#i've always had this with physics and biology too
chaosheadspace · 27 days
#30 for the smooch prompts, you know which pairing ❤️❤️❤️
Hi, thank you for sending in a prompt! One serving of Dreamling coming right up! 30 is "for comfort", and it's been just a liiitle bit inspired by my recent short vacation, lol. I hope this hits the spot, enjoy!
The storm outside whips rain against the windows of Dream's two bedroom flat, a haven of buttery light and radiator warmth and steaming tea amidst raging, salt-heavy air.
I miss you terribly, Dream types into his phone, hesitating to send, but then he presses the button anyway. Dream sighs. He says this too often, but he too often feels it. It's not ideal, being in a long distance relationship, but the fact remains that research about maritime biology is best done in proximity to the sea.
Hob's job, likewise, sadly requires him to stay in proximity to the University for good chunks of the year. When engrossed in his work, Dream does not mind, does not notice. But when he is here, at home, trees shaking in the seaside wind, it almost rends him apart. He misses so fiercely, so completely that it hurts like a wound.
They see each other two, maybe three times a year when the stars and their schedules align and it is always the best feeling imaginable and at the same time the worst, because Dream cannot have this every day, cannot even have this most days. He would very much like for Hob to be more than a sometimes, and yes, phone calls and video chats come close, but every photo Hob sends, every cheerful story he recounts for Dream comes with a small pang in Dream's chest that he wasn't able to be part of it, wasn't able to be there.
They have been together for three years now, and the only thing that hurts Dream more than physically being apart from Hob is the thought of Hob not being in his life at all, and so they make do with what they can manage. Hob has brought so much peace, so much ease and comfort into his life that Dream just has to hold onto him, no matter the cost.
Hob still hasn't answered his text like Dream's heart demands he do, while his brain sensibly chimes in that it has only been a few minutes, that Hob has things to do, that Hob always answers. Dream looks out the window, the late hour painting the trees and dunes in shadows and darkness, foggy through the rain, weeping like his soul.
Dream's phone plings.
“I've got something for that,” Hob's text reads.
Then there's a knock at the door. Dream goes, puzzled due to the late hour, exasperated due to the interruption.
In front of his door, dripping on the carpet there's Hob, windswept, rain-drenched, wet index finger leaving marks on his lit-up phone screen.
Hob looks up in an instant with a smile. “Hey darling,” he says, “surprise!”
“It is after ten,” Dream says, still shocked, stepping aside to let Hob in.
“There was no bus,” Hob tells him as he steps inside, zipping down his jacket. “Had to walk from the station.”
Dream leans into the small bathroom to grab a towel for Hob's hair. “But what are you doing here?”
“D’you want me to leave again?” Hob chuckles from under the towel.
“No!” Grabbing his waist, Dream pulls him close, uncaring about Hob's trousers that are drenched from the knee down.
“Don't worry,” Hob emerges from the terry. “Let me just get my shoes and pants and I'll tell you.”
Dream makes them tea, just like Hob likes it, while Hob sits on his couch under a blanket in his pullover and boxers. He's borrowed warm socks from Dream, but there's no way he can squeeze himself in one of his trousers.
Dream sits down next to him, offering him a steaming mug and taking one for himself. Hob brings warmth everywhere he goes, and so Dream feels his flat is now cozy rather than lonely, their own personal island in the storm.
After taking a sip, Hob sighs with contentment, fingers curled around the mug to heat them.
“I have an interview tomorrow,” he says after a pause. “They only told me this morning, and I didn't want you to fuss with preparations when I can just go grocery shopping for us after the appointment.”
“An interview,” Dream says slowly, feigning ignorance, not daring to let this much hope into his heart yet, not when he still might have misunderstood.
“A job interview, at the University one town over. As soon as I saw the ad I knew I had to,” Hob smiles.
“So you might—” Dream says, unable to speak further, happiness splitting open his entire being, hopeful, alight.
“I might,” Hob agrees. “So you—”
Dream kisses him.
With a hum, Hob blindly extends one arm to put his tea on the table and then draws Dream in, leaning back into the sofa. The kiss is languid, unhurried, because Dream now knows that he might have many, many more, maybe even all of them. That he might have Hob for longer than a few days at a time.
“We are going to look at flats,” he says as soon as they resurface.
“I still have to get the job,” Hob says.
“That is irrelevant.” Dream turns a little tip snuggle up against his side, pulling out his phone. “We do not have to message anyone right now, but we will have a look.”
“Right now?” Hob pulls at the blanket, almost unseating Dream again, before getting it free and draping it over both of their legs.
“Well, until you fall asleep on my couch, at least.” Despite being less clothed, Hob is warm against him, radiating comfort through Dream's own clothes, and he shuffles closer, hooking his legs over Hob's.
“Night owl,” Hob says fondly. “Can we at least relocate to your bed, soon?”
“Only in deference to your age,” Dream says with a sideways glance, already pulling up a website. “I do not want you to damage your back permanently.”
“Oi, I'm four years younger than you!” Hob lightly smacks Dream with one of the small sofa pillows.
“Only on paper.”
“Yeah, well, we can't all win the genetic lottery, but you make it sound like you'll be pushing me around in a wheelchair in ten years time.” He briefly presses his nose against Dream's hair and tightens the arm around Dream's shoulders in a short hug, taking a deep breath.
“Only if you keep up your usual cheek. Do you suppose we could be content with three rooms or do we need a fourth for a library?” Dream asks.
“Library, definitely,” Hob says earnestly, switching from banter to practicality with ease.
Dream kisses him again, for good measure. Because they're both greedy at heart, ravenous, and the more of Hob he gets, the more he wants. He's not sure if even a hundred years would be enough to sate this particular longing, but he will just have to try.
Send me a kissy prompt or read the other ones here
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tadc-harlequin-au · 3 months
Okay I all seriousness I’m confused. It’s seems like in one post you indicate the cast were just puppets in their past life and then in others you indicate they had human lives?
What is it?
Are they just tempering what the souls powering them remember?
If so Then is the twist that Caine is the only successful human turned puppet???
... Looks like I need to do a little bit of a Puppet 101
I specifically said these Puppets were powered by soul FRAGMENTS, of "VOLUNTEERS". That means they were ACTUAL PEOPLE ONCE.
I've been trying to *wink wink nudge nudge* people so hardly and subtly saying just how bad it was LMFAO THIS AU IS GRIMDARK FOR A REASON
Those soul fragments are by extension, ALSO their memories, and traces of their former humanity. I also said that the more they explore these aspects of themselves, the more they can feel; alluding to the fact they are, in fact, once again REGAINING THEIR LOST HUMANITY, when they got turned into Puppets.
These guys undergo drastic changes not just spiritually or mentally, but also physically. (which is also why I said they have weird bodies)
There's also another thing that I should disclose, that has existed since I wrote "Come back to me" on ao3. I didn't want to reveal it too early, but if it's to clear up your confusion, I'll throw a bone.
