#idk either mang
caracalclaws · 2 years
So... are Mint and Neo still friends at all? since they used to share a blog?
Somewhere in the Mystic Ruins, sometime ago.
"... Hey, Neo. I kinda need to tell you something..."
Mint steps carefully into the base; she has long gotten used to how dark it is in this place. Neo briefly turns his head in acknowledgement, away from the holo-screen he's always glued to-- she can never figure out what he's studying on that thing.
"You're early." Is all that the robot says. "You told me your shift ended at midnight. I would have come to the station if you had called."
"Y- Yeah, I know. I know you hate me walking allll the way here in the dark..."
"Hm." She can't really tell if that 'hm' is in annoyance or dismissal of the topic. He continues; "what is it you need to inform me of?"
The caracal swallows, thickly. She can already begin to feel her heart pound in her chest at the very idea of confrontation-- Hell, she's almost as nervous as she first began her G.U.N training. Or the first time she broke into this base and discovered him-- that Neo Metal Sonic was still alive & sustaining themselves here in the first place.
... Something that the Commanders are still very much unaware of, as per their agreement.
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"... Soooo.... G.U.N want to take me on full-time, now. As of today, I've... I've finished all my neccessary training. I'm... I'm officially a Rookie." She tries to announce as confidently as she can muster. "So... Basically, you're not gonna be seeing me as often, now... huh."
Neo pauses his typing on the giant keyboard before the holographic screen, as if in thought. He soon begins tapping away shortly after. "That's great news. Good for you."
"Y-Yeah, but--"
"You do not sound pleased. Is this not a cause for celebration? I'm not familiar with this sort of thing."
"Well, what?"
"Would you let me finish!" She eventually huffs. Her ears fold back a little- she can hear the softest of chuckles. "This is important. I'm-- I'm telling you this because-- I'm... I'm not going to be... working in Station Square now."
The silence seems to go on forever. They both seem to be frozen, before eventually Mint sighs, dumping her backpack onto the floor in a heap. She fidgets, mouth opening and closing a few times, before her eyes squeeze shut and she just blurts it out.
"I'm- I'm moving out! I... I'm gonna be looking at apartments in Metropolis, later this week..." Ugh, suddenly her throat feels all tight. Why is this so hard?! It's not like this abandoned old place is a very nice place to live, and she always tells herself Neo's company sucks but its better than nothing. "The headquarters are in Metropolis, and... that's where I'll be working, now..."
"... So. You're leaving."
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If she knew better, she might have said he sounded... Disappointed? No, sad? Neo was still exceptionally hard to read, and his constant-blank facial expression did little to elaborate on what he was thinking or feeling. She feels her eyes begin to well up a little.
But she forces them back. As much as possible, anyway. In the lowlight, its very easier to see her eyes are shiny with wetness.
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"I-- I would've told you sooner, that-- that my training was coming to an end... But... I thought it wouldve been alright, y'know? I didn't think I'd end up stationed so- so far away... and..."
"Don't cry."
"I'm not crying, stupid!" Sniff. She very unsubtley wipes her face into her arm. "I'm just-- I'm just overwhelmed..."
She knows Neo isn't... The most empathetic of individuals. Which is why its so God damn embarrassing to be all welled up infront of him. Her bottom lip trembles, but she sighs again, a little shaky, however she begins to regain her composure.
"I'll... I'll start boxing up all my stuff in the morning." She mumbles out.
Neo's head tilts to one side. "I can help you with moving."
"Please. Its not like I can get a moving van all the way out here."
Neo lets out an amused hum. He makes a motion for her to come closer, turning himself towards the screen once again. Mint hesitates, but she does eventually begin to drag her feet over towards the robot...
"Don't get upset about this. This is your career; our... Affiliation put that on the line, as it was." Neo begins. She knows 'affiliation' does actually mean 'friendship', but she doesn't bother correcting him. "Its not as if you will not see me again."
Mint pauses to think about that for a second, her head lifting from how its hung like a sad puppy. But he continues.
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"You will always know where to find me. Just make sure you don't get into any trouble."
She manages a small laugh at that. "W- When do I ever get into trouble?"
"Always. All the time. Constantly, actually." ... As condescending as he was, he did have a sense of humour.
"...I'll miss you, Neo."
There was another break of silence. But Neo eventually shrugs. "Your... Lack of presence here will not go unnoticed."
It was going to be hard. Alone.
Grand Metropolis, present.
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... One day, I'll see you again.
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spectersgf · 2 months
harvey specter x reader idk they meet in a book store (maybe the reader could run it?) never giving each other last names or smhting. but the reader is mikes sister and mike tells her all about harvey but no one manges to connect teh dots? idk you have free control i just thought something like that where the reader has nothing to do wiht his work life and is really soft and sweat .
— bookstores and brothers 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
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pairing: harvey specter × reader (+ mike ross & reader are siblings)
summary: a hotshot lawyer walks into a café bookstore and meets a pretty barista. the world is smaller than he thinks.
warnings: none! kinda suggestive but nothing crazy
wordcount: 3.7k (yikes!)
a/n: first request! sorry this was so horrifically late but hopefully the length makes up for it? but also not proofread OOPS. (more rambling at the end <3)
(if you want to be tagged in future fics or if you have any requests, let me know! for my other fics, here's my masterlist!)
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Ever since your brother, Michael, started making the big bucks at his job as a fraud lawyer, he had decided to invest in you — your business, that is. With his investment, you were able to follow your dream of opening a bookstore-meets-café, with a small apartment atop the store. Your store was popular enough that you were able to live comfortably; you had a community of regular readers who came for your books (especially since you’d always fulfil requests) and a hoard of regulars that came for your coffee. Your coffee was easily the best in the area, and people even went out of their way to get coffee from you.
Someone who went out of their way for your coffee, though you didn’t know this, was Harvey. You knew very little about him; he was a very attractive man who came in at 8:30am, like clockwork, for his black coffee with vanilla and sugar. You were rarely able to converse with him for very long or in a lot of detail, but you had assumptions. He was maybe a banker or some kind of lawyer like your brother, but the only thing you knew for sure was his coffee order and the fact that he wore a three-piece suit every day. On particularly warm days, he’d forgo either the jacket or the vest, both of which were welcome options. On particularly cold days, he wore a scarf and gloves, and even a coat. His hair was always styled the exact same and he had the most wonderful crow’s feet and smile lines. 
This morning, Harvey took you by surprise by coming in earlier than normal. He came in at 8:17am exactly. It was a warm day so he was without his vest, but other than that he was in his normal attire. Since you were having a slower morning this morning, you started his coffee as soon as you saw him approach. By the time he was in the door and at your counter, you’d finished making his coffee and his cup was ready on the counter. You were feeling bold and flirty and had drawn a heart next to his name on the cup and it was visible to him when he stood in front of you.
“Good morning, Harvey.” You were feeling very cheery this morning, and even more so after seeing him walk in the door. 
“Good morning, Y/N. That for me?” He was eyeing the cup on the counter that was very obviously for him, typical smirk on his face and a playful glint in his eye.
“No, it’s a black coffee with sugar and vanilla for the other Harvey in my life.” You teasingly rolled your eyes as he picked up the cup. You weren’t sure if your eyes were deceiving you, but it seemed like he was being careful to not smudge your penmanship on the cup.
“Well, it’s a good thing this other Harvey isn’t here so I can have his coffee.” He took a sip of the drink, completely unfazed by the temperature and smiled. “Perfect as always. Crazy how this other Harvey drinks the exact same niche coffee that I do, hm?”
You bared your teeth in a cheeky smile. “So crazy,” you replied. “Did you want a pastry or anything?” You gestured towards the display case of freshly baked goods, pausing at your favourite. “This one goes down a real treat.”
“How about a rain check on the pastry, and you can bring it with you when I make you dinner tomorrow night at my apartment?” he asked, feeling equally as bold and flirty as you were. He supplemented his question with a warm smile, his entire demeanour oozing confidence. 
“Oh? The elusive Harvey idon’tknowyourlastname asking me on a date, I see?” you teased, though internally you were screaming: ‘YES! I would love dinner with you!’ 
“You’re cute. Is that a yes? Maybe I’ll tell you my last name when you come over.” He was reciprocating your teasing, which you thoroughly enjoyed. You always appreciated a man who could keep up with your humour. 
“I have a better idea. Come back after I close up shop and we can have a reading date. The best way to get to know someone is through the books they like to read.” You smiled shyly, nervous to be rejected, though Harvey didn’t seem like the type of man to rudely reject your ideas. 
