#in how sweet and caring he's shown to be in the crumbs we got of him. he genuinely wants to make a difference in the world
pparkerized · 1 year
you're telling me they're making this harry. this fella, this silly little guy into a villain??
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fumifooms · 1 year
Laimar crumbs
I wanted to compile all my laimar/marios crumbs to be able to look back at them whenever~ These are CRUMBS and I’m not arguing that all these moments were intended romantically, I have my shipping goggles on and picking every moment I think is meaningful and shippy for these two. I'm probably gonna have to split this in parts because it's gonna get long. Part 2 link
Content warning: spoilers for ALL of the Dungeon Meshi manga! Also blood & corpses in passing
They are so repressed aghhhh. I could go on forever about how Marcille is special to Laios because she was Falin’s first friend and was the only one to follow him into the dungeon for Falin and not the job, how from the get go they were linked by something more than work and that made him feel more comfortable with her. But my Laimar thesis is essentially: they are so sickeningly-sweet domestic and complementary. Their charm lies in their old couple "we’ll argue over what to have for dinner" familiarity with each other, having 0 filter. And also they’re funny together.
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They’re so domestic… The way she touches him so fondly and easily and she helps him out of his armor 😭💕 How used is she to disrobing Laios that it's such a no-brainer action for her?
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Which, touching is something she does easily without being embarrassed or deeper meaning, which is mostly due to the nature of being a healer beside her affectionate touchy-feely personality (that we can especially see when she interacts with Falin or Chilchuck), but that isn’t true at all for Laios, who we see is very awkward when it comes to touching someone.
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Isn’t it so very interesting how Marcille being happy and not lonely aka her wish being fulfilled is the thing that makes Laios react here? The last thing he offers before Winged Lion goes like “it seems you’ve made up your mind~” in the next page.
I've already pointed out Marcille's smile being a special thing to Laios here but it bears being posted here again.
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Laios has a "I want to learn more about Marcille face" that he does with no one else just saying.
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Laios is always the one she instinctively clings to.
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Imagine intimately knowing someone’s worst fear and having comforted them in a moment of pure naked weakness and that instance having had such a profound impact that it subconsciously affects them and their decision making. Laios truly was Marcille’s therapy dog. Pet the dog and fears will fly out
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I am SCREAMING why is Marcille the one sitting right next to Laios?? His sister just got revived and Marcille is STILL sitting closer? She’s so right hand man coded they are so partners. I’m just saying having her sit right next to him at his right all the time is so <33 For a series like Dungeon Meshi all about eating metaphors and the importance of sharing a meal? To share that meal with her at his closest?? While Chilchuck and the rest of the party have their own lives in Laios' ideal world conjured up by the Winged Lion, besides Falin Marcille is the one shown to work in close quarters with him <3 It's his ideal world and he wants her to be there to support and help him daily, help... I’m planning to make a post on just that but for now:
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They’ve been hinted to be complementary on a planning level so many times. Imagine the country they’ll make together fr!
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Them both wanting to stay in the dungeon kingdom, looking like king and queen <3
Not Laios baiting Marcille with him finding her cute omfg.
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Laios is the one who wordlessly takes charge of caring for sick Marcille and feeding her.
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I could put the whole 96 bit of Laios being all sheepish asking Marcille to stay with him, going up to elfic authorities and telling them "Mine." with Marcille under his cape as his FIRST show of kingly authority (which could represent how Marcille is a good catalyst/motivation for Laios growing more comfortable in his shoes & role and being willing to truly chase something, instead of wandering and hiding his true self. She gives him courage). Honestly the first time I read it I was almost expecting him to propose when he dragged her into the forest holy shit. He's so cute and uncomfortable with showing affection or interest help, Marcille meanwhile the gossip romantic soul of the party being totally oblivious. More on this scene in part 2!!!!!
I ALSO could rant AGAIN about the whole Marcille is Laios’ succubus aka "most alluring form" thing but that’s a complex issue and I go in depth into it in this post
In conclusion they're soulmates both platonic and romantic no one can change my mind. They are so similar. They are so opposite. Laios flees from intimacy and she chases it. They are insecure. They kick ass. They unquestionably love each other, wether it be platonic or otherwise. They get on each other's case. They value each other's input and skills.
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zinnynia · 2 months
give ur opinions on every half life cast member go into details i want to see how ur brain functions
My opinion on the Half Life cast? I don’t have any/many opinions about most of them, so I’ll just not talk about those characters.
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I’ll be going from least - most thoughts and opinions, starting with Lamarr.
Though, not really about Lamarr, but headcrabs in general. Out of every alien and enemy in Half Life, Headcrabs and Headcrab Zombies are the scariest to me. Idk man, they’re terrifying, and the concept itself is depressing.
D0g + Eli and Russell are all three very cute characters. I always love seeing them interact with Alyx, and their relationship with her is very sweet. D0g was made by Eli, and Alyx kinda just continued to add more to him, making him the D0g we all know and love. I haven’t completed my Half Life: Alyx run yet, but so far, Russell and Eli seem like really nice parental figures for her. Russell is funny, and has genuinely made me smile and enjoy his company in stressful situations, and Eli just seems like an overall great father. I think I have daddy issues.
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I don’t really like Adrian. It’s not that I hate him, or like him at all. I mean, the art of him is kinda cute tbh, and maybe the angst and shit, but he doesn’t really hit the spot like Alyx, Gordon and Barney. I mean, his concept is kind of cool, I guess, but I really wish we could see more of him. Maybe in Half Life 3 (if it comes out), the G-Man could possibly use Adrian against Gordon, as sort of a way to “distract” the gang and make Adrian join the Combine ranks. ..I could be cooking some fanfic ideas for y’all, so PLEASEEE cook up some Combine Adrian AU fr fr. Make him hot too (I might have a thing for the Combine Ngl).
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Alyx is girliepop. She ate, slayed, and left no crumbs. What I really like about her is that she doesn’t really idolize Gordon, like what most of the Resistance does. She treats Gordon like a normal human being, and has shown from time to time that she genuinely cares about him. I think she’s well written, but what I don’t really like is that she’s the “love interest” of Half Life. I don’t really think there needs to be romance, because the story is already pretty good. I also find Freemance kind of… iffy. Gordon kind of knew her when she was a baby, and I can’t imagine popping out 20 years later and some kid I knew started crushing heavily on me, or their dad starts shipping us together. But that’s controversial, and if you ship it, you do you. Not my business, and it’s all fictional. Plus, they’re both consenting adults, just the idea is kinda weird.
The G-Man’s concept really intrigues me, and I feel like a lot could be built off of him in Half Life 3 (if it ever comes out). I’ve written a Half Life OC kind of based around it, actually! Basically, the G-Man manipulates and uses resistance members to distract the gang, taking and stealing them, along with Alyx. This causes the gang to feel stressed and discouraged, hopeless even. Barney is nowhere to be found (he’s safe and untouched), so it’s just Gordon and Eli. I feel like a lot could be done with this, and builds more on the G-Man’s manipulative and antagonistic character. It would also be cool if the Combine joins forces with the gang, and defeat the G-Man, then agree on a truce, leaving Earth or co-exist together. I also just feel like I’m intrigued by the G-Man so much, mostly because I’ve written my story’s main antagonist similarity to the G-Man coincidentally.. and that’ll be a story for another post.
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Last, but not least… Gordon and Barney omggg!!! Barney and Gordon are both my most favorite characters of Half Life, Barney especially. About a year ago, when I laid eyes on Barney, something inside of me literally just…. Clicked. I was like “I like this man. He’s my favorite character now.”
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^^^ Pieces of artwork I made when I first got into Half Life))
I didn’t really understand it, until I really started to look into the fandom, realizing him and Gordon were best friends, and how he practically missed Gordon for 20 years, holding onto crowbars and thinking about the beer he owed Gordon. This REALLY hit me, as I’m in an oddly similar situation.
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^^^ The him))
My childhood best friend and I were pretty close, despite knowing each other for only 2 years. We got split up, but met again, but never got the chance to reconnect and actually chat. But throughout the years, I always bought lockets, and sometimes items with sunflowers. Lockets, because he and I were BIG Undertale fans back then (also FNaF and Pokemon), and our parting gifts were paper heart lockets. Sunflowers, because of flower symbolism (wishful thinking, happiness, etc etc) and the idea of “Summer.” We always did everything together, like paper crafts. Another funny thing is that, after finding him again recently, our dynamic is somewhat similar to Freehoun in a way. Me being the more chatty one, while he’s a little more silent. My problem is that I'd rather hear him talk, because he’s really everything I’d want to talk about (no homo 4 him pls I swear). It’s also funnier that he’s a science guy and works out, and is taller than me. It’s giving……. Gordon to Barney.
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It’s also funny that a lot of the fanfics I’ve read and liked remind me a lot of us. One fanfic had Gordon and Barney have a conversation, talking about how they can’t “resume” where things left off. That reminds me about a thing he told me one night, about how we weren’t the same people we were in 2nd and 3rd grade, but truthfully I didn’t love him (platonically) for who we were, but for who he is. On the topic of fanfics, I’ve written my fair share (2), and they’re all vents about him in the form of Freehoun! Though, they aren’t technically romantic, they could be interpreted as romantic.
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^^^ Old artwork I made based off of my fanfic "Never Again."))
And speaking about Freehoun, I’m actually not much of a “Freehouner.” Sure, it’s cute, but I think they’re just really cute friends. The things they’d do in Black Mesa, and the beer. The way Barney looks at Gordon, and how upset his face was when he had to part ways in Episode 1. Anyways, it took me 7 years to finally have him back (technically 2 + 5, but we didn’t get time to really chat, so I add the 2 years), and I told him “I’d wait another 7 years if it means I’d get to talk to you again” and I also did kinda write him a 2 page (platonic) Valentines Letter that he DID kinda print out cus it was a google doc. Letters are kind of our thing, because I always gave him letters back then when I had a way to send them (via people/connections).
Plus, Gordon is kinda fine...... And Barney's really cute. Like??? PLEASEEEE who decided to make two good looking best friends like tf? And can we PLEASE TALK about how sad Barney looked at the end of Episode 1???? Shit still has be crying.
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Qiang Jin Jiu Chapter 64: Barrage of Rain.
Oh my goodness like I swear to God Li Jianheng can never catch a break can he? I feel so bad for him first with the assassination attempt and the courts very deliberate and almost effective attempt to ruin his relationship with Xiao Chiye. Now there is this collapse of the brothel he was staying at to get a bit of respite from all of the happenings of the Court. While he was still inside!
My God this poor guy he just wanted to get a break from everything that has been happening in the court and how he feels as though he cannot trust anyone even his beloved Mu Ru (I honestly cannot wait to know more about her to be honest and all the other female characters because they just are so intriguing right now they're so mysterious)
And the consequence for him going out to seek comfort even if it is in courtesans is him being buried alive under wood and rubble for who knows how long and then he gets a fever or an epidemic fever.
And him being the first person to catch this fever??? Damn that sucks.
I don't even get me started on how in the last chapter his upbringing was revealed and I feel so so sad for him because he was essentially a neglected child who doesn't even have the knowledge to run a kingdom because of this neglect and now he's being raised into this seat of emperor. The highest position in all the land with no knowledge of how to run anything... oh my goodness this is just a recipe for disaster.
Like before I was just befuddled at his stupidity and how he couldn't clearly tell what's happening in court but his past makes everything makes so much more sense of course he's so easily manipulated when he essentially was neglected his whole life of course he finds the emperess dowager as a saving grace because she's probably one of the few people who have shown him what he sees as genuine care when he's been neglected his whole life and abused.
And then when you remember that he's quite young to be an emperor you're just like oh my God.
It is absolutely devastating.
Li Jianheng and his devastating past aside I am very interested in figuring out what the hell happened and why this happened. Because it's very clear that it's not a coincidence (I mean the brothel that the emperor was staying at suddenly collapsed? There's no way that's a coincidence even if everything lines up seasonally there's just no way) and I'm very interested in finding out what happens next because this is... this is good I am thoroughly hooked now.
There's that and then there's our main couple being our main couple. Now that they have essentially allied up together to find out who the person behind the Chisi sinkhole incident and essentially everything that has happened up until this point is they are so much more... infatuated with each other?
I don't understand exactly how to describe it but all I can say is that Xiao Chiye is like a dog who has found their master and now is catering to that masters every whim. And Shen Zechuan it's over here being very cute see very demure in his affection towards Xiao Chiye and I am living for it the crumbs that we get of him and whether he actually likes Xiao Chiye back are my everything I love characters like him so much!!! What I especially love about this chapter aside from all the political intrigue and the devastating Li Jianheng situation and everything that is happening with him is the sweet little moments.
Xiao Chiye sees that Shen Zechuan is physically affected by this pouring rain so he covers him in a thick raincoat and gets him medicine and a hot meal. And the fact that he ran so that that meal could stay hot in this freezing weather is just so adorable.
Like that is so cute!!!
We got a little Cameo of the empress dodgers favorite niece (I swear to God I will remember her name) and I am very intrigued by her I want to know everything I can by her because WOMEN!!!
( female general I am literally waiting for you literally on my knees the moment you show up I'm going to be so intrigued by everything you do)
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esculentevil · 10 months
A few years ago, @thorinduil made a post asking “which songs make you think about Thorin, Thranduil and the Thorinduil pairing?” Last year, I answered them via reblog and then kept adding to it as I remembered/thought of more songs... Instead of reblogging THAT reblog for its one year anniversary, I decided to post my answers separately, here, and just update THIS list, instead, from now on. SO! Basically: My Thorinduil Playlist~ xD
"Walk Through the Fire" by Zayde Wolf feat. Ruelle
Also “Young and Beautiful” by Lana del Rey which I literally wrote a fic about.
And “Famous Last Words” by My Chemical Romance; perfect for survivor!Duil
Fuuu!!! “Poison” by Alice Cooper!!! Jive, how did I forget that one? Thank my mate, everyone; s/he reminded me rofl while we RPed
Rediscovered “Empire” by Shakira and think it’d fit them perfectly~
“Steady, as She Goes” by The Raconteurs has major wait too long vibes which, seriously, is 100% Thorinduil (especially since Thorin dies with his glue blood...); altho I’ll admit this one only occurred to me cuz it’s in my mate and I’s playlist and, like with Poison, we were talking about these two yet again lmfao and also this fanvideo which got me thinking of S,aSG halfway through it so... yea
AND “I Don't Care” by Apocalyptica ‘cause it fits/these both reminded me I love it
“I hate U, I love U” by Gnash ft. Olivia O'Brien: this is literally their love story
Perhaps strangely, I think “Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)” by Eurythmics, Annie Lennox, and Dave Stewart would work for them--especially Thorin
“Gingerbread Man” by Melanie Martinez; partly because of this video; but also because of the climax of the song not shown in that edit (which is a real shame cuz that was sort of the part that sealed it for me and got me to add it to this list): Thranduil is so the icing on Thorin and Thorin’s so the crumbs on Thranduil and they’re 100% loving hard, fighting, breaking, and eating each other into nothing
“I Want To **** You Like An Animal” by Nine Inch Nails; for obvious reasons
“I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)” by Meat Loaf because, legit, that’s just Thranduil on top of that cliff refusing to throw away his people/family
“Say Something” by A Great Big World because acesout is right
“Unsteady” by X Ambassadors because, after writing “Once I trusted/relied on/believed in you and you let me down” and “Once I had hopes that we could build something beautiful together but reality reminded me that I’m old and ugly and not good enough (for you) so I thought it best to let you go when I should’ve held you” in this and reading acesout’s post linked above and realizing it’s true... I just want to see/read them holding onto each other like this v.v They deserve it.
“Rude Boy” by Rihanna and probably also “Only Girl in the World” by her, too; actually, “We Found Love” ft. Calvin Harris and “Diamonds” and “Stay” ... Huh... Rihanna actually has a LOT of songs perfect for them... their whole love story...
“Enemies” by Lauv because the sentiment is so them.
“Fire” by Wang Yibo because this romance is ALL about playing with fire~
“Accidentally in Love” by Counting Crows cuz it’s literally what happened
“Not Another Song About Love” by Hollywood Ending because, seriously, everything about this song is them: they hate everything about each other while also needing everything about each other and wanting each other’s love ‘til it all runs out ‘cause they’re all that each other’ve been dreaming of~
“I'm Not Afraid” by Tommee Profitt ft. Wondra but mostly just the first part/verse; the rest of it strikes me more as Thranduil fighting depression/Sauron’s shadow while knowing he’s not only lost Thorin as a lover but gained him as an enemy...
“Locked Away” by R. City ft. Adam Levine cuz it’s literally Thorin losing it all--from mountain to crown to gold--and yet not getting that Thranduil locking him up IS him sticking with him, by his side, and grounding him through the goldlust
“Baby Love” by The Supremes because Mizugetsu on YT is a folking genius and I always liked this song anyway--also, it just really fits them rofl and their story
“Teeth” by 5 Seconds of Summer: the “dangerous beauty/love to hate” vibes just work and the simp!Thorin feels--@lady-astria and I were just talking about this!
“Always” by Saliva because there’s nothing unThorin[duil] about it; it’s all them (especially, I think, from Thorin’s POV post-Smaug straight up to BotFA)
“Kiss from a Rose” by Seal because “my power, my pleasure, my shame” period. But also it really does sound like Thorin singing about Thranduil, his lit rose.
"Let Her Go” by Passenger; because sometimes you only know you love him when you turn away from him and his burning home to protect your own... or when you’re dying with a hole in your chest and finally UNDERSTAND WHY your One did that and finally stop hating him for it... because you never did.
“Unconditionally” by Katy Perry because it sounds like Thorin (mostly) and Thranduil grappling with their surprisingly deep love for each other as well as their inability to trust each other after all the betrayals they’ve suffered through; this song is what I think would happen if Thorin just admitted Thranduil was right and a good king for not asking his people to die for the dwarves that ignored him—and if Thorin’s love for Thranduil were stronger than his need to be number 1 or to horde and covet literally everything including Thranduil’s love and attention.
“A Sky Full Of Stars” by Coldplay because, in the canon, Thorin IS this to Duil and Thranduil WAS this to Thorin and every night he sees him there still
“Gravity” by Sara Bareilles; because something always brings them back together—it never takes too long—and they’re always there for each other... even when they’re gone
“A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri because it’s literally reincarnated!Thorin with Never-Sailed!Thranduil forever waiting for his love(s)’s return~
“Broken” by Lifehouse because Thranduil’s still holding post-canon; and, truly, they were both holding onto each other before all that even if they won’t admit it
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In The Coffee Shop
Summary: You work in a coffee shop and preparing the special of the month starts something you’d never thought would happen at your work place.
Pairing: Sharon Carter x Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff x Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Dubcon (sex pollen), smut, oral sex (m and f receiving, m and f giving), fingering, anal
Word count: 4.6K
A/N: This is my entry for @tinymalscoffee 400 follower writing challenge. Congrats on that milestone and thank you for hosting this challenge! I chose the prompts sex pollen and coffee shop AU. The graphics I used are by the amazing @firefly-graphics
It was, surprisingly, a slow morning in the coffee shop. Well, maybe not that surprising. There had been a warning for an extreme weather phenomenon and judging by the lack of customers in suits, several of the big employers had for once decided to not force their employees to come into work during this. You could already see the dark clouds forming on the sky.
The bell above the door rang and in came a red head with shorter hair. You didn’t look up from the flat white you were preparing and put some chocolate powder on it when your colleague yelled to you to get started on a double espresso. The flat white was done and snatched up by someone who visibly thought himself a hotshot, and even more visibly, wasn’t. Probably why he was out, to show his unwavering dedication to the company…
Then came the red head into your line of view directly. She was beautiful. And your hands trembled when you pushed the cup over the counter to her.
“Here’s your coffee, ma’am. Enjoy” You were surprised you were able to keep your voice steady.
“Thanks. Sugar is…?” Her voice was beautiful.
“To your right, ma’am.”
She smiled. “Do I look that old?”
“N-no, miss” You felt yourself get hot in the face.
“Don’t worry, just pulling your leg.”
You smiled at each other. Her smile made her even more beautiful. She nodded once more to you and then went to find a seat in the farthest nook of the shop. Your shift went on like usual after that.
Some days later, you had the afternoon shift. Your favorite. There were mostly students chatting about their lectures and during ordering, they were the nicest of customers and even chatting with you and the other baristas about their own side jobs, often in other cafés like yours.
This time you were on the register. Because of the influx of customers, you didn’t register the black-haired man and the blond one next to him until they stood directly in front of you.
“What can I get you, sirs? Our feature of the month is the flat white and the blueberry muffin.”
“I’ll have a latte macchiato and one of those blueberry muffins. Sound delicious.” The black-haired man grinned at you.
“And for you, sir?”
“Just a black coffee, thanks.” The blond one smiled.
“Right away, just wait for it over there.” You pointed to the end of the counter.
“Thanks” The black-haired one smiled. “So, Steve about that idea for Veterans Day…”
A week later, right at noon, a blonde woman and a brown-haired man came in. You were just finishing up an americano when they came over to you and you caught a snippet of their conversation: “… but knives-“ Said the blonde woman.
You had expected normal talks about work or whatnot. But not about knives, and apparently that had shown on your face.
“Don’t you scare the lady that’s granting you tea, Sharon!” The man said and smiled at you.
You smiled back as you gave them their tea and coffee and they smiled back. Like customers and employees smiled at each other.
Days later, when you were on table cleaning duty, your eyes swept over the customers’ heads. There was that cute couple that had had their first date here. You had no idea what number date they were on, but they were clearly progressing. The redhead putting her hand on the hand of the other woman after she put down the cookie she just broke in half.
The next table already had drunk their orders and the crumbs on the one plate in front of the brown-haired man signaled them being finished.
“Can I clear away?” You asked.
The brown-haired man and the redhead woman nodded.
There was even more traffic than usual in the morning today. Some conference was happening near you. And it wasn’t the fun kind for comics or books or games or a combination or all three with people in cosplay and sometimes, literally, screaming about who they saw and who was gonna be where and what they wanted to do and fandom discussions you got way to invested in for the fact that you were working. No, it was some business conference. It meant even more suits and even more snatched drinks without so much as a glance. It shouldn’t have bothered you, but it still did.
On one table though, there were two blondes and a black-haired man next to them. When you yelled out their orders, the blonde woman came up and took them with a genuine but tired “Thanks.” It was the first thanks you had heard that day by a customer.
When you went to do your cleaning rounds and came to their table the black-haired man and the blonde woman seemed to be dozing. The other blond smiled to himself. You took the cups and remembered how they all had wanted a double-caffeine shot.
“Thank you very much, ma’am” The blond man said.
You looked up at him, aghast. Thanking customers were one thing. They made your day. But this? This much manners? Calling you ‘ma’am’? Wow.
“O- of course. You’re welcome.”
You came out of the back room and had to grip the doorframe to hold yourself up. Your head was swimming.
“Hey! … okay?” You heard a voice in front of you.
You clenched your eyes and opened them again.
“Hey. You okay?” The blonde woman came into focus.
“I feel … weird…” You mumbled.
“I’ll take a look” The blond man said and went to the back room. A few minutes later, he came back, carrying a tray with a coffee grinder and half of the beans already ground.
“Did you just work on this?”
“Yeah… it’s… it’s our … special feature … the coffee with … with our special… home-ground beans…” Speaking was hard, you slurred, but somehow you managed while the blonde woman stroked your back.
“And you prepared them for tomorrow?” The redhead asked.
You nodded.
“Right, there was an ad about the new monthly feature” The brown-haired man mused.
You nodded again.
The blond man bent over the tray and took a whiff.
