#if you can/want to answer please reply or dm me or send the answer as an ask whichever you are most comfortable with
Cool for the Summer 4
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, power dynamics, cheating, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: After finishing your degree, you return home only to find things aren’t as you left them.
Characters: Bucky Barnes
Note: baby girls, he we go.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You rinse out the bowl you used for your oatmeal. It’s only as the back door opens that you notice the roar of the mower’s stopped. You put the porcelain in the dishwasher and shut it as you hear footsteps down the hall. It’s almost ten o’clock. 
“Hey, baby girl,” Bucky greets your back as he enters. “I just put fresh water in the hot tub. Might go for a soak myself, try to loosen up these muscles.” 
You face him, “hot tub?” 
“Oh, yeah. Guess that’s new too.” He chuckles. “Another one of my projects.” 
“Right,” you nod. A sudden buzz makes your jump. 
You look around and scurry across the kitchen to grab your phone. It’s a message from your mom. But why would she text you? Can’t she just come downstairs? 
‘Is Bucky still there?’  
You stare at the message and frown. Huh? 
“Everything okay, doll?” Bucky asks. Your eyes flick up. 
“Um, yeah, erm, it’s my mom...” you shake your head. 
“Right, how’s work going for her?” He plants a hand on the counter and leans. 
“Work? It’s her day off,” you blink. 
“Ah, yeah, she said she didn’t want to wake you up when she left. She got called in. Emergency.” He explains. 
You clutch the phone as you stare at him dumbly. Why didn’t he mention that earlier? Well, it’s not on him, you could have checked. But if she’s gone, why is he still here? 
“Don’t spoil the surprise,” he says, “about the lawn.” 
“I won’t,” you look down and text her back. 
“So how about it? You up for a soak?” He asks again. 
“Um, I’ll think about it. Just gonna chat with my mom,” you waggle your phone at him and meander to the door. 
‘Great. You two can get to know each other.’  
Her answer is disappointing. You thought she’d be surprised, maybe confused. It’s all perfectly normal to them. You’re still adjusting. If she’d told you before you got there, it wouldn’t feel so strange. 
At the same time, you don’t want to let her down. You can’t just ignore her message. You have to try but you feel like you haven’t even had time to settle in. And he’s not the only thing that’s different. Your room doesn’t even feel like yours. 
You stand at the bottom of the stairs. You key in a final reply. ‘Ok’. That’s it. A tepid agreement. 
“Hey,” Bucky surprises you again. “Invitation stands,” he wipes his forehead, his bicep bulging as he does, the muscles of his chest straining. “I’m just going to get in my trunks.” 
“Uh, I... I’ll think about it,” you make yourself take a step up and climb steadily, refusing to look back. 
You stare at the phone. You don’t want to be rude. You’re sure there’s a reasonable explanation for why your mother didn’t mention him. You might do the same in her shoes. After so long being single, she was probably just letting it pan out. 
Still, she could have said something when you were on the train. 
Whatever. It’s not your place to complain. You’re still living under her roof, rent-free, after years of tuition on her dime and a lifetime of dependency. You can pretend like this is all okay. 
You go into your room and shut the door behind you. You wouldn’t have a swim suit in the dresser, you didn’t bother to pack it for college. Wherever your other clothes are, it should be there. You just don’t know where that is. 
A tank top and shorts should do the trick. You prefer that to an actual swimsuit. It won’t feel so revealing.  
You take out a hot pink spaghetti strap shirt and a pair of black shorts. You switch out your clothes, catching your foot in the shorts and tripping slightly. You stand up, shirtless, leaning on the vanity as you get your balance.  
You glimpse your reflection and shy away. You tie the string of the shorts and reach for the tank top. You pull it over your head and check yourself in the mirror. It will do. You hope. 
As you come out of the room, another door opens. You peer down the hall as Bucky emerges from your mother’s room. You gulp and flick your eyes away from him. He wears a pair of light blue shorts, so short you might mistake them for briefs. His thick thighs and torso flex with his movement as he approaches, a towel over his shoulder. 
“You changed your mind?” He asks as he comes closer. 
“Erm, well, I... I’ll give it a try. I’ve never really been in a hot tub, so...” You poke your fingertips together nervously. You don’t want to tell him your mother told you to be social. 
“Great, kinda feel like a loser sitting in there by myself. It’s really too bad your mom had to go in.” He sighs. 
Yeah, it is. You wonder why he didn’t mention it sooner. Or why he’s hanging around. You guess you don’t really know how things work around here anymore. 
“Don’t forget a towel,” he winks as he pats the one on his shoulder. “I’ll go get the cover off and you can come hop on in.” 
He brushes by you, his knuckle glancing off you as he does. You shuffle down to the linen closet and take out a towel. You don’t follow him right away. 
Your stomach is a flurry of nerves. It’s just the oatmeal. It always sits like a lump. You didn’t think about that, you were just hungry. 
You go downstairs and drag your feet to the back door. You come out onto the deck and peer around. The tub sits in the deck, installed where the table used to be. It steams as Bucky steps into it. He sighs and groans, muscles clenching up his back and sides. He must work out a lot. 
You look down at yourself. Self-consciousness creeps over you. It’s been a while since you thought so much about it. You tried not to focus much on your body; as long as you liked what you’re wearing, you don’t worry about what’s underneath. You don’t have the most extravagant taste but you have a few cute pieces. 
He lowers himself into the water and lets out another drone. He shifts around to face you but doesn’t seem to notice you as he closes his eyes and leans his head back. He takes a deep breath so his chest puffs out. 
You set your towel next to his on the small table near the edge. You near and stand at the lip of the tub. Can you just sneak away? 
“Hey,” his voice rolls over the bubbling water, “it’s not bad. Come on. It feels great. It’ll loosen you right up.” 
You nod and bite your lip. You get down on your butt before you ease yourself down onto the seat of the tub. The water steams and spits just beneath your shoulders. It is nice though it does raise a thick sheen across your forehead. 
“Mmm, trust me, when you’re mine age, you’ll need one of these,” he smirks. “So,” he stretches his arms around the frame of the tub, “what’s the plan, doll?’ 
“The plan?” You flap your lashes. 
“For the summer? Beach days with the girls? You wanna invite some friends over? You can have the tub to yourself,” he offers. 
“Mm, no, I... I’m looking for work. Uh, probably send out more applications.” You shrug. 
“Looking for a job? Ah, right, no more school, huh? Exciting. You got the whole world in front of you.” 
“Mhm, yeah,” you reach to rub your neck. 
“I’m sure you’ll still have time to hang out with your friends,” he insists. 
“Uh, I don’t... I don’t really have any,” you utter. You look away and stare at the fence. 
“No? Well, all my buddies are too busy for me. I know how you feel.” He says, “you know, we could be friends.” 
“Um, yeah, maybe,” you look at him again as you chew your lip. His eyes snap up from your chest. You look down and try not to show your horror. Your nipples are entirely visible as the pink fabric clings to you. You cross your arms. “You’ll be busy with my mom.” 
“Not all the time,” he says “You know, ever since she got this promotion, she’s been too busy for me.” 
“Ah, erm, I'm sorry.” 
“Why are you sorry?” He asks. 
You shake your head, “I don’t know...” 
“Mm, I know why,” he tilts his head. 
You stare at him in confusion. 
“You know a guy like me shouldn’t be kept waiting around. You’re a sweetheart, aren’t you? You can’t help but feel bad knowing I’m left all on my own. Lonely.” He traces a finger along the edge of the tub as he speaks. 
“I... guess. I don’t... know? I just...” You look away again. You can hardly stand the heat of the water as it boils your blood. 
He snickers and you wince as he shifts around the tub, sliding into the seat next to you. He slips his arm behind you as he does. You shrink down and stare at the deck railing. What is he doing? 
“This is nice, isn’t it? Getting to know each other?” His fingers tickle your shoulder as he crowds you. “You know, seems like we have a lot in common, doesn’t it?” 
“Um, erm,” you squirm in the seat. “I think... maybe... I should...” 
“Relax, it won’t do you any good if you don’t relax,” he girds. “I’m just saying, baby girl, seems like we’re both pretty lonely.” 
He leans back into the hot tub and lets his head fall back. You bend your arm, rubbing your other, and fidget. You want to just go but you’re scared to move. You don’t think you’re really afraid of him, he probably won’t stop you, but you’re just all locked up. 
You sit there, staring through the slats at the green lawn. The water babbles and your ears pulse. He continues to caress your shoulder. 
“Mm, baby girl, come on, just let yourself...” he taps your arm, “lean back, huh?” 
You obey. You lean back into the tub and slide down in the seat, trying to mimic him. Your head hits his arm as you recline. It is nice as the jets shoot up your back. 
“Wait, wait, you gotta get in the right...” he grabs your thigh and drags you towards him. “..place. Make sure you hit all the pressure points.” 
As he moves you, you spasm and cry out in surprise. A jet blows right against your shorts, a stream of water that sends tingles through you. You try to move back but he holds you in place. He squeezes your thigh and kneads. 
“Ah, yeah, baby girl, right there? Doesn’t it feel good?” 
You squeak as the water hits your clit through your thin shorts. You put your hand on his and wiggle. That only makes it more intense. Does he know what’s happening? 
“Please...” you gasp. 
“What did I say? Relax,” he continues to rub his fingertips into your thigh. “You’re all tense, baby girl. Let it go.” 
Your eyes round and you contort, trying to take the pressure off your clit. It doesn’t help. You puff out and grab onto his arm without thinking. He needs to let go. You can feel a throbbing inside of you. It hurts. Please, stop. 
The sensation crests and coils through you. Your muscles clench then release all at once. You squeal in shock and shame as your body twitches. You think you just... orgasmed? 
“Baby girl, what is it?” Bucky leans into you. 
“I...” you heave. “I-- nothing.” 
“Mmm, nothing?” His hand crawls up your leg and over your stomach. He twists and bends his arm, cradling your head and turning you to face him. You shiver as he cups your chest through the wet fabric and runs his thumb over the hard bud beneath. “Cause I think you just came in this nice clean water.” He leans in closer until you feel his breath against your lips, “baby girl, I thought you were going to be good for me?” 
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amphibianaday · 2 years
hey if anyone with photosensitivity follows me:
what tags should i use and/or avoid for eyestraining images? is "eyestrain" enough or are there other tags i should add to make sure everyones filters picks up the post?
i want to properly tag stuff for people with photosensitivity and not accidentally put my stuff in tags that should be safe. (for example i've heard you should not tag your potentially seizure-inducing images/videos with "epilepsy")
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fryday · 3 months
Everything We Know About The Phagenda
I needed a place to organise all the info we've gotten from DNP about what the hell they're cooking, so this is the place. I might have missed things, so please always check the original post for the most up to date version of contents as I might change or add things over time. Any questions, just shoot me an ask or something. Thank you and happy conjecturing!
