#if they get enough water they don't die back at all during winter and that's maybe an edge I don't want them to have
probablyspooky · 7 months
Strength p. 2 (Feral Predator x Fem!Reader)
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Trigger warning : Abuse, swearing, nsfw, white men
As days turn to weeks, and weeks to month, you've settled into your new life fairly well. You're never hungry, and he'd never raise a hand to you, and he makes sure that no harm comes your way. As the warm summer air grows colder, and the snow begins to fall, your new lover stays inside more with you.
"Does this always happen?", he asks, holding you to his lap
"What does? The snow?" you turn to him
"It doesn't happen where I'm from." he replies, clicking softly
"It happens at the end of the year, and the beginning of the new year, it gives plants a rest..." you reply softly, leaning into his chest
"I should hunt to get pelts...warmth is important in these times?"
"They are, but are you sure you wanna go out? Could I perhaps come with you?"
"You have no warm clothing, I don't want you to work too hard, conserve your heat. I will return shortly."
With that, he slid you off of his lap, and walked out of the den, cloaking into the winter air and disappearing.
Leaving you to your lonesome, you curled up in a thin fur and laid down, trying to hold as much heat in as you could, the heat radiating off the small fire Feral had left behind was not sufficient enough for you to keep as warm as you'd had hoped.
Closing your eyes you remind yourself of an easier time, in the dark stone bowels of a building, it was dark and leaky, but at least the coals in the fireplace kept you warm.
However the price of warmth is not worth the comfort of the fire, as you were often mistreated and harshly punished by those above you.
Yet here you are, safe, in cave with your love, not the love you expected but it didn't matter.
As your thoughts flooded your head, your throat became parched, peaking over to the bowl that usually contains water, you noticed it was sadly empty (just like your brain, no valley or bumps)
Taking initiative, you decided to slide on your boots and head out into the cold world to retrieve water. The cold was bearable, as the fur was tightly held against your body as you traveled down hill towards the stream.
Once you arrived you knelt down to slide the bucket into the chilling water. Your mind was elsewhere as the familiar smell of cigar smoke filled your lungs, as you turned in panic, your world went dark.
Waking up and feeling an aching pain on your head, your head lifts to see the horrifying realization that you were in a camp, his camp. Struggling against your restraints, you alerted him that you were awake.
With a rough hand, your former master lifted your head up, that disgusting beard of his littered with bits of meat, and that stinking cigar in his mouth.
"Well well, I thought you dead, but call me surprised when I saw your little head when we was hunting," he chuckled, blowing a cloud of sickening smoke into your face
Coughing, your eyes began to water, fear replaced the comfort in your heart at your new situation.
"P-please...let me go" you asked quietly, tears beginning to fall down your cheeks
"Well... you see I would, but you're still technically my property as you didn't die during our game last season. Since I am a humble man, I'm willing to let bygones be bygones if you tell me where you got a fur this nice." he asked, holding up the fur Feral had gotten for you.
"I-I can't, please, let me go"
A harsh slap stung against your cheek as you let out a loud cry of pain. A being, who was currently about a mile away, perked out at the sound
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"I won't ask again, I could make a lot of money from these furs, they seem to be cleaned so finely, I doubt these are your work, so did you meet up with a native?" he sneers at you, taking the cigar out of his mouth, turning the searing red hot end towards your cheek
"Speak darling," he whispered as it moved closer to your sensitive flesh
You began to pull back, but where could you go, you had nothing, you were going to go through it all over again, feeling the heat radiate off the cigar, you braced yourself for the painful burn that was coming.
But it never did, off at the edge of camp, one of the men fired off into the distance, everyone's attention was turned, as everyone began to shout, and then the screams, the screams of agony, as they faced a being that could not be seen, your former master turned and dropped his cigar.
"What the hell..." he mumbled, drawing his pistol.
A man flew through the air, as he fell to the ground in agony and fear, he tried to crawl away, but it seemed all the air had been pressed out of his lungs, and with a sickening crack, whatever the force was broke his spine, and his eyes glazed over as his body gave out.
Your former master (who will now just be called master because I'm lazy), stepped forward, looking around at the group of men that now littered the ground in bloody heaps.
"Who goes there?" he shouted, pointing his pistol into the air, unsure of where the enemy would be.
You felt the rope holding you back loosen, as you felt a warm presence on your side, safety now covering you, you stepped back as the presence stepped forward, sparkling as his cloak slowly turned off, showing his form, his height and his menacing self, he stood behind your master, and clicked, tilting his head.
Master turned, and let out a scream of horror as Feral grabbed his face, and lifted him up into the air, masters screams filled the forest, you covered your eyes, and heard a sickening crunch. After a bit, two large hands pulled your hands down, and with a playful lick, Feral assured you of your safety.
Climbing onto his back, you nuzzled your face into his shoulder, finally being rid of your greatest enemy at last.
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 11 months
Sorry, but I Think I Lost Your Plot pt 8
Pairing: Onesided!Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Modern!Fem!Reader
Words: 1,794
Hiccup learns. Or, well, he tries. And then he doesn’t.
Tags: Time Travel, Reader into Movieverse, the earth is round, the earth is flat, quiet moments pt 2, Changewings
<Previous - Next>
“Yeah, you know, fetch water, deliver parts and do laundry. Clean carts, a bit of herding on the side, I wash down dragons sometimes for a few extra coins. Plus doing all of my stuff,” You picked at the sleeves of your tunic then decided better of it.
“Your stuff.” Hiccup stated.
“Laundry, clean out the hay in the barn, cook, repair the shed, which is really nasty by the way, I hate it, something’s always wrong. Like that.”
“That’s… A lot. And you’re not getting paid? For all of it?”
“Yeah. I am, I mean. I get food and board. Coin, I only get that sometimes. The stables get kind of chilly in the winter, otherwise it’s alright.”
Hiccup looked at you oddly, “No, no, it really is not. You live… in the stables.”
Most Vikings even across clans would take the time to hunker down together during the winter, especially during the devastating season even if they hadn’t yet gotten to the point where everyone had to be ushered into the Great Hall together. You knew at least that much, which was maybe why it came across as odd to Hiccup.
“I mean, yeah? I don't see you getting paid for working in the forge.” You shrugged.
“I guess, well, point, but also I get to build what I want with whatever I want. Which can get kind of… expensive.” You nodded. That made sense enough.
“Well, I guess it is what it is. I can’t really be picky, you know.”
You were both sitting on the hill in front of his house. He’d caught you in between jobs somehow. You always seemed to be busy.
There were a few Vikings below putting effort into rebuilding 
“This is really comfy,” You sighed. While making a delivery for the Chief, Hiccup had come by and the two of you had stumbled into each other, getting whatever he had in his arms spilled all over onto your shirt and sizzled a bit.
It probably had something to do with the cleanup going on. You were just glad you cleaned up fast enough to avoid getting burned.
“It’s my favorite,” He said.
“Really?” You sat with your knees up to your nose, arms wrapped around your trousers, which were salvageable, though your skirt was not. Your arms were donned in red fabric of a familiar shade, which was extremely comfortable despite its scratchy exterior.
“You gave it to me, so…” Hiccup shrugged his shoulders oddly. He avoided looking in your eyes as he spoke.
“That’s awfully flattering.” You said kindly. You could tell why it was. Or maybe you were just extra thankful to be in something dry. Whatever Hiccup had been carrying was very sticky and hard to scrub off, which you had a ball doing, hidden away behind a curtain in their home with a small wash bin and rag. 
You spent the whole time in a rush hoping that Stoick wouldn’t come back early and catch you in the nude, or something, despite the irrationality of it. That would be incredibly embarrassing.
“I’m sure,” Hiccup nodded his assent fiddly, before he gestured with his hands, laughing awkwardly, then staring down at his own knees, “But, you know. So, what brings you up here?” 
You yawned, resting your hand over your mouth, “Well… Package for the Chief, mostly. Also, I wanted to say thank you.”
“Thank you?”
“For helping me out, earlier. I would have died, you know.”
There was some drama earlier, a Dragon attack that had something to do with lucky stones, which you didn’t have a lot of time for. 