“Steve, no!” The black-haired man shouted.
“That’s been a losing battle for decades now, Sam” The brown-haired man sounded almost resigned.
“It smells a little weird.”
“I don’t smell anything” The redhead said. “But if you sense something, it must be there. Probably not strong enough for her to pick up.” She nodded to you.
The brown-haired man stood up from where he sat and went into the back room. He came back shortly after and pinched his nose in what seemed disbelief. “I think I know what it is. And all of us already inhaled it.”
“What are you talking about, Bucky?” The blonde woman spoke up.
“There were rumors about a substance that could be both used in liquids and in air to heighten sexual arousal. At the moment I don’t yet know who exactly produced it or why they need this and I also don’t know who ‘they’ are but the rumors I could listen to years ago when they were slow with wiping me, apparently led to something.”
“So, ‘they’ isn’t Hydra?” That was the redhead.
The guy shook his head.
“So, what happens now?” The blond man, Steve, asked.
“Most likely, all of us will go more or less crazy unless we…” Bucky scratched his neck and trailed off.
“Getting ourselves of by ourselves isn’t an option?” Sam wanted to know. “The whole thing would be weird if it was just people we knew from work, but she” He pointed to you. “doesn’t know us, we don’t know her and besides introducing ourselves, there won’t be much getting to know each other.”
“I know your orders, but that’s about it. I can’t even tell if you have a routine for which you need caffeine, because you all came in at different times and all the time” You mumbled with a tight-lipped smile.
“They say something about ourselves, right?” The man who was called Steve.
You nodded and looked at the blonde woman. “You have someone British in your family.”
Now Steve. “You want something simple. Maybe you don’t care for all the special things coffee shops have, but maybe, you’re also overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choice.”
The one called Sam was next. “You want something sweet but unlike others, you don’t want it contrasted with a drink on the bitter side of the spectrum. You want something toned down. You don’t need another stark contrast.”
“You” You looked at the redhead- “want something strong and sweet. Always. It’s both a pick me up and something to calm down but stay energized.”
“And you, ordering a black coffee but with caramel and peppermint syrup. There are people who order one of the two syrups in their coffee. Maybe caramel and hazelnut together. Peppermint on its own. But caramel and peppermint? That’s very unusual.” That was the last one of the group.
As much as they looked stunned, you looked proudly at them.
“How do you know I have someone British in my family?” The blonde woman seemed a little lost for words.
“Tea in this shop is either ordered by people who wanna seem fancy but not too fancy to hinder their career or by people who have an emotional response to tea. That’s why we sell almost no tea when there’s a conference, even to those suit-wearing people from around here who normally order one.”
“But how?” The one called Sam wondered.
“If you know all that just by our drink orders and we’ll probably have sex with each other tonight, we should probably know each other’s names, right?” Steve said.
You nodded. “I’m Y/N.”
“I’m Steve and this are Sharon, Natasha, Sam and Bucky.”
You shook their hands and looked them in the eyes when their names were called and they smiled at you. You shook hands with people you barely, if at all, knew and who you were going to have sex with in probably a few minutes.
“Is there somewhere where it wouldn’t be that uncomfortable?” Natasha asked.
You nodded and led them to the very back of the shop, right where Natasha had once drunk her double espresso.
“The first time I came in here, you made the coffee and I went to this nook. You make a mean double espresso.”
“How do you remember that one coffee?”
“Because the first time it wasn’t you who made it, it didn’t taste as good.”
“Oh. Thanks.” You smiled; the barista part of your ego needed that and getting that compliment from someone like her, was an added bonus.
“May I?” Sam asked and untied the apron, now working on your shirt and you nodded.
Your clothes went one by one, slowly and when you were just in your underwear, you saw the others had taken off their clothing as well, except Sam of course.
You looked at Sam and when he smiled at you, you took off his clothes, first the sweater, then the pants.
Someone took your hand and you looked to your right to see Sharon pulling you with her on the couch. She put her hands on your cheeks and slowly kissed you. Her lips moved with yours and left you breathless when she let you go.
You felt someone on the other side of you who rubbed your waist. Turning your head, you saw Steve who looked encouragingly at you. He kissed the junction of your shoulder and neck. You could feel his chest pressing to your back and leant into him.
Suddenly there was something cold on your left leg and you flinched away, only to be stopped by soft hands.
“Sorry” Bucky mumbled and when you looked down you saw him massaging your leg with his hands, one flesh, one metal and you couldn’t help but think of how his metal hand would feel between your folds.
On your right leg were Natasha’s hands, massaging, kneading higher and higher until you felt her between your folds. She rose up until you could feel the tip of her tongue when you heard Steve say: “Nat, wait a second.”
You tore your eyes away from Natasha and saw Steve push a pillow under Natasha’s knees. She turned her head to give him a quick smile of thanks and then licked a stripe on the junction between your vulva and your right leg and then on the other side. Her hands had left your leg to hold you down at your hips and not too soon, because as her tongue was on your vulva longer than a second and she moved around, licking up and down your lips, your body bucked into her mouth on its own.
Sam moved behind Sharon, pressing himself into her, pushing her on you and both of you a little more into Steve. He somehow got his hands under your butt, letting his fingers dance over it, rubbing all the spots that you didn’t even know would make you moan. And then, he removed one of his hands. You just heard a wet pop and felt Steve’s forefinger at your hole.
You tried to nod but in that moment Natasha inserted two of her fingers in your channel, and already, you could hear your wetness. So, instead of a nod, a moan escaped your lips and that was the non-verbal “Yes” Steve needed and he pushed his finger in.
Your mouth, still open from your moan, fell open even more and Sam traced it with his thumb. You moved your head forward a bit and closed your lips around it and sucked. You wrapped your right hand around Sam’s wrist to keep his hand where it was and linked your left hand with Sharon’s. You could feel her thighs next to yours on the couch moving. You looked at her. She had her eyes closed, whimpering into your neck.
“Y/N, hold her hip” Sam ordered.
You moved your hand from his wrist to her hip and Sam held her other hip. He moved forward and Sharon whined when Sam sank into her.
“Good?” You asked her.
She smiled lazily at you and nodded. You rubbed her neck and with each thrust of Sam, he squished her and your chests together. You angled your head a little to easier to kiss Sharon. You traced her lips with yours, she traced yours with hers when you pulled back for a second. She caressed your cheekbones with her thumbs and only when you opened your lips a bit further, did she use her tongue. She poked yours playfully, you poked back and could hear her giggle that traveled straight to your core. You entangled her in a light dance until you both had to breathe.
You leaned against each other, foreheads touching. You felt Sam moving his arm but couldn’t see where it went. You just noticed Sharon jolting and looked down to see him rubbing her clit.
“Baby, open up” Sam purred and pulled down your bottom lip with the thumb of his other hand.
You parted your lips immediately.
A second later, Natasha pulled her fingers from you and held them up in front of your face. She scissored them a bit and you could see your wetness between them.
“Oh, yeah” He chuckled and removed his thumb from your mouth to a whine from you but that turned into a moan when Nat pushed her fingers into your mouth. You moved your tongue around, tasting yourself on her and maybe, just maybe, putting on a little show for her.
Steve kissed your shoulder blades, your neck, your collar bones while he moved his finger in you.
“Ready for the next one?”
This time you could nod, and you did.
“Alright” You could hear the smile in Steve’s voice.
He inserted his middle finger alongside his forefinger slowly and gently. He waited until he felt you relax and suck on Natasha’s fingers again. Just enjoying the feeling of being full and you felt your pussy clenching around nothing.
Now, you felt Bucky moving up a little. He looked up at you through his lashes. He massaged your tummy, going in circles until his hands gripped you were Natasha had had her hands. Bucky dove in, kitten licking your pussy and Nat’s soft hair was one thing between your thighs and definitely something you’d enjoy later when you were alone, even if it was just a memory, but Bucky’s shorter hair combined with his stubble was something else.
You couldn’t help but put your legs over his shoulders and link your ankles.
“Good… so good…” You moaned. Natasha had pulled her fingers back by now and kneaded yours and Sharon’s breasts.
“Yeah? What exactly feels good, baby?” Sam purred as he thrust into Sharon.
“Nat’s… Natasha’s fingers… and Steve’s as well” You could feel Steve’s grin on your shoulder blade and his fingers thrusting a bit deeper. “And-“ Bucky’s tongue entered you, going back and forth, in and out and you clenched around him.
When he pulled back for a moment with a grin, he said: “You were saying?”
You swallowed thickly and summoned your will to answer him. “Your beard! It feels so good on my thighs, never had one between them before…” You moaned again.
“Then I’m honored to be your first” He winked and dove back in.
He continued right where he left of. His tongue fucked up into you, his hands pulled you down onto him and soon your hips were basically riding his face. After a very pointed movement of his tongue, perfectly timed with Bucky squeezing your hips while pulling you down again, made you come undone. Your pussy spasmed around him, your mouth opened and your eyes closed.
You couldn’t hear anything, you couldn’t move anything but when you came down back to earth, you could still feel your pussy spasming. Apparently, you had gripped Bucky’s hair at some point and carded your fingers through it and scratched his scalp to ground yourself. But that plan backfired. Your scratching of his scalp made him purr. Understandably because having your scalp scratched was nice but after such an orgasm it was too much for you and you whimpered.
Bucky moved his metal hand to cup your pussy and the pressure of the plates without much structure plus the coldness soothed you and you sighed.
You felt several hands stroking you, calming you down and Sharon and Natasha kissing you.
“All good?” Steve wanted to know from behind you.
You nodded and turned your head to kiss him, moving your tongue against his.
They all pulled back a bit, Natasha and Bucky sitting back on their heels, Sam pulled Sharon from you and leant back and Steve removed his fingers and while you still felt Steve’s chest at your back and Sharon’s thighs next to yours but other than that, nothing.
You whined at the loss of contact and of the confusion until Steve lifted you up by your waist.
“Spread your legs, love” He commanded softly, and you did. As he lowered you down, you could almost feel his thighs under yours and the tip of his cock at your spread butthole.
“Then breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Steady, okay?”
You followed Steve’s advice and you felt him slowly inch in. He stopped every few seconds, letting you adjust to it all until you felt his hips digging into your butt.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and slowly leaned back, until he laid flat on the couch with you on top of him. He rubbed your arms
Bucky climbed between your and Steve’s legs, holding his dick and looked to you for confirmation. You made grabby hands and he chuckled.
Bucky bent over you and looked you in the eyes. And he continued to hold your gaze as he entered you. You couldn’t have looked away if you wanted to.
“Wet. So warm and wet” His eyes were screwed shut and he leaned his forehead on your collarbone.
Natasha moved to your head and you moved so your head was on Steve’s shoulder. You put your hands on Nat’s hips and pulled her down until her clit met your lips and she hissed on contact, while facing away from Bucky. She slowly began to ride your face and you moved your tongue a bit to touch her.
Seeing Natasha in this position, you below her, your mouth on her clit, her using you for your pleasure and her stiff nipples and her breasts moving made you wish for two mouths. You wanted to taste her but at the same time, you wanted to suck and bite her nipples until they were swollen and she’d push you away because it felt too good.
Bucky and Steve held you close, sandwiched between them, their arms around you and each other and when they started to move, they moved in unison. They made you feel almost completely empty and then full again and Bucky rubbed your clit with his left middle finger and forefinger.
That was the moment Sam softly took your left hand from under Bucky’s and Steve’s arms. Sam wrapped it around him and started moving it up and down. When you looked to your left, you saw Sam, but you also saw Sharon looking straight at you as she quickly rode Sam’s thigh. She smiled and reached out to stroke your forearm.
You were so glad Sam helped you, because on your own, you wouldn’t have been able to do something. The stimulation of Bucky’s slow and deep strokes that hit all the points in you, Steve grinding and keeping you close, Sharon’s touches a contrast but at the same time not to it all, the heat of them around you, Natasha on your face and moaning. It was all too much.
Natasha rode your face rhythmically, you licked and sucked on her until the rhythm she had built stuttered, her moan broke off and her legs twitched. You could see her bending forward to rest on her forearms.
Sam moved your hand along him, he squeezed your hand around him, lessening it a bit when he came to the tip and twisting your hand around it.
You moved your right hand from under Bucky’s arm and put it on Natasha’s hip to stabilize her. She moaned at the contact and the moan morphed into a whimper when you switched from using your tongue to nipping and sucking on her with your lips.
At the same time Steve gripped your hips and used what leverage he had to chase his release and soon you could feel him cumming with a groan. After the last spurt, he pressed you to him.
The slightly new angle seemed to trigger something in Bucky. He started rutting arrhythmically in you. With each thrust, he bent over you a little more until he effectively blanketed you with his body. Bucky softly rubbed and pinched your clit and you clenched around him. He stopped moving and you heard his growl as he started cumming in you.
And then you felt like you were floating up and away from the earth.
For a short time, nothing.
And then you felt like you were floating back down to earth.
You could feel your pussy still spasming, although now around nothing, and you could hear voices. You couldn’t discern who said what.
“Hey. Hey! … Oh shit, I think that was too much.”
“Too much of what exactly?”
“Of everything.”
“That wasn’t me, was it? The weight of my body?”
“Don’t think so.”
“Hey, Y/N. Hey. Come back to us.”
“Oh, good, you’re back. Thought we’d lost you there for a second.”
“You probably did, but I’m back now.”
You were maneuvered to lean against the back of the couch and just breathed in and out a few times. When you calmed down and got your beating heart a little more under control, your eyes fell to Sam’s cock, which still stood at attention.
“May I?” You asked and looked at him, at his cock and back at his face.
Sam just nodded and that was enough to lick long stripes up and down, only sucking on his tip for a second before you went back to the base of him and massaged his balls until you could feel him twitch. You waited until the last second to put your mouth on just his tip and sucked.
You continued sucking on Sam, letting him buck up his hips and swirled the tip of your tongue around the slit until he couldn’t take it anymore. Sam came and spurted in your mouth until he literally tore your mouth off his dick. You swallowed and grinned at him like a Cheshire cat.
You turned to Sharon, and this time, you pulled her on the couch. You pushed her back until she laid on her back. You moved down her breasts and tummy with little kisses and bites. You ignored her whimpers when you neglected where she visibly wanted you the most in favor of her thighs. You altered between nips, kisses and bites that would leave a memory for a few days, until you reached the junction between her legs.
You pursed your lips and only moved them over her. When your mouth was back at her entrance, you flattened your tongue and licked up until you swirled your tongue around Sharon’s clit. First in bigger circles that went smaller and smaller up to the point where you sucked her clit in your mouth. You continued sucking on her with alternating pressure until you could feel her twitch and buck her hips into your mouth.
Each time Sharon bucked into you, you made it a point to get closer to her, until she couldn’t take it anymore and came. She whimpered, she wailed, you could see several hands stroking her body, soothing her and you felt her thighs shake next to your head. After some time, her thighs stilled and you gently uncrossed her legs and took them off your shoulders. You licked your lips and grinned at her.
Sharon only nodded with a smile.
One day after this one-of-a-kind night, Natasha came back in the morning and left with a little black container under her arm and a double espresso to-go.
One or two weeks later, you had the day shift and were solely on coffee making duty. Your coworker had just told you the next order and it was a big one all at once.
“Latte macchiato, one blueberry muffin, black coffee, double espresso, black coffee with peppermint and caramel and a black tea!” You yelled out.
Someone came up to you and you recognized Sam.
“Good to see you” He winked with a smile.
“Not like I work here” You retorted with a smile of your own.
“Buck! Help me carry all these things!”
Bucky came up and looked at you. “Hey. Nice seeing you.”
“Surprisingly, I work at the place that I also call ‘my workplace’” You deadpanned.
Bucky let out a dry laugh. “Yeah, should have expected that.”
They both took half of the order in their hands and went to walk to the table where the others were sat. Although you couldn’t see the entire table, you knew exactly who sat at it, just from the orders.
Sam turned his upper body to you again. “When do you get off work?”
“In an hour. Why?”
“Wait for us here?”
“Who is ‘we’?”
Sam only winked and he and Bucky went to their table.
282 notes · View notes
the-crows-typist · 4 years
Thank you for you patience on this, here is the first installment of the Valentine’s event with Jade and the word ‘Chocolate’ which was requested by  @takumipineapplexd. Enjoy.
CW: For potential OOC and Slowburn with small bits of Angst
Word count: 6378
A Heart from Me to You
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“Welcome to the Sweet Tooth, may I take your order?” Deuce says as the customers enter the café in an excited hurry. From your position behind him, you couldn’t help but smile at their reactions to the confectionary seen within your shop; they were your creations, after all.
“I’ll have the lovers’ bite with some black coffee…Oh, and a tuna sandwich with some extra chips.”
“Alright, please take a seat and your order will be with you shortly.” The young man motions them to a nearby table with comfortable chairs and when they giggled to themselves, Deuce got to work on the order given to him. Just as the loud clatter overtook your hearing, you looked away, drowning the voices out to concentrate on the batch of brownies that had been cooking in the oven, the smell of chocolate wafting through the air and mingling with the smell of roasting coffee. You were proud of your achievements and you were proud of the atmosphere you’ve cultivated through your hard work.
“Ah, come on. Let me pay this time!”
“No, let me. I was the one who took you out on a date.”
“That’s not fair! Why don’t we pay half?”
“Eh, but—?”
But through your hard work, you ended up skipping on the life most people your age have. While you created beautiful pieces of art with sugar and meat, couples young and old enjoyed them. While you went out to get supplies, others spent time with people they wish to build a life together with. You couldn’t be angry at them, they deserved the happiness they found, but there was always that pang of jealousy and longing of what might have been had you just looked away from your work for one second.
You shrug your shoulders, hearing the timer ring. Then again, things wouldn’t have been any different.
“Deuce, can you clean up table 3 for me after you deliver the orders? I’ll be preparing the brownies.”
He smiled and nodded his head enthusiastically “I’ll go right to it.” and got to work. You were grateful to have him by your side, though you often felt guilty for the times you asked him to work alone during the days you needed to restock and resupply. Despite his insistence that he was fine, you could see the small tinge of exhaustion in his eyes.
You let the brownies cool on the counter and watch the small business thrive on the love of your heart. You are happy to see it flourish but you couldn’t help the biting bitterness of a love you yearned in return. Shaking the feelings away, you go back to work and grabbing a bar of chocolate, some milk, and hot water. The brownies aren’t gonna garnish themselves.
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The next day was relatively quiet, the two of you replenishing the stock of your products and making small talk between each other. Deuce talked about his family while you gave your own opinions and listened. It wasn’t until near completion that customers rolled around. Two tall waltzed into the café, both of them wearing apparel far too expensive for a visit to a small establishment.
“Welcome to the Sweet Tooth, may I take your order?” You took to the counter prompting Deuce to continue the restocking by himself. They looked like identical twins, only distinguished by their eyes and blank hair strands against messy and neat teal hair.
“Let’s see.” The one to your left said, his hand coming to his chin to think as he browses the menu. “I’d like a chocolate lava cake, the hamburger steak set…and some mint tea. What about you, Floyd?” He turned to his twin who had messier hair and droopy eyes. A small hum and he shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll have…french-fries. Ah, there’s flavors available, right?” Floyd leaned down and his towering figure making you falter but only for a while.  
“Yes, we currently have cheese and sour cream at the moment.”
“I’ll take the cheese, then.”
With a motion of your hand, you guided them to one of your plush seats. “Please have a seat and wait for your order, thank you.” As they went, you look to Deuce who had the same expression of fear and surprise on his face. The two of you congregate together while working on the orders. “I could feel my heart leap outta my chest, they look so scary.” He whispered to you.
“Shh, don’t say it too loud.” You chided, bumping his shoulder lightly. “But you have a point.”
Deuce pulled out the fries from the fryer and let it cool just as you began setting up the hamburger set carefully and slowly heated the lava cake. “I don’t know what business fancy-looking guys have with our café but…Profit is profit. Are the fries ready?”
“Just gonna put the cheese powder. The water for the tea is ready.”
“Good. Clean up the area, I’ll be the one to deliver the order.”
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“Sorry for the wait. Here’s the hamburger set, a chocolate lava cake, mint tea, and cheese fries.” You set the food down onto their table and set two small pieces of chocolate. “We have a special promo today that if you order a certain amount of food, you get one of our premium chocolates.”
“That’s wonderful, thank you.” The neater looking twin said just as his brother began eating the fries. You nod your head and gave him a polite smile. “Please enjoy the meal.”
The twins ate quietly, their eyes looking over your creations with healthy scrutiny. Floyd’s tongue slipped out of his mouth as he ate his fries and Jade took a bite from his hamburger. They both hummed, looking at each other as if communicating through their thoughts.
“My, such flavor.”
“Does that mean Jade likes the food?” Floyd leaned closer to his brother with a giggle. “We’ll have to see. Let’s finish this up, shall we? Would you like to split the cake, Floyd?”
Floyd stuck out his tongue towards his brother again and grabbed a fork. “Okay~. It looks pretty yummy too.”
The small cake was split between them and the aroma of chocolate hitting their noses.
“Jade, this is…”
“Indeed. Let’s finish up this meal and report to Azul, shall we?”
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“I believe this will cover the payment.” Jade offered a card to you, allowing you to input the amount. “May I ask, do you create all the food you here?” As you give the device to him for his card number, you nod your head. “I do. Well, except for the core ingredients and bread I make everything I sell by hand with help from Deuce.”
“Just the two of you?” The receipt prints out and he takes his card.
“Yes, just the two of us. We are a small café, after all, so we don’t expect a long line of customers compared to more corporate and well-known shops.” You let out a small laugh, a hand to your cheek. “Though I wouldn’t mind a small line one in a while.”
Jade laughs along with you, his voice soft and calm yet smile so practiced. “I hope that it would one day happen.” He slips his card back into his wallet then produces another card, handing it to you carefully and respectfully. “I am Jade Leech and this is my brother Floyd, thank you for the wonderful meal.”
You take the card from him and he gives you one last smile before he leaves with Floyd waiting for him by the door. “We’ll come by and visit again one of these days.” Jade gives you one last smile and both you and Deuce were left alone in the empty café.
“The Octanivelle Co.” You read the card out. “Have you heard of this, Deuce?”
He drew a little closer and hummed. “No, not really.”
The two of you walked to the table the twins ate on and found the plates were empty save for a few crumbs of cake and cheese powder. The two of you exchanged looks and couldn’t help but smile. “Looks like they enjoyed the food.”
The door’s bell rings suddenly and an old couple looks at them from the counter. “Can we order some tea and cookies?” One of them asked with uncertainty and you quickly let go of Deuce and walk towards them. “Of course, what kind of tea would you like?”
Deuce looked at you with a smile, seeing your face now vibrant and happy. Just as he went back to his duties, he took the card into this hands and looked at the name. Jade Leech. Octanivelle Co. Why does it sound so familiar?
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“We’re back!” Floyd announced just as he entered through the apartment door with Jade following close behind. Azul Ashengrotto had been reading some papers by the coffee table before hearing the two come in. He got up from his chair with a smile, a warm blanket over his shoulders, and clothes baggy and drooping. He looked quite tired. “Welcome back. How was the small trip around town? Did you find anything interesting?” Jade hands him a single piece of paper, a flyer. The young man’s eyes arched.
“The Sweet Tooth?”
Jade’s smile remained pleasant while Floyd plopped onto one of the comfortably plush chairs. “While we did go to the restaurants you asked us to sample, we chanced upon a small café with a wonderful array of pastries and confectionery. I had a nice chat with the owner who makes all their products from scratch.”
Azul brought a finger to his chin in thought. “And what of the food?”
