#in um as well uh... symbolism?
me-sploh-rada-imas · 3 months
jan and nace with a bi flag [x]
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lazywriters-blog · 10 months
Summary: A sister has gotta do what she gotta do. Slight dark undertones, implied stalking, very mild yandere behavior? But could be read as fluff or dark comedy, but questionable. Kinda dumb-
Why do I imagine Lynette being the pushy and bickering sister-in-law in support of her dear brother who hasn't cared to mention that you are partially still a stranger? And he hasn't gotten the chance to even introduce himself? But, he's a little shy and head over heels and implementing subtle tactics to bring you in.
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"Do you care for a trick?"
You've heard it before, and though you never believed in magic or magicians you turned around to see the young man bowing his hat, a hand behind his back, and an elegant posture.
Magicians are but clever in deceiving and trickery, concealment, and whatnot. You could list a few more.
However, in favor of answering his voice, you speak up, "Oh no, thank you." The least you could do was smile and walk away, and you were going to until he stepped an inch and insisted, "Please just one trick?" he pleaded with his eyes this time.
You looked away, dealing with persistent people never went well in your case so you nodded, and he grinned big. Sighing and whining internally, you fold your arms and watch him reveal the insides of his hat, you've seen it done many times.
"Don't blink!" he playfully cautioned.
You dare not.
He examined you for a brief moment then pulled out a picture from the empty hat, and quickly handed it to you with a wide smile. You had been expecting a rose or something that symbolizes passion, or love. But not what you were seeing.
A hazy picture of black and white with a figure whose face resembled a ghost. It was an eerie sight to witness first thing in the morning.
"What... What is this?"
"Oh, did I hand you the wrong one?" he feigned innocence leaning over and taking a peek, "Oops!! My apologies, even magicians make mistakes!!" he exclaimed, stealing the picture out of her hand and replacing it with a ticket instead.
"As an apology, please accept this free ticket to my magic show this evening, I would love to see you there!" and then, he vanished into the alleyway.
You did not give much thought to the incident and went on your day, the ticket at the bottom of your pocket forgotten and missed. Cruel or sad may it be, you had no business being someplace you didn't want to.
It would have stopped there normally.
But it didn't...
"Oh!! Hello there!" It was his voice again you heard on the streets, he wasn't alone this time, "I must have freaked you out with my wrong trick, I figured that's why you didn't come to my show." Faking ignorance seemed harsh so you ceased your doing and glanced at the twins, you wanted it to be swift and stress-free.
"Not really, I was busy with work and I'm not a fan of crowds, Sorry I couldn't attend it." his sister had been staring long and fiercely, an odd sibling you assumed and acted, "I hear it was marvelous, the show you put up, people are still talking about it."
"You liar." That's the first thing you heard from his sister standing by his side, glaring and throwing knives into your chest, not literally but your heart did skip a few beats.
And strangely, it seemed to agitate the magician more than you. "Ha-ahaha! She just likes to tell jokes, don't mind her!"
"Oh... Uh, I see."
The conversation had turned sour, and none of you spoke a word or met eyes if it hadn't been for the young man, you would have been stuck in the silence for much longer.
"Um... We were heading to get dessert, you should come with us." he offered, friendly-toned and cautious of how he was being viewed, Despite the kind suggestion, you would rather decline than take harmless risks.
"Thanks... But--"
"Just shut up and come with us already. You have nothing to do tonight we know."
If the earlier comment hadn't affected you, it did now. Sadly for you, his sister wasn't done yet and took a step forward to point an accusing finger at you, as if you had gone and killed someone dear to her and laughed it off in her face.
"Do you even know how sad my brother was when you didn't come to his show? You should be sorry for what you're doing to him! Why are you causing him pain?!"
Perhaps, asking for no trouble invited it instead.
"You torment him with your moody strikes! And you have the guts to ignore him! How dare you tear apart my brother's heart and act as if you're this kind lady who doesn't hurt-"
"Lynette!!!" Confusion couldn't dare to describe how you were feeling, the scene looked like a family quarrel, and you weren't even a part of it.
You felt like a wife scolded by her sister-in-law. Would saying anything work to quell the tension brewing in the air or even the eyes watching them? If you had to make a bet, the people were having the time of their lives watching the drama unveil.
"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I follow... I've never really talked to your brother-"
"You're coming with us!!" The only thing left for her to do was drag you there herself, that would be humiliating.
You felt like a part of the family alright.
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
fluffy eddie request: getting eddie flowers. (maybe as a gift/for a special occasion, or maybe just bc) and he’s really surprised bc no one has ever done that for him
any universe btw it’s up to you 😉
Making Eddie all flustered is my favorite thing, oh my goodness. I set this in one of my older!eddie universes in my brain, but there's literally no mention of anything that keeps this from being just a fluffy little Eddie stand-alone blurb.
Words: 1k
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The plastic wrapping around the bouquet crinkles as you bounce up and down on the balls of your feet. The metal steps up to the trailer door squeak below you. It seems like ages ago that you rang the doorbell, though it had probably only been about six seconds. Finally, Eddie’s heavy tread comes closer and the doorknob rattles from the other side. A grin grows on your boyfriend’s face as he takes you in.
“Hey, baby,” he says. “I thought you’d be here a little later. I haven’t even started making dinner yet.”
“That’s fine,” you say with a shake of your head. Eddie notices your fidgety state and the way you’re biting at your bottom lip. He cocks an eyebrow at you.
“You okay?”
“Yeah! I just, uh, got something for you,” you say, a shy smile growing on your face.
“What’s that, sweetheart?” Eddie moves to the side so you can come in. You do so carefully, taking care not to let him see what’s behind your back. “Whatcha got?”
You wait until Eddie has shut the door and turned back towards you to reveal your gift for him. It’s a bouquet of a dozen red roses with soft, white baby’s breath mixed in. Your boyfriend’s eyes go down to the flowers and a confused look pinches his brow even as he smiles.
“They’re for you,” you say, as if it wasn’t obvious.
His eyes come back up to meet yours. “These are for me?”
“Yeah,” you say. “I saw them, and I knew I wanted to buy them for you.” When he doesn’t say anything, you feel your pulse begin to pick up. “D-Do you not like them?”
“No, no, baby!” His eyes widen and he shakes his head. “They’re beautiful. I’m just surprised that you wanted to get them for me.”
He takes them from you as you frown in confusion.
“Well,” he says, admiring the blooms. He clears his throat. “I’ve never gotten any before.”
“No one has ever given you roses?” You pout. That doesn’t seem right. Eddie is the kindest, most loving man you’ve ever met, and he deserves to be showered in gifts and sweet gestures. You’ve heard about his past relationships, and some of them were pretty serious. How was it that none of those women gave him the most recognizable symbol of romantic love?
Eddie lets out a small sniff and doesn’t meet your eyes. “Um, no one has ever given me flowers before.” 
“That’s…” you trail off with a shake of your head. There aren’t words for how preposterous that is. “Eddie, that’s ridiculous. No, it’s more than ridiculous. Why?” The question isn’t really posed at him, but he still shrugs.
“Don’t know,” he says in a quiet voice. You take a step closer to him and he lifts his head to meet your gaze. His eyes are slightly misty, and it feels like there’s a fist clenching around your heart. “Thank you.”
“Hey,” you say, resting a hand over his where it holds onto the wrapping covering the stems. “You deserve all the flowers. I’d pick all the tulips in the Netherlands for you if I could.”
This gets a chuckle out of him. He brings a hand up and rubs at his eyes with a groan.
“Gah, what’s the matter with me?”
“Nothing,” you tell him.
Eddie takes your hand in his free one and gives it a squeeze. 