I tried to arrange the info roughly chronologically in each category.
It's probably more than one thing
Dan mentioned some things coming "somewhat after and a little bit soon after"
Phil said, "We've got a few things in our mouth at the moment"
Definition of "agenda" suggests multiple things
Money stuff
Phil made his cactus club subscription more affordable in preparation for what he and Dan are doing next
Phil took a question about what they're cooking in his latest Q&A video. He said that something may or may not "happen in the next month", but did not answer the section asking if we should be saving up for it.
Those who RSVP'ed will "be notified first as soon as the news drops" -> presumably related to a limited quantity of items up for grabs, which is why I've included it in this section, but that's just my guess
Concept / Nature of the Thing(s)
Someone on Twitter said, "So the phlonde has been in the works for months if that was the main reason he let his hair grow out" and Dan replied with, "what else is he plotting"
Dan and Phil included a blurred out image of a text message in their video, which Dan called "the draft for something that is top secret".
SuperSeizer (one of Dan and Phil's editors) is in on what's happening (the other person in this interaction is their other editor Kris, who may also be involved, depending on how you read this interaction)
In his birthday livestream, Dan talked about how they revived the gaming channel not knowing what the response would be, and were shocked by the enthusiasm from their audience. "Because it seems like there's a thing here. [...] And we need to be like, celebrate the things, acknowledge the things. So, I guess we can say in the most vague way that we can that Dan and Phil have been cooking."
Dan posted his story with the words, "the time is nigh - want to know what dan and phil have been secretly cooking? / reply to this story with: RSVP / and we will send you a dm as soon as the truth is revealed"
Another definition of "agenda" is "the underlying intentions or motives of a particular person or group".
5 of the images in the TV screens have been identified as of right now: Phil's Video Blog, Hello Internet, Saying Goodbye Forever, Giving The People What They Want, and Something We Want to Tell You
Laylo, the website DNP are using for this announcement, is a platform that creators can use to release merch, tickets, or content.
The initial wave of people who RSVP'ed got their confirmation emails from [email protected] with the reply email being [email protected]. It was then changed; now the emails come from [email protected] with the reply email being [email protected].
Dan and Phil would have been aware that they were using the tour email at first, as they would have had to manually enter it themselves. (Thanks @dnpbeats for the investigative work!)
They included a 3-second teaser clip at the end of the Sims fashion makeover episode.
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holybibly · 6 months
Yesterday I was talking to one of my bunnies and we had a very interesting discussion. Remembering San's life with the famous search for "fan fiction", I thought: what if someone from Ateez could be one of my anonymous bunnies?
So here we are.
Which member do you most resemble, bunny? Tell me in the comments. I'm interested.
Ateez as bannies in Holy Bibly blog
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Seonghwa - Mommy's most obedient bunny
♥ First one to find the blog
♥ Totally under the spell of atmosphere
♥ Wants to call me Mommy
♥ Totally shameless but extremely obedient
♥ Wants to be called only "Good Boy/Sugar Bunny"
♥ Always asks permission before touching himself: "I've been a good mommy, can I play with myself?"
♥ Gets bored and needy if there are no answers from me
♥ Favourite AU! - Submissive idol, Mommy Hwa, bunny/kitten hybrid, househusband
♥ If he doesn't get attention, he goes a little crazy
♥ Every day he asks me how I'm doing and shows a lot of concern for me.
♥ Biting his lips and whimpering when he sees my answers
♥ Favourite ff - ℌ𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔦𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔤𝔦𝔯𝔩 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡
♥ A passionate desire to be the most loved bunny in the world
♥ A slut for compliments
♥ Uses his cute little bunny toy to rub his pretty cock all over it
♥ Silk pajamas and sweets
♥ A blushing, aching mess
♥ Soft NSFW Links
♥ "I'll be always belong to you, Mommy"
♥ He prides himself on being the most beloved bunny.
♥ He's jealous but doesn't show it because he doesn't want to upset me.
♥ When he touches himself, he moans and whimpers.
♥ Absolutely precious boy
♥ Writes tender vulgar messages in DMs
♥ He puts his fingers in his mouth, drools on them and rolls his eyes.
♥ Always asks for permission before he cum: "Please, Mommy, can I cum now? I've been such a good little bunny for you."
♥ Checking my blog is the first thing he does when he wakes up.
♥ In general, he really wants to be pampered and to be adored.
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San - Shy and gentle / toxic bunny
♥ He found out about the blog by chance. He saw a message about the new post on Hwa's phone.
♥ At first he was terribly embarrassed by all the things. But then he became too addicted.
♥ He calls me My Lady, but secretly he yearns to call me Mommy.
♥ The only time he checks the blog is at night, when he is alone.
♥ He is too quick to be turned on by even the most innocent of messages. It just does things for him.
♥ Too shy to send a request, but would really like to do so.
♥ Wants to be called "Kitten/Handsome Boy", but secretly goes by "Sir".
♥ He is jealous and wants to have my full attention.
♥ Favourite AU! - Kitten Hybrid, Royal, Striptease/Sex Work, Professor Choi
♥ Licks his lips all the time during reading
♥ Bites his shirt so Mingi and Seonghwa can't hear how loud he moans when he jerks off.
♥ The kind of guy who likes to rub his dick all over the sheets
♥ He has a penchant for nipple stimulation.
♥ Favourite ff - ℑ𝔱'𝔰 𝔜𝔬𝔲
♥ Discovery of new kinks in himself after reading my work
♥ After several months of keeping quiet, he plucks up the courage to ask request.
♥ Overly excited about Sugar Weekend, but actually his favourite part is Unholy Hours
♥ Generally torn between wanting to be the best kitty and wanting to control me.
♥ One of the most possessive bunnies here.
♥ A bit of a toxic bunny, but very sweet.
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Yeosang - lost/curious bunny
♥ Found the blog because Woo couldn't shut up about it.
♥ Confused by all the requests and the frankness of the bunnies
♥ The first few weeks he didn't understand what was going on.
♥ Literally 🧍🏻He even had to ask Hwa about it. He got a detailed lecture with a demonstration of the materials.
♥ The more he reads, the more addicted he is to it.
♥ He've set up notifications to alert him to new posts so he doesn't miss anything.
♥ He giggles and kicks his legs like a schoolgirl when he reads my replies to the other bunnies.
♥ Gentle baby.
♥ Favourite AU! - Heavy Dom Yeosang, Toxic Boyfriend, Sugar Baby.
♥ Calls me "Miss" or "My Queen".
♥ A very polite bunny who keeps asking me how I'm doing: "My Queen, are you looking after yourself well? You need to drink a lot of water and take vitamins".
♥ Really excited about Yeosang Unni - this is his Roman Empire.
♥ He masturbates in the shower and thinks about all my works.
♥ Each time he remembers the request for a bunny and a shower head.
♥ Moaning in a low and deep voice - "velvet moaning", his favourite phrase.
♥ Wants to be brave and send a request for the Unholy Hour. But doesn't know how to do it properly.
♥ An exquisite bunny with an elegant taste.
♥ He is a little puffy due to the amount of work about him, but he is waiting for Pastor Yeosang and is literally counting the hours until the publication.
♥ Because he wants to have an intimate relationship with me, he doesn't want to discuss it with others.
♥ He loves to be called "My love"
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Hongjoong - cheeky/slutty bunny
♥ Finds out about the blog through Hwa. He talks about it all the time, bragging left and right about all the attention he gets from me. Also because of Wooyoung and Mingi's fight over the position of my favorite bunny.
♥ He immediately jumps on the topic.
♥ He has no shame "I'm good in all position"
♥ He boldly communicates with other bunnies, replies to comments and starts whole threads.
♥ No requests, he will write to me in DM right away.
♥ Favourite FF - 𝔓𝔯𝔢𝔱𝔱𝔶 𝔉𝔩𝔲𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔡
♥ Sneaks around on web sites looking for new fur coats
♥ Wants me to call him "Daddy" when he calls me "Mommy".
♥ Attention eater
♥ Maddening jealous: "I just want you to think about me all the time. I'm your favourite bunny."
♥ When tired or upset, comes to talk about his day.
♥ Won't shut up about the results of the voting for a "gift" fic: "You know I'm better than Mingi, right?"
♥ Creates his own sex playlist.
♥ Fan of NSFW Links
♥ Jerks off late at night in his studio. Also likes to touch himself in the shower.
♥ Saves his favourite parts of ff in a separate file.
♥ A moaning mess.
♥ Sometimes forgets his cocky behaviour and asks me to look after him.
♥ All in all very gentle and needy.
♥ Loves to be intimate.
♥ Reading works about Hwa on the sly: "That's my boy" - heartly.
♥ Likes to have conversations with me about kinks.
♥ Favourite AU! - Sugar Daddy, Wolf/Leopard Hybrids, Dilf, Pirate King, CEO
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Wooyoung - needy/brat bunny
♥ Found out about the blog by stealing Yeosang's phone. Poor guy choked on his protein shake when he saw Woo looking at the blog.
♥ Totally in love with everything that happens.
♥ Lives and breathes thanks to my work.
♥ Priest Wooyoung is his Roman Empire, rubbing it in everyone's face how fucking hot it was.
♥ He is shameless and open to the point of being impossible.
♥ DM messages 24/7 a day.
♥ He likes to flirt with the other bunnies.
♥ Likes to be called "Good boy / Sweetheart / Foxy".
♥ Will talk about anything and everything in the world.
♥ He deliberately upsets me so that he gets punished: "I've been such a bad bunny, is Mommy going to punish me?"
♥ Loves humiliation.
♥ Calls me "Mommy" in a very horny way.
♥ Spams me with the most depraved requests on a non-stop basis.
♥ Favourite AU! - Fox/Kitten hybrid, sugar baby, toxic boyfriend, religion, sugar daddy (he believes in his potential).
♥ Possesses jealousy: "I can be the only one, can't I?"
♥ Likes to deny himself an orgasm while reading - wants to cum with the characters.
♥ Always horny, so our correspondence tends to be more like a dirty-talking manual.
♥ Comfortably oversized clothes and bulging veins in his forearms.
♥ Favorite FF - 𝔇𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔲𝔰 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔩
♥ He is incredibly affectionate: "Mommy, do you want me to take care of you? I'm going to behave, I promise".
♥ He will have the audacity to tell me that he masturbates and will ask me to help him with it.
♥ Incredibly loud when he's jerking off. Doesn't care who hears him. Has an amazing time and can't think of anything else.
♥ After a hard day, he loves jerking off in his bed. He takes his time and spreads the pleasure all over the place. Of course, he cum without permission.
♥ "I want to be punished, Mommy".♥ All in all, a soft loverboy.
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Yunho - shy/slutty bunny
♥ Finds out about the blog from Hwa. Follows him like a lost puppy until Seonghwa shares the link.
♥ He is a bit shy at first, but he quickly gets involved.
♥ He leaves comments and sends sweet messages to the inbox like an energetic and inspired bunny.
