#im literally telling everyone the news because this made me immediately go insane
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Nothing I'm just gonna be yelling about how that is the same person in both of these images
I've been yelling and screaming for 20 minutes and my cat is Concerned
I need to calm down
Oh my god
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puppycatpawprint · 2 years
Tell me about the 100 Gecs lore please I want to know!!!!!!! :)
im shocked anyone found that post thank you for asking LOL here u go, mostly copy pasted from my discord server but also edited a bit since i listened to literally every gec song ever for some reason: -
this lore starts off with the album named after the band, 100 gecs, which followed the journey of two stoners and a talking dog. the first song in my made-up little lore series, dog food, is about a wizard of some sort who communicates and lives through a dog they found and take care of. the song sounds like it talks about how a deceased someone is currently buried, and how they seem to talk to laura and dylan through the dog. laura and dylan start getting ~magic texts~ that they let go of as kinda spammy since there are 80 unread messages. what those messages are about are unknown, but eventually the dog goes missing, which leads into fuck teeth, being seemingly about laura starting to be able to transform into a dog and starting to notice everyone close to her all leaving her behind and then dylans just coming across her mid transformation and doing drugs with her (thats a lot of this lore weirdly enough). they get so fucked up and high he tries to feed her his own leg, but she breaks the transformation somehow and they dont really question it. they both revel in their powers and continue doing drugs. in the final song, laura sings about now how she has everything she could ever want in the world (twenty-five bands and a single gecko...?) but is a bit lost about how they came to be magical, trying to talk to dylan on the phone, not really realizing she's not using it cause it died- but actually using telekinesis. this is all also while on fucking drugs cause it isnt 100 gecs without good ass weed.
it continues with 1000 and 10000 gecs- 1000 gecs, is about laura and dylan BEFORE they became magical. 745 sticky is just about wanting to be rich and famous, and how theyre essentially there but dont feel adequate enough- spending all their money and waking up early all the time just to perform and make music to no end, slowly not enjoying it but still going as its keeping them alive. money machine is about a rival they encountered, a big guy with a big truck. unfortunately, money machine is not actually linked to lore, but i like to speculate that the rival put a curse on them to make them always unhappy about being famous in the first place. which leads into 800db cloud, where laura and dylan literally sing about how they miss either being with a lover, and miss smoking weed and having fun because theyre always leaving town and having to defend themselves from strange amalgamations that come after them when they smoke or start to feel happy. I Need Help Immediately is a transmission from something they called the tree of clues they overheard one night, but they ignored to go horse racing and try to make more money. stupid horse is about how they lost a LOT of money due to that Truck Guys Curse, and they stole a horse who essentially leads them to the tree of clues. it sends laura and dylan home with Magic Weed after ??? something happens, and a magic fly drives dylan fucking insane & he kills it and thats where all the newer music starts coming in where theyre flying around and shit. i wud nvrstop u, gecgecgec, and gec 2 u are all unfortunately just normal songs with no relation to the lore. no new album yet, but TWO songs are currently up to date with that lore: mememe and Doritos & Fritos. mememe is about dylan and laura talking shit to their exes, while demonstrating their newfound abilities of flying and reality manipulation, letting go of the past lives as just normal famous people. Doritos & Fritos explore a town thats being somewhat devastates and confused by laura and dylan, who are now just flying around the world being stoners
jesus christ this was less organized b4 i actually heavily edited this. LOL the end is all i kept intact, i hope you enjoy this silly dump abt nonsense i thought up
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burntblueberrywaffles · 9 months
My 2023 recap (but it's through all my favorites posts I've made this year)
Part 2! (part 1 here)
Aug 14th
Me @ the prequels haters:
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Aug 14th
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Aug 18th
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He did it for me specifically and I thank him every day ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 20th
Me progressively spiraling in my latest sw posts:
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Aug 26th
Discovering you’re ace is wild cause like, you guys were serious when you said you wanted to fuck that character/celebrity?
We weren’t just exaggerating and being silly?? UH???
Aug 27th
Watching the end of ROTS: a moodboard
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Aug 30th
Having a R2d2 and C3po cameo might be the laziest form of Star Wars fan service but you know what that shit work my dumbass goes “OMG it’s R2 and threepio 🥺🥺🥺” everytime
Aug 31st
Tumblr staff be like: somehow they’re still using desktop, lets add an evil clown
Aug 31st
“I want the main character to end up with this person, even though I hate one of them who sucks and doesn’t deserve to end up with such a good-”
My brother in Christ call me crazy but I don’t think you actually love this ship. Read an x reader or x OC fanfic at this point jfc.
Sept 4th
Me sending a feedback report to complain every time tumblr makes another idiotic change:
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Sept 10th
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I’m always so scared to assemble it
Sept 15th
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I love doing research, I am not tearing my hair out (lying)
Sept 21st
Im so good at forgetting my blorbo is a child murderer you wouldn’t even believe
Sept 29th
Lowest luminosity setting is not low enough why is my iPhone a fucking beacon of light burning my retina with the force of a thousand suns
Sept 30th
Me every few months:
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Oct 4th
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Oct 18th
Me reading fanfic titles on ao3 after first becoming a Taylor Swift fan:
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Oct 28th
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My boy was so sleep deprived this would have fixed him.
Oct 29th
Can’t believe you hate on my ship just because it’s toxic, unhealthy and has disastrous consequences for everyone around them. Grow up. 🙄
Nov 11th
I have beef with TCW Anakin
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Nov 14th
When people go “ew why would you be into this ship when it’s toxic and problematic” and I’m just
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Sometimes you don’t need another reason than "it makes my brain go brrrrr” it’s fiction babes it doesn’t have to be good or healthy ❤️
Nov 15th
I thought “oh it would be fun to randomly send a kitten picture to this one mutual” and then I went insane 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ sorry about that besties
(this isnt a good post but since i'm making this as a 2023 recap I want to commemorate that time I sent kitties to all the beloved mutuals LOL)
Nov 18th
I love these “what do you most associate with [insert US state]” polls bc my non-American ass is always:
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Baby I literally have no idea what you’re talking about ❤️
Nov 17th
hate when people are like “why would Padme be into cringefail Anakin it’s so unrealistic”
Like, um, CLEARLY she saw his pathetic weepy eyes and immediately decided she wanted to fuck that. What’s hard to understand.
Nov 20th
I think when you break up with someone their memory of you should be wiped men in black style thank you
Nov 22nd
Philosphy class be like
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Nov 25th
Me when the known mass murderer starts murdering
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#you’re telling me my genocidal babygirl is in fact genocidal???
Nov 26th
The thing about philosophy class is that most of these dudes you have to learn about just suck.
“Ohhhh humans only use each other and every relationship is only built on the potential advantages you can get from it” So your heart has never exploded thinking about how much you love your friends?? Sounds like a you problem.
Nov 28th
Snow being judgmental and having a constant sense of superiority…. brother you can’t even buy a new shirt HUMBLE YOURSELF
Nov 28th
Me starting the Ballad of songbirds and snakes and reading snow’s inner monologue: this guy sucks lmao I will NOT be rooting for him and Lucy Gray to be together 🙅‍♀️
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Me: oh goddamn it
Dec 1st
“I liked this thing before it was cool!“ Boohoo you’re not special. You just stumbled upon it before other people, congratulations.
"I still like this thing after it was cool, now that public opinion has shifted from being overly positive to considering it bad and cringe” now that takes strength. Courage. Who I aspire to be.
Dec 3rd
Snow: is always nice to Sejanus, helps him distribute food to the tributes, offers him a seat, gives him advice, CALLS HIM HIS FRIEND, save his life-
Also Snow: wtf this bitch thinks we’re friends????
#babyboy you are so stupid
Dec 4th
Me when I see my friend sadposting: I will smother you with kisses and love. Do you need me to kill someone btw
Also me, when I’m sad posting and friends send me encouragements: Friend??? 🥺 Friend cares about me??? 🥺🥺 friend wants to cheer me up? 🥺🥺🥺
Dec 7th
Tumblr rn feels like a landlord trying to make its tenant leave by not fixing shit and cutting utilities, but unfortunately for everyone involved, I am a rat
Dec 10th
No but seriously no one should try being tumblr famous, this website is for one thing only, and that’s having a silly time with your friends and mutuals 😤
Dec 12th
If your mutuals don’t say hi in the tags when they reblog one of your popular posts from someone else then what is it all for
Dec 12th
“Ew liking unhealthy ships is so toxic-”
“Actually toxic ship are INTERESTING unlike those boring healthy ships that have no flavour-”
Meanwhile me, who can appreciate and enjoy any ship dynamics:
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Dec 18th
I’m like an old man shouting at clouds except I’m a 20 years old trying to make everyone listen to La Lumière by pomme asdagshdjfk
#I don’t think anyone is buying what I’m selling but I shall keep trying 😔
Dec 20th
Snow when being friendly to Sejanus results in becoming friends with Sejanus
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#bro was really like: you’re telling me the person I’ve been treating well and interacting with regularly thinks I’m his friend??? #and that everyone else also think we’re friends???? #like yeah bby that is how friendship works ❤️
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akakeiiji · 4 years
HI!~ (THIS IS MY FIRST TINE REQUESTING AND IM REALLY EXCITED) Can I request a scenario where their smol s/o (I'm like 155 or 5'1 for reference) gets easily lost? Like they just wonder off on their own cause they think that he's still with them and she tends to leave her phone with him so calling to find her is out of the question??? (Me honestly IM SORRY FRIENDS AND FAMILY) She likes a lot of things so sometimes its hard to find her cause they never know where she is? Ushi, Tsuki and Bokuto-🌼
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-`,✎ Ushijima, Tsukishima and Bokuto losing their short S/O in a crowd
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THIS REQUEST IS JUST TOO ADORABLE AND IT HITS SO CLOSE TO HOME!! We’re the same height nonnie 🤧🤧✋ Short gang, where ya’ll at? 
Also I apparently don’t know how to read because I thought you requested for headcanons at first despite you clearly asking for scenarios so I decided to keep the hcs since I was already halfway done with them~ hope you don’t mind, nonnie! 
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The man is literally built like the empire state building, he just towers over everyone, it’s insane
And then there you are behind him, all tiny and stuff, it’s so friggin adorable
He doesn’t really notice your height difference at all
Whenever people point it out, he just cocks his head with his eyebrows furrowed and is like “Yeah, I’m tall?? And they’re short?? Why are you reacting like that?”
He’s genuinely confused and doesn’t see why it’s a big deal at all
When he looks at you he doesn’t really pick up on itty bitty details like your height and stature; he just sees you for the whole you and sees you simply as this perfect deity that he loves
But he does appreciate the perks that come with it such as the way you feel when he hugs you after a match or the way you look up at him so adorably when you’re trying to get a kiss
He also didn’t realize the cons that came with having a tiny s/o
There are many but we’re focusing on the fact that it’s so easy to lose you in a crowd
He’ll literally look away for 0.5 seconds and when he looks back at you, you’re suddenly gone
He probably won’t notice for a bit but after a while, he’ll wonder why you aren’t holding onto his sleeve or hand anymore
Whenever this happens he usually goes about it in two ways; he’d either stay still where he is and let you find him (which isn’t hard, he sticks out like a sore thumb) or if enough time passes, he’ll retrace his steps and look for you himself
He’ll have a tiny little frown on his face since he gets so worried about you, like you’re so tiny what if you get trampled??
When he does find you though, the wide smile on your face when you catch sight of him honestly makes the search worth it
can you tell that I miss ushi so friggin much
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The streets in downtown Tokyo are always so packed at this time of day. There were hundreds of people rushing to and from work, tourists taking in the sights, and busy shoppers such as yourself and Ushijima; you two had just finished shopping together and were heading to your favorite restaurant in the area as you always do to end your date night.
Your hand remained tightly wrapped around the hem of your boyfriend’s coat as you two made your way down the busy streets, struggling to not get pulled away as people continued to mercilessly push past you. You would have much rather held Ushijima’s hand but he insisted on carrying all your shopping bags and was rather preoccupied with them at that moment.
He marched on, oblivious to your struggles behind him. It was during times like this when you hated how short your legs were, you were practically jogging to keep up with your boyfriend who, to him, was only going at a leisurely pace.
Before you knew it, your hand had loosened and you suddenly lost hold of his coat. You looked up, hoping to find him just a few feet away, but he had disappeared into the sea of people all around you.
Ushijima hadn’t noticed anything at first, he was too focused on where he was going to realize that the little tugs on the hem of his coat throughout the journey were suddenly gone. He looked down at both his hands and placed the shopping bags on one of them to the other so that he could use it to hold your own.
He held out his free hand behind him, calling out your name, and motioned for you to grab it. A few seconds went by of him gesturing like this only to be met with no response.
He looked back, eyebrows furrowed, only to find no sign of you.
Ushijima immediately stops in his tracks, eyes widening ever so slightly as he did a little 360 turn in his spot, raking over the crowds rushing past him in hopes he’d find your familiar head of hair bouncing about.
He stood motionless where he was, forcing people to walk around him—most wanted to tell him off for standing in the middle of the street but no one had the balls to.
A few minutes went by and he began walking down the direction he came from looking everywhere for you. Worry began to bubble in him when you were still nowhere to be found but suddenly he saw a figure waving at him from afar.
You were standing on top of those small cement blocks on the bottom street lights, waving your free hand that wasn’t wrapped around the lamp towards your boyfriend, grinning ear to ear when you met eyes with him.
Ushijima smiled in relief, shoulders relaxing as he made his way over to you. You met him halfway, immediately wrapping your arms around him in a hug, burying your face into his chest.
“I’m never letting go of your hand next time.” He said, pressing a chaste kiss on the top of your head before interlocking your fingers together. You laughed, nodding in agreement. “Definitely not.”
