#im still not happy w the face on this but i cant tell if her eyes n nose r 2 big or if im 2 used 2 drawing characters w black triangle eyes
mortemcatabasis · 1 year
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art fight revenge for Fendraws
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aromanticannibal · 6 months
btw i had a dream that some lady came into my house and tried to kill me
#ok basically today theres guys taht are supposed to come to do stuff with the things. in the house. long story#and im supposed to open the door bc im home alone but i dont know when they're coming so yknow#and my brain too that and ran with it#so i wake up late (in dream) and open my door to find a sort of weird reuinion in the hallway. the weird lady is the leader of this whateve#important to note that the thing the actual people coming are doing isnt at all that like nowhere close#idk how but everyone leaves and i let the lady in so she can do whatever. shes a bitch and i think we kind of argue? were in the kitchen an#i get fed up w/ her when she goes in the living room and starts touching things and looking through stuff so i tell her shes leaving now#girl just SPEEDWALks to my room and i follow her#important to know that at this point she doesn't like me. so i follow her and shes facing away from me she's facing the small couch in my#room that's under my loft bed. and i grab at her shirt to be like girl gtfo. like LEAVE my property (not my property im a tenant (my mom is#and she just turns around with a /knife/#it's a knife that actually exists in my house a big ass knife horror movie type my mom uses to cook. and it was in my room for some reason.#and girl starts to try and stab me shes obv bad at it and seems abit too happy to be doing this. i panic#and you know it's a dream. so i can't /scream/.#also because of my weird ass kinks i have imagined a lot what its like to be stabbed and i panic in my dream bc omg help its gonna hurt and#im gonan die and i cant scream#and i wake up. and i legit gasp lmao#anwyays that was unpleasant. i still kind of remember what the lady looked like she had short hair
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poppy-metal · 12 days
i think about it alot. tashi staying with patrick, her injury never happening. your arts college girlfriend and now you're married and it feels fucking stagnant, your relationship. but neither of you wants to give up. neither of you wants to reveal to the other true feelings.
under the cut because this got long and i have a whole au in my hear around this concept
you're only in counseling because of tashi. because shes still in your lives, her and patrick. and she recommended it to art when they were having one of their 'friend' lunches. and now here you are, because of course art took her advice.
he hasn't said anything, though. despite pleading for this. saying he wanted to save your marriage, that he wanted to love you how you should be loved but he didn't know how.
so here you are, on opposite ends of the couch, with the counselor staring at the empty space between you like that in itself is very telling. you suppose it is, in a way. couples who want to stay together should be unified, shouldn't they? you imagine how it would feel, if art had sat next to you. put an arm around you. squeezed you to his side. would you even be able to relax into him? its been so long since you touched eachother that way.
"so im picking up on some distance here," your therapist says. shes a small woman. almost swallowed by her chair. her glasses are perched on her nose as she gazes imperiously at empty space separating you and art. "not just physical either, though thats rather obviously there. but emotional distance. do either of you wanna comment on that?"
you cut a glance at art, expecting him to speak up since this was his idea - well. tashi's. but he just looks down at his lap, quiet. spins his wedding band around his finger.
you feel an anger so intense it pricks your eyes with tears.
"well, i guess you could start with the fact that coming here wasn't even either of our idea. it was his friends."
and now. here art speaks. his head jerks up and she shoots you an annoyed look. "you don't have to say it like that. you always say it like that. her name is tashi and she is my friend. and it was her suggestion, yeah, but it was a good one."
you look at the therapist - janet. raise your eyebrows in arts direction like, get a load of this guy. your legs cross and you start picking at a stray string from the couch.
"first words of the session and its to talk about another woman."
arts inhale is sharp and you can feel his eyes on you but you dont look at him. you can't. you wont. you're right, anyway. he can try to deny it all he wants but you know - you know what you are to him. you know where all your problems stem. you dont need to be here to make any grand discoveries over a fact you've resigned yourself too.
"i see." janet says. "and art having a relationship with this other woman upsets you."
"everything upsets her." art cuts in, sounding tired. his elbow is braced on the arm of the couch and hes chewing on his thumb in one of his nervous gestures. he always did that, as long as you've known him. he was a nail biter, he'd chew his lips raw, he'd nibble on straws, the ends of his pens. he was either lost in thought or agitated. your guess was the latter. "nothing i do makes her happy."
"is this true? are you unhappy with art?"
your skin feels hot. you shift around in your seat. the attention is all on you, and it feels like you've done something wrong, even though you know its literally janets job to ask questions.
"more like i know I'm not what he wants and that makes me...... really fucking sad."
art knees almost knock against yours as he turns his body to face you, giving you his full attention the first time today. you cant meet his eyes still, so you look at the faded spot on his jeans. light blue, like his eyes. you wonder how hes looking at you. cant make yourself look up to see.
"what." he stops. seems to gather some thoughts. tries again, with a steadier tone. "what are you talking about."
you try not to roll your eyes. your arm flings out limply.
"just that this whole thing is a joke, art." and you let out an exasperated laugh, even though nothing is funny. nothing has been funny or light between you two in a long time. "we're only here because the girl you really wanted to marry, told you to get your fucking shit together. you didn't ask us to come here because you wanted to mend something, you're here to please tashi. because if playing a good husband is a role she wants for you - well, you want to play it right, dont you?"
its quiet after that. in the silence you cant help but think about those early days. when you'd been full of love and light and art seemed to be really happy with you. you'd go on dates to the movies, walk through the park together with your hands swinging between you. laugh together and steal kisses whenever you could. you felt high back then.
it didn't even matter that art had a crush on tashi, because hell, you had one too, at the time. but she'd started dating patrick, and they seemed to mesh well together. they were both so intense and passionate. back then, you'd been alot closer to tashi yourself. patrick too. you remember the way she'd rant about how much she fucking hated him, pacing around your room and calling him every name under the sun. and you'd sit there with eager curiosity, and ask her why she didn't end it then. if he makes you so angry, why stay?
and she'd get this faraway look in her eyes. kind of wistful. kind of sad. kind of happy.
"because he makes me feel fucking alive. hes like a - like a drug or something. i cant quit. its addictive, you know?"
that stuck with you. it still sticks with you. you remember being envious of that kind of passion. youe relationship with art had always been so easy. you dont think you'd ever fought by that point. you loved art. you felt safe with art. but were you addicted to him? if you broke up - would you feel withdrawal symptoms?
sometimes you layed awake at night and thought about starting a fight - breaking up for no reason. just to see if he'd fight for you back, if the missing of eachother would be so intense one of you would cave.
but somehow you knew that wouldn't be the case. thats just not how you and art operated. if you got angry, he wouldn't rise to meet you, he'd back down. if you ended things, he wouldn't chase you, he'd let you go.
patrick and tashi were fire and brimstone and you and art was ice and you were....... dirt. solid. walked upon. dependable and not at all exciting.
when art had proposed to you after college graduation it wasn't spur of the moment as it had been with patrick when he'd swept tashi up with a ring and a elopement to vegas. it was talked about and agreed upon and you knew it was coming.
you still said yes.
"you think," and arts voice has a barely concealed tremble to it that makes you look up, finally. you're shocked to see he looks wounded. so many of his expressions you can count on one hand - and this - this wasn't one of them. his eyes are dark, stormy. "you think i dont care about our marriage beyond what someone else has to say about it? you really think that?"
you hate the sliver of guilt you feel, because its not a crazy thing to feel.
"yeah, i really do."
because well, that's the truth of the matter isn't it? you and your husband stare at eachother. and it feels like you're looking at a stranger. not the man who's freckles you used to kiss. who's fears you knew. who's hands you know every callous of, every divot and fingerprint.
"it seems you two have very different views of how the other views this marriage." janet cuts in, sounding curious. she taps her pen against the open notepad on her lap. "art, would you like to chime in on why you wanted to come here? even at the suggestion of someone else?"
art stares at you for a long moment. his face is unreadable to you. his jaw works before his chest expands on an exhale and he looks away.
"i guess i - i just didn't realize how..... stagnant things had gotten until it was pointed out to me. harshly." he winces, and you wonder exactly what tashi had to say to him. you haven't talked to the other woman for some time. contact fizzling out after your marriage to art. he flicks a glance to you, then away again. "im not the best at being aware of shit going on around me." his hand comes up to rub nervously at his neck. "i guess you could say im good at brushing things under the rug. going through the motions. that sort of thing."
janet nods like this makes sense to her. well, great, you think. you know my husband more than i do.
"you're not a fan of confrontation, are you?"
art actually laughs. a genuine one. one that brings a dimple to his cheek and flashes his teeth. you stare at it, like its an exotic animal, and you wont see it again. quickly you catalog the expression in your memory, so you dont forget what he looks like when hes happy.
"yeah, no." he shakes his head. "but I think thats part of the problem. I've obviously let too much shit get put under the rug and now its so full other people are noticing."
you look down at your hands, lips pressed together. your face burns at the knowledge that tashi and by extension - patrick - know your marriage is in shambles. how embarrassing, to be caught lacking in such a momentous way. to come up short and have your husbands friends know about it. you wonder - does he talk about all the ways you make him miserable with them? does patrick shake his head, say, "she's sucking the life out of you, man." does tashi look at him with pity? like hes some poor abused cat that needs to be let in from the rain?
the rain of your marriage.
the rain of you.
you're the storm. you're the problem. you're not enough. art needs fire. you're not even dirt, you're glass. and you can feel yourself breaking.
"that clearly hit a nerve, my dear." janets voice is soft. soothing. she hands you a tissue and you realize you'd begun to cry. "do you want to explain what you're feeling about what art said?"
you dab dab dab at your eyes. sniffle. look around the room, trying to collect your thoughts. they feel like flyaway dandelions. you dont know which of them to grasp.
a warm hand settles over yours in your lap and you startle. its arts hand. warm and calloused and tan, covering yours. the gold glint of his wedding ring winks at you, the engraved words etched into them, "my soft epilogue". a shortened version of your favorite qoute i think we deserve a soft epilogue, my love.
at the time, that's what art was to you. your life before him hadn't been easy. being with art had felt like coming home from a long day and falling into a soft bed. it had felt like being able to land after weeks of being made to fly.
you turned your palm up, so he could slide his fingers between yours. he squeezed your hand.
"i think, i. i think i just think - I'm a failure." your bottom lip wobbles. you look at your enterwoven fingers and it makes you so sad that you haven't done the simple gesture of holding your husbands hand in months. "the two most important people in your life are. are so passionate and loud. and i see. i see how happy they make you - and i cant - i cant b-be that for you. we aren't - im not - you dont need me. im not a limb for you how they are. you could extract yourself from me and be. be happier."
your breath shudders out of you.
"you don't need me." you echo.
you wait for him to pull his hand away. this is more than you thought you'd share. some of it you weren't even aware of till the words were spilling from your lips. but they ring true.
without patrick and tashi art would drown. without you..... he'd float just fine.
"and that's important to you." janet says. a statement not a question. "you want to feel needed by art, and you feel as though you aren't. that his needs are met better with his friends than with you."
you nod slowly.
"baby." the word sends a shock through you. not the word itself but how its said. art calls you baby all the time, in a monotonous kind of way. routine. now he says it softly. with feeling. he lets go of your hand in favor of cupping your cheek, still damp with tears, turning your face to his. he looks pained. "of course i need you. i know i haven't been good at showing it. i just - you shut down - after we got married. you've been like a fucking ghost. like you dont want me to touch you. like i could dissappear for all you care and you'd just carry on. i don't know. but i need you, okay? i. need. you."
both hands cup your face, he makes you stare right into him. the conviction in his voice takes your breath away. theres a fire burning there you've thought long put out.