You paused running, probably not a very smart move, as you spotted a small group on the other side of the clearing standing far enough apart for you to watch and ogle as someone who you thought was Tuffnut pet the base of a fire tower.
“Oh, well,” Hiccup said, scratching his neck, “It was nothing.”
Hiccup was the one who got you out of the way in time. To not die. You owed him another favor, you guessed. You sighed.
In the time it took for either of you to come up with something new to say, Toothless came and lumbered in from the back. You’d seen him wander off there earlier. He probably spent a lot of time out when he wasn’t stuck like glue to Hiccup’s side. Berk was going through a very rare and treasured heat spell, which the dragons were very much taking advantage of.
“What do you think about?” Hiccup asked, leaning backwards.
You blinked at him, and at the set of bandages peeking out from under his green tunic.
“Not much. What I’m going to do later, what’s for dinner. I think about home sometimes. And… The world is round,” It was a bit random. Admittedly, You usually avoided talking about future your-world things, but you had gotten into a tizzy over a few things earlier with one of the Vikings by the fields. Maybe you were feeling a little peckish about it still.
“But…”Hiccup raised his eyebrow, squinting quizzically, “The world isn’t round.”
This world, apparently, did not operate on cartoon physics. It would have been a really cruel joke on you if it had, you thought, You double checked. It was just the people. So there was no reason as to why they shouldn’t be able to get it.
“You’re kidding, right? Come on, Toothless.” 
Toothless deadpanned at him, turning around to walk away, his tail ending up smacking Hiccup in the head and arms as he made an effort to protect his face.
“Oh, wow, great, thanks, Bud.”
Hiccup squinted, and waved his arms at his dragon, mock brushing him away.
“See? He agrees.” You grinned.
Hiccup turned to look at you, “That’s my best friend, if you would believe it.”
“Are you sure about that?” You sniped, “Because I’m not so sure about that.”
“I can tell.” He deadpanned, shrugging playfully.
You shook your head. There were more important things to be talking about. Like…
“I don’t understand how you guys fly around all the time and you still don’t know the earth is round,” You snickered.
“It’s not,” He insisted, “Flying wouldn’t change that.”
“It would!” You insisted, “It’s all about perspective.”
You shook your head as one of a pair of vikings down below dropped a large log from his shoulder, causing it to roll off and back towards the other houses.
“You’re up in the air, or somewhere up high, really, and you see that the horizon line is round.” You’d been up to Gothi's enough to be sure, “It’s like when you look really close at a ball or something. And the ball is spinning a lot. It’s physics. Science.”
“What kind of science? The Thorston kind? I find it hard to believe, if that’s the case.”
At some point, you realized that, despite it all, he didn’t actually know a lot about you. Where you came from, what your family was like, if you had one. What you liked to do. You really did have to explain.
You wrinkled your nose at his sarcasm, ignoring it as you decided to go on, “The world is really heavy. Like I said, it also spins. Like when you sit on something soft and it sinks. It works like that for both the top and bottom. It’s Gravity.” You used the English word for it.
There was a thump on the roof above you as a flock of Terrors landed by your feet. Probably one from the group. They tended to spin out of control often, especially if it was breezy out.
“It’s common knowledge where I come from,” You said, 
“Is it?” Hiccup squinted, as if he was seeing you in a whole new light. A whole new, mental light, “Well, I don’t know about the whole round thing, but- What next, are you going to tell me that the sun revolves around Midgard?”
“Also yes,” You interjected, with a vendetta, gesturing with both hands, “Why do you guys always lead with that? Is it really that crazy of an idea? Seriously.”
You glowered at him, “I think you all are busted in the head. Or the lightning scrambled your brain, or something, because I have no idea how you’re seeing this.” 
“What? No,” Hiccup said, “No, I’m perfectly healthy.”
“Yeah,” You snorted, “You guys lack what I would call common sense.”
There was a loud rumbling from back inside the Haddock House. It was definitely Toothless. At least someone had your back. It probably didn’t help that the only ones who agreed with you were the twins.
Hiccup turned back to shoot a nasty look at Toothless, probably forgetting about his bandages. And the burnt skin under.
“I probably owe you another favor, don’t I?” You winced as he jerked back around, cursing. It was kind of silly, and kind of nerve-wracking watching his scrawny shoulders curl in over his stomach. 
“Nah,” Hiccup looked up from his knees and feet, resting on the steps to his home, to you, and then back, trying to hide his wheezing, “This one’s… on the house.”
Your hands hovered over his bak unsurely, worried if you tried to help you might agitate his burns more. You would probably take a trip up to Gothi later and ask if she had anything more to use to help.
“And, well, We’re Vikings.” Hiccup grimaced, “And, hey, I have some common sense, too.”
You stayed silent, giving Hiccup a moment as he gathered himself. You hoped he hadn’t any acid left in his skin. You felt awful about it.
Hiccup sat up steadily, and you made sure to scoot back and give him space as he did. He kept an unhandy smile on his face, the corner of his mouth twitching, eyebrows pushing up as you attempted to make sure he was alright.
Your face fell, molding into something more confused, as he mouth a question under his breath.
“Why did you leave?”
“Sorry, I’ve just… Been wondering. What brought you to Berk?” Hiccup brought a shaky hand back up to his neck.
You felt your eyes unfocus a bit.
You guessed it was probably the natural progression of things. You wondered whether you were supposed to come up with something, or just not. You decided on something more square in the middle.
“I don’t know,” You huffed, a little lost, “One day I just started walking and ended up here.”
Hiccup looked at you skeptically, though not without sympathy. You were on an island surrounded by all water, but still. You stood up straight, puffing out your chest.
“Take it metaphorically, if you don’t believe me.”
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I'd love some merformers worldbuilding!
Just transcribed this from my discord, but here's the general gist of the idea surrounding the extra long seasons amd the merfolk!
Having extremely long, extremely slow seasons could have some pretty significant effects on food sources, mating cycles, weather events, etc! Like! Maybe hatchlings come in spring and summer, when it's warmer, and the planet has a lush period where the seas are filled from a baby boom. Every creature goes through a fertile period and mass produces offspring. The ocean flora flourishes, and there's endless food for the herbivores to eat. And, as a result, plenty of meat for the carnivores to hunt
Spring and summer last several decades, so the smaller creatures that don't live as long (say common fish or amphibians) can have several generations live and die in one season, but the bigger ones that live longer, aka our characters 👀 not so much
I'm thinking like, when autumn starts to roll around. The water starts to get colder, the plants start to slowly die out. And as a result, herbivores begin to starve
The large predators start binging hardcore, and maybe those not yet of full size go through several molts during this time. Competition for food is extremely steep, and everyone is eating as much as possible to build up enough fat and fuel to withstand the upcoming winter
Winter freezes the ocean over rock solid, so very little light can get down there. The populations of fish dwindle to near nothingness, and the leviathans retreat to the deep to hibernate through (read: enter a coma to ride out) the harsh winter
The fish population drops and then bottoms out, reaching a stable point wherein the sparse ocean can withstand a small number of them. There's little food but there's also no predators during the winter, that's why they don't completely go extinct
Then, spring eventually comes around again twenty years later. The fish population booms because of the sudden explosion of plant life. And with the fish numbers rising so dramatically, the leviathans (note: I use the term leviathan or leviathan class lifeform the way subnautica does: to simply mean macrofauna) wake in the deep and come back
Time to lay their eggs once again and start raising the next generation! The younglings that survived the first hibernation are young adults now, maybe, or at least stable juveniles
Now, obviously all of this is more centered around an actual alien ocean in the more traditional sense, not necessarily the Cybertronian Sea of Rust. However, I'd definitely be down to tweak and sculpt it to better mesh with Cybertron 👀
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So I wanna vent, about something really quick, and then we'll go back to our regularly scheduled programming.
I like, hate. College. I hate it, I hate the premise, I hate that they're bleeding me for money, but most of all I hate the people. If I could do college with 5 other people and we all had our own rooms I think I'd like it more. It started snowing today, and the campus is covered in snow. And if you know anything about me, I hate the cold. I hate being cold, I hate being outside in the cold. Because when it's cold, it's guaranteed I'll probably get sick. I'll get chills, the flu, a cold, something.
