#intermittentfasting health
sobingupta · 2 years
Types and Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Fasting itself may sound like a bit difficult job to do despite why intermittent fasting is gaining popularity and why most people want to know How to do intermittent fasting and Intermittent fasting schedules. The answer is simple intermittent fasting is good for health, there are immense benefits of intermittent fasting, and therefore different nutritionists are incorporating it with other diet plans, for example, keto and intermittent fasting.
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Moreover, more than knowing about intermittent fasting plans, a lot of obese or overweight people are interested to know about the best intermittent fasting for weight loss. Well, let’s answer all the queries in this blog which will focus on types of intermittent fasting, how you can start intermittent fasting, and the benefits of intermittent fasting.
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audrinawf · 1 year
I’m all for fasting sometimes but women really shouldn’t be fasting everyday it’s not good for our hormones long term it stresses out the body.
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truths89 · 1 year
If medicine is business, and care is the commodity, actualized health impedes the profitability of morbidity.
Zisa Aziza
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ici-bee · 1 year
Good morning to day 2, and yes i did check the scale first thing and no change, everything stayed the same. The only good thing about it is my weight didnt go up
I am used to seeing it go up so easily that seeing it go down is rare shocking for me
Heres to day 2 of the fast, staying hopeful and only taking water and 1 tb of ACV
Hopeful for tomorrow scale reading 🤞
Oh yea and hopeful that i can cook for my kids without licking the spoon and resist the urge to steal their snacks 😅
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cardinallifts · 1 year
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🌫 Weekly Highlights 🌫
🌫 Fasted 24hours and then 40hours, getting better at this!
🌫 Down 7lbs in a WEEK?? Not even calorie restricting anymore
🌫 Down 38/70lbs Total for my Oct-July goal so I'm over halfway
🌫 Got Some New Workout Clothing and it makes me feel good
🌫 Discovered a great new artist for gym music (Black Throne)
🌫 I'm feeling, moving and doing better than ever and I'm definitely in the best shape I've ever been in.
🌫 Hopefully will be >200lbs for the first time since 2018 very soon 👀👀👀
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hridaymedia001 · 17 days
Benefits of Intermittent Fasting: Intermittent fasting can improve insulin sensitivity, decrease inflammation, enhance gut health, and restore a healthy circadian rhythm, which positively affects metabolism, sleep patterns, and energy levels.
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sohanbir · 6 months
Top Seven Diets To Take In Coming Year 2024
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Healthy Diets To Take-
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Healthy Diets To Take A new year ushers in a wave of fresh starts and new beginnings for countless individuals. For many, this marks a time to forge new paths toward better health—goals might revolve around shedding weight, embracing a healthier diet, or kickstarting a brand-new exercise routine. However, the health ambitions people set often come with strict and unsustainable parameters, leading most to abandon their resolutions within days. To break this cycle, it's crucial to make informed decisions by weighing the pros and cons of various diet trends. This way, crafting lifestyle changes that align with your goals becomes more manageable. Here's a rundown of five diets tailored to specific needs. Keto Diets: Achieving Optimal Health and Well-Being-
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Keto Diets: Achieving Optimal Health and Well-Being The Keto-centric diet revolves around minimal carbohydrate intake, substituting it with fats to prompt the body to burn fat for energy. Its popularity among weight-conscious individuals has soared. However, it requires meticulous planning by a qualified expert to prevent health complications while aiming for desired results. Yet, the Keto diet's drawback lies in its unsustainability due to stringent restrictions and high costs. Without careful planning and execution, health issues may arise. Everything You Need to Know About Plant-Based Dieting-
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Everything You Need to Know About Plant-Based Dieting- On the other hand, a plant-based diet focuses on foods derived from plants, excluding animal-origin products and processed items. It boasts numerous health benefits, from reducing disease risks to aiding in weight management. However, potential nutrient deficiencies, particularly in Vitamin B12 and Calcium, might surface in the long run. Proper planning becomes essential due to the perishable nature of these food items. Moreover, while plant-based sources offer incomplete proteins, pairing them correctly with grains or cereals becomes crucial. Despite this, a plant-based diet earns praise for its positive impact on the environment, countering the significant footprint of the livestock industry. Exploring the Paleo Diet: A Comprehensive Overview-