"obviously we have shit to sort out, and we will. but you've got to. you've got to know that. tashi only pushed me to do this because she how - how desperate i was. that's all."
you inhale deeply. exhale. swallow hard. tears cling to your lashes. you reach a hand up to clutch at one of arts wrists. eyes fluttering automatically when you do. you feel grounded again. less like you might float away.
"yeah...." and you smile. it trembles across your lips. but its there. "we'll sort our shit."
art lets out a relieved breath. kisses your forehead, lingering there. the gesture so tender you get emotional again. you want to crawl into his lap, have him wrap you in his arms. you want to feel held by him, like you used to.
"our time is up." janet sets her pen down. smiles. "but i think that was a wonderful first session. i can see the love between you hasn't faded, and that's more i can say for alot of couples who come to see me. keep your chin up."
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smoothies-are-cool · 4 months
best part
boyfriend! matt sturniolo x girlfriend! reader
summary: matt and reader hard launch their relationship on their 1 year anniversary.
warnings: swearing, pet names (baby, sweetheart, lovey), really short??.
a/n: i got this idea from my other fic where i said that reader and matt decided to hard launch their relationship on their one year anniversary :)
“hey baby?” matt says, grabbing my attention. i quickly turn off my phone and throw it face down on his bed.
“mhm?” i hum, looking at him.
“so since our 1 year is in a few days i was wondering if you wanted to tell everyone about us.” he said, hesitantly. i giggle softly, sitting up and crossing my legs in front of him.
“just like hard launch our relationship?” i ask, still giggling.
“yeah.” he nods. “but only if you’re comfortable with it.”
“it’s what ever you want to do lovey. they’re your fans and i’m comfortable with whatever makes you happy.” i tell him, looking at him with loving eyes.
6 days later
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liked by: christophersturniolo , yn.ln and 210,729 others
matthew.sturniolo - one year w my girl 🤍 you’re the best part of life and i love living it everyday with you. i love you so incredibly much baby <3
yn.ln - i love you so so much ❤️❤️
↳ matthew.sturniolo - i love you so much more sweetheart
christophersturniolo - yn hate club
↳ yn.ln - what did i do 😭
↳ christophersturniolo - stole my bf from me
christophersturniolo - no but on a real note this is so cute it makes me sick
↳ matthew.sturniolo - idk if that’s good or bad
nicolassturniolo - never seen matt this in love. idk how you did it @yn.ln
↳ yn.ln - i’m magical
user - yn seems quite full of herself
*liked by yn.ln*
user - he posted her to daniel caesar. oh he’s in love love.
matthew.sturniolo posted on their story for the first time in a while!
a/n: i’m sorry this is so super short i just wanted to get something out for you guys :()
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ugly-pickle · 5 months
Good morning, Pickle. My second request for the day. Please kindly consider this angsty Gorou request: Gorou can only watch as you exchange nuptial cups with Heizou. He know he has no right to stop the wedding, not when he was the one who broke up with you to woo Kokomi, only to find out later that she was only using him to get her parents off her back about her being single.
Please also kindly take as long as you need with this request; I have no qualms in waiting. Furthermore, by no means feel obligated to prioritize this request over your other requests.
regret ☆ gorou
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CHARACTERS: gorou x reader
SYNOPSIS: gorou dumps you for kokomi (っ- ‸ - ς)
GENRE: angst 🦢
W/C: 0.8k
T/W: cussing, breaking up, cheating (if there’s any i missed let me know!)
A/N: bro i hate exams (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ ) my next one will also probably take eons to complete….
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you touch the now red mark on your face. it stings, but the ache in your heart is worse. “never talk about kokomi like that again,” gorou says with a stern tone. “tch, YOUR kokomi? i have never seen her look at you for more than 2 seconds outside of a meeting.” youre now pissed off due to gorou’s stupidity, but you cant help but feel a bit jealous, well, kokomi did just steal your lover’s heart with just a snap of her fingers.
gorou’s tail looks stiff, you notice that he does that when hes uncomfortable or angry, you take note of this. you might regret what youre going to say, but a river cannot stop flowing just because of a small inconvenience. you shall see where the future takes you. “if i upset you that much then i’ll leave. goodbye gorou,” you want to cry but your dignity tells you not to; you grab your wallet and head out the door.
before you completely close the door, you can hear a whimper, and it’s not yours.
it’s sunny outside, youre not sure if you should be grateful that theres no rain to make you feel worse, or if you should feel bad that the rest of inazuma is having a great time without you. although, no matter how clear the day was, you still manage to bump into someone.
“y/n? oh my archons, it is you! how have you been?” says the mysterious voice. “heizou?” tears are finally dripping down.
you slightly grip the cups in your hands, youre so excited that youre scared that the sake might spill. the moment slips by like a flash and youre already taking your last sip. you look up to see your husband, hes grinning ear to ear and so are you.
heizou looks so lovely when hes happy, but now you can see all of his emotions, whether if hes happy, sad, jealous, angry, disgusted, confused, you can see all of it and only you.
you look into the crowd, all of your friends and family are there, heizou’s side as well. theyre happy for you.
thats when you see gorou.
beside him was Sangonomiya Kokomi, Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island, what a mouthful, not to mention how bitter the title tasted in your mouth. gorou’s tail was stiff, you wonder why; his eyes were also glistening, such pretty eyes shouldnt cry….
nononono, youre literally having your wedding ceremony right now, what are you thinking?…
your wedding ceremony has ended, you and heizou are now officially married.
gorou’s perspective:
“gorou? are you okay?” kokomi asks, “u-uhm yea, im fine,” gorou stutters a bit. what if he was the one up there with you. what if he was up there exchanging nuptial cups with you.
“hey kokomi?” gorou asks, “yes gorou?” kokomi responds, “im gonna get some fresh air, i’ll be right back,” kokomi nods her head, gorou presses a kiss on her forehead then exits.
he feels guilty. he kissed kokomi while thinking about you, no, he thought about you every waking second and you even appeared in his dreams. a few tears roll down his eyes. is he happy for you or jealous of heizou? all of these emotions swirling around him, and he cant tell which one hes feeling.
he feels a hand in his shoulder. he jumps, hes a bit startled, it’s you…
you look so lovely, the fabric, the design, the jewels, and just the everything made you look heavenly. he picks up a scent that he always longed for, it was yours, he just never realized it.
“were you crying gorou?…” he feels more tears coming up, did he miss you that much?
“congratulations y/n, uhm… we ended on a bad note, look i just wanna say that ‘m sorry.” a small smile appears on your face, “apology accepted, that was the past, lets focus on the present,” you gently squeeze gorou’s hand. “lets catch up some other time, yea?” you said, “y-yea,” and with that you disappeared. he feels empty.
“there you are!” kokomi’s voice rings through his ears. “m-my love!” gorou says, becoming stiff again, “look gorou, we need to talk,” her words feel stiff, uncomfortable even. “of course! anything! what do you need to talk about?” gorou asks.
“…lets split up gorou.”
“eh?” hes dumbfounded. “lets break up,” nonono this cant be happening, “why?… i thought you were happy, were you not?” gorou’s life was already falling apart, this was just the breaking point. “look, gorou, i have strict parents that expect me to produce… offspring, i would like to label this event ‘traumatic’ so they’ll stop bothering me for the time being. my condolences.”
why bother anymore?
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NOTE FOR SAILORSTAR9: i literally had no idea what nuptial cups were before this (´∇`'')
TAGLIST: @sailorstar9
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kysuguru · 11 months
you REPLIED IM SO HAPPY😭😭🤞 btw the fact that suguru AND satoru are both her love interests im so HAPPY stsg for the WIN!!! i love how suguru and shoko automatically know what satoru is implying cause hes so so OBVIOUS!
i cant imagine the troubles suguru and satoru would have with reader.. shes so enduring and she allows them to do whatever because shes too sweet! ofc shes serious when the time comes down to it but i just know she takes the two lightly and cares too highly of their opinions to really say no to them. i 100% know suguru is worst when it comes to teasing her. in this universe i want to believe suguru does not deflect so he stays there w them. although reader probably does not realize the two actually is in love with her, she probably assumes they are with each other so she does not want to intrude.
what if shoko and reader were discussing about first dates and she finds out reader never had her first anything and sets her up with one? maybe rin or shin?! LOL and behold satoru and suguru being menaces and completely mean to her . the trouble they would cause to the way they would be so upset. reader actually enjoyed her first date but shes confused why stsg are so upset over her. they always teased her for not having a bf and when she does try theyre even more ruthless?? bc in reality to stsg they always thought she belonged to them and they’re actually in shock that shoko would do that knowing about their crushes on reader? (cue shoko laughing in the background)
i love these asks smmm😭 tysm for sending. and ur right!! i have chapter one and two written and posted on my ao3, but suguru doesn’t defect, i cant allow that. and yes… stsg are sooo annoying when it comes to jealousy. like they are so suffocating..
this is new, very new.
it was a brief conversation, so mundane you wouldn’t bother to remember it unless brought up. shoko asked a simple question. “you ever been on a date before?” after talking about her horrible experiences with lousy men. it was an easy answer, “no.”
and you thought it’d end there. of course it’s normal for girls your age to go on dates with other people, experience the life of romance at a young age, but it wasn’t odd to meet a girl your age who hadn’t been on a date. so you weren’t sure why shoko put you up to this.
rin sits across you with a beaming smile, the fluorescents of the cafe highlighting his freckles. you fiddle with the warm cup of coffee in front of you. you weren’t much of a coffee person, but you panicked and ordered the first thing on the menu. it was bitter, terribly so, you weren’t sure whether you’d prefer this or satoru’s cups of diabetes.
you sip on it occasionally, to make yourself look engaged. you hope your poker face has improved, you’d be humiliated if the bitterness on your tongue manifested itself onto your expression (rin noticed, but felt too awkward to speak up).
it’s weird, and you try pretending this wasn’t set up at a romantic date.
you like rin, he’s really nice, but you’d never even imagined him romantically.
he’s beaming at you, you think he’s blushing, and he looks as if he’s in a daze with his cheek resting on his palm. the look of adoration is so shell shocking you’re gazing around the cafe at other customers he might be looking at.
you chalk it up to excitement of being in such a nice place.
conversation with him is easy though, you realize.
it’s unlike satoru or suguru. suguru’s a listener, unlike satoru who’s a talker. they fit in so well with one another it makes it hard to fit in. you don’t mind that, watching from afar is enough for you. but you still yearn.
maybe that’s why shoko did this in the first place. to get your mind off of them. you suppose it wouldn’t be bad to broaden your spectrum, you needed more friends anyway. you couldn’t always hang onto shoko, suguru, and satoru forever.
hours pass, and before either of you know it, the sun sets.
rin was full of stories, he had so much to tell about kyoto, his classmates, and his missions. he was so fond of it all that you couldn’t bear to stop him. it was nice listening to someone on the same level as you. not that you disliked listening to satoru boast about his missions and how awesomely strong he was, but it was a nice change of pace to hear such things come from someone of your caliber.
you could get used to this.
your entering the school with a content face. you feel them both before you see them.
satoru drapes himself onto you, talking obnoxiously loud in your ear as suguru sends you a soft smile. your company with rin was wonderful, but you didn’t realize how much you missed your favorite people until you see their visages.
“where were you at for so long?” suguru asks calmly, though there’s a hint of something else you can’t really decipher. maybe suspicion.
“shoko set me up on a date with rin.” you say sheepishly, scratching your cheek.
they both freeze, you can feel the way satoru’s breath stutters as his hold gets loose. you look up at them both, brows raised.
it’s so silent. was it something you said? were they perhaps upset you didn’t say anything? did they want to tag along? you would’ve said yes immediately.
“rin from kyoto?” satoru whispers, and you think he sounds angry. you can’t fathom why, so you try and brush if off. even though there’s a seed of dread starting to grow in the pit of your stomach.
