#if i had to put words to this it'd be like
serevena · 13 hours
please, please, please!
Dealer!ellie williams x fem!reader
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a.n - this is inspired by please please please by Sabrina carpenter!! All of my fics have been written after a song at some point in time so here's this! My writing is dusty, im well aware..this is my comeback..happy pride month, babies!
warnings - provocative language, allusions to sex, mentions of jail, light touching, toxic!ellie (?), not proofread!
I beg you, don't embarrass me motherfucker.
"Who are you to the inmate?"
Her partner. In crime, you guessed?
Ellie got busted. Again. And as you leaned against the car after chatting with the officer, you heard the gate open and saw a familiar and somewhat annoying smile. It made you feel an aray of emotion, none nice. Maybe. Did you enjoy picking your girlfriend up from jail for the fifth time? That was a question left to be unanswered as you rolled your eyes and got off of the car, hopping into the driver's seat.
It was like a never-ending cycle to the point where no words had to be said, she knew the routine, as did you.
You sighed as the words of every mouth around you spoke that you didn't have good taste, good judgment, that you were wasting your time.
You hoped she didn't prove them right.
Ellie sat in the passenger seat, turning her head to you as she tossed her bag to the back. You put your finger on your temple and turned to her, unamused. She only had a light smile on her face.
"I'm sorry."
Oh. You were relatively appreciative but didn't show it. You were still mad at her and didn't wanna let her in like that too soon.
You stepped on the gas, trying not to think about what everyone else had to say. Maybe you should just say say things didn't work out. That way you wouldn't be scolded any longer. It'd be easier.
But, there was one thing you barely liked to admit to yourself,
You loved Ellie.
You didn't want to sometimes, but you can't help the way you feel. She frustrated you, but you found yourself there. In that same parking lot, on that same car. Every. Single. Time.
"It won't happen again." She went on, the slight thought popping up in her head that if she did get caught again, you'd be there. She knew that. But she pushed it down, glancing over to you and as for yourself, her words went through one ear, and out the other.
You felt her cold fingertips trace your skin, spelling out ‘S O R R Y’ as you stared at the ceiling fan. It was so nice. Maybe instead of going out and getting involved in the very thing that landed her behind that cell, she could just stare at it. Anything to get her to stay free.
You turned to her, her hand now on your hip as her thumb rubbed it, and you only gave her a small smirk. “Don’t make me hate you.” You muttered as her hand dipped slightly slower.
“I’ll try.”
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“Ellie.” You said as you quickly tried to catch up to her. “Ellie!”
“I’ll be quick, promise.” She muttered, giving you a reassuring look before squeezing your hand before going into a room near the toilets of the bar. You stood there like an idiot, crossing your arms and remembering to straighten your posture. “Fuck.” You muttered under your breath.
And then you heard a shatter! Mixed with a few groans. “Fuck!” You yelled out, rushing into the room to see Ellie getting into a full on brawl with some of the people there. She quickly catches your eye and gestures towards the exit. This was a common occurrence, but this was a new bar, a new room with new people. What the hell were you expecting?
You both quickly run out as you start the car and begin backing up, seeing some of the people through the windows. You floored it out of there, gripping the steering wheel so hard like you’d done plenty of times before. You were sure there were imprints on it now. Ellie stood quiet, knowing you didn’t wanna hear it, she only winced sometimes as she touched her eye, which you could see was already forming a bruise. You rolled your eyes and drove to a different location that sure as hell wasn’t your house.
Ellie was somewhat alarmed. The thought that you might throw her out or kill her crossed her mind, but what the fuck? She knew you better than that. You would never, so she brushed that off too.
You drove up to a cliff, also known as the place Ellie and you had your first date. You got out of the car, practically slamming the door as you sat on the hood of your car, your legs dangling as your car lights flickered ever so slightly. Your eyes were glued to the moon.
And even though Ellie was in pain, she couldn’t deny that view. She couldn’t deny you.
You felt the car shake, the door close, and you heard her footsteps rub against the soil sole of her boot. You felt her hand find it’s way to your thigh as she looked at you.
“That..wasn’t supposed to happen like that.”
Your gaze continued to be fixated on the moon, but you had to look at her eventually, so you did.
“It shouldn’t have happened at all, Ellie.” You scolded, and her touch only became more gentle on your thigh.
“It won’t again. I love you.” She spoke.
You rolled your eyes, knowing it would.
You smiled and when you did, so did she. You leaned into her, cupping her cheeks as you softly kissed her.
I beg you..
“Don’t embarrass me, motherfucker.”
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kleinv01 · 2 days
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A = Affection ... Yael is very affectionate, and quite the romantic. however he needs time to feel comfortable in even showing them. especially when he's still unsure about how you feel about him (more so when there's no actual 'status' between you two)- he worries a little too much about this.
his big 3 love languages are gift gifting, quality time and acts of service. time is most valuable to him, and to believe that you're willing to spend time with him together makes him the happiest. he really just appreciates you being w him ^^
B = Best friend ... he's always the dad or mom friend in his group. he takes care of the others and is always there for his friends to help them out. though, he can be a little bit of a people pleaser sometimes. (cannonically, MC and yael started being friends because MC picked up one of his missing romance novel when they were still students lol)
C = Cuddles ... yael loves to cuddle. and would rather be the big spoon- for one reason, he likes feeling like he's protecting you in his arms. but if you prefer the other way- he would gladly oblige as well. he'd find your heartbeat calming. he's very gentle about it, always asking you in that familiar sheepish tone of his, whether it's okay to touch this or touch that
D = Domestic ... he's certified malewife duh /silly . he can cook, clean, very well. and if he's not good at something? he'll try to learn it for you, for his family's comfort
getting married with his loved one, living under the same roof and to raise children together is a dream come true for him
E = Ending ... no arguments, no raised voice, just a calm, mature conversation between you and him. if Yael were to break up with you, he must've had an extremely strong reason to do so. even then, it would be a very, very heavy thing for him to say.
F = Fiance(e) ... you have no idea how much yael LOVES being committed to the one he loves but also, he's not one to rush things. Yael likes to be able to decide things on his own pace. but of course, he'd love to be able to get married with his dearest!
G = Gentle ... he's always been gentle to the people around him. maybe even more so towards you.
H = Hugs ... he does! Yael would often ask for your permission first before hugging you. exceptions being- an excited Yael suddenly pulls you into his tight embrace. lasts for a few seconds or so before he pulls away, flustered, apologizing for doing so. his hug would feel warm and comforting, and you can always smell a faint scent of his perfume whenever he does it.
I = I love you ... it takes a while for him to say such things, as he considers it a really strong word to declare.
J = Jealousy ... Yael doesn't get jealous often. he puts trust in you and the relationship you have with him, although at the rare occasion of him getting actually jealous, he'll try to speak to you about it if it really becomes a bother for him, but most of the time, he'll deal with it himself. he knows jealousy isn't good.
K = Kisses ... very gentle yet shy kisses! Yael likes to kiss your knuckles, forehead, top of your head and cheek the most. he likes lip kisses as well, but it'd take him a little while for him to initiate it- not because he doesn't like it, he's just very nervous. ;; Yael himself likes to be kissed on the same spots.
L = Little ones ... he's good with children, even trusted by some parents in the daycare he works at to do some babysitting for their children. children likes him too!
M = Morning ... Yael wakes up early. (it's a habit lol he can't help it) if you're willing to join him, he'll go on a little jog with you, then cook you breakfast (or cook together) then eat with him <3 or he can also bring you breakfast in bed, jokingly bows down before you and say "today's breakfast, my princess/prince/your highness" then laughs at himself as his ears turns red from embarrassment LOL
N = Night ... Yael likes to read, so you'd often find him reading books before bed. sometimes he gets too caught up in it and stays up a bit later. but just bonk his head and he'll set the book aside to sleep with you. if you're willing to read with him, though, he'd melt on the spot
O = Open ... it might take him a lot of time to be able to do so. and would rather prefer reveal things slowly, at his own pace!
