#if you're Slavic you know
deathbypufferfish · 2 years
I don't care about mods breaking I just want to use my mod spreadsheet and be autistic
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kaus-quietis · 2 months
It's been a hot minute since Lav introduced me to videogames, and as a good poltergeist resident, I'm leaving here my latest discovery for her to find when things get less busy.
Yesterday I played Firebird, a game developed by French studio Ludogram. It's a visual novel following a roadtrip through Siberia, in a quest to bring a young girl back to her village. It incorporates a lot of elements from Slavic folklore and tales, and has a very unique artstyle, which I loved the most.
It's a short game (I think the first playthrough took me 1h30, maybe 2h if you read slowly), and overall I found it a bit too easy at times, but the atmosphere and the storyline made it so charming it's a new favourite for me. I won't say much more because it's worth discovering on your own, so I'll just put some light criticism at the end of the tags if you want it.
It's available on several platforms, and it's in English, French, and Russian language.
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toffins · 1 year
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you belong in a trash can / you're just like your father
aka an angsty poppy doodle while i was listening to grungy slavic underground rock (i hope i wrote the cyrillic right lmao sorry if it looks wonky!)
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frogchiro · 9 months
Dear Kin,
Do you think Nikto makes his sweet nurse wear a blindfold during sex? He doesn't want her seeing his face and being grossed out :((
Also... what kind of dirty talk would this man say during coitus? Pre-coitus? Post-coitus?
I also HC him as having some very very very deep mommy issues because of his upbringing (he's not gonna show it please my boobs in his mouth)
This is me, a slavic girl writing about a disgusting slavic man bc yeah and I love this :(( I hoarded this ask just bc I love this so much so I'm sorry to keep you waiting nonnie ;;
Honestly? Nikto is the type to dirty talk all the time and it's so out of pocket he'll leave you like???
Nikto is a...specific man; he's deeply troubled and traumatised with more issues than fingers but on the other hand he's a absolutely nasty and perverted man with absolutely no filter, that of course includes dirty talk. Likes to randomly get close to you and growl in that low gravely voice about how he wants to cum all over you, make you walk all day with his thick sperm on your skin so he knows that even if you're out of the house you're still marked as his.
I like to think that Nikto's dirty talk is based mostly on the idea of ownership and possession. Due to his mommy issues (and daddy issues too tbh because I imagine his father leaving when he was young but old enough to remember and then he had to suffer his mother's wrath because she blamed him as the cause why his father left since he was an 'oops baby') he has the almost pathological need to keep 'his' things, that includes people too, as close as he can and hates sharing.
But yes, Nikto is also someone who, simply put, is a boobs in my mouth guy😭 He adores the idea of you all soft and pregnant with his baby and although he doesn't necessary wants the baby part (he believes he's too old and scarred to give you a baby) he still is obsessed with you being all heavy and dependent on him; just the knowledge that he was the cause of it, that he was the one who helped making the cub kicking in your belly and tying you to him in the most primal way just gets him going like nothing else </3
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springsteens · 6 months
herbal teas guide —
🌿🍃 having conversations with my mutuals all over the world, i was stunned to find out that not every country/culture practices drinking herbal teas for health issues. as a slavic person i decided to create this little guide because – and i'm saying this as a skeptical person who hates superstitions – they really work. 🍃🌿
mint tea (mentha piperita) is for digestion and relaxation chamomile tea (matricaria chamomilla) is for digestive system horsetail tea (equisetum arvense) is for skin, hair, nails condition, remineralization and circulatory system linden tea (tilia cordata) is for a cold lemon balm tea (melissa officinalis) is for relaxation and sleep nettle tea (uritca dioica) is for urinary tract sage tea (salvia officinalis) is for when your throat or teeth hurt fennel tea (funiculum vulgare) is for digestive system white mulberry tea (morus alba) is for carbohydrate metabolism pansy tea (viola tricolor) is for clean skin and body detox purge tea (cistus incanus) is for immunity hawthorn tea (crataegus monogyna) is for heart and circulatory system damian leaves tea (turnera diffusa) is for anxiety and libido dandelion tea (taraxacum officinale) is for liver, stomach and digestion st john's wort tea (hypericum perforatum) is for emotional balance, good mood, digestive system and kidney function
🌿🍃 to create this guide i was using a booklet from my pharmacy store. if you google them, you will find out that each of these have even more usage methods than the ones listed. 🍃🌿
🌿🍃 if you're from a different country/culture and you know more herbal teas like these, feel free to add them. 🍃🌿
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izzabela · 1 month
Hello!! Soo the most interesting part of my day today is that I got my pants caught on something which ripped my pants so it gave me an idea of what would each of the Lin Kuei brothers would do if their girlfriend/wife approached the embarrassment that their pants were ripped? 😂😂
Apple Bottom Jeans - Lin Kuei x fem!reader (headcanons)
in which you rip your pants in front of each of the boys
ship[s]: bi han, tomas & kuai liang x fem!reader
warning(s): ripped pants, post-story kanon
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Bi Han
- i genuinely believe he would be the one laughing out loud. why? have you seen him?
- if it takes a lot for him to give praises, i believe it takes a lot more for him to laugh- this seals the deal
- "Bi Han! Help!" you'd cry out, and he'd come running to find your knees touching each other as they face inwards. His eyes would find your hands covering the huge rip on your bum, and your pretty, cotton, everyday panties peeking through
- he'd then trail to the bits of thread that come off your pants, then to the nail that holds the rest of the fabric that came off your butt
- i think he'd have a comic book moment. the moment where the character looks at the other character, back to the problem, then back to the character
- Bi Han would have the deepest, yet whole-hearted laugh of all his brothers. you want to be mad at him, really, you do. how can you with the sound of his timbre voice reverberating in your body with joy? you'd roll your eyes for sure, chuckling with him too
- i think it would make you sad, though. not the situation you were in, but the fact Bi Han doesn't laugh often. not when his only family has left him, and you're the only thing he has left from that bygone time
- after the laugh, though, he'd definitely scold you. something along the lines of "i told you that you wore those bottoms out", or "you missed an opportunity to replace them"
- if you, reader, don't care about the pants, he'd listen to you and toss them out in a heartbeat. if you did like those pants, he'd do his best to get a servant to fix them
- worst case scenario is that he'd have to find the exact brand of pants you wore
- still, he'd go great lengths to cover you up so you'd have some dignity left. he'd take off that outer layer of his uniform and drape it over you, and it'd do the job well because he's two heads taller than you
- if you try to remind him that he laughed, he'd literally deny it til his death
- still, even as he denies it all, you know he's thinking about it when he looks away from you and his left eyebrow (yes, you studied his facial expressions) is quirked up roughly ten degrees
- he'd be the most flustered out of the three
- raised in cultures that regard women to a high standard (slavic traditions of the Czech Republic and the Lin Kuei), he'd put you first for sure. not without feeling embarrassed, if not more, for you
- "Tomas!" you screech from your shared room of Harumi's compound. "Tomas, you get here this instant!"