His warm smile was all the confirmation you needed. “That sounds perfect. I’ve been meaning to check out the other half of your establishment for some time. I need some enrichment in my life.”
“Well, if by enrichment you mean a cheesy romance, I’m your girl. I have a bad habit of stocking my favourites and I am a romantic at heart, so that’ll make up a lot of what you find here. I have other stuff, too, but I just gravitate to a good romance book,” you rambled. You blushed when you finally caught yourself, smiling as you tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
“Well, clearly I need some romance in my life. I’ll be here this evening.” He didn’t seem put off by your rambling which you were grateful for. Your stomach buzzed with excitement as you nodded.
“See you this evening.”
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Harvey had just signed off for the day and was slipping his jacket over his shoulders when Mike Ross walked into his office.
“Haven’t we talked about you not barging in here unannounced?” He asked, only half joking with his associate.
“We both know you don’t care anymore,” Mike replied, rolling his eyes. “And where are you going? It’s only,” he checked his watch, “5:30. Why do you get to leave but I’m stuck here late?”
“First of all, it’s none of your business where I’m going. And second, I did my time working 23 hours a day. And third, it’s none of your business.” Harvey made the decision to take off his tie as he spoke, wanting to feel more comfortable and casual while he was with you.
“Removing your tie, too? You have a hot date tonight. What restaurant are you taking her to?”
“Mike. Shut up.” 
Mike laughed at Harvey’s reaction. “Alright, have fun old man. Use protection!” He shouted as Harvey walked out of his office, no longer entertaining Mike’s discussion. 
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He arrived much earlier than close. You were unusually busy this evening and hadn’t even noticed Harvey walk into the store as you finished the line of coffees in front of you. You finally finished and swapped with your employee to take over as cashier when a familiar voice ordered a familiar, but niche, coffee.
“Can I get a large black coffee with vanilla and sugar? But can the pretty barista make it and sign my name with a heart like she did this morning?” he teased, smiling as he saw you.
“Harvey! You’re early, I’m not off yet,” you replied, brow furrowed with concern.
“I was finished for the day and thought I’d come in early and chill here. And by finished for the day, I mean distracted and eager.”
“And by chill here, you mean bug me until I’m done?” you teased, a playful glint in your eye.
“Something like that,” he replied, the look in his eye matching yours. 
“Okay, well, I’m going to hope you meant me when you said ‘pretty barista’ and I’ll bring your coffee over to you in a second.” A warm blush tinted your cheeks as you spoke, swapping places with your confused barista once again.
You quickly made Harvey’s coffee and signed his cup with a heart as he’d requested. After making a mocha for yourself, you spoke to your employees, asking them to take over for you now that the rush had started to slow down for the night. You removed your apron and took your hair out of its loose bun and found Harvey sitting on a sofa in the bookstore portion of your shop.
“Coffee for the gentleman.” You held the coffee cup out for him to take, the side with his name written on it facing towards him. “I would’ve made it in a mug but I had a weird request from the guy ordering it.”
You took a seat next to him and brought your cup to your lips, taking a sip and letting out a quiet hum of appreciation for your drink. He looked at you quizzically as you did so, expecting you to have to get back to work. 
“I managed to get off early. Perks of being the owner.” You smiled over your cup as you slipped off your shoes and got comfortable on the sofa. 
“I don’t think I ever registered that you were the owner here. It’s like, I knew but didn’t know. Does that make sense?” he asked, smiling as he took a sip of his regular coffee.
“It does. Kinda. My brother Michael helped make it happen, he’s a lawyer at some hotshot firm and invested in me and my little dream.” You gestured around the room as you spoke, smiling gratefully at the thought. 
“Did you know I’m also a lawyer at some hotshot firm?” he asked. His tone was light and playful, which you appreciated. 
“I did not. What’s it like, hotshot?” You tucked your feet under you and wrapped both hands around your cup, turning slightly so that your body was completely facing Harvey.
“Well, I’m the best closer in the city. I’m great at what I do and I love doing it. And I have an associate who is determined to become my mini-me. No complaints.” Deep smile lines framed his mouth like a piece of art as you admired him and took in his words.
“A mini Harvey, huh? Sounds like he looks up to you.” Despite your matter-of-fact tone, you were asking a question, curious to know his opinion on the matter.
“It seems like he does. I don’t ever say it but sometimes it feels like pressure. I’ve worked in the grey a lot and I worry about him following in my footsteps. I wouldn’t ever say that to him though.” He opened up to you, though neither of you had expected it. He was surprised by how easy you were to talk to and how quickly he had allowed himself to be vulnerable with you.
“It does sound like a lot, but I’m sure you have nothing to worry about. My brother always tells me about his mentor; he says that despite making some questionable decisions, he’s great at what he does and he looks up to that. It’s probably a similar situation,” you told him sincerely, reaching out to place one hand on his arm in an attempt to comfort him. 
“His mentor sounds like a great lawyer. What’s his name? Maybe I know him,” Harvey asked, obviously wanting to change the subject from his vulnerable state.
“I’m not sure. I can’t remember, I have the worst memory literally ever,” you reply, smiling shyly. “I’m good at remembering books, though! Shall we get stuck in?”
“Is this the part where you bombard me with a million love stories?” he teased, clearly amused but secretly excited. 
“God no. Just one. Or you can pick your own.”
“Do you like to reread books?” 
“Oh, I love to. I’ve reread almost all of my favourites.”
He looked at you smiling, amused once again by your answer. “How about this. Let’s read your favourite book together, and then next time we can read mine?”
“Oh? Next time? You’re that sure it’s going to go well tonight?” you asked teasingly, giggling to yourself. 
You stood up and walked to the shelving, immediately finding your current favourite book and pulling out two copies. You got comfortable on the sofa once again and handed one copy to Harvey. “This is a current favourite, but I haven’t had a chance to reread it yet. It’s a university-based hockey romance and the main character is a PhD student who’s half-Indian and vehemently hates hockey players. I loved it. If you don’t like it, please. Do not tell me. I can’t cope with that much heartbreak.”
You beamed at him and Harvey felt his heart melt at your expression. You were clearly passionate and excited to share this book with him, and he was looking forward to reading it; to seeing into a small piece of your soul.
The pair of you read together for about an hour. You kept to a similar pace and offered casual commentary and anecdotes from time to time. You had to resist the urge to spoil the plot, sometimes only offering quiet hums as opposed to full sentences. You gradually felt yourselves growing physically closer, until you were laying down with your head next to his leg and your hair draped across his lap, legs dangling over the arm of the sofa. He was idly twirling a strand of your hair, only pausing to turn a page when necessary. 
You finished the chapter you were reading and made a mental note of where you were up to before snapping the book closed. “Okay, I think we should call it. I’m starving.” You looked up at him from where your head was resting and watched as he closed the book without his hand leaving your hair.
“Sounds good to me, sweetheart. Since you chose the book, I’ll choose the restaurant. Sound good?” he asked, looking at you with that smile. 
“Sounds great, sweetheart,” you replied, playfully teasing him.
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After the success that was reading and dinner that night, the pair of you went on another date. And another. And another. The pair of you got to know each other like the backs of your hands and became unashamedly infatuated with one another. Harvey told you about his brother, Marcus, and you told him about yours. You mostly focussed on childhood stories about your whizz-kid brother with the photographic memory, but you occasionally did update Harvey on your brother’s relationship with his mentor. All positive, but you sometimes did joke that he sounded like he could be a bit of a dickhead. 
After about a month of consistently seeing each other, you discussed meeting the family. You were in his apartment with your head on his lap, the pair of you laying in his big comfy bed.
“Well, I only have Michael. Our parents passed when we were pretty young and my grandma passed almost a year ago. So you only have to deal with my brother and my best friend. Super easy,” you told him, idly tracing his skin with your index finger. 
“I have my brother and his family; he’s got a wife and kids. And then my mother but we don’t talk. So a similar situation for you. Brother and some friends. I’d say you can meet my associate and colleagues but they’d grill me rather than you. So would Marcus, actually.”
You giggled at his words but stopped as the seriousness of your relationship started to set in. Talking about meeting the family was a big step for you considering how little family you had. Letting someone into that trauma felt extremely vulnerable but just as quickly as you felt nervous, you felt calm. You were ready for this. You wanted this with Harvey. You decided to mess with him regardless.
“So… You think you’re ready to meet the family, hm? That’s a pretty big step,” you started, pretending to be deadly serious.
“Oh? Is it now? You don’t want to meet my family?” he asked, tone playful but you could tell there was an undertone of nervousness when he spoke.
“Well, I don’t think two people engaging in a casual fling have any business meeting each other’s families. Don’t you agree?” you continued to tease, though Harvey couldn’t tell you were only teasing.
