#if bees make honey with their nectar and a person eats that honey then they start hallucinating
honorthysalad · 9 months
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can't tell if I'm crazy or if I actually figured out what plants hikaru died by.
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thethingything · 4 months
somehow breakfast today has ended up being brioche and watermelon with honey which feels kinda fancy
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
hello! i am a relatively new user here on tumblr, less than a year, and i have heard a comment or two about a 'wasp discourse' that happened here, that wasps are much more nice than bees or something among those lines
this caught my curiosity as im writting a wasp based character whos just an ahole as i did it on what i knew abt them from general internet and im stuck on wether i should maaayybe change them up a bit
if its not too much to ask do you happen to know a bit abt this discourse? or have a link to it? or if not to the discourse itself some other link that elaborates abt the same topic? perhaps even someone else i can ask this?
thank you very much!
to start off, there are a lot of bees and wasps in this world and it is not easy to generalize about them. there are ~20,000 bee species, and the vast majority of these are solitary bees that nest in the ground, plant stems, or in holes in wood, and because they produce no honey or have a colony to guard, have no need to be defensive or aggressive towards humans (because “towards humans” seems to be what most people base this idea off of). colonial bees, like honeybees, are actually much more defensive than solitary ones; they have huge food stores and many defenseless larvae, hence their nasty stings (or bites, for the stingless bees) and swarm defense of their hives.
bees, however, are just a family of wasps. their closest relatives are believed to be the crabronid wasps (example: cicada killers) and sphecid thread-waisted wasps (ex. mud daubers). these wasps, and most others, are also largely solitary, and hunting prey aside, don’t typically use their stings for anything other than personal defense. of the hundreds of thousands of wasps, most of them (75%) are not just solitary but also parasitoids that develop inside other insects. it’s hard to say “all wasps are assholes [to people]” when some 100,000 of them are tiny specks smaller than sesame seeds that nobody other than scientists notice.
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two parasitoids: a braconid ~3mm long & something else ~0.3mm long
the wasps most people take issue with are vespids, since they like the same foods we do (sweets, meat) and have powerful stings to defend their nests. these include the social hornets, yellowjackets, and paper wasps, but many mason wasps and the like are solitary (and, you guessed it, want nothing to do with people). vespids are great predators of caterpillars, flies, and other pests that humans don’t like in addition to being pollinators.
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a yellowjacket: Vespula squamosa
the usual anti-wasp, pro-bee sentiments go: wasps attack for no reason, don’t pollinate, don’t make honey, and are “assholes.” wasps do pollinate (most wasps, bees and ants don’t eat solid food, and therefore largely drink flower nectar; some plants are only pollinated by wasps).
some tropical wasps do actually make honey, though it’s not harvested by humans. it’s sort of silly to say that making honey is what makes bees “good” though—a very selfish mindset, and for example butterflies are well-liked by people despite not making any edible products for us.
wasps also attack only when provoked, either because you’re near a wasp nest or when you lean on one accidentally. they are defending their baby sisters and themselves, same as bees would. at least in the US, I think the reason that wasps are so hated is that we have many species of paper wasp and yellowjacket that are willing to nest on or under houses, while the (invasive) honeybees prefer trees or are kept by beekeepers in artificial hives, so it’s just more likely you’ll run into problems with wasps than bees.
wasps and bees are neither “nice” nor “mean.”
bees are mostly loners that don’t bother people. colonial bees will sting to defend their nests or themselves from predators. most bees are pollinators, who gather pollen to feed their larvae. a few species make honey that humans harvest.
wasps are mostly loners that don’t bother people. colonial wasps will sting to defend their nests or themselves from predators. most wasps are pollinators, and most hunt or parasitize other insects to feed their larvae.
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(non)local bee watches krishna & radha draw rangoli outside their house | pt. 1
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krishna & radha draw rangoli outside their house. seen from the pov of a disgruntled bee that is new to the place & doesn’t understand why everyone’s so charmed by this god (till it does)
[part 2]
Yamuna gushed brightly. Having risen just a few minutes ago, the sun bathed the world below in a buttery golden light. Blades of grass swayed despite not a single breeze blowing. It was as if their eyes, blinking awake, had fallen upon a sight that immediately jolted them out of their slumber. Filled their lean bodies with bliss uncontainable. 
A bee that had journeyed from a faraway land throughout the night—and that had been resting on top of a bud nearby—was also shaken awake by the movements of the grass. 
Annoyed by their incessant rustling, it hissed. ‘What’s the hurry now? So early in the morning, and you make such a ruckus! Fools. Stay still!’
‘How can we!’ the grass cried in unison, their trembling only growing more sweet. ‘How can we stop, how can we stay still, when our god is right there?’
‘God?’ the bee snapped. ‘What god!’
‘Oh, we can’t be still. He makes us this way. How can we be still when the mere sight of him fills us with so much pleasure we don’t know what to do with ourselves?’
‘You’ll are fucking crazy,’ the bee muttered, following the direction in which the grass seemed to be leaning. Who was this god? There’s no way he’s making every single blade of grass on this land lose its mind. ‘I don’t believe it—’ 
The bee couldn’t finish that thought, though. Not before its gaze met a pair of lotus-eyes, staring back at him. 
The owner of the eyes was a tall man at a distance, holding a broomstick, bent slightly at the curve of his waist. His skin was the colour of clouds heavy with rain. He seemed to have been in the middle of cleaning the area outside what looked like a house. And as if he’d heard the bee’s doubts, one of his eyebrows lifted in amusement. 
You really don’t believe it?
The bee’s mouth burst open in a gasp, its heart pounding.
Before it could dwell on its own embarrassing reaction, however, the solid weight beneath it seemed to give away. 
With a shriek, the bee found itself plunging down. 
But it hadn’t hit the ground. 
Mildly dizzy, it shook its head and looked around. 
It seemed to have fallen into…a flower?
‘What the fuck,’ the bee whispered, straightening itself. 
As it found its footing once more, it noticed, confusion streaking its eyes, that the petals of the flower were a soft violet. The same colour as the bud that it had chosen to camp on…
‘The bud!’ the bee realized with a start. ‘Is that you?’
‘Of course, who else would I be?’ the flower snorted from below, a haughty attitude dripping from its voice. The bee grunted in return. 
‘Why would you just become a flower so suddenly!’
‘Shut up,’ the flower snarled. 
But the very next moment, in a complete change of character—a transformation that left the bee gaping in shock—the flower’s voice lost all of the mean edge. It morphed into an unrecognisably soft, honeyed melody, as the flower turned towards the distant house, towards the god who had resumed sweeping. It cooed shyly, petals pinkening. 
‘My god looked this way. He looked my way. Of course I opened up and bared myself completely for his eyes then. Of course I bloomed for him. How else am I supposed to beg him to walk over, take me in his mouth, and suck every last drop of nectar out of me till I forget who I am?’ 
‘Excuse me?’ 
As a bee, it was hard not to feel personally offended at that.
The audacity of this god. First he makes the grass—every single one of them—kick up a completely unnecessary storm so early in the morning because they are supposedly mad with happiness at the mere sight of him. Then he charms the flowers so completely, without so much as a glance, till they defy the laws of nature—blossoming for him at the most untimely moments and blushing and calling for him to eat them up (as if they can’t see the bee hovering right in front of their eyes). Really, the audacity of this god!
Displeasure thrumming through its body, the bee whipped its head towards the house with a glare.
The god was still hard at work, the muscles of his arm shifting with each sweep of the broomstick, and the bee almost turned away, thinking he hadn’t noticed it—but right then, as if he knew exactly what it had been thinking, as if he’d heard all of its complaints, the god let out a chuckle. Deep and low and a secret shared just between them. 
Warmth scorched the bee’s face, and it leapt off the flower—rushing to hide behind a tree. 
end of pt. 1
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collector-of-sticks · 22 days
I felt cute today so here’s me with a red rhododendron!
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Rhododendrons are toxic to our (NZ) native bees :(( Makes them drunk :(
I really like our native bees because they’re mostly solitary bees that live in burrows in the ground (not hives)!
They’re very small and more black than yellow.
They have a wasp-like look to them.
Our native bees either don’t have stingers or they’re so small it doesn’t hurt! They also don’t really use them. Tend to leave people alone.
I find that bumblebees are very rude and get wayyy too close to my face! Native bees are so much friendlier.
Our native bees also don’t make honey and instead eat nectar and pollen! Kinda like fairies hehe.
Male bees will also tidy up female bees burrows or make her a burrow to live in to impress her. I personally think that’s very romantic of the male bees heh. What’s better than beeing gifted a house!
I really recommend you research native bees in your area! It’s so interesting to learn about :))
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moonlight-tmd · 11 months
In regards to BlitzBee in the Part-Insecticon!Bumblebee AU- (Plus some stand-alone Bee ideas)
Blitz would totally eat the honey Bee retched up. This mf eats mechs raw- he will even eat an electric cable if given a chance, of course he's gonna savor the tasty honey Bee made. And no one else is eating it so it's all for him!
