#i'm just tired and gay PERIOD
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wereh0gz · 10 months
I just want to be done with this one stupid class I don't wanna do shit for it anymore
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curiosityschild · 5 months
I feel Bad
#am I getting sick?#I don't know I don't get sick often#I might just be tired and anxious but I'm tired and anxious a lot and it doesn't normally feel like this#and I have an audition 🫠 for the community theatre show this summer#which is Anastasia which is not a very good musical btw#I am wearing a dress and I do not like it#I just had my mom take a picture of me because I need a headshot and I#don't take pictures of myself#unless I look especially gay and that's not. what I need rn anyway#here's the thing about auditions#I will not get a main role#which is fine#so many talented women in my area wow#but I WILL be upset by this#even though I have been trying to talk myself down this whole time#and then I will get over it and have a great time this summer but like that short period of time is gonna suck real bad#also I was definitely singing better earlier in the week I cannot sing right now wtf#I feel miserable and unwell and ridiculous#and I am trying very hard not to make a mountain out of a mole hill because it's going to be FINE#I am trying not to catastrophize it's not working#I CAN'T cry it will ruin my voice#I did not practice enough I am going to forget the words#everyone is going to laugh at me in my stupid little black dress HATE#I don't even have pockets this sucks so bad#and I have preemptively chicked out of going to the pflag game night afterwards#AGAIN#cuz I just can't even though the proximity of the two events is why I chose this time slot#thought I was being fucking clever or something
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socialistexan · 2 years
I'm so tired of cis people asking stuff like, "Why would Texas want a list of trans people who legally changed their names?" or "Why would Florida want a list of college students who have seeking gender affirming care? We can't figure it out."
It's eliminationist.
Ken Paxton wants a list of trans people who have changed their name in Texas so he can reverse all of those decisions (and that's the most charitable interpretation). Ron DeSantis wants a list of college students who have sought affirming care so he can force them to detransition.
Oklahoma introduced a bill to forcibly detransition people under the age of 21 (ironically doing what they accuse us of doing, forcing someone to live as the wrong gender). Texas has a new bill that will ban gender affirming care for every Texan of any age and makes it a felony for doctors to provide it. Multiple states either have passed or will pass bills that will ban legal name changes. Some states have slipped in language to anti-drag bills (which are horrific enough on their own) that ban anyone from displaying, presenting, or dressing outside their "biological" gender (one state has language about "DNA gender") in public.
It's about legally and morally mandating trans people out of existence.
Plain and simple. It's about making sure that trans people can not exist. Period. It's not about restrictions, or "think of the children!" It's about eliminating us from public life and then eliminating us from private life so that we have a choice of either die or conform.
When will y'all realize this isn't some wedge issue or a political football that they'll just give up on if they lose an election or two. These are ideologues who are singularly focused. They don't care about the marketplace of ideas. They don't give a shit if they get mocked on lefty Twitter and the late night shows. They only care about one thing: gaining and then wielding power to achieve their goal of eliminating trans people (and then gay people, and then women who don't conform to their gender standards, ect).
If you give them that power they will use it.
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jelliedink · 10 months
Ancient Vampire Partner as a Service Top Headcanons
Warnings: Pure smut. Mentions of death, blood, violence. No gender specified, but reader do get periods. Implication of abusive relationship. Author's note: I wrote an extensive introduction to this post, but then I realised that was mostly me rambling. So I decided to get straight (and kinda gay) to the point. Shall we? Divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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Here's my take on how I think the sexual dynamic between a human and their ancient vampire lover would go:
Your ancient vampire partner knew they had to be gentle and careful with you. Much like us when carrying a newborn puppy, they were aware of how easily your bones could break if they got too excited. Since sex for them was now more of an echo from their human days and not a survival need, they were ok with going without sex for long periods of time, perhaps waiting until you were ready to be turned. For now, they thought it was safer to wait.
You, on the other hand, were very much not ok with this. You were human, your body evolved to make happy chemicals from sex. As if that wasn't enough, the main survival strategy of your partner's species was looking hot as fuck to lure humans, getting their thoughts so clouded by lust that they'd ignore the stone cold touch, the sharp fingernails, the bluish hue of their skin and the sharpness of their teeth. Your whole body went crazy just by looking at them.
They knew you couldn't help it. So, whenever you were needy and in the mood, they didn't mind putting you on their lap, back against their chest, and touch you until you've had enough. They loved being able to make you feel good, whispering on your ear while playing with your body: "What do you want to try today?" "Do you want me to get one of our toys?" "Does it feel good like this?" "Is this intensity enough?"
In the days you desperately needed to feel them inside of you, they ignored their own desire while watching you ride them mesmerised, gently guiding your hips up and down while kissing and caressing whatever part of your beautiful, soft and warm body they could reach. God, how pretty you looked with your eyes out of focus, using their body to get off and scratch that itch.
And when you were too tired they gladly took the lead, paying attention to your every reaction, focusing on how to serve you better: "Hold my shoulders tight so I can reach deeper without hurting you, ok?" "Slow and steady, precious, or you'll be tired before we can have the amount of fun you deserve." "Here, it will feel even better if you touch yourself too."
But they were far from being selfless. The moment you got your period they morphed into a feral and self-serving beast, unable to control themselves any more than a hungry lion would if near a trapped deer. This was one of the very few times they could feed off of you and they were not letting all this food go to waste.
You'd get properly cushioned in a comfortable position, a heating pad on your lower belly, your legs on their shoulders and they would lick you clean. Prepare to be there for a while, no amount of begging would make them let you get up until they're finished. Of course you always tried to. Every time this happened, they'd first try to convince you with love and praises, but their tone got increasingly more authoritative and mean until you couldn't recognise your lover anymore. "My baby, you taste so good." "How can you be so good to me, my little angel?" "Can't you hold on just a bit more? Please? For me?" "Oh, you're being tortured with too many orgasms? You poor thing, that sounds so terrible." "Pretty, you're not getting up. Don't think that you have a choice just because I'm trying to be nice." "Maybe if I show you how painful I can make it you'll realise how good you're having it stop being such a whiny ungrateful brat. You want this, my baby? You want me to hurt you? So don't make me hurt you."
In the end they'd kiss your whole weak body and your puffed teary face while begging for your forgiveness. They'd say they don't deserve you, they are a monster, they just don't know how to control themselves when you smell like this and they were so hungry. You'd be pampered: a hot bath, body massage, your favourite food, that thing you've been eyeing for so long but was way too out of your budget.
They'd do just about anything you ask for. Anything but promise not to do it again.
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beautifulhigh · 1 year
The smallest of looks is the loudest moment in the room
Just a little one from me to save me from going insane and to sate my followers...
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ZAHRA: How long has this been going on?
Alex is focused on Zahra, Henry is staring off into the middle distance until Alex answers her.
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ALEX: Since New Year's.
And it's that Henry reacts to. Have a close up.
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Henry's gaze flicks to Alex. In this exact moment (1 hour, 5 minutes, and 41 seconds), he looks at Alex for a few seconds.
This is the moment Alex has put a start date on this thing between them.
It's a little more certain here than it is in the book:
"How long has this been happening?" "Since, um, New Year's." (page 233)
The placement of that "um" holds meaning for me - in the book Alex is hesitating before he pins a start date on him and Henry. He's trying to figure it out and that's what he goes for. Because how long has it been going on? Since they started sharing intimate thoughts and fears? Since they increased the benefits they had added to their friendship? Since the Red Room?
Nope. Alex goes for the moment when the possibility between them changed and he completely ignores the weeks of silence that happened straight after. The period of time in which Henry was full of fear over what he'd done, what Alex might do. In the book we know he runs scared, going on a public date and being photographed.
If there was a prince, and he was gay, and he kissed someone, and maybe it mattered, that prince might have to run a little bit of interference. (page 125)
We don't have anything like that in the movie but we do have the silence. We see Henry's fear when he comes into the Red Room. Not just because of the line he crossed with Alex but because he has exposed himself and his most closely guarded secret, a glimpse of his true self.
