#infj advice
If you're being Unkind, read:
When feeling unkind, make sure to watch others being kind. Get inspired. If you're unable to radiate kindness of your own, reflect it through someone else.
Watch people living humble lives, see humans being nice and kind to each other and remind yourself that you aren't different. You're just as human as anyone else. Humanity has potential.
If you're being unkind to yourself, reassure yourself that you're healing, you're evolving and becoming better. Whatever made you be unkind to yourself, use that example to learn.
If you're being unkind to others (to people whom you love) be forgiving. Don't be bitter in the heat of the moment. Don't let temporary emotions cause you permanent damage. Your words have a lot of power, use them wisely.
If someone's been unkind to you, be better and don't do the same to others.
I wish you well in your journey.
[Here's a YouTube page that makes heartwarming Social Experiment videos.]
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akzgaj-writing · 3 months
How to write an INFP (Guide written by the INFP)
I decided share with my observations, toughts and opinions about an INFP. There's in internet a lot of memes/prompts/other things about this character but it's often stereopical. Sooo, I want to share something form me – hope that it would help for creating an INFP character well.
Contents by @akzgaj-writing
We are not a crybabies. For example: if a lot of people watch emotional movie (for example Titanic) and cry on this, the INFP often rolls the eyes and moan or think something like that: "Maybe I'm heartless? Or maybe they are pretending? Or maybe is something wrong with me? Or maybe this move is boring?" We will cry faster becouse of a trampled flower, a burnt meadow, a dewastated ancient building – or just becouse of seeing a rainbow in the sky or shining dew.
In the other hand, an broken or unhealthy INFP can cry often, but also can be rude and passive.
Honestly, the INFP have stoic and often emotionless face – you never will discover what real happen behind this mask. I often hear: "Why are you never smiling?" Or "Something happend?"
We overthinking. Too much. We are overhelmed by thoughts.
Ah, we love to think. INFP is not a mindless hippie. We have an analítical mind and we love to analyze everything and everyone – even out of boredom or curiosity.
INFP knows how to copy* other people's behavior, other people's point of view, and is able to get into someone else's shoes – we don't* do it for any evil purpose – just becouse out of curiosity and the desire to understand something. We are good actores and we are flexible but we are not fake – we don't pretend anything to everyone.
We have strong morals. We believe in one truth, and a healthy INFP believes (or want to belive – if is unhealthy or broken) in that, is the good and the evil in the world – there's not a gray zone. You are on one side – you are good, or you are evil – the good cannot do evil, and the evil cannot do good. This is example of thinking of an INFP.
Oh, and we not understand or rather – we despise people who change their values and views depending on the situation. Even if we disagree with someone's worldview, we understand that someone has reasons for having such a point of view. But when someone changes everything to please someone else or do it for money – an INFP despises this person but won't show this (or will show this in bad day).
INFP will defend their opinions and values to death (of themselves or someone :')
Adult INFP often or rather, always (but not always in everyone) will lost faith in humanity – but don't they say it – or like me, will show this for everyone ;) laughing is the best cure for broken heart.
We love to dream! INFP like to dream about a better world or want to escape from this world to their world – for various reasons: boredom, tiredness, a desire to escape from troubles and stress, or to rest. But most often is it becouse we quickly lose interest in the gray world and look for another one – one that will have our values.
INFP is cute and sweet type or dark and badass. Or can be both.
We are sensitive but we don't like to show it becouse we are afraid of being mocked. For this reason, we do not want to share our dreams and desires that we keep deep inside. If we're talking about it, we talk to someone that we trust very much.
Anyway, the INFP can sometimes, depending on emotions or situations, be cold and insensitive.
We are introvertics but if in the front of people who we likes, we turned into extravertics and talks and laughs a lot.
We want and we love to help for people who we love.
We want to show a warm feelings to people, and we envy other extroverts for thier social skills, but at the same time we are reserved and cold. Yet we are soft inside.
INFPs often blame themselves for simple things, falls and failures, accusing themselves of being too sensitive and moral. But we are also proud of having our own ideals and morality, at the same time.
INFP can be out going, playful and adaptable.
In the other hand, the INFP sometimes in bad times can be rude, stubborn (in this case some INFP can be proud of this), proud and ironic.
We love deep talks and we hate small talks – the INFP feels in this last one very awkward and want to disapear.
We isolate from others becouse we are tired and we need rest. We like quiet places.
INFP is very idealistic type – try be better version of themselves and want do good for the world. But often do small but big things for the family or the friends. We don't like big attentions (sometimes – we like to get praise but not very attentional, becouse feel awkward).
INFP is an artistic soul – draws, write, decores etc. – likes manual or intelectual work. We like people who like this too.
INFP often in their writing or drawing, show their values or opinions.
INFP often think that maybe is the INFJ or even the INTJ – becouse of their analitical mind and often cold nature, it's easy make mistake and be confuse.
We take everything too much personally.
INFP outside looks stubborn, cold, proud and passive.
INFP is loyal and wants the same from others.
INFP love and dream about old fashion romance. Often like dominant types (but healthy dominant – but it is subjective and everyone has their own taste).
