#im doing this with his default verse so
suffarustuffaru · 4 months
Scrolling through your blog is such a fun experience, you bring an absolutely great vibe to this fandom and I love it SO MUCH. Could even say you restored my hope in it, since there has been some aspects that made me force myself to leave it, and I hope me bringing one of them up here won't upset anyone.
Now I completely understand if you wish to not answer my ask, but I figured it's worth a shot. So, one of said aspects was a controversy regarding one of the rezero characters that made me feel like you can't mention them without being called names (mostly on tiktok, but other social media also, tho not as much).
Yeah I'm talking about Felix. I'm not transphobic by any means, and I'm fine with people headcannoning whatever they want, but seeing thousands of people calling others transphobic for calling Felix a 'he' made me so unsafe I forced myself to look for other interest. Which is funny since most of the people saying this weren't even part of the fandom. I was wondering if anyone else here had similar situations and just.. how do you deal with it? It seems silly, I know, but feeling like I can't speak about a rather important character from a media I love made me so upset.
No matter how much I tried explaining it, they either dismiss it or say Tappei made him a trans girl without knowing.
Now, if you do decide to answer this and say that Felix indeed may have been 'trans coded' a little bit (Did I used that term correcly? Idk) I'll understand (hell, I would probably agree, you character analysis are great), I'm just upset at the absolute lack of respect for any other way of referring to Felix other then she/her.
(Also in case people don't know, their proof of Felix being a trans girl is the scene from EX1, with the whole calling himself a girl in front of a mirror thing)
Sorry for this is being long and probably messy I just had to get this off my chest.. also I hope I didn't came of as offensive in any way, if I did I'm really sorry.
hi there anon! first of all - aw thank you for your compliments about me and my blog. im super passionate about rezero (though thats probably super clear to anyone whos seen any content i make for a while aljsdlkf) and well. ive been lurking about in this fandom since summer 2020 so i definitely understand having to leave/distance yourself from this fandom because outside of tumblr, the rezero fandom is kind of . well. to put it simply, theres a lot of metaphorical landmines unfortunately!! T^T and admittedly i wouldve left this fandom a lot sooner if i didnt stick to my own corner and curate spaces with other people who were super chill (like lots of people lurking about here on tumblr + rz tumblr in general!!). so i totally understand how you feel anon (and youre not silly for being upset, i promise!), though admittedly im not super super familiar with some rezero spaces (such as rz twitter) bc i 1. dont speak japanese and 2. i try very hard to avoid the negativity whenever possible!! T^T
and also i apologize for taking a while to answer your ask!! you're one of my older asks that kinda got lost in my drafts hah but i also just wanted to like. take extra care with your ask bc its a super important topic. like not just to me (though its definitely important to me) but its important in general. and i really like felix so. <3
a quick disclaimer is that i myself am not transfem. i am however afab and most likely genderqueer!! (im winging it as i go hah.) felix is also not a character id say im as well-versed in yet, but i do like felix a lot and ex1 changed my entire brain chemistry. and ill also be defaulting to he/him pronouns in this post because thats what he uses in canon.
felix is - at the end of the day - a fictional character, and tappei is a cis man who doesnt Entirely write characters like felix through a queer lens. arguably tappei is Self-Aware when he writes characters who are into other characters of the same sex (though the Representation is arguably a little bit questionable at times depending on how you look at it), but when it comes to characters like felix or subaru who have some Gender Stuff going on, it's more nebulous there. i dont know if tappei 100% realizes he's made characters that could be read as Trans/Genderqueer (emphasis on "read as", because i support different interpretations of these characters), but tappei Definitely Is Very Aware that gender and gender presentation and gender roles are super important when it comes to characters like felix, subaru, and crusch.
i think tappeis own perceptions of gender and gender roles do bleed a bit into the text as much as tappei is pretty purposeful with themes surrounding gender in rezero, but rezero itself still has all sorts of identity issues to explore with a lot of its characters and gender is a big part of that!!
so first and foremost im gonna be examining felix the best i can Purely Off Of The Canon Text, though i do like viewing rezero from a queer lens myself (and it is arguably very queer). im gonna talk first about felix and then ill move onto talking about my personal feelings on rezero fandom stuff :o !!
so felix's relationship with his gender is complicated and he Absolutely does not fit into traditional gender roles or gender presentation right now. these are undeniable. and if people headcanon felix as transfem thats totally understandable and valid!! but to say a headcanon is 100% canon and that other interpretations of a character as complex as felix are invalid isnt exactly it. for sure. i mean i myself interpret him as nonbinary haah. but felix's relationship with gender is so so so So complicated that i dont think you could just say hes transfem and then Not Elaborate More.
but regardless of how Exactly you label felix, i think you could possibly say that hes trans coded. tappei, even if he probably doesnt entirely know hes made pretty genderqueer characters, is Aware and Purposeful of how gender affects felix and his perception of himself and his identity and other peoples perception of him and this is brought up Over and Over Again in canon—felix’s gender identity, at the moment, aligns more with femininity in his presentation in every way, though he still perceives himself as masculine. felix’s case is complicated, and while im not entirely sure on this i think you could argue that hes trans coded—“coding” suggests a level of intent when making these characters, and i think that intent is present in some way with tappei. because tappei Knows just how important gender is with felix’s character and you can tell with how often and how Integral it is to felix’s entire character.
(more under the cut) (i do have a habit of being rambley/wordy sometimes if. if you couldnt tell already. but i hope this response is up to your standards!!)
these three analysis posts on felix's relationship with gender have all discussed this topic in-depth before i have, and i 1. really like the rezero content i see from all three of these people and 2. they All have slightly different takes based on the canon we have but also some similar points. because felix is complicated!! of course our takes are probably gonna be a bit different - he's a multifaceted character with such a complex relationship with his gender that it's hard to tell what every single one of his personal feelings on it is (especially when at the moment he hasnt appeared in the main story since arc 5 and he still has a Lot of character development to do). and of course fiction is fiction, we can all take away any sort of meaning from a story like this.
but you know. this is my post so im gonna try to analyze felix right now and say my two cents on what i think of his relationship with gender.
so im gonna try not to retread too much on what liquidstar, sufferu, and gourmet of gluttony have already said about felix (and i think theyre all very smart people with interesting analysis posts and theyve all explained their thoughts pretty well) and instead add on with my own thoughts - theres this felix excerpt from arc 4 wn that i think about sometimes. im gonna put it down here!!
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and also important to note—like other people have mentioned, crusch and felix made a “deal” of sorts in the past where crusch takes on felix’s masculinity and felix takes on crusch’s femininity. and also like other people have said—and i myself have said in the past—i do have some mixed feelings on this wkdndn and as i said before also i do wish tappeis feelings on gender bled a little less when theyre Not Integral To The Story. bc i dont think tappei 100% knows hes made trans coded characters, but. anyway yeah so thats the whole deal with crusch felix. and in its own right i think it has So Many Interesting Implications!!
i think when it comes down to it, gender presentation IS a bit of a performance, isn't it? like i love to wear dressses and skirts and i love to keep my hair short and wear suits, but you know - these sorts of things tend to be gendered. our gender is often perceived through how we present ourselves, but in recent years gender roles being attached to clothing has gotten a bit less Rigid. but these rigid roles associated with presentation are even more dialed up to Eleven in a medieval world like the rezero fantasy world. and i dont use the word "performance" in a negative way -
what i mean is that when it comes to felix's character, does felix think he's a boy because that's what he's been told? does he think he's a boy because he TRULY sees himself that way, or does he THINK he has to see himself as one? does felix try to present and perform femininity, ie as or like a traditionally feminine girl, purely ONLY for crusch's sake, or is it because felix ALSO WANTS to? what does felix think of gender outside of crusch? who is felix outside of crusch? who is felix outside of tying his entire personality to other people? does felix’s femininity show the “radiance of ferris’ soul” bc of the deal he made with crusch or bc this truly is felix’s soul? these are like the big questions behind his entire character and character arc that would determine in the end how felix identifies in both his gender and In General.
so what is felix's identity at the moment? bc right now, felix is stuck between his feminine self, tied to crusch, a symbol of crusch, tied to his own reliance on crusch and worship of her—and his masculine self, someone broken off from crusch. felix is tied to crusch right now to worrying extents with his obsessive devotion to the point of changing himself to mold into her image, and beyond that, hes still tied to guilt surrounding fourier’s death. gourmet of gluttony puts all of this way way more intelligently than i ever could, but at the end of the day, i think the best narrative decision here would be for felix to accept himself in ALL of his entirety.
