#idc as long as he's paying the bills and I am not
no-one-hears-me · 1 year
I don't even need a rich husband at this point I just need a nice man with a job
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samandcolbyownme · 6 months
sam and/or colby ideaaaa !!
y/n gets stood up on a date and sam or colby meets her at a bar she goes to and cheers ber up
can be fluff or smut idc !
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Warnings: swearing, mention of alcohol consumption, friends to lovers
You sat at the table set for two, alone.
Two hours in, you let out a sigh, realizing that you’ve been stood up.
Your phone vibrates on the table and you hoped that it was a test from Nate, but it wasn’t. It was just Sam, So how’s the date going?
You leg put a laugh, looking up as the waiter comes by, “Would you like another glass, Miss?” You shake your head, “No, I’ll just take my bill for the ones I already had. “
He nods and you look back down at your phone, Oh yeah. So much fun. It’s been just me the last two hours?
Sam instantly starts replying and not long after his message pops up, Are you fucking serious? What a dick. I’m sorry, y/n. Is there anything I can do to help?
You bite down on your lip, Actually. Would you want to meet me at the bar down the street from your house?
The waiter brings your check and you pay before gathering your things and walk out to your car. You get in, starting it up and you look down to see if Sam answered.
He did, I’ll be there in ten.
Once you arrive to the bar, you walk in and you smile as you see Sam sitting at the bar. You walk up to him and sigh, “Boy, am I glad to see you.”
Sam look over at you, a smile growing wide on his face, “Hey, y/n.”
You sit down and Sam pushes a drink over to you, “You sounded like you needed this.” You smile and nod, taking the glass, “I did.”
You take a sip and sigh, starting in on how done you are with dating apps and anything to do with dating in general.
Two hours, and few very strong drinks later, you find yourself walking back to Sam’s house, “Thank you.” You giggle as you walk beside him.
His hand stands steady on the small of your back as he smiles, “For what?”
You look over at him, “because you came, when i needed someone to rescue me.” You smile and he shrugs, “You called.”
Your eyes move from his eyes to his lips and you sigh, “Remember how I said I was done with dating?” Sam nods, “I sure do.” He chuckles and tucks hair behind your ear, “Still got another shot left in ya?”
You smile and nod, “I’m thinkin’ I do.”
Thanks for reading! Ilysm, and as always, let me know how you liked it! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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jackmercerenthuiast · 2 years
☆Number - Jack Mercer x Reader
☆ idc Jack Mercer doesn’t have enough fanfics so I’m here to serve justice.
☆Would recommend listening to ‘You Can Be The Boss’ by Lana Del Rey
Content: Mentions of drugs alcohol, suggestive language, mentions of gang violence
~و✧…彡☆ - btw pretend Jack survived x
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彡☆ 2005          19:36PM
‘This job is honestly ass’  I said to my most common customer, and closest friend, Sofi. It was true, I hated my job, it was a fucking shithole, I mean it was a dingy bar in the rough parts of Detroit, a little girl’s dream clearly.
‘Aye (name) don’t be so silly, it pays the bills, and plus, you get a lot of guys working here.’ She wasn’t wrong, I mean it did pay the bills after all but the amount of guys that I didn’t want? Uncountable.
‘I know Sof’, but they’re all ugly most of the time, plus, when they’re that pissed out of their minds, ‘no’ doesn’t compute easy, they got determination I’ll say that. Gets me a few tips I suppose.’ I laughed, cleaning the nearby table where Sofi sat. ‘Speaking of guys, can’t believe you’re seeing that Angel Mercer again!’ I asked, sitting next to her and nudging her shoulder.
‘I don’t like the way you said ‘Again’ but at least I have a man. Though, how old are you now?’ She asked, smiling at the ground when she answered about Angel, absolutely smitten, is the only words I could describe her.
‘Twentyyy... one?’ I questioned myself as I pulled out my ID, just double checking I was actually 21. 
‘You really think that checking your ID is going to help? How many fake IDs did you have when you were 17 to get cigarettes?’ Me and Sofi go back to when I was 17 and freshly moved to America, she lived in the apartment next to me and we’d been best friends since she welcomed me into the new apartment.
‘Shut up girl, this is a real one, and I am right I’m 21.’ I laughed, smacking my ID on the table.
‘Okay okay, anywho, Angel has a brother, Jack who’s the same age as you, and he got shot recently, he’s getting out of hospital today and a little birdie told me him and his brothers are coming here in an hour or so to celebrate.’ She suggested, walking over to the bar.
‘Oh yeah? Well from what you’ve told me the birdie is actually quite big.’ I smirk as I pour myself a pint from the tap, Sofi hit me on my arm, telling me to shut up in Spanish. I love Sofi but she loves to overshare about her sex life, but it’s fun to mess with her about it. 
…彡☆      19:54PM
A few moments passed, as me and Sofi just talked about random things, about how crazy it was that Victor Sweet had finally been killed, what Sofi wanted to do career wise etc. When all of a sudden, a bunch of loud men burst through the door, as I recognise a very familiar face.
‘(Name)! What’s goin’ on baby?’ He said as he approached the bar, politely shaking my hand, Jerry was like a big brother to me, always nice and fair.
‘Nothin’ much, your wife know you here? I can call her right now if she don’t.’
‘Nah she knows, I’m truthful to my lady, and seeing as I’m so truthful, can we get a few rounds free?’
I laughed and nodded saying as long as I got tipped I’d give them whatever.
‘Bullshit Jerry, we all keep secrets here.’ A bloke in leather, with a goatee sort of thing going on says, laughing and hitting his back.
‘Man shut the fuck up before I woop yo’ white ass. (Name), these are my brothers Bobby, Jack and Angel, I guess you’re already acquainted with Angel here.’
‘Yeah man, it’s hard not to know who Angel is when all I hear in my apartment is those two getting it on.’ I say, lighting a cigarette whilst directioning my hand to Sofi and Angel.
Then I looked at Jack, and all I thought was ‘Damn he’s fine’.
‘So you lovely ladies want tables or are you gonna keep me company and sit at the bar?’
‘I think the guys are alright with sitting at the bar, right guys?’ Jerry said, asking his brothers, they all nodded and agreed as they took seats at the bar.
‘Can I get a beer?’ The one who I assumed was Bobby, asked.
‘Can you be specific, Guiness? Heineken? A pint? Half-pint? And I don’t know maybe a please?’ I chuckled, directioning to the amount of beers there were to choose from
‘She had you on that one Bobby, she’s very passionate about her alcohol.’ Angel said. 
‘And why’s that, you an alcoholic or somethin?’
‘No, I don’t know if you can tell from the accent but it’s just from being English really.’ I could see Jack’s eyebrows raise slightly, he was really cute.
‘Ah, I don’t know man just give me a bottle of Guiness.’
…彡☆           20:20PM
About half an hour passed before I finally talked to Jack, I slid down the bar, making my way to where he sat, leaving the rest of the brothers and Sofi to do whatever.
‘You’re Jack I take it?’
‘Yeah and you’re.. (name)?’
‘Indeed it is, what drink you want Jackie?’
‘I don’t mind really, can I get a cigarette? The hospital wouldn’t let me bring ‘em in.’ He laughed, god damn his laugh. I’ve known this boy for 45 minutes and I’m whipped
‘Yeah sure and I’m sorry to hear that you got shot by the way, you ‘re lucky you survived love.’ I could see him the try to hide the fact me calling him love got a reaction out of him, it’s not particularly uncommon for me to call customers love, but it’s usually older customers, just out of respect, though for him? I just said it to get a reaction.
‘Thanks, how long you been working at the bar?’
‘Not long really, few months? I’ve only been in America for a couple of years, I think four years.’ Passing him a cigarette and a lighter whilst taking a puff of my own.
‘Ah cool, how come you moved?’
‘I don’t know really, I suppose to just be with my mum, seeing as she wanted to just get away.’
‘Your parents split?’
‘Yeah but it was probably the best choice they collectively made.’ I laughed, pouring him a drink.
‘Fair enough, you do anything else other than be the only good-looking bar tender in Detroit?’ Um sir? 
‘Don’t flatter me Jackie, but yeah actually, I play the bass here and there.’
…彡☆ Jack POV  …彡☆
‘Don’t flatter me Jackie...’ Man, I haven’t even known her that long and I can’t help but want to take her out. 
‘Ah bass? That’s cool man, I play the guitar, before I moved back to Detroit I was actually in a band, believe it or not.’ Flicking my cigarette ash in the nearby ashtray, when I had an idea. I asked her for a pen and she handed me the one in her shirt pocket.
‘I certainly believe it, but anywho I can’t concentrate on your pretty face all night, I’ll serve some other customers and I’ll be back soon.’ She said winking at me, I felt my face go so warm, Sofi definitely knew I was going red, and to my misfortune, so did Bobby.
‘Woah Jackie, did the bullet knock the fairy out of you or what?!’
‘Shut up man, you probably haven’t been flirted with in the last 10 years.’
‘Sure fairy whatever you say.��
…彡☆    22:17PM     your pov
‘Okay boys we’re gonna leave now, because for some reason I got designated driver duty so come on! You too Sofi vámanos!’ Jerry yelled, dragging Sofi and Angel by the collars of their shirts, I laughed to myself as all of the brothers continued to leave in a drunken mess, the night was full of brotherly love, teasing and intense flirting between me and Jack, as he had more drinks he got more bold with how he spoke.
I was absolutely whipped, and as Jack left, he gave me a cigarette and said, 
‘Don’t light it right away.’ with a drunken but genuine smile, I responded, ‘Don’t worry Jackie I won’t, see you soon.’ and I pecked him on the cheek as I left for the room where I kept my coat to close up my shift, taking the cigarette with me.