Floyd leaned back on the chair with a hum. “I took a look at them while cooking. They’re pretty careful with food prep and had the right equipment on them.” He looked to the side, remembering how he stared at the owner as a way to look beyond what was allowed to be shown to him. “The assistant reminded me of a mackerel, always flopping around but pretty strong when it comes to it.”
“While I enjoyed the flavor, I think it would be best that you have a taste of it yourself, Azul. Perhaps The Sweet Tooth’s menu is exactly what we’re looking for.”
Azul looked at the flyer again. Its design was basic and borrowed and printing style, it was not at par with those used by more popular cafes. “I’ll take your word for it, thank you. Let’s schedule this for the end of the week.” The smallest of the three set the flyer down on the coffee table.
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“Here’s your order of assorted chocolates, a cream and strawberry cake, and some black coffee.” Deuce put all the food into a plastic bag and set it for the customer to take. “Thank you for shopping at The Sweet Tooth, please come again soon.” Sighing, the boy leaned against the counter to stretch his stiff neck. With the last customer on the line gone, the shop was now silent; a cold object hit his elbow and you smiled at him, handing him the cold soda. “You look like you need some refreshments.”
He gratefully took the can from you and popped it open to take a swig. “I’m just happy that I got everyone’s orders to them on time. I know we can handle it but boy does my arms hurt.” You stood next to him and shrugged your shoulders. “Cakes can be deceiving, can’t they?” He nods his head and continued to drink the soda. “But now that it’s the end of the week, I can surmise that we’ll get a few more customers.” You whisper to yourself then look over to Deuce. “Why don’t you take a break? I’m sure you’re tired.”
“It's fine a good ten minute rest won’t hurt, right?”
Just as Deuce was about to say something, the bell rang as the door opened, three people entered your establishment. Two familiar and one not. He wore clothes that both fit and hid his figure, his hair neatly styled and white, his blue eyes scanned the quaint shop he just entered. “What a lovely aroma.” He commented. “Is that chocolate?”
Nodding your head, you took your position by the register. “Indeed, sir. Ah, I think I remember serving your friends a few days ago.” You turned to the one with slightly messy hair. “Mister Jade Leech, right?” The three of them chuckle and Floyd pointed to his brother next to him. “Wrong Leech.”
“It’s quite alright. The two of them have told me about your shop and I’ve decided to try some of your food out. I’ve heard nothing but praise from the two of them.” Your cheeks flushed and your heartbeat was sudden, a smile formed on your lips. “Ah, I’m so happy you think that!” you exclaimed but quickly clear your throat when the twins chuckled at your reaction. “Might I suggest our roast beef sandwich? Oh, and a nice slice of chocolate cake??”
The small man nods his head. “As well as some tea, for three please? Mint will do.”
“Understood. Please take a seat while we prepare your order.”
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“Thanks for waiting.” You set down the order on the table along with the tea and three cups. Azul lets out a hum of approval when he smells the food. “It’s as Jade says, it smells very good.” The other twin, Jade, chuckles. “They used their spices quite well, don’t they? I have to doubt in my mind that it will be an enjoyable meal.”
“Ah, shucks, I don’t deserve such high praises. I’m just following the recipe.” You say sheepishly, scratching the back of your head as Azul took a bite of the sandwich. “Recipe? Did you get all these outta some cookbook?” Floyd wondered. “Most of the food here is my Uncle’s. Ah, but, the sweets are mine.”
“Are you a family business?”
“Yup. The business went to me after my Aunt retired, I’ve been running it ever since with Deuce.”
Azul swallowed his food and licked his lips. “Interesting. This Deuce person is your assistant, correct? Is he a recent hire?”
“No, he’s my cousin. We’ve been working together since the business was passed down. As for assistant…Honestly, we’re each other’s assistants, sir.”
Jade leaned back against the plush seating, his long legs splaying out. He looked like a model with his clothes on, the way his dark turtle neck defined his face and his light-colored long coat accented his look further. Oh geez, you felt yourself staring and decided to look to Azul. You could hear him chuckle at your movements and you felt this petty frustration boil in you.
“That’s all we wanted to know, thank you,” Azul said to you and catching himself. “Ah, where are my manners? Please, call me Azul. Might I ask for some extra water for the tea?”
“Of course!” You take the teapot from the table. “One moment. Please enjoy your meal.”
Once you were out of sight, Azul took a bite into the cake and his eyes went wide.
“What do you think?” Asked Jade while Azul continued to eat.
“I think we found it.”
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“The meal was lovely, thank you.” Azul reached into his pocket and produces some bills. “I’m surprised you don’t have customers coming to you in groves.” Shrugging your shoulders, you input the amount and slip in the bills. “I wish for that to happen but I don’t think Deuce and I can handle it with how we are now.”
You hand Azul the receipt and he looks through it, quiet for one moment. “Say, do you do catering?”
“Not at the moment, no.”
“Shame.” He pouted but moved to take a card out of his pocket. Azul Ashengrotto. Octanivelle Co. Your eyes widened at the familiar name. Was this Azul working with Jade and Floyd? “Come along, you two.” Just as the two walked out, the resting area’s door burst open with Deuce clutching his phone to his chest and face full of surprise. “You gotta see this! I can’t believe—!”
The trio left as Deuce approached you quickly. “I searched for Octanivelle Co. Look at all this! Their brands, the events!!” He pushed the phone to your face which you swatted in surprise. “The CEO’s name is Azul! That was him, right? Azul Ashengrotto?! He ate here!”
You moved quickly and ran outside the shop in your uniform, chocolate stained apron and all, to find the three. Oh, you should have known! You should have known!! You turned the corner to the nearby train station and soon as you moved to turn another side, your eyes collided with a dark-colored wall.
“Oops.” Said the person you bumped into, a pair of hand-holding your shoulders lightly. “Are you alright—Hm, aren’t you…?”
Jade Leech tilted his head down at you and you pulled yourself away. His shocked expression turned into a knowing smile. “Ah, I see.” He says and you’re sure you’re starting to feel the strong urge to pinch this man’s cheek…If you only you could reach him. “Azul, someone is looking for you.” He said to someone behind him as he let go of your shoulders.
“It’s you. What a pleasant surprise.” Azul’s smile was just as conniving as Jade’s but you could save the petty anger for later. “You asked about catering, right? I’ll do it.” You breathed in again. “But I need to know what you’ll need first.”
Azul’s back was straight and head held high as if he was triumphant in battle. “We need your food for my sister’s wedding.”
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The shop was closed for the day as per the suggestion of Azul, the two of you using the time to discuss and plan, to add and remove, to agree and disagree. “Okay,” Azul began, tapping his pencil on the table. “My sister loves strawberry shortcake so that will be the flavor of the wedding cake. The other finger foods will be the smaller version of the—.”
Deuce stood by the counter away from the two and watching Jade and Floyd rummaging through the kitchen and adjusting themselves to the environment. “When will the wedding be?” he asked, looking to one of the twins. Floyd pulled out a can of condensed milk before looking at him. “In few months, three or four, I think. Enough time to get the order done.”
Jade sets down some cups of tea and tea leaves. “When Azul sees something he likes, he won’t stop at anything until he gets what he wants.” He pours some water into a prepared teapot and added the leaves. “He has enough resources to make his vision a reality.”
“But with just the two of us…” Deuce’s words trail off as Azul continued his speech.
“I’ll have Jade and Floyd help you with your preparations.” Your eyes widened and you looked to the two twins standing at the ready, Jade smiling at you while Floyd waved. “They are fast learners and have been trained in many culinary techniques, just show them the ropes of your establishment and they’ll do the rest.”
You could feel yourself flush at the sudden act of kindness. “T-thank you very much, Mister Ashengrotto. I won’t let you down.”
“I’ll leave you to it, then.” He leans to look at the twins, nodding his head. “Jade, Floyd. Be here first thing tomorrow morning, you’ll be learning The Sweet Tooth’s recipes to perfection.”
“Got it.”
The twins smile in unison, your heart feeling the heavy pressure of the responsibility put onto you while Jade poured each one a cup of calming tea.
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Training the twins and running the shop took a bit of time to get used to. You made sure the schedules lined up and two people were always available at the counter at any given time. In the kitchen, you stayed with each twin and made sure they understood the recipe.
Floyd was a natural but often very flimsy when something different catches his attention. You often had to pat his back and tell him to be careful with adding ingredients. “Add the sugar in little by little. Good. Now mix until you’re to make ribbons easily.” You say, guiding his hand by holding his wrist.
“This takes a lot of work…My wrist is starting to hurt.” He complains and you pat his back. “The molds are the fun part. Just a little more and we’ll get to that, okay?”
Just as you move away from Floyd, Jade had just come out of the walk-in freezer with his mold in hand. “Ready for the testing?” You asked as he carefully set down the flimsy material and turning it over to let the pieces carefully slip out. Jade’s work was the polar opposite of his brother with actions precise and instructions followed to the tee.
“As I’ll ever be.” He says, handing a piece to you.
As you chewed, you felt the burst of chocolate hit your tongue and you let out a small noise of approval but there was something in his creations that unnerved you. It was perfect. Too perfect. “It’s good…But it lacks.” You say and Jade’s eyes widen a small bit. “I do remember adding all the ingredients as per the recipe.”
“No, no. It’s not about that. Your handling of the ingredients was perfect and precise but…” You take another bite of his chocolate and continue to chew the piece yet feeling nothing in it. You backtrack a little bit, scratching the back of your head knowing that your next explanation was going to sound stupid to those who don’t understand the concept. “Ah, how do I explain this? It isn’t just the balance of sweet and bitter, you need to put your feelings into it.”
The silence that followed was nerve-wracking and you couldn’t help but cough into your hand. “I-if that made any sense.”
Jade’s smile was what brought you a small ounce of relief and his hand on his chest. “I understand,” He says. “I’ll improve on that as we work together.”
“Hey, chef, can you taste this for me?” Floyd called out to you from behind. “I can’t get the balance right.” You turned around and hurried over to him with a spoon. “Let’s have a taste—Ack, it’s so sweet! What did you put in this?”
Jade’s hand never left his chest, his palm feeling the steady and soft beat of his pusher. “My feelings, huh?”
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“It’s quite festive outside.”
Deuce grunted, setting down a box full of milk and following Jade’s eyes to the crowds of people gathering and walking outside. “Ah, yeah. The town has a special night market that pops up once a month. Even people from outside of town come here to check it out.” Jade begins piping the cream covered cake and carefully decorating its top. “Really?”
“Yup. They like it since it’s a nice time to relax but recently, it’s become a place where people like to have dates.”
Jade laughs and begins adding the strawberries on top and sprinkling powdered sugar. “I’m sure the two of you have had your fair share of dates then?” Deuce scratches his chin, remembering his dates. “I have a few times.”
He looks to his cousin, watching them laugh with customers. “But I get guilty having to leave the store to them while I’m out having fun.” He hands a carton to Jade which he stores overhead. “They keep saying they’re fine but I can tell they get tired. They’re not very good at hiding it.” Deuce sighs and takes the box again and moves to the freezer. “They always put the shop first and I’m happy it’s still up and running. I just wish they knew that it was okay to have fun.”
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The air was cool and the roads silent, you took a deep breath in after staying in the café for so long. Just as you were about to take the in the signboard, a pop of color and voice of awe distracted you from your activity. Fireworks colored the sky with bright colors, the wind blow again and offered you comfort after a long day. To your left, a couple held hands as they watched and you forced yourself to look away and begin to take the signboard from the ground.
“Good work out there.”
Something cold touched your cheek and Jade stood over you with a glass of water. “Thanks for helping out too. You and Floyd were a big help.” He took a sip of water just as more fireworks flew into the sky. “Do they always do this?” He asks and you shake your head. “Not often. But it’s beautiful to look at, huh? It’s been a while since I’ve seen the fireworks.”
Jade looks to you just as another rocket soared into the sky, the colors of pink and blue, red and green, illuminated the sky in a grand finale. Its colors reflected in your eyes, the shine of the light against your skin that cast a different glow to your sweaty face, he blinks then looks back to the people with their loved ones clapping their hands.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
You look down at your cup of water and chuckle bitterly. “It is.”
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“You didn’t have to accompany me on a supply run, y’know?” You say as Jade helps load butter and sugar into a basket. “I would but your cousin was worried about you being tired so I decided to tag along.” He smiles at you in the most cryptic way imaginable, you couldn’t tell if he was making this all up or Deuce was trying to set you up.
“Besides, we’ll be working together for a while so it’s only right that I get used to the routine.” He took another look at the list and reached for the fruits too high up for you to take. While his height had been a bane, it was also a kind of blessing for reaching high places. “Now, what should we get next?” You look through your list and nod your head. “That’s all of it. We can grab a quick bite to eat before heading back.”
Once leaving the store will all the bags in tow, the two of you walked the streets. “How come you didn’t go to the night market yesterday?” He asked, your eyes looking to him. “You let Deuce go but he eventually came back to help.” Shrugging your shoulders, you look away with a pout. “Someone needs to look after the shop, that’s all. Can’t have the business suddenly tanking because of monthly market.”
“Besides…” Jade’s eyes widened slightly, seeing such an embittered grin on your face. It seemed that you had been hurt by this before. Your brows furrowed and eyes closed in a weary smile. “With all I’ve done, I don’t think I have time for that anymore.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—.”
“It’s fine, it’s just personal experience on my part. Let’s go back to the shop, Floyd and Deuce are probably wondering where we are.”
Jade continued to walk beside you but his eyes never watching as the bitter smile relax to one of content and nostalgia. He looks forward, thinking of something to say yet wondering if he should say anything at all.
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“And that should be the last piece.” You say, popping the last chocolate strawberry into the container and sealing it. Floyd takes the box and chucks it into the freezer. “This warrants a celebration, don’t you think?” Deuce nudges Jade’s arm. “I hope you got everything prepared.”
“Of course. It’s only your company that’s needed.”
Your confused expression is what prompts Jade to motion you to follow him to the back. “Follow me.” The four of you walk deeper into the shop and you begin to smell a charcoal grill and hear the crackling of a fire. A small party area had been made. A clay grill and some meat laid out to be cooked.
Floyd let out a noise of happiness and you looked to Jade. “Surprised? Good. Let’s enjoy the meal.”
The four of you were merry as you ate your fill of meat and assorted vegetables, Deuce and Floyd sharing their own stories while you and Jade listened. At first, you didn’t think the two would get along but seeing them be so comfortable with each other made you smile.
“Will I see you at the party?”
Jade had poured himself a cup of tea and looking at you expectantly; your stunned silence was what prompted him to explain a bit more. “It is only right that you attend, you did agree to supply delicious food for the wedding.”
“Oh, uh…I suppose I can go. I might need to get a wardrobe check first.” You took a bite of the meat and chewed. “Though, parties like that tend to get wild as the night progresses right? It’d be nice to see you getting wild.” He took your tease in stride and chuckled. “My, is this an excuse not to see you at play as well? I’m certain your hand and eye coordination in sweets making will extend to your ability to dance.”
You hit his shoulder slightly, cheeks flushed yet smile wide. Your dancing skills weren’t anything to be proud of but you could keep a beat. You swear on that!
Jade laughs, his brows furrowed and shoulders shaking. “What I mean is, you’ve worked all this time. It’s time for you to have fun.”
Fun. Your shoulders hunch over with a smile on your face. Jade sets down pieces of meat on the grill while you think. You had spent so much time at The Sweet Tooth making things from the bottom of your heart. You had spent so much time skimping and ignoring what could have interested you for so long that it made you question if you deserved it? The fun most people you know have, the happiness they found and cultivated.
“Ah, I almost forgot.” Jade reaches down and pulls a box. “You did say that my work lacked a certain something so I’ve been practicing with the help of Deuce and Floyd.” Opening it, the smell of chocolate hit your nose. “I think I’ve perfected it.”
You pop a piece into your mouth, the sweetness and bitterness mingled and taste whole and honest. As you chewed, you tasted the memories and the conversations you had with Jade up until this point. His teasing remarks and his honest comments. It was perfect.
His look was expectant. “Well?”
You swallowed the sweet morsel and smiled at him, nodding your head “Well done.”
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The wedding was beautiful, the ceremony was solemn and the dance floor was filled with people dancing together. You were dressed in your best attire and nursing a drink in your hands. “There you are.” Azul’s voice pushed through the noise, behind him was his newlywed sister. “This is the owner of The Sweet Tooth, they’re the ones who made all the sweets,” Azul said with the bride, his sister, next to him. “Your sweets are the best. Everyone loves them!” She says, taking your hands in hers. “Your strawberry cake is delicious, I couldn’t stop myself from taking another slice.”
“I’m glad you liked it.” You say, smiling at the infectious sweetness of the newlywed bride’s smile. “Please, enjoy the food to your heart’s content.”
She nods, shaking your hands. “Enjoy the party! You’re welcome to dance with us if you’d like.” Azul chuckled as his sister ran to entertain the guests. “That girl, always too excited for her own good but I’m glad she’s happy. Thank you for helping, I really appreciate it.” You laugh, shaking your head. “It’s not a problem, Mr. Azul. Just seeing people happily eat my creations is enough for me.”
Nodding his head, he moves to step away. “Do enjoy the party.”
The music shifted to a slow beat and you couldn’t help but chuckle at the sudden shift of mood as the guest scrambled to dance with their respective partners. Your loneliness wouldn't sit for long when Jade took to your side. In his hand was a plate of strawberry cake.
“Enjoying the food?”
“I’d be lying if I wasn’t.”
He continues to eat while you watch the people dance in the center, the bride and her groom waltzing it away in the center with foreheads connected and smile wide. “Would you like to dance?” Jade looked down at you, his hand at the ready. You hesitated for a moment before taking it and walking with him to the dance floor.
The music was slow and so were your movements. Jade’s held your hand as you spun around slowly, the distance between you and him growing smaller and smaller. “Having fun?” He asked just as the lights dimmed to match the mood of the floor. “You always ask lots of questions, Jade.” You said, leaning your head to his chest. “I can’t help but be very curious, that’s all. I only want to make sure everything I do is satisfactory.”
You spun again, changing sides. “So you’ll only act if the person likes it, then?” He chuckles, eyes furrowed and sharp-looking teeth showing. You never admitted to it but, seeing him this way made him look so cute. “When you say it that way, you’re making me up to be some kind of boot licker.”
“Ah, c’mon. There’s no harm in making people happy. But you gotta think for yourself.”
“How ironic of you to say that.”
You stuck out your tongue at him in defiance and he laughed again just as the song shifted to one more intimate. “But…If I were to have things go my way.” He pulled your hands a little closer and letting go to let them settle on your waist, rocking you side to side. “I would want you to stay a bit longer.”
Your foreheads connecting and your noses almost touching. “That’s what I want.”
The hands on his chest bundle into fists, your cheeks quite warm. “I-if…If that’s what your heart desires.” Did you really deserve this kind of happiness? You asked yourself that millions of times yet never thought to answer it yourself. Did you deserve the singing feeling in your heart after ignoring it for so long?
“Then, will you dance with me again?” He asked, your body shivering as he held you close to him,
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The wedding ended and the guests began to leave. You stood at the edge just as the taxi you flagged down came to a crawling stop. Jade stood behind you with his hand holding yours. “Well,” You say, turning to him with a smile. “This is goodbye, then. The wedding is done and the customers are happy with the food. A perfect run, don’t you think?”
The two of you stood together for a while before you spoke to break the silence. “Thank you for tonight, Jade. I had lots of fun.”
Your heart soared remembering the dances you had with him but it soon plummeted to your stomach knowing it would probably be the last you’d do that with him. “I’m glad.” That was all he could say, “I’m glad you had fun.”
Nodding your head, you turned around and opened the car door. “Yeah. Real fun. Goodnight, Jade.” He nodded his head and your hand slipped out of his hand you. He put his hands behind his back and watching you speed off home, his tall figure growing smaller and smaller as the distance between you grew.
“Where to?” Asked the taxi driver.
You sniffle, looking away with a sigh. The moment of happiness you felt became a distant memory to come back to. The answer to the question you’ve always asked yourself was all too clear to ignore. You spared no second in answering.
“Baker’s Street.”
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The new day had started and you thought it couldn’t get any worse. You had slept through your alarm and Deuce was nowhere to be seen. Hastily donning your uniform, you sprinted your way to the shop only to see loads of boxes being hauled in. Deuce watched by the door.
“Deuce, why didn’t you wake me up? What’s going on here??”
Your cousin gave you a questioning look that turned into realization. “Didn’t Azul tell you? He was planning a visit after the wedding.” Azul and his sister, as if on cue, walked out of the store. “Good morning, sorry for the mess we’ve caused.”
“N-no, it’s not a problem really but what are you doing here?”
“Everyone loved your foods last night and thought to have breakfast here before leaving. Deuce told us you were short on hands so I had the twins help out.” Deuce chuckled and scratched his head. “You looked so tired that I didn’t want to wake you up.”
“Azul, everything’s ready.
Jade came out, his apron stained with oil and hair slicked back. The two of you alock eyes with one another for a split second. “Right. Let’s have a nice meal, shall we?” He and his sister went back in and leaving you alone. Deuce was quiet with his exit, only letting out a small laugh as he left you alone with Jade.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning.” You scratched your cheek with a small laugh. “I didn’t expect to see you again so suddenly.” He drew closer, taking your hand in his. “That’s not a bad thing, is it?” In your hand was a piece of chocolate, the very first thing you taught him to make.
“I just wanted to make sure everything is perfect.”
You popped it into your mouth and chewed. The morsel was not too sweet and not too bitter, the memories of the both of you making your heart soar to the heavens. “What do you think?” The hold on his hand never left yours.
“I think you’ll know what I say.”
He chuckles, moving with you to enter the shop. The bittersweet taste lingering on your tongue for longer than it should. Your fingers intertwined as you turned the sign over, signaling a new day of business at your shop. This was your happiness.
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obae-me · 4 years
A Taste of His Own Medicine- Lucifer
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I’d like to do one of these for each of the brothers because they’re all whiny babies who need to be taken care of. This one is based off the Daily Chats where Lucifer falls ill.
Lucifer was the first in the household to catch it. He had shown symptoms a few days before; not having the energy to scold Mammon, almost losing his balance while going up the stairs. It concerned you. Everyone else didn’t seem to notice, but you knew something was off.
You decided to go ask him what was wrong that night, and had even had made some of his favorite tea. You went straight to his bedroom and knocked on the door twice. No answer. His Study then, perhaps. So you headed there, passing the shelves of dusty tomes to see that the bookshelf that served as his secret entrance was wide open.
“Lucifer?” You called. He preferred when he could grant access other than anyone just waltzing in themselves. There was no response to your announcement. “Lucifer?” You asked again, your voice slightly louder. You couldn’t help but peek inside. Instead of behind his desk in his overly grandiose chair, Lucifer was on the ground, surrounded by what should’ve been a stack of papers, but now was a scattered mess on the floor. 
Gently putting the teacups aside, you rush to him, moving him onto his back so you could better look at his face. You shouted his name in an attempt to wake him. “Lucifer!” He didn’t move. His cheeks were stark red while the rest of him was deadly pale. You checked his breathing, constant, luckily, but shaky. You placed your hand on his forehead, feeling his skin burning. Your hand drifted down to his cheek as you caressed his face.
You fumbled for your D.D.D. desperately hoping that Beel would pick up quickly. Beel was probably more dependable when it came to Lucifer than any other brother. You didn’t want to risk anyone else taking advantage of him like this. Besides there was no way you could drag Lucifer up to bed alone.
“Oh, [your name], you called at a good time. I’m getting ready to order food since the kitchen is empty. What do you want? I’ll get it for you?” Beel sounded like he was still in the middle of chewing, which probably meant he just now emptied out the kitchen. Now wasn’t the time to worry about that though.
