest, eyeing you appreciatively.
Instead of doing as he was told, he came up to you, standing behind you, hands fastening onto your waist as he drew your hair to one side. He nuzzled your neck, slowly making his way up your jawline where he pressed his lips and lingered there for a bit. You smiled, reaching up with your hand to place it on his cheek.
"You need to rest, my love."
"Say that again," he whispered.
"You need to rest?" You teased, feeling him nip at your ear. "My love?"
"You keep annoying me today."
"You keep commenting about how I'm behaving today," you countered, facing him. "Come on, let me boss you around for now. You really need to get some shuteye."
"You'll let me boss you around later then?"
"Back already?"
You looked over your shoulder as you combed through your hair when you heard the sliding door open. A smile graced your lips seeing as how Sukuna looked better, more well-rested and more like himself after a long sleep, only coming to at nightfall. He took a dip in the hot spring after dinner and was returning from it.
He came in wearing that dark blue yukata provided by the resort, feeling your face grow hot when you realized you were ogling him yet again. How can you not when the garment hung loosely over his shoulder. He didn't bother tying it properly, and from the partition of the robe, you can see the broad expanse of his chest, the smattering of inked patterns following the sinews of his form.
It wasn't the first time you were seeing his tattoos, the artistic floral and tribal patterns making themselves known to you that day you woke up to him naked from the waist up. However, you did not realize they expanded all the way down the right side of his body, all the way down to the outer area of his thighs. Since he was just wearing a pair of boxers underneath the yukata, when he stepped forward, you were able to see it, and as curiosity won over you, you didn't look away even when he raised a brow at you, the ghost of amusement playing at the corners of his mouth.
You stood up, walking slowly towards him, stopping when you were less than a foot away. Your eyes shifted hesitantly between his face and that area of his anatomy silently asking for his permission to see more of it but your hands refused to move midway.
"What is it?" he asked, not exactly sure as to what you were trying to do.
Biting your lower lip. "M-may I..." You couldn't say it out loud so you pointed at his tattoos, feeling a lump forming on your throat when you realized how bold you were being.
"You don't have to ask," Sukuna whispered, taking your hand and placing it on his chest, warm and alive underneath your palm, while he drew his robe apart, eyes intent on you as you followed the expanse of skin that served as a canvass to the artfully-made representation of the four seasons in a single branch of a cherry blossom tree, meandering downwards. From his chest going down the length of his side, your hand traced over the colored patterns of smaller branches that progressed from summer to winter. Your fingers lingered over his iliac crest where new buds of the familiar pink blossoms that promised spring were immortalized on his skin.
Sukuna's breathing had deepened the moment your hand reached lower, and you relished the fact that you had that effect on him, too. You could feel heat behind your eyes as your blood rushed up to your head at the realization that you could do that to him, and even greater than that, the reality of just how much you wanted this man in front of you, how much you wanted to make him yours in every sense of the word and how much you wanted to be his and his alone.
In the dim light of the moon that was filtered by the mist rising from the springs through the open sliding doors, you looked up at Sukuna, the man you love with every single fiber of your being, leaning your head on his chest, listening to his beating heart that mirrored the thrumming in your chest.
You brushed your lips onto his bare skin, trailing kisses across his chest before looking up at him and letting yourself be devoured by those deep, hooded eyes as you stepped even closer.
"You're beautiful," you breathed out, pulling him down towards you, tears pooling in your eyes when he finally kissed you, taking your breath away.
Sukuna's large hands roamed your body as he continued to mold your mouth against his, his tongue pushing between your lips which you welcomed with your own, loving his taste, hot and wet and stirring you alive. His hands were warm and nimble as he kneaded the flesh of your hip through the fabric of your kimono, traveling lower to where the garment parted so he can slide his hand underneath. They made their way to your ass, squeezing hard before he slid lower, hooking both of his hands under your thighs. He lifted you up, urgently maneuvering your legs to wrap around his waist.
Neither of you came up for air even as he walked deeper into the room where the bed was, pawing and hungrily devouring each other, what began as a gentle kiss turning into a scorching show of dominance as you both took from each other, not quite getting enough.
"I love you," he rasped, breathless as he nipped at the shell of your ear. "I want all of you."
He then continued kissing you, seizing you at the back of your neck, roughly nibbling on your lips then progressing towards the columns of your throat, spreading the V that formed the collar of your robe. You ran your fingers through his hair, intoxicated by his scent, your toes curling as his hands travelled to outline the sides of your body possessively.
Sukuna then returned to your lips after leaving open-mouthed kisses all over your chest and collar bones, and you kissed him back just as fervently as he pressed you down against his clothed crotch, making you shiver as you felt stirrings at the pit of your stomach. You gasped at the feeling of him poking against your thigh but before you could recover, he entered his hot tongue into your mouth again, gently luring yours to mingle with his. You just let him have his way, not quite believing what was happening as you felt your skin bursting into flames wherever he touched you.
Sukuna lifted you slightly off the bed, putting you down so that you were facing away from him. From behind, he guided you towards the pillows and snaked his hands around your waist, reaching for the sash of your robe and tugging on it. When he was successful, he tossed it somewhere on the floor and reached over your shoulders, slowly feeling for the lapels of the robe, making sure his fingers brushed against your skin, sending jolts of electricity all over your body as he peeled the garment off you in deliberate and calculated slowness, coupled with his mouth following the train down your nape to your shoulders before he pushed you face down on the bed.
"Oh god," you whispered, fighting for air as he gathered your hair to your left shoulder and licked the shell of your ear. "What are you thinking about? You're too stiff. Relax," he said in that deep, sensual voice that turned your legs to jelly.
You grabbed onto the pillow, anticipating what he was gonna do next when you felt his febrile tongue making a trail on your right shoulder, the action morphing into sloppy, wet kisses going down your bare back until you could not feel your robe anywhere near your body anymore. He has already undressed you.
You were on edge and just hyper aware of everything he was doing and every single touch he left on your body made you feel like it was leaving a mark and being absorbed by every cell in your system. It felt good being this close to him, being touched by him and you wouldn’t really mind if he marked you everywhere. You wanted to be his and you wanted the world to know.
His hands travelled everywhere it could touch, pushing you to the edge and making you feel like you were burning slowly, the kind that made every corner of your body tingle with anticipation. What you didn't realize was how tight you were holding the pillow to yourself until he suddenly mentioned it.
"Hmm?" Your voice came out at a higher pitch, making you want to smack yourself. This was that you wanted and yet you were being all jittery.
He chuckled softly, stopping his ministrations. "What are you doing?"
At that, you pushed yourself off the bed a bit and turned your head sideways to meet his gaze from over your shoulder. “Sorry, I’m just…”
“Overwhelmed,” you whispered, chuckling slightly. While it wasn’t your first time, everything felt new with the added sensations that your deep emotions for him were throwing into the mix. “How do you want me?”
He turned you over on your back, chuckling. "For starters, cut out the pillow hugging." He pried the thing off your arms and chucked it against the headboard. Sukuna then hovered over you, pinning your hands on either side of your head then began his assault on your neck going lower and lower until he reached your left breast and started licking and tugging on your nipple, his other hand busy kneading the other.