If he's craving something sweet he will come begging Bee to make him some honey- sometimes when they make out Bee's intake starts leaking with nectar, which makes the kisses even more sweet and delectable.
He'd totally be the one to make bee and honey puns and watch Bee giggle and the others have this semi-uncomfortable look on their faces.
Another thing i thought about- Bee has a 2nd tank to store honey in, he gets more fat the more honey he has stored in it. Although, it's not very visible cuz of how much fluff he has.
(spoilering this part just in case- CW: spitting, kind of vomit but it's honey? feeding kink i guess??)
Ya know how some people wanna get someone to spit in their mouths? Well, Blitz is this kind of person- He loves the honey and Bee likes to provide the sweetness to his beloved.
Sometimes they lock themselves in their room and get all cozy in berth, exchanging slow and passionate kisses until Bee's other tank starts working and produces the sweet honey he can give. Blitz will sit there holding Bee close, sapping the sweet goo that's slowly coming out of Bee's intake into his.
Sometimes Bee will be playful and make Blitz lay down and kiss him gently while feeding the honey to him from the top.
Blitz could sit there for hours just enoying the meal and having his own tank filled to the brim and more, but alas, those little sessions only last for 10-20 minutes or so- Bee can only produce so much honey a day...
One time Bee has denied him honey for over a week- only for Blitz to be lost in total bliss when his sweet hummel made him sit back and gave him so much honey his tank swelled.
The honey itself is very filling and full of nutriens, it almost replaces refueling by oil- Blitz didn't have to refuel for 3 days after this glorious feast.
Anyway, i can't believe i just wrote that. I will go sit in the corner and contemplate my life choices now.
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My OCs in Uniflip
The Uniflip AU belongs to @uniflip-official!
Uniflip Swanna, first of all, is a very posh peacock girl named Peahenna. She is always seen wearing a sophisticated pink dress. However, she’s not very talkative. She’d rather stay at home and weave. Lee is a cherry-shaped gemstone who is adventurous and very talkative. He has an almost magical archery talent, as well as an eye for fashion. The two of them are from Graceia, a fashionable, high-society land surrounding a lake. They took up work in the Unidominion for reasons known only to them.
Floela, who in Big Bright World is Neapolitan’s friend, is Master Smile and Brock's friend. She likes to make ice cream, but she’s very clumsy and tends to make a mess. She just wants everyone to get along, but she tends to be a little hotheaded. She is close with her twin brother Neapolitan, who likes piloting and air-related things besides making desserts. Their family has lived in Uniflip!Frowntown all their life, but their heritage comes from Sugar Valley. 
Germafrost is a mischievous and playful boy from Sugar Valley. Though he sometimes stumbles and falls, he goes wherever the wind takes him. He likes to prepare delicious ice cream cakes and collect sprinkles and chocolate chips he finds in the ground. He eventually meets Floela, and he helps her improve her skills in baking. Also, in Sugar Valley, there are ten types of desserts you can make, including cakes, ice cream, cookies and candies. 
Lute, a sheep/ice cream hybrid, is Germafrost’s caretaker who likes to play the lute when she’s not baking cookies. She’s very punctual and is often seen at work. It’s rumored that when you eat one of her cookies, you’ll be able to see the possible futures of how the rest of your week will go. She gets really concerned for her loved ones’ safety. 
Abigail, or Abby, is Germafrost’s other caretaker. She is a gray wolf who likes to improvise, and like Germafrost, she is drawn to things that look tasty. She likes to look up at the stars at night. She makes freeze-dried candies. 
Tennatop, noted for his long, swirly antennae, is a pink and orange butterfly who lives in the multi-biome kingdom of Teravi (TEHR-ah-vee). He loves having a good time, and he’s always ready to have fun and play. He still tries to be conscious and keep himself safe. He is a huge animal person, doing his best to care for the fauna of his world. He’s also quite the party animal. 
Lily is Tennatop’s inventive friend and the princess of Teravi. She is a blue butterfly. She is a problem solver who tinkers with the things she finds in nature. She also tries to make sure that her inventions won’t leave behind waste or use up too much energy. She can often be found in her workshop. 
Lucian, who nicknames himself Spike, is the liveliest and peppiest member of Tennatop’s friend group. He is a golden sun moth who styles his hair in points that look like sun rays. He is a graceful and agile circus performer, and he loves when people watch him flip and swing on the trapeze. Though he sometimes falls down, he doesn’t let his mishaps define him. 
Marcella is a honey bee. She doesn't like to be in one place for very long, and she doesn’t like getting wet. She travels around Teravi to collect nectar. She can fly at very fast speeds, meaning that it can be hard to see her. She easily gets bored and impatient, but she’s loyal and resilient. 
Cream is a friend of Tennatop and Marcella who is a small pink butterfly fairy. He is learning to care for crops and plants, and he has no problem getting dirty. He also likes to make his crops into salads, and he always has some salad cream on hand for them. He is considerate, so he often checks up on his friends. 
Kira is a blue glaucus who lives in an undersea land called Marinia. She’s assertive and rather short-tempered. She’s an athlete who loves underwater sports, especially volleyball. She has a good sense of problem-solving and teamwork. Though she’s a loose cannon, you can always count on her to pick you up. 
Bia is Kira’s lifelong best friend. She is a red lion’s mane jellyfish. She is dreamy, mellow, and goes with the flow most of the time. She cares for the undersea plants in her garden. She also likes to make pottery and paintings. She’s very merciful and is respectful towards everyone. She’s paralyzed in her bottom half, so she has prosthetic fins that help her swim. 
Allegra is a hybrid of a blue-ringed octopus and a sea star. She’s very polite and upbeat, and she brings happiness to others. She is a pacifist, as well as very romantic. She’s open and expressive, wanting to let other people know how she’s feeling. Making music is her top favorite thing to do. She is a singer, songwriter, actress and occasional poet. 
Zora is a curious and fearless leafy sea dragon. He has a can-do attitude, and he’s intuitive and smart. He never shies away from tossing the dice and taking chances. He is a filmmaker who hopes to direct his own movies someday. He supports his friends through any situation. He nicknames himself Tangerweed because he’s always thought that the leaves on his body look like tangerine-colored seaweed. 
Master Love is a Bloom Lord that wants to spread love and joy to all of the people of the world. She is patient about finding a partner of her own, and she understands that not everybody needs to have love to be happy. She also really loves herself, giving herself affirmations every day. 
Prince Trey is the elven son of King Arcentharion of Charmland. He is very, very, VERY shy and sensitive. He’s also calm and relaxed. He loves kittens, flowers, things that are cute, and most of all, soccer. He bursts into tears whenever someone provokes him. He has the magical ability to freeze water. After he lost his older sister to an accident, Master Smile encouraged him to open up about his feelings. 
Estara is the royal advisor to the king. She’s very devoted to her job, and she seems to be the one holding Charmland together. Though she can be bossy sometimes, she’s very motherly and protective towards Trey. She prefers very expensive things, and goes out of her way to make an event or interior as fancy as it can be. Her mom tried to push her into practicing mad science, but Estara wanted to be a clock repairwoman. To this day, she enjoys fixing clocks and helping people tell the time. 
Sgt. Luna is a chivalrous and brave knight, but she tends to be self-centered and rude. She views herself as the gorgeous leader of Charmland’s royal guard of mages, but she doesn’t really know what she’s doing. She neglects cleaning her room and work space. Besides casting spells with her staff, she also enjoys writing plays. She comes from Stage Island, a theatrical land. 
Estelle is Trey’s adoptive younger sister. Unlike him, she’s not an elf. She’s dramatic, and she’s a huge night owl. She speaks with a lot of emphasis in her voice. She often goes outside to hang out with her friends, such as her close friend Imogen. She is an enthusiast for undersea treasures and mysteries. 
Imogen is an open-minded girl who is very forgiving of others. She looks past the negative qualities of everyone. She’s a huge butterfly lover and has lots of feeders built on her house. She and Estelle attend a yearly convention for pirates and ocean explorers. She lives in a houseboat on a lake. 
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sci-simulacrumb · 3 months
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Hi, everyone. I think I messed up.
Chelys and I tried to make our way to the edge of the reserve today. There’s this old road that runs along an overgrown border of the reserve. It gets really busy this time of year, with lots of human cars racing up and down it. Chelys has been dying to go see it so she can throw walnuts and rocks onto the road to watch cars run over them. She begged me to go with her last week, but I was so interested in watching roly-polies all day that I forgot.
Today was the last chance to achieve peak summer car-crushings, so we had to hurry. On the way, I saw a patch of lavender a little off the path. I promised Chelys that I’d only take a minute to check the field out. But then I saw all these bumble bees buzzing around, and I HAD to know why there were so many hovering there.
I knew that bees always prefer anything that blooms because it’s a source for pollen and nectar. They're willing to travel up to over 6 miles from their hives just to get both. Bees like the Bombus pensylvanicus (bumble bee) eat pollen for nutrients and protein, though they primarily feed it to their larvae. Similarly, raw nectar is used for energy and to be made into honey in the hives. Lavandula Angustifolia (lavender) comes in many types, and with most blooming nonstop or multiple times a year, it makes sense for various bees to like it so much.
