#instincts are sharp
carionto · 9 months
Humans are forged in fired so we always smell like ash to the aliens, and when we don't, its still always something earthy.
[24/09/23] Hmm... born of fire and earth, living with or through ash and dirt, ending in dust. There's something there. All Humanity makes is certainly with fire or force, everything we eat as well. Such... brutality, in a sense, is at the core of our being. A consequence of being from a world where peaceful continuation only happens artificially. Yet many if not most aliens are from far more accommodating planets, thus their natural existence, all the way down to their cellular make-up and baseline instincts, differs from Humans. Even to the point where they, and us as well, can sense that the other is fundamentally different, not just as a species, but something more fundamental that neither can fully convey or properly understand. (now how do I want to present it in the verse...)
[27/09/23] I'm just gonna reread the above once and let my brain run free tomorrow.
As the first year since Humanities return to the Galaxy and beginning stages of integration into the Galactic Coalition draws to a close, some unofficial interactions between civilians from both ends are starting to occur. And subsequently - rumors and anecdotes start spreading, certain biases are in their early stages, as well as prejudices reemerging from the first time Humanity had its unsatisfying experience with the... Responsibility Barrier. We have since retired that policy.
One particular anecdote that is being reported by both Humans and other Coalition member species is a strange smell that envelops the other party.
We hear many say that Humans have this strange hint of burning, or fire, or metal, an in rarer cases of soil or dust. Likewise Humans have reported that many among us have a slight essence of a floral scent, a few of salt, and a small number of what Humans call "morning right after rain".
This phenomena persists even when both parties have undergone extra thorough and identical decontamination, save for any respective symbiotic microbial life on their surface. The "scent" seems to correlate somewhat with the origin world of the respective species and deviates according to their individual upbringing, though not always.
What's more is that Coalition species don't sense it from others, only from Humans, and Humans also don't notice anything of the sort from species whose origins are even a little closer to the hostile nature of Earth, though nowhere near such extremes.
The most peculiar aspect is that, while we call it a scent or say we smell it, there does not appear to be any physical connection with how smells work, as species whose olfactory senses are either incredibly dull or non-existent report a similar sensation when interacting with Humans.
When questioned, all diplomats who had dealings with Humans and the Human delegates admit they felt it too, but their training forbade them from speaking up about something as trivial as "how someone of a completely different species smells". Diplomacy 101.
In any case, a curios subject to investigate on ones own terms, but as it stands these "scents" don't particularly impact any interaction and may remain a mystery. Perhaps another entry in the infinite expanse of "Psychology and Brain Chemistry is wack".
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frownyalfred · 1 year
things all the robins were ready for when they began crime fighting: guns, getting shot at, being held at gunpoint
what none of the robins were ready for: 220+ lbs of one Bruce Thomas Wayne jumping on top of them and shielding them whenever bullets start flying
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Danny had no idea what a meta was, but appearently he had something called a meta-gene. One would think a mutation that can cause people to manifest superpowers from lab accidents would explain his disastrous career as a superhero, but they would be wrong. Dannys meta gene was never activated and the whole ghost fiasco was just eldrich shenanigans at its finest.
No, Danny's meta gene activated just two weeks ago on his fifteenth birthday where he was celebrating at Sam's place with Tucker. They had gotten into one of thier usual fights about food and Danny just did not want to deal with it and went into another room.
Sams cat didn't love him per say but it usually didn't hate him either. Today was not his lucky day. The kitty scratched him and wouldn't you know? His meta gene wasn't activated by an interdimentional portal opening up on top of him, it wasn't activated by the numerous energy blasts he had been hit with nor the various electric shocks.
No, it was activated by a freaking cat scratch.
He stared at himself in the mirror, glowing green eyes with slit pupils stared back at him. His kitty ears were folded back to show his shock and displeasure over the situation but it was still rather obvious what they were. The tail wagging slowly behind him was the same snowy white as his hair and ears.
He looked like Phantom. He looked like Phanton as Fenton. Ancients. There was no way he was going to be able to hide this. Transforming brought about no change other than the hazmat suit. He was so screwed. He couldn't go home like this.
Breathing heavily and on the verge of a panic attack he called Jazz once, twice, three times, but she didn't pick up. Danny knew he couldn't stay in the human world, it was too dangerous.