Later in the night I was certain there was something I had forgotten to do, and then it hit me, I probably was meant to look at the cigarette or something, and then I thought, ‘Where’s the cigarette?’, and I trudged to my sofa and grabbed my coat, luckily the cig was still in my pocket.
I twizzled it in my fingers, when I saw numbers written on one side, and a note saying, ‘Call me - Jackie’ with a heart next to it on the other, that smooth motherfucker. I unravelled the cigarette, putting the nicotine in a spare pouch and attached the note to my fridge with a magnet with the intentions to call him in the morning.
…彡☆     The End!
Please let me know if you liked this, if so I might write a part 2 to it or just continue to write Jack mercer fics seeing as there just aren’t enough! Love ya x
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marvellouspinecone · 8 months
Thank you so much for your ask!! Please come talk about s10 in my ask box whenever you like! I ADORE the idea with the TARDIS breaking her rules for Bill!! 😍- but I will answer your ask properly to swoon over that.
I actually wanted to tell you about the one (main) time I tried co-authoring. Which was during school, it went on for at least a year, probably two and stretched ages 15-16 approximately. I was bored in class often and so me and two of my friends started writing a nonsense story by handing a paper back and forth, writing one sentence and then handing it to the next person. You know, like that party game. Just that it turned into an actual THING.
It was this awesome, completely chaotic adventure story of a woman and her dragon and cat (of course there was a cat) trying to retrieve an artifact for some nameless evil to rule the world with. And she starts out as this "as long as they pay me Idc" type of goon, but then she meets a pretty (helpless) man and kinda picks him off the street and that makes her learn compassion and responsibility. And then he backstabs her, I think. And there was this other man who was like her rival that she always fought and bickered with and I am pretty sure at some point the story involved a third man and a second woman, but I do not remember what was their deal.
It got very complicated and convoluted, especially since the cat kept finding new important plot points that added to all the unresolved stuff we already had. And I was the only one who kinda still knew what was going on because I STUDIED that tale.
Anyway, at some point my friends got tired of the game and the story never got finished. But it was so much fun. I still have the (huge) folder with all the paper we filled somewhere. And there's art! I think I drew the hero and her dragon and cat at least twice and the love interest (not quite sure whether the hero was interested in him, actually. I think it was some sort of unrequited love on his side) at least once.
Not sure if there's a point to telling you this, only that you made me remember good times 😊 And well, maybe that co-authoring is fun especially when it doesn't have to be perfect. But I understand that going about it in any way similar to mine at school is not an option for s10, obviously
This is so fun omg, it's like text rolepaying ig? But better bc you can write for different characters. It's cool to be in that headsapce and live in a fictional universe where nothing you do really matters bc it's for fun and the more wild and complicated you make it the funnier it is. I totally get the appeal. I wish i could personally apply the same to writing i actually intend to finish, bc, like, as they say, your first draft is created to be a complete dumpster fire and then it all comes down to editing
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g0rechan · 6 months
That’s the number you gave me when I was posting similar things like your last post.
Use it.
I love you. Ik this sounds parasocial but idc. You’re my only friend. I have no friends irl and chatting and vibing with you online has got me through incredibly difficult times for me. I was so lonely and still am, I had strong urges to commit suicide but you got me through it.
Please, use it. You’re an incredible person who’s funny and pretty and creative.
Call me a parasocial bitch all you want but I really want you to get help.
I did, I did call that number. I cried so hard and -aside from the time my dog died- it was genuinely the first time I’ve cried in such a long time.
I’ve been in such a dark place for god knows how long. It’s been so damn stressful and insane. The only thing preventing me from killing myself is friends, my art, fashion, and the events I get to attend with people. I love hanging out with friends, it distracts me from all my worries and all the bad that I know about.
I didn’t start feeling this way until I had to start adulthood with no preparation whatsoever and worry about paying bills and break my back to put a payment on my car that shouldn’t even be that ridiculously high (seriously, fuck capitalism).
And my parents tell me that I need to get over it bc I’m an adult and that stress is a part of life and that I’m not mentally ill, I’m a spoiled brat. Like WTF?! Yeah ik life is stressful, but I’m not allowed to be stressed??
I’m sure they were just as stressful as I am when they started adulthood. Especially since my mom was a fucking teenager when she had me and had to work jobs while my father was attending night school at the time since he had to drop out to support his family.
Ig they just don’t remember? Or maybe because they’re both in the upper middle class quadrant that they feel like they’re so much better than people who are struggling- Yes, I still live with them but I can’t consider myself as part of their family with how fucking irritatingly unhelpful they are.
I wanna go back to who I was as a teenager. Not caring, loving everyone… not being the bitter, angry, vindictive bitch that I am now. Before I used to be so happy when others were happy, but now whenever I get a manic episode and I see, like, idk a rich person or rich and upper middle class kids who didn’t have to grow up in poverty like I did, I feel bitter. Like, physically. I can feel it building up inside me and spewing into my mouth.
And once I get out of my episode, I feel so fucking stupid. It’s so childish and terrible, the last time I felt this way was when I was like, what? 12-13?? I’m like, “cmon, Miliani. Really?”.
I tell myself I should be happy, I have many friends and everyone is always telling me I’m so pretty, and artistic, and so many boys and even girls have crushes on me and try to get me stuff for free sometimes.
And I’m upset because, what? I don’t have money?? One minor thing that won’t make more of a person if I did??
… I don’t want to be rich. I just want to be financially comfortable. That is fucking all. And if I can’t be financially stable, I’d at least want people to care. I want people to understand.
I also just wanna have a connection with my mommy again instead of her being angry at me. I want to just be happy with what I have.
It sucks bc I can feel happy sometimes, but the bad thoughts always come back. It’s like my brain doesn’t want me to be happy. I talked to the suicide hotline and they recommended that I’d see my school counselor to get free accommodations for getting a proper mental diagnosis…
Overall, I don’t hate myself or my life. It’s just mental illness and the stress of this new stage in life is taking an absolute fucking toll on me.
I’m just glad that I finally know the root cause of my problems now instead of attacking myself and others in blind rage.
I’ll help myself, like I did with you. I feel good that I was able to help you through all the sad and stressful things in your life.
As of now, the thoughts are gone. They’ve come and gone all day, everyday. I know the thoughts will come back but til then. I want to strive to be the best version of myself. I want to learn to love and again. I want to be that caring, selfless, sweet girl again. And I know I can do it, with the help of friends and therapy.
When I learn to love myself, I can learn to love others again.
Thank you.
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sunflowersim · 3 years
i hit my breaking point and kicked my partner out of the house for the moment. god, it sucks and my heart hurts.
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boydiisaster · 3 years
hi !! I really liked what you wrote w/ trans mc coming out :DD (im trans myself and reading it made me cry happy tears at 1 am) could I request more trans mc- but after they've come out? Like during their transition or something? Thanks a bunch!! <3
trans MC my beloved
reader: transmasc, male, he/him
tw/cw: dysphoria mention
author's note: yay!!! i'm so glad you liked it- i'm trans, too! i hope you like this, as well- i'm not sure if you wanted a ftm MC or just a trans MC in general, so if you'd like me to rewrite this i'd be more than happy to! i love writing trans MC content, it literally makes my day <3
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So romantic with you when you first told him you wanted to transition. Offered to pay all your bills, and unlike Mammon, he can actually afford to.
"What, are you like my sugar daddy now or something?" you joked, poking him in the chest.
"If that's what my boyfriend wants me to be," he replied with a smirk.
(I'd burst into tears if Lucifer ever called me his boyfriend. Gender dysphoria: poof, gone.)
Makes an effort to always call you by your name, even if he doesn't have to.
"Can you go grab MC for me? I need MC right now so we can discuss his current grades."
If you take shots of testosterone, Lucifer will gladly inject them if need be. But if you want to do it by yourself, he's fine with that, too. Just allow him to stand by, in case something goes wrong. He really cares for you, and doesn't want you getting hurt.
When he first heard you wanted to transition, he was ecstatic. His love language is gift giving, and he wants to buy you everything that you need for your transition.
He was also the first person you told about this, and it really boosted his ego.
"Of course you'd trust the Great Mammon with this! I'm so trust worthy, it's obvious why you chose me-"
"Shut up and kiss me, oh 'Great Mammon.'"
Mammon tries daily to give you masculine compliments. Like, he tries so hard it hurts. You could be putting up groceries or something and he pops up out of seemingly no where to tell you that "You put up those groceries so masculine-like, MC."
He doesn't really understand, but he's got the spirit.
He'd pay for your transition if you'd let him. How, exactly? He doesn't really know, but he'd find a way for you <3
He's definitely like a supportive mother who doesn't really know what to do, but wants to do something to show that she supports you when you come out. You catch him sneaking mini pride flags or those cringey Amazon pride shirts into your room at 3 in the morning.
You wear them, just to make him happy, and his brothers most definitely tease you for it.
Another one who doesn't really know what to do. He's had friends online that were trans, sure, but what if he messes something up with you?
(You're not gonna mess anything up, don't worry, Levi)
I want to say that he'd unironically buy you that Miku binder, but Levi has been online for so long that he knows that he probably shouldn't.
... He'd still ask to, though, just for the meme, followed by a swift punch to the arm by his ever-so-loving boyfriend.
"You're such a nerd.... I love you."
Not very off-brand for him, but Levi definitely recommends you anime and manga that have good trans representation.
Satan is trans too, idc what you say. Am I just projecting onto my favorite fictional characters? Probably so, but it's fine.
Remember when I said Mammon buys you cringey trans pride stuff? Yeah, he did that with Satan, too. Satan still has all of the cheesy posters and tee shirts stuffed in the back of his closet, away from where anyone can see.
... When he's alone though, he definitely lounges around in the shirts and laughs to himself.
"We can form an alliance, MC. 'Trans Guys Suffering From Mammon's Stupid Gifts.'"