- he'd show up from a fissure of smoke, face scrunched up in worry as he assesses the situation. you're panicked, and he needs to remain calm or else you'll panic more
- he'd actually find the piece of fabric that ripped off. it'd probably be hooked on a splintered piece of wood from the side-wall of the tatami door. taking it, he'd foolishly look around your bum and leg area to find the rip
- "Hey!" you'd giggle-screech. "Don't be a perv!"
- i think Tomas would be very sad and borderline offended you'd think of him like that. he'd give you a look, that's for sure, and he'd continue to quietly assess your circumstance
- only when he finds the little frills of your lacy undies will he turn the deepest shade of pink possible on the human body. he'd flail around like a fish out of water, stuttering and finding something to cover you
- he'd drape you in a blanket, the one on your bed. then he'd pick you up and toss you right back into the pillowy mattress. he'd rush out and find one of Harumi's handmaidens (or Harumi herself) and discreetly tell her about the situation
- your replacement clothes for the meanwhile would be a kimono, similar to Harumi's. as you'd get changed, Tomas doesn't look at you one bit
- "I am ashamed to have looked..." Tomas pouts from behind the dressing screen. "I apologize, feather..."
- even as he tries to get you new pants, he can't help but think about the situation he was in. he would associate those specific pants to that situation- always
- and unlike Bi Han, you'd hold this shit over his head until the day he dies
- you'd egg him like "remember when my pants ripped and you were hiding from me?" or "remember when you threw me into bed because of my pants?"
- yeah, he would be the one more embarrassed than you. he wouldn't be living it down, either, until the day he died
Kuai Liang
- Kuai might be the most normal in terms of reaction, unfortunately. not without a good chuckle, though
- "Kuai Liang! A little help here, please!" you'd call for him from the living room of Harumi's compound. he'd rush to you almost instantly, definitely wondering why you remain sitting there when there was nothing or no one to be hosted
- "You are just... sitting..." Kuai Liang obviously notes. So much for a seasoned warrior, then again you were really just sitting
- it isn't until he walks behind you a bit, realizing that there is a reason why you're not getting up
- he'd see your hands failing to cover a hole that was right over the middle of your pants
- then, he'd see the bit of fabric that's being held by a splinter in the wooden floor of the room. he'd catch a glimpse of your panties, the color not all too difficult to miss
- "Do you think we can salvage this?" you'd ask him. Kuai Liang would give it to you straight
- "I do not believe I can, dove..." Kuai Liang says softly, kissing your forehead as an additional apology
- this is probably the most awkward situation in your life. since the pants were stuck to the ground, and you didn't want to rip it anymore, Kuai Liang basically carries you out of your pants
- with the help of a handmaid that held your pants legs down, Kuai Liang carries you by your armpits as he gently guides you to shimmy, shake, and maneuver out of your pants
- he'd praise you, a lot. things like "good job" and "thank you for listening to me" or "you did a great job listening", it'd make you very happy despite the loss of a good piece of clothing
- Kuai Liang would also order you new pants. you didn't even get to mention it before Kuai Liang had sent another handmaiden out to a nearby village to find similar, if not, the exact same pants as the ones you ripped
- and the gentleman he is, he would not speak of this day ever again. however, every time he sees you in those pants, he will chuckle to himself
- so in reality, he was speaking about it, just nonverbally
so easy that i finished this in thirty minutes
also update! i got a new job and actually love it there. everyone is so kind and helps me out
also, i love the headcanon ideas you guys are giving me, keep it up! you might see more of those get published first before i do actual fics
see y'all in the next fic!
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multi-fandom-imagine · 5 months
Welp now I'm imagining Viktor's S/O teasing him on how he's an old man so Viktor takes that as a challenge. He's going to make sure his S/O can't walk straight and he's going to enjoy every minute of it.
A/n: The amount of work he does, you just know he has high stamina .
Side-note: i apologize if this sucks
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Viktor wasn't deaf, he heard the whispers of the men that stepped into Lackadaisy when they found out you were with him.
The amount of men you'd turn down with a forced smile. You used to be polite but it had gotten to a point where you'd had to ask him to step in so they leave him alone.
But he'd never thought you'd start teasing him about his age. Yes he was older than you, yes he was confused to why someone as sweet as you would ever want to be with him though he was a little confused to why you were teasing him now, his eye narrowed as he watched you and Mitzi talk about something.
"When I really want Viktor to tire me out, all I have to do is tease him about his age....I think he takes it as s challenge."
Mitzi sighed, as she gave you a playful smile tipping her head to the side. "Is this your way of telling me that he won't be in tomorrow?"
"Yup!" Grinning you slid off the seat. "Oh Viktor!"
Working his jaw, Viktor did not say a word as he lifted you onto your shoulders. It did not take long for you two be out of the establishment then towards the little apartment you shared with the Slavic.
A low rumble escaped his chest as he placed you down on the bed. "For you moja láska, I will have the stamina of a hundred men" He murmur huskily against your lips, slipping his hands down to caress your soft curves.
Hovering over you, Viktor let out a small growl, nipping at your plump bottom lip as he felt your body press into.
