#i'm theorizing with my 4 pick
The Milgram characters’ Enneagrams!
In short, I disagree with most of their current placements on personality database so I made my own list :)
Es: 1w9  Jackalope: 8w7  Haruka: 3w4 (as opposed to 4w5) Yuno: 2w1 (as opposed to 3w2) Futa: 4w3 (as opposed to 6w7) Mu: 9w8 (as opposed to 2w3) Shidou: 5w6 Mahiru: 2w3  Kazui: 4w5 (as opposed to 6w5) Amane: 1w9 (as opposed to 9w1) Mikoto: 9w1  Kotoko: 8w9 (as opposed to 8w7)
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radioisntdead · 2 months
How's about some Rosie x reader that's like half or 3/4 her height and can be short-tempered, but melts at her touch and gets seemingly drunk on her kisses?
Good evening my dear! This is a short drabble and some headcanons and the reader is feral!
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Small and angry
Cannibalism, you are short and you crave violence, you tell Susan to basically end herself.
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It was theorized that you were once tall when you were alive, that you became short once you perished, and that's why you were filled with such rage, pure unadulterated rage since the majority of folks got taller when they died for whatever reason.
You were known in cannibal town for being Rosie's beloved spouse and assistant, helping her out with her overlord duties, taking care of the town, her Emporium etc etc,
You were a sweetheart truly! Bringing her fingers and tea for a snack, running her a bath with bath bombs, bubbles etc etc when she's had a long day.
However you were also known to be short tempered often bickering with Susan, like you were right now.
You were arguing with a old lady in the middle of the street, a few Cannibals were holding you and Susan back from attacking each other, it was anyone's guess which one of you would do more damage but they didn't want to find out.
"Alright, alright break it up!"
Naturally someone went to go get Rosie, immediately you softened at the sight of her, wiggling out of the cannibals that held you back you ran over to your beloved, visibly melting as she wrapped her arm around yours.
"Susan was being a bitch again."
You mumbled as Rosie shook her head, giving you a small peck on the cheek, before gently scolding you as Susan was lured away by the local Susan wrangler, you didn't even notice just having a lovesick gaze stuck on Rosie.
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Rosie picks you up sometimes, you're bickering with Susan again? YOINK, she's picking you up bridal style or tucking you under her arm like a cardboard cutout.
I imagine whenever your angry boss music plays, like Susan's being Susan and you appear with this playing behind you
I'm gonna assume you like the majority of the cannibals and Rosie herself, have beady pitch black eyes, so sometimes when you step out of cannibal town you just stare at people you don't like, unnerving them because they can't read you.
Sometimes in the dead of night if you can't sleep you'll stand outside of Susan's house and cackle, like I'm imagining your like this
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Rosie doesn't mind you being feral with Susan, because it's Susan but she fully expects you to behave with the other townfolk.
Speaking of the townfolk they have protocols for when they can't get Rosie to sooth you,
There is a net involved, Susan's grandkid is the local Susan wrangler and is tasked with the job to get Susan out of there before you can chew through the net.
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Good evening folks it is 1:14 am and I crave sleep, thank you for tuning in!
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fedorah-the-explorah · 2 months
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im getting you started.
Bro, the timeline in Carmen Sandiego is super finicky, and I'm pretty sure I've spent more time thinking about this than the creators intended us to, but WHATEVER. It haunts me.
Right, so the creators said Carmen is 20 at the start of the series, but as I said: that math don't math!
Season one takes place over the course of six months:
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Season 2 picks up one week after season 1, in February. We know this because they're celebrating Carnival.
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For the purpose of breaking down this theory, I'm going to place Carmen's birthday as March 1st, her WOEICs counterpart's official birthday.
So. At the end of season one, which would have been mid-February, Player says something about how Carmen was found on the side of the road twenty years ago, but if her birthday was in a mere matter of weeks, couldn't you theorize that he was rounding up? Maybe she's 19 turning 20.
Or, maybe, she's 20 turning 21? No!
At the end of season 2, Shadowsan says he found her twenty years ago. This is where we take a detour to discuss infant development.
In the flashbacks, we see that baby Carmen prefers crawling-- she can toddle a little bit, but not well. Children typically begin standing between 7 and 12 months, and walking between 10 and 18 months. We also see that she babbles and coos a lot, but no words. Children tend to say their first word at around 12 months. Based on this, I'd wager that baby Carmen was around seven or eight months old. We know she's a physical prodigy, so she could potentially be even younger-- the youngest recorded baby to walk was six months old.
Placing baby at 7 months when she was kidnapped, that makes Shadowsan's "I found you twenty years ago" accurate to the month. At this point, Carmen is 20 years and 7 months old.
Season three takes place in October/November. Presumably, season three picks up right after season two, putting the end of season two in October. It spans about the same length as season one.
While the word of the creators doesn't have much bearing here-- as this post is very much a "you guys are wrong and here's why" kind of post-- one of the creators did say that they imagined Carmen as being twenty by season three. That would make it impossible for her to have been twenty during season one. Too much time has passed for that to work.
Season 4 takes place sometime around February. We know this because Devineaux asks Gray what he was doing on the train to Poitiers 18 months ago. 12 months ago would have been February (start of season 2) and six months before that is August. That's eighteen months.
Going by this, I think Carmen was yoinked just after her twenty-first.
Interestingly, if my math is mathing-- and who knows, I turned a two year degree into a three year degree because I kept failing math classes, I could be talking actual nonsense right now-- this makes Player like 17/18 by season four, and that's hilarious to me because that means his parents (tried) to make him go to school for like the last semester of his senior year. Free my boy 😭
In conclusion, Carmen is 19 at the start of season one, she and Player are three years apart, and Player's parents are some cruel mfers. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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mirror-ralsei · 8 months
THEORY: The Ink Blot Test & Symmetry in UTDR
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This isn't as much of a typical theory as it is pointing out a design element that I think really needs more discussion: the distinctive style used in certain visuals in the game.
It's actually kind of difficult for me to describe. But there seems to be a recurring style used across many enemies and their weapons. This style is typically white in color, and typically very ornate and detailed-looking. It's easy to pick out because most of the shapes in Undertale/Deltarune's sprites are more simple...and because of one fact: all of these designs look symmetrical.
Here are the places I noticed this style appearing. Hopefully as you look at these, you can understand what I mean by a particular “ornate, symmetrical look”:
Reaper Bird's overworld appearance
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Reaper Bird's body
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Final Froggit
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POSSIBLE: Knight Knight's Good Morningstar (listed here as “hammer”)
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POSSIBLE: Memoryheads (they're in 3/4 view and melting-looking so it's harder to tell, but notice the curly parts and comb-teeth-like parts)
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Gaster Blasters (using the unused version since it's easier to notice the style without the eyes)
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(While most of these designs are technically not symmetrical if you look closely, they all definitely give the impression of being so.)
There's some other possible references to this style, but I'm just going to focus on the more distinct ones for now. And even some of the ones I've listed are debatable. If I had to pick just a few, I'd use Reaper Bird, their overworld sprite, and CHAOS BUSTER as the definitive examples.
So it's taken me a couple years of not quite being able to place why this style felt so familiar. At first I thought they might look like fractals...
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...but that wasn't quite it. Finally, all of a sudden, I put my finger on it.
This design style reminds me of Rorschach blots.
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For anyone who doesn't know, the Rorschach test is a psychological test involving the subject looking at inkblots and determining what these patterns look like to them. As you can see, the inkblots are very intricate and symmetrical - just like the examples above.
How does this connect to Undertale? Not too much. But Deltarune? Possibly a lot! Maybe that's the reason most of the instances where this style appears seem connected to Deltarune in some way.
For starters, inkblots are black and white. Specifically, they're black patterns on a white background. So far, every instance of these inkblot-like designs in UT/DR have been the inverse of this: they're all white patterns on dark or black backgrounds. We know light and dark have meaning in Deltarune, so this makes sense.
The ink blots' meaning are what you make of it. Your brain determines what real world things this abstract ink on paper looks like to you. This seems like it could tie into the concept behind the Dark Worlds, and how they seem like “interpretations” of items in real life: For example, the Halloween Pencil becomes a SpookySword. (It's possible the ShadowCrystals may play on this “perception” idea a bit too, but we don't know yet.)
Doctor Gaster seems to be conducting tests on us (Sound Test, SURVEY_PROGRAM, etc.) to observe our feedback. This thematically fits with this whole Rorschach blot test reference. I'm not sure if “WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK?” from Entry 17 and the egg man's flavor text 'What do you think?” are necessarily connected to this at all, but it does happen to fit the theme, lol.
All right, so we've established that there seems to be a symmetrical-looking style. We theorized that maybe they were supposed to evoke a similar look to Rorschach blot tests.
Now we're going to speculate even further.
So why exactly was this Rorschach blot looking style chosen? I think this symmetrical look might be based around reflections. After all, Deltarune involves a Light World and Dark World that reflect each other. And there are actually a few important references to reflections across Undertale and Deltarune.
Kris first appeared in Undertale as the PC's reflection in a puddle if Undertale is being run in Debug mode (Video by marxvee)
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Reaper Bird is encountered in a mirror
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Asriel and Kris' sides of their room are almost perfectly symmetrical in terms of layout and furniture
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Kris' room in Ralsei's Castle has mirrored sprites of Asriel's trophies
The File Select text before Chapter 1's completion states “CHOOSE THE TARGET FOR THE REFLECTION” when copying a file, “IT IS IMMUNE TO ITS OWN IMAGE” when trying to copy a fiile onto itself, and “IT CONFORMED TO THE REFLECTION” when overwriting a file with a copied one
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Mettaton NEO's attack is incredibly high but defenses are low, Spamton NEO's defense is incredibly high but attack is low
Gaster's motif of “666” is “mirrored” by 999: 999 appears in multiple places, eg. Chara's attack, stats of Grandpa Semi were “atk: 99999, df: 99999, hp: 999” (pointed out by LeedleLel's comment on this video by Lil' Alien).
The background of Jevil's fight is a mirrored image of a carousel.
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The mirrored sinks in the right hospital room read “(It's a regular sink.)” and “(It's a clone of the other sink.)” Also: “(Perhaps there was originally one tall sink that was cut in half to create both of them.)”
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All leg options in the GONER_MAKER are identical except the final one, which is mirrored. (pointed out by Shayy via Semi Frequent Undertale Facts)
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The background of the GONER_MAKER itself is mirrored.
The background of the Asriel Dreemurr fight is mirrored.
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The strange fog graphic before Papyrus' battle appears mirrored.
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"I can't get any closer to the camera, I can't even see...my...little reflection." from the Spamton Sweepstakes
POSSIBLE: Gaster's belly face (upside down, details are white on black background, where Gaster's main face are black on white background)
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POSSIBLE: Hot Fridge (inverse of the function of a normal fridge. look this one's loose lol, only including it because Alphys invented it and fridges are tied to Asgore's egg fridge, Snowdrake's mother, the Sans fridge call, and maybe the unused “rustfridge” in the Trash Zone (a place rife with possible Deltarune references))
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POSSIBLE: Unused rooms 123 and 321 (123 is a relatively accessible unused room with interesting dialogue and 321 is...dark, and "empty").
So notably, the places we find this reflection motif in Undertale seem mostly connected to Deltarune: Kris is the PC of Deltarune, Reaper Bird is tied to Deltarune through Everyman, Mettaton NEO is similar to Deltarune's Spamton NEO, and Gaster is...well, probably the one who gave us our SURVEY_PROGRAM in the first place. Even the more tenuous examples of reflections seem plausibly Deltarune-related, such as the fridge Fun call and the Gaster belly face in Spamton's dumpster and a reflected dark room.
I'd like to expound a little bit on the File Select and sink dialogues. Both of these seem to be playing with a concept that could explain this reflection motif.
Copying a file in the File Select seems to mean we are “reflecting” it onto another slot: “CHOOSE THE TARGET FOR THE REFLECTION.” We cannot copy a file onto itself because “IT IS IMMUNE TO ITS OWN IMAGE.” If we overwrite an existing file with a copied one, “IT CONFORMED TO THE REFLECTION.” Interestingly, though, if you copy a file into an empty slot... “THE DIVISION IS COMPLETE.”