He will know that Alex isn't going to out him - they've spent long enough talking and getting to know each other for that to not be Henry's fear. And if he was then it would have happened long before the State Dinner. Henry's fear is about losing Alex, losing the friendship, losing that connection with the boy he's wanted since the Olympics/Climate Conference.
I'd put money on Henry promising himself, once upon a time, that he would never do anything to risk losing what small pieces of Alex he could have in his life. And when they start up this thing he goes in thinking that this is all he can have, all he will get.
"I thought I could have some part of you, and just never say [I love you], and you'd never have to know, and one day you'd get tired of me and leave, because I'm--" (Page 272)
Henry didn't think he would have all of Alex, at least not anything of import, that Alex wouldn't be as far in as Henry is. And yet here he is in this hotel room, declaring they have been this thing since that kiss. Since before they properly made out in the Red Room, went down on each other in Alex's bedroom, talked about "keeping things casual" before embarking on the most insanely devoted shag fest known to mankind.
Alex has been in since New Year's and he tells Zahra just that.
In the movie he is more decisive. (Just like the instant "No" when Zahra asks if it would make a difference if she asked them to stop.)
Since New Year's. Since the moment Henry kissed me and I became unable to think about anything else except doing it again. And doing other stuff.
And even though Henry ghosted him right after, even though the next thing Henry said to Alex after his apology and disappearance into the night was another apology for his behaviour, Alex has labelled that moment, that kiss, as their start.
The moment when Henry was brave.
And in the movie we get to see Henry's reaction to that. They've been discovered, things are about to blow up in a way they can't control, and Alex says that as far as he's concerned this thing between them has been going on all year.
Before the emails. Before Paris. Before the State Dinner. Alex has been Henry's since New Year's and this is the moment he finds that out.
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stevieschrodinger · 10 months
I really want to write this fic but I don't have time so have this.
Post upside down, everyone lives/nobody dies.
Steve and Eddie get together, Steve deals with his gay crisis. Eddie works through his 'holy shit I'm dating Steve Harrington' crisis, and they settle together. It actually turns into a long term relationship and Eddie starts to get comfortable.
Steve does not.
Steve's got a string of rejection and one night stands behind him, so he's kind of watching for signs of the same from Eddie.
Eddie settles in for the long haul, so the honeymoon period kind of wears off a little. Maybe it takes a while, maybe a year or a little more, but it does happen. They get jobs, Eddie has band practice and DnD nights.
And Steve Harrington who has confused sex with love since he was fourteen, doesn't handle it well. He starts keeping track of every time Eddie is 'too tired' or 'ive literally just showered, I wanted to sleep' or ' Steve I wanted to watch this movie' or the hundred other reasons Eddie turns him down all the time.
Eddie doesn't even try to initiate sex anymore, he just turns Steve down half the time or more. And Steve's got a hell of a sex drive, he knows, but Eddie's refusals hurt. They hurt every time, they make him feel unwanted, worthless. Unloved.
And worse, Steve likes their place to be tidy. Something that doesn't even seem to register with Eddie. He seems to be actually blind to anything untidy, like he literally can't see the dishes in the sink or all the books and crap he's left everywhere.
And it drives Steve fucking nuts. He says something. Eddie responds with 'leave it, I'll get it,' but Eddie's time frames for 'getting it' seems to be days long, despite it being a ten minute job.
So Steve stops complaining, and just accepts that Eddie doesn't care at all about how Steve feels, considering Steve has tried to explain to Eddie that he literally can't settle if his space is too messy.
Eddie doesn't even seem to want to understand.
Steve suddenly feels like he's committing some sort of crime because he wants their place to be tidy.
So he just does it all, keeps his mouth shut, and accepts the fact that Eddie doesn't love him. Because Eddie doesn't want him, and Eddie doesn't care about how he feels, and it doesn't matter that Eddie tells him he loves him a hundred times a day, because words don't mean shit.
It's action that talks.
And that goes on for ages, Steve slowly becoming more and more worn down. He stops trying to initiate sex; he's pretty certain Eddie doesn't even notice.
Steve cries about it when Eddie isn't there. Thinks about packing up and just leaving and going to Robs for a while. Thinks he's being melodramatic even if it doesn't feel it.
Comes home after a long day at work and the place is a mess and Eddie's just. Laid on the sofa. Steve looses it.
And he cries like, angry embarrassed tears as it all comes spilling out. And then he just...locks himself in the bathroom.
And obviously they sort it and live happily ever after and meet in the middle with all this stuff. Eddie probably talks to the girls about it and Robs just like..
So do the dishes? It takes two minutes and it will make him happy? You want him to be happy right? And she is right, so Eddie just...spends 20 minutes a day tidying. 20 minutes is nothing, and Steve always looks so thrilled and pleased when he comes home and everything is tidy. So it's easy to just get in the habit of doing it, especially when Steve's so grateful and affectionate with his thanks, and Eddie didn't realise until that moment how cold and absent Steve had become.
Eddie's sex drive just isn't as high as Steve's, it just isn't, but he finds when he's not in the mood, Steve is happy to jerk off while Eddie plays with his nipples and kiss him and tell him how much he loves him.
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afewproblems · 1 year
Season Two Halloween AU Part Six
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
Synopsis: What if Eddie had been at Tina's Halloween Party in Season Two? Featuring Steve!Whump, Stancy Breakup, and Eddie just trying to keep up with all these new revelations about who King-Steve actually is...
As always, thank you thank you to the lovely Jess @strangersteddierthings for letting me inundate you with spoilers and general Stranger Things/Steddie screaming!
[CW: Period Typical Homophobia from the antagonist, violence, gore, bodily injury, Billy Hargrove is his own warning.]
Shit, shit, shit. 
Eddie takes a step closer to Steve, but Dustin is faster. 
He pulls on the jacket sleeve, taking Steve to the window and Eddie can't even find the words to say to make him stop.
He wants to tell Dustin to give them a second, he wants to press pause on this whole horrible night and ask Steve to explain.
Because in what world did this make sense? 
There is no possible way Steve is gay, and even if is, the guy is fresh off of being dumped by his girlfriend just days before. 
On top of that, they're all running on fumes from a day searching for Dart, fortifying an old school bus, laying the Demodog trap in the junkyard, and finally coming back to the Byers to make their plan. 
Eddie's stomach growls at the sudden thought and he realizes just how hungry he actually is after all the adrenalin and running around they've done.
If Eddie is this tired and hungry, he can't imagine Steve is faring much better, he's not thinking straight. 
He can't be. 
Because if he was, if he had meant it, and Eddie just--
"Oh shit," Steve says lowly from the edge of the intact window. He presses against the wall, keeping himself out of sight as much as he can, "what the fuck is Hargrove doing here?" 
"That's what I'm saying," Dustin hisses, his eyes wide, he sticks close to Steve's side, away from the window and turns to Max, "what the hell is your brother doing here".
Max shoots Dustin a look and for a second Eddie thinks she's going to tell Dustin off before her face suddenly pales.
"He can't know I'm here, he'll kill me".
Lucas shifts closer to Max, knocking his shoulder into hers before turning his attention back to Steve, "he almost ran us over once, we were on our bikes". 
Their bikes…Jesus.
It hits Eddie suddenly that they're just kids, all of thirteen years old, with an unpredictable asshole standing just outside their door.
Steve sighs suddenly and squares his shoulders, his big hazel eyes move from Max, to Lucas, to Dustin, and Mike, before finally landing on Eddie. His brow pinches in the middle as his expression shifts into the same determined one from the day before.
But this time there is no nail bat in his hands. 
"Steve, dont," Eddie says, darting across the room towards him, but Steve is too quick for him.
He reaches for the door and unlatches the bolt, "stay out of sight, all of you, I'll be right back".
It's a promise Eddie isn't sure Steve can make.
The kids immediately move towards the edge of the window before Eddie whispers out a sharp, "Go to the boarded one shitheads, he's going to see you". 
Eddie shakes his head at the four identical eye rolls, but the kids do as he says and make their way to the far window he and Steve just closed up. 
There are enough gaps between the wood slats that they can see Steve make his way to the path as Billy steps around his car. 