Caine is just as much of a puppet as everyone else was either, but since he's become more... "enlightened", he's become a half-organic, half-metallic being; a side effect of rediscovering your humanity to the some extent.
(He has done it to the fullest)
The soul energy keeps getting pumped to every corner of a Puppet's body, and in turn, the energy --once it has familiarized the body-- transforms some of the very structure of what makes a Puppet function into a more organic, but black-tendril tentacle-like structure (but will retreat back to the die heart if the base body is damaged enough). You can see it with Caine on his face, neck and tongue.
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(If you've ever wondered WHY his face and neck are always shrouded in black, it's because it IS black. it's like a reverse Venom concept lmao)
His soul EVOLVED to better conform to his "new" form, but it's not the kind of evolution he wishes.
And YOU can also see it with the Statues, too! Which makes their case even worse! :D
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And another thing is; The bosses ALSO have these aspects that Caine has too. Why?
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Because a puppet's insanity has the same effect, but more drastic, uncontrollable, and dangerous. It's the worse end of the spectrum, as enlightenment is to madness. This is why some of the bosses have become larger than life, or rather, larger than their classification should be.
But thankfully this is reversible by making them spend a little alone time and recollecting their bearings on a peaceful little plane called "The void" while they're dead ✌️😊
I do hope this clears up some of the confusion surrounding the topic of Puppets, I got too absorbed by the worldbuilding I forgot to include "biology" (or Puppetology ig LMFAO 💀💀).
As of this current moment in the roster, no one's really reached the the first stage of enlightenment yet.
EDIT: Actually, Gangle has, by all technicalities of her existence as a Puppet lol but aside from that, NO ONE has YET
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cosmowes · 7 months
Planning Ahead
this is something i'm still working on, actually. keeping a visual log of everything i need to do has been really useful, but it's still a pretty new habit for me.
the issue is that i really, really hate taking the time to have those things be nice- because then i get unmotivated when the load gets heavy and i can't keep it that way. no cute advice, this is my planner for solely function.
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SHORTHAND. i use shorthand for everything. a list of my favorites:
ESP - spanish, or FR - french (really works for any foreign language class)
ENG/ELA - english language arts
MT (math) - CALC (calculus) - PCLC (precalc) - STAT (statistics) - ALG (algebra) etc
GEO/HIS (geography or history)
SCI (science) - BIO (biology) - CHEM (chemistry) - FNS (forensics) - PHYS (physics)
GFX (graphic design) - DRM (drama) - HLC (healthcare) - BSN (business) etc... for whatever electives you have, lol
PJ (project)
HW (homework)
CFA/QZ (common formative assessment/quiz)
SD/SG (study/study guide)
PKT (packet)
SM (submit)
UG (ungraded)
SUM (summative)
FORM (formative)
PG _ (page _)
NSR/EC (not school related/extra curricular)
DNO (due night of)
DIC (due in class)
DEOC (due end of class)
i combine these for little nicknames like ESPPJ, MTPK, GFXPJ, etc. or DRM (info) NSR, GFXPKT EC
DESCRIPTION. i add a quick description of the item, just so i know what it is. usually just the actual assignment name or what it entails. if it's at home reading for english, it'll say "ENGHW Reading PG __-__". a drama script might say "DRM Script DEOC"
DATE. i always add the due date. i write it as a fraction so that it takes up a tiny bit less space. if i know, this is where the time it's due is added too.
URGENCY. i had another post about how i decide an assignment's urgency here, so i throw one of these numbers on the end.
DON'T CARE ABOUT CUTE! the point of this is to keep info. build the habit for a while, and once you have logging things as a habit, you can make it cute. but if you're already having trouble building the habit, adding more work will make it more difficult in my experience. always add onto your habits that already exist.
USE IT! i've also seen people have full planners that are so so cute and then just. never use them??? you're making this so that you have a way to keep track. making it, and then just throwing it in your bag to not be seen until tomorrow is defeating the point. use what you made.
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images from pin 📌 - search white study aesthetic
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hogans-heroes · 3 months
can i ask about the learning curve wip? maybe get a snippet? 😊
Of course! My most beloved wip rn, my chaptered Alex pov. I made a descriptive post about it here and posted a snippet here! (with mini visuals). But I'll give you another longer snippit because I love you and your writing! (Also, as much as I love this fic I've been getting stuck with it lately so am writing other stuff atm. Will get back to it very soon).
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Alex’s dad was a psychologist, and boy would he have a field day at Stalag Luft III.
He could practically hear his father’s voice in his head as he watched the guys mill around the camp compound, narrating their actions and picking them apart to gently expose what was inside, for their own good, to study them like wild creatures who in extreme circumstances often reverted back to cavemen, to more raw forms of behavior.
He can’t use his words, his dad would say. Because at some point he tried and tried and tried, and they never worked. “To hell with this,” the brain says, “we’re gonna go back to the basics,” and that’s usually physical expression.
There’s really only two core emotions at the heart of a human. If you keep peeling at the bottom of every action and reaction, every visible emotion, you’ll find either love, or fear. And they’re usually connected. That’s all humans are really made of.
So his dad might have gotten a little philosophical too. At least it gave Alex more thoughts to keep himself busy and not go crazy locked up. It was fun in a way, collecting bits of information and arranging them like a child would blocks. That Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and Biology he had earned before the war wouldn’t do him much good if it didn’t at least help keep him alive for the duration. The camp was only a new study he could apply the scientific method to.
So far it had been going well, and every piece fit together in its place. The one thing Alex could not grasp however, that was driving him crazy, was the two majors from the 100th.
Egan and Cleven? Buck and Bucky? John and Gale? Alex wasn't sure what combination of names he should be using or even who was who most of the time, but the names always went together. Not a single person Alex had encountered had ever used the names separately. The way prisoners talked about them, anyone would have thought they were some dual-soul deity the stalag had built a religion around, yet since Alex had been assigned to their barrack room all his careful study of them had only resulted with a handful of pieces that didn’t fit together. Major Gale Cleven “Call me Buck,” with eyes that could pierce your soul like an x-ray and “just” John Egan. Buck, whose impossible gentleness was at odds with his rock-wall presence at the front of his men, and Egan, who treated Alex like a disease though it didn’t seem to be for the usual reasons, he treated everyone that way, walked around with volcanic ash trailing from cracks that Alex wondered if only he could see. What pieces Alex had gathered of the two of them wasn’t the same as what he was hearing from the 100th. The supposed yin-and-yang duo vacillated like a metronome between hostile and devoted and it drove Alex insane.
Pain shot up his leg and he caught himself on Daniels’ outstretched arm, jerking him back to his body moving one foot in front of the other and two comrades beside him, having lost count how many times they had circumnavigated the camp. They were passing their own hut again and this time Buck was sitting on the steps with his nose in a book, his messy hair fallen over his forehead and long fingers clenching the worn cover with more force necessary for a book on native plants of Ireland (Alex had read it the week before). He remained laser focused on the page with a furrow in his brow, scars on his cheeks contrasting sharply with the soft angles of his face, and Alex jumped when Macon knocked him on the arm. 
