#if i were more into biology id do more research
was gonna do this as a poll (and I still may later), but I've been curious where people who get "whumperflies" feel it the most, and what it feels like to them
I get them myself, and they feel the strongest at my core (right around/below my belly button lol). They're like a localized adrenaline spike, almost like an electric pulse, and tend to spread upward, stopping at my shoulders.
I guess the feeling is similar to a surge of social anxiety (like a twist in your gut), but a lot less unpleasant
If you've experienced them, what are they like for you? Comment or rb, I'm curious if it's different for everyone or not :)
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minty364 · 4 months
DPXDC Prompt #108 Part 1
He remembered going to bed in his own bed last night. His own bed in his own room. This wasn’t his room, his bed, or even his pajamas. The body he was in didn’t feel quite right either, almost like it somehow knew he wasn’t supposed to be in it. Part of him wondered if he was dreaming but he was way too self aware for this to be a dream. 
This room didn’t look like any of his brother's rooms either. It had a bunch of space themed trinkets, glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, and NASA posters on the walls. None of his brothers were into space as far as he knew so this had to be a strangers room. He wondered for a moment if he was kidnapped or something, but that didn’t sound quite right either. He was in a stranger's body so he must be in this person’s room. He had to figure out exactly what was going on. 
Just as he was considering his options the phone by the table side started ringing. Damian didn’t really know where the tune came from but it sounded catchy. He looked at the caller ID and while the phone didn’t recognize the number Damian did. It was his own, hopefully he’d be able to get some answers. 
“Hello?” He answered.
“Yeah, I’m sorry about all of this. My parents are inventors and one of their inventions backfired big time. I’m Danny” The voice on the other line was his own, a little jarring sure but it to be expected, if he was in someone’s body there was a good chance they were in his body. “My name’s Damian, Inventions? This is quite the backfire. I hope you have a plan to switch us back.”
“Yeah, don’t worry, I’ve got a couple friends looking into it, they’ll be on their way in a bit to help with all of this.” 
Damian was starting to get irritated a little at how this was going. Bringing outside ‘help’ into the situation just seemed more like a distraction from whatever ‘Danny’ had planned for Gotham.
“Right, Damian, so right now you're in my body and I’m in your’s… so, my parents' invention was only supposed to strengthen the soulmate pull, but because of my weird biology. We switched bodies instead.” Damian didn’t have word’s, the whole story sounded ludicrous. But at the same time, Damian couldn’t help but believe it was true.
The weird things about the body he was in, helped convince him and then, suddenly a thought occurred to him. Hesitantly he lifted his other hand up to his neck to check his pulse.
It was unusually slow, “Why’s your pulse so slow?” he couldn’t help but ask. He didn’t want to admit it but he was starting to freak out a little. 
“Like I said, I’ve got weird biology. I’ll explain, but it isn’t a pretty story. I don’t really want to explain all of this but since you're in my body, you need to know so you can keep my parents from finding out. Deal?”
Having weird biology still didn’t quite explain things but hopefully a few things didn’t quite make sense, “You said your parent’s were researching soulmates? Why.”
“Alright, I’ll give you this one but seriously you’ve got to promise to keep my parent’s from finding out about things. They were a little upset that I haven’t found mine yet, my sister found hers so they were excited for me to find mine. Long story short, bad things tend to happen when my parents get excited.”
So from the sound of things Danny thought they were soulmates. That might have been true but there wasn’t a good way for them to prove anything at the moment. For now it would probably be better to go along with Danny’s plan. He didn’t like it but he could probably get a lot of information out of Danny’s friends if he played along. “Alright I agree to not intentionally reveal anything to your parents.”
“Work’s for me. What do you know about ghosts?”
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 18 days
A shallowish dive into some pits.
The pit organ of a viper is what is responsible for its ability to detect body heat via infrared (IR) light. Whilst IR detection has evolved multiple times in snakes, the pit organ is far and away the most sensitive and specialised of the bunch. The snake is able to detect thermal differences of just 0.003C, which is wild, because some of the best available cryogenic IR sensors that we've made are apparently sensitive to differences of around 0.01C (although I don't know much about thermal imaging so please someone correct me if I'm wrong).
The receptor that is found in the pit organ is known as TRPA1 (it stands for something technical and boring, cellular biology has never been my jam), and it's expressed in incredibly high amounts in the Trigeminal Ganglion of snakes, which is the main nerve that connects to the face.
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ID: A close up image of the face of a rattlesnake. Its scales are a mixture of brown and yellow tones. It looks cool.
Some people theorise that the pit organ didn't initially evolve for hunting, but rather predator detection and thermoregulation. Studies of pit vipers and true vipers have found that pit vipers were much better at finding spots to warm up in than their non-pitty relatives. So the pit organ might have evolved for a more general use rather than the predatory one we first thought.
But you know what's interesting? In mammals, TRPA1 is actually cold receptor, as well as one that's responsible for itching. What's more, it's commonly known as the wasabi receptor, because that's what the chemicals in wasabi bind to to give us that characteristic kick. I guess its link to our trigeminal nerve is why it gets us when it's in our face but not really anywhere else, unlike the spice you find in chillis.
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ID: An image of an Australian Black Rock Scorpion sat upon some light coloured wood. The scorpion is dark brown in colour with lighter coloured legs. Both its sting and claws are somewhat raised.
ALSO, I just found this out as I was doing a bit more research, but since TRPA1 is also a receptor involved in sensing pain, it's a target for a toxin called the Wasabi Toxin, produced by the Australian Black Rock Scorpion. The toxin forces the channel open, making the affected area hypersensitive to heat and touch, but doesn't make it swell up.
Anyway, this was a bit more of a ramble than my usual posts, I just thought it was interesting how this one receptor is linked to so many different things, and how it's used in such a variety of ways.
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totem-but-shark · 16 days
After reading your post on c! Foolish just feeling his powers but not entirely knowing what they were made me think. With his lightning powers, what if his powers were less specifically revival, but more of a defibrillator shocking the heart to life again (mainly joking lol)
I actually hypothesised about totems being "the equivalent of a magical defibrillator" in this post but putting foolishs lightning powers into the mix makes it even more interesting
What if his lighting wasn't a power gained from godhood but a trait from his totem biology? Only turned up to the max considering him being much more powerful as well as larger than the average inanimate totem. Think of the particles when a totem pops, what if that wasn't just excess unknown magic escaping the totem upon cracking but instead SPARKS.