I wanted to go to a college in North Carolina, but they didn't accept me for an art program, so I ended up at my current college in small-town Pennsylvania. It's cold here, in the winter. it's so goddamn cold I don't want to go outside. I shouldn't go outside. And lucky for me I don't have to go outside because I have everything I need, inside, where it's warm, and I won't die by slipping on ice.
But apparently, my roommate thinks I'm STUPID for calling one of my co-workers to see if my job on campus would still be open. When I could've just "Walked outside to see if they're open" and "It's not that cold". FIRST OF ALL the air outside has to be a certain degree to even freeze the water in the sky and make it dense enough to fall out of the sky in the form of snow. in other words, IT HAS TO BE COLD, TO MAKE COLD WEATHER, AKA SNOW. And I left my warmest coat back home by accident, so I'm even less guarded against the cold weather. And I'm also anemic, it doesn't matter how many fucking layers I put on, I can still be, (and usually am) cold. She wouldn't let me explain why I don't find it necessary to go outside in the cold when I can just as easily find out the information I need by CALLING SOMEONE ON THE PHONE. Yeah sure she may not be here on campus, however, this probably isn't the first time the school's shut down because of weather, she would probably know if the school job that we both work would still be open. Which she did, and now I know whenever the school is shut down, my job is too.
I started to raise my voice because when someone insults me, the natural reaction is to defend myself. And when someone repeatedly interrupts you in conversation, wrongly assuming you're done and continuing to invalidate your feelings and emotions because THEY think it's STUPID and you're being DUMB AND IRRATIONAL about weather you aren't used to, their argument being "You have to get used to it at some point since you live here now"
Technically, I don't actually live here. I don't have a permanent residency here. I can't vote in this state. I live in a warmer southern state. My home is in another state. I am "living" on a college campus. But in the next 3 years? I'm not going to be able to live here. I don't stay here during the winter and summer. I go HOME. I FLY TO ANOTHER STATE. Technically I don't HAVE to get used to shit. I can get my degree, and move to fucking California where it doesn't ever snow. And I can hate the cold all the same. Because it's my right to not like cold weather, yeah I complain about it, but I know it's something I have to deal with. That doesn't mean I have to "learn to get used to it" right now just because you fucking say so. And you don't have to fucking call me stupid and illogical every time I don't want to go outside. That's rude. You can think it, but you don't have to say it. I'm seriously starting to rethink my friendship with this person because we can be fine and friendly, and instantly jump into an argument fucking 5 SECONDS later. I don't want to even live with this person anymore, I'm just dealing with it because the alternative is living with someone I don't know.
anyway, rant over. Now we return to the regularly scheduled programming. 🍫
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years
For Trevor:
☆ ♥
☮ - re: Greta, mainly :)
Okay, let's do this. Again, this is for this ask meme.
Happy headcanon for Trevor
Trevor is a really good dad and paternal figure. Like, he is actually really good at it, even if he does not even realize it. And he also is super happy to be a dad. He loves all three of his kids completely and does the same for those other kids that kinda fell into his arms. He is the dad to have fun with the kids, to laugh with them, but also to hold them in his arms when they are crying.
Wait, I gotta share this stellar parenting moment from Closure with you. Context: Marie (at this point almost 7 years old) complains about the English food being not seasoned a lot.
Sypha got up. “I will get some more bread for Marie.” She shot their daughter a stern look. “I hope bread is alright for the young lady.”
“Bread is fine,” the girl pouted.
While Sypha went to the front of the inn, Trevor sniffed his ale. “You know, I agree with you, Marie.”
“Don't encourage her, Trevor,” Adrian groaned.
“But she is right! The food tastes of nothing! And so does the ale.”
“You liked ale once.”
“Yeah. I did. Because beggars can't be choosers. But I am not a beggar anymore, am I?”
“Oh, so Sir Trevor Belmont has become too much of a nobleman for some simple ale?” At least this got a bloody smile from their dhampir companion. That was hard enough work these days.
“Yeah, apparently I have been.” Trevor straightened out his back and imitated the speech of those fucking nobles. "I would like some proper beer, if you'd please. One brewed no longer than 50 days and no shorter than 35, with hobs from the Nuremberg sort."
This even earned him a snort, both from Marie and Adrian. Only Simon seemed unimpressed.
“What ale?” he asked.
“Ale is a lesser beer,” Trevor explained. “One with less taste.”
“I am sure there will be proper beer to be found around here as well,” Adrian said still smiling. “We'll just have to ask around. They have an abbey after all.”
Trevor gave a melodramatic sigh. “I will need to. I might die of thirst otherwise.”
Marie was still laughing. “You can still drink water!”
“Simple water cannot quench my noble thirst!”
“Well, I guess you'll have to die then!” his daughter announced.
Another dramatic sigh. “Alas.” He closed his eyes and let himself sack against the bench, making her giggle even more. Squinting showed him that it got a grin out of his dear bastard. So, it was worth something.
“He's dead,” Marie giggled and poked him into the side. “Dead!”
Sypha returned to the table. “Who is dead?”
“Trevor died of thirst because he can't drink the stupid ale,” Adrian explained.
Sypha, of course, was not impressed. “He'll have to make due with water then.”
Trevor grunted. “You are no fun,” he accused.
Family headcanon for Trevor
Alright, well, Trevor's family. Let me go full circle here.
As a kid on the Belmont estate Trevor lived there with his paternal grandmother, his parents, his aunt and uncle, three siblings (two younger sisters and one older brother), as well as three cousins (two of them male, one female, though the later was only two years old at the time the fire happened). He was very close to one of the cousins, his older brother and the sister closest to him in age. Yes, they all have names - but I won't look through the documents to search for all of them now. xD But, so, year, in total 9 people died during that fire. And yes, only nine. Because technically both his uncle and his older cousin survived. But... they did not do so for long. It was autumn, when the fire destroyed the estate, and his cousin just died of the coughs in the coming winter, because they could not pay for medicine while laying low. And his uncle got killed the next summer by a werewolf. Leaving Trevor on his own. Which was then when he decided to go to Targoviste, because a kid just does not survive on the streets alone.
Now, his own family then is... a bit complicated. Of course he gets married to Sypha and Adrian and they do have three kids on their own: Marie (who is the oldest and the kid Sypha is pregnant with by the end of the series), Simon (Adrian is the father of him, though that does not really matter to anyone) and Anna (the question of fatherhood is never solved and nobody cares enough to try).
Marie then marries one of Greta's two kids, Ilias, and has four children with him. Though I only know the second youngest of those is named Elisabetha (after Dracula's first wife).
And then there is Simon, who... is doing well with precreating, so to speak. Now, given he is a dhampir, he is fully grown age 12 and manages to become a father age 13. And... Uhm, well, let's put it like this: Nobody is entirely sure how many kids Simon has fathered in the end. Because he is very, very enthusiastic about sticking his dick into everyone who cónsents. So, uhm... Trevor has a lot of grandkids, to put it lightly.
Anna does not procreate as far as my headcanon is right now, because she is a lesbian and has so far not met a trans woman to strike her fancy.
But... of course, then there are the adopted kids of Trevor's. And given the fact that he ends up a vampire in my headcanon and that I might remind you that Trevor, Sypha and Adrian do have an open relationship at some point Trevor also picks up partner's outside the trio (or quartet, counting Greta), from which I know at least of two kids he is gonna have with some other partners. Uhm... Look, immortality and relationship anarchy make for a lot of possible procreation, alright?
Friendship headcanon for Greta
Alright. As I said before, I headcanon Greta as aro but bisexual. She has a queerplatonic relationship to the entire trio of course and that friends with benefits thing going on with Sypha. She also has quite a few friends within the village. Most notable of course the local butcher, who is rather close with her (again: I would need to look up the name).
She in general is good at making friends, because she is just very open hearted and just easily talks with other people. So she just... gets along with most people. (Somewhere there is a half-started story about her and the midwife, but for that I would first have to translate the Simon birth story and........ look, I have a lot of stories, alright?)
She is also very close with Marie, aka the oldest Trephacard-child, who becomes her apprentice, when she gets older.