“Pay attention man,” Macon quipped. “We’re still on for our escape, the last thing we need is for you to adopt some sad-eyed White boy.”
Alex wasn’t sure if he should be insulted, but frowned anyway. “Buck’s my friend,” he retorted. 
“Oh it’s Buck now? That’s a fuckin’ major, man. A squadron commander with more flight hours than actual goddamn birds and you’re calling that Buck?”
“Just don't get too attached,” Daniels interjected. “The less people we trust here the better.”
The image of Buck sitting in the library with his chin on his knees, gentle blue eyes giving undivided attention as Alex explained some fighter plane or science subject made his stomach twist at the suggestion of not trusting him, or even worse, leaving him behind. Alex had spent most of his life being teased for being too soft, too kind, too trusting. He’d gotten himself in a bad spot several times because of that too, so he probably should be more careful, but sue him, he was tired and aching inside and Buck had actually listened. 
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oddballwriter · 1 month
Abigail Headcanons
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Summary: A collection of loose hc that I have for the daughter character that I've created in the past for the moon boys and the reader
Warnings: Not much. Abi does canonically have a pet tarantula though so beware of that. 
Author’s Snip: I just miss her tbh
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
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Her full legal name is just Abigail L/N-Spector, but in spirit she is Abigail L/N-Spector-Lockley-Grant, you and the boys call her that as a joke but also when you’re mad at her when she’s done something bad.
She’s fluent in both Spanish and French because Steven and Jake taught her both languages respectively since the day she could talk. This actually caused a bit of an issue in the later years of her school career because she was fluent to the point that she would have just passed both common and advance classes. So she just had a free period during the time she would have had her language classes.
She has a pet tarantula she’s named Maple. She got her when she was around 11 or 12 because she wanted one as a pet. The boys set a really high mark to see how dedicated and responsible she could be while also hoping that maybe by the time she reached it she’d want a “normal simple pet” like her own fish, or hamster, maybe a turtle, or literally anything else. But when she reached that goal she still wanted a tarantula and the boys promised and they are unfortunately fathers of their word. Thankfully she’s the only one who handles her because she’s HER pet, but Steven is scared of Maple, Marc isn’t too bothered as long as Abi keeps her away from him, and Jake is okay with her and is actually quite fond of her and will take a gander at her in her tank whenever he’s in Abi’s room.
She has a bad habit of chewing her pens and pencils. She’s tried breaking this habit and was vaguely successful, but it’s only when she’s in public or around others. When she’s in private she still does it.
Her favorite subject in school was biology, anatomy, and psychology. Her least favorite was math and physics. She thinks math is boring. That’s also why she dislikes physics but she also had straight up beef with her physics teacher. Why there was beef? The world may never know.
As a kid, Steven would encourage her to read books by paying her 50 cents for every chapter she read. This was basically her allowance until she was given a real allowance later in her life because she had read so many chapters that she’d have a good amount of money saved up from all the books she’d read.
Abi was taught to always be polite and respectful and follow the golden rule. But is she decides that she’s had enough and wants to put people in their place she will very much do so and will verbally eviscerate them. She has Steven’s sass and Marc’s temper in there somewhere and she’s not afraid to use it. Along with Jake’s self defense lessons in case someone wants to fight. This may or may not be where the physics teacher beef originated from.
She can see Khonshu and they have a unique grandfather and granddaughter dynamic. Khonshu denies that he has an attachment to Abi but he secretly cares for her to a considerable degree and was unofficially a part of her life and he secretly goes out of his way to protect in case she’s ever in danger. Sometimes she messes with him by calling him grandpa and other iterations. He calls her “little worm” or “smallest worm” but when he wants to soften up her calls her “Starlight” or “Stardust”.
In addition, Khonshu was banned from giving permission to Abi as a kid by you and the boys because he’d give her permission on things that you didn’t want her to do. So there was a rule made that “Grandpa Khonshu’s permission doesn’t count.”
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intersex-support · 2 months
Hey whatsup! I have a question about intersex identity. I am a cis woman and supposedly I've had a full blown beard since about 13 yrs old just because of PCOS. But my beard is way fuller than any other PCOS bearded person I've known, although so far I've not had any doctor indicate any other intersex indicators. Should I consider self id as intersex possibly or is that exclusively a medical term that is a closed label? I'm so wary because when I've looked into trans and nonbinary communities it's so focused on internal feelings which isn't an issue I have at all, so I've had some pushback from using labels that aren't "for me" but I don't really have other words to use without saying I'm nonbinary (which isn't even true, I am a cis woman with a big bushy beard, at least according to Drs I'm cis, since it's only a secondary sex characteristic) I've always feelings-wise identified as a cis woman without question, but having a beard is just part of that not separate from it or despite it. It's like it's always an assumption that I must shave my beard, or that if I don't then trying to feel feminine while not actively despising it is delusional. Idk. It's such a weird place to be where my biological reality doesn't fit in transness or cisness, it's almost like my opinion on womanhood is invalidated by both some trans and cis people because my cis biology doesn't fit a binary? Idk, I'm mostly just curious how an intersex person feels about someone like me maybe wanting to either be a part of or just be involved with the intersex community but I don't want to step on toes if I were to start using a term like intersex. Sorry if this is too rambling, just wanted to get this all out there.
Hi anon! Many intersex community spaces, including this blog, view PCOS as intersex. You can look through our PCOS tag for longer posts and more information about it. I know several other intersex cis woman with PCOS and a beard, so you're definitely not alone. And I know a lot of intersex people who for us, our intersex identify can play into how we feel about our gender, so you're definitely not alone with that either!
You're right that intersex is different than other LGBTQ identities in terms of it being an umbrella identity for intersex variations that impact your physical body, and that it's a little more "closed" than other LGBTQ identities just because of what it means to be intersex. But as far as we're concerned, you're absolutely welcome to identify as intersex!
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Interview with Dr. Jelle Wauters, from the Department of Biology!
Do you have a specialization of some kind (types, wildlife, etc.) or do you just general biology? - @nobetternamethanthat2 , anonymous
My research is mainly related to type genetics! Although every Weavile is an ice type, the potency and the ability to control those ice powers may vary between individuals. I also study type-related diseases as they seem to be genetically passed down as well. During the Domestication era, this kind of variance was extremely rare among Pokemon. Nowadays, Pokemon have at least a bit of human DNA in them, and this seems to have affected some family lineages. So this is a bit of a new phenomenon that a lot of research is being put into.
What got you into biology? Why do you like it, do you have a favourite thing about it? - @megamannickblog , @ecoxlar-maybe, @theonlycampix , @tailsluigi
Well for my specific interest, I've been around Pokemon who suffer from type-related deficiencies all my life. I am actually one of them! My ice powers are very weak, almost nonexistent. I always wanted to know the science behind that so I decided to get more into it.