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We all already know this: Kei is fucking ruthless
It doesn’t matter that you’re dating. It doesn’t matter that you’re literally his favorite person in the world tho he’ll never admit this to you you will not be free from his savageness
No one is more hyper-aware of your height difference than he is and no one teases you more than him
Tsukishima is literally the type to steal your things and hold them over your head or he’ll purposefully stand at full height whenever you want to kiss him just so that he can watch you struggle
“Oh, babe, I didn’t see you from down there.”
Is the type to purposefully put things you use all the time up on the top shelves in cupboards and cabinets
He says that he does this to annoy but really he does this so that you can call him to help you since he banned you from climbing the counters 🤧✋
He really loves your height though as much as he likes to tease you for it
He loves how easy it is to wrap his arms around you and how you burrow into his chest whenever you hug
His favorite thing about your height is probably the fact that it’s so comfortable being the big spoon with you since you fit so snuggly against him 🥺
again he’ll never tell you this, my man is tight-lipped
However he can get very protective over you, it’s like he developed this idea in this head that small = fragile
So whenever he loses track of you in a crowd (which happens a lot, it's honestly embarrassing) he immediately drops everything and searches for you
He’ll have this permanent pout on his face as he retraces his steps, going back to wherever you two were and keeping an eye out for either you or places that would catch your eye
Once he finally catches you, he’d sigh in relief and immediately put up his “i’m annoyed right now, give me attention” face and head over to you, knocking your head with his knuckles lightly
He’d lecture you a bit about staying close to him and he’d spend the rest of your time out with his eye on you and with his hand tightly wrapped around your own
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The mall was always so crowded during the weekend especially now that Christmas was just around the corner. Tsukishima told you that you two should visit the mall later during the week but you were just so excited to see this new movie, he simply couldn’t say no; he cursed himself for being so tightly wrapped around your finger.
The building was already pretty full when you two entered the cinema but when you two emerged, it was as if the number of people there seemed to double in just a span of a few hours.
As you two made your way through the tight-knit crowds of people, the frown on Tsukishima’s face never left as people kept pushing and rushing past him. He called out your name behind him and said, “See, I told you we should have come after the weekend, it’s like half the city is here right now.”
He waited for your usual giggle or scoff, maybe a light smack on his arm as you tell him to brighten up but there wasn’t any of that.
“(Y/N)? Did you hear me? I—(Y/N?),” He turned around, worried that you may have been upset at him but instead was surprised to find that you weren’t trailing along behind him like he expected you to be.
He turned around fully, hands coming out of his pocket as he raked his eyes over the crowds of people around him. It would be nearly impossible to find you here, there were probably hundreds of people in the mall now.
Tsukishima groaned slightly as he ran a hand through his locks, his other hand going into his pant pocket to ring your phone only to realize that it was with him as well, right next to his. This elicited a second groan from the blonde.
Knowing you, you probably got distracted by something and wandered away from him.
He retraced his steps, keeping a close eye on his surroundings. He had no idea when you wandered away from him so you could have been anywhere. He stood at full height, towering over the majority of the crowd, and scanned the entirety of the floor and the shops on it.
He entered a few stores he knew you’d most likely visit; the bookstore, the pet store, and a shop that was having a 50% sale but he found no traces of you.
Tsukishima was about to give up and head to the information desk and ask them to announce something on the loudspeaker to grab your attention—probably something along the lines of “To the small gremlin wandering around floor three right now, please meet Tsukishima Kei at the main exit.”—when he spotted a bright store on the other side of the floor.
You were there. He just knew it.
He rolled his eyes as he made his way to the anime store and low and behold, there you were, crouching as you stared at the shelves of anime merchandise, a wide ear to ear grin on your face.
Tsukishima sighed and lightly smacked you, tearing you away from your thoughts and making you look up at him in shock.
“You are such an idiot, (Y/N).” You only laughed in response and wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed your face onto his chest. “Aww, Kei! Were you worried about me?”
“Of course, I was. How do you expect me to feel?” He said with another roll of his eyes. He brought his hand up and placed it on top of your head. “I was worried someone thought you were a child and kidnapped you.”
You let out an indignant gasp and started to smack him but he only laughed and took your hand in his, dragging you out of the store behind him ignoring your protests.
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Nobody in the whole entire world thinks you’re more adorable than Bokuto
He adores the fact that you’re so tiny, he likes you call you his pocket-sized s/o  
He never really teases you, instead he always coos and coddles you
He especially loves lifting you up in his arms and twirling you around, he always does this after winning a game and it always leaves you feeling dizzy
But you never complain bc who would complain about being hugged by Kou like that 🤧✋
However, as much as Bokuto loves how smol you are, he always kinda forgets that you’re short??
It’s because he’s always surrounded by tall people; his friends, the volleyball team, etc.
So he always forgets to adjust when he’s with you
And you know how some people just naturally walk really really fast, like they can’t help it, it’s just how they walk normally??
Yeah, that’s Bokuto
And this paired with the fact that he is literally 6’1 means he practically travels at light speed
Your tiny legs can barely keep up with your excitable boyfriend and you’re always practically jogging to keep up with him so if you take your eyes off of him for even just a few seconds he’ll probably run off somewhere and disappear 😔✋
This occurs so often when you two are out that you’re never shocked whenever it happens
It takes a few minutes before Bokuto realizes that he’s suddenly alone in a crowd and that you aren’t beside him like he thought you would be
Everyone around him would give him looks but he wouldn’t care, he just needs to find you fast or he’ll start panicking tho he lowkey already is
Some people would think that he’s looking for his kid but nah, he’s just looking for his smol s/o who would show up beside him after a while with a disgruntled look on their face
It never takes long for you two to reunite when you get separated, you just have to wait for the distinctive voice of your boyfriend yelling for you somewhere
When you two find each other, the first thing he’ll do is pull you into a tight hug, usually lifting you up from the ground as he presses a few kisses on your cheeks in relief
He’ll remember to walk slowly for the rest of the time you’re out, usually with his arm over your shoulder or with his hand tightly wrapped around your own
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It made absolutely no sense to you that Bokuto literally grew up in the city yet has never visited the amusement park in the area before. You’ve visited the park countless times before but for your boyfriend, it was a first.
Bokuto was practically bouncing with excitement ever since you proposed the idea of visiting the amusement park together and it only got more intense as the day of your visit grew closer and closer.
You somewhat regretted not pushing your date to a later day in the week so that it didn’t fall on the weekend since the park was so packed but that feeling quickly dissipated when you glanced at your beaming boyfriend beside you.
What you did regret however was the fact that you didn’t wear more comfortable shoes, ones that were more fitting for exercise rather than leisurely walks since you were practically running around the park just to keep up with Bokuto.
His hand remained tightly clasped on your own as he sprinted all around the park, looking at all the rides, food stands, and gift shops around the place. He wasn’t really running, he was simply walking at a quick pace but this coupled with his long legs made it so difficult to match his pace with your significantly shorter ones.
You two had just gotten off a rather intense roller coaster and you felt your head spin from how dizzy it made you, you halted in your steps as Bokuto was about to begin running towards another ride making Bokuto stop as well as he was pulled back by your hand which was still holding onto his.
“Koutarou, let me rest for a bit,” You said as you sat on a bench in the shade, Bokuto immediately nodded and took a seat beside you, he handed you a bottle of water from his bag. “Sure babe, here drink this.”
After a few minutes of talking and resting under the shade, you stood up, reinvigorated, and filled with more energy. “Okay, let’s go, I’m feeling much better now,”
Bokuto immediately jumped onto his feet and beamed at you, more than ready for another round of rollercoasters and thrilling rides. He held out his hand for you to take and you two headed farther into the park.
“Let’s go on the Viking ride next—wait, hold on, let me fix this.” You let go of your boyfriend’s hand and began adjusting the overpriced headband on your head; Bokuto insisted on buying matching ones at the gift shop despite their ridiculous price (“Look, it’s just so adorable!”)
When you looked up, ready to grab ahold of his hand again, Bokuto was suddenly nowhere to be seen.
You whipped your head all around you but you couldn’t see the familiar head of hair of your boyfriend in the horde of people around you. You stood on your tiptoes, craning your head to get a better view but that didn’t do anything to help. You feel back on your feet and huffed; curse you and your short stature.
You walked down the direction you two were originally headed at, raking your eyes over the crowds of people you walked past when you suddenly heard a familiar voice yelling out your name from a distance. You whipped your head towards the direction of the voice and began to jog towards it.
Bokuto was standing on his tiptoes, his hands cupping his mouth as he called out for you over and over again, oblivious to the looks of shock from the people around him.
As he was about to scream out your name for the dozenth time, you suddenly pushed your way through the people around him and grabbed ahold of his arm, an exasperated yet also relieved look on your face.
Bokuto’s face immediately lit up, the small frown on his lips turning into a large smile as he wrapped his arms around you. He pressed you into his chest and lifted you off the ground as he usually does when he hugs you.
You giggled and flailed around as he did this, when he placed you back safely on the ground, he placed a small kiss on your forehead.
“Sorry for leaving you behind,” Bokuto said as he laced his fingers onto your own, “It won’t happen again,”
You scoffed playfully and let yourself be dragged along by him, “That’s what you said last time, Kou.”
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dreamsfreckles · 4 years
[8:34p.m.] High Hopes
Dream x reader
Suggestive, fluff
Dre being nervous hehe - enjoy!
“Dream...” Sapnap sighed into the phone for the upteenth time. “Just chill. Go with the flow.” Dream runs a hand through his hair stressfully, his phone held up to his right ear. “But I don’t know what to expect!” He growls in a hushed voice. “Whatever happens... Just don’t have a bad reaction.” Sapnap simplifies. “I think you’re over thinking this man, you’re probably just going to end up playing minecraft or something.” Dream sighs at his friend’s lack of good advice. “You are no help.” He groans.
Dream was sat in your bedroom, alone. You had departed from him to take a shower.
Why was Dream panicking you ask? Before you left for your shower, you may or may not have made a suggestive remark about what you were going to “do to him” once you were finished cleaning yourself up; successfully leaving Dream as a flustered mess.
You and Dream had a flirtatious friendship. This was driving him insane.
It could’ve been an accidental innuendo...
But it also could’ve meant something that is successfully making Dream’s hopes go WAY up.
“Isn’t it a little rude to leave your guest alone to take a shower?” Dream laughs nervously at Sapnap’s question, raising his arm up to rub the back of his neck. “Well..” Dream begins. “I kind of, accidentally, might’ve been the reason why she needed one in the first place..?” Dream mumbled, sounding more like a question. Sapnap’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He was too scared to ask what the hell Dream did. Thankfully, before Sapnap had the chance to speak, Dream began to explain.
“Okay, so, she was telling me about this one time, when Tommy called her to try and get her to be one of the embassadors of L’Manburg, and when Tommy didn’t get the answer from her that he wanted, he tried to bribe her with Tubbo’s stress relievers. This didn’t work, however, so he called Tubbo over to see if he could convince her; which was a smart move because she LOVES Tubbo. But anyway, Tubbo turned into “Big Law” and started using his Tubboat tactics to win her over and it worked. So I started laughing and then she started laughing and then that made me laugh even more because she has a very contagious laugh. And then I accidentally knocked her whiteclaw over with my elbow, and it spilled all over her lap.” Dream finished.
Sapnap immediately burst out laughing. “You-” Sapnap couldn’t contain his laughter, not being able to form coherent sentences. Dream began giggling himself, only to instantly sober up once he heard the shower turn off in the next room over. “Shit, Sapnap, I heard the shower turn off, she’s coming.” Dream stands up, panicking, not knowing what to do with himself. “Dream, weren’t you the one making fun of me for not knowing how to deal with girls? You were so cocky, but look at you now.” He pauses with a smirk. “Pussy.” Dream rolls his eyes at his so-called ‘friend.’ “Stop being an idiot.” He glares. “She’s different from the other girls I’ve known. She’s... weird.” Sapnap face shifted into a poker face. “You do realize what you sound like right now, right?” Dream facepalms. “She isn’t a dumbass Sapnap. I really don’t know how to do shit with her becuase it’s so different compared to everyone else. I can’t explain it.” Every time you and Dream are together, he feels like the best version of himself. You always have a new adventure for him to look forward to. Plus you were hot as shit and He had a MASSIVE crush on you. “It’s so weird Sapnap, its like I’ve never had a good time in my life until I met her.” Sapnap smiled in disbelief at his friend’s words. “You, Dream,” he continued. “are a simp.” Before Dream could snap back at Sapnap, the handle of your bedroom door jiggled, signaling that you were about to come in. Dream immediately ends the call with Sapnap and throws his phone on your bed in a panic.
Slauntering into your bedroom, freshly showered and dressed in one of Dream’s smile hoodies with some comfy shorts, you look up at Dream who was awkwardly standing in the middle of the room. “You good?” You start. “It looks like I just missed catching you in the act of something forbidden...” you suspect. Dream quickly shakes his head. “No! You just surprised me..” he half lies. You narrow your eyes at him, looking for any sign of dishonesty. Dream averts his eyes to the merch you’re wearing, starting to become smug with your choice of clothing. “Nice outfit.” He smirks. You let out a laugh and roll your eyes, already forgetting his weird vibes from when you first entered the room. “I won’t lie, this sweatshirt is one of my favorites.” You smile down at your hoodie, stuffing your hands in the pocket on the front. The hoodie was twice your size, giving you max comfort. Dream liked how it looked on you, it was almost like you were wearing HIS sweatshirt.
Yes, technically it is HIS merch, but it’s not actually HIS hoodie. He wanted to see you in one of his actual hoodies that he wears on a day to day basis. It would give him some sort of pride seeing you wearing his clothes. The merch was good enough, for now.
Seeing how Dream was still awkwardly standing, you directed him to sit on the edge of your bed while you sat in your desk chair. You rolled the chair away from the desk and towards the bed to sit across from him. Content with your and his positions infront of each other, you giggle at his nervous looking facial expression.