I will write other post about love between INFP and the other's MBTI.
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thequietesthing · 2 years
don’t ever ever feel pressured in spending time with people when you don’t want to just because is the “social norm”.
who the fuck cares, stay by yourself if that is what you need. not everyone’s social battery recharges as quickly or while being with other people. some of us need to be alone for a longer time to fully recover from the multitude of constant inputs we receive from the world.
never feel sorry or ashamed for doing what is good for you.
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gojygo · 1 year
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emptysocialite · 2 years
I was so busy chasing the thrill of life’s grandest gestures I forgot what steady joy can be found in the pockets of a slow, everyday life.
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mbti-notes · 2 years
Hello, INFJ here. Searched the blog but didn't find anything on this. What is your view on providing unsolicited advice? When I really care about someone, I find myself analyzing them constantly - thinking about their childhood, self-sabotaging patterns, core beliefs, etc. This process often does produce tentative suggestions for how they can achieve their full potential. Under what conditions do you think it is appropriate to share these thoughts with someone, and in what manner?
With consent and respect for boundaries.
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freja-with-a-j · 2 years
But i really don't like my mbti type-
My first introduction to the whole mbti thingy was through videos about infj's being the rarest personality type, and FROM THE START I was like "wow that sounds cliché and annoying as hell"
Then I took the test, multiple times, over the span of months, and I came up as an infj EVERY. DAMN. TIME.
And when I say that I am one people either think I'm lying or am obnoxious.
And ngl any characters who are infj's are usually not my favourites, I find them really bland, which makes me worry that people can't stand being around me
And everythime I see an mbti post, infj's are the most boring part of them, and I wish that I had a more interesting mbti type, first world problems ikr.
Idk how in denial I am at this point, is it normal?
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thesirencult · 10 months
Pick A Card : Soul Connection
An intuitive reading about a soul meant to find yours. In epic tales there is a literally mechanism called "recognition". The hero and his counterpart recognize eachother even after years of estrangement. Like Penelope and Odysseus. A love so deep not even multiple lifetimes can erase. A soul kindred to yours you would recognize in a sea of people.
"I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world."
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disclaimer : a tarot reading should never be used in place of professional counselling. Your reading cannot offer legal, medical, business, or financial advice nor does any portion of your reading herein purport to. You should not rely on a tarot reading to make any decision that would affect your legal, financial, or medical condition. If your inquiry involves the law, finance, or medicine, then you should seek the advice of a licensed or qualified legal, financial, or medical professional. Also, tarot reading cannot replace qualified mental health care. A tarot reading can only facilitate how you cope spiritually with a given situation.
The soul meant to find yours is a gentle one. Themes that come up here remind me of couples like Queen Victoria and Albert. I t will be love at first sight. Whatever your genders are, the "supposed" feminine will be the dominant one.
Your person will take the backseat as you run things. You may come from a wealthier background or simply seem "high value". Lady and the trump vibes.
This person will fight for those who didn't get the same opportunities to grow. They cheer for the underdog. This person will love your firey nature and how "bossy" you are. One thing you have to be careful with in this relationship is to keep things balanced as sometimes they might feel like you do not respect them or you don't spend enough time with them.
They could be an INFJ. Sympathetic, compassionate and protective. Practical and detail oriented, this is the safe place you need to come back to after your long trips towards the stars.
The love of your life will be able to see you. The real you. They won't overlook the greyness in your face. "You're Losing Me" by Taylor Swift is a song that can talk about your past.
No one stopped hurting you even though they knew they wouldn't be able to bring you back. They didn't care.
This person is everything that you deserve. They will help you heal. No sad songs with this one. Your happily ever after. This person is a soldier. They would die for love.
Your people pleasing tendencies won't go unnoticed with this one. They care about YOU, not what you can do about THEM.
Give them a chance when they come around. Sweet energy. Safe. Boy-Girl-They next door energy. A sweetheart with a great smile and a kind glint in their eyes. My heart feels warm writing about them. Hallmark movies ain't got nothing on them. Their love is simple and "perfect". No questions and worries. Your safe place.
Your energy reminds me of those wedding photos you see on Instagram of couples in small American towns posing with their golden retriever and smiling at each other. Don't let your past wounds f*ck this up. Sincerely, from one people pleaser to another. If you picked this pile we would have been besties in real life. Lots of love and hugs your way.
P.S. They will always choose you. You are not the first, but the ONLY choice.
Your whole life you have felt alone and isolated. Like life is a party you have not been invited. I wouldn't say you are a "pick me", you are far from that. You just feel like there is no one there for you to keep your hands warm. You have always longed for someone that will look behind the mirror and realize there is someone is behind it. You struggle with finding your inner voice.
The catch here is that you have the ability to choose anyone behind the mirror. You have the ability to show who you truly are. Be wild and crazy. Unstoppable. You didn't come here to do pretty and quiet. You are here to awake others and break the glass.