Biology is so fascinating as a whole though! There are so many different species of Pokemon with their own quirks and abilities, it's fun to learn about how every single one works. Even Pokemon that seem man-made and robotic, they have their own central nervous systems, digestive systems, etc. I think the diversity pulled me in too.
Is there any part of the curriculum you look forward to teaching most? -anonymous
When teaching my Type biology classes I am always excited to talk about the genetics behind it of course! It is only a small portion of the course, a lot of it is on the more “physical” side of things, how the powers are generated, how it affects our bodies and stuff like that. But it is nice to talk about my specific interest, even for a bit…
Do you have a least and favourite part about teaching biology? - @neonellie
I think my favourite part is being able to educate passionate students about something I am passionate about as well. It's hard to think of a least favourite aspect. Probably the grading, but I don't know anyone who enjoys that.
If you had to pick another subject to teach what would you pick? - @ecoxlar-maybe
Biology related? Probably the anatomy of different kinds of Pokemon. Non biology related, maybe chemistry? Biochemistry. Oh, I made that related to biology. Haha!
What's your biggest achievement during your time as a student? - @smartguy18
Oh, I've done many many research projects as a student! I guess the one I'm most proud of is the work I did with one of my professors on grass type decay. Some grass types inherit a trait that makes their body decay quite fast…like a flower that is constantly deprived of water. I worked on trying to identify what gene causes this. It is a topic very significant to me!
How did you end up teaching at Harmonia? Did you grow up around Arboria, what brought you here? -Bijoux from @redolentgrove , Minuy600
Oh, I didn't grow up here! I grew up in a region overseas called Rhinia. Honestly I was desperate to look for anywhere that would take me in. Harmonia University was the first one that got back to me, I had heard good things about it so I decided to come here! And I don't regret it!
How do you deal with rowdy students? -anonymous
Oh, I barely get any. I usually teach upper year students and grad students. They are usually pretty well-behaved. There's the occasional dispute with grades and stuff like that but I think the best thing to do is to listen, stay as calm as possible and try to reach common ground.
What do you do in your free time? - @dawnnotsomom, @askgodmotherdaringdo
I love sports! Especially winter sports, such as figure skating and snowboarding. During other seasons I like to hit the badminton court. Other than that, I building and painting figurines.
Do you like video games? If so, what genres? -anonymous
I do play occasionally. Mostly farming and city-building sims.
Your hair always looks really pretty. Do you have a specific morning routine to keep yourself looking so nice? If not, have you tried experimenting recently with your fashion at all? - @missclovercat
Haha, thank you! My hair is naturally puffy like this due to my mother being a Flareon. A little wash and blow dry gets it like this! I'm not really one to experiment with fashion at all, anything comfortable and keeps me cool works.
Do you have anyone special in your life? - @wevelocityteampresents-blog
Oh hoho….yes….I have two! My lovely wife and daughter. I wouldn't know how to live without them.
This isn't a question but @winguontheweb has said that they love that you look like pink lemonade!
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Oh! Well…thank you! That is quite the compliment. I love pink lemonade, haha!
Any tips for someone who wants to learn biology? -Wil from @ask-the-shiny-pokemons
Well, you're interested - that's a great start! If there's an aspect of biology you're interested in, such as microbiology, genetics, anatomy, etc… the easiest thing to do is just look up resources to learn about that topic! You may want to borrow books about it in the library, listen to lectures, watch educational videos, etc. Then you can expand to other topics! Soon enough you'll be an expert!
That concludes the interview! Do you have any closing remarks?
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alfred straight up murdering his brother on accident just because he walked too quietly into the room is so fucking funny but how terrifying is alfred to regular humans? If he goes to casually throw some ridicously heavy thing he's working on over to the intern or whoever theyre not gonna get back up on their feet to chew him out for it lol. also... getting shot and squished by bisons still hurts like all hell right? does matthew start to get wary around him or is he just too used to it to be all that bothered?
Lmao right? I very much enjoy using these characters, especially fleshy loony-tune-style horror shows because good fucking god, it's funny. But its also very fun? Alfred javelining people into the water must be so fun. Alfred casually picks up Matt when he's on the sofa because he dropped his keys behind it. He will randomly rip up troublesome trees in someone's fields in the middle of the night. This is not a wholly negative, angsty or even humourous trait.
So for humans... not very as an adult. I think. Generally, Alfred puts his people at ease. He's handsome, funny, intelligent and friendly. Man has that kind of crooked smile and easy charm. The charisma, luck and social skills of the gambler and the grifters and drifters of the old Westerns if not the old West. When he was little and had less control because he'd get excited, I could see him getting himself in trouble and accidentally committing some violence. As an adult, I think he's much more careful around humans, and the only time he tends to bust out the super strength is to prevent accidentally killing humans. Picking up a car in front of someone getting aggressive will contain that person's aggression goddamn fast.
As for if things hurt, yes. Superheroes and Gods are boring for me to write about. I like making these fuckers creepy and overpowered sometimes, but I'm most invested in their humanity. So time to do the math. The average bison is about 816 to 1,088 kg, and the most recent record for a deadlift was 487 kg. So on the lower end of that, 816 divided by 487 is about 1.67; redeploy that as a percentage that's about 160% the strength of what's currently possible. I personally think this is why this dork is always snacking, so it has some effect on his metabolism and his physiology. He's not going to starve to death as fast as he should with that metabolism because there's that nation fuckery there, but my boy is peckish. So now that I've laid that nonsense out, I generally make him about 160% more resilient than the strongest human (yeah, my browser history is fucked, what about it?), but not in all ways because biologically, that would fuck up his brain something fierce cerebellum be whack big and I like my nerdy NASA boy. But I try to keep that 160 in mind, so it might sometimes be consistent? Maybe? But yeah, he's durable and walks away from a lot of things that most people wouldn't, but he can be shot, dropped, smashed, hit, etc. And his pain tolerance is limited because, again, that removes too much vulnerability and why are we invested in this nerd? Lord knows it's not patriotism on my end. Strong, but not indestructible.
Now with the biology and the physical aspect of my stupid brain's explanation of this yankee doodle dumbass (affectionate) articulated, onto the emotional and interpersonal consequences. This is a bit meta, but Alfred's perception of himself and his loved ones can reflect this fandom and canon. I don't know if canon makes them twins, but many people do despite some intrinsic differences in history, progress, culture and values. It's a valid take because who wants to lord over other people or think about being the superpower and the empire? And passport privilege, cultural dominance, and political hegemony are things that only come into play when we're online or in some sort of international situation. The world revolves around the US, but Alfred's 'first amongst equals' with the laurels of power is not his default setting. At home, he just wants to be another person. Abroad, he has to function on a different set of rules, and leadership, and that arrogance only comes out at certain points. He wants to be human, he wants to be loved, he wants to be normal. And it hurts his fucking feelings to be reminded he isn't, that it is lonely at the top, that no matter how similar, the Trudeau quote applies.