healing in rezero is noted to be a kind power, specifically by fourier and fourier saying this right to felix when hes the most talented healer in lugunica, and healing itself is often stereotypically feminine activity. knighthood is stereotypically masculine, and on top of all this, we see in ex1 that biehn argyle twists the power of healing into something grotesque—trying to bring back the dead and revive what cant be revived, which is once again another reoccurring theme in rezero.
how far can “from zero” go? what HAS to stay dead and what can be revived? who is allowed to live? HOW do you live freely? felix is someone born from a horribly abusive and neglectful family who twisted healing magic’s kindness into cruelty, felix is someone who was taken into a family that showed him kindness and now hes desperate to pay them back with everything he has and everything he is, felix is a healer who lashes out when hes cornered and a healer who treasures life and a knight who cant physically fight like the others, felix is someone stuck with the horrible knowledge that he cant save everyone—that some things just Couldnt end better no matter how much he wished for it to.
felix is stuck between all kinds of worlds, and in terms of gender, hes quite literally still stuck between boyhood and manhood in the biological sense—hes purposefully made it so that he hasnt hit puberty yet so he can better pass as feminine. he hasnt Physically Grown past puberty—which is the mark of becoming an adult. and he hates himself in a number of ways, but he also hates himself for failing to be traditionally masculine. his abusive family stole ten years of his life and the torture left him physically weaker, so he cant be strong physically, which is something associated with traditional masculinity. felix is the best healer, a traditionally feminine job and skill, but he cant save everyone. felix becomes more feminine as part of his deal with crusch, but while crusch accepts her femininity and masculinity readily, and while crusch’s memory is erased by gluttony—felix is left behind, alone, still holding onto femininity while not entirely being able to hold onto it while he also cant entirely hold onto the traditional masculinity he expects out of himself. and with arc 3 on, felix feels hes failed both fourier and crusch. the two most important male and female figures in his life.
felix is basically stuck in this liminal space where hes not Enough for himself in literally every direction, and the only way out is to accept every part of himself and move forward by trying to define who he is without other people—his birth family and his found family dont define him. they can shape him, sure, but he has to stop shaping himself to meet them and figure out how to let himself just. Be. and take up a space thats firmly his. from a queer lens, this kind of thing is pretty queer—because to stop being in between worlds, you have to accept everything instead of splitting yourself into halves over and over again. killing or maiming yourself or parts of yourself is no way to live, and felix is Life itself.
and i think regardless of the Exact Labels you could give felix, i think his arc—which is perfectly in line with all of rezeros themes—is inherently about self acceptance and the bridging of the gap and combination of femininity and masculinity. felix is both and identifies, in one way or another, with both, similar to how he loves someone who identifies with both (crusch) and just as hes loved her and fourier. imo it wouldnt be right for felix to choose one or the other in terms of feminine vs masculine—he needs to be the one learning and navigating his honest feelings on both sides bc i think he Yearns to be both. hes a boy who dresses like a girl and its up to him to know if he wants to be a man and/or a woman due to his own internal desire or if parts of that is Only due to external pressures.
and alright now that ive said all my thoughts on felix atm im gonna address the other questions you had in your ask!! note that this is just my opinions and thoughts regarding my own experience in the english fandom, you dont have to agree or anything 👍
but i AM very sorry about your negative experiences in this fandom. T^T people calling other transphobic for using he/him for felix (and also people being transphobic about characters like felix or subaru/natsumi in general) is something ive seen as well. the rezero fandom is sadly very often toxic and Bigoted in a lot of ways (with the exception of rezero tumblr and certain segments of rezero ao3, from what ive seen), which is Ironic for a story thats so clearly about love and self-acceptance, which is also ironic because arguably tappei and otsuka and the rezero marketing team (i Love the female characters in rezero but theres just so much sexualized or vaguely sexist merch/moments that dont add to the story, you know? kind of just. misses the point of their characters sometimes.) sort of contribute to it a little bit as much as tappei does do some really great things with his writing.
rezero is the first fandom ive been active in but its definitely not the first ive ever been in, and ive been in some insane fandoms before. like i said earlier though, i think i just cope by curating my experience to what i like, yknow? liking posts i enjoy, looking at stuff i enjoy, etc :O !! fandom is a hobby so i try not to look at negative stuff when i can help it wkdnd. which im sure youre aware about already but i always have to keep reminding myself of this bc places like rezero reddit or twitter get pretty rough!! but its really helped me just following artists and creators i like, enjoying their content, chatting with cool people i vibe with, rezero tumblr being the chillest rezero space in the whole fandom, and its also helped me a lot making rezero content of my own—like this whole blog!! its really shocked me how much people seem to value my thoughts enough to ask me things frequently but i appreciate it pfft. and i hope you guys like reading my posts!!
but yeah like. curate, curate, curate. it helps a LOT and it gets me excited to experience rezero not only by myself you know? not that i didnt have fun by myself but its its own level of fun finally finding spaces to have fun with others!! and i LOVE finding beautiful fanart!! chef’s kiss. and trying to be the change i want to see is satisfying on its own :,) i want to post random shit about rezero, so i post it. i want to make fanart for fun and share it. i want to brute force people into loving otto more so i ottopost (dont worry, i still hate him bc true otto fans also hate him at the same time <3 /lh). i want more queer rezero content so i try to make some more!! brings more personal power i think and its very fun!! and it helps with lessening the quiet despair of fandom toxicity ;-;; (which is something ive done many times and will continue to do sometimes so i feel your pain 🫂) and i promise theres cool people in the fandom 👍 i may reply late to asks or dms but im ALWAYS down to talk about rezero things its so fun 👍👍
and its really really hard sometimes to deal with fandom toxicity especially if its forcefully knocking at your door—definitely dont force yourself to stay or look at things if you cant, bc thats totally understandable!! and i myself have been harassed a little in the past. but definitely having some sort of coping—the block button, backing out of things you dont agree with or like, lots and lots of curating, etc—helps me a lot. and i think mental health wise i feel much better trying to look on the bright side of things!! its MY hobby goddammit!! ill fight people subaru-style if they try to poison it!! and however long anyone reading this decides to spend with rezero and rezero tumblr—you are welcome here 👍
but yes my very Long rambling aside - i hope this post somewhat helped you!! felix is a very important character that i like very much and need to learn more about and i have Many Feelings on the english side of this fandom, but im very grateful to all the cool people ive met over the years here for sure!! :o
also ill probably post the finished version soon but if youve read this far here is a sneak peak of felix art i did recently (just as a reward for once again reading all of my Endless Yapping)👍👍
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I get so happy when more people see the car guy mike vision! I saw you said you love cars, so I'm curious do you have any thoughts about what you think mike being a car guy means for him/what he likes?