"Am I dreaming or is that you Harrington?"
The cherry of his cigarette glows in the dark as Billy takes a long drag before flicking it into the street. 
"Yeah it's me, don't cream your pants," Steve's voice is steady, the smooth lilt of his 'King' voice takes over and it's so different from what Eddie has come to realize is Steve's normal speaking voice that it throws him for a bit of a loop. 
Just how much has Steve been pretending all this time.
Moonlight casts shadows over half of Billy's face but it doesn't hide the way his lip pulls over his teeth or the dark glint in his eye as he pulls off his jacket and tosses it through the open window of his Camaro.
"I'm looking for my step sister, little birdy told me she was here," Billy says, a sneer pulling at his mouth as his eyes scan the house before landing on Steve again, "which would already be weird enough, and now I find you here". 
"I'm doing a favour for Mrs. Wheeler and Byers, babysitting, I don't think I've seen your step sister, what's she look like?"
Eddie can't see Steve's face from this angle but the words come out smoothly, no stumbles with the lie.
But Billy stares just a little too long for it to have properly landed.
"You do favours for people like that huh," Billy laughs, ignoring the question entirely as he takes another step closer. He and Steve are similar heights but Billy has a good twenty to thirty pounds of muscle on Steve and Eddie begins to sweat at the manic look on Billy's face.
"You're something else Harrington, I don't think I'd be able to stick around if my girl fucked someone else--"
"Your sister's Not Here," Steve bites out through gritted teeth. He steps into Billy's space, his shoulders high with tension and anger, "leave". 
Billy laughs, a low dangerous sound, "you know, this whole night's been giving me a weird fucking feeling Harrington".
Billy tips his head back and leaves it there for just a moment and Eddie watches as Steve relaxes for just a second too long, tilting his head in confusion.
"And I think you're lying to me".
Billy punctuates the words by slamming his hands into Steve's shoulders, knocking him clean off his feet.
Steve hits the concrete hard, managing to roll enough for his shoulder to connect with the ground first rather than his head. He manages to sit up slightly, looking at Billy now with a mixture of surprise and fear in his wide eyes as he shifts to look back at the house.
Billy smirks and leans over Steve, "I'm just going to see for myself, told you to plant your feet pretty boy".
He stands up to his full height again and kicks Steve in the ribs. Hard. 
Eddie curses quietly as Steve curls in on himself and makes a horrible retching sound, but there isn't time to worry about Steve as Billy comes lumbering up the front path towards the Byers front door.
Which is unlocked.
Eddie hadn't even thought to latch it.
"Hide. Now!" Eddie hisses at Max, she opens her mouth to argue but Lucas gives her a push to the shoulder and looks at her with pleading eyes.
"Just go okay?" Lucas whispers, pushing her again towards the kitchen.
She shoots Lucas a fierce glare over her shoulder and disappears around the corner. 
Eddie steps back towards the kids, putting himself between them and the door, just in time for it to crash open. 
Billy looks around the room, frowning slightly at the boarded up window and all of the drawings covering nearly every inch of the place like vines, before his gaze lands on Eddie and the kids behind him.
"Well, well, well, this is quite the party here huh boys," Billy sneers, kicking the door closed behind him.
"A private one," Eddie manages to keep his tone even as he takes a step closer, drawing Billy's eye away from the kids, "what do you want Hargrove".
Billy scoffs and tries to step around Eddie, yelling at the top of his voice as he moves, "Maxine! You got three seconds to get you skinny ass out here before I bring you out myself". 
Eddie mirrors his path, blocking his movement.
"Who the fuck are you talking to man, I guess thats what happens when you take too many balls to face huh?" Eddie says with a mocking laugh in his voice, he lets the corner of his lip rise in a cold sneer.
Billy glares, "that's rich coming from a queer like you," he lifts his hand to shove Eddie's shoulder roughly, but Eddie's dealt with assholes like Billy time and time again and he’s expecting the push. 
He stays standing, keeping himself between Billy and the kids.
Billy shakes his head, "I don't know why you're involved in this, are you revenge for Byers or something? I ain't here for you or your little boyfriend out there, freak". 
"Just leave us alone!" Dustin shouts, drawing Billy's eye for the first time. 
"Yeah fuck off!" Mike screams as Lucas stands up, glaring venomously at Billy. He has his wrist rocket raised, armed with a piece of jagged wood from the broken window. 
"Sinclair," Billy's eyes narrow as they land on Lucas, "if I find out Maxine is here because of you--"
"You'll what?" Eddie growls, he hears a door open softly behind them but keeps his eyes on Billy, not taking any chances.
Billy seems to hesitate, his eyes dropping down to Eddie's fisted hands before rising again to meet his gaze, "Max already knows what happens when people don't listen, but I guess I'll have to show you the hard way Munson". 
Billy moves like a viper, his fist rears back and swings forward so quickly that Eddie barely has time to react, catching the punch in the jaw as he tries to move out of the way. 
"Sonovabitch," Eddie hisses, cradling his face. His vision swims as Billy reaches for his shirt collar, but the second blow never comes.
Billy's hand falls as Steve appears, barreling into Billy, shoulder first like a linebacker, sending them both crashing into the floor. Billy's head smacks into the linoleum, forcing a low groan out of him.
Steve recovers quicker, rolling off the other teen before rising to his knees. He’s breathing hard and holding his ribs with one hand while the other braces on the coffee table as he stands up.
"Holy shit," Dustin laughs out breathlessly as Steve limps closer, moving into Eddie's space.
"You guys okay?" Steve asks softly, he lifts his hand up towards Eddie's aching jaw but stops just shy of touching him. He blinks once and moves away again before turning to the kids.
They all freeze at the sound of a wild laugh behind them.
Billy runs a shaking hand through his mullet, slowly sitting up, scoffing when his fingers come away red. 
"Finally!" Billy crows, "the King Steve I've been hearing about shows his face, where was he when I gave you that black eye yesterday huh?" 
Billy wipes the blood from the side of his head on his jeans and laughs again, a horrible cackle that seems to echo around the small space of the living room. He paws at something on the floor as he manages to roll over onto his knees, breathing hard.
"Let me give you some advice Harrington,” Billy says through gritted teeth, bracing one hand on the coffee table while the other remains strangely hidden behind his back.
Steve says nothing, moving himself to stand in front of Eddie and the kids. Billy stumbles slightly and shakes his head as he manages to get his feet back under himself. 
"If you're gonna hit someone, make sure they don't get back up".
By the time Eddie sees what Billy has clenched in his hand it's too late. 
Billy swings his hand out and catches Steve in the temple with an ashtray, the ceramic shatters on impact sending pieces of pottery in all directions and embedding several into Billy’s hand. 
Eddie's heart nearly stops at the wet crunch it makes as Steve's head whips back at the impact. He crumples limply to the floor, his head bouncing once against the linoleum before Steve lays still on the living room floor.
Eddie feels like he's underwater. Like time has slowed down and he's sinking.
He doesn't realize he's moving until he's in front of Billy, until he's gripping the edges of Billy's shirt in his hands, until he's shaking him like a ragdoll.
Eddie's never felt such overwhelming rage and fear, its coursing through him, burning him up from the inside out.
Steve isn't moving.
There's only coherent thought playing on a loop in his head. 
He's dead, he's dead, he's dead.
"Billy!" A small voice cuts through Eddie's yelling, when had he started yelling, from the kitchen door.
Billy's face tips towards it, his dazed eyes widen slightly and his lip curls back in a feral smile.
"I fucking knew it," Billy slurs out as Eddie throws him to the floor. 
He laughs again and again, his head bleeding freely now, red lines drip down his face.
Max takes a shaky step into the living room; she ignores Lucas yelling at her to run and continues forward, Will's second dose of sedative clutched in her left hand. 
Max pushes past Eddie, drops to her knees and plunges the needle into Billy's neck with a roar. Eddie watches as Billy flinches at the impact and lifts his hands to frantically rip the needle out.
"What the fuck?!" He whispers, trying to sit up but his shaking arms only drop him back to the floor, "what did you do?"