P = Patience ... it takes a lot to anger him. yael also doesn't like the feeling of being angry (if that makes sense). even if he's angry, he wouldn't raise his voice, and try not to let his anger get the best of him.
it had slipped a couple times before, of course, and he always feel bad right after. and apologizes. he rarely gets angry.
Q = Quizzes ... a lot! he's very attentive and thoughtful about you. he doesn't forget things often.
R = Remember ... first meeting, and when you two first started talking again after a bit of strain in the friendship. (assuming in this post you choose yael-focused route)
he's happy to be able to talk to you again...
S = Security ... yael trusts that you can protect yourself, but that doesn't stop himself from being protective of you. he shows it in little ways, checking up on you when he knows you're out late, or offering a ride home. when walking down the street together, Yael might insist on walking on the side closest to the road to shield you from traffic- so on.
T = Try ... lots, lots of effort. and preparation. and research, to make sure you'd enjoy yourself- and, most importantly, make you feel loved in each date with him. you're willing to spend your time with him, so in exchange, he wants to make it worth while
U = Ugly ... being a little too critical of himself. he always wants to do his best in everything, though sometimes it results in him worrying over it more than he likes to-
V = Vanity ... quite a bit. it's one of the reason why he maintains a diet and workout routine, although mainly for health reasons. also, yael often thinks about changing his hairstyle because he doesn't really like how it looks- but never get around to decide what style would suit him better.
W = Whole ... he would, but also, he would be able to understand. if you choose someone else over him- he'd at least still want to be your friend, just so he could keep supporting you whenever you'd need~
X = Xtra ... due to his fear of heights, he once teared up when riding a cable car with friends on a trip. he was eternally grateful that no one notices it. LOL
Y = Yuck ... he doesn't like food with strong taste, also strong scents!
Z = Zzz ... sleeping on his side, hugging a pillow... also, yael collects some animal plush. he keeps a rabbit one near him, a memory of his childhood. he also listens to music a lot, and would often fall asleep with his earphones still attached to his ears.
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auncyen · 2 days
Jouvente's most awkward lunch is finally underway.
"So you're still traveling around, huh?"
"Any special reason you're in Jouvente?" you ask, and try not to get your hopes up.
Siffrin doesn't answer for a beat, cutting off another small piece of the croque-madame he ordered after you reassured them that you were going to pay and didn't mind. The poached egg yolk oozes over the ham and cheese sandwich; Sif moves his fork around to sweep the few drops that run down to the plate back up on the bread. "Um. I...wanted to look for jobs."
Oof. Feels like your hopes got up without your permission. It's fine, they've been put back in place. "Oh! That's right, you used to do odd jobs, right? Any luck?"
"It's going alright! So...what about you? With the..." Siffrin trails off, their brow furrowing in a frustration all too familiar to you. You quickly finish chewing through the broccoli and egg in your mouth to bail them out.
"With the tailoring? Well, I could say it's only sew-sew, but actually, I'm really enjoying it!"
Okay, you had to wedge that pun in there, but still, you thought it'd get a smile out of Sif, maybe a chuckle. Instead, Siffrin looks confused before giving you a smile best described as 'polite'. Sure, his mouth turns up and all, but you don't think he got it in the slightest. "That's good!"
...Probably your mistake for going for sewing puns right after they forgot the word for your work. Yep. Move on, Isabeau. "Yeah! I really lucked out--the store was owned by a seamstress who's retiring. Well, still is owned, but we've got a contract for me buying the store from her. She already moved out to live with her bonded partners, but she stops in twice a week to teach me what I still need to learn about making clothes."
Sif...nods, encouraging you to go on.
"She's cool! She pretty much worked as a seamstress all her life, so she really knows her stuff. Tells me right away when I'm making a design way more work than it should be." Sometimes all the fiddling details were necessary, but other times, you could get the right effect a simpler way.
Siffrin nods, still smiling politely.
Huh. You scoop up another bite of your quiche as an excuse not to talk for a minute, noting that Sif goes for another cut piece of croque-madame at the same time. You never thought a lunch with Sif could be awkward, but...
Boy, is this awkward!
Why is it awkward? You and Siffrin were thick as thieves during your adventure. Sure, it's been a while, you couldn't expect things to be the same right off the bat, but...
“M’dame Odile and Mira will be glad to hear you’re doing okay.”
Siffrin nods. Then he looks confused. Then...you're not sure what that expression is.  “Wait, are they here too?  In Jouvente?”
“No, no, but we’ve been writing!  The last letter was a week ago, they were going to see...aha, apparently there's a play about Mirabelle? She said it was embarrassing, but she and Odile were too curious not to go. Hopefully they liked it!" You weren't all that curious yourself. After all, you'd already lived the adventure. You knew the real story, the real Mirabelle! You hoped the play portrayed her and everyone else well, but you were pretty sure there was no way they had all the details.
Also...you had a bad feeling you were probably portrayed as a jock through and through. Since that was how you acted. You could picture the cast: determined Mirabelle, leading the way; clever Odile, strategizing against hordes of Sadnesses and then the King himself; fun-loving Sif, raising everyone's spirits with jokes and protecting them from traps; brave Bonnie, keeping everyone healthy with good food; ...meathead Isabeau, whose good point was being too dumb to fear the danger.
You're jolted out of that extremely unhelpful thought by Siffrin's next question. “They’re traveling…together?”
...That's a weird tone. “Housemaidens usually go on at least one pilgrimage, not sure if you knew that.  Since M’dame was interested in seeing a little of what Vaugarde's like when it's normal, Mira asked her if they could travel together. So they spent a few months in Vaugarde, and right now they're in Poteria. I think they're planning on Lichtland next? Eventually they'll get to Ka Bue, but it sounded like both of them planned on taking their time.“
Sif's brow is furrowed again as he looks down at his plate. Is he jealous? You were jealous too when you found out. But you get it! Of course Mira and M'dame didn't ask you. You were busy being a sad sack about Siffrin. Well, and even without that, why should they have invited you? It was their trip. Not like you had a good reason to tag along, just...
It would have been nice to.
You can't complain--Jouvente's been good to you. You were the guest of honor at a party hosted by the city, your family is so proud of you (though you know Guy is just happy to boast that he's a Savior's sibling to his partner of the week, which keeps making you secondguess how sincere everyone else is when they reach out to you), the neighbors in your new place have been warm and friendly, you got to start on designing clothes so much faster than you thought you would.
You just miss Mira and Odile a whole lot. You miss Bonbon. You miss what you had with Siffrin, because everything about this lunch feels so off, and at this point you have to ask.
"Sif...you are doing okay, right?"
They immediately smile brightly enough that their eye closes. "Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?"
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dazlyndiariess · 2 days
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❝synopsis❞ ‣ Jill could never accept your love, not because she didn't love you but because you were a woman... and she could never let herself love a woman... not like that.
・❥・PAIRING(S) › Jill Valentine x FEM ! Reader
・❥・GENRE(S) › Angst , Rejection , Sapphic story.
・❥・WARNING(S) › Again, it is a very rushed piece, but I am desperately going to try and get better and put a lot more effort into my writing, specifically this blog! I also suck at ending fics, so I'm sorry!
・❥・POST DATE ›  09 / 06 / 24
❝featuring❞ ‣ N/A . . .
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"I love you!"
"No, you don't."
Jill hastily turned her back towards you, refusing to meet your, presumably, heartbroken state. Sharply rejecting your confession of love didn't make Jill feel the way she thought it would've; She had hoped she'd feel… good. After all, she would've saved you from a relationship that couldn’t make you happy! It'd be horrible for her and you. Now, however, Jill felt anything but. In fact, Jill felt almost miserable for declining your affection. The wallowing swell of regret already began to stir in the pit of her stomach, churning in disgust at her actions.