“It’s not like…an anniversary or something, is it? Because we met in January, so most of those firsts happened not long after that…” he trails off, clearly wracking his brain to see if he’s overlooked something.
Chuckling, you shake your head. “No, it’s nothing like that. I just wanted to give them to you because I love you.”
The romantic gesture has completely thrown Eddie off. Sure, he’s done romantic things for women in the past, and especially for you, but it’s not something he has ever been on the receiving end of before. He hadn’t even thought about it, to be honest. 
“These flowers are just because?” he asks.
Playfully, you roll your eyes at his double and triple-checking. “Yes! Just because.” 
A grin begins to form on Eddie’s face. It’s small at first, but you see it grow incrementally until it reaches his eyes, causing them to crease in corners as he beams down at the bundle in his hands. 
“I don’t know if I have a vase,” he eventually says. 
“I’ll look,” you volunteer. There’s not much room to store things in the trailer, but you do a thorough search and manage to find an old glass jar that’s big enough to fit the bouquet in. Once you’ve filled it with water, Eddie slides the roses and baby’s breath out of the wrapping and slips them into the water. 
“They’re beautiful,” Eddie says as he watches you arrange them a bit, helping every flower get its chance to be seen. “Almost as beautiful as my girlfriend.”
Heat rises up to your ears as you look over your work. Pleased with the floral setup, you turn to Eddie and cup his face in your hands. 
“Nothing’s as beautiful as my boyfriend.” Pride swells in your chest when you see him get a little bashful, a hint of red appearing along the apples of his cheeks. He reaches his hand out and ghosts his fingertips across the soft white petals on the smaller flowers.
“What are these things called?” he asks.
“Baby’s Breath.”
Eddie turns slowly to face you and raises his eyebrows. “You tryna tell me something?”
You tilt your head, giving him an unimpressed look. 
“No, Eddie, I’m not pregnant.”
He slips his hands around your waist until they’re resting on the small of your back. Gently, he tugs you closer until you’re chest to chest. 
“You wanna be?”
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Okay, so. The idol in Aeor that the Hells found-- the one the liveshow will presumably be focused on-- we all think it's Gruumsh, right?
I have some evidence to the contrary.
So the symbol we saw is a small circle inside a larger circle with lines radiating outwards between them. We've never seen this associated with Gruumsh before, but it sparked something in my memory. I think I found it.
We were first introduced to this deity during the Search for Grog liveshow, when VM found a small shrine to her in Pandemonium. She has not been mentioned since.
Everyone, meet the Lady of Pain.
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Small circle. Bigger circle. Lines radiating between them. Hell, here's a stylized form of her symbol:
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But the blood and eyes that Liam's been posting on Twitter-- definitely Gruumsh, right? Well, maybe not. On a hunch, I went to the Lady of Pain's wiki page and hit ctrl+f for the word "eye," and this came up. "The face of the Lady of Pain served as the logo for the entire Planescape Campaign Setting and thus appeared on every sourcebook or accessory. Her image in the logo was intentionally removed from the Faction War sourcebook, but it appeared in the background with a bleeding eye."
Okay. Okay. Cool. I found the Faction War book.
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OKAY. OKAY. COOL. UM. So it could be Gruumsh!! Could be!! Two instances of connection is still a coincidence. But three?? Oh, I'd really have to wrack my brain to come up with three connections, right???
"According to the great wizard Mordenkainen, the Lady of Pain had some sort of connection to the Raven Queen, another enigmatic character. It was said that only the Lady of Pain knew the Raven Queen's true intentions."
So. Uh.
I'm gonna be very interested in seeing the results of that liveshow.
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daintcas · 2 months
can you write something where you go into mean!rafes tent when you’re camping with friends late at night, claiming you heard a noise but he doesn’t believe you and he discovers you’re true intentions was just to get in his pants🙏
oh my god this is so creative 😭 switched it up just a lil but i think it still fits ur idea !! apologies it took me so long to finally get around to it!
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the leaves crunch under your feet as you approach the insanely massive and luxurious tent just a few feet from your own.
you knew it was risky since everyone else was already asleep in their equally as expensive sleeping arrangements. it must have been the long night of partying around a bonfire because the only sound filling your ears were the crickets lingering at the nearby creek.
with nobody to interrupt your poorly thought out and drunken plan - after a few too many hard seltzers - you slowly unzipped what you were pretty sure was the zipper of rafe's tent. in all honesty, you didn't know him. he was just one among many guys a mutual friend invited, but you were coherent enough to recognize the suggestive glances he spared you.
you bit your lip while carefully stepping inside, attempting to minimize the ruffle of the uncomfortable material. it's pitch black in the tent - which is tall enough for you to stand at your full height. that is until the light of a phone screen exposes you standing in the unwelcome space.
"the fuck are you doing?" the voice is low and mean, clearly irritated at the invasion.
blinking your eyes open and looking straight into the only source of light, you pause for a moment before remembering the excuse you prepared earlier. "i, um— there was a noise. i thought it was coming from here?"
a scoff is what you get in return and the click of a lantern replaces the accusing spotlight from the device. that's when you get a good look at him, clad in grey sweats and a dark hoodie, socks bunched at his ankles. "a noise?"
blinking your heavy eyelids and looking up at him through your lashes, you can't help but feel adrenaline at the sarcasm in his tone. the drinks weren't working in your favor, that's for sure.
"mhm," you all but bob your head "in— in here. a noise." the amusement spreading across his face in the form of a smirk seals the deal, suddenly making you feel so small under his tall stature steadily approaching.
"riiight.." he draws out, raking in your form just like he had been before, but this time really taking it slow. from your fluffy socks up to the tiny victoria secret boxers, up to the lace bra peeking out from under your baggy sweatshirt.
if a cold night in the woods didn't give you goosebumps, his gaze certainly did. you let him encroach on your space, eyes glued to his face and tilting your head back to keep contact.
"you lyin'?" he finally questions, though his expression shows he already knows the answer - and already knows how you intend on responding.
"no.." you reply in a weak effort to keep up your story and use your hands to symbolize a crash as you add, "it was like a.. like a bang!"
his smile is a bit softer before returning to the menacing way it was before and he nods along with a taunting hum. nodding his head to end the discussion you both knew ended before it started, he acknowledges you directly. "why don't you tell me why you're really in here? not very safe sneaking around at night, is it?"
with a defeated sigh, you shake your head, tucking some hair behind your ear and standing calmly in a way you normally wouldn't if sober and well-rested.
a million thoughts run through his mind of exactly how this situation could play out as he tongues at his cheek and watches you closely. eventually deciding to think with the tent in his pants rather than the one sheltering the two of you, he leans right in your face and nudges your chin up to face him with the knuckle of his pointer finger.
"i'm sure your lil tent is cold, huh? why don't you uh— let me keep you warm, hm?" he offers while letting the scenarios run wild in his head. a pretty girl willingly bringing herself to him in the middle of the night, secluded, with nobody else in earshot.
it's like that's all you were waiting for because an eager yet still sweet and innocent smile finds your face. only able to squeak out a "'kay" before he's leading you gently by your upper arm to an air mattress - as of now still completely inflated.
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if you would all allow me to be delusional for a moment - so i went back to staring Very Hard at the neighborhood map and. um. well. im chucking my marbles out the window! as always take all of this with a Hefty grain of salt!
i thought i saw a weird pixel in Frank's window so i zoomed in. then i took a screenshot, and fucked with the contrast/brightness settings. and uhhhhhh
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FRANK??? HELLO???? HE'S IN THERE? i'm pretty sure im Not seeing things bc that is definitely a vague gray tube-outline with a yellow spot in the shape of Frank's nose. hidden in the dark. and i might be seeing things but in the pane next to his face it kinda looks like his hand is on the window? but! Frank's in there! what the fuck!
so naturally i slowly scrolled through the neighborhood Zoomed The Fuck In. obvi there's nothing in Home's eyes, and Barnaby's & Sally's single visible windows(?) are closed. I couldn't find any out-of-place pixels in Julie's or Poppy's.
but! Eddie's kinda freaked me out a little! look at this shit!