Hearing your whimpers, he continued to ravish your neck with open-mouthed kisses, unable to hold back his need and passion any longer. "By the time I'm done with you miláčik, you will be so full of my seed there will be no doubt our child is on the way."
He promise between feverish bites, already aching to claim you wholly as only he can.
Pulling away for a moment, looking deep into your loving eyes darkened with your own passionate desire for him, Viktlr caressed your cheek. "You are so beautiful."
Your pleas and whimpers driving him to the brink of madness with want for you.
"You have no idea how crazy you make me moja láska..."He growl hungrily, starting to undo the buttons of her blouse at feverish speed.
His breath hitches at the tempting feel of your soft lips against his neck, a low groan escaping him as lust and need surge dangerously close to snapping my already thinning control. It was maddening with how you were teasing him, you knew how to push his buttons and he loved it.
"miláčik, you're making this infinitely harder for me..."He growled, capturing your lush mouth in a bruising, fiery kiss as his hands gripped your hips firmly, grinding you against his aching hardness. You moan wantonly into his mouth as he ravished you greedily, drinking in your taste.
Pulling away slightly to gaze down at your debauched form quivering with desire, he let out a choked curse. flipping you over roughly as his hands rip your clothes off in a frenzy.
Lifting your hips, he position myself at your slick entrance before slamming home in one deep thrust, making you both cry out in bliss. "You asked for this moja láska..." He warned through clenched teeth, setting an unrelenting pace that has the bed creaking under the movements.
Viktor gripping your tail tightly, fucking you mercilessly as you takes it all with eager mewls and whimpers, the sounds of your flesh slapping together and your sweet gasps filling the room. He pounds harder, giving you only what he wants, taking you with a possession that belongs to him alone.
His name tears itself from your throat over and over amidst increasingly incoherent pleas as your climax grips you, triggering his own brutal release deep inside your womb. He bites down fiercely on your shoulder to muffle my his, emptying every last drop to ensure you carrying his child.
Panting heavily, he turns you spent, sated form to face him, eyes and hearts overflowing with love. "Mine..." He whispers, against your lips, branding you again as eternally, solely what belongs to Viktor Vasko.
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dann-art · 1 month
I know that vampire chronicles aren't meant to be historical accurate. Like you read this and you know that all this events can happen in literally any time and space. Like really. The times doesn't really matter there, there are no nuances.
Listen, I'm not a historian, by any means. It's just like a hobby, but I have millions of them so I don't even learn that much.
Also I usually don't give a shit about accuracy in media, like whatever, until it's science do what you want, whatever suits your story
But sometimes it's time to say enough is enough.
So, we need to talk about Armands origin in Kievan Rus'. Okay, that's cool, we don't really explore it, but well whatever, at least we're not messing this up, right? Right?
While I was reading I ignored it. I was reading TVA in polish translation I thought like okay, names and nuances probably got lost in translation. It's a really bad translation tho.
But out of curiosity today I opened the book in English, because this was sticking in my head.
And it appears it wasn't translators fault.
So well, it's like kinda huge mistake. Like no one really checked it? But this book constantly claims that like Kievan Rus' was then in Russia. And suprise, suprise: that's simply not true. Well the term is kinda not right and can mean anything, like back it existed as state it was huge, but (judging on the mention of Kiev itself) that it was like somewhere in that area.
So I'll spare whole history, it's not relevant. We're stop around 1480's, when Armand was born (based on my calculations). And in that time the region was called Kiev Voivodeship (hope I got it right in english), and it was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and stayed there until 1569, when it passed to the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland (when the Polish-lithuanian commonwealth was created, but both countries were in union since early XV century)
So in the book we have some lines like this
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Armand, bestie, I don't know how to break it to you, you're not russian. You never were. You've never lived in Russia (or back then I would use rather the name Moscow, but again I'm not a historian). More of a Ukrainian if so, but also not the world I would use. Most accurate would be rusyn (I think, or ruthenian???? I'm not sure how it works in English, anyway not russian).
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Then we have this, and well... Oh boy. Something went really wrong with geography here. First of all, you've never been to Russia (or better say Principality of Moscow, like it wasn't even called Russia, from what I know, but i might be wrong).
So okay, Moscow and Novgorod were in part of Moscow indeed but Cracow!?!?!?? (Known also as my absolutely favourite city in the world). Like Cracow like Never ever has been a part of Russia. Okay, I get confusion with Kiev if you really really don't care about basic research. But Cracow???
Here's the map. Unfortunately it like administrative of Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth in 1619, but well you'll see my point. That doesn't make any sense
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Cracow always was polish. Like it's our second capital. And look how far from Russia it is. Even during the partitions it goes to Austria not Russia.
Last thing I want to point out is this one
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Like, man, maybe you speak russian, I do not doubt, like during travel to Moscow you could learn I guess.
I'm not entirely sure, but I guess the language there is ruthenian not russian. Like ruthenian is old language which is base for slavic languages such as Belarusian or Ukrainian. And what is also important it was not the language used in the Principality of Moscow, so it's definitely not russian.
Okay, thanks for reading if anyone is still there. I won't bore you any longer. It just was sitting in my head and I had to throw it out because we'll, basic research I guess.
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skaldish · 2 years
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What is Norse Heathenry?
Norse Heathenry is a contemporary pagan spirituality derived from the beliefs, customs, superstitions, and folklore of the pre-Christian Norse people. It is one of a few different kinds of Heathenries, which include Slavic Heathenry and Teutonic (Germanic) Heathenry.
The word "heathen" means "of the heaths." However, it's not a word the Old norse people themselves used. They didn't have a word for their spiritual belief system, as they didn't distinguish this from all other aspects of their lives. Rather, "Heathen" was coined by Christian writers to refer to Scandinavian pagans (this is also why it's sometimes used interchangeably with the word "heretic").
Nowadays, Norse Heathenry is referred to by many names, which reflects different developing iterations of it. Amongst these names are Norse Paganism, Asatru, and Forn Sidr / Forn Sed.
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Where does Norse Heathenry come from?