I was having a great time observing, but looking back, Chelys wasn’t. She crouched in the field with me at first, but soon she started jumping off of rocks and singing loudly. I was worried that she might scare away the bees, so I hissed at her to stop. She snapped back that we were supposed to be somewhere else. I promised we could leave soon, but I didn’t really mean it. I thought Chelys wouldn't mind---while it's a close race, bees are still more interesting than exploding walnuts!
At some point, Chelys frustratedly screamed she would go to the reserve's edge by herself. She turned to run, so I grabbed her tail. Then she just bit me!
I bit her back, and we ended up wrestling out of the lavender patch and all the way to the border. The rumblings of passing cars eventually untangled us. Chelys gasped and wasted no time in clambering up a tree to throw things over the hidden fence and onto the road.
Watching her gawk and cheer at the flying debris was honestly a lot of fun in its own right. As I climbed onto a lower branch, I remembered how much she cared about going this year. I was wrong to hold her up. Just because I may not enjoy it as much doesn’t mean that it’s not as important to the other person.
I’ll apologize to her once she comes back down.
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fortunaminer · 1 year
I saw your tag on the vegan post and wanted to offer a quick explanation re: honey. the reason most vegans won't consume honey despite bees being pollinators is that honey bees are actually not native polinators and compete with native bee species for nectar, which also negatively impacts pollination of local flora. Native pollinators tend to be more efficient at actual pollination, whereas domestic honey bees are better at extracting nectar for honey with less pollen spread. A few entomologists have written more on this topic but basically they're not strictly necessary for agriculture (there are other alternatives) and in too high a concentration, are bad for the environment.
This is interesting and makes sense, It does not necessarily follow the same logic as not wanting to eat meat/drink milk though. Which is to bad because it does ruin the ideological unity that Veganism otherwise is capable of. If you are a vegan for pro-environmental reasons this tracks. Though many foods in the US and beyond are effectively grown on the back of bee labor whether it is necessary or not since farms will pay to have bees brought in to pollinate their fields. Also what if the honey was from Africa/Asia where Honey Bees are native? "I only eat imported honey"? If you are a Pro-Animal Rights/Treatment Vegan than arguments regarding environmental impact come off as being off topic. Many pro-vegan arguments I have heard are very "It is immoral to eat meat, extract milk from cows, and keep animals as slaves" which is a totally valid stance to take, but then "Also honey bees are bad for the environment in their non-native habitat" seems like it should part of a different dietary choice. One you can combine with veganism but not an integral part of it. Overall Vegans ability to stick to their guns despite society often mocking them and their choices being difficult to uphold under many circumstances is admirable. And a small quirk like not eating honey that I personally can't square doesn't lessen that. It does give me an interesting thing to talk about with Vegans, after I finish bemoaning how Impossible and Beyond burgers ruined veggie burgers, that hopefully does not come off as overly dismissive.
Thank you for the explanation! I appreciate it!
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0729hazel · 1 year
Abyss Diary - Chapter 1: A Sudden Invitation
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In the Moor Forest, the morning sun rises slowly, like Helios saying "hello" or "good morning" to all living beings. The sun shines into the earth, and many flowers and plants are awakened by this warm light. The colour of the river bank in the southwest is like a bright aurora flowing slowly. The wind blows from the east, and the rustling of the leaves is pleasant as if a person is sitting under a tree and listening to a wonderful tune. This morning, the butterflies and yellow bees started to go to the flowers to collect nectar and then returned to their nests to start making honey. I heard that eating a tablespoon of honey in the morning not only makes people full of energy but also makes people stay young forever. It can be called a natural skin care product. Under the clear light, everyone got up and opened the window, and everyone said "good morning" to each other. So, they went about their own business.
In the very centre of this place, there is an extremely huge tree, which people respectfully call "the tree of the world". This tree has a long history. It was accidentally created when the gods created the world. The tree created by the agarwood has lush green leaves growing on the top. shine brightly. It is as beautiful as a diamond, so people also call it the "tree of crystal bloom". At that time, some minority races studied magic on their own, and some studied the tree together until the auspicious time, served the tree every day, and created a banquet belonging to each race, so it became a tradition called "Moor's Feast". According to the inhabitants of the Moore Forest in the past, there is no master in the Moore Forest, because they belong to a race that does not compete with the world. But they have many guardians silently guarding the safety of this forest. However, there is a very bold man. He lives in the "World Tree" by himself and transforms it into a tree house.
"Brothers and sisters, I'm going out to do some shopping. As for breakfast, what do you need?"
"Bread, milk, muffins!!"
"Okay, okay, wait a moment."
The man was carrying a bamboo and rattan basket, opened the door and went outside to shop. He met the crowd and said good morning, and they said good morning back. This person is in his thirties, with a dignified body, a handsome appearance, and a dignified appearance. A pair of eyes shot cold stars, and two eyebrows were like paint. The chest is wide and broad, and there is an invincible majesty. People saw him as characterized by crimson eyes and black beautiful hair because he was the first person with crimson eyes, plus that side bang, so he was loved by people. He went into a tree house made out of a bakery. His clothes are the same as those of ordinary people, but the clothes are long-sleeved and the trousers are longer.
The doorbell rang, and the owner of the bakery started working happily when he saw this person. "Lucifer, you are finally here!" The man (Lucifer) smiled and said: "Boss, you are still like this after all these years." The bakery owner said: "Oh, only Mr Lucifer is here, I must I will serve you!" As he spoke, he took the basket in Lucifer's hand and began picking out the necessary breakfast food. Afterwards, Lucifer came to the cash register, and the bakery owner carefully counted the bread, milk, muffins and other breakfasts in the basket. "Okay, there are two hundred silver coins in total. As a regular customer, I will count you one hundred silver coins." Lucifer took out one of the money bags from his trouser pocket and handed it to the bakery owner, and then picked up the basket and waved away.
After that, Lucifer went to a flower shop. Seeing Lucifer, the proprieties of the flower shop warmly entertained him: "Mr Lucifer, what kind of flowers do you want?" Lucifer thought for a long time and said, "I want the morning flower." The proprieties immediately said: " Good!" Then she went to pick flowers in the backyard of the flower shop. This backyard is very close to the World Tree. Many customers like to buy flowers and are not used to going out, so there is this flower shop and backyard. Lucifer, watching the backyard flowers, said, "Today's flowers grew very well. They're better than yesterday." The proprieties said, "Yeah, luckily that yesterday was not raining. And the flowers were not damaged." As she talks with Lucifer, she keeps collecting the sunflowers and making their bouquets. "Here's your flower, and congratulations that you're becoming one of the Archangels soon." She gave the flowers to Lucifer. Lucifer took the bouquet of sunflowers and said, "Thank you, miss." Then, Lucifer leaves the flower shop.
As Lucifer walks everywhere, everyone comes to him and says the words same as what proprieties said. Lucifer acts a little surprised and doesn't think anymore, he steps back to the tree house.
"I'm back."
Some people who staying at this tree house heard Lucifer's words, rushing to the dining room and sitting at the dining table. Lucifer put the breakfast and some flowers on the table, and then he put the breakfast on the plates and serve to them, lastly putting the flowers in the vase. Have two people grabbing the bread at the same time, and both of them started arguing and yelling at each other.
"The bread is mine, Michael!"
"No, it's mine, you damn Gabriel!"
The boy was named Michael, and the girl was named Gabriel. The appearance of both is the same as a teenager. Michael is dressed in white clothes, under the sword eyebrows that are neither thick nor light, the narrow and long eyes are like gurgling spring water, warm and moist like a spring breeze, the nose is hanging like a gall, straight like a blue distant mountain, the lips are so thin that the colour of the lips is pale, and the corners of the mouth Slightly evoked, it seems that the man is unrestrained. While Gabriel is a hibiscus beautiful face, blushing cheeks, starry eyes like waves, and pity and shyness in the eyes, the current situation is like a dream, a person can't help but stare dumbfounded.
Their sound already shouted Lucifer, Lucifer going to stop them. "Enough you two" Lucifer is using force magic to stop Michael and Gabriel. This power shocks and suppresses Michael and Gabriel, "Lucifer, stop now." Gabriel said. "We cannot handle this 'Gravity Manacle', please stop," Michael said.
'Gravity Manacle' is one of the control magics. Use this magic to bind at least four targets and continuously limit their mobility. This magic was created by Lucifer. The purpose is to help reverse the situation as much as possible unless it becomes one of the ultimate moves under unavoidable circumstances.
"Brother Lucifer, calm down." One of the people comes to Lucifer and stops him. "Yeah, Lucifer. Calm down and we talk peacefully." Another one also comes to stop Lucifer. Lucifer sighed and stop casting 'Gravity Manacle'. "Raphael, Seraphiel, are you two awake already? And you two prepared or not? It's late for now. Faster, now!" Lucifer said. "Damn, we're already late! Dinner don't worry about us, we'll fix this, Lucifer!" Both Raphael and Seraphiel said.