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on the top left pane... are those fingerprints pressing into the glass? and in the lower left, is that a fucking Face peering out? a creepy ass face that almost looks like some sort of mask? there seems to be another Shape in the upper right... another face perhaps?
and then there's the weird window shine in the lower right (along with maybe Another face...). it almost looks like a string of letters. there isn't a single pattern/design like that anywhere else in the neighborhood. what's up with that....
oh and also, just went back to double check the post office's display window
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there seems to be another face - all the way to the right in the darkness. judging by the shape of the paler (yellowish?) pixels between what must be eyes, i think that's Eddie. and i think i see ears and a hat... not sure though. this one is really tough to see but it's There
(side note: Eddie is totally fucked, isn't he? between the faces(?) and hands behind his door, Home sitting in his display, and the hyacinths by his building, the emphasis on his memory (or lack-thereof) in a project that is, in a sense, About memory... i'm concerned! and eating it tf up! hell yeah lets get funky!)
now i couldn't see any, like, concrete Faces or anything in Howdy's store. but! you can kinda see inside! observe~
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in the big open window, you can kinda make out some sort of container on a counter and what might be shelves or a kind of brick pattern. and then above the 100% sign... hold on are those fuckign Eyes? lets take a look zoomed in & without the image adjustments!
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yeah those uh. i think those are eyes. Wally-esque eyes peering out of the darkness. though they also mildly remind me of eyespots on insect wings. butterfly eyespots, perhaps. inch resting indeed...
WAIT I LIED!!! there DOES seem to be another string of letter-like symbols in the neighborhood, not just the post office's window shine. now it could be just a wild coincidence, but at the same time it seems kind of... purposeful. like that's not normal shading/coloring.
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check out the blue window border on Howdy's Place, next to the apples. the lighter blue pixels seem Arranged. i think i see a clear N, and either an R or a P... along with some other symbols that i don't recognize as anything. the lower ones look kinda like faces? what could the top one be? is any of it anything or am i looking too hard?
in short: they're watching us watch them and there's way more to the map than initially meets the eye....
(edit: i've added a reblog w/ the images outlined! badly outlined but a clearer View of what i see nonetheless! + some notes on more little things outlining helped me notice)
#throttling my laptop WHAT DOES IT MEAN??? WHAT DOES IT MEANNNNNNN#got a little spooked there ngl....#noticing the faces(?) in eddie's gave me a lil startle. got a little chill up my spine#I LOVE IT!#im gonna be reeling over this all night....#the implications! the arising questions!! the Choices!!!#frank and eddie being the only ones with their faces in their windows (plus a couple extra)#eddie and howdy having letters/symbols(?) on their buildings#THE EYES IN HOWDY'S STORE!!!#i feel like these are important misplaced pieces of a puzzle i havent even opened yet#god and like. tiny home in eddie's window yeah but that With the eyes in howdy's store?#both buildings - both Stores! - seeming to have hidden letters on them??? WHAT DOES IT MEANNNN#of course i could be just plain insane and seeing things#but some of it.... ough i dont think i am fellas#welcome home speculation#wh speculation#homebogging#ive been meaning to Examine the updated map.... not much Changed or caught my attention but a few things did#why does barnaby have a carton of milk outside his house? something to do with the phrase 'no use crying over spilled milk'?#the flower patch behind julie's house is Oddly green.... kinda reminds me of a body dump#that plus the red thing next to the bowling ball (a ribbon? scissors? something else?) makes me Suspicious#along with a mildly delusional Theory i've had since my first good Examining Of The Map (before the update!)#but thats not what this post is about#theres just. theres interesting things in there!#thank you for reading! i need to go Think about this all....#im feeling the urge to up the contrast/brightness of Every Single Slightly Dark image on the site <3
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sweatervest-obsessed · 7 months
Black Dog
Pairing: Spencer x Reader
WC: 758
TW: Love of Zeppelin, mentions of Satanism <3
A/N: Sorry I've been gone but now IM BACK. She's ALIVEEEEE
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Have you ever woken up to Led Zeppelin's Black Dog playing distantly in the shower?
Spencer Reid has. 
It’s his own fault really. He’s the one who invited you back to his place, and he should feel guilty, should feel bad about breaking one of Hotch’s rules, but you were just so fucking pretty, it made his brain malfunction.
He should feel fucked about the situation, and he did, just not in the way he probably should have. 
You had walked out, wrapped in a towel, humming along, having turned the music back down thinking he was still asleep. 
The water droplets dripped down your legs caused him to blush slightly, smiling shyly at how fucking gorgeous you looked, embaressed by the thoughts of the previous night. 
“Morning Spence.” You whispered, dropping your phone on the bed, and moving over his body, placing a kiss on his lips, a dreamy smile across your face. 
“Morning.” He whispered, sighing your name as you kissed his jaw. His hands wrapped around your waist, letting you collapse and place your weight on top of him. 
“I just showered..” You mumbled, continuing to kiss his neck and jaw, examining the damage you caused. 
“And who’s fault is that?” He kissed your head. He took his hand and laced it through one of yours, bringing it to his lips. 
“We have work, handsome.”
“I’m actually not the one on top of someone else.” 
You huffed and rolled off of him, standing up. “Yeah Yeah, whatever. At least you don’t have to show up to work in the same pants as yesterday.” 
Spencer laughed a little bit before getting up with you. 
“I didn’t know you liked Led Zeppelin.”
You whipped your head around, eyes filled to the brim with excitement. “You, Doctor Spencer Reid, know who Led Zeppelin is, and like them?”
He pulled on a pair of khaki trousers you had seen a million times before. “Don’t seem too surprised. Jimmy Page was known popularly as a satanist, even though he wasn’t. He agreed with Crowley’s philosophy of personal liberation, however plenty of Led Zeppelin's songs deal with the supernatural, or more pagan like elements. For example, the cover of Zeppelin IV is commonly believed to be straight out of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings Trilogy, but in actuality, it’s the symbol of the hermit from Tarot. I–” He stopped himself, and looked up at you, not fully expecting you to still be listening. 
But you were. Looking at him with such patience and adoration, and a genuine interest in whatever he was saying. “What?” You looked at yourself and then back at him. “Why’d you stop?” 
He opened and closed his mouth for a second, furrowing his brows. “Sorry. It’s just, uh, no one ever really lets me ramble, let alone listens…”
You shook your head. “Well that’s idiodic because you have a lot of very interesting things rattling around in your brain. And now I know that the very handsome man I slept with last night, likes one of my favorite bands…or at least has a good breadth of knowledge about them.” You pulled your shirt over your head, tucking it into your pants, starting to look around for your shoes. 
Spencer was still staring at you. 
“Spence do you remem–babe, please. Stop staring and keep talking please.” 
He swallowed and nodded, fumbling with the shirt in his hands. “I-uh-I, don’t remember, um–”
“That's fine.” You called from under the bed, having located where one of your shoes got kicked. “Tell me something else about Zeppelin.”
 “Uh-uh speaking of Satanism.” He pulled his shirt over his head, staring at your ass completely unashamed. “Did-did-did you know that, uh, Televangelist Paul Crouch believed that if you played Stairway to Heaven backwards, it would have satanic messages?”