“Is that what you think this is? A casual fling?” The hurt was starting to show in his voice and you smiled, not at his pain, but at the fact that clearly the pair of you were on the same page with how serious your relationship had become.
“Is that not what you think it is? Do we need to have the what are we conversation?” The teasing lilt to your voice was obvious this time, which immediately eased Harvey’s nerves and put him out of his misery. He smiled at you, smile lines popping and his eyes sparkling once again.
“No conversation necessary, baby. You’re my girl and I’m your man.” He tugged on the piece of your hair that was wrapped around his finger, causing you to smile.
“My man? Too old for the boyfriend title, hm? Old man,” you joked, poking him in the abdomen. 
“I’ll show you old man,” he replied, flipping you so that you were pinned to the mattress under him. The pair of you were a giggly, smiley mess, both excited to have established what you were to each other. Both true romantics at heart.
The next morning Harvey left you in his bed, heading to the office after kissing you goodbye. You watched him get dressed and style his hair, finishing his process by skillfully tying his tie. You watched his hands move the whole time, thinking about how they were all over you the previous night, and you sighed contentedly. Once he left, you flopped back onto his bed, hair fanning out across the pillows as you inhaled your boyfriend’s scent. 
You spent the next few hours reading, gratefully taking advantage of your day off. You made yourself an at-home coffee and easily moved around Harvey’s lavish apartment whenever you wanted a change of scenery, taking full advantage of the space. At around midday, you placed a lunch order to pick up from your and Harvey’s favourite café and got dressed, opting for a pretty white sundress. You left your hair down in its natural form and quickly left Harvey’s building, picked up lunch, and headed in to his office building.
On your way to Harvey’s office you, surprisingly, bumped into your brother. 
“Mike? What are you doing here?” you asked, not expecting to see him today.
“Obviously I’m lawyer-ing, Y/N. What else?” he replied. His sassy tone was an exact mirror image of how yours sometimes was with Harvey, and the fact that you were siblings became extremely obvious if someone focussed on your mannerisms.
“You mean fake lawyer-ing?” you teased, tone matching his perfectly.
“Ha ha. What are you doing here?” he asked, one eyebrow raised as he looked at you, taking in your appearance in his place of work and the bag in your hand.
“Obviously I’m bringing lunch to my boyfriend, Michael. What else?” you mocked playfully, wide smile on your face.
“Boyfriend? Here? Who’s your boyfriend?” he started to ask, but before he could grill you, you spotted Harvey walking towards you.
“Hey, Harvey,” you beamed, greeting him with a warm smile as he walked up to you.
He leaned down to give you a quick peck, completely ignoring Mike’s presence. “Hi, baby,” he mumbled, smiling back at you. He finally turned to look at Mike. “Mike, this is my girlfriend, Y/N. Sweetheart, this is my associate that I’ve been telling you about, Mike-”
“Mike Ross,” you interrupted, smiling as the realisation set in. Harvey’s associate was your brother. Your brother’s mentor was your boyfriend. You threw your head back laughing once you realised, shocked that nobody had put the pieces together sooner. “Harvey, meet my brother. Michael Ross.”
The shared look on both of their faces was priceless. They looked at you as if you’d sprouted another head, which only made you laugh more. Both of them joined in once they realised the situation, with Mike being the first one to break the circle of laughs in the middle of the office.
“So this is the hotshot lawyer you’ve been basically ignoring me for?” he asked you, gesturing towards Harvey. “And this is the barista slash bookworm you’ve been dumping all your work on me for?” he asked Harvey, gesturing towards you. 
You both nodded and agreed with a perfectly in-sync, “Yes.”
Harvey looked between you both in disbelief. “Wait a minute. Your last name isn’t Ross.” He was asking a question without actually asking, as he often did.
“Very good observation, Harvey,” you replied.
“Yeah, thank you, Captain Obvious,” Mike chimed in, causing you to smile. The two of you had always been a sarcastic duo, irritating a lot of your older relatives in your younger years.
“Oh my god,” Harvey mumbled, “There’s two of them. Exactly alike. How did I not realise?”
“To answer your unasked question,” you started pointedly, focussing on your boyfriend and suppressing your giggles, “I took my mother’s maiden name as soon as I was able to. Y/N Ross just sounds ugly, and this way, I get to honour her.”
Both Harvey and Mike visibly softened at your explanation. Harvey snapped out of it after a moment. “You’ve been talking shit about me to your pretty sister?” he asked Mike, punching him lightly on the shoulder.
“She was my sister before she was your girlfriend, man. That’s my right,” he replied, punching Harvey right back. “Speaking of, if you ever hurt her, I’ll-”
“What are you going to do? Fake lawyer him?” you jumped in at Harvey’s defence, keeping your voice quiet since you were still in a communal area.
“No, I was going to say I’d beat his ass.”
“Like you could. Have you seen his arms?”
“Okay, can you stop thirsting over my boss right in front of me? That’s disgusting.” Mike pretended to gag at your behaviour and you rolled your eyes in response.
“I can do so much worse, Michael,” you teased, pulling Harvey down by his tie to meet your mouth in a (relatively tame) kiss. Mike said nothing but walked away, muttering to himself about your ‘disgustingly inappropriate behaviour’. 
“Now that he’s finally gone,” you started after releasing Harvey from your hold and holding up the bag in your hand, “Lunch?”
oh my lord this was long. i wrote this in multiple sits. nonnie, i hope this was up to your standards. i hope i did your request justice. pls pls pls do give feedback. thank u so much for your request. there are more requests in my inbox which I'll be getting to in the coming days so send them in! for any suits characters, not just harvey! plus characters from other media! (warning, i know nothing about most things but if i can write for you, i will <3)
taglist: @shadowinthedarkknight @strawberriesareprettycool
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eras-mus · 10 months
get this . everyone chilling at ramshackle dorm doing their own thing, yuu (and grimm by extension), ace and deuce sitting by the table talking about whatever crosses their mind
Eventually the conversation escalates to birthdays and holidays and ace asks how old Yuu is. Azul interjects with saying Yuu's age from the contract they signed a few months ago, but then Yuu pipes up and tells them that they're one year older than that.
Theres a small moment of confusion until it dawns onto Deuce that Yuy's birthday was a month or two ago and they never spoke a peep about it. Not even to grimm!! And when asked, Yuy makes an excuse like "that was when __ was kind of close to overblotting and I didn't want to make it about me because that'd be so nitpicky—"
It was based off an audio i heard and idk if i want to write it into a short drabble for myself i probably cant since im only on book 2 ueue). But like. its a fun prompt methinks. what would all of them do when they find out Yuu deliberately didn't say a thing about their birthday
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★Reader is Yuu and is 17 years old
★gender neutral
★takes place after the third book
Sorry it's short, hope you like it!
"Can we start yet!" Ace complained, head slamming onto the table.
"I told you we're waiting on a couple more people." The perfect told him "I invited Kalim and Azul to join us since Sebek and Jack couldn't make it"
Tonight was the Ramshackle dorms weekly game night, normally it was just the freshmen but Sebek said that Malleus 'needs' his protection and Jack was just to tired from Spell Drive practice.
"They outta hurry up" Epel started, country accent slightly showing through "don't they know it's rude to be late."
A awkward silence fell over the dorm for a moment before a knock echoes through the dorm.
When y/n opened the dorm they were greeted with a cheerful smile and a hug.
"Thank you so much for inviting me!" Kalim smiled "I hope you don't mind that I brought Jamil, I also brought food, well Jamil did, he made it!"
Y/n blinked for a moment, taking in all the words one guy manged to say so fast. They looked over Kalim's shoulder just in time to see Jamil face plant.
"Thank you for the food Jamil" They smiled, giving him a wave.
"If was the least I could do perfect" he stated, not returning the wave.
Luckily Azul showed up before y/n could shut the door.
Just a few minutes later the group was playing some sort of trivia card game where they would either have to answer a question about someone else playing, a question about themselves, or just a random fact. If they got it wrong the next person would answer the same card, whoever got the most questions right won.
"Who is the most followed person in Magi Cam?" Epel read, "That's easy, Neige"
He revealed the answer to show it was correct.
"Of course you would get that one right" Ace complained "Vil never stops going on about it"
Every one just ignoring him looked over at Deuce, who was next to pick a card.
"How old is the person sitting to your right?" He looked over at y/n. "I'm not sure...18?"
They just shook their head.
"I know this one" Azul butted in, ready to take another point "Our contract from a while ago said that they were 16."
One again y/n shook their head. "I just turn 17 last month"
The room went silent for what seemed like forever.