“Beel please come down to Lucifer’s study, I-I need your help, Lucifer he’s...not well.” Your voice shook slightly. You’d hid the fact that he collapsed to save some of his pride.
Beel’s tone went more serious, he swallowed whatever food he had left. “I’ll be right down.” He hung up.
Now that Beel was coming to help, you felt a bit more relaxed. You put your D.D.D. back into your pocket, and knelt beside Lucifer’s head. You carefully lifted him up and put his head in your lap, brushing away the hair that was now starting to stick to his skin. You’d never seen him like this before, and was sure that Lucifer would rather die than look this way. Nevertheless you couldn’t help but pet his head.
It wasn’t too long before Beel came in, messy crumbs all over his shirt as he left in a haste. Once he saw the state Lucifer was in, he looked over his shoulder. “Mammon is busy arguing with Levi, and I’m hoping Satan is in his room. Let’s get Lucifer to bed quickly.” He came over and quickly lifted his elder brother up off the floor. You were always amazed with how strong Beel was. “Why don’t you go ahead of us and meet me in his room?”
You nodded, and quickly bolted to the end of the second hallway where Lucifer’s room was. You looked around for anyone before opening the door and heading inside. You let the entrance open so Beel could easily come right in, and then you headed to the bed.
It was extremely large, entirely unnecessary for one person, but was a perfect fit for the Demon of Pride. You took one corner of the silky sheets and folded them aside. Then you waited. And waited. Until after what seemed like much too long (but was probably only a minute) both brothers entered the room. You got up and quietly shut the door behind them while Beel placed Lucifer on the bed.
“What do we do now?” You asked. “Should we call a doctor?”
Beel shook his head. “We can’t. We leave him alone and he’ll probably call someone when he wakes up.”
You blinked, not being able to process the words ‘we can’t’. “W-what do you mean?”
“One of the house rules, if Lucifer ever gets sick we have to leave him alone. Even just the fact that we brought him up here might get us in trouble.” Beel looked a bit downtrodden.
You stammered over your words. “That’s the most ridiculous and hypocritical rule I’ve ever heard!”
“It’s mostly to keep Satan and Mammon away.” Beel explained. He shrugged. “I’ll go keep watch over this room, maybe if you take care of him, [your name], he won’t be as upset.” With that he left, however you could still hear him outside the door, already munching on something.
You nervously paced. Taking care of him sounded easy in theory, but in actuality you had no idea how to take care of a demon. Would it be the same as a human? Probably not but that was all you knew how to do, so it had to be better than nothing, right? So you left the room for just a moment to grab a few things. A glass of water so he could stay hydrated and a bowl of cold water with a soft rag to bring down his temperature. 
When you came back to the room, you breathed a slight sigh of relief. Lucifer was sitting up slightly in bed, looking disoriented. “Oh thank goodness, Lucifer are you okay?”
His head swung around at you. “[Your name], what’re you doing in here?” You placed the cup of water in his hands and the bowl on the table in the middle of the room. You got the rag cold and damp.
“Do you not remember?” You asked him, coming over to put the rag against his face, but he swatted the rag away, and forcefully put the glass back in your hands.
“Enough of this fussing, there’s no need for it. I don’t know what got you to think you needed to come in my room but it’s about time for you to leave.” His tone was stern but his words didn’t have the usual sharp impact they did when he was upset.
You frowned. You couldn’t tell if he was unaware he collapsed or just glancing over the fact he did. Either way he was lying about being alright. You decided not to bring up the study situation for his pride’s sake, but even with your two ordinary human eyes you could tell that he needed to be looked after. You’d defied him before and haven’t died yet, so what was doing it one more time going to do? 
“I’m not leaving.” You told him. He didn’t like that. His eyes went narrow and air around him grew even hotter.
“Would you like to say that again? I hope for your sake I misheard you.”
“I’m not leaving you right now, Lucifer.” You stood your ground. Lucifer clenched his jaw and stood up. Too quickly. He lost his balance and fell to his knees, clutching tightly the only thing keeping him from falling over. You. He had his face buried in your shirt, his breathing now ragged. You hated seeing him like this. Again you ran your hand through his hair. Even him just being this close made you hot, he was a burning furnace. “You’re not well, Lucifer, and I know you won’t ever admit it so you don’t have to say anything. So let me take care of you. You take care of everyone else, so when you can’t even take care of yourself let me take care of you. Please.”
He didn’t respond, he just kept his face hidden. His grip on your clothes getting tighter. You bent down to grab one of his arms to help him get to his feet. He refused to look at you. You helped him get his coat, vest, tie, socks, and shoes off, and already he looked better without all the layers. When he got back to bed he turned away from you. Sulking and defeated probably. You tried hard not to smile, he would absolutely kill you if he knew you thought he was being cute.
 You pulled the blankets up to his neck, and placed the rag on his forehead. Then you went over to one of his record players, scouring through his large collection until you found the record that he told you was a favorite of his. You put it on, making sure the music was loud enough to be heard but not enough to bother him. It started with a soft piece, something calm and beautiful. Hopefully it would help him relax.
Lucifer already had his eyes closed again, the red in his cheeks gone down just a touch, but enough to make you feel a bit better for his condition. Since you had just had your hands in the water, they were cool to the touch, so you gently brushed them against his cheek again. This time he moved his head to melt into your touch. He grabbed your sleeve, now looking up at you with an expression entirely different than just a few minutes before.
“Please...don’t leave tonight.” His voice was soft and hush, almost as if he didn’t want to hear his own words.
You rubbed his cheekbone with your thumb. “Don’t worry, I won’t. Sleep now.”
He shut his eyes and with a large shuddering sigh seemed to drift back to sleep. You took the rag, it already warm, and you touched your forehead to his. “Sweet dreams.” You whispered.
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youwontlikethisblog · 3 years
Betty, My Betty! Part 2.5 (Hopefully the last one)
Alrighty, I think this will be my last post for tonight? This morning? But it is still in the same vine of Armando being possessive so he is the main subject of this breakdown but I will also be discussing Mario a lot here so this in an attempt to be the final post regarding this episode will be a lengthy one.
Again I accidently bought the bootleg version of the novela so some scenes and episodes are missing as well as the chapters aren't titled.
We are in the same episode of Armando reacting to Betty having a boyfriend.
Right now Betty is exiting her office, she just hung up the phone with Nicolas who warned her that they needed to pay a loan to the bank because their 24 or 27 days were up.
Mario is leaning over Armando's desk and Armando is leaning forward as they are both discussing and whispering (that part is so short you can't really pick at what they're talking about but you can imagine what it is. I'm assuming that while Mario was telling Armando not to question or judge Betty on her personal life that Betty was in her office on the phone with Nicolas and when Mario leaned forward to talk to Armando Betty was about to end her call so they are essentially talking about how to go about finding out who Betty's boyfriend is) something I cannot hear. As Betty fully exits her office Mario moves from being up front to in the back of the room by the doors that take us to the meeting room. He looks Betty down and up as if checking her out.
This small frame(I don't know if when they were whispering it was them arguing over Mario's proposal of the plan or if Mario hadn't proposed it yet and it was just them talking about how to find out who Nicolas is because again, since this bootleg version isn't the complete one some scenes are missing so I could be wrong about this one! but the episode I saw on NBC showed the exact same scene so I'm going by the first "(red)" in the paragraph above) allows us to depict Mario coming up or starting to scheme the plan.
We know Mario Calderon will screw anything that has legs, wears skirts, and breathes and consents that is(<-hopefully). Every woman who has had a seggsual relationship with him has said so. Marcela warned Paty about it before they got involved so I'm assuming that in this scene Mario is checking out Betty to see if it's possible for someone to really love(lust) her and if not than he needs to figure out a plan and a way to convince Armando to follow through said plan.
When you're writing a novel you write down the key points you want to make but as you imagine certain scenes you really delve into detail of characterization. You make sure that whatever happens in that scene that your characters behave as themselves. So you really spend time getting to know your characters. This is a general rule of thumb for any creative writer. The plus of being a novelist or writing literature is that you can really go deep into details and write scenes in really long poetic ways. I don't know how to write scripts but I've read some from TV shows I've watched and they are written differently than a novel. Scripts have more dialogue than poetic descriptions and they are usually blunt with what the writer wants from each character in that scene.
For example: (Take this with a grain of salt I don't know how to write scripts I am going off based on how I've read them)
Ana walks into the room. The camera focuses on her face. There's lighting outside and we see the lighting flash on her face.
Julian turns to see her. He is surprised to see her. He thought she was dead. He stands up slowly. The camera focuses on his face and then Ana's.
She smiles at him, tears forming in her eyes.
"Is that re-really you?" He stutters. He then walks slowly towards her.
In a script you write where the camera goes, where the actors move, the facial expressions, the mood of the room, and so forth. Yes directors do have a say on how they choreograph scenes and actors can add their own two cents but script writers have a pretty good idea of everything that is going on the scene and why it is. If in novel writing(that's not the correct term) we focus a lot on how the reader will imagine the scene and being able to correctly and artistically discribe it as well as how they will understand it because we are not focusing on visual cues like script writers but rather focused on using words to be able to paint a inner visual picture than in scripts the writer usually focuses on tone and movement. The same rule still stands though; show don't tell.
Why do I even bring this up?
This helps us understand that what is shown here isn't just an accident. We aren't being fed what we're told, we are being fed what we see. What we see is the final vision of the writer. Fernando Gaitan was the only one to write this novel and he wrote every detail with the intention of it to mean something.
I have no doubt that the actors added their own flavor as they are excellent actors and the reason why we were able to fall in love with these character. The directing is amazing as well. The scene cuts, the frames, and the choreo are amazing(tho some stills are funny and y'all know which ones) but the writing has a lot to do with it. If anyone is a script writer or knows what that's about correct me if I'm wrong!
I say this because what we are being told and shown is that Armando had feelings for Betty and not a crush like Betty did. He actually cared about her, as a friend. I know many don't agree with that because Armando was a crappy boss. We see them always interact as boss and employee but the reason why I continue to bring up the fact that he started to blur those lines is because we were being told and shown that.
Armando is mechanical. He is emotionless to the outsiders. As he once told Betty that she probably thinks he is a man of ice and later on in the future we see Betty daydream telling Marcela that she knows Armando acts like he's got a heart of stone but deep inside of him he needs a lot of love. However Armando isn't a man of iron and he tells that to Betty himself.
We are told this but what are we shown?
We are shown an erratic, often driven by emotion, and neutronic person. Now the people he has surrounded himself with aren't the most loving and welcoming people. They are pretty judgy and stuck up. So often the emotions he shows and knows how to distinguish well are anger, frustration, and most of all being erratic with the emotions mentioned above. These emotions drive him. The people around him think that he is a man of stone and that nothing moves him. However we then meet a woman who isn't like that at all or like any of the people he has surrounded himself with.
This person is kind, loving, respectful, and sweet to everyone. She loves her job, loves her friends, loves her family and secretly loves her boss. In a very poetic way Betty is color in an otherwise black and white world. She brings warmth to Armando and because they work so closely, how is he not supposed to be affected by this? How is he not supposed to be changed and moved by this?
He is an awe of her morals, of Betty's qualities and her general presence and though we aren't bluntly told this by the characters themselves we are shown this and it's not by accident and not by mistakes of post production.
Take a break if you need it.
It isn't an accident that we see Mario so much in these scenes just standing in the background taking it all in because he truly is the mastermind behind Betty's downfall. He truly mapped out and planned the way to seduce Betty and how to manipulate Armando and didn't even care if it hurt her or his best friend. What he cared about was that his best friend remained President because titles mean everything to him. As we saw in the past when Armando and him were arguing over the deal with the Panamanian fabric seller, while Armando focused on how it not only affected him and the major shareholders but everyone, Mario reminded him that he was also a minority shareholder, but a shareholder nonetheless. Armando's inner turmoil was that he was jeopardizing the livelihood of not only the company's shareholders, and his family but the entire company's employee roster while Mario was more focused on himself, telling him that he too had a lot to lose but not understanding what really weighted down Armando's shoulders.
Think about it, Mario in a sense is a leech. He gets the crumbs of women Armando doesn't want. If I'm not mistaken in the spinoff Eco Moda Mario himself says that women only ever showed interest in him because they wanted to get close to Armando. Mario lives off of the crumbs of Armando, not only with women but socially. Armando is one of the major shareholders of Eco Moda, he's attractive, charismatic, and an important figure in society and not only among the Fashion world like Mario is. Mario Calderon wasn't going to let his best friend lose the title of being President for anything because than it would be bad for him. It would be bad for his reputation to have been his close friend and accomplice to Armando while also being a part of a disastrous presidency term in the company.
Mario is charismatic, one could even say a lot more than Armando seeing as I myself even like him even when I know all of this about his character. I find him funny, charming, and at times endearing but of course that's when you look at him on a surface level.
Mario Calderon is despicable. He is downright selfish and egocentric down to the bone. He maps out this plan so easily because he knows his two victims well. He has seen Armando's disagreements with Marcela, he has witnessed first hand Armando's change towards Betty and silently observed Betty's interactions with Armando. He himself has thrown out his conclusions on Betty's actions by a simple snip bits of conversation that he's either been in the room to hear or heard from Armando himself.
Who better to make Betty fall in love than Armando? Because Betty has those feelings there and who better to do be the one to do this than Armando? Not only because those feelings are there but because Armando can stomach the job. The man who is confused about his feelings and behaving erratically and emotionally driven than Armando?
Because Armando proposes for Calderon to do it. At first Calderon is grossed out by the idea but Armando presents everything telling him he isn't the boss, that he has no morals and he was perfect for the job. Mario agrees with all of that, even asks for a bigger percentage of shareholding and Armando agrees. This gives us the understanding that Mario would be willing to seduce Betty.
I realize this contradicts my own personal opinion that Armando agreed to do this because it meant he was saving Betty from Nicolas but lets remember that Armando was afraid to face those feelings and he wasn't even aware that they were there. Here Armando and Mario weren't talking about love, as he thinks Betty is so in love with Nicolas that he is her eternal love and that Nicolas would take advantage of that and poison her against them, they are talking about seduction, meaning seggsual. Which I've said before Armando thinks lust is love and therefore that if he ain't wanting to jump they bones in that instant that it cain't be love therefore my mans thought he had no feelings for Betty(idk why bc we do get two scenes where he checks her out briefly (I am sure of this because it's the episode where Betty tripped and was limping and when Mario brought it up Armando asked if she didn't already walk like that, if he had been noticing her walk than he would have been aware of the limp but his eyesight went from the top of Betty's head all the way down. Do with that information what you'd like :)) and where he gets jealous when Charlie Zas kissed her cheek(someone once said that they were celos de jefe and excuse me ma'am jealousy is jealousy and a normal boss would not feel that. If my boss or manager ever did that I woulda done been fired in that instant))
Take a break if you need it.
Okay return back to this scene.
While Calderon does this mila second rundown of Betty, Armando and him share a stare. Either Armando wants the room to himself or is looking at him for a confidence boost. Then Mario nods and lets him know he'll leave them be.
Armando sticks to the script by not removing his trust from Betty. Instead he encourages her and congratulates her on doing things well.
In this scene while Betty has been entirely focused on the work at hand and being professional Mario was busy assessing the situation while Armando... is hard to read here. He is keeping himself composed rather than being emotionally driven or erratic or neurotic. In truth he is showing one of his best traits so far, composure. When he is sure of what he wants to happen Armando is really good at keep composure, feelings at bay, and controlling the situation. Something he later loses as he begins to get more lost and confused in his own feelings and understanding them.
Betty here is endearing, honestly I find Betty endearing at all times lol. She's super cute and such a good sport since her character is written to capture your heart, not by sympathy but by empathy. Again just like Armando how are we not supposed to be affected by such a sweet character? Constantly putting her feelings aside for Armando's, who hasn't done that? We empathize with her because at some point or another we've been her and ironically it's the exact same reason why we sympathize and empathize with Armando because at some point or another we've all been there where we let the worse get the best of us and we've learned to live with it and deal with it same as he.
As Betty starts to leave the office Armando calls her name, stands up in a slow but steady way showing us that he is the one in control in this situation. His tone is controlled but not enough where you don't hear that resent.
"Betty you didn't hadn't told me you've got a boyfriend"
Betty looks taken aback by this behavior of his. As she stares at him a bit shocked and rocks on her feet, seeming uncomfortable with this but also worried.
Armando proceeds to say "and that that boyfriend is Nicolas Mora, your friend from university. The one you've got in Terra Moda" Notice how now there is a waiver in his voice and he no longer is being as composed or in control of his emotions. As he for split seconds allows those emotions of jealousy and possessiveness to sweep through his tone of voice.
In this scene Armando isn't so much giving us body language as he is stiff, showing nervousness and discomfort himself, often we see this whenever Marcela is interrogating him but he is giving us tonality in voice.
Again the sequence as he names the list of what and who Nicolas is shows priority. First, Nicolas is Betty's boyfriend, that guy she's talked about who she went to university with, and she's got him working in Terra Moda. His priority: Betty has a boyfriend. He knows who said boyfriend is and he knows what he does.
Betty tells him that she doesn't have a boyfriend: "Ay ay no Doctor, eso no es cierto." Betty normally has a waiver her voice whenever she's nervous or scared so it's not unlike her to have it here, she smiles and chuckles nervously. In translation what she says is lost so by interpretation this is what she said "Hmm? No sir... um that's not true."
Armando's tone is now accusing her. He seems angered by Betty's "denial" as he tells her "It's not true? I heard it-" we then get a frame of Betty's reaction. She is truly concerned over this as we later find out at the end of the day that she was worried that it could cause Don Armando to build distrust towards her. Again we are shown that Betty is keeping it all professional whilst Armando isn't.
"I heard when Bertha told you, right in front of me. [Y'all] started gossiping, didn't notice I was there. You both forgot about me, no Betty?"* He is shaking as if agitated and he sports a cocky smile because he feels like he caught her in her own lie.
[*]This could be taken in a double sense. In his eyes Betty was so excited about hearing that her "eternal love" called her that she forgot he was in the room and in a figurative way, Betty forgot him.
Betty's understanding of his behavior is rational. He's upset that she withheld vital information from him after she told him she had nothing else to hide(when he interrogated her the previous night) and this is related to a professional work related situation.
Armando now sports similar traits to that of Marcela when she is looking for reasons to act out on her anger. Armando is agitated as stated before and while Betty goes to explain herself Armando grabs his glass of whisky, not taking his eyes off Betty and drinks(cantinero, otro whisky!(Now his behavior here is very interesting because as he grabs the glass to drink from it he takes in a deep breath. At first I interpreted this for anger but after seeing it a few times I realize it's panic. While at first he was composed and sure of what he was feeling which was anger, now he is faced with uncertainty from feelings he doesn't recognize and he doesn't know where this conversation is going to head or how he'll react or feel so he enters panic mode)). She tells him that it was something the cuartel came up with because she once mentioned Nicolas and since then they haven't gotten it out of their heads that he is her boyfriend "I don't have anything with him."
Then relief starts to wash over him as Betty's final words are reassuring him that she doesn't have a boyfriend. In this frame Armando no longer has a drink in hand and he doesn't seem as tense as before.
"Definite? We're sure of that?"
Betty chuckles and nods and his tone of voice returns to being soft spoken and calm, even hopeful as he tells her "Okay, okay it was only curiosity." (What kind of curiosity tho?;))
Betty leaves his office and has a slight smile and was on the brink of a daydream when Sofia interupts her from doing that.
I have this dumb theory where Aura Maria and Freddy are in some way a parallel of Betty and Armando except that Aura Maria takes on the role of Armando while Freddy takes on the role of Betty and if y'all want I'll write a post explaining this.
Take a break if you need it.
Skip a scene we've got Armando interacting with Freddy. Usually everyone pays the burnt of Armando's anger and in this scene he looks anything but angry. He actually humors Freddy which allows us to know that after that conversation with Betty, he has one less problem(you know the one that topped all the others). He then laughs at Freddy(I find it ironic that Freddy told him that what Jenny and him have is strictly professional at which Armando laughs and repeats the same thing. The reason I find it ironic is because we as an audience know that what J & F have is not strictly professional and the conversation Armando just had with Betty wasn't strictly profession. In other words, Fernando Gaitan has a good sense of humor) and tells him to show him his lil dancy dance and leaves to go to Mario's Office.
When he enters his office he informs him he spoke to Betty about that infamous boyfriend.
"What did she say?" Mario asks.
"Well no, that she doesn't have a boyfriend." his smiles and says happily. He the catches him up on the gossip.
While Armando is now showing an array of emotion and excitement Mario is poker face, fidgeting with his pen and studying Armando.
He tells him "You know what this means? That I'm a happy man!" he chuckles and looks around the room as if really taking in the news and letting the relief settle in. "What a relief, finally some good news today, ah" he says the final part as if he were an italian chef. This lets us know that Armando is truthfully relieved to find out that Betty, his Betty is single and that he is still her special man.
In the previous post I talked about how Armando went about listening his excuses to start drinking early that day and how he basically went going from his smallest problem to the biggest one as he says that the one that topped all of his other problems was Betty having a boyfriend.
See, all his other problems were a cause of stress and anger, emotions he is very familiar with so they don't disconcert him however, jealousy or fear of losing Betty, are new territory for him that alone freaked him out but the fact Betty had a boyfriend was enough to just push the boy just close enough to the edge he needed a drink so early in the morning because it was anguish.
Mario tells him he has never seen him so relieved and happy to find out a woman doesn't have a boyfriend to which we pan out to see Armando roll his eyes and slouch against the chair, annoyed at Mario's insinuation once again.
Mario reminds him of the last time he saw that same expression on him which was when he found out some woman was separated from her husband. Armando then tells him not to diminish the good news because it meant Betty hadn't ommited any information from him.
To really bring this post to the full potential of it being analytical let us break this down.
Why was it important for him that Betty not omit information from him? Especially relating to something so personal and intimate of Betty's life outside of the office? (Again the argument that this is only about Eco Moda and Terra Moda are disproven in the previous post).
[EDIT: Sometimes as I write I've got two ideas at the same time and forget to finish writing them. It wasn't only important for the reasons mentioned below but because he does in fact want to know more about Betty as he later tells Bertha the same thing].
Armando went through the five stages of grief.
Anger, denial, anger, denial, more denial, and then moving on.
He did not accept that Betty had a boyfriend therefore when she told him she didn't he fully believed her, didn't ask more questions.
For Armando Betty's character means a lot. I don't mean the individual personification of Betty as a fictional character in this novela I mean as in her inner self and what she represent. To him Betty represent stability, comfort, unconditionality, honesty, and most of all fidelity and loyalty and the last three qualities are what he is always naming. If she withheld something from him it would mean that Betty was no longer that. She no longer would be an object of reassurance and comfort but like everyone else she'd become an unpredictable and untrustworthy individual in his life. Some one more that he needed to keep at arm's length or pretend around.
Armando has gotten a taste of being around someone who doesn't judge him when he is himself and doesn't hold it over him when he makes mistakes based on his neurotic nature or anger issues. Instead he has been around someone who understand he's like that, someone who is patient and knows how to call him out on it and how to handle his erratic behavior so he has learned to let his guard down little by little and found a niche of comfort in his assistant but if she lied to him it would take all of that away. It would be betrayal in his eyes.
That's why it was so important to him that Betty didn't keep secret from him. Especially seeing as they were forming a friendship that was based on honesty and respect towards each other. This explains why that was important to him. It's important for him to have trust in her.
