#in the chance my older sibling finds this and now knows i have a tumblr account. uh. hi may!! :D
moralcandy · 4 months
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technical difficulties
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my design of codeflippa and the reference image i made :D
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shkudss · 2 years
Weakened by Eywa Pt. 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Summary: Ao’nung finally realizes that his actions have consequences
Warnings: curse words, bullying, mental breakdown, English isn’t my first language
Author’s note: it my first Avatar writing, so I hope you like it! This idea was spontaneous and I’m not really good at writing, but I hope you’ll enjoy it! I’m still learning how to use Tumblr properly since I don’t really use it 🥲
Yawntutsyip - darling, little loved one
Yaymak - foolish, ignorant
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You thought that all these days when you flew to the water clans were the hardest in you life. Little did you know that life with Metkayina would be harder. You expected to finally live a normal life, doing your chores without being sacred to be shot by sky people. Now you’re safe, but things didn’t get better.
Since your arrival, these boys were bullying all your siblings, including you. You have no idea why it is important for Ao’nung to see totally similar to him Na’vis. You all are same avatars with slight differences that were unavoidable due to the environment you’re supposed to live in. Oh, yeah… supposed to live.
“What are you even doing here?”
“You’re so useless to our tribe”
“Go back to your monkey house”
All these words almost engraved in you mind without leaving space for other thoughts and hope. It’s been two weeks since you arrived and you still haven’t ridden an Ilu successfully, you can’t hold your breath as Metkayinas do. This makes you feel horrible and believe all these mean words.
“C’mon, Y/N, you can do it!”
Neteyam is trying to teach you how to deal with ilu and his voice is so calming, he really believes in you as an older brother. You wish you could just believe him, but insecurity lays too deep and securely in your mind.
“I don’t know… I can’t…”
Your voice was really soft and quiet as you’re the calmest child in your family. You don’t like loud sounds and fast actions. That’s just the way you are. Neytiri says that Sylwanin was just like you.
Despite being slower and more sensitive that other Sullys they loved and protected you with all their heart. Jake knew that Kiri and Tuk are different, they can deal with their problems a lot easier, while you cannot. When something bad to your family or yourself happens, you worry a lot and you won’t tell anyone about your worries unless they make you to. That was the hardest part of you character.
“Hey, are you okay? Do you need to take a break? We can continue tomorrow, don’t worry yawntutsyip.”
Neteyam was worried about your mental state, you were too quiet these days and it never meant anything good. Trying to make you speak about your feelings was completely impossible. You always think that your family has too much to worry about to burden them with your own issues. You want to be like Kiri and Tuk. That’s hilarious, Tuk is way younger than you but she’s able to deal with her emotions way easier than you.
“I’m good. Can we just take a break for like half an hour? I think my brain melts.”
You awkwardly smiled at the end trying to lighten the mood. Neteyam smiled back, feeling relief as you seemed to be just tired. He didn’t want you to hide anything from him and your family.
“Okay, yawntutsyip. I’ll go find Lo’ak and make sure his ass hadn’t get in trouble again. Kiri is on that side of the beach by the way. You can join her, she’s probably flirting with plants again. Let’s meet here in an hour.”
You laughed at his little joke about Kiri. But that’s a fact. Since you arrived here all she’s been doing is examining all local flora and fauna. You missed your time together in the forest, maybe now you’ll have a chance to talk and just be together.
“Tell me if something goes wrong.”
You knew this look. The big brother look. Sometimes you think how hard it would be for you to live without your family, the way you’re connected to them something really fascinating. And one of your love signs is time. Spending time with your family and each member is the way you show love, the way you feel protected and loved.
You see Kiri laying down in water and looking for something. She didn’t see anyone around, attracted by… water? You didn’t try to understand what’s going on in her mind.
“Hey, pandora geek.”
You stood in front of Kiri and the shadow from your body covered her. Only after that she raised her head and squinted at you.
“I thought you’re with Neteyam. What’s wrong?” She sat on the sand, water was covering her legs a little. You did the same thing, hugging your knees and placing your head on them.
“We took a break, my brain doesn’t work properly. I still can’t ride ilu.”
Hopeless sigh made your sister chuckle, but then she saw your eyes. They were full of sadness, you were not happy. Kiri felt guilt, as your sister she had to be with you, she forgot that Sullys stick together.
“What bothers you?” You were not sure if it’ll be okay to tell her everything. But you family always encourage you to speak what lays in your heart, so you decided to do it.
“There’s a lot… I miss home, I miss flying with you, Neteyam and Lo’ak around Hallelujah mountains.” You were vulnerable now and this is one of those rare moments when you opened your feelings easily. Kiri was the only one you did it with. You could feel tears coming to your eyes, you needed this. “I just miss our way of life. I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to get used to it. Especially, when you always hear…”
“Hey monkeys! Still can’t ride ilu? How can you be so yaymak? You’re both freaks!” you could recognize this voice in millions. “One sister has demon blood, another is too dumb to do things that even infants can do!”
Ao’nung and his friends were coming towards you. Kiri’s body immediately tensed, you could feel it.
“What do you want? Is there nothing to do?”
Ao’nung and his friends came closer and you both stood up. Kiri was looking at him angrily, ready to fight. You were supposed to have such a good conversation, opening each other your soul, but this bully spoiled everything.
“My goal for now is to get rid of such fake Na’vis like you two and your stupid little brother.”
You were furious, how dare he talk like this about your family. Yes, he did say mean things to you, but he still picked his words. Now it’s too much. Nobody can talk about your family this way.
“Shut up and don’t get close to me and my siblings!” You tried to get into protective sister mode. Kiri was shocked by the way you raised your voice. She’s never heard such tone from you before.
“Look at this! Little girl knows how to talk?” Ao’nung was teasing you and laughing with Roxto and the rest of his friends. “Maybe you’ll learn how to swim properly soon by the time my future brother or sister will turn 10. Hopefully.”
You clenched your fists, trying to hold all your emotions. Anger, offense, sadness. It felt like a hurricane of extremely high spectrum of emotions, which was hard for you to bear.
“Don’t you dare…”
You didn’t control yourself that you were coming closer and pushing him. The reason why you felt this way was in him.
He did this to you.
You didn’t care that he was taller than you and all you faced was his shoulders. You didn’t care that he barely moved as you tried to hurt him as much as he hurt you. All he did was laughing. It seemed like Ao’nung didn’t understand anything you said, like he didn’t see you breaking into pieces right in front of you.
“Calm down, you little skxawng!” It was a joke for him. For you it was your last piece of composure.
“You’re dumb! So dumb that you can’t even understand how much pain you give me! Every day I wish I don’t meet you so you won’t shower me with all your shit! Every night I cry myself to sleep because all your mean words you’ve said hurt me! And you don’t understand me, how can you be so mean?”
You were screaming at him and trying to hit, mental breakdown took over your senses. You could physically feel how your heart hurts and legs weaken. All sounds were heard as if from under the water, you didn’t see what’s going on around you. Someone’s holding your shoulders and pushing you to their chest to not let you fall on your knees.
“Don’t touch her!”
Furious voice sounded from afar. Neteyam. Your brother who always protects you, surrounds you with love you need. That’s why he calls you yawntutsyip. Little loved one.
You could feel your brother as he came closer to you. His steps were as heavy as his mood. When he saw you breaking down in front of this asshole and because of this asshole, he almost lost his temper. The way chief’s son was holding and looking at you, finally realizing that his actions have consequences. He had to drive you crazy to understand it.
“Back off! Now!”
He pushed Ao’nung as he got closer to him, taking off his hands off you. You didn’t realize it was him, who held you all this time. Was it long? Actually, everything happened in less than 2 minutes, but for you it was like an infinity.
“What happened?”
Lo’ak was here, he saw you crying in Kiri’s hands and Neteyam fighting with Ao’nung and his friends. He didn’t need to check on all details to punch Roxto and other guys.
“It’s fine, we’re here. Don’t worry.” Kiri was sitting with you and slowly swaying, while tapping your head to calm you down.
“I’m sorry, I…” that’s all you could say.
Neither you nor Kiri noticed how the fight stopped until Neteyam came closer and examined you. His eyebrow was cut so as his lower lip, but he didn’t care. Now he could feel only your pain.
“Yawntutsyip… my sister.”
“I’m sorry, Neteyam. I didn’t…” You were gasping for breath from crying, not being able to collect your thoughts.
“Shhh, that’s fine, you’re fine. We’re here, nobody will hurt you again.” Kiri gave you to Neteyam, he was calming you down repeating the same moves as Kiri did. You were crying, letting all pain, that was suppressed inside of your soul, to flow through you.
Your siblings knew that you need to feel it to let it go. That is the only way for relief.
“Let’s go home, yawntutsyip?” Neteyam’s voice was calming as always, he hated seeing you crying.
You just nodded in agreement, hiding your face in brother’s neck and holding him as if someone can take you from him in any moment.
Yes, most Na’vis are brave, ready to fight and protect their beloved ones. But you just can’t do it. You are the one who needs to be protected. Eywa created you that way and you can do nothing about it.
“Don’t ever come to our sisters, you little bitch! Are you so insecure that you’re afraid to battle with me and choose those who are weaker than you?” Lo’ak didn’t miss to say the last goodbye before following after all of you. He didn’t wait for the answer, he didn’t need it.
Ao’nung was standing up there and looking as your figures disappear. No words are in his mind, except for one.
I hope you liked it! I’m not sure if I’ll write the second part🫣 I have an idea but idk if it’s worth it, we’ll see!
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bluedalahorse · 6 months
Hi! I hope everyone is doing well. I am popping up to let you know that I’m alive, that there’s a lot going on, that I still love YR, and that I’m thinking about boundaries and priorities.
I loved Young Royals season three. I especially love how it engaged with the legacy of Erik and the systems of Hillerska. I love that it took the idea of the legal system providing catharsis and that it threw that out the window. I love the way characters got words for what they were going through, how Felice got to name the racism happening to her and August got words to name his disordered eating. Most of all I loved the way Lisa wrote Sara’s relationship with her father and her reconciliation with Simon. That meant so much to me, and I can’t wait to imagine a future for the Eriksson siblings.
Here is a brief list of things I loved about the finale. They were all written in the afterglow of seeing the episode. I stand by them. Especially how much I loved Wille’s ending, and what happened there.
In the coming weeks, I’m sure there’ll be stuff I’m more critical of or don’t feel as strongly about. I especially have mixed feelings about the way Lisa seemed to structure 3.5 in a way that mimics the emotional roller coaster of trauma. I’m not really focusing on that stuff here or now, because I don’t want to. But it’s on my mind, and I don’t know if I’ll end up posting about it here and elsewhere.
At present this post isn’t rebloggable or tagged with much of anything. That’s because I’m trying to figure out the best way moving forward with tumblr. I don’t know if I want to delete this blog and abandon it entirely, but the pressure to present a curated version of myself is too much, and is a pretty big trigger for things like rejection sensitivity and anxiety. The pace here is also too fast and there is no way to keep up with everything, and (forgive me for this cardinal sin in tumblr-land) I wish I had some easier way to not see the same sets of gifs a hundred times with the same commentary. I’m experimenting with slower ways of doing fandom, where I can enjoy myself more.
I do, however, want a way to get the cultural footnotes for Young Royals, especially when they help me write better fic and create better fanworks. I know there’s some pretty darn useful posts about how lines get translated and various holidays and traditions (and looking forward I would like to know more about universities in Sweden, and how the monarchy works and such.) So I want to be able to find the stuff I need without having to spend as much time on what I don’t need. The resource posts people make are truly helpful.
And I also have some other fannish things I want to see here, like Les Mis and Interview with the Vampire. And the memes are nice. I miss the memes.
Before I make the decision about how I engage, I think it will be useful for me to know my priorities. So I’ve thought about them a bit, and I want to make the decisions that align with my priorities. Here’s what I want to focus on moving forward:
I want to spend more time creating. The thing that has always brought me the most genuine joy in this fandom is writing fic. YRS3 ended in a place of possibility for so many characters, and I want to keep writing about them and learning about them that way. (I won’t even lie, of course most of my ideas are about August—August and Kristina working on their intergenerational cousin relationship, August getting pulled into weekly DND sessions with Wille and Simon so they can all get better at being human together while pretending to be elves or something, August doing the personal and liberatory work that allows him and Sara to one day have a Second Chance Romance with they’re older, even August/Nils because oh boy did that season give me ideas about them I never knew I had.) One of my goals is to cut down on browsing time significantly so that I spend more time writing, especially so I can finish Heart and Homeland. I think it’ll make me happier.