“You are beautiful,” he said, mouth moving against the swell of your flesh while his other hand took possession of the other hand, tentatively squeezing with his long fingers.
You let out a moan, craving for more but not certain whether you could take it or not with your heart feeling like it was going to burst out of your chest. You wanted him to touch you more and as if he read your mind, he returned to kissing you intensely until you thought you couldn't breathe, well aware of how his other hand was taking off your panties. Your heart was beating erratically in your chest as you anticipated the moment, but halfway down your thighs, he raised himself a bit and laid himself on top of you, burying his face into your hair.
“Are you sure you want this?” he asked cautiously as he raised himself slightly, looking into the depths of your eyes as if he was looking right through you.
Cupping his face, you rose slightly on your elbows, pressing your lips at the corner of his mouth. "A hundred times yes. I'm yours," you said with all the conviction you could muster in your hazy state – love drunk, kiss drunk, Sukuna drunk.
At your response, he latched his lips onto the skin of your neck, kissing lower and lower, passing over your breasts where he lingered, biting and sucking gently. You hissed as you watched him progress downward, his mouth doing all the magic from the valley of your chest down to your stomach, his hand reaching for the garment he had taken off you halfway down your legs, discarding it. The rough pads of his hands brushed over your thighs, pushing them apart as he lowered himself between them.
You let out a sharp cry when he licked a long stripe on your nether lips, his hot tongue swirling over your sensitive nub. He hummed in approval upon tasting you while he teased your folds with two of his digits. Without a warning he simultaneously pushed his fingers into you and sucked on your clit, building a rhythm that had you seeing stars with every thrust, coaxing out whimpers from your slightly parted lips. Your hips bucked towards him when you felt him reaching deep enough to touch your sweet spot again and again.
Sukuna anchored his arms around your thighs, his elbows on the mattress as he held you steady, continuing to lap at you and move his digits inside you as you felt that familiar sensation of coming undone, guiding you through it until you released so hard your juices squirted out despite his fingers still inserted in you, making a right mess of his mouth, chin and hand.
You spasmed against him but he didn't let go, continuing with his ministrations. He removed his fingers from inside you and started eating you out like a starved man, catching all of your essence from your initial orgasm and cajoling you into another one as he shoved his tongue right into you.
Your hand reached down, fingers tangling with his cherry blossom locks, not knowing whether you want to push him or keep him right where he was. He moaned as he felt your walls clenching, the vibrations caused by his voice stimulating you further, and in no time, you were releasing into his mouth again, your high hitting you like a speeding truck, slamming onto you and leaving you a shaking mess.
Your chest heaved up and down as you tried to calm down, chuckling in between each intake of breath when you felt Sukuna planting ephemeral kisses on your feverish skin, working his way up this time, worshipping your body before catching your lips in his where you tasted yourself on him.
"Can I eat you forever?" he asked with a groan. "You taste exquisite, my love."
"Alright," you panted, "But before that..." You looked him in the eye, running your hand down his chiseled abs until you reached the band of his boxers, excitement filling you as you palmed his crotch over the fabric. You snickered when his whole body seized on top of you, but you were just as out of breath feeling how massive and warm he was against your palm. You bit your lip as your hand moved, rubbing him slowly. Sukuna's eyes drooped a little as he drank in the clouded look in your eyes.
Satoru wasn't wrong about the condoms, and it further got proven to you when you pushed Sukuna’s underwear down and he rose up to his knees, finishing the job. You swore your eyes were going to pop out of their sockets when his length was released from its restraints, slapping against his stomach, thick, long and standing proud, its pink tip leaking precum that dripped down, following a prominent vein on its underside. You never wanted to put anything in your mouth as much as you wanted his dick, but the idea of it stretching you and ripping you apart from between your legs was more intriguing.
Sukuna smirked down at you. "Like what you see, sweetheart?"
"That's an understatement." You swallowed hard, taking you herculean effort to look at his face instead. "I don't just wanna look at it though."
He reached over to the nightstand, taking out that familiar bag from Satoru, quickly rummaging through it. "I'd be insulted if that's all you wanna do." He said as he took out a packet, about to rip it but you shook your head, taking it away from him.
He arched a brow at you. "You don't...Are you –"
"Stop asking me if I'm sure. I'm certain as I'll ever be." You smiled at him. "Or maybe I'll change my mind if you keep asking."
Laughing, he bent down, positioning himself between your legs as he took possession of your lips once more. You took a deep breath when you felt his tip nudging between your folds, teasing you while he busied himself with tracing the topography of your body as if committing it to memory.
Watching him now, you wished you've met him earlier in your life, loved him longer than you have at present. If you knew someone like Sukuna would come to care for you as much as he does, even in acts that are mostly governed by sheer instinct and senses, driven by need and lust, you would have combed the earth to find him. He cares so damn much for you that you knew he will find it in him to stop if you just said so even at his own expense.
"Sukuna..." his name spilled from your mouth, wanting him all for yourself, body, heart and soul. "Baby, please..." You were pleading, but for what, you didn't know exactly.
"Yes, my love?" he questioned, a smug grin playing at the corners of his mouth as he watched the mess that you are beneath him. "Tell me what you want."
"You," you whimpered, raising your hip to meet his cock, hard and burning on your skin. "I want you," you breathed out, the delicious torture in your voice coming to a crescendo when he thrust in agonizingly slow, making your wish his command.
He stretched you, gradually, gently as if he was afraid to break you, but your breath hitched for a different reason entirely. His girth left a slight burn as he pushed in, the rapturous feel of him invading your space and being wrapped in your flesh making a heated mess out of you as you grabbed everything you can get a grip on – the sheets, his shoulders, the pillow nearest to you – trying to anchor yourself from the sudden high of knowing he was inside you.
Your eyes watered at the sheer thought of being connected to him so deeply, and you found yourself falling to blissful surrender when he finally bottomed out. You felt him twitch inside you, but instead of moving as he wished, he cupped your face, delicately brushing his fingers over your flushed cheeks. He had that look of disquiet as he examined your expressions.
"You okay?"
You nodded, beaming in your state of stupor. "Please…move."
Sukuna begins to do as he was told, sliding in and out and acquainting you to his rhythm, his intense eyes hooded yet intense as he regarded you, aware of every nuance of your expressions with every single thrust. He started picking up the pace when he felt you wrap your legs around him, hitting you deeper every single time.
Pleasurable groans elicited from Sukuna's lips as he held himself up, driving his hips against yours repeatedly. "You're so tight," he rasped, his snagged breaths hot on your ears. "You feel so good."
"So good," you repeated, completely going out of it when the mere brushing of his rod against your walls drove you over the edge. You clenched tight around him and he let out a groan, eyes rounding when he realized you were close.
"Let go, baby. Cum for me," he said between pants as he pounded onto you unrelentingly.
You spoke broken syllables of his name as you came around him, riding you through your high. Acid white flashes started to flash behind your eyelids, your back arching from the bed as you keened loudly, too enraptured and absorbed in the pleasure that he was giving you.
However, before you could even recover, Sukuna lifted you off the bed, holding you against him so that your breast were rubbing against his taut chest. You wrapped your arms around him, gripping onto his shoulders while you sat astride him on your knees.
"You'll give me one more, won't you, my love?" he said, thrusting up to you whilst he gripped your waist so tight you knew you will have bruises after, making you meet every single push of his thick length.
