#i‘ll miss him
abba-enthusiast · 2 years
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gehetzterfuchs · 4 months
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lqvesoph · 2 months
She’s WHOSE daughter??? || LN4
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gif by @quadrantslandonorris
lando norris x webber!reader
summary: During a trip to Daniel’s farm house, you find an unexpected visitor standing in your best friend’s backyard
part 1 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
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Part 2
"So glad you could make it!", Danny called and wrapped you into a hug as soon as he opened the front door. "You know I love it here!", you laughed and stepped into his home in Perth, Australia.
It was Monday before the Australian Grand Prix and Daniel had invited you to spend a few days at his farm before flying across the country to Melbourne.
You spotted an unfamiliar pair of shoes next to Daniel‘s million others but didn’t think much of it. Maybe he bought another pair.
"Daniel, tell me again where the- oh hi", you heard a familiar british accent, one that you have missed over the last three long weeks since Bahrain and turned around to find a dripping wet and shirtless Lando in the glass door that led out to the backyard. His curls were dripping shining droplets of water onto his defined and tanned chest from which you couldn’t teat your eyes away.
"The towels are in the drawer, mate", Daniel spoke, snapping you out of your trance. "Thanks", Lando mumbled but didn’t move from his place.
You all stood there in silence for a few seconds before you cleared your throat. "I… uh- I-I‘ll go to my room", you stuttered, taking the suitcase and quickly making your way up the marble stairs.
"Why didn’t you tell me she was coming?", you heard Lando hiss. "Why would you have wanted me to?", Daniel asked nonchalant, and you knew you shouldn’t eavesdrop but you couldn’t help it, wanting to know Lando‘s response. "I- I don’t know", he stuttered defensively before tapping over to the drawer to get himself a towel.
Truth was, his small crush on you grew over the last couple of weeks. He followed your every move on Instagram and Twitter, even scrolling down to pictures from 2016, finding a few of you and baby Oscar during his Formula 3 career or little you in Daniel‘s Red Bull from 2017. He‘s probably memorized your highlights at this point.
Adding to that he asked Pietra for her advice on your best songs and your discography has been on repeat for three weeks straight.
You put your suitcase next to your bed and plopped down on it, only now noticing your racing heart.
During your deep dive through Lando’s Instagram account, you obviously had seen a few pictures of him shirtless, the one from Bahrain being the set of pictures you were hung up on the most, even saving one of them. But jeez… none of those pictures did the live picture justice!
You opened your eyes and took a deep breath before rummaging around your suitcase to find the black bikini you had packed for your trip.
You put it on and took your towel, phone and sunglasses and made your way downstairs. Lando and Daniel sat by the pool on two sun beds, playing some sort of card game. Both were shirtless and had matching bucket hats on their curls. You chuckled at the sight and placed your towel on the third sun bed.
Lando looked up from the game and subtly looked you over, his eyes lingering at your pushed up breast, that were barely covered by the tight black bikini top, a little longer than appropriate but you couldn’t find yourself caring. The opposite actually, the little hesitation brought a smirk to your face.
You lay down on your stomach on the sun bed and closed your eyes. "If I fall asleep, please put some sunscreen on my back in an hour or two", you mumbled, getting a hum from both boys next to you.
You couldn’t even begin to explain how much you have missed the Australian sun.
You didn’t even notice you fell asleep until you were woken up by a pair of warm hands rubbing your back. Guess the flight has been more exhausting than you thought.
You lifted your head up slightly, still a little dazed from the sleep. "Heyy, good morning", a soft british accent spoke over you.
Then you started noticing a few other things around you. For example your hair that was wrapped in a loose bun, one that you definitely didn’t do yourself.
"I put your hair up so it wouldn’t stick on the sunscreen", he said, almost as if he had read your thoughts. "Thanks", you mumbled, then you frowned. "How did you-"
"I have two younger sisters, so I know a little about hair styles", Lando chuckled and kneaded your shoulders while rubbing in the sunscreen. The small action made you groan a little. "Feels good", you muttered.
"I can tell", he spoke and you could hear the smirk on his face, so you kicked your leg up to hit his back. "Owh", he let out and broke out in laughter after. You couldn’t help but join in as well and pushed yourself up on your elbows to look around you.
You noticed the missing sunglasses on your face when squinting to see against the setting sun but quickly found them on the table next to you.
"Daniel is getting the grill ready and Heidi has just arrived a few minutes ago", Lando told you and you turned your head to meet his eyes. But got quickly distracted by his tanned chest. Your eyes flickering down and stayed there for a second longer than necessary, before looking back up into his green eyes and only now realizing how close your faces were to each other.
His gaze flickered down to your lips before finding your eyes again.
"Hey dipshit, dinner is almost ready!", Daniel called from the path between the pool section and the little hut with a fire place. "We’ll be there in a second!", Lando called back, not tearing his eyes away from yours.
Your eyes darted down to his plumb lips. "We probably should…", you whispered, letting your sentence uncompleted. Lando nodded but still kept his gaze you. "Yeah, we probably should", he agreed.
The two of you kept each other gaze for a few seconds longer before looking down at the same time and clearing your throats. You grabbed your black shorts and quickly put them over your bikini bottoms, feeling your heart beating fast in your chest and a small throbbing in your lower region. A quick stolen glance at Lando told you, your interaction also left its mark on him.
He cleared his throat another time before standing up and grabbing a baby blue loose dress shirt to put over his shoulders, leaving the buttons undone.
Together you made your way over to the fireplace, where you found Heidi and Daniel next to a bluetooth box that played relaxing music.
"Hey, honey!!", Heidi called and immediately came over to hug you. You smiled and wrapped your arms around the girl who has been like an older sister to you for the longest time.
"It’s so good to see you again!", she smiled and pushed a few strands of hair behind your ear. "Your hair has gotten so long!" You laughed and sat down at the set table.
Daniel looked at Lando with a knowing smirk, whereupon Lando rammed his elbow into the older guy’s ribs.
As the night came, the temperatures got chilly, even in Australia. You shivered a little even if the fire spent a little warmth.
"You cold?", Lando muttered, leaning over the armrest of his chair. You looked over at him, getting lost for a second in the way half of his face was light up by the fire light.
You hummed and wrapped your arms tighter around yourself.
"Take my hoodie", he suggested, pulling the lavender colored hoodie from his chair. "Thanks", you smiled.
From the corner of your eyes you saw how Daniel gave you a rather knowing glance but you chose to ignore it.
That was until he didn’t give you another option.
"Y/n, you wanna come and help me inside?", he asked but it sounded more like a demand. You nodded and stood up from your seat before following Daniel inside.
All while Lando’s eyes never left you.
Daniel was waiting for you by the kitchen counter. "What are you doing?", he wanted to know. You shrugged, knowing exactly what he was talking about.
"He’s cute", you simply replied.
"You know I love you like my little sister but Lando’s one of my best mates. And I already know that he’s got quite the crush on you, it’s fairly obvious so I gotta make sure that this is coming from your side as well and isn’t some sort of joke flirting", the australian explained.
You crossed your arms in front of your chest. "It’s not, I really do think he’s cute", you nodded.
"Does he know who your dad is?", Daniel pressed further, knowing this was some sort of make-or-break question to you.
Given the history of boyfriends you’ve had and loads of your early ones, always dating you for your father, you’ve started to not tell people about your father. Not until you were sure, they were here for you.
Your silence gave Daniel his answer.
"If you like him, why didn’t you then?", he wanted to know. "Because I want to get to know him before! I met him once three weeks ago, do you expect me to just go like "Hi, I’m Y/n, nice to meet you. By the way I’m Mark Webber’s daughter"?? I haven’t exactly spent a lot of time with him", you muttered.
"Just… don’t lead him on. I haven’t seen him this nervous over a girl in a long time", Daniel sighed and opened his arms. "C’mere."
Even though the night got very late, you were up incredibly early the next day, still having to adjust to the eastern australian timezone.
As quietly as possible you walked down the stairs to the kitchen, wearing a pair of jogging shorts and Lando’s hoodie from the previous night which was incredibly comfortable and even smelled like him.
You grabbed yourself a glass of water and sat down crisscrossed on a patio chair.
The morning was still a little fresh, the sun just barely leaking out from the horizon.
"Bit early, isn’t it?", a british accent spoke from behind you. You smiled before turning around to meet Lando’s sleepy eyes.
He stood in the doorway, long gray joggers and a black hoodie, similar to the one you were wearing. His curls were a mess on top of his head as he ruffled through them.
"I could say the same to you", you countered, making the boy smile. "I couldn’t sleep, still adjusting to the timezone", he told you, sitting down on the chair next to you.
You nodded in agreement. "Me too."
For a moment you sat in silence, both looking at the sunrise in front of you.
"You wanna go for a walk at the beach?", Lando suggested after a few minutes, looking over at you.
You considered your options for a second but didn’t see a reason not to, so you nodded and stood up.
You put your glass on the table and your phone in the hoodie pocket.
Together you took the small path that directly led from Daniel’s backyard to the beach.
"Nice hoodie by the way", Lando smirked, tugging at your sleeves. "Thanks, some random guy gave it to me last night", you replied with a giggle. "And you just take stuff from random dudes?", Lando faked a shocked tone. "Nah, only if they are cute", you smiled, making Lando go a little shy as he looked down with a smile.
When the you reached the beach, you stopped in your tracks. Closing your eyes and enjoying the breeze of the ocean.
"I’ve missed this", you muttered, taking a deep breath before opening your eyes to find Lando looking at you. "Los Angeles just isn’t quite the same."
"You said you grew up between LA and Canberra", Lando stated, whereupon you nodded. "How did you meet Oscar then? Because as far as I know he’s spent most of his teens in England. Or Daniel, who’s from the other side of the country", he asked.
"Well, Daniel I met through Red Bull. My dad used to work for them", you replied, careful as not to reveal too much. "At base?"
"Something like this, yeah."
"He’s been like an older brother to me for the longest time but Oscar being closer to me in age, resulted in us turning out like twins", you chuckled.
Lando felt a sting of jealousy when you talked about his teammate like that, knowing he had close to zero rights to feel this way but still.
"Anyway, I met him in the paddock a few years ago and we’ve been friends ever since", you concluded.
"And you’ve been into racing because of your dad?", he asked. You nodded but didn’t clarify further but instead grabbed his hand and dragged him to the ocean.
"Cmon, let’s go in", you called. "Go in??", Lando protested but let you drag him closer to the water. "It’s Australia, it’s warm", you giggled and kicked off your shoes off your feet. You let go of Lando’s hand and entered the water ankle-deep.
You looked back to see Lando taking off his shoes as well as his hoodie, leaving him in a white shirt. Then he carefully tapped the water before walking to you.
"Nice, huh?", you smiled against the rising sun, closing your eyes for a second.
Cold water splashing your back made you scream and open them again. You turned around to find Lando with a devilish grin looking at you. "Lando!!", you called and splashed the water back at him.
In only a few seconds it turned into a water war, both your clothes turning darker from the water splashes on them. Your eyes stopped at Lando’s torso, the water turning his white shirt see through. And you weren’t ashamed to admit that his defined abs distracted you just more than a little bit.
Lando used your little moment of distraction to launch himself at you and throw both of you down into the water completely. You gasped for air, his arms still wrapped around your body and you hair falling in wet strands on your face.
"Idiot!", you called, pushing your hair back to see Lando grin at you. His adorable smile, paired with the wetness of his curls made you smile as well. You put your hand on his neck, slowly pulling him closer to you.
A drop of water falling from his opened lips, mesmerizing you completely. Lando’s eyes searched yours, asking for permission to go ahead. You glance back down to his lips before nodding slightly.
Only seconds later, his lips touched yours in a gentle kiss. Your fingers went through his wet hair and pulled at the end.
His lips on yours felt like fire, and you wanted more.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, his hand holding your thigh as his other squeezed your waist. His lips slowly traveled along your jaw, making you lean your head to the side to give him more space.
You let out a little moan when he gently sucked on the spot under your ear and felt his lips curl into a smirk. Lando pulled back to look at you, your fingers stroking his neck.
You giggled slightly and leaned your forehead against his, closing your eyes for a second.
This is what happiness feels like, you thought.
📍Perth, Australia
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tagged: landonorris, danielricciardo, heidiberger
yn.adams: Perth for the week
landonorris: Oh, what a pretty sunrise
> yn.adams: U think?
danielricciardo: When was that first picture taken???
> yn.adams: Today morning at about 5:30am while u were peacefully sleeping
> fan: Wait so if Daniel didn’t take that picture does that mean it was Lando???
oscarpiastri: 🤨
> fan: Oscar’s NOT a fan of this new friendship LMAO
fan: The boyfriend vibes are MAJOR on that last picture
fan: Since when are her and Lando friends???
fan: Okay but Yn and Lando would be crazy!!
> fan: I ship it, 100%
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📍Perth, Australia
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tagged: yn.adams
landonorris: She can sing and drive
yn.adams: 2:1 for me, u can only drive
> landonorris: 🥲
> fan: LMAOOO Yn roasting Lando hahahahh
oscarpiastri: yn.adams TEXT ME NOW!!
> fan: Poor guy’s feeling left out fr
fan: Is this a soft launch mr. norriz?
> fan: wdym "soft" HE TAGGED HER!!!
fan: The sunrise…
> fan: Nah u guys don’t understand the significance of that sunrise!!
fan: Lando and Yn posting pictures of sunrises… A picture of Yn that Daniel didn’t take…
> fan: New paddock couple alert??
fan: Lando letting someone else drive and playing passenger princess???
fan: Who even is she?
fan: Does she even know what F1 is?
> fan: LMAOO
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Please tell me if you want to be added to the taglist or text be if you want to be taken off x
@im-an-overthinker @buendiabebeta @hungryhungariann @ohthemisssery @kenopsiababe @sawendel @enjoymyloves @ricsaigaslec @ravenqueen27 @temqr1 @leclerc16s @theamazingsimplethings-blog @coldmuffinbanditshoe @hotchnisscm97 @moneymasnn @justme2042 @amulhermaisfelizdomundo @pleasantducktimetravel @anthonykatebridgerton @lisannehus @hannahholland1811 @lighttsoutlewis @mydutchproblem @dan3avocado @alwaysclassyeagle @cocomiracle @allthisfortommy @soleilgrec @cheeryara-blog @person2345-blog @aquamariene-me @judespoision @sbgal @teti-menchon0604 @darleneslane @flower-name @mehrmonga @paolexsstuff @kiskso @honethatty12 @namgification @champagneproblems17 @meko-mt @scopeiguess @bwormie @d3kstar @c-losur3 @lupitakapro @endlesssummer10
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charliemwrites · 4 months
Mister(s) Steal Your Girl — part 3
(I seriously need to come up with an actual name for this series before it sets in)
Introducing his grand horniness- John “Soap” MacTavish
No Content Warnings
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It’s been six, coming up on seven, dates with Kyle. A dwindling part of you feared that after the absolutely mind-blowing night you two shared, he’d ghost you or something.
But nope, the morning after was spent in one of his jumpers, receiving kisses and breakfast and tea. The two of you watched movies all day until he drove you home, kissing you at the door. He let you keep his jumper.
Not three days later, he invited you to a movie you’d both been excited to see, and giggled over the popcorn bowl like teenagers. He didn’t even mind that you leaned over to whisper during certain parts, or the ramble you went on afterwards. (When you apologized for overanalyzing and talking so much, he gave you a bizarre, almost offended look. “Don’t you dare stop,” he huffed, “you’re way better than radio. What did you think about that after credit scene?”)
A few days after that, he called with apologetic news.
“Being shipped out for a couple weeks. Shouldn’t be anything too dangerous, and I’ll call when I can,” he explained.
You told the nervous little twist in your gut that you knew this about him. That this is Kyle’s job, not a convenient excuse to ignore you.
“Stay safe regardless,” you murmured earnestly into the phone. “I‘ll… I’ll miss you, Kyle.”
“You’re getting the biggest hug when I get back, darlin’,” he promised.
He kept to it too. Called at odd hours sometimes - once during dinner with your fiance even. But Brandon is always taking random calls nowadays, so you figured, given the circumstances, it’s not such a big deal to excuse yourself either.
On the other end of the call, Kyle sounded a bit tired, but happy to talk to you. He couldn’t tell you anything about what he was doing, but shared some smaller, safer details. That the tea was shite because Soap kept over-steeping it. That his lieutenant was big enough to body slam him during sparring practice. That Captain Price wishes you well and promises to bring Kyle back in one piece.
You even heard one of his teammates in the background, asking Kyle if he was “chirping at his new bird.” Soap, as you found out. They sound like a good bunch.
When Kyle comes back, you offer to welcome him at his apartment. You bring a little plate of cookies and a pack of his favorite beer, hoping it’s not too much. But when he opens the door, his expression melts before he scoops you up in the big hug he promised.
“You’re a fuckin’ dream, ya know that?” he murmurs, tucking his face against your neck.
You spend the whole weekend with him, kissing at the stitched-up knife wound on his muscled arm. Otherwise, all in one piece.
