#idk what to tag this ???
tippenfunkaport · 2 years
there is something so darkly comical about tumblr potentially outliving twitter
tumblr, which is held together with duct tape and madness, run by three raccoons in blood stained Yahoo! hats and a handful of crabs, its only discernible source of income the sale of shoelaces from an inside joke so inside no one knows the original source anymore and fake blue checkmarks... that website still lives on
truly the cockroach of social media and I love it for that
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daisywords · 7 months
One of my biggest nitpicks in fiction concerns the feeding of babies. Mothers dying during/shortly after childbirth or the baby being separated form the mother shortly after birth is pretty common in fiction. It is/was also common enough in real life, which is why I think a lot of writers/readers don't think too hard about this. however. Historically, the only reason the vast majority of babies survived being separated from their mother was because there was at least one other woman around to breastfeed them. Before modern formula, yes, people did use other substitutes, but they were rarely, if ever, nutritionally sufficient.
Newborns can't eat adult food. They can't really survive on animal milk. If your story takes place in a world before/without formula, a baby separated from its mother is going to either be nursed by someone else, or starve.
It doesn't have to be a huge plot point, but idk at least don't explicitly describe the situation as excluding the possibility of a wetnurse. "The father or the great grandmother or the neighbor man or the older sibling took and raised the baby completely alone in a cave for a year." Nope. That baby is dead I'm sorry. "The baby was kidnapped shortly after birth by a wizard and hidden away in a secret tower" um quick question was the wizard lactating? "The mother refused to see or touch her child after birth so the baby was left to the care of the ailing grandfather" the grandfather who made the necessary arrangements with women in the neighborhood, right? right? OR THAT GREAT OFFENDER "A newborn baby was left on the doorstep and they brought it in and took care of it no issues" What Are You Going to Feed That Baby. Hello?
Like. It's not impossible, but arrangements are going to have to be made. There are some logistics.
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airagorncharda · 10 months
For any followers of mine still living with parents, guardians, family, or even just with roommates and who've never lived alone and/or fully on your own terms (whether ye be 16 or 60), I have TWO pieces of wisdom for you for when you eventually do:
You WILL discover that you were wrong about some shit you felt pretty strongly about before. Maybe you never realized how often your mom ACTUALLY cleans the bathroom and it turns out she asked for help really rarely. Maybe, much as it grates to admit, putting $50 into a different savings account every paycheck really IS the ONLY way to save any fucking money. Maybe that big rolling trashcan you resented your roommate putting in the kitchen, and got in that big fight about, really WAS super convenient and now you have to buy one for yourself after they move out and take it with them. Maybe blanching vegetables so they retain their color when cooked actually DOES enhance a meal, pretty food slaps actually, and the reason you didn't think it was worth the effort is because you were depressed.
You WILL also discover new shit that works SO much better for you than everything you'd been taught. Maybe you'll discover that dropping trash off at a recycling center at your convenience works way better for your brain than getting it picked up on a set day. Maybe you'll realize you don't actually hate tofu, you just hate how your family cooks tofu. Maybe you'll love being able to walk around the house naked whenever you want. Maybe you'll find you thrive in a space with giant framed nude photography, or taxidermy animals, or fandom themed Everything. Maybe you'll realize that keeping the thermostat set like 5 degrees colder (or hotter) than is typical makes you sleep better than you ever have before in your whole life.
The point of this wisdom is: Stay humble, but also, stay excited. There's no point pretending you weren't wrong about shit you were wrong about, just eat the crow and move on. But also, there's so much to look forward to about your own space-- even more than you could ever imagine when you don't have it yet.
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 3 months
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still thinking bout that poll tbh
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jessiarts · 1 year
Hey, PSA:
On your phone, go to Settings> Security and Privacy> Privacy> Other Privacy Settings> Ads> Delete Advertising ID
Then go back to Other Privacy Settings> Google location history> Turn off Location History &/or Turn-on Auto-Delete (you can set a time period of how long to keep it)
Then, staying on Other Privacy Settings, go to '+ See all activity controls'> Web & App activity> Turn off (you can also turn-on Auto-Delete for here too)
Then Scroll down to Personalized ads> My Ad Center> Turn Off Personalized Ads.
Google has no business knowing/storing everything you do online, and knowing/storing where you go everyday. Turn it off.
These instructions are for an Android phone, IOS might be different. If you have IOS or another operating system feel free to add on with your own map to where they've buried these settings in your phone to help others.
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
Tell me about a joke that you and your family absolutely lose your shit over that other people would not get.
Tell me about the very unique way you pick on each other.
Or tell me about a pop culture reference your family will never let die and you’ve never heard any other family use it.