Norse Heathenry comes from the Nordic countries of Europe: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands. These places are also known as the homelands of the vikings. But despite their shared origins, Norse Heathenry is not the religion of the vikings. This very large misconception has a very long, complex history behind it, owed to a combination of commercialization and fascist tampering. The Heathenry we see in America is extremely muddied from these influences. Fortunately, we now have the means to disambiguate it, thanks to increasingly accessible cultural exchange.
The following explanation is a product of ongoing anthropological, theological, and cultural research, in combination with what we know about the historical.
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Norse Heathen Beliefs
Unlike organized religions, Norse Heathenry is (and has always been) a decentralized belief system. This means it has no universal doctrines, no orthopraxy or orthodoxy, no holy texts, and no religious figurehead governing it. When you hear people say "There's no 'right' way to practice Heathenry," this is generally what they're referring to.
However, Norse Heathenry does have a distinct way of thinking about and viewing the world, and it's very different from what we usually see here in the US. If you're feeling stuck trying to figure out how to "do Heathenry," this would be why.
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A staple of Norse Heathen epistemology is Animism.
Usually, Animism is defined as the belief that all things have a spirit or vital essence to them. But this is only one definition of many, and not the definition that applies here.
The Norse concept of Animism is "the awareness that all things are part of an interdependent ecosystem." This changes how we engage with everything around us. We understand that when we interact with the forces of this world, they will interact back on their own merit. Our relationship with all things is a social one, and we're not spectators in our environment, but active participants at all times.
This stands is stark contrast to the way the USAmericans typically view the world: As a landscape to either test or be tested by, with the forces of the world acting as the means through which this is done.
Additionally, there's no separation between the sacred and the profane.
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Faiths that focus on spiritual ascension, enlightenment, or attaining a good afterlife are known as transcendent faiths.
While Norse Heathenry has some transcendent elements, it's ultimately an immanent belief system, which means its focus is on living life for the sake of living, as opposed to living life to receive a good afterlife. A good afterlife is already guaranteed.
(Some Heathens may strive for a specific kind of afterlife, however, which do have certain conditions for accessing. But these are elective rather than required, and different as opposed to superior. It's all a matter of preference, at the end of the day.)
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The Norse Gods
Many people are already familiar with the Norse gods, such as Thor, Odin, Loki, and Freyja, but not many people are familiar with how they operate as gods.
In Hellenism and Religio Romano, the gods are divine lords who preside over different domains of society. It's a reflection of what the ancient Greeks and Romans highly valued in their civilizations: Law and political/civic involvement.
In Norse Heathenry, however, gods don't operate in a lordship capacity. Instead, they're more like celebrities in that they're celebrated figures everyone knows about.
While they don't rule over one thing or another, the Norse gods often act as allegorical representations of worldly phenomena. Thor is to thunderstorms as Loki is to "random-chance odds." SIf is to wheat-fields as Odin is to the old wandering beggar. Frey and Freyja represent masculine and feminine principles, Skadi the driven snow and foggy winter, and so on. The gods exist as worldly experiences inasmuch as they exist as ideas.
Lastly, but importantly, the Norse gods don't distribute rewards or punishments in accordance with on one's actions or deeds, nor do they tell us how we ought to live our lives. The way they interact with us depends on our individual relationships with them, which can be just as diverse as the ones we have with each other.
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Myths & Folklore
What people often refer to as the "Norse Myths" are stories found in two old Icelandic texts called the Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda. These texts are special because they're the oldest and largest collection of tales featuring the Norse deities.
However, these texts represent just one region's period-specific interpretation of Norse folklore. They also only represent a fraction of the tales that still circulate within Nordic oral traditions, so not only are they not "canon" in the usual sense of the word, they're also just a sample.
This is all to say that Norse Heathenry doesn't have a hard body of mythology. It certainly has a defined one, but its definition is built from local legends, fairy tale humor, songs, customs, superstitions, and family folklore in addition to what survives on runestones and parchment. The corpus of Heathenry is very much a living, breathing thing.
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Norse Heathenry recognizes a wide variety of different beings, the likes of which can be found all around us. Some of these beings are like how we typically imagine spirits, in that they're incorporeal or otherwordly, while others are physical but may play tricks on you so you can't see them.
Like many things pertaining to Heathenry, there isn't a universally-shared classification system for Norse beings. But generally-speaking, beings are defined by their natures and the manner in which they relate to the rest of the world, rather than their morphology. For example, Trolls can take the appearance of rocks, trees, and also living people, but they can also be incorporeal spirits. This is all, however, the same kind of Troll, rather than being different types of trolls.
This is also why the lines between "spirit", "god," and "ancestor" can become very blurry at times. In English use, these are all typically labeled under the category "vaetter." Sometimes "wight" is used to refer to spirits of various types, but isn't often used to refer to gods.
Typically, the way people interact with spirits entirely depends on what kind of spirit they're dealing with, as well as their disposition towards human beings. Some spirits may enjoy a personal relationship, while others are best when left unbothered.
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Values & Morality
Because Norse Heathenry has no doctrine and is immanent in nature, it has no fixed value system. Just like the stories were decentralized, so were the Norse people's values.
This is a feature as opposed to a flaw, and a fact as opposed to a theory. But it also has a habit of making Americans very uncomfortable.
For this reason, Heathens sometimes choose to construct their own value system to observe as part of their practice. But what those values are is up to each individual, and individual community, if applicable.
Anyone claiming Norse Heathenry has a universal value system is either new to Heathenry, or selling something.
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Heathen veneration is not just limited to gods, but also includes ancestors and even certain kinds of spirits, such as nisse/tomte.
Like most things in Norse Heathenry, what, who, and how a Heathen chooses to venerate is their choice to make. One popular observance across the globe is to craft altars, shrines, or similar sacred spaces for the entities one venerates. If a Heathen lives in a house that has a nisse (similar to a gnome), they might leave porridge (with butter) by the hearth for him, and he'll in turn bless the house with good luck and fortune.
Oftentimes, relationships with entities are very interpersonal. Heathenry's animistic and immanent nature means entities are rarely cold and distant, including the gods.