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Not multiplying the file - dividing it in two. The original file is also implied to be changed in some way by this, because if you cancel the action of copying a file into an empty slot, “IT RETAINED ITS ORIGINAL SHAPE.” Meaning it would not have retained its original shape if it were copied.
The flavor text for the “cloned” sinks reflects this (hah) exactly. “(It's a regular sink.)” and “(It's a clone of the other sink.)” are followed by “(Perhaps there was originally one tall sink that was cut in half to create both of them.)” Aside from being relevant to the only tall sink we know of, Papyrus' in Undertale, this seems to be setting up a concept of “reflections” representing “an original being divided in two.”
That's about as far as I can take this with the context we have now. We don't know what exactly this reflection/division concept will mean in the plot of Deltarune, as it hasn't showed its hand yet. We don't know if the resemblance of that one recurring style to inkblots is intentional or just coincidence. But at least we have some possible explanation for why these motifs of symmetry and reflections keep showing up.
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cocogum · 24 days
The dragon HAS to be Draconiros.
So a while ago, back when chapter 1 recently came out, a French YouTuber by the name of Zaki theorized that the dragon in Yugo’s nightmare might have been Draconiros.
For those who don’t know or don’t remember the dragon he was referencing, here is a short recap:
Draconiros is the dragon of dreams.
His job is to govern the dreams and nightmares of the Twelvians. People suspect he might have taken the form of Grougalorasalar while talking to Yugo.
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Despite never meeting Yugo, he could have watched over the Twelvians through their dreams. This means that he might have seen Oropo's dreams, as well as Yugo's own, giving him insight into Yugo's future actions and indirectly caused consequences. If true, this theory would explain why he holds a grudge against Yugo. It currently stands as the most compelling theory among all others.
(this small segment was just something I pulled out of a post I made when chapter 1 came out)
But why am I mentioning him all of a sudden?
Because the next chapter, which is chapter 4, will come out today late at night and the cover for the chapter shows an individual we have never seen before.
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No matter how much we try to distinguish who is the person underneath the hood, there’s no one we know that fits the exact figure the cover is showing. But when we take a look at the Draconiros theory, we can see so many physical similarities to Draconiros’ form.
For a better idea of what I’m talking about, here’s Draconiros’ dragon form and human form placed side by side.
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And here is Draconiros in the Dofus game with the only things different about him are his clothes having different colors and patterns.
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The image depicted on the cover of chapter 4 appears to be a humanoid figure. In order to gain a better understanding of Draconiros, let's focus our attention on his human form.
Upon examining the cover, it becomes apparent that the shadowed figure depicted is male, although some details remain undisclosed. We can also assume that he’s quite tall given how solid he seems. A closer look reveals that the man possesses a sturdy jaw and a broad neck. Upon comparison with Draconiros' physical features, it is evident that the two share a similar bone structure in these areas.
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Based on the three main key points - the jaw, neck, and tall stature - I am absolutely confident that these two are the same person. There is no doubt in my mind that everything fits perfectly after noticing these major physical similarities. It's only makes me fully believe that Zaki was right.
But again, the reasons why I’m even bringing this all up are because 1) Chapter 4 is approaching and this figure will obviously make an entrance soon, and 2) I’m still so very confused about why Draconiros did not reveal his dragon form to Yugo.
If this is actually Draconiros, then why would he purposely show Grougalorasalar’s dragon form and not his?
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No matter how good the Draconiros theory is, it doesn’t change the fact that Draconiros chose one of the primordial dragons’ forms instead of simply taking his.
Remember, he’s the dragon of dreams, he can invade a person’s mind and make up anything he wants including changing his appearance.
But why change his appearance in front of someone he loathes?
He had no problem telling Yugo TO HIS FACE that he absolutely despises him and will hunt him down. If he’s so bold with his words, why not just show himself completely to him? Because he assumed the form of Grougalorasalar, the attention was diverted from him whether this was a deliberate act or not.
I can't understand why he chose to conceal his true identity by taking the form of a dragon from the primordial era. I'm also curious why he picked Grougalorasalar, out of all the dragons available.
So because the theory has one decision that stands out as strange, the one being Draconiros choosing to take Grougalorasalar’s form instead of just using his own, it makes it difficult for me to fully accept it.
It just seems so unnecessary for him to use another dragon’s appearance for this. But then again, the only dragon, or any divinity really, capable of entering someone’s dreams like that is Draconiros.
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riise-my-anngel · 1 year
Spoilers for Nightbringer, but I have some thoughts to organize that will all likely be incorrect theories but I'm gonna say them anyways.
I think most of us predict Nightbringer is Barbatos, it aligns with his powers and the mystery of his backstory. But I think it's past Barbatos we see now doing it. He gives subtle hints that he wants you to go against Diavolo and release Beel, he doesn't at all react to anything regarding your appearance or revelations of being human almost like he knows already, his strange distrust of Solomon to the point where he is actively trying to keep him out of the picture. I think past Barbatos brought you back here and he considers Solomon's presence a hindrance since he knows he's trying to get you back to the present, and is trying to keep him away so Barbatos can continue to influence the situation to his advantage. I have yet to theorize the details of why, but a lot of magic is in place keeping you as alone as possible and I wonder if he is actively also trying to protect you from being found by Barbatos in your timeline. I don't think his intentions are malicious, but he clearly is a much more heartless version of himself for so easily ripping you away from the people you love and trapping you in a world where none of them trust you.
I am super suspicious of Simeon. We know from season 1 that he and Lucifer were on tense terms and had no spoken for a very long time before the exchange program. It took him time to get used to the Devildom, and he was uncomfortable for a while. Simeon here is not. He is rather at home, and speaks to everyone including you, who should be a complete stranger, like a friend. Simeon canonically is very deceptive and is so good at hiding his true thoughts and intentions that both Lucifer and Diavolo have commented it makes them uncomfortable. So we know, Simeon is very talented at hiding in plain sight. I can't say for sure if this is our present Simeon, but he seems to be a future Simeon doing a good job at pretending to be himself in the past. The way he speaks to Satan about the future is more confident then comforting words he has gave in the past, and he speaks of you like he knows what you're capable of. And I wonder if Solomon is in on it, considering their discussion that has yet to be revealed. I think this might be our present Simeon, who is masquerading as himself in the past and taking advantage of the fact that no one could tell he had lost his angelic abilities during seasons 3 and 4.
This is just my personal idea that stems from my approach to time travel. I personally retcon a few things mostly in season 1, because I get confused by multi verses and multiple timelines. So I ascribe to season 1 was all one timeline and the version of you that died was just you now and you came back. Just to preface. I'm wondering for Nightbringer on it's own merits however, if this is a closed loop timeline. You do not remember your journey in the Celestial Realm and neither do the brothers remember you, but they know you. Now we don't know who spoke to you, I think it was Michael you spoke to in that scene (I do not think it was Michael you spoke to however at the end of season 2), but I think he wiped your face and name from memory but not your actions. And I think the same is going to happen here. You are involved in many events that play out in future seasons that no one associated with you (i.e putting Goldie in the freezer). I think it's a closed loop because you and the brothers seem to be fated together. From their time as angels to the present, you accidentally have been a presence in their lives due to forces not your own and that impact has left the brothers chasing your ghost until Lucifer/Diavolo picked you for the exchange program. Now that also means, i think Barbatos might have played a hand in selecting you. He might actually be aware of his actions as Nightbringer and silently guides Diavolo to investigate your existence. I think your prescene in the Celestial Realm kickstarted a destiny that forever tied you to the brothers and the powers that be have spent thousnads of years searching for that person who showed up out of the blue. Which is why everything happens when you get chosen, because finally, the powers have discovered the person who came to the Celestial Realm before their time jump.
Now for Smaller Details
I don't think Adam was Liliths lover because he has been there for a very long time and this is only one year after the Great Celestial War, so the timeline doesn't add up. I think it was just a bit of an Easter egg in regards to the name. I don't think her lover is important personally, just their representation as the metaphorical snake that tempted a bite from the proverbial apple.
I like how clearly the weight of Lucifer's actions rests so heavily on his shoulders. We don't talk a lot about how Lucifer is the only one who could have inspired the actions of a war. We know the weight of Beels guilt and the suicidal ideation of survivors guilt in Belphie, but we forget that on top of all that, Lucifer knows all of this pain was his choice. He broke Lilith free, he started a war, he chose to have her revived in human form with no memory of her time as an angel and he chose to keep all that from the brothers because he still sees her death as his burden to bear. It's interesting to see how close to his abrupt, sort of cold and joyless angelic form still is. That tells us Lucifer was clearly NOT happy as an angel. He repeatedly mentions he doesn't look back at himself fondly during his time as an angel. I think his rebellion was brewing for much longer then Lilith. I think this war was inevitable, but he decided to make it worthy of a cause, his sisters life. And I think he is finding it hard to let go of that, and it's nice to compare it to later seasons and see how he is much more at peace as a demon. He still feels his weight of angelic actions, and I hope the 2nd half of Nightbringer shows us the beginnings of that change.
Mammon kills me. Underneath all the jackass behavior (affectionate), he is the most emotionally stable of them all. He speaks about his actions in Nightbringer towards the war in the same way he speaks about it in season 3. He knows what he did and what he chose and decided that if he can't change it he should just accept it. There's still fresh pain he has not let go of yet in NB, but I think Mammon recognizes he was not a good example of an angel, simply due to how easily his existing personality fits in within the realm of demons. I think it's just nice to have confirmation that under it all, Mammon is really the emotional stability that the other 6 brothers ended up following. (Of course they get meaner as they grow into their demonic forms but Mammon is still aware that he is the constant in their lives and they really would be much more lost without him). You can really see why Lucifer goes to Mammon as his second in command.
I think Solomon really is trying to help you get home, but he also knows that once you do, he loses his chance to have you. I find it odd that he chose to involve himself in the conflict with Asmo when it was the perfect chance for you to guide him like you did Levi. I think he knows going back to the present means bringing you back to a world where you don't have to rely on him anymore and I think he hates that idea. He mentions there's a violent fate awaiting him in the present should he not bring you back, meaning he very likely was aggressivly confronted by Lucifer and the brothers to bring you home safe or they'll take that loss out on him. And I think Solomon is conflicted about wanting to pursue you as his heart begs, versus doing what is right and bring you back to the people who already have your heart signed and sealed.
The demon king sounds like a bad father, and I would like present Diavolo to know he's doing a great job and I want him to enjoy himself because he deserves to have fun.
Season 3 revealed that Solomon knows his cooking is horrible because a hard mode story shows us Asmo got super drunk one night and ranted to Solomon about how shit his food is, and so the fact that his cooking is still bad enough to incapacitate a giant snake is hilarious. That either he knows it's bad and just doesn't try and fix it, or he really is trying to fix it and is still failing at it. And I don't know which is funnier.
I'm wondering when the brothers will eventually feel comfortable enough to shift out of their full demon forms, and since Diavolo and Barbatos are like it too, I wonder if staying in full demonic form is like a sign of instability. The devildom is not in any kind of peace, and they want to be prepared at all times and not let their guard down. So I wonder when they start feeling comfortable enough to just live in their own skin without being in full power form at all times.
Asmo has serious dysmorphia about his demonic form however and I also wonder if it's a mentality. The brothers typically shifted when they lost control and I also wonder if being in full demon form is a sign for them at least, that they are not fully in control with their new forms and so have not settled. Like how their Celestial Realm selves all had halos and wings out, but Simeon, Luke, and Raphael do not when we meet them all. That maybe being in their more relaxed form is something they have never been allowed to do and don't feel okay with.
One last thought. So all angels consider one another brothers and sisters, but once being in the Devildom the demon king had to tell them that they are brothers. So I wonder how much of deciding they weren't brothers was stemmed from trauma. Saying they are demons now so why should they still be brothers, when in reality of course they are but falling from the Celestial Realm has completely warped their senses of self. Meanwhile Satan barley has a grasp that he is his own individual so of course he rejects them being his brothers because how can people be his brothers when he barley knows what he is, yet.