Both your moans filled the room along with skin hitting skin, the friction between you two kept at bay by the sheen of sweat that covered your bodies. He held onto the back of your neck, roughly kissing you, your tongues dancing the lovers' minuet. Your lungs begged for air, but you were reluctant to be released from Sukuna's wild kisses while he fucked you senseless.
"Fuck," he growled through gritted teeth. "I love you," he whispered repeatedly like a mantra.
You felt him getting harder inside you as he hastened his pace, ramming into you faster and stronger, and in no time, you were screaming out his name as you came undone again with him following shortly after you did, a deep groan falling out of his mouth in a dragged out note when he spilled his seed inside of you, making you feel even fuller, your walls throbbing around his softening length.
Spent, you both fell back on the welcoming softness of the mattress with him still inside you. He landed on top of you, catching his breath while he rested his head on the crook of your neck while you wrapped your arm around him, your fingers carding through his damp locks.
“You’re amazing, Y/N,” he purred in hushed tones once he caught your breath.
Your brows furrowed in perplexity. “I didn’t do anything.”
He shook his head, pulling out and rolling away, his eyes between your thighs, watching as your mixed juices dripped down on the sheets. “I’m not just talking about your body and how you felt. That in itself is amazing, but I’m referring to everything that you are.”
You felt heat creeping up your neck, all the way to your scalp. Abashed, you covered your face with your hands. “Don’t say things like that. You’re making me a shy mess. Geez.”
“Hey, look at me.” He clucked his tongue when you didn’t move, taking your hands off of your face. When you finally did as you were told, he said, “I mean it. Sometimes, I can’t believe you’re real.”
“I should be saying that. You’re so kind to me, and I feel how much you care for me every single time you say or do something. And I’m just selfish, really.”
“No, you’re not?”
“I am, Sukuna. I want you all to myself from that time you first kissed me, but I didn’t really do much to make that happen because I’m also a wimp, so thank you for going the extra mile for me.” You smiled slightly, feeling your eyes fill with tears.
“Stop saying that.”
“But it’s true. You’re always the one putting in the effort.”
“Because I want to.” He suddenly sat up, pulling you by the arm to lift you up when you gasped, feeling a sudden jolt of pain at the base of your back and the joints on your thighs at your sudden movement. “What’s wrong?” he asked, alarmed.
You raised a finger, moving on the mattress on your own while you held onto his arm for support. “Give me a moment.”
Sukuna regarded you with wide eyes. “Did I hurt you?” He sat beside you, wrapping arm around your shoulder and soothingly rubbing your arm. “Are you aching anywhere?”
“A bit, but it’s the good kind.” You smirked at him. “You’re amazing,” you said, imitating his tone earlier when he said you’re beautiful, your eyes traveling to his crotch. “You wrecked me, my love.”
He didn’t know whether to laugh or be upset. “You say the most outrageous things and it doesn’t help that you don’t hold back either.”
“Too shocking?” you offered.
“Scandalous!” he quipped, chuckling and you joined in on the laughter, the merry sound breaking through the stillness. “Can I carry you now?”
“Sure.” You lifted your arms, latching onto his neck, letting him take you to the bathroom.
“Let’s wash up and take a dip.”
You nodded and let him have his way around you, standing on the shower stall with him as he did everything while you just held onto him, your legs still wobbly. He kissed you on the cheek, the action soft and delicate, filling you with happiness. You can’t believe he is real.
“I’m sorry if I hurt you,” he spoke against your skin.
You pulled away from him, placing your hand on either side of his face, and with a triumphant smile, you said, “I’m not. Never will be.”
“I love you.”
“I love you more. Don’t argue.” You pecked him on the lips.
Sukuna beamed at you toothily. “Alright, sweetheart.”
He carried you out of the bath and out of the sliding doors that led to the hot spring, setting you down into the water carefully as if you’d break if he didn’t take caution. The hot water felt glorious on your skin, immediately melting the knots of your muscles as you sat between his legs, both of you submerged chest-deep.
“Damn, that feels good,” you sighed, mollified as you leaned against Sukuna’s broad chest, closing your eyes in bliss. “I can stay here forever.”
“Are you talking about the hot spring?”
“Yes and no,” you said without hesitation. “The water feels nice, but it wouldn’t be complete without you holding me.”
“You’re being sweet now after bossing me around earlier?” He wrapped his arms around you, placing his chin on your shoulder. “We can always come here when we both have free time. And I’ll always hold you like this.”
“I like that.”
“I love you,” he mumbled, nuzzling on the spot below your ear and breathing in deeply. “You smell divine.”
“I know. I smell like you.”
“Thank heavens then cause that’s what seemed to lure you to me,” he kidded.
You just smiled, reaching blindly to place your palm on his cheek, trying to get a semblance of reality although it was already staring you in the face, the emotions and sensations he has making you feel very much real, but you seem to be in a dream state, unable to come to terms with the fact that spring has finally come for you in the person of the man whose arms held you tight and close to his heart.
“Yes, my love?”
“Thanks for existing."
So, I made Megumi's mom's name here "Miriai." I made her an OC because I can't just keep referring to her as "she/her." It's quite confusing. I hope this doesn't bother anyone. I cringed, too, trust me.
Okay, Toji is also OOC here. Haha! I went all the way with conjuring these characteristics and since Sukuna, my love, is super soft here (he has cherry blossom tats XD), why not Toji, too?
Anyway, I would like to say thank you to everyone who read this fic! Stay tuned for more. Love you guys :)
Additional notes are available in the masterlist, particularly on the reasons why I wrote some things the way I did.
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed it.
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
Take Me Away
Relationship: Wanda Maximoff x Reader Warnings: slight angst, eventual fluff Summary: Royalty!AU - You and your lady-in-waiting Wanda have been in a secret, forbidden relationship but everything gets tested when your father, the King, announces you are to be wed to a prince from a neighboring country. A/N: i’ve been loving royalty!au stuff lately and wanted to take my own stab at it. it’s not the most complicated, spectacular piece but i enjoyed writing it!
Wanda always arrived to your chambers right at the crack of dawn. Ever the punctual one, your lady-in-waiting never wasted a second once that bright light of a new day came through the windows. Sometimes she was even tasked with waking you up, ranting and raving about how your gown was going to take forever to lace up or that your hair wasn’t going to be dry enough to meet your family for breakfast.
Her frantic attitude always made you laugh. You thought her worrying heart was so silly and to show for it, you’d sometimes make it a point to shut her up with a kiss. One thing would lead to another until you two were lost among the silk sheets.
That all, though, had come to a stop today. Wanda was late this morning and you sadly knew why. Her heart must’ve been breaking, taking all her energy to pick up the pieces one by one this morning. You didn’t blame her, really, you felt the same break within you.
It had all fallen out last night. Your father, the usually benevolent King, had held a feast for your court and the royal family of a neighboring country. This wasn’t unusual for him as he very much loved to entertain. Everything had been going smooth. You were lost in the dancing and laughing with the patron, eagerly showing off the brand new dress your tailor had delivered that morning. You even got to sneak some cheeky glances at Wanda who stood off with the other servants, ready when needed.