♥ Shy to DM me, but really wants to.
♥ Unholy hours are his thing.
♥ Has a tendency towards corruption kink, size kink, size training.
♥ Yungi is his favourite pairing.
♥ Obediently waits for the second part of BOTH.
♥ Prefers to be called "Pretty boy/Puppy/Sugar bunny".
♥ Calls me "My Lady", but wants to be strong enough to call me "Mistress".♥ Shyly asks for permission to touch himself "May I? Please"
♥ He had no idea how crazy everyone was about his hands until he'd read my work.
♥ Will definitely try putting them in his mouth before mirror to see how that works.
♥ Waiting for new posts like an impatient puppy.
♥ Very excited about the upcoming Priest Yunho fic. Secretly angry about the fact that Wooyoung is the only one who has had his own fic in this series so far.
♥ Favourite AU! - Sugar Daddy, Sub Idol, Yandere, Office, Wolf/Golden Retriever Hybrid
♥ Checks the blog a couple of times a day.
♥ Usually jerks off in the late hours of the night after everyone else has gone to bed.
♥ Cries and pants when he starts playing with himself.
♥ He likes to be overstimulated. He cums at least 3-4 times and brings himself to tears.
♥ He has a fake pussy that he can play with.
♥ "It's so fucking tight, fuck"
♥ He will definitely tell me what he did yesterday evening.
♥ Other than that, he is just a sweet, golden boy.
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Mingi - shameless/horny bunny
♥ He found out about the blog when Yunho accidentally spilled the beans about it.
♥ He fell in love immediately and forever.
♥ I'm definitely his favourite.
♥ Loves to read comments, has a big grin on his face all the time.
♥ Very full of himself.
♥ He gets horny too fast and is able to jerk off several times a day.
♥ Calls me "Mistress" in the most perverse manner.
♥ Sends me requests, writes in DMs, and wants my complete and all-consuming attention.
♥ Competing for be favourite bunny on the blog with Seonghwa.
♥ Prefers to be called "Dirty Boy/Fox".
♥ He will definitely write to me in DM to tell me how much he gets turned on by what I write.
♥ Receives a notification every time a new post is made.
♥ "You can put a collar around my neck and strangle me to death, mistress."
♥ He's waiting for a fic about himself as a fox hybrid, he thinks he'd look great with a bushy tail.
♥ He is very possessive: "I would hate to share you with anyone else".
♥ He tests my patience
♥ ℭ𝔯𝔞𝔷𝔶 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔪 is his religion.
♥ Favourite AU! - Pervert Idol, Sugar Daddy, Striptease/Sex Work, Professor Mingi, Vampire.
♥ He likes to stroke his dick while reading, he is in no hurry with the pleasure.
♥ "Are you going to punish me, Mistress? I've been such a naughty boy."
♥ To punish him, I decided to write down the most detailed dirt on him and send it to him at a totally unexpected time.
♥ He bites his lips and moans softly, swearing terribly.
♥ However, he adores me and will never stop complimenting me.
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Jongho - innocent/not innocent bunny
♥ He has no idea why his Hyungs are so obsessed with my blog. Figures it all out for himself through the search for my nickname on Tumblr.
♥ Thinks the whole dynamic between me and the bunnies is funny and he smiling all the time.
♥ Slowly becoming addicted.
♥ He is very interested in the Omegaverse and how it all works.
♥ The bunny that asks questions in the inbox.
♥ "What do I have to call you?" "Are there any rules to follow?" "How open can I be with you?"
♥ Sneaky sends requests about himself to the Unholy Hours
♥ 100% enabled new posts notifications
♥ Pisses off all the Hyungs by being friends with me.
♥ He and Yunho are the main gossips in the dorm and have discussions about everything and anything.
♥ A diligent and obedient bunny with a few hidden kinks.
♥ Loves hip riding, choking and spanking, these things makes him horny.
♥ He is having the time of his life.
♥ Favourite AU! - Sugar Daddy, Hard dom, Omegaverse, Idol x Idol
♥ Reads my blog all over the place, as if it were just a news portal.
♥ He is one of the most sociable bunnies, but he is still anonymous.
♥ My stories make him horny and he doesn't like to lose control of himself.
♥ He ends up masturbating in the bathroom, breathing heavily and biting the palm of his hand to stop himself from moaning out loud.
♥ Loves the idea of NSFW links. He secretly saves all the videos on his phone.
♥ Wants to be called "Darling/Sweet".
♥ He is very caring, so he is always on the lookout for my well-being.
♥ He feels very comfortable and has a lot of fun with me.
♥ He blushes like a school girl when I call him "Sugar Bunny"
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pixelchills · 19 days
Okay, you anon on my inbox,
you said that some followers of mine have been disappointed in me for partaking in the tsams harassment document, since I am a creator a lot of people look up to. I am not answering the ask itself because it has a blog mentioned, but I will answer your worries about the situation the best I can.
I am not going to talk about the drama itself since I have retained myself from discussing and spinning things any further about the situation.
But those of you who are mad at me for being part of the document; please at least read my part of it, if you haven't already.
The document was made as an archive for the victims of that hate blog (biased-tsams-confessions). Every screenshotted post on the document is available publicly, and all I did was allow my content and posts about the situation to be used in the document.
I was an unnecessary victim of the hate blog. Had no one name-dropped me in that blog and caused me to get anons and not-anons harass me and claim that I was one of the people sending minors gore, I would not have needed to publicly talk about anything relating to the drama. I would not be in the document if I wasn't a victim of being wrongly assumed to support NSFW being sent to minors. Which is a heavy allegation.
The document is not about the gore anon victims. It's about the victims of the witch hunt that people caused by starting to blame innocent people for being or supporting the gore anons.
I am not asking myself to be removed from the document. I am there as a victim. The other people in the document, as well as their actions, have nothing to do with me, or my part in this, other than them being my friends/mutuals in the fandom, and victims of the same hate blog and witch hunt. If some of them have answered or reacted aggressively to something regarding the situation, it is on them. It is not my job to decide what my friends/mutuals are allowed to answer or do.
During this whole time, I have kept saying over and over that people should just block and move on and ignore and not vague about each other, but I cannot control other people besides myself.
I do not support harassment of any kind. But I am also not going to be silent for being a victim. Even if I was just a small misstep for the hate blog, I was still targeted because of them. I was truly ready to just forgive them and put it all behind me, if their reply to my request to apologise to me publicly hadn’t been so aggressive, and they hadn’t targeted another innocent person later (Z). The mod responding to my dm said I was manipulating them, and that they didn't believe me. So their posted apology wasn't genuine, it was just them trying to save themselves from me exposing them.
If you think I should've not allowed my posts to be part of the document then I want to ask you this:
Should a victim be quiet about being harassed just because the other harassed people have said or done something you disagree with?
Again, what I had to deal with was very small compared to some of the other people the hate blog targeted, but even a small victim is a victim if they gained harm from it.
As what comes to the document: I did not write it, nor did I read it until it was publicly shared. All I did was give my permission to use my posts in it.
I was aware that the doc included names of the people who have also participated in or supported the harassment by the hate blog or shattered. 
I did not find the list of supporters necessary to include, and I told the others this. The list has recently been removed by the owner of the document after new information has come to light. I know this will not erase the fact the names were there.
I am not making statements about the harassment supporters mentioned in the doc, because I am not going to dig up if they should be there or not. I have spent too much time on this drama publicly already, when all I wanted to do was ignore it and let my friends vent their frustration to me privately if needed.
Despite the situation being what it is, I have wanted to stay neutral in it, besides the hate blog which is the sole reason I had to pipe up in the first place. I have been keeping my stance neutral between the two groups. I have not blocked anyone from either side (except the hate blog), and I have no hard feelings towards my friends, or my followers who are disagreeing with each other.
If you want me to apologise for being part of the document, I'm sorry but I can't. It's the same as saying "I'm sorry I talked about being harassed."
If you still feel like you're personally affected by my involvement in this, or you are a follower of mine getting harassed because of this document, please DM me and I'll try to help you out the best I can.
The blogs mentioned in the document have not been actively harassing me, and those who did take part in smearing my name I will not name, because I genuinely think they realised their mistake (unlike the hate blog) and understood that I have nothing to do with the gore anons nor do I believe they were a hoax.
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kittybroker · 1 year
Intro post!
I'll reblog cat pictures and value the kitty.
Now I'm sure you're all saying kitties are all valuable, and while that's true one cannot simply dismiss the importance of proper accounting in today's economy.
If you want to submit a picture of a cat you can use either the ask function or send in a post submission and value it yourself. Feel free to tag me into any kitty post you want.
Please make sure to read the FAQ below before sending in any questions.
While I am mostly a joke blog, please be wary when sending overly personal/strange asks, particularly when I do not know who you are. Absolutely do not ship this blog with other blogs, and particularly do not make comments to me about this.
Tagging system: I'll tag all the cats here with #crazy kitty The pricing of kitties is set into one of five categories:
#free bin - $0 kitties #bargain bin - Under $5 #discount kitty - Under $20 #valuable kitty - Under $50 #premium kitty - Anything over $50
#alt currency is used for any kitty not using kitty dollars.
Note that kitties from before 27/01/24 may not include the #bargain bin or #premium kitty tag as those tags were introduced after the blogs creation.
#set deal - For pairs kitties sold together #collection - For collections of different kitties in a collection
#silly kitty - For memes and humorous kitties #art - For drawings of kitties or kitties with art attached #fake kitty - For kitties that aren't really actually kitties at all
#text post - For posts that aren't actually evaluations #asks - Posts that are sent via ask #tagged - Posts sent via tagging #in the replies - Tags from the replies of a post #kitty music - For self-promotional music posts or music performed by kitties (meowsynth)
I'll probably post my own cat a bit here as well and tag that with #my cat.
Submission: You can submit kitties by tagging me in posts or sending asks (when the inbox is open). I will not always get around to tags as sometimes there is too many to get to or I have already evaluated the post. I prefer people tag me into a post over DMing, and will not evaluate a kitty sent in DMs. I would also ask you to not send too many asks or tags in a row simply to avoid too many posts being sent in at a time and allowing others to send stuff in. If you are unsure on how to tag me please refer to the FAQ, do not message me asking how to tag me into posts.
Rules for submission: Please no real people or anthropomorphized cats. Anything that is pretty much just human is a big no go zone for evaluation (particularly evaluating real people). As long as it's clearly an animal I don't really care. Do not tag me into more than 2-3 posts at a time.
Why hasn't my ask been answered? I get a lot of asks, and I can't answer everything. It usually takes a few days to a week to get around to answering an ask. Sometimes the ask may also contain a submission that cannot be posted, ie you submitted a real person, a cat in the harmful situation or with wounds. For text based asks I cannot get to everything and am frequently inundated with comments. Not all will get a response. If you ask a question answered in the FAQ I will not answer.