The person meant for you, your other half is very different from you. They are way more hedonistic and may find solace is the material realm. They will do everything to make you feel wanted and beautiful. This person will see you for who you truly are and they won't feel intimidated. Your "black cat energy" won't drive them away. They have some skeletons in the closet themselves. Disturbing and compelling, this one would make a great "50 Shades Of Grey" type of movie. lol. They could listen a lot to the Weeknd or they used to live a very "rough" lifestyle in the past. Love at first sight. Intense. You slap them and they will kiss you. They will buffle you. "Why doe sthis mfer stick around somehow?".
In all honesty, in this lifetime, your other half will be overbearing. They won't back down until they take you down with them. Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem come to mind in Jamon Jamon. This person may also come from money or have a lot of money and they want you to be their dark princess/prince. It will feel like taking a panther or feral cat and trying to domesticate it. Good try. You are still dangerous though, but they don't mind a few scratches.
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starryknight-tarot · 1 year
𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓸 𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓮?
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pile 1 -- > pile 2 -- > pile 3
pile 4 -- > pile 5 -- > pile 6
my masterlist<3 . paid readings
Hello beautiful souls ✨ welcome back to another tarot reading! Today we will going into what makes you so attractive. Feel free to pick more than one pile if you are called. Remember to meditate, take a deep breath and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. Make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. The artist for picture is @tnk_gr on instagram in case anyone was wondering
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Pile 1
Cards: Queen of Pentacles, The Wheel of Fortune, Five of Pentacles rx, Knight of Cups rx, Four of Wands, The Hermit rx, Ten of Wands rx, The Tower rx
Back of the deck: Two of Pentacles
While I was shuffling the cards for you Pile 1, I kept on hearing the same two phrases. "Looks like they have their shit together" and "Breathtaking when they walk into a room" which I can see both from the cards. What makes you so attractive Pile 1 is your gentle and caring nature. You are a natural at conversation and can whoo anyone in your presence. You radiate natural glow that makes people jealous. People are naturally attracted to you with your positive energy. You give off the energy of the shy main protagonist of a k-drama that everyone wants to be friends with. You could be an ENFJ or INFJ. People find it very attractive how generous you are and how you seem genuinely happy to assist people who need help. Especially the people close to you get to watch as you selflessly do everything in your power to help. I want to say to be careful of people who would take advantage of this beautiful trait but I am getting that some of you may already know this and you might already be very careful with who you share your energy with. People notice that you look very well dressed. You could wear expensive brands or at least people think you dress very fancy. Some of you might be influencers or have a large social media presence. People just like to watch you be yourself. You are very charming in a unique way Pile 1. You are very cute Pile 1, especially when you just woke up. You could be very clingy in the mornings. I am hearing some of you may have very soft delicate hands, you could like getting your nails done and they always look really pretty. I heard people like watching you succeeded so people are rooting for you Pile 1.
Advice Cards:
The issue at hand is about reflection. What is the mirror showing you?
Make your presence felt
It is important to ask for help
Seek to understand from a place of connection rather than separation
Align body, mind, and spirit. Know that you are whole
Take a lighter approach and smile about all facets in your life. A smile reflects a heart at peace
Channeled Song:
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Pile 2
Cards: Four of Wands, Queen of Cups, Ten of Cups, Three of Cups, The Sun, Eight of Pentacles rx, The Lovers, Two of Wands
Back of the deck: The World
Woah Pile 2, this energy feels very strong and overwhelmingly positive. For some of you, I am getting that you could be famous(ooh la la). I am hearing you could be a model, dancer, or singer. A little similar to pile 1, so you could have also felt called to that pile. You are very fun to be around Pile 2. You seem very extroverted and out-going. I am hearing that you are a lot of people's sunshine. People find you to be hilarious and love spending time with you. People find your overall personality very attracting and are just drawn to you. I am getting that people often see themselves being with you, you have a lot of secret admirers. I heard people see you as a rare breath of fresh air. People love hanging out with you and feeling connected through being around you. It's really attractive when you are just genuinely enjoying yourself. You could like going to clubs or parties. You have a very funny or distinctive laugh that is very addicting. Your voice could also be very smoothing and attractive. I heard smooth like honey lol. But I also feel like some of you may be very loud individuals and people really like that about you. I also heard you have very clear skin and just a very fresh appearance. It is very attractive how trustworthy you are Pile 2. You are seem as a friend that people know they can rely on and loyal to your friends even if you just became friends with them. You also have very nice hair, it looks healthy and smooth even if you have dyed it. I am hearing some of you have very nice legs. You could look really attractive in moments when most people look bad like when you fall over or when you are eating. You have a lot of people watching you Pile 2 and all the comments are positive.
Advice Cards:
Reflect on one of your blessings
Release all attachments that do not serve you
Practice the pause
Pay attention to your breathing, It is reflecting your life
Look closely at what is going on around you
Your spirits wings are unfolding, It is time to take flight!