Raphael and Seraphiel are twins, and both of them look the same, with youthful and moonlight-white skin. But their personality is different, Raphael is a type of working hard person, while Searphiel is a loving caring type of person.
Lucifer calmed a while, now he's slamming on the table and scolding Michael and Gabriel. "Michael, Gabriel. Why are you two still fighting and arguing with each other?! Didn't I tell you two must care for each other regardless of the situation? How could you two forget it easily?!" Michael and Gabriel looking Lucifer in rage, they wanted to apologize to Lucifer but he left with the vase of sunflowers. the only thing they can do is apologize to each other. After that, they're going to Supreme Council to work.
With Lucifer, he's taking the sunflowers to the garden at the back of "The World Tree". He's heading to the grave and putting the sunflowers on it. "Mother, here's your sunflowers," Lucifer said and he's sitting behind it. "Today is not a special day, just visit you..." Lucifer said but silenced, he's taking a handkerchief to clean the grave of his mother and said, "Mother, you warned me that don't get angry easily... But I did already..." Lucifer is taking an amulet from his pocket, it's made by the feathers of the bird and some beads. This amulet was the last gift of Lucifer's mother when he was twelve. He cannot do anything for his mother but looking her death peacefully. Lucifer never shows any emotions to anyone, only facing the grave, he'll burst out of his emotions. After that, he's going to the courtyard, sits on the bench and reads a book. Lucifer didn't know how long he read the book and slept.
After almost half an hour, two priests from the Supreme Council came to the courtyard. "Lord Lucifer," they called. Lucifer woke up, looked at both of them and asked, "Is anything a problem?" Both of them answered, "Lord Lucifer. there's a problem with the staff's replacement. Please come back to Supreme Council immediately." Lucifer heard, he was heading back to the tree house and changed outfit of Supreme Council, then he followed them going to Supreme Council.
No matter where Lucifer passed by, everyone saw him and congratulated him for becoming the Archangel of the Supreme Council.
The distance between Moor Forest and Supreme Council is only 4.5 miles, need to use twenty minutes to reach Supreme Council.
"They're still in a meeting, please wait outside." The two priests told Lucifer and went inside the meeting room. Lucifer reading a book for leisure time, and suddenly he heard some argument sounds.
Inside the meeting room, an Archangel slammed the table and said, "This is ridiculous. How could the Endless Abyss want Lucifer to join these monstrous creatures?!" The other Archangel also said, "Yeah, we're never let them push so hard." At the centre of the table, the Supreme God of the Supreme Council said, "The Endless Abyss changed the Demon Lord because of the death of the former Demon Lord. I already told them never to let Lucifer join them, but they still wanted to be." The Archangel said, "But we can't let them get what they need! God, can you stop their madness?" The Supreme God sighed, and said, "Now there is a new Demon Lord. Recently there has been news of an outsider invasion. This is busy. For today's plan, we have to sacrifice him." Many Archangels heard the Supreme God's words, they cannot do anything but obey.
Outside, Lucifer heard everything and was shocked. He never expected that will have happened to him one day. He was waiting outside until the Supreme God called him to come inside.
"You want to see me, Father?" Lucifer asked. "Yes, my child. Come here and talk with me." The Supreme God said. Lucifer was sitting behind him, the Supreme God holding his hands and said, "You heard everything, right?" He asked Lucifer. Lucifer didn't say anything, he nodded his head at the answer. Supreme God said, "We have been father and son for more than twenty years. Although your mother passed away when you were young, I have seen your transformation. Calm, smart, fighting, working hard, desperate. Even, if you have a perfect will, no one can compare with you." Lucifer heard and said, "It's thanks to you, Father. If I wasn't taught by you, I'll not have these results until now."
They talked a lot until the Supreme God tells him a question. "Lucifer, are you sure that you're resigning from your work?" Lucifer said, "Yes, I have to think clearly. Father, let me join them. I promise you that I won't fall easily." Supreme God looked at Lucifer and worried, said, "It is our fault to ask you to bear all this..." Lucifer said, "It's okay, Father. I'm already thirty, and I need to face everything by myself. And can you please don't tell Michael and the others? I'm afraid that they're doing some weird things when they know I'm joining Endless Abyss." Supreme God nodded his head, and Lucifer says thanks to him. And they're planned secretly, let Michael become the new Archangel of the Supreme Council. As the reason, only Lucifer and Supreme God knew.
After that, Lucifer went to his room and packed his stuff. He heard both boys rushing to his room. "Don't rush into the hallway, Crimson! How many times have I already told you?" A boy with emerald green hair said. "Don't mind me, Juniper. Now Lord Lucifer is leaving here. And we must help him pack stuff." The boy with crimson red hair said to that boy.
Lucifer chuckled and said, "Crimson, Juniper. You both already know?" The red hair boy named Crimson said, "Yeah, Lord Lucifer. I was shocked that you resigned from your work and join Abyss." Lucifer patted Crimson's head and said, "Look at you, cry already?" Crimson wiped his tears and said, "No, I'm not."
"I will always follow Lord Lucifer everywhere. Please, Lord Lucifer, let me serve you again." Lucifer heard Crimson's words and said, "Sure, you're always serving me. Juniper also." Crimson was happy and hugged Lucifer tightly, and Juniper was surprised and accepted. Lucifer asked, "And you two, haven't packed stuff?" Crimson heard the sentence, grabbed Juniper and rushed back to their room and said, "Okay Lord Lucifer, wait for us!" Lucifer laughed and continue to pack stuff.
In Crimson and Juniper's room, both of them finished packing their stuff. Juniper asked Crimson, "Crimson, I have some questions to ask you." Crimson said, "Just asked, I'll answer." Juniper said, "Do you know where's Lady Samantha now?" Crimson thinks and said, "I don't know. The last time I saw her, and she told me that have an emergency in her family, want to pack stuff and leave. But I remembered that she's an orphan, her parents passed away when she was six. I don't know what's the reason..." Juniper heard and said, "I see... And, how about Lady Linnet?" Crimson heard 'Linnet' this word, he was angry and said, "Don't mention this traitor. Don't you remember that what's bad news on her, and almost make Lord Lucifer lose responsibility on Supreme Council?!" Juniper sees Crimson was angry, and he's going to comfort him, "Okay fine, don't be angry. I won't mention her anymore." Crimson, "And you're gonna cook dinner for Lord Lucifer and me. Okay?" Juniper nodded his head and said okay to him. After that, they're taking their stuff and leave Supreme Council with Lucifer.
Time already passed to the night, at Moor Forest.
The dinner only Lucifer, Crimson and Juniper ate. After they finished the dinner, Lucifer went inside the kitchen again and cooked the dinner for Michael and the others. After that, Crimson and Juniper cleaned the inside of the tree house. While Lucifer is sitting at the desk and writing a letter to Michael and the others. After that, Lucifer blows away the light of the candle and leaves the tree house.
Crimson and Juniper follow Lucifer's steps and go to Endless Abyss. Lucifer, Crimson and Juniper look at the "World Tree" and leave the Moor Forest. But there's something that Lucifer doesn't know, he'll face some difficulties and problems, and even the heart of many creatures.
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agro-carnist · 3 years
Vegans make me laugh they're like "I'm moral because I eat quinoa and lettuce <3" and then specifically ignore how common vegan foods (also quinoa) are actually being taken from Peru and Bolivia to the point where they've become gentrified and said poor people in said countries can no longer afford to eat the grain that they produce. Not to mention how many vegan alternatives to animal produced products are actually causing damage to populations of endangered animals (long-nosed bats + agave nectar) and how it is actually healthy to eat honey because bees can become overburdened with the amount of honey they create and cause more damage to themselves through molding and other problems. NOT EVEN MENTIONING the fact that many """vegan alternatives""" to food are made through slave labor and slave wages. But you know. we're worse than [insert horrible genocide or whatever] because we like to eat protein that we have specifically domesticated over thousands of years *to* eat.
They'll avoid any responsibility for or productive conversations and activism for these topics with "but carnists eat plants too!" Doesn't matter if their diet is harmful as long as they can depict others as more harmful. Simply not engaging in one harm (and replacing it with another) is all it takes to be the most moral person. Fuck going any farther than that
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Was watching Alexisnikole ticktock videos and now I'm imagining Diluc planting all kinds of flowers and vegetables in his garden(and he adds them to dishes) , and he has foraging books. Also, what if he started gardening because of bees. As a kid he heard how bees had to work hard to find flowers, because they need the nectar to make honey. (He thought honey was their only source of food, but bees eat pollen too 😅)
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Like Gardener Diluc is my favorite. Partly cause because canonically he does have a garden. Which ya know they didn't think he'd personally maintain but no one can stop me. So he does
And I really think cause he likes to experiment with drinks, Diluc only likes using the freshest ingredients so He's got a little garden just for ingredients for him to use. Well some good vegetables for Adelinde to us too.