“yes... shoko said something about chemistry. whatever that means!” you chuckle nervously.
satoru let’s you go, backing away. now you’re worried.
“i-is something wrong?” you look up at suguru for assistance but he’s turned his head.
you shuffle your feet, anxious. they’re obviously upset, but you don’t know why. “did i do something?” that’s the only thing you could think of. or did they not like rin? he was a nice guy, so you wouldn’t understand why.
satoru rubs your head, startling you.
“it’s nothing, sweets,” he says.
but he’s walking off before you can speak any further, he makes a point not to let you see his face as he departs. suguru gives you a strained smile before he’s following. “night,” he mutters.
and even though satoru reassured you, that seed of dread continued to grow.
satoru and suguru are busy. satoru hasn’t asked for your notes in awhile. you wanna assume that he’s got it down until you hear him loudly bugging suguru for his notebook. your heart drops at the fact that satoru just hasn’t asked you. you don’t know why that hurts, it shouldn’t. maybe suguru just conveys the answer better, there’s nothing wrong with that.
they go out for lunch, leaving you and shoko in the empty cafeteria with your cold noodles. shoko’s great company, of course, but the lack of satoru’s loud voice and suguru’s scolding makes it feel eerily quiet.
nights in the common room have shrunk to just you and shoko. it’s been like this for a few days. only a few days. yet you feel as if these days are dragging on slower than usual. shoko notices, and rolls her eyes, muttering under her breath how pathetic boys could be.
you think she’s spoken to them, for they look at you a little more now. but they barely talk to you unless the situation calls for it, even then, they’re awkward.
but it isn’t until shoko has been in high demand after a dangerous mission that the first years came back from that you’re alone with them. you’re nervous, feeling their eyes trained on you. you don’t dare make contact.
they begin talking to each other, and you feel joy consume you at the familiarity of it. you’re looking up now, making eye contact with the both of them. satoru opens his mouth, but you intervene.
“i’m sorry!”
their eyes are wide.
“i’m sorry for whatever i did. it’s just.. you guys feel distant. if it’s because of me then—”
“i should say sorry,” your eyes flit up to suguru’s as he scratches his neck sheepishly. “i was being childish.” he speaks into his palm. “we were being childish.” he corrects himself, eyes glaring into satoru’s, who huffs and crosses his arms.
“so it was something i did?” your brows knit as a frown etched itself onto your lips.
“it’s more complicated than that,” suguru says. but you’re not convinced.
satoru mutters something under his breath, you catch nothing but rin’s name. so you ask him to repeat himself.
“i just don’t like rin, is all.”
you blink.
“d-did he do something?” you needed to know, if he hurt or insulted suguru or satoru in any way you were ready to break it off—
“no. not exactly, we just… don’t like you being alone with him,” suguru admits, flushed.
you felt relief fill your chest.
“i think i know now.” you smile, happily. they stare. they both lean slightly forward, anticipating. “if i ever go out with him again i’ll invite you both out!” you clap your hands together.
they were upset that they weren’t invited along. that makes sense. you’re relieved. satoru did eye that cafe whenever you three passed it.
they share a look, one of amusement and one of exasperation.
“such a ditz,” satoru grumbles.
“we’d like that,” suguru smiles.
you’re happy, so happy you could cry tears of relief.
“i’m glad, i thought you were both gonna hate me forever.”
suguru grabs your hand, caressing your palm, your heartbeat spikes. “that’d never happen.”
satoru scoots closer to you and drapes himself over your shoulders, the familiar action has your cheeks hurting from how big you’re smiling. he squishes his cheek against yours, rubbing softly as he speaks, “never go out alone with rin again, okay? you need at least me or suguru there, not even shoko’s enough!”
they will never forget how she betrayed them so.
“of course,” you exhale, joyful.
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and yes, abt stsg ur also right! this is kinda a poly thing. stsg love each other and the reader
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jaiistg · 1 year
Reader as "im insecure" and Azul ashengrotto as "if you cant love you insecurities then I will."
"When I see your face,theres none of a thing that I would change cause girl your amazing.Just the way you are."
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-An very important note,pls read.
Hi! So this is related to what happened to me yesterday.Im already insecure of myself and my guy classmate told me negative things and made me hate myself even more.I know that alot of people are going tru this which is why I made this post.I want to make people feel good and I just wanna say looks don't define who you are.You are beautiful/handsome and perfect just the way you are and whenever someone tells you negative things about yourself thats a lie.They are probably jealous of you which is why they wanna make you feel insecure of youself,plus who are they to say that? They aren't even perfect.Noone is.I hope this post makes you feel better.make sure to drink water and love yourself<33 I love you soo much and Im proud of you.
•Azul is really confused on why your insecure of yourself I mean,your literally perfect to his eyes.
•If only you could see how you look like in his eyes...<33
•Whenever he sees your face he falls all over again for you.
•Since he knows your insecure he tells you everyday how pretty you are, ect so that you can gain self confidence<33
•He will ATTACK people who bodyshames or faceshames you.He dosent understand why people do that,like are they happy that they made someone insecure???? They are proud of doing that shit???
•Trust me,he knows how hard it is being insecure of themselves.He himself experienced it but now its just in the past.A very bad past that is still stuck to his head.
•He dosent want you to feel the way he felt when he was a child which is why he made a promise to himself that HE WILL PROTECT YOU NO MATTER WHAT.
•You tried breaking up with him because you thought that he deserved better,it went likee this.
"Why did you wanna see me?" Azul asked
"Listen,I wanna break up with you."
"W-what why? D-did I do anything wrong? Please tell me,!! We can do better!!"
"No.Its not your fault."
"then why....?"
"You deserve better than me.I don't even know what you saw in me that made you like me.Im sorry if Im an overthinker,im not even pretty enough to be your girlfriend.Which is why im letting you go.You deserve to be with someone much better then me,im really sorry but im doing this for you.Your better off without someone like me."
"No,Y/n,Im not letting you break up with me.I don't ever wanna be with anyone but you,fuck I can't even imagine being with someone else! Your perfect to me.Im grateful to have a girlfriend like you and anyone else would be.I love every single thing about you.Theres no single flaw I see everytime I see you."
•You had a mental breakdown because someone said negative stuff's about you and god,Azul couldn't take it anymore,he had a talked with the guy.
•Everytime you started to feel insecure of yourself Azul is always there to comfort you.He loves you so much :((<33
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munamania · 4 months
bitch post time!!!!!! many revelations ok last night's vibes were HEINOUS but it provided so much for me and lydia to talk about and now i am gonna share with you yippee storytime
k so we plan to go to this valentines day showcase thing that the college radio is putting on last night. mind you at my place of work where i pretended that i had a family emergency and had to go home cause i didnt feel like going into work yesterday morning lol idiot... i was so paranoid my boss was there in disguise or some shit it was stupid. sorry um. yeah so ok i was largely like this could be a chance for friend groups to come together and maybe ill be able to talk to sams roommate and also like i do want to see more live music and it's free! so. anyway ok wait let me tell u abt the first part of the day
so me and lydia drive over some wine bottles to sam for him to use as props in a film. and sam and the roommate are sitting on their porch and we chat a little bit acc sam said as i walked up 'you always look so suspicious' and i was like 'ok u guys were literally just staring at me' cause they WERE and roommate was actually really nicely like 'oh no you're okay' and generally was just kind of inserting into our convo which well i had fun with naturally. um anyway and then who comes running up but teko! our buddy teko. and sams like have yall met and im like Of course and teko gives me a hug and i cant lie it was actually so sweet. i am also extremely touch starved but it was a nice hug. anyway. then i had to help roommate pick shoes alongside teko's fit and then i was like um Ok Bye. when i got back in the car lydia was like so i saw a neon sweatshirt... and i was like yeah <3 that's my man <3 sorry ok vibes get worse as the night comes
me and lydia end up getting to sam's late to 'pregame' this show and ig it was supposed be like. it was encouraged to dress formally. and i was wearing a dress that was too small and my chappell red tights and docs. kind of a serve but me and lydia were serving much more valentines day than formal. anyway. roommate does swing around to be like hi! and THEN i see my girl chloe i looooove her shes so fuckin funny and weird and we made this weird little short together in class last semester and i was kinda intimidated by her so i was so happy shocked when she was like I was so excited to see u :D WEEE shes so cool guys and has the funniest fuckin laugh and well honestly the high points of the night were us and lydia fucking around and dancing and being weird and offputting wallflowers cause again this thing SUCKED. ok
we did also smoke beforehand and i accidentally took this huge hit and then thought id be fine w a little more but brother was i feeling funny. did not eat enough and didnt take water it was atrocious. so. we get there and let me tell you if I WAS WORKING i'd have been able to fix the fact that it was soooooooooo fucking loud in there like bad bad bad audio distortion etc i wanted to kick this dude off the mixer but like what ever... it hurt so bad. and the lights were mostly on until chloe and sam duped this guy into dimming some of them but even still it was giving middle school dance. without the fun cheesy music. some of my instagram gay people are there. um but sorry there was simply no way i was going near that dance floor like the bands lowkey highkey sucked (i mean it was just a bunch of white college dudes and they did not slay. shocker. sam kept being like 'they're so good' and we were like um haha... straight face emoji)
we acc disappeared for a while to another floor for the br and just chilled for like half an hour (and security came to find us lmfaooo but ended up just leaving) and i was feeling odd and out of body and too aware of how i looked and it was just not great i was like we're the only bitches serving cunt here... um. anywho. so like later theres a slow dance and roommate is dancing with this other girl i only know from instagram till this point and i suppose if i was really feeling myself i could have tried to make a move but i was not. once again. vile vibes in this place. like i dont mean to be a pussy i typically would be much more charming and fun if i wanted to flirt and kinda felt the vibe from them but i was not really enjoying myself LMAO
then some more of the friend group shows up at the end and sam's like 'drama is actively going down' and im like Wuhhhh the fuck and i feel like a few of them r looking at me and i was just like get me OUT of here but for some fuck ass reason was still like nooooo we should go over and have pizza w sam and them. forgive me for thinking they had like frozen pizza or smth and i could get some free food out of this no we had to sit there and wait for dominos or whatever
AND THE MOST ANNOOOOOOOOOOOYING AWFUL TERRIBLE GROSS MEN YOUVE EVER MET SAT THERE AND JOINED THE BRIEF SMOKE CIRCLE AND THEN WERE JUST THERE AND LIKE YOU COULD JUST FEEL THEM TAKING UP SPACE AND US 'GIRLS' WERE MADE TO FEEL SO SMALL ON THE FUCKING COUCH I WAS SOOOOOOOO TIRED. had to get a sweater cause i felt so uncomfortable. girl i really was only there in case i could have a saving grace moment with roommate im so serious. well and for chloe but otherwise me and lydia shoulda been outta there
literally chloe was so excited to show our little video to people and sam cut us off from getting there to show us the fucking fidget spinner game he has on his tv. girl get out! oh my fucking god. finally lydias like Cool anyway so - like sams misogyny jumped out in previously unprecedented ways. it was bad. these boys were truly making me want to kill myself im sorry like it was so bad i have curated my experience so as to be away from that for so long it was really jarring. and what you need to understand about sam is that he's almost died twice and kind of has a funny little gender vibe going on and so for a while now yeah we've gotten along through silly odd things we relate through but holy shit....... that was so offputting i cant even wrap my brain around it
also sam very much walked me into like yaoi-fying him and his best friend and then was like haha noooo why r u calling us gay ur so weird bitch just fuck him already im tired and also dont care.. hes so attention seeking and not used to um not being the center of attention. sorry! oopsies anyway so
so then im like ew like i kinda need to reassess um. the people im around. and again cant stress enough how gross and judged and just kinda old i felt surrounded by these ppl even tho theyre all like within a year of age? and like roommate still seems maybe cool but since we didnt actually talk and they were off w the other roommate/other ppl i cant help but associate them w the odd vibes but like. honestly idk i might just try to uh slide into their dms rlly casually. bc. well idk how the friend group is fracturing and it wouldnt surprise me if they were annoyed with sam esp living with him but obv i dont really know. but again let me stress this friend group has been friends since their freshman year like what r yall doing yeah u do need to break up....