You slid on one of your shoes, hunting for the other one still. “Oh please Spence, you’re slipping. Everyone knows that. And it’s a bunch of bullshit, kinda. It does sound like some devil words but truly who has the time to plan that out, and then execute it?” 
“T-that’s what the band said!
You smiled at him, kissing his cheek as you walked out into his living room, determined to find this other fucking shoe. 
“What’s your favorite song by them, Spence?” 
“Oh well I don’t actually listen to them…”
“Spencer please. You’re breaking my heart. I’m picking the music in the car, and you’re going to suck it up.” 
Spencer has never been more excited to listen to music at 7 am before.
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outlanderfandomfollies · 10 months
MIK s2e2: MĀORI CULTURE: Sam recalls some poignant moments when he gets a Māori "moko"
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After reading a post about a TV Line recap of MIK episode 202, I decided to watch this episode about Māori culture for myself. I was touched by the scenes where Sam and Graham each tell their stories in the process of getting a nonpermanent version of a "moko" (or tā moko), a deeply meaningful form of tattoo in the Māori culture.
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Tā moko artist Hohua Mohi explains that someone who wants a moko will "sit down for a good hour" and start talking about some part of their life that is meaningful, like their family, where they came from, etc. As they are talking, the moko artist is drawing, and consequently, every moko is unique and very personal.
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The Story Behind Sam's Moko
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SAM: Well my dad left, when I was, uh, very young, three years old, so I didn't--I didn't know him at all. HOHUA: Yeah. SAM: I actually didn't know his name.
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SAM: And uh, my mum brought me up with my elder brother in the south of Scotland. She's--she's been very, very strong my whole life. And she struggled, I think, to look after two young boys.
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SAM: Um, and it probably wasn't until I was… mid-20s that I finally, uh, met my dad. And, actually, very recently, I got to see him just before he died, which was uh, incredible, just to learn about him and his life.
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SAM: And, uh, we spent a few days together. I work a lot, and I'm very fortunate. But I always put it first. So I guess, uh, relationships are difficult.
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Sam's Moko Explained and Revealed
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HOHUA: So, if you look at it, it talks about your--your father. It talks about your dad and then your brother in here. This manaia here represents your mum. And so it's obviously facing upwards. SAM: Yeah. HOHUA: I've been giving you advice. SAM: Ah, so she's been giving me advice, mm.
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HOHUA: And if you look at it, rather than just follow a single line, all of these colors, they branch off, they branch off, they branch off. SAM: Yeah, yeah. HOHUA: And it was-- They came from you talking about how you wanted-- ultimately, you know, you don't know whether or not you're gonna settle down there, but you- you want to go and see the world. SAM: Somewhere else, yeah, yeah. HOHUA: So that's what--that's what this will remind you of. You know? SAM: Different branches.
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HOHUA: Yeah, but also, no matter which way you branch off, never forget where... [speaking native language] SAM: Wow. HOHUA: Hmm. SAM: My friend. [shakes hand] So beautiful. GRAHAM: That is really-- SAM: Thank you so much. GRAHAM: It's pretty. SAM: Isn't that awesome?
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SAM: A strange experience as well. GRAHAM: A unique experience. SAM: Yeah, just also very personal. It felt like going to therapy a little bit. GRAHAM: Yeah. SAM: But, uh, very, very honored. GRAHAM: Yeah. Yeah. Really, thank you so much.
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Being a therapist myself, it seemed to me that the process of getting a moko is very much a therapeutic experience. The person getting a moko focuses inwardly and shares important parts of their past that define who they are. The moko artist appears not to be judgmental and listens at a deep level. Then the artist presents the moko, which is a visual symbol of something very unique about the person. And they also give verbal feedback to the person about what they have understood to be the essence of their story.
Sounds like a "therapeutic" encounter to me!
___________ NOTE: Images of Sam's moko were enhanced for clarity and to accentuate the colors. Thanks @thetruthwilloutsworld for making the TV Line Recap post. I'd never watched any episode of MIK before. I'm glad I watched this episode. I enjoyed learning about Māori culture, as well as finding out more about Sam's and Graham's personal backgrounds.
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soaricarus · 8 months
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also this nightcat is seperate from my invterator askblog nightcat. for clarification
id honestly consider the cut arena scug 4 an oc at this point. it deviates so much from the One sprite we get. oops
seperates + Not So Line Lineup under cut AS WELL AS DESIGN NOTES woooh boy. MIND YOU its really long
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the Not So Line Lineup
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survivor! scar on snout is based on one of the cut arena sprites for player 1, it has a little.. scar? notch? line? there. survivor passage symbol on head as well and freckles :) some brown to match monk sorta. spikey fur!
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^ what the scar is based on
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overall more rounded than survivor, to reference the monk passage symbol which is also on their head. a little dewlap to reference gourmand - i think gourmand and survivor and monk are related. lighter yellows to reference survivor!
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third sibling!!! the little orange line on their head is actually karma 7 (i realized survivor is karma 5 and monk is karma 6- so why not go with the theme?) and a sorta partial saint symbol on their head, missing the middle line. yellow/red accenting color to reference monk and survivor sorta. blu :)
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sorta pinker. based on one of my old draft designs, just made a little better. green accent color to match sig. a little fluffy and sharp. ear tufts cause theyre fun and a tufted tail. hunter passage symbol is also on tail teehee. sig's head symbol is also on hunter. the scar is also green
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nightcat is some sorta weird echo thing. to me. little wings for the fun of it. i dont have much on this design honestly other than i used dodge A Lot. the accenting pink on the dark purple parts was originally an accident but like? it vibes.
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wanderer! cause actually why not. the white symbol on their chest is a half of sig's symbol, i'd like to think sig helped suns make wanderer. if you put its head symbol together with nightcat it makes the scholar :) blue accenting color is close to the negative/opposite colors of nightcat.
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i dont have many notes for this biggol guy. sorta looks alike survivor and monk i suppose. feathers! theyre sorta rose colored i think. idk. it looks nice. simple patterns cause gourmand is a symbol guy
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artiiii. i wanted to put an accent color on arti but it was so Hard because i was Stubborn and Needed That Damn Cyan on it. markings based on a siamese cat except for the ones on the arm and legs, theyre sort of tabby based?
green pup is tabby based in markings, pink sorta looks like flower petals. blue pup is siamese cat based in markings and the yellow? idk it looked nice
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RIVULETTT. i love rivulet. i made the bright sunset gradient contrast by adding some darker but still vibrant blues and purples to the design, as well as a cream. there's also actual gills udner the display frills (which also got a color update to match instead of being an offbrand bi flag). also webbed fingers!!!
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vibrant fuckin purple because it looks nice actually. made it have some cream-pink-purple thing as underbelly instead to make it look nicer. head markings are based directly on suns :) biggol Orb Eyes to Stare In Your Soul. accenting colors sorta match rivulet? idk? they just look nice without contrasting too much. also whiskers. and tall. and thin with long ass grabbers
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i kept getting "portal colors" and "aroace flag" and like YEA YALL ARE RIGHT ACTUALLY i just wanted to fit blue and orange on it though lmao. anyway pretty simple body markings to make up for the Six Fucking Accent Colors. three forehead dots are yellow while there's an x on its back and head thats blue... to imitate the rot :) why? figure it out yourself
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inv!! not much has changed since honestly i just saturated the colors a bit more i think. idk. i like the yellow on inv though so i make it more prominent sorta? just a guy. still an iterator that turned itself into a slugcat. to me.
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originally based on this cut arena slugcat
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then i uh. accent color and scales and um. um. im so normal about this slugcat holyshit curveberry my beloved.... anyway the scales were originally a dark teal? then i hueshifted them and Oh Fuck Dusk Colors Holy Shit. its so good i genuinely love this design so much i doodled it lmao. the scales are based on a pangolin. i actually have ideas for this if it were to be a slugcat campaign...