However we ain't kidding anyone because his reaction was possessive over Betty because Betty has given all of these things to Armando, who has never really received them without some fine print, and he doesn't want to share her with anyone else. This is possessiveness and it is not love or romantic. It is a toxic trait because not one person belongs to someone and Armando feels that Betty belongs to him. Be it romantically, platonically, or work related, a person is a human being and they do not belong as an object or property to anyone.
Armando is a very emotionally immature individual and this shows us that.
Mario then proceeds to be his classical self, which is to sow the seed of paranoia in his best friend as he starts to point out that her friends wouldn't be saying that if Betty hadn't given them a reason. His hands clasped in front of him show a position of power. Right now he is holding the cards and he is well aware of that.
Right as he see the reaction he wanted from Armando he leaves him to ferment so to speak in the paranoia he has left in him. Armando becomes nervous all over again and susceptible to it.
He is left with himself and he says "Y quien es el.." now if you're hispanic or latino you'll find the humor in how that scene ends as he starts to sing in a sorrowful tone a very romantic and a song that I'd say most listen to when dealing with a break up "y en que lugar se enamoro de ti?"
Which translate to "And what is he like? and in what place did he fall in love with you?"
I won't read too much into that as I'm sure it was written in for humor or added in for the humor effect as we've had some pretty heavy emotionally driven scenes in this episode but I do think it's an ironic placement of humor.
Now to bring the final scene that I will be discussing regarding Armando finding out about Betty's boyfriend we come full circle with Armando asking Bertha about it.
He acts charismatic, composed and professional to get Bertha to talk to him.
"The subject is the following: I've got a long time working with Betty and It's just until now that I find out she's got boyfriend. Do you know who he is?"
"Well like really know? No, because she's so reserved"
He then with a pierced mouth nods. Again those feelings are creeping back up. I get it. He's feeling paranoia, distrust, betrayed, hurt, offended, scared, jealous, possessive and angry but this proves what I mentioned about Armando having his guard up at all times because he doesn't show any of this to Bertha, at least not enough where she picks up but because we as an audience are given so much detail regarding his character, we can.
Quickly he asks her "And you don't know how long she's been dating him?" brings us full circle again. The same tone he had with Betty when he told her that he was in the same room as her when Bertha said that she had a boyfriend, minus the smirk and actual reaction of his, once again proves that Armando knows when to show his reaction and how to be in control and composed.
Bertha proceeds to tell him the "actual" story in which she tells him "dating dating? No, but he does have her eating from the palm of his hand because she's stupidly in love with him." and we hear Armando gasp and say "No." we then get a frame of his face which shows us... the opiset of happiness, joy, relief, tranquility, peace, serenity but with someone trying to be composed.
Bertha tells him that Mariana read her the cards and said that he was Betty's dream man and that he was going to change her life and she was going to change his life. I don't care for that but for the sake of this breakdown I'll mention it.
We know that Betty's dream man is Armando, not Nicolas. However everyone else thinks it's Nicolas. Armando's facial expression shows someone once again panicking.
He not only finds out that Betty has boyfriend, now it turns out she didn't just omit something from him but lied when he asked her and to top it off she so happens to be stupidly in love with him and on top of all of that he is Betty's dream man and to finish it off, he will change her life and she will change his life in the mildest of riches, meaning with Betty becoming the sole owner of Eco Moda and Terra Moda, making her rish rish $$$.
This is when it no longer is just about his mixed up feelings for Betty but now the entire livelihood of his family and everyone that works for Eco Moda.
Eco Moda is Armando's pride and joy. He does love that company which is why he started that scheme in the first place because he didn't want to lose it, let his father down, prove Daniel right, and throw away 30 plus year of his father's work and life time(Also as we're told because of his goals). The company means a great deal to him and in ways he's not aware of yet, so does Betty.
However someone is aware of this, not to the deep knowledge that Armando has regarding whatever he thinks he is feels towards Betty but they've got some sort of idea regarding this and they innact and come up with a plan to secure the company, the presidency, and his statues and reputation.
Step one: Tell Armando that he needs to make Betty fall in love with him to secure the company. Women in love will do anything for the one they love therefore if he beats Nicolas to the goal we secure the company. It worked with Paty(he's stupid so his logic doesn't work)
Step two: Convince Armando that he is the right candidate for the job. If that doesn't work, manipulate him with paranoia and make him fear Betty. If that doesn't work, tell him you were sure that Betty was in love with him before you found out about Nicolas.
Step three: Tell Armando I will be in charge of all the corny details because he will freak out and get way over his head and ruin the plan.
Step four: make fun of him.
Step five: Go on a trip and write a letter that explains the entire plan in detail and leave it on my desk without telling my secretary to not let anyone touch it or go near it except Armando so that she can go into my office, and I know how she likes to be nosy, and she can then think it's in the wrong office and give it to her assistant who takes care of all of his stuff, literally, and she finds it, reads it and does exactly what I was afraid of and made my best friend afraid of as well and that will then bring her downfall, his downfall, therefore the entire company's downfall.
Step six: never realize how stupid I am or take full accountability for it and apologize sincerely for all the wrong and harm I have caused.
Obviously I'm not saying Armando is innocent or that he didn't do anything wrong. He did. He allowed his best friend to manipulate him when he said he wouldn't listen to him again(the panama thing), he allowed his best friend to make fun of Betty and was a coward to admit his true feelings not only to himself but to his best friend. He was a willing(felt guilty for it but nonetheless willing) participant in the plan.
By now breaking down these past episodes and scenes allows us to understand where Armando was coming from so we can sympathize just a bit for him and his confusion and how he was so easily manipulated by Mario, however this doesn't mean he isn't guilty. At the start of it he too to some degree thought no one could love Betty, (yes we later find out that he did care for her as he tells Mario that he feels endearment for Betty and he looks relieved to find that out. I will be breaking down that scene when I get to it) because of her physicality (I already talked about this but when the time is right I will go into deep detail regarding this part of Armando's character).
It is eleven AM. I have been writing this post for the past seven hours and I am beat and tired. I hope this makes sense.
Once again, 'til next time.
Bertha proceeds to tease Armando about him liking gossip and being Nosey. He gets annoyed at her but in order to get the information he wants he stays composed and tells her that he just wants to know about Betty.
"It's not that[I like gossip], it's just that this is about someone who is really close to me everyday-who I work really close with- and truth be told I am a little curious about Betty's life. You know, one just imagine her a little ugly and with boyfriend...? You know? Why don't you tell me the whole thing?"
At first he is a being defensive while trying to justify the fact he is being nosey. His tone then changes to endearing as he tells her "truth be told I am a little curious about Betty's life." and his face goes along with the tone as he says "you know, one just imagines her a little ugly-" he catches himself and say "and with boyfriend...?"
Overall what we have learned here is that Armando is really good at dismissing his feelings on the spot, suppressing them, and running away from them(I too do that and it's a pain in the butt). He does this as a sport.
Bertha then tells him "The thing is that Betty doesn't like it much for you to know about her private life." and this again offends Armando as he straightens his face and stares at Bertha in shock and as Bertha says "How is it, Sir..." and he quickly sits down to listen to her. "that this morning when we left your office she pulled me aside and told me that she didn't want you to know about her intimate life?" he rubs his chin, eyes still on Bertha and whispers "Really?"
Armando knows that Bertha can't tell half a gossip so instead of asking her to keeping telling him, practically begging her to tell him the whole scoop he manipulates her by saying "If this is going to cause problems then don't tell me. Let's leave it as is, Bertha, thank you." his tone is somber to tug at her strings, how could she possibly leave this man curious over this juicy gossip? and how could she not tell the whole story? Especially because it's her boss?
Bertha chuckles and tells him that she, of course is going to tell him, that she is dying to tell him. Armando then tells her "Well then if this is between us two it doesn't leave the planet, go on, tell me how did it go?"
Armando starts to bit his nail as he listen to Bertha start from the beginning.
She tells him word for word what Mariana said about Betty's dream man. She's obviously describing Armando, but to everyone else that's Nicolas, so the impression or idea that Armando now has of Nicolas is that he isn't some loser or nerd or some nobody but he is an important man who is the type of man woman lust over. They will have an intense relationship that will be strong and that the man is fundamental for her life.
This describes a man that is both important and that will be for sure in Betty's life.
Now Bertha goes on to describe the man Betty told them about. He is desired by woman,tall, handsome, strong, isn't rich but has money, has a big car, and his name is Nicolas Mora. However Betty clearifies that she has nothing going on with him, that she just likes him and she feels a strong attraction to him but that nothing has happened between them.
Then Mariana tells her that something will happen because it will change both of their lives.
Take into account that though Betty's life in a personal aspect hasn't changed much in the professional aspect it has. She's got a respectable job, a boss who values her work ethic and her enough to hand over his company which means she's could be rich. She's abandon some of her morals to collaborate with her scheming boss and is doing things that aren't morally correct.
Armando's life has changed not only professionally but personally. For one he's begun to let his guard down and given more of himself to a woman he isn't in a relationship or knowingly attracted to, his relationship with Marcela is only getting worse and Betty is usually the center of their biggest fights, he has now built a friendship with said woman built on trust and respect, something he has never done with any other woman and of course professionally he has sunken his and his family's company into debt.
I'd say Armando's life is changing a lot and that's not even the peak of it. Betty's life is also changing a lot and they haven't even started dating.
Armando is aware of how Betty's life is changing on a work related level so he obviously believes everything Bertha is telling him because he knows things she doesn't know.
Impatiently and annoyed Armando tells Bertha to explain what she means by "it's going to change their lives." which again since he "knows" things Bertha doesn't, therefore Tweedledum has sowed the seed of paranoia and Tweedledee has given it the perfect terrain for it to flourish so Armando is now listening to Mario's voice that Betty could turn against them though the important thing to note here is that Armando isn't mistrusting of Betty instead he is really mistrusting of Nicolas, because again, who could really fall in love with "ugly" betty. Except that's a joke on it's own because the idiot was already having feelings for her.
They are interrupted by Guti Guti and this is where I will end this post.
Truthfully until next time. ]
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life-rewritten · 4 years
Manner of D*eath (MOD); Hansel and Gretel, Victims or Victors?
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I don't know if anyone is like that shocked by the ending of episode 10 of MOD, I mean I think we can all tell it was fake, and I think we also are coming to terms with the villains/ the actual suspect of Jane being revealed. I don't think the show is still mysterious or still has so many hidden plot twists left. If there is then, I'll be happier. Anyway, episode 10 was intense and crazy in terms of what was shown on screen however as always I try to show you how the show gives you clues apart from piecing together what's on the surface, about the MOD of the characters, their actions, choices and who the suspect is and what their plans are now? We get a new fairytale, and can I just say I am loving the use of these fairytale meta for the show: this time Hansel and Gretel foreshadows the secrets of episode 10, clues to our villain and more deeper looks into family dynamics and dimensionality of our characters especially Tan. At the end of episode 10, Tan is forced to eliminate the person he loves (calling back to Little Mermaid analysis here that foreshadowed this) and also becomes a victim to a powerful person that has him entrapped with no escape. So I have a lot to say about these two fairy tales again and why MOD is creative when it uses them, how it makes things more fun to analyse and watch see unfold. Let's begin:
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Hansel and Gretel: Victims or Victors
So as always you get a small recap of the fairy tale from me. If Little Mermaid was about forbidden love and betrayal and sacrifice, Hansel and Gretel is more about torn families, more betrayals, trickery, trauma and plot twists. Let's recap: Hansel and Gretel are the children of a very push over dad, with a very cruel mother figure, when a famine occurs in the land, the father is forced to let his wife discard their children in an abandoned forest, left to fend for themselves, so there is more food for their neglectful parents. Hansel though is brilliant, so he overhears and discovers the truth and prevents his sister and him from being lost at first using pebbles to find his way back home. However, the mother continues to send them out and abandon them; unfortunately, Hansel tries again to do so, but he uses bread crumbs as a way to track and sadly has bread crumbs eaten by birds, so he loses his way back home. So after they wander in the forest now fully scared of their situation, they get lured in by a candy house, which has the food they want and is sweet, it's owned by this older woman who is seen as sweet to kids, and friendly and protective. 
However, once they enter the house, Hansel is imprisoned and is going to be eaten by this blood thirsty witch(the older woman's true form). So Hansel has to find again a way to trick her into thinking he's not yet ready to be eaten, he uses a bone to make her believe he's still not eating well enough to be plump for cooking. However, the witch grows impatient and decides to eat him just like that. But instead of just Hansel, she also decides she wants both the siblings. Gretel is still able to walk around and also the witch is blind, so she struggles to see, and she's slow to things. She tries to trick Gretel into entering the oven so that she can eat her, but Gretel like her brother is smarter. So she knows what to do, she ends up tricking the witch into thinking she needs help entering the oven and the witch in annoyance bends down to check the issue and ends up being pushed into the fire and burns. Gretel frees Hansel they discover a lot of treasure at this witch's home, and they take it and go back home with the help of a swan (I don't really understand how it found them and led them home, but you know it's a fairytale) and they reunite with their father who apologises for being a pushover, he didn't want to let what happened to them happen, but the woman forced him to do so, now their mother/stepmother,  was eliminated by the famine and so she wasn't there no longer to abuse them and make him do things he didn't want to do. Hansel and Gretel because of the treasure they found, live successfully, wealthy and happily ever after with their father. The end.
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First, it's not as romantic as Little Mermaid is it? I feel like Little Mermaid was more dramatic, painful and sad and had many selfless characters. But Hansel and Gretel is interesting. One, as Tan calls out it's not a romantic storyline, it's about siblings, but Bun and Tan (one of our mirrors of Hansel and Gretel) aren't siblings, you know they're lovers, and so that's also interesting. However, I find it really fascinating and interesting that Tan does mention that because it's important later on in again helping unveil who the villain is. I'll explain later on. Let's look at what we should focus on when talking about this fairytale.; 
1. Hansel and Gretel were victims of family dysfunction; they had an abusive family member who was looking for a way to get rid of them no matter what because of selfishness and greed and lack of love. 2. Hansel tries to survive his fate three times, by being smart and creative about how to escape his situations. The third time Gretel is the one who helps him escape. 3. Things that seem sweet and protective are actually not but traps for someone else's gain. The witch was trying to look like someone who was trusting for kids and who had what they need to run away but she actually wanted to get rid of them and keep surviving and being strong. 4. The witch is blindsided by Gretel because of her little weaknesses and her ability to overlook the kids. 5. Hansel and Gretel survive their trauma by trickery, cunningness and thinking ahead. They reunite with their family member and get rid of the witch (the powerful source holding them hostage), they gain money, wealth, and love by the end of the story.
Alright so let's keep those in mind and carry on with analysing the past episodes 7-10.
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Family Dysfunctions and Cruel Abandonments
So I found it really interesting, in episode 10 when Tan starts to speak about his plans for his mother in the past, his relationship with Por and his relationship with Pued. We knew the family was going to be a focus because Tan, Pued and Por looked dysfunctional and also had severely different dynamics with each other. First of all, Tan and Pued apparently were loyal to each other by default; they loved each other despite disagreeing and fighting; they'd do anything as long as the other is safe. Pued may be this horrible person that we unveiled him to be, but he did have some kind of heart, and he did care about Tan, Bun and maybe even Jane though I don't want to say that about him. Pued paid attention to Tan despite his other family members abandoning him and leaving him as a puppet with no love and no care.
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In fact, once Pued is eliminated and Por has a chance to react, Por immediately closes his mind and abandons Tan because he had no love, loyalty or trust for him. He's been looking for a way to get rid of Tan from the beginning. Who does that sound like? It sounds like the mother in Hansel and Gretel. The thing in the fairytale is that it's not evident if the mother is their blood mother or if she is a stepmother or if she's even the witch they later encounter there to lure them and get rid of them. But I'm seeing her like Por, someone who is forced to deal with Hansel and his sister not because she loves them but because she had to put up with them because of the father. The father is a failing figure like Tan's father; he's put the children under the care of someone who doesn't even care or respect them enough. And that's how Por treated Tan. So Family dysfunction is real in Hansel and Gretel, and Tan like Hansel is also deserted by a family in 7-10 as he struggles to stay safe and fend for himself and his lover. And the thing is it's messed up because Por loves Pued so much despite knowing how cruel Pued can be, (Por knows about Rung and Pued's involvement in the drug ring) but for Tan, he sees him as a nuisance, someone who's taking from him not helping him, same as Hansel's 'mum' saw him and his sister. And it makes you wonder what kind of family can become this way, why are people so cruel and why do they not treat people equally with respect. Just like the mother is the one who put Hansel and Gretel in danger, and she ensured it because remember they tried to come back and she sent them off, even more, deeper into the forest. Por also did the same thing, he chased cruelly after Tan and wanted to get of rid of him for Pued twice after he discovered Tan escaped from jail. Make it make sense. Like that's your family member.
Anyways so that's the first reason Hansel and Gretel were mentioned. But before I continue, I also wanted to bring up that Tan and Bun weren't the only mirrors for this character. That as always being Tan's shadow character also actually held more resemblance to the kids, he's younger, he's also imprisoned, and he had a girl to protect and watch over like a sister;Nam. Nam and That try to escape this episode with That being the one to make up the way for them to run away, but they get caught. I just wanted to show that imagery as well and connect it to Hansel and Gretel because as Tan mentioned, they weren't lovers, they were siblings.
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However I think there's two more people not mirroring them but is being foreshadowed by them, that's Rungtiwa and Pued. Hear me out before you get confused. In episode 9 Rungtiwa that witch, she said that Pued, Tan are like brothers to her. And it made me laugh because obviously using little mermaid analysis, Rungtiwa and Pued were having an affair, and she's the one probably who got rid of him. Also when Pued was eliminated Por said only a family member knew about his condition, well Rung knew about it because she was acting one on the surface like a sister figure to him, but also she was his lover probably. But why I think it's interesting, it's because Tan misunderstands if Hansel and Gretel could have been lovers before Bun corrects him, and since Tan and Bun are mirroring them, I also think Tan was also foreshadowing the confusion and connection of Rung and Pued. People think like Hansel and Gretel, she's a sibling figure to him, but actually, she was his lover theoretically. Just like Tan confused the dynamics between the two siblings. Some people who are meant to be seen as 'siblings'/'friends' are probably more. That's just me just picking on things. Let's continue with what the show is showing in episode 10 through this fairy tale.
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Futile Escapes and Cunning Mindsets 
In episode 7-10, Tan has to had to escape a situation he was set up in just like with Hansel in the fairy tale trying to protect Gretel. Can I first mention how similar the roles of Hansel and Tan are in the protection role. They have to be one step ahead, to protect the person with them, like Tan has to use the information he knows to protect Bun and escape Por. So like Hansel, Tan has to escape his situation three times before see him fail entirely in episode 10's ending. The first time he gets set up is jail where he is beaten and has to use his strength and will to stay safe until he's bailed out, the second time he escapes is his own house with Bun because Por wants to get rid of him, and the third time he's in danger is at the cottage house (he ran to, to think ahead, also the house Bun calls a trap/candy house this episode) where he again has to escape by hurting Bun and getting eliminated at the end of the episode.
By the end of episode 10, like Hansel also captured in the iron prison with no way of escape, Tan also ends up having no way to escape and is shot and pushed of a cliff on the run. He basically has a reached a point where all his energy and hard work to protect has been for nothing. Like Hansel realising the witch losing her impatience meant he and Gretel were both doomed, he couldn't protect her anymore. Just like Tan with Bun realised, he couldn't save Bun anymore; he couldn't save him self anymore, they were truly imprisoned by a powerful source. Obviously this is what the show is saying on the surface, that Tan and Bun like Hansel and Gretel became victims with no way out. And it's depressing if you let your self follow the storyline, it makes it even more scary and sad when you see both Bun and Tan get shot by people they trust like Inspector M. So Hansel and Tan both find themselves in a place where they can't use anything else anymore to escape and run away from their troubles, they're screwed by the end of the story at first. And things look dark for a while until Gretel shows up. This is why I think Bun like Gretel also has used his own mindset to think of way out, and be one step ahead. But before I explain about that, let' talk about our suspects, our powerful sources and our witch.
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Candy Houses and Powerful Sources
These three previous episodes of MOD have been a ride. We unveiled that the Police Commander and Mayor are dangerous and will do whatever happens to ensure their secrets aren't unveiled. Like being happy to frame Tan for something, he didn't do. I just want to keep repeating however that they are not the suspect we are looking for, they're the red herrings, they're baddies but actually not that threatening. They don't like to take a life, apart from maybe Pat but they don't normally use that as a way of power, they're cowards, they do kidnaps, shipping people of, framing etc. but to actually use their hands to take a life is not on their agenda. That's why they're not the suspects of Jane's MoD, or Pued's either. I think they're being shown now because they're meant to represent one of the links to the witch in Hansel and Gretel, Power. But they're not the actual witch.
Let me explain more, you can see they don't get their own hands dirty, they have puppets to do so for them, for example, Tan to get rid of Bun, Inspector M to get rid of Tan, they're not the ones who used their own hands to take Jane's life, they either had a puppet do it (Pued), or they didn't know she was going to be eliminated yet. My theory is yeah, they had Pued do it, but they also had Rungtingwa who they underestimated. So I don't want to spend all the time talking about these two like I said we find out how wealthy and powerful the witch was in the tale and how her demise led to Hansel and the family living happily and successfully. Getting rid of the mayor and police commander will do a lot of good for the people at the end of episode 10, it'd promote Inspector M (if he is on the good side like I'm suspecting), it'd also give freedom to Tan and Bun and raise their reputation in a good way. Those powerful forces won't be able to hold them captive anymore. But LR you say, isn't Tan and Bun gone? Didn't Inspector M go bad and shoot Tan? Yeh, that's what the show is showing on the surface, but as I'm slowly getting to, the plot is shadowed by Hansel and Gretel, tricksters, cunning mindsets, one step ahead, it's foreshadowing; a ploy and M is part of that.  But I'm getting ahead of my self, let's focus on Rungtingwa and her witchy ways.
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So in episode 9, Rung starts showing up again. In fact, she's our prominent supporter, she helps bail Tan out of jail, and she believes in him like a brother wholeheartedly, she calls Por out on his behaviour and callousness, and she also shakes her head at the police for their slowness with her sister's case. She's so elegant and pretty and smart and protective. She is the family member Tan needs in his life; she cares about them so much. In episode 10, she's even more of a saint-like at first. Because you got to start soon realising things aren't adding up a bit with her. One she's trusted by the police that they send her girls who are in need of money, home, safety to stay at her spa because they were going to be arrested to investigate their illegal whereabouts, this well off company that protects and keeps them taken care of.
Only all of a sudden for those same women to be transported to the mayor and the police commander to be abused and drugged repeatedly. Getting it? Rung's candy house is her spa. Like with Hansel and Gretel, the witch doesn't first show up as a witch to them, no she lures them in with the idea of one protection (they didn't have anywhere else to go), provision (they were starving and her house was made of cakes, bread etc.) and prevention (of them being alone, of their lives etc.), Rungtiwa shows up and does just the same thing. She offers protection by helping Tan leave the jail, and calling him her brother, a family member that he craves for because of his own dysfunctional relationship with Por.  She offers him provision of information, she offers not just them but the women and the police a space for the women who think they're safe with her in her spa, food, and anything they want. And she offers them prevention because these women weren't meant to be running away or being shipped, don't remember properly what the mayor said, but this was meant to be a safe spot for them, they were wowed by her spa, they felt comfortable and at peace. Like Hansel and Gretel were the first time they entered the candy house.
