#i'm trying to take things less seriously tho when it comes to art like i got into a rut where i was like. everything needs to look perfect
angelsdean · 8 months
got carried away with this drowstiel threesome concept sketch. now it might just be a full piece.
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chronocrump · 5 months
Hello Chronocrump, I recently stumbled upon your art the other day, and I couldn't stop staring at your gallery.. It makes me realize there is so much thats lacking from my art that I really want to improve on. I felt desperate to contact you, but wasn't sure if it would be rude. I wanted to try to ask you, how do you approach drawing? Do you structure it first, or start with a gesture drawing? Focus on the form or perspective first? Etc My other question might seem strange, but I wanted to ask how do you hold your pencil? Ive learned that different pencil grips can drastically change the quality of someone's art. Thank you for your time. I'm sorry if my message is to long, or you don't want to respond back. I wanted to atleast try, but also let you know that your work has been very inspiring for me to keep trying.
I'm glad to answer your questions, it's seriously no problem. I wanna start by telling you how amazed I was when I checked your profile to see your work. I know you have a huge lack of confidence in it, but your art is genuinely beautiful, and frankly, looking at it, I found it hard to believe that you would be asking me for advice...from my perspective, you're way ahead of me. You're certainly better with color; you might notice I really only post sketches lol. I really don't want to dismiss or downplay your feelings about it, but I have to let you know how I felt looking at it. To me it seems like your brain is telling you your art isn't good enough when it very, very much is.
Anyway, enough gushing from me lol. On to your questions.
Usually when starting a drawing, I very loosely and lightly sketch the overall form of the pose I wanna do. Very rough basic shapes/forms to get everything in its right place before I start really drawing it with confident lines. Even then, all the lines are subject to change; nothing is sacred. To be honest tho, I usually mess up the proportions and have to fix them a bit lol. I try to sketch cleanly and concisely, meaning I try not to draw a lot of lines in a spot that could really be done with just one or two. I'm not super strict on that tho, at the end of the day while I try to draw efficiently, I also want to draw comfortably. So with something like a big circle for example, I'll draw that pretty sketchy. In terms of perspective, I'm trying to get better at it, but when considering how I want to use it in a drawing, it's part of the initial image or idea I have in my head, so I lay it out from the beginning. I do also draw structure lines on the face, just a simple cross to plan where the center of the face will be. Lately I've also tried taking more pictures of myself for pose reference and it works well.
Most of my practice comes from studying my favorite artists and trying to emulate the specific ways they structure their drawings. I should actually be doing dedicated practice sessions with that, but I digress. Recently I've been trying to practice from photos first thing in the morning, tho I'm finding it hard to commit to doing it daily. I just go on pinterest and find cool poses, then draw them, trying to get down the basic shapes and prominent features more than focusing on minute details. I've posted some of these practice sketches on here but there's a few more on my twitter if you wanna see what I'm talking about.
In terms of my pencil grip, I'm not sure...since I was little, I've always had an unusual grip. Looking it up, I guess it's like the "dynamic quadrupod" grip, but with my forefinger farther back. Really the most I try to do is draw less with my wrist and more with my forearm. Some say you should "draw from the shoulder", and that sounds right...I guess it's all about avoiding straining your wrist and getting carpal tunnel lol.
Anyway, I'm flattered that you would ask me for advice. To be honest, it makes me feel like I should have more confidence in my own art. And you should too! I can say that, objectively, your art is very good. I hope my advice was actually helpful and not generic stuff you've heard before lol. Good luck in your art journey.
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booigi-boi · 11 months
do you have any tips to improve art?
Hmm, I kinda suck at answering this since what comes to mind are the basics that every artist says, like "Use references" and "Try to avoid harsh black and pure white" (I use very light orange-y yellow for a white for example. Still use black tho, lol)
But here are some things that have helped me improve as an artist. That come to mind that is, lol
When doing digital art, color the background greyish blue to avoid straining your eyes with the blinding white background
muted background also helps with picking less neon colors that make it hard to look at the drawing
Have breaks often! If at any point you feel like your drawing isn't coming together or you feel awful, take a break. Breaks help our eyes rest so when we come back to our drawing we can see mistakes we didn't see before. Breaks are also important in general, lol
Don't finish big drawings in one day! Like I said, we need to rest our eyes so the next day when we look at our work we don't think "I can only see the mistakes"
Shade yellow with reddish purple
I love using yellow overlays on my art, makes the colors look less vibrant to my sensitive eyes
Draw what you know. Don't force yourself to move up the ladder if you don't think you're ready. I'm currently drawing a lot of character line-ups since I'm forcing more full bodies on myself. I only started pushing myself to do that when I was comfortable enough
Flip that canvas. (Traditional artists can flip the paper by putting it against a window)
Study the basics. I'm sorry, but it's kinda impossible to avoid this the more you get into art. You can do wacky art styles once you understand basic anatomy (This is actually recommended for anime art styles)
Don't be afraid to get inspired by other people's art styles! I wouldn't be here today if I wasn't inspired by many artist on Deviantart back in the day
Don't take every detail seriously. This is something I'm still trying to learn, but sometimes less is more, especially with realism
Can't draw realistic hair? Me neither! Go wild with it <3
Don't have too similar shade of colors next to each other or the details will get lost (Color theory)
I hope this helped somewhat. I suck at giving any form of advice on anything, especially art for some reason, lol.
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hermitcatlongposts · 2 years
Sprite Animations
Hello! I'm here to talk about my sprite animations in my upcoming touhou-clone game.
This was even more overwhelming than portrait artworks. Because to animate is to draw even more when just drawing once overwhelms me. But here I am at the end of it.
Let's start from the easiest to hardest.
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Bellhead Monk was a smooth sailing because since long ago I always knew that all I needed was to just extend his arms and reverse. His main theme of attack is about expansion and shrinkage.
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Here's all 3 frames. I love how I briskly redrew the gray fur piece to deform instead of going the lazy route and just move only the arms and call it a day. I'm always afraid of sounding like a self-lusting narcissist, but it is very unexpected; the way even the smallest things I do as an artist make me feel proud of myself. Maybe I shouldn't be concerned about projecting the perfect humble gentleman image. Maybe creating art to make yourself happy is the point of life. Sorry, I got sidetracked.
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Next one is Buckethead Knight. He's harder but only because I shot myself in the foot by drawing the first frame without coming up with the animation idea. If I did know motion he would perform, I would've put the sword and the shield on a separate layer from the rest so I wouldn't have to awkwardly erase and redraw things.
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oh now that I look at it straight like this, it looks like a death animation, doesn't it. Well, he will anyways, tough luck.
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I cannot remember the reason why I put these two in one gif. They're not duo boss. For Flaskhead Alchemist and Lamphead Scientist I felt curious about utilizing particle effects and keep the actual animation frames as simple as I can because I'm suffering from skill issues.
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But even with that being said, this one's a bit of a step up because it's one more frame than previous two character.
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The spinning staff is separate sprite because it still spins on while the body animation stops at the last frame.
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Now, I could try the similar thing as Buckethead Knight and make a slashing (more like just swinging around) animation with only his one arm moving. But the time inevitably comes where I have to cut the "lazy and smart, haha" bullshit off. He moves all parts of his body so it's time to draw every frames from scratch. Ok, forget my big talk. I was joking. I'm still a piece of garbage. Due to the absolute requirement of outline thickness consistency, all these sprites are first drawn in 512x512 pixel canvas and then shrunk down to 128px inside the game engine for pixel per unit to camera size technical yada yada. But his long sword, or rather a bamboo stick couldn't fit inside the 512px canvas. What I should've done is to simply resize the canvas to 1024px and draw in the sword. But I was stupid and drew the sword in separate file and now it's kinda awkward relationship which slightly stops me from uploading his full resolution frames. But it doesn't really matter, you're only gonna see a very small 128px version in the game anyways. So here's a bunch of screenshots of the frames seen from the engine:
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And 3 frames of physics:
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Tho I didn't have the hutzpa to do it on the lower part.
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But can I gush a bit about the base frame. My expectations are constantly at absolute lowest and I always get happy when it actually turns out great. (subjective) I really hope it stays this way forever. God I hope it won't be the case in the future where after I practice art seriously it gets reversed and I always have too high expectations and live in a constant state of disappointment and hatred.
Thank you so much for bearing with me while I take on this overwhelming challenge. I'll go now and do less overwhelming but even more bulky task to the finish line. Until then, cheers!
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totaldramafan-lauri · 5 months
My Top 11 Favorite Songs of Eurovision 2024
So, with less than a week left until Eurovision, I guess it's time for me to ramble about it! Uhhhh....th-this year's a bit different than normal, tho....Due to writing exhaustion (from a big project I've been working on), I'm not gonna be able to get my normal big ranking post done in time.....but, I DO still wanna talk about it, so....this is my compromise!
I'm gonna only be talking about eleven songs - my top seven big favorites and four borderline favorites - and why I love each one! As always, there are gonna be a few weird picks in here, cuz my taste is....well, odd, when it comes to which songs I get attached to....but, at the very least, my number one is a potential winner, so I-I think that balances out my unconventional choices down the list, heh.....
Th-things SHOULD be back to normal next year....cuz, trust me, I am NEVER gonna tackle something like this, during this time of year, ever again....I-I should be excited, but instead my mind is just....picking me apart for DARING to take a break from writing, and it kinda cuts into the hype a bit....Wh-which isn't Eurovision's fault, it's mine. This is what happens when you work on something for months on end....even if you KNOW you need a break, you feel guilty for it...blegh...
But....anyway....screw my brain, time to talk about songs that make me happy!
