#idk wut I'm doing
liliallowed · 9 months
yea I think I'm just enby for now. I feel weird about both she/her and he/him all of a sudden.
feels like like... you're talking about a distant cousin or something till I remember I'm that person lol.
like... "o shit that's me? lol."
idk. I'm definitely not a he/him but she/her feels... off? maybe I'm a demigirl? mmmm enbygirl... goyrl... boyrl... jelly fish.
I dunno. should I just go they/them?
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Uhh hey guys, i js realized I hit a 100 followers
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didderd · 1 year
So..........you said that you had thoughts about Tic's kinks? 👀
*collapses to th ground* almost forgot i said that hhh
ok hh. under th cut it goes:
so. like i mentioned before, he's into bondage. sub leaning.
he might also like if u put a collar and leash on him 👀
and tbh he's probably into being choked
i think. he has a praise kink. (maybe a bit of degradation too.. and maybe humiliation.)
and also like i mentioned. he's into intimidating ppl. so if you scare him to some degree (not like. actually fearing for his life lol, but. jus enough to get his adrenaline going), he might be turned on by that
i think. i think that's it dkfjvn
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peppertaemint · 2 years
Watching SBS Gayo Dajeon was uh, interesting. Enhypen doing a Black Swan cover like they're goofing in the practice room, and TXT struggling to cover DNA (I mean, poor TXT - they always shoot their shot and then 💀). I am convinced more than ever that Hybe's game is 90 % cult of personality. It's not craft or artistry as a whole. When I think back to how great the pandemic-era MOTS ON:E concert was, I can only see it as a brilliant aberration the likes of which will not be seen again.
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fuxuannie · 1 year
↳ pairing : miles morales x reader
↳ synopsis : shenanigans with your favorite classmate :) (maybe even a secret crush)
↳ authors note : i'm rlly trying to expand through fandoms, plzzz don't leave i promise i still write hsrr ;o; !!!!! i'm gonna be on a LONG atsv brainrot plz <\3 wuts a proof-read idk what that iz (/j)
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MILES MORALES was the new student two years ago, some people thought he was an oddball since the first day encounter with his dad.. but you didn't really mind it honestly. You had much more important matters to attend to, like not listening to gossip.
After learning he was in some of your classes, you decided to try and get to know the guy. He seemed pretty cool, and you never passed an opportunity to know someone new.
"Morales, right?" Miles hears from behind him, it's currently lunch and so he turns his head to see you standing there with a tray in hand. "Mind if I sit with you?"
Since that day, you two hit it off like crazy, with sharing interests and hobbies it wasn't hard to talk every single day and run out of things to talk about.
"So, my Uncle Aaron took me to this crazy place like 2 years ago maybe? But yeah, it's where I did one of my first graffiti art." He explained, leading you through the dark traintracks while holding your wrist so you don't lose him in the darkness. "Sounds cool! Is it the same one that you used in your essay?"
You listen to the echo of his laughter. "Yeah, it is.. He was a great man, made me who I am today."
The way he talks fondly about his Uncle makes your heart sting a little. Though you were never able to meet him yourself, the way Miles talked about him to you made it clear he was a man who loved his nephew like he was his own son, and it was like you could emphasize with his pain of losing him.
However your thoughts are interrupted at the loud sound of a light switch turning on, illuminating the room and different graffiti art drawn on the walls. Miles laughs at your breathless expression, admiring the way your eyes seemed to glow at the art all around you.
"Heeey, look at that!" You chuckled, pointing at the 'Expectations' graffiti you brought up earlier. "You were so much shorter back then.." And Miles rolled his eyes at that comment, knowing that you were referring to the silhouette on the wall. "Very funny."
Then you realize theres a section of the wall thats covered with cloth, and he notices how you take notice of it. Miles immediately clears his throat, puts a hand behind his neck and looks at the ground. "Oh, uh.. that's a work in progress. I wouldn't want you to see i-"
Suddenly his spidey-senses go off, the second he looks up he already sees you right infront of the wall and about to touch the cover. "(name)!"
Pulling it off, it reveals a wall full of.. you? You were surprised that the details were down almost perfectly, your nose shape, your eyes and your smile. It was all so perfectly done that in a way it could either be flattering or a tiny bit creepy.
Of course, Miles being your best friend, you may or may not sketch or write about him every now and then (or rather all the time) depending on which one you felt like doing, but he didn't have to know that.
"I'm.. honored?" You laugh, looking back at your poor friend whos pulled his hoodie over his head and his hands covering his face. "Oh, come on! It's not that embarassing- And it looks good I promise!" You tried to reassure him, but the boy has no intentions on budging.
"I forgot I had that." Miles mumbled to himself, ignoring how you pull on his arm to try and get him to show himself.