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But looks are deceiving which is Rung's link to the tale. The witch sheds her skin and transforms into someone who's not only blood thirsty, (Rung is our suspect and has probably gotten rid of two people her sister and her ex-lover) and someone who only lures people in for her benefit, for her greed, power, satisfaction, strength. Remember Rung like Pued is doing all of this for power and reputation, and she's hiding the truth so she can be saved and protected by society because she's innocent. And the thing she's cold-hearted, she doesn't care about anyone in episode 9 she stands up for Tan and believes he's not the suspect (well because she knows he's not she is), but then she switches in episode 10, she blames him for taking the life of Pued in front of M and she says it in an anxious and shocking way that the brothers were this awful to each other when she said previously she knows Tan didn't do it. It's how she covers her self, how she hides who she is, as the witch to lure the kids. Hansel and Gretel weren't the first kids taken by this witch, that's what the bone was remnants of another kid eaten and destroyed by her. Rung is like that she leaves trails of people being discarded wherever she goes, she plots, and she plans her own way out. And if Pued wants to talk, then she has to get rid of him. This is why I know she knows who helped her take her sister's life. Sigh. But again I commend her villainy. She's cruel, but it's very very wanted in a villain, she isn't weak, and she doesn't let people get in her way. That's w a villain hatis meant to be. Right now she's winning because no one has suspected it's her, but I think she forgot one thing like the witch; Gretel, but also she was blindsided. Let me explain
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Shocking Additions and Sneaky Weaknesses
Rung didn't expect Inspector M to be one of her weak spots. In episode 10, Inspector M discovered some of the truth and started to notice that he was in a corrupted system. Right now, Commander is thinking Inspector M is on his side and has given into corruption because of fear and power however no matter how dumb he is, Inspector M has always been for justice that's his flaw and character, like Bun he's been trying to do the right thing. Now he's slowly piecing together that some people are not to be trusted in this scenario; for example, Rung's spa because she's aiding the commander in hiding those girls. She underestimated him, and that's going to be her downfall.
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Also, the commander and mayor are ruined because they've let in someone also in a mask, Inspector M is working with Tan and Bun to hide their plans. So like Hansel, Tan has found a way to think one step ahead. Like Gretel Bun has let himself be the one that is sacrificed as a guise actually to sacrifice the witch, to lure all of them out in their pride and triumph, to expose them. Tan pretended to get rid of Bun this episode 10, to make everyone involved calm and weak and unsuspecting and that's important, that's how Gretel tricks the witch, however, the witch's blindsight is pointing to Rung and the others not knowing Inspector M is involved and is determined to help solve the crime and find the suspect. So Tan, Bun, M have all joined together to find a way to expose the powerful sources and get rid of their captors also to save the other people especially Nam and That. So everyone who is still in shock by episode 10, know this, Hansel and Gretel is about being one step ahead, Tan and Bun are one step ahead of the chase, the only way to win and overcome their captors was to surrender or pretend to surrender (like Gretel and Hansel did) and next week all of them will start to crumble one by one. But if you're still worried about how the show will end, then focus on the ending of Hansel and Gretel
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Triumphant Victors and Enhanced Reputations
So let's review the ending to make you all calm down. 
One Hansel and Gretel come out alive, they get rid of the witch. Everyone is safe. That's important to know Tan and Bun, That hopefully as well (not sure about him though) are safe, they're going to be okay. 
Two they get rid of the witch, Inspector M will get his answer and find the culprits. 
Three, they reunite with people, especially family and are seen in a different way, apologised to and taken care of. Tan and Por will reunite, and the truth of Pued will come out, making Por realise the error of his ways. Tan will reunite with his family and get the love he wanted and craved. 
Four they end up all successful, happy and wealthy. I think this one is pretty obvious getting rid of the powerful sources of the town opens up places for change and for more people to be put in authority. Bun's words will be taken seriously and respected. Tan gets a job he's happy with, and M will probably be promoted. In a way, M is also like the father figure that needs to apologise and say he's sorry because he's also been like Por neglectful and troublesome, an obstacle and so he also needs to agree he's wrong and reunite his friendship with Bun. 
So Hansel ends up actually surviving after being helped by others to get to his destination and reunite with his family again. Tan will finally have that happy life he wanted, and he no longer has to be a puppet for others and do things without his will. He also has love differently, he also has Bun, and the two husbands can go back and be domestic and happy solving other issues and crimes whilst mourning Jane and maybe others and letting her go peacefully.
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So you see why I love fairy tale meta? It helps you uncover the truth, leads you to knowing why they add some dialogues or hints in the show. It also reveals the facades of people who are not what they seem. Rung is getting away with everything she does, and we the audience picked up on it in the surface, we also probably understood it was a staged event that Tan shot Bun but it's nice to have something else that shows you the show is clever and one step ahead. When I first heard Hansel and Gretel, I panicked because I was like what do you mean Hansel and Gretel like that's sibling bond, I don't know what similarities they could possibly have with the show like Little mermaid made so much sense because I could tell Tan would be forced to get rid of Bun, and that's a theme in the fairytale. Still, Hansel and Gretel, I couldn't put my mind to it. And yet here we are, the show is brilliant, there is meta, there is foreshadowing not just with on the surface clues but also with subtext, there's a reason why the plots in episode 10 went the way they did, there's a reason why we ended up hearing about certain things, and I think that's a good sign of a good show, more in-depth and thoughtful. So I can't wait to see the reveal that our husbands are okay and they are going to win this battle however we still have four episodes so maybe let's not yet get comfortable. I still hold on to my theory. Pued is one of the suspects of Jane, and Rung helped him, but she also is the one who got rid of him. If not, maybe someone else Oat? Haha, but no seriously I would really love another plot twist. But I also like the show having layers and being so thrilling every episode, always making us want more. Well done to the cast and crew for a good BL, unique, smart, and one step ahead. I enjoy it. Thank you.
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bigkyloenergy · 4 years
a witcher!kylo x reader fic. dark themes, smut ahead. 18+.
summary: you are a barmaid / stablewoman at an inn in toussaint, kylo ren, one of the last of the witchers from the school of the viper regularly stays at the establishment. you wonder what keeps him coming back.
read on ao3.
Empty mugs piled the tables faster than you could keep up tonight, collecting them in your arms and being forced to inhale the putrid smell of ale that should’ve gotten familiar by now. You wrinkled your nose, hoping no leftovers would splash on your clothes as you journeyed to the kitchen. The first snowfall had hit, and it was heavy, the windows covered in blankets of fluffy white curtains. Men huddled near the fire, booking more days than normal, waiting for it to pass. While your impatience wore differently. 
Subconsciously, your mind could conjure the exact days since you’d seen him. 
But the last few days have been check in, check out — change sheets, check in again, check out early — is that person even still here?... and repeat, your body was a machine catered to serving. 
Seemed like useless tasks now that you knew what it was like to awaken every nerve ending that you possessed. For what seemed like millionth time, you damned the Viper who had found routine passing in your workplace, leaving you with this cursed form, like leftover ash from a campfire.
You counted the keys gone when you slinked back behind the counter, wiping your forehead on the back of your sleeve, grateful when you found only a few missing. The last week they’d been emptied, along with your sanity. 
  “Pst, missy,” Ruek whispered from behind you, and you turned to see his fuzzy face peeking from behind the heavy kitchen door, “you got anymore orders?” 
  “No,” you gave him a tired smile, “just checked out ten guys in a row, who I swear were the same person.” 
  “Beards’ll do that to ya,” his kind eyes squinted as he emerged, and you leaned against your station, giving your feet a slight break, “they make us pretty. Here, close your eyes and open up. I’ve got a surprise.” 
Hesitating, you gave him a look, tipping your chin as you tried to see what he was holding behind his back. He clicked his tongue, “Come on, your cheating nature is showing, close your damn eyes it’s not gonna kill ya.” 
Finally, you sighed, doing as he said. You could use a bit of a distraction from work anyway, all you did was go home, plant your face into the pillow only to wake up to the same programming. 
  “Open,” he reminded, which only made you more annoyed. It was Ruek, so you inevitably gave in to avoid the argument. You felt something cold on your lip, reaching your tongue toward the ‘special’ treat, and biting into… chocolate? Quickly, juices poured into your mouth, which urged you to finally open your eyes. 
The cook stood, grinning proudly, a dipped strawberry in his hand. “Eck, Ru, you should've warned me, you know how I am about stuff that sweet.” 
He opened his mouth to speak, but what followed was not from him.
  “I used to think this inn had good service,” Kylo’s voice strapped you to an invisible post, straightening your back, choking on the leftover flavors. 
The Viper wasn’t looking at you, he was staring straight at Ruek, exigently demanding a response. 
  “My fault, thought Miss could use a little break.” 
You wanted him to look at you, your very soul was demanding it, to be drowned, the striking yellow in his eyes two suns that burned everything in their path, and you the phoenix who rose under them.
How long had he been here?  
   “Do you need a key?” You finally spoke, trying to sound nonchalant, licking the bits of chocolate off of your lips as you reached for one.
  “No. I already have one.” 
What? Betty wasn’t even here. You had been the only one checking anyone in and out for the last couple days. Your brows furrowed. 
  “There’s a spill near the gwent tables.” He added.
  “Is that why you came over here?” You could feel Ruek looking at you, wondering why the hell you were questioning the man in the first place. Of course, The Viper didn’t answer, nor did he fully acknowledge your presence.
  “I got it. If we have no more orders. No problem. Just — uh let Jerrid know if you need anything from the kitchen.” Ruek shuffled away while you were too busy playing stare off with Kylo’s mask. 
  “You let everyone’s fingers in your mouth, little müna?”
  “What? No. He has me taste test stuff all the time,” gods, this man kept you oversharing at any crumb of attention he gave you, still severely irritated with overgrown mutant though you began to smirk, “is that why you came over here? Are you.. are you jealous?” 
  “You expect me to play cards next to someone’s secretions.”
  “It is, isn’t it? You can play Mr. Keepaway all you want, you think you have this affect on me where you can use me to your will. But you wanna know what I know that you don’t?” 
He didn’t respond, eye twitching, which only aided you, leaning over the counter that Kylo could very easily hop, and this was when he finally met your eyes. Though your traitor of a body screamed with validation, you only grinned.
  “I know this isn’t one sided. What would you do if you knew I fucked him?” You didn’t, of course, but the thought of making The Viper jealous thrilled you to the core, “If I let him cum in my mouth without having to force my jaw open? If he was the one I was fallin—” 
Your chin was grabbed, keeping you still over the counter, your feet almost hovering on the floor. Leather squished your cheeks, his gaze scooping your bravery from you in a single second. 
  “Careful.” The Witcher warned, studying your face, tipping it slightly in his grip, reviving the soreness in your jaw.
  “Or what, Kylo?”
He paused, and for some reason you knew you weren’t going to lack a response this time. Dropping you, he left you to land against the bartop, and his broad shoulders turned toward the small crowd. 
  “Leave.” His voice was a crack of thunder, splitting the customers' relaxation in half.
Most scattered to their feet, afraid of why this King of the Abyss was evicting them, not wanting to take the chance. The men who were brave enough to stay were met with a glint of silver, only to follow, and you heard the silence from valleys away. 
Your eyes darted to find Ruek, there was no living thing in that room except you and Kylo.
If he was even living. 
  “What the hell? What’re you doing? Are you trying to make me lose my job?” He caught your neck again, like it was a new skill he was practicing, then pulled his mask down over his chin.
The whole world stopped. Your breathing was arrested in your lungs, feeling a rush of awareness cut off your circulation and leave you dizzy with the sight of perfect, scarred lips, remembering how earnestly they had caressed your breasts atop of his horse. He was grimacing, wrinkles near his nose as he looked down at you. A lost warning. 
He slammed you into the nearest table, not paying mind to any of the silverware that was under you nor the plates he had just shattered on the floor. Standing between your legs that hung off the end of the it, the fireplace triggered the iridescence of his armor, another engligment to why he wore his title so well. 
You couldn’t stop studying his face, mapping every curve, and you were needy as you leaned up in an attempt to capture his mouth, find every ingredient of what made up this man that haunted you, possessed you. 
Not a ghost, but a demon. 
Just as your lips brushed against the tip of his, your tongue an anxious explorer, he pressed you back down into the oak. 
  “You are mine,” He spat, his lips curling around his teeth as he let the word marinate on his tongue. 
  “No,” you gasped, “f—fuck you, I’m not anyone’s, and you out of everyone has shown me that.” 
  “No? So your cunt isn’t soaked for me right now?” Your thighs pressed together, lips parting just at the words rolled off his venomous tongue, yet you shook your head in pure denial. “Liar. I can smell you. Can practically taste it.” The unoccupied hand ran along the outside of your thigh, under your skirts, til he pinched the fat between his fingers. 
The way his mask hung at his chin was just as sensual as his voice, you didn’t even know how that was physically possible, then again this man broke the rules of reality every time you saw him. He pulled you down further, pressing his hips into yours, “Say it.” 
  “I won’t,” your voice broke with a whine as you felt the bulge in his pants, your legs wrapping around him without a second thought, he smacked your calf, forcing them to hang once more. You groaned, yearning to feel some sort of pressure at your pulsing clit, your body’s temperature spiking by the second. 
  “Hm. We’ll see.” 
The Viper plucked the string that held your bodice together, pulling it until it completely unraveled, your blouse the only thing that hid your perking breasts. You looked down to his gloved hand, then back to him, hair skating over his shoulders, gods-made handles for your undoing. You let out a sigh as he thumbed your nipple through the material, keeping his palm wrapped around your throat. Your hips buckled, finding nothing, the beast keeping his hips perfectly spaced from yours so you couldn’t use him for any sort of pleasure. You felt your blood boiling, and not just from the intricate torture he was inflicting. No man had ever had this affect on you, but he was not any man. 
A low growl came from deep in Kylo’s throat, and your eyes opened, not realizing you shut them in the first place. He was unblinking, watching your reaction as the stitch of his glove rolled around the bud. 
  “Please, Kylo,” you begged, shattering every restraint you had just from seeing him so immersed in you like this, still clothed yet utterly hopeless, knowing he was your only salvation.
  “Say it.” 
You whined, one of your fists hitting the table, not wanting to give into him. But you weren’t the only one suffering. Pulling your top down, he released your tits from their confines, and immediately consumed them. His mouth opened, hot and wet, leaving easy marks as he glided from one to the other, tightening his hand on your neck every time your chittering frame squirmed. 
One of your hands found his hair, and you were surprised when he didn’t pull it from his head. You took the opportunity earnestly, digging your fingers through the raven locks, breaking through knots to find a good grip. He sucked on you like he was getting oxygen straight from your skin, popping a nipple from his mouth only to give the same attention to the other. 
Your cunt was pulsing so badly it hurt, every flutter mocking the emptiness of it, so much that you had to swallow down noises at every flick of the Viper’s tongue. 
Leather fingers danced back down your form, parting your thighs, not hesitating as they peeled your panties from your saturated pussy. The first time you had his cock, you fucked yourself into a rage trying to mimic the way it felt, three fingers wasn’t enough for the fantasy and you knew it. Being so close to that now left you ravenous, forgetting the challenge that was imposed in the first place. 
He ran the tip of his finger down the line of your lips, collecting the juices at the end of it with a single scoop before he pushed it back inside of you. Barely spreading you as he toyed with your entrance, circling and stretching it open, already making wet noises in the emptied inn. 
  “Fuck! I — please fuck me, please. I’ll do anything. Please just — fuck Kylo, please.” The words could barely be made out through insistent whines, he stayed silent, his mouth and finger working diligently to send you over that edge, into the pool of his domination. 
He reached his thumb up to press pressure on your clit, never moving it, while the finger hooked inside of you, and your whole body jerked forward. Kylo quickly put your back in your place, mentally and physically, forcing you to remember his promise. 
  “I’m yours! Okay! I’m yours, puhleaaase, just please…” You couldn’t even properly be convincing, though you meant it, even if you didn’t want to admit it outside of him fucking you sensless. 
He yielded both of his hands, lifting his face from your chest and ridding you of the secure grip you had on his head. Honey yellow eyes surveyed you from your heavy lidded gaze, all the way down to your lifted skirts, then back up again. 
  “Hm. I suppose I need to be more convincing.” In one languid motion, he had your dress above your head, corset falling to the floor with it, leaving you completely bare on top of the main round table in the dead center of your job. Ruek could be watching from the back for all you knew. 
Kylo leered above you, his chest filling, consuming your gaze as much as he did your mind. His teeth pinched the middle finger of his glove, pulling it off with his mouth.
Your stomach flipped. 
He grabbed the amulet that hung at his neck, snapping it off and rolling it around in his hand, examining it the same way he did you. You could swear you saw his eyes glisten with… something, before his focus was back.
The Viper’s large fist started to glow, and soon so did the metal.
Anticipation tickled the back of your neck, your heartbeat similar to an approaching wardrum as it filled your eyes the more you watched, “what’re you doing?” 
  “Showing you.” He didn’t blink.
  “Showing me what?” 
  “Who you belong to.” 
The metal of the viper face was red hot, smoking nearly. He held it between two fingers, grabbing your thigh in one hand and tugging you as you began to crawl up the table. You obediently stilled. 
“Don’t move or we’ll have to do it again.” 
You sucked in a breath of air, senses filling with his scent — pine, mint, leather, the very earth. Just as you did he began to line his cock up with your entrance, rubbing against the folds. He hushed you as you squeaked, and began to lower the medallion down between the hills of your chest. He perfectly lined it up, not having to look twice before he dropped his hand down, and you cried out. The flesh boiled and singed, and the entire map of your skin feeling the aftermath.
The pain was quickly distracted by another as he split you open, a growl being spat between his teeth as his cock sunk all the way into you, giving no time to adjust to the overwhelming size of him. Your nails dug at the stained wood, scratching for some kind of stability as your skin bubbled, painting a gift made by the Viper himself, all while the tip of his dick began to wrack against your cervix. 
Your eyes rolled back completely into your head, nimble fingers finding straps of his armor to hold onto, which only assisted him in beating his hips off of your cunt. He lifted one of your legs over his shoulder, your knee barely making it to curve, it only helped the Witcher angle you to his pillaging. 
The smell of burnt flesh filled your nose, truly you almost forgot about the branding he had just centered on your torso, meeting euphoria with the way his cock worked inside of you. It sent you to another plane, both of his large hands gripping your hips as he forced your smaller frame to bounce off of him. Forks and other leftover dining ware pinched at your back, ridding them off the table the more he pounded you.
His eyes were blazing carnality, encapsulating the definition of primal. 
  “You are mine,” he spoke through each stroke of his hips, dropping the carved metal to hold your body still with the familiar hold on your neck, “every inch of you… you are a hole for me to fuck. And that is all you are.” 
You whined, specks floating in your sight as you kept alert, eyes so heavy with pleasure it was damn near blinding you. 
  “The next time you let another man touch you,” a sharp smack of his hips, pain crawling up your spine, threatening to quite literally break you, “I will fuck you atop of his carcass.” 
Another plunge of his cock and the table was splintering under you, until it snapped in two. Kylo didn’t care — in fact, it was as if it didn’t even happen, the perfect savage beat he was plowing you with was never broken. 
He just used his own body as a kickstand for your lower half, the persistent assault keeping you where he wanted, finding no need in his hands other than to appreciate your body.
Kylo twisted your nipple, sliding across the spot he had just engraved, your lips parting in return. You heard another grunt from him, forcing your dazed focus on his face, which would forever be your most vivid memory, and you couldn’t even bring warning for the orgasm that he was inducing. 
Just as it creeped up, his bare thumb was circling expertly over your swollen knot, breaking the dam. Your climax poured in, walls clenching and milking his cock in the process. 
A gritty groan was dropped into your ear, and it only served as a catalyst to your silent screams, legs shaking while your cunt became much more sensitive. You tried to pull up, away from his relentless motions, he didn’t let you, just chased you along the broken table, filling you to the brim. 
Lewd sounds began to echo with the crackles of the fire, and all you could focus on was him — he was watching his cock go in and out of you, holding your skirts above your waist to get a good view of his slickened dick, pushing him toward his own finale, using you every inch of the way. 
You could barely tell from his face when he finished, you studied the Viper like it was your true passion, fossilizing his mannerisms, expressions, even his voice. You ate up every moment, the threat of them being memories a looming shadow of presence. The tiny twitch of his nose, deep wrinkle of his forehead, subtle signs he was coming apart for you. 
He pulled out of your fluttering cunt, after leaving a lazy kiss on the scabbing mark of possession he’d left, being more gentle with that than any part of you.
Kylo pulled his mask back over his face before he was tucking his cock away. You were almost sad to see it go. 
If he didn’t come back after this, maybe you’d be okay. You looked down at the piece of himself that he permanently placed on you, your finger running on the curve of its open mouth. It didn’t hurt, maybe due to the adrenaline pumping through your veins. By the time you looked back up, he was turned. 
  “What’re you—”
Your lips pressed together, wanting to reach for your dress, yet something about him told you not to move a muscle. 
The door pushed open, a panicked villager entering, tripping over themselves at every step.
  “Help, a monster is attacking the town! It’s killing everyone, my family, please!” 
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shimmershae · 3 years
My thoughts on Episode 8--For Blood
As always, placed behind a cut for those of you that would rather escape my babbling, lol.  You’re welcome.  
Sadly, I don’t think this is anticipation I feel.  I’m pretty sure it’s dread but okay.  Here we go.  
This episode has to go up from the rock bottom boredom of last week, right?  
Let me preface what I’m about to say with the truth that I in no way hate Maggie.  She’s been with us since Season 2 and I have an emotional attachment to her, mostly due to my love of Glenn and the way he loved her.  She’s not my favorite by any means, but the fact of the matter is, I do like and appreciate her and don’t mind that she is back because it’s nice to have old familiar faces with us to take us into the final season.  That said?  Forcing Maggie front and center after her long absence ultimately, IMHO, has not worked in these first 8 episodes.  I can’t help but feel if ASZ had been the A story with Maggie/Negan and Daryl/Leah/the Reapers the B1 and B2 story?  These episodes would have been better received overall and not feel so much like they’re trying so hard.  Maybe lead me toward the water instead of shoving my head in it next time, Angela?  Hmm?  
Oh goodie.  They’re opening at Meridian.  Should I get my bathroom break out of the way now or give myself an out for later?  Call it Shae’s choice, lol.  
That flicker of a smirk Leah gave to Carver after their mini walk down memory lane had more spark to it than the entirety of her and Daryl’s toxic relationship.  In the future, maybe Angela will lean all in on them instead of Leah and Daryl.  Something tells me Leah knows this “brother” biblically.  
Daryl recognizes Whisperer moves when he sees ‘em.  Somehow, he realizes Maggie and Negan have banded together however reluctantly.  
Pope doing it “Dixon’s” way but not allowing Dixon to do the actual thing shows the level of distrust and paranoia the man still haves for outsiders. 
Look at Daryl chewing his lips with worry for his people.  If he and Leah know each other even a little bit, she has to recognize that as one of his tells.  
Ooohhhh.  Who took the first stab at Wells?  Maggie?  Negan?  Father G?  I swear.  I took my eyes off the “ball” one second and the whole damn play is halfway down the field.  Sorry.  If you cannot tell, I watched football with the fam yesterday, lol.  
The Walking Dead logo didn’t crumble this time.  Interesting.  Parts of it looked like it had been rebuilt.  With brick.  Wood.  Other parts of it looked reclaimed by nature.  Call me crazy, but that almost looks like an eye/part of a face on the first D.  
Okay then.  Babbling nonsense about the logo over, lol.  Tell me.  Please.  Anybody.  How do the events at ASZ line up with the events at Meridian?  Because it’s night and full-blown storming in ASZ and still daylight at Meridian.  But hey.  Thank fuck we’re in ASZ.  