I know for me I love the headcanon but it came naturally from that leadership aspect of him, and I think it suits him to be a main driver amongst the party. plus I think he'd like the responsibility. and I go a bit more into this in a fic I'm working on, but I also like to think he enjoys fixing up his car and finds it a nice challenge/puzzle for his brain! but the actual technical or detailed parts of the headcanon I haven't researched and explored yet because I'm not well versed on cars myself 🙈
hiii omg thank you so much for asking me about this i am about to bombard you with so many thoughts brace yourself
ok im gonna be so fr when i say i love cars i mostly just mean i love driving,, i am not super well versed in the actual technical aspects of cars myself either😭 buttt i do absolutely have thoughts about mike and driving and super agree with what you said especially about leadership and responsibility. i think mike Needs to be the one everyone turns to drive them places like he wants that to be his Thing (also him needing to be needed popping up there👀),, now max has also obv expressed interest in that but with her ending up disabled she might be less able to do that especially with the accommodations available at the time and even if she could drive it would be a longer process so i like to imagine mike kinda teaches her the ways of the road and they bond, and similar to how he doesn’t walk on eggshells with will he treats max so normal (hostile lmao) which is probably super refreshing for her with being disabled!! orrr that dynamic could even be reversed like if max is unable to drive but she so Wants to be that for the party, she kinda teaches mike that as a way to live vicariously through him? idk i just love max’s thing with cars and mike is such a car guy its insane. I think its also safe to say he’s very precious about his car like not a single crumb of food will get on his seats if he has anything to say about it. this obviously does not apply to will who can do absolutely no wrong but,, because will can see how much mike cares about his car he helps enforce his little rules with the rest of the party when they don’t take them seriously and mike gets lowkey upset with them about it. i love the idea that mike is the first to get his license so he’s kinda designated driver by default for a little while and ends up spending a ton of one on one time with everyone because of that. one of those people obviously being will, and i think between joyce working so much and jonathan going off to college and them definitely not being able to afford another car (and like love too),, will ends up abusing that aspect the most even before they get together. and while will is doing this cuz he’s like in love and stuff and it makes mike feel all useful, mike does get insecure that will isn’t actually spending time with him cuz he wants to and its just to use him to get around, and then when other people start getting their licenses hes like oh i guess the end of an era will doesn’t Have to just drive with me anymore he won’t need me :( but then obviously he Does and they kiss about it or something
and on the note of the fixing cars and stuff i sooo agree he likes learning new things and being able to fix his car and fix everyone else’s cars. like even after he’s the only one with a license he’s found this other thing to be useful to everyone with. omg also there was this post i saw forever ago about mike fixing up his car while will sits on the hood with his legs crossed drinking a milkshake and the image has fr never left my mind its quintessential passenger princess will and car guy mike to meee. i feel like mike would know so much about cars that it would make him distinctly not cool like he is such a nerd about something that would be considered cool that it circles back around and makes him sooo lame. i do think will would not think its lame tho and it does in fact turn him on when mike talks about his car. maybe mike refers to his car as a “she” and has a name for it and everything and will gets lowkey jealous and has to have car sex with him about it idk 😭
anywho!! thank you sm for asking me about this even though i probably know the exact same amount as you do about cars lmao,, actually so fucking hyped for your fic tho ahhh i love your writing <333
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obraveyouth · 21 days
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want new-and-exciting plots for your character? long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? fear not! fill out this form and give your rp partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted. [ template source , repost don't reblog ]
MUN NAME: rinni, as dotted with hearts. OOC CONTACT: tumblr im is open for everyone and my discord is open to mutuals
have you ever felt a sudden sadness emerge when the worlds of light and shadow converge. well , these words held such truth for link ordona , marked by farore and destined as a hero , lead a simple life: a ranch hand from the rural farming village of ordon famous for its productions of milk , cheeses , and pumpkins. he spent his days helping fado with herding goats , getting sword lessons from rusl , and providing aid in entertaining the village's next generation. that is , until life wasn't so simple. link's life is changed drastically when , preparing to go on a journey to deliver a blade to the royal family of hyrule , on behalf of ordon that grotesque monsters kidnap his friends and plunge the world into perpetual twilight. it is trying to begin their rescue that he is dragged into the twilight realm and destiny makes her call: for unlike others , within the twilight , link is transfigured into the form of a proud blue eyed beast. as a wolf , link allies with midna , the twilight princess , to obtain pieces of the forbidden fused shadow and restore the realms of light and darkness. through his journey link encounters various allies , including the hero shade ( a man that once bore the mark of farore and the spirit of the hero ): link learns of hyrule's tragic history --- from the banishment of those from the shadow tribe and the gerudo king that sought to plunge the land of the god's into ruin. from this combined might link defeats the false twilight king and ganondorf , undoing the curse put upon midna's form and bringing peace back to both realms once more. 
O1. his canon point is ten years post-game ( making him twenty-seven ): link has been trying for a decade to regain connection to the twilight realm to see midna again. it has become an obsession to him and something he is always thinking about , even if not outwardly showing it. while he does carry around the master sword , link is always seen wearing the traditional clothing of ordon ( unless he has business in hyrule / castle town ): to pair with this , unless you are referred to him through a previous connection , he will not speak as to not ruin the image of the hero he bares. O2. my link has gerudo ancestry through his mother and speaks with a heavy southern drawl , all of my dialogue reflects this and sometimes he may work in a word of two of gerudo he learned from his mother , though it is very rare. O3. if your muse wants to be friends ... do not call him hero. do not put him on any kind of pedestal. link has a huge issue with people trying to paint him as something more grandiose than he sees himself to be and by people continuously doing so , it further divides him from the more common people ( except those of you ordon ): exceptions to this are children and animals --- both as a man or in the form of a wolf , link maintains an absolute adoration for animals -- domestic and wild alike. O4. he kept the shadow crystal and can transform into a wolf at anytime! along with this no matter the form , link can communicate with all animals and takes great pride in this fact! paired with this , some years ago link gained the ability to communicate with all the previous incarnations of the hero [see headcanon here]: so there are times when he will seek their guidance , think of how aang from atla communicates with his past lives.
default verse ( open ): it is a decade later and while hailed as a hero , link longs for the life he used to have and greatly misses midna , their only connection severed by her shattering of the mirror of twilight. he is tirelessly searching for a way to regain a way into the twilight realm. along with this , he has maintained his duties to the people of ordon and has even taken up gardening. link will attend political meetings , per the request of zelda , but will not speak during them and merely attends as a figurehead as the one who saved hyrule ( he does not care for all the formalities ): and has been known to journey to other kingdom's to provide aid and as an ambassador on behalf of hyrule. sacrilegious godslayer ( plotting preferred ): a link who grew tired of the cycle of incarnation and seeks to destroy it at its source of , what he believes , to be the gods he was preordained to serve [ heavy wip ]
the vast majority of my interactions i imagine will take place in either ordon , hyrule , or something adjacent to the two. though , i have no preference if they meet while link is attending a political meeting in hyrule , while as an ambassador on behalf of hyrule for another kingdom , during the ingame quest , as a wolf , or even in a modern-ish setting. my default verse is perhaps the most versatile in terms of location but i am always down to discuss and bounce ideas off!
O1. a verse with the hero of time / the hero shade. i view link and shade as having a very loving bond beyond the simple mentor / student dynamic ( it is something a bit more paternal ): if this ain't your dice i understand , but i think the implications and ability to expand upon what was not seen in canon is exciting! O2. look my main verse heavily centers around midna and link missing her , now whether this is something romantic or purely friendship i leave up to the other mundane. while , i do ship midlink ... there are many nuances to their relationship that i want to explore outside of the purely romantic. i crave it honestly because midna is such a fascinating character to me. O3. the other minor cast of twilight or other character's games. i especially love the yiga , zora , other renditions of zelda , link , ganondorf... man honestly fuck me up. i am down for like anything toss me all the plot wolfies!
while extensive canon libraries have been taken with link as a character, primarily revolving around his racial/cultural background and personal feelings outside of his duty as a hero of the gods. he is older , taller , wiser , and fairly sacrilegious. but he is still the link we all know and love from twilight princess and all the more courageous and proud. but , regarding the canonical timeline of the legend of zelda , i am trying to adhere to it as to not uproot it as i am one of those people that is a stickler for canon... until i am not. because look, nintendo is doing fuck all with their timeline so i am mostly ignoring. ocarina of time predates twilight princess more than a couple hundred years though (that map layout is so wrong ): and i like to think that the events between oot and tp are a few thousand years or so apart. when it comes to the twilight princess manga it is not something i adhere too minus very choice things: i. the midlink kiss is so canon to me , ii. link is highly intelligent and an avid reader , iii. link struggling with the duty of being a hero , iv. he has a bit of a mischievous / prankster streak. also he is very funny , and v. his interactions with the hero shade. i have poured a lot of love into developing link over the years and continue to do so. i reference the game a lot. i tweak tidbits here and there to better form a narrative and overarching story and to drive character development above all. i am not really into extensive fight threads, especially not with link ( he has countless ability of past warriors and godslaying ability in his blood ): it wouldn't be fair and i wouldn't see a point personally. i am more aligned with extensive emotion driven interactions, and though i do not mind one off ask memes for those that are not as into plot heavy novella style threads.
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Spider-verse, but Nightwing
OK I once saw a comment somewhere which went along the lines of...
"I wish Dc would give us a animation-like Spiderverse of Nightwing"
and at first i kind of ignored it- cuz idk, i don't really care about Nightwing- I mean, i love him! He's great, but not one of my favorite batfamily members.
so, here's what i think a Spiderverse movie would be like,
(If the plot was similar)
Nightwing- Obv he's Miles Morales, the main character!