"Made it so you can't hurt my friends," Max says lowly, she trembles as Eddie helps her stand and directs her towards the boys who immediately fold her into a hug between the three of them. 
Eddie keeps his eyes on Billy until his breathing smooths out and his unfocused eyes finally close before he’s on his feet. He crosses the room in two strides and drops to his knees in front of Steve, letting his uncle's voice run through everything he ever taught him about first aid.
Don't move them, keep them talking, keep them warm.
Eddie's hands shake as he reaches out for Steve's neck and feels for a pulse, trying not to look at the blood coating Steve's face or the shards of ceramic in his hair.
"Is he…" Dustin says beside Eddie, startling him. The whole house has gone eerily silent as the kids finally make their way towards them, they don't crowd him the way Dustin has though.
Eddie swallows and moves his fingers slightly until he finds it, a thin reedy pulse. 
He's alive. 
Eddie feels his eyes sting and a wet hysterical laugh falls from his mouth. Steve is nowhere near okay, but he's alive.
He's alive.
Part Seven!
Tag List:
@eriquin @luvinthefreaks @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @goodolefashionedloverboi @ellietheasexylibrarian @bambibiest @sadboislovebeans @howincrediblysapphicofyou @coleys-a-nerd @whycantiuseunderscore @airconditioning123 @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @corrodedbisexual @starman-jpg @ilovecupcakesandtea @yoriposts @clumsiluni @pelinelin @phantomcat94 @lololol-1234 @anaibis @airconditioning123 @steveshairspray @hellfireone @sunswathe @eddielives1986 @tentativeghost @robin-not-batman @estrellami-1 @manda-panda-monium @tinyplanet95 @perseus-notjackson @queenie-ofthe-void @rainbowsaw @sp0o0kylights @littlebluejane @hi-im-eff @phantypurple @just-ladyme @thoroughlycollected @justrandomfandomstm @swimmingbirdrunningrock @finntheehumaneater @dynamic-powerm@nightmareglitter @genderless-spoon @zaddipax @thebiblesays @amerikanskaya-krassavitsa @pyrohonk @emly03 @geekymagicalpotato @sidebarre
and for some peeps that I think may be interested! @steddierthings @steddie-there @steves-strapcollection @henderdads @stevesbipanic @spooky-brakers
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libbys-braincell-loss · 4 months
i became inspired so heres a silly oneshot smg34 fic that also includes mario and meggy
This fic includes:
snowtrapped reference. Sorry yall </3
shitty grammar whenever mario speaks
SMG43 crush frustrations, a 2 1/2 part oneshot
Segment 1: SMG4 and Mario
SMG4 sits at his desk, making videos, as per usual. Working hard to appease the hell that is the YouTube algorithm, all that good stuff.
SMG4 is just focused on working on making a decent video, trying his hardest to work in peace.
Suddenly, the door breaks down for the 17th time this week (it's tuesday), and SMG4's idiot best friend Mario bursts in to disturb said peace.
"ES EM GEE FOUR" he yells, startling his friend.
SMG4 sighs. "Hey, Mario, what do you need?"
"I just wanted to see what you were doing :))" Mario replies.
"I'm just making videos, that's all," SMG4 says, attempting to regain focus on making the video. "I gotta finish as much as I can before I have to hang out with SMG3 later today"
"Ooooo, watcha gonna be doin?"
"3's just gonna be streaming the two of us messing around on Gmod. I think he wants to play prop hunt?"
"Mario played that one time with him. He's too good at it," Mario recalls.
"Heh, as if. He only won cuz he was against you," SMG4 exclaims. "He won't stand a chance going against me."
Mario peeks over the chair and observes SMG4 making his video.
"Can Mario help???" Mario asks.
"Hahaha, no," said SMG4. "You don't know shit about editing."
"Lol ur right, im just bored af and wanted to do something" Mario says, eyes crossing. "What video you makin"
"I'm remastering an old video called 'Charming Peach'; people seem to like when I make remasters of old videos," SMG4 responds.
"Oooooooooo" says Mario. "Can I suggest a video idea?"
"Y'know what, sure. Go ahead."
"Snowtrapped remaster :))))"
SMG4's eyes widen. He turns and looks at Mario in the crossed eyes and humongous mustache.
"Hell no!"
"Hell yeah :)"
"Why would you suggest that?! I'm not doing that!"
"Why not?"
SMG4 blinks. "Why do you think?"
Mario shrugs. "Because it's too cold?"
SMG4 face palms. "I forgot; you don't think."
"Awww :(" Mario frowns. "Thats mean :(("
"Dude, SMG3 and I literally have sex in that episode."
SMG4 blinks.
Mario blinks in return.
"AND WE WOULD RATHER DIE THAN REMAKE THAT? What do you want me to say?" SMG4 exclaims.
"You didn't enjoy it?" Mario asks.
SMG4's face turns bright red. "MARIO!! Why the hell would you ask that?!"
Mario blinks. He grins. "You're avoiding the question"
"I'm not answering the question. I'm not remaking Snowtrapped, period. SMG3 and I could never relive those events again."
Mario blinks one eye after the other, like a frog.
"Do you like him?" Mario asks out of the blue.
"Huh??" SMG4 says, red creeping on his face.
"Do you like SMG3?" Mario asks.
"I mean, yeah... as a... friend, of course."
"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." Mario's eyes narrow, and his head widens as he stares directly into SMG4's soul. "Mario doesn't buy it."
"What? What do you mean?!"
"I think you are gay :)"
"No. Also can you stop talking in emoticons?" SMG4 sighs.
"Come on!! I'm pretty sure you like him in a gay way"
"Why do you have to say it like that?"
"...Nevermind. No, I don't like him like that." SMG4 chuckles, like he's trying to gaslight himself into believing the words he says. "Why would I? He berates me every day, I can't stand him sometimes... Why would I be in love with someone who constantly tries to do some bullshit to piss me off?"
"But when you do get along, what then?"
SMG4 opens his mouth to speak, but no words came out.
"I just... I..."
Mario smiles really wide. "Youuuu liiikkkeee himmmm!"
"Mario, quit it!"
"Youuu dooooo :)"
"Youuuu likeee yourr rivaaaaalll :)))))"
SMG4 sighs, tired of trying to convince Mario otherwise. "Fine, you caught me. Yes, I may or may not have developed a crush on SMG3..."
Mario gasps with the utmost glee in his eyes.
"Yeah, but you BETTER NOT TELL A SOUL!!" SMG4 puts a firm hand on Mario's shoulder and points at him aggressively.
Mario frowns. "you're no fun"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I just don't want word to spread and for SMG3 to find out. Then he will really hate me, and not in the joking way he usually does."
"You think he hates you?" Mario tilts his head
"...Not really, but..."
"Then tell him!" Mario says.
"Haha, hell no. He is my rival, and even though we're able to... tolerate... each other for enough time, but SMG3 is very keen to remind me that we are 'rivals', and refuses to admit that we are friends, no matter how much we get close to admitting we are friends."
SMG4 looks down. "I do really like him, I just... I have no way of knowing if he does like me at all, and if he is being serious when he shit talks me. Maybe he thinks and talks about how stupid I am when I'm not hanging out with him. He probably hates me, with how much he berates me. Why would I want someone who hates me?"
Mario blinks. "You are dumping all this info on someone who has zero advice for you" he says.
SMG4 smiles sadly. "My bad. I just... it's been eating me up inside, I just wanted to vent about it."
"Its ok :) mario can try to give advice if you want!" Mario says.
SMG4 sighs. "Go ahead."
"Mario thinks that if SMG3 hated you so much, he wouldn't go out of his way to be around you"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"He frequently shows up to hang out with you, he saves you, he talks about you a lot..."
"Wait, he does?"
"Yeah! I was waiting to get a bomb at his coffee shop and he was in a corner writing in his journal again, and he was saying everything he was writing out loud; he was saying 'I'm excited to hang out with smg4 tomorrow, we gonna play some gmod together and im totally gonna beat his ass at prop hunt, hes gonna be so mad itll be so funny, seeing his face so angry is so entertaining-' and then he stopped writing cuz he saw me waiting for my bomb order and he shoo'd me out of there and i didn't get my bomb"
SMG4 blushes. "Huh. So, he does shit talk me outside of my earshot, but in a positive way..." He smiles ear to ear. "Mario, honestly, I cannot believe I'm saying this, but your advice actually helped. I think my intrusive thoughts were just trying to lie to me. I needed to hear that."