How do you evaluate the kitties? The economy guides my hand, I merely see the truth of what is already there.
I tagged you into a post, but you never responded? I get a lot of tags, and often a lot of the same post. I will try to avoid responding to the same post multiple times (sometimes I forget!). Sometimes I just have so many tagged posts to get to I have to cut some out. I do see every tagged post though so you're post will still be seen, even if not answered.
What is the most valuable kitty ever? Our current estimates would put Intergalactic Shiro, now at an impressive 720000000000
What currency are the kitties evaluated in? They are all in Kitty Dollars. I've never heard of this "USD" or "Euro" stuff. None of it is real.
I want to tag you in a post, but I don't know how? To tag me into a post you will need to reblog the post and add the tag into the text field of the post (no the tags!). If you type @kittybroker you should see this blog appear in a dropdown menu. Select kittybroker and then reblogging the post. You can also tag me into the replies of posts by opening the notes, heading to the replies section and tagging me there with the same method.
Can I submit myself? Many before have attempted this perilous feat. Yet I remain strong. No real people will be evaluated!
Kittybroker, you reblogged a bad post! Sometimes I reblog posts that I should by mistake. Please notify me if this is the case, ie. the cat is in danger, the video is not safe or harmful. I do my best to try educate myself on what the best, but I still miss stuff. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO FANDOM DRAMA/PROBLEMATIC USERS. DO NOT MESSAGE ME ABOUT THIS.
Kittybroker, I want to support you but I hate capitalism! Good news for you! The best way you can support me is to check out the #kitty music tag! I write a fair bit of music and you can find it at my old soundcloud, or you can find my recent piano sheet music here! Completely free! I really appreciate any support with my music work outside of kittybroker and sharing or listening to my stuff helps a lot!
Do you have a cat? I do, although I rarely post it out of both privacy concerns and the sheer number of other kitties sent in. The rare occasion I do however they will all be tagged. His name is Boris and he is around nine years old. He is very crazy.
That is all for now! Remember to stay crazy and kitty!
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the-gimmick-authority · 5 months
Introduction last update: June the 4th, 2024
I’m the gimmick authority, the judge, jury, executioner, detective and police of the gimmick blogs. I will be enforcing and enacting authoritarian shit on gimmicks :3 there are five authority figures:
The police
The judge
The detective
the executioner
and me, the mod!
Blogsonas, in the above order:
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The collective art (one of which is also used as my header) is by @strawberrycowtime, love you pooks :3 /p. The art of the policeman (second-last row, extreme right) and the solo art (bottom row) is by the one and only @jayysnotjoyful, I love you, too! Jay also made an amazing animation of themself, the authority, and the supreme court, which can be found here.
My main is @shakespeare-official-account and i run @actually-ao3, @youraveragemagicthief and @shakespeare-official-reblogs and my non-gimmick, @aristarxs.
FAQs and Other Stuff:
Pronouns? he/they/it > xe/xier > | he/they | he/they/it | she/her | she/her
Are you the same? A little. Think of it as split personalities, with different opinions, fighting for control.
Can I make art/write/animate/etc about them? Absolutely. I would adore that. If you want the descriptions, send me an ask/dm. I’m considering making a few picrews for them, too.
Do you really arrest people? I just investigate. I’m a lenient judge, I try to be friendly. Yes!! Jail the criminals!! I kill people!
Do you answer many asks? If someone asks me something boring or repetitive or already mentioned here, I may not reply. Please don’t take it personally. I answer a lot on main, though.
Other Members/Associates: @jayysnotjoyful, honorary member; @absolutely-olivegarden, private investigator/colleague
Lore | An FAQ with a long answer (check it out)
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haveyouheardthisband · 11 months
『 FAQ 』
USEFUL LINKS: Submissions spreadsheet (gigantic list of every band submission we've received. Song submissions are on the second tab. If this does not load on your device, you can view a plaintext archive here.) Data spreadsheet (List of every band that we've posted or are still in the queue, in order, plus occasionally-updated data for finished polls.) Song submissions form (Suggest a noteworthy song for a band that's already been submitted but not yet posted. First-come first-serve. These are linked in a readmore under the band's poll.)
⏭ Y'all made a mistake! / How do I get in touch? Please scroll to read the whole FAQ first. If your question has not already been answered, then send an ask. We don't respond to most asks publicly, but we do read them all. We do not often check replies or mentions. Do NOT send band suggestions via the askbox, it is for correspondence only. (If the question/comment concerns a specific post, you can also ping me @estradasphere in a reply, but asks are preferred)
───♫───────────── ⏭ Why was this poll tagged with [x]? Genres are usually from the artist's RateYourMusic page, if they have one. Country tags are also from RYM - we tag both formed/birth location and disbanded/death location. As for decades, we do not usually tag all decades a band was active for, just a few that contain their most popular output. If we get any of these wrong, please send an ask!
───♫───────────── ⏭ Why was this album art used? If the artist has an RYM page, the album art we use is of their most-rated album on there. If they don't, we use Spotify or Bandcamp or other sources. We tend to avoid album art that depicts potentially triggering subjects.
───♫───────────── ⏭ This artist is morally reprehensible! We do not endorse or support any artists posted here. We're asking if you've heard them, not if you like them - and doing a background check on every submission is infeasible. You are free to warn others via reply, reblog, etc. That being said, we may reject submissions at our own discretion.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Can you add a "yes, unfortunately" option? No, and we don't think this is the best perspective to have. Every band is someone's favorite! We are not intent on changing the three options we have now.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Can you post more/less of [x] genre? We run entirely off of submissions, and go through those mostly in chronological order. We do not control which bands get submitted. That being said, we do try to space out polls in the queue if there's a lot of submissions of the same genre/vibe in a row.
───♫───────────── ⏭ When will band submissions reopen? If/when we get through the bulk of the current submissions. Our backlog is so massive that this may not happen until 2026 (at the latest) though. Sorry!
───♫───────────── ⏭ When will my submission be posted? You can check our progress by looking at the submissions spreadsheet. Finished submissions are the ones highlighted turquoise. Keep in mind that we post once per hour, and you can probably estimate the date from there.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Why didn't my submissions post in the order I submitted them? We rearrange the queue if there's a lot of bands of the same genre/vibe submitted in a row. Or for no reason.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Why didn't my submission get posted at all? A few reasons this could happen:
Your band is still in the queue, just not in order (see the question above this one)
Your band has been submitted before (search the blog or the data sheet for them)
Your band is so obscure we couldn't find album art or genre info for them
You submitted a ton of bands in a row that are either all similar to each other or in alphabetical order (we don't want one person monopolizing the blog for a long period of time)
If you think we've made a mistake, you can send an off-anon ask or DM a mod, and we'll post a poll for them ASAP if valid. Accidents happen.
───♫───────────── ⏭ How do I suggest songs for multiple-artist submissions? See here and here.
───♫───────────── ⏭ What's the policy on vulgar/offensive band names or album art? Generally OK, but it'll be decided at our own discretion. In the case of album art, we try to find one of the artist's other works at around the same popularity, and if we can't, we'll trigger tag it.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Why don't you tag polls with the band names? Tagging it would put the post in the lap of every fan who follows or searches for the tag. For popular bands, we feel this would skew the results too much.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Can you trigger tag [x]? We currently tag common triggers like gore, nudity, body horror, and suicide (typically as "#___ tw" or "#cw ___"); if we missed a post with one of those, please let us know! As for implementing new trigger tags, sorry, we have enough on our plate at the moment and probably wouldn't remember it. We recommend using Xkit Rewritten's post block feature and/or Tumblr's built-in tag/content filtering.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Have y'all considered increasing the post speed to more than 1 per hour? We don't really want to, sorry! Making 24 posts per day to keep pace is enough work for us already, haha.
───♫───────────── ⏭ How many posts are in the queue? It's maintained at around 150-250.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Do y'all want/need another mod? Not right now. If we ever do, we'll make a post for it.
───♫───────────── ⏭ How is the profile picture album picked? It's just an album that one of the mods likes, that's all. It changes approximately every 2 weeks.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Why is Spotify used for song links and playlists? It simply loads faster on my computer than YouTube. We have no intention of changing this, sorry.
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elfiewhore · 6 months
I should probably make a pinned lol
Hi! I'm Elfie! I'm a 28 year old transfem who is perpetually horny! I'm also pansexual so please, serving all comers! (Ha)
I love getting asks so please don't be shy, I'll usually reply with the same energy you hit me with and I love being exposed to new kinks!!
DMs are open but I do get quite a lot of them so I may be slow or not see your message. It's usually better to send an Ask first if you want mummy's attention!
DNI: Terfs/swerfs, minors, ageless/blank blogs, any of the usual 'phobes, sissies (no hate, it just makes me dysphoric)
If your first message is "Can you be my mommy domme/can I be your baby/sissy/toy/etc." I likely won't reply. You can be completely unhinged and horny, in fact it's one of my favourite things! Please, please randomly message me fantasies or posts you find hot or just gush about your favourite kink to me. I adore that stuff. But if our first contact is you asking me to take on the labour of being your domme the answer will be no 99% of the time.
Preferred kinks under the cut
Kinks I love: ABDL/CGL, Pissplay, petplay, humiliation (giving and receiving), degradation, siscon/incest, CNC, forcefem, bimbofication, free-use, public, hucow, cucking, chastity, sph, dollification, slapping/impact play, breeding.
But! I'm also super interested in expanding my interests so please if you have a specific kink you really want to write about I'm mostly interested in whatever gets you off!
Only limit is gore/snuff and scat(except for diaper messing) apologies!
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Winter's King 25
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: 😁.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The queen snores in her bed. At last, peaceful. You leave her as she is, piled in bedclothes amid the glow of the low-burning fire. You emerge into the corridor, silent, and the door drags closed with a scrape at your cautious pull. The shadow by the pillar shifts.  
You glance over at the guard. Gilles has been relieved of his watch and another man stands in his place. You think you recognise him. He must’ve been one of those which helped the queen seize your cart. The road feels so very long ago and yet there is still much ahead of you. 
“Hold,” the guard warns and gives a whistle, the noise echoing along the high ceilings.  
There’s scuffling further down and you turn to face another silhouette, this one slender and lithe like a wraith. Ezme steps into the light of a lamp and stare at you placidly. She beckons with a hand. 
“Come, maid, I will show you your quarters,” she says. 
You bow your head and go to her. It is unusual you wouldn’t be left to find your way to the servants wing yourself, likely near the kitchens, and yet you are much too weary to question any of it. She turns and you walk at her side. The promise of sleep, even if only a little, has you aching to recline. 
The corridors are quiet but for the soft pad of your footsteps. Fewer lamps light the way than in the daytime and the path grows black. You follow the stirring of the women next to you as she carries on. She touches your arm to stop you, nudging you to the right. You wait and listen as she lifts a latch, the metallic noise cutting through the din, and hinges creak loudly. 