“You know I’m not mad at you, right?” You laugh.
Dream slowly nods, a little confused. “Yeah...”
“Then why are you acting like I’m going to bite you for spilling the whiteclaw?” You joke.
Dream laughs nervously. Oh. He didn’t really connect that the comment you made earlier could be because of the spill incident. “I don’t know...” he replies shyly.
“Well, chillax then.” You giggle, swatting his knee with your hand.
Dream scoffs playfully at your terminology. “Chillax?Chill and relax? Really?” You stare at him with a challenging look. “You are such a hypocrite. You have weird words too!” You retort. Dream lets out a hearty wheeze at your defense. “Like what?” He questions. Your brain short-circuts and you suddenly have no comebacks. “Uh..” you try to think of something, but ultimately have nothing. “Well!” You try to spit something out. “At least I didn’t vote for a stupid squid to be added to minecraft!” You clap back. Dream rolls his eyes playfully. “Oh, come on. That was the worst comeback I’ve ever heard come from you.” You cross your arms in defeat. “Today is an off day, your highness. I had a whiteclaw foolishly spilled all over my lap.” Dream groans in embarrassment. “I said I was sorry like a million times!” He retaliates, hunching over and covering his face with both of his hands. “I know.” You sigh, content with his reaction. “So,” you start. “What do you want to do now?” You ask him. Dream darts his head up to you from his hunched position, inwardly getting too excited for his own good.
...Then Dream realizes that your statement earlier about what you were “going to do to him” was probably a joking threat from the whiteclaw spillage. His face heats up from the memory. He can be so dumb sometimes. “Uh... I don’t know. What do you want to do?” He peers at you, lost of any hope he had before.
You smirk at him with mischief. You knew what you said earlier. You wanted to see if he would get riled up. News flash: he did.
“Hmmm..�� you hum aloud, giving him a look that would make his knees buckle if he was standing up. “I have an idea of what we could do...” you stood softly from your chair and stepped closer to him, causing him to look up at you from the edge of the bed.
I guess you could say Dream was fucked right about now.
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Made this one very suggestive lol, I thought it would be funny
Sorry for any typos! This sat in my drafts for a while, I didn’t know where to take it hehe
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tooruluv · 4 years
Tobio Kageyama x F!Reader ( part 9 )
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❝ goodbyes hurt when the story is not finished, but the book is closed. tell me, have we started a new one? ❞
description: it had been years since you and kageyama broke up. it had been years since the two of you left each other, hatred brewing. fate works in funny ways, you thought, as you caught his eye across the café. love works in funny ways, you thought, as you woke up in his bed the next morning, his fiance calling his phone.
genre: forbidden love, cheating, ex lovers, (all characters are aged up)
word count: 2,109
warnings/notes: im so sorry for the delayed update!! midterms have been kicking my ass. anyway. only one part left!
tag list: @kara-grayson04​ @sadhwstudent​ @unlikelytigerqueen​ @kageyamavibes​ @monviemoo​ @tazzi-baby​ @1800xibal​ @amirahroronoa​ @lozzybowe​ @stinkybitch1919​​ @sillykittt​​ @pinknugget​​ @celamoon​​ @bokutosworld​​ @elianetsantana​​ @chao01248​​ @vhskenma​​ @yoitsseulgi​​ @milegonzalez96​​ @doremifa-so-fucking-done​​ @cuddlejeongin​​ @yeahhemmings-​ @melanieacademy​ @killuaking​ @animewhore28​
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The second that the words left Oikawa’s mouth, he was paralyzed. He hadn’t expected to say it. His eyes were wide, skin flushed and mouth agape. Surprise and regret immediately masked his anger.
He couldn’t even move as you turned and left.
Let’s paint the picture, shall we? You, a girl who still had an incredible amount of love for your ex boyfriend to the extent that you were comfortable being the mistress in his affair. Kageyama, said ex boyfriend who still had a lot of unresolved feelings for you to the point where he had considered (on more than one account) disregarding his entire upcoming wedding. And Oikawa, your best friend and fuck buddy for the past five plus years who had just accidentally revealed that he was, in fact, in love with you.
Let’s just say that you walked a lot that day.
You walked through the city until the sky turned dark. You walked along the neon lights, through the park, and back into the city streets. You walked near the water, you walked past hundreds of people. It was incredibly melodramatic.
It wasn’t until you realized that you were actually tired, and your feet hurt, that you sat on a bench. It was pretty secluded. The bench sat facing the water, the city behind it, and you did nothing but sit.
A body sat beside yours, on the complete opposite side of the bench with as much space as possible between you. You almost giggled to yourself, despite everything.
“Hey.” The person spoke, and you knew who it was. There was only one person on the face of the earth that would take it upon themselves to be that respectful to sit on the opposite side of the bench you were sitting alone at, at night.
“Hey, Hinata.” You looked up at him. He’d grown a lot since high school.
“You found my bench.”
“Your bench?”
He chuckled, making you smile. “No, not my bench. But the bench I like to sit at when I have a lot to think about.”
“So, you would sit and think about volleyball on this bench?”
“Yeah.” He smiled brightly. There’s something about Shoyo Hinata that made it impossible not to smile. “It’s really pretty here. And there’s a lot of good food behind us.”
You turned back to the water, eyes scanning for answers.
“I’m still in love with Kageyama.” You told him.
“I know.”
“And Oikawa just told me that he was in love with me.”
“Wait, really? Finally!” He stopped himself. “I mean. I knew that, too.”
“Does everyone tell you everything?”
“Yeah, usually.” He moved a little bit closer, but not by much. “If you think you know someone’s secrets, I’m sure I already know about it.”
“Even Tsuki?”
“You mean how Hana cheated on him with Kageyama and now you are going to the wedding with him, him being Tsuki, to make them both jealous?”
“Damn. You’re insane.”
“Nah, I’m just a short stack of secrets.”
Another bubble of laughter. 
“You don’t plan to ruin the wedding, do you?” Hinata asked. 
You shook your head. “No, no. We aren’t monsters. We just want to make the two of them shake in their boots a bit. There’s way too much money being spent for us to ruin the wedding. Besides, I would somehow end up being the one sending out apology letters to family and friends for coming.”
“Yeah that would be embarrassing.”
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The wedding was the next day.
You didn’t go to the rehearsal, and even took it upon yourself to stay the night at Tsukishima’s.
When you arrived at his door with a bag (that you quickly snatched of necessities from Kageyama and Hana’s), Tsuki just opened the door and simply asked you to join him in watching a murder mystery podcast. You accepted.
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“Why can’t I wear a fucking suit?” You complained as you shoved yourself into the nicest dress you owned. It was beautiful, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, and hugged you in exactly the right places. You just hated the process of getting ready.
“Because you look great in that dress. Now hurry up because we don’t want to be the only ones late.”
You left Tsuki’s bathroom in full glam.
You watched Tsuki’s eyes shift from your chest to your eyes. You smirked. “I guess the dress works.”
“It definitely works.” Tsuki rolled his eyes, bringing his arm up for you. You linked your arm through.
“You guys have fun!!” Yamaguchi called from the living room. You waved as you walked by. “Holy shit, you guys look likes gods.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you cuss.” You said.
“You’ve obviously never talked to him.” Tsuki scoffed. “We’ll be back later. Or, at least, I will be.”
“Don’t die. And don’t kill anyone!”
“No promises.”
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Tobio Kageyama always thought that on his wedding day, you would be the one walking down the aisle in white.
He would never admit it; but to be completely honest, he had thought about it a lot during the duration of your relationship. He had imagined standing at the end of the aisle and you walking down, and kissing you as man and wife. It was a stupid imagination for a high school relationship, but he did imagine it.
He watched as you walked into the building by yourself. He was greeting everyone, welcoming them before the wedding and telling the women where to find Hana in her dressing room.
You were absolutely stunning in the most brilliant red dress he had ever seen. The wedding was white and blue, and you stood out in the most amazing way he had ever witnessed.
Kageyama couldn’t take his eyes off of you as you turn to the door, where Tsukishima just entered. His stomach churns when he sees you greet him with a hug and the two of you laugh at something Tsukishima said. And he hates how evidently the man is your date.
He has to physically stop himself from chasing after you when you pull Tsuki by the hand and drag him through the sea of bodies to where a few members of the old volleyball team are (ie Hinata, Daichi, Suga, and Noya).
His heart leaps violently against the bones of his chest when a thought floods into his mind. The thought that you were with Tsukishima, the thought that you knew of everything that happened since you’ve been gone.
He felt as though he couldn’t breathe.
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You kept yourself at Tsuki’s side the entire time.
There was a little get together before the actual wedding. Everyone just stood around and chatted with everyone that they only get to see once a year, greeting the groom and making him more nervous. After a bit, it would be time to sit down and watch the ceremony.
The thought made you want to eat dirt.
Tsuki put his hand on your waist and you looked up at him. The two of you were still in the middle of talking to the old volleyball boys, Hinata talking about his travels.
“He can’t take his eyes off of you.” Tsuki muttered into your hair. It wasn’t unnoticed by Daichi and Suga, who just exchanged a look (as they always seemed to be all knowing).
“Just wait until Hana gets her eyes on you.” You lean into his side. “She won’t make it down the aisle.”
He chuckled and placed a kiss on your temple, feeling the eyes of Kageyama on your back.
“The man of the hour.” Daichi spoke up.
Kageyama appeared beside you. Tsuki’s hand stayed on your waist.
“How are you feeling?” Suga asked, eyes shifting between you and him. You could swear he knew more than you could ever imagine.
“Good, good.” Kageyama plastered a fake smile on his face. “Just nervous.”
“Well that’s normal.”
“Can I borrow her for a second?” Kageyama turned to Tsukishima. You blinked. “I just have to talk to her for a second.”
“Yeah.” Tsuki let go of your waist. He sent you a look, basically telling you to fuck the shit outta him in the broom closet.
“I’ll be right back!” you sent them a smile.
Kageyama looked absolutely delicious in his suit. Black, with a little bit of blue accents throughout. It brought out his eyes. You couldn’t focus as you followed him to an empty room.
“If you have something you have to say, you could’ve said it out there.”
“No I.” I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I said. I should just leave with you right now and run away and get married and live in a forest. I am so sorry. I am so sorry. Instead, “What are you doing here with Tsukishima?”
“What do you mean? He’s my date.” You shrugged.
“Yes. But why?”
“You expected me to come to your wedding by myself?” You blinked. “Or, rather, you expected Tsuki to come by his lonesome?”
“No, I…”
“That’s a bit selfish, don’t you think Kags?” You felt anger rising in your chest. “To think that I can’t have a date to a wedding when you’re literally getting married.”
“No, that’s not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?” You were exasperated. “It’s incredibly clear how you think of me, Kageyama. But as for someone who will never be loved by anyone, it’s nice to go to a wedding with…”
“You’re loved by me!”
It was the first time in Kageyama’s life where he truly understood what earth-shattering silence was. It was deafening and loud; too loud. He stood there motionless as the howling of his blood pumping in his head, his heartbeat inside his chest. You were silent.
His world seemed to have stopped the second he had said those words to you. The moment those words left his lips, he wished to take them back. Not because they were lies, but because it was the first time he had said them in the most honest way possible.
You shook your head.
You shook your head and Kageyama’s world shattered. He knew that he had hurt you, over and over and time and time again. But he had done it. He had hurt you to the point that you would simply shake your head at the confession of his love.
Whatever was left of whatever the hell was still there was gone.
“Kags,” You closed your eyes. “You don’t. I’m not.”
“I do.” He reached for your hand. You backed away.
“Me and Tsuki coming to your wedding together was not to get you to tell me that you love me.” You were muttering. You were babbling. You couldn’t do this. “It was to get you jealous, yes, but.. not this. Maybe rile you up. Get Hana to admit her bullshit for sure. But not… not this.”
“You are getting married today.” You reminded him. “To Hana. You’re getting married to her. Today. And I cannot do another confession like that.”
“Who else has confessed to you?”
“Oikawa.” You said before you could think.
“Tooru Oikawa told you that he was in love with you?” Kageyama laughed as though it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. You basically heard your heart break.
“See? That right there?” You headed for the door. “That’s why you can’t possibly be in love with me. You’re so fucking convinced that I can’t be loved by anyone because I fucking moved away in high school. Jesus, Kageyama, get over it!”
“Sorry, sorry.” He was literally wiping tears from his face. “It’s just. I knew it. I fucking knew it.” He stopped when he seen your face. “No. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Seriously fuck you.” You moved to open the door to go back to your date and get ready for the ceremony. Because this was for Tsuki, not you.
You started to walk out, but turned to him with a glance over your shoulder. “By the way, I’ve been in love with you for years. This shouldn’t be new information.”
You didn’t stay to gauge his reaction.
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spiderwing-nightman · 2 years
I finally watched The Defenders
So I've been trying to get through the defenders shows for a bit and I finally watched the entirety of The Defenders (the crossover show) and I was writing my reactions and some of these are pretty funny so im gonna put them here (a lot of them are about matt because he's easy to make fun of and a lot fo the Danny ones are bullying him because he's Danny)
Ok but the real question is: who’s stronger, jess or Luke?