Gwen- OK, the love interest. So we have three main competitors for fan favorite ships! Dick/Wally, Dick/Barbara, and Dick/Kori! Now one of them is already cancelled by default, because Dc is a coward, so we only have Barbara and Kori left! and well, Barbara fits Gwen's personality much more than Kori, and that paired with the fact that DC favors DickBabs in general, WE HAVE A WINNER!
SpiderVerse- okay, this is where it starts to lean a bit away from the movies and a bit from the comics; Spiderverse is now the Court of Owls! My headcannon is that for some reason all vigilantes (minus Batman and one other person, u will find out) join the court of owls thinking it has the right idea, and then BOOM its not actually that good (it kills people it can't control). BUT its not that wrong either. When it figures out what its doing wrong, it starts helping the vigilantes against the real evil, which is...
Spot- The league of assassins :)) YES I KNOW, IT ISN'T REALLY A MAIN VILLAIN of Nightwing's, but STILL, it's too good of a opportunity to give up seeing Ra's and Talia in the movie.
Miles Parents- Bruce and Selina, obviously. I think Jefferson's personality as a parent is PERFECT for Bruce-emotionally-constipated-dad! Selina is Bruce's wife, obv, BUT there is one change here...Y'know that scene where Rio gives Miles that 'your un-grounded" talk? I think it would be Wally giving Nightwing a super cool heartwarming speech (it won't be the same though) and then turned out Selina was listening to it all and at the end is just like "sigh, ok, you're ungrounded, come back soon, i'll deal with Bruce."
Tim Drake- DRUM ROLL PLEASE, Hobie Brown! Hobie's smart, and while his personality might be a bit too much....It's still perfect for the role Tim would be playing. Hobie doesn’t trust the Court, and at the end he’s the one who had everything prepared for when they realise that the Court Of Owls is wrong!
Stephanie Brown- AND SHE'S GOING TO BE OUR FAV CINNAMON ROLL, Pavitr Prabhakar. And as much as it pains me as a Pakistani to remove his Indian heritage, it must be done. He's goofy, he ships the two main characters, and is just adorable, he's perfect for Stephanie, and will definitely give her justice.
Cassandra Cain- Sadly, Cass is going to have a less prominent role in the second movie, but hopefully she shows up more in the third; Margo Kess! the scene where she lets Miles go is perfect, because she can detect body language and would understand that Nightwing is right, and Miguel is planning on hurting him.
Damian Wayne- FINALLY MY FAV CHARACTER, but this one is more of a original character instead of a already made character in the movie; Damian is going to be the person Dick has to save. Because i love their dynamic. So, Damian is probably being manipulated by LoA, and idk maybe Ra's is trying to use him as a body vessel without Damian knowing, and the court of owls needs him dead because "HES A WILD CARD" but Dick just NEEDS to save him "BECAUSE THAT'S MY BROTHER, DAMN YOU, IM NOT LETTING ANOTHER ONE DIE" and cue everyone fighting LoA and then a wholesome Dick and Dami scene; Feel free to elaborate on it.
Jason Todd- I had to think a lot for this, but i have a PERFECT answer; Uncle Aaron. ITS SAD AND WILL BREAK HEARTS BUT ITS PERFECT, HELP- The relationship with Jefferson? check. Dies? check. What more do we need?
a happy and alive Jason
Hey! Maybe he comes back when hey go to save Damian! Actually, yes, that is 100% the plot. They find Jason revived at the league and save him :3
Duke Thomas- I CANT FIND A CHARACTER FOR DUKE BUT HE HAS TO BE HERE DAMN IT- please either come up with a original character for Duke or find a already made character PLEASE.
Peter B. Parker- Must i explain why? No, no i do not. its perfect.
Mayday- Jon Kent :))) Because why not///
MJ- (Peters wife and Maydays mother) Obv Lois Lane.
Miguel- Random court of owls leader (any idea's?).
SpiderWoman- Can't think of anyone...let me know what you guys think in the comments!
Peni Parker- Kori!! She's perfect
Pig Spiderman- Beast Boy lmao
Black and White Spiderman- Meme version of Raven.
Roy Harper- Just another original character who i need in the movie.
King-Pin- Mr. Freeze! his goals match up pretty well with Kingpins anyway.
The rest of the villains Miles faces will be random Rogues from Batman's gallery.
The rest of the Spiderman's in Spiderverse will be random Justice-League members (OMG I LOVE THIS)
And, well, the first movie takes place when it's only Dick and Jason adopted (Before Jason's death, and then a bit after, when Dick is dealing with the grief)
Feel free to add more stuff in reblogs/Comments! Really want to see what you guys come up with :3
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hekateinhell · 1 year
Tell me abt preggers armand please. I have a fic im working on and need 2 hear other peoples opinions on this topic 😈
okay so first of all i'm so upset i didn't see this ask until i checked my askbox on my phone which i almost NEVER do anymore since i'm getting old and prefer to just answer things via laptop where i can keyboard smash at full capacity raw and unfiltered but like MY DMS ARE OPEN I'M NOT ALWAYS THE FASTEST RESPONDER BECAUSE I'M IN GRAD SCHOOL AND LIFE AND WHATEVER BUT I DON'T TRUST TUMBLR ANYMORE BECAUSE I DIDN'T SEE THIS UNTIL YESTERDAY ON DESKTOP TUMBLR PLS DON'T DEPRIVE ME OF MY PEOPLE
now that that's out of the way:
it depends! you have to be more specific, like are we talking vampires? human AU? BECAUSE I'VE GOT SOMETHING FOR EACH
canon verse/vampire:
don't ask me to explain the science or whatever lol i don't care, i just skip to the pregnancy part!
i think armand would be SO FUCKING FERAL and defensive, like he's lost so much and been so traumatized in so many ways, the idea of anything happening to his baby would have him in full gremlin mode. imagine a feral cat hissing and spitting and clawing and biting (not for food but for violence)!
on the other hand, he'd be obsessively bonded to his baby daddy (daddies, if there's multiple babies). he is not letting them out of his sight (i default to lestat here LMAO listen i want them to knock each other up so bad--separate universes obviously)
HE WOULD NEST SO FUCKING HARD!!! i was going to say i apologize for my brain but then i realized that i don't actually but i want him to nest on a pile of lestat's clothes and give birth right there like a fucking cat 🥹
ALTERNATIVELY THOUGH: i also had this idea that's like louis impregnates lestat and armand at the same time and they get to go through their pregnancies together and it's every bit as horny, hellish, and sweet as you'd imagine 🫶🏻 i've said it before and i'll say it again--lestat would be the WORST pregnant person ever dead or alive!!
now for human AUs:
i guess my thoughts here primarily but not exclusively exist within the same universe as I Feel You (sorry idk if you read that fic but tl;dr- IT'S PWP OF TRANS!ARMAND 2/3RDS OF THE WAY INTO GETTING A TRAIN RUN ON HIM BY HIS BOYFRIENDS LESTAT, LOUIS, AND DANIEL AND HE'S YOUNG DUMB AND FULL OF CUM SO YOU KNOW IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE HE'S GOTTA PEE ON A STICK RIP BOYS)
i think each of his boyfriends would handle the whole thing differently! lestat would be so over the moon because he's careless (clearly) but also so damaged from his own childhood he would just see it as a chance for a do-over, reality and responsibility be damned. lestat's on sex and backrub duty, and he's good at it (the backrubs i mean, sex is a 50/50 but you know what, at least he's enthusiastic and good at manhandling armand so that's 70% of it right now and the 30% is absolutely ridiculous horny pregnancy hormones)
louis panics internally as he immediately starts creating a spreadsheet of their finances. outwardly though, he's very calm and supportive and he's the one who's most able to comfort armand the most and settle him down during his crazy mood swings. armand basically lives in louis's baggy sweaters during the last trimester
daniel panics outwardly (listen LOL the whole premise of Our House is that human!daniel molloy is not ready for children and i find it hard to budge from that mindset, but he could ease into the Cool Uncle role quite nicely). he handles distractions and food cravings, and he might not be down to be a dad yet but he does buy very thoughtful and sentimental baby gifts every now and then that make armand tear up
i was gonna add mermaid AU thoughts but then i remembered armand's laying eggs instead (he's feral during that whole process too so i guess it's similar to the vampire version. i just love him so much okay!!!)
pregnant!armand fics on ao3 I'M CRAZY ABOUT AND HAVE REREAD AT LEAST 10 TIMES:
shelter by @rainbowcarousels
it must be the clouds in my eyes and everything in that series by @its-ness-ness
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keeperofquestions · 2 months
Blog Rules (Mobile-Friendly Version)
Hello, my name is Skye (she/her, age 30+) and I’m the mun here. I’ve been RPing for nearly 20 years across fandoms and formats. If you want clarification on any of these rules, please feel free to send me an ask or IM. Rules are subject to change and will always be announced.