She guides you into the dark chamber by your wrist. It is lit only by moonlight and a brazier burning at the foot of a broad bed. The door clanks shut and you shiver. Ezme moves around you, her skirts brushing your own, and she goes to the low mattress. You squint, these are not servants’ rooms. The bed frame, the brazier, the space swathed in darkness; more often, bodies crowded over bags of hay or on the scant tatters of blankets. 
“You will sleep here,” she says softly, “with me. You will be safe.” 
“Safe? From what?” You croak and rub your cheeks as they burn with fatigue. 
“Need you ask,” she replies knowingly, “it is much too late for those questions. Come, lay, the morning will be upon us swiftly.” 
You don’t argue. She is right. You go to bed and remove your apron and cap. You fold them and put them to the foot of the mattress. She moves a dark square over the blankets towards you. You pause and reach to touch the obscured shape as the dim light offers only vague outline. It’s soft, furry. You feel around and find the familiar rough patch sewn into the lining. It’s the king’s cloak. 
“You will want to keep that close,” she says, “the soldier made certain to leave it for you.” 
“Bryce?” You wonder aloud, “is he your friend?” 
“He is a familiar face,” she shrugs and pulls her dress over her head. “The Lord of the Castle likes him well enough.” 
You shift the cloak over your apron and strip off your outer layer, standing only in your shift. You mirror the maid across from you and slip beneath the thick blankets. A sigh escapes you as your muscles finally release the tension of the day. She is still on her back as you lay upon your side, staring at the low flicker of the brazier against the wall. 
Curiosity nips at your exhaustion. How does a servant come upon a room like this? Is it simply at your expense? For whatever reason Bryce has bid her to keep you close. Certainly, the old soldier is overly cautious. 
Your eyes close before you can think very much on the unexpected resting spot. The day has been turbulent and full of many surprises. You only dread those that await you on the morrow. 
Ezme wakes you from a heavy slumber. You both dress in the morning hue, rinsing from a basin before you face another day. You leave the cloak on the assurance it will be waiting for you. A thought glimmers of what the king might think should it go missing. Would he blame you? 
You emerge and part from your nocturnal companion. You procede to the queen’s chambers to find them open and the corridor a titter. A pair of servants, themselves dozy, carry one of her chests through as her shrill cry careens through. You approach as the steadfast guard with the fiery hair watches you with narrow eyes.  
You peer within and find the Queen Jazlene digging through the contents, tossing fabrics without a care, in a desperate search. You are stunned to find her awake with the sunrise but not disheartened. It might be a good omen. 
"Where is it?" She throws her hands up and scowls as her eyes skim around, "you," she points in your direction, "where is my blue dress? The one with the silver lace? It must be here!" 
"Your highness, perhaps another chest," you step inside. 
"You did remember to pack it, didn't you?" She accuses as she stands, "I did bid it." 
"Yes, your highness," you affirm, though it was Merinda who would've taken the order. "Shall I go look in the luggage?" 
"Oh, yes, you shall," she struts toward you, "I will not be dressed as some northern wench for the banquet." 
Banquet? You withhold your curiosity and bow your head. You have a task and it is always better to tend to it without question. 
You spin and hurry from the room. You nearly collide with another servant, a tray in their hands. Another chore you needn't attend. You press on and find your way through the kitchens to the rear of the castle.  
The luggage remains mostly in the stables which entails a venture into the wintry without. You mourn the cloak upon the foot of the bed but it would be worse to flaunt the king's patch so heedlessly. You tuck your hands into your sleeves and put your chin down before you push through, the door resisting your strength as the wind blows against it. 
You stagger through and the heavy wood slams just as quickly as you clear its breadth. The gales are strong but the snow has relented. You see dark bodies speckled amid the white as powder dusts up in heaps. The servants work to clear away the thick piles and make pathways around the castle's yard. 
You cross to the stables and delve into the stink of horses and hay. The beast nicker and neigh as you pass as others doze without notice. You find the luggage, chests still upon carts as others litter the unswept floor. If you find the dress, it might just reek of horse. 
You recognise the crest of Debray upon a chest and the painted sides of a few others. You unstrap several lids and raise them, the cold nipping but sweat rising nonetheless. The longer you sift through the contents, the number your hands and fingers become, the clumsier you are. 
A patch of blue, so pale and shiny it's almost white, gleams from beneath the heaps of cloth. You yank upon it, bringing out several other gowns with the effort, and claim victory. You do not neglect to suss out a pair of slippers and a hair net you think might go with it. You set it aside and pack away the mess you've made, breathless from the expense. 
You hug your lot and curl around the next row of horses, searching out Daisy as she leans her head against Chestnut's dark neck. Their eyes widen at your approach and they huff almost in time. You pat their noses before you apologise that you must leave them. 
Once more, the violent gusts greet you in the open, sending a spiral of snow around you and dusting you with the chill. Your teeth chatter as the wind pushes you from behind and fill your skirts. You can hardly aim your steps as you end up against the castle wall, sidling along until you're at the door. 
Within, the cold follows and lingers in your bones. You flit through the kitchens, pots steam as the large ovens blaze and bodies cluster and clash. You barely avoid a collision as you pass into the corridor. As you step around one figure, another appears. 
“Aye, there the mouse is,” Bryce greets as he folds a leaf around his finger, readying it to pop in his mouth, “I see she’s got you at work already.” 
“Sir,” you stop before the soldier, “how was your night?” 
“Eh, dark,” he shrugs, “and you? The other maid saw to ya?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Very good. If ye can, stay close to that one at the feast,” he girds, “she’s wise. She knows well how to bide the shadows.” 
You nod and hug the fabric, another shiver flowing through you. He tilts his head as he continues to play with the leaf between his fingers. 
“Don’t tell me you were outside without a cloak,” he accuses, “where’s yours, then?” 
“Sir, it was only for a moment--” 
“This cold does not soften for summer maids,” he tuts and shakes his head, “you will make yerself sick and who should have to deal with it, hm? Who should have to hear the king rant of it?” 
“Apologies, I was only in a rush,” you pout. 
“Don’t be sorry,” he steps closer and touches the dress in your arms, “in a rush for flimsy gown. These halls are too cold for satin.” 
“The queen bids it--” 
“Oh, I would expect,” he chortles. 
You purse your lips, slanting them one way then the next, as you recall your task. You watch him pinch the silk before he rescinds his reach. He puts the leaf in his mouth and chews. 
“You said feast and the queen said banquet? Is that this evening?” You wonder. 
“Certainly, is,” he sucks on the sweet leaves, “Lord Vesemir would celebrate our departure most fervently but as any good winter lord, he would not send his guests out in the cold without full bellies.” 
“Oh,” you utter thoughtfully. 
“And I suppose, it will appease the queen,” he adds, “for a time before she is once more miserable in the wildlands.” 
“And we are to leave on the morrow?” 
“Aye, by the nightfall,” he crosses his arms. “They must clear the pass and ready the horses and carts. It will be a labour but best we move on.” 
“I believe so too, sir,” you teethe your lip. 
“Aye, you are prudent, as ever,” he lowers his gaze to the floor, “mouse.” 
You shift on your soles and exhale solemnly, “I must...” 
“Yes, very well, go on to your queen,” he steps aside, “I must find our king. I suspect he might be hounding the lord of this castle, if not sparring with him.” 
There is a reluctance between you as you carry on your way; Bryce to one wing and you to the other, as if to mark the divide of king and queen. You come up the stairs and hurry along, the queen’s doors still ajar. Her voice carries still and servant scuttles out as a plate is hurled after them, crashing onto the floor as it narrowly avoids their foot. 
You slow and cautiously peek into the room. The queen shakes her head and pinches a morsel of brown meat on her plate, eyeing it with scrutiny. For a moment, her face twists, then she forces herself to shove it in her mouth. She chews as a battle rages across her features. 
Her gaze is drawn by your movement and she gulps down her mouthful. She stands, nearly overturning the stool upon which the tray rests. She brings her hands up as she storms over to snatch your armful. You back away as she lets the dress unfurl and you bend to gather up the slippers and hairnet as they fall. 
“Ah, wonderful, a proper attire for my first proper appearance as queen,” she beams and dances around with the dress, “oh, my hair, my hair. You must braid it for me.” 
She lays the gown on the bed and gives it a longing touch before she retreats. She clammers to the plain wooden table upon which she’s had a looking glass propped up. She leans forward as you stand behind her. Her hair remains in the braids she’s worn for some time, looking wilted and ratty from neglect. 
“Yes, your highness.” 
“I suppose the king feels horrid for his display yesterday,” she preens at herself. “He must realise he cannot keep a lady like me cooped up.” 
You think to mention that it is more send-off than anything. That is on Lord Vesemir’s whim, rather than King Geralt’s. At least that’s how you have it. Yet, you know well not to argue. Let Jazlene believe as she well and the world is always a bit more pleasant. 
You set to undoing her hair, gently as you notice how dry it is, whether from the cold or the air. She snaps her fingers and demands another servant bring her the tray off food. She picks at it as you unwind her hair and let it free. 
She looks at herself one way then the other. She smiles and wipes her mouth with her sleeve.  
“I am still pretty, aren’t I?” She asks, “I will be after the child comes, won’t I?” 
You swallow and nod, “yes, your highness.” 
“Gilles, Gilles,” she chimes and waves a hand, “come, come,” she turns in her seat and you pull away from her, not wanting to tug on her locks. “Tell me, how pretty am I?” 
The man steps into the doorway and clears his throat. He looks as sheepish as you’ve ever seen. You glance back at Jazlene as she poses and bats her lashes. 
“You are beautiful, my queen, as the summer sunsets,” he avows. 
There’s a click in your head, a wriggle in your chest, and a churning in your stomach. No. No, it can’t be. She wouldn’t betray her marriage. 
Yet you thought the very same of her husband. That’s different. The king rules all, even the queen. And that she so garishly flaunts her fleeting affections. But how can you judge, when your own folly looms over you like a cloud? 
You think of the king’s story; Cerrill and Wynifred and their forbidden romance. It tints in a different effect now, it aligns more evenly, for you do not see this ending well for either queen or guard should they stray. Just as you don’t see yourself faring any better. 
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caitchercatlady · 28 days
Not Having a Good Time
-Heartslabyul Version
Note: Hey, everyone. So I've had these stories on the back burner for quite a bit, and I do have intentions to work on more than just this one imagines series. I hope you guys like this one nonetheless first <3
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Riddle Rosehearts
As much of a stickler Riddle is for keeping the peace, unless it's necessary not to, he can tell when someone is not in the mood for nonsense in the exhausted sense of the word. He will ask to speak with you in private, away from any snickering and gossip.
"Queen's Rule #568: Grievances must be shared over a cup of lavender tea and the griever's favorite treat."