Matt's used to him, and Alfred's reasonably careful, but the gulf between them, Alfred's ability to just steamroll him if he wanted to (even if Matt would give him a hell of a fight) does leave its marks. Matt tries as hard not to show it as much as Alfred tries not to crush him. He's overjoyed about something and goes in for a hug, and there go a couple of subluxing ribs as he kind of affectionately slaps Alfred's shoulder like "indoor muscles! Indoor muscles, bud!" And its mainly because Alfred doesn't like thinking about being a weirdo, and Matt doesn't want to remind him. They want to be as equal as possible, but physics is a thing.
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onedismay · 4 months
15 questions for 15 friends
yay, got tagged by @dandenbo :D months ago but... i'm here
I can't think of 15 people but I'm tagging @noirchotic @skeknya @reikiajakoiranruohoja @messydiabolical @arts-butthound and if YOU want to do this thing too, do it.
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: A relative I never met ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Today and I already forgot why.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: Nope! Never wanted any.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: Only whatever I was forced to play as a kid, lmao. Never enjoyed any. Hate physical contact, hate getting hurt, hate consistently letting the team down. I was pretty good at Mass Effect 3's multiplayer at one point though? :D
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: Not much on the internet, I always worry people might think I'm being serious. I think I use sarcasm more when speaking Finnish.
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: Uhhh in real life it's whether they seem like a threat or not. I don't mean a literal, physical threat, necessarily, it's more of a general "is that person likely to make my day worse" thing. I have the brain of an anxious prey animal.
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: Eh, I don't need happy endings. Don't hate them either but I think bad/nuanced endings are more likely to leave a lasting impression on me. Also when it comes to scary movies, it's probably not a surprise that I really like well-designed monsters. Not a fan of jump scares though!
ANY TALENTS?: Behold my talents
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: Video games, art.
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: Nah, I'm allergic to everything furry and generally worried I wouldn't be able to care for a pet well enough. But if someday I do decide to get pets, I'll probably go for a small aquarium.
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: 169cm or 5'7", i think. I have to google it every time. I hate inches. They're too imprecise. screw inches
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: I had a really cool and supportive art teacher in middle school so art was my favorite subject even though I was only really interested in one of the many topics we were taught (drawing). Also loved biology! Especially gene charts and cells and space stuff.
DREAM JOB?: I don't have one. The only work I've ever truly enjoyed is doing the occasional art commission. It's very rewarding to be able to illustrate a scene that previously only existed in someone else's head, and sort of make their idea real. I love getting to know people's characters through these types of projects.
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luwritesomething · 2 years
can you do dating headcanons for stu? its fine if not 🫶🏻
Stu Macher Heacanons: Meeting and later Dating Stu Macher.
Warnings: Swearing lol, probably typos or bad constructed english
Edited?: Like always, no.
Reader's pronouns: Not stated, gender neautral.
Summary: Dating Stu headcanons!!
Author's note: STU i love stu. i've never written for him without it being a poly relationship with billy, so let's see how these turn out. hope you like them!!! i added the meeting him part because it's the way i like to read them. also, have this great song.
criticism, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! requests are open, especially for scream! hit that anon button and tell me your ideas.
in the scream fandom, i write for billy loomis, stu macher, mickey altieri, chad martin-meeks, mindy martin-meeks, tara carpenter, anika kayoko, laura crane
i was gonna say you probably met him in high school (like, the building) BUT NOPE
you know how he's always listening to music with his silly little headphones? well, he has to get his music from somewhere.
lets say you work the afternoon shift in one of woodsboro's music stores!
there's probably not a lot of them, anyways, given how woodsboro is supposed to be rather small.
so, even though you had been years together in the same school and all, the first time you guys talked was at the music store.
let's face it, stu's charismatic. i would even go as far as to say he's even more liked than billy. billy looks menancing, and although popular --- bc of his good looks and that misterious aura he has that WE love ---, stu is more easy going.
like, the dude's so fun to be around with. and he's also funny. i would befriend him so fast, honestly.
he goes a lot to that specific music store after some casual convos with you, and you can BET it's because he likes you.
he strats calling you "my music dealer". it's funny. laugh.
you actually start getting excited whenever he crosses the door --- peak moments of your day, to be honest. and luckily for you, he always comes alone, so all his attention is reserved to you and your conversation.
after the first times you talk and begin getting along, you start seeing him everywhere.
i mean, it's normal that, after you've met someone, you start noticing them more.
but this is because he forced it. he's lowkey enough to make these encounters look like casualties, so it seems normal.
and soon, you start to talk at school too. not much, though because his friend group is big and requires his attention and it's not like you don't have to go to classes or anything.
the first time he's very obvious about wanting to be with you, though, it's one day in the biology class you guys share. stu comes into the classroom and he just steals the seat by your side.
his smile leaves you too dumbfounded to even do anything else other than smile.
i don't know how outgoing you are, but he's definetely asking you out first. and it doesn't even have a romantic undertone, but you two end up kissing for the first time then and well....
boom, dating!
he's big on petnames. like, the most annoying and corney petnames to make you embarassed. i won't elaborate.
he's a very chill boyfriend, i think. i'd like him to be my boyfriend.
he's the kind that loves to spend time with you, as long as you guys are doing something. the boy can't sit still, have you seen him?
his love language is quality time and physical touch. also he gossips a lot, for some reason, and stu likes sharing what he's heard with you, even if you don't care.
if you don't like scary movies, he won't force you to watch them too often. stu rathers watch something that will guarantee you two have a good time, and that includes clueless.
playing video games with him !
listen to me. BAKING with stu. that'd be such a ride (want me to elaborate? hit that req button!!!)
he's goofy. so, goofy boyfriend.
staining your nose with his ice cream. every. damn. time.
stu's nervous when you finally meet the others, especially billy. he needs you to like his friends, especially billy.
luckily enough, you all get along.
staying for the night at his house !!! a lot. since his parents are out so much, he feels lonely and always invites you.
not gonna lie, the first time he meets you family it's probably a disaster. the boy's a sweetheart, but also hella nervous.
since he lives on the outsides, he probably drives to school. i'm guessing he uses that bigass truck --- although i can see him walking to school, occasionally.
he probably insists on taking you to school. unless you live really close to it, he probably convinced you to let him take you to school.
very loving boyfriend. have you seen him with tatum? stu's cute as hell.
he's probably jealous. won't intervene unless you actually call him, but he gets jealous as hell.
stu distracts you a lot in the classes you share. he gets bored and tries to talk to you or throw you little notes if you don't sit together --- it's a miracle you're still passing your exams.
staying by his side during his parties, especially if you're not an extrovert. he always makes sure you're comfortable, and never forgets to give you attention.
i think stu would be a great boyfriend. with his flaws (& the murder tendencies & the homoerotic relationship with billy & the crazy amount of misoginy) but still a good one.
he'd probably run away from arguments, and he's bad at taking things seriously.
and never forget, stu is as manipulative as billy is. he won't hesitate to manipulate you if he must.
well. that took a dark turn (pls never fall for someone like stu or billy in real life. this is just cute fiction! it should stay that way)
lots of cuddles.
he's the best cuddler!!!
bear hugs, and he won't let go if you ask him not to. he's the best if you're feeling down-
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fandom-fantasy-fuel · 7 months
Darth Vader head-canon dump below:
I don't know anyone else who has this take on Darth Vader but first of all, to me he has always looked and sounded like James Earl Jones when he's without the armour. The man was such a crucial part of making that character that I can't picture him otherwise.