Also Satan immediately connecting cats to you like my lord, don't do this. Satan has a deep love for cats that we now know directly ties to his interactions with you. He doesn't remember you specifically (memory manipulation again i theorize), but there's only two things present Satan shows such soft love for and that's you and cats. Because even though he doesn't realize it, his feelings for them lead right back to that day where if you weren't there, he might not have given that cat a passing thought.
Uh that's it. I just finished lesson 10 and had many thoughts. Sorry.
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arcadekitten · 7 days
Hello! Before I ask anything, I just want to say that I really adore your games. I've been interested in INMIMB since I saw Gloom's playthrough a  couple years ago, and I just really enjoy them in general. I've been searching everywhere for places to play them but I can't find them (I've only played  INMIMB, and it was sooooo good) so a little advice would be nice. I have a few questions (mostly about Embry bc they're my favorite and i love them sm) You don't have to answer anything if you don't want to, but it'd be nice if you did since I love you and your content and I think you're awesome :)
Okay, so a few questions:
1) I've seen someone ask if Dr d light had a favorite flower and I remember you answering sunflower, so just wondering if Embry has one?
2) is Embry's middle name confirmed or do we have to theorize about it forever? (I wouldn't know if you've talked about it since I only joined Tumblr a few days ago and it's tiring to scroll through blogs lol)
3) What's your opinion on Embry x Ryo as a romantic pairing? I'm asking this one for very personal reasons and I really don't want to make you uncomfortable by shipping it because I relate to Embry a lot and them having a partner just gives me a sense of comfort. Like it makes me feel warm inside.
4) Is Embry more of a chorus kid, a band kid, or an orchestra kid? (This is based on the context of my middle school where we have to pick a certain type of music for the whole damn year. I don't know if other schools do that but it's what I'm used to, and personally, I see them as a chorus kid because like I said, I relate to them a lot and I am a chorus kid.)
5) Does Embry have a specific preference with clothing, as in fem or masc, or do they just wear whatever? Just asking because I see them more often in masc outfits than I see them in fem.
6) are there any confirmed specific ages for any of the characters? I get the general idea that the tricks n treats group is all kids and the cemetery mary cast is all adults, but I'm just curious if there's anything specific.
7.  Dr d light's color scheme is very close to the pansexual flag (like literally you could take away the black and white and boom) so I'm just wondering if that's a coincidence or not.
Sorry that this was so long! You don't have to answer any of these (especially number 3 if it makes you uncomfortable) but I just wanna let you know that I think you're really amazing and even if I haven't played all your games yet, I'm positive I'm going to enjoy every single moment of every single game and I hope that makes you as happy as it makes me. So just....you're awesome, your games are awesome, and I'm really excited for the answers to these questions if you feel comfortable answering them.<3
(also one more thing: what are your fans called? Like Taylor swift has swifties, but what do you call us? Just wondering:))
Thank you! I'm so happy to hear you enjoy my games so much!! ♡ All of my games are available to download (for free!) on my itch.io account here: arcadekitten.itch.io
I will try to answer your questions the best I can!
Not sure! Maybe something purple or white like the kind of flowers they'd grow with their mom, but I don't have anything exact yet. ---
Nothing confirmed but I don't think it has to be a "theory" thing either. It's just a name beginning with G and there's nothing more complex to it than that! ---
I don't answer questions about ships unless they're ships I've explicitly shown interest in already (Ex: Mary x Reginald, Capella x Most Circus Members, etc). You can read more about why this is on my FAQ: https://arcadekitten.tumblr.com/faq ---
I don't think Embry is a music kid at all! They are more of a gardening + artwork kid! ---
I feel like Embry's style of clothing is heavily androgynous and it's just that androgyny is sooner associated with masculinity than femininity. Sometimes their outfits might lean more one way than another but in general I keep them pretty androgynous. ---
Nope! I don't do specific ages, just age-ranges. ---
Entirely coincidence! He currently has no confirmed orientation + sometimes colors just look nice together
Thank you very much again for your kind words!! You are terrifically sweet and I do so hope you enjoy my other games as well whenever you may have the chance to play them or interact with them! ♡
Also, I'm not really concerned with fan names! I think someone could just say they're a fan of my work and that's good enough!
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dichromaticdyke · 9 months
i've been seing posts here and there expressing disappointment at aotd not giving us more answers about the lore of Salacia and the Whale Prophet and all that, and i agree, it's a bit disappointing to not know definitively what's going on with them.
if you liked my analysis of "Aortic Desecration," "SOS," and "Blazing Star," then hopefully you'll like my analysis (and HEAVY theorizing) of Dethklok's most enigmatic running theme—the "Murmaider" trilogy of songs.
okay strap in i'm probably gna sound like charlie day's pepe silvia rant. i'm gonna start just by breaking down the story of the "Murmaider" trilogy i'll also be skipping any lyrics in the songs that aren't directly connected to by analysis/theory (such as the parts where nathan is just listing different murder weapons or chanting "murmaider").
so, starting with murmaider. this is the only song of the trilogy to actually make an appearance in the show, with the other two being exclusive to their respective dethalbums, but even still, this song only plays for a few seconds, and it's just the chorus. this song appeared in "dethwater," the same episode that established dethklok's connection to the water. this episode also notably featured toki's guitar picking up the sounds of whales (something that would later be revisited when edgar noticed this in season 4 and began decoding the whales' messages).
There are no fingerprints deep underwater Nothing to tie one to a crime And if you seek vengeance All you need are instruments of pain
so the story being established here is pretty clear. some unknown protagonist that nathan is speaking to is going to kill someone underwater so that he can seek vengeance and not get caught.
But beware For when you quench your bloodthirst Others will seek vengeance on you And they won't rest until you're dead
nathan warns this protagonist that his actions will cause those related to the victim to seek vengeance on him. fair enough.
Hold your breath and swim and strain Smell of death, can't escape Blood will cloud, drift away Attract the murders of mermaids It's so cold, they all know What you've done, you can't run Vengeance is the law for thee A thousand leagues below the sea
this is where it starts to get interesting. the fact that those that are seeking vengeance on our protagonist are mermaids says to me that the initial victim was a mermaid. if not a mermaid, they were at least some kind of sea creature. otherwise, why would the mermaids care all that much? care to the point of vengeance? but the next portion sinks this theory for me.
You've been tracked, you've been seen Murdering the next of kin Ate their hearts, drank their blood Washed your fins in blackened mud
"murdering the next of kin" is very important. next of kin to what? or to whom? did our protagonist kill a mermaid/sea creature's child?
Now you swim, try to hide Heart beats faster from inside Thought it was a big charade Your life was ended by mermaids
so our protagonist tries to escape from the mermaids seeking vengeance on him, hiding in the water, but in the water, the mermaids are able to find him, and they kill him.
now let's look at murmaider ii: the water god. already, this song seems important, namedropping a god and all.
The gods watch over you And they consider what you've done But now you've hidden away to gain your strength Deep in a cave Your power is regained And your legacy has spread to the deepest of the sea The one that brought them vengeance That fights for his belief
now, this is where the theorizing really starts to come in. who is this that nathan is speaking to? this figure that nathan is speaking to here is a figure that has "brought [...] vengeance." specifically, it seems that they've brought vengeance to the gods that now watch over them. is this the same protagonist as in "Murmaider?" that seems impossible, as it's implied that that protagonist died. though that protagonist was bringing vengeance, but we're not sure whom to. we also don't know for sure if the mermaids who allegedly killed the previous protagonist are gods or work with gods. put a pin in this.
He can swim through matter He has poisoned teeth His tentacles have murdered His scream can kill the weak He's got explosives (check) Corrosives (check) A master of the art of murder Mermaids weep the blackened tears
despite this being in third person, this still is referring to the protagonist whom nathan is speaking to. this is a direct continuation of nathan speaking about his legacy as "the one that brought them vengeance / that fights for his belief." this is establishing the power that the protagonist has. anyway, mermaids crying blackened tears over this protagonist? seems important.
So you swim to a sunken ship Invited by a soul who bleeds from the lips The prophet, who beckons you, wades in the dark Speaks an ancient language, this language is of sharks
HEY LOOK A WATER PROPHET, THAT SOUNDS FAMILIAR. however, this isn't the water prophet we're most familiar with—we're familiar with a whale (not a shark) whom is referred to with she/her pronouns (not he/him). but that doesn't mean this isn't important. put up another pin.
He says, "You're the one that I decree The one who can save us and set us free You've gained the power of a deity You have the strength to wake us from this sleep" [...] And the prophet gives to you this warning: "If this path is chosen you'll be met with strife For you'll be seen as an enemy of the sacred And the gods will curse you for the rest of your life" And you say, "I get by just fine (check) I've known much worse life (check) I've conquered dark times (check) They should fear my might (check)"
so this shark prophet, as i'll refer to him, is telling our protagonist that, because of their power, they will get the right to further divine powers so long as the protagonist uses this power to help..."us." however, in freeing the nebulous "us," this puts our protagonist in conflict with the gods and other holy/sacred beings. this doesn't dissuade our protagonist, having full confidence in his abilities and power.
So now you know then, go then Swim on through the cold then Harness your strength Because one day you may be called To meet the mighty gods Deep within the ocean And if you're not prepared Your soul will not be spared
OKAY BOYS, HERE'S WHERE IT'S GETTING FUCKING INTERESTING. our protagonist is told to lay low, gather strength, and wait for the moment when they will go up against the ocean deities. again, DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR? don't forget this, but take out that pin from earlier. this protagonist is the same protagonist as in "Murmaider." he didn't die—his "life was ended," but given his divine power and strength, that doesn't necessarily mean death in the permanent sense. the mermaids were bitterly weeping about this protagonist, someone that they thought they had killed but whom is still alive, getting stronger, waiting...
Your eyes have gone black You'll never look back You'll never stop swimming You'll always be tracked Your life has transformed Your power has grown Your minions stretch for leagues For a bloodied coral throne A crown of murdered foes Will sit upon your head Those that wish to challenge you Will wish that they were dead The beasts of the sea will collect and submit Pray for your forgiveness and live as you permit
okay, pretty straightforward yet again. the protagonist is getting stronger, hiding away from the mermaids, gathering minions, killing those in his way. "the beasts of the sea will collect and submit." this is a warning.
And you say, "I am the water god You will bow to the water god You will live for the water god And you will die for the water god" [...] And the deities loom nearer They will find you
the power has gone to our protagonist's head. he is demanding fealty, proclaiming his own divinity, whilst the true divine beings continue to track him down.
okay. murmaider iii. let's look at the conclusion of this story.
The blackened deep The coral keep The dying king Will no one weep? Ruled in fury Incurred his debt This wretched prize Crown of regret Scavenger Savager Blasphemer Vile Violator Tormentor Murmaider Guile
once again, pretty straightforward. our protagonist, who had decided himself a water god, a ruler, is dying. he's been a vicious ruler, and he may have regrets over this, but he also may not wish to go back on anything he's done.
Within this dying sea The Murmaid Three arrive These witches have foreseen The end of everything
three hags with the power of foresight? damn that's crazy, i too love the three fates from greek mythology.
They say, "Your power blinds you Your DETH will find you Vengeance from your enemies Your kingdom crushed, your subjects bleed Refuse defiance Forge this alliance From the land (check), from the sky (check) And from the blackened fire"
so, the murmaid three are giving our protagonist a chance to avoid his fate of a vicious death. let's note, firstly, that the spelling DETH is important in mtl, as this is the spelling used when referring to the dethlights, and other divine power harnessed by dethklok. but looking past that because we haven't gotten to the analysis portion yet, our protagonist has already forged alliances with land and sky deities, just not from the deities of blackened fire. interesting, blackened fire is also a reoccurring theme in mtl, i wonder if that's important.
The end's approaching (We survive) Darkness encroaching (We survive) This nautic land (We survive) Our final stand (We will swim, check) We will swim (We will fight, check) We will fight (In the deep, check) In the deep
the protagonist doesn't seem to care about forging this alliance, instead choosing to fight.