WORTH NOTING: Even if a song isn't listed here, it doesn't mean I don't like it. I actually like nearly every single song this year. There are three I'm indifferent to (Greece, Malta, France), and one I refuse to listen to, but none that I outright dislike of the ones I've heard. These eleven are just my favorites.
1. Croatia - "Rim Tim Tagi Dim" by Baby Lasagna
Eeyup, still obsessed! This is probably my fav Eurovision entry of the entire 2020s so far (which, when grouped together with "Jezebel", "Promise", and "Cha Cha Cha", REALLY makes me wonder what it is about rock entries and me this decade, geez-). I-I'm not saying this is a masterpiece or anything. It's not high art (vote for Switzerland if you want a unique, artsy winner), it's just a REALLY REALLY catchy, and REALLY REALLY fun, punchy rock song, and that's all I need it to be to love it. Seriously, every single part of this song is addictive to me. The repeated "rim tim tagi digi" is infectious, the lyrics are quotable and fun to sing along to, the "WHOOOOAAAA"s in the chorus especially....and I dunno if I can justify my love for it anymore! I just LOVE me a good energetic rock song with a memorable hook, and this is one of THE best I've ever heard...It's SO hard to keep outta my head.....I literally could not be happier that this song is getting so much attention! It deserves it! While I'm trying not to hype myself up TOO much in terms of winner potential (don't wanna jinx it, since not a single number one fav of mine has won in over a decade), but I'm crossing my fingers for Croatia's best result ever! At least third place, c'mooooooon! Meow back, Europe!! >.<
2. Belgium - "Before The Party's Over" by Mustii
I already made a post talking about all the things I love about this song, but...screw it, I'm HAPPY to repeat myself here. This song has just....the BEST buildup in- n-not just this year, but like, in the past few years! I can't remember the last song that built so perfectly (was it "Goodbye (Shelter)"? God, I miss 2016...)! The first two minutes set the stage for the last one perfectly, being atmospheric and dramatic, while slowly revealing more and more....things ramp up in the bridge, you feel like pumping your fists in the air, and then, finally....BAM, MAGIC HAPPENS!!! BEFORE THE PARTY IS OOOOOOVER! Look, I have seen a few people complain that the big ending of the song is repetitive, cuz...it's the same line eight times in a row, and I get it, but.....I literally don't mind. I'm too busy belting that line to care. This is everything I want in a dramatic ballad. I could NOT ask for more. That last minute still gives me goosebumps sometimes. Maybe if the rest of the song were a BIT better, this could've been challenging Croatia for number one, I'm dead serious.
3. San Marino - "11:11" by Megara
I've come to terms with the fact that this is probably just a me thing. I'm not gonna pretend like this isn't a no-hoper. It is, but.....DANG IT, I love this song wayyyyyy too flipping much for my own good! I'm sorryyyyyyy! I can't help it, I just...get so PUMPED UP listening to it! Yes, it's not as catchy as "Rim Tim Tagi Dim", but I can love both! And I will! I EASILY have room in my heart for two banger rock songs! Plus, this one is a lot....harder, I guess? With less of a focus on being catchy. It manages to stick out and leave an impression, with the big chorus, electronic elements, "M-E-L-A-P-E-L-A", and that FFFFFFLIPPING AWESOME BREAK with the flamenco instrumentation- again, WHY DOES THAT WORK SO WELL?? When it put it in words, it sounds like it shouldn't, but it's SOOOOOO COOL I CAN'T EVEN!!! Ugggghhhh, Spain, why'd you reject these guys? They're soooooo much better than what you actually ended up with! But....a-again, this is a me thing, so I can't get ahead of myself. It's a rock song in Eurovision, so of course I love it. No one else cares about this. It's fine. I'll be here in my corner shouting along in terrible Spanish in the semi, and cheering for it loud enough to make non-qualification sting less! >.<
4. Lithuania - "Luktelk" by Silvester Belt
This is a song that grabbed me from first listen. I knew it'd be in my top five immediately, and yet.....I-I honestly don't have much to actually SAY about it...? It's just a really, really, REALLY solid club song, and I tend to like those a lot. The only real things I can say about it is that.....1. I love that it's in Lithuanian, even tho that means I can't sing along, 2. The pre-choruses are catchy and I love them, and 3. The instrumental break is SO good! Oh, and I guess 4. I've been waiting SOOOO LONG to love a Lithuanian entry this much, so it feels really great to finally have one. They really outdid themselves here. And they already came eleventh last year! Hopefully this will build on that and give them their first top five placing....altho in a year this strong, I'm not sure if that's just wishful thinking.....That's all I have to say. I just love how this sounds.
5. Australia - "One Milkali (One Blood)" by Electric Fields
Not NEARLY as much of a no-hoper as San Marino, but this is my other major underdog of the year. Honestly, it took me a bit too long to understand just why I liked this song so much, when everyone else seemed to be indifferent to it. THEN I learned from a video that this song, along with this band's sound in general, counts as synthpop. And suddenly, EVERYTHING made sense to me. Seriously, I have no idea why it took me so long to realize that-! W-was it the didgeridoo? Was that distracting me? Hardly an excuse! XD But yeah, looks like this is another me thing, then. Synthpop (and synthwave) is my fav genre of music. I-I know I have a history of fangirling over rock songs in Eurovision, but....I-I AM generally an "everything goes" person in terms of songs I love, and Eurovision just tends to get rock right for me, but outside of Eurovision, a good chunk of what I listen to is synth stuff. It's something that I tend to love whenever it shows up. And this is certainly a very unique take on it, with the aboriginal flourishes, and the fascinating lyrics that.....a-again, no one else cares about but me, pffff. Also, that keyboard? Perfection. Chef's kiss. Congrats on being in my top five two years in a row, Australia. Here's hoping your staging is good, cuz I still believe you have a chance to prove everyone wrong...! >.<
6. Ukraine - "Teresa & Maria" by alyona alyona and Jerry Heil
I-I was originally gonna rank this song a bit lower, cuz...I do concede that it's a flawed song. There are things about it that I wish were better, and cuz of that, I thought it wouldn't be right to rank it this high, but....th-then it comes on again, and I can't help it....I just fall in love with the parts I like in it all over again. Those things I love are HARD for me to shake, so....I had to go with my gut. To explain, this is kinda like the polar opposite of Belgium's song. This song has an amazing beginning that gives me chills, but then peters out afterward. I REALLY wish it burst more at the end after the rap. Instead, it just kinda...chugs along, sounding a bit repetitive. That's a shame, but....DANG IT this song is still so, so gorgeous anyway! Of the "atmospheric" songs this year, this is EASILY the best one. The rap keeps it interesting and makes it stand out, but.....I'm not gonna lie, the main reason this song makes it this high for me IS that first 53 seconds. Is that a weird thing to praise your number six for? Maybe. But....gotta go with what feels right.
7. Finland - "No Rules!" by Windows95man
Soooo.....now that it's safe to call Finland my fav country in 2020s Eurovision, AND that I have no shame when it comes to praising the songs I love......Look, I'm not gonna apologize. Yes, this IS unironic enjoyment. Yes, I stopped caring about the hate for jokey entries a long time ago (after our lords and saviors, Subwoolfer, came tenth). They are but a minority. Their words don't hurt me. I don't even care what's wrong or right. It's how I live my life. In the end, Eurovision needs entries like this. However, I do understand why you'd prefer "Europapa" from the Netherlands. Most people seem to like that one more, but....I personally like this one more. (And it's not Finland bias. I'm TRYING not to develop Finland bias, I swear!) The soaring chorus, the great vocals, the delicious 90s nostalgia, "See if I care, see me slay", "Let's go! NO RULES!", the flipping key change....It's a song about not caring what others think, and it brings out that attitude in me too. It makes me smile and turn my brain off, shutting out the ridicule of others. Yeah, it's silly, but I'm allowed to love it. Altho I do apologize to the "Euro Neuro" guy for breaking his one rule...but now, there are NO RULES!
And here are my four borderline favorites:
8. Germany - "Always On The Run" by Isaak
Now....when I call San Marino or Australia underdogs, I do so because no one else seems to care about them. No one really hates them, it's just that Eurofans just generally dismiss and ignore them. When I call Finland underdogs, I mean that in the "divisive" way, in that, yes, there ARE plenty of fans of them, but also a lot of haters as well, enough to balance it out and feel like you HAVE to take a side. When I call Germany underdogs....I mean THAT in the most traditional sense. Germany are THE underdogs this year. Why? Because almost everyone HATES THEM for some reason! Or at least dislikes them in some way! And I DON'T! GET! IT! At all! Like....the way people talk about this song, they make it sound like this song is the type of boring that loops around into annoying and pisses you off, like...it's not just boring, but actively mediocre, like..."not even trying" levels of boring. They make it sound like this song is the new "Boys Do Cry", and.....then I listen to it, and.....I-I'm sorry, but what is everyone on about...? I....don't find this song boring? I even...like it! This is one of the songs I've listened to the most, believe it or not! I legit don't understand the hate! This is a GOOD SONG! It's not amazing or anything, but it's legit good! It's got a beat, a catchy chorus, he has a great voice, and....the bridge of this song is AWESOME! Maybe I'm just a sucker for the punchy percussive stuff ("Some Nights" by Fun comes to mind), and this is kinda the only song this year that scratches that particular itch for me, but....c'mon, the BRIDGE! Ugh! *sigh* Y-yeah, I don't get it.....This is one case where I feel really confused by a song's reception. I get it for Finland and San Marino, but....The fact that this song gets bashed on for being bland and "generic" while it sounds like nothing else this year baffles me. Whatever. Not the first time I've rooted for an unpopular German entry. Favorite auto-qualifier, that's all. Moving on.