But if he wasn't there to protect the ghosts than it would be too dangerous for them to stay too. He knew for a fact Dani was staying with Dora while she taught her how to read and write so he had pretty much no qualms about destroying the portals and outing Vlad through a pre-made video of him transforming and boasting about his crimes to Phantom, courtesy of Tucker and him filming it all.
He felt bad about ditching his friends one last time, and at his own birthday party no less! But he knew if he tried to say goodbye they would guilt him into staying and it would end horribly so he left a note explaining what happened and bounced.
Destroying the portals hadn't taken much time or effort nor did destroying over 20 years of research between the three. It was exploring the Ghost Zone that was giving him problems. He was always warned by Wulf not to open portals in the Ghost Zone unless you were very experienced cause if you screw up theres no telling when or where you will land. He thought back to Wulfs lessons and tried to conjure the image of lush wildlife and abundant food.
The place he ended up portaling to had neither of those things. In fact if felt like the opposite when he landed in a grimey alleyway in the dark of night.
A spotlight was pointed toward the sky, painting the clouds above in a yellow light holding a stylized image of a bat in the center. Danny wondered what that was about for only a minute before he heard the tell tale whoosh sound of someone landing in the alley behind him.
Dannys new instincts reacted before the logical part of his brain took hold causing him to whirl around with his ears flattened to his head and he hissed so furiously that the man with the red helmet (mask?) back up several paces while cursing furiously. The man also mentioned something about a "Pit" but Danny wasn't paying attention, he was scared out of his mind and bolted down the alleyways and out of sight before phasing into a dilapidated building and hiding under some rubble.
Later, Red Hood told Nightwing about the Lazarus Pit catboy demon and described it as nightmarish as possible before adding that it was kinda twinkish. He also added "for the love of God dickwing, don't let demon brat adopt that thing"
In Damians defence, he found Danny asleep next to Alfred the cat in Batcows barn and just decided he was thier new cat. In other news hes far more concerned with hiding Danny From Catwoman than from father.
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andaniellight · 5 months
this is a filler episode about the crew losing memories but it's both so hilarious and endearing to see the bewilderment in Zoro's face when this... young guy cheerfully introduces himself as Luffy (you were there the whole time?) immediately understood what he expected of the others to do (despite delivering it in sassy manner 'quite rudely') with such ease
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aspenstarflare · 9 months
Meanwhile on the Resolute after a campaign that really wore Ahsoka out:
Obi-wan: Anakin.. Why are you carrying Ahsoka while she’s asleep?
Anakin: Well.. She fell asleep on my shoulder on the way back to cruiser, and I don’t want to wake her up because she struggles with sleep, but I sorta.. can’t get her to let go without waking her up. She has a death grip on me.
Rex: I tried removing her from the general but she wouldn’t budge. She’s stuck to the general like glue
Fives: She bit my finger in her sleep when I tried helping the captain, and dank farek her fangs hurt.
Obi-wan too tired to debate jedi ethics and rules, just grateful that Anakin won’t be a issue for the next few hours: Alright then..