The final dream The gleaming reef The silver light The murmaids sing The blackened fire The blazing sky The pluming ink The sea beast cry His final sleep But we survive
hey wow, namedropping "Murmaider," "Black Fire Upon Us," and "Blazing Star" all in one verse? damn that's crazy. anyway the protagonist fucking died, but "we" survives. i think the "we" is meant to be dethklok, like. just pretty clearly. nathan and dethklok have never been portraying anyone besides themselves in this series of songs, just singing to/about the protagonist.
anyway, i think this was all about salacia and the whale prophet, with salacia being our protagonist.
i think salacia, back when he was a proper god, fully fused with the four other souls, was a powerhungry god. at some point, he felt wronged by the whale prophet in some way or another, and he killed her child. the mermaids went to try to get vengeance on him, and they thought they killed him, but what they really did was separate the four souls from him, sending them into the doomstar.
salacia fled the ocean from her. now that he was so wounded and only at half his power and strength, staying in the water would allow the whale prophet to find him. this shark prophet in the story, though, is a figure that doesn't show up anywhere in mtl. but we know that salacia can change form, so, why not the whale prophet? though, yes, she wants vengeance too, but she also wants to see what he's capable of. she needs to know what she's up against, after all. she tells him just to rest up, wait for when she calls upon him. but he doesn't do that. he harnesses further power from her, using it to start a reign of terror.
eventually though, he realizes the truth of what/who she is, and he flees the water. out of the water, he no longer has connection to the whale prophet's power, and his own natural powers are dwindling. this would be around the time that he starts the tribunal in a final attempt to regain his lost power. the tribunal is his alliance with the land (check), and his attempt to seek power from the doomstar and the four souls is his alliance with the sky (check). that just leaves dethklok as the blackened fire. i'm not gonna go into a whole analysis of "black fire upon us" to prove i'm right, but they've been connected with the imagery of blackened fire for a long time...ughh i'll get into it in another post. but anyway, salacia doesn't foster an alliance with dethklok, instead using and harming them to get what he wants. the blazing doomstar endows dethklok with the power of the dethlights, and they use that power to send salacia back to the water, where the whale prophet devours him, finally getting her vengeance from what he'd done all those years ago.
this all might be a stretch. as i was finishing this, i was starting to think i was crazy, and maybe i am. maybe i'm way overthinking this, and we'll never truly know what the hell was going on with salacia and the whale prophet and all that god stuff. that's fine with me, tbh. but i hope you all like my little theory, this took me two hours to write once i thought of it while waiting for the bus.
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shandit · 3 months
My Current Guesses on Legends: Z-A Starters
So with Pokemon Legends: Z-A being announced, since we now know from PLA that Pokemon will gain a special final evolution based on their new environment. I wanted to toss my hat into the ring of predictions for which 3 previous starters we're gonna get.
First off let me say which ones I'm sure we're not gonna get and why.
Gen 6 Starters
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As with PLA, Gen 6's Starters will not be part of the starters in PLZA. More than likely, they will be caught in the wild just like the Gen 4 Starters were in PLA.
Gen 1 Starters
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I think it's very safe to say the Gen 1 Starters are not going to be picked. But, let me explain my proper reasoning.
With the reintroduction of Mega Evolution, and the likely fact PLZA will have our Protag & Crew be the ones to discover Mega Evolution, it's very likely the Starters we get will gain Mega Forms. This said, It's very unlikely GameFreak will use Pokemon with existing Mega Forms, even if said mons get a regional form. Because of this, I can safely say Squirtle, Charmander, and Bulbasaur are not going to be on the roster, and same goes for...
Gen 3 Starters
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Same thing here, with the fact these guys already have Mega Forms, I find it highly unlikely GF is going to give them both a new regional evo + a new Mega.
PLA Starters
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This one's kind of a given. Pokemon isn't going to reuse any of the starters from PLA cause that would just be odd to keep giving starters other regional forms (That said I am sad at the loss of Mega Typhlosion :[ )
Gen 9 Starters
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The simple answer to this is just, the Paldea trio are just, too new. While I don't think that entirely rules them out. I do think it makes them less likely to be chosen for the next mainline game.
Now with the obvious removals talked about, let's go down the line of who's left and talk about why or why not they're likely to be chosen.
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I didn't originally have anything to say about Chikorita, since I felt their odds were snuffed out by the other grass types here, however upon doing some more research, specifically on Meganium, I learned the daylily (the flower theorized to be what Meganium's flower is based on) was actually brought to Europe around the late 1750's-early 1800's. And with France's Urbanization having occured around the mid 1800's (Which is the time period people are guessing PLZA will take place in) There actually is a good chance for Chikorita to be chosen as their plant actually fits with the location and time period! However I cannot think of what type changes would make sense for this, so I do have to dock some points for that.
Overall chances - 6/10
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Totodile sadly doesn't seem like a great fit for PLZA. It is essentially just what it is, a Crocodile. And, a quick google search will show you, that besides the barren ice land of Antarctica, Europe is the only continent to not natively have any form of Crocodile or Alligator. GameFreak would have to get very creative here with something of French history or folklore to make Feraligator work for this.
Overall Chances - 1/10
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Now Turtwig is an interesting one. Not only is there the fact the extinct turtle species Torterra is based was discovered in North-West Europe (Though mostly Germany & Switzerland) but Torterra as a Pokemon has a lot of potential when it comes to regional forms, thanks in part to the tree on it's back. France's national tree is the Yew, specifically the European or Common Yew, it's an evergreen tree that sprouts red berries (these berries are also very poisonous, meaning we could get a change of typing here to Grass Poison). I could see a Kalosian Torterra having an Ancient Yew tree on their back sporting a great harvest of berries. But, potential put aside, I don't see Turtwig being here simply cause there's another Gen 4 starter that fits the bill of this game much, much more than them.
Overall Chances - 4/10
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Chimchar is one I just can't vouch for out of the few fire types we have here. Their Sun Wukong relevance is way to impactful on who the mon is, and Sun Wukong, while being from a story of "Journey to the West" only went to India, and never actually went to the actual west of the world. I also once again have to toss them to the side because of the face there is one more Gen 4 Starter that only makes sense to be in this game, and it's not them.
Overall Chances - 1/10
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Piplup is absolutely going to be the Water Starter of PLZA, you cannot change my mind about this, and for those of you not in the know, I have one name that will explain why.
Empoleon, as obvious as their name is, is in fact based on the Ex-emperor of France, General Napoleon Bonaparte. And, if we go back to the prediction of PLZA taking place in the mid 1800's... Guess what historical events seemed to also take place in the mid 1800's. Oh you know, just THE NAPOLEONIC WARS!
Piplup is my only and 100% has to be there guess, it would be a crime if they were not the chosen starter for this game. I legit would actually be angry if GameFreak missed this opportunity. As for potential typings... Water-Dark "could" make sense since Dark Type is just Evil type in Japan, and Napoleon is an evil dude in history. But I think Water-Fighting is much more likely, with Empleon probably going to take on much less of an Emperor Penguin look, and more of General Bonaparte, give him the Hat GameFreak, it would look funny.
Overall Chances - 10/10
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Snivy is also pretty much a guaranteed pick, and this is just from the simple fact of Serperior. Who is (supposedly) based on King Louis XVI of France & other European aristocrats, and that the fleur-de-lis, aka the French insignia used by many Noble families is visible in their design... Honestly, along with Piplup I would be flat out shocked if Snivy was not the grass starter for PLZA, like I would be baffled at how much of a lost chance that would be. As for potential regional typing, I could see it being Grass Ghost to represent the death of the French Monarchy... But that's it for my brain lmao
Overall Chances - 10/10
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Tepig is an odd one. On one hand, Snivy being basically guaranteed makes me obviously think another Gen 5 pick isn't going to make it into this group, but on the other hand...
Nah, I got nothing. Tepig is based way too much Chinese Culture and the tale of Zhang Fei to really fit into French culture. Just like Chimchar's inspiration from Journey to The West, it would feel wrong to change Tepig for the exact same reasons.
Overall Chances - 1/10
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This one was more of a wildcard pick here for me, simply cause none of the fire types left had any real connections to France like Water and Grass had, I just found the idea of a regional form for Incineroar to be interesting. Though I had no idea how they would change a professional wrestler into something more fitting for early 1800's France... THAT IS UNTIL I DID SOME RESEARCH BABY!
So French Wrestling is actually really interesting, while it started in the 1830's, their style of wrestling, titled Graeco-Roman, was invented by a soldier FROM THE NAPOLEONIC WARS! Not only that, but it's even named "Classic Wrestling" meaning there actually is a good chance for Incineroar to be based on this style of wrestling for their Regional form! What better thing for the Wrestler Starter to use what is to many people the first style of wrestling that was used in the First ever Olympics! As for typing, Fire Normal could make some sense... I just really don't want it to be Fire Fighting, I think a lot of people would be disappointed if it somehow got the infamous Fire Starter typing.
Overall Chances - 9/10
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What can I even say about Popplio? I mean I guess maybe the fact Sirens originate from Europen folklore? But even then it's mostly Greek origins for that. There's nothing really tying Popplio in to fit the bill here, they're outclassed by a certain penguin of french origins.
Overall Chances - 2/10
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I think the Galar Starters are going to be the hardest to even justify, really the only thing any of them have going for them is the fact they come from Galar, which is based on Great Britain, a country that was France's rival in the war to own the world.
However none of that has anything to do with Grookey, the drummer monkey really doesn't have anything to offer! Rillaboom could maybe play a different instrument, but I don't think going from a pair of drum sticks to a bugle is probably gonna work out well. Perhaps though I'm just not putting my mind into it well enough.
Overall Chances - 3/10
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Again, I've got nothing. Realistically I guess you could make a pun here and have Cinderace being a French foot soldier. Though French hares are a common animal, and rabbits in of themselves are abundant all across Europe. I'm just personally wondering what exactly they could do with the fella that makes them properly unique enough to earn that spot, and right now I just don't see it.
Overall Chances - 4/10
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Last but not least, We have Sobble. Now surprisingly, I could actually see them being used, Intellion is based on James Bond and 007, and being a spy, well French spies obviously existed, there's also the fact a spy can also be an assassin if need be. Water Poison Intellion that shoot poisoned bolts of water from fingertips, yeah that could work.
Issue here though you have to put Sobble up against the other water types here, and well... Piplup.
Overall Chances - 3/10
And that's it! So TL:DR for anyone not reading here are the rankings most likely to least likely by types
Grass :
1 Snivy
2 Chikorita
3 Turtwig
4 Grookey
1 Piplup
2 Sobble
3 Popplio
4 Totodile
& Fire
1 Litten
2 Scorbunny
3 Tepig & Chimchar
Meaning the most likely Starters for PLZA are going to be
Snivy, Litten, and Piplup.
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oscar-fastri · 4 months
please elaborate on this, i'm very curious
hi anon!! so, here's some context first (from nico's wikipedia page)
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i'm going to preface this by saying that this is based on my personal experience with international school and my interpretations of nico and his actions. this is in no way actually representative of his actual person or experience, i'm just a fan theorizing and analyzing :)
(this is continued beneath the cut because i got very rambly and long-winded)
a few things about international schools, particularly international private schools such as the ones nico attended:
it's typically parents from affluent backgrounds who send their children to these schools. think businessmen/entrepeneurs, celebrities, politicians, high-earning doctors/lawyers/etc, and yes, professional athletes.
it's very expensive. very, very expensive. ism's annual tuition starts at 8500€ and can reach 31200€, not including lunch or extracurricular activities (and if you don't participate in extracurricular activities like sports or clubs you'll be ostracized)
application processes are... interesting. yes, it's possible to get in on pure merit, but scholarships are few and far between and often decided arbitrarily. nepotism, money, and influence are very often stronger factors in a child's acceptance.
due to all this, it's a very insulated environment where your social circle consists almost entirely of other people from a similar social and financial background as you.
another effect is that there's typically a pretty small student body. international schools are often k-12 but can have as little as 200 students for all their grades combined, as opposed to public school, where it's quite easy for a high school (3-4 grades, depending on your educational system) to accept thousands of students.
students are therefore pretty hierarchical and, quite truthfully, malicious. social status is the currency in this environment because everyone is well-off. everyone has everything they could ever want, so how do you become more?
you become loved, of course—or at least as close as you can get to being loved in a place like this. or you become insanely successful, but then you'll be hated for shining brighter than everyone else.
you also guard everything you already have (popularity, beauty, reputation, resources, connections) jealously. you are possessive over what is yours because if you are not you will be left with nothing.
finally, true friends are few and far between. you're much more likely to make associations and alliances than actual, genuine connections.