At some point you've given up, and let the guy wallow in his own embarassment for a while. Your attention shifts back onto the art wall, seeing the several doodles and actual art pieces that you can only assume Miles was working on for the past 2 years you two were friends.
The much smaller doodles were your favorites, ones where he made you a tiny little creature were the cutest ones, and at some point you noticed how so many of them involved.. him. He drew tiny moments of you and him holding hands, going on walks, sharing earphones and little cliche date stuff.
You were about to say something, but are stopped at the realization Miles was right next to you while his eyes never seemed to break contact from yours. "Miles?" You say in almost a whisper, seeing how focused his gaze was on you.
"I mean, we're both smart enough to realize it.. right?"
The urge to play dumb was strong, it really was, but Miles could see through you like he was staring at glass. That's how well he knew you, and how transparent you were with him.
"And maybe I'm stupid enough to make up delusions in my head but.. do you.. feel the same?"
The question leaves you stunned, stammering to find an answer, but the serious facade Miles kept up melts at your nervous reaction. He begins to laugh, digging through his pockets and pulls out a paper you recognize all too well, it had to be either a drawing or a poem you had written for Miles and considering one of your recent ones going missing.. if what he had in his hands was that one, it gave him more than an answer.
That realization makes you gasp, and Miles' laughter only grows stronger as you've now realized what's happening in its full extent. Miles liked you, and he knew you liked him too.
"You cheeky-" You try to grab the paper from his hands, but the tall piece of shit tip-toe's just to make sure you couldn't grab it. "Whaat? What am I, hm?" He'll playfully taunt at you, still unable to control his smile as he knows that deep down you enjoyed this banter just as much as he did.
You two continue to playfully argue for a while, laughter echoing throughout the abandoned area as hours passed on and on. The talk about either ones feelings never came to light, but you two were content with the moment, and in another time you'd talk about the confusing thing that is the feelings you both mutually share.
You had all the time in the world, right? Miles Morales wasn't going anywhere.
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hongtiddiez · 5 months
my stand in episode 1 thoughts, feelings, etc.
OHOHOOO FINALLY. FINALLY I FEEL INSANE ABOUT A SHOW AGAIN. poom phuripan my absolute beloved, i've missed you so fucking much.
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the show really eases you into everything and so far i don't mind the back and forth, i think it's interesting to see the direct consequences and THEN the story of how we got here. i don't know if my opinion on that will change later but for right now it's really pleasing me. i also really like this gradual introduction we're getting into everything and the sort of thriller/mystery vibe to it all. it's giving me some very loose/vague manner of death vibes.
i immediately don't like the vibes of tong or wut but i'm reserving any real accusations until later, but i'm def side eyeing them. i've got my eye on you two.
it really took my brain some getting used to to understanding the joe we're seeing is joe's consciousness and everyone else is seeing the joe that was shown in his reflection in the hospital (i've never seen vice versa or many other shows that do this, forgive me) but once i wrapped my head around it i actually quite like it. mostly bc it means i still get to see a lot of poom.
anyway - thus far this has one of my favorite romance tropes; guy who is used to being treated badly/ignored and man who has too much love to give (to someone who may or may not deserve it, judgement withstanding on that rn.) joe is just such a heart eyed fool and i'm so glad to see poom in another role of lovesick, unfairly attractive, dork. it's a role he plays so well and he immediately endears you to joe so fucking much.
throughout most of the episode i was like ooh this is a bummer but the angst isn't too bad. and then. AND THEN.
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ming coming over to joe's house and making a move on him, again, from the perspective of behind joe - where he looks so much like tong. the lamenting about him being a virgin and joe offering himself up to him. and then ming turning him back around to face the mirror. this way he looks so much like tong, he can pretend it's tong, and yet at the same time joe's face is right there, reflected back in the mirror, inescapable. i'm fucking eating this up, finally some good fucking food.
idk i'm probably not touching on everything i want to, it's been a long ass time since i've done one of these, but this is just what immediately comes to mind. now time to go make a gifset lmao.
(if you give me novel spoilers i WILL hunt you for sport)
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rodolfoparras · 6 months
So in SSKTJL, the suicide squad gets infected with Fear Gas because of Batman
For context, Fear Gas is a gas created by Scarecrow or Johnathan Crane, and when inhaled, you live through your worst fears until worn off.