Much like Levi, Satan recommends you books with good trans rep. He also bakes you cake or anything else you want if you're feeling especially down.
(I headcanon that Satan loves baking okay, shut up-)
If you ever want to go to Pride with him, he'll be a little antsy at first, but buy him a couple of trans pride cat pins and he'll love it.
Two words: shopping spree
Takes you to all the hottest clothing shops to buy you clothes that make your dysphoria better
If you don't experience much dysphoria? Still takes you out shopping, anyways.
Hey! Shopping is fun, okay? >:(
Calls you lots of masculine compliments that give you gender euphoria. "Sir" and "Mister MC" are his favorites, just cus of the way you roll your eyes and giggle at him when he does.
Asmo loves it when his boyfriend smiles, it's the cutest sight in all of three worlds. Minus him, of course.
He's also trans, fuck you.
He's apart of you and Satan's alliance.
More subtle than his brothers: he doesn't do anything extravagant when you tell him you'd like to transition, just nods his head and pulls you in for a bone-crushing hug.
"I have work out routines we can try to build up muscle, if you want?"
"That sounds great, Beel, but please let go, I can't breathe-"
Another one I think would buy you trans stuff he finds online, except way less cringey, like pride pins or flags.
He also buys the two of you pride themed food to eat together <3
You were so nervous when you told him, like, to the point you were stumbling over words. When you finally got it out that you'd like to transition, Belphie just blinked at you.
"That's all? Well, okay. What pronouns do you want me to use for you from now on?"
Catches onto everything very easily. He'll sometimes nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck and just mutter masculine praises so quietly you hardly hear him, but you catch a "handsome boy" and "darling boyfriend" here and there.
He'll still call you a dumb fucking loser though, but lovingly, I swear-
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tamakissimp · 4 years
headcanon- secretly rich s/o
request: @rayanicaraynbow​ Hi! This might be a little weird, but could I get headcanons for Todoroki, YaoMomo, Shinsou, and Jiro with a s/o that is the child of a pro hero/someone who's just generally rich, but they have a different last name than their rich parent, so nobody knows their rich. I'm not sure if this is *too* specific or not specific *enough*. If not, that's fine, it was just a random 1 AM thought, and I couldn't find a rules list if there was one. I love your blog btw! :)
a/n: I wrote Shouto’s differently because this boy 100% has a rich people radar. idc it’s true.
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He'll probably know that you're rich before you tell him. He most likely saw you at a 'rich people' party when he was younger.
He knows how much it sucks to be judge by your parents' name so he'll ignore the topic of your family all together.
Shouto thinks it's cute and sad at the same time how much you try to hide your wealth.
He loves how nonrich you act. Going to thrift shops as dates, always sharing bills, checking price tags, not always getting name-brand stuff.
He loves how normal he feels around you. No pressure to go out to fancy restaurants. You tow can just make a nice homecooked meal.
Absolutely adores the low maintenance dates. You two can go for a walk in the park and call it a date.
You've already gone through your 'allowance' (while you have a couple hundred thousand in your bank account) and still need a sweater. He'll use this as an excuse to gift you his clothing. Seeing you in his shirts makes his heart do summersaults.
"Shouto.". The half-and-half boy turns around at the sound of your voice. His hearts warm up at the sight of you, a big smile plastered on your cheeks while you hold a shirt in front of you. "Look how cute this is! And it's only 300 yen.".
Shouta walks over to you and presses the shirt against you slightly. He tries to imagine how it would look on you. "It's pretty," he says. "But it'll look even prettier on you.". You give his chest a playful swat as you hide your face behind the shirt. "What, it's true.".
"You are a flirt, mister," you say before twirling around and walking to the changing rooms in the thrift shop. Shouta doesn't know what he's feeling. Maybe it's love, maybe it's happiness, maybe it's longing. He doesn't know. All he knows is that he's hooked on how domestic things like going shopping together feel. How normal everything feels. He isn't Shouto Todoroki, son of Endeavor. You aren't Y/n Y/L/n, child of one of the richest family in Japan.
No, you're just Shouta and Y/n. Just a young couple wanting to spend their afternoon together.
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She is very rich herself. Even though she should be able to recognize a fellow rich person, she doesn't.
She always pays when you go out to eat, she buys you the most extravagant gifts while yours are just average.
You even got a job, not wanting to solely rely on your parents' money.
Every time she offered to pay for something or gift you something, you had to stifle your laughter. Her intent is kind and sweet but at the same time useless. You could easily buy all the stuff she gifts you yourself.
You like to DIY stuff with her. Upcycling old clothing, tailoring thrift shop clothing, mixing broken items. You make it a bonding experience for both of you.
If she thinks that you're on the poorer side than she'll spoil you to death. Either with basic things like your favourite snacks or with that shirt she's seen you eyeing in the store.
She had no clue about your wealth so when she found out, she was perplexed.
It isn't weird for Aizawa to take attendance, though he forgot to do so most of the times. "Bakugou," he says. Bakugou grunts in response. You and Momo are too caught up in your own hushed conversation to pay attention to what the teacher is saying.
"Tanaka," Aizawa says. Fuck. Your attention is suddenly turned to the teacher. Students look around themself for the said Tanaka. "Oh, sorry. Y/l/n.". You raise your hand and drop it back down the second Aizawa acknowledges your presence.
You turn back to Momo. Her jaw has dropped and she's looking at you with wide eyes. "You're a Tanaka?". You nod at her question. Everyone knew the Tanaka's. They're the richest family in Japan, owning multiple renown hero agency.
"Yeah," you say as you awkwardly scratch at the back of your neck. "But I go by my father's name.". Momo nods. She understands the pressure of being seen as the 'rich kid'. The assumptions people make about you just because of your financial status.
"Don't worry," she says. "You're still Y/n to me.". You smile at her before continuing your conversation. God, how did you get lucky enough to end up with someone like Momo?
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Shinso never cared about how much money you had or how little. All he cared about is that you're with him. That you don't judge him for his quirk.
So he never noticed the few designer pieces of clothing you had mixed between your wardrobe. Or the fact that you always had the newest model phone on the market.
He thought that you were just being kind and wanted to treat him when you offered to pay the bill whenever you went out to eat.
When you were younger, you tried to hide who your mother was more but as you went older and went to the U.A, you started to accept it more.
So, when Shinsou found out you're the child of a pro-hero, saying he's shocked is an understatement.
Guest speakers come every often. At least once a week, the school arrange a pro-hero to come and give the class a pep talk or give them tips. Due to this, you knew that it was only a matter of time before your mother would be standing before your class.
"I'll pick you up at your dorm.". You read over your mother's text a hundred times. Even though you weren't the one who's going to be standing in front of a class full of hyperactive, overly excited students you're still nervous. You tap your foot against the floor as you bit your nails.
"Y/n!". You turn to your left. You see your mother standing in the elevator, waving at your happily before mentioning you to come over. You take quick steps towards her. The moment you're within arms-reach she pulls you in for a hug. "I missed you. Have you gotten taller?".
You swat her hand away as she tries to ruffle through your hair. "A little. And I missed you too.". The elevator doors close and you two start to move downwards. You tell your mother all about your class but your conversation is interrupted when the elevator stops and another person enters.
"Baby?". You look up as you see your boyfriend standing before you. His eyes wander from you to the pro-hero, your mother, standing beside you. He bows slightly to her before standing beside you.
"Is this the boy you've been telling me about?" your mother asks as she nudges your side. Your cheeks heat up as you nod your head. "He's handsome!". You look over at Shinso, who's eyes are wide. He tilts his head as you can almost see the gears in his hand turning.
You smile at him. "Shinso, this is my mom," you say. With that his jaw drops. Sure, he saw how much you two looked alike but he didn't think much of it. His mouth opens and closes a couple of times as he tries to think of what to say.
"You didn't tell him about me?". You shake your head at your mother's question. The elevator doors open against and your mother quickly slips out of the it, leaving you and a barely functioning Shinsou behind.
You lace your fingers through Shinsu's and pull him out of the elevator. "You're.....She's your mom?" he asks. You nod while keeping your eyes fixed on the ground. Will he judge you? Will he be mad that you didn't tell him? "Huh, never would have guessed.". You're taken aback by his cheery tone but your confusion doesn't last long as Shinso drags you along with him to your classroom. Well, that went smoother than you imagined.
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Much like Shinsou, she doesn't care about your wealth. She doesn't care about your money. All she cares about is that you love her.
She'll start to grow suspicious when you buy concert tickets and new instruments for her like it's nothing but she won't bring it up.
Jiro will probably try to 'compensate' with your gifts and goes out of her way with cute dates and romantic gestures.
She doesn't say a thing about your wealth until you gift her a new guitar for the third time.
And when she accidentally sees your true last name on a letter your parents send you, she's surprised. You, her Y/n who's she's been with for so long, is filthy rich.
"Surprise," you say as you push the beautifully wrapped box towards her. Jiro quirks up her brow as she carefully rips the patterned paper of the box. She opens it to reveal a new guitar.
She recognizes the model. You've seen her eying it for a week now. Your heart warms up as you see a smile spread across her lips. "Again?" she asks. You nod.
"I couldn't help myself," you explain. "I wanted to hear you play on it.". Jiro just shakes her head with a smile as she continues to unbox the instrument.
You watch her intensively as she places the now fully unwrapped guitar next to her older ones. It stands out. It's shinier than the others. "How do you afford this?" she says. "A guitar is like 60,000 yen.". You just shrug as you pull her towards you.
"Oh, it's...inheritance.". You feel bad for lying straight through your teeth but you don't know who she'll react if she finds out about your family. You plaster on a smile.
"I saw the letter," she says. Your blood runs cold. Maybe she saw a different letter. Yeah, it must have been. "I don't care about your family.". Oh crap. She definitely read the letter.
