#i'm so nervous about posting it hahaha
thehollywolf · 3 months
*Posts a selfie of me in the discord*
*also has my Instagram public with my face all over it*
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mr-yuugo · 1 month
Date With A Cat Lover
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[Idia Shroud X Gen!Reader] -FLUFF-
Words: 1,231
Summary: Idia goes on a date with his online friend. The freshmen find him and decide to tease him. As the reader converses with Idia's schoolmates, the reader is quick to take fondly of Grim.
You can also find this posted on AO3 and Wattpad!
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Saying Idia was nervous was an understatement. He felt like he would melt onto the ground as each second passed. It was embarrassing enough just sitting awkwardly on a bench at a public park.
"So many people..." He thought as his foot anxiously tapped repeatedly on the ground. He was waiting for you in fact, so he decided to bear the nervousness and wait for you to get there.
This would be the first time you two would be meeting in person. Having met in an online game and becoming friends. You were so cute in the photos you would send him, he only hoped you were the cute person in the photos and not some catfisher.
"Now that would just be horrible..." He let out a shaky sigh as he pulled out his phone. Checking his messages to see that you texted him. "I just got here!" The message read.
Idia shrieked as he got up from the bench. Dusting off his clothes and telling himself not to act too weird. "Idia!" He heard someone call out to him. He stared at your figure coming closer to him as he looked at you in awe.
"Score! They're a total babe! Ez 10/10." Idia flashed his sharp teeth as he smiled at you. A sudden wave of confidence overcame him as he waved at you. "Y/N, I'm glad you could come."
"Mhm! Sorry for keeping you waiting." You told him as you linked your arm to his. Okay, that sudden confidence was gone. "Woah Idia! I didn't know your hair could do that!" You laughed as you smiled at his now pink hair.
You and Idia arrived at your desired location. When Idia found out you lived around the area he couldn't contain his excitement. Better yet the yearly fair was visiting so he immediately decided to invite you to go with him.
As you went up to the ticket booth Idia had bought your tickets. You thanked him as you promised to treat him to whatever foods he wanted to try. "Woah! Look Idia!" You told him as you pointed at one of the rollercoasters. "We should try that one!"
Idia looked at the ride you wanted to go on and gulped. "That one has a lot of swirls..."
"I know! Hahaha! Come on let's go line up!" As you lined up you both soon arrived at the front. After giving the necessary tickets to the person supervising the ride you both went to sit down.
Buckling up and lowering the bar you secure yourself in place. You laughed once more at Idia's scared expression. "Oh come on Idia it won't be that bad." The ride soon started as your cart began going up on the rails before dropping abruptly.
Idia screamed as he held onto the bar for dear life. Idia's eyes landed on your form. His screams of terror stopped as he sweat-dropped. You yourself were holding onto the bar with a serious grip. Your eyes closed as you shrieked.
After the ride, you and Idia agreed to not go on any more roller coasters. For your next ride, you decided to keep it simple and go on the teacup ride. When it began Idia was delighted when he found out you could spin the cup.
He had begun spinning the plate to make the cup rotate as you screamed at him to slow down. "W-Wait Idia-!" You gasped as you clutched onto your seat so you would not fall off.
As it ended Idia stumbled around. "I shouldn't have done that..." He said as he put a hand over his mouth.
You on the other hand laughed it off and began dragging him to a food stall. "So many options...what about the churros? That sounds delicious." Idia perked up at this. "Ah yes! I've seen videos of people getting them here they look yummy."
You nodded your head. As you looked around the park you saw a lonely bench and made Idia sit down. "You wait here alright? I'll go buy them."
"Are you sure you want to go alone?"
"Yeah I'll be fine, you just try to stop your head from spinning." Chuckling you made your way to the line. As Idia sat patiently his heart dropped when he heard a familiar voice. "Ah, Idia! How are you."
Idia had a terrified expression as he saw the main four. "Eek! What are you guys doing here!?"
Ace rolled his eyes. "Having fun, and you? I saw Ortho hanging out with some of his buddies but I didn't see you."
"This is horrible! I feel like a criminal that's just been caught." Idia scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Well, I'm just hanging out ya know?"
Yuu laughed at him. "Well, I hope you are not here alone." Duece nodded his head. "Well be more than happy to have you join us if you would like."
"Who said I was here alone?!" Idia thought as he scowled.
"Myah! I actually saw him with someone. I wasn't sure it was him but now I'm sure!" Grim said as he grinned. "Woah there! Maybe Idia is on a date!" Ace gasped as he began to laugh.
Idia's hair turned pink at the tips as he began shaking his head in disagreement. "I-im not! Who said that!?"
"It's nothing to be ashamed of Idia." Duece smiled at him. "I'm not ashamed-!" Idia's voice trailed into a whisper as he saw you walk up to him.
"Hey, Idia I'm back." You smiled at him and then at the others. "Oh hello! Are you some of Idia's friends? I'm Y/N!" The others stared in shock as Ace quickly leaned down to whisper in Idia's ear. "Okay, what did you do to bag a complete hottie."
You began making conversation with Yuu and Duece as you noticed the furry animal below you. "O..m..g! How cute!" You smiled as you bent down to pat Grim on the head.
"Hey! I'm not a pet!" In your hand, you had the paper bag filled with the churros. "Aww, you are just the sweetest thing aren't you!" Taking a churro out of the bag you gave it to him. "I guess I am..." His ears fell as he took the treat out of your hand and ate it. "So cute!" You said as you began to stand up.
You blushed as you realized the others were all staring at you. "O-oh I'm sorry..." You mumbled as you giggled. Idia simply bawled his hand as he smiled in contentment. "They are a cat lover..."
"So Y/N you here on a date with Idia?" Grim asked as he motioned to the bag to have more. You gave him another one as you nodded your head. "Well...it was never officially a date but I guess so!" You laughed as you continued to feed Grim more treats.
Soon they bid fer well as you waved at them. A pout on Idia's face as you sat down next to him. "Hm? What's wrong?" You asked him. "That was embarrassing..." He muttered.
You intertwined your hand with his. "Well, I'm glad your friends were nice about it though. Well..." Standing up you pulled Idia along too. "We should probably get back in line."
"Huh? For what?"
"The Churros, I gave them all to the cute cat."
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spockandawe · 1 year
Here we go! I have some smaller books to share as well, but I've been absolutely VIBRATING with excitement to share a BIG one, and I'm going to indulge myself and post that today, then figure out words for the rest. Because I bound a new cnovel. Check it out, guys, I bound jwqs/clear and muddy loss of love :D
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Let me indulge myself and backtrack a little! First, these are quarto books, so they're short. But I think these average a little under 500 pages each, and jwqs is a LONG book (my beloved), and this adds up to a total eleven inches of lesbians. More like twelve once they're in their cases. It's over a million characters in Chinese and I think the English translation comes in somewhere around 890k, it's HUGE
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Making these books was SO FUN, I hadn't read jwqs and still haven't, and will probably read on my phone when I do. I don't have any exciting photos of the typesetting, but I knew this was an imperial succession story, and that made me nervous, those stories don't always click for me. Well, the process of typesetting and adding footnotes for this beast definitely confirmed that I'm going to have a good time with this thing when I have the time to read it, but there was also so much going on that only the vaguest of spoilers sank in. I went into an absolute FRENZY of typesetting, and after I printed, cut and folded it, well. That was one afternoon of sewing. You're looking at the reason I'm scrambling to make up a few hours of missed work, hahaha
After that, I needed cases. At the very beginning of march, I received a shipment of some FASCINATING bookcloth. It's called Duo, and it's made by layering a thin gauzy fabric of one color over paper of a different color. Depending on the combos, you get a really cool range of color-shifting effects. And they've gone out of production! But I was part of a group order to get some of the goods, and hadn't yet finished a new project. Reader, I went for it.
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That purple and green is bananas!!!! It's so hard to photograph, this midnight picture of a few cases is one of my most successful attempts to capture the full range up close. Originally I'd been thinking of trying to evoke imperial gold, but I figured this was still the kind of drama and luxury suited the book, and also something something the hidden colors suited Qi Yan's character. I tied it back a little to the imperial gold with the endpapers, then titled them in silver foil, since the endpapers had silver in them.
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But once the books were made, I felt like it wanted something... more. Something like a BOX!
And me, I chase novelty. A set this large would be tricky for anything clamshell, but a slipcase for all seven would leave books tipping all over if it was wide open, but putting walls between slots would be demanding in terms of precision and would risk similarly-sized books getting stuck in the wrong slots. Then I remembered learning about slipcases where you could put in a little insert to support the weight of the text block, and the concept SNAPPED into place.
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Colors aren't going to photograph well at midnight, but I made the supports using the scraps and off-cuts from my endpapers, to tie it back into the bindings. The back of the case is lined in more of the duo, and the walls are lined with a faux leather bookcloth I like a lot, it feels buttery smooth and seemed like a good neutral material to tie the papers and bookcloth together. I listened to some of the DEEPEST layers from the nine-hour conspiracy theory iceberg video while I was working on this, haha, it was a TRIP.
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And in the end, each of the supports is sized to comfortably sit in the smallest of the volumes, and evenly spaced, so I believe it will take the books in any order with no problems. It's easy to grab the books without having to cut notches into the walls to grab them from. And even though weight is less of an issue for quarto sizing, the books in here have their weight supported no matter what angle the box is at! I'm so, so pleased with how this concept worked out and definitely plan to do more with it in the future.
So there we are! Jing Wei Qing Shang! I had such a fabulous time with this project, and I'm so excited to get to share it with all of you. The story was fun to work with, the bindings and box were fun to make, and everything here came together just as well as I could possibly have hoped. I'm so proud of this, and incredibly, incredibly excited to show it to you!
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bunnyluvx · 6 months
hsr characters and their love languages! ♡
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featuring: natasha, welt yang, asta & sampo x gn!reader.
summary: hsr characters and their favorite love language with their partner! <3
warnings: spoilers about natasha if you are a beginner, and spoilers about welt yang.
a/n: hi there everybody!! this is my first official work here on tumblr and to say that i am nervous is such an understatement bc I AM SO SCARED HAHAHA. please be mindful throughout this post that i am not caught up with the game, and am not completely knowledgeable about hi3 or hsr lore. i'm pretty confident that almost all of the characters are in-character, sampo is really the only one i'm unsure of, so apologies in advance. i wanted to give natasha a break bc man she deserves one udbfoein. not proofread btw so have mercy on me for grammatical errors. i may or may not make different parts of this or make platonic/familial versions of how the characters would show their love for their friends/family, so if anyone is interested in that, please let me know!! this is also my first time doing a post like this so please be kind. ;; i'm excited to hopefully make new friends from this!! enjoy all of the fluff! <3
date started: 7:38PM, april 6th, 2024. date finished: 1:56AM. april 8th, 2024.
wc: 2.2k
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natasha ♡ quality time.
natasha is always up on her feet, tirelessly working to tend to her patients and taking care of any necessities around the underworld. it is very rare that this woman is able to get a moment's rest, and as the leader of wildfire, she feels as though she cannot show weakness. she has to set an example for all of the children that she takes care of, and all of the underworld's citizens. if she falters, then they will start to worry and panic. she cannot have that. as stressful as her day-to-day life can be, she is incredibly grateful that she is able to help so many people. she loves to tend to the sick and carry out her duties so that she can guide her people to a better future.
however, when it comes to you, she feels as though she can let her guard down, when all of the children are asleep, and all of her duties for the day are done. she flops down onto your shared bed and softly sighs. you would lay by her side, her eyes closed, but she is content knowing that you are close to her. the nights that the two of you spend together are the nights where she feels most at peace. they are one of the moments that she holds of most importance, for they are the moments where she remembers that she is just oh so lucky to have you. whether if it's snuggling in bed together, which she thoroughly enjoys because she gets to snuggle up into your chest and relax, or sharing a meal, what is most important to her is that it is your time together to spend however you wish.
she feels like she can breathe with you near her; you soothe her in ways that no ordinary person could. there is something about your presence that causes every muscle in her body to ease, and she cannot help but smile whenever she sees you. there isn't much time for date nights given her positions, and you working alongside oleg as acting leader surely makes everything much harder, but you two try to make time for nice outings whenever you can because you both love going out to do things together.
to her, it doesn't even matter if you go out to do something. even if the two of you aren't doing anything together. she is just happy with you reading next to her while she's practicing stitching up her teddy bear. or when she's reading through paperwork and you're reorganizing some of the shelves and drawers around the clinic. being in your presence is all she needs in order to feel loved by you.
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welt yang ♡ acts of service.
admittedly, welt is quite the romantic. there has always been a part of him that has been fond of the idea of finding someone right for him in this dimension. he never really made a priority for it, he never actively seeked out a partner. it has always been something that every once in a while, he would think of and smile about. it is a very small, personal part of him, but part of him nevertheless. and it blossomed to life when he met you. the part of him that wanted a person to spoil, to care for and to make their every wish came true really came to light.
anytime you say you want or need something, you better believe that he offers to grab it for you. not to say that he doesn't believe that you aren't capable of doing things for yourself; he just likes offering and if you accept, taking out those tasks for you. you want a drink or something to eat? what would you like? he'll get it for you. you're about to enter/exit any building? he's rushing ahead of you to open the door for you. something hurts? where? he'll give you a massage. your room is dirty and you need to clean it? with your permission, he will clean and organize it for you just the way you like it. he'll make sure to put things where he knows you're going to remember them too. you've been feeling down recently? he puts sticky-notes on the bathroom mirror for you to remind you how wonderful you are and how much he loves you. and it is guaranteed that when you are dating welt, that he has drawings in his sketchbook filled with you. he loves every single detail of you, and wants to commit them all to memory. he even made characters for one of his personal animation projects based off of you and him. when he showed them to you to see your reaction, and to gain your approval to have them in the first place, you were smitten and he received many, many kisses to the face.
welt absolutely worships the ground that you walk on. wherever you are, he always makes sure that you are comfortable, happy, healthy and safe. he does everything in his power to take care of you, even though he knows that you are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. he firmly believes in "actions speak louder than words". he likes to show his dedication and love for you through his actions. he reminds you every single day through his actions just why you fell for him, and he reminds you everyday how much he loves you. he will continue to do so, until the multiverse falls apart.