All the babies huddled together giving me feels.  Sorry.  I know some feel they have no place on the show, but I personally enjoy their inclusion from time to time.  It usually plucks hard at my heartstrings.  
Connie tenderly comforting an injured Virgil is sweet, not gonna lie.  
Aww.  Is that Hershel petting a scared RJ’s hair?  Unless it’s a case of me not being able to pick out and place all the little hands, which it most certainly could be, I’m thinking Judith’s got her hand on her knee and that’s Hershel’s hand in RJ’s hair.  Regardless of whose hand is where, it was a sweet little scene.  What can I say?  I’m easy because Baby Glenn and Baby Rick, ya’ll.  
Oh snap.  The windmill’s on fire and pieces of the wall are blowing down main street ASZ like steel tumbleweeds, lol.  
Anybody else having flashbacks to the barn from Season 5?  Good times.  We still had most of Team Family with us then.  They were in a bad place, hurting and lost and just trying to survive--when are they not just trying to survive?--but they were together.  I miss them.  
Carol and Lydia holding each other.  These two, lovelies, have my whole heart.  
Wells is Walker Jerky, Shaw.  Stop wasting your breath.  
“She did.  My enemy.”  I mean, are we supposed to get the impression Maggie’s been a formidable adversary to Pope?  Because she feels more like a roach that simply knows the best rocks to hide under.  Granted, roaches are hard to kill but still.  I’m gonna need them to give us something better than Maggie being Pope’s enemy simply because she didn’t want to give up her home without a fight because this is frankly unbelievable and bordering on stupid.  
Alright.  So they’ve obviously been sowing the seeds of distrust and defiance between Leah and Pope because she doesn’t like losing family but Daryl?  Man?  You and Leah have differing opinions about how family operates.  Trust me on this.  
So.  Three teams, huh?  Aaron fighting the windmill fire, Carol repairing the breach in the wall, Rosita protecting the babies that represent their future.  Choose your fighters, lol.  Seriously, though.  Why do I have the sinking feeling only one group is going to be shown actually doing their thing?  
Listen.  Am I pissed we haven’t gotten the scene we deserve yet between Carol and Connie after all that’s happened and we’re getting crumbs mainly because Angela wrongly feels the Reapers/Maggie & Negan/Daryl & Leah need more focus?  Absolutely.  You bet your sweet asses.  But Melissa fucking McBride just took the crumbs allotted her and made a magnificent, work of art cake out of it trying all on her lonesome to feed us starving Carol fans.  
Bless Connie wanting wanting to go with Carol.  What a show of trust and sister-like solidarity that must have some hate-rotted guts about to turn themselves out.  
I love Kelly and Connie’s sister bond.  No ill will intended, but It takes the good parts of Maggie and Beth and elevates it beyond anything those two ever showed us.  I really feel like that’s a testament to Angel and Lauren’s real life ease with each other.  
Magna choosing to go with Aaron makes me wonder if it’s possible she feels some kind of residual guilt over Connie.  Not guilt for anything she’s actually done, but simply guilt over making it out.  
Virgil volunteering to help.  Okay.  Damn.  I’m honestly starting to like the guy.  
Judith offering to go with her aunt Carol had me all up in my feels.  I mean, granted.  It was a blink and you miss it scene.  We really deserved a longer heart to heart between that little girl and the woman that’s sacrificed so much to keep her safe and loved her for so long, but you know I’ll gobble any and all Judith/Aunt Carol content up.  Seems to me, Little Ass Kicker is just as afraid of letting Aunt Carol out of her sight as Uncle Daryl.  My heart.  
Gracie and Aaron are sweet.  And honestly?  I find them more realistic and true to what normal parents and children would be like in a ZA than Judith and Michonne no matter how much I love that bond.  I mean no disrespect, but I really do.  
“Why am I keeping you around?”  Pope asking the question we’re all wondering.  
Not Apocalypse Popeye comparing Daryl to a stray dog.  Joe from the Claimers already declared Daryl an outside cat that thought he was an indoor cat.  I did have to internally cheer when Daryl was like “I’m ain’t gonna lick it” talking about the helping hand Pope had extended him.  
“Somehow she has turned the dead against the living.  Oh, that’s impressive.”  The thing about Pope respecting Maggie so much as an enemy is I just find it hard to buy, lol.  Like if this had been Carol, yeah.  But Maggie?  Nope.  They’ve mostly shown her (with Gage being the bewildering exception) to be all bark and no bite.  
Has the house in ASZ really become that dilapidated that they can see through its walls?  Because its original owners dodged a bullet if so.  
Look at Grace hero-worshipping Judith.  It’s sweet.  
Virgil telling Judith Michonne would be proud of her is nice but doesn’t feel as earned as if someone like Daryl or Carol that actually knew Michonne well said it.  But maybe that’s the whole point--Judith needs to hear it from someone she knows isn’t going to just say what she wants to hear.  
Call me jaded, it was a touching scene, but also?  It felt designed to allow Judith to move beyond her very normal and realistic feelings of being abandoned by Michonne, even though she gave her the “okay” herself.  Like she’s still a kid.  Wants don’t always line up with feelings.  Anyway.  Cailey continues to be a bright, shining little star and I love how she’s managed to make Judith a true amalgamation of all the people she’s loved who have loved her in return.  Not just Michonne.  I know people like to overlook and cheapen the fact, but it’s taken a village and entire family to raise her from infancy.  
Gracie really should have known better than play in front of the windows during a storm period, but oh well.  Plot point, lol.  
Seriously, though.  I feel like they’ve teased poor Gracie’s demise in a multitude of ways since the beginning of the season.  I hope nothing ultimately comes of it but I fear it will.  All I can say if the worst comes to happen is poor Aaron.  
Where are Negan and Elijah though?  Ouch.  There they are, taking on shrapnel for the cause.  
Ready the what now?  
There’s ASZ’s Baby Sitter Extraordinaire!  Barbara, is it?  That lady’s been putting in the work since Season 5 at least.  
I’ve honestly grown to love Rosita.  More of her and less of Maggie, please and thank you.  
“Let’s stay away from the windows.”  I’m sorry but I had to LMAO at that.  Still a badass moment though.  
Gabe hobbling toward his assigned sentinel.  At least they haven’t forgotten he’s injured like they seemed to forget Daryl was near death last season before the attack on Hilltop, lol.  
“It’s hard to watch something you care about change.”  Listen, Leah.  Chick.  You and Daryl obviously never really knew each other.  It’s always been obvious but I have a feeling “DIxon” is finally going to show you, spoilers or no spoilers.  
WTF are they calling that thing?  Sorry.  I have just as hard a time understanding Pope’s accent as I do Maggie’s sometimes.  
That’s not love that has Daryl telling Leah she can come with him.  That’s care for somebody he used to know.  There is a distinct difference that’s obviously lost on so many.  How can you really and truly love someone you cannot trust?  Especially in Daryl Dixon’s case?
Why does Angela hate us so much?  Giving us all these Reaper scenes and leaving us to simply imagine Carol and Connie and Kelly working side by side to save the wall?  
I think I honestly could have enjoyed this whole Reaper storyline more, at least a little bit anyway, had they not retrofitted a half-assed romance between Daryl and the story’s weakest link and if only they’d made it the B storyline and given earned deference to the goings-on in ASZ instead.  
I wonder if Glenn taught Maggie how to hot write a car?  I miss my baby Glenn.
Apocalypse Popeye is several fries short of a Happy Meal.  What else is new on this show, lol?  
I care for Maggie.  Mostly for nostalgia’s sake and Glenn and Baby Hershel but damn, man.  She’s not actually proven herself got be worth killing your entire “family” for.  But are too far gone, so.  We’ll make allowances.  
I will say at least this episode is not as abysmally biring as last week’s episode.  
Leah finally giving Pope the throat punch he’s been asking for but I’m not fooled she’s on Daryl’s side here.  She’s always been on her own side.  
Look at Father G returning the favor for Maggie saving him in the tower.  Taking Deaver down!  Poor Deaver barely saw the light of day.  
Here comes that woman scorned part.  I can feel it.  
“Pope is dead.  Dixon murdered him.  He’s with the enemy.”  
Please, Angela.  I’m begging you.  Bring Carol into this story and ramp it the fuck up.  You been idling too damn long and the car is fast running outta gas.  
Bitch really has to die to framing Carol’s Pookie.  
Rosita and Lydia and Carol and Connie and Kelly and Magna have literally been holding up this damn show while Angela farts around with the Reapers bullshit.  Honorable mention goes to Aaron but these lovely, badass ladies been putting in the real work and not getting any of the glory.  You just know they’re tired AF.  
Not my babies Lydia and Judith being the cliffhanger!  Oh and Gracie.  Angela?!  A word.  
Listen.  Carol’s already done that fireworks trick.  That Reaper dude owes her royalties.  Granted, it was on a smaller scale but much more impressive for it because she was left to be the sharpshooter.  
Angela has a point.  It is kind of cool how Team Family have learned from their enemies and assimilated their useful points into their own cache of knowledge.  
I truly feel like the Leah/Reaper storyline would have benefitted from a much stronger actress.  Just saying.  
I know Judith annoys some with her precociousness but Cailey just keeps teeing off on what they give her and personally?  I feel she’s so very talented and light years beyond her little acting counterparts so it still works.  
“They’re never gonna choose each other over the people that they’ve loved and fought for because they simply cannot really trust each other.  There’s sort of, like a toxicity at the base of that relationship.”  Straight from Angela’s mouth.  
“At the end of the day, Daryl chose his family.”  Yeah, he did.  That “I belong with you” shit only happened when he felt they were all gone, including the one he loved above all others--Carol.  Fight me.  
Overall impression of the episode?  
On its own, disregarding how much I can’t help resenting how much time I feel has been “wasted” setting this story up, it was much more entertaining than Episode 7 which was only epic in that it was an epic bore.  There was still too much focus on the Reapers when I just just kept wanting to see what was happening at ASZ.  I mean, they cheated us out of Carol and Connie and Kelly working together. Of Aaron and Magna.  Call it personal preference coloring my opinions if you want, but the characters I care about feel like they’ve been shown the backseat for this self-indulgent exploration of Angela’s OC and her version of self-insert FF with Daryl Dixon.  If we can return to Team Family?  The whole Team Family and not just Maggie and Co. against the world?  You’ve got me.  If not?  Well.  You’ll keep losing me by degrees and you don’t want to do that on the final season.  
Anyway.  The ASZ parts were my favorites per usual.  The episode could have used a lot more of those.  
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grilledpasta · 3 years
Only Us Chapter 1 sneak peak part 2
Hey Everyone! Here’s another chunk from chapter 1 that I would love to share with you guys. Any feedback is appreciated! Um the first part is like two posts down, so if you haven’t read that, def do that! No pressure :)
Dinner that night went smoothly all things considered. Leo actually finished most of his plate this time, even if he missed one or two vegetables, Isabel wouldn’t complain. As she looked around the living/dining room area a smile couldn't help forming on her lips (even with having a two year old bouncing up and down on her leg determined to wipe every crumb she could reach from the table onto her). Here at her mothers orphanage there were eight kids in total that Isabel had come to know and care for during the past two years.
It's good that at least once a week we can all be together like this, she thought to herself. Sitting on the couch typing on his laptop was Benjamin, the oldest at fifteen, nearly half way through highschool, and a big brother figure to all the kids. Honestly Isabel wouldn’t know what she and her mother would do without him, ever since he had shown up a year ago he had been a huge help with the little ones. Across the room sitting on the floor building a block tower with Leo was Sofia, who was only a year younger than Benjamin but somehow already an inch taller (She playfully told Ben that she was like his big sister, much to his chagrin). Even though second oldest, Sofia had been here at the orphanage longer than any of the other children. Before Isabel had shown up, she was the primary way to help wrangle the younger kids whenever Miss Valdez had to run out on an errand.   I would have wanted her to be my big sister, thought Isabel, knowing the sweets that Sofia would sneak the other kids every once in a while, where exactly she got them baffled Isabel to this day. Nearby, sitting in an armchair with her head buried in a book was Sofia’s little half sister Olivia. At only twelve years old she was the house's form of musical entertainment. She had a recent natural gift for the guitar and violin (both heavily encouraged by Isabel and her Mom of course), and when she didn’t have a book in her hand she was busy serenading the local market and street corner. Thankfully she’s gotten considerably more in tune these past few months, Isabel smiled.
Isabel whirled around in her chair, one arm wrapping tightly around two year old Emilia who was still sitting with her. Looking into the kitchen there was a broken plate that had somehow magically fallen off the top dish shelf. Luckily it didn’t look like anyone was hurt, and the culprit (standing smugly with his hands behind his back) was little ten year old Valentino. Nearby his twin sister Valentina (who was half way opening up a cake box that was sitting on the counter) shook her head at her brother.
“I told you that you should have just gone for the bigger plate in the bottom drawer”. Suddenly she froze as two hands grabbed her shoulders from behind,
“I ran down in the basement for ten segundos! Hands off the cake Valentina, that is for Zoe’s party tomorrow!” Miss Valdez scolded. Eyeing the mess of the broken porcelain scattered on the floor she walked over and checked that Valentino wasn't cut. She called over to the dining room,
“Ben could you grab the dustpan and the small broom for the broken plate? Be careful”.
He nodded, “Already on it”, as he was already hurrying over to the door that led to the garage. Sofia poked her head into the kitchen curious to the commotion.
“What have the two terrors done now?” she asked aloud. The older woman shook her head,
“Enough damage for one night” glaring at the twins. Then she sighed, “Sofia could you please take them both upstairs and ready for bed? I have to finish the final finishing touches here”.
Sofia grabbed each of the twins arms, “C'mon you two, bedtime, big day tomorrow” she scolded as she started to lead them upstairs.
“But it was V’s idea!” They both said pointing at each other. Sofia rolled her eyes,
“Yeah I’ve heard that one before, now let's go! Or no bedtime story!”. Shocked, the twins raced up the stairs not bearing the thought of missing out on one of Sofia’s legendary tall tales.
Isabel smirked as she watched the scene unfold, Ah the V twins, or as aging Miss.Gonzalez next door called them “pequeños demonios!” or “little demons”. Spunky as they were, Isabel had yet to teach them the finer art of not actually getting caught when it came to their misadventures.
Isabel ran a hand through her hair and looked down at the toddler in her arms who was now giving a big yawn and rubbing her eyes. Isabel’s heart couldn't help melting into a puddle, “Ready to go to sleep too hermosa?” pulling a strand of Emilia’s red curly hair behind her ear. Wrapping her little arms around Isabel as she picked her up, Emilia yawned,
“Red tell Leo and me bedtime story?”.
Isabel smiled at her old nickname, “of course my little Scarlett Santarosa” she said tickling the bottom of Emilia's tiny foot. She giggled, “I like that name!”.
Isabel took Leo’s hand as he piped up “I want my own code name too Izzy!”. She laughed, “Well how about Player, since you like making up and winning your own games so much?”.
Leo frowned “Who would have a code name like that? I like game master!”.
Isabel almost tripped the final step up the stairs as she blew hard out her nose in laughter, “alright game master, let's get our teeth brushed, faces washed, and then pajamas, help Emilia too yes?”.
She put down Emilia as Leo took her hand and they walked over to the bathroom, “Then story?” he asked over his shoulder. She smiled, “I’ll be back upstairs soon, then story”.  *****************
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screensirenfic · 3 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 20 - Father And Daughter
“Do you think she’ll be okay..?-“
A voice cut through the void; it’s tone and pitch familiar to her, yet the words were all wrong, like they actually cared about her past mutual teasing and passing attraction.
“Shhh; shut up..! And stop crowding her; you’re getting crumbs all over her clothes-!”
Scolded another; this one more in character, yet she could still hear the concern in their voice.
“I’m not crowding; I’m just watching-“
The first voice objected; though come to think of it, she could feel what felt like someone’s breath on her face; warm and soft, with the hint of something sweet.
“You can watch her from over there; you psych-“
Argued the second voice; the sound still sounding pretty damn close for someone who was saying they should give her space.
“Shit; I think she’s waking up-!”
Muttered the second voice; the sound retreating as if it was moving away, perhaps actually heeding the other’s words.
She forced herself to open her eyes, eyelids fluttering as they fought against the light, the room foggy and foreign to her.
Greeted voice number two; revealed to be Satoru judging by how he was still munching on some sort of kids cereal bar; the boy spraying crumbs as he spoke with little regard of where they got.
Said Getou; the boy perched on the opposite side of her bed, his elegant face spread into one of those rare smiles that revealed how relieved he was to see her awake and well.
“Thank God; you’re all right!”
He continued, his face almost pained as he went in for a hug; the distinct and calming smell of green tea and mint flooding her senses as enveloped her in his arms.
“Well, yeah; why wouldn’t I be?”
She asked, surprised and kind of pleased with his uncharacteristic emotionality; this kind of behaviour usually coming from Satoru, though that would have probably only been to cop a feel.
“You don’t remember..?”
Asked Getou, his arched brows lowering into a frown as he released her from his hold, her body kind of mourning the comfort his arms gave.
She just shook her head; her mind foggy and weird as if she’d just woken up from a very long nap, but she guessed she kinda had..?
She remembered the castle… and the Curse… and the glass shards on the floor… and a woman…
There was a lot of blood… Too much of it… And she couldn’t do anything…
And then that thing; that Cursed Thing, it got Getou, and now it had Gojo too…
“Mikasama; you’ve been out for two weeks…”
Explained Getou gravely, that deep frown marring an otherwise pretty face with a worry that shouldn’t be shown on someone so young.
“What do you mean..? We were just in Himeji this morning..?”
She asked; already very confused when she so distinctly remembered them catching the train mere hours before.
“Mika-Chan; that was two weeks ago…”
Confirmed Satoru; the boy’s rare sincerity being enough to convince her of their words, though she supposed the strangeness of the bedsheets might’ve helped.
She wasn’t in their shared hotel room in Himeji, nor was she lying in her own bed in her dorm.
If anything; this place was painfully bland with plain white walls and neutral furnishings; the air stiff with the smell of bleach and disinfectant.
“What..? But- how can that happen? How can I lose two weeks..?”
She wracked her brain to remember if she hit her head, or did anything that could have caused a concussion.
“We… don’t know…”
Admitted Satoru, both him and Getou looking across to each other as if their own ignorance bothered them.
“When you killed the Curse; you used up all your Cursed Energy and began to sap into your own…”
Explained Getou; the image of her fighting a Curse hard to picture, let alone killing one.
“I- But how is that possible..?! You guys are Special Grades, and you couldn’t kill it… How was i strong enough..?
She asked; trying to make sense of what she was being told as if she hadn’t lived it herself.
“You weren’t…”
Replied Satoru, her mind half expecting him to go on and tell her they were all dead and this weird infirmary was some sort of purgatory.
“You… kinda blacked out…”
Getou said; that word becoming uncomfortably synonymous with her as of late.
“Yeah. I seem to keep doing that.”
She said; kind of disappointed by her own weakness, even in the face of certain death.
“But hey; you didn’t miss much..!”
Added Satoru, always looking on the bright side of things, even when both him and Getou had been close to dying and she was in a hospital bed.
“Just a couple of painful shots and your dad parading round ranting and raving about how a Curse could eat a finger without us knowing-“
Satoru continued, her mind quickly reminded of the one person who was probably freaking out about this more than she was; the very same person who’d sent them on this suicide run.
“Seguru, Gojo; out.”
Like a demon summoned or an angel heralded, her father demanded her friends leave from the moment he darkened her door, those dark eyes furious even behind the shade of his glasses.
And this time round they didn’t argue; probably under the understanding that despite their strange friendship with Mikasama, this was family business, and Yaga-Sensei was her family.
“See you later; Mika-Chan…”
Smirked Gojo; the boy incapable of avoiding riling up her father for even a second; the sound of a tooth cracking audible as Satoru left the room.
Her father only addressed once his other students were cleared, the man hesitantly settling on the edge of her bed as if he felt he didn’t belong there; and maybe he didn’t.
He’d been estranged for so long, it felt weird for him to be offering her comfort, to pretend to be a good parent when he hadn’t even been there for her whilst her own mother, his wife, was dying.
“How… How are you feeling..?”
He asked; the question uncertain as if he wasn’t used to doing this.
“Well enough, considering the circumstances…”
She replied, fingers fiddling witty the thin wool of her blanket, their relationship seemingly unable to break past this strange formal dance of student and teacher.
“I’m… I’m sorry. I should’ve never have sent you on that mission. It was too dangerous-“
He began to apologise; the man sounding genuinely remorseful over his actions, as if he was meant to predict a Special Grade Curse would just pop up in the middle of a national monument.
“It’s okay. It’s not like you knew or anything…”
She shrugged, strangely calm despite knowing she could’ve so easily been killed.
“No; it’s not. I deliberately put you at risk. You weren’t ready-“
He refused to allow her to absolve him; already so intent on blaming himself for things beyond his control despite the knowledge that this was the Jujutsu equivalent of a freak accident.
“Dad; it’s okay…”
She insisted, reaching out to grab his hand where it bunched in her sheets; his tense fingers instantly relaxing on contact, the man finally realising it was okay to not beat himself up about it anymore.
“I don’t deserve you; Mikasama…”
He mumbled as if his own truths hurt him, his calloused fingers wrapping around her own as he squeezed down gently.
“I didn’t deserve either of you…”
He continued, cradling her hand in his grip like a baby bird; her mother’s death apparently still weighing on both their minds after so many months without.
“You’re late…”
A stern voice struck out from the far side of the dark room, its owner sounding like he’d almost expected it, but was displeased nevertheless.
“By 8 minutes…”
He continued; the now visible man checking his watch in between felting a particularly cute looking plushie.
“Never late enough to be disciplined, yet always late regardless. I thought I told you to fix that habit..?”
He asked as he refused to lift his gaze from where his large needle stabbed into the soft toy.
“Come on; cut me some slack! What’s the point in griping about 8 minutes if you’re only making dolls anyway..?”
Satoru replied, arrogant even with his superiors, and that arrogance hadn’t gone unnoticed; the felting man stabbing his needle in particularly hard as his dark eyes rose up behind his sunglasses.
“Hey dad!”
Mikasama said suddenly, breaking the tension between the two men as she quickly crossed the room, enveloping the man in a warm hug that left no doubts he was her flesh and blood.
The man smiled for the first time, the sight almost jarring considering how intimidating he’d looked earlier, one of his thick arms wrapping up and around her back in a mutual embrace.
It was weird. 
This man was weird!
Making stuffed dolls whilst dressing like a video game villain, berating the Strongest Sorcerer Alive, whilst hugging Mikasama like she was just a little kid.
The whole thing left Yuji the most confused he’d felt yet, and that was saying something.
“Is this the boy..?”
Her father asked from over her shoulder, gradually releasing Mikasama so he could get a better look at the pink haired kid.
“Yes. Yuji; this is Masamichi Yaga, my father and the principal of Tokyo Jujutsu Tech, dad; this is-“
She began to make formal introductions, stepping back a little so they could see each other more clearly, only for Yuji to step forward to introduce himself.
“My name is Yuji Itadori; Sir…”
Barked the kid like this was some kind of military camp; Mikasama almost surprised he went for the formal bow rather than a full on salute.
“I like sports and girls like Jennifer Lawrence-“
Yuji continued; the boy almost hitting himself over the stupidity of the last part, everyone present knowing hard and well that Masamichi didn’t care what kind of posters he had up on his bedroom wall.
“Why are you here?”
Asked her father; his words dark and ominous as if he’d already weighed the spirit in Yuji’s soul and found it wanting.