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A list of misconceptions off the top of my head:
The practice known as 'Odinism' is an invention of the Germanic Volkish movement, which was the social precursor to Nazi Germany. This is also, unfortunately, the first kind of "heathenry" to be brought to the US, back in the 1970's. It was spread through the country via one of the fastest-moving networks at the time: The US prison system.
The Black Sun is a Nazi symbol, not a Heathen one.
No, Norse Heathenry is not a closed practice.
No, you don't have to have Scandinavian heritage to practice Norse Heathenry. Blood quantum is not a thing.
The rune alphabets are old, but the method of runecasting is new.
So is the use of magical bindrunes.
Bindrunes are also different from Galdrastafir. The latter is actually a form of Jewish-Christian-Norse syncretism and needs to be taught orally since it's a mystery tradition. You can still slap the Helm of Awe on things and look cool about it though.
Norse Heathenry is not the same as being a viking, and Norse Heathens are not vikings. However, some Heathens partake in viking reenactment as an extension of their practice.
There's no good or bad gods in Norse Heathenry. All the gods are capable of great good and great bad, just like people. They're fallible, and that's what makes them relatable.
Odin and Loki aren't at odds with one another.
You don't need to wait for a god to pick you to start venerating them.
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If you're interested in learning more about any of these in-depth, check out the website I've built on Norse Heathenry, located in my pinned post!
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yanderestarangel · 7 months
Would you write the lin kuei trio turning into neko? And the reader would be responsible for taking care of the three of them until they returned to their natural form
A/N: Random fun fact - my boyfriend's kitten is called "Tomas" because my boyfriend knows I like Smoke from MK, so he let me put it.
TW: sfw, cute, fluff, the Lin Kuei trio can turn into kittens too!
✧ headcanons from neko bi han ✧
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Oh no... The Lin Kuei trio have become cute nekos!
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You really didn't know how to deal with the three ninjas now as nekos, mainly because Bi Han was going to tease poor Tomas even more, his little ears were gray, Bi Han's were black, just like Kuai Liang's and each one would take on a different personality. combinatorial with his current neko form.
Bi Han is like an elegant and skittish black cat, he can transform into a smaller kitten too, but he is still extremely grumpy and likes to knock things over on purpose when he takes on a black kitten form ── he is the type who sees a mug at the end of the table and deliberately knocks it over just to see your reaction, soon transforming back into a humanoid neko and saying that he "didn't realize what he did."
He's really the one who gives the most work out of the entire trio, especially when he realizes that you're paying more attention to his brothers than to him. He will also coo on your lap and scratch and bite you if you don't pet his tail ── regardless of whether he is like neko or totally kitten, he needs your affection and to be spoiled by you.
Tomas is a more fearful and quiet neko, like a Siamese cat ── with white fur and small gray spots. He was scared by the transformation but quickly got used to it, mainly because he kept biting his own fluffy tail. (He will whine and complain when you forbid him from biting him, his big blue eyes will bore into you while he would just go somewhere alone. )
The ninja will also try to play with his older brother when they are both in shape. kitten, but Bi Han will hit him and kick him out of his side (like in those videos of kittens fighting and pawing each other) he will come back meowing and crying at you, saying that his brother was mean to him.
(Bi Han will just turn his face away and go back to pretending nothing happened while he waited for you to pet his head.)
Regardless of whether he is as neko or not, the slavic ninja is extremely sensitive, enjoying playing and having your attention ── He's really not as worried about changing shape and becoming fully human again like his brothers, he has you taking care of him and a warm bed, hot milk and love.
He will stay on top of you while you sleep (please don't complain to him, he knows he is heavy but he will just want you to massage his gray ears while he purrs happily and yawns showing his fangs. He will also turn into a kitten sometimes to go for a walk around and also for you to carry him in your arms.)
Kuai Liang is the calmest of all, he doesn't ask for affection and doesn't want to be taken care of ── but he also won't complain if you pet him. When he turns into a kitten, he will be the orange kitten type, running around and being equally silly.
He is also responsible for taking care of Tomas, sometimes you will see the two of them walking together like kittens, playing with some balls of wool that you left loose, while Bi Han will fight with Liang for being so inelegant (later you will seeing the grandmaster also playing with balls of wool with his brothers is a rare scene where the three are together).
Kuai will also spend most of the time sleeping, you can feel his arms and claws on you during the night while he sleeps again ── if he accidentally hurts you he will apologize and lower his little ears while hiding his face in the sheets.
You'll also have to share a bed with the three of them, so be prepared to stay up all night listening to the three cat men's loud roars.
You will be responsible for taking them out for a walk and stopping Tomas from running away at the first opportunity he sees something that catches his attention. So every time you ask them to transform back into kittens to make it easier for you to take them from one place to another.
You'll see them watching cartoons while you take care of the Lin Kuei appointments in Bi Han's place (he'll just purr and say he can't write down the papers because he's too tired, and he'll still be on your lap while you write everything down, listening to him tell you to do it faster and pay attention to him and his brothers.)
Overall you'll have to be very patient, but it's worth it after seeing the three of them sleeping peacefully with their ears flopping happily.
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𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅 ©𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍. 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚, 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆.
♡⁠˖ 》 my ao3 profile
♡⁠˖ 》 my janitor a.i pfp
♡⁠˖ 》 my character a.i pfp
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theninthdoor · 10 months
pac || yes or no, and a message from Spirit
☁️ think of a question you need a Yes/No answer for, take 3 deep breaths and pick one of the piles below! this should give you a general idea of what the energy surrounding this matter is + what Spirit wants you to know and/or do. ☁️ take only what resonates and leave the rest! if you feel like the pile you've initially picked doesn't really apply to the situation you're thinking of, it's OK to pick another one. ☁️ remember that this is all for entertainment purposes and that free will still exists. don't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to or to make a pile/answer fit you situation, ok? ☁️ enjoy, my friends!
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🍀 pile 1 || cards: five of pentacles, seven of cups rx, balance, magic.