I forget what an idiot season 2 matt is because im used to how much of a mess season 3 matt is
Yknow what this is exactly the shit Jess would get involved in, I’m honestly the most confused about how Luke gets involved
Oh my god Matthew, has a 10 minute conversation w Karen and IMMEDIATELY has to go to confessional
"forgive me father for I have sinned it's been 3 days since my last confession" MATtHEW
Did I know Elektra was coming back? Yes. Was I still like oh my god Elektra when she did? Also yes
Matty you cannot fight crime in your lawyer suit
It has been zero days since Matty’s last incident
Lmao foggy staging an intervention
Matt should under NO circumstances be jess’ lawyer, they would become friends and be HORRIBLE influences to each other, like the amount of chaos that duo would cause, we had better pray for New York
NO ONE is having Danny’s bs
Matt and Jessica r menaces to society
Jessica could’ve definitely made it as an actress
Matt is literally the only one who wears a costume, he’s so dramatic
Can’t believe it took them 3 episodes to meet
Matthew  (I should provide context but saying his name in a judgmental way always applies)
Its time like these that I remember Charlie Cox is British
So far this show has been everyone going “who the fuck are you and how do you know these things” at Matt and Matt just going “don’t worry about it, I just do”
Alexandra should have an accent
“The iron fist and his allies” Danny is their least important/useful member
“Scarf looked better, nice ears” “they’re horns” Jessica really destroyed him in 5 words
Go cry about it Danny
Jessica and Matt r a great duo, meanwhile Luke is having none of Danny 
Jessica googled matt lmao, Jessica and Matt r also best friends
Goddammit stick
Awww Danny still cares about Luke, how nice (honestly I love Danny and Lukes dynamic just a little)
“oUr SoLe FoCuS iS tO lOcAtE tHe SuBsTaNcE”
“His name is Mathew, and my name is Elektra Nachios and you work for me now” *cuts her head off* “any questions?” oh mYGOD
Lmao love the opening scene of episode 7 w the entire team passed out and stick dead with the great music playing in the background
God I love misty
Oh my god matt in an nypd tee shirt, he would have a heart attack if he knew
Matt is really going through it isn’t he (just constantly but in this show in particular he’s going through it a lot more than like everyone else)
“Matt you need to take a breath, you sound insane” when doesn’t he
“ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE” OH MY GOD “a witness? What you want me to describe how the scene sounded” I can’t he is SUCH
“There is no plan” “I can tell” Lmao 
Jessica just keeps destroying them all
Foggy thank you for being the only person with any common sense here
Misty needs to stop taking cases that will make or break her career 
These dumb idiots left ALL of their wallets?? Come on
I have never seen a subway THAT empty
Karen, matt does not go a single place he doesn’t want to
“Whatever this thing is, when it’s done, I tHiNk We’Ll GeT mAtT bAcK” yeah okay foggy (this is so funny when you’ve seen season 3 of daredevil)
“Wait a minute where’s the chic with the sword” misty never gets a break
This is such a trip, I looked away for two minutes and the next thing I know theres fire
“Lets go do something crazy” Luke that is exactly what you’ve been doing this entire time
“IF what Jessica says is true” Trish? Do you honestly think it isn’t?
“I’m glad you’re here” “…..what” “yknow under the circumstances im glad I found you” “im not hugging you” Lmao the dynamic between matt, Jessica, and Luke is brilliant
“I don’t want to fight you….. alone” *daredevil swings in* oh my god 10/10 this was so funny 
Mathew, I know you love her, but now is not the time
Omg Jessica also learned how to play nice
Of course matty had to go and have a building fall on him cause he was kissing a girl 
Foggy you cannot ACTUALLY believe matt is dead, you literally saw aliens come from the sky
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mokkemusic · 2 years
Day in the life of Dana a blog (sick in bed edition)
The comment here could be made “This is the exciting part of your life? How pathetic.” And well.. to counter this statement (that only my awful brain is saying to me) Is well I was sick in bed so YES! I could say absolutely nothing happened to me yesterday but I really don’t take interactions for granted. They are the little things that bring me joy even when I’m sick and they are memorable! So leave me alone brain I’m valid.👌🏻
So here are a few highlights the previous night/last night/ this morning. (These are In no particular order)
1: Erin asking me to explain this Noragami panel about father. Thus starts the “Oh how much I hate father tangent.” I once said that I hate Teru more than father and I “should” check myself on that cause Father is way worse. WAY WORSE. But I still hate Teru more. 😂 (Tbf Father is actually a REALLY GOOD antagonist. I would say one of the best ever. I despise him and what he did to Yukine but I can’t deny that. Like the man literally stole his sons son AND kissed his sons girlfriend WHAT IS THIS MANGA?!) 
Then that led me to explain the insanity which was some of these Noragami plot twists and it was a good time. Erin thank you for indulging me. 🤧
2: Speaking of Noragami- Then late at night there was Ami giving me my medicine Lol (Not suit Amane this time but her Norgami manga reactions) GOLD I SAY PURE GOLD. 👌🏻
I got to explain why we don’t trust Kasuma (never trust the Akane look a likes- IM KIDDING! - sort of 👀)
How once again Father is a son of bitch and I have given Ami permission to do with him as she see’s fit. (I said it so it’s ok 😌)
Also she got me to really appreciate some more of the parallels and art style choices of Adachitoka. Very cool shots in the chapter she was reading! 👌🏻 YOUR ALMOST THERE AMI 5 MORE CHAPTERS! Then you get to hysterically cry with me and Mac next month isn’t it great? 🙂
3: I FOUND THE MOST AMAZING TIKTOKER. Tbf I found her before but I didn’t really know how much she’s done. She’s a JJK content creator that summarizes all of the recent chapters. As someone… like me who has no intention of reading the manga she does all the work for me😌 and In the most entertaining way! Especially about the Yuta arc. (Which you all know is the only reason I want to know lol)
Some of her one liners omg- this is probably a new level of a dork for me to gush over a content creators one liners but you know what screw it! She’s super funny.
It doesn’t do it justice when I say it back but the way she talks I can’t explain it’s just highly entertaining! 2 of my favs cause I can't help myself: 
“Quick side note. Everyone who underestimates Yuta...in my opinion is… an idiot, because they always end up getting their ass beat-” So true so true👌🏻😂
“If a kid is shoving food down his throat do you tell them to stop? and Yuta’s like “yea... what do you tell children?” I wanna know when's the last time Yuta’s had a normal conversation with anybody? Need to know that immediately.” adafljgjalglgaag I have no idea about this ch but this Yuta’s life ok not having normal conversations with anyone and getting thrown into a school under Gojo’s bullshit not telling him and everyone wanting to murder him the first day cause of Rika and Gojo thinking its funny so yea. Just a day in the life for Yuta my poor boy!! 😂
Also love how I am not alone even MANGA readers are not explicitly told what the heck is going on with Yutas cursed technique and the amount of “Rika’s soul” that’s still with Yuta. I love in one of her videos she address that about people talking in her comment section about “A lot of you guys last week kept telling me that Yuta had made a copy of Rika and thats why Rika still exists, even though the text has literally never explicitly said that...” “Stop making stuff up. Stop it! *wags finger at the screen playfully*” 😂 Ah man, it’s just you had to be there ok? You had to be there! Also this gave me a lesson to not take so much at face value about what is said about Rika until I see it in print in spoilers I find because I don’t trust JJK fandom peeps word as law because most of them don’t even like Rika they want to make stuff up anyways lol. Anyway I just love her. I definitely pressed that follow button!
She’s like as cool as Sidney! (Side note: Sidney was at megacon and ah forget Justin (that’s a joke I love Justin Briner) I am so jealous cause man I would LOVE to meet Sidney. Though it would have been like finding a needle in a haystack cause Sidney was just going as a convention go-er making tiktoks like “If you see me come up and say Hi!” - I wish Sidney I wish you’re so cool 🤧🥺)
Anyway back on topic so this JJK TikToker she also loves TBHK! “I actually used to talk about the Toilet-Bound manga before... and then JJK became like my only personality trait-” “Anyways you are not immune to my Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun propaganda READ THE MANGA!” (I feel called out just by quoting this 👀😂) 
But to wrap up. I was really inspired by her genuine enthusiasm for just the stories. Got me thinking about how “damn what’s it like to be a Shounen fan? 🤔 Like an actual Shounen fan! Like imagine only waiting a week? Only a week most times. Like what does that do to your mindset?” Idk It’s just interesting to think about. But even waiting a month no matter what characters… I should really be more excited about just the stories again. I wanna try to be more like her.
Then I had a similar talk with Hana the other day about hyper-fixation on characters, ships and series. About how I’ve been able to to focus and hyper-fixate on 2 or sometimes 3 things at once and not just one which is definitely a new thing for me. But it kinda goes with what I’ll say later about how Ive also been analyzing falling in love with side characters and how that changes things a bit in your mind cause you are not surrounded by content.
This whole discovery just lead to new thought process’s and that’s why it’s a Highlight. (I had a cooler way to say this but it kinda got lost in my ramble but I think that’s good enough) Moving on.
4: I also saw the best fan art on twitter that had me literally going CRAZY! The rest of the night all I could think about (it took up one whole area of my brain) was Rika wearing wearing Yuta’s white uniform Jacket! *just pure screeching* SHES SO TINY (cause you know she's 11)! IT’S SO BIG ON HER!
And I now want to imagine her hands are like lost in the sleeves and she’s flapping them around and wraps herself in a hug. After she puts the collar up to her nose cause it smells like him. I want to imagine this 😭 my brain kinda short circuited after that.
5: Also on that note right after I saw that I had more thoughts to analyze more with Rapid (when I feel better and my brain actually works again) about how if it actually was the “same day she died” or if it was more then one day and REALLY analyze it with factoring in Japan summers and school year and Yuta’s birth date. Cause this is actually driving me crazy. I NEED more insight on this one. (This one is more just a reminder for myself)
6: Then speaking of analyzing- my genius self decided to go for a walk while I was sick and you hear me a bit out of breath and my coat rustling. But I recorded 3 podcasts just for myself lol. Just about “everything” the different manga I’m into and recommends, analyzing more jjk things, analyzing the idea of falling in love with side characters- cause this has been a process for me with Yuta and Rika ok?
And not an easy process at that. I don’t know how people do it! But you don’t chose what characters you fall in love with they chose you. I am on the complete opposite end of the spectrum here with this. Shoe is on the other foot its fascinating! 
7: Cat showed me some pics of the recent con that was really great! They had Yuta and Rika there even speckled in merch 🤧. That made me happy. ❤️
And last (I think its last... but definitely not least)
8: I also woke up this morning from not feeling well for 2 days and Lena made me this adorable little Yuta doodle while he’s holding tea out (it can also look like coffee ☕️ 👀) but I think Yuta would want me not be like him get rest and not look dehydrated so it is tea cause he’s totally the kinda character that would do that for you. Just make you tea when you feel icky. 🤧 My baby!
Really Lena you don’t know this yet (I will find the movie for you today with the captions) but he would! That’s exactly In character for him. He’s a really good boy. To everyone 🤧 and I love it so much that made me smile 😭❤️ waking up to that!
Anyway that’s my exciting 2 days .. I think it’s kinda all a blur now after I wrote this. So it’s a good thing I wrote it down when I did 😂
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Hi, I love your blog and asking about opinions on characters... so, if you had to rank the great comet characters from smartest to dumbest, how would the order go? (side note, I listened to “Moscow” today, and after knowing the whole plot of the story, hearing Marya D. call Natasha “clever,” made me laugh. I love Nat, but she uses her heart way more than her head.)
Omg thank you so much!! I love love love getting asks and i literally can't believe my opinion on stuff matters to people- I've actually been wanting to do this anyway!!
[Disclaimer: don't come for me ok plz this is for fun] and without further ado,
The Dumbass Scale of Natasha, Pierre, & The Great Comet of 1812 (smartest to dumbest)
1. Hélène Bezukhova. She may seem like just another idiotic, self-centered socialite at first, but Hélène is a master manipulator. She somehow convinced Pierre to marry her when they clearly don't love each other and probably never have, got Natasha to come to the ball, got two dudes to fucking shoot at each other over her, and is generally the queen of society.
2. Fedya Dolokhov. I know, I know, I'm biased because he's my favorite, but he's definitely smart. Even if we exclude the Narrator Dolokhov Theory(TM), he still organized an entire elopement, which would've gone off without a hitch had Sonya not found out. He's clearly good with people, since he's so high in society, was able to rustle up 10,000 rubles, etc. Oh also he's a legit ASSASSIN-
3. Sonya Rostova. Sonya is pretty damn astute, and although she didn't notice the signs of the plan immediately, She realized soon enough, and just by the changes in Natasha's demeanor. Her observations, determination, and quick thinking was enough to throw a wrench into Dolokhov's entire plan.
4. Marya D. Marya's got a no-nonsense air about her that comes with people who don't have time for bullshit. She knows her way around Moscow, and everyone would rather smash their head into a wall than tell her otherwise. Despite being an older woman with no title, Marya is highly respected and even a little feared, moreso than some of the more powerful socialites. She's great at commanding attention.
5. Pierre Bezukhov. I know you probably expected him higher on this list, but this man is kind of an idiot. He's very book-smart, with the ridiculous amount of studying he does, but that's about it. He somehow failed to put the pieces together that Natasha was Anatole's new girl, and we all know how he was in Letters. My dude was going a little insane. "Most dear, most kind, most smart," not sure about that third one, guys.
6. Mary Bolkonskaya. Mary's a bit of a tricky one to place, seeing as she's probably intelligent, but the fact that she obeys so dutifully to her asshole of a father kind of overcomes most of it. It's one thing to have intelligence, it's another thing entirely to put it to use. She allows herself to be walked over constantly. Still love my girl though, sweet baby does NOT deserve this.
7. Old Prince Bolkonsky. Also incredibly hard to place, and you probably expected to be lower on this list. He's literally fucking insane, but somehow retains the knowledge needed to manipulate and shame Mary into doing what he wants. He's got an unshakable amount of cunning to him. Also, he's got enough brainpower to 'utter scathing critiques,' on the fly, which isn't that easy. Comebacks are an art, dude.
8. Anatole Kuragin. Do I even need to explain myself? Anatole is a gigantic fucking idiot. Dumb boy. Stupid. Anatole "nevermind the fact that im married, im now in love with this girl ive known for 3 days, we're going to run away now, lend me 50 rubles" Kuragin has no brain. None. Zero. Except for maaaybe his way of charming people, but honestly that doesn't seem like he's putting in effort there. He's just really pretty.