"Yay! Mario's glad he could help :)" Mario says, smiling. "This is my character development! I am therapist :)"
SMG4 chuckles. "Mario, I would not trust you as a therapist 100% of the time."
Mario smirks. "But you can trust SMG3 as your therapist-"
SMG4 punches Mario's arm "Shush. This stays between us, okay?"
"yeah B) i gotchu"
"Thanks, man."
Segment 2: SMG3 and Meggy
Meggy steps into SMG3's coffee shop, 3's Coffee and Bombs. The cafe was very empty, there was little to no people there.
"Hello? SMG3?" she calls out.
SMG3 pops out from the kitchen.
"Ah, Meggy! Welcome to 3's Coffee and Bomb's!" SMG3 exclaims with a grand flourish. "How may I serve you?"
"Hey dude, I came here two days ago," Meggy says, deadpan. "You don't need to make a grand spectacle everytime I show up."
"Yeah, yeah. What'll it be? Coffee or bombs?"
"I'd like some coffee today. I think I'm gonna go for some black coffee today."
"Daring today, aren't we?" SMG3 says, in a sarcastic tone.
"Look, I'm trying to expand my horizons. Try new things. Every time I drink coffee, it's sweet as hell. I'mma take something bitter for once."
"If you say so," SMG3 says.
SMG3 makes Meggy her coffee and Meggy gives him his money. SMG3's watch beeps.
"Oh! Looks like it's break time!" he says.
"Nice! Care to join me?" Meggy suggests.
"Sure, why not," SMG3 says, shrugging. He makes himself some coffee of his own and sits at a table across from Meggy.
"I heard you have plans on doing a stream collab with SMG4 today," Meggy comments. "You guys are playing Gmod, right?"
"Yeah!" SMG3 sips his coffee. "I'm gonna kick his ass in prop hunt. He will be so pissed."
"Haha, I see," Meggy says, taking a sip of her coffee. She spits it back into the cup.
"Rude," SMG3 frowns.
"It's not that you're bad at making coffee, it's that black coffee isn't the right coffee for me," Meggy responds, also frowninh. "Don't take so much offense to everything."
"Welp." SMG3 leans back in his chair. "I'm excited. I can't wait to absolutely destroy his ass in games I'm goated at."
"Aren't you just happy you get to hang out with 4?" Meggy remarks.
"...Hanging out with him to make him look like a loser on stream, yes!" SMG3 responds.
Meggy smirks. "I think you do enjoy his company."
SMG3 studies a speck on the ceiling. "Says who?"
"Says me. I know you like him."
SMG3's face immediately turns bright red.
"NUH UH!" SMG3 exclaims. "He's stupid and a moron and a loser! W-why would I be attracted to a- a loser like him?!"
Meggy looks him dead in the eye. "I was gonna say opposites attract, but you guys are both oblivious AND obvious dumbasses, so you guys have more in common than you like to admit."
SMG3 looks away. "I don't like him. He probably hates me, with how much I berate him. Why would I want someone who hates me?"
Meggy smiles.
"3, I think 4 is just as in love with you as you are with him."
"What makes you think I like him?" quizzes SMG3.
"Oh, you constantly talk about how excited you are to do anything with him, you pout when he's not around, and you're usually the first person to try to instigate helping him as soon as he's in trouble," Meggy recounts.
SMG3 blushes. "We're Meme Guardians; if one of us isn't around, our powers are very minimal. I'm just looking out for him because I don't know what happens to one Meme Guardian the moment his counterpart is dead, and I don't want to find out."
"Awww, you care about him!" Meggy smiles.
"Just talk to him, dumbass," Meggy said. "He usually functions better once people communicate their issues with him. If you ask if you take things too far, and if he feels hurt by your words, talking it out is the right thing."
"Shush. So what if I do? He would never like me back. He probably can't stand me. I berate and belittle him too much. I know, I know, it's bad, but... I don't know how to communicate appreciation to people I care about. Teasing is all I know, but I never know if I've pushed it's limit-"
"But that's so difficult! I'm no good at communication!" SMG3 complains.
"You're a therapist! This is the type of advice you give your patients!" Meggy responds.
"I'm a hypocrite!" SMG3 wails.
"Look, just talk to him at some point. Maybe after the stream is over, just take some time out of your day to figure out how SMG4 feels about your constant teasing, then go from there."
"Yeah. Y'know what, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks Meggy."
"No problem! And, while you're at it, you should totally go for it!" Meggy exclaims, beaming.
"Meggy..." SMG3 sighs.
"I know you like him, you can't keep hiding."
SMG3 groans even louder.
"Yes, but you tell no one, okay?" SMG3 orders.
"Of course," Meggy says, smiling.
SMG4 and SMG3 are up in SMG4's office, playing and streaming Gmod shenanigans. Mario is sitting on the couch in the gaming room, watching TV. Meggy comes in and joins Mario on the couch.
"SMG4 and SMG3 can't be any more obvious, can they?" she remarks.
"they gay as hell," Mario agrees.
"3 confirmed he does like 4," Meggy says.
Mario laughs maliciously.
"What?" asks Meggy.
"mario also got SMG4 to confirm he likes 3 >:)," Mario says.
"Ha," Meggy says, "Cool. Do you think they'll ever actually get together?"
"hmmmmmm, Maybe!" Mario answers. "But if they don't, it's incredibly funny to watch their gay struggling, so we can keep watching it for a while"
"I like your thinking, Red," Meggy smirks. "Let's just let them be for the time being."
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defilerwyrm · 1 year
I'm a trans man who wants phallo SO bad but the Fear Mongering people do makes me so scared. I have such a fear of surgery anyway and people say phallo is nearly 23hrs long, and it has more risks than heart surgery does, and idk if these are true bc I'm too scared to google it..But I want it so bad, but the stuff I hear scares me. Also people saying it doesn't have any sensation worries me. You said trans men can ask about it so I hope this is ok to do on anon!!! I'd appreciate a non fear filled reply so much thanks!!
23 hours!! Those poor surgeons, can you imagine!
Virtual hugs if you’re the hugging type, Anon, and a cool rock if you’re not.
Those things are definitely not true, not remotely. It’s a long surgery, but when I say it’s long that means it’s about 8 hours all told. It sounds like maybe someone heard it referred to as an “all-day” thing meaning a full WORK day, but instead assumed that that meant a full CALENDAR day. Or, you know, a transphobe made shit up to scare people.
It is most definitely not nearly as risky to your wellbeing as a surgery in which they saw open your sternum and cut open your actual beating heart. There is a fairly high chance of a minor complication that can result in the terrible ordeal of getting pee on your pants sometimes—a urethral fistula—and in most cases, they close up on their own anyway without needing another surgery to correct them. And in this case, “fairly high” means 40%, so it’s still less than half a chance that it’ll happen in the first place. At worst it’s annoying. Serious complications, the type that put you in danger, are extremely rare.
The sensation thing is also false, because they literally harvest a length of nerve from your donor site and hook it up to your existing bits specifically so you WILL have sensation! Sure, it takes a little while for the nerve to heal, but that’s just the reality of ANY surgery.
The nerve grows back in your donor site, too, by the way. While I was typing this up I discovered that one particular spot on my graft is ticklish.
Everyone has their own individual healing factor, but speaking for myself, I had full erotic sensation before the 3-month mark, and the orgasms have been incredible. The head and base are highly sensitive, and everything in between responds pretty damn nicely too, just less of a hit-the-ceiling level of sensitivity. And, you know, if you’ve handled an AMAB person’s penis much at all you’ll know that’s pretty much in keeping with how their dicks work too.
It is an in-patient surgery so if you have it, you’ll be staying in a hospital for a few days so they can keep an eye out for rare disasters. My stay was four or five days of snoring most of the day and periodically getting woken up to eat or answer some simple check-in questions, lift my arm for nurses to move stuff, etc, and then conking back out.