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abyssruler · 2 years
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i love windtrace
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kicktwine · 7 months
oh so alisaie’s exaggerated bully behavior is 80% fanon. saying this she casually picks up a large rock
#say one thing wrong to me and you will have a wonderful few days with the rock#if angry silly girls have 100 fans etc if they have 0 fans i have died#sorry i saw a YouTube meme i vehemently disliked on principle and got mad at the only child behavior-#kipspeak#she is just short tempered and uses anger to mask other more ‘shameful’ emotions!!! alphy did the same thing with just deciding not#to express them. which is still not good and I think why he breaks and ends up teary so often now#this shortness does not translate to actually being mean to people. she only uses being mean as a shield for herself and being snarky#Is just fun for her. it’s fun for Me. you have to inconsequentually tease people or they’ll never learn to laugh at themselves#the twins and thancred 🫵 do this thing where they have big emotions but they don’t want anyone to SEE they have big weird emotions#so alphy pretends he doesn’t have them under a veneer of dignity and alisaie pretends the emotions are Something Else. thancred is#just so emotionally constipated he has trouble expressing anything. he’s got enough baggage for a flatbed#anyways. alisaie is such a compassionate and kind girl and she learned how to make snarky jokes and went ham. and she hates appearing sad o#weak or vulnerable so she blocks it off with an unapproachable emotion so no one pities her and they maybe get on with the plot#it is in fact also great at getting ppl to move away from the sad or embarrassing topic. even if the tradeoff is being more offputting#she would never (grabs youtube meme) she would never seriously bully her brother. this is sibling ribbing only. Cain instinct#just leave her be she is learning how to snark humor and she loves it she loves being sharp. alphy has wit he just keeps it close#my brother didn’t learn how to tell or receive a joke until he was 14 he took everything so seriously. he can do it now though and he’s#HILARIOUS. Don’t tell him I said that. my man knows exactly where the funny points are even if he hasn’t learned when to stop yet#too many tags. Whatever. jokey snark alisaie who sometimes compliments is happy alisaie grouchy snappy angry alisaie is way too stressed#very easy way to tell between the two. even alphy can tell between the two I believe! He tends to rib back in protest if they’re having fun#and try to stop her if they’re not having fun. case in point ‘what is that supposed to mean?!’ vs ‘alisaie ryne was only trying to help.’#I know they’re twins but that’s such an intensely older sibling thing to do that it reels me#LONG TAGS AND THREE EDITS TO ADD ON SHORT I resent this stereotype taken too far into ooc behavior. it happened with nya#It will happen again and as a postscript let me regale you with Things U Can Notice About Character Motivation and Actions—#I’m not done let me s#she and raha are friends now I decree. ‘haha you like me’ SPUTTERING PROTEST FROM BOTH
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ah0yh0y · 6 months
when i get the words to describe stuff its alll over for you all
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bright-and-burning · 1 month
long long ago (~twenty……. nineteen???) i had THOUGHTS abt a/b/o but slightly tilted. wait i bet i can find screenshots . nvm i searched up alpha and it returned 90% screenshots of old code of mine and 0% what i was looking for im crying. it was actually lowkey for rpf i never ended up writing for someone who is now. associated w a driver. LMFAOOOO
anyways. i think the gist was basically omegas as sharp-toothed bitey and territorial. but still yk . reproductively typical to the normal a/b/o universe. flipping kind of the . typical personality aspect? and the mating bite aspect (which i feel like was a much larger part of a/b/o in 2019. tbh)? and like thinking abt it within the context of “making sense” like evolutionary bio wise (akdhakdh) defending your young + your nest requires aggression and territorial instincts. and then something something like omegas claiming alphas bc reproductively u gotta lock down the genetic contributor before they go. contribute genes to other bitches. akdhskdh. i definitely phrased this better the first time around Five Years Ago so i hope this makes sense lmfao
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i-am-church-the-cat · 5 months
Idk enough about Formula cars someone help
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mariocki · 2 months
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Deported (1950)
"Signor Smith, do all of you Americans treat women so, uh... so directly?"
"I wouldn't know. Maybe."
"But why? Have you so little time to spare?"
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crystallizedkingdoms · 7 months
can we admit that Alex and Rory being restrained by those nostalgia cops while having sharp teeth and crazy eyes Together is a sex thing. can we say that . or is this punishable by death
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snowyfrostshadows · 1 year
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Doodled this awhile ago and. Kinda forgot where I was going with it but I like the expressions/head movement too much to 100% throw it out
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haveihitanerve · 7 months
What all of the Questers were ready for when they went on a ‘quest’: swords, claws, being attacked, getting stitches, having to fight, being covered in blood 24/7, possible internal bleeding, having to fight someone while your guts are splayed across your bonds back and you are half hanging off of them
What the Questers were not, in fact ready for: all 800 lbs of rage daddy coming and slamming into them to shield them when the going gets tough
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uniquezombiedestiny · 10 months
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whiteboardfox doodles of mae and dakota floor realizations :3
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raurquiz · 11 months
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#happybirthday @AshleiSC #AshleiSharpeChestnut #actress #SidneyLaForge #StarTrekPicard #Gotham #TheMysteriesofLaura #Homeland #Instinct #ProdigalSon #CruelSummer #NationalParks #RapShit #ncisla #DearLukeLoveMe #startrek56 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus
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