Id like to think there's some level of magic involved but it being connected to electricity grounds it far more in reality and could also explain why totems only work upon death. Totems of undying cannot revive the dead but within a short window of time can bring someone back before their body and mind fully shuts down, just like how you can jumpstart someone's heart. Doing a little more research apparently pulses of energy can be used to stimulate cells to generate new bone tissue and connective tissue encouraging the body's healing process, though this is obviously on a absurdly smaller scale for joint pain and such the concept could still be applied to this fantasy magic lore.
Lighting used to heal, wouldn't that be sick?
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mountalodiel · 3 months
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🪸 meet sidney! 🌊
here's my sim req for @cowplant-snacks! sidney is a marine biologist who works at the aquarium. they're living with their fiancée jessica, a horror author who specialises in ocean-based terror. the pair have matching moth tattoos and a dumb cat named fish. i hope you like them! the household is cc-free 🐟🎣🦑 more info + dl under the cut!
backstory: sidney was raised in sulani, living in a small house right over the ocean. they always loved the water, their skin always faintly smelling of saltwater from the hours spent swimming and snorkelling by their home. this love never left sidney growing up, and they eventually landed a volunteering position at the local conservation center - while they'd hoped to study marine biology at foxbury, college fees were too much, and this job was immediately hands-on in what they wanted to do (they took on odd jobs to pay rent). four years ago, they met jessica at the center - a san sequoia-based horror author who was researching marine life in sulani for her next novel. the pair immediately hit it off, fell in love, and got engaged when sidney finally moved over to live with jessica last year. since then, sidney's landed their dream marine biologist position at the local aquarium, and the pair have adopted a cat together named fish who is perfect and ever so stupid. the duo enjoy watching shitty slasher films from the '90s, visiting the aquarium even in sidney's off-hours, and playing baldur's gate 3 (well, sidney's just watching jessica play).
includes at least 1 option in the all clothing categories, traits, aspirations, skills, pronouns, sexualities, careers, and likes & dislikes. my usual tou applies!
GALLERY ID: ohmydawn
i use luumia's vanilla replacement skin default note: i saved sidney's work outfit using mccc - if it doesn't translate across saves, their work outfit is their 1st everyday outfit! i also cheated to move their lifespans along so that they're both nearing the end of young adulthood, but that doesn't super matter if it doesn't work lol.
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system-of-a-feather · 3 months
New Pinned Post
I'm no longer in need of back up money, so commissions aren't needed, but if you ever want to commission me, I'm usually open. I also occasionally put some of my art on redbubble.
Anyways, hello everyone, I am too lazy to find my old crack DID pride flag (it'll come up some day and I'll link it here), and I figured I should slowly update some of my intro stuff for this blog after not touching it for a fucking minute.
You can call me Feathers - we're a 21+ year old Buddhist mixed-AAPI intersex nonbinary system (they/them) that is at late stage recovery and regularly floats between final fusion and functional multiplicity (in what we call Wishiwashi Recovery). As a result, we don't always tag which part is out and sometimes tag "alter: fei" or, more recently, "feathers speaks" Sometimes we might tag which part is dominant, but it's all whatever.
For the most recent discussion on Buddhism, Full Integration, Final Fusion, and Functional Multiplicity written by our fully fused self before our recent decision to swap back to Functional Mulitiplicity, feel free to read here; it's long but a pretty cohesive understanding of our current experiences with our DID and shit. (5/15/2024)
We're diagnosed with DID, C-PTSD, autism, trichotillomania, OCD, and honestly a number of things cause complex-trauma life. We have some physical disabilities but nothing that typically causes too much obstruction in our day to day.
As a result of our state of recovery, we really don't have a set headcount, however we were / are polyfragmented.
Some fun things about us and things you'll see on this blog:
Due to the fact that DID is no longer really that much of an interesting topic / impactful part of our life, we only occasionally post about DID and our experiences with it. While it was the original purpose of this blog, as a depiction of our healing journey and what healing with DID can look like, we decided we would rather just post about whatever sparks joy in our life. As a result, rather than much content on DID, you will likely see things relating to the topics below. PLEASE feel free to send asks about ANY of the topics below. We love to talk about things.
We are Buddhist (primarily non-theistic; mostly non-denominational, largely Zen) and we really enjoy it. We particularly like the philosophy and do practice it. Admittedly, we identify as being god awful Buddhists, but thats okay cause its part of the process.
We love research and plan to go into it when our ducks are better aligned. We particularly love research and literature around developmental psychopathology, trauma, dissociation, animal behavior, and the more abstract neuroscience topics (particularly consciousness research). We likely won't post much on it as overtly here because I don't enjoy talking science on tumblr much because most people (in my experience) don't actually want to talk about research as much as they want to prove their point.
We are avid bird watchers and regularly document / photograph the birds we see and upload them to ebird. We really enjoy it as an activity and social engagement and really love sharing that joy and knowledge with people. We actually have a minor in Avian Science and have been tested on North American ID skills. We also know more than we need to about chicken biology as a result of said degree. If you want to send anything about birds, bird watching, or asking for a bird ID (even non North American), they are ALWAYS welcome and you are ALWAYS allowed to tag us in any bird related content.
We do a lot of creative work and have dedicated ourselves (without writing partner) to a large story world project that we've been writing for over a decade now. We actually specifically started grinding our art skills in 2020 specifically just to help build that world up. Art is one of our largest self soothing coping mechanisms. We are going to turn that story world into a comic and a TTRPG system so please check out @thedevaaffliction.
Overall, we really just like thinking about a lot of topics and things as part of both our interest in research, philosophy, and as part of our Buddhist practice. We don't really find an interest in arguing discourse / syscourse because we really dislike and see very little benefit in debate. That said, we love to discuss experiences, thoughts, feelings and perspectives on complex topics and as long as the intent is to discuss and share rather than to "win" or "prove", we really enjoy that sort of enrichment in our life so we do welcome it. That said, we withhold the right to deem any conversation as more debate than discussion and to abandon it.
Additionally, related to the fifth point, we believe in being fully transparent about our past and admission that we were wrong as we think it is very important to be able to re-evaluate your beliefs and opinions and grow. In our mid teens we actually were pretty far into the alt-right pipeline and until about a year or so ago, we were staunch anti-endos. These days we are basically commies and very pro-endo. If anyone has any interest on how we pivoted so hard in our opinions on those topics, we are more than open to talk and discuss it as well as any insights we pulled from the experience.
Also we love martial arts - I forgot that cause I'm not particularly XIV brained rn but we REALLY enjoy martial arts.
We suck at being labeled and having labels. We're just very very queer.
People who put on their socks/shoes in the order of Sock-Shoe-Sock-Shoe
That's about it. We liberally block, so we don't really worry about DNIs. If we don't like your content for any reason, we will remove it from our dash. Whether or not you want to interact with us is up to you past that point. Generally, we welcome anyone to follow as it can make for good conversation.