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another cut arena slug! this time this one. i tried to keep it more in line rather than go a bit silly ehe. i still like how this came out- i think the accent color is nice. it looks like bingus to me actually. bingus slugcat
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iggy projection slug. weird thing with lines under its eyes
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to me this is another of nsh's purposed messengers. the lil guy that sent the distateful message. whatever it was icr the exacts but. him. boy. the darker pink is like armor like a centipede. looks like ham to me
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iggy projection slug that had silly little small ears so i thought i'd include them
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i was having so much trouble with this design but @pinkavtomation actually helped me out because i was. Struggling so hard and i was streaming doing these designs in vc (for 9 hours straight... voids) 'n it sent this and honestly. yeah. funky vitiligo cat to me.
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colors r sorta based on vanilla and chocolate icecream???? thats what i was thinkin when i was lookin at it honestly. just a lil guy to me
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youcouldmakealife · 6 months
Raf/Grace, Bryce/Jared, various; solemn occasion (pt 1)
For the prompt: A collision of worlds at Raf and Grace's wedding: Bryce and Jared, David and Jake, maybe throw in Robbie and Georgie too…
Pre-wedding for now. We all know this thing is going to end up being 15,000 parts long.
On the drive home after Chaz and Ash ask them to be in the wedding party, Bryce says, offhand, “You know Raf’s asking next.”
“Yeah,” Jared says through a yawn. It's still early, so he thinks Chaz and Ashley’s perpetual exhaustion might be contagious.
“No, I mean, he’s going to ask you to be his best man,” Bryce says.
Jared snorts and shuts his eyes.
“I mean it,” Bryce says.
“I’d be a terrible best man,” Jared says. “Raf’s too smart to do that.”
Jared clearly overestimated Raf’s intelligence.
“Um,” Jared says. "Wait, really?"
Raf blinks back at him.
“Bryce said you were going to ask me that,” Jared says.
“And you said ‘good because I’m definitely going to say yes’,” Raf says. “Right?”
“Is that what you want me to say?” Jared says.
Raf shrugs.
“Are there like, responsibilities involved?” Jared asks. “Or is this a symbolic thing?”
“A few,” Raf says. “The bachelor party, I think, though obviously it’s not going to be, you know. Traditional.”
“No strip club?” Jared asks.
Raf vehemently shakes his head, and Jared relaxes.
“There are a couple other events,” Raf says. “Rehearsal dinner and the like. I think most of the logistics typically end up being handled on the bride's side, but Grace and I want to make this equitable.”
“Of course,” Jared says. “Naturally.”
Raf narrows his eyes. “You tried to make me write your vows.”
“You’re never going to stop bringing that up, are you?” Jared says.
“Your vows,” Raf says. “The words you use to express your love for and devotion your husband. You asked me to write them for you. And then you asked Chaz.”
“Okay, but I wrote my own in the end,” Jared says. Well, made a bullet pointed list, and then ignored all of it to embarrass himself in front of everyone he loved, but semantics.
“Because Chaz and I said no,” Raf says.
“Which was bullshit,” Jared says, and Raf smirks.
“You really don’t need to do much,” Raf says. “I’d rather handle everything myself, frankly.”
“You’d end up taking over even if I tried to do it, wouldn’t you?” Jared says.
“Probably,” Raf admits.
“And you don’t want me to write your vows,” Jared checks. Vows are not his forte even when they're his own.
“I actually want Grace to marry me,” Raf says, and laughs when Jared kicks him under the table.
“When’s the wedding?” Jared asks.
“Next summer,” Raf says.
“Uh,” Jared says.
“Don’t worry,” Raf says. “We’re coordinating with Chaz and Ashley so nothing overlaps. And I already gave Arvan a heads up.”
He gives Jared a look then, like ‘remember the time you forgot to tell Arvan you needed time off to get married?’. One of the drawbacks of knowing him so well is that Jared knows his looks mean, and a good number of them are withering.
Jared didn’t know being a best man would involve so many logistics. Like, sure, he asked what was involved, and Raf said he’d handle most of it, and Jared’s pretty sure he is handling most of it, but there are so many moving parts it makes Jared a little dizzy. And this is only two months in. Jared dreads the remaining ten if this is any indication of what’s coming.
In the movies it’s mostly funny speeches and bachelor’s parties, and he was already dreading that enough — Jared is not good at speeches or events, and he continues to be grateful Raf has absolutely zero interest in going to a strip club because Jared is way too gay to deal with that particular form of locker room talk. But they’re basically planning an event for over a hundred people, and even from the sidelines Jared can tell it’s a lot more complicated than ‘book a nice vacation house, get expensive catering, don’t forget a cake’ like his own wedding was.
There’s the venue, which they had to book a whole year in advance. The catering, but on a whole other scale. The wedding party’s been picked, and they’ve all got to match for some reason. Flowers are a thing. A big thing, apparently. Thankfully Jared doesn’t have to hear that much about them firsthand, but he knows from calls, texts, and in person venting — many of them — that they are stressing Raf out. Even at the spitefullest peak of Jared’s wedding planning he didn’t give a shit about flowers.
And all that’s not even getting into the invitees, which is what Raf called to bitch about. Jared didn’t think Raf had this many friends. Like, Jared pegged them as having a pretty similar philosophy on friendship — quality over quantity all the way — and there were like, a dozen people at Jared’s wedding.
And to be fair, there would have been more if it wasn’t for the whole ‘secret relationship both of their teams wanted to keep hidden’ thing. His mom’s side of the family hasn’t stopped giving him shit about not knowing who Jared’s husband was before it was trending on twitter. At first he thinks they were genuinely upset, but now it’s become the new running joke, like Erin getting shit about her hair constantly changing colour, and his dad getting shit about being the lesser Don in the family, and his mom gets shit about absolutely everything.
The problem, apparently, is that Raf and Grace booked a venue for two hundred people, and that’s somehow not enough.
“You seriously know hundreds of people?” Jared asks. That sounds like a nightmare. "How?"
“I mean,” Raf says. “My family. Her family. The Caps, Grace’s university friends, some former Hurricanes—“
“You still keep in touch with your teammates from the Dub?” Jared asks. “Seriously? Why?”
“You’re currently babysitting for your old captain,” Raf says.
Jared looks over to where Maia’s sitting in Bryce’s lap, both riveted by whatever show Chaz told Bryce to put on if she got cranky. Apparently blue dogs are timeless entertainment.
“That’s different,” Jared says.
“Okay,” Raf says.
“You’re friends with him too,” Jared says.
“I am,” Raf says.
“We’re babysitting specifically because your fiancée and his fiancée are currently shopping for wedding shit together,” Jared says. Well, they said ‘brainstorming’, but considering they’re brainstorming at a mall, Jared stands by describing it as shopping.
Raf was supposed to be having a day to himself, which doesn’t seem to be going well, judging by the fact he’s talking to him right now. Jared has no idea what Chaz is doing, because all he did was mumble something about ‘freedom’ and ‘go crazy’ when he dropped Maia off, and Jared felt it might be best to just leave the man alone, especially after he practically hissed after Bryce offered him a drink.
“This is only supporting my point, you know that, right?” Raf says.
Jared is unfortunately aware of that.
“Do you think it’d offend people if I kept the hockey players separate from everyone else?” Raf asks. “I know it’s not time for the seating plan yet, but —“
“I think it’d offend people if you didn’t,” Jared says. “Because hockey players are obnoxious.”
“Hey,” Raf says, then, “Good point.”
“Put them all in the corner,” Jared says.