"Why do you run away from love?" You yelled to Jill's clothed back, "Why are you so afraid of vunerability?" Each word strained in your throat, tears threatened to spill from your already glossy eyes. "Please, Jill... Let me love you."
"I can't." Wisps of brown hair blew in the small, spring breeze. "I won't let you stand here and spend the rest of your life miserable because I can't give you the life you deserve!" Luckily, Jill finally turned on her heel to face your broken face, although she regretted it the minute she did.
"You could never make me miserable, Jill!" Answering her, your brows creased, and you stupidly let a tear slip from your eye.
"You will find someone who can give you so much more than me: a house you can call yours and a family. I can't give you that! I wouldn't even be able to promise you I'd make it home alive!"
"I don't care! I don't... As long as I have you, for as little or as long time the universe will let us! I'd live my life the happiest knowing I got to have you." To no avril, you take a cautious step closer towards the brunette, "My feelings for you—"
"—Will pass." Jill was quick to cut off your next words sharply, almost cruelly. "They'll pass, Y/n."
The muscled woman took her first step away from the situation, her heavy black boot carrying the guilt she held so miserably on her shoulders.
"Jill! Please, don't do this." You hastily reached for her wrist, clutching it in your hand. "You told me you liked me! You said that you'd never find someone you'd ever like as much, so why now are you saying this."
Silence washed over the pair of you, the drops of water leaked from your eyes and landed on the concrete floor with a slap!
"You are so proud of being who you are. You've embraced and accepted that there is no changing who you are. You do not feel shame in showing affection to women, I do. That is why I'm doing this; you don't deserve to be hidden away because I am so guilty of what I love."
A quiet gasp slipped past your lips, lips Jill wished she could kiss without caring what others would think. Unfortunately, Jill could not think she'd ever achieved that. With one last look at your devasted face, Jill snatched her arm out of your warm hands grasp and let her feet shuffle far, far away from you.
No words could yell or scream for her to come back. You were too frozen in shock at her words. You couldn't even find it in you to look away from her as she slumped off. It had now gotten through to you. You could never have Jill, not because it was impossible but because Jill herself refused to accept her love for you or for any woman. Jill still believes she might, just might, find a man that could 'change' her and make her believe she was truly making it all up. Unfortunately for Jill, her mind will never forget the love she had for you. It was more than what you'd feel for a friend, but less that you would be a lover.
Maybe im another lifetime. Jill could love you without feeling the guilt or the shame of loving another woman.
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tizniz · 3 days
smutty sentence starter: Buck’s back hit against the wall as Eddie pinned his arms above his head.
send me a smutty drabble prompt if you want
Buck's back hit the wall as Eddie pinned his arms above his head.
"Holy fuck." Is all Buck manages to say before there's a mouth on his, kissing him roughly, Eddie's tongue thrusting in and licking into the back of Buck's mouth. And Buck let's him. His entire body goes slack, being held up by Eddie's very firm grip on his wrists. Buck wants to beg for him to hold on tighter. To leave bruises so Buck can always remember this. Eddie breaks the kiss, only to bite on Buck's bottom lip and tug, drawing a whine from Buck as he chases after that mouth, wanting more. "You need to be taught a lesson." Eddie mumbles, and Buck is distantly aware of Eddie's other hand working open the button and zipper of the jeans Buck had selected for tonight. Dark ones that hugged his almost non existent ass very nicely. They stretched over his thighs too, tight enough that he sometimes worried they'd rip. "D-do I?" Buck pants, his head thumping backwards when calloused fingers wrap around his cock. "Oh, shit. Eddie. Eddie." "Acting like such a fucking tease all night." Eddie pays his words no attention, taking what he wants without regard to Buck, and it makes Buck shiver. "Teasing me all fucking night." Well, he's not wrong. He had been putting on a show for Eddie. But Buck hadn't honestly thought it'd work. And yet, here he was, with Eddie's hand stripping his cock with a pace that is making Buck's head spin. "Pl-please," Buck arches his back, presses against the hand holding his wrists, only for Eddie to grip tighter, causing Buck to whine once more. It feels so good. "This is mine." Eddie bites his bottom lip again. "No one elses." "Yes. Yes. Yes." Buck agrees, thrusting just as hard back into the hand. "Oh, fuck, Eddie. I'm gonna...gonna..." His mouth drops open as he moans, feeling himself come all over Eddie's hand.
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just-a-mod · 2 months
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todays art prompt : plant
directly inspired by that one scene from OHSHC
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razzle-zazzle · 3 months
6561 Words; Between AU, TBT, JD's arrival
AO3 ver
“All right, Rhonda, we’re here.”
John Dory stepped away from the wheel as his armadillo-bus and main companion came to a stop at the edge of what he really hoped was the main settlement of the Pop Trolls. With a grunt, John Dory opened the door and hopped out, giving Rhonda’s side a small pat before heading towards where the pods were thickest.
It had taken him weeks to properly track this place down, and even longer to actually work up the courage to visit. If it wasn’t for Floyd’s letter, John Dory probably would have kept traveling for years, only ever thinking about Pop Village—or was it Trollstopia?—as a place on his map he could visit someday.
But now John Dory was here on a mission. He had a brother to save, and to do that, he’d need to track down all the rest of his brothers. Might as well start with the easiest—all he had from Spruce were unmarked postcards, he’d heard nothing from Clay at all, and Floyd was the brother in need of rescuing. Which left Bitty B, who up until a few months ago John Dory had been pretty sure was dead—but now wasn’t the time to think about that. John Dory had a baby brother to find.
As he made his way past pods and Trolls, tail nervously lashing behind him, John Dory took in the sights and sounds of a place that was all too familiar and all too alien all at once. It brought him back to his days in the tree, even though the community here was much more spread out. And it wasn’t just pods—John Dory could see all kinds of Trolls walking about, could see Country housing and Funk spaceships and even lights coming from within the larger bodies of water scattered about. And ooo, there were even Rock and Classical! Not exactly John Dory’s style, as a Pop Troll through and through, but it wasn’t as unsettling to see as John Dory had feared.
John Dory came to a stop before a large mushroom serving as a central pavilion, looking around. How in the world was he going to find Bitty B from here? He supposed he could ask around, use his natural charms to get the answers he needed, but… there were so many Trolls, all around, so much color and life and music going on that John Dory wanted to retreat back to the calm of Rhonda.
John Dory shook his head, dispelling his anxieties. What was he thinking? He had this in the bag! He used to be the leader of Brozone, of course he could handle a crowd.
With a laugh, John Dory launched himself up onto the mushroom, opening his mouth to start calling out for his brother—
“Oh, you’re new!” Pink filled his vision, darting in and out of his line of sight as an excited blur circled around and looked him over. “I’ve never seen you before, which is weird because I thought I knew everybody who lived here! Which means you must be new which means we haven’t gotten to know each other yet which means we get to get to know each other and become friends if you’re okay with that and oh my hair I forgot to ask your name!” None of the words were registering, coming out so fast that they all blurred together into an aural sludge that went right in one ear and out the other.
John Dory reflexively stepped back from the deluge of sheer energy coming off of what resolved itself to be a Troll, bright pink and bouncing excitedly. Her tail was whipping back and forth with a frenetic energy as she bounced in place, holding out her paw.
“I’m Poppy!” Poppy introduced herself. “And you are?” There was something so bright in her eyes, an energy that John Dory could only remember seeing in the happiest of Pop Trolls. Wow, he really had been on his own for a while, hadn’t he?
John Dory held out his paw to return the pawshake, but the moment he opened his mouth Poppy squealed again as recognition hit her, her eyes alight with vicious glee.
“Oh! My! HAIR! You’re from—you’re from BROZONE!” Poppy squealed again, clasping her paws together in excitement. “Oooo, but which one?” She pondered, leaning in to examine John Dory more closely. “No, don’t tell me! I wanna guess!” She hummed contemplatively, walking a slow circle around John Dory.