I hate the take that his real voice is almost non-existent and the one we hear is completely synthesised from a breathy wheeze? I've noticed a lot of people seem determined to remove everything cool and sexy about Vader and looove obsessing over him actually being super weak mentally and physically, held together by duct-tape, constantly suffering from every kind of botched medical experiment and suicidally depressed.
I don't get why you'd do him a disservice like that, yes he went through some hellish physical trauma but I see him as a character who overcome most of that with sheer determination and is extremely resilient and strong, deriving his power from rage and fanaticism, not sadness.
He would not think of himself as a monster in a "I hate myself, I'm an abomination, I want to die" way, he'd think it's sick as hell and enjoy being monstrous in the sense that he is the ultimate embodiment of the darkside and is set apart from other people by being absurdly overpowered and mysterious. He'd love to play up that intimidation factor and leans into being considered inhuman by pretending he doesn't eat or sleep, for instance. He'd take it like a complement when people think "there's no way he could be human he's too unnatural and powerful" but Vader would never think less of himself or think he's more machine than man for having technology integrated with biology, it's just an extension of himself and he's always had an affinity with technology and would feel those parts of himself through the force just the same.
I think it's a bad take when people go 'he was constantly at odds with his prosthetics and mods which were badly made, also he'd be completely fucked if the wrong button was pressed or anything broke because he's that dependent and impotent without them and his 50 prescription drugs.' Nah man, that Absolute Unit can handle anything thrown at him and made a literally miraculous recovery through the force!
I get that he would have some physical challenges but I feel like some Vader fans have a kind of munchaussen-by-proxy thing going on tbh (I don't think that's the right term but I can't think of what to call it), the way they fetishise his disabilities and hyper-focus on details like colostomy bags and how much care he would require. (Don't come at me for being ableist I'm literally writing this from my hospital bed with an IV hooked up)
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negrowhat · 5 months
It's me again -- the anon you didn't ask for but is here anyway.
I know...but it's a weird hour and I've had a weird day so I will just say...
There is this thing about BLs and sexy time scenes that always makes me laugh. It's the sudden rocking -- or gentle thrust, if you will, to signal -- It Has Begun. No preparation, no change in position. No additional movement. Biology be damned. Everything just magically falls (😉😏) into place. A close second is the sudden complete position change. I always say a little "ouch" in my head. Physics has no place here either. Just feelings!
Yes, this was prompted by Tai gently thrusting Kram against that open window (half wall?) before suddenly just spinning him to the bed (ow). But, to counter, right before he mimed taking his pants off and Kram just stares straight down for several seconds. I mean eyes locked on which, valid.
This is just one reason I love PayuRain/BossNoeul because those little horndogs said "realism" 🤌 with every little breathy moan they sighed directly into the others skin.
P.S. Not sure there is any better way to kill the vibe than to pan to the gang leader father smoking outside of the open window (half wall?) where you just had your sexy times. Ew.
Ok, I'll be going now.
Lol you're fine to drop in my ask box anytime friend. As far as love scenes go, I agree with you on that. Some love scenes do feel a bit awkward with positioning I guess that's why closer and tighter shots are used so you won't have to focus too much on how the bodies are placed together.
And there's def a lack of prep across the board, even in LITA. I think BLs have gotten better with the presence of condoms and talking about safe sex and even having characters getting tested. We're moving into a more sex positive mind frame and I've been enjoying it. I think the next step is for sure going to be introducing lube into the mix alongside the condoms so even if they don't show the actual prep at least you know it is being done. TengTeng and Licheng from History 4 made sure they had plenty of lubricant.
Also the way Tai's dad was smiling watching his son rail Kram from outside the window was superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr creepy. Why was he just out there fucking lurking??
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Hi!! Hello!! Your worldbuilding has once again enchanted and fascinated me! But I have no one to talk to about mcyt-related worldbuilding so I’m just going to (definitelynot) shout (ha ha. I’m funny.) at you if that’s ok!!
Ever since I found this fandom I’ve been fascinated by how to deal with video game mechanics in writing, and I’ve found it a very interesting ongoing puzzle, to come up with worldbuilding or lore to explain the more mechanical, coding-based stuff and cover up the fact that the characters are in a videogame. I think that’s part of why I love your worldbuilding so much, because you went in completely the opposite direction, and made Code the base, the reality-fabric, of all the rest of your universe! It kinda blew my mind!
Anyway, the player inventory and in-game chat are two of the most glaringly Video Game mechanics, and two of the first that I came up with explanations for, which is why I (like Tango) latched onto those few lines and details about them in chapter four. For me, they’re both explained by the very flexible fabric of reality inherent to server-words. Because reality is so easy to manipulate (and be manipulated without breaking down) in these worlds, it’s easy for Players to simply open a small personal pocket dimension they can store stuff in. (The same way it’s easy to make something float by just leaving it there and taking away what connects it to the ground) the chat happenes basically the same way. Server-worlds allow for a very shallow telepathic link across all players that everyone experiences a little differently (you might see it scroll across the inside of you arm, look at it in the corner of your vision, actually hear it quietly in your head, etc.)
But that’s a lot of My Ideas, I am, in fact, here because of Your Ideas. Because I’ve alway seen them as sperate things, and I am So Curious about how you’ve linked them. The chat being on external comms on a watch or phone-like device seems pretty common in the fandom, but linking them the way you have — in that you can’t have an inventory without a comm — raises so many questions!! (/pos) how do they work? Are they mechanical? Magical? Natural? Bio-magical? If they were something that needed to be invented, who invented them? How long have they been around? What did people do before then? How does a new player get their first comm/inventory? If comms can comunicate across worlds, could they theoretically take their inventory across worlds/servers as well? Is cross-void trade a very dangerous, but lucrative, profession? Do they have to exchange comm-phone-numbers or can they immediately contact anyone they’ve ever met? If you have stuff in your inventory and you loose your comm, do you lose the stuff too? Or does it transfer like an ender chest? Could someone else steal your inventory by stealing your comm? Does a player have to attune to a comm like a dnd magic item? How common is it to have to build a new one?
I’m gonna stop now because this is really long, it’s 11, and I Will just keep thinking of more questions. I’m so intrigued by this!! Those few little lines have completely captivated me with their potential!! I’m excited!!
(Sorry if this had a bit too much of my own personal worldbuilding ramble, I just really wanna talk to someone about this stuff!)