"WE MISSED YOUR BIRTHDAY!" They all shouted in union.
"Riddle is going to have a heart attack when he finds out" Deuce commented, Ace nodding in agreement.
"You should've said something, we could've had a huge party" Kalim whined.
Y/n scratch the back of their head, "It's not big deal, it was right after one of the overblots, plus where I'm from birthdays aren't that big of a deal."
"Jamil we need to plan a party right now" Kalim said, getting up from his seat.
"We have to too" Ace said "Or get Trey and Riddle to do it for us"
Soon everyone had said something similar and got up and left leaving a confused Ramshackle perfect.
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mrchaosman · 5 months
Ohh Boy, this one is (probably) will be higt level crack.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Let me introduce you to:
Or just Jekyll and Hyde theory, idk.
In this today's subject, I'll explain that (not really) ch 3 secret boss is gonna have a split personality theme or "Jekyll and Hyde" syndrome.
Well anyway, let's dive in:
1: A temporarily allay.
The Secret boss is might gonna be a temporarily allay throughout the gameplay, where they have their own battle icon and such.
2: The light world item:
For this Theory, I will either go with the Book of Hymns or the butterscotch pie, my idea is the secret boss is "almost" forgotten item, plus I think that Toriel didn't read the book of Hymns for like long time, I don't know.
3: Freedom:
Since Jevil seeing himself as the "truly free one" and Spamton want to reach the heaven to be free, the ch3 secret might want to free themselves from their "Evil side", in the og jekyll and hyde novel, Jekyll created the potion to "free" himself from the Victorian society (by becoming Hyde and do all the vile things he could think of).
4: battle arena:
The battle arena is gonna might be something like similar to 1931 version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde movie transformation scenes, which is Make-up was applied in contrasting colors. A series of colored filters that matched the make-up was then used which enabled the make-up to be exposed gradually or made invisible. The change in color was not visible on the black-and-white film, showing a photos of either the secret boss or Kris, who knows.
5: Speech Quirk:
They might speak in an old Victorian accent.
6: other things: the idea that seam has said to us that our next enemy (secret boss) is gonna be much powerful and stronger, sounds like something like Mr. Hyde, Hyde is said to be much stronger than Jekyll, as the formula used to induce him was originally supposed to be a vitamin tonic. The limits of his strength are ambiguous but he can very easily throw other people of the same height and weight aside without slowing down and in a fit of rage he can casually break furniture.
7: Soul Mode: I'm gonna go with the switch soul because it "splits" just like how Jekyll splits himself into two people.
Well, the secret was used to be an actor to a movie or something by playing the "doctor" in it, however, the movie didn't make it big at all and that made Tenna kicked them out,
While they in their house, they find someone in the room.
They explained themselves to the stranger.
However, the stranger replied that the movie has failed due to "Evil Inside" them, and said that they have to remove it from them totally.
The failed actor, blindly accepts the offer, and the stranger left a note and a strange crystal, the note is a manual for making a "potion", and the crystal is one of the ingredients to make the potion.
They created it and after drinks it, they felt a bit different but other than that, they felt good.
They have returned to the studio to convert Tenna to hire them again, after a little agreement, something happened.......
The Actor's body start changing and their physical appearance, they become from a good old fella to a monstrous animalistic demon, after that transformation, they attacked tenna, and almost destroyed the studio, but after a long battle, tenna and the crew manged to get rid of them and throw them out of the studio.
They have returned to their original self and after long time, they realised that they have been fired and totally been thrown out.
So yeah, that's best I can do for the lore, anyway, some extras for that thing.
Video game:
If you think a bit, what is one of the most forgotten game ever.
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Yup, this one is basically one of the worst pieces of entertainment media ever made, thanks to AVGN for covering it because no one with half a Brain will do that, so, in the case of video game, they might be an mascot for a failed video game and wanted to be known with the "duality" as a trait of their own and stuff.
Friend inside me.
My idea is that the "Evil side" is gonna be something like FRIEND or something like it.
For example, both of Hyde and FRIEND (probably) manipulative and parasitic creatures with no sign of guilt for regret to anything they do or anyone they hurt and damage.
An example for this is with the chair from Spamton Sweepstakes website.
We see two things, the first chair nice, clean chair, while in the other hand, we see a dark, distorted mess of glitch which what used to be a chair.
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And here these come to play out.
Let's all say that the yellow eye is the secret boss' original self and the pink eye is the alter-ego (Hyde/FRIEND), just like some covers of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has a line In the middle to separate the two personalities.
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And just thinking about it a bit, it might be true say that FRIEND being an anomaly or a parasite is not really a thing to me, because I remembered a sentience that says: You are your own FRIEND.
Well, I don't know about you guys gonna think but yeah.
The fact that ch3 dark world is a tv-themed world, it can to assume that in TV there's many failed tv movies and TV shows, like the jekyll and hyde mini series from 2015.
So yeah.
The Gaster valentine's card:
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The qoute: Now Put on your coat and wash your face or Put on your face and was your coat, is something alot of you have noticed and alot has pointed out that the one who wrote the message isn't actually Gaster but someone else, they seem as if they two or more separate people talking in the same time.
I'm not really sure about this one but I'd like to point it out.
The Flower thing:
If it was right, then the secret boss might be an asriel/Flowey knockoff, having an nice and evil personalities.
Also, in Undertale, Asriel referred to Flowey as a separate person, so it might be true to say that ch3 secret boss is might gonna be a hybrid between asriel and Flowey.
And finally: Gaster motif.
Jevil the Gaster eye thing that it is black and then the pupils appears, Spamton's suit has resembles with Gaster's clothes, so I assume that the secret boss for chapter 3 will a physical resembles to Gaster because you know, the science thing.
And here, I made it, My first theory ever, I hope you like it and now, I'm gonna have some rest
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sueske · 1 year
hi, idk if youve answered this before so i havent read the naruto manga yet but ive heard a lot of ppl say that a lot of moments in the manga that show sasuke reciprocated sakuras love were cut from the anime(not like in the non canon novels, but in the original manga) but i seriously doubt that since so many of the sns ppl i follow seem to have read the mang but are clearly ss fans so i was wondering if those moments actually exist and what u think abt them
sns fans being ss fans too? that's suspicious. that's weird. anw ss stans say a lot of things to cope lol. I can't be bothered to go look for the anime scenes and compare them to the manga but from what I remember they're pretty similar. make no mistake it's not that there are 'ss scenes' in the manga that didn't make their way into the anime, everything was adapted. there's no point in the manga where sasuke showed romantic feelings/attraction towards sakura so of course that's not going to be adapted into the canon anime episodes.
tbh I think there are plenty of ss stans who haven't read the manga for themselves either, I've seen edited manga panels of 'ss scenes' floating around they try to pass off as canon. and I didn't see this myself but I remember some people talking about it - remember the sns guitar pick illustration? someone edited naruto into sakura and then ss stans were like 'sns are so desperate editing sakura into naruto' 😂
I do know though that SP was much kinder to sakura in the gaiden anime adaptation, especially the scene where sarada asks sakura if her and sasuke ever kissed. SP were doing damage control lol if anything the anime is kinder to ss.
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little-gub · 1 month
omg gub ur so so so so so cute!! the most recent outfit u posted is sooo cute n the makeup!! i can’t get a black lipstick to look right on me yet idk how u do it !
Thank you🥺🥺 I really can't say either, maybe it's just the shade but black has just always manged to click for me . Maybe my outfits help to 🙈
I would say though relaxing your lips instead of like making a kissy face helps. Then smoothing the edges out with your finger
I also use a little lip liner
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theubb · 2 months
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Part 3! probably the lowest effort one yet. Now please let me go on a side tangent here, i just gotta get some thoughts off my chest and a reason for the so-so quality. I will talk abou this part and the AU ofc, i just gotta talk about me for abit, even if i talk to the void i want to get it out there.
I do consider parts 1 & 2 kinda low effort on my part and it most certianly frustrated me then BUT i have grown to accept it. I am burnt out! To give context: all my previous Sonic anything before the event began was for a School project!
We were quite free to do basicly what we wanted and i manged to make mine about Sonic under the guise of learning 3D. I started last September and have been just going at it almost nonstop since. Yes i had a few breaks ofc but nevertheless i was very burnt out by the time That project was done.
So for me personally, The Ubb, personally this event was (for me personally) abit ill-timed personally for me, The Ubb. The idea of Nine traveling the Multiverse was something i had wanted to get around to eventually so when this Event was announced i obviously wanted to participate, it felt like the stars had aligned! sort of.