9. Latvia - "Hollow" by Dons
Yet another underdog, but this one's a lot more understandable. It's a ballad. From Latvia. Of course no one's gonna pay attention. And I'm fully expecting this to not gain any traction, but....I dunno, I just....like it! This is the most I've enjoyed a song from Latvia since.....2016, I think (which was also the last time they qualified....*cough*)! And I don't really have a good reason for liking it, other than.....I like his voice, and I like the chorus. That's about it. I like me a big chorus that can get caught in my head at times. It's just a good melody. That's the main reason I like this song more than France's (unlike most people). It's got a melody that I can latch onto. That's what makes a ballad for me. It's gotta have more things of interest than just "listen to how good my voice is". Melody, lyrics, and buildup are all important to me...Sadly, this song doesn't build that much, but blegh, they weren't gonna beat Belgium in that category anyway. For what it is - a good yet standard ballad - I really like it.
10. Italy - "La Noia" by Angelina Mango
This song is a lot of fun, and the way the verses flow is really satisfying for some reason. I love how it changes things up. It doesn't stagnate at any point. The instrumentation is also really unique and cool, and her voice is pretty. The acapella part is just long enough to show off her voice without overstaying its welcome. Oh yeah, and it's catchy! Overall.....yeah, it's a good song, and a fan-favorite for a reason. I would personally love to see Croatia or Switzerland win, but I could easily see this winning due to its universal appeal. It's got stuff that both votes will enjoy....pretty much equally, I'd say! This year is SUUUUCH a close race, that I really do think this song has a real chance of being the next "Arcade" - a song that doesn't win either vote, but finishes in the top three of both, and that combined score causes a win. It could happen! And I wouldn't really complain, cuz....yeah, I think this song would be a worthy winner! (All three would be worthy winners, honestly. God this year's so tough to call)
11. Austria - "We Will Rave" by Kaleen
I didn't really think this song would end up ranking this high for a while, but on repeated listens, it ended up growing on me just....SO much! Once I stopped comparing it to Lithuania's song, I ended up liking it more. This song might be a bit dated, but coming from someone who likes Finland this year, I welcome that dated sound! As long as it's fun, right? And yeah, I've never been to a rave, but this song SOUNDS like a rave. Even I can tell that! The breaks are great, and the fact that this is literally a song about partying the pain away fits its energy so flipping well. Here's hoping for a fun dance break to go with it!
And finally, some brief honorable mentions:
-Norway. Was originally gonna go in 11th before changing my mind at the last second. I still really like this song. I think it's really cool! It's just stagnated a bit for me as I've been listening to other stuff! -Switzerland. I respect the heck outta this song for how it blends so many genres together and still sounds good. I also really love the lyrics, and how its about their personal journey of learning to accept their identity. I really do think this would be a great winner. I just, personally, have other songs I like more. -Cyprus. I have no real reason as to way I like this song so much, I just....do. I like how much of a punch it packs. This is probably the closest I have to a "guilty pleasure" this year. I do wish that we'd stop sending minors to Eurovision, tho....It's so much pressure...Yes, I know the minimum age is 16, and teenagers HAVE performed well before, but....I dunno, I think adults would perform better? But, eh, not my place... -Estonia. Really really fun and stuff. Makes me smile. The parts with the deep-voiced guy really stick out. That's about it. -Ireland. I respect this song more than I like it. I actually don't listen to it that often. The reason I'm giving it an honorable mention is cuz, despite that, I actually really really REALLY want this to qualify. This has more life and character than all Irish entries since Jedward. I know a lotta people are gonna hate this song for being jarring, but that's the reason why I'm shouting it out. It's a risk. And I want Ireland to be rewarded for taking that risk.
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phoenixwatchesmovies · 8 months
What I'm Watching: January 2024
New year, same monthly roundup. And off to a solid start with what can probably be summed up as Robert Englund month...
Zombie Strippers!
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The exclamation point is important. This movie was like sticking real diamonds on costume jewelry. Which is to say, it's exactly what it sounds like, but contained some surprising gems. But then, horror comedies are just like that. There was plenty of ridiculousness (to be expected for a movie about a zombie outbreak infecting dancers at a strip club), but I'm still impressed at how well the humor landed. I mean, they really didn't have to try that hard. But no, it was genuinely funny and had more than a few existential moments, and I loooooooooove me some existentialism. Throw in some gore and so many boobs, and there ya go. Made for a niche audience with love.
Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon
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I need to study this movie. To be fair, you almost have to as a matter of honor, if you're a horror nerd, because there are so many goddamn references. Don't take that as me complaining, tho, because one thing about me is I'm a fucking nerd. I didn't think it was possible to get more meta than Scream without getting gimmicky, but this one pulls it off. I knew enough about the plot to know more or less where things were heading, but there was still enough of a mystery to keep me on my toes, and the twist is the kind that makes you feel proud of yourself for piecing together. Even if slasher movies aren't your thing, this is still a ton of fun.
Urban Legend
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I live blogged this and had a great time with it. This is another one for the "best watched with friends" list, and one I'm going to have to come back to for sure. And in case you haven't heard, I love Professor Wexler.
Cowboy Bebop
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What? You thought I'd watch the live action without it tripping the rewatch sensor for the anime? Besides, I've only ever seen the sub and I've heard the dub is just as good. And folks...IT IS. IT REALLY IS. I'm not quite mentally prepared for the spiral the finale will send me into, so I'm taking my time with it. But again, I'm not complaining. It looks beautiful, it sounds fantastic (THE MUSIC!!! HAVE YOU HEARD THE MUSIC!!!) and it's just so fucking cool. Joss Whedon can suck it, because Firefly can't touch this.
The Last Showing
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This was a fun thriller. You gotta love it when you can see the love of the genre and the art of cinema itself so clearly in a piece. Stuart reads like Stanley Kubrick if he never made it as a director, and on one hand, I wanted the poor guy to finish his movie, but on the other...bro, you can't do that.
2001 Maniacs
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Well, this sure was a movie that I watched. Not gonna lie, I wasn't sure I was gonna make it through this one, as it goes for the over-the-top Southern redneck stereotype that goes into caricature territory reeeeaaaaally fast and finishes it off with the usual horny douchebag mid-2000's protagonists that don't even try to make you like them much less invest in them, but once you realize where things are going, you wanna see how it plays out. I cannot emphasize enough how over the top and how horny the first half of the movie is, but the inevitable gore is so theatrical it's fun, and it has plenty of laughs once you stop taking it seriously. It's one of those where the ending recontextualizes everything leading up to it without everything hinging on the twist, which I always appreciate. And I was not a bit surprised to see Eli Roth.
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In hindsight, there were better gifs I could have used. *shudder* This was the first rewatch of the year, and honestly, it's been analyzed, raved over, and talked about much better by people who actually like it, so I don't have much to contribute. Not that I hate it, really. It is a well made, nerve-wracking, gut-wrenching movie, but it's just not for me, and that's okay. Hard to pin down exactly where they lose me (I have an inkling, but it'll take more time to discuss than I'm willing to spend here), but the stuff that works, WORKS. Some bits had me shaking. Others had me trying my hardest not to burst into tears. It's excruciating to sit through, I tip my hat to everyone involved in it, and I never want to watch it again.
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euclydya · 1 year
ok first is Pain Threshold:
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again trying to keep to My thouhts on canon characters not oue sysmates but soemtimes. the System Bias™ is difficult to . ignore FHDJSKDKFFJ ESPECIALLY W PT! FJDJSKFJF
so like. I! Love Her. So Much. I care abt her somuch she's so niceys here and we'd be in hell without her around but also. I would run up behind her and slap her in the baxk of the head and run away I would beat the shit out of her I would kill her if givent je chance I would activate PvP SOOOO HARDDDD ON HER. but that's bc we're in the same group [Physique] so it's liek sibling violence hereGJDKDKFKGJG
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[also ft. composure whom is also not normal btw! 👍]
She's just sooooo. Idk. I care abt her both source & in-sys. she's Importance. I'm normal. I would not hesitate to kill her and she would not hesitate to kill me WE'RE BESTIES <3 FHDJSJFKFKFFK
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ok so source Concept like. I do not enjoy him much. Like. Like. Xe gives off Pretentious Artist Vibes. aHfjFjdjdjsjwjd which I guess tracks!!!!! from its in-game description: "Conceptualization has a special role it wants you to play in this world – not the role of cop, but of Art Cop." THAT'S SO SILLY!!!!! ZE'S silley. Like I cannot take their ass seriously I'm sorryFJCKSKFKFJD
But besides that she's not A Major Asshole just. Ju.gh.ead levels of Weird Pretentiousness source-wise! BFNXNXCNGJ
system-wise tho it's like. Well I *have* to respect you or you'll erase me! [HYPERBOLE] FJJDFKDKDKF
also has one of our fave lines in the game:
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like what fhe fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! one of the dialogues ever tjanks!!
in conclusion I'm rotating hym in my brain thankyou 4 coming 2 my ted talk
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ok sO!!!! this fuckigm. THING. this goddamn CREATURE of a skill. ok. ok! ok!!!!!!!!!! sys bias is Extremely hard 2 ignore w it! because we saw it and were immediately like THAT THANG IS A WHOLEASS KID and thhe fandom barely agrees???!!!!!! UNDERSTANDABLE PEOPLE CAN HAVE DIFFERENT INTERPRETATIONS BUTEVERYONE IS WRONG ABY THIS ONE THIS TIME SORRY! [JOKE!!!!! DO NOT KILL ME] so that's my unpopular opinion there!