I want to spend more time helping others create. Some of the most meaningful experiences I had in this fandom involved being a beta reader or hearing out another person’s fic ideas, and getting to live in that space of creation and collaboration. For that reason, I’d like to still make new YR connections on occasion, especially with people who wanna share their writing process with me. Tumblr may or may not be a place to do that. I’m still figuring out where stuff should happen.
I want analysis to be something I do as part of my creative process, and that’s it. I don’t know if this is fully true, but it felt like ten years ago there was more fandom meta focused on what fans wanted to write in their fanfics, and how their interpretations of canon led to them creating cool art. There was some meta that was about how to interpret canon “correctly” but that wasn’t the priority. Now, it feels like—and this is true even outside of YR fandom, so this is no reflection on YR specifically—there is more emphasis on having the “correct” interpretation of canon. About getting it right, and having the right predictions and interpretations. It feels competitive in a way that wears me down. From this point forward, when posting analysis, I’m going to ask myself, is this furthering my creative pursuits and my understanding of the writing process more generally, or am I just trying to win an argument? If the answer is just to win, then I’m not going to post my argument. That runs counter to my goals.
I don’t want to engage in any space where anonymous discourse flourishes. Even when well-intentioned. Being away for a while was clarifying for me on that point. Turns out one of the biggest triggers for my anxiety and shame are extensive, heated conversations where I don’t know who is saying what and who I can trust. Spaces where there’s a lot of anon conversation are probably going to be ones I block and unfollow first moving forward. It just seems like a good baseline for how I engage.
So this is where I am as of now. I’ll probably continue to hold off on doing much posting in the coming days, but I did want to poke my head up for air for a second to let people know what the state of everything is.
Here’s one picture of the plushes for the road:
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And here’s a picture of the waffles I ate on finale day:
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Oh, to have cloudberry jam and time spent with friends. These things are truly joyous.
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donnerpartyofone · 2 months
I'm on your Tumblr because we used to be mutuals, but I'm more of a lurker these days and I've remade several times under different handles and understand exasperation/hesitation at refollowing. I'm sincerely not trying to bait anything here, it's just that I've been depressed for the majority of 2024, and I think a really bad habit I've fallen into is not expressing gratitude to those who have a genuine impact on me. I'm sorry if this is uncanny and too parasocial. I have always admired how incredibly self-possessed and well-spoken/read/watched/cultured you are. I get an older sibling vibe from you that I never had growing up. You are one of the smarter people in the room for me. Sorry I'm sending this on anon, you don't have to publish it, in fact I hope you don't! I think you're one of the best blogs on this site and many things you have posted/blogged about have caused me to dig deeper within myself. In recent times, I appreciate that you force a situationally depressed individual (me) to challenge themselves for the better, if that makes sense. I'm sorry if this is disturbing!
[posted with permission] Man I have not been able to wake up all day for some reason and I owe some writing tomorrow, so this is actually a really helpful warmup exercise to try to get myself moving/thinking. I really appreciate this. I think your idea about expressing gratitude is really important and it's something I've been trying to do also, though maybe in a broader sense, like if I see a really inspiring movie (or whatever) I try to follow the impulse to write to the filmmaker and tell them. In my mind there's this invisible wall between creators and "fans" and that's usually fake; it's very likely that the people who made some of your favorite media are not rich, their futures are not secure, and they don't even necessarily know how their work has affected people. Worst case scenario they don't write you back, but only a snob would be actually bothered, and sometimes you even make a friend. I think the same principle can be applied to, you know, bloggers or whoever. Certainly I run this blog for myself first and foremost and I don't think I would or could stop even if absolutely no one was paying attention--it's a real compulsion and I think it's reasonably healthy to find ways to be in conversation with yourself--but it's valuable to know when you've been understood by anyone at all.
Not to make it weird but in Hebrews I think there's that verse, "If today you hear the voice of God, harden not your heart." That's really powerful outside the bounds of religion. To me it means, when you get that shred of energy or inspiration that says "I could do the dishes right now," do them immediately before you can talk yourself out of it! When you get that little spark that is so easily snuffed out by overthinking and taking that dangerous minute to round up excuses, that spark that you might be able to do the laundry, send the letter, watch the tough movie you're "never in the mood" for, pick up the book instead of watching TV, take a fucking walk, whatever it is: if you practice surrendering to these impulses immediately, almost without deciding, your life can really start to expand. Actually I believe it literally keeps your brain alive, to keep making it process new information, even if it seems trivial or you don't fully feel like it. But anyway a lot of us don't follow the impulse to say to someone "Hey, I think you're doing a good job" because it's so easy to imagine lots of different reasons they won't like it. But honestly that's unlikely (as long as you're not demanding something in return), and if someone responds poorly to that then chances are they're kind of an asshole.
(I mean sometimes I fail to respond to a message or an obvious social cue but it's usually because I just get overwhelmed by other parts of life and/or I'm not extremely skilled in forming and maintaining connections in any normal way. But it's rare that somebody has tried to reach out to me and I was like secretly hating them for it.)
Depression is really hard to talk about--I mean it's easy to VENT about, but it can be hard to converse about. There's that (American?) thing where you feel like no one should say anything that isn't *CEO voice* solution-oriented, and that's when people either avoid the topic entirely or react with all kinds of unwelcome and/or irrational advice. I have the illusion of being all full of wisdom on this because I've been severely depressed since I was really little and obviously there's something wrong with my whole operating system, but one of my best friends--who is not naturally depressive--is in such a bad way and it's not her fault and possibly there is no way out for real, and of course I have the urge to pump her up and keep her afloat, but if I'm too positive it will be totally dishonest. I have to split the difference between cheering her up and like, not lying to her. I'd be a total hypocrite if I denied her the understanding and acknowledgement of darkness that I myself always want and rarely get. It's hard, but on the individual basis it's useful to try to map the nature of your own depression and notice how it operates; just observe and take notes even if you can't see a way to control it right now. It sounds like you're doing some of that, there is a lot of dignity in that activity.
These are my thoughts off the cuff, with any luck they provoke something useful. Now I feel like I'm finally ready to shower and have ill-advised beverages and do my stupid homework assignment. Thank you for your thoughts, and the helpful prompt, and I hope you have a good day and/or night, for real.
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thesovereignsring-if · 11 months
Granted this is anecdotal, but I recently was looking at the choicescript forum for Infamous, another IF that gets a lot of weird, obsessive hate for not being a power fantasy. The people obsessed with hating on Infamous seem to think there's been a wave of "doormat MCs" recently. The less harsh and hateful way to put that is there are less power fantasy IFs coming out right now. I don't know how true that framing is given the people that assert it, but if is true, then hopefully the needless stupid hate sent your way will die down when there's a wave of IFs considered acceptable by these dorks, and we can have our fun with our overly protective brothers and scheming ROs in peace.
Infamous has always been an IF game I've been wanting to read, but I never have the time or chance to do so. I'm currently going through 13League's Superstition right now ( Im only on Season 1 sob), unfortunately I read slowly, but hearing this just bumped it up the list on IFs to read lmaoo!!
It saddens me when authors get blasted for having 'doormat' or 'useless MCs' when its MC (or characters in general) who are victim (and are still victims) and a large part of their journey is grieving, overcoming grief, healing or being trapped in an unhealthy mindset/mental block. Yes I guess, it's fun to have the MC who bottles up everything inside and pretends everything okay and can punch and kick and insult their way as a show of dominance- but there's an underrated beauty in characters who are resilient in the face great adversity, who still choose to be kind and gentle despite being kicked down. It's easy to dip into the deep end, it's harder to stay afloat and trying to find the right balance is hard. Anyway I'm rambling, I'll always stand by authors to make their MCs as they please!! If everyone had the same narrative-dominating MC, we'd be no better than the current oversaturated power-fantasy isekai market lool.
For my own mental health, I don't go looking at any sort of forums/reddit on Interactive Fiction simply out of paranoia and imposter syndrome loooool. So I'm pretty clueless to any and all drama in the IF community. I don't think my poor heart could take it!!! I am a hermit to the core `(*>﹏<*)′ All the messages I get from tumblr and Itch are more than enough for me, so I'm always grateful for whatever shows up, even if the inbox overflows and swallows me whole haha.
I wrote this story because I needed loving, protective older siblings that aren't dead or missing in the narrative! I want healthy family dynamics I can destroy!! Sieghardt and Alberich were written for me!! I will die before I give them up!! 😡😡😡
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the-ellia-west · 5 months
Alright, so Geon. I haven't talked about this little man very much, so you probably have no idea who he is.
And it doesn't help that he's one of my favorite characters and I talk about him randomly with no context.
Soooooo.... Here's that context!
Geon is The Blind Prince of Rosel, Specifically the 6th of the King's Children.
So a little more context - The King of Rosel, Kayxhan (Kay or K for short) is a rat bastard of a man. He's good at keeping his country out of conflict with everything but conquering other countries. But the other 4 Big islands in the Five Star Archipelago are too strong, so he turned to the continent of Ahellis to the north.
There, he found a thriving community, new people, resources, and an abundance of people who are well acquainted with the world of magic. Obsessed with making the perfect weapon, he took the strongest sorceress he could find and had a child with her. Several trial runs happened where Geon's Ahelite half and full siblings all died (of natural causes). He was the only one who survived, but he was born blind, so the King gave up on that endeavor.
But despite his blindness, Geon was born with the powers the king wanted in his perfect weapon, the skills of a seer who can see the future without seeing at all, an empath who can feel the breath in the air, and resistant to the effects of temperature.
But from the moment he was old enough to walk, he was forced to wear a blindfold to cover the two main distinguishing features he gained from his mother. Deep violet eyes, and pointed ears. Because the king didn't want people knowing he had sex with a servant race. (Flawed logic there Kay)
Geon is a very sweet prince, being Raised by the very sweet sorceress who was allowed to live because the King well... Liked her. And also his older brother, Damian.
Damian was raised by a nanny, discarded because he was regarded as weak and expected to die when he was younger. But because of Ahelite magic stolen in the conquest, he survived and gained the strength to live, but didn't grow up to be like his father.
He is the only legitimate heir of the king, but he adamantly refuses to take the throne, convincing his father he's still weak so someone with more influence can have the power.
But despite this, Damian is smart and well-liked by his father and his people. He wants what's best for his kingdom and his family, which means he wants peace. And after the conquest, Ahellis will not stop starting revolutions because they hate this king.
And Damian knows that Geon is intelligent and Powerful, as well as being half Ahelite which has a good chance of making peace.
So Geon, being not very well monitored by his father because of his blindness, was given an aid to help him navigate, Trissa. An Ahelite Crafter's daughter.
Soon enough, being tutored by Trissa, Damian, and Damian's tutor, Geon grew into a competent prince and fell in love with Trissa.
But soon enough, his father took notice of his magic and decided to make him a real weapon this time, finally taking Damian's advice, and deciding to appoint him the crown prince.
Now I can't go too far into events as not to spoil everything >;]
But Geon's arc turns our sweet baby though a series of magical mistakes and extreme mental trauma into an antagonist.
You'll see. Don't worry. His Asshole brothers had it coming.
And Geon doesn't come in until book 4 so have fun waiting, I'm sure not!
-------------------------------------- Hey there! Hi! You! Tumblr user!
Are you a fan of epic fantasy? Want a story with romance, action, and sassy heroes and villains? How about some good old-fashioned ANGST?
If so, you're in luck! I've got just the series! Come check out TCOT!
Take a quick look at this post if you're interested
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catholicjinx · 14 days
omg i know i am just giving my crazy two cents all over the place here but i would highly highly recommend talking about what you want to do after graduation!!!! my number one advice i gave to all my underclassmen friends last year was to try not to hold onto a romantic relationship after graduation and into college - strictly because going to college and possibly moving away if that's your situation is such a new huge change and it marks an entirely new era of your life where you get to figure out who you are and who you want to be. and i can say from having watched it happen to many people - having a romantic relationship leftover from high school holds you back. and i mean that in the kindest gentlest way. my older brother, who is dear to me even when he's a jerk, is still dating the girl he dated in high school, and it's cause a lot of problems for him as he moved out and learned how to live on his own and be independent. instead of getting to focus on himself (which, college is truly the last time in life one gets to be selfish in a positive way!! most people will encourage you to focus as much as you can on your Self during college bc it's pretty much the best time to figure out who you are) he has to view himself constantly as a relation to his girlfriend. if there was anything from high school he wanted to move on from, he has that road block because his girlfriend and relationship all started there. that's not to say people can't make it work - they do all the time!! that's why "high school sweethearts" are a thing. what i really mean is kind of bigger picture - when you graduate and go on with your life, don't hold too hard onto the things you made and started and opinions you formed and perspectives you developed in high school. you will have so many chances to reinvent yourself and understand what you want out of this world and this life and don't ever think for a second that right now has to be perfect or otherwise it'll never be. simply focus on giving yourself the space to grow and change when you're going to - better to have room to grow and stay the same size than want to grow and find you're shackled to something you don't want. anyways i am truly going to sleep soon but you are very dear to me and i hope you have a good night and that this doesn't come as condescending or anything!!!!!!
nauta youre like my tumblr sibling at this point what the hell youre an angel
I think the scariest thing about this is like. I know im not palatable to a lot of people and i keep getting screwed over so like if i leave and have no one to fall back on then im starting from square one at an entire new college with nobody? like to me that sounds absolutely terrifying. but then at the same time staying like this is terrifying yk
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effypcfc · 11 months
Hooty Commits Kidnapping, Sort of...