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retvenkos · 2 years
oliveee just wanted to check in - it's been so long!
how are u doing? how's the winter break?
cam!!!!!!! hello! i've been okay (lol, i announced coming back from my hiatus and then just,,,, didn't for like two weeks, i'm a mess asdfghjhgfd) and i had a pretty good winter break! i went to hang out with my cousin and i had a lot of fun! other than that i cooked and baked a lot - i got a crock pot for christmas and am a Changed Woman. the ease of the crock pot,,,,,, not to sound like a middle aged woman but ohmygod,,,,,,,, i have been forever changed.
i also (!!!!!!) caught up on a lot of webtoons during my break, and since you're my webtoon mutual, i feel as though i must tell you about all of them:
red hood: outlaws is fun, but honestly, i'd probably like it more as a binge read, i don't feel like there's enough plot and engaging cliff hangers for me to get Really Into It.
seven years later is!!!!!! so interesting!!!!!!!!!! i definitely recommend reading it - while it's not the flashiest it has an engaging premise that delivers as it should <3
marry my husband is actually one of my unexpected favorites!!!! idk what it is about this plot line but i am hooked, line, and sinker and can't wait for the slowburn romance <3
i'm the queen in this life is SO!!!!! BALLER!!!!!!! this plot line is going so hard and for what??? for me to go feral over it??? while i'm not In Love with any of the characters, the plot is so engaging that i can't wait to see what happens next.
twilight poem is actually a really interesting read - the art is magnificent and the plot is engaging and while i want to scream at 89% of the characters a solid 96% of the time, i am really enjoying my time here.
there must be happy endings was one that i originally read because i just wanted an absolute 180 from what i had been reading at the time (lookism, asdfghjhgfd) but it's actually grown on me quite a lot <3
dark moon: the blood altar is actually one i have to catch up on (listen, i'm only like,,,, 5 episodes behind, this isn't a lookism asdghjhgfd) and for what it is, i'm enjoying it. i really just think the art is soooo endearing and i am a sucker for ensemble casts.
threads of love is another good one! i'm not exactly rooting for any of the relationships going on (JUSTICE FOR THE GYM TEACHER THO), but i like the whole ~past lives~ plot line, and i just want to know more about the prophetic dreams asdfghjhgfd.
harmonia is a webtoon i just started (and by that i mean i'm literally on episode 6 of 31 asdfghjhgfds) BUT!!!!!! I AM SO INTERESTED IN THIS SERIES WOW I WANT TO DEVOUR IT WHOLE. perhaps give it like 2 or 3 episodes to pick up (or maybe 6 asdfghhgfd idk your taste) but!!!!! i think this one will deliver.
i'm dating a psychopath is another interesting read that is so engaging, but idk who to trust and who to root for, i am simply here for the ride, waiting to become psychologically thrilled and eventually damaged beyond repair asdfghgfd.
and then how can i forget lookism!!!!!!!! i am not,,,,,, how do you say,,,,,, caught up (cries in episode 290 of 421) but i would absolutely DIE for this webtoon, bestie wAHT is happening, in the most affectionate and messy way <3 absolutely reeling from this.
true beauty. yes, i am keeping up with it still. listen,,,,, i have sunk too much of my life into now to ignore the spin off material. but JUSTICE FOR HAN SEOJUN WHO HAS AND ALWAYS WILL DESERVE MORE, HOW DARE THEY DISRESPECT MY BOY SO CONSISTENTLY
oh, also, i'm reading these too, i just don't have the energy to talk about them right now:
dark moon: the grey city
see you in my 19th life
so i married the anti-fan
brass & sass
lore olympus
batman: wayne family adventures
freaking romance
maybe meant to be
here there be dragons
anyway, how are yoU??????? i hope you've been well and that you've been drinking lots of water in my absence. have you don't anything fun recently? looking forward to anything special?
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aquabead · 2 months
Heating Pond: Essential Tips and Techniques for Optimal Temperature Control
Most backyard pond owners don't need to heat their pond in winter as Koi fish are winter hardy enough to tolerate cold water temperatures as long as there is adequate oxygen in the environment. Heating Pond is one of the most effective ways to keep fish warm during the cold months.Heating Pond contain many importance.It has also many advantages.
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Pond Aeration - Its Importance
●Healthy Oxygen Levels: Aeration Heating Pond Aeration keeps the water flowing and helps prevent thermal Stratification. When layers are formed with different temperature and oxygen levels, fish can die from not getting enough oxygen. Aeration removes these layers so that healthy dissolved-oxygen levels are maintained throughout the entire pond.
●Boosting Good Bacteria: Aeration helps eliminate this phenomenon by constantly stirring the water surface, breaking up these stratifications and stirring bottom sediment around so aerobic bacteria can flourish to break down dead plant matter more efficiently. Aeration is a way to eliminate this by continually moving the surface water and breaking up stratifications. It also helps move sediments at the bottom of the pond so aerobic bacteria flourishes.
●The Importance of Seasonal Aeration: Aeration plays a vital role during spring when blue green algae blooms appear and in the summer when warm water decreases oxygen levels. Aeration can also be necessary in the winter months when ice is formed, which traps gases, preventing oxygen from entering.
Use of Pond Covers Has Many Benefits
●Maintaining constant temperature: An heating pond lid can be an effective and cost-effective method to keep your pond water warm throughout the winter. A cover can help maintain a more constant temperature in your pond by trapping warmth below and blocking out the cold air from above. The floating cover will also help to protect the pond against predators, who may want a quick snack in winter.
●Reducing stress by heating: Koi can become stressed in very cold waters. If this happens, they will tend to stay on the bottom without eating for days and can lose significant weight. Koi can recover over time, but heating up your pond to reduce stress will help your Koi survive the winter.
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●Monitoring The Temperature : Both submersible and hanging heaters offer safety against extreme temperature swings. Submersible tanks with digital displays let you monitor the tank temperature at all times. The indicator light lets you know whether they are turned on or of. In addition, the display will flash if you set a temperature that is more than 5.5° above or lower than your current tank temperature.
●Precise Thermostat Control:A heating tank equipped with the feature will allow you to achieve the desired temperature.
Thermo Cube for Temperature-Controlled Power
Automatic Power Regulation: The Thermo Cube plugs directly into any standard 110 volt outlet. The ThermoCube will automatically regulate power to your stock tank heating or deicer pond based on the temperature of the air. Ideal for both home and farm use, such as pond deicers, pump houses and greenhouses. Also, it can power multiple devices simultaneously.
●Gas and Oxygen Exchange: Contrary to submersible heaters which heat the whole pond, floating ice de-icers make an opening in the surface of the ice. This allows toxic gases from organic decomposition, like methane and nitrate, to escape. It also provides oxygen. De-icers range in size and shape, from small ponds with water gardens up to large earthen ones. Some models are equipped with an onboard air-compressor that forces air into tubing beneath the water surface.
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Why Choose GC TEK?
Choosing GC Tek to meet your pond or water feature needs will ensure that you get top-tier products, innovative and reliable, backed up by years of experience in the industry. GC Tek's commitment to quality is renowned. It offers advanced filtration systems which maintain crystal clear water, while being energy efficient and environmentally friendly. With GC Tek you are not only investing in products, but also in long-term performance and peace of mind.For more information you can also contact us on this number 1-405-258-5551.
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Sims video. Again. The sims just has some things that appeal to my broken humor. I'm actually just choosing top favorites to attempt to not flood with ooc posts. I get into an oversharing ramble for this one if anyone is interested in knowing more about the way some of these goobers think of each other-
So here's the thing. This may already be funny on its own but it is specifically great to me because of one of the scenarios in the imagination world. Part of the story in my head. Cloaky was hanging out in Bat's universe and pointing out how sickly the trio of Bat with Carmine and Kieran looked. (Keep in mind, the Carmine and Kieran of Bat's universe get along with Bat very well. That universe's Carmine is even Bat's girlfriend. Cloaky and several other au Draytons think that's unnatural) Anyhoo. Cloaky questioned it. only for Carmine to casually flip 11 water bottles perfectly, some even stacking cap to upside down cap, all to visualize an amount in an explain that during the winter or just when it's become really cold, Bat needs to drink about 5.5 liters of blood a day to be in good health. (A lot more than usual) Cloak guy is flabbergasted. His usual "doesn't shut up" attitude had been shut down. Carmine just did that when she should hardly be able to move.