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toh-tagteam-au · 2 years
You know this convo brings up a surprising aspect of Luz probably being labeled as the Boiling Isles version of autistic (if that even exists lol) by witch society.
Since there's a noticeable difference with social cues that Luz just can't biologically do, in cannon she had her humanity as an explanation but here? With the same expectations placed on her as the other witchlings? There's this unspoken thing that there's something different, something "wrong" with her
I think it's pretty neat!
OH YEAH DEF!!! imo id like to think actual autism exists in witches the same way it does in humans, and I think Belos raising Hunter without witch social cues can't be all to blame for Hunter not picking them up or understanding them as quickly as he would otherwise. He is technically a witch after all, and he wasn't kept absolutely isolated from other scouts before Luz came along. There were chances for him to recognize and pick up intonation.
Luz is more on the ADHD side of neurodivergency imo, so she can recognize when witch intonation is going on, she just isn't really able of actually performing it since she's missing the witch biology capable of doing it. So Luz identified the body language, didn't know what the heck it was, went to Hunter for advice, found out HE didn't even notice or know either, then they researched it together. Hunter gets a weird mix of human and witch intonation due to really only interacting with Luz and learning what to mirror from her, picking up the more blatant intonation from scouts once Luz gets more involved with other coven members.
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hwsforeignrelations · 10 months
As a hobby sketchbooker, its a favorite pasttime to go chronologically through old sketchbooks and note improvement. Im gonna supplement the rant below with old art, cuz its relevant and i think they're neat
I accidentally deleted my old tumblr like five months ago which held a similar sentiment (*SOB* but no use crying over split milk)
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I see a lot of fan artists getting burnt out. I see a lot of Hetalia artists stay for a bit, then leave for other fandoms (higher pastures, if u will). I use to not understand. How did people become bored so fast?!?!
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Ive never been one to switch interests quickly. I was solidly leg deep in my superhero phase 5-8th grade. I started reading exclusively usuk fanfics in 8th grade, and have hardly ventured beyond usuk.
I'm trying to branch out more.
Hetalia is unique in its ability to teach crash course history and have enemy soldiers devouring each others cocks in the same paragraph. Double win!! The concept of international relations translated to human ones, of a nations pain having physical embodiment, of fantastically diverse headcanons dissecting the intrigues of Nation biology... Its all very yummy thinking food
Ive never read the manga, ive hardly watched the show. Im fandom built thru and thru!
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Like the pic above, I use usuk as experiments to run all my ideas thru. Mix media,
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World building, swatching, expressions and unfamiliar subjects. Theyre my go-to! since I started taking art seriously in 2021 and those events were mainly usuk themed
my styles always changing, and I'm usually using America and England to do it
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Combined with writing and a poor conceptual understanding of base material (aka CANON) i have trouble knowing WHO alfred and england are, in my style. They're constantly changing designs make it hard for my writing to capture their characters consistently.
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I get so fixated on solving my own inconsistent characterization writing. Its stupid! Im going to college across the country in ten days, for Christ's sake!
Its no use getting worked up over an inconsistent style- this IS the period of constant change, of constant growth and its great fun processing new interests through art, through two characters i am familiar with (even if i somehow don't know them at all)
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Ive been reading stories about the royal navy: so i practice some made up naval uniform on england! That's just an example - i really do process new information through them, finding fun in research
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Once i couldn't stop thinking about the scene below, about the intrigue of gore (a genre id never taken an interest to). And i was cringing about doing it to myself (about how ouchi it would be), but like all my creative ideas j filter them through characters - it feels safer that way. Then drawing myself in there. Yuck.
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So i practice the idea in Alfred. "Oh ouch yup- looks just as gross and painful and I'd imagined. Perfect!!" Now ive got an Alfred doing this gross thing, now i have a headcanon about nations cleaning their tongues witn razors.
Now i wanna write about it. Haha its all a very self-feeding pattern.
Not sure if this rant makes much sense, but basically i STRUGGLE to establish characters. Partially because i play so much with them in my doodles with anything and everything i find interesting - perhaps it makes too many factors for one character.
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imekitty · 1 year
A twist on D-Stabilized.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18
Maddie's cell phone vibrated on one of the lab counters, the name "Vlad Masters" lighting up as the caller ID.
"Vlad's calling," Maddie said to Jack, who stopped what he was doing at his workstation and joined her.
"Hey, Vlad," Maddie answered. "Jack's here, too."
"Maddie, always so lovely to hear your voice," said Vlad. "I'm calling with some great news."
"Really? How great?"
"I've located Daniel's female clone, Danielle."
Maddie gasped. "You did? Oh, thank God. Did you recapture her?"
"Not yet. But I've recruited Valerie Gray to bring her to me."
"Valerie? Why can't you just capture her yourself?"
"Danielle doesn't trust me anymore. I doubt she'd willingly let me get within ten feet of her. But she's never met Valerie, and I have no doubt Valerie can use her charms to trick Danielle back into my possession."
"If you really think that will work," said Maddie.
"I have also been working on a way to stabilize Danielle," said Vlad.
"She'll certainly be easier to study and run experiments on if she's stable," said Maddie. "We won't have to worry about accidentally melting her."
"Ah, yes, about that, I was thinking," said Vlad. "I know you wanted to study and dissect her like Daniel's other clones, but Daniel really seemed to take a liking to her. We could perhaps devise a way for Daniel himself to stabilize her, make him think he did it all on his own because he cares about her. And then she might be a useful part of your research objectives."
Maddie stuck out her bottom lip in thought. "What are you suggesting?"
"Once she's stable, she'll have a stable ecto-signature as well," explained Vlad. "Meaning we'll be able to track her easily no matter where she goes."
"Are you saying that we should allow her to continue roaming free?" asked Maddie.
"Why not?" asked Vlad. "She's Daniel's clone and yet so unique, and it would be interesting to see how she changes and interacts with Daniel, wouldn't you agree?"
"Hmm." Maddie lightly stroked her chin. "Yes, I see what you mean. I'd be interested in how Danny treats her. Perhaps they'd even team up in the future."
"And I can certainly create clones of Danielle if you really want to study her more closely," said Vlad. "I could take a sample of her mid-morph DNA while I'm stabilizing her."
"Yes, I think that's a good idea," said Maddie. "Jack? What do you think?"
Jack shrugged. "Does it really matter what I think, Mads? You're gonna do what you want no matter what I say, we both know that."
Maddie narrowed her eyes and redirected her attention to the phone. "Go ahead with that plan, Vlad. Let us know the minute you have her in your possession."
"Of course," said Vlad before disconnecting the line.