Your answer, my dear pile 1, is No. Spirit wants you to know that there is something much better for you out there, and that you shouldn't keep yourself stuck to only this option (or the very few you've been considering). I can feel your sadness and frustration, but please trust that your Spirit Team is doing their best to help you navigate through & overcome this period, alright? Don't rush into a decision just because you want to get this over with. As soon as this moment of transition is over, you might realize that what you thought you wanted, isn't all that great after all; or, alternatively, that you were willing to settle for something that isn't in alignment with your greatest good and/or true desires. It might also happen that, if you give it time, Spirit could give you the green light to pursue this option - that's only for a few of you, though. For the majority, I see that this really isn't the best bet anyway.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): a white cat; Kat/Cat/Catherine/Katherine/Catarina; white socks and ballerina shoes; 29; dark blue walls; just painted or got your nails done by someone else; Andre/Andrew/Andres; low temperatures; slavic countries; pisces.]
🍀 pile 2 || cards: king of wands, page of pentacles, illumination, growth.
Goodness… this pile has such a strong and assertive energy, that there is no way you guys are still doubting yourselves! It's a clear Yes, my sweet pile 2. You already know what to do, where to go, what to leave behind and what to take with you on the journey ahead. You've seen the light already, and chances are that you are have already made some moves towards your goal, so just keep going! Don't be impulsive, though; always make sure to stay grounded and realistic. If you haven't made any moves, however, someone else might've OR the Universe has been preparing the stage for this to happen. You might soon realize that things just seem to be falling into place all around, and you're all of a sudden full with good luck. Finally, I feel like some of you might also need to hear this: stay informed! Do all of the research you think is necessary, and stay up date with all of the new details/updates regarding this matter.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): 1st year as a college student; taking the subway every day now; swimming as a hobby; dark green hoodie; Jen/Jennifer/Jerome; G initial; Grace or "with grace"; 19; a item of jewelry that you never take off, likely a necklace; Church; eating your meals in a rush or on the go; soccer/football.]
🍀 pile 3 || cards: ace of wands rx, eight of pentacles rx, love, flow.
Not yet. Something needs to be done or finished before you get that much desired green light from Spirit. If you felt pulled towards Pile 1 as well, feel free to check that out, by the way! - for some, those messages may also apply. Your energy isn't heavy, even though I still get a big sense of frustration here. Now, after struggling so much with this reality, you know that you are either not ready for such a change OR to receive this "thing" and be able to handle it. I feel like you guys have been doing a lot of inner-work lately, and have been putting a lot of effort into matters of self-worth, self-confidence, and so on; and this realization may have come from that. My dear pile 3, you are on the right path, alright? You just need to stay focused on yourself for now, so you can later receive all of the blessings you have been waiting & praying for.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): fidgeting with your fingers 24/7; daily warm, soft hugs from a family member or best friend; 29, again; 00; white bomber jacket; always making sure you have your gloves with you; a spike in humidity; geography or biology; lab coats; lost and/or got a new transit pass, passport or ID; significant earth placements.]
🍀 pile 4 || cards: eight of pentacles, the lovers, fear, abundance.
Some of you may have had to leave people, or even home, behind to pursue a dream, or may be considering it (and, by the way, it doesn't have to be literal or physical). You're afraid that you'll be alone and/or that those you're leaving behind will not miss you. However, Spirit wants you to know that none of that is true, and that things will turn out much better than you could've ever expected. You have big plans for your life but also a big heart; and instead of having these two parts of yourself work together as they should, they are fighting against each other. Sometimes, in order to achieve something major, we must make some sacrifices, you know, pile 4? And that might sound scary, yes, but when you are living through it, you'll see that it actually isn't. We make sacrifices every day without even realizing it… for example, when we sacrifice an extra hour of sleep to spend some more time texting that special someone; or when we sacrifice our precious feet just to show off our new favorite, yet insanely painful, pair of shoes. If you're on the other end of it, however, and you're the one being "left behind", make sure to use this time to work on your goals instead of focusing all of your energy on how much you miss that something or someone. So, your answer is neither a Yes nor a No, because I feel like most of you guys are wording your question wrong?? Just know that this is a time for you to prosper, my dear pile 4, and that you should move forward with your goals.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): spending a lot of time alone, sitting in the parking lot; your car's a mess; fidgeting with your earrings or rings; rubbing your eye until it hurts; Sanders/Sandra/Salome/Soumaya; north african countries; south east asian countries; stuffed teddy bear; 57; dad's or grandpa's birthday.]
decks used || Tarot of the New Vision & Prism Oracle
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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poisoneevy · 3 months
Listen... I'm seeing some commotion about people of different ethnic backgrounds being included in And The Haze Will Take Us and, as a Slavic person (and Polish! which seems to be the primary setting), it's obviously up to me specifically to decide, and here are my thoughts:
Us, Slavs? We love nothing more than to a) fuck shit up and b) have a gathering/throw a rager. We're famously very hospitable. So I literally cannot understand the people complaining about it like? Isn't it like nice to see people of different backgrounds in your familiar settings? There's so little media featuring slavic content and being faithful to the actual roots of slavic culture (which very much seems to be the case here) that it's honestly just so refreshing to see stuff like this? Isn't this fun? Isn't this like.... enjoyable to see people participating in your culture without distrespecting it whatsoever?
I mean, yeah, if we were forced to play as a character of colour and there was no explanation given at all, I'd roll my eyes a little but like.... isn't this just the standard Romance Club treatment? Like let's not pretend that Amala from Kali Call of Darkness was not mixed just so they could give us a white sprite. I would maybe somewhat a little understand the side eye if e.g. the story included a scenario in which the high priest family (which seems to be of East Asian background) would exert inexplicable influence and commanded unquestionable obedience in the community which yeah like why would they but this all seems like a pretty mild and seemless integration of people of different backgrounds to participate in a culture of one group... which is like... good.... and nice? And defo not a reason to be putting up a fight over idk lol
Cause like if your main argument is that this is not historically accurate... girl you're playing a game on your phone... and a game which is telling you this shit's all made up!.... which you should know cause magic isn't real....... go read a book!!!!!