Last Revision: 07/10/2024
The Obvious. Respect one another and our characters. I expect we will write with each other and not for each other, not presume anything about each other’s characters, and generally be here for the love of storytelling.
This blog is non-exclusive. I do not require my writing partners to be mutuals with me for interaction, however I do reserve the right to choose who to write/RP with. I often do not follow personal blogs. By that extension, I don’t have exclusives or “mains” when it comes to interacting with canon characters. If you follow back from a blog that isn’t your RP one, please let me know who you are. Mutuals-only blogs: If I follow you (and you’re active) and after a week or so I don’t hear back, I am operating on the presumption that you’re not interested in interacting and I will unfollow. Unless specified or requested, I won’t be blocking anyone, though. If you just don’t get around to it and you follow me later on even after this, I’ll very likely check you out again. There is a non-zero chance I will forget something and refollow someone who I unfollowed through this process at some point. If this happens and you find it annoying, please feel free to block me.
Communication is a must. I’m almost certainly going to be jumping into your IMs on first contact unless you have rules about not using it. Either way, I highly request that we chat a little out of character before the first thread is written so we can hash out dynamics ideas and headcanons to avoid conflicts or confusion. I may not always answer new asks/starters right away if we haven’t done this yet. My IMs are always open. Always. If there’s a question or concern you have about anything, feel free to bring it up- within reason. Criticism is fine, harassment is not. I reserve my discord contact for consistent writing partners if we’ve been writing for a bit feel free to ask.
Mutuals are always permitted the following, including but not limited to: Send whatever nonsense you want through asks and submissions. Steal my memes. Reference my muse and our threads outside of them. Tag me in whatever memes or posts you wish. Send in random starters.
This blog is multiverse. There is no singular canon to this blog. Interactions with one character will not change interactions with another character unless all parties involved want a shared story. Multiple versions and do-overs are always perfectly fine. I do RP with duplicates of canon characters, but for the sake of keeping my verses and plotlines straight, if we’re planning a thread and I already RP with another version of a canon character, your version must have a different dynamic with my character than the first one does. I will inform on this ahead of time when plotting.
No crossovers with other franchises/original settings and lore. I just find them messy to deal with. Phel is meant to exist inside the world and setting of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss entirely. I do accept random asks and commentary from just about anyone, though. If you have a Hellaverse version of another character, I will make an exception to this rule.
I prefer to plot things out. This goes for both story ideas and character dynamics. By default I presume Duedephelon isn’t connected to anyone nor do I expect him or his artifact to be recognized. However, I’m always open to both of these things and any ideas my writing partners may have about what any unanswered parts of Phel’s story may be.
You do not have to match my post length. I tend to be wordy in my replies, but this does not mean you have to do the same. If your style is an icon and a few lines, that’s perfectly fine. I enjoy quick one-liner interactions as well as the larger posts. Not everything has to be a grand story after all.
I have a post queue. Currently this means that plotted threads will be in a daily post delay with one post coming out a day. I may change this if the queue is backed up by over two weeks. However, roughly a week or so is the time expected for replies. However, don’t expect a hard timeline or ETA. You are always free to ask me where a post is in terms of drafted vs queued if it’s been a while. I will usually write the post, then talk to you about what’s in the queue in case we want to plan out any other details ahead of time. I do not limit how many threads I can have with any one person.
I don’t do NSFW RP. I mostly mean this in terms of smut RP. The source material can be fairly raunchy, yes, but I don’t prefer to write it. I also don’t write/reference anything extreme in terms of gore or taboo sexual content (I won’t list specifics here but if it would get someone arrested in the real world, it’s safe to assume it won’t be here.)
I don’t do fights or shipping scenes at the start. I don’t mind writing either of these but it shouldn’t be the first interaction our characters have. This is entirely a matter of my personal preference. I may occasionally make exceptions if it’s very well planned out.
I’m flexible with canon. Everyone has headcanons and parts of a series lore they don’t know or like. I don’t expect perfect lore knowledge or strict adherence to Hellaverse official lore out of my RP partners. However, unless someone’s headcanons or blog details specifies otherwise, I’m going to be operating on all available defaults for the shows as presented. If I assume something incorrect about your character, please feel free to correct me! I will always go through canon character profiles with the same bespoke care I would give to OCs. Everyone’s portrayal of a character is different, or even wholly canon-divergent, and I have no trouble RPing with canon duplicates as a result. 
Please discuss any triggers or boundaries with me ahead of time. I don’t have any particulars that need to be brought up immediately, but I do assume that anything that goes on in the shows that inspired this character is an expected default in terms of subject matter and tone addressed. If there’s any subject matter you don’t want brought up, just say so. I want this to be a fun and safe time for everyone. Followers are always free to ask something be tagged for any reason. I tag my triggers as “tw ”
I have a day job schedule. I likely will not be able to be contacted, let alone post on most weekdays before the evening. Furthermore I have other obligations so there may be days I will be inactive. I ask you please be patient with me if I’m not there for a while. My time zone is EST (GMT -5).
I always plan fight scenes out ahead of time with RP partners. Phel is capable but not an expert fighter and isn’t intended to get into a lot of heavy action scenes, but in the chance they do I always want to plan out the outcome ahead of time in a way that will tell an interesting story rather than simply to showcase one character’s power over the other.
A note on shipping. Phel’s age is vague but his “actual” age will be close to that of a shipping partner if one starts. I don’t personally like large age gaps in ships and this sort of Schrodinger’s DoB was my solution to that. I presume he’s 18 or 19 (in Hell years) at a minimum but can be older. ICly, Phel is extremely hard to actually woo and anyone genuinely interested in him would have to be the one to approach him, but there’s no guarantee he will reciprocate.  OOCly, I don’t often plan ships and prefer muse chemistry develop over the course of a story. Though, I am also okay with one-sided ships and if your character winds up feeling a certain way toward mine (positive or negative) go for it.
The Do Not Interact List
Here is the list of blogs I will not interact with:
Minors: This is a character set in a very mature franchise intended for adults and some kinds of mature content are inevitable.
Personal Blogs: Questions are okay but I want to focus on writing/roleplaying with Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel characters and other OCs.
Blogs that contain hateful content/ideals: Specifically if it’s the mun who expresses intolerant/hateful views. Characters can be huge assholes so long as it’s acknowledged. This blog is to be an inclusive and accepting space and a refusal to also do so is a no go from me. Tolerance requires rejecting intolerance.
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I don't understand the nuances of Japanese culture so I don't know what it truly means that every other character calls Ichiban by his given name, but I do know it's unusual and I love it. There are like three characters across all the Kiryu games who have called him Kazuma, but it's like people hear the name Ichiban and decide that's too good not to use. Nanba stands out to me the most, being the only male character who uses it and isn't from the Arakawa family. It's not a homeless camp thing since he himself goes by his family name to everyone, but for some reason he decided being overly familiar with this specific guy was the way to go.
i cant confidently say im versed in Name Culture either, but it surely is A Thing now innit.
i actually can't really recall many people calling ichiban 'ichiban' or variations of it outside of saeko, nanba, and the arakawas. when it comes to nanba calling him 'ichiban', it might just be an intrinsic thing since ichiban introduced himself as ichiban first, following with his full name afterwards (every other character he leads with 'kasuga' as he does with nick, while others just tend to know who he is and probably default to 'kasuga' for formality sake. which, with that in mind, it's pretty eccentric that ichiban chose to lead with his first name only with nanba for some reason)
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threadsun · 1 year
-JDA here-
I read you said something like your main Oc has some stuff in common with Doe or something like that I- Can I please, please, PLEASE ON MY KNEES RN, can I please see them? Or can you write some info about them??? LIKE IM SO CURIOUS NOW !!