9. Natasha Rostova. Somehow has even LESS brain than Anatole. Honey, I love you, but you're stupid. You actually need to work to be this stupid, it's almost impressive. I still love you with my entire heart though.
People not placed on the chart:
Andrey Bolkonsky- we really don't see enough of him for me to get a solid understanding of his idiot-genius ratio.
Balaga- you try and place Balaga on here and see how that works for you, it's literally impossible to put him in any box. He'd break out and blow up a walmart or something.
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actualbird · 3 years
So I realise I've been sending a lot of asks that almost always vary in length from Long to Really Long and I'm very sorry if it gets annoying xgjxjg I'll slow down on the asks if it is!
So I'm gonna get in on cn server content screaming because evERYONE IS SO GORGEOUS????? I love them so much they all look so good I'm terrified of what's coming next. We had the exact same observation with Luke on the ground fgkfyi it looks like they're literally in the middle of entering did he just randomly crouch the minute he was in?? Is this something he just does casually? Did he do it in the Manor of Hermes too? I'm making this a habit of his.
Forget all the boys giving mc layers Marius alone could probably shed enough layers to keep mc warm and still remain bundled up. He looks like he's dressed for an expedition to the Arctic while mc looks she's on a day out in town when the weather is kind of cold.
About limited events, it is a lot like ongoing tv shows, I hadn't thought about it like that! Jumbled events really can mess up a story and its progression. I don't think there are words in the English language to describe how I felt when playing through the main story of an otome, having a character threaten to kill the mc very painfully and then opening the ongoing event and seeing said character say heartfelt romantic lines to mc with a kiss scene at the end. It was a very surreal experience and honestly kind of hilarious.
xfjzfhxj poor Artem being put on the spot like that. The team will love Dirt Leaf and their name will be part of the reason why. Vyn will probably incorporate Dirt Leaf into his campaigns and make the rest cry over them somehow. Watch as the backstory behind Dirt Leaf's name is revealed to be one of the saddest things Vyn has ever come up with.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SKIRMISH CONTENT!!! I will never regret asking people about their dnd characters it's always just So Nice to hear about them!! Their backstory is really interesting and I really like how they got their name! And the fanfic. The Fanfic. I'm so tempted to give a piece by piece recount of all the parts I loved but I'm pretty sure that would cause this ask to hit the word limit so I will try to condense it. I'm a sucker for repetition in writing, in music, in film, in Literally Everything. You used repitition Wonderfully in that fic. Everytime I read "tell me something real" it evoked a different emotion in me and tied the story together so well. I knew how it would end and Still I was hoping for a happy ending and my heart broke when it didn't happen. In summary I care Skirmish so much I wish nothing but the best for them.
THEIR ANTICS ARE SO FUN!!! Every single thing you shared brought me so much joy. Personal favourite is definitely their made up story about the sword fhifgii that one really backfired on you. Honestly though props to you for actually being able to improvise that long of a story! I'm pretty impressed! I absolutely would have floundered halfway through that.
Again thank you so much for the Skirmish lore! I really, really enjoyed reading all of it!
all this is in response to events Yesterday and man, made me realize i talk about SO MUCH IN ONE DAY DSKFJKJFS but i'll keep this response brief cuz ur other ask is making me go feral and i wanna get to that
god, the cn server event. they all look so good in the cards and the invite but kjbkbKJBKJD YEAH LUKE IMMEDIATELY GOES TO THE FLOOR AND EVERYBODY LOOKS TO BE WALKING. headcanon accepted, he does this all the time. any investigation, hes crouching on the floor immediately. and marius has enough layers to warm the whole team LMAO
ur so right about Dirt Leaf and i cant believe vyn is gonna make the whole team cry about Dirt Leaf.
and waaaWAAAAAA IM SO GLAD U LIKED THE FICCCCCC. i too am a slut for repetition especially when each repetition gains a new meaning and context as stories progress and just HHHH THANK U FOR UR KIND WORDS BOTH ABOUT THE FIC AND ABOUT SKIRMS, MY BASTARD CREATION!! i also care them dearly :((
thank YOU so much for the enthusiasm uve got for stuff i make here, be it dumb posts pointing out funny stuff or my non fandom ramblings, it means a lot to me <3
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iphoenixrising · 5 years
I was thinking about the Titans working with the Avengers Kon and Bart still a little ticked at how Tim was treated brag about how fast Tim bonded with the Avengers. How Tony is seconds away from adopting Tim. How Bucky and Tim have come so close that he is in agreement with Tony to kidnap their new son. How they had to drag Tim out of Tony's lab where he and Peter were playing with DUM-E. To add insult Cass shows up and says how happy Tim is. Dick & Jason are off to get their baby bird back.
Hi babe.
WELP. This is not exactly what you were thinking of, but dammit. Dammit. Angst, you know?
But I mean, I really do enjoy two things: Tony Stark taking Tim in the Tower so they can literally wreck ALL the things; also, the Bats realizing the absolute fuckery of how Tim pretty much got booted out of the role as Robin, then running elbows over assholes trying to get him back and make up for it.
So, I kind of thought it might start out like this maybe...
“How do we look, Tin Man?”
“We look fantastic as always, Klondike. Sexy is our aesthetic. See anything from your perch?”
“You know what I’m looking at, Tones.” The Winter Soldier only partly means the view in Gotham.
And yes, Iron Man already has JARVIS focused on the two vigilantes walking around their Robin’s penthouse apartment. He knew letting Tim come back to Gotham was a bad idea, but dammit Steve had been adamant, saying they shouldn’t try to sway the kid.
“He needs to make his own decisions, Tony. We want him to come back because he wants to, not because we’re pressuring him, right?”
Tony and Buck had immediately called bullshit, but couldn’t argue when Tim himself, old backpack and worn hoodie, no mask over his eyes or utility belt around his hips, just a 19 year old kid that looked so much younger, so timid, so broken without his alter ego.
“It’s time for me to go back,” he’d said quietly to the gathered Avengers, a whole different kid without the mask. “I just wanted to say good-bye.”
His eyes are violet-blue and soft when he looks around at them, seemingly satisfied he’d single-handedly brought the team back together after the shit show that was Civil War. He can leave now since the mission he’d set out to do is accomplished, and is apparent since they’re all gathered in New York City once again, leaving the Compound for the new incarnation of SHIELD with Fury at the helm, pretty much infiltrating the Tower to start the road back to becoming the family they used to be.
(And God is it crazy, fighting and living together with the insanity that is their lives.)
It started with a broken metal arm, alien invasions, and a plate of superior nachos.
It ended up with the team saving each other’s asses, coming to an understanding, fighting it out, then crying it out.
It ended with Wanda sobbing in Tony’s chest while his arms around her are almost as tight as Peitro’s once were, with Steve red-eyed on Tony’s other side, whispering in his hair how never again – together means together, with Bucky’s forehead against the back of his neck and tears streaming down his face, with Bruce and Nat holding hands while their legs tangled with Tony’s, Steve’s, and Vision’s, with Sam laughing at them all while he’s wiping his eyes, with the whole group literally jumping on Thor the minute he touches down with the new haircut and air of perpetual weariness, with them taking up a big table in their favorite 24-hour diner feeding each other and telling stories about what they’ve all been up to since that awful thing at the airport.  
Red Robin’s run with them started with fractured friendships and ends with them tripping all over each other during meals and movie nights. Bruce’s curry, Nat’s homemade dressing for the salad, Thor dipping in to snatch bites from everyone’s contribution. But this time around, it’s Sam and Wanda chopping vegetables while Bucky directs a sleepy Tony to a barstool close but out of the traffic, turning around to let the mechanic tie up his hair for him before he joins the cooking fiasco.
A week after they all move back in, he feels good leaving them with the rooms in the living quarters of Avengers Tower full of light and voices and warmth, just like it should have been. He’s giving himself a million vigilante points for this one – even if he’s going back out with no team and no safety net. It’s fine. He’s fine. He can’t stay forever anyway.
Besides, Kon and Bart have been trying to find him again, so it’s time to move on before they get too close. And really, he’s got no other excuses to stay. Bucky’s arm is maintained regularly, the broken team is working and the Accords (thankfully had been attacked on more than one side, thanks to big industries like WE and Queen, Inc. alongside Stark Industries) are modified to protect superheroes rather than stop them from doing what they do best.
All-in-all, he’d say the mission has been a success.
“Tim,” and the Captain moves away from Tony and Bucky’s side, one hand automatically out toward him, “you absolutely don’t have to go.”
“I appreciate the offer,” and he clears his suddenly tight throat, making sure the hood and too-long hair obscure his face. “But, it’s time.”
It only takes a glance back at the full team crowded around the communal floor television while the four player Mario Kart game stays on pause. The faces full of devastation make the message clear enough. With a decisive nod at the silent statement going through the team, Steve turns back to try arguing, the teenager is just–
Tony, however, can’t shake the feeling of wrongness in the abrupt departure, and absolutely starts tracking the second he can pull away from the team to set-up protocols to trace the steps of their vigilante.
He listened to Steve’s half-hearted, “you know we can’t interfere with the Justice League, Tony. And Batman? Gotham is his territory. We go there, and there’s no guarantee we’ll be making it out if we even get past city limits.”
“Those guys might have the whole city wired with traps,” Natasha grudgingly admits. “Everyone knows the capes are unpredictable and terrifying. We should at least go through proper channels to get permission. Even if he’s still–”
“Oracle has nothing on me,” Tony’s eyes are all for the blipping red dot on his floating holo-screen.
Steve and Bucky exchange a glance behind Tony’s back, eyes meeting with a silent message. Bucky smirks and slides the muzzle up his face. Steve briskly turns on a heel and leaves the workshop with a plan already forming on how he’s going to run interference with the JLA so Tony and Bucky could sneak into Gotham without making a fuss.  
Bucky strides the opposite way, hand on Tony’s bicep, leaning in to talk low, “tell me ya got something more stealthy than red n’ gold, Doll. That or yer gonna play my Oracle, and get me in the kid’s penthouse from somewhere safe n’ sound.”
“Oh hell no. You’re not going anywhere without me. I’ve got a trick up my sleeve, Buckeroo, and it’s going to get us an audience with our disappearing vigilante.”
Tony’s satisfied grin makes him look adorable enough that Bucky has to literally bite down on the inside of his cheek to stop himself from kissing (their) the engineer until he begs.
(Not like this. Steve had to be there when they were finally ready to tell Tony how they felt about him. Soon, they’d agreed last night after finding the exhausted mechanic asleep on the kitchen table with a tablet clutched in his hand and could finally admit to themselves how much he made them want.)
“I’ll bite. What d’ya got?”
“Just a little something super waiting in the wings. JJ, fire up the Quinjet. We’ve got a Robin to visit.”
With the Winter Soldier watching the two vigilantes facing Tim through his scope, Tony stands on a closer rooftop with the very new, very nice stealth armor, recording the footage of Nightwing and the Red Hood. His blood heats when it looks like they’re yelling at Red Robin while the younger is obviously bandaging himself up after a bad run-in.
And they’re not even helping him for fuck’s sake.
“Wow, that’s cold,” Bucky says softly while the comm in their ears are giving them the whole conversation. Something about Tim taking on a guy named Bane by himself. Seems to Buck like the kid took the asshole down, so the ass-chewing the other vigilantes are handing him seems to be pretty fucking ungrateful.
“They don’t deserve him. We have more sciency things for him to do. Crime fighting is always fun, but why not build amazing shit in-between?”
“Aw, c’mon Tones. Gotta let ‘im outta the lab so’s we can spar. Kid’s always got tricks. Makes fer some fun.”
“I know that’s why you like him so much, Barnes.”
“What, like I ain’t seen you fightin’ outside the suit before?”
“I’m not teenage vigilante kind of street-smart. I will punch the hell out of you, make some nifty explosions, re-configure your systems...oh.”
“Finally gettin’ it are ya?” And he can’t help it when his tone drops a little, watching Nightwing’s arms flail. “S’why I like ‘im. Reminds me of you, Doll.”
“...you might actually make me blush, Soldier. How novel.”
“If it helps, Steve never believed ya were just a guy in a suit. Not from the moment he met ya.”
“Where the hell did that come from?”
“Like I ain’t hung out with ya the past few months? I know how ya think, Stark, and ya ain’t just the armor.”
“Sure, sure. In all actuality, I’m the most well-paid consultant that ever lived.”
The Winter Soldier’s eyes flicker over where the Mark XXI is ducked in the shadows, jaw clenching because Tony’s odd self-deprecating tendencies bothers him just as much as it bothers Stevie. At some point, they’re going to address it with Tony, face-to-face. Not now, but that day is going to come, so help him.
In the meantime, Bucky tunes back in on the conversation happening inside, flips the safety on his rifle, and starts moving closer to Tony’s roof since they might not even need Plan B after all.
“What does that even mean, Timmy?”
“Calm it down, Big Wing. Pretender, look–”
“Do you see a fucking R on my chest, Hood?” And even from where he’s trucking over rooftops, Bucky can see the tension in Tim’s spine, the fast, angry movements as he tapes gauze pads to obviously fresh stitches. “I’m not ‘pretending’ fuck anymore. So how about you fuck off with that ‘Pretender’ shit.”
“...all right. That’s fair, so my bad. But lookit, B is all about ya coming ta the yearlies, you feel me?”
“What part of ‘it’s not my place’ isn’t clear here?”
The sigh from Nightwing is loud enough to hear it over the microphone Tony planted when they touched down.
“You have got to get over this thing,Tim. Dami’s been Robin for–”
“That’s what you think? That I’m fucking jealous, Dick?”
“He was a kid. He’s not still crying about the past–”
“Get. The Fuck. Out.”
The quiet calm of Tim’s tone is enough to make Bucky pause, and the sleek black Iron Man armor to step out of the shadows.