It just feels so similar to how he shuts up immediately after Carmine does a backflip just. Without severe (fatal) blood loss being involved this time(How do those people have so much blood?).
For some bonus stuff I'm going to add to this post in regards to the imagination story, Cloak guy had an uncommon moment where he shows he can actually say smart things when he pointed out that two people can't supply enough blood daily and that the three of them are all just wasting away for nothing. (He's smarter than he seems. Not as smart as Wizard, Bat, or Beast, but so, so much of his idiocy is just being committed to a "keep everyone guessing" bit. He's more crazy than stupid) Then Cloaky brings us all back down to earth by saying something stupid again. Telling Bat to drink from him until he can't get any more blood from him. All of it. Why did Cloaky ask Bat to do this? Well there was care for Bat's wellbeing in play, but he didn't mention that. The reason he gave is because he just set up a one-time magic portal to teleport him back to his own universe if he loses all his blood. He also didn't give coordinates for this portal. "That's the fun part! I don't know where in my universe I'll teleport to!" -biggest idiot ever who shouldn't be trusted with being a deity-figure that holds power over life itself. Bat and his Carmine and Kieran are understandably dumbfounded by this. Cloaky reassures them that he can't die from blood loss like most creatures can. and then exploits Bat's fear of being alone by saying Carmine and Kieran won't survive the winter at this rate (Carmine could even tell that. She's a doctor in this au. A dang good one who invented a cure for the common cold.) (Also Bat is technically immortal unless he gets a wooden stake through the heart or goes out into the sun without having any blood. If he starves to death, he could wake up simply by someone pouring blood on him. Carmine and Kieran just don't want him to suffer. And they're both currently too lightheaded to think ahead. Or they could have found it to be a better solution for Bat to just hibernate through the winter) and Bat goes for cloak guy, albeit hesitantly because he expects Cloaky's blood to have a bad taste. Oh. Can't recall if I ever mentioned this: Everyone's blood has its own flavor to Bat. Someone might have a flavor reminiscent of ice cream to him for example. And someone else might taste bad like spoiled milk or something. He also can experience colored visuals and/or scents along with flavors sometimes. Bat always expected cloak guy's to taste like some dreadful mix of peanut butter, mayonnaise, and bleach- with the scent of a bag of potatoes that should have been thrown out months ago. Since blood flavors and all that are typically based on defining factors such as personality or experiences, he was scared to try. But if it meant he would be able to give Carmine and Kieran a break, so be it.
Then at this moment he discovers that cloak guy's blood is. . blood flavor. Tolerable in Bat's opinion. Not bad. Cloak guy finds it hilarious that his blood tastes like normal blood to Bat
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ozma914 · 7 months
Tornado Terrors: Twisted Twisters, or Breaking Winds
This coming week is Severe Weather Preparedness Week. Here are some useful safety tips from actual experts: https://www.in.gov/dhs/get-prepared/nature-safety/severe-weather-preparedness/
 Some say the best advice you can give when it comes to tornadoes is to keep your insurance paid up and update your will. I prefer preparation: At the beginning of March, dig a big hole in your back yard, then get into it while wearing a helmet and one of those "Red man" protective suits that a police dog can't penetrate. Then have the hole lined in concrete, and covered with an armored steel plate. The order is very important: Get in the hole before it's sealed off. You might want to bring in water, snacks, a portable toilet, a book to read, and, of course, a bottle of oxygen. (I would suggest you take along my novel Storm Chaser. 'Cause--theme. Or at least The Wizard of Oz.)
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"Say ... has anyone told that lady there's a tornado behind her?"
Then wait until, say, November. Then winter is approaching but hurricane season is past, so you could move to the Gulf Coast. But, because tornado season down there is pretty much year round, you'll have to dig another hole and buy more concrete and steel. Vicious cycle, there.  So, a quick review of weather terms. A severe thunderstorm watch means you might get severe thunderstorms. A severe thunderstorm warning means the light show has started. I don't get what's hard about that, but it still confuses people. Similarly, a tornado watch means conditions are right for a tornado to form, and you should, you know, watch. In the novel The Wizard of Oz that's literal: Uncle Henry goes outside, watches, and announces, "There's a cyclone coming, Em ... I'll go look after the stock". How exactly he plans to protect the stock remains unclear, but if there's one thing the movie Twister taught us, it's to to watch for low flying cows. Meanwhile, in the time it takes for Toto to hide under the bed and thus endanger Dorothy (man's best friend--hah), the cyclone is upon them and the next thing you know ... witch pancake.
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Before you think you're safe from tornadoes, remember what one did to this chick.
If Henry only had a radio, TV, alert scanner, or nearby siren, he might have had enough warning to look after the stock and see Em and Dorothy safely to the cellar. The witch would still get smooshed, so--happy ending for all. Except for the Scarecrow on his pole, and the rusted Tin Woodman, and the Winkies being terrorized by the other witch ... okay, bad example. But hey, it was 1900. The point is, you don't have to literally watch anymore. You don't want to be under that cow when it drops in. Or a house. Now, a tornado warning means that if you go outside, you will die. Actually, a tornado or funnel cloud has been spotted in your area, so you may die. Over the years I've managed to take a few pictures of funnel clouds, which puts me firmly in the camp of people who are too dumb to metaphorically (and sometimes literally) come in out of the rain. There are now millions of photos and videos of tornadoes; is it worth having one of your own?
It is not.
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Remember this easy rhyme: Red Sky In the Morning: You're Screwed.
What should you do if a tornado warning is declared? Go to a windowless interior room on the lowest level of your house. If you're in a building with no basement--what were you thinking? But lower is always better, anyway. Windows are bad. Tornadoes, hurricanes, meteor strikes--people get cut up by glass during natural disasters. (I'm not kidding about the meteor strikes: just ask the people in Chelyabinsk, Russia.) Old timers will tell you to crack a window to equalize pressure, or go to a specific corner of a room, but that's proven to be unhelpful. Besides, the tornado will take care of cracking all the windows. You're better off under a piece of sturdy furniture--Toto had the right idea--that you can hold onto. A small center room, such as a closet, or under a stairwell is good, and a bathtub might offer some protection.
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Well, that can't be good.
So, let's review: Your safest location is in a bathtub that's in a closet under a stairwell in your basement. My bathroom is the size of a closet, so that's a start. Actually, your safest location would be in the states of Alaska, Rhode Island, or Vermont, which each average less than one tornado a year. But we're in the Midwest, under the tourism-attracting nickname of "Tornado Alley". Indiana ranks #14 in states for the number of tornadoes. I suspect, if adjusted for square miles, our rank would be higher. Okay, I just checked. When it comes to tornadoes per 10,000 square miles, Indiana ranks three. When it comes to killer tornadoes we're eight, and when it comes to the total length of a tornado path we're also eight. So there you go. Be afraid. It's only smart. And train your dog to go straight to the storm cellar. Now, since tornado safety is really a serious subject, here are a couple of links to websites that treat things way more seriously than I do: http://www.tornadoproject.com/safety/safety.htm http://www.redcross.org/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-of-emergencies/tornado#Before
Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B0058CL6OO
Barnes & Noble:  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/"Mark R Hunter"
Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4898846.Mark_R_Hunter
Blog: https://markrhunter.blogspot.com/
Website: http://www.markrhunter.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ozma914/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarkRHunter914
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markrhunter/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkRHunter
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@MarkRHunter
Substack:  https://substack.com/@markrhunter
Tumblr:  https://www.tumblr.com/ozma914
Remember: As long as you have a flashlight, reading is weather resistant.
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outbackfencing1 · 1 year
Why Aluminium Pool Fencing Better Than Glass?
Aluminium Pool Fencing Brisbane is a paradise for kids and adults alike. It brings a sense of tranquillity to the entire family and allows them to relax in the water while enjoying the outdoors. However, you need to make sure that your swimming pool is secured so that it does not pose any threat or danger to anyone. A good way of doing this is by installing aluminium pool fencing around it. This material is lightweight, strong, long lasting and quite affordable as well.