so i figure since they're hot (and kinda tiny i cant tell if they're shorter than me or just right around my height) (but also they kind of scared me by giving Instagram face while posing for a pic last night i cant do any more people giving off dorian gray rn. but i was also under the influence so um that didnt help) i could just yeah be brave see how it goes and worst case scenario it's not a vibe yk. and best case scenario i get to hang w them and teko. teko so gives francis. anyway
OH also sam and the friends insisted on listening to this ai generated… thing like idk guys i think i was in hell fr
also had several men yell out of their cars at me and staring at me as we walked to the bus stop :/ so men really do ruin everything btw
um. so. that was the night! thx for reading if u did. i am excited to be around other fun silly cool queer people god bless fuck these people
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starfac3 · 9 months
hii so in a post you wanted someone to talk abt their mlp headcannons, i’m getting into mlp rn so id absolutely love 2 hear them! (also just a question from a new tumblr user, can you see my asks on my page?) feel free to message them or whatever tumblr response mechanism there is! ^ω^
-not forcing, Moss ^^
first off , yes i can see your ask button !!! and welcome to tumblr :)
i tried to respond to this 4 times and i lost all my text and almost cried so im gonna make this much shorter than it was supposed to be (8 paragraphs) 😞 PROBABLY A RELIEF FOR MOST OF U THO LOL i have too many headcanons but here are some of my headcanons and /or “perfect world” scenarios for mlp g4 :)
i cant put all of my hcs here but im gonna put the ones i tell most ppl !!! ALSO NOT ALL OF THESE ARE IN THE SAME UNIVERSE!!! (if anybody wants more, ask me something specific .. >:3 nyeheh)
💜 - the mane six minus twilight have all been friends their whole lives, but not as a friend group until twilight came along!!
🩵 - branching off of the last one, rarity has made outfits for ALL of the ponies before !! but pinkie pie has been by far her most loyal customer because yk she throws parties like triweekly !! rarity mostly specializes in dressmaking but can also make other types of stuff . :) pinkie pie and fluttershy both seperately have taken some sewing classes from rarity cuz they alwayss loved her stuff :)
💛 - fluttershy runs/works a petshop/veterinarian clinic
💖 - at some point , pinkie pie moves out of sugarcube corner and runs her own nightclub !! (but like its not a naughty club, this is ponyville we are talking about here !! just lots of candy and soda and DANCING AND GAMES :3) and pinkie pie would be the funnest momma evr >w<
💙 - rainbow dash becomes a coach for the wonderbolts / some sort of coach :)
🧡 - applejack would grow up and continue to just run her family business and have a family of her own !! applejack would be a very caring mother but also she wouldnt take shit from anypony!! if anybody bullied her kid she’d have to try so hard not to kick anypony that bothers her and her kids
🩵 - rarity never expands her business or gets big, but she’s happy with it! her store is independent and a gem that many talk about all around the nation. :) she would be a fun mom but she would spoil the kid a lot lolz
💜 - twilight works at a school as a science/math/magic teacher, book author or a librarian! she would be a pretty average mom IN THE NICEST WAY POSSIBLE just saying she’s just your average girl!! but she has lots of knowledge to share :3 !!
🩷 - either:
-mane six all are alicornized. you cant just give the order keepers of the nation some fancy crystals and tell them to go on with their day while one friend who happened to be a rich unicorn who went to a unicorn school and got hit with a rainbow beam turns into a goddess and you have to watch her outlive you, you make them all goddesses or none of them. especially if the gifted unicorn never asked to be alicornized.
- twilight and cadenza rule together. cadence was done so dirty :( she was given goddess powers just to be sent to a Far Off Land and the Twilight was favored to just RULE A WHOLE NATION ALONE. insanity. also they have been friends / chosen sisters for the longest time. this scenario would not only give cadence a better storyline, but also spit in the faces of “theres already 5 alicorns” ❗️
there was nothing about vamp rarity because i havent expanded on her yet <//3 and also you guys have yet to see my whole cross-race breeding chart.. >:P
but thats all for now TwT sorry it still got long , i hope you or somepony enjoyed !! if anypony draw/write something off of these PLEASE tag me just cuz i NEED content with these !!!!!!! :33 plzplzplzplz and tag me in any pony art/writing/ etc :3 anybody feel free to ask for more !!! bye bye <33
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
is angel still in college or university in your brain or has she graduated! because imagine harry at her graduation like ohhh :((( you know how they are like “please hold your applause until the end” but he doesn’t listen and cheers so so loud for her and her face gets all blushy and she has to stop herself from looking in his direction because she knows if she does she’ll start laughing or crying or both :((( and when he meets her after she gets her diploma he just kisses her all over her face is just like “i’m so proud of you angel” “my smart girl” “you’re looked so pretty up there” and like AH i don’t know they’re the cutest sjdbdjdbejs
shes def still in university in my head im probs gonna make her stay there for a while tbh ngl SHFUSHFUSHF but I LOVE the idea of him at her graduation:( like ofc he doesn't wait until the end and I think his mom and sister might try to make it down for the graduation if not the next day little celebration h puts together :( but their friends and go and the boys from the shop so theres a good little cheering section for her that makes so much noise when shes going across and h has one of the boys video her going across the stage for him so he can cheer and stand up and clap for her :( and she cant look at him bc she'll def start that happy little crying that she doesn't want to do while so may ppl are watching her ;( but shes def right w him after the ceremony is over and hes sooooooo sososooso proud of her holding her and spinning her around and giving her so many kisses and having that special moment just telling her he loves her so much hes so proud of her and shes such a smart girl:( like there's just so much in his heart he wouldn't be able to get it out hes jsut so proud and ofc shes teary bc shes his sensitive girl:( and him giving her a tiny kiss and telling her how pretty she looked up there he almost cried and when he gets her to laugh :( and hes just so sweet watching her get all the hugs and the love from everyone else that showed up for her :( and I think they'd spend that night going out to dinner jsut the two of them and then a big party the next day:(
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buttercup-bollz · 1 month
charlie has to be my second favourite character- yet alas, her writing isn't THAT great in the show despite the amazing arc potential she possesses and she gets really thrown to the sidelines even if she IS quite literally the protagonist which is like so fucking disappointing???
we know next to nothing about her. ANGEL DUST'S WIKIPEDIA PAGE HAS SO MUCH MORE WRITTEN THAN HER??? and god i know viv SUCKS at writing female characters but it just still baffles me. HAZBIN HOTEL IS SUPPOSED TO BE A SHOW "4 THE GIRLS" RIGHT??? RIGHT??? THEN WHY IS THE MALE CAST X10 TIMES INTERESTING THAN THE WOMEN WHICH THE SHOW IS SUPPOSED TO FOCUS ON??? in general its js stupid to separate shows into "male-focused" and "female-focused". bruh whats the difference, its still a character no matter their gender. viv just wanted to make an excuse of why she's so shit at making girls w good lore & etc tbh (it did NOT work). like... i can see she's TRYING but its still fucking awful. its like shes in this constant state of living off her gay mlm fetishes... we BARELY have any wlw rep in hazbin/helluva. AND VIV IS SUPPOSED TO BE A BISEXUAL WOMAN WHICH JUST HURTS LIKE A BITCH IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT. god im so fucking sick of gay ships i cant handle it. FIZZMODEUS, STOLITZ, HUSKERDUST, VOXVAL, FIZZBLITZ. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!!!
basically charlie summed up: well, she's.... kind...?? and um.... bubbly? and she believes in redemption & thinks everyone deserves a second chance FOR AN UNKNOWN REASON, she just does okay!?!? we need her to believe in it so that we'll actually have a plot and a purpose/morale of the story! dont make unnecessary questions! and shes UNREASONABLY naive & childish despite living in hell for 200+ yrs seeing all kinds of fucked up people, even RAPISTS. I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN THE AMOUNT OF SECOND-HAND EMBARRASSMENT I INITIALLY FELT WHEN SHE MADE ANGEL READ THAT ONE SCENARIO SCENE W SIR PENTIOUS... LIKE.... UMM WHAT??? ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY ITS FULL-BLOWN EMBARRASSING😭😭😭😭 its... devastating. you see & interact w actual serial killers, addicts, sex workers ON A DAILY BASIS, and you... you... YOU THINK THIS IS HOW THEY BEHAVE? fucking CHRIST on A STICK.
she also likes to sing and likes musicals, so hence the show is a musical too!
TELL ME WHY IN HAPPY DAY IN HELL VAGGIE & ANGEL WENT "yeahhhhh shes singing ewww!!1 cringe lOl". GUYS YALL LITERALLY DO THE SAME THING LATER ON? it just RUINED the entire vibe for me. it doesnt make ANY sense... so the characters KNOW they're singing in universe? then that's ridiculous bc tell me why would charlie, emily n sera sing at the damn COURT? Y'ALL OUT HERE QUITE LITERALLY DEBATING THE FATE OF ALL SINNERS AND YOU'RE COMPLETELY FULLY PERFECTLY AWARE THAT YOU ARE... SINGING????? you did NOT need to humiliate charlie like that just to poke fun at her. WHY NOBODY MADE FUN OF ANGEL WHEN HE STARTED SINGING POISON? HUH???? its obvi it was said to make her look cringe, which, okay, characters CAN be cringe, BUT NOT WHEN YOU PRESENT IT IN A SERIOUS TONE? LIKE IT WASN'T JUST A FUNSY PROD INSTEAD OF A DEADASS INSULT MAKING THE PERSON LOOK LIKE A WALKING JOKE?? she BARELY gets treated seriously by the writers. shes that stereotypical stupid blonde and not in a hilarious way, meant to move the plot forward.
another clear ICK i have is when husk starts to immediately point out everyone's insecurities in "masquerade". DO WE NOT KNOW THE "SHOW DON'T TELL" PRINCIPLE? if you just SMACK it into our faces without bothering to SHOW it, but INSIST that "charlie solves everyone's problems except her own trust guys 100%%!!!!!!", THEN IT HAS NO POINT. words are MEANINGLESS without actions to prove it. you literally DESTROYED her entire character arc with a single sentence. in SOME cases, there's an exception to the show dont tell rule, BUT CLEARLY THIS ONE WAS UNCALLED FOR. its the FOURTH episode and you're already laying out to us their weaknesses? GODDAMIT HUSK I LOVE YOU BUT SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONCE. Y'ALL DEFEATED THE PURPOSE OF HER CHARACTER WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO EVOLVE AND BE EXPOSED TO US AS WE MOVE ALONG. THAT'S HOW YOU GET THE AUDIENCE HOOKED. THEY WANT TO KNOW MORE; WHY are they acting this way? HOW does this affect them on a psychological level? how do they cope with this and that but NOPE. we get it served on a silver platter and SHOVED down our throats in the first season (WHICH HAS A TOTAL AMOUNT OF EIGHT EPISODES. EIGHT. EPISODES).
oh, wait, we get some crumbs of her emotional vulnerabilities! apparently she has a bad relationship with her dad as we're PERSISTENTLY TOLD.