Channeled Song:
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Pile 3
Cards: Justice rx, Ace of Pentacles rx, Page of Swords, Temperance, Three of Pentacles, Nine of Swords, Ten of Swords, King of Cups rx
Back of the deck: Three of Cups
You are a very powerful soul Pile 3. Your fearless and unstoppable aura makes you extremely attractive. You have unwavering confidence that is immediately noted the moment people make eye contact with you. I feel like you make people nervous just looking at them. You give me very strong femme fatale vibes and it is so hot. You put fear into people's souls in the best way that makes them blush uncontrollably in seconds. You could have gone through a lot of bullshit in the past that has made you determined to never let anyone get to you. I keep hearing a quote from the show Bridgerton that I feel like really relates to this pile. "I was afraid even of my own reflection, I entered a room and attempted to dissolve into the shadows. Instead, I made myself frighting. I sharpen my wit, my wardrobe, and my eye, and I made myself the most terrifying creature in any room I entered."(Lady Dunbury is a complete badass girl boss and I aspire to be like her everyday). You have taken the hard experiences of your past and instead of letting it make you weaker, you used it to your advantage and learned how to grow stronger. This is so attractive. You give off a badass energy that people aspire to be. You could like to wear makeup and it always looks amazing. Especially a dark red lip and bold eyeliner. I am also hearing you look good in tight clothes or clothes that outline your figure. There is a mystery that makes you so attracting to everyone around you. I am not getting that you are the type to keep many people around you but the close friends you do have you would KILL for and you are extremely loyal to which I think people take notice of. Everyone wants to get to know you on a personal level but that's a privilege you only grant to very special people. You also give off the vibe of someone that could defend your self. I heard they don't wanna be on the other side of your fist lmao. But people find that SO hot Pile 3. You get the kind of comments people write about their favorite celebrity on twitter like hit me with your car or you could slap me in the face and I would say thank you lol. But I am also hearing that you maybe have a kind of tomboyish(or just boyish) charm that only people close to you get to see and they find it adorable. You are overall a complete badass that is people can't help but make people a blushing mess in your presence.
Advice Cards:
You are birthing a new self
You are moving beyond your old form. Congratulation!
Hold your life from a sacred viewpoint. Witness the universal picture
Deep, deep down, something needs attention
A rite of passage allows you to move forward into new realms
In harmony with your inner self, you are free to do or be whatever you choose
Allow for old memories to come up and be released
Channeled Song:
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Pile 4
Cards: Eight of Cups, The High Priestess rx, The Tower rx, King of Cups rx, Knight of Pentacles, Page of Swords, King of Coins, Page of Pentacles, Knight of Cups (Don't tell the other piles you got an extra card lol)
Back of the deck: Seven of Pentacles
You have a very childish charm Pile 4. People can't help but laugh when they are around you. You may be very clumsy or say silly things that can't help but put a smile on people's faces. People find you so cute and loveable. It's very attractive how you seem to never give up, even if the odds are against you. I keep seeing you playing chess with someone and you are so clearly losing but you have absolute certainty that you will win despite everything. But then you do win and everyone is surprised but it teaches them that you are not a force to be reckoned with and it really adds to your charm. The people are eating it up Pile 4. You could also be very good with kids and enjoy the less serious parts of life which people find really refreshing. I feel like some people may judge you for being childish but you don't even let it get to you everyone loves that about you. You give off cute bimbo/himbo energy that I think really makes an impression on people. Even after you have left the room, you remain on people's minds. You also have a very strong ambition that makes you shine and stand out from the crowd. I am hearing you may have very large eyes, eyes that sparkle brighter than the brightest star in the sky. People get lost in your eyes Pile 4. I heard that you look really pretty crying. You have a very innocent and youthful glow to you that makes you all the more cute. You also have a lot of hidden talents that you share in random moments. You have hidden lore that always come in handy and wows the people around you. Overall you have a very charming and lovingly goofy personality that makes you very attractive.
Advice Cards:
You are intended to succeed. Align your actions with your highest dreams
Stand your ground
It is time to take appropriate action
Your acts of love, kindness, and unlimited forgiveness bestow grace upon you
Considerable and consistent effort may now be required
You are ready to receive your fortune. Be miracle minded!
Channeled Song:
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Pile 5
Cards: Death, Seven of Swords, Nine of Cups, Queen of Cups, Two of Cups, Two of Wands, Three of Pentacles rx, Knight of Swords rx
Back of the deck: The Devil
I am getting very strong siren vibes from this pile. I feel like you could get anyone to do anything you asked Pile 5. It's almost as if there is an invisible force making everyone fall in love with you. Your smile is very warming and welcoming and I'm hearing that you give the best hugs. You look like you came straight out of a fairy tale, your looks are almost incomparable. I am getting that you might have had a big glow up and now everyone is literally in love with you. Everyone thinks you are their soulmate Pile 5. I am getting that you have very strong duality, almost every style suits you. And to add the cherry on top, you are so humble about it. You might not have even realised that people feel this way about you but OH MY GOODNESS are people swoon over you. I just heard you make the straightest people gay lol. You have people tied around your finger Pile 5. With the Devil at the back of the deck, people are obsessed with you pile 5. They think about you 24/7, tossing and turning with you on your mind at night. I am getting that you have a cheerful and elegant aura that just draws people in. You may be soft spoken but speak in a way that just gets people listening. I am hearing some people find everything you do attractive. Beware of creepers Pile 5. I am getting the same vibes as character from a show called Komi Can't Communicate. In the show, she is too afraid to speak to people but she wants to be friends with everyone, however this is super easy for her since everyone is absolutely obsessed with her and would do anything for her. You are a very warm personality that people can't seem to get enough of.