Everything came to a screeching halt the second dinner had concluded. In between the refills of wine and arrival of dessert, your father had a surprise announcement to. It was as if a million bombs were going off. He revealed you were set to be married to the bordering country’s Prince. No one had told you, not even a hint from your mother, just this public declaration. You looked towards the king and his son — your soon-to-be-husband — and they were just beaming with joy. All plans and politics were falling into place for them while your world was crumbling.
You had excused yourself to the bathroom where you vomited profusely. Wanda, though, didn’t arrive to help. In fact, she didn’t arrive to your room for the rest of the night, sending one of the temporary servants instead.
You fell asleep feeling the loneliest you had felt in a long time. And those feelings certainly weren’t subsiding as you sat at your vanity the next morning, still waiting for Wanda.
You had been sitting alone for so long you thought she had abandoned her duties — or maybe she had just straight up retired last night and you were waiting on nothing — but then there was the unmistakable sound of your heavy door creaking open followed the gentle clicking of it closing. You peered into your looking glass, shifting it so slightly to show you the presence behind you.
"Wanda," you sighed, her naming falling from your lips as if it was the sweetest honey.
"Your Highness." While unsurprising, her cold and stoic response cut you. Your body tensed. Last time she had called you that was upon your very first meeting. Before she was the lover you kept in the shadows. Before there was ever a chance of losing her. The royal title felt like a death sentence now.
After a deep breath, you slowly placed the looking glass back on the table. You felt Wanda approach you from behind with caution. You didn’t know whether to turn around or ask her to begin her morning duties. If you were to be really honest with yourself, you just wanted to grab her and hold one another.
But Wanda seemed to have decided for the both of you. Hesitantly, she reached for the brush on the vanity and gently began on your hair. You wanted to cry.
"Wanda, please," you mumbled. "Talk to me."
"Talk to you?" She repeated, her fingers now running through your hair giving slight pulls as she fixed the curls. The actions reminded you of when she would… "And what would you like me to say?"
"Something, anything!" You were nearly crying, your words coming out in weak begs. "I didn’t know anything about it, you have to trust me on that. I—I don’t want… I could never—,"
"Never, what?" Wanda cut you off, the brushing motions in your hair suddenly halted. "You couldn’t possibly think we could ever be together fully. I’ll admit, I indulged in this fantasies but I’ve stopped. We weren’t meant to be and you sure weren’t meant to be a single princess forever." She cleared her throat. "This was bound to happen, I fear."
"No, no," you fought back, shaking your head insistently. Wanda placed a hand on your shoulder, trying to calm you down, but you only jumped at the touch, feeling that burning connection between you two. You couldn’t believe how much hold she had over you. How much you had over one another.
"Your Highness, I’m afraid—,"
"We can run away." The words slipped out of you so fast you never had a chance to bite your tongue. It felt like the world stopped, like you had created your own bomb to set off. Wanda’s grip on your shoulder got tighter. You straightened your posture, meaning business now despite the tears still flowing. You placed your hand atop of hers and continued, "I really think we could do it, dear. I can access the family funds, we could pack a few things, then be off in the night. Wouldn’t that just be nice? We could go wherever, start whatever life we want. You’re not wrong to say this was bound to happen but that doesn’t mean we can’t escape it."
"My Lady… There must be some consideration for the prince, the kingdoms, your subjects—,"
"They’re better to have no ruler than one who lives in constant agony."
The declaration was bold but it was the farthest from a lie. You decided to finally turn and face Wanda, your hand now holding hers with the greatest, most loving strength. The first thing you noticed were her eyes. They were so red and heavy, no doubt from hours of crying. Her hair was a mess as well, complimented by the worn down servants gown she wore. She hadn’t put any effort in today, probably dragging herself about as you predicted.
Slowly, you pressed a soft kiss to the back of her hand. Wanda let out a breathy gasp. When you met her eyes again, it appeared the deal had been sealed. But you needed her to say it.
"We can really do this, can’t we?" She asked shyly.
You nodded, a little grin playing at your lips. "I think we could go anywhere," you confirmed. "Maybe we can start a farm, raise some chickens or cows. Or — Oh! We could start a nice garden. I loved the one here but father wouldn’t let me learn how to care for it."
Wanda sighed as she watched you get lost in a new fantasy, one way beyond just being together but having a life. "Speaking of your father, he will send people after us, won’t he? The palace guards will die trying to find us if they have to."
You simply shrugged. Sure, she wasn’t wrong, but this was a big place and who knew what bigger places were out there. "Let them," you finally said. "We’ll be so far long gone before they realize it they won’t know what hit them."
Silence fell between you two.
"You’re going to give up all this for a chance for us to be together?" Wanda finally asked, motioning towards the gloriousness of the castle chamber. She was a very thorough one, extremely detailed-oriented, which made her the best partner-in-crime you had decided before ever engaging romantically. Eventually, it was one of the things that made you fall head over heals. She noticed everything, always the sweet and cool observer. You didn’t blame her for using the skill now.
"Wanda, dear," you sighed as your hand crept its way to her neck. "I’d give it all up a million times over to be with you."
Your sweet lover looked like she was now going to cry so you took the leap to lean up, catching her lips with yours. After a stunned moment, she returned the kiss, your lips moving in a familiar sync. It was electrifying knowing you hadn’t lost her. Knowing she was most likely going to be it for you, forever. Completely devoted to one another, comfortably and freely.
Wanda’s hand begin caressing your cheek when she pulled away slightly. Your foreheads were touching now but it still wasn’t close enough for you.
"Let’s do it," she whispered. "Take me away."
Words seemed so hard, something only the presence of Wanda could do to you. Unable to figure what was right to say now, of all times, you nodded and wrapped one arm around her waist. You pulled her into you, hugging her with all your might. She didn’t hesitate to return the embrace, soaking each other in.
"Of course, dear," you eventually said. Such small words they held the mysterious beginning and marked the glorious end.
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odetojeons · 3 years
ok ok ok but what kinks do you think mingyu has 👀👀
okay so i’m gonna start answering the requests now like i didn’t disapear for one month :’) and omg i’m excited. I already said this before, I think mingyu is more of a sub than anything, but there are times. there are TIMES. when he doms it’s not too kinky, it’s more like carnal and (very fucking) rough sex in which he gets too impatient to be a good boy and grabs you by the hips, takes what he wants and just completely destroys you,, ANYWAYS, you can read more of my thoughts here. Y’all better sit down and buckle up cuz I have A LOT to say about this man (especially with how fucking much I miss him).
Praise Kink — I HAD to start with this one. I think you can all agree with me how much Mingyu loves being praised. There is actually a video of him getting red all over and whining because he got too happy when he was praised by the other members and IT’S JUST SO CUTE. Mingyu would downright meowl every time you told him how much of a good boy he is and how he’s perfect, so pretty just for me. But I also think he would love to praise you too, wants you to know you’re everything he’ll ever need.
Pet names — Idk if this is considered a kink, but please, he gives me such vibes of being into the pet names puppy or pup. We all know he’s considered the puppy of Seventeen, so I think it suits him and his personality a lot, especially because I think he would be so horny and desperate when it comes to sex. Calling him baby boy, angel, sweetheart, he would love it so much. Although he would love to call you by cute names too, and I think his favorites would be princess, prince and my baby.