“For an interview, Sir…”
Yuji stated the obvious, the kid still managing to bow on every word like some sort of mating dance.
“No; why are you here at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech..?”
Her father clarified; the question coming across as deceivingly simple, only if she hadn’t watched this conversation play out a thousand times before.
“To learn Jujutsu Sorcery..?”
Yuji replied, going with the most obvious answer in the circumstances, and yet it wasn’t the one her father wanted to hear.
“But why? You’ve witnessed the damage Jujutsu can cause; the hell our Sorcerers have to face. Why would you put yourself through that if you don’t even have some sort of plan for after you graduate..?”
Her father continued to question; the man in disbelief that anyone could walk into the world of Jujutsu Sorcery unless they were born into it, or entirely ignorant of what it entails.
“My plan is to collect the remaining pieces of Sukuna and destroy them. They’re too dangerous to leave-“
Yuji began to explain what seemed like a sound game plan, and yet her father was not convinced.
“But why..?!”
Her father objected, sounding almost like an annoying toddler as he shot down every attempt from Yuji to explain.
“Murder, accidents, illness; people die everyday in unforeseen circumstances, and yet when a Curse is involved, that is somehow different..?”
Her father spoke; his words sounding more personal and heartfelt, and she wondered If he was actually speaking to Yuji, or himself.
“I wanna help people; I don’t care about how or who or why, but that was the last request made to me by my grandfather-“
Yuji spoke from both the heart and the stomach, his words pure and true, and yet something about them enraged her father.
“Last request?! You’re going to throw yourself in danger and possibly get killed over someone else’s wishes.?!”
Her father spat as if disgusted by the thought; the concept of dying wishes foreign to him over the years.
He left his verdict on Yuji’s verbal application, rejecting it outright on the grounds of him having no selfish reasonings behind joining up.
“Wait?! What-!”
Objected Yuji, his words cut off when the plushie Masamichi was making suddenly sprang to life, launching straight at Yuji and sucker punching him in the face.
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redhoodieone · 4 years
Panties or Us
This is a short fic. Fluffy and a little smutty (but not as much as I usually do). I wanted to write something with emotion and feelings for once, and I think I’m starting to get the hang of the fluffiness. 😊
A little practice goes a long way. And I apologize in advance for any spelling errors or just shitty ass mistakes in general.
Warnings: Language, Sexual Content, and Misunderstandings.
Panties or Us
It’s no surprise Jason Todd is hot. Scratch that; it’s no surprise that he’s fucking sexy. Anyone would have to be blind to not see it, I mean, men and women everywhere have shown interest in him and even admire him enough to either want to be him or be with him.
I suppose my crush on him grew as fast and hard like a man’s erection when he took me under his wing. As a matter of fact, the whole Batfamily is training me as well:
Dick is my emotional support.
Tim is my technology support.
Damian is my meditation support.
Barbara is my sister support.
Bruce is my father figure support.
Alfred is my saint support.
And Jason is my training/fighting support.
Initially, he hated the idea of having “train” me. He tried to say he didn’t have time to be a “master” to a “grasshopper”, and had insisted Dick or Tim to take me. But after Bruce lectured him that he should have some sort of new responsibility to keep him out of trouble, Jason reluctantly agreed.
But that doesn’t mean he ever went easy on me.
For the first four months of our new partnership, it was a complete horror movie. We constantly argued. We constantly butted heads and had stormed off like bickering couples. We constantly found the need to hate each other more than ever.
And it was all because we didn’t know what to expect from the other.
Jason had always expected me to be fast, smart, and on my feet for anything and everything. Days of grueling workouts, late night stake outs, protein shakes daily, and lessons of self defense and some weapons.
NightBat, my superhero identity, is still considered the newest member of the Batfamily even though I have been working with them for over a few years. But luckily, I’ve learned how to fight well and even use guns with rubber bullets like Jason.
So, in a way, I became exactly like Jason.
But I never thought I could like him. Hell, I never thought I would ever like him-like him.
And believe me, I never thought I could ever fall in love with him.
But I did, and I’m in love with him.
I’m in love with Jason Fucking Peter Todd.
But being in love with Jason Todd is everything.
It hurts.
It’s confusing sometimes.
It’s beautiful.
It’s difficult.
It’s perfect.
It’s unfair.
Oh, boy...whoever said being in love with Jason Todd isn’t fair is lying.
Whoever said, “Being in love with Jason Todd is all sunshine, sex on heaven’s clouds, happily ever after, and all’s fair in life!” Is WRONG!!!
Because right now, it’s not fucking fair how Jason is staring down at the city with his back turned to me.
It’s not fucking fair how his thighs flex when he rearranges his gun holsters and how it makes me want to grind deliciously on those big muscular thighs.
It’s not fucking fair how I want to run my hands underneath his leather jacket just to feel his strong back and make him moan for me.
And it’s not fucking fair how he makes me want to drop to my knees and BEG him to let me suck his big hard cock.
Fuck. It’s also not fucking fair how I want to please him before he pleases me!
None of this is fucking fair. There. I admit it! I admit that I’m acting like a horny, spoiled bitch on the inside. And it’s not very pretty and lady like.
But how else am I supposed to behave and think when someone like Jason Todd is a sex God on a stick? He’s a delicious snack for fucks sake!
And how can I focus on saving people when all I can feel and think about is how wet my panties are?
“Why do I feel your eyes burning in the back of my head?”
Jason’s voice startles me. I stumble back and release a nervous sigh.
“I’m not. I swear!”
Yes, because I’m really staring at your fucking body, Jason.
Jason turns around to face me. He removes his trademark red helmet and holds it under one arm, while he digs into his jacket pocket with the other; while keeping his beautiful, addictive-staring blue eyes on me.
“Really? Do you honestly expect me to believe that?”
“Yes, because it’s the truth.”
Jason smirks. “You’re a horrible liar, sweetheart. You’re just as awful as Tim! Maybe that’ll be our next lesson for next week!”
He finally pulls out a Butterfinger candy bar from his pocket. He rips an end open and takes a big bite.
I softly whine when Jason moans in satisfaction at the taste and when he licks his lips. I suddenly want a taste.
Another thing that’s fucking not fair.
“Want a bite?” Jason asks me with a mouthful.
“Um...okay,” I say weakly.
Jason hands me the candy bar. I slowly and cautiously raise the sweet chocolate to my mouth and take a decent bite. It’s delicious. It’s a satisfying treat.
But it’s not as sweet as Jason, I imagine.
I hand over the candy bar back to Jason but he somehow looks offended at me. He pushes my hand back.
“Oh, come on, Y/N! Take a real bite! I’m not going to get pissed if you do,” Jason urges.
“But it’s yours, and I don’t want to eat it all,” I insist, handing it back to him.
“But I’m sharing it with you, doll. That’s why I offered it to you, so we can share it.”
Fuck...the way he calls me “sweetheart” and “doll” makes me feel all tingly inside. I almost believe and feel like I’m his girlfriend. The way my heart beats fast and slows down whenever he’s near me or far away makes me believe in it more than anything, because Jason is the only guy to ever do that to me.
But “sweetheart” and “doll” are common nicknames he uses for attractive women and close female friends.
And I’m just another female friend to him.
I sign heavily in defeat. “Okay,” I say, while taking a bigger bite of the candy bar. While chewing and tasting the dessert, I instantly notice Jason is staring at me with such intensity.
His pupils are blown wide.
His mouth is parted and he’s breathing almost hard.
He consciously or unconsciously licks his lips while watching me lick my own to make sure I don’t have any crumbs on me.
“Uh...here,” I say softly, and hand half the candy bar back to him. “I ate my half so the rest is yours. You can finish it.”
Jason reaches out to grab it but ends up pulling me instead by my wrist. My chest collides to his, and he gazes down at me with lust in his eyes.
“I rather have something else...and I’m not in the mood to finish it anytime soon,” he reveals in a deep voice. I shiver at just hearing him speak and feeling his hot breath on me.
I stare at him with confusion. “Wait, what?” I choke out, as he shuts his eyes and lowers his head to chuckle at me.
“You heard me,” Jason smirks.
But I’m confused. I’m literally confused right now!
“I’m sorry, Jay. I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” I admit quietly.
“You seriously don’t know what I’m talking about, Y/N?”
“I-I really don’t,” I whisper.
Jason immediately purses his lips and stares at me as if he’s trying to decide if he believes me or not. I stare back at him with anxiousness.
“You don’t believe me.”
I open my mouth to say something but I can’t. All I can do is stare at him in shock.
“You know I really like you, right?” Jason asks me. He smiles at me, and it makes my heart swell. “Y/N, you’re my babe. You’re my girl. You’re everything I want.”
I finally find my voice. “You-you like me? You really like me?”
Jason frowns. “Of course, I really like you! Why else would I have spent all this time with you? Why else would I have fought so fucking hard to be chosen by Bruce to be your mentor? I had to literally beat Dick’s and Tim’s ass to be with you!”
“But-but you didn’t want to be my mentor! You hated it! You hated me! You always bitched and whined about having to train me and spend all your time with me!” I say defensively.
Jason throws his head back and bursts out laughing. I immediately frown, my cheeks burn with embarrassment, and I instantly feel like I’m about to cry. Standing in front of someone as strong, handsome, fearless, and beautifully broken like Jason, while wanting to cry is intimidating.
A nightmare, really.
I want to run away. I want to run so far away from here that even detectives like Bruce and Tim could never find me.
Because just the thought of Jason seeing me cry and feel stupid is more painful than being alone and lost.
I can’t help but shake in embarrassment. My bottom lip quivers and my cheeks become wet from the few tears that refused to stay in my eyes.
Jason glances down at me for a second and quickly notices me crying and looking red in shame. His smile is gone. He’s concerned and looks ashamed for his actions. He gently reaches to wipe away my tears.
“Oh, sweetheart, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry if I made you feel upset and embarrassed. I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. I was only laughing because I never once hated you or hated being with you,” he reveals softly.
“But...but you did,” I choke out sadly. “You
always acted like a total asshole to me.”
“Y/N, the only reason why I acted like a total asshole to you is because I was always lectured by Bruce to keep my feelings in check. He didn’t want me to like you more than a friend. He didn’t want me to flirt with you, didn’t want me to ask you out, didn’t want me to sleep with you, and didn’t even want me to get in a relationship with you,” Jason confesses. He lifts my chin up so I can look into his devastated eyes. “I wanted you ever since I met you, Y/N. I wanted to be the one you crushed on. I wanted to be the one you’d turn to for help. I wanted to be the one you’d run to if you needed someone to hold you. But I couldn’t. Bruce said if I broke any of his “golden” rules that he would replace me with Dick or Tim. But I couldn’t let him do that. I couldn’t let either of them take you away from me, just when I got you. That’s why I had to act like an asshole. If I acted like I didn’t care and didn’t want to be around you, I really thought that no one could find out how I honestly feel about you. But I guess you really believed what I was trying to sell you...”
I wipe my cheeks from the fresh set of tears that fell.
“But...what were you trying to do tonight then?”
Jason finally grins and brings me closer to him. He gazes lovingly at me.
“Y/N...I’m been trying to flirt with you all night here!” Jason confesses with a soft laugh. He lifts his head back up and looks at me with such adoration.
But I can’t help but feel like all this isn’t real.
Am I dreaming?
Did I fall off this big ass building and die?
Is Scarecrow fucking around with me with his scary-ass gas?
I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. I can’t help but stare at Jason with confusion.
Jason laughs nervously and moves both hands to hold my waist. I suddenly notice he dropped the candy bar just so he can hold me instead. He even looks down to see what I’m looking at, but he doesn’t say anything or even react.
His eyes are back on me, and he won’t look away for anything.
“Can you please say something? Can you please say anything before I fall apart in front of you?” Jason whispers. He’s so anxious. I’ve never seen him like this before. “I’ll hate myself more than I’ve ever had.”
“I-I really didn’t know you felt that way about me Jason,” I admit. I don’t necessarily know what to say, because I’ve never thought Jason would ever feel this way about me. “I just don’t know if you and I-“
“Okay! I get it! If you don’t feel the same way I feel about you, then just don’t say anything! I’ll understand. Fuck! Because why would a beautiful, smart, kind girl like you want with a total fucked up, zombie like me?! No one! Don’t even explain it to me, Y/N! Don’t get your fucking panties in a twist!” Jason snaps angrily. He removes his hands off me and takes a step backwards.
Jason appears really embarrassed and rejected; he looks as if he’s about to cry.
Because he confessed his true feelings for me. And he truly believes I don’t feel the same way about him like he does about me.
But I do feel the same way.
I love Jason.
But I’m afraid to say it right now, because Jason didn’t say he loved me. He just has feelings for me.
And Jason is about to leave me right now. He’s going to run away until he moves on and can face me again.
But I don’t want him to leave me. I don’t want him to think I don’t have feelings for him.
So, I think of something instead.
I’ll flirt back...just a little.
“Who says I’m wearing any panties?” I smirk.
Jason’s face falls. “What?” he splutters.
“I always go commando in this costume,” I shrug and smile at him. “It’s comfortable.”
I swiftly turn around and walk to the other side of the roof, just so Jason can have a good view of my ass. I know he’s flustered, and still spluttering all by himself. I turn back towards him and grin cockily.
“You’re not uncomfortable with that, or anything right Jay? I mean, you were honest with me a while ago, and I want to be honest with you, too,” I say innocently.
Jason finally looks like he’s got control over himself. He tries to smirk back at me. “No. I’m not uncomfortable at all. But I may need to see some evidence,” he reveals with a dark, lustful grin. “You know, so I won’t get distracted by you.”
I slowly walk backwards until I glance behind me and see an easy escape. “Well, then come and get me! If you catch me, I’m yours!” I shout, before I shoot from my grapple gun and jump off the roof; swinging to the other side.
“I’ll get you, Y/N. I’ll always come for you,” Jason confesses, as he runs fast to the edge to jump and chase after me. Just to find out if I’m wearing panties.
A game that’ll definitely lead to more.
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And the last one from me, I promise: I'm really craving some WinterIron 'identity porn' where Iron Man is a villain (not really, but the media and SHIELD say so) and Bucky feels really bad for liking this guy who's his enemy. Plus this Tony Stark fella is kind of cute too... Thank you for your writing! ♡
Thank you! I hope you like this as it also fills one of my squares for @starkbucksbingo
Title: Secret Side in Plain Sight Collaborator Name: iam93percentstardust Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24806083/ Square Filled: B1 - First Date Ship/Main Pairing: Winteriron Rating: T Major Tags & Triggers: Identity Porn, Villain Iron Man, First Dates Word Count: 1811 Summary: In an attempt to get over his crush on Iron Man, the Avengers' nemesis, Bucky asks out the cute baker who lives down the street. For his part, Tony would be delighted that Bucky's finally asked him out - if only someone hadn't stolen his suit.
Just because Bucky knew that asking Iron Man out was a bad idea didn’t mean that he was willing to admit it. 
Look, Sam had good points sometimes but Bucky categorically refused to admit it. They had had this animosity since they met two years ago and that wasn’t going to change anytime soon. So yeah, Bucky knew that he couldn’t just ask Iron Man out but because it was Sam who pointed it out as a bad idea, he couldn’t just admit it. 
Besides, it wasn’t like Iron Man was really a villain, no matter what SHIELD and the media tried to paint him as. No one who was actually a villain stopped their “evil and nefarious plans,” as Iron Man put it, to save a little girl from a burning building. And yeah, okay, maybe it was Iron Man’s fault that the building was on fire in the first place but Bucky had been there when the building had caught flames. He’d heard the shock in Iron Man’s voice as he realized the fire department hadn’t been able to put out the fire in the warehouse next door and it had spread to the surrounding buildings, the horror when Sam had said he wouldn’t be able to get to the girl in time.
No villain—a true villain anyway—reacted like that. They would have left the girl to die.
But Bucky still knew it was a bad idea to ask him out, even if he was flirty and didn’t mind his metal arm. He could picture that cocky smile in his mind’s eye, imagine those pretty, dark curls, those whiskey brown eyes…Okay, so maybe he was imagining his other crush as the mysterious Iron Man but really who could blame him? They were both wicked smart and snarky and maybe just the tiniest bit arrogant but both Tony and Iron Man had good reason to be arrogant. Tony was the best baker on the East Coast and Iron Man had yet to be stopped by anyone. He didn’t think they could be blamed for being cocky about it.
Point was, he knew that he couldn’t just ask out Iron Man but he could do something about his crush on Tony (and no, he was not pining, no matter what Sam and Steve said). So he was there, standing in front of Sweet Treats at the end of the day, waiting for the evening rush to clear out so he could go inside and ask Tony out and hopefully not make a fool of himself in the process—though if he did, well, that was why he waited until just before closing.
“Bucky Bear!” Tony said delightedly as soon as he entered. “Come here, I’ve got this great new flavor of cupcake that I want you to try. The bakery-that-shall-not-be-named down the street tried something similar a few weeks ago and everyone’s been going to them for cupcakes now which is obviously ridiculous but it means I have to step up my game which, not like it’s hard—hello, have you met me? Anyway, it’s—”
“Baby doll, you’re babbling,” Bucky said with an amused smile. Christ, he liked this man.
“Oh yeah. Anyway, here.” Tony shoved half a cupcake into Bucky’s mouth before he could say anything else or even take it from him. Bucky almost choked on it before he remembered how to chew and swallow.
“Amazing, Tony, as always,” he said truthfully, licking the last little bit of crumbs from his lips. “Kind of spicy. What’s in them?”
Tony seemed frozen, staring at his mouth with a dazed expression on his face. “What?”
Bucky chuckled. That’s promising, at least. “The cupcakes. What’s in them?”
“Oh! Mangoes and jalapeños. I’m thinking about trying out a lime buttercream frosting on them, something like a margarita, you know?”
“And what’s Cake—”
“Ahem!” Tony said loudly, glaring at him.
“Sorry. What’s the bakery-that-shall-not-be-named doing?”
“Just jalapeño. They’ve got some sort of cinnamon frosting and spicy candy on top but I think mine is better.”
“It is,” Bucky assured him.
“You haven’t even tried theirs!” But Tony looked positively ecstatic to hear about Bucky’s loyalty so he knew he was doing something right at least.
“Don’t have to. Yours is always better.” He cleared his throat, scuffing his foot on the clean floor. “So, listen, I was thinking—”
“Could you flip the sign on the door for me?”
“What? Oh, sure.” He headed over to the door, flipped the open sign to closed. He probably could have asked then but he thought that asking Tony out should be a face-to-face conversation. “Tony, we’ve been—”
A timer went off in the small kitchen in the back. “Oh fuck,” Tony whispered. “The macarons.” He darted for the back, Bucky trailing after him, probably looking like a lost duckling. He was allowed in the back. Tony had given him permission after the sixth time he’d shown up at closing time, just to talk to the cute baker, and hadn’t wanted to end the conversation so Tony could rescue a batch of cupcakes from the oven. For as talented as Tony was, he had to throw out half the things he baked because he got distracted easily and forgot to take care of them before they were ruined.
Fortunately, the macarons were not one of the ruined batches—this time—and as Tony was setting them into individual containers to sit overnight, Bucky started to ask again, “Hey, I was wondering if you wanted—”
“Can you hand me that—"
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Bucky hissed. “Will you go out with me or not?”
Tony blinked up at him. “Try that again?”
“You, me, dinner? Maybe not tonight but tomorrow?”
Tony blinked again, slow enough that Bucky wondered if he was maybe about to get turned down, but then a delighted smile spread across Tony’s face. “I’d love to,” he breathed.
“Yeah?” Bucky asked, double checking. He almost wanted to tell Tony that he’d already said yes, there were no take backs, but they were decidedly not children, no matter how they acted sometimes.
He nodded eagerly. “Yeah. Tomorrow, you said? Do you have a place in mind? Cause if you don’t, I know this great little Italian restaurant. It’s near my place and if you want, afterwards—”
“Whoa, doll,” Bucky said, laughing as he laid a finger on Tony’s lips. “Wanna take my time with you. Wanna do this right.”
The look in Tony’s eyes could best be described as pouting but he kissed the tip of Bucky’s finger, giggling when Bucky groaned. “I can do slow,” he promised. “So. What did you have in mind?”
“You like burgers?”
He had no idea how he managed to pick out Tony’s favorite food. They had talked before, about Tony’s Italian mother and how that instilled a love of pasta in him, about Bucky growing up in the Depression and how he thought he hated chicken but really he just hated under-seasoned, overcooked meat. He counted himself lucky that Fury hadn’t seen a point in hiding the fact that Bucky Barnes was back after spending most of the last century as the world’s greatest assassin because it meant that he could share things like his past with Tony without being worried that he would inadvertently reveal something he wasn’t supposed to. And, in return, Tony told him about growing up wealthy, as one of the Starks, and about how he’d walked away from his parents’ company after they died, leaving it to become Stane Industries.
“You must really hate Iron Man, then,” Bucky had commented idly, not really fishing for information on his other crush but still curious. Iron Man almost exclusively went after Stane technology and warehouses.
To his surprise, Tony had given him a guarded look. “Why would you say that?” he’d asked warily.
“Cause that was your parents’ company he’s attacking even if it’s not anymore.”
“Maybe I think it’s good. Maybe I think I left SI because I didn’t want to make weapons anymore but I couldn’t talk the board into changing the direction of the company,” Tony had muttered, apparently forgetting that Bucky could hear everything he was saying. Well, it wasn’t like Tony could be Iron Man so it didn’t matter whether or not he liked what Stane was doing to the company. Whatever Tony’s thoughts were on Iron Man, it wasn’t important and had no effect on their date and Bucky really needed to stop thinking about Iron Man anyway. He had a date with someone cute and Iron Man was unattainable and just barely on the right side of being a villain anyway.
It was a little hard not thinking about Iron Man when he seemed determined to make sure that he was on Bucky’s mind at all times.
He and Tony had barely sat down at their table when his Avengers Card beeped, telling him about an upcoming mission. He groaned and fished out the card, scanning the details of the mission. Iron Man, of course. The villain had been particularly active over the last couple weeks but this one was new; Iron Man wasn’t attacking one of SI’s warehouses this time. He was attacking a children’s hospital.
“What the fuck?” Bucky muttered.
“Your other job?” Tony asked, smirking.
Bucky glared at him but there was no heat behind it. “It’s not like I’m a secret agent, baby doll. Ain’t no need to call it my other job. I’m the Winter Soldier and I’m an Avenger and we both know it.”
“But it’s just so fun,” he teased. “But, really, did something come up?”
“Yeah,” Bucky muttered. “Fucking Iron Man, ruining the first date I’ve had since the 40s.”
Tony frowned. “I’m sorry, did you say Iron Man?”
“Yeah. Look, I’m sorry, doll. Gotta go take care of this. Can we try again tomorrow? I was really looking forward to our date.” He leaned forward before he could think better of it and brushed his lips over Tony’s cheek.
Tony had a distracted look in his eyes but he blushed anyway. “Tomorrow sounds great. Good luck out there.”
Bucky was halfway to the door when Tony called after him, “And Bucky Bear? Be careful!”
Bucky grinned and saluted him. Tony cared about him. Tony didn’t want him to be hurt. He hardly even cared that Iron Man was acting outside of his usual modus operandi because Tony cared about him. They were gonna have another date tomorrow and everything was gonna be fine.
Tony waited until Bucky was gone before fishing his phone out of his pocket. He dialed Rhodey, impatiently drumming his fingers on the arc reactor under his shirt as he waited for him to pick up.
“Tones?” Rhodey said sleepily. “This better be important, do you have any—”
“Rhodey, who the fuck stole my suit?”
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