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asta ♡ words of affirmation.
originally i was going to say that her love language is gift giving, seeing as she has so much money, she wants to be able to give as much as she can. she gives money to the space station to help with repairs, so why wouldn't she want to spoil the heck out of you?! however, upon taking a little peak at her lore, she is actually insecure about her riches. i feel as though she wouldn't want you to think that she's some snobby bigshot just because she has a wealthy family, so while she would get gifts for you, she would worry about what exactly she got and how much of it costed, and what you would possibly think of her if you got something that was deemed "too expensive" by society. she doesn't want you to think less of her. so, after looking at the five primary love languages, my next thought was words of affirmation.
asta seems like the type of girlfriend to enjoy both receiving and giving reassurance, kind words and compliments. in her times of stress, what she really needs is for you to put your hand on her shoulder and tell her that she'll figure everything out and that it will be okay. she looks to you with worried eyes, placing her hand over yours. she wouldn't say a word, her eyes tell you what she wants to say. "how can you be so sure? what if i don't figure this out? what if i get kicked off of the space station? what if-" a thousand thoughts run through her head at all times, and when she's stressed, the volume cranks up to one-hundred. it is only with you telling her that it'll be alright, and that you will be by her side the entire time that she is able to feel more at ease. your words mean everything to her.
she also loves to give reassurance. when you are feeling worried or anxious, she is quick to hop in and listen to whatever may be troubling you. she always tells you that it will all work out, and that she is always going to be there for you. she will never leave your side, she says, and she loves you with every ounce of her heart. she also wraps you up in compliments; when you change up your appearance somehow, whether if it's from clothes, hair, make-up or other changes, she will always point it out to you and tell you that she thinks that you are the most beautiful person in the whole world. or, when the two of you are laying together at night, she will tell you just how good of a heart you have. she will tell you how proud she is of you and of the progress that you have made since she first met you. she will tell you just how enthralled she is with you, and how you make her heart want to squeeze and stop in her chest. she will tell you exactly how she feels about you, and it is overwhelmingly lovely, because you know that every word she speaks, she means it from the bottom of her heart. and in turn, you try your best to do the same when you can. she is always grateful to hear your words of praise and adoration for her, even if it's something small. a simple "i'm here for you" will make her happy, because she knows that you mean what you say. gosh, she just loves you so much that she doesn't know how to handle it. your love is genuine, true and real, and speaking of that love to each other makes asta feel like she's floating in a cloud's soft embrace.
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sampo koski ♡ gift receiving.
when it comes to showing his affection for you, he is always buying you things whenever he can. jumping from job to job all of the time can lead to strain with his finances, but he is able to make good money often enough to the point where he is able to buy nice gifts for you. he has become used to taking things from people without thinking twice, so when you first started dating, he gave you stolen things. buuuttt you were very unhappy about it; not because of the gift itself, but because of the fact that he stole it. so you told him very firmly that you would not accept anything that he stole. he respected your wishes, of course, and started to buy you things ethically.
receiving gifts became a regular thing for you. sampo would come home after a long day of working around belobog, hand you whatever little trinket he managed to get his handa on and say, "for you, baby~". you are always grateful for everything that he gives you, and one day, you thought to return the favor. so, while you were out and about one day, you saw a really cute pin of a puppy. when you saw it, it automatically made you think of sampo. so, you bought it, and planned to give it to him when he came home that night.
when nighttime rolled around, he busted the doors open and called, "HONEYYY, IIIII'M HOOOOOOME!!~" in a silly way before laughing to himself and taking his shoes off. you rush up to him, the man opening his arms for you as you hop up to hug him. you share a kiss, then move back out of his arms with a little grin on your face. he noticed the look and asked what was up, then you told him that you had a gift for him. he was caught off-guard, admittedly, as he didn't expect such a pleasant surprise. he tried to act humbly at first, telling you that you didn't need to do that for lil ol' sampo! he's the one that supposed to be spoiling you, after all! but you shut that down immediately and insisted that he takes your gift. he couldn't say no to how excited you looked to give him something, he asked what it was, and you told him to close his eyes. he did, and when he opened them, there it was! in your hands was the cutest little puppy pin he has ever seen in his life.
he took a moment to speak or move as his usual cocky attitude melted away. his eyes became glossy and his lip started to tremble. he was so touched by the fact that you were thinking of him so much that you got him a gift. you asked if he was okay, as he never cried around you before, and he quickly wiped his nose and eyes on his sleeve and sniffled. he assured you that he was okay before taking the pin from you and cooing about how cute it was. seriously, it was so freaking adorable, how did you even get your hands on this??? he asked why you chose it for him, and when you told him that it looked like him, he caved and gave you a bone-crushing hug. his sobs were quiet and he sniffled. the idea of you seeing such an adorable little treasure and thinking that you wanted, no, you needed to get it for him just makes his heart crumble in the best way possible. needless to say, he wears that pin everywhere he goes and never takes it off. it is on him at all times, as are all of the other wearable gifts that you got for him after that. he cherishes every single thing that you give him, and he wants to be able to show you that no matter how big or small it is, he will love it forever. just as he will love you.
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@BUNNYLUVX ,, all rights reserved. do not copy/plagiarize any of my works or submit it into ai. any and all support is so very appreciated! <3
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ifellintothestyx · 3 months
The funny thing about JC defenders is that they always try to argue that JC refusing to cover the Wens and side with WWX was the correct political move. In the short term, perhaps, but in the long term, that was proven wrong in the books themselves.
(It's even funnier thinking that correct political moves exist in a bullshit political system that blatantly serves only the gentry, is held together by hearsay and rumors, and has no actual system of laws that can serve as a basis to accuse, judge, or punish someone.)
So how was JC's refusal to side with WWX and the Wens considered the "correct political move"? Reasons include that the Jiang sect was still recovering from the war, that going against the Jins would result in another war that would end in major losses on the Jiang sect's side, and that the Wens weren't and shouldn't have been a priority for JC at all.
Let's clear a few things up. The Jiang clan was not the only clan recovering, so were the Nies and the Lans. In the aftermath of the war, it's not explicitly stated how well the other sects were doing, so we couldn't really tell if the Jiangs were worse off than the other three. It could be noted, however, that the Jins retained much of their wealth and influence, so much so that Jin Guangyao was able to take the position of Chief Cultivator with little to no opposition. The main point, though, is that at that moment in the aftermath of the war, we could not easily assume the Jiangs were the worst off, as the other three sects also lost many disciples in the war, and we didn't really know how much the other sects recovered.
For the second reason, if a major war somehow did happen again, this time Jiangs vs everyone else, everyone else would lose. WWX's presence single-handedly helped them win the war against the Wens. A war between the Jiangs and the jianghu would be based on numbers, which reflects the war between the Wens and the jianghu. The Wens had more disciples, and no matter how many LWJs or NMJs you got up your sleeve, numbers make a big difference in war. That's why WWX's skills were a critical part in winning: he is a one-man army of thousands. He could easily make up for the gap in numbers. That's why the Jins kept trying to get rid of him—they were nervous about so much power belonging to only one faction: the Jiangs. JGS couldn't exactly claim his desired role as Chief Cultivator if a younger, smarter, and more powerful individual was still around to keep him in check.
Finally, we get to the part of why I'm making this long-ass post on a caffeine-driven rage. See, the point of trying to stop a powerful faction from committing atrocities is to stop them from thinking they can do it whenever they like. The Jins were given a pass to do whatever the hell they wanted to a small, outcasted faction (the Wens), and they proceeded to take that pass as a pass for everything else. Nobody stopped them from torturing the Wens, so what's stopping them from allowing a mass murderer like XY to run wild in an attempt to create their own WWX? Definitely not NMJ, hahaha, because, y'know, the hypocrites in the gentry have already decided that whatever the Jins do is alright so long as it's not their problem. An exterminated clan isn't their priority. So, what was stopping XY from going out and doing it again to SL's sect? Absolutely nothing! Because the Jins could cover it up and no one could say a word despite how suspicious it was, because hey, remember what happened to the last guy that spoke up against the Jins?
Calling out the Jins on their crimes against the Wens, who were elderly and children save for WQ and WN (who JC owed his damn life and core to), would have created a precedent of not allowing massive crimes to slide under the radar. But because the opposite happened, because nobody fucking realized that apathy and selfishness don't fucking help in the long run, two sects were exterminated because JGS and JGY were basically given an "okay, fine, just keep that bullshit away from us". That's not actual justice. That's not "morally grey". Allowing people in power to trample over others just because it doesn't affect you personally is not sustainable, because what happens when it's you they've decided to trample over? Are you going to complain? Are you going to look to others for help, when you personally couldn't be bothered to offer your hand to those who suffered? When the reason the people trampling over you gained that power is because you allowed it?
The unopposed killing of WWX and the Wens led to the political climate that allowed the massacres of two sects because the Jins were trying to protect and satisfy their pet project. It led to the murder of NMJ because JGS/JGY wanted to keep people from checking their power. If JC couldn't find it in his heart to be sympathetic to the Wens, fine, but at the very least, he should have considered the potential harm in rolling over and giving a political faction too much power.
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bts-trans · 19 hours
240918 Weverse Translations
Jin's Post ❇️
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안녕하세요 진이에요 오랜만에 인사 드립니다 다들 추석 잘 즐기고 계신가요!? 저는 음식들도 해먹고 가족들과도 보고 잘 지냈습니다! 지금은 밀라노행 비행기를 타러 공항에 나와 있습니다 이런 자리 참석하는게 처음인거 같아 무척이나 떨립니다(사실 안떨림) 그럼 다녀오겠습니다! (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/2-149342706)
Hi, this is Jin. It's been a while since I've greeted you. Is everyone having a great Chuseok so far!? I spent it well by cooking and spending time with my family! I'm currently at the airport waiting to get on the flight to Milan. I'm really nervous as this is the first time I'm attending something like this (truthfully I'm not nervous) Ok I'll be back!
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comments 💬 on ARMY's Posts ❇️
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💜: jk 잘 봤어요~~ bts 군복무중에도 살아있네 ㅋㅋㅋ 내년 6월까지 어떻게 기다리죠? 김남준 김석진 민윤기 정호석 박지민 김태형 전정국 보고싶다~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RM: 국방부 시계는 거꾸로 매달아도 간다 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179361567)
💜: I enjoyed watching jk~~ bts are really active even when they're in the military hahaha How do I wait until June next year? Kim Namjoon Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Jung Hoseok Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Jeon Jungkook, I miss you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
RM: The military clock runs even if you hang it upside down
💜: 군데에서 살 쳤어요? RM: 네.. 78kg임 훈련소 때 69였는데.. (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-179363817)
💜: Did you gain weight in the military?
RM: Yes.. I'm 78kg I was 69 when I was in the training camp..
💜: How are you doing Mr. Kim namjoon!? You must be working hard!? ....stay healthy ... Love youuu 💜😭 RM: 이제 운동하러 갈려고요 RM: 이게 피곤한 게 잠을 못자서 피곤한건지 운동을 주 6일해서 피곤한건지 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-179364211)
💜: How are you doing Mr. Kim namjoon!? You must be working hard!? ….stay healthy … Love youuu 💜😭
RM: I'm going to work out right now
RM: I'm tired and I don't know if it's because I didn't sleep well or because I've been working out 6 days a week
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💜: 오빠💜 제대하면 콘서트에서 색소폰을 보여주세요🎷 RM: 다른 악기도 배워야하는데 맨날 귀찮아서 미루는중 RM: 드럼이나 기타도 배워볼까 싶네요 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179363625)
💜: Oppa 💜 When you get out of the military, please pleay the saxophone🎷
RM: I should learn other instruments too but I just get lazy and keep putting it off
RM: I'm considering learning the drums or guitar too
💜: 남준이형 군대는 잘 지내요? 당신이 아주 잘 지내길 바라요 건강하시고 무사히 복귀하세요 많이 보고싶다💜 RM: 그럭저럭.. 그냥 남들처럼 RM: 일기도 다시 쓰기 시작 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-149353320)
💜: Namjoonie hyung, are you doing well in the military? I really hope you're doing well. Stay healthy and come back safe. I miss you a lot💜
RM: I'm getting by.. just like everyone else
RM: I started writing a diary again
💜: hi namjoon, what did you eat today? RM: 김치보끔밥 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179364832)
💜: hi namjoon, what did you eat today?
RM: Kimchi fried rice
💜: Don’t lose that beautiful smile of yours Joonie RM: 웃어라 온 세상이 너와 함께 웃을 것이다 울어라 너 혼자 울게 될 것이다 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-149353770)
💜: Don't lose that beautiful smile of yours Joonie
RM: Smile, and the whole world will smile with you Cry, and you cry alone
💜: 남준이가 추천하는 음식은? RM: 사회 음식 뭐든.. (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179366237)
💜: Food you recommend?
RM: Any kind of non-military food..
💜: 김치보끔밥 만들어먹음? RM: 취사병들의 노고로.. (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179366603)
💜: Did you make the kimchi fried rice?
RM: Thanks to the labour of the mess personnel…
💜: 제가 공부하도록 동기를 부여해 주시겠어요?😭 RM: 저도 공부합니다 공부는 평생 하는겁니다 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179367295)
💜: Will you motivate me to study? 😭
RM: I am also studying, studying is something you do your entire life
💜: 회원이 게시하면 모두가 스팸을 시작하는 방식이 마음에 듭니다. 😂😂 RM: 스팸 계란이랑 구워먹으면 꿀맛 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179368543)
💜: I like how everyone starts to spam whenever a member's here. 😂😂
RM: Spam grilled with eggs is delicious
💜: 군대 나오면 24시간 군대 얘기 해줭 RM: 할말 줠라 많지.. RM: 어디까지 할 수 있을까 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-149350263)
💜: When you're out of the military, you should do a thing where you talk about it for 24 hours
RM: There's so damn much to say..
RM: How much will I be able to talk
💜:내 사랑하는 매튜, 나는 항상 너의 곁에 있고 싶어요. 너와 함께 시간을 보내면 나의 세상은 훨씬 더 밝고 행복해집니다. 네가 내게 주는 사랑과 행복은 정말 소중해요. 네 미소, 네 눈빛, 네 목소리는 나에게 특별한 의미를 가지고 있어요. 네가 어디에 있던, 나는 항상 너를 생각하고, 네가 행복하길 바랍니다. 우리의 사랑은 특별해요. 나는 너와 함께 있는 모든 순간을 소중히 여기고, 우리가 함께 만들어가는 추억들을 영원히 기억하려고 해요. 항상 네 곁에 있을 거에요. 사랑해, 줄리 💕💕💕 RM: 매튜가 누구야 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179371873)
💜: My dear Matthew, I will always be by your side.
(T/N: *OP goes on to talk about how happy Matthew makes them and how much they love him.)
RM: Who's Matthew
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💜: 오빠!!저 머리잘랐눈데 어때염!!?? RM: 오 중단발 RM: 잘 어울려요 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-179373916)
💜: Oppa! I cut my hair how does it look!!??
RM: Ooh medium-length hair
RM: It suits you
💜: 남준🐨🩵 추석은 쉴 수 있나요? 책은 읽었습니까? RM: 파스칼 키냐르 은밀한 생 헤르만 헤세 싯다르타 추천 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-179375310)
💜: Namjoon🐨🩵 Did you get to rest during Chuseok? Did you read any books?
RM: Pascal Quignard's 'Vie secrète' Herman Hesse's 'Siddhartha' I recommend them
💜: 캡틴, 좋은 드라마 추천 있어요?^o^ RM: 드라마 볼 엄두가 안 나네.. 몰입이 너무 씨게 돼 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179374801)
💜: Captain, do you have any good drama recommendations?^o^
RM: I can't risk watching dramas.. I get too invested
💜: RPWP, 아미가 아닌 친구에게 추천했더니 굉장히 마음에 들어했고, 남씨가 라이브 할 때는 함께 가고 싶다고 말해 주었습니다💜그날이 기다려집니다. RM: 그러게요 하긴 해야할텐데 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-179377045)
💜: I recommended RPWP to a friend of mine who isn't ARMY and they really liked it, and said that they'd want to come with me if I went to see you live💜 I'm waiting for that day.
RM: Yeah, I probably should do it live at some point
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💜: Namjoon how was your birthday? I also went to you birthday event! RM: 홀리쉿 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179376266)
💜: Namjoon how was your birthday? I also went to you birthday event!