ok where do i Start. uhhhh. this kid. thIS KID!!!!!! OH MY GOD the embodiment of fight or flight and trauma responses. ok. OK!!!!! SOMEONE GIVE THIS LIL GUY LOVE AND ATTENTION STAT WHAT THE FUCK! EHAT THE FUCK DUDE!!! it's incredibly violent and SCARED and waht the fuck who hurt youuu!!!!!!!!! oh my god dude!!!!!!
has done nothing wrong ever. "It actively encourages Harry to kill" ok and! maybe it's right. <3. have u ever thought of That. like. Half Light is Harry's inner child and Half Light most certainly deserves a gun!!!!!! LET THAT KID KILL thank u HFJFKDSKDKDJCJCJD
As much as I love and care for this bastard however I would not like to meet canon half light irl. Because. It would take one look at me and very very much attempt to actually kill me. and I would not like to die anytime soon! JFKCKCCKFKFKFK
and ik I crossed off "I like the fanon better for this one" but when we say that Assume we mean "I like whatever version of them exists in our system better than rhe canon version" it is especially true for half light LMAO
SO! i support children's rights AND wrongs [read: Half Light should be allowed to kill WHENEVER it wants. for whatever reason.] However I am not exempt from the Cain Instinct I'd absolutely defenestrate it if given the chance JFNDMDNFNFFNSJRJ
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fineanimesideblog · 3 years
What your favorite DBZ character says about you
(as requested by @gokustibbies )
Disclaimer: THIS WAS JUST FOR FUN if you clown on this post I will block you ✌️✌️
Goku: You are Correct. No, but seriously. You're down to earth and kind, you value having fun over what people think, and you try not to sweat the little stuff. You're a determined person and when you set your mind to something you see it through. You have great tits, either literally or metaphorically.
Vegeta: You're either the kind of person that would adopt a rabid, bedraggled opposum off the side of the road and name it "scrungly" or you're part of the reason I deleted my tinder profile. Reconsider.
Gohan: You're a sweet person who feels things very deeply and can't help overthinking. All your friends like you even though you think they don't. Please God see a therapist tho.
Krillin: You're just an objectively fun person to be around, and you've got a great sense of humour. You're very patient, but tend to complain a lot. Your music taste is insanely correct.
Bulma: You think everyone wants to fuck you. And you're right.
Piccolo: You probably felt like "the weird kid" or a complete outcast in school but when you got older you realized you were actually pretty normal. You stay extemely tired and probably tend to take on way more responsibility than you can actually handle.
Yamcha: Yes, you're sexy and have great taste. Learn to take a joke tho. You furry.
Tien: You might be one of the 0.0009% of DBZ fans who actually give a fuck about real world martial arts. You try not to act like a snobby hipster but you come off as one anyway.
Roshi: Go directly to jail and never get out.
Chi-Chi: You feel unfairly put-upon by the people around you. You worry a lot about being considered mean, but people actually like you a lot more than you know.
Android 18: You're either a neckbeard or a lesbian. Or maybe you just have eyes. Whatever the case, try to be less of a simp.
Android 17: Gay. Gay. Homosexual. Never met a straight person that stanned this character.
Frieza: You're an aesthetics ho and probably pretty fun, but you still need to seek ✨professional help✨
Future Trunks: God you have such great taste and your style is immaculate. I'm so jealous of you. Please don't get curtain bangs though, I promise it won't work out like you think it will.
Raditz: I want to kiss you right on the lips. Let me borrow your Nirvana T Shirt.
Whis: Honestly? You don't give a fuck what I think and good for you.
Beerus: You have Dad Energy™️and you hate it so so much.
Launch: You stay pressed but justifiably so. I hope you're able to purchase the flamethrower you want soon.
DBS Broly: You cry at every single "found family" trope in movies without exception. I wish you much luck in therapy 💕
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cuubism · 2 years
i feel like i've been disappeared off of ao3 for ages now but it's because i have been rushing to finish this thing for the malec bang that got wholly out of hand. it is based on @dr-lemurr 's lovely art, tho i think i may have given them a bit more than they were bargaining for with this... anyway there will be this thing that really did not have to be 40 thousand words why did i do that, and dr lemurr's art (and bonus art that they made???? that i'm obsessed with 🥺), this saturday... motivation to finish willing
Nephilim wings weren’t really meant for prolonged flight.
They were great in a fight. They let Alec jump and flip over demons, let him vault up walls and over the gaps between rooftops, gave cover from blows and let him get in aerial shots with his bow. The wings were great for maneuvering and quick turns and spats with flying demons. But Alec wasn’t about to climb to the top of the Empire State Building and try to fly down. They weren’t made for that.
(Simon had once said that their wings were kind of like chickens’ wings in how good they were for flight. Magnus had thought that was absolutely hilarious. Alec hadn’t. He may not have held the wings in such venerated regard as Magnus usually seemed to, but he did take them seriously.
Clary had said she thought they were more like sparrows’ wings. At least that was slightly less insulting.)
But now? Now, Alec wasn’t sure what his wings were made for.
Magnus was nervous about the flight rune. Not that either of them knew exactly what it did. Alec could, technically, fly already. He wasn’t sure how to test it out, either, without risking falling to his death.
But Alec had to privately admit to himself that he was excited about the rune, not nervous. There was something so portentous and powerful about it, even just the word. Flight. Flight.
“And we should— we should— God, should you try to activate it? Is it active already? Is it—”
Alec held up a hand. “Magnus, calm down.”
Magnus stopped his restless fidgeting, looking at Alec with wide eyes. “Does it feel different? Does it feel foreign?”
Alec did feel different, and his wings especially, but they didn’t feel foreign. They didn’t feel like something was wrong.
They felt like something was right.
“They feel…” he searched for a word. “Good. They feel good. I sort of feel like I’m in one of the myths.”
“A Nephilim of old,” Magnus agreed. “Travelling the earth with your blazing sword, blasting demons aside with your powerful wings.”
Alec grinned. “Pretty much.” Magnus smiled at him, and Alec tried to find confidence in his eyes. It felt strangely vulnerable to voice this. It made him feel vulnerable to want it. “Do you think… they can really fly? Like… actually fly?”
Magnus’s smile softened. He caressed a hand down Alec’s neck and over his shoulder, coming to a stop over the flight rune on his collarbone. “I don’t see why the power would have gifted you that rune if not for that purpose.”
Alec tried not to let himself get excited. It was always a bit dangerous to want things when the possibility of having them wasn’t guaranteed. But it was strange to, for once, find something in his wings other than utilitarian purpose.
He recalled when Max had been born, and the first time he had held him. He remembered cradling that tiny baby in his spindly twelve-year-old arms and having a revelation that those arms weren’t just meant to hold a weapon. That he wasn’t just meant to be a weapon.
He recalled the first time he had made love to Magnus, how he had thrown all of himself into it, and the realization that there was such a thing as giving with his body in a way that didn’t take away from himself.
It was like that now. His wings heavy with power against his back, and a body that was singing, this isn’t for the Clave. This is for you.
He didn’t feel like a weapon, or even a Nephilim, right then. He felt like an eagle.
Suddenly Alec was filled with a surge of absolutely reckless abandon. His new runes were active; he could feel them buzzing against his skin. Flight burned over his heart. He grinned wildly at Magnus, and saw Magnus’s eyes widen in alarm.
“Let’s find out,” Alec said.
Before Magnus could stop him, he took off across the bedroom and into the living room. Alec was barely dressed, still missing his shirt and with nothing more than a pair of loose sleep pants, but he ignored it. Clothes seemed unimportant. Thinking seemed unimportant. He sprinted barefoot across the balcony and vaulted up onto the wall.
“Alexander!” Magnus yelled, running after him.
Alec was going to have hell to pay and a lot of apologizing to do after this, but he was too filled with euphoria to care.
He leapt forward into the open air.
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Apothecary Diaries - manga rec
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Before it had an English name I just called it Kusuriya no Hitorigoto. It's about mao mao who was forced by kidnappers to be a court maid. A plain freckled girl who is nonchalant about it but misses working as a doctor assistant for her father.When the high ranking court ladies babies come down with an illness that others deem a curse mao mao figures out the cause. Trying her best not to get stuck in court drama squabbles only leaving a note on the cause. However a eunuch named jinshi figures her out and is forced to solve palace mysteries while also working as poison tester. (it's fine she likes to test poisons on herself)😓 So basically Chinese historical story that deals with harem life that's also a detective and medical story. So their are modern conventions and solutions that we take for granted that are used as solutions in the story. That’s the draw of alot of time traveling stories but since its not we don’t get an outsiders perspective about what we would consider wrong. Maomao has resigned herself to whatever happens to her and dosen’t fight the system directly but she still has a strong sense of justice.
Maomao- the pharmacist
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Maomao is the protagonist /pov chara and is the main reason you read the story she's very eccentric when it comes to medicines and poisons but is actually very quick witted and emotionally intelligent. She's a realist and down to earth often thinking little of herself. Maomao has resigned herself to whatever happens to her. She knows she's smart and might be toooo smart. Her only motivation is medcine so political infighting and conspiracies is the opposite of that. Whenever her sense of justice shows up it really bursts and it's great to see💖😊 Even though she pettite skinny and a commoner whenever she decides to do something it really feels like she's risking her life.Also aro/ace representing she really dosent care about much except medicine.💞
Jinshi -Eunuch
He works as a foil to maomao becasue hes a born noble, the boss of her and is one of the most conniving characters. His personality starts off as a sadist/playful tease but eventually really cares for maomao in the story as he gets to know her better. Jinshi is the one who presents the issues to maomao and is the one withe the authority to give her tools to solve the cases.He's obviously hinting at maomao alot but she dosent get it or doesn't care.His job is to work in the harem and to do whatever the emperor requests if him. He's the most beautiful person in the story and alot of woman and men want him. He drinks this a medicine that make him more eunuch like to maintain that appearance. The reason why we don't know and his backstory is one of the big mysteries.