“You’re not the Heartthrob,” Poppy commented, the words hitting harder than John Dory was expecting. He could be a heartthrob! “The Fun Boy? No, you seem kinda uptight…”
“Weird thing to say about someone you just met,” John Dory commented, but Poppy continued to theorize.
“Definitely not the Sensitive One…” Poppy’s face lit up, “Oh, I know!” She cheered, certainty in her voice. “You’re John Dory!”
John Dory nodded. “The Leader—”
“The Old One!” Poppy finished, hopping up and down in place. Her paws were clasped together in excitement. “So what brings you to Trollstopia?”
John Dory’s tail was flat against the floor. Sure, he was in his forties, but barely! He wasn’t old! He still had so many decades left in him! He was in his prime!
“I’m here to find my brothers.” He said. “It’s…” Did he want to confide in Poppy about Floyd’s imprisonment? She certainly felt trustworthy, but this was more of a family issue.
“You brothers… the rest of Brozone?!” Poppy lit up, grabbing John Dory’s paw in her own to drag him from the mushroom pavilion. “Well, you’re asking the right Troll! I know everyone here!” She ran along, leaving John Dory little choice but to be dragged in her wake.
“Wait.” She came to an abrupt halt, “I don’t…” Her demeanor turned sheepish as she turned back to John Dory. “I don’t know anyone by the names of Spruce, Clay, Floyd, or Bitty B.” She admitted.
Well, that was a bust. John Dory shrugged. “‘S okay.” He nodded, stretching his arms up above his head. “I already know that Spruce isn’t here, and I know where Floyd is.” Something about Poppy’s words hit him, and he frowned. “You said Bitty B.” He pointed out. “But… would you happen to know a Troll who goes by Branch?” They had never used Bitty B’s full name in promotional material—he was just a baby, after all. It was safer that way.
“Branch…” Poppy’s face lit up with recognition. “I do!” She leapt up, “He never told me he had other brothers!” She gasped, “HE NEVER TOLD ME HE WAS IN BROZONE! Ohhh, I can’t believe this!” She ran in a tiny circle, tail waving wildly as she gestured with her paws.
“So you know where I can find him?” Oh, thank Troll. Now all John Dory needed was to find Bitty B’s pod, say hello to Grandma, and then they’d set out to find the rest. Easy.
Poppy nodded. “Yep!” She grabbed John Dory’s paw again. “It’s a few days’ travel by critterbug, though. Or just one day if I can get a caterbus…” Her tail flicked as she considered the options. John Dory swore he even heard her mutter about wormholes at one point.
“That’s… far.” John Dory frowned. He thought Bitty B would be living with the rest of the Pop Trolls, here in Trollstopia, not… wherever he was.
“I know the way, though.” Poppy assured him. “Just give me a little bit to get some things in order, and I can get you there!” Her tail curled behind her as she turned—
John Dory grabbed Poppy’s tail just below the hair. She froze, and he hurriedly let go. “No, wait, you said a few days by critterbug, right?” He laced his hands together and stretched his arms out in front of him, tail stretching behind him. “Rhonda could probably cover the same distance in an hour or two, tops.” Really, all he needed was the destination. He appreciated Poppy’s offer to come with, but, well—it was a family matter.
But Poppy kept following along as John Dory made his way back to his armadillo-bus. “Rhonda? Who’s that?”
John Dory picked up the pace. Poppy kept up easily.
“She must be really fast…” Poppy was theorizing, tapping her chin as she skipped along. “Oh! I bet she’s a bird, right? Birds can cover big distances fast!”
John Dory chuckled as he came to a stop. “Not quite.” He gestured to the armadillo-bus in question, patiently waiting in the underbrush. His most trusted companion, means of getting around, and beloved home: Rhonda.
Poppy squealed, bouncing over to Rhonda in excited delight. Her enthusiasm was infectious; John Dory couldn’t help the chuckle building in his throat as Rhonda greeted Poppy back with similar enthusiasm.
“Whoa!” John Dory called out, as Poppy made her way over to Rhonda’s door. “I appreciate the help, but you don’t need to come with.” It was a family matter, after all—
“Eh, I’ve been meaning to visit Branch again soon.” Poppy waved off. She paused. “But if you really don’t want me coming with—”
John Dory shrugged, and hopped up into Rhonda. “If you really want to.” He had the feeling he wouldn’t be able to stop Poppy, if she really put her mind to accompanying him. He’d only known her for half an hour at most, and she was already rocketing up his regard through her sheer energy and excitement. So John Dory shrugged, happy to have some company for once.
“Alright, Popster.” He sat down in the driver’s seat as Rhonda started to move, “Get me to Branch.”
Poppy’s enthusiasm, John Dory was finding, was infectious. Maybe it was the Pop Troll in him, maybe Poppy really did have so much energy that she couldn’t help spreading it everywhere—either way, John Dory couldn’t resist the amusement starting to dance in his chest as she took the wheel, going on and on about the adventures she had had with Branch. She had mostly focused on the Rockpocalypse, as that was where most of John Dory’s questions focused on—but even then she had a lot to say.
John Dory wondered how Poppy and Bitty B knew each other. They must be childhood friends, he figured, with how well they worked together in Poppy’s retelling. Maybe they were even closer—would John Dory find himself with a little sister in Poppy, someday? He sure hoped so—Poppy was a delight.
“So why’re you looking for Branch, anyway?” Poppy asked, as Rhonda made her way from the underbrush to a dirt path.
“Well, I’m looking for all my brothers,” John Dory began. “Because Floyd is in trouble.” He didn’t know if he should say more—he’d rather be telling all of this to Bitty B, if only so he wouldn’t have to tell the story more than needed.
“So you’re getting the band back together to rescue him?” Poppy asked, paw pressed to her face. “Aww, that’s so sweet! And exciting!” She smiled, big and bright. “I know I’m not really family, but if you need any help then you can count on me!”
John Dory chuckled. “Just helping me find Branch is more than enough.” He really wanted to show her the baby pictures—but Poppy was busy driving, directing Rhonda in following the trail as it shifted from dirt to cobbled stones. Rhonda jolted slightly at the terrain shift, but quickly adapted, following Poppy’s driving even as the surrounding forest thinned out to a yellowed field.
John Dory looked out the windshield, watching as the field gave way to an imposing metal fence, far too large to have been made by Trolls. There was something familiar about the looming structures, some distinct feeling of foreboding beginning to curdle in John Dory’s gut.
At once, recognition hit John Dory like a bucket of ice. “This is—this is Bergentown.” He nearly growled, his knuckles paling as he gripped the back of the seat. He leaned forwards to correct the course, or to demand to know what was going on—
“Yeah.” Poppy agreed, her voice firm and quiet. It was such a change from her sugary energy that John Dory hesitated, and she turned to him, expression gentle. “I guess I should have thought about how scary that’d be…” She shook her head. “But we made peace with the Bergens more than a year ago. And I promised I’d get you to Branch.” She urged Rhonda forwards, the armadillo-bus weaving around the streets under her direction. “I just need you to trust me for a little bit longer, okay?”
“I…” John Dory looked out the windshield, fighting down the urge to haul the young Troll from the driver’s seat and turn Rhonda around. He could see Bergens out and about on the streets, looking content—no, happy. That… John Dory’s intuition really didn’t like that. The last time he’d been here, it had been to find the tree withered and empty and the few Bergens he could spot looking absolutely miserable. It didn’t matter what Poppy said—if Bergens were walking around with uplifted spirits, then Trolls were clearly back on the menu.
But Poppy pulled Rhonda up to the central plaza with nary a care in the world, and none of the Bergens harassed or otherwise waylaid the armadillo-bus as she picked her way through the town. As Rhonda came to a halt in the grass, John Dory finally took in the state of what had been his home for the first twenty years of his life.