(seem a little familiar yet? no? you don't think international schools parallel formula 1? okay then, let's continue)
now that i've finished psychoanalyzing this demographic, let's move on to nico, who:
grew up in this environment on top of competing in karting from a young age
was famously known for being pretty
was also famously known for being nice(r)
actually shared his resources with one lewis hamilton as a child
speaks five languages. random, but when you learn so many languages, you pick up things from people around you. you become malleable, in a sense. the way you think and the way you perceive the world is multi-faceted and has been shaped and reshaped so many times. (*cough* personal experience *cough*)
refused to be defined by his father's legacy, yet was always shadowed by it
was extremely cautious around the press as a young driver. he knew how to protect himself from those who were out to hurt him, not physically, but his reputation, psyche, emotional state, etc. i've found that most formula 1 drivers take at least a season to realize this and learn, but nico knew from the beginning
was notably a careful driver
genuinely believed he could keep a good relationship with lewis once they were teammates and given championship-challenging machinery
when everything went to shit, he put his head down and basically changed his entire lifestyle to make sure he would win
did everything he could to win. everything. there's a reason why lewis still seems to be traumatized from 2016, and it's not just because he lost the wdc. do you see him avoiding max? not really, but he's admitted to running away from nico in the lobby of his place in monaco (oh, did i mention that they're still living in the same building?)
retired once he had achieved his goal of winning the world driver's championship
retired before the title could be taken from him, because no matter what anyone says, having something taken from you is different from giving it up willingly. now, he gets to keep a piece of his victory that will never be tarnished by defeat
did not tell toto about his retirement in person
did everything he could to win his wdc
but also still considers lewis as his best friend
is once again living in the upper echelons of society, raising his daughters with his wife, the picture-perfect wdc who left with his head held high and is now enjoying the fruits of his labor
we see so many other wdcs continue to fight, to try to hold on to that glory. lewis, seb, nando—their golden days are arguably over, yet they won't stop until their bodies force them to. nico, on the other hand, left, something that seems impossible for any other driver.
i think it is because he grew up in privilege. he has always had something to fall back on. even if he fails, he will always be nico rosberg, formula 1 racer, son of world champion keke rosberg (who won his wdc in very unusual circumstances). if anyone else fails, they would have been a failed formula 1 driver first and foremost. he may have disliked comparisons with his father, but that doesn't mean they didn't protect him in a way.
that's not to say that nico didn't fear defeat just as much as anyone else or that he didn't crave the title. i don't deny that he wanted it just as much as anyone else and that he fought for it with everything he had. i hold a lot of respect for him for what he went through during those years.
it's just that nico, once he had it, no longer felt the need to keep chasing the high, especially when it comes with the risk of flaying himself open again. why would he do that, when he's already experienced it for the first time, when it's the purest?
there's a kind of hunger that only comes when all you have is racing, a kind of hunger that people like nico rosberg will never know. this is the hunger that sebastian vettel, fernando alonso, and lewis hamilton, who all came from less fortunate backgrounds and never had the perspective that nico has, will always have in them.
(some may ask, now, then why is max verstappen not like nico? why is he not satisfied yet? i contend that his father's way of raising him has instilled an even keener and rawer version of this hunger in max. also, he's already hinted at leaving in 2028. max and nico are the two sides of the coin that is being the formula 1 driver son of a formula 1 driver. ironically enough, they both clawed their first championship from the myth and legend that is lewis hamilton, triumphing over him in the dying moments of a season, but not before giving everything they had.)
on the other hand, the fact that nico was able to regard lewis as a friend for so long, even when they were competitors, and is still calling him his friend today, speaks volumes to me about his character. there are few people who are capable of experiencing the things he has and keep their heart open, if guarded.
hell, even keke rosberg barely trusted lewis in the early days of their friendship, but nico welcomed him in with open arms and still defends and praises him to this day.
however, there is also very few people who could have done everything he did to win—mind games, hard racing, burning a decades-long friendship to the ground (from both sides)—and not run away screaming whenever they hear lewis' name. i wonder what went through his head during that year and right after.
i just find it fascinating how this little piece of information sheds so much light, at least for me, into nico's character. he has layers! like an onion! isn't he neat?
(i wrote this at 1am please forgive any unhingedness)
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alienssstufff · 8 months
To feed into the theorizing, Etoiles found a resistance base in his stream a few days ago ("LE PB C'EST AUJOURDHUI // QSMP APRES" - 10/13/23) and found a lot of books on other island members, as well as chests with signs that were (to my understanding) dedicated to members the resistance wanted to recruit. Some were unlabelled for people already in the organization while others were labelled as potential candidates. There were signs for Fit, Maxo, Slime, Bagi, Pac & Mike, and Etoiles I think. HOWEVER, Slime's sign was written as "SL1MEC1CLE" and his book was "T0 BE DETERM1NED". (Timestamp - 4:03:50 for the book, 3:54:43 for a very clear angle on the sign)
Not really sure what to gather from this because Slime was the only one with the numbers in the spelling- but he's not the only code-guy with a sign there. (Maxo + Etoiles) Either way it is INTERESTING. >:D
I SAW A THREAD ON SOME OF THOSE BOOKS YESSS!!!!! The thread didn't include the book on Slime but I did see a chest labelled for him on it yeah :[]
(unrelated) I really like how the interactions with the resistance go as far back to earlier events like with them contacting q!Cellbit after his suicide in Debate Night 2 of the Elections arc... Maybe even earlier when some of the eggs were kidnapped for the first time in a dungeon.
So yeah alongside q!Etoile's conversation with Codeflippa the other day, it's confirmed for sure they are co-workers in the Resistance. Furthermore that one of Codeflippa's objectives is to scout out Slime and understand his stance on the Federation.
... I'm just curious as to WHY out of the near 40 other islanders to study did they pick HIM of all people to get close to?
Tumblr media
silly thing i found out if you hover your mouse over q!Slime's profile in the QSMP wiki he glitches out like in canon i thought that was neat :]
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amethystfairy1 · 5 months
hello internet stranger,
i am in love. you've infected both me and my sister with your brainrot and captivating fics, we've talked about it non-stop the past few days, so naturally we have some questions.
But first, i want to ask what your boundaries are w/ fanart and writing. i've already drawn a couple pieces, are you alright with me posting them, and what should i tag them with? Also, i'm feeling very inspired to write more zed and tango for the travelling thieves au, is that alright if i take your ideas and just yoink them? Im not planning to post whatever i write at this point :P
anyways, moving on, i have a few world-building questions for you, starting w/ traveling thieves:
how does the mercenary guild and hits system work? Can anyone put a hit out on anyone, or do they have to be a wanted criminal? also, how does gem choose her targets? i like to believe she has some sort of moral compass in picking, but knowing the world they live in, i can't be certain
this is less of a question, but i don't see how the world can be resolved. For ttsbc, the obvious solution to the undercity folk living freely is that they overthrow the overcity government or just remove the laws keeping them banned. Sure, it'd be difficult, but from what we've seen, most people don't actually have strong prejudices against the undercity, they just vaguely believe they're evil, which can be very easily disproved. For traveling thieves, it's completely different, because not only is the discrimination in the government, it's in the people themselves; merely changing the laws would not change how people see hybrids, so how can that be fixed? My best solution to them all getting a happy ending is that they run away and found their own civilization where all hybrids can be free, but it doesnt seem like a likely scenario
again, not really a question, but I'm so so so happy in the latest fh piece that they looted the bodies of their attackers. the first time i read it through, i was practically screaming at the screen, telling them to grab the loot and weapons before they continued
next, ttsbc:
4. how do the mobs work? do they act like any normal animal, in that they just kinda exist and happen to be very hostile, or do they follow minecraft mob mechanics and spawn into existence from nothing when the conditions are right? could they theoretically all be exterminated? do all of them dislike light, like the zombies in the cleo bdubs fic? if they do, why are they making their way to the overcity?
5. how did the undercity become a thing? Was it just always there, or was it manmade? did hybrids and mutants always live underground? are the pits really bottomless? and if so, is the world a globe, or is it flat? i understand you might not have thought very deeply about these things before jumping in, but my sister and i were theorizing about different answers. i figured the undercity isnt manmade just like the grand canyon isnt manmade, it just came about through natural processes, and mutants and hybrids just evolved(?) seperately from humans, underground, which is a whole other can of worms with the science behind that. an idea about the "bottomless" pits has to do with physics. at the center of the earth (if it were hollow), you wouldn't feel gravity because it would pull on you equally in all directions. so maybe the bottomless pit really just leads to the center of the earth, and you're not really falling forever, you're just suspended in the center forever lol. not falling, but not hitting the bottom, either
anyways, this was a really long ask (i hope thats ok), and i still have more to say, but i'll leave it there for now. again, i love the angst, and have a wonderful day. im gonna try to get some work done, but it probs wont happen with all the brainrot XD
Hello hello! ✨
I'm so honored that you and your sister are enjoying my AUs and fics so much! That you've been talking about them and theorizing over them is so awesome to hear! Knowing that they've become something fueling discussion is super cool!
I LOVE IT ALL! Fanart/fanworks/fanfic I wanna see all of it! I would absolutely love it if you would post your fanart! Please use either the (#traveling thieves au) or (#through the sky blue cracks) depending on which AU it is for and mention me in the post (@amethystfairy1) so I can see it! And of course you are welcome to write fics based in my AU or using my characterizations, in fact I'd love it if you did! It's the best thing to hear that my writing has inspired someone else to get creative! I know you said you had no intentions of posting it, but if you ever do, please use the same hashtags here if on tumblr, or if you use A03 list the appropriate fic/series as inspiration and please credit me in the notes if you don't mind! I'm looking forward to seeing anything either fanart/fanfic related that you've created!
The mercenary guild is basically like the underground/illegal version of the adventurer guild, and they'll take any jobs that the adventurer guild won't. Blackmail, assassination, smuggling, you name it. Gem has something of a moral compass, but it isn't exactly the strictest thing in the world. We learn when she meets Mumbo in Grian's wing preening fic that she is on her way to assassinate a noblemans son, and while that is a bit of a wink wink nudge nudge if you can figure out who that son is, exactly, it's still Gem agreeing to kill a teenager who is guilty of little more than pissing off the wrong person. Cruel world and all.
Perhaps that's exactly point? 😌 With Traveling Thieves, I did not set out to make a world that could be resolved or escaped from...the whole point is that it is cruel and inescapable, and the best you can do is continue to protect yourself and those you care about...and even then, you might fail to do that. You might be set up to fail in a sick system that would never give you a chance in the first place. And the best you can do is try to put the pieces back together in the aftermath. I don't want Traveling Thieves to resolve in any traditional sense of the word...for where that'll lead all our various characters, well, you'll have to wait and see. 🤔
Loot that body LOOT THAT BODY NOW 💃
They're like your typical minecraft mobs, they spawn in places with low light levels! We've also got some homebrew monsters that I've come up with, such as the bird-men, that we will be meeting as time goes on. Certain monsters such as zombies do avoid light, but there are plenty of monsters will go above bedrock just like certain monsters in minecraft can survive in the sun, like creepers and endermen. No, they can never be exterminated because of how they spawn!
The pits aren't bottomless, we've seen the bottom after all, where Pearl, Jimmy, and Grian were in the Depths! It is a natural chasm beneath the bedrock, and the various caves and tunnels stretch are incredibly huge and diverse, so while everything connects back to the main cavern of the under-city that's so huge, there are also other caves and tunnels where other groups live that we will be learning about eventually, such as the blaze-born pyres or where Cub is from in the Deep Dark!