" Come place your fate in her inexperienced hands, as she tries to work through her daddy issues by fixing you!" WE'RE BARELY FIVE MINUTES IN THE FIRST EP. YOU'RE. JOKING.
and as we witnessed her in the pilot say "i think dad was right about me". thank godsmack for this heavenly sent, GORGEOUS scene that didn't spit into our faces everything instantly. (the fact that the pilot is 10000x times better than the show itself is my #1 reason.) another SEMI-good example (DUE TO THE FACT THAT HUSK GOES: "u got daddy issues or smt?!?!!?" HUSK YOU MOTHERFUCKING BITCH I SWEAR I WILL NEUTER YOU) is when charlie says: " No, we just have never been close. After he and mom split, he never really wanted to see me. He calls, sometimes, but only if he's bored or like needs me to do something." but thats about it.
and the worst thing?? we NEVER see lucifer ACTUALLY being a bad father. WHY IS HE EXCITED WHEN CHARLIE CALLS HIM EVEN THOUGH "HE ONLY CALLS WHEN HE'S BORED AND NEEDS ME TO DO SOMETHING??" DID YOU HIT YOUR HEAD AND FORGOT? HE WANTED TO SPEAK WITH CHARLIE? THAT JUST WIPES & INVALIDATES CHARLIE'S STATEMENTS AND MAKE HER LOOK LIKE A SPOILED ATTENTION-SEEKING WHINY BRAT. not to mention the: "this is the first time she's called you in years!" so is it lucifer neglecting charlie or is it charlie neglecting lucifer and being an abhorrent daughter? pick a lane?
"I told you when you called me five months ago, or did you not listen?" im SORRY? lucifer is literally SO desperate to see her yet.... he forgets when his daughter told him where tf she is which technically allowed him to visit her with NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER? WHAT IS THE ISSUE? DOES HE NOT KNOW HOW TO TRAVEL ON HIS OWN TO HER RESIDENCE?
aaand they solve their problems THE EXACT SAME EPISODE LUCIFER APPEARED FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. we NEVER got to see him being a bad dad. if anything, he's just a bit close-minded at best THAT STILL TRIES TO CHANGE. this doesn't make him bad at ALL, it makes him look like he's "misunderstood" which, in turn, like i said before presented charlie as a crybaby that threw a hissy fit just bc she felt like it.
more than anything is beautiful, the vocals are fantastical, the soundtrack is heart-breaking, but. WHY SO SOON? why you couldn't do it before if it's so easy then? after that they act like there was never a rift between them ever in the first place. wow! good for you! soo i actually barely give a DAMN about this bc you didn't even give me enough time to digest everything that went down.
so... how can we improve charlie to make her likeable, enjoyable and interesting to watch?
what i have in mind is:
Charlie is a kind-hearted person who dislikes brute force and prefers to solve things through peaceful terms. why? because her entire life she has been isolated in her own home, therefore only ever interacted with her servants that treated her like she was made of glass, her parents, and razzle & dazzle- lucifer nd lilith were afraid that hell's harsh reality would make her cruel, so they never let her out on her own UNTIL she turned into an young adult. it also makes her socially inept, so she has a hard time understanding/reading others & their feelings; generally low empathy. so she treats sinners as simply misbehaved & misled children that didn't know any better, because she CAN'T fathom what else could it be. she imagines redemption to be easy; she has a very idealistic & abstract idea of it, which is something she picks up from her father who was also an oblivious dreamer like her once in his youth. she doesn't know how it works or what qualifies a sinner as "redeemed" (which can create VERY interesting conflicts & plot points). HOWEVER, she's ALSO perfectly aware that the majority of people in hell are irredeemable, that some people are just unfixable assholes after living on her own & interacting with REAL asses for twenty years. yet she still keeps hope that SOME of them may be GOOD, some of them are CAPABLE of change. why? because ever since she was a child, lilith taught her love towards her people. LILITH was the one that instilled the care & the need to protect she feels for demons, as bad as some of them are. not only that, but she knows that redemption is possible because she changed.
even if she was raised to be cheerful and bubbly by her parents, she was also HEAVILY spoiled, so when she reached puberty it went as well as you'd expect. she began to date seviathan who was an absolute DICK and enabled her mindset of "im the princess of HELL goddamit i can do whatever THE FUCK i want!!!!". of course, lilith & lucifer being the doting parents that they are, let it slide- lilith TRIED to explain to her that NO, being a princess didn't give her free pass to do everything she wanted, but in the end she conceded bc she just rlly fucking loves her kid and it never went beyond a few scoldings. and lucifer just... never cared. which basically... worsened charlie x2 times, being left unpunished for every shit she did. secretly trying out drugs that sev gave to her, treating her servants like they were nothing but dirt underneath her feet, being self-entilted as fuck and etc and etc. BUT!! sev & charlie DID like each other for real. there was no intentional abuse whatsoever, they were dumb teenagers that kinda exacerbated each other's horrible tendencies & had no damn idea how to communicate properly so sometimes it went like:
sev: shoves beer cmon lets try this charles you'll like it!!!! (no ill intention, only happy excited vibes of a curious teen boy that wanted to be cool like adults)
charlie: ummm idk i dont think we r allowed to do this ..
charlie: welp okay! shrugs (gets drunk beyond belief together with sev)
what made her change?
lucifer and lilith's divorce.
lucifer was the one that took custody of her at first. but as you can guess it was NOT great. lucifer fell into depression after losing his wife that he lived with for EONS, became neglectful, angry & started to drink to cope. seeing her dad change so drastically and start to treat her like SHIT (lashing out at her on several occassions due to inability to deal with his own emotions, distancing himself away from her), she finally got a reality-check. like... holy FUCK was she also like that??? people DIDN'T think that even breathing wrong in her direction would get them wiped off the face of earth? THERE WERE CONSEQUENCES FOR HER SPOILED DEMEANOR?
lucifer FINALLY paid attention to how much of a dickbag his daughter became, but he dealt with it horribly. instead of trying to help, explaining why it was wrong, he screamed at her bloody murder. he made snide remarks towards her ALL THE TIME... and at some point, he thought he recognized humanity in charlie. he gave them so much, yet they repay him with this?? it didn't help him with his abusive tendencies.
charlie broke down after they've had a huge fight again & BEGGED lilith to take custody of her instead. lilith accepted it NO HESITATION whatsoever, and comforted her. she reassured her that she wasn't a mistake, that she can become a better person and people were capable of improvement. so she did. she didn't see lucifer bc she became anxious of him, and he was so stuck in his self-deprecating thoughts (the cherry on top being that his own daughter abandoned him) he didn't visit her either. and, despite never being the embodiement of "evil" as everyone presumed him to be & truly regretting/being shameful of the things he did, he was also arrogant. so, even if subconsciously he felt guilt and self-hatred for being such a jerk, he kept convincing himself that it was all charlie's fault (he is the sin of pride for a reason)
charlie eventually broke up with sev, subsequently. they left off on an... okay note. then she gained something akin to depression and took time to recover from the freakshow that her life became. she turned into a merciful person who DESPISED fighting, arguements and everything (for obvious reasons).
once upon a time a day came that turned her life on it's head.
lilith disappeared. went to a "meeting" and never came back after that. no traces, no notes, no nothing.
charlie was HEARTBROKEN. she found out that her dad literally didn't do shit as a ruler of Hell this way; she was FLOODED with papers and meetings that her mother needed to do after a week of her disappearance. so, she took comfort in being a workaholic and surppressed her grief by solving Hell's problems days on end- (this is where she got her "fixing everyone's problems BUT her own" mentality) partially, the other reason for that was because she knew how much lilith cared for demonkind, so she couldn't fail her. now that she was alone, though, she had the ability to move out and live on her own. that's exactly what she did, she bought a shabby gigantic house (which soon became the hotel but we'll get to that part later.).
that was how she ended up witnessing an Extermination first time ever.
she was HORRIFIED beyond belief and was so fucking confused why would heaven do this? yes they were bad but murder couldn't be the only solution to their problems, could it?
lilith would hate to see her people being torn apart like that.
she spent days on end thinking of an alternative, something that would stop these inhumane purges, and that's how she came up with the idea of the hotel.
some years passed. she met valerie (vaggie; i changed her name bc jesus i know there's a reason (which honestly only WORSENS my distaste) behind it but its awful no matter what i cannot stomach it in any form), they fell in love. their relationship only furthened her determination to find out how to get sinners into heaven, because she knew that valerie deserved it 100%, and she couldn't be a singular exception, could she? valerie acted bitter and hostile towards her at the beginning when she took her in, because she was scared and distrustful as valerie had admitted, but softened and warmed up to charlie. so how much people out there were the same as valerie, scared and hurt & misled to a point they resorted to bad choices?
fun little ideas i thought abt this charlie's version:
just like in canon, she's very fascinated with humans, therefore sinners since they were one before their death. imagine charlie just... BOMBARDING valerie with questions when they first met. "do humans eat pork!?!?!? do some of them ACTUALLY not believe in hell/heaven?!?!? DISCRIMINATION BASED ON SKIN-COLOUR IS REAL?!?!?!? tellmetellmetellme" (valerie had a VERY hard time figuring out what to tell her if ykwim.)
2. her design and the canon design are vastly different. she is an ACTUAL doll that was brought to life by her parents (bc .... weren't sinners incapable of giving birth? so how did lilith....) and looks fucking unnerving as hell, literally a dead walking zombie. she tries to appear more innocent and friendly by changing/tweaking her looks to her best abilities, but in REALITY her TRUE form is the definition of antichrist and everything unholy. she's so insecure about it but valerie always reassures her <3
3. she has a tiny piece of each seven sins inside of her which get more difficult to control as she becomes more powerful, they really fcken stress her out and she thinks she's a freak for ever thinking of something like that, but she can't control her thoughts. she had a really bad crisis when she started to fall in love with valerie because her sins would just go WILD, but somehow managed it with her gf's support. and yes, charlie was the one to fall first. since; oh lord!! pretty woman!! that is kinda nice in comparison to everybody here!!! OH GOD IM NOT GONNA BE ALONE ANYMORE!!!!!!
4. girl has abandonment issues. it makes her into a sorta of a people-pleaser that would do anything to keep her loved ones with her. she does know boundaries, and she isn't a complete pushover, but... she's obviously anxious all the damn time, this also adds onto why she FLIPPED OUT when she found out valerie was an angel. first, DOES SHE NOT TRUST ME!?!??!?!? second, WILL SHE LEAVE ME FOR HEAVEN?!?!?!?!? she DID want to get valerie into heaven, but it seemed so far away that she kinda didn't think too much abt it + now that she knew that she was actually an ANGEL it made her fear so much more raw and realistic.
5. she's demisexual. because i wanted her to be, and it just makes sense okay?
thats it for my charlie rewrite. if anything else comes to mind, ill be sure to write it out. next up will either be valerie (vaggie) or lucifer! but for now thats it.
if you felt interested in my original take on the hazbin hotel, please let me know if you'd like me to write a fanfic!
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hartmy4life · 11 months
Fanfic name: Cute PART 3
Relationship: Hartley x Amy
Show: The Villains of valley view
Warning: Nothing
Amy’s POV:
I run up to Hartley's house and I knocked on the door. Someone else opened it. Oh it was Celia. "Oh um hi Celia do you know where Hartley is" I say obviously nervous because like come on its Celia. "She's up in her room why" She said looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Umm" Quick Amy think of something. "I wanted to invite Hartley to- umm- a bowling alley so we can --bowl"
"Mhm yeah sure" yep she is totally not believing me. "Yeah you can go to Hartley's room" I knock. "Hello Hartley are you in there" I say. "Yeah let me just-" " Hartley answers while there was a lot of stuff being moved around. She finally opens the door. "Hello Amy" she said while leaning on the door frame. "Hi are you ok there was a lot of noises before you opened the door." I said concerned. "Yeah im good I was just cleaning my room"
she said revealing a not so very clean room. "Wow Hartley its so clean is the new trend of cleaning up rooms leaving so much clothes on
the ground" "Ok fine I fell but im fine now" she said. She continued. "So what are you doing here" I just stood there remembering why I was
there and I turned the color of my Havoc suit. "Umm Amy are you ok" she said waving a hand over my face. I snapp back into reality.