Thing is becouse of the nonstop work i was already supremely burnt out before the event even started so not great for me personally. I planned that i would just do a Me thing between the 2 Projects, something not related to either. A short little break yea? that was What updating my Sally Acorn design was going to be but we know how that went.
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The Result is wonderful, yes, it is one my proudest designs, came out great. BUT she was one of the thoughest challenges ive had so far. More context: it usually takes me like 2-3 days to make a Character design but Sal here took me 2 weeks. 2 weeks.
The result is wonderful but it was not the break i had envisioned. And the timelimit for the event was ticking down, i had lost about half of it by now. Like i said Nine traversing the Multiverse is something ive wanted to do for awhile and with DonelyWell making it uncertain wether or not the Event might return or not it truly felt like a now or never kinda situation, so despite my burnt-out-nes and lack of a proper break i pushed on.
And that is why the quality has been kinda so-so so far, due to burn out my heart hasnt been truly in it.
I will try to push out part 4 this coming week and you should expect it to be of this same quality you have seen thus far BUT after that i am postponing Part 5. I had originally planned to hopefully have it out before the end of august but with the current state of my mental health that is no longer feasable. After part 4 I Will take a break for maybe 1 or 2 weeks to just not work in order to get my mental situation sorted.
Sal proved that a working vacation was not a good solution.
But after the break i will get to work on Part 5 where i will put all the cards on the table. I have decided to put in that extra effort that has been lacking in Parts 1-3 (and probably 4) in order to make up for my sub-par performance thus far, another reason for the break. I cannot say how long it will be between parts 4 and 5, perhaps a whole month or even 2, idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we shall see
It will be out before the year ends tho, of that i am certain. Current plan is 3-4 big pictures for Part 5 and just a butt-ton of characters. This is to keep me happy as i do not particularly enjoy enviornments but character design is my passion.
The way i work with making the AU designs is reverse engenering my Mainline designs. That way it wont be a complete radio silence from me, The Ubb, but i am saving all my AU designs for Part 5.
But speaking of how i work lets segway back to part 3 yea?
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For part 3 here i wanted to introduce this AUs Shadow! This AU is my take on an Anti-Verse AU as i call it, where Bad guys be good guys and good guys be bad guys! IDK if it has an actual Name or some such.
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This AUs Shadow is alot more silly looking which is 100% intentional. In this Anti-Verse AU this guy here did not end up nearly as traumatized as Mainline Shadow, main thing being Maria do be alive in this AU! I sadly dont have a design for her yet, will in Part 5 tho.
Also if you do recall; for this AUs Eggy i Changed his name to Ovi Kintobor, i did a name change for some other characters aswell. One of them being Anti-Shadow here, or i suppose i should call him... Terios! cuz thats what i named him yo
I know that Name is attached to prototype Shadow and a design that is quite different from what you see here BUT thing is i have no plans to use Terios in my Take on Mainline Sonk and the Name is simply too cool to not use at all and with me already changing some names in this AU i figiured why not!
Now to talk abit about what he be looking like, firstly the Gun.
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I decided to give my Take on Shadow a Gun cuz is neat. I enjoy the idea of Shadow using a gun but do agree that he doesnt really need one, he has Chaos Spears rember? They already cover ranged attacks. The gun needs to fill a gap in his already vast moveset, cover a blind spot so to speak, in order to deserve its inclusion.
So a-thinkin i went!
And then it hit me; the idea to have it function like an extension of his Chaos Spears! Therefore the small canister looking thingy with Chaos Energy on both guns
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For Mainline Shadow i decided to have his Gun solve the accuracy problem. Im sure Shadow can Throw his spears real good but what about really long distances? A fancy gun would solve that i think! have it shoot chaos energy powered by Shadow himself, With it being energy based and meant to solve accuracy have it have like next to no drop off yknow? Like a Pistol sized Sniper!
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For Terios i wanted to aproach it from a different angle, if not accuracy what else could a gun do for Shadow that his Chaos Spears cannot do on their own?
Well what about speed? Sure Shadow can probably chuck out his Spears quite quickly but there is most certianly a limit. I am sure a gun has a faster firerate than a throwing arm, just sayin.
And with my desire to Make Terios look abit sillier than Shadow i went for a very smooth, round and almost SMG looking shape clearly influenzed quite heavily by certain Tediore Pistols from Borderlands 3.
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Next lets talk about the obvios.
I am very happy and proud of my Shadow design, he came out great, Less so for Terry here. You can clearly see i barely changed much, this is mostly due to me not really knowing what direction i wanted to go in at first and then a desire to move on once it was good enough.
But I Did some thinkin! With All three (Terios, Maria Kintobor and Gerald Kintobor) surviving the G.U.N raid of the ARK and thus Terios not being nearly as traumatized as Shadow i wanted to delve abit into the fact that Shadow should be around Sonic's age; in other words a teenager or at most a young adult.
Shadow never got a real chance for a proper childhood and getting to be a proper Kid but for this Anti-Verse i wanted to perhaps explore that abit more. What if Shadow's Story wasnt as dark? What if he got some proper time to be a Kid? Not forced to grow up quickly? Maria didnt die in the raid? Gerald wasnt executed by firing squad?
Thus for Terios i want to go into a more Silly direction cuz Terios just all-round had a better time than Shadow. Wasnt all perfect with sunshine and roses ofc but still better than Shadow. Terios gets be as happy and free like Mainline Sonk!
So when i decide to revisit Terios in the future i kinda want to go in a kinda Silly Super Hero Costume direction. I could go into further detail but i feel i have talked enough for now, see you this coming week with part 4! It will introduce this AUs Sonic, Tails and Metal Sonic, see you then!
I sure do like talking huh
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cheesy-poofs · 1 year
what about stanman?
Lots of rambles ahead, whoops.
I don't post about it a lot but I have bias for Stanman because Cartman and Stan are my two favorite characters. If anything I see it more as one-sided? because Cartman has consistently had a soft spot for Stan but Stan doesn't share that sentiment. I'm just going to put the screenshot from Stan's TV Tropes page here, and this isn't even everything.
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Like damn thanks for the shipping fuel TV Tropes LMAO. And a new addition, well if you even want to consider it, is him trying to get Stan and Kyle back together in "Cupid Ye". By usual Cartman means but nonetheless. And obviously I'm not saying Cartman loves Stan or that he's a sweetheart to him or anything (cue one of my favorite quotes, "Stan, me and Kenny don't give two shits about stupid-ass whaaales!")
I'm not against it romantically, I just don't exactly see it that way; so I guess this would be another ship I see in a more platonic light...if even that. I don't think Stan likes Cartman much. Idk sometimes its hard to tell in a show where Cartman is meant to be the "hated friend".
One one hand, Stan doesn't mind hanging out with Cartman (sometimes one-on-one, like in "Two Days Before The Day After Tomorrow" and "Sexual Healing"). On the other hand, just based on recent memory, in Streaming Wars he didn't want Cartman apart of the boat-making because he'd fuck it all up, and in "Cupid Ye" he just told Cartman to stop talking to him after he made a Jesus-related remark (not that I blame Stan in either instance). Stan seems fine with/apathetic about Cartman's company for the most part though 🤔 this isn't meant to be an analysis and my memory isn't great so correct me if I'm wrong or if you have something to add.
A couple of times I've thought about (if they manged to get on the same page) them doing something related to music together. And a bit ago I think @/victimized-martyr made a post where she mentioned the idea of them going to Broadway musicals together and I concur on that.
TL;DR both of them are dear to me and I think how Cartman is with Stan sometimes is oddly cute, but I don't really ship it that hard. I still love seeing fanart and fics of it though.
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 1 year
I was in a silly goofy mood, so here’s a Bad End/Goons Dragon’s Lair AU +drawings c:
(Body horror, blood, rotting flesh, +kinda sad tw ig)
Idk, this may be set up like partially disorganized DND stats
Alrightly, so the first one we're talking about is more of a remake/redesign on an established character in the franchise. 'Hollow' is a character from the possibly non-canon 3D game, and is like the evil Dirk or something (idk-I tried to look into it, but looking at this game for too long makes me cringe)
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Yeah, this guy.
But instead of just being a recolor and a copy of whatever Space Ace did that one time, in my version he's just Dirk from an alternate timeline.
So basically, in this timeline either a. this follows one of the deaths where it doesn't fully show him die/just shows him fail and get stuck somewhere, or b. a timeline where Mordroc and his goons take another route and attack him all at once when he first enters
Anyways, Mordroc (with intention of getting another servant to his castle) gets to Dirk and places an amulet over his neck, explaining he just gave him the 'gift' of immortality; confusing Dirk, wondering why he just did that in the first place. In a turn of events Mordroc stands back and allows his goons to tear Dirk's eyes out and throw him in a random room.