It is completely totally 100% ok! I love getting long asks like this that give me the chance to develop and worldbuild the AUs and mention some details that might never really show up within the fics themselves! So by all means send more questions and thoughts! And I'd also love to see the fanarts you mentioned if you still are up to posting them, I can't draw so anything anyone draws that has anything to do with my AUs makes me incredibly happy! 😆
Thanks so much for coming by! 💖
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disgruntledkittenface · 5 months
annual* writing self evaluation
thank you @kingsofeverything and @nouies for tagging me!
1. List of works published this year:
I Choose You
when we're finished saying nothing
count me in
too into you
routine surveillance
you wanna be on top?
Suddenly Last Summer
if i'm being honest
it's a holidate
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
Suddenly Last Summer. I let myself let go and have fun and write exactly what I wanted, and I love the way it turned out.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
I hate this questionnnn
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
I love this bit from Red, the fic I wrote for @crinkle-eyed-boo birthday:
When Harry turns his head to bite Louis’ earlobe, Louis buries his face in Harry’s hair, breathing him in. He detects a faint whiff of smoke, and frowns.
“Did you smoke?”
Harry presses his face into Louis’ neck, nodding. 
“Oh, no,” Louis says, rubbing a soothing hand over Harry’s bare back. “I know you hate to smoke without me.”
Louis barely hears the whisper as Harry says, “I’m sorry,” since he doesn’t bother to lift his lips from Louis’ skin. But then Harry says it again, louder, following it with a kiss against Louis’ neck. And then again, over and over, leaving apologies and kisses against Louis’ skin like he wants them to stay, as permanent as the ink of their tattoos. Louis sags against the wall, trusting Harry to hold his weight, as the relief finally hits him. Harry hates apologizing, even when he knows he’s wrong. And Louis can’t even remember who was wrong, and more than that, he doesn’t care. He just wants Harry back. He doesn’t need Harry to beg, and it feels like that’s exactly what he’s doing right now. 
“Baby,” Louis says at last. “Stop, stop it. I’m sorry.”
A tear slips down Louis’ neck, and he wrinkles his brow in confusion. He hasn’t cried in several minutes, a record for him today, if not every day since the breakup. But then a sob wracks Harry’s body, his grip tightening on Louis as his shoulders shake. 
“Oh, baby,” Louis says, petting Harry’s hair. “No, baby, I’m sorry. Please don’t cry.”
“I just missed you,” Harry chokes out. When he draws back, it’s Louis’ turn to smooth away his tears. “I missed you so fucking much, Lou.”
“I missed you, too,” Louis says, resting his forehead against Harry’s. “We’ve never been this stupid before, have we?”
5. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
I really loved getting both @kingsofeverything and @allwaswell16 reactions to Suddenly Last Summer! Lauren theorized via voice note and I was glued to my email while Anitra commented as she read, and it all just felt really good!
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
I'm not going to lie, writing was not that hard this year. I think I was just picking things I really wanted to write for myself. And it was a good coping mechanism when things were hard in my personal life. But honestly, it kind of feels like dumb luck because I've definitely had my share of writing block.
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
I don't know where the itch to write dark Harry in routine surveillance came from!! That took me by surprise, and I loved doing it.
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I think just by writing for myself. I always wish I had different stats on my fics, but I can't write with trying to please people in mind.
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
I don't know! Keep writing for myself and being the weirdo who likes to do lots of different things.
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
I am fortunate to have a lot of support!! This year, I really noticed the lovely comments I was getting from @nouies <3
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Yes! Just about everything that the cat does in if i'm being honest has been done by one of my new cats. It's my love letter to them.
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
I don't think I have much new wisdom. I always say pay attention to the writing advice that works for you, and ignore the rest. I think telling a story and making people feel something matters more than the technique, but I also say that as someone who has spent a lot of time on technique so don't listen to me if you don't want to!
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
I want to write a girl direction When Harry Met Sally AU and make it VERY GAY and I'm excited about it!!
14. Tag three writers whose answers you’d like to read. ;)
@neondiamond @homosociallyyours @absoloutenonsense
*All answers should be about works published in 2023
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mrsaguapapi · 3 days
Ch 1  Ch 2  Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6  Ch 7  Ch 8  Ch 9  Ch 10  Ch 11 Ch 12  Ch 13  Ch 14   Ch 15 Ch 16  Ch 17
Chapter 18
My Sunshine
The Vibe:
Corinne Bailey Rae 11. Seasons Change
"Wanda is dead. I saw her die" Stranges says pacing away in his office. Looking absolutely ridiculous with his lounge clothes and a cloak.
"She's alive Stephen." I say exasperated
"Okay, I'll play. Let's say she's alive, which she's not. Why of all people would you go to her?" he gestures to himself, "I can help you."
"I'm not letting you anywhere near my memories thank you very much." I scoff at him, "I don't have time to bring you up to speed, I need to speak with her, and considering with what happened in Westview and your little multiverse incident, I don't know where her head is at mentally. All I'm asking is that you watch my back and be on standby" I plead
"Look I want to help you but that last thing we need is to instigate another fight with Wanda Maximoff, IF, she's even alive," Strange says. "If she's alive, I theorize she won't be happy seeing me, so no, I'm not going with you," I roll my eyes and stand up, ready to walk out, "I didn't say I wasn't going to help you," he says stopping me in my place
"Okay well, Stephen can you just spit it out some of us have shit to do," I say holding my hands out annoyed
He rolls his eyes and pulls out a display and uncovers it revealing a floating crystal ball, "This is the Orb of Agamotto. This allows me to monitor the universe and other surrounding dimensions. With the ability to 'Livestream' other planets and pinpoint magic users anywhere, except for those with the power to block its view. I can use this to watch you from a distance and if anything goes wrong, I'll portal to you and help"
I take a moment to think about it, "Fine, you have a deal" I say holding out my hand to him
He shakes my hand and smiles, "Does this mean I'm forgiven?"
"Ugh and you ruined it," I say, dropping my hand, rolling my eyes, and grabbing my sling ring, "For the record, I never really blamed you, and neither does Peter. You just happen to have an annoying face and that I can't forgive" I laugh to myself," Give me your phone" I say to Strange. He hands me his phone and I put my number in it and call myself so I have his number, "When I get there I'll call you and have you in my ear." I say putting an airpod in and giving back his phone. Pausing for a moment I take in a deep breath and exhale allowing myself to relax before opening a portal to the shuffling streets of Sokovia.
I step through turning to look at Strange, "If she's alive and as powerful as before she could easily sever my connection. Just keep that in mind." He warns. I nod my head and close the portal.
"Okay let's get this show on the road," I say to myself walking the down the city streets
After getting some food and thinking about the next approach I decided instead of using a locator spell and exposing her safe space, I figure I'll summon her to me. So I picked the most public place I could think of.
A playground
Sitting on the bench watching the children play, I say in my head, "Wanda, I need your help" I call out to her making sure my intention is clear and that I mean no harm, "That should do the trick" I whisper to myself. I pull out my phone to call Strange, "Hey, she'll be here any minute. Can you see me?"
"You chose to bring 'The Scarlet Witch' to a playground?"
"She won't hurt the children," I say
"I once thought that too until she tried to murder America Chavez in front of me" he quips
"Yea well this time will be different Stephen," I say annoyed "Have a little hope will ya?"
He sighs, "You never told me why you need her specifically."
"I was told by my dead mother to go to her directly. She didn't say why, but I trust her judgment. Wanda may also have some info on someone else I'm looking for." I say rather quickly and annoyed
"So the short answer is you don't know," he says
"I've been on the phone with you for 2 mins and I already want to kick your ass," I say making us both laugh
"What's so funny?" I hear someone say near me, causing me to damn near jump out of my skin. It was Wanda sitting next to me in civilian clothes with her hair dripping wet.
"Good lord girl. You don't have to be so creepy" I say clutching my fake pearls
"You started It. I heard your little whispers in my ear while I was in the shower. I thought you had the drop on me." she laughs under her breath, "So why are you here? Don't you know I'm 'dead'? I'm sure Stephen told you. Right Stephen?" She asks a little louder
She knows
"Did you think I wouldn't know?" Wanda Asks
"Millie she's blocking me, I can't see you anymore," Stephen says in my ear, "I'm coming to you"
"Hold off Stephen," I say out loud, "It's okay" I pause looking at Wanda with a small smile, "Do you blame me? If I didn't come with some sort of backup, I'd be pretty dumb don't ya think?"
She looks at me for a while like she was searching for something in my face eventually looking away and letting out a large exhale, "I have been a real witch lately" she says causing me to laugh, "You said you needed my help and I could really use a distraction right now, so what can I do for you?"
"Hey, Stephen you still there?" I ask
"I'm still here. You still alive?" He asks
"Yep. I'm gonna let you go, I'm okay" I say to him
"Are you sure?"
"Mhmm, I'll text you later," I say before hanging up on him, "Let me buy you a drink. We've got a lot to talk about." I say standing up and holding out my hand to her
"One drink isn't going to cut it," She says taking my hand "Might have to buy the bar," she says making us both chuckle.
Wanda and I have been venting and drinking for an hour or so at this dingy little bar in the middle of town. We both are sitting in a booth in the back of the room effectively away from the other patrons.
"So," I say before throwing back another tequila shot, "So out of grief you kidnapped and brainwashed a random town in New Jersey, Created a fake husband and children, and then traveled through other universes, blindly looking for said fake children?" I ask
"Well," Wanda taking a sip of her bourbon, "I feel like you're oversimplifying it a bit. Westview wasn't a random town, Vis bought us some land there to build us a home and my children are only fake here, they're very much real elsewhere, but... essentially yes you are correct." She says finishing the drink
"Wanda," I say rubbing my head from the sudden rush I'm feeling, "That like really sucks"
"I Know right? "Oh and let's not forget Pietro, my dead twin brother," She says nonchalantly
I burst out in laughter, I couldn't help myself at her candor, "I'm sorry that was so mean" I said trying to control myself.
Surprisingly Wanda joins me, "You are fucked up, you know that?" She says laughing with me
"I know! I know! I'm sorry, it's either you laugh or you cry and I'm tired of crying" I say catching my breath from laughing
"Couldn't have said it better myself" Wanda says collecting herself from laughing with me"So enough about me and my lifetime of trauma, fill me in on what's going on; why do you need my help?"
"Can I just so show you? It will be quicker" I ask holding my hand out to her
"Is it going to hurt?" She asks hesitantly
"No. I mean no one has complained before?" I say smiling and shrugging. She places her hand in mine and I use my memory transference on her filling her in on everything; my ghost mom and her past with the darkhold, the books from Wakanda, how peter found me in the lake, and my lack of memory.
"Wow," Wanda says taking her hand back, "You've got some serious power Millie, your magic is vast." She says rubbing her hand "Unpredictable too... It's very familiar."
"Well that wasn't ominous at all," I say a little creeped out, "Can you help me?"
"Yes, I think so. We'll need an open field and it's probably going to hurt" She says standing up "Come on we should get going"
"Fine," I say standing up and throwing some cash on the bar, "But can we not skip over the whole 'it's going to hurt thing"
"I imagine being struck by lightning doesn't feel good," She says walking out
"Well Fuck" I say following her
The Vibe:
Bishop Briggs - Lessons of the Fire: Official Lyric Video | Devil In Ohio | Netflix
Wanda takes me to this field on the outskirts of town. It was surrounded by overarching trees and we were in the open center. When I look up I see nothing but a full moon and stars. The air was cool and the energy surrounding us was peaceful. Wanda had set up several candles around me in a circle and stepped out leaving me alone in the center
"Explain it to me one more time, " I say a little freaked out
"You need to summon the lightning to strike you"
"Okay but why?" I say a little freaked out
"The connection you and your ancestors have with nature runs deep in your blood. Channeling the weather seems to be something engrained in your DNA, specifically thunderstorms and lightning. A storm woke you up in that lake; you were struck by lightning. I'm hoping that with almost the same conditions, it could do the same for your mind. Make sense?" She finishes
"Yes, it does, I think. I'm sorry but I am scared the last time this happened it left me with a giant scar across my body." I say unconsciously rubbing my scar, "Are you sure you can't do some kind of spell?"