“Would you… want to meet my mates sometime?” he asks as you’re getting dressed for work Monday morning.
“Of course,” you reply instantly. Realize that might be too eager. “If you want to introduce me, that is.”
“I want to show you off to the bloody Queen, babes.”
You giggle, crossing the room to drop a quick kiss on his lips. He tries to draw you in for something deeper, but you wiggle and swat at him, complaining that he’ll make you late.
It’s good, you think. Blissfully good. Honeymoon phase, maybe, but considering how far off your actual honeymoon is, you feel like you deserve this. Kyle is a wonderful partner - kind, attentive, respectful. He listens, he cares, he’s independent of you and respects your boundaries. Sometimes you can’t believe you were ever nervous about this open relationship thing in the first place.
On Wednesday of that same week, Kyle tells you that Soap is going to visit and is eager to meet you. He was thinking dinner and drinks, come back to Kyle’s apartment afterwards. You readily agree.
The next day, a bouquet comes in. It’s a beautiful, though not extravagant, arrangement. Calla lilies, roses, and hydrangeas. The note that comes with it says, “Wanted to make a good first impression in case Kyle told you lies.” It’s signed “Johnny.”
You send a picture to Kyle, amused and a bit endeared. It brightens the rest of your day so much that you barely notice Lucy’s usual snide comments.
On Friday night, Brandon is unexpectedly home. Usually he doesn’t even come home from work on Fridays anymore - or at least he didn’t before you met Kyle. Lately, you only pop in if you’ve forgotten something for your overnight bag. You had to stay late at the office today, though, and your apartment is closer than Kyle’s.
“Was thinking we could go out tonight,” he tells you.
“Oh,” you say, taken aback. Not just by the invitation, but by the mix of emotion in your gut. Some of it is excitement and relief, but not as much as you’d expect. It’s warring with unease and reluctance, a bit of frustration that now of all times he wants to reconnect.
“Um, raincheck?” you offer, smoothing down your dress. It’s a new one you picked out with Kyle; you’re hoping he (Kyle) will notice. “I have plans.”
Brandon’s brow furrows, smile going tight. “You can’t reschedule?”
God you hate confrontation and he knows that, doesn’t he? Why is he pushing?
“Well I don’t know when I’ll get to see them again,” you explain.
Suddenly the tension in his shoulders eases. “Oh, is it a few people then?”
“Just a couple. I’m meeting one of them for the first time.”
“Have fun then,” he says, fishing his phone from his pocket. Like you’re not even there anymore.
You blink, then your phone buzzes with a message from Kyle and you hurry out the door.
“I knew you’d look terrific in that dress,” he says as soon as he sees you.
Thoughts of Brandon, that strange interaction, and those churning feelings all disappear in an instant. Kyle just has a way of soothing you.
The restaurant is one that has quickly become one of your favorites with Kyle. Good food, good drinks, quiet and relaxed atmosphere. You like the funky artwork and squishy booths.
Soap (Johnny?) has already gotten your party a table, and stands as the two of you approach. You nearly stop right there, and then almost trip a bit as momentum urges you onwards. Manage not to make a fool of yourself, but you still boggle at him.
Because Kyle? You thought he was a fluke. Just too handsome to be real, never mind tall and fit and friendly and— well, anyway.
You thought he was a fluke.
But Soap/Johnny is goddamn handsome too! Trim stubble, pretty eyes behind thick lashes, a soft-looking Mohawk that gives him a boyish charm without seeming immature.
“There you two are, thought ye stood me up!” he greets, drawing Kyle into one of those friendly man-hugs with the shoulder pats that look like they hurt.
“Youre a cheap date anyway, MacTavish,” Kyle replies, gently easing you forward with a hand on the small of your back.
“Och, don’t bad mouth me in front of a lady,” Johnny/Soap complains, then turns his twinkling gaze to you and offers a hand. “John MacTavish, but this bampot calls me Soap.”
“Not Johnny?” you ask curiously.
You take his hand, find callouses similar to Kyle’s. But his palm is a bit broader, a scar along his thumb - from a burn it looks like. Just as warm, just as careful. A firm, but not tight shake.
“You can call me anything you like, lass,” he says. From the corner of your eye, you see Kyle choking back a laugh. Johnny it is, you figure.
“Wait ‘Soap’ is a callsign right?” you ask as Kyle herds you into the booth.
“Right-o,” Johnny replies, smiling.
“Does Kyle have one?”
The grin that he gives you would make the devil sweat. As it is, Kyle groans and shoots you a betrayed look.
“Oh does he, lass.”
You light up, grin right back. “Tell me?”
“As if I could say no to a pretty face like that!”
And so begins a long, warm, perfect night. Johnny is great company. Welcoming and friendly, quick to smile, sharp witted. You could sit all night listening to him and Kyle quip at each other, but they’re so careful to keep you included and engaged.
Johnny even offers you some of his chips when his order comes, and you’re too delighted to say no. Not that Kyle seems to mind, encouraging you to steal a couple for him since Johnny keeps whacking his hand away.
The night ends back at Kyle’s. You whip up another batch of cookies with some suspiciously new-looking baking ingredients. The boys keep you company while you work — Kyle mixes the batter when your arm gets tired and Johnny keeps your wine glass full. In the end, you let them each get a lick of the dough spoon.
Eventually, you move to the couch, climb on together. Kyle, for some reason, scooches you into the middle instead of one of the ends, but you don’t mind and neither does Johnny, it seems. They argue over a movie to put on, but it doesn’t matter because the three of you talk through most of it anyway.
The second movie is your pick, which is your downfall. You barely get halfway through before dozing off. End up stirring to muffled laughter and harsh whispering. You’ve slumped into Johnny, you realize, seeing Kyle’s broad smile.
“Oh,” you hum, trying to sit up. “‘M sorry…”
“You’re alright, lass,” Johnny murmurs, gently nudging you back down.
“Kyle?” you ask, yawning.
“Still watching the movie, sweetheart. You can go back to your nap. Soap’s nice and warm, yeah?”
You hum, snuggle in again. He is comfy. “So are you.”
Another quiet chuckle. “I know, love.”
He rouses you later — the movie must be over, you think blearily. Kyle scoops you up, plants a kiss on your cheek as you tuck in.
“Say good night to your teddy bear, baby.”
“‘Night, Johnny,” you mumble, nuzzling your face into Kyle’s neck.
“‘Night, bonnie.”
You wake first the next morning — rare and precious. Kyle is lying behind you snoring softly, arm around your waist. You wiggle around to watch his sleeping face for a minute, appreciating the peace in his features. Drop a whisper-soft kiss on his cheek and then slip out of bed.
He grumbles a bit, but you coo at him to go back to sleep and he subsides quickly. Once you’ve freshened up in the bathroom, you pad out to the living room. Johnny is up as well, watching tv on low volume with a coffee on his knee.
“Mornin’,” he says.
“Good morning,” you chirp back, continuing for the kitchen.
“You’re up early,” he observes, following.
“Slept well,” you reply, grinning. “Thanks in part to you. I hope that wasn’t uncomfortable.”
He ducks his head a bit, a light flush blooming across his ears and cheeks. “Nah, can’t complain about a pretty girl fallin’ asleep on me. Means I must have made a good impression, eh?”
“Oh! That reminds me - those flowers were gorgeous. Did you know calla lilies are my favorite?”
“Aye, Kyle’s been talkin’ about ya nonstop since ye met.”
It’s your turn to flush, and much brighter. You hurriedly turn to the cabinets.
“Well, thank you. I loved them.”
“Yeah? I’ll send you more then.”
Startled, you whip around on him, mouth stupidly open as you try to find a response. “You really don’t have to do that!”
“But what if I want to?”
And if you were struggling for words before, you’re hopeless now. So you just throw your hands up with a little “gah” sound and turn back to gathering ingredients.
“What are we making?” Johnny asks, taking mercy on you. Not that using that sly “we” isn’t devastating to your composure.
“My super special flapjack recipe,” you answer. “Could you get that big bowl down for me?”
He steps past you to do so while you dig out the measuring spoons from the dishwasher.
“If they’re as good as your cookies, then I’m gonna need extra PT after this weekend.”
“Good,” you reply, smug, “that’s my goal.”
“Dangerous woman.”
You snort, holding up a wooden spoon. “Oh yeah, I’m a real threat brandishing cooking utensils at a special ops guy.”
“Och, don’ sell yourself short - my nan used to be a menace with those things!”
Kyle exits the bedroom fifteen minutes later to the smell of cinnamon and his best friend with a face full of flour.
“…Do I even want to know?”
“Just be glad she’s on our side, Garrick.”
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rafesslxt · 7 days
✧.* 𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐍‘ 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐄 | 𝐭.𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐭
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જ⁀➴ tik tok trend that drives your bf Theo insane
: ̗̀➛ warnings: none
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"Oh cara mia no, the last one wasn‘t funny. Please don‘t torture me again.." he sighs frustrated.
I giggle and and pull him after me towards the table with all the drinks on them, the rest of our friends already standing around it.
"I am not! I just wanna show you a tiktok trend."
He rolls his eyes way too dramatic for my liking but I ignore it and smile when I see everything I need in front of me.
I take a wine glass, his eyebrows raising at the sight and he whines. "Oh noo don‘t ruin the wine I am begging you amore!" He grabs the wine bottle and holds it out of my reach.
"Theo! Give me the bottle, I just wanna show you something!" I argue, trying to reach the wine bottle and sigh dramatic too now. "Pleeeease.“ I look at him with the best puppy eyes I have to offer so he gives in.
"Please don‘t make me questioning your brain again. Please." he almost begs and lets his right hand glide over his face in frustration and fear what I am about to do to his beloved wine.
"You‘re gonna drive him crazy some day." Enzo giggles and watches what I‘m about to do like the rest
I pour some wine into the glass and grab the little shovel for the ice and put some of them into the wine. "No love, no! You don‘t put ice in your wine."
"And theeen you take some sprite.." i start to pour some of it in too now and swirl the glass a little so the two liquids mix.
"Oh tesoro, qual è il punto, è un peccato!" Theo starts throwing hands into the air and curses as If I killed someone he loves.
"Wait that actually looks good, let me try." Mattheo says, taking the glass out of my hand and and taking a sip. "Damn this does taste good!" he laughs after swallowing down.
"Oh stai scherzando!“ Theo groans when he see‘s all of his friends trying it too and actually liking it. "Baby please try it, I promise you it is good." "Oh no principessa not in a million years." he says disgusted.
"Fineee but you are missing out." "Please don‘t do this when you meet my parents for the first time." he begs me in a still frustrated tone. "No don‘t worry Theo. I‘ll drink my espresso together with my pasta like a pro." "WHAT?! Oh caro dio aiutami per favore.."
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i would love to do something like that with him omgggg this would be so funnyyy
also i love short little things like that, should i do them more often? 🤞🏻
taglist: @sofa-couch26 @justarandomcanadiantransdude @helendeath @thatonepansexual2000 @imabee-oralizard @supernaturaldawning @auxcordlawd @itsarajr @hisparentsgallerryy @mixvchelle @ummmmmmm-username @belle-blue @beautywine @sagetakami @simp-for-fantasy @whyamireadingthis
「 ✦ for more: my masterlist and taglist ✦ 」
xoxo sarah <3
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thepersonnamedsam · 2 months
the boyfriend - the genz!driver
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pairing: 24!grid x the genz!driver, gzd x the boyfriend
summary: the grid finds out about the secret boyfriend of the genz!driver
word count: 1.8k
warnings: not proof read
note: i got so many requests about the grid finding out about a boyfriend, i decided not to use anyone famous, as i do think our beloved driver would want to have a private relationship.
maybe the boyfriend will make more appearances? that’s up to you, so let me know :)
masterlist / taglist
Maintaining a relationship outside of F1 was hard, but it was much harder for the only woman on the grid, who’s relationship status was all the media could think about.
But, the young y/n made it work. He wasn’t famous, by any means. He was just some young man from her hometown, whom she knew most of her life, but never thought about dating. But here they were, giggling over some memories and sharing drinks.
His blue eyes were staring deeply into hers and she felt chills rising over her whole body. He made her feel normal. Yes, that’s the word she would describe this whole relationship, normal. She loved him truly and was so glad to have him all to herself.
He knew about her job, of course, how couldn’t he? But he wasn’t jealous, nor was he angry about all the travelling and the media, he just wanted to see her succeed.
He was her safe space.
She swore to never tell anyone outside of family about him. She wanted him all to herself. The media, the world, can’t know about her little happy bubble. This was all for herself. Some would call y/n selfish, but she was just enjoying the time outside the spotlight.
What she didn’t think was the boys catching on to her love sickness. Lando in general. She thought that boy was as oblivious as HeyHey the chicken. But he caught onto the demeanour change of the young woman.
„What’s been going on with you?“, he asked her before the Australian race. The young driver looked up to the papaya coloured boy. „What do you mean?“ - „I mean, you have been smiling at your phone, who you smiling at? You don’t have any friends outside F1, sorry. And you haven’t been mean to any of us this weekend, not even Pierre.“
y/n shrugged her shoulders and just looked at her best friend. „It’s not that important“, she said. „Do I have to call Seb?“ - „No, don’t call Seb, I‘ll tell you, if you don’t tell anyone else!“
She didn’t want Seb involved in any of this. Not because she didn’t want to see Seb again, but he would overreact like hell.
So, when the race started on Sunday and her boyfriend got up in the early mornings to send her a sweet good luck message, she was racing for a podium. With Max out of the race, chances weren’t even half bad.
She knew the two Ferraris in front of her wouldn’t budge and her car wasn’t fast enough to even reach them. But it would be enough to reach the third spot on that podium.
With Lando right behind her, she felt this was a perfect first podium. Sharing it with the two Ferrari boys and Lando right behind her. All that was missing was him.
He was sitting in front of the TV cheering for his girlfriend and waking up the whole household when she crossed that finish line as third. Oh how he wished to be there with her to celebrate that first podium. But he was back home.
y/n was screaming. Her coms had been deactivated, so no one would have serious damage. She was so happy. The first podium ever for her.
She parked her car on the significant spot and jumped out of it, standing on top of her halo. Hands thrown up into the air. It was a feeling she’d never forget. When she got down, Carlos and Charles were waiting for her. She squealed and jumped into their arms.
She made history.
And when she stood on that podium, looking straight into the camera, she blew him a kiss, knowing he’d watch her.
Later that evening, the grid went partying. They found this exclusive club, thanks to Danny, and just let it all out. Even Max was there, he couldn’t let the opportunity go to celebrate the young driver.
„You have to call him now!“, shouted Lando. „Lando!“, she shouted back. „Who do you have to call? We’re all here?“, Danny asked y/n. „No one“, she tried to cover up Landos mistake.
„Who’s ,him‘?“, asked Fernando. „I heard the milk boy clearly, who is he?“
„I’m sorry y/n, I didn’t want spill your boyfriend“, Lando apologised. The young driver just groaned, how can one be so stupid?
„Boyfriend?!“ „You have a boyfriend?“ „Wtf, y/n has a boyfriend?“ Was heard throughout the club.
The young woman sighed, „Yes, I have a boyfriend, is that so surprising?“
„It’s not that, y/n, promise, it’s just so weird seeing you all grown up“, Lewis said to her, „Who is he, what’s his name, what does he do, hm? We want to know all about him and why you haven’t told us about him.“
„Okay, so…“
And she told them everything, how he was a childhood friend, how they met in school. How they met over winter break she spent at home in her local food shop and how they instantly clicked again. How she asked him out on a date and the rest of it was history.
„I still don’t understand why you didn’t tell us?“, Danny sounded hurt and y/n‘s heart broke into a little million pieces. „I just wanted him on my own, I knew if I told you guys, you’d wanted to meet him, which means taking him to a race, which then means he’d be seen by the media and the whole world. I like having a normal relationship with him. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys, you are my family too after all.“
„It’s okay, little one“, Nando patted her on the back to console the young driver, „Next time, just tell us, we won’t judge.“
„I actually hope, there won’t be a next time…“
„Oh, y/n, I hope for you that there will be a next time. Enjoy the butterflies that come with love. He’s the first one and will always remain the special one, but believe me, there will be others waiting there for you“, Daniel said with a slight laugh.
„You can’t say anything sentimental without your signature sentence, can you?“, y/n laughed. Daniel just shrugged.
„Call him!“, Lando said, once again. „Okay, okay, I will“, y/n finally gave in.
His phone rang with your face on the screen. He happily picked up, expecting his beautiful girlfriend on the other side in her hotel room. What he didn’t expect was his girlfriend trying to fit 19 men on her display.
„Hi baby“, she said happily. He could make out, that she was tipsy if not already drunk. „Hi my love, congratulations on your podium, you did so well, sweetheart.“ - „Thank you, I’m so happy! But, there are a lot of people who want to meet you, actually. Meet the grid!“
Her boyfriend watched the men on the other side of the screen fighting to reach for her phone. „Boys, one at a time, he’ll be overwhelmed“, she giggled.
Lewis was the first one to grab her phone and started his parent-ly rant about not hurting the girl or he‘ll show up with Roscoe. Her boyfriend nodded and promised the older driver to never hurt her.