Being cathed sucks, but two weeks of frequent trips to the toilet to drain your bag is honestly nothing compared to a lifetime without (or with vastly reduced) bottom dysphoria. That’s the part that I hated. Everything else was your typical recovery: 10-15 days of sleeping 20 hours a day, then however many weeks of being tired, taking meds, and careful washing, gradually feeling more and more normal until you’re back up to full and ready to get back to business as usual.
Except with this one, you get to learn to pee standing up in the process. :D
(Protip: don’t try a public urinal until you’ve got it down pat at home. Not because of cis men, but because the learning process is messy, lol! The overwhelming majority of cis men in public restrooms want nothing to do with anyone else while they’re in there. The only place anyone’s gonna give your dick more than half a second’s accidental glance is in a gay bar. In 8+ years of using public men’s rooms I have yet to see one (1) penis that wasn’t mine!)
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littlekohai77 · 5 months
Thoughts so far (Ikevil)
🄲🄾🄽🅃🄴🄽🅃 🅆🄰🅁🄽🄸🄽🄶: This is nothing but just a ramble, a bit suggestive, op is clinically insane.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
Okay so I finally tired out Ikevil and I just wanna say....
I'm in love with William. I have known him for no longer than an hour but I'll commit war crimes for him. Wtf how can someone be so lovely??? How can someone be so captivating that other people become this obsessed with them?
I can't even begin to fathom what I'm feeling right now.
I'm so confused and intrigued because usually, the recommend suitor tends to be really cold or the route turns out to be boring. Basically they tend to be the golden cow.
But William is an anomaly. He's not cold or rude or harsh or as morally gray as others.
He seems quite level headed, polite and morally good.
At least from my impression of him so far.
Also Harrison is so 😍😫😩🙌🙏😫😭💀🤔🤤😓😬🤒🤗😘😚😡🤬😤🤯🧐😳🙄😳😳😳😍 🙇‍♀️🤰💃💃🏃‍♀️👀👁👁👀👁👁💦🔥💦😻😫😖
But I still didn't pick his route for now. I'll probably go for him after William.
Strangely enough, Liam doesn't interest me in the slightest bit in the romantic aspect. But I do want to be his friend, if that's even possible, cause he seems to be suffering.
Also Harrison gives off traitor vibes which is even more 😍🤗😍😳🙌😩
April 24... I'll keep it in mind and see for myself.
I don't know what it is I like about Ellis. Maybe it's just that I'm into size kinks and he's one tall goofy little goober. Also the fact that he wants to make you happy 😏 HUEHWUHEHEHEH
Jude Jazza. Is giving frollo vibes. Idk why IT'S GIVING FROLLO FROM HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME. Also he has a resemblance to Silvio. The tone, the 'woman', the hair, the face, the attitude.
I'm sorry but Elbert is giving FUCKING MAGPIE VIBES. It's kinda adorable. Until he steals your jewelry.
Idk what to feel about Roger. What's even more unsettling is the uncanny resemblance with Tray from Twisted Wonderland. I associate Tray always with good things but Roger gives off none of that and that clash makes me feel unnerved and queasy.
Victor... I don't know what to feel about him. His carefree and easy going nature makes me even more weary of him.
I don't like Alfons. Period.
He just radiates toxicity. He looks like he's an avid player of mind games and I do not wish to participate.
Yeah... That's about all of them for now.
I think I'm having another gay moment here cause goddamn is she beautiful and do I feel for her. I might just make another oc and ship her with Kate... For science..
I have bearly started the route but I'm already in love with William.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
𝙰𝚕𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝... 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞. :)
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trashogram · 17 days
Trashogram woke up and chose violent truths 😌 I feel like all Viviziepop's male characters are pretty much the same and their personalities is "I'm LGBT and I'm a sex addict", yay
👏 Seriously.
I’m tired of seeing all the male characters wanting to sex each other. Can I at least have female characters being horny too a story and some character development to go along with it? Can we get some variety too? Like not sexualities and genders but can I see some characters with sexual hang-ups and ass-backwards ideas about sex? Why do so many of these characters from different time periods, cultures and upbringings have the same open view on sex?
It’s such a weird thing to think about in a meta context too. HB/HH bank on their LGBTQ+ audience so the characters have a wide array of sexualities that are all accepted pretty much… but these shows are set in Hell. So, where are all the bigots?
The only character that fits that criteria of bigot/homophobe that I can think of is Crimson. And even then, Vivziepop seems to favor the idea that he’s secretly gay and Moxxie’s mom was just his beard because she likes Criminale fan art on Twitter 😭 We can’t even have one character just be a heterosexual chauvinist even if that character is a VILLAIN.
I can’t believe I’m gonna say this but I miss Pilot!Travis — an insecure homophobe that talks down to the male prostitute he paid for to have gay sex with, which is exactly what you’d think Hell is full of — ilu little bitch come back
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zeroducks-2 · 4 months
Zero you mentioned hating on people who get prissy about people shipping characters they dont actively ship and it sparked a LONG burning question of mine concerning bias shipping culture in Batfam fandom. Fans who attack and complain and make a big show of hating on ‘batcest’ ships ARE SO DUCKING HYPOCRITICAL OH MY LORD. I don’t understand why it’s considered okay to ship Dick x Barbara or Barbara x Bruce, or Steph x Tim. But seen as a cardinal sin to ship Jason x Dick, or Jason x Tim or Bruce x Dick??? Especially when the only argument antishippers make is ‘that’s gross their brothers/father and son and that’s incest 😤’. I’m sorry? Did you not just post nsfw Dickbabs content? Did DC not make Steph and Tim romantic love interests? Is that not incest too? Considering the fandom classifies all of them as family, and in a lot of fan spaces and fanfics, are they not interacting and being written as a family unit? I see SO many people blog about Bruce seeing Babs as his first daughter, or being making weird headcanons on Bruce and Steph’s relationship and donning it ‘tired uncle!Bruce and weird niece!steph core’. Like you obviously see them connected to Bruce through familial ties, and yet you’re okay with them dating Dick and Tim who are legally adopted by Bruce and who are also known as his sons? The irony. The hypocrisy. The ducking mockery of it all. Personally, I don’t think the issue that antishipper have is the ‘incest’ part but rather the ‘gay’ part of it all. Game of Thrones taught me that the general public actually don’t care about fictional incest between characters as long as it’s not between two male characters. Because lord forbid the’s a couple of queers in media.
I have been talking about this many times and I have no qualms talking about it some more:
The whole idea around "batcest" makes no sense. These are people who did not grow up together, aren't related and never even lived under the same roof. Incest is not a spectrum, incest means sexual intercourse with a relative within the prohibited degree of consanguinity, consanguinity means BLOOD RELATIONSHIP, and these people DO NOT HAVE IT.
But even then, they are a bunch of hypocrites because I have not ever seen anyone batting an eye over Dickbabs or Timsteph (or Jaybabs, or Timbabs - yeah depending on the time period or the media, poor Babs has been passed around a lot). Their relationship is the exact same as the boys' when it comes to shared experiences. Steph has even been a Robin. But nobody cares because 1, DC is not pushing the "family rhetoric" with the girls all that much since they treat them as lower importance characters (when they're there at all), and 2, it's not queer relationships.
And this is ultimately what makes me go insane about queer kids parroting anti bullshit. Censorship is the weapon used by bigots to criminalize, punish and ultimately erase queer people from existence, it takes to study queer history for five minutes to understand this. You can see it happening in every fandom space where every type of queer ship gets put through some sort of moral sieve, and they WILL find reasons why it's unethical to ship it. Did you know that now shipping Dick/Wally is problematic because "Wally has a wife" ? So basically they're turning the very reason why fandom was born (exploring something different from the standardized heteronormative/amatonormative way of doing everything when it comes to narrative) into something pRoBLeMaTiC.
And these little fucking idiots keep spouting queerphobic nonsense while feeling morally righteous, not understanding that they are playing the game of the same people who if they could would shoot them in the street for being anything but straight and cis. And I'm not even taking into consideration the amount of harassment that comes from antis who think bullying and suibaiting someone over the perceived honor of fictional characters is okay.