Degradation — HEAR ME OUT, I absolutely think he would love being degraded. I just,, I can’t even begin to explain how much I think he would enjoy that. Mingyu is just so dirty, he would go all red when you tell him how he’s the filthiest little slut or are you that desperate for me you can’t even stay still? while he humps his cock on the pillow, too needy to wait for your touches. He could even cum just from such kind of words, in all honesty I think this is one of his major kinks ever, not just the verbal aspect of it but also the physical part too. 
Begging — Oh, yes. YES. Mingyu is all about begging. No matter how many times I think about it, I can absolutely hear his throaty and whiny voice saying please, please, please, let me cum, I have been so good, and he sometimes doesn’t even have to have a purpose or an incentive to do it, he just mumbles it without thinking like it’s the only word he remembers. It would come with the fact that he’s too horny for his own good, seriously, y’all don’t understand how much horny energy I feel this man exhuding.
Exhibitionism — We been knew how much he likes being watched. He may be shy about it, but I guess it can be related with his love for compliments. Although Mingyu would not only like people watching him, but also you as well. The way you move your body on top of him as you ride his dick, or the way he would put a hand on your lower back and make you arch impossibly more just so he could drill into you harder; the contrary of how he would cry and beg later when you edge him and tell him how much of a needy slut he is, being this desperate just because people are watching. ALSO ummm,, I try hard not to talk about other members here but, can I just say that I think him and Wonwoo are so much into watch each other fuck people. God, I even wrote like 18K words of porn of this particular thought. You can read it here.
Breeding Kink — Does this even need explanation? Mingyu would feel an almost animalistic need of putting as much cum inside you as he can. This would do as much as make him feral about it, when he has a stressing day or just because he wants to see his seed dripping out of your hole; no matter what compells him, it would get him aroused to the point where he wouldn’t even be able to wait until both of you get to the room, would rip and thorn both of your clothes off, put you on your knees and make you suck him off until he cums all over your face, just so he could fuck you against the wall afterwards. Which brings me to the next kink:
Strength/Size Kink — Well, is it possible to have a strength and size kink with yourself? Because he does. Mingyu would love to manhandle you around the place, fuck you against every surface of the house, especially if he gets to hold you up as your back is pressed somewhere. Not only that, but I also think it would be due to the movement of his hips. Or better yet; what comes after it. The way your ass and the back of your thighs would get red with how hard he’s thrusting into you, won’t be satisfied until you’re drooling because of his cock and simping for his muscles, bulging over the effort of fucking you. And I just know, I KNOW he would have a dirty mouth about it, would make questions like yeah? You like how strong I am? All this time on the gym gotta pay for something or falling appart on my big cock like you were made to, hm?. Fuck why am I like this. I LITERALLY BRING PAIN TO MYSELF.
Bondage — I think I’m writing too much so I hope y’all keep up with my horny ass, because I can’t stop until I say everything I want to say about him,, so, about this, Mingyu would love to tie someone up as much as he would love to be tied up... Okay, maybe I think he would love to be tied up more than tying someone up, if I’m being completely honest. He just gives this kind of vibes, maybe even as punishment for misbehaving, since he would sometimes be too desperate to wait like a good boy, and he knows you end up letting him take what he wants just because you would tie him up later and make him “regret” (the little shit would never regret anything, and neither would you).
Overstimulation/Edging — Oh, fucking definitely. I have this very vivid image of Mingyu sitting on a chair, hands tied up behind the chair back, legs spread and completely falling appart as you jerk him off. Flick your wrist faster and faster, just to get him on the edge and let go when he’s just there. Then, make that again and again and again, until he’s crying and begging for you to let him cum, and when you finally do, you only keep going, grip unforgiving. Watching his labbored breath of relief turn into little meowls, hips jerking away or closer, none of you are quite sure, but he wants it, saying don’t stop more like a moan than actual intelligible word.
Pegging/Anal Sex — Mingyu would be so shy about it at first. He would come to you, mumbling words you struggle to understand and cheeks burning red, until he manages to get out he wants you to fuck him. But oh lord, when he tries it out he would go absolutely insane. I really think he would be into it, into you rocking your hips and nudging your cock (plastic or not) against his prostate. Just imagine him with a dark blush all the way down to his chest, little whines and meowls that sounds too high and sweet for his own ears, body writhin all over the bed and fists clenching the mattress as his back arches. So damn cute and hot at the same time :( he just wants to be taken care of sometimes, being able to just lay down and have someone fucking him to oblivion.
Power Play — More like fighting for power to be honest. He really enjoys subbing, but when he does it he wants you to put him on his place, because Mingyu is irrevocably and completely a brat. He would tease you to the point where it drives you insane, just so you could snap at him and take what you want, as much as he loves when you do the same to him.
Spanking — Hmmm Mingyu and spanking. And he would do it hard. Full on open fingers going down on your ass until he leaves his handprint. To be honest, I totally think he’s the kind of boyfriend who would be possessive, wants his marks all over you neck and body, however, oh however, I also think he really really reeeeeally love when you do it to him. Everything, from the crescent shaped marks on his back, to the bite on his shoulder you accidentaly gave him when he was fucking you on missionary position, to the mark of your fingers on his cheek when you slap him for being a brat. Okay I kind of lost myself in the kink but yes. Mingyu and spanking.
Double Penetration — HOLY SHIT please tell me you agree with me. Like, fuck, there’s this evil side of him who wants to see you being speared open in more than one cock, wants to see you fucked into another dimension and reduced to an incoherent drooling mess, and it’s just so dirty of him, usually possessive and guarded, to let someone else get their hands on you just so he could watch you fall apart with two cocks. Or even him alone with a dildo, what it matters is to have two things inside you absolutely wrecking you. Or him. Oh shit why did I have to say that cuz now the image of him being double penetrated won’t ever leave my mind IT IS BURNED BEHIND MY EYELIDS FOREVER. Bye.
Choking — You damn right I think about his hands on my neck all the time. They look so big, and I’m sure it’s also something of his size kink, seeing his huge hands wrapped around your throat would make something ugly, something hot burn in the pit of his stomach. You doing it to him too, especially when he’s tied up, only being able to take what you’re willing to give him.
and that’s that! sorry (?) for writting too much, this always happens when I stay too much time without writting any filth,,, last time that happened, I speant two years without any smut so then I wrote 18K words of porn in two days (no, I didn’t sleep) AND I DON’T EVEN REMEMBER WRITTING HALF OF IT??? and the time before that, I simply wrote 12K words. what is wrong with me. anyways!! hope you liked it, tell me what you think and your opinions too!!
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jungshookz · 4 years
omg cee for a holiday drabble request can we get some shy!jungkook who’s had yn in his class all semester and is partnered up with her for a final project and he’s like !!!!!!!! AAAA!!!!!!!!!
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➺ pairing; jeon jungkook x reader
➺ genre; sfw!! university!au!! fluff!! jungkook is shy!! y/n is friendly!! pocky sticks and goldfish crackers are exchanged!!
➺ wordcount; 4.9k
➺ what to expect; if he thought the back of your head was pretty... did that mean that he thought the rest of you was pretty as well?