"I can't. Quite frankly I'm afraid too"
"What does that mean?" I scoff
"You possess multiple forms of magic. It shouldn't be possible to have more than 2 or 3. Millie, from what I felt from your hand and what you've shown me in your memories, you seem to possess 4. I'm afraid if I go poking around in your brain that you will unconsciously retaliate and that's the last thing we want to do."
Why is she being so cautious?
"What forms do you think I possess?"
"1 being eldritch magic, which you learned from the sorcerers. Accessible by humans, eldritch magic can be properly controlled by those with highly disciplined minds who have been trained in casting spells. Your ancestor Ayesha was a sorcerer supreme, so it's only natural that you have an affinity for this form. " Wanda pauses, I can tell she's a little hesitant to continue.
"Go on it's okay, I can take it," I say trying to convince her, and myself
"The second being Dark Magic, also known as Witchcraft. An extremely powerful and difficult type of magic used by sorcerers and witches to achieve their goals through morally questionable means.
"Morally questionable means? I would never hurt anyone.." I begin to say
"You wouldn't now, but what about you before your memory loss? Who's to say you weren't a bad guy? In your memories when your mother died you were taken by a coven of witches led by Agatha. Agatha isn't exactly a good witch; she's ancient and she's evil. I wouldn't be surprised that her influence on you wasn't positive, especially considering that she's also possessed the darkhold." Wanda sighs. "She was a pain in my ass, I'll take you to her after this."
She has a point, what if my memory comes back and I still have an allegiance to her? What If I lose my feelings for my current loved ones...
"Anyways" Wanda continues pulling me back from internal panic, "Dark magic can be combined with other types of magic, which leads me into your last 2 forms, darkhold and chaos Magic. When your mother was using the darkhold while pregnant with you, a portion of its power embedded itself in you.  I am almost positive that's why are you able to use magic just by mentally displaying your intent."
"I can understand why I may have dark hold magic but chaos magic feels like a stretch. Due to its very nature, chaos magic is extremely unstable and requires a massive amount of energy and control to master it; I don't feel I'm at that level. I would have noticed by now right?"
"Like me, you were born with latent magical abilities, yours coming from your ancestors. Your generational power bestowment has given you vast immeasurable strength that was the perfect breeding ground for chaos magic. Let me ask you, have you been losing your temper or lost control of your powers lately?"
"Yea I have been losing control of my powers," I say thinking back to the incident in my bedroom and outside of the royal palace in Wakanda, "I also almost killed a man yesterday. Honestly, I think I could have done it if I wasn't stopped."
"Key signs. I knew your power felt familiar, I felt the chaotic energy pulsate through your veins; You're like me. If I fuck anything up messing with your memories you could go crazy destroying everything in sight. Do you get it now?" She says to me very seriously
"I do" I pause lost in my thoughts. After a few more seconds I hear a loud beep come from my pocket. I pull out the source of the noise and realize it was my pager.
It was a new voice message from Namor, I hold it to my ear and listen, "I miss you more Ki'ichpan"
Through messages and he still makes me swoon.
Feeling a little relaxed, I take in a deep breath, "What do I need to do"
Wanda holds out her hand, "Give me your beeper and your cell so they don't get destroyed." Doing as she says I throw my things in my sling bag and hand it to her, "Okay do what you need to do, to feel as connected to the nature surrounding us"
I take off my sneakers and socks linking my feet to the grass, "Okay" I nod to her
"You can already control the basic elements correct?"
"Yes," I say
"What are the conditions needed to cause a storm?" She asks me
"Storms form when warm, moist air rises into the cold air," I respond
"Make that happen," She says plainly
I silently nod my head and close my eyes; my feet are firmly planted on the ground and my hands are open at my side. I begin to box breathe:
In 1,2,3,4
Hold 1,2,3,4
Out 1,2,3,4
Eventually, I feel myself relax, I'm only focused on the surrounding sound of the night; the wind around me was nothing more than a breeze. I was in a total moment of zen and for a while it was quiet. After minutes of silence, the wind around me began to dance and I feel the hair on my arms stand, "It's coming I can feel it" I said as the wind begins to pick up rapidly.
I open my eyes and lift my hand to the sky calling the lighting to me. I see storm clouds forming over us almost fully blocking out the moon, nearly leaving us in total darkness if not for the candles, "Come on" I yell to the storm. For a moment it grew eerily quiet but suddenly flashes of lights began to paint the sky; it was my lightning. Just as I began to smile with pride from the storm I created, a giant bolt of lightning makes it's way down, connecting to my hand and making my whole body seize.
The pain I feel is almost indescribable; not only did my body feel like every inch of me was on fire but my head felt like my brain was boiling inside my skull. For what felt like an eternity, but in reality, it was only a matter of seconds, the pain stopped and I fell to the ground. The only thing I remember before fading away was Wanda rushing to me, "Millie Wake up" she says, "Millie don't g-", was all I hear before slipping away.
The Vibe:
Breathe me -- sia
It's dark and quiet. I can't feel anything. I can't move.
"Mom.." I hear a males voice whisper
Who's voice is that?
I hear the voice speak again, "Mom I-" he coughs not being able to finish his sentence.
I know that voice.
"Momma I can't move" he speaks clearly before coughing and gurgling. That voice is so familiar. It's warm like the sun. The sun...
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine away
I love the sun. My son. I named him after the Sun God; the creator of the universe. He's my sunshine, my world, the center of my universe. My Amun.
"Amun!" I yell jolting up. When sitting up I instinctively grab my stomach in utter pain. Looking down I see I'm bleeding, I'm assuming a stab wound. Looking around I see I'm back at that same awful place. Kissena Park.
"Mom," Amun says
I hear my son call to me again; I snap my head in his direction and I see my son lying on the ground covered in blood, "No!" I scream crawling to him, "No, no, no"
When I reach him and scan him a little closer I can see he was stabbed like me but it must be somewhere fatal spot because he was coughing up blood, "He stabbed and knocked you out" he says in between coughs, "I tried t-to protect you but I wasn't strong enough, I'm s-sorry Mom"
"Hush now baby," I say panicked and in between tears, "I can heal you," I say holding my hand over his wound.
"You're too w-weak, you'll die," He says
"I don't care. You are my son, my life means nothing without yours. Just breathe baby" I say trying to calm him and myself down
"Momma, who is that? Sh-she looks like you" He says looking past me. I turn around and see no one.
"Amun baby no one is there," I say
"Momma she's so warm. I think- I think I'm going to go with her" Amun says to me
"No baby stay with me. Don't go." I say my voice begins to shake, "Stay with me, I can fix you, Please" I beg
"It's okay momma, I'll be fine." He says before looking behind me and nodding his head.
I turn around and still see nothing, "What am I to do?  How do I breathe without you?"
Amun takes my hand and squeezes it and smiles before taking his last breath. His hand relaxed in mine, and his eyes glossed over. As he took his last breath he took a part of me with him. I pull my son's body to me holding him tightly never wanting to let him go.
"Well that was dramatic" I hear a man say from behind me, "It was a shame he went down so fast, I expected more from him considering his lineage."
I gently put my boy's body down leaving a kiss on his forehead before standing up and turning around. It was the faceless man in the black suit, "Bring him back"
"Like mother, like daughter. What are you willing to trade for his life? Your mother gave me her power. What do you have to barter?"
"Take anything, my power, my life, my soul. I don't care to take it all"
"No" he responds, "Why would I bring him back? I was the one who killed him."
"Y-you attacked us?" I asked. My voice was shaking; I was filled with not only grief and sadness but an overwhelming sense of rage, "Why? We lived in peace, I have atoned for my past. How did you even find us, we were so careful for years."
"Your family has always been on my radar, But you should thank your friend Agatha, she pointed me in your direction." He smiles as my heart drops
Agatha why?...
"I knew one day eventually one of your family's descendants' power would rival mine and I just can't have that. I figure it's time to end the whole bloodline. You should take some pride that it ends with you, you are the strongest and with more time you could have been more powerful." He steps closer placing a hand on my cheek. I look at him where his eyes should be, "It'll be easier if you just surrender Millaenyia"
"All chances of me surrendering left when you Killed my son." I sneer
"So be it," he says disappointed. Before I knew it his hands were hovering at the side of my head, he was draining me of my power and my life, "Don't worry this won't take long" he says softly
I fall to the ground, no longer able to stand up. If I don't act quickly, I will die.
Maybe I should let him.
I ponder on that thought for a while and just as I was about to accept my fate the man speaks up, "Almost done, you'll soon be with your son"
My son. He killed my son.
I snap out of it, realizing I was about to let my son's murderer roam free, I quickly devise a plan.
I'm too weak to kill. But I think I have enough in me to trap him.
I look up and see the man holding his head back as he was draining me, he wasn't paying attention to my hands. I lift my hand out toward the tree behind him; I use what's left of my powers to form an opening in the tree that was big enough to hide a body within it. Once done I call to the roots and branches of the tree, willing them to slowly creep up behind the man and gently wrap around his legs and arms. He was so focused on the feeling of this newly acquired power of his, that he didn't notice he was being detained until it was too late.
"What is this?" He says seeing the branches wrapped around his hand, "What are you do-" the man says before whipping back into the tree. His arms were now behind his back being thoroughly wrapped in roots followed by the rest of his body. The only exposed part of him now was his neck up, "This won't hold me, you child"
I stand up and walk to him, "You will rot in here" I sneer before wrapping my hand around his neck quickly taking back my power and life force. "All you care about is power right?" I ask knowing the answer, "I'll take that too" I say now draining him of his energy and power, leaving just enough to keep him alive so he can rot here for the rest of days.
"Let me-" he struggles to say "Let me ou-" The roots cover the rest of him effectively muffling his words. I step back holding my hand out to the tree and use my powers to close and seal it shut. I place my hand on the tree and close my eyes:
To be Seen or Unseen.
Never in the focus of one's eye
Of nature's age, it does defy
To be Seen, or Unseen
With this spell, this tree will never age. It shall never be directly seen but it will always be here.
Once done with the small runes are now etched around the tree sealing his fate. I walk back to my Amun and look at him one last time.
I need to bury you, my love.
When I go to pick him up I see he had the journal he made of me tucked away in his jacket. Not wanting to leave the journal behind for someone to find and use, I grab it and bind it to my wrist before I pick Amun up. I walk towards the lake and will the water to separate allowing me to walk down to the center of the lake. Once I make it to the spot I place Amun down. I kiss his forward one last time, "My sweet boy" I say before I hold my hand out and use my power to have him sink into the dirt, fully burying him.
I lay beside him now, with the intention of ending my life and resting beside him for eternity. But I couldn't bring myself to do it, something was stopping me like there was someone in my ear telling me no. So, still intending on resting beside my son, I decide that if I'm too cowardly to end it now, I don't deserve to remember him in case I wake up:
Forget me not
Forget me now
Forget the past
Forget the sound
Forget the memories
Forget the love
Forget it all
Forget it now
As I finish the spell, I feel myself begin to fade away and sink to the ground. The water released and is slowly filling the lake back up; I find comfort in my last lingering memory of my son's laughter before I'm completely asleep.
The Vibe:
Labrinth & Zendaya - I'm Tired (From “Euphoria” An HBO Original Series – Lyric Video)
"Millie wake up!" That is all I hear before I feel water being poured on me.
The sudden feel of cold water all over me jolted me awake. I sit up completely dazed; my eyes were fuzzing and my ears wear slightly ringing. Eventually, the ringing faded and my eyes clear up. I look around and see Wanda sitting next to me, looking like she has seen a ghost, "Are you okay?" She asks, "Fuck you are still steaming, does that hurt? I thought the water would help," she says concerned.
"I'm okay," I say plainly.
"Are you?" she says. I look to her with expressionless eyes and nod.
My body feels numb, it's because of the lightning... No, I remember...