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It's not a specific year which is good Apparently mongels are still a problem and they can keep in contact with the west if they want. Historical Chinese dramas I guess 🤷‍♀️. Politically ppl dislike the last emperor and just over a decade before slavery was abolished. U can technically sell family members tho if ur poor. Maomao was sold as a palace maid and all her earnings go to her "family". In fact most of the maid charachters are the same way.So some cultural things need to be addressed if your new to court drama. Honestly it's a cliche for me cuz I watch alot of Asian dramas but others might not.
In the palace we have the outer court that does real work like paper work and women can join the outer court but they are akin to secretaries. I think they dislike inner court ladies cuz they had to take a test (Also technically maids but they don't do the best job compared to inner court ladies). The inner palace only has women and they are all concubines for the emperor. There have been cases of maids becoming lower ranked concubines if they were pretty. 4 great positions are taken by great noble ladies and their families. These 4 ladies each have their own palace and are the ones most likely to become empress/create heirs.
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Hanmachi/red light district is a big part of the story. Mao mao was raised there and is the 2nd location the story takes place. It's both a beautiful gorgeous palace and a dark dangerous alley. Maomao says that the brothels are both a cage and a Wall that protects them from the streets Maomao isn't a courtesan but was raised with her 3 big sisters the 3 princesses of Rokushoukan. All high courtesans need to learn to dance, play instruments, talk, play go or other board games and read. Men don't usually get to sleep with high courtesans and it dosent work on all girls but the more pure you are to get the higher the price.
BTW we never go to them but there are brothels that are lecherous, and there are cases of rape within that district and maomao has almost been in that situation which also hasn't been shown.
There are like 3 types of versions of the story for some reason. There are 2 mangas and the og light novel. The mangas not done but maybe the first one went in a different direction of the novel 🤔 idk??? I've read a little bit about the the light novel but honestly not that different. Mao mao is a very introspective charachter she has alot of thoughts and won't say alot of her thoughts or feelings due to fear of nobility or just laziness.
So the manga makes her alot more expressive while keeping her introspective thoughts. She can be very funny and comedic with her expressions. Later on when she gets stitches they keep reopening(she just roles with it and everyone gets freaked out for her)
The 2nd manga makes mao mao her personality more serious and aparently there's less emphasis on romance. Only 1 volume so can't judge on much. (Only read 2 chapters) so I'm gonna talk about the 1st manga.
(Light novel, Kusuriya no Hitorigoto manga and Mao Mao no Kōkyū Nazotoki Techō manga)
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The art is really good what happens alot in shoujo series set in harems or inner courts. Is that the women are not hot they can be beautiful, pretty even but they really aren't hot.
But damnnnnnn all the girls are 🔥🔥🔥
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Specifically the hanamachi ones and even maomao herself sometimes. Lol 😆 I'm gonna stop now
But seriously I like how they talk about sex, prostitution and harems. Alot of shoujo are so PG about a place that is notorious for sex work.
Last minute thoughts
Check it out there's 2 manga volumes out and more coming. (Or read the scanlations I did both)
I like jinshi when he gets jealous since he's so cool and in control alot seeing him flounder about with mao mao is fun ❤
Maomao has a pretty interesting past too and it's hinted at really early there's this guy she definitely dosent wanna meet in the outer palace (that's my hint for foreshadowing) 🤐
I would read the light novels if ur like dying to know the plot the manga is a monthly series (I won't cuz I'm lazy)
Previous emperor is a pedo current one is a dick. So yea royal family sucks what's new 🙄
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Character ref for; Jack, Maddie and Jazz,
Art by @gally-hin / @gally-hin-phantom
Okay so first off; in terms of Actual redesign, I didn't change a whole lot. I'm actually very fond of Jack and Maddie's design's, my only real issue was with their proportions. Like...look as a lady person who is also thiCC I do not have a fucking wasp thin waist and I'm sure I'm not the only one, lmao. As for Jack? Godamnit he looked like a brick on toothpicks. Just Let him be a fucking Bara man! Anyway of course I asked Gally to do this one bc they're fucking great at drawing different body types
I also cannot and will not take credit for Jazz's outfit. I didn't have any issue with her canon clothes aside from them being a bit plain, so what she's wearing here was literally pulled straight off of her original concept art, which I will link here.
Anyway, getting to the Actual character lore now, let's start with
Maddie Fenton
-Full name is Madeline (I haven't decided on a maiden name yet)
-Born and raised on a farm in Arkansas, had a southern accent that she trained herself out of in college bc it was just one more reason for people not to take her seriously. Still sometimes uses "y'all" completely unironically bc old habits die hard.
-She has a really big family, and they're proud of her accomplishments but feel like she's wasting her talent studying ghosts, because really, up until the Fenton portal was up and running there wasn't even any solid proof they existed. Her sister Alicia is the one outlier there, and even if she doesn't understand, it she completely supports her.
-She majored in engineering and minored in psychology at Wisconsin EDU. Her, Jack and Vlad were all in the same engineering class, and that's where they met.
-Maddie is particularly interested in how ghosts think, analysing their behavior, their motives. Not only that, but they aren't just dead people with unfinished business, they've built an entire culture in the Ghost Zone that is completely seperate from humanity, and she wants to understand all of it.
-skilled marksman and 9th degree black belt, (which is. The highest fucking level there is holy shit? I looked it up after I saw it on her wiki page.)
Jack Fenton
-He's from Minnesota (Amity park is in Illinois and him and Maddie didn't move there until after they got married) 
-okay, "but why minnesota specifically" you ask? Because. I crave. Foot ball discourse. 
-minnesota vikings vs green bay packers guys do you UNDERSTAND WHERE IM GOING WITH THIS 
-The funny thing is that Jack only watches football casually while Vlad is a fucking die hard so when these two got together to see a game it was like....
-Jack: Here to chill and have a good time.
-Vlad: Primed and ready to start a fist fight at any given moment.
-I am never not going to be salty about how Canon Jack was portrayed like a complete moron 99% percent of the time. Like no...theres a difference between Actual Stupid and ADHD induced dumbass-ery.
-Am I saying Jack Fenton has ADHD? Yes. why? Because I also have ADHD and I have always vibed So Hard with his Character.
-Jack is loud and easily excited about things that interest him. He's impulsive and fidgety and yeah, a bit absent minded. He has a mouth that clearly runs so much faster than his head. His train of thought doesn't get derailed so much as it stops and takes several different detours on the way to it's final destination.
-and that's only the tip of the iceberg, really, I'd need an entire essay to get into this completely, but I just really relate.
-Jacks skill-set / interests regarding ghosts vary a bit from Maddie's, most notably in the sense that he doesn't believe that they're static entities already set in their ways, completely incapable of change.
-Jack majored in engineering and minored in Biology at Wisconsin EDU.
-Jack's work with tech is a bit hit or miss. He definitely HAS the engineering skills, but the intrest isn't always there and he's constantly jumping back and forth between different projects. He tends to focus on the concept work and schematics and leave most of the assembly to Maddie as a result. It's an arrangement that works well for them, and has drastically decreased the number of unintentional explosions in the lab.
-A lot of Jack's work tends to revolve around ghostly biology and Ectoplasm, figuring out how ghosts are made, what makes them tick, what the hell Ectoplasm Actually Is, how it's used as an energy source, ect.
-and yes, that does also mean he handles the dissections.
-See that facial scar? Yeah, that's not actually there at the start of the series rewrite but it's very important for plot reasons so I had to include it. Can't say much more on the subject because SPOILERs owo.
Jasmine Fenton
-Jazz is a 18 years old, and a senior at Casper high.
-Which means she prepping to go away to college and won't be around to keep an eye on Danny.
-Obviously that doesn't mean I'm just writing her out of the story, oh no. Know why? Because she's also gonna go to Wisconsin EDU. ya know who else is in Wisconsin? Fuckin' Vlad.
-Jazz is autistic, Although she passes for neurotypical in part due to symptoms being completely over looked in girls due to gender stereotyping and also the fact that she doesn't have any special interests that are considered " "too weird.""
- Her hyperfixation with psychology started at a young age in an effort to better understand people, and social/emotional cues and all that.
-Jazz is well liked at school but she's not popular or apart of any specific group or clique. She's very kind and compassionate to people, and just about everyone knows her, but you'd be hard pressed to find someone who actually Considered her a friend. Except maybe Spike.
-I'm gonna have to give spike his own Character ref at some point, but he's this scary looking goth kid that's been held back twice. He's actually super sweet, just really fuckin' quiet and anxious. Him and jazz kinda ended up gravitating towards each other. She might do most of the talking, but they look out for each other.
-its not like jazz doesn't try to socialize, but it's difficult and she's found it much easier and less stressful to just. Keep to herself and let her interactions with her peers stay shallow and superficial. Sure, it's lonely sometimes but it's better than constantly worrying about saying the wrong thing or making some other misstep.
-One of Jazz's other special interests is football, and it's not so much the players or the game as it is the strategy of it? Started out as one of those things you do to bond with your dad, and she ended up getting really into it.
-She absolutley winds up getting into stupidly intense discussions with Vlad about it, too, lmao.
-Her and Danny probably bonded over SBNation bc that shit has both sentient satellites and ridiculously complex football mechanics.
-She's completely oblivious to the fact, but Dash has a massive crush on her bc holy shit this girl understands football (hey bud your toxic masculinity is showing put that shit away)
-I mentioned that Danny was in Cheer for a bit in middle school so it makes sense that she'd also be pushed into doing some kind of extracurricular activity.....so.....she was in a martial arts class for a bit thanks to Maddie and has a good grasp on self defense.