And Digger's worst fear is everyone leaving him behind, being unwanted and forgotten. In the scene, George talks to himself, saying they've probably already left him. Calling himself a loser and and a coward and shit. He sees "NOT WANTED" posters of himself hung up around
(I can't do this anymore, bro)
What if Reader's worst fear was watching all of his friends/teammates die and losing them all🥰
Running around trying to listen to Harley's advice (because she knows Scarecrow and the toxin) but he just keeps hearing his friends scream for help and their bodies everywhere but he's literally unable to help them, because they're not fucking real but it's scary asf
And once it's all over, Reader is all over Digger the rest of the night. They're the closest, so it's already not that weird, but he's literally not giving Digger a MOMENT of peace. a hand on that man the entire time, following him everywhere, fucking sleeps on top of him to try and keep him safe
Mumbles to him all night about being scared of losing him and how much he cares about him and Digger's just "🧍‍♂️wut?" Because he genuinely believes that despite working with the team, he's very easily disposable and they could all replace him but don't because of Waller
Reader ramping up his affection for Digger after that because he's not gonna let him think that shit??
Idk where I'm going with this but I love him so much. Just wanna play with his hair and kiss his face 😞
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Cw: tooth rotting fluff, x male reader
Okay but thinking about you being unable to calm down even though the gas has long stopped having effect, even though you’re back in your current reality with all your friends where they’re all very much alive and doing well but no matter what they say or do you just can’t calm down
It’s like you’re still stuck in that place, watching all your friends die in front of you without being able to do anything, and Digger being Digger starts joking around, telling the rest of the team how they should just knock you out to make sure you get to sleep through the night.
But his words turn into squeaks as you pull him into a bruising grip, his head shoved into your chest, and your arms locked in an iron grip around his waist.
Unintelligible sounds escape his lips as he tries to push you away from him but you don’t budge an inch, if anything you hold him tighter, nuzzling your face into his honey blonde locks and inhaling his scent, and for once you actually seem to relax.
“Uh hello big guy? cant breathe here,” the sound of Digger’s strained voice sends the whole squad into fits of laughter, with them even making comments about how you’re his responsibility for the night before splitting up to get some rest.
“Alright alright that’s enough” digger says as he finally breaks out of your embrace “jeez I know I’m a lovable guy but even that was a bit too much eh?” Digger says, clearly being sarcastic as he proceeds to prepare his make shift bed.
He doesn’t even get to lay down properly before you’re on top of him, your body weight pinning him in place an arm once again locked around his waist.
“God dammit,” Digger grunts out as his back meets the harsh impact of the ground. “What’s with you tonight eh? Gas scared you that bad? What did you even see?”
And maybe it’s the hint of concern in his voice or it’s the exhaustion from todays events, but you decide to tell you him what you saw earlier today.
Surprisingly enough, Digger listens intently to every word you have to say, at some point you think he’s fallen asleep or spaced out because it’s so unusual for him to not interrupt but when you look up, you see the very much focused look on his face as he continues to listen to you.
Once you’re done speaking you peer up at him - only to be met with the sight of his furrowed brows as he worries his bottom lip.
This time it’s your turn to ask what’s on his mind, digger doesn’t waste a second before he starts to explain, telling you how he can understand why you’d be worried about losing king shark- he was a great asset to the team - or Harley - she was a smart cookie or dead shot - look at his name! who wouldn’t want a guy like that on his team ? but he can’t understand why you’d be worried about losing him.
He doesn’t say it in a self deprecating way, but rather as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, as if he’s speaking of the way the sun is bound to rise tomorrow and maybe that hurts more than if he were to say it in a self deprecating tone.
You’re swift to rise up, knocking the air out of his lungs as you go on a tangent about how of course he’s an important part of the team, promptly mentioning the many times he’s saved your ass or saved another member of the team, the many times he’d been the reason as to why they succeeded in whatever mission you were doing.
By the time you’re done you’re all out of breath, chest rising and falling at a rapid pace hands still hanging in the air and staring wide eyed at the Aussie man.
“Alright alright big guy I get it,” he says, now sporting a blush on his face and avoiding your gaze while bashfully rubbing at the back of his neck. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you have a crush on the ol’ captain” Digger say with somewhat of a forced chuckle , and peers up at you beneath soft blonde lashes.
“Maybe I do,” you shrug.
“Sleep digger, we have a long day tomorrow no?” You say, suddenly laying down again and pulling him into your arms before he can protest. You can hear him cursing under his breath but he doesn’t do anything to try and get out of your embrace. “Goodnight captain” you say with a smile on your face.
“Goodnight” he grumbles back as he tightens his hold on your waist.