It took Adelinde a be to get used to her young master coming back inside all dirty with a basket of vegetables for her. But he looked so proud of himself. She let it pass.
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
Magickal properties of Honeysuckle
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Honeysuckle graces many a garden with its nectary fragrance and cheery blooms of ivory, pink, and yellow. Honeysuckle is said to attract friends, bring in luck, and sustain love in the home where it grows. Honeysuckle is especially liked by Faeries, and is essential if you wish to court their presence in your home. Like the Fae themselves, Honeysuckle thrives in liminal spaces, preferring fences and half-shade.
If you eat the blossoms from a Honeysuckle bush, always leave a few of the best ones for the Fae. Be careful leaving a garden window open at night, because dreams of love are said to travel on Honeysuckle-scented air.
Honeysuckle is poetically known as “Woodbine” in some old herbal manuals. (The name can also apply to Ivy and other non-flowering climbers.)
Magickal Uses of Honeysuckle
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Magickally, Honeysuckle is used for all manner of “sweetening” spells. Its specialties are workings to enhance love and sexuality. But Honeysuckle is also cultivated for good luck and prosperity. It can be added to all spells of gain to add a touch of sweetness to their energy. Like most heady florals, Honeysuckle has folkloric associations with psychic vision and dreaming.
Witches who wish to use Honeysuckle in their magick have a few choices: The fresh flowers can be gathered from a garden. Dried blossoms are available as an herbal supplement or specialty tea. And there’s always scented oils, candles, and incense to draw upon Honeysuckle’s seductive power.
While some sources suggest adding the flowers to incense, I don’t. The fresh blossom dislikes being burnt, smolders limply, and smells atrocious anyway due to the high sugar content. Instead of burning, return the blossoms to an earthy patch of ground once they have gifted you with their fragrance and energy.
Honeysuckle blossoms are sparse and don’t easily lend their essence to enfleurage. Therefore, true essential oil of Honeysuckle is not available. (This doesn’t stop merchants from cranking out misleading labels, however.) All of the Honeysuckle oils on the market contain synthetics. Some do a better job than others of capturing the flower’s complex bouquet. Look for one that captures Honeysuckle’s musky base and fresh green top notes, as well as its sticky-sweet floral nectar.
Correspondences of Honeysuckle
The voluptuous fragrance and eye-catching color of Honeysuckle make it primarily a Venus herb. (Some writers have attributed it to Jupiter, which also makes sense because Honeysuckle grows like crazy and is supposed to bring luck. There’s a dash of Lunar energy in there, too.) Honeysuckle’s green smell and hidden nectar imply a correspondence with Water, but some also assign it to Earth. It doesn’t matter, really, as long as you remember this is one sweet and sexy herb.
Spells and Formulas with Honeysuckle
Use Honeysuckle vine to bind lovers together. A photo, poppet, or personal item can stand in for one or both parties.
Wear Honeysuckle perfume to inspire others to be generous to you.
Honeysuckle flowers can be added to a Honey Jar or Sugar Bowl, used in Hoodoo to “sweeten” someone. For the last word on Honey Jars, check out the book by Deacon Millett and the related post at Lucky Mojo.
From Scott Cunningham: “Lightly crush the fresh flowers and then rub on the forehead to heighten psychic powers.” (Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs)  
A Honeysuckle plant growing outside the house will keep love alive and bring good fortune.
Honeysuckle scent that is rubbed or diffused on Faery offerings will make them too delicious for the wee folk to resist.
Most varieties of Honeysuckle are mildly toxic. While it’s generally safe to consume the nectar and flowers, do not eat the berries or leaves. Honeysuckle is potentially poisonous to dogs and other pets. Some varieties of Honeysuckle are considered invasive and can threaten wildlife, so do your research before planting non-native varieties.
Honeysuckle is pollinated by bees and wasps. Watch out for these critters when gathering the flowers.
Scent Profile: Floral, Sweet, Musky
Correspondences: Water/Earth, Venus/Jupiter
Occult properties of herbs are provided for historical interest only, and no outcome is guaranteed. Nothing on this website should be taken as medical or legal advice. Please use herbs responsibly.
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writing-gifts · 4 years
datura (moth!bruno x butterfly!reader)
A/N: okay so there should be two more chapters after this one, the last one should be on the shorter side (maybe)
anyways hope you like this chapter!
First Chapter || Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
Reader is gender neutral!
[Mid Winter]
This was the first time you had ever seen Bruno wearing bottoms and it was definitely a sight hard to process.
Your mate tilts his head when he sees you staring. “What’s wrong?”
“I'm just shocked that you have something covering your legs right now.”
Bruno rolls his eyes and you laugh. Getting him to step away from his usually reserved expressions was always amusing.
Today you, Bruno, and Narancia would be leaving the house. It was the first time any of you had gone somewhere since Winter started, and you had one goal in mind with this trip. Ice cream. Yes it was freezing, but it was the seasonal treat and the only cold thing you were willing to tolerate in your life. Fortunately, Bruno knew a place nearby that you could trade for the ingredients you needed to make it. Walking there wouldn’t exactly be fun but at least the scenery would be nice.
You pull on your gloves. “This is my least favorite part of the ice cream making process.”
“I can go myself so you can avoid the cold,” Bruno suggests.
But you shake your head. “No I need to be there! I want to be a part of the process from beginning to end.”
“Can there be honey ice cream?”
You turn your attention towards the little bee jumping in the middle of Bruno’s bed. He looks like he can barely move his arms from how layered he is, but it was necessary for how long you would be outside. Or at least that’s what Bruno told him.
“I've never tried making that before but sure!”
You adjust your scarf, wondering if you should try to layer on anything more but decide against it.
“You said it not far, right?” you ask.
“No, I usually choose to walk there even outside of Winter.”
Bruno prompts Narancia to get off the bed and fixes the lopsided hat on the bee’s head.
“Are we ready to go?”
After filling your satchels with goods you're willing to part with, you all exit the house. The sun hadn't come up just yet but the first light of the day showed it wouldn't be long until it rose.
You and Bruno each take one of Narancia’s hands and pass the multiple snowbugs decorating the snowy expanse in front of the house. They all donned various articles of clothing and random items you found. Your favorites so far were ‘Bruno’ and ‘Mista’. You didn't know who Mista was personally but Narancia said he was his friend.
“Ice cream, ice cream~”
Narancia swings between you two as you walk past the trees and a few homes of other insects. The snow on the path you were taking was mostly even so walking wasn't too difficult.
“What other flavors should there be besides honey? I hope they have some vanilla there…”
“I’m fine with anything,” Bruno says.
Everyone at least had something they’d prefer so you weren’t completely convinced with that answer.
Naranicia stops humming and looks up at you. “Papa likes honey too! He always eats some of my food!”
A small grin sits on your face as you look at the moth but he does his best to avoid your smug expression.
“Well...It can’t be helped,” he says.
By the time the sun is out and it’s a little warmer, you all are in a small glade. Various wooden shops covered in snow line the area, leaving a sizable space in the middle. You imagine people gather there for various occasions. There’s also a few bugs who are brave enough to venture the cold wandering about.
Bruno points out a specific shop and you all head towards it, following the paths made in the snow.
Entering the shop, a bell rings and you’re all immediately greeted by the scent of various spices and food. And you're sure you smelt something similar to vanilla within the mix.
The shop was small but crowded with multiple shelves holding all sorts of items. Once the front door is closed you’re shocked that it’s noticeably warmer in here than outside. Bruno’s house was also quite warm, at least compared to yours in the Winter now that you think about it.
A voice from a different room calls out interrupting your thoughts.
“Just a moment!”
You wait for a moment but end up wandering off with Narancia to inspect the various things sitting on the shelves. There were all sorts of items--food, equipment, books, and more. You even find some glowing lanterns. Perhaps this is where Bruno got all of his. What type of shop was this even exactly?
Your attention is caught next by some jars of honey. You missed eating it, but unlike Bruno you didn’t take sneaky spoonfuls of Narancia’s food. When you look closer though you realize that some are watered down. Narancia sees what you’re looking at and furrows his brows and sticks out his tongue.
“You don't like it?”
Narancia shakes his head. “The other stuff is way better.”
“Oh Bucciarati it’s you,” the same voice from before says at the front. They seem a little less enthusiastic though, taking on a more relaxed and knowing tone.
You take this as a good time to head back to the front and greet the owner. When you and Narancia exit from between the shelves, you find a dragonfly standing behind the front counter. Dragonflies weren’t anything new to you, but you’ve never seen so much pink on an insect in your life. It made the freckles sprinkling his skin stand out even more.
When he sees you he also seems a bit surprised.
Narancia smiles wide. “Good morning!”
The dragonfly returns his own friendly smile. “And good morning to you.”
He then turns his attention back to you. “You must be with Bucciarati, nice to meet you. I’m Doppio.”
“Uh hi, I’m ____.”
He repeats your name a couple times to himself until he seems comfortable with it.
“So what brings you to my shop today?”
“We want to trade for cream, vanilla, sugar, salt and milk,” Bruno says.