With the amulet, the victim cannot remove it themselves- but have to rely one someone else taking it off for them. You can gain fatal injuries with the amulet and not die, but the injury will likely never heal (other than maybe bleeding stopping), and the one who wears the amulet will never have the pain ease.
'Hollow', as the inhabitants of the Dragon's Lair have come to name him, isn't inherently evil; nor has any forced villainy caused by the amulet, and is still just normal Dirk- but cannot hear or see, and is thriving off of desperation to leave the castle without adding anything else to his anguish. Having a good intuition at first, he has forced himself to concentrate enough so his instincts can help him 'survive'. But no matter who you may be, good or bad, Hollow takes no chances and swings first.
To survive, remember to be smooth and agile in your movements if you see freshly killed goons/knights, smell old blood and rotting flesh approaching, or hear a man crying, screaming in anguish, or calling out 'Daphne' or help. Remember that harming him only makes him more desperate and hostile. If you have his well being in mind, avoid harming him at all costs and just sneak and dodge- and barricade the nearest door if possible.
If you don't care and just need to get closer to saving the princess, just disarm him by cutting off his arms and/or legs but that's pretty cruel. It's actually frowned upon to do that and should only be the last resort.
You can actually befriend Hollow, and it's one of the most recommended routes (other than taking the amulet off yourself). To do this, you need to dodge his attacks, and reassure through some way of touch or presence to show you are a friend or to reassure that he's safe. Show though grabbing his hand or arm that you're going to be guiding him, and just stay in literal touch or out of range when enemies are near-and he should take care of the issue. If you are able to lead him out, let him know he's safe and comfortable before paying your debt by taking the amulet off.
It's unclear if you can save Hollow, as taking off the amulet will just let his fatal wounds catch up to him and instantly kill him (Aka the amulet keeps him alive). Asking most guides, they would just tell you that yanking the amulet off is the best you can do, as he's 'cheating' death and won't suffer any longer- but there may be a 1% in reversing it. That is, to begin the route; take Hollow out and find the best healing mange you can. It's hard to say if healing magic or medical attention can actually 100% help him out, as there's plenty of issues causing him anguish, and either magic or medical care can miss that. And that being said, it's likely difficult to find a good mange in the kingdom, and an even better mange to cure full blown missing eyeballs and other organs- and he might still live with difficulty. This isn't the most recommended route to deal with Hollow, but taking the chance is by no means frowned upon.
Any time Hollow gets close to the exit, a goon is sent to pull him back to another room to screw him up again. It's unknown if they would do this if he got close to the gold room. They've lost a few goons while doing this, but Mordroc insists in keeping him as a guard and a good selection to his 'collection' of knights.
Anyways, ignore the quality of my horrible colored pencil drawings
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The Banshee Princess:
After Dirk's 'failure' to save her, Daphne officially became another new 'toy' to Mordroc's collection. Mordroc basically went through the same ritual as seen in the second game, and casted the Banshee curse on her through marriage. The Banshee curse itself forms out of loss and grief, and being that Daphne was in a slightly different position of grief (Aka, no children or husband to lose-but rather just a whole kingdom and boyfriend((?)) ) her form composed into a different and lesser variation.
After she was let out of the bubble, she claimed Singe's room-even to the point of becoming to agitated with him to the point that she killed him by eating him from the inside-out while he was sleeping.
This rendition of the banshee is smaller and more agile like a lizard; and can be found mostly at the back end of the castle. She can crawl on walls, and uses that to her advantage to sneak on her prey. While she can attack goons, she mainly aims for and lives off of knights (as Mordroc won't announce her change to the kingdom and also won't bother to come close enough to feed her).
Her scream is loud and shrill enough that it instantly paralyzes her victims- however she only does this at a very close perimeter.
Look for signs of the Banshee once you enter this area. Keep alert if you feel like your eyes are making up something crawling on the wall beside you. Don't follow if you hear a woman's voice crying out anything like 'help me!', 'save me!', 'mom!' or 'Dirk!'.
Unlike Hollow, there's more of a chance to save Daphne from this fate (albeit she will revert back due to fatal injuries). The one and only cure is a kiss of true love (maybe where befriending Hollow comes in,, but you can try if you wanted to ig)- but the issue with that would be in getting her to remember who she was before so she could stop attacking. Memories are quite rare to get, but it's at least worth the try. Memories are also quite temporary, and she'll just quickly revert back to her animalistic instinct if you're not quick enough to communicate to her.
The ring is no longer there, and the deadline for the ring to enact the curse is long past due. She ripped it off herself while she still had a little bit of control at some point.
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Anyways, hope you enjoyed the random angst
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supernaturalkickparty · 11 months
4 and 21!
4: mythical creature you think/believe is real?--- chupacabras and lechuzas
Like in Cuero they found a weird dog that was attacking this farmers livestock and its as close as anyone has come to finding a chupacabra
Some thought it was a Xolo dog or a dog with mange but it wasn't fully canine either. Idk it's one of those things that I was like blown away by when i heard it/saw it.
And for the Lechuza(witches bird), there was one, whether it was a huge bird or not is up to people, terrorizing Robstown and a lot of people who didn't know or speak to each other all said the same thing. It had human facial features and it laughed and tried speaking to them.
Texas mythos is my jam.
21: a number that weirds you out? Hmmm idk I don't think any number does. Now I'm thinking lol
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diabolikpersonals · 2 years
Lmfao, idk sis y’know I have this book I write this shit in, I actually wrote a few chapters, cause my writing skills to capture emotions are not as good as yours ❤️here’s the first one, tell me how it looks to ya:
“Ten thousand years…..it took Karlheniz Sakamaki ten thousand years to make his sinister fantasy to come into reality. And finally he has successfully completed the first step, the perfect creatures, the perfect lives, the perfect situation, the perfect innocence. And oh, how great it feels, this engaged feeling, he couldn’t help but smile amused as he slowly talked the defeated and helpless child, into submitting his entire life, his past, his future, his present, everything. Heh, oh how innocently he sold it away, along with the three freshly born souls. He couldn’t find the right words to describe it, was it innocence? Or foolishness? Either way~ it works pleasantly well for his experiment. This world….it shall be his territory. Humans, ghouls, vampires, impures, viboras, founders, wolves, adlers, they all shall kneel to him, by his four lords. He shall rule the entire world, along with four such great powers, the four unbreakable walls surrounding his throne. Although, unfortunately, it shall take sacrifices, great sacrifices, rather those being his, or these insolent fools (meaning humans) it took him quite the time, heh, it felt like an eternity. He wouldn’t be doing this if his blood didn’t mange to capture human emotions, those unwanted feelings in a vampire. But he shall not let that time go to waste, after all he has eventually found such pure, innocent, forgiving souls for such experience. Rather in his life, or his little lords. This reality is theirs to capture, no matter what it took…….no matter how long it shall take……this world shall be his.”
IT'S COOL!!! I want to read more!!! I wanna see the mukamis in action!!! >:D
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bab mang fox chi nard gold
Lin I hate you /j
By ‘bab’ I’m assuming you mean Baby, to which I have literally no solid headcanons— maybe Demigirl ace lesbian? But idk- she’s too plot relevant for me to get silly with her lol (also too humanoid- not fun enough /hj)
Mang I assume = Mangle
To which I say: transneufemme polygender genderfluid xenogender xenogenderfluid girlboything :) ya know- the vibes! Also uses She/he/they/it/xe/lobe/brain/🧠 pronouns :) also pan, also has the Autism, ADHD, BPD, psychosis/schizophrenia and PTSD (also is partially blind and has balance issues because of the… ya know… also probably has grip issues and maybe hypermobility) also his endo head is a separate person who can think for themselves and has its own consciousness (though probably shares the gender and disorders and shit with mangle)
(Also- in my lil monster au in my brain- they’re a shapeshifter with the restriction of keeping her color scheme, the endo head and the fact that they’re a fox- but the arrangement of it’s body, organs, skeleton, fur, etc can be shifted and changed at will, the endoskeleton looks like striped metallic tentacles/tendrils wrapped around silvery bones and the endo head is a metallic grey skull with a few red veins and an eye still attached)
Assuming you mean regular foxy when you say ‘fox’
Pirategender cis man lol, uses he/it and maybe she? Either poly(sexual/romantic) or bi, probably prefers masculinity and androgyny over femininity, has Autism, ADHD, psychosis, BPD and is a triple amputee (both legs below the knee and left hand). His eyepatch is fully for aesthetics- there’s nothing wrong with its eye lol
(For my monster au thing he’s just an anthro fox covered in badly healed scarring— idk what to tell you- that’s an anthropomorphic pirate fox??)