Advice Cards:
Release all that keeps you in the past. Forgive and liberate yourself!
Give up resistance in your current situation
Your child self needs your attention
This challenge is intended to promote your growth
The issue at hand is about reflection. What is the mirror showing you?
Release all attachments that do not serve you
You are wiser than you think
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 6
Cards: Three of Cups, King of Swords, King of Pentacles, Two of Swords rx, Four of Pentacles, Ten of Swords, Ace of Cups, Death rx
Back of the deck: Ace of Pentacles
Pile 6, you give off a very cool vibe. I feel like you may be into sports or use a skateboard. I heard beautifully tanned skin but that might not be for everyone. What makes you so attractive is your devotion to the people around. You are like everyone's girlfriend/boyfriend/partner in the way that people feel like they can rely on you, trust you with their deepest darkest secrets and protect them at all costs. You are the type to stand up when nobody else would and that is really admirable. You are the type to say the most romantic, poetic shit anyone has ever heard and then shrug it off like it was nothing. So hot Pile 6. I also feel like you are always being your most authentic, real self. You are very in tune with your emotions and are willing to accept when you make a mistake. You may have a very toned muscular body that you aren't afraid to show off. I am getting that you are the type to check in with the people around you and make sure they are ok and healthy which makes people so grateful to have you in their life. You manage to make every conversation interesting and something everyone will talk and joke about years later. You are someone that shows a lot of passion in your life and puts effort into making yourself the best at what you do. I am also hearing that you have a quick wit that people adore. You're wise and very book smart which impresses everyone around you with your endless knowledge. You can also fit into many friend groups, you have a wide variety of interests and it helps you get along with lots of people. Your ability to make friends with anyone and take care of the people around is very attractive. You are brave and bold and it has everyone fawning over you.
Advice Cards:
A rite of passage allows you to move forward into new realms
Love is the answer to your current situation
No better time to exist than right now
Look closely at what is going on around you
You are intended to succeed. Align your actions with your highest dreams
It is time to challenge old beliefs
Boldly imagine what you can do and be
Channeled Song:
Thanks for tuning in₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆.
ps I recommend everyone listens to Natty's Sugarcoat since I was listening to it the entire time I was working on this reading and I felt like it suited a lot of piles :)
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pinkpigtailsprincess · 9 months
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🎀 𓈒 ݁ ₊ Hello,This is Dolly 🍭
…you’ve landed onto Planet Ai’ya ! 💫🪼🎀
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?? . . . LOADING … 𓈒 ݁ ₊ > 🌸
⊹ ⋆゚꒰ఎ (5) NEW FROM > @ pinkpigtailsprincess
📧; HI HI!! IT’Z ME AI’YA!! 🪼🎀 Welcome 2 my blog/my own little planet this blog featurs topic such as ˚。⋆୨୧˚ LOA ˚。⋆୨୧˚ SHIFTING ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ADVICE ˚。⋆୨୧˚ GIRLY MISC ˚。⋆୨୧˚ MUSIC + MORE! . . . now more on me…
?? . . . documenting files … 𓈒 ݁ ₊ > 📟
…5teen …black/soulaan …INFJ-T
…𓂃 …ace,omni n genderfluid subliminal maker!!
ive been shifting for about 4-5 years now and im only been into loa for almost a WHOLE YEAR!!
Likes: Sanrio,plushies,roblox,blankets,fashion,bratz, monster high,barbie,my little pony,tiny alien mofu mofu,korillakuma,newjeans,kara,wonder girls,girls’ generation,tokyo revengers,magical girls anime,hime gyaru,cloud e sky,art,pink and gold,sweet treats,sweet smelling lotion and soap and kpop and jpop and i love to read books from when i was younger,i like manga,i love hair bows,fizzy cherry soda,im black,i love licca-chan dolls,powerpuff girls,lalalopsy,my scene,strawberry shortcake and pinkcalious, hello kitty,mocha,charmmy kitty,honey cute,my melody and sweet piano are my favorite sanrio characters!! 🎀🧁
Masterlist!! 🎀🧁
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Law of Assumption! ⭐️
◜ 𓈒 ݁ ₊ it’s your own journey !!
| 𓈒 ݁ ₊ never let 3rd parties shake you
| 𓈒 ݁ ₊ dissatisfied with the old?? stop repeating it!!
| 𓈒 ݁ ₊ have fun with manifesting!!
| 𓈒 ݁ ₊ what does it mean 2 actually ignore the 3D?
| 𓈒 ݁ ₊ break the cycle
| 𓈒 ݁ ₊ everything is in your favor!!
| 𓈒 ݁ ₊ rationalizing loa (boo)
| 𓈒 ݁₊ Dolly nd Honey’s Collab !! 🎀🍯
| 𓈒 ݁₊ live in imagination !
| 𓈒 ݁₊ do it for yourself!!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you’re the only power !
| 𓈒 ݁₊ Limitless star !!⭐️
| 𓈒 ݁₊ feel your feelings !
| 𓈒 ݁₊ it’s already yours !
| 𓈒 ݁₊ yes or..? YES!!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ ignoring the 3d
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you are god
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you have ur sp
| 𓈒 ݁₊ Build-A-Boyfriend!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ its really so easy!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you can leave whenever you want
| 𓈒 ݁₊ why pretend to be anything less?