BTW it's working. Just to name one, tumblr is not even doing its little rainbow capitalism number this year, because it's not a good look to be queer friendly anymore. Antis are helping the people who want us dead get to a spot where being anything but "normal" is illegal. When it happens, and if we keep going the way that we are now it will happen, it's going to be their fault too.
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tainted-red · 2 years
Part one.
TWS: Smut, Language, Dub con, Threesum.
Summary: Y/n and her best friends have to share a room for a school trip.
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Gosh you loved your friends.
If some guy wouldn't take a hint, Your friends would beat his ass. If you felt sad, Your friends would comfort you. If you were bored, your friends would entertain you.
They cared about you more than your parents.
Sure you were the girl of the group. But it didn't matter to them. They would still fight you, your losing was inedible. They talked to you about girl shit, and you gave them good advice.
You were currently on a boat and you and the whole school would taking the a boat to Mexico for a special school trip. Something about the school grade having all student get up to 90%.
You get to share a room with your best friend's.
Rafe Cameron your best friend since middle school. He bought you a slice of pizza since you had no lunch, and ever since then you became besties.
He was the relaxed one, didn't care about any girl besides you. If you need someone to watch a movie with, he's your guy.
Kelce Leroy, you met him in your homeroom in grade 9, he worked with you on a project with Rafe, and you all became a group since then.
He was the more fun one, always on your hip about letting loose. Being cool.
Topper Thorton, you met him at summer camp in grade six. You became close because he picked up all your period products in grade 6.
A bunch of boys thought it would be funny to go through your bag, they through around your pads and embarrassed you. Making you cry. Topper picked up all your stuff and comforted you.
He was the more caring one. Always saying you can talk to him if you need to. He was basically the mom of the group or dad.
It was perfect cause you were the more rebellious one. Always trying to start something.
Kelce cheering you on, Rafe laughing on the side, and topper trying to stop it.
You are a kook. They liked that, more like Rafe did.
You were currently sitting with Rafe and Kelce as Toppee fetched you some drinks.
“I think I'm gonna ask Jj out” You decide “No, he's a pogue Y/n” Rafe rolled his eyes.
“So what. I'm tired of these stupid restrictions you make. He's nice and hot” You giggle.
“He's dirty as well as his Pogue friends. But Rafe didn't you kiss Kiara in like 9th grade?” Kelce reminds us.
“Oh yeah, I remember. Everyone thought you were weird cause she was two years younger” You laugh with Kelce.
“You dared me to” Rafe remarks.
“Cause she was in love with you, Sarah told me” You shrug.
Topper finally returns to us “here I got diet coke y/n, Sprite for Kelce and Water for Rafe” Topper said handing his stuff when he said our names.
We all thanked Topper.
“They said we will be in Mexico in like an hour from now, Mrs trench said were all sharing a room In the hotel” you told them.
“Two beds” you added.
“I ain't sharing a bed with you guys that's gay” Kelce fake gagged.
“Don't be homophobic. I have to share a bed with one of you guys, so I'm the one losing here” you scoff.
“Nose goes” Kelce shouts as he puts his finger on his nose, the other guys doing it as well.
Rafe doing it last “Hah you two have to share a bed” Kelce laughed.
You slapped him lightly on the chest.
“Why don't you guys just do something fair? Or sleep in a different room” You suggest.
“Mr. Kenneth said if he says anyone sneaking around there expelled” Topper buds in.
“How about we race” Rafe proposes to the boys.
“Why don't I have a choice in this? It's my personal space” you argue.
They all turn to me “Fine, Y/n can pick” Rafe grunts.
“Whoever is nicest to me all day can” You establish.
“Easy” Topper chuckles.
Rafe grabs my coke and opens it for you “Would you like me to hold it for you while you drink, your highness” Rafe half-jokes.
“Yes, peasant” you giggle.
He lightly tilts your chin up, slowly pouring the cold liquid into your mouth.
He stops and lets go of me “thank you kind sir” you wink at him.
“Anything for you” Rafe clicks his tongue.
“Would you like me to spit in your mouth? What the fuck was that guys? So sexual” Kelce lets out a deep chuckle.
“Watch it” Rafe warns him.
“Yes daddy” Kelce fake moans.
Causing us to laugh, besides Rafe.
Rafe leans towards my ear “if you don't fucking pick me ill ignore you for a while” Rafe gives notice to you.
He leans back out and smiles at everyone.
This is going to be a long trip.
“Anyways y/n, Kayla wants to talk to you. Something about her dead dog” Topper just now tells you.
You get up and smile at the boys “I'll be back. Next time tell me sooner” I look topper in the eyes “Yeah sorry” he apologises.
You pat him on the back as you walk away.
Hours have past now.
You and the guys were finally in the bedroom “So who is it y/n?” Topper asks, sitting on the bed beside you.
“Um I chose Rafe” You huff.
“Seriously, I gave you a foot massage y/n” Kelce shouts “Yeah and I carried you all day” Topper reminds me.
Standing up, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Sorry but Rafe did buy me that necklace” You shrug.
“Whatever. Mine as well suck his dick y/n” Kelce mutters.
“Fuck off. You have to share a bed with topper loser” you shout while fake laughing.
“That's it. I'm sleeping on the floor” Kelce sniffs.
“What's so bad about me” Topper asks.
“Nothing he just doesn't wanna” you shrug.
Rafe gets on the left side of the bed, laying down.
Kelce grabs a blanket and pillow and the remote.
Turning on sponge bob SquarePants.
You lay down beside Rafe facing him.
“Thank you y/n” He smiles at you, cupping your face “Thank you for the necklace. It's beautiful” You smile back.
He slowly leans in, lightly kissing your check.
Then kissing all over your head.
He started to playfully fight with you.
He pins you down and starts to tickle you, laughter screaming out of your mouth.
“Rafe- Stop- I can't breath” you wheeze.
He stops tickling you.
You catch your breath and somehow end up on top of him.
Attempting to tickle him “you forgot I'm not ticklish” Rafe licks his upper lip.
Placing his hands on your hips.
Slowly making you grind on him.
“Stop Rafe- we can get caught” You whisper.
“Let them watch” Rafe smirks.
Making you go faster.
Catching the eye of kelce “Ayo, what are you guys doing?” Kelce shouts while laughing.
Sure I made out with the guys sometimes. But usually nothing like this. I only once got to second base with Kelce. We were both very drunk.
“You guys having sex?” kelce asks, getting up.
Topper now turned over looking at us.
“No guys just having some fun” You laugh.
Rafe groaning beneath you.
“Let me join babe” Kelce jokes.
Suddenly Rafe tugs on your shirt. You take it off, throwing it on the floor.
Rafe smiles at your body. Getting harder under you.
“Oh shit. Real-life porn” Kelce laughs.
“Come here Kelce” You giggle.
Getting off Rafe.
Kelce sits on the bed and you push him down.
Taking off his shirt, crawling on top of him.
“Your so hot” kelce groans.
You kiss his stomach up to his neck, licking up to his ear lobe.
“Can I suck your dick in front of them” I whisper in his ear, lightly biting the lobe of his ear.
“Yes Miss” Kelce smirks.
You go on your knees in front of him.
Sliding his pants down, playing with the bulge in his boxers.
Rafe goes behind you and starts to kiss down your neck. Unclipping your bra.
“Can I fuck you y/n” Rafe asks.
“Yes” You moan as he dry humps you.
Rafe takes off his pants and slips off your shorts.
“Seriously, in front of me guys,” Topper complains.
“Come here then” you moan.
Topper quickly gets off the bed running to your side.
“How can I include you” You moan as Rafe snaps his hips into you.
You pull down kelce boxers. Stroking him slowly.
“Can I just watch? Maybe record” Topper requests.
“Fine” You groan.
You start to take kelce inside your mouth.
Topper gets his phone and starts to record “If you show anyone this ill fucking kill you topper” Rafe grunts.
“Yes I know, it's just for us” He smirks. Slowly jerking himself off.