He swears he can hear Raf taking notes.
Bryce raises his eyebrows, and Jared raises them back, then has to bite down a laugh when Bryce raises one of Maia’s pudgy little hands in a wave.
“Okay,” Raf says. “Next on the docket.”
“Is there a docket?” Jared asks. "Do you have a list in front of you? There better not be a list.”
It’s impressive that silence can sound so guilty.
Jared groans and wanders over to the couch, letting Bryce tuck him under one arm. “Okay,” he says. “For the record, I’m babysitting now, so you’re just going to hear ‘yeah’ and ‘uh huh’ to everything you say.”
There’s another silence, this time considering.
“Okay,” Raf says, and Jared ‘uh huh’s through far too much detail about ideal seating arrangements until Ash and Grace arrive to rescue them.
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keenzinemugstudent · 1 year
Superman x witch fem black reader x Superboy! Our future? Part 1!
You come back from a mission only to meet a boy who claims to be your son?!
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After your mission with Flash which was an epic win! After going back in time to help stop an ancient Egyptian pharaoh from destroying world you just wanted to turn in your report go home and watch TV and rest but life had another plan for you today!
"When you use that spell on that other guy and had him hallucinating that he was fighting in his underwear was absolutely hilarious Y/H/N! (Your Hero Name)
"Right? Like he didn't see that coming! I do feel bad for the poor guy tho." We entered the Batcave as we got closer we could hear three people talking I saw Batman and Superman an unfamiliar face. It was a boy well more like a teenager he had blue jeans, black combat boots with a black shirt when he turned around I can see the Superman symbol and for some reason you had this pull towards him and he looked strangely familiar?
"Hey guy's! We're back it took a while you know with the whole space-time thing but we're fine, we made it got the job done so uh who's the new guy new face looks pretty young to join the Justice League don't you think?" Flash says. Superman looked at me I gave him a small wave to say hello but he just gave an awkward smile looking pass you. It was weird he usually doesn't do that, something must have happened you turned your attention back to the teenager who was looking at you with his eyes glossing over like he was close to crying?
"Since when do we allow fans into the batcave?" I asked hands on my hips I had got a good look at his face better and to your surprise he looked kind of like Clark? Before you could say anything the boy ran towards you with such speed nearly knocked you over he pulled you into a big bear hug almost like he was too scared to let you go everyone just stood watching the scene Bruce stood with a blank face, Superman stood there with an uneasy look while Flash was just as confused as you were with what was going on.
"Your here! I made it just in time!" The boy says into your shoulder you honestly didn't know what the heck was going on but something in you felt a connection to this unknown boy. You hug him back rubbing his back he pulled back flustered.
"Uh hi?" I say with a confused smile.
"H-hi! I mean I'm sorry for uh hugging you I just got really excited!" The boy said with a nervous smile geez even his smile is like Clark's!
"That's fine hon just uh be careful next time you wanna hug someone. You nearly knocked me off my feet!" You say hitting his shoulder. He smiled but was still flustered, you got a better look he was definitely a spitting image of Clark but only a tad bit kid had some muscle on him that's for sure but what really caught your attention was his eye's they were Y/E/C (your eye color)you put a hand on his cheek making him flinch a bit from your warm touch.
"That's funny your eyes..." Before you could finish Flash cut you off sliding over next to you and the kid.
"Can someone explain what and who this boy is please?" Flash says looking the kid up and down, Batman looked towards Superman who looked back shaking his head Batman looked towards the boy who looked back nodding than turned at you nervous.
"Um so first I'm really happy to meet you and second please don't freak out when I tell you this but I'm Kon-el."
"Oh so you are Kryptonian! Another cousin you failed to tell us about Superman?" I asked jokingly but he just looked at you awkwardly with a tiny blush, okay what the heck is wrong with him? You just turned your attention back to the young man.
"Well it's very nice to meet you Kon-el the minute I saw you I knew you were somehow related to Superman. You are just as handsome as the man of steel himself!" You say with a smile he blushed at your words while Superman also looked flustered by you calling him handsome.
I froze the smile on my face slowly dropping I heard Flash gasped while Bruce and Clark stared at your face waiting for reaction the boy looked at you with a bit of concern but the only thing you could do was just stand in shock looking between the boy and Superman who was still waiting for your reaction but you let out a simple small confused "Huh?" before everything went black.
Clark's POV
Before anyone else could react Y/n eyes rolled in the back of her head luckily I had caught her in time. Conner I mean Superboy started to panic kneeling to the ground along side me.
"I-i'm sorry it just slipped out!" I just gave him a small understandable look.
"It's fine Superboy she's okay just in shock."
Not that you blame her I nearly had the same reaction I was in metropolis when Bruce had gave me the call saying that it was urgent I rushed over only to find Batman holding a teenage boy at gun point (it was a kryptonite gun) at first I was confused and concerned until Batman told me that the boy claimed to be mine and Y/H/N son which of course was hard to believe because I was in a relationship with Lois even though we've been having issues and Y/n had no interest in dating (at least that's what I was told by Diana) and we were only close friends nothing more nothing less. At least that's what I thought until the boy in front of me claimed to be our child and he needed the Justice League's help. Of course me and Bruce had doubts but I could see that he did resembled me a bit only he didn't have my blue eyes but had Y/E/C (your eye color) that's when the boy who called himself Superboy told Bruce to look in his back jean pocket and that there was a picture to prove it of course Batman did in to our surprise it was a picture of me and Y/n who was laying in a hospital bed, a beautiful but tired smile on her face and was holding a newborn baby, at the bottom of the photo it read "Welcome to the world our little miracle child Connor Kent" I had to hold on to something because I felt faint, Bruce held my shoulder trying to help me stand on my feet.
I had a son? the son of Superman and Y/H/N...we had a son?!
it just it sounded so...right??? I shouldn't be saying or thinking such things because I'm in a relationship with Lois but recently we've been having issues especially about how she feels about Y/n which just make this whole situation worse!
Just as Connor was trying to explain how he got here that was when Barry and Y/n entered the cave back from their mission, which brings us back to the present with me holding Y/h/n in my arms and Connor looking very concerned for his future mother.
"She did say she was tired after using so much magic and the shock of meeting Superboy I guess was too much for her body." Barry says arms crossed, I picked Y/n up bridal style then turn to looked at Bruce.
"I'll take care of this you call the other's." I say before walking out with Conner not far behind. Today has been tiring for everyone.
To be continued this and AU where Conner isn't a Clone between Lex and Clark but you and Superman's son idea I had while working 🤷‍♀️
Here part 2!
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yelenghs · 1 year
imagine a reader who wears a purity ring.
delinquent! Yelena taking the cute little church girl's virginity. she thinks you look adorable, your face red with embarrassment and wet with tears; and your lips swollen and puffy from biting them. what's worse os that she decided that it'd be a great idea to do it with you in the confessional. no one was currently in there, and everyone else was busy with other activities and chores.
your body feels so weak against her as she pumps her long fingers in and out of you, grinding the heel of her palm against your clit. you feel humiliated, leaving you no choice but to grip the cross on your necklace and pray. all she did was laugh and snatch your hands away from your neck, pinning them above your neck. she continued to overstimulate and rip orgasm after orgasm out of you, until you were crying and begging for her to slow down, or even stop. she obliged, but she didnt help you clean up or put your clothes back on. she left you there to wallow in your own guilt and sin.
the next day, you found her in the alleyways near the church. you approached her with caution, your guard up. she took a drag of her cigarette and blew out the smoke, putting it out afterward. she grinned and spoke down at you "ooh, little church girl back for more? who knew you were such a sinner." you pouted at her.