Maddie lowered her phone and glared at Jack. "Is there something you want to say to me, Jack? We're supposed to be partners in this, you know."
"Partners in murdering our son over and over again?" quipped Jack.
"We've never hurt Danny," said Maddie coolly. "Those clones were never real."
"Maddie, tell me you're not serious about cloning this little girl so we can find new and exotic ways to destroy her like we've been doing with Danny."
"She's not a little girl, Jack. She's a ghost, she's just another one of Danny's fake clones. She was never supposed to exist anyway."
"None of these clones are meant to exist, so why do we keep having Vlad create more?"
"Jack, I really thought you understood. Do I have to explain this to you again? About how we need to be able to study Danny's hybrid ghost biology in a way that would normally kill him?"
"It does kill him. We've killed him twenty-five times now."
"And soon it will be twenty-six. What's your point?"
Jack groaned. "Mads, I don't want to do this to this little girl either. All of these clones—you've seen them, you've heard them scream and beg for their lives. They think they're real. Their pain and suffering, their fear, that betrayal when they realize their own parents are the ones hurting them—that's all real, Maddie."
"They're not real."
"Just because they've been created for only one purpose doesn't mean we aren't killing children who are very aware of what's happening to them."
"Stop humanizing them," hissed Maddie. "This is your problem, Jack. You're thinking of them as human when they're not. They aren't human, they aren't people, they are not our son." Maddie shuddered and folded her arms. "Danny is safe in his bed or at school when we work on those clones. They're just copies."
"But they don't understand that," pleaded Jack.
"It can't be helped. You know it can't."
"It can, if we just stop—"
"No," thundered Maddie. "We've come too far to stop now. And if you're too squeamish to dissect a 'little girl' who's really just another clone, a fake, then I'll do it myself."
Maddie swiftly turned her back on Jack and resumed her research at her workstation. Jack was unmoving behind her for a few moments, then she heard his heavy footsteps stomping away and up the stairs out of the basement lab.
Maddie pressed her palms to the counter and breathed in. When she heard the basement door slam shut, she breathed out and returned to her work. Because even if Jack wasn't one hundred percent committed to their research goals, she certainly was.
Part 20
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ghostoffuturespast · 10 months
4 August 2023 - Field Notes Friday
I was kinda sort of doing this a bit earlier and I don't want to make it too formal, but this series is more of a way for me to share my time out on the prairie and synthesize the knowledge I pickup so I can try to remember at least some of it. I learn somethin' new every day.
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Spent a lot of time walking around in the flowers and a lot of time with small creatures this week.
The sunflowers, prairie coneflower, fetid marigold, and the gone to seed cowpen daisy with the bumblebee on it are all members of the family Asteraceae. This family of plants is one of the largest plant families on the planet estimated to be over 20,000 species.
Asters are composite flowers, meaning the flower head isn't just one flower but many. The large outer petals you see on asters are known as ray flowers (like the large yellow flowers you see on a sunflower). Often, but not always, ray flowers don't have any reproductive structures. The capitulum, the head of the plant, (like the brown section in the middle of a sunflower) is actually composed of hundreds of tiny flowers called disc flowers. These are the flowers that actually get pollinated and produce seeds.
Sunflowers, lettuce, endive, safflower, echinacea, dandelions, and thistles are all members of the Aster family. Often in the field they're sometimes referred to as DYC (damn yellow composites). Because there are so many of them and they're hard to id, even for folks with years of botany or biology under their belt.
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Margined Burying Beetle & Funnel Spider
Margined Burying Beetles are a type of carrion beetle and have very distinctive Halloween colors, which I appreciate! I accidentally flooded a bunch of them out when I was watering some trees. Not very cool of me, but it was neat getting to observe them.
Male beetles fly around looking for the carcass of small vertebrates in order to bury them underground in a little house and attract a potential mate. Once a female does show up though, it's not unusual for other beetles to have arrived as well. If that's the case then they all have to duke it out to see who gets to stay, typically the largest male and female win and the losers have to go look elsewhere. The male and female beetles will mate, clean up the carcass of any fur and feathers, and the female will lay her eggs. Burying beetles engage in parental care and one, sometimes both, will watch after the young until they pupate and are able to take care of themselves. Parents will basically feed the larvae vomit until the young can feed on their own.
These beetles can also secrete enzymes that can actually mask the scent of carrion to reduce the chance of other critters trying to munch on it. Which is pretty wild, considering how much dead stuff smells sometimes. Also, if you can see in the picture that beetle has a beige dot on its head. The beetle had a bunch of mites hanging out on it on the underside! I thought they were parasites at first, but did some research and turns out it's a symbiotic relationship. The mites hitch rides to carcasses and like to eat fly larva. Free rides for the mites and reduced competition for the beetle, win-win.
I fed the funnel spider a grasshopper. She was probably happy to get breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the week.
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Peace or War?
Couple of mice got stuck in this trash can. Don't know how long they'd been in there, but one of them was very agro. They did not like the mouse with the stubby tail and actually drew blood trying to bite the rest of it off. It was like watching a mini cage wrestling match while I was looking for a place to release them. They all made it out of the trash can, but I can't say what happens after...
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Found this beautiful patch of prairie coneflower and spreading fleabane. Got distracted by them and all the bugs.
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Young cottontail rabbit and barn swallow eggs. Mom's been sitting on them diligently, so hopefully they'll hatch soon.
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dirty-bosmer · 1 year
15 Questions for 15
Tagged by: @thequeenofthewinter thank you, dear friend <3
Tagging: @justafoxhound @chennnington @atypicalacademic @dumpsterhipster @hailtheknownworld @wispstalk @elavoria @thana-topsy @dwellerinroots @crynwr-drwg @druidx @sithis-has-no-balls @zomboidatomic @alma-amentet @burningsilence
1. are you named after anyone?
Just my middle name, after my grandmother.
2. when was the last time you cried?
Last month maybe. I ugly cried while watching The Last of Us lol
3. do you have kids?
Nope, and not for a while but maybe one day.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not really. I'm always worried my delivery will be off and someone will take it seriously. Then I'll feel like an ass jajaja
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
I ran track competitively for ~10 years as a kid. Dabbled in rugby in college but wasn't very good, just fast and liked being thrown around. These days, I'm getting into tennis if only to have an excuse to wear those stretchy athletic dresses and skirts.
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people?
Whether we can maintain conversation without it feeling forced or strained.
7. eye color?
👁 big brown eyes like a cow 👁
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies, but if the scary movie has a happy ending I won't mind... most of the time.
9. any special talents?