The cage was gone, and the tree looked even more colorful than John Dory remembered it. He could still see blackened bits on the trunk and branches, and some of the pods were as dull as last he’d seen them, but—
There were Trolls happily going about their business. As Poppy slipped out the side door, John Dory watched as the nearby Trolls noticed her, and started to rush over.
Slowly, goggles firmly over his eyes, John Dory exited Rhonda, keeping his back to her side as he shuffled as far away from the safety she represented as he dared. He could make out the conversation going on towards the base of the tree, and that was enough—if things got ugly, he could probably snag Poppy with his hair from here.
“Well, Branch did make his usual rounds this morning.” A green Troll with pink hair was saying, Poppy listening with rapt attention. “But he left a while ago.” They shrugged apologetically. “Sorry, I can’t tell you more than that.”
“Oh, no problems!” Poppy waved off. “Thanks for the help!” She bounced back over to John Dory and Rhonda, a pep in her step despite the fact that they were still in Bergentown. She slowed down as she came close, holding her paw to her face contemplatively.
“Hmmm, where would Branch be at this time of day? He’s got a pretty set schedule, but with his brother’s wedding coming up…” Her voice dissolved off into mutterings, but John Dory’s brain snagged on the words “brother” and “wedding” and everything after that failed to register.
“Wedding?” He grabbed Poppy by the shoulders. “Clay’s here, too?” He couldn’t possibly imagine Clay of all people getting married—but when he knew that Spruce was elsewhere and Floyd was being held captive, there was only one brother left.
Poppy’s face scrunched in confusion. “...Clay?” Her voice was void of any recognition, then she snapped her fingers. “Oh, right, you mean Brozone Clay!” She shook her head, already skipping off to Rhonda. “No, it’s not him—before you showed up, I didn’t even know that Branch had older brothers!”
John Dory followed Poppy back into Rhonda, his head spinning. “But you said brother?” He pushed his goggles back up, forehead creasing as he tried to work out what the hair Poppy meant.
“His younger brother, duh!” Poppy waved off, already directing Rhonda away from the tree. She said it so casually, like it wasn’t the most out-of-pocket statement John Dory had ever heard. And he was quickly approaching forty-three—he’d heard a lot of insane shit.
“Younger—” John Dory was right up next to the wheel, now, not even caring that Poppy was directing Rhonda down streets alongside Bergens like it was nothing. “Explain?” Mom and Dad were both out of the picture before Branch’s egg even hatched—how in the name of all that was Trolly would Branch ever have a younger brother? It made no sense.
“Well, Gristle and Branch are adoptive brothers,” Poppy clarified, “But that still counts! They pretty much grew up together, from what I know.” She brought Rhonda to a stop, completely oblivious to the fact that she had just brought John Dory’s world to a screeching halt. It hit John Dory like a sack of bricks, how long he had really been gone—Bitty B had found himself a family. Branch had found himself a family, and John Dory had no idea.
With a start, John Dory realized that Poppy had already exited Rhonda, the door flipping shut behind her and leaving him all alone. And while he certainly felt safe inside his dearest companion, John Dory didn’t fancy letting sweet young Poppy walk around Bergentown alone.
Yeah, that was it. That he was barrelling out of Rhonda to catch up with Poppy was purely over concerns about her safety, and not at all because he felt unsafe. Not at all.
Poppy had parked Rhonda near a nondescript… boutique? And had already slipped in through a Troll-sized cutout in the door proper. With a deep breath, John Dory pushed his goggles back down over his eyes, and followed.
Inside, he looked around—there! Poppy had made her way up onto a clothing rack, walking along a strip of metal wide enough for three Trolls. She was face to face with—John Dory stopped in his tracks, deciding to come up to the top of the rack through the clothes. He did not fancy being the subject of a Bergen’s attention! As he slowly made his way up, he caught the conversation Poppy was having with—with the Bergen—
Ohhhhh, John Dory did not like this, nor what it might imply about his baby brother.
“The wedding’s not for four more days.” The Bergen commented, as John Dory finally hauled himself up onto one of the clothing hangers. “Did Bridget need help with some last-minute planning?”
Okay, John Dory was officially lost. Just what had happened in the time he’d been gone? It had only been twelve years since he last came to Bergentown!
“Oh, no, nothing like that.” Poppy waved off. “I just wanted to visit Branch, that’s all.” Her tail flirted back and forth as she spoke, not an ounce of fear in her body despite how close she was to the Bergen’s massive teeth. John Dory only found himself growing more concerned about the safety of his people—was Poppy simply insane?
The Bergen chuckled, a low rumble that had John Dory discovering he could tense up even further. “I see.” She commented. “Well, I couldn’t say for sure where he is right now,” She held a massive claw up to her chin as she hummed contemplatively. “You know how he gets when he’s stressed; always finding more work to do and people to yell at.”
Poppy nodded, looking contemplative. “Well, thanks for the help anyway, Bernice.” She turned to where John Dory was balanced on a hanger, tail curled around the metal, but not before waving to the Bergen one last time. “See you at the wedding!”
The Bergen—Bernice? Bernice?—smiled, shaking her head. “Always nice to see you, Poppy!”
John Dory let Poppy take him by the paw and lead him out of the boutique and back to Rhonda. If his head was spinning before, it barely even felt attached now. Was this a fever dream? Oh, god, he must have taken a wrong turn on his way to Pop Village and crashed Rhonda, and all of this was just some weird coma dream his brain had come up with to torment him—
“Right!” Poppy was saying, as Rhonda got up and ready to move again. “We’ll check the castle next, I think—and if he’s not there, we start looking for King Gristle.” With that decided, she directed towards Rhonda towards the castle in question.
John Dory didn’t even have words with which to protest, at this point. With a resigned sigh, he watched as Poppy guided Rhonda up the steps of the castle. His nerves were shot, every fiber of his being frayed with anxiety, but there was no persuading Poppy to turn back. There was little he could do at this point but let Poppy lead him around, Rhonda coasting down the halls easily. John Dory’s thoughts turned inwards, following the same cycle of fear and self-loathing that he’d been avoiding for decades, and it kept coming back to one thought:
Just what had happened to Bitty B in his absence? Living in Bergentown? It had to—it had to have been something recent—Poppy had mentioned making peace with the Bergens, after all, and that must be when Bitty B took up residence in this wretched place, but—
But why? John Dory still wasn’t clear on how, exactly, peace could exist between Trolls and a species hellbent on eating them all. With the way the Bergens he had seen today carried themselves, there was no doubt in his mind that Trolls were on the menu—was it some kind of deal, some kind of willing sacrifice on the Trolls’ part in order to appease the Bergens? But that made no sense, who in their right minds would ever—
Rhonda came to a stop, and John Dory followed as Poppy disembarked. His goggles were still firmly over his eyes, and he had no intentions of removing them. So Bitty B had moved to Bergentown—overseeing the peace, maybe? Sacrificing himself in place of some other Troll?
John Dory shook his head as he followed Poppy in using his hair to launch himself up the wall. No, he refused to think about that. Poppy said Bitty B was okay, and John Dory had agreed to trust her. Maybe her definition of okay was different—
No. John Dory followed Poppy along what could only be described as a path along the wall, perfectly sized for Trolls to run along. He was not going to think about that. Floyd’s life was still on the line—John Dory could figure out what the hair was going on with Bergentown once he had all his brothers back.
Rhonda followed along as the pair made their way through the halls, seemingly unbothered by the occasional Bergen that passed through the halls. The Bergens in question all seemed to recognize Poppy, and she returned their greetings in kind.
Just as John Dory was sure he would implode—
“BRANCH!” Poppy took off along the pathway with a speed that made John Dory’s knees ache just watching, her tail whipping behind her as she bounded over to a Troll a short distance away. The Troll in question turned from the pair of half-sized Bergens he had been talking to, processed the pink blur that was barreling at him, and yelped as Poppy knocked him over with the force of her hug.