Aluminium Pool Fencing Brisbane is a very reliable material. It is long lasting, which means that you will not have to replace it for many years to come. This makes it a good investment since you won't have to spend money on new fencing every few months or years. In addition, aluminium pool fence is easy to maintain and can be cleaned with ease using just soap and water or with any other cleaning product that you prefer such as bleach or vinegar .
Long Lasting
Aluminium is a corrosion resistant material, which means it will not rust or corrode over time. This makes aluminium pool fencing an ideal choice for outdoors as it can last up to 30 years and will not need to be replaced often. In addition, aluminium pool fencing is also easy to clean and maintain so you don't have to worry about keeping your pool area looking its best at all times.
Aluminium has been used for many years because of its durability and strength; however there are other benefits that make this type of material even better suited for use in pools than other metals such as steel or iron:
Lightweight - lighter than most other metals so easier on your back when installing yourself!
Better Heat Conductivity - keeps heat out during summer months but allows some through during winter days (this is great if you live somewhere where temperatures drop below zero).
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Aluminium Pool Fencing Brisbane is the perfect solution for safety, security and peace of mind. It's a great barrier for children and pets, as it has been designed to withstand weight from all directions.
This type of pool fence can also act as an excellent security measure for your pool area by making it difficult for intruders to gain access or break in.
Lightweight And Elegant Appearance
Aluminium fencing is a lightweight material and is easy to install. It has an elegant appearance that lends itself well to modern homes, and it's also durable and long lasting.
It's important to note that while aluminium fences are generally more affordable than glass ones, they still require more upkeep--you'll need to clean them regularly with soap and water or a special cleaning solution so they don't get stained by dirt or algae build-up on their surface (which can affect their structural integrity).
Cost Effective
Aluminium Pool Fencing Brisbane is a cost-effective option compared to glass. There are many different types of aluminium pool fencing available from pvc fencing suppliers, with each having its own benefits and disadvantages.
The most common type of aluminium fencing is the roll-formed variety, which is made by rolling sheets of metal into a tube shape before cutting them into lengths and welding them together at the ends. This method produces panels that are strong enough to withstand high winds without breaking apart but also light enough that they can be easily moved by hand or installed using brackets on top of existing fences or walls if needed.
The second type is extruded aluminium, which involves forcing molten aluminium through a die (a tool used for shaping) onto an extrusion machine where it cools down quickly into its final shape; this method results in a stronger material than roll formed as well as being easier for workers who aren't skilled at welding because there's no need for welding skills when installing this type!
Easy To Install And Maintain
Aluminium Pool Fencing Brisbane is easy to install, as it does not require any professional assistance. You can do it yourself or get help from a friend or family member. The material used in aluminium pool fencing makes it lightweight and flexible, so the installation process is quite simple.
Moreover, aluminium pool fencing is also easy to maintain as compared to glass-reinforced plastic (GRP). It doesn't rust or corrode over time like GRP does; instead, aluminium will stay shiny and new looking for years on end!
In conclusion, aluminium pool fence is a great option for those looking for a high-quality product that will last. It is durable, safe and easy to install.
Source by - https://bit.ly/3AaZCWZ 
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itsrottenwork · 2 years
Hi mj!! Secret Santa here!! Happy Friday!! May your weekend be a long and restful one, at that!!✨
Oooooo politics and communication!! Sending you all the luck for the rest of your college years!! Just based on that alone, I totally understand the hardships of it all!! Being in college is hard enough, but when it’s a major with a lot of complexities and nuance that can be brought to the table, I can only imagine lol!! What made you want to go into politics and communications, if you don’t mind me asking?
Awe, I’d love to see a picture of your succulents!! I bet they look great!! I’d send a picture of my cacti, but I can’t while on anon!! After we properly introduce ourselves, I can!! If you were able to, where would you like to travel next, given the opportunity? When I was in Italy, my friends and I were supposed to travel to the UK for spring break, but because of COVID spreading as fast as it did, our abroad program pulled us out, so we never got to go!! I’d love to go back to Europe and explore the places I never got to see!! I’d probably also go down to South America!!
The jingling reindeer ears? That’s so cute!! 🥺 I feel you about the whole crowded spaces at concerts!! Ever since the pandemic hit, it’s never really gotten back to normal in terms of the concert space!! Since the start of this year, I’ve been to so many concerts, yet, I’ve always tried to do my part in being as careful as I can when in those spaces!! Hopefully someone you enjoy tours in your city so you can attend!!
Love that!! I’ve been so behind on YouTube content!! Sometimes, I just have to be in the mood to watch them so I tend to fall behind when it comes to certain uploads rather quickly!! Ooooo cinnamon!! Anything apple cinnamon is so comforting, especially as a candle scent anytime of the year!!
More speed round questions!! What are three things you know you can’t live without?! Do you have a collection of any kind? Any cool knickknacks lol? If you can meet anyone in the world (dead or alive), who would it be and what would you ask them?🎄✨
this is my last year actually!! I'm in a one-year master's program, so it's only this year, but this is my last year of any sort of schooling, after this I'll be done done. I've always been interested in politics, bit of an idealist I am, and I also enjoy the more creative side, the writing and branding and whatnot, so yeah comms is the route that I see myself best able to contribute :)
here they are!! and also the little cat rock I painted a year or two ago. there's also some really little ones underneath the big one in the back but I couldn't get everyone in the one photo hehe
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I always like to have travel plans set, even if they're way in the future, so I do have a few things planned already. my family is going to austria during winter break, and for spring break my friends and I are looking at doing a road trip around a whole bunch of different cities, but we're still working out the details. I'd love to travel somewhere outside of europe, but as I am currently in europe it's easiest to travel close by
what concerts have you seen this year? or if you've seen too many to list, what ones were your favorites? I don't think I've been to a concert since 2019 tbh, it's fun and I kinda miss the vibe but it's not something I ever really did a lot, so I don't mind not going too
speed round answers!! although I feel like I'm not very speedy when I answer them lol
three things: probably really basic answers but phone (for obvious reasons), water bottle (hydrate or die-drate baby), and keys (I really like having a physical totem of This Is Where I Live, one of the best gifts I ever got was when my friend gave me a key to her apartment when I moved in with her)
collections: I don't really collect anything I think? I take a lot of photos though, so I've got those hanging on my wall, and every year my friends from high school all get together in the exact same way and we take the same polaroid every summer, so I guess I have a collection of those haha
cool knickknacks: coolest knickknack on my shelf at the minute is the boomerang I painted when I was in australia, though my shelves here at uni are a bit sparse
meet anyone: I wish I could talk to my great grandfather, I never met him but the way my mom and grandparents talk about him, I'd want to be able to sit down with him and hear like, his whole life story basically
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emcscared-whumps · 2 years
5 & 8 for an oc of your choice :)
From this post!
I. Have a problem lmao, but will that stop me? Absolutely not! Wait shit, don't mind me, you get an info-dump of lore too ^-^' Whoops!
Aaaannd it got long lol
5 - Pete - What was the Last Time he Cried, and Under What Circumstances?
Uhhmmmmm, this is a bit tricky, since I don't quite know when to answer from, since I'm jumping around between the chapters of Shifting Phases. I can't choose the end of that either, since I don't have a clear idea of exact details yet, so I'll go from where I'm currently writing, which is Chapter 4! Juuuuust before (one or two chapters before) the Real(TM) whump begins >:)
At the moment, I have Chapter 4 titled "A Candinium Bullet for a Demon's Heart", and it's about poor Pete angsting in a belunae awareness class. Fun right? I looooove the irony :))
In that class, Today Is The Day where they're deemed old and mature enough to view clips of real belunae attacks where people and belunae are actually killed :3 For educational purposes of course :)
This year of schooling is an optional prep course for further study (think after year 12 but before university), but it's a bit weird and evil that all students that participate are forced to take the Belunae Awareness Class as well as at least one other subject for their own safety, and it's also useful for those aspiring to be hunters.