“I’m serious Tim! Listen–”
“I’m done. Done with you, done with the Bats, I’m fucking done. So do us both a favor and forget you were ever here.”
Nightwing flinches, his shoulders and back getting tight by the time Bucky is beside Iron Man, frowning behind the muzzle.
“I think we’ve heard about enough,” is distorted but still so Tony through the suit’s synthesizers. “Want a ride, Red Dawn? We can show up and be the likeable ones for once.”
“Really, Iron Man? I thought only Cap got special rides.”
“Well, I will always make an exception for my Bucky Bear, you know,” and he wiggles an arm, sighs a little as the Winter Soldier steps up against the suit, stepping up on to the rocket boots.
Having Bucky against him is something he can keep locked in the secret file in his brain he pulls up when he has bad days. Things like Steve hugging him, trips to the ball field, Bucky hanging out with him in the workshop while Steve drew or read or did paperwork on his tablet.
(Things he can never have. Sure, he can want, but he can’t let it get too real. Locking it away is safer for everyone.)
Knocking on the door of Tim’s balcony, shaking up the Bats, is really much more satisfying than Tony would have thought ten seconds ago.
He knows Tim is shocked, had probably been expected the big, bad Bat at his door rather than two Avengers waiting for entrance.
In his black and gold stealth armor, Tony waves metal fingers when the curtains pull back and Tim’s mouth drops open on the other side.
The door is wrenched open, and they can both hear, “we ain’t done here, Tim,” from inside, but Tim absolutely ignores it to stare wide-eyed at Iron Man and the Winter Soldier just, you know, hanging out on his balcony of all the fucking places.
“Tony. Bucky, what the hell–”
“Leave you alone for a few minutes, and you’re all kinds of hurt. Why am I not shocked? Winter Wonderland, are you shocked?” Tony gives no shits about interrupting this cute little family get-together and absolutely pushes his way in to Tim’s penthouse without a fuck to give.
As normal, Bucky is more of a doer than a talker when he’s in the mask, so Tony gets to watch him do that incredibly sexy murder strut right over the threshhold and grab a hold of Tim’s elbow. He snickers at the older vigilantes obviously gawking as the Winter Soldier pushes the third Robin down in a seat at his kitchen table right by the open first-aid kit.
“Zadnitsa,” the Winter soldier snarls in rebuke, already digging out more gauze pads.
“I missed you too, Frosty,” Tim shoots back, obliging the dangerous assassin by holding still while the gauze pads are taped down and more alcohol wipes are used to disinfect a serious slice on Tim’s shoulder blade.
Honestly, Tony has no idea how he even managed to stitch it himself, but the helmet swings over to the two surprised vigilantes.
“This sure as hell ain’t a good way to show it, y’know,” Bucky pulls the goggles off but leaves the mask, metal arm moving seamlessly while he gently pats the remaining slice with disinfectant.  
“Well, I didn’t expect you two to just drop in or anything. Or else, I might have a nice psycho for you to take down.”
“Well, shows you, don’t it?”
“I guess so. But I do have a bag full of plums in the fridge, so you’re in luck.”
“Hell yeah, Red.”
The faceplate of the helmet kicks up and Tony is grinning beneath it, “aww, plums for our favorite murder bot? What about coffee for your best engineer friend–”
Bucky pauses abruptly, and Tony sees the movement, a soft sigh of sound, but only just. The knife as long as his forearm is just suddenly out, metal hand on Tim’s good shoulder, holding him down, some automatic instinct to protect the kid makes Tony bite the inside of his cheek so he isn’t smiling.
The other vigilantes, however, are really intimidated in their own right since Red Hood has twin .45s in his gloved hands and Nightwing’s escrima sticks spark a few times for good measure.
“Tim, get up slowly and step back,” Nightwing’s voice is just this side of dangerous.
“We gotcha back, Tim, you feel me?” Hood’s thumbs flick the safety, a whole lot of not fuckin’ around happening right here.
“Do me a personal favor,” the unmasked vigilante deadpans, “and go fuck yourselves.” Tim wiggles out from under the hold on his shoulder and stands, gingerly puts a hand on Bucky’s brandishing the knife. He waits for those blue-gray eyes to slide over to him.
“C’mon, Bucky,” Tim tries to cajole softly, “these guys aren’t a threat. The knife is very nice. Is it new? You know I like to look at new weapons, but you can put it away. Promise.”
“Malyutka,” is a question more than a statement.
Tim huffs in annoyance because honestly, he’s not a kid.  (Welp, take into account, 100+ year old assassin, and maybe he can see the point.)
“My apartment, my rules, and if anyone, anyone,” he stresses, glaring at the two tense vigilantes, “gets blood on my floors or walls, then it’s fucking on. Everyone get that?”
“You’ll have to forgive us for being jumpy,” Nightwing deadpans, “we have a tendency to treat legendary assassins with immediate attention when one’s in our city, right Hood?”
The stiff angle of the guns doesn’t waver, nor does the helmet move. “Gotta say,” Hood’s voice is deep, even with the synths, “always thought this might go down different if our paths ever crossed again, Soldier.”
From behind the muzzle, Bucky’s teeth flash white, a terrifying smile, “last time my Handler wouldn’t let me kill you, Red Hood. Wanna to give it a go now that I don’t have one?”
“Sounds like a fucking party to me, sweetheart. Ya gimmie a time n’ I’ll bring the motherfuckin’ confetti.”
“Any. Fuckin’. Time–”
“As entertaining as this is,” Tony interjects, the soft haaa when the armor opens up to let him step out, “our host absolutely said no blood, right boys?”
Slowly, weapons lower, but the tension is high in the room, only broken when Bucky points a gloved finger back to the chair Tim was previously in.
(And during the time Tim had spent with the Avengers, none of them knew the Winter Soldier and Red Hood had met before. He’s going to want some details on that little scuffle.)
“Thank-you. I’m glad good manners are winning out over bullshit posturing,” and Tony pours on his media smile, giving Nightwing and the Red Hood something else to look at while Bucky gently finishes up with their vigilante. “Because really. We’re literally all on the same side here. We just happen to go through legal channels to beat the shit out of bad guys. Not as much fun, but you can’t beat the tax breaks.”
“Mmhm, I’m really hoping you aren’t in Gotham as Iron Man, Mr. Stark. You know there are rules about being in this city.”
And Tony would bet his entire fortune Nightwing has a listening device somewhere in that ridiculously tight suit for the Dark Knight to monitor what’s happening in Red Robin’s apartment right this moment.
(Especially the fact they know his civilian identity and are comfortable enough calling him by his real name. They probably aren’t going to be on any Justice League party invites for a while after this. He wonders how Steve is doing with Superman and Wonder Woman right about now.)
“I asked them to come,” Tim interjects, not bothering to glance at either vigilante, “they’re here to help me with a case. My lead is a dead-end, so we’re all going to be out of Gotham as soon as fucking possible. The Batman will have to deal with it.”
Tony hums, crosses his arms over his chest. He meets Bucky’s quick glance, quirks a grin since maybe they could convince him to come to New York instead. Or, if his Plan B is still waiting in the wings, they could do something altogether different.
(There’s a whole floor available in the Tower, and wouldn’t that be some incentive for Tim to get it together and land somewhere more permanent?)
“Tim…” and the wealth of warning there isn’t enough to earn Nightwing the youngest vigilante’s attention after the last gauze pad goes on.
But the youngest of the vigilantes stands from his chair, turns to give them the same fuck you and the zip line you rode in on attitude, “don’t fucking even with me, N.”
“You can’t come to the yearly gathering for one night, but you can pal around with the Avengers?”
And oh! Is that jealousy he hears? Tony has to bite down on the inside of his cheek to keep from smirking because wow, Nightwing does not sound very happy.
“It’s none of your fucking business–” and that tension is back in the square of Tim’s bare shoulders, the flex of his forearms.
Tony easily picks up his discarded nerd shirt, pointedly steps between him and the glowering vigilantes, shoves the shirt over the kid’s head and ignores his sputtering.
“I’m sure nothing that would interest you,” Tony makes a point to stay between the two groups, “I mean, you don’t work with Red Robin anymore, right? So he’s a free agent. Believe me, he’s been super helpful with us in New York, I don’t know if we'd all be in the same room without him.”
Tony is being absolutely innocent about it, letting Tim shove his arms in the right places while he grins at the obviously unhappy vigilantes over his shoulder.
The glare Tim levels at him would have probably withered anyone else. Good thing Tony has very, very little shame, and between him and Steve, the best troll in the Avengers award is still undecided. This might just put him over the top. He doesn’t need Bucky to remove his mask to know there’s a smirk underneath.
“I’m sorry, what now?” The whiteouts swing from Tim to Tony, “since when don’t we work together? We only have since you were twelve–”
“And we haven’t since your Robin kicked me the fuck out of my home. I’ve been out of the Cave, out of this city, and out of your life since then, so don’t come here with some attitude about it.” Tim’s eyes slide to the Red Hood. “You two coming here to ask me about the yearlies? Like I’ve been there for the last three? Like I haven’t come back unless someone called me in because, let’s face it, I’m just another body to fight the good fight, right? So this? Acting like I’m just going to forgive and forget? You can both absolutely go fuck yourselves.”
And some tiny part of Tony feels utterly proud in that moment, feels somewhat vindicated at how cold and calm Tim is, how he’s just laying it all out on the table, no bullshit, no contingencies, no taking the high road, no giving in, and it’s so much the Tim he knows, squaring his shoulders and facing both older vigilantes with anger so cold it burns.
“I–I mean, Tim–”
“There is literally nothing you could say right now that I’d want to hear, Nightwing. Nothing. All those years of fighting together, of being partners? I never would have guessed you’d be the one to stab me in the back, but I guarantee you won’t get another chance.”
But, the night gets that much better when Nightwing and the Red Hood gives them the death glare of doom before Tim pretty much kicks them out of his apartment.
Tony isn’t cheering out loud, but wow does he want to.
“Timmy,” Nightwing gives it one last, desperate try, turning at an impossible angle with one leg out the window to face the de-masked vigilante, tone low and serious.
“You’re a few years too late, Nightwing. Now get the fuck out.”
Tim had flicked his hand out behind him, a flat palm telling Tony and Bucky to stay back when he pretty much forced both vigilantes out of his apartment with a sneer of disdain and a promise to set his security protocols to shock the utter fuck out of them if they ever tried to come back to his last hold-over in Gotham. By the way the Red Hood stood shock still, and Nightwing’s frown deepened, they apparently believed him.
While Tim shuts the windows, locking them with finality, Bucky finally pulls off his muzzle and goggles, exchanges a worried glance with Tony when he realizes Tim’s hands are shaking.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Is soft but firm, is obvious Tim is trying to put himself back together.
“Well, as I said earlier–”
“Don’t bullshit me, Tony. There’s no case.”
With how empty and cold Tim sounds, how his hands are fisted at his sides, the tremble going through him, Tony pauses to take in the rest of the signs. He catches Bucky’s eyes and makes an executive decision.
Plan B it is.
“Okay, you’re right. No case. But, what I do have for you is more interesting and important than a case right now. Meaning, I still need your help with it.”
And when the kid finally turns to face him, face them, Tony can see the effects of dealing with Nightwing and the Red Hood in the clench of Tim’s jaw and the way he won’t really meet Tony’s eyes. A distraction is exactly what he needs, a reason to get the hell out of this city before he drowns in his own misery.
Instead, Tony turns his head toward a window, “all right, kid. Time to make your dramatic entrance!”
The super speed never gets old.
Not to mention the fact, Superboy is absolutely adorable when he’s just suddenly there, grabbing Tim around the waist and hugging him a little desperately.
“Oh my God, Kon?!”
Blue eyes blown wide, Tim’s eyes go from the meta-human wrapped around him to Tony’s soft smile to Bucky’s gentle smirk.
“Tim, Tim I can’t– I just! I...I missed you so much, Tim. We all missed you so much,” and Kon-El’s voice is barely a croak, heavy and thick with emotion, his face buried in the side of Tim’s throat, his back hunched over the smaller vigilante. “I needed to see you. Sorry about this, but...I’m not really.”
Like muscle memory, Tim’s brings a hand to the back of his best friend’s neck, making small circles against the tight tendons with his finger tips, still looking more shocked than pissed.
Tony is absolutely going to take it as a win.
**zadnitsa means ass or asshole kind of. Thanks Google Translate :D
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iwilleatratfood · 4 years
happy holidays fellers heres my review of the newest madhouse post
long ass post that deals with abuse and a very thinly veiled death threat, read at your own caution
TW Abuse
im not gonna go too grammar insane as a writer especially since a lot of pokemon grammar is hotly contested. however like in the second paragraph lily makes a pretty obvious tense error lmfao. theres tons of little ones scattered around. obviously not proofread lol
“She didn’t know, Bonnie. This lady…” G racked her brain, looking for a way to communicate the problem in a way Bonnie would understand. “…She was kinda like the Sun.”
Bonnie prickled, her face contorting into pure, unadulterated horror. “BUT THE SUN IS PURE EVIL!” She made it very clear to the entire household how little favor she had of the sun, the bright thing in the sky that always made her head hurt.
was this necessary? this may surprise you lily but the people reading madhouse have basic reading skills. you dont have to explain this to us like we’re three. 
“Your Mom wouldn’t let her split us up, though. It was the one thing she refused to cave on,” she continued. “And the lady got more and more angry over not controlling her completely. So one Christmas, she broke your Mom’s heart more than it had ever been broken.” G’s mind flooded with memories of that day. The aftermath of what was supposed to be a cheerful getaway christmas vacation for Lily and her then fiance. G awoke one night to find that Lily had come home earlier than expected bawling her eyes out on the couch. The look of absolute despair on the face of her lifelong friend. The things she spoke of. It still made G’s blood boil over ‘the last one’.
first off this shouldn’t be one paragraph if you want your readers to not immediately skip over it. the reason why authors like david foster wallace use it in books like infinite jest is to create prose that is painful and hard to look at. i dont think that was your intent.
second, i made a post on this shit and deleted it before lizzy told her side of the story because i wanted to not come off as a complete asshole. but i really dont care anymore. 
putting your real life relationship problems, about a person whos accused you of sexual coercion (bc lets not mince words here, that’s what it is) is literally one of the lowest things you could do. this isn’t for “healing”, this is trying to weaponize your fanbase to harass your ex.