-also the abbreviation (jda) was cool, thanks uwu-"
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Yesssssssssss I get to talk about my fucked up lil freak!!!
Okay okay okay so I'm absolutely shit at drawing and I don't think I currently have any of the art my partner's drawn of him but I can try to give you some facts about him!
ngl I tried to write out their whole backstory and everything but it got too long and hard to follow ^^' especially since it changes somewhat based on AUs
So I'll try to give you some facts and people can ask more questions if they wanna know more about him >:3c
Generally known as Zander Cohen (or Z for short)
Known as Kitty Cohen for work
Sometimes known by various other names, especially for his... less than legal activities
Hebrew name is Ezra ben Yael
Most people default to "he" if they know him as Zander and "she" if they know her as Kitty
But they go by he/she/it/they/whatever
As long as you're not thinking too hard about which one you use, he's happy. Just use whatever pronoun comes to mind first at any moment, even if it's the same one every time
Yeah, sure! She'll have one of each, thanks!
She considers herself transfem and transmasc because she was raised as both a man and a woman
Generally their gender is just... intersex/queer/creature
Or like... whatever's funniest or most convenient in the moment (especially when it comes to flirting, he'll be whatever gender you find hottest~)
He can change his body at will, but naturally he was born with an intersex variation and considers that important to his identity
If you want specifics for horny reasons: he's got tits, pussy, and dick (it's half way between a clit and a dick, really)
He's sterile and has patchy facial hair that he usually shaves
Bisexual and slutty about it
Very t4t and nb4nb, but he'll flirt with/fuck/date anyone really if they catch his fancy
Switch verse and very kinky
Half human, but fully golem
His human mother and golem father did some weird sex magic, which ended with him being stillborn and then brought to life with magic
His golem dad fucked off before he was born, but his dad's dad stuck around. He's also a golem who usually takes the form of a cat, and his name is Grandpa Moon
Zander is made of clay, and his life is given to him by the word "אמת" carved into his skin, like all golem. His happens to be on his lower back, like a trampstamp
He can't be killed in any way other than by deactivating him by erasing some or all of the word
He can, however, feel pain and will take a long time to heal from injuries and murder attempts. His best way of healing is pouring boiling water on whatever's injured and moulding it back into shape while it's soft
His body is a lil fucked up cause he doesn't fully know how human biology works, so his insides are not the right organs in the right order. It causes him chronic pain and various disabilities
Usually he keeps a human form that's curvy, chubby, and strong. He has freckles and curly hair that both reflect his mood. When he's upset, the freckles fade and his hair goes limp and straight. When he's excited, the freckles look like stars and his hair floats. When he's in love, his freckles and curls start to look like hearts, as do his pupils
He can change his form at will, and make himself look however he wants. Usually he just does this to tweak his appearance to make himself more attractive to people because he's very vain. He also uses it for kinky sex stuff, unsurprisingly
He has a golem form that comes out when his base instincts are activated. That form is about 10 feet tall, with sharp claws and jagged teeth with serrated edges. His eyes are covered in a black film that makes him only able to see vague shapes. His senses of smell and hearing become sharp enough to sense the blood in someone's veins
His golem form also has various shapes carved into it, almost like tattoos, that glow orangey-red like hot coals
He doesn't remember the things he does in golem form once he gets back into human form, if his golem form was triggered by his protective instincts
Being a golem, if he loves someone then he's magically bound to protect them with his life. If he thinks they're in danger, his golem form comes out and he can't stop it
Uhhhh can't off the top of my head think of more important facts about him being a golem but I'm sure there's more
He's a sex worker, but the specifics depend on AU. Anything from full service to burlesque/stripping to online sex work
They were raised partially in a circus. They learned lots of skills there, including picking pockets, picking locks, using a bullwhip, sword swallowing, and various other sleight of hand/illusion sort of stuff
Charisma and charm are his weapons of choice, and he'll flirt his way into and out of trouble
She's autistic!! And also severely mentally unwell but like that's a separate thing
It's... borderline illiterate. It dropped out of school really young, and never bothered to learn to read past the basics
He's got a big ol' gap between his top two front teeth
They have committed murder before
He's been engaged twice and married once, he's married to @threadmoon's OC Nik (they/them)
He and Nik are polyamorous. Usually they'll only date people together (except women, Nik isn't attracted to women so that's all Z >:3c), but Z sleeps around plenty on his own too
She's got a minimum of 12 serious exes (there's 12 that have full stories) some of whom she's still friends with and some of whom she'd kill if she had the chance (and one she did kill...)
It likes to eat raw meat, it's not picky about what animal the meat comes from, humans included :)
He's usually just kind of silly and flirty and doesn't take much seriously, but when he gets angry he goes feral. His teeth and nails are his weapons of choice
He can get very obsessive over his partners~ Once you've got his love, it's very hard to lose, and he'll do anything for you~
They're sooooo normal, I promise, come closer—
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turojo · 2 years
phew okay this blog has reached a point where it's mildly established 🤔 so the verses so far are:
MAIN - SCARLET VERSE . Professor Turo returns to Paldea after the events of the time machine give or take a few months. He's been between regions, organizations and what not for the last ten years since he left the Area Zero project and has come back primarily out of curiosity once he's heard tips and hints about happenings. Primary focus is piecing together his life he left behind, the consequences and what's happened.
Note my focus will be in this verse and interactions default here unless plotted or specified otherwise.
V. PAST - Any interaction that falls into his time in Area Zero labs or the time afterwards before his return to Paldea. This is mostly a verse to explore what he's been doing meanwhile like all his time in extremist groups and committing crimes against humanity. Any interaction in here should be or is plotted.
V. PARADOX - This is a verse in which through uuh some dues ex machina he's in the VIOLET reverse; aka he died earlier in plot and now he's back again sometime after. More focus is on his interactions with characters who knew he died and dealing with it.
Note I'm using this verse sparingly and w/ careful plotting considered. I want to explore his main verse more then anything.
And again if any MCs or otherwise are worried about him being SCARLET oriented meaning they wont have their violet paradox-mons you dont have to worry about that! I already have a headcanon that both past and future mons exist because Im sure they had to tinker a lot with the time machine to get the right dates lol.
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heylinhenchman · 2 years
Selective Low Activity Jack Spicer RP + Ask Blog
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First and Forepost-- Rules and Introduction.
Rule 1. Asks are welcome! If I don’t like it, I won’t answer it! Personal blogs can sends asks, and even interact in a limited manner with Jack if they would like, but I won’t making any threads with non-character entities. Rule 2. Jack is canon divergent, which means part of the Xiaolin Showdown and Chronicles series have been reimagined or re-contextualized. Respect that Jack is not ‘cowardly, (physically) weak or ineffectual’. Jack is a wildcard, easily swayed by whims and increasingly disturbed by unfolding events in his life (and like, is a teenager, for a large part of XS). Just approach him like any other character, unless you are from his series, then we can chat character dynamics. Rule 3. I love shipping. But from every dynamic (platonic; romantic; mentorship--). Jack isn’t used to people liking him further than they can use him. He’s quick to excite but slow to embrace the responsibilities of commitment of any kind (scared of rejection from friends and significant others; scared of failure from mentors and friends; etc). Rule 4. I’m an adult, and sure Jack is an adult in all post-canon content... But there’s little interest for explicit threads. Asks, art, interactions can be steamy, but fade to black will be the default for amorous threads. Rule 5. Though on the note of threads at all... this blog is taking it easy. I would appreciate many asks and I will do my best to send plenty myself. But my main intention with this blog is reaching back out to friends blogs and generally having Fun with Jack. Fun including but not limited to: Oh Ships?; Henchperson Dynamics (him serving or leading); Jack Making Friends Trials n Tribulations; Exploring Jacks vast inventory of inventions & canon divergent settings. Maybe talk about AUs. Infodumping, the good stuff. Rule 6. I have ADHD and Autism, if you want to plot instead of sending a meme (you can send any meme, whenever you want, no introduction!), you need to come into my IMs with some substance, or you will not catch nor retain my attention. We are not business partners this is not a transaction, please come into my IMs with the brunt of your personality (whether you are chipper or blunt, just be yourself). No 'hi, hello, want to rp?'. I need: INTENTION ('I like this character / this show / how you write / I saw you rp with a friend and was interested / CAN I GETA GOTH GF?') Then hopefully you can follow it up with some CONTEXT INVESTMENT (can you tell me a lil about how your character and Jack would be able to connect? do you need information from me? are you interested in shipping, adventures, casual encounters, specific genres, just wanna send memes and go with the flow?). And of course, we both need to understand the potential of me not being interested (I prioritize fandoms I recognize (not necessarily invested in) and significantly fleshed out OCs). I know it's formulaic and you don't gotta send me a paragraph off the bat. Jump in to talk bout your rp style or how you feel bout this rule first, whatever works. 