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I've written this short fanfiction inspired by this piece made by @juatoo, which depicts Amity Blight playing with figures of her and Luz Noceda, possibly imagining a romantic scenario between them.
Made it into its own separate Tumblr post because I fear it's not getting any engagement as I hoped because it was written as a reblog. Also made some minor changes to it as well, hopefully, to flesh out the characters' thoughts and feelings better.
References to episodes and moments in The Owl House S2, so spoiler alert, I guess, if that counts.
Anyhoot, I hope y'all enjoy it!
Amity Blight is sitting alone in her room, trying her hardest to concentrate on her studies, but unable to do so. Constantly bothered by her growing feelings for Luz Noceda, her human friend, who she has recently graced with a kiss to the cheek when they last met, she does the one thing she can think of to process the whole thing.
Checking the adjacent hallway outside her room to see that neither Edric nor Emira, her older siblings who have a knack for teasing and playing pranks on her, are close by, seeing that neither is nearby, she then closes her door, grabs a vial of abomination goo, casts a spell circle, and shapes two small blobs of the purple viscous liquid into solid and fully-detailed likenesses of herself and Luz. She then tries her best to imitate Luz's voice, making both figures talk to each other.
"Oh, Amity, your hair's different!"
"Yeah, I thought I could use a change," She says, alternating between her usual speaking voice and her mock-Luz voice.
"It suits you. Makes you look prettier." Coyly, Amity then says "Aww, thanks," brushing her own hair behind her ear. "Listen, thank you for getting me my job at the library back. It means so much to me that you did, and I hope you got the information you need from that echo mouse."
"And thank you for saving my life the other night. I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop thinking about you being my hero. Guess you could say you've swept me off my feet. I'll never forget you once I return home, Amity." She then makes Luz's figure kiss her figure on the cheek, imagining what could have been if things played out differently if Luz reciprocated her feelings and kissed her first. She was thinking back to when she lost all inhibition that moment. That evening, she is moved after realizing that Luz really genuinely cares for her and wants to make up for getting her fired from the library, after getting caught by Malphas, the master librarian, her boss, as they were sneaking into the Forbidden Stacks.
Amity also couldn't help but worry that she might never get the chance to be with Luz again, for good. She herself has helped Luz find a way to travel back to the Human Realm, after all.
"I'll miss you, Luz. You reckless, wonderful ray of light, you. My fearless champion," Amity sighs, then lays her head on the desk where both figures are, defeated by this realization, wishing she could soon talk to Luz about what transpired that evening. Wishing Luz felt the same way about her as she does.
"'Farewell forever'? What were you thinking?! Nah, you weren't thinking! Now it's about to come true! You blew it, Amity!" she chastises herself under her breath, burying her head under her arms.
Emira sneakily walks into Amity's room, noticing her face-down on her bedside desk, teasingly greets "HEY MITTENS!!!"
Amity shrieks in surprise and embarrassment, blushing furiously.
"So, Luz, huh?"
Amity groans in resignation, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, and what about it?," she snaps. She knows she cannot lie about it anymore. Emira has caught her red-handed (or should I say, red-faced.) She must have also overheard Amity's poor impression of Luz's voice on the way in, so there's no coming back from that now.
Emira then tells her "I remember just a couple months ago, you were being so mean to her, and now look at the two of you, the best of friends, and now, you're head over heels for this human girl. You even kissed her! My little sister, all grown up and in love!"
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GIF by weirdo-with-no-beardo
Amity, flustered, says "You saw that?!," sighs deeply in annoyance, then tells her sister "I can't help it, okay! I like Luz! I can't stop thinking about her without catching myself smiling like an idiot." She then dissolves both figures of her and Luz back into goo and directs it all back into the vial.
"She can be so stupid. She has a thing for getting in trouble again and again. Despite that, she's… genuinely nice. Nice to me, Willow, and Gus too. She's always there for them, for me, which is sweet. Genuinely nice, unlike the other girls I'm friends with at school. Unlike Boscha. I can't stop thinking about the next time we hang out together again. I can't stop thinking about wanting to hug her tightly. I've never felt this way about anyone, ever!"
Amity pauses to compose herself, then declares "I'm Amity Blight, top student at Hexside... or, at least, I was. I shouldn't be freaking out over this. I've faced a slitherbeast and lived. I've fought off Grom, and even Mom and Dad's stupid robots, without breaking a sweat! So why does talking about my feelings for Luz feel this scary?"
"I thought it's adorable though, even Edric agrees," Emira answers. "I've never seen you happy in a long time, and I could tell you've been happier since being friends with Luz. I feel you, though. Love is definitely scary. It's scary, especially if it's your first time feeling this way about someone, but you know what? You should still do it! Tell her how you feel. Just think, she will eventually have to go back home. You might not get another chance to see her again, so you might as well do it now," Em says in reply, hoping to offer some encouragement to her lovestruck younger sister.
"I know that," said Amity. "I know she'll have to go back home, and I will tell her about it, in time, right before she leaves. I just gotta build up my courage first. Play it carefully, plan it out, like I always do, you know…"
"I understand. Sometimes though, things like this don't need too much planning. You just let this girl know. You walk up to her, preferably on a good day for both of you, and tell her 'Hey, Luz! I like you, I like hanging out with you, and I think we should go out together, for real, this time. Do you wanna be my girlfriend?'" says Emira, giving Amity ideas, at the same time, flustering her even more at the thought of being Luz's girlfriend. "Then, just hope for the best!" she adds.
Both girls have not noticed the open balcony door in Amity's room. Hooty, the house demon with the physiology of an owl, who watches over Eda Clawthorne, King, and Luz, shoots up from the ground and enthusiastically calls out to Emira. "HI-YA, BLIGHT SISTER!," he says in his signature high-pitched, shrill yet jovial voice, as if a cartoon animal from the 1930s has been fed a gratuitous amount of candy and spun around inside a dryer.
Hooty has the uncanny ability to stretch and retract his body over long distances and open his mouth wide, similar to a snake. This explains how he was able to reach Blight Manor from the door he's attached to, unless he has detached himself from his door and connected himself somewhere else, an act which has disgusted and disturbed his housemates.
In one swift motion, Hooty then opens up his mouth, darting straight for Amity before she has a moment to respond, and swallows her whole. Amity struggles visibly, yelling "Ugh, HOOTY!!!" muffled, and after a few seconds, stops moving within Hooty's belly, Emira shrieking in horror and disbelief, hoping and praying to the Titan that her sister isn't truly dead yet.
Belching loudly, Hooty then tells Emira "Mind if I borrow Amity for a bit? She'll be alright. In fact, she'll be better when this works out, I promise." Em nods in agreement, hands covering her mouth, too horrified to speak, unaware of Hooty's ability to regurgitate anything it swallows, living or dead.
Hooty then slithers backward towards the owl house, with a noticeable bulge in his serpentine midsection where Amity is, currently.
This has gotta work. I've failed King and Eda. I can't let Luz down as well, Hooty thinks to himself on his way back. Little does he know, things turned out better than expected for both parties mentioned.
All within the span of less than an hour, Hooty makes his way to the house's basement, then regurgitates a sizeable owl pellet large enough to envelop Amity's entire unconscious body. He then hocks up a typewriter and several small sheets of paper. He places one of them on the machine, then types, pecking each key with his beak:
As we stumble through life, gloom knows no bounds. You'll only find love when you're in the ground.
Hooty pauses, realizing how morbid that sounds. He flips the note over, then adds:
P.S. I mean the basement! Love, HOOTY
He types one more note, then speeds up to Luz's bedroom, leaves the first note on the floor, and knocks on her door, overhearing Luz gush about her desire to ask Amity out while fearing possible rejection, worrying she might find her too cheesy. He then disappears back into the basement, adding the finishing touches to his grand scheme to get the two lovebirds together…
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shi-daisy · 10 months
Yooo! Since you have said the second fic will be Neris/ Vanserra bros and want to make more content for them I have something of a request.
If you've read the Neris Halloween fic here on Tumblr. Do you have any ideas as to who your version of the Vanserras would be? I really need to know what those rascals would be doing in costume.
Anon yesss!!! I'm having a blast with Tamlin and Lucien but I can't wait to start writing my Autmn babies and my Lady Death, so send me anything you have with them ♥
I have indeed read @theladyofbloodshed Halloween foc many times and I still love it!. Ma'am if I may say I love your writing, especially Nesta's and your fics are a delight.
Okay so if it was my version of the Vanserra siblings that were in the maze and in costume this is what they'd be like:
In a modern AU we have meds and I'm sure that at least one of the other kiddos would keep an eye on their unstable second eldest brother. So if either Eris or Cedric made sure Nemesis took his meds and he had a toy knife instead of a real one he would be going as either Chucky from Child's Play or as Pennywise from IT. He already has fire orange hair and is a fan of fucked up horror (Saw, Hostel, Texas Chainsaw, etc) so our man would be thrilled for a chance to scare people and play with (fake) blood. Since night terrors and sleep paralysis are not fun he would try to make it until Dawn for the medal, and to fall asleep easily at home. He would be a pain in the ass if he finds out about Eris and Nesta. Dude just wants his bro to settle down, and to bug him too.
Alas poor himbo, he's dead on my fics so we only see him in flashback but in a modern AU he might be the jock kid that wants to vibe and has no thoughts head empty. He'd dress up as Frankenstein's monster as a pair costume with Cedric. Dude is tall enough to rock it and would be thrilled to try and get a medal. (Immediately falls asleep as soon as he's home) Also shipping Eris with his Morticia.
If this takes place pre-tramsition she'd dress up as Ghostface and use a voice modulator to sound feminine. That way she wouldn't be misgendered and not even Beron could give her grief. If this takes place post transition she'd dress up as Bloom from Winx Club. All she'd need is a wig and her glittery costume that she'd rock. Would also make the costumes for all her siblings cuz tailor in every univers baby! Wouldn't give Eris grief but would be excited to have a sister in law if things go well. Wouldn't stay until Dawn and heads home as soon as she gets on the rides and eats.
Man just wants to be a pirate in every universe. He might be dead in the fics but here he would be Captain Hook, just to brother the others with his annoying accessory. Would also be chill about the Neris development mostly because this year the group didn't lose him but rather Eris and he got a breather from having to navigate the maze alone. Would also leave early after eating. Not a fan of the spooktacular.
He'd be Dr. Frankenstein. Man's already a mad scientist in the fic let's make it official here too. Given he's in a pair costume with Gideon he'd have to make sure the man does not lose the group and would keep Nemesis from scaring the toddlers with fake blood. He might be the second youngest but if Eris isn't there then he's on dad duty and would have to stay until Dawn for Nemesis and Gideon. If he went to college for every science major then he'd be used to it by now and would happily stay up all night and maybe alm day if you let him. Would ship Neris but be quiet about it and let his older brothers be the ones to bother Eris.
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Kuroshitsuji Headcanons and Oneshots!
A book revolved around my own {kinda self indulgent} headcanons!
{Requests open!}
Chapter 1: Intro/Request page (Open)
Chapter Text
A book revolved around my own {kinda self indulgent} headcanons! It's good to note that these will slowly be put together like an AU. {-which they kind of are, I use these for all the little ficlets I write} Most of this won't involve canon - I mean, come on, it's a headcanons book - and I won't be using the manga because I haven't read it, but I will be using the characters from it.
do these for any characters, even the ones that don't get much love,
(Lau, Ran-Mao, Mey-rin, Madam Red, etc etc)
So if you have someone in mind, go ahead and throw them at me!
I do mostly every situation and scenario EXPECT NSFW, it just makes me uncomfortable to write and post.
It's also good to note I do general headcanons with and involving the show and do headcanons with s/o and reader's
I do tend to spiral into alot more detail than I need to, but I do it so people can enjoy it! But if any of my work upsets you or makes you uncomfortable, please just comment or message me and I'll take it down, I want everyone to have a good reading this.