I think that's everything? I feel like I'm leaving things out tho? Idk if I did I'll come back and add on to this later and also pls don't hesitate to ask questions bc it really helps me flesh things out better.
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thissisatitle · 3 years
I have noticed that you have been drawing a lot of Rulena as of late (Nothing wrong with that btw! You're the reason I've come to enjoy the ship and love seeing it on my dash!) when before you've drawn Tsengrulena, and was I wondering what drew you into focusing on their relationship?
Hi! Thank you for enjoying my art. It's always nice to see more people getting into this little boat =D
I think what got me into this ship specifically is learning & examining more about Elena's story & personnality (and let's be honest, I'm not good at drawing interactions so when it's three people at the same time, it's gets even more complicated and tiring) and my brain decided to focus on Rulena because of the potential and it's such an underrated ship even among rareships, it needs more love.
Ts/engru has still a good number of people producing art & writing and i was kinda feeling a bit burned out for various reasons. Ts/elena is a rareship but it has it's own litle fanbase & is more popular and I've trouble getting into it bcos I personnally can't see them work out at as a couple (not in the long run at least), in particular after reading the novels unless there's someone playing "the bridge" in-between hence why I can actually see things work out in Ts/engrulena.
I'm a bit sucker for the kindred spirit trope & I've found that there's some similarities in their backstories & motivations and still, both of them are also really different people. I can see softness but also intensity developping between the two. Rufus controlled & enigmatic personnality ( that hide a more emotionnal side) contrast a lot with Elena's klutzy fireball side. They are in a way like ice and fire and equally as ruthless. Steadfast and clever but also really flawed people. I can see all kind of dynamics, interactions & stories developping from there and how they could grow into a power couple.
There's interactions in the novels between the two we don't get to see directly but are cited but there's that sense of trust & respect and there's those little moments like Elena thinking that Rufus deserves to live somewhere "better" than Cliff Resort or Rufus checking on her by the window of his lodge while standing, despite the pain and immediately trying to find fo her something else to do (despite the fact that she did a great job with the stimulants projects) that made me go "aw".
Rufus take her seriously on a professional level but was also never shown dismissing of her feelings. I don't think he would coddle her at the same time (which I feel is something Elena wouldn't accept) & instead do what it takes to have her evolve in her job. Despite her temper, BC shows that Elena is someone open to critiscism as long she doesn't feel berated. And we see the way Rufus tries to advise Tseng in the same game. He is firm but fair tho we can see some frustration at some points from his part and ask for his opinions on the matters.
And when seeing Rufus's personnality in Remake & how he acts around with Cloud, it's hard for me to no think of him not taking some kind of interest in Elena unless they decide to make him a total asshole with her for no reasons.
And idk, I just really like the idea of Rufus gradually having someone who manages to have him feels less guarded around and open up as well, not because Elena is a soft caretaker type, she isn't really but because of her honesty and because she cares fiercely.
Also , I think that they are super hot malewife/girlboss ship and have a lot of horny energy that needs to be satiated lmao.
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og-danny-dorito · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland : Some Pomfiore Headcanons
bitcH hhhh- I fucking HATE D*sney but these BOYS- I'm starting with Vil because uhhhh istanhim
{ Vil Schoenheit }
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♛ Rich Blonde Bitch Energy™
♛ like that's not even an insult he literally looks like a mean girl and i cannot explain how happy that makes me
♛ cause like,,, there’s no way he’s NOT rich you know what i mean???
♛ like he’s literally a model and an actor by profession and has a fuckton of followers on MagiCam (5MIL exactly, i looked that shit up) not to mention i’m CONVINCED this thot has a youtube channel
♛ yes, it’s a makeup channel
♛ he does some other stuff like vlogs and story times where he talks about drama he heard in the hallways earlier that day and promotes his cosmetic brand because he likes that Coint
♛ he also gives tips for good makeup techniques and how to not fuck up your whole face for certain situations because he likes to flex his skills while also (and he probably wouldn’t admit it out loud) helping people get better at something he personally enjoys
♛ he is a part of the beauty commity as someone who both makes cosmetics and wears them regularly himself and makes a shitton of money from that because he’s pretty and knows that shit
♛ his subscribers/followers make memes of him making weird faces to get certain angles of his face like this and he highkey gets mad that they would sabatoge his good angles like that but says it in the most passive-aggressive way ever
♛ like they have a Q&A video or whatever and they send him something like this and he just looks at the camera and goes “I love your selfie, maybe try to look a little less crusty next time though. Maybe it’s the lighting?” and moves on like he didn’t just end their career, take all their money and snatch their wig with one sentence
♛ that means that his morning/evening routine is like, unfairly complicated. like HEINOUSLY complicated.
♛ he applies like 3 different moisturizers before actually putting his makeup on and because he grows some amount of facial hair be has to put color correctors down, and then he has to use this weird primer from like France or something-
♛ it's super complicated and takes him like an hour but he's the God of Self Care and beauty and if you ask him nicely he'll reccoment beauty products for you (albeit with some underlying insults here and there such as suggesting products for the acne you didn't say you wanted help with and so forth)
♛ also i’m convinced that he’s androgynous/gender fluid since he canonically presents as a man but uses feminine pronouns to refer to himself so like let’s make a petition to officiate that Vil Is Trans 2020
{ Rook Hunt }
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♛ big art nerd right here
♛ like, as an art nerd myself you can usually TELL that someone is an art nerd too just by the way that they act and the Vibe they radiate, and this man screams “I will talk for hours about ‘The Last Supper’ and how i’m fairly certain that Leonardo DaVinci was gay”
♛ it’s also canon that his best subject is art and that he likes photography and stage play so like,,, not only is he an art nerd he’s a theatre nerd- ehem -i mean ✨thespian✨
♛ i don’t wanna go so far as to say that he’s one of those theatre kids that ONLY like musicals but like,,, he knows every score to “Phatom of the Opera” (listens to this shit religiously) and has like 5 Playbills for different plays sitting on a shelf that he takes care of religiously
♛ probably hums said musical scores to himself a lot while he’s doing things, mostly cleaning or cooking, to which the latter he does regularly
♛ you see there’s a certain way that he likes his food cause he’s a Picky Eater™ so he just makes a lot of it himself to satisfy his specifics
♛ it’s almost annoying because certain textures and flavors throw his whole food experience off
♛ he likes things that are easy to digest like soups or (his canonically favorite food) Liver Pâté and dislikes things that are too crunchy or hard to chew through like hard candy and fried foods
♛ like,,, not only is having to eat something hard gross cause he has to hear the sound of it in his skull but also because it makes him look sloppy when he eats it so he just avoids crunchy/crispy/overal messy foods altogether
♛ he’s a pretty decent cook even though he barely cooks for other people. the only time he really does cook for other people is when his house is doing a potluck or he has to go to an event where he needs to bring food and most of his share is gone within like 10 seconds because it’s so good
♛ don’t let him bake though. fist fighting god would be easier than helping rook bake and God Save You if you tell him he can’t do it because he WILL do it out of spite and seriously fuck up your kitchen
{ Epel Felmier }
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♛ he’s,,, he’s baby
♛ no like fr tho he’s baby, i love him
♛ his whole complex of not feeling masculine enough seriously hits me hard too cause like same, and i feel like he probably does some of the things i did to make myself seem more masculine when i felt like i wasn’t
♛ he probably wears clothes a bit too large for him outside of his uniform, which always tends to make him look smaller than he actually is and kinda counteracts his efforts to look less like a doll
♛ like it genuinely bothers him when someone calls him “pretty” or “beautiful” cause he views it as him possessing more feminine qualities and being seen as more delicate and fragile than he’s supposed to be
♛ he doesn’t realize yet that he doesn’t need to be more physically masculine to still be considered just as manly as a 6’3” bodybuilder with big muscles and a beard, but he’s still 16 so i’m sure he’d pick it up eventually
♛ genuinely feels joy when someone tells him that he looks “handsome” or “very dominant and regal” tho since it gives him confidence and a sense of self-validation
♛ and, even though he’s not very good with words, he’ll try his best to give them a compliment back even though it comes out as a bit stuttered and meek since he’s not used to giving compliments like that
♛ he probably swears a lot though. dude is a quote unquote “brash country boy” who grew up in the middle of god knows where with what i’m assuming is a vast collection of old men to teach that cute little innocent boy how to say every cuss word in the book
♛ for real, his mouth is filthy and it catches most people off guard. in fact, when rook told him he looked a little bit like a porcelain doll at some point he high key looked him in the eye and went “fuck off” quietly enough so that only he could hear
♛ and no one believed him when he said that Epel, the sweetest and most fragile boy in the whole school, told him to fuck. right. off.