Rule x. Uh Oh Ah I’ll Follow from Heylinfanclub if we gucci to RP.
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Murmur; They/He; 20+ y/o Pisces; 15 years o’ roleplay experience; Neurodivergent Nightmare.  Original blog: @jxckspxcer​  & the main blog @heylinfanclub​ Reason for Current Blog: Too tired to switch between blogs; too busy to commit as much time to Jack as I used to. BUT I MISS HIM. SO I’M HERE.
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Jack Spicer; He/Him; 15-18 (XS) & 21-22 (Post Canon) Aries; Evil Genius. Main Verse: Post-XS (19) FC: Dylan Wang / Wang He Di Current Reason for Villainy: Spite
Jack Spicer - file. heylin genius Good Jack - file. sweet smarts Shadow Young - file. slim shady Chase Young - file. cold blooded Monks - file. Xiaolin Losers Tech - Projects. Aesthetics - Aes. Headcanons - hc.
XS verse  - v. prodigious villainy Post XS verse (main) - v. addicted to the wicked ( ^ includes immediately after XS up to XC-ish older years) Emperor Verse (post-TAT Dark Verse) - v. in the valley of the shadow of death Xiaolin Jack - v. ivory and steel Opts Out AU - v. capitalism is its own reward I WILL DEFAULT TO MAIN VERSE UNLESS SPECIFIED | REQUESTED. (main verse adjacent) Timeline / Universe Hopping .
This is my All-In-One Information Page. Cause this blog is supposed to be easy on me.
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vvaywardhunter · 1 year
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✶ main ✶ bio ✶ face ✶ muse ✶ wishlist ✶
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
All details vary based on verse, and I'm happy to pull Dean from most points in the Supernatural timeline or to put him in modern AUs/mash-ups with other fandoms. Unless it's a fix-it verse, I do not acknowledge his death in the series finale. I'm not familiar with Winchesters, so anything set there will need to be plotted out ahead of time.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Dean with other Supernatural characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they’re on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they’re on my list.
OTPs: Castiel, Benny Lafitte, Katherine Pierce, Bucky Barnes NOTPs: Anyone in the family list (it should go without saying, but you'd be surprised) Family: Sam Winchester, Jack Kline, Charlie Bradbury, Claire Novak, Bobby Singer Other: Any Supernatural muses or crossovers from other horror/paranormal fandoms (e.g., The Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead, Welcome to Night Vale, Good Omens, True Blood, Constantine).
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default verses:
canon (+/-): Any point in the Supernatural timeline or after. May or may not include Castiel's escape from the Empty, ignore Dean's death in the series finale, or create a fix-it for those events.
horror!verse: Any verses that crossover with other supernatural/horror fandoms.
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
dark!horrorverse: After Dean accepts the Mark of Cain and dies, he's resurrected as a Knight of Hell, an extremely powerful demon. He cannot be exorcised, given that he's still in his original body, but the demon can be cured and the Mark taken on by someone else. (demon!dean)
king!verse: A mash-up AU of the Stephen King and Joe Hill universes, where all media takes place in the same world.
super!mcu: A mash-up AU of the Supernatural and Marvel Cinematic universes, where the Winchesters manage to stop the first apocalypse shortly before Thanos snaps away half the universe.
twd!verse: Set in The Walking Dead universe after the Winchesters managed to stop the first apocalypse, only to be hit with a zombie breakout (Note: I do use Soldier Boy gifs for this verse, so if you need to blacklist, the tag is twd!verse)
welcome foolish mortals: A Disney's Haunted Mansion AU where Dean investigates Gracey Manor and becomes trapped there as a spirit, trying to warn others before it's too late. (ghost!dean)
what's your favorite scary movie?: A Scream AU where Sam and Dean are born in Woodsboro and may or may not grow up to be the Ghostface duo. (ghostface!dean / bio).
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rhodestoruin · 1 year
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≛ main ≛ bio ≛ face ≛ muse ≛ starters ≛ wishlist ≛
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
Rhodey is a mix of Earth-616, MCU, and headcanons, all of them meshed them together for Earth-3490. All details vary based on verse, and I'm happy to write him into AUs and fandom crossovers. His characterization is heavily inspired by The Components of Construction. All post-CW threads in an MCU timeline are written with the faceclaim Gabrielle Union. I do not acknowledge any of the D+ shows in my verses.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I'm happy to ship Rhodey with other Marvel characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they're on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they're on my list.
OTPs: Carol Danvers, Clint Barton, Tony/Natasha Stark Possible Ships: most Avengers NOTPs: n/a Family: Safe to say he'd love to be the Cool Uncle to all of Tony's various canon and AU children, but given the age difference, this is probably not the Rhodey they grew up with. Other: TONY TONY TONY. Whether it's bros, romance, or platonic soulmates, I'd love all the Tony connections.
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default verses:
616: A mix of comics and headcanons where Rhodey and Clint Barton were dating pre-Civil War and chose opposite sides, ending the relationship. As this is not an MCU verse and Vision was not involved, Rhodey wasn't seriously injured.
3490: A blip universe in the comics where Steve Rogers and Natasha Stark are married, and the Avengers' Civil War never happens. I'm most comfortable writing this version of him, so feel free to have your muse playing tourist in his dimension or vice versa, especially if the age is off.
multiverse!madness: Various comics universes collide, whether Marvel/DC/etc. have always existed on the same Earth, or other-dimension shenanigans are at work. Duplicate friendly!
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
alt!3490: A blip universe in the comics where Stephanie Rogers and Natasha Stark are married, and the Avengers' Civil War never happens. (fem!rhodey / fc: vanessa morgan)
alt!postblip: An MCU timeline where Steve Rogers stays in the present timeline, Tony Stark doesn't die, and the snap brings back Natasha Romanoff. Jane Rhodes was paralyzed from the waist down in the Avengers' Civil War and uses Stark tech leg braces to walk. She identifies as homosexual and only ships with female muses. (fem!rhodey / fc: Gabrielle Union)
college!verse: A modern/realistic AU where Rhodey is an engineering and ROTC student at MIT.
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sheopens · 1 year
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TEACH ME NOT TO FADE -------- i am terrified of touching people who will forget my name in the morning sun, teach me to believe that i am made of such strong identity that i cannot be undone, that something in me is permanent, that i cannot be forgotten. TEACH ME THAT I MEAN SOMETHING.
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🗝️ #SHEOPENS ---- a private low activity ( lower than a rat's tummy low ) writing blog for LADY DOOR from n. gaiman's novel neverwhere by evie, 30+, eastern. blog & canon heavily affiliated with @graveycrd's nobody owens.
rules are below the cut!
001.  this blog is very low activity. she's a muse that comes and goes as she likes, so i just go along with her. this of course means that following / following back will always be at my discretion, and might take a little bit of time for me to do. just bear with me when it comes to speed 💜 as it states above, i'm 30+, which means i won't be interacting with writers under the age of 21.
002. all the general rpc stuff applies on here -- icons and edits are mine, gifs used are not but are credited. please don't steal either / any. don't godmod, don't be rude, don't be gross. drama is a hard pass for me. i really don't want to see it, and i definitely don't want to be a part of it. i don't mind using the block button or unfollowing if i need to. i use icons or rp - sized gifs in my replies; small text and the occasional splash of color if i remember to use that formatter .... on your end, i don't mind how you format or if you use icons or not, and more often than not i'll default to matching your style for the sake of continuity ( and it just makes my brain happy, y'know? ) all i ask is please cut your posts.
003. door's main verse is set within what i like to call the GLU, aka the gai.man literary universe. which means i basically see all his works living together in the same universe -- so sandman, good omens, american gods, all of those are sandboxes to play within. there's also a heavy urban fantasy element to neverwhere, so there will be dark themes present & mentions will be tagged as 'trigger here tw' or 'trigger here cw'. anything suggestive or sex.ual in nature will be tagged as nsft. if there is something else you would like to be tagged, please let me know!