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you can leave whenever you want!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ wdym theres no movement?!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ it feels good to just give it to yourself
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you’re always in control
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you’re not bound to one life
| never settle for less than what you want
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ “why not me” why not you?
| don’t take that sitting down
| its all about the state
| the 3D is so 15 minutes ago
| don’t fight it change it
🎀; success story
🎀; break the cycle today or the loop with repeat tomorrow
Affirmations!! ⭐️
| 𓈒 ݁₊ what competition?
| 𓈒 ݁₊ its my scene
| 𓈒 ݁₊ princess syndrome
| 𓈒 ݁₊ shifting vaunt
| 𓈒 ݁₊ I,Candy
| 𓈒 ݁₊ I am the god of my reality
| 𓈒 ݁₊ pink glitter fantasy
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you’re everything he’s just ken
| 𓈒 ݁₊ i am a god
| 𓈒 ݁₊ you’re my chemical hype boy
| 𓈒 ݁₊ specific person affs
| 𓈒 ݁₊ if you wanna pretty
| 𓈒 ݁₊ imagination life is your creation!!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ its a dolls world
| 𓈒 ݁₊ pink sugar
| 𓈒 ݁₊ the world is my playground!!
| 𓈒 ݁₊ sharpay evans !!
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ Don’t look 4 movement be it
Shifting Realities!🎀⭐️
| 𓈒 ݁₊ stop leaving room for failure
| 𓈒 ݁₊ unique drs you can shift to
| 𓈒 ݁₊ shifting made easy
| 𓈒 ݁₊ my dr’s pt1
| 𓈒 ݁₊ angel express 999 pt1
| 𓈒 ݁₊ my dr’s pt2
| scripting help
Misc !!🎀⭐️
| 𓈒 ݁₊ some fun things 2 manifest bc ur limitless
| 𓈒 ݁₊ fun way 2 live in the end
| 𓈒 ݁₊ some things you can manifest
| 𓈒 ݁₊ some super cute things 2 manifest
| 𓈒 ݁₊ “illogical” things im gonna manifest pt1
Doll Talks + Tips! 🎀
| 𓈒 ݁₊ manifesting rant
🎀; running a blog - doll tips
The Advice Column!🫧
| 𓈒 ݁₊ Advice coloum Issue No.1 🎀⭐️
| 𓈒 ݁₊ Doll Tips ; Being the New Kid!! 🎀⭐️
| Hey U go girl !! 🎀
Summer Sweetie ! 🎀☀️
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ SUMMER GLOW UP PREP!!! ⭐️
SUMMER GLOW UP ; Reseting!! 👙
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ Jammin in Jamacia
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ fun things 2 manifest 4 summer
🎀: summer style guide !
Dollies MP3!
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ Dollies pink mp3.
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ songs from my playlist!
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ Song RECS!!
Passion 4 Fashion 🛍️
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ coming soon ! - 💫
Ai’ya ‘ s Room 💿
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ How 2 Dermaplain Properly!
Ai’ Zine 🛸
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ coming soon ! - 💫
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Dni criteria : racist,transphobic,homophobic,anti Semitic,sexism,pro isreal,islamophobic,fat-phobic,basically all the dni criteria,€d blogs,kink or nsfw blog,old men,creeps,ddlg (ur really gross),18+,ped0s,body shaming of any kind and basically anything thats mean,gross and weird dni!!
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mistype360 · 1 month
toxic advice i'd give each mbti type
entp/enfp: search up "free german emoticons." thank me later xx
infp/infj: dont cry abt the past cry abt the future cause it aint getting better
istp/isfp: be the reason someone logs off today
esfp/estp: don't let good people make you feel guilty for being bad
intp/intj: grass won't save you
isfj/istj: use the 😏 emoji after every sentence if you want to make friends
enfj/esfj: if someone offers to pay for a meal don't offer back
entj/estj: you're single because god is saving everyone else from you
all jokes !!!!!!!!!! :)
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thebestsetter · 4 months
Which Blue Lock character should you date based on your MBTI? + some relationship headcannons
~ A/n: this is TOTALLY based on my opinion about the characters' MBTIs. You can desagree with me and give me suggestions on how to do better in the next part! (Assuming there's gonna be a next part lol)
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Isagi Yoichi
◇ I feel like Isagi's an INFJ, since he's overall a selfless and kind person (off the field of course). He's also perceptive and creative to find solutions to his problems in the field and in life, but he may also end up overanalyzing and overthinking things a lot
◇ Based on that, Isagi would be attracted to someone with a great sense of humor and who would show interest in what he has to say about something, be it football or any other topic
◇ He would also enjoy being with someone lively and ambivert/extroverted, who would encourage him to be the best version of himself and would brighten up his days
◇ So, I think ENFJ and ENFP would work PERFECTLY with Isagi, since they tend to be more extroverted and care A LOT about their partners, and show it openly (something tells me Isagi would love to be babied by his partner)
◇ He would be one of the greatest Blue Lock boyfriends imo, a real sweetheart. He would 100% take you to the best dates ever and would probably ask his mother for advice about how to act around you☝️
◇ He would die for a supportive girlfriend who would cheer loudly for him during his games, he'd feel so appreciated!