RM: Holy shit
(T/N: *The translation of the words on the photo strip can be found when you click here.)
💜: 남준아보고싶다 RM: 말해뭐해 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-149359712)
💜: I miss you Namjoon-ah
RM: What can I even say
💜: 최근에 기뻤던 일은 무엇입니까? RM: 50퍼 넘긴거요... (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-179378409)
💜: What's something that made you happy recently?
RM: Being more than 50% done*…
(T/N: *50% of his military service.)
💜: 남준! 지금 너의 머리는 얼마나 길어요? RM: 저 빡빡이때보다 조금더 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179377843)
💜: Namjoon! How long is your hair now?
RM: A bit longer than the buzz cut
💜: 남준오빠 군대에서는 잘 지내나요? 당신이 다 치지 않았기를 바랍니다. 지금 가장 좋아하는 노래를 말해주세요😁 RM: mozart piano concerto no.21 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-149354094)
💜: Namjoon oppa, are you going well in the military? I hope you don't get injured. Tell me your favourite song right now😁
RM: mozart piano concerto no.21
💜: 남준씨, 언젠가 메건과 함께 라이브 공연할 계획이 있나요?" RM: 메건 너무 바쁜거같애요 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179380333)
💜: Namjoon-ssi, do you have any plans to perform live with Megan?
RM: I think Megan is too busy
💜: 거긴 벌써 겨울이야? RM: 제발 그랬으면 좋겠네 RM: 제설하고 싶다 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-179382974)
💜: Is it already autumn there?
RM: I really wish it was
RM: I want to clear snow from the road
💜: 추석은 어떻게 지냈어요? RM: 운동하고 유투브보고 책읽고 밥먹고 운동하고 유투브보고 책읽고 웹툰보고 밥먹고 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179382275)
💜: How did you spend Chuseok?
RM: I worked out and watched YouTube and read a book and ate and worked out and watched YouTube and read a book and read a Webtoon and ate
💜: 고생 많으셨습니다 RM: 오츠카레사마 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-149356766)
💜: You've worked so hard, good job.
RM: You've worked so hard, good job.*
(T/N: *In Japanese.)
💜: 남준이 답장할 때까지 숨을 못 쉬겠어요. RM: 숨쉰 채 발견됩시다 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179384621)
💜: I won't breathe until Namjoon replies
RM: Let's show up breathing
💜: 남준오빠나 오늘 몸이 불편하지만 가야금 연습하고 노래 연습했어!힘들지만 좋아하는 일을 하면 즐거움이 대부분이다 RM: 멋지네 RM: 나도 악기 배울거야 꼭 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-179386640)
💜: Namjoon oppa, I'm not feeling well today but I still did gayageum practice and practiced singing too! It's hard but when I do something I like, I enjoy it for the most part
RM: You're so cool
RM: I'm gonna learn an instrument too
💜: 겨울의 김남준: 눈 이 xxxx야 RM: 바보똥개 어서와 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-149357957)
💜: Kim Namjoon in the winter: this **** snow
RM: Welcome, fool
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💜: 남주나 전역해서 이거 한번 더 가능해? RM: 전역하면 베이비펌 하는게 꿈이야 RM: 근데 뭔들 못하겠어
💜: Namjoon-ah, can you do this again after the military?
RM: My dream is to get a baby perm after the military
RM: But what can't I do
💜: namjoon oppa what are you doing now🥸 RM: 이제 슬 운덩하러 가야지 RM: 근데 식단을 모다게써요 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179391154)
💜: namjoon oppa what are you doing now🥸
RM: I need to start heading off to work out
RM: But I can't do the diet*
(T/N: Said cutely.)
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💜: 우리 남준, 군대 끝나면 가장 먼저 무엇을 할 거예요? 가장 하고 싶었던 일은... RM: 베이비펌 하고싶어요.. (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-179392520)
💜: Our Kim Namjoon, what is the first thing you're going to do after your military service ends? What you wanted to do the most is…
RM: I want a baby perm…
💜: 김남준처럼 반응 빠른 애인 갖고싶다 RM: 나 정도면 훌륭하지 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-179394699)
💜: I want to date someone who reacts as fast as Kim Namjoon
RM: Being as fast as me would be impressive
💜: 남주나 왜 이렇게 보고싶냐 RM: 나도 그래 RM: 운동 간다 이제 ! (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-179395174)
💜: Namjoon-ah why do I miss you so much
RM: It's the same for me
RM: Going to work out now!
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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fatuismooches · 3 months
Dw hahahaha I'm still alive just dying over ( why did I chose to study a PHD 😭 ) But im on a break from school so except so a lot more brainrot from me lmao, also sorry if this is jumbly kinda just put my words out there hahaha
I know we always talk about fragile reader during the illness but what about after? Fragile reader was plauged with this illness for hundreds of years so they deffinently adapted. Like typically when walking then would shuffle their feet a lot cause it took less energy so sometime they shuffle their feet and don't even realize. They didnt have the ability to do tasks such a pouring liquids into cups so whenever they're about to pour themselves a glass of water then to do collect themselves because what if their illness comes back? What if there dreaming and they'll suddenly drop everything. All of Zandik's work is reverted. So often times segments will just find reader staring intensely at a simple task. And of course they'll go comfort reader. Whilst they wish they could do it they know how much reader wants their autonomy back after such a restrictive few centuries.
But let not ignore the segments and Prime cause they've picked up a few habits also. They've gotten used to treating reader as fragile as glass so whenever they fall or trip post illness they freak out. It would require some comfort from reader to bring them back to earth and remember that reader is no longer ill. But you KNOW that they're pulling out every healing treatment they've got. They're all evil and sadistic doctors but for you they'll be good. <4
But regarding Zandik himself... Well he was so excited to finally have cured his lover that he completely forgot about the effects you'd suffer after. So when a few segments report of you not being completely free of your curse he's immediately trying to figure out how he can help you. He decides that the best thing to do is to be there for you. It typically is unusual to see the Doctor away from his work but now it's the norm for Il Doctors to be with his lover.
- Jellofish Anon
After being sick for so long, one would think you'd be ecstatic to finally be cured, to be free of the illness that plagued your body and life so much. And well, they were right, but the happiness still came with its anxieties. Change was never an easy thing, even when it was the good type. After dealing with this for so many years, you were bound to still be nervous about doing certain things. To not have the confidence in yourself to carry out the task. You worry that you'll mess up or fail and waste your time trying to do so and just end up making more of a problem for yourself and others. Even though you know that's illogical now, it's hard to get out of a mindset you've been stuck with for so long. Of course, your inner conflict doesn't go unnoticed by your lovers, and each segment would provide their own kind of comfort based on who they are, whether gruffly or soothingly, to give you the courage to take back your life.
You can't exactly blame Dottore and the segments for being overbearing, after all, they've witnessed your weak state for numerous centuries, and they've seen you hit your lowest many times too. They can't help but worry about their darling too. It's endearing at first but you have to hold them and help them realize that was the past you, the new you is someone different thanks to them. You can be strong and safe and independent without them now, even if it sort of makes them crazy knowing the situations you put yourself in now. Still, they observe you very much even when you least expect it.
Of course, the cure is not without its drawbacks - you still have to deal with the lingering effects of your illness sometimes. Which definitely aren't as bad as before, but they still serve to remind you of your old life. But you know that regardless of what the future may bring, you'll always have Dottore by your side to ease whatever pains you have.
(Dottore post-illness would be such a cutie. It's such a rewarding feeling, to see the one he loves no longer burdened and free to pursue what they want just like he does. He would sit and listen to all the stories you have for him each day, all the exciting things you can do now, the days of pain in the past. Of course, the segments would be extremely excited to finally have a worthy assistant - you - but there's only one of you after all. Unfortunately, they have to share, and bear the painful curse of having you to themselves once nearly every two weeks.)
(I've been planning to make this a full fic for like a year...)
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legostars · 7 months
Note from Author: Well, I made this At 4:00 Am early in the morning. And also, you're a female y/n and I'm tired of calling them/they/blah blah.
I'm still figuring out how to colour my texts, so you guys are stuck with non colour ones, yay...
Just a quick reminder that I barely post like tomorrow or next week, it depends if I get busy at school. Welp, that's all. Enjoy the story, and I might make it longer by time. ENJOY MY LITTLE LEGO STARS!
"Well, that's the end of the tour!"
"Thanks, dogday. I was expecting that the other employees would be the ones to give me a tour... But, I guess they were busy." Nope. They weren't busy. They were lazy. "Oh, hahaha! Well, I get that a lot too, angel." He laughs and then you hear him calling you an angel again.. strange, nobody called you that. "Um, can I ask a question?" "Hm? Sure!" You were getting embarrassed of the question but you pulled it off. "Why do you.. keep calling me angel? I mean I have a name." Dogday was quiet for a moment, you felt awkward for asking that question and you can barely feel your face getting warm from the embarrassment. "You know what! Never mind... Haha..." Dogday laughs seeing you getting all nervous. "No need to be nervous, besides. The reason I called you angel, is because i- uh- like calling you that. Yeah!" Awkward. Y/N looks around to find a change of subject. The only thing that comes to her mind is the statues of the smiling critters. "Oh, Uh.. can you tell me more about yourself.. and the other smiling critters?"
Dogday's tail wags a little from excitement. "Well, I don't mind! As you heard from Tiffany. I'm dogday! The leader of the smiling critters! And you probably can meet the others and they might introduce themselves properly to you!" Dogday was very cheerful about it as you can tell by his tail wagging. "Okay! I'm y/n and I'm 22 years old, my favourite colour is red. And I love to eat cookies!" Dogday smiled at you. "Well, the introduction has been confirmed to both of us. And also, you have to keep your eyes with the others to see no one is getting any Problems." You nodded as he began to point at your office.
"Okay, keep a watch at the others and do my job. Got it!" Dogday smiled as he patted your head.
"I know you can do it, angel!" You felt a flutter in your heart.. what.. what is this feeling? Am I sick?
(Girl you stupid).
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––It's been a week since you started working there. You met three smiling critters along the way, craftycorn, picky piggy, and hoppy hopscotch. The others are you haven't quite met yet. Day by day, the children loved how caring and loving you are, they even started to call you mama. You're not used to it but you tried. Dogday got even close to you, every time he gets a chance he would come and hang out with you. (Ah, young love. 🤭)
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––After you arrive in playcare at 5:00 Am, since you woke up Prettyyy early in the morning. You went to your office and sat down, you stretched your body and yawned. "Man... I woke up so early I couldn't even go back to sleep... I want some coffee now.." you groan and sighed. And then you noticed a clipboard on your side of the desk, you picked it up and read it. Your first task was to give the smiling critters baths, your second task was to wake the children up and the others are for later. "Hm... A bath- oh. Dogs hates water... The others might enjoy but for catnap... Ugh... This is going to a lot more harder..." You groan as you rubbed your face with both of your hands. And then you thought for a second.. then realised that you might meet the other critters. "I should probably get started.. since it's 5:26 am.." you got up from your chair and started to walk to where the smiling critters are sleeping. You felt kinda nervous tho, you don't like disturbing people from their sleep. At their room of where they sleep, you noticed below the door that the lights are turned on. You knocked on the door 3 times but no answers, strange you knock again but 6 times, yet no answers.. you open the door a little and take a peek, then.. someone pulled you in to make and it made you caught off guard. "Oof!" You landed on the floor and immediately got up. "Holy mother of cookies from heaven. I almost got a heart attack." You look up, and saw all of the smiling critters except for catnap. Dogday was in front. "Angel?" "Okay, why on earth did you pull me and almost give me a heart attack?" The other smiling critters chuckles and laughs a little. "S-sorry angel.. we thought you were some sort of a bad guy.." You sighed looking up at him. "You did hear me knocking 3 to 6 times, right? You know what, never mind.. come on now all of you.. I have to give each of you all a bath.." Dogday flinched and started to back away. "U-um dogday?" The craftycorn was confused seeing dogday backing away. "Hm? What's wrong dogday?" "I... I don't like baths..." Dogday claims himself scared of baths. And kickin chickin starts to laughs. "Don't be such a coward, dogday! It ain't gonna be that bad!" As kickin keeps laughing bobby bearhug pinched kickin. "Ow! Ow! BB! Stop!" "Stop being such a bully to dogday, kickin." You sighed and went over to dogday. "Dogday, what's wrong? You can tell me, and I'll try a way to make you feel less scared." Dogday thought about it for a moment. Before dogday was the one who was going to speak, picky piggy was the one who speaks first. "It's probably because of how the other employees bathe us..." She said, you tilted my head from confused as bubba bubbaphant came in front to tell the other details. "Well, they put us in a cage... And just spray water on us like were some kind of a... Animal..." (*LE GASP* HOW DARE THEY>:0)
After knowing and understanding the situation, I sighed and walked over to hoppy. "Do you have a pillow that I can borrow?" Hoppy was confused but she gave you a pillow, you took the pillow and shoved it to your face and screamed in anger making the other smiling critters confused.. you were done screaming your anger out and gave back the pillow. "Ahem. I'm fine, I'm not mad at your situation. I am mad at those employees for treating you all like some animals.." the smiling critters were surprised about that including dogday. "You guys deserved better than being an animal in a cage... I can even relate how that feels..." Craftycorn then asked. "What do you mean... By that?" You stayed quiet... Staring at the floor... "It's... Nothing... We should probably get you all some baths before the playcare opens..." The smiling critters can feel that something is wrong but they didn't want to ask and just nodded. (Time skips in the bathroom) At the bathroom you told the smiling critters to take off their pendants and put them somewhere, and you also told them that dogday will be last. The smiling critters understand and follow your orders. During giving a bath from each smiling critter you ask them how their day was, it was awkward at first but they eventually told you. There laughing and chuckling curing gave them each a bath, it took 20 minutes or more. After the others are down with baths and drying, dogday was the last. He took a peek at the door, while you were busy getting the giant tub ready for him. He was hesitant but what he had heard from the others, by saying she's kind,caring, and loving it made him feel confident to trust you. "Dogday! You can come in now." Dogday slowly walked in and sat in the tub. You started to spray water on him it took 3 minutes to get him wet. (Just like my dog) you then put vanilla shampoo on him and started to scrub with a big brush. "So, dogday.. since we have known each other for a week now, tell me... How was your day." "It.. was fun.. you get to play with children seeing them laugh together and chasing each other and seeing them enjoy themselves." I smiled giving him a scratch on his head. "You're such a good boy, dogday. You really are." Dogday's tail wags happily. After 30 minutes of laughter and giving a bath to dogday, it's finally time to dry him up with a blow dryer. "You're such a good boy, dogday! You look more handsome and cute!" Dogday blushes slightly and wags his tail. "Thank you, angel."
After getting all the smiling critters except for catnap a bath. It was time for the playcare to open up. But, you have been thinking... Where is catnap?
Note from Author: Well... In part 3 I might put the dark backstory of Y/N, for fun of course. But also, if your wondering Is dogday in this story a human version of him or is dogday in this story is in his original version? It depends on you and your imagination. And also! I recommend seeing @sinnersweets Stories! They are very heart beating Stories (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Well, see you in part 3! Toodles my Little Lego star devils! (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
(This is kinda short..)