“You were going to have to tell her eventually,” G argued as she took a step back and glanced at Mikaila and Ginger, who had both clued in to the conversation and were looking at her disapprovingly. “What?”
“Yeah, but not when she’s still so small and baby,” Lily pouted before going back to comforting Bonnie. “It’s okay, sweetie. The last one is gone and she’s never coming back. Mommy is much happier now that she’s gone. It’s okay.”
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“Then Momma will eat her,” Lily said with a warm smile.
“Oh don’t call me Momma!” G groaned.
Lily snickered. “Your Godmom will eat her.”
“That’s better,” G huffed. “And yes, I will. I’ll bury every fang in her sternum. I’ll purge her evil from the world with the unstoppable power of my digestive tract.”
hm wonder why this couldn’t make it into a comic. wonder why it couldnt be put to a visual medium right after lizzy’s twitlonger. hmmmm
“Was G like this when you guys were little?” Ginger asked.
“Sort of? When we were little, G’s psychic powers were still developing so she couldn’t really read people as effectively,” Lily explained. “And since we were both little, we had little kid things to worry about. Telling Bonnie about Kirsten only made her understand the feelings she picks up better. That’s why we have to be careful what we tell her.”
ok again with the past tense shit. i noticed this before and im starting to get annoyed. if this is happening now and its not a memory, use the present tense speaking verbs ffs.
my real point here is why is this a pokemon work. like whats the point of having G be a pokemon or this taking place within the canon universe. this is a ultimate flaw with a lot of sentient pokemon works, so lily you’re not exactly special here, but i feel like recently its become more glaring.
 if all the pokemon act like humans and are sentient like humans, why are they owned by them? if i made G a sentient alien and removed all the pokemon shit, not a whole lot would change, and thats a fucking problem if ur making a work within that universe.
“I look forward to it every year,” G smiled as she hugged Bonnie tightly.
Ginger turned a smirk back to Lily. “So it’s like an anniversary?”
“It’s not an anniversary!” Lily exclaimed, wheeling around with pursed lips. “Why do the two of you always go there?”
if pokemon/human is morally wrong stop teasing it in your work.
“Why not?” Bonnie pouted.
“Because… dear lord, how do I explain this to a baby?” Lily let her head fall back against the couch.
“Because it would make both of us unhappy,” G explained as she ran her fingers through Bonnie’s hair.
Bonnie blinked, looking up at her Godmother in complete and utter bewilderment. “What do you mean?”
G bit the inside of her cheek slightly as she took a moment to consider her next words. “Well… a lot of reasons really,” she started. “A big reason is If she and I were together, I would only want to have her all to myself. Your mom isn’t like that. She needs to share her love with everyone she feels it for. She’d have to give that up just to appease my insecurities. Mikaila and Ginger wouldn’t be here to spend time with you or tell you fun stories.”
so why is G still here if she would be so abusive and controlling?
rest of the post is boring and not worth my time to review but seriously. why is this a pokemon story  still, why is this G even with lily still after how controlling and obsessive she’s been in the past... typical questions that come up whenever new madhouse is posted.
and like. holy shit for a “damn good writer” lily cannot fucking seem to follow basic writing rules and/or basic grammar. even i know this shit, and i consider myself a writer that needs to improve. tons of basic tense shit that grammarly will hit you for, a fundemental lack of understanding on how fucking dialogue is formatted, and just massive paragraphs that need to be broken up so the reader can actually read the shit your posting.
merry christmas, i will be reviewing the next post as well. 
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Passion, Passion, and More Passion
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yoarashi inasa x reader
warning: fluff
a/n: i combined these two, if you’re anon and would like it to be separate just let me know, ill definitely fix it for you :)
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Before friendship:
you’re a quiet person, you had always been that way since getting your quirk. it was Alternate Reality. you could change the reality of the area around you for five minutes before it changed back
and people were fearful of you because of that
no one trusted you and because of that your personality faded away, instead you put up walls that kept everyone out. no one trusted you to begin with, why did they deserve you?
so when you meet inasa in middle school, youre immediately drawn to him. his inability to be fearful because he just loved everything so much
but you didn’t change yourself, he would eventually turn on you, right?
he doesn’t stop bugging you, claiming that your power is something special and you should be super passionate for it, but you scoff and leave him every time only for the large boy to follow you while citing off his top 1000 list of Pro-Heroes to which he couldn’t actually list off because they were all just so passionate!
expect to be bugged constantly with everything that Inasa can think of
because he can see the passion in your eyes
no matter how much you scoff at him
or snap at him
he won’t leave
then it happens one day in class, p.e. when the two of you are put up against each other for a competition, and its the slight fire in your eyes and the way you take off with victory on your mind that makes inasa step back and realize there only one thing that would make him happier than he already was. being friends with you.
expect constant declarations of his love for your passion for you as his friend
he loves you (platonically at this point) and your quirk
he won’t shut up about your quirk ever
showing another group of girls a cockroach he found
“This is AMAZING! you know what’s even better--y/l/n-chan’s quirk!”
you do take awhile for your walls to fall down, but you’re happy it was him who gets it down because he is supportive
expect him to bring you the most insane presents
a stick because it reminded him of the one time you two got into a screaming competition, don’t ask how, you still didn’t understand
he just loves you so much
competitions made out of literally anything and the most important competition between you two comes days before results of high school enrollment begins
“I BET I CAN BEAT YOU IN A TREE CLIMBING COMPETITION!” Inasa hollers as the two of you stare at the large, very compelling tree in front of you. 
you smirk at him and nod, “ready?”
Inasa shakes his head excitedly, dropping his backpack on the ground as he stares up and he screams when you disappear from view
his eyes look up to see you already nearing the top, and with a spurt of his quirk he rockets up, catching up easily.
with another warp of reality, he comes crashing into tree branches and you laugh as he is disorientated as you implement a ladder into the tree climbing up and winning
“Take THAT Yoarashi-kun!”
it had to be the way you sat in the tree with the wind blowing through your hair, your eyes filled with excitement and joy of winning, and the grin on your face that he had longed for so long to see months ago
and a blush over comes him as his heart begins thumping in a passionate way thats... foreign and yet calming
the tree branches you made disappear and he topples towards the ground with a load groan
inasa blinks looking up at the sky as your head peers into your vision, worry and concern on your face
“Are you hurt?! Why didn’t you use your quirk, Yoarashi-kun?!?! Are you okay?!” you say as you try tending to any injury of his
“haha, im very sorry for scaring you, I just slipped!”
“if you say so...”
if you thought your best friend was overbearing and invasive, you took it all back now
the two of you were going to Shiketsu Academy after Inasa said he would not be able to go to U.A. which was both of your dream school
but above anything your dream of being a pro-hero meant staying with inasa, so you followed him despite being offered a seat as well
but right now he was sort of avoiding you, only talking about you to other people in your class, but he refused to have a conversation outside of a generic one
as if you two weren’t best friends
and it pisses you off because you were in love with that babbling baffoon but he was suddenly giving you a distant shoulder? that wasn’t the passionate overbearing person you knew him to be
it takes you a bit to gather your wits, but you finally confront him one day when you are able to get him trapped within your quirk
“what the FUCK is wrong with you Yoarashi?!” you seethe as you shove him against the wall you manifested. “you can’t go from being over the top to ignoring me every second of the day?! you’re my best friend and i can’t have you doing this to me without an explanation!” you sob
and inasa breaks, the passion you had for the two of you was too much
and he does his trademark apology, slamming his bleeding forehead into the ground as he seeks your forgiveness
and you give it to him without hesitation
inasa then tries to woo you with overwhelming love and attention, something you find to be,,,, real nice
he’s just pure energy and charm and he’s oh so pretty
inasa’s over one day to study, the two of you are up in your room
it was a hot and sticky day
and you’re in a tank and shorts and inasa is having a hard time not staring at you
“what did you get for number 47?” you ask gazing up to your best friend who was now caught in the middle of oogling at your chest
and you shriek embarrassed
when you calm down, the two of you are unable to focus as the two of you keep stammering out sentences and blushing ridiculous amounts
“Y/l/n-chan,” Inasa speaks over you, his large hand on yours, and you freeze as you watch as he shifts towards you leaning in closely. “I have feelings for you, and I want to confess them to you right now, if you will let me.”
you nod dumbly as Inasa rises from your bed and comes to tower over where you stood. you were short already, but next to your best friend you felt almost childish
you shrieked as Inasa sank to his knees in front of you
“I like you, a lot, will you be my girlfriend?”
You shake slightly as you take in that sentence, the worry in his eyes as you remain silent for too long, but the crushing, passionate kiss you place on his lips answers the question for him as he quickly returns the passion to the tenth degree
“of course i will be...”
you think he was overbearing before, guess what
his hands are always in yours
he won’t do much more than hold you hand for PDA because he’s too polite and formal but he will always hold your hand
you will whisk him away into an empty classroom to kiss him until his too flustered to speak and walk away without a care in the world
walking to and from school his arm is slung across your shoulder as long as there aren’t too many eyes
he always does spontaneous dates
“Y/l/n-chan, lets go rock picking to express our passionate feelings for each other!”
“Y/l/n-chan, I heard the shelter got new puppies! let’s get some dinner and head over and look at them together!!”
“Y/l/n-chan, your favorite passionate hero is out the corner, leT’S GO AND ASK FOR THEIR BLESSING!”
he will spoil you with his love
duh what else would he do with those overflowing feelings
making out in your room instead of studying 
kissing him in public as he would have to bury his face into your neck because your passion was way too bright for him to handle
using his quirk to cool you down, or to lift you up when you needed to grab something from a tall cabinet
making out on the couch while his family made dinner because it made him feel like he was going to implode
freshly picked flowers
making out
you get the point
How he falls in love, and how he confesses:
it’s nearing the final year of your education at Shiketsu, and the two of you are the school’s powercouple.
it’s rumored you two could take on the entire hero course of U.A. and win (inasa spread that rumor so that todoroki and bakugou would reach out and speak with him)
the two of you are making out on your desk because walking two meters to your bed was too much work, and then you pull away panting and instead of going back in for a kiss you wrap him in a hug
and this flusters inasa as you place your head on his chest, listening to the thundering heartbeat in his chest
“a-are you okay?” he would stutter out as he was unsure if his new kissing technique was bad, damn he knew he shouldn’t had listened to camie about the tongue sucking technique!!!
he knew it was weird!!!
but she had used the words passionate and he bought it
the small nod against his bare chest brings him to reality and you look up and smile at him, “I’m just so grateful for you, inasa...”
his name leaving your lips just feels so passionate, so loving
he envelopes you into a crushing hug and the rest of the night the two of you cuddle in bed
its when you fall asleep on his chest, your finger still tracing blobs and shapes onto his stomach is when it hits him, he’s in love
he loves you with more passion then he has ever felt in his life
and he smiles softly as he kisses the top of your forehead falling asleep himself
he’s not ready to tell you yet, he was waiting for your two year anniversary to announce his love for you when you get him too excited during a particularly intense makeout session and the words tumble out of his mouth
“i love you... so much, y/n.” he gasps out as his lips attack your neck, he obviously being unaware of the words that came out of his mouth
you freeze and shove him away
a light whine escaping his lips as he tries to reattach himself onto you
“You love me?!” you pant as a blush overcomes both your cheeks
and the passion in inasa’s being inhibits him from speaking as he nods
“I-i, I love you too, inasa-chan, so much.” You whisper as both your eyes search others and laughter escapes your lips as you pull him back onto you, ready to show him how much you love him
it was a night filled with passion, passion, and more passion
and both of you knew that there was no one else in the world they wanted
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greenninjagal-blog · 5 years
Your pj au is so good! I’m curious, how did you decide on the different godly parents? Virgil as Hypnos is really interesting!
[Fanfiction this is based on]
Okay anon, the first thing you need to know for this is that i got my start at writing from the Percy Jackson fandom. Which means that i read a lot of fanfiction and then was like “…what if i could do this, but the way i want to???”
The second thing is that i adore the hell out of Ethan Nakmura.
Ergo while everyone was out there making OCs that were children of the big three, i was quietly researching the minor gods that are mentioned like once and never again.
Clovis showed up in TLH and its implied he sleeps all day, dreamwalks, and keeps to himself. You know who sounds like he’d like being alone all the time and can casually freak out about whether a dream is a demigod one or just a normal weird dream? Virgil.
Theres a line in like MoA I think where the Seven are going to find Nike, and Percy mentions that the Nike kids are always instigating competitions, which i have never once been able to get out of my head. You know whos just insecure and determined enough to want to continually prove himself to be better even if hes not? Roman.
(And twin? Brother?? To a Nike Kid??? Remus has got to be a son of Victoria. The Roman part of him would absolutely not let him rest until he overtakes the Greeks.)
Ill admit i was gonna make Dee a son of Janus, god of choices, transitions, and new beginings, but the more I thought of hin the more i was like “this has ethan vibes this has ethan vibes THIS HAS ETHAN VI–” so i caved made the poor boy a Greek in Rome. Lies are all about balancing the truth with the fabrication, and he went and played a lawyer in SvS. My hands were tied.
Logan was always a toss up between Athena and Hephaestus. Theyre both insanely smart, but for the plot i needed a roman based Logan and Minvera doesnt have roman children according to SoN. I would have done Bellona, but i couldnt pass up Logan with fire powers literally building himself friends because he doesnt understand other humans. So Vuclan it is.