◇ 10/10 boyfriend.
Karasu Tabito
◇ Karasu's 100% a ESTJ. Don't argue w/ me, you know I'm right.
◇ He's loyal, rational, objective, practical and responsible. He's also reliable and extroverted.
◇ Even with all these qualities, Karasu can act a little hasty and not be respectful when hearing opinions contrary to his own beliefs.
◇ In a relationship, he looks for someone who is supportive and respectful, patient and understanding
◇ He's a great boyfriend and brings out the best in his partner, helping them achieve their dreams and goals
◇ So, Karasu would have a great relationship with someone who would offer a balance to his somewhat "commanding" nature through a more sensitive and adaptable personality, such as an ISFP, or someone who would also be as methodical and rational as him, like an ISTJ
◇ He would LOVE if his partner watched his football games and, in return, he would watch theirs too, no matter what sport they played
◇ If you're an artist, he loves complimenting your art pieces and says you're like a modern-time Picasso (even though some of them may look like they were drawn by a 5 year old with crayons)
◇ Overall, the best boyfriend ever (literally the loml)
Rin Itoshi
◇ Rin's a very reserved introvert, for sure, but he's also very ambitious, determined and self-confident
◇ With that said, he would be an INTJ
◇ Imo, he would need someone to balance his "cold" personality with a cheerful and outgoing personality, like ESFPs or ENFPs, or a more reserved partner that's still a little ambiverted, like an ISFP
◇ To date an INTJ, you must understand that there are times when they just want their personal space and tranquility, which also applies to Rin
◇ He would try not to be so hard on you, but sometimes the feelings would "escape" (old habits die hard Ig) and he might come out as a little harsh. Don't yell at him, he would definitely regret it quickly! His ego is just too big to admit it sometimes....
◇ Not a bad boyfriend, just needs someone patient with him!!
◇ I think his love language would be acts of service, since he's a little shy about expressing his feeling with words
◇ So, your relationship with him would be based on "little things". Like grabing something you can reach from the top of a shelf or tying your shoelaces for you
◇ Overall a very good boyfriend!!!
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Pls someone tell me the easiest and quickest way to become an ISFP or ISTP 🙏😭
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9spyrals · 16 days
im bored
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typologyastro · 1 year
Mbti & Astro Observations (5)
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They're my personal observations, so take it with a grain of salt.
🪐 Saturn in the 1st house may have an awkward body or the way they lay, sit, stand, walk, etc. is awkward. It's hard for them to relax their body. Their firm body reminds me of a group of soldiers marching in the military.
🦂 Scorpio Moons like to show their expressions as if they're subtly unhinged. You may find their expressions strange and be confused if they're bad or normal by their expressions. But you're attracted to them because anything unknown unconsciously draw people in.
🌑 Pluto influence may make someone have a strong jaw. Or they may look like they hold their anger in like they hold their teeth tightly when someone upset them makes the end of their lips downwards. I think they do feel like that commonly. I associate Pluto with Ni and Fi. I found some dominant Fi users have this feature.
Ex: Aubrey Plaza (ISFP), Jenna Ortega (INFP), Blackpink's Jennie (ISFP)
🩷 Venus in the 1st house, Libra Rising or Libra Moon may exhibit strong Fe traits. Libra Moon eyes are average-sized and give a pretty, charming, and gentle look.
Ex: Beyoncé (Libra Rising, Venus in the 1st house, ESFJ), Mehgan Markle (Libra Moon, ENFJ), Selena Gomez (Venus in the 1st house, ISFJ), Arianna Grande (Libra Moon, ESFJ), Twice's Mina (Libra Moon, INFJ), Madison Beer (Libra Moon, ENFJ), Olivia Rodrigo (Venus in the 1st house, Libra Moon, ESFJ), Jennifer Aniston (Libra Rising, ESFJ), Harry Styles (Libra Rising, Libra Moon, ENFJ), Angelina Jolie (Venus in the 1st house, ESTP)
🌙 Also, people who have strong Cancer placements, especially Cancer Moon and Sun, Moon Conjunction Midheaven, or in the 10th house may exhibit strong Fe traits.
Ex: Prince William (Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon, ISFJ), Kate Middleton (Cancer Moon, ISFJ), Meghan Markle (Cancer Sun, Cancer Rising, ENFJ), Taylor Swift (Cancer Moon, ESFJ), Selena Gomez (Cancer Sun, Moon Conjunction Midheaven, ISFJ), Jennifer Aniston (Cancer Midheaven, ESFJ), Angelina Jolie (Cancer Rising, ESTP), Arianna Grande (Cancer Sun, ESFJ), Olivia Rodrigo (Moon Conjunction Midheaven, ESFJ), Twice's Dahyun (Cancer Moon, ESFJ), Aespa's Karina (Cancer Moon, ESFJ)
🌹 Some suspect Blackpink's Rosé to be a Libra Rising and Cancer Midheaven. Coincidentally, she's an ESFJ.