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notimetoparty · 4 months
Wait do where did the eggs or what ever come from the air wut or huh confused
ok idk how many times we are gonna get questions like this so here ok here is your answer.
pest laid the eggs. the plagued in this au are all capable of asexual reproduction (or at least some form of it) as to be able to spread and grow faster in numbers. this works through being able to ingest another person's dna, and that dna is then used to create offspring. the dna samples can be anything. anything that contains dna.
in pest's case, at some point, he bit poob, and got a taste of their blood. this was during a specific life cycle time, so the eggs were developed. (for the love of god and all that is holy don't sexualize our au)
more often than not plagued kids are abandoned be it on purpose or by mistake as the plagued guests are like. actively being hunted down and killed. parents can be killed before they get home to their offspring, or they could just leave them somewhere, like in an alleyway, as to not deal with being dragged down.
pest refused to abandon their eggs. he didn't think they'd hatch, as poob and pest have extremely varying dna from eachother at this point, but he looked after them anyways. then some of them did hatch. so!
and as stated before hybrids between plagued guests and noobs are like EXTREMELY taboo and looked down upon given the beef that the macabre city government has with the plagued so. y'know
anyways yeah i'm not gonna answer this kind of question anymore unless i see a need to, but if you do have related questions that aren't weird or anything feel free to drop them and i might respond -flint
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rad-batson · 1 year
(skip to the bottom if you just want silly headcanons about her :D)
Hello! So first, I want to thank everyone who read the Wayne pilot I made :) I appreciate your feedback, and I love you all.
As I'm preparing to post it on AO3, I decided to make a few (admittedly small) changes to the script, primarily around Cassandra Cain, because I haven't quite fleshed her out yet.
I don't have much experience with writing Cass, so I decided to do a bit of research on her yesterday, and wouldn't you know? I fell in love. 10/10. She didn't play a huge part in the pilot, but she will have a bigger one in the second episode, and there are a few things I think can or should be added so she doesn't feel too one-note.
There wasn't anyone who told me this, by the way. (In fact, I actually got some nice comments about her so thank you.) I just had it in the back of my mind while writing, and now that Cass is getting more screen time, I'm finding that my lack of knowledge might lead to mischaracterization.
Is this overkill? Probably Think of it as a silly headcanon list for my version of her. And I'm posting it here because I want your feedback before it's set in stone. (I know Cass isn't written well a lot, so this is my attempt to right these horrid wrongs.)
If you're going to give criticism, please be constructive. Tell me what you like or don't like. I'm all ears. Have fun :)
Writing Cass
(Btw I still gotta read Cass’s first Batgirl run by Kelley Puckett)
Has some sass, has a lot actually
Used to be awkward in social settings. she’s better at it when she’s with people so she can match their energy but she still prefers to just dip
Speaks in short-ish sentences, trying her best tho
Mostly just relies on body language though
also yes i know her using ASL isn't canon, it just works best for the scene, it would have been written the same whether she was in it or not, it is still a cute nod to fanon tho
Messy, low-key gross. Bad-ish hygiene but she’s good at looking put-together so only those close know this about her (this is just my headcanon)
Often forgets bigger words so she occasionally uses the wrong one, she ALSO mixes up proverbs but no one corrects her because 1: it’s cute and 2: they don’t want to discourage her from speaking with them more casually (also my headcanon)
Cass: So I pulled the door off its…*makes motion with hand*…metal books. Steph: Do you mean hinge— Cass: Metal books.
Dick: Well that was a surprise. I didn’t know The Penguin would be here. Cass, nodding: Well life gives you grapes Dick: Wut Cass: You make grape juice. Get on the same book, Nightwing
Is a cinnamon bun AND a little shit, it’s a balancing act
Production: She’s Wayne’s darling Princess Cass: *will break your fingers*
She does appear behind the camera crew to scare them on purpose, she thinks it’s funny, she likes seeing them freak out
She is super competitive, but she's always like "Oh I'm not that competitive" *proceeds to be very competitive*
Because she isn't super confident in her writing or speaking (or just uncomfortable communicating without seeing the other person's body language) she prefers to Facetime or simply reply to texts with selfies of her reaction. It is a thing now. when you need an honest opinion about an outfit, text a photo to Cass. She will either give back a photo of a thumbs up or a photo of a grimace and some not-so-flattering emojis
Her princess persona is her public cover persona in this show, parallel to Bruce’s “Brucie” and Dick’s “born for the cameras” thing
Is surprisingly vocal (and sometimes snippy) about her distaste with things but she mostly gets a pass because her morals align best with Bruce’s
Is most snippy when her family uses methods other than violence when violence is clearly the faster option, god they're such pacifists
Tim: *trying carefully to pick a lock* Cass: Just break through the wall? Tim: We can’t do that. We’re trying not to be noticed. Cass: Wimp
Bruce: Cass, why did you have to dislocate that man’s shoulder? Cass: I put it back. Bruce: That’s not the point. Cass: Fine, I’ll dislocate it again.