Your smile falters a bit. Jiro notices and cups your cheeks. "Is something wrong?" she asks. Her voice calms you down a bit. You just shake your head.
"No, I just..." you say. "I just thought you might...act differently when you found out.". She shakes her head and plants a kiss on your forehead.
"God no, you're still my Y/n," Jiro says.
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daydreamingjester · 3 years
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{ OOC }
aight you lil shits I’ve got enough good pals to properly introduce myself in the best post ever because I’m using all the meme photos of myself
• don’t ever be intimidated by me literally look at these photos you cannot by law be intimidated by me because I’m intimidated by every breathing thing on the planet
• I’m 22 ✨
• My name is Dove ✨
• I’m a vet tech ✨
• I’ve been writing for well over 9 years and started on Facebook — I honestly just joined tumblr for the first time like a month and some ago lol
• I never lost the FNAF phase it was just hibernating until breach came out. foxy has and will always be my comfort character. used to have a plushie and key chain of him !
• when I was younger and it’s been so long first came out I was blasting that with my earphones in the car to my grandfather’s funeral and I don’t know why that’s so horribly dark and funny to me I just don’t handle death properly
• I was there during the entire purple guy period where no one knew his name or face so he was just drawn as a drugged up purple dude everyone either wanted to madly fuck or have him fuck the phone guy with only a telephone as a head and let me tell you that was a wild time.
• I used to be the first multi para foxy on Facebook and everyone. I mean EVERYONE. wanted to fuck the fox. it was again, a wild time.
• I hate that I simp for Afton. in every form except scrap. big ass forehead looking lemon squeezed deformed bunny ass crusty man. springtrap and burntrap gets a free pass. I ✨ 100% ✨ simp for both his voice and glitch { sue me } . the fanart? IMMACULATE. MWAH. I originally had no intentions whatsoever on liking this dude until YA’LL AFTON WRITERS GOT ME HOOKED ON THIS SHIP LIKE CRACK. THANKS. IM AN ADDICT NOW. YOU’RE PAYING FOR MY FUCKING HOSPITAL BILL.
• I came into this fandom thinking I was only going to attach myself to sun and moon but here we are with my plethora of comfort characters.
• am I the only fucking person who doesn’t simp for Monty
I have no room to talk I simp for afton
I simp for literally only one other character in the entire franchise but I refuse to go off about him because I don’t want my friend to think I’m weird go figure he’s the one character I promise you I would ramble about how much I love him to fucking death for three hours straight please do not ask me
• The greatest showman has been my favorite movie for four years straight and anything circus related has my entire heart and soul
• that jingle that plays the weird music box carousel music for FNAF makes me emotional for no reason like I’ll hear it then start tearing up
• surprise surprise I want to be a voice actress but it’s hard when it’s a competitive field
I’ve taken professional voice acting and singing lessons and I sing on the side I just haven’t actually done a cover with my normal voice here yet
• I’m a slut for ships and angst. idc I’ll ship her with a million people. cringe culture is dead
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redgillan · 5 years
Under Pastel Skies - 3
Sugar daddy!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Modern!AU Bucky doesn’t need anyone, especially not a sugar baby. He isn’t that desperate… but she smiles so sweetly and she’s endearingly awkward, and he’s so lonely. She’s an artist, a painter, the type of person who always puts others before herself. Throwing caution to the wind Bucky offers her a place to live, a place where she can finally paint whatever her heart desires. He doesn’t need much in return; a friend, a muse.
Word Count: 2,587
Warnings: none
A/N: I wanted to give Reader a family and this is the easiest way to do it. Btw Peggy’s husband isn’t Steve, I have other plans for him ;) Enjoy!
Wannabe sugar daddies don’t interact, idc if you have money, eat it and leave me be.
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The rest of the week went by, and you kept hoping Bucky would come back. You hadn’t seen him since he’d left 300 dollars under his napkin after visiting you at work. You had tucked the bills into your bra, knowing they would be safe there, and walked home at the end of your shift.
Now it was Thursday afternoon and you were craving a day off.
Natasha’s apartment was spacious and the oversized glass window bathed the living room in natural sunlight. The apartment was a gift from Sam. Obviously.
You dropped your purse on the sofa –your bed- and laid out the bills on the coffee table. It was made of marble and brass, another gift from Sam.
You didn’t know what to do with the money, so you took it wherever you went, to keep it safe. You wanted to return it to Bucky. It was too much and you weren’t used to random acts of kindness.
You sunk into the cushion and blew out a sigh as you stared at the money. The persistent vibration of your phone against your thigh pulled you out of your thoughts. Half expecting it to be Natasha, you answered without looking at the caller ID.
The operator told you that Scott Lang was calling from Saint Quentin State Prison, and asked if you would accept the charges. You agreed. You always agreed.
“Splotchy, I need your help.”
Closing your eyes, you let your head fall back against the cushion. “I told you to stop calling me that, Scott.”
It was a silly nickname.
As a child, your mother dubbed you splotchy because of the colourful doodles you painted on the living room walls, and your siblings, who were roughly a few years older than you, had loved using that nickname. Especially since they knew you disliked it.
Their support and endless enthusiasm played a big part in your artistic journey, nurturing that spark into a flame. What started out as a childlike fascination with colours and shapes became your whole life. No one was surprised when you decided to pursue a degree in fine arts.
After the death of her husband, Peggy Carter adopted five children; a little boy from San Francisco, a little girl from Wakanda, twins from Sokovia and a little girl whose birth parents were still in high school. You were the last one, the only one she adopted as a baby.
“Is it offensive to call an artist splotchy?”
“It’s irrelevant. I haven’t painted in months,” you replied. “And we’re not kids anymore, you can use my name.”
“I’ve been calling you Splotchy for so long, I forgot your actual name.”
“You’re so funny,” you deadpanned. “What do you need, Scott?”
Scott’s tone changed suddenly, his voice grew agitated. “I need you to call Maggie. She isn’t picking up when I call her.”
“Scott,” you sighed.
“I haven’t talked to Cassie since her birthday,” he cut you off, pleading. “Please, I just want to talk to my little girl.”
Maggie was Scott’s ex-wife. Six months after his incarceration, she had filed for divorce. Natasha thought it was a real dick move but you didn’t blame Maggie. She was alone, her husband was in jail –for basically being a dumbass although the official charge was embezzlement and destruction of property- and she had a kid to raise.
Maggie wasn’t a saint but she was a good mother, and Cassie was a smart and healthy kid. Now you knew what to do with Bucky’s money.
“I’ll call her,” you said. “Listen, I’m going to put 50 bucks on your book. Buy yourself a bar of soap, I can smell you from here.” Scott interrupted you with a monotone ‘har har’. You chuckled. “I’ll buy Cassie a Christmas gift on your behalf, all right? I think she wanted a bike.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,” he chanted over the phone, his voice muffled as if he was holding the receiver too close to his mouth. “Are you sure you can afford it? I know it isn’t easy for you. Between living in New York and paying for mom’s nursing home, you don’t have to-”
“It’s fine,” you said, cutting off the conversation. “I’m not alone, Okoye helps.”
“And Wanda?”
“She sends postcards from time to time.”
The line went quiet for a moment. “I want to get out of here so bad,” Scott groaned. “Everything’s gone to shit since I went to jail.”
“Everything’s gone to shit since Pietro died, Scott.” You both remained silent, remembering your late brother. Just thinking about him made your eyes start to prickle with tears, so you cleared your throat and ended the call. “I’ll talk to Maggie. You’ll be out soon, just... stay out of trouble. Love you.”
You left your phone on the table and kicked off your shoes before you lay down on the sofa for a well-deserved nap. In your dreams your brothers weren’t either dead or in prison, your mother hadn’t been diagnosed with Alzheimer, and you weren’t a burden to your friend.
If you were lucky enough, you wouldn’t even dream at all.
The next day, Bucky arrived at the hotel at six thirty and you playfully glared at him from across the lounge. He wasn’t stupid, he knew why you were glaring at him. At least he had the decency to look a little sheepish.
“Just so you know, you bought yourself about 30 breakfasts,” you told him, referring to the far-too-generous tip he had left the other day.
“A man’s gotta eat,” he replied with a boyish cockiness that made him look stupidly attractive. You were too flustered to find a good comeback.
You brought him his cup of coffee and let him enjoy his breakfast while you attended to your other clients. It was an unusually busy day, the room was packed with families who were getting ready to explore Manhattan. You didn’t have time to chat with Bucky and he didn’t stay long. You saw him flinch a couple of times; the muscles in his shoulders pulled tight and his eyes darting left and right.
He left another ridiculously generous tip, along with a handwritten note. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day x.
Bucky came back the following week, and even though it was a quiet morning, you made sure to find him a table in a secluded spot. He didn’t notice when you slipped the 300 dollars into the pocket of his coat. You could be pretty sneaky, too.
“Mmmh,” he said, wiping his mouth with a napkin, “I looked at your Instagram.”
“Oh,” you glanced at your shoes, embarrassed. “Wait, you’re on Instagram? I have a hard time imagining you scrolling through your feed.”
He laughed a little. “I’ll admit I’m not as tech savvy as you youngsters, but I’m not a fossil. I use it to look at the pictures my sister post of my niblings.”
“Cute,” you grinned.
“Anyway,” he said, pushing a hand through his hair. “I love your work. It’s very unique; a cross between Impressionism and Post-impressionism. It’s realistic, and yet there’s something different...” his face scrunched up as he tried to look for the right word. “There’s something in your paintings, something that isn’t here in real life but perhaps should be. It’s hard to explain. It’s a feeling, a color, a pattern; it’s indiscernible but it’s there.” He looked up at you, his cheeks red with embarrassment. “I’m not making much sense, am I?”
You blinked, suddenly stunned that someone had such strong opinions about your work. There was nothing but sincerity in his ocean-blue eyes, and for a moment, you were at a loss for words.