“You’re in luck--I still have some vanilla left! Anyways, I can get all of those things for you based on what you have to trade.”
You place your two satchels on the front counter so you can take out the stuff you brought. Too bad you didn't have any honey that you could trade. One jar of pure honey would have definitely been worth more here.
“Will this be enough for everything?” you ask.
He looks over all your nectar jars. You made sure to bring the flowers that were less common in this area, according to Bruno.
“This should be able to get you at least a container of each. What are you making anyway?”
You perk up slightly. “Ice cream!”
“Oh, that sounds good! I have chocolate too, you know?”
Getting chocolate in Winter was a flip of a coin back at the shop near your home. However, it was always worth a lot so you would rarely indulge in it.
“I don’t know if I can afford that--”
“That's okay, I’ll still give it to you. But you have to bring me some of your ice cream, okay?”
Even though you're surprised that he’s willing to give you chocolate for something that simple in return, you nod in agreement.
Doppio smiles shyly and the thought cute momentarily pops into your mind.
While Bruno and Narancia explore the shop, the dragonfly inquires with you on how much you exactly need of everything and then gathers what you listed along with a small wrapping of chocolate. The smell almost tempts you to eat it right then and there.
After you have everything packed, the three of you say goodbye to Doppio and depart the shop. You expect to head back in the same direction you came but Bruno stops you all.
“Is it okay if we take a quick detour? I want to check up on Abbacchio.”
Even though your first meeting had a rough start, it turned out okay in the end. And Narancia seemed excited by the prospect so you give the moth an okay.
The three of you end up walking about the same distance you did from Bruno’s house to the store. Fortunately it wasn't in the complete opposite direction so getting home wouldn't take twice as long.
When you reach the wasp's quaint stone and wood home, you're not surprised that there weren’t any other insects living nearby. You wonder if it was built by his own hands since it was quite out of the way.
Once you approach the front entrance, Bruno knocks on the door. It takes a while but Abbacchio answers dressed up like he’s about to go out.
Suddenly, Narancia grabs onto Abbacchio’s leg and the wasp tenses.
Bruno prys Narancia off the wasp and lightly scolds him.
The bee frowns. “Sorry...”
Abbacchio visibly relaxes but warily eyes Narancia. “...It’s fine.”
Something tells you that something was off about that interaction but you can’t dwell on it right now. You give your own greeting to the wasp and he nods at you in acknowledgement. He then steps out of his home closing the door behind him.
“I was about to leave.”
“Don’t worry, we’re just making a quick stop,” Bruno says.
“...How many times do I have to tell you that you don’t need to check on me?”
Bruno gives the wasp a slightly exasperated look. “A friend can't visit a friend?”
“Sure Bucciarati.” He starts to walk past you all but stops. “...I’ll try to visit another day to make up for this.”
He leaves without waiting for an answer.
He sure does like to hide his feelings.
You look at Bruno but his face looks like it’s usual stoic self as he watches Abbacchio walk away. He gives you a small reassuring smile when his gaze meets yours though.
“Is he mad?” Narancia asks.
You look down at the still pouty bee and shake your head even though you aren’t completely sure yourself.
“He’s just busy Narancia. That went by faster than I expected though.”
Bruno nods. “Yea, let's head home.”
While you walk back home, you make sure that Bruno and Narancia pick up the speed. You didn't want the ice cream making to go into the middle of the night. The moment you all make it back, you're in the kitchen setting up and measuring the ingredients.
Bruno comes up next to you. “Don't you want to change first amore?”
“No,” you answer but don’t stop moving. “I'm going to have to go back outside multiple times after this anyway. You guys can change if you want to though.”
“Let me help. We can take turns going out or go out together.”
“Hmm, sure. It’s going to be a lot of ice cream so it would be best to have someone to help me stir.”
You have to make vanilla, honey, chocolate, and along with that, some flower ones that you wanted. Then it had to be enough for 4 people to get multiple servings.
Mixing the ingredients is quite easy and you have Narancia help you and Bruno with this so he doesn't feel left out. But after that is when it gets trickier.
“We have to come out whenever this timer runs out to stir everything and we keep doing this until it’s properly frozen,” you explain to the moth.
“That doesn't sound hard.”
“It isn't, it's just kinda tedious and tiring.”
Bruno helps you carry out all 8 dishes of ice cream you made. They weren't too big, just enough to get about 3 to 4 scoops from each. You then place them on the table he set up for you against the house.
Once you double check everything, you run back inside and Bruno trails after you at a more relaxed pace. You set up the timer and then sit down on the couch, releasing a sigh.
Narancia comes up and climbs onto the couch to sit on your lap. “When is the ice cream gonna be finished?”
“I'm not exactly sure but it should definitely be before it gets too dark.”
The look on Narancias face tells you that this is going to be a serious test of patience for him.
Fortunately, your mate is steadfast in helping you whenever it comes time to stir. Once he gets the hang of it, he convinces you to let him do the rest. So you describe to him what the ice cream should feel and look like when it’s done so he doesn't accidentally over stir. Then you remove a couple of your layers since you wouldn’t have to go outside so much anymore.
Between each stir, you and Bruno do your best to keep Narancia entertained whether he wants to play or just listen to a story. And finally, when it seems he might not be able to wait any longer, in the late afternoon the ice cream is done.
“Finally,” the bee sighs.
You laugh. “You can have the first taste Narancia for being so patient.”
He cheers and you lead him into the kitchen. You have Bruno bring in the trays while you move all the ice cream from the dishes and into their own containers. You’re quite pleased with the results.
“Nice job Bruno!”
You try to kiss the moth but Narancia makes a disgruntled noise.
“Okay, okay getting your ice cream….Here’s the honey Narancia.”
You grab a spoon and scoop a bit to hold out to him.
He verbally says ‘ahh’ and chomps down on the ice cream, before pulling back.
“I want more!”
You take that as a good sign and get a bowl and spoon for him.
After Narancia is served and happily eating away, you see the moth immediately go for the honey too. You internally thank the bee for telling on his father so you ended up making an extra dish of honey ice cream.
You gather a mixture of flower flavor and the taste has you missing Spring. You also make sure to taste test the chocolate. You're mostly satisfied with the outcome--not overly sweet but not too bitter. Hopefully Doppio would be pleased.
Once you’re all done indulging in the Winter treat, you and Bruno take the containers of ice cream back outside. You label the containers for Doppio and set it slightly to the side.
“I want to stay in tomorrow but I also want to see Doppio’s reaction to the ice cream as soon as possible!”
“You can always take it the day after tomorrow, there's no rush,” Bruno says.
“I guess you're right.”
You suddenly grin at the moth and take the moment of alone time to finally press a kiss on his lips. You're met with the taste of honey and flowers.
The front door creaks and the both of you turn towards the sound and see Narancia standing half behind it.
He immediately covers his face from accidentally catching you too kissing. “I didn't see anything!”
The last few days you spent a good chunk of the night awake with Bruno and Narancia. The bee’s sleep schedule had become even more irregular than before, much to Bruno’s frustration. Some days he would sleep straight through the night and be awake throughout the majority of the day, but overall he seemed to prefer being active at night. This definitely worked better in Bruno’s favor but the moth was still set on correcting it. He was even willing to lose sleep for himself if it meant Narancia was sleeping properly, so you decide to help. When the bee decided he wanted to be awake during the day you would spend time with him so Bruno could rest.
Today was one of those days. It was early morning and you and your mate were sleeping when Narancia came into the room and roused both of you. You tell Bruno to go back to sleep as you get up to keep an eye on the bee.
Once you and Narancia are in the main room, you do your best to entertain the energetic bug by playing along with him and his toys. It takes a while but he seems to wind down and wants to do things that require less movement.
You use this opportunity to pull out your lacy work in progress and continue working on it while Narancia keeps himself busy next to you with the cloth scraps you gave him. You’ve kept the patterns in the lace simple so at this point, you’ve finished the front of the shirt. And you plan to mainly use solid silk cloth for the back to save time. Now all that was left was the sleeves and currently you were in the middle of the 2nd one. It hasn't been easy working on this out of sight of Bruno but you were making good progress, even when you would miss a stitch and would have to backtrack.
You and Narancia talk about random topics when he suddenly speaks in a way that shows he wants to reveal a secret.
“Don't tell Papa I tol’ you this bu’ if you want to be sneaky pu’ a lantern in his face.”
Your eyes widen but he continues playing like he didn’t just tell you something absolutely wild.
“Narancia that’s so….smart.”
“Yea, one of my friends tol’ me!”
“Was--Was it Mista?”
The bee shakes his head. “No someone else. He’s a ladybug”
What type of friends are you making?
“Papa’s gonna be mad after so it's only in--Like if you wanna sneak for food.”
“....You really like to honey huh?”
The bee nods trying to organize the various cloth scraps you had given him. Well he was organizing it but now he seems to be separating the ones he likes from the ones he doesn’t. He wanted to sew too but there was no way you were handing him your needles or scissors.
“Honey is good.”