Again- assuming you just mean basic chica (and not the other more fun chicas >_>)
Classic chica is absolutely transfemme Demigirl (or maybe demigender girlthing (gender neutral)) and demisexual lesbian- also AuDHD and PICA
Also I feel the need to show you the ‘extras’ part of my notes app hcs lol
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She round <3 Floof feathers :)
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Assuming by nard you mean fucking ennard lol
I’m gonna be honest— I never got that attached to sister location— so idk- ennard is genderqueer and genderfluid (and probably fluidflux) and either aroace repulsed or pan lol, idk- autistic and full of rage.
Idk if you mean gold as in golden Bonnie or golden Freddy but I’ll assume Freddy
Uuuhhhh again idk… yeah I’ve got literally nothing… idk why I never thought of golden Freddy headcanons???? I think it’s the same situation as Baby where they’re too plot relevant for me to be silly and have fun lol
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captainaikus · 2 years
THOSE NICKNAMES ARE SO CUTE ABKGCFBHGG ofc you can call me either one you pick 😊. Also I hope that guy gets gum stuck in his horrible hair and is super late to an exam or something 😤😤😤. I don’t understand how some people think I want to hear their stupid comments?? Like whatever happened to the saying “if it’s not nice, don’t say it”?? Like unless we’re friends or close constructive criticism or advice is fine. But like. I haven’t seen you since school? Leave me alone. Some peoples audacity I swear 🤨🙄😤. Im sorry that that happened to you. AND YOU TELL HIM. MANS THOUGHT HE WAS CHANGING THE WORLD BY BEING RUDE TO YOU AND PROCEEDS TO LOSE A DEBATE AGAINST YOU NOT EVEN MINUTES LATER. HECK YEAH. YOU GO GIRL 😤🥰. Intelligence is so freaking hot though just saying. So like. Love everything about yourself cause there’s so much to love sweetheart ❤️❤️❤️. Also like I’m slowly falling for Nagi and Oliver but we’re not gonna talk abt that rn 👀 *swears profusely* Also also I love love love knowing random facts about all my favorite characters because it just makes them seem so real. It’s just overall really adorable. Like that invincible hero hates ranch with a burning passion and that one tired teacher loves swimming in coral reefs in their down time and that one amazing soccer player loves history. Finding out more stuff about all these awesome characters honestly makes me love them even more. Going to the gym is great btw!!! But don’t forget to also rest and not overdo it. Your body needs time to repair itself yknow? I seriously need to start going again. I was a gym rat the entire summer and I actually liked it?? I wanted to try something new and I ended up loving it. Idk it’s just the satisfaction of working on yourself and working all those feelings out and just taking care of your body yknow? But school got in the way and I keep telling myself I’ll go this weekend but I keep forgetting 💀😭. I shall add Romantic Killer to my watch list 😌. Is it an anime or a show btw? What’s it about? *sips from hot chocolate cup and hugs squishmallow* I’m still processing the ending of TR so like I need a couple business days to collect my thoughts but you’ll be the first to hear them when it hits me that it’s actually over. Also Isabelle is such a pretty name. I think it suits you 😊. As always I hope your day goes well!! *sends virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
forget to add on my last ask agjhhhshehh 💀 but why those specific nicknames? like is it cause if the emoji or something else? sorry im just curious 😅.
I'm that kind of person who keeps nicknames for everyone actually... based on what they like or reminds me of irl has a friend named dumbface . And the thing is... the word 'anon' sounds... mechanical which is why I offer emojis to people who want to interact with me and visit my blog and everytime I look at ✨ emoji all I'm thinking of is a genshin wish or starry or charm and I literally go like
'starry asked me something!! *smiles*' But yeah cause of the emoji or in case send me a name that you'd like be called by? ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Thinking if I should call 💙  anon blue...
Going back to my classmate at uni... another bonus point is that since we hadn't seen each other in a long time; with covid and all that too I'm...actually two heads taller than him. And when he tried to be rude to me again today- this time about my hair cause its short (and yk what guys say abt girls with short hair right?), I said 'You talk big for someone who has to be noticed under a microscope, you wanna lose another debate?' And he actually shut up with his mouth open and a friend of mine who shares the second major class with him just laughed
Oyaoya you're falling for Nagi and Oliver ( ⓛ ω ⓛ ) Tell me all about it
I know !! ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა The random facts about Oliver made me go 'No way. NO. WAY. WHAT.' cause there are too many things about me that coincide with him and I was just sitting there like... it does makes sense now. Cause when i was reading the manga too, I saw him and I went like... he gives me the vibe of a snake (cause I had a pet one and there's a whole history to that and it was guesswork) for some reason. *scrolls*
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it's a snake alright.
Random facts just make my day and I love the fact of that one tired teacher who likes swimming in the coral reefs - pretty sure Ego is that kind of guy. When I found out that Aiku loves History I was like 'is it possible to fall any deeper for this man?'
So the thing with gym is that I was going for a good week and then i fell sick. and it kept happening back and forth until I got tired and irritated and said that i need to be consistent. And honestly? I love going to the place as well ! Plus I needed to get more muscle in cause... I wanna be able to lift more heavy objects. So me and my roommate were lifting this really heavy box and I couldn't get it over my head and nearly busted my skull but luckily they're stronger and taller than me so I was safe; I don't want to experience that again and that's why i decided to go to the gym. that and for mental stability and being fit as well ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ
My classes do get in the way of me going to gym and studies take up my time too and that's why i balance everything. Priorities take first place, write little everyday and when its ready, I post it.
So Romantic killer is an anime about a girl who cares only about three things : gaming, her cat and chocolate. And cause of that, she's disconnected from the real world and can't fall in love with anyone the way i've been called out on with this show so a wizard who made an otome video game comes (their name is riri), and tries to set her up with this guy named Kazuki. And its all about her resisting him
His voice sounds very familiar though *goes to check* yeup, Kamitani Hayato from Gakuen babysitter club and weather report from JJBA
I just heard about TR from one of my friends. And I'm surprised abt it actually, maybe I should read from where i left off (forgot to ask about terano south) but take your time. I'll be there to hear all about it ૮(˶˃ᆺ˂˶)ა
My name... has taken one too many dad jokes, comes with being the youngest ig . DoorBELLE BELLEring
Not to mention the spellings and older people, ‘Isabella’ no, it’s Isabelle, Isabel? Izabel? No, Isabelle
Oliver : Tinker belle.
That is acceptable.
*sending warm hugs*
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wendytestabrat · 2 years
omg i just finished s2 and wow this season really hit it out of the ball park s2 was wayyyy better than s1 and a HUGE improvement. the show started out as a cringe show i didn’t care much about other than a guilty pleasure bc s1 honestly felt like any other generic teen netflix show and it dragged a lot imo and i also hardly liked any of the characters either. i also don’t like how this show has hour long episodes like it honestly doesn’t even deserve that shsjjskw it feels like a comedy drama that would do better in the half hour format. for the most part i find it engaging all the way through but i feel like there are some pointless subplots and character arcs they could cut out with the side characters lol. but yeah s2 was WAY better and had me on the edge of my seat for most of it. the character development and acting was AMAZING like the chemistry the two actresses who play ginny and georgia have together is so good bc that scene where georgia finds out ginny was self harming made me feel shit. the way georgia developed was so good and how the season all built up to her past coming back to haunt her was 👌. i do think the season finale from last season was misleading tho going into this season bc it ended with ginny running away bc she found out georgia murdered someone so that made me think this season would be about that and ginny living in some other place but then they just reverted everything back to the status quo right after which was kind of lame ngl LOL. ginny shined best (and yes she’s an annoying character ik) in the first half of the season with the storyline abt her self harming but i was disappointed that that didn’t rlly go anywhere in the end of the season like yeah georgia and ginny started getting along better but it was lame it was never brought up again and then they had that lame plot about marcus breaking up with ginny bc he was depressed which just felt lazy and pointless LOL. but georgia was the one who mainly shined in the second half. i also rlly don’t like the whole MANG thing like those scenes are just cringe of those four girls hanging out where it’s like they’re trying too hard to stereotype teenagers today. maxine and ginny are the only ones somewhat fleshed out it just feels like those other two girls don’t even need to be there lol. also the subplot with cynthia and joe boning each other was just boring and pointless like both of those characters are lame LOL. i guess they needed to have that storyline so they could have a reason for the scene where georgia kills tom but idk they could’ve gone about that another way. the scenes with georgia and paul and all the mayor crap was so boring in s1 but i enjoyed it more in s2 since paul started living with georgia and they got engaged so it felt like there was more at stake. i also like how ginny’s dad gets way more screen time this season bc he’s a rlly likable character. and also austin is the one carrying the entire show (I DON’T MAKE THE RULES I ENFORCE THEM) bc he’s adorable. so yeah overall s2 has a lot of cringe and stupidity in it like s1 did but s2 did a good job developing on what they had previously established the season before and adding in more drama and making you more invested in the shitty characters.