"Yep yep Im good I just need to tell you something" I said pretty nervous. "Yeah sure what is it" she said cheerful but also confused. "Ok look I might ruin our friendship but please after what im about to say please just-" I pause.
"Don't leave me your the only friend I have even though im kinda friends with Milo your different" "Amy Im never going to leave you" Hartley says in her sweet and loving voice. "Ok" I take a deep breath. "These past days have been different of how we almost kissed and that weird feeling I have in my stomach, my heart beats faster when
Im with you, and I know im not sounding like real Amy its just that I cant hide these feelings anymore" I pause again but this time Im holding Hartley's hands. "Ok what Im trying to say is that I like you and this might be a little cheesy but I want to be more than friends" When I finish talk I wait for Hartley to say something. When the silence was still going I decided to break it "Look I-" Hartley cuts me off. "Amy you're never going to lose me because feel the same way too" "Really" I say surprised. "no." She said which
made my heart shatter and my eyes water. "Amy Im joking Im sorry." She then hugged me. "I didn't know that would make you react so fast I like you too and I would be more
than happy if we could be more then friends. I pull back from the hug and I just kissed her. When I did it felt like fireworks were exploding behind us. It was amazing. Sadly we pulled away for air.
Amy's POV:
"Hey Hartley" I say making her head turn."Yes" she said "Do you wanna maybe go to the movies" I then pull out my phone. "Here I'll text my
Jake that Im going to be out for a while" "Umm yeah sure what movie" Hartley said wondering.
"I was thinking you would choose since we are finally girlfriends" I said blushing and giggling. Wait giggling ME, AMY, HAVOC. Giggling. Wow this cute and amazing girl has
some affect on me.
Amy's POV:
We get to the movie and we get our tickets and for some reason Hartley isn't telling me what movie we were going to watch but thats besides the point. We go to the counter so we can buy our popcorn. "Hey Hartley what movie are we watching" I say while tapping her shoulder.
"You'll see" I just nod while she said that and I looked at the workers plotting on stealing or what Hartley likes to say "s-wording". Hartley looks at me.
"Amy are you thinking of s-
wording because you have that look on your face" Before I got to answer the workers come up to us.
"Hi how may I help you today" the
worker said looking like he hates life. "Just a large popcorn extra butter please" Hartley said with a big smile on her face. The worker gives us the popcorn and we were
on our way to the movie. "So Hartley can I finally know what the movie is" I say. "We are watching Barbie" she said with that
stupid smile. "Yay" I say sarcastically.
"Trust me your going to love it it also has a special meaning."
"Ok yeah sure I'll give it a try anything that makes you happy" I say smiling.
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harrysrealgf · 1 year
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summary: harry applies to his dream job and they reject him.
“No- J-Jacob, no. I dont have time f’this right now. I have a very serious interview to attend to so ill call y’later.” Harry hung up the phone with some annoying co-worker.
“M’so sorry ‘bout that. Where were we?”
“I've seen enough.” The lady said.
“W-wait,” He said briefly. “Did I get the job?”
“Unfortunately, you did not. You did not fulfill any of the requirements, and considering the way you just talked on the phone, I think we’re done here.” The lady grabbed all of her stuff ready to leave for the day.
“But,” He sighed. “I went to school f’this.”
“Im sorry Mr. Styles… But until you get every single requirement, we can't have you working with us.”
“But I’ve seen the requirements, and for one of them, I have asthma and physically, I cannot do it.”
“Then I guess I won't be seeing you around Mr. Styles.”
“So what? Did I just waste 2 years of my life going to a school for no reason?”
“Im afraid so Sir.”
“Bullshit.” He scoffed under his breath and grabbed his stuff and walked out.
Harry was beyond mad. He told Y/n that he was going to get this job no matter what it takes and now that he physically cannot get it, he doesn't know what he's gonna tell her.
The drive home was horrible. He couldn’t help but think about what Y/n was going to say to him, how disappointed she was going to be.
He finally got home and walked through the front door. It was about 9 P.M by now.
“y/n?” He called out her name
“I'm in here hon.” She called from the bathroom.
“Hey baby.” He smiled and she dropped her razor from shaving her legs and gave him a hug.
“So how did it go? Did you get the job?” She smiled. She would still love him whether he got it or not, she liked his other job better anyways
“Well, no… but please don’t be mad.”
“Cmon H, I can’t believe-“
“I know! Y’disappointed, I get it.” He rolled his eyes and looked away from her.
“No. Actually, I was going to say I can’t believe you think i’d care if you got the job or not.” She chuckled. “Are you okay though? I know you really wanted that job, and you know im happy if you’re happy.” She smiled.
“No m’fine. It was just my dream job but, the ladies in there were awfully rude so, I'd rather not work there anyways. But m’happy honey. Y’don’t need to worry about that. M’happy whenever m’with you.” He tucked her hair behind her ear.
Maybe he was lying, just a little bit. He was pissed he didn’t get the job, like really pissed. But he wouldn’t care if Y/n didn’t care. Or would he?
“I love you, H.” She beamed
“I love y’ more bunny.”
The next day the fumes were hitting him. He was getting more mad and mad the more he thought about it.
Just him doing the simplest things would blow something in him. Whether he was washing the dishes or doing laundry, etc. He just seemed like he couldnt do anything.
So he was doing the dishes, just washing one plate and he just could not do it.
“Fuck!” He threw the plate down and it shattered. “Why can't I do anything?” He asked to himself quietly holding in tears.
Y/n heard it from upstairs after getting ready because they were supposed to have guests.
“H? You okay?” She asked running down the stairs with a necklace in her hand.
“M’fine.” He said grabbing the broom and dustpan.
“Wh-what happened?” She took one good look at his face. “Are you crying?” Her heart broke. She hated catching a glimpse of Harry this way. She doesn’t like him sad at all.
“If y’not gonna help clean up out here then get out of my way.” He said sternly not even looking directly close to her.
“No H. C’mere.” He finally looked up at her with teary eyes. Her heart broke even more.
“Hon…” She walked up to him and hugged him.
“Im so sorry bunny. Everything is just going wrong.” He said giving her the biggest hug ever.
“No its okay. Some heartbreaking stuff just happened to you and it's okay to feel this way.” She hated when he got like this. But she loved comforting him. “Look at me.” She says sweetly. He looks down at her because the height difference is insane.
“I love you, okay? And I don’t like seeing you all sad, so please promise me you’ll talk to me if you feel a certain way. I'm certainly not a therapist, but I can at least try.” She smiles and kisses him.
“Y’The best person I could ever ask for.” He kisses her again.
“We can cancel the dinner and not have anyone come here and just watch a movie. And after the movie, I can help you clean. If you want to, of course. Do you wanna do that?” She would do anything to have her Harry happy again.
“If it's not t’much trouble.” He loves when she takes care of him like this
“Then go sit on the couch and pick out a movie.” She smiles grabbing her phone.
“I love y’honey.”
“I love you too, H.”
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swampwart · 8 months
its only been two hours!
if i dont bog myself down with work, i think of you
i cannot escape you, oh i really really dont want to
i wish that dream was real i wish it was fucking real
i cant forgot how you kissed me
i wish you kissed me
i love your lips, i miss when you'd stare at mine wheneber we spoke
i want you back and im so deeply ashamed about this
this is not what i thought it would be
breaking up was suppose to get rid of all these feelings
but now.i feel all of them, just without having you
i cannot have you in my heart like this
i cannot keep ranting to you in brain about jow horrible my emotional life is and how badly i just want to reach over, hold me, rub my spine again and tell me its all going to be okay with such raw confidence it was like god told you or something
ive never dreamed about anyone before, not even him
but you have entered my escape so vividly and in such detail i cannot ignore it
it tricks me into thinking its real life
like you were actually upset i ever made a joke about taking another man's name and you wrapped your arms around me when i told you w out prompt i was only jokinh
in my dream that didnt reassure you either
you asked me "are you crushing on anyone else right now?" and i giggled and said "noo" w a knowing eye and you got nervous and looked to the side and forced out a laugh "noo thats not okay, we need to find you someone" then you took me by the wrist and had me speak to a guy
all i could do was watch you while you laughed at everything he said, and i think i was just happy i was with you
(he didnt even have a face, yet i could see the peak of your cheekbone that causes the depression beneath your eye)
later on i went home w a beautiful girl, tough and thick in every aspect, in a sick way i cannot deny het beauty
she was into me, i think we wanted this to go somewhere,, her friend had set us up and were hung out alone in rug covered room with a mirror and magical beads,, and she spoke with a tough sarcasm that ive gotten used to over the years, i dont think i looked at her long
then you came in, light in your weight and smiling lile ive never seen. Im use to this i think, but something hurt inside so far down and so unimportantly, i just focused on that you were happy. And you began to recount to me the tome you had, laughing the whole time, and i asked you "are you drunk" and in your beautiful, biteless irony you said "nooo maybe judt a little champagne" and we laugjed anf i was so happy to be wuth you, giggling in out own language rven thoigh i hear you speak this way with everyone. In dream and now, shamefully for my own comfort, i will believe it is special when you do it with me
and you held my hand and played with my fingers while you pattered on, and swinging your head this way and that, and in a moments confusion we forgot who we were and you kissed me.
That moment convinced me this dream was real. Your lips left a session on mine that felt so real. I know i felt pressure, i know i did. At that moment,i was convinced it was because we really did kiss. Now i know itd because our last kiss, whenbeer that was, has not left my lips this whole time. That kiss we had, whenvef that was, has traveled through time and told me we are still in embrace.
i was left in a daze after that, and i heard you gasp and laugh and say "oh i forgot!" and take hold of my second hand. But i stared off, with a dopey smile growing all over my face. Thid whole dream I've felt so tired, my eyebags leading the way. But that kiss sparked rhe rest of my physical existence, and golden light rippled along my skin, into my brain, and swayed its way across my eyes. I heard angels singing, the muses, everything that comes witj a golden kiss. I was so happy. And i agreed with you and said "dont worry about it,"
latter on, the girl saw us and was less than impressed. You were layed across your back (your hair was parted in the most stunning way) and playing with my fingers. My exhaustion was back, but it did not matter to me when i was with you. And she asked what my boyfriend was doing here, and i told her "its complicated" while focused entirely on you playing with my hands.
And she told me she doesnt do cheaters, and i told her dont worry about it. I said before you walked into the room i had a boyfriend, so she assumed it was you. I told her "this isnt him," and it confused her more. She sat down and began to do her make up and in a distance, maybe even hurt, but still open manner. And i turned my attention away for a while, sadly my back to you, and i asked her if she knew what polyamory is. And she adjusted in her seat, squinting her eyes as she tried to think, then we spoke at the same time, it isn't / is it, "what the mormans do." I told her that was paligamy and involed religion and stuff we didn't jave here. She nodded along, confused, partly wanting to understand and partly wanting to leave, and i was fine with that.
Then i think someone walked in for you. I think it was him. And then you were gone. You where gone snd i think my dreamself felt there was no point to remember the dream anymore. Now ive woken up, sad, confused, happy, and feeling so stupid.
i cant decide if i want all of this to be real or not. I do, hell i want you so bad, its such a deep seeded need in me, i dont know what to do. But what the hell am i doing. what the hell am i doing. I have a boyfriend, but shit i think its getting rocky. Im makinh mistakes, he is too. And im so scared. And i just want comfort. Like a child i just want to be held and told itsnall going to be okay. And everytime i think about it, im always telling you. Im always telling you.
i miss you so much, i miss you more than anything
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thesilentlands · 10 months
Chapter 7: The Copper City (part 2-2)
As Volt finished setting up the admin comands for Micheal a sudent door creak meet him, it was Vanessa and she was confused and terrified at the sight of Volt, volt slowly aproched her and she just stod where she was, motionless
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-Hello there! -w-what are you?? -oh please excuse my aplerance - Volt went back on standing on four legs - im Michaels companion, i was named Volt -he didnt mention he had a dog, where is he? -The atmospher got to him, he finaly asleep -what do you mean by that? -oh um, im not supoust to say where Michael comes from -why not? -hes sensitive about it -really? -yes! He dosent trust humans ive notised -why? -i dont know, can i trust you? -you can trust me if i trust you -how can i earn it? -i hate to say it but maybe you can show or tell something about yourself or Michael -Are you able to hold my and Michaels secret? -i mean yeah, i dont like sniching on people - good, maybe this will enlighten your mind a bit.- Volt opened his mouth to show a single slot where a power lens once was.