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s4pphic-sh3nan1gans · 7 months
today I met joker out and I'm going to leave a very unhinged ramble about it here because I absolutely cannot believe it happened 🫠
THESE GUYS ARE THE NICEST, FUNNIEST PEOPLE YOU WILL EVER MEET AND I AKSJAKSHSK I honestly don't know if I will ever recover because it was so surreal 😭
the first thing Bojan said to me was "how are you not freezing?!" (I was wearing a joker out shirt with a flannel over the top) and I very intelligently said "I don't know, I'm just... not for some reason?" hahaha I totally wasn't nervous-
ANYWAYS I got a photo with all of them!!!!! face reveal I guess?! please don't post anywhere else without my permission though 😅
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also Bojan left me the following note (shout-out to whoever lent me their pen) after I said "you can write anything"....... he thinks he's so funny 😭
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LONG STORY SHORT........ this was the best day of my life :)
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 3 months
End Game: I wanna be your first string
A continuation of end game. This is stan tumblr's pov of Ginny's World Cup Semifinal match.
if you somehow got tagged in this, i am so sorry it was an accident
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
The first semi-final match will start in just under an hour with England taking on Bulgaria!
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@ginwiz posted
i'm nervous, anyone else nervous?
@ginginweas replied: nervous? why would we be nervous? (i've vomited three times today)
@queezy-4-weasley replied: bulgaria's chasers still suck, so i have some hope
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@bitch-witchh posted
fuck bulgaria and fuck viktor krum!
@quid-bitch reblogged @bitch-witchh
I'm trying!
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
don't make me bring out the spray bottle cat meme
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@queezy-4-weasley posted
Krum will likely get the snitch over Shah, but Bulgaria's chasers still suck
@ginwiz reblogged @queezy-4-weasly
Shah could catch the snitch!
@ginginweas reblogged @ginwiz
yeah and I could win an order of merlin
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
Harry just finished the Frey Family case yesterday, so he should be able to make it to the game!
@harpies-hore reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
how do you know that?
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@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @harpies-hore
I listen to the auror scanner
@im-a-keeper posted
I am very excited to see England's chasers: Weasley, Alton, and Killick play against Bulgaria's beaters: Higgs and Ross. A fast, electric offense vs a brutal, widespread defense.
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
The England World team has entered the arena. They play Bulgaria in Round 2 of the World Cup.
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz posted
@quid-bitch posted
do you think Ginny Weasley, Richard Alton, and Ophelia Killick need a fourth?
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
there aren't 4 chasers
@quid-bitch reblogged @bitch-witchh
I wasn't talking about quidditch
@harpies-hore reblogged @quid-bitch
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@queezy-4-weasley posted
i've been watching Higgs and Ross, and unfortunately they are on their A game today. I hope Gin, Oph, and Rick can handle them
@puddlemore-111 reblogged @queezy-4-weasley
weirdo, calling them Gin, Oph, and Rick like you actually know them
@queezy-4-weasley reblogged @puddlemore-111
how have i not blocked you yet?
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@ginwiz answered
probably not yet since we haven't seen him, but he is going to be there
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@ginwiz answered
95% of my blog is Ginny, and the moment i talk about her boyfriend (someone who has been heavily involved in Ginny's life since she was 11), I get this stupid ask. Go take your hate somewhere else.
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
Bulgaria World Cup team, lead by team captain, Viktor Krum, has entered the arena.
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@ginginweas posted
@queezy-4-weasley reblogged @ginginweas
wait, whats the lore
@ginginweas reblogged @queezy-4-weasley
krum took hermione to the yule ball back during the triwizard tournament was happening. obviously there is no bad blood, but it's just funny to see him boo his fiance's ex
@quid-bitch posted
poor ron, only member of the golden trio to not have been with an international quidditch star
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
that's what he gets for being a Chudley Cannons fan
@drarry-is-real posted
lol so ron is there but harry isn't, even tho @hinny-luv-4-eva knows that he is free. wonder where he is then
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @drarry-is-real
well we know he is not hanging out with a death eater rn
@gin-will-win posted
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@ginginweas replied: NO WAY
@ginwiz replied: OH SHIT HAVE SO MUCH FUN!
@queezy-4-weasley replied: STOP I AM SO JEALOUS
@im-a-keeper posted
looks like the ref team will be the same team from the france game
#hahaha oh fuck
@harpieshore reblogged @im-a-keeper
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@gin-will-win posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
get fucked @drarry-is-real
@bitch-witchh posted
okay but why was he late?
@harpies-hore reblogged @bitch-witchh
what if i told you he was in England's locker room
@bitch-witchh reblogged @harpies-hore
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@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
The semi-final match between England and Bulgaria has officially started with the release of the quaffle!
@gin-will-win posted
they are so fast in person wtf
@queezy-4-weasley posted
that bludger that nearly hit killick came out of NO WHERE
@bitch-witchh posted
merlins beard. why did no one tell me bulgaria was actually good now?
@ginginweas posted
did... the bulgaria chasers actually just score?
@ginginweas reblogged @ginginweas
did... the bulgaria chasers actually just score again?
@harpies-hore posted
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@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz posted
you all need to have more faith in ginny lol
@gin-will-win posted
@ginginweas reblogged @gin-will-win
i don't like that you know what is going to happen 5 seconds before i do
@ginginweas reblogged @ginginweas
but omg yay!! she scored!!
@im-a-keeper posted
England only down 10-20 right now is somehow a miracle
@bitch-witchh posted
@gin-will-win posted
I have such a good view of Harry and he is such a nervous fan, omg. he is basically clinging onto the railing
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @gin-will-win
stop, he is so sweet
@drarry-is-real reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
do you even like quidditch?
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @drarry-is-real
do you even have morals?
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@ginwiz reblogged @queezy-4-weasley
i think he is feinting
@im-a-keeper posted
Shah should start looking for the snitch himself instead of trailing Krum
@ginginweas posted
killick scored!! assist by ginny!
@harpies-hore posted
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@quid-bitch posted
omg they got their shit together
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz reblogged @ginginweas
Hermione looked so disappointed in them, im crying
@quid-bitch posted
what if i said ron is the hottest weasley
@harpies-hore reblogged @quid-bitch
shut up
@quid-bitch reblogged @harpies-hore
they crucified jesus for being right
@harpies-hore reblogged @quid-bitch
who the fuck is jesus?
@bitch-witchh posted
LOL the bulgaria chaser dropped the quaffle again
@queezy-4-weasley reblogged @bitch-witchh
that's the bulgaria team i remember
@im-a-keeper posted
Alton just scored with an assist from Weasley! All England chasers have now scored! 50-20 in favor for England!
@queezy-4-weasley posted
Bulgaria's beaters are fucking aggressive
@bitch-witchh posted
@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz posted
@Im-a-keeper posted
that was a NASTY hit by Ross. It looks like Ginny was hit in the face and knocked from her broom.
@ginginweas posted
that hit was terrifying
@harpies-hore posted
Oh shit! is she okay?
@gin-will-win posted
guys, there is so much blood
@ginwiz reblogged @gin-will-win
fuck, i hope she is okay
@gin-will-win reblogged @ginwiz
Richard caught her, and she is moving fine. I think it looks worse than it was.
@ginginweas posted
They showed Harry, and he looks so upset.
@bitch-witchh reblogged @ginginweas
Ross better hire some bodyguards because Auror Potter looks like he is planning his murder right now.
@queezy-4-weasley posted
Harry's heart dropped out of his ass watching that. (my heart did too)
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
Harry looks like he wants to jump down to Ginny to comfort her right now :(
@puddlemore-111 reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
if a player getting hit by a bludger makes her whiny boyfriend act like this, she should just quit and stay in the kitchen
@drarry-is-real reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
harry is faking sadness right now, he would much rather be with his boyfriend than be at this stupid quidditch game
@ginginweas posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @ginginweas
you already know who I voted for
@ginwiz posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
They fixed her nose and she is okay!!
@harpies-hore posted
STOP!! she just looked up at the stands and gave the "I'm okay" sign
@gin-will-win posted
Harry visibly sighed when Ginny waved to him. Hermione was rubbing his back and Ron gave him a reassuring shake
@ginginweas reblogged @gin-will-win
Every day, I become more and more thankful for the golden trio
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
After a nasty hit, and a presumed broken nose, chaser, Ginny Weasley, makes her penalty shot increasing England's lead to 70-20.
@harpies-hore posted
like we always say. ginny shooting a penalty shot = free points
@bitch-witchh posted
Bulgaria's chasers have now gotten so desperate that they are stooging
@ginwiz reblogged @bitch-witchh
and the refs have done nothing to stop them
@ginginweas reblogged @ginwiz
I feel like I need to bring back the refs vs voldemort poll
@gin-will-win posted
Ross is out of control today. He just elbowed Shah
@harpies-hore posted
Shah gets hit in the face when he is the one player who a beater cannot touch with their body and yet the refs call nothing
@ginwiz reblogged @harpies-hore
hey @ginginweas, we need the poll now
@ginginweas reblogged @harpies-hore
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@im-a-keeper posted
I was really hoping that the ref team would have gotten better since the last match, but unfortunately they have not...
@bitch-witchh posted
lol while everyone was focused on Shah and Ross, Ginny scored again
@ginwiz posted
I fucking love Ginny Weasley
@qin-will-win posted
@harpies-hore posted
@ginginweas posted
okay, someone needs to take Ross's bat
@im-a-keeper posted
Ross hits a quaffle out of the hands of Alton. And of course the refs say play on.
@ginwiz posted
@quid-bitch reblogged @ginwiz
I am not going to do that
@gin-will-win posted
@harpies-hore posted
krum on his way to go yell at his beater
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@quid-bitch posted
Krum can come yell at me next
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
@ginginweas posted
@gin-will-win posted
@im-a-keeper posted
Is Shah about to????
@queezy-4-weasley posted
England's Shah catches the snitch while Krum is distracted. England wins 240-20!
@ginginweas posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@bitch-witchh posted
@puddlemore-111 posted
A pathetic win for England. How the hell did they make it all the way to the Quidditch World Cup?
@harpies-hore posted
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@im-a-keeper posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@ginwiz posted
The entire team jumping on top of Shah, celebrating. What if I cry?
@gin-will-win posted
@bitch-witchh posted
Shah it seems I’ve grown quite fond of you tho there are no sexual urges or desires you come to me as a long lost friend whom I once picked apples with in papa’s orchard
@queezy-4-weasley posted
Ginny, Ophelia, and Richard are dancing around Shah, this is adorable
@gin-will-win posted
@harpies-hore reblogged @gin-will-win
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@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@gin-wiz posted
@gin-will-win posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@harpie-hore posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@drarry-is-real reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
fuck you
@ginwiz posted
@harpies-hore posted
i am so single
@ginginweas posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@quid-bitch posted
@im-a-keeper posted
What a thrilling game. I will never forget this. (also hinny are so cute)
@ginnyweasley posted
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51 notes · View notes
Blitzø x human! Assassin! Reader
Blooming feelings
Summary: After the first few murder fiascos, you and Blitzø start catching feelings for each other. His attempts on your life morph into dates and you can't take each other as seriously as you should on the battle ground.
A/n: heyyy, I'm sorry for the slightly belated posting. The last few days have been a bit haywire for me... Anyways, I hope you enjoy the part two. Here you have the links to all the parts currently available:
Part 1: First encounter
Part 2: Blooming feelings -> you're here:)
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The smoke bomb went off, you could hear the shattering of glass and the revving of the motorbike. Y/n was gone.
"And she's gone..." Blitzø stated and was about to leave through the portal, when Moxxie pulled his sleeve:
"Sir, there's a card on the floor"
Blitzo picked it up, it was a note. In a neat handwriting the following was written:
Despite being sent to kill me
(and failing miserably),
you're chill
Call me:)
314 159 2653
Blitzø texted you this very evening. He wanted to do this instantly, but had to withhold himself - gotta preserve the reputation
You were getting ready to bed, today was a long day, right after the pleasant encounter with Blitzø, you had to rush off to deal with a murderer and then get your bike into repair. Oh and you also had to buy yourself new cargo pants, your current ones were getting a wee bit to bloodstained for your liking.
Today was a busy day. So only now, about to go to sleep, did you have time to actualy process what happened in the morning. That being you giving the attractive imp(?) your phone number... And, since he still didn't call or text you, you were staring to have second thoughts... Have you read too much into the whole thing? Was it strictly professional for him?
That's when your phone went off
Unknown: whadup, gurl
Cut the guy some slack, he was low-key nervous and was trying to come off as suave
Y/n: Blitzø?
Unknown: ya, who else wuld be txting u
Y/n: should I take offence?
Unknown: idk, do u find that offensive
Y/n: kinda?
Unknown: soz, I'll show u a picture of a horse I drew and you'll forgive me
Unknown: deal?
to be fair, Blitzø didn't know what he was writing. He had no intention of offending you and panicked, texting you the first thing that came into his mind. Thankfully, you found it amusing and texted him back:
Y/m: deal:)
He sent you a picture of a horse. You though it was really good, so that's what you texted him back. He was ecstatic and instantly sent you a few more.
Needless to say, that soon enough your gallery was filled with various drawings of horses.
In the span of the next week, you and Blitzø texted quite a lot.
He offered you a job at the IMP pretty early on:
Blitzø: ya know, when u end up in hell, a gal like you culd work for me
Y/n: why are you so sure I'd wanna work for you?
Blitzø: why wouldnt u?
Y/n: idk u trying to kill me is kind of a turn off...
Blitzø: ahhh come oooon it's not that big of a deal
Blitzø: ill take u horse riding or smth
Y/n: can't say no to that hahaha
After that reply, Blitzø got so hyped up, he literally ran out of his office and shouted:
"Fuck yeah she loves me back, ya hear that Mox," Blitz looked very much proud as he showed his employee the text chain
"Uhhh Sir, I wouldn't make such quick assumptions-"
"Shhh don't ruin the moment" Blitzo retorted pressing his finger into Moxxie's lips to silence him.
Sometimes you'd get a notification in the middle of a job and it'd be Blitzø sending you a selfie of him ( and sometimes some of his friends as well) in the middle of a fight with a caption like:
"another normal day at work (nearly got killed)"
"brunch went wrong"
Or plainly
"how u doing? "
And sometimes you'd reply with a selfie of yourself, creeping up to some guy you're about to murder. Which would cause Blitzø to text you:
Blitzø: update?
And you sending him a picture of you, potentially covered in blood, standing over a dead body.
At this point, he wasn't shying away from nicknames. He'd call you babe, sweetcheeks and sunshine.
You'd usually settle fro something along the lines of hot stuff, pretty boy, love
However, Blitzø does a lot of stupid stuff, which is when idiot, dumbass, etc. come in use
"How ya doing, hot stuff", you'd say, winking at Blitzø, causing him to try and lean on a non-existent doorframe and ultimately topple to the ground, sending you (and Millie, who witnessed it) a fit of giggles.
You and Blitzø's murderous rendezvous start to become more.. date-like. There is a lot of flirting and very little shooting done.
Sometimes you wonder, whether you guys should just drop the pretences
Moxxie and Loona are steadily growing sick of all of this. Millie finds it quite endearing, actualy.
You were presently engaged in a hand to hand combat with Blitzø. You performed a serie of punches, trying hard not to hit any super vital points. This sent your oponent tumbling on the ground.