004. plotting is highly encouraged! im's are always open for a chat. memes are also a fantastic way to start interactions! i'm also happy to, and i love the challenge of, coming up with au's and crossovers for door. she comes from a small fandom to begin with, so i'm happy to toss her into the world of your muse too. so please come to me with any/all ideas for crossovers and the like. love love love them.
005. graphics / icons are my own using PSD lavender by jikooklover on deviantart. gifs for replies are taken from the following packs tagged on my sideblog under 'resources'. 
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giantsreach · 1 year
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❛  𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 — i am so much more than i was. this is what i was meant to be. ❜
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𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊𝐄. he had a stare like a templar, drive like a warden, and more skill than sense. and i’ll not say a bad word more than that, because i'm still here and ruddy kings aren't. — and that's because of men like him trying.
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⌈ about … full dossier … rules below ⌋
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o1. this is an indie, selective, and 18+ carver hawke ( dragon age 2 ) roleplay blog. interactions will be solely for people i am in mutual follows with. i will not be following non-rp blogs or blogs without some form of rules, nor will i interact with gender bends/cis swaps or duplicate muses. i'm unfortunately very opinionated about carver and i'd hate to nitpick another person's interpretation.
o2. before he is hawke’s brother, carver is his own character. i usually follow the decisions i choose for carver. within my main verse, carver is a warden on the friendship route; his templar verse is to be used at my discretion.* 
( *templar muses may assume carver’s templar verse as the default for ease of interaction. ) 
o3. please do not use super small text with me. my eyes are bad with a real gnarly astigmatism. on that note, i know it's extremely popular right now, but i'm not interested in writing with those double- or triple- spacing their posts. i struggle to read it and won't force myself through trying.
o4. if you ask for a starter and i write one for you, please like the post so that i know you’ve seen it. if you don’t, i’ll probably send it to you via im, you’ll say you saw it, i’ll mention my rules and just generally have a lowered opinion of you. same goes for ask memes.
i don’t really care about reblog karma. send memes only if you want replies. i’d rather not waste my time because the common convention is that it’s polite to leave something in someone’s ask box before you reblog. 
o5.  tag your nsfw, ooc, and vagueblogging. don’t follow otherwise. 
i’m a qmoc who’s been in darp for years and i know how this fandom gets about its white male faves and white elves and white mages. uwu i’m tired of white roleplayers co-opting radical language to post uninformed cold takes for a fandom which revolves around some eurocentric fantasyland written largely by and for white audiences. 
tl;dr if you’ve got #magerights in your about but hate vivienne, don’t follow me.
o6.  i am non-exclusive and tentatively multi-ship, but i will likely only with one of any character and prefer mutual ship exclusivity.
more information on ships/shipping here!
o7. if you have triggers that should be tagged, please let me know. the tagging system on this blog boils down to subject tw / cw. i tag the essentials such as nsfw, gore, death, etc. as they occur, if they do at all. 
o8. thank you for making it through my rules! i’m thomas ( he/him/his ) and i’m really not that much of a stickler, i promise. i’m twenty-seven, engaged, and operating as a legal assistant by day, no-skill gamer by night. i pull some wacky hours, so expect low activity.
 ⋙      𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬.
on warden carver vs templar carver.
on malcolm’s absence in carver’s life.
on carver and his views on mortality.
on carver’s mundane aspects.
on carver’s attitude towards the templars, especially in act i.
on carver’s dislike of anders. 
on carver’s attempts at befriending fenris.
on the potential carver and merrill had.
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sundaeserenade · 1 year
hi minnie!/!:'d
i have a fanfic question. well, it's more of a red-specific question. what makes you write red selectively mute or mute? i've always been curious what facilitates that change... does it have to do with the tone of a piece or does it fit an intended goal?
oh!! 🧍‍♀️heleowo (sorry im kinda tipsy LMFAO)
i can absolutely explain this completely though.
I mostly write red completely mute because that's just what I prefer. In some of my older fics (debut/encore) i wrote him selectively mute because I couldn't decide what I wanted. And I wanted Red to vocally speak in those.
Anything pokemon masters, he's selectively mute to reflect the canon of that game. Unless it's the first pokemas fic i wrote, because, again, I didn't know what I wanted.
Now that i've got things down to a science LMFAO I can confidently tell you that it's down to preference. I like to write characters as close to their canon portrayals as possible (for characterization) so most of the time, Red's mute. I also like him to use sign language, which he can also do while selectively mute, of course. But 🤷‍♀️
What facilitates the change...yeah, I guess it is feeling. I default to Red being mute. If the concept dictates that he needs to speak something specific or it flows better or it feels better, I'll make him selectively mute. I usually do this when Red needs to say something specific because his words carry weight when he's selectively mute (not saying that sign language doesn't, just that when he chooses to speak vocally, it's to say important that can't be communicated through body language/expression)
basically -- i feel like i'm not answering your question, sorry -- basically, it's tone/verse. If I get a feeling during the conceptual stage of a fic that Red needs to be selectively mute, I'll follow that instinct. If I don't get that feeling, he's mute. So yeah, I guess it is both the tone/verse/goal of it. 🤔
but the cool thing is that people can write/interpret red however they wish! i just want him to shut up because I like that about his canon character. I like that he's mute A LOT. it's one of the things that got me into this pairing in the first place. It's fun to write mute characters because it helps with body language descriptions? and expressions. And it helps with dialogue. How do people communicate with his person VERSUS how they communicate with other people? that type of thing. Plus, I sometimes feel like my dialogue gets very "samey" sometimes or repetitive, so relying on behavior is a bit easier sometimes.
sorry for writing an essay in response to your cool question, thank you!!!
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automatismoateo · 26 days
It finally happened via /r/atheism
It finally happened So after years of silence and enjoying my peace, the day finally came. A proselytizing christian comes to my door, with presumably his son (I sure hope so). I first noticed before opening the door through the peephole and had some time on my hands and decided to see if I could have some fun (not answering would be my default). Here’s how it went (not exactly verbatim): Christian: “Hello sir, we were wondering if you have some time to discuss what a loving family means to you.” Me: “Uh, sure.” Christian: “What do you think creates the best family.” shows pamphlet “Money, love, or greed” Me: “Wow, haha, interesting.“ (sarcastically) “Im going to go out on a limb and say love.” Christian: “That’s right!” turns page Me: sees a page on God “Haha, look, I can appreciate love in a family, but I should let you know you don’t need God for that. I’m not religious, so if you want to have this conversation l, I have all the time in the world, but I’m not going to buy anything you’re selling. Outside of the epipistles of Paul there is no historicy to the Bible”. Christian: pauses “SO ACTUALLY have you heard about the ruins in Egypt??” Me: “No.” Christian: splurting non sense about how there are some artifacts from the Bible somewhere Me: “I wasn’t aware of that. Look, again, if you really want to do this, let’s take a step back. I’m sure you’ve heard of other religions. How do you know your God is the right one? There are plenty of figures of God. Not to mention I find the Old Testament abhorrent. Slavery, mass killing of children, all in the name of God. I’m sure you’re a New Testament only Christian through.” Me: looking towards the kid “There are so many contradictions in the Bible it’s not even funny.” Christian: “So this is commonly confused. What you’re talking about when slavery…” Me: *thinking they are going to classically say I am misinterpreting a verse” Christian: “… is mentioned the Bible, they had a time limit imposed by God. They would only be slaves for 10, 30 years”. Me: “Wow, is that so?” Christian: “Right. Well look, I would love to continue this conversation, I really really would, but we got to get going.” Me: “I understand.” We shake hands. And they leave. A somewhat predictable outcome l, but I really wish I would’ve forced them to answer my questions. I was so excited to have a conversation face to face I forgot the burden was on them! Next time, just going to say, “Show me a shred of evidence for God”. Then again though, they would just make up some non sense. I am glad I wasn’t more aggressive in front of the kid, however. I think it was good to shake hands to at least try and make sure non-religious folks aren’t painted as assholes. Fruitless conversation, but I thought it was worth sharing. Never surprises me to see how religion can corrupt people into trying to justify slavery. Submitted August 27, 2024 at 09:32PM by brakedontbreak (From Reddit https://ift.tt/nzRF8vS)
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