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Exploring the Paleo Diet: A Comprehensive Overview The Paleo diet mimics the dietary patterns of the Palaeolithic era, focusing on fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds while excluding grains, legumes, and dairy. Though rich in protein and fiber, it can lead to nutrient deficiencies, especially in Calcium and Vitamin D. Everything You Need to Know About Intermittent Fasting-
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Everything You Need to Know About Intermittent Fasting Intermittent Fasting (IF) involves alternating between fasting and eating periods within a 12-16 hour cycle. Its ease of adherence, weight loss effectiveness, and potential health benefits against insulin resistance, inflammation, and heart disease make it appealing. However, maintaining a balanced diet during eating windows is crucial to reap its benefits, avoiding pitfalls like constipation or lethargy. Mediterranean Diet: Achieving Optimal Health and Wellness-
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Mediterranean Diet: Achieving Optimal Health and Wellness The Mediterranean diet, abundant in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, lean meats, and fish, has shown significant health advantages, reducing risks associated with chronic diseases. However, its reliance on fresh foods, nuts, and olives might strain tight budgets unless meticulously planned. The takeaway: Strategies for Achieving Your Dreams-
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The takeaway: Strategies for Achieving Your Dreams Ultimately, sustainable, straightforward long-term dietary changes are key. While steering clear of processed foods and sugars is vital, consciously opting for fresh, wholesome choices like fruits, veggies, nuts, and whole grains fosters a healthier lifestyle. Though a plethora of healthy options exists, scrutinizing food labels remains essential, ensuring freshness and minimizing unhealthy additives. Embracing homemade meals while cutting down on empty calories paves the way for a balanced and healthy life. Read the full article
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nepalniceties · 7 months
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(via Exploring the Effectiveness of Intermittent Fasting: Expert Opinions and Testimonials)
While anecdotal evidence and personal testimonials often praise the benefits of intermittent fasting, it is crucial to examine scientific research and expert opinions to understand its efficacy. In this article, we delve into the nitty-gritty of intermittent fasting, exploring both expert perspectives and real-life testimonials to shed light on its potential effectiveness.
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21dayhero · 7 months
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Choosing The Best Coffee Creamer for Intermittent Fasting
Embark on your intermittent fasting journey with the perfect companion – our Best Coffee Creamer for Intermittent Fasting. Specially crafted to align with your wellness goals, this creamer is designed to enhance your coffee experience without compromising the essence of fasting.
Experience a delicate balance of flavor and functionality as you savor each sip. Our carefully selected ingredients ensure a rich, creamy texture that transforms your coffee into a satisfying ritual during fasting hours. This creamer is thoughtfully formulated to be low in sugars and calories, supporting your commitment to intermittent fasting without sacrificing taste.
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eleventhrenaissance · 9 months
Just left the gym, actually really glad I went. I got up at 4 but dragged hella slow out of bed. 27 minutes on the bike incline of 15 at 5 miles. Did pull downs and rowing. Wanted to attempt abs but I'm not knowledgeable about most of the equipment but I have my training session. Vaguely considering coaching sessions. Anyway it's my only day off. I'm -$70 so I'm just gonna withdraw enough for coffee today and tomorrow and some more seltzers and possibly a meal before starting my long fast early tonight. Took an addy so I'm hoping to get something done today. Got to remember to pick up my Y pass today- so I was thinking I'd go to the co op for my meal while I'm downtown and take it to the lake if it doesn't rain like it's supposed to. I'm 10 hours fasted currently. Feel great and sharp.
Going to keep posting here for accountability. I already journal in my google keep notes but I like showing off my progress.