"give me your hand." she raised her eyebrow and questioned you. "why?" she was hesitant, but she knew you weren't capable of even landing a good punch to anyone. "just do it!" you demanded, and she gave you her hand.
you slid your purity ring off your finger and placed it in her hand. she gave you a confused look. "..what's this for?" she had to be kidding. you face flushed as you explained it to her.
"um.. it's a uh.. purity ring. it symbolizes, well, symbolized my.." your voice trailed off, she looked like she knew where this was going. she pushed herself off of the wall behind her and towered over you, stepping closer and closer until you were backed up into a corner.
"go on, continue, what does it symbolize?" you gulped as she bent down, her face inches away from yours. ".. my virginity." she smirked as she pocketed the ring. you so desperately wanted to run back home and hide beneath the blankets of your comfortable bed.
"that's real cute. you're telling me, the big bad Yelena took your virginity? that's adorable. i wonder what else i can rob you of. your innocence? your purity?" she got closer to you, your bodies were practically pressed against eachother at this point. "sweetheart, i can show you a world you couldnt even imagine in that pretty little head of yours. i can make you feel things youve never felt before." her lips brushed over your ear, you were frozen. and oddly enough, you wanted her to continue.
"so what do you say? hm?" she waited for your answer, when you stayed silent and gave your ass a quick slap. "hey, i asked you a question."
you nodded and agreed, she pulled back and smiled down at you. "great, it's a date then. i'll pick you up by the front of the church. i know you usually stay late there." she walked off, as she did you felt her hand grazed your pocket. you looked down and there was a paper inside. folding it open, it was her number. and as goofy as it seemed, you felt your heart skip a beat. maybe she wasn't so bad after all.
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annab-nana · 2 years
🐚 leaning over to help the other with homework + peter parker (maybe a college au?)
you got it bestie :)
warnings: flustered!college!peter, peter goes dumb at the slimmest sight of boobs
❀ masterlist ❀
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"are you getting negative twenty-three? i keep getting negative twenty-three but the website says that's wrong," the curly-haired brunet questioned exasperatedly, very much getting fed up with either his or the website's mistake. it had to be the website though, right? he'd worked out the problem on a couple sheets of paper at least three times and still, he was getting negative twenty-three.
you looked up and pushed aside your laptop where you were doing your own math homework. college-level calculus was no joke, but thankfully, you sat next to peter on the first day, bringing you a new friend to share your confusion and to help each other figure this shit out. it didn't hurt that he was adorable when he was slightly frustrated too.
"let me see," you requested as you reached out for his work. he handed you the two sheets of paper that were littered front and back with his poorly-scribbled calculations. his handwriting was subpar typically, but when he was working out math problems, it was even more difficult to read.
after some time of struggling to interpret his work, you finally got through it. to you, it all appeared to be correct. you put his papers to the side and lifted yourself out of your seat to lean against the table to be closer to peter or more so, his laptop.
you were sitting straight across from him and were now leaning in front of him. you had your weight supported on your left arm, your forearm flat on the tabletop while your right arm stretched out to turn his laptop around, but peter wasn't focused on the math problem anymore. his eyes were on your chest.
you wore a button-up sweater that was a little low cut, but for your modesty and some more warmth, you threw a cami on underneath. your cleavage was covered fairly well by the tanktop when you were sitting up straight, but when you were leaning forward, there wasn't much left to the imagination for peter.
he didn't mean to look down. he would never ever disrespect you in any way. but once his line of sight went south, it was hard for him to pull it up. it was like his eyes were magnetically forced down toward your chest which made it way more difficult to move them away. he was so honed in that he didn't hear you calling him an idiot.
you hadn't noticed where his focus was initially, but when he hadn't commented on your name-calling, you knew something was up when you didn't get a response or even a small pout.
"peter?" you called him by his preferred name and dipped your head down a fuzz to get a better look at him. the way his eyes snapped up to yours and widened in addition to how a rosy pink shade dusted over his cheeks and nose, it all told you what you needed to know and a smirk grew on your lips.
"is something distracting you, peter?" you asked tauntingly, leaning forward even more and bringing in your right arm to push your breasts together to make them even more noticeable. the boy before you visibly gulped and you knew him well enough to know what came next: the nervous rambling.
"wha- no, i- i'm good, never better actually. uh, did you, um, figure out what i d-did wrong?" he stammered, focusing extra hard on maintaining eye contact with you so his eyes wouldn't drift elsewhere.
"for starters, you practically undressed me with your eyes without asking me on a proper date first, but as for the math problem, you forgot that dr. hightower said to make sure you put in the negative sign, not the subtraction symbol because this website won't take that and will mark your answer as incorrect," you explained with a grin, loving to tease him.
"yeah," you muttered before sitting back in your seat. you two got back to your work in a comfortable silence that lasted all of maybe thirty seconds before peter spoke again.
"hypothetically speaking," he started, pulling your attention away from your laptop screen, "if i were to ask you on a date, would you say yes?"
your smile returned shortly and you leaned against the table, shifting forward a bit just to tease him. "theoretically, it would depend on what you were thinking of doing on this purely suppositional date."
"i was thinking we could go try that new indian place near campus two buildings down from the coffee bean," peter stated before adding, "strictly notional, of course."
"of course," you agreed before pretending to ponder his 'hypothetical' request, "i'd have to say yes i would think."
"y/n, would you like to go out with me to the new indian place near the coffee bean this friday night?" peter inquired, still visibly nervous but not nearly as bad as before.
"are we still speaking in theory or are you being literal?"
"as literal as i've ever been," he responded, a hopeful grin tugging at his lips.
"then, it's a literal date."
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remember to support writers & reblog :)
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thesupernaturalhouse · 2 months
Ooooookay! Hazbin Hotle redesigns....but not really? Honestly, it's just me drawing them in my style, but they could be considered redesigns, I guess, specifically Charlie
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Uhhhh I guess we start form left to right sooo, Emily!
Right, so, Emily is obviously a fallen angle. Thiguht this isn't her fallen look, since we already kneo what she looks liek with wings and a halo I didn't think about making a 2nd version of her without the demon disguise- but maybe I should
Either way, I kinda kept her original dress, with the symbols and what not, I feel liek blue and purple really suit her so, indigo
I tried to add red to her, but it just didn't look good. It gave me an eye strain.though her till and horns have a sort of dark magenta color going on
I wanted to add more 'freckles' cause, thier cute, and I have a bunch of freckles ove rmy arms and legs and face and stuff so, added them to em, I put a few on her ears and tail and horns to
Gave her gold buttons and fishnets on her arms, i forget what their called cause they are cute, and I like Athnek(?) Posts about Emily and uh, goth Emily, I think, is pretty cool and so boom, fishnet glive things- I gitta look up what there called
Lso ehr shoes look liek dolphins, which I didn't mean to do but it happened and I've accepted it
Next is Charlie!!
Um. Obviously, Charlie is the most changed from her canon design, I relaly like her hooves and others redesigns of her looking more liek a goat
Originally, I was just gonna add gaot ears and stuff, but the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of her having fur soooo tadaaaaa~
I gave her a little red stripe between her eyes and fade on her legs and ears to match Razzle and dazzle, and since lucifer was a high angle a seraphm/archangels hoenstly I dotn see a difference. I gave her some white freckles as well to sorta, show that connection
Also, toe beans! If she has claws, she can have beans, I think that Emily would have a normal human hand while vaggie would have little soft spikes on her like moths do, tho that's not shown
I also drew charlies wings cause it's cnaon she has them, and I wanted to play around with the demon/angle wing/s she could have, my irl friend K helped me decide which one to choose
I also drew her leg so you can see the fade in full. Side note that her belly has the same cherry red fur
I also added some chest fluff because why not?