Is the best fighter, none of this “oh she’s the best fighter so when people do win against her, it makes them look cooler” thing, shut tf up, she could break their bones (not important to the show ofc but I need to add this because it is important in general)
Horrible at drawing, wretched (again a headcanon but I did see someone else mention it somewhere)
Also bad at writing, refuses to study to improve out of principle (i.e. she told Babs she doesn’t need to and now she refuses to admit Babs was right)
(AND SIDE-HEADCANON IF SHE IS HORRIBLE AT WRITING AND ACTIVELY HATED STUDYING HER ALPHABET THEN WHAT IF LIKE ONE DAY SOMEONE SAYS “hey can you grab me one of these files from last week’s case, it’s under M” SHE’S LIKE “fuck you, how could you do this to me” WHILE SEARCHING FOR M OR MORE SIMPLY *throws something at them*)
That's all I have right now. If you'd like to give me any recommendations, please do. I can't promise I'll add in every single one because this show is still about the whole Batfam, not just her, but I want to do her justice, and that definitely involves more fine-tuning on my part
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curtisberzattos · 1 month
how much do u think darry being seemingly isolated plays into how he is when he becomes soda and ponys guardian? like i saw ur (like heart shattering) post about how his best friends were his dad and paul who now arent in his life anymore. i do often think about pony narrates darry seeing paul again in the book that darrel looked "jealous" of paul and "embarrassed" of his group, but still stayed with the greasers? what do u think the paul and darry (calling it wut it is) breakup was like?
darry is kind of richie coded which is y i love ur page lol
darry/richie/mikey + pony/carmy + soda/natalie you get it!! (also i'm so sorry i thought i answered this ages ago)
paul/darry breakup is so messy and convoluted in my head i struggle to figure out Exactly what happened. in my mind, paul goes to college and darry stays. darry tries Not to be bitter because that's his best friend but while he's gona paul kinda. Gets Worse. gets even more pretentious and mean, surrounded by yes-men frat types, really prioritizes these guys way above darry. even when paul visits home he usually brings one of them along. for the first semester, he and darry make Actual attempts to see each other when paul's visiting home. those attempts become more one-sided as time goes on. barely see each other that summer. distance distance distance. time passes. some sort of run in, "so you're too good for me now or what?" "ive always been too good for you 🙄", physical fight ??, idk. by the time of The Accident they haven't spoken in months and darry makes a hail-mary phone because he needs some kind of support. which he does not receive, and now their relationship is beyond repair -> leading to darry getting even more bitter and isolated, effecting his other personal relationships.
soooo yeah. even if he doesn't particularly Like being a greaser, darrys sticking with them because he's seen how quickly socs will drop you and leave you behind.
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hakari-unfiltered · 5 months
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I haven't used this app in a whileeeee sooo
Tadc broke me ngl
Idk wut I'm doing
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book-girl4evaaa · 2 months
hey beatrice, its turtle here
(can u please tag everyone bc my tags rnt working and idk if i can risk sending an ask to everyone?)
i was js able to make an account for a second, since my parents rnt here rn
js wanted to let u and everyone else know that im safe, ok? my parents js found out abt all the creepy anon drama n panicked, so ig they wanted to erase any trace of me online. please, dont stress urself worrying abt me.
i miss u guys so so much tho. i havent stopped thinking abt u guys, and i js feel so empty inside. idrk wut to do w my life anymore. u guys were the friends that i never realized i needed so much. u guys been there for me whenever i needed. i miss burning things and screaming lyrics and ranting and causing chaos with all of u. i feel so incomplete without tumblr. ill never forget any of you, even if i might not be able to be on here.
but please forget abt me. ill have to delete this account as soon as i send this ask. my parents r starting to track everything i do even more closely than they did before (which was a lot, trust me) and thats y im on anon rn. so please, no one worry abt me. stay safe. dont do anything to urself. dont blame urself. none of it was ur guys’ fault.
i love all of u so much. im so grateful that i got to be friends with all of u, even if it was only for a few months. u guys have made such a difference in my life.
u guys r all so talented and amazing, and ur all gonna go to great places. just u wait and see.
im gonna miss tumblr so much. i love all of u guys so so so much
goodbye (for now)
thank goodness
I know you aren't reading this but tysm turtle
I'm so glad you're safe
I love you <3343
@hijabi-flavored-nerd @brokendarkfairyempressforever
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helluvapurf · 11 months
kinda similar to that one striker ask, if you had to personally redesign a character like asmodeus, how would you do it?
Another good question, esp with Ozzie definitely rising up in my faves lately since the last couple episodes!~ :>
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Now, tbh in terms of Ozzie I'm lowkey pretty fine with his vibe of being this giant, fluffy demon based (mostly?) on a rooster, along with his general color palette (deep blue body, cyan hair/mane, vibrant green in his eyes/mouth)... though I'd say the one thing that bugs me is his weird neck/limb proportions? .x.