Daniel was the second one and demanded he tells him a joke. „Uhm, okay, why do cows wear bells?“, he asked Danny. „I don’t know, you tell me.“ - „Because their horns don’t work?“ Daniel snorted and gave her boyfriend a thumps up. „I like him“, he then whispered to y/n.
„How much do you like her?“, Charles asked the poor boy. „I like her like the earth loves the sun, how without it no life would ever grow again.“ Charles looked at the young man and was deeply impressed. „Okay, alright, I guess that’s enough?“
And when Oscar got the phone, all he did was say ,hi‘ and pass it to Zhou. The latter wasn’t even sure what he wanted to say. As he didn’t know the young driver very well. But he did as everyone did and threatened the boyfriend.
Valterri, Esteban and Nico just made a ,dad stare‘ as they would call it. And Carlos said some sweet words about her.
It went on and on until Lando got the phone last. He ran away with it and tried to speak with him privately.
y/n laughed, but wasn’t sure what he was gonna tell her boyfriend.
„Don’t worry, Lando won’t do anything stupid, well, maybe he will, but he won’t cause any harm. You know him“, Oscar reassured her. „I know“, she sighed, „But I’d still like to know what they’re talking about.“
„You know, one time she had to get her wisdom teeth removed and it was so funny seeing her on anaesthesia, oh my god, you should’ve seen her!“
„Oh and there was one time, she crashed because of an engine failure, and she was so sad, but she looked so cute, I swear, like a little baby!“
„Man, are you sure you’re just best friends? You’ve been talking about her like you love her“, her boyfriend said timidly.
„Of course I love her, but she’s my muppet, I couldn’t ever love her like you do, I see it in your eyes, the eyes chico, they never lie“, he giggled.
„I uhm, how did you know? I haven’t told her yet, so please don’t do it for me“, he begged. „I won’t, but no promises, I’m real bad at keeping secrets, to be honest“, Lando tried to promise.
After a while, he handed the phone back to y/n. „Here you go, be lovesick with your boyfriend“, he said in a sing-sung voice.
„Thank you, Lando“, she smiled and gave him a kiss on his cheek, „Thank you to all of you for being so accepting and understanding.“
„We wouldn’t do it any other way, y/n“, Pierre said. „But if he hurts you, we will collectively show up to his house and we can’t promise anything“, Charles threatened.
„Oh guys, I love you all so much, but please don’t hurt my boyfriend.“
„No promises“, Nando whispered darkly. „What was that, Nando? Did you say anything?“, y/n asked him. „No, cariño, nothing at all, we love you too.“
Later, late at night in Australia, y/n‘s boyfriend called her again.
„You know, they all threatened me and I actually got scared. Uhm, Fernando, was it? He is so scary. I thought he was a big old softy, they was you talk about him and his Taylor Swift obsession, but man, was he scary.“
y/n giggled and said, „He is a big softy, he just doesn’t show it that much. What did Carlos say to you? I didn’t understand what he was saying.“ Her boyfriend smiled lovingly at y/n. „Nothing important, just how you bring light into their life’s and how happy they are for us.“ - „Awww Carlitos, I have to thank him the next time.“
„You know, I do think Lando is in love with you, if I didn’t know how much you like me, I would feel threatened“, he laughed lightly.
„I don’t just like you, I love you.“
„You do?“, his heart was racing, just like she was every other weekend. „I love you too.“
„But I swear to god, if they threaten you ever again, I will purposely crash into them at the next race.“
@ironmaiden1313 , @hiireadstuff , @biglittlesecret, @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan , @angelwithoutmywings , @elleeeee21 , @thybulleric , @lpab , @fdl305 , @mellowarcadefun , @teti-menchon0604 , @vildetry06 , @bibissparkles , @aurora-maria , @lunnnix , @sya-skies , @Buckywifeyy , @dakotali , @rechtrecht , @noncannonships , @1eclerc16 , @pitlanebabe , @sopheeg , @avengersheart , @thatsadsmallchild , @peachiicherries , @idkiwantchocolatee , @callsign-scully , @mehrmonga , @badbatch-simp24 , @lissyontour , @din0nugs , @elliegrey2803 , @gay-for-victoria-de-angelis , @10vely-yutazen , @daggersquadphantom , @azriel-the-shadowsinger , @i-love-scott-mccall , @darleneslane , @mikauraurr , @heartmetaphor , @ellswilliams , @thxtmarvelchick , @nataliambc , @dontjudgeabookbythecover , @hockeyboysarehot , @thehistoryone , @zimm04 , @woozarts , @mellowarcadefun , @deephideoutmolkshake , @grimeslvrr , @tallrock35 , @namgification , @pear-1206 , @trouble-sistar , @jxnellat , @littlesatanicassholebitch
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lightsoutletsgo · 3 months
good night's sleep — cs.55 (18+)
pairing: carlos sainz x reader
word count: 5.1k of pure FILTH
warnings: daddy kink, oral and fingering (f receiving), sub space, countdown to orgasm, written with thicc reader in mind but can be read by anyone, brief allusions to choking, sub!reader, brief mention of possible size kink (but blink and you’ll miss it), use of pet names; amor, baby, princesa, corazón 
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You grunted and groaned, wriggling yourself further into the sheets as you tried to get comfortable. You finally found a comfortable position and closed your eyes before huffing in frustration as you grew too hot under the covers, flinging them off. What on earth was wrong with you? You turned to look at the man sleeping next to you. Led on his stomach with one hand under the pillow his head was positioned on, the other laying next to him, occasionally twitching as he dreamed. 
You subconsciously pressed your thighs together as your eyes gazed down the vast expanse of his shirtless back and shoulders, coming back up and eventually stopping on his thick arms, biceps bulging even though he wasn’t flexing them. Your mouth watered and you immediately realised what was wrong. 
You were needy. 
Quickly slipping your panties off underneath Carlos’ shirt you slowly crawled over to him, softly poking his side 
“Carlos…” He was quick to wake up and roll over to face you, 
“Mi amor, is everything okay?!” As he slowly realised you were calling him he quickly shot up, hands cupping your face as he sat up against the headboard 
“Amor talk to me…” 
“I-I…” You trailed off, hands fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
“Come on baby, I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong, okay?” Carlos’ eyes searched your face for any indicator, one hand dropping to rub soothing circles onto your hip- his hand paused as he slowly realised why you’d woken him up.
“D-do you have panties on right now ?” 
You felt your cheeks heat up heavily as you slowly shook your head shyly… 
“No… need-needed you…” a smirk overtook Carlos’ face as he guided you to crawl onto his lap, plopping yourself down directly onto his crotch where you could already feel him hardening. You let out a soft moan as your hips automatically began to grind. 
“Nuh-uh uh amor,” The hand on your hip gripped tightly as the hand cupping your face slid down to hold your throat gently. “Not yet.” whining needily, you pouted as he laughed at your cute reaction, leaning in to press his lips to yours. 
You felt his lips stretch into a smile through the kiss. 
“Such a sweet girl” he murmured into the kiss “Always so good for me”
You broke away to nod frantically, 
“Always good for you, wanna be your good girl!” Carlos hushed you gently, 
“Easy corazón, it’s okay, let me take care of you hmm?” You nodded, feeling your head grow fuzzy and your chest grow warm as Carlos led you down in the space next to him before climbing on top of you. You sighed happily, feeling small underneath him and the dominant aura he emitted. 
“What do you want, baby?” You frowned, biting your bottom lip, he knew what you wanted, why was he making you ask? 
“Come on princesa,” Carlos’ thumb pulled your lip from between your teeth, gently soothing over the bite mark you’d left behind, “I need to hear you say it so I know for sure it’s what you want, okay?” You nodded, 
“I-I want you to make me cum… p-please… daddy?”
“Good girl,” Carlos cooed at you, pressing kisses to each of your hot cheeks and one to the tip of your nose before he looked straight into your eyes, 
“You want my fingers or my tongue amor? or maybe…” He smirked at you, pausing as his tongue licked his lower lip slowly, “you want both?” you squealed and brought your hands up to cover your face at his lewd words as he gave a low chuckle, 
“I‘ll take that as a yes, princesa…” He pressed one final kiss to your forehead before moving down your body. Gently pressing kisses down the column of your neck, 
“You smell so sweet, mi amor…” He lifted the hem of his shirt to sit above your breasts, inhaling sharply as his eyes caught your perky nipples, he left soft kisses on the swell of each breast before moving to leave gentle licks and nips to your soft tummy and thick hips. He eventually reached between your thighs and you moaned at the sight of him between your legs staring up at you.
“Well well well, what do we have here? You really are needy aren’t you hmm?” Carlos hissed as his fingers collected the slick that was already at the entrance of your tight hole and you heard him gasp when he realised how it coated your inner thighs and dripped down to your ass, pooling on the sheets beneath you, 
“Oh poor baby… you must have been feeling so needy before daddy woke up huh?” You nodded, a small whine slipping from your throat, he hadn’t even done anything yet and you were already losing your mind. 
“Okay then princesa, I’ll take care of you,” A moan tumbled out of your mouth as you watched him hook your legs over his broad shoulders, his arms flexing as he tightly gripped the tops of your plush thighs to keep them open. You broke eye contact when he inhaled, closing your eyes tightly as his eyes rolled into the back of his head, partly embarrassed at the lewd display and partly too turned on to think straight. He cursed in Spanish, the low and rough sound sending shivers down your spine. He dropped his head down to gently lap at your clit and you wailed out immediately, hands flying, tightly gripping his hair. 
Carlos growled into your cunt at the sensation, making that tingling feeling in your lower belly immediately flare up.  
“That’s it amor… daddy wants to hear every pretty noise you can make…” His lapping and sucking continued before he nuzzled his way down even further, tongue darting out to taste your sweet arousal straight from the source, 
“You’re delectable princesa, you know that?” Moans were constantly pouring out of your mouth as he drank up every last drop that your sweet pussy offered him. 
“Mmm, wanna stretch you out…,” You felt one hand slip from around your thigh as his middle finger began teasing your tight hole and he laughed as your hips bucked up, chasing his hand, 
“Easy there princesa.” You whimpered as his finger slid into your heat. 
“M-more Carlos p-please…”
“You want more? But we’ve only just started… You’re such a needy little thing, I love it.” He pressed a light kiss to your clit as his finger curled upwards, finding that spot that made your hips jerk and your thighs shake. You moaned as your eyes rolled back, closing tightly as your body succumbed to the sensations. You were pulled out of that space by a sharp slap to the inside of your thigh, eyes shooting open to look at Carlos. 
“Eyes on me amor or I will stop, understand?” You nodded quickly, “Words baby…” 
“Y-yes ngh, daddy!”
“Good girl… I just want to look into my pretty baby’s gorgeous eyes when she cums.” He smirked into your pussy as he leant down to begin gently sucking your clit once more, his finger slowly curling into your heat. You whined as you felt your cunt throb from his ministrations. 
“D-daddy… feels so good!” You writhed underneath him, hips beginning to chase the feeling. 
Everything felt hot. It was all too hot and too much, 
“P-please please please…” you chanted as he began to drag sloppy licks and kisses over your clit and his fingers sped up slightly, his free hand tightly squeezing your thigh, the flesh spilling out between his fingers. You grabbed at his wrist on your thigh, drooling over the muscle and veins you felt as his body flexed in an attempt to keep your body in one place. You tugged at his hair, Carlos refusing to let up. 
“Carlos, I’m so close!” You whimpered out, “Wanna cum please…” Everything felt fuzzy and you could hear a roaring noise filling your ears. Your eyes filled with tears as your body convulsed and thrashed from the overwhelming pleasure. 
“Sh-sh-shhh it’s okay princesa, I’m gonna count down for you to help you focus okay?” You were beyond words now, unable to form any syllables other than his name and incoherent moans and gasps. 
“Alright then mi amor 5… Such a sweet girl.” You whimpered at Carlos’ voice, 
“4… Look at you taking everything I give you so well…”, His words, other than the numbers, were murmured into your pussy between more soft sloppy kisses to your clit, his spit dripping down and soaking your pussy lips even more,
“3… Can’t wait to see you cum angel, always so beautiful when you cum for me…” His fingers sped up as each movement pushed them up against your g-spot,
“2… Fuck yes princesa, squeeze my fingers more that’s it, good girl…” You felt yourself on the edge, ready to tip over, the only thing you needed was-
“1… Cum for me princesa.” A strangled squeal was ripped from your throat as you obeyed his command and finally felt your orgasm hit you, the hot white heat spreading from your core, right to the tips of your fingers and toes. 
“Fuck yes… good girl… you’re squeezing my fingers so tight baby, did you like that huh?” Carlos slowed his fingers down before gently sliding them out of you as he crawled back up your body, 
“Clean my fingers up then baby.” He held his fingers in front of your mouth, pressing a kiss to your forehead when you happily began to suck them clean with a contented sigh 
“Good girl, mi amor, so good for me.” He slid into bed next to you, pulling you into his arms tightly, your back to his chest, relishing in the way your soft body curled up into his muscular one, your fingernails gently running up and down the arm that held your waist tightly. He continued to press soft kisses to your head, 
“Sleep now princesa, I bet you’re feeling a little tired huh?” His deep voice rumbling through your back sent pleasant vibrations up your spine and you giggled, pushing yourself back into him further until your ass met his crotch. You gasped, 
“Oh! Umm… What ‘bout you…” You trailed off shyly, Carlos hushed you gently, chuckling at your cuteness,
“I’m okay amor, you can help me tomorrow okay?” You nodded before snuggling yourself back down into his warmth, 
“Such a pretty girl aren’t you?”, “Love you so much mi corazón”, “You always make me feel so good”, “So proud of you mi amore.” Each praise was followed up with more gentle kisses as you drifted off to sleep. 
“Sleep well princesa.”
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allywthsr · 7 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY | (l.norris)
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summary: it’s Lando’s birthday and you’re celebrating!
wordcount: 2.8k words
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: smut! oral m!receving, grabbing breasts
notes: something small for Lando’s birthday! I wrote this today because I was focused on writing something for december and I forgot to write a fic😭 comment your thoughts!
You looked at the clock and saw that it was way too early. Only 8:37 am and the plans for Lando’s birthday party were only starting in the evening, you planned a big party in a club where all of his friends and his family would celebrate him. You looked to your right and saw a sleeping Lando that had an arm draped over his face and the other arm was hanging over your belly, the duvet was missing from his body and you saw a small bulge in his boxer shorts. Maybe that was how you could wake him up, he only deserved the best treatment on his birthday, and after the mindblowing sex you both had after you celebrated his birthday when the clock struck midnight, it was time for some sexy time only for Lando. He told you at least once a day how much he loved your blowjobs, saying you have some magic power. So you got to work.
You carefully lifted the arm that was over your belly off it and put it next to his body on the mattress, you touched his v-line and caressed slowly towards his growing bulge. You didn’t want to wake him up before you could pleasure him, so you wanted to be as careful as you could, but you wanted to get him a little harder and kept on teasing him. Quiet whines came out of his mouth but his chest kept rising peacefully, and he kept sleeping. When you decided it was enough, and the bulge was large enough you sat up and carefully sat over his legs, where you could reach his dick, your fingers slipped into the waistband of his boxers and pulled it down. He must be in deep sleep because he didn’t notice how his dick sprung towards the ceiling and your mouth started to water, but not only your mouth. The long and thick member was covered with veins and laid heavy in your hand when you carefully touched his dick after you spit in your hand to lubricate it. You started to slowly jerk him off and got him hard enough to put him in your mouth.
Now he started to breathe faster and started to move around, his hands were trying to grip something and whines kept coming out of his mouth. When you finally put him in your mouth and bobbed your head up and down, he woke up.
”Shit Y/N, what are you doing?“
You released him out of your mouth and looked at him with an innocent look. ”Relax, baby, lean back and enjoy the show. You deserve only the best on your birthday, and I know how much you love my blowjobs.“
”You‘ll be the death of me.“
He gripped your hair into a makeshift ponytail and you went back to pleasuring him with your mouth. This time you wrapped your hand around the base of his dick and applied gentle pressure to make him go crazy. According to his grunts and moans, it did just that, he slightly pulled on your hair, and that made you groan, which made him groan because of the vibration that reached his tip. With your tongue you explored the veins and circled his tip, gliding along his slit and sucking his member. You kept bobbing your head up and down and with every stroke, lick and every suck his dick started to twitch and his tip leaked pre cum, you released his member and looked at him.
”Is that good?“
”Baby, I‘ll die if you ever stop working your magic on my dick.“
You chuckled and wiped over your mouth, your spit mixed with his white liquid spilled out of your mouth and made its way down to your chin.
”You look so pretty with your mouth full and your spit leaking out of it. Never stop.“
With that you got back to work and slipped his member in your mouth, moving your head and pleasuring him as best as you could. That seemed to work as not long after you started again, he spilled his cum down your throat and came with a loud moan, pulling on your hair. You removed your mouth from his member and wiped over it again, now removing the spilled cum that dribbled on your lips.