                                     »»————- ❅ ————-««
jungkook doesn’t like to say that he hates people because saying that makes him sound obnoxious and a little overdramatic, but if given the choice, he would 100% choose to be alone
and he doesn’t think that it’s a problem that he prefers his own company over the company of other people
it’s literally just a personal preference!
he likes to keep to himself mainly because he.,.,
to be honest, he just doesn’t like talking to people?? which he thinks is a pretty valid reason to roam campus as a lone wolf
it just takes so much effort maintaining a conversation and at the end of the day, he’s just here to learn and get his degree, you know?
and it’s not like he flat-out refuses to talk to people like a weirdo
he can talk to people, he just chooses not to initiate or engage in any type of conversation whatsoever unless he really has to
and don’t even get him started on those damn ice breakers that professors make everyone do at the beginning of every semester
it’s why he always sits in the very back of the auditorium where all the quiet people are
because quiet people understand each other and quiet people will nevER turn to start talking to each other when the professor tells the class to share two truths and a lie about yourself to the person sitting next to you!
there’s just a mutual understanding that everyone in the back of the room will sit in silence and keep to themselves all semester long which is very pleasant
not to mention, he hates having to deal with ‘semester friends’ aka the one friend that you make for the sake and convenience of having someone you know in the same class as you
you guys really don’t have that much in common and you can tell that they’re in a completely different social circle than you are (aka when you inevitably do a social media handle exchange you see that they have more than a thousand followers and you can immediately tell they were super popular in high school which intimidates you and your puny 250 follower count but you can’t back out of this friendship now without looking like a jerk) but the person is friendly enough that you can get along and kind of keep a conversation going
and then once the semester ends the two of you promise to keep in touch next semester even though both parties are fully intending to not stay in touch at all
and then when next semester rolls around no one makes any effort to reach out and be like hey, should we get coffee this week?? because you have conflicting schedules that would take so much reshuffling just to accommodate this acquaintance that you really don’t care that much about so then you end up hitting them with an ooh, i can’t make it this week! what about next week??
and then it just turns into a cycle of ugh, i’m swamped this week! next week? and can’t, sorry! next week?
and then you’ll see each other at the library one day and it’ll be a little bit awkward because you’ll do that awkward half-hug and your voice will go up like ten octaves when you greet them with that overly polite heyyyyyy!
and more promises will be made to get coffee and hang out soon even though everyone knows absolutely no coffee will be gotten
the point is: in the four years that jungkook’s been a university student, not onCe has he made a steady friend and not once has he been remotely interested in making a steady friend
and he doesn’t think that’s sad or anything - again, he prefers it that way!
...but you just had to come along and completely throw his plans out of whack, didn’t you??
unsurprisingly, you were the one who spoke to him at the beginning of the semester but he didn’t think too much of it because it wasn’t like the conversation the two of you had was very riveting
“hi, i’m sorry-” jungkook looks up from his notebook when you twist around in your seat to face him, “this is psychology 400, right? i lost a copy of my schedule and i think this is the lecture hall i’m supposed to be in but i can’t remember if it said auditorium 200 or 201-”
“yeah, you’re in the right place.” jungkook interrupts, offering you a stiff smile before looking back down at his planner
he was in the middle of compiling a grocery list for himself and now he doesn’t remember what that one thing he needed was…
chocolate pocky sticks
there we go
jungkook clicks his pen before tucking it back into his pencil case and shutting his planner
and… yeah!
that was the first conversation the two of you ever had
he doesn’t think he can really count it as a conversation because it lasted less than three seconds
the first exchange the two of you ever had?
the second exchange he had with you was actually the next class that same week
he was genuinely surprised that you sat in the same spot again because usually when someone realises that he isn’t willing to be their semester-friend, they move to another section of the auditorium the next time
but no
there you were in all your glory
“when’s the first assignment due?”
jungkook’s eyes flicker up from his laptop first before he looks up at you
“uh, in two weeks...?” he trails off, pulling up the calendar app on his screen before nodding affirmatively, “yeah, in two weeks. september sixteenth at midnight.”
“okay, sweet! and that’s a... thursday?”
“ah, okay. got it. thanks!
the weird thing was the fact that you never pulled out the “i don’t think i ever got your name! i’m ___” card because you just seemed like a very ‘i wanna be your friend!!!!!’ person
and he doesn’t know how you made him do it but one day he found himself asking for your name which he didn’t think he’d ever do
(admittedly, he was a little klutzy in doing so because he’d never willingly introduced himself to someone and asked for their name all in one go before)
“are you eating goldfish crackers and... chocolate chips?” jungkook blurts out, leaning forward a little to peer into the little snack box you’re holding in your hand
you pause and look down into the container before twisting around to look at him, “mhm! you know, you wouldn’t think the combination would work, but it totally does,” you smile, holding your box up, “wanna try?”
jungkook immediately shakes his head, “oh, no, that’s oka-”
“no, c’mon-” you pluck out a cracker and a chocolate chip and set your box down on your lap, “hold your hand out!”
jungkook hesitates for a second before holding his hand out and letting you plop the treats in his palm, “and you... eat them together?”
“uh-huh!” you nod, popping a cracker into your mouth before gesturing for him to eat, “don’t worry - if you don’t like it, i promise i won’t cry.”
jungkook brings his palm up and tosses them back into his mouth
that’s actually... not half-bad?
“see? what’d i tell you?” you beam, giving your box a little shake, “good, right?”
“yeah, i mean, i would never think to put the two together...” jungkook trails off, dusting the crumbs off his hands, “oh, um, by the way-” he clears his throat before swallowing nervously, “i, uh, i’m jungkook. by the way. yeah.”
“jungkook?” you say out loud, jungkook nodding in confirmation, “i will try to remember that. i’m pretty bad with names, so if i end up calling you, like, robert next week, don’t hate me.”
“i will try not to hold it against you if you call me robert next week,” jungkook laughs lightly before reaching up to scratch the back of his neck, “and you... um, your name is...?”
“i’m y/n! by the way.” you tease lightly, the apples of jungkook’s cheeks turning a little pink, “it’s nice to meet you! ...even though we met, like, a month ago.”
“jungkook, you dog-” you gasp lightly, and for a second jungkook’s heart drops to his stomach because he thinks he’s said something wrong- “at least take me out to dinner first before touchéing me.”
jungkook immediately snorts and shakes his head lightly as you giggle to yourself
with that being said, even after that exchange he still wasn’t sure if he wanted to stay friends with you or not
yeah, you were nice and kind of charming in your own way, but...
(he couldn’t come up with a reason as to why he shouldn’t be friends with you, so that train of thought is still chug-chug-chugging along.)
                                     »»————- ❅ ————-««
“are those pocky sticks?”
jungkook stops typing, his eyes flickering up from his screen to see you looking at him with a soft little smile, your arms folded over the top of your seat and your chin propped up on them
he looks down at the open package of pocky sticks sitting on top of his backpack next to him before looking over at you and nodding, “uh, yeah. do you... want one?”
“are they the chocolate ones?”