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Like, whenever we see the guy outside of his suit (ex. when he's first waking up in "Oops") he's obv meant to be a muscular fella (+lowkey on the "thicc" side too lol)
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-But then the rest of the time we see Ozz, his limbs just get squished down to some standard noodle shape as most other HB dudes (not even looking properly attached to his torso for some reason?) which is just... wut-
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Soooo ye, my first order of business would be to thicken up his legs/arms (+neck) to match better with his bod, tone the standard red from his colors to more of a cool-toned/maroon-shade (since the bright neon purple/pink-vibe he had in "Ozzie's" always looked gorgeous ngl~), maaaaybe switch his scraggle-mouth to a more “Lustful” lip style, and then outfit-wise... yeah I'm just gonna ditch out the top hat/suit combo 'cause we see wayyy way too much of that, I'm sorry glhjkjk 😭
Perhaps instead his attire could be based more around a Burlesque Dancer/Drag Queen-mix, aesthetic-wise? 🤔 Idk, either that or perhaps just stylizing his suit a lil more to fit his Ring/club-room, hmmm…
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will80sbyers · 1 year
Great now I've got ppl in the asks telling me bi Mike is impossible again how many people do I have to block to be finally free from y'all???
this is the real script of season 2 we have 💀
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and this is literally byler proof too because there's a parallel with the "breath catches" in the most recent byler script when Mike sees the painting... Like I'm not even saying you have to believe it if you don't want to, they could have changed idea idk and honestly do not care much
but saying it's not possible is just ?????? wut
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jessidogg · 4 months
list your favorite Trolls villain, favorite to least favorite.
favorite Branch quote(s)?
favorite song(s) from each movie?
favorite member from the Snack Pack? (from either first or second movie, doesn't matter :D)
favorite Trolls music group? (Pop, Rock, Classical, Funk, Country, or Techno?)
do you have a Trollsona?
what do you think of Velvet and Veneer?
OMIGOSH SO MANY INBOX ASKS IM SO HAPPYYYY EEEE sry if took me so long to reply, I always get kicked off whenever I try to lolol
Creek isn't worthy enough to be on this list hmmph
wait those are all the villains right? bahaha i cant remember lol
Favorite Branch Quotes:
Oooooooof how do I choose only a few?!!!
Okay, here's my faves:
"Sometimes people go into other people's mouths and they don't come out!"
"I don't know- it's like the nicest fight ever."
"Ha! I guess a giant comprehensive manual DOES come in handy!"
"Ouch- I think I broke my butt."
"Oof- I love how you say HVAC."
Favorites songs:
True Colors or Can't Stop The Feeling
Born to Die or Too Many Hits Mashup
Annnnd Perfect or BroZone's Back
Fav Member from the Snack Pack:
Probably Biggie or Legsley I CANT DECIDE UGH I also rlly like DJ
Fav. Music Group:
Pop-- DUHHH tho Country is prob right behind them
Do I Have A Trollsona?
K, imma be honest with you --IDK WUT A TROLLSONA ISSSS WUT IS IT?!!!!
What do I think of Velvet and Veneer?
I think that so far they are the best villains in the troll franchise!!! They're so relatable honestly, bc welp, I'm a teen too hahaha! They're also fun to explore and work with in fanart and fanfictions!!! I love them both SOOOO MUCHHHHHH AAAA
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j4zzpunker · 6 months
D0 u 3ven sk1b1di bro? -_-
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Unpleasant Gradient x reader
Chapter 1
Summary: You and Kasper had been friends since basically diapers, but the two of you are now in college, and though still close recently he’s been awfully distant. But what do you do when you end up at infected apartment after a texting mishap that ends in your favor and the reason he’s been distant literally comes through the window.
Sprawled on your bed, You had been scrolling through your messages with Kasper on your phone, thinking about how your conversations never flowed like they used to. Youd tried to ask him what was wrong but he’d always brushed it off nervously. Saying something about how “college is really kicking my ass right now” or something like “I’m just really busy these days, I'm really sorry Y/N”. He was really the only person you’d had left from highschool, and now it was starting to feel like you’d had nobody left. Being a freshman in college was hard enough but barely getting any social interactions felt like it was literally killing you.
You shut your phone off and sit on the edge of your bed, you sigh and move to stand up when you receive a text from Kasper,
“wut? XP”.
Confused, you click on the notification, and stare at your phone mortified for a second. A speech bubble from you with a singular letter, “q” to be exact, sat there. You must have accidentally sent him a message while scrolling through your messages. “God damnit I am such a fucking idiot, what doI even say to that? “Sorry I was scrolling through our messages thinking about better times?” NO what the fuc-” you were cut off by another speech bubble from Kasper
“u gud? -_-”.
You take a deep breath and begin typing,
“yeah im all good must’ve texted you when i left my phone on in my pocket, my bad”
You thought it was a shitty excuse but no way in absolute hell were you going to tell him what you were doing.