”You are the best blowjob giver there is. Thank you for waking me that way.“
”Always for the birthday boy, happy birthday again, baby. You’re going to get your presents later, okay? I‘m ready for breakfast.“
You came back up to him and laid down on top of him, cuddling into his chest.
”Thank you, angel. I‘m ready to lay in bed all day with you.“
But that was not how you planned it, the party was a surprise party, he didn’t know all his friends were already in Vegas, waiting for tonight. And that wasn’t the only thing you planned. Later you had to pick up a cake that you ordered for him, a chocolate cake with ’Happy birthday, I love you‘ written on top of it, it was mainly for his party but you had organized some cupcakes as well, that you could eat beforehand, you ordered papaya and neon yellow colored frosting.
You two lay in bed until you both got hungry and decided to go eat breakfast in a café you found yesterday. It was a small and hidden restaurant that served breakfast until midday, so eventually, when you both got ready and dressed, you had to deny Lando another round of sex or otherwise you would have had the cake from the party for breakfast.
You made your way out of the hotel and Fans waited for Lando outside, he took his time with them, trying to fulfill everyone their wishes but it was impossible to take the time and have a quick chat with everyone. In the end, you both were super hungry and the restaurant would stop preparing breakfast soon, with the help of some hotel employees you two were able to go to the café that was only two blocks away from your hotel.
You ordered your favorite and Lando chose some pancakes, Jon just wasn’t allowed to know they existed, but it was his birthday, how could you say no to him on his birthday? Until the weekend he had enough time to run an extra mile or two to get rid of them. You spent a lovely time eating together and talking about random stuff, when you returned to the hotel it was time for presents.
It was hard to get presents for Lando, he was rich and could buy everything he wanted, and he did.
You made a photo book with pictures from your last year together, it became a tradition for every birthday and Lando loved looking at them, seeing all the pictures and whatever you wrote next to them. You also got a new hoodie from his favorite brand, the hoodie season has begun now and he always said how he did not have enough hoodies, you didn’t believe him but he is addicted to them and you would support his addiction (eventually you would wear them anyway). Another tradition was to give him a self-made card, every year you would design a card on the internet and write a text in the card, he loved them and kept every single one. One last thing you brought with you, was his favorite Parfum. It wasn’t a planned gift, but he emptied his old one, and you bought him a new one to use. The big present was waiting for him at home, it was a billiard table, over the last races he found his new love. Billiard. He was playing it in every hotel with you and other drivers, he said that he needed to buy a table like this for his home, but hadn’t found the perfect one yet, but you did.
So when Lando was in the bathroom, you put up the presents on the bed and waited for him to come out, his eyes lit up when he did.
”Baby, there are so many presents, I told you, you didn’t have to get me anything!“
You rolled your eyes, every year was the same. Of course, you would get his presents, no matter what he said.
”Come open them!“
He read your card first and with teary eyes, which he told you, weren’t tears, just his eyes were watering because he got conjunctivitis, sometimes he was too proud to admit these things. But he kissed and hugged you tight, thanking you a thousand times. He kept on opening his presents, and with every present, his smile got bigger. Looks like you nailed this year, but he didn’t know about the billiard table yet.
”There’s one more present that I couldn’t take with me“, he looked at you with big eyes, ”but these are enough presents baby!“
”I wanted to get you one more, you‘ll love this one. It’s something you‘ve wanted for quite some time now, it’s big, and it has balls, and a stick.“
”I have balls.“
You let out a laugh and shook your head.
”Yes, but this is something you‘ve wanted.“
”You didn’t get me a billiard table, did you?“
Before you could do or say anything else, he ran towards you and hugged you tightly.
”That’s too expensive!“
”I bought a smaller version, we don’t have the space for a big one, it wasn’t as expensive as you might think.“
He hugged you tighter and lifted his head to steal a kiss.
”You’re the best, thank you!“
”Everything for you, birthday boy.“
He lifted you and threw you on the bed, where he joined you, he laid himself on top of you and his eyes wandered between your eyes and his lips. You knew where this would lead, but you didn’t have enough time, you still had to get the cake and cupcakes and get ready for the party.
He pressed his lips on yours, and things escalated quickly. His hand made its way under your shirt and cupped your bra-covered boob, squeezing it slightly, when you moaned, he slipped his tongue in your mouth to fight for dominance. But you had to stop it, so you broke off the kiss.
”No! Baby, I have to get something I ordered for your birthday. I‘m so sorry. Later, yeah?“
He pouted and pulled you tight to his body, where you could feel his growing boner. You gave him one last kiss on his lips and got up, collecting everything you needed, before going to the bakery.
Everything turned out perfect, the cake and the cupcakes, they looked like a piece of art, the bakery was so kind and gave you a small candle that you could put on of the cupcakes later, you grabbed them and made a detour to the club you rented for tonight, it wasn’t only you, but Max Fewtrell and Martin Garrix helped you to find the club and also covering most of the costs, you left the cake in a fridge, the staff showed you, checked out the place and decorations and quickly you returned to the hotel, so Lando wouldn’t get suspicious where you were.
You held the card against the door handle, and the red light turned green and you could enter the room with your box of cupcakes in hand. Lando was lying on the bed, chilling on his phone and probably answering birthday messages.
”Baby, I‘m back!“
He threw his phone to the side, ” Finally! I missed you“, he looked at your hand, ” What do you have in there?“
”I bought some cupcakes, so you could make a wish.“
”You didn’t need to do that.“
”Of course! I couldn’t bake you a cake, so I had to order one, or many small ones.“
You opened the box and grabbed the candle, sticking it in one of the neon yellow cupcakes, and lighting it with a lighter you found in your bag. You sat down on the bed next to him and started singing ’Happy Birthday‘while holding the tray of cupcakes in front of his face. His smile was big as he looked at you, he admired you. You went all out for his birthday, every year, he never knew how to give it all back, but he did.
”Make a wish!“
He closed his eyes and thought about something he could wish for, he had everything he needed, and he was happy with his life, so he made a wish and blew the candle out.
”Yey! Happy birthday my angel!“
”Thank you!“
You put the tray next to you and hugged him tight, before grabbing a cupcake for you and for him. At the same time, you both took a bite and let out a moan. It tasted like heaven, you couldn’t wait for the cake later.
You still had three hours until you had to be at the venue, so you enjoyed the quiet moment with Lando. Now all you had to do, was to get him to the party, you didn’t know how, but you were sure you would find a way.
”Do you want to go out later? Celebrate in a club or something?“
”I��d rather stay in with you.“
Shit, you didn’t think he would say that.
”Are you sure? We could ask some of the boys to come with us, I met Oscar in the lobby and he said he would come.“
You didn’t meet him, you had to make up an excuse.
”Maybe, but I‘d like to have a chill night.“
”But I brought my partying outfit, it would be a waste not to put it on.“
”Baby, why are you so persistent with going to a club later?“
”Because it’s your birthday and I want to celebrate the shit out of you!“
He chuckled and hugged you.
”Okay, let’s go out tonight if we’re too drunk, we might get married in a chapel, I heard there is an f1 chapel this year.“
”Let’s start small, okay“, you laughed and went into his hair to tug at a few pieces.
So you both went and showered, getting ready for tonight, you put on your best outfit and Lando did the same, before ordering a cab to take you to the venue.
You got out of the car and stood in front of the club, you pulled on his hand and walked to the entrance of the club. It was dark and quiet when the bouncer let you in.
”Are you sure we are in the right club? I don’t think it’s supposed to be quiet.“
”That’s weird, but this club had good google ratings.“
”But you can’t always trust Google, baby.“
”Let’s go into the main room, maybe there’s something.“
So you pushed open the big door and came into another dark room, you grabbed Lando’s hand tight.
Suddenly the light turned on and a lot of people jumped up and screamed to him. Clearly stunned, he tried to say something but just looked in between you and the people.
”Baby, what is that?“
”My last gift to you, a party with all your friends and family.“
He put his hand on your lower back and hugged you to his side while walking further into the room to greet everyone. Eventually, he had said hello to every friend and family member and the party could begin, the music started playing and no other than Martin Garrix stood behind the DJ console. Lando couldn’t believe that all of his family and friends were here only for him, he thanked you way too many times but he was just super happy. The first drinks were downed fast and the mood picked up, and at some point, Lando stood next to Martin and played his own set. Everyone was dancing and having a good time, you were happy that everything went smoothly and it all went as planned. The cake was cut shortly before midnight and his face lit up when he saw the big cake, it tasted as amazing as the cupcakes earlier. Lando kept coming to you to dance or try to dance, he wasn’t the greatest dancer, but with the alcohol flowing in his veins, he was able to do anything he wanted.
As the time went on, both of you got more drunk, like everyone else, and let’s just say, if it wasn’t for Max, both of you would’ve been married.
📍Las Vegas
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Tagged: landonorris
yourusername: happy birthday my baby! I wish you the best, can’t wait to spent eternity with you. You’re 24! But you know what funnier than 24? 25! ❤️
landonorris: thank you my baby! And thank you for the cupcakes, I’ll have to an extra mile on the treadmill now..
yourusername: ❤️
username1: Happy birthday!
username2: they’re so cute🥹
maxfewtrell: my brother is so lucky!
landonorris: I am!
username3: I want what they have
username4: the cupcakes!!!
874 notes · View notes
fvsm4x · 7 months
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#SLEEPOVER [Gojo Satoru]
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SUMMARY: he is your best friend and the two of you are having a sleepover.
— C.W: sub! Gojo Satoru x dom! female reader , 18+ only , nsfw , riding , blowjob , multiple orgasm , dirty talk , unprotected , pet names , shy gojo , not proofread!
— WORD COUNT : 2.2k
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It had been a while since you and Gojo had some quality time together, just the two of you. Life had been hectic, and you both felt the need to catch up and relax.
So, why not have a sleepover?
After discussing your schedules, you settled on a date that worked for both of you. The excitement of the upcoming sleepover added a spark to your days, and you eagerly prepared your place for the special night.
Finally, the day arrived, and you found yourself standing in front of your wardrobe, carefully selecting your sleepover attire. You settled on a soft, worn-in T-shirt that had become your go-to for comfort, paired with a pair of loose, breathable shorts.
As you finish getting dressed, the sound of the doorbell ringing interrupts your thoughts. Your heart skips a beat, knowing that it must be Gojo. With a quick glance in the mirror to make sure everything is in place, you rush to the front door,
As you swing open the door, there stands Gojo, a small grin on his face, but a hint of shyness in his eyes. His cheeks slightly flush as he sees you, and you waste no time in enveloping him in a warm, tight hug.
"I've missed you!" you chuckled, breaking away from the hug. "Come inside."
"Thanks," Satoru mumbled, his grin turning even more bashful as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. It was clear that he had missed you just as much, if not more.
He looked around your living room, taking in the familiar sights and smells. "So," he said, clearing his throat nervously. "What do you want to do tonight?
„Well..I was thinking of watching a movie. I bought a lot of extra sweets for you.“ you said with a chuckle, a mischievous glint in your eye as you remembered his notorious sweet tooth.
„Ah..Thanks y/n-chan.“ he replied,“Where should I put my things.“ He showed me his gym bag.
„You can put it in my room, considering you'll be sleeping in there. You remember where it is, right?“ you asked.
„Ah, yes, of course." he replied, his cheeks flushing slightly.
„Alright, put your things there while I‘ll bring the snacks.“ you exclaimed, turning around to head to the kitchen. As you got the snacks ready, Gojo made his way towards your room.
As Gojo entered your room, his eyes quickly scanned the area. He noticed the open drawer by the closet, and as he approached it to place his bag inside, he couldn't help but catch a glimpse of the contents. His eyes widened slightly as he realized it was filled with your panties, an unexpected sight that sent a jolt through him.
His heart raced, and he felt a sudden rush of warmth surge through his body. He was acutely aware of the way his chest tightened and his breath quickened. In that moment, he couldn't help but notice how his body reacted to the sight before him. His dick, confined within his pants, gave a noticeable twitch, a physical response he had not anticipated.
Gojo felt a sudden surge of embarrassment and his cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. He knew he was in your room, and this sight was entirely unintentional, but he couldn't deny the effect it had on him. He quickly placed his bag by the closet, his thoughts momentarily preoccupied with the image of your panties, and then turned away, attempting to regain his composure.
He took a deep breath to calm his racing heart and tried to shake off the lingering embarrassment. He returned to the living room, where you were sitting on the sofa, waiting for him.
He found a place beside you and couldn't help but smile, trying to push aside the unexpected encounter in your room.
"You want some?" you asked, extending the water bottle towards him, but Gojo politely declined with a shrug. You opened the bottle and took a sip, savoring the cool liquid.
As you drank from the bottle, Gojo couldn't help but steal glances at you, trying his best not to be too obvious. He felt a growing warmth in his cheeks and an increasing tightness in his pants, which he desperately tried to ignore. Your shirt had become slightly translucent due to the water you had spilled on it, and the outline of your chest was now visible. He also couldn't help but notice your perky nipples, which only added to his internal struggle.
Gojo let out a sigh, as he grabbed the bowl of popcorn on the table, trying to distract himself from the view of your chest. He cleared his throat, attempting to sound as innocent as possible as he settled down next to you on the couch.
"Y/N, w-what are we going to watch?" he asked, his eyes deliberately focused on the TV screen,
You gave Gojo a mischievous grin as you selected a movie from your collection. To his surprise and slight embarrassment, it turned out to be a slightly more risqué film than he had anticipated. As the movie started, he couldn't help but shift uncomfortably on the couch.
Gojo tried his best to concentrate on the movie's plot, but the scenes on the screen were rather distracting, and he could feel his face heating up. He discreetly stole glances at you, wondering if you had chosen this movie intentionally.
„Why did you choose that movie,“ Gojo muttered to you, meanwhile on the screen, the male lead started passionately kissing the female lead while groping her breast,
You couldn't help but chuckle at his flustered reaction. "Why not," you playfully replied, "Are you hard or something?"
His eyes widened at your blunt question, and he tried to discreetly adjust himself in his seat, hoping you wouldn't notice his bulge. "N-No, of course not," he protested,
„Sure..,“You leaned closer to Gojo, pretending to reach for the popcorn bowl on his lap. However, instead of grabbing the popcorn, your hand brushed against his bulge.
Gojo gasped and looked at you with wide eyes. "Y/N, what are you doing?" he whispered,
With a sly smile, you leaned in even closer, your fingers lightly squeezing his bulge, causing him to shudder. "I thought you might need help,"
Gojo's breath hitched. The movie on the screen was quickly forgotten as your hand ventured into his sweatpants. You could feel the heat radiating from his skin, and the sensation of your fingers brushing against his tip made him shudder. His hard length throbbed beneath the fabric, eager for more attention.
With a teasing smile, you lightly smeared the pre-cum across the head, causing Gojo to let out a low, moan.
Your fingers danced across the sensitive skin of his tip, eliciting more groans and needy sounds from Gojo. He couldn't focus on the movie or any pretense of innocence any longer. His head leaned back slightly as he allowed himself to savor the pleasure your hand was delivering.
Your fingers, slick with Gojo's pre-cum, continued to glide along the veins of his throbbing staff. You could feel the powerful pulse beneath your touch, and Gojo's moans grew more desperate as he surrendered to the pleasure.
He couldn't help but watch as your hand moved up and down, your fingers caressing him, your touch sending waves of ecstasy through his body. He knew that he wouldn't be able to hold back much longer, and he wanted to fully experience the release that was so tantalizingly close.
"Please..." Gojo moaned, his hand gripping the armrest of the sofa as he couldn't contain his desire.
With a smile, you released your hand from his throbbing staff and leaned in. Your lips, guided by your teeth, pulled down Gojo's sweatpants, revealing his aching erection. It sprung free and lightly brushed against your cheek,“Never expected you to be so big,“ you chuckled, as your tongue swirled around his sensitive tip, drawing a throaty gasp from him.
You moved your tongue sensuously along his length, swirling and dancing around his throbbing shaft. You savored the taste of him, your lips forming a tight seal as you slid down, taking him deep into your mouth.
Gojo's moans grew louder, his grip on the armrest tightening as the pleasure surged through him.
With a deep groan, he pushed your head further, encouraging you to take more of him into your warm, wet mouth. His hips lifted slightly, seeking more of your sweet, tantalizing touch.
As you took more of him into your mouth, you couldn't help but gag slightly. His size was overwhelming, and it elicited involuntary tears from your eyes.
With the parts that couldn't fit into your mouth, you used your hands to stroke him. Your warm mouth combined with your skilled hands created a sensation that sent shivers down his spine. His hips began to move in rhythm with your actions,
„D-Don‘t stop!“ Gojo's breaths quickened, and with a final, deep groan, he climaxed in your mouth. You continued to suck him, making sure to catch every drop of his release. His body tensed as wave after wave of pleasure washed over him, leaving him gasping for breath.
You withdrew from his throbbing erection, a glistening strand of saliva connecting your lips to his staff. Gojo looked at you, his face flushed, and stammered, "Y-you can spit it out..." He watched nervously.
You opened your mouth, revealing that you had already swallowed every drop of his cum. His blush intensified upon seeing that you had willingly swallowed it all.