Dissection? Does that count?? While TAing comparating anatomy, my PI told me that my shark prosections are a work of art which brings me way more joy than it probably should lol. Also, I'm mean on a microtome. Plant ID but only in the north eastern US. Baking pies. I can sing, but only when no one is around, heh.
10. where were you born?
Southern California ☀️ 🏝
11. what are your hobbies?
Writing, rolling around in oil pastels, camping/backpacking/hiking, lounging with a book by the pool.
12. do you have any pets?
My apartment doesn't allow them :'(
13. how tall are you?
14. fave subject in school?
Biology, english, anthropology.
15. dream job?
Collections manager at a museum or lab manager at an imaging core. I love manual labor, organizing things, helping other people get their research done without any of the pressure attached to actually publishing. Stick me in the basement with a to-do list and I'm good :)
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yourstrullyme · 1 year
boop! you have to answer the following questions and get into the ask of 3 your mutuals and make them answer them as well
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried
3. Do you have kids
4. What's the first thing you notice about people?
5. What's your eye color?
6. Sad or happy endings?
7. Any special talents?
8. Where were you born?
9. What are your hobbies?
10. Do you have any pets?
11. What sport do you play/ have played?
12. How tall are you?
13. Favourite subject in school?
14. Dream job?
omg this is fun
1. yes, my mom had a grandma that they called Lina, thinking it was a nickname for one out of two possible names so my mom gave me one of them (the prettier of the two imo)... turns out her grandma was just Lina lol
2. oof id say tuesday? ive been terribly sick and stressed out of my mind and had a test i did very badly on and it was just too much
3. nope lol
4. usually... id say the clothes, style, vibes. im bad w faces and eyecontact
5. green w lil brown freckles
6. both? i love bittersweet endings and honestly if the story is good and the ending makes sense i dont care if its happy or sad
7. uuuh im really good at picking up stuff?? like learning something for the first time is pretty easy, perfecting it is tough but starting is easy. i can also move my ears lol
8. Reñaca, Viña del Mar. Chile.
9. they change a lot but id say rock climbing, music in general, and reading and writing would be the most consistent ones
10. YES her name is carlotta and she was born to a dog a friend picked up from the street so i adopted her. shes small but her body is long and short-legged and her hair is colored like a black and white border collie, but her hair is really tough lol and shes got a beard. shes just a mix of a lot of things. she turns 3 in december
11. sooo many lets see... formally i did volleyball and hockey in school, plus athletism where i mostly did long and high jumps amongst other things. football in college (i was a goalkeeper) and now rock climbing, and im also considering joining a jiu jitsu gym with a friend to try and exersize more regularly (and beat the crap out of each other). then on the side ive always dabbled in running, did a bit of skating, rollerskating, some gym stuff, water skiing, fishing, and i tried kayaking for a month and i want to get back into it
12. 1.74 mts
13. so many lol although i enjoyed myself the most in english, spanish and history back in middle and high school, now that im in college i really love economy and anything to do with biology. basically everything lol
14. oh god... no idea. many jobs. id love to have a job that requires me to travel and meet many people, and a lab job or a field job but in research, and a public figure kind of job? the kind were u have to decide stuff and make speeches and shit. id love to write too, to be a writer on a tv show or write books, but also direct or act (i shouldve been a theatre major honestly if i could have aby job this one would probably be it lol) id love to also have a farmer or a shepards job... the long hours in the great outdoors and physical labor just call to me lol
i just feel like my dream job is a dynamic job, nothing too stagnant, but then again that can just be my age talking yknow? maybe when im older i'll just want a good paying job that allows me to be w my loved ones so who knows. ideally though, it would require me to be outside some part of the time lol
this was fun thanks!! also to that anon that asked me the same thing the answers are here but thanks for asking!
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In the face of increasing uncertainty and constant fear-mongering, how do you know what ‘the real enemy’ is and where the world is marching towards?
Let’s start with DNA trade, research, and control.
“The Mosaic Project” (PSIFAS)
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who signed the #IsraelPfizerDeal – the medical information research deal with Pfizer (that was later implemented and promoted by his political “opponents” as well) is now establishing and promoting – a national DNA pool that will combine the Israeli DNA and medical information into a huge database.
This new National DNA bank is called: “PSIFAS” or – “The Mosaic Project” (PSIFAS means mosaic in Hebrew) – it was formally launched only 3 days ago (March 8,2023), but was apparently planned for a long time, at least since 2016 and was finally registered as a corporate during the Covid “chaos”, in 2021.
PSIFAS “will include genetic information of donors, combined with the clinical information about them from the healthcare insurance funds and hospitals, and is expected to put Israel on the leading edge of global innovation in the field of medicine”.
This initiative is both private and state-owned – it works in cooperation with “The Ministry of Health, the Israel Innovation Authority, the Planning and Budgeting Committee, The Planning Division at the Ministry of Finance, and the Directorate for the Development of Weapons and Infrastructure, the partners in the project in the Healthcare Insurance Funds and in hospitals and in academia.”
A large portion of the Israeli industry is biotechnology high-tech companies, and many of those involved in this project rely on it or can benefit significantly from it. In fact, this is true to the biotechnology industry worldwide.
I have many questions regarding possible conflicts of interest and ethical violations, and also – regarding the future it holds for us as humans.
One example of this possible conflict of interest- is Prof. Barabash, that was chosen to run The Mosaic Project.
Prof. Barabash is also a Board Member at CBI– a very large biotechnology company – that recently made a huge profit from a deal with BioNTech – the manufacturer for Pfizer’s Covid “vaccines”.
[CBI is controlled by Len Blavatnik – a British Jewish billionaire, a Russian oligarch from the former USSR – who also happens to own the MSM Israeli channel “Channel 13” – it was no surprise that Prof. Barabash was promoting Covid Policy, lockdowns, fear propaganda and Covid “vaccines” in those studios]
Another example is Clalit Healthcare Insurance Fund, the largest and leading healthcare fund in Israel – the Mosaic Project is headed by Clalit fund- which is funded by Pfizer (and was also providing the research for the Pfizer Covid product called a “vaccine”).
This DNA pool (with medical information and DNA database) is both tradable (the new “gold mine”) and is also used for biotechnological research to promote some of the most dangerous technologies, that until the fog of “Covid pandemic” were very limited and regulated with ethics and laws.
The Digital Plan – replacing Biology & Humanity?
The DNA database in combination with the medical information on each and every individual – integrates well with other global planes that we know are already in motion:
Digital ID plan,
Digital passports plan,
Digital currency control plan
Global joint plans – Digital ID, Climate control , AI and more.
Together- this all promotes a clear goal of increasing centralized control over the individual, the robbery of freedoms and above all – a lot of money to those who hold and control this information, OUR INFORMATION- and humans as their new “commodity”, one that has already defined as the new “gold mine”.