“obviously.” jungkook snorts, pulling one out of the plastic bag before holding it out for you, “nothing beats the original flavour.”
you pluck it from his fingers, inspecting it for a second before biting into it with a crisp snap!, “i personally like the strawberry ones better-”
“what??” jungkook gawks, “i mean, yeah, the strawberry ones are fine, but the chocolate ones-”
“the strawberry ones have a thicker coating! the chocolate coating is so thin and barely-there!” you hold the bottom half of your pocky out so that jungkook can look at the cross-section of it, “see?? barely any chocolate-”
“you don’t know what you’re talking about!” jungkook scoffs playfully, slapping his laptop shut before crossing his arms on his desk and leaning forward, “chocolate pocky sticks are clearly superior to the strawberry ones-”
“alright, robert, whatever helps you sleep at night-”
“wha-” jungkook gawks in mock offence, too distracted by the fact that you like the strawberry pocky sticks over the classic chocolate ones to notice the feeling of his heart skipping a beat at the sound of your laugh
strawberry over chocolate
                                    »»————- ❅ ————-««
now, jungkook isn’t particularly sure when it was that he started to notice how twinkly your eyes were or how sweet your voice sounded or how pretty your smile was or how nice your hair smelled
it kind of just dawned on him one morning??
he was just staring at the back of your head and found himself wondering how it was possible for the back of one’s head to be so pretty (you had your hair down that day and it just looked so soft and clean)
and then he thought to himself how weird it was that he just called the back of your head pretty
and then he thought to himself that if he thought the back of your head was pretty... did that mean that he thought the rest of you was pretty as well?
and then he thought to himself that yes, i suppose i would consider y/n to be pretty if i was ever asked for a list of people i considered to be pretty
and then he realized that oh, god. do i think that y/n’s pretty because i like y/n?!
and now it’s december meaning that it’s almost the end of the semester and he still hasn’t done anything about his crush on you because he?? literally has no idea how to handle it
his plan was to just ask you for your instagram and if you wanted to keep hanging out next semester and hope that it didn’t turn into a can’t what about next week can’t what about next week situation
and the fact that you guys are working together for the final project certainly doesn’t help with him suppressing his feelings at all
because you two have gone from spending time like three times a week in class to five or six times a week in and out of class
it was at the beginning of november that he discovered that you both had an hour and a half break after this class
so you guys usually go for lunch together (obviously, you were the one who asked first) and then go your separate ways
and then it was the second week of november that jungkook started walking you to your next class even though hiS next class is located at the opposite end of campus
he just????
literally has no idea how any of this happened
one minute he’s perfectly fine with being alone and the next minute he finds himself glancing towards the door every three seconds waiting for you to walk in because the best part of his morning is seeing you
because every time you walk in and see him in his usual spot your entire face lights up and your pace quickens and he just thinks it’s really cute how excited you are to see him even though you guys literally see each other so often
he always looks forward to hearing about what you did over the weekend even though he usually doesn’t care less about what anyone did over their weekend
he always looks forward to you bringing out your little snack box and offering him a couple pieces of whatever you have (you brought these sesame-glazed cashews the other day and they were really good)
he always looks forward to sharing his pocky sticks with you even though he’s usually very greedy with his pocky sticks
last week he let you eat like half the box and he wasn’t even mad
and yeah, he finds himself tossing a couple of the strawberry pocky sticks into his basket whenever he goes grocery shopping, but that doesn’t mean anything!
          ��                          »»————- ❅ ————-««
jungkook glances back towards the door as he taps his foot against the ground anxiously before checking his phone for the time or any texts from you  
where are you??
he booked one of the conference rooms in the library so that you guys could work on your project in peace
it’s much more quiet working here than in the general studying area because there’s always that one person who’s sniffling and coughing like a maniac
and you can speak at a normal volume in here which is good
you guys agreed to work on the project together at the end of the day and then you’d grab dinner together
and jungkook hasn’t been classifying these hangout working sessions as dates or anything but for some reason, this feels like a study date AND a dinner date rolled into one which is why his hands are so clammy right now
and on top of thAT he actually has a christmas present that he’s planning to give you but now he’s wondering if it’s too late to back out
you’re already like twenty minutes late
did you forget about him??
did you purposely bail on him??
is this your way of telling him that this friendship is over???
maybe he can text you and tell you that he had to go home because he has food poisoning or something
...but the image of him hunched over the toilet probably isn’t a very attractive one
is there like a.,., like a sexy way to talk about food poisoning?
jungkook paces back and forth as he looks down at his phone, typing a message to you and then immediately deleting it and retyping
hey! i’m gonna have to reschedule. i had a funky ass burrito for lu-
okay so there’s definitely no way to make food poisoning sound sexy
maybe he can come up with a... cool excuse of some kind?  
hey! can we reschedule? i have to save a baby from a burning building because i’m also a firefigh-
he’s terrified of heights and also he hates babies so that excuse would never work
hey! let’s reschedule! i have feelings for you and it’s overwhelming me and also i feel like maybe you kind of bailed on m-
jungkook jumps in his seat before whipping around to look at the door, feeling a sense of relief washing over him when he sees that it’s you
well noW he knows that you didn’t forget about him and that you definitely didn’t bail on him
“he-” his voice gives out halfway and he clears his throat quickly, “hey! i was, uh, i was wondering when you’d show up.”
“i know, sorry i’m late-” you smile sheepishly, shutting the door behind you with a gentle click, “it’s for a good reason, though! i got us hot chocolates!”
you raise the takeout tray in your hand before setting it down on the table, “i was going to get you a peppermint mocha because ‘tis the season and all of that, but i didn’t know if you would like it or not so hot chocolate was the safer option.”
“i like hot chocolate!” jungkook coughs, “peppermint mochas- i mean, i would’ve been fine with a peppermint mocha too, but i- i still appreciate the hot chocolate-” he rambles, nervously flipping his pen back and forth in between his fingers, “i mean, i, like, what i’m trying to say is that i would like anything you brought for me, you know?”
he’s spiralling
whY is this happening to him??
jungkook doesn’t know if he’s ever been this nervous for anything before
he wasn’t even this nervous when he had to do a solo presentation in front of two hundred people in his history course last semester and thaT was terrifying
“alright, well, i’ll definitely keep that in mind for next time!” you chirp, pulling out one of the wheely chairs before plopping down and turning to face him, “what else do we have to do for our report?”
jungkook feels his heart skip a beat when your knee bumps against his
oh god
he has to get it together  
just relax!
“oh, uh-” he turns to look through the checklist on his notebook, “we have to write up the conclusion... and also the annotated bibliography.”
“annotated bibliography?” you huff, scrolling through yours guys’ twenty page report, “oh, god... that’s going to take forever- we used, like, thirty different sources...”
“i told you not to go crazy with the scholarly articles...” jungkook teases lightly before taking a sip of his hot chocolate
there’s whipped cream on this as well!
“i just thought that it would make us look smarter if we used more sources-” you grumble, pushing your bottom lip out in a pathetic little pout, “and now we have to go through and annotate every single one...”
“hey, if it motivates you to work faster, i’ll get you an extra order of onion rings for dinner tonight.” jungkook hums, smiling fondly when you gasp excitedly and turn to face him
one thing that he’s learned about you is the fact that you are verY food motivated
one time you told him that you would be willing to rob a bank for a pack of oreos
...and he wholeheartedly believes that.