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-is this... -yes it is -so that must mean that you and Michael come from a bunker -how can you tell that HE comes from one -so where he somes from? -well... A bunker.. -are you guys like evil? -why would you say that? -arent bunker people like, evil and crazy over power? -ive escaped from one, i was almoust dead when i came to another bunker opening, there ive meet Michael, he helped me, hes a good guy -huh, so you guys are fine? -you can say that, we wont cause no harm -alright then, i will hold your secret -good, otherwise i will bit your face off -WHAT?! -just kidding! HaHa, but seriously dont tell anyone, michael isnt used to human interaction, he told me that -alright alright! But i have one more question -what is it? -since Michael is with you, does that mean that he has a power lens? -... He does, do you know about them? - a little, but still -what do you think -im yet disturbed about the sudent burst of information but im also exited! -exited? -think about it, lens holders are really rare to see, but there is one inside your room, and one that your gonna live with -i cant think about that, what can i do for now -well you can come down stairs and go meet everyone, just remember to not tell about anything -of course i remember -alright lets go! - they both walk out of the room and shut the door.
9 hours later
Michael finaly wakes up, a bit puzzled on how he have fallen asleep but still happy that he finaly did, he notised something tho, he felt diffrent, not only refreshed but more weard in a seanse, he sat down and little bit unraveled his bandages that covered his power lens and he notised something. The lens glowed brighter and something strange happend once he activeted it, previously there was only an orb but now the orb had an closed eye, Michael poked the eye and it opened up.
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-Welcome [A_Michael]! -w-what? What are you? -i am your lens guide! Please allow me to introduce your new system logs, you mech has allowed you to acces about 50% more of your systems! -what is happening, why werent you awake the first time? -i wasnt active silly! Would you like to how whats avaiable now? -i mean.. sure, show me - Michaels guide created a few pop up windows -your first new attachment is that you can recall your orb when its launched somewhere far away from you! -arent you the orb? -i can take it for a short period guide you are tell you new things! -intresting. -continue? -yeah go ahed -your next thing is to create power liquid extenstions from your previous wonds! - w- how do you know about them? -im in your body silly! I tho i got to say, dont you think theres too much on them? -i dont wanne talk about it - Michael said in a little agresive voice, the Guide covered his eye and scuried a bit away from Michael, Michael then looked a bit worried and he was saying again in a calm voice -whats wrong? -...y- you arent hitting me? -why would i? You where just curious -well yeah, but we arent allowed to be curious -what do you mean "we"?, Are you connected to other lenes? -we are.. in a sort of hive mind, we can comunicate with eath other, but they disconected everyone, only few are still online but they chose to be quiet, but i can still seanse the distress calls from everyone bellow... -im sorry, it just im not used to talk about them -can you tell me something? -what is it? -are all bunkers that terrable that you have so many wonds? -i guess so, they all are mad, they hurt you mentaly and phisicly, but how can you remember it? -the mech that they put me in gave me vision, they created something that looked like a hive of sadness and pain, and also seam to be digging for something.. -maybe materials -maybe, im sorry its just i thot that youd be bad and... -hey its ok, at lest we arent in thos hell holes anymore -yeah OH! -whats that? -youve got a message from your mech! -his name is Volt if you must know -ill make sure to note that, opening the message now - Guide opened a screan that looked like a group chat room.
-Michael is awake? -how do i.. interact with this pad? -you can ither say it or type it down hire -oh -yes, where are you? -downstairs, everyone hire, they dont see me now, chatting with you. -well im going there.. -wait you must know something -what? -Vanessa knows. -what? -OP cant speak no more! They getting suspisious. -what do you mean she know? -... -hello??
-he disconected -great, well thanks for your guidance but youll need to hide -right, have a good day! -bye.. - Michael puts back the bandages back in theier place, to hide the lens and then he gets up, he still wonders what Volt could mean by that? But he shrugs it off for now, he walks to the door and opens it.
After exiting and closing the door behind he hears a some people talking downstairs, he also hears disfigured dog barks, he slowly walks down stairs, to be unexpected meet with a suprise from the cealing.
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-Boo! -Hello? -ugh your no fun -what are.. thos things? -oh yeah, meet my forever friends! One with the lashes is called thorns and the other one is petels -weard names but alright -rude.. HEY EVERYONE, THIS DUDE IS UP - after screaming that Rose abd her pals returned to the void hole.
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Everyone was hire, they looked at Michael and happily welcomed him.
-you had a good night - Frank said -yeah, how long was i out? -9? 10 hour something like that, alright since everyone, whos not on a expedition, is hire why dont we introduce our selfs fully -alright! - Niko happily said -but youll go first Frank!
-fine. Well mine name is Frank Dagger im stuck at 37 years, before all the time substance stuff i worked in a blacksmith with my father and mother, but when the time stuff roled into exsistinc, it made us live forever, after that the black smith bisness has fallen and my parents where never sean, again, they severed contact with me almoust imidietly, but also that im a pretty lucky war veteran, that should explain mine mechanical body parts -do you work somewhere? -of course! We all work in the adventurer guild, you know where they send you out on expedition and stuff like that, i also know a lot about building mechs, my mechanical limbs are all mine work! - i see.
-Guess ill go next, my name is Vanessa Goldleaf, age is stuck at 26, before i was still in collage, but after im now a wildlife biologist, plant biologist and i partly work at the adventurer guild, you know to explore the odd wild life that was created -i see, and whats your story?
-mine turn! Im Nico Clocktick, im 13 years old!, i come from really far, my legs are made from blades, my far away friend made thos for me, he sometimes even visits! Oh got a little too over my self, i do the work around the house, ans i also go on advetures sometime! -arent you too young to do that? - im doing the best of you friend! -hes a pretty energetic kid - frank said -i see, so i guess its my turn, im Michael Walker, mine age is stuck at 24, i.. come also from a far, i worked as a.. i mean i also worked as someone who goes and adventures, and i came hire because i got kicked out from the previous city -what did you do that you got kicked out -em.. its weard, i feel like i been set up -i see, it happends all the time, but why wouldnt you fight back to stay there -they set me up good, i couldnt fight back -like i said it happends, alright i conclude... Oh yeah Rose havent introduce her self -Hissssss -fine then dont -soo what do we do now? -its sunday so we just do what ever -hey.. maybe i can take Michael out and show him around town - Vanessa said -you know, hes new -thats a great idea what do you say Michael -i mean... Sure, why not -Alright! Just let me change my outfit -Vanessa got up and walked upstairs -Volt -oh! Its you! Your awake! -yeah how are you doing? -Great! Frank is a great guy, Niko is a bit weard but well get along eventually - Michael got closer and whispered -what did you mean by that text of yours -youll find out soon -what? -Im ready! Lets go -oh yeah, lets go - Michael and Vanessa walk outside and imidietly as the door closes Vanessa starts a small, quiet chat -so your from a bunker huh? -WHA. Um yeah?? -its.. Really cool! How was there? -you arent disguasted? -why would i be? You seam like a really nice guy! I thot only assholes and people who think they are the highes come from there -i mean.. your right there are only assholes how there -oh, so everyone is right about bunkers, how did you got out - i found the last master key, and just left -nobody nosided you? -nope -left just like that -heh, so you know nothing about the outside? -i know nothing -oh boy you got a lot to learn.
Then Michael and Vanessa chatted about how diffrent theier lifes where, it was no suprise to Vanessa that life in the bunker can and is difficult, but to Michael life outside was a pretty big suprise.
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-so, what do you think of this place? -its fine, better then a bunker -yeah, your probobly right. Say you straight went from your bunker to this city? -we first tryed to went to a bigger city, but someone told us that it dosent exsist anymore and that there was only "man eatting grass"? -oh, you went a little too far, what did you did then? -the guy gave us a lift to a vault, and it showed us where to go, and hire i am -intresting, ive been hire almoust all my life, its a pretty nice city for the most part -im still pretty new to the world you can say -yeah you are, you can also say that you where in a whole other world -heh, yeah... Are we like, friends now? - i guess so, a little bit forced because Volt told your whole bunker stuff, and the lens stuff too, but dont worry about it -HE EVEN TOLD YOU ABOUT THE LENS?! -Hush! People can hear -oh yeah, im just a little mad that it had to come out this way -at least you can trust me, cuz now your friend -im still not sure, in the bunker people would lie, tell behind your back and do a bunch of other stuff -hey, its not the bunker anymore, i know what i say is going to sound weard to you, but you need to let go of what happend -i know, but its difficult, it will take some time for me to forget -i know, but im sure that it will make you feel better -thanks.. -wanne grab some ice cream? -sure! I havent tasted them in ages -REALLY? Thats a crime! -haha.
They both went near a park to buy the ice cream and to sit down, Vanessa treated Michael to some lemon and blueberry scoops wail she got a vanila with too many cheries.
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-soo should i know anything else about living hire? -do you know about the titan threats, by any chance? -Wh. Of course not! What are thos?? -well, one titan that you can see from time to time is the one thats carrying the sun -so the sun is fake now? -well, since we are hire forever and i guess the world is infinite something has to shine light, a normal sun couldnt exsist. Oh and it somehow disapered, i dont know why -weard... So what are the other titans? -well there is one in the ocean, it resembes like a gigant worm thats made from flesh, gives me the creeps when i think about it -has it been hire? -a few times, our defances always scare it off, but its been silent for the past 12 years now -maybe it died -i dout it, they are few of the creatures that where given imortality by the time substance -dam, are there any others? -well there are about 13 more but they are beyond the grass -there is something past it? -yeah a whole other world, many metal citys are there. Not gonna lie, its pretty easy to just fly over it -i figuret.
-have you consideret what you wanne do? -what do you mean now? -well, like a job, you know? -i havent thinked about it, hmm -have you consideret working at the adventurer guild -a little, but i wanne get used to the new place first, you know, nothing too fast -oh yeah. Also its getting kinda late -oh yeah, we should get back -yeah, and as i promised i wont tell no one that your from a bunker, or that you have a lens -yeah, again thanks for keeping my secrets -no problemo!
They both started walking back to theier house, Michael, despite his past experiance, really enjoyed company of Vanessa. He feels somewhat safe around her. Vanessa also enjoyed todays day, she Was going to show more but since the darkness aproched, she wouldnt risk it.
-hello everyone, we are back! -good, you both had a nice day? -yeah been around town, showing Michael stuff -oh ok, i wont boder you for now -where is Volt? -oh, he desided to stay with me for some time,hope you dont mind that -oh, no its alright -we gonna go now -alright, bye.
Vanessa and Michael both enter theier room -emm, where is the bathroom? -oh! Door to the left at the beguining of the hallway -thanks -ill go change, it wont be long -alright - Michaels enters the bathroom and looks at him self in the mirror, the thouth to him self, that hes gonna be finaly happy hire
-Hello Michael, i hope i dont bother you with anything but Volt whats to chat -alright give it hire.
-arent you worried? -i mean dudes a mechanic so i guess its good -as you say,ill be going now -goodbye -see ya!