Do not get me started on Patton. My God. I still dont know who hes the kid of (which is part of the reason why the story hasnt gone anywhere). Iris is an underrated goddess. But then again so is Comus, the god of Merrymaking, and Tyche, the goddess of luck, and Pasithea, goddess of relaxation. All of which have excellent points: they make people like him! Patton likes when people like him! He even likes them when they take advantage of him! The main thing i needed in the plot was for Virgil to see him as someone who was kind to him, but also hopelessly bad at protecting him (whether or not thats actually true), and for him to be a minor influence in Camp Half Blood because he, roman, and Logan embark on a “quest” withoht permission to do so and it needs to be at least a day before anyone notices theyre gone.
Character Thomas is a son of Poseidon because, im sorry, he gives strong Percy Vibes to me. Hes relaxed and casual and clever and he jokes even at the bad times. If the world were ending, id want thomas to be the one leading us to victory. Joan is the bestest of best friends that i could think of, and dont you dare tell me that Grover is not Percy’s best friend. I’ll fight. Also i love the idea of Joan and Thomas meeting in boarding school and immediately becoming ride-or-die best friends, okay. Talyn would probably be an excellent Hecate kid, but i like the idea of them and joan both being able to control plants. Idk why, dont ask. I chose Demeter for them because of the down-to-earth vibes they give off. And if Talyn was gonna kill someone i think they’d use poisons, and what better access to then then being able to grow your own.
This has been, a needlessly long and complex reasoning of my thoughts. Im totally down to hear others thoughts on these too though. Mostly i was bored with the “Virgil is a son if Hades” idea and built off that.
[Next Ask]
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oh-shit-a-baby · 5 years
A complete compilation of my thoughts throughout the musicals second half,,, this bois going to be real long bc I have a lot of thoughts lol
Now without @drawinglinesinarbitraryplaces :(
Yep dumbledore can still sing
Omg his voice
This song is going to make me cry aaaaa
Becky: you don’t look at all the same as I remember
Me: yeah no shit dumbledore grew a beard
Jesus,,,,, theyre just going to go for it right there,,,,,, ookay
Wtaf is this movie they’re watching
Idk if this is an unpopular opinion bc no one has an opinion yet but Becky and toms song is the cutest one ever and a bop and I love it
Jesus they payed for a balcony and they’re going to fucking use it aren’t they
The black and white isn’t that what lexs sister was on about
Wiggly is the king u wot m8
President kurt knows nothing about anything and that’s a mood
So if the next movie isn’t about ‘13 years ago’ imma freak
^^^president kurt quotes
In short, mr president, we are trying to stop the birth
*dramatic piano*
Of a god.
It’s good score tho 10/10
Sherman young
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Nuff said
After today’s great battle???
Faith in the one true god!! All hail wiggly!!!
My new religion lol
*cue joey and Robert just screaming wiggly for like 5 mins straight*
Yeah Gerald
She pronounces Cinnabon as see-nah-bohn what’s up with that lol
*cue people dying and their mics stopping working*
Holy fuck they all wanna kill Hannah now (lexs sister gets a name now apparently)
I would kneel before villain Lauren any day
I will deestroy everything, and then I will deestroy everything, and then I will deestroy everything and then I will oh shit it’s Gerald.
While I don’t want you to think for yourselves I do want you to understand what I mean when I say my evil shit
I’m sorry that choreo is a yike
He’s in the black and white now we’ll that sounds like shit
Hannah is the unsung hero of this musical so far
*said in wiggly voice* well, webby (Hannah’s spider imaginary friend who I think is gonna be the deus ex machina of this thing) is a stupid bitch!
Rotten little banana. I’m going to peel you. I’m going to split you in two. I’m going to eat you Hannah. I’m going to eat you right now. *all said in dramatic wiggly voice*
Aaand their mics broke again
We don’t get tricked! We’re grown ups!
And Becky and Tom are immediately evil the second they see the wiggly bc of course they are
Jesus beckys the villain???????
Welcome to the musical where everyone gets a villain song AND a hero song??????
Her voice is still beautiful
*Prancing around* DO YOU WANT SOME CANDYYYYY??????
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She’s still wearing ethans hat my heart is going to go oh my god
And he just,,,,, leaves Becky to die?????
President Kurt in a space suit oh my god
And America is great again is playing in the background
Yeah no president kurt can’t do foreign policy
His name is like howie or something but imma call him president kurt just like Tom was dumbledore for like the first half of this mess
Oh fuck joeys character is here and he’s gonna FUCK PREZ KURT UP
He’s eating an apple that means he’s a asshole
Holy fuck joeys character is like the ultimate capitalist
And also terrifying holy shit
Joeys character: Do you think that in the Netherlands they’d care about some toy??? Nah!!! They’re too busy with their free vacations and FREE healthcare!!
(When I refer to joeys character I mean the evil one he just doesn’t have a name yet so idk what to call him)
And joey can still sing I love him
His voice is so good and this whole villain is giving me spies are forever flashbacks
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I have absolutely no fuckin clue what’s going on rn
Holy fuck joeys voice is so beautiful and his range is killing me
I take back what I said earlier this song is the best one bc joey
Holy fuck someone just hit like a high d and I have no clue who it was bc the video quality is not the greatest
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Wiggly is so scary because he speaks like a child and those are scary
Joeys voice and acting is gonna kill me
Yeah made in America is the shit
Also the black and white is a dumb as shit name for an alternate reality
*wiggly voice* Uh-oh mr prezzy-wez. It seems you’ve misplaced your bomby-womb.
Well shits about to go down
I’m calling it the bomb bombed the White House
Oop no they’ve only gone and lost Moscow
Well fuck here comes ww3 I guess
And prez kurt is definitely insane in the brain
Jesus Sherman is a weird fuck and lex is kinda clever I guess it’s a shame we haven’t seen her for most of the musical
Lex: Is this what I live for? To be choked in a toy store?
Lexs beautiful song is this musicals version of not your seed but depression
And her voice is /pretty/
I’m sorry lex and Hannah can do what
Jeffs voice kills me him and joey need a duet and that would be the end of me
What did lex just do in so confused
And we’re back with Tom
Oh fuck lex is gonna shoot tom
Hold up Tom names his son Tim
Wiggly is playing mind tricks now yikes
Tom: wat
So the doll can only fuck with adults not kids???
Jesus Christ this is depressing
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U wot lex
Holy fuck this shit is deep
Wait lex still doesn’t know about Ethan oh my god
And Dylan gets another hero song holy fuck just give Robert a song already everyone else has one
At the same time though this is S a d
I’m not crying you’re crying
Tom: in fact you’re real fuckin ugly
Me: yeah no shit
Lex: FUCK YEAH!!!! Should i move these boxes first?
*cue very clever scene change*
Yeah Gerald no one wants to talk to u
Oh my god Linda leave Hannah and ethans hat alone my heart is breaking for Hannah
Linda: is this some kind of a jooooke?????
They’re gonna set one of their dolls on fire ok ok ok this is fine
More villain songs ookay
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If someone could tell me what the fuck is going on in this scene I’d be very impressed
Evil yoga
The choreo is...... interesting
Cue Robert not-Corey and Lauren being the only good dancers and getting special choreo
Ookay so everyone’s on fire this is fine
Emma and Paul ex machina
paul is family third wheeling
*audience fucking looses their shit*
Paul is having an existential crisi because he sHOULD HAVE WORN A WATCH
Someone’s gonna fall of that staircase by the end of this performance
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It’s the what if tomorrow comes bit!!!!!!!
Okay again this choreo is interesting but the vocals are all S t u n n i n g
They’re literally counting down until the end of the show imma loose my shit that’s the least subtle they’ve been during the entire show
Hang on hang on hang on hang on haaaaang on right there
Did lex just never find out that her boyfriend died we were deprived of a heart wrenching moment when she found out about Ethan
Like jeez I cried and I barely knew him she was dating the guy and just... didn’t ask about him????
That’s it!!!!! Those were my thoughts the first time I watched this through!!!!!!!
Scream at me in the notes with any questions and I’ll try answer them :)
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abthepoet · 5 years
So Id like to mention that COVID19 has put a lot of things into perspective.
My industry of experiential marketing was literally one of the first to go about a week ago when stores began banning all live demonstrations. I work in the natural and organic food industry doing live events and cooking recipes on site to sample brands to customers at grocery retailers.And because sampling tables are good places to spread germs, my demos all immediately came to a stop. I'm also an in home, private Music Teacher to kids of various ages and needless to say if schools' on hold, so is teaching. and so is income. My Venmo is :ABBlas22
Which sucks, a lot because the majority of my work is independent contractor based. . . .and there's no health care, paid leave, unemployment, or sick time. Why do I still do it? Because I love the industry, the opportunities it affords me, and the pay is solid. Except come tax season. The Government likes to fuck you if you work for yourself. . . .even tho I pay for all my own equipment and car repairs to get me from job to job. My Venmo is ABBlas22
However, amid the panic, I havent felt this calm in years. The constant anxiety and pressure of having to make money and go to work and be on time and make my schedule and drive from this city to that city for this demo and that demo, has subsided. I finally wake up and I'm not staring at the clock counting down how long before I have to leave which triggers an anxiety fest about leaving my dogs home alone because my one dog has such severe separation anxiety she destroys her crate, escapes, and then ruins the house(we are actively working on it) . . .so I'm up early and nervous about, "ok I have three hours I have to walk the dogs for at least one of those hours, feed them, get dressed, brush teeth, try to eat, clean the house, stuff their Kongs, make sure I have everything I need, and then try to sneak out before the dog starts freaking out." followed by "did I book enough demos this week, if I have to execute 16 for the month where can I put another demo, should I give myself a day off? nah, i need the money, let me check my Google calendar for the 65th time this morning and stare at all the blank dates I should be booking demos instead of doing anything else because no matter how much I work, it is never enough. So I spend an hour worrying about plunging my family into financial ruin. . . . better get online and start digging thru emails and brand Ambassador groups to make sure I've got enough work. Oh what's that? the sound of my entire family and partner telling me to get a *regular* job even though the idea of punching a clock and working for someone else makes me physically sick. . but I go and do it anyway because its a W2 position so you think well maybe I'll get health benefits at least and then come to find out that this bullshit retail job doesn't give part timers benefits of any kind, but I keep the job anyway because everyone said a normal job was best, but it pays $6 less an hour than my demo gigs and is a total waste of my skills and professional experience and eventually is cutting into my income because its taking up so many weekly hours but pays significantly less that I start calling out to go do demos instead and then the same people who were like "get a regular job" turn around and go "no, not That job, try This job."
and I'm over here ready to fucking scream because I've Been very clear about wanting to be in business for myself. I have tried many things, including testing an extremely beta version of what eventually became Uber Eats. . . I could be a millionaire but my parents thought it was a stupid idea and once I used up my resources trying to drum up business, that was it.
also, this is the worst part about being a millennial. I went to college for music because they said be anything and follow your dreams . . .but then I graduated into recession (2006) and got the first job I could,at a deli, which . . . .isn't exactly a degree holding position. For years we said,"I'm just grateful I Have a Job right now." and we got bitter, broke, and depressed as a generation. We're in our 30's now and it's just as bleak an outlook for our generational future. At least until the boomers die out and free up some of that wealth, if they don't all leave it to the cat and state first just to spite us.
So yea, people are freaked out with COVID19 but for the first time, I dont feel pressure or anxiety to rush out the house or make money because everything got cancelled. All I want to do is work super hard on my own online store via Shopify and grow from there. I love to work and I love the discipline of hard work. I would rather spend 18 hours in a day working on my own business and hustling my ass off to make it work using over a decade of marketing and sales experience to promote my brand for once.
But that's hard to invest time and money when I live paycheck to paycheck and have a partner and fur babies who depend on me. Everytime I excitedly talk about dropshipping through shopify and all my plans for it, it's met with a nervous "I believe in you but dont fuck us financially." "I believe in you but doesn't that take time." "I believe in you but why don't you just work here, they pay decent."
I love that the #Coronavirus hit and suddenly human rights are easy to hand out. I love that Coronavirus got us to halt economies on a scale so massive that will actually help us fight climate change. Capitalism has destroyed our planet and our species.
I want to always remind everyone that we are a species first. Not countrymen, not race, not religion. . . we are all dancing flesh bags, given different corporeal conduits with which to experience life and then later compare notes with one another.
"What's life like in that short skin suit?"
"Not bad but I can't reach anything."
"Good thing I got one of these tall skin suits." *grabs top shelf items*
It's to help us come together, understand similarities thru differences and use them to gain new perspectives while helping our species and our planet thrive.
This insane notion that everyone needs to have a job needs to go. Our species was Not made to do slave labor all day long for an invented wage that keeps us stuck fighting for basic survival when we have the potential to completely alter our lives.
The Earth is a hostage who's not allowed to feed her own kids. They locked up every fruit bearing tree, enslaved every animal, poisoned the soil, polluted the water and then held your life at gunpoint and demand you hand over hours of your life to work that does a disservice to your potential for greatness just for a chance to get a taste of what should be your birthright.
Basic needs of survival that all humans will die without shouldn't be prizes for who can work themselves to death the fastest.
Im using this time as an opportunity and am taking what little resources I have to work on my online store and sell off and flip what I can to make start up money on Ebay. (I dont even have WiFi and my apartment complex has locked the business center for CoronaVirus) . Using my phone for everything is really fucking tedious, especially because I've had it for 4 years and it doesn't always cooperate, but I'm grateful I even have one to use. If you want to invest in me, even just $5 I will 100% be using it to get a business off the ground. I've got most of the basic work done and market research, but with no income I cant even afford the basic Shopify plan at $30 a month, I'm hoping they pass a moratorium on evictions because how do I pay rent with no job to go to!?
My Venmo is : ABBlas22 and I do reward!
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