These databases also form an infrastructure for advancing human engineering, Bio-Convergence Transhumanism, and actually: Replacing the biological identity of humans with a digital identity – perhaps in the pursuit of overcoming death and becoming eternal
This forced “revolution” promoted by well-known international entities (WEF and others) along with behind the scenes influencers with many interests – also corresponds with many aspects of Biological humanity vs. Digital Identity:
The issue of “what is the superior parenthood” and forced DNA tests was just recently discussed in the “Sofia” legal case regarding a baby Sofia that was conceived with IVF and during the pregnancy it was accidentally found that she is not genetically matched with her parents. I wrote about it in Hebrew here.
They call it Bio-Convergence and or – “The Fourth Revolution” but- I view it as nothing less than a declaration of war on biology, on humanity as we know it and some might say even in those forces that are perceived as greater than any human: nature and divinity (״force major״)
If you replace biology with man-made products- you make people completely dependent and enslaved to the owner of those necessary “products” – and you can research them, control them and do what you want with them.
In Israel, this process has been planned for several years under captivating words such as: “Personalized Digital Health” – but the Covid crisis, fake emergencies, and “war fog” in 2020-2022 provided it with a significant catalyst and it went into very active operation in 2021, and now more than ever.
“Never let a good crisis go to waste” said Netanyahu to Dr. Jordan Peterson in an interview that took place a few months ago. Covid was indeed quite a crisis, meaning- opportunity.
In that same interview, Netanyahu proudly explained how he convinced Bourla (Pfizer CEO) to turn Israel into the world’s “laboratory” and also about his plans to establish a genetic and medical database in Israel to run an analysis on this information that would support and strengthen Israel’s biotechnology industry as a world leader, in his opinion.
In my opinion- he sold the Israeli people in this process, and the whole world is going in that same direction.
This is happening simultaneously to other processes in Israel that demonstrate how “Covid” served as a gate to open the possibility unethical era.
One example is the PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS RESEARCH INSTITUTE” (PPRI) – Israeli hospital SHEBA partners with the US’s NIH to establish this institute, led by Prof. Gili Regev-Yochay, Director of the Pandemic Research Institute & Infectious Diseases Unit at Sheba Medical Center. (and former consultant to Pfizer). This was published on December 2022.
Also coming to Israel – on March 2023 it was published that the German company BioNTech (manufacturer of the Pfizer mRNA “vaccine”) is now establishing its medical genetic research lab in Israel.
The Political Smoke Screen in Israel
This is happening whilst Israel is in the midst of a “political storm” between an artificial “opposition and coalition” around the topic framed in the MSM as: “A Constitutional Crisis” regarding a new “Legal Reform” and “A Threat to Israeli Democracy” This is also promoted with well-known propaganda methods, introduced to us during Covid.
In my opinion, this protest serves as a distraction and directs all public criticism of the government’s policies in Israel to one place – which may soon turn out to be irrelevant.
At the same time and away from the public eye and the media, with the overwhelming support of ALL political positions -“The Mosaic Project” was established and launched – with zero criticism on the mainstream media and public discourse (so far).
The social reality here is so strange now, that most of the speakers that are “fighting for Israeli democracy” are the same ones that supported Covid coercion policies and the ones that were heavily inciting against policy critics – most of them are still supporting that Covid policy that destroyed our democracy and social structure. Yuval Noah Harari is key speaker in this “protest”.
As I wrote above – a few days ago the first “National DNA Bank and medical Database” was officially launched here in Israel – this will define us as humanity, it will define our future.
If you want to know what the plan is for the whole world, and very soon – it will probably be a good idea to look at “the pilot country”, my country, that kidnapped its people – Jews, Arabs, Christians, and others – to be the pioneer subjects of this disturbing plan.
This is not fear-mongering, this is real. It’s becoming clearer now that this is the new “industry” and we are the new product. Will we surrender our free will without a voice?
The website for “Psifas” (Israel’s National DNA database) also exists only in Hebrew here.
Please let me know what your thoughts are on this, in the comments section below.
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I saw the impersonate you invitation and I'm not very good at impersonations, but I will tell you what I think you are like based on your blog!
First of all you love Lucy from Fairytale, and have a lot of fun playfully obsessing over her.
I say playful, because you have a suprisingly nuanced understanding of the characters that you like. You dont just take the text (or whatever medium you are engaging with) at face value, you think through what is happening and what it means. You have excelent literary analysis skills.
I think you are probably pretty blunt and opinionated, but you are not mean or unkind. You care deeply for the people around you and put a lot of effort into understanding them.
You may lean towards pessimism sometimes, but you have a sarcastic sense of humor which can make it seem like you are more pessimistic than you really are.
You are very enthusiastic about the beautiful parts of the world, and delight in happy suprises.
I have no idea why, but you feel like somebody who thinks marine biology is cool af.
How did I do? Did I get anything right?
oh my god I love this alskfjsjf
first of all: sorry this took me a hot second to answer 😅
second: hey how does it feel to cut out a piece of my soul only to serve it to me on a silver platter?
gonna go more in depth with each one under the cut (bc I love talking about myself lol) but if you don't have the nerves for that ATM let it be known that you've got me clocked my guy. if I have to describe myself in a job interview I'm gonna ring up beloved tumblr anon to do it for me 🫡 💕
most inaccurate is probably that I'm actually not sure whether I'd call myself an optimist or pessimist (though I do know that I make an effort to be outwardly more optimistic than I actually feel) and while I do absolutely adore the ocean I'm not sure I'd say that I'm particularly interested in marine biology specifically. it's one of those things I keep telling myself I want to do more research on but I never actually do it, so like, theoretically yes but not in practice? does this make sense?
1. id say lucy heartfilia lives rent-free in my head but it would probably be more accurate to say that I feed her scraps of brain matter and heart tissue and devotion in hopes she deems my soul a worthy resting place (<- look how normal I am about her!)
FT was not only my longest obsession ever to date but also my first after moving countries, so being unwell about Lucy again feels weirdly nostalgic in a way?