Ive been 👁️👁️ at this ask since you sent it in and first of all im so sorry the autism won for a bit and kept me from answering your questions, second of all i think your worldbuilding is SO NEAT :DDD this is SUPER COOL i love your ideas, comms being a telepathic link is so interesting to me!!! Also, im intensely flattered that you like the direction i took with hunger au's worldbuilding so much!! I've been having a lot of fun sorta marrying biology and irl physics with computer programming-based building building blocks for this universe, to the point where im actually starting to put together a legit glossary in my masterlist doc to keep it all straight in my head 😂😂😂 it's an interesting challenge for me to try and meld all these things together so i can make something that feels completely different from our world without losing its relatability, so im super glad you're appreciating it!!!
These are a lot of questions im gonna try and answer all at once, so i'll put it beneath the cut so it doesnt clog people's dashes LMAO
So firstly, the way i view communicators is,,, okay dont laugh too hard but i literally just visualize them as pip boys from fallout SKDNJWNDJS for some reason ive NEVER been able to shake that mental image, so ive just sorta accepted that into how i view them for hunger au. Personally, i see them as sort of a... mishmash of the bio-mechanical, something that isnt QUITE a direct part of them but is very much attached and integrated with their code. So its not like an organ, but an interface, i guess-- comms are how you can access an inventory, which is basically just hammerspace the way you've already described it, and where you can change your own surface code, and its also just... the way Players are able to interact with the worlds around them.
You also send messages with comms, but instead of there being anything like phone numbers, you're forming a direct link between your comm and someone else's!!! Not telepathic the way you've done with your worldbuilding, but because i see comms in this universe as something that latches onto and interacts with your code, its still a very important connection. Once connected, you can talk to that person all the time through your comm, even if they arent currently on your server-- although I do think that this only extends to when youre within the same server cluster.
As for how Players get them in the first place: for spawned Players, they just spawn in with them. Thats where the bio part comes in i think, and its a little hard for me to explain the way i view it, but its something like... i guess a bit like when moons form around planets. The code of an entity has a certain weight to it, and when a Player and their singleplayer world spawns in, the comm does with them, already attached and integrated with their code. For birthed Players, its very different-- they arent born with a comm, so they need a comm made, and then integrated with their code by a skilled code wrangler. It is VERY tricky to make a comm-- theyre incredibly fiddly, super hard to code without mistakes, and they take an extraordinarily long time to put together, let alone integrate properly with someone's code. Im not sure the word dangerous is the most accurate term here, but there are potentially harmful consequences if you integrate a poorly made comm with someone's code.
As for inventory transfer, i think you can bring stuff in your inventory from one server to another. This is mostly used for personal items or gifts, i think-- Player culture and attitude generally emphasizes fun, and whats more fun than giving someone something special that you made/got for them, or bringing a little memento with you from an old world you want to remember?
Theoretically, im sure there are Players who bring supplies or previously used tools with them to new worlds, but i think most Players like the excitement and challenge of starting fresh. It all depends on the person and the community culture surrounding that server if its a multiplayer. Cross-void trade is probably definitely a thing, but i dont think its necessarily very dangerous, just something more personal that you'd do for yourself or for a friend rather than any kind of business model.
As for someone being able to steal a comm, i dont think you can if its attached to the Player it belongs to, because at that point its basically a part of them. They can take them off, though, so someone could potentially steal it then, but unless theyre a skilled code wrangler and can crack into it, i dont think it would work for them or let them access that person's inventory. It would, however, be an incredibly effective (and cruel) way of controlling someone's actions and where they can go/who they can talk to.
This is why, ultimately, lost comms are a huge deal; losing your comm is literally losing access to pieces of yourself, your world, and your community. And while as a Watcher, Grian doesnt technically need a comm to access his code or enter other servers, he does still need it to keep in touch with other people and facilitate those community bonds, as well as keep an inventory. So yeah, Tango fretting over Grian losing his comm was very much warranted.
AAAAAAA THIS WAS VERY LONG i hope it was worth the wait!!! I know you sent another question but im gonna answer that one separately later since its about a different subject, and this is already SOOOO MUCH RAMBLING on my part. Thank you for sending these asks, and you are absolutely welcome to ramble at me as much as you want!!! :D
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pantherloid · 8 months
Please yap, I want to hear about the non-bio thing about Len
Okay!!! Im not gonna articulate it well so it's gonna be all over the place.
Ive said (too many times) that my hcs of len (and any other vocasynth) is theyre either physical robots or they exist in your 'puter.
At first I almost said "non-human" to mean like its a character thats not born and so doesnt live a human life like go through developmental stages, have parents that theyre born from, have a childhood especially, ET CETERA right, but non-human makes it sound like its furries or monsters so that doesnt make any sense.
Non-biological feels accurate bc there is no BIRTH and no developmental stages, no lived experiences/past experiences, and basically, i want the character to exist in a void!! No ties, no meaningful connections.
Tumblr media
A little bit off tangent... I've had my old fursona (oldest oc) in my head for the longest time and theyre supposed to be one of these characters that Do Not Exist like theyre not a "person" who goes through life and experiences, theyre an entity that... exists in...SOME way, and I was never able to convey that idea UNTIL like last year, after experimenting for a long time with len hcs where hes a digital being, it kinda clicked. This non-existing character type that I've been wanting to convey can be well translated as a digital being or like a computer program. I think i want to say this character type is entirely intangible, like computer programs, so they "dont exist"...but you wouldn't say a computer program is "not real" right, like um WHERE AM I GOING.
Anyways HAVE YOU EVER seen that tumblr post (i think) about hatsune miku, gorillaz, and the muppets being not real but also... real... bc they exist in the real world and we talk about them *Vsauce music* or SOMETHING like that...
Where am i going now ah. The kagami-ne mirror images thing is so good because to me there is no way this makes sense if i think of them as flesh and blood people like DA HELL you mean theyre mirror images, the concept simply does not work. Like look i assume people who hc rin and len as twins hc them as 'people' because---
((context i made a tweet a while ago, i said : "I lean more on the mirror images interpretation than twins like siblings." "In my hc theyre not people so theyre not ""siblings"" bc you'd have to be born for that?? Theyre probably more like clones but also not BIOLOGICALLY bc theyre either robots/digital beings like i always say." ---
because twins suggest biology. Like they were fetuses in a womb together, man where am i going again.
The mirror images thing is really cool when theyre thought of as just ENTITIES. Just person-like beings that are just copy pasted like no further or deeper explanations. Theyre simply not real!!!!
- - -
After yapping I realized it all comes down full circle to my escapist ass not wanting anything connected to the real world. Like the way i draw len or my human ocs, theyre only supposed to resemble humans, they should not look "real" as in look like they could be someone who you could spot when you leave your house or something.
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
In my post-canon fic series, Akechi becomes friends with Kusuke in adulthood, often visiting his lab to hang out and play games and chat. (This happens well past what I've posted so far though lol)
Akechi is openly non-binary, and makes a bet with Kusuke over a game, like they usually do, for custom hormone replacement treatment as a prize. Akechi wins and Kusuke studies pharmaceuticals and stuff to make him a course of hormones that will give him more feminine features while still keeping a lot of his masculine features.