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koolades-world · 8 months
hiii hellooo, since other anon asked about british accent, what about mc with a slavic accent? no specific country
hello! yeah, of course!
enjoy :)
Mc with a Slavic accent
thinks your accent is soothing to listen to and often tries to find excuses to listen to you talk
also thinks it's perfect for telling his brothers to stfu haha
as a reward, every time you yell something for him, he'll give you something you want, such as less chores, or something online
you're very important to him and he often lets you know <3
shocked him the first time you spoke
however, he loves confusing other demons at RAD and such by making them process two very different accents at the same time
he takes lots of joy in hearing your exclamations of happiness
tries to give you surprises that make you happy rather than scared (that's Belphie's job lol)
when you first met, he deadass understood nothing you were saying and instead of asking you to repeat yourself, he just decided he wasn't going to be able to understand you
you spoke too fast for him and by the time he'd processed the first word, you were already light years ahead of him
eventually he confessed that early on, he didn't understand you and you had a laugh about it together
after you spend enough time together, he always tries to answer right away to show you he's listening and how much he's improved
such a simp for your accent
just turn the puppy dog eyes on him and just plead a little, and you can get whatever you want
don't be afraid to take advantage of these powers, since most times you can earn little wins with them
he often finds himself studying your speech patterns and paying attention to the way you say things
loves your accent so much (he probably has a thing for all accents)
kinda like the british accent, he's always listening to what you're saying and taking mental notes on your pronunciation
he is always jumping at the chance to defend you from Belphie's teasing and dramatically throwing himself onto the ground and/or fainting to make him shut up
subconsciously, he finds himself mimicking you and the way you say some things
thinks your accent is pretty cute but he knows it doesn't define you
while he likes it, he would like you just the same if you didn't
he asks about your accent sometimes, like if your family also had the same one and if it had developed as you had grown up
he doesn't do this often, however, since he's afraid of bothering you with his questions
always teasing you with stereotypes so just be sure to have a clapback ready
if you want just punch or elbow him in the face that would be pretty funny
be warned because he has a habit of sneaking up on you and scaring you since he thinks your scream is funny
again, feel free to punch him or step on his toes or something like that
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holycoco · 27 days
12 Little things to do to romanticize fall
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。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Hi jelly beans,
I always did not love summer at all, even tho I was born in July, mid summer.
Thats because I always felt better on cold seasons and I recently discovered that i'm such a pro on romanticizing autumn.
This are all little things to do to make yourself enjoy the cold season have fun with it…✎ᝰ
౨ৎ Clean your room and if you can, change the position of your bed near the window, I love getting up and seeing the view.
౨ৎ Find some recipes and bake! If you need some ideas let me know (I'm obsessed with pumpkin muffins and strudel I can drop the recipes)
I love cooking and it makes me feel better anytime.
౨ৎ Get a cute mug and make you some hot drinks! If you love tea and herbs like me start a collection, get you all kinds and flavors.
౨ৎ Go trhifting with a friend or without one. Its such a cute and relaxing activity, get a hot drink on the way!
౨ৎ Go for candles shopping or just smell them its such a soul heal.
౨ৎ Make a playlist and go for a walk! Music and atmosfere are key. Let me know if you want one from me!
౨ৎ Get a new haircut or a new hair color. Personally I love me some layers and a brown chocolate head.
౨ৎ Buy vogue.
౨ৎ Find a new makeup routine, you can look for some on tik tok or pinterest, obv do what compliments your skin tone and features but here's some cute ones: aria montgomery makeup tutorial, helena gilbert makeup, cindy kimberly makeup inspo, slavic doll makeup tuto.
If you're into full glam, 2000's mom kinda makeup like me I suggest some jessica alba, stockholm makeup, old kim k kinda makeup!
౨ৎ Look for cute hobbies, book scrapping, journaling, memory boxes or reading (please ask me for a readig list pleaseee, I'm dying to make one for you)
Find a penpals!!!! So cute, I love love love this little thingy I always start on september cause there's when I don't feel like crap to do anything.
Do it, literally. You can find some here on tumblr or tik tok it's always well loved receiving letters!
౨ৎ Invest in good comfy slippers or some uggs
౨ৎ Look for good colors of the season that looks good on you or you like and get items of that color, lipsticks, scarfs, bags, nails...
This was a long post and I still feel like a missed something…
xoxo mamas, stay cozy, stay romantic, stay fall!!!
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
love, Mary
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wolfiesmoon · 6 months
reader is gender neutral and is a silly prankster
ofc anything for my slavic friendo 🤭 yall get special treatment fr
i am still genuinely blown away by how well recieved that body swap fic of mine was, i've never gotten that many comments on a fic of mine before
(and how well recieved i was into the twst fandom in general, srsly guys thanks for the support💕)
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You are in a silly mood today. But then again, when are you not?
You feel like causing a bit of trouble to someone, but all the fun options have already been exhausted and you doubt they'd fall for your tricks twice in a row.
However, you still do have one person you can pull a prank on, and that's Vil Schoenheit. Normally, you'd give him a special pass which lets him bypass your pranks because he's extra special to you.
But what's the fun in that? Sometimes even he deserves to be messed with a little. Also, wouldn't it be kind of unfair if Vil was the only one spared from your little tricks?
That settles it, you're sneaking into Pomefiore tonight.
You knew Vil would be out at about 7 pm, busy with a photoshoot. He told you himself. Beginner mistake.
You're already cooking up a funny prank to pull. It's an expensive one, but his reaction will be worth the empty wallet. You can always work a few shifts at the Mostro lounge to make the money back.
Once 7 pm hit, you quietly snuck into Pomefiore, trying your damn hardest to sneak into Vil's room without getting caught.
"What are you doing here?" A very familiar voice stopped you in your tracks just as you were about to reach the door to Vil's room. And you were so close, too.
"Good evening to you too, Epel." You greeted him, slightly irked by the instant interrogation. He quickly corrected himself, greeting you back with a slight stutter.
"I just realised I forgot something in Vil's room." This actually wasn't a bad excuse at all since you often visit Vil and Epel knows that. You mostly just let him experiment on you with makeup or let him talk about his passions. Which is always a pleasure.
"Why do you have a backpack, then?" Epel glanced at the backpack which was hanging off your shoulder. He didn't mean to doubt you, but even he's been a victim to your pranks before. You're being really suspicious, but then again, it feels like you're always planning something.