“I, um-” you cleared your throat, “Thank you, I didn’t know that. I look up to Monet, obviously. His work is phenomenal, and I also have a soft spot for Van Gogh.” You ran a hand across your face. “Sorry, I’m a little emotional. The people who compliment my art are usually my siblings, and Nat.”
“And now me,” he said with a warm smile. “And soon a lot more people.”
Flustered, you bit your bottom lip. “That would be nice.”
Bucky nodded. He gathered his silverware and set them on his plate, trying to buy time. You watched him hesitate before he turned to you. “I noticed that your last post was from almost a year ago.”
“Yeah,” you said with a casual shrug. “I don’t really paint anymore. I’m too tired when I get home and supplies are expensive.”
“Of course,” he pursed his lips in thought. “Are you free this afternoon? I was wondering if we could meet for coffee.”
You tried not to show your surprise but his words made the sleeping butterflies in your stomach crack an eye open, their interest piqued.
Was he asking you out? He’d come to your workplace every week since your brief ‘date’. He always gave you more-than-generous tips, and he listened to you with a combination of close attention and warmth that made you weak at the knees.
He’d made it clear he wasn’t looking for anyone but maybe he had changed his mind. Agh, down girl! He just wanted a friend.
You looked into his beautiful eyes, seeing a myriad of expressions cross his face before he smiled at you.
“I ain’t gonna hurt you, angel.”
It was an honest lie, just hearing him call you angel felt like a punch to the stomach. The butterflies were dancing around, reborn, and chanting the word ‘date’.
“If you don’t like coffee, we can have tea, or ice cream,” he said, “anything as long as you can sit down with me.”
You snorted. “Okay.”
“Okay,” he repeated, smiling. “This is my number. Pick a place and I’ll meet you there.”
After breakfast, you closed the restaurant and started cleaning the Lounge. You brought everything back to the kitchen, stacked the dishes in the dishwasher and turned it on. Then you put away the unopened miniature jams, butter and whatnot, and gathered the remaining patisseries and fresh fruits in a basket that you would later bring to the reception.
You worked mechanically. It wasn’t exactly the most exciting job you’d ever had.
You couldn’t stop thinking about Bucky. It was easy to let your mind wander into the cosy and dangerous territory of this being a real date.
You decided to go to the Australian coffee shop near Natasha’s apartment. It was popular but not as crowded as Starbucks, which suited you fine.
After your shift, you removed your uniform and changed into the spare set of clothes you kept in your locker for emergencies. Emergencies being an impromptu date or a night out with Nat. You dug around in your purse for your lipstick; the nice one, the Carter Red as your mother called it.
You dabbed the lipstick on your lips, staining them. You only wore it on special occasions, and you weren’t sure Bucky deserved your full red pout.
You walked to the café with a little pep in your step and a confident smile on your face. The freezing temperature didn’t matter, you were too giddy to care. It was a date, it had to be, why else would he ask you to meet for coffee?  
You smiled when you saw him through the coffee shop window. He was chatting with the waiter as the latter set two mugs on the table.
“Hi again!” You shrugged out of your jacket and took a seat.
“I hope you like hot chocolate. Carl, here, says it’s their best seller,” Bucky said, smiling kindly at the waiter.
“Enjoy, and if you need anything else don’t hesitate to call me.”
You carefully wrapped your cold hands around your mug while you watched Carl walk away. A moment of silence rose between you. Bucky watched you with an unreadable expression, making you fidget in your seat.
“I’m glad you came,” he finally said.
“Me too. I’m a little surprised you asked.”
He looked down at his mug and smiled; it didn’t reach his eyes. “I have something to ask you.” He paused. “The night we met, you said you agreed to see me because being in a... financial relationship felt like the only solution to your problems.”
 Your smile faltered but he didn’t seem to notice. Oh. The butterflies in your stomach fell so suddenly that it felt like carrying a ball of lead. They went back into hibernation.  
“If I had been a decent person and, I don’t know, bought you a drink, talked to you,” he paused, meeting your eyes. “Would you have been interested in this type of relationship? With me, I mean.”
You swallowed hard. “You want to be my sugar daddy.”
It wasn’t a question but a statement. You were slowly realizing that you had been wrong about his intentions. This wasn’t a date, it was a business afternoon tea.
He winced. “Do we really have to call it that? I was thinking mentorship. I can provide financial help, and in exchange you could be my friend.”
“I can be your friend for free,” you said, your throat tightening.
He shrugged, a small smile on his lips. “This way we’ll both get something out of it.”
You looked down at your hands, still wrapped around the mug, and pursed your lips in thought. You felt a sharp tingling sensation in your nose, a sign that you were about to cry. You closed your eyes and clenched your jaw, fighting against the flood that was coming.
You pushed all the emotion down and forced a smile to your face. “Do you mind if I use the restroom? I just took the subway, I’d like to wash my hands.”
Bucky watched you, momentarily stunned by your request. “Of course, take your time,” he quickly recovered.
“Thanks,” you croaked, pushing your chair back.
You picked up your bag and walked to the restroom, your legs feeling like cotton wool. You didn’t need to use the restroom, you had walked to the café, but you needed a moment alone to collect yourself.
A woman came out of the restroom, holding the door open for you. You picked up the pace and thanked her before closing the door behind you. You looked pretty sickly under the artificial light of the restroom. Your eyes were glassy with tears and your red lips were taunting you.
“Got your hopes up, uh?” You watched your lips move. A little humourless chuckle escaped you and you shook your head at your own idiocy.
You aggressively wiped the lipstick off your mouth with the back of your hand and sighed deeply as you looked at your reflection in the mirror. Now you felt like an idiot.
It wasn’t Bucky’s fault. He had been nothing but nice and kind, and perhaps you had mistaken his kindness for flirting. A naïve mistake. You had always been a little clueless when it came to men.
You ran your index fingers under your eyes to get rid of the makeup that had gathered there. It wasn’t the end of the world, you barely knew him anyway. It didn’t hurt any less, though.
Maybe it was time for you to do something out of character, to experience life no matter how crazy it seemed. You were dreading this conversation with Bucky, but you couldn’t hide in the restroom forever. With another sigh, you pushed yourself away from the sink and walked out of the restroom.
Part 4
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samayla · 4 years
Worst. Birthday. Ever.
It’s your birthday, and you get to spend it in a firefight on an alien world.
Nonnie requested a reader-insert fic featuring a gruff-but-sweet Jack and someone’s birthday. Hope this fits the bill, Nonnie!!
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“Worst. Birthday. Ever,” you gasp as you duck behind a fallen pillar.
Another few rounds of P90 fire go off overhead before Colonel O’Neill drops down beside you to reload. “Come on now,” he quips. “Surely you’ve had worse. What about college?” He pops up to fire off another handful of shots, then ducks hastily as the stone next to you explodes in the energy blast that answers his volley. You both slide down a little lower, just in case. “Surely there’s some legendary drunken escapade that tops this mess?”
“If there is,” you pant, trying and failing to reload your own gun, “I was too drunk to remember it.”
“Carter, how’s it coming? I’d love to go home right about now!”
“Three minutes, Colonel,” she shouts back from the far side of the DHD, where she is trying to recalibrate it to send the IDC signal to unlock the iris.
O’Neill peeks around the pillar and then ducks away from another energy blast. “I’ll give you two! L/N, you out?”
You try to reload again, but you just can’t seem to get the stupid magazine to lock into place. “Mag’s jammed.”
“Daniel! Give her a hand! Teal’c, cover him!”
Suddenly, Daniel is at your side, hands over yours, and then he’s shouting. “Jack, she’s bleeding!”
Alarmed, you lean out, trying to get a look at Carter, but then Daniel is everywhere — shoving you back against the pillar again, batting your hands away, lifting the P90 strap over your head, bracing a hand against your suddenly aching shoulder — and you realize it’s you. You’re bleeding. In the midst of a dozen other, smaller cuts, there is a shard of stone piercing your shoulder, right through your jacket. You feel dizzy.
“Shit,” the colonel curses. “Shit, shit, shit.”
“It doesn’t hurt, sir,” you offer, mildly confused about that fact, but grateful for it. It looks like it should hurt. You try to take your gun from Daniel again, to cover your teammates in this firefight, but you can’t quite make your hand obey, and it occurs to you that this is why you couldn’t reload.
This is bad.
“One minute, Carter,” O’Neill shouts. “We have wounded.”
“One minute,” she confirms. “Nearly there!”
“Jack, give me a hand.” Daniel pulls the strap off your P90 and folds your arm up.
O’Neill drops his gun and presses your hand over the shard in your shoulder, and you grunt at the first bolt of pain. “L/N, look at me. You hang onto this,” he says firmly. “As long as it’s plugging the hole, you aren’t leaking. There’ll be no bleeding out on your birthday, understood?”
“Yes, sir.” You gasp as Daniel tightens the strap around your chest to hold your arm in place, but then everything seems to speed up. Daniel shoves a zat into your good hand, and Carter is shouting, and O’Neill is bellowing into his radio, and you’re running — or at least someone is. You’re pretty sure it isn’t you at this point. You’re too focused on hanging onto that shard of stone and breathing through the pain as you’re jostled along at someone’s side, shooting at anything that moves, determined not to be a liability. Then you are on the ramp, and your shoulder is absolutely killing you, and there are guns everywhere, and someone is replacing Teal’c at your side - though when he’d gotten there in the first place, you have no idea. Dr. Frasier is prying the zat out of your death grip, and everything is just a little bit slippery, just a little bit surreal as you’re loaded onto a gurney, and the rest of your team is hustled off in another direction entirely.
“How does that feel, Y/N?” Janet asks, adjusting your sling slightly to better support your shoulder. She’s got you all put back together and bandaged up, but you still feel absolutely wrung-out.