"Youuu do punch Hella hard, babe," Blitzø drawled out "that's Hella hot "
You chuckled at this and threw him an ice pack with the words:
"Take that, wouldn't want to cause permanent damage to that pretty face of yours"
Blitzø would never admit it, but that made him blush very much, which would've been very much visible if it wasn't for his red skin (the blush was still fairly visible, just less intense).
or another time:
With one swift movement Blitzø tackled you to the ground. He smirked:
"Ya know, I could get used to this view, babe" he started nonchalantly "maybe different setting, like a bedroom" he smirked at your startled reaction "though if you prefer this place, babe, then I guess why not? I'm not picky " he continued his flirting.
You look up at him deviously, buckling your hips forward and in one movement flipping you both, positioning you on top:
"I think this is way better" you smirk at him triumphantly
"Whatever you say babe. Whatever gets us to fuck"
You didn't expect him to be THAT straightforward (honestly, that one is on you, having known him for quite some time you should've seen that coming), deep red blush cowered your cheeks. You were rescued by Loona's groan and frustrated shouting:
"Get a room! Stop defiling the fucking pavement"
The closer you grew together the more comfortable would Blitzø feel with invading your private space. He would sometimes launch "surprise attacks" on you (the reason was that "he missed you very much"):
It was the middle of the night, when you groggily opened your eyes to see Blitzø mere centimetres away from your face:
"Whatcha dreaming about?" He asked. You were about to shriek, but caught yourself in time. Meanwhile, Blitzø continued "Wake up, Im here to kill ya" his voice was far too giddy.
You were very tired. Exhausted.
"Mmmm, go to sleep, Blitzie," you pushed him lightly off you and onto the bed, wrapping your arm around him, "kill me tomorrow"
In retrospect, this wasn't very professional, but Blitzø didn't seem to mind...and judging from the soft purring in the morning, he even enjoyed it.
At this point, you're very accustomed to each other's habits. You also have a set date and time for the Blitzø's murder attempts:
You were anxiously pacing the street. It was a nice Tuesday morning. 9.15 am precisely and it has been 15 minutes since Blitzø was supposed to attack. He always showed up on time. To your murderous rendezvous.
You were about to pick up your phone and dial him, demanding an explanation (you were worried sick: What if the imp died on one of his jobs?), when he showed up, out of breath (clearly had been running) and with two coffee's in tow.
"Hey babes, d'ya miss me?" He said in his suave voice.
"You're late to your weekly murder attempt on my life" You said in a flat voice.
"Ahhh soz, there was a fucking line ot the coffee shop" he replied nonchalantly
"and the fact that you argued with the employee for ten straight minutes because they couldn't get Y/n's order right and then misspelled her name didn't do much to help" Moxxie muttered under his breath, but of course everyone heard him.
"Come on, Mox, don't embarrass Boss in front of the girl" Millie said and winked at you.
"Anyway," Blitzø said stretching out the first syllable, "I got your coffee. Just how you like" he looked at you with pride, as if he had to fight a glorious battle for it (he sort of did)
"Awwww thanks, love, that's so sweet" you smile and give him a soft peck on the cheek. You take a sip of your coffee, its delicious, just how you like it.
Once you're done drinking your coffee and are fairly caught up with the drama that you didn't manage to cover in your texts and calls, Blitzø commands:
"Now, M&M get into your positions. We're way behind schedule!"
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a/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great day (or night) <3
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hellonearthtoday · 6 months
I need to talk for 10 years about Johnny having anxiety disorder. I mean it just feels so perfect for him. Not perfect. It actually sucks pretty bad. But likeee cmon....I feel like I've never seen it talked about in depth for Johnny about how psychologically changed he is forever. I know some of you gotta be thinking it
Post inspired by my severe anxiety disorder because I was in the middle of fearing for my life for no discernable reason and I was like Hahaha I'm like Johnny Cade from rhe outsiders
And our anxiety probably works a little differently because for me it's mad social anxiety that has me considering jumping out a window to escape but for Johnny there's def more of that paranoia anxiety.
And I feeeel the need to emphasize that it is not just feeling a little nervous, or scared. Severe anxiety is like being nearly 100% convinced you are going to die and acting in whichever way your brain is convinced will save you. Whether that be hiding away and running from the issue or shutting down so you don't feel scared anymore or straight up doing something irrational like violence
We don't ever get Johnny's perspective so I'm choosing to give him the perspective of a guy who experiences strong feelings of impending doom 24/7 with no cure. God bless
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pianocat939 · 11 months
Hi! Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening! How are you? Hope you're having a pleasant time and don't forget to hydrate with water!😊✨
Oh and could you write a blurb about the Yan.Rise!Turtles' reactions if they saw MC who is video-chatting them, went into an animal expo and found their designated species and MC just excitedly compares or mocks or teases or bullies them lovingly like… 👉👈
MC: Hey check it out! It's you guys! HAHAHA!! Oh mi Gosh! Is that the big buff red Raph? He's so bulky! pats the shell Awww look at the Mikeys, they're so cute! scoops out one of them Hi Donnie! whispers shouts Leo! What are you doing there??/jk
And are their reactions gonna be jealous? Enjoys MC's excited blabbering? Laughs along with them? Give fun facts? I imagine one of them saying like "Why love that when you can love this very handsome turtle instead?" hehehe maybe Leo would say that stuff! 🤔
Sorry if this blurb is kinda confusing/awkward to you! Hehehe it's my first time so I'm nervous since I love your posts for a long time now! Have a good day/noon/night! 💖😄
~ ☁️ Anon
At first I was confused af but after reading it 3 times I just realized how simple it is-
I'm slowly but surely getting my inbox cleared- just randomly working on it.
Tw: Leo gets so pissy over a mini-version of himself
Reaching New Homosexual Autism Heights:
He finds it cute that you're teasing him. Although, he is a bit worried you might get your finger bitten off considering his species tends to be violent sometimes. If you like to nerd about his species, he's quite surprised. He ends up learning more than he knew about himself.
Last RuPaul Runway:
HOMIE IS NOT HAVING IT. Like man's getting beefy with a turtle of his own species. He’s like trying to maintain his smile but at the same time he’s like “Listen- I know they’re cute and all, but aren’t I cuter? I mean…I can at least do some cool tricks.” He will glare at the turtles.
Daily Banana Swallowing:
He’s deadpan the entire time. He occasionally might give a warning to be cautious of being bit. But other than that he’s just listening while occasionally sharing another fact. He’s much more interested in you rather than himself.
Marinated Fungus:
He’s calling the turtles cute, and listening the entire time. He laughs along to all the teasing…Internally, he actually doesn’t really care much for the turtles. But if you like them, then he’ll happily join. He’ll find the facts about him interesting though.
(AHA- Did you guys miss the funky names? I sure did. It's been a good while)
- Celina
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elly99 · 1 year
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Hanni was in Chicago for Lollapalooza. Just over five years ago she sat next to you everyday at school. Hanni was a Gucci ambassador. But in one of her pictures you see her wearing the socks you got for her way back when.
You were surprised to say the very least. It had been quite a while since you'd stopped communicating regularly. Maybe the occasional birthday greeting or 'how are you' only for things to fizzle out after a few days. Though you missed how it used to be, when not a day went by where you weren't talking, you understood that your lives were very different now. But still you wonder why she would do this now after all this time.
Would it be worth asking her? You did miss her after all. Why not ask an old friend how she was doing? You had nothing better to do at 3 in the morning.
"hey hanni! just wanted to ask you how you've been doing. i know you're probably quite busy right now so no worries if you can't reply right away. chookas for tomorrow!!"
You were going to leave it there and try to get some sleep, but to your astonishment she replies almost immediately.
"heeeyyy!! thank you!! i'm doing great! just a little nervous for tomorrow but i know it'll be fun. it's so nice hearing from you again!! how have you been? i was thinking about you recently"
"oh really? cuz i saw you posted a picture with those socks"
"yeah man! i'm never gonna lose these!! they mean a lot to me"
That hit somewhere deep in your heart.
"what do you mean really? don't act surprised!!"
"well i am! i mean we don't talk as much as we used to. and you haven't been back in melbourne for so long"
"doesn't mean i'd forget about one of my best friends!"
"you still consider me that?"
"of course! don't you?"
"pho-ever hahaha"
"pho-ever ❤️"
You take a minute to think about what to say next.
"hey hanni honestly the real reason i texted was because i've been missing you a lot recently. i went through high school and i'm in uni now but after you left i just never had another friend like you. nobody ever got me like you did. and i know we've changed and grown up a lot since then but i feel like you'd still get me. you've always been special to me. so yeah i've just been feeling a little lonely lately"
Instantly you regret sending something so heavy. And your worry only builds as the minutes go by without a reply. But she surprises you for the third time that night. Because she's calling.
"Hey, brooo! It's been so long! It's good to see you again!"
You'd seen so many photos and videos of her since she debuted but there was something so strange about seeing her like this on your screen. She was the perfect juxtaposition of dazzling stardom and warm, nostalgic familiarity. She was still the Hanni you loved from all those years ago but it felt like you were meeting her for the first time again.
"Sup, bro," you chuckle. "It's good seeing you, too! I wasn't expecting you to call. Sorry I look like a mess. It's 3 AM."
"Oh, yeah! It's really late for you! Well, I just wanted to call quickly to say that I miss you a lot, too. You know being here in Chicago has had me thinking a lot. Like, it's hard to believe that I've come so far and I'm really so grateful and honored."
"But you deserve it, Hanni! You've worked so hard to get where you are now. I'm so proud of you, by the way."
"Aw, thanks, man! But, yeah. Sometimes I find myself missing the simpler days. Everything's moving so fast now and sometimes I just wanna go back to the old days of just messing around at school. With you and all our old friends. That's why I wore those socks. Just to remind myself of where I came from. Of all the people that are so important to me."
You catch yourself tearing up at her words.
"Hey, Hanni, we didn't ever say 'I love you' to each other, did we? I don't think that's something we ever said to each other. I mean, kids don't really have a good grasp of that, right? But as I grew older and realized just how important you were to me, I was like, 'Yeah, I love this girl.' So, yeah. Just thought I should say that," you laugh nervously at your sudden confession.
"And I love you, too! I guess my way of saying that back then was sitting next to you everyday," she laughs with you, her radiant smile easing your nerves. "I know I haven't been able to visit in years and I'm really sorry about that! But I promise as soon as I'm able I'll come see you. I'm also sorry I haven't kept in touch as much recently but I hope you know I think about you a lot. I'm sure when we meet up again it'll be like nothing changed. We can go back to singing What Makes You Beautiful like there's no tomorrow."
"God, I miss that."
You make eye contact and you recognize her look just as she recognizes yours.
This time you laugh together and it really was as if nothing had changed.
"Speaking of what makes you beautiful, you should go get your beauty sleep. It's so late!"
"You're right. I should at least try to be a functioning human, right? But thanks so much for calling, Hanni. I really appreciate it. You're the best."
"Hey, no problem, man! I really missed hearing your voice. Reminds me of home."
You have no answer for her sweetness.
"And whenever you feel lonely, remember I'm always here, ok? Just text me any time! I'm always here for you. I'll do my best to send you my own updates from time to time as well."
"Alright, will do, bro. Have fun tomorrow! I know you're gonna devour it."
"I'll do my best!"
"You always do. See ya, Hanni!"
"Good night! Get lots of sleep, have sweet dreams and eat well tomorrow! Love yaaa!"
She was too good for the world.
After the call you smile to yourself in the dark. Deep down you knew that, no matter how much time passed or how much distance there was between the two of you, you both still had a piece of each other in your hearts. Since she left years ago she had gotten herself new jeans but she'd keep those old socks pho-ever.
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justhere4kpop · 1 year
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Wooyoung x Single Mom! Reader
Your life gets flipped upside down when you take a new backup dancer job at KQ Entertainment, you lied in your interview how will you get out of this one?
Genre: Mostly Fluff, Some Angst.
Warnings: (?) Angst, Mentions of cheating, self-doubt, and arguing.
w/c: 8715
a/n: Ahhh the longest one I've written so far!!! Oh god, I really hope it's good and that you guys like it, I've never written anything this long and I'm so scared to post it hahaha. I feel like even as long as it is it might feel a little rushed. I have no idea....it took me a long time to write anyways so any and all feedback is welcomed. Okay AH! Enjoy, please!
tags: @cromernet @starillusion13, @jaehunnyy (for you Chippie)
Do I wake up every morning with my hair in every direction, toothpaste foaming at the mouth, a stained t-shirt and pajama pants, and a toddler crying because I can’t hold her? Not every morning…sometimes I don’t get to brush my teeth before breakfast. Today was a really important day for me though and I absolutely could not bring my screaming toddler to my first day as a backup dancer at KQ Entertainment.
“What do you think Sweet Pea? Pancakes for breakfast?” I looked at her. “How about some fruit too? Grapes, Cantaloupe?” she smiled.
“Mama!” she pointed at the plate.
“I know I know they’re coming.” I flipped the stove on and kept brushing my hair. This is what I get for letting her try to braid it last night. “I knew I should’ve prepped last night.”
Of course, the day was going to be crazy, I’m a ball of anxiety there’s no way I couldn’t be.
“Do you like the melon today? It’s in season so it should be nice.”
“Juicy.” she smiled. “I like it!” she raised it in the air.
“I’m glad, maybe I’ll get more the next time we go to the grocery store.” I ate with her and wiped her mouth when it got to be too much.
“Are you excited to hang out with grandma today?” I picked up her plate so we could go wash dishes together.
“Grandma is coming?” she looked at me.
“Yes, are you excited?” I looked down at her and pulled her step stool up since she insists she can ash her own dishes.
“Mmmmm I dunno.” she shrugged and I chuckled.
The doorbell rang.
“Hi Mom, thanks for watching her again.” I sighed opening the door a two-year-old attached to my hip. “Saja, say hi to grandma.” I nudged her and she hid behind my shoulder. My shy little girl.
“Oh still shy as ever I see. Does she talk to anyone?” my mom chuckled.
“She’ll talk to me, especially when she gets upset…she’s just nervous around people. In fact, we were just talking about you coming over.”
“Oh, how fascinating.” she smiled.
“Okay let me just show you around really quickly to make sure you know where everything is. It’s been a while since you traveled here and I really appreciate it.”
I gave her the tour around the apartment, sure it wasn’t big but it was enough to stress me out, and have trouble keeping clean. Important numbers on the fridge, obviously call me if there’s an emergency. Snacks in one cabinet, dry food in another, what she likes and doesn’t so far, what she likes to do all day, hopefully, if the weather is nice they can go to a park. I went to get ready while Saja was distracted and put my bag together.
“Where we going?” she asked and patted my bag by the front door reaching for her shoes.
“Unfortunately today Pumpkin you have to stay with grandma while Mama goes to her first day of work.” I pushed the hair out of her eyes.
“But-”her eyes gazed over. “But I wanna go.” she pouted and big tears started forming.
“It’s just like that time that mama had to drop you off at daycare for the first time sweet pea, remember how much fun that turned out to be. You met Junie, and Kiri.”
“But I no want mama go.” she hiccuped.
“I know baby, I’ll be back before you go to bed I promise. Probably even before dinner ok.” I hugged her and spun her around. “It’ll be hard today, but easy tomorrow ok? Just gotta trust me.”