You got to your feet, sliding your shorts and panties down your legs. Then, you approached him and settled on his abdomen. You leaned in for a passionate kiss. The kiss was deep and hungry, a mixture of longing and desire. Your tongues danced in a sensuous rhythm, exploring each other's mouths
You broke away from the kiss and slowly lowered yourself over his staff. Each inch you took inside was met with a whimper from Gojo. Your tightness enveloped him, causing a surge of pleasure to shoot through his body as if he were being consumed by a feverish inferno.
You lifted your shirt, your breasts bounced as you did so, and Gojo couldn't help but curse softly under his breath. Sweat trickled down his forehead, and his lips trembled.
You smiled and guided his hands to your chest, letting him feel your breasts before leaning in for another kiss.
Your movements were slow and deliberate as you began to ride him. Every inch of his large manhood stretched you out, making you gasp at the pleasurable discomfort.
Gojo's hands cupped your breasts, feeling their softness and warmth. His thumbs brushed gently over your sensitive nipples, sending waves of sensation through your body. He squeezed and massaged your breasts, paying close attention to your body's responses,
His size filled you completely, and the sensation was a mix of pleasure and pressure. You could feel every inch of him as he slid in and out of you, and your inner muscles clenched around his hardness.
Your breathing grew heavy "You feel so good inside me, s‘toru.." you moaned, "I want all of you, every inch."
Gojo's face grew warm at your words, his cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. He tried to avoid direct eye contact, but your hand on his cheek gently guided his gaze back to yours.
„Don‘t get shy on me now.“ you spoke. You kissed and nibbled along Gojo's neck, teasing nibbles and gentle suction. Your lips and tongue left a trail of warmth on his skin.
Gojo let out a soft moan. He tried to suppress his shyness, but the sensations you were causing made it difficult. Your words and actions were driving him wild,
Both of you could feel the heat rising, desire building with every passionate move. Your hips moved in a synchronized rhythm, your bodies intertwined. Gojo's fingers dug into your hips as he thrust deeper, lost in the whirlwind of pleasure.
Gojo's ragged breaths mixed with your own, each gasp and moan pushing you both closer to the edge. The room filled with the intoxicating scent of desire and the sound of your passionate entwining. It was clear that both of you were reaching the peak of your pleasure.
He looked into your eyes with an intense, almost desperate gaze, and he couldn't hold back any longer. "Y/N… I-I need you. Please.. let me c-come inside you.. please-"
Your heart raced, the connection between you and Gojo reaching its climax. The thought of him losing control and releasing inside you sent a shiver of anticipation through your body. With a sensual smile,“Of course, baby.“ you replied
Gojo's hips moved, as he approached his climax. The sensations were overwhelming, and the world seemed to fade away as he pushed you both toward ecstasy. He thrust deeper and harder, his breaths coming in ragged gasps.
Finally, the intense pleasure consumed him, and he released with a primal groan, spilling his warmth inside you. The feeling of him pulsating as he came sent you over the edge as well, and you joined him in a passionate release, your bodies trembling with pleasure.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, your lips brushing against his earlobe as you whispered, "You're such a good boy.." A tender kiss landed on his cheek,"Shall we continue in the bedroom?"
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© fvsm4x ; DO NOT REPOST
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lqvesoph · 2 months
She‘s WHOSE daughter??? || LN4
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gif by @formulaonedirection
lando norris x webber!reader
summary: After releasing your new album you go to the Bahrain Grand Prix to finally see your two favorite Aussie’s. What you didn’t expect is to meet a certain Brit as well.
part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
masterlist | taglist
Part 1
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yn.adams: Thank you for all the love on GUTS!!! Tour is coming I promissssse but now off to Bahrain🏁
gracieabrams: YOURE UNREAL
rachelzegler: all american t*ts frr
danielricciardo: Okay who am I fighting today🥊
oscarpiastri: See u in Bahrain (finally)
> yn.adams: FINALLY!!!
> oscarpiastri: You‘ve become busy since becoming a world star🥲
> fan: FINALLY!! Its been ages
fan: Has she ever been to a race??
> fan: Well… I mean obviously LMAO😭
fan: U supporting Red Bull or Mclaren this weekend?
> yn.adams: Rbr obviously!! Not even Oscar can get me into that orange Garage🤨
> oscarpiastri: It’s PAPAYA!!!
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"GOOD MORNING!!!", an australian accent yelled into your ear just moments after you entered the Bahrain paddock.
You flinched, immediately slapping the person’s arm. "Daniel!!!", you called and pushed the driver away from you as he tried to pull you into a hug.
"I‘ve missed you so much", he mumbled, pressing you close to him and ruffling your hair after, which made you slap his hand away from your head.
"You seen Osc yet?“, you asked, looking around you, spotting a few photographers whose camera’s where direct to you. Daniel shook his head. "Nope, I thought you‘d come together. I‘m surprised you’re only here now."
You rolled your eyes and kept walking with Daniel. "I was on a video call with my team, discussing the upcoming tour. We gotta work out a schedule and call the venues and stuff", you replied. "We‘ve been on there even before the album came out and I still haven’t completely made up my mind."
"Indecisive little shit", Daniel laughed, making you slap his arm with a chuckle. You made your way to the Red Bull hospitality, Daniel waving at a few people from Mclaren that he was still friends with even after he left the team at the end of the 2022 season.
"I think Kelly and P are in there", he told you before hugging you goodbye. "If you see Oscar, tell him I‘m looking for him", you said, smiling and ruffling through Daniel‘s hair as some sorta revenge, before quickly stepping back and running up the stairs to the entrance.
Daniel laughed and pointed a finger at you. "I‘m gonna get you back!" You giggled and waved as you walked backwards into the hospitality.
Looking around the room you quickly spotted Kelly with her daughter Penelope sitting on a creme coloured couch.
"Heyy, honey", she greeted you and got up to hug you. "Hey, darling", you then said and lifted Penelope up who was reaching her arms out to you.
Just when you sat down, your phone chimed with a new message.
Osc🧡: Meet me in front of Mclaren
You: I‘m not going in tho
Osc🧡: Well I can’t really walk into Red Bull can I?
You: 🙄okay
"I‘ll be back soon, Oscar just texted", you let Kelly know and high fived P who giggled as you did. Jeez, how much you missed that little sunshine!
You glanced around the front porch of Mclaren‘s hospitality but didn’t spot Oscar. And as you didn’t just want to walk into the building you stayed where you were, next to the steps leading up to the entrance.
"You walked in with Danny, right?", someone spoke behind you, making you turn around. The confused expression on your face quickly leaving when you came face to face with the other Mclaren driver.
He sat at one of the tables with another curly haired guy and a blonde girl.
You nodded. "Yeah", you simply said. "You wanna come up here?", he asked, gesturing to the empty chair next to him.
You‘ve never spoken to Lando Norris, all you knew about him was through stories from either Oscar or Daniel. You knew that he spent some of his winterbreak with Danny and Martin in Australia. Daniel had asked you to come along as well but you were busy with the release of your new album so you had to decline.
You looked around you one last time, trying to find Oscar but failed, so you nodded and took the few stairs up to the table the three of them were sitting at.
As you stood directly in front of them, you saw how the blonde girl recognized you. You‘ve always been good at reading people but over the last years you‘ve become incredibly good at telling whether people recognized you when facing them. Even if they try their hardest to hide it, that small second when their eyes widen in realization was enough for you to tell.
"I‘m Lando", he introduced himself, holding a hand out to greet you. "Y/n, nice to meet you", you smiled, trying to ignore the urge to tell him 'I know, I‘m friends with Daniel and Oscar'. "Max and Pietra, friends of me", he then gestured over to the people sitting across from you.
"So, how do you know Daniel?", Lando asked, crossing his arms on the table. "I‘ve known him since I was 8 years old, I think", you smiled, remembering tiny 8 year old you giggling and blushing when first talking to Daniel at the British Grand Prix. "Really?", his eyes widened. "How did you meet?" "Uh, through my dad, he‘s from Australia as well", you answered, leaving out most of the details.
"You‘re australian?", Lando questioned with raised eyesbrows. "No no, my dad is. My mom‘s from America and I kinda grew up between California and Canberra", you explained.
"However, for some reason she likes to ignore her australian origin", a voice said behind you, making you smirk as you recognized the familiar Melbourne accent.
You turned around in your chair and stood up before wrapping your arms around Oscar. "Hey, princess", he laughed. "How‘ve you been?"
"Bit stressful with Tour at the minute but it feels so good to be back here!", you grinned.
As you turned back to the other three, you couldn’t help but notice Lando‘s confused face. Maybe it was the fact you basically jumped Oscar or that he‘d called you 'princess', something he‘s been doing ever since your first Tour when you got gifted a little crown from your fans because it matched the dress you were wearing on stage.
"I se you‘ve made friends already, might wanna stay here for the race?", Oscar asked with a smirk. You slapped the back of his head in an affectionate way. "Nuh uh, nice try, Piastri", you chuckled. "I‘ll be watching from Red Bull, you know that."
The confused expression on Lando‘s face only seemed to deepen with everything you said so you gave him a quick explanation. "My father used to work at Red Bull, so it‘s the team I‘ve grown up with and I‘m not leaving that."
Oscar snorted at you little white lie but you rammed your elbow into his side to get him to keep quiet.
Lando nodded, still slightly confused by the way you and Oscar acted with each other but before he could question it, a team member walked out of the door and told the two drivers to start getting ready for the race.
"I‘ll see you later, okay? You‘re driving back with Daniel?", your best friend asked. "I haven’t talked to him about it but-" "Okay, then I‘m taking you back to the hotel", he interrupted you with a grin.
"Jeez, splitting my time with you two like you‘re my parents", you laughed but agreed and hugged the driver goodbye.
"Bye, bye!", you waved to Lando, Max and Pietra before walking back over to Red Bull.
After the race and all the podium celebrations, you waited in front of the Mclaren hospitality for Oscar, scrolling mindlessly on your Twitter while ignoring the 22 unread messages from your management.
"Hey, Y/n", a voice said behind you, making you look up from your phone. "Lando, hi. Congrats on your race", you smiled. "Thanks, could’ve been better but we‘ll try again next week", he shrugged.
"Jeddah, right?", you asked, not having memorized the calendar quite yet. The driver nodded and played around with the orange lanyard in his hands.
"You coming?", he dared to ask after a few seconds and from the way his fingers fiddled with the orange band faster, you could tell how nervous he was. You shrugged. "I don’t know yet, I’m quite busy with work at the minute, so probably no. But I‘ll definitely be in Melbourne", you replied, trying to lighten the mood by adding the last sentence.
"Pietra told me you’re a singer", he revealed, making you smile at the memory of the blonde girl. "I could tell she recognized me", you admitted. Lando chuckled. "She said she tried her hardest to not let it show but was freaking out on the inside! She‘s actually quite mad at herself for not asking you for a picture!"
You giggled again and shook your head. "She could’ve asked, I wouldn’t have minded", you said with a small smile. "If she’s at a Grand Prix just let me know and I promise I‘ll find her." "I‘ll let her know", he nodded and looked to the ground with the cutest smile you have seen in a while.
The combination of the brunette curly hair, the british accent, the smile and his dimples, drove you crazy and made you heart skip a few beats. But you tried your best to keep it together.
Little did you know that Lando quite literally felt the same about you. Your long hair, along with the color of your eyes and especially your smile made his heart beat a little faster as well.
You stayed in silence for a few seconds, just looking at each other admiringly before a voice interrupted your starring.
"Princess!! Sorry for being late!", Oscar called while walking out of the hospitality with Lily‘s hand in his. You smiled at the sight of your best friend’s girlfriend and send her a little wave which she returned with the hand that wasn’t wrapped in Oscar‘s.
"That‘s okay, I had Lando to keep me company", you chuckled, making the brit smile a little. "You ready?", Oscar asked and you nodded.
He said goodbye to Lando and started walking down the stairs.
"I’ll see you in Australia?", Lando asked one last time. You nodded your head with a smile. "Oh for sure, I wouldn’t miss this race for the world!", you chuckled. "Great!", Lando whispered under his breath and gave you a little wave which you returned before following Oscar and Lily.
"What do you think of him?", Oscar asked as soon as Lando was out of hearing range. "Lando? He’s pretty cute", you simply stated, not daring to mention the other words floating around your head. Nice, pretty, gorgeous, hot and handsome were just a few examples.
"Why do you ask?"
Oscar smirked. "No reason, really!"
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tagged: redbullracing, danielricciardo, oscarpiastri
yn.adams: bahrain dump (feat. my two favorite aussies)
oscarpiastri: You‘re an aussie as well…
> yn.adams: But I‘m not tho…🤷‍♀️
> oscarpiastri: Y/n🤨
danielricciardo: I‘m shown before Oscar
> yn.adams: rolling my eyes as we speak
> fan: LMAOOO
fan: Am I seeing you in the Mclaren garage?
> yn.adams: JUST FOR A SECOND!!!
fan: The race weekend is better when ur there
liked by yn.adams
fan: How does she know Oscar and Daniel??
> fan: Through her dad obviously
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landonorris started following you
Part 2
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filynxs · 2 months
౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆ Permission.
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official art from the manga Bungo Stray dogs
⚝ You are Dazai's nurse and look after him while he is in hospital. And you can't deny that he has piqued your interest. When he asks you for permission to use his phone, you explain the rules and that he's not allowed to do so until he's in a better condition. However, he offers you something you can't refuse...
⚝ Dazai Osamu x fem!reader
⚝ 18+; sexual content; s*x with benefits; tease
» [Valentina - Hasu] «
0:00 ─〇───── 0:00
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
Disclaimer: I REwrote this scene, meaning that this oneshot does NOT contain SA in any ways (no subcon/dubcon/noncon).
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You step into Dazai‘s room, noticing the open windows that let a soft breeze in. As you look around you see him watching the colorful sunset, thus a smile creeps over your lips.
He notices your steps and looks over to you, raising his brows as his eyes wander to the tray you are holding in your hands. As always, you are bringing him his meal.
"What did you bring me today?" he asks, his voice lacing playfulness as he watches you approach his bed.
Putting the tray onto the small table next to his bed, you let out a shy chuckle and pour water into his glass.
"Today we are serving you a piece of pizza." you answer him, jokingly presenting the food like an Italian waiter would do in a noble restaurant.
Dazai laughs and claps into his hands a few times, and you can‘t help but notice the way how his eyes wander over your body for a moment. Your cheeks heat up ever so slightly, but you act like you didn‘t see anything.
The wind that comes from the windows brushes your skin, sending a shiver down your spine.
"Isn‘t it a bit cold today?" you ask him, walking towards the windows to close them, "I‘ll close the—"
"No, don‘t." he interrupts you, and as you look over to him you see a calm and serious expression on his handsome face, "I like the soft breeze."
Pressing your lips together to a small smile, you nod and let the windows open. For a while you just stay there, looking back into his alluring, brown pair of eyes that seem so unreadable. It‘s like they are hiding something dark in their irises. Something that no one was able to find out yet.
"Are you just going to stare at me now?" he laughs, one corner of his mouth twitching up to a cheeky grin as he tilts his head. "I mean, I can‘t blame you."
You gulp, widening your eyes as they hastily dart over the place. "N-no!" you stutter out, your voice sounding breathy and even a little high pitched. "I‘m sorry. I won‘t disturb you any longer."
With fast steps you approach the door, not meeting his gaze again. However, he stops you by calling out to you.
"Miss," his voice rings in your ears like sweet honey, and you turn around to face him, "May I ask you a question?"
Brushing a strand of your H/C hair behind your ear, you nod and hum with a gentle tone. You can feel your heart beating a tad faster in your chest, pumping the nervousness through your veins as you excitedly await his question.
"Will you allow me to make a phone call?" he questions, raising his brows as his grin fades into a smaller smile, "I‘m going to make it quick."
You chew on your lower lip. There are rules in your hospital. The patients are only allowed to get their phones back again when they leave the hospital or when they are in a better condition. Dazai, however, has been here for one or two days only. You don‘t want to disappoint him, but you can‘t just break the rules either. Unless…
"I apologize, Sir, but I can‘t allow you to do so just yet." you reply, folding your hands together to seem more professional than you already are. However, your professional attitude looses its strength as the blush on your cheeks increases. The way how he looks at you with those eyes… it‘s driving you crazy.
"Ahh, that‘s disappointing." he sighs deeply, looking down at his hands for a moment. You can see his faint grin on his lips. And you could see it from miles away. It feels like he is plotting something, and he most definitely is. "I would do anything to get my phone just for one call." he utters after a pause, gazing right back up into your eyes.
The look on his face says more than thousand words could. He is implying something, and you know exactly what it is. Seems like he took notice of your flustered behavior towards him. After all, he is used to reactions like these. Women cannot resist his charming side at all.
"Anything?" you repeat, and it feels so criminal on your tongue. Dazai knows exactly what you wanted from him from the very beginning. But you‘re unsure if this is right. He is your patient, and you are his nurse. You could loose your job if someone finds out about this little arrangement of the two of you.