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candy8448 · 4 months
Im gonna make a gcses rambles masterlist of all the gcses rambles maybe
I need an outlet
RS and Drama!
I dont think it has actually sunk in that these are the real things and not mocks. Im so glad that my school does mocks every year because i am feeling weirdly calm about this
I feel like it will finally settle in once we finish everything then im gonna be like oh no that was real??
Our school surprisingly did something nice for us??? A tonna free bagles we could put butter, jam or honey on, and then a bunch of types of energy bars and juices (and i think coffe?? Idk) and whoa :0 i bet that is only gonna last today cuz this school isnt capable of commiting to something when it actually makes their students happy
Rs was exhausting. I did the questions all over the place answering them weirdly and wherever and :0 and i was so stressed about time because this is the only exam that i ever run out of time on but eventually i manged to get it done 2 mins before the end.
That first christianity 12 marker was a godsent (haha lol) it was so open that i could have rambled on forever, both of them really. The islam was harder but really better than i thought :0 (so many people was panicking thinking they got ashura wrong, including me a bit, so that was kinda funny)
I despise rs with a passion for personal reason so im so glad it is one of the subjects that finish first ^_^
I need to rant about the drama for a bit so hang on till i go eat-
Our school goes period 1, p2, break, p3, p4, lunch, p5 (and p6 after school on some days for only yr 11s)
Usually exams are either p1 and 2 or p3 and 3, but we have p3 and 4 being drama lessons, then right before lunch, we started the exam, then it went on for 15mins after school and like???
What??? What is this timing why did they think of doing this????
Its like the final boss battle of drama gcses lol
(They gave us a breaktime before it at least, but we couldnt get food. It was weird seeing the hall completely empty with only us 14 students doing drama)
In the exam hall only 7 of us were in there cuz the rest go to a different room and i really love the quiet of when there are only a tiny vit of us in the hall. When all of us are in there its much louder cuz of everyone's shuffling hut with only us 7, it basically completely and utterly silent, its nice, i can think.
For our mocks we've answered on lined sheets of paper, but this time they had such a wacky answer booklet??? It threw all of us off which is so unfair. Also nobody ever informs the drama department in my school of anything so we were really confused for a lot of the time =_=
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Why does it look like this??? No other subject looks like this???
But anyway the questions were really good, the time management was more stressful than yhe actual questions
(For ppl who wanted to know, we did blood brothers, then for section c we did macbeth since we are already doing it in english and we were running out of time to learn what to do for section c)
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the-missann · 1 year
So, I always get infatuated with characters even if I have no idea who they are lol. So instead of ignoring my urge to write for them, I'm just gonna do it and just not bring up the series. Idk if I'll name this, but it's a good way for me to write about other stuff.
Either way, I hope you enjoy reading!
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I'll be here for whatever and whenever you need me.
It seemed impossible for those words to actually be doable. The sentiment was sweet, but it didn't seem realistic. Yet, here Mika sat waiting for the boy who told her those words.
She hadn't been expecting him to actually show up, but just minutes after she texted him, there was knocking at her door.
"Hey, I'm here. You didn't fall asleep did you?"
Mika playfully rolled her eyes and got from under her warm blanket to open the door. In front of her stood her strangely disheveled friend.
"Why would I call you and fall asleep?"
He smirked. "You've fallen asleep on calls before."
"Because someone refused to let me end the call." Mika went back inside, allowing him to join her.
"Well, while you might be obviously remembering things wrong, maybe you can remember why you asked me to stop by."
Mika got back under her blanket while he sat on the chair beside the couch she was on.
"Before that, even though I really didn't think you'd actually show up whenever I needed something, what did I take you from?"
He looked to his body and seemed unbothered by the dirt caked into the seams of his shirt, unconcerned by the red bruises on his chin and cheek, and even flat out ignoring the fact that he was missing his usual accessories-- specifically his bag, which he carried his entire life in.
"Oh, I was working."
"You got a job? When? You didn't tell me about it."
"Because I was gonna surprise you with a gift on your birthday."
Mika narrowed her eyes. Knowing it was strange how quickly he volunteered an explanation.
Mika sighed. "This is exactly what I called you over for... Gino, why are you getting back into all that dangerous stuff again?"
"What? You know I quit that. I don't roll with that crowd anymore."
"Yet you still hang around those places? Look, Damara saw you waiting around 9th street. We all know it brings nothing but trouble."
Gino let out a sigh and ran his hand over his hair. "She shouldn't have told you anything..."
"Why? We're still friends and I get worried about you knowing you're still screwing around with those guys."
"That's the thing, I'm actually not. I'm not wrapped up in anything bad."
"Then what are you doing? And don't try to lie, otherwise you must think I'm stupid and can't tell you're all bruised up."
"Of course I knew you'd notice, but it's not from some stupid street fight. I just kind of can't tell you what it's from though."
Mika sighed loudly and put her head in her hands. "I swear, this is exactly why I broke up with you. Here I thought maybe if we were just friends you'd open up a bit more to me... Looks like things are the exact same no matter what."
Gino got up and sat beside her. "Wait a second, that's not what you said before. You said you didn't wanna be with a thug."
"That wasn't a lie, but it wasn't why I broke things off. If I said the real reason you would've started lying even more."
Gino took a breath. "I did listen though. I got out of the Trizards, cut things with almost everyone I knew, and got a legit gig... Kind of figured it would patch things up between us."
"If you did all that then what the hell is the problem with just telling me what you're doing?"
Gino said nothing. They stared at each other and the room's silence weighed on them. Mika's eyes, especially locked on Gino.
"I'm sorry... I just can't-"
Mika released the breath in her throat and turned her back to him.
"Look, I know, I'm being an asshole. I swear though, I'll tell you everything once things settle down."
"And that's suppose to mean something to me?"
"How about this then?" His hand on her shoulder manged to get her to look back. The deep scowl on her face made Gino avert his gaze, but he took out his phone and scrolled through the images before stopping and presenting the screen to her.
"See? These guys, I work with them and I pretty much trust them with my life. They'd never let me slip back to my old ways."
Mika saw Gino standing around a group of people. They were all smiling and seemed to be enjoying themselves. This was a stark contrast to who she knew Gino hung out with before.
"You can show me them, but not tell me what it's about?"
"I'm sorry, but I can't. I kind of don't wanna jinx it by telling everyone about it then it blows up in my face. I promise that's the only reason I don't wanna tell you. If that wasn't the case, we'd be up all night talking about everything I've been doing."
Mika couldn't help but smile at his near boyish excitement. He always got that way when he wanted to talk with her. She almost forgot she was upset.
"Then you have to promise me something."
"You have to come by my place just so I know you're not... dead or something."
Eagerly, he responded. "That's not a problem, but it's a little strange if you're gonna be going out with other guys and stuff."
Mika sighed. "I think you mean to say it'll be weird that we're not dating."
"You said it."
"You're so annoying. Look, I obviously never wanted to break up. I pretty much never stopped... loving you either."
Gino tried to hold back his smile, he failed however. "You sure can hide your feelings though. I really thought you were done with me!" He cupped his palm on her cheek. "But I'm so happy to know you actually weren't."
Leaning closer, his eyes closed and Mika was right there with him and their lips met just as their eyes closed.
Gino held Mika's face and kept her still while pushing her back against the arm rest of the couch. Mika let out a concerned muffled moan and pushed against his chest, stopping him.
"I know exactly what kind of kiss you're giving me and I'm not doing that tonight."
Caught red handed, Gino smiled at her. "I can't change your mind?"
"No, but I can do you one better. We can cuddle instead, but only if you change out of those clothes. You're filthy dude."
Gino chuckled and gave her a peck on her lips before he sprang off the couch and started to strip right in her living room.
"You still got my hoodie?"
"Exactly where we said you'd pick it up at."
"I'm guessing my sweats are there too?"
"I just washed them."
Gino smiled eagerly taking off with the outer layer of his outfit in his arms.
Mika smiled seeing him again. She felt an immense wave of gratitude wash over her knowing she could always reach out for him.
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