I've lost 40 lbs since July 18. I was 280ish. I met my first goal by my friend's wedding last weekend, being able to fit the dress I wanted to wear so badly. I actually felt lovely in it. But now it's onto the ball around my birthday in December. I'm thinking I can do 40 more lbs by then. 199, onederland. Haven't seen that since 2011. I finally feel recovered from my disorder, about 90%. Less self loathing. I'm losing weight the healthiest way now. No more purging. And with that in mind I feel confident the weight will stay off.
Since my break up in June I've taken to nature and hiking. Going to Rainier next weekend 💖 waterfall tour!
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Energize Your Life With the Power of Intermittent Fasting
🎉 Discover the transformative potential of Intermittent Fasting! 🌟
Ready to enhance your health with this historic practice? 🌿💪 Uncover ancient wisdom and modern science in one journey. 📚⚡
Explore mechanisms, overcome challenges, and maximize benefits. ⚙️💯
Energize your life now! 🚀💥 https://truisforyou.com/the-top-gig-work-jobs-for-crushing-it-in-2023/?tr=101050📖👉 #TruluAffiliate #IntermittentFasting #FastingBenefits #ModernWellness #HolisticHealth #WeightLoss #BrainHealth #MetabolicBoost #CognitiveBoost #HealthyLiving #AncientPractices #ModernScience #WellnessTrends #DietaryRegimen #EnergyBoost #CircadianRhythms #HealthRevolution #NaturalWellness #BodyRhythms #EnergizeLife #FastingForHealth #IFLifestyle #BodyMindRejuvenation #HealthyChoices #EmpiricalEvidence #TransformativeHealth #NutritionalScience #OptimalWellness #LifeEnergized #FastingInsights #FeastAndFamine
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roshni99 · 10 months
🧘‍♀️ Learn How Fasting Can Improve Your Health with Our Yoga Instructor!
🌿 Join our expert yoga instructor @supriya_zin19 as she explains how fasting can have a transformative effect on your health.
Whether you're new to fasting or a seasoned practitioner, this informative session will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to help you harness the power of fasting for optimal health.
Follow @raphacure
#Fasting#YogaInstructor#HealthAndWellness#TransformYourHealth 🌟#fasting#intermittentfasting#weightloss#keto#ramadan#fitness#weightlossjourney#lowcarb#health#islam#healthylifestyle#omad#healthy#diet#healthyfood#muslim#love#vegan#motivation#ketosis#fast#ramadhan#food#allah#detox#ketodiet#prayer
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freelandchaos · 11 months
Intermittent Fasting: A Guide to the Benefits and How to Get Started
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A common weight management and health-improving programme called intermittent fasting involves alternating between times of eating and fasting. There are numerous Intermittent Fasting approaches, but they all entail caloric restriction for a specified period each day or week.
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earns-stuff · 1 year
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lnhood03 · 1 year
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So this me at 38.. today at 42 (below) gained 45 pounds, I battled depression and still do today, gave up my makeup artist lives, also other pages I managed to help people. Battled and still battle health issues. So, today not really feeling like doing this or sharing my journey, I’ve decided to blog my journey to weight loss and really back to myself. I love to help people, helping people encourages me to keep going. Really if you think about it, we do it together. So, tomorrow, June 18th 2023, I begin my journey. Follow me! I will blog every day of my 90 day challenge with intermittent fasting program.(using Lasta app) I will also get back into makeup and skin care through #farmasi.. I would love to hear from all of u who try to loose weight but like me give up for whatever reason, struggle with low self esteem and depression, like me, and hide because you feel alone. This blog is for me and u!
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Start Date: June 18th 2023
Current weight: 160lbs
Goal: 110 lbs
Height: 5’2. BMI: 29.2 (overweight)
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hridaymedia001 · 26 days
Processed Foods vs. Whole Foods: Processed foods, often laden with preservatives and chemicals, are detrimental to gut health. A diet rich in whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, whole grains, and healthy fats, supports better digestion and overall well-being.
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