I'm making a bit of a hash of explaining it but it has Lore Reasons(TM) that make sense ^-^'
Anyway, I've caught Pete in the middle of this, as usual, and it's honestly been stressing him out the entire time he's been going to that school since he manifested, but also, every single other school does it. So. There's nothing much he can do about it other than stress :)
The last time he cried was probably the night prior because he wants to pretend he's human, not the monster they make his kind out to be, he's different, he's better than that. He'd never hurt anyone, he doesn't know what he'd do if he did-- it'd be accidental, like them.
Mostly, it's just him being afraid of himself, and also being so scared that his reactions of horror and revulsion (the normal reactions) will set him apart, make him suspicious, and get him caught :)
He worries himself to sickness and has a bit of an anxiety attack the night before chapter 4, especially since he's seen a belunae apprehended right in front of him, so, yeah, that's the last time he cried :3
8 - Pete - Describe the Place Where he Sleeps (His Room!)
His room is not large, but it's by no means small. By a terrace's standard.
On the opposite wall to the door, there is a single, large window with blackout curtains opened and sheer curtains across. On its sill sits a small potted plant that creeps across it and drapes down the wall. Pete doesn't like keeping plants, but Kate gifted it to him years ago, so he carefully waters it and does his best to keep it healthy. He couldn't bear to see it die.
Just beneath the window and tucked up to the corner, there is a simple single bed. The frame is metal, though nicely crafted, and it is neatly made-- several head pillows are stacked toward the frame, with several blankets and cushions scattered orderly on it. Underneath, there are several more neatly stacked pillows and cushions and folded blankets of varying sizes, colours, and textures.
Beside the bed is a small bedside table that holds a lamp and a book. The lamp is often pointed at the plant during the long winter months. In the corner across from the bed, there is a small armchair with a thickly knitted blanket draped over one arm, and a cushion sitting against its back.
On the opposite wall of the bed, there is a desk and a chest of drawers. Pete's laptop sits open on his desk surrounded by roughly stacked sheets of paper, a notebook, a textbook, and a calculator. There is a pen-holder that only holds a few pens and pencils, as he doesn't need many supplies-- only enough to write and annotate with. The chest of drawers is neatly packed, and the top is stacked with various books held in by bookends. They are mostly non-fiction--textbooks and the like-- with a few generic fiction books as well. There is one on different kinds of belunae.
His coat, satchel, scarves, and anything else that can't be folded lives in a small free-standing wardrobe by the door.
A calendar (that happens to display moon phases) hangs on the wall with photos of him with Timmy and Liz.
Overall, his room is very clean and free of dust, which is unusual in its own way. After a certain point in Shifting Phases, things get dusty, and the blankets and cushions no longer get neatly stowed.
((In trying to be unremarkable, Pete ends up remarkable lmao)).
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ghostlyfoliage · 2 years
If anyone has any suggestions of drought resistant perennials that wildlife like to browse, I'm still insane and hoping to plant some things for them.
The plan is to make a fenced section with things for the deer/rabbits etc and let it spread out naturally and eventually remove the fence, so I need things that will either firmly root themselves (so they can't be pulled out very easy, tulips are an example, I think chicory might be an option) or will self-seed enough that it doesn't matter (I'm thinking clover esp for this, might be a fuck and plant some purslane... cus I like munching on it too).
I was gonna do a field of wildflowers in the front yard but right now I'm honestly thinking get some perennials established, fill in with annuals and things the wildlife won't eat, and attempt to maintain a little something-something for the animals... stick a massive bird bath in the middle... hope no more animals collapse in the heat of summer in my front yard. 🙃
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ae3qe27u · 3 years
You know what I love in worldbuilding? Logistics. I'm going to talk about them a bit and ask a lot of "get the brain thinking" questions.
Most of these things don't have to be explained or laid out in stories, but they're useful to think about. Mention them in passing! Know that these considerations exist.
I started thinking about this recently after reading a webtoon called The Falcon Princess. In it, we see a military campaign be affected by logistics and supply chains. The Rohaneim army is at risk of running low on food, and a major accomplishment is retaking a section of river to establish a supply corridor with another section of the kingdom.
By establishing the supply corridor, the Rohaneim army has fresh meat, better food, better morale, more information about the rest of the kingdom, and is in a better position to strike back at the enemy forces. They are no longer on the run - they now have the morale and supplies to advance further and drive the enemy further back.
It's incredibly well done (the logistics are explained but not drawn-out, and even through the translation, I found it clear to understand) and highlights something missing from most fantasy fiction: logistics. An army marches on its stomach, and people eat a lot of food. Horses need food. Large armies can't storm across the land without having a strong and consistent supply of medicine, maintenance, and meals. Local villages can be pillaged, yes, but doing so is not sustainable. It also vastly increases the risk of having no food come winter; if your army eats the grain stores and harvests of the locals, those same people will go hungry and die in the winter. That isn't sustainable.
Knowledge of the local terrain and weather patterns is also incredibly important. In one part of The Falcon Princess, a predictable annual storm catches the opposing forces off-guard, flooding their camp and weakening their position. Think of how the Russian tanks aren't able to handle the muddy ground of northern Ukraine, or how Hadrian's elephants weren't suited to traversing the Roman mountains. In parts of West Africa, salt used to be worth its weight in gold. In dry areas without fresh food, salt is essential to keep the body's electrolytes balanced.
If I want to invade a desert and don't bring enough salt, I've just dug my own grave. If I'm invading a river valley and don't know when the floods will come, I'm already setting my troops up to drown. If I want to invade a forest and try to bring in a phalanx, you may as well chop our heads off.
Knowing and predicting the terrain and its behavior is incredibly important in knowing how to prepare and direct your troops. Should we pack mosquito nets? Do we need to dig trenches to direct rainwater away from the site? Is this location going to flood? Will our horses have access to clean drinking water, or will they have to bring their own? How will we resupply? Does a nearby mountain pass close with snow during parts of the year, and if so, what alternative route will we use?
Even beyond war, logistics are important to how to construct our worlds, fantasy and non-fantasy alike. What foods are native to this region and how does that affect what they eat? What fabrics do people wear to combat the weather? What sort of home works for their climate, and how do they get the materials for those? Are there rare trade goods that are highly prized, but that are cheap somewhere else?
From traveling judges to mail-order catalogs to wars that ended before the last battle, there are all sorts of details that get glossed over in fantasy worldbuilding. I think they're worth mentioning and examining.
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chokiipng · 3 years
Hay fever : Genshin various
a/n : suffering from seasonal allergies isn't fun . so instead of trying to do school work, i'm gonna write hcs to make myself feel better
character(s) : Xiao, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Childe contents : fluff with a bit of crack (my specialty) + : reader has really bad seasonal allergies
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Xiao :
he doesn't really understand tbh
he plays it off as a common cold at first and entrusts you with Verr, much to her annoyance. he didn't realize the true severity of the situation until a week had passed.
he's heard of seasonal allergies before, so it's not like he was entirely clueless, he just didn't know how to go about treating it.
because of this, he turned into a big ball of concern for the entirety of spring
he asked everyone he could for help, even that ginger haired harbinger (to which he had no clue since he basically lives on an iceberg)
this also happened to peek Zhongli's interest, who then took him to Bubu pharmacy to learn more. it took Xiao about 5 different interrogations to actually visit Bubu, he cursed himself internally for not checking there in the first place
of course, Baizhu laughed it off and informed the both of them on how allergies work, how they're triggered, and how to prevent/soothe them
if you sneezed/sniffled, he was immediately by your side with a tissue and some water. itchy eyes, he had a small bottle of eyedrops for you courtesy of Dr. Baizhu and Qiqi
it was amusing to say the least, watching a feared Yaksha running around frantically in order to soothe your allergies
of course, he soon picked up that it was because you went outside every goddamn day to complete commissions and to pick flowers for who knows who (Qiqi, you often found yourself picking herbs with her because who could say no to that face?)