Not sure if it's just me, but the Kuro fandom looks kinda dead right now, so I figured I'd start dumping my hoard of unused content on here. {And I may have been on a Kuroshitsuji spree, scavenging for new content for my favorites-}
This book will probably fill up fast knowing me, but I'll try and make sure I branch out and not focus too much on one character. {CoughcoughUndertakerCoughcough}
If you like this, you can follow my Tumblr, ( @cheetoflavoredcake ) I post all my recent works and fanart there. {mostly Animal Crossing, haha}
And without further ado, I present, my headcanons!
Undertaker and Othello
Chapter Text
-Although neither would ever say it, they were once together- although it was a extremely long time ago and considered a quick fling
-They both thought they have feelings for each other and jumped on the chance, but it turns out it was just a huge misunderstanding
-There were no hard feelings in it and it didn't ruin their friendship - plus, it only lasted about a month before they came to their conclusion
-It was never publicly announced that they were ever together and the only person who ever knew and found out was the old librarian, but the only comment he had on it was on how everyone was finding love besides himself - he wasn't bitter about them, but about himself
-They chose not to talk about it because, one, Undertaker is a legend and it would certainly dent his reputation, and two, it's just overall embarrassing
Chapter 3: Grell and Ronald
Chapter Text
-They have a very strong sibling-like relationship
-Grell is like that popular older sister that, while they are rude and saracastic, they'd never actually hurt you in any way- and would actually go out of their way to help you
("Oh, so that guy over there took your coffee? Oh, he better be ready to get his ass BEAT-")
-Ronald is the flirty younger brother, who, despite all his effort, never gets the girl- but you bet he's not going to stop trying
-If one were to, say, try and throw a massive party, they'd be right there by each others sides, helping in whatever way they possibly could
-Or, say, one was to get in trouble and be in risk of overtime, they'd have each others backs
-With this in mind, they've had to cover for each other on multiple occasions, sometimes serious, sometimes not so serious
-The worst thing they both had to take the fall for was when Grell accidentally put salt instead of sugar in the coffee machine without looking and Ronald had forgot to order the employee supplies for that month
-Saying the whole office was pissed and in mass chaos is an underestimate
Chapter 4: Reaper Scythes
Chapter Text
-Reapers, when reborn, can naturally summon their scythe, but need the essential training to learn how
-All their scythes are shaped as garden tools, but can range from hedge trimmers to lawnmowers
-As the generations pass, the scythes get more modern
-Henceforth, Undertaker has an old school scythe, which would be pretty rare to get in the present
-Grell and Ronald have more modern scythes for their time, which are the types of scythes you would see nowadays
Chapter 5: William T. Spears
Chapter Text
-Underneath his cold exterior, he truly cares for his co workers, so much so, he'd risk his life for them
-He thinks emotions get in the way of work, so that's why he keeps them to himself, but he does spare a laugh once and a rare while
-When he talks to his co-workers in a cold distant voice, he doesn't mean to make them disheartened, he's just doing his job
-And when he bops Grell over the head, he doesn't mean to hurt her, he thinks it's his only way to calm her down
Chapter 6: Undertaker
Chapter Text
-This man has crippling anxiety
-As stated in the chapter above, he is one hell of an actor, so it comes without questioning that he hides
-If you were to break down his forced smiles and walls, you would know of all of his insecurities and his worries
-While he doesn't stutter, he does shake profusely, henceforth, he has very horrible handwriting
Chapter 7: Undertaker
Chapter Text
-This man is one hell of an actor
-It's just what comes with all the forced smiles - though some are real, it just takes alot more effort
-He's able to keep a straight face whilst fuming with rage on the inside, and he's able joke around and smile and laugh whilst in excruciating pain
-Overall, it's a great talent to have as an informant
{This page got posted in the wrong order, it's supposed to be chapter 6 and the one above is supposed to be 7}
Chapter 8: Demons
Chapter Text
-Demons are able to break contracts off if they desire to, although it is excruciatingly painful and has a high chance in death
-The ones who survive are usually ones who cannot feel pain or just have a high pain tolerance
-Along with surviving the awful burning pain, you have the scar of the contract symbol burned into whatever place you put
-Example, Ciel's eye would go back to blue, but would have the contract symbol, and Alois's mark would blend more into his tongue, just look more like an oddly shaped cut
Chapter 9: The Scythe Incident
Woo- 300+ hits! Thank you so much guys/gals/nonbinary pals!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
-There had been a day that somehow and someway everyone's scythe had been switched around with each other
-To this day, no one knows how this had happened or who had done it, but saying it was chaos was the world's biggest understatement in history
-The first and most known swap was Grell's, since every time she gets mad, she summons her scythe and revs it once to scare people
-Expect this time she almost killed everyone in her vicinity with the monstrous death scythe she held
-Grell had gotten the old legend's scythe - and honestly, there has probably never been a more terrifying match in the world
-Just for a list of some of the known reapers swap's:
*Ronald and William
*Eric Slingby had Sascha's (or well- at least their camera)
*Alan had a tall sword-like Scythe belonging to a Edith Smith
*Ludger had gotten one of the small newbie scythes
-The office basically turned into a rush to find your scythe fiasco
-Many were injured, and many had agreed that this was worst experience of their lives
-Some scythes were engraved with the reaper's name or nickname, so some reapers just stood atop their desk or whatever table they could find shouting names and waving around scythes
-Others were running around with one of kind death scythes and trying to locate the person it matched with (by match, I mean match their aesthetic, much like Grell and her scythe)
-Eventually, Undertaker was seen casually climbing through a window and gliding through the crowd, then seen casually grabbing his scythe from Grell - who was flaunting the scythe like she owned it
-It was one of the best highlights besides seeing the old librarian desperately jump from desk to desk to tackle a newbie for his old scythe
Should I make this one into a short story? I'll only do it if you guys/gals/nonbinary pals want it
Chapter 10: Undertaker
W o w- we're at 500 reads- uh, that's- w o w
Edit: Old HC, I don't vibe with this no more and instead have a way better one
Chapter Text
-When he did work in the dispatch, he had a rival, who was the only born female reaper the dispatch has had as of the present (All women are made secretaries, but she was an exception)
-She had been trained right beside him and - since the dispatch didn't really like the idea of a working female reaper - worked in his office with him
-Her name was Edith Smith
-She would taunt him and knock into him and he would do the same - he was young and he was dumb
-They have dozens of brawls, some out in the mortal realm, some in the dispatch - those usually were the most violent
-One newbie - of the time - documented the whole experience in his own narrative - he even went into the gritty details of it to get a good image in people's heads
-If you bribed the old librarian, he could possibly let you borrow the original copy for a day or two as long as you promise to not wreck it or keep it out longer than his deadline - or else there would be some serious consequences
-Some seniors will admit that they were scared of the duo, because even though they wanted to tear out each others throats, when they were challenged, they were unstoppable
-They ran on spite and anger, it was concerning
-Undertaker hadn't seen the lady since he 'retired' but they weren't on terrific terms when he did leave, so he doubts she'll want to see him again
(Although Edith herself would beg to differ, she would love to see him again and she enjoyed their quarrels and brawls. It was one of her favorite things to do and he left her without a word, and it did hurt her - but there isn't much to do when she's stuck to a desk all day.)
Chapter 11: HOLY CRAP---
Chapter Text
Okay, wow, I just looked at this book and saw the amount of hits and sobbed for five minutes straight, so I'd like to thank all of you for the attention. I really never thought this would go anywhere and to look back at my account and see the views??? Yeah, I got extremely emotional. For this occasion, I'll add a spam of relationship headcannons and other headcannons by tomorrow. Just a reminder if you want to submit a headcannon of your own or want a requested oneshot, {I'm trying to work up the motivation to do the one I have currently, so sorry for the wait on that} my tumblr is CheetoFlavoredCake - or you could talk to me, I'm always up for a conversation with fans!
Chapter 12: Undertaker in a Relationship
Oh?? My God?? We hit over 2100 hits??? Holy shit thank you! I know I've been on like- a hiatus for a while but it means alot to me to know people still read these! I hit a sort of writers block and I've been stuck with it for a long while now and I'm tying to currently get out of it, so updates will be slow! I just started my winter break, so I should have some time to do some more HCs and such
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Being in a relationship with Undertaker is... odd to say the least
-By the time you two together you would have at least had an idea of what he was like and were prepared for him to be just a bit more romantic than that
-But boy were you wrong
-This man is clingy, and I mean it
-You can barely go to the next room over without him practically whining
-He's quite similar to a cat in alot of ways
-He likes to mess with items he hasn't seen before
-He likes to sprawl across your lap
-And he also just loves to suffocate you with his mop of hair whilst he sleeps
-That last one isn't intentional and he apologizes for it every time
-He's a huge fan of cuddles
-He'll take whatever he can get for cuddles, he just likes to know your still there next to him, it calms him
-Undertaker is also quite talkative
-He likes to know how your day's been, your favorites, what embarrassing moments did you have as a kid, etc etc
-If your not one for talking, don't worry, he can carry the conversation himself and smile as you laugh as he talks about how he once starred in the play of Hamlet
-Another fun fact about Undertaker is that he tends to be old fashion
-He never really grasped the newer concepts of everything and instead chose to stick to what he knew best
-He sets up small romantic dates by moonlight, gifts you flowers and small trinkets from who knows where, and calls you cute petnames like 'dear' and 'love'
-Overall he's an amazing partner that would be by your side til' the very end, and the experience would be wonderful
Can you tell who my favorite character is?
Chapter 13
It's the wifey
Chapter Text
-Being in a relationship with Grell isn't at all what you'd expect
-You would be used to the loud, flamboyant side of Grell just about 24/7, so once you were in a relationship, it would be quite the shocker to see a much calmer side of her
-She would be more docile, her voice lower and her body more relaxed
-Sure she was still flamboyant at times but not at all like the big act she put on for work
-She's actually insanely smart, and she lets you watch her modify and fix up her complex death scythe, that, mind you, was made by her own two hands with no help
-She's such a strong woman and your so proud of her
-Like you go baby, you go
-She's a great cheerleader
-Her just sitting there encouraging you the entire time doing something, whether it be big or small, is just so nice and calming
-She's also big on snuggling and nuzzling
-She likes to feel loved and wanted
-Treat her like a queen and you'll win her heart for the rest of eternity
-Her petnames for you are 'darling', 'sweetheart', 'sweetie', and 'My Princess/Prince/Majesty'
-She likes to also make some of her own clothes, and will make you whatever you so please
-She's very crafty and independent and overall just an amazing partner
Chapter 14: Elizabeth Crevan (Formly Smith)
Me? Writing an OC into a HCs book? More likely than you think
Also yes, she is shipped with Undertaker, leave me alone
These will be pasted exactly as I have them in my notes, so if they seem a bit off from how I usually write headcanons, that's why
Chapter Text
-Elizabeth has angy issues
-She also says fuck practically every other word
-Elizabeth is Bisexual, and born on August 19th
-People refer to Elizabeth as Death's Corpse Bride. She loves it, and takes the title happily. Once Unnie picked up on it he started to constantly use it
-Lizzie's voice claim is Bust Your Knee Caps by Pomplamoose
-Elizabeth gossips and rants to Adam, the dispatch librarian -Adam wants to fucking punch her
-Elizabeth's favorite flowers are Roses. She likes to prick her fingers on them and watch the blood swell up. It's an idiotic thing to do, but she does it none the less. She's like them because they give her a feeling of nostalgia. She can't tell why, but it probably has to do with a repressed human memory. This is the reason Elizabeth designed her scythe the way she did
-At her wedding, Elizabeth wore a white suit instead of a dress, and her husband, Undertaker, wore a puffy black dress, as she requested way back when they were still at dispatch
Series this work belongs to:
Part 1 of Kuroshitsuji Ficlets and Such
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ravyn-pain · 19 days
This post is just to collect all my oc facts in one post that i had posed on instagram as im making tumblr my main platform now
you can read them under the cut :D
Out of all the siblings, ravyn is the oldest
Ravyn is 5 years older than Blair and Silver and has a different father resulting in him being only part demon and part basilisk but not a vampire
Due to his father's actions, he pretended to not be a basilisk until in very late years he finally made peace with his basilisk side
Ravyns father is a good guy and takes care of ravyn as much as he can considering he was devoiced and ravyn suddenly became royalty it became a little harder but they have a good relationship
Ravyns stepfather on the other hand is a different question considering ravyn did kill the guy for his actions on his siblings
Only Grader basilisk and certain changelings can actually copy and fully truly mimic another species' traits
normal changelings and lesser basilisks can still shapeshift but not truly mimic another species ability-wise
it's how ravyn hid his basilisk self so long he is a grader basilisk
the spikes on a light vampire tail are poisonous
Their spit can fix that tho
ravyns hair was braided by Roze who wanted to give him a
lil makeover randomly and he liked it
Archangels that became spirits of any kind after death can still fall!