The brunet nods slowly, and his grin widens on his glossy lips. With his index finger he motions you to come over to him. Thus you close the door behind you and approach him with small, hesitant steps.
"No need to be so shy, Miss." he reassures you, taking your hand as you stop right next to his bed. Gently he strokes your fingers with his, and goosebumps spread all over your skin. His fingers long so slim and long, and his entire hands are attractive to your eyes. "Just tell me what you want from me."
You swallow, feeling how dry your throat is. Your eyes gaze away from his, down to his beautiful hands that are caressing yours. You want those hands to caress your body, to wrap around your neck like a cute necklace…
Is it unprofessional? Maybe. But will you have another opportunity to grand you this wish? Most definitely not.
"I—" you pause, biting your lower lip as your entire face begins to redden even more. He muses you with a smile, adoring your cute face which is filled with embarrassment. "I want to sleep with you. Then, I will give you the permission to use your phone."
In satisfaction his grin widens, slightly showing his straight, white teeth. A soft chuckle escapes him, and he moves his hand further up your arm.
"Deal." he purrs, his voice being low as he speaks to you, lacing seduction which is apparent on his eyes as well. It‘s almost like his entire mood shifted in a matter of seconds, changing from the playful guy to the flirty seducer. "Let‘s do it right here, Miss Y/N."
"You remember my name?" you softly ask, your voice being merely above a whisper as you slowly get onto his bed. Sitting down on his lap, you feel his arms wrapping around your waist. With raised brows you muse him, trying to act calm while your flushed face shows something different.
"I don‘t miss a detail, Y/N." he chuckles, moving his hands towards your nurse uniform to slowly open its buttons, "And I noticed the way how you looked at me the very first time you stepped into this room."
"How did I look at you, exactly?"
Your question causes him to smirk, and his eyes wander from your chest up to your eyes.
"Like you wanted to fuck me."
He lets out a soft and amused laugh as he watches your embarrassed reaction. You tightly press your lips together and look away, feeling how your heart knocks against your chest.
"It‘s alright." he snickers, looking down at your round breasts again as he continues to unbutton your uniform. His hands slide over your clothed nipples as he does so, and he is taking his damn time to open the last few buttons. "I‘ve always wanted to try it with a nurse."
His attitude, no, his entire personality is so playful and vulgar. Even better than you imagined it was. And this is what caused your interest in him to grow. He‘s not just handsome.
With last slow movements he undoes the last buttons of your uniform, helping you out of it before letting it land on the floor. Now you‘re sitting on his lap with your white lingerie on, and the soft wind that comes through the windows brushes your entire, bare body. The brise sends a shiver down your spine, but your body immediately heats up as Dazai begins to play with it.
Slowly he moves his hands up to your breasts, massaging them through your erotic looking bra which gives him a perfect view of your hard nipples. A thin lace fabric covers them only, thus he rubs them through your bra.
You moan in reply to his touches, moving your hips on his lap as you arch your back. No man has ever touched you like he does. One can tell that Dazai Osamu is skilled in what he‘s doing.
"Oh, so you like this?" he chuckles, opening your bra to throw it away, "I‘m going to be a bit more bold then."
His lips move to your hard nipple as he squeezes your breast, taking it into his mouth to greedily suck on it. The way how his tongue plays with that sensitive spot causes you to moan, but you try your best not to be too loud. After all, someone could barge into this room any time. This is also what scares you. However, you start to forget your worries as Dazai pulls away, looking up at you before pushing the blanket off his body.
He guides you onto his lap again, pulling the blanket back to halfway cover what he‘s going to do to you now. Then, with his slim fingers he easily slides your panties off and puts them right there where the rest of your clothes is: To the ground.
But you couldn‘t care less at the moment. Your entire attention is focused on Dazai and how his fingers begin to caress your swollen clit. He skillfully massages it in circling movements, and your soft moans show him that he‘s doing it damn right. You squirm against his touches, savoring every tiny sensation he causes in your body.
Just when you are about to come, you grab his wrist and stop him. He gazes at you, arousal and amusement filling his chocolate brown eyes as he studies your breathlessness. He sure has a large impact on how you feel. And he knows that.
"Wait." you pant, feeling how a drop of sweat rolls down your temple, "I want to come on your cock, please."
He bites his lip, so sensually and seductively that you feel like you‘re going to loose your mind. Every single move he makes is turning you on right now, as if he‘s using magic on you.
"As you wish, cherie." he says with a husky tone in his voice and proceeds to slide his pants slightly down along with his boxers. His erection greets your hungry eyes, throbbing and twitching in anticipation, and eager for your attention.
Slowly sitting down on it, you begin to grind yourself on his shaft. It throbs against your slick pussy, ready to enter your warmth. Just as if someone is knocking against a door to get in. And he wants to get in very badly. For him, it even feels like he‘s not only doing this for the deal anymore. He wants you.
Soft groans escape him and he holds your hips, squeezing your skin to make you go faster. But you don‘t go faster. Instead, you slowly rise, letting your pussy hover just above his tip, which already leaks pre cum.
"Are you teasing me?" he grunts through his gritted teeth, sending you an aroused grin that causes you to smile too.
"Maybe a little bit." you snicker breathily, "It‘s more fun with a little bit of tease."
He laughs and leans forward to your breasts, kissing your nipples before giving them a gentle bite. His hips jerk upwards ever so slightly, trying to make his cock meet your entrance.
You can‘t wait any longer and let yourself down in response to his eager movements, tenderly taking his entire length between your folds. The two of you gasp in unison, exhaling sharply when you begin to move. Your hips circle, and as you lean forwards you proceed to ride his erection. As you do so, your clit touches his cock with every time you move downwards.
Not being able to contain yourself anymore, you groan out loud, letting your satisfaction be audible for him. And he definitely likes what you are doing. Just the sight of you riding his cock makes his mind go blank, even causing him to forget about the reason why he‘s in hospital at all. And how your nipples touch his clothed torso with every movement arouses him, because your perfectly formed breasts show how much you like this.
His length fills every tiny inch of your womb up as you continue to ride him, and you can‘t deny that the warm feeling of him inside you makes you sweat. And not just that. This entire moment is making you sweat. The air between you two is steamy and thick with arousal, showing the sexual bond between you two while your bodies are connected.
One of his hands moves up to your breast, giving it a light squeeze before rolling your hard nipple between his index finger and thumb. Your body trembles in satisfaction, and you can sense how your climax is approaching you.
Before you reach your own orgasm, Dazai does so, and he moans your name as his warm seed fills you up. He closes his eyes as he savors this intimate moment, enjoying the pleasure your pussy just made him experience.
Your tight walls clench around him the moment you reach your own peak of satisfaction, arching your back as you groan into the hot air. A small drop of spit rolls down the corner of your mouth as you come, emphasizing just how much you enjoyed this moment.
Dazai muses your lust filled face as you come all over his shaft, coating him with your warm, sweet nectar that squirts out of you. He runs his tongue over his lower lip as he moves his hand from your breast up to your neck, wrapping around it to pull your face towards him.
"This felt amazing, Y/N." he chuckles softly, his voice hoarse and lacing arousal. His lips find their way to yours, and you two kiss, intertwining your pair of soft lips in a dance of passion. You taste him as your tongues move together, fighting over the dominance of this moment.
To catch your breath, you pull away, and a spit string follows your tongue as you separate.
"Dazai," you pant, your voice still sounding horny and needy for him, "thank you very much."
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
It has been a few hours, maybe two, since you and Dazai had that intimate moment today. Your heart can‘t stop beating in a fast pace, and you feel like you are going to pass out in the next moment.
Your cheeks, no, your entire face is flushed, filled with embarrassment and arousal. The things you two did do not leave your mind for a second, and you don‘t know if you‘ll be able to sleep properly tonight.
However, what you do know is that you have to talk to him. Because your feelings are a literal mess.
Knocking on the open door of his room, you notice him still having the important phone call he needed to make. He pauses and turns his head into your direction, flashing you a small smile.
Ashamed, you look at him, trying to hide your flustered expression. "Dazai, please excuse me for what I did earlier." you blurt out, your voice tiny and sweet.
"Ah, Miss. Thank you for allowing me to use my phone." he thanks you, acting like nothing happened earlier. However, while his voice sounds nonchalant and entirely casual, his grin shows you that he is still thinking about your moment. He winks at you, and your heart skips a beat.
"Sure, and…" you pause, not even looking at him again. You let your eyes wander to the phone in his hand, wondering who that person is he is talking to. "And if you don‘t mind… can we do it just once more? In a single room this time?"
He breaths out a delighted laugh, and his gaze stays on your entire figure while you don‘t even manage to look into his eyes.
"Ah, if I feel like it."
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bravo4iscool · 4 months
something angsty where the roles are reversed and simon's wife is working too much and he's worried about her overworking herself also they don't get to spend much time together and he misses her so they kinda have an argument
uhhhh i like the vision of this hehehehe🤭
i hope i did this justice haha (this is civilian!reader btw!). also, idk if this qualifies as a argument but i hope it does. if not, i‘m sorry😭
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“what y’doin lovie?” simon mumbles while he looks over your shoulder, his palm resting on your back.
“working,” you answer, not looking at him and chewing on your pencil. “i gotta finish this until tomorrow.” you let out a tired sigh and rub your eyes. sometimes you really hated your job.
you could feel simon’s hand tense behind you when he slowly pulls it away. “you should take a break,” he tells you in a calm voice. “you’re working too much…”
you don’t answer, only let out another sigh and hunch over the papers again.
“i’m serious darlin’. y’should take a break,” simon says with an edge in his voice and you exactly know where this is heading.
you turn around to face him, “simon, please- not right now, okay?” you don’t wait for his answer, you just turn around and get back to work.
“yes, ’m doin‘ this now ‘cause y’haven’t been sleepin‘ properly f’days!” he argues and you can practically feel him judging you.
“yes, because opposite to you i need to actually work when i’m at home. i don’t get to sit around all day and do nothing!” you know that struck his nerve when he doesn‘t answer immediately and you massage the bridge of your nose. „Look, I‘m s-“
„I can up my deployment rate if thats what y’want,“ simon says and you could hear the reproach in his voice. „if y’don‘t want m’sittin‘ around doin‘ nothin‘ i can leave and tell price i want more deployments. then y’can work in peace.“
„simon, that‘s not-“
he doesn‘t let you finish. „that’s exactly it. y‘at home right now, y‘don‘t need t‘work.“ when you turn around he‘s looking at you with his arms crossed in front of his chest. you let out an annoyed sigh, not wanting to talk about this right now. „i‘ave been sleepin’ alone f‘days! i miss ya!“ simon exclaims, the hurt clear in his eyes. „i was looking forward t‘finally spent time w‘ya again…“
when you don‘t say anything against that he just rolls his eyes and leaves. „‘m going t‘sleep,“ is all he mumbles before he pulls the door shut behind him.
when you crawl into bed way past midnight you look at simon with worried eyes. he has his back turned to you but you can see that he isn‘t sleeping; he isn‘t snoring.
so, you urge closer to his and put your arm around his abdomen, your lips pressing a gentle kiss to his clothed back. „i‘m sorry,“ you whisper, hoping that he‘d accept this hushed apology.
you know he does when he places his hand over yours and starts to caress it. „y‘need to look after y‘self,“ he whispers back before he turns around and pulls you into his chest.
„i‘ll do better,“ you promise while he places a kiss on your head. „i didn’t know it hurt you so much…“
„i know.“ simon pulls you even closer, his hand cupping the back of your head. „but let‘s go to sleep now. we‘ll talk about it tomorrow.“
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vscabarca · 1 month
heyy!! how you doing? i hope you're ok!! I saw you had your requests open soo what do you think of gavi x brazilian!reader where she's a friend of natalia (raphinha's wife) and meets him at a team's reunion at raphinha's house where he overheard she talking to the other wags saying she's had a crush on him ever since the world cup but he's so embarrassed and shy about it because gorgeous woman knows he exists and likes him so he panics at that and even his friends try to help (after of course teasing him in all ways imaginable) so they end up locked in a spare room in the house and finally talk and he realizes they actually have a lot in common and asks her out and she kisses him. hope you like it!! goodnight or day love!!
brazilian charm - pablo gavi
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summary: Brazilian reader meets Gavi again after a year of not seeing each other at Natalia‘s party. What will happen when they are locked up in a room together?
genre: fluff
a/n: such a cute requesttt!!!! thank you sm!
„Natalia!“ You squealed, happy to see your friend after such a long time. It was Natalia‘s, Raphinha‘s wife’s birthday and as you recently moved here, she gladly invited you. Natalia embraced you in a long hug, swaying back and forth with a drink in her hand.
„I‘m so glad you could make it!“ She grinned and finally let you go. „Of course! I wouldn’t miss it for anything!“
„Come on, let’s introduce you to my friends.“ Natalia swiftly grabbed your hand and led you through the crowd of people, saying hello here and there as you walked by. Not far away were Fermin and Pablo, both comfortably sitting on the couch, observing the scene. The two didn’t see you at first, so you made a mental note to go over to them and say hello after you’ve met Natalia‘s girlfriends. Pablo and you already met each other during the World Cup in Qatar. You travelled alongside Raphina‘s wife, watching the games of the Brazilian National Team and came across the Sevillian midfielder. You hit it off quite well after spending some time together.
„I‘ll go and say hello to Pablo, be right back.“ You informed Natalia and her friends, and walked towards the couch. Pablo finally saw you wander towards him and he couldn’t stop but smile.
„You’re staring hermano.“ Fermin said under his breath as he saw how his friend couldn’t take his eyes off you.
„I am not.“ He fired back but they couldn’t continue bickering as you were standing in front of them.
„Hey guys.“ You politely said and gave each of them a hug. You emerged into light conversation, but it was incredibly awkward between you and Pablo. Both didn’t really know what to say so Fermin was the one leading the conversation.
„What are you doing here? Don’t you live in Rio?“
„I did until a few weeks ago, my model agency is now based in Barcelona.“ You explained, getting surprised looks from the guys.
You were about to ask Pablo about his knee, but Natalia came over, claiming she urgently had to speak with you.
As you were gone again, Fermin‘s attention turned back towards his friend.
„Heard that?“ He nudged his shoulder but Pablo was still looking at you from afar.
„She lives here in Barcelona now.“ His eyebrows wiggled up and down, trying to gain some reaction from the midfielder.
„Do you think she’s seeing someone? I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if she was, but-„ That wasn’t even what Fermin had asked, but he already could sense Pablo had a thing for the Brazilian girl. He actually found it funny how Pablo was blabbering about her, so he decided to ask someone who surely knew if she was single or not.
Pablo was too slow to stop his friend from grabbing Raphinha‘s arm.
„Do you know if Y/n has a boyfriend?“
Raphina started laughing, shaking his head.
„I don’t think so. Why? does Pablito still have a crush on her since the World Cup?“
Pablo swiftly turned his head, surprised he knew about his attraction towards you.
„It’s a bit obvious.“ Raphina said and patted his head before walking away again.
In the meantime Natalia dragged you back to her friends, giving you a drink and started with the gossip about relationships and what not.
„As someone as gorgeous as you, you must have a lover right?“ Dayana, Vitor Roque‘s wife, asked you.
You shook your head slightly, feeling your cheeks head up. You were about to respond but Natalia was quick in jumping in.
„She still hopes Pablo will magically ask her out, even though Y/n knows he’s even shyer than her!“ Natalia scolded you, earning roars from her friends.
„Pablo? You mean Pablo Gavi?“ Mikkey asked for confirmation, to which you nodded again.
„How cute!“ Dayana chimed in a bit too loud.
What you didn’t realize to that time, Pablo stood not that far away from you, hearing what was said in these last few minutes. He swiftly turned his head towards Fermin and Pedri who joined the two not too long ago. They were both grinning at their younger friend, nudging him several times. But Pablo was terrified. What was he doing now? You were a gorgeous woman having a crush on a guy who was kicking a football around. His friends noticed the panic in his eyes and were quick to help him.
„See? she likes you too, now go and ask her out.“ Pedri spoke and already wanted to push him towards you but he stopped.
„Yeah no.“
„What no? Yes!“ Fermin interrupted and slapped the back of his head.
„Oye! I don’t even know how to ask a girl out, especially not one who’s as pretty as she is.“ Pablo could be so stubborn and shy sometimes, preventing him from doing things he wanted to do, just like now asking the girl out on a date he liked for over a year.
The party went on with you and him exchanging a few more words but neither did something about their little crushes. You then saw Natalia and Fermin whisper something to each other, but you couldn’t tell what they were on about. Natalia then walked over to you, a smug smile plastered across her face.
„Y/n could you grab me some blankets from our guest room? Fermin and his friends wanted to sit outside but it got a bit too cold. I would do it but I need to check on Gael.“ You were already on your feet, giving Pablo a quick smile before disappearing upstairs to grab the things Natalia asked you for.
In the guest bedroom you searched for these bloody blankets but just couldn’t find them anywhere. The door suddenly opened and Pablo stood in the doorway next to you.