2. oh yeah I do adore analysing texts and characters and devices and stuff. which is also why I adore wuthering heights lol (cycles and parallels and tragedies my beloved). I don't really know how to read WITHOUT doing this tbh? like of course there is a difference when I am actively engaging with it but sometimes I'll say something that seems pretty obvious to me and then people will be like "this is a great analysis!" lol
(also not to brag but I've been told more than once that I often approach narratives and symbolism from an angle that others haven't considered before 😏)
I actually started studying literature, but for various reasons (which include not being able to deal with a bunch of people clacking on their laptops at the same time the sound was literally driving me insane does anyone have any tips on how to deal with that) I stopped going after like a month
tho id say my favorite thing to analyze is actualy theater plays? especially because of the added element of speech (it feels unfair to judge an audiobook by this metric since books were primarily written to be read but theater is literally made to be spoken aloud and thus it is the authors duty to also think about the cadences of the words and what the different sounds feel like instead of just focusing on how it looks like on paper imo) and visuals
whenever I go with a friend (I need to go with someone so I can talk about it) I'll first ask them what they thought so I can gather my thoughts and kinda compare and then I won't shut up until we have to go out separate ways lol
3. which is a great way to get into the third point: I do have opinions about everything! (unless I don't have a lot of information on the topic in question). I always keep myself open for counter arguments (my biggest fear is becoming one of those obnoxious stubborn ignorant people who are proud of being stuck in their ways and categorically refuse to even consider other viewpoints and opinions) but unless this is about something factual where you have more experience/facts than me it's actually pretty hard to convince me.
because while I love sharing my opinions to everyone that'll listen, im Not a fan of confrontations? I tire of them pretty quickly so depending on whether you pass my vibe check I will either be honest (hey yo agree to disagree can we change topics) or pretend to agree just so we can move on without anyone getting prissy lmao
4. and yes I do try to always be kind to people! dni if you don't make an effort to wish the bus driver a good day tbh. I have this need to be acknowledged and remembered by strangers and also feel really bad whenever im mean to people so my compromise is to try to always be friendly while wearing bright hair and clothes lol
I think I also have a pretty approachable aura? I'm often asked for directions and stuff (which is always a shame for the people asking because i am lostTM)
5. okay so. this is actually a fun exercise to do. because characters in books need to be fairly simple at their core (so the author can write them consistently) while creating the illusion of being complex and layered - and you can kind of do the same thing to real people!
in my mind that makes me a bad shittalker because I'll be actively doing this while you are trying to tell me about something shitty someone else did to you. I'll try to look at it from various angles (at least within the realm of the possible when going solely by a very biased POV) which often comes across as defending them? but I think this is a rather unpopular opinion since I can't count the times I've heard "I know you don't like to shittalk people, but-" as a conversation starter lol
6. I am! a sarcastic shit! I can clearly tell the difference between my sarcasm and my serious voice, but people say that it sounds the same to them (which just makes it more fun tbh lol) tho I think that's only fair considering I often have a hard time telling when other ppl are being serious vs not
7. idk where I am on the optimism pessimism scale tbh. when I was small I figured out this neat magic trick where if u pretend to have really low expectations things seem even cooler than they actually are. it makes sense (expectations and everyone is master of their own reality and contrast etc etc) but back then I genuinely thought I had unravelled the fabric of the universe lol
so like. I'll always be kinda expecting the worst while at the same time not quite believing it? so I'm not disappointed when the "worst" does indeed happen but am also not actively psyching myself out? idk the only gymnastics I'm good at are the mental ones
long story short anon I hope I don't come off too strong but I think I am in love with you <3
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redtailarts101 · 8 months
Since I know barely any people follow this account or know of it I can use it to send an image to my friends that I want hidden but can't even send through links normally because of link previews
Placeholder image to show up in the preview
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Okay warning from this point onward there will be some gore shown. I'll leave the actual images below the cut here.
Devil's Train - Andromeda Callistor
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[Image ID: A drawing of 3 characters and a train with an overall red tint. The central character is a humanoid looking alien. Her brown hair is in a half-up half-down style, one side with a pigtail and one in a loose bun that appears to be coming undone. The implication is meant to be that she had her hair in buns, and the pigtail was a bun that fully came undone. She has pointy ears, light skin, and lime green eyes, with the same-colored dots beneath them. She looks startled. Her outfit is a black tubetop shirt with the top of it being fishnet. She is also wearing a violet jacket. in the background is a man with gray hair, the same colored skin and eyes as the central character, wearing a backwards shirt that's ripped. His left arm has the top half missing, bone exposed, and his right arm has scratches. His ribcage and spine are exposed, as are his lungs, and his small intestine is visible. He's wearing brown pants. There's also a close up of another character in the background. Only her head and fingertips are visible. She has light skin and auburn hair in a half-up half-down bun, and her eyes are shrouded by shadow. She has green nail polish and a sinister smile on her face. In the foreground is a black old train, lit by red, with yellow windows and the number 666. There's also red text outlined in white that says "Devil's train" in all capitals. The background is a dark red with a lighter shade in the middle. The whole piece has a glitch effect on it, strongest on the central character. End ID.]
Yes I did come up with an unnecessary backstory for the character because I really liked the song why do you ask?
This information is irrelevant for anyone NOT involved in (C.C.C.) L.A.R.P. 2024 but basically the backstory I've come up with is regarding how she'd met Kiera. She was always an experimenter, though her experiments weren't ever within the confines of a science class. Some were dangerous and others unethical. One of her more dangerous (to herself) experiments was a chemical mixing. She was trying to create a psychadelic for herself and others. She didn't have any willing test subjects, so she took the concoction herself. She begin to see and hear things, alright, but it wasn't any of the crazy or "cool" things she anticipated. She saw disturbing things, namely, the ghost of her grandfather who had gone missing years ago. She ran away from home in sheer terror and still saw and heard things. Kiera found her in her delirious state, learned of how she had gotten herself like this, and scolded her, but also told her she needed a safe way to conduct her experiments. She brings up the upcoming space expedition to the planet Earth, and that the goal is to find and study any life on it. Kiera tells Andromeda that she plans to join the expedition, and encourages Andromeda to pursue biology, promising that it she gets accepted into the program, she'll use her connections to land Andie a spot in the program as a scientist and "researcher" (the research being direct experimentation on the life that they find.) Andromeda's captivated. She agrees, excited at the prospect of being able to conduct her experiments on any subject she wants, without repercussions, and without needing to resort to using herself as a guinea pig.
Will this backstory become canon? Maybe. Maybe not. It doesn't have much bearing on the story of the present and is mostly just self indulgent so I can have something to imagine to the song.
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tyrannuspitch · 3 years
Jumping off @kidrat​ ’s recent post on JKR, British transphobia, and transphobia against transmasculine people, after getting a bit carried away and too long to add as a comment:
A major, relatively undiscussed event in JKR’s descent into full terfery was this tweet:
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[image id: a screenshot of a tweet from JK Rowling reading: “’People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”
Rowling attaches a link to an article titled: “Opinion: Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate” /end id]
This can seem like a pretty mundane TERF talking point, just quibbling over language for the sake of it, but I think it’s worth discussing, especially in combination with the idea that cis women like JKR see transmasculine transition as a threat to their womanhood. (Recite it with horror: ”If I were young now, I might’ve transitioned...”)