“K, ttyl th3n”
Before you could think you began typing
“We havent seen eachother in like forever”
I was just wondering if maybe you’d want to hangout”
“You don't gotta say yes, thought maybe it’d do us both some good to get a break”
“U seem stressed”
“Idk :/ my appt is a m3ss rn”
“1 gess i cud do sum cl34ning tho”
“So can i come over?”
“Ye cum @ lik 6,if u want u can spnd n1te >:)”
To say you were overjoyed would be the understatement of the century. Look at your phone, wide grinning smile and fall back on your bed, staring at the ceiling, now smiling.
You began getting ready early, you were basically hopping up and down most of the time, singing to your favorite songs while showering. Once you were out of the shower, you stressed about what to wear for a good 20 minutes, eventually just deciding to wear something comfortable since you'd literally just be hanging out at his house, with only him.
You’d have to end up sitting on your couch for around 30 minutes since you’d gotten ready much too early. A giddy and anxious feeling sat in your stomach. You had barely talked to anybody these past weeks being swamped in school work so you were pretty damn excited.
Once the time had rolled around you sent a text to Kasper to let him know you'd be there soon
“K :D”
You begin driving.
Once you arrive you get to his floor and knock on his door. A couple seconds go by before you hear a muffled “COMING” and footsteps hurrying to the door before you see the grinning face of Kasper with his hands outstretched waiting for a hug. You basically tackle him into a big hug and you both go to the floor in fits of laughter.”KASPER!!!!” “Y/N!!!”. You kept laughing as you rolled over onto your back and sat up looking at Kasper who still wore a goofy grin. You stand up and offer your hand. He takes it and you help him off the ground.
At some point you two had made it to his one couch, laughing and talking about basically everything that's been going on in eachothers lives. But then the question of why he's been distant came up. He immediately tensed up. “Well uh, you know work stress, got alot on my plate.” You looked at him disappointed he wouldn't tell you the real reason. “..Kasper, you know you can tell me anything.. Is it you and Lampert again? You guys fight like brothers I swear to g-” You began before being cut off. “No no no, nothing to do with L dawg, I probably have been talking to you more than him recently lol”. “Oh..” Is all you could think to say. He sighed before continuing, “There's this… guy? Guy. whose.. Uh… I guess been a pain in the ass recently.. He loves to.. Hover? I don't know, he's just incredibly annoying.” he looked off a couple times to think about what to say. “Oh, well why don't you just stop talking to him if it's that big of an issue?”. You say, confused. “He's very persistent” Kasper looked at you with a straight face. You kind of just sat there awkwardly looking at his serious face before glancing down at your phone. “Holy shit it's already 2am dude don't you have class tomorrow?” you look at Kasper being glad to have a way out of that conversation. “Shiiiiitttt your right, alright, why don't you take the couch and i'll take the floor, that all cool?” You had no clue why he preferred to sleep on the floor but he always had. “Yeah that's fine” he looked at you and put his hands down. He turns the light off before laying on the floor next to you, you throw him a blanket from the couch and the moment his body hits the floor he's out. You toss and turn before you eventually start to feel exhaustion coming down on you, before you drift asleep you question who the mystery guy Kasper was referring to was.
You're awakened by a noise that sounded like rubber squeegeeing on glass and the sounds of the city directly after, as well as the noises of ruffling, a grunt and then a thump. You get over your drowsiness quickly, immediately concern fills you, your thoughts immediately go to some kind of robbery, then a murderer, and basically any other kind of dangerous situation. You began to freak out and slowly sit up, looking at Kasper who was still dead asleep. You slowly got up trying not to make a noise. You shuffle around to see a strange figure pulling their leg through the window. It was too dark to really see anything but they had the build of a man with long spiky hair that almost looks unnatural. You make a small noise of alarm before the silhouette looks towards you. You back up and hide yourself behind the shelf, whisper shouting to Kasper as you hear the silhouette remove his foot from the window and slowly make his way towards you. Kasper moves around a little bit, and grunts but you're not waking him up. You then feel somebody's hand softly pulling your jaw towards them. You're frozen, now face to face with the thing, you don't see any eyes but you can make out a big grinning mouth as it opens and begins to speak “Is this rizz?”. You scream loudly and pull back landing on your ass. He turned around and doubled over laughing like it was the best thing he’d ever heard. In your fear, confusion and terror you fail to notice the fact that Kasper was now up and flicked the light on. You quickly turn to Kasper taking in his exhausted and hunched frame, you hop up and cling to him crying hysterically. “Somebody b-broke in somebody-” Kasper wrapped a hand around you and looked at the thing, you hid your face in his chest too scared to look at the thing that was still laughing.