🌓 Sun trine Pluto are passionate people and influential leaders. They love what they do and are the masters of what they love. Everything they achieve seem legendary because they follow their true path. Everything falls into place when you follow your dream. They may have Fi and Ni in their stack. Both Fi and Ni are passionate about what they love.
Ex: Suga (INTJ), Blackpink's Lisa (ESFP)
🌫 Easy aspects (trine, sextile) try their best not to sound like they attack someone in the way they talk, act, etc. They look like someone who gives advice because they genuinely want to help people to be better. They probably got compliments about the traits belonging to those aspects from people in the past. They give off a peaceful and gentle vibe even with Mars, Saturn, and Pluto soft aspects.
🪨 Hard aspects (opposite, square) always talk and act like they attack someone, and someone attacks them. They likely experienced people with the traits belonging to those aspects attacking them in the past. They feel everyone come at them. You think they attack you, but they probably attack their imaginating ghost in the past. They may still be as true as the ones with easy aspects but sound harsher.
🔥 Mars in the 1st house or Aries Rising just looks hot. Their eyes are sharp, pointed upwards, and fierce-looking. They may likely be the sensing types, especially dominant/auxiliary Se users since Mars rules the bodies.
Ex: Kris Jenner (Mars in the 1st house, ESTJ), Rihanna (Aries Rising, ISFP), Megan Fox (Mars in the 1st house, ISTP), Kendall Jenner (Aries Rising, ISTJ)
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mindfloating · 2 months
I'm having a mbti crisis (fucking again, yes). I've read a lot about the differences between infj and intp, ni dom vs ti dom and each cognitive function but my head is actually exploding with so much information, which I don't even know if it gives away something and I'm just not seeing it? I don't know if the way i perceive information is logical and analytical because I do feel that it is sometimes but then again I'm all about patterns and that seems to be a recurring word in the infj archetype. I've always felt that I'm both intuition and rational, I don't really know where one begins but I just sometimes notice things and my head feels like a whole world with information that seems so useless but I can't help to gather from every single place i'm in? I don't even know, on the other side, I'm not clear minded and intuition oriented in a Ni way?? my head is all over the place and sometimes the amount of possibilities (another key word for Ne) overwhelms me HORRIBLY, like it freezes me, but I end up shutting every logical part of me to decide because otherwise i will never move on. Also I'm very much in tune with other people and sometimes it's so overwhelming to feel what other people feel and to be so conscious of every subtext in a social gathering is EXHAUSTING which is why i need so much alone time.
And lastly, i am future oriented but I don't know if it's in a Ni or Ne way. Let me give an example. Just a few seconds ago I've decided that I'm going to try and not put so many personal things in my phone because I know that a lot of people get robbed at least once in their lifes and it's very dangerous out there, especially now, so if someone were to take away my phone, all the things I care about would not be there. How would i do that? Taking pictures and printing them, keeping a journal instead of my phone notes, erase messages sometimes, etc.
I feel like with everything i wrote here It's kinda obvious but it really isn't to me, if someone has a piece of advice i would really appreciate it
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oiblackestsheep · 4 months
How to connect with the MBTI types: Dominant Perceivers
(Dominant Ni) Admittedly, these types can be elusive! You'll have the most luck by asking them if they see deeper meaning/symbolism in something OR if something could be improved. It's a bit abstract and can definitely be challenge depending on what topics are easily approachable given the social situation, but it can be interesting to get creative! Because they're introverted, you could always start by telling them what kinds of insights/meaings/improvements you are able to extract from something and ask if they agree or disagree. Showing them that you've already given some thought to it will encourage them to participate.
(Dominant Ne) One word: imagination. Better yet, two words: "what if?" These types thrive on new ideas and varying hypotheticals - the more unusual, the better! As long as you can think of something that can be extrapolated upon, they will latch onto it and run with it. But make no mistake - you still have to participate! If you don't contribute your own unique ideas, they'll end up talking to themselves and perceive that as you not being interested. If they don't think you're interested, then they won't be interested in sharing those thoughts with you.
(Dominant Si) Personal experience. These types are practical and enjoy using their personal experience to inform the present, especially if there is a practical outcome. An easy way to target this is by asking for advice/product recommendations. Anything tangible that you see them use on a regular-basis - ask them about it! Where/when did they get it, do they like it, how can their experience be informative for you. This is sure to get things started and opens up more room to expand later on!
(Dominant Se) Observe and engage with your surroundings. These types live in the present like no other and, as such, will be ready to experience it with you. Taking the opportunity to do something with these types is actually more impactful than anything you could be saying to them. Of course they are extraverted, so I'm sure they'll enjoy talking about whatever activity you're doing together while you're doing it. If anything, you'll have an opportunity to talk about the activity you both just participated in after you've finished!
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