As for her horns, I kept them the same color but added rings like Lilith has to show a connection between them. She also has her mom's eyes and heart tail point. I wanted her to have some demon stuff out just cause, she is a demon, she should......also realizing just how long I made her tail-
Uhhh, oh, right, side note, which I'll have to make a separate post about, Lucifer/eve/lilith are all dating each other, and Chalrie is all 3s kid. Eve is where she got the goat aspect from, inckuding horn shape, her scaly tail, snake fangs, red cheeks and color scheme over all are from dad, and Lilith is where she got her eyes and horn rings and heart point from, and beans to I guess
Maybe I should make a gene sheet one day; I gave her Jean shorts, like how I usually wear just cause I didn't want to add too much red or black
Okay, vaggie time!
Vaggie is the least changed. The most I really change about her is how her wings look. Her hand snow has soft spikes like moths do, and her hair
I do think when she fell, she got more demon aspects, but since her wings were torn off, she doesn't have to many physically other than fangs and the spikes
I also made her hair shorter because please, nobody has their hair that long!! or if they do, then I've never seen them!
I know it's a show, but it was driving me crazy! I'm not that skilled at draw front view bodies yet, so if vaggie looks off I'm sorry:(
Play that should be it!-
Oh wait, hold on, right. The reason they have gold rings/objects on them is because in term software demon courting their all technically married, okay bye-
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captjprice · 5 months
Soap with an Welsh f!reader? 😩 With him just trying his best to learn her about culture, language and country. Just loving her so much that he'll do anything for her. You can add anything I just want my Welsh representation ‼️
Johnny ''Soap'' Mactavish x Welsh!Reader
a/n: i did research. sort of. still, im sorry if its not perfect :( i also havent written fro johnny before so this is.. new
mentions: Fluff, Johnny's an arse, but it's cute
''So, yer basically speaking Elvish, that's it?'' A Scottish voice snaps you from your thoughts. A Scottish voice that belongs to a man you'd very much like to punch and slap. Knowing Johnny was.. dreadful, but even more so now that he seemingly discovered Welsh was the inspiration for Tolkien's Elvish. Your culture wasn't something you spoke about often in the group, mostly because you didn't think any of the members would bother with it.
But then there's Johnny, who seems to be almost too into it. He was constantly at your side, teasing and asking about it. You were wrong, however, to assume that it held ill intent. He was head over heels. Totally smitten. With you, the way you looked, the way you acted.. Ofcourse he was going to try and get to know you. Despite your annoyance, he didn't let up. He'll get what he wants eventually. 
''Not really Elvish then, Bonnie?'' He asks, leaning to you in the booth of the bar. Fuck, that nickname too.. You had to look it up the first time he called you that, thinking he was calling you by someone else's name.
''Not really, Johnny.'' You grumble in response, downing the last of your drink with hopes that it may numb the irritation and secret attraction for him. Sure, he was a cock, but he also had this irresistible aura around him that was intoxicating somehow. It made you want to linger around him, so you did just that with the hopes it wouldn't be too obvious. 
''So it's just inspired it, then, lass? Come on, talk to me.'' He presses, causing you to huff and shift towards him. ''Yes. It's just inspired. But it's a bit annoying because that's all people talk about when I tell them i'm Welsh.'' You mutter, which causes his smile to twitch slightly. Shit. Bad move, Johnny.
He clears his throat, scooting a little closer to you. ''Alright. Tell me somethin' interesting, then.'' Johnny says with a nod, staring at you. The way he's giving his undivided attention is making you slightly flustered, especially with the way he's looking at you. Good grief.. 
You move again, your hands placing around on your thighs as you think of something to tell him. Eventually you let out a little breath, ''Um, well, the language is very pretty. Cariad means darling, for example.'' Why am I telling him about nicknames? ''Uh, blodyn means flower.''
As you speak, Johnny's nodding along, seemingly very interested. ''We also have these things called love spoons, and they're just spoons with symbols engraved in them. It's like a token of love, sort of.. My mum always got me ones with flowers on it. It means love. It's kind of silly, but it's sweet.'' You say, smiling fondly at the memory. When you briefly glance up at him, he's practically swooning as he looks at you. ''Sounds adorable, lass.'' His hand rests on the free spot between you two, inching a little closer to your thigh. You smile softly, tilting your head. So he is actually interested. ''Uh, yeah, it's.. yeah.'' You reply, slightly unsure how to continue the conversation. Awkward silence washes over the two of you until Johnny speaks up again.
''So, you plannin' anything after this?'' He asks, his other arm gently snaking around your shoulders. You aren't sure if it's the drinks you've had, or that Johnny just looks so damn good that causes you to lean into him, shaking your head. ''Mm, alright, lass. How about we watch a little movie after, aye?'' His other hand places on your thigh, giving a soft squeeze. 
''Only if ya want to, though, No pressure.'' He adds quickly behind it, not wanting you to feel pressured– especially when intoxicated.
You nod, leaning your thighs over to his side, as if telling him it's okay. ''Sure. Aslong as you don't talk about that fuckin' Elvish again.'' You reply, and let out a little noise when Johnny's hand wraps around your waist to pull you flush against him. ''Or what, Bonnie?'' He teases, looking down at you. ''I'll shut you up.'' You blurt, realizing just how wrong it sounds until after you've said it. He snickers, his hands toying at the edge of your shirt. ''Oh, yeah? You will?'' 
You give an annoyed grumble in response, feeling your face heat up. That wasn't how you meant that comment. At all. You can feel Johnny lean in a little, his breath hitting your ear. ''Shut me up then, lass.''
You definitely did when you got back.
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fanofstuff02 · 8 days
Prince Adam x Demon King Lucifer
Because I love fluff 💕
What if Adam asks him to come for a walk in the woods, he knows he can't leave the palace alone so Lucifer will go with him.
Adam: The woods are lovely aren't they?
Lucifer, looking at Adam: Breathtaking.~
Adam: I, uh, actually wanted to show you something.
Lucifer: Oh?
Adam: Yeah this way.
They walk for a while in the woods until they come to a clearing with a beautiful crystal lake.
Adam: I like to come here to relax, when things are just a little too much. I wanted to share this with you.
Lucifer: Wow, thank you my pri- um, Adam.
Lucifer: So… Why did you chose here to be your special? Because it’s beautiful?
Lucifer, internally: Beauty attracts beauty, I say.
Adam: Funny story actually. One day, my parents told me I was getting married.
Lucifer: I’m a bit afraid to ask… But how old were you?
Adam: 13. It was to expand the kingdom. They showed me a girl, she was even younger than me. So I refused. And then, as an angry teenager, I sneaked out at night…
He looks at Lucifer, worried if he had been talked too much.
Lucifer: Go on, I’m listening.
Adam: It-it was hard to bypass everyone, especially when you have people who swore to protect you, but I managed and went to the forest. Then I found here.
Lucifer: I’m sorry for..
Adam, smiling: Don’t worry. The marriage never happened. The girl’s father passed away and the new queen refused. But since then, this place is.. Sort of symbolic. I come here when I’m too tired of being a prince.
He puts his crown down, exhaling. Lucifer feels delighted by the sight, the moonlight mirrored by the lake views his face in such a beautiful way.
Lucifer: I feel more honored to be here now, Adam. *Comes closer, his hand almost touching Adam’s*
Lucifer: *points at his armor* Can I take some off too?
Adam: Why are you asking?
Lucifer: Well.. I’m still your knight after all, maybe-
Adam: In here, status don’t matter. Or at least, for me.
Lucifer: Oh. *Takes out some parts of his armor, he already was not wearing much. His free hand then ‘accidentally’ touches Adam’s.*
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