This happens to lizkana in proxy as ravyn uses a few spells that are forbidden for angels resulting in Liz becoming fallen
Liz does not mind she even gave permission a long time ago
A fallen archangel's white stars in the eyes become black like an
archdemons eyes
Vyrn is ravyn in full disguise when he does not want to be recognized
He acts differently while in that appearance and only selected people know that that is him
It's how he
sometimes manages to just disappear when things are too much or something happens and he needs to be alone
Vyrn used to be the disguise ravyn used to go around while being wanted
He continued using it to just have a
break from things and from himself, he enjoys pretending to be someone else from time to time
Ravyn has DID but in his older years (when he hit his 500ers) they managed to do a final fusion resulting in him taking traits of his alters
If nothing goes absolutely badshit crazy then he will split again tho only time can tell
Ravyn is finally slowly finding peace with himself and his life
Concepts are the highest gods there are (outside of the nexus)
There can be more than one concept of the same thing this is very rare tho! And mainly the concept of time is known to be present twice
Concepts only have a full concept form if they are fully initialized!
That needs to happen willingly from a person itself or with the help of a fully initialized concept
There is a 50/50 chance of also mostly losing your emotions
The full concept forms are kinda of eldrich like and can't be seen by normal people only by gods, demi
gods, non-initiated concepts, and full concepts
Only on rare occasions can a normal person presive a full concept form without passing out
A concept has a base power it alwase has But the longer it goes being uninitiated the stronger it becomes when they initiated
This does not apply to element concepts or soul concepts!
about snow
the crystal in her chest
Pready much hit her heart so she has no heartbeat
the magic of the crystal is what keeps her alive so removing it would kill her It is also what keeps her blood flow going this is
have enough magic control and
enough magic to do All of the magic guardians can pull this off ravyn is the one who can pull it off the longest
the timeline events were ravyn or more
Crimson went off the rails due to the hated magic that was thrown at him (not fully ravyns fault as he was talked into it by lizkana when he was like 12 and mentally a 9-year-old)
were stopped by Blair!
Blair unfortunately lost most of her emotions in the progress (strong emotions still come through and her personality didn't change too much from it anyway
but ravyn does not remember that as
Blair blocked off the memory for his own well-being so ravyn also does not know that Blair's initiation as a concept was to stop him
Blair does not resent ravyn as she knows he is not really in control
Mary janes sister is blind she can only really see light and dark and the magic auras of people and objects
this unfortunately caused mj parents to completely neglect MJ, which later caused a situation that caused mj to become fallen (mj is an angel but finding a Terra orb transformed her into what she is now)
it didn't help that mj is not the strongest magic-wise
it caused mj to have a very bad relationship with her parents and go no contact
she has a very good relationship with her the only family member ahd
currently has contact with
maybe she will try to contact her parents one day
who knows??
magic guardians have their own pledge they use
All kingdoms have a pledge but the magic guardians are known to not use it due to them acting separately from the kingdom (as they are technically a mercenary
This did cause confusion in the beginning but it was accepted
Also, all members of the magic guardians are not original citizens of the Equinnien kingdom while in the old Quatet now known as the holy Quartet all are
Originally from the Equinnen kingdom
(ignoring that ravyn was part of them for a good while)
As a mercenary team, they have some special
But it also helps the case that they have diplomatic immunity
They still are seen as special forces team
But what kind of permission do they have?
They are one step lower than the Queen herself they can overpower her
discussions it needed this was implemented by Lucky Stricker just in case and anything like that would need to go through ravyn first too as a security measure
They are also deeply involved with the kingdom itself yet they are not tied to the decisions tho hence why they can act commolet against the kingdom with no problems if needed
Lucky also trusts her uncle's decisions as he knows what he is doing most of the time
Ravyn acts like a royal advisor to Lucky while not officially having that title
People know that Lucky trusts ravyn decisions most time and if not she has good reasons and ravyn accepts that
But Lucky knows he will go with what he believes is right but also knows we will try not to pull
everyone is into whatever he is doing except the magic guardian's members
Both Silver and Blair are part of the magic guardians
Blair is the only one with ravyn who has an outside job of the mercenary group
Blair being a doctor/ surgeon
Ravyn being an escort and doc/surgeon
Ravyn is also part of the high council and magic council
This is how they can get inside information about stuff
And yes they know how ravyn tents to use the information
lizkana usually stops Ravyn before he can go full-on berserk out of Rage by taking control of the body
there have been a few recorded incidents
where she could not take over in time
the most recent one being a unique case
as she did even try to stop him from going berserk when his younger brother Lucifer got killed
That so far the only case where lizkana
encourages him to go berserk
Ravyn was not born into royalty but rather gained royal status due to his mother's marriage. This also resulted in his double surname, as vampire citizens always have them. He acquired his stepfather's surname, which he later changed when he married Yuno.
As he grew older, he became more familiar with and embraced his royal heritage, no longer hiding the fact that he was royalty.
Ravyn despite being 5 years older alwase was behind in development as a child he was slower
This caused him to enter school 2 years late and being only 2 grades Over Blair and silver
Blair was also the first to run away at 16
Silver ran away at 17 and ravyn ran away at 24 It was also when he went on a murder spree as his mind just snapped hard
He luckily snapped out of it later on but still suffered from it for centuries
He still doing his best to fix his mistakes by helping as much as he can as he feels very guilty and very bad he even did that stuff so he's trying to fix it
Ravyn and Blair had a secret agreement
running that if something happens and they dont think they can do the job as a concept
anymore they transfer the powers to the other sibling
this unfortunately would take effect in a hospital attack where Blair would permanently lose her magic
making ravyn the concept of reality and time
Blair survises but barely due to no longer being a concept her emotions block is also lifted giving her back her ability to feel emotions again in full swing
her personality is
mostly the same still just now a little more emotional
Basilisks are with changelings the only species that lay eggs the egg is inside them for 1 month and for the rest, it takes 3 months till hatching
there can be more than one kid in the egg too!
hybrids still are possible basilisk hybrids sometimes take longer till hatching and if they are in the womb of someone who does not lay eggs they actually often grow faster and birth happens
after 5 months
the most common nicknames ravyn has so far
Short Stack (a nickname a lot of people start using for him he loves the nickname unironically his siblings started it but he tends to call himself Short Stack)
danger noodle that one was a joke that just became a few friends calling him that)
the emotional one(he is very expressive when and emotional at times earning him that nickname)
relationship status
Married to yuno
a lot of times things just don't work out so they decide to split but
ravyn makes sure it's on good terms and he is still friends with all of them
Also seby, Aurora, and Polaroid still live with ravyn! The house he owns is so big and has so many rooms he lets them stay as he otherwise does not know what to do with all the godamm rooms he has
Divorced but in very good terms
Seby (still married to yuno)
green heart
Aurora (still married to yuno)
ravyn is still poly and alwase will be if he clicks
with someone he will try and whether it works out or not only time can tell
Basilisk's mother tongue is Russian!
Due to ravyn being part Basilisk and living with Basilisks till he was 5, he has a Russian accent!
A pretty strong one too thanks to his mother's decision to only communicate in that language with him
silver and Blair's mother tongue is German
Ravyn is still also fluent in Germany
due to the vampires speaking German and him after age 5 growing up there
He can obv speak English as that is the universal language
also, when angry he starts ranting in Russian XD
diabetes type 1 runs rampant in ravyns
family line Mainly coming from his mother
How bad is it?
Well here is a list
Ravyn=type 2(only one who didn't get born with it and got it later in life)
Blair=type 1
Silver=no diabetes
Luci (rip)=type 1
Seeker=no diabetes
Mary and Cary = Both have type 1
At one point their mother joked she just cursed somehow
Not a lot of people know ravyn has type 2 He is doing a dam good job of hiding
Crimson Crisis is a former alter of ravyn that became a separate entry entirely when lizkana managed to take ravyn intro throwing her collected hate magic away with then going to the next person with Crimson making him go bonkers and causing the timeline events
nefrinty with hate (diamond) help could completely separate
Crimson from ravyn makes him a completely separate person spread a lot about did so try to represent it right
but it is different for everybody! I have huge magical and soul aspects I need to also put in this
crimson has no ill feelings against ravyn but it took a few years and lots of therapy to contact ravyn to fix something now they are very good friends and he's considered a sibling!
Genetic wise he's a basilisk hybrid like ravyn but prefers appearing as a dark vampire! crimson is the only alter that went "evil" tho he's not evil and was just affected by some awful magic!
ravyns other alters were never evil and would never be (not that they can due to a successful final fusion)
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tehuti88-art · 2 months
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8/2/24: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." This week's characters from my anthro WWII storyline are Herzog Adalbert von NN and Herzogin Adelheid von NN (full last name never given, so I use the genealogy term "NN"). They're from a very old line of dukes and duchesses and are the parents of Adel, AKA Ratdog, and Edelgard. They're long deceased by the time of the main story; I can't get into their history here (it's...weird), but most of it's already in Edelgard's Tumblr entry. There'll be more about them later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.
Regarding their design, they're roughly late Victorian/Edwardian era and a bit later. Adelheid's bouffant/pompadour may be a bit much. Everyone in this family seems to possess bright blue eyes and warm/muddy gray fur.
TUMBLR EDIT: This part will be truncated in the next entry to save repetition.
You'll see these two have finally, grudgingly received first names. I couldn't figure out how to label them when I eventually put them up on Toyhou.se...I still haven't figured out how I'm going to label the older generation of von NNs, but I guess I'll wait till I get there to deal with that. You'll see that, like siblings Adel (Ratdog) and Edelgard, their names, Adalbert and Adelheid, have the same root meaning (Adel) referring to German nobility. Yes, both of them, husband and wife, share this peculiar naming trait. Because husband and wife are also brother and sister.
I warned that it's weird. See Edelgard's entry, where the saga of the von NN family was first laid out in detail. So, I REALLY needn't go into excessive detail again regarding Duke and Duchess von NN and their sad ending, though as always, I know I'll end up repeating at least a bit...I'll try to limit myself.
Long story short (and I admit I had to stop typing and delete and make it shorter), despite Adalbert's efforts, Edelgard succumbs to extreme mental imbalance, likely a result of the family's severe inbreeding, and murders both parents in a fit of rage. She spares Adel, but warns him to flee before she might end up killing him, too. When he returns, he finds the family castle abandoned and Edelgard gone; the indication is that she wandered off into the snow, similar to their grandparents, to die of the cold. Her likely death (and the grandparents') is sadly echoed many years later when Adel, crushed by years of loss and grief, commits suicide by opening all the doors and windows of his home to the wind and snow, drinking himself into a stupor, and freezing to death. Even though he lucked out in the genetic lottery and avoided Edelgard's fate, he still ends up succumbing to the "family curse," such as it is. The way certain things pass down through the generations, not only connecting family but repeating history, is a major recurring theme in this story...just that, in the case of the von NNs, it's a bit more literal.
There's meant to be a sequence in the story where Ratdog (Adel's wartime sniper alias) declines a genealogist's offer to draw up his family tree (for obvious reasons...no branches), telling the guy, "I already know my family, why do I need anyone to tell me who they are?" The genealogist draws up Godfrey Klemper's tree instead. A bit of irony is discovered here, in that Klemper is shown to descend from "a long, proud line of peasant-farmers" who have lived in the same general area of northeastern Germany for hundreds of years. (Just FYI, Klemper's family is dirt poor, yet NOT inbred.) Why ironic? Ratdog's family--which he reveals to Klemper is a long, unbroken line of dukes and duchesses, going back at least five hundred years--resided in the same general area, and in their heyday, maintained a massive amount of farmland, which was almost certainly worked by peasant laborers...sort of like serfs, not much higher in status than slaves. Chances are high that Klemper's direct ancestors once toiled for Ratdog's direct ancestors, and now Ratdog and Klemper, a Junker and a farmer's son, are romantically involved. Ratdog--who before now had disowned his extinct family, and presented himself as a peasant type--inquires if this knowledge changes anything between them; Klemper mulls it over, yet says no, he can't think of any reason why it should; although he uses much simpler language, he says that nobody should be defined by the actions of their ancestors. Klemper, as superstitious as he is, doesn't believe in familial curses. Yet the more pragmatic, non-superstitious Ratdog certainly does, because he's seen the evidence firsthand.