“Better, Janet. Thanks.” You offer up a watery half-smile, the best you can manage.
“None of that now,” she scolds softly. “I see from your chart it’s your birthday.”
You chuckle bitterly. “I think I’d rather skip this year and pretend it never happened.”
“Now that is not what I want to hear right now,” Colonel O’Neill declares as he strides into the infirmary with Teal’c and Daniel in tow. “A death-defying firefight, a harrowing escape, all the good drugs in the aftermath… what’s not to like?”
Daniel rolls his eyes. “What he means to say is, how’s the arm, Y/N?”
You barely stop yourself from shrugging. “Good enough for government work,” you quip, hoping that will be good enough.
O’Neill barks out a laugh. “You know, as a tax-paying American citizen, that’s not a real comfort, but I do appreciate the spunk, L/N.”
“I do what I can, sir.” In truth, you feel ready to fly apart at the seams. Tired, embarrassed, frustrated, disappointed… You’re sure you’ll feel glad to be alive later, but for now, you just wish it was any other day, as if the rest of it would be somehow easier to handle if it wasn’t happening on this particular day.
“As do we all,” Teal’c intones gently, seemingly sensing your fragile mood. “I, too, am glad to see you are well.”
“Yes, well, since you’ve got a doctor’s note, the rest of us have a debriefing in ten, and then!” O’Neill grins. “Then, the birthday party to end all birthday parties!”
You aren’t sure if the grandiose declaration makes you want to laugh or cry. “Sounds ominous,” you comment carefully, struggling to get your raw emotions under control. You aren’t in the mood for partying, but you don’t want to ruin the gesture either.
“Nah,” O’Neill says, sitting beside you on the bed and giving your good hand a squeeze. “No booze, or the doc’ll have my head, and no cake because Teal’c’s a terrible baker, but we did liberate several gallons of green jello from the commissary. We have permission from the general to use the VIP suite — they have the comfiest couch, don’t ya know — and Carter’s currently negotiating with Siler for his copy of Mary Poppins and a case of rootbeer. 1919. Very good year.”
“Mary Poppins,” Daniel says skeptically. “That’s your big surprise?”
At your side, the colonel nods solemnly. “Mary Poppins.”
Teal’c cocks his head. “What is a merry poppin?”
You can’t help a giggle at the absurdity of the question, of the whole situation. “Mary Poppins.”
“She’s a who, not a what,” the colonel explains, “and I think she’s just the sort of who we need tonight.” He turns back to you and hands you a tissue without comment. “Now, Y/N, you get some rest and just enjoy all those good meds for a bit.” He gives you a one-armed hug and kisses your hair as he stands. “I’ll come bust you out of here once we’re done with the general, and then we’ll see what a spoonful of sugar can do about improving this whole birthday situation. Deal?”
You smile helplessly, but your face feels wet, and you realize you’re crying too. You wipe your eyes with the tissue, suddenly overwhelmed by gratitude. “Deal.”
He nods with a proud smile and begins herding the others out of the infirmary.
“Jack?” you call as he reaches the door. He glances over his shoulder. ���Thanks.”
He just smiles again. “Happy birthday.”
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rinnysmuses · 4 years
i think you should leave your job. even if your husband may not understand. no job is worth dying over. money isnt. you're a great friend and person. You're talented and your brain is a liar. Im always here to help. whatever it is you need. someone to talk to, money. anything. I love you rinny.
but tl;dr: 
student loans are awful 
the long version is under a readmore
i know
i know its not i just... im worried about everything. i wanna quit my job so bad. it’s making me more tired than i have felt in a very, very long time. its wearing on me but 
my bills are really important. or, rather, my student loans are really, really important. ive gotten sent to collections over them when ic ouldnt pay for them and they wouldnt, at the time, give me a forebearance even though i had been fired. 
and like hell they’d give me one now because i willingly quit my job. 
and then i remember how stressful it was trying to make up 5 months of payment in one and how that devastated me for a month while trying to plan for a wedding and...
its fucking awful. if i never had those loans i wouldnt care. id be gone from my job.
but those almost 20k in federal and private student loans (put together) looms over me every day. there might be a national forebearance on the federal ones right now, but there is none on my private ones and they’re nastier about getting their money than the gov’t is. 
everytime i get ready to put my foot down and tell my husband that idc what he says im quitting, i stop because i look at those loans. and i think of how it was 5 years ago when i was attempting to scrounge up money to make those monthly payments. and then couldn’t.
and then i break down again because im fucking terrified because they come after me and my parents. 
and it’s an awful never ending cycle and i am so so sorry this was so long.
if all ihad to worry about was my measley car payment, id be in a much better situation.]
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jxckspxcer · 5 years
So here’s your Official Nightmare Update !
PLEASE CIRCULATE (use non-rp blogs if you wish).
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Current Issues in Murs Life Outside Their Control:
My STEPMOTHER, who I live with, IS GOING TO DIE. It is certain she will, they just don’t know how long it will take. It could be a month, she could make it til the summer, but we know she’s not going to make it. 
SHE PAYS A MAJORITY OF OUR BILLS and her name is on a majority of the things we have (apartment lease, the car (none of us have licenses except her), the phone, the cable, even the cat is hers). 
My dads cancer is getting better, but he’s still weak and still has COPD. He’s trying to get on disability, but I AM ESSENTIALLY HIS PARENTIFIED CHILD, because I have to take care of him (make him food, maintain the house, clean his dishes, wash his clothes, call people for him, keep track of phone numbers, organize his phone, fix electronics he doesn’t understand and deal with his constant anxiety and complaining and nagging about how shit sucks like I don’t know). 
Meanwhile I recently started antidepressants because my depression was getting so bad I was having EMOTIONAL BREAKDOWNS on a regular basis, dropping to the floor and sobbing and twitching and losing control of my mind and capacities. I also have to deal with ADHD; PTSD; Social Anxiety; Years of Childhood Neglect Making Me An Incapable Adult; the fears of being a queer, low-income, mentally scattered and addiction-prone adult—— And I’M ABOUT TO BE SHUNTED INTO INDEPENDENCE. Maybe not right away, but even now, I’m essentially the head of house. I’m the new head of house. That’s so fucked up man.
Without my stepmom, I don’t know how we’re going to do anything. WE CAN BARELY AFFORD OUR BILLS NOW. 
We’re trying to hash out what we’ll do when Susan kicks the bucket and THIS IS WHAT WE KNOW: 
When she dies, all her stuff is mine, because my dad doesn’t like material possessions and her family sucks egg. So I have a lot of furniture at least.
I can either get a new cheaper apartment with my dad (I told him I don’t want to, I don’t want to be responsible for him medically, and the idea of waking up one day to him dead in my home freaks me out. He says he could make it a few more years easy if the cancer is gone, but we’re on the fence, because the only other option is he goes into assisted living and--) Or I can get a room mate and move out on my own. 
GETTING A NEW JOB IS TOP PRIORITY. My current job keeps slashing my hours, and the hours available are already poor (2hr chunks, 3 times a day, like twice a week ? its not good money, even a full-time minimum wage job would be better). I’m sending out hella applications, but I haven’t gotten any call backs and I’m in a horrible state because of my situation and I worry I’m going to fuck up interviews at this rate.
Even on the antidepressants I’m starting to have nervous breakdowns again, and that’s not a good sign. I’ve also started my period, for the first time in three years, due to the drug cocktail in my body and skimping on my testosterone cause I don’t have enough ROOM on my DRY SKIN for BLISTER INDUCING PATCHES, so who knows when that’s going to stop!!!
On top of that, our washing machine is broken, I have tooth pain, I need to go to therapy and work, I need to Not Die, I need my DAD to Not Die, I have to take care of our depressed cat, and so many more minor inconveniences that my emotional dysregulation CANNOT HANDLE!!! 
Also my birthdays MARCH 7th and I’Mmmm
Did you know all my mother figures have died in my birth month ? I’m never going to be able to celebrate my birthday again at this rate !!
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I don’t take assistance lightly, every donation is taken very seriously, and I will fucking APPRECIATE you man. If I am ever capable of helping you in the future, I will. It’s mutual aid, help those in need when you’re capable and hope that the world will help you in your time of need in return ! 
I may or may not disappear in the next few months, I may or may not just keep acting natural on my blog and occasionally wincing about my life, but I promise things will go back to normal eventually. Please just keep in mind this stuff is my safe place, my favorite hobby, my comfort du jour,, and my struggles do not define me, I’m still your friend and I’m still here for you, even if I’m in dire straits and the semi-responsibility of a blog (i know it’s a hobby but i want so badly to make sure we’re all having fun) can stress me out sometimes. I’m really trying to be positive, and be proud of what I’m doing in terms of taking on responsibility and keeping our life organized, but it’s... it’s hard and I don’t want to bring anyone down, but I want you to know it’s happening, at the same time.
I know the best of you can be understanding. But I’m still, sorry for all this I guess.
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Survey #248
“i was unprepared for fame, then everybody knew my name.”