                                     »»————- ❅ ————-««
you try your hardest to hold back a grin when you notice that jungkook still hasn’t moved his leg from yours
the side of your thigh has been pressed right up against his for a good twenty minutes now and it seems like he doesn’t mind it at all
if anything, it’s safe to say that he’s comfortable being this close to you
that must mean that he likes you back, right?
because you know for a fact that he isn’t normally a touchy-feely person and you were fully expecting him to pull back the moment your leg touched his
this is!!!!
you don’t know when you started liking jungkook but the details really aren’t that important
you just know that you like him now and you’re like 80% sure that maybe he might?? like you back??
if he didn’t like you, why would he be willing to get coffee with you during your breaks and walk you to class?
you were actually a little put off by him the first time you spoke to him mainly because he seemed like he didn’t really want to talk to you
and usually you don’t do well with people who don’t want to talk to you because.,., you personally think you’re a greaT person to talk to and if the same vibes aren’t reciprocated then you immediately hightail it out of there
and you were actually going to switch seats the next class but it was pretty cozy in the back of the auditorium and you liked that your seat was near the exit so that you could be the first one out without getting trampled over by everyone else  
so you figured you’d just swallow your pride and try to work it out with mr. pretty boy (yes, part of the reason as to why you stayed was because of how handsome he is.,., you’re only human!!!)
and it looks like it worked out in your favour because here you are!! hanging out with him outside of class!!
with that being said, you haven’t really thought about what your next move is going to be because you’re..., not entirely sure how to ask him out without potentially freaking him out or something
because if on the off-chance that he tells you that he actually doesn’t like you back after you ask him out with full confidence,,..,
you don’t even want to think about how awkward that’s going to be
and you don’t even knoW how you’d play it off casually without letting your disappointment show (“oh! well, that’s- pft- that’s totally fine, it’s whatever- like, i’m so... like, i’m so cool. it’s totally fine! dates are- dates are so overrated, anyway- romance is so lame-”)
you were thinking of maybe asking him out after the final project because if he says no then you’ll never have to see him again!
that’s the beautiful part of being on such a big campus
it’s fine
you’ll figure something out
just focus on this damn bibliography and try not to think about how good jungkook smells and how pretty his hands look when he’s typing
                                     »»————- ❅ ————-««
it’s about an hour and a half into the session that jungkook suddenly remembers that he has a present for you
he turns his head slightly to look at you
there’s a divot in between your brows as your fingers practically fly across your keyboard
you must really want those onion rings
jungkook glances down at his backpack before pressing his lips together tightly
when would be a good time to give it to you without it being like.,,. awkward?
maybe after you guys are done?
or during dinner?
or after dinner?
or after he drives you hom-
“i have a present for you, by the way-!” jungkook blurts out a little louder than intended, shattering the serene silence of the atmosphere
okay never mind
“you do??” you ask, jungkook nodding quickly
“i... yeah. a christmas present! for you.” he clears his throat, leaning down to pull the neatly wrapped package out of his backpack, “it’s just a little something, it’s really not that big of a deal.”
“aw, that’s so nice of you... i didn’t know we were doing presents otherwise i totally would’ve gotten something for you...” you trail off, pursing your lips in disappointment
you weRE going to get jungkook something but you didn’t know if he’d find it weird or anything
and now you must look like a complete jerk!
“oh my god, don’t even worry about it-” jungkook flicks his wrist to dismiss your concerns, “you can count the hot chocolate as your gift to me! plus, you splurged on a venti just for me-”
“i did splurge on a venti just for you...” you joke along, instantly feeling a little better about the situation, “and i usually only treat people to tiny little talls!”
(for the record, you’re definitely going to get him a proper present over the weekend)
“also, it’s totally fine if you don’t like it-” jungkook swallows thickly when you start to rip open the packaging, “i can return it and get you something else-”
“oH MY GOD i love it!” you exclaim, feeling your serotonin levels shoot straight through the ceiling when you pull out a heart shaped snack box, “i don’t even know what to say, this is literally the greatest present i’ve ever received in my entire life-”
“oh, thank god-” jungkook flops back in his seat before placing his hand on his chest, “i was worried that maybe you wouldn’t like it because you already have a pretty extensive collection of snack boxes- oh, and!” he perks up, spinning around to pull something else out of his bag, “i also got you a box of strawberry pocky sticks even though i still think your opinion about them being better than the chocolate flavour is very wrong.”
he really knows the way to your heart :’)
“i don’t even know what to say, kook...” you smile, “thank you so much...”
jungkook beams, giving himself a mental pat on the back for a job well done, “ah, don’t worry about it. i’m just glad that you like your gifts...”
okay, you don’t have a gift for him so this is the next best thing
“can i-” you pause, trying to think of how to handle this, “can i- sorry, can you just close your eyes for a second?” you clear your throat
you’re suddenly feeling a lot more confident about jungkook’s feelings towards you than you were half an hour ago
(aka you are now 98% sure that he likes you back and if you’re wrong about this assumption then you’re definitely going to regret the thing that you’re about to do)  
“close my eyes?” jungkook snorts, “why?”
“it’ll make sense in a second. just close them!”
“this is the part of our friendship where you kill me, isn’t it?” he jokes, setting his laptop aside before turning his chair so he can fully face you
ha hA
very funny
“if i was planning to kill you, i would’ve poisoned your precious pocky sticks a long time ago-” you laugh lightly, wiping your clammy hands on your jeans before turning to face him as well
“speaking of pocky sticks, have you ever tried the cookies and creme flavoured ones?” jungkook hums, jolting in surprise when he feels you place your hands on his knees, “because i was thinking we could just buy a bunch of flavours and try them toge-”
jungkook’s eyes immediately pop open the moment he feels you kiss his cheek, his entire face going beet red and his mouth going dry
you smile innocently as you pull back, jungkook trying his best to noT melt into a giant puddle of goo
you just...
you kissed his cheek?
you kissed him?
maybe it was an accident??
maybe there was a bug on his cheek and you were just trying to kill it with your mouth
“you- i- heh-” he reaches up to scratch the back of his head, quickly averting his gaze when he notices you looking directly at him, “um, why... uh, what did you do that for?”
“to say thank you...” you shrug, biting back a smile, “and i guess it’s me trying to tell you that i... i like you too, by the way.”
jungkook feels his heart stop beating in his chest and his fingers dig into his thigh
you like him?
jungkook blinks owlishly at you, “you like me... too? r-really?”
“of course i do.” you hum, admiring your brand new snack box before looking back at him, “how could i not?”
(judging by his reaction, you are now 100% sure that jungkook likes you back so you now have nothing to worry about.)
“but how’d you know that i even liked you in the first place?” jungkook asks dumbly, still a little dazed from that kiss on the cheek
he can’t even think about how his body is going to react when he eventually gets to kiss you properly
“i mean...” you let out a little laugh before tilting your head slightly, “if the in-between class coffee runs and the walking me to class even though we both know it’d make you late for your class didn’t give it away, the fact that you let me eat half a box of pocky sticks without slicing my hands off certainly did.”
that’s fair
“you make a good point.” jungkook nods slowly, “touché-”
“-!” jungkook holds a finger out before the corners of his mouth tug up in a wide grin, “and i will definitely be taking you out to dinner first before even thinking about touchéing you. don’t worry.”
christmas with cee 2020 masterlist
🎁what would you like from ceenta this year? 🎁
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