Just another FYI: No, there is no child abuse or coercion in the von NN family history. It's not like the Dannecker family with its long tradition of generational (parent/child) incest, child abuse, and force. The von NNs just practice sibling marriage between consenting, age-appropriate parties; icky, yet not nonconsensual or abusive. Adalbert and Adelheid do love each other, just as their brother-sister parents did, and presumably their sibling parents before them going back who knows how far; by their time, the direct family line of two siblings is all that's left, so this is likely a situation that went on for quite a long time as offshoots of the family all withered away. Brother/sister marriage is pretty much all the later generations of von NNs know, so of course it's all they do. Edelgard--who, Ratdog tells Klemper, he was certainly intended to marry and carry on the family line with once he came of age--broke this tradition only with the murder of their parents and by sending Adel away; although close, the two never were in love, and this might have been one of Edelgard's underlying motivations in telling her brother to go: Not only did she not wish to harm him physically, but she likely didn't want their sibling relationship to be tarnished in the same way as previous generations, as she and Adel simply didn't feel that way for each other. Rather than submit both of them to a possibly unwanted/unhappy marriage, Edelgard seized control of her own fate for the first time in her life, and ended the family curse. (Or at least...tried to.)
Adel attempts to ensure the end of the family line first by secluding himself and abandoning their name (the full surname, which is incredibly rare for obvious reasons, is never given--they've long lost almost all importance and recognition along with their workers and most of their lands, just this weird isolated line of nobility living in the middle of nowhere, keeping strictly to themselves--and Edelgard destroys all mentions of the name remaining in the castle), yet accidentally fathers a son, Hans; Hans dies young, and Adel vows that the cursed name will die with him. He doesn't count on falling in love with Klemper, though the relationship seems "safe" as it can bring forth no children...yet in another twist of irony, Adel fails at his attempt to let his line die out, when Klemper is killed and Adel ends up with former enemy Didrika, who also lost her soulmate. Adel and Didrika have a son and a daughter, and their daughter, Tatiana, has a son of her own--Hans, named after his long-deceased half-brother--and they all require a surname. As Adel ensures the name is never revealed, his children assume a completely new surname: von Adel (of Adel). The von NN family name dies out with Adel's suicide, yet his line continues after his death, now named after him.
I'm sure that at least some generations of the von NN family weren't entirely thrilled with the prospects of marrying each other--similar to arranged marriages, they probably had to get used to the idea first--but as I said, there's no known family history of coercion. I also imagine at times there were additional siblings, brothers and sisters who weren't involved in carrying on the line (the oldest brother and/or sister would carry this responsibility), though they too, in their extreme geographical and social isolation, knew no other way of life, and so never got married or bore children to carry on the family name. (There IS the possibility of extra brothers/sisters having children out of wedlock with the increasingly rare neighboring peasants/laborers--meaning Adel could have a few distant relatives still out there--yet none from the direct line, and none with the family name. As their isolation became near-complete, and the von NN family was whittled down to just two surviving siblings per generation, this possibility died out as well.) Edelgard and Adel were the first generation, it seems, in centuries to even think of breaking this custom, largely because of Edelgard's mental instability. Surely there was a "weird" sibling here and there, though they seem to have been rare; from the looks of it, the von NN gene pool was relatively stable, without a bunch of troublesome recessive traits: The grandparents, Adalbert, Adelheid, and Adel, at least, were outwardly normal and healthy. With such a long history of inbreeding, however (Adel never clarifies how far back it goes, but given the typical reasons for such behavior--isolation, and desire to keep a pure bloodline--it likely goes back quite far), it's to be expected that a recessive trait would make itself known, and this finally happens with Edelgard. By a random genetic quirk, she inherits and displays this trait, while it remains dormant in Adel (he admits to Klemper that, despite having no way of knowing for sure, he believes he does carry this genetic trait, and it's the reason he doesn't want kids); and in yet more irony, this inbred family trait is what leads to the family name's extinction.
Edelgard doesn't exist in a vacuum, however. Nurture, not just nature, does play its role. Her mother's early mistreatment and lifelong rejection of her, followed by a rash cruel comment by her father when he discovers his wife's body ("You're a monster!"), go far toward contributing to the underlying problem; although Edelgard manifests violent tendencies from the start, Adalbert's compassion and dedication to making sure she's loved and treated properly, along with her refusal to harm Adel even when given the chance, prove that at least to some extent, she's redeemable. There are simply too many circumstances working against her, however, for it to stick. The "family curse" hits poor Edelgard in more than one way.
All this having been said...Adalbert and Adelheid are generally decent people, though Adelheid is highly flawed. She's the one to initially reject Edelgard and lock her away in an isolated part of the castle, where she spends her early years mostly neglected; even Adalbert has little to do with her. Adel is the one to first show her kindness--the little boy, while exploring, finds her room and gets in, and shows no fear of her, not even when she holds a scissor to his neck on their parents' arrival. Adelheid persists in her refusal to show warmth or love to her own daughter, though this is largely because she fears for Adel's safety--as the firstborn son, he's the sole carrier of the family name. Despite the family tradition, Edelgard is ultimately expendable, her brother is not. Adelheid lavishes her affection on Adel and ignores Edelgard, which has serious consequences for her later. Something just now occurred to me, however, that Adelheid's behavior might not ENTIRELY be based on her concern for Adel and the family line...she almost OVERreacts in her treatment of a mentally fragile little girl. Could this be a more moderate manifestation of the same emotions that overwhelm Edelgard later on...?
Adalbert displays no such overreaction. He disagrees with Adelheid's decision to lock their daughter away, and insists on rehabilitating her once she refuses to harm her little brother. He takes over all the duties a mother normally would, washing, brushing, and cutting Edelgard's knotted, filthy hair, scrubbing her clean in a washtub and wrapping her in a big fluffy towel, and dressing her in the most beautiful, lavish little dresses he has the few remaining staff sew up for her. He adorns her with ribbons and jewels and shiny shoes and beams at her in the mirror, as proud as any father could be; he teaches her German, and history and literature and mathematics and science, and also teaches her the expected arts of sewing, cooking, cleaning, and how to read and understand the Bible and pray. He spoils both children, but Edelgard more, to make up for Adelheid's neglect, with fancy clothes, toys, and candies; Edelgard carries around her hand-sewn babydoll, though she barely pays any attention to it, perhaps mimicking her mother, instead watching Adel play with his favorite hand-carved wooden horse. Edelgard makes occasional efforts to earn her mother's affection, before giving up entirely, the two avoiding each other outright; and despite Adalbert's efforts, she's always rather aloof toward him as well. Adel is the only one she seems to connect with, much to Adelheid's chagrin. (By now Adelheid has decided Adel will have nothing to do with her as a bride, family tradition be damned. Adalbert thinks he'll just wait her out; who else would Adel end up with...?)
Adalbert's hard work redeeming his broken daughter, unfortunately, doesn't pay off. His and the teenaged Adel's plans to go out hunting are scuttled when Adelheid falls ill and Adalbert stays behind to tend to her; Adel heads out alone. Edelgard stops by her mother's room; despite her illness, Adelheid flies into a fury, demanding that she get out. Normally, Edelgard would just leave, yet this time, seeing the hatred in her mother's eyes--maybe, indeed, this is exactly what she inherited from Adelheid--something inside her sparks, the old destructive rage that Adalbert tried so hard to suppress, and Edelgard reaches over toward her mother's vanity and picks up a hatpin. Adelheid continues spitting at her angrily as she approaches, not realizing what's about to happen until Edelgard reaches the bed and raises her arm; then her eyes go wide and she shrinks back but there's nowhere to go. Edelgard brings the hatpin down.
Adalbert responds to the strangled screaming he hears coming from upstairs, dashing up the steps, rushing down the hallway, bursting into Adelheid's room. "Adelheid! Adelheid--?" he calls as he nears the bed, yanking back a gauzy drape. "Adelheid! What..." And then trails off in disbelief at the grisly sight that greets him. He lets out a cry, hurries around to the side of the bed, reaches out for her, getting her blood on his clothes, crying her name repeatedly yet she's obviously gone. Hearing a noise, he jerks aside and spots Edelgard. "Edelgard," he exclaims, "what..." but then sees the bloody hatpin, and the blood all over Edelgard herself. "Vater...?" Edelgard says imploringly, and holds out her arms as if for a hug. Any other time, no matter what the risk, he would have obliged; anything to let his daughter know he loves her. Now, however...he hates her. "You..." he whispers, loses his voice, then gains it again. "You're...you're a monster!" His voice rises into a cracking shriek: "A monster!!" he screams again, leaving no room for doubt; Edelgard's eyes widen in genuine surprise, then narrow and darken, a small crinkle marring her nose. Just like Adelheid, Adalbert realizes just a moment too late what's coming; he lets go of his wife and tries to evade his own daughter, yet she's smaller and much faster and has not fear, but pure hatred, fury, and betrayal on her side--"Edelgard!!" he manages to yell, "Edelgard, stop!"--before she launches herself at him, hatpin raised.
Adel returns to a silent, seemingly empty home. Even the few remaining help staff seem to have gone. "Vater? Mutter...? Edelgard?" he calls as he wanders around, then, puzzled, heads upstairs. He finds his parents...the trail of blood...and Edelgard with gore spattering her and the dripping pin in her hand.
Adel doesn't try to run. Doesn't scream at her, what has she done. "Edelgard," he says softly, tears streaming from his eyes, voice choking. Edelgard mentions how their mother reacted, why she reacted in turn--when Adel says, "But...Vater. Vater's always been good to you. Why...?" Edelgard's eyes glitter with spite, and Adel takes pause--he's never seen her look that way about their kind, patient, loving father. "He called me 'monster,'" Edelgard says, and her tone of voice makes it plain that this, this one unplanned, un-thought-out comment, was far worse than anything their mother ever did to her. She expected this from Adelheid...not from their father. Adalbert ended up betraying her worst of all.
Adel attempts to entreat Edelgard to let him help her, yet she's adamant that he leave--she has enough self-awareness to know that he'll never truly be safe as long as they live under the same roof. He refuses to go, refuses to turn his back on her like their parents did, until she screams at him. He hastily gathers a few things, pauses before the entry in the great hall--"I'll come back for you," he calls out into the echoing castle, a promise, though there's no response. He departs, trudging back out into the snow. By the time he returns a few days later, the castle is completely abandoned, its doors and windows thrown open, snow gathering in drifts all throughout the halls and rooms. Adalbert's and Adelheid's faces and names have been effaced from everything in the residence. Adel searches the nearby forest, calling for Edelgard until his throat goes raw, yet he never sees her again. He imagines her, like their grandparents, curled away in a cave, cold and stiff and still.
Many years later...long after the death of his little son Hans, the very last of his name (an accidental son whom he nevertheless loved more than life), long after the death of Klemper (emotionally volatile, mentally broken Klemper, who lashed out so much at first, certain Ratdog would abandon him, yet he never did, as by then he well understood the hurt--Klemper's wounded expression looked the same as Edelgard's, after Adalbert's betrayal)...Adel opens all the doors and windows of the little stone cottage he built after leaving the castle, opens a bottle, and drinks until both the shivering and the tears fade into numbness, curls up on his bed with the toy horse which Klemper had brought back to him, and lets his eyes drift shut. He's thinking of Klemper, longing to see him again even if only in a drunken dream (he doesn't believe in an afterlife), yet he can almost swear he hears Edelgard's voice faintly calling his name. Eventually he doesn't hear that anymore, either.
Something breaks with Adel's death. Not just his adult children's hearts; son Godfrey grieves, yet suspected what was coming, but daughter Tatiana is inconsolable. Adel had just met his new grandson (for whom Tatiana had hoped to ask him to be the godfather), and had given his blessing to name the baby Hans. He isn't Hans von NN, but Hans von Adel, as Adel's own children never learn his real surname...it dies with him, just as he'd wished it to. Yet so, apparently, does the "curse" he'd come to believe in after all. Godfrey and Tatiana grow up healthy and happy (they're close, but the family tradition itself died with Adalbert and Adelheid), and although the loss of their parents breaks their hearts, they carry on. Tatiana asks Adel's wartime acquaintance, Otto Himmel, to be godfather in his place, and he consents; he lost his mother to suicide, and comforts her in her pain. Hans grows up, carrier of an old name and a new name, surrounded by the sort of pride and love that Adalbert and Adelheid wanted to show their children, yet never quite could.
[Adalbert von NN 2024 [Friday, ‎August ‎2, ‎2024, ‏‎12:00:09 AM]]
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prettybillycore · 2 years
Out of Love || Billy Hargrove x Harrington!Reader
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Pairing(s): Billy Hargrove x Harrington!GN!Reader ; Steve Harrington + Sibling!Reader
Universe: Stranger Things
Summary: Steve’s younger sibling fell hard for Billy when he first moved to Hawkins, but as the summer of 1985 rolls around, they realize that they have fallen out of love with him. Now, they have to figure out how to break up with him. 