Are you more positive or a debbie downer? I don't think I'm either, honestly. I'm realistic. How many meals do you eat a day? Since getting a calorie & macro counting app, I try to aim for three, but sometimes I only manage two. I have to be conscious of how I'm spacing out what I eat. If you could have any talent in the world what would it be? Be realistic. Draw exactly what I see in my head. Do you brush your tongue with your tooth brush? Bitch you better brush your goddamn tongue. I didn't know until I saw this as a survey question a while back that there were people who didn't. How many times do you brush your teeth a day honestly? Once. What are you favorite type of jeans? I don't wear jeans anymore, but aesthetically, dark, skinny, torn jeans. Do you pop your bones, crack your knuckles? NO it disgusts me omg. There's this girl who sits in front of me in Women Writers class who cracks her back ALL the time and I have to fight cringing so, so hard. Do you eat your nails? YO NO. I may peel my nails when they get long (to me, anyway) but who the fuck eats their nails. Do you eat the ice in your drink? If it's that good cronchy type, fuck yeah. What do you order at Chic-Fil-A? I used to just get the classic sandwich and fries, but I stopped going there forever ago due to their connection to anti-LGBTQ organizations. By now I can't even stomach the thought of eating something from there. Damn are their sandwiches good, but I'm not giving them business. If you had to go to Mcdonalds what do you order? "Had to" lmao. I have no problem with McDonald's, honestly; you couldn't make me go, because I'd be quite willing. I love their cheeseburgers and, of course, their fries. But because I'm a fatass I have to at least get a double cheeseburger. Have you ever been addicted to cigarettes? No. Which do you use more? Facebook or Instagram? Facebook. Are you a student? If so, what classes will you take next? Yes. "Next," I don't know, considering I haven't chosen classes for next year. Currently I take Painting, Women Writers, Psychology, and Biology. Are you a good kisser? I don't know? How many real bf/gf have you had? Two. Did you enjoy your past relationships? Sure, save for the one with Tyler. That was pointless as shit. Would you ever get back with your ex? Sara, if certain conditions were right. Jason, I honestly don't know and hope I'm never put into the position to need to decide. Other exes, no. Do you like 80’s music? Rock and metal, absolutely. It was a great decade for the genres. Name a comedy that you like. Rush Hour 2 popped to mind first because we mentioned it in school yesterday. Do you like homework? ??????????? WHAT IS THIS QUESTION???????????????? NO??????????????? Something you want to buy real bad? Ugggghhhhh a lot. Being unemployed is a BLAST!!!!!!!!!! Something you would buy a friend as a gift? It depends on the person, of course. I try really hard to give very personal gifts, so what it would be would greatly vary. What is something that would be a good birthday gift for you? Donate Big Bucks to my tattoo fund and I'll give you smooches. Something you would gift yourself? Still tattoos lmfao. Favorite candle scent? Cinnamon rolls mmmmmmmmm. Do you watch beauty videos on YouTube? So here's the tea I genuinely love Jeffree Star and I'm digging NikkieTutorials lately LOOK idk I guess because I find makeup to be an art, I like watching that stuff. My YouTube interests have become seriously diverse lately. Have you ever questioned your sexuality? Ha ha obviously. What is the best thing about life? Man, that's a loaded question. I suppose having people in it that make it worthwhile and a true privilege to simply be here. What do you think will happen when you die? YO, HONESTLY, I don't know, man. I've even questioned reincarnation lately. I 100% believe we are not hollow bodies meant to just decay after death, but creatures with spirits that live on in SOME form or way afterwards. I don't believe in the concept of a "Hell," but I don't really think I accept there being a true "Heaven," either? I think there's just... something. What, I don't know, but guess I'll figure it out at some point. Are you superstitious? No. What kind of surveys do you like the most? Random ones, especially the ones that make you think. Do you go to church? No. Do you like Christian music? No. I get frustrated from just bad memories/associations. Have you ever skateboarded and failed at it? Never really tried. What show/concert have you went to that you didn’t like much? N/A Is sex a must in your life? Nah. Could you wait until marriage for sex? Lol I was the abstinent one years ago, so obviously I could, because I understand it. What do you think about weed? Medically, it's fantastic. Too much evidence of it being so to argue it anymore. For other use, I feel the same way about it as I do cigarettes: bad idea, but whatever. I personally don't care if it's made legal for recreational use or not, so long as it's treated similarly to alcohol, ex. illegal to drive while high. If you found a baby turtle on the side of the road, would you pick it up and keep it? With it being a baby, I'd probably take it to an animal rescue or something. Did you and your mum ever have a big fight that caused you to move out? I stayed at Dad's for a handful of days. Has the last person you kissed ever been to your house? Yes. Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it? My sister has my initial, anyway. Who did you last see shirtless? My mom. Do you like to make the first move? NONONONONO I'M SHY. Do you think you will ever be married? Probably. If the last person you kissed saw you kissing someone else, would they be mad? I don't think she'd be mad, no. Do you understand football? Nope. Who last called you beautiful? Probably Mom. If you fell pregnant to the last person you kissed, what would you think? We're both female so like- Do you think the body is the most beautiful thing that was ever made? No. Name five things you did today? Stayed at the hospital for my beautiful niece to be born :'), slept far too little after getting home, and that's... kinda it. What kind of phone do you have? It's literally a Tracfone, BUT WAIT! I actually wanted it, ha ha. Mom has one and it is *genuinely* a good phone, so I got one for my birthday. Hell, it's cheaper than paying monthly, so I'm fine with it. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? 5 in the morning when we were all still with Ashley. Do you like fire? Sure, I like watching it. Have you ever been to a spa? Noooo, not my jam. Do you know how to do a cartwheel? No. Who’s the funniest drunk person you know? Ehhhhh. When he drank, my dad was either hilarious when drunk or hateful and short-fused as fuck. 50/50 shot. But yeah, if you got Version 1, he'd crack anyone the hell up. Now that he's sober and happy he's always like that. What would you do if your partner still kept pictures of their ex? Well, I'd say it depends on the picture's context. Like, a picture of you two kissing, then I'd be uncomfortable as shit. If you have prom pictures or stuff like that but don't like go looking through them regularly, idc. It was a special event. What if your partner went through your cellphone? BYE, CUNT. What if your partner was flirting with another girl/boy? BYE, CUNT. Is there really a difference between Coke and Pepsi? YES. I can absolutely taste it. Pepsi sucks. Are there any mistakes with your recent ex you wish you could have changed? Stupid and/or impulsive shit I'd said, sure, but for the most part, no. We had a good relationship. Has anyone ever been with you while you were throwing up? My mom always is if she's present. I am terrified of vomiting and even at my age still want her there, even though she can't do anything, obviously. I turn into a baby when I'm about to throw up. Background on your computer? My favorite picture of Teddy. Who has hurt you the most? Jason. Or hell, my own head, idk. Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now? Sure. What language do you want to learn? I wanna be fluent in German. Who’s the last person that came to your house? A family friend. Is there anyone you would like to fight? God no. I'm not a fighter. Who did you dance with last? Sara. Who is your best friend(s)? Sara. Song playing? "It's A Raid" by Ozzy feat. Post Malone. The album's out T O D A Y , B O Y S. Who is your arch-enemy? I don't have one. What's the most attractive thing on the opposite sex? GODDAMN shoulderBLADES Do you want platinum or gold for your wedding band? Not normal gold, I know. Rose gold is my ideal one, but I really don't care much. Have you ever paid to have your eyebrows waxed? I mean my mom has, seeing as I didn't have an income then, either. Got that done regularly in high school. Not because I asked, but because it was just "normal" since my two sisters did it, too. Do you think that the tobacco companies should pay for people’s medical bills? No, it's not their choice to use the product. Sure, they're making it, but it's really too late to cease production of tobacco. It'd be catastrophic in terms of the job industry. Do you curse in average conversations? Yes; I have to actually make an effort to not curse if needed. Have you ever bought a shot glass? No. Do you have a therapist? Not anymore after my previous one that I loved and trusted gave me every reason to break her jaw. I kind of want another one, but also don't. I'm supposed to, considering my history and that I'm on a lot of medication, but I just do nooooot want to go through the whole trust process again. Do you ever fall for spam mail? No. What color do you wear the most? Black. Do you only eat cough drops because you like the taste? No. Have your parents ever walked in on you having sex? No. Do you like getting stoned? I've never been so and aren't interested in ever getting there. Have you ever gotten a bloody nose from snorting cocaine? YOIKES THAT ESCALATED QUICKLY lol no, I wouldn't touch coke with a ten-foot pole. Red, white, yellow, or pink roses? Pink. What’s the worst name your mom has ever called you? I don't know. She hasn't called me anything too awful that I know of. Have you ever done acid? No. Were you at a rave? Never been, definitely not my scene. Do you post pictures where you look good but your friends look bad? Well, I don't hang out with like... anyone, so, lmao. But I wouldn't. Are you friends with any of your exes? Yes. Would you ever dye your hair pink? ACTUALLY! Pastel pink is on my list. I tested some soft colors out in Photoshop on me and it actually looked really cute. I think I wanna be a smaller size first, though. Do you ever masturbate? I haven't since I came off that godawful birth control that drove me batshit insane in terms of libido. I still don't think it's a bad thing, my interest in that is just, gone. Are you embarrassed about your sex life or lack there of? No. Who’s the last person you said I love you to? My sister. Did you like your life when you were in middle school? Actually fuck middle school with a maul. If you went on American Idol, do you think you’d go through to Hollywood? Nope. Have you ever received an anonymous gift? No, I don't think so. What kind of laugh do you have? A loud and obnoxious one. Do you hoard anything? "Hoard" isn't the right word, no. Are you afraid of flying? I am, but I feel it's only a realistic apprehension. Especially going back and forth to Sara's a few times, you kinda have to get used to it. Most recent Facebook ‘like’? Shit man idk, I "like" a load of stuff. Have you ever camped out somewhere for an event the next day? No. Do you do anything regularly that could damage your body? Can someone please eliminate soda from the face of the earth???? What do you love most in the world? Those closest to me. What woke you up this morning? Ugh, the sun. I need to put my curtain back up after Roman tore it down. Who was the last person you rode in a car with? My mom. Is anything bothering you? There's always *something* bothering me to some degree, but nothing seriously at the moment. Are you in a good mood? My niece was born overnight and is gorgeous and healthy so I have to be. :') When were you the saddest in your life? 2016. Do you own more than one cell phone? Ha ha, I have two old ones. One I used for pictures because the camera was good, and the most recent old one, I just need to get some pictures and contacts from... but I'm lazy. Have you ever had a song written about you? No. What songs make you happy? Depends on what I'm feeling. Next concert? No clue now that Ozzy had to cancel his, bless his old heart. As a child, did you ever get the chance to go to Disney World/Disneyland? Yes. When was the last time you fought with your significant other, if any? I’m single. Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you? No, thankfully. When was the last time you were on a boat? Where did you travel on it? Not since I went fishing with my old best friend a few years back. We were just in a pond. Are you planning on going anywhere with someone, some time today? Probably not. Do you like cereal? What would you consider your favorite kind of cereal? Hell yeah. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is *maybe* my favorite? Idk, I like a lot. Are there any people you don’t like for your significant other/crush to talk to? This doesn't apply to me, but even if I had one, they're not my damn child. I'm not gonna police whom they talk to. I mean I guess there are exceptions, like, talking to a drug dealer to name one, but talking to most people, that's their business. Just don't hide it from me. Have you ever forgotten your birthday? Did you soon figure it out? No. What color are the curtains in your room if you have any at the moment? Maroon. Is there anyone you are currently trying to get out of trouble? Why? No. Have you ever wanted your significant other to get rid of a friend? Well, calling back to that other question, there was one in a previous relationship that I really couldn't stand, but it wound up working out. If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you? It's just me and Ma now. Do you ever go to Blockbuster? How frequently would you say you go? WHAT A CALLBACK!!!!! Omg did I love BB. Went like every weekend to rent a game, and sometimes we'd go there Fridays before a sleepover to grab a movie. Do you ever listen to music so you can actually change your emotion? Sure, sometimes.