You bob your head vastly for kelce, and grind on Rafe as he slams into you.
“I'm gonna cum” Kelce groans, gripping the bed sheets.
You felt him twitch in your mouth then liquid hit your throat.
You go slow letting him get off his high.
He gets up watching you swallow all of his cum.
“Gosh, you're so perfect y/n” Rafe hissed as he slams inside your pussy.
You felt your climax build up as he said that.
He starts to rub your clit in circular motion.
“Fuck Rafe- don't stop” You whimper.
You felt your legs go numb as you came all over him.
With a few more bucks he pulls out and cums all over your back.
Letting you catch your breath. Rafe then offers “Come on, we're gonna get you clean”.
He picks you up with the boys behind you.
Rafe runs the bath water and places you in it “Find some soap” Rafe demands.
Topper looks around and finds a little bottle of bubble bath, Rafe adds it to the water. Creating bubbles in the water.
“Thank you” You smile at Rafe “Get washed then we're gonna watch some movies order food and cuddle” Rafe lights up a candle.
Rafe made this all worth it.
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gryficowa · 15 days
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Tia… Apparently "Beetlejuice 2" came out (Now there's a wave of it like with everything else), but I don't care, sorry, I'm not a Burton fanatic, a few good jokes and nice shots are never enough for me (That's why I was never fan of the movie "Avatar", for me its hype is too inflated, because the only thing that shows good computer graphics, but the story is meh)
And yes, I grew up watching Tim Burton's Willy Wonka, but even that didn't make me like his work, hello, I didn't even watch "Wendstey" and then everyone was talking about it and making memes out of it…
My taste is specific, I often like things that others don't like (Reboot "Ben 10" and "Be Cool Scooby Doo") and I don't like things that others love ("Rick and Morty" as it was popular, actually, I'm still not a fan of this, sorry, not enough moments that I liked, or "Violetta", someone explain to me why this shit was popular? It was boring and characters as dimensional as Bill Cipher's…)
My taste is simply too different (Maybe because of my origins, but still, it doesn't matter that something is cult if I don't like it…)
And yes, my memories of the movie BJ are so meh, and the end of the movie left me with a bad taste… I don't know, it's just a typical problem with Burton's work, I have the impression that as a director and creator he is overrated (I don't know what word put it here, ok?)
And yes, I have ASD (Before someone with Ableism gets away from me, I'm a person with ASD, so I can say that I don't like his work, I'm a weirdo myself and I have strange taste, but it doesn't change the fact that I have problems with his work, I'm sorry, but I won't change it, I can't fully describe what I don't like, because because of ASD I have problems with describing my feelings, so, as I mentioned, I appreciate the look of the shots and a few gags, but even that won't make me love something, I can't be bought that easily, I need honest character dynamics, and this is something what bothers me about his work, I know, We, people with ASD, have a problem with showing emotions in some cases, or with describing them, but something just doesn't feel right to me and I really can't describe it, the only way I can describe it is that it's quite… Stiff? I know, maybe it doesn't fit to describe what I feel, but I don't feel that the characters reflect each other or have any relationship with each other, the only thing they have in common is the script and dialogues… I'm also tired of the fact that sometimes there is a forced romance, I know, a typical problem with hetero relationships in productions, but it just looks like "Hey, he's straight, so don't worry "that he's a hidden gay or something," but okay, it's a common problem, especially in the last century and at the beginning of this one, which doesn't change the fact that I have my problems with Burton, so yes, even reboots that are hated, at least give something in return, i.e. character dynamics, so you understand, it's a problem that is difficult for me to describe as a person with ASD, but even I have something that doesn't suit me…)
I guess the fandom will hate me for having the nerve to talk about the problems I have with something that's iconic in the USA… But I just can't convince myself that I like something because it's iconic, sorry I have different tastes , but it's not my fault, there's nothing wrong with liking something and there's nothing wrong with not liking something, if it makes you happy and helped you get through a difficult period (GF, vocaloid and musical BJ, that happened to me…), then it's ok if they harass you for liking it (Because they consider it immature or cringe) then that's fine it's their problem, not you, it's the same if you don't like something (Sorry, I'm not a Lydia X Beetlejuice fanatic, I don't like a ship based on a long-time demon and a minor character… Relationship? Okay, lovers? sus)
Now that I have your attention:
I'm writing again, it irritates me, I often don't know what to write, which is why I often see the text "Boycott" and a GIF, or I write and I start to worry that the collections won't reach people because they won't read it to the end…
My feelings towards the Beetlejuice/Tim Burton movie will probably also cause a lot of controversy… Eh… It's less of a worry than the fact that the collections don't arrive…
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I'm just tired of the fact that many great artists are underrated, and those who often create something bland are the most overrated, we have so many great creators, but they can't stand out and that's something that really depresses me, I want more artists with ASD and they can prove it even to Burton that they know the dynamics of characters, I just want more creators with ASD, give them a fucking chance, why do they have to not have a diagnosis to achieve anything? This sucks…
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talisidekick · 1 year
I wanna talk about how transmen are sexualized.
Transmen aren't Femboys.
Transmen aren't Sissys.
Transmen aren't for your sexual pleasure.
Transmen are biological women who have dysphoria.
You cannot change sex, you can change gender presentation and how your gender is perceived.
-Sincerely A transguy tired of being sexualized and misinformation
When people go out of their way to say "all trans men are" or act like all trans mascs are a specific thing only, like a femboy, or a sissy, it's transphobic because it's debasing people to a kink and not recognizing that these can be aspects of a person, but not their entire personality. When someone treats a kink like the default for a type of person, it's offensive. Gay men got reasonably upset when people kept expecting and depicting them to be effeminate because it was rightfully offensive as fuck. We shouldn't be debasing people to sexual roles and stereotypical presentations grounded in bigotry. In your examples, that's transandrophobia. Beyond this, I will disagree with everything except your sign off.
Transgender men are not 'biological women'. They're men. Medically, commonly assigned female at birth (afab). I say "commonly" because intersex transgender men exist and the term 'afab' isn't all inclusive of the biological reality we're dealing with. The term "women" is a social term, not a medical one, that relates a person to experiences of womanhood and defines them as a woman by proxy. This is incorrect. Transgender men are men, period. If you're talking biology, use biology terms. Social terms belong in social contexts. Conflating the two aids no one and instead walks right into the rhetoric fascists like the so called "radfems" and "gender criticals" use to associate sex with gender as falsely inseparable terms.
Also, no again to "you cannot change sex". That is a falsity in the reality of modern science. We can make functional penises for transgender men, this is widely documented, and modern science has procedures that would allow an individual to no longer be accurately medically classified as "female" and even "male". One such procedure is called SRS or Sex Reassignment Surgery, sometimes referred to under a broader category of Gender Confirming Surgery or GCS that covers the creation or removal of primary and secondary sex characteristics. Now before we get on the "what do I mean by functional" train, I'm deliberately not including sperm production or egg production in this statement because if that's your argument that it's not 'functional' unless it can be used to reproduce, you're an asshole that just said sterile men aren't men, and post-menopausal women aren't women, and fuck you. Men and women aren't defined by their ability to reproduce. That's bioessentialist bullshit that can fuck right off, this ain't the fucking 1960's.
I'm being highly specific here because I want to be very clear that the terms we use have impact, they're meant to be used in certain contexts and conflating terms with eachother doesn't help us make the points that we're trying to here.
The real meat of this though is that these sexualizations as femboys and sissy's being default used on trans masculine people in general is deliberately denying transgender men and mascs their masculinity. If a transgender man or masc chooses to express themself in such a way, that's their choice. But it's a choice an individual is making, not a collective. It doesn't matter what a transgender man or masc looks like, it matters how they want to be treated, and denying them that treatment to force them into a sexual role they don't agree with is a big fucking baaaaaaaaaaad move. We talk about sexual liberation in being 2SLGBTQIA+, and defining ourselves our way, but doing this to trans mascs is just reflavouring homophobia to attack a different group. Fucking stop it. Let trans mascs and transgender men be masculine. Stop default coding them as feminine.
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