*chin on hands* I just love hearing these stories. (I’m obsessed with little loser microcultures like families and very niche fandoms) So lay it on me.
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kiasken · 2 months
just saw a post about how cute it would be if werewolves purred and the vibrations while cuddling.
imagine cockwarming a werewolf that can't stop purring so you keep cumming on his vibrating cock
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So I really need to do this and it makes me scared but I have decided that I have no choice now. I have A Levels soon and my stupid brain refuses to study. This is an emergency.
100 notes: I’ll finish studying the astrophysics section
200 notes: I’ll email my teacher about The Thing
500 notes: I’ll finish studying the magnetic fields and nuclear physics sections, including voice notes
800 notes: I’ll go over my math topics thoroughly
1200 notes: I’ll start on my Further Maths topics
1600 notes: I’ll finish doing Further Maths in time to do some practice papers before my exams
2000 notes: I’ll study statistics BEFORE the day before the statistics exam (I really fucking hate statistics)
10,000 notes: I’ll email The University about The Thing (I seriously don’t wanna do this even tho I know I need to)
As a note: I hope I end up doing the first 5 things even if I don’t get the notes but I’m doing this so I have no choice but to do it as soon as I can because I’m literally capable of doing it but motivation is MIA. This better guilt trip me into doing it, desperate times call for desperate measures. These exams are really important to me and anything less than A*A*A will be disappointing, to a lot of people (those are my predicted grades, that was before mental health started kicking my ass hard)
My exams start in the second half of May so ideally I should get 1200 notes before that at least so I have some semblance of preparedness. Again, even if I don’t I hope I end up doing the things anyway but the notes are supposed to be Tumblr Decree and I can’t just ignore Tumblr Decree so I have to do it.
Anyone who helps me, thank you and I hope you know it means the world to me ♥️
Edit 1: I finished a single topic from astrophysics and I’m planning to finish the rest of it by the end of the day!!
Edit 2: it’s pretty much the end of the day for me now and I’m done with half of the astrophysics section, but I’ll finish it tomorrow!! Along with magnetic fields!!
Edit 3: Unfortunately I had work today so I couldn’t study at all :c. BUT. I emailed my teacher finally. I need you guys to realize that I’ve been putting this off for MONTHS and I finally made myself do it just because of this tumblr post. I’m forever going to be grateful to each and every one of you. ❤️
Edit 4: finished astrophysics!!!!!!!!!!!
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skizabaa · 15 days
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Secret Santa For @mocha-illustrates <3 Sol belongs to @venomous-qwille. Had a blast with this one <3
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angryblueoat · 4 months
group of Californians who I met on the street: ewww dude, you’re from Massachusetts? that sucks. west coast best coast
me: oh yeah? well *pulling out a replica of a 1817 newspaper article regarding a sea serpent sighting in Gloucester* east coast beast coast
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tired-biscuit · 3 months
anyways, sukuna manhandling you with all four arms at once.
two are used to hold your wrists pinned above your head, and the other two for spreading your legs wide open to the point of pain; rough fingers digging into the opposing softness of your thighs as he gets ready to fill both of your holes at the same time and making you moan like the obedient little servant you are for him.
and if you’re especially good, perhaps he’ll consider cumming inside you this time instead of spilling his warm release all over your stomach — which he doesn’t allow to get round with his offspring.
but only perhaps.
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lieutnt · 5 months
Omega!141 who you know can very easily stick up for themselves but it doesn’t stop anger flaring in your chest when you end up having to rest at another base and you hear the hushed comments being muttered around base about an omega task force.
The straw that breaks the camel's back is when you all sit in the cafeteria to eat and a soldier loudly on purpose jokes about the 141 being “a waste of good omegas.” 
The room falls silent when your chair screeches as you charge the soldier and fist his shirt in your hand, pulling him close to snarl in his face, “They’re still your superior officers and I expect you to remember that, soldier.” The smell of angry alpha filters into the air and the soldier’s eyes go wide, attempting to pull back and shrink into himself.
“Y-yes sir,” he stutters, falling back onto his arse when you suddenly release him. You leave him on the floor as you walk back to your table, ignoring the shocked looks on everyone’s faces and the hidden grins of the 141 as you continue eating as if nothing had happened. Gradually the atmosphere begins to pick back up, and the 141 don’t hear another comment during their time on base.
The other soldiers don’t need to know that as soon as you're back on home base and all your gear is packed away the 141 are gathered in your room taking turns riding you, rewarding you for being their loyal alpha.
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kookoofufu · 7 months
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wysteribun · 2 months
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ack my migranes!!!
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vaudeville-moggie · 5 months
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I had a vision
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