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idk-my-aesthetic · 3 years
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I posted 20,855 times in 2021
125 posts created (1%)
20730 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 165.8 posts.
I added 221 tags in 2021
#undescribed - 58 posts
#my post - 36 posts
#long post - 23 posts
#tagging just in case - 20 posts
#blue rambles - 18 posts
#/j - 17 posts
#frog post - 15 posts
#toh spoilers - 12 posts
#unreality - 12 posts
#caps - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#it’s so good and literally about a psychic kid being like ‘i’m not psychic what are u talking about’ while he levitates desert into hi mouth
My Top Posts in 2021
I think Mrs. Michael Burnham deserves just. One nice day. At the very least
There should be an episode where she’s got like a day off or smthn. Tilly has dedicated herself to making sure Michael has a good day. There’s just a bunch random insane bullshit happening in the A and B plot, like idk Staments trying to clone a tardigrade and it being like feral or something, and then we just cut back to Tilly doing Michael’s nails
93 notes • Posted 2021-01-03 20:18:34 GMT
Reasons I have more than 1 name:
1. Gender greed
2. You know how dragons hoard gold? I hoard names and pronouns
3. If you have like 12 names how are the Fae ever going to figure out your True name?
- Like. They try call me “(birth name) ‘Blue’ ‘Pluto’ (last name)” and I’m just like “haha nice try buddy, u got 4/10, better luck next time”
4. I am secretly the demon that shows up and steals everyone’s gender and name in the middle of the night. I don’t use all the names but they’re in my possession. So they’re mine now.
- if u are reading this I stole ur gender. No u cannot have it back. Ur welcome.
5. I’m indecisive so instead of choosing one name I hit cntrl + a
6. It’s my gender and if I want to selfishly hoard names I can
7. Light yagami will never be able to kill me
99 notes • Posted 2021-05-02 20:49:33 GMT
I feel like any time I hear a question that’s like “what would you do with a million dollars?” My first instinct is “pay off any debts, save enough so there’s always food in the pantry, take care of my family, donate as much as possible, pay off people’s medical bills, etc etc”
And I think a lot of people jump to those same answers. Partly bc they’re logical and partly bc like we live in a capitalist hell world
But like those answers are, while valid, depressing and boring. I don’t wanna have to apply reality to a fun hypothetical
So. Instead here’s my question. Let’s say we live in a perfect world where all human suffering has been completely eradicated. All of it. There is literally no one in the world who needs or wants any sort of help.
I want to know what you’d buy with a million dollars. Actually, no. You now have infinite money. What are you buying? Are you going to commission a book? Blow a thousand dollars on video game micro transactions? Buy a tiara made of genuine gold and jewels?
Be as gaudy as possible. Be as selfish and money wasting as possible. (The only rule is you’re not allowed to buy things for other ppl)
So rb and tell me what you’d do with infinite money
275 notes • Posted 2021-02-07 00:09:47 GMT
Everyone’s talking about gender envy what about the other 7 deadly gender sins?
Gender envy: I want your gender
Gender wrath: your gender makes me so angry. I am probably jealous but will not admit it. I will probably end up with a different gender sin and possibly steal your gender
Gender sloth: chilling in sweatpants and a shirt that says “any pronouns idc”
Gender lust: whatever lil nas x is doing in montero
Gender gluttony: stealing other ppl’s abandoned genders
Gender greed: hoarding pronouns/names/ids like a trans dragon
Gender pride: that shit cis ppl do that more trans ppl should do
1096 notes • Posted 2021-04-13 12:02:14 GMT
Xtians: it is our judeo-xtian values to listen to g-d and do exactly as he asks and listen to the Bible exactly. It is not for us to interpret.
2873 notes • Posted 2021-03-24 00:08:19 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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gaysidecharacter · 3 years
Welp. I might like someone at my job. I have trouble telling the difference between romantic feelings and platonic ones because I don’t like anyone? And when I do it takes me a while to realize especially when I think they’re attractive or cool? But dang... I don’t know if I do or if I don’t. Like when she’s near me I get excited and I always laugh around her but I can’t tell? I like always talk to her. And I always want to talk to her? I like pass by her so I can just be near her or see her? But I don’t know if I like her or not? But she called me bestie today so I actually don’t want to like her. She was like hey bestie and I was like aw we’re besties? But she just shrugged. And when she was like bothering me during work I was like damn just say you wanna work with me and she just shrugged but I just ignored her... And yeah... I think it is very much only a friend thing... But she’s always teasing me! But like we tease each other so I think that’s just our vibe... Who knows not my problem. but damn! girls never look at me! its always guys... so gross I don’t want them but they think I want them?? Literally I made eye contact with this guy for I guess too long? And he wanted to flirt and I was like um no. And I gave him his plate and left. I am not about to entertain this. And then this guy I think he has mommy issues or something. He was like I want a lot of food... Because I’m a hungy boy uwu or whatever the fuck. I was like ok that’s great and handed him his food like bruh I don’t get paid enough to deal with your shit. And these kids are so picky?? I was like do you want chicken and they were like can I have a thigh? like BRUH IDEK CHICKEN ANATOMY. I was like I don’t know chicken anatomy so here. And one girl was like oh can I have a thigh? and I thought she was asking for the biggest piece and I was like this is the biggest piece in the pan. And she was like no the thigh and I was like girl there's a long line behind you keep going. And she looked at me all mad like um idc about you??? You think I CARE about some freshman's feelings about me? oh no an entitled 18 year old doesn’t like me? boo-hoo go cry about it. I was annoyed today. Like actually I did not want to work... And I was at comfort and its so fucking hot??? And this guy was like can I actually have extra pasta? who gave you extra pasta that makes you think you can ask for this? Do you think this is a subway or a golden corral? It’s a dining hall. He was annoyed when I didn’t give him extra like bruh we’re limited on food you’re not the only person on this planet. The world doesn’t revolve around you. OR when they’re like can I have an extra piece? No. no you can’t. And then they’re like but no ones behind me? okay??? If you want it that badly go around the line again so we can give you another plate. The only time I can give extra is if you have a to go box. WHICH YOU DO NOT. Or some little ugh. its always the rich kids which is why it bothers me EVEN MORE. Like why are they so greedy?? One of the big boss guys that owns the company asked for an extra piece of meat and well I HAVE to or i get fucking fired so I gave it to him. And well I need fucking grocery money. And this bratty little kid was like CaN i HaVe An ExTrA pIeCe ToO? I was like no. He only got one cause he’s our boss. And he was like :/ Like bro idc who tf your dad is he obviously isn’t paying my bills. Like you would think oh sure if it’s slow give them the extra!! NO because when it’s busy THEY EXPECT IT. Like no? We’re obviously busy. You don’t care about my feelings so why would I care about yours? And i HATE the people who own the company that I work under... All they do is sit on their ass taking all the money for themselves leaving us overworked with fucking crumbs. I don’t get paid enough for the shit they make me do. NONE of my coworkers get paid enough. Some have been there for YEARS. SO TELL ME WHY WE’RE MAKING THE SAME SALARY?? I know a coworker who i LOVE that literally had three other jobs besides the one we work together. She works every single day of her LIFE except sunday mornings for fucking church??? NO ONE should need more than one job to survive. Like what the fuck??? I am in no way saying I should get paid less. BUT THEY SHOULD GET PAID MORE? They work like they’re making $15 and when I found out that someone who has been working there for 10 YEARS makes $10 I was PISSED. Cause he is RUNNING everywhere to keep things going. And the coworker who has three other jobs? $9 SHE HAS BEEN THERE FOR 5 years. That's like a 20 cent raise a year??? I get paid $9.50 STARTING pay. What the fuck?? Oh but those big boss guys in business suits and their white fucking collar making the big bucks sitting on their ass right? bossing us around like clean that do that who the fuck am I Cinderella? No. Like I’m sorry but I’m a human. And so is everyone else working here so treat us like one. I would rather get fired than have one of those pretentious fucks talk down to me. FUCK YOU. If no one has talked to you like that before then I will. Be humbled for TWO FUCKING SECONDS. I just absolutely LOATHE their existence. I think I hate rich people now... Before I was like okay they have money. NO. Now? I hate them... Why are they so greedy? They are truly bad people?? I knew the economy was fucked up. But I didn’t know how bad it was... you never know til you’re on the inside. I am ENRAGED. 
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