You partially turn your attention back to your lace. “I agree.”
“….Can I eat now?”
“But you ate ice cream not that long ago...”
Narancia pouts and you give in immediately. You weren’t immune to it like Bruno was. Or perhaps he was just a little more strict than you.
You pick up and take the bee to the kitchen. Once you sit him down at the table, you go into the pantry to grab a jar of honey and pour enough for a quick snack into a small cup for Narancia.
The moment you put it in front of him, it takes a very short time before he manages to get it in his fur.
Oh no...
Once he finishes, you find small cloths and wet them with water so you can clean him up. While you try to get the sticky substance out his fur, you think about how all the jars of honey are put on shelves out of reach for Narancia. And the only way he could get to it is if he climbs. What he told you earlier starts to nip at the back of your thoughts until you can no longer ignore it.
He stops wiping his hands with the cloth you gave him and looks at you. “Huh?”
“Remember when you told me about sticking a lantern in Bruno’s face?”
He nods.
You finally manage to get out the honey he somehow got in the fur at the back of his neck and place the soiled cloth down. “Even though it’s pretty clever, you shouldn't listen to your friend. What if you get hurt while Bruno’s distracted?”
He looks a bit surprised by that. “...Oh. I didn’ think abou’ that.”
“That's fine, but you know better now right?”
The bee nods.
Once the bee and the dishes are cleaned up you head back into the main room to keep yourselves busy. By the time Bruno wakes up in the late afternoon, Narancia is trying to teach you a dance he made.
When he sees him, Narancia runs up to Bruno and the moth lifts him up into his arms.
“Papa can’t dance!” he suddenly exclaims.
Bruno seems so graceful in almost everything he does, so that’s a shock to you.
“Two left feet, huh?”
Bruno seems reluctant to answer but nods.
“Dont tell ____ all my flaws Narancia.”
The bee just giggles. “Okay Papa. Can we go outside?”
“This late?” you ask, a bit hesitant about the idea.
It wasn’t completely dark yet but it was most definitely freezing out there so you weren't exactly up for it. But you know you couldn't say no to the bee so you look at Bruno and expect him to say it for you but he nods instead.
“We could set up lanterns outside…”
Your brows furrow slightly. Maybe the moth wasn’t as strict as you thought.
Narancia smiles and begins squirming until Bruno puts him down.
“I can help pu’ the lanterns!” he exclaims and immediately runs out of the room.
You look at Bruno. “You don't expect me to go out there right?”
“It’ll be fun amore.” Bruno wraps his arms around you, “And I can keep you warm if it’s too much for you.”
You try to keep a stern face but end up grinning instead. “You’ve perhaps convinced me...”
Before Bruno can reply, Narancia runs back into the room with a lantern in hand but Bruno stops him from running outside.
“You need to dress up properly Narancia.”
“Oh right.”
Narnacia hands the lantern over to Bruno and he runs back out of the room. The moth then places the lantern down near the door.
“I’m going to go help him,” he say.s
“I’ll go get dressed too.”
You both leave the room--you to your shared room and Bruno to Narancia’s.
Even though you were still a little reluctant, you had to admit that you did have fun every time you went out with Narancia and Bruno.
You take your time layering up and make sure you're warm enough before finally heading outside.
There’s multiple lanterns placed around, lighting the surrounding area in a white glow, and Bruno and Narancia are already playing in the snow together.
You stand a bit back not too keen on getting in on the chilly action just yet and walk around inspecting the various snowbugs instead. They were still standing strong and you hoped they would last the rest of Winter.
While you adjust the knitted, red hat on ‘Mista’ you're suddenly hit with harsh coldness in the middle of your back.
You turn around and Narancia is stifling a laugh while Bruno stares at you “innocently”.
You silently crouch and gather some snow in your hands, shaping it into a sphere and shoot back up to throw it at the moth. Unfortunately, he manages to dodge. However, you're not letting him get away and quickly start making another. The moth is already launching another at you by the time you finish though and you lose your balance and land on your ass.
Narancia looks hesitantly between the two of you before running in your direction.
“I’ll help you ____!” he exclaims.
“You’re turning my son against me mio amor? Very rude.”
You smirk, “You’re the one who started it!”
The three of you fight a very intense snowball battle, and you even manage to get your mate in the face. But you can't blame him for not being able to dodge that when it was one against two.
“Okay, I surrender.” The moth raises a pair of his hands in the air.
You make sure he doesn't have any snowballs in the other pair before telling Narancia to stand down.
“Whew! I thought you’d never give up,” you say
“I usually wouldn't but I know how persistent you are. And fighting off two insects is harder than I make it look.”
Narancia walks up to Bruno, reaching out so he’ll pick him up.
“Sorry Papa for turning against you bu’ ____ wouldn’ stand a chance alone!”
You almost feel insulted. Almost.
You watch the bee press his face into Bruno’s neck fur to try to warm up, and you have to keep yourself from verbally cooing.
“Had fun?” Bruno asks.
“Yes. Now I’m hungry.” The words come out muffled through Bruno’s fur.
“Okay, let's go inside ____ and warm up.
The moth immediately takes the bee to his room, and you head into the kitchen. All that movement made you thirsty and one drink wouldn't hurt.
You look at the jar you pulled out of the pantry and instead of pouring it into a cup you down it all straight from the jar.
Just one drink.
“What are you doing?”
The jar almost goes flying out of your hands. You didn’t expect the moth to be done with Narancia that quickly.
“I--I’ve been caught.”
Bruno shakes his head at you. “How do you get through Winter when you drink like that?”
“Depends. I usually start off pretty strong, but sometimes I have to go to Abby for food once Winter starts to wrap up and the flowers haven’t woken up yet.”
Bruno’s lips twitch into a smile.
“Come on, it's not that funny.”
You sigh and lean against him and he immediately wraps his arms around you. He had changed and was down to the usual off white sweater but he still felt warmer compared to you.
The both of you stand there for a moment silently enjoying each other's company. But eventually Narancia wanders in. His hair sticks up even more wildly from changing out of his Winter attire.
“Papa you said you were gettin me honey…”
“Right. I’ll get it now.”
You frown slightly when the moth pulls away from you, taking his warmth with him, to go get Narancia’s food from the pantry.
Feeding Narancia is as messy as usual and you watch amused as Bruno tries to keep him from getting it in either his or the moth’s hair or fur. Fortunately, as Narancia eats he becomes less energetic. And by the time he finishes, he looks like he's going to fall asleep in his seat. Bruno cleans his son's face and picks him up.
“I’m going to put him to bed,” he says to you.
”I’m not tired…” Narancia sighs.
Bruno rubs the bee’s back as he leaves the kitchen. “Sure.”
You also decide to head to bed since you were quite exhausted too. Once you enter Bruno’s room you change out of everything except one extra layer on. The snow had chilled you and you and you didn't want to remove too much.
You then lay down in the middle of the bed on your stomach. You're there alone for a while and you're pretty sure you hear the front door open multiple times before Bruno comes into the room.
You hear him getting ready for bed and then the side of the bed dips.
“____ move over.”
A moment passes and then weight settles on top of you.
“Okay good night mio amor.”
At first you find it quite comforting but then quickly realize that you can’t move easily like this and that Bruno wasn’t planning on moving until you told him to.
“Wait, wait, get off of me, I'll move.”
“I’m sorry I was kidding!”
Bruno chuckles close to your ear and you feel your face and neck warm up before he gets up. You purse your lips at him but end up laughing and move so he can have more room.
“I’m sure you could have found space on this big bed even if I was in the middle,” you say.
The moth settles down next to you. “Yes because I want to sleep in a weird position.”
You immediately cuddle up to him seeking out his usual warmth, before pressing a kiss to his cheek and softly smiles.
“Hey...” you say.
“Your breath smells like honey.”
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swaggydaisy · 3 years
little ways you can save the environment
 It makes me so gosh dang sad and terrified for the future because of what’s happening to our planet today. I wanted to make this blog because I know there’s at least something on here that you can do. DO ME A FAVOR YALL AND SHARE THIS PLEASE!! It takes one person to make a HUGE impact and it takes so much more to help save our planet. Here’s a list of ideas that you can do that will make a beautiful contribution to mother earth. :) Feel free to add on in the comments if you have any ideas!
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So I don’t know if you guys noticed but there are less and less bees each year for some reason. I’ve done some research and you guessed it... it’s because of us. Lots of pesticides, global warming, and droughts are causing the bees to disappear. Bees are necessary for plant life because they distribute pollen and help produce 90% of our foods. No bees= no food. 
What can you do to help:
-PLANT SOME FLOWERS BABY. Attract bees by planting flowers that produce nectar and helping them provide a food source year round! check out this page to know what kind of flowers you can grow. 
-GO ORGANIC. Pesticides are making bees super sick and humans too. Next time you’re going grocery shopping, try finding organic items. It seriously makes a difference.
-DANDELIONS AND CLOVERS IN YOUR BACKYARD. Don’t pull them out! Bees love those.
-DONATE AND SUPPORT! Help beekeepers by buying their beeswax products, (soaps, lotions, and candles) and buy organic or local honey!! If you wanna know how else to save our honeybees, here’s a link: https://thebeeconservancy.org/10-ways-to-save-the-bees/
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Now I know that pollution has become a regular thing and people don’t care about it so much, but uh first of all you should. Pollution is the reason why for global warming, which is destroying a bunch of habitats for a bunch of animals necessary for the food chain and possibly human life. And it also sucks breathing in disgusting air that causes other health issues. Alrighty let’s start this list. 
-LESS DRIVING AND MORE WALKING. I know, cliche. If you need to visit your neighbor, literally walk it. If you need to be somewhere less than a mile, walk it. Or bike it. hover board it. skate board it. scooter it. The less driving you do, the less carbon dioxide emits to the air and less greenhouse gases the earth traps. And more exercise baby.
-PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. Buses, carpooling, and trains helps reduce air pollution!
-SHOP WISELY. Next time when you go to the store ask yourself this: Do I need it? Are there better options than this item? (like “100% made from recyclable blah blah”) Cause if you’re going to end up throwing this item away, then you’ll create more waste which emits more CO2 in the air.
- TURN OFF LIGHTS OR USE SOLAR PANELS. this is pretty self explanatory.
-PLANTS. Now instead of saying plant trees, cause it’s lowkey kind of unrealistic for some people including me to plant a whole dang tree in my yard, I’m going to simply say plant plants that absorb air pollution. Here’s a link for some ideas of which plants you can buy:
ECOSIA. Orrrr if you still wanna plant trees you can download this extension & app called Ecosia! It’s basically like google but so much better. Basically it makes money off ads when you search something up.  And here’s the awesome part, every 45 searches they PLANT A WHOLE DANG TREE. Not only you’re helping the environment, but you are helping people who are in third world countries or live in extreme environments where its hard to find food, good water, education, and jobs. Ecosia supports all of that. DOWNLOAD IT YALL!!! I’ve planted probably about like 5 trees!
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This is probably one of my biggest concerns. We create and throw away SO much plastic. Okay story time. literally a year ago, i was hiking with my friends and we sat down on this bench. We saw this like tiny chipmunk probably the size of my hand and he was running towards this huge grocery walmart plastic bag. And all of a sudden he shoves that whole entire bag into his mouth and we sat there with our mouths wide open. It was kind of tragic and that chipmunk probably died. And there’s a bunch of animals that consume plastic and die because they are trapped in plastic. Anyways there’s a bunch of ways that we can reduce plastic use, so let’s get on with it.
RECYCLE. Imma say it over and over again. Recycle, recycle, recycle. A lot of plastics have recycling labels on them, so recycle them as much as you can!
PICK UP YOUR JUNK. If you litter, you better change your ways my dude. If that piece of garbage travels somewhere and an animal finds it, what is the likelihood that they will eat it or get stuck in it? That’s not the only case of course, but your trash also emits CO2. Also remember this if you see any garbage that’s not yours, pick it up. It may not be your junk, but it is your planet. 
 BUY A REUSABLE WATER BOTTLE. If you guys can’t remember anything else, PLEASE REMEMBER THIS! There is more than 8 million TONS of plastic water bottles are in our oceans. An average person uses 167 water bottles per year. That is unacceptable my dudes. As you may know, plastic don’t break down easily but instead turns into micro plastic items that animals consume.  It causes starvation, and kills animals. So buy a reusable water bottle. I’ve noticed that when I have a water bottle, I drink more water and save more money. If there’s ever a chance you forget a water bottle and need a plastic one, try reusing it as much as possible.  
SHOPPING FOR REUSABLE AND COMPOSTABLE PRODUCTS. I’m probably going to make another post for this, cause the list is getting long. There’s a lot of eco-safe options to reduce plastic. Like toothbrushes, tooth paste, and toiletries. 
BEACH CLEAN UPS. If you live next to a beach, try researching about ways you can help your beach, or bring your friends to help clean the beach up. You can also help by donating to beach cleanups!
Now don’t get my wrong, I love meat and dairy. But it’s also important that we don’t eat too much meat, cause meat and dairy emits a lottt of greenhouse gases. Transportation of this food, producing it, and then wasting it is a no no for mother nature. 
LIMIT YOUR MEAT AND DAIRY INTAKE. I’m not saying become vegan and vegetarian. Like honey, keep eating meat and dairy! It can be good for you. But maybe have a plan like oh I’m only going to eat meat twice a week now instead of everyday of the week. Or try being more considerate of a healthier diet.
Now, there are some arguments of whether sunscreen is affecting our coral reefs or not. But it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Studies have shown that there are chemicals called titanium dioxide, oxybenzon, octinoxate, and others are harmful to humans and coral reefs. It bleaches the corals into this ugly gray color. Coral reefs are essential to ocean life, and it’s gonna suck if the ocean is dead. 
WHAT TO LOOK FOR. Try finding sunscreens that say “Reef safe” or “reef friendly” sunscreens. sunscreens such as Coppertone, equate, and sunbum are NOT safe. Mineral sunscreens ( i don’t tend to like them cause of the white cast) and banana boat are safe. You can research this more if you want! 
okay there are plenty of ways that you can do to help the environment, but these are some of the ideas. I hope this encourages you than overwhelm you. You don’t have to be perfectly zero waste or feel the need to do all of this. We’re never going to be perfect but we can be and do better. Share this please! Please consider doing at least 1 or 2 of these. Because YOU can make a HUGE difference to our world. 
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virtualcarrot · 4 years
just saw your new followers post and tho ive been following you forever, i saw the pro animal rights/anti mocking animal rights activistst/veg bit and was curious where you fell on the honey/wool debate on that. (if this is too spicy a topic for you, feel free to ignore, i know it can be contentious for some and i dont want to invite you any trouble)
No worries. The fact is, I haven’t researched this, specifically, at length. I’ve read nonsensical tumblr reblogs on the subject, read better sourced and informed ones, discussed it and shared a couple of articles on the subject with a more educated friend, and that’s it. Thus, I won’t pretend that my thoughts are Word of Law and Truth. I’ll instead preface the following with: this is, absolutely 100% my opinion. I invite anyone reading, whether hey agree or disagree, to look into this further if they’re curious and not use this as sole basis for their own opinion. And not to believe the first blog who’ll comment on these subjects without sourcing their statements.
(or to just. not have an opinion. People are absolutely 100% allowed to say “meh, I’m not informed enough to have an opinion on this” and I absolutely encourage anyone to do so, on any subject, if they’re actually uniformed. It’s not a weakness and it should be the norm)
Here are my current thoughts on the honey/wool debate (note that I’ll use a generic “you”):
if people don’t want to eat honey or buy wool? Good on them, leave them be. Don’t act all high and mighty and try to guilt them (which I have actually seen, repeatedly, in uppity posts) for it. They’re not gonna force themselves to buy a product they have no interest in. .
I often see #NotAllFarmers type arguments as an excuse to wave away the issues being raised. When you tell vegans to live and let live because they’re harming smallscale producers with their questions, you’re being disingenuous. First of all, about half of our worldwide food is produced by industrialized farms. Secondly, a farm being a “small” family industry doesn’t make it magically free of reproach. And thirdly, that is an absurdly classist argument seeing as most people do live in cities in what we call the “western” world (here’s a source for the US) where they don’t have access to “farmers markets” (which are often more expensive anyway by virtue of, you know, being more niche). .
Honey: listen, I’ll be honest and remind that my knowledge is in passing. I do know that many honey farms feed bees a substitute to honey made out of sugar instead of leaving them free to feed only on the honey they produce and nectar they harvest. This is something vegans oppose, since they consider honey to be the fruit of the bees’ labor that we have no business taking and replacing. I also know that bees will get crushed, no matter how involuntarily, in the process of getting the honey. And that, as with all current productivist domestication trends, breeding selection has made them more sensitive to diseases and pests. .
I, myself, still eat honey. Rarely, more because it’s not in my habit than anything else, but I do. This isn’t one of my personal fights. This is one of those situations where I claim neutrality. Still, that doesn’t mean I don’t scream on the inside when I see people mocking those oh-so-evil vegans with “BuT WhAt AbOuT ThE HonEy” rhetoric because it’s crap argumentation and the vegan movement has very real reasons for concern. .
Wool: Oh pal, this is one I actually know less about. I’ve seen pretty appalling videos of shearing, and just as appalling video of industrial sheep raising (though I don’t know for sure that they were being raised for their wool). I also know that, again, domestication has made these animals dependent on human intervention because they can’t shed the wool they produce in absolute excess. The wool industry also shares the same carbon print issues as the meat industry. Especially since these wool-producing sheep end up being slaughtered anyway. You gotta feed and water these animals, and the cheapest feed is often imported from the other side of the world (that soy being grown in appalling conditions on land taken from the Amazonian forest? it’s not there to feed vegans and vegetarians it’s animal feed). 
And now let us all share a thought for the people telling veg*ans off for eating soja while happily cutting into their own common steak.
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