Anyways I ended up writing this character introspective moment between Akechi and Kusuke that I thought was neat:
Akechi's quarterly physical is a boring regular affair on the couch at Kusuke's lab. It's just a simple checkup to see how well Kusuke's custom blend of sex hormones was working to give Akechi the perfectly ambiguously gendered figure of his dreams.
But for Akechi, undressing - even just to the waist - is always a grand production.
Off comes his suit jacket, and he takes the time to hang it up neatly to avoid wrinkles.
Then he unhooks his suspenders from the back, pulling the straps forward to tie in a neat little bow to keep them out of the way without having to remove them entirely.
The way he unbuttons his dress shirt is always so prim and practiced too, each twist of his wrists at once mechanical and dramatic.
Akechi's bright gaze meets Kusuke's then.
"It used to be that I only considered mirrors to be utilitarian things," he says, "useful for ensuring that my clothes were tidy and my hair neat, or occasionally for a closer perspective on some blemish or bruise. But lately, whenever I catch sight of myself in the mirror, I smile, and it's this unintentional, unbidden outburst of joy – a wild thing that I would never have considered possible at such a mundane occurrence. Had I felt 'wrong' in my old body? Certainly not– I was reasonably satisfied with it at the time. But these latest developments have, in a sense, elevated my everyday experience, increased the background baseline of my mood. And for that, I am truly thankful, Kusuke. We both know that our gambling antes are farcical, more of an excuse to share in an experience than a true wager. And yet you've granted me such an enormous boon, at no little cost of your own. I have some idea of how much time you spent studying human biology and pharmaceuticals in order to prepare this treatment regimen for me. Time you could have perhaps better spent developing your own inventions and theorems. Yet you have been nothing but professional and attentive with me throughout these years. I would like to thank you wholeheartedly for everything."
And of course, Kusuke would have complicated feelings about his closest and practically only friend, so...
Kusuke looks away from Akechi to the other side of his couch, uselessly hiding his expression from someone who knows his emotions better than himself.
"No problem," he says. "It's fun."
"You want more," Akechi states simply, no judgment in his tone.
Kusuke frowns.
It's true.
As much as he enjoys Akechi's company, and the time they spend fiddling with Kusuke's machines and playing crazy little games for mostly meaningless antes, there's something missing.
Kusuke doesn't know what it is, but he feels it in his chest when Akechi bounces into his lab like he's in his own home. He feels it when Akechi whips up a bizarre new treat as if his lab was a kitchen and offers Kusuke a bite right out of his fingers. He feels it when Akechi stays the night, snoring away on the couch while Kusuke silently writes journal papers and grant proposals.
Akechi's gaze is kind enough to hurt.
Anyways from here I wrote a fic where they settle into a friends-with-benefits kind of relationship but because Kusuke is still a big weirdo no matter how much he's calmed down, the resulting fic is extremely unhinged.
(The full fic is rated E and easy to find, but mind the tags, it's truly the wildest thing I've posted so far lol)
But I figured some people might enjoy reading the premise so here it is <3 This lore was actually explained previously in an Aikechi mini-comic but I think most people missed the punchlines so hopefully this is a clearer version of Nopsi's Trans Enby Akechi Lore!
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xjumbled-up-brainx · 1 year
Could you tell us more about the Vegimal Reflection Theory? You're the first person I've heard talk about it. Who are reflections of who? I think the theory is pretty dang interesting.
Why thank you for asking it reminded me! (Again if someone has already said this out there in the octo-community just lemme know!^^) And mind you, my thing is theorizing/writing and reading wayyyy too far into things😎👍
So the Vegimal Reflection Theory is as follows:
The Vegimals in the Octonauts TV series, aside from Tunip, are completely new and not featured in the original books. This being that the show creators had to formulate new animal/veggie combos as well as give these new characters personalities, as Vegimals in the books were not often singled out(and there are far more in the books compared to the show). The Vegimals are more comedic relief, fun little side guys for laughs. While this is true, they need some character of their own, something that sets them apart from the main more serious Octonauts crew. Something to complement the shows intensity to better suit the young audience, ergo, reflection theory. This theory means that every vegimal is the opposite or reflection of one of the main characters, even tho the numbers don’t match up some can double:
1. Tunip : Shellington and Barnacles : Tunip is actually classified as one of the 8 Octonauts, though never really referred to as one except for merchandise. The biggest episode for Tunip’s complement to Shellington is the Immortal Jellyfish, being more in control and on top of things. Tunip is the “captain” of the vegimals, and we see Tunip bonding with Barnacles in above and beyond. Because Tunip is one of the Octonauts, the reflection theory is bended to more of a representation factor.
2. Tominnow : Kwazii : I’ve talked about this one before, as it was what originally tipped me off to this theory. We see Tominnow check on Kwazii’s room and drive the Gup B in A Very Vegimal Christmas, an episode I used for the first initial bases of evidence for all of em. I’ve talked about how I think Kwazii is FTM transgender, and how Tominnow being a reflection is MTF, it also works with the biology of minnows and the likeliness of vegimal siblings. Kwazii is also very brave, courageous, self confident, while Tominnow is more shy, quiet, a little clumsy. This pair along with Tunip is also in the Barracuda Episode.
3. Grouber : Peso : This is almost an inverted version of the last one. Grouber is the biggest and strongest vegimal, while Peso is smaller and shies away from attention or taking up space. Again partnering with the last one, Kwazii and Peso are often seen together as a good duo, the same with Grouber and Tominnow. Grouber helps Tominnow accomplish bigger tasks, and Tominnow is more of the brains and softer/caring side. Similarly to their complement.
4. Barrot : Tweak : This one is more obvious on a surface level, the Bunny’s opposite is their favorite snack, a carrot. There isn’t as much here as the others, but I suppose Barrot is known for being very speedy, while Tweak is more hardworking at a get-it-right-the-first-time pace. My main point is just the physical opposition, I think they are secret mortal enemies (animators I need a fight scene between these two to the song Flight of the Bumblebee lmao, the reason Barrot is speedy is that they must be ready when the fated day arrives)
5. Codish: Inkling and Dashi : Dashi was the hardest character to place, I’ve always thought Dashi needs more development and doesn’t have an overarching character trait to define her by, but Codish fit the most. Dashi is very much in control, on top of things, acting as the IT Officer and Photographer, one of the only people who knows how to operate the Octopod it seems. Inkling is similar but different, wise and knowledgeable of creatures and topics of his interest, but we saw in RoF he has no idea how to work the Octopod. Codish is a more scatterbrained or clumsy character, typically causes silly problems. This relates because being the reflection of two contrasting characters would cause a jumble of character traits, and Codish lacks the control, precision, general knowledge of the two. Also yes I see the color scheme similarities, I suppose that helps solidify it more with this being the weakest one I’d say lol.
Again, these are just my thoughts with the little veggie guys, I luv em very dearly ^^ To summarize, each Vegimal is an opposite/complement of 1-2 of the main Octonauts crew, as seen through their personalities across multiple episodes.
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