♛ needless to say epel made sure to do it more, albeit a little quietly cause he doesn’t wanna cross the line of being indecent
♛ Make Epel Feral 2020
{ ~Thanks For Reading!~ }
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Janis & Jimmy
Janis: you're such a twat Janis: 👊🖕😡 Jimmy: bit rude Janis: what's rude is I'm stuck in biology Jimmy: tell 'em there's nowt they can teach you Jimmy: I've already done it, like Janis: gross Janis: but detention would probably beat this Janis: none of the skeleton army would be in there, at least, even if it's one of the less annoying ones Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: not like getting sent out is any sort of challenge Jimmy: or owt you need me for Jimmy: but I'm here without my muse 💔🎻💔 Janis: school trips are forced fun Janis: but I ain't feeling sorry for you Jimmy: come on Jimmy: gimme a bit Janis: get me something from the gift shop and I'll consider it Janis: #peakromance that Jimmy: duh Jimmy: saved my tips for days Janis: 😍😍😍 Janis: buzzin', love keyrings, me Jimmy: funny that 'cause I've never seen you use a key to get in anywhere Janis: exactly, like serial killer trophies for all the houses I've violated Janis: 😈 Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Janis: Seriously though Janis: how wank is it Jimmy: what's the scale? Janis: Hmm, good question, boy Janis: assuming we're talking about quality, let's say best case is that weird thing you did that one time that felt so good you're scared to do it again and become a fulltimedeviantTM and worst case is like finishing in a sock you'd already ruined earlier and forgot about Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: real poet you are Jimmy: gonna steal them words for my tripadvisor review in a bit tah Jimmy: it don't matter I still want you to show your face down here for me Jimmy: 🏃 girl 🏃 Janis: always the way Janis: should be making my own art but full time occupation 'inspiring' you Janis: that said, I don't think your teach is so concerned about your art suffering she'll forget I ain't in her class, like Jimmy: you are art baby Jimmy: can't call it a gallery if you ain't hanging around Jimmy: lots of other knobheads are though, get lost in a crowd and find me, barely a challenge Janis: 🙄 you are ridiculous Janis: but I get it, gotta have me on the wall asap Janis: I am really fucking bored Jimmy: direct quote me when you tweet later 💕 Jimmy: the 1 correction being against the wall Janis: performance art Janis: how bold of you 😏 Jimmy: can't let you stay bored Jimmy: ain't #goals Janis: true Janis: move fast in this place Janis: go away for one day and your 👑 is taken like that Jimmy: good thing you're such an athlete then, babe Janis: say I'm thinking about it Janis: I reckon you'd owe me Janis: more than a keyring, like Jimmy: alright Janis: you must really miss me Jimmy: shut up, I said alright Jimmy: are you thinking about what you want or just how you're getting here? Janis: maybe I wanted you to say you miss me sooooooo much and you've really shit the bed there, mate Jimmy: do you? Janis: you're alright Janis: I'm just getting chucked out Jimmy: 🏆💪 Janis: just saying, if I SOS you now, you've got no out 'cos I'm saving you, yeah Jimmy: weren't gonna say fuck off to an SOS anyway, IOU or nah, was I? Jimmy: not very romantic that Janis: 💕 Janis: always nice to use a bit of coercion and control though, however necessary Janis: keeps it fresh, babe Jimmy: 💌 got it in writing there Jimmy: you're saving me, I'll save you right back Janis: so quotable today, you Janis: you're meant to be all visual Janis: 📷=1000 you know Jimmy: keeping it fresh like you said Jimmy: besides Jimmy: [sends her a pic of a half done done drawing of her he's working on instead of what he's meant to be doing] Jimmy: 🎨 = 1000 euros easy, mate Janis: damn Janis: I'm on my way Janis: you didn't have to be actually talented and cute about it Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: don't run too fast I've gotta finish and stick it up on a bit of blank wall first Janis: I won't Janis: even if I'll admit I have missed seeing your face about here, like Jimmy: it's the accent really Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: paddy lingo gets a bit samey when it's not !!!!!!!!!!!! Janis: yeah, your dulcet tones really do it for me Janis: what can I say? nice not having to pretend I can understand what you're chatting Jimmy: I know but tah for putting it on record Janis: you ain't allowed to put that in any sort of review, soz Jimmy: I won't, you can do better Janis: I'd say thanks for the faith but we all know you're just being cocky Jimmy: don't sound like me that Janis: no? Janis: sorry, who am I speaking to again Jimmy: 👻 lad Jimmy: cause of 💀 that brutal bit of #bants Janis: oh right, casper well can you get someone in here who is a bit cocky Janis: no offense but you're too nice for me, like Jimmy: 💔💔 Janis: see what I mean Jimmy: so demanding you Janis: yeah and what Jimmy: not part of the deal, were it? Janis: what wasn't? Jimmy: owt #ungoals Janis: do YOU know who you're talking to rn Jimmy: hang on, I'll get it Jimmy: starts with a J? Janis: 🖕 Janis: dickhead 😏 Jimmy: I do miss you Jimmy: no need to get a big head or make it weird but just Janis: I know Jimmy: do you know now's when you say it back Janis: I said it earlier! Janis: weren't you listening Jimmy: and what you're live tweeting? that character limit'll fuck you every time, gutted Janis: just saying Janis: we're even Janis: but I'll say it again if you want me to win, like Jimmy: how's that work? if you say it again I win Jimmy: it's me that wants to hear it Janis: rude that you want me to lose then Janis: but it don't feel like losing to me so Janis: I missed you Janis: more than I should, I reckon Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt Jimmy: nowt personal Jimmy: and I reckon you miss me the decent amount considering, like Janis: it's cool, I get to be #1 best gf ever and you can read about the shit job you're doing in my subtweets, like Janis: and what was that about not getting a big head? 🤔 Jimmy: do as I say not as I do, girl Jimmy: the northern approach to dating there for yous Janis: how's that worked for you so far Janis: #toosoon? Jimmy: 💔💀💀💔 Jimmy: #savage Janis: just sayin' Janis: don't reckon you should be going to your da for that advice Jimmy: too soon for me to be lining up the next girls who might fall for the looking at 'em instead of the paintings bollocks? Janis: 'course not Janis: got your pick of the art hoes, they'll lap it up Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: I'll crack on then Janis: I'll go home then Jimmy: I'll meet you there in a bit then Janis: 😑 Jimmy: it's alright save your enthusiasm for the IRL Janis: you're so annoying Jimmy: 💕 Janis: do you want me there or what 'cos I'm out Jimmy: do you wanna be here or what? Janis: obviously Janis: sounds like a blast Jimmy: so come on Janis: don't be a twat Jimmy: join the fun Janis: awh, you think I'm not always a twat Janis: how sweet Jimmy: you might have a couple of decent mins per day Janis: 💕 Jimmy: [snap] Janis: was about to say can't say the same for you but at least you're funny Janis: 😂 Jimmy: 😘 Janis: soz to break up your suck sesh but already on the bus so Jimmy: she'll be done soon Jimmy: no energy Janis: draining yours boy Jimmy: if she ends up swallowing my soul have a word with your god for me Jimmy: weren't my fault Jimmy: 🤞 she'll spit Janis: that's exactly the kinda sentiment that's keeping you out of heaven Janis: I ain't ruining my chances, soz Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: have to keep badgering you for that 💀 death pact, eh, Juliet Jimmy: doing yourself in still a sin, yeah? Janis: last I checked Janis: he's not doing edits still, like Janis: 'less you wanna join one of those weird ones Jimmy: 👌👍 Jimmy: #datenight is still on 🔥💕 Janis: 😂 Janis: got a whole list to get through Jimmy: [sends her a pic of that drawing of her finished and stuck to the wall cos he's a nerd] Jimmy: just wiped my to do one til you get here Janis: Impressed Janis: but only a few minutes away so don't pat yourself on the back too hard yet Jimmy: 😏 Jimmy: why would I when I've got you to do it for me Janis: not what I had in mind but alright Jimmy: gotta keep that one track mind of yours on a heavenly track, babe Jimmy: not gonna be your ruin unless you ask for it Janis: but I don't wanna talk Janis: or pray Jimmy: if you look like you're praying that might get the job done Jimmy: try it Janis: boy Jimmy: What? Janis: I'm trying to focus here Jimmy: if you ain't up for the challenge Janis: shut up Janis: 'course I am Jimmy: don't sound like it Janis: you want me to do it now Janis: I was waiting 'til I got there but alright Jimmy: alright, shut up Janis: not really feeling the randoms on this bus but you know Jimmy: hang on, I'll get the orchestra Janis: got a few stops for someone hot to get on Janis: don't cry for me yet Jimmy: but I'm so close to tears Janis: I'll get you there baby Janis: 💕💔 Jimmy: #ultimategoals Janis: you know it Janis: so 🍀 you Jimmy: [tweets something extra about how lucky he is lol] Jimmy: now they know it an' all Jimmy: so welcome you Janis: 😏 Janis: so whipped too but can keep that between us Jimmy: 👍 Janis: right, coming in, where are you lot so I can avoid Jimmy: I'll do a slow mo run to the entrance Jimmy: 1 sec Janis: if anyone asks, I don't know you Jimmy: kissing strangers is fun, don't blame you Janis: try not to let on that you're that bored already Jimmy: 🤐 Jimmy: can stay between me and you Janis: can't let the fans down, like Jimmy: [appears and kisses her really dramatically only for the fans tho obvs] Janis: [sure guys lmao] Jimmy: [take your excuse to be really extra boy cos the fans are gonna love this can't deny it] Janis: ['hey, stranger'] Jimmy: [😏 and more kisses because always] Janis: ['come on then' like lead the way so we aren't just in the entrance like hello] Jimmy: [casual hand holding moment obvs he leads her to pose with the drawing cos we can pretend that's for the fans but really he wants it off the wall cos don't think its that good, oh boy I feel you] Janis: [such a proud little nerd face] Jimmy: [lowkey can't look at it or the bae so good thing he's 📷] Janis: [looks at the pics and does a 👍 too] Jimmy: [take the pic down and run to another part of this gallery] Janis: [when you're doing your best serious art appreciation impression looking at all the paintings like 🤔] Jimmy: [just loling at her cos you're already having more fun in these few mins than you have the whole time you've been there so far] Janis: [shushing him dramatically, probably making more noise than his lol 'this is a museum, show some respect'] Jimmy: [giving her a look like make me and saying 'or what?' as standard] Janis: [you know those doublesided benches they always have in the middle, casually pushing him down on that for a lap makeout moment] Jimmy: [such a mood, not soz other visitors] Janis: just getting tuts from the random old people who loiter everywhere in the day lmao] Jimmy: [doing the most to annoy them even more when he hears the disapproval cos 100% that bitch] Janis: Same honestly Janis: like don't test 'em lmao Janis: [] Jimmy: [so well suited you two] Janis: ['can I keep it?' the pic, obvs] Jimmy: [takes it out of his pocket and puts it into hers] Janis: ['big head, like' but really you just like it 'cos he did it] Jimmy: [kisses her on the head 'you can pull it off'] Janis: ['nerd' but kisses him back and it's way more soft than before when she was going in] Jimmy: [we love a soft moment] Janis: ['it's so boring when you're not there...and shit' Jimmy: ['should've taken art' gestures around with an unimpressed face 'never boring that'] Janis: ['I can see' 😏 'well if I knew there was gonna be a hot new boy, OBVIOUSLY I'd have picked different'] Jimmy: ['I get it, even a know it all like you weren't gonna see me coming, that #special, like' but kissing her neck as he says it all cos we both know he thinks she's sooo special bye] Janis: ['Obviously, new boy' #intoit and moving his hands to around her waist] Jimmy: [pulling her closer to him 5ever as he carries on] Janis: ['Okay, okay, I really missed you'] Jimmy: [makes a happy sound because can't not] Janis: [kissing his ear so she can whisper not 'cos she gives a fuck about anyone else here, clearly, but 'cos vulnerable so gotta say it quiet if you're gonna, 'it was like before when I didn't know you, or when you weren't here and I hated it'] Jimmy: [probably can't pull her any closer but tries to and holds her really tightly because not going anywhere and just the softest kisses ever] Janis: [shaking her head like pull yourself together bitch and changing the pace] Jimmy: [going with it cos he gets it being vulnerable is shit and hard]] Jimmy: [I can just imagine some art hoe putting them on her stories like she don't even take art!] Janis: [she doesn't even go here, regardless being like 'come on' 'cos take me somewhere we can actually do this] Jimmy: [should we let them actually leave? cos better option than bathrooms and the point of her showing up has been made] Janis: [why not, live ur dreams kids] Jimmy: [getting in trouble together is their thing] Janis: [hell yeah it is, and being talk of the town #standard] Jimmy: [1000% several art hoes saw them going into the bathroom and we know it] Janis: [gossipy hoes, even if none of the actual squad take it, some of their lesser friends blates do for the fashun vibe] Jimmy: [get in the gift shop after and piss about and shade their art hoe aesthetic] Janis: [all the socials lmao] Jimmy: [he steals her a keyring cos not gonna spend money but she's gotta have one] Janis: [💕 tbh] Jimmy: [now go have some actual fun and alone time kids]
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cryptidartist · 6 years
New Years Resolution: 2019
I figured I’d actually write down all that I want to do this year. Like, if I wrote it down, and said why I wanted to and how I was going to go about it, I’d be able to do something. At least one of them.