A lot of people, pro- or anti-transphobe, will make this discussion about whether the term “woman” should include trans women or not, and how cis women are hostile to the inclusion of trans women. And that’s absolutely true. But the actual language cis women target is very frequently being changed for the benefit of trans men, not trans women, and most of them know this.
Cis people are used to having their identities constantly reaffirmed and grounded in their bodies. A lot of cis women, specifically, understand their social and physical identities as women as being defined by pain: misogynistic oppression is equated to the pains of menstruation or childbirth, and both are seen as the domain of cis women. They’re something cis women can bond over and build a “sisterhood” around, and the more socially aware among them can recognise that cis women’s pain being taken less seriously by medicine is not unrelated to their oppression. However, in the absence of any trans perspectives, these conversations can also easily become very territorial and very bioessentialist.
Therefore... for many cis women, seeing “female bodies” described in gender neutral language feels like stripping their pain of its meaning, and they can become very defensive and angry.
And the consequences for transmasculine people can be extremely dangerous.
Not only do transmasculine people have an equal right to cis women to define our bodies as our own... Using inclusive language in healthcare is about more than just emotional validation.
The status quo in healthcare is already non-inclusive. When seeking medical help, trans people can expect to be misgendered and to have to explain how our bodies work to the doctors. We risk harassment, pressure to detransition, pressure to sterilise ourselves, or just being outright turned away. And the conversation around pregnancy and abortion in particular is heaving with cisnormativity - both feminist and anti-feminist cis women constantly talk about pregnancy as a quintessentially female experience which men could never understand.
Using gender-neutral language is the most basic step possible to try and make transmasculine people safer in healthcare, by removing the idea that these are “women’s spaces”, that men needing these services is impossible, and that safety depends on ideas like “we’re all women here”. Not institutionally subjecting us to misgendering and removing the excuse to outright deny us treatment is, again, one of the most basic steps that can be taken. It doesn’t mean we’re allowed comfort, dignity or full autonomy, just that one major threat is being addressed. The backlash against this from cis women is defending their poorly developed senses of self... at the cost of most basic dignity and safety for transmasculine people.
Ironically, though transphobic cis women feel like decoupling “women’s experiences” from womanhood is decoupling them from gendered oppression, transmasculine people experience even more marginalisation than cis women. Our rates of suicide and assault are even higher. Our health is even less researched than cis women’s. Our bodies are even more strictly controlled. Cis women wanting to define our bodies on their terms is a significant part of that. They hold the things we need hostage as “women’s rights”, “women’s health”, “women’s discussions” and “support for violence against women”, and demand we (re-)closet ourselves or lose all of their solidarity.
Fundamentally, the problem is that transphobic cis women are possessive over their experiences and anyone who shares them. Because of their binary understanding of gender, they’re uncomfortable with another group sharing many of their experiences but defining themselves differently. They’re uncomfortable with transmasculine people identifying “with the enemy” instead of “with their sisters”, and they’re even more uncomfortable with the idea that there are men in the world who they oppress, and not the other way around. “Oppression is for women; you can’t call yourself a man and still claim women’s experiences. Pregnancy is for women; if you want to be a man so badly why haven’t already you done something about having a woman’s body? How dare you abandon the sisterhood while inhabiting one of our bodies?”
Which brings me back to the TERF line about how “If I were young now, I might have transitioned.”
I’m not saying Rowling doesn’t actually feel any personal connection to that narrative - but it is a standard line, and it’s standard for a reason. Transphobic cis women really believe that there is nothing trans men go through that cis women don’t. They equate our dysphoria to internalised misogyny, eating disorders, sexual abuse or other things they see as “female trauma”. They equate our desire to transition to a desire to escape. They want to “help us accept ourselves” and “save us” from threats to their sense of identity. The fact is, this is all projection. They refuse to consider that we really have a different internal experience from them.
There’s also a marked tendency among less overtly transphobic cis women, even self-proclaimed trans allies, to make transphobia towards trans men about cis women.
Violence against trans men is chronically misreported and redefined as “violence against women”. In activist spaces, we’re frequently told that any trauma we have with misogyny is “misdirected” and therefore “not really about us”. If we were women, we would’ve been “experiencing misogyny”, but men can’t do that, so we should shut up and stop “talking over women”. (Despite the surface difference of whether they claim to affirm our gender, this is extremely similar to how TERFs tell us that everything we experience is “just misogyny”, but that transmasculine identity is a delusion that strips us of the ability to understand gender or the right to talk about it.)
I have personally witnessed an actual N*zi writing an article about how trans men are “destroying the white race” by transitioning and therefore becoming unfit to carry children, and because the N*zi had misgendered trans men in his article, every response I saw to it was about “men controlling women’s bodies”.
All a transphobe has to do is misgender us, and the conversation about our own oppression is once again about someone else.
Transphobes will misgender us as a form of violence, and cis feminist “allies” will perpetuate our misgendering for rhetorical convenience. Yes, there is room to analyse how trans men are treated by people who see us as women - but applying a simple “men oppressing women” dynamic that erases our maleness while refusing to even name transphobia or cissexism is not that. Trans men’s oppression is not identical to cis women’s, and forcing us to articulate it in ways that would include cis women in it means we cannot discuss the differences.
It may seem like I’ve strayed a long way from the original topic, and I kind of have, but the central reason for all of these things is the same:
Trans men challenge cis women’s self-concept. We force them to actually consider what manhood and womanhood are and to re-analyse their relationship to oppression, beyond a simple binary patriarchy. 
TERFs will tell you themselves that the acknowledgement of trans people, including trans men, is an “existential threat” that is “erasing womanhood” - not just our own, but cis women’s too. They hate the idea that biology doesn’t determine gender, and that gender does not have a strict binary relationship to oppression. They’re resentful of the idea that they could just “become men”, threatened by the assertion that doing so is not an escape, and completely indignant at the idea that their cis womanhood could give them any kind of power. They are, fundamentally, desperate not to have to face the questions we force them to consider, so they erase us, deflect from us, and talk over us at every opportunity.
Trans men are constantly redefined against our wills for the benefit of cis womanhood.
Cis women find transmasculine identity threatening, because we share experiences that they see as foundational to their womanhood
The fact that transphobes target inclusive language in healthcare specifically is not a mistake - They do not want us to be able to transition safely
Cis women are uncomfortable acknowledging transphobia, so they make discussion of trans men’s oppression about “womanhood” instead
This can manifest as fully denying that trans men experience our own oppression, or as pretending trans men’s experiences are identical to cis women’s in every way
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