You and Riddle will enjoy this occasion in the quiet side of the garden, where Riddle allows you to rant about your issues as he listens with open ears. Riddle always had Trey and Chen'ya who would listen to his problems, so it was only right as a Housewarden to act upon his position with you, even if you aren't his house student.
He knows it's not the permanent solution, but, while also warning not to tell anyone that this happened, he gives you a hug of comfort, lifting your spirits just a little.
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Trey Clover
You have your head to the floor, so you don't notice Trey approaching when you accidentally bump into him and step on the tip of his shoe. Already distressed enough as it is, you apologize profusely. Trey smirks as he replies:
"It is just a shoe, not my mother's flower garden. Why don't you walk with me?"
As Vice Housewarden, the solver of the majority of the dorm's problems and the mediator of all squabbles, it is Trey's natural instinct to approach you the moment he sees the frown on your face. He allows you to express your grievances as you walk through the campus garden.
Trey believes the best way to release stress is a nice baking session. He even lets you do the kneading and taste testing steps.
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Cater Diamond
Even though you just want to be alone in Ramshackle Dorm, prior to your return to your dorm, Cater couldn't help but notice how stressful you've felt all week if your account is proof of anything. He couldn't help but send you a DM on MagiCam.
Your latest pic is looking pretty gloomy. If you wanna talk, spam me as much as you like. -CayCay <3
You gladly take the offer since you felt comfortable ranting not face-to-face. You can tell that Cater is reading them by reacting to each message you send with an alternate sad or a heart emoji.
As a peacemaking offering, Cater tells you that if you are ever interested in doing a "Cay Cay pampering session," he'd be at your dorm in half a finger snap to help clear the stress from your mind.
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Ace Trappola
When you're not feeling your best, the last you need is someone or something to make it worse. Ace didn't get on your best side as he pulled off the "dunk your face into your lunch" prank today. He didn't react so nicely when you told him off, but after realizing what had gone on prior to that prank, he finds you during flying class to try to make things up for what he did.
"Yuu...what happened at lunch today, I'm sorry. I should've just said, "Hi," and asked how you were doing. I didn't know you were already mad. Please forgive me. If you can't, let me make it up to you somehow."
If Ace wasn't sincere, you supposed he would've waited until after class was over to apologize. Now that he was listening, you let out everything that had been going on before Ace pulled off the prank. You also express the "I message," which Ace is more than willing to accept.
With Vargas busy with...whatever Vargas is doing, Ace offers you to go on a flying ride with him. A little entertainment screaming would do you some good to make you forget about your problems...even just a little.
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Deuce Spade
Deuce finds it odd that you've been less chatty as of late. You barely even spoke when the professors pointed to you for answers to their questions. He catches you after class and asks what's happening. He's all ears to hearing you out. That's when you finally respond, and he feels the pain with every word that comes out of you.
"Ah geez, Yuu. I'm really sorry. I think I've been feeling it, too, and when I'm feeling that way, I need a Blastcycle ride. Wanna go on one right now?"
You don't find that to be a bad idea, so you guys head out and take a campus ride to let the issues out of your hair. The island is lovely enough for its wind to brush it right out.
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kyra45 · 7 months
A reminder that scammers are using the situation in Palestine to make a quick buck by stealing images off news sources passing it off as their own or even taking images from real people there and using it as theirs. They are finding public fundraisers on Facebook or elsewhere and saving it to use for themselves. Scammers do not care about what’s happening there; They only want to make money without caring who’s getting affected by it and making it more difficult for Palestine people to get the support they’re needing.
These scammers pretend they’re from Palestine or say their family is in Palestine and usually use a story that sounds real enough but may seem slightly flawed. They may be going around sending DMs asking for donations in private instead and their posts often have a Linktree link to obscure their PayPal. This is a recent development due to their scams getting called out so often they’ve tried to hide it but keep doing the same thing several times over. However, this isn’t to say everyone who uses that is scamming and most of the time these scammers don’t have any other link on it meaning it’s only purpose is to try and hide the PayPal link out of sight but it also means you can track where it appears! Usually a scam account will reuse links across their blogs and give away their scam.
Additionally, these scammers claiming to be in Palestine/have a family in Palestine often will insist they do what they’re doing for safety reasons if you start asking them questions about their methods. They’ll start getting details wrong, make excuses, and then tell you that you just don’t understand anything at all and that you’re attacking them because you just asked a few simple questions. There has been a case of a scammer who used photos of an American family in a hospital claiming they were in Palestine.
Unfortunately, these scams will only get more numerous in time and the scammers will try to profit off of it since there’s plenty of footage they can claim as their own and plenty of images/stories to steal and pass on as theirs. They will not tell you anything with honesty and will continue to lie for as long as they’d like. They don’t stop when called out and usually just change usernames at a rapid pace and block anyone who comments on their posts saying they’re a scammer.
As a result, here is some suggestions:
1. Donate only to verified sources that are confirmed to be going towards Palestine
2. Donate only to accounts who is verified to be someone who is a Palestine resident usually via other users who know them well
3. Always be wary of DMs from complete strangers asking for money on the spot if it’s a brand new account though older ones pop up trying scams too
4. Ask questions to those who send you DMs that only someone in Palestine would know the answer to. See what they know and how well they reply or see if they stop talking to you the instant you ask them anything. Alternatively, ask for their paypal-me link and see if they’re willing to give it to you. Type it into search and see where it goes. Pay attention to the country, the persons name, and the images they have. Record it for archiving purposes
5. Just be wary of asks sent that claim to be someone in Palestine/have a family in Palestine. As far as I know and can tell, these asks are rarely from legitimate users needing support but that’s not to say they’re all scams some may be real people
Overall, just please be careful out there and pay attention to where your money will go. Make sure it’s a verified support method and ensure the funds are going to who needs it. There are links out there that go to legitimate places, and users are free to share this and add them if they’d like.
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hunnieknight · 1 month
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Hey!I have said this year ago but it got drowned so i want to emphasize this again.
If any of you sent sweet messages, i will not reply to it, but that doesn't mean i don't see it. In fact, i do and i am grateful and thankful with all the kind message, it gives me boost and comfort and happiness. I would like to keep the messages to myself.
I try replying to fanart as soon as i could!Any fanart of my sonas/character will be uploade/saved/archived to her Toyhouse (with credit of course)
If you sent a fanart INCLUDING request, high likely i will not immediatelly reply as well because i feel bad just replying to your fanart without doing the request.
Again, with all respect, send small messages to INBOX please, let DMs are for mutuals only, i don't want my DMs getting buried.
I do all this for FREE and FUN, i can deny your request and your request is not guarantee to be answered.
Don't do this :
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Again, thank you so much for supporting me since 2022!!
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seraphont · 2 months
FAQ & Important Info
About me:
bday: march 30th
lgbt?: im bi
What can we call you?
Seraphont is fine, its supposed to be a play on of Seraph and Serif Font, you can call me Seraph!
What pronouns do you use?
I'd prefer They/Them, but you can use She/Her.
Whats your Main blog?
not posting it publically for now.
Dying and Getting Over It (DaGOI au) Related:
Where can I read DaGOI?
It will be uploaded to my Ao3. its currently being written, so there is no link to the fic yet.
When will you post the fic?
short answer: I'm not sure, possibly by early october. its my first time writing a fic, so I ask you to be patient with me! the outline is written and being tweaked, and its going through adjustments now that MD ep 8 is out. Im also moving across the world, so I'm a tad bit busy rn.
Will you include MD ep8 into the canon of your fic?
at first I was on the fence, but its grown on me, its being integrated now.
Will you be drawing all of DaGOI in comic form?
if I was a stronger man I would. I'll mostly be drawing key story moments. making comics is an aid to helping me write. so I'll be making a lot, but I may not be posting them until the chapters start coming out (trying not to spoil everything). to give you an idea, as of writing this, I have 6 comics on the backburner lol.
Art Related:
What art program(s) do you use?
Procreate -Brushes: Shiyoon Kims Wet Brush pack (X) (everything you see on this blog is made with this brushpack) and several Max Packs (X) for procreate
How long have you been drawing?
I've always drawn, but I started getting really serious at 14, around the same time I first made my main blog. I was self taught up until I got into animation school.
What do you do as a career?
I'm currently doing Freelance work for publishers and individuals. I was previously an animator, I'm making the move to storyboarding
Do you take requests/commissions?
I do have commissions open. only lineart, and flat colours are available. if you want a rendered piece: slots are closed, but you can dm me for interest.
Asks and Messaging:
Rules for asks/tagging?
Anyone can send me an Ask, Mutuals, Anons or not!
Dont send discourse or anything explicitly NSFW. you'll be blocked lol. I'd prefer if you didnt send suggestive. if you send me triggering content I’ll mind blast you into dust. (block).
Do not send and DNI's?
Transphobia, Homophobia, Acephobia. All the obvious bigot contenders.
SA, pdfilia and incest are absolute no goes.
are you okay with me direct messaging you?
only if we have spoken before/ you're giving me a headsup about something/ I've prompted you to send me one.
***minors: please refrain from dming me to chit chat, im not down to.***
Why don’t you answer my asks/dms?
my main has 1000+ asks and my other side blog is pushing 250+, sometimes the ask's get lost in the sauce. that being said, some ask's go unaswered because: 1. it might spoil too much if I were to answer. 2. I simply have to think hard to reply. 3. its super nice and im hoarding it all for myself.
Can you reblog my donation posts?
no. too many scams.
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doodlebeeberry · 11 months
It's that time of year folks!!!
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Very very excited to host the gift exchange once again! Past two years have been a ton of fun, so lets hope the third is even better!
if you wanna join, just reblog/reply to this post or dm me with what you'd like. full rules, dates, and details are under the cut, please read those fully first before joining!!! :]
Entries close midnight (est) November 27th!!
For the uninitiated, the osc gift exchange is exactly what it sounds like! you let me know via reblog/reply/dm what you'd like as part of your gift--whether that's a certain show, character, ship, oc, anything! Then, you'll be randomly assigned a giftee and will make a gift based on their request. Finally, once the day comes, you post your gift and @ the person its for!
the timeline looks like this:
Nov. 11-27: enter by letting me know what you'd like! as with previous years, I ask that you keep your gift requests sfw, and to please send me references for any ocs you may want as part of your gift. As well, if there's anything you cant do (ie, a character or paring that makes you uncomfortable) please let me know when you join!
Dec. 1: I'll let you know who you've been assigned! please be sure you have dms (or at the very least asks) open for this bit!
Dec. 1-30: Make your gift! this can be anything from art to writing to music to needlepoint--so long as you include the giftee's request, the possibilities are endless!
Dec. 31: post your gift, and be sure to @ who its for in the post! Please do not post your gift before this date!!! if for whatever reason this date does not work for you please let me know and we'll work something out!!