Anyways, they’re all beneath the cut because not everyone wants to read this, and while I couldn’t think of any triggers it still sorta sounds? depressing to me
not depressing but i can't think of a word for it. I just know I'm not happy with my life rn
TLDR: gotta be healthy. such unhealth right now and my unhealthiness doesn’t show, and it frustrates me. i wanna get big buff. gotta yeet people. also big draw, so much drawing because 2018 was sad amount of art. and less procrastinate
So, first things first, is that I want to be healthier. I mean, if I want to or not, it’s going to happen, because I’m going down to Lackland (Air Force Base where BMT is) come July (I’m gonna fucken die, it’s Texas in the summer). I’m gonna be forced to be hydrated and work out and while I don’t think I’ll be forced to eat healthily, I’m still gonna do that because if I’m doing everything else, might as well do that as well.
Because right now, because I work at McDonald’s, I eat that four times a week, 1-2 times a day. I’ve only recently started eating breakfast on a regular basis but only because my teachers like me so they’re okay with me eating in class - class starts at 7:30, I can’t eat until 7:30 - 8:00. when I’m at home, I eat microwaved meals, from ramen to hot pockets to a slew of other things and is honestly not healthy for me. I live off of sodas, mostly Dr Pepper. I genuinely can’t remember the last time I drank water, and I actually think I haven’t been hydrated in about a decade (I’m 17, for context).
But :) :) because I have such a great metabolism :) :) :) i can :) eat :) and drink :) whatever :) i want :) and not :) :) gain :) :) a pound :) :) :) so everything’s fine! :) :) :)
I seriously have no weight gain to show for my unhealthy habits and it kind of pisses me off; I have this perfect waistline, and i’m completely skinny - so many people tell me i should be a model or something  and i’d have no trouble getting a job and i’m just like
i dont wanna
i like pretty clothes but not that much
i dont think i’ll even be able to keep those clothes
but onto no.2
Second thing is that I want to get in shape. Hell, buff even (well, lean, I guess, since I’m more built for a runner’s and swimmer’s body than being able to yeet entire people. that’s still my goal tho. i want to be able to throw fully grown men. but i know i can’t within a year.)
Again, I know this will happen anyway whether I want it to or not, because I’m being shipped out to Lackland in July. But, I still want to start working out now because I can’t even do o n e pushup. minimum requirements are 27 pushups when I do my PT test at the end of BMT, but I want to try and get the warhawk? standards which are 40 (in a minute)
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running 2 miles > running 1.5 miles > pushups > situps > pullups (i pulled this from military.com so i don’t know how accurate it is, but if it’s not at least it’s a start)
so like, to get that, i gotta start now. but. yaknow. where the fuck am i gonna find the time?
and I know everyone says don’t worry about the times or the numbers but im gonna fucken do that
This one’s mostly just. me. only i can control it. I want to draw more - as many of my followers know, I’m going to attempt the warcraft drawing challenge, but, for obvious reasons, I won’t be able to do almost three months of it. but this year’s art was a disappointing amount. I’ve only done 16 commissions this year, and in total less than 100 drawings. that’s kinda sad. and i want to be able to finally set up my commission sheets, and actually get my art done in a relatively short amount of time, none of this taking 3 months to finish one drawing type bullshit I’ve pulled last year (if I did that to you, again, i’m so sorry) 
And the last one is to have time to do things. procrastinate less, specifically. and get things done in a timely matter
I may actually ask my mom to cancel my wow sub, if anything, at some point, or at least uninstall wow for a little bit, because as much as I love wow and rping with my guild, unfortunately, i need to learn the lesson IRL > RP. i even told the gm i was hoping to do a little event series to basically almost kill my character and explain why she’s gone for so long because 
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what can i say i like killing my characters instead of doing a perfectly reasonable ‘oh she’s just staying on the base doing. things. who knows. certainally not her but she’s definittely alive and breathing’
if i need to
i’ll just put the ‘events’ in stories. it doesn’t involve nearly as many people, sadly, but it still puts what’s happening down and if they read it they can know what’s going on other than me just saying ‘this is what’s happening. how? dunno but its happening’
and i just went 90 miles off into left field, proving my point - but i’m going to have so much of my time taken up between work and school that it’s not even funny, then working out, then drawing, and then maybe, and only maybe, will i have time for writing/rping
anyways hopefully my character blog @chaoticneutralmess will finally be more active, who knows
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ilovetheaffection · 3 years
Pretty sure I, as a dumb child, snuck into the room when my parents were watching Mars Attacks...or they assumed as a kid I wouldn't really pay attention but like...with my limited wee brain of attaining information....that movie messed me up. A lot. It could be a fever dream/nightmare shared by some tho....and we're just brought together via the chaos that is tumbles.
And I totally get it! I'm very much the same! I like it well enough and reading OC and canon takes, interpretations being different or similar based on the mun....but in moderation. I can fulfill a curiosity but...there's a limited amount of spoons I can give to kids and pregnancy stuff myself before I need to take a break of some form.
I LOVED the og Rugrats! As I got older and realized how neglectful and anxiety inducing the premise of this show could be tho....again, moderation xD
And god, I've only seen art of the reboot(idk if it's the proper term, idk?) but...I just don't vibe with it. Like, it wasn't even like when American Dragon Jake Long changed it's animation style. This is just....too much for me.
Listen, we were not smart children at all. My parents left me with a babysitter once ( literally dont remember their name or their face or anything ) and they showed me Child's Play. I literally was so scared after that. I thought my dolls were coming to life and lowkey, my parents bought a 'My Pal' doll and I was pretty sure that he was staring at me and plotting my murder through the toybox.
I literally never knew what spoons were for the longest time! I ended up kindly asking someone else because I didn't want to seem like an idiot who had no idea what was going on in the community. I mean, I was diagnosed as Autistic a few years ago, but for some reason my brain is just like not thinking in terms of energy or ability to do anything. Plus I have a chronic illness and so I'm like I should really try to not push myself. But, I do it, anyway by staying up all night.
But, like to be honest?? I find that I have a lot less patience for things than I did 9 years ago when i started on tumblr for whatever reason. Like, I don't like confrontation at all and I'll just softblock or block instead of doing it. I've had people that I literally just tried to inform of something nicely come at me with a rude tone and I know it's partially my own paranoia ( mental illness is wild like that ) but, I also just am not gonna put up with it, anymore??
Yes!! the og was so good. I loved it and doug! Ahh Real Monsters! Rocko! classic nick was so good. I mean i can vibe with a good spongebob rerun now. But I seriously don't like a lot of the other stuff. I'm guilty of watching Paw Patrol on my own though because it brings me comfort and chills me out when I'm in a bad space.
No it's definitely a reboot or a retelling, something, idk! Stuff isn't the same as the OG contrary to people saying it is with small tweaks. I never saw that show?? Is it good?
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