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: canon typical violence, mental health issues, relationship angst, billy’s anger issues, falling out of love, Neil Hargrove is his own warning, mentions of depression, major character death, mourning A/N: I am always excited when I receive angst requests because they give me a challenge and a chance to put my own inner turmoil into something productive. That being said, when I write angst for myself, I usually write angst with a happy ending. I enjoy things working out in the end. However, I know (and am all too familiar with the fact) that not everything ends well. Not everyone gets a happy ending. This was a good chance to write about that. Thank you for handing me this prompt anon (ik u told me who u were, but I can’t find the post for my life…). I hope y’all enjoy the angst, vulnerable!billy, accountable!billy, and trauma therapy. Please heed the warnings on this one. It is very dark.
I think I made reader a little more emotionally attached than you requested; I hope that was okay!
Read it on Ao3 or here on Tumblr (below the cut on this post)
Everything with Billy always moved fast. Everything he did started with whirlwinds and flying down the interstate at ninety miles an hour. At first, this is partly what caused you to fall for him. He rolled into the parking lot of Hawkins high with that beautiful Camaro and highlighting smile. Your first interaction pretty much just consisted of you mumbling “hot damn” under your breath and him tossing you a nonchalant wink. Your brother and his at-the-time girlfriend Nancy both grimaced and rolled their eyes. You, on the other hand, were entranced. 
Your connection only got stronger; you were in the same grade and your teachers seemed to like you two sitting together– you were next to each other in three classes. He flirted with you relentlessly and you tossed it right back to him. Your meeting felt cosmic to you; you were supposed to be in each other’s lives during that time. You partly wished you could go back to thinking that way. It would be easier if you could. 
You agreed to go on a date with him even though Steve told you not to. Your brother’s opinions meant a lot to you, but his word wasn’t the final say. It was your choice at the end of the day. You got ready and were excited to see what the night would bring, but it was called off when you found out that Dustin Henderson had been raising a baby Demogorgon in his bedroom. You fought to protect your brother in the junkyard and raised holy hell when Billy started in on the party while at the Byer’s house. 
You did end up going on your date later that week– with the requirement in place that he work on himself. He absolutely hated it, but he agreed to see a therapist. He started working on his relationship with Max and he wrote an apology letter to Lucas that eventually turned into a sit-down conversation. Steve forgave him for their fight after some time; he even agreed to let Billy and Max stay at your house when things got bad at their place. Max was in shock as time went on and Billy really was working on himself. He still wasn’t the best older brother, but she could see that he was genuinely trying– that was enough for the time being. You were still in love with him at that point. Your feelings were strong and, you thought, unbreakable. You started therapy as well for the trauma you endured while dealing with the upside down. You had to edit a bit in front of your therapist, not everyone knew about the upside down, after all, but you got better too. Your nightmares got less frequent and your bond with Steve got stronger too. You were open about your mental health with him for the first time and he was open with you too. You, Billy, and Steve took turns driving the party around town on the weekends. The world seemed almost perfect there for a few months. 
As the weather warmed and you got farther into your therapeutic journey, your feelings toward Billy started to drastically shift. He was working on being a better person, truly, but he was still dealing with a lot in his home life. Just because Billy (and sometimes Max) were receiving therapy, it didn’t mean Neil was. He was still just as bad as ever and you knew it was taking a toll on the step-siblings. Max came to you sometimes with stories of what was going on; you knew she just needed a place to vent. You listen carefully and fully to everything she said. Some of the things that Billy was still doing broke your heart, but you did your best to reassure her that everything would be okay. You would help Billy and her get to a better place. She hugged you and cried. You held her and never let any tears slip– though on the inside you were definitely crying. Your soul was screaming at you that something was wrong, but you brushed it off. Your therapist made you very aware of your coping mechanisms (which mainly consisted of saying “whatever” to everything). You did your best to confront your feelings when you could, but after helping those around you process their emotions, you pretty much had no energy left to process your own. Every time you saw Billy, he was his usual self– adoring, sarcastic, and mean to everyone, but you, Steve, and Max. He held you tight as you fell asleep at night and always had his hand on your waist when you were out together, but something just felt off to you. You knew from Max that he wasn’t being open with you anymore and you knew that something in your heart was changing. The walls that he had so quickly broken when you first met started to build themselves up again. You didn’t even realize it at first, but it was painfully obvious to Steve and Max. They were watching your relationship crumble before their eyes.
It was June and your bond with Billy was slipping every day. He still came to your house all the time, but sometimes you just ignored his presence altogether. He would try to be your classic doting boyfriend, but you were busy learning all the patterns of your ceiling. He did notice, but he pretended that it wasn’t happening. His attachment to you was fierce and he couldn’t bare the thought of existing without you by his side. It wasn’t an option in his world. A lot of the time you spent together became filled with silence or small platonic conversations. He wouldn’t open up to you about how he was feeling and you felt closed out. You didn’t know where he was anymore. Your therapist was telling you to stop dragging the relationship out. You refused to admit to yourself for a long time that the change you felt toward Billy was falling out of love, though June was coming to an end and you were only getting farther from your boyfriend. 
Billy was working at the pool and Steve was working at Scoops Ahoy. Max was off hanging out with Lucas and Dustin was gone to summer camp. Nancy and Jonathan were working or spending time with each other. Everyone was doing their own things and it left you with way too much time to yourself to think. You ended up spending most of your free time laying face down in your bed or rewatching Star Wars. Steve would get home at the end of his shifts to see you, looking completely defeated on the couch. When Billy would come home from the pool, Steve would watch you fall into his hugs or just flat out not respond to his presence. He knew you weren’t trying to be mean, Billy knew that too, but they both could tell you were going through some major emotional turmoil. You felt like there was no one you could go to about it; other than your therapist, of course. You were finally admitting it to yourself that you had fallen out of love with Billy and you had no idea what to do with this information. You felt anxious and disappointed in yourself. You kept telling yourself “whatever, just get through this next day and you can figure it out tomorrow.” Tomorrow kept coming, and you kept shutting your feelings inside. It was almost like you were trying to bury the fact that you weren’t in love with Billy anymore– you just weren’t doing a very good job of it. 
Steve was the first one to break the tension. Billy was at his dad’s place so it was just you two in your childhood home. “You don’t seem happy anymore,” it started, “is there anything I can do to help?”
The worry in your brother’s voice is what made you start crying. You felt so much all at once that you couldn’t keep it bottled up anymore. You loved and cared for Billy, but not in the same way anymore– and it was eating you from the inside out. He listened to your thoughts and reassured you that it would be okay in the end– Billy loved you as a person and would be okay if you ended your relationship. You weren’t so sure, but between your therapist’s reactions and Steve’s, you knew that it was the right thing to do.
You broke up with your boyfriend, Billy Hargrove, on July 1st. 
He came over to your house after his shift and you hugged him tightly. You were shaking and you both sat on the edge of your bed. He knew something had been terribly wrong for a while, but this was the first time you were showing signs of anxiety. “Whatever is going on, we can get through it together, you know?”
You rolled your eyes and sighed. “You haven’t been letting me in either, you know that right?” 
“I’m trying my best, Doll. I’m not exactly used to people caring about how I feel,” he replied. 
You flopped back so you were laying down. Your eyes were, once again, tracing the patterns of the ceiling. “I’ve been putting my feelings on hold as much as I could. I… I don’t want to hurt you, but I know what I’m feeling is going to hurt you… so I’ve kept quiet, but that’s really not fair to you at all either.”
“Darlin’,” he said, laying down next to you. You could feel his eyes watching your face. Your body was still shaking, in fact, you were sure the shaking was only getting worse. “Nothing you could say would change how I feel about you. No matter what shit I’m dealing with or you’ve got going on in that pretty little mind of yours, I am in love with you.”
You shut your eyes tightly to keep the tears from forming at your waterline. “And that Billy, is my worst nightmare.”
He sat up on his elbow. His eyebrows furrowed and his expression was almost a scowl. “What’s that supposed to mean, Y/n?”
“I don't love you anymore, at least not in the same way that you love me.” He propelled himself up as he processed your words. He was sitting on the edge of your bed again. You opened your eyes to see his head in his hands. You could hear his breathing become ragged. “I still want you to feel safe staying here, but I can’t continue like this anymore. I love you with my whole heart, but in the best friend kind of way. I absolutely still want you in my life, but I understand entirely if you don’t want me in yours… I’m so sorry.” He was still quiet and his breath was still rough. You could hear him counting under his breath and you sat up. You reached your hand out to touch his shoulder, but the second your fingertips made contact with the soft cotton fabric of his t-shirt, he ripped himself away from you. He stumbled to his feet; his expression could only be explained as seething white-hot rage and deep internal damage. 
“Don’t fuckin’ touch me! How could you do this?” His hands pulled the skin of his cheeks so hard that he almost broke it with his nails. His eyes were red and tears were following the trails that his nails made down his face. 
“I didn’t do this on purpose. It’s like my heart has run out of love. Romantic love that is. I still deeply care about you, Billy and the last thing I have ever wanted to do is hurt you. I knew this would hurt, but it would be even worse if I didn’t tell you and kept a relationship alive for months that was doomed. I needed to tell you now because that was the right thing to do. I don’t expect you to be okay or even want to speak to me for a while, I just couldn’t keep this to myself. I love–”
“Don’t you say you love me! Clearly, you fucking don’t. I’ve been in love with you this whole time; I would have married you tomorrow if you asked me to! How could you ever expect me to see this house as a home when you aren’t my partner anymore? I knew something was wrong, but I never would have guessed you were thinking that! Fuck–” His words were getting caught in his throat. 
You stood up from the bed and moved to comfort him, but you stopped yourself before you actually reached him. You pulled your hands close to your body and ended up wrapping them around your own shoulders to give them a place to be. “I don’t expect you to forgive me or be okay with this, but I want you to know that you are always welcome here, Billy. I want what’s best for both–”
His hands were balled into fists and you were cut off by him punching the wall by your door. You hadn’t even processed the fact that he had turned away from you. “Fucking damn…” he grumbled. 
Your door slammed so hard as he left the room that two of your picture frames fell off your wall. You collapsed to the ground and crumpled into yourself. You knew that he was going to be upset, but you hadn’t expected that bad of a reaction. You could tell that he was trying so hard to control his anger, but his body was failing him. You wanted to chase after him, but you heard the Camaro roar to life and speed off before you could even get yourself to your feet. Steve came into your room, followed by a worried Dustin and Max. You had no idea the kids were in the house and your heart sank at the dark looks on their faces. “I’m sorry.”
Max lower herself to sit on her knees. She threw her arms around your shoulders and you felt yourself slipping away into the familiar “whatever” numbness. “It will be okay, Y/n. You have helped us so much. He will come around, I’m sure.”
| < ♥️ > |
If you knew what was to come, maybe your choices would have been different. You didn’t see Billy again until you were facing him in Starcourt Mall a few days later. The sight of him made your heart fall apart. Even though things were bad between you two right now, he was still one of the most important people in your life. You would have been okay knowing that he was still out there, even if he wasn’t in your life directly anymore. You never could have imagined that a few days after breaking up with him that he would become a victim of the mind flayer and the horrors of the upside down.
You were pretty open with him during the course of your relationships, but you did everything you could to keep him away from the monstrous hell dimension. You made sure the party kept quiet about it when he was around, you never told him the true details of the night at the Byers' house or the fight in the junkyard that caused you to miss your original first date. To think that he was flayed on the drive home from your house– just about killed you inside. You were looking him in the eyes. “Billy! Billy, come on! You have to be in there still! Fight this son of a bitch! Please, you have to make it out of this!” 
For a split second, you could see him. His expression softened and his hand moved out from his side; he was reaching out to you. Just as quickly as he was there, he was gone. Everything happened so fast and you felt so powerless. Eleven, the mind flayer, and all the destruction– Billy sacrificed himself to save the rest of you. Steve held you back; your body was trying to run toward him. Your heart wanted to try something, anything to save him, but there was nothing anyone could do. The upside down had claimed his soul.
| < ♥️ > |
You were laying on the dirt in his jacket. Your eyes were glued to his headstone; though they were dry. “Today was fucked up. You should have been there, your old friends are such assholes. Tommy Hagan was trying to mess with the younger hellfire club members, aka our kids. I told him to fuck off, but he didn’t really listen. Munson stepped in though. It was pretty cool I guess. I wish you were here to scare the shit out of him though for bullying the party. This whole high school thing is the fucking worst without you.”
Tags: @whoringrove @bilqis-of-sheba
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oh-three · 2 years
You can find me on AO3, here- and fanfiction.net here. 
I crosspost all of my stories to both (but only my favorites are featured on this masterlist), have been since July 14, 2021 (most of my older ones on FFN are not on my AO3). Feel free to kudos, favorite, follow, etc- but know that comments or reviews are always welcome! They make my day every time.