“Dude what the fuck you promised you wouldnt do this shit tonight. I told you that you're never welcome in my home but…” he trailed on, your confusion now taking over. “Did Kasper know this guy? Surely not. Gay lover? No, probably not. weird creepy ex? Nah” You decided to shakily look at the guy who was now bathed in light. It was probably the weirdest thing you’d ever seen, no it definitely was the weirdest thing you’d ever seen. It was a tall skinny but well built guy who for one was a literal fucking gradient with a human(ish) body, he was doubled over laughing still. You fully turned around with blurry tear filled eyes and looked up at Kasper for some kind of explanation. “God I'm sorry Y/N, he told me he wasn't going to bother us, god you should have never come over in the first place, I’m sorry you had to deal with this.” he looked at you and then back at the guy, the tears going back only being filled with confusion. “Who is that?? What is that??” you looked at him, stepping back slightly. The thing was now finished laughing and came over to the two of you and stood farther away from you guys but closer. Kasper pointed to him, “I don't really know exactly what he is but I've just been calling him unpleasant gradient, usually just unpleasant. He's been haunting me like an angry ghost for the past few months.” He explains, exasperated.
The thing, who you now know as Unpleasant, looks at you with a toothy grin before outstretching his arm, seemingly to give you a handshake. You slowly take his hand and before you know it hes violently shaking your hand, somehow grinning wider than he has been before. “Good to finally meet Kasper's friend! I’d just like to say you’ve got a major gyatt!” he spoke, “...what? What does that even- you know what nevermind..” You continued, more than confused. You let go of his hand confused on how it was somehow moist and wipe it on your pants, trying to get whatever that thing had secreted off onto you.
“Soooo Kaspy kasp kasp, I’m just gonna be on your computer watching some videos, hope that’s cool.” he says and begins towards Kaspers computer. “Hey! Dude please dont do this tonight, if I have to hear that fucking toilet thing again or 3am challenges I’m going to go mad! And we have company, plus its fucking-” Kasper checked his watch, “3 in the morning.. can’t you actually just leave me the fuck alone for one night, one fucking night thats all im asking.” He’s practically begging Unpleasant. “Okay what about this, I’m gonna look at videos real quiet, and I mean real quiet, on your computer, and I swear I won't mess with your files again.” he says still grinning. “..god whatever fine as long as you're quiet and Y/N’s okay with it, if she isn't then you gotta leave man.” he says definitely extremely tired, looking towards you. “Uh, I guess it's fine?”, you said, unsure of what you'd be agreeing to. “Well, I wasn't going to leave anyways, but thanks you guys are goated.” He says before going to Kasper’s computer and immediately going to youtube shorts. Kasper looks almost depressive at you, as you hear Unpleasant making giggling noises “Im sorry Y/N he said he wouldn't come here, god if you wanna go home you can i'm not gonna make you deal with this weird creepo” he says “I HEARD THAT!” you heard Unpleasant shout from across the room Kasper ignored him, “No, I guess it's okay, I don't feel safe leaving you alone with this guy, Kasper. I’ll just go home in the morning.” you said kind of in a hushed soft tone. Kasper smiled at you, “okay, just try to get some sleep. I swear he's not dangerous, he's just a fucking weirdo.” He says before flicking the light off. “Goodnight,Y/N.” he says before you both go to your respective sleeping area, you on the couch, him on the floor.
You toss and turn for a while, being kept up from Unpleasants deep chuckles and strange comments that he’d make to himself. Stuff like “this is so ohio” and “BRO HE'S MOGGING CHAT HES MOGGING”, you didn't really understand. You’d also sometimes hear a song that went something like “sikbidi dah dah dah yes yesss” you had no idea what he was watching but it really did make sense that he acted like this if that's all he watches.
You were finally about to pass out when you felt a tap on your shoulder, you opened your eyes expecting it to be Kapser but it's Unpleasant, and he's looking down at you and grinning. “Y/N come look at this, I swear you’ll like it.” He looks at you, stifling giggles with one hand over his mouth. He grabs your hand and basically drags you to Kasper’s PC. You guessed he’d migrated to instagram reels and had a video of a still image depicting “red m&m”, “Mr.raisin” and somebody called “ freaky mix” all messaging one person. The m&m was saying “let’s knock boots” , Mr. raisin was saying “wanna collab”, and freaky mix was saying “you freaky vro?”. As well as the whole image being horribly over exposed and slighlty low quality. You stared at it for a good couple of seconds while reading it, before you started slowly laughing that turned into louder laughing and you had to grab only Unpleasant’s weirdly moist shoulder to keep yourself up, nearly doubled over laughing holding your stomach with the other hand. The pure just strangeness of the entire situation had caught up to you and you couldn’t stop laughing. Unpleasant brightened up immediately and looked almost proud of himself. “See, I told you you would like it!!” Your laughter eventually died down and you looked at him. “Yeah it’s pretty fucking funny, I’ll give you that.” you looked at him smiling.
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