“Queen Poppy!” The Troll—Branch, John Dory realized, those blue eyes unmistakable—wheezed, prying himself from Poppy’s grasp. He hurriedly straightened his cape before bowing, silver crown glinting in the light. “I didn’t know you were visiting today.”
The Bergen with the gold crown and red cape smiled similarly. “Hey Poppy.”
Poppy turned to the Bergen and waved. “Hey Gristle! Good to see you!” She and the other Bergen launched into a much more energetic greeting, trading nicknames back and forth. But John Dory wasn’t paying attention to that anymore, pushing his goggles back up to fully drink in the sight of his baby brother. There he was, standing tall and proud, watching Poppy fondly…
A rush of pride crashed into John Dory’s chest. He rushed forwards, shoving his still-frayed nerves to the side. “BABY BRANCH!” His brother! His baby brother! Little Bitty B!
Branch yelped as John Dory scooped him up—or rather, as John Dory tried to scoop Branch up. “Ohhhhh you’ve grown—wow! Charlie horse!”
“Put me down!” Branch kicked and flailed until, gracelessly, the both of them tumbled to the floor. John Dory was slower to get up, joints creaking with the motion. Branch was already brushing off his cape and fussing with his crown, his face a mix between annoyance and something John Dory couldn’t decipher.
The crowned Bergen—Gristle, Poppy had called him—sidled over to look up towards Poppy. “Should I leave…?”
The other Bergen—Bridget? Was that what John Dory had heard her called? Why was he bothering to remember Bergen names—shook her head. “I wanna see where this goes, babe.”
“Who—” Branch backed away, face scrunching in what might have been recognition. “Oh. You.” Not the enthusiastic greeting John Dory imagined, but that didn’t stop him in the slightest.
“Branch, c’mon,” John Dory urged, “It’s me! John Dory! Your brother!” He stepped forwards, but Branch only narrowed his eyes and stepped back.
“Brother—” Gristle gasped, leaning forwards. Bridget had a hand over her mouth, eyes alight with curious excitement.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Branch sniffed, arms crossed. “I have a brother, and he’s right there.” He nodded his head towards Gristle, who nodded in satisfaction.
John Dory wanted to scream. The Bergen? The Bergen was Branch’s brother? Branch had—but—
“So you weren’t in Brozone?” Poppy asked, tail starting to droop.
“Of course he was!” John Dory interjected. Okay, so he’d been thrown for a solid loop, real funny. But he was on a mission, dammit! He turned his attention back onto Branch, “You were Bitty B!”
“Brozone?” Gristle asked, peering at Branch suspiciously.
Poppy gasped. “You don’t know about Brozone?” She bounced in place, flapping her paws. “Brozone was only the boyband, like, ever! Even now their music is super popular, and the band broke up before I was even born!” She turned her attention onto Branch, almost launching herself at him in her fervor. “Why didn’t you ever tell me that you were in BROZONE?!”
As Branch hurriedly tried to fend off Poppy’s excitement, Gristle and Bridget turned their attention onto Branch. “You were in a band?” Gristle asked, voice tinted with incredulity.
“I can kinda see it.” Bridget commented, squinting. “It would have been during your years in the Troll Tree, right? Before the Great Escape.” She leaned in a little further, brow drawn in contemplation. “You do kinda look like you’d be related to them.”
Everyone looked at Bridget in surprise. “What?” She shrugged. “I pay attention when Poppy and I share music and hot goss. She got ‘Baby Baby Girl’ stuck in my head for weeks.”
“I dunno,” Gristle interjected, turning his scrutiny to Branch. “Were you really in a band as a baby?”
“Barely.” Branch snorted. “It was only a few songs and one live show.” There was something bitter in his tone, some hidden accusation that flew over John Dory’s head entirely.
“So you were Bitty B!” Poppy confirmed, grabbing Branch by the shoulders. “Oh my Troll!! You can’t just—I can’t believe you never told me!”
“We’ve only known each other for a year…” Branch commented quietly. He turned to John Dory, back on the defensive. “Why are you even here? No, wait—” He pressed his paws to his temples with a groan. “You’re here because you need something, aren’t you?”
“I do need something.” John Dory nodded.
Branch groaned. “Of course you are.”
Unfazed, John Dory barreled on. “It’s about Floyd.” He continued, letting his words spill out. The letter, the trip into Mount Rageous, the state of their brother in that awful diamond prison—it all spilled out in a rush before John Dory was fully processing each word. The more he spoke, the less his nerves about being right next to a pair of Bergens ebbed away, until his mind was lost in the task set before him.
By the time he finished, Poppy’s expression was one of quiet horror, her paws over her mouth. Even Gristle and Bridget looked upset, and Branch—
Branch’s expression was unreadable, his paws clenching and unclenching rhythmically. There was something stormy in those blue eyes, some deep reminder of the years spent apart.
“And why do you need me?” Branch asked.
John Dory almost laughed. What a silly question! “If we’re gonna pull off the Perfect Family Harmony, we’ll need to get the whole band back together. And since Floyd is trapped in a diamond prison, the only way to save him is with the Perfect Family Harmony.” He frowned at Branch. “It’s not complicated, Bitty B.”
“Yeah!” Poppy added. “You’ll get to see your brothers again! Isn’t that wonderful?”
“Not a chance.”
John Dory stumbled back at Branch’s words. “What?” That… there must be something wrong with his ears. He must have misheard. There was no way that Bitty B would—
“You heard me.” Branch’s voice was eerily calm, almost detached.
A growl started to build in John Dory’s throat. “Bitty B—”
“Don’t call me that.” Branch snapped. He stepped forwards, “You leave me behind for more than two decades, without a single note, and then when you return you expect me to just act like nothing happened?” Branch’s voice rose in pitch with his incredulity, his paws gesturing wildly as he spoke. “I have a kingdom to help run, my brother’s wedding is in four days, and you want me to toss that all aside to go on an adventure for some Trolls I barely know?” He leaned forwards, teeth bared in a snarl. “Not. A. Chance.”
John Dory gasped, affronted. Yeah, okay, so he’d been gone a while. But he was back! And Floyd was in danger! What in the world was Branch thinking?
“He’s your brother!” Poppy protested, dragging Branch several paces down the path. “You of all people should get how important that is, Branch. I mean, if Cooper, the best little brother in the whole world—no offense, Gristle—”
“Some offense taken.” Gristle responded, though he was smiling.
“—was the one in danger, I would stop at nothing to help him. “ Poppy continued. “And I know you’d do the same for Gristle.”
“Poppy.” Branch held up a paw, putting a pause on her impassioned speech. “I see where you’re coming from. Really, I do. But…” He sighed, heavy and tired, dragging a paw down his face. “All of my brothers left when I was two. Not once, in the near twenty-three years that they’ve been gone, have I so much as received the slightest indication that they’re even alive.”
“But they’re here now…” Poppy started. “At least, John Dory is.”
Branch shook his head. “That’s not the point.” He said. “The point is that I don’t know them. They were in my life for the first two years and then they were gone.” He glanced past Poppy to where John Dory was trying not to watch too obviously, several paces away and close to the wall. “Twenty-three years, Poppy. Anyone can become a totally new person in less than half that.” He shrugged, turning his gaze away to a particularly interesting torch-holder across the hall. “I’m not risking my neck for a couple of strangers, Poppy. Not when there’s so much already on my plate.”
“But—” Poppy started, “They’re your brothers.”
“No, they’re not.” Branch’s voice rose as he spoke, and he breathed deeply, paws clenching and unclenching.
Poppy gasped. “That’s not how blood works, Branch!”
“Blood isn’t everything, Queen Poppy.” Branch murmured. He turned away fully, idly waving a paw as he spoke. “You and your… guest have full access to the castle, as usual. I have business to attend to in the Eastern Quarter.” And with that, he walked away, cape swinging slowly with each step.
John Dory stepped forwards, paws clenching into fists. “Branch—” He stopped, staring down at the bright pink paw thrown out in front of him.