Assorted other things to note:
please make sure your gift requests are osc/ object show related! if you dont know what that is then this likely isnt the gift exchange for you lol
you dont have to do everything your giftee requests if you dont wanna. If they give you a list of 20 characters, you can pick 1, 5, 10, all 20, the choice is up to you!
if you need to drop out for any reason please let me know as soon as possible so I can reassign your giftee
not a hard and fast rule but if you could shoot me a message when you get your giftee letting me know you saw the message, itd be much appreciated!!!
you can not join anonymously! It wouldnt be fair to your giftee, in my mind, if you did :]
on a related note, while i try to make the exchange as open to everyone as possible, if i deem it necessary i can and will bar you from participating if your inclusion would be detrimental to other giftees. while i dont anticipate needing to do so (so there isnt really a reason for you to worry about it) this was an issue last year. In the very unlikely event that I dont let you join, please dont yell at me about it. just accept it and move on.
as per usual, ill be using the tag #osc gift exchange for the event, so feel free to tag your posts so i can find them! :D
And that's it! if youve got any other questions or comments, feel free to ask and ill do my best to answer them! Thank you! ^-^
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cielie-voss · 2 years
Don't you dare think I have a crush on you.
~ Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Who would've thought, that a supposedly broken fridge would bring Eddie and his neighbor, aka former classmate Y/N closer together. (This takes place a few years after season 4, everyone's okay and doing well. Eddie and reader are like in their mid 20's)
Triggerwarning: tipsy reader, mention of alcohol and abusive partner, my awful writing. Let me know if I missed something. Likes, reblogs and comments are always welcome! If you'd like to request something, just send an ask or dm me.
Word count: 4.6k
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It's late at night when he finally arrives home after a long and tiring shift. As every night, he can see the flickering of her television through her open window. She's probably watching some documentaries again to help her fall asleep, like most nights.
A gentle smile creeps unnoticed onto his lips at the thought of this grown woman who still needs some light and voices around her at night to fall asleep, like a frightened little child during a thunderstorm. She's mostly like a scared little kid, to be honest.
He pulls out his keychain and tries to open the door, but since the light's broken since... he doesn't even know if it ever worked, it's really hard to find the keyhole, although he should be able to find it blindfolded.
The stairs creak under his feet as he carefully walks up to his apartment because he doesn't want to wake anyone in this poorly soundproofed house. As he enters his apartment, he hears the sounds of the documentary next door. Something about sharks, he realizes after a short while. Interested in what the voice is saying, he tries to keep quiet while changing from his work clothes to sweatpants and a faded Metallica shirt.
With a sigh and a bowl of cereal in his hands, he flops down on his battered couch to follow the explanation of a shark's hunting behavior. Before the spoon can touch his lips, however, the phone unexpectedly rings.
An annoyed "What the hell?" slips from his lips as he gets up again, wondering who is calling him in the middle of the night, and rushes to the phone, afraid the ringing will wake his neighbors.
"Yeah?" He answers the phone and brushes his hair back.
"Eddiiiie!" Her squeaky voice is so loud and shrill that he has to hold the receiver away from his ear to prevent tinnitus.
"Eddie, you home?" she asks, not giving him time to realize who's on the other end. Eddie furrows his brows and, a bit confused, replies, "I um... yeah, I really hope so. At least physically. I mean you dialed my home number and I answered, so I -" but before he can explain further why he's, in fact, home, she cuts him off.
"Eddie, I can't open my fridge." A small single hiccup interrupts her. "I need your help please." Only now can he hear the slight slur in her voice, but he's too confused about what she just said.
"You... what? Why can't you open your fridge?"
"I don't know. I'm just... maybe, you know, it's broken or blocked by something. I need ketchup and eggs and I'm so hungry. And I want cheese,” she cries out like a little kid desperate for candy at the grocery store, but her parents said no.
"Please, Eddie, I'm begging you. Can you come over and fix it? I'm starving!"
He rubs the bridge of his nose and sighs.
"Yeah, ok. Give me a second."
"Thank you sooo much!" She stretches the 'so' to an unbearable level before telling him, "Door's open." And with that she hangs up the phone.
After this long day he had hoped for a relaxing night. Just him, his cereal, and some bullshit to make fun of on TV. But now he is interrupted by her. Not that he wouldn't like this disturbance of his well-deserved rest, not as long as it's her. He knows her from high school, they graduated the same year. All those years of high school, he was the one that everyone bullied or just ignored. Except for her. She was always nice to him, although they hardly exchanged a word. After finding out who had moved in next door, he was kind of relieved to see her again and get to know her a little better through little chats in the hallway and later some movie nights and Sunday hangover brunch.
Eddie puts his bowl back on the counter and grabs his small tool kit before leaving his apartment.
There is a sign on the door across the hall that says "Enter at your own risk". But he had entered several times now, and mostly he was fine afterwards. Sometimes her fiancé would come home drunk at night and kick him out screaming because he thought she had cheated on him. But she was the most loyal soul Eddie has ever met. Even after the first time she had to cover up a nasty black eye, she was so soft and sweet, told anyone who asked her that she had fallen or crashed with her door or a closet. She never admitted that he hit her. On the other hand, the walls between Eddies and Y/N's apartment are so thin that he can hear every step, every word, and every cry. So he knows everything that goes on behind closed doors.
He puts his hand on the doorknob and carefully pushes the door open.
"Y/n?" he asks, peering through the crack. The narrator's voice can still be heard from the living room, reporting on the life of the sharks, and the flickering of the television illuminates the small hallway in which he now stands.
"Here." He follows her voice into the small kitchen to his left. Their apartments are built the same way, just mirrored. But hers looks so different. Welcoming, warm, cozy, like a real home with personality, something that is a safe place. In contrast to his apartment, which is barely more than a simple place to sleep with a somewhat crappy kitchen.
He finds her on the kitchen floor in front of her fridge, wrapped in a home-knit blanket, one hand on the fridge door, the other holding a glass of wine. There's a pot next to him on the stove, the water boiling over and sizzling as small drops smash onto the hot stovetop.
"Jesus Christ!" he hisses. He quickly picks up the pot and sets it aside, turning the heat down before turning to her.
"I'm so hungry, but I can't open the fridge" she cries as she looks up at him. To prove her efforts, she pulls on the door, but nothing happens.
Eddie takes a step forward, kneels down next to her and inspects the fridge. Y/N moves aside so he can see better and nearly spills her wine. A soft "shit" escapes her as she catches the glass in time.
Eddie doesn't have to be a mechanic to spot the problem. He sits cross-legged and looks at her with a worried expression.
"Y/N," he begins, taking a deep breath.
"Yeah?" She takes her eyes off her glass and now looks at Eddie with those incredibly soft and warm eyes.
He carefully takes her glass away and clears his throat. "Y/N how many drinks did you have tonight?"
She tilts her head and frowns. "I don't know, two or three. Why?" Another little hiccup makes her jump up a bit. The boy in front of her puts his hand on the fridge door, now on the other side where she tried to yank it before, and opens it. Her eyes light up, only to be covered by her hands in embarrassment a split second later.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry Eddie."
"It's okay, it can happen to any of us," he laughs, patting her shoulder to emphasize that she doesn't have to be ashamed. Everyone is a bit dumber when drunk. When someone knows how dumb people are when drunk, it's him and fully out of first hand.
"But you shouldn't try to cook when you're drunk.", he adds kind of worried.
Outraged, she defends herself and steals the glass from his hand. "I am not drunk!" A little pause. "Well, maybe a little tipsy," she adds quietly, barely above a whisper.
"What do you want to cook so late?" He grabs the desired ketchup and some eggs from the now open fridge and puts them next to the stove.
"And where is your fiancé by the way? Shouldn't he already be at your house? I mean, I don't want to seem like a creep, but every time I come home from work his car is always blocking my parking spot. But I didn't see it today. And honestly, I don't want to be kicked out again like I'm a burglar or something."
And that seems to be the point that kind of hurt her. As soon as his question was out loud, she froze, the grateful crooked smile fading.
"Yeah, no. I don't know." She drains the wine with a long gulp. "I do not know where he is." The glass hits the tile on the floor next to her with a loud bang, and Eddie is surprised it didn't shatter. There's a hint of pain and anger in her voice, but he's too shy to ask what's going on.
She wipes her face with her hand as if to wipe away the thought of her fiancé and stands up.
"Can you pass me that bowl from over there?" With a short nod in the direction of the bowl, she indicates where the desired bowl is.
She thanks him and cracks open some eggs on the edge of the bowl with one hand. “You don't have to stay any longer, the fridge is open now. Thanks again." It's a mixture of shame and fear that fills her and keeps her from looking at him, but all she can hear is a disdainful "Pffft". Eddie crosses his arms over his chest and shakes his head.
“I certainly won't let you cook unattended while drunk. You almost” he catches a glimpse of the pot he ripped off the stove and looks at her in disbelief. “You almost burned pasta? Do you really think I'll let you keep cooking and risk burning the whole building down?" Actually, it's only meant as a rhetorical question, but to his amazement, she nods.
"I won't burn anything, trust me." She replies slightly snippy while trying to grate the cheese into the eggs with shaky hands and a foggy vision.
"Come on, give it to me, I'll do it. It hurts just to look at it." Firmly determined, he snatches the cheese and the grater from her and now grates the cheese into the mixing bowl himself until she says stop. He hadn't expected that she would let him help her and accept his offer without any arguments. Finally, she adds a dash of milk and whisks everything together.
"I'll get something to drink, can you drain the pasta and heat a pan?" Without waiting for his answer, she disappears slightly tottering from the kitchen with her glass, leaving Eddie behind.
"A pan..." he murmurs to himself as he rummages through the cupboards until he opens the last door and a heap of pots and pans nearly falls out in front of him. He reacts quickly, trying to stop the shaky stack with one hand while pulling out a pan with the other. After making sure the noodles are cooked, he drains them and moments later, Y/N re-enters the kitchen, her glass filled with red wine again.
"Nope." His fingers close around the thin stem of the glass and before she can protest, he puts it on a higher cupboard where she can't reach and looks at her. "I don't think you should drink any more. Really, trust me." She looks at him sullenly and presses her lips into a thin line.
"Spoilsport" she growls as she puts oil in the pan.
"Spoilsport? Yeah, say that again tomorrow when you only have a slight hangover." With a wink, he puts the noodles in the hot pan.
As punishment for this comment, she gently pushes him away from the stove and goes back to cooking. Eddie takes the opportunity to dump the wine and fill the glass with water.
"Here, drink some water." He puts the glass down next to her and watches her as she frys the noodles with the egg and cheese mixture.
"You see, nothing burned." She defiantly holds the plate with the food under his nose. "I wouldn't have needed your help."
But he only replies with a laugh: "Oh, and what was that about the fridge? YOU called ME because you desperately needed help.”
"You called me because you desperately needed help." she mimics him and grimaces, whereupon both of them burst out laughing after a moment.