"They're books, and thick ones too. They'd be difficult to carry with my hands." You shrugged, subtly showing the conversation is over as you placed your hand on the doorknob.
Of course, that part about the books was a lie. Your backpack was filled with "skincare products". They looked exactly like Vil's skincare, but really, all the bottles were filled with mayonnaise.
It's very convenient that mayo is coloured moderately like skincare products, and if it wasn't, you made sure to color match it with dye. You even tried replicating the original smell on some of them. Buying all that skincare from Sam was truly eye opening to just how expensive Vil's shiny skin is.
You're going to swap out his actual skincare with your counterfeit mayo skincare. You would pour out the contents of the original bottles and simply refill them but you have a feeling you'd never escape Vil's wrath if you did that and that's the one thing you definitely do not want to happen.
You placed the mayo skincare on his vanity table, carefully replacing each cream and balm one by one exactly as they were placed originally. Ohohoho, this is going to be great.
You put Vil's actual skincare back in your backpack and left Pomefiore with a sense of accomplishment. Oh, you wish you could see his initial reaction directly.
"Care to explain what these are?" Vil lifted one of his creams out of his bag, sat across from you in the Pomefiore lounge.
"They're uhhh... your skincare creams?" You acted innocent, like you had no clue why he was taking that tone with you.
"I know it was you. Epel told me he saw you in Pomefiore acting suspicious yesterday." He pressed you further, serious expression on his face. Ohohoho, you suddenly feel like you're in a detective movie.
You tried not to let the satisfaction on your face show. "Huh? I was simply taking back the magical history book I left in your room. What does your facial cream have to do with it?"
"I am not here to play this game with you. What did you do with my skincare?" He did not look amused by your excuses in the least.
"Hehehehe, I might or might not have replaced it with mayonnaise." You grinned evilly at him.
"You-" he seemed at a loss for words for a moment. "I knew you switched it out with something, but mayonnaise? Really? Why do you do these things?" He knew you knew that mayonnaise was his least favourite food. And he also knew of your affinity for pranks and jokes, but it seems he's gotten a bit too comfortable with not being their victim. Just how long have you been planning this? (One day.)
"Becaaaause, it's funny. Oh man, I wish I could've seen your face when you first applied it." you snorted, imagining his expression. His face is always such a joy to look at, but you imagine it must have been especially expressive in that moment. Your snort developed into hearty laughter.
"I for one do not find it as amusing as you do." he crossed his legs, looking at you with an expression that demanded seriousness. If you weren't so comfortable around him, you would have immediately apologised and bowed gracefully. His presence sure is strong.
You tried your best to stop laughing so he wouldn't actually kick you out of Pomefiore, but it was hard. Whenever you thought you had calmed down and tried looking him in the eyes, it was right back to laughter.
After about a minute of this, Vil seemingly gave up on stopping you, expression softening slightly.
"You should know by now how important skincare is to me. Having to miss out on it this morning was a horrible experience. Which, speaking of... just what did you do to the original contents of my products?" he looked incredibly horrified at the thought of you simply throwing away the contents.
"Oh, I, uh...." you acted nervous on purpose to make him think you're confirming his fears. His eyes widened slightly and he leaned forward in the fancy lounge chair.
"...Put the original tubes and containers away in Ramshackle dorm and bought new ones to refill with mayo." he took a visible sigh of relief. His products live another day.
"Didn't that hurt your wallet?" he asked.
"Yeah, a lot. But it was worth it." you shrugged, smiling at him.
"Well, I suppose you're quite a dedicated person, too. I didn't peg you as one initially." you really are a dedicated prankster. In some aspects, he respects the commitment. In others, he thinks you were kind of stupid for spending so much money just to annoy him.
"Always have been, pookie bear, always have been." you jokingly blew a kiss at him.
He cleared his throat, cheeks dusting pink. How ungraceful.
"I like you when you're angry." you blurted out after a few seconds of silence.
"...You're strange." he narrowed his eyes at you.
"Hahahaha, I knowwww. It's just, like... when you're angry with me for pulling a silly prank on you, it feels different. Your face becomes all expressive and stuff. Oh, and also, it's like, really hot." you recall watching a few movies which he acted in and you felt all giddy when he got angry playing the hot villain. As much as you know he dislikes being typecast, you always simp for him quite excessively when he plays a villain.
"Then why have you only pulled one prank on me so far?" he ignored that last comment after a few moments of consideration. He supposes the pranks would lose their effect if you did them too much, but if you really get that much enjoyement out of his misery, then why have you waited so long?
"Oh, that's because you get a special no-prank pass. You get it since I love y-" you paused.
"I realise I've said too much... I mean, uhhh, that was a prank! Got you! Hahahaha!" Suddenly, you wanted to remove yourself from Pomefiore, so you did just that. You quickly left the dorm without saying goodbye. You cringed at yourself for how unnatural and forced that laughter sounded.
He blinked a few times at the sudden end of the conversation and then fell back on the lounge chair.
"That little... Oh, your real goal is to make me lose my mind, isn't it..." Vil pressed his fingers against his forehead, mumbling that to himself before going to sort out some paperwork. He's wasted far too much time dealing with you anyways.
He denied any accusations from Rook about his cheeks being more pink than before.
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lilis-palace · 3 months
Hi! I saw your post about Slavic culture! As a Ukrainian and a huge fan of your work, I was so excited to know that you're planning to create your next cc in this theme. I'd be very happy if you consider to represent something from my culture. ☺️ Here, I made a board on Pinterest, where I gathered a bit of traditional Ukrainian exterior and interior: https://pin.it/3GzmR1xdC I also made a separate board for traditional Ukrainian folk painting (Petrykivka Painting) that was used a lot in Ukraine to decorate... well, literally anything in the house! From walls to pottery 😀 https://pin.it/1JLv7Y5DM
Hope you'll find it inspiring!
Wish you a good day!💖
Heyy! Thank you so much, these pinterest boards are extremely helpful! I've got a ton of resources from a lot of ppl, and already started working on an exterior set. It's far from done, but I already finished these thatched roof decos! 😊
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