-MICHAEL. -yeah? -HELP. -whats going on? -THIS DUDE WHATS TO UPDATE ME -so whats wrong with that? -WHAT IF HE FINDS OUT. -... then we are gonna live with it i guess -HELP I DONT WANNE. -Volt listen i know that your scared, but think about this,you probobly been in a bunker for many many years, and your software Must be upgraded -I KNOW. -then why are you afraid? -IVE NEVER HAD AN UPDATE. -dont worry, if he does anything bad to you let me know -OK.
*from behind the door* -Michael who are you talking to? -eee *whisper* should i tell her? -do what you think is best -*sigh* fine. You wanne know? -if you what you. can tell me -go to the living room, ill go there soon -alright? - he hears her foot steps walking away before hearing her sit on the bed.
Michael then changes too, into much conftable clouthing and walks in to the loving room
-hi im back -so what you wanted to show me -well -he sits on the floor, next to the bed -since i have a lens, why not show you some stuff -oh, i didnt thing it will looks so... Weard -well it is just a yellow glass thats in my skin -but whats with the yellow veins -still not sure why they are this way.. -any why are they going up to your pathed eye? - oh um UM -hold on, dont move -hey what are you doing - Vanessa gently removez the eyepath to reavel the lens eye -oh -you think its disguasting, dont you? -well, it is a bit weard to look at someone with a weard eye like that, but if your not conftable i can put it again -no it fine, we are alone so yeah, i dont have to wear it for now -yeah your right.
-huh -what? -ive just notised you dont have that mask on your head anymore -yeah i should come clear of something. I have a SLIGHT hair loss in that arena, but im treating it -well good for you -im curious about something -what is it? -why do you have soo many bandages? -i... Dont wanne talk about it right now -alright. now about that lens -oh yeah, have a look.
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Michael opened his hand and the orb flew from inside the lens, then the orb transformed in to the guide
-Hello again -who is this little fella? -hes mine guide, hes pretty nice -thanks.. -heh -so what can you show me -oh yeah, what can i do right now guide? -well you can chose the information,holografic or modefication tab, chose! -what does the holografic tab do? -i can show you a place, a thing or what ever you like as a hologram! Ill even gave you a breaf discription of the thing, but if you wanne know more refer to the information tab -you have any recuests? -can you show me the Great Deer Beetle? -of course! *Loading* -thats a weard recuest -well im not going up close to thos things, but i wanne know some stuff about them for my reserch, oh i see -done- the hologram portrated a gigant beetle that had very long limbs, the beetle had huge dear horns and big wings -The Great Deer Beetle, is a species of a meat eating gigant insect that dosent apper in this arena, theier habitas are usually dark forsets. now, what would you like to know? -i have a few questions, can they be tamed, are theier posionous and can they spit stuff - the Guide then explained to her about when and how to tame them and denyed some things -thanks a lot! Hold on let me note it all -my plesuere, take good care of Michael, ill be going now! -GUIDE -heh! -dont laught at that! -fine, but you really helped me, otherwise i wouldnt know that they kill humans -yeah *yawn* getting tired again -you need to explain to me how it was in there someday -someday, right now i wanne sleep -you arent sleeping on the bed? I could make a barrier with the pillows between us -i havent showered, i dont what to get the sheets dirty, also im used to sleep on the floor -fine as you say.
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Another comedy of errors! Aka can you tell misunderstandings is one of my favorite Ao3 tags??
(This is just og trio of the bullies i couldnt figure out how to add in shenhe LOL)
Jean: you know what Lisa, Amber? Diluc’s been really happy recently and im just so happy for him! Hes on relatively good terms with Kaeya again, ive heard his recent foray into the rest of the alcohol market is going swimmingly though i still prefer his wines, and hes found a special someone of his own! Im just really happy that hes got a hold of his life now :))
Amber: yeah, yeah! A cold apple beer after a hot day is such a perfect way to cool down! I still remember being handed an ice cold bottle of beer by Master Diluc’s boyfriend after he cooled it down with his hydro vision. It was so cool, literally and figuratively!
Lisa: boyfriend? No, no that cant be right-- i saw him with a girl from Liyue. Its a bit of an insult to call her a girl actually just from the aura she exhumes! When i saw the two walking around Mond, i couldnt tell whether or not it was Master Diluc or that lady who was showing the other around!
Jean: yes, i... did see her with a Liyuean woman who was chatting him up at the bar. Usually he just politely ignores or tells them off but he was actually bantering with her! Even if some of her comments were a little more... suggestive
Amber: b-but then-- who's that Inazuman guy I saw him with?! I know that they're definitely not just friends or some business associates-- they were holding hands! With INTERTWINED FINGERS--
Jean: w-well, maybe Diluc isn't too well versed in more casual social etiquette? But... archons, i heard that lady say something about thread and webs and ropes and Diluc just turned as red as his hair--
Lisa: my, my... aren't these some... interesting developments. Hrm, i suppose i can keep an eye on that Inazuman man you just mentioned earlier Amber, I did see a new pretty face in the library recently. Pale blue hair, bright eyes, a beauty mark below their lip?
Amber: yeah, thats the guy! And i did see someone with some more Liyue styled clothes walking around the forests near Springvale, maybe that's Diluc’s... other... friend
Jean: i certainly dont want to pry into his love life like this but-- oh archons, these are concerning circumstances. I dont want to be a gossip either but...?
Lisa: we'll tell you everything dear, now what were you saying about Diluc turning his winery into more of a general brewery?
Rosaria: hey-- hey Kaeya, your face is so long you're gonna look like your own cavalry
Venti: oh no, don't mind him Miss Rose! Its just that Master Diluc over there finally has a love life!
Venti: oh come onnnnn Sir Kaeya! Not everyone wants Diluc for just his money and good looks!
Kaeya: not everyone implies that there are still a sELECT FEW PEOPLE WHO WANT MY BROTHER FOR HIS MONEY AND GOOD LOOKS--
Rosaria: oh get that stick out your ass Kaeya-- honestly im happy that Diluc’s finally getting a stick up his ass if you know what im saying. He looked like he needed it and from the looks of it... id say he really did need it. I don't think I've ever seen his lips quirked up like that for more than 5 minutes.
Kaeya: oh my god please don't talk about the romantic sex life Diluc shouldnt have
Venti: ooooo and here walks in the lucky guy!
Rosaria: (whistles) no wonder Master Diluc’s a little less of a grouch than he usually is-- this guy is packin in all the right places! You think theyre into threesomes?
Venti: oh, it looks like hes just here to pick up an order of... Inazuman dango milk? Now I understand why Master Diluc likes this guy. And off he goes, to not drink wine... oh, I don't think I'll ever understand the kind of people who don't appreciate the beauties of wine
Rosaria: i take everything back, this man is disgusting--
Kaeya: ...okay, maybe im a little more okay with Diluc dating him but i still dont want them together-- oh hey its Amber and some lady, yo Amber over here!
Amber: (chokes on her drink at Ayato about to leave and Yelan about to order) oh uh, e-excuse me Miss Yelan, I didn't realize my work colleagues were also here! Im just gonna go say hi ahahaaaaaa
Amber: oh my god oh my god oh my god-- you guys--
Kaeya: yes Diluc is dating i HATE IT I KNOW--
Amber: no, worse. I think... i think Diluc is cHEATING--
Kaeya: (spits out his drink) wait wHAT--
Venti: oh my god, i-- i-- hOW--
Kaeya: all this time i thought my brother would be taken advantage of... bUT HES THE ONE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THEM-- I DONT KNOW WHETHER TO BE PROUD OR DISAPPOINTED--
Amber: oh my gosh let me tell you everything that me, jean, and lisa found out--
Rosaria: oh my god we thought he was dating that Ayato guy--
Amber: yeah right?! But apparently Jean and Lisa saw Miss Yelan and Master Diluc together multiple times (whispering) she was even making those jokes and DILUC DIDNT PUSH HER AWAY--
Kaeya: wh-what-- i-- i dont approve of him dating and i dont approve whatever tHIS IS-- we need to stage an intervention.
Venti: agreed. Though i may not agree with Mr Ayatos drink of choice, noone deserves this kind of treatment!
Amber: (sighing) and Miss Yelan is such a nice lady too, even if she is a little strange... i cant let Diluc hurt her feelings anymore...
Diluc: guys, everyone thinks that im dating both of you and that im also cheating on both of you... with both of you.
Yelan, choking a fatui: i know its fUCKING HILARIOUS AHAHAHA
Diluc, punching a fatui in the face: yeah but (sighs) theyre planning an "intervention" and i-- im gonna need you guy's help if were even gonna tRY to explain what the fuck our entire deal is
Ayato, chilling atop a pile of dead(?) Fatui bodies: (snaps fingers) i have an idea-- polycule.
Yelan, stabbing a man with an arrow: polycule?
Ayato, kicking one of the writhing bodies in the pile: polycule.
Yelan, tying up the most important officers: (shrugging) aight, polycule.
Diluc, setting the camp on fire: welp, polycule it is i guess. You guys want barbeque? They got Snezhnayan sausages and cheese
Ayato: i brought the bbq sticks and sauces!
Yelan: hELL YEAH-- you gotta give it to them, even if they want world domination, they make some really good food
Everyone, while the kidnapped fatui cry: agreed.
Kaeya, with everyone who "knows": Diluc, I love you, I love you so much but can you please explain to me why you are-- whaaaaaat are you doing.
Diluc in the bully cuddle pile: uhhhh, spending time with my fri-- partners? Is... is something wrong? Wait no-- why am i asking, all of the knights are here-- is stormterror acting up? Crap, let me get my claymore--
Jean, thinking that this is definitely not a cuddle pile: oh, no no Master Diluc-- we'll just leave you three to your uh-- business
Diluc, getting up from the cuddle pile: no, no it must be highly urgent if everyones here-- i can afford time away from my-- loves if it means Mondstat is safe
Jean: no no its no worry at all i just--
Ayato, absolutely reveling in this chaos: now why would our dearest Lucs ever do that? Whatever brought you all to this conclusion??
Yelan, fake betrayed: (gasp) Amber! Is that why you toured and followed me around Mondstat?! I was merely looking for some scenic views to show Ayato and Diluc later!
Ayato, internally cackling: then-- does that mean that you, Miss Lisa, only entertained my desires to learn about my loves homeland because you pitied the love that Lucs and I shared?! Miss Lisa how could you?!
Lisa: i sincerely apologize, we merely misunderstood at the time
Diluc, conflicted on whether or not hes amused or exasperated: i am extremely disappointed that you would all think that i am that kind of man. Rumors are just baseless things, why would you ever believe them-- i expected better from you all. Especially you Kaeya, youre my brother-- i would never do that kind of thing
Kaeya, guilt and shame incarnate: im so sorry Diluc, i just got worried and i couldnt think straight-- will you ever forgive us?
Diluc: of course, now if you'd excuse me i have a cuddle pile to get into
Venti: i only wish you happiness in the rest of your days, Miss Yelan, Sir Ayato. Love is a strange and wonderful thing and i hope you cherish it for years to come
Rosaria: tbh i was just here for drama, did not disappoint
Kaeya, under his breath: no kaeya, you cant commit a double murder right now-- theres too many witnesses and complications but aRCHONS diluc looks so happy with them but dAMMIT NO HE CANT DATE--
Diluc, when the three of them are finally alone: i hate that i decided to go with your plan. And that it worked.
Yelan: hey at least it gives us more excuses to cuddle pile
Diluc: true. And what do you have to say for yourself Ayato?
Ayato: i cant wait to fuck with everyones brains with our new relationship status!! :DD
Diluc: nO--
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Honestly, this works out so well. And not only do the knights learn to keep out of Diluc's business, but Diluc's marriage proposals have slowed way way down, and so despite Ayato's new hobby, it works out super duper well for him. And now he can get the affection for Yelan and Ayato and doesn't have to worry about it looking weird.
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