„Gosh Pablo you scared me.“ You exclaimed, clutching your chest and let out a huff. He chuckled, wanting to say more but right then the door closed and the lock turned. Both your heads turned towards the door. Confused, Pablo made his way to the door and tried to open it but it wouldn’t budge.
„These idiots.“ You said with an open mouth, knowing exactly Natalia did that on purpose. Pablo only burst out laughing, throwing his head back.
„That’s why Fermin and Natalia were talking so much together.“ He concluded and sat down onto the bed. You took a seat next to him, leaning back onto your hands.
„Someone has to take away the alcohol they drank.“ You grinned and so did Pablo.
„Anyway, I guess we have to spend the time here until they’ve had enough fun with their plan.“
Pablo plopped down onto the bed and you did the same, turning your head so you were looking at him sideways.
„How have you been after the World Cup? We kinda lost touch.“ You said, feeling your heartbeat increase. He looked beautiful.
„We did.“ his mouth formed into a thin line, probably also not liking how you lost contact after the tournament. „But I‘ve been doing good, except for the knee injury but I‘m feeling much better already. What about you?“
„I‘m doing great, a lot of live changes but I couldn’t be happier here in Barcelona.“ Pablo smiled sweetely and you caught his gaze shifting quickly from your eyes to your lips.
„You look very pretty today, even prettier than I had remembered.“ Your heart fluttered at his words and your mind drifted to the nights you spent sneaking outside the hotel room to meet Pablo to head up to the rooftop and look at the stars.
„You’re very handsome yourself. You’ve always been.“ You complimented back and it seemed like you two scooted closer.
„Now that you’re in Barcelona… is there a chance to take you out on a date?“ You immediately grinned and nodded your head, then leaned in closer.
„May I?“ Pablo whispered, his gaze shifting again from your eyes to your lips. You gave him a quick nod again, your hand already drawing him closer by his neck. The fire in your body intensified as he crashed his lips onto yours, making you sigh contentedly. You never wanted to let him go. Pablo pulled you closer by your waist, kissing you until there was no air left.
As you both broke apart, you broke into little fits of giggles, both still a bit shy from the kiss you just shared.
„Natalia! let us out now!“
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rafesslxt · 1 month
SUPP IM BACK WITH ANOTHER REQUEST!! How about professor riddle marks ur work but u didn't get good grades so he punishes u? xoxo mattheosslut22
omg i smiled at this like a fool and my boyfriend asked me what I was smiling about hahaha - yes my real boyfriend, not mattheo duh
thank you for requesting doll 🫶🏻 I‘m already writing a professor one shot right now but with more plot, just have to finish it 👀
Bad student | Professor!Mattheo Riddle
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summary: Professor Riddle and you have a special agreement.
warnings: professor x student so don‘t read if you don‘t like, kissing, teasing, fingering, unprotected p in v
words: 2,4k
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I looked down at the paper I got back from Professor Riddle. I got an F. Fuck. My gaze wanders up as he looks at me with raised eyebrows and a kind of disappointed look on his face. "You might want to come to me after class." he says in a chilli tone.
Professor Riddle and I have an agreement. A secret one. If I continue to write bad notes, he stops fucking me. As a motivation. And If I get good ones, I get a reward - which is his dick. As a motivation of course.
I sigh and nod but he already left to give the rest of the students their papers back, which of course were all better than mine.
He continues with class and tries to explain everything but I only can concentrate on what‘s going to happen after this class. It is the last one I have today which means I have time and don‘t need to rush out, which is good. Or bad? I don‘t know yet and that‘s exactly what worries me.
The ring interrupts my thoughs and brings me back to the reality. That I‘m alone with him. I swallow the clump in my throat down and gather my things together.
As I walk to the front of the classroom and towards his desk he doesn‘t even look at me. I breath out, loudly. " Sooo.." i start and try to get him to look up but he still doesn‘t.
While correcting another test and sqribbling something on it he talks " You know what our arrangement was,right? " "Mattheo I - I mean Professor I‘m really sorry okay? I promise it won‘t happen again!" I almost begged. I couldn‘t imagine losing him and our sessions, they got me addicted.
"Yeah you said that the last few times you got a bad grade but now an F? No y/n." "Pleease, fuck there has to be something that I can do! I‘m literally begging you."
I saw him smirking a little and I knew he loved to hear me beg like this, litte fucker.
"I swear I‘m always paying attention I just - I didn‘t have had time to study with quidditch and everything." I wasn‘t even lying on that.
"Prove it. I‘ll ask you Questions and you‘ll have to get at least.. 8 out them right. If not, you can come back when you write good once again after the holiday‘s"
I looked at him in shock. "Holidays?!“ "Yeah, the next test we write is after the holidays." I shook my head, not able to live that long without that dick. I know how desperate I sound, but that was exactly how good he fucked me. I tried to forget him, tried to find fun somewhere else but It was useless with these boys at school. He just knew every single move to get me trembling under his touch.
"Okay okay.. give me those questions." "Sit down." I did as soon as he told me to and looked up at him as he stands up and walks to the desk I‘m sitting on.
"First question: Let‘s start with a easy one.. Which spell will cast a body bind upon an enemy?" he asks me, looking directly into my eyes. I lick my lips before answering. "Petrificus Totalus."
"What‘s the strongest love potion in the world?" I started smiling when the memory of him showing it to us last week came back. "Amortentia." I answered him. "What did you smell?" he asks curious as he slowly places his hands beside me on the table, getting closer to my body. "Does that count as a question?" i ask him in a teasing tone. "Answer." he says in a demanding one but I didn‘t miss the excitement in his eyes." So I answer him. "You."
"Smelled you too.“ he mumbles as he gets closer to my neck which leaves me nervous and with goosebumps all over my body.
"What is your only defense against the Imperius Curse?" I felt his lips brush against my skin but still not kissing it which made me even more desperate. "There is no defense.." i answer lost. "Wrong." he whispers and bites the skin on my soft spot. I whine and squeeze my eyes shut. "M-maybe I need a little motivation.." i started and looked down at his shirt.
He rolled his eyes but still smirked a little as my hands found the buttons to his shirt. While I opened them he took out his wand from his back pocket of his jeans and spelled the door shut.
When I opened the last button I pushed the material to the side and let my hands glide over his abs which he knew i love so much. "Don‘t get too eager baby. You already got one wrong." Now I rolled my eyes as my fingers followed the contour of his abs. "Won‘t happen again."
"No matter how many legs you have, they'll all dance if you're cursed with what jinx?" I snort and answer "Tarantallegra. Easy." He nods and asks his next question, his face now on my throat again. "Which potion acts as a truth drug?" I swallow as I feel his soft lips now ghost over my skin again. I open my mouth a few seconds before answering. "Veritaserum."
His lips now meet my skin and I moan. "Correct." He murmurs, leaving wet and passionate kisses all over my throat. His hands find their way to my knees, leaving them there.
"One side effect of the Draught of Peace, If done incorrectly?" he asks me while letting his hands wander up my legs towards my tights slowly. I press my lips together as I feel myself getting wetter.
"Answer, I know you‘re a smart girl." he grins, kissing along my jaw, sending shivers down my spine.
"Irreversible sleep. " "That‘s right, good girl." he starts playing with the hem of my skirt.
"Who created the main ingredient in the Elixir of Life?" "Nicolas Flammel." He nods and wanders towards my mouth with his lips. I start to get impatient and shift slighty on the table, making him smile again. "3 more baby."
"What is the final ingredient needed for Polyjuice Potion?" " Hair." As I answer correct, his lips connect with mine. My mouth almost opens itself when it feels his tounge gliding over my bottom lip. His hand moves further under my skirt, his fingers now right in front of my underwear. "I can already feel the heat from you." he groans against my lips before his tounge explores my mouth.
I let my hands wander to his back, where I scratch his skin slighty, sending shivers down his spine this time. "Hmm love when you do that." "I know."
He pulls away from my mouth a few inches and looks into my eyes. God his eyes. "When must Wolfsbane Potion be taken to be effective?" Shit. I really don‘t know. I think he saw it in my eyes when he lifted his eyebrows at me. "Uhm –" "Come on. We had this topic only a few weeks ago." "The week leading up to a full moon?" I ask more than answering.
I see a smirk forming on his lips and his head shaking. "So much for 'i listen to your classes', huh?" I groan in frustration. "Are you enjoying the thought of not fucking me for that long?" I ask him almost a little mad.
"No baby, my hand doesn‘t feel like you. But I know you‘ll feel even better after weeks of not riding my cock like you love to do." Wait. His hand? Doesn‘t he have like a tons of women at his feet? But I didn’t have that much time to think about it.
"Name me all of the Unforgiveable Curses." "Uhm – Avada Kedavra, Imperio and .. Crucio." He nods in approval and suddenly I can feel his fingers ghost over my damp underwear.
"Fuck baby, are you always this wet while answering your tests? Maybe I should help you next time so you don‘t write F‘s in my class hm?"
"Ask the last one." I say in a desperate voice. If I get this one right I can fuck him, If I get it wrong, these holidays will be the longest I ever had.
"Okay baby, now concentrate yeah? We had this last potion lesson. How long does Felix Felicis take to prepare?" I smile brightly at him as I instantly knew the answer to it. "6 months." i answer.
"Fuck thank god." he groans and pulls me closer to his body, my legs wrapping around his hips. "10 would have been enough." I answer him, my hands already in his soft curls, tugging at the ends which made him groan even more.
He picks me up and sits me down on his desk, pushing my upper body back. "Gonna give you your reward now baby. You were such a smart girl." he starts praising me. "Well, have a good teacher." "Oh yeah?" he smirks and pulls my skirt off. "Hmm, Professor Snape is actually really nice." Suddenly I feel pain flowing through my thigh, making me hiss.
I look down at him as he starts to kiss the skin he just bit. "Careful baby, don‘t forget who‘s in charge here." he mutters against my thigh, nibbling on it and preppering it with wet kisses. My hands find their way into his curly hair. "Please.." i whisper as he does the same to my other thigh.
"I would miss those little begs so much If I wouldn‘t have had them to hear over holidays." he mumbles against my skin, his lips now on my underwear. He groans as he pulls it down and sees my glistening folds.
And just like a starving man he pushed his fingers through my folds before lapping at my clit, making me bite down on my lip instantly. "Shit.." I breath out, closing my eyes too. "Nuh uh baby, look at me while I eat that sweet pussy of yours." he smirks when my eyes opened up again.
I look down at him, seeing just his eyes and a bit of his nose. Not once does he look away while eating me out and I can see the desire he's holding back right now clearly.
I feel him sliding two fingers inside me without a warning, groaning when they just slipped inside like nothing.
"Fuck me, please.." I beg, not being able to wait any longer. He lets go of me, his mouth and chin glistening from my wetness. I see him licking his lips, with half a smile, almost making me come just from the sight.
"Gonna pound that pussy numb, baby. Just preparing you for what will happen over the holidays." Since we had that agreement, I stayed almost every holidays here so I could spent them with him. "You're staying, right?" he asks as he sees me in thoughts. I start smiling and nod. " Of course." "Hmm good girl."
He pulls me closer to him again until my legs wrap around his hips. His hands open his belt, pushing his jeans and boxer shorts down, revealing his already throbbing cock.
He lets the tip glide over my clit teasing me. His mouth is open, breathing heavy and looking at me through his lashes. "Ready Baby?" "Uh-huh." I mumble, nodding before he finally pushes inside me.
"Fuck yes, so fucking tight." he groans as he slowly pushes inch for inch inside. I let my head fall back and bite down on my bottom li to not moan too loud.
He starts thrusting forward with his hips, making the table squeak against the floor and echoing through the classroom. "I swear I will never get tired of this pussy." he smirks down at me while his words send butterflies down my stomach. I let out a little whine as his right hand wanders up to my throat, cocking me just so slightly but good.
"You still gonna write bad grades, huh?" he ask me, thrusting harder now. "N-no?" I answer but it sounds more like a question. Suddenly he pulls out and turns me around so I'm laying flat with my stomach on the desk. He spreads my legs and pushes inside me again, putting his whole weight on me.
A moan slips past my lips but he puts his hand over my mouth, grinning arrogant. "Let me guess, 'oh daddy it's too much', right?" he mocks while rocking my whole shit into the table.
He pulls his hand away from my mouth and wraps it around my throat again, squeezing with more pressure than before. "Shit Mattheo" I groan, letting my eyes roll back into my head.
"What is it baby? Thought you're able to handle it hm? Should I stop?" "No, no don't stop." I whine out at the though of losing the feeling of him.
Suddenly I feel a sharp pain going through my body. I look behind me over my shoulder and see Mattheo smiling at me like a innocent angel. Yeah, right. He slaps my ass again, this time harder.
"What? Did you think this is gonna be all nice and shit? You still wrote a bad grade. Gonna have to punish you at least a little hm."
He does it again, over and over again until my whole ass is fire red. His thrusting of course continues without faltering. "Fuck I'm close." I groan, my eyes already shut. His hand slides under my body towards my clit and starts rubbing circles on it with his fingers.
"Come around my cock baby." And shit, I did. I feel my walls clenching around him, milking him almost. I hear him groan behind me and his thrust getting more uneven. "O-oh fuckk.." I feel him coming inside me, his head falling down against my shoulder.
"Shit, you always do this to me." he says before kissing my skin. "What do you mean?" "You always pull me in, would have fucked you no matter what grade you got. You just got me wrapped around your finger." I smile at his words, knowing damn well he got me hooked too.
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The end was Kida rushed I'm sorry, let me know If you liked it 👀
Taglist: 💞💗💕
@justarandomcanadiantransdude @sofa-couch26 @nevereverthem @little-miss-naill @kolsangel @atadoddinnit @auxcordlawd @helena-1105 @itsarajr @jolly4holly @hisparentsgalllery @slytherinscreamqueen @mixvchelle @miribenh26 @azalea3leaza @littlemadamred
thank you for every support 🫶🏻
Sorry it took so long but had a writing block
xoxo sarah <3
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dontyouworrydaddy · 1 year
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welcome back home
Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem! Reader
summary: Simon comes home from a mission and he missed you.
warning: NSFW! MINORS DNI! this is just pure sex lol
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You can’t wait for him to enter the house and not giving him enough time to slip out of his boots or gear. The moment he comes through this door you want to jump him and hug him really tight.
It’s been months since you last seen him and you can’t call him because it would be too dangerous. No letters, no photos and no calls. If you guys get to talk, he calls you. But that’s really rare since he would rather not talk to you for a few months than putting your life at risk. But everytime he leaves, he promises to come back.
And he always does.
You hear the door open and close and before Simon could pronouns his appearance you hug him causing him to stumble back.
He hates hugs. He even hates it when people touch him. But he doesn’t mind when you’re doing it. He even likes it. He loves your touch.
He lets out a soft chuckle and hugs you back. "I missed you too, baby" he whispers in your hair and kisses the top of your head.
You look at him and smile at him. Your hands on the corner of his mask, asking him for permission to take it off and nods slightly.
As you take off his mask you see your Simon again. The man you fell in love with. The man that went through hell and back.
“Hello there” you say causing simon to smile. You kiss him softly and he returns the kiss. Your soft kiss explains him how much you missed him and how happy you are that he is back.
“Get inside, I‘ll make you food” you smile at him, hold his hand and lead him with you to the kitchen.
“Are you sleeping?” Simon asks you all of a sudden. You guys went to sleep an hour ago but Simons Insomia makes it hard for him to rest. You turn so you’re facing him and you see his restless eyes in the need for sleep.
But he simply can’t. Because his mind won’t let him.
You feel bad for him. And you get an idea on how you can make him feel good.
Simon is flat on his back and his lap looks a bit lonely… so you decide to get on top of him.
“What are you doing?“ he asks you curiously. A little smirk fights its way on your lips and you start moving on his lap while your hands lay flat on his bare and muscular chest.
Him showing you his chest even through it‘s covered in scars means so much to you. You’re probably the only one that gets to see him like this. And you don’t mind. Not a bit.
“Fuck“ he groans and covers his face with his face.
“I‘m gonna make you fall asleep” you reply to his question and you can feel him getting hard under you. But you don’t stop there. You’re barely clothed which is gonna be even more fun.
“Jesus… You know what you’re doing” he whispers and his hands lay on both sides of your hips now.
With one motion he switches positions, trapping you in his huge muscular body.
His lips smash against your lips and you guys start making out sloppily. The kiss is filled with a lot of passion and desperate for each other. His hands make their way through your whole body, leaving not a single spot untouched.
In the middle of the kiss, you feel his finger make their way into your panties and stop on top of your clit.
You feel a lot of desperation and you need him now.
“Simon” you whisper in the middle of the kiss and he chuckles. His fingers circles around your clit obviously trying to tease you. You groan into the kiss and your breathing speeds up.
Without a single warning he slides two of his fingers inside of you leaving your mouth open.
“Fuck… Simon, fuck!” you groan as his fingers move in and out of you. He continues his movement while his other hand is wrapped around your throat kissing you hungrily.
“You’re so wet for me” he tells you and kisses you again.
“Simon. Please~” you moan his name and he knows exactly what you want. He knows what you need.