“Otay.” she wiped her eyes. “Promise come back?”
“I promise. I’m not ever leaving you.” I kissed her forehead.
And so that’s how the first day of the rest of my life began. I got to KQ, nearly died from exhaustion on how much they taught us that first day, raced home to be there for my kid before she went to sleep, and did it again for months, some days it was picking her up from daycare, sometimes my mom would take care of her. Of course, I made some work friends who wanted to hang out but I couldn’t… I can’t just go drinking after practice, I have to get home to watch the new episode of Octonauts, read bedtime stories, and make sure her “homework” (coloring.) is done.
“Oh come on y/n, come out with us.” Jaeun begged.
“I-I really can’t, I have to get back home.”
“What do you have a kid or something?” he teased.
“S-Something yeah. I um…just a tight schedule and I’m trying to make ends meet.”
“Oh second job?” Eun suggested.
“It’s just important and I can’t just…I don’t really have free time. I’m sorry, I really do want to but I have so much to do…” I bowed. “Thank you really. I appreciate it every time you ask me. I’ll see you around.”
I started to leave when a voice spoke up next to me.
“Nice work today y/n.” came the calm cool voice of none other than Jung Wooyoung.
“Th-Thank you Mr.Wooyoung.” I said again with a bow.
“Maybe they can’t convince you out but could I?” he quirked an eyebrow…..Is he flirting with me?
“I’m s-sorry I really have to go.” I picked up my bag and left. Did Jung Wooyoung just talk to me….and ask me out? Are you kidding me? I can’t get…I can’t.
“Mama.” called out the small voice waiting by my front door.
“Hi baby.” I picked her up and smiled once more. “I missed you too.”
“You look upset.” my mom said looking me over.
“It’s ok Mom, maybe later.” I didn’t want to talk about it in front of Saja. “For now, let me see what you learned today?”
“Color!” she ran over to the table after I set her down and started telling me the names of the colors.
“Wow look at you my smart girl.” I smiled and looked at the drawing she made of the rainbow. “Definitely going on the fridge today.”
“Yay!” she smiled and went to pick out the magnet for the drawing.
“I got asked out for drinks again.” I sighed.
“I would’ve watched her honey, you can go.”
“It wasn’t just by my coworkers this time…it was one of my bosses….I don’t know I’ve maybe bumped into him like 3 times but I haven’t really ever had a conversation with him and I…I couldn’t say yes.”
“Why not, it’s been a while since you had a date.”
“Mom I’m not really…dating material…I have a kid and…I don’t know.”
“y/n, you should try it…just…take a chance.”
“Maybe….I’ll…I’ll think about it mom.”
“I just want you to be happy kiddo, and to not feel so alone.”
“I’m never alone…but it would be a little nice to…think about some help…Mom he doesn’t want kids! What am I even saying.” I sighed.
“This one!!!” Saja ran back in with a rainbow magnet for her rainbow drawing. “I want dis one.” she smiled.
“Okay that one it is.” I smiled and took her rainbow to hang it up. “And so now which one is your favorite color?”
“Yellow.” she smiled.
“Good choice.” I kissed her head. “Come on let’s get ready for bed.”
I got her into her yellow duckie pajamas, we washed our faces, and we brushed our teeth and read together, she’s trying new words but also told me what color each things were. My smart girl.
“Goodnight Princess.” I whispered and kissed her head leaving the room.
“y/n.” my mom called me over. “I really want you to think about having fun with your friends.”
“I will mom…I…They don’t know I have a kid and I just, I don’t know wouldn’t it just be weird I’m suddenly the mom friend.”
“Honey, you already act like a mom because you’ve always been the mom friend.”
“I just don’t want to get hurt again….I don’t want Saja to get hurt again.” I looked back at her door.
One year ago, it was raining, I’d just gotten fired from my job for falling asleep in a meeting because my good-for-nothing partner wouldn’t take care of his own child at 2am. I came home to a screaming Saja, no furniture except her bed and mine, and a letter on the counter with photos of my worst fear….he was cheating on me this whole time. At least he had the decency to leave his keys. I was so scared I called my mom and that night I did the only thing I could hold onto my screaming one-year-old and cry too. I just wanted the best for her, unplanned or not she deserved as much love as I could give her. In some small ways, she tried too, if she saw me having a bad day after I couldn’t find a job she’d offer me a snack, if I fell asleep while we were together she’d curl up next to me and stay put so I could sleep. She was truly one of the best things if not the best thing to happen to me. I just wish I could give her a good life where she doesn’t have to worry about things at 2 years old…she shouldn’t see me cry already. Now the opportunity was knocking on my door, figuratively of course…Just the prospect of a date was terrifying, could I really let someone in like that again?
Jung Wooyoung is nothing but consistent…consistently a pain in my ass, he really doesn’t quit I mean at first it was every other day he’d ask if I was busy after work, but now it’s twice a week…he won’t stop…He’s famous, he’s…he’s an idol he wouldn’t want anything to do with me if I said I had a kid. He’d leave me alone…can I really expose myself like that? What if I get fired? I really need this job…Christ, what am I going to do? Just keep saying no he’ll give up and move on. Right.
“Oh you’re just mad someone actually said no to you Wooyoungie.” San teased his best friend as he pouted at another failed date attempt.
“It’s the way she carried herself, and that she always looks after the others, I mean I’ve seen her make sure everyone has water before drinking herself, and if someone looks unwell she’s the first one to check on them.” Wooyoung groaned flailing on the couch.
“Didn’t know you had a thing for moms.” Hongjoong chuckled.
“What do you mean?”
“She’s a total mom friend making sure everyone else is taken care of.” he smiled at the younger one, rejection never looked so good on someone.
“You could’ve just dated Seonghwa if you were into that.” Mingi spoke up.
“He’s not my type.” Seonghwa flipped the page he was reading.
“No you’re not my type! I’m everyone’s type!” Wooyoung stood up flabbergasted by the thought. “Jung Wooyoung is everyone’s type.”
“Just don’t catch a harassment case.” Seonghwa sighed. “I like her a lot, she’s kind.”
How could she say no to Jung Wooyoung so many times, he’s charming, handsome, funny, super attractive, sexy, cute, hilarious, and a dance machine. Maybe he should start with…
“How about lunch?” Wooyoung smiled.
“Hmm?” I looked up at him.
“Come get lunch with me.” he nodded.
“Oh um I-”
“You never want to do anything after work so why not during, we get a long enough break, I’ll even buy for being a pain in the ass so much.”
“Really Mr. Wooyoung I’m flattered but I have my own, it’s alright.”
“You seriously have to stop calling me Mister, I’m not that old and I’m not even your boss.” he smiled. “Just have lunch with me…us really a group of us are going.”
“I……okay.” I said sheepishly thinking about how much my mom is going to yell at me for not going.
When he said group I wasn’t expecting all of Ateez to be the group. Oh god, do I look okI should really sit like Six feet away just in case there’s cameras and does my breath smell ok?
“Hi y/n!” seonghwa waved. At least he was kind….they all are I don’t know what I’m saying.
“H-Hi Seonghwa.” I flushed and waved back sitting at the small metal table with them, the chairs dragging on the floor causing the shrill sound to ring out.
“Guys this is y/n…the one rejecting Wooyoung.” he smiled.
“Okay so not cool!” Wooyoung yelled. “I finally get her to come down to lunch and you embarrass me.”
Lunch with Ateez was becoming a regular thing, every week now I’d go with Wooyoung and we’d chat and…I almost felt like another member, sure they did this with others but it felt really special…I felt special. Mom was right I do need more friends. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I just let go and got to know Wooyoung. 
“Like a good mother.” Hwa chuckled.
I did a spit take. “Sorry! Just inhaled too much water.” I coughed and my phone started ringing. “Oh sorry I have to take this.” I got up to answer around the corner.
“Mama!” the voice came from the small face on my phone.
“Hi Pumpkin are you having fun with grandma?” I smiled.
“Grandma makes Tteokbokki like you! But not as yummy.” she smiled and held it up.
“Oh? But I learned from grandma so shouldn’t hers be better?”
“Oh now you know it was your grandmother that taught you this recipe, I can’t cook to save my life.” she chuckled.
“And who’s that?” came a voice from behind me.
“Shit!” I jumped and dropped my phone.
“y/n? y/n?” my mom spoke.
“Mama?” Saja called out.
“S-Seonghwa. I-”
“So you are an actual mom?” he smiled.
“N-No I-....I um…it’s my niece and I” I felt the anxiety creep in, I got nauseous and I could taste the bile in my throat.
“Can I see her?” he smiled and sat next to me and picked up my phone but face it away in case I said no.
“Mom I’ll call you back ok. Saja it’s ok.” I smiled lightly at the phone and hung up. “Am I fired?”
“Fired??? For what? Did you steal a water bottle too?” he smiled. “Those are free.”
“No for…for lying about not having a kid.”
“It doesn’t matter that you have a kid pabo.” he picked my face up. “Why’d you hide it?”
“I really needed the job, it’s just me providing and…I didn’t want to be turned down because I have a daughter.”
“I see…y/n you were hired because you are insanely talented and can dance circles around any of those guys, mom or not. I think they wouldn’t have been making you stay so late if they knew, it’s important to be there for a child too.”
“I really need this job Seonghwa.” I felt the tears fall.
“You’re not losing your job honey I promise. It’ll stay between us….only if you let me say hi.” he smiled.
“I…” I picked my phone up and called my mom back. “Hi Mom, um…sorry my um…my boss scared me and he…yeah.” I nervously handed Seonghwa the phone.
“Oh that’s not who I wanted to say hi to hi Mrs. (l/n) you’re very lovely, I wanted to meet y/n jr. though.”
“Oh Saja, come say hi to Mister??”
“Seonghwa.” he smiled waiting for the small child.
“Hi.” Saja said smally as my mom came down to her level with the phone. “Mama??”
“I’m here sweet pea.” I called and peeked over Seonghwa’s shoulder. “Hi baby, what’d you have for lunch?”
“Potatoe.” she said getting quite shy at the man looking at her.
“And?” my mom prompted. “We tried pajeon, and Kimchi for the first time.”
“Kimchi?” Seonghwa smiled, “how exciting. Did you like it?”
“Spicy.” she frowned.
“Maybe we’ll try radish Kimchi she likes crunchy things.” I nodded. “I should get back to my own lunch honey, anything you want to say to Mr. Seonghwa?”
“......pretty.” she blushed looking away from the phone.
I think Seonghwa short-circuited he nearly dropped my phone.
“I’ll be home after work okay, be good for grandma, bye mom, thank you.” I smiled softly and hung up. “Mr.Seonghwa?”
“You really are ana amazing person.” he smiled and hugged me. “Next time we’re meeting in person.”
“Wouldn’t that be unprofessional?” I questioned.
“I don’t care that little ray of sunshine is getting spoiled by her uncle Seonghwa now.” he smiled.
If Seonghwa could’ve felt the eyes burning into the back of his head at the glare Wooyoung was sending the older man he’d probably be dead. I on the other hand couldn’t process what just happened…everything felt so strange, letting Seonghwa in on my secret…I wasn’t sure I liked it but it was…nice to let something out.
“And what were you two talking about?” Wooyoung questioned as we sat back down.
“Nothing, I was just making sure she was ok.” Seonghwa shrugged like nothing happened.
“Sorry just a weird phone call. I’m okay.” I nodded and looked down at my lunch.
“Aww cute!” Wooyoung pointed out the note Saja had wrote for me. “Where’d you get that.”
“Must’ve came with the wrap, I didn’t notice.” I looked at the scribbles that I’m sure were supposed to be words but what really made me tear up was the heart, it was mishapen and wobbly but it was her.
“Hey? Are you sure you’re okay?” Wooyoung lifted my chin up before the tear hit the paper.
“Yes, I’m ok.” I looked at him and blushed a bright red.
“Promise?” he held out a pinky for me. Saja does the same….
“Promise.” I whispered and let a few tears fall.
That’s where my relationship with Wooyoung took a turn. I noticed the small things at first…the little notes in my bag, the heart on my water bottle, and getting me lunch, or a snack, he always came to talk to me during breaks, and we always sat next to each other if we could during things, bus rides to venues for performances, meetings, anything. It all felt so nice. I felt…happy. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to give him a chance…even just one. 
“Hi cutie!” Wooyoung yelled over the phone as I answered.
“Hi Woo.” I smiled lightly at the phone and walked out to the little patio I had.
“Why so quiet?” he questioned.
“No reason. Just enjoying the peace.” I had just put Saja down and I didn’t want to risk her waking up.
“Listen I was thinking-”
“Isn’t that a dangerous game.” I chuckled cutting him off.
“Come to dinner with me?” he smiled. “Please?”
“Before you say no! Just…one chance, look I know you said your ex was terrible and left you with nothing but I just…y/n you’re great, and smart, and wonderful, and beautiful, and…and amazing…please…just one date so I can stop my terrible attempts at flirting. I’m running out of pick-up lines to use on you.”
“Wooyoung I….”I looked back at the apartment and a cool breeze wrapped around me sending a shiver down my spine. It would be nicer to try having someone else around. Was I ready for him to know everything? “Dinner sounds nice. Maybe Friday?”
“Friday.” he smiled, you could hear the grin. The wonderful grin followed by his melodic giggle. 
Maybe we can try again…maybe this time won’t hurt so bad. Maybe he’d stay.
You’re getting too ahead of yourself y/n. Just one dinner, and maybe it’ll be okay from there, just take it one day at a time.
Friday came quicker than I’d like and I still had no idea what to wear, what to do, all I knew was my mom was excited and I felt like I was going to throw up again.
“You know Saja likes watching him perform onstage, she says he moves the most like water.” my mom smiled. “She gets so happy seeing you on the tv.”
“I know…she asks to watch a performance before we go to bed usually.”
“Aren’t you excited?”
“No…I mean I am but, god this could go horribly wrong.”
“But it won’t, I’ve seen the little notes, you have this boy smitten like he’s a teenager.” she chuckled.
“Yeah but eventually I’m going to have to tell him about Her.” I motioned to my daughter.
“How do you know he doesn’t like kids?”
“I didn’t say that, but he has been thinking I’m just some poor single woman this whole time Mom, and I don’t know how to bring that up, Oh hi by the way I’ve been lying to you for 4 months, and actually have a two-year-old, hope that doesn’t change anything.” I groaned and pulled on the black cocktail dress I had picked out.
“Honey, I don’t think it will…you trusted Seonghwa with saying hello.”
“That was over the phone and this is different mom…this is a…potential love interest, you know a maybe boyfriend, Seonghwa is no more than a potential babysitter and even that’s a maybe.”
“I think you should let some people in…it’ll be good for you to have more than just me for her. Also I have plans for tonight”
“I know you’re right mom I just…. MOM!!! And you didn’t tell me!” I groaned and picked up my phone. “Fine.”
“Just giving you an extra push dear.”
“You are…I swear!” I hit dial.
“Hello?” the voice on the other end of my phone croaked out.
“Hey, could you…do me a favor.” I sighed.
“So you want me to meet your daughter, and babysit her while you go on a date with Wooyoung?” Seonghwa questioned me as I stood with him in the hallway.
“Yes…because my mom forced this…”
“How so.”