he legit locked you in your room at Wangshuu Inn and did your commissions for you. he didn't want you in any pain, so he stayed with you when he finished all of his tasks
he didn't isolate you though, but if he takes you out he makes sure you take your allergy medicine (given by Qiqi, ty bby) and that you have a mask on
Diluc :
he never really experienced hay fever, but he knows the gist of it
he's heard stories of it from customers of the Angel's Share and was immensely grateful to the Archons for blessing him with immunity to seasonal allergies
but he wasn't prepared to catch you practically sneezing your guts out one morning
Diluc drops everything, much to Adelinde's horror, and orders for a box of tissues and water immediately. he whips out the blankets from under the couch that he knew you hid and props you on some pillows he fluffed in a panicked rush
the maids watch with a nervous chuckle as he runs around the mansion, completely forgetting about his shift at the Angel's Share and his nightly heroic duties
as soon as he calms down from the initial shock of how hard allergies hit you, he asks you how your feeling and if he can do anything
the next day he asks Donna (who stutters at his mere presence), who mind you is an employee at the Floral Whisper, since Flora isn't there herself about hay fever. he figured that people who worked at a flower shop would know about allergies caused by the pollen produced by flowers
he brings back medicine that you've been instructed to take daily as to lessen the affects of your allergies
despite his day duties, he offers to take up your daily commissions during the days you are physically unable to do them or just does them of his own volition
he trusts that the maids will take care of you in his stead
in the mean time, you're allowed to roam the city as you wish, but that's about it. he threatened Lawrence and Swan that they would feel the wrath of retribution if you stepped foot outside the city
Mondstadt was a land of eternal springtime, there was no way in hell he was letting you out of the city without his supervision
while all of this may be a bit much, he makes sure to let you know that this is just him caring for you. he doesn't want to seem overbearing and trusts that you know what's happening to your body and how to treat it
Kaeya :
he laughs at your demise
what did you expect ?
but he really is worrying on the inside
he makes sure to check in with Barbara just to make sure that you're not suffering from a lethal disease
once he knows that they're just seasonal allergies, (almost) all his worries subside and he sighs of relief
he notifies Jean beforehand (but sometimes forgets), he works considerably less during the time of your allergies since he doesn't really trust anyone else to take care of you
he also doesn't drink as much, surprising, he knows
he refrains from bringing you flowers as he usually does and instead spoils you with unnecessary affection
Kaeya doesn't worry as much since he puts faith in you that you know what's going on in your body. since they're seasonal allergies, he realizes that you must've gone through this before and know how to treat it
since you can't really cure it, you just act more cautious in the outdoors
he often accompanies you on your daily commissions and such, just to be sure that your okay. he takes over the moment you pause to sneeze or itch your nose even once
aside from this, he's the other reason why your allergies are unbearable
once they're all done and over, he teases you relentlessly about how reliant you were on him when in reality it was him doing your tasks of his own volition rather than you asking him. you told him several times that you could handle it, but he persisted nonetheless
he's more reasonable during your hay fever, and despite his unnecessary comments, you find it endearing
Albedo :
he is among the few men who are actually calm during the situation, but since when is he not?
he probably already has a remedy for you that greatly lessens the affect of your allergies
but even without it, he trusts that you know how to handle it
the only factor in here that would cause chaos-
is Klee
once Klee hears you sneeze all hell breaks loose in Albedo's workspace
she runs around everywhere looking for tissues and then ends up bringing Mondstadt's entire supply, which you and Albedo laugh nervously at
once Klee calms down, you explain the bare minimum of hay fever, which she manages to understand
while he has faith that you can treat it yourself, Albedo still recommends that you stay inside more rather than going out exploring and looking for chests, to which you sheepishly comply
Jean cannot thank you enough when it comes to Klee's behavior during this season, as Klee tends to spend more time at home with you and Albedo once you finish your commissions so that "you don't feel lonely!"
she even drew you a picture to show how much she cared!
if you can't sleep at night because of your allergies, Albedo (who is probably still up working) will gladly allow you to indulge in his studies or to just simply read with you until you fall asleep
he too is also happy that you managed to tame Klee
Childe :
this man has no idea what the fuck hay fever is
need I remind you that he grew up in the land of perpetual winter, hay fever doesn't even exist to him. unlike everyone else, he hasn't even heard of the concept
so when you hold a finger up during your weekly sparring, he pauses with a curious tilt of his head
he screams in horror as you sneeze out all of your bodily fluids not once, not twice, but three times
Childe calls off the spar and cradles you in your arms as if you're about to die
it's until he rushes you to Baizhu in a panicked frenzy that he realizes that its...a fever?
now Baizhu is a patient man, he had to raise a zombie child who basically loses her memory each time she wakes up and wields a sword/cryo abilities
but he was getting tired of Childe's endless questions quick.
Childe shrieks as the normally passive pharmacist slams his hands down on the counter with a sickeningly sweet smile
he ceases in his questions, apologizes for bothering him, and races back to the Northland Bank in a cold sweat
it takes you explaining it in a calm voice for him to finally understand it
and he takes this very seriously
while he knows that it's seasonal and that you've gone through it before, he can't help but worry for you
he coddles you, and he doesn't relent even if you tell him
he slaps a mask on you, takes away your fighting privileges, and even order his subordinates to keep an eye on you at all times
that is if he's not already
he clings
he's attached to you
he just wants you to feel better, and you appreciate it, but it can get a little too much sometimes
and while you do tell him this, the same situation happens every year when spring comes around and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Baizhu can't catch a break from the rowdy harbinger
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hallefuckingluyah · 3 years
Female reader
872 words
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"Wandssssss... give it backkkkk" i whined she had been messing with me all morning.
"Please" I pouted, that was her weakness. She stared at me for a couple seconds before giving in and gave me my blanket back.
"That's not fair, you know id give it to you when you do that face" she complained, I just stuck my tongue out at her and snuggled into the blanket.
You see it was that time of the month where my uterus was bleeding uncontrollably, I was uncomfortable and in pain and just wanted to curl up in a ball and die. Some might think that's a bit dramatic but unless you're a female you have no right on any opinion about expressing period pains. End off.
Anyway today it was a winters day it was closing up to Christmas and We originally had the plan to go ice skating with the team. It was 10:35am and we were suppose to be leaving at 1:45pm so I had more then enough time to do absolutely nothing until about 10 minutes before we leave. But due to the immense amount of pain I was in, I really just didn't want to go or leave my bed at all.
"Baby... can we stay at home and watch movies all day and cuddle instead... please"
I gave her my puppy dog eyes so that it might help with the convincing.
"It's tempting but no, baby you love ice skating and this is the last time this year we all as a team will be able to go out somewhere together, I'll go get you some ibuprofen okay and they will start working before we go"
I just let out a small whine, I knew she was right I just didn't want to move from this spot for the next 4-5 days.
"Come on honey let's get showered and dressed and then we can go and have some brunch before we leave okay?"
My answer was muffled due to my head being stuffed into the pillow but after my attempt at moving she got her answer.
After we showered we both got dressed, Wanda was wearing a brown turtle neck top and wore a pair of blueish jeans. She had her hair down but it was curly and she wore a beanie over the top of it. She had long boots on that made her look taller then she was and she wore a scarf to top it all off. She looked very pretty. I was wearing a white sweatshirt and black jeans and wore a fluffy coat that covered my ass and went down to the back of my knees and a pair of beige coloured shoes. My hair was down and wavy like Wandas and I wore a matching beanie to go over the top, like she did. All in all I think we looked like a very hot couple.
Once we were back home, we all decided to watch a movie together, A few of us wanted to watch home alone and others wanted to watch Elf, and after some debate we ended up watching both.I had fallen asleep during the second movie but was awoken by the loud noises coming from the tv, it startled me and upset me as I just wanted my sleep so when I started weeping Wanda quickly realised and carried me up to our room, she changed me out of my clothes and into something more comfortable and helped me into bed. She changed herself and kissed my forehead before leaving the room mumbling saying she will be back shortly, i had slowly started to drift to sleep but before I could she came back with a hot water bottle and some tablets. She is so amazing. I started crying, I don't even know why.
"Awww honey it's okay" she whispered to me whilst getting into bed.
"I'm sorry I don't even know why I am crying, I just love you and your so good to me and I just" she cut me off before I could continue my rambling and said
"I love you too darling, I'd do anything for you. Try get some sleep okay. Wake me if you need me"
She wiped away my tears and brought me into a tight hug before placing the hot water bottle on my stomach. It didn't take me long before I was passed out snuggled into my girlfriends warmth.
I love her so much.
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