"Did it work? Do you remember?" She asks
"I remember everything," I say beginning to cry, "My son..." I say holding my stomach, I feel like I'm going to throw up, "Oh god my son" I say sobbing
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
Now that I've had a few hours of sleep and am marginally a human being again, let's talk about the mario movie some more! SPOILERS ALL THROUGHOUT THIS POST UNDER THE CUT (if you want to see my non-spoilery thoughts and the first part of my spoiler talk as well, here's that post from last night! Be warned that it's pretty all over the place because it was 4:30 in the morning and I was really tired lolol)
After thinking about it more, I truly do have some PROBLEMS with this movie (will talk more about some of that below and I covered a lot of the issues in my first post too) and I do wish it was better overall and not so painfully surface-level with all the character interactions - I can understand why some people REALLY don't like it while others love it! It's joyful and energetic and BEAUTIFUL but if you spent months and months theorizing and speculating about deep character interactions and a very emotional story, it does really sting to finally see how there is virtually NONE of that and the plot feels kinda empty as a result. :(
But! I'm definitely not upset or anything like that, and I'm still gonna see it two more times in theaters with a smile on my face! TRUTHFULLY (and if you've seen my blog before, you know this about me) what I cared about most in this movie was getting to see Mario and Luigi be adorable onscreen and have a good, healthy, loving relationship, and you do get that to some degree, even if it's nowhere near enough. I can make my peace (and write a lot of fanfic, LOL) regarding the rest. :)
Here is a list of moments between Mario & Luigi that made me happy:
FIRST OF ALL, SOMETHING THAT I'M NOT ACTUALLY SURE I LIKED BUT WAS CERTAINLY A CHOICE: Mario's nickname for Luigi is Lu????? He calls him that 3-4 times and at big moments, too. It started to be cute to me, even if I wish they'd gone with "Weegie" or something similar, but it's a little jarring at the beginning for sure.
In general, they are just very physically affectionate with each other! There are one or two quick hugs in the beginning scenes before we even get to the reunion. Also, I can't remember the specifics but the very last scene is them basically teasing/poking each other before running off into the day together and it's cute. :)
Mario is SO protective of Luigi in the Brooklyn scenes and let me tell you, as someone who cares DEEPLY about that, i was LIVING. He gets mad at Spike and tries to pick a fight only when he insults Luigi, and there is also a silly scene with an angry dog and Mario just instinctively puts his arm up in front of Luigi when things get a little scary/focuses on making sure he doesn't get hurt, and I was just having the BEST time. Honestly, I loved the Brooklyn stuff so much that I sincerely wanted the whole movie to just be about that, and things took a downhill turn for sure when the separation happened. :(
Someone definitely predicted this before the movie but Mario hates mushrooms as a food and Luigi likes them. During a dinner scene, Mario is slyly separating mushrooms from his food and putting them onto Luigi's plate in a way that suggests he's done that a LOT. Such a quick shot but I just liked the detail!
THE RUNNING THROUGH THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND MARIO DOING RIDICULOUS PARKOUR BUT ALSO STOPPING TWICE TO MAKE SURE TO TURN BACK AND OPEN THE GATES SO LUIGI COULD COME THROUGH NORMALLY. There was just something SO funny and sweet about [crazy jumping and leaping] [quiet, thoughtful pause to open the gate] [MORE CRAZY JUMPING AND LEAPING, WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING, SIR] [another quiet, thoughtful pause to open the 2nd gate], I loveeeeee
Once again, just gotta be obnoxious about being right that the dialogue in the warp zone was "nothing can hurt us as long as we're together!" I HEARD THE LINE AS THIS IN THAT PREVIEW FOOTAGE AND EVERYONE CONVINCED ME IT WAS DIFFERENT BUT LOOK WHO'S LAUGHING NOW (i'm sorry, just let me have this win haha)
There is a sad moment where Mario and Luigi's dad clearly doesn't believe in their business and he even says to Mario something like "the worst part is that you're dragging your brother down with you" which is clearly upsetting to Mario so he leaves the dinner table - but then Luigi leaves the table too to come and sit with him and reassures him that he's not dragging him down and it's just a sweet, comfortable moment between them that I very much wish went on a little longer (the theme of the whole movie lol)
(Also, Mario and Luigi still live with their parents and share a room, they're clearly pretty young and are treated like the "babies" of the family. I wish we had seen more of their room other than a very extremely brief shots!!)
Luigi DOES immediately sell out Mario when Bowser goes for the serious mustache damage, LOL, but the way it's done is honestly so cute and once again, just reemphasizes how much Luigi loves Mario XD He's basically like "YES, I know him, he's my brother Mario and he's the best guy ever!" (And then Bowser, who is preoccupied with Mario = romantic rival for Peach's affections, is like "would a princess find him attractive???" and Luigi is like "if she has any common sense, she should!" (lol, that line could be TOTALLY wrong, I don't remember, but that's the gist of it, I promise) or something like that - just hyping Mario up when he's not even there, LOL
in Mario and DK's "darkest moment" scene where things seem hopeless and they're arguing, Mario says something like "well, at least your brother's not going to die because of you!" and noooo, bb, it's not your fault ;; (this scene could have been done SO MUCH BETTER with a few tweaks, btw, but I will get into that)
Luigi bringing coffee for Mario at the end of the movie in their respective cups :) :) :) So simple but I am a very simple person who just wanted to see little moments like this :) :) :)
I have GRIPES with the final battle scene but seeing Mario and Luigi work together and take care of Bowser as a duo was still good!!! Nothing can hurt them when they're together!!!
Also, already talked about this at length in my first post, but one more time: Mario saving Luigi from falling into the lava and their reunion hug is just my favorite moment of the movie, no contest, it goes by so fast and I wish it was longer but I can be happy with that alone and I can't wait for the screenshots/gifsets where I can see all the details of it more clearly and don't have to rely on my awful memory. Literally just going to think about that split-second of Mario holding Luigi's face with both hands in an unbearably sweet, gentle way forever. These brothers love each other very much, your honor ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
First of all, still CANNOT BELIEVE that "I'm not afraid! I'll do anything for my brother" didn't make it into the movie, are you SERIOUS, it would have been perfect in SO MANY PARTS, they recorded it and everything, why???? IS THERE A DELETED SCENE??? ARE THERE SEVERAL DELETED SCENES??? I DEMAND JUSTICE FOR THAT PERFECT LINE, I WILL MOURN IT FOREVER
The editing in general is a little odd sometimes and it really DOES feel like a lot of scenes should be there that are missing. Another VERY weird cut is in the scene where Peach, Toad, and Mario are crossing the bridge with the Cheep-Cheeps and they just immediately cut the scene when one latches onto Mario's face and don't even include the cute stuff from the trailer with Peach trying to help him??? Like, WHY???? WHY DID THOSE FEW SECONDS NEED TO BE CUT??? I DON'T UNDERSTAND
I think one of the most painful things about this movie is that, as a writer/creative person, I can see SO many small opportunities throughout the movie where a couple of extra minutes and some tweaks in the writing would have made SO much difference. An unbelievable amount of difference! The overall structure of the story and the plot is good! The story of Mario wanting to reunite with his brother and Peach wanting to protect her kingdom (that took her in and cared for her when she was all alone in the world) is solid! But they never give the EMOTIONS surrounding these things ANY space to breathe beyond one line here or there, and that is SUCH a mistake and I can't believe no one thought to do something differently here.
FOR INSTANCE: The "darkest moment" scene with DK and Mario! It goes by so fast, but there is some good stuff there that, if the movie took a MOMENT and really let their pain/fear for their loved ones and their shared complex of unsupportive fathers BREATHE, would work SO MUCH BETTER. Like, I can easily imagine a rewritten version of that scene with very similar dialogue but just MORE of it (more pauses, more emotion, more reactions to one another's problems, more recognition of their similarities, etc) would have made it like a DAGGER in the heart. SUCH a missed opportunity. I am itching to rewrite it, LOL. (I am itching to rewrite a LOT of scenes!)
ALSO: Luigi is my LOVE and he is adorable throughout this, but I'm gonna be the first to admit that his scrap of an arc in this movie (if you can even call it that) is so lackluster and his heroic moment at the end genuinely doesn't feel that earned! AND ONCE AGAIN, WITH A LITTLE EXTRA WRITING/ROOM IN THE RUNTIME, IT'S A VERY SOLVABLE PROBLEM
And the solution is: build out the prison scenes and have Luigi actually talking to someone else who is locked up!!!!! Other than a couple of lines and jokes, the prisoners don't TALK TO EACH OTHER and Luigi just spends a lot of time looking sad. We don't get ANYTHING about his thought processes while he's captured other than he is thinking of Mario and hoping his brother comes to save him like he's always done.
It doesn't have to be a long or especially deep conversation, but some lines of dialogue like this would make that moment where Luigi realizes that Mario is right, nothing CAN hurt them if they're together and he's gotta be strong for his older brother too and he jumps in to protect him from Bowser hit SO much harder. That's all it would take!!!
I HAVE ACTUAL WORK TO DO TODAY AND CANNOT GO ON AND ON ABOUT THE MARIO MOVIE FOREVER BUT LAST THOUGHT FOR NOW: the more I think about the final battle, the more I'm conflicted, haha. The twist of everyone from the Mushroom Kingdom ending up in Brooklyn is definitely SHOCKING in the moment and pretty creative but I don't know, I had my heart set on a more classic version of Mario VS Bowser. It just doesn't hit as hard as it could in the end because of how silly the setting is. :( (But the Mario and Luigi teamup with the power star is great, and the music IS fire) (Also LOL at myself for thinking "Luigi won't fight at the end, that wouldn't make sense since Mario had to train" - he just knows how to fight, the movie goes with what's cool over what's logical and that's fair XD)
Also, the end of the movie is a tad confusing and has some pretty huge repercussions for this version of canon? ARE THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM AND THE REAL WORLD PERMANENTLY MERGED TOGETHER BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENED??? That's definitely what it seems to imply with Mario and Luigi waking up in their Brooklyn room and then walking out straight into the Mushroom Kingdom! It's pretty bizarre! (Honestly, what I was expecting was that the Bill would destroy the warp pipes and Mario and Luigi wouldn't be able to go home, which I might have preferred, as sad as that would be.)
That's all I got for now! I'm sure I will have more thoughts in the future, haha.
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halfetirosie · 13 days
✿ The Sweet Taste of Victory [and Sappiness] ✿
(Marvels 13-14 React-os!)
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See, I told you that the Phantom Thief designed this wild goose chase because he was a sentimental brat that wanted to promote/revive this coffee shop!!!!
2) REIIIIII!!!! SWEETIEEEEEEE!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
(⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ◡ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝)
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I feel like a mom watching her grumpy-ass kid playing nicely/making friends with the other kids for the first time.....
♡♡♡♡♡ I'm so proudddddd!!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
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Yeah so, this is the same old man that was seen briefly in a previous chapter, whom someone else theorized at the time was the Phantom Thief in disguise. I also believe that theory now; and as I myself theorized about Phantom, he's been a regular at this shop for many years.
Now, given this new information about how Phantom first found the shop, here's a new mini theory; the "stir" he caused in town was likely one of the times he was being a menace to the nobility, like Aster had mentioned---Or, it might be referring to the time that he escaped custody after getting caught.
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Leaving a random feather when he disappears, huh?
Fuck, all of this validation is gonna make me dizzy!!! :D
4) Yakumo once again being manhandled to Blade... XD
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At least this time he's just being tugged around, rather than being picked up and practically flying through the air...
5) Rei is secretly the biggest softie of them all, Exhibit 744:
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FUCK, his smile is so damn prettyyyyy....
Seriously tho; Rei socializing and warming up to Eiden and the others is so goddamn healing.
We LOVE to see it!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
7) Ah, hell....
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Oh no, he's gonna say it---
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*Dry heaving*
Oh fuck, oh GOD, it's too sweet!!!!!!!
OH FUCK, SEND HELP!!!! IT'S TOO GODDAMN SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I say, as if I don't eat up sappy stories like this on the regular...)
Gotta love a happy ending! (≧∇≦)
♡ End of report! ♡
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