"Do you think you have everything you need now or should I stay before you call me in 10 minutes anyway because you need help?" No matter what her answer is, he will still try to stay with her. Not because he's pushy. Rather, because he's a little worried. This whole situation and the way she reacted to his question about her fiancé makes him suspect that something is wrong. And he couldn't deal with himself if something happened after he left her alone.
"Now that you're here," she begins, mouth full with noddles, "you can stay here if you want. Then we both won't be so lonely." Now it's her who gives him a meaningful wink.
"Lonely," he repeats, raising his hands for imaginary quotation marks. "I am not lonely."
"Pfft, of course," she agrees, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
With a cheeky expression that cues him to follow her, she squeezes past him and goes into the living room.
The documentary about sharks is already over and has since been replaced by a news program. As Eddie enters the living room, he freezes for a moment. The large dining table in front of him is set for a big dinner. With a bouquet of flowers, a candlestick whose candles have already burned down, and a meal that has been prepared with great effort. Steaks, bacon-wrapped beans, hash browns, gravy. The plates and cutlery are prepared like in one of those posh restaurants, beautiful wine glasses are ready, two champagne glasses are filled. But the champagne stopped sparkling long ago, the food is cold and the wine bottle is empty.
With furrowed eyebrows, he turns to Y/N, who has flopped down on the sofa and is now seasoning the noodles with ketchup. He's not entirely sure whether to address the table setting and good food, or ignore it the way she does. Eventually, however, he gives in to his curiosity.
"You know, you have a table full of delicious food, probably very expensive food by the looks of it, and you call me to help you open the fridge so you can make noodles with eggs?" he asks her in disbelief and points to the table with a very sweeping, expansive gesture.
"Oh shut up.", she whispers to him grimly. “You don't have to stay here. Fuck off and leave me alone too." At least now he is pretty sure that he has hit a sore spot. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together.
“Woah, woah, woah! Now, slow down, Megaera." With a short laugh, he tries to lighten the mood, in vain. Cautiously, as if he were approaching a starving big cat, he takes one step toward her and stretches out his hands in a reassuring gesture. "Did he stand you up?" His voice is softer than before, more caring. He sits next to her on the sofa and watches her hurriedly stuff the noodles into her mouth, presumably to keep her mouth busy so it doesn't tell him what's going on. But it's too late for that.
"I called his workplace. We wanted to eat together, I cooked for us." Although she fights it, the words just flow out of her mouth. “And I was already done waiting for him. After an hour he still wasn't there, so I picked up the phone and called. Maybe he had to work overtime at short notice and couldn't call me, you know?" He nods attentively and gestures for her to continue.
“So I asked if he was still there or if he was already on his way home. And his colleague” Unintentionally she laughs hysterically. "His colleague tried to tell me that his fiancée picked him up three hours ago." Still uncomprehending, she shakes her head.
“What do you mean, his fiancee? I thought you were … "
"Yeah, so do I." She looks at him with a grim smile and has to fight back the tears that sting her eyes and blur the view.
He notices how painful it is for her and can't even imagine what it must be like for her. Without further ado, he stretches out his arms and pulls her into a tight embrace.
"Come here." He whispers in her ear and gently rubs her upper arm. "You deserve better than him."
Soon his t-shirt is soaked with her tears as he gently hugs her crouched body. They could have sat there for hours, days, weeks, he wouldn't care as long as he could hold and comfort her.
"I never thought he'd be capable of something like that..." she sobs once the tears dried up. "I mean, yeah, we've had our problems and arguments. But doesn't every couple have them? Is that … Isn't that perfectly normal in a relationship?" She looks at him with red, swollen eyes, "You can talk about anything, right? There's nothing that can't be explained."
"So 'a few problems and arguments' is a bit of an understatement, don't you think?" Looking back, he found there were more than 'a few' problems and far too many arguments between the two.
"What do you mean?" she asks confused and pushes away from him to get a better look at him. Not sure what to say now, without sounding like a stalker or pervert, of course, he is silent for a moment. But it's better to tell her the truth, maybe then she'll understand that this relationship was a bad decision.
"The walls are very thin, you know?" he tries to explain carefully and waits for her reaction for a moment before he continues his statement.
"Do you really think nobody knew what he was like? Do you honestly think nobody knew where you got that black eye from? Or the bruises on your knees?" Eddie really needs to focus not to get too angry or loud. He would love to ask her if she was just too stupid or naive to see what a bad person he is.
"Just the fact of how he reacted when we watched a movie together. Has it never occurred to you that a partner shouldn't react like that? I think he was pretty close to throwing hands the last time he kicked me out. And why? Because you helped me sew a new patch onto my vest?" During its execution, she remains silent. It's true, when you're in love, you see everything through rose-tinted glasses. But Eddie is right, she now has to admit it painfully.
"I don't want to blame you, really. But you should start to see that he's the wrong guy for you." And he's right about that too. It tears her apart inside. Of course she deserves better, someone who appreciates her and is loyal, who loves and honors her. On the other hand, she loves him. At least that's what she thinks. Or does she just love the idea of him as he used to be?
"He really could have picked a better day for it than my birthday." Shit. Is it her birthday? Stunned, he shakes his head. A simple "asshole" is all he can think of.
Tears sting in her eyes again and her throat seems to constrict. Eddie grabs a tissue and tries to wipe away her new tears.
"Shhht, it's going to be okay," he whispers while pulling her into another hug. At the moment he doesn't know how everything is supposed to be okay again, but he's pretty sure that he can at least help her at this moment.
After a while her tears dried up. Both of them are now lying on the couch, she has buried her fingers in his t-shirt, he has wrapped his arms tightly around her. He desperately hopes that she can't hear how fast his heart is beating. Not only because of the anger that had boiled up in him towards her fiancé, but also because his body probably likes it more than it should to be so close to her. Before that, he never realized how much he actually liked her. Why is he only now noticing it? Probably, he thought, because she had really opened up to him now and he really got to know her the way she really is. Suddenly she is not just the neighbor with whom you have a quick chat in the hallway or watch a film, the neighbor who watches documentaries to fall asleep when he comes home at night or who puts a pasta casserole in front of the door for him to eat when he comes home from gigs with his band in the early hours of the morning and is certainly not able to cook.
Suddenly she is such a vulnerable person lying in his arms, who has revealed her pain to him and shares her grief. He doesn't know how long they've been lying there. The news program has since been replaced by a home shopping show, which is now running in the background.
Her eyes are closed and with each breath her chest presses against his for a split second. Never in his life could he have imagined holding her so close. And he never dared to even think about holding her in any way. With his free hand he grabs the blanket and pulls it over her so she doesn't have to freeze. The longer he lies snuggled together on the couch with her, feeling her breath against his skin, the smell of her shampoo in his nose, the more he begins to enjoy it. It feels so natural and by God he can't think of anything better than being able to spend every night like this. How can someone give up something like that so easily? How can someone give up and replace someone like HER so easily? This is completely incomprehensible to him. And then also on her birthday?
She seems to have fallen asleep in his arms by now. Her grip on his shirt went slack and the rest of her body seems to relax in his embrace as well. He can't explain it, and he certainly can't stop it, his body suddenly seems to have taken control. He carefully leans a little towards her until some of her wild hair tickles his nose. His lips gently touch her skin as he plants a kiss on her forehead. It just feels like he has to do this, he has no choice but to tell his body not to do it.
He whispers a soft "Happy Birthday." before he pulls her closer and rests his chin on the top of her head, still thinking she's asleep.
"Eddie?" Her sleepy voice startles him. Eyes wide, he freezes for a moment, heat rising in his cheeks as he feels caught.
"Yeah?" he replies uncertainly, maybe she's just thirsty or he's lying on her hair. Maybe she did not even notice the kiss.
"Can you do that again?" She noticed. She actually did notice. Unimaginable shame floods through him, but he tries to play it down as if nothing happened. Maybe he can make her think she imagined it while she was half asleep?
"Do what again?"
"That little peck, it felt good." It felt good? That little gesture born of a pure, thoughtless gut feeling? Yes, that's exactly what felt good.
She has long forgotten what it's like to feel loved and secure. What it's like to just be held in someone's arms. And she has long forgotten what it's like to be kissed properly. With love, adoration, full of affection. Even if it was just a quick kiss, thoughtlessly. It kindled old, lost feelings in her.
He hesitates for a moment. But the kiss felt so natural and right to him, he doesn't even realize how much he longs to press his lips against her smooth skin again.
Both of them might not want to admit it, but that little innocent touch gets them excited like teenagers before their first kiss. Trembling with tension and keeping his breath normal in high concentration, he now bends down to her again. When his lips brush her hairline again and she feels his warm breath on her skin, a storm of butterflies breaks out in her stomach.
And not only she is overwhelmed by this comfortably warm, safe and yet incredibly exciting feeling.
Her fingers dig into the soft fabric of his shirt again before, without thinking, she lifts her head and presses her lips against his.
It takes him a moment to realize what exactly is happening, but doesn't hesitate for a second when her lips touch his. With his right hand, he presses her body flush against his, his left hand travels up into her hair only to slide down her cheek and cup her face moments later.
Their lips slowly move to a silent rhythm that only the two of them seem to hear. The melody gets faster and faster and their lips adapt to the rhythm, the voices from the TV in the background are now completely silent for the two of them. They only hear their racing heartbeats and the breathing of each other. And despite his very assertive and greedy demeanor, he still seems to be asking with every move if she's okay with it. As he deepens the kiss and runs the tip of his tongue gently over her lip, his hand travels from her face to the back of her neck, his fingers digging into her hair. Both of their heartbeats are so strong, complementing the melody with each pounding like the thumping of a bass guitar. After a few moments, they break the kiss to catch their breath. He rests his forehead against hers and seems to be staring into her soul. Tightly embraced and trembling with excitement, they need a moment to return to reality, to the here and now. Gradually their breathing returns to normal and a wide, overjoyed smile is reflected on their lips.
"Don't you dare think I have a crush on you," she threatens with a crooked grin that she tries to suppress. Her heart is still beating so fast she thinks it's about to burst out of her chest. She can't even remember ever being so fulfilled and happy, let alone having such an incomparably beautiful kiss.
Eddie wears a mischievous grin, small dimples form on his cheeks. Has he always had dimples like that? she wonders. They are so adorable, his grin so mesmerizing.
"Too late," he tells her defiantly. "I think you're pretty much in love with me." She can barely cover her insecure and shy laughter with a roll of her eyes. But he's right, even if it's hard for her to admit it.
"But you're not the only one with a pretty big crush," he adds in a calmer, deeper voice. He puts his hand on her chin again, lifting her head up to place his lips on hers again.
"I don't think I've ever had such a horrible yet beautiful birthday," she whispers against the kiss, now cupping his scratchy face as well.
"And all because you couldn't open your fridge." He can't help but make that stupid comment. And as revenge she punches him gently on the upper arm.
"Asshole." She insults him, laughing.
"As long as you kiss me, you can call me whatever you want."
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Please like and reblog if you liked it. <3
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