“She ‘made plans’ or whatever so now I need a babysitter or I have to tell Wooyoung I’ve been lying this whole time.” I sighed.
“Hey hey okay, I’ll do it.”
“I figured since you brought a goodie basket.” I eyed the stuffed animal behind him. “Saja.” I called out coming back inside. “Come meet Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa could barely contain himself waiting to meet my two year old.
“Mama?” Saja hid around the corner.
“Hey sweet pea, it’s okay…remember him, he’s from the tv.” I held out my hand for her and she walked over to hide behind me.
“Hi Saja.” Seonghwa said calmly and in a quiet tone getting down to her level. “I’m Seonghwa, I work with your mama, remember we talk on the phone.”
“....pretty.” she blushed.
“She remembers.” I pat her head. “Why don’t you show Mr.Seonghwa the painting you did.” she nodded and ran to go get her newest art piece and came back over, she stopped and looked between me and him before taking a cautious step forward. 
“Oh my goodness, look at this.” he smiled. “Okay let’s see….a cat?” she nodded. “Wow what a beautiful cat. What’s his name?”
“Rainbow.” she said quietly.
“Rainbow? What a perfect name.” he smiled. “And is mama going to hang it up?” he looked up at me.
“Yes” she smiled and ran off to find the magnet.
“She likes you, I promise, she’s just shy at first.” I breathed. “I have to get going I don’t…want to be late.” I looked at her in the kitchen.
“I promise nothing bad will happen.” Seonghwa tried reassuring me.
“Last time I left her alone with a man he took everything and left.” I brushed him off and grabbed my things.
“Y/n” Seonghwa placed a hand on my shoulder and I tensed up. “I understand, but you deserve some help, and some fun.”
“She’s all I have Seonghwa.”
“Y/n I promise she’s in great care, I wouldn’t dream of hurting either of you.”
I sighed. “Saja. Come give mama a hug please?” she came running over with a new magnet for her cat drawing.
“Where go?” she questioned holding her arms up for a hug.
“Mama is going to go see a friend because she really likes this friend ok? It’s called a date.”
“Date?” she questioned more.
“See when two adults, like mama and her friend like each other more than just friends, which is a very complicated feeling to understand even for adults, they go out to do things together, like eat dinner or watch a movie.”
“To see if they like each other’s company more than other people.” I smiled. “However no one’s company is better than yours sweet pea.” I kissed her nose. “So you stay here and play with Seonghwa and Mama will be back later, like when you stay with Grandma.”
“Are we go on a date too?” she whispered.
“Sure.” I smiled and she was blushing as I put her down. “Have fun okay?”
“Yes ma’am.” Seonghwa smiled and Saja walked back over to her table.
My phone dinged again and I made my way out and downstairs to Wooyoung and his very expensive car.
“Didn’t know you could drive.” I raised an eyebrow,
“Very recent, you look beautiful” he smiled.
“Thank you.” I blushed and he opened the car door for me. “Not so shabby yourself sir.”
“Thank you.” he smiled and closed the door gently and mumbled to himself he told me what he said later was “Wow she looks beautiful.” however I think  “okay rizz master Wooyoung, you gotta work.” sounds more like what he actually said…don’t let him tell you otherwise.
“So I was just thinking a quiet dinner without all the noise from the guys and maybe a walk?” he smiled.
“Sure, I’m just along for the ride.” I nodded. “It’s been a while since I’ve done this so you’re going to have to carry me along.”
“Don’t worry I’ve got you.” he smiled.
Throughout the course of dinner I learned that work Wooyoung, friend Wooyoung, and date Wooyoung are three very different people. He seems different.
“Yeah no order whatever you like.” he smiled and gestured to the menu.
“I’m not used to this kind of stuff.” its usually chicken nuggets and mac and cheese…why am I suddenly craving it…or pizza, I could so go for a pizza right now.
“Well only the best for you.” he smiled nervously. “How am I going to pay for this?!” he thought to himself.
“Right.” I swallowed nervously and looked at the menu. There aren’t even prices listed. “Wooyoung?” I looked up at him over the menu.
“Hmm? Yes, oh did you have a question?”
“Have you ever eaten here before?”
“Oh yeah loads of times!” why am I lying??” 
“What do you recommend?” I blushed a little, I knew he made good money but…I don’t know this seems a bit much.
“Well there’s the uh Hakarl.” he said and pointed. “That’s good and then the Bird’s Nest Soup.” he nodded.
“Oh okay. Why don’t you pick for me, I mean I want whatever you’re having.” I shrugged. He knew what he was talking about.
“I don’t have a clue what I’m saying! What did I even recommend!” he yelled at himself.
When the waiter came back he ordered for us and we left it at that, I finished my glass of wine and looked around at some of the dishes…they all looked interesting…to be kind…I don’t know if I can do this.
“Um excuse me.” I pulled a waiter aside and asked about the dish he had just served. “What did she order?”
“Ah that ma’am is the Bird’s Nest Soup” he smiled. “You see the saliva turns hard-”
“Thank you.” I interrupted and turned back to Wooyoung. Saliva? “Wooyo-”“Y/n” we both said at the same time.
“You go first.” he gestured.
“Wooyoung I really appreciate this but I…I can’t do this…this food is…it’s way too much for me.”
He sighed….here it comes.
“Thank god.” he breathed out. “I really didn’t want to find out what the other thing I ordered is.”
“Can’t we just go get a slice of pizza? Like normal?” I looked down at my hands.
“Please.” he stood up and walked over to our waiter talking to him before handing over his company card and explaining everything. “Let’s go before they bring it out.”
I nodded.
What started off horrible and scary turned into something magic, we found a place by the park close to my apartment and got three sliced of whatever pizza sounded good and just sat in the park. Much more my speed, much more…relaxed.
“I just wanted to impress you.” Wooyoung looks down at the slice of pizza in his lap. “I thought…maybe you’d like it if I took you somewhere special.”
“Who says Pizza isn’t special?” I looked at him but his eyes were turned down to the ground. “Woo?”
“I just….I really like you, especially the more I’ve gotten to know you, you’re kind, and gentle, and just…you’re absolutely wonderful y/n and I really fucked this up tonight.”
“Hey.” I nudged him. “Hey” I said a little more sternly and lifted his chin up to meet his gaze. “I’m still here aren’t I?....I appreciate that you think I deserve some fancy restaurant where we sit 10 feet away from each other and the menus don’t have prices and we’re waited on hand and foot, but…that’s not my speed. I prefer picnics and pizza and bullet train sushi and…fried chicken, and mac and cheese, and stupid little fruit cups.” I smiled at him. “I like it when we have lunch together and we eat ramen or tteokbokki, or even rabokki!”
“I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for Wooyoung.” I kissed his cheek. “I’m having a great time eating pizza in my favorite park with my second favorite person on the planet.”
“Who’s the first?”
“No one you need to worry about.” I chuckled and blushed.
“Ahhh your mom then.” he smiled. “Thank you…for not letting me feel like I completely fucked this up.”
“Quite the contrary, you’ve shown me that I really mean something to you…I mean that place was faannncyyyy.”
“You do mean something to me.” he looked into my eyes and there was that intensity that he had when he was dancing. The look of “I’m doing this and no one can stop me.”
“Thank you.” I rubbed his cheek.
You know how it goes, he walked me home, I got the third degree from my mom on how it went…except Seonghwa joined in, I tucked my two year old into bed and then…I had a full moment in bed in my pajamas where I squealed and kicked my legs and just…he kissed my cheek and held my hand and and and…pizza. Yeah. I could…I could get used to having Wooyoung.
It was just like any other day, it was warm and sunny, Wooyoung wanted to go out on a date and we decided another park date, kimbap which of course he made, in fact he made all of the food we ate, mandu, rolled omelet, potato salad, some pajeon, and finally because this obviously isn’t enough food for two people he also made my favorite cucumber salad . I really am one special girl. 
“Woo this is too much.” I chuckled looking over at him as he kept bringing out more food.
“Nonsense, you’ll love this.” he smiles but you can tell there’s something bothering him.
“Are you ok?” I looked at him his face tight.
“Yeah, no it’s..it’s nothing I’m fine.” he nodded but he seemed more in his own head now.
“How about next time I’ll make the kimbap? I’ve been told I make it pretty good.” I smiled trying to lighten the mood.
Sure everything was going well, I really like him but I don’t know he seems a little distant recently and I can tell something is bothering him. I…
“Woo?” I said putting down my things. “You know we can talk about things right?”
“I….y/n…I….” he started and closed his mouth a few times. “What’s your relationship with Seonghwa?”
“Seonghwa? I don’t know…friends I guess. I mean I can certainly feel safe around him.” I looked at him confused.
“I know…what I’m about to say is…I know…Are you…Are you cheating on me?”
“What no?!” I looked at him incredulously. “Cheating?? Wooyoung I would-”
“Then why is it that you drop everything when he calls?” he looked at me getting a little teary eyed. “Why is it that when he calls you leave the room? Hmm? What private conversation can’t Wooyoung hear?” he was getting upset.
“Wooyoung it’s not like that-” I started.
“Well then how is it y/n! Because it certainly seems like you two aren’t just friends!”
“Woo please listen to me.” I said my voice quivering a bit. “Please take a breath and listen.”
“Then start explaining…I thought it was me and only me.”
“It is!”
“I saw you together!!” he stood up angrily.
“He’s just my friend Wooyoung I swear nothing more!” I looked at him, my own tears blurring my vision. “Wooyoung I would never cheat on you I swear, please just listen to me!”
“So you can lie about-”
“Mama?” a small voice called out. 
“S-Saja!” Seonghwa’s voice called out.
“Seonghwa?” Wooyoung looked over at his friends familiar voice. “What are you doing with a child?”
“Mama!” Saja threw herself into my arms hugging me tightly. “Hi!”
“H-Hi sweet pea.” I looked at her and moved her hair lightly, I could feel Wooyoung looking at the scene before him. “Wooyoung, this is Saja…my…daughter.”
“Daughter? Are you two-?”
“No! Wooyoung I’m just…I just babysit while you two go out.” Seonghwa looked at him.
“Is she yours?” Wooyoung looked at the child and then back to Seonghwa.
“No.” I said and held her closer. “She’s my ex’s…he left…Seonghwa just…he found out I had her and I needed someone to look after her because I really wanted to go out with you but I…” I felt like I could throw up.
“Wooyoung did…I wouldn’t do something like that to you.” Seonghwa looked at the younger male, anger burning behind his pupils.
Wooyoung looked between us grabbing his things.
“Wooyoung, don’t leave…you’ll regret it if you do.” Seonghwa warned the younger male. I covered Saja’s ears.
“Well what was he supposed to think Seonghwa…afterall I drop everything when you call, I go to you when I don’t know what to do, I call you late at night because she’s crying.” I shrugged. “I would think the same….Maybe I should go.” I moved to get up but Wooyoung stopped me before I could get further.
“No.” he looked at the blanket. “Don’t.”
“Saja why don’t you and Hwa go play.” I looked at her and kissed her forehead.
“Hwa Hwa!!! You It!” she got up and ran away.
Wooyoung sat back down and folded his hands together in front of me.
“Wooyoung I…This isn’t how I wanted it to go.” I looked away from him. “I promise there is nothing go on between us other than he’s my babysitter…I think of him as my older brother honestly. I have feelings for you and you only.”
He stayed quiet before nodding and looking over at Seonghwa and Saja playing.
“Why’d you lie y/n? About…her?”
“No one would hire a single mom…I needed the money before she got kicked out of preschool and we lost our apartment so I begged my mom to come help take care of her just until I had enough that I could come clean about it.”
“We have plenty of parents I don’t understand.” he looked at me.
“By the time I finally got to KQ I had been turned down so many times I-I-I panicked it was the only thing I could think of and I was desperate and they..you were all so kind and I-” tears rushed down my face. “And then you showed up and everyone else and then Seonghwa found out and I got scared and you kept asking me out and making me smile and…this isn’t how I wanted you to meet. I wanted you to meet her please.”
He stayed quiet and I wiped my face, before I knew it he brought me into him and rubbed my back.
“I really have made an ass out of myself haven’t I?” he whispered into my hair.
“I understand where you’re coming from though Woo really.” I held onto him.
“Tell me everything.” he asked
I told him our backstory, how my ex left, cheated, basically robbed me, how Hwa found out, I told him what I could and he listened.
“I’d really like to meet her if you let me.” he picked up my face and cupped my cheek. “I promise I’ll listen better.”
“Woo it’s not your fault, what were you supposed to think.”
“That my girlfriend wouldn’t cheat on me.” he squeezed me a little. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too…..I’d really like for you to meet her.” I looked at him. “This isn’t how I wanted you to find out.”
“Whenever you’re ready.” he brushed my hair back often like I do for Saja. “Some times…things work out differently than we want them to.”
“Are you still mad?” I asked.
“I’m still….trying to figure out why.” he sighed. “It makes sense but…I just…I.”
“You can be upset Wooyoung, its a big thing I hid from you.” I shied away from him.”Does it change how you feel about me?”
“I don’t know…maybe? I….I mean-” he looked up at me and I knew he could see it, the heartbreak on my face, I never was good at hiding it. “No baby I-”
“No…no it’s fine Wooyoung…” I moved off him. “I wouldn’t…” I stood up and turned away from him. “I wouldn’t feel the same about me either, it’s probably why I got rejected from everything else.” probably even why he left in the first place. “We’ll just go.”
“No baby, stay. We can have lunch, I’m sorry.” Wooyoung pleaded.
“Mama? Can I has water?” Saja came over tired from playing.
“Here!” Wooyoung jumped up and opened a bottle for her. “I made all this food would you like a snack?”
She looked at me and I nodded and we sat back down only this time apart.
���Y/n.” Seonghwa looked at me.
“It’s nothing.” I turned away from both of them to pay attention to my daughter. “It’s just me and Saja.”
Seonghwa looked over at Wooyoung who looked down at the blanket and pushed food over to us before looking to Seonghwa and away again.
“Saja what do you say?”
“Gram…Sa…Ham…Mama what was it?” she looked at me. “Oh! Hamyida!”
“Good.” I chuckled and wiped her face. “We’ll get going now, thanks for running into us Seonghwa…It was nice to meet you.” I got up and helped Saja up before starting our walk home.
“Mommy?” Saja looked up at me.
“Yes sweet pea?” I stopped.
“Why you look sad?”
“Oh don’t worry angel, I’m okay. I just really thought it’d turn out different.”
“Like what?” she questioned. Every the curious two year old.
“It’s nothing you need to worry about Saja.” I picked her up.
“Can we play with Hwa Hwa tomorrow too?” she yawned.
“I’ll ask him later baby. Let’s get you home.”
I got her home, and of course, she was asleep on me when we walked in. I put her down and sat by her bed, I couldn’t stop the tears that came down my face. I thought everything would work out this time, I thought that maybe…maybe one day he’d be here too…maybe she’d go to sleep and we’d stay up and watch a movie together, maybe we’d play games, or have friends over, or…it was always too much to ask. Too much for me to be happy. Not even a text when I walked through the door. Was this really over?......I’ll turn in my resignation on Monday. 
Monday came and went but my computer screen remained blank, I didn’t want to write a resignation letter it’s only been a few months but, I loved my job, I loved the guys, my friends….I loved him. I called in sick I just couldn’t see him, of course by now Seonghwa and Wooyoung had told CEO Kim who asked if there was anything he could do, if Saja was sick or anything. No. There was nothing anyone could do.