My inbox is always open if you want to talk! (Especially if it’s about Star Wars).
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When Our Boots Wear Thin & Our Hearts Grow Heavy
Cobb Vanth
Part 1 - When The Suns Grow Low, The Fight Only Gets Tougher
Just before joining in on the battle for Mos Espa, the people of Freetown dropped their wounded, dying marshal off at Fett’s Palace. Fett quickly realizes that Cobb Vanth may be beyond the help of even a bacta tank. He needs outside aid- they all do. Centered around the S1E7 end credit scene. [5/5 chapters]
Part 2 - When Twilight Checks In, The Collars Pull Tight
Bray Ealdel, a close friend from Cobb Vanth’s past, returns to Tatooine under mysterious circumstances. For Cobb, it’s a chance to catch up on lost time. But Bray, if he plays his cards right, gets to keep his life for a little longer. [8/8 chapters]
Part 3 - When The Heart Outruns The Body, The Suns Clear The Fog
Pressured by his aging body and his tired mind, Cobb Vanth ponders stepping down from his role as the Marshal of Freetown. Other, more personal, matters take him offworld for the first time in his extensive life. The fire in his eyes hasn’t quite been stomped out yet. [14/14 chapters]
Part 3.5 - When All Is Right, The Suns Are High [INTERLUDE]
After a lifetime of fighting for freedom, Cobb Vanth has finally won his once and for all. With his health back on the incline, all that’s left is to settle down and embrace the fact that he can finally live his life the way that he’s allowed the rest of his town to. One-shot; series interlude. 18+. [1/1 chapters]
Part 4 - When The Suns Begin To Set, Life Finally Begins
Cobb Vanth has retired from his position as Marshal of Mos Pelgo and embraced the life he had given the people of his town. But after spending near all his years working himself to the bone, it’s hard to drop the habit. [2/? chapters]
Other resources:
OC Guide
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Our Anonymity Is Your Protection (But Sometimes Our Masks Fall Away)
The Grand Inquisitor
A series of short stories centered around our favorite Grand Inquisitor, starting from his time as part of the Jedi Temple Guard.
Incorrect Quotes:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Other resources:
Name pronunciations
Rakesh Brem & his master
Art for the series can be found both here on my blog or on my DeviantArt page.
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Battle Born | Tech & His Goggles
A collection of related one-shots based on a headcanon that Tech’s goggles help him to see. Lots of angst and sibling bonding included. (Non-canon compliant with Batch content that comes out after the first season).
The Lengths We’ll Go, The Heights We’ll Reach
Tech & Hunter
The kidnapping becomes the least of their problems, and now the Bad Batch is plagued with sorrow, regret, and the shadow of what could have been.
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Take A Deep Breath, You're Home
A series of one-shots in which Echo finds his place in the Batch and comes to peace with his losses.
Solus Tome (Alone Together)
The Bad Batch brings Rex to the sunken remains of Tipoca City. Within her walls, they find a cryo stasis chamber- and, inside it, a fractured soul in desperate need of healing. Or, Clone Force 99 finds and adopts another traumatized reg.
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Silence Is A Lonely Country
Ian Malcolm
The dead live, and Ian Malcolm bears that truth in the form of a grizzly wound on his arm. On the run across the wildlands of Central America, he and the others do their best to survive the beginning of the apocalypse.
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Memories Keep Us Alive | Until Next Month
Jack Russell
Once he gathers the courage to send the first letter, they begin to come in after each full moon, telling of tales no one would believe had they not seen the impossible with their own eyes.
Or, five letters that Jack Russell sends to his sister, and one time he gets a reply.
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Let No Man Be Another's Who Can Be His Own
Jack Sparrow
Following Lord Beckett’s demise, Elizabeth Turner leads the Brethren Court in a series of raids against the scattered East India Trading Company. At first, it’s the smaller outposts. And then she leads them against a rather large establishment in West Africa. There, she finally learns how one Jack Sparrow wound up a pirate.
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lightning24680 · 2 years
Genshin Impact Scenarios
Hi, this is my first post and I write fanfiction and scenarios, really just anything that comes to my mind. Requests are always welcome! I'll set up rules later and what I'm okay with writing, as well as what fandoms I'll write for. Love ya'll and hope you enjoy!
P.S. since tumblr has a word limit I'm making this into a mini series!
They're your protective older brother and they meet your s/o gn!reader
Oh boy I feel sorry for your s/o
Older Brother Ajax cares about you a lot and only wants the best for you. So seeing someone else taking care of you, well he takes it as them taking his place as your protector
Ever since you were young he's always been taking you with him on adventures and showing you how to fight to protect yourself, but even so he's always been with you to make sure your safe
He sure doesn't trust anyone else to make sure your safe
Even though he's taught you how to fight, he doesn't let you know about his affiliation with the fatui, he never wants you to lose your light or your child-hood wonder
You love your brother but sometimes he can be a little too overprotective, so of course you choose to hide it from him that you have an s/o because knowing Ajax he's not going to give them a chance
However as much as you might try to hide it (and you try your hardest trust me) Ajax knows you too well. He's your older brother after all he can tell when you're hiding something from him
He doesn't make it obvious at first, he just writes it off as you just acting a little weird, but eventually he decides that after you've been disappearing for long amounts of time and canceling on him when you would usually jump at the chance to spend time with him, especially since he's been off in Liyue for quite awhile, he gets suspicious
He follows you one day when you leave the house all dressed up and seem happier than a clam
Ajax has no problem with that, he wants you to have everything this world can offer and seeing you happy brings back that spark he lost to the abyss, but why were you so happy for seemingly no reason?
Today wasn't any special occasion that he can remember
So he carefully follows behind you making sure that you don't notice him trailing you
Eventually you stop at some restaurant
He is SO confused poor boy doesn't understand why you would want to go get food from a restaurant all alone (you hadn't mentioned going out with friends?) especially when he made a point to tell you he was cooking this morning (no one can change my opinion his cooking is literally the best)
So when he sees you sit down at a table and seem to be waiting for someone, he decides to get a table close to you, not close enough for you to see him, but close enough for him to hear you
Anyways it had been about five minutes and you had ordered your drink and he was getting worried and had just about had enough of sitting watching you, but just as he was about to get up and go over to you and ask if you were okay and if you were upset, instead of at home
This boy honestly thinks he did something wrong for you to have not been spending as much time with him, it never occurs to him that you could be seeing someone, your his wonderful younger sibling who looks up to and adores him, and all his stories and skills that he teaches you
Honestly he basically raised you and your siblings with how much he loves you all, he always makes you feel safe and happy
Anyways back to your s/o, they they showed up just before Ajax could go over to you, and low and behold before he could even think who they were and why they were showing up with you for breakfast, they go and kiss you!🤯
Ajax exe. has stopped working. Who in the HELL has the nerve to kiss his sibling! Well he's about to find out. He starts stomping over ready to give this person a piece of his mind when something even MORE shocking happened you kissed them BACK, now he really stops in place for a second before he almost seems to teleport in front of you and pushes you two apart
To say you were shocked was an understatement, you were so startled you almost choked!
AJAX?! What are you doing here?!
Your shock quickly turned to panic when you saw your brothers steel gaze that looked downright murderous towards your s/o
Ajax decided to ignore you for the moment his attention was on your s/o who to their credit was calm and didn't look scared at all...yet at least Ajax thought
Your s/o as calm as they were, they were visibly confused and they made their confusion known as they asked "who are you?"
Oh boy I feel sorry for your s/o
Older Brother Ajax cares about you a lot and only wants the best for you. So seeing someone else taking care of you, well he takes it as them taking his place as your protector
Ever since you were young he's always been taking you with him on adventures and showing you how to fight to protect yourself, but even so he's always been with you to make sure your safe
He sure doesn't trust anyone else to make sure your safe
Even though he's taught you how to fight, he doesn't let you know about his affiliation with the fatui, he never wants you to lose your light or your child-hood wonder
You love your brother but sometimes he can be a little too overprotective, so of course you choose to hide it from him that you have an s/o because knowing Ajax he's not going to give them a chance
However as much as you might try to hide it (and you try your hardest trust me) Ajax knows you too well. He's your older brother after all he can tell when you're hiding something from him
He doesn't make it obvious at first, he just writes it off as you just acting a little weird, but eventually he decides that after you've been disappearing for long amounts of time and canceling on him when you would usually jump at the chance to spend time with him, especially since he's been off in Liyue for quite awhile, he gets suspicious
He follows you one day when you leave the house all dressed up and seem happier than a clam
Ajax has no problem with that, he wants you to have everything this world can offer and seeing you happy brings back that spark he lost to the abyss, but why were you so happy for seemingly no reason?
Today wasn't any special occasion that he can remember
So he carefully follows behind you making sure that you don't notice him trailing you
Eventually you stop at some restaurant
He is SO confused poor boy doesn't understand why you would want to go get food from a restaurant all alone (you hadn't mentioned going out with friends?) especially when he made a point to tell you he was cooking this morning (no one can change my opinion his cooking is literally the best)
So when he sees you sit down at a table and seem to be waiting for someone, he decides to get a table close to you, not close enough for you to see him, but close enough for him to hear you
Anyways it had been about five minutes and you had ordered your drink and he was getting worried and had just about had enough of sitting watching you, but just as he was about to get up and go over to you and ask if you were okay and if you were upset, instead of at home
This boy honestly thinks he did something wrong for you to have not been spending as much time with him, it never occurs to him that you could be seeing someone, your his wonderful younger sibling who looks up to and adores him, and all his stories and skills that he teaches you
Honestly he basically raised you and your siblings with how much he loves you all, he always makes you feel safe and happy
Anyways back to your s/o, they they showed up just before Ajax could go over to you, and low and behold before he could even think who they were and why they were showing up with you for breakfast, they go and kiss you!🤯
The continuation will be posted shortly because tumblr just haaad to have a word limit 😅
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lostinthe-jojos · 3 years
❥Anon requested:Could you do some hc with older brother Takamichi, who has a sibling (7 years age difference) unfortunately he lost them in an accident in the past??? Just what future Michi would do and how he act?? Cause I kinda feel like past Takemichi and his sibling got along to a point. But it was that sibling rivalry etc. Nit saying he was a bad brother, more like most of the time he picked on them like older sibling do
❥A/N: Sure! Sorry for taking so long
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**I'm gonna keep going with my initial HC, where his sibling died in a car accident but the driver was never found.
In the OG timeline, Takemichi and his sibling got along pretty well, he didn't mind taking care of them and liked to play with them. He was still friends with Kakucho when they were born, and the two boys would play with Takemichi's sibling.
That changed by the time he turned 14, he started to distance himself and spend more and more time with his new friends. The Mizo Middle however didn't mind having the kid around and would play with them every now and then whenever they were hanging at Takemichi's house.
The little Hanagaki's favorites to be with were Takuya and Atsushi. And they once told Takemichi's friends how they missed their big brother. Both felt bad and guilt tripped him a bit.
It wasn't that Takemichi didn't like his sibling, he just thought he had better things to do and maybe with their age difference, both might get bored with each other.
He also didn't really want them to get involved with his gang stuff, mostly after the incident with Kiyomasa.
He makes an effort to let them know he still thinks of them, mostly through teasing them. One of their toys disappeared? Takemichi hid it. They can't reach anything on a high shelf? Takemichi will grab it, but won't give it.
It's all playful banter and it's his own way of teaching them to stand for themselves.
And it works, his sibling even learns how to fight and despite bring younger, they're better than Takemichi and are rather quick to find out about Kisaki.
However, Takemichi doesn't believe them and goes on with his plan of running away. Only months after, his sibling dies in a car accident. The culprit is never found.
His life goes on, he finds out Hina's death and no long after, he leaps to the past.
When he goes back, he thinks he's dreaming. All his friends are there and he wonders... Could his sibling be there too?
He cries when he sees them and hugs them as tight as he can. His sibling is all freaked out, but a little worried. He hadn't acted like that before. Ever. But Takemichi says he was just having a bad day.
He goes back to the present, finds Naoto and their plan begins.
Whenever he time leaps, he makes sure to spend more time with his sibling, always keeping an eye on them without getting them too involved with gang stuff.
That is, until Takemichi meets Mikey and Draken and only days later, his sibling. Mikey takes a liking to them immediately and Draken acts annoyed, but likes to play with the kid. They're another reason Takemichi gets into the 2nd division, with Mitsuya.
Shortly after the Moebius arc, while Draken is in the hospital, Takemichi's sibling mentions Kisaki and he connects the dots quickly.
Now he knows what happened and he has a chance to save his sibling and make things right.
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