“I’ll go talk to him.” Gristle sighed, turning to follow after Branch.
The two of them turned the corner, Gristle’s exasperated exclamation quickly fading as they went out of hearing range. John Dory watched the two of them go numbly, barely even aware of Poppy and Bridget talking to each other.
This was supposed to be so simple. Branch was supposed to be the easiest brother to find and pick up. Just go to Pop Village and find Bitty B. Simple. Easy. The perfect way to start the onerous task of bringing them all together for Floyd.
How had it gone so wrong?
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Branch picked up the pace, his shoulders hunching as he ignored Gristle’s question. Anger buzzed in his veins while new worries joined the constant flow of concerns in his mind, his paws clenching and unclenching as he walked towards the castle doors. Branch really did have business to attend to out in town; he hadn’t been lying about that. There was always something that needed to be done, as Prince of Bergentown.
“Hey!” And there was Branch’s big-little brother, matching pace with him easily. “I know you can hear me!”
Branch broke out into a run. Undignified? Yeah. Obvious? That too. But Branch didn’t care. He couldn’t let himself care—there were too many other things he needed to care and worry and think about, he didn’t have the time or energy for this—
“Are you…” Gristle panted, still keeping pace with Branch. “Are you just going to keep running? You’ll run out of castle, dude.”
Branch slowed down, if only so he could properly glare at his obnoxious big-little brother. “Shut up.” As far as retorts went, it wasn’t his best—but what else was he supposed to do? Pull a witty comment from his ass?
Gristle rolled his eyes. “Real clever.” The two of them came to a halt—there was no point in running around; Branch wasn’t going to shake Gristle. “But really, Branch, what’s going on with you?”
Branch crossed his arms. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He huffed, turning his head to the side.
Gristle sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Berg give me patience…” He muttered. Why was dealing with Branch in a mood always worse than trimming claws?
“When Dad died,” Gristle started, “When his body was falling apart from illness…” He had to pause, here, the memory heavy on his shoulders. “He was suffering, right there in front of me, and I was helpless to do anything about it.” His hands trembled, gaze firmly locked on the floor.
“Your point being?” Branch refused to be swayed by a sob story. He was as much a Bergen as a Troll, after all.
“It sucks to lose someone.” Gristle growled. “You know that as well as I do.”
“It sucks to lose someone close to you.” Branch snarled back. “Grandma was everything to me. Your Father was everything to you. But my former brothers are nothing to me.”
“Okay.” Gristle shrugged. He fixed Branch with a steady gaze. “But when your older brother dies on Mount Rageous, slowly and painfully…” He waved his hand dismissively, “I’d say I hope it doesn’t haunt you, but we both know it will.”
Branch’s shoulders hunched, his paws clenching and unclenching.
At Branch’s lack of response, Gristle cleared his throat. He walked over to the corner of the hall and pulled one of the colored cords, ringing a bell. A moment later, one of the serving staff—Hilda—arrived, bowing in greeting. “Your Majesty. Your Highness.”
Gristle spoke, “Inform Groth and Bernice that they have the remaining days before the wedding off. Paid leave.” Hilda nodded once and rushed off with her orders.
“What?” Branch’s eyes widened as he realized what his brother’s play was. “You did not just—”
“Branch.” Gristle’s voice was imploring. “You actually have the chance to help. To save your family.” Gristle clenched his hand into a fist, gaze resolute. “I’m not letting you waste this.”
“You—” Branch swallowed. His paws clenched and unclenched, and he wrested his gaze away from his big-little brother. After a long, drawn out moment, he threw his head back and sighed.
“I hate you so much.”
Gristle waved it off. “Yeah, yeah, love you too. Now go save your brother!”
John Dory stared at the album cover in his hands. He had always been more of a doer than a thinker—sitting around doing nothing only ever let in the thoughts he didn’t want, the thoughts that crept up his brain and haunted him for decades.
He, Rhonda, Poppy, and Bridget had moved to one of the castle’s two drawing rooms, the plush couches and craft-covered coffee table oddly Troll-like in design. Rhonda was curled up in Bridget’s lap—she’d taken a shine to the Bergen, which John Dory refused to acknowledge. Him and Poppy were both sitting atop Rhonda’s carapace, Poppy and Bridget talking about the upcoming wedding in a rapid-fire deluge of words that John Dory wasn’t processing.
Every inch of John Dory wanted to burst into action, to track down Bitty B and make him understand what was at stake here. But he didn’t feel ready to wander the castle halls alone with Rhonda, for all that Bridget had become less and less of an immediate threat in his mind.
“Okay, fine.” Branch’s voice cut through the room, and John Dory looked up to see his brother padding across the floor towards them. He launched himself onto the table with his hair. “Let’s go save Floyd.”
Branch had swapped the fur-lined cape for one made of a tougher fabric—well, no, this one was more of a cloak, actually, covering his shoulders fully. There were two clasps, one at his neck and one slightly lower—only the belled upper clasp was closed. Under the cloak, Branch had swapped his shirt for a leaf vest that John Dory vaguely recognized. It was an ensemble that screamed travel, even with the embroidered gray swirls lining the hem of the cloak.
The crown was still the same, though—same silver ring of leaves encircling Branch’s head. John Dory wondered if Bitty B ever parted with it. How long he had it.
Poppy was already moving, already on the table by the time John Dory was even standing. “I knew you’d come around! Oh, you’ll have to tell me all about it when you get back—”
Branch held up a paw. “Why would I do that? You’re coming with.” He said it so simply, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. And maybe it was, to him.
“Fine by me.” John Dory stretched before sliding down Rhonda’s side to her open door. Poppy had grown on him like moss on a stone—having her and her energy along would be great.
Poppy squealed. “Oh my hair! Yes! Yes yes yes!” She grabbed Branch’s wrist, yanking him over to Rhonda with ease. “Brozone 2.0! Brozone Reunion! Brozone, Here We Bro Again! Brozone, Where’d They Bro? I don’t know, WE’RE GONNA FIND THEM!”
“Have fun!” Bridget called out as Rhonda sped out the room. “Don’t die!”
John Dory grinned as Rhonda made her way down the castle steps. Finally, time to get this show on the road!
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If you became super rich and could design your own house, but could only add THREE unnecessary/random/expensive home additions (like how people will have bowling alleys, movie theatres, closets with museums of shoes, car display rooms, spa rooms, wine cellars, etc. in their mansions) - what three would you choose?