“Mama again!” Saja called out pointing to the finished episode of Paw Patrol. I replayed it for her and pulled myself into the chair more, staring at the blank document.
“Saja I’m going to the potty, don’t answer the door like usual ok?”
“Otay!” she smiled and sang along to the theme song.
I just wanted to splash some cold water on my face, something to get it out of my system.
“Hi!” I heard Saja yell from the living room.
“Saja? I told you-”
“Hwa Hwa!!!” she screamed and I ran out to see two men standing in my now open doorway.
“Sorry, I used the spare key.” Seonghwa flushed and spun Saja upside down.
“Why are you here?” I stood there wanting to grab my child from them.
“Baby I’m sorry.” Wooyoung pleaded. “Please can we talk.”
“No, it’s fine. You don’t need to apologize.”
“I do. Please.”
I pushed him out into the hallway and closed the door.
“Wooyoung you shouldn’t…you made it clear how you felt.” I looked away from him.
“No I didn’t because that wasn’t how I felt. That isn’t how I feel y/n.”
“Then how do you feel, because I think “I don’t know if they changed” after that means anything different but it-”
“It didn’t change how I felt okay! I…I panicked…I freaked out because I…You have a kid and sure I love little kids, I love Kyungmin, I love babysitting, and I love playing dress up and tag and…I really love them you know I do, but…it was scary. I no longer had to impress just you I’d have to impress your daughter, I’d have to figure out how to…be a good role model and…take care of her and I’m just a cool uncle or big brother I’ve never had to…be a parent.”
“You’re not her parent Wooyoung.” I crossed my arms. “And how do you think I’m going to feel! We Slept-” I quieted down. “You were the first person I’ve slept with since I had her and you just……..I’m her parent Wooyoung.”
“Yes but we’re dating, so that means I need to be there for her too, because you don’t just date the one person, that’s the most important person in your life I can’t just…I have to be a good example. None of it changed how I felt about you, after you two left I just wanted to do it all over again, I wanted to ask you on a picnic and play tag and push her on the swings and..please believe me y/n, I want to try again. I feel so stupid ok, I have real genuine feelings for you and I hurt you I know I did, I just…one more chance baby please. I’m sorry y/n please. I promise I’ll spend the rest of my life apologizing if you just give me one chance to make it up to you.”
I sighed. “It’s not up to just me Woo….give me two seconds.” I walked back inside and he stayed in the hallway. “Saja?”
“Hi mommy!” she called out from the couch where she was giving Seonghwa a makeover. “Princess Hwa Hwa.” she smiled.
“Oh how lovely.” I smiled and looked at Hwa…I need a photo. “One photo so we can remember your masterpiece?”
“You can take ONE photo. Make it count.” Seonghwa looked at me and I took a photo of him and Saja.
“Saja honey?” I came down to her level. “Would you like to meet mommy’s friend from the other day? The one with all the food.”
“Yeah!” she smiled. “The one mommy likes!”
“Yes, the one mommy likes.” I smiled. “Come on.”
I carried her to the door and took a breath, everything was going to change once I opened this door.
“Ready!” she called out. Ok.
I opened the door half expecting Wooyoung to dart…thank god he was still there when I opened my eyes.
“Saja, this is Wooyoung.” I looked at him. “Wooyoung this is my daughter, Saja.”
“Hi!” she smiled and waved.
“Hello Saja.” he smiled back. “It’s very nice to meet you.” He pulled a flower out from behind his back.
“Where did you-?” I looked at him.
“Flower!” she smiled and took it. “Mommy likes a maggisin!”
“Would you like to come in for coffee.” I looked at him.
“I would love to.” he smiled
This was it, Wooyoung was entering my life, he was seeing the real me and my daughter. I set Saja down to go play with Seonghwa but she stayed and talked to Wooyoung, she showed him all the pictures she drew and all the things she did for pre-school, he smiled and listened the whole time. He helped with a snack since she was getting hungry and he even let her do his hair, and for once in the past 7 months I’ve known him, I could finally breathe. It felt as though a weight has been taken off my chest and I could actually let him see me, the real me. It felt good. It felt so fucking good.
Wooyoung is a wonderful partner, truly. Saja loves him, she’s started calling him every night before bed if he isn’t here to tuck her in, she likes to tell him about her day, he plans dates with all three of us and sometimes even just the two of us, the guys have slowly been introduced to her and they all claim to be her favorite uncle (we all know its Seonghwa). Wooyoung has been maybe slowly moving in slightly, his stuff appears more and more, and what do you know he’s usually attached to it, and now, almost a year later her birthday was coming up and I had no idea what to do.
“Okay I know it her birthday but I was thinking we could bring her to work and surprise the guys for a birthday party?” he rubbed my cheek, the soft sunlight drifting in for the morning.
“She would like it, especially if San and Hwa were there, and Mingi, she likes being tall.” I kissed the palm of his hand.
“I’m sorry.” he said and looked at me fondly.
“For what?” I questioned.
“For everything. For being ignorant, and stupid. For-”
“You don’t have to keep apologizing for that.” I held his wrist gently.
“I told you I’m apologizing for it every day.” he kissed my nose.
“Good Morning!” Saja called out and climbed into the bed and on top of Wooyoung. “Wooyoungie!”
“Hi Princess good morning.” he smiled and kissed her head. “Did you sleep well?”
“From the looks of her bed head I’d say so.” I chuckled.
“Well I better get those pigtails back in before Hwa Hwa sees you then hmm?” Wooyoung lifted her up and got up to go to the bathroom with her.
“Woo?” he turned around. “It’s a great idea.” I smiled. He smiled back and nodded.
As I made breakfast Wooyoung made sure they got their morning ritual done, you always have to dance in the morning if you want your day to go well according to him. Saja likes spending time with him and frankly, this past year it’s been so nice to not feel like a single parent.
“Okay and 1,2,...3 and 4. Good! Okay Okay. shh shh.” Wooyoung spoke. “Eomma!!” he called out.
“Yes?” I peaked around the corner.
“Saja wants to show you something.” he smiled and nodded for her.
He started playing the music to Case 143, the chorus specifically and she looked like she was going to do it but then turned to Wooyoung and looked scared.
“I can’t” she whispered. He stopped the music and got down to her level.
“Hey hey what’s wrong princess?” he scooped her up.
“I can’t do it.” she sniffled.
“Of course you can.” he smiled. “You practiced hard with me while eomma was busy.”
“Too hard.” she looked away from him.
“I think she’s just nervous to do it alone Woo.” I looked at him and gave him a small smile.
“Do you want me to do it with you princess?” he pushed her hair back.
“Want Youngie do it too.” she whispered to him.
“Wooyoungie will do it too.” he nodded. “Okay? Together?” this time it was her turn to nod.
He started the music over and set her down.
She looked at him as they started and even though she was shy she saw him do it and knew he meant it when he said he’d do it with her. It gave her the boost she needed to do it too. Before my eyes here she was trying her best to dance along to Case 143 by Stray Kids and for an almost 3-year-old, she did a great job.
“Oh sweet pea that was amazing!!” I scooped her up and kissed her face. “Such a good dancer.” I smiled.
“Like Appa!” she smiled and pointed to Woo. I stumbled a little.
“O-Okay breakfast time.” Wooyoung clapped and took Saja and sat at the table to eat breakfast. “Baby? Come eat ok?”
We’d talk about it…after breakfast.
“I’m sorry.” Wooyoung confessed. “She started calling me that last week when I was watching her when you had to stay late with Yunho and I didn’t correct it but she knew you would be scared if you heard and-”
“Is that what you want?” I looked at him. “Is this what you want? You know you can’t leave if she starts calling you that.”
“You are what I want y/n. Nothing else. Just this.” he nodded, I’ve never seen him look so serious. “I may be young and handsome, but I-I I can be a dad too.”
“Are you sure?” I held his hand and he gave me a firm squeeze.
“I’m sure.” he nodded.
“Of course you taught her how to dance.” I wiped my face and chuckled.
“She’s got quite a talent, I think she picked it up from her mom.” he smiled and kissed my cheek. “I’m not going anywhere..in fact, I was waiting until her birthday but…Maybe it’s time I…move in?”
“And what else could you possibly bring over…You already live here.” I smiled and kissed him.
“I have some other things.” he chuckled and kissed me back.
“I love you Jung Wooyoung.” I smiled and held onto him.
“And I love you l/n f/n.” he smiled back and held my hips.
Do I wake up every morning with my hair in every direction, toothpaste foaming at the mouth, a stained t-shirt and pajama pants, and a toddler crying because I can’t hold her? Not every morning…sometimes I wake up in the arms of my loving boyfriend, sometimes with no clothes, and sometimes I wake up to the sight of my daughter getting ready for the day with her two favorite people, I see a smile on her face as her appa cries dropping her off for school, I see the joy on her face when the guys come over and San talks to her about her day, I see my daughter being surrounded by more love than I could ever ask for. Surrounded by her 7 uncles and her appa, better than I could’ve asked for. 
Sometimes I wake up to the biggest smile I could ever see, more radiant than the sun, and I know this is all real. Wooyoung is real, and he’s here Forever.
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skullvgirl · 4 months
isagi at the met gala : garden of time
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incl. my favorite omg, when is season 2 coming out i wonder 💔
warnings. none
an's. i saw this from somewhere and also just wanted to post. its fluff, hopenu enjoy. might make a part two somewhere soon
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MAY 30th, Thursday : Arrival
SPEAKER : and now, coming to you live from Newports Canada, the new and impressionable team members for BLLK have just arrived !
as you can hear in the background there are a multitude of screams going off from the many fans of this new group has, thankfully i was lucky enough to book a registered speaking time with the players as well as their manager and head coach.
[ the camera pans to Anri and Ego next to her. Anri smiles and waves, Ego stares blankly ]
SPEAKER : Oh my gosh its so great too meet you both, Anri and Ego right?
[ they both nod ]
SPEAKER : Great, so tell me about what you two have on today, I'll start with Anri if that's okay.
ANRI : yeah, yeah—excuse me if i stutter, this our first time being here ever—
SPEAKER : oh no, no, you're totally okay
[ Anri giggles nervously, Ego continues too stare quietly ]
ANRI : so today I have on customs from V-KULL and Marc,—my shoes are from Marc, dress is from V-KULL, I'm obviously not the star of the show so I don't do anything too crazy, don't @ me, but I still think the garden look represents, kinda what the boys will bring to the table yeah?
[ what she's wearing ]
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SPEAKER : wow! yeah no, you look amazing, and don't worry i think its a very chique and straightforward look that you went with, you look great !
ANRI : [ flushed ], oh really? thank you !
SPEAKER : no problem! and moving on too you Ego, describe your look for us will you?
[ Ego yawns into the camera with unfiltered apathy ]
EGO : Suit is from TOGS, boots are from Marc, Tie is from V-KULL,—watch is from Versacé. [ he lifts his watch to the camera approvingly ] Anri picked it all out. She also forced me here so.
[ what he's wearing ]
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SPEAKER : hahaha, okaayy, well thats great It looks like Anri did a great job. I see you have a more the more emphasised look on the sunflowers, could you tell me about that?
EGO : What? Oh yeah, sun flowers grow in gardens right? That's the inspiration, pretty much. [ deadpan ]
ANRI : his mom—also, [ she glances over to Ego for a moment ] used to love sunflowers, so there's that too. [ nervous laugh ]
SPEAKER : oh, we'll thats beautiful! thank you for sharing—oh and would you look at that ! the BLLK team players have just arrived, I'll pass it onto you Y/N.
[ Ad. Coming back from break with Y/N in her interviewer dress next too an all smiles Isagi ◡̈ ]
YN : thank you, SPEAKER—and to pick up right from where you started I'm here with Isagi Yoichi, our D1 forward and first interviewee of today, so Isagi—how are you?
ISAGI : well thank you for asking, I'm doing pretty good. [ thumbs up, glance at camera ] I'm just so greatful me and my boys had the privilege to be invited out here and uh, yeah my great manager and coach have really been helping me with that also so yeah. [ slightly awkward smile ]
YN : well thats great ! Im glad to hear you're feeling good, while the rest of your teammates arrive can you tell me about the look you have on today?
ISAGI : yeah no problem I uh, so I'm actually in a set with two of my buddies from the team, when they get here I guess you'll see that, but uhm suit is from TOGS, all the little embroidery was done by V-KULL apparently, shoes are from MARC and gloves are from MARC as well [ smiles ]
[ what he's wearing ]
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YN : wow, yeah no thats beautiful!—
ISAGI : like yourself. [ straight face, not making eye contact ]
YN : [ eyes buldge, professional voice, suddenly nervous ] PFFT—why thank you, this is only my interveiw dress, but in case anybody was wondering, dress is custom from V-KULL, everything else is from ALL SAINTS haha. [ nervous laughter ]
[ what you're wearing ]
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ISAGI : [ glances at your shoes, is now locked in on your shoes ] Thoes are cute too, matches your skin really well. [ the camera zooms in on his face, his skin is a pretty tinted red ]
YN : [ you look at your shoes ] Thank you! Like I said their from ALL SAINTS so. Ya' know, it's all facy smancy and stuff. [ laughs obnoxiously ]
[ a moment of silence passes as you and ISAGI both stare at each other. then the two of you suddenly burst out laughing ]
ISAGI : TAHAHHAA—ahem, well I think my teamates have just arrived—sorry guess my time it up. Why don't you take it from here YN?
YN : AKKAKAK— [ fake cough ] yeah, that'd be great—I'll see you around probably [ =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇) ] ! Love you, bye !
[ ISAGI had already began to turn around but turns his head and smiles [ ദ്ദി(˶‾᷄ᗜ‾᷅˵ ᵕ) ]
ISAGI : Bye, Love you too !
[ camera pans back towards YN, struggling to keep it together ]
MAY 31st, Friday : The Day After
many, many, many people people were already estatic when it waa revealed that some of the BLLK players were or had been invited too the MET GALA as guests of honor so imagine their faces when everyone across the world waa telling them that one of these said players was flirting with the very beautiful YN. no really go on, imagine. thats right, they went ballistic. edits left and right, requesting interveiws from both sides, and lord the buckets of fanfics poured and dumped onto the already growing fanbase the BLLK players had. isagi specifically, alot comments were made about his attempt too be smooth.
"he was so adorable looking at her like that, wish someone would look at me that way..."
"and don't even get me started on YN and the way she was acting, all shy and cute like it wasn't her job to be talking to him. it was funny really."
"isagi is such a simp it's crazy, although it makes sense why someone would act that way–i'd be the same if i got a chnace to stand so close too YN"
that is only a snippet of what this oh so daring interview had to offer. interviews with the whe team ( coming soon ) revealed that not just ISAGI had eyes for our precious interviewee. but enough about that, back too YAGI or ISAN ( ship name, deal with it ) something we couldn't forget, and I quote.
YN : AKKAKAK— [ fake cough ] yeah, that'd be great—I'll see you around probably [ =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇) ] ! Love you, bye !
ISAGI : Bye, Love you too !
how crazy is that? like I said, the edits go crazyyyyy.
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an's. shhhh, noooo, shuuush I don't have bigger responsibilities than finishing this....events?? whats tht???
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