“Use your words baby” he orders you and you feel yourself so close.
“Please Simon. Please fuck me” you desperately tell him.
You feel empty as soon as his fingers leave your wet and needy pussy. He moves your panties to the side and he removes his boxers and his already hard cock springs free.
You’re breathing hard as simon teases you with sliding his cock on top of your pussy.
“Please Simon just fuck me already” you tell him with so much desperate.
“Whatever my girl wants” and with that said he slides into you. Without a warning, leaving your mouth open. You roll your eyes at the feeling of him inside you.
It’s been months since you had sex. You touched yourself but it was never the same as with Simon. He just knows what you need.
He moves in and out of you slowly. The sound of your bodies fills the room and with every move he speeds up. Even through his hands are resting on your waist, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re whole body is moving with his movements.
You’re pretty moans and his groans fills the room. “You’ve been such a good girl. You were waiting for me for so long. You deserve a little treatment now.” he says while fucking your absolute brains out.
His movements are even faster now and you feel a tear of pleasure leave your left eye. Your hands tightly grab the side of the bed. The bed moves with each thrust and you wonder how strong this bed is.
“You’re so tight… fuck” he moans your name and kisses your slightly open mouth. The kiss is wet and messy and he doesn’t stop fucking you fast.
“good fucking girl” he whispers and groans. His thrusts had him whimpering.
“I‘m so fucking close Simon” you scream his name and he likes it when you scream his name. You feel your leg starting to shake a bit.
“Cum with me” he says and you do as he says. You both came and you feel like you’re in heaven.
“My pretty baby” he whispers in your ear and kisses your cheek while he is still inside of you.
“You got me really tired now“ he says before sliding out of you, leaving you feeling alone. He falls next to you and holds your naked body close to his.
“I love you so much” he kisses your whole face.
“ I love you more” you tell him and you both smile like idiots.
You both fall asleep in each others arms, feeling happier than ever.
And finally Simon can rest a bit too.
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fieldofdaisiies · 3 months
Of Wings and Secrecy
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paring: adult!Nyx x Reader | type: angst | words: 3,4k words | warnings: mentions of abuse, violence | based on this request
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“What a weak punch.” 
You throw Nyx a withering glare over your shoulder, hands dropping to your sides. You really have to fight the urge to flip him off, and at the same time want nothing more than to kiss those formidable lips.
“Shall I demonstrate how it should be done?” His wings flare behind his back when he starts to stroll toward you, sauntering with nothing but cocky smugness, a grin on his lips.
Your little sister, Salia, next to you giggles, a mischievous smile on her lips. “I guess I‘ll leave you two alone then.”
She winks and before you can stop her, she is heading towards where Emerie, Gwyn and Nesta, Nyx‘s aunts, train a few young Illyrian females.
Salia is the only one to know about what is actually between the two of you — a bond, a mating bond, always glamoured to keep it hidden. But she knows about the mutual love, how and when the bond snapped, about your secret meetings and the dangers along with it. The dangers that prevent you from—
Your thoughts are cut off when you feel the hard and warm press of a solid chest against your back. 
“A little higher.” His hands support your elbows, his lips brushing your earlobe. You fight against a shudder, and hold your breath. 
“Not here.” Your voice is silent, hushed. “Someone could see us.”
“I’m only helping you train, my star.” A smirk appears on Nyx’s lips, but falters the moment he sees your scared expression after you have turned to him. The Night Court heir steps away, and bows his head. 
You open your mental shields for him, holding his gaze. I’m so sorry, but it‘s too dangerous, Nyx.
Making sure no one is looking, Nyx moves in again, lifting your elbow with one of his warm and gentle hands, acting like he is explaining something. “Let me protect you.” He leans in the slightest bit. “Come to Velaris with me. Let me protect you.”
You turn away and pick up a sword. “You know I can‘t.” Straightening your posture and using one hand to smooth out your leathers you take a few steps back. “I can‘t leave my mother and sister alone.”
Nyx knows this, and yet the truth —the awareness about you not coming with him— sends a pang of hurt right into his heart. Your hearts belong together, so do your souls, and should never be kept apart. You had fallen in love with each other the first moment you lay eyes on each other. But life isn’t too kind to you, doesn’t allow your love to flourish.
Devlon forbids this relationship, threatens to hurt the once you love most. It has to be kept secret. Nyx promised you that with his father’s protection —with the High Lord’s protection — nothing would ever happen to you. And despite that sounding very promising, you couldn’t accept.
This is not solely about you. You have a sister and a mother who live here as well and they will be in danger. Especially if you go with Nyx or if your relationship —if the bond— becomes public.
Nyx moves in closer again, helping you position your legs a little differently. “I want to be alone with you.”
“Nyx.” A corner of your mouth tips up.
He raises a brow, twin flames of desire lighting up his blue eyes. “My late grandmother‘s hut?”
Nyx grins and turns you, so your back is against his front, always careful of your beautiful wings, acting like he is showing you some self-defence techniques. “Always.”
His body vibrates with passion, and it reaches you, fuels the need within your veins. You have been apart for so long. You have missed him. And you need him. Now.
A loud giggle parts your lips and you shove at Nyx‘s bare, and solid chest. “I‘m sure I love you more.”
He kisses your shoulder and shakes his head. “Not possible.” His damp lips coast over your salty skin, tongue poking out. “My love for you is endless.”
“Well,” you breathe, “mine is endless and just a bit more.” 
He tips his head up, gaze meeting yours and laughs. “You are impossible.”
To that you grin and chuckle. Your hand comes up and you stroke your thumb over his cheek, slowly, assessing him with your eyes. “You look tired,” you say with a contemplative look on your face.
“We‘ve been tangled in the sheets for the whole night, my star, I am exhausted.” The beautiful smile on his lips doesn’t reach his eyes and the corners of your mouth turn downwards. 
“It’s because the glamour, isn’t it.”
He doesn’t want to say yes, but you can read him so well, so he silently admits, “I constantly need to use a lot of magic to glamour the both of us, and over a far distance when I am back in Velaris.”
You find yourself nodding, your heart hurting about the knowledge of what it does to him.
“But it’s fine.” He kisses your nose. “As long as the two of us have a chance to be with each other, I would accept everything.” Now, he kisses the corner of your mouth, hands falling to your hips, pulling you closer, the counter below your bare thighs, cool.
“I don’t want you to—”
He shuts you up with a kiss. But it is a kiss you can’t really focus on. You love him, you want to be with him — Cauldron he is your mate! But that doesn’t make this relationship easy. It only makes it hella difficult. 
Nyx is a bit over 100, sooner or later he will have to take over as High Lord, you don’t want to cause him additional issues.
“You are distracted, my star.” His hand slides beneath your —his— shirt and he cups your breast, thumb pressing down on your nipple, rubbing. “Let me help you focus on us.”
Your curl legs around his hips, hoping that the press of his hard length against your core will really centre you in the moment. And it truly does. 
You allow yourself to enjoy this moment with him, knowing it is fleeting and will be over way too soon and Nyx back in Velaris. 
“I love you, Y/N.” 
You cup the nape of his neck with your hand, fingers entangled in his soft silken strands, mouths colliding, teeth clacking.
“I love you—”
“Nyx!” The entrance door bangs against the wall of the hut, so loud even the mice in the smallest nooks can hear it. It feels like time stands still when Nyx steps away and whips his head into…the High Lord’s direction.
There is nothing but confusion and a hunt of shock etched upon Nyx‘s father‘s face, like he can’t really believe what he is seeing.
“I was looking for you.” The High Lord is not stuttering, but something close to it and Nyx, his cheeks a deep red, looks like he is wringing for the right words, all engines in his mind working on high speed.
“This is Y/N,” he finally says and adds, “And she is my mate.”
 ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
“And the hating each other part…?”
“Fake.” A sheepish grin spreads over Nyx‘s face and he bites down on his lower lip.
His father chuckles lowly and shakes his head at his son. “When did this happen? The bond I mean. When did it snap in place for you?”
Rhysand still looks a little flabbergasted. Even minutes later when the three of you sit together on the couch, now you and Nyx fully dressed.
“Shortly after the Blood Rite. I went to congratulate her on becoming Arktosion, and well…our eyes met and the bond snapped.” Nyx turns to you and takes your hand into his, squeezing softly.
“That was nearly a year ago,” the High Lord expresses and throws his son an incredulous look. “You’ve been keeping your bond a secret for so long!?”
Nyx and you nod.
“You could have told us. At least your mother and—”
“We couldn‘t.” Nyx shakes his head again, then leans into you and kisses the top of your head.
Then he continues, “It would have been too dangerous. Dad, I know you. And I know mum. You would have wanted to get involved. You would have tried to talk to Devlon and we couldn’t risk it. Y/N‘s mother and sister are in his tight grip and—”
“If he finds out about our mating bond he will do unspeakable things to them.” Your gaze drops, voice so vulnerable and silent you hope the High Lord could even hear you.
He did, and his power stretches out, brushing you. “You will have our protection always. And so will your sister and mother. You can come to live in Velaris with us.”
You are grateful for this, really, but you cannot accept just yet. You will first have to talk to your mother and your sister. Explain everything to them. And you will have to catch them when your father is not home. And then you need to arrange everything and—
“Thank you so much,” you finally say and meet the High Lord’s gaze. Sitting here with him feels a bit surreal, considering who he is. But then you remember that you have been rolling around in the sheets with the prince of the night for the whole previous night and it no longer feels so odd.
Many times you have already asked him if you are truly good enough for him, for a prince, and he has always told you yes, then poked you or smacked your arm lightly to make his point clear. And then most of the time he kissed you. Or more.
“Really. Thank you much. For the offer. I will gladly accept but I need a little time.”
“Whenever you are ready,” Nyx whispers, but there is worry in his eyes. “You have time. Talk to your mother and sister and then you let me know how we will go forward.” Lifting your intertwined hands, he kisses your knuckles.
You sit together for a little longer, Rhysand wanting to find out a bit more who is tied to his son‘s soul by the mating bond and who has consequently stolen Nyx’s heart.
You open up easily to him, his kindness and love for his son, visible in every word he says. They are an amazing family and you feel very lucky to somehow be a part of it.
Only a while later, and when Rhys and Nyx truly have to leave for Velaris (the High now finally having found his son who had closed the mental to his father during the night he spent with you) you go back home to your mother and sister, hoping to catch them before you father gets home. But he is already there and so decide to wait a few more days, think about it, clear your mind and really form a plan. You have been hiding this relationship for so long, you can now also wait a bit longer. 
Nothing is rushing you. You and Nyx will one day be together, that is true, and if one more day lies between you and him being ultimately together or not, doesn’t matter to you. Not with the prosperity of being with him and the knowledge that while living a life with him your mother and sister will be safe.
You will fill them in on your plan in a few days, when the time is right.
But you later find out that waiting was a fatal decision.
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“You want to leave Windhaven?” Your father raises a brow, and you vigorously shake your head. Your cousins leave the shadows behind you, closing in on you until they catch your arms. “You were going to leave us, weren’t you?”
“No, father.” Your voice is so vulnerable, why would I?
The door hasn’t even fallen into the lock when you knew you stepped right into a trap. Your mother and sister are cowered together in the corner of the room, shaking so hard you even see it from the distance.
You wiggle against their hold, but your cousins are just stronger, their nails biting into your skin, their silent laughter ringing in your ears.
“Letting your mother and sister alone to do all the work?” Devlon —your father— takes a step forward and this is the first time you see the tool in his hands. The same tool that was used to clip a female's wings. Your stomach coils, panic, strong and terrible, blazing through you. You feel how your knees start to buckle, but you fight against it.
“I wasn’t going to leave.”
“Bullshit!” Devlon shouts. “Do you think I am stupid. That I couldn’t detect this damn mating bond. The heir‘s powers are strong but not that stronger. The glamour starts to fade.” Disdain laces his features.
“Were you hoping to become a princess one day, huh?” He stalks forward and weighs the tool in his hands.
You want to growl at him but you keep your mouth shut.
“I need to disappoint you. Someone like you will never be a princess, and most definitely not a High Lady. You are a laundry girl and you will stay like that.”
“Father, I—”
The click of his tongue shuts you up. “Too late for silly apologies. It is not time to make sure you stay where you belong.” Darkness falls over his face, and he tips his chin. It is your cousin’s cue to move. They turn you and force your chest down to lie atop the wooden table.
He is going to clip your wings and there is nothing you can do against it. You are strong, but not stronger than the three of them. 
The content of your stomach sours at the helplessness you are feeling, tears burning behind your eyes. But you won’t give him that. You won’t cry. He doesn’t deserve your tears. You won’t be vulnerable. You won’t be weak. And if he clips your wings, you will—
“Devlon don’t!” your mother cries out, but your father shuts her up with a snarl and a pointed, warning look into her direction. He steps closer and presses down on your back, forcing your face to rub against the harsh, wooden surface, some splinters definitely piercing into your skin, drawing blood. Your spine cracks and your shoulders ache from the angle your cousins are still holding your arms and you cry out in pain — it is just too much, you can’t hold it in any longer.
“It is her fault. She didn’t want it any differently. She brought—”
Devlon‘s sneer is cut short.
The main door bursts open with an impact that has the whole hut shaking, power so strong and lethal when it stretches out makes you aware that it can only be the High Lord and your mate who have arrived. You whip your head into their direction and a loud sob parts your lips.
Morrigan is also in tow, the first to move towards you and your father. “Hands off the girl! Now!” she growls, fury swirling in her hazel eyes.
It must be the shock, and definitely fear that makes your cousins step back, letting go off your hands. One of the stupid brutes even has the audacity to speak up and say, “He made us do it.”
But no one pays him any attention. Everything is focused on you, and the tool, the large clipping tool, positioned at the base of your wings and the male holding it. Devlon, despite stepping back, does not seem remorseful about his actions.
“Devlon.” Rhysand’s growl ripples through the hut and Nyx sets out to get to you as quickly as possible. He helps you up and pulls your shivering body to his chest. “I got you. Nothing can happen now,” Nyx whispers against your head, but you can’t quite focus, your attention on your father.
“What is going on here!” Rhysand demands and his lethal power fills the room.
But your father is not afraid. His face displays nothing but purely male smugness when he says, “Do you know about it, Rhysand? What they did?”
“That they are mates,” the High Lord answers matter-of-factly. He slides his hands into the pockets of his pants and pins the camp lord with a look. 
Surprise passes over Devlon’s face – he hasn’t expected Rhysand to know. Thought, or maybe even hope, to catch him off guard and shock him. But quite the opposite is the case.
“I know that.” Rhysand turns to look at you and his son. “And I also know what you were about to do. What would have happened if we had arrived here any moment later.” Lethal calm graces each of his words, and it sends a shiver down your spine. You hold tighter onto your mate. 
In the corner of your eye you can see that Lady Morrigan moves swiftly across the room, crouching down at the opposite side and throwing both her arms around your sister and your mother. She whispers something to them but you can’t make out the words
Your heart is beating so rapidly, nearly jumps out of your chest. Ragged breaths leave you and you feel lucky you’re holding onto your mate for support. You know you would fall to the ground otherwise.
“Your daughter is my son’s mate and that makes her part of my family. She is mine to protect.”
The High Lord’s power lashes out but before you can see what happens to your father, black mist swirl around, blurring your vision until everything is dark and you enter a state of oblivion. 
 ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
“No-o!” Your throat is too dry, voice hoarse and the shout that leaves your croaky. You re shaking, chest heaving rapidly, but when strong arms wrap around you and you are pulled flush to a solid, warm chest, every seems to ease.
“I am right here. With you.” His lips brush your head. “You are safe. We are in Velaris. Far away from your father, my star.”
Now there is no more holding back for the tears. The run freely. The damn breaks and they burst out of your eyes. 
“I-I-my wings. He wanted to—” Your breath catches and you tio back your head, finally opening your eyes despite the stinging burn in them. “Mother. Salia!”
“Here as well.” Nyx appears in your vision and rests his forehead against yours, not giving you a chance to take in the room you are currently in. 
He exhales softly. “They are all here and safe. And your father—” He swallows. “He is taken care of.”
He offers no more of an explanation and you also don’t ask. Because you simply don’t care. He can rot in Hel…
He kisses you. And then the corner of your mouth. “Never, ever thank me for something like this. You are my mate. My love. My soon-to-be wife. You are mine and also mine to protect. I love you, my star.”
“I love you, my prince.” You smile through your tears and kiss him again.
After holding each other for a bit longer, Nyx helps you rise and you can finally see the room —his room— you are in and marvel at it. It is phenomenal and Nyx explains that it is your room from now on as well.
He helps you bath and get dressed and when all is done you join the rest of his family, of your family, in the kitchen for breakfast, embracing both your mother and sister tightly, holding on so tightly as if you never want to let go again.
“The nightmare is over,” your mother whispers, and the three of you start to cry.
You later learn that Rhysand that you are under full protection of them and your mother and sister were given a small house near the Sidra river to live in from now on. You can barely thank them enough, but High Lady Feyre reaches her hand out to you and says, “We have to thank you. For the reason for our son’s happiness.”
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