#I think I would have: an indoor pool (but like heavily customized with a faux weather system so I could get the feeling of swimming in#rain or fog or snow etc.). a very small arcade consisting only of skee-ball and DDR machines. and an old Library Room with authentic#historical furniture/interior design to store old books/tapestries/study room equipment/whatever other antiques I'd collect. It'd be#like some fully intricate movie set or something that would feel completely like stepping into another world/time.#Though I might would trade out the arcade for a roller skating rink.. i DO love skating....#And I wouldve put rock climbing gym because I love indoor rock climbing but.. as I understand it they have to change out the rock things#on the walls every once in a while so that you can have new routes and it doesnt get boring. and I'd rather have an activty room thats like#self sustaining and doesnt require me to hire some person to come switch things around once every month. Otherwise I would#totally do that instead.#I'm also personally not counting ''craft'' type stuff like having a pottery room kiln sort of thing because#that doesn't count as 'unnessecary' to me. since stuff like that would not at all be just a hobby I 'happen to#do sometimes for fun'#but would definitely be a career sort of thing. Like if I had the money for a fully stocked sculpture room and and a sewing room#with a good machine and etc. then I would literally be professionally selling pottery and designing clothing and etc.#so I wouldn't count it as 'just a random side room I dont need' etc.#The same way that if I played tennis professionally or as a very intense hobby that takes up most of my life/time#then I wouldn't count having a tennis court in your house to practice in as 'unncesscarry' etc.#wow that is the worst I have ever spelt that word ghbjh#Un Cess Carry#ALSO would obviously have an underground bunker of some sort with food and emergency supplies which also does not count as unnecessary to m#since it's literally like... survival.. And I thought most health organizations literally reccomend that even#the common person has a small 'go bag' prepared in their house. and like an evacuation plan in case of fire or other things#It WOULD be an unnecessary rich person thing to have a full on undergRound village or something stocked with 9000 guns and#whaetever. but I think just a basic emergency room with basic supplies could still be counted under the 'not unnecessary' requirement.#Like I would say that a sprawling courtyard of flower gardens and fountains and hedge mazes that takes up like a hundred thousand#dollars a year in maintenance would count as one of the three 'unnecessary and expensive' things. But having a small garden in the#back yard with a few planters in a little greenhouse or whatever would not. The 'excessiveness' of the thing matters lol#ANYWAY!!!#Just curious what other peoples Three Main things would be... hrrmm
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
what i think is written on the marauders graves:
regulus: Regulus Arcturus Black, 1961-1979
marlene: Marlene Meadowes, "may you sleep on your tender girlfriend's breasts" 1960-1981
dorcas: Dorcas Meadowes, a good soldier 1960-1981
james: James F. Potter, loving father and husband 1960-1981
lily: Lily J. Potter, loving mother and wife 1960-1981
sirius: Sirius B. "Time is but a paper moon, Teo Torriatte", 1959-1996
peter: Peter Pettigrew, 1959-1998
remus: Remus J. Lupin, friend and mentor to many, "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars", 1960-1998
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keirosims · 4 months
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Updated my character page again
Also Noah, Tim and Cy all have new fancy individual pages! They now have relationship tabs that list family members that are small characters so won't get their own character page! I'll slowly make everyone new pages too but constantly fighting Tumblr's 15gb image limit lmao
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grapecaseschoices · 6 months
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
to commemorate my newest hyperfixation, i decided to make a top 10 asian dramas list (mostly bls). Like always, there's no order to this
bad buddy - my first bl and whoever said that this show would spoil you for bls was right because it's still my favourite. Absolutely nothing tops. This also kickstarted my obsession with nanon, so thank you bb. Praying for a sequel.
we best love - By itself it wouldn't be this high up but I loved the sequel and together, they're easily a contender for top 3. Great dynamic, great acting, great plot in the second one, Loved it.
3 will be free. I was in it for the polyamorous relationship and I got what I wanted. 10/10. Would rewatch (something even other shows on this list will not be getting)
Word of Honor.- I just in fact rewatched this because I was so obsessed. Top tier and I still hold that I liked it better than the Untamed.
the gifted + graduation - no lie, wouldn't have made it through if nanon wasn't in it but he is and it's a classic super powers at school thing so i really liked it. Also, watching blacklist (terrible, terrible show, easily top worst) made me realize how well they did in comparison and made me like it more
f4 - the shift bright's character made to liking gorya happened wayyyy too abruptly and I hate it but everything else was great, loved ren and gorya's friendship specifically. Bit too dramatic towards the end, even for me but it was a pretty fun time so.
kinnporsche - The more I watch this show, the less tolerance I have for the plot but it's a really fun watch, really high production, god tier chemistry for all three main couples and a killer theme song. Free Fall is easily my favourite bit of music out of everything i've watched, right in front of uwma's score which i'll mention later on and just a friend from bad buddy. Special shoutouts also to the editing on ep 11 because the tonal whiplash between each scene was hilarious.
my beautiful man - I didn't think i'd like it and honestly, wasn't a fan til the last couple episodes but they did win me over. Love it when a show does something new with a trope.
until we meet again was really hard for me to watch because pharm was like SO sweet and pure and whatnot and i like my main characters to be less, hm, nice, if that's the word but the story is so fucking good and it unfolds so well and Fluke;s acting has me on the verge of the tears everytime I so much as look at episode 17 so while this is a skip-watch, it still makes the list. Oh and the score for this show are killer, esp that piano piece they use to build tension in ep 16.
couple of mirrors. - it's a mystery, it's a lesbian romance, it's literally everything to me. I don't even have the words to explain how much i adored this show. definite rewatch
(i'm not watching the eclipse until it's finished which i don't think it is yet)
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momowoah · 8 days
The more I think about 7B the more I get upset actually because what the fuck was that
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
hey legit tho, if I can figure out my streaming setup for it, I think it’d be fun to do a baking stream on twitch sometime
this depends on a lot of things ofc (streaming software running on my old laptop, for one) but I have Evil Plans™ that I’ve been thinking about for a while, and hopefully somehow I can get them to happen
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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Teen Rebel Outcasts Tuvok & B’Elanna
#the terrible thing I realized is that if they were both teens Tuvok would have a completely unrequited and unacted upon lil cool-girl crush#since he seems to like competent soft butch gals#which was awful to realize but I have to accept v_v teen cringe BUT more importantly they'd fuck shit up together as pals#B'Elanna: I hate my mom / Tuvok: I hate my dad (they both gasp in delight)#B'Elanna teaches him klingon cuss words which he uses poorly#and Tuvok shows B'Elanna cool secret spots to hang out#there's ZERO thought put into WHY they are both teens at the same time it's just what's happening rn in these images#I think they'd actually probably get into a lot of bickering arguments but ah well that's the rebel teen outcast life babey#B'Elanna art#Tuvok art#B'Elanna is wearing human style clothes as rebellion against her mom but she doesn't really know how to style them#they are going to smoke some of Tuvok's dad's medical/spiritual herbs to get high#and it's gonna be a BAD time but again...such is the rebel outcast life#also I think it'd be hilarious if Jara had a crush on B'Elanna just to really knock Tuvok on his ass (sorry guy I love you)#Tuvok: The sky is so beautiful...you know who else is beautiful? y-#Jara: B'Elanna~??#(Tuvok turns monochrome and cracks like a marble statue)#Tuvok#B'Elanna#teen Tuvok#teen B'Elanna#st voyager#st voyager art#B'Elanna's hair looks like that bc she cut it in the bathroom with blunt scissors and refused to get it touched up#I noticed Klingons usually have long hair so I think cutting it short would be rebellious - as well as straightening it#Voyager au where they're all teenagers and for some reason all live on the same starbase or something idk who cares#what's important are the shenanigans#bea art tag
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s4pphoiduser · 1 year
microdosing coming out by macrodosing "ooo i wanna look Just Like Him. HIM. HE HIM HIM HIM. JUST LIKE HIM." like oh look at the broad shoulders and wide, flat chest. oh, oh, so interesting, isn't it? wouldn't it be fun if i were a guy? imagine That!
#me randomly throughout the day: [showing a picture of some guy] don't you think it'd be so nice if i looked JUST LIKE HIM? hehe#being trans is fun#incoming in the tags:#dysphoria#sometimes i feel like maybe im not actually trans and that im just ~an imposter~ because it's ''''''trendy''''''#and then i remember that i literally cannot bear calling myself a girl + my chest makes me so.... [no words for it] +#everytime i have to accept what i have DOWN THERE whenever i pee or like idk put on underwear i have to like.#pretend that i dont know what what i have is and that i am a small child again who does not know that people have different parts#until like. halfway through last year i thought everyone wanted to be out of the skin they were born in. i thought it was a normal thing#brought on by puberty.#and i also thought that maybe i just felt that way because i didn't look ~conventionally attractive~#but then i started ~working on myself~ and changing these things and i still couldn't stand the fact that this was my skin.#that i couldn't tear it away so i could finally be ~real~#i remember that i was watching a video and i thought he looked cool but at the same time the voice in my head that was like#'you want to look like THAT so bad and that's going to k ill you' and i had to pause the video and look away for a sec because#i couldn't accept that i just didn't look like that....#like yeah dude. you're trans#not 'not like other girls' in a pick me way but 'not like other girls' in that im a guy and feel incredibly alien in